
KeybukI've always wondered why monitors aren't square12:02
KeybukI suspect it originally had something to do with difficulty of electron tubes or something12:02
HrdwrBoBpeoples vision isn't square12:02
HrdwrBoByou have more vision sideways12:03
Keybukhmm, true12:03
HrdwrBoBhence widescreen12:03
Keybukthat's the theoretical justification for widescreen, isn't it?12:03
HrdwrBoBthe eye is a terribly ineffecient thing, we have a tiny tiny focus point12:03
xhakerHrdwrBoB: i don't think they did it 4:3 first because of that12:03
LaserJockhmm, but I like more vertical space so I don't have to scroll as much. I must be brainwashed12:03
HrdwrBoBxhaker: no, probably not, it would just have been the easiest way to do it12:03
HrdwrBoBLaserJock: yes but you have to focus down the page12:04
xhakerLaserJock: do you read much?12:04
HrdwrBoBthat's a convenience issue, you can't see the whole thing at once12:04
sladenKeybuk: principly to do with humans living in the horizontal plane (eg. we don't fly and we don't swim---so food and predators are on the same level)12:04
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Keybukdon't swim ... clearly you haven't read "The Aquatic Ape" :)12:05
LaserJockI recently got a 17" widescreen and I'm having a hard time adjusting to the width. I think I liked the ratio of a CRT better.12:06
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HrdwrBoBPixel Pitch 12:06
HrdwrBoB0.264 mm  on my 17" LCD12:06
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KeybukLaserJock: see, that's just tempting a reply along the lines of "width is harder to become accustomed to than length ... or so I'm told" :)12:08
=== Keybuk hauls his mind out of the gutter
Keybukoh, wait, I was looking at Network Manager ... back into the gutter with me!12:09
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KeybukI can't screenshot the logout dialog12:11
LaserJockis it bigger than a screen now ;-)12:11
Keybukno, it's missing all of its icons12:11
Keybukwhich actually looks a vast improvement, tbh12:11
=== Keybuk doesn't agree with all this bling
Tm_Thmm, what's the purpose of that BT tracker in dapper?12:11
seb128Keybuk: did you restart the session since you upgraded?12:12
seb128Keybuk: the icons moved to an another place, so code still running doesn't find them ...12:12
seb128Keybuk: that's just a dapper to dapper upgrade issue, I'm not sure I want to spend efforts on workarounding it :p12:12
Keybukseb128: I was logging out to restart the session after an upgrade :)12:13
Keybukseb128: btw, GNOME still steadfastly refuses to logout on both my machines12:13
Keybukit eventually gets the idea after sitting there for about a minute12:13
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seb128Keybuk: usually that's either a bugged app doing session registration wrongly12:15
Keybukseb128: I'm not running anything strange that I'm aware of12:15
seb128or lo beeing misconfigured12:15
Keybuktomboy is about the only "alien" thing in my session12:15
seb128I've the issue quite often too atm12:15
seb128I'll have a look when everything else is settled a bit12:16
Keybukwe have time now :)12:16
seb128did the decision to shift dapper has been taken?12:16
seb128ah, cool12:16
seb128desktop bugs backlog is not nice atm12:17
seb128I've around 400 mails in my box and I keep usually 1 mail by bug 12:17
seb128and I was at ~ 10 mails before going to UI sprint12:17
LaserJockKeybuk: when was the decision made?12:18
seb128that mean we got new bugs or comments for around  300 or 400 bugs in 10 days12:18
seb128which is ... utch12:18
xhakerLaserJock: today @ maybe 19:00 UTC12:18
xhakernow i get the impression it was earlier12:19
LaserJockxhaker: thanks12:19
KeybukLaserJock: earlier at a special meeting of the TB+CC12:19
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LaserJockKeybuk: hmmm, I think the doc team wanted to make an adjustment to the Slewed schedule. Should they talk to the TB ASAP?12:21
jdubseb128: utch is good!12:21
Keybukwhat was the adjustment you wanted?12:21
seb128jdub: urg so12:21
LaserJockKeybuk: well, I don't know if it was perfectly decided, but we didn't think the DocStringFreeze should be pushed so much12:21
seb128jdub: :)12:22
KeybukLaserJock: it isn't pushed?  there's an extra week between that freeze and the final release compared to the original schedule12:22
Keybukthe confusion there is probably that there's more time between Beta and Final on the new schedule than the old12:22
LaserJockKeybuk: we were discussing having the DocStringFreeze on April 6th12:23
KeybukLaserJock: that'd put the doc freeze before the UI and Strings were frozen though12:23
Keybukwhich seems silly12:24
LaserJockKeybuk: yeah, I'm noticing that :(12:24
Keybukwhy such a long freeze?12:24
Keybukit seems odd to freeze dapper's docs two months before it's released12:24
LaserJockKeybuk: to allow time for translation12:24
Keybukwhy would dapper's docs take longer to translate than breezy's?12:25
LaserJockKeybuk: I'm not sure but I would guess because there are more docs and perhaps more translations? I'm really not sure12:25
LaserJockKeybuk: mdke is the one to talk to but we have been discussing it on ubuntu-doc12:25
Keybukthat doesn't seem likely to me12:25
Keybukwe certainly haven't given you less time than you had12:26
Keybukand freezing docs before the underlying system is frozen just seems wrong12:26
Keybukyou may end up documenting things that change12:26
LaserJockKeybuk: sure, but I think we where under the impression that the UI freeze would not be pushed12:26
KeybukUI freeze has been thawed12:26
Keybukbecause of the Localisation effort12:27
Keybukwith the emphasis on other languages being added to dapper, it may be necessary for UI elements to change12:27
LaserJockKeybuk: ok, well I'll email the doc team list and we can discuss it some more. We planned on sending an email to the TB once we figured out home much time we needed, etc.12:28
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Keybukit does seem odd that you'd need longer to me12:28
Keybukas that wouldn't explain why you wouldn't also need longer for dapper+112:28
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Keybukif you had a two month doc freeze, you'd have to freeze dapper+1's docs at only 4 weeks *into* the release12:29
LaserJockKeybuk: I think it might have been more like "we can pretty much be done with the docs by the present Freeze so why not give more time to translations"12:29
Keybukalso the later freeze doesn't actually stop you as a team freezing documents and preparing them for translation ahead of the freeze12:29
Keybukthough it does mean you'd have to play catch up with the UI12:29
KeybukLaserJock: that was Corey's argument at the meeting12:30
Keybukwhich doesn't play well with "but what if what you've documented changed" ?12:30
Keybukand as I said, if a doc is finished, it can be translated in advance of the freeze12:30
LaserJockyeah, for sure12:30
KeybukI'm ambivolent on the issue; the UI and String freezes were given extra time due to the localisation work ... so there could still be a balance there to be struck12:31
LaserJockI see what you're saying. I think we just thought the UI Freeze wasn't going to be moved.12:32
LaserJockso we just need to take that into account12:32
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Keybukthe Orange finally proves that dapper is a Duck, I guess01:08
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Keybukyou don't get Dragon a l'Orange, after all01:09
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SeveasKeybuk, the orange represents the dragon's flame01:15
Keybukit reminds me a lot of that01:16
Keybukall bling, and aimed straight at the chav/ricer market :p01:16
Keybukwe should have a Burberry Metacity theme to go with it01:17
=== jdub keeps working on his green theme
Keybukas you can guess, I am not a fan of new Human01:17
SeveasKeybuk, http://files.datawire.nl/uploads/o8901cyyFFFsz0gM9JcMRQ/5hOQkl6N7fsuzf1c9-GQdA/727-Oranje_supporters_klaar_voor_Duitsland.jpg01:17
jdubKeybuk: 'Numan'01:18
Keybukthe only human it reminds me of are those who smother themselves in Fake Tan01:18
jdubKeybuk: the good thing about 'Numan' is that every time you see someone running it, you can say it the same way Seinfeld does whenever Numan shows up.01:19
Keybukwhat's that?01:19
jdubi'm sure there are samples on the interweb01:19
Keybukplus I hate the new icons01:20
LaserJockjdub: lol, that's good01:20
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KeybukHoly Segfaulting X-Chat!01:27
Keybukjdub: why do the Evolution header list column titles suck in Human?01:27
Keybuksorry, Numan01:27
sladenKeybuk: the intensity?01:28
jdubKeybuk: dunno.01:29
Seveassladen, the insanity ;)01:29
jdub(i actually haven't run evo with it)01:29
Keybuksladen: they look like a row of buttons, instead of a column title01:33
Keybukie. rounded corners and gradients01:33
Keybuknot to mention borders, instead of inter-column space01:34
sladenKeybuk: and the text jumps around in such a cool way01:34
sladenKeybuk: it's almost as though it were intentional :)01:34
Keybukthe scrollbar edges are *damned* confusing01:35
Keybukit makes it look like there's a little bit of movement available01:35
Keybuk(when you're viewing 100% of the whole document)01:35
sladenthere's a lack of constract betwen what's clickable and what's not.  and the ends should be same colour as the middle section, rather than the outer section01:37
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sladenan improvement might be to have the whole 'bar' section highlight orange on hover and remove the 5px high end pieces01:40
infinitysladen: Did you take an executive decision on the reverse-video slash-down thing?01:43
infinitysladen: (FWIW, I still think it's both ugly and unintuitive, but whatever)01:44
BurgworkI don't think we need a progress bar or need to show what is happening, but that is just me01:46
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infinityBurgwork: Well, in an ideal world, shutdown would take no more than a couple of seconds (a goal for dapper+1, to be sure), then I'd agree, progress is pointless.01:47
infinityBurgwork: When shutdown can take 30-60 seconds on some machines right now, though, we need to at least give a hint of activity.01:48
infinity(There's no reason why a desktop machine shouldn't be able to go from logout to off in 2 or 3 seconds, however.  After the sessions is saved, nothing else should care about state on a desktop box..)01:48
Amaranthon my mini shutdown is faster than OS X :)01:49
infinityDoes OSX suffer from the same traditionally anal UNIX view that "if you started it, you must stop it gracefully before we can proceed with a halt"?01:51
Amaranthi guess01:51
infinityCause, while that's pretty true of certain daemons that will muck up log files if they're violently killed, 99% of what the average desktop machine has running should be able to get the plug pulled.01:52
Amaranthsometimes it powers off in 10 seconds, sometimes it takes 3001:52
infinityWhich will be a goal for dapper+1 (which also means the removal of splash-down again, so it was just a temportary hack for one release)01:52
infinitytemporary, too.01:53
jdubinfinity: i hope we can remove the log lines from usplash in dapper+1 :-)01:53
mjg59Implementing a UGA framebuffer looks like it might actually be quite easy01:54
mjg59EFI seems to magically have C calling convention01:54
Amaranthjdub: get rid of the progress bar too :)01:54
mjg59You just end up with a bunch of function pointers into firmware01:55
mjg59Which is kind of magic01:55
infinityAmaranth: The progress bar can't go away until the boot time is REALLY, REALLY short, IMO.01:55
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mjg59And the most basic support is just "Blit this block of memory onto the screen"01:55
jdubsome status is warranted01:56
infinityjdub: I'm all for a default "non-verbose" mode (with an option for verbosity for people who like it)01:56
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Amaranthinfinity: but the progress bar kind of..jumps01:56
KaiLanybody in here, who understandy enough about cpufreq, to explain, why it worked in breezy, but doesn't any more in dapper (kernel related problem)?01:56
infinityjdub: It's not exactly rocket science for us to do that right now.01:56
jdubbut if the status could be displayed by a colour-changing spinner or something, that'd be fine01:56
Amaranthinfinity: something like a throbber would be more appropriate, i think01:56
jdubinfinity: yes, that's what i've been pushing for since we did usplash01:56
Amaranthspinner, there you go01:56
infinityI don't see how a spinner/throbber is much improvement over a progress bar that's not quite perfect.01:57
infinityAt least the progress bar give you SOME indication of how long you have to wait.01:57
jdubosx has a spinner, winxp has a non-progress progress bar, but we can actually display real progress, so doing so would be useful01:57
sladeninfinity: no, _the executive_, made an executive request01:57
infinityA throbber just says "I'm doing stuff, you may have enough time to go get coffee, I may be done in 5 seconds, you may have time for a nap, NOBODY KNOWS"01:57
Amaranthbut some things take 10 seconds, some take 101:58
Amaranthand you don't really know if it froze or not01:58
infinityIt's an approximation of progress.01:58
mjg59jdub: Mm? osx has a spinner and a progress bar01:58
mjg59The progress bar appears once the graphics driver is up01:58
infinityAnd, unless your system is completely hardlocked, there's a fair chance that even on a "freeze", your spinner/throbber would keep spinning/throbbing, so that's no help.01:58
jdubmjg59: yeah01:58
Amaranthlast time i paid attention the bar only moves once something finishes01:58
infinity(I have a Windows installation that just blindly keeps "progressing" forever, but never actually boots.01:59
mjg59Having both seems mad01:59
mjg59Having actually used osx now, I'm not terribly keen on it01:59
mjg59It's shiny, but I've made it fall over several times01:59
Amaranthmjg59: the finder is a wreck02:00
mjg59I guess it's the case that people subconsciously realise that certain things will explode and avoid doing them, and then claim that other OSs (where they don't have that) are worse02:00
infinitysladen: Fair enough.  Last I heard from him, we were still debating it a bit.  Then you sent me patches with no context (which I was going to follow up on later), but whatever. :)02:00
Amaranthmjg59: and the dock is worthless02:00
Amaranthmjg59: apple-tab and quicksilver make it usable02:00
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infinitysladen: When it hits the archive, I'll let the comunity argue about it.  I don't actually care that deeply.02:00
Amaranthmjg59: but i've never had OS X kernel panic or anything, except when i ran the ext2fsx driver on tiger02:00
infinityI don't panic on Dapper either.02:01
sladeninfinity: I agree thoughly, my take was that it didn't actually look any worse, so... :)02:01
infinityBut I do suffer occasional video lockups.  Our video situation is pretty sad.02:01
Amaranthi did once, when i tried running with the bcm43xx driver from svn02:01
