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robitaille | @topic | 09:02 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 22 Mar 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Mar 14:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 23 Mar 18:00 UTC: Bug Squad | 23 Mar 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 28 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 29 Mar 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | ||
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-meeting: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 21 Mar 16:00 UTC: Community Council | 22 Mar 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Mar 14:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 23 Mar 18:00 UTC: Bug Squad | 23 Mar 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 28 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | 29 Mar 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-meeting): set by Seveas at Tue Mar 21 13:02:06 2006 | ||
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Spec | i'll try to be back here in ~30 minutes, i have to go somewhere though. :-/ | 04:30 |
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YukiCuss | Ping. | 04:59 |
Spec | flint: hello | 05:00 |
flint | Spec, good morning from the Frozen North.... | 05:01 |
YukiCuss | flint, Spec, the hot down-under here? | 05:01 |
Seveas | Spec, YukiCuss: good to see you around - there's at least 2 points from the agenda that can be handled | 05:01 |
Seveas | I'm afraid it was too short notice for a few others | 05:01 |
jsgotangco | ahh .au team | 05:01 |
YukiCuss | :) | 05:02 |
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flint | Seveas, based upon the current situation, I would wonder who is here from Media? :^) I am just here to get Nick Wheeler as a MOTU | 05:03 |
Seveas | flint, today no one is appointed MOTU - it's all about membership | 05:03 |
jsgotangco | that's TB | 05:03 |
Seveas | Kamion, elmo, mako - ping | 05:03 |
Seveas | 16:03 UTC here | 05:03 |
=== Florob [n=Florian@xdsl-81-173-174-144.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Spec | flint: membership first | 05:04 |
flint | Seveas, that is not what was said two weeks ago. can you send the agenda url to the screen? | 05:04 |
Seveas | wiki/CommunityCouncilAgenda | 05:04 |
YukiCuss | flint, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda ? | 05:04 |
flint | Seveas, thanks. | 05:04 |
Seveas | flint, you need to be a member before you can become a MOTU - for membership a cheerleading squad from the community is needed | 05:05 |
flint | YukiCuss, thanks even more :^) | 05:05 |
Seveas | for becoming motu you need other motus to vouch for you | 05:05 |
flint | Seveas, I represent the cheerleading squad. I am not interested in being a member of anything. | 05:05 |
Seveas | flint, ok, put on your dress and start dancing around | 05:06 |
flint | I was drafted into being the first DC LOCO | 05:06 |
Spec | flint's my cheerleader? dear lord... | 05:06 |
jsgotangco | what happened? | 05:06 |
flint | Seveas, my dancing is kinda like watching the Hindenburg land at Lakehurst NJ... | 05:06 |
Seveas | flint, that's way better than mine so go for it | 05:07 |
Seveas | anyway - the idle times of the CC members aren't promising... | 05:07 |
=== sabdfl [n=mark@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
jsgotangco | there's one | 05:07 |
Seveas | hi mark! | 05:07 |
sabdfl | hi folks | 05:07 |
YukiCuss | sabdfl! :) | 05:07 |
sabdfl | sorry to be late | 05:07 |
jsgotangco | 2 mor | 05:07 |
jsgotangco | e | 05:07 |
Seveas | you're the first one here for a change | 05:07 |
jsgotangco | sabdfl: actually you're not late | 05:08 |
flint | sabdfl, Hey Mark! | 05:08 |
sabdfl | flint! long time no see | 05:08 |
sabdfl | CC meting due now? | 05:08 |
Seveas | yes | 05:08 |
flint | sabdfl, trying to stay out of trouble... :^) | 05:08 |
sabdfl | meeting, that is | 05:08 |
Seveas | kamion/mako/elmo not in sight | 05:08 |
sabdfl | flint: you and me both | 05:08 |
jsgotangco | we seem to have low attendance today | 05:09 |
sabdfl | ok, have pinged the guys, will sms kamion and elmo too, sec | 05:09 |
elmo | I'm here | 05:09 |
Seveas | hi elmo! | 05:09 |
flint | sabdfl, if you want I can go wake up mdz :^) ...nah... | 05:10 |
neuralis | i can sms mako, if need be. | 05:10 |
Seveas | flint, mdz isn't on the CC ;) | 05:10 |
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ogra | flint, hey, youre here to work, not for your hobbies :) | 05:10 |
flint | ogra, lol | 05:10 |
flint | ogra, waking mdz is a religious experience! | 05:11 |
highvoltage | flint: what is this about? :) wiki.ubuntu.com/gins | 05:11 |
jsgotangco | gins? | 05:11 |
flint | highvoltage, changed the name to wiki.ubuntu.com/gin like the drink mostly... | 05:11 |
jsgotangco | heh | 05:11 |
sabdfl | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda | 05:12 |
Spec | links2 doesn't support ssl :-/ | 05:13 |
sabdfl | vidya was asking earlier about recognition for hte Ubuntu Women's team | 05:13 |
mdz | flint: you are a menace to sleep | 05:13 |
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-36-229.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
