=== WoC [n=WoC@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daddydoof | alacarte | 12:00 |
Amaranth | daddydoof: I try. :) | 12:00 |
Kathmandude_ | :-) | 12:00 |
=== Xnos [n=marco@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
daddydoof | Amaranth, well you did good with that email i was impressed | 12:00 |
Blissex | jbritz22: since dec. 2004 the driver has improved a bit, but it is a bit of a losing proposition. | 12:00 |
Kathmandude_ | thanks. i'll apt-get it now. | 12:00 |
gary | any recommended email clients for a workplace environment? I heard thunderbird is good? | 12:01 |
Blissex | jbritz22: since I only need WiFi to connect to an ADSL line I went for a US$20 USB 11b gizmo that works well (ZyDAS chipset). | 12:01 |
Blissex | gary: it is good and integrates well. | 12:01 |
Blissex | gary: Evolution of course is immense and looks like Outlook, so you might want to look at it too. | 12:01 |
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=== Fred [n=fredf@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | gary: yes, thunderbird is nice. good email, good usenet. | 12:02 |
=== froggontherocks [n=froggont@ppp-69-223-6-94.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gary | cool! thanks | 12:02 |
gary | I started a new job today, and I'm installing ubuntu on it. Never usd it before, used debian as server and client forr about a year though. Just want to make sure I have everything I need | 12:03 |
=== luisito [n=luisito@226sosua109.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | gary: go ahead, ubuntu is mostly fun :) and just ask if theres anything | 12:03 |
gary | thanks kingspawn :D | 12:03 |
=== llusser [n=rwecker@c-24-91-82-166.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
froggontherocks | anybody know why i can't see my nsf shares? | 12:04 |
koplih | hi, i have problem installing nvidia drivers: I followed the instructions on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/NvidiaManual and the Nvidia installer says that it cannot find a header file. What should i do? | 12:04 |
gary | ok then, one more question about shared drives | 12:04 |
GTX | I keep hitting things on my keyboard when im typing which restarts X ive managed to disable ctrl + alt + backspace but someone else im pressing is doing it while i type any ideas what it is/ | 12:04 |
gary | the company has a shared drive on a SUSE machine running samba. Completely accessible from Linux. This doesn't mean I need samba though does it? I just need to mount the location - right? | 12:04 |
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Ubugtu] by Seveas | ||
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=== abz [n=abz@h182.154.29.71.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stardash | I am having a compiler problem | 12:05 |
stardash | I get stardash@thestardash:~/wine-0.9.10~winehq1.orig$ ./configure | 12:05 |
stardash | checking build system type... i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1 | 12:05 |
stardash | checking host system type... i686-pc-linux-gnulibc1 | 12:05 |
stardash | checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... no | 12:05 |
stardash | checking for gcc... gcc | 12:05 |
stardash | checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables | 12:05 |
=== Fitzsimmons [n=Fitzsimm@HSE-Montreal-ppp3469390.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stardash | when I try to run ./configure | 12:05 |
Nickgarvey | !paste | 12:05 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 12:05 |
ompaul | stardash, DONT paste here thanks | 12:05 |
kingspawn | stardash: careful with the pastes. and apt-get install build-essential. | 12:05 |
_sHaDe | n8all | 12:05 |
bimberi | gary: yes, no only need the samba client to mount shares/query ubotu | 12:05 |
ompaul | stardash, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 12:05 |
kingspawn | I seem to forget the sudo all the time. | 12:06 |
=== PokerFacePenguin [n=joe@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abz | anyone feel like giving a noob a step by step walkthrough on how to get aim installed? I have gaim, but I'd like to get aim if I can | 12:06 |
bimberi | gary: sorry (ignore the /query ubotu" bit) - i'm looking for a factoid for you :) | 12:06 |
luisito | stardash: do "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 12:06 |
Nickgarvey | abz, mm I um.. why bother? | 12:06 |
stardash | ty | 12:06 |
=== JViz` [i=Anomaly@adsl-065-013-131-023.sip.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gary | heh | 12:06 |
kingspawn | abz: i believe that if you want to use the aim-client you will have to do it through wine | 12:06 |
bimberi | !mountwindows | 12:06 |
ubotu | Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically. If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 12:06 |
bimberi | gary ^^^ 2nd link | 12:06 |
gary | thanks bimberi! | 12:07 |
abz | nickgarvey: because I am wanting to be able to use voice, not to mention I just like the interface better | 12:07 |
Nickgarvey | (does voice work? I have never tried) | 12:07 |
=== pianoboy3333 [n=pianoboy@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nickgarvey | don't even think I have aim on my windows partition.. otherwise I would wine it for you | 12:08 |
luisito | !pastebin | 12:08 |
ubotu | well, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar , | 12:08 |
abz | nick: havent been able to find it yet.... >_> | 12:08 |
bimberi | gary: gah, wrong factoid ... | 12:08 |
pianoboy3333 | Is there anyway of getting the GNOME icon set for windoze XP? | 12:08 |
bimberi | !samba | 12:08 |
ubotu | it has been said that samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 12:08 |
Nickgarvey | !tell abz about wine | 12:08 |
bimberi | gary ^^^ 2nd link (again :) ) | 12:08 |
abz | nick: well thx anyway ^_^ | 12:08 |
nlogax | stardash: got build-essential installed ? | 12:08 |
=== bimberi needs a coffee | ||
gary | permanently - sounds good bimberi - reading now! | 12:08 |
=== benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-066-057-072-067.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
luisito | guys, where I can get the pastebin command for use in the terminal? | 12:09 |
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stardash | worked | 12:09 |
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
stardash | ty | 12:09 |
benkong2 | I am at my wits end how can I connect to my linksys router at from my laptop? I need to change the address to | 12:09 |
benkong2 | I connected a cat5 cable from my eth0 to a port(not the WAN) on the router but all i get is network unreachable. | 12:09 |
gary | bimberi: looks quite straightforward, thanks again | 12:10 |
pianoboy3333 | Argness.... | 12:10 |
benkong2 | what am I doing wrong???? | 12:10 |
Nickgarvey | benkong2, dhcp server working? | 12:10 |
bimberi | gary: np :) | 12:10 |
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=== crouchingMonkey [n=fuse@user-12ldddv.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abz | Nickgarvey: so your saying I wouldnt be able to get it through aptget, or sudo? | 12:10 |
=== massimo [n=massimo@host251-8.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gary | Well I better go, thanks again people, *detaching screen* | 12:10 |
benkong2 | Nickgarvey; no | 12:10 |
benkong2 | not on the laptop or the router | 12:10 |
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benkong2 | it was a switch before | 12:10 |
Nickgarvey | abz, not unless they make a client, as far as I know AIM is closed source and does not make a linux client, and because it is closed source it can't be ported to linux | 12:10 |
=== massimo_ [n=massimo@host251-8.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abz | >_> | 12:11 |
massimo_ | salve | 12:11 |
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massimo_ | qualcuno mi puo aiutare | 12:11 |
massimo_ | ? | 12:11 |
Nickgarvey | !es | 12:11 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 12:11 |
abz | nick: ah well, guess I'm stuck with what I've got until I can get a legal copy of a different os... Thx anyway | 12:11 |
benkong2 | Nickgarvey; do I need dhcp running to connect? | 12:12 |
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hurax | that ws italian not spanish | 12:12 |
=== rambo3 [n=rambo3@c-f1f871d5.027-6-6b73641.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | !it | 12:12 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:12 |
Nickgarvey | benkong2, bet thats it | 12:12 |
hurax | ma non puo parlare italiano bene | 12:12 |
Nickgarvey | benkong2, make your IP static | 12:13 |
benkong2 | Nickgarvey; on the laptop correct? | 12:13 |
Nickgarvey | yeah | 12:13 |
=== timon [n=timon@31.varbergkabel-net03b.varberg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nickgarvey | running ubuntu right? | 12:13 |
benkong2 | right | 12:13 |
Nickgarvey | yeah ubuntu is dhcp stupid | 12:13 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@host-138-38-235-220.nat.bath.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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kingspawn | why is ubuntu dhcp stupid? | 12:14 |
Seveas | Nickgarvey, nonsense | 12:14 |
=== lkusmir_ [n=lkusmir@bim117.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== joe_ is now known as Joetheodd | ||
=== ubuntu is now known as Steve^ | ||
ompaul | !it | 12:14 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:14 |
=== winston [n=winston@82-69-26-123.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
Goldfisch | My laptop seems to work fine with regards to accessing my dhcp router. | 12:14 |
=== borfast [n=borfast@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Steve^ | hey, I've lost the ability to use sudo.. I posted on the forums and was told to use the liveCD to check my root folder. Here I am, but I don't see anything. Can you guys help? | 12:15 |
Seveas | !ompaul | 12:15 |
ubotu | well, ompaul is sweet! | 12:15 |
borfast | hi everyone | 12:15 |
=== ChronusDark [n=gentoo@12-208-43-4.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChronusDark | can someone please help me? | 12:15 |
kingspawn | Steve^: what happens when you sudo? | 12:15 |
=== ompaul looks | ||
=== ompaul shakes head | ||
Steve^ | kingspawn, get asked my password, then nothing | 12:15 |
Nickgarvey | Seveas, no? I haven't got it to work out of any of the 3 computers I have tried it | 12:15 |
Nickgarvey | everything else worked fine | 12:16 |
=== ogum [n=ogum@adsl-71-227.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | Steve^: can you "sudo passwd root" to atleast set a root password and then get root access? | 12:16 |
=== Mersault [n=Mersault@CPE00131030fe90-CM00137189e160.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | Nickgarvey, on the 30 machines I installed it on it works perfectly fine | 12:16 |
kingspawn | Nickgarvey: dhclient eth0 (or eth1 or whatever) | 12:16 |
kingspawn | Nickgarvey: doesnt work? | 12:16 |
ChronusDark | would someone know why my internet wont work with ubuntu or ubuntu live but does with gentoo live? | 12:16 |
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Joetheodd | Hey, for some reason whenever I try to start wine, it'll list of a ton of DLL's and say they failed to load. Anyone know why? | 12:17 |
Seveas | ChronusDark, most likely a missing driver | 12:17 |
Steve^ | kingspawn, I don't know... (I'm on the livecd now). I managed to get root access in the recovery kernel, in order to reset grub (this was all after a auto kernel update). What will that help with? | 12:17 |
=== ogum [n=ogum@adsl-71-227.37-151.net24.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChronusDark | why would it do that over the weekend while my computer isint on | 12:17 |
luisito | Hi, Seveas | 12:17 |
Seveas | hi | 12:17 |
ChronusDark | it worked fine friday | 12:17 |
Nickgarvey | eh not sure then, but I just noticed I'm not the only one, maybe my router is special | 12:17 |
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=== Eroick [n=chatzill@Toronto-HSE-ppp3882779.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Seveas | ChronusDark, no idea... | 12:17 |
=== jbritz22 [n=jbritz22@142-165-250-141.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== RomanK [n=roman@p54A2789C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChronusDark | are there any files i can look at to get an idea? | 12:18 |
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Seveas | ChronusDark, /etc/network/interfaces maybe | 12:18 |
jbritz22 | hey blissex | 12:18 |
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=== winXperts [n=winXpert@ip70-171-10-206.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eroick | why cant i get the newest verion of ruby from apt? | 12:18 |
GTX | I keep hitting things on my keyboard when im typing which restarts X ive managed to disable ctrl + alt + backspace but someone else im pressing is doing it while i type any ideas what it is/ | 12:18 |
jbritz22 | any ideas on how to get this working :( | 12:18 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: What type of internet are you talking? Dialup, dsl, cable, wireless router? Info, info! | 12:18 |
Nickgarvey | ChronusDark, take of dhcp and put it static... | 12:18 |
Nickgarvey | off* | 12:18 |
=== brenner [n=brenner@WNPP-p-203-54-44-153.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChronusDark | i tried that to no avail | 12:18 |
luisito | Seveas, I don't remember how to use the pastebin command, can you give me some address to read about it or some line please? | 12:18 |
gleesond | is there a way to tell grub to boot to a different runlevel? | 12:18 |
Nickgarvey | really? | 12:18 |
Seveas | !pastebin | 12:18 |
ubotu | pastebin is, like, totally, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar , | 12:18 |
=== theskunk [n=theskunk@ip-152010112026.student.appstate.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== jah_raztah [n=jahrazta@CPE0006255ab096-CM0011e6bec6bf.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gleesond | I'm having trouble with gdm | 12:19 |
=== aitor [n=aitor@69.Red-83-52-153.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blissex | jbritz22: if it is ACX111, WEP won't work... | 12:19 |
ChronusDark | the weird thing is that the ubuntu live worked for me plenty of times before but now it doesnt and gentoo does | 12:19 |
Nickgarvey | gleesond, what I do is chmod -x gdm | 12:19 |
jbritz22 | blissex: I cant get it to work at all, ubuntu doesnt keep settings | 12:19 |
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ChronusDark | Nickgarvey, linksys router with cable internet | 12:19 |
luisito | Seveas, oks | 12:19 |
jah_raztah | how do i rename a folder, like i want to rename /usr/share/.themes to /usr/share/themes | 12:19 |
jbritz22 | blissex: it always goes back to the defualt settings I had when I installed | 12:19 |
=== sep_ [n=sep@99-181.242.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nickgarvey | then when you boot and it won't load gdm but you can put it back on when ever you want | 12:19 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, linksys router with cable internet | 12:19 |
Blissex | jbritz22: when does it go back to default settings? | 12:19 |
Goldfisch | jar_raztah: mv /usr/share/.themes /usr/share/themes | 12:20 |
=== thegladiator [n=thegladi@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== Hooke [n=martin1@199.Red-81-36-73.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gleesond | Nickgarvey: I cant get a vertual terminal to do such a thing | 12:20 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: Hardwire? | 12:20 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, yes always has been | 12:20 |
Nickgarvey | gleesond, safemode? | 12:20 |
kingspawn | jah_raztah: you use mv | 12:20 |
gleesond | ah | 12:20 |
Nickgarvey | gleesond, hit esc while booting and you should have some boot options | 12:20 |
Hooke | hi | 12:20 |
dash- | whats sudo -s do? | 12:20 |
jbritz22 | blissex: whenever I click apply and reenter the networking thing | 12:20 |
Nickgarvey | man sudo | 12:20 |
gleesond | I can but it doesn;t play nice with my wireless keyboard | 12:20 |
jah_raztah | ok thanks | 12:20 |
dash- | lol | 12:20 |
jah_raztah | it works | 12:20 |
Blissex | jbritz22: which networking thing? | 12:21 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, i would reinstall but the installer no longer gets internet either | 12:21 |
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ChronusDark | Goldfisch, says DHCP Error | 12:21 |
Steve^ | kingspawn/everyone else - do I need to install a new kernel? | 12:21 |
gleesond | Nickgarvey: where is gdm located | 12:21 |
Nickgarvey | /etc/init.d | 12:21 |
jbritz22 | blissex: the networking panel in ubuntu | 12:21 |
gleesond | cool | 12:21 |
gleesond | thanks | 12:21 |
Goldfisch | gleesond: which gdm <--- tells you where | 12:21 |
jbritz22 | Blissex: gui | 12:21 |
Nickgarvey | the start up script is there | 12:21 |
Joetheodd | Hey, for some reason whenever I try to start wine, it'll list of a ton of DLL's and say they failed to load. Anyone know why? | 12:22 |
=== riddlebox [n=james@24-171-11-166.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nickgarvey | Joetheodd, do you have the dlls? | 12:22 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: I am on a text terminal, so I won't be able to check out any pastebin from here. | 12:22 |
benkong2 | Nickgarvey; I could kiss you man it worked cool and thanks | 12:22 |
Blissex | jbritz22: ahhhh, thats strange. Unfortunately I never use GUI config... I usually edit '/etc/network/interfaces' directly. | 12:22 |
benkong2 | :) | 12:22 |
Nickgarvey | no problem | 12:22 |
=== pramz [n=pramod@c-67-168-84-207.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, ok but what do you think i can do? its really odd | 12:23 |
=== bh [n=bh@pool-71-246-183-94.pghk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
benkong2 | brb all | 12:23 |
Blissex | jbritz22: what I would do in your place is to put the name of the driver module in '/etc/modules' so it gets loaded on every reboot, and then edit '/etc/network/interfaces' manually. | 12:23 |
=== jah_raztah [n=jahrazta@CPE0006255ab096-CM0011e6bec6bf.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leave"] | ||
brenner | Goldfisch: you could use a text-mode browser :P | 12:23 |
bh | greetings | 12:23 |
=== Vilan [i=divice@c43.vl.net.ua] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Blissex | jbritz22: now, just checking: you are running that config panel as 'root' of course.... | 12:23 |
jbritz22 | blissex: no, I cant login to root for some reason | 12:23 |
na7e | is there a way to test if dpkg is available and not locked by another process? | 12:24 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: Well, I would check via ifconfig, if eth0 is reachable. Possibly try configuring it statically to be on the same subnet. Then ifup eth0, to see if it will come up. Sure the router hasn't had any sort of changes applied? I turned on the access list, and forgot it knocked my mythtv box off internet connections. | 12:24 |
Steve^ | This problem wouldn't be so annoying if it wasn't my fault. Last time I trust the stupid auto-updater! | 12:24 |
=== ana [n=ana@h130.228.40.69.ip.alltel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Steve^ | (sudo is dead) | 12:24 |
=== flamingxmonkey [n=brendan@DU144.N110.QueensU.CA] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Nickgarvey | ouch | 12:24 |
Blissex | jbritz22: well, you _have_ to do all configuration work as 'root', because configuration files can only be written by 'root'. | 12:24 |
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=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ana | hey, I have a question | 12:24 |
jbritz22 | blissex: does ubuntu have a defualt root password | 12:24 |
Nickgarvey | ask away | 12:24 |
kingspawn | jbritz22: you should "sudo" before commands that require root access | 12:24 |
Goldfisch | brenner: Only if I exit this irc session. I am remotely ssh'd to my home computer, running irssi. | 12:24 |
bh | ana what | 12:24 |
Blissex | jbritz22: also, in Ubuntu the 'root' login is disabled, and all 'root' work must be done via 'sudo' or equivalent. | 12:24 |
=== AskHL [n=ask@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kingspawn | jbritz22: you should have received a pm about root access | 12:25 |
=== jtklaw [n=jtklaw@br1-dc0.wi4.prk.mho.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gleesond | ati-- | 12:25 |
ana | yes, that's what I was going to ask | 12:25 |
jbritz22 | ok | 12:25 |
Goldfisch | ubuntu doesn't have a default root password. Instead, root is a locked out account. | 12:25 |
bh | ubuntu assigns the same password as your first user | 12:25 |
gleesond | so its X that is really not playing nice | 12:25 |
dj-fu | You can use sudo to change the password of the 'root' account | 12:25 |
ana | how | 12:25 |
bh | exactly | 12:25 |
jbritz22 | ok | 12:25 |
gleesond | xorg is what ubuntu uses? | 12:25 |
Joetheodd | ubotu tell Joetheodd about wine | 12:25 |
nlogax | gleesond: you can edit inittab to change def runlevel | 12:25 |
dj-fu | `sudo passwd`, enter your password, enter new root passwords. | 12:25 |
Goldfisch | gleesond: Yup. | 12:25 |
ana | thanks | 12:25 |
=== Siddhartha211 [n=chatzill@AC993399.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas | ||
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, about the router the light for the port doesnt even come on and in an effort to fix this i have restored defaults ifconfig shows eth0 but dhclient doesnt let it get an ip if i statically give it one it just doesnt work faster | 12:26 |
Nickgarvey | Joetheodd, you can do /msg ubotu "command" | 12:26 |
bh | sudo is your friend | 12:26 |
dj-fu | firs tthing I usually do is enable the root pw - I hate tying sudo over and over. | 12:26 |
Nickgarvey | me and sudo go waay back bh | 12:26 |
Joetheodd | Hehe, thanks Nickgarvey. | 12:26 |
Nickgarvey | we are good friends | 12:26 |
dj-fu | and I dont' mind fixing stuff when I break it ;] | 12:26 |
=== b_e_n_z [n=Mercedes@pcd567106.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: You mean you restored the router's default settings? | 12:26 |
Steve^ | no more ideas on how to fix my sudo after a dodgy kernel update? | 12:26 |
bh | I'm sure | 12:26 |
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bh | :) | 12:26 |
jbritz22 | ok | 12:26 |
jbritz22 | brb | 12:26 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, yes but it wasnt working before i did that as well | 12:26 |
Nickgarvey | can you apt-get remove sudo? | 12:26 |
bh | good question | 12:27 |
Nickgarvey | I'm not going to try but if you are getting desperate it might be worth a shot steve | 12:27 |
Steve^ | is that to me? | 12:27 |
Nickgarvey | then reinstall | 12:27 |
Steve^ | well, it is useless to me now | 12:27 |
ompaul | Nickgarvey, and how do you install it? | 12:27 |
squiddle | dj-fu why not just use "sudo su -" ? | 12:27 |
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Steve^ | but don't I need sudo to use apt-get? | 12:27 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: I can only think to go verify the router is turned on for DHCP services, and that you don't have some access control list turned on, denying anyone access. | 12:27 |
nlogax | Steve^ why not boot recovery mode?? | 12:27 |
Nickgarvey | Steve^, su into root | 12:27 |
brenner | er, installs need sudo | 12:27 |
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ChronusDark | Goldfisch, checking | 12:27 |
dj-fu | squiddle, good question, one I've not thought about. | 12:27 |
Nickgarvey | su is same package as sudo? | 12:27 |
na7e | so how do you test programmatically if dpkg is locked by another process? | 12:27 |
jbritz22 | how do I use sudo to make a new password again? | 12:27 |
jbritz22 | whats the command? | 12:27 |
Steve^ | nlogax, because I need the proper version back, not just a recovery mode | 12:27 |
nlogax | sudo -s passwd | 12:27 |
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jbritz22 | ok | 12:28 |
jbritz22 | thanks | 12:28 |
jbritz22 | vrv | 12:28 |
nlogax | Steve^ boot recovery mode and set the root password | 12:28 |
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jbritz22 | brb* | 12:28 |
nlogax | then you can try to fix the sudo problem using su or logging in as root directly | 12:28 |
ompaul | !enter | 12:28 |
stpere | hello, someone know what argument (if possible) I should pass to wget to only list the files in a http:// directory | 12:28 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 12:28 |
Steve^ | nlogax, with "sudo passwd root"? | 12:28 |
stpere | ? | 12:28 |
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kingspawn | i think the whole root discussion is about experience. when you are experienced enough to handle root, start using it. | 12:28 |
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nlogax | if you boot recovery mode you are automatically root | 12:28 |
nlogax | then just 'passwd' | 12:28 |
dj-fu | kingspawn, very true. | 12:29 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, i checked it all the settings look fine | 12:29 |
nlogax | then reboot and log in as root and try updating | 12:29 |
bh | yes | 12:29 |
bh | tru | 12:29 |
bh | e | 12:29 |
brenner | na7e: programatically? that usually happens if you have synaptic open and try to use apt-get | 12:29 |
Curtis | Anyone that was helping me earlier...thanks. I finially got things working and I figure I'll share the info.... | 12:29 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: Does /etc/resolv.conf point at your router? | 12:29 |
Steve^ | nlogax, just 'passwd' that's it? Thanks | 12:29 |
nlogax | yep in recovery mode that will set the root password | 12:29 |
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na7e | brenner, i want to test for it in a shell-script for error-checking.... | 12:29 |
ana | @nlogax, I know what I'm doing but never used ubuntu before | 12:29 |
io_ | How can i upgrade to the newest gnome? | 12:29 |
Steve^ | set the root password to what? an empty string? | 12:29 |
Siddhartha211 | Yo | 12:29 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, no actually | 12:30 |
jbritz22 | it says cannot excecute binary file? | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | i need some help | 12:30 |
kingspawn | dj-fu: of course, the addendum to my last utterance would be "and be prepared to break your system, and back up your data by crontab almost daily ;)" | 12:30 |
nlogax | Steve^ no, it will prompt you for a pw | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | im trying to install ubuntu | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | on a low end system | 12:30 |
bh | dont we all siddhartha.. | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | how will performance be? | 12:30 |
Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, server install? | 12:30 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: how low-end? | 12:30 |
bh | actually I thought you WERE here to help us all | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | 600 Mhz Pentium 3 processor | 12:30 |
Steve^ | hmm, ok. | 12:30 |
dj-fu | kingspawn, That's one of the great things about breaking Linux - you can fix it. | 12:30 |
Steve^ | I'll try that | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | 128 megs of ram | 12:30 |
Steve^ | brb | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | 20 GB hard drive | 12:30 |
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Curtis | First, I was trying to install an old version of VLC and I think it caused some problems. I got the new one and tried installing it, but it was still broken. I ran apt-get -f install and it fixed things. I am now able to play DivX movies. Thanks again to any of you that were helping earlier. | 12:30 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: I'm running P3-550 with 192 MB RAM | 12:30 |
kingspawn | dj-fu: i remember breaking slackware 1 - you had to be God to fix it ;)) | 12:30 |
Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, could use fluxbox instead of kde if you are conserned | 12:30 |
dj-fu | where as, If I broke something the same way, on Windows, I'd have to reinstall | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | how is it running | 12:30 |
Nickgarvey | I mean gnome | 12:30 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: how does it run? | 12:30 |
Goldfisch | ChronusDark: My configuration points to the nearest naming service, being the router. The other opportunities are to point /etc/resolv.conf to another DNS service, probably from your ISP out on the Internet. | 12:31 |
nlogax | I recommend server install then use enlightenment 16 or Fluxbox (don't use Gnome or KDE) | 12:31 |
nlogax | my system is very responsive | 12:31 |
dj-fu | e17 is nice. | 12:31 |
nlogax | and don't use Openoffice or Firefox!!!! | 12:31 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: Is it laggy or does it run smoothly? | 12:31 |
nlogax | e16 is nice too!!! | 12:31 |
Nickgarvey | haha yeah, use like dillo | 12:31 |
squiddle | na7e check if there is /var/lib/apt/lists/lock if so, than somebody already startet an apt process (which requires a lock) | 12:31 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: What resolution do you keep it at? | 12:31 |
ChronusDark | Goldfisch, gonna point it to my router and try that | 12:31 |
dj-fu | but I really like gnome 2.14 :) | 12:31 |
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nlogax | no, use Epiphany - I can hardly tell the difference from FF but it's so much faster | 12:31 |
nlogax | Sidd: I run at 1280 x 1024 | 12:31 |
na7e | squiddle, that doesn't neccessarily provide for apt-less package installations though | 12:32 |
dj-fu | I haven't had any speed issues with FF, since the 1.5 update in the repos | 12:32 |
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nlogax | dj-fu- it EATS RAM - I guess you have 256 MB or more..... ever noticed it slow down after 1 hour or more? | 12:32 |
kingspawn | dj-fu: i saw a video of this compiz-stuff, looks f'n crazy :) | 12:32 |
dj-fu | I have 1gb of RAM. DDR2-1000mhz, Crucial Ballistix. | 12:32 |
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dj-fu | RAM is no issue whatsoever | 12:32 |
nlogax | kingspawn: easy to set up too - there's a quick HOWTO on tectonic.za | 12:33 |
Nickgarvey | show off :P | 12:33 |
dj-fu | This is my gaming laptop :) | 12:33 |
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nlogax | dj-fu : that's why you don't have a performance problem with FF!! :-) | 12:33 |
dj-fu | hahah :D | 12:33 |
kingspawn | nlogax: heh, i prefer gui-less, so i'll stay out of that whole lot - but it looks like butter :) | 12:33 |
nlogax | dj-fu: try it on 128 MB RAM | 12:33 |
mumbles | how do you know when memtest is finished? | 12:33 |
dj-fu | `links` for the win :P | 12:33 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: And it works perfectly fine? | 12:33 |
FlannelKing | kingspawn: try it out, there's a liveCD, if you don't want to modify your system (although the tectonic one is super easy, and non invasive if something goes south) | 12:33 |
gimliy | 1ghz ramdac ? | 12:33 |
Siddhartha211 | alrite i have one more question | 12:33 |
duckdown | How can I make god damn apt-get stop asking for the friggin INSTALL CD and just fetch from online? | 12:33 |
Siddhartha211 | how do you use AOL on ubuntu | 12:33 |
dash- | LOL | 12:33 |
stpere | someone know how to get wget to list the files in a directory? | 12:33 |
pramz | AOL the isp ? | 12:33 |
FlannelKing | duckdown: remove the CD from the repos | 12:33 |
kingspawn | FlannelKing: maybe I will, since im calling in sick at work tomorrow :) | 12:33 |
pramz | or AOL Instant Messenger ? | 12:33 |
squiddle | duckdown remove the cd from repository lists | 12:34 |
=== dash- suicides | ||
Goldfisch | duckdown: Edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the line citing your CD. The sudo apt-get update. | 12:34 |
duckdown | Thanks guys. | 12:34 |
Stormx2 | duckdown: Edit your sources.list | 12:34 |
dash- | people want to use AOL on linux | 12:34 |
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dash- | thats terrible | 12:34 |
dash- | :/ | 12:34 |
Stormx2 | dash-: o.O ewww | 12:34 |
squiddle | All On Linux :) | 12:34 |
Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, do you mean AOL instant messanger or AOL web browser | 12:34 |
FlannelKing | isn't there some website you can go to to do the "keywords" sort of thing? | 12:34 |
Siddhartha211 | AOL dialup internet | 12:34 |
dash- | lol | 12:34 |
Siddhartha211 | Nickgarvey: AOL Dialup Internet | 12:34 |
dash- | dial up | 12:34 |
kingspawn | flannelking: http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ you mean? or..? | 12:35 |
pramz | Siddhartha211, i dont think thats possible | 12:35 |
dash- | kill me now | 12:35 |
dash- | ;/ | 12:35 |
dj-fu | AOL is horrible | 12:35 |
pramz | since AOL uses a custom dialer | 12:35 |
Nickgarvey | !pppoe | 12:35 |
ubotu | somebody said pppoe was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE | 12:35 |
dj-fu | upgrade, now ;P | 12:35 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: so you can't write a chat script for AOL? | 12:35 |
|mp| | how do you get nautilus to recognise german and other unusual letters? | 12:35 |
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Nickgarvey | wait no thats not what I want | 12:35 |
Nickgarvey | !dialup | 12:35 |
Siddhartha211 | Pramz: someone told me before its possible but i dont know how | 12:35 |
ubotu | well, dialup is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//DialupModemHowto | 12:35 |
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pramz | http://www-jerry.oit.duke.edu/linux/HOWTO/AOL_dialup_howto.html | 12:35 |
borfast | ?printer sharing | 12:35 |
pramz | i guess it is possible | 12:35 |
pramz | but not easy | 12:35 |
Siddhartha211 | Nlogax: i dunno how to write scripts | 12:35 |
borfast | !printer sharing | 12:35 |
ubotu | borfast: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 12:35 |
pramz | with other ISPs you can just create a new pppd connection | 12:36 |
FlannelKing | kingspawn: I dont know. I just know theres some sort of web portal type thing that lets you do keywords like AOL, since, that'd be the biggest reason to use AOL, for people !clue. | 12:36 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: what language do i have to write it in | 12:36 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: see above howto | 12:36 |
gimliy | since dapper upgrade firefox uses some funny mouse gestures when using my scroll-wheel too fast. how do i remove this annoying thing? | 12:36 |
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jbritz22 | ko im btinging my compupstairs and then were gonna do this, ok? | 12:36 |
dash- | i use kubuntu | 12:36 |
dash- | :] | 12:36 |
dash- | kde pwns | 12:36 |
ana | sorry to interrupt your conversation, but how do you enable root login in ubuntu? | 12:36 |
nlogax | gimliy: Use Epiphany browser :-) | 12:36 |
nlogax | ana: sudo passwd -s then set a password | 12:36 |
gimliy | nlogax: well i do, but that's no real solution for the problem :) | 12:36 |
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ana | i'll try it | 12:36 |
kingspawn | FlannelKing: you program? | 12:36 |
borfast | ubotu, you should learn about printer sharing, you should tell people to visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows and the other links at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers ;) | 12:37 |
ubotu | I'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, borfast | 12:37 |
brenner | gimliy: disable the gestures? | 12:37 |
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Siddhartha211 | okay | 12:37 |
dash- | nlogax whats the -s do | 12:37 |
FlannelKing | kingspawn: I do. Why? | 12:37 |
kingspawn | borfast: "ubotu printersharing is..." | 12:37 |
Siddhartha211 | thanks | 12:37 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: thanks | 12:37 |
gimliy | brenner: where ? | 12:37 |
Siddhartha211 | pramz: thanks | 12:37 |
jbritz22 | ok im just booting up :D | 12:37 |
nlogax | dash: actually drop the -s it's not needed | 12:37 |
borfast | yes, I know, ubotu, but it's always funny to talk to an IRC bot. besides, I'm hoping your admin will see this and teaches you :P | 12:37 |
borfast | kingspawn: I can do that??... | 12:37 |
dash- | nlogax so that just sets a root password? | 12:37 |
brenner | gimliy: tools i'm guessing | 12:37 |
pramz | Siddhartha211, i would recommend a local smalltime ISP if all you can get is dialup | 12:37 |
kingspawn | FlannelKing: i just like the syntax ;) we need a ubuntu programming-gang :) | 12:37 |
nlogax | dash: sudo -s gives you a root shell (just like using su in the good old days) | 12:37 |
pramz | unless you travel you should be fine | 12:37 |
kingspawn | borfast: indeed, as long as the information is correct and up to date | 12:38 |
Goldfisch | ubotu printersharing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows and the other links at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers ;) | 12:38 |
ubotu | okay, Goldfisch | 12:38 |
dash- | k | 12:38 |
Goldfisch | !printersharing | 12:38 |
borfast | ubotu printer sharing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP | 12:38 |
ubotu | well, printersharing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows and the other links at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers ;) | 12:38 |
ubotu | borfast: okay | 12:38 |
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Siddhartha211 | pramz: i'm using AOL's free trial lol...when it ends Im getting Verizon DSL....does that work with ubuntu? | 12:38 |
kingspawn | calm down, people, one at a time :) | 12:38 |
borfast | ubotu printer sharing is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWinXP and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Printers | 12:38 |
ubotu | ...but printer sharing is already something else... | 12:38 |
pramz | Siddhartha211, yes | 12:38 |
amonkey | a program i'm trying to compile complains about not being able to find the kernel source directory, even after i installed the linux-source-2.6.12 package. what package should i install? | 12:38 |
ompaul | borfast, stop msg me | 12:38 |
Goldfisch | borfast: Now just a minute. We don't want to fill ubotu with XP procedures on an ubuntu channel, now do we. | 12:38 |
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borfast | ompaul: ?? | 12:38 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: yes of course. Try to get an Ethernet ADSL modem, not USB, if you can (and if you have a network card) | 12:39 |
pramz | Siddhartha211, Any dialup isp besides AOL should work | 12:39 |
Nickgarvey | I seen no reason why not Siddhartha211, uses an ethernet cable to get into your computer, modem handles the rest | 12:39 |
pramz | AOL just uses a proprietary connector | 12:39 |
gimliy | brenner: i couldn't find any gesture-settings in firefox neither in ubuntu settings | 12:39 |
ompaul | (A) your spamming the channel and (B) I'll show you how to do it | 12:39 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: the computer with ubuntu has to have a USB connection | 12:39 |
ompaul | borfast, ^^^ | 12:39 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: is there going to be anything wrong with that | 12:39 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: shouldn't be, but ethernet is better | 12:39 |
borfast | ompaul: you're right about the spamming. sorry about that, people | 12:39 |
Goldfisch | amonkey: build-essential | 12:39 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: how so? | 12:39 |
ompaul | borfast, you need to fix what you have done and get it right so msg me | 12:40 |
Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, a lot easier to get working and I feel it is faster also | 12:40 |
brenner | gimliy: i suggest you ask in #ubuntu+1 dapper channel, or #firefox. i don't use dapper | 12:40 |
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GDG | hi, I use alien to create a .deb from last firefox .tar.gz, when I install it, it was placed in /firefox (at the same level of /opt or /home), can I specify a path/prefix ? | 12:40 |
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nlogax | Siddhartha211: less hassle to get working - before getting Verizon, find out which model ADSL modem they'll give you and make sure it works with Linux | 12:40 |
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Joetheodd | I love this channel. So fun to just sit and read as it scrolls by. lol | 12:40 |
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ompaul | !offtopic | 12:40 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 12:40 |
ddg_bluesky | hello all how are you all doing | 12:40 |
Siddhartha211 | nickgarvey: theyre going to give me Westell modem for the base Windows XP computer and a westell addapter | 12:40 |
gimliy | brenner: thanks :) | 12:40 |
amonkey | Goldfisch, although i could have sworn i installed that package, it's not in synaptic | 12:40 |
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jbritz22 | ok | 12:41 |
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ddg_bluesky | I am having a mouse issue and wondering if someone can help me | 12:41 |
jbritz22 | so im up and running now | 12:41 |
jbritz22 | and wanna run as root | 12:41 |
GDG | hi, I use alien to create a .deb from last firefox .tar.gz, when I install it, it was placed in /firefox (at the same level of /opt or /home), can I specify a path/prefix ? | 12:41 |
Goldfisch | !build-essential | 12:41 |
jbritz22 | so what do I type? | 12:41 |
ubotu | [build-essential] a meta package for software building see !gcc for more info | 12:41 |
ddg_bluesky | I just installed ubuntu and my mouse is a big square | 12:41 |
amonkey | !gcc | 12:41 |
ubotu | well, gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 12:41 |
brenner | GDG: ff1.5? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 12:41 |
Joetheodd | GFG, I've heard a lot of bad rap about alien. Are you sure there wasn't a debian package for Firefox that you could use instead/ | 12:41 |
ddg_bluesky | how can I correct this issue? | 12:41 |
Siddhartha211 | nickgarvey: how do i install the USB adapter for ubuntu? | 12:41 |
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Goldfisch | The firefox package is mozilla-firefox. | 12:41 |
Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, no idea probably different for everyone | 12:41 |
Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, which is why ethernet is better heh | 12:41 |
amonkey | Goldfisch, already newest version. | 12:41 |
kingspawn | the ubotu-add for !gcc is actually wrong, but i dont know if it matters | 12:42 |
llusser | jbritz22 sudo then command to run as root | 12:42 |
jbritz22 | ok | 12:42 |
jbritz22 | sudo -s? | 12:42 |
Goldfisch | amonkey: Then you may need some -dev package. | 12:42 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: why can't u use ethernet? | 12:42 |
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Siddhartha211 | nlogax: the other computer is a low end system | 12:42 |
llusser | jbritz22 that works also | 12:42 |
Goldfisch | amonkey: Also search for header on ubuntu's package searcher. | 12:42 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: doesnt have ethernet | 12:42 |
=== Steve^ [n=Steve@host-138-38-235-220.nat.bath.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz22 | sweet | 12:42 |
Steve^ | Right, who was helping me fix sudo? | 12:42 |
brenner | kingspawn: really? where? | 12:42 |
amonkey | Goldfisch, exact error "Can't find kernel source directory: /lib/modules/2.6.12-100386/build" | 12:42 |
Steve^ | I set a root password, but can I log into root and have gnome? | 12:43 |
ddg_bluesky | anyone here know how to correct a mouse issue? | 12:43 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211: NICs are v. cheap.. but if for some reason you can't, just make sure the ADSL modem model is supported by Linux | 12:43 |
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ompaul | kingspawn, don't concur | 12:43 |
nlogax | Steve^ do you know how to use virtual terminals? | 12:43 |
Steve^ | nlogax, no | 12:43 |
jbritz22 | is there anyway to run the gui in root | 12:43 |
ddg_bluesky | why do I get a big square for the mouse rather than a pointer | 12:43 |
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Goldfisch | amoney: Infers to me you need the headers for that kernel such that you can build against it. | 12:43 |
jbritz22 | so I can make changes through the gui rather than text? | 12:43 |
kingspawn | brenner: let me find you a link | 12:43 |
RipVanFish | people who know how to fix ethernet on my ASROCK board? | 12:43 |
IdleOne | !tell jbritz22 about root | 12:43 |
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Goldfisch | Got to go, folks. Later. | 12:43 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: when i install PENG (the AOL dialup thing) will it show up in the "start menu thing" | 12:43 |
Steve^ | !tell steve about root | 12:43 |
Steve^ | oops | 12:43 |
Steve^ | !tell Steve^ about root | 12:43 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: how do i install .tar.gz files? | 12:44 |
Nickgarvey | Steve^, you can use /msg ubotu "command" instead | 12:44 |
Siddhartha211 | nlogax: do i just double click | 12:44 |
nlogax | Steve^ don't do this yet, but if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 you will get a text console.. from there you should be able to log in and fix stuff | 12:44 |
nlogax | Steve^ BUT | 12:44 |
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Nickgarvey | Siddhartha211, if you don't need to use .tar.gz | 12:44 |
Nickgarvey | don't | 12:44 |
nlogax | Steve^ remember to push CTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to XWindows | 12:44 |
Steve^ | nlogax, yea for that | 12:44 |
Steve^ | nlogax, *did that | 12:44 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: heard of that before. search the forum | 12:44 |
Siddhartha211 | nickgarvey: the installation file is a tar.gz file | 12:44 |
Siddhartha211 | nickgarvey: so how do i install it | 12:44 |
Nickgarvey | for what Siddhartha211 ? | 12:44 |
nlogax | Steve^ so you can't even log in at text console? | 12:44 |
Siddhartha211 | nickgarvey: PENG, the AOL dialer | 12:44 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, what is the file for? | 12:45 |
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ddg_bluesky | yeah brenner I did search the forums and didnt come up with anything | 12:45 |
Steve^ | nlogax, apt-get couldn't reinstall sudo (apt-get --reinstall install sudo), I need to set up my proxy server via gnome :/ | 12:45 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleONe: PENG, the AOL dialer | 12:45 |
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crouchingMonkey | what program is there for ubuntu that i can use to edit audio files like mp3s or other formats | 12:45 |
nlogax | Steve^ I propose you use the 'su' command instead of 'sudo' until the problem is fixed | 12:45 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, tar -xzf <file.tar.gz> | 12:45 |
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Nickgarvey | penggy would work maybe? | 12:45 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: let me see if i can find something | 12:45 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, that will extract the file then you will need to compile the program | 12:46 |
Siddhartha211 | Idle One: so i enter that command in the terminal? | 12:46 |
nlogax | Steve^ was there a particular error when you tried to apt-get --reinstall? | 12:46 |
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Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: where will it extract the files and how do i compile the programk | 12:46 |
flemnos | crouchingMonkey, audacity, perhaps? | 12:46 |
jbritz22 | if I have a windows XP inf driver, can I install it on linux using ndiswrapper -i (filename.inf)? | 12:46 |
Steve^ | nlogax, couldn't contact the servers. My network is complicated, normally need to supply programs with a file to understand it | 12:46 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: try the package "penggy" | 12:46 |
crouchingMonkey | thx flemnos | 12:46 |
TTT_Travis | did you guys see this? | 12:46 |
TTT_Travis | http://digg.com/software/Bounties_growing_for_streaming_video_support_in_Ampache | 12:46 |
Siddhartha211 | Gimliy: thats what im downloading... | 12:46 |
TTT_Travis | possible video support | 12:47 |
ddg_bluesky | awesome brenner thank you | 12:47 |
TTT_Travis | so you can watch your videos from anywhere | 12:47 |
nlogax | Steve^ can you elaborate on that? don't understand what you mean by needing to supply a file | 12:47 |
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gimliy | Siddhartha211: well it is a deb pkg in the reps.. tor tar-ball to compile | 12:47 |
Steve^ | nlogax, as seen here: http://www.bath.ac.uk/bucs/proxy/cacheconfig.shtml I need to specify this: http://www.bath.ac.uk/proxy/proxy.config | 12:47 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, it will extract to cd Desktop probably and then you cd onto the new folder and probably type ./configure | 12:47 |
Siddhartha211 | gimliy: what the heck is that | 12:47 |
tolis | I got problem with macromedia flash player 7 .. I cannot fill out forms, or even read the text boxes ... anyone knows whats wrong?? | 12:47 |
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flyingfox | hi, I am installing a software. The install readme said I am to run 'setupwfc' script. How do I run this script. Thanks | 12:47 |
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Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: im an ubuntu noob i dont understand what youre saying | 12:47 |
mklebel | When I upgraded from 5.04 to 5.10 on my HP laptop, X crashes? What significant changes would affect this? | 12:48 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: you have to "build" the *tar.gz yourself.. the packages in the repos can be easily installed with synaptic or apt-get | 12:48 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: someone made a topic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147453 but no one has answered yet | 12:48 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: sudo apt-get install penggy and you're done | 12:48 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: is it just the mouse cursor that is weird or do you have other glitches? | 12:49 |
IdleOne | gimliy, thats what I was just searching for :) thanks | 12:49 |
RipVanFish | Anyone know anything about integrated ethernet that could help me out? | 12:49 |
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Hooke | hello! I've just installed ubuntu. My problem is that I cant view dvds. Totem says: "There were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding plugins" can anyone help, please? thanks | 12:49 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, do what gimliy just said in terminal | 12:49 |
nlogax | Steve^ tried this link? http://blog.mypapit.net/2006/02/how-to-use-apt-get-behind-proxy-server-ubuntudebian.html | 12:49 |
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brenner | !tell Hooke about dvd | 12:49 |
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ddg_bluesky | its just the mouse , and that was me that posted that on the forum, what should I do for this issue> | 12:49 |
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wenko | from the command promt in ubuntu how do i get to the gui | 12:49 |
=== barktpolar [n=barktpol@64-48-208-12.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flyingfox | hi, I am installing a software. The install readme said I am to run 'setupwfc' script. How do I run this script. | 12:50 |
flyingfox | do I run it in console? | 12:50 |
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Siddhartha211 | gimliy: so i enter exactly what you just said in the terminal? | 12:50 |
nlogax | wenko: how did you log in to the system? from a graphical login screen? | 12:50 |
gimliy | Hooke: sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 from a console | 12:50 |
Siddhartha211 | the whole thing? | 12:50 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, penggy - connects to AOL via modem or TCP/IP thats what you need so sudo apt-get install penggy | 12:50 |
lullabud | flyingfox: yup. | 12:50 |
Nickgarvey | yes flyingfox | 12:50 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: lol. ok, i would try (a) using another cursor theme (b) reconfigging xorg | 12:50 |
flyingfox | but message says command not found | 12:50 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: sudo apt-get install penggy | 12:50 |
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gimliy | Siddhartha211: or use synaptic and search for "penggy" | 12:50 |
lullabud | flyingfox: ./setupwfc | 12:50 |
jacob_ | how do i open a .deb file on ubuntu? | 12:50 |
ddg_bluesky | how do I reconfigure the xorg, what should I change | 12:50 |
wenko | nlogax no it came up in CLI | 12:50 |
lullabud | !deb | 12:51 |
ubotu | To install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos) | 12:51 |
IdleOne | jacob_, dpkg -i file.deb | 12:51 |
ddg_bluesky | and how do i change the curser them? | 12:51 |
RipVanFish | The bug report for the ASROCK Dual 939 says the bug should be fixed but it's not | 12:51 |
flyingfox | thanks. lullabud | 12:51 |
nlogax | wenko: ok is this the 1st time you've booted Ubuntu? | 12:51 |
ana | No matter what I do I can't seem to change the root passwd or enable root login from the login screen. Please help. | 12:51 |
flyingfox | does this mean everytime there's a script, i have to run by ./setupwfc | 12:51 |
nlogax | wenko: have you ever been able to log in to GUI before? | 12:51 |
wenko | yes | 12:51 |
Siddhartha211 | so even without copying the installation files by entering what you just said it will work? | 12:51 |
SimzI | Can anybody help me to setup my sound card? It's showing up with cat /proc/asound/cards but it's not working :( | 12:51 |
wenko | no | 12:51 |
Hooke | gimliy, thanks ;) | 12:51 |
lullabud | ana: do you really need root login from the login screen? | 12:51 |
barktpolar | Hey Room | 12:51 |
Siddhartha211 | where do i copy the installation file | 12:51 |
Siddhartha211 | .tar.g | 12:51 |
Siddhartha211 | .tar.gz | 12:51 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, yes | 12:51 |
ana | lullabud: if possible, yes | 12:51 |
wenko | nlogax: this is the second boot | 12:52 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, nevermind that file | 12:52 |
Steve^ | nlogax, thanks, i'll go try that | 12:52 |
nlogax | wenko: did you do a standard install of Ubuntu and what kind of video card have you got? | 12:52 |
lullabud | ana: i find that hard to believe. | 12:52 |
=== Exposure [n=Exposure@i103033.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
flyingfox | can i go to the directory containing the script and then type 'setupwfc' | 12:52 |
SimzI | Oh hi GTX :] | 12:52 |
barktpolar | lullabud, are you using the boot CD | 12:52 |
flyingfox | instead of ./setupwfc | 12:52 |
jbritz22 | blissex: you still here man? | 12:52 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: download a theme from gnome-look.org, then try and drag and drop the archive from nautilus to sys>prefs>theme | 12:52 |
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wenko | nlogax: yes standard | 12:52 |
gimliy | Hooke: i hope that works.. could be you need libdvdcss for encrypted dvds | 12:52 |
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SimzI | Can anybody help me with sound card issues? | 12:52 |
Blissex | jbritz22: yes, how is it going? | 12:52 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, ubuntu has a ready made package for peng called penggy just type sudo apt-get install penggy and it will install the program | 12:52 |
nlogax | wenko: OK, looks like your vid card wasn't auto-configured by X.org | 12:52 |
=== Psittacose [i=Psittaco@std93-2-81-56-79-176.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lullabud | flyingfox: no, if the script is in the current dir you have to do ./scriptname | 12:52 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: so i just delete the file i just downloaded and by simply entering what the other guy said sudo apt whatever it will isntall penggy? | 12:52 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: copy it to the trash :) | 12:52 |
jacob_ | can i play mp3's on this system, and if i can how? | 12:52 |
Blissex | jbritz22: also I found this for you for background info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 12:52 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, yup thats right :) | 12:53 |
jbritz22 | blissex: nto so good, I got into root at least, do you think I can install the inf from the driver provided with the card using ndiswrapper on linux?\ | 12:53 |
jbritz22 | ok | 12:53 |
nlogax | wenko: run the lspci command and see if you see the name of your video card? | 12:53 |
jbritz22 | thanks blissex | 12:53 |
tonyyarusso | ubotu: tell jacob_ about mp3 | 12:53 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: once it install penggy how do i use the GUI version of it | 12:53 |
ddg_bluesky | doing that now | 12:53 |
lullabud | flyingfox: if the script is not located within your $PATH you need to give the path to it, relative or absolute. "./script" is relative. | 12:53 |
amonkey | i'm getting the error "You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.12-10-386 (i686) first.", but i can't figure out how to do that | 12:53 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: man penggy .. i never used that | 12:53 |
=== DjKritical [n=kritical@203-109-148-22.ihug.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, it will probable be in Applications>internet menu | 12:53 |
SimzI | Somebody help me to get my sound card working? | 12:53 |
RipVanFish | How do you get DHCP to run on boot? | 12:53 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, if it isnt there then you will type in terminal penggy | 12:54 |
nlogax | RipVanFish: Administration | Network | change the network card to DHCP | 12:54 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: man /etc/network/interfaces | 12:54 |
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nlogax | Simzl: what type of sound card? | 12:54 |
madgik85 | hello, i was wondering is anyone can help. I am installing Azureus and i wa wonderinf where the best place to put the extracted directory as this will be where Azureus will run from? | 12:54 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: so i go to that, click on the program and from there it should be easy to use....because im mainly a windows user and I know nothing about ubuntu | 12:54 |
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SimzI | nlogax, creative sound blaster audigy se2 | 12:54 |
lullabud | madgik85: try /usr/bin | 12:55 |
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Wharf | Hi there | 12:55 |
gimliy | madgik85: if you want azureus to be run from your $path you should put a copy of a modifier azureus (binary) in /usr/sbin or something | 12:55 |
SimzI | it shows up with cat /proc/assounds/cards | 12:55 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, listen dude I know you are weary about entering ramdom commands given to you in a irc channel but take a leap of faith and trust me :) | 12:55 |
kingspawn | gimliy: or a symlink, even better. | 12:55 |
Wharf | How do i debug a program on ubuntu using the console? | 12:55 |
gimliy | madgik85: the directory could be placed in /usr/share/azureus or something | 12:55 |
Steve^ | nlogax, I've popped in "export http_proxy=http://wwwcache.bath.ac.uk:3128/" But that hasn't had any effect. Do I need to refresh something? | 12:55 |
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Blissex | jbritz22: well, the ACX MS Windows is reported to work OK with NDISwrapper, but I tried 1-2 years ago and did not work for me. | 12:55 |
gimliy | kingspawn: i'll tried the symlink.. didn't work | 12:55 |
madgik85 | gimliy, ok thank you | 12:55 |
lullabud | madgik85: actually, not /usr/sbin/. sbin is for system binaries. | 12:55 |
kingspawn | gimliy: how'd you make it? | 12:56 |
devians | anyone here zen with bash scripting able to write me a quickie? | 12:56 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: since you seem smart, how do i access my floppy drive without having to sudo mount it a hundred times | 12:56 |
barktpolar | What CD-Rom Speed doe sthe Live CD need to run | 12:56 |
gimliy | kingspawn: ln -s target-name linkname :) | 12:56 |
RipVanFish | nlogax: did that, system still can't detect the network | 12:56 |
lullabud | barktpolar: it should run on any cdrom. | 12:56 |
jbritz22 | Blissex: well, I will give it a try, im new to ubuntu, what does it use for package management, and is there any packages compiled for ndiswrapper? | 12:56 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, thats a good question and better suited for someone smarter then me | 12:56 |
lullabud | barktpolar: it might be slow on slower cd drives though. ;-) | 12:56 |
kingspawn | gimliy: ;) how come it didnt work, though? | 12:56 |
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Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: because i figured out how to sudo mount it, but when i do that and i change the disk i cant remount until i restart the livecd, and i cant write to the disk | 12:56 |
tonyyarusso | IdleOne: Like the bot :) | 12:56 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: what do I do once I open /etc/network/interfaces? | 12:57 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I have the them downloaded | 12:57 |
Siddhartha211 | anyone? | 12:57 |
ddg_bluesky | but what do I do now | 12:57 |
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lullabud | Siddhartha211: `man fstab` | 12:57 |
barktpolar | I Know that deal, my cd drive is 8x | 12:57 |
unf | hello | 12:57 |
cyphase | what do i have to do to be able to play h264 in Totem? | 12:57 |
IdleOne | tonyyarusso, indeed | 12:57 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: Check your message from ubotu | 12:57 |
Siddhartha211 | tonyyarusso: thanks | 12:57 |
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nlogax | Steve^ did you add those to bashrc somewhere or run them in the shell? | 12:57 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, you are running the LIveCD now? | 12:57 |
Blissex | jbritz22: package managegement with 'apt-get', 'aptitude' or 'synaptic', and there should be 'ndiswrapper' packages. | 12:57 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: where did you download it to? | 12:57 |
Steve^ | nlogax, bottom of bash.bashrc | 12:57 |
kingspawn | Siddhartha211: mounting and umounting is a part of linux life. make a script to do it, maybe? | 12:57 |
DjKritical | Question: If I want to write administrative scripts in ubuntu.. whats a good language to do them in? | 12:57 |
jbritz22 | ok sweet | 12:57 |
kingspawn | DjKritical: bash script | 12:57 |
lullabud | cyphase: vlc plays h264. | 12:58 |
unf | i dont want to see my mounted devices on the desktop, where do i disable it? i dont find the key in gconf | 12:58 |
barktpolar | C++ My Guess | 12:58 |
cyphase | Siddhartha211, what's your probem with mounting? | 12:58 |
gimliy | kingspawn: iface eth0 inet dhcp | 12:58 |
Nogimics | Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 12:58 |
cyphase | lullabud, i know | 12:58 |
DjKritical | kingspawn: any reason why you would say bash script instead or perl? | 12:58 |
ddg_bluesky | its in a temp directory | 12:58 |
cyphase | lullabud, that's what i use now | 12:58 |
Nogimics | Anyone know what a Gtk Warning is? | 12:58 |
nlogax | Simzl: what is the number next to it in /proc/asound/cards? | 12:58 |
ddg_bluesky | and its a tar | 12:58 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: im running Windows rite now, im going to install full version ubuntu on other computer, the only time i've used ubuntu before is livecd | 12:58 |
gimliy | kingspawn: and delete all static entries following for eth0 .. or eth* | 12:58 |
tonyyarusso | unf: It's under app>nautilus in there, iirc | 12:58 |
cyphase | lullabud, but it'd be nice if it worked in totem | 12:58 |
matthewv | unf: it is in gconf... hang on.. i'll find what | 12:58 |
lullabud | cyphase: oooooh | 12:58 |
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kingspawn | DjKritical: basically just because it is already "connected" to every system resource you might need for a "script" | 12:58 |
nlogax | Steve^ if you only did that you need to log out and back in for them to take effect | 12:58 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, ah ok | 12:58 |
lullabud | cyphase: i thought you were talking to somebody named totem. ^_^ | 12:58 |
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nlogax | Steve^ just run the export command at the CLI | 12:58 |
Siddhartha211 | cyphase: tony gave me a tutorial web page on how to mount the floppy drive so my problem is solved | 12:59 |
nlogax | Steve^ things in bashrc are only run when bash starts | 12:59 |
jbritz22 | Blissex: is ndiswrapper hard to use? or is it just the one command line | 12:59 |
stewski | any tips for cool linux apps to check out? | 12:59 |
kingspawn | Steve^: or ". <name>" sources the file, and eliminates the need for logout/login | 12:59 |
Hooke | gimliy, it doesnt work: apt-get says "libdvdread3 is already the newest version. | 12:59 |
Hooke | " and totem says the same | 12:59 |
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unf | tonyyarusso, thank u very much! been hours lookin for it | 12:59 |
cyphase | Siddhartha211, System -> Administration -> Disks | 12:59 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, ubotu is going to send you a bunch of link in a minute k ... these links will get you started with ubuntu | 12:59 |
Nogimics | Anyone know what a Gtk Warning is? please | 12:59 |
ddg_bluesky | where should I extrack it | 12:59 |
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tonyyarusso | unf: np | 12:59 |
IdleOne | !tell Siddhartha211 about cli | 12:59 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: prepend your messages w/ my name please so they highlight. go to sys>prefs>theme, click on install theme and point it to the archive | 12:59 |
matthewv | unf, apps --> nautilus --> desktop --> volumes_visible ensure that is deselected | 12:59 |
m | fgfg | 12:59 |
IdleOne | !tell Siddhartha211 about restrictedformats | 12:59 |
nlogax | Simzl: what is the number next to your sound card when you cat /proc/asound/cards ? | 12:59 |
IdleOne | !tell Siddhartha211 about repos | 12:59 |
jbritz22 | Blissex: since I dont have internet, how am I suspsoed to apt-get the files | 12:59 |
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Blissex | jbritz22: if it works first time it is very easy to use, if does not and you try to fix it is pretty hard. | 12:59 |
lullabud | Steve^: don't forget .bash_profile | 12:59 |
Steve^ | too late, logged in and out | 01:00 |
unf | matthewv, yep, i found it, thanks a lot :)) | 01:00 |
Steve^ | sudo is apprently updated | 01:00 |
tonyyarusso | Nogimics: Depends what warning, but I'm going to guess that you tried to run a GUI app that requires root priviledge without it; true? | 01:00 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, with those links you should be good to get started | 01:00 |
Blissex | jbritz22: you can 'apt-get' from CDs as long as you have registered them with 'apt-cdrom' | 01:00 |
Steve^ | will I need to reboot this account too? | 01:00 |
nlogax | Steve^ reboot this account?? | 01:00 |
Steve^ | this user, steve | 01:00 |
jbritz22 | can I apt-get from usb drivers?\ | 01:00 |
jbritz22 | drives* | 01:00 |
cyphase | jbritz22, download it, install it on the computer, then install it straight from the repo when the net is working | 01:00 |
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GTX | guys when I press shift and backspace it logs me off how can I fix this | 01:00 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, before installing any programs like penggy you will need to enable universe and multiverse ( see link for repos from ubotu ) | 01:00 |
lullabud | jbritz22: you can apt-get from any source as long as you configure apt to use that source. | 01:01 |
nlogax | Steve^ - if you've added it to Steve's .bashrc then yes | 01:01 |
cyphase | jbritz22, sudo dpkg -i ndiswrapper_whatever.deb | 01:01 |
gimliy | Hooke: have you tried vlc or any other player? | 01:01 |
nlogax | Steve^ or you can just run it interactively | 01:01 |
barktpolar | When you install Ubuntu, does it detect your modem | 01:01 |
Steve^ | nlogax, I just tried "sudo -s" in a terminal and northing happened.. so either it needs a reboot or the reinstall didn't fix anything | 01:01 |
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gimliy | Hooke: libdvdcss is not in the repos so it would be difficult to install | 01:01 |
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nlogax | Steve^ as root, run visudo | 01:01 |
RipVanFish | My computer still can't detect the network :( | 01:01 |
Hooke | gimliy, no, I'll try them now | 01:01 |
Nogimics | tonyyarusso I dont know if it requires root provs but I tried with sudo too: I am trying to run a program and I get this error: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 01:01 |
gimliy | kingspawn: did the interface-thing work ? | 01:01 |
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kingspawn | gimliy: what did you tell me about networks? might have been to the wrong user here...? ;) | 01:01 |
jbritz22 | cyphase: what directory should I place the file in | 01:02 |
tonyyarusso | Nogimics: What program? (From a gnome-terminal?) | 01:02 |
=== rcsolutions [n=rodolfo@201009139238.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barktpolar | Cause i want to use the internet with Ubuntu, but I need to know that first and if it set up in TCP/IP | 01:02 |
nlogax | Steve^ when the sudoers file opens, use :x to save and exit and look for any warnings/error messages | 01:02 |
kingspawn | gimliy: we talked about symlinks, then... :) | 01:02 |
cyphase | jbritz22, it doesn't matter | 01:02 |
gimliy | kingspawn: ups | 01:02 |
rcsolutions | Does ubuntu have any program that unpack .rar files? | 01:02 |
Fitzsimmons | anyone know what the deal is with gst on ubuntu? | 01:02 |
tonyyarusso | !rar | 01:02 |
ubotu | I guess rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression | 01:02 |
gimliy | who was the guy with dhcp/bootup? | 01:02 |
kingspawn | rcsolutions: sudo apt-get install unrar | 01:02 |
barktpolar | Archive Manager I think | 01:02 |
GTX | guys when I press shift and backspace it logs me off how can I fix this | 01:02 |
RipVanFish | I still can't get my network working | 01:02 |
jmp_me | rcsolutions: unrar | 01:02 |
Fitzsimmons | I do gst-launch alsasrc ! alsasink | 01:02 |
kingspawn | gimliy: in this chaos, God knows ;) | 01:02 |
Fitzsimmons | but I don't get any output | 01:02 |
gimliy | rcsolutions: p7zip also works | 01:03 |
nlogax | RipVanFish - can you set a static IP and ping your router? | 01:03 |
jmp_me | try unrar -v | 01:03 |
cyphase | GTX, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts | 01:03 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: ah, it was you :) | 01:03 |
GTX | cyphase, that doesnt work | 01:03 |
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cyphase | hmm | 01:03 |
jmp_me | anyway. how do i update my sudo password? it works with the old password | 01:03 |
RipVanFish | nlogax: I shouldn't be behind a router | 01:03 |
Nogimics | tonyyarusso nessus and im SSH in to my ubutnu box | 01:03 |
cyphase | i don't know then | 01:03 |
Hexidigital | heya guys... i'm having a problem here | 01:03 |
barktpolar | IS ubotu a bot? | 01:03 |
kingspawn | jmp_me: just "passwd username" | 01:03 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: yeah I still need help :) | 01:03 |
nlogax | RipVanFish: what are you expecting to allocate you a DHCP address? | 01:03 |
Steve^ | nlogax, what do you mean by :x? | 01:03 |
Hexidigital | i'm trying to install the version of firefox | 01:03 |
Hexidigital | and i can't get the updater to run | 01:04 |
barktpolar | Just get it from the site | 01:04 |
nlogax | Steve^ :x is a command in the vi text editor - it means 'save and exit' | 01:04 |