infinityIf only we shipped video from exactly two vendors, who were both friendly with us, and employed a mess of hackers to make those two vendors' cards work flawlessly.  Hrm.02:03
infinityI'm starting to sense that the solution to any of our stability problems is to sell an "Ubuntu Computer", and tell people that you CAN run Ubuntu on other machines, but we won't support it.02:04
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infinityOh, and we should charge twice as much for that "Ubuntu Computer" as you'd pay for putting together similar parts yourself.02:05
bddebianinfinity: I think my initramfs might be jacked, do you want a copy?02:05
infinitybddebian: Only if it's not jacked due to -ENOSPACE on /tmp or /boot (in which case, the bug is filed in triplicate, and I need to fix it)02:06
infinitybddebian: Anything else, and yeah, I'd love a copy.02:06
bddebianinfinity: No, it's missing cpqarray02:06
infinitybddebian: And a description of the jackitude.02:07
bddebianOK, I'll snag a copy when I get back to work tomorrow02:07
infinityErm, how are you adding cpqarray?02:07
bddebianHow am I "adding" it?02:07
infinity(It's not in the default list right now)02:07
bddebianOh, then maybe it isn't broken?02:08
infinityRight, if you're not adding it, and I'm not adding it either, we know the breakage.  I don't need a copy. :)02:08
infinityI'll add it to the default list.02:08
bddebianInstall picked it up02:08
infinityIf you want to stick it in the "scsi" section in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hook-functions and re-gen your initrd... Tell me if that unjacks it. :)02:09
infinityInstaller and initramfs do things in entirely different ways.02:09
bddebianinfinity: Well I was going to stick in in /etc/mkinitramfs/modules and update-initramfs -u   Is that not correct?02:10
infinityThat would do fine for a test, yes.02:12
infinityIt'll end up in the other file if your test is successful, though (in my next upload)02:12
bddebianOK, thx02:12
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Burgworkhas it become 6-06 or is it 6.06?02:20
infinityI'm hoping for 6.06, since 6-06 makes it more difficult to represent in debian package versions in a policy-compliant way. :)02:22
Keybukwhen have we ever put it in package versions?02:23
infinityWe've done it in security a few times. :)02:23
infinityAnd ubuntu-docs appears to use a version that relates to the release version.02:24
LaserJockumm, this is sort of a stupid question. Is there an easy way to tell the difference between Flight 4 & 5 livecd's?02:24
KeybukLaserJock: what kind of difference do you mean?02:25
=== mjg59 does another Mac install
LaserJockKeybuk: I download a livecd but I can't remember if it was Flight 4 or 5 :(02:25
infinityLaserJock: md5sum.02:25
LaserJockmjg59: intel?02:26
mjg59LaserJock: Yeah02:26
LaserJockinfinity: ah, yes. should have thought of that02:26
LaserJockmjg59: great!02:26
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sladenmjg59: have you got a macmini and macbookpro yet?02:30
sladenmjg59: you seem like you're about ready to progress to the next level02:30
mjg59sladen: I'e got a mini02:30
mjg59No macbook02:30
LaserJockhmm, I suppose it doesn't bode well if the md5sum doesn't match either Flight4 or Flight502:31
mjg59I'm just working on making the framebuffer sane, so we can avoid this passing of kernel arguments pain02:31
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infinityLaserJock: rsync it to flight5, then...02:31
LaserJockinfinity: you can rsync the iso's?02:33
infinityOf course.02:33
LaserJockmjg59: if you get to the point where  you need an iMac tester, I'm available ;-)02:34
mjg59LaserJock: Not quite - I've found the binutils issue that stops us building a bootloader, but once that's fixed we should have test images02:34
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infinityLaserJock: rsync -v --progress --partial rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/releases/dapper/flight-5/dapper-live-i386.iso ./my-old-iso.iso02:35
infinityLaserJock: Or some approximation thereof.02:36
LaserJockinfinity: cool, thanks02:37
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sladenmjg59: out of interest, what was it?  GCC4ism?02:42
mjg59sladen: No, scary stuff I don't understand at all02:43
mjg59It's fine with gcc 402:43
jdubKamion: unlikely ping02:44
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=== Keybuk tries to remember how to include EPS files into a LaTeX-generated PDF
Keybukwhere's sladen when you need him?02:58
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mjg59Eh? This machine appears to have no UGA table03:05
mjg59EFI's graphics architecture03:05
jdubLathiat: it's short for AWWWWUGA! (as in the submarine alarm sound)03:06
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mjg59Can we re-do the UI for the SCIM config applet?03:09
jdubtoo late! critical feature!03:10
mjg59No, seriously03:12
mjg59Why does it not know what my keyboard layout is?03:12
mjg59Why does it have three tree heads that are entirely pointless?03:12
mjg59Did /anyone/ do UI review on it?03:12
mjg59"Embed Preedit String into client window"?03:13
mjg59That has so many things wrong with it I'm not sure where to start03:13
jdubmjg59: really, this is something that we should integrate / do properly upstream03:13
Keybukjdub: hmm?  UI Freeze is weeks away :)03:13
Keybukplenty of time to fix it03:13
jdubwhere "fix" will involve quite a bit of "rewrite" work03:14
mjg59jdub: It's worse than the old Xscreensaver one03:14
mjg59It's like those preferences apps that you get with laptops that have plainly been written by some technical guy who didn't run away fast enough03:14
mjg59And has a default MFC icon03:14
mjg59Looking at it, it looks almost as if it autogenerates chunks of the UI (since there are several plugins)03:15
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minghuamjg59: the but about scim's UI is bug #363503:30
Ubugtumalone bug 3635 in scim "scim-setup isn't HIG compliant" [Minor,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/363503:30
minghuamjg59: I am sure upstream would love a patch/rewrite ;-)03:30
minghuait has always been like this, it is just much more exposed to public scrutiny recently due to inclusion by ubuntu-desktop03:31
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infinityminghua: Do you know anything about scim-chewing?03:41
infinityminghua: The build (sometimes) gets in an infinitely loop, and it sure would be nice to fix that. :)03:41
infinityminghua: http://librarian.launchpad.net/1744038/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-hppa.scim-chewing_0.2.1-2ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz03:41
minghuainfinity: yes, a bit03:41
minghuaoh not again :-(03:41
minghuainfinity: I'll look at it when I gets home (in an hour)03:41
_ionMy attempt at making a NetworkManager 0.6 package for Dapper: http://johan.kiviniemi.name/ubuntu/03:42
minghuainfinity: fortunately I know the debian maintainer and upstream author well :-)03:42
infinityminghua: You rock.  If you don't have rights to upload it (do you?) feel free to pass patchs through me, and I'll get them in ASAP to make my poor buildds happy.03:42
minghuainfinity: I have universe upload right.  but let's see how long it takes to figure out the problem first :-)03:43
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infinityminghua: I'm sure it's not terribly tough to sort out, I'm just running flat-out over here trying to (re)bootstrap hppa, and juggle a bunch of other stuff.03:44
bddebianExcuses, excuses :-)03:45
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minghuainfinity: I'll try :-)03:48
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Kyrallol @ Jeff's blog post04:04
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minghuainfinity: there is a ubuntu patch for scim-chewing that I don't understand, it adds:04:12
minghuato configure.ac04:12
infinityI am not an autoconf/libtool guru by any stretch, so don't ask me. :)04:12
minghuathe relevant changelog is "* Add patch for correct the configure.ac for LIBTOOL _EXPORT_OPTIONS"04:12
minghuainfinity: okay04:12
minghuaanyone autotools/libtool guru around?  what is this LIBTOOL_EXPORT_OPTIONS used for?04:13
infinityAnyhow, I doubt (though can't really prove) that that's what's causing the infinite loop, since the loop seems more touchy than that.04:13
minghuafreeflying?  (since this is your patch)04:13
infinity(Note that it built find on some buildds, and looped on others..)04:14
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minghuainfinity: yeah, I am just looking at the ubuntu patchs first04:14
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natrolli see devel people04:37
mjg59Hm. Right. So the Mac wakes up happily through the assembly section. Now I just need to check where it's falling over in the kernel, then.04:38
=== bddebian hands mjg59 a bigger hammer
bddebiannatroll: :)04:39
minghuainfinity: I think I have an idea now04:41
minghuainfinity: can you modify the file po/Makefile.in.in, after line 259 (in the Makefile target), add04:41
minghuainfinity: add "touch POTFILES && touch Makefile", and try again?04:42
minghuainfinity: I can't upload to main so I need you to upload anyway, and I think the patch is trival04:42
infinityminghua: I can't try again on that buildd in any meaningful way right now, but I can try in a little while.04:43
minghuainfinity: do you want me to file an bug?04:44
infinityminghua: No, I can use backscroll. :)04:44
minghuagood, so consider scim-chewing back in infinity's hands now :-)04:45
=== minghua goes to work on scim
minghuaand scim-m17n "not usabel at all" bug :-(04:46
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infinityminghua: Will the madness never stop?  I think po/Makefile.in.in is autogenerated during build... From what, I have no idea. :)05:27
minghuainfinity: no, po/Makefile.in.in is in source05:27
minghuainfinity: but the debian/rules clean is apparently broken, so always checkout new source05:28
minghuainfinity: it seems to me that the problem is po/POTFILES and po/Makefile is generated by the same command (cd .. && ./config.status)05:29
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minghuainfinity: but po/Makefile target depends on po/POTFILE, therefore the timestamp skew05:29
infinityminghua: Erm, I was using fresh source.  The Makefile.in.in I have halfway through a build is different from the one in the source package.05:29
minghuainfinity: ah yes, the debian/rules run bootstrap, so Makefile.in.in may well be changed...05:31
minghuabut I don't think it will be regenerated over and over (but then again, I can reproduce the build failure)05:31
minghuainfinity: no, in my build the po/Makefile.in.in isn't touched at all05:32
infinityI swear I'm not making this up. :)05:33
minghuainfinity: there is no mentioning of po/Makefile.in.in in the failed build log either...05:36
infinityNo, there isn't in my log either.05:36
minghuainfinity: are you sure you are looking at po/Makefile.in.in instead of po/Makefile.in?05:36
infinityIt doesn't claim to be regerating it, but it's definitely different than the one I have in the source package on unpack.05:36
infinityOh, feh.05:40
infinitydpkg-source: warning: ignoring deletion of file po/Makefile.in.in05:40
infinityThe clean target removes it.  That's hilarious.05:40
=== infinity uses dpatch instead, since it's a dpatch package anyway.
infinitySo much for quick hack testing.05:40
=== SEJeff [n=alicia@12-211-125-247.client.insightbb.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
minghuainfinity: told you that debian/rules clean is broken...05:41
infinityRight, so, back to the original question.  Where is Makefile.in.in coming from? :)05:41
infinityIf clean removes it (and clea is run at the beginning of every build), it's coming from somewhere else. :)05:42
minghuagood point05:42
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infinityPerhaps it's an automake template of some sort, and doesn't "come from" the source package at all.05:43
infinityYup, that seems to be the case.05:44
minghuainfinity: it comes from the configure05:44
infinityThat'll make it a bit hard to patch. :)05:44
minghuait bootstraps (./autogen.sh)05:45
infinityYeah, it comes direct from intltoolize, I guess.05:45
minghuainfinity: what about hacking scripts/remove-autotool.sh so that it doesn't remove po/Makefile.in.in? ;-)05:46
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityYeah, that might be the "best" solution.05:47
=== infinity fixes.
minghuadoes "pbuilder build" runs debian/rules clean before building as well?05:49
infinityI have no idea.  dpkg-buildpackage does.  Does pbuilder use dpkg-buildpackage?05:49
minghuayes, but seems it uses dpkg-buildpackage -b, which IIRC doesn't run clean05:49
infinityYes, it does.05:50
infinityOnly dpkg-buildpackage -nc doesn't.05:50
infinity(-nc == no clean)05:50
minghuainfinity: yeah, you are right, saw clean in my pbuilder log05:50
infinityOh, hrm.  I can't even use dpatch for that, since the clean will whack the file before dpatch gets to run. :)05:56
=== infinity sticks this in the diff.gz directly.
infinityI feel so dirty.05:57
=== infinity tests this on the buildd that hates him.
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== minghua wonders why this bug only happens on this buildd
minghuascim-chewing apparently went through buildds of all debian archs fine06:02
infinityThat may be a red herring.  It may just be happening universally with a new intltool, but hppa was behind, so built with a different version.06:02
infinityOr something.06:02
infinityI dunno.06:02
infinityI'd just rather not have it happen at all. :)06:02
minghuanew intltool... that makes sense06:02
infinity(And the fix probably belongs in intltool, really, if it's a breakage in a generic template...06:03
=== infinity looks at that for a second.
minghuainfinity: yeah, the new generated po/Makefile.in.in is indeed different on the parts related to po/Makefile and po/POTFILES06:04
minghuastamp-it: Makefile.in.in ../config.status POTFILES.in06:05
minghua        cd .. \06:05
minghua          && CONFIG_FILES=$(subdir)/Makefile.in CONFIG_HEADERS= CONFIG_LINKS= \06:05
minghua               $(SHELL) ./config.status06:05
minghuaOops...  where is the "touch stamp-it"?06:06
minghuainfinity: could that be the problem?06:06
infinityThat does seem likely.06:06
infinityYou may want to file a bug on intltool and see if anyone has a clue how those rules are supposed to work . :)06:06
infinityI'm just going to upload this dirty hack for now.06:06
minghuainfinity: okay, I'll file the intltool bug06:07
=== minghua never thought he could find a bug in intltool one day
=== Huahua [n=hua_@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
minghuawonderful.  now I can reproduce this infinite loop if I run clean before build06:13
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minghuainfinity: that would be bug #35161 if you are interested 06:28
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minghuaah, our dear bug bot has left06:29
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jdubinfinity: thanks for uploading scim-schawing06:36
=== infinity does a pelvic thrust.