sabdfl | elmo: are you happy to start without Kamion and mako, and then we can ask them to +1 / -1 member candidates based on the log and email? | 05:14 |
elmo | sabdfl: sure, if you want | 05:14 |
sabdfl | ok, lets do that | 05:14 |
Amaranth | kamion said something about picking someone up from school | 05:14 |
sabdfl | morning mdz | 05:14 |
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
sabdfl | locoteams! | 05:14 |
flint | gin is gnome instant nationalizaiton, a command line tool to change languages. | 05:14 |
flint | they need it in edubuntu classrooms.... not a big deal... | 05:14 |
flint | talked to olli about it and he seemd to be ok with it. | 05:14 |
sabdfl | YukiCuss: ping | 05:14 |
flint | later refactor in python and hook it to a gui if you want. | 05:14 |
YukiCuss | sabdfl, hello! :) | 05:14 |
jsgotangco | flint: shhh | 05:14 |
sabdfl | tell us about ubuntu down under | 05:14 |
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flint | mdz damn, good morning!!! | 05:15 |
YukiCuss | We're just starting up work, more or less, but so far it's looking very promising. | 05:15 |
Seveas | gotta love random disconnects... | 05:15 |
Seveas | did I miss anything? | 05:15 |
Amaranth | i don't think so | 05:15 |
mdz | flint: I've been up since 0600, but damn you anyway | 05:15 |
YukiCuss | We've had our first meeting (just today), and we've got a roadmap organised (more or less) for how we're going to tackle various projects around here. | 05:15 |
sabdfl | Seveas: just getting started | 05:15 |
Seveas | thanks | 05:15 |
sabdfl | YukiCuss: where's here? | 05:15 |
YukiCuss | sabdfl, here is Australia. :) | 05:15 |
jsgotangco | that's a big place | 05:15 |
jsgotangco | heh | 05:15 |
YukiCuss | We've got members all along the east coast so far. | 05:15 |
YukiCuss | And we're hoping that we can find some more elsewhere. | 05:16 |
elmo | (Kamion is on his way) | 05:16 |
Seveas | YukiCuss, cool, what are you focussing on as team? | 05:16 |
sabdfl | YukiCuss: nice wiki page, wide spread of members across the country | 05:16 |
sabdfl | YukiCuss: are you all setup w.r.t. virtual server if you want it? | 05:16 |
YukiCuss | Seveas, at the moment we're looking at the three major groups; home users, business, and school. | 05:16 |
Kamion | hi, sorry I'm late, was picking the child up from school and had to run an errand in the meantime | 05:16 |
YukiCuss | sabdfl, yep, we've got that pretty much organised, just letting the delay of email take its toll :) | 05:16 |
sabdfl | Kamion: no worries, mate | 05:17 |
sabdfl | g'day | 05:17 |
sabdfl | ok, YukiCuss, are you the group leader, have you had any process to confirm that internally? | 05:17 |
Kamion | sigh | 05:17 |
YukiCuss | Particularly we're inspecting schools; demonstrations of how Ubuntu can be used inside a school, and also FOSS. | 05:17 |
YukiCuss | sabdfl, I am the group leader, and it's been confirmed that I'm the team contact at a meeting. | 05:18 |
YukiCuss | We had our first one today, it worked out well. :) | 05:18 |
Seveas | YukiCuss, do you promote edubuntu too? | 05:18 |
ogra | YukiCuss, you should get in contact with the edubuntu community :) | 05:18 |
sabdfl | it's nice for the CC to have a primary contact for a loco team - so that's great | 05:18 |
sabdfl | anything you'd like from the CC? | 05:18 |
YukiCuss | Seveas, ogra, of course. | 05:18 |
jsgotangco | increase the sheilas! | 05:19 |
jsgotangco | =) | 05:19 |
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YukiCuss | sabdfl, at the moment, we're hoping that we can get some form of priority with ShipIt; we'd like to be able to get Dapper out here as quickly as we can, before the rush. | 05:19 |
sabdfl | jerome, you suggesting we have sufficient sheep? | 05:19 |
YukiCuss | (rush of downloads begins, that is; I think the convenience of a real CD will overwhelm them :)) | 05:19 |
YukiCuss | Other than that, we're going to keep self-regulating (meeting every fortnight has been agreed on and seems to be convenient), and see how we can let our projects take off. | 05:20 |
sabdfl | YukiCuss: local production an distribution depends on having a company locally that can do it well at great prices, if you have nominations, the right person to ping is hmb | 05:20 |
sabdfl | on freenode | 05:20 |
sabdfl | hande@canonical.com | 05:20 |
YukiCuss | Thanks! | 05:20 |
sabdfl | YukiCuss: we've yet to find a regional company that can do it cost effectively, but would love to get it working well | 05:21 |
YukiCuss | sabdfl, we've got a few people who are very interested in doing local mailouts. | 05:21 |
Seveas | YukiCuss, local mailouts rock | 05:21 |
sabdfl | we can probably do high priority shipment after release if you have a specific function or requirement | 05:21 |
Seveas | it's quite popular here in NL too | 05:22 |
sabdfl | anyway, thank you for checking in, and thanks for setting up the team | 05:22 |
YukiCuss | No problems! ^^ | 05:22 |
YukiCuss | Thank you. | 05:22 |
Seveas | YukiCuss, and sleep well ;) | 05:22 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz? | 05:22 |
Seveas | not around | 05:22 |
Seveas | tried to ping him to no avail | 05:22 |
sabdfl | ok, let's move on | 05:22 |
Seveas | members or women? | 05:23 |
=== sabdfl notes that Michael Moore is an interesting person to have on a Loco Team :) | ||