jmp_me | kingspawn: that changes the password for a user.. not for sudo | 01:04 |
RipVanFish | nlogax: well I'm on a college campus, so probably one of their servers? | 01:04 |
Steve^ | it opened in nano, me thinks | 01:04 |
kingspawn | jmp_me: the sudo passwd is the user passwd, no? | 01:04 |
Hexidigital | bark, was that directed to me? | 01:04 |
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brenner | jmp_me: sudo uses the user password | 01:04 |
stewski | is there a way to get gome to recognise combination key commands like super_l H for home? | 01:04 |
tonyyarusso | Nogimics: Try prefacing with gksudo rather than just sudo. (Assuming Gnome) | 01:04 |
nlogax | brenner: that's not always the case, but is the default (can use root pw instead) | 01:04 |
barktpolar | IDK Hexi, I never used firefox | 01:04 |
jmp_me | eh. does'nt it use the root pass? | 01:04 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I did install the theme but didn't change my mouse curser, what should I do now | 01:04 |
jmp_me | this seems fucked | 01:05 |
bimberi | ubotu tell stewski about winkey | 01:05 |
barktpolar | Wish I did though | 01:05 |
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Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: i have to do this universe thing | 01:05 |
Hexidigital | :) np | 01:05 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: ok, the system->settings thing didn't work ? | 01:05 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: is it absolutely required? | 01:05 |
nlogax | Steve^ OK so save and exit and see if any errors | 01:05 |
Wharf | Can someone help me debug a program please? | 01:05 |
nalioth | jmp_me: language please | 01:05 |
Wharf | Duno how to do it | 01:05 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: did you select the theme? | 01:05 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, if you want to install penggy yes it will be | 01:05 |
Hexidigital | anyone using Ubuntu with Firefox verion 1.5? | 01:05 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: sys>prefs>mouse | 01:05 |
kingspawn | jmp_me: there is no root password by default | 01:05 |
jmp_me | Hexidigital: i am :) | 01:05 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: but if you run dhclient by hand you get a ip? | 01:05 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner yes I did yes I did | 01:05 |
tonyyarusso | Hexidigital: Are you following the wiki? (I am) | 01:05 |
sfar-ubu | Hexidigital: yep | 01:05 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: nope | 01:05 |
barktpolar | Does anyone in here use Gaim or XChat? | 01:05 |
Nogimics | tonyyarusso: gksudo didnt help and I am presuming gnome too lol, as im new to linux | 01:05 |
Hexidigital | bark, i do | 01:05 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: what are the other two links | 01:05 |
Hexidigital | i use Gaim | 01:05 |
tonyyarusso | Nogimics: Okay, probably a safe bet. | 01:05 |
matthewv | Hexidigital, there are a few guides on the forums for installing firefox 1.5 | 01:05 |
Steve^ | nlogax, any errors where? There is nothing left in the root terminal. Just the prompt | 01:05 |
tonyyarusso | !firefox1.5 | 01:06 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 01:06 |
barktpolar | I'm running Gaim now, I'm on WIndows and installed Gaim from the Ubuntu CD | 01:06 |
Hexidigital | i tried to find info in forums and on the site, but i wasn't lucky | 01:06 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I did change it in mouse but still getting that square | 01:06 |
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RipVanFish | gimliy: I think I can set one up manually but the internet doesn't work | 01:06 |
nlogax | Steve^ OK - visudo does a syntax check of /etc/sudoers on exiting - so if no errors it means sudoers file is fine | 01:06 |
protocol1 | is there a way to show how much memory I have via ubuntu? | 01:06 |
jmp_me | i just installed firefox 2.0!! it was hard to get back :) | 01:06 |
nlogax | protocol1 : try free | 01:06 |
jbritz22 | ok so | 01:06 |
jbritz22 | I | 01:06 |
protocol1 | phsical memoryy | 01:06 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: then i would try reconfigging xorg | 01:06 |
protocol1 | ok | 01:06 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, the cli link is a howto for the command line aka terminal and the restrictedformats is for installing and enabling java/mp3/a whole bunch of other things | 01:06 |
Nogimics | tonyyarusso: any other ideas pls? | 01:06 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: it's much easier for the college to assign me one based on my ethernet address | 01:06 |
jbritz22 | ndiswrapper -i T did that, and it says its installed, now what do I do :D | 01:06 |
dash- | apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 01:06 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: so try "dhclient" from a console and tell me if that works | 01:07 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner what am I looking for in xorg | 01:07 |
brenner | nlogax: i thought there was no root password by default | 01:07 |
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barktpolar | If I am gonna use firefox with Ubuntu, I'm using the one that was included in UL 5.10 | 01:07 |
nlogax | Steve^ are you sure that you're in a user group that's permitted to run sudo? | 01:07 |
gimliy | kingspawn: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/gudy/azureus2/ui/swt/Main | 01:07 |
tonyyarusso | Nogimics: I think I'm out actually, sorry. | 01:07 |
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Steve^ | nlogax, I have also lost sound and access to things like synaptic and Users and Groups | 01:07 |
gimliy | kingspawn: azureus TERMINATED :) | 01:07 |
jmp_me | barktpolar: that's unsecure | 01:07 |
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nlogax | brenner: that's right, by default the root account has a random password | 01:07 |
Steve^ | nlogax, worked before the kernel update | 01:07 |
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barktpolar | unsecure, Why? | 01:07 |
odez909 | hi all | 01:07 |
=== K-Rich [n=fred@216-190-167-197.bras01.sho.az.frontiernet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jmp_me | it's | 01:08 |
barktpolar | Hey odez | 01:08 |
nlogax | Steve^ ok, suggest choosing previous kernel at the GRUB menu - no? | 01:08 |
barktpolar | Oh I See | 01:08 |
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RipVanFish | gimliy: it tries to ping or something but gets nothing back | 01:08 |
jmp_me | has some holes. like compareto() and that javascript loop that can execute shellcode | 01:08 |
Steve^ | nlogax, last time I checked it had the same problem. Only the recovery options work | 01:08 |
odez909 | i need help people | 01:08 |
kingspawn | gimliy: haha, and good riddance. anything coded in java should be directed to /dev/null ;) | 01:08 |
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barktpolar | Well I don't have Ubuntu installed yet anyway :( | 01:08 |
K-Rich | Hi all... i have a sort of issue, and i think i have the solution... can anyone help confirm/deny for me? | 01:08 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I have xorg open now what do I have to change? | 01:08 |
odez909 | how do u configure brightness using sony vaio S series?? | 01:08 |
barktpolar | I wish I did, but there is some stuff on Windows taht is imprtant right now | 01:08 |
Steve^ | nlogax, can I roll-back the entire update? | 01:08 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: before we start, you need to know how to recover. it's possible we might kill your ability to start gnome | 01:08 |
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gimliy | RipVanFish: well if even dhclient didn't work.. are you sure there is a dhcp-server in your lan? | 01:08 |
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Hexidigital | to whoever posted that ubuntu site for firefox 1.5... THANK YOU!! :) | 01:09 |
nlogax | Steve^ sounds like there's more than the kernel at fault! | 01:09 |
jbritz22 | blissex: it says invalid driver | 01:09 |
nlogax | Steve^ not as far as I know | 01:09 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: are you comfortable w/ the cmmand line? | 01:09 |
Steve^ | nlogax, where would I find the list of what was updated? | 01:09 |
barktpolar | and I can't get rid of it until I have the right info for ubuntu first | 01:09 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: yeah, it does it automatically when I boot into windows | 01:09 |
kuja | odez909: Consult your user manual. | 01:09 |
Blissex | jbritz22: no idea what you did to get to that point... | 01:09 |
jbritz22 | blissex: when I type ndiswrapper -l , i get tnet1130 invalid driver! | 01:09 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I might need some help but I do have the file open now in nano | 01:09 |
odez909 | i did and tried lots of thing and still dont work | 01:09 |
bimberi | K-Rich: just ask, if someone knows they'll answer | 01:09 |
Nogimics | Can anyone else help with this error pls "(nessus:6703): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:" | 01:09 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: what file exactly? | 01:09 |
odez909 | im going head over heel with this problem | 01:09 |
protocol1 | whats a good antivirus program for linux? | 01:09 |
nlogax | um, /var/log/dpkg.log | 01:09 |
IzeyJr | which is better to use the gnome desktop or the ubuntu? | 01:09 |
Blissex | jbritz22: thats a bit strange. ask in #ndiswrapper I gave up... :-) | 01:10 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: whoa, "sudo apt-get install dhcp3-client" maybe a new version works ? | 01:10 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner xorg.conf | 01:10 |
bimberi | Nogimics: what command gives you that? | 01:10 |
kuja | bimberi: Brightness is not something you change from software. Depending on your video card, your vendor might have software for changing the card's brightness settings, though. | 01:10 |
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barktpolar | IzeyJr: GNOME is with Ubuntu | 01:10 |
sfar-ubu | protocol1: any will do.. preferably none | 01:10 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: never heard of a dhcp-server tha couldnt work with linux dhclient | 01:10 |
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bimberi | kuja: ?? (not me) | 01:10 |
Blissex | jbritz22: also, the ACX chipset driver is supported for free by the Linuxant proprietary drivers, check at http://WWW.Linuxant.com/ | 01:10 |
jmp_me | i use fluxbox and ubuntu :) | 01:10 |
kuja | er | 01:10 |
kuja | odez909** | 01:10 |
odez909 | kuja:: yea i understand that | 01:10 |
barktpolar | fluxbox? | 01:10 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: Does the VLC player come with Ubuntu? Is there any player that comes with Ubuntu that plays every major media format from WMV to AVI to Divx to Xvid to Real Media etc. etc. | 01:10 |
SimzI | Hi I'm still having trouble getting my sound to work :X can anybody help me please? | 01:10 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: well I'd have to find a way to connect to the internet to get that | 01:10 |
K-Rich | I just got a 60GB HDD, and i've been using a 13.5GB HDD, if i hook them both up (one master on ide1 and the other master on ide2, then boot from a live cd, format the 60GB as bootable, then copy all files from the 13.5 to the 60, will i be able to boot from the 60 and keep all my tweaks and customizations (i figured use the live CD as to avoid issues with /proc and /dev) | 01:10 |
Nogimics | bimberi sudo nessus does | 01:10 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: pastebin it | 01:10 |
jmp_me | ye fluxbox is the best. kde and gnome are for noobians | 01:10 |
odez909 | kuja:: but it seems that no one has a solution for sony vaio s series only | 01:11 |
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odez909 | weird though | 01:11 |
nlogax | jmp_me: e16 beats flux! | 01:11 |
barktpolar | Well I'm a noob to linux | 01:11 |
bimberi | Nogimics: how about "gksudo nessus" ? | 01:11 |
=== paradiseL [n=pesimist@bb-82-108-13-129.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kuja | odez909: That is not an Ubuntu question. | 01:11 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: ah so a static ip-setup would help too? | 01:11 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner just a moment I will get connected with xchat on my linux box just a moment | 01:11 |
barktpolar | And I'm trying to learn | 01:11 |
protocol1 | jmp_me, im a noob and I run fluxbox....heh | 01:11 |
jmp_me | ehheh what's that. i am gonna try that nlogax :) | 01:11 |
SimzI | nlogax, can you help me with my soundcard? | 01:11 |
protocol1 | getting used of it | 01:11 |
Nogimics | bimberi tried that same error with different code next to nessus | 01:11 |
corvax | id like to build the latest version of gtkpod with m4a support anyone know how ? | 01:11 |
nlogax | Simzl: what number is next to your sound card when you cat /proc/asound/cards ?? I asked you this 2x already | 01:11 |
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SimzI | sorry 2 secs | 01:11 |
kuja | odez909: Does your video card happen to be a nVidia card? | 01:11 |
jbritz22 | blissex - im gonna try driverloader | 01:12 |
sfar-ubu | barktpolar: try googling "linux window managers" or something | 01:12 |
odez909 | yea | 01:12 |
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SimzI | nlogax, 0 | 01:12 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: I tried transfering the settings from XP to Ubuntu with no success | 01:12 |
kuja | odez909: Then you're in luck. | 01:12 |
jmp_me | protocol1: i am noob to. i'm trying unix now heh | 01:12 |
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kuja | odez909: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings | 01:12 |
odez909 | it is nvidia geforce 6200 | 01:12 |
nlogax | Simzl: ok, that's correct | 01:12 |
SimzI | Ok | 01:12 |
K-Rich | I just got a 60GB HDD, and i've been using a 13.5GB HDD, if i hook them both up (one master on ide1 and the other master on ide2, then boot from a live cd, format the 60GB as bootable, then copy all files from the 13.5 to the 60, will i be able to boot from the 60 and keep all my tweaks and customizations (i figured use the live CD as to avoid issues with /proc and /dev) | 01:12 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: type ipconfig in the windows cmd-line and remember ip-address, gateway, netmask | 01:12 |
IzeyJr | barktpolar... okies cause I went to install some gnome stuff from its section in the synaptic pkg handler and it wanted to uninstall ubuntu desktop | 01:12 |
nlogax | Simzl: try alsamixer at CLI and use the arrow keys to up the volume on all channels | 01:12 |
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Nogimics | bimberi if I use gksudo nessus I get (gksudo:6704): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: See the number after nessus:XXXX goes up each time | 01:12 |
nlogax | ESC to exit | 01:12 |
johnshaft | Hi All | 01:12 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner what is the website for pastebin? | 01:12 |
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corvax | guess nit maybe #debian | 01:12 |
Siddhartha211 | Anyone ---- Does the VLC player come with Ubuntu? Is there any player that comes with Ubuntu that plays every major media format from WMV to AVI to Divx to Xvid to Real Media etc. etc. | 01:12 |
corvax | lol | 01:12 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: but ubuntu found your network-adapter, right ? | 01:12 |
protocol1 | i hope my memory chip is here early....ups.com said the arrival date was tommorrow... | 01:12 |
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gimliy | Siddhartha211: sudo apt-get install vlc | 01:13 |
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ddg2_bluesky | ok brenner I have this up on my linux box for the first time | 01:13 |
bimberi | Nogimics: hm, kk, i don't know sorry :| | 01:13 |
benkong2 | I just had a super idea I like ubuntu and kubuntu but it seems that they don't play well together on my laptop. What if I make two installs in seperate partitions will that work? | 01:13 |
protocol1 | and its been in my city for like three days | 01:13 |
crimsun | Siddhartha211: no, vlc is in universe. No, there is no media player that plays "everything" out of the box (OOTB). | 01:13 |
gimliy | Siddhartha211: it does all the work for you :) | 01:13 |
Steve^ | nlogax, i'm trying to get the log into a text editor I understand.. I've copied the file, how do I change the permissions? | 01:13 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: I can activate it, if that's what you mean | 01:13 |
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funkyHat | K-Rich, almost, but it's not as simple as just copying files across... | 01:13 |
=== Nogimics cries lol | ||
SimzI | sorry nlogax i'm new to ubuntu, can you explain what you mean by that? | 01:13 |
crimsun | Siddhartha211: cf. patent issues. | 01:13 |
Siddhartha211 | gimliy: thanks | 01:13 |
Blissex | jbritz22: try this search: m/search?num=100&as_q=AWLH3025+chipset+linux+driver | 01:13 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: active is alway good :) | 01:13 |
nlogax | Steve^ can you not nano /var/log/dpkg.log | 01:13 |
Siddhartha211 | crimsun: what? | 01:13 |
kuja | odez909: Assuming you're running X using the `nvidia' module, after you install nvidia-settings, just run it (nvidia-settings) then you can adjust your video card settings. | 01:13 |
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crimsun | Siddhartha211: what's unclear? | 01:13 |
johnshaft | Anyone know if a 3D Acceleration driver exists for Intel 915 chipsets? | 01:13 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: and then, when it's active, try dhclient first | 01:13 |
Steve^ | nlogax, yes, but I have no idea how to copy text from it or anything, or even select text | 01:13 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: just getting it to send/recieve packets seems to be the hard part | 01:13 |
Blissex | crimsun: two | 01:14 |
Siddhartha211 | crimsun: what you mean by patent issues? | 01:14 |
nlogax | Simzl: open a Terminal window and type alsamixer | 01:14 |
odez909 | kuja: k gonna try it now | 01:14 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: after I set up the static ip? | 01:14 |
Blissex | crimsun: sorry | 01:14 |
crimsun | Siddhartha211: patent issues prevent codec packages from being included by default that allow every format to be played out of the box | 01:14 |
crimsun | Blissex: np | 01:14 |
nlogax | Steve^ ok, can you not gedit /var/log/dkpg.log ? | 01:14 |
K-Rich | funkyHat: is there a way i can do something similar so i can avoid having to re-tweak everything? | 01:14 |
Blissex | johnshaft: there are two, but not that well working. | 01:14 |
=== Abnix [n=abner@c-67-175-225-12.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nlogax | Steve^ oh, you don't have read permissions to it? | 01:14 |
Steve^ | nope | 01:14 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner how do I copy the entire file so I can pastbin it to you within nano | 01:14 |
=== ateves [n=ateves@e176118020.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gimliy | RipVanFish: do you have access to the ubuntu-system right now ? | 01:14 |
Nogimics | Can anyone help me with a Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: error when trying to run a program calleed nessus with either sudo or gksudo please? | 01:14 |
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johnshaft | Blissex: Do you know what they are called? | 01:14 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: no not at the moment | 01:15 |
SimzI | nlogax, I get a bunch of stuff and at the end it says "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory" | 01:15 |
nlogax | Steve^ ok, use su to switch to root | 01:15 |
IzeyJr | I used automatix for the NVIDIA driver the first time and it worked I wasn't sure how to install it | 01:15 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: I'm actually on a fedora system in the labs | 01:15 |
crimsun | SimzI: what sound card do you have? | 01:15 |
paradiseL | can someone that has java send me the file 'javac' please? | 01:15 |
Blissex | johnshaft: there is one by Intel, binary only and not very compatible, and a DRI Xorg one. Ask in #Xorg perhaps | 01:15 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: k -> query for some notes :) | 01:15 |
Siddhartha211 | crimsun: does the VLC player play msot major formats...because on windows it does? | 01:15 |
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SimzI | Creative Sound blaster audigy se2 | 01:15 |
crimsun | Siddhartha211: it plays most. | 01:15 |
ateves | hi, i modified the /etc/sudoers file with visudo, myname ALL=NOPASSWD:/sbin/dhclient, but i'm still asked for a password when entering sudo dhclient wlan0 | 01:15 |
ateves | but why? | 01:15 |
nlogax | Simzl: do you hear the drums at the Ubuntu login screen before you login? | 01:15 |
SimzI | nope | 01:15 |
Steve^ | nlogax, chmodded it | 01:15 |
Siddhartha211 | crimsun: does open office open up microsoft office documents? | 01:15 |
crimsun | SimzI: pastebin the following information: lspci -v && lspci -nv && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0 | 01:15 |
johnshaft | Blissex: Thanks. I'll check on Xorg | 01:15 |
Blissex | johnshaft: but there are very many HOWTOs/tutorials on the subject. The 915 BTW may be support only by experimental Xorg | 01:15 |
=== meshe [n=michelle@S010600a04b067a8f.vw.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | Siddhartha211: ppt, doc, xls at least | 01:16 |
nlogax | Steve^ OK, was gonna suggest cp /var/log/dkpg.log ~/dpkg.log | 01:16 |
jbritz22 | is there a command to check what kernel version im running?\ | 01:16 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: got a text editor open right now | 01:16 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner are you still there? | 01:16 |
nlogax | jbritz22: uname -a | 01:16 |
barktpolar | To the user who suggested fluxbox, can I put it into a CD and then run it on Ubuntu | 01:16 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: using a graphical editor is easier: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:16 |
jbritz22 | thanks | 01:16 |
nlogax | barktpolar: sudo apt-get install fluxbox | 01:16 |
funkyHat | K-Rich, yes, you can copy everything across (you'll have to read the man page for cp to make sure you preserve permissions and ownerships) | 01:16 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner thank you | 01:16 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: OOo opens almost everything. Can't edit PDF is the only one I've found. | 01:16 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: du you get my query-msgs ? | 01:16 |
barktpolar | I guess I have to us ethe internet ot get that too huh | 01:16 |
RipVanFish | gimliy yeah I did, are you getting mine? | 01:16 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, sorry I was afk to answer your question vlc doesnt come installed by default but you can install it there is also mplayer which plays most if not all formats with the w32codecs | 01:16 |
=== Zanth [n=zanth@CPE000103ce037e-CM000f9fa6bbbc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SimzI | crimsun, http://pastebin.com/613484 | 01:17 |
funkyHat | K-Rich, then you'll have to move the hard drives around so the new one is on the same IDE channel the old one was, and use the live CD again to reinstall GRUB | 01:17 |
=== rcsolutions [n=rodolfo@201009139238.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Siddhartha211 | how do i install mplayer? | 01:17 |
kuja | RipVanFish: Usually you must be registered for the other person to be able to receive your messages. | 01:17 |
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tonyyarusso | !mplayer | 01:17 |
ubotu | I heard mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 01:17 |
gimliy | RipVanFish: nope... type: /msg nickserv register <your_new_password_for_this_nick> | 01:17 |
nlogax | Siddhartha211 sudo apt-get install mplayer (just like everything else) | 01:17 |
barktpolar | sudo apt-get install mplayer | 01:17 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, look @ restrictedformats wiki page | 01:17 |
Siddhartha211 | and does mplay play WMV, MPEG 1, MPEG 2, MPEG 4, and AVI | 01:17 |
rcsolutions | Hey.. there is not an unrar package.. just a unrar-free .. does it work? | 01:17 |
barktpolar | that is what It was I think | 01:17 |
Zanth | good day, I am trying to locate my grub directory, particularly my menu.lst but can't find it in the /boot directory | 01:17 |
tonyyarusso | barktpolar: Not true, actually. | 01:17 |
K-Rich | funkyHat: thank you... and sorry for the unanounced /msg | 01:17 |
crimsun | SimzI: please execute: sudo update-pciids | 01:18 |
IzeyJr | Whoever wanted to know how to install NVIDIA Driver go here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074 | 01:18 |
gimliy | Zanth: that's weird :) | 01:18 |
funkyHat | K-Rich, I got no /msg | 01:18 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: did the register thing | 01:18 |
SimzI | ok done that crimsun | 01:18 |
gimliy | Zanth: sudo find / -name -type f "menu.lst" | 01:18 |
crimsun | SimzI: afterward, please repaste the info I asked for before | 01:18 |
Zanth | gimliy: yeah for sure :) I want to have the option of using 2.6.15-18-amd64-k8 but I can't get grub to reconize it | 01:18 |
K-Rich | funkyHat: well, in that case nm lol... btw, what command do i use to reinstall grub? grub-update ? | 01:18 |
barktpolar | sorry tony, just trying to help | 01:18 |
funkyHat | !grub | 01:18 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 01:18 |
Nogimics | Can anyone help me with a Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: error when trying to run a program calleed nessus with either sudo or gksudo please? | 01:18 |
K-Rich | thanks | 01:19 |
brenner | what's the proper gksudo syntax again? i recall you need to use quotes somewhere. for e.g: gksudo gedit /blah/file creates a file called '/blah | 01:19 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner here is the link http://pastebin.com/613486 | 01:19 |
=== Macbeth [n=chris@client-82-18-230-30.brhm.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tonyyarusso | barktpolar: 'tis okay, just thought you'd appreciate the vast knowledge of ubotu as well :) | 01:19 |
brenner | instead of openeing file | 01:19 |
Nogimics | :S | 01:19 |
Siddhartha211 | YO player, xine and totem-xine can play MPEG-1, -2 & -4, DivX, Quicktime, Real Media 8 & 9, Windows Media Video 9, and many other formats with the proper support. This support has been bundled into the w32codecs package. | 01:19 |
Siddhartha211 | do i have to get that | 01:19 |
SimzI | crimsun, http://pastebin.com/613488 | 01:19 |
Siddhartha211 | or does mplayer play that | 01:19 |
crimsun | brenner: escape the command being passed to gksudo with 's | 01:19 |
barktpolar | Yeah your right | 01:19 |
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crimsun | e.g., gksudo 'some long command -t some parameters' | 01:19 |
Siddhartha211 | I quote: " | 01:20 |
Siddhartha211 | I quote: player, xine and totem-xine can play MPEG-1, -2 & -4, DivX, Quicktime, Real Media 8 & 9, Windows Media Video 9, and many other formats with the proper support. This support has been bundled into the w32codecs package." | 01:20 |
RipVanFish | j | 01:20 |
Siddhartha211 | DO i have to get those | 01:20 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, start with installing ubuntu :) | 01:20 |
barktpolar | Which Desktop is better, GNOME, KDE or Fluxbox | 01:20 |
RipVanFish | j | 01:20 |
brenner | crimsun: cheers | 01:20 |
Mabus06 | barktpolar: it's a matter of opinion | 01:20 |
Macbeth | Is it possible to remove somthing without removing its dependencies? | 01:20 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: Im trying to figure out how to install everything before i install it | 01:20 |
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IzeyJr | I like Gnome myself | 01:20 |
Steve^ | nlogax, The updates were: http://pastebin.com/613493 Does anything stand out? | 01:20 |
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SimzI | Has that helped crimsun ? | 01:21 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner did you receive the link ok? | 01:21 |
matthewv | Macbeth, by default removing a package will not remove its dependancies... | 01:21 |
barktpolar | I Like GNOME for when I loaded the Live CD | 01:21 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: Yeah, the w32codecs will be what you need for most of those proprietary formats. | 01:21 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, step 1: install unbuntu step 2: enable universe and multiverse step 3: have fun dude there is alot to learn in the next 6 months :) | 01:21 |
matthewv | Macbeth only if something depends on what you removed will it be removed | 01:21 |
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crimsun | SimzI: yes. Actually your issue is straight-forward to resolve. Just turn up 'Analog Front' | 01:21 |
GTX | guys when I press shift and backspace it logs me off how can I fix this | 01:21 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: how do i install a printer? | 01:21 |
SimzI | Where do I find that crimsun ? | 01:21 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: yes. it looks ok. let's just run the reconfig anyway. | 01:22 |
K-Rich | funkyHat: thanks... i'm on a mission now :) | 01:22 |
Steve^ | GTX, remove the shift ke | 01:22 |
Steve^ | y | 01:22 |
IdleOne | !tell Siddhartha211 about printer | 01:22 |
nlogax | Steve^ what distro u running? | 01:22 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: thats the most important thing i need to do and then i can just fool around like u said | 01:22 |
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Steve^ | nlogax, ubuntu 5.10 | 01:22 |
K-Rich | be back in ubuntu if it works (on dads XP box yuck) | 01:22 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner ok how do we run the reconfig? | 01:22 |
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funkyHat | K-Rich, hehe :) np | 01:22 |
crimsun | SimzI: use any volume control to do that, or execute this: amixer sset 'Analog Front' 240 | 01:22 |
paradiseL | why is it that on my boot screen I have so many ubuntu's? | 01:22 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: message me | 01:22 |
jbritz22 | when im trying to use dpkg it says needs an action option | 01:22 |
GTX | Steve^, with a screwdriver? | 01:22 |
funkyHat | K-Rich, backup EVERYTHING though... PLEASE | 01:22 |
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Steve^ | GTX, sure | 01:22 |
Macbeth | mattheww, im im trying to remove nvidia-kernel-common but it wants to remove the kernal headers aswell | 01:22 |
GTX | rather not | 01:22 |
IdleOne | jbritz22, dpkg -i file.deb | 01:22 |
funkyHat | Damn... missed him.. heh | 01:23 |
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paradiseL | why is it that on my boot screen I have so many ubuntu's? | 01:23 |
Steve^ | GTX, your only other option is waiting for someone who knows something to answer ;) | 01:23 |
meshe | does anyone have mysql 5.0.* running on breezy? | 01:23 |
nlogax | Steve^ nothing looks bad there | 01:23 |
Steve^ | nlogax, how can I check my group permissions? | 01:23 |
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Steve^ | -permissions | 01:23 |
Macbeth | matthewv, im im trying to remove nvidia-kernel-common but it wants to remove the kernal headers aswell | 01:23 |
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barktpolar | Does'nt Ubuntu have the same thing as Debian? | 01:24 |
IdleOne | barktpolar, not exactly | 01:24 |
SimzI | crimsun, sorry, when I do that I get this error: http://pastebin.com/613499 | 01:24 |
Steve^ | nlogax, I was playing with my printer when I noticed sudo was busted and realised my kernel needed a reboot. Has just added myself to a new group for printing... | 01:24 |
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Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: okay, my printer is compatible, how do i install it? | 01:24 |
paradiseL | why is it that on my boot screen I have so many ubuntu's? | 01:24 |
matthewv | Macbeth, gtg now, but is there any reason why u need that package removed.. its installed by defualt | 01:24 |
barktpolar | O.K. I thought the Debian Books would have help with Ubuntu | 01:24 |
crimsun | SimzI: use any volume control to do that, or execute this: amixer -c0 sset 'Analog Front' 240 | 01:24 |
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Siddhartha211 | !tell Siddhartha211 about floppy | 01:24 |
nlogax | Steve^ type 'groups' to see what groups you're in | 01:24 |
crimsun | SimzI: you must be running Dapper. | 01:24 |
Siddhartha211 | !tell Siddhartha211 about floppy drives | 01:25 |
SimzI | I am | 01:25 |
Macbeth | matthewv, im installing the new ones | 01:25 |
Siddhartha211 | !tell Siddhartha211 about drives | 01:25 |
=== godawful [n=glloyd@host86-140-69-38.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
beardy | Siddhartha211: /msg the bot | 01:25 |
IzeyJr | Macbeth goto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074 print it out and follow the instructions its a great step by step on how to install the NVIDIA Driver | 01:25 |
Mischevious | Siddhartha211, nice name | 01:25 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: you need to run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg go through it, selecting defaults if you are unsure of an option by just pressing enter. it will create a backup file: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.<randomnumber> so you need to know how to copy it over the newly generated xorg.conf | 01:25 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, /msg ubotu searchterm | 01:25 |
Steve^ | nlogax, the result is 'steve printadmin'. Anything there? (printadmin is the new group I added) | 01:25 |
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Steve^ | should I have something else by my name? | 01:25 |
nlogax | Steve^ you should be in more groups than that! | 01:26 |
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nlogax | Steve^ admin for starters! | 01:26 |
Mischevious | Steve^, many more groups | 01:26 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: ... if you can't start gnome | 01:26 |
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Steve^ | ok... | 01:26 |
crimsun | SimzI: sound audible yet? | 01:26 |
IdleOne | or if you have a window open with links from ubotu just type the search term without ! | 01:26 |
SimzI | Nope :X | 01:26 |
Macbeth | IzeyJr, cheers for that, just what i needed. | 01:26 |
Steve^ | umm, let me check what I typed | 01:26 |
crimsun | SimzI: aplay /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav | 01:26 |
IzeyJr | Macbeth...Welcome : ) | 01:26 |
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aztek | I have a WIFI card in my laptop that is stuck on using the built in ACX driver. However I'd rather use ndiswrapper with it. How can I get it to stop loading the ACX driver?? | 01:26 |
crimsun | SimzI: can you hear anything then? | 01:26 |
nlogax | Steve^ you should be in all of these : adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev admin lpadmin scanner | 01:26 |
SimzI | no crimsun | 01:26 |
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Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: uhh what? | 01:27 |
Toma- | I just ran memtest and found out my first 512kb of my ram is damaged. system loads fine, but i get some nasty system locks when using the ram extensively. Is there a way to let the kernel know to not use that first 1mb? maybe make a 1mb ramdisk? | 01:27 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, type /msg ubotu java | 01:27 |
crimsun | SimzI: uname -r, please | 01:27 |
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IdleOne | Siddhartha211, type /msg ubotu print | 01:27 |
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beardy | Toma-: google badram patch | 01:27 |
SimzI | 2.6.15-18-386 | 01:27 |
SimzI | crimsun | 01:27 |
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Toma- | beardy: i saw that, but its only for 2.6.9 kernel... | 01:28 |
meshe | Toma-: you'll need to manually recompile the kernel to use the badram patch | 01:28 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner do you want me to run that command? | 01:28 |
Siddhartha211 | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Siddhartha211 | 01:28 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, or anything else you may need to know if the bot knows of a link it will give it to you if not you can try wiki.ubuntu.com/SEARTERMHERE | 01:28 |
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barktpolar | When you boot the Live CD, do you need a floppy while it's booting from the CD for teh floppy to be recognized | 01:28 |
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Siddhartha211 | thats what it says | 01:28 |
Siddhartha211 | oh wait nvmdn | 01:28 |
crimsun | SimzI: sec, need to check log | 01:28 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: yeah, sorry. here's the steps: [1] run the reconfig w/ that command [2] restart x server w/ ctrl+alt+backspace (login and type 'startx' if needed) | 01:28 |
beardy | Toma-: So? Use that then if you don't want to patch. It's a matter of choosing if you want to be able to use your box or not. | 01:28 |
SimzI | Ok crimsun | 01:28 |
Toma- | oh, :D i see. its for 2.6.16 too | 01:28 |
Toma- | thanks | 01:28 |
Steve^ | nlogax, this is what I did, when following a tutorial: http://pastebin.com/613512. Is that list you gave gunna be the whole list for me? And how do I add them back to me? | 01:29 |
barktpolar | Because I tried to save a screenie and it would'nt recognize teh floppy | 01:29 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: if that faile, THEN you need to revert to the original xorg.conf that will be saved as /etc/X11/xorg.conf<radomnumber> by the tool | 01:29 |
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gimliy | brenner: randomnumber? i thought this is a timestamp :) | 01:29 |
ddg2_bluesky | brenner how is this going to help the mouse issue? | 01:29 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: and then you should be able to start gnome again with a 'startx' | 01:29 |
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brenner | gimliy: you're right. i don't know why i keep saying random | 01:30 |
Toma- | another thing, Ive already got a custom kernel and hence, i use the nvidia drivers from nvidia. every root boot i get errors in glx and glxinfo and everything that uses glx gives me a seg fault. only way to fix it is to rebuild drivers every reboot. any ideas? | 01:30 |
siezer | is there some sort of "artwork pack editor" that was used for the edubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu usplash and gdm/ gnome themes? or were they made by hand? | 01:30 |
DJAdmiral | i'm having an error with X! | 01:30 |
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nlogax | Steve^ you can edit /etc/group if you feel comfortable doing it | 01:30 |
SimzI | crimsun: Any luck? | 01:30 |
kingspawn | Toma- right paths to everything? | 01:30 |
kingspawn | more gin! <OT> | 01:30 |
ddg2_bluesky | ok brenner going to try that now | 01:31 |
Toma- | kingspawn: yep. | 01:31 |
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brenner | ddg2_bluesky: i don't know if it will. but it sounds like a display issue and reconfigging reconfigs the disaply | 01:31 |
IzeyJr | Toma...goto http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074 follow the steps and see if it works out for ya | 01:31 |
DJAdmiral | when i'm trying to compile an application from source, i get this: checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! | 01:31 |
crimsun | SimzI: I'm still doing a binary search to check if the patch that I submitted was dropped accidentally | 01:31 |
Steve^ | nlogax, is there an alternative? | 01:31 |
crimsun | SimzI: this is going to take about 10 minutes | 01:31 |
SimzI | ok | 01:31 |
Siddhartha211 | IdleOne: the links you gave me point to the list of compatible printers not how to install | 01:31 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: what is it? | 01:31 |
paradiseL | why is it that on my boot screen I have so many ubuntu's?im using two operating system which both are in different hard drives. can I somehow put them both in one boot screen? | 01:31 |
dash- | hi guys | 01:31 |
paradiseL | why is it that on my boot screen I have so many ubuntu's?im using two operating system which both are in different hard drives. can I somehow put them both in one boot screen? | 01:32 |
dash- | whats the best way to setup a vpn | 01:32 |
dash- | like i can on windows | 01:32 |
dash- | in ubuntu | 01:32 |
=== Agrajag [i=zaphod@cpe-72-130-83-97.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ddg2_bluesky | brenner autodetect video hardware? | 01:32 |
Toma- | ahhhhh. rm /etc/init.d/nvidia* is one thing i didnt use. thanks IzeyJr :) | 01:32 |
nlogax | Steve^ there's the usermod command but that's a pain in the arse - recommend you edit /etc/group | 01:32 |
Steve^ | paradiseL, you have them incase you need them. You can edit the order of the list in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:32 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: i'm trying to compile an application and so i have to run configure | 01:32 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, I havent tried installing a printer on ubuntu yet Im not sure where it is done | 01:32 |
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IzeyJr | Toma...Welocome : ) | 01:32 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: that error comes right at the end. | 01:32 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: if you're unsure, just press enter to choose default | 01:32 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, whats the problem ? | 01:32 |
Steve^ | nlogax, i'll go find docs on this then, thanks | 01:32 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: yes but what is it. reason i'm asking is b/c it might be in the repos already | 01:33 |
nlogax | Steve^, just put your username next to each group | 01:33 |
paradiseL | steve^: how do I put my other OS from another hard drive to the boot screen? | 01:33 |
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DJAdmiral | mischevious: when i'm trying to compile a program, it says it cannot find X includes | 01:33 |
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ddg2_bluesky | brenner amount of memory for video card , its blank is that ok | 01:33 |
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crimsun | SimzI: ok, please update to current Dapper. You'll need to install linux-image-2.6.15-19-386 | 01:33 |
nlogax | Steve^ make sure you use , between usernames if there are already usernames there (don't remove existing usernames) | 01:33 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: i checked, it's not in the repos | 01:33 |
brenner | ddg2_bluesky: yes | 01:33 |
dash- | if i want to create a vpn connection to some office, how would i do that in ubuntu | 01:33 |
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Steve^ | nlogax, thanks | 01:33 |
dash- | like windows has the vpn wizard | 01:33 |
IdleOne | does ubuntu have plug n play ..< hmmm. what I want to know is will a printer be recognised and drivers installed if printer is plugged in? | 01:33 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: then you need some x*-dev packages i would assume | 01:33 |
siezer | dash- what kind of vpn gateway is on the other side | 01:34 |
funkyHat | I need to run a command before metacity is started... where should I put it? | 01:34 |
GTX | crimsun, Ive just been reading this but why would the kernel affect the audio? | 01:34 |
paradiseL | how do I put my other OS from another hard drive to the boot screen? | 01:34 |
dash- | umm pptp | 01:34 |
kingspawn | IdleOne: insallah. | 01:34 |
dash- | standard w/e windows uses in its wizard | 01:34 |
SimzI | Where do i get that from? | 01:34 |
bimberi | !xincludes | 01:34 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 01:34 |
tonyyarusso | IdleOne: Depends on the printer. Mine's great. | 01:34 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: and also, are you aware of checkinstall>? | 01:34 |
crimsun | GTX: because I sent the patches to fix his problem. The kernel is responsible for audio. | 01:34 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: checkinstall? no | 01:34 |
IdleOne | tonyyarusso, if it is supported it should work out the box then? | 01:34 |
siezer | is it a windows2k(3?) machine acting as a vpn server or whatever? | 01:34 |
dash- | does ubuntu have a new connection wizard like windows where i can make a vpn | 01:34 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, yes, sudo apt-get install checkinstall | 01:35 |
tonyyarusso | IdleOne: You'll have to go through the (simple) add printer dialog, then yes. | 01:35 |
IdleOne | kingspawn, insallah? | 01:35 |
dash- | siezer no its me on ubuntu connecting to a router | 01:35 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, then, in the source dir ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall | 01:35 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: what does it do? | 01:35 |
dash- | the vpn is setup on the router | 01:35 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: makes a deb file from the source so you can remove the thing later easier. | 01:35 |
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dash- | id normally use xp and connect to it, but i want to know how i can do it in ubuntu | 01:35 |
IdleOne | tonyyarusso, can you give Siddhartha211 some instructions on it please? | 01:35 |
jbritz22 | Blissex: Ok, I got the driver installed using driverloader, but now it says it needs a lincese | 01:35 |
siezer | what kind of router | 01:35 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: i see | 01:35 |
tonyyarusso | IdleOne: I'll give it a shot. | 01:35 |
dash- | draytek 2600 | 01:35 |
dash- | adsl router | 01:36 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I just did that and I still have the square | 01:36 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: Could you fill me in on what you need re: printer? | 01:36 |
Blissex | jbritz22: well, the license is free and the driver should just work for Texas Instruments chips. | 01:36 |
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kingspawn | IdleOne: "if allah wants it" | 01:36 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: you completed the reconfig? | 01:36 |
Projext | hello i am using dapper drake. i have an internal broadcom wireless card, and with the 2.6.15 kernel the bcm43xx module is loaded. the broadcom card is either assigned eth2 or eth3 but the problem is i have a pcmcia wireless card which i WANT to use INSTEAD of the broadcom card. since they keep alternating between eth2 and eth3 it messes up my connection. is there anyway that i can have each device have one static alias thing lik | 01:36 |
Projext | e eth2 and eth3? how can i keep the bcm43xx module from being loaded at boot? | 01:36 |
kingspawn | IdleOne: :) | 01:36 |
jbritz22 | blissex: how do I get the license? | 01:36 |
IdleOne | kingspawn, lol indeed :) | 01:36 |
GTX | crimsun, whats the apt-get command to get linux-image-2.6.15-19-386 | 01:36 |
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GTX | crimsun, i cant find it in the repositry | 01:36 |
Siddhartha211 | I need to know how to install....i already know its compatible | 01:36 |
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crimsun | GTX: are you running _currenty_ Dapper? | 01:36 |
Blissex | jbritz22: check the Linuxant.com site... | 01:36 |
crimsun | -y | 01:36 |
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siezer | dash- no idea... is it just a straight up ipsec connection? | 01:37 |
GTX | crimsun, im simzi's mate | 01:37 |
GTX | but ys I am | 01:37 |
GTX | yes* | 01:37 |
siezer | theres no "wizard" by the way | 01:37 |
Mischevious | Siddhartha211, what do you need to install? | 01:37 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: what's the exact X package i need again? | 01:37 |
dash- | siezer no its pptp | 01:37 |
IdleOne | Siddhartha211, make sure you type tonyyarusso name so it is in red on his screen | 01:37 |
dash- | not ipsec | 01:37 |
Mischevious | !xincludes | 01:37 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 01:37 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I am back to the desktop again, didn't have to do anything to start x up | 01:37 |
crimsun | GTX: sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-19-386 | 01:37 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell DJAdmiral about xincludes | 01:37 |
ddg_bluesky | should I do a full reboot or? | 01:37 |
siezer | dash- pptp usually runs atop of ipsec | 01:37 |
dash- | where do u go in ubuntu to make vpn connections | 01:37 |
=== gpierce [n=gpierce@d149-67-175-87.clv.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dash- | thats all i wanna know | 01:37 |
Blissex | jbritz22: http://www.linuxant.com/company/press_dldrti.php?PHPSESSID=0e25dcd2b6e9ff42e1c71f69caf42fb6 | 01:37 |
Siddhartha211 | Mischevious: my printer | 01:37 |
siezer | mething you dont know your vpn technologies | 01:37 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: In Gnome, System > Administration > Printing. Click the "Add Printer" icon, and fill in its information. Should be good to go from there. | 01:37 |
dash- | prolly | 01:37 |
GTX | crimsun, as I said the image isnt aviable in the repositry.. | 01:37 |
GTX | crimsun, E: Couldn't find package linux-image-2.6.15-19-386 | 01:37 |
DJAdmiral | nalioth: thanks! | 01:37 |
siezer | dash- "vpn" is a vauge term | 01:37 |
Mischevious | Siddhartha211, use system>administration>printing | 01:37 |
Steve^ | nlogax, updating groups means login/out? | 01:37 |
suseforge | can someone tell me a repository i could find libdvd3 | 01:37 |
dash- | well | 01:37 |
dash- | in windows xp | 01:37 |
crimsun | GTX: then you're not current, which is why I asked. | 01:37 |
Siddhartha211 | k | 01:37 |
Siddhartha211 | thanks | 01:37 |
dash- | u can go new connection> vpn | 01:38 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: It's a pretty basic wizard, so if it's supported, not hard to walk through that bit. | 01:38 |
siezer | right | 01:38 |
dash- | and fill out the window | 01:38 |
Siddhartha211 | Gnome is the life preserver icon right? | 01:38 |
GTX | crimsun, not current? | 01:38 |
siezer | to windows vpn servers. | 01:38 |
dash- | user/pass etc | 01:38 |
dash- | no | 01:38 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell suseforge about dvd | 01:38 |
crimsun | GTX: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-19-386 | 01:38 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: no, that's sufficient | 01:38 |
dash- | its to a router | 01:38 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: what driver did you choose? | 01:38 |
kingspawn | Steve^: in what sense, updating groups? | 01:38 |
dash- | i never use windows servers | 01:38 |
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tyler | which codec should i use for mplayer.. essential or all??? can i use both??? | 01:38 |
tonyyarusso | Siddhartha211: That's gnome help. Gnome is the whole desktop environment. | 01:38 |
ddg_bluesky | just the default | 01:38 |
siezer | dash- read this page | 01:38 |
Steve^ | kingspawn, I updated the file and now need to see if it fixed me | 01:38 |
dash- | surely there is a command or s/w to setup a vpn | 01:38 |
siezer | dash- : http://www.jacco2.dds.nl/networking/freeswan-l2tp.html | 01:38 |
dash- | in ubuntu | 01:38 |
dash- | ok | 01:38 |
nlogax | Steve^ yes | 01:38 |
siezer | wow this channel is noisy. | 01:38 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I just selected the default for everything | 01:38 |
kingspawn | Steve^: not sure what you are saying, but shouldnt entail logging in and out | 01:38 |
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IdleOne | suseforge, apt-cache search libdvd3 | 01:38 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: i'm not sure, but my guess is x-window-system-dev | 01:38 |
Steve^ | brb then | 01:38 |
gimliy | tyler: i think ALL means ALL... ;) | 01:39 |
kingspawn | gimliy: pure assumption.. ;) | 01:39 |
jbritz22 | blissex: i still dont know how to get the licentse | 01:39 |
GTX | crimsun, that must of got reelased like today :p | 01:39 |
siezer | dash- its called openswan, and there is no "easy gui" for any linux/bsd/etc/etc as far as i know | 01:39 |
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crimsun | GTX: four hours ago | 01:39 |
gimliy | kingspawn: yeah, who knows.. | 01:39 |
=== Steve^ [n=Steve@host-138-38-235-220.nat.bath.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTX | hehe crimsun :p | 01:39 |
Steve^ | wahey! I have sudo access! | 01:39 |
crimsun | GTX: literally, if you are running Dapper, you need to update every hour | 01:39 |
Steve^ | thank you very much nlogax | 01:39 |
nlogax | that was the prob - your group memberships got mucked up | 01:39 |
nlogax | you're very welcome | 01:39 |
=== CosmoDad [n=johndoe@dslb-084-056-210-178.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTX | crimsun, I know I just forgot ealier :p | 01:40 |
Blissex | jbritz22: what it says is that the drive should work without a license if it recognizes that the Window drivers you are giving it to run is a Texas one. | 01:40 |
Steve^ | I need to get my sound back, but that's a driver thing probably | 01:40 |
GTX | crimsun, is this kernel being forced on every new system? | 01:40 |
jbritz22 | ok | 01:40 |
GTX | every update* | 01:40 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver | tail -n1 | 01:40 |
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crimsun | GTX: come again? | 01:40 |
jbritz22 | so its all isntalleed now | 01:40 |
jbritz22 | now what do I do :D | 01:40 |
GTX | crimsun, is this an old image of an kernel | 01:40 |
GTX | or new | 01:40 |
=== Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | new. | 01:40 |
siezer | dash- even better: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-91249.html | 01:40 |
nlogax | Steve^ yeah you might want to cat /proc/asound/cards | 01:40 |
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dash- | does anyone know of vpn software or how id establish a vpn connection to a router i know has a user/pass on it | 01:40 |
GTX | so every system will be updating to it crimsun ? | 01:40 |
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dash- | siezer thx | 01:40 |
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crimsun | GTX: note your output of uname -r, it has an -18 for the abi. The new one has a -19 | 01:41 |
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Zanth | gimliy: I ran the search and the only file that turned up was an example menu.list in my /usr/share/doc/grub/examples directory | 01:41 |
Random_Transit | hey...does anyone here know how to make a bootable DVD image? | 01:41 |
lafferpt | does anyone installed dapper flight 5??? | 01:41 |
siezer | dash- : http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=ubuntu+vpn+pptp&btnG=Search ;) | 01:41 |
Zanth | I know grub is used to load up my OS' :) | 01:41 |
dash- | great guide | 01:41 |
dash- | i saw | 01:41 |
GTX | crimsun, but is it upgrading automaticlay on apt-get upgrade or not | 01:41 |
dash- | let me read that now | 01:41 |
dash- | thx | 01:41 |
crimsun | GTX: yes, once l-r-m is updated, l-m will be updated, too, and it will be the default. | 01:41 |
nalioth | lafferpt: ask in #ubuntu+1 | 01:41 |
GTX | dist-upgrade sorry | 01:41 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner i810 | 01:41 |
gimliy | Zanth: and there IS a menu? :) | 01:41 |
crimsun | GTX: no, it won't automatically until l-m is updated | 01:41 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: i'm downloading the packages that ubotu said abot X includes | 01:41 |
GTX | l-m? | 01:41 |
siezer | i wasnt aware of this package :) | 01:41 |
crimsun | GTX: linux-meta | 01:41 |
Zanth | gimliy: yes, I can choose from 8 different kernels and then windows XP as the last option | 01:42 |
lblue | Hello I'm trying to get something like Windows Media Player's WOW effect on Ubuntu. | 01:42 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: ok, run it again, this time try the vesa driver | 01:42 |
jbritz22 | !tell jbritz22 about root | 01:42 |
IdleOne | dash-, vpn is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD try that | 01:42 |
lblue | is there anything like that for linux? | 01:42 |
kingspawn | lafferpt: why do you want flight 5? | 01:42 |
Zanth | gimliy: I always choose 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp | 01:42 |
lblue | 3D sound effect / reverb? | 01:42 |
ddg_bluesky | you mean the reconfig? | 01:42 |
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gimliy | Zanth: try "sudo find / -type d -name "grub"" that searches for the "grub"-directory | 01:42 |
gimliy | Zanth: breezy 5.10, right ? | 01:42 |
Zanth | yes | 01:42 |
Zanth | well | 01:43 |
brenner | DJAdmiral: yes, mr. nalioth told me. sorry i missed the ones you needed :) | 01:43 |
Zanth | actually, it was breezy, now dapper | 01:43 |
lafferpt | kingspawn, I wanted do install xgl | 01:43 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: actually, just edit the xorg.conf file | 01:43 |
kingspawn | all this sudo-business! argh | 01:43 |
Steve^ | nlogax, I only just noticed gaim is making audible noises at me... How do I re-enable the volume control in the system tray? | 01:43 |
DJAdmiral | brenner: no problem. I'm thankful that you're helping me to learn | 01:43 |
lblue | Does anyone know if you can add sound enhancements to linux audio? | 01:43 |
Steve^ | (as sound is obviously working) | 01:43 |
Toma- | !kernel | 01:44 |
DJAdmiral | lblue: maybe you want to check the ubuntu wiki on that | 01:44 |
nlogax | Steve^ rt-click on the panel and add the volume control applet | 01:44 |
gimliy | Steve^: right-click on a panel-border : add to panel -> volume control | 01:44 |
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lblue | DJAdmiral: ok thanks | 01:44 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: search for i810 and replace it with vesa, then restart X | 01:44 |
crimsun | GTX: ping me when the new kernel is installed, and you/he have/has rebooted into it | 01:44 |
Zanth | gimliy: it shows /lib/grub I entered it and there is no menu.lst | 01:45 |
gimliy | Zanth: is grub on a partition you did not mount with ubuntu? (dunno if that works anyway...) | 01:45 |
jbritz22 | blissex: so I got the driver installed in driverloader, it says its all working and shit, but I still cant access the net, so what should I do | 01:45 |
Steve^ | nlogax/gimlily, I have the volume control, It just doesn't work: The volume control did not find any elements and/or devices to control. This means either that you don't have the right GStreamer plugins installed, or that you don't have a sound card configured. | 01:45 |
Mischevious | gimliy, don't give false info | 01:45 |
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Blissex | jbritz22: open a terminal window as 'root' and try 'iwlist scannning' | 01:46 |
gimliy | Mischevious: i said i'm not sure | 01:46 |
jbritz22 | ok | 01:46 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I did that now I have a complete black screen with nothing on it | 01:46 |
gimliy | Mischevious: and hey, i'm here to learn, too | 01:46 |
gimliy | Mischevious: please, teach us | 01:46 |
Zanth | gimliy: hmmm, not sure, and I'm not sure that is possible either...but it may well be the case? | 01:46 |
CosmoDad | what does "nodeadkeys" with respect to keyboard layout mean? | 01:46 |
kingspawn | no such thing as false info, just info that might work. | 01:46 |
Mischevious | gimliy, okay, here is some free info, grub is on the master boot record, not a partition. | 01:46 |
lblue | I'm not seeing much on the wiki about sound effects. It seems like people would at least want an equalizer for their audio. | 01:46 |
IdleOne | gimliy, drop it :) and keep learning | 01:46 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: that's no good. | 01:46 |
Mischevious | gimliy, and you never mount grub :-D | 01:46 |
=== brenner thought the vesa driver was a failsafe | ||
lblue | Is there any sort of system wide sound config tools like equalizers? | 01:47 |
nalioth | Mischevious: parts of grub reside in both places | 01:47 |
Zanth | Mischevious: does it always reside there? | 01:47 |
DJAdmiral | mischevious: mount grub lol | 01:47 |
gimliy | Mischevious: i meant the conf-files for grub | 01:47 |
fmark | Hi there, does anyone know if gstreamer (with the right codecs) supports real audio streams? | 01:47 |
jbritz22 | Blissex: this is crazy, I found my neighbours network, and our network | 01:47 |
gimliy | Mischevious: not grub itseld | 01:47 |
nalioth | brenner: vesa is quite bulletproof | 01:47 |
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kingspawn | about the vesa driver, anyone got the latest lowdown on 80x50? | 01:47 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, lol | 01:47 |
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ddg_bluesky | brenner how do I get back to the command line to change the driver | 01:47 |
DJAdmiral | mischevious: even i know that, and i'm still new to linux :P | 01:47 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, i'm fairly new also. | 01:47 |
Blissex | jbritz22: so now just use the nice configuration panel to set it up with the right parameters... | 01:47 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, but i learn very fast | 01:47 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: try ctrl+alt+f1 | 01:47 |
jbritz22 | blissex: ok | 01:47 |
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DJAdmiral | Mischevious: same here | 01:48 |
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ddg_bluesky | brenner can i do linux single? | 01:48 |
gimliy | Mischevious: so how do you explain no local menu.lst on the hard-disks ? | 01:48 |
jbritz22 | blissex: and the commands for the configuration panel are? | 01:48 |
gimliy | Mischevious: even no grub/ | 01:48 |
Mischevious | gimliy, just rebuild the list | 01:48 |
DJAdmiral | Mischevious: right now i'm trying to compile my first package that's not in the repos | 01:48 |
nalioth | ddg_bluesky: linux single ? | 01:48 |
Blissex | jbritz22: it is the one you were using previously... just make sure you start it as 'root' | 01:48 |
gimliy | Mischevious: that does not answer the question.. there must be list somewhere.. | 01:48 |
=== devi0s [i=devi0s1t@c-68-37-111-242.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Zanth | I must have a menu.lst somewhere...and grub must be accessing it...but I can't find it anywhere | 01:49 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I have the booter up right now | 01:49 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, i do it all the time :-D | 01:49 |
lblue | are there any sound enhancement effects for linux? | 01:49 |
nalioth | DJAdmiral: join us in #ubuntu-offtopic and we can help you more easily with that | 01:49 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner what should I do on this screen | 01:49 |
Steve^ | Zanth, /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 01:49 |
kingspawn | Zanth: find / -name menu.lst -print | 01:49 |
DJAdmiral | nalioth: okay | 01:49 |
Zanth | its not there Steve^ | 01:49 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: booter? | 01:49 |
Zanth | kingspawn, I did that already...no luck | 01:49 |
Mischevious | /boot/grub$ | 01:49 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner thaat gnu grub | 01:49 |
Mischevious | is where menu.lst is | 01:49 |
kingspawn | Zanth: and your os still boots? | 01:49 |
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jbritz22 | blissex: and I do that how...sorry I avent used linux in a while, run as different user, then root, and then? | 01:50 |
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Mischevious | Zanth, /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:50 |
Blissex | jbritz22: I had also mentioned a specific Ubuntu Wiki page on which there are full detailed instructions on how to configure WiFi | 01:50 |
Blissex | jbritz22: like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 01:50 |
CurtisB | Hello! Anyone around that has experience with ALSA on Ubuntu 5.10 ?? | 01:50 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: you rebooted? | 01:50 |
Mischevious | DJAdmiral, when compiling source checkinstall is your friend | 01:50 |
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holobyted | anyone here using nVidia's sound driver? | 01:51 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: i don't understand | 01:51 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner Im rebooting now | 01:51 |
Zanth | kingspawn: yes, I can boot into 2.6.12-10-amd64-smp, a myriad of other options and my XP on another SATA drive | 01:51 |
Zanth | what I want to do is permit the booting of my newly installed kernel... | 01:51 |
jbritz22 | blissex: ok ill try that out and get back to ya | 01:51 |
Mischevious | Zanth, ............ /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:51 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I see the ubuntu screen going through its boot , but how do i get to command line | 01:51 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: it was a question, not a command :-/ | 01:51 |
Mischevious | Zanth, ............ /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:51 |
Zanth | Mischevious, dude, its NOT there | 01:51 |
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kingspawn | Zanth: find "device.map" then | 01:51 |
Mischevious | Zanth, ... | 01:51 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: i was hoping you'd get one w/ ctrl+alt+f1 | 01:51 |
gimliy_ | lagged out.. | 01:52 |
Mischevious | Zanth, are you showing hidden files? | 01:52 |
Zanth | yes | 01:52 |
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Mischevious | Zanth, type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:52 |
Mischevious | pls | 01:52 |
kingspawn | Zanth: just to be sure, you are finding "menu.lst" (list) and not menu.1st( first), right? | 01:52 |
Zanth | yep | 01:52 |
Zanth | :) | 01:52 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner you are awesome, I have my mouse pointer | 01:52 |
kingspawn | Zanth: what about device.map? | 01:52 |
Zanth | searching now | 01:52 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: let me get my bearings. what did you do? :) | 01:53 |
Steve^ | My volume control isn't working.. doesn't seem to have a device to control. Where might I configer it? | 01:53 |
Zanth | does not exist :( | 01:53 |
gimliy_ | Mischevious: why isnt it possible for the grub-menu and the conf-files to be on a partition that is not mounted ? | 01:53 |
kingspawn | Zanth: fantastic :) | 01:53 |
DJAdmiral | !ubotu tell aamir about Qt | 01:53 |
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ubuntu | IRC Like | 01:53 |
kingspawn | Zanth: okay, find vmlinuz* | 01:53 |
Zanth | Mischevious: when I did what you suggested, I got a a blank | 01:54 |
Zanth | that is in boot kingspawn | 01:54 |
Zanth | /boot/vmlinuz | 01:54 |
Mischevious | Zanth, do you have a menu.lst~ | 01:54 |
Mischevious | ? | 01:54 |
Zanth | no menu.lst at all | 01:54 |
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Toma- | compiling in badram patch now :) thanks chaps. | 01:54 |
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Zethion | Hello | 01:54 |
Mischevious | hm | 01:54 |
jbritz22 | blissex: would it be bad if I connected to my neighbours network instaed of mine...:D | 01:54 |
Zanth | Mischevious, the only menu.lst is the example one in the /usr/share/docs/grub/examples directory | 01:55 |
gimliy_ | Mischevious: no answer? | 01:55 |
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lblue | I use headphones and I'm looking for a way to get 3D audio in linux | 01:55 |
Blissex | jbritz22: in some jurisdictions that ''hacking'' and people have gone to jail... | 01:55 |
lblue | like the windows media player "WOW" effect | 01:55 |
IdleOne | jbritz22, bad as in not a good boy or bad as in it's illegal? | 01:55 |
Zanth | but vmlinuz is in /boot | 01:55 |
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lblue | any advice? | 01:55 |
dash- | guys how can i make computer/hostnames work in linux, say i connect to a vpn and want to find a machine name like "ben" how can i get it to find ben and me not have to type IP's everytime | 01:55 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: you might want to reply to your topic and tell people that it looked like an i810 driver glitch and the fix was to switch to the vesa display driver so others now have a reference in the forum | 01:55 |
kingspawn | Zanth: i'd appreciate if you prefix your messages to me with my nick. what else is in /boot? | 01:55 |
jbritz22 | blissex: yeah ill just stick to mine | 01:56 |
Zethion | Windows Media WOW effect? Ah, the destruction of sound! | 01:56 |
jbritz22 | lol | 01:56 |
benplaut | dash-: i've patented the name ben -__ | 01:56 |
gimliy_ | dash-: does "ben" have a static ip ? | 01:56 |
benplaut | -_- | 01:56 |
dash- | its a lan IP | 01:56 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner I will do that thank you so much for that | 01:56 |
dash- | it may change if it reboots | 01:56 |
GTX | crimsun, so this patch where do you get it im on the new kernel | 01:56 |
dash- | but with windows u can do \\ben | 01:56 |
lblue | I'm just looking to add a little "space" back with my headphones | 01:56 |
dash- | from run prompt | 01:56 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: glad it worked | 01:56 |
dash- | and it will find it | 01:56 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner what i did was change the driver to vesa and restart, did a complete restart | 01:56 |
crimsun | GTX: you don't need a patch | 01:56 |
dash- | whats the equiv in linux | 01:56 |
crimsun | GTX: just verify that you have sound | 01:56 |
gimliy_ | dash-: vi /etc/hosts | 01:56 |
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CurtisB | Hello! Anyone around that has experience with ALSA on Ubuntu 5.10 ?? | 01:56 |
GTX | so it should have fixed it crimsum, was it a bug? | 01:56 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: ah, i see | 01:56 |
benplaut | dash-: try smb://ben | 01:57 |
ddg_bluesky | I will repond to that post a little later thank you again brenner | 01:57 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: welcome | 01:57 |
benplaut | or maybe smb:///ben | 01:57 |
crimsun | GTX: well, do you have sound? | 01:57 |
dash- | benplaut from run | 01:57 |
Zanth | kingspawn, I have what looks like a whole lot of kernel files, vmlinuz-x... some config version, abis, | 01:57 |
benplaut | err | 01:57 |
crimsun | CurtisB: please just ask your question | 01:57 |
benplaut | nautilus smb://ben | 01:57 |
GTX | crimsun, my sound is working its for my mate :P | 01:57 |
GTX | so i dont know yet | 01:57 |
kingspawn | Zanth: use pastebin.com to paste your whole "ls" | 01:57 |
fmark | Has anyone got a moment to help me try and fix a broken install from source? | 01:57 |
Zanth | kingspawn, an initrd. img etc | 01:57 |
CurtisB | I can't get ALSA to configure for "--with-cards=mia" and I can't get it to compile if I leave that option off :( | 01:57 |
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Zanth | I'm in a wonky x enviro right now, the point of the exercise is to get nvidia drivers working :) | 01:58 |
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dash- | like, in windows, i can vpn to a router, and be on the other network, then open up vnc and type ben and it connect to that computer, i tried doing it with linux, it doesnt find ben | 01:58 |
lblue | Zethion: what's the best way to listen to music on Ubuntu? I'm new to this so any help would be great. Thanks! | 01:58 |
dash- | thats the problem | 01:58 |
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Zanth | kingspawn, I can't get to a web browswer | 01:58 |