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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hendrywhere are the collection of Ubuntu diffs on debian06:45
hendryBurgundavia: cheers06:48
Burgundaviahendry: np06:48
Burgundaviahendry: beware, I understand some of the diffs there are a little wierd06:49
hendryyes. very big06:51
hendryit would be nicer to have some interface06:52
hendryit's unreadable to me06:52
jdubhi kai06:52
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hendryjdub: hello07:08
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hendrywhat are these Italian Ubuntu deriv's called?07:12
BurgundaviaUffico Zero07:14
hendryBurgundavia: cheers07:18
hendryare Debian maintainers considered Ubuntu maintainers?07:21
minghuahendry: I think no.  and strictly speaking ubuntu doesn't have "maintainers", only "developers"07:22
minghuahendry: it seems being a DD makes it much more easier to apply for an ubuntu developer though07:22
hendryhttp://www.ubuntu.com/partners/become refers to "maintainers"07:22
minghuaoh okay, then I don't know07:23
minghuathere must be people who know better than I :-)07:24
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hendryis there any kind of ubuntu and debian bts syncing?07:37
TreenaksLaunchpad follows Debian bugs if you tell it to07:39
Treenaksit won't post there thoguh07:39
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hendryi hear a lot about the ubuntu desktop07:41
hendryis there any marketing for the "server"?07:42
Burgundavianot currently07:42
=== Treenaks hands the microphone to jdub, Marketing Guru
hendrywhat's the deal with bugzilla? https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2884607:43
natrollhendry, file a bug on bugzilla07:43
Burgundaviabugzilla has been replaced07:43
hendrynatroll: about?07:44
natrollhendry, i was kidding07:44
hendryBurgundavia: so it should be taken down at some point?07:44
Burgundaviahendry: no, the bugzilla is locked and all the open bugs imported into Malone07:44
hendryBurgundavia: ok07:45
=== jdub_ [n=jdub@ppp121-112.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubboh. you may not have got my full answer.07:50
jdubmy isp is filled with awesome07:52
jdubas is irssi07:52
hendryare the ubuntu guys going to Debconf6?07:56
jdubsome might be - kinda badly timed, given schedule previous and current07:57
=== netstar [n=al@d58-104-40-248.dsl.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
netstarWhy was metacity built without compositor?07:58
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jdubnetstar: because it's not ready for inclusion yet by default - search for spifficity08:00
Mithrandirjdub: he might have more luck if he looks for spiftacity.08:00
jdubMithrandir: you should tell him, lest he miss it08:01
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dokoamazing ... the sparc buildd did finish openoffice.org before the i386 buildd08:03
dokofabbione: ^^^08:03
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fabbionedoko: i know08:03
fabbionesparcbuildd > *08:03
hendryon the wiki my name is Hendry2. how the hell? who is the other hendry? :)08:04
fabbionedoko: oosmoketest = good :)08:04
fabbionedoko: just wait that James will reboot in the new kernel..08:04
fabbionedoko: that will speed up a bit more too.. readding 512MB of ram to the buildds..08:04
dokocool, we need to make that run on another display than X:0 as well08:04
dokos/make/make sure/08:05
fabbionedoko: i only have VNC here for testing..08:05
fabbionedoko: the new iron should arrive either this week or the next08:05
fabbionethat includes a real desktop08:06
fabbioneand a real server...08:06
=== fabbione can't wait to have his 32CPU's sparc here
minghuahendry: also you? :-  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/hendry08:08
=== minghua wonders why infinity's scim upload has a "Mar 1st" time stamp in changelog
dAndywho owns autofs in ubuntu, and can they take a look at: 31071 ? Thanks08:14
hendryminghua: i just made that. Notice the last edited name08:14
hendryminghua: "scim"?08:14
minghuahendry: oh I see.  I didn't look at the date of the wiki page.08:15
minghuahendry: the reason you have hendry2 on wiki is probably due to "hendry" is someone else on launchpad then08:16
minghuahendry: apt-cache show scim08:16
fabbionedAndy: i have been assigned autofs bugs, it's in the list with the others..08:16
dAndyfabbione: ok cool, I added a possible patch to the comments, but then again, I dont know why it was changed between breezy and dapper08:17
fabbionedAndy: i have no clue of anything.. i only got the autofs bug assinged to me.. i don't even use it08:18
dAndyfabbione: heh ok, well it is a trivial change, and it is only reverting back to how it was in breezy08:19
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fabbionedAndy: ok thanks for the info08:21
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pittiGood morning08:28
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dholbachgood morning08:34
Mithrandirdholbach: you will soon have a patch for the clock applet to spawn evo on the right day incoming08:36
dholbachMithrandir: oh wow08:38
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Mithrandirdholbach: it wants the evo patch I put in last night too to avoid spawning two windows, but it's quite trivial08:39
Mithrandirdholbach: do you have a bug number for that or should I just file a new one?08:39
dholbachi'll take a look at it08:39
Mithrandirhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-applets/+bug/35167 ; enjoy08:43
dholbachMithrandir: merci beaucoup08:44
Mithrandirdholbach: it doesn't do the right thing when double-clicking appointments yet, but that should be easy enough to add.08:44
Mithrandir(I'd assume)08:44
MithrandirI'm off for a bit, ttyl08:44
dholbachsee you08:45
dholbachand thanks for the patch08:45
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minghuahello, I need a core-developer to review and upload the patch in bug #3516308:46
minghuait's for SCIM's autostart feature08:47
minghuaI need this to be uploaded first to work on other scim packages08:47
minghuaand #ubuntu-l10n doen't seem to be very active (asked half an hour ago)08:47
minghuaanyone?  thanks08:47
minghuaas our bug bot is gone...08:48
dholbachminghua: i'll do that08:48
=== minghua hugs dholbach
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dholbachminghua: done08:52
=== dholbach hugs minghua
minghuadholbach: thanks, you rock08:52
dholbachthanks :)08:52
_ionAnybody willing to try my NetworkManager 0.6.1 packages?08:52
pitti_ion: we have 0.5.108:53
_ionpitti: Yes, that's pretty much the reason why i packaged 0.6.1. :-)08:53
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pitti_ion: Scott explained at length on ubuntu-devel why we can't upgrade08:53
pittipatches have to be done against 0.5.1 for dapper08:53
pitti_ion: unless you did all of the steps he mentioned there?08:54
pitti_ion: i. e. did you port the ubuntu changes, like ifupdown compatibility, removal of name server dependency, etc.?08:54
pitti(if so, *that* would indeed rock :) )08:55
_ionMy package should be compatible with ifupdown and have no name server dependency.08:55
_ionI mean no local name server dependency.08:55
infinitySo, you ported all of Scott's patches, then?08:55
pittiso you could port all the current ubuntu patches to your package?08:55
_ionNot all of them, but i hope someone could help me in that task. http://johan.kiviniemi.name/ubuntu/08:56
pittiwhich ones are still left?08:56
pittiif the job is 90% done, then this would indeed be worth a try (IMHO)08:56
_ionLet me see...08:56
siretart_ion: does your 0.6.1  support wpa? which version of wpasupplicant do you require?08:58
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siretart_ion: I'm asking because I'm just preparing an upload of wpasupplicant to debian which has an patch from the 0.5 branch included, which seems to be needed for nm-0.6.109:01
mdkedoes the TB have an email address?09:01
Pygimdke: they have mailing list if I am not mistaken09:01
_ion10-dbus-api-fix.patch is already in upstream. 20-linux-wlan-ng.patch was not ported (src/NetworkManagerDevice.c doesn't exist anymore in 0.6.1). Ditto for 30-blacklist-devices.patch 50-disable-named-and-vpn-managers.patch 60-dispatch-more-events.patch. 40-ubuntu-backend.patch isn't ported (is it still needed?). 65-dispatcher-script-dir.patch and 70-dont-deactivate-new-devices.patch are ported.09:03
_ionUnfortunately i don't have a WLAN card, i hope someone could help me by testing the package in a WPA network.09:03
pitti_ion: 40-ubuntu-backend.patch is the central patch that has to be ported09:04
_ionAt the moment the dependency for wpasupplicant isn't versioned.09:04
pitti_ion: 20-linux-wlan-ng.patch is my hack, if the others are cleared with Keybuk, then I will port that one09:04
pitti_ion: but I'm afraid 50-disable-named-and-vpn-managers.patch and 40-ubuntu-backend.patch are so central for our needs that they need to be ported to 0.6.1 in a seamless way09:05
pitti_ion: please don't feel discouraged by that, to the contrary, your efforts are highly appreciated; we just need to discuss how to get it right :)09:06
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pittiRiddell: ok, so I hacked langpack-o-matic to import packages like gwenview now; so unless you found any other important missing bits, I'm going to rebuild the packs now09:07
Mithrandir_ion: ajmitch has a WPA setup at home, iirc.09:08
_ionI'll look at porting NetworkManagerUbuntu.c (from 40-ubuntu-backend.patch) to 0.6.109:09
pitti_ion: cool :)09:10
=== _ion doesn't promise anything i'm quite tired. :-)
mdkehey jdub, while you're here. start.ubuntu.com?09:11
Pygi_ion; I can help if somethin' i sneeded?09:11
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minghuapitti: a question about lang-pack -- should all .po files of main packages be stripped and put into lang-pack?09:13
pitti_ion, Pygi: I can assure you, if you manage to get that done for Dapper, you'll have to fight groupies with a stick^W^W^W^W^W^W^Wthe appreciation of the Ubuntu community will be your's :)09:14
pittiminghua: ideally yes09:14
Pygipitti: hehe ;)09:14
pittiminghua: there are some redundancies for packages which were recently promoted without being rebuilt and such09:15
minghuapitti: I was just thinking of the scim-* packages that recently entered main.  Almost all of them have .po files09:15
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pittiminghua: yes, they need a rebuild to get stripped (universe packages aren't)09:15
pittihi smurf 09:15
=== smurf hates NX
minghuapitti: but things like "* debian/rules: Add gettext domain to .server and .desktop files to get language pack support for them. (Similarly to cdbs' gnome.mk)" only apply to .desktop files, not .po files, right?09:17
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minghuapitti: (that was from your change to scim)09:17
pittiminghua: right09:17
minghuapitti: good to know.  thanks for explaining09:18
Pygipitti: when does it have to be done, so it would have a chance of being included? ;)09:19
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pittiPygi: *actually* about four weeks ago, for upstream version freeze09:20
Pygipitti: o joy 09:20
pittiPygi: so it'll need a serious amount of begging, testing, and review to get it approved now09:20
Pygipitti: we'll have masses who will test once they hear package is here ^^09:21
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pittiPygi: I'm sure that a lot of folks are happy to test it on u-devel09:22
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tepsipakkiHi! As dapper is now getting six week more testing and localisation time, is it possible to add openoffice.org-soikko (+libsoikko) which is a hyphenation addon for OO.o. The problem with libsoikko is that it isn't open source, but freely distributable, so they'd go to multiverse09:35
tepsipakkiit has been packaged for debian and ubuntu for a long time already, and the hyphenation quality is excellent09:36
tepsipakki..but I know that freeze is long gone now09:36
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Tm_Ttepsipakki: oh yes, soikko coulbe useful09:36
Tm_Ttepsipakki: universe? ;)09:36
tepsipakkibecause of libsoikko09:37
Tm_Ttepsipakki: #ubuntu-motu I think09:37
tepsipakkii guess.. I'm not sure09:37
tepsipakkiI know the answer from there ;)09:39
Tm_Tand that is?09:39
tepsipakki"no" :)09:39
Tm_Tdon't be so sure09:39
tepsipakkithat's what I'd expect at least :)09:39
tepsipakkibut ok09:39
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_ionNetworkManagerUbuntu.c from 40-ubuntu-backend.patch is pretty much ported. Next i'll have to modify the autotools stuff in order to compile it and see if it works. :-)10:15
pitti_ion: btw, feel free to throw out the autotools changes from that patch and regenerate it as a separate patch (or just inline)10:16
=== mdz_ [n=mdz@host217-37-231-22.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangmorning all10:17
=== sivang hugs pitti
pittihi sivang 10:18
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_ionpitti: Hm. Would it be evil to make the patch just replace NetworkManagerDebian.c with the Ubuntu-specific stuff instead of adding a whole new NetworkManagerUbuntu.c? That way there would be no need to fiddle with configure*, Makefile* etc.10:21
pitti_ion: hmm, it would work for me, but please rather ask Keybuk about it; it's his baby10:23
pitti_ion: but for the purpose of initial packaging, that's certainly fine10:23
pitti_ion: we can always restructure it afterwards if the actual thing works and is accepted10:23
jdubanyone tried today's dapper install cd (not live)?10:26
Mithrandirjdub: I tried yesterday's; why?10:26
jdubMithrandir: works ok?10:26
Mithrandirjdub: yes, worked fine for me.10:26
siretart_ion: for wpa, you will most probably need this package of wpa: http://siretart.tauware.de/wpasupplicant/, version 0.4.8-110:28
mrothok, maybe its because its 1:30am, but where on earth is the "attach file" function in launchpad?  I'm too used to bugzilla10:30
mrother, nevermind, i knew as soon as I hit "enter" i would find it10:31
_ionsiretart: Ok, thanks. I don't have a WLAN with WPA, but Pygi does and he said he'd help with the package. I'll mention about that to him.10:31
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siretart_ion: the network-manager maintainer in debian told me that he needs the ap-scan command in wpa_cli for nm to work with wpa. this command is only in the 0.5 branch available, but the 0.4.8 package I pointed you to has this command backported10:32
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_ionsiretart: Ok, nice.10:33
siretart_ion: so both packages should work, but only the 0.4.8 package is a candidate for dapper at all (and even thats undecided)10:33
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Pygisiretart: no way to get 0.5 branch in?10:39
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mptGoooooooooooooooooooood morning Londonpadders!10:56
=== Tm_T hides
Tm_Tstop that siren!10:57
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dokodholbach: examplecontent ping11:03
dholbachdoko: i'm on the phone11:03
dholbachdoko: ttyl11:04
siretartPygi: the 0.5 branch is considered as the experimental development branch by upstream. it works for me, but I wouldn't recommend to support that branch for years11:05
Pygisiretart: agreed11:05
siretartPygi: the 0.4.8 branch on the other hand was broadly tested and is in maintenance mode. only small and careful updates, perfect for longterm support11:05
ajmitchmorning siretart 11:06
siretarthi ajmitch 11:06
jordijdub: re LAMP, I guess you did see my reference to that after FOSDEM :)11:07
=== highvoltage really likes the new LAMP acronym
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sivangmpt: this is not #launchpad ? :)11:14
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_ionBtw., in the network-manager-0.6.1 package i put the nm-vpn-properties binary into the nm-applet package. Should it be split to its own package?11:16
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Seveasyou should not include vpn11:20
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TreenaksSeveas: vpns rock!11:20
Seveascurrently Ubuntu does not include the VPN stuff for a good reason 11:20
SeveasTreenaks, nm-vpn not - it's quite flaky11:20
TreenaksSeveas: ok.. so it needs bugfixing ;)11:20
siretartTreenaks: it needs a complete development cycle for exhaustive testing. dapper will be supported 3 years on the desktop11:21
neuralisseveas: i didn't look, what kind of vpns does nm support?11:21
siretartTreenaks: lets better provide add on packages for dapper, and integrate them into edgy11:21
mptsivang, I didn't mention Launchpad :-P11:21
Treenakssiretart: oh sure11:22
Seveas_ion, please make sure your package has about the same functionaluty as the current Ubuntu package (ie no bind needed, no vpns etc) but does support wpa11:22
sivangmpt: you said, launchpadders , but indeed, I guess we're now all lunchpadders as we're using it :)11:22
_ionseveas: Ok, will do.11:22