sabdfl | sheilas! | 05:23 |
jsgotangco | haha | 05:23 |
ogra | heh | 05:23 |
=== YukiCuss grins. | ||
Seveas | :) | 05:23 |
sabdfl | is svaksha here? | 05:23 |
svaksha | yes , Vidya Ayer here | 05:23 |
Seveas | "#ubuntu-women on Freenode - officially recognised or not." | 05:23 |
sabdfl | svaksha: would you introduce Ubuntu Women, please? | 05:23 |
Seveas | is there such a thing as an official channel? | 05:24 |
svaksha | sure, | 05:24 |
svaksha | well I dont about the official bit ... | 05:24 |
sabdfl | svaksha pinged me earlier by email | 05:25 |
svaksha | Ubuntu Women is a group functioning under Ubuntu to provide a platform and encouragement for women to contribute to Ubuntu-Linux Membership is open to all. | 05:25 |
sabdfl | asking about official recognition of UbuntuWomen by Canonical, and I think recognition by the CC is more important | 05:25 |
svaksha | the non-official part i heard from another forums member Susana | 05:25 |
svaksha | ok | 05:25 |
sabdfl | svaksha: are there several different groups that are related to "women in ubuntu", or is your group the primary initiative? | 05:26 |
Seveas | I realy don't like to see women as a separate group, sounds very sexist - but I'm probably missing something | 05:26 |
elmo | Seveas: you are missing something | 05:27 |
jsgotangco | Seveas: we'll do ubuntu-blokes don't worry | 05:27 |
elmo | Seveas: you should probably review the history of debian women | 05:27 |
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elmo | Seveas: that deeply flawed argument has come up before | 05:27 |
sabdfl | i tihnk it's very worthwhile to have a group focused on this | 05:27 |
svaksha | after I wrote to you last year , panickthumb from the forums mentiioned about this and I asked him to contact you or canonical directly | 05:28 |
Seveas | elmo, ok | 05:28 |
sabdfl | as long as we never have folks suggesting that the ONLY place for women in ubuntu is that group | 05:28 |
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Kamion | right | 05:28 |
highvoltage | i've been on the debian-women mailing list before, i've never seen so many "*hugs*" on a list before :) | 05:28 |
sabdfl | are there any other comments on the idea of having a group focused on "women in ubuntu"? | 05:28 |
svaksha | sabdfl, i dont know what happened after that but I noticed a URL registered in Dec and in Jan got your OK | 05:28 |
ogra | highvoltage, you dont share a list with dholbach, do you ? | 05:28 |
ogra | :) | 05:29 |
sabdfl | there is some concern that different groups are trying to achieve the same thing | 05:29 |
highvoltage | ogra: yep :) debian-women have mor! | 05:29 |
sabdfl | i would like to make sure everyone is talking together | 05:29 |
jsgotangco | sabdfl: the u-w list has been pretty active (im subscribed) | 05:29 |
jsgotangco | there's lots of promise | 05:29 |
sabdfl | jsgotangco: me too :-) | 05:29 |
jsgotangco | hah | 05:29 |
Seveas | <highvoltage> i've been on the debian-women mailing list before, i've never seen so many "*hugs*" on a list before <-- sounds like a list for dholbach | 05:30 |
sabdfl | svaksha: can we consolidate the different domains that have been registered by different people? | 05:30 |
sabdfl | and make sure everyone's working on the same initiative? | 05:30 |
sabdfl | are there any reasons why that should not happen? | 05:30 |
highvoltage | i think that ubuntu-women might be a good idea, not as a feminist activist group, or as a group for just women, but as a forum to discuss the general involvement of women in the project | 05:30 |
svaksha | no | 05:30 |
G0SUB | the issue is that there are a lot of unofficial UW sites / blogs / wikis ... we should try and get them together to avoid redundancy | 05:31 |
highvoltage | and to monitor current community activities and evaluate how we can involve the other half of the world population in ubuntu | 05:31 |
sabdfl | svaksha: so have you chatted with susana, and you're certain that she's happy to work with you? | 05:31 |
Seveas | highvoltage, agreed, as long as it's NEVER going to be women-welcom-only or women-only-welcome-there which is what I'm a bit afraid of | 05:31 |
sabdfl | Seveas: we will make certain of that, yes | 05:31 |
highvoltage | Seveas: agreed, I would think that 'they' feel the same | 05:31 |
svaksha | i did ask her to bring up the issue on the list | 05:31 |
ogra | Seveas, highvoltage i think thats up to the team to define itself ;) | 05:31 |
Kamion | highvoltage: mentorship seems valuable too | 05:31 |
jsgotangco | yes | 05:32 |
jsgotangco | its been asked | 05:32 |
Seveas | ogra, true that | 05:32 |
svaksha | its not women only ...please read this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWomen | 05:32 |
sabdfl | i'm pretty certain mako would be thrilled with this :-) | 05:32 |
Seveas | do I dare ask why? | 05:32 |
highvoltage | ogra: also agreed, it was just my attempt to explain that a group about women in Ubuntu may add value | 05:32 |
sabdfl | very nicely done wiki page, svaksha | 05:32 |
Spec | How many members are on the u-w list? | 05:32 |
svaksha | thanks | 05:32 |
svaksha | around 70+ | 05:33 |
Kamion | I like how that page lists technical skills first | 05:33 |