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Fred | is there a command similar to top that displays apps using network resources? | 01:58 |
kingspawn | Zanth: PM me then | 01:58 |
gimliy_ | lblue: what features do you need ? | 01:58 |
fatehaze | I've got a pretty big problem - I installed a live cd distro to a different partition and it installed Lilo over Grub | 01:58 |
geargolem | Hello I keep getting a 530 error with several servers and different clients on breezy | 01:58 |
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gimliy_ | lblue: there is no "best" player.. | 01:58 |
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crimsun | CurtisB: are you compiling 1.0.11rc3 | 01:58 |
benplaut | dash-: i dunno | 01:58 |
Codyman | i've got the flight 5 dapper drake running via live cd... my broadcom wifi is detected on my laptop but it won't connect to my wireless network... ideas? | 01:58 |
benplaut | try the forums | 01:58 |
espresso | what does this mean: http://pastebin.com/613544 | 01:59 |
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crimsun | CurtisB: and do you have linux-headers-$(uname -r), gcc-3.4, and build-essential installed? | 01:59 |
lblue | gimly_: I'm looking for an equalizer and it would be nice if I could get a 3D sound thing like the "WOW" effect in windows media player. | 01:59 |
dash- | its something to do with it not resolving local network machine names | 01:59 |
dash- | i guess | 01:59 |
fatehaze | Lilo doesn't detect my other OSes (ubuntu and xp), so I tried uninstalling it with "lilo -u" | 01:59 |
fatehaze | now I can't boot anything at all | 01:59 |
CurtisB | crimsun - I've tried the source from the distribution (0.9a which seems to be 0.9rc4) as well as others, all up to 1.0.11rc3, yes | 01:59 |
fatehaze | I just get a long list of "9A 9A 9A" on boot | 01:59 |
fatehaze | Can anyone help? | 01:59 |
Random_Transit | lblue...install KDE and use amaroK | 01:59 |
gimliy_ | lblue: do you need any good database-features ? | 01:59 |
Mischevious | espresso, means the mirror is down, or bad, nothing to worry about | 01:59 |
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gimliy_ | lblue: or just a winamp-like playlist? | 01:59 |
fatehaze | I'm trying to restore Grub but I can't boot anything at all | 02:00 |
espresso | well it is in my case... it's not installing packages I need | 02:00 |
Random_Transit | fatehaze...that sounds like a kernel panic | 02:00 |
Zanth | kingspawn, I think pm's are not permissible? | 02:00 |
fatehaze | It's a Lilo Sucks Panic | 02:00 |
benplaut | espresso: try it again in an hour | 02:00 |
fatehaze | Worst boot manager ever | 02:00 |
lblue | gimliy_ winamp is fine but I do like the database features if they are available. | 02:00 |
Random_Transit | yeah LILO is annoying | 02:00 |
espresso | I've been at it all afternoon | 02:00 |
CurtisB | crimsun - and I installed build-essentials, and I have GCC 4.0.2, and I don't know about the headers questions | 02:00 |
fatehaze | The OSes themselves are peachy | 02:00 |
kingspawn | Zanth: you have to register with "nickserv" first | 02:00 |
crimsun | CurtisB: no, you need gcc-3.4, not just gcc-4.0 | 02:01 |
kingspawn | Zanth: /msg nickserv help register -> or the other way around | 02:01 |
Zanth | kingspawn, thanks, is there a simple way to do this? | 02:01 |
Zanth | kingspawn, thanks | 02:01 |
fatehaze | The only thing I can boot is a live cd, but I don't have write access so I really can't do anything | 02:01 |
lblue | gimliy_: Is Rhythmbox any good? | 02:01 |
gimliy_ | lblue: good database and nice looking player i know of is "amarok" | 02:01 |
crimsun | CurtisB: and you definitely need linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:01 |
CurtisB | crimsun - okay, hang-on please... :) | 02:01 |
Random_Transit | rhythmbox ain' | 02:01 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, type sudo swapoff | 02:01 |
Random_Transit | t | 02:01 |
Random_Transit | bad | 02:01 |
CurtisB | crimsun (uh, how do I get the headers thingy?) | 02:01 |
DJAdmiral | !ubotu tell aamir about KDE | 02:01 |
kingspawn | Zanth: never a simple way :) | 02:01 |
Random_Transit | but it lacks the power of amaroK | 02:01 |
crimsun | CurtisB: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) | 02:01 |
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fatehaze | should I use an option with that? | 02:01 |
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lblue | gimliy_:Rhythmbox doesn't seem to have an equalizer | 02:01 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, yea hold on | 02:01 |
DJAdmiral | !ubotu tell aamir about KDE Includes | 02:01 |
fatehaze | k | 02:01 |
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fatehaze | they should rename Lilo to "MBRbricker" | 02:02 |
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DJAdmiral | !ubotu tell aamir about KDEIncludes | 02:02 |
geargolem | no matter which server or client I use for ftp I keep getting 530 errors. | 02:02 |
dash- | is there a way that when im vpn'ed to a network i can do the equivilent to windows and do \\machinename | 02:02 |
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bimberi | fatehaze: this might work for you - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows | 02:02 |
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gimliy_ | lblue: i don't use rhythmbox.. but i'm sure there is some plugin for that | 02:02 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, sudo swapoff -a | 02:02 |
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Mischevious | brb gotta talk to the woman of the house | 02:03 |
DJAdmiral | !ubotu tell aamir about KDE Headers | 02:03 |
gimliy_ | dash-: for what? looking up files? ping? mount smbfs? sshd? | 02:03 |
chanlon | Does anyone know if its possible to setup Xterm style copy/paste (left select copies, right click pasts) in gnome-terminal? | 02:03 |
fatehaze | thanks mischevious, i seem to have write access now | 02:03 |
lblue | gimliy_: Do you use amarok? | 02:03 |
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gimliy_ | lblue: yepp | 02:03 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, okay back | 02:03 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, so you need to re-install grub | 02:03 |
lblue | gimliy_: in gnome? | 02:03 |
fatehaze | fdisk /mbr doesn't work though, cannot open /mbr | 02:03 |
fatehaze | hmm | 02:03 |
dash- | well gimliy like i vpn to a windows network | 02:04 |
gimliy_ | lblue: i like it, lyrics-window, wiki-window, mysql-database, equalizer.. | 02:04 |
gimliy_ | lblue: yes, in gnome | 02:04 |
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dash- | and then i want to use vnc on linux to connect to the vnc servers on windows | 02:04 |
lblue | cool | 02:04 |
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Random_Transit | fatehaze, boot into your ubu install disk | 02:04 |
brenner | chanlon: no scrollwheel? | 02:04 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dash- | so i type the machine name in ben, but it doesnt recognise ben, but it does the IP | 02:04 |
Random_Transit | you can repair grub from there | 02:04 |
CurtisB | crimsun - okay, I installed the headers, and tried gcc but got this: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 (output: gcc-3.4 is already the newest version.) | 02:04 |
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dash- | if i was to do the same thing from windows to windows it would recognise the machine name | 02:04 |
fatehaze | thanks, i'll go find it | 02:04 |
dash- | and just connect | 02:04 |
ozgur | what do I need to download to compile java? | 02:04 |
fatehaze | i'm just booting into backtracck right now | 02:04 |
gimliy_ | dash-: edit /etc/hosts maybe ? | 02:05 |
crimsun | CurtisB: ok, that's fine. Now show me a build log of alsa-driver | 02:05 |
Random_Transit | ozgur...compile? | 02:05 |
fatehaze | great choice for a boot loader, guys :/ | 02:05 |
crimsun | CurtisB: use pastebin, please | 02:05 |
dash- | but what should i do with that | 02:05 |
gimliy_ | dash-: not sure if that works for you | 02:05 |
geargolem | does anyone have success using gftp on wu-ftpd on breezy? | 02:05 |
ozgur | compile java in terminal | 02:05 |
dash- | cos machine names and their IP's will be changing | 02:05 |
ozgur | JAVA_HOME.. | 02:05 |
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dash- | windows auto gets the IP associated with the machine name somehow | 02:05 |
jbritz22 | blissex: so i tried configuring shit, now I cant open network-admin :S | 02:05 |
fatehaze | thanks for your help guys, I'd be dead in the water without you (about a thousand times over) | 02:05 |
Blissex | jbritz22: no idea why or what... | 02:06 |
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brenner | ozgur: java sdk | 02:06 |
brenner | ubotu: tell ozgur about java | 02:06 |
brenner | heh 10 sec lag | 02:06 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, no problem, make sure you come back! | 02:06 |
fatehaze | I'll keep you updated :) | 02:06 |
Mischevious | :-D | 02:06 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - sorry for the ignorance.. pastebin? and by build-log do you mean the putput from ./configure? or the works, make and all? | 02:07 |
jbritz22 | blissex: and when I do sudo -s i get sudo: unable to look up BASEMENT via gethostbyname() and when I logged in it said something about hostname and gnome not working right | 02:07 |
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Blissex | jbritz22: thats got nothing to do with wireless, probably you host name is not in '/etc/hosts' | 02:08 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, did you use a hostname with spaces in it? | 02:08 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, that's a no no | 02:08 |
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abhorsen | hi, could someone help me? | 02:08 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious: i dint use a hostname with spaces.... | 02:08 |
Mischevious | abhorsen, ask away | 02:08 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay, just checking i did that once :-D | 02:08 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious: I switched from BASEMENT to blank, and then it said i had to relog in | 02:08 |
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abhorsen | I am trying to install Real player for linux. And I get an error message | 02:09 |
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Blissex | jbritz22: blank is a very bad idea. | 02:09 |
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abhorsen | error while loading libraries | 02:09 |
frank23 | !tell abhorsen about realplayer | 02:09 |
Mischevious | abhorsen, which ones | 02:09 |
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jbritz22 | blissex: how should I fix this, I cant get into network admin to fix it, and when I go from terminal it just freezes the network-admin window | 02:10 |
ubuntu | help messed up login while trying set email | 02:10 |
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IamEthos | hey there | 02:10 |
abhorsen | allright, thanks! | 02:10 |
ubuntu | how can access root | 02:10 |
espresso | is it possible to manually load the update lists? | 02:10 |
espresso | since apt-get isn't finding them for me... | 02:10 |
IamEthos | I was wondering if ubuntu can be booted from a USB external hard drive? | 02:11 |
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Mischevious | !usbboot | 02:11 |
ubotu | I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mischevious | 02:11 |
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Mischevious | hrm | 02:11 |
Nogimics | Can anyone help me with a Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: error when trying to run a program calleed nessus with either sudo or gksudo please? | 02:11 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, i believe it can | 02:11 |
jbritz22 | blissex: any ideas? | 02:11 |
IamEthos | (it's actually an IDE hard drive in an enclosure that converts to USB) | 02:11 |
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Blissex | jbritz22: no sorry | 02:12 |
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ubuntu | how do you run root from user login | 02:12 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=80811 | 02:12 |
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fmark | Hi there, I have just installed Edd Dumbill's monopod but when I try to run it I get the exception "Unhandled Exception: System.DllNotFoundException: gdk-x11-2.0". Any idea what I need to install to get this working? | 02:12 |
jbritz22 | can anyone help me then? | 02:12 |
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jbritz22 | how do I switch my hostname without using the gui network-admin | 02:13 |
kingspawn | jbritz22: whats the problem? recap, please. | 02:13 |
jbritz22 | well | 02:13 |
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jbritz22 | i switched my hostname from BASEMENT to a blank space, now my network-admin wont load up and I cant switch it back | 02:13 |
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IamEthos | also, is there anyone in here that would be willing to help me with some partitioning issues (I'm using Partition Magic). I've read a lot about it in the past and still had problems, so I would rather have someone to talk things through with | 02:13 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, sudo gedit /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname | 02:13 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, i will | 02:13 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:14 |
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frank23 | IamEthos: if you BIOS supports booting from USB, you might be able to boot the external hard drive | 02:14 |
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IamEthos | can I PM you then? | 02:14 |
IamEthos | they do, i believe | 02:14 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, you can just ask here, then other people will help also | 02:14 |
bimberi | ubuntu: it's not a great idea security-wise but if you must you can enable root login from System -> Administration -> Login Screen Setup | 02:14 |
jbritz22 | mischevious: unable to lookup BASEMENT via gethostbyname | 02:14 |
Nogimics | Can anyone help me with a Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: error when trying to run a program calleed nessus with either sudo or gksudo please? | 02:14 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, you need to reboot i believe | 02:15 |
IamEthos | alright, I just don't want to get on anyone's bad side for asking about proprietary software :-) | 02:15 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:15 |
babo | Does anyone know how to assoicate wengo phone with the tel protocol in firefox ? | 02:15 |
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fatehaze | Does anyone know if nUbuntu comes with grub? | 02:15 |
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IamEthos | I'm using Partition Magic to create partitions on a USB hard drive | 02:15 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, Nubuntu ? | 02:15 |
ubuntu | bimberi thanks | 02:15 |
IamEthos | however the USB hard drive has a lot of data on it at present | 02:15 |
_jonathan | hello all, does anyone know of a good linux videocast client? | 02:15 |
IamEthos | that I don't have the space to back up, yet I would prefer not to lose | 02:15 |
eugman | Hey I tried plugging in a slightly older video card and when I got to before gdm it said x server wasn't configured correctely. I've installed linux restricked modules now. Am I supposed to plug it back in and then type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg whenever I get the computer back on? | 02:15 |
fatehaze | Network Ubuntu, http://www.nubuntu.org/ | 02:15 |
ozgur | how do I set JAVA_HOME? | 02:15 |
fatehaze | it's a pentest live cd | 02:15 |
harml3ss | i just installed ubuntu on a NetworkAppliance F87 .. most seems okay except for the fans on the server just kicked into "HIGH" mode and wont spin back down to normal .. | 02:16 |
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sipior | Nogimics: if you su to root, does it work directly? | 02:16 |
bimberi | ubuntu: yw :) | 02:16 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, is the data on an NTFS or FAT32 partition ? | 02:16 |
IamEthos | I have the space to create a 5 gb partition for ubuntu and a 1 gb linux swap | 02:16 |
IamEthos | NTFS | 02:16 |
flemnos | wow... I just found out I can save/quit from vi with :x instead of :wq ... that's, like, 30% less typing. | 02:16 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, how much ram does your machine have | 02:16 |
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IamEthos | I think 512 | 02:16 |
sipior | flemnos: ZZ :-) | 02:16 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, go with a 512MB swap | 02:16 |
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IamEthos | but I might have a gig | 02:16 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, i have 1gig ram andi have no swap at all | 02:16 |
Nogimics | sipior I dont know will try now | 02:16 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, if you have 1gig you don't need a swap | 02:16 |
harml3ss | does anyone know how i would get ubuntu to properly manage the fans on my server so they arent running at full blast all the time? | 02:17 |
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IamEthos | where do I check how much Ram I have | 02:17 |
IamEthos | sorry for the stupid question | 02:17 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, you on windows? | 02:17 |
frank23 | Mischevious: IamEthos: you should have a swap file even if you have lots of ram. What happens when you need more than you have? | 02:17 |
IamEthos | but I have a laptop | 02:18 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, right click my computer, and it should tell you like with the cpu ghz and stuff | 02:18 |
sipior | IamEthos: free | 02:18 |
_jonathan | can no one think of anything? | 02:18 |
babo | Does anyone know how to assoicate wengo phone with the tel protocol in firefox ? | 02:18 |
IamEthos | and ram hasn't been an issue | 02:18 |
Mischevious | sipior, he is on windows i think | 02:18 |
gimliy | IamEthos: sudo lshw -C memory | 02:18 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, you on windows right | 02:18 |
Nogimics | sipior no it doesnt work | 02:18 |
sipior | ah, beg pardon then :) | 02:18 |
sipior | Nogimics: same error then? | 02:18 |
Aklys | Could someone please assist me with getting a rt2500 chipset working with WPAPSK | 02:18 |
jbritz22 | ok mischievious | 02:18 |
IamEthos | yes | 02:18 |
Nogimics | yes same error | 02:18 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, start> then right click my computer | 02:19 |
Mischevious | ugg get the windows off me | 02:19 |
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IamEthos | yep | 02:19 |
Mischevious | :'-( | 02:19 |
IamEthos | 1 gb ram | 02:19 |
CurtisB | crimsun - by build-log do you mean the output from 'make'? (afraid I don't know what pastebin is, either) | 02:19 |
espresso | dammit this is driving me nuts!!! | 02:19 |
jbritz22 | Mischevious: I rebooted, logged in, and got this error. Could not lok up internet address for . This will prevent GNOME from operating correctly. It may be possible to correct the problem by adding to the file /etc/hosts/ | 02:19 |
Mischevious | okay, just make an ext3 partition with as much space as you can spare | 02:19 |
espresso | what's wrong with this: http://pastebin.com/613561 | 02:19 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, ignroe that, it means nothing | 02:19 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:19 |
jbritz22 | sweeet | 02:20 |
espresso | I can't get #@$^! PHP to install | 02:20 |
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sipior | Nogimics: can you log into X as root, and then try? i think the X server is not permitting connections from other users, hence the problem | 02:20 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, :-D | 02:20 |
leleobhz | hello all | 02:20 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, as you notice, you are on the interweb :-D | 02:20 |
Mischevious | god i love saying the interweb | 02:20 |
Nogimics | What do you mean by log into X | 02:20 |
leleobhz | how i can send bugs about flight5? | 02:20 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious: XD, so im in a terminal window now | 02:20 |
Nogimics | Sorry I am new to linux | 02:20 |
IamEthos | okay, I'll create 512 mb swap? | 02:20 |
IamEthos | is that a fair compromise? | 02:20 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, no need | 02:20 |
dash- | where is the kernel ip routing table | 02:20 |
sipior | Nogimics: at the login screen, try "root" as username | 02:20 |
IamEthos | the other guy says I should | 02:20 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, it's a waste and will actually hurt performance | 02:20 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, i have 1gig ram no swap and ubuntu runs like a dream | 02:21 |
IamEthos | and a friend told me I should have twice as much swap as I do RAM | 02:21 |
IamEthos | which seemed crazy | 02:21 |
leleobhz | someone | 02:21 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, that's all crap | 02:21 |
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Nogimics | sipior I SSH into my box | 02:21 |
leleobhz | ? | 02:21 |
IamEthos | alright | 02:21 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, do as you want, but i'm telling you, you don't need a swap | 02:21 |
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IamEthos | well, I'm planning on using Knoppix first | 02:21 |
sipior | Nogimics: you're not directly connected? | 02:21 |
Nogimics | sipior: I can use VNC and try, but I would have to enable root again | 02:21 |
IamEthos | to make sure I actually really WANT Ubuntu | 02:21 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, knoppix is nothing like ubuntu | 02:22 |
IamEthos | so I need some swap for that, I think, don't I? | 02:22 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, no | 02:22 |
sipior | Nogimics: no, that's your problem, you have to enable SSH forwarding -- your gtk app can't connect to a local server | 02:22 |
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Mischevious | IamEthos, that's like apples and burning tires. | 02:22 |
sipior | Nogimics: try logging in with ssh -X "hostname" | 02:22 |
gimliy | espresso: did you run sudo apt-get update as mentioned ? | 02:22 |
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IamEthos | I thought most Linux versions were the same | 02:22 |
lullabud | IamEthos: that's not true about the swap... | 02:22 |
jbritz22 | mischevious: i rebooted and I still get the unable to lookup via...errror when I type sudo gedit /etc/hosts | 02:22 |
IamEthos | alright | 02:22 |
IamEthos | fine | 02:22 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay hold on | 02:22 |
sipior | Nogimics: note that the remote host will need ssh forwarding enabled in its sshd_config file for this to work | 02:22 |
IamEthos | no swap | 02:22 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, yes it is true ... | 02:22 |
lullabud | IamEthos: you may not need it most of the time, but if you *do* need it and you don't have it your system could crash. | 02:22 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, swap is NOT needed. | 02:22 |
lullabud | IamEthos: i just had a production webserver crash because of lack of swap. | 02:23 |
Mischevious | this is such crap. | 02:23 |
Nogimics | Sorry sipior you have lost me :( im too much of a noob to catch on to all that | 02:23 |
Mischevious | swap is the biggest ripoff ever | 02:23 |
IamEthos | I'm using it for a personal computer | 02:23 |
lullabud | suit yourself... | 02:23 |
IamEthos | not as a server | 02:23 |
Mischevious | exactly. | 02:23 |
harml3ss | how do i use dpkg to reconfigure xorg ? | 02:23 |
dash- | this is annoying me | 02:23 |
IamEthos | I'm not taking sides | 02:23 |
dash- | how do i make computer names auto resolve to IP's | 02:23 |
sipior | Nogimics: that's all right. you're not sitting directly at the machine on which nessus is running, right? | 02:23 |
dash- | like LAN computers. | 02:23 |
harml3ss | the machine i had to build the system on isnt the one im running | 02:23 |
lullabud | well, sure. but for whatever reason, if something bad happens, you'll need it. | 02:23 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, you'll be happier without a swap. but do as you want. | 02:23 |
IamEthos | I don't know enough to take sides | 02:23 |
IamEthos | Mischevious: how will swap hurt? | 02:23 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, it can degrade performance | 02:24 |
lullabud | IamEthos: they didn't make swap for no good reason. | 02:24 |
brenner | ubotu: tell harml3ss aboutxxorg | 02:24 |
kingspawn | IamEthos: swap can not hurt, | 02:24 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, by loading stuff into slower memory | 02:24 |
_jason | harml3ss: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-sorg | 02:24 |
Nogimics | sipior correct as no Monitor is hooked up to it, my ubuntu box is next to me and I SSH into it | 02:24 |
Mischevious | lol | 02:24 |
Mischevious | okay i'm done arguging | 02:24 |
Mischevious | you guy enjoy your slow installs | 02:24 |
Mischevious | :-0 | 02:24 |
RipVanFish | gimliy: you are a genious | 02:24 |
sipior | Nogimics: right, try logging in with ssh -X, instead of just ssh | 02:24 |
IamEthos | alright | 02:24 |
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dash- | _jason how do i make computer names auto resolve to IP's like computers on my LAN. so i can go smb://compname | 02:24 |
IamEthos | so next step | 02:24 |
IamEthos | I have the space | 02:24 |
brenner | ubotu: tell harml3ss about xorg | 02:24 |
kingspawn | there is no possible way that swap space can slow your system, other than you yourslef hacking your kernel source to botch it. | 02:24 |
lullabud | !xorg | 02:24 |
=== Macbeth [n=chris@client-82-18-230-30.brhm.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ubotu | hmm... xorg is To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html | 02:24 |
jbritz22 | Mischevious: any luck on my error? | 02:24 |
Nogimics | Sipior what is -X and how would I do this? i ssh in using PuTTy | 02:24 |
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IamEthos | when I'm in partition magic creating partitions on a drive that has plenty of space for them | 02:24 |
CurtisB | crimsun - okay, I found pastebin.com..... but I'm uncertain what it is you'd have me send you | 02:25 |
IamEthos | it won't format the drive, will it? | 02:25 |
_jason | dash-: /etc/hosts maybe, but I'm not sure that is the proper way | 02:25 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, no, i'm stumped | 02:25 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, will what? | 02:25 |
IamEthos | Partition Magic | 02:25 |
corvax | hth do i compile gtkpod? | 02:25 |
jbritz22 | anyone else help me? | 02:25 |
lullabud | IamEthos: if you resize the partition it won't. | 02:25 |
dash- | _jason what would i add in it | 02:25 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, if your not careful it will | 02:25 |
IamEthos | okay | 02:25 |
corvax | i just dowloaded and extracted the source | 02:25 |
lullabud | IamEthos: you're using partition magic? | 02:25 |
IamEthos | yep | 02:25 |
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Mischevious | he is on windows. | 02:25 |
corvax | now what? | 02:25 |
_jason | dash-: look at the first line. That's the syntax. <ip> <name> | 02:25 |
brenner | corvax: what for? it's in the repos | 02:25 |
lullabud | IamEthos: yeah, i've never had problems with that, used to use it all the time in a test lab. | 02:25 |
corvax | i NEED m4a support in it | 02:25 |
sipior | Nogimics: hmm...thought you were logging in from a unix box...in this case you'll have to be running an X server on your wnidows machine if you want to use X apps from your unix box | 02:25 |
crimsun | CurtisB: the buildlog of alsa-driver, i.e., the commands and the output | 02:26 |
IamEthos | is there any way to say "Don't fuck anything up! Try this, but if it doesn't work for heaven's sake, don't delete anything." | 02:26 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, uhh... | 02:26 |
lullabud | IamEthos: not that i know of. there *may* be a dry-run option.... | 02:26 |
IamEthos | there should be a radio box | 02:26 |
corvax | ubuntus gtkpod SHOULD come with m4a support i think | 02:26 |
sipior | Nogimics: you might find it helpful to install cygwin, which I believe includes an X server by default | 02:26 |
IamEthos | that says exactly that | 02:26 |
IamEthos | :-) | 02:26 |
tonyyarusso | I can't seem to resize my sda1 (Windows/ntfs). It looks like it's going to apply the change (GParted), and nothing happens. | 02:26 |
jbritz22 | hey mischevious | 02:26 |
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corvax | because alot of newbies use it | 02:26 |
atf487 | for some reason gtkpod-aac doesn't have aac support | 02:26 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, yea? | 02:26 |
lullabud | !ntfs | 02:26 |
ubotu | from memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 02:26 |
jbritz22 | Mischevious: i got gedit to open the hosts file | 02:26 |
IamEthos | okay | 02:26 |
Nogimics | I run NX Client for Windows is that the same sipior? | 02:27 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay, add your hostname | 02:27 |
Nogimics | or am I speaking rubbish lol | 02:27 |
jbritz22 | mischevious: thats the thing, my hostname is blank | 02:27 |
IamEthos | so I create a linux partition | 02:27 |
lullabud | tonyyarusso: there are problems with NTFS if.... i can't remember what it's called. | 02:27 |
IamEthos | is 5 gb enough to start with? | 02:27 |
lullabud | tonyyarusso: are you doing the initial install? | 02:27 |
corvax | i download files from itms using sharpmusique | 02:27 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, yea add something like... Computer | 02:27 |
IamEthos | and what fs do I use? ext2 or ext3? | 02:28 |
tonyyarusso | lullabud: I know about the problems. This should still work. Not initial, installed already. I have ntfsprogs installed. | 02:28 |
corvax | and they are m4a files im tired of converting them to mp3 | 02:28 |
sipior | Nogimics: should work, but you'll need to figure out how to forward an X connection to it | 02:28 |
lullabud | tonyyarusso: hmm... fuckin' ntfs. =/ | 02:28 |
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sipior | Nogimics: try the documentation, it must be there | 02:28 |
tonyyarusso | lullabud: Basically. I'll try it cli and see what happens there. | 02:28 |
jbritz22 | mischevious: at the end of the document? just type say "BASEMENT" | 02:28 |
corvax | i downloaded the build esentials | 02:28 |
corvax | so i think i have what i need | 02:29 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, /etc/hosts or /etc/hostname | 02:29 |
brenner | tonyyarusso: someone had problems with gparted and used qtparted with success | 02:29 |
IamEthos | anyone? ext2 or ext3 for the file system? | 02:29 |
harml3ss | anyone here used linux on a Network Appliance F87 before ? | 02:29 |
tonyyarusso | brenner: Hmm, okay. | 02:29 |
harml3ss | the machine has no bios and must boot from a compact flash card | 02:29 |
harml3ss | ive got ubuntu working from it.. but the fans spin at full blast the entire time the machine is on | 02:30 |
Nogimics | sipior I just logged in via NX Client for Windows and opened a terminal window on the desktop and typped just nessus and a nessus setup window opened. | 02:30 |
corvax | is there a wiki or howto for building from source | 02:30 |
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corvax | cause i cant find it | 02:30 |
brenner | corvax: use checkinstall | 02:30 |
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corvax | check install builds a | 02:31 |
corvax | deb | 02:31 |
fatehaze | can I make a grub boot disk? | 02:31 |
corvax | right | 02:31 |
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Mischevious | corvax, yes | 02:31 |
fatehaze | with just grub, to install it? | 02:31 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, yes one sec | 02:31 |
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sipior | Nogimics: that's encouraging! :) | 02:31 |
brenner | corvax: yes | 02:31 |
jetscreamer | grub-floppy | 02:31 |
frank23 | !tell corvax about compile | 02:31 |
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corvax | ty | 02:31 |
corvax | ty | 02:31 |
jetscreamer | man grub-floppy | 02:31 |
IamEthos | !ext3 | 02:31 |
ubotu | ext3 is, like, totally, a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/wrote from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org | 02:31 |
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Carbine | Hello, I've tries using sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 module-assistant build-essential, but I get this error: E: Couldn't find package module-assistant | 02:31 |
tonyyarusso | brenner: QTparted says it's active; what's that mean? (Unmounted already) | 02:31 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/tiki-index.php | 02:31 |
IamEthos | !ext2 | 02:31 |
ubotu | IamEthos: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 02:31 |
LadyNikon | I found a bug in gnome terminal | 02:31 |
sipior | Nogimics: this may also be useful: http://www.nomachine.com/ar/view.php?ar_id=AR11B00074 | 02:32 |
brenner | tonyyarusso: no idea. i'm just passing along the fact that someone had more succes w/ it | 02:32 |
fatehaze | thanks again mischevious :D | 02:32 |
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lullabud | LadyNikon: take a macro photograph of it. bug photos are so cool. | 02:32 |
tonyyarusso | brenner: 'k. | 02:32 |
Mischevious | fatehaze, no problemoz | 02:32 |
IamEthos | Mischevious: ext3 or ext2? | 02:32 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, ext3 | 02:32 |
LadyNikon | lullabud: cute. | 02:33 |
IamEthos | okay | 02:33 |
Parag0n | Hi. | 02:33 |
IamEthos | so it says resizing my F:\ drive | 02:33 |
Mischevious | k | 02:33 |
IamEthos | creating the partition | 02:33 |
jbritz22 | Mischevious: i cant edit the hosts file because im not logged into root, and I cant login to root using sudo passwd -s [password] because I get this error "unable to lookup via gethostbyname() | 02:33 |
IamEthos | will I have to reboot for this? | 02:33 |
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FliesLikeALap | anyone know whats going on with #linux? | 02:33 |
IamEthos | since my OS isn't on it? | 02:33 |
harml3ss | how would i get ubuntu to redo a hardware detection such as is done on setup? | 02:33 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, uhh.. dunno | 02:33 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, use sudo | 02:33 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, plain suddo | 02:34 |
Xenguy | Question: In GNOME, how can I change the default app that opens a particular file extension? | 02:34 |
jbritz22 | Mischievious: I type sudo and get the same error | 02:34 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, i dunno then man, i had the same problem but i fixed it just changing the hostname | 02:34 |
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brenner | Xenguy: right-click>propertiesd>open-with tab in nautilus | 02:34 |
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Nogimics | Think i'll leave it for tonight as its 1:40am and I have work at 4am lol. Thanks for your help sipior | 02:35 |
jbritz22 | Mischevious: I cant change the hostname cause I cant get into root | 02:35 |
CurtisB | crimsun - PHEW, okay, i did a pastebin of the configure, make, make install | 02:35 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, ahh yes | 02:35 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, recovery mode | 02:35 |
Xenguy | brenner: I was there, but I will double-check, sec... | 02:35 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, when you reboot your computer | 02:35 |
Mischevious | hit esc when grub comes up | 02:35 |
sipior | Nogimics: no trouble | 02:35 |
Mischevious | and use recovery mode. | 02:35 |
IamEthos | alright | 02:35 |
Mischevious | then type, nano /etc/hostname | 02:35 |
IamEthos | here goes nothing | 02:35 |
Mischevious | add a hostname and hit ctrl+x. | 02:35 |
IamEthos | I'll be back soon | 02:35 |
Mischevious | and do the same for /etc/hosts | 02:35 |
IamEthos | and hopefully I won't be crying | 02:35 |
me | what section of the xorg.conf do I edit to chage the resolutions? | 02:35 |
brenner | FliesLikeABrick: it's unavailable :P | 02:35 |
brenner | FliesLikeABrick: ask #freenode maybe? | 02:36 |
frank23 | !tell me about fixres | 02:36 |
jbritz22 | mischevious: grub is? and do I need to ad an ip like 124.56.77 HOSTNAME? or just HOSTNAME? | 02:36 |
corvax | ugh i get No package 'gtk+-2.0' found No package 'libglade-2.0' found | 02:36 |
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tonyyarusso | Running ntfsresize, got this: ERROR: Extended record needed (1040 > 1024), not yet supported! | 02:36 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, grub is the thing where it says booting vmkernel and etc. | 02:36 |
frank23 | me: damn I can't send you the link because your name is me! | 02:36 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, and a hostname is a word, not an IP | 02:36 |
frank23 | !fixres | 02:36 |
ubotu | Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 02:36 |
ddg_bluesky | Hey brenner I am back, so now I have my install up and running im just wondering what next? | 02:36 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, just hammer ESC when you see GRUB anywhere on the screen and select recovery mode | 02:37 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: heh, that's up to you. | 02:37 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:37 |
jbritz22 | so i select recover mode? | 02:38 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, tea | 02:38 |
Mischevious | yea | 02:38 |
corvax | i cant find those packages | 02:38 |
Aklys | is there a way to tell when your wireless adapter is authenticating with your AP successfully? | 02:38 |
ubuntu | BEn Burge? | 02:38 |
corvax | use apt-cache search | 02:38 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:38 |
jbritz22 | its booting | 02:38 |
Xenguy | brenner: thanks, worked (I was missing the radio button, so it wasn't sticking) | 02:38 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, hit esc when you see grub loading stage 1.5 or whatever | 02:39 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: if you're an eyecandy person, you can start w/ prettying it up | 02:39 |
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brenner | Xenguy: no worries | 02:39 |
gimliy | Aklys: iwconfig <adapter_name> scan maybe ? | 02:39 |
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corvax | anyone know where to get em? | 02:39 |
gimliy | Aklys: iwlist <adapter> scan | 02:39 |
Aklys | gimliy: thanks I will give it a try | 02:39 |
Mischevious | ddg_bluesky, if you have a printer you can set it up | 02:39 |
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corvax | No package 'gtk+-2.0' found No package 'libglade-2.0' found | 02:40 |
corvax | those | 02:40 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner that is what I was going to ask you , how do I go about doing that? | 02:40 |
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Mischevious | corvax, sudo apt-get install libglade2-0 | 02:40 |
kingspawn | there is a need for more bash hacking | 02:41 |
jbritz22 | ok so im at the nano etc/hosts/ | 02:41 |
corvax | funny apt-cache search didnt show it | 02:41 |
corvax | weird | 02:41 |
jbritz22 | and i typed in BASEMENT | 02:41 |
brenner | corvax: libgtk2.0-dev | 02:41 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: well, start w/ themes: sys >prefs>themes | 02:41 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay, now ctrl+D | 02:41 |
Mischevious | and then ctrl+c | 02:41 |
Mischevious | and do the same for /etc/hostname | 02:41 |
Mischevious | and then reboot | 02:41 |
Mischevious | without using recovery | 02:41 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner where is a good place to download themes? | 02:41 |
Mischevious | ddg_bluesky, gnome-look.org | 02:41 |
jbritz22 | ok shit | 02:42 |
jbritz22 | i aciddently knocked my usb drive out | 02:42 |
brenner | ubotu: tell ddg_bluesky about themes | 02:42 |
jbritz22 | and pushed it back in | 02:42 |
jbritz22 | and now I got a bunch of text from that | 02:42 |
Mischevious | -_- | 02:42 |
Aklys | grimliy: any idea why I wouldn't be able to see my AP. I used iwlist ra0 scan and it came backup no scan results | 02:42 |
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jbritz22 | so what should I do | 02:42 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner very cool running that now | 02:42 |
kingspawn | jbritz22: umounting without the proper procedure might cause a lot of crazy stuff to go on | 02:43 |
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corvax | heh lol it said libglade was already at newest version | 02:43 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: there's also different desktop evironments to try | 02:43 |
kingspawn | jbritz22: i suggest you "man mount" to read some interesting stuff | 02:43 |
fluxt | how do i resolve dns of an ip via the console? | 02:43 |
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corvax | but the gtk is installing | 02:43 |
jbritz22 | ok there we go | 02:43 |
jbritz22 | im back in the hosts file | 02:43 |
__mikem | Hello, are we having any DCC problems | 02:43 |
Mischevious | okay do what i said.. | 02:43 |
jbritz22 | where do I type my hostname | 02:43 |
jbritz22 | after everything? | 02:44 |
Mischevious | umm hold on | 02:44 |
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brenner | corvax: you need -dev packages if you're compiling | 02:44 |
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Mischevious | localhost.localdomain localhost System | 02:44 |
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Mischevious | is the first line of mine | 02:44 |
brenner | corvax: libglade2-dev probably | 02:44 |
Mischevious | System is my hostname | 02:44 |
gimliy | fluxt: resolveip <ip>, host <ip> | 02:44 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:44 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner when I ran that command i got couldn't find package | 02:44 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, that was /etc/hosts | 02:44 |
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jbritz22 | I named mine system | 02:44 |
jbritz22 | in /etc/host | 02:45 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: you need to enable extra repositories | 02:45 |
jbritz22 | so it says what yours says now | 02:45 |
brenner | ubotu: tell ddg_bluesky about repos | 02:45 |
jbritz22 | so now | 02:45 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay in /etc/hostname i only have one line.. it's just | 02:45 |
Mischevious | System | 02:45 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:45 |
jbritz22 | what should I do after I edit hosts | 02:45 |
Mischevious | then your good to go | 02:45 |
Aklys | grimliy: I have got it finding my AP by using sudo ifconfig ra0 up | 02:45 |
Mischevious | make sure you save | 02:45 |
Mischevious | with ctrl+d | 02:45 |
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Mischevious | then reboot your computer, when your done with /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname | 02:45 |
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Aklys | grimliy: but quality sits at 0/100 so does that mean no connection? | 02:45 |
jbritz22 | when I press ctrl+d it just delets a line | 02:46 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, uhh.. what the shit hold on | 02:46 |
gimliy | Aklys: that can mean both.. what wlan-card do you have ? | 02:46 |
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corvax | got it | 02:46 |
corvax | it wa dev ty | 02:46 |
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ddg_bluesky | brenner just follow the directions, don't really understand what it does yet though | 02:46 |
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Mischevious | can somone tell me what the command to save in nano is? | 02:47 |
CurtisB | crimsun - not sure if you noticed, but: http://pastebin.com/613572 | 02:47 |
Mischevious | i thought it was ctrl+D ? | 02:47 |
corvax | now i need to figure out how to get the m4a support compiled in | 02:47 |
Aklys | grimliy: I have a belkin FD7000AU | 02:47 |
corvax | heh | 02:47 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, try ctrl+x | 02:47 |
=== logical_mark [n=mark@24-179-41-206.dhcp.leds.al.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
abhorsen | ok, I was here earlier. When I try to log onto root it says root logins not allowed. How do I bypass this? | 02:47 |
brenner | ubotu: tell ddg_bluesky about components | 02:47 |
jbritz22 | thats exit not? | 02:47 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, i think not | 02:47 |
crimsun | CurtisB: thanks, I'll look in a sec. Busy with something else. | 02:47 |
kingspawn | !root | 02:47 |
ubotu | By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 02:47 |
gimliy | ctrl-o | 02:48 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:48 |
CurtisB | crimsun - no trouble! take your time, I really appreciate your help | 02:48 |
kingspawn | abhorsen: read that | 02:48 |
jbritz22 | it says wrote 9 lines | 02:48 |
jbritz22 | do I have to edit hostname now? | 02:48 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, yea | 02:48 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: you're enabling extra "places" to get packages from | 02:48 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, hit ctrl+c then type sudo nano /etc/hostname | 02:48 |
jbritz22 | ok it wrote 1 line | 02:48 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay reboot without using recovery | 02:48 |
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crimsun | CurtisB: please export CC=gcc-3.4 | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | but | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | i just tried using sudo | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | and i get the lookup error | 02:49 |
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gimliy | Aklys: hm, so you dont have any wireless connection, right ? | 02:49 |
Mischevious | reboot i say man! | 02:49 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: one of those places has gnome-art. that's why you got the error. once you enable universe and multiverse, you open up access to thousands more packages | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:49 |
Mischevious | you must reboot | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | lol | 02:49 |
logical_mark | Hey guys. I sign into the terminal and it says I have new mail. So I type mail and see a message that is pointless about the cron.daily being on, and I would like to know how to delete it | 02:49 |
jbritz22 | turn off/on or use a specific command? | 02:49 |
Mischevious | hostname is one of those rare things | 02:49 |
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Mischevious | shutdown -r now | 02:49 |
Mischevious | i think you need sudo for that thoguh .. | 02:50 |
crimsun | CurtisB: then clean and recompile your 1.0.11rc3: ./configure --with-cards=mia --with-oss=yes --with-sequencer=yes | 02:50 |
Mischevious | so just pull the plug | 02:50 |
kingspawn | logical_mark: logics = on. what? | 02:50 |
CurtisB | crimsun - roger | 02:50 |
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jbritz22 | ok | 02:50 |
Aklys | gimliy: I'm able to see a result in iwlist ra0 scan. Just Quality results as 0/100 and I can't ping the AP. Which I"m unsure if that is a problem of no wireless connection or a configuration problme on the IP side of things. | 02:50 |
jbritz22 | now just let it go without pressing esc? | 02:50 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, yea | 02:51 |
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harml3ss | i bought one of these from some guy locally who didnt know what it was, got it for $65.00 ... http://cgi.ebay.com/NetApp-F87-Filer-Tower-w-6x36GB-NEW_W0QQitemZ5881707021QQcategoryZ51235QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem ... has anyone here installed Ubuntu on one before? I have ubuntu working on it, but having a few issues... | 02:51 |
jbritz22 | ok | 02:51 |
Mischevious | afk smoking a joint | 02:51 |
ddg_bluesky | ok im editing them now but my section says main restricted | 02:51 |
Mukunda | Hmm I'm trying to get AIGLX to work but I'm getting package conflicts, anyone here have experience with this? | 02:51 |
CARNAGE- | hi, anyone can help me to make work "mouse over" preview on mp3 file in gnome ? | 02:51 |
juanpietravallo | how do i edit the nautilus openwith actions? i can't find anything in gconf or .gnome... thanks in advance! | 02:51 |
CARNAGE- | actually i can only play my mp3 file with xine engine :S | 02:51 |
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brenner | crimsun: are there any wiki links beside !sound . i don't know where else to direct people besides there or the forum when you're not active | 02:51 |
gimliy | Aklys: i dont have wlan here at home so i can reproduce any output.. all i can tell you is that my wlan-adapter always has 0/100 and works fine :) | 02:51 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner do I change that to Sections from 'universe to 'universe multiverse | 02:51 |
Mischevious | back | 02:51 |
__mikem | !XINE | 02:51 |
ubotu | __mikem: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 02:51 |
crimsun | brenner: #alsa | 02:52 |
abhorsen | i tried loging in as !root, didnt work. . . | 02:52 |
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kingspawn | harml3ss: is there a problem? | 02:52 |
logical_mark | kingspawn, cron.daily being on, and I would like to know how to delete it | 02:52 |
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crimsun | I'll document these stuff on my wiki page, but I just need to find time. | 02:52 |
crimsun | s/these/this/ | 02:52 |
gimliy | Aklys: try set everything with iwconfig or any gui.. | 02:52 |
brenner | crimsun: thanks, noted. | 02:52 |
harml3ss | kingspawn: well the machine will ONLY boot from a compact flash card that is plugged in via a 64-bit card that is emulated as a cmd 648 ide controller .. | 02:52 |
Aklys | gimliy: So say it is working fine. How do I get ifconfig to show the card having an IP address. Currently it states it has an inet6 addr | 02:52 |
kingspawn | logical_mark: i can really just refer you to "man crontab" - it is an excellent resource | 02:52 |
kingspawn | harml3ss: SCORE! ;I | 02:53 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: personally, i'd just use the pastebin link. i don't use synaptic | 02:53 |
Aklys | gimliy: but no inet addr | 02:53 |
kingspawn | harml3ss: holy shit | 02:53 |
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gimliy | Aklys: ifconfig ra0 <your_ip> ? | 02:53 |
harml3ss | kingspawn: it wont take a cdrom, so i installed Ubuntu on it via a dual xeon machine i had sitting here with a scsi card and a sca 36gig scsi drive.. then i installed grub on the compact flash card and put the scsi drive in the NetApp server | 02:53 |
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CARNAGE- | hi, anyone can help me to make work "mouse over" preview on mp3 file in gnome ? | 02:53 |
logical_mark | kingspawn, you are missing the point. I want to know how to delete messages in the mailbox. The content of the message does not matter | 02:53 |
corvax | when im building gtkpod from source how do make it so it knows i have libmp4v2 ? | 02:53 |
gimliy | Aklys: dhclient ra0 would be an option, too | 02:54 |
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crimsun | corvax: you need to install libmp4v2-dev, too | 02:54 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' | 02:54 |
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kingspawn | logical_mark: "man mail" told me this back when i was using mail | 02:54 |
corvax | yeah ive got that ty | 02:54 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: then replace the contents with the pastebin link | 02:54 |
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McPants | I can't build anything, I can't find any no-nonsense tutorial either | 02:54 |
harml3ss | kingspawn: problem im having is, ubuntu still thinks its running on the dual xeon box .. the netapp f87 is a dual p3-1133 and does odd things like spinning the fans up to full blast .. how would i do a "redetect hardware" so it will run a bit better? | 02:54 |
HymnToLife | McPants> what exactly is the problem ? | 02:55 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner its downloading packages now | 02:55 |
corvax | when i compile it wiill it just know? | 02:55 |
flyingfox | hi, Does synaptic has netscape browser? | 02:55 |
Steve^ | where are the options for configuring sound? | 02:55 |
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Steve^ | specifically drivers | 02:55 |
flyingfox | i can't find Netscape in synaptic | 02:55 |
atf487 | flyingfox: uh, use firefox buddy | 02:55 |
corvax | or do i have to tell it somehow ? | 02:55 |
brenner | flyingfox: no | 02:55 |
kingspawn | harml3ss: I cant tell you, im afraid, this is too esoteric. Maybe some of the foxes here can, though. | 02:55 |
=== Mortuis [n=Mortuis@cpe-204-210-158-224.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
McPants | I am following the directions to build from a source, it's not working... it says ./configure then make then make install ok nice directions, it doesnt work | 02:55 |
corvax | this is the first time ive ever tried to compile anything | 02:55 |
flyingfox | i am using firefox but somehow i have a commercial application that needs Netscape to function | 02:55 |
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corvax | EVER | 02:56 |
HymnToLife | McPants> error message ? | 02:56 |
_jason | McPants: what are you compiling? | 02:56 |
McPants | is there an exceptional build tutorial I could be directed to? | 02:56 |
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tonyyarusso | All right, backup plan. Anyone know how to resize a partition from within Windows? | 02:56 |
_jason | !compile | 02:56 |
ubotu | A nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos) | 02:56 |
McPants | a plugin for xmms | 02:56 |
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HymnToLife | tonyyarusso> what kind of prtition ? | 02:56 |
flyingfox | any deb package for netscape? | 02:56 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner so how now do I get to the themes | 02:56 |
__mikem | I had nothing but bad experience compiling software from source for linux | 02:56 |
_jason | flyingfox: maybe you can try mozilla | 02:56 |
tonyyarusso | HymnToLife: ntfs. My main Windows install one. | 02:56 |
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Mortuis | Hey, I'm a linux newbie. I am trying to install the RealPlayer10GOLD.bin file with the command "./RealPlayer10GOLD.bin" and it's asking me which directory I want to put it in. The default is my home directory, but this doesn't seem right. Does anyone know where I ought to tell it to install? | 02:56 |
Aklys | gimliy: any idea what "sit0: unknown hardware address type 766" means? | 02:57 |
HymnToLife | tonyyarusso> Ubuntu live CD works fine for this | 02:57 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: did you install the manager? | 02:57 |
_jason | Mortuis: /opt is decent | 02:57 |
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ddg_bluesky | yes its installed now | 02:57 |
Mortuis | _jason: thanks | 02:57 |
GTroy | any exp. ubuntu guys around? | 02:57 |
McPants | I already have all the repositories, and all the build tools installs, according to some instructions | 02:57 |
kingspawn | just gcc everything. | 02:57 |
tonyyarusso | HymnToLife: Now if only I still had one... | 02:57 |
brenner | GTroy: a few, lol. | 02:57 |
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HymnToLife | tonyyarusso> download it then ;) | 02:57 |
GTroy | I used a sound .exe wine app, and now have no sound | 02:57 |
=== tonyyarusso gave away all of his CDs - time to go talk to Danielle. | ||
GTroy | maybe you can help brenner | 02:58 |
flyingfox | jason> could mozilla replace netscape? | 02:58 |
flyingfox | for my app | 02:58 |
kingspawn | tonyyarusso: thats my girlfriend, you bastard! | 02:58 |
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kingspawn | tonyyarusso: :) | 02:58 |
CARNAGE- | anyone know how to make mp3 work with gstreamer ? | 02:58 |
_jason | flyingfox: what app? | 02:58 |
HymnToLife | !tell CARNAGE- about mp3 | 02:58 |
crimsun | CARNAGE-: breezy or dapper? | 02:58 |
tonyyarusso | kingspawn: Sorry! Nothing funny, just a CD. | 02:58 |
CARNAGE- | breezy | 02:58 |
crimsun | CARNAGE-: install gstreamer0.8-mad | 02:58 |
kingspawn | CARNAGE-: help.ubuntu.com, restrictedformats | 02:58 |
gimliy | Aklys: sit0 has to with ipv6 .. i dont think that has anything to do with your wifi | 02:58 |
kingspawn | tonyyarusso: grr! :) | 02:58 |
brenner | GTroy: you're in luck. crimsun is in. he's the resident sound guru | 02:58 |
crimsun | 0_o | 02:58 |
HymnToLife | tonyyarusso> just download the ISO | 02:59 |
GTroy | ah, cool referral | 02:59 |
HymnToLife | what's the problem ? | 02:59 |
CARNAGE- | ty guys | 02:59 |
GTroy | crimsun: any ideas? | 02:59 |
Aklys | gimliy: ok just occured twice when running dhclient on the interface | 02:59 |
tonyyarusso | HymnToLife: I'll do that if I can't borrow it back, yeah. | 02:59 |
crimsun | GTroy: recap, please/ | 02:59 |
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Aklys | gimliy: but still failed to find the AP by the looks of it :( | 02:59 |
sarra | ack ack ack i've broken gnome - i get messages about the gnome settings daemon not starting. i tried to add another keyboard layout and accidentally picked a 'sun dead keys' one, then the display kept switching between themes every few seconds and i restarted. help! | 02:59 |
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blueray | hi guys.... | 02:59 |
GTroy | crimsun: np, I used wine with a small app, and now no sound | 02:59 |
GTroy | from anywhere | 03:00 |
tonyyarusso | HymnToLife: Live CD would kill my grub and I'd have to recover that, right? | 03:00 |
crimsun | GTroy: pastebin the output from ``lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'' | 03:00 |
gimliy | Aklys: channel, mode, wep/wpa is set up correctly ? | 03:00 |
flyingfox | jason> Citrix ICA client. it's aVPN / on demand application | 03:00 |
HymnToLife | tonyyarusso> of course not | 03:00 |
HymnToLife | only Windows kills GRUB :p | 03:00 |
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GTroy | crimsun: gotcha | 03:00 |
_jason | flyingfox: I have no idea, you can try | 03:00 |
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tonyyarusso | HymnToLife: But I'm changing the partition table and stuff... | 03:00 |
blueray | wanna ask, if there any other option to connect to a linux terminal server other than booting to it...is there an app like a Remote Desktop Connection where the connection session is displayed in a window style???? | 03:00 |
sarra | i try to change the theme now and it does the same broken switching thing | 03:00 |
Mischevious | blueray, yea, vnc | 03:00 |
Aklys | gimliy: yeah essid, wpa, mode are all correct. It found the channel on its own | 03:01 |
flyingfox | >jason< anyway i could get deb packages for netscape? | 03:01 |
brenner | ddg_bluesky: sys>prefs>art manager | 03:01 |
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HymnToLife | tonyyarusso> you'll just have to modify the /boot/grub/menu.lst if your partition numbers change | 03:01 |
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brenner | ddg_bluesky: like i said, it helps if you highlight your messages | 03:01 |
tonyyarusso | HymnToLife: Okay. | 03:01 |
ubuntu | guys i need drastic help | 03:01 |
blueray | misc.. the server that i wanna connect to is not a vnc server, its a linux terminal server...can i connect to that lts server using vnc viewer?? | 03:01 |
CurtisB | crimsun -- okay heres the paste: http://pastebin.com/613605 | 03:01 |
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flyingfox | >jason> thanks anyway | 03:02 |
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_jason | flyingfox: mozilla is based on it, so I would really give it a try first. I don't see netscape in the repos, maybe there are some packages somewhere | 03:02 |
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Hexidigital | what C compiler would you guys recommend? | 03:02 |
_jason | Hexidigital: gcc | 03:02 |
L0sT | When I start amsn, after silence of 5 mins, an error comes up saying "Unable to get a socket from localhost". Anybody knows whats the matter? | 03:02 |
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nazgulwalker | is there a file for limewire amd64 | 03:02 |
Hexidigital | thanks jason | 03:02 |
ubuntu | er.... i have an ubuntu live cd which in using now, but im trying to get rid of ubuntu on my pc. its installed onto the hd and now when i try to let the pc boot with the windows xp cd in order to install it, it tells me that I cant | 03:02 |
CurtisB | crimsun - oh the paste doesnt show it, but I did the export CC=gcc line you posted too | 03:02 |
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blueray | wanna ask, if there any other option to connect to a linux terminal server other than booting to it...is there an app like a Remote Desktop Connection where the connection session is displayed in a window style???? | 03:02 |
_jason | Hexidigital: just install the build-essential package | 03:02 |
ubuntu | what do i have to do to get rid of ubuntu completely of my hd | 03:02 |
McPants | ok well I am stumped, this will take 4 hrs to complete to get to another error | 03:03 |
Hexidigital | ok :) thx | 03:03 |
ddg_bluesky | brenner so about that | 03:03 |
plt | how can i find out what channels are present on this server (i'm new to irc) | 03:03 |
_jason | plt: /list | 03:03 |
plt | ah thx | 03:03 |
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ubuntu | what do i have to do to get rid of ubuntu completely of my hd???? eep! | 03:03 |
brenner | plt: or window>channel list if you're using xchat | 03:03 |
nazgulwalker | is there a file for limewire (amd64)?? | 03:03 |
=== GodFather [n=rcc@c-69-244-133-39.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | ubuntu: just format the partition | 03:04 |
corvax | configure: error: *** id3tag >= 0.15 lib not found (0.14 will not work!) | 03:04 |
blueray | ubuntu: format ur hardisk | 03:04 |
ubuntu | ... | 03:04 |
ubuntu | using the windows xp cd? | 03:04 |
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wenko | ubuntu do a /nick | 03:04 |
blueray | is there any dedicated shannel for ltsp?? | 03:04 |
blueray | is there any dedicated channel for ltsp?? | 03:04 |
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_jason | ubuntu: you can use that if you want | 03:04 |
=== ubuntu is now known as RAWR | ||
wenko | thanks | 03:04 |
stokes | grr ive completely forgot how to configure alternatives on debian | 03:04 |
RAWR | ur not understanding my problem though | 03:05 |
stokes | ubotu: alternatives | 03:05 |
ubotu | I guess alternatives is should you require to change the default applications system wide, use "sudo update-alternatives --all" it provides choice where available to the machine. example: kde/gnome or nano/vi/emacs | 03:05 |
stokes | ah | 03:05 |
RAWR | i cant get into the windows XP cd | 03:05 |
gimliy | Aklys: do you use ndiswrapper ? | 03:05 |
RAWR | at all | 03:05 |
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GTroy | where's ubuntu's pastebin? | 03:05 |
RAWR | how do i delete the ubuntu partition | 03:05 |
corvax | libid3tag0-dev | 03:05 |
=== ReWT_AxS [n=ReWT_AxS@68-112-64-83.dhcp.jcsn.tn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Aklys | gimliy: nope native rt2500 that comes with ubuntu | 03:05 |
_jason | RAWR: boot from the windows xp cd | 03:05 |
purplefeltangel | paste.ubuntu-nl.org | 03:05 |
corvax | i hope | 03:05 |
RAWR | .... | 03:05 |
purplefeltangel | ^^- gtroy | 03:05 |
ReWT_AxS | my gnome seems to be gone after reboot | 03:05 |
RAWR | I cannot boot from the windows xp cd | 03:05 |
dash- | guys where is the grub.conf? i need to edit it | 03:05 |
_jason | RAWR: why not? | 03:05 |
RAWR | i have no idea | 03:05 |
gimliy | Aklys: have you read about it being supported out of the box ? | 03:05 |
plt | is there also a german channel for ubuntulinux ? | 03:05 |
TTT_Travis | did you guys see this? http://digg.com/software/Bounties_growing_for_streaming_video_support_in_Ampache if this feature is avaliable there will be streaming video support in Ubuntu Center | 03:05 |
gimliy | Aklys: or any driver issues ? | 03:06 |
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TTT_Travis | probably. | 03:06 |
ReWT_AxS | I get an error....GDM_Failsafe.GNOME.desktop something? | 03:06 |
_jason | RAWR: use a livecd then. I think gparted will work | 03:06 |
brenner | plt: #ubuntu-de iirc | 03:06 |
dash- | where abouts is he grub.conf file _jason ? | 03:06 |
Aklys | gimliy: no other problems other then trying to get it to see the ap | 03:06 |
RAWR | im on a live CD now! | 03:06 |
_jason | dash-: /boot/grub/menu.lst maybe? | 03:06 |
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RAWR | i want to get RID of ubuntu | 03:06 |
RAWR | not install it | 03:06 |
gimliy | Aklys: well that is a big problem though :) | 03:06 |
_jason | RAWR: did you read what I said? | 03:06 |
RAWR | i just want to know how i can delete the ubuntu partition from my hd, using the ubuntu cd | 03:06 |
crimsun | CurtisB: please execute: sudo depmod -e | 03:06 |
gimliy | Aklys: did you try to ad-hoc another pc? did you have any tcp-connection so far ? | 03:07 |
Aklys | gimliy: that it is. | 03:07 |
ReWT_AxS | can someone help me? my question is up | 03:07 |
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corvax | omfg | 03:07 |
corvax | its working | 03:07 |
crimsun | don't sound so surprised | 03:07 |
corvax | and it is building int mp4a support | 03:07 |
Aklys | gimliy: no connection so far. Only got wireless connection and I don't want to revert it back to WEP security if I can help it | 03:07 |
corvax | niiice | 03:07 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: what happens? blue screen? | 03:07 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - done | 03:08 |
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ali786 | hi i am using ubuntu 5.4, i can browse my windows network from ubuntu but icannot see the shared printers ? what can be the possible reason ? | 03:08 |
crimsun | CurtisB: any errors? | 03:08 |
ReWT_AxS | brenner, my xserver starts but i have no menues or like close buttons or title bars on my windows | 03:08 |
jbritz33 | hexidecimal is just numbers right? | 03:08 |
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ReWT_AxS | so my metacity didnt boot on startup nor did my gdm | 03:08 |
crimsun | CurtisB: (from the depmod -a) | 03:08 |
RAWR | ok jason | 03:08 |
GTroy | crimsun: how do I get the /dev/dsp output? | 03:08 |
CurtisB | crimsun - nay | 03:08 |
ali786 | i can see other shares but cannot see printer :( | 03:08 |
RAWR | from there i just make it a ntfs drive right? | 03:08 |
crimsun | CurtisB: good. Now pastebin lsmod | 03:08 |
jbritz33 | plain (ascii) would be letters and numbers, im talking WEP here | 03:08 |
corvax | ill wait till its finished before i start jumping f0r joy | 03:08 |
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ReWT_AxS | iguess? | 03:08 |
ReWT_AxS | how do i fix it :( | 03:08 |
_jason | RAWR: I doubt gparted can do that | 03:08 |
crimsun | GTroy: what do you mean? | 03:08 |
RAWR | ... | 03:08 |
CurtisB | crimsun - okay, just a sec | 03:08 |
=== halley [n=hari`@ip68-14-142-248.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | GTroy: Applications> Accessories> Terminal, type: lsof /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* | 03:09 |
RAWR | well it can if theres nothin allocated on the disk | 03:09 |
useruser | my hard disk is failing, and I'm using an ubuntu live disk to back up some data from it to dvd. can I get nautilus to burn on the fly, without writing an iso image to disk? | 03:09 |
RAWR | i just made it a ntfs | 03:09 |
_jason | RAWR: I think you can make it vfat, then from windows convert it to ntfs | 03:09 |
_jason | RAWR: cool | 03:09 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: so basically just the background? | 03:09 |
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GTroy | crimsun: ok, think I understand now | 03:09 |
RAWR | it should work right? | 03:09 |
RAWR | lol | 03:09 |
L0sT | why cant amsn get a socket from localhost?. Anybody knows whats the matter? | 03:09 |
ReWT_AxS | brenner...i have the background, my gdesklets, and my icons. | 03:09 |
_jason | RAWR: anything is possible with windows | 03:09 |
Dr_Fate | No i2c device files found. Use prog/mkdev/mkdev.sh to create them. | 03:09 |
Dr_Fate | ?? | 03:09 |
gimliy | Aklys: well i cant help you there.. i told you i have no wifi here at home. sorry :( | 03:09 |
ReWT_AxS | I don't have my menu nor do I have any window titles or buttons. | 03:09 |
RAWR | or impossible | 03:09 |
CurtisB | crimsun - http://pastebin.com/613615 | 03:09 |
RAWR | ok im gonna go try it now | 03:09 |
RAWR | thanks for your help | 03:09 |
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Aklys | gimliy: that's ok thanks for your assistance anyways. | 03:10 |
useruser | or alternatively, how can I write a dvd without writing an iso to disk? | 03:10 |
halley | useruser, no, it's got to be iso image or you won't be able to parse the disc later. I can imagine some scheme to make an iso in RAM, but no such facility is built in. | 03:10 |
Aklys | Can anyone else help out with trying to get a wifi connection working on a RT2500 chipset | 03:10 |
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useruser | halley: hm, but when burning cds it's possible, I know | 03:10 |
useruser | halley: with mkisofs | 03:10 |
crimsun | CurtisB: you can't load the new version until you unload the current version. Note that snd-intel8x0 is still in use. | 03:10 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: does alt+f2 bring up the run box? | 03:10 |
crimsun | CurtisB: close all audio apps, open a Terminal, then execute: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload | 03:11 |
ali786 | can anyone help me to check why i cannot find my printer shares on samba/ubuntu 5.4 | 03:11 |
GTroy | crimsun: ok, posted to pastebin | 03:11 |
jbritz33 | whats the difference between hexidecimal and plani (ascii) when it comes to WEP keys | 03:11 |
ReWT_AxS | yes | 03:11 |
crimsun | GTroy: url? | 03:11 |
CurtisB | crimsun - doh! I wanted to keep using the on-bard for sound output..... okay hang on a sec | 03:11 |
corvax | aaaaah its sudo make install | 03:11 |
GTroy | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10559 | 03:11 |
ReWT_AxS | brenner yes | 03:11 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: type killall gnome-panel | 03:11 |
crimsun | CurtisB: then you'll need to recompile using --with-cards=intel8x0,mia | 03:11 |
ali786 | hexidecimal values are 1-9 A-F jbritz33 | 03:11 |
jbritz33 | ok | 03:11 |
jbritz33 | sweet | 03:11 |
jbritz33 | thanks | 03:11 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: and press enter | 03:11 |
CurtisB | crimsun - roger | 03:12 |
=== TTT_Travis [n=TTT_Trav@bal-broadband2-ws-14.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"] | ||
gimliy | Aklys: if it's really a driver problem try that: http://www.flamingspork.com/blog/2005/01/14/rt2500-wireless-pci-card-on-ubuntu/ | 03:12 |
gimliy | Aklys: good luck :) | 03:12 |
crimsun | GTroy: ok, what was the original problem? | 03:12 |
GTroy | no sound | 03:12 |
=== atf487 [n=mike@c-24-218-215-148.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTroy | after using wine | 03:12 |
corvax | ok it works | 03:12 |
corvax | aaah the power of nix | 03:12 |