SeveasThat's the best way of getting it accepted11:22
mptsivang, no I didn't11:22
=== sivang is blind
sivangmpt: you're also in London now?11:23
Seveassivang, you will be pleased to know that Ubugtus webcal plugin is now fully functional, including your request. 11:23
mptsivang, temporarily11:23
sivangSeveas: yay! /me does a happy dance11:23
sivangmpt: launchpad sprint ?11:23
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sivangSeveas: so how can I ask it for the current ongoing meeting?11:24
Seveasnot - it's in the topic from 10 minutes before to 30 minutes after the meeting11:24
sivangvery good. thank you!11:26
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infinitydholbach: BTW, goffice is FTBFS.11:40
infinitydholbach: All arches.11:40
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mvoinfinity: any news about the auto-dist-upgrade test setup :) ?11:41
dholbachinfinity: thanks, i'll have a look at it later11:43
infinitymvo: Stalled for a bit, we need to discuss it with elmo, who just about choked when I mentioned it to him. :/11:43
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mvoinfinity: hm, can't we get a (cheap) decicated machine then? I mean, if it's too risky to put it on a machine with other tasks? or I can go and put it on one of my own machines early next week (when I'm back from sprinting)11:46
infinitymvo: Yeah, we could get one dedicated machine, though we ideally want one per arch.11:47
seb128infinity: do you have an idea if other GNOME packages are FTBFSing? Launchpad doesn't make easy to look on daily failures, etc11:48
mvoinfinity: right. sometimes the problems are arch-specific unfortunately (ia32-libs exploeded yesterday on amd64)11:49
infinityseb128: You're right, it doesn't make it easy...11:49
infinityseb128: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+builds?build_state=failed <-- that may help a bit, though.11:50
dokojordi, seb128: btw, see gnome report #334738, gedit examples ...11:50
dokomvo: no change in ia32-libs yesterday11:50
infinityseb128: Be careful of version numbers, since LP still has a bug where it will happily retry obsolete sources..11:50
mvodoko: I didn't explain myself clearly, it was discovered yesterday by a user, but it may well be a problem for some time11:51
jordidoko: wrong bug number?11:51
seb128infinity: is there a way to filter by arch?11:52
infinityseb128: Not yet, no. :/11:52
dokojordi: no, "wrong characters in print preview/file"11:52
dokoopened for gnome-print11:52
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jordidoko: doh, I was looking at the bts ;)11:53
seb128doko: bugzilla.gnome bug11:53
dokoseb128: yes11:54
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dokoKamion: please process OOo-l10n binaries in NEW, and promote them to main12:00
jordidoko: hmm. Horrible.12:01
jordiIf what appears i nthe preview is what actually appears in the paper, I see what you're saying now :)12:01
pittiseb128, Riddell: new langpacks on http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/langpacks/, this time evenn with amarok and gwenview :)12:01
Kamiondoko: I already did12:02
Kamiondoko|impatient again ;-)12:02
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dokojordi: yes, you actually have to check a printout; best thing, if you do that on a postscript printer.12:02
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dokoKamion: heh, looks like you have an interest in smaller packages ;-)12:03
Kamionmore an interest in the output of queue not overflowing my screen too badly ... one line per binary package12:04
jordidoko: we have no printer here :/12:05
dokojordi: not my problem ;-P12:05
seb128pitti: is there any need to try new gnomeish package? :)12:06
seb128pitti: ie: any change since yesterday?12:06
pittijust some updates12:06
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pittimight have more translations now12:06
pittibut I think if I test them, that's good neough12:07
seb128lemme try12:07
dokoseb128: your gtk changelog: "patch for ia32-libs package" should be a32-libs-gtk package, but that's not in Debian12:08
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seb128doko: I know, that's listed as one of the sync changes, ie: an Ubuntu specific patch12:09
seb128doko: noted for the package name :)12:09
seb128pitti: /usr/share/locale-langpack/fr/LC_MESSAGES/test.mo ... is that a package? :)12:10
pittihmm, what's in it?12:11
pittinm, I have it here12:11
pittiit must come from a package, yes, I didn't add anythign manually12:12
pitti===== Processing /home/lamont/public_html/translations/20050922/nevow_0.4.1-1.1ubuntu1_i386_translations.tar.gz =====12:12
pittiwftl: nevow_0.4.1-1.1ubuntu1: 0 domains, but 1 pot files12:12
pittiwftl: nevow_0.4.1-1.1ubuntu1: guessing domain from single POT file: test12:12
pittihm, that can't be it12:13
pittiseb128: I'll refine dload-strippedtarto show the domains it imports12:13
pittiseb128: but for now it doesn't really hurt, I think12:13
seb128yeah, just noticed it and was wondering if that's a debug stuff you let :)12:15
seb128since that's a new .mo12:15
ploumdoko: ping ?12:16
dokoploum: just ask12:16
ploumdoko: I upgraded OOo today and it re-created the file  opens___.ttf12:17
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ploumso OOo interface is completely broken12:17
ploum(I know I just can remove the file but I  wanted to told you)12:18
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StevenKRan 200 tests in 9.233s12:18
dokoploum: no, the file is not there12:18
ploumdoko: weird...  I removed the file yesterday. Today I just dist-upgraded and the file is here again12:19
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dokoploum: which version?12:20
ploumthe opens___.tf is marked as modified today at 7:03AM12:21
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ploum(my computer was off, so I suppose this is the build time of the package or something like that)12:22
ploumWell, I remove it and I will tell you if something happens again12:24
jordimvo, daf and I just decided to start an "autoubuntu" derivative12:25
jordiwith all the autopackage goodness you can get12:25
ploum(anyway, thanks for the Print-patch drop. Brochure mode is now working again and I'm happy :-) )12:25
seb128jordi: please go troll somewhere else :p12:25
jordiseb128: sure, sure. You keep doing those old .deb things.12:26
ploumjordi: I'm thinking about launching a messedbuntu distro. Using only RPMs12:26
dokopitti: five new OOo help packages ...12:26
jordiploum: we will beat your mess. Our technology is up to it. :)12:26
Seveasploum, jordi: I seriously don't know who of you to lart first...12:27
Seveasyou should use klik everywhere!!!112!!!one12:27
pittidoko: adding them12:27
pittidoko: hm, I can't see any new ones? did they just came out of NEW?12:28
=== pitti apt-get updates
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pittidoko: nevermind, got them12:29
dokopitti: yes12:29
dokoploum: you are right, missed the removal of that file12:29
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dokoploum: you are right, missed the removal of that file12:31
ploumdoko: ok. Thanks for looking :-)12:32
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pittidoko: uploaded12:34
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mvopitti: we discussed the font perferences stuff again here and the current prefered solution is to make language selector set the fontconfig stuff12:36
pittimvo: hm, that's not really a solution, it's a nasty hack that won't solve the actual problem :/12:36
pittimvo: but oh well, if nothing else is possible ...12:37
seb128mvo: do most of people actually use the language selector?12:37
mvowell, the solution to have special fontconfiles depending on the language is a bad hack already12:40
mvoand worse, the different chinese variants use different settings apparently12:40
mvoso zh_TW and zh_CN have different perferences apparently12:41
mvothe alternative would be to ship the file in seperate package (with a single file) or as part of language-{pack,support}12:41
mvoit's all pretty bad12:42
mvoand the zh_TW and zh_CN problems seems to be "delicate"12:42
pittiheh ;)12:43
fabbionemdz: do you think it would be possible to have an UVF exception for missingh (universe)? the changes are minor bug fixes, including fix of FTBFS on sparc, that will unleash another big set of pkgs to be built on sparc.12:43
pittimvo: can you please explain to me again why removing latin glyphs from the CJK fonts would be bad? (just trying to understand the reason)12:43
mvopitti: japanese and chinese have overlapping glyths (the same glyth appera in both languages)12:44
infinitymdz: missingh is at the base of a twisted maze of haskell build-deps, and the upstream changes look tiny and harmless.12:44
pittimvo: so?12:44
infinitymdz: (TBH, I would have just uploaded and asked forgiveness, rather than permission, but given how strict we've been this release, I didn't want to piss anyone off) :)12:44
pittimvo: I didn't intend to split the CJK fonts :)12:44
mvopitti: well, there are various problems, one is that on a stock install you can have japanese glyths in a otherwise chinese text12:45
mdzfabbione,infinity: I have no objection; UVF exception management for universe has been delegated to motu-uvf12:45
pittimvo: how woudl removing latin glyphs from the CJK fonts change that?12:45
pittimvo: s/change/break/12:45
infinitymdz: Ahh.  Cool.  Perhaps I should join that group. :)12:46
mvopitti: it wouldn't change that at all, but it wouldn't solve this problem either12:46
pittimvo: why not?12:46
pittimvo: I thought the main itch was that latin looks bad under CJK, and CJK looks bad under latin?12:47
mvopitti: that is true but unfortunately only one of the problems, the other one is that chinese and japanese glyths are mixed 12:47
fabbionemdz: danke12:47
pittimvo: I don't think that we can solve *this* problem at all12:47
infinityfabbione: Shall I do the fake sync?12:48
pittimvo: not even with the hack you proposed (or can we?)12:48
fabbioneinfinity: go ahead12:50
infinityKay, doing.12:50
mvopitti: the solution to have different perferences based on the language (THE HACK) will solve it because it moves chinese fonts to the top for chinese and japanese fonts for the japanese users12:50
mvopitti: currently it's either japanese fonts have preference or chinese ones. that means one group of to manually fix there setup12:50
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mvopitti: sorry, network problems12:52
mvopitti: what was the last bit you said/got from me?12:52
pitti<mvo> pitti: currently it's either japanese fonts have preference or chinese ones. that means one group of to manually fix there setup12:52
pitti<pitti> EPARSE12:52
Lathiatyou forgot your -12:54
mvopitti: let me try again. there are certain glyths that are in both chinese and japanese fonts (because both languages have the glyth). when the application asks for that glyth fontconfig will pick a font for it. it will use (among other stuff) the order in which the fonts are listed in the fonts.conf file. if a japanese font is before a chinese one fontconfig seems to pick that12:54
infinityLathiat: pitti is unsigned.12:55
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dafhi pitti 12:55
pittihey daf12:55
Lathiatpitti: im sorry12:55
Lathiatit must be a boring, but simple life12:55
dafstripping latin glyphs would be hacky but possible12:55
mvopitti: that means that you end up with a mostely chinese text with some japanese glyths12:55
dafI'm not sure what adverse effects it would have12:55
pittimvo: right, I agree that using the locale hack is acceptable for that overlap12:55
pittibut not for the CJK <-> Latin conflict12:56
pittithere must be a better solution12:56
pittiI want to read Chinese spam, and Chinese/Japanese people want to read English12:56
pittior write12:56
dafAbel is going to join us12:56
abelcheungyes, I'm here12:57
dafah, hi Abel12:57
pittihi abelcheung 12:57
pittiabelcheung: ok, so we identified two different problems12:57
mvoabelcheung is our expert for those matters :)12:57
pittiabelcheung: did you see the scrollback here?12:57
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mvopitti: freefont has a script btw to strip out glyphs 12:57
pittiabelcheung: what would you think about a locale hack to sort out the Chinese/Japanese conflict type, and removig the Latin glyphs from CJK fonts to solve the Latin/CJK conflict?12:58
abelcheungabout stripping latin chars from CJK fonts... (well I didn't think I'm expect in this area)12:58
pittimvo: fontconfig with LC_ALL=C works fine, btw :)12:58
=== mvo always wondered why the world need anything else than monospace and LC_ALL=C ;)
=== jordi kills mvo.
pittisolution 6 :)12:59
=== pitti points toseb128 :)
_ion network-manager (0.6.1-5) dapper; urgency=low12:59
_ion* Removed named/VPN stuff in order to have about the same functionality as the 0.5.1 package.12:59
abelcheungyes, there is some benefit; one of the Korean font already did that, it's "EunGuseul Mono"12:59
jordiabelcheung: well, it's one of the problems zh users have, clearly12:59
pitti_ion: oh, I don't actually think it's necessary to remove features, just the current backend must continue to work as it does now :)12:59
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abelcheungan uproar might be coming if we really do this01:00
pittiabelcheung: 'this' -> remove glyphs?01:00
abelcheungpitti: exactly01:00
pittiabelcheung: what would you propose instead?01:00
dafsounds risky01:01
_ionpitti: Well, that's what 50-disable-named-and-vpn-managers.patch does in
pittiI'm aware that this isn't very clean, but I fail to see another solution01:01
pitti_ion: alright :)01:01
jordiabelcheung: why would that happen?01:01
=== herman_ [n=herman@a82-93-13-195.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dafwhat happens if fontconfig specifies latin-only fonts before CJK fonts?01:01
pittiAFAICS, if the CJK glyphs look crappy in vera, and Latin looks crappy in CJK fonts, then it's sorta obvious to pick the best of each01:02
dafwouldn't it use latin from the latin fonts and CJK glyphs from the CJK fonts?01:02
dafVera has no CJK glyphs01:02
jordidaf: afaiui, should work?01:02
pittidaf: right, we could also do it this way aroud01:02
pittiaround, even01:02
_ionSo, now 40-ubuntu-backend.patch and 50-disable-named-and-vpn-managers.patch _should_ be ported/recreated from
pitti_ion: rock :)01:02
dafI don't think DejaVu has any either01:02
abelcheungdaf: right now latin-only fonts are already located before CJK fonts, but somehow when latin glyphs and non-glyphs touch together, the effect is undeterministic01:02
dafthat sounds very much like a bug01:02
abelcheungnon-latin glyphs01:03
abelcheungdaf: yes01:03
jordiabelcheung: fontconfig bugs?01:03
pittirather gtk ones, I assume ?01:03
dafhmm, could be a pango issue01:03
jordipitti: I think this is a joint seb128/keithp sabotage operation01:03
dafit's difficult to know01:03
pittijordi: I tell you, seb128 didn't ever give up solution 601:04
seb128solution 6 is the way to go01:04
dafI thought seb likes solution 701:04
daf"make everyone speak French"01:04
pittiseb128: only with slightly altered parameters :)01:04
Robot101iz gtk boog01:04
abelcheungI'd rather use suicide as 6th solution01:04
jordiwhere's seb? He should have started kicking people already01:05
pittiabelcheung: seriously again, if we removed ugly CJK glyphs from fonts which have a higher prio than good CJK fonts, that would have the same effect, wouldn't it?01:05
jordioh. he just defended #6.01:05
jordihi seb :)01:05
pittiabelcheung: (if removing latin from CJK would be considered impolite/whatever)01:05
seb128hey jordi ;)01:06
dafwould stripping CJK from freefont (e.g.) help?01:06
ajmitchjordi: harassing poor seb again?01:06
=== seb128 kicks jordi
abelcheungpitti: it's mostly publicity effect that makes the stripping action bad.01:06
seb128don't worry for me :)01:06
abelcheungpitti: not technically bad01:06
pittiabelcheung: I don't see how?01:06
pittiabelcheung: I mean, we don't strip CJK glyphs altogether, we just select the best ones?01:06
dafajmitch: don't fall for that "poor gnome maintainer" spiel01:07
abelcheungsay when greek or russian characters were stripped from some fonts, those people will be angry as well01:07
jordiajmitch: it's better over planet, as he never replies01:07
pittidaf: interesting to see that 'spiel' is an accepted English word :)01:07
pittiabelcheung: hm, I'm really no expert in the PR effect of modifying fonts :)01:08
pittibut ugly glyphs on the desktop should have a worse PR effect than what's behind the scenes, or not?01:08
abelcheungpitti: latin fonts are already placed beyond non-latin ones, just that they sometimes don't work (worse part is, not always won't work, just sometimes)01:08
jordiI really don't understand the "bad press" effect either, but I guess we need to trust abel on that :)01:08
seb128"View your computer storage" -> "View your files and disk space"01:08
jordiI mean, the change would be for good of zh users01:08
seb128for computer tooltip01:08
tepsipakkibah, gnome-screensaver doesn01:08