svaksha | yes but that scares away newcomers so Clytie toned it down a little | 05:33 |
Seveas | the wikipage looks very nice indeed | 05:33 |
Kamion | a lot of women's-groups pages I've seen have almost seemed embarrassed at the idea that technical skills might be involved, which always seemed incongruous to me - I like what you have there | 05:33 |
Kamion | oh, is that Clytie Siddall (spelling?) | 05:34 |
svaksha | yep | 05:34 |
Kamion | cool, encountered her sending huge piles of Vietnamese translations | 05:34 |
svaksha | :) | 05:34 |
flint | The Ubuntu community is very well represented by the male persuasion, yet women are a precious precious to this. As an individual married for over a quarter-century let me give you all some advice. They want a room, they get a room. | 05:34 |
sabdfl | #ubuntu-women it is then ;-) | 05:35 |
svaksha | thanks :) | 05:35 |
jsgotangco | yay! | 05:35 |
sabdfl | ok, any further comments? | 05:35 |
highvoltage | :) | 05:35 |
Seveas | yes, one comment | 05:35 |
Seveas | Welcome! | 05:35 |
ogra | :) | 05:35 |
sabdfl | ditto :-) | 05:35 |
=== psusi wonders why they feel the need to associate with each other... have their own channel... go to the bathroom with each other... weird. | ||
svaksha | thanks to you all for the support and the CC too :) | 05:36 |
Seveas | psusi, 42 | 05:36 |
jsgotangco | haha | 05:36 |
flint | psusi, if that is all you ever worry about... | 05:36 |
Seveas | ok, shall we move on to new members? | 05:36 |
flint | :^) | 05:36 |
sabdfl | psusi: there are greater mysteries in life | 05:36 |
sabdfl | like handbags | 05:36 |
sabdfl | i'm doing some research in this regard | 05:36 |
azeem | psusi: AIUI, the channel is welcoming male people as well? | 05:36 |
Spec | heh | 05:36 |
neuralis | sabdfl: it's a dead end. give up and run away while you still can. | 05:37 |
Seveas | sabdfl, they come from the bermuda triangle it seems | 05:37 |
sabdfl | ok | 05:37 |
Seveas | half the world can disappear into it | 05:37 |
sabdfl | members! | 05:37 |
Whatsisname | supposedly one guy completely figured out how women work | 05:37 |
Seveas | Spec, your 3-liner please | 05:37 |
Whatsisname | but he died of laughing before he could tell anyone | 05:37 |
Seveas | Spec == NicholasWeeler | 05:37 |
sabdfl | Whatsisname: easy, tiger | 05:38 |
Spec | Hello, I'm Nicholas Wheeler, and I'm applying for membership to help with the Ubuntu cause. I'm interested in becomming a MOTU eventually. | 05:38 |
Spec | Currently I'm involved in bug triaging of all sorts -- particularly interested in making the science packages, err, work. | 05:38 |
Seveas | is the MOTU cheerleading squad arround to support Spec ? | 05:38 |
flint | I am here to vouch for Nick. He is a good hack. | 05:38 |
flint | elkner would be here but he is busy teaching newer hacks. | 05:39 |
ogra | he wrote a great Howto on the wiki for mondo/mindi use :) | 05:39 |
Seveas | \o/ from me for doing bug triaging | 05:39 |
Spec | I also wrote a how-to for the broadcom 43xx card | 05:39 |
flint | ogra, indeed he did. | 05:39 |
Seveas | we need much more bug triagers | 05:39 |
flint | Seveas, i fully intend to understand Malone, I promise I will if you pass Nick. | 05:40 |
flint | :^) | 05:40 |
Seveas | Spec, your wikipage is not completely clear - for how long have you been contributong to Ubuntu? | 05:40 |
Spec | Contributing, only a couple of months. | 05:40 |
Spec | I've been using it since hoary I think. | 05:41 |
psusi | hehe... 42 | 05:41 |
Seveas | couple of months sounds good, any MOTU to confirm that? | 05:41 |
Seveas | ogra, ? | 05:41 |
flint | I have not status here but I can confirm that by direct observation. | 05:42 |
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Seveas | flint, how is the DC loco doing, dormant or active? | 05:42 |
ogra | Seveas, he is the webmaster of the DC LoCo team, when went that online ;) | 05:42 |
flint | Seveas, the DC loco is represented by Kjcole who just joined. It is VERY active. ask him. | 05:42 |
Spec | It is very active. :) | 05:43 |
Seveas | nice | 05:43 |
ogra | Spec, are you innvolved in the edubuntu deployment thing in DC ? | 05:43 |
flint | kjcole, you need to say something glib, I know you can... | 05:43 |
kjcole | Hi all. Sorry to be late. ;-) | 05:43 |
Seveas | hi Kevin - please help Spec by cheerleading | 05:43 |
Spec | ogra: yeap | 05:43 |
ogra | cool ! | 05:43 |
kjcole | The DC LoCo's now got a few active bzr projects starting up. | 05:43 |
sabdfl | Spec: how was FOSE? | 05:43 |
=== ogra cheers for Spec | ||
Spec | very very successful, gave out 1300 ubuntu cds | 05:44 |
spacey | thats quite a lot | 05:44 |
Spec | (+1300 opensuse, but that doesn't matter) | 05:44 |
Seveas | WOW | 05:44 |
kjcole | Nick and I represented the LoCo at FOSE, and it was a great show. | 05:44 |
Spec | We were very popular at the convention. | 05:44 |
Kamion | that MondoMindi page is pretty hideously hackish; can we please get the existing packages up to scratch instead? | 05:44 |
Spec | Being next to the bathrooms has it's advantages, i'll have to say... | 05:44 |
Seveas | (I need some point of reference - how big is the DC area, how many people live there?) | 05:44 |
sabdfl | +1 from me on Spec for membership based on advocacy and bug triage, not sure if elmo or kamion have additional questions | 05:45 |