=== escobar5 [n=gsdgds@cable200-116-202-69.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | GTroy: please pastebin ``cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0'' | 03:13 |
ReWT_AxS | brenner nothing was quit | 03:13 |
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corvax | well lets get the ipod connected first | 03:13 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: ? | 03:13 |
corvax | to make sure it can work witht he mp4a files now | 03:13 |
corvax | bb | 03:13 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: do you have your panels? | 03:13 |
ReWT_AxS | said no processesors killed. | 03:13 |
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escobar5 | hello, can you tell me how do i know where is located my JVM? | 03:13 |
ReWT_AxS | panels? | 03:13 |
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brenner | ReWT_AxS: you know. top and bottom grey things :-/ | 03:14 |
CurtisB | crimson, that gives me: checking for which soundcards to compile driver for... configure: error: Unknown soundcard =intel8x0 | 03:14 |
ReWT_AxS | no i dont | 03:14 |
purplefeltangel | i am trying to compile a package and it says that i need "all the | 03:14 |
purplefeltangel | KDE and QT 1.4x development files". i know QT has progressed beyond 1.4 but i am hoping it will work anyway; what iwant to know is what packages should i download? | 03:14 |
jbritz33 | whats the easiest way to read from an ntsf partitino from ubuntu | 03:14 |
=== Dark_pahnt0m [n=quicken@c-67-191-86-100.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | ubotu: tell jbritz33 about ntfs | 03:14 |
jbritz33 | ntfs* my bad | 03:14 |
jbritz33 | ll | 03:14 |
GTroy | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10560 | 03:14 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Uuummm I need help with a apt-get packages problem | 03:15 |
ReWT_AxS | i have no panels at all | 03:15 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: alt+f2 and then run gnome-panel | 03:15 |
crimsun | CurtisB: what's the output for cards when you execute ``./configure --help''? | 03:15 |
CurtisB | crimsun - nevermind, my bad, two = = | 03:15 |
crimsun | CurtisB: ah | 03:15 |
Dark_pahnt0m | How do I clear the apt-get updates so I can reupdate? | 03:15 |
ReWT_AxS | gtk warning ** cannot open display is what i got | 03:15 |
crimsun | GTroy: did you type amixer -c0 ? | 03:15 |
crimsun | GTroy: zero, not capital oh | 03:15 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I get some funky errors with instaling stuff now | 03:15 |
jbritz33 | ok, | 03:15 |
GTroy | crimsun: woops! | 03:15 |
=== ffoegboy [n=geoff@c210-49-128-82.fitzg2.qld.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz33 | well can someoen help me set up my wireless network | 03:15 |
=== Jivemonkey [i=Kevin@66-233-3-106.boi.clearwire-dns.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz33 | i got the drivers isntalled with driverloader, there all set up, but I still cant connect | 03:16 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I might whats problem | 03:16 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: i don't tbh. do you think you did something to cause it? | 03:16 |
=== JohnP789 [n=JohnP789@68-188-42-215.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gimliy | any ideas for good mp3-tag editing ? | 03:16 |
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jbritz33 | when I do iwlist scanning it finds three networks one of which is mine | 03:16 |
jbritz33 | so it must be working | 03:16 |
useruser | halley: cool, growisofs does what I wanted :) | 03:16 |
escobar5 | hi, can anyone tell me how do i know where my JRE is located?? | 03:16 |
crimsun | gimliy: easytag, ex falso | 03:16 |
useruser | halley: ah, bugger. it failed :( | 03:16 |
_jason | gimliy: easytag | 03:16 |
Dark_pahnt0m | did you specify the wireless providers name & also entered the wep key | 03:16 |
am3r1ca | HELP!! how do i install gtk+-2.8.16 engine | 03:16 |
ReWT_AxS | tbh? i dunno how to do it | 03:17 |
GTroy | crimsun: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10561 | 03:17 |
crimsun | am3r1ca: it's installed by default | 03:17 |
jbritz33 | yes phantom | 03:17 |
gimliy | thx | 03:17 |
am3r1ca | not the version i want | 03:17 |
brenner | ReWT_AxS: sorry .. meant "i don't know to be honest" | 03:17 |
ReWT_AxS | shit | 03:17 |
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GTroy | crimsun: I use hi-res sound from a chaintech av-710 | 03:17 |
crimsun | GTroy: both 'Master' and 'PCM' are muted. Unmute them, and set their volumes appropriately. | 03:17 |
ffoegboy | m loading ubuntu for the first time and was wondering what the correct image was for a EM64T processor, | 03:18 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | check the signal & see if you have somthing like a wireless phone near by or lights with ballists on em | 03:18 |
GTroy | crimsun: what do I edit? | 03:18 |
crimsun | GTroy: you may also need to unmute 'External Amplifier' | 03:18 |
jbritz33 | its not the signal | 03:18 |
CurtisB | crimsun - okay I re-make'ed it :) should I do the modprobe now? | 03:18 |
jbritz33 | cause it worked on windows | 03:18 |
am3r1ca | crimsun in order to use certain themes i have to install gtk+-2.8.16 | 03:18 |
ReWT_AxS | >.< | 03:18 |
fluxt | thanks gimliy | 03:18 |
harml3ss | how would i get ubuntu to see my second processor? | 03:18 |
crimsun | CurtisB: no, sudo depmod -e first | 03:18 |
Dark_pahnt0m | does it give you an error when connecting? | 03:18 |
crimsun | !info libgtk2.0-0 | 03:18 |
jbritz33 | i try and ping | 03:18 |
ubotu | libgtk2.0-0: (The GTK+ graphical user interface library), section libs, is optional. Version: 2.8.6-0ubuntu2.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 2004 kB, Installed size: 4476 kB | 03:18 |
jadaz87 | what does sudo depmod -a do? | 03:18 |
jbritz33 | and it says network is unreachable | 03:18 |
am3r1ca | i know its in the ubuntu/pool/main repository, but how do i install it | 03:19 |
escobar5 | is there any way to know where the JRE is located? | 03:19 |
crimsun | am3r1ca: 2.8.6 is in Ubuntu | 03:19 |
Dark_pahnt0m | are you running a firewall? | 03:19 |
crimsun | !info libgtk2.0-0 dapper | 03:19 |
ubotu | libgtk2.0-0: (The GTK+ graphical user interface library), section libs, is optional. Version: 2.8.16-1ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 2029 kB, Installed size: 4504 kB | 03:19 |
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brenner | ReWT_AxS: it shouldn't just fail on reboot. were you doing something beforehand? | 03:19 |
am3r1ca | then why dont the themes work ? | 03:19 |
Dark_pahnt0m | search HD for a folder named JRE | 03:19 |
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am3r1ca | i dont get it | 03:19 |
crimsun | am3r1ca: are you running dapper or breezy? | 03:19 |
am3r1ca | breezt | 03:19 |
crimsun | am3r1ca: then you only have 2.8.6. 2.8.16 is in dapper. | 03:20 |
am3r1ca | breezy | 03:20 |
jbritz33 | phantom ok | 03:20 |
ReWT_AxS | brenner i don't believe so ? | 03:20 |
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am3r1ca | oh, now what | 03:20 |
crimsun | am3r1ca: try Dapper Flight 5 and dist-upgrade | 03:20 |
kbrooks | crimsun, wtf? | 03:20 |
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jbritz33 | wheres the JRE folder | 03:20 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I need help I cant update, I getting errors, how do I clean the cache so I can re-update | 03:20 |
crimsun | GTroy: amixer sset 'Master' on && amixer sset 'PCM' on && amixer sset 'External Amplifier' on | 03:20 |
=== Dark_pahnt0m jbr search the Hard drive for JRE | ||
kbrooks | crimsun, dont suggestthat here to a person who is (or appears to me to be, anyway) a newbie | 03:21 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I forgot how 2 clean cache | 03:21 |
crimsun | kbrooks: if you think I'm going to suggest backports of gtk+-2.0, you may as well jump straight to the teacup I'm draining :) | 03:21 |
jbritz33 | dark how do you search | 03:21 |
kbrooks | crimsun: dapper flight5, DUH | 03:21 |
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brenner | ReWT_AxS: try the forum | 03:21 |
GTroy | crimsun: you're multitasking, and it's amazing | 03:22 |
marcin` | hello I got short question - what happened with Flash plugin for mozilla package in dapper? | 03:22 |
ReWT_AxS | arg okay | 03:22 |
xakkkk | firefox 2.01 alpha is out ;) check it out | 03:22 |
marcin` | why this package is removed...? | 03:22 |
Dark_pahnt0m | jbr you using gnome? click on places & search | 03:22 |
jbritz33 | ok | 03:22 |
jbritz33 | ok it didnt find anything | 03:22 |
crimsun | kbrooks: we're not talking Flight [1-3] . This is Flight 5. | 03:22 |
harml3ss | will apt-get install linux-image-2.6.12-10-686-smp give me an smp kernel? | 03:22 |
jbritz33 | wait | 03:22 |
jbritz33 | im seraching again | 03:22 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | you gotta specify the filesystem not home | 03:22 |
d4niel | anyone know anything about Xserver refresh rates... I am having problems | 03:23 |
CurtisB | crimsun - sorry to be a pest, but I'm still flailing here.... at this stage I have no sound modules running, and the new one isn't loading... | 03:23 |
_jason | marcin`: try #ubuntu+1 for dapper, but packages.ubuntu.com is showing that package is in multiverse | 03:23 |
jbritz33 | yeah I made a booboo | 03:23 |
jbritz33 | lol | 03:23 |
brenner | harml3ss: i would think so | 03:23 |
harml3ss | k, thx | 03:23 |
crimsun | CurtisB: did you pastebin the new buildlog? | 03:23 |
brenner | d4niel: what's the issue? | 03:23 |
jbritz33 | ok i found the folder | 03:23 |
jbritz33 | now what | 03:23 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I still need help fixing my installs | 03:23 |
w32 | Hello world | 03:23 |
CurtisB | crimsun - no ill do that now | 03:23 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I get errors on packages & need 2 clear cache so I can re-update | 03:23 |
d4niel | brenner - I have my xorg.conf set to give me 85Hz. When I go into KDE prefs I can select 85Hz, but wont actually run 85, just 60Hz... | 03:24 |
jbritz33 | dark I found the folder now what | 03:24 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | jbr what you trying too do? | 03:24 |
brenner | d4niel: pastebin the conf file | 03:24 |
jbritz33 | trying to get my wireless internet to work, Iunno how java has anything to do with this | 03:24 |
jbritz33 | lol | 03:24 |
=== Carbine [n=joshua@adsl-70-228-135-200.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Carbine | Hello. | 03:24 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | doesnt, who specified going too jre? | 03:25 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know why the release date for the next release of ubuntu has been pushed to June instead of April?? | 03:25 |
jbritz33 | you did | 03:25 |
d4niel | brenner - there is a problem there... im in windows... | 03:25 |
Carbine | I am trying to follow the steps on this page: | 03:25 |
Carbine | http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_newer_8.23.7_drivers_in_Breezy_Badger | 03:25 |
d4niel | but, i can boot in and get it | 03:25 |
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jbritz33 | maybe it was too someone else | 03:25 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Oh I wasnt talking ytoo you | 03:25 |
robbie__ | what is the openssl development package? | 03:25 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | someone else asked for jre thought it was u | 03:25 |
Carbine | When I get to this step: LANG=C LC_ALL=C ./ati-driver-installer-8.23.7-i386.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/breezy I get the following error: cp: cannot stat `./usr/X11R6/bin/aticonfig': No such file or directory | 03:25 |
Carbine | dh_install: command returned error code 256 | 03:25 |
Carbine | make: *** [binary] Error 1 | 03:25 |
d4niel | breener: ill be back in a little | 03:25 |
brenner | d4niel: you might as well stay there. you may need to edit it | 03:26 |
CurtisB | crimsun - i'm getting faster at this: http://pastebin.com/613635 | 03:26 |
Dark_pahnt0m | but check if you have a firewall running dunno how yet but .... | 03:26 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | HELP How do I clear my cache so I can re update my packages aka breezy dapper & such | 03:26 |
gimliy | apt-get clean ? | 03:27 |
Dark_pahnt0m | thank you | 03:27 |
babo | Help ... I'm trying to install skype again. Am I right in saying that skype doesn't work for ubuntu64 without the skype hijacker being installed ? | 03:27 |
nalioth | Dark_pahnt0m: no need, just change your sources.list | 03:27 |
brenner | aka breezy dapper? | 03:27 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | how? | 03:27 |
GTroy | Crimsun: I'll try to help someone as you've helped me | 03:27 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | its looking for cd for some reason | 03:28 |
FizDev | Hello, I was just wondering... is there anyway to change the resolution of the console and/or maybe put a background? (the consoles when I do Ctrl+Alt+F1/F2...) | 03:28 |
babo | Has anyone installed skype ?? | 03:28 |
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FizDev | babo: yes | 03:28 |
xakkkk | Carbine what ati card do u have | 03:28 |
JohnP789 | I'm trying to get Ekiga to work. | 03:28 |
babo | FizDev: did it work ? | 03:28 |
plt | how to hear webradio with ubuntu like shoutcastwire with winamp under windows ? (would be nice if i could use xmms there for) | 03:28 |
JohnP789 | (As an alternative to Skype) | 03:28 |
Carbine | Radeon Xpress 200m | 03:28 |
Dark_pahnt0m | How do I change my sources list?? | 03:28 |
babo | FizDev: did you need the hijacker ? ... how did you do it ? | 03:28 |
anubis | streamtuner | 03:28 |
anubis | listening now | 03:29 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/source.list' | 03:29 |
xakkkk | plt streamtuner | 03:29 |
newbie1canoby | yes i have installed skype on suse but not ubuntu | 03:29 |
FizDev | babo: automatix | 03:29 |
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crimsun | GTroy: works? audible? | 03:29 |
brenner | *sources.list | 03:29 |
am3r1ca | crimsun: ok i dled the file gtk+-2.8.16.tar.gz, did tar xvfz gtk+-2.0.0.tar.gz and did and ./configure, but when i make it says that no path found ? should i be doing this ?? | 03:29 |
babo | FizDev: where did you find that ? ... btw I'm on 64 bit :-( | 03:29 |
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plt | is streamtuner a plugin for xmms or standaloneprogramnm ? | 03:29 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I dont think my gksudo works | 03:29 |
GTroy | crimsun: absolutely sounds perfect | 03:29 |
crimsun | am3r1ca: you're going down a very slippery path there... | 03:29 |
crimsun | GTroy: excellent | 03:30 |
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xakkkk | Carbine ive been trying to install the proprietary drivers from ati for a few days now and cant get it to work....:) not much of a help but just wanted to share ;) | 03:30 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yeah I did gksudo & got a > prompt nothing more | 03:30 |
Carbine | =/ | 03:30 |
=== Sionide [n=sphinx@collaredlory2.hornet.uea.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FizDev | babo : don't know if it will work correctly on a 64-bit, but you might wanna try | 03:30 |
xakkkk | plt just get automatix its included | 03:30 |
harml3ss | ah nice.. smp kernel is seeing both of my cpu's | 03:30 |
FizDev | babo: to install do | 03:30 |
FizDev | babo : wget http://beerorkid.com/automatix/automatix_5.6-2_i386.deb | 03:30 |
Carbine | I was told by someone that method 2 on that page worked for them. | 03:30 |
crimsun | CurtisB: and the output form depmod -e? | 03:30 |
FizDev | babo : then sudo dpkg -i automatix_5.6-2_i386.deb | 03:30 |
crimsun | CurtisB: s/form/from/ | 03:30 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: does 'sudo echo hi' work? | 03:31 |
Dark_pahnt0m | um help my gksudo gave me this prompt ">" | 03:31 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: you probably made a typo | 03:31 |
ufo | !tell xakkkk about automatix | 03:31 |
xakkkk | Carbine i tried both and nothin works... | 03:31 |
Mischevious | automatix is not good.. | 03:31 |
Mischevious | it is unstable | 03:31 |
CurtisB | crimsun - no output from that | 03:31 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: ctrl+c | 03:31 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I copy pasted your text | 03:31 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: i made a typo. it should be sources.list | 03:31 |
babo | FizDev: that's a i386 package :-( | 03:32 |
crimsun | CurtisB: now, sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload | 03:32 |
FizDev | babo: then try Easy Ubuntu | 03:32 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yeah I got auth failure lol | 03:32 |
xakkkk | well if automatix is unsafe then somebody fix it ;) | 03:32 |
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_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: paste the out of 'groups' command | 03:32 |
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babo | FizDev: what's easyubuntu ? | 03:32 |
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FizDev | babo : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64629 | 03:33 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - Unloading ALSA sound driver modules: snd-page-alloc snd-mpu401 snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device (failed: modules still loaded: snd-mpu401 snd-mpu401-uart snd-rawmidi snd-seq-device). invoke-rc.d: initscript alsa, action "force-unload" failed. | 03:33 |
harml3ss | how would i manage startup services? like, removing alsa, hp printing (cups), and bluetooth ? | 03:33 |
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juztin | ummm...i accidently changed my resolution in xfce, and now my screen is all whack....how can i change the resolution back to what it was, without using the GUI? i can only do anything by switching to another tty | 03:33 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed. | 03:33 |
crimsun | CurtisB: sudo modprobe -r snd-seq-device snd-rawmidi snd-mpu401-uart snd-mpu401 | 03:33 |
Dark_pahnt0m | GKsudo is retarded never works | 03:33 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: surely the 'groups' command did not say that? | 03:33 |
pvd2006 | Does anyone know what rpasswd on port 774 is? | 03:33 |
twocb | juztin, xrandr | 03:34 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | Im sure it did I pasted it from there | 03:34 |
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brenner | juztin: how'd you change it? | 03:34 |
Dark_pahnt0m | A warning | 03:34 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: start a new terminal, and issue the 'groups' command | 03:34 |
juztin | brenner, i used the menu in xfce for display settings...i clicked it, thinking it would swtich....but the screen just went all crazy and completely unreadable | 03:34 |
Dark_pahnt0m | just tell me the location again I search iyt manualy & edit I am using gnome | 03:34 |
CurtisB | crimsun - FATAL: Module snd_seq_device is in use. | 03:34 |
CurtisB | -- allow me to switch account to make sure wifey isn't using anything. brb | 03:34 |
juztin | twocb, when i do that, it says "can't open display (null)" | 03:35 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: huh? | 03:35 |
na7e | anyone decent at scritping here? | 03:35 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - nope, she's not logged in | 03:35 |
twocb | sorry, no idea | 03:35 |
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_jason | na7e: just ask, or try the room for the language | 03:35 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I will open the file using gedit instead of doing sudo BS | 03:35 |
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twocb | i'm not much of a guru, that's just what i use for changing my resolution/refresh rate | 03:35 |
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brenner | juztin: reconfig xorg | 03:35 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: you probably need sudo. You should fix it... | 03:35 |
brenner | ubotu: tell juztin about xorg | 03:35 |
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crimsun | CurtisB: what's using it? | 03:36 |
juztin | brenner, i did that....and it didn't change it | 03:36 |
brenner | juztin: or maybe ask in #xfce before you do that | 03:36 |
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pvd2006 | whoops | 03:36 |
dwight | is there a development package for alsa? iF so what is the name? | 03:36 |
crimsun | dwight: libasound2-dev | 03:36 |
pvd2006 | Does anyone know if there is an irc channel on here that is good for shell scripting? | 03:36 |
juztin | brenner, should i do the reconfig and deselect all resolutiosn except the one i want to use?" | 03:36 |
CurtisB | crimsun - no idea, the only apps I have up now are x-chat and terminal | 03:37 |
_jason | pvd2006: what shell? | 03:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I got it using the gui I dont need terminal for every thing | 03:37 |
pvd2006 | _jason, Bash | 03:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Ok file open whayt now? | 03:37 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | what* | 03:37 |
_jason | pvd2006: #bash | 03:37 |
dwight | crimsun: thanks | 03:37 |
kingspawn | pvd2006: #bash - or what is your question? | 03:37 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: you can't edit /etc/apt/sources.list without sudo | 03:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | what patchs should I give for these packages? | 03:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | really Iam | 03:37 |
brenner | juztin: it defaults to the first one on the line, but it may be a good idea. | 03:37 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: try saving a change | 03:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I got it open right now | 03:37 |
CurtisB | crimsun - when I bring up "new login" there is a nobody session... it could be that? | 03:37 |
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bjv | anyone able to recommend a tool to convert a 64kbit WMA audio file to .ogg or mp3? | 03:38 |
pvd2006 | kingspawn, I dont really have a question, just trying to find some good tutorials to learn from. I learned the basics yesterday | 03:38 |
na7e | _jason, hey, check this out: http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/91PmYO37.html | 03:38 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Document saved | 03:38 |
bjv | i can use mencoder a bit, but cannot seem to find a way to convert audio only to audio only. | 03:38 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: with a change? then you changed permissions, because that isn't default behavior | 03:38 |
Dark_pahnt0m | ppfftt you forget once I log in sudo using synaptic I got privlage | 03:38 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | didnt change nothing I have superuser ability when I use gnome | 03:38 |
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FizDev | any Gentoo/ex-Gentoo users here? | 03:39 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I never changed my profile | 03:39 |
kingspawn | pvd2006: just try to google "bash scripting" and see what you get | 03:39 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: I don't follow, but as long as whatever it is you are trying to do is working I guess that is fine | 03:39 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | What do I do I got file open what patchs do I give it? | 03:39 |
_jason | na7e: what am I looking at? | 03:40 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: comment out the cd line | 03:40 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: what are you trying to do? | 03:40 |
Dark_pahnt0m | _jason its pointing at cdrom | 03:40 |
Dark_pahnt0m | trying to fix an error I get | 03:40 |
pvd2006 | fizdez, I think there is a whole server for gentoo | 03:40 |
devians | say i was in /home, and every user had a payslips directory. could i go chmod 770 */payslips | 03:40 |
devians | ? | 03:40 |
CurtisB | crimsun - i guess I'll try a reboot... my only guess is the "nobody" session grabbed the snd driver, be right back | 03:40 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: do what brenner said. Just put a # in front of the line | 03:40 |
crimsun | CurtisB: ok | 03:40 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | what one I got a /media/cdrom for all of em | 03:41 |
FizDev | pvd2006 : yeah, but I would like to do something under Ubuntu similar to something in Gentoo | 03:41 |
na7e | _jason, i can't store the returned value from that in the variable | 03:41 |
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pvd2006 | Oh ok | 03:41 |
FizDev | pvd2006 : so someone who has/had Gentoo could know of what I am talking about | 03:41 |
eirejah | hmm | 03:41 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: you running breezy or dapper? | 03:41 |
eirejah | i just tried to run fsck and it tells me WARNING!!! Running e2fsck on a mounted filesystem may cause | 03:41 |
eirejah | SEVERE filesystem damage. | 03:41 |
_jason | na7e: it doesn't make sense to me | 03:41 |
eirejah | can anyone help me | 03:42 |
na7e | _jason, nvm then | 03:42 |
twocb | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=147797 any help would be greatly appreciated | 03:42 |
Dark_pahnt0m | think nbreezy | 03:42 |
FizDev | eirejah: umount /dev/disk | 03:42 |
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brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: cat /etc/issue | 03:42 |
holycow | guys ... | 03:43 |
eirejah | FizDev: what will that do? | 03:43 |
holycow | i'm reinstalling ubuntu on a dual boot laptop ... | 03:43 |
FizDev | eirejah: umount whatever you want it to unmount | 03:43 |
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eirejah | im confused | 03:43 |
eirejah | :/ | 03:43 |
holycow | the installer is asking me what i want to recongize the partition as ... is /windows correct? that doesn't sound right to me | 03:43 |
Dark_pahnt0m | no such directory | 03:43 |
FizDev | eirejah: that way you should be able to fsck without any warnings i suppose | 03:44 |
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holycow | i presume i could mount it is /media/windows or whatever, but perhaps leave it alone? | 03:44 |
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holycow | any tips? | 03:44 |
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eirejah | FizDev: so you are saying to unmount my harddrive? | 03:44 |
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jbritz22 | can anyone help me, ive been going on for four hours with a certain issue and still have no luck | 03:44 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: what's the full error? | 03:44 |
FizDev | eirejah: hmm.. no, sorry, i missed the beginning =S | 03:44 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | wait I will pm it too you | 03:44 |
eirejah | hehe ok | 03:44 |
eirejah | well i just typed fsck thats it | 03:45 |
CurtisB | crimsun - when i booted I saw: setting up alsa card 0, setting up alsa card 1, starting alsa.... it looks like it's showing both cards, let me play around and see if it's working as expected (thanks so much for all the help, again!) | 03:45 |
=== atoponce_ [n=aaron@c-24-2-85-66.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eirejah | and it tells me that /dev/hda1 is mounted etc | 03:45 |
eirejah | which it obviously is.. but i cant fsck ? | 03:45 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | error gone, just looking for an invalidd path | 03:45 |
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crimsun | CurtisB: np, let me know, please | 03:46 |
Dark_pahnt0m | its good thx 4 help | 03:46 |
brenner | eirejah: which partition are you trying to check? | 03:46 |
jbritz22 | anyone? | 03:46 |
FizDev | eirejah: maybe you could take a liveCD or a boot disk to do your fsck | 03:46 |
brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: what does it return? | 03:46 |
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eirejah | brenner: i was just trying to run fsck .. on the whole system i guess .. | 03:47 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Doesnt anymore, I was saying that a path was invalid, its gone now its all good | 03:47 |
babo | Easy ubuntu doesn't work for 64 bit ? | 03:47 |
CurtisB | <<< leaping with joy (I've been trying for 2 weeks to get this Mia card working) | 03:47 |
babo | It can't source any of it's repositories ? | 03:47 |
brenner | i could be wrong, but i think you only need to check the problematic partition | 03:47 |
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CurtisB | crimsun - yes, both cards are working! my mic levels are very low, oddly, so but I think I can iron that out | 03:48 |
crimsun | CurtisB: excellent. | 03:48 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I do need too know what packages have rest of screen savers in... I am missing a few | 03:48 |
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brenner | Dark_pahnt0m: it should return text | 03:48 |
CurtisB | crimsun you rock... can I send you some $$$ via paypal? :) | 03:48 |
=== momojones [n=momojone@cpe-66-68-125-239.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FizDev | babo : did you add them to your sources.list? | 03:48 |
babo | I'd really like to talk to someone who got skype to work (especially on 64bit) .... did you need the skype hijacker ? | 03:48 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I updated successfully its working fine now | 03:48 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I edited the file like you said & saved | 03:49 |
jbritz22 | Ok, I can find my router with "iwlist scanning" but I cant connect to it for some reason, can anyone help me? | 03:49 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Error is gone | 03:49 |
brenner | ok then | 03:49 |
babo | FizDev: It said it was doing that automatically ... sourcing 32 bit repositories isn't going to do me much good (methinks!). | 03:49 |
sweener | jbritz22 your in mointor mode | 03:49 |
Dark_pahnt0m | what packages contain screensavers?? I am missing a few | 03:49 |
crimsun | CurtisB: no, I'd rather you "reciprocate" by assisting others if you can/are willing | 03:49 |
jbritz22 | huh Sweener? | 03:49 |
=== toronto2001 [n=brian200@209-161-234-16.dsl.look.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
harml3ss | i did apt-get install mdetect .. ran it .. and it came up with /dev/psaux and protocol intellimouse .. however, when i put this in /etc/X11/xorg.conf i still get no mouse support | 03:49 |
=== janey [n=jane@adsl-69-235-53-203.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
CurtisB | crimsun - you have my word -- it's way past my bedtime :) but I promise I'll be back and lurk till I can find someone that I can help! | 03:50 |
sweener | jbritz22 iwlist eth# mode managed | 03:50 |
jbritz22 | ok | 03:50 |
crimsun | CurtisB: great :) | 03:50 |
CurtisB | crimson (I also go to the ubuntu forums now and then to try to help) | 03:50 |
babo | FizDev: it sources them automatically ... it seems like they are not there ... | 03:50 |
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CurtisB | okay, have a great night everyone and good luck! | 03:50 |
jbritz22 | iwlist wlan0? | 03:50 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | latr all & thx 4 help, I installing kde :P | 03:51 |
jbritz22 | bash idlist command not found | 03:51 |
jbritz22 | oops | 03:52 |
jbritz22 | my bad | 03:52 |
toronto2001 | Hi everyone. Are there separate forums for various topics or is this kind of a free for all? | 03:52 |
corvax | what do i need to make this go away........checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool | 03:52 |
jbritz22 | sweener: I just get a useage dialog | 03:52 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I like KDE but can I speecify certain packages or I need em all 2 have full kde working correctly?? | 03:52 |
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_jason | toronto2001: this is anything for support for breezy | 03:52 |
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brenner | toronto2001: the irc channel is a free for all yes, ubuntuforums.org has sectioned areas | 03:52 |
toronto2001 | great, thanks. | 03:52 |
=== Ingvae [n=Ingvae@c-67-177-251-83.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corvax | any ideas | 03:53 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I cant get sound too work & I belive volume is up. what do Ido? | 03:53 |
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=== cerebrix [n=cerebrix@cpe-66-27-155-245.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corvax | how to make that error go away | 03:53 |
corvax | what do i need to apt-get? | 03:53 |
azadder | It's getting old having to read a help file every time I want to just install something onto my computer, is there a good help file out there that will get me aquainted with the termial window and linux better? | 03:53 |
cerebrix | ok hit a bump while trying to sign the code of conduct. need a little help =p | 03:53 |
Steve^ | ooo 666 total users | 03:53 |
=== newbie1canoby [n=andre@dslh47.ody.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
babo | FizDev: no it's looking for 64 bit packages alright ... but 64bit breezy packages | 03:54 |
holycow | its heartwarming watching 6 laptops run the ubuntu installer | 03:54 |
holycow | >_> | 03:54 |
Steve^ | i'll restore the 666.. night guys | 03:54 |
corvax | im compiling libipod | 03:54 |
corvax | checking for XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool | 03:54 |
brenner | corvax: the app intsall instructions should really tell you what requirements you need | 03:54 |
corvax | whats xml parser perl module | 03:55 |
Eroick | how do i get only the ruby packages from dapper, but nothing else? | 03:55 |
_jason | cerebrix: tell us what bump. I can't guarantee I can help though :) | 03:55 |
cerebrix | im trying to go by the wiki entry at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and im at the part where it wants me to eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) and i get the errror bash: gpg-agent: command not found. any ideas? | 03:55 |
Dark_pahnt0m | nvm my sound works, It alwasy has 2 evices :P | 03:55 |
Dark_pahnt0m | devices* | 03:55 |
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CrashProne | Sooo... I'm on Dapper (I don't think the version matters) and I have a simple sound problem. For no apparent reason... I have no sound. It was peculiarly quiet before, but now it's just gone. I had sound before. | 03:56 |
jbritz22 | sweener: you there | 03:56 |
=== Cowlike [n=Cowlike@216-80-50-65.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | crash check your devices in the volume controls | 03:56 |
Dark_pahnt0m | thast what Ijust did | 03:56 |
FizDev | babo : maybe try this : http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-77069.html | 03:57 |
sweener | i'm here jbritz22 | 03:57 |
Dark_pahnt0m | might be your getting feedback from your speakers if there amplified | 03:57 |
jbritz22 | sweener: that iwlist wlan0 mode managed command doesnt work | 03:57 |
sweener | jbritz22 when you do iwlist does it show your card is in monitor mode or managed? | 03:58 |
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gimliy | jbritz22: iwconfig for SETting something | 03:58 |
jbritz22 | managed | 03:58 |
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=== Fleebailey33 [n=Fleebail@c-67-165-22-51.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu ["Murphy] | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | crash all else fails remove Sound card start without it then shutdown reinstall it.. | 03:58 |
CrashProne | Well, my devices look like they would make sense.. | 03:58 |
sweener | yup grimliy is right iwconfig | 03:58 |
CrashProne | Onboard sound card. It's a goodie though, nForce2 motherboard. | 03:59 |
Dark_pahnt0m | if your device is having problems it most likly is feedback from amped speakers, I fried a soundcard once from em | 03:59 |
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CrashProne | I believe it is not hardware, as when trying DSLinux off CD I had fine sound. | 03:59 |
Dark_pahnt0m | um goto bios disable it restart & restart pc reenable it | 03:59 |
jbritz22 | sweener: it says mode managed | 03:59 |
FizDev | babo: or even this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77069&page=2#13 | 03:59 |
jbritz22 | how do I adjust the network settings without the gui version | 04:00 |
Dark_pahnt0m | It does sound liek feedabck problem crash, you using cheap apmed speakers? | 04:00 |
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gimliy | jbritz22: iwconfig or /etc/network/interfaces | 04:00 |
CrashProne | amped as in plugged into the wall, with a subwoofer? :-S | 04:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | only time sound cuts of fis device conflickt & feedback | 04:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yeah do your speakers require power? thast amped | 04:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | plug = amp | 04:01 |
CrashProne | Yeh... | 04:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | try regular speakers | 04:01 |
CrashProne | Oh no.. no sound on my headphones either. I checked. | 04:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | might of pissed off youtr sou dcard | 04:02 |
=== RipVanFish [n=chatzill@kimo.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | try whayt I said goto vios disable soundcard | 04:02 |
Dark_pahnt0m | reset back into linux & restart machinee | 04:02 |
CrashProne | Hm. I'll give it a looksee I suppose. | 04:02 |
Dark_pahnt0m | might just need a reset | 04:02 |
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sweener | jbritz22 try iwconfig --help | 04:02 |
bjm | hello | 04:02 |
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-78.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
htrp | what is crontab? | 04:03 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I done this beforre crashing my Soundcard untill the chip turned brown on back of device :P then it was done | 04:03 |
Dark_pahnt0m | ] | 04:03 |
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jbritz22 | ok | 04:03 |
=== richard [n=richard@c-67-182-248-237.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | crash does your speakers make noise when you reset or turn off pc? | 04:03 |
bjm | is there a site where i can download ubuntu packages in one go? my ubuntu box has no net connection. all i have is a win32 at work. | 04:03 |
CrashProne | Eh, I don't think so. Nothing unordinary. | 04:04 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | um unless network card f'ed up you should have internet working | 04:04 |
Dark_pahnt0m | its automatic | 04:04 |
cerebrix | im trying to go by the wiki entry at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and im at the part where it wants me to eval $(gpg-agent --daemon) and i get the errror bash: gpg-agent: command not found. any ideas? | 04:04 |
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bimberi | bjm: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 04:05 |
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amonkey | i'm trying to compile a kernel module (snapapi26), and i'm getting this error "You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.12-10-386 (i686) first.", not quite sure how to do that | 04:05 |
bimberi | !find gpg-agent | 04:06 |
bjm | bimberi, it's obtrusive. i have to go through all the links. is there a site that has *all* the i386 deb packages for breezy (without all the other packages) so i can download them all via ftp or something? thanks | 04:06 |
=== weoh_ [n=weoh@ip68-3-73-77.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
richard | My Grub menu will not allow windoze to boot up (I've got Ubuntu) with alot of the latest upgrades including kernel that installed tonight. Both OS's are on differnet drives but somehow the the MBR won't allow Windoze to boot up with Grub. How do I fix this? Any Ideas? | 04:06 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I may be newb but I catch on quickly too settings & such :) | 04:06 |
mister_roboto | Dark_pahnt0m: believe it or not, there are folks with only dialup, or no net connection - in which case having a working network card won't make any difference at all :) | 04:06 |
_jason | cerebrix: you don't need to do all that stuff to sign the coc (I didn't) | 04:06 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | well if its a grub you gotta hit it with a shoe untill its no more :) | 04:06 |
toronto2001 | has anyone installed Mythtv? | 04:06 |
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FizDev | babo: if it works, tell me and I'll do a little script for future users | 04:07 |
CrashProne | I wish! Hehe. Those TV cards are a bit costly. | 04:07 |
Dark_pahnt0m | he said net so its obvious he suing a network card | 04:07 |
_jason | cerebrix: are you still having trouble signing the coc? | 04:07 |
mister_roboto | no, he said he has NO net connection at home | 04:07 |
amonkey | CrashProne, i got one for $20, but the box i wanted to use for mythtx was too slow at encoding. :( | 04:07 |
bimberi | bjm: not to my limited knowledge sorry | 04:07 |
mister_roboto | only at work | 04:07 |
Dark_pahnt0m | you can also get 99% of modems installed automaticly anyway also | 04:07 |
babo | FizDev: cool, I think I'll try a chroot ... I don't want to force any packages if possible | 04:07 |
=== lir [n=nwatson@va-sterling-u1-c5a-e-79.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | all he has 2 do is configure the dialup server | 04:07 |
toronto2001 | I got a good one new for 25 bucks, works well with TVtime but having problems with mythtv | 04:07 |
bjm | richard, when you installed ubuntu, on the grub dialog, did it say that it found another operating system? | 04:07 |
mister_roboto | i say again, he said he only has net connection at work, hence the need for him to dl the DVD or something | 04:08 |
=== Lugz [n=EliteNoo@c-68-43-64-170.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
richard | Yes it did. . ..It's in the menu when the system boots up with Ubuntu. . .. | 04:08 |
Dark_pahnt0m | ooohhh.. multi obot | 04:08 |
bimberi | cerebrix: appears the universe package gnupg-agent has it | 04:08 |
Dark_pahnt0m | boot* | 04:08 |
Dark_pahnt0m | what 2 operating systems you using richard? | 04:09 |
bjv | bjm? :0 | 04:09 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, i didn't know that it was my prob that you were addressing with the network card. thanks but enabling the network wasn't the issue. | 04:09 |
richard | Ubuntu and Windoze | 04:09 |
Dark_pahnt0m | well he said network hence networking :P | 04:09 |
bjm | bjv, :) | 04:09 |
=== neurosis [n=neurosis@c-71-227-185-140.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | throw windoze out the Window :P | 04:10 |
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=== khermans [n=kris@69-174-196-73.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | who needs jelp? | 04:10 |
khermans | i got 5 minutes | 04:10 |
khermans | pick my brain :-) | 04:10 |
bjv | khermans: familiar with LaTeX? :) | 04:10 |
=== kory [n=kory@adsl-68-78-130-204.dsl.emhril.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | I dont need jelp or help thx, just waiting for kde 2 install just in case I have more questions | 04:10 |
bjm | richard, you said "grub won't allow" -- windows is in the grub menu but when you select it, it wouldn | 04:10 |
bjm | it wouldn't boot? | 04:11 |
khermans | bjv, not as much as you might like | 04:11 |
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M|xx | any tips on tri-booting xp x64, Vista 64 and Ubuntu 64? | 04:11 |
richard | Yes, Windows is in the boot menu. When you select it it will not go into boot mode. . . .. | 04:11 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | incompatible with the partition? | 04:11 |
khermans | M|xx, create different partitions and grub entires! | 04:11 |
toronto2001 | try xosl | 04:11 |
bjm | richard, hrm.... did you install win32 first before installing ubuntu? | 04:11 |
M|xx | so grub as boot loader? | 04:11 |
khermans | M|xx, definitely | 04:12 |
bjv | khermans: yeah. when i center section and subsection headings the corresponding entries in the TOC also center. | 04:12 |
khermans | M|xx, dont mess with lilo anymore | 04:12 |
M|xx | any particular order to install os's? | 04:12 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | I have 4 almost 5 pc's want too buy one :) | 04:12 |
amonkey | repeato: i'm trying to compile a kernel module (snapapi26), and i'm getting this error "You must run a dkms build for kernel 2.6.12-10-386 (i686) first.", not quite sure how to do that | 04:12 |
bjv | khermans: i need to find the style sheet for toc generation and force it right aligned or something. :| | 04:12 |
richard | Yes, Windoze is on my primary drive, Ubuntu on my secondary hard drive. MBR is on primary drive where Grub installs itself. . .. | 04:12 |
khermans | bjv, no idea dude :-) ask a PhD student | 04:12 |
Eroick | how do i uninstall something i compiled with make? make uninstall or something? | 04:12 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | type make love j/k | 04:13 |
bjv | khermans: i asked around at my uni already. | 04:13 |
_jason | Eroick: you can try that, it's always best to use checkinstall instead of make install. Then you can use synaptic to uninstall | 04:13 |
bjm | richard, do you have the option to reinstall ubuntu? | 04:13 |
khermans | Mixx, Windows XP, Vista, then Ubuntu | 04:13 |
Eroick | _jason: i installed it with make. i compiled it. how do i get rid of it | 04:13 |
richard | I could probably do that. . . .it doesn't take long. .. | 04:13 |
bjv | khermans: i found one old timer in the CS department, we talked but he essentially said "you must now go dig through your TeX install, and edit a page somewhere" | 04:13 |
bjm | richard, but before doing that, boot a disk and do a 'fdisk /mbr' first to check if win32 really boots | 04:14 |
Mixx | khermans thanks! | 04:14 |
Dark_pahnt0m | richrd wanan buy a small pc frm me you can run ubunu on lol j/k | 04:14 |
=== basti__ [n=basti@dsl-220-253-65-42.NSW.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eroick | _jason: its make uninstall or something... | 04:14 |
khermans | bjv, yeah i would ask a Math PhD guy instead | 04:14 |
richard | I'll give that a try. . . . | 04:14 |
_jason | Eroick: try make install. If that doesn't work you either have to delete the files on your own or you can try to recompile but this time use checkinstall. Then remove the package with synaptic. SHould work in theory | 04:14 |
juztin | how do i change permissions on a folder, to include all files and subdirectories, and subsubdirectories, etc...? | 04:14 |
_jason | Eroick: I meant ``try make uninstall'' | 04:14 |
robbie__ | ive searched aptitude for openssl devlopment packages and browsed the development directories in synaptic for the OpenSSL development library... anyone know what the package name is? | 04:15 |
=== bimberi backspaces :) | ||
Eroick | _jason: ok | 04:15 |
robbie__ | for OpenSSL development libraries | 04:15 |
bjv | khermans: that was plan (b) :), i got the name of some 'tex wizzzard' from this girl. | 04:15 |
bjv | alas we shall see :| | 04:15 |
Eroick | _jason: no target. | 04:15 |
cerebrix | _jason: ok i got it sorted out and i am now officially ubuntuized :) thanks for the help | 04:15 |
khermans | juztin, -r flag | 04:15 |
_jason | cerebrix: congrats, and welcome | 04:15 |
=== neeja [n=neeja@wireless-178.wireless.cse.unsw.EDU.AU] has joined #ubuntu | ||
juztin | khermans, thx :) | 04:15 |
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mister_roboto | libssl-dev - SSL development libraries, header files and documentation | 04:16 |
bjv | khermans: on a happy note, my classmates made their TOC all by hand with MS word, and they look like shit. :) | 04:16 |
=== neoxan [n=neoxan@i577BDB3D.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | bjv, yeah | 04:16 |
Dark_pahnt0m | well does anyone know how too register ocx files in a emulated directory? i tried regocx & didnt work | 04:16 |
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robbie__ | k thanks | 04:16 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | is there a way I can modify the registry entrys? | 04:16 |
=== SeamusMB [n=matt@cpe-024-211-236-248.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | I am using wine 2 emulate | 04:16 |
=== SeamusMB is now known as SeamusLP | ||
khermans | bjv, i use openoffice and oomath | 04:16 |
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=== AMDXP [n=bardock@user-0vvd9jf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FizDev | Dark_pahnt0m: type regedit | 04:17 |
Eroick | _jason: no rule, no target. | 04:17 |
=== we0 [n=weo@p54998665.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | I have not given up trying too play bloodscape, oh yeah :p forgot bout thatlol.. I need 2 register winsck32.ocx lol | 04:18 |
_jason | Eroick: try one of the other options I suggested | 04:18 |
bjv | khermans: eh. all my figures, table of contents and bibliography exist only after ive rendered the tex. | 04:18 |
bjv | cant exactly copy paste into oowriter now | 04:18 |
Dark_pahnt0m | any better emulatioons for Windows decides wine? wine is really messy | 04:18 |
bjv | references are in a bibtex file, etc | 04:18 |
juztin | khermans, if i wanted to make all files r/r/x, what would i type? i'm not getting it right...i'm typing : sudo chmod -r +777 /storage/ ... and it's returning : chmod: cannot access '+777': No such file or directory | 04:18 |
udk | Dark_pahnt0m: better as in clean? | 04:18 |
FizDev | Dark_pahnt0m: VMWare maybe | 04:19 |
Dark_pahnt0m | graphic wise | 04:19 |
Dark_pahnt0m | can I apt-get that? | 04:19 |
udk | Dark_pahnt0m: I would say, the PEACE project, for NetBSD. but its far from production-ready | 04:19 |
robbie__ | its chmod <number> without the + | 04:19 |
=== FuSiOn` [n=weehaw@ip68-12-127-232.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjv | Dark_pahnt0m: wine is hottness. it works just as well as cedegas cvs build | 04:19 |
Eroick | _jason: no rule for the checkinstall | 04:19 |
khermans | juztin, chmod -R 777 ? | 04:19 |
=== Lynx [i=lynx2801@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: Wine Is Not an Emulator ;o | 04:19 |
udk | Dark_pahnt0m: but the concept is the |done right| thing | 04:19 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Eroick about checkinstall | 04:19 |
juztin | khermans, robbie__ thanks :) | 04:19 |
Eroick | _jason: so i must do it manually? | 04:19 |
bjm | juztin, you can only do either a letter option or a octal option, not both | 04:19 |
bjv | Dark_pahnt0m: for good graphics support with wine, you need to get it off the website and compile it | 04:19 |
bjv | Dark_pahnt0m: seriously | 04:19 |
FizDev | Dark_pahnt0m: nah, you must pay for VMWare I think | 04:19 |
juztin | bjm, k, thanks :) | 04:19 |
khermans | juztin, that means anyone will have rights to delete yur files | 04:20 |
Mixx | vmware is free | 04:20 |
Mixx | certain flavors of vmware that is | 04:20 |
Dark_pahnt0m | well I dont got the cash I need a good freeware :( | 04:20 |
khermans | Mixx, vmware player | 04:20 |
_jason | Eroick: first sudo apt-get install checkinstall, then you ./configure, make as usual, but then you do 'sudo checkinstall' instead of 'sudo make install' | 04:20 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mister_roboto | vmware server is currently free (but beta that expires and is free to renew) | 04:20 |
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bjm | Mixx, 2 months ago i think, yes :) | 04:20 |
bjv | Dark_pahnt0m: like if you want good graphics you need to get your drivers right from nvidia and compile the module | 04:20 |
robbie__ | 777 is bad and insecure | 04:20 |
robbie__ | try 755 | 04:20 |
=== Gareth [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjv | Dark_pahnt0m: compiling wine is a _must | 04:20 |
FizDev | oh, thanks didn't know about that =) | 04:20 |
khermans | bjv, no you dont | 04:20 |
juztin | robbie__, khermans did 755...thanks for the headsup :) | 04:21 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I download the wine program using apt-get that one bad? | 04:21 |
corvax | the package was libxml-parser-perl | 04:21 |
corvax | ;) | 04:21 |
khermans | juztin, thats better | 04:21 |
=== jbritz33 [n=jbritz22@142-165-250-141.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz33 | ok | 04:21 |
jbritz33 | im back | 04:21 |
jbritz33 | so I send packets out | 04:21 |
jbritz33 | but cant get em back | 04:21 |
bjv | khermans: i dread to think of how old the wine build in the apt repo is. | 04:21 |
jbritz33 | Destination host unreachable | 04:21 |
khermans | bjv, using the nvidia package in Ubuntu is fine -- no need to do a custom compilation | 04:21 |
bjv | khermans: same goes for nvidia drivers in the repo, i dread to think how old it is. | 04:21 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yeah nvidia I am running a 4 meg graphic, wine hs slow reaction & the widgets are all f'ed up | 04:21 |
=== Gambit-- [n=god@unaffiliated/gambit-] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjv | oh, a 4 meg card? | 04:22 |
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khermans | bjv, for video drivers it doesnt really matter | 04:22 |
=== ufo [n=ufo@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjv | probably dont need cutting edge drivers for that.. :| | 04:22 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yeah its a small pc running server & games on | 04:22 |
khermans | bjv, the difference between one rev and another is not much over 6 months | 04:22 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I am learning ubuntu I wont put on a good pc yet | 04:22 |
bjv | khermans: not for a card as old as his, no :P | 04:22 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | its onboard standard | 04:22 |
khermans | bjv, if you're worried about having everything up to date -- run Gentoo -- and then call me back when your box dies | 04:22 |
Dark_pahnt0m | the pc is 2004 | 04:22 |
khermans | heh | 04:23 |
corvax | how do i use check install to make a .debof somthing im compiling | 04:23 |
Dark_pahnt0m | not problem updates I need wine too not have f'ed up widgets whne I run installer too bloodscape & want to play it | 04:23 |
bimberi | !tell corvax about checkinstall | 04:23 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, why not buy Cedega? | 04:23 |
bjv | Dark_pahnt0m: ive tried cedega. it is very nice | 04:24 |
=== io [n=io@fctnnbsc16w-156034213122.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | if I could would give you a snapshot if I could, I am not rich & between jobs :( | 04:24 |
CrashProne | Does Cedega's CVS compare to the bought product? | 04:24 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, i agree, cedega is bad :) | 04:24 |
io | How can I made my terminal (grub?) recognize my widescreen, instead of cutting the screen off at the bottom? | 04:24 |
bjv | the CVS build is quite out of date and broken | 04:24 |
FizDev | Dark_pahnt0m: go at least try the trial of Cedega | 04:24 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I talking about wine having widget problems :P | 04:24 |
bjv | a fresh wine build is better then the cedega cvs | 04:24 |
CrashProne | Gotcha | 04:25 |
bjv | cedega is cheap though., like 20 bucks. | 04:25 |
Dark_pahnt0m | ok where I get cedga I cant find the deb of it | 04:25 |
FizDev | Dark_pahnt0m: cedega = 5$/month | 04:25 |
CrashProne | True. Don't like putting out money over the intarweb. Its obviously flooded with evil which is out to get me. | 04:25 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I work on pc's for rent & electric I cant afford that right now( | 04:25 |
=== andrea_ [n=andrea@host237-114.pool877.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjv | you need to buy a minimum number of months for cedega, though | 04:25 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, or get a warez cedega :) no i didn't say that. | 04:25 |
bjv | it;s like 15-20$ | 04:26 |
=== deang [n=boys@DSLPool-net208-1.wctc.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, here's a cedega timed-demo: http://www.transgaming.com/products_linux.php | 04:26 |
bjv | yeah, shush on the torrented cedega :P | 04:26 |
Dark_pahnt0m | lol THAT I can do :P I didnt say that ether | 04:26 |
khermans | bjv, torrents are bad | 04:26 |
Dark_pahnt0m | heh I use limewitre on windows box :) | 04:26 |
Madpilot | Dark_pahnt0m, warez talk really is off-topic here... thanks | 04:26 |
bjv | i like them. :) | 04:26 |
_jason | khermans: torrents aren't bad. Piracy is bad | 04:26 |
bjm | bjv, yup, eeevil :) | 04:26 |
bjv | torrents are alright for what they are. | 04:26 |
Dark_pahnt0m | limewire* | 04:26 |
FizDev | Dark_pahnt0m: *hum *hum isohunt.com *hum *hum | 04:26 |
andrea_ | PROBLEM: i got alsa-utils but cant find alsaconf | 04:26 |
=== godman [n=god@cpe-72-225-57-104.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | been there nice place | 04:27 |
khermans | _jason, yeah i use torrents all the time for Linux isos | 04:27 |
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skittles | hey guys | 04:27 |
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=== philippe_ [n=philippe@modemcable107.146-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, don't use LimeWire, use FrostWire | 04:27 |
=== god_ [n=god@cpe-72-225-57-104.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FuSiOn` | why is ubuntu > kubuntu? I am not trying to start anything. I used kubuntu 5.10 for a while, and for various reasons I switched, and to say the least... this is a lot nicer. It can't be just gnome? I mean the memory useage isn't even comparable.. its odd | 04:27 |
andrea_ | my pc with NO SOUND | 04:27 |
Dark_pahnt0m | never heard of that | 04:27 |
bjv | FuSiOn`: gnome is alright. KDE is honestly better. | 04:27 |
CrashProne | FrostWire, hehe. A chopped up LimeWire... they're probably cleaning it up since I last saw it though. | 04:27 |
_jason | FuSiOn`: a lot of people like kubuntu, it's just a personal preference | 04:28 |
FuSiOn` | bjv, well I thought it looked nicer | 04:28 |
bjv | FuSiOn`: i dont use either though. LWM ftw :P | 04:28 |
FuSiOn` | lol | 04:28 |
bjm | FuSiOn`, it's objective. some people like it, some dont. i prefer fluxbox if you ask me, but you didn't so.. :) | 04:28 |
skittles | anybody have any thoughts on vista | 04:28 |
_jason | ubotu: tell Dark_pahnt0m about frostwire | 04:28 |
god_ | can someone help me i updated computer now i have no sound | 04:28 |
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_jason | !offtopic | 04:28 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 04:28 |
=== Kr4t05 [n=Kratos@dsl-206-251-5-189.dsl0.crls.pa.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | god_: more precisely, please? | 04:28 |
bjv | skittles: vista? gtfo? o_O | 04:28 |
FuSiOn` | I was using fluxbox on gentoo, gentoo just irritated me. I dunno I mean kde seemed to suck hte life right out of my pc | 04:28 |
=== cb122 [n=a@adsl-065-013-019-024.sip.asm.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FuSiOn` | sluggish | 04:28 |
=== zalmanni [n=zalmanni@a81-197-183-165.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cb122 | hello all | 04:28 |
io | How can I make my terminal (grub?) recognize my widescreen, instead of cutting the screen off at the bottom? | 04:28 |
CrashProne | I favour XFce4! But the new XFce builds for Dapper seem different in an unpleasant way. | 04:28 |
Dark_pahnt0m | what about spyware? I trust limewire because there is none | 04:28 |
=== Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Iceman | ok... just installed, some how screwed my password up, how to log in as root ? help ... | 04:29 |
=== ron_ [n=ron@pool-68-163-190-96.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | CrashProne, http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/frostwire/FrostWire-4.10.9-1.i586.deb | 04:29 |
Random_Transit | help!!!! | 04:29 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: frostwire has no spyware. You can read the code if you want | 04:29 |
khermans | FrostWire is free and very nice -- although LimeWire will be dead soon | 04:29 |
IdleOne | !help | 04:29 |
cb122 | I have recently updated my breezy install and now I am not able to log in | 04:29 |
bjm | FuSiOn`, same here... i got a p3 and i just wanted it to work == fluxbox | 04:29 |
cb122 | anyone have this issue? | 04:29 |
Random_Transit | kdm has gone nuts | 04:29 |
god_ | sound wont come out of my speackers | 04:29 |
Mischevious | can anyone tell me why the spell checker in abiword isn't available ? | 04:29 |
Kr4t05 | khermans: You're kidding me. O.O; | 04:29 |
khermans | why is there no FrostWire in the Ubuntu repos? | 04:29 |
Dark_pahnt0m | cool thx | 04:29 |
Random_Transit | i try to log in and it kicks me out | 04:29 |
crimsun | god_: use pastebin to paste the output from: cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0 | 04:29 |
=== pilgrim [n=pilgrim@S010600095b97934d.lb.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Kr4t05, yes, LimeWire will soon go the Kazaa route | 04:29 |
ron_ | Where is "Sessions">"start programs"? | 04:29 |
=== Projext [n=Projext@c-69-141-186-118.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pilgrim | !wine | 04:29 |
Iceman | any way to root login | 04:29 |
skittles | i have a question, why is it that ive installed wine but its not working | 04:29 |
=== Kr4t05 sobs. | ||
=== dreadfulganja [n=nunya@c-24-2-222-230.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | ubotu: tell Iceman about root | 04:30 |
CrashProne | Yup. Simplicity of Fluxbox IS great for getting stuff to run. | 04:30 |
=== gazanfer [n=zedzero@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | CrashProne, you should give XFCE a try too | 04:30 |
gazanfer | hello | 04:30 |
Projext | does anyone know of a daemon similar to gnome-volume-manager | 04:30 |
=== newbie1canoby [n=andre@dslh47.ody.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | Iceman, you've forgotten your own user pw? | 04:30 |
newbie1canoby | hello | 04:30 |
skittles | or no help thats cool to | 04:30 |
Kr4t05 | I hate RIAA, and other capitalist jerks who close down our handy-dandy P2P clients. | 04:30 |
crimsun | Projext: ivman | 04:30 |
khermans | skittles, what program are you trying to run? | 04:30 |
Projext | thanks i'll check it out | 04:30 |
skittles | wine | 04:30 |
bjm | how about gnutella? is that better? | 04:30 |
skittles | from automatix | 04:30 |
khermans | Kr4t05, dont use p2p them | 04:30 |
eirejah | FLUXBOX RULES | 04:30 |
Madpilot | Kr4t05, piracy is entirely offtopic here - thanks | 04:31 |
CrashProne | khermans: Eh-- I just said that I like it-- I was using XFce 100% until Dapper, which seems a bit reworked... | 04:31 |
eirejah | *ahem* sorry | 04:31 |
newbie1canoby | how do you convert rpms to debs with alien | 04:31 |
Amaranth | !automatix | 04:31 |
ubotu | hmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 04:31 |
Kr4t05 | khermans: Meh. | 04:31 |
=== IamEthos [n=Ethos@unaffiliated/iamethos] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | brb not enough speed 2 run all this crap | 04:31 |
Projext | crimsun, thanks its just what i need | 04:31 |
bimberi | Iceman: boot into recovery mode and 'passwd <user>' | 04:31 |
cb122 | I put in my user id and the password and it tells me it is incorrect | 04:31 |
FuSiOn` | bjm, hrm I assume you're not running on amd64, and if you are did you get fluxspace to work? | 04:31 |
Mischevious | can anyone tell me why the spell checker in abiword isn't available ? | 04:31 |
FuSiOn` | or do you use that | 04:31 |
bjm | eirejah, amen | 04:31 |
Iceman | Madpilot well i have to reinstall for account access ? or what ... | 04:31 |
god_ | ok i did that | 04:31 |
crimsun | god_: url? | 04:31 |
kingspawn | people: you really need to adress your takl | 04:31 |
IamEthos | hey, I know this isn't a knoppix channel, but the knoppix channel is dead | 04:31 |
khermans | newbie1canoby, alien -d foo.rpm | 04:31 |
Madpilot | Iceman, see what bimberi just said for pw recovery | 04:31 |
IamEthos | I am trying to run knoppix | 04:31 |
bjv | speaking of piracy. Has everyone seen this -> http://action.eff.org/site/Advocacy?id=115 | 04:31 |
IamEthos | I have an ext3 partition on a USB hard drive | 04:31 |
IamEthos | and Knoppix can't seem to write to it | 04:32 |
Amaranth | um | 04:32 |
newbie1canoby | thank you khermans | 04:32 |
_jason | IamEthos: try ubuntu | 04:32 |
Madpilot | newbie1canoby, what's the RPM of? Best way to install is from repos, 2nd best is from debs; installing from RPM via alien is a distant 3rd... | 04:32 |
gazanfer | can anyone help me with a sdl problem? when i try to install something requiring sdl, i get this error: "checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no *** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found *** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to sdl-config. | 04:32 |
gazanfer | " | 04:32 |
bjv | it is a proposed bill, to give us back fair use of DVDs and enable researchers and programmers to break dvdcss | 04:32 |
skittles | !wine | 04:32 |
bjm | FuSiOn`, got no amd64, i wish i had. i just wanted an old p3 to work so i installed openbsd and fluxbox. | 04:32 |
Amaranth | IamEthos: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/<something here> | 04:32 |
bjv | a DMCA amendment. | 04:32 |
khermans | newbie1canoby, alien -di foo.rpm if you also want it installed | 04:32 |
newbie1canoby | ntfs prog | 04:32 |
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Amaranth] by ChanServ | ||
=== ba [n=ba@69-11-1-139.yktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IamEthos | does ubuntu have a "run from CD" version available? | 04:33 |
bjv | IamEthos: yeah | 04:33 |
_jason | IamEthos: yes, the livecd | 04:33 |
khermans | IamEthos, yes a LiveCd | 04:33 |
Madpilot | IamEthos, there are LiveCD ISOs | 04:33 |
Amaranth | bjv: Please take this discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:33 |
bjm | IamEthos, it has live yes | 04:33 |
khermans | lol | 04:33 |
Kr4t05 | IamEthos: As others have said, yeah. | 04:33 |
khermans | IamEthos, in fact, all new version will be only this type | 04:33 |
newbie1canoby | trying to access ntfs windows partitions as a user | 04:33 |
Amaranth | IamEthos: It has a LiveCD. (in case you didn't already know) :D | 04:33 |
crimsun | god_: waiting for url | 04:33 |
Amaranth | khermans: not true | 04:33 |
khermans | newbie1canoby, whats the problem? | 04:33 |
Madpilot | newbie1canoby, you shouldn't need to install anything to do that | 04:33 |
bjm | IamEthos, http://shipit.ubuntu.com | 04:33 |
ron_ | Where is "Sessions">"start programs"? | 04:33 |
god_ | sorry for the wait i thought pastebin was some kind of program http://pastebin.com/613687 | 04:33 |
cb122 | I have changed the password for my user account in recovery mode and I still cannot log in | 04:33 |
Mischevious | can anyone tell me why the spell checker in abiword isn't available ? | 04:33 |
Madpilot | !tell newbie1canoby about ntfs | 04:33 |
IamEthos | I ordered the CDs and I was going to wait until they arrived to try it | 04:33 |
khermans | Amaranth, wasnt that the decision for Dapper? | 04:33 |
CrashProne | !tell CrashProne abotu ntfs | 04:33 |
Amaranth | khermans: the install cd will always be available, but might not be mailed through shipit | 04:33 |
IamEthos | but I guess I'll download it now | 04:33 |
_jason | cb122: can you login in ctrl+alt+f1 ? | 04:34 |
khermans | Amaranth, oh i see -- but the LiveCd will allow install too | 04:34 |
ba | how can i install grub from scratch | 04:34 |
ba | like compleatly from scratch | 04:34 |
bjm | i pray for an ubuntu package cd iso download... ugh | 04:34 |
Madpilot | khermans, in Dapper it will | 04:34 |
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Amaranth | khermans: I think the plan is to have shipit ship Ubuntu Live + Kubuntu Live instead of Ubuntu Install + Ubuntu Live | 04:34 |
Amaranth | khermans: yeah | 04:34 |
newbie1canoby | i want to get accesss as a user to my windows hdb5 to get my mp3 to linux side | 04:34 |
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IamEthos | can anyone comment on shipping times for the CDs in the US (or the midwest, or michigan more specifically?) | 04:34 |
gazanfer | can anyone help me with a sdl problem? when i try to install something requiring sdl, i get this error: "checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no *** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found *** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to sdl-config." | 04:34 |
cb122 | _jason yes I can | 04:34 |
cb122 | hmmm | 04:34 |
khermans | Madpilot, yeah so it seems useless for most people to download the install cd | 04:34 |
_jason | ubotu: tell newbie1canoby about ntfs | 04:34 |
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comradevik | i cant make an alias to my external drive because i have a space in the path | 04:34 |
comradevik | , is there a way i can go around that? | 04:34 |
khermans | IamEthos, it depends how much you donate | 04:34 |
Amaranth | IamEthos: Took a month to get mine. | 04:35 |
Madpilot | newbie1canoby, the bot should have sent you a message | 04:35 |
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Amaranth | khermans: haha | 04:35 |
khermans | IamEthos, i donated a fair amount to get them quicker | 04:35 |
Amaranth | khermans: not true | 04:35 |
khermans | Amaranth, it was for me! | 04:35 |
IamEthos | I didn't even see a donations page? | 04:35 |
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bjm | comradevik, huh? then rename it. | 04:35 |
Amaranth | khermans: But if you need them for a conference they can do special things. | 04:35 |
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Amaranth | IamEthos: He is joking. | 04:35 |
_jason | cb122: do you get some kind of error with gdm? | 04:35 |
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Madpilot | IamEthos, khermans is full of it :P | 04:35 |
RedRose | my computer won't resolve DNS names... www.google.com = nothing... | 04:35 |
cb122 | _jason no I do not | 04:35 |
Iceman | bimberi how to get recovery mode ? [22:37] <bimberi> Iceman: boot into recovery mode and 'passwd <user>' | 04:35 |
gazanfer | anyone knows how to configure sdl? | 04:35 |
khermans | Amaranth, well my friend put in an order for 100, i put one in a month later with a donation, and got them 2 weeks before him! | 04:35 |
IamEthos | (shrug) | 04:35 |
RedRose | can anyone tell me why? | 04:35 |
RedRose | and how to fix it? | 04:35 |
bjm | comradevik, how'd you mount that external drive? | 04:35 |
ba__ | or even just how would one go about installing grub from scratch? | 04:35 |
IamEthos | I believe in donating for good software | 04:36 |
khermans | im not joking... | 04:36 |
_jason | cb122: can you describe what happens? does it just act as though your password is incorrect? | 04:36 |
IamEthos | so I probably would have done it | 04:36 |
mikeazorin | the ubuntu powerpc livecd's, how easily would they work on my ibook G4? just burn, restart, and hold "c"? | 04:36 |
=== Dark_pahnt0m [n=quicken@c-67-191-86-100.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bimberi | Iceman: reboot, it's one of the grub menu options | 04:36 |
IdleOne | RedRose, had that problem earlier and fixed it by unplugging router for a minute | 04:36 |
khermans | IamEthos, ShipIt even told me that the estimated cost per shipment was $1 euro | 04:36 |
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comradevik | bjm: /dev/sda1 /media/MEDIA\040DRIVE vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 0 | 04:36 |
Iceman | no cd in | 04:36 |
Dark_pahnt0m | ok how do I open A .sh file? | 04:36 |
crimsun | well there goes god_ | 04:36 |
Amaranth | khermans: Anything more than 5 has to be manually approved. | 04:36 |
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_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: open it or run it? | 04:36 |
Mischevious | can anyone tell me why the spell checker in abiword isn't available ? | 04:36 |
RedRose | IdleOne:but my windows computer now will resolve it... | 04:36 |