tepsipakki't use pam_sm_setcred()01:09
seb128what people think about ""Browse all computer files" or ""Browse your computer drives"?01:09
pittialso, having specialized fonts helps to remove redundancy and makes them smaller; modularity rulez :)01:09
jordiabelcheung: I appoint you to fix fontconfig, that solves the problem. :)01:09
mvoI think it's a solution we should try (removing the glyph) if we get feedback from the font-mainters first (and if they don't oppose it)01:09
dafseb128: B01:09
mvoif only fontconfig would support the exclusion of certain unicode ranges for fonts ...01:09
pittiseb128: where is that string?01:10
seb128daf: thank you :) any better suggestion maybe?01:10
_ionC) "Format C:"01:10
seb128pitti: tooltip of "Computer" to Places panel menu01:10
pittimvo: which would have the same effect without the benefit of saving disk space...01:10
dafseb128: I guess "drives" rather than "mounts" is standard01:10
abelcheungjordi: me? .......... I can try my best, though there might be some bug down from gtk to fontconfig layer that needs attention from corresponding maintainer01:10
dafseb128: maybe "locations" :/01:10
pittiseb128: heh, right, the current German translatino for this one is horrible01:10
seb128"View your computer storage" is current english01:10
mvopitti: yes and it would be a configuration issues, people could revert it (not that easy when they are actually removed)01:10
seb128silbs suggested "View your files and disk space" but is not sure about it01:10
dafdoesn't it also include network mounts?01:10
seb128mdz suggested "Browse all computer files"01:10
seb128daf: no01:11
pittimvo: but I guess it is (a) harder to implement and (b) would have an incredible runtime penalty01:11
pittimvo: since then the font selection needs to happen for each glyph, doesn't it?01:11
pittior does that already happen?01:11
dafI think it happens for chunks of text01:11
abelcheungpitti: besides, does fontconfig scan all fonts to pick the most preferred ones for all glyphs?01:11
mvo(a) <- yes (b) I'm not sure, there is a cache for this01:12
pittiabelcheung: currently fontconfig only selects per-family, not per unicode block01:12
dafI'm not sure, for example, whether Firefox passed the language of each paragraph to fontconfig when selecting fonts01:12
pittiabelcheung: so it's not 'all' glyphs01:12
abelcheungpitti: I see01:12
dafor if it just specifies one language for each page01:12
pittibut I don't really know about fontconfig details01:13
pittidaf: I hope not :)01:13
dafyou can do <p xml:lang="zh">...</p>, but I don't know if this has any effect on font selection01:13
jordiabelcheung: was kidding, sorry :)01:13
mvopitti: we will try the "remove glyphs" approach here locally after lunch to see what it looks like01:15
pittimvo: yes, that would be nice :)01:16
pittigood_press('works for everyone' good font config by default) - bad_press('messing up fonts') >> 0 hopefully :)01:16
pittias for the C/J conflict, the only real solution would be that both C and J glyphs would look equally well in all fonts that provide both, right?01:17
dafI'm not sure it's possible to have one font that will please both Chinese and Japanese users01:20
dafthey prefer different styles01:20
dafabelcheung: is that correct?01:20
pittiwe need one for every family, right?01:21
pittithey probably don't have serifes, but certainly a different set of families01:21
mjryes, there are differences in recommended renderings in Chinese and Japanese01:21
dafe.g. Japanese has "kochi", "mincho" and "marumoji" families01:21
dafsorry, s/kochi/gothic/01:22
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ograseb128, redhat has a preferences-merged/ dir in gnome-menus, do we have a equivalent to add <Include>/<Exclude> statements ? 01:32
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abelcheungdaf: yes, that's correct, they prefer different styles01:39
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sladenkillall -9 gnome-screensaver && echo DIE HARDER01:44
ograsladen, good idea :/01:47
Riddellpitti: lang packs are good for me01:47
pittiRiddell: thanks01:47
seb128ogra: what do you mean?01:48
seb128ogra: what are you trying to do?01:48
ograseb128, adding a file to g-s-s that hides the xscreensaver entry from the menu01:49
ograi see that redhat just drops a file with an exclude statement into /etc/xdg/menus/preferences-merged01:49
seb128ogra: put NotShowIn=GNOME for xscreensaver and you are done01:50
ograok, we're easier ::)01:50
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ograseb128, thanks :)01:50
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ograseb128, that will hide it forever ...01:53
ograi want it shown if g-s-s is not installed01:53
seb128from GNOME yeah01:53
BenCWow, OOo, gcc, gnome and some xorg all in one night...wish I had uploaded the next kernel to really make it a nice update :)01:53
seb128suck to be you01:53
KaiLhmm, beagle wants those "extendes attributes", out kernel has them - so, why aren't they enabled in /etc/fstab?01:53
seb128KaiL: because we don't ship beagle by default?01:54
KaiLoops ;)01:54
pittiseb128: hm, beagle-dev is still in universe01:58
pittiseb128: (for the nautilus issue)01:58
pittiseb128: and beagle is not yet approved for main01:59
dholbachdoko: pong01:59
seb128pitti: I though you approved it for main01:59
pittino, reviewed it01:59
pittithe bugs are simple enough to fix, I guess01:59
pittibut noone did it so far01:59
pittiI'd be fine with depending on beagle-dev now if anyone fixes beagle02:00
seb128I didn't take your comment as a "must be fixed before promotion"02:00
seb128tseng: ping? :)02:00
pittijust to avoid promoting, and then forgetting about it02:00
=== mvo goes for lunch now
pittimvo: enjoy!02:01
pittimmm, lunch, will do the same02:01
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KamionKinnison: gparted seems to be hanging on apply here - all I told it to do was create two partitions02:08
Kamionabsolutely bugger-all happening in strace02:08
natrolldoesn't sound very nice02:09
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tsengseb128: yo02:14
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seb128tseng: hi02:14
seb128tseng: did you have a chance to look on beagle bugs pitti pointed for promotion?02:14
sivangtseng: hey02:14
KamionKinnison: BTW, your emacs appears to be enthusiastically converting tabs to spaces in some of the installer-mode patch, which makes it a bit hard to read in places02:15
infinitymdz: Okay to sync db4.2 (no more diff, yay!), db4.3 (manpages added), and db4.4 (manpages, and a hang in libdb4.4 fixed)?02:15
Kamionparticularly when looking at the ubuntu2 -> ubuntu3 diff02:15
infinitymdz: I just merged all the Ubuntu changes into the Debian packages, so it'd be nice to go the other way and have them in sync finally. :)02:16
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Keybukheh, under an hour to spare!02:19
_ionkeybuk: Hi02:20
_ionkeybuk: Could you please inspect 40-ubuntu-backend.patch in http://johan.kiviniemi.name/ubuntu/ ?02:21
Keybukwhat does it change?02:21
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infinitymdz: And I have no idea why I just asked that, since it's neither an upstream version bump of a feature change, just bugfixes.02:21
_ionkeybuk: Well, i ported the patch to network-manager 0.6.1 (hopefully correctly :-) ). Also: < _ion> pitti: Hm. Would it be evil to make the patch just replace NetworkManagerDebian.c with the Ubuntu-specific stuff instead of adding a whole new NetworkManagerUbuntu.c? That way there would be no need to fiddle with configure*, Makefile* etc. < pitti> _ion: hmm, it would work for me, but please rather ask Keybuk about it; it's his baby < pitti> _ion: ...02:23
_ion... but for the purpose of initial packaging, that's certainly fine < pitti> _ion: we can always restructure it afterwards if the actual thing works and is accepted02:23
Keybukok, I'll have a look at it02:24
Keybuksee how different it is to my own effort here02:24
Keybukno, thank you :)02:24
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tsengseb128: yes, we have been working alot more on evolution-sharp bug02:28
tsengseb128: it looks like slomo fixed it, but i didnt get to check yet.. it was a real showstopper02:28
seb128tseng: ah, nice02:29
seb128slomo_: ping?02:29
tsengseb128: do you still want to promote it?02:29
seb128tseng: why not?02:29
slomo_seb128, tseng: beagle/evo-sharp seems to work fine for me now... no crashes, no memory filling :)02:29
tsengbecause its late, and its dapper02:29
seb128<pitti> I'd be fine with depending on beagle-dev now if anyone fixes beagle02:29
seb128tseng: it should have 0 impact on the desktop if beagle is not installed02:30
tsenglet me look at that autostart02:30
Kamionfabbione: I still need the disk selector in partman-auto. How's that going?02:30
seb128the fallback is a few lines of code02:30
tsengseb128: it looks like novell has their whole desktop relying on it now02:32
seb128they have GTK filechooser, yelp, deskbar, nautilus using it02:33
=== Keybuk still wants to know how Beagle *doesn't* kill a machine when you login
tsengthey have gtk 2.10?02:33
seb128dunno, I've not figured when yo find srpms for suse02:33
tsengthey are really hard to find for nld02:33
seb128but that's possible they have 2.8 with the beagle patch02:33
tsengthey are in novell forge02:33
tsengKeybuk: it has some semi-intelligent throttling02:34
seb128I don't know, I just supposed since federico blogged about it02:34
seb128tseng: do you have an URL for that? :)02:34
tsengKeybuk: the scheduler slows down on battery power, speeds up when a screensaver is active02:34
tsengKeybuk: 0 throttling with EXERCISE_THE_DOG=102:34
Keybukit still has to "find" on whatever it wants to watch though02:35
Keybukinotify is teh suck02:35
tsengbetter than no inotify02:36
slomo_seb128: would you want gsf support in beagle? it's not yet enabled because our gsf-sharp is too old... but seems like something useful to me02:36
KeybukI still want *something* to notify userspace of mounts and unmounts02:36
seb128slomo_: what is gsf?02:36
Keybukseb128: I have a HAL/GnomeVFS bug for you ... I have a floppy icon02:37
seb128Keybuk: do you have a /etc/fstab floppy entry?02:37
Keybukseb128: yes02:37
seb128so you get an icon ...02:38
KeybukI have a floppy drive too02:38
Keybukright, that's not the whole bug yet02:38
Keybukdue to the PNP bug, I don't have "floppy" loaded02:38
Keybukif I modprobe floppy; I get /dev/fd002:38
Keybukand *another* floppy icon02:38
Keybukso HAL/GnomeVFS things I have two floppy drives02:38
slomo_seb128: your country... starts with g ;) libgsf is for reading all kind of document formats afaik02:38
seb128slomo_: hehe02:38
seb128Keybuk: I would be tempted to say that we should not put an fstab entry for it :)02:39
Keybukseb128: some people still like to mount and unmount their floppy the old fashioned way02:39
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KeybukHAL/GnomeVFS should be intelligent enough to see the "newly added" floppy drive has the same DEVNAME as the one in /etc/fstab02:40
Keybuk(modprobe floppy results in /dev/fd0 ... which is what the entry in fstab has)02:40
Keybukwhere should I file the bug?02:40
seb128gnome-vfs probably02:40
slomo_seb128: well, i'll test it here now... and tseng will file a UVF exception for beagle to get us the newest bugfix release02:41
seb128thank you02:42
Keybukseb128: either that, or HAL/GnomeVFS should ignore fstab entries for which the device doesn't exist :p02:42
seb128that case should be fixed yeah02:43
seb128the "look for duplicate" is a bonus then :)02:43
=== Keybuk wonders whether running "udevplug" causes more floppies to get added
Keybukno, it's safe against that at least02:44
Keybukbug 35191 anyway02:45
Ubugtumalone bug 35191 in gnome-vfs "Duplicate floppy icons" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3519102:45
seb128thank you02:45
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seb128what would people use instead of "Log out <username>..." for the menu item name?03:00
seb128Mark suggested "Quit", what do you think about it?03:00
_ionIMO "Log out foo" is very good, "Quit" would be more confusing.03:01
dafwhat's hte problem with "Log out..."?03:01
Amaranthi like "Log out <username>..."03:01
dholbachbecause you not just log out there, you can lock your screen as well, switch user, ...03:02
seb128daf: Mark doesn't like it 03:02
seb128and right03:02
dafwon't changing this string affect l10n coverage?03:02
_ion"Kill self"03:02
seb128there is the fact the Ubuntu session dialog allow to does stuff like locking screen03:02
dholbach"Leave session"03:03
pittiseb128: the only thing that embraces all 7 options is 'Fiddle with my session...' :/03:03
seb128dholbach: locking is not leaving it :)03:03
dholbachbut session was deemed too technical03:03
dholbachseb128: you leave it alone for some time :)03:03
seb128daf: we have rosetta .... 03:03
pittidholbach: 'log out' is heavily technical, too03:03
jdubseb128: "kthxbye"03:04
seb128jdub: :)03:04
dholbachi like leave session with a funky icon, it should be ok03:04
pitti"Don't wanna play any more"03:04
_ionjdub: :-D03:04
seb128"Are you sure you want to do that"03:04
_ion"I'm afraid i can't let you do that, <user>"03:04
dholbach"take my ball and play elsewhere"03:05
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jdubseb128: "Install unpatched gnome-panel..."03:05
pittiwe really can't split 'End session...' and 'Pause session...'?03:06
pittiand we have to accomodate 'switch user', too03:06
jdubpitti: upstream does this quite nicely...03:06
jdub(using a similar approach to windows xp and mac os x, splitting these two sets of functions)03:07
seb128upstream is not the discussion03:07
seb128we have to stick with what we have03:07
seb128and I would like a panel item title...03:07
jdubwas getting to explain to pitti that we are specifically not doing it that way03:07
pittijdub: but there is a feature missing: 'Open email client' (8th button)03:08
jdubpitti: dapper+1 :-)03:08
=== pitti goes to spec it
tsengpitti: :D03:08
pittiseriously, the current thing is pretty confusing03:08
_ionpitti: In addition, i think the dialog should have a "run interactive ruby in shell" button as well.03:09
jdubseb128: i think log off ends up being the best compromise for that entry03:09
jdubseb128: what's the tooltip for the top right button?03:10
seb128"Log out of this session to log in as a different user" beeing changed now by "Leave this session" 03:10
pittijdub: 'log off' says nothing to normal users, or does it have a common non-geek meaning in English?03:10
seb128change from silbs mail03:10
jdubpitti: it's very widely accepted jargon03:11
pittijdub: does it convey the fact that 4 of the 7 options don't log you out?03:11
jdubpitti: no, but it's the most reasonable compromise, considering that's what we have to deal with03:12
pittijdub: what about 'End/pause session'?03:13
janimoHow about "Back to real life"03:13
jdubpitti: session means even less, and end/pause are extremely uncommon in this context03:13
jdubwindows has 'switch user' behind its 'log off' set of choices too03:14
pittialso suspend and hibernate?03:14
jdubas said above, windows xp and mac os x both have the same strategy as upstream03:14
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pitti'Go away from the computer'03:15
jdub(osx splits them by listing sleep/restart/shutdown and "log out <user>..." as separate menu entries03:16
jdubsorry: sleep, restart..., shut down... and log out <user>...03:17
pittiseb128: hm, so shall I upload the current nautilus, or wait for sb to fix beagle?03:17
seb128pitti: go for it03:18
pittiyes, give the buildds something to grind :)03:18
Mithrandirseb128: xkeyboard-config 0.8 is a tad icky wrt merging, but I think it's doable.03:23
KaiLhow to raise a bugs importance? Having no X after installing is imho rather critical... https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-driver-ati/+bug/3519403:24
Ubugtumalone bug 35194 in xserver-xorg-driver-ati "activated but not usable on X1xxx" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  03:24
seb128Mithrandir: do you need merging? I just updated current package to 0.8 which works fine03:24
seb128Mithrandir: Debian moves stuff too /usr/share, we don't need that for that cycle03:24
Mithrandirseb128: you did? Have you uploaded it already or just waiting so far?03:24
seb128Mithrandir: no, I've just tested on my box03:25
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seb128Mithrandir: but didn't merge anything, just apt-get source xkeyboard-config, copied debian dir to new source and debuild dpkg-i03:25
Mithrandirseb128: 'k, if you'd like to drop the packages somewhere I can get at them, I'd appreciate.03:25
Mithrandirhmm, ok.  There's a bunch in the .diff.gz, unsure how much we need, though03:25
seb128daniels said that's mainly 0.7 stuff he backported I think03:26
seb128before 5.1003:26
seb128I can ping him about it if you want03:26
seb128diff seems quite short03:27
MithrandirI'll ping him and see if there's anything we should be careful about.03:28
Mithrandirit seems to include an awful lot of generated files in the source03:28