Spec | Kamion: I believe in dapper they are up to scratch, in breezy it's a lost cause. | 05:45 |
kjcole | We also had the trifold Ubuntu brochures that I picked up at UBZ and handed those out as well. | 05:45 |
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Kamion | ah, I see that in the wiki page now, although it's kind of brief and easy to skip over, maybe a bit more text is called for so that people don't go to more work than necessary | 05:45 |
Kamion | fair enough | 05:45 |
kjcole | (Unfortunately, I didn't have quite as many of those brochures. And I now wish I'd had bumper stickers as well.) | 05:45 |
elmo | yeah, kamion++, that wiki page is making me cry | 05:46 |
flint | Kamion, I am responsible for the hackishness of these pages, not nick. | 05:46 |
jsgotangco | kjcole: wink and you shall receive (hopefully) | 05:46 |
Spec | I'll edit flint's work to make it prettier :) | 05:46 |
elmo | if the "Not needed for >= Dapper" bit at the top could be highlighted, that owuld be good | 05:46 |
elmo | but in any event ack from me | 05:46 |
Kamion | other than that, no questions, the other work seems good, and I probably need to have a look over the bcm43xx page myself ... | 05:46 |
kjcole | jsgotangco, Yeah. My fault. I should have thought about those sooner. | 05:46 |
Kamion | so +1 from me | 05:47 |
Spec | Kamion: It's pretty good, but there's lots of guess-work to get it working still. I think that's the driver's fault. | 05:47 |
sabdfl | so +1 from Kamion? | 05:47 |
sabdfl | done | 05:47 |
sabdfl | welcome aboard | 05:47 |
Seveas | ok, congratz Spec ! | 05:47 |
ogra | Spec, welcome :) | 05:47 |
Spec | thank you :) | 05:47 |
flint | thank you all. | 05:47 |
sabdfl | i'll approve it in LP | 05:47 |
Spec | I have to thank my cheerleaders, as well :) | 05:47 |
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Kamion | Seveas: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Washington_DC | 05:47 |
kjcole | jelkner, you're just in time to congratulate Spec... ;-) | 05:47 |
jelkner | congratulations! | 05:47 |
sabdfl | hey jeff | 05:47 |
jelkner | the DC LoCo needed a MOTU | 05:48 |
sabdfl | victor! | 05:48 |
jelkner | sabdfl: hi | 05:48 |
sabdfl | bstqc_ostl around? | 05:48 |
jelkner | yeah DC LoCo Team! | 05:48 |
Seveas | probably not | 05:48 |
jsgotangco | sabdfl: i think you met this guy | 05:48 |
sabdfl | i've met victor in beijing, would be lovely to have him as a member but i don't think the TZ works for this meeting | 05:49 |
Seveas | I spoke to him earlier, sounds like a good candidate | 05:49 |
Spec | (So how do I get a ubuntu/memeber cloak? :p) | 05:49 |
sabdfl | yes, very much so | 05:49 |
sabdfl | but lets get him on board later | 05:49 |
Seveas | Spec, poke me in a /msg so I don't forget to do that | 05:49 |
jsgotangco | i can vouch for him too | 05:49 |
ogra | ah, cool, he's the guy who sends the pdf testreports to -devel :) | 05:49 |
jsgotangco | yeah | 05:49 |
dholbach | yes, I'd like to see him as a member too | 05:50 |
Seveas | BlueT_, (Matthew Lien) is around it seems | 05:50 |
sabdfl | BlueT_: ping | 05:50 |
dholbach | I communicated with him for the test plans and he has great ideas and put incredible work into testing hoary and breezy | 05:50 |
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kjcole | BTW, since I arrived a little late, if it hadn't already been mentioned FOSE is in it's 30th year, as the largest US federal government computer convention... | 05:51 |
Seveas | BlueT_, is not around I guess | 05:51 |
Seveas | and neither is Kuyaedz | 05:51 |
sabdfl | kjcole: do you think it';s a conference that should be on silbs' list? | 05:52 |
Seveas | that only leaves the topic of the next meeting. I think we should set a time right now | 05:52 |
sabdfl | ok, I will update the wiki page for the meeting | 05:52 |
sabdfl | when last did we do a UTC-morning meeting? | 05:52 |
=== Kuyaedz [n=christer@kuyaedz.fttp.xmission.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
sabdfl | for the AsiaPac characters? | 05:52 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, right on time! | 05:52 |
sabdfl | ah, welcome Kuyaedz | 05:52 |
Seveas | sabdfl, I think it would be nice to have an early morning meeting | 05:53 |
Kuyaedz | Just got out of class :) ..glad someone came looking for me, I didn't know when this was. | 05:53 |
jelkner | ok if i steal Spec so i can get some work outta him? | 05:53 |
sabdfl | Seveas: define early | 05:53 |
kjcole | sabdfl, I'll check. (I'm not familiar with what's type of stuff's already there, though I think I stumbled across that list before...) | 05:53 |
sabdfl | jelkner: all yours | 05:53 |
jelkner | now that his head is all swelled and all | 05:53 |
Seveas | sabdfl, after Kuyaedz' topics have been handled | 05:53 |
Spec | thank you all :p | 05:53 |
jelkner | cya all later | 05:53 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, please introduce Ubuntu-Utah to us | 05:53 |
sabdfl | cheers spec, jelkner | 05:54 |
Kuyaedz | Ubuntu-Utah is a loco team I started a few months ago. We've steadily been growing but are still relatively small. | 05:54 |
Seveas | how many members? | 05:55 |