Dark_pahnt0m | cant tries running a text editor | 04:36 |
gazanfer | !sdl | 04:36 |
ubotu | I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gazanfer | 04:36 |
IdleOne | RedRose, yup I know | 04:36 |
khermans | Amaranth, oh maybe that is why -- UMass Amherst has distributed over 300 Breezy discs so far | 04:36 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: what is it for? | 04:37 |
=== godman [n=god@cpe-72-225-57-104.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | it cannot read the coding | 04:37 |
Iceman | bamberi not from cd ... | 04:37 |
IdleOne | RedRose, but it fixed it for me | 04:37 |
IamEthos | has anyone had Ubuntu boot from a USB hard drive before? | 04:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | cedega demo | 04:37 |
khermans | Amaranth, Linux is huge on campus now -- at least compared to other Unis I've been to | 04:37 |
bjm | comradevik, you need to make a new dir in media with *no spaces*, unmount your external and mount it on that new dir | 04:37 |
newbie1canoby | hey guys my partitions are visible on the user side but i cant access them as a user, but as a root there is no problems | 04:37 |
cb122 | _jason yes it acts as if I was incorrectly logging in | 04:37 |
IamEthos | my bios will allow booting from the drive (I'm almost certain...) | 04:37 |
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cb122 | but here is something od | 04:37 |
cb122 | odd | 04:37 |
bimberi | Iceman: no, from your installed system | 04:37 |
khermans | I'm hoping to donate $500 for 500 Dapper CD's on release date... | 04:37 |
Madpilot | newbie1canoby, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions | 04:37 |
_jason | newbie1canoby: on that wiki page, there is a table towards the middle that explains permissions and what options you should use in fstab | 04:37 |
Dark_pahnt0m | its cedega demo installer | 04:37 |
Iceman | bamberi ok ... | 04:37 |
bimberi | Icemin: good luck | 04:38 |
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bjm | khermans, good for you | 04:38 |
crimsun | godman: ok, please execute the following in Applications> Accessories> Terminal: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload | 04:38 |
_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: sh blah.sh, will run the file... I do not know if that is the preferred way to install cedega | 04:38 |
cb122 | I just tried after ctrl alt F1 iI hit Alt f7 and logged in | 04:38 |
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pilgrim | I installed wine by following the Wine HQ guide for Ubuntu. Now what? | 04:38 |
newbie1canoby | ty | 04:38 |
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crimsun | godman: then, sudo modprobe snd-atiixp | 04:38 |
CrashProne | Fixed my sound.. for some crazed reason the 'PCM' section in my audio settings was set to zero and muted. | 04:38 |
khermans | bjm, ummm yeah... | 04:38 |
_jason | cb122: odd indeed, so you are ok now? | 04:38 |
Luna-Tic1 | Does anyone use ekiga? I normally do but it isn't working for me at the moment and I am trying to find out if the stun server at ekiga.net is down | 04:39 |
cb122 | _jason dunno I am rebooting and trying again | 04:39 |
godman | unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/alsa not found. | 04:39 |
cb122 | I know it was not a fat finger problem | 04:39 |
cb122 | lol | 04:39 |
_jason | cb122: open your computer and remove the gremlins | 04:39 |
cb122 | damn stinkpad | 04:39 |
gazanfer | i need to install sdl to run an application. can someone help me find the right package for it? | 04:39 |
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crimsun | gazanfer: libsdl1.2debian-alsa | 04:40 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I forgot how 2 change dir in shell damn it | 04:40 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I tried cd desktop/ | 04:40 |
godman | ok did that | 04:40 |
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_jason | Dark_pahnt0m: capital D, cd ~/Desktop | 04:41 |
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nick_ | when you burn an ISO, can you still add data to the cd? such as if I put damn small linux on a dvd will I have wasted a lot of space? | 04:41 |
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azadder | depends if it is rw or not | 04:41 |
NickGarvey | cd-r, no write | 04:42 |
benkillin | Hello, I need some help with samba as a PDC user managment, I need to enable the users who log into windows machines change registry settings and install programs. how do I do this using the command line only? | 04:42 |
NickGarvey | rws aren't good for isos | 04:42 |
cb122 | _jason it did it again | 04:42 |
bjm | NickGarvey, the burned iso? nope. dd the iso and mount it loopback, add files, burn | 04:42 |
cb122 | and I got around it with ctrl alt f7 | 04:42 |
azadder | then you lose all the rest of the space on the disk | 04:42 |
NickGarvey | ingles? | 04:42 |
NickGarvey | yes I can add files? | 04:42 |
Ramzi | does ubuntu support the Promise SX4000 Raid card? | 04:42 |
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cb122 | after logging in at ctrl alt f1 | 04:42 |
Dark_pahnt0m | ok I am in Sh terminal how do I run it? I getting no filre or dir | 04:42 |
Dark_pahnt0m | file* | 04:42 |
azadder | no, you can not | 04:42 |
sean | quick question | 04:42 |
cb122 | never have seen this | 04:42 |
NickGarvey | ok | 04:43 |
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sean | how do you convert MAC addresses to IP addresses | 04:43 |
NickGarvey | so don't put a small distro on a dvd heh | 04:43 |
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gazanfer | crimsun, i installed it, but i still get this error: "checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no *** The sdl-config script installed by SDL could not be found *** If SDL was installed in PREFIX, make sure PREFIX/bin is in *** your path, or set the SDL_CONFIG environment variable to the *** full path to sdl-config." | 04:43 |
bjm | NickGarvey, not on the cd, no. but dd the iso to your hardisk and mount it loopback, add to there, when you're done -- burn again | 04:43 |
azadder | onto a different cd | 04:43 |
cb122 | well this was a fresh install so I will not lose any thing by a reinstall | 04:44 |
cb122 | thank s | 04:44 |
NickGarvey | !dd | 04:44 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NickGarvey | 04:44 |
crimsun | gazanfer: you need libsdl1.2-dev | 04:44 |
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godman | umm. the sound still isent working | 04:44 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I am trying to do install in the sh terminal do I -d cedega_installer ?? | 04:44 |
crimsun | godman: pastebin the output from amixer -c0 | 04:44 |
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sean | how do you convert MAC addresses to IP addresses | 04:44 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, is that a deb file? dpkg -i | 04:44 |
RedRose | IdleOne:didn't work... | 04:45 |
khermans | sean, ARP | 04:45 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, or if it came with an installation script run that | 04:45 |
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godman | http://pastebin.com/613711 | 04:46 |
RedRose | i've rebooted several times, and my computer still won't connect to the DNS server automaticly, it's supposed to be dynamic... | 04:46 |
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | sean, what are you trying to do? | 04:46 |
Dark_pahnt0m | 1 file its a .sh file | 04:46 |
Dark_pahnt0m | It is a stupid shell script | 04:46 |
benkillin | Hello, I need some help with samba as a PDC user managment, I need to enable the users who log into windows machines change registry settings and install programs. how do I do this using the command line only? | 04:47 |
bjm | RedRose, what's your /etc/resolv.conf look like? | 04:47 |
Eleaf | uhh | 04:47 |
=== Gatton [n=me@adsl-065-012-135-063.sip.clt.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, then run it | 04:47 |
Eleaf | RedRose, it could be a problem with ipv6 | 04:47 |
RedRose | bjm:it's empty... | 04:47 |
=== al [n=al@cpc2-watf2-4-0-cust201.watf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | RedRose, I spent about a week trying to fix my dns problems | 04:47 |
bjm | RedRose, are you connecting via dial up or lan? | 04:48 |
khermans | RedRose, try pinging -- use that as yer DNS server | 04:48 |
sean | khermans, find the ip address of a mac address i get when i use iwlist | 04:48 |
RedRose | LAN, i'm on a router, but my other computer still so DNS resolvutions... | 04:48 |
=== s0n1cm0nk3y [n=s0n1cm0n@cpe-069-134-172-140.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | sean, is this your own machine? | 04:48 |
s0n1cm0nk3y | hey is rozeone in here? | 04:48 |
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bjm | RedRose, can you try another dns server? | 04:48 |
sean | khermans, no | 04:48 |
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=== io [n=io@fctnnbsc16w-156034213122.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
RedRose | bjm:i don't know the addresses | 04:49 |
bjm | what's your ip? | 04:49 |
io | How can i have console recognize my widescreen, instead of it cutting off text at the bottom of the screen and squashing it up at the top? | 04:49 |
Fenderet | is there an FOSS desktop design in the pipeline to compete with Vista? | 04:49 |
khermans | sean, well you need to be allowed by the AP to talk to it first | 04:49 |
khermans | Fenderet, desktop design? | 04:49 |
sean | khermans, AP? | 04:49 |
Ramzi | can someone tell me how to install ubuntu with a raid card? the install is unable to partition my drives | 04:49 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | install: cannot change permissions of `/home/cedega/': Operation not permitted | 04:49 |
khermans | Fenderet, you mean like Scribus? | 04:49 |
AngryElf | If, based on # of downloads, KDE > Gnome......why is Ubuntu > Kubuntu? | 04:50 |
benkillin | Does anybody know how to set user permissions (not chmod or chown type permissions, but what a specific user can do (like add programs, etc...)) using the terminal line? | 04:50 |
Fenderet | I have not seen it | 04:50 |
RedRose | | 04:50 |
Dark_pahnt0m | How do I install this f'in shell scriot? | 04:50 |
khermans | sean, is the MAC address of an Access Point (AP) ? | 04:50 |
Dark_pahnt0m | script* | 04:50 |
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khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, chmod +x foo.sh; ./foo.sh | 04:50 |
sean | khermans, yeah | 04:51 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, ./fkn_script.sh | 04:51 |
=== techrush [n=techrush@ip68-227-56-163.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | sean, are you authenticated with it? | 04:51 |
sean | khermans, i could be | 04:51 |
RedRose | bjm:my ip is .... but how do i make it so linux will auto find it? | 04:51 |
khermans | sean, well if it is encrypted, no IP will help you | 04:51 |
techrush | hey how can i do a dist-upgrade to dapper ? | 04:51 |
xakkkk | hey how can i get my screen's true refresh rate since i dont trust gnome | 04:51 |
khermans | RedRose, what is that IP? | 04:51 |
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RedRose | khermans: | 04:51 |
andrea_ | PROBLEM: i got alsa-utils but cant find alsaconf | 04:52 |
xakkkk | techrush hehe :) | 04:52 |
andrea_ | my pc with NO SOUND | 04:52 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Not permitted | 04:52 |
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sean | khermans, its not, but its my friends network and i wanna get his ip address, and he has a wireless router | 04:52 |
sean | khermans, how could i go about doing this | 04:52 |
khermans | techrush, sudo -i; sed 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list; aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade | 04:52 |
houman_zhu | hi there, i need a favour, can someone please do a "cat /etc/hosts" and tell me the output? i deleted my hosts file :S | 04:52 |
khermans | RedRose, what is that IP? | 04:52 |
bjm | RedRose, i think your dns should be | 04:52 |
bjm | DNS.INFLOW.PA.BO.COMCAST.NET = [ ] | 04:52 |
gazanfer | crimsun, thank you, problem is solved | 04:52 |
godman | http://pastebin.com/613711 | 04:52 |
khermans | sean, sniff his packets | 04:53 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, sudo ./fkn_script.sh | 04:53 |
RedRose | bjm:ok, but how do i set it so linux knows that? | 04:53 |
bjm | RedRose, edit /etc/resolv.conf | 04:54 |
khermans | RedRose, /etc/resolve.conf | 04:54 |
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bjm | RedRose, nameserver | 04:54 |
khermans | RedRose, make a line that says: nameserver or whatever you want | 04:54 |
sean | khermans, can't I do that w/ airsnort w/o having to connect to the AP | 04:54 |
bjm | RedRose, put that line in /etc/resolv.conf, save | 04:54 |
khermans | sean, sure it is better to do passive analysis | 04:54 |
bjm | RedRose, ping google.com | 04:55 |
RedRose | it got it! | 04:55 |
RedRose | ty guys | 04:55 |
khermans | RedRose, and always work for DNS servers | 04:55 |
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crimsun | godman: does muting 'External Amplifier' give you audible sound? | 04:55 |
Dark_pahnt0m | WHY do I not have permission in my own Home folder?? | 04:55 |
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bjm | she got it and quit... did the dns bomb her? | 04:55 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, type "id" | 04:55 |
houman_zhu | can someone tell me please what should be in my /etc/hosts file? i deleted the content by accident | 04:55 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, is your user listed? | 04:56 |
Dark_pahnt0m | my gid is 1000 | 04:56 |
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Dr_Fate | Every Ubunut for me does not turn on DMA on ALL the drives, specifically the ROMs | 04:56 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yes | 04:56 |
bjm | houman_zhu, google for /etc/hosts | 04:56 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, make sure id matches up with the permissions of the folder you want to access | 04:56 |
=== venox [n=luiz@200-181-181-138.ctame7016.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Dr_Fate | where is the ubunutu hdparm script? | 04:56 |
khermans | Dr_Fate, add DMA then | 04:56 |
godman | i dont see any options to mute external amplifier | 04:56 |
khermans | Dr_Fate, /etc/hdparm.conf | 04:56 |
venox | hey... I've connected my usb mouse and I want to use it instead the PS/2 one, what should I do? | 04:56 |
godman | i dont even see it mentiond | 04:57 |
houman_zhu | bjm: thanks | 04:57 |
bjm | houman_zhu, http://www.faqs.org/docs/securing/chap9sec95.html | 04:57 |
Dr_Fate | thats not the script that runs | 04:57 |
khermans | Dr_Fate, but it tells what to configure dude | 04:57 |
Dr_Fate | and it it is, it tries to enable DMA too soon for the drives | 04:57 |
khermans | Dr_Fate, try /etc/init.d/hdparm | 04:57 |
houman_zhu | bjm:i found one in google, hope it works, thanks | 04:57 |
Dark_pahnt0m | NOT the problem this file does nothing when I try using install | 04:57 |
Dr_Fate | khermans: dude, that was not what i asked, but thx | 04:57 |
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Madpilot | when you're compiling in Ubuntu, "./configure" doesn't have to be prefaced with sudo, right? | 04:58 |
babo | Hi, there | 04:58 |
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khermans | Dr_Fate, you asked where the hdparm script is! | 04:58 |
Dark_pahnt0m | when I do get install working it goes back too shell prompt liek it worled but no prompt no nothing in folvder | 04:58 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | worked* | 04:58 |
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khermans | Madpilot, ./configure is to make sure you have the necessary things available | 04:58 |
babo | there's an explanation here for installing lib32 on amd64. It says to install chroot and then ... " in /usr move default lib32 dir (from linux32) to lib32.local " ... I don't understand this bit ??? | 04:58 |
=== JulianoBastos [n=ubuntux@c-24-99-227-207.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Madpilot, you dont need sudo until make install | 04:59 |
io | How can i have console recognize my widescreen, instead of it cutting off text at the bottom of the screen and squashing it up at the top? | 04:59 |
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neurosis_ | i have a question... sorry, i come from freebsd so this escapes me a bit. is the hosts.deny file doing anything by default in unbuntu? | 04:59 |
Iceman | dang ubuntu does not find my old sound card .. | 04:59 |
khermans | Madpilot, or you don't ever need sudo if you install with --prefix=$HOME | 04:59 |
Madpilot | khermans, thanks - I'm a noob to compiling, I've finally found something not in repos that's interesting enough to warrent compiling | 04:59 |
=== Dark_pahnt0m sets mode +b twotonantony | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | lol j/k | 04:59 |
jayr168 | theres a pop up in the upper left side of kde telling me 'the kde window manager' how to turn that off? | 04:59 |
Madpilot | jayr168, switch to Gnome | 04:59 |
Madpilot | :P | 04:59 |
Dr_Fate | does anyone here know how to edit the /etc/init.d/hdparm so that DMA is set on for both drives at the appropriate time? | 05:00 |
Dark_pahnt0m | HOW do I instal;l this gay arse shell script? | 05:00 |
khermans | jayr168, or XFCE :-) | 05:00 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, is this cedega dude? | 05:00 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Install DOES NOT work at all | 05:00 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | YES | 05:00 |
=== oKtosiTe [n=oKtosiTe@ip5450f737.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
justin_ | help me! how to view ohter computer by lan and what is command | 05:00 |
Dark_pahnt0m | never been anything else | 05:00 |
Iceman | i got a anchient sound card ... but how to find a driver ... | 05:00 |
bimberi | !dma | 05:00 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, type -> less foo.sh | 05:00 |
Dark_pahnt0m | By throwing out that card & buying one | 05:00 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, see what the first line of the file says | 05:00 |
Iceman | justin view in what way ? | 05:00 |
jayr168 | but I want kde | 05:00 |
bimberi | !tell Dr_Fate about dma | 05:00 |
godman | its fixed thanks | 05:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | kh thast not a command | 05:01 |
jayr168 | this has just come up. it doesnt do this b4 | 05:01 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, hit 'q' to get out of less | 05:01 |
bjm | Dark_pahnt0m, less README or something. hopeless you are. | 05:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | either help or plz stfu thx, that foo.sh BS getting anoying | 05:01 |
godman | external amplifire was hidden thanks a bunch | 05:01 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, tell me if it is really a bash script | 05:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | SHELL script not bash | 05:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I said that many times | 05:01 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, well whatever | 05:01 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I said that many timesSHELL!! | 05:01 |
justin_ | our computer in a same net | 05:01 |
Iceman | anyone used a old aztec sound card ... ? how to find a driver ? | 05:01 |
=== sean__ [n=sean@cpe-66-68-101-226.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, give me ssh access ;-) | 05:01 |
bjm | somebody please do something with this guy | 05:02 |
benplaut | !dma | 05:02 |
redleader | hey this may be a very dumb quiestion, but does the ubuntu installer prompt me to enter a root pw? i'm sure that i either missed it, or it didnt ask me. | 05:02 |
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bimberi | !tell redleader about root | 05:02 |
Iceman | justin you can do a vnc connection ... fairly quick ... | 05:02 |
Dark_pahnt0m | kher you been nothing but useless anyone with a clue help me install a sh file (shell script) | 05:02 |
joehill | redleader, there is no root password. You use sudo instead of su. | 05:02 |
redleader | why thank you | 05:02 |
bjm | redleader, you don't have root active in ubuntu, until you wish to do so... | 05:02 |
comradevik | i have my drive set to rw but i can't change the permissions on it :/ | 05:02 |
bimberi | redleader: yw :) | 05:02 |
joehill | This confused me at first too. You do sudo and use your own password | 05:02 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, you're being stupid | 05:02 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, you cant even spell phantom | 05:03 |
redleader | im not new to linux, but i just installed ubuntu and im finding it a little odd | 05:03 |
redleader | ;) | 05:03 |
Dark_pahnt0m | kher foo.sh not a dir fie nor any other crap you given me a command | 05:03 |
Madpilot | !tell redleader about sudo | 05:03 |
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bjm | comradevik, tweak it in /etc/fstab? | 05:03 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, in any case, read what the shell file is doing and figure it out -- you got the source bro | 05:03 |
justin_ | i want to view other computer by ip address. | 05:03 |
=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
comradevik | bjm /dev/sda1 /media/MEDIA vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1 000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 0 | 05:03 |
comradevik | what shoudl i change | 05:03 |
saif | hello, how do i change the default file manager from nautilus to thunar? | 05:03 |
bjm | redleader, you can do a 'sudo passwd root' | 05:03 |
crimsun | godman: np | 05:03 |
bjm | redleader, to make root active | 05:03 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, foo is a meta-syntactic variable | 05:03 |
graft | hey anyone have firefox/flash issues on ubuntu? | 05:03 |
bjm | redleader, if that's what you want | 05:04 |
=== Crshman [n=chatzill@hacienda-heights-cuda2-70-36-141-84.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | graft, yes!!!! | 05:04 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I cant open it you it diot otherwise I would | 05:04 |
joehill | Ubuntu is not like many other distros in that regard--there is no real way to su, but you can do everything you need to do with sudo, which gives you root privileges without a real su session. | 05:04 |
graft | something like... firefox freezes when you close flash windows? | 05:04 |
khermans | graft, Flash is closed-source -- it sucks | 05:04 |
sean__ | what is a sniffer that comes with Ubuntu? | 05:04 |
Madpilot | bjm, that isn't needed or recommended... | 05:04 |
bjm | comradevik, is the uid *your* uid or gid? | 05:04 |
khermans | graft, i have that problem all the time -- ther eis no fix that i know of | 05:04 |
sean__ | nvm | 05:04 |
graft | argh | 05:04 |
comradevik | bjm no idea | 05:04 |
graft | up their ass with broken glass! | 05:04 |
redleader | so i take it sudo is to protect Joe Average linux user from himself? | 05:04 |
khermans | sean__, airsnort, dsniff, what kind ? | 05:04 |
bjm | Madpilot, he wanted root, i gave him root :) | 05:04 |
WoC | justin_, smbclient -I <ip> -L <computername> | 05:04 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yeah well my terminal says foo si not a command nor a dir or file | 05:04 |
joehill | Redletter, to do a su-like console, do sudo -s, I think | 05:04 |
Madpilot | Dark_pahnt0m, abusing people isn't likely to get you better help | 05:04 |
justin_ | thanks Woc | 05:04 |
joehill | er I mean redleader | 05:04 |
bjm | comradevik, cat /etc/passwd | 05:05 |
redleader | i knew who you meant | 05:05 |
redleader | ;) | 05:05 |
Dark_pahnt0m | mad u help me then this guy giving me every wrong awnser | 05:05 |
WoC | np | 05:05 |
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graft | this wasn't an issue a few releases back, tho... | 05:05 |
Iceman | how to set a sound driver up .. and to even find a old driver ? | 05:05 |
graft | i mean i never had freezes this often | 05:05 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, type: chmod 777 <yourfilenamehere> | 05:05 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I downlaoded a file cedega_installer.sh | 05:05 |
Dark_pahnt0m | a shell script | 05:05 |
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redleader | i'm going to rtfm so i avoid asking really silly questions that are already well documented | 05:05 |
redleader | but ill be lurking | 05:05 |
bjm | this Dark_pahnt0m guy is quite funny -- "foo si not a command nor a dir" hehe | 05:05 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I am in shell terminal how do I run it? | 05:05 |
joehill | redleader, well, it's like su but it makes you be a member of the admin group to do admin things instead of looging in as root. There is NO root password | 05:05 |
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Madpilot | dark_, I know zip about Cedega; personally, I only run Linux programs on Linux... | 05:05 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | BJM I paste you the error then | 05:05 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, chmod +x cedega_installer.sh; ./cedega_installer.sh | 05:05 |
Madpilot | redleader, did you see the msg from ubotu? | 05:06 |
Mischevious | compiling from source sucks. | 05:06 |
=== FENIX [n=master@53-188-114-200.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
FENIX | holaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 05:06 |
khermans | Mischevious, not always | 05:06 |
Iceman | how to turn on oss sound support ... | 05:06 |
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Mischevious | khermans, it depends if you get in dll hell or not | 05:06 |
comradevik | bjm what am i looking for | 05:06 |
khermans | Iceman, System -> Preferences -> Sound System | 05:06 |
Madpilot | Mischevious, it does - I've just been beating my head against a TomBoy plugin that won't compile... :P | 05:06 |
Dark_pahnt0m | not a file or directory | 05:06 |
comradevik | this? victor:x:1000:1000:victor,,,:/home/victor:/bin/bash | 05:07 |
io | ndiswrapper (NdisAllocateMemory:200): Windows driver allocating too big a block at DISPATCH_LEVEL: 156816 | 05:07 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I dont need permissions I need 2 install it DAMN | 05:07 |
Mischevious | Madpilot, can you describe tomboy, never heard of it. | 05:07 |
io | whats that mean? | 05:07 |
Iceman | khermans for oss sound driver ... not alsa | 05:07 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, type: ls | 05:07 |
khermans | do you see the file? | 05:07 |
redleader | yes, i have seen the message, and i'm rtfm right now. thanks for pardoning my noobishness | 05:07 |
=== hikaru [n=hikaru@cpe-071-068-072-039.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bjm | comradevik, your user's uid and gid... the one who you want to have rw access on the drive | 05:07 |
Dark_pahnt0m | yes cedega_installer | 05:07 |
Madpilot | Mischevious, it's a note-taking app, with linking between notes -a sort of mini-wiki idea. it's in Ubuntu's repos | 05:08 |
khermans | then: chmod +x cedega_installer; ./cedega_installer | 05:08 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I cant open it in editor btw | 05:08 |
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bjm | khermans, you're a very kind guy :) i salute you | 05:08 |
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khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, ls -al cedega_installer | 05:08 |
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Mischevious | Madpilot, i see. thanks | 05:08 |
Dark_pahnt0m | It says invalid file or directory, its on my desktop | 05:08 |
joehill | #ubuntu+1 | 05:08 |
joehill | oops. | 05:08 |
comradevik | bjm the thing is i can edit the files on the drive. i just can't change permissions | 05:08 |
Madpilot | !info tomboy | 05:08 |
babo | there's an explanation here for installing lib32 on amd64. It says to install chroot and then ... " in /usr move default lib32 dir (from linux32) to lib32.local " ... I don't understand this bit ??? | 05:08 |
ubotu | tomboy: (desktop note taking program using Wiki style links), section x11, is optional. Version: 0.3.2-9ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 141 kB, Installed size: 776 kB | 05:08 |
=== jbritz22 [n=jbritz22@207-195-69-119.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz22 | whats the alternative to the make command in ubuntu | 05:09 |
Mischevious | Madpilot, has dapper been delayed ? | 05:09 |
jbritz22 | the sudo make doesnt work for me | 05:09 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | drwxr-xr-x 2 quicken quicken 4096 2006-03-20 22:44 . | 05:09 |
Dark_pahnt0m | drwxr-xr-x 4 quicken quicken 4096 2006-03-20 22:44 .. | 05:09 |
Madpilot | Mischevious, yes - I think the new release date is June 1st | 05:09 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | thats what I got | 05:09 |
Mischevious | maddler, ahh .. | 05:09 |
bjm | comradevik, you can edit but you still want to change perms? how so? if you can edit, and i suppose by edit you mean you can write, then why do you need to change perms for? | 05:09 |
FlannelKing | Yep, June 1. | 05:09 |
frank23 | jbritz22: there is no alternative. did ./configure go well? | 05:09 |
Madpilot | jbritz22, do you have build-essential installed? | 05:09 |
tritium | tomboy would be nice if it had a LaTeX mode for taking math notes ;) | 05:09 |
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comradevik | bjm because apache gives me forbiden when i try to acces the drive through the web | 05:09 |
Madpilot | tritium, write a plugin for it :P | 05:09 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, im going to give you a command and you will cpy and paste it | 05:10 |
tritium | Madpilot: :) | 05:10 |
jayr168 | guys.. in KDE 3.4 theres always a pop-up that says 'the KDE window manager' it tells about window movement like 'activate' 'raise' 'desktop #' hot do I disable this? its kinda annoying | 05:10 |
Dark_pahnt0m | I been copy & pasting commands & fails | 05:10 |
bjm | comradevik, ah... apache can't recognize users via http. you need to configure apache, not your drive. | 05:10 |
bjm | comradevik, you have to allow it to read from http | 05:10 |
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bjm | comradevik, pls don't ask me how to configure apache, thanks :) | 05:11 |
comradevik | Order allow,deny | 05:11 |
comradevik | Allow from all | 05:11 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, here we go --> cd /tmp; wget http://downloads.transgaming.com/files/cedega_timedemo_installer; chmod +x cedega_timedemo_installer; sudo ./cedega_timedemo_installer | 05:11 |
Dark_pahnt0m | would this be easyer if I used KDE?? Gnome pissing me off | 05:11 |
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bjm | comradevik, allow from all i guess | 05:11 |
comradevik | lol | 05:11 |
comradevik | well thanks anyways | 05:11 |
bjm | comradevik, :) | 05:11 |
bjm | comradevik, no prob | 05:11 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, this has nothing to do with either | 05:11 |
=== comradevik runs to #apache | ||
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, copy the entire line i gave you | 05:11 |
jbritz22 | im installing build-essential right now | 05:11 |
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Dark_pahnt0m | It seems 2 be working now | 05:12 |
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khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, here we go --> cd /tmp && wget http://downloads.transgaming.com/files/cedega_timedemo_installer && chmod +x cedega_timedemo_installer && sudo ./cedega_timedemo_installer | 05:12 |
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frank23 | !tell jbritz22 about compile | 05:12 |
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jayr168 | guys.. in KDE 3.4 theres always a pop-up that says 'the KDE window manager' it tells about window movement like 'activate' 'raise' 'desktop #' hot do I disable this? its kinda annoying | 05:12 |
khermans | Dark_pahnt0m, ok you can thank me now | 05:12 |
Dark_pahnt0m | Now its installing the damn thing | 05:12 |
=== bjm salutes khermans :) | ||
Dark_pahnt0m | after so many comands F'ed up but thx | 05:13 |
khermans | hey i should get ops! | 05:13 |
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=== bjm votes khermans for op stat! | ||
khermans | that guy was a jerk...hehe | 05:13 |
WoC | khermans, you should get a medal ;] | 05:13 |
crxyem | anyone here familiar with lineakd ?? | 05:13 |
bjm | khermans well at least you made him leave | 05:13 |
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dli__ | xffm in ubuntu is so weird, there's no Main Menu | 05:13 |
khermans | bjm, i think he got it working | 05:13 |
Mischevious | damn abiword takes forever to compile | 05:14 |
=== na7e sets fire to random things! :) | ||
bjm | khermans, thanks to you | 05:14 |
khermans | Mischevious, hehe try openoffice! | 05:14 |
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Mischevious | khermans, no, i hate that program. | 05:14 |
bjm | Mischevious, doesn't it come in deb? | 05:14 |
khermans | Mischevious, really? i like it a lot | 05:14 |
Mischevious | khermans, i love abiword, just slow compile | 05:14 |
Mischevious | bjm, not the newest ver | 05:14 |
Mischevious | khermans, it loads wayyyy to slow for me. | 05:14 |
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dli__ | Mischevious, abiword: 13 minutes, 31 seconds for 3 merges | 05:14 |
bjm | Mischevious, ah... hard core abiworder you are | 05:14 |
khermans | Mischevious, does it have things like oodraw and oomath ? | 05:14 |
Mischevious | khermans, no i just use it for documents, like homework and legal stuff | 05:15 |
=== mad_phoenix [n=btimm@24-180-184-62.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
babo | My 32bit chroot environment can't find build-essentials ... I've followed the instrcutions on the wiki and copied sources.list into my chroot .. ??? help pls | 05:15 |
dli__ | Mischevious, which version? | 05:15 |
khermans | Mischevious, i use them all the time for UML diagrams and math equations | 05:15 |
=== na7e never noticed anything particularly special about abiword | ||
Mischevious | dli__, uhh. 2.14.03 or somrthing | 05:15 |
mad_phoenix | does anybody know what package is for general java development libs? i installed eclipse, but its having problems finding system.in (imported java.utils.*) | 05:15 |
Mischevious | na7e, i like how simple it is | 05:15 |
=== raven [n=raven@88-106-198-191.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
frank23 | babo: build-essential not essentials | 05:15 |
babo | I can do an apt-get update fine ... and I've got a ton of repositories in my list | 05:15 |
na7e | Mischevious, well, maybe i'll give it a shot again | 05:16 |
khermans | babo, sudo -i; sed 's/main restricted/main restricted universe multiverse/g' /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:16 |
raven | Can anyone help me get openGL working please | 05:16 |
dli__ | Mischevious, my 13 and half minute compiling time is for 2.2.11 | 05:16 |
Crshman | how do i refresh a DHCP nic from cli? | 05:16 |
tritium | Mischevious: why are you compiling abiword rather than installing the ubuntu package?? | 05:16 |
Mischevious | dli__, i see. | 05:16 |
raven | Is there somewhere i can download it? | 05:16 |
khermans | Crshman, dhclient eth1 ? | 05:16 |
Crshman | ok thnx | 05:16 |
Mischevious | dli__, mine just finished, dunno how long it took | 05:16 |
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dli__ | Mischevious, haven't tried 2.4 yet | 05:16 |
Mischevious | dli__, but i was also using checkinstall | 05:16 |
jayr168 | guys.. in KDE 3.4 theres always a pop-up that says 'the KDE window manager' it tells about window movement like 'activate' 'raise' 'desktop #' hot do I disable this? its kinda annoying | 05:16 |
bjm | tritium, Mischevious is a hardcore abiworder, don't intrude.. | 05:16 |
khermans | raven, do you have a good vid card? | 05:16 |
Mischevious | bjm, thanks for defending my honor | 05:16 |
Dr_Willis | jayr168, perhaps ask in #KDE - i cant recall seeing such a thing. | 05:17 |
raven | Nvidia FX5500 128mb | 05:17 |
khermans | jayr168, try #kubuntu | 05:17 |
dli__ | Mischevious, my building time is in gentoo | 05:17 |
bjm | Mischevious, maybe when you have it compiled, you can make a deb for us :) | 05:17 |
khermans | raven, you have the nvidia drivers installed? | 05:17 |
LinuxNIT | hey guys i have a program i want to start from an icon with "root" privilages. since ubntu uses sudo what command do i have the icon execute so it will ask for the sudo pw? | 05:17 |
Crshman | when dapper finally decides to come out, what will i have to do to update? will i have to reformat? | 05:17 |
raven | I think so, it flashes nvidia when i log in | 05:17 |
babo | frank23: cheers | 05:17 |
Mischevious | bjm, i just did, and it was supposed to but it failed, first time i ever had that happen | 05:17 |
tritium | bjm: the question is not intrusive. I wanted to make sure he's aware the package exists. | 05:17 |
dli__ | bjm, you shouldn't use a .deb from checkinstall by others, make your own | 05:17 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | LinuxNIT: gksudo | 05:17 |
jayr168 | how about a screenshot? | 05:17 |
LinuxNIT | oh lol | 05:17 |
LinuxNIT | thnaks | 05:17 |
Mischevious | bjm, it instaleld fine, but the .deb creation failed | 05:18 |
khermans | LinuxNIT, gksudo ? | 05:18 |
bimberi | LinuxNIT: gksudo command | 05:18 |
babo | Khermas: I think it was a typo, thanks anyway :-) | 05:18 |
LinuxNIT | thanks guys | 05:18 |
LinuxNIT | i didnt know there was a gksudo | 05:18 |
khermans | raven, glx-config enable | 05:18 |
LinuxNIT | lol | 05:18 |
khermans | ? | 05:18 |
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raven | do i type that into the terminal? | 05:18 |
Mischevious | YAY, i had upgraded because the spell check wasn't working | 05:18 |
Mischevious | but now it is, YAY. so happy ;-D | 05:18 |
bjm | tritium, he said *page up* that he wants thee latest :) | 05:18 |
Mischevious | how do i inform a developer | 05:18 |
benkillin | how do I instantly erace all my disks in a secure manner with one command | 05:18 |
Mischevious | that the packaged ubuntu abiword | 05:18 |
Mischevious | is broken | 05:18 |
Mischevious | ? | 05:19 |
khermans | Mischevious, bugzilla.ubuntu.com | 05:19 |
Mischevious | khermans, thank you | 05:19 |
tritium | benkillin: easiest is to download dban, burn it to cd, boot from it... | 05:19 |
Crshman | when dapper finally decides to come out, what will i have to do to update? will i have to reformat? | 05:19 |
bimberi | !bugzilla | 05:19 |
ubotu | Ubuntu's bugzilla ( http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com ) is now closed to new bugs. The new bugtracker is at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 05:19 |
Mischevious | :-( | 05:19 |
Dr_Willis | instantly. :P | 05:19 |
tritium | Crshman: no reformatting. Simply dist-upgrading. Don't worry, instructions will be provided. | 05:19 |
khermans | Crshman, nope | 05:19 |
=== Toma- [n=lin4me@203-59-207-250.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
raven | khermans, what do i have to do? | 05:20 |
dli__ | xfce4-panel crashes too often :( any known issues or fixes? | 05:20 |
Crshman | o ok cool, also any ppl use wpa on breezy in here? | 05:20 |
benkillin | use icewm | 05:20 |
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Toma- | anyone use badram patch? | 05:20 |
khermans | raven, sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 05:20 |
khermans | in a terminal | 05:20 |
raven | khermans, ty | 05:20 |
jbritz22 | hey mischevious\ | 05:20 |
dli__ | Toma-, can you just buy new ram? | 05:20 |
khermans | raven, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 05:20 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, hi | 05:20 |
Toma- | dli__: erm. no? | 05:21 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious the host thing worked | 05:21 |
Mischevious | hmm, does anyone know how i set the default front for abiword, permanently ????? | 05:21 |
dli__ | Toma-, that's much better | 05:21 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, glad to hear it man! :-D | 05:21 |
Toma- | dli__: ive got it compiled, and know the sectors, but dont know how many badram= options i can pass | 05:21 |
jbritz22 | wanna help get my wireless going now? lol | 05:21 |
wastrel | how do i associate a file extension with an application in gnome and/or openoffice? | 05:21 |
khermans | Mischevious, http://www.crazy-wormhole.com/AlinaMeridon/AbiWord/abidocs/howto/howtonormaltemplate.html | 05:21 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, i have never used wireless, and i'm not an expert man sorry... i wouldn't be much help if you ask outloud here they might be able to help also read this. | 05:21 |
Mischevious | khermans, thank you so much | 05:22 |
_jason | wastrel: can you be more specific? | 05:22 |
Mischevious | !wireless | 05:22 |
ubotu | I guess wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers | 05:22 |
khermans | Mischevious, thank google :-) | 05:22 |
Mischevious | read that jbritz22 | 05:22 |
=== Toxygene [n=Toxygene@ppp-70-227-236-224.dsl.euclwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crshman | any ppl use wpa on breezy in here? | 05:22 |
khermans | Crshman, heh never! | 05:22 |
dli__ | Toma-, memtest86 has instructions | 05:22 |
na7e | i've been up for like30 hours now...i kinda feel crazy and i think i'm half-hallucinating | 05:22 |
khermans | Crshman, you need wpasupplicant thought to try | 05:22 |
bimberi | !wpa | 05:22 |
ubotu | wpa is, like, enable the universe repository, then "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant". See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto for more details | 05:22 |
khermans | na7e, i know the feeling | 05:23 |
Crshman | i've tried to read the howto's but wow lol...wpa support is quite sketchy.... | 05:23 |
khermans | na7e, its like a drug | 05:23 |
khermans | Crshman, why do you need it? | 05:23 |
khermans | Crshman, not everyone has it on their wireless cards | 05:23 |
wastrel | _jason: i want to double-click on .pml files in nautilus and have them open in pymol. similarly, i want to be able to link to pymol session .pse files from openoffice presentations. | 05:23 |
Toxygene | Hey, I'm trying to load up the Ubuntu 5.10 live cd and when Xorg tries to start, it crashes with "(EE) No devices detected." | 05:23 |
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Crshman | my network is wpa | 05:23 |
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khermans | wastrel, right-click, open-with | 05:23 |
khermans | wastrel, or go to properties and change it | 05:23 |
na7e | Crshman, wpa support has seemed sketchy to me too | 05:23 |
Toma- | dli__: yeh, i have all the memtest codes, but there were 10 errors, not just 1 | 05:23 |
_jason | wastrel: does what khermans suggested work? | 05:24 |
tritium | Toxygene: have you checked your /var/log/Xorg.0.log for more detail? | 05:24 |
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na7e | khermans, but maybe i always hallucinate and feel weird.....i dunno | 05:24 |
na7e | khermans, where am i? ;) | 05:24 |
khermans | Crshman, well -- either go through the hassle of setting it up, or reconsider why you need WPA | 05:24 |
dli__ | Toma-, memtest86 gives you the format for badram | 05:24 |
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Toxygene | (WW) ATI: PCI Mach64 in slot 1:0:0 could not be detected! | 05:24 |
Mischevious | khermans, worked perfectly, thank you | 05:24 |
Toxygene | that's it | 05:24 |
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wastrel | khermans, _jason it doesn't associate the file extension with the application, just allows me to right-click in the future and select pymol from a list. | 05:24 |
Crshman | it's more secure than wep, and i don't need to remember wep keys | 05:24 |
bimberi | !tell wastrel about defaultapp | 05:24 |
Toma- | dli__: yeh. ive got that. but it produced 10 different good,bad values | 05:25 |
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tritium | Toxygene: was it auto-detected? have you run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"? | 05:25 |
khermans | wastrel, right-click properties -- then select the app asd the default | 05:25 |
Toxygene | tritium: tried that too, with no luck | 05:25 |
khermans | Crshman, wpa can be cracked too | 05:25 |
Crshman | will wep passphrases work with networkmanager? | 05:25 |
khermans | Crshman, yes | 05:25 |
Crshman | i believe it, anything can be | 05:25 |
Crshman | ok well i'll try that then thnx | 05:26 |
wastrel | yes it's working in nautilus thanks - any ideas on getting ooffice to recognize it? | 05:26 |
khermans | Crshman, but dude -- wpa is overkill for most people anyways -- what are you trying to accomplsih? | 05:26 |
frank23 | khermans: wpa is cracked? I didn't know that | 05:26 |
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michael117 | I am having an issue with sound only working with XMMS and system sounds and no other programs such as VLC, totem, or even music from flash on websites. How could I fix this? | 05:26 |
khermans | frank23, of course! | 05:26 |
godman | can someone help me i CANT get MY wirless modem to work | 05:26 |
dli__ | Toma-, if you have read the memtest86 docs, you can supply them to the kernel command line | 05:26 |
Crshman | khermans: i just don't like to remember a 128bit wep key lol | 05:26 |
frank23 | khermans: what about wpa2? | 05:26 |
Crshman | khermans: but if passphrases work then i'll give it a go | 05:26 |
khermans | frank23, maybe not ... | 05:26 |
majd | is there a package to easily install gimpshop? | 05:26 |
khermans | Crshman, i dont see why people use WEP at all -- i dont | 05:27 |
tritium | frank23: yes, even wpa2 | 05:27 |
khermans | Crshman, any secure protocol should be protection enough | 05:27 |
Crshman | khermans: i don't like to give away bandwidth | 05:27 |
khermans | Crshman, then do a MAC address filter | 05:27 |
frank23 | tritium: so there is no secure wireless protocol right now? | 05:27 |
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tritium | MAC filtering is _easily_ spoofed | 05:27 |
khermans | Crshman, WEP/WPA have nothing to do with blocking peopel from your network | 05:27 |
Crshman | too many mac changes, i would have to update a lot | 05:27 |
Crshman | i know, but it prevents them from connecting easily | 05:28 |
tritium | frank23: brute force methods to crack wpa take some time | 05:28 |
khermans | frank23, there is no 100% secure wired protocol either :-) | 05:28 |
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tritium | MAC addresses can be determined by simply sniffing packets | 05:28 |
khermans | tritium, and the guy who knows how to do that wont know how to crack WPA? | 05:28 |
frank23 | khermans: well if you see all the wires in front of you.... the neighbours are not connected | 05:28 |
IamEthos | is there something specific I have to do to recognize a partition as ext3 in linux? | 05:28 |
tritium | khermans: hmm? | 05:29 |
IamEthos | particularly a partition on a USB hard drive | 05:29 |
=== VR` [n=vr@31-107.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Crshman | IamEthos, mount it? | 05:29 |
khermans | all im saying is that if a guy knows how to spoof his MAC and sniff your wireless, he probably know more | 05:29 |
bjm | IamEthos, cat /etc/fstab? | 05:29 |
jayr168 | http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=1683906264441f808a7ec03&p=screen | 05:29 |
tritium | khermans: well, he at least knows how to "sudo apt-get install aircrack" | 05:29 |
bjm | ah yes mount it first | 05:29 |
jayr168 | how can I get rid of that upper left screenshot? | 05:29 |
Crshman | very true, but an average user can just click connect and connect to an unsecured wireless network, assuming that i cannot update and maintain mac address lists | 05:29 |
jbritz22 | hey how acn I disable "use 4k stacks" in my kernel | 05:30 |
khermans | tritium, if someone really wants to get on your network, they will dude | 05:30 |
khermans | Crshman, not with mac filtering! | 05:30 |
wastrel | mmm working now happy | 05:30 |
Crshman | khermans: again, i cannot update and maintain the mac list | 05:30 |
khermans | Crshman, and set not to broadcast your SSID if you want too | 05:30 |
tritium | khermans: not sure why you think we're arguing | 05:30 |
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IamEthos | Crshman: I'm a windows user, I know next to nothing about Linux | 05:30 |
khermans | tritium, arguing? | 05:30 |
Crshman | no one is arguing | 05:30 |
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wastrel | yeah i have my ssid not broadcasting, but you can still sniff it can't you? | 05:30 |
IamEthos | I'm currently downloading Ubuntu live, but I'm having the problem in Knoppix | 05:31 |
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khermans | wastrel, sure | 05:31 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, whats the problem | 05:31 |
Crshman | IamEthos: in the command line thingy type man mount and read up | 05:31 |
IamEthos | the partition shows up on my desktop | 05:31 |
khermans | wastrel, even if you have WPA, i cam come to your house and get on -- guaranteed | 05:31 |
Crshman | IamEthos: i forgot the specific command sorry | 05:31 |
IcemanV9 | jayr168: never use KDE, but maybe there is an option to turn it off?? | 05:31 |
IamEthos | and when I double click it, I think it mounts it... | 05:31 |
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IamEthos | but I've not sure | 05:31 |
godman | boy i sure wish i new how to use my wirless on ubuntu | 05:31 |
bjm | IamEthos, if it's a usb drive, it's probably vfat | 05:31 |
tritium | godman: which wireless chipset? | 05:32 |
IamEthos | it's actually an IDE hard drive inside a USB enclosure | 05:32 |
IamEthos | and I partitioned the drive as ext3 in partition magic | 05:32 |
Crshman | j/w is it easier to make the kind of installer that dapper uses (and gentoo for that matter) as opposed to the one fedora uses? | 05:32 |
khermans | http://www.informit.com/articles/article.asp?p=369221&rl=1 | 05:32 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, whats the problem .. | 05:32 |
bjm | IamEthos, and you want to make sure if it's really ext3? | 05:32 |
wastrel | khermans: i don't doubt it, i only have a 40bit key | 05:32 |
Crshman | fedora = install off boot, dapper = install in live | 05:33 |
khermans | wastrel, yeah in less than 10 minutes then | 05:33 |
IamEthos | bjm: yeah. well, using it would be nice too | 05:33 |
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Mischevious | Crshman, dapper installs off a live-cd ? | 05:33 |
IamEthos | Mischevious: I ran partition magic, created the partitions with no trouble | 05:33 |
wastrel | that's why i use ssh | 05:33 |
khermans | Mischevious, yes it will | 05:33 |
Crshman | Mischevious: yes, i tried the latest | 05:33 |
IamEthos | says everything went fine | 05:33 |
bjm | IamEthos, you don't have to make it ext3 to use it. mount it rw and use it. i recommend vfat if you use that between win32 and linux | 05:33 |
khermans | IamEthos, no need for Partition Magic, use gparted | 05:33 |
Mischevious | cool | 05:33 |
IamEthos | yet when I click on the drive in knoppix it still won't let me right to it | 05:33 |
jayr168 | hoe to turn that off? | 05:33 |
Mischevious | khermans, he was on windows | 05:33 |
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tritium | wastrel: that still doesn't protect someone from stealing your bandwidth, though | 05:34 |
godman | vendor Broadcom Corporation device BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g | 05:34 |
IamEthos | !ext3 | 05:34 |
khermans | Mischevious, well i mean if you dont want to buy it, boot from Ubuntu and use gparted | 05:34 |
ubotu | ext3 is, like, a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/wrote from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org | 05:34 |
Mischevious | khermans, or pirate it | 05:34 |
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khermans | Mischevious, thats the reason Linux doesnt spread -- people pirate all their apps... | 05:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | read/wrote from? o_0 | 05:34 |
tritium | godman: that will be supported in dapper. Have you tried ndiswrapper in breezy?? | 05:34 |
wastrel | tritium: well they'd probably just use my neighbor, who has a faster pipe and an open network :] | 05:34 |
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zF^2 | If uname -a reports I'm using the 686 kernel why did apt-get dist-upgrade also download the 386 kernel? | 05:34 |
tritium | wastrel: path of least resistance, yeah ;) | 05:35 |
khermans | zF^2, because you have not purged the old copy | 05:35 |
bjm | bye guys have to work | 05:35 |
zF^2 | khermans, that's right. Makes perfect sense, thanks. | 05:35 |
khermans | zF^2, aptitude purge linux-386 | 05:35 |
Mischevious | khermans, true no need for open source when you get closed source for free | 05:35 |
Mischevious | khermans, but i prefer open soruce | 05:35 |
godman | i dont know where to get the drivers so i havent even bothered to download nidiswrapper. | 05:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ubotu: forget ext3 | 05:35 |
ubotu | Kamping_Kaiser: i forgot ext3 | 05:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ubotu: ext3 is a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/writen from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org | 05:36 |
zF | didn't realize I had this window open -.- | 05:36 |
ubotu | okay, Kamping_Kaiser | 05:36 |
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khermans | Mischevious, yes -- microsoft loves thieves like that -- prevent them from switching to something free and better :-) | 05:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !ext3 | 05:36 |
ubotu | hmm... ext3 is a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/writen from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org | 05:36 |
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michael117 | I am having an issue with sound only working with XMMS and system sounds and no other programs such as VLC, totem, or even music from flash on websites. How could I fix this? | 05:36 |
godman | i think im running dapper | 05:36 |
Kamping_Kaiser | should thtat have 2 ts in written? ;S | 05:36 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | damn. | 05:36 |
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Mischevious | khermans, yea | 05:36 |
IcemanV9 | lol, Kamping_Kaiser | 05:36 |
tritium | godman: what does lsb_release -a tell you? | 05:37 |
CarlFK | "location of the directory of C header files that match your running kernel?" - is that /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.12-9 ? | 05:37 |
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IamEthos | okay | 05:37 |
Crshman | here's a random one, anyone know how to get remaining time to work on a toshiba laptop? i can't find it anywhere | 05:37 |
IamEthos | using the fs-driver.org software | 05:37 |
IamEthos | I can access the ext3 partition in windows | 05:37 |
godman | No LSB modules are available. | 05:37 |
godman | Distributor ID: Ubuntu | 05:37 |
godman | Description: Ubuntu (The Dapper Drake Release) Development Branch | 05:37 |
godman | Release: 6.04 | 05:37 |
godman | Codename: dapper | 05:37 |
khermans | Crshman, you mean battery time left? | 05:37 |
Crshman | yes sir | 05:37 |
tritium | godman: don't paste, okay? | 05:37 |
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godman | sorry | 05:38 |
khermans | khermans, you can't add the Gnome Panel Battery status indicator? | 05:38 |
interferon | can anyone recommend a good linux program for creating imagemaps? | 05:38 |
Mischevious | whats an image map | 05:38 |
Mischevious | ? | 05:38 |
jbritz22 | why do I get a network is unreachable error when I ping? | 05:38 |
tritium | CarlFK: you installed linux-headers-$(uname -r) ? | 05:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !ext3 | 05:38 |
ubotu | somebody said ext3 was a filesystem that Linux can be installed on and can be read/written from Windows via http://www.fs-driver.org | 05:38 |
Crshman | khermans: yup | 05:38 |
khermans | interferon, emacs and knowledge of HTML ... hehe | 05:38 |
CarlFK | tritium: yes | 05:38 |
zF | This leads me to my second question on the linux kernel images. Do I need the base "linux-image-686" for the "linux-image-2.6.15-19-686" kernel to run correctly? Or can I purge the linux-image-686 file. | 05:38 |
Kamping_Kaiser | better! (only took 4 tries) | 05:38 |
interferon | Mischevious, an image used on the web where different regions trigger different links | 05:38 |
Mischevious | interferon, oh i see, maybe inkscape ? | 05:39 |
Mischevious | interferon, or the gimp | 05:39 |
IamEthos | Mischevious: A blind users worst nightmare | 05:39 |
tritium | zF: you want linux-686 to ensure that you have restricted modules, et | 05:39 |
Mischevious | IamEthos, lol | 05:39 |
khermans | zF, don't purge that | 05:39 |
zF | khermans, okay - was just curious. Why is there a "base" image for the more specified? | 05:39 |
khermans | zF, it is like a meta package | 05:39 |
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zF | Ah, okay. | 05:39 |
IamEthos | image maps don't get the standards guys over in #web too excited (at least not in a good way...) | 05:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you don't need to install linux-*86 - it's a meta package for the latest kernel | 05:40 |
khermans | yeah, dont use image maps if you can help it | 05:40 |
CarlFK | interferon: http://registry.gimp.org/plugin?id=409 | 05:40 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | IIRC | 05:40 |
tritium | CarlFK: there should be a /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build symlink to the dir you're looking for | 05:40 |
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zF | This leads me to my final question for the current moment. How do I view .ppt (Power Point) files with Ubuntu? | 05:40 |
Crshman | what apps are there to archive dvd's in ubuntu? | 05:40 |
khermans | zF, ooimpress my.ppt | 05:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | openoffice impress | 05:40 |
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khermans | Crshman, k3b | 05:40 |
tritium | Kamping_Kaiser: not just the kernel, but also linux-restricted-modules. He wants that too... | 05:40 |
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seekr | hi, all. | 05:41 |
Crshman | khermans: cool thnx, wow...u knoe like everything haha | 05:41 |
khermans | Crshman, or gnomebaker | 05:41 |
=== IcemanV9 wonders if there is one for ufs(2) file system where you can read/write from windows?? | ||
IamEthos | can someone help me understand how a linux server using an ext3 partition for example can serve files to a Windows machine | 05:41 |
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zF | khermans, you've been very helpful. People like you make this channel worthwhile for asking questions. :] | 05:41 |
IamEthos | I've never really understood that | 05:41 |
mikebot | hi, i relaly need a symbol font that works in ubuntu, does anyone know where i canf ind one? | 05:41 |
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mikebot | 9things like the therefore sign, and all the logical operators, etc.) | 05:41 |
khermans | zF, thanks dude :-) | 05:41 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | IamEthos: using samba | 05:42 |
graft | mikebot: install msttcorefonts... | 05:42 |
seekr | just burned a dvd with ubuntu and have booted in live mode for the first time - have a stupid newbie question | 05:42 |
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graft | or does that not have symbol? | 05:42 |
mikebot | graft, apt-get install msttcorefonts? | 05:42 |
IamEthos | samba? | 05:42 |
Mischevious | seekr, go for it | 05:42 |
mikebot | i don't know | 05:42 |
khermans | seekr, ya? | 05:42 |
graft | mikebot: yeah | 05:42 |
graft | that has 'webdings' | 05:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | IamEthos: it's a linux implementation of the file sharing protocol used by Windows | 05:42 |
seekr | i read somewhere that it's supposed to set root as the initial user or some such | 05:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | seekr: no root | 05:42 |
Mischevious | seekr, no it doesn't | 05:43 |
mikebot | graft, thanks | 05:43 |
seekr | i'd like to mount some existing filesystems, and need to be root | 05:43 |
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Mischevious | ubotu: tell seekr about root | 05:43 |
Mischevious | seekr, use sudo. | 05:43 |
seekr | oh - yeah something about sudo | 05:43 |
khermans | seekr, sudo -i | 05:43 |
mikebot | does it have the turnstyle and stuff? | 05:43 |
seekr | right - is there a root passwd? | 05:43 |
khermans | seekr, no | 05:43 |
Mischevious | seekr, your pass = root pass | 05:43 |
tritium | seekr: read the URL from ubotu | 05:43 |
Mischevious | seekr, use sudo. | 05:43 |
graft | turnstyle? | 05:43 |
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tritium | no, there is no root password unless you set it | 05:43 |
seekr | which URL, tritium? | 05:43 |
mikebot | looks like '|-' means proves that | 05:44 |
Mischevious | tritium, true, but his user pass is sort of the root pass since sudo .. | 05:44 |
tritium | !root | 05:44 |
ubotu | By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 05:44 |
tritium | seekr: ^ | 05:44 |
tritium | Mischevious: I know what you mean | 05:44 |
seekr | i assume i can use "passwd" to set a root passwd using sudo and then log in as root | 05:44 |
Mischevious | oh well i tried to help :-( | 05:44 |
Mischevious | sorry | 05:44 |
khermans | seekr, yeah bot not recommended | 05:44 |
tritium | Mischevious: you did | 05:44 |
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seekr | thanks, utotu. will do. | 05:44 |
graft | mikebot: oh... you want math symbols orsomething? | 05:44 |
Mischevious | yay :-D | 05:44 |
jbritz33 | i missed it | 05:44 |
khermans | seekr, just use sudo -i when you need it | 05:44 |
=== tritium high-fives Mischevious | ||
mikebot | yes | 05:44 |
graft | do you know tex? | 05:44 |
mikebot | graft, yes | 05:44 |
=== Mischevious yeaa | ||
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mikebot | graft, tex? | 05:45 |
mikebot | no | 05:45 |
graft | that's really probably the way to go | 05:45 |
Mischevious | i love ubuntu | 05:45 |
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graft | LaTeX | 05:45 |
jbritz33 | khermans can you think of a solution to my prob | 05:45 |
tritium | mikebot: even better, LaTeX :) | 05:45 |
Mischevious | i wonder why i didn't use it years ago. | 05:45 |
mikebot | what is LaTeX? | 05:45 |
khermans | jbritz22, what is it? | 05:45 |
Mischevious | !latex | 05:45 |
ubotu | Mischevious: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:45 |
Mischevious | hmm somone should add that | 05:45 |
_playmun | How do I make Ubuntu not lock when I close my laptop screen? | 05:45 |
tritium | mikebot: http://www.latex-project.org | 05:45 |
Fujitsu | Mischevious, perhaps because it's only been around less than two years? :P | 05:45 |
bimberi | Mischevious: it's only been around since October '04 :) | 05:45 |
mikebot | thanks | 05:45 |
graft | um... it's a layout/editing software | 05:45 |
atoponce | question | 05:45 |
IcemanV9 | Mischevious: it wasn't there years ago :) | 05:45 |
Mischevious | bimberi, oh... well you know. | 05:45 |
seekr | wow - there's just too much traffic in this channel (newish to irc also) - both good and not so good, i guess. | 05:45 |
bimberi | Mischevious: i do :) | 05:45 |
Mischevious | bimberi, linux in gen, but especially ubuntu | 05:45 |
mikebot | ..i just want a font | 05:46 |
jbritz33 | khermans I can find like 3 wireless access points,routers whatever you wanna call them, but whenever I select one ESSID, it says network unreachable whenever I try to ping | 05:46 |
graft | in ubuntu you can do apt-get install tetex | 05:46 |
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atoponce | is it possible to implement RAID on an external drive plugged in via usb after ubuntu is already installed? | 05:46 |
tritium | mikebot: the de-facto standard for scientific publishing (superb mathematics typesetting), used by many universities for dissertations | 05:46 |
khermans | jbritz22, are these protected networks | 05:46 |
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mikebot | tritium, ah, okay, how do i install it, and can i stop this msttcorefonts thing? | 05:46 |
jbritz33 | no, and if they are, i have the right wep keys in | 05:46 |
tritium | mikebot: there is a learning curve, however | 05:46 |
graft | mikebot: yeah, that's not going to have math symbols | 05:46 |
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atoponce | any ideas? | 05:47 |
khermans | jbritz22, type -> ifconfig eth1 or whatever to see your IP | 05:47 |
graft | the math stuff in latex is reasonably simple... and there's WYSIWYG latex editors | 05:47 |
khermans | jbritz22, it might be possible that the DHCP server is not giving you an IP | 05:47 |
Mischevious | !abiword | 05:47 |
ubotu | it has been said that abiword is a Gnome/GTK based word processor for more information goto: http://www.abisource.com/information/about/ | 05:47 |
graft | install um... lyx | 05:47 |
tritium | mikebot: read the Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX2e, and if you're up for it, give it a try. | 05:47 |
Mischevious | how do i add a fact to ubotu ? | 05:47 |
jbritz33 | ifconfig? | 05:47 |
jbritz33 | ok | 05:47 |
jbritz33 | ill try it out | 05:47 |
Eleaf | Is there any way to tunnel a ftp request through say port 23 instead of 21 ? | 05:48 |
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mikebot | i gotta turn in an exam tomorrow, don't relaly have time to read that | 05:48 |
khermans | jbritz22, interface configuration | 05:48 |
bimberi | ubotu tell Mischevious about yourself | 05:48 |
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bobcat | hello everyone... has anyone run into issues with qtparted. i just bought this labtop loaded with Windows, and i am trying to resize the NTFS partition, and it spits out this message that - opening dev/sda2 as NTFS failed operation not supported???? | 05:48 |
mikebot | can i just import symbols into openoffice? | 05:48 |
graft | mikebot: install lyx and see if that works | 05:48 |
mikebot | or do i have to write the whole thign in that | 05:48 |
khermans | Eleaf, yes | 05:48 |
mikebot | lyx? | 05:48 |
seekr | uhhhh - this is strange - can't get a login prompt - if i try to ^d out, i just get another prompt - guess i need to rtfm | 05:48 |
mikebot | apt-get install lyx? | 05:48 |
graft | yeah, it's a latex-based wysyiwyg editor | 05:48 |
tritium | mikebot: I don't advise trying to learn LaTeX in one night. | 05:48 |
Eleaf | khermans, how? I'm needing for this to happen | 05:48 |
_playmun | I close laptop, screen locks when I open it... I loke the security, how do I turn it off? | 05:48 |
mikebot | tritium, i don't want to learn it, i just need symbols | 05:48 |
mikebot | a font would be easier | 05:49 |
khermans | Eleaf, is the server running on port 23? | 05:49 |
tritium | mikebot: you can't just use it's symbols in other apps | 05:49 |
Eleaf | khermans, huh? | 05:49 |
khermans | _playmun, lid.sh | 05:49 |
Eleaf | khermans, well. port 23 is open if that's what you mean. | 05:49 |
mikebot | what is lyx, and how can i install latex? | 05:49 |
tritium | mikebot: do you understand that you can't use it's symbols in other apps? | 05:49 |
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khermans | Eleaf, you need to find the ftp option to connect on port 23 | 05:49 |
graft | mikebot: the easiest thing to do is probably steal fonts from your windows installation, if you're willing to do that... | 05:49 |
jbritz33 | khermans I get link encap, inet addre, inet 6 addre etc etc | 05:49 |
Eleaf | khermans, in the ftp server? | 05:49 |
khermans | jbritz22, so no IP? | 05:49 |
jbritz33 | wait | 05:49 |
jbritz33 | i think | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | its working | 05:50 |
khermans | Eleaf, on the client | 05:50 |
mikebot | tritium, yes | 05:50 |
Eleaf | khermans, ok, do I need to configure it on the server? | 05:50 |
Mischevious | ubotu latex is LaTeX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. See http://www.latex-project.org/ for more info | 05:50 |
ubotu | I think you lost me on that one, Mischevious | 05:50 |
tritium | mikebot: if you want to learn latex, ask me sometime when you have more than one night to learn and hand in an exam | 05:50 |
khermans | Eleaf, wait -- you want the client to connect on 23 or the server to listen on 23? | 05:50 |
mikebot | tritium, okay | 05:50 |
Eleaf | khermans, both I suppose | 05:50 |
mikebot | but i stil need a solution for tonight | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | SWEEET | 05:50 |
tritium | nice work, mikebot | 05:50 |
Eleaf | khermans, don't you need both using the same port? | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | ITS WORKING HALLEJUAH | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | thank you everyone | 05:50 |
tritium | uh, Mischevious, rather | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | so much | 05:50 |
khermans | Eleaf, go to your FTP server's config file and tell it port 23 | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | *hugs* | 05:50 |
Mischevious | ubotu <latex> <is LaTeX is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. See http://www.latex-project.org/ for more info> | 05:50 |
ubotu | Mischevious: okay | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | see ya ina bit | 05:50 |
jbritz33 | gotta transfer comps etc | 05:50 |
Mischevious | !latex | 05:50 |
ubotu | parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mischevious | 05:51 |
Mischevious | hmm.. wtf | 05:51 |
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Mischevious | damn it | 05:51 |
mikebot | tritium, hha | 05:51 |
GigaClon | !<latex> | 05:51 |
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ubotu | Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, GigaClon | 05:51 |
tritium | Mischevious: try in a private query with ubotu if you don't mind | 05:51 |
_playmun | khermans; what should i do to lid.sh? | 05:51 |
khermans | _playmun, /etc/acpi/lid.sh | 05:51 |
Mischevious | tritium, okay sorry | 05:51 |
seekr | tnx for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo url, ubotu - i think that page has all i need | 05:51 |
Eleaf | khermans, ok did that. I'm using the python module ftplib to connect to the ftp server. | 05:51 |
mikebot | is there a terminal command for installing latex? | 05:51 |
khermans | get rid of the line that locks it, i forget the line | 05:51 |
atoponce | i would love to implement raid if anyone has any ideas | 05:52 |
_playmun | khermans; how should i edit it though? | 05:52 |
graft | mikebot: apt-get install tetex-base | 05:52 |
tritium | no worries, Mischevious :) | 05:52 |
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seekr | gotta run - thanks much, all | 05:52 |
khermans | _playmun, or just do this -> sudo mv lid.sh lid.sh.orig | 05:52 |
neurosis_ | when ubuntu goes through the hosts.allow and hosts.deny file, does it hit the allow first and then filter to the deny? | 05:52 |
Eleaf | I think deny first then allow | 05:52 |
_playmun | so I just delete the file to a safe backup? | 05:52 |
bimberi | Mischevious: can i /msg you (regarding ubotu)? | 05:52 |
neurosis_ | hrm | 05:52 |
khermans | Eleaf, then check the API for how to specify port 23 on the connection, it is probably the second argument | 05:52 |
mikebot | graft, thanks, is that latex? | 05:52 |
Mischevious | bimberi, okay | 05:53 |
Eleaf | mmk, thanks khermans | 05:53 |
graft | yeah... it's a latex implementation | 05:53 |
neurosis_ | so how do you wrap say sshd? | 05:53 |
graft | there's more than one version of latex out there, at this point | 05:53 |
mikebot | ah | 05:53 |
tritium | mikebot: if you still decide to install latex, I recommend tetex-base, tetex-extra, and tetex-doc, and then you can use texdoctk to read documentation. Again, prepare for a learning curve. | 05:53 |