KeybukMithrandir: basically I've had three or four reports that a LiveCD has wireless-* options in /etc/network/interfaces03:28
Keybuk(which prevents n-m from workign)03:29
seb128Mithrandir: 03:29
seb128mar 15 23:18:24 <seb128>        do you know if that's a risky update?03:29
seb128mar 15 23:18:38 <seb128>        or if 0.8 should be as good or better than 0.6?03:29
seb128mar 15 23:19:34 <daniels>       0.8 should be fine, the last really intrusive thing they did was all the fixes that went into 0.7 that I pulled back into 0.603:29
seb128Mithrandir: that's from yesterday03:29
Mithrandirseb128: ok, so we're really at 0.7, not 0.6.03:29
MithrandirKeybuk: given that what casper does is:03:30
Mithrandirfor interface in /sys/class/net/eth* /sys/class/net/ath*; do [ -e $interface ]  || continue i="$(basename $interface)" cat >> "$IFFILE" <<EOF03:30
Mithrandirauto $i03:30
Mithrandiriface $i inet dhcp03:30
Mithrandirthat's quite impressive.03:30
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Keybukso casper doesn't run anything that does wifi network detection?03:31
Keybukthat was basically my question -- I know the installer *does*03:31
Mithrandirno, it doesn't.03:31
seb128Keybuk: maybe people use the network-admin tool03:31
MithrandirI suspect those people have used a tool themselves or are reports from breezy.03:31
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Keybukdefinitely Flight 503:31
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Kyralhey bddebian03:32
MithrandirKeybuk: very weird.03:32
=== Kyral waves as he goes to eat breakfast
bddebianHi Kyral03:32
jdubKeybuk: do we need to put in a setting in network-admin for autoconfigure?03:33
jdubie. bugger off all settings?03:33
seb128jdub: network-manager you mean?03:33
jdubdoesn't make sense in the case where they're not using n-m though :(03:33
bddebianinfinity: Adding cpqarray to /etc/mkinitramfs/modules and doing update-initramfs -u worked.03:33
Keybukjdub: "enabled and dhcp" is sufficient for auto03:34
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jdubseb128: no, n-a, so /e/n/i settings can be removed03:34
bddebianThanks again ogra and Keybuk03:34
jdubKeybuk: ah, ok03:34
Keybukit's when they add other settings like "use only this essid" that n-m buggers off03:34
jdubso, perhaps that would work then03:34
jdubon the device page, put autoconfigure03:34
infinitybddebian: Great, can you formally file a bug so I don't forget?  (It's 1:30am here)03:34
jdub(which would just autoconfigure really dumbly without n-m)03:34
bddebianinfinity: I'd be happy to but what is the "bug"?  Just adding cpqarray to initramfs?03:35
KamionKeybuk: how hard would it be to grow an option in nm-applet to let you say "no, really, manage this interface already"03:35
Keybukjdub: "Enable this connection", "Configuration: DHCP"03:35
KeybukKamion: VERY.  With extra figlet.03:35
Keybuknm-applet communicates to NetworkManager via dbus03:35
Keybukit would involve a huge amount of pain03:35
infinitybddebian: Yeah, "my hardware need cpqarray to boot, and you don't include it, you big jerk"03:35
bddebianHehe, OK03:35
Keybukand stuff *way* outside of my knowledge sphere atm03:35
jdubKamion: see, i'm basically asking the same question, but the other way around :)03:36
Kamionbut dbus is such a good idea and should be used for absolutely everything :P03:36
=== Kamion stops channeling Robot101
Keybukdbus, like the rest of the GNOME and fd.o stuff is *so* well documented03:36
KeybukOH YES03:36
bddebianinfinity: Are main bugs in LaunchPad now?03:36
Keybukone day I'm going to get a very large hammer and explain to everyone that a file collating the comments above functions is *not* documentation03:36
dholbachbddebian: yes03:36
bddebianHeya Daniel03:36
infinitybddebian: Have been for ages now.03:37
=== Kamion spots somebody who doesn't read ubuntu-devel-announce
bddebianWell I have been out of the loop for several months :(03:37
Keybukall I've found for dbus so far is a twisty maze of API documentation, with no hints about where to start, or even what the general purpose of any given set of functions is for03:38
Keybukand a tutorial/primer that's so out of date, *none* of the functions mentioned exist in the API anymore03:38
jdubKeybuk: talk to Robot101 - i think he had some better stuff03:38
bddebianinfinity: Sorry, one last stupid question.  File it against initramfs?03:40
infinitybddebian: initramfs-tools03:41
bddebianOK, thx03:41
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seb128Mithrandir: what did you hack on for gdm?03:42
Mithrandirseb128: the "focus the right window when starting up" bug I told you about.03:42
Mithrandirseb128: only affects xinerama setups.03:43
seb128right, I remember this one, you got a patch?03:43
Ubugtumalone bug 28712 in gdm "gdm loses focus when mouse pointer is outside window (when initially started)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  03:43
Mithrandiryeah, there's a patch inline03:43
seb128ah, nice03:43
seb128I'm lagging behind on bugs mails atm03:43
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MithrandirI also hacked a bit on libpam-tmpdir/gdm interaction since gdm installs a SIGCHLD handler which, well, is unfortunate when you run stuff and want to catch the exit status.03:45
tsengpitti: i just made a patch for your beagle uri bug03:50
pittitseng: cool03:50
pittitseng: adding an autostart .desktop is certainly trivial as well?03:50
tsengpitti: yep03:50
=== pitti hungs tseng, thanks
=== tseng hugs pitti
xhakerKeybuk: do you happen to know if n-m allows one to specify the key index of WEP ?03:51
KeybukI would expect so03:51
KeybukI know about -> <- this much about WEP03:51
Keybukwhich is slightly more than I know about WPA :p03:52
TreenaksWEP has 4 key 'slots'. n-m doesn't allow you to specify any key but the primary one.03:52
xhakerTreenaks: my point :S03:53
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Treenaksxhaker: But those other keys aren't necessary in 99% of cases03:53
Treenaksxhaker: ime03:53
xhakeri don't think they did that in the GNOME spirit, they're on crack03:53
Treenaks(because you can just choose one of the 4 keys set in the AP to communicate with it)03:53
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Treenaksxhaker: no, it's just because not many people use it -- so it isn't high-priority for them to add it... I gues they'll gladly accept a patch.03:54
xhakeryou setup in the AP what key is used to associate with it.. if it's the second you have to specify the  second key an te index 203:54
xhakerin the app of course03:55
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Treenaksxhaker: you do? I could always select any of the 4 keys in the primary slot and it'd just work03:56
Treenaks(and yes, all slots had a different key)03:56
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xhakeri'm having trouble implementing this feature on gtkwifi, UI wise.. asking for the key index in a dialog is wierd03:56
Treenaksxhaker: So I think the original meaning of those key slots has been lost in the void03:56
Treenaksxhaker: dropdown03:56
xhakerin front of the key text entry ?03:57
Treenaksxhaker: no, separate line, with a label 'Primary key03:57
xhakeri was thinking hiding it below with a ">"03:57
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Treenakscould do that too03:58
Treenakstogether with the _other_ 3 key entries03:58
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xhakerohh.. you gave me an idea03:59
xhakerhave 4 key entry slots and 3 of the hidden03:59
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xhakeri just don't now what users would prefer04:00
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Treenaksxhaker: 1 key entry slot, 3 hidden04:01
xhakerTreenaks: i have to code a mechanism that disables all entry slots when one has a key written04:02
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xhakerso i can send to the ap the right key index04:02
TreenaksI still can't figure out what key index is for04:03
xhakerTreenaks: i don't also really, it's like a second secret besides the key! :S04:03
=== Robot101 fwaps Kamion
Treenaksxhaker: You can also enter 4 keys... that makes it even weirder04:04
xhakerto associate you have to send the pair.. key-index & actual-key04:04
Treenaksxhaker: I'd ask the network-manager mailing list about this if I were you04:05
Treenaksxhaker: they must have some wifi gurus hanging around there too :)04:05
bddebianinfinity: Bug submitted, thx04:05
jdubpitti: which files are the separated .desktop translations in?04:07
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pittijdub: the normal application .mo files04:07
pittijdub: that's where the .desktop translations come from in the first place04:08
pittijdub: (source package build calls intltool-merge for 'untranslated .desktop + .po -> translated .desktop'04:08
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jdubpitti: so loading the menus means opening every application .mo file?04:10
pittijdub: right, that's what we were concerned about when specing this04:10
pittijdub: but when I did the benchmarks with our implementation, it was negigible04:11
jdubpitti: have you hit xdg with this idea?04:11
pittijdub: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LangpacksDesktopfiles has the benchmark04:11
pittijdub: they know the idea, but I didn't show them our benchmark and implementation yet; I planned to, but I can do that closer to the release04:11
jdubpitti: ok04:12
jdubpitti: great04:12
pittiwhen I have more time for discussion and less opportunities to fix bugs :)04:12
jdubpitti: i'm just showing it to some gnome folks now04:12
janimoLathiat: ping04:15
Keybukpitti: is there any reason that dhclient would decide not to deal with an interface?04:16
Keybukdoes it do anything like check for link?04:16
pittiKeybuk: I can't say off-hand, but I doubt it04:16
pittiKeybuk: you allude to the bug that n-m sometimes doesn't get an IP with DHCP and uses a zeroconf one instead?04:17
pittiKeybuk: if I have my card in /e/n/interfaces, I never have problems with dhcp, just with n-m04:17
Keybukthe fact that "ifup -a" on boot runs dhclient on the wifi card, when there's no associated AP04:18
Keybukinstead of the one in the background running04:18
pittihm, no idea04:18
Keybukno, me neither04:18
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pittibut it should pick up an already running dhclient for an interface04:19
Keybukit's annoyingly hard to debug04:19
pittiif not, that's a bug04:19
Keybukthe problem is that there's no dhclient running for that interface04:19
Keybukit exits, rather than persisting04:19
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Keybukand because if exists, ifup registers the interface as "down"04:20
Keybuks/if exists/it exits/  (damn, can't type)04:20
Keybukand because the interface is down, "ifup -a" tries to bring it up again, in the foreground04:21
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xhakerTreenaks: http://forums.macosxhints.com/archive/index.php/t-1555604:21
xhakerTreenaks: i guess apple and gnome are trying to make people forget the other 3 keys04:23
seb128ogra: what do you call "make preferences .desktop file an alternative" ?04:23
seb128ogra: as in "update-alternative"?04:23
Treenaksxhaker: because nobody uses them04:23
Treenaksxhaker: (almost)04:23
xhakerit's part of the standard though :/04:23
ograseb128, yep04:23
seb128ogra: arg, DON'T04:23
ograseb128, why ? 04:23
seb128back this off04:23
ograits the only possibility04:24
seb128because that's abusing of alternatives04:24
ograthats the reason for alternatives 04:24
seb128(and I hate alternatives, that's bug prone)04:24
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seb128ogra: no, that's not, the reason of alternatives is to make a default program on a generic name04:25
seb128not to mask a menu item from GNOME menu04:25
seb128that's so ugly and not needed04:25
ograseb128, then implement the masking upstream and others define, i'd happily use .merge files if we'd support them04:25
seb128if you don't revert it I'll04:25
jdubseb128: ogra is using alternatives for everything now :-)04:26
ograjdub, where its necessary, yes04:26
seb128it's so not necessary here04:26
jdubnor for distributor-logo ;-)04:26
seb128we don't use one for distributor-logo, do we?04:26
ograseb128, so tell me whats the solution please04:26
ograseb128, nope04:26
jdubseb128: no, but ogra wanted to ;-)04:26
seb128ogra: I gave you one this morning which is good enough imho04:27
=== jdub hugs ogra
ograseb128, no, it isnt04:27
seb128if people want xscreensaver under GNOME they can use the menu editor04:27
seb128ogra: I've firefox and epiphany to my menu, should I make those an alternative?04:27
ograseb128, completely disabling xscreensaver doesnt make sense if i can solve it 04:27
seb128alternatives for every .desktop party04:27
ograseb128, if they would produce 100% identical menu entries, i'd opt for an alternative for ff and ephi, yes04:28
seb128change the icon for one of those then04:28
ograso the installed and preferred one is in the menu04:28
seb128if that's your only issue04:28
ogranomeata, it isnt04:28
jdubnice problem04:29
ogranomeata, it isnt04:29
ograARGH !!!04:29
=== jdub thinks
xhakerseb128: i do think the browser should not be made an alternative.. but the first panel button should point to the default gnome browser set in preferences04:29
jdubhrm, can't use TryExec testing04:29
seb128xhaker: already discussed04:29
xhakerseb128: it was?04:29
xhakerseb128: any logs?04:29
jdubogra: i like this problem04:29
seb128xhaker: yep, ubuntu-desktop list04:29
ograjdub, i can exec both if both is installed, i doubt that would solve it04:29
seb128mask xscreensaver by default04:30
jdubogra: no, that's why i said "can't use TryExec testing" :)04:30
ograjdub, there is a solution in xdg we dont have impelmented04:30
seb128and let people unmask it :)04:30
jdubseb128: you are a fascist!04:30
seb128jdub: and you like that :p04:30
seb128no? :)04:30
jdubseb128: hater of cute things and freedom!04:30
sladenseb128: even better, you could mask *both* of them.  Then the user wouldn't get confused at all...04:30
xhakerespecially cute things04:31
jdubseb128: lover of fish smelling things!04:31
ograjdub, xdg apparently can use .merge files it merges in the directory files dynamically, there you can include <Include>/<Exclude> directives for entries, redhat uses that for xscreensaver04:31
seb128sladen: go troll somewhere else04:31
seb128jdub: hum04:32
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jdubogra: and, interestingly enough, one user on the system might use xscreensaver, another might use gnome-screensaver04:33
ograsladen, right, since you cant configure the hacks anyway, we could hide the whole configuration ;)04:33
ograjdub, hmm, right ... thats where the alternative fails ...04:34
ograi'm pretty sure the xdg variant would at least work with the menu editor ...04:34
jdubogra: .desktop attribute for "is blah running?" ;-) ;-)04:34
seb128having an alternatives for that is not a good idea anyway04:34
ograglobally it is ...04:34
ograbut jdub is right, individually it breaks04:35
jdubogra: it really isn't what alternatives are meant to be used for though04:35
ograalternatives are used if i have the same file in two packages and want one to be the default, no ?04:35
ogra(and want to avoid conflicts)04:36
Treenaksogra: diversions too04:36
janimoogra, why is x-s-s a problem for gnome, is it part of ubuntu-desktop?04:36
Treenaksjanimo: you don't want both g-s-s and x-s-s running04:37
xhakerjdub: you're worse than ogra https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2005-December/000031.html04:37
janimoTreenaks: I know but since it's not in the default install why care?04:38
janimoor why is k-s-s not in the mix as well?04:38
janimoassuming kde has it's own ss04:38
ograbecause users want to be able to switch back easily to xscreensaver ...04:39
ograk-s-s isnt involved here04:39
janimoogra, so g-s-s is not ready?04:39
Treenaksbecause KDE doesn't like freedesktop standards?04:39
ograjanimo, huh ? 04:39
dholbachjanimo: "linux isn't ready"04:39
janimoogra: why would people consider switching back to x-s-s?04:40
ograjanimo, because some want 1000% configurability of everything 04:40
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ograg-s-s doesnt (and brobably will never) offer this04:40
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #Ubuntu-devel
janimothose are l33t users they will know hwo to figure ot that g-s-s and x-s- do not mix well04:41
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ograjanimo, they arent04:41
Treenaksjanimo: it should Just Work04:41
pittiwell, the most important config options would be enough already...04:41
janimoif they arent why do they want ocnfigurabilty 04:41
janimobeyind normal04:41
ogral33t users edit /usr/share/gnome-screensaver/themes/*.desktop04:41
sladenogra: could you use the same detection code as for the 'xscreensaver-command' wrapper and use that load the appropriate configuration dialogue.  (eg. Hide both of xscreensaver and gnome-screensaver and then have a pain  Configure Screensaver  wrapper)04:41