Kuyaedz | 11 members registered on the launchpad page, but I know of ~4-5 more that aren't 'official' yet. | 05:55 |
Seveas | around 10 - not too bad | 05:55 |
Kuyaedz | We've got members at 3 Utah Universities, which I think is helpful. | 05:56 |
Seveas | not bad, 10 active members is good for a starting team | 05:56 |
Kuyaedz | We've set a goal to double that by Dapper release. | 05:56 |
Seveas | What is the team doing to promote Ubuntu besides handing out CD's? | 05:57 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: how active are you in the forums? | 05:57 |
Kuyaedz | Well the CD distribution and team recruitment are the short-term goals that we're currently working on. In the long term we would like to present school districts with Ubuntu/Edubuntu. | 05:58 |
Kuyaedz | sadbfl: I have roughly 750 forum posts. | 05:58 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, nice | 05:58 |
ogra | yeah ! | 05:59 |
Seveas | I'm quite happy with how the Utah team is forming the way I see now | 05:59 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: have you seen the proposals about a forums council? | 05:59 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, is there a specifi reason to use ubuntu-utah.org instead of ut.ubuntu-us.org? | 05:59 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: I'm glad to hear that. I have the day off today & was hoping to get more team-related work done. | 05:59 |
Kuyaedz | sadbfl: I have not. | 05:59 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: There is not. I did not know who to contact concerning an official team site so I registered one. Also we have requested an official mailing list 3x with no responses. | 06:00 |
Kamion | Kuyaedz: was that request to jdub? | 06:00 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, I was going to ask what you would like to see from the CC, but that's clear now | 06:00 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: np, i appreciate your initiative in going ahead | 06:01 |
G0SUB | IMHO the mailing list creation is a bit of a bottleneck as jdub is a very busy guy | 06:01 |
sabdfl | G0SUB: would it help if we put mailing lists into LP? | 06:01 |
Kuyaedz | We've been using a google-groups system for the time being. | 06:01 |
Seveas | Who is the contact for *.ubuntu-us.org, smurf or someone else? | 06:01 |
G0SUB | sabdfl: yes it will | 06:01 |
sabdfl | G0SUB: i think you mean "yes it might" ;-) | 06:01 |
Seveas | sabdfl, or simply give jdub an assistant | 06:01 |
G0SUB | sabdfl: heh ... | 06:01 |
G0SUB | Seveas: ++ | 06:02 |
sabdfl | but, we've been looking at that here this week | 06:02 |
sabdfl | we can do it, it will just take a little while | 06:02 |
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G0SUB | sabdfl: what about giving jdub an assistant? | 06:02 |
G0SUB | I can help with this | 06:02 |
jsgotangco | fridge jr | 06:02 |
Kuyaedz | Concerning the mailing list I contacted MathiasUlrich & also sent an email to Jeff Waugh. | 06:02 |
jsgotangco | heh | 06:02 |
sabdfl | G0SUB: offer to help, i'm sure he will accept | 06:02 |
G0SUB | sabdfl: should I mail him directly? | 06:03 |
Seveas | G0SUB, put my name in that mail to - I want to help there if possible | 06:03 |
G0SUB | sabdfl: fine, I will CC you | 06:03 |
G0SUB | thanks :) | 06:03 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: I was wondering if it would be possible to get a layout template so our team site could nearly match the look/feel of the central. | 06:04 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: i think that's all public | 06:04 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, as you can see the organizational things are sometimes problematic - but it'll be solved soon I guess. I will keep poking jdub/g0sub and smurf about it | 06:04 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: thank you | 06:05 |
Amaranth | when did launchpad turn into sourceforge? | 06:05 |
G0SUB | oh, one more thing ... can we put up the moinmoin, drupal themes used in u.c & fridge somewhere? | 06:05 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, I have a PHP based template for ubuntulinux.nl - you might want to look at that after the meeting, but poke me after the meeting for that | 06:05 |
G0SUB | so that people can reuse them? | 06:05 |
sabdfl | Amaranth: when some of us had a spare weekend | 06:05 |
Amaranth | sabdfl: hehe | 06:05 |
G0SUB | haha | 06:05 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: will do | 06:05 |
sabdfl | ok | 06:05 |
ogra | Amaranth, pfft, sourceforge is sooo last century | 06:05 |
Amaranth | seriously, about the only thing missing is bzr write | 06:05 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: thanks for your work on Utah | 06:05 |
jsgotangco | sometimes its like friendster | 06:05 |
sabdfl | what about your membership? | 06:05 |
Seveas | Amaranth, supermirror | 06:05 |
sabdfl | Amaranth: it's coming | 06:05 |
Kuyaedz | sadbfl: happy to do it. I just wish we had more time/resources :) | 06:05 |
sabdfl | fairly soon, as it happens | 06:06 |
Amaranth | cool | 06:06 |
Amaranth | then i can use launchpad for alacarte instead of gnome cvs (eww) | 06:06 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, lack of time is a global problem ;) | 06:06 |