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mikebot | tritium, okay, thanks | 05:53 |
babo | I can't believe that it's this difficult to install skype on amd64. Skype are so a bunch of incompetent a*****es ... So basically I've installed a 32bit chroot, installed the skype .deb and the skype hijacker and now I'm getting .... _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6000: Name or service not known | 05:53 |
babo | ... help ... | 05:53 |
graft | there's good tutorials on the math stuff on the net | 05:53 |
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graft | stick with the basics and it's reasonably simple... | 05:53 |
_jason | tritium, mikebot: you may need tetex-bin as well. i remember in hoary that was a seperate package | 05:54 |
tritium | graft: texdoctk rocks, too | 05:54 |
graft | and you can write literally any equation you want | 05:54 |
pozdiy | any instructions on acroread installation? | 05:54 |
tritium | _jason: it'll get pulled in as a dependency, but you're right :) | 05:54 |
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khermans | babo, have you heard of Gizmo ? | 05:54 |
graft | tetex-base should take care of all that stuff | 05:54 |
khermans | pozdiy, aptitude install acroread | 05:54 |
Madpilot | pozdiy, enable Multiverse, then just install the acroread package | 05:54 |
khermans | i think' | 05:54 |
coreyfro | hey all... quick question, what's the diff between the CD and DVD images? I don't see any information on the download page and nothing in the install guides | 05:54 |
tritium | graft: except for -extra and -doc | 05:54 |
Madpilot | !info acroread | 05:54 |
ubotu | acroread: (Adobe Acrobat Reader: Portable Document Format file viewer), section multiverse/text, is optional. Version: 7.0.1-0.0.ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 22263 kB, Installed size: 53192 kB | 05:54 |
mikebot | _jason, okay, thanks | 05:55 |
rob138 | hi, can someone tell me how to change my default sound driver my ubuntu uses from the intel based one to the soundblaster one? | 05:55 |
graft | yeah, except for those, you're right | 05:55 |
coreyfro | !info dvd | 05:55 |
babo | kermans: I've already tried wengo phone ... they seem to be almost as incompetent as skype. They don't seem to be able to answer the simplest of questions about their own product ... :-( | 05:55 |
khermans | Madpilot, why didnt acroread get upgraded in Dapper? | 05:55 |
pozdiy | Madpilot, multiverse... | 05:55 |
Mischevious | babo, try gizmo it's the best | 05:55 |
pozdiy | khermanse, do not see that package | 05:55 |
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graft | rob138: what's wrong with your current sound driver? | 05:55 |
khermans | Madpilot, latest version has CUPS support -- so I installed it manually | 05:55 |
Madpilot | khermans, hasn't it? I don't run Dapper yet | 05:55 |
Madpilot | pozdiy, the Multiverse repository | 05:55 |
khermans | babo, yeah Gizmo way better than Skype | 05:55 |
IamEthos | okay, so I created the partition, the filesystem is ext3 | 05:55 |
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Madpilot | !tell pozdiy about multiverse | 05:56 |
babo | Mischevious: thanks, but this is the very last part of the skype install ... I'd like to finish it if possible | 05:56 |
khermans | Madpilot, nope! still same version! | 05:56 |
IamEthos | is there anything else I have to do to make the hard drive writable? | 05:56 |
nanang | how setting environment | 05:56 |
khermans | Madpilot, which sucks because 7.0.1 uses lpr instead of CUPS!!! | 05:56 |
babo | Mischevious: my dad's on skype ... | 05:56 |
Madpilot | khermans, file a bug report @ launchpad then | 05:56 |
IamEthos | how do I mount a hard drive? | 05:56 |
khermans | Madpilot, i did :-) | 05:56 |
Madpilot | !tell IamEthos about mount | 05:56 |
pozdiy | Madpilot, tnx | 05:56 |
rob138 | graft, my speakers are plugged into the soundblaster soundcard, not the motherboard's sound plugs | 05:56 |
coreyfro | Please, anyone, what's special about the DVD iso's. | 05:56 |
tritium | rob138: did you disable onboard sound in the bios? | 05:56 |
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rob138 | tritium, no i didn't... would that fix it? | 05:57 |
tritium | rob138: often it does | 05:57 |
graft | if you have kernel module autoloading, that should do it | 05:57 |
nanang | in .bash_profile | 05:57 |
lakcaj | Hey - I ran nmap for someone to see if their ftp server was visible and it brought down my internet connection, but not IRC. I can't ping google or open any pages with firefox. Anyone experience this before? | 05:57 |
Madpilot | coreyfro, I think the DVD ISOs have a whole pile more packages available | 05:57 |
corvax | will dapper recognize mand set up my linksys wpc54g with broadcom chipset? | 05:57 |
khermans | lakcaj, are you on a university network? | 05:58 |
corvax | or will i have to st up ndiswrappr | 05:58 |
LeeJunFan | What do I run to get xorg.conf setup to install defaults? ie, not dpkg-reconfigure with all the questions. | 05:58 |
corvax | like i did in breezy | 05:58 |
lakcaj | khermans, nope, just dsl at home | 05:58 |
GigaClon | coreyfro, I think the DVD has both LiveCD and install CD capablities | 05:58 |
khermans | LeeJunFan, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 05:58 |
coreyfro | Madpilot, and since i'd probably be updating everything anyway, the point of getting the DVD is slim? (sorry, ubuntu noob) | 05:58 |
graft | lakcaj: can you ssh someplace? | 05:58 |
coreyfro | GigaClon ahhhhh... now that would be cool | 05:58 |
Eleaf | thanks khermans | 05:58 |
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khermans | lol | 05:58 |
lakcaj | graft, give me a someplace and I'll try :) | 05:58 |
IcemanV9 | corvax: test it with dapper livecd | 05:58 |
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graft | um... try fas.harvard.edu | 05:59 |
graft | see if you get a prompt | 05:59 |
corvax | nah | 05:59 |
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Madpilot | coreyfro, to be honest, I'm not sure, I've never bothered looking into the DVD ISOs | 05:59 |
corvax | ill just go for it | 05:59 |
corvax | lol | 05:59 |
graft | or better, can you do DNS lookups? | 05:59 |
coreyfro | can anyone confirm for me that the DVD is also a live CD? | 05:59 |
khermans | lakcaj, maybe your ISP bnlocked you? | 05:59 |
khermans | lakcaj, tyep -> ping | 05:59 |
IcemanV9 | corvax: well, so be it. :) | 05:59 |
corvax | or maybe ill just dist-upgrade? | 05:59 |
graft | if IRC is working, IP has to be working | 05:59 |
khermans | graft, yeah lol | 06:00 |
IcemanV9 | corvax: as long as you backup important docs & stuff | 06:00 |
corvax | done already | 06:00 |
lakcaj | khermans, the ping worked fine, but I'm not getting an ssh prompt (graft) | 06:00 |
IcemanV9 | :) | 06:00 |
khermans | corvax, id try a fresh install | 06:00 |
graft | lakcaj: can you do like, host google.com? | 06:00 |
instabin | how do i install glx | 06:00 |
corvax | /home is all i really needed | 06:00 |
khermans | lakcaj, huh? | 06:00 |
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lakcaj | google.com has address | 06:00 |
corvax | im gonna try now | 06:01 |
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khermans | instabin, nvidia? | 06:01 |
corvax | bb | 06:01 |
instabin | yes | 06:01 |
instabin | 6800 gt | 06:01 |
graft | okay... um... so some services are not working, though IP in general seems to work... | 06:01 |
khermans | instabin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 06:01 |
graft | what exactly were you nmapping? | 06:01 |
instabin | no i want the glx desktop | 06:01 |
khermans | graft, what services? | 06:01 |
instabin | like in kororaa | 06:01 |
khermans | instabin, you mean XGL! | 06:01 |
Mischevious | !latex | 06:01 |
ubotu | methinks latex is a document preparation system for high-quality typesetting. See http://www.latex-project.org/ for more info. | 06:01 |
instabin | yes | 06:02 |
instabin | xgl | 06:02 |
tritium | instabin: please keep things on one line | 06:02 |
graft | well she says web-browsing isn't working | 06:02 |
khermans | instabin, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto | 06:02 |
graft | or maybe there's just no route to google... | 06:02 |
instabin | thats for dapper i have breezy | 06:02 |
tritium | instabin: it doesn't work on breezy | 06:02 |
Crshman | so does anyone know how to get the battery time remaining to work on a toshiba laptop? | 06:03 |
khermans | graft, you can resolve hosts to ips? | 06:03 |
graft | lakcaj: try some random websites... | 06:03 |
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tritium | Crshman: is toshiba_acpi module loaded? | 06:03 |
graft | khermans: not my problem, lakcaj's | 06:03 |
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Crshman | to check? modprobe? | 06:04 |
instabin | Tritium: thaught you could install any thing for linux on any distro | 06:04 |
babo | _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6000: Name or service not known | 06:04 |
babo | ... can anyone help me with this error ... it seems that I must transfer the X11 server to my chroot environment. I've copied /tmp into /var/chroot/ but no luck I'm afraid ??? | 06:04 |
khermans | Crshman, you need a BIOS update | 06:04 |
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Crshman | hwo do i check if it is loaded? | 06:04 |
Crshman | i already updated to latest | 06:04 |
khermans | Crshman, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75672.html | 06:04 |
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khermans | Crshman, is this a laptop? | 06:04 |
tritium | instabin: Xgl requires newer version of software than what exists in breezy | 06:04 |
Crshman | khermans: yup | 06:05 |
khermans | Crshman, what model? | 06:05 |
=== Lunari [i=Lunari@host-69-145-183-187.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Lunari | Hello | 06:05 |
instabin | cant i just update the software? | 06:05 |
tritium | Crshman: lsmod | grep acpi | 06:05 |
Crshman | khermans: A35-S159 | 06:05 |
tritium | Crshman: also, look for acpi_sbs | 06:05 |
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khermans | Crshman, yeah dont know if the BIOS is the latest -- otherwise im no help | 06:05 |
Crshman | i have loaded sony_acpi, pcc_acpi, dev_acpi, i2c_acpi_ec | 06:05 |
Lunari | I was setting up a dual boot system and installed windows after linux, is there an easy way to reinstall grub? | 06:05 |
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khermans | Lunari, aptitude reinstall grub | 06:06 |
Mischevious | !gizmo | 06:06 |
ubotu | rumour has it, gizmo is a voip client, unlike skype it is open source and works with alsa for more info http://www.gizmoproject.com/ | 06:06 |
tritium | Crshman: no toshiba_acpi? You need to modprobe it, and add it to your /etc/modules | 06:06 |
khermans | Lunari, oh you mean you cant get into Ubuntu | 06:06 |
Lunari | yeah | 06:06 |
Lunari | lol | 06:06 |
Crshman | ok | 06:06 |
Mischevious | tritium, is that fact okay. | 06:06 |
khermans | Lunari, get the Ubuntu cd | 06:06 |
dli__ | Lunari, boot ubuntu livecd, run grub , and setup | 06:06 |
tritium | Mischevious: looks fine :) | 06:06 |
khermans | Lunari, boot it, then type rescue | 06:06 |
slamet | hai | 06:06 |
Mischevious | tritium, :-D | 06:06 |
=== DoPeY-BBS [n=dopey-bb@37sdl30m45.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu | ||
instabin | What does XGL depend on ? | 06:06 |
Lunari | boot the install cd, go to rescue | 06:06 |
Lunari | :) | 06:06 |
=== bimberi high-fives Mischevious | ||
Lunari | then what | 06:07 |
Lunari | lol | 06:07 |
Crshman | tritium: comes back with "no such device" | 06:07 |
slamet | i see | 06:07 |
khermans | Lunari, it should drop you in a root shell | 06:07 |
tritium | instabin: newer version of xorg | 06:07 |
Lunari | okay :) | 06:07 |
Random_Transit | ooh! thanks for the info about gizmo... | 06:07 |
khermans | Lunari, then type -> grub-install /dev/hda | 06:07 |
instabin | Tritium can i just install a new xorg? | 06:07 |
Mischevious | thanks bimberi | 06:07 |
Random_Transit | i never knew about it | 06:07 |
tritium | instabin: no, I've already told you, it won't work on breezy | 06:07 |
neurosis_ | oh my god im a twit, im stuck in a man page!!!! there is no ctrl-c? | 06:07 |
Lunari | since i am using sata would it be /dev/sda? | 06:07 |
bimberi | Mischevious: and look, first customer ^^^^ | 06:07 |
khermans | Lunari, probably | 06:07 |
crimsun | neurosis_: 'q' | 06:07 |
Lunari | okay, cool, just making sure :) | 06:07 |
khermans | Lunari, whatever your boot device was | 06:07 |
Mischevious | bimberi, :-D | 06:07 |
tritium | Crshman: really? hmm... | 06:07 |
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neurosis_ | i need to quit switching os's | 06:08 |
neurosis_ | this is going to kill me | 06:08 |
khermans | hey, can i get ops!?!? lol | 06:08 |
mikebot | does anyone know of a font with the lgoical operators and mathematical symbols? | 06:08 |
Crshman | tritium: just installed some updates, lets see if it'll come up on restart | 06:08 |
khermans | mikebot, i dont use any fonts per se, but i use oomath | 06:08 |
mikebot | khermans, what's oomath? | 06:08 |
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-78.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | Crshman: you're on breezy, or dapper? | 06:08 |
dli__ | mikebot, latex fonts | 06:08 |
graft | heh... mikebot give up on latex? | 06:08 |
khermans | mikebot, the openoffice math suite | 06:08 |
Crshman | tritium: breezy | 06:08 |
Lunari | is there anymore setup after that? or is that all that I have to do? | 06:08 |
tritium | Crshman: okay | 06:09 |
mikebot | graft, haven't given up, just from what you guys have said, doesn't seem like i'lll be able to do it toninight | 06:09 |
intelikey | khermans yes you can get opps, you can get them to kick you ! | 06:09 |
khermans | mikebot, you can do things like x_2 which means X sub 2 | 06:09 |
graft | i think you'd be able to do it tonight if you're reasonably savvy | 06:09 |
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Lunari | brb | 06:09 |
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khermans | intelikey, hey but im a helpful guy and I love Ubuntu since Warty :-) | 06:09 |
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intelikey | :) | 06:09 |
Madpilot | khermans, you get ops around here by not asking for it :P | 06:09 |
babo | Anyone have any idea how I drag my X server into chroot ... _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6000: Name or service not known | 06:10 |
Mischevious | lol i messed up my fact again. | 06:10 |
Mischevious | :\ | 06:10 |
khermans | Madpilot, lol -- i dont care either way, just thought id make a fool of myself :-) | 06:10 |
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mikebot | khermans, i need symbols i don't think are offered in this program, thanks though | 06:10 |
khermans | mikebot, such as? | 06:10 |
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Xgates | hey guys just thought I'd come in and have a chuckle, I mean I'm running the Vmware Browser Appliance Vmware Ubuntu image | 06:11 |
Xgates | ----> http://img102.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot2qn.png | 06:11 |
mikebot | khermans, quantified logic operators | 06:11 |
khermans | mikebot, yes it has them | 06:11 |
mikebot | khermans, and meta logic operators like the turnstyle (might be turnstile) | 06:11 |
mikebot | really? | 06:11 |
Xgates | this thing runs great, and this is so funny in full screen mode, I swear I feel like I have this thing installed to the hdd, runs just as good | 06:11 |
Xgates | ;p | 06:11 |
tritium | mikebot: turnstyle? | 06:11 |
khermans | mikebot, i used oomath for my entire Computational Theory course | 06:11 |
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mikebot | tritium, means x proves that b, looks like |- | 06:12 |
khermans | mikebot, has things like union, intersect, implies etc | 06:12 |
tritium | khermans: shame on you for not using LaTeX! | 06:12 |
LordMelkor | how can I transfer large files between ubuntu and another computer using win2000 over a local network | 06:12 |
khermans | tritium, im a n00b, when i get to PhD then latex! | 06:12 |
Crshman | the ONLY distro that had time work was suse, and i didn't like that distro | 06:12 |
khermans | LordMelkor, samba | 06:12 |
mikebot | i see the conditional, but i'm not seeing the others | 06:12 |
khermans | mikebot, tell me a symbol ? | 06:12 |
mikebot | the universal quantifier | 06:13 |
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AngryElf | how do you include username and password in a mount command????....for smbfs | 06:13 |
khermans | mikebot, you have to type them and watch, i used oowriter and type ATL+i+o+f | 06:13 |
tritium | khermans: it's the only way to go ;) | 06:13 |
mikebot | upside down capiral A | 06:13 |
khermans | mikebot, then you can type something like "for all" | 06:13 |
=== heff [n=heff@n136s005.ntc.blacksburg.shentel.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dli__ | how do I make evdev auto load? | 06:14 |
tritium | that would be redundant, khermans | 06:14 |
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mikebot | i'm sorry? how do i get the quantifier? | 06:14 |
bimberi | AngryElf: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 06:14 |
khermans | AngryElf, -o username=foo,password=foo | 06:14 |
khermans | tritium, its like writing english | 06:14 |
=== drew_ [n=drew@cpe-24-165-210-176.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | mikebot, are you in oowriter ? | 06:15 |
mikebot | no math | 06:15 |
mikebot | one moment | 06:15 |
dli__ | how do I configure which modules to auto load? I don't want pcmcia and want evdev | 06:15 |
khermans | mikebot, it has been suggested that you dont learn oomath, since latex is way better ;-) | 06:15 |
tritium | khermans: I'm well aware, but you don't use the symbol and then the name in the same breath | 06:15 |
graft | mikebot: latex really seems like your best bet... | 06:15 |
mikebot | i'll learn both | 06:15 |
mikebot | but tonight i have zero time | 06:15 |
AngryElf | khermans, thanx | 06:15 |
khermans | tritium, no! to get the sybmol thats what you type! | 06:15 |
mikebot | i'm in writer | 06:15 |
khermans | mikebot, now type ATL+i+o+f | 06:15 |
khermans | in succession | 06:16 |
khermans | this will bring up the oomath insertion | 06:16 |
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mikebot | okay, yes, i see that | 06:16 |
mikebot | now for the quantifier? | 06:17 |
tritium | !enter | 06:17 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 06:17 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mikebot | was that directed toward me? | 06:17 |
khermans | now type something like -> for all | 06:17 |
jodanlime | I've got an epson printer, and I was wondering if there was a way to get my ink levels to come up when I print, like on windose, that was handy | 06:18 |
mikebot | it just writes "for all" in italics on my document | 06:18 |
Crshman | automatix is nice =) | 06:18 |
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mikebot | ahmed, it's "forall" with no space | 06:18 |
wastrel | jodanlime: there's some command line tools but they've never worked for me. | 06:18 |
khermans | are you in the oomath imsertion place? | 06:18 |
tritium | jodanlime: apt-cache search epson. There are a few util syou can try. | 06:18 |
khermans | he saorry | 06:18 |
Dr_Willis | Ick. | 06:18 |
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mikebot | ahmed, thank you | 06:18 |
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khermans | mikebot, im a bit rusty on my syntax :-) | 06:18 |
mikebot | what about the existential quantifier? | 06:18 |
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mikebot | hhe | 06:19 |
wahyoe | halo | 06:19 |
mikebot | that's quite alright | 06:19 |
tritium | Crshman: easyubuntu is preferred | 06:19 |
=== thechitowncubs [n=thechito@c-67-175-53-9.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
thechitowncubs | Hello | 06:19 |
tritium | welcome back, thechitowncubs | 06:19 |
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khermans | mikebot, exists ? | 06:19 |
thechitowncubs | I'm having some problems setting up my new server | 06:19 |
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mikebot | beautiful, thanks | 06:20 |
Crshman | tritium: i know, but automatix has more packages haha | 06:20 |
graft | thechitowncubs: err, what sort of server? | 06:20 |
mikebot | (iw as trying things like thereisatleastone y...haha) | 06:20 |
thechitowncubs | I can't get my permissions set up properly | 06:20 |
wahyoe | hai bego | 06:20 |
khermans | mikebot, its the lazy man's latex :-) | 06:20 |
thechitowncubs | I chown it like this: chown -R root:users /mnt/bighd | 06:20 |
thechitowncubs | and it doesn't seem to take effect | 06:20 |
thechitowncubs | ls -l reports it still belongs to root:root | 06:20 |
babo | Anyone have any idea how I drag my X server into chroot ... _X11TransSocketINETConnect() can't get address for localhost:6000: Name or service not known ... anyone have any ideas .? | 06:21 |
tritium | Crshman: well, please don't recommend it here, okay? It can mess up your system. | 06:21 |
mikebot | khermans, hehe thank you | 06:21 |
Fracture | tritium, Crshman : it messed up my system, and I had to reinstall. | 06:21 |
khermans | tritium, what if there was aversion that followed the wiki similar to Automatix? | 06:21 |
graft | thechitowncubs: wth are you trying to do? change permissions on a mounted drive? | 06:22 |
khermans | but didnt b0rk yer systm | 06:22 |
intelikey | thechitowncubs sudo | 06:22 |
Fracture | tritium, Crshman : I have since managed to install everything that I needed by reading the ubuntu wiki and some other google searchs | 06:22 |
dli__ | which xterm option to use larger fonts? xterm -fs has no effect :( | 06:22 |
Crshman | the wiki is excelent | 06:22 |
graft | why are you still using xterm? | 06:22 |
khermans | dli__, hrmm in gnome-terminal i type CTRL+ | 06:22 |
thechitowncubs | graft well i kind of have an awkward setup... i'm going to draw a pic for ya one sed | 06:22 |
thechitowncubs | c | 06:22 |
graft | it's the 21st century, dli__! | 06:22 |
tritium | khermans: aversion? | 06:22 |
tritium | Fracture: that | 06:23 |
tritium | 's too bad | 06:23 |
dli__ | graft, khermans but the computer is 20th century | 06:23 |
khermans | tritium,'s/aversion/ a version/ | 06:23 |
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graft | dli__: blech... run gnome-terminal or konsole, jesus | 06:23 |
khermans | dli__, lol | 06:23 |
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Fracture | tritium: yeah it is, it would be really good if it worked in a safe way | 06:23 |
tritium | khermans: automatix is the problem. We don't want anything similar to it on the wiki. | 06:23 |
tritium | !automatix | 06:24 |
ubotu | automatix is, like, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 06:24 |
=== [D-Coy] Adam [n=adam@c-e44972d5.09-9-7673743.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | tritium, no i mean what if there were something like it that followed what the wiki recommended? | 06:24 |
Fracture | tritium: someone really needs to run a deb reporitory that has all of restricted formats | 06:24 |
ryoku | i need a little help with installing some software | 06:24 |
Jay_R | nick/ gnu.style | 06:24 |
tritium | khermans: there is -- easyubuntu | 06:24 |
wastrel | l8r | 06:24 |
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ryoku | i get a message " tag INPUT: input source `/usr/lib/qt3/include/' does not exist" | 06:24 |
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khermans | tritium, dont you need to run the command line to get it? | 06:24 |
tritium | Fracture: there are legal issues with that | 06:24 |
Fracture | tritium: how does automatix get around those them ? | 06:25 |
tritium | khermans: I believe so. I've not used it. | 06:25 |
khermans | tritium, thats a definite barrier to entry | 06:25 |
tritium | Fracture: I haven't checked. | 06:25 |
Fracture | tritium: ok | 06:25 |
cwbutcher | How do I get my disks to stay mounted after a reboot? | 06:25 |
graft | Fracture: restricted formats? | 06:25 |
khermans | tritium, im thinking something that you can download and run | 06:25 |
bimberi | Fracture: by hoping that noone will care | 06:25 |
gnu_style | KDE or GNOME? | 06:25 |
khermans | with a browser, just save it to your desktop and go | 06:25 |
graft | KDE! | 06:25 |
Fracture | bimberi: yeah.. | 06:25 |
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | tritium, i know the frustration of new users | 06:26 |
tritium | !easyubuntu | 06:26 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 06:26 |
Fracture | graft: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:26 |
ryoku | cwbutcher: add the information to /etc/fstab | 06:26 |
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thechitowncubs | alright anyone that is willing to help me, this image will help: http://www.thechitowncubs.com/downloads/serversetup.jpg | 06:26 |
Fracture | easyubuntu didn't work for me | 06:26 |
khermans | tritium, i already know about it | 06:27 |
mikebot | khermans, do you know if there is a therefore symbol? | 06:27 |
khermans | mikebot, yup | 06:27 |
thechitowncubs | alright | 06:27 |
thechitowncubs | I'm not sure what I should ask | 06:27 |
graft | so... thechitowncubs, what are you trying to achieve? | 06:27 |
thechitowncubs | but... I'm having problems setting up the permissions | 06:28 |
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thechitowncubs | for example, when i change the permissions of the mounted smbfs on the ubuntu-server they don't change | 06:28 |
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cwbutcher | thanks ryku | 06:28 |
Ethos_ | okay | 06:28 |
Ethos_ | so wtf | 06:28 |
halflife28 | anyone experienced with php around here? | 06:28 |
thechitowncubs | do i have to change it on the family computer for the samba share that is mounted from it to the ubuntu-server in order to allow it? | 06:28 |
Ethos_ | I'm using ubuntu live right now | 06:28 |
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Ethos_ | and I can't write to my ext3 partition | 06:28 |
=== JViz [i=Anomaly@adsl-065-013-131-023.sip.int.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
khermans | mikebot, i think you might have to insert it manually if i remeber correctly | 06:29 |
ryoku | what package will install stuff to /usr/lib/qt3/include | 06:29 |
ryoku | i don't have this folder | 06:29 |
halflife28 | anyone might kno what this means?: Fatal error: mime_magic could not be initialized, magic file is not available in /opt/lampp/htdocs/wiki/includes/MimeMagic.php on line 504 | 06:29 |
mikebot | khermans, how do i do that? | 06:29 |
Ethos_ | on the permissions tab of the properties page for that partition, it says that the owner may read, write and execute, but that group and others may only read and execute | 06:29 |
AngryElf | how come I cannot change the permissions on the folder of a smbfs mount? | 06:30 |
Ethos_ | it also says that I am not the owner | 06:30 |
Ethos_ | wtf? | 06:30 |
Ethos_ | who is then/ | 06:30 |
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fyrestrtr | AngryElf: what permissions did you mount it with? | 06:30 |
useruser | I'm running an ubuntu live cd. what do i type for my password when the screensaver locks me out? | 06:30 |
fyrestrtr | Ethos_: root | 06:30 |
tritium | mikebot: at some point, you and khermans should take the discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic | 06:30 |
thechitowncubs | Can I trust anyone to ssh into my machine to see what is going on, i'm not sure what to ask or what to look for. | 06:30 |
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thechitowncubs | I have 2 computers | 06:30 |
khermans | mikebot, err Alt+0092 ? | 06:30 |
Ethos_ | Ethos_ what aobut root? | 06:31 |
graft | thechitowncubs: don't let people ssh into your machine... bad idea | 06:31 |
graft | what are you trying to do, dangit? what's the end goal? | 06:31 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, defaults, so rw | 06:31 |
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fyrestrtr | thechitowncubs: what's the problem? | 06:31 |
mikebot | khermans, thanks, and last thing (sorry tritium), what about the turnstyle, the like plus sign missing the left side (somethign like '|-') | 06:31 |
Ethos_ | fyrestrtr: this is my second voyage into linux, the first with a Linux filesystem | 06:31 |
=== tallmf [n=tallmf@c-67-162-104-186.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: you mounted it as root? | 06:31 |
intelikey | ryoku is libqt3-headers installed | 06:31 |
jakel1311 | Yo | 06:31 |
useruser | i know i can sudo passwd from a terminal, but i don't want to have to do this on every boot | 06:31 |
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AngryElf | fyrestrtr, yes, but even root can't change the perms | 06:31 |
useruser | is there an alternative? | 06:31 |
mikebot | khermans, hrm, my alt+0092 doesn't work | 06:32 |
mikebot | that's alright though | 06:32 |
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khermans | mikebot, dont know about the turnstyle | 06:32 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: you probably don't have rights at the other end. | 06:32 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: you said this was smbfs? | 06:32 |
ryoku | yeh | 06:32 |
khermans | mikebot, lastly, before we anger others, try the Insert -> Symbol option | 06:32 |
mikebot | khermans, i've tried that, no luck | 06:32 |
=== lunari [n=lunari@host-69-145-183-187.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
=== tritium inserts a symbol on mikebot's forehead :) | ||
thechitowncubs | They are both samba servers, 1 computer shares my 320gb hard drive mounted to /media/bighd to my ubuntu-server, which has it mounted to /mnt/bighd... folders of that are then symbolically linked to /home/shares/allusers/Music,Movies,Pictures and I need my users group to be able to read/write to the /mnt/bighd | 06:32 |
jakel1311 | what are most of you using ubuntu for? Server or Home PC? | 06:32 |
mikebot | khermans, thanksf or the help though | 06:32 |
intelikey | useruser if you "one" time do sudo passwd you set the root password, it will remain until you change it. | 06:32 |
lunari | I'm back into Ubuntu | 06:32 |
mikebot | haha | 06:32 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, yes smbfs.......i can rw inside the folder, i just can't change the perms on the folder itself | 06:32 |
Ethos_ | fyrestrtr: what did you mean by "root"? | 06:32 |
thechitowncubs | ahh that is the best way i can describe it | 06:32 |
lunari | Now how can I configure grub to have windows on the list also? | 06:33 |
useruser | intelikey: i mean sudo passwd ubuntu | 06:33 |
useruser | intelikey: but it's annoying that the screensaver locks me out | 06:33 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: you need to change permissions at the server end | 06:33 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, permissions on what, the shared folder? they're all the user, not root | 06:33 |
fyrestrtr | Ethos_: the root user of the system. Ie, superuser -- administrator -- King Ding-a-Ling -- Big Daddy Root | 06:33 |
mikebot | thanks a lot everyone, i have to write | 06:33 |
mikebot | cya | 06:33 |
graft | thechitowncubs: um.. why samba instead of NFS? | 06:33 |
tritium | good luck, mikebot | 06:33 |
=== Fujitsu_ [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-78.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fatehaze | Can I use my ubuntu cd to repair my mbr? | 06:34 |
tritium | hi Fujitsu_ | 06:34 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: I am saying, with smbfs, you need to change permissions on the host PC which not on the client. And yeah, why aren't you using NFS? | 06:34 |
Ethos_ | okay, but I don't understand who the root user of the system is? | 06:34 |
intelikey | useruser i'm sorry there must be ingormation that you hav which i don't have. live cd or what ? | 06:34 |
thechitowncubs | graft, i don't know how to use NFS | 06:34 |
lunari | brb | 06:34 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: you want to repair it back to Windows? | 06:34 |
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Dr_Willis | hmm. | 06:34 |
Ethos_ | I created the partition in Partition Magic earlier in Windows | 06:34 |
fatehaze | I want to repair my MBR back to grub | 06:34 |
fyrestrtr | thechitowncubs: its easier than smbfs :) | 06:34 |
Ethos_ | and I didn't have a linux account at the time | 06:34 |
Dr_Willis | NFS is fairly easy to set up. | 06:34 |
graft | thechitowncubs: um. okay... so why can't you just have the samba share read/writeable from where it is by your users? why bother mounting it at all? | 06:34 |
fatehaze | Another distro installed lilo and messed it up, now I can't boot anything | 06:34 |
thechitowncubs | Where do I start. | 06:34 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: just install grub again on the boot partition | 06:34 |
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Eleaf | how do I disable telnet? | 06:34 |
fatehaze | I can't boot into any OS though... | 06:34 |
tritium | Eleaf: don't install it in the first place | 06:35 |
Eleaf | I'm running ftp on the telnet port and I think telnet is messing with it. | 06:35 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: boot from a livecd | 06:35 |
Eleaf | tritium, I didn't | 06:35 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, i have changed all the perms on the server, none of the files/folders are owned by root, yet when i mount them on the client the mount point is owned by root, and even root cannot change it.....it says perm denied.........i'm using smb cause i'm more familiar | 06:35 |
Eleaf | tritium, does that mean it isn't activated? | 06:35 |
thechitowncubs | graft, what do you mean | 06:35 |
tritium | Eleaf: then you don't have it | 06:35 |
fatehaze | I tried that, it won't let me install grub from a live cd | 06:35 |
DarthShrine | Afternoon | 06:35 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, and i use it with a windows machine | 06:35 |
lunari | I'm back | 06:35 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: your server is a Windows machine? | 06:35 |
Eleaf | tritium, what could this mean? this happens whenever connecting to my ftp server 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,2,130,129). | 06:35 |
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Eleaf | tritium, then it times out | 06:35 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, no, one of the clients is | 06:35 |
babo | I run my skype executable and it doesn't return anything ... I've ran ldd skype and it seems like all the libraries are there but the executable in my chroot 32 environment doesn't actually do anything ... it just returns. | 06:35 |
Eleaf | tritium, that happens whenever I do "ls" or something | 06:35 |
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tritium | Eleaf: no idea | 06:36 |
Eleaf | yeargh | 06:36 |
fatehaze | I tried installing grub with nUbuntu, but no dice | 06:36 |
intelikey | Eleaf telnet-server ? remove the symlink in the rc2.d man update-rc.d | 06:36 |
graft | thechitowncubs: i mean,you're all on the same network, why can't they just access that samba share directly? why does it have to be mounted on the ubuntu server at all? | 06:36 |
lunari | How do I setup grub to show windows in the boot list? ubuntu is on sda2 and windows is sda1 | 06:36 |
talios | hey all - how does one disable ipv6 support in ubuntu? | 06:36 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: use NFS for the linux clients, and samba for only the Windows clients (since you can't mess with permissions on Windows anyway). | 06:36 |
Eleaf | intelikey, well I guess I don't have it installed | 06:36 |
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thechitowncubs | graft because it set up like that... doesn't make much sense but its just how i have it set up | 06:36 |
fyrestrtr | lunari: increase the timeout in the configuration file of grub. | 06:36 |
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zanth | good evening, I had firefox working...then it just didn't...likely after installing some software | 06:36 |
jakel1311 | q | 06:36 |
graft | thechitowncubs: yeah but that's probably the source of your headache... | 06:37 |
zanth | root can run it, but user can't | 06:37 |
Eleaf | does anybody knows what this means? 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,0,2,130,129). | 06:37 |
Eleaf | I get that whenever typing 'ls' on my ftp server, it then times out. | 06:37 |
fatehaze | I get this when I try to install grub from a live cd: dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive | 06:37 |
zanth | "LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library libXt.so [libXt.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory] | 06:37 |
zanth | " | 06:37 |
zanth | that is my error | 06:37 |
graft | just make your samba share read/writeable and let everyone connect to it individually | 06:37 |
lunari | fyrestrtr: how do I get windows on the list though? | 06:37 |
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lunari | it isn't even listed | 06:37 |
intelikey | lunari you edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:37 |
fyrestrtr | Eleaf: means its using passive FTP | 06:37 |
thechitowncubs | graft, well i just installed this hard drive today and everything was working before... | 06:37 |
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lunari | thank you :) | 06:37 |
fatehaze | I'd really like to not have to reformat my entire machine because of lilo, again | 06:37 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, how do I stop that, it seems to always disconnect right after that | 06:37 |
fyrestrtr | lunari: oh, for that you'd have to set it up. What grub partition is Windows on? | 06:37 |
bassinboy | how do you update apt? and I can't kill a process, it says miniserv.pl(6185): Operation not permitted | 06:37 |
lunari | windows is on sda1 | 06:37 |
tritium | Eleaf: why not use a ssh server instead, anyway? | 06:37 |
=== Daskies [n=Das|Slee@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | tritium, you can for ftp? | 06:38 |
intelikey | lunari there is a wiki on that. | 06:38 |
tritium | Eleaf: sftp | 06:38 |
YukiCuss | ckqhalsd | 06:38 |
lunari | cool, do you happen to have a link? :o | 06:38 |
Eleaf | tritium, I need to use ftp for my python program | 06:38 |
ryoku | i think i found the problem instead of /usr/lib/qt3/include it is in /usr/include/qt3 | 06:38 |
fatehaze | Is there any way I can repair it with the Ubuntu disk? A repair option, or the such? | 06:38 |
Eleaf | tritium, will it act the same way? do you think this is a problem to do with my ftp server? | 06:38 |
tritium | Eleaf: okat then | 06:38 |
Eleaf | tritium, this is fine when I connect locally | 06:38 |
tritium | s/okat/okay | 06:38 |
wenko | how do i make it so that I can SSH into my ubuntu box | 06:38 |
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tritium | Eleaf: perhaps | 06:38 |
Eleaf | tritium, when connecting from the internet, it does that timeout passive thing | 06:38 |
tritium | wenko: sudo apt-get install openssh-server | 06:38 |
Daskies | Is this correct: sudo apt-get kubuntu-desktop | 06:39 |
fatehaze | Any ideas? I'm kind of dead in the water | 06:39 |
tritium | Daskies: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 06:39 |
bimberi | Daskies: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 06:39 |
gnu_style | is Qparted safe to use? im trying to resize my WinXP hdd fat32 to make space with another distro | 06:39 |
gnu_style | ?? | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | fatehaze, fsck is the common command to correct disk errors. | 06:39 |
thechitowncubs | fixed it | 06:39 |
thechitowncubs | stupid error | 06:39 |
thechitowncubs | my bad | 06:39 |
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Dr_Willis | gnu_style, its worked fine for me. | 06:39 |
fatehaze | I don't think I can run that | 06:39 |
tritium | ryoku: no, you're confusing header files with libraries | 06:39 |
bimberi | gah tritium is on the ball today | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | gnu_style, it pays to have backups just in case. | 06:40 |
tritium | bimberi: :) | 06:40 |
fyrestrtr | Eleaf: seems your FTP server is not using passive mode. | 06:40 |
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gnu_style | there no way to back up my 120 gig HDD | 06:40 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, so why does it go into passive mode when not locally connected ? | 06:40 |
fyrestrtr | Eleaf: passive mode is there if a firewall prevents direct connections to the client PC from the FTP server | 06:40 |
ufo | why to use ftp server anyway? | 06:40 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, that could be it | 06:40 |
halflife28 | None of you know what this means?: Fatal error: mime_magic could not be initialized, magic file is not available in /opt/lampp/htdocs/wiki/includes/MimeMagic.php on line 504 | 06:41 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, how do I get past this? | 06:41 |
fatehaze | I installed Backtrack to my disk, which already had xp and ubuntu, but it installed Lilo | 06:41 |
ufo | use ssh | 06:41 |
=== Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fyrestrtr | Eleaf: I don't know, but use something else like scp | 06:41 |
fatehaze | and Lilo would only boot Backtrack, so I used "lilo -u" | 06:41 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, I used a different port because 21 was blocked. 23 is open | 06:41 |
Eleaf | scp? | 06:41 |
gnu_style | qparted vs partition magic? which is safer? | 06:41 |
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tritium | ufo: I suggested that, but he has a python program that only uses ftp | 06:41 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, is scp ftp? I absolutely need ftp for my program I made | 06:41 |
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ufo | ok.. | 06:41 |
fyrestrtr | secure copy -- if you have ssh access on both machines, you can use that. | 06:41 |
fatehaze | But that didn't work at all... | 06:41 |
Eleaf | or I would have to recode the whole thing. | 06:41 |
halflife28 | Guess not | 06:41 |
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, I need a ftp server, it's not just simple copying. | 06:41 |
Dr_Willis | gnu_style, I dont use partitionmagic at all any more. | 06:41 |
fyrestrtr | you need ftp access for a program you made? | 06:41 |
fatehaze | Now I can't boot anything at all except live cds, and I can't modify the MBR from live cds | 06:42 |
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-78.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eleaf | fyrestrtr, it's a complicated distributive project, with a bunch of computers connecting to the ftp server | 06:42 |
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Dr_Willis | gnu_style, and thers always a risk of loseing the whole drive with either program.. so it pays to backup the imporntant data.. not the whole drive. :P | 06:42 |
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terrellowens | im on a live cd and resolution is only 640x480, how do I change this? The resolution is not showing up in the config panel. | 06:42 |
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[help | anyone know a thing about installing a scanner | 06:42 |
[help | ? | 06:42 |
Devil^Chat | i have problem win grub pls help me | 06:42 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: after you have booted from the livecd, mount the primary disk and then install grub on it -- or, boot from a Windows disk into safemode (or recovery mode), then type fdisk --fixmbr or something like that. | 06:42 |
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Devil^Chat | 1st i install ubuntu in hda and work,now i wanna plug my 2nd hd in hdb,in my 2nd hd have windowsxp,but in grub is not detec my windows,so what i must to do if i wanna go login to windows? | 06:43 |
Dr_Willis | [help, depends on the scanner. :P mine i just plugged it in , and installed the SANE tools and it worked. | 06:43 |
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fyrestrtr | Eleaf: first thing, open port 21. 23 is used by telnet, so don't use that port. | 06:43 |
[help | yea i have xsane and it didnt detect it | 06:43 |
gnu_style | Devil^Chat>: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 06:44 |
=== damian_ [n=damian@mlb-adsl1-64.idx.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | [help: what kinda scanner? | 06:44 |
fyrestrtr | Devil^Chat: you need to setup grub's menu for it. | 06:44 |
[help | scanport sq2036 | 06:44 |
[help | hand me down | 06:44 |
Devil^Chat | tech me tuh set grub pls | 06:44 |
damian_ | hey im just wondering if i can set system monitor to a keyboard s\hortcut | 06:44 |
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damian_ | hey im just wondering if i can set system monitor to a keyboard shortcut and if so how? | 06:44 |
gnu_style | Devil^Chat>: to update ur mbr 'grub-install /dev/hdx' | 06:44 |
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gnu_style | Devil^Chat>: x means the letter or the hdd you want grub to install.. | 06:45 |
fatehaze | fyrestarter: I get this when I try to mount from a live cd - mount: special device /dev/hda4/ does not exist (a path prefix is not a directory | 06:45 |
fatehaze | and I don't have a windows disk... | 06:45 |
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Devil^Chat | 1st i install ubuntu in hda and work,now i wanna plug my 2nd hd in hdb,in my 2nd hd have windowsxp,but in grub is not detec my windows,so what i must to do if i wanna go login to windows? | 06:46 |
Dr_Willis | [help, step #1 would be to check the SANE home page and see how well supported that scanner is. | 06:46 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Don't mount /dev/hda4/ /something/ | 06:46 |
Disorganized | anyone know of an mp3 tagger like Tag and Rename for linux? | 06:46 |
Devil^Chat | /dev/hdb does not have any corresponding BIOS drive | 06:46 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Instead: mount /dev/hda4 /something/ | 06:46 |
Daskies | terrellowens, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28131 | 06:46 |
crimsun | Disorganized: easytag, ex falso | 06:46 |
fatehaze | lemme find out exactly what I typed, brb | 06:46 |
paulproteus|lapt | Disorganized: ex falso! (-: | 06:46 |
[help | okis | 06:46 |
Disorganized | thanks guys | 06:46 |
gnu_style | Devil^Chat>: what do you mean do coresponding bios drivw? | 06:46 |
fatehaze | I did this: sudo mount /dev/hda4/ /media/test -t ext2 -o rw | 06:46 |
fyrestrtr | Devil^Chat: type this in your menu.lst in /boot/grub/ -- title=Windows XP rootnoverify(hd1,0) makeactive chainloader +1 | 06:46 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: replace "4/" with "4" | 06:47 |
fyrestrtr | but each part on a separate line. | 06:47 |
graft | [help: isn't listed on the SANE page | 06:47 |
thechitowncubs | -rwxrwxrwx (what does that mean?) | 06:47 |
graft | though the SQ2030 is... | 06:47 |
graft | so maybe you'll getlucky | 06:47 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: your /boot partition is ext2 ? | 06:47 |
fyrestrtr | thechitowncubs: 777 permissions | 06:47 |
graft | what bus interface are you using? USB? | 06:47 |
intelikey | hmmm wonder what this will do? "tty1 [root#~] chmod 0000001 /usr/bin/* " | 06:47 |
thechitowncubs | fyrestrtr, thanks | 06:47 |
[help | dang | 06:47 |
fatehaze | yeah, it's either ext2 or ext3 - I tried both, but both gave the same message | 06:47 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Do what I suggested! | 06:48 |
Devil^Chat | fyrestrtr; ok | 06:48 |
paulproteus|lapt | Please! (-: | 06:48 |
fyrestrtr | intelikey: probably error out | 06:48 |
fatehaze | paulproeus|lapt: i'll boot with a cd and try it | 06:48 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: try -t auto | 06:48 |
intelikey | fyrestrtr nope | 06:48 |
paulproteus|lapt | I don't see why you can't just try it now... | 06:48 |
fatehaze | I'm staring at the ubuntu install screen right now, just a sec | 06:48 |
fatehaze | Gotta dig out a live cd | 06:48 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Okay, good reason. (-: | 06:48 |
fyrestrtr | intelikey: it will, unless you have a file called * :) | 06:48 |
intelikey | fyrestrtr ha they are all * | 06:49 |
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graft | that would pretty much screw you over, eh | 06:49 |
andrewk | hello hello | 06:49 |
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thechitowncubs | fyrestrtr, drwxr-xr-x (how about that) | 06:50 |
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intelikey | graft for the default install yes. | 06:51 |
graft | i suppose that speaks well for the security of the operating system | 06:51 |
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intelikey | graft but only because it removes suid from sudo. other than that you'd never notice it. | 06:52 |
andrewk | anyhow have a suggestion for a calendar that will export in ical format (.ics for my ipod). I've been looking on the web and the only thing I've seen is evolution. | 06:53 |
=== drew_ [n=drew@cpe-24-165-210-176.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | well a few p<commands> maybe also. | 06:53 |
bimberi | andrewk: i'm fairly sure mozilla-calendar _works with_ ical format, not sure about export though | 06:54 |
fyrestrtr | thechitowncubs: a directory with 766 permissions | 06:54 |
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fyrestrtr | andrewk: so what's wrong with evolution? | 06:54 |
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tonyyarusso | So my partition table right now is Windows, unallocated (4,424MB), shared Fat32, unallocated (3,742MB), /, /multimedia, /boot, /home, swap, ibm recovery, unallocated (431MB), in that order. How can I best make use of those free spaces? | 06:55 |
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graft | intelikey: um... can you exec files you can't read? i don't think so... | 06:55 |
intelikey | tty1 [root#~] chmod 0000001 /usr/*bin/* | 06:55 |
intelikey | tty1 [root#~] chmod 0000001 /*bin/* | 06:55 |
intelikey | tty1 [root#~] | 06:55 |
[help | peace | 06:55 |
intelikey | i guess so graft | 06:55 |
kapputu | Hi folks | 06:55 |
kapputu | where do I download automatix from? | 06:55 |
andrewk | fyrestrtr: I just wasn't sure I wanted to use evo for my mail client. I know it's the default gnome deal but is it worth using? | 06:55 |
gnu_style | I cant find my TRASH in KDE.. where do I look? | 06:55 |
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Dr_Willis | kapputu, its best that you DONT use that. | 06:56 |
Mischevious | kapputu, don't use easyubuntu | 06:56 |
graft | gnu_style: it's on the desktop usually | 06:56 |
graft | unless you removed it | 06:56 |
bimberi | kapputu: don | 06:56 |
Dr_Willis | the bestest is to learn how install the stuff yourself. :P | 06:56 |
fyrestrtr | andrewk: well its very well rounded out, and consolidates a lot of stuff into one app. | 06:56 |
bimberi | kapputu: don't, use easyubuntu | 06:56 |
kapputu | Dr_Willis: I have done that before | 06:56 |
kapputu | I have been using Ubuntu for 2 years now | 06:56 |
kapputu | I just came back to it again after a long time | 06:56 |
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fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: I did that and got: mount: mount point /media/test does not exist | 06:56 |
kapputu | Hey ogra | 06:56 |
=== lunari [n=lunari@host-69-145-183-187.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunari | I just want to say thank you all for all your help, I got GRUB configured great :) | 06:57 |
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kapputu | is there any documentation on what services are actually needed to keep the computer running? | 06:57 |
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andrewk | fyrestrtr: if I add items to the calendar in evo, is there a gDesklet that will highlight dates or something of the such that will notify me? | 06:57 |
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | fatehaze if that's a problem, then make it. sudo mkdir /media/test | 06:57 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: mkdir /media/test | 06:58 |
gnu_style | I just apt-get kde.. swith to it and there is no trash | 06:58 |
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kapputu | I'm planning to use Ubuntu to learn more about the Unix system, Unix programming and setting up a web/ftp server | 06:58 |
andrewk | fyrestrtr: I used to use outlook and I had a widget that would show my calendar on my desktop and highlight dates in which I had events set. | 06:58 |
=== gmoney [n=chatzill@ip70-181-2-184.ri.ri.cox.net] has left #ubuntu [] | ||
graft | gnu_style: you can just goto ~/.local/share/Trash in konqueror | 06:59 |
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htrp | how do you compile perl? do you even compile perl? | 07:00 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, so i've gone and read a nfs faq and i keep getting permission denied errors trying to mount the shares..... | 07:00 |
fyrestrtr | andrewk: you can do that with Evolution -- for widgets you might have to look elsewhere though. Evolution comes with weather and all that other stuff. | 07:00 |
graft | htrp: um... no you don't compile perl | 07:00 |
graft | well,y ou can compile perl | 07:00 |
gnu_style | ~/ -- what does that mean? | 07:00 |
gnu_style | root> | 07:00 |
gnu_style | root> | 07:00 |
espresso | I don't know how to fix this.... | 07:00 |
kapputu | doesn't perl come with Ubuntu? | 07:00 |
graft | but usually you don't | 07:00 |
fyrestrtr | gnu_style: home directory | 07:01 |
espresso | W: Couldn't stat source package list file: breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_etc_ubuntu-install_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:01 |
espresso | W: Couldn't stat source package list file: breezy/restricted Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/_etc_ubuntu-install_dists_breezy_restricted_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) | 07:01 |
htrp | how do you 'compile' the code then | 07:01 |
gnu_style | ic ok | 07:01 |
kapputu | http: what happened? | 07:01 |
=== chris [n=chris@6532135hfc138.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tritium | espresso: please don't paste like that | 07:01 |
graft | htrp: why do you want to compile the code? | 07:01 |
espresso | tritium: sorry | 07:01 |
fyrestrtr | htrp: you don't compile perl, its an interpreted language. | 07:01 |
chris | hello | 07:01 |
espresso | this is just pissing me off now | 07:01 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: oh, hehe - sorry | 07:01 |
intelikey | graft but the chmod is not at all a good idea for the default ubuntu, it makes sudo unusable for everyone but root; thus totally crippling a normal ubuntu. i mount / nosuid so sudo is worthless here anyway. that command has only affected this system in that it prevents users from reading scripts that are amoung the */*bin/ files. | 07:01 |
espresso | and I shouldn't be putting that on the room | 07:01 |
htrp | i got this recovery perl code | 07:01 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: that worked though :D | 07:01 |
htrp | or do i just do ./blah.pl ? | 07:01 |
chris | how do i change my moniter | 07:02 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: what should I do now? | 07:02 |
htrp | execute it? | 07:02 |
fyrestrtr | htrp: yes | 07:02 |
andrewk | fyrestrtr: thanks, I guess I'll give evolution a shot. may as well. if not I'll try a mozilla based deal. Feel out which one I like. Once again, thanks for the help. | 07:02 |
fyrestrtr | chris: unplug it and plugin the other one? | 07:02 |
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapputu | what are the repositories I add after I install Ubuntu? | 07:02 |
graft | htrp: perl blah.pl | 07:02 |
Mischevious | how do i control if rhythembox uses ALSA or OSS ? | 07:02 |
fyrestrtr | andrewk: I'm sure you'll like it -- its the Outlook replacement for Linux. | 07:02 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: I don't know what you're trying to do! (-: | 07:02 |
chris | it still says the old on is hook up | 07:02 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: hehe, fix my MBR | 07:03 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: so assumedly install grub | 07:03 |
intelikey | chris sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg answer all questions correctly. | 07:03 |
graft | in the LQ poll evolution was behind both Kmail and Thunderbird... | 07:03 |
fatehaze | can I do that now? | 07:03 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Have you mounted your root partition yet? | 07:03 |
paulproteus|lapt | If so cd /place/you/mounted/it/ | 07:03 |
paulproteus|lapt | chroot . | 07:03 |
espresso | can anyone think of why I can't seem to get the Package.gz list from the ubuntu archive? | 07:03 |
espresso | I can't apt-get anything now... that's the error that continues to come up | 07:03 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: isn't that what I just did? excuse my noobishness :P | 07:04 |
=== Klick_ [n=klick@ip68-1-113-46.pn.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fatehaze | my original ubuntu install is on hda4 | 07:04 |
kapputu | everyone is busy? | 07:04 |
graft | espresso: try a different mirror | 07:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Did you chroot in? | 07:04 |
kapputu | can anyone read my messages? | 07:04 |
intelikey | espresso sudo apt-get update | 07:04 |
paulproteus|lapt | kapputu: I can read it. | 07:04 |
espresso | graft: what mirrors are there? and why can I get other packages? | 07:04 |
intelikey | kapputu no | 07:04 |
kapputu | good, your eyesight is good | 07:04 |
=== yggdrasil_ [n=yggdrasi@c-68-42-42-244.hsd1.nm.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
espresso | intelikey: I get that from apt-get update | 07:04 |
andrewk | kapputu: hello. | 07:04 |
yggdrasil_ | !real player | 07:04 |
ubotu | yggdrasil_: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:04 |
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kapputu | intelikey: how do I stop the services I don't need? | 07:05 |
espresso | I get messages | 07:05 |
shrewduser | kappatu: if you mean enabling universe and multiverse its easy to do that from synaptic | 07:05 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: I just did chroot /media/test, which I assume is my hda4? | 07:05 |
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espresso | error messages | 07:05 |
tritium | kapputu: with update-rc.d | 07:05 |
kapputu | and where do I find the extra repositories? | 07:05 |
intelikey | espresso pastebin your sources.list | 07:05 |
graft | espresso: what's in your sources.list? | 07:05 |
graft | !mirrors | 07:05 |
yggdrasil_ | tell me about real player | 07:05 |
ubotu | methinks mirrors is repository mirrors can be found through http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Archive | 07:05 |
kapputu | tritium: is there some documentation on the services? | 07:05 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: I was getting help from someone earlier, that's as far as we got before he gave up | 07:05 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Great. | 07:05 |
Klick_ | hey all, i have a thinkpad x41 using the i810 driver, and i have glx loaded with no errors, dept 16, whenever i run any GL based screensavers it seems like every 5 seconds it lags for 1/2 a sec then goes back, but its annoying because its not smooth like GL should be, any ideas what could be casuing this. | 07:05 |
htrp | xorg-server 1.0.0, as shipped with X11R7.0, and all release candidates | 07:05 |
htrp | # of X11R7.0, is vulnerable. | 07:05 |
htrp | yall heard about this? | 07:05 |
tritium | kapputu: for startets, man update-rc.d | 07:05 |
shrewduser | kappatu: if you mean the universe and multiverse one's you just enable them... | 07:05 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: sudo mount -a | 07:05 |
gnu_style | how to I become involved in ubuntu? | 07:05 |
intelikey | kapputu sudo /etc/init.d/<service> stop | 07:05 |
athlon | KDE has this nifty little applet called KTeaTime that basically acts like an alarm. You enter how many minutes till the alarm goes off and youre set. Does gnome have something similar to that ? | 07:06 |
tritium | htrp: it's already being addressed | 07:06 |
graft | htrp: err... howzat? | 07:06 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: "sudo: unable to lookup nubuntu via gethostbyname()" | 07:06 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Heh. | 07:06 |
espresso | http://pastebin.com/613856 | 07:06 |
htrp | its 'patched' already | 07:06 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Does your prompt begin wtih "#"? | 07:06 |
htrp | ? | 07:06 |
paulproteus|lapt | Or does it have "$" in it instead? | 07:06 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: it's a # | 07:06 |
graft | htrp: what's the vulnerability? | 07:06 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Great, then it's a root prompt. | 07:06 |
paulproteus|lapt | No need for "sudo" anyway. | 07:06 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: mount -a | 07:06 |
=== RemyLaptop [n=david@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapputu | do you guys know of a Cisco VPN Client for Linux that I can download? | 07:07 |
xakkkk | whats a good RSS applet for gnome?? not from gdesklets but a standalone one | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | That mounts "all" based on what that system expects. | 07:07 |
fyrestrtr | athlon: if you are a KDE fan, why not try kubuntu? | 07:07 |
tritium | kapputu: vpnc | 07:07 |
yggdrasil_ | tell me about real player | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | xakkkk: I used to use straw | 07:07 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: ah, I see - that worked | 07:07 |
fyrestrtr | xakkkk: Firefox | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Great. | 07:07 |
athlon | fyrestrtr: because I am not a "fan" of any DE, and I currently like to use GNOME | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Now, why did your last GRUB thing fail? | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | Any idea? | 07:07 |
fyrestrtr | athlon: ah nice. | 07:07 |
babo | How do I import a display into my chroot environment ????? | 07:07 |
intelikey | paulproteus|lapt # or $ lol still use a default prompt i see.... :) | 07:07 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: ah, I see - that worked :D | 07:07 |
xakkkk | paulproteus|lapt i cant add any rss feeds to firefox or maybe i dont know how .. | 07:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | intelikey: I'm helping someone with a Live CD... | 07:07 |
babo | I want to startx .... in my 32bit chroot | 07:08 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: my last grub didn't fail, lilo was written over it | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | xakkkk: I use Thunderbird for RSS reading these days. | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Oh, okay. | 07:08 |
kapputu | ok. networking experts here, does my sys admin need to enable VPN connections from Linux? | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Off-topic, perhaps, but how'd that happen? | 07:08 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: and lilo does little else besides destroy MBR's, in my experience | 07:08 |
kapputu | is there such a setting in a VPN concetrator that determines peer types? | 07:08 |
fyrestrtr | athlon: I know I have seen one before, just forgot the name. Been a long time since I did any GUI work in Linux. | 07:08 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: well, I installed Backtrack to my drive, which overwrote grub with lilo | 07:08 |
babo | apt-get install gnome ... maybe ??? | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: That's a little harsher than I'd be. (-: | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: update-grub | 07:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | That should do the trick, I think. | 07:08 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: I tried to uninstall lilo with "lilo -u" but that just ruined my life | 07:08 |
kapputu | what's the command to get the list of running services? | 07:09 |
yggdrasil_ | how can i install real player | 07:09 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Yeah, seriously. | 07:09 |
paulproteus|lapt | kapputu: ps ax ? | 07:09 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: I have no net on this machine, I can't use the net | 07:09 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: I know; that's okay. | 07:09 |
kapputu | paulproteus - services that are started at runtime | 07:09 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: should I grub-install /dev/hda? | 07:09 |
RemyLaptop | I guys, I have a question: when trying to run some games, I get an error like the following: http://pastebin.com/613861 | 07:09 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: That'd be fine, and probably equivalent to what I suggested. | 07:09 |
RemyLaptop | any ideas? | 07:09 |
=== wd3 [n=walter@adsl-69-108-98-112.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
chris | whast the best desktop to use | 07:09 |
babo | How harsh is a apt-get -f install exactly ... ? | 07:09 |
gnu_style | where can I get a list of internal modems supported by ubuntu? | 07:09 |
paulproteus|lapt | Chris: GNOME is pretty nice. | 07:09 |
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paulproteus|lapt | babo: "-f" is "--fix-missing". | 07:10 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: just to /hda, or should I do it to a specific numbered hda? | 07:10 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Oh, just do "update-grub" and see what that does. (-: | 07:10 |
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paulproteus|lapt | babo: It's a repair option, so it's not harsh at all. | 07:10 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: to your boot partition | 07:10 |
=== raven [n=raven@88-106-198-191.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: k :) | 07:10 |
raven | Can anyone help me with a problem with make please? | 07:10 |
babo | paulproteus|lapt: oh right ... I'd assumed it was --force .... thanks | 07:10 |
fatehaze | That gave me a warning, but seemed to work... gonna restart now | 07:10 |
seniorquico | hi all...my install is freezing right at end...when I reboot computer, it freezes before it shows login screen...anyone know what I can try? | 07:10 |
muleherd | wpa_supplicant tells me the 'hermes' driver is unsupported. Does that mean the ubuntu build wasn't compiled with hermes support? | 07:10 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: What warning? | 07:11 |
fyrestrtr | seniorquico: check the output of dmesg | 07:11 |
tritium | raven: do you have build-essential installed? | 07:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | babo: A common misconception from those who come from RPMland. | 07:11 |
paulproteus|lapt | (and others.) | 07:11 |
raven | im not sure tritium | 07:11 |
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kapputu | I need to know the services that are started by Ubuntu, by default. Where do I look? | 07:11 |
seniorquico | fyrestrtr: ok...sry...I'm linux noob...where is that? | 07:11 |
raven | im new to linux, ive only been using it for about 5 days now | 07:11 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: something about a bug, if it appears, fix it and re-run grub-install | 07:11 |
yggdrasil_ | how can install real player | 07:11 |
tritium | raven: please "sudo aptitude install build-essential" and try again | 07:11 |
raven | ok | 07:11 |
fyrestrtr | paulproteus|lapt: how do I get rid of the PGP signature warnings on apt-get update ? | 07:11 |
fatehaze | paulproteus|lapt: it's gone now so I don't know exactly :P | 07:11 |
andrewk | was someone looking for a timer? | 07:11 |
fyrestrtr | seniorquico: just type dmesg | 07:12 |
RemyLaptop | !tell yggdrasil about easyubuntu | 07:12 |
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fatehaze | Hey, PGP - I work for Phil Zimmermann, if you can believe it. | 07:12 |
intelikey | andrewk time ? | 07:12 |
fyrestrtr | fatehaze: well tell him he does good work. | 07:12 |
raven | still the same tritium | 07:12 |
RemyLaptop | I guys, I have a question: when trying to run some games, I get an error like the following: http://pastebin.com/613861 | 07:12 |
raven | when i type make i get the error make[1] : msgfmt: Command not found | 07:12 |
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=== InnerFIRE [n=darnell@dsl254-014-076.sea1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: Well, does it boot? (-: | 07:12 |
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fatehaze | fyrestrtr: he really has little to do with PGP these days, but zfone just entered beta | 07:13 |
andrewk | intelikey: a timer application for gnome as compared to kde's KTeaTime | 07:13 |
fatehaze | fyrestrtr: or should I say TeleSecret, he changed the name yesterday | 07:13 |
=== jbritz22 [n=jbritz22@207-195-69-119.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
InnerFIRE | anyone here know quite a bit about wine? | 07:13 |
tritium | raven: what are you building? | 07:13 |
andrewk | athlon: you still need a replacement to KTeaTime | 07:13 |
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raven | trying to get Gkrellm working tritium | 07:13 |
fyrestrtr | lol nice -- hope it doesn't tell secrets instead of telesecret :P | 07:13 |
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fatehaze | Yay, it boots! :D | 07:13 |
shrewduser | InnerFIRE: join #winehq | 07:13 |
jbritz22 | its me and im back | 07:13 |
intelikey | andrewk oh a frontend for time i see. | 07:13 |
jbritz22 | finally downstairs with the net working | 07:13 |
jbritz22 | XD | 07:13 |
jbritz22 | got some questions though, can I install Konsole onto Gnome? | 07:14 |
fatehaze | Thanks paul and fyre, you did what like 20 other gurus couldn't :D | 07:14 |
tritium | raven: you let build-essential and its dependencies fully install? | 07:14 |
fatehaze | fyrestrtr: I suggested Ciphone to him today, I hope he picks it :) | 07:14 |
Mischevious | anyone know why even though i have gnome set to use alsa, it seems to be using esd ? | 07:14 |
tritium | !tell jbritz22 about enter | 07:14 |
=== brennan [n=brennan@69-30-70-245.dq1sf.easystreet.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wd3 | hey juztin what's up | 07:14 |
=== JoeMorris [i=JoeMorri@207-38-195-55.c3-0.wsd-ubr1.qens-wsd.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoeMorris | hi | 07:14 |
raven | tritium, yes i did, i have a older version of gkrellm on my system but i would like this newer version installed | 07:15 |
jbritz22 | oops | 07:15 |
intelikey | jbritz22 konsole is part of kdebase isn't it ? you can install it and then execute it from within gnome. if that helps. | 07:15 |
jbritz22 | is it still doing it? | 07:15 |
raven | tritium, ive never had make working | 07:15 |
JoeMorris | its amazing how much linux has evolved | 07:15 |
RemyLaptop | I have a question: when trying to run some games, I get an error like the following: http://pastebin.com/613861 | 07:15 |
jbritz22 | the enter thing | 07:15 |
jbritz22 | im on gaim | 07:15 |
fatehaze | if you ever see the zfone/telesecret/ciphone documentation, I wrote it B-) | 07:15 |
tritium | raven: is gettext installed (please run "apt-cache policy gettext") | 07:15 |
wd3 | hey intelikey thatnks for the help also yesterday | 07:15 |
raven | tritium, ok | 07:15 |
jbritz22 | isnt kdebase a huge file though? | 07:15 |
JoeMorris | i still remember the days of slackware and when redhat started to gain ground | 07:15 |
andrewk | this is honestly the first time I've used linux since like mandrake 5/6 | 07:15 |
JoeMorris | now ubuntu is getting top draw :) | 07:15 |
=== khermans [n=khermans@69-174-196-73.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
JoeMorris | i didnt like the new screenshots for fedora core 5 | 07:16 |