jdubogra: (i think g-s-s may do per-hack config at some stage)04:41
janimocan't both be patched to watch for some lock in var/lock and do not start if others running or similar?04:42
ograsladen, one is a menu entry and should be properly handled by gnome-menu or xdg, the other is a binary wrapper ...04:42
xhakerjanimo: they might be running side y side04:42
ograjanimo, you dont understand the prob04:42
janimoogra: apparenly not :)04:42
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ograits only about .desktop entries04:43
janimogot it04:43
ograhas nothing to do with what starts or not04:43
ograsladen, i'd prefer an alternative to a wrapper in your example ...04:44
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ograjdub, not before dapper+1 ... and i'm not allowed to add the preview button patch util upstream adds it as well ...04:45
ograso these features will be missing for dapper04:45
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jdubogra: no, i mean, i think upstream will end up doing g-s-s per-hack config04:47
ograjdub, they dont seem fond of it yet ...04:47
jdubno, but they will :)04:47
ogra(and its *very* tricky if you work across xscreensaver/gnome-screensaver, i have half a patch ready here)04:48
seb128jdub: you will use your clue bat for that? :)04:49
ograseb128, so will you fix xdg or can i keep my alternative ? 04:49
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seb128ogra: you will get your alternative out04:50
jdubha ha04:50
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ograseb128, and proper xdg handling in ? 04:50
seb128ogra: what do you call proper xdg handling?04:50
seb128we have proper xdg handling04:50
CarlFKI am trying to compose a bug report and stuck on a silly word problem: what do you call the text "About" in regards to an apps Help About menu choice?04:50
seb128and I've just checked, FC5 has no gnome-menus patch04:50
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ograseb128, being able to use the defined features from the xdg spec04:50
CarlFKLabel, prompt, menu text...?04:51
seb128CarlFK: what is the bug about? seems duplicatish04:51
jdubCarlFK: string04:51
CarlFKseb128: "there should be consistancy between menu string and dialog titles."04:52
CarlFKdon't like string...04:52
seb128CarlFK: for what app?04:52
ograseb128, from redhats gnome-screensaver.spec: install -D -m644 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xdg/menus/preferences-post-merged/gnome-screensaver-hide-xscreensaver.menu04:52
Ubugtumalone bug 34361 in synaptic "repo win titled "software preferences"" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  04:52
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ograseb128, and gnome-screensaver-hide-xscreensaver.menu contains the proper  <Exclude> directive04:53
seb128ogra: that doesn't seems a change for "proper xdg handling"04:54
seb128where is the patch or feature they have and we don't have?04:54
ogra /etc/xdg/menus/preferences-merged/ is defined for us, but ignored if i put a .menu file into it04:55
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desrttypo on the ubuntu website: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate/ "...you should contribute to the Art team who on icons, themes."04:57
ograseb128, for our preferences.menu file:   <!-- Read in overrides and child menus from preferences-merged/ -->05:00
ogra  <DefaultMergeDirs/>05:00
ograpreferences-merged is ignored05:00
RiddellTreenaks: that's nonsense and quite insulting05:01
TreenaksRiddell: That's what I understood from reading comments on freedesktop.org mailing lists, sorry.05:02
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TreenaksRiddell: so 'This is my opinion'05:02
ograTreenaks, wrt screensavers, there is simply no f.d.o standard yet that rules screensaver handling, configuring etc ...05:02
Treenaksogra: I thought this was re: autostart05:03
ograso you could say gnome doesnt respect f.d.o as well ... if it come to screensavers05:03
ograits only about the menu entries05:03
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RiddellTreenaks: you are talking rubbish, kde had autostart long before gnome, we created the spec (not a standard), but have not implemented the final spec since we have not had a release 05:07
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seb128ogra: seems that moving the  <DefaultMergeDirs/> just before the "  <!-- Menu items to exclude from the toplevel -->05:11
seb128  <Exclude>05:11
seb128    <Filename>gnomecc.desktop</Filename>"05:11
seb128ogra: does the job05:11
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seb128ogra: from /etc/xdg/menus/preferences.menu05:12
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ograseb128, ah, cool, will test that ...#05:15
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sivangsladen: http://muse.19inch.net/~sivan/upbackup/05:25
sivangsladen: let me know if this is okay, you can also fetch it from your account I suppose :)05:26
mdzseb128: do you know what is causing that problem where logging out stalls?05:29
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seb128mdz: no, but I had it 2 times yesterday, it's on my list to stuff to investigate ...05:29
mdzseb128: I've seen it on my laptop as well; seemed to happen after an upgrade and then not the next time05:30
seb128I'm inclined to blame gnome-panel or libbonobo05:30
mdzseb128: I saw it on Jane's machine yesterday as well05:33
mdzseb128: and then just now a different weird problem05:33
mdzshe logged out, logged back in, and got the "panel already running" dialog, then no panel05:33
seb128mdz: "weird", beeing "panel already running" we discuss on the other chan?05:33
mdzseb128: yes05:33
mdzwhich channel?05:34
seb128oh, you are not here05:34
mdzright, my xchat doesn't autojoin me05:34
seb128<seb128> jbailey: sometime gnome-panel doesn't exit with the session05:34
seb128<seb128> so when you log again you get 2 of those05:34
seb128<seb128> and they are not friends05:34
mdzright, exactly05:35
mdzher old gnome-panel process (and a bunch of other stuff, bonobo, esd, etc.) was still running from the previous login05:35
seb128I had a quick discussion with vuntz about it yesterday05:36
seb128I'll probably work on it tomorrow or monday05:37
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KeybukDear X-Chat.  Please stop SEGVing.  kthxbye05:39
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mdzseb128: thanks05:41
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mkdedapper is to be referred to as 6.06 right?05:43
mkdethat's a change from previous conventions, isn't it?05:43
mkderight, thanks05:44
ogradont ask me, i didnt make the change :)05:44
ograbut Keybuk has arguments for it iirc :)05:44
mkdenp, I'll tell the documentation team05:44
ograand sabdfl wanted it as well ...05:44
mkdeis it decided?05:45
ograKeybuk, ?? ^^ was there consensus abou tthe new versioning scheme 05:46
=== ogra isnt sure anymore ... so many changes the last days
Keybukwe haven't discussed that05:46
Keybukask mdz or sabdfl :)05:46
ograit was mentioned several times during all three meetings iirc05:47
mkdehow about you guys decide, and let the docteam know?05:47
sladenKeybuk: I thought the most famous program you're known for writing is an IRC boucer---can't you stick that between XChat the teh intraweb?05:47
ogramdke, pfft that would be to easy :P05:47
=== ogra is out for a moment ... bbl
mkdeis the naming convention to be changed on the website restrospectively? like 5-04, 5-10?05:47
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Keybuksladen: I wouldn't say it's the most famous05:48
sladenKeybuk: most-widely-installed-by-script-kiddies05:49
KeybukI don't like IRC bouncers though <g>05:51
natroll-what's IRC bouncer?05:52
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seb128mdz: seems that your ogg stations don't work05:52
seb128mdz: http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/house.ogg by example05:52
natroll-i assume something nasty05:52
mdzseb128: was working for me when I sent it; I tested first05:54
Kamionmkde: I doubt that05:54
seb128mdz: it stopped working so :)05:54
seb128mdz: http://radio.hbr1.com:19800/house.ogg works fine, http://ubuntu.hbr1.com:19800/house.ogg doesn't05:54
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mdzseb128: I will mail them05:54
seb128mdz: ok, should I use radio.hbr1.com for now?05:55
seb128or delay that change time they fix it?05:55
seb128or push it now assuming they will fix it quickly? :)05:55
Kamiondoko: why the extra grub upload? I had already demoted ia32-libs-dev to an alternative build-dep that wouldn't be used05:55
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dokoKamion: looking ...05:57
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dokohmm, you are right, not necessary05:59
mdzseb128: whatever is easiest for you05:59
mdzseb128: just don't forget to change it before release if you use radio ;-)05:59
seb128mdz: I've already done the patch, so I'll list them, if they don't fix them I'll drop before dapper05:59
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seb128s/drop/drop it06:00
mdzseb128: the URLs they gave me were .m3u and .pls06:01
mdzseb128: but we need the actual stream URLs, right?06:01
seb128those .mm3u have radio.hbr1.com06:02
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mdzseb128: right06:05
mdzI've just mailed them06:05
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fabbioneKamion: ping?06:08
mdzfabbione: there is a strange comment at the top of /etc/init.d/rc.local06:09
fabbionemdz: uh such as?06:09
Kamionfabbione: hi06:09
fabbionemdz: i did copy it almost pristine from another script06:10
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fabbioneKamion: i was just reading the -meeting report.. i am sorry we misunderstood eachother.. 06:10
fabbioneKamion: should we look at it again?06:10
Kamionfabbione: no worries - to clarify, you expect me to upload that, right?06:10
Kamionwhich is fine by me06:10
fabbioneKamion: my understanding was that i did give you the core functionality and it is working06:10
fabbioneKamion: and that you were going to cleanup the strings before upload06:11
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/pa.diff is the current diff, right?06:11
fabbioneKamion: there is only line from that patch you need to change06:11
fabbioneKamion: yes06:11
Kamionwhat do I need to change? just the changelog?06:11
fabbioneKamion: the changelog and one debugging line06:11
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fabbionejust one sec.. i am searching the line06:12
KamionI had a look, couldn't see it06:13
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fabbioneit's the one that forces to show always the disk selector06:13
fabbionewe want to see the disk selector only if there is more than a disk06:13
mdzfabbione: yes, but the information in the comment doesn't apply to the script06:15
fabbionemdz: ok, that's easy to remove06:15
fabbioneKamion: gimme 2 minutes and i will fix it for you. i can't find it either.. i might have lost it somewhere by mistake06:15
Kamion+# if preseeded we don't ask_for_disk.06:16
Kamion+if [ -z "$dev" ] ; then06:16
Kamion+    STATE=106:16
Kamion+    STATE=206:16
Kamionthat logic seems the wrong way round, so maybe if I change that -z to -n then it'll be fine?06:16
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fabbioneKamion: no the logic is fine...06:21
fabbionenew patch is up06:21
fabbioneyou set the STATE=1 if device is empty and so you ask for it06:22
fabbionethe new patch will ask for the device only if there is more than one06:22
Kamionoh, yeah, misread06:22
fabbionehold on.. i am tired..06:22
Pygi_ion: ping06:23
fabbioneKamion: ok.. this patch should be good06:27
fabbione+# if there is only one device and we are not preseeded06:27
fabbione+# we autoselect the device, skip the question06:27
fabbione+# and jump to the next.06:27
fabbione+if [ $count -le 1 ]  && [ -z "$dev" ] ; then06:27
fabbione+  STATE=206:27
fabbione+  dev="$devs"06:27
fabbionethat's the diff basically from the one you had06:27
Kamionlooks reasonable06:29
KamionI'm finishing up for the night soon, but I'll look at it tomorrow morning06:29
Kamionthanks again06:29
fabbioneKamion: sorry again for the misunderstanding..06:29
fabbionei didn't mean to block you at all :/06:29
fabbionemdz: i am fixing the comment in a few minutes.. i need to rsync the local mirror first06:30
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KyralIs there a meeting going on?06:35
xhakerKyral: no?06:35
=== Kyral shrugs
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ograseb128, right, that fixes it, do you want to add the dir and change of preferences.menu to gnome-menus or are you ok with me doing it (i'd like to get rid of the bug)06:49
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seb128ogra: I would like to understand why we need to do that and not fedora06:53
=== ogra looks at the fedora files
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seb128_<ogra> hmm06:57
seb128_<seb128> ogra: I would like to not change the conffile if not required too06:57
seb128_--- Disconnected ().06:57
=== ogra looks at the fedora files
ograwas below the hmm :)06:58
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ografedora has no direct call of an Exclude directive in the preferences.menu file itself ...07:00
ograwe supress gnomecc in there ...07:00
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seb128_ogra: should not make a difference07:09
ograit doesnt, just tested07:09
seb128_and the gnome-cc is upstream stuff07:10
seb128_no distro patch07:10
ograthe only distro patch touching the file is 01_preferences-legacydir.diff07:11
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ograremoving that makes no difference either ...07:13
joelbryanthe irony of today's gnome image viewers... in gthumb's about dialog says "An image viewer and browser for GNOME.", but has cataloging capabilities, in eog's about dialog says "The GNOME image viewing and cataloguing program.", but can't do any cataloging stuff. sometimes I think eog should be removed..07:17
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joelbryanwhat's the big difference between eog and gthumb?07:23
joelbryangthumb can do what eog does07:24
Burgworkeog is a basic viewer, nothing more07:25
Burgworkand removing it would be bad, trust me07:25
Burgworkmy FC4 box at work doesn't have eog and it sucks07:27
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joelbryanspeed is a plus factor for eog.07:28
joelbryanand the next and back button, before I hate eog, but with the new button, I'm kinda liking it.07:28
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joelbryangthumb is comparible to microsoft office picture viewer, while eog is like windows picture viewer for fax and image07:30
kentFinns det ngon skiva med fri programvara fr windows? 07:32
kenthelst p svenska..07:32
joelbryani'm just posting my past thoughts.. :-) it's what I posted before in fedora mailing lists. just think the irony of their about descriptions.07:32
Treenakskent: Please use 07:32
Treenakskent: English07:33
kentsorry, wrong channel. :(07:33
joelbryanI'm made a simple interface handling irc:// links for gaim, do you think it'll get approved, it's very simple app, just dialog with text inputs and a button, and currently I'm trying to put a checkbox for the app not to run gaim automatically.07:35
Treenaksno, we're past feature freeze07:36
joelbryansomeone just told me that gaim doesn't handle irc:// links, so I made this app.07:36
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Pygijoel: perhaps for dapper+1 ;)07:37
joelbryanI'm trying to help rhythmbox to write to ipod.07:37
Pygijoel: xchat-gnome handles irc...isn't that enought, at least for now? ^^07:38
BurgworkPygi, not part of the default desktop anymore07:38
PygiBurgwork: o, really? since when? :-/07:39
cassidyand it's a shame ! :p07:39
Pygicassidy: agreed07:39
joelbryanPygi: isn't it xchat-gnome will not be included in dapper, oh well, just wishful.07:39
Pygiand what is gonna replace xchat-gnome? don't tell me Gaim IRC capabilities ???07:40
joelbryandapper rocks!, it's now my no.1 favorite opensource software, no.2 is drupal.07:40
joelbryandrupal 4.7 also rocks!07:40
cassidyPygi: it seems. It sucks, i know :\07:40
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Pygicassidy: O joy, whatever :-/07:41
Pygicassidy: with what update does it come? so I don't do the upgrade ^^07:41
cassidyPygi: if you have x-g installed, it will not be removed07:41
cassidyubuntu-desktop just doesn't depend on it anymore07:42
cassidyso it's not installed by default07:42
Pygicassidy: joy ... :-/07:42
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joelbryanwhen I first tried gaim's irc for the first time, I liked it alot than xchat-gnome, that's why I think xchat-gnome is a duplicate.07:44
Burgworkgaim doing irc has nothing to do with removing x-g from the desktop07:46
joelbryanis a "Show All" button in logout dialog a feature? coz I also made some modifications with the logout dialog to display less icons.07:46