Amaranth | </offtopic> | 06:06 |
G0SUB | [repeat] can we put up the moinmoin, drupal themes used in u.c & fridge somewhere? | 06:06 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, habe you collected a cheerleeding swuad to support your membership application? | 06:06 |
sabdfl | G0SUB: speak with henrik, they are already public somewhere | 06:07 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: membership? | 06:07 |
G0SUB | sabdfl: ok, thanks | 06:07 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: Well I was going to see what members of the team could come along, but even I didn't have much notice on the meeting :) | 06:07 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, true. it was very short notice | 06:07 |
Kuyaedz | sabdfl: What can I tell you about membership? Is there more I can do? | 06:07 |
sabdfl | your wiki page is excellent | 06:08 |
sabdfl | very happy to see the laptop testing info | 06:08 |
Kuyaedz | sabdfl: I was hoping to update a few of those with Dapper results before the meeting.. | 06:09 |
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sabdfl | ok, +1 from me on membership and loco leadership, kamion and elmo may have more questions | 06:09 |
elmo | +1 | 06:09 |
Kuyaedz | sabdfl: thank you. | 06:09 |
Seveas | \o/ from me, wikipage looks good, active since october and doing great things in Utah | 06:10 |
Kuyaedz | elmo: again, thank you. | 06:10 |
sabdfl | +1 on the elmo-statue from you, Kuyaedz? | 06:10 |
G0SUB | Kuyaedz: awesome! that's great :) | 06:10 |
Seveas | sabdfl, yes, we need an elmo statue | 06:10 |
G0SUB | sabdfl: heh, I already spoke about it in the last meet | 06:11 |
G0SUB | wrt the statue | 06:11 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: have you applied for membership in ubuntumembers in LP? | 06:11 |
Kuyaedz | sabdfl: I did | 06:11 |
Kuyaedz | If there is anything else you'd like to see me do, or the team, don't hesitate to ask. | 06:12 |
sabdfl | Kuyaedz: i don't see you in the list | 06:12 |
sabdfl | what's your LP nick? display name? | 06:12 |
sabdfl | or real name? | 06:12 |
Kuyaedz | sabdfl: kuyaedz or christer-edwards | 06:12 |
Seveas | kuyaedz | 06:12 |
Seveas | I see him in the list | 06:12 |
sabdfl | ok, it would be nice to put your proper name in the LP account | 06:13 |
Kamion | ok, sorry I've been discussing things elsewhere, +1 from me | 06:13 |
sabdfl | done | 06:13 |
sabdfl | welcome! | 06:13 |
Seveas | Kamion, great | 06:13 |
Kuyaedz | thank you. | 06:13 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, welcome aboard! | 06:13 |
Kamion | Kuyaedz: and thanks for the JigdoDownloadHowto page, I've been meaning to write something like that for a while | 06:13 |
Kuyaedz | I'm very excited. thank you. | 06:13 |
sabdfl | good work! | 06:13 |
G0SUB | Kuyaedz: welcome! | 06:13 |
dholbach | congratulations Kuyaedz | 06:13 |
jsgotangco | congrats | 06:13 |
highvoltage | congrats, Kuyaedz | 06:14 |
ogra | congrats Kuyaedz | 06:14 |
Seveas | sabdfl, about the meeting time, given that the CC is in the UK largely 8/9AM UTC-ish? | 06:14 |
sabdfl | Kamion: what's the drill on the meeting agenda page, should i delete the folks approved in the last meeting, make a note of those approved here, and delete those who did not show up? | 06:14 |
Kamion | sabdfl: yes, yes, no make a note of those who didn't show up | 06:14 |
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sabdfl | Seveas: i'd prefer 10am, and excuse elmo :-) | 06:14 |
Seveas | sabdfl, usually I take care of the editing ;) | 06:14 |
Kuyaedz | I'm glad I made it in time. The councilagenda page said "TBA". I was just hoping someone would contact me | 06:14 |
G0SUB | yay! jdub | 06:14 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, I tried | 06:14 |
Kamion | can we get mako at 10am UK time? | 06:15 |
elmo | (fwiw, I can get up, if I need to) | 06:15 |
Kamion | ok, if we've got elmo then it doesn't matter | 06:15 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: atoponce mentioned in #ubuntu-utah. Thanks for coming to find me. | 06:15 |
YukiCuss | Kuyaedz, I barely managed. :) | 06:15 |
Seveas | 10am is ~4am mako-time iirc | 06:15 |
Seveas | sounds like a bad idea | 06:15 |
Kuyaedz | Is there anything immediate that everyone would like to see done with the Utah Team? | 06:15 |
Seveas | (for him, that is) | 06:15 |
Kamion | jdub: did you see the stuff above about mailing list creation? | 06:16 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, yes, one thing | 06:16 |
Seveas | Keep rocking! | 06:16 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: I will find you later concerning the template. Also should we migrate to ut.ubuntu-us.org? | 06:16 |
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Seveas | Kuyaedz, you don't "have to" but it would be nice | 06:17 |
Seveas | (which reminds me, I should still migrate to ubuntu-nl.org) | 06:17 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: Should I also speak with you later about that & access? | 06:17 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, yes, preferably in an hour or two (dinner time) | 06:17 |
jdub | Kamion: no - but elmo's sorting out the RT queue for them, which will make it *vastly* easier to manage. | 06:17 |