Fujitsu | Good, JoeMorris and andrewk. | 07:16 |
brennan | hello? | 07:16 |
Fujitsu | That's the point of Ubuntu, to be liked by everybody :) | 07:16 |
intelikey | !info kdebase | 07:16 |
ubotu | kdebase: (base components from the official KDE release), section kde, is optional. Version: 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu6 (breezy), Packaged size: 32 kB, Installed size: 72 kB | 07:16 |
JoeMorris | waiting anxiously for the next ubuntu :) | 07:16 |
fyrestrtr | RemyLaptop: how are you running the games? | 07:16 |
jbritz22 | is there anyway to optimize gnome, like take away animations etc... | 07:16 |
jbritz22 | nice | 07:16 |
fyrestrtr | !info irssi | 07:16 |
raven | tritium, it is now | 07:16 |
JoeMorris | google eats ubuntu for dogfood | 07:17 |
intelikey | jbritz22 Installed size: 72 kB | 07:17 |
jbritz22 | sweet | 07:17 |
JoeMorris | lol | 07:17 |
jbritz22 | *goes off to install it* | 07:17 |
tritium | raven: try make again | 07:17 |
RemyLaptop | fyrestrtr either from the terminal or from the link in the "applications" menu | 07:17 |
intelikey | jbritz22 but it may have deps out the wazoo | 07:17 |
andrewk | i'm incredibly happy with the applications at my disposal now that I'm on linux again | 07:17 |
jbritz22 | is there any way I can install the rpm on gnome? | 07:17 |
JoeMorris | which is the package which installs microsoft true type fonts and stuff? | 07:17 |
fyrestrtr | RemyLaptop: just try running it using sudo | 07:17 |
RemyLaptop | fyrestrtr If I click on the link, it just doesn't load, but in the terminal it gives me that error | 07:17 |
raven | tritium, its going crazy with lots of error msgs | 07:17 |
tritium | JoeMorris: msttcorefonts | 07:18 |
Fujitsu | !alien | 07:18 |
ubotu | alien is, like, a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ | 07:18 |
intelikey | if i installed kdebase here jbritz22 it says Need to get 51.0MB/57.1MB of archives. | 07:18 |
intelikey | After unpacking 158MB of additional disk space will be used. | 07:18 |
JoeMorris | trutium nono the software which installs a bunch of stuff | 07:18 |
JoeMorris | it was on slashdot | 07:18 |
JoeMorris | but i fergot the name | 07:18 |
raven | tritium, everything is either error or warning | 07:18 |
tritium | raven: you likely don't have all the build-dependencies installed. Why not install the ubuntu package instead? | 07:18 |
JoeMorris | it installs truetype fonts, java, etc... | 07:18 |
raven | tritium, how do i do that? | 07:18 |
Fujitsu | JoeMorris, you don't want to use Automatic. Use EasyUbuntu instead! | 07:18 |
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intelikey | jbritz22 i have no idea what part of that is already on your system | 07:18 |
frank23 | jbritz22: using rpms is not a good idea. use a deb or compile is better | 07:18 |
Fujitsu | !automatix | 07:18 |
ubotu | automatix is, like, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 07:18 |
Fujitsu | !easyubuntu | 07:18 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 07:18 |
RemyLaptop | fyrestrtr sudo gets a bit further, but the game itself says it can't run... | 07:18 |
fyrestrtr | hrmm -- what game is it? | 07:19 |
jbritz22 | ok | 07:19 |
dli__ | why totem doesn't open mp3? do I need a plugin for toem? | 07:19 |
tritium | raven: it's in the universe repository. Enable it, and install gkrellm. | 07:19 |
JoeMorris | fujitsu: Will it be fixed in a future version? | 07:19 |
raven | tritium, ok thank you | 07:19 |
Fujitsu | JoeMorris, Automatix? | 07:19 |
JoeMorris | yes | 07:19 |
tritium | raven: there are a ton of gkrellm packages too (apt-cache search gkrellm) | 07:19 |
AngryElf | honestly, this shouldn't be this hard........now i'm not getting any errors, now it's just hanging when i try to mount a NFS share.....what's going on now? | 07:19 |
tritium | !tell raven about universe | 07:19 |
JoeMorris | fujitsu all those issues u talked about | 07:19 |
Fujitsu | Automatix is a really bad piece of software. | 07:19 |
Fujitsu | It is dangerous. | 07:19 |
tritium | indeed | 07:19 |
RemyLaptop | !tell dli__ about easyubuntu | 07:20 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: first, did you allow access to the NFS server for your client? You need to put in the IP address or hostname. | 07:20 |
Fujitsu | Automatix should not be used under /any/ circumstances. The author is evil and nasty and types badly. | 07:20 |
andrewk | Q - anyone have an ipod accessing&manipulating music player that will not only let me change songs on my ipod but play them as well? | 07:20 |
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andrewk | Q - I've tried amarok but sometimes my PC freezes using that. | 07:20 |
intelikey | <jbritz22> is there any way I can install the rpm on gnome? <--- you wont be installing anything on gnome. but at any rate, setup your repos and use synaptic to install * | 07:20 |
intelikey | !tell jbritz22 about repos | 07:21 |
jbritz22 | i cant find kdebase on any of the repos | 07:21 |
jbritz22 | im pretty sure i enabled them all | 07:21 |
jbritz22 | all i got is kde, and kdebase-doc | 07:21 |
fyrestrtr | gah, brb -- going to ssh into my other desktop because apt-get refuses to install irssi | 07:21 |
wd3 | hey guys i upgraded to xubuntu and today when i logged on my default "mouse icon xfce" background is gone and gnome brown is on how can get that back or install new background? | 07:21 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, yes, my exports file is "/root/to/folder client.ip.address(rw)" | 07:21 |
tritium | jbritz22: you should install kubuntu-desktop | 07:21 |
intelikey | jbritz22 already installed ? | 07:21 |
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jbritz22 | nope | 07:21 |
Fujitsu | jbritz22, kubuntu-desktop | 07:21 |
fyrestrtr | AngryElf: okay, brb -- let me login from ubuntu | 07:22 |
intelikey | Fujitsu no | 07:22 |
Fujitsu | Me yes. | 07:22 |
intelikey | not all that just for konsole | 07:22 |
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intelikey | i mean come on. | 07:22 |
tritium | jbritz22: all you want is konsole? odd... | 07:22 |
yggdrasil_ | how can install real player | 07:22 |
brennan | go to real.cpm | 07:23 |
tritium | !tell yggdrasil_ about restricted | 07:23 |
brennan | *real.com | 07:23 |
Fujitsu | Why do you want konsole? | 07:23 |
jbritz22 | well, ill just install kde and use kde | 07:23 |
wd3 | hey guys i upgraded to xubuntu and today when i logged on my default "mouse icon xfce" background is gone and gnome brown is on how can i get that back or install new background? | 07:23 |
tritium | jbritz22: if you do that, might as well get kubuntu-desktop, then | 07:23 |
jbritz22 | yeah | 07:23 |
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fyrestrtr | ah okay this is much better -- am not juggling between two computers now. | 07:24 |
intelikey | so much fro small then :) | 07:24 |
||David|| | ok... here's an odd problem. i can connect to a certain ftp site with any client but can't connect with nautilus... i can also connect to any other ftp site with nautilus. what the heck could be going on? | 07:24 |
jbritz22 | can I use apt-get? | 07:24 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr so where to begin | 07:24 |
intelikey | yep | 07:24 |
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fyrestrtr | okay -- what is your server running? | 07:24 |
intelikey | jbritz22 sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:24 |
chris | ok now how do i instal java | 07:24 |
CMonK | the new kernel upgrade does not install properly... | 07:24 |
tritium | !java | 07:24 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 07:24 |
wd3 | intelikey thanks for the help yesterday, hey guys i upgraded to xubuntu and today when i logged on my default "mouse icon xfce" background is gone and gnome brown is on how can i get that back or install new background? | 07:24 |
sfar-ubu | how to type to show uptime in xchat? :) | 07:25 |
tritium | CMonK: what do you mean? | 07:25 |
AngryElf | fyrestrtr, pm | 07:25 |
RemyLaptop | !sdl | 07:25 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RemyLaptop | 07:25 |
jbritz22 | E: Couldn't find package kubuntu-desktop | 07:25 |
RemyLaptop | anyone know what SDL is ? | 07:25 |
RemyLaptop | I'm getting errors about it... | 07:25 |
tritium | jbritz22: sudo apt-get update first | 07:25 |
RemyLaptop | thinking I might not have the latest version | 07:25 |
jbritz22 | just did | 07:25 |
jbritz22 | and then I did that | 07:25 |
tritium | RemyLaptop: did you install it from the repositories? | 07:26 |
Fujitsu | SDL is Simple DirectMedia Layer... | 07:26 |
intelikey | wd3 maybe ask again without starting with my nick so others who know might notice you. | 07:26 |
wd3 | sure | 07:26 |
brennan | how do i install VLC? | 07:26 |
chris | is there anything else i need to know about installing java | 07:26 |
tritium | jbritz22: it's in main, so you should find it, unless your /etc/apt/sources.list is only setup for your cdrom | 07:26 |
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CMonK | the linux-image- package points to /lib/evms but this does not exist... lib/evms2.XXX does. | 07:26 |
wd3 | hey guys i upgraded to xubuntu and today when i logged on my default "mouse icon xfce" background is gone and gnome brown is on how can i get that back or install new background? | 07:26 |
intelikey | brennan sudo apt-get install vlc | 07:26 |
||David|| | ok... here's an odd problem. i can connect to a certain ftp site with any client but can't connect with nautilus... i can also connect to any other ftp site with nautilus. what the heck could be going on? the ftp site i am referring to uses Microsoft FTP Server (Version 4) and it's a remote machine that I don't have access to. | 07:26 |
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jbritz22 | how can I check that tritium | 07:26 |
RemyLaptop | tritium, no idea... Just that I have a stack of games that won't work due to errors with SDL, and not having I/O port permissions... | 07:27 |
tritium | jbritz22: look at your /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:27 |
JoeMorris | i found a comparison of easyubuntu vs automatix | 07:27 |
tritium | RemyLaptop: but how did you install SDL? | 07:27 |
JoeMorris | seems like easyubuntu is team driven | 07:27 |
JoeMorris | Team driven. Ubuntu developer interaction | 07:27 |
Fujitsu | JoeMorris, do not use Automatix! | 07:27 |
JoeMorris | im not | 07:27 |
RemyLaptop | no idea tritium, I don't even know what it is... | 07:27 |
RemyLaptop | :-) | 07:27 |
brennan | it says that it depnds on other packages, but it wont let me install them | 07:27 |
JoeMorris | i googled about it | 07:27 |
JoeMorris | seems like easyubuntu is nice tho | 07:27 |
intelikey | jbritz22 sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:28 |
Fujitsu | Yes. | 07:28 |
Fujitsu | It is. | 07:28 |
Fujitsu | Automatix is BAAAAAD. | 07:28 |
jbritz22 | deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main $ | 07:28 |
Mischevious | can somone help me with this please, http://pastebin.com/613876 | 07:28 |
JoeMorris | fujitsu i will get it when the new ubuntu comes out | 07:28 |
Fujitsu | I hope you mean EasyUbuntu, not Automatix, JoeMorris. | 07:28 |
JoeMorris | yes | 07:28 |
tritium | RemyLaptop: that is likely your problem, then. | 07:29 |
JoeMorris | fujitsu: fedora core 5 looks interesting tho | 07:29 |
JoeMorris | as a stop gap | 07:29 |
jbritz22 | tritium is my sources good? | 07:29 |
JoeMorris | but its RPM and bad bad bad, i like ubuntu | 07:29 |
tritium | jbritz22: that's it? no... | 07:29 |
Fujitsu | JoeMorris, try using Dapper now, it's very stable... | 07:29 |
jbritz22 | what should it be | 07:29 |
JoeMorris | fujitsu thats an idea :) | 07:29 |
tritium | !tell jbritz22 about sources | 07:30 |
CMonK | i will try to reboot the new kernel... this won't work... I'll be back. | 07:30 |
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RemyLaptop | tritium, yeah... but it's a bit hard to fix something I don't know about :-P | 07:30 |
Mischevious | can somone help me with this please, http://pastebin.com/613876 | 07:30 |
intelikey | Mischevious libtool installed ? | 07:30 |
Mischevious | intelikey, let me check | 07:30 |
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fyrestrtr | hey synaptic is just a front-end to apt-get right? If I enable a repository, it will be enabled in the cli apt-get as well? | 07:31 |
Mischevious | intelikey, is now, should i try to compile that program again? | 07:31 |
joseph | hey I'm trying to compile something and it gives an error: | 07:31 |
joseph | checking for sdl-config... no | 07:31 |
joseph | checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no | 07:31 |
intelikey | yep] | 07:31 |
joseph | how do I fix that? | 07:31 |
Mischevious | joseph, use pastebin.com | 07:31 |
tritium | joseph: by installing the lib that you need | 07:31 |
intelikey | fyrestrtr errr to dpkg maybe | 07:31 |
joseph | how do I know what lib I need? | 07:31 |
jbritz22 | so I just copy and paste the resource list from there, | 07:31 |
jbritz22 | ? | 07:31 |
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joseph | how do I know what lib I need? | 07:32 |
brennan | the vlc thing still isn't working | 07:32 |
Mischevious | joseph, it told you which one | 07:32 |
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Mischevious | brennan, you looking for a video player or music? | 07:32 |
brennan | video | 07:32 |
joseph | sdl-config? | 07:32 |
Mischevious | brennan, try totem. it's good | 07:32 |
||David|| | odd problem... i can connect to a certain ftp site with any client but can't connect with nautilus... i can also connect to any other ftp site with nautilus. what the heck could be going on? the ftp site i am referring to uses Microsoft FTP Server (Version 4) and it's a remote machine that I don't have access to. | 07:32 |
wd3 | hey guys i upgraded to xubuntu and today when i logged on my default "mouse icon xfce" background is gone and gnome brown is on how can i get that back or install new background? | 07:32 |
intelikey | jbritz22 if it is correct code name i.e. breezy or dapper .... they yes. | 07:33 |
tritium | wd3: please don't repeat so often | 07:33 |
fyrestrtr | ||David||: first guess, passive/active mode | 07:33 |
Mischevious | wd3, hit alt+f2 and type xfce4-desktop | 07:33 |
brennan | where can i get plugins for it? | 07:33 |
chris | ok now how do i unpack it | 07:33 |
intelikey | else change the code name | 07:33 |
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intelikey | fi | 07:33 |
JoeMorris | fujitsu: too many linux choices that are good nowadays | 07:33 |
joseph | Mischevious: I don't think it told me which one | 07:33 |
||David|| | fyrestrtr: and how would I change that in nautilus? | 07:33 |
Mischevious | wd3, join #xfce for xfce questions. | 07:33 |
fyrestrtr | ||David||: this is a good question for someone that uses nautilus :) | 07:34 |
JoeMorris | suse looks nice, fedora looks nice and ubuntu, the rest imho arent that good | 07:34 |
=== intelikey just noticed his syntax and saw it lacked the fi ^ | ||
JoeMorris | years ago mandrake was good | 07:34 |
joseph | hey I need help I get an error when trying to compile something: | 07:34 |
fyrestrtr | gah -- how to fix invalid signature errors in apt-get ? | 07:34 |
joseph | checking for sdl-config... no | 07:34 |
joseph | checking for SDL - version >= 1.2.0... no | 07:34 |
JoeMorris | when it was redhat with kde :P | 07:34 |
tritium | joseph: please stop pasting that | 07:34 |
JoeMorris | but now mandrake is really bad | 07:35 |
wd3 | tritium, thanks. i thought i waited long enough next time i'll wait longer. | 07:35 |
tritium | thanks, wd3 | 07:35 |
wd3 | mischevious, thank you for the help, it says no such file or directory | 07:35 |
joseph | tritium: why? | 07:35 |
crimsun | joseph: just install libsdl1.2-dev | 07:35 |
intelikey | JoeMorris is it. i havent tried it sense it changed to *iva | 07:35 |
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wd3 | mischevious, i joined xubuntu and no response , i'll join xfce, thanks again | 07:36 |
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JoeMorris | intelikey i havent either, but the screenshots are lousy | 07:36 |
JoeMorris | its not keeping pace with development | 07:36 |
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Xen | good evening. can someone tell me if there is a way to rip to vbr mp3 with goobox? | 07:37 |
RemyLaptop | how do i force a package to re-install via apt-get ? | 07:37 |
intelikey | JoeMorris screen shots..... that makes a system great or terrable lol | 07:37 |
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RemyLaptop | libsdl seems to be buggered | 07:37 |
jbritz22 | kubuntu desktop is 444 mb | 07:37 |
jbritz22 | wow | 07:37 |
jbritz22 | lol | 07:37 |
prada | RemyLaptop: aptitude resinstall | 07:37 |
intelikey | you very funny man JoeMorris | 07:37 |
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JoeMorris | the only 3 good ones imho are fedora, suse and ubuntu | 07:37 |
damian_ | hey im just wondering if i can set system monitor to a keyboard shortcut and if so how? | 07:37 |
RemyLaptop | prada will that reinstall everything ? or do I specify which ? | 07:38 |
JoeMorris | the rest are all small scale projects, could be good if u want a specialized linux tho | 07:38 |
prada | RemyLaptop: you'll have to specify | 07:38 |
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JoeMorris | i wish there was a fedora suse and ubuntu comparison of all the devel releases :P | 07:39 |
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Fenderet | Is there an excellent linux desktop search like "ask" or Google? | 07:39 |
alteroo | beagle | 07:39 |
alteroo | ? | 07:39 |
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jbritz22 | is there a way to delete gnome after I have isntalled kdesktop, kde | 07:39 |
intelikey | JoeMorris have you forgotten the largest distro ? | 07:39 |
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prada | Fenderet: beagle - http://beaglewiki.org/Main_Page | 07:40 |
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JoeMorris | intelikey: i said fedora, suse and ubuntu | 07:40 |
JoeMorris | intelikey: Those are the largest 3 | 07:40 |
intelikey | and left out debian | 07:40 |
Fenderet | thank you I am installing it now :) | 07:40 |
intelikey | tisk tisk | 07:40 |
fyrestrtr | debian | 07:41 |
JoeMorris | intelikey ubuntu is based off of debian | 07:41 |
JoeMorris | and has a more substantial user base nowadays | 07:41 |
JoeMorris | :) | 07:41 |
Xen | whats the best cd-ripping app? by best i mean able to directly rip from cd to vbr mp3 | 07:41 |
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Mischevious | intelikey, can you help me again? | 07:41 |
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prada | Xen: soundjuicer should be worth a try | 07:41 |
fyrestrtr | Xen: k3b or something like that. | 07:41 |
intelikey | maybe. Mischevious | 07:41 |
Xen | k3b rips audio? | 07:41 |
CmonK | The new kernel rebooted despite the dodgy upgrade script. | 07:42 |
Xen | soundjuicer... how do i add ,p3 encoding to it? | 07:42 |
Mischevious | intelikey, http://pastebin.com/613882 | 07:42 |
andrewk | quick question, when upgrading to dapper, can I take the default actions when it tries to change my .confs and such? | 07:42 |
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arrinmurr | Xen: kaudiocreator is great for that, but it's a kde-program ;) | 07:43 |
intelikey | Mischevious need more info. | 07:43 |
Mischevious | intelikey, such as? | 07:43 |
intelikey | start that copy higher up | 07:43 |
Mischevious | k | 07:43 |
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Mischevious | http://pastebin.com/613884 | 07:44 |
JoeMorris | gnome 2.14 is out ehh | 07:45 |
JoeMorris | nice | 07:45 |
Mischevious | yea | 07:45 |
RemyLaptop | hm... I seem to have buggered something up... aptitude is removing everything ! | 07:45 |
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RemyLaptop | oops | 07:45 |
JoeMorris | of the 3, suse, fedora and ubuntu which one seems to have the most financial resources? | 07:46 |
ufo | JoeMorris, its alot faster than the older | 07:46 |
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JoeMorris | doesnt google sink money into ubuntu | 07:46 |
JoeMorris | could be a tie :P | 07:46 |
Mischevious | JoeMorris, no, but they have a ubuntu version they use i read that somewhere. | 07:46 |
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JoeMorris | mischevious google pays | 07:47 |
JoeMorris | for development needs | 07:47 |
CmonK | Anyone running Dapper upgrade the kernel and get the same permission errors during the install - see via the terminal. | 07:47 |
JoeMorris | like $1000 if this gets fixed blah blah | 07:47 |
esc_ape | I have a folder with about 800 .wma files in it. I also have a bunch of mp3 and ogg files in it. I'd like to delete all of the .wma files. what should I type into the terminal? the directory is /home/bill/Desktop/music - the .wma files are scattered within other directories within that directory. any ideas? | 07:47 |
Mischevious | dunno | 07:47 |
damian_ | hey im just wondering if i can set system monitor to a keyboard shortcut and if so how? | 07:47 |
damian_ | hey im just wondering if i can set system monitor to a keyboard shortcut and if so how? | 07:47 |
alteroo | can anyone preview sound files in nautilus?? | 07:47 |
esc_ape | I tried rm /home/bill/Desktop/music/*.wma but that didnt work | 07:47 |
RemyLaptop | is there any way to force aptitude to check everything and make sure it's all up to date ? | 07:47 |
JoeMorris | at least they used to | 07:48 |
Mischevious | esc_ape, cd into the dir and type, sudo rm -r *.wma | 07:48 |
JoeMorris | i assume they prolly still do :) | 07:48 |
intelikey | Mischevious i'm not familear with that problem but the warning it specifies may, repete may have something to do with the error in the following steps... warning: libdbus-1.so.1, needed by /usr/lib/libhal.so, may conflict./.libs/librbshell.a(rb-shell.o): In function `rb_shell_get_type' <--- no sujestions on how to solve. sorry. | 07:48 |
RemyLaptop | hell, is there any way to basically re-install breezy on top again ? | 07:48 |
Mischevious | intelikey, okay thank you sir. | 07:48 |
intelikey | np | 07:48 |
esc_ape | Mischevious: rm: cannot remove `*.wma': No such file or directory | 07:49 |
Mischevious | esc_ape, you in the right dir? | 07:49 |
intelikey | might remove hal and try. if that is an option. idk | 07:49 |
RemyLaptop | is there any way to basically re-install breezy on top again ? | 07:49 |
Mischevious | intelikey, remove in the configure or totally. | 07:49 |
prada | RemyLaptop: apt-get dist-upgrade ? | 07:49 |
Mischevious | libhal-dev libnautilus-burn-dev | 07:49 |
Mischevious | are together. | 07:49 |
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esc_ape | yes...the .wma are within the folders that are in that directory... | 07:49 |
Mischevious | and rhyhymbox needs libnautilis. | 07:49 |
esc_ape | does that matter? | 07:49 |
Mischevious | esc_ape, yes | 07:50 |
chris | i am trying to instal java i have it download and now i can lost\ | 07:50 |
RemyLaptop | prada, that doesn't put it all back to default.. | 07:50 |
Mischevious | esc_ape, cd into the dir with the files | 07:50 |
Fracture | anyone here good with linux printing ? | 07:50 |
CmonK | I don't know if you can go backwards.... i suppose you could reverse your respositories and try to sudo apt-get clean and then upgrade. If it works you would be the first. Post your results if you are game. | 07:50 |
prada | RemyLaptop: then the best way is to do a clean install from a cd , I don't think there's a super stratightforward way of doing that | 07:50 |
esc_ape | ok...guess I thought there would be a command that would rm all the files without having to cd into every folder (there are about 100) | 07:50 |
Mischevious | can somone help esc_ape i cant' think of the command.. | 07:51 |
jbritz22 | ok so installed kdesktop | 07:51 |
Mischevious | isn't it sudo rm -r *.wma | 07:51 |
Mischevious | try sudo rm -r *.wma* | 07:52 |
jbritz22 | now how do I use it | 07:52 |
JoeMorris | fedora 5 core from the screenshots doesnt actually impress much, it looks like fedora just freshened up, i dont like it :P | 07:52 |
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JoeMorris | no suse screenshots | 07:52 |
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AngryElf | how do i change my UID? | 07:52 |
esc_ape | bill@ubuntu:~/Desktop/music$ sudo rm -r *.wma* | 07:53 |
esc_ape | rm: cannot remove `*.wma*': No such file or directory | 07:53 |
JoeMorris | what is the suse beta now, 10.1? | 07:53 |
ufo | *.wma | 07:53 |
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intelikey | AngryElf are you sure you want to ? | 07:53 |
Mischevious | ufo, he says it doesn't work | 07:53 |
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Xnos | hi ... how i can close a shell connection? | 07:53 |
ufo | exity | 07:54 |
ufo | exit | 07:54 |
=== Flik [n=mbamford@d205-250-148-56.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
AngryElf | intelikey, is it going to blow things up? | 07:54 |
jbritz22 | I got kdesktop intalled, do i jsut log out and then log in again to use it? | 07:54 |
ufo | or ctrl+c | 07:54 |
Mischevious | it works perfectly, i just did sudo rm -r *.mp3 | 07:54 |
Mischevious | in a dir with mp3's and they all were deleted. | 07:54 |
JoeMorris | hmmm looks like suse is kde? | 07:54 |
intelikey | AngryElf yes. | 07:54 |
JoeMorris | ick | 07:54 |
Xnos | but if another pc is connected to my pc | 07:54 |
intelikey | AngryElf well maybe not. man usermod | 07:54 |
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Mischevious | does ekiga work with skype users? | 07:55 |
intelikey | it's -u but when sudo doesn't work don't blame me. and if you set it to 0 and someone hijacks your irc and owns your system, don't blame me. | 07:55 |
esc_ape | Mischevious - yeah, that works...but not when the files are with other folders within that directory | 07:56 |
esc_ape | if that makes sense :) | 07:56 |
Mischevious | esc_ape, it should, since it's recursive. | 07:56 |
fyrestrtr | does someone know how to upgrade the PGP keys for apt-get ? | 07:56 |
Mischevious | esc_ape, dunno man, sorry. | 07:56 |
paulproteus|lapt | fatehaze: BTW, did your problem get solved? | 07:56 |
paulproteus|lapt | Sorry I ran out for a bit. | 07:56 |
htrp | is there any way to filter ddos? | 07:57 |
intelikey | -R | 07:57 |
Mischevious | htrp, drop pings. | 07:57 |
htrp | Mischevious, what you mean? | 07:57 |
Mischevious | htrp, use firestarter and set it to drop icmp traffic | 07:57 |
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htrp | coz some kids on the other net are playing with me | 07:57 |
jbritz22 | mischevious: so I just installed kdesktop do I just reboot to get it running? | 07:57 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, kde ? | 07:57 |
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jbritz22 | yeah | 07:57 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, yea, in the login screen go to session and select KDE | 07:58 |
jbritz22 | ok | 07:58 |
jbritz22 | brb | 07:58 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, dont' reboot | 07:58 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, wait | 07:58 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, just hit ctrl+alt+backspace | 07:58 |
Mischevious | damn it | 07:58 |
intelikey | jbritz22 no reboot. | 07:58 |
Mischevious | man, sorry i wasn't thinkin | 07:58 |
Mischevious | .. | 07:58 |
intelikey | just logout | 07:58 |
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Mischevious | too late | 07:58 |
Mischevious | :\ | 07:58 |
Mischevious | i guess we are even since i did help him fix a host problem earlier :-P | 07:58 |
paulproteus|lapt | fyrestrtr: In Synaptic's gui for authentication there's a button to add the default ones back. | 07:58 |
intelikey | no... not reboot | 07:58 |
intelikey | this is not Micro_Reboot windows. wish people would remember that. | 07:59 |
=== Fujitsu [n=fujitsu@c211-28-183-78.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
esc_ape | what is the location of the trash directory? | 07:59 |
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intelikey | Desktop/trash | 08:00 |
CmonK | ~/.trash - I think. | 08:00 |
intelikey | on some desktops that is. | 08:00 |
CmonK | Ctl-h on nautilus will show hidden dirs. | 08:00 |
intelikey | it is desktop dependant | 08:00 |
esc_ape | yeah ~/.trash is it | 08:01 |
intelikey | seems like /tmp/.$UID.trash on something i saw. | 08:01 |
gnu_style | how do I tell ubuntu to install on a logical drive? | 08:02 |
RemyLaptop | !easyubuntu | 08:02 |
ubotu | easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu | 08:02 |
intelikey | as opposed to illogical ones ? | 08:02 |
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intelikey | gnu_style ntfs ? | 08:03 |
fyrestrtr | paulproteus|lapt: what's the cmd line way to do it? | 08:04 |
woodwizzle | any gamers in here?\ | 08:04 |
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gnu_style | fat32@sda1 sda5 sda5 ext3@sda6 swap@sda7 | 08:04 |
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gnu_style | ohh i mean: fat32@sda1 sda5 sda6 ext3@sda7 swap@sda8 | 08:05 |
Disorganized | anyone know of a command line mp3 tagger? | 08:05 |
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intelikey | gnu_style so / is sda7 right ? | 08:05 |
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fyrestrtr | paulproteus|lapt: can you repeat that please? my screen blanked. | 08:06 |
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IamEthos | hey, I was just running Ubuntu live. I was able to successfully write files to my ext3 partition | 08:06 |
Disorganized | n/m, found one | 08:06 |
IamEthos | however sometimes it wouldn't let me write | 08:07 |
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paulproteus|lapt | fyrestrtr: I never answered. (-: | 08:07 |
gnu_style | root in sda6 | 08:07 |
IamEthos | and I'm not sure why it would at one point and not at another | 08:07 |
gnu_style | ohh sory again | 08:07 |
gnu_style | root is sda7 | 08:07 |
paulproteus|lapt | fyre... rat. | 08:08 |
paulproteus|lapt | was going to answer, too. | 08:08 |
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gnu_style | hello? | 08:08 |
cerebrix | anyone running dapper and amarok in gnome having any wierd problems like being unable to close the eq or visual or script manager once you get them open? | 08:08 |
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intelikey | yeah gnu_style when it comes to the partitioning stage of the install you tell it manual and select that partition and set it to use as / | 08:09 |
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intelikey | finish partitioning and continue the installation | 08:09 |
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gnu_style | it will not touch my winxp partition? were do I install the bootloader? in sda7? | 08:10 |
Mischevious | does anyone here use ekiga, or gnome meeting | 08:10 |
Mischevious | any sip program? | 08:10 |
gnu_style | i dont want to overwrite my MBR | 08:10 |
intelikey | mbr | 08:10 |
=== jbritz22 [n=jbritz22@207-195-69-119.sktn.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz22 | ok | 08:11 |
jbritz22 | that fucked | 08:11 |
jbritz22 | up | 08:11 |
intelikey | gnu_style why not ? | 08:11 |
jbritz22 | my entire | 08:11 |
jbritz22 | thing | 08:11 |
jbritz22 | lol | 08:11 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious: i logged out, and couldnt log back in, so I just did a failsafe and typed in gaim | 08:11 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, okay | 08:11 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious: so now what do I do, I cant log into either KDE nor gnome, kde gives me a bunch of errors, like, cant write to some file, and gnome says your sessions has lasted less than 10 seconds | 08:12 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, do a failsafe terminal and type | 08:12 |
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intelikey | jbritz22 nice. you found a bug. now do a chown ?:? /home/? -R where ? us your user name. and try again. | 08:13 |
Mischevious | sudo rm -r /home/user/.ICEauthority | 08:13 |
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Mischevious | what did he do? | 08:13 |
tritium | Mischevious: language (above) | 08:13 |
intelikey | Mischevious didn't he change uid ? | 08:13 |
Mischevious | that wasn't him | 08:13 |
Mischevious | he doesn't know how to change a diaper. | 08:13 |
Mischevious | let alone a uid | 08:14 |
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intelikey | but if it is just root owner of *auth* owning it will still fix it Mischevious | 08:14 |
Mischevious | i'm not sure.. | 08:14 |
jbritz22 | yeahthe ice authority thing was messed up mischevious | 08:14 |
Mischevious | i figured it was | 08:14 |
Mischevious | happend to me a few times | 08:14 |
Mischevious | anyone here use ekiga? | 08:14 |
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intelikey | yeah i've been there. locked out of my own home. | 08:15 |
cuen | is ekiga like skype? | 08:15 |
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jbritz22 | mischevious: what did you do to fix it? | 08:15 |
intelikey | still woning it recursivly fixes either problem. | 08:15 |
intelikey | owning ^ | 08:15 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, i did sudo rm -r /home/user/.ICEauthority | 08:15 |
jbritz22 | ok | 08:16 |
Mischevious | where user = you | 08:16 |
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Mischevious | your name | 08:16 |
tritium | jbritz22: watch your language, please | 08:16 |
jbritz22 | sorry tritium | 08:16 |
Mischevious | i always use user for my username | 08:16 |
jbritz22 | accident | 08:16 |
php|paragon | if ive split a 200gB drive in half, for ubuntu, yet later decide to not only resize/get rid of the ex3 partition but fix the issue of the bootloader (get rid of that) so my system defaults to windows and my HDD only having one partition, what is the best way to go about doing this? | 08:16 |
Mischevious | and system for my hostname. | 08:16 |
Mischevious | i need somone to test ekiga with me. | 08:16 |
jbritz22 | how do I switch to the terminal if I cant use alt+tab | 08:16 |
php|paragon | should i go back into the hoary install program for ubuntu and shrink partitions? or is this too complicated? | 08:16 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, F1 F2 i believe | 08:17 |
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Mischevious | ctrl+f2 and ctrl+f1 | 08:17 |
Mischevious | to get a new tty. | 08:17 |
intelikey | lol | 08:17 |
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jbritz22 | ok | 08:17 |
jbritz22 | sweet | 08:17 |
Mischevious | :-D | 08:17 |
DarthLappy | I've just done a LiveCD install, and X isn't running at the right res (monitor says input not supported), where does the X config live? | 08:17 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, don't run KDE programs as root, or you will get this problem alot. | 08:17 |
kyncani | php|paragon: knoppix + qtparted | 08:18 |
nathanj | DarthLappy: trying running X11config? | 08:18 |
kyncani | php|paragon: don't know how windows will handle the partition resizing though | 08:18 |
jbritz22 | ctrl+f1 is doing nothing | 08:18 |
=== Beleys [i=sauget@tolkien.iut-bm.univ-fcomte.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mischevious | try ctrl+f4 | 08:18 |
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Mischevious | you in a graphic view | 08:18 |
Mischevious | or a X view. | 08:18 |
DarthLappy | nathanj, Nope | 08:18 |
intelikey | DarthLappy in /etc/X11/xorg.conf but you might fix it with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:18 |
Mischevious | like just the terminal. | 08:18 |
php|paragon | i might get paritition magic for windows and use their backups, try a swift resize and address the bootloader first | 08:18 |
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=== PsyberOne [n=psyber@c-24-14-165-171.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jbritz22 | i just used a failsafe, and typed in gaim | 08:18 |
Mischevious | okay then in a terminal | 08:19 |
Mischevious | type sudo rm -r /home/yourname/.ICEauthority | 08:19 |
php|paragon | abit tricky aye kyncani | 08:19 |
kyncani | php|paragon: for the mbr thing, there is a package called mbr for that | 08:19 |
nathanj | DarthLappy: `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg` will fix it | 08:19 |
jbritz22 | how do I get to the terminal without exiting out of this | 08:19 |
php|paragon | what's the qtparted like? | 08:19 |
jbritz22 | lol | 08:19 |
Mischevious | ? | 08:19 |
kyncani | php|paragon: like partition magic, but public software | 08:19 |
=== Jambon [n=jambon@S0106000d8832d25c.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
php|paragon | yea | 08:20 |
Jambon | has anyone used google pages? | 08:20 |
kyncani | php|paragon: you _have to_ use qtparted from a livecd though (knoppix) | 08:20 |
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intelikey | not i Jambon i don't believe in googleing.... | 08:21 |
php|paragon | yea | 08:21 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, you get it? i got a big test tomorrow so i should probably go to sleep | 08:21 |
Mischevious | state requirements you know. | 08:21 |
jbritz22 | yeah I think I got it | 08:21 |
php|paragon | does that program have some kind of fix for the MBR though? | 08:21 |
jbritz22 | just enter the command | 08:21 |
Mischevious | okay, good night | 08:21 |
jbritz22 | and il be good? | 08:21 |
Mischevious | yes. | 08:21 |
jbritz22 | sweet | 08:21 |
Mischevious | try it | 08:21 |
CmonK | Tried easy ubuntu... it falls over and begs me to fix broken packages when there aren't any. | 08:21 |
Mischevious | and then get into gnome. | 08:21 |
Jambon | I'm not sure whether to hate google or firefox right now | 08:21 |
CmonK | Nice idea though. | 08:21 |
php|paragon | thx for your help btw kyncani | 08:21 |
jbritz22 | and what to do in gnome | 08:21 |
Mischevious | CmonK, sudo apt-get -f remove | 08:21 |
Fujitsu | What's the issue, Jambon? | 08:21 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, don't you want to get back to gnome? | 08:22 |
jbritz22 | yeah | 08:22 |
Jambon | I'm just ranting | 08:22 |
jbritz22 | but I also wanna use KDE later | 08:22 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, then do it. | 08:22 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, okay. then do that then | 08:22 |
jbritz22 | ok | 08:22 |
jbritz22 | sweet | 08:22 |
jbritz22 | thanks | 08:22 |
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Mischevious | you don't need anyone's permission | 08:22 |
Mischevious | :-p | 08:22 |
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dman | my box is timeing out on | 08:22 |
dman | Testing apt sources... | 08:22 |
dman | 0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] | 08:22 |
CmonK | Mischevious: What does that do? | 08:22 |
dman | any idea why? | 08:22 |
Jambon | I'm trying to edit my google page and it's annoying me | 08:22 |
Mischevious | stop the pasting | 08:22 |
Mischevious | CmonK, cleans broken packages | 08:22 |
Jambon | it's soooooooo slow and nothing seems to work | 08:22 |
Mischevious | dman, the server is down | 08:22 |
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shrewduser | anyone know why i get this when i try to look at the audio tab in winecfg?: can't create mcop directory | 08:23 |
dman | Mischevious so its a widespead problem? | 08:23 |
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Mischevious | dman, dunno, if the server IS down then yes, it's a widespread problem | 08:23 |
kyncani | php|paragon: np, and try linux again next year ;) | 08:23 |
DarthLappy | intelikey, gethostbyname or something error :S | 08:23 |
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Mischevious | DarthLappy, edit your /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname | 08:24 |
CmonK | sudo apt-get -f remove = nothing done. Synaptic doesn't report packages broken either. | 08:24 |
Mischevious | CmonK, what does then? | 08:24 |
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Jambon | so if anyone know about how to work with google pages, let me know | 08:24 |
CmonK | easyubuntu script does. | 08:24 |
Mischevious | CmonK, what you trying to install? | 08:25 |
CmonK | tells me something is broken... doesn't say what. | 08:25 |
CmonK | just video codecs. | 08:25 |
intelikey | DarthLappy this is a 'hack' install ? what does hostname tell you ? | 08:25 |
Mischevious | CmonK, sudo apt-get install w32codecs | 08:25 |
DarthLappy | intelikey, MoeniaCalybeius | 08:25 |
CmonK | okay... i've done that without the easyubunut. | 08:25 |
Mischevious | and? | 08:25 |
kapputu | Hi, in which repository do I find ddclient - a DynDns update client? | 08:26 |
CmonK | so I'd probably achieve nothing by using easyubuntu then. | 08:26 |
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intelikey | DarthLappy let me see the error and the command that it was puked form | 08:26 |
intelikey | from even | 08:26 |
cerebrix | question: ive added the plf repo's to my sources.list so i can grab the latest amarok beta, but for some reason apt cant find the package. mind taking a look at my sources? maybe i did something wierd. http://pastebin.com/613899 | 08:26 |
Mischevious | kapputu, maybe their website? | 08:27 |
Mischevious | kapputu, ddclient - Update dynamic IP address at DynDNS.org | 08:27 |
Mischevious | you don't have that? | 08:27 |
Mischevious | when you type sudo apt-cache search ddclient? | 08:27 |
CmonK | i'm just rebooting... brb. | 08:27 |
intelikey | cerebrix you updated ? | 08:28 |
woodwizzle | I've looked around the site, but need some help finding information on creating a dirstro of my own based on ubuntu | 08:28 |
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woodwizzle | can anyone help me, I'm particularly interested in creating a variant LiveCD distro | 08:28 |
cerebrix | just thru update manager | 08:28 |
Mischevious | woodwizzle, might want to go to the ubuntu developer channel | 08:28 |
woodwizzle | Mischevious, Oh, thanks! didn't think of that | 08:28 |
Mischevious | np. | 08:29 |
intelikey | cerebrix breezy and dapper mix ? but what i meant is sudo apt-get update so the new repos are active | 08:29 |
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tonyyarusso | Anyone know how to play .rax DRM-restricted audio files from Rhapsody (RealMedia protected audio)? | 08:29 |
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Mischevious | tonyyarusso, can it be converted to .mp3 ? | 08:30 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, DRM :) | 08:30 |
cerebrix | shouldnt be a mix..... | 08:30 |
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Mischevious | yuck.. drm | 08:30 |
tonyyarusso | Mischevious: I don't know; how would one try? | 08:30 |
tonyyarusso | dli__: Yeah, fun stuff... | 08:30 |
Mischevious | tonyyarusso, lame input.rax output.mp3 | 08:30 |
cerebrix | W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org dapper Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 | 08:30 |
tonyyarusso | Mischevious: I'll give it a shot. | 08:30 |
Mischevious | tonyyarusso, you need lame installed, but i'm sure you have it | 08:30 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, stay away from DRM | 08:31 |
intelikey | deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free && deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14beta2 dapper main <--- looks mixed to me | 08:31 |
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Dethread | cerebrix, I'm getting the same thing: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper-backports Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com> | 08:31 |
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Jambon | I swear if ONLY i knew html. Whatever the hell google calls their javascript runs slower than and an elephant stuck in molasses | 08:31 |
jbritz22 | ok | 08:31 |
DarthLappy | intelikey, It happens for sude | 08:31 |
DarthLappy | intelikey, sudo* | 08:31 |
Mischevious | Jambon, lol | 08:31 |
jenda | How is UBuntu with acer laptops? | 08:31 |
tonyyarusso | Mischevious: It converts, but just plays static. | 08:31 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, you got msn/aim/yahoo ? | 08:32 |
Mischevious | tonyyarusso, yea, drm :\ | 08:32 |
jbritz22 | yeah | 08:32 |
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Mischevious | jbritz22, add me on one | 08:32 |
Mischevious | whats your name | 08:32 |
tonyyarusso | dli__: I do; it's a Windows-using friend I'm trying to convert who would lose $50 worth of music. | 08:32 |
pvd2006 | do you guys know about this? Ubuntu Breezy stores the installation password in plain text | 08:32 |
jbritz22 | getthat? | 08:32 |
DarthLappy | intelikey, It's working now | 08:32 |
tonyyarusso | I have a sample file to experiment with. | 08:32 |
cerebrix | that mean the problem is on their end? | 08:32 |
koogi | /msg NickServ Register 14551 | 08:32 |
intelikey | DarthLappy k | 08:32 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, no, did you send me a pm? | 08:32 |
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Mischevious | that hurts koogi. | 08:32 |
Mischevious | haha | 08:32 |
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jbritz22 | jbritz22@gmail.com is msn, and jbritz22 is AIM | 08:32 |
Mischevious | k | 08:33 |
jbritz22 | one more question | 08:33 |
Mischevious | shoot cowboy. | 08:33 |
tonyyarusso | Mischevious, dli__: As I understand it from Google, these things are encrypted with a PGP key, whatever that means for this process. | 08:33 |
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jenda | Umm, how is Ubuntu with an Acer TravelMate 240, to be more precise? | 08:33 |
jbritz22 | whenever I try to run KDE, KDE programs, I get an interprocess error, and another error will not save configuration, | 08:33 |
Mischevious | jbritz22, i know nothing about kde. | 08:33 |
jbritz22 | configuration file not writeable etc | 08:33 |
tonyyarusso | Also, my partition table right now is Windows, unallocated (4,424MB), shared Fat32, unallocated (3,742MB), /, /multimedia, /boot, /home, swap, ibm recovery, unallocated (431MB), in that order. How can I best make use of those free spaces? | 08:33 |
jbritz22 | ok | 08:33 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, it's illegal for anyone to write an open source software to do drm at least in US | 08:34 |
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patrix | therefore DRM is illegal! ;) | 08:34 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, that's what I heard in a talk by that freak david stallman | 08:34 |
tonyyarusso | dli__: Um, for the moment let's say I'm not overly concerned with that, since the end result is theoretically legal (she gets to keep the music she purchased), and I'm not in the US. | 08:34 |
intelikey | jbritz22 i still say you should have owned your own home. it's better than renting. | 08:34 |
=== Ilya [n=ilya@ool-44c79a71.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mischevious | patrix, correct. | 08:35 |
Ilya | DCC SEND "string" 0 0 0 | 08:35 |
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dli__ | patrix, no, windows can do it, it's not open source | 08:35 |
Mischevious | what a jerk | 08:35 |
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tonyyarusso | dli__: I don't think it was illegal, just prohibited by GPL3. | 08:35 |
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mackymack | hey guys, i'm fairly new to ubuntu.. i'm running dapper flight 5, and i added a couple of sessions using gnome-session-properties, however, the delete and edit buttons are not accessible now, i just want to erase these sessions that i added and i cannot. is it a bug ? | 08:36 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, no, long before GPL3, it's even illegal to write | 08:36 |
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mackymack | if anybody can help ! appreciate it | 08:36 |
tonyyarusso | dli__: Hmm, okay. | 08:37 |
tonyyarusso | mackymack: You probably want to try in #ubuntu+1; that's where Dapper discussion is. | 08:37 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, GPL3 doesn't make it illegal, at least, you can write your own, without using any GPL3 licensed component | 08:37 |
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tonyyarusso | dli__: Right. | 08:37 |
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mackymack | thanks | 08:38 |
tonyyarusso | dli__: Might there be software of questionable legality or from outside the US that might do it? | 08:38 |
Mischevious | !dcop | 08:38 |
ubotu | Mischevious: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:38 |
dli__ | tonyyarusso, could be, maybe some european countried, don't whether it's illegal in EU | 08:38 |
kapputu | how do I add a service to run at boot? | 08:39 |
intelikey | kapputu init scripts | 08:39 |
regius_ | hi i have a touchscreen (fujitsu-siemens lifebook p1510) and relly tryed to make this http://www.conan.de/touchscreen/p-series.html to work. Do you know where to find som debug info so I can google on something? | 08:39 |
=== Martin [n=Martin@80-52.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | SysVinit | 08:39 |
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kapputu | intelikey: is there any documentation? | 08:39 |
intelikey | yes. tons | 08:40 |
intelikey | kapputu what exactly are you wanting to do ? | 08:40 |
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kapputu | intelikey: I need to make ddclient start automatically | 08:41 |
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intelikey | regius_ /var/log/xsession maybe | 08:41 |
intelikey | kapputu put the command in /etc/rc2.d/S##bootmisc | 08:42 |
=== ptlo [n=senko@83-131-74-71.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
intelikey | simple way. best way read about 9 hours worth of docs on sysvinit and come back and let me tell you "put the command in /etc/rc2.d/S##bootmisc " :) | 08:43 |
mackymack | ok, i slightly change my question. does anyone here know how to edit the added Sessions in ome-session-properties manually ? which folder should i be looking into | 08:43 |
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kapputu | what's S##bootmisc | 08:44 |
VK2NA | I'm back. | 08:44 |
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intelikey | mackymack some place in /etc probably. likely in /etc/X11/ but where, i don't know. | 08:45 |
regius_ | intelikey: i don't have xsession file | 08:45 |
intelikey | the # will be number kapputu | 08:45 |
jolly_ | is it possbile to add profiles on the network managment program? | 08:45 |
regius_ | only Xorg.0.log | 08:45 |
jolly_ | wirless | 08:45 |
intelikey | regius_ try Xorg.0.log then | 08:46 |
regius_ | mm I have | 08:46 |
kapputu | intelikey: do you have any experience with dyndns? | 08:46 |
regius_ | Is there any way do know if setserial stuff is alright? | 08:46 |
wenko[Linux] | VK2NA are u from Austrialia? | 08:46 |
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p01n7 | anyone know why text mime types such as .py for python don't show the python icon.. but show the text icon? | 08:46 |
intelikey | kapputu nope | 08:46 |
VK2NA | Yes, I'm in Australia. | 08:47 |
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VK2NA | Cool - well done. | 08:47 |
VK2NA | I logged in last time as CmonK. | 08:47 |
wenko[Linux] | its funny how many hams I see in computer thinks | 08:47 |
wenko[Linux] | things | 08:47 |
intelikey | p01n7 maybe it's not reading the extention, but the file descriptor insted. use file to test. | 08:48 |
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VK2NA | wenko: are you active? | 08:48 |
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=== intelikey looks at his own hams..... | ||
pvd2006 | What is a good firewall for linux? | 08:48 |
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pvd2006 | THats somewhat easy to use | 08:48 |
wenko | yes, faily | 08:48 |
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regius_ | pvd2006: iptables | 08:49 |
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VK2NA | Me too... WWV is very poor. | 08:49 |
wenko | VK2NA: I try to stay active | 08:49 |
wenko | yeah | 08:49 |
wenko | i agree | 08:49 |
p01n7 | "loadme.py: a /usr/bin/python script text executable" | 08:49 |
RancidLM | hey all can some one help me with ubuntu and apache2 my apache2 in my /etc/apache2 settings got messedup and now i need to have ubuntu re-generate the default that i normaly get via installation? | 08:49 |
=== hatake_kakashi [n=meh@60-240-247-245.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wenko | are you on 20M often at this time of night? | 08:49 |
intelikey | pvd2006 firestarter is a frontend for setting up iptables. so is quicktables | 08:49 |
Fenderet | there should be a ubuntu channel where people can just shoot da breeze | 08:49 |
VK2NA | wenko: do you use Dapper and have you upgraded the new kernel today? | 08:50 |
wenko | im still using Dapper | 08:50 |
pvd2006 | I have firestarter, but its not doing such a great job. | 08:50 |
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VK2NA | Me also - I spotted problems with the kernel package install today on the terminal. | 08:51 |
Jambon | I have this feeling that the html google pages will spit out is going to be the ugliest thing ever | 08:51 |
intelikey | RancidLM sudo apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install apache2 | 08:51 |
RancidLM | intelikey: Thanks! | 08:52 |
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pvd2006 | intelikey, I guess I just need to learn how to setup firestarter, so ill read up on their site. | 08:52 |
intelikey | if that doesn't rewrite the default config. all i know is remove it with -P and reinstall. | 08:52 |
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p01n7 | intelikey, in any case.. how would i make it do what i want? .. i want it so.. no matter what is in the file.. the icon will be a python one if the extention is .py .pyc or .pyo | 08:53 |
wenko[Linux] | this box of mine is running crappy again | 08:53 |
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pvd2006 | arg, the documentation for firestarter on their own website isnt loading | 08:54 |
intelikey | p01n7 if it's reading file discriptors rather than .ext i'm not sure you can. but it's a desktop thing, you need to ask a gui user. | 08:55 |
jenda | How is Ubuntu with an Acer TravelMate 240, to be more precise? | 08:55 |
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VK2NA | I'm just running out: I'm on channel hamradio as well. | 08:55 |
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DarthLappy | It would seem as if my sound card is not being detected | 08:57 |
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intelikey | p01n7 more specifficly someone that likes gnome. 'i dont' we tend to learn about things we enjoy playing with.... | 08:57 |
muleherd | It appears that the wpa_supplicant build does not support the hermes driver. If I were to build that package by hand, do I have any guarantee that future package upgrades won't overwrite my custom build? | 08:58 |
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misterii | wheres my trashbin? | 08:58 |
muleherd | i.e. is there anyway to say, "Hey, I built this package by hand; don't overwrite it!" | 08:58 |
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misterii | how can I add my trashbin on the desktop? | 08:58 |
intelikey | DarthLappy cat /proc/asound/cards | 08:59 |
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DarthLappy | intelikey, HDA Intel. Which is mine. | 08:59 |
jolly_ | DarthLappy: what ICH? | 08:59 |
DarthLappy | jolly_, Um? | 08:59 |
matthewv | muleherd, i think if you build a package with checkinstall and install like any other package, it will not be overwritten, | 08:59 |
jolly_ | lspci | 08:59 |
matthewv | just as no other package can be overwritten | 08:59 |
intelikey | muleherd sure chattr | 09:00 |
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Davey | OK, my machine can't decide which browser to use :/ | 09:00 |
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DarthLappy | jolly_, ICH6 | 09:00 |
jolly_ | ok same as mine | 09:00 |
Davey | I told it to use firefox, but it started using konq after I installed kubuntu (just to play), and then when I removed it, it started using the mozilla suite *sometimes* | 09:00 |
jolly_ | i got the sound working lastnight after alot of problems | 09:00 |
jolly_ | :-) | 09:00 |
jolly_ | gonna post the info on the ubuntuforums if you just give me some time | 09:01 |
intelikey | DarthLappy maybe jolly_ is able to help ? | 09:01 |
DarthLappy | It worked straight away in the LiveCD | 09:01 |
misterii | what is file manager called in console? | 09:01 |
jolly_ | DarthLappy: its a alsa bug | 09:01 |
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jolly_ | everything seems to be okay but there is still no sound | 09:01 |
jolly_ | right? | 09:01 |
fyrestrtr | misterii: what? | 09:02 |
DarthLappy | jolly_, I dunno...I just saw the cross over the volume icon. And it said a sound card was detected or the correct gstreamer plugins are not installed | 09:02 |
jolly_ | *nod* | 09:02 |
muleherd | matthewv: Ah, I hadn't heard of checkinstall. Thanks. | 09:02 |
intelikey | misterii ? nautilus but you don't want to do sudo nautilus use gksudo nautilus insted but if you really mean "console" not terminal. try mc | 09:03 |
jolly_ | DarthLappy: give me an hour then il get back to you | 09:03 |
misterii | fyrestrtr, I need to kill a crashed filemanager. What is it called to send to ps aux |grep | 09:03 |
DarthLappy | jolly_, Hehe, ok. | 09:03 |
fyrestrtr | misterii: what WM? | 09:03 |
jolly_ | :) | 09:03 |
muleherd | matthewv: But if a newer version of wpa_supplicant was available in the repository, would it not overwrite my hand-built package? | 09:04 |
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Davey | when I used the Ubuntu LiveCD, it had a really cool network applet with like, circular animations, anybody know what that is? | 09:05 |
intelikey | misterii file manager is gentoo | 09:05 |
matthewv | muleherd, possible, if it had a newer version name and the same package name as your package... | 09:05 |
jolly_ | How do I update the menu in fluxbox after installed some programs? | 09:05 |
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matthewv | muleherd else it will just give an error if you try to install it: "Trying to overwrite <filename> which is also in package <package> | 09:05 |
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ompaul | muleherd, if you are asking because you are on dapper then you are in the wrong place, you should be in #ubuntu+1 where all the dapper people are :) | 09:05 |
muleherd | ompaul: I am not. | 09:06 |
ompaul | muleherd, then I don't think you will face any issues | 09:06 |
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muleherd | I'm asking because I'm coming from gentoo, where I'd easily be able to install wpa_supplicant with the necessary build options, and am not sure how to proceed here, when the official build doesn't have the options I need. | 09:07 |
ompaul | muleherd, once a distro hits release it does not update dramatically the version number unless there are really exceptional circumstances | 09:07 |
intelikey | muleherd i told you already you can mark files so that the system will not touch them man chattr | 09:09 |
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=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-24-20-253-226.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
dman | is there a tool to easily add init scripts to ubuntus bootup | 09:09 |
muleherd | intelikey: I'm not doing that for each file in each package that I need to modify. | 09:09 |
intelikey | then sudo rm -fr file wont tuch them. | 09:09 |
TokenBad | I just tried to mount a iso but when tried it said I had to tell it what filesystem type | 09:10 |
intelikey | dman yeah update-rc.d maybe | 09:10 |
dman | ah | 09:10 |
dman | thanks | 09:10 |
mzinz | Whats a good website for linux/ubuntu news/software updates | 09:10 |
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intelikey | but it's easier for me just to use ln | 09:11 |
TokenBad | so anyone know what filesystem type to put? | 09:11 |
p01n7 | try iso or isofs | 09:11 |
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hatake_kakashi | TokenBad: iso9660.. specify with -o loop | 09:11 |
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-MemoServ(MemoServ@services.)- You have no new memos | 04:04 | |
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support) | 04:04 | |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu: Official Ubuntu support channel | Dapper information and help in channel #ubuntu+1 | IRC FAQ Questions: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FaqOnIrc | If you have a Linksys or Netgear router please get your firmware update. | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu): set by Madpilot at Mon Mar 20 10:02:09 2006 | ||
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(Mabus06/#ubuntu) crimsun: arecord runs but if I do 'arecord file.wav' the wav file is 0 seconds in length | 04:05 | |
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(suspended/#ubuntu) ive tried setting one in interfaces.conf | 04:06 | |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) Mabus06: any reason why your 'IEC958 5V' is unmuted? Are you using digital out? | 04:06 | |
(suspended/#ubuntu) and restarting network | 04:06 | |
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(Mabus06/#ubuntu) crimsun: no idea | 04:06 | |
(suspended/#ubuntu) and then doing ifconfig eth0 down and then up | 04:06 | |
(suspended/#ubuntu) still sticks with the ip address it had before | 04:06 | |
(Mabus06/#ubuntu) crimsun: all I have plugged into my sound card is my surround sound into the green plug, and my mic into the mic in plug | 04:07 | |
(crimsun/#ubuntu) Mabus06: cat /proc/asound/cards | 04:07 | |
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traceSAC | I have a ibm600e looking for sound card spec one sec | 04:07 |
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Mabus06 | C-Media PCI CMI8738-MC6 (model 55) at 0xd800, irq 21 | 04:08 |
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crimsun | traceSAC: you need to 1) disable easy boot/quick boot; 2) boot with acpi=off; 3) make sure snd-cs4236 is loaded | 04:08 |
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suspended | anyonw | 04:09 |
suspended | ? | 04:09 |
crimsun | Mabus06: ok, I need ~10 mins to trawl code, and I'm in a meeting atm | 04:09 |
traceSAC | ok, i'm very new to linux how would i go about dong all that? | 04:09 |
redguy|work | !ainyone | 04:09 |
ubotu | redguy|work: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:09 |
redguy|work | !anyone | 04:09 |
ubotu | probably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint> | 04:09 |
traceSAC | I disabled quick boot | 04:09 |
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traceSAC | from the bios | 04:09 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: just mention my name when you're back, no rush | 04:09 |
void^ | i'm booting my 600X with irqpoll - works fine with acpi and pcmcia | 04:09 |
apokryphos | crimsun: amixer output: http://pastebin.com/614332 | 04:09 |
crimsun | apokryphos: I won't be able to look at that for ~20 mins | 04:10 |
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apokryphos | crimsun: alright; I should be around. | 04:10 |
void^ | (although i had some issues with specific kernel versions, 2.6.12-13 was a bit troublesome iirc) | 04:10 |
Gwynn | Seveas: gimme a break will you? gimme some slack | 04:10 |
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Seveas | Gwynn, after what you spit in #ubuntu-nl? Not likely... | 04:10 |
traceSAC | how would I boot with acpi off? | 04:10 |
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crimsun | traceSAC: make sure snd-cs4236 is loaded: ``lsmod |grep ^snd_cs4236'' . If it isn't, ``sudo modprobe snd-cs4236 isapnp=0'' | 04:11 |
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useruser_ | is there a webserver of some sort on the ubuntu live cd? | 04:11 |
traceSAC | k, one sec | 04:11 |
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yamathan | Hey, how can I install the GATOS drivers? | 04:11 |
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crimsun | traceSAC: for the sake of time, I'm going to ask you to trawl the ubuntu wiki/forum for your thinkpad model. There's a lot of information on it. | 04:11 |
yamathan | I have an All-In-Wonder and that's what has been recommended above all else for it. | 04:11 |
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yamathan | ... Possibly by morons, but I want to get this card to function properly. | 04:12 |
Gwynn | seveas: one sentence, no warning? don't feel like discusing it _here_ but if thats the way #ubuntu-nl is operated ... | 04:12 |
Seveas | Gwynn, such threats are simply unwelcome in any Ubuntu channel | 04:13 |
traceSAC | I get this error: FATAL: Error inserting snd_cs4236 (/lib/modules/2.6.15-18-386/kernel/sound/isa/cs423x/snd-cs4236.ko): No such device | 04:13 |
crimsun | traceSAC: yes, that means you need to pass additional parameters to modprobe. The wiki/forum has more information. | 04:14 |
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traceSAC | I love ubuntu but hate my laptop :)!!! Thanks for helping!!! | 04:15 |
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Gwynn | seveas: again, I'd rather not discuss it here, but is wasn't a _threat_ it was a manner of speech and not _literal_ .. one sentence, no warning? | 04:16 |
traceSAC | How do you make your name highlight to me when you type? | 04:16 |
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jbroome | traceSAC: your irc client does it | 04:16 |
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traceSAC | how do I make it do it? | 04:16 |
Seveas | Gwynn, threatening to pull off someones face is not a figure of speech. | 04:17 |
apokryphos | traceSAC: if someone ever mentions your nick, the text appears highlighted. | 04:17 |
traceSAC | ooo..i see | 04:17 |
PuMpErNiCkLe | traceSAC: like this ^_^ | 04:17 |
Gwynn | seveas: I'm not going to discuss it here further | 04:17 |
traceSAC | apokryphos: thank you | 04:18 |
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apokryphos | traceSAC: note, also, that you can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC | 04:18 |
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traceSAC | nice | 04:18 |
traceSAC | PuMpErNiCkLe: thanks also | 04:18 |
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damian_ | hi if i press d an application sloses also cos my username is damian i cant login, the cserver closes theres something very wrong here any ideas anyone?? | 04:19 |
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damian_ | make that is i press any key an application closes | 04:20 |
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damian_ | amsn seems to work fine im pasting from there | 04:20 |
Morfosomo | your keyboard crtl key is stuck | 04:20 |
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shambling | "Gwynn, threatening to pull off someones face is not a figure of speech." rofl | 04:21 |
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Gwynn | shambling: lacking fysical proximity it must me | 04:21 |
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Silent | Anyone out there got Ubuntu on a laptop? | 04:21 |
private_meta | i HATE bluescreens | 04:22 |
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damian_ | also i can type fine in a terminal its only gnome apps im using xfce that does the same too | 04:22 |
shambling | (me and friend laughing our heads off) | 04:22 |
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damian_ | and nah my ctrl key wasnt stuck | 04:22 |
traceSAC | crimsun: can you paste that lnk to the wiki on my sound card please? | 04:22 |
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damian_ | its happened straight after i installed in icon theme the link was done someone uploaded it to there webspace thats what the link was possible it was a bad file (virus or something) | 04:23 |
damian_ | down* | 04:23 |
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YukiCuss | Silencer, yes | 04:24 |
choi | how can i install limewire on my ubuntu? | 04:24 |
YukiCuss | Silent, ** yes, I have it on a laptop. | 04:24 |
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useruser_ | with the live cd, what happens when I write to the filesystem? Is it all stored in RAM? | 04:24 |
spikeb | choi: first things first, check out frostwire instead of limewire. it's a fork of limewire, without the sponsored results and annoying ad to upgrade to pro :) www.frostwire.com | 04:24 |
YukiCuss | SilentJihad, you asked about Ubuntu on a laptop? | 04:24 |
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choi | thnks | 04:24 |
spikeb | choi: http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/frostwire/FrostWire-4.10.9-1.i586.deb?download :) | 04:25 |
s_spiff | guys need help yaar | 04:25 |
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private_meta | is there a option for "dd" that shows me the actual advance of the copy process? | 04:25 |
private_meta | *an | 04:25 |
s_spiff | posted my problem on the forums : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=847045#post847045 | 04:25 |
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SilentJihad | hello | 04:25 |
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SilentJihad | Anyone have Ubuntu on a laptop? | 04:26 |
Gwynn | shambling: I should have said "if you wanna be smartass on me Il outsmart you in about 1,56 seconds, but artistic freedom (ripping of faces and feeding it to the dogs) gets you banned from #ubuntu-nl without a warning even | 04:26 |
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SilentJihad | my mouse thing is like wiggin out | 04:26 |
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ic56 | private_meta: no such option for dd. | 04:26 |
SilentJihad | super sensitive | 04:26 |
YukiCuss | private_meta, you can send it a USR1 which makes it report progress. | 04:26 |
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wharry | hotplug | 04:26 |
Th0rndike | hi ppl | 04:26 |
s_spiff | guys...help wanted..problem posted at : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=847045#post847045 | 04:27 |
apokryphos | whaley: utf-8 only please. | 04:27 |
YukiCuss | private_meta, if you do something like `killall -USR1 dd', it'll make any running dds report their progress. | 04:27 |
shambling | Gwynn, lacking a sence of humour; i'm scared. | 04:27 |
traceSAC | Th0rndike: hi | 04:28 |
YukiCuss | private_meta, more information at the bottom of dd's manpage. | 04:28 |
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Th0rndike | help. having trouble connecting to internet on ubuntu. i used to have a connection without password login, now i need the login and dunno how to configure it | 04:28 |
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Mabus06 | shambling, Gwynn: | 04:28 |
Mabus06 | !coc | 04:29 |
ubotu | [coc] the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 04:29 |
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anto9us | private_meta, there's an example how to get what you want in the dd man page... $ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null& pid=$! | 04:29 |
anto9us | $ kill -USR1 $pid; sleep 1; kill $pid | 04:29 |
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Mabus06 | Gwynn: You'll find yourself banned, fast, if you keep causing trouble. | 04:29 |
wharry | help,reboot after first step of installation,and system hold while starting hotplug,why? and how to reslove it? | 04:30 |
Gwynn | shambling: yeah, but if that was all, it would be nothing. Banning you right away doesnt even allow you to explain, refrase, elaborate. _Keeping_ you banned after asking for admission makes one fear for the worst, where #ubuntu-nl is concerned | 04:30 |
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Shufla | hello :) | 04:30 |
wharry | help,reboot after first step of installation,and system hold while starting hotplug,why? and how to reslove it? | 04:30 |
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crimsun | wharry: breezy? | 04:30 |
Th0rndike | help. having trouble connecting to internet on ubuntu. i used to have a connection without password login, now i need the login and dunno how to configure it | 04:31 |
Gwynn | mabus06: I dont want to cause trouble | 04:31 |
s_spiff | guys...is there a way i cant set multiple ip add's for different servers? | 04:31 |
wharry | yes | 04:31 |
s_spiff | how to do that? | 04:31 |
crimsun | wharry: what sound card? | 04:31 |
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s_spiff | Th0rndike, do u use pppoe? | 04:31 |
wharry | let me check it | 04:31 |
YukiCuss | Th0rndike, don't repeat your question too rapidly. | 04:31 |
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Th0rndike | yuki it wasnt rapidly | 04:31 |
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anto9us | s_spiff, each network card has 1 ip address as I understand it, if you want more, add another network card | 04:32 |
Th0rndike | s_spiff have no idea man... how do i know? | 04:32 |
Mabus06 | Gwynn: Then just don't insult people, talk about ripping people's faces off, etc. | 04:32 |
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s_spiff | Th0rndike, ask ur provider obviously dude | 04:32 |
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anto9us | s_spiff, or network device such as modem | 04:32 |
s_spiff | anto9us, ethernet card | 04:32 |
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wharry | realtek HD | 04:32 |
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Th0rndike | s_spiff let me see if i can find out without doing any calls | 04:33 |
anto9us | s_spiff, why do you need extra ip's? | 04:33 |
wharry | I use notebook | 04:33 |
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crimsun | wharry: ok, you need to disable it in bios, then boot into breezy, then follow the instructions being sent to you. | 04:33 |
crimsun | !tell wharry about alsa-source | 04:33 |
s_spiff | anto9us, in windows i can add additional ip add's.. which allow me get thru 2 servers.. | 04:33 |
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s_spiff | Th0rndike, just call up.. it'll save u some time i think.. | 04:33 |
Matyas_za | is there a way to specify a folder on your harddrive inside the sources.list to search for packages there before it goes online to download from the standard links? | 04:33 |
crimsun | wharry: after you complete those instructions, reboot and reenable your onboard sound | 04:33 |
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digip1mp | I am trying to do a mount --bind from ext3 to ext3 within the same partition/filesystem. (it's for an ftpd running inside of a jail). whats the equivalent of -o umask=0777 for an ext3 mount? | 04:34 |
YukiCuss | Matyas_za, consider just copying, moving or linking the packages into /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 04:34 |
Gwynn | mabus06: that is off course just part of a talk, and out of context seems a lot worse then in context | 04:34 |
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wharry | oh,thanks.I'll try it | 04:34 |
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Matyas_za | I did that thank yo u :) | 04:35 |
YukiCuss | Matyas_za, :) | 04:35 |
Gwynn | mabus06: and I understand I might hav been out of line using it, but being banned right away cant even explain, elaborate, refrase _or_ apologise for it | 04:35 |
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shambling | Gwynn, whatever the context, still seems a liitle too hostile for a help room. | 04:35 |
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shambling | evenifamusing | 04:35 |
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Mabus06 | If #ubuntu-de is like here, the banlist will be cleared soon anyway. | 04:35 |
looksaus | hi, I have a strange prob with breezy | 04:35 |
PokerFacePenguin | s_spiff: you can add virtual ip's with ifconfig I believe | 04:36 |
caglar_ | the "mail-notification" page sais that I need the gnome libs to compile it, and configure says that I do not have them installed, which package is that? | 04:36 |
looksaus | dvd's get mounted dr--r--r-- and with a very high uid and guid | 04:36 |
looksaus | gid | 04:36 |
apokryphos | Gwynn: this is not the place to discuss bannings from other channels. Either take it to /msg, or head over to #ubuntu-offtopic | 04:36 |
s_spiff | PokerFacePenguin, how do i start ifconfig? | 04:37 |
Gwynn | shambling: I might be used to areas where remarks like those are taken with a grain of salt | 04:37 |
Gwynn | apokryphos: you are right, sorry | 04:37 |
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PokerFacePenguin | it's command line interface stuff...let me google something real quick...i have played with that before | 04:37 |
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PokerFacePenguin | s_spiff: http://handsonhowto.com/virt.html is this what you are trying to do? | 04:38 |
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grogoreo | hi] | 04:39 |
grogoreo | is it possible to having running on one graphics card, two monitors and the TV-Out? | 04:39 |
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Matyas_za | YukiCuss: that doesnt wanna work | 04:39 |
s_spiff | PokerFacePenguin, i have 2 gateways to access.. 172.16.##.## and 202.144.115.## with 2 different ip adds | 04:40 |
jd_ | highvoltage, I'm looking for a Rosetta chan (currently working on dapper/fr, need to ask something :), is there such a chan on Freenode? | 04:40 |
s_spiff | so how do i do that? | 04:40 |
Matyas_za | Cant i enter my archive folder in the source list? | 04:40 |
yamathan | Hey, how can I install GATOS? | 04:40 |
jd_ | *hi (tab...) | 04:40 |
mikelo | my sound is off since crash? can anybodu help? | 04:40 |
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highvoltage | jd_: perhaps ask on #launchpad | 04:40 |
PokerFacePenguin | s_spiff: so you are the gateway? | 04:40 |
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highvoltage | jd_: they will either help you or point you in the right direction | 04:40 |
s_spiff | no no..i'm not the gateway.. | 04:41 |
jd_ | thanks. and sorry for the unwanted hightlight | 04:41 |
s_spiff | i know that much... but..to tell ya the truth..i'm a noob at all this...esp. networking.. | 04:41 |
PokerFacePenguin | s_spiff: sorry, i came in late to the discussion | 04:41 |
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highvoltage | jd_: no problem, having a nick that starts with "hi" on #ubuntu comes at a price ;) | 04:41 |
crimsun | mikelo: you're queued, please wait | 04:41 |
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s_spiff | PokerFacePenguin, no probs :P | 04:41 |
crimsun | apokryphos: please resend the url | 04:41 |
wharry | crimsun, where is these instructions? | 04:41 |
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crimsun | wharry: they were sent to you in a private message | 04:41 |
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PokerFacePenguin | s_spiff: if you are just trying to figure out how to route....the route command helps | 04:42 |
venox | hey... I've installed xubuntu, but how do I make xfce start ROX every xfce4.2 session I start? | 04:42 |
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s_spiff | PokerFacePenguin i have another problem..posted at the forums : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=847045#post847045 | 04:42 |
apokryphos | crimsun: http://pastebin.com/614332 | 04:42 |
digip1mp | I am trying to do a mount --bind from ext3 to ext3 within the same partition/filesystem. (it's for an ftpd running inside of a jail). whats the equivalent of -o umask=0777 for an ext3 mount? | 04:42 |
s_spiff | PokerFacePenguin, i think the link u gave me..will do the trick...lemme check.. | 04:42 |
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YukiCuss | digip1mp, there is no equivalent; it always uses the set permissions. | 04:43 |
crimsun | apokryphos: set 'Surround Jack Mode' to independent | 04:43 |
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wharry | maybe I've not register,i can not sent private message,can I receive it? | 04:43 |
digip1mp | YukiCuss, crap. thanks. | 04:43 |
apokryphos | crimsun: tried that earlier; no difference. | 04:43 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: you're back? | 04:43 |
=== blacking [n=blacking@81-174-13-193.f5.ngi.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SilentJihad | hello all | 04:44 |
crimsun | apokryphos: ok. Is this a dist-upgrade from Hoary/Breezy (I presume this is Dapper)? | 04:44 |
SilentJihad | can someone help me mount my windows partition? | 04:44 |
crimsun | Mabus06: yes, where were we? | 04:44 |
apokryphos | crimsun: it is. | 04:44 |
SilentJihad | bot mount windows | 04:44 |
apokryphos | crimsun: actually, this might have been a fresh breezy install. Not 100% | 04:44 |
crimsun | apokryphos: please forcibly unload all alsa modules, nuke /var/lib/alsa/asound.state, then reload snd-via82xx | 04:44 |
PokerFacePenguin | s_spiff: on the menu editing...truthfully, i am more of a kde person...should be similiar tho just adding an item | 04:44 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: I ran 'asound foo.wav', and it recorded but the file was 0 seconds in length. | 04:44 |
s_spiff | PokerFacePenguin, ohho k.. np | 04:45 |
crimsun | apokryphos: well it only makes a difference if it's a dist-upgrade from non-dapper to dapper | 04:45 |
apokryphos | crimsun: nope -- I know they're not supported. | 04:45 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: you told me to run cat somecommand, and I gave you the output (the name of my media device, a cmedia soundblaster) | 04:45 |
=== BLacKjacK [n=macgyver@c-24-19-158-118.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
blacking | hello all guys | 04:45 |
wharry | ok, I got it | 04:45 |
crimsun | apokryphos: err, what's not supported? | 04:45 |
crimsun | Mabus06: ok, I haven't had time to look at the code yet | 04:45 |
apokryphos | crimsun: skipping a distro in dist-upgrade | 04:45 |
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apokryphos | crimsun: how should I do the first and last part of that? | 04:46 |
crimsun | apokryphos: so is this on breezy or dapper? | 04:46 |
apokryphos | dapper | 04:46 |
=== oskari [n=oskari@dsl-hkigw7-fe0af900-115.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
crimsun | apokryphos: fresh or dist-upgrade? | 04:46 |
blacking | the wiki ubuntu portal explain how to install an Ubuntu distro on usb drive ecc | 04:46 |
venox | hm, can I upgrade to dapper via cd? I mean, when the dapper cds are avaiable and I get one, can I upgrade via cd? | 04:46 |
crimsun | Mabus06: I'll need some time to binary-search the code. Please wait. | 04:46 |
ic56 | SilentJihad: sudo mount /dev/<partition name> <mount point> | 04:46 |
=== bon_ [n=bon@82-41-231-23.cable.ubr08.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
oskari | #ubuntu-fi | 04:46 |
blacking | but for ppc (apple) platform exist a document at support? | 04:46 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: no problem, just mention my name when you're back and I'll be here | 04:46 |
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bon_ | what port does gnome-btdownload use | 04:47 |
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blacking | is there anyone with experience ppc platform? | 04:47 |
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apokryphos | bon_: standard bittorrent one probably. 6881, I guess. | 04:47 |
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bon_ | cool | 04:48 |
engla | blacking: I use ubuntu on ppc | 04:48 |
blacking | :) | 04:48 |
spikeb | engla: cool. i do from time to time as well | 04:48 |
blacking | do you know if s it possible install into usb drive?? | 04:48 |
cA1mAn | hello, are there some pentium4 optimized (k)ubuntu builds? And 2nd question: should i generally compile the kernel and other software myself to have the OPTIMAL performance? | 04:48 |
engla | blacking: I have no Idea, I've never tried. I suspect that most macs don't boot from usb | 04:48 |
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Th0rndike | w00t i found it | 04:49 |
=== glick [n=myob@cpe-24-193-247-3.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | excuse me, can you put more then one video card in an ubuntu machine? | 04:49 |
=== ziosa [n=ziosa@host243-148.pool8260.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | so i can have rediculous 3 head display? | 04:50 |
Th0rndike | sooooo... again the question... having trouble connecting to internet with ubuntu... cause i dont know how to set up the login thingy, any ideas? | 04:50 |
spikeb | i would think so glick | 04:50 |
Th0rndike | s_spiff it was pppoe | 04:50 |
spikeb | glick: you should put in two cards that can each drive two monitors, then had FOUR HEADS | 04:50 |
spikeb | glick: hehe | 04:50 |
=== Master_Shake_57 [n=jon@westsidehub-cuda1-68-67-58-233.vnnyca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
engla | blacking: according to a link I found, very few macs have the Open Firmware so they can boot from usb | 04:50 |
spikeb | hd = have | 04:50 |
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Master_Shake_57 | So where does one go about getting libsilc for Ubuntu Dapper? | 04:50 |
glick | spikeb, yeah i was thinking that but then you wouldnt have a central head | 04:50 |
spikeb | glick: true, it'd be more of a display wall type deal | 04:51 |
spikeb | glick: good point - three would work better | 04:51 |
=== ziosa [n=ziosa@host243-148.pool8260.interbusiness.it] has left #ubuntu ["Sto] | ||
yamathan | !gatos | 04:51 |
ubotu | yamathan: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 04:51 |
glick | 3 19 inch flat panels each running on like 7800Nvidias | 04:51 |
yamathan | Hey, how DO I install GATOS? | 04:52 |
=== spikeb boggles | ||
yamathan | For some reason I haven't been able to find much upseful advice. | 04:52 |
glick | when i graduate and get a job, I am going to build the sickest PC | 04:52 |
cA1mAn | repeat my quesiton :-): are there some pentium4 optimized (k)ubuntu builds? And 2nd question: should i generally compile the kernel and other software myself to have the OPTIMAL performance? | 04:52 |
spikeb | what the hell is gatos? | 04:52 |
=== Th0rndike bestemmia | ||
yamathan | GATOS - uh, it's ... Damn, what does it stand for again? | 04:52 |
=== psusi [i=hidden-u@iriserv.iradimed.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yamathan | I specializes in ATI All-In-Wonder drivers for Linux. | 04:52 |
spikeb | lol | 04:52 |
spikeb | oh | 04:52 |
spikeb | ok | 04:52 |
yamathan | *it specializes | 04:52 |
Th0rndike | gatos = cats in spanish | 04:53 |
spikeb | give me a sec and i will see if i can find anything | 04:53 |
caglar_ | why do I get "Sorry, couldn't rename "78.1 GB Volume" to "xyz"." when I try to rename a partition in nautilus? | 04:53 |
s_spiff | Th0rndike, cd /usr/bin | 04:53 |
spikeb | http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/misc/gatos | 04:53 |
s_spiff | Th0rndike, sudo pppoeconf | 04:53 |
s_spiff | that should do the trick | 04:53 |
=== various1 [n=tyler@CPE-72-133-55-253.neb.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yamathan | Thanks, Spikeb. | 04:53 |
glick | are there any quiet pc cooling solutionis so i dont have to deal with noisy ass fans? | 04:54 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: Is it mounted? | 04:54 |
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glick | or are there super quiete fans? | 04:54 |
spikeb | yamathan: you bet | 04:54 |
caglar_ | Stormx2: sure | 04:54 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: umount it | 04:54 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: Then rename the folder | 04:54 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: Then mount it to the new location | 04:54 |
mikelo | hi crimsun gotta go soon can ya help out? | 04:54 |
cA1mAn | are there some pentium4 sse2/3 optimized isos for ubuntu out there? | 04:54 |
Th0rndike | s_spiff thx, ill try it and come back (gotta reboot sigh) | 04:54 |
Stormx2 | Th0rndike: Why you rebooting? o.O | 04:55 |
Th0rndike | cause i have no internet over ubuntu | 04:55 |
Th0rndike | thats the main problem | 04:55 |
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=== Fonzie2 [n=fonzie2@dyn132-243.adsl.mpynet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Th0rndike: Oh bummer >.> | 04:55 |
Th0rndike | :'( | 04:55 |
=== misterii [n=misteri@dsl-083-102-071-74.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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Th0rndike | cya in a while | 04:55 |
misterii | hey peeps | 04:55 |
Stormx2 | Hiya misterii | 04:56 |
gary | any fluxbox users here | 04:56 |
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cA1mAn | should i compile the kernel myself to have better performance? | 04:56 |
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misterii | why does it say bash: 'make' bad command? | 04:56 |
glick | damn i bet a dual core 64bit 3gig AMD will cause my energy bill to skyrocket :( | 04:56 |
YukiCuss | cA1mAn, typically won't make a difference. | 04:56 |
crimsun | misterii: you don't have build-essential installed? | 04:56 |
Stormx2 | misterii: Try doing "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 04:56 |
misterii | I should compile some package with command 'make' | 04:57 |
cA1mAn | and do you know if there are some optimized build of ubuntu? | 04:57 |
cA1mAn | for pentium4 | 04:57 |
=== lunari [n=lunari@host-69-145-183-187.bzm-mt.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misterii | thanks | 04:57 |
=== sire1 [n=sirex@82-135-134-3.ip.takas.lt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunari | Is there any way to cut down on the ram ubuntu uses? | 04:57 |
YukiCuss | cA1mAn, the issues in 386/686 kernels aren't major. You shouldn't experience any difference. | 04:57 |
=== xorian` [i=obbie@dD5E0052E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
cA1mAn | ok | 04:57 |
yamathan | Hmm ... | 04:57 |
lunari | just with firefox (one tab) and the download window, and this open, using over 800MB of ram | 04:57 |
cA1mAn | but i've heard that compiling software leads to better performance of it | 04:58 |
kingspawn | lunari: it is probably just buffering/caching ram | 04:58 |
cA1mAn | is it not true? | 04:58 |
yamathan | I have Universe enabled in synaptic and/or apt-get, so why can't it find any of these packages? | 04:58 |
Stormx2 | lunari: What FF version? | 04:58 |
=== F_for_Fragging [n=sander@a82-92-1-250.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yamathan | The packages for GATOS, I mean. | 04:58 |
kingspawn | lunari: the kernel, that is, not firefox | 04:58 |
spikeb | unless you notice a performance hit, it doesn't mean | 04:58 |
lunari | stormx2: the one that comes with breezy | 04:58 |
spikeb | wtf | 04:58 |
lunari | kingspaw: okay :) so I shouldn't worry about it? | 04:58 |
spikeb | let me try english | 04:58 |
=== preston [n=preston@ip70-178-65-82.ks.ks.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misterii | how do I see, how much free diskspace I have? | 04:58 |
spikeb | lunari: unless there's a performance hit or something, who cares | 04:58 |
_jason | misterii: df -h | 04:58 |
kingspawn | lunari: not unless you can really notice crappy performance :) | 04:58 |
glick | anayone runnin a high end dual core AMD? | 04:58 |
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Master_Shake_57 | misterri, Type df -m | 04:58 |
=== Carbine [n=joshua@adsl-70-228-113-102.dsl.akrnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Carbine | Hello. | 04:59 |
preston | can someone help me fix my amarok...it keeps crashing | 04:59 |
Stormx2 | lunari: I had that. Run a searh on the wiki (wiki.ubuntu.com) and ubuntuforums.org. You may want to upgrade to FF 1.5 | 04:59 |
Master_Shake_57 | glick, I am. | 04:59 |
TuxAtWork | is FireFox 1.5.* not in the repositories? | 04:59 |
Stormx2 | !ff1.5 | 04:59 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 04:59 |
kingspawn | lunari: kernel usually just goes about handling the ram as it sees fit | 04:59 |
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@cpc2-rdng8-0-0-cust175.winn.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunari | spikeb: okay lol earlier today my system crashed, I was at 2GB/2GB ram usage, and the whole 1GB swap was full also | 04:59 |
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Stormx2 | TuxAtWork: Its not. Look up | 04:59 |
glick | Master_Shake_57, is it expensive to keep it on the grid? | 04:59 |
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Master_Shake_57 | glick, On the what? | 04:59 |
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lunari | stormx2: okay, will do :) | 04:59 |
glick | Master_Shake_57, is it expensive energy wise? | 04:59 |
TuxAtWork | Stormx2, , why? how can I upgrade? | 04:59 |
spikeb | lunari: ok then you have a point | 04:59 |
glick | does it make your electricity bill sky hight | 04:59 |
spikeb | lunari: heh | 04:59 |
Stormx2 | TuxAtWork: Feature Freeze. Check this to upgrade: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 04:59 |
yamathan | Hey, why can't synaptic find any of these Universe packages? | 05:00 |
preston | can someone help me fix my amarok | 05:00 |
Master_Shake_57 | glick, No, it uses less power then the intel chips as last time I checked. | 05:00 |
Stormx2 | TuxAtWork: If a package is stable and no security holes are found, it isn't updated until the next ubuntu release | 05:00 |
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
misterii | I want to make a bigger Swap... My xubuntu is slow. Would that help? | 05:00 |
yamathan | Apt-get spits back that it can't find any of them, but they're officially supported unver miscellaneous. | 05:00 |
yamathan | *under miscellaneous | 05:00 |
Master_Shake_57 | glick, What is expensive energy wise though are the graphics cards. | 05:00 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: You added the universe repo and did a "sudo apt-get update"? | 05:01 |
=== GordonFreeman [n=usuari@211.Red-81-44-23.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
glick | Master_Shake_57, yeah i wanna buy a couple of sick ones | 05:01 |
ic56 | lunari: there's a known memory leak in firefox. Someone pointed it out a few days ago. It's somewhere on the wiki. | 05:01 |
GordonFreeman | hello | 05:01 |
=== timmjo [n=tim@dslb-084-063-003-025.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | Hirvinen_, GordonFreeman | 05:01 |
Stormx2 | wtf | 05:01 |
timmjo | hi | 05:01 |
ic56 | lunari: the wiki details a workaround. | 05:01 |
Stormx2 | Hirvinen_, GordonFreeman | 05:01 |
Stormx2 | Great | 05:01 |
caglar_ | Stormx2: which folder do I have to rename? | 05:02 |
Stormx2 | stupid auto complete | 05:02 |
Stormx2 | ... | 05:02 |
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timmjo | how do i tell evolution not to wrap around lines at a certain point (78 chars or something)? | 05:02 |
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Stormx2 | caglar_: The folder you mounted the device on, I guess the "72. whatever Volume" | 05:02 |
yamathan | Storm: I'm trying to install these GATOS-related programs. | 05:02 |
=== s|k [n=bjorn@ip70-171-203-220.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
th0rndike | w00t im back | 05:02 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: Have you umount'd it? | 05:02 |
th0rndike | now on ubuntu | 05:02 |
preston | can someone help me fix my amarok | 05:02 |
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Stormx2 | th0rndike w00terz | 05:02 |
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apokryphos | preston: what's the problem? | 05:02 |
timmjo | I want to paste some command output to a new mail and this wrapping really makes it unreadable | 05:02 |
caglar_ | Stormx2: no the mountpoint already has a normal name like /media/shit | 05:02 |
th0rndike | s_spiff hehehe really gd man :p | 05:02 |
vlad2006 | i need a little help... i want to instal a bnc.. in ubuntu .. and when i give make menuconfig ... tools/convconf.c:212: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function exit | 05:02 |
vlad2006 | make: *** [menuconfig] Error 1 | 05:02 |
vlad2006 | .. you give provide of help for this to ? | 05:02 |
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yamathan | Stormx2: For some reason said programs aren't to be found by synaptic although they're in packages.ubuntulinux's list. | 05:02 |
preston | as soon as i load an mp3 it garbles and crashes | 05:02 |
wcampbell | Problem Joining to ubuntu breezy to Active Directory | 05:02 |
wcampbell | ads_join_realm: ads_add_machine_acct failed (wcampbell): Insufficient access | 05:02 |
wcampbell | ads_join_realm: Insufficient access | 05:02 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: OK, Then re-mount the volume on the mountpoint? | 05:03 |
wcampbell | What's the problem? | 05:03 |
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apokryphos | preston: /msg ubotu restricted | 05:03 |
preston | using version1.3 | 05:03 |
GordonFreeman | I have a problem Have an AMD64 and not that version of linux-kernel to install, since I look that chip have? | 05:03 |
caglar_ | Stormx2: no that was even before | 05:03 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: Do you have universe and multiverse enabled | 05:03 |
=== ITSa341 [n=ITSa341@] has joined #ubuntu | ||
preston | should that fix it | 05:03 |
yamathan | Stormx2: Yes. I don't know what's wrong here. | 05:03 |
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=== juhan [n=juhan@host86-130-199-89.range86-130.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ITSa341 | Good Morning everyone | 05:04 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: So do a "sudo umount /media/shit" then "mv /media/shit /media/WhateverTheNewNameShouldBe" then mount it again? | 05:04 |
Stormx2 | Morning, ITSa341! | 05:04 |
GordonFreeman | please helpme xD | 05:04 |
caglar_ | Stormx2: why should it change the name? | 05:04 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: o.O i thought you wanted to rename it?! | 05:05 |
preston | i'm trying to transfer from windows xp and there is no itunes for linux......so i'm trying to find a program to replace it with | 05:05 |
caglar_ | yes but it is alreay /media/shit and its called xy GB volume in nautilus | 05:05 |
=== devazion [n=devazion@h225n6c1o838.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wcampbell | gtktunes | 05:05 |
preston | i have roughly 5000 mp3's so i need something that can navigate through them efficiently | 05:05 |
wcampbell | (for gnome) | 05:05 |
=== defrysk [n=defrysk@g173059.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
preston | and i'd prefer to have a nice gui | 05:06 |
=== Moeen [i=moeen@we23884.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devazion | In what directory / file are the x keyboard layouts stored? (I'd like to modify the swedish dvorak since it got fucked up with the newest dapper 5 :)) | 05:06 |
lunari | Is there a way to maybe with gdesklets or the like make irc in this channel a transparent window stuck to my desktop? | 05:06 |
lunari | I learn alot of stuff just reading other people being helped | 05:06 |
=== Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
th0rndike | however... juz for curiosity... what's a nice debugger with gui for gnome? | 05:06 |
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Stormx2 | caglar_: Sure? What part of nautilus, computer:/// ? | 05:06 |
caglar_ | yes | 05:06 |
GordonFreeman | (EE) fglrx(0): incompatible kernel module detected - HW accelerated OpenGL will not work <<-- Help please | 05:06 |
th0rndike | (not ddd, it suks) | 05:06 |
wcampbell | I need help joining to active directory | 05:06 |
mathieu | devazion: swedish dvorak? does it exist on windows? | 05:06 |
=== bet0x [n=bet0x@105-38-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu | ||
wcampbell | ads_join_realm: Insufficient access | 05:07 |
ITSa341 | lunari I sit here for hours sometimes bookmarking links and just reading info for later use also :-) | 05:07 |
preston | where could i find gtktunes | 05:07 |
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wcampbell | And I am a domain admin | 05:07 |
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A18BE5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devazion | mathieu, nope it doesnt | 05:07 |
lunari | ITSa341: I know, I love just absorbing the info :) | 05:07 |
=== yamathan is mildly frustrated. | ||
mathieu | devazion: because it's useful to be able to type with your fav keymap on every OS :) | 05:07 |
wcampbell | gnomefiles.com | 05:07 |
bet0x | robertj, Hello there | 05:07 |
Stormx2 | caglar_: I don't know. If you're *sure* you've actually mounted it in a different place, changed fstab, etc, then do a "killall nautilus" and see if it gets it right this time | 05:07 |
mathieu | devazion: i can't anything else than US dvorak anymore :/ | 05:07 |
mathieu | devazion: ... i can't type ... | 05:07 |
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=== CoffeeBreaks [n=sersci@64.80-202-169.nextgentel.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ifr | Hi, can anyone recommend any software to record streaming video to disk? | 05:08 |
Stormx2 | GordonFreeman: Where did you get that error? | 05:08 |
Stormx2 | GordonFreeman: And when | 05:08 |
=== ubutux [n=tonax@pD9543D6F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kevor | uhm, Ubuntu just made an ssh welcome message | 05:08 |
kevor | why did this happen? | 05:08 |
devazion | mathieu, Well, its downloadable from here ( http://www.ludd.ltu.se/~torger/se_dvorak.html ) but there is no standard of the swedish layout... though there are two facto standards... with the R7 of xorg it seems the OLD facto is put back into use... i hate it... i need to modify the layout file | 05:08 |
=== papyromancer [n=drew@cpe-24-165-210-176.midsouth.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Moeen | I tried to install Ubuntu 5.10 in my Sony VGN-S58GP laptop, and it finished successfully. it will start work, but after some seconds, it will hangs :( seems had problem for the SATA driver. anybody has experience ? | 05:08 |
Stormx2 | !info gtktunes | 05:08 |
kevor | it never had, not even today, and just like that it has a welcome message :) | 05:08 |
yamathan | Does MythTV use an MySQL database? | 05:08 |
GordonFreeman | ok | 05:08 |
preston | !info gtktunes | 05:08 |
yamathan | If that's right, how can I make one? | 05:08 |
Timon-ubu | can someone linka a "starter guide" | 05:09 |
devazion | So, noone that knows where I can edit the x11 keyboard layouts? | 05:09 |
SilentJihad | Can anyone help me mount my Windows Partition? I cant seem to do it | 05:09 |
SilentJihad | dunno why | 05:09 |
mikelo | my sound is off since crash? can anybodu help? | 05:09 |
Stormx2 | Timon-ubu: Let me find one, theres one on the ubuntu wiki | 05:09 |
mathieu | devazion: try 'locate dvorak' it will give you a hint | 05:09 |
devazion | mathieu, brb | 05:09 |
SilentJihad | Also is there any way to upgrade Ubundo with KDE? | 05:10 |
apokryphos | SilentJihad: of course | 05:10 |
psusi | sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 05:10 |
yamathan | apt-get install kde? | 05:10 |
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yamathan | I just did that and everything installed overnight. | 05:11 |
apokryphos | installing kubuntu-desktop is the recommended method | 05:11 |
CoffeeBreaks | Hi I a; investigating bug #32476 a resolution issue on some IBM machines with flat panel displays. Any Xorg guru out there to give me a little hand? | 05:11 |
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yamathan | Really now. O_o; | 05:11 |
CoffeeBreaks | arg wrong channel, Sorry | 05:11 |
GordonFreeman | stormx2 it leaves when loading the Xs and in the registry /var/log/Xorg, I have a Amd64 and a ATI X300 | 05:11 |
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Stormx2 | Timon-ubu: Eek I really don't know. But you can always ask in here if you need to know something | 05:11 |
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SilentJihad | YOu mean I have to download Kubundu? and install it along side Ubuntu? I want KDE and Gnome in the same system | 05:13 |
SilentJihad | ya know | 05:13 |
=== DarkAdmiral [n=DarkAdmi@p508A0FEE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
devazion | mathieu, now this is wierd =/ it seems gnome and kde shares layout files... though i cant find the swedish dvorak in /usr/share/xmodmap/ where they all seem to be =/ | 05:13 |
GordonFreeman | Stormx2: it leaves when loading the Xs and in the registry /var/log/Xorg, I have a Amd64 and a ATI X300 | 05:13 |
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th0rndike | lol | 05:14 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Don't worry, thats exactly what it does | 05:14 |
th0rndike | who had trouble with accessing the win partition? | 05:14 |
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SilentJihad | ohh ok | 05:14 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: When its installed, you'll be able to select "KDE" from the login screen | 05:14 |
SilentJihad | cool | 05:14 |
=== }{ermansson [n=rickard@h142n3fls33o290.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mikelo | my sound is off since crash? can anybodu help? | 05:14 |
SilentJihad | nice | 05:14 |
GordonFreeman | Strormx2 : you can helop me ? xD | 05:14 |
SilentJihad | alright cool | 05:14 |
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ruggy | i need suggestions to add to my reading list | 05:15 |
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Stormx2 | GordonFreeman: :( Wish I could.. | 05:15 |
oskari | #ubuntu-fi | 05:15 |
GordonFreeman | ok thanks | 05:15 |
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Stormx2 | oskari: Is that some kind of, secret netsplit word | 05:15 |
DHeNNiSe` | hello | 05:15 |
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Stormx2 | #ubuntu-fi | 05:15 |
yamathan | Why is KPackage so buggy? | 05:16 |
Stormx2 | >.< didn't work :P | 05:16 |
DHeNNiSe` | i am searching ubuntu LIVE CD | 05:16 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: What is KPackage? | 05:16 |
SilentJihad | Can Anyone here help me Mount my Windows Partition? I can see it in the Disk Manager... and there is a button that says.. Device : /dev/sda1 Access path: None Size, 29.39GB Status: Inaccessible but there is a button that says Enable, but when I push it it dosent do anything. | 05:16 |
DHeNNiSe` | can you give me iso link ? | 05:16 |
yamathan | At the moment it's the only one I can get to work, but it won't work at all. | 05:16 |
yamathan | Stormx2: From what I get out of it it's a KDE frontend for apt-get/synaptic. | 05:16 |
glick | anyone use cedega? | 05:16 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: You should check the wiki page on MountingWindowsPartitionsPermanently (or something to that effect) | 05:16 |
SilentJihad | yea | 05:17 |
SilentJihad | i did | 05:17 |
yamathan | Unfortunately it doesn't work very well. | 05:17 |
SilentJihad | but i tried it and it didnt work | 05:17 |
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DHeNNiSe` | heyy can you hear me ? | 05:17 |
th0rndike | SilentJihad change the fstab file so ur user owns it... | 05:17 |
trappist | what package contains fglrxconfig? | 05:17 |
trappist | apt-file doesn't find it | 05:17 |
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SilentJihad | yea, I tried that but for some reason /dev/sda1 wasnt on the list | 05:18 |
lunari | Is there any way to change the trash icon on the gnome taskbar thing? | 05:18 |
awelynant | trappist:try using aticonfig for the newer drivers | 05:18 |
Stormx2 | DHeNNiSe`: Nope. | 05:18 |
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th0rndike | SilentJihad if its mounted and u cant access it, else u gotta figure out how to mount it | 05:18 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: What list? | 05:18 |
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Stormx2 | lunari: Quite possibly. Not sure how, ask in #gnome | 05:19 |
th0rndike | SilentJihad, then u gotta add it? | 05:19 |
_jason | trappist: xorg-driver-fglrx: usr/bin/fglrxconfig | 05:19 |
mikelo | anybody know hot to reconfigure alsa? | 05:19 |
trappist | awelynant: thanks | 05:19 |
SilentJihad | i did sudo nano /etc/fstab | 05:19 |
trappist | _jason: you too - but it seems to be missing here | 05:19 |
SilentJihad | I get a list ya know | 05:19 |
SilentJihad | but my HD Is not there | 05:19 |
Stormx2 | mikelo: If you're lucky you can do "killall alsa" and it will respawn o.O | 05:19 |
_jason | trappist: dapper? | 05:19 |
th0rndike | mmm thats weird it should be on the file | 05:19 |
SilentJihad | the swap file is there and I see my linux but my windows is gone | 05:19 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: You have to *add* it | 05:19 |
SilentJihad | oh | 05:19 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Thats the point | 05:20 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Read the wiki carefully | 05:20 |
SilentJihad | can you link me please? | 05:20 |
Stormx2 | !windowspartitions | 05:20 |
ubotu | Stormx2: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:20 |
Stormx2 | Ack | 05:20 |
Stormx2 | OK hang on SilentJihad | 05:20 |
mikelo | mmmm | 05:20 |
SilentJihad | thankyou !! | 05:20 |
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DHeNNiSe` | can you give to me UBUNTU LIVE CD ISO'S LINK ? | 05:20 |
apokryphos | DHeNNiSe`: please do not use caps | 05:20 |
mikelo | Stormx2, alsa: no process killed | 05:20 |
DHeNNiSe` | ok.. sorry. | 05:21 |
_jason | DHeNNiSe`: ubuntu.com, click on download | 05:21 |
apokryphos | DHeNNiSe`: go to ubuntu.com and then head over to the download section. | 05:21 |
SilentJihad | Hey, anyone use VOIP? I have been useing Yahoo's new VOIP thing, but I want to use Linux, but I dont wanna give up my VOIP | 05:21 |
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DHeNNiSe` | thanks | 05:21 |
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SilentJihad | Good for making long distance calls | 05:21 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions | 05:21 |
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ruggy | anyone here use the sprint ev-do access? | 05:21 |
glick | anyone play civ4 on cadega? | 05:21 |
SilentJihad | Your fantastic Storm! Thankyou ! | 05:21 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Checkout gnome-meeting (its been renamed to something else lately tho) | 05:21 |
trappist | _jason: now that you mention it, yeah. I forgot I upgraded yesterday :) | 05:21 |
crimsun | (ekiga) | 05:21 |
trappist | glick: I still do civ3 | 05:21 |
SilentJihad | ok | 05:22 |
SilentJihad | cool | 05:22 |
Stormx2 | DHeNNiSe`: You get it. Check www.ubuntu.com | 05:22 |
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Stormx2 | DHeNNiSe`: We're not here to do everything for you. | 05:22 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Theres also skype, if you like that | 05:22 |
SilentJihad | I appriciate all the help, I am very happy there are many willing people here. (unlike some other places) it makes you want to learn, and finally ditch windows. So thanks everyone | 05:22 |
DHeNNiSe` | Stormx2 : i found. | 05:22 |
DHeNNiSe` | thanks. | 05:22 |
yamathan | apt-get claims there are no packages to update. | 05:22 |
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glick | im wondering how well it plays civ4 | 05:22 |
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SilentJihad | Yea Skipe is cool but they wont take my credit card haha | 05:22 |
DHeNNiSe` | the real link : http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs/5.10/ubuntu-5.10-live-i386.iso | 05:22 |
DHeNNiSe` | ;] | 05:23 |
=== joseph [n=joseph@tal21-1-82-225-174-67.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: =) Thanks for the thanks heh | 05:23 |
yamathan | Is apt-get screwed in the head or what? | 05:23 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: What do you mean? | 05:23 |
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yamathan | Stormx2: For the past three times, apt-get has claimed there's nothing to update/upgrade. At all. | 05:24 |
ITSa341 | I prefer sip to voip I like being able to call without booting my comp | 05:24 |
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mwe | how do you change the language of gdm? | 05:24 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: And? | 05:24 |
SilentJihad | SIP? | 05:24 |
yamathan | Stormx2: It's been like this for over a week. | 05:24 |
SilentJihad | what is sip? | 05:24 |
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anto9us | sip is a voip protocol | 05:24 |
yamathan | Stormx2: Considering that I have a LOT of packages, how can there be NONE to update right now? | 05:24 |
kevor | why is my ssh-login message changed? | 05:25 |
ITSa341 | SilentJihad check out packet8.net or look for sipphone on google | 05:25 |
SilentJihad | how does it work? I pay yahoo to make calls now | 05:25 |
SilentJihad | ok | 05:25 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: There probably isn't anything to update. If a package is stable and no security holes are found, it won't be updated. Its called a feature freeze. | 05:25 |
yamathan | Stormx2: Ooooh. | 05:25 |
mikelo | anybody know hot to restart alsa? | 05:25 |
engla | mwe: I think every theme has to be translated separately.. Do you use the standard theme? | 05:25 |
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yamathan | Stormx2: That's USEFUL. | 05:25 |
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ITSa341 | SilentJihad I plugged in an adapter to my router and plugged phone system to my adapter. Just pick up phone and make call. No pc running | 05:25 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: If you want some cutting edge packages then check out backports | 05:25 |
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Stormx2 | yamathan: It is. It means peoples systems don't break just because they update. | 05:26 |
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SilentJihad | HAHA thats gangster! | 05:26 |
SilentJihad | for real | 05:26 |
Stormx2 | yamathan: its one of the reasons ubuntu is the top desktop linux | 05:26 |
yamathan | Stormx2: I can see why. | 05:27 |
ITSa341 | SilentJihad I have family all over the states and some overseas and I have yet to pay for long distance in the last 3 months | 05:27 |
SilentJihad | Ubuntu is nice, I like the style. | 05:27 |
mwe | engla: no, but it's configuration files has a lot of languages defined. I just dont know how to make it us them | 05:27 |
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SilentJihad | with Yahoo, I am able to call the states for 1cent a min | 05:27 |
SilentJihad | (im in the middle east at the moment) | 05:27 |
ITSa341 | SilentJihad Ubuntu rocks and this is probably the friendliest help room I have ever seen | 05:27 |
SilentJihad | For real | 05:27 |
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engla | mwe: it should do that automatically, I thought. dunno then. You an always look in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf if you really want to dig | 05:27 |
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SilentJihad | I dont know what it is, I always thought there was some kinda linux virus that made people assholes after they got good at useing it hahaha | 05:28 |
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=== dash- [i=njones@inode2145.0142.cisco0884.easyshellz.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
th0rndike | yeh this room rocks | 05:28 |
SilentJihad | yea it does | 05:28 |
k31th | dash-: you n00b | 05:28 |
=== alteroo [n=alteroo@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SilentJihad | very helpfull | 05:28 |
ITSa341 | lol | 05:28 |
k31th | RichardP: WTF | 05:28 |
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Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Thats called "Gentoo" | 05:29 |
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engla | Somone here has a clue about universe and so? how easy is it to package sth for ubuntu's universe?. | 05:29 |
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dash- | lol k31th | 05:29 |
frankenstein | hi, I am trying to use my left alt key as altGr, and capslock as alt. and im trying to do this in a /etc/X11/xkb/symbols file. Anybody a hint? | 05:30 |
dash- | die | 05:30 |
SilentJihad | oh man that is awsome!!! | 05:30 |
engla | I mean if I did a simple piece of software and want to provide it | 05:30 |
=== kristina [n=kristina@host-87-74-126-41.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SilentJihad | this awsome script just mounted all of my Drives!!! | 05:30 |
crimsun | engla: read the packaging links from wiki/MOTU | 05:30 |
SilentJihad | thanks Storm!!! | 05:30 |
kristina | how do i make amarok play mp3 files? i'm using gstreamer engine | 05:30 |
SilentJihad | Ahh Gentoo, yea | 05:30 |
crimsun | kristina: breezy or dapper? | 05:30 |
SilentJihad | thats that impossiable distro | 05:30 |
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kristina | crimsun: 5.10 | 05:31 |
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SilentJihad | awsome, one problem solved! im happy | 05:31 |
crimsun | kristina: install gstreamer0.8-mad | 05:31 |
kristina | crimsun: thank you | 05:31 |
DogWater | gah | 05:31 |
spikeb | hey that reminds me of something | 05:31 |
DogWater | I hate my new dell | 05:31 |
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crimsun | Mabus06: ping | 05:32 |
spikeb | let me think a minute so i dont sound like a tard | 05:32 |
naveen | hi friends | 05:32 |
spikeb | is ubuntu planning on including the fluendo mp3 plugin in the future? | 05:32 |
ompaul | !offtopic | 05:32 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 05:33 |
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=== BlueOrange [n=gideon@ool-435318f4.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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sixE18 | hi | 05:33 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: here | 05:33 |
kristina | crimsun: i've got universe and multiverse in /etc/apt/sources.list but no gstreamer0.8-mad in my cache | 05:33 |
BlueOrange | HI there folks | 05:33 |
_jason | kristina: apt-get update | 05:34 |
SilentJihad | Howdy BlueOrange | 05:34 |
SilentJihad | How are you? | 05:34 |
frankenstein | is there a german ubuntu channel? | 05:34 |
ompaul | !de | 05:34 |
_jason | !de | 05:34 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 05:34 |
tristanmike | !de | 05:34 |
frankenstein | thx | 05:34 |
crimsun | kristina: make sure you are using the correct repos for breezy, not breezy-backports | 05:34 |
kristina | _jason: i am not stupid | 05:34 |
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_jason | kristina: I didn't say you were | 05:34 |
kristina | crimsun: ah. right | 05:34 |
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BlueOrange | I'm Real new to linux. I just installed badger and i i could use some help | 05:34 |
ScreaminIke | can someone walk me through repackaging skype so it installs un-broken? | 05:34 |
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sixE18 | apt-cache show linphone say me : 1.0.1-6ubuntu7. But on debian and on the official linphone page it's the 1.3.* release. Who contact to have this packet up to date | 05:35 |
tristanmike | kristina, no need to be rude, people are just trying to help | 05:35 |
sixE18 | ? | 05:35 |
ompaul | !helpme | 05:35 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 05:35 |
_jason | kristina: put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us a link if you are stilll not finding it | 05:35 |
ScreaminIke | blue, what's your issue? | 05:35 |
SilentJihad | Never used Badger linux | 05:35 |
yamathan | Natun! She works! | 05:35 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: so did you look at that file you were looking at? | 05:35 |
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sixE18 | (i ever ask last month but no clearly reply) | 05:35 |
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crimsun | Mabus06: yes, nothing that leads me to believe it's a driver bug. | 05:35 |
yamathan | All of my .wmv files work other than maybe WMV9. | 05:35 |
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crimsun | Mabus06: can you try using another mixer like aumix? | 05:35 |
mefisto | hello | 05:35 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: in multimedia systems selector? | 05:35 |
ompaul | sixE18, go to the channel #ubuntu-motu | 05:36 |
crimsun | Mabus06: no, from the Terminal | 05:36 |
mefisto | alguien que hable espaol porfa | 05:36 |
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Mabus06 | crimsun: how? | 05:36 |
crimsun | mefisto: #ubuntu-es | 05:36 |
ompaul | !es | 05:36 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 05:36 |
HedgeMage | Burgwork: Sorry I missed you... you're welcome, and no I don't know what/who Koha is. | 05:36 |
HedgeMage | oops, wrong chan | 05:36 |
BlueOrange | ok, i want to be able to play DVD video as well as xvid and divx video. i have read the info at: wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and i thought i did all the stuff, but it still doesn't work. | 05:36 |
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crimsun | Mabus06: well, you could use Synaptic to install aumix, too | 05:36 |
SilentJihad | ohhhhhh yea this is another big problem I have.... | 05:36 |
sixE18 | thx ompaul | 05:36 |
ScreaminIke | blue, did you install libdvdcss2? | 05:36 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: oh, it's a package? hold on | 05:37 |
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SilentJihad | I tried to install MPlayer but I got this message that says :: i'm not useing a good C compiler and gives me a Bad GCC Version Error | 05:37 |
SilentJihad | Any ideas? | 05:37 |
_jason | SilentJihad: mplayer is in the repositories | 05:37 |
BlueOrange | scream: im not sure, tried to do all the stuff listed there, which included some codec32 stuff which seemed important :) Can u tell me how to install ur said pkg or to check if i have it. | 05:37 |
_jason | ubotu: tell SilentJihad about mplayer | 05:37 |
ScreaminIke | silentjihad, try getting the .deb | 05:37 |
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engla | crimsun: thanks. I'm reading lots about this but it's a headache on all the things you have to do.. so far I've successfully built a .deb with dpkg-buildpackage but all these further things are scaring me off.. | 05:38 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: running aumix just leads me to a thing where I can increase/decrease the volume... and just like before, I can hear myself on the mic in my speakers | 05:38 |
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Hexidigital | hey guys... i have a problem here | 05:38 |
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BlueOrange | i believe i have already enabled the universe and multiverse repositories, but again, im not REALLY sure of anything here! | 05:39 |
Hexidigital | i can't get dvd to run on my system... i tried to install xine, but it says i need a C compiler... any idesas? | 05:39 |
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crimsun | Mabus06: does aumix permit you to select the mic for actual recording, though? | 05:39 |
_jason | Hexidigital: xine is in the universe repository | 05:39 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: Could you post your sources.list on paste.ubuntulinux.nl? | 05:39 |
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_jason | ubotu: tell Hexidigital about repos | 05:39 |
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malba | ola | 05:40 |
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Stormx2 | Hexidigital: sudo apt-get install xine | 05:40 |
Mabus06 | crimsun: I don't know... i can turn the mic volume up/down, and that effects how loud I sound on the speakers, but no, there doesn't appear to be an option to record. There is just a list of things I can turn the volume up and down for | 05:40 |
Hexidigital | _jason, thank you once again :) | 05:40 |
ScreaminIke | can i get some help repackaging Skype? | 05:40 |
malba | ola alwuien abal en espaol | 05:40 |
Hexidigital | Storm, i'll try that now | 05:40 |
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tristanmike | !tell malba about es | 05:40 |
BlueOrange | storm: ok, thxs. not sure whats :paste.ubuntulinux.nl: and how do i do it ? | 05:40 |
anto9us | mikelo, sorry for sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 05:40 |
Stormx2 | ScreaminIke: Whats the problem? | 05:40 |
anto9us | sorry for delay | 05:40 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: Its an internet site | 05:41 |
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Hexidigital | Package xine is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 05:41 |
Hexidigital | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 05:41 |
Hexidigital | is only available from another source | 05:41 |
Hexidigital | got that message | 05:41 |
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tristanmike | !tell BlueOrange about pastebin | 05:41 |
kristina | crimsun: all works now. i just removed '-backports' from 'breezy-backports'. Was that what i was supposed to do? | 05:41 |
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naveen | help me | 05:41 |
crimsun | kristina: that's one way. The easier way would be to uncomment the universe line for breezy. | 05:41 |
Mabus06 | !helpme | 05:41 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: In terminal, run "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list", then copy the contents into the textbox on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ | 05:41 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 05:41 |
tristanmike | !helpme | 05:41 |
SilentJihad | Thanks Jason, but for some reason after I paste the code it wont let me save. | 05:42 |
kristina | crimsun: ok, thanx :) bye | 05:42 |
ScreaminIke | when i install the skype deb, it is broken | 05:42 |
SilentJihad | do I need to change premissions or something? | 05:42 |
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SilentJihad | Could not save the file "/home/munsa/.mplayer/config" | 05:42 |
SilentJihad | is the error i get | 05:42 |
engla | ScreaminIke: you are probably missing some dependencies, try "sudo apt-get -f install" and it will _try_ to fix it. Read carefully what it says, if it is going to add or remove packages | 05:43 |
Stormx2 | engla: No thats not it. The dependancy for skype it broken | 05:43 |
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Stormx2 | !skype | 05:43 |
ubotu | hmm... skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/ | 05:43 |
Stormx2 | Check that | 05:43 |
engla | Stormx2: dependency broken, what do you mean? | 05:43 |
yamathan | Hey, I mounted my NTFS partition properly in /media/, but it's read-only. | 05:43 |
engla | Stormx2: I can't install skype sadly, so I didn't know | 05:43 |
kingspawn | SilentJihad: remember to "sudo" before installation commands etc. | 05:43 |
Stormx2 | ScreaminIke: The deb from skype.com has a broken dependancy. It calls on a package which never existed or exists | 05:43 |
yamathan | Is there any way to alter that? | 05:43 |
Stormx2 | engla: Check the http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ | 05:44 |
kingspawn | yamathan: you should keep it that way, linux can't really write well to ntfs | 05:44 |
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ScreaminIke | right. can i repackage it, stormx2? | 05:44 |
SilentJihad | Hey Storm... I am trying to config Mplayer but it is saying "Could not save the file "/home/munsa/.mplayer/config" | 05:44 |
yamathan | kingspawn: Ah. Okay. | 05:44 |
ruggy | i need suggestions to add to my reading list | 05:44 |
SilentJihad | ahh maybe thats why | 05:44 |
SilentJihad | duuhhh | 05:44 |
Stormx2 | !mplayer | 05:44 |
ubotu | hmm... mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 05:44 |
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Stormx2 | SilentJihad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto | 05:45 |
BlueOrange | storm: looks like im certainly not alone figuring this out now! i have posted the info as u requested. | 05:45 |
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Skrot | Hi. If I compile my own kernel using make-kpkg, will I still keep the boot splash | 05:46 |
Skrot | brb. | 05:47 |
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BlueOrange | Stormx2: looks like ur helping alot of people! i have posted the info and will wait for your instructions. | 05:47 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: That looks fine to me. Run "sudo apt-get update", then have a look in synaptic, how many packages does it say there are at the bottom? | 05:47 |
misterii | any good rar apps on breezy? | 05:47 |
Stormx2 | misterii: Yes | 05:48 |
Stormx2 | misterii: Hold up | 05:48 |
Stormx2 | !rar | 05:48 |
ubotu | from memory, rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression | 05:48 |
misterii | I tried to install gnomerar, but it just got me mad | 05:48 |
rexkwondo | I re-installed breezy today after finding out that dapper has dodgy printer support. Now, after over a hal-dozen successful breezy installs with my Lexmark z53, it's suddenly not there when I select drivers. What's going on?? | 05:48 |
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SilentJihad | Yea storm The page says... type Gedit ~/.mplayer/config -- which i do, it opens a window and they say,... Paste this code in the box, save, and exit... But It says.. "Cannot save" And I am loged in as root | 05:48 |
Stormx2 | misterii: Install those, then file-roller (Archive Manager) will be able to read/write em | 05:48 |
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misterii | those? | 05:49 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: odd. Sure its not open more than once? | 05:49 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, it shouldn't matter, your making changes to "your" home folder | 05:49 |
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Stormx2 | misterii: Check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression | 05:49 |
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SilentJihad | humm. | 05:49 |
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ScreaminIke | nevermind. i found it from ubotu | 05:49 |
misterii | those?i try not to... xubuntu is so slow =( | 05:49 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, get out of root to save a "non-root" file | 05:50 |
ScreaminIke | thank you, though, stormx2 | 05:50 |
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misterii | I'd need a lighter Desktop, but I'm comfy with this1 | 05:50 |
BlueOrange | Stormx2: synaptic reports i have 1100 installed. | 05:50 |
GordonFreeman | i need a acc3d xD | 05:50 |
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Stormx2 | BlueOrange: How many available? | 05:50 |
Skrot | Okay. That obviously didn't work. How can I compile my own kernel and keep the ubuntu bootsplash? | 05:50 |
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SilentJihad | dosent work. :( | 05:51 |
SilentJihad | Could not save the file "/home/munsa/.mplayer/config" | 05:51 |
Stormx2 | SilentJihad: Sure it isn't open more than once? | 05:51 |
anto9us | Skrot, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto may help you | 05:51 |
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kingspawn | SilentJihad: you are sure the .mplayer directory exists? | 05:52 |
BlueOrange | Stormx2: '117789 packages listed' | 05:52 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, doesn't work when you are not in root ? and like Stormx2 said, make sure you don't have any other copies open, like on other workspaces | 05:52 |
kingspawn | SilentJihad: the editor will not make the directory for you | 05:52 |
glick | damn ill prolly end up having to dual boot XP and ubuntu on my desktop | 05:52 |
glick | for games n shit | 05:52 |
SilentJihad | oh | 05:52 |
SilentJihad | how do I make it? | 05:52 |
Skrot | anto9us: Didn't help. Doesn't mention splash anywhere | 05:53 |
SilentJihad | mkdir .mplayer ? | 05:53 |
kingspawn | SilentJihad: mkdir ~/.mplayer | 05:53 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: Good, that means you have universe and multiverse working. btw, surely its 17786? | 05:53 |
kingspawn | SilentJihad: yes | 05:53 |
kingspawn | SilentJihad: but dont make it as root, or your regular user wont have access to it | 05:53 |
BlueOrange | FYI All: Im an old mac-r win xp is my primary OS and I just bought an old IBM thinkpad which is what I have Badger installed on. | 05:53 |
ScreaminIke | blueorange, just call it 5.10 | 05:54 |
BlueOrange | Stormx2: oops, yes, coorrection=17789 pkgs listed. | 05:54 |
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Stormx2 | BlueOrange: Well, you have them installed, what now/ | 05:54 |
Micksa | *sigh* | 05:54 |
Micksa | dumb questions | 05:54 |
Micksa | question | 05:54 |
Micksa | how do I get mkisofs to create an image that can take a file >2G? | 05:55 |
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IamEthos_ | where is the grub.conf file | 05:56 |
IamEthos_ | and how do I edit it? | 05:56 |
crimsun | /boot/grub/menu.lst | 05:56 |
Stormx2 | IamEthos_: "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" | 05:56 |
Micksa | can it be done? | 05:56 |
Stormx2 | Micksa: No idea... sorry | 05:56 |
SilentJihad | cool | 05:56 |
SilentJihad | worked! | 05:57 |
s|k | what's the chmod to make a file executable? | 05:57 |
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s|k | and read and writable? | 05:57 |
s|k | :0 | 05:57 |
SilentJihad | 777 i think | 05:57 |
s|k | nay that's overkill :/ | 05:57 |
SilentJihad | S|k | 05:57 |
s|k | SilentJihad: yes? | 05:57 |
SilentJihad | 777 is all privlages far as I remember | 05:57 |
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misterii | how can I access multiverse? | 05:57 |
s|k | misterii: one sec let me give you the link | 05:58 |
snowblink | s|k, man chmod | 05:58 |
tristanmike | !tell misterii about multiverse | 05:58 |
s|k | misterii: http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch02.html#addinguniverse | 05:59 |
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s|k | thanks snowblink | 05:59 |
BlueOrange | Stormx2: et al, i still dont seem to be able to view a dvd or divx content. | 05:59 |
SilentJihad | sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer ... command dosent work. Says... | 05:59 |
SilentJihad | munsa@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer | 05:59 |
SilentJihad | Reading package lists... Done | 05:59 |
SilentJihad | Building dependency tree... Done | 05:59 |
SilentJihad | E: Couldn't find package mozilla-mplayer | 05:59 |
SilentJihad | munsa@ubuntu:~$ | 05:59 |
Stormx2 | !css | 05:59 |
ubotu | Stormx2: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 05:59 |
Stormx2 | !dvd | 06:00 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras) | 06:00 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: Check that ^^ | 06:00 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, please don't paste in here, use pastebin | 06:00 |
tristanmike | !tell SilentJihad about pastebin | 06:00 |
SilentJihad | Pastebin? | 06:00 |
SilentJihad | Why? | 06:00 |
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tristanmike | !flood | 06:00 |
ubotu | I guess flood is for pasting, please use http://pastebin.com , http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl or #flood here on freenode. | 06:00 |
anto9us | s|k, chmod +x | 06:00 |
tristanmike | !paste | 06:00 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 06:00 |
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maya | my computer hangs on after "uncompressing linux... ok, booting the kernel." anyone know what the prob might be? thx | 06:01 |
anto9us | maya, try different boot options, like noapic and noacpi | 06:01 |
SilentJihad | Anyhow ill just type it then... I ttied Sudo apt-get install mozilla-mplayer and I get the error.. Couldn't find package mozilla-mplayer | 06:02 |
maya | how do I access boot options (sry I'm a newbee) | 06:02 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, did you paste your sources.list on pastebin ? to verify you have the correct sources ? | 06:02 |
anto9us | maya, press esc on grub then there's a hint somewhere | 06:03 |
maya | oh, saw it, thanks... let me give it a try... | 06:03 |
bluefoxicy | ubotu fud | 06:03 |
ubotu | fud is probably [FUD] Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. A marketing technique employed by those who do not trust in the merits of their own product. Also Fair Use Day. | 06:03 |
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BlueOrange | Stormx2: i already seem to have libdvdcss2 installed as when i view it via synaptic package manager, the only options are to remove it ! ? | 06:03 |
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=== bluefoxicy calls fud on 'do not put a swap file on a usb stick it will wear out and die' | ||
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, did you enable "DMA" on your DVD drive ? | 06:04 |
highvoltage | BlueOrange: try it on a cheap usb stick :) | 06:04 |
pulgoki | can you ad : DENY lines to your hosts.allow in debian? | 06:04 |
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misterii | thanks, but I don't use synaptic | 06:05 |
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SilentJihad | ok I did the pastebin thing | 06:05 |
bluefoxicy | highvoltage: USB flash drives and every memory card for digicams have integrated controllers on them AFAIK, most of these have wear leveling algorithms, and I've heard that the "limited number of writes" you can perform before the chip wears out is on the order of 3x10^18 | 06:05 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, past the link here for us | 06:05 |
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SilentJihad | ohhhhhh ok | 06:05 |
tristanmike | s/past/paste | 06:05 |
bluefoxicy | highvoltage: I'm actually asking the LKML if anyone has any input. | 06:05 |
SilentJihad | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10583 | 06:05 |
SilentJihad | kinda a neat thing | 06:05 |
misterii | I want to know what i'll add to /etc/apt/sources.list to access multiverse | 06:06 |
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SilentJihad | Thanks TristanMike Appriciate the help | 06:06 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, paste your sources.list file. That is "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" and then copy/paste that stuff | 06:06 |
anto9us | pulgoki, you have a seperate hosts.deny if that helps | 06:07 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, in pastebin of course ;) | 06:07 |
SilentJihad | haha | 06:07 |
pulgoki | anto9us: i see that, but im used to freebsd | 06:07 |
pulgoki | :P | 06:07 |
pulgoki | its allot easier | 06:07 |
anto9us | pulgoki, it may be possible, try it :) | 06:08 |
pulgoki | you just add ALL: DENY to the end of the hosts.allow and it only follows the rules in there | 06:08 |
maya | anto9us, I only have "Ubuntu, kernel ***" and "Ubuntu, kernel *** (recovery mode) it says nowhere about the noapi and noacpi | 06:08 |
pulgoki | where i want to ALL: DENY my hosts.deny file and it blocks everything | 06:08 |
pulgoki | and i cant ssh in | 06:08 |
pulgoki | :( | 06:08 |
SilentJihad | okie | 06:08 |
SilentJihad | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10584 | 06:08 |
anto9us | maya, you should be able to add boot options | 06:08 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: What are you using to view movies? | 06:08 |
pulgoki | im guessing because it reads that file first | 06:08 |
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maya | all right, but what should I type in? | 06:09 |
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BlueOrange | tristanmike: as in ' sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc ' ? | 06:09 |
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mejo | hello | 06:09 |
pulgoki | can anyone tell me what is using ports 701 and 702 i believe they were with the default install? | 06:09 |
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Stormx2 | BlueOrange: Try this: | 06:09 |
Stormx2 | sudo apt-get install libdvdread3 | 06:09 |
Stormx2 | sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh | 06:09 |
pulgoki | they are open and i dont know whats using them | 06:09 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, yes, but that only enables it per session | 06:10 |
SilentJihad | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10584 | 06:10 |
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BlueOrange | i have kaffiene, mplayer, and totem movie player alll installed and none of them are working yet. | 06:10 |
SilentJihad | Mplayer is the best | 06:11 |
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tristanmike | !tell SilentJihad about multiverse | 06:11 |
SilentJihad | ( if you can get it to work hehe ) | 06:11 |
mejo | a friend of mine downloaded the ubuntu install cd and now he has several problem with the installation: 1. zlib1g doesn't install 2. installation warns him that files of an old os are still on the disk even though he used the 'delete data' option in the partitioner 3. initrd-tools fails to install. | 06:11 |
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SilentJihad | Multiverse? | 06:11 |
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=== xota saluda! | ||
tristanmike | SilentJihad, yeah, you have to enable the universe and multiverse | 06:12 |
SilentJihad | oh ok | 06:12 |
sczep2 | hi, how can I use a printer connected to a suse10 pc?? | 06:12 |
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BlueOrange | on command 'sudo apt-get install libdvdread3' i get back: 'libdvdread3 is already the newest version. | 06:12 |
BlueOrange | ' | 06:12 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, then after that you should have no problem grabbing mplayer | 06:12 |
mejo | sczep2: configure the cupsys server on the suse pc and use the cupsys client on your ubuntu system. | 06:13 |
engla | pulgoki: according to /etc/services, l2f could use them. I have no idea though. If you install the firestarter firewall, it can tell you if you are curious/concerned | 06:13 |
=== FliesLikeABrick [n=Ryan@cpe-72-224-119-16.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
BlueOrange | when mplayer runs, i get an error about 'new_face failed. maybe wrong path. ' | 06:14 |
IamEthos_ | okay | 06:14 |
pulgoki | thanks engla | 06:14 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, it's some kinda font thing right ? | 06:14 |
IamEthos_ | I'm booting ubuntu from a usb hard drive | 06:14 |
IamEthos_ | apparently some things have to be done before that works | 06:14 |
pulgoki | i know there is a netstat command to tell you what is using tcp ports but i cant remember what it is | 06:14 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, like it wants to be linked ? | 06:14 |
sczep2 | mejo, Thanks | 06:14 |
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BlueOrange | ok, than i guess that shouldnt matter then for now. | 06:14 |
pulgoki | and im not on that box at the moment | 06:15 |
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IamEthos_ | I'm following the instructions from this website | 06:15 |
IamEthos_ | http://frontier05.blogspot.com/2006/01/installing-ubuntu-to-external-usb.html | 06:15 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, yeah, it's not showstopping | 06:15 |
LabThug | anyone in here used Evolution to connect to a SunOne Calendar? | 06:15 |
=== Fred [n=fredf@81-86-149-249.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IamEthos_ | I edited the module file in Windows (I am using the fs-driver.org software | 06:15 |
IamEthos_ | ) | 06:15 |
IamEthos_ | now, I'm not sure if I can edit the grub conf file | 06:16 |
IamEthos_ | in windows | 06:16 |
BlueOrange | ok, so then what do i need to do next to get this working ? | 06:16 |
IamEthos_ | but I definately can't boot ubuntu | 06:16 |
IamEthos