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joelbryanthen why not install epiphany since it also handles http://07:47
Burgworkumm, it is duplicative of firefox?07:48
joelbryanyeah, same with x-c and gaim07:48
Pygijoelbryan: for that cause, why not Flock ? ^^07:50
joelbryanwhat's flock?07:51
=== Pygi wants no religious wars :-)
joelbryanme too07:51
Pygijoelbryan: google ;)07:51
joelbryananyone using meld, it's awesome.07:51
joelbryanawesome, does flock uses gtkhtml extensively instead of mozengine?07:53
Burgworkjoelbryan, Pygi this is wandering into offtopic, please keep it focused here07:54
PygiBurgwork: yup, sorry07:54
joelbryanme too, sorry07:55
LaserJockSeveas: ping?07:55
mdzseb128: already a 2.14.1 of gedit?08:00
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dholbachmdz: we had some other "quick fixes" already :)08:07
dholbachmdz: for the rough edges :)08:07
joelbryanI tried editing metacity schema using gedit and my pc just hangs, should there be a way for the desktop to be honest, they are running out of memory?08:07
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joelbryanI think there should be a way to say "honestly I would like to tell you that you are running out of memory and I won't continue loading this application, so I'll just save the changes you have made.and exit the program", this somehow fixes alot of things. (e.g. inkscape memory hog)08:10
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mario__ion: ping08:18
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PygiLutany: ?08:19
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sharmsshouldn't deskbar automatically install beagle (without it it seems rather useless?)08:25
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Burgworksharms, far from it08:27
sharmson default dapper install deskbar is available, but does nothing in default installed condition08:27
sharmsit will, despite it telling you it does, not index your home directory etc08:28
sharmsthat seems like a bug to me08:28
Pygisharms: mono is NOT YET in main08:28
Pygiand beagle is not stable enough08:29
BurgworkPygi, umm, yes it is08:29
sharmsso maybe deskbar shouldn't be in the default install until it is primetime?08:29
PygiBurgwork: buh, I am lost lately :-/ too much "not sleeping"08:29
sharmsbecause if the dapper pause is 6 weeks to polish, this is definately a polish issue08:29
sharmsa component not working and doing what it says it does is a polish issue08:29
Pygisharms: well, at least, beagle is not stable and tested enough08:29
Burgworksharms, there are two issues here08:30
=== Pygi should take more sleep
sharmsso maybe deskbar should not be included with dapper08:30
Burgworkone: everything is turned off by default in dapper08:30
Burgworktwo: beagle not installed by default08:30
Burgworkthe first can be fixed without the second08:30
Burgworkplease file a bug on the first08:30
sharmsthats what I was going to do08:30
sharmsI just figured I would run it by you guys08:30
sharmsand making sure I am not blind08:30
MrFaberAnyone experiences problems with cpu scaling in dapper?08:30
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sladenMrFaber: if _you_ have problems with power-scaling, could you file a bug please :)09:15
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SeveasLaserJock, ?09:24
LaserJockSeveas: do happen to know anything about the @ubuntu.com email addresses?09:25
jpatrickyou missed a word there09:25
SeveasLaserJock, if you're a member you get one that forwards to your prefered address in LP09:25
LaserJockSeveas: I changed my preffered email address but it still is forwarding to the other address09:26
LaserJockSeveas: I even took the old address off LP and it is still forwarding09:26
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Seveasfor that to change you may need to poke $someone09:27
LaserJockSeveas: and do you know who $someone might be? :-)09:28
Seveasiirc elmo09:28
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Pygi_ion: are you alive actually? ;)09:30
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trappistwhere should I complain about mailman, or something else on lists.ubuntu.com, breaking gpg signatures on some emails?09:31
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bddebianIs there a wiki on creating a mirror?09:38
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Burgworkjdub, why has there been no official statement about the dapper delay yet?09:58
SeveasBurgwork, both CC and TB have to approve all official statements09:59
Seveas(about this)09:59
BurgworkSeveas, the decision has been made though, no?09:59
Seveasif so, it will be announced10:00
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bddebianShould debmirror work for us?10:00
HiddenPuppySeveas: Burgwork, there is a draft delay announcement on the wiki10:02
HiddenPuppyby sabdfl10:02
mdkeit's running late, Burgwork is right10:02
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FujitsuWell, it's been decided...10:06
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kalphegorhow can i help ubuntu with a wallpaper? maybe default wallpaper for Dapper :) is there any visual/art team?10:21
Burgworkkalphegor, #ubuntu-art I believe (it might be -artwork)10:21
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TMMhi all!10:21
tsenghi Burgwork 10:22
minghuaBurgwork, kalphegor: it seems to be -artwork10:22
Burgworksalut tseng 10:22
TMMcan someone help me out with cdbs and simple-patchsys? I am trying to apply a patch, that just works cleanly when I operate the normal 'patch' command, and, I have looked at  simple-patchsys.mk and I have extracted the line that does the actual patching, and THAT works as well, but it fails from 'fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage'10:22
TMMany ideas? :)10:22
TreenaksTMM: use cdbs-edit-patch :)10:23
tsengyou'll have to be more specific about how it fails10:23
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tsengTreenaks: thats not useful, a plain diff -ruN would be fine if he started at the top of the souce tree10:23
TMMtseng: it fails at all patchlevels with the oh so common 'can't find file to patch at input line 6' which would only make sense either the  $(DEB_SRC) was wrong10:25
tsengTMM: yeah10:25
tsengdid you diff from the top level10:25
tsengor did something weird10:25
TMMtseng: they are suse patches, from a source-rpm10:25
tsengdiff -ruN fooapp-0.2.old fooapp-0.2.new10:25
TMMtseng: that's apparently what they did, because the diff header looks like they did :)10:26
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TMMtseng: wait, they should be done with the -R flag?10:26
TMM--- linux-iscsi-4.0.1.orig/Makefile     2004-02-09 11:42:27.000000000 +010010:26
TMM+++ linux-iscsi-4.0.1/Makefile  2004-05-25 10:45:26.000000000 +020010:26
TMMthat's what the header looks like.... probably not -R then10:26
tsengif i eat my words you could do cdbs-edit-patch 01_patchname.diff10:27
tsengwhich gives you a fake shell10:27
tsengapply the patch with 'patch'10:27
tsengand exit the shell10:27
TMMowww... do I have to? there are 15 of 'em :)10:28
tsengi see.10:28
TMMwhat if I just run a script of the patches to change all the +'s to -'s and vice-verse? :)10:28
TMMwait... that's not going to work10:28
tsengthis is the name of your folder?10:29
TMMbut, that should work fine with -p1 right?10:29
BurgworkKamion, do we need a sign "No feeding the fish?" :)10:29
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_ionpygi: Pong.10:32
_ionJust woke up. :-)10:32
Pygi_ion: K, will talk later then?10:32
TMMwhat would me the chances of getting iscsi support into the -server kernel before dapper releases? slim? extremely small? near-zero? :) it pretty much doesn't touch any files, it just adds a couple10:32
PygiTMM: #ubuntu-server10:32
Pygiand I would guess "zero" :)10:32
_ionpygi: Now's okay.10:33
TMMPygi: you are probably right, I only just noticed today it isn't in there, and, I feel it is a pretty darn nasty omission :)10:33
Pygi_ion: we should patch drivers as well, you know that?10:34
_ionpygi: For WPA support?10:34
Pygi_ion: yup, and 802.1x 10:34
Fujitsu802.1x will be supported?10:34
_ionpygi: Oh.10:35
PygiFujitsu: nothing will be or was ever supported ;)10:35
FujitsuWhy not?10:35
PygiFujitsu: 'Cause if I tell you anything now, I would have to shoot you ;)10:35
FujitsuIs it in the works?10:35
Pygi_ion: and kernel freeze is in a week (I guess so), so we should do that ASAP10:36
KamionBurgwork: we're discussing the announcement now, shouldn't take too long10:36
Pygiif we want it done10:36
PygiFujitsu: read up :)10:36
TMMtseng: do you have any ideas?10:37
TMMtseng: or is re-applying all the patches manually the only way (r)?10:37
tsengnone that i havent thrown out there10:37
_ionpygi: Anyway, (this isn't confirmed yet!) the essential patches from the 0.5.1 package should be ported to 0.6.1 now.10:37
mdkeKamion, is the timetable fixed?10:37
Burgwork_ion, you are a god10:37
_ionpygi: I take it someone has already made the patches for the drivers?10:37
Kamionmdke: yes10:37
FujitsuThat's a yes, I take it... I really need EAP-TLS for NetworkManager to be useful :(10:37
Pygi_ion: yes, we should just apply it.... they are on n-m list...10:38
Kamionsee DapperReleaseSchedule10:38
_ionpygi: Ok.10:38
mdkeKamion, i'm not very happy with the doc freeze, any scope for negotiation?10:38
FujitsuUserInterfaceFreeze is ages away, I notice, which is good.10:38
Pygi_ion: so that should be our priority for now...what do you say10:38
Kamionmdke: talk to the TB about that sooner rather than later10:38
mdkeKamion, I sent a mail early this morning10:38
Kamionmdke: don't need to wait for a meeting, just grab them10:38
_ionpygi: Yep, i agree.10:39
KamionI imagine that there is some scope there10:39
mdkeKamion, have you got any to hand?10:39
mdkemjg59, ?10:39
Kamionmdke: no, sorry10:39
mdkeKamion, :)10:39
Pygi_ion: we should check when exactly kernel freeze is...10:39
Kamionin fact I'm about to go for the evening10:39
PygiKamion: perhaps you know when is dapper kernel freeze?10:39
KamionPygi: DapperReleaseSchedule, I mentioned it just a few lines up10:39
FujitsuMay 18.10:39
PygiKamion: ah, thx10:39
mdkeKamion, have a nice evening, what is left of it :)10:40
Kamionmy wife likes to see me occasionally10:41
mdkebe off with you10:41
Pygi_ion: please take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule, I am unable to find kernel freeze ??10:41
KamionPygi: try the "find" function in your browser10:42
_ionpygi: As fujitsu said, May 18th.10:42
PygiKamion: heh10:42
Pygi_ion: huh, kk10:42
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Pygi_ion: so, are we going to apply patches against all drivers that can be found on n-m list?10:44
Pygi_ion: and it would be really great, if we could pull of the 802.1x as well10:44
=== Fujitsu encourages.
=== Fujitsu will help if necessary.
_ionI'd like to see how big/complex those patches are. I tried to search for "patch" in http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/ but didn't get any results. Do you have an URL?10:46
_ionYeah, it'd be great.10:46
PygiFujitsu: hehe ;)10:46
TMMtseng: reapplying it is then...10:47
_ionSeems like the search function is b0rken at that page.10:47
Pygi_ion: heh :-/10:48
_ionhttp://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-March/msg00134.html "madwifi-ng driver fix"10:49
_ionA quite simple patch.10:49
FujitsuHow is ipw2200?10:49
FujitsuThat's outrageously short!10:49
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Pygi_ion: yup, I know...but there are more patche10:51
Pygipatches* that we need to apply10:51
Pygi_ion: from Seveas: you need the patch from Robert Love (various collected workaround) and a patch from dan williams to make madwifi-ng report wpa capabilitues10:53
Seveas(and you need to convince a lot of people that Ubuntu should switch to madwifi-ng)10:53
Seveas(or port the latter patch to madwifi-old)10:53
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Seveasthe madwifi patch: madwifi.org/ticket/44410:54
Seveasthe other was sent to the list on march 3rd 15:35 UTC10:54
Seveas(not to discourage you, but I am following that list quite closely and would be surprised if you can get it to work reasonably well)10:55
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=== Pygi searches for 2nd patch
Pygi_ion: found second patch perhaps?10:59
Pygi_ion: or is it the one we found earlier on the list?11:00
LathiatJanC: ping11:03
Lathiatjanc: unping11:03
Lathiat(meant to type janimo, offline so tab complete failed me :)11:03
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_ionpygi: Hm, there's some patch in here. http://madwifi.org/attachment/ticket/275/active-scan.patch11:09
_ionLinked from http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-February/msg00112.html11:10
Pygi_ion: that should probably be applied as well to enable 802.1x support11:10
_ionHere's the patch from Robert Love. http://mail.gnome.org/archives/networkmanager-list/2006-February/msg00081.html11:10
Pygi_ion: most patches seem rather simple, so it shouldn't be a problem11:12
Pygidisable-named-and-vpn-managers should be ported rather soon11:12
_ionOh, i ported it.11:13
_ionI sent an email.11:13
dokomjg59: elilo ping11:14
Pygi_ion: o joy, you took my job :-P11:14
Pygi_ion: so we have applied all ubuntu patches now?11:14
_ionIt would be nice to receive confirmation that the ported/recreated patches in the package are indeed okay.11:15
_ionHm, let me see.11:15
_ion(Or, if they aren't, then we can fix them.)11:15
Pygi_ion: yes, but we can't know that until we patch drivers, and test it  out11:16
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_ionHere's the patch situation: 10-dbus-api-fix: already in upstream. 20-linux-wlan-ng: "< pitti> _ion: 20-linux-wlan-ng.patch is my hack, if the others are cleared with Keybuk, then I will port that one". 30-blacklist-devices: not ported. 40-ubuntu-backend: ported, but waiting for confirmation from Keybuk. 50-disable-named-and-vpn-managers: ditto. 60-dispatch-more-events: not ported; looks like easy to port. 65-dispatcher-script-dir: ported. ...11:21
_ion... 70-dont-deactivate-new-devices: ported.11:22
Pygihm, k, so a few more to port11:22
mdkemjg59, when you come back, could you take a look at my mail about the doc freeze for 6.06, and maybe response / poke another TB person on it? Thanks11:22
Pygi_ion: all those are essential I suppose?11:23
_ionpygi: AFAIK 40-ubuntu-backend and 50-disable-named-and-vpn-managers were the *really* *essential* patches, but the others are there for a reason, so they probably should be ported as well.11:26
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Pygi_ion: k, agreed11:26
Pygi_ion: can we get it all done by monday/tuesday perhaps, so we could put it for massive testing/reviewing?11:27
Pygik, great11:28
_ionI'll probably port 60-dispatch-more-events today, it seems very easy.11:28
Pygi_ion: my today is almost over ;)11:29
_ionWell, it's 00:29 here, but i woke up a while ago. :-)11:29
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Pygi_ion: oh, 1 hour difference ;)11:29
_ionI might look at the blacklist stuff as well, if i'm not too tired.11:29
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_ionI have been sick for quite a while, so i don't have very much energy, but i'll see what i can do.11:30
Pygilemme see the blacklist patch11:30
Pygijust rest, I can do some things as well11:30
holycowhey all11:31
holycowis sabayon being actively considered in ubuntu on any level? 11:31
_ion30-blacklist-devices.patch is simple, but it probably depends on some stuff from 40-ubuntu-backend.patch. I.e. in order to get that blacklist stuff working one needs to port it from both of those patches.11:32
kentholycow: its installed on my Dapper-computer. So I assume the answere is yes.  But read the topic about support11:32
Seveassivang, ping11:32
Burgworkholycow, as part of gnome, it is available11:33
Burgworkholycow, it is not designed to be installed on every desktop11:33
holycowkent, indeed and noted, was curious where that project is going as its hard to get a peep out of anyone on that end of things11:33
Pygi_ion: kk11:34
holycowBurgwork, *nod*, we are piloting ubuntu here and wondering if ubuntu is considering it as 'nice to have' or 'integral part' of the desktop experience11:35
Burgworkholycow, sabayon is not the kind of project which attracts a lot of people11:35
Burgworkholycow, I would put it in the middle11:35
holycowcool, good to get an opinion on this :)11:36
Burgworkholycow, I believe there is nobody working full time on sabayon11:36
holycowthats what it seems like *nod*11:36
SeveasBurgwork, would you mind coming to #ubuntu-meeting for a second?11:37
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holycowthanks for the info Burgwork 11:38
Burgworkholycow, np11:38
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Pygi_ion: time to sleep...if you need anything , please mail me,ok?11:43
_ionpygi: Yeah, will do. G'night. :-)11:44
Pyginight to you as well _ion11:44
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