Seveas | Kamion, sabdfl, elmo: so tue april4 10am UTC? | 06:18 |
Kamion | works for me | 06:18 |
Seveas | it'll be DST then | 06:18 |
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jdub | Kamion: there's two pending atm, utah and ebuntu | 06:18 |
G0SUB | jdub: can I be your assistant in setting up the mailing lists? | 06:18 |
Kamion | slightly better than today actually, sorry for setting a meeting time and then being late for it :) | 06:18 |
sabdfl | errr... actually i might be on a flight to a conference | 06:18 |
Seveas | sabdfl, hmm, move the meeting to monday? | 06:19 |
neuralis | Seveas: that'll be 5am EST, so no dice if you're trying to get mako. | 06:19 |
Kuyaedz | Seveas: will do. | 06:19 |
jdub | G0SUB: it requires access to the server and so on - there's not a lot of work involved, and it ends up being more policy than anything else | 06:19 |
sabdfl | no, sec, i'm just trying to find out | 06:19 |
Seveas | ok | 06:19 |
G0SUB | jdub: sabdfl told that you might be in need of some help wrt this | 06:19 |
G0SUB | ok | 06:19 |
Seveas | (fiancee is pulling on my ears to get me to the dinner table - I may disappear suddenly) | 06:19 |
sabdfl | monday is clearer for me, elmo, are you still on EST? | 06:20 |
Kuyaedz | Ok well I'll get ahold of Seveas later. Is there anything else I'm needed for? | 06:20 |
elmo | sabdfl: yes, but I can shift without problems | 06:20 |
Seveas | Kuyaedz, no, we're done here | 06:20 |
Seveas | sabdfl, ok, monday april 3 it is then | 06:21 |
Kuyaedz | thank you again. | 06:21 |
sabdfl | 9am? | 06:21 |
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elmo | G0SUB: we're redirecting the list admin stuff to RT, which means there'll be 2 more people helping with lists stuff | 06:21 |
Seveas | if 9am is ok with Kamion and elmo | 06:21 |
G0SUB | elmo: that'd be great then | 06:21 |
Kamion | 9am's doable as long as Kirsten is well again by then to take Benedict to school | 06:22 |
Kamion | which should be the case | 06:22 |
Seveas | ok, elmo? | 06:22 |
elmo | yes | 06:22 |
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Seveas | cool Apr 3, 09:00 UTC it is | 06:22 |
jsgotangco | nice | 06:23 |
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jsgotangco | i gotta sleep too | 06:23 |
jsgotangco | good meeting | 06:23 |
G0SUB | jsgotangco: good night :) | 06:23 |
Kamion | ok, thanks all, guess that's adjourned | 06:23 |
kjcole | Good night to those of you half a world away... (Noon'ish here.) | 06:24 |
highvoltage | night kjcole | 06:24 |
sabdfl | night all | 06:25 |
svaksha | g'night all | 06:25 |
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Amaranth | kjcole: central time? | 06:25 |
Surak | perhaps the channel topic may reflect this change. | 06:25 |
Amaranth | good night to those of you in odd time zones :P | 06:25 |
G0SUB | Amaranth: hehe lol | 06:25 |
kjcole | Amaranth: Eastern. Actually 12:25 PM. | 06:25 |
Mizar | bye | 06:26 |
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flint | kjcole, will call and bother you... sksk | 06:28 |
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kjcole | Ta-ta, all. | 06:29 |
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Seveas | @load webcal | 07:03 |
Seveas | @topic | 07:04 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Community Council | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 22 Mar 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 22 Mar 14:00 UTC: Xubuntu | 23 Mar 18:00 UTC: Bug Squad | 23 Mar 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 28 Mar 20:00 UTC: Technical Board | ||
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=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== netzmeister [n=netzmeis@p549F8ADC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
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=== Hirion [n=hirion@draugr.de] has left #ubuntu-meeting [] | ||
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=== stgraber [i=steph@xeon.stargate-server.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== netzmeister [n=netzmeis@p549F8ADC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== jgerace [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-203.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== roscoe [n=roscoe@ip68-101-105-11.oc.oc.cox.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"] | ||
=== olive [n=olive@o.o6.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-112.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
Fujitsu | Did the CC meeting end up happening 5 hours ago? | 10:02 |
Seveas | yes | 10:03 |
Fujitsu | OK. | 10:03 |
Fujitsu | How'd it go? | 10:03 |
Seveas | it went all right | 10:04 |
Fujitsu | Good. | 10:04 |
=== Lure [n=admin@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation] | ||
=== SDPlissken [n=Snake@cpe-68-173-223-72.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== olive [n=olive@o.o6.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== DapperDrake [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== steve44 [n=Steve@c-66-30-219-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting | ||
=== DapperDrake [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #ubuntu-meeting |
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