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mgalvinopinions needed...01:58
mgalvini keep getting requests by various users to change the dates on the previous flight reviews to reflect the new dates01:58
mgalvinthese are old docs now so i first thought to leave them alone01:59
mgalvinbut it may be best to change them01:59
mgalvindo you guys think they should changed or be left as is?01:59
crimsunI think it's a good idea to point them to the announcement made by sabdfl01:59
crimsunpersonally, yeah, they should be amended (with the modification clearly noted)02:00
BurgworkI would change them (with it a note)02:00
Burgworkie (Now delayed to June 1st. 2006)02:00
mgalvinok so i will amend them with a note and link to sabdfl's announcement02:02
mgalvinthnx guys02:02
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joelbryanThe Ubuntu Welcome Page is using XHTML Transitional, just wondering if you would plan to make it strict?02:03
joelbryanI'm referring to the one that loads when you start firefox02:04
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theCoreLaserJock: hi03:57
LaserJockhi theCore 03:57
LaserJockhow's it going?03:57
theCorei'm a bit tired... but I'm up for working on the PG03:58
theCoreLaserJock: I heard about a 2 weeks deadline for the PG 04:00
theCoreis it right ?04:00
LaserJockbecause the Dapper schedule got pushed04:01
LaserJocktheCore: that is 2 weeks beyond the old DocStringFreeze04:02
LaserJocktheCore: btw, I set up a status report for each chapter and sect1 at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/status/pg-report.html04:19
MadpilotLaserJock, you did the tweaks to the status tags, right?04:21
LaserJockMadpilot: no, that was Jeff Schering04:25
Madpilotit makes the status pages way, way more useful, anyway.04:25
LaserJockMadpilot: yeah04:25
Madpilotthe comments are a nice touch, too04:25
LaserJockI'm interested in the info tags too he was talking about04:25
LaserJockI just wish I had less "Help Wanted" and more "Finished" ;-)04:27
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LaserJockhi mdke 04:59
robotgeekhey all05:00
LaserJockhi robotgeek 05:00
=== robotgeek checks knetworkmanager instructions
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mdkebhuvan, awesome stuff on the serverguide08:53
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team - general discussion - backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | Website http://doc.ubuntu.com | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: 31 March 2006, 2100UTC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda |
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Madpilot at Mon Mar 20 10:04:17 2006
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blackinghello all07:46
LaserJockhi blacking 07:46
blackingalways the same problem..07:46
blackingthe wiki page of ubuntu explain the procedure how install ubuntu into an usb drive, but only for x86 platform07:47
LaserJockblacking: which wiki page are you talking about?07:48
blackingi need to do this also with Apple..07:48
blackingi am sure that it's possible make the same job with Apple, but i haven't too experience ..07:54
LaserJockblacking: I'm guessing that is the problem. People have to try it to write the wiki page07:55
LaserJockso I guess the key is to make the USB stick bootable for a mac07:58
LaserJockblacking: I'm looking at some article that sugges that it isn't even possible to boot from a USB stick with a mac08:06
robotgeekit should be08:07
LaserJockApple says they don't support it although it *might* work08:07
robotgeekblacking: all you need is to add the usb modules to your kernel, and boot from it08:07
robotgeekblacking: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80811 , but with ppc modifications08:08
LaserJockrobotgeek: geeze, there are 31 pages. where did you find the ppc stuff?08:11
robotgeekLaserJock: there are none, just follow the first post appropriately modifying it08:12
LaserJockrobotgeek: but that is for installing onto a USB drive, right?08:12
robotgeekyes, but those are for x86. ppc has no grub08:13
LaserJockblacking: is interested in putting the .iso on a USB stick to install from08:13
LaserJocknot to08:13
LaserJockI think anyway08:13
robotgeekhmm, it should be possible, macs support usb booting anyways08:14
LaserJockdo they? I'm reading both yes and now08:14
robotgeekCommand-Option-F-F on bootup, i think08:15
LaserJockrobotgeek: do you have to do anything special to have it be bootable?08:15
LaserJockrobotgeek: I'm just looking at http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=10647408:15
robotgeekLaserJock: i think that is for OS X, linux should do fine i think. i a mnot very sure, though08:19
LaserJockI'm also reading some blogs, etc. that say the firewire drive boot but USB don't08:20
LaserJockbecause Firewire is firmware and USB is software08:20
LaserJockbut I also found http://rentzsch.com/tidbits/intelbasedMacBootIncompatibility that says that Intel macs can boot USB ;-)08:20
LaserJockhmm, I have a couple small sticks here. I wonder if I should try booting some *really* small linux distro just to see if it works08:22
LaserJockrobotgeek: grrr, I think I can boot off a USB stick with my Intel mac except it doesn't have a BIOS so no linux distro would work :(08:37
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robotgeekLaserJock: i think you can use CMD + option + F to boot from usb08:53
LaserJockrobotgeek: right, but you have to have EFI support on what you are booting :(08:53
LaserJockfor Intel macs08:53
robotgeekLaserJock: hmm, okay08:53
LaserJockwhich is why I can't install any linux (or Windows I guess, but who would want to do that) at the moment08:54
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blackingsorry laser..09:16
blackingproblem with the internet09:17
=== littlepaul [n=littlepa@p5084C05D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
littlepaullittlepaul> dholbach, What is meant in flight 5 with "Graphical Power Tools" http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/flight5 I see that just gdebi is described. Do you have a hint where I can find more information?09:25
LaserJockwb blacking 09:25
littlepaul<dholbach> littlepaul: you should maybe ask the guys who wrote the page, maybe ask in #ubuntu-doc09:25
littlepaulLaserJock, could you answer my question?09:26
LaserJocklittlepaul: just a sec09:27
LaserJocklittlepaul: what do you want to know specifically? that is a somewhat vague question09:29
littlepaulLaserJock, I read the text about "Graphical Power Tools" and I thought to read  a description about a set of tools but there was just one tool mentioned and I want to ask if there are more details regarding this. I searched the forum, wiki but did not found nothing proper09:31
LaserJocklittlepaul: I think it is a general description, not an actual program. It is just a way of listing some more advanced tools that are graphical.09:32
LaserJockbut I could be wrong. I didn't write that doc09:32
littlepaulLaserJock, thx for answer;  maby I should ask mgalvin 09:33
LaserJocklittlepaul: that would be the best person to ask09:34
littlepaulso ping mgalvin :)09:34
mgalvinlittlepaul: pong09:45
mgalvin= Graphical Power Tools = is an intro section to the actual tools like gdebi...09:47
mgalvinthere are more then just he one tool, but they gotten hidden from the gnome menu just before the flight 5 release09:47
LaserJockmgalvin: but they are installed?09:48
mgalvinyes, i believe so, they are part of gnome09:49
=== mgalvin finds the link
littlepaulI appreciate this, thx09:49
mgalvinsome things are in GNOME 2.14 some are not09:50
mgalvinlittlepaul: np09:50
mgalvinalso, some are available for install in universe09:51
littlepaulmgalvin, thx for this great Info09:51
LaserJockso how are you supposed to use them if they aren't in the Menu?09:51
mgalvinlittlepaul: sure, no prob09:51
mgalvinhehe, thank menus revisited for that...09:52
mgalvinfor example gdebi is available via right click on a .deb09:52
mgalvinthe others may work there way into the menus dapper+109:53
mgalvini would think09:53
mgalvinyou could also just use alacarte and make them show up in the menu09:54
LaserJockyeah, I'm just really having issues with MenusRevisited :/09:55
mgalvinme too, i guess for new users it better but for us it is a bother, meh i just turn back on what i need :)09:56
LaserJockI don't think it does new users and service to hide applications from them09:57
LaserJockI think most users are curious as to what they have on their computer09:57
mgalvinLaserJock: very true09:59
blackinglaser do you think possible install Hoary or Breezy B into an usb drive for ppc filesystem? 10:02
LaserJockblacking: onto a usb drive or from a usb drive?10:02
blackingsorry onto10:02
LaserJockI think so10:03
LaserJockrobotgeek's suggestion of http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80811 looks like it might work10:03
blackingprobably laser, but i ignore the right rules.. 10:04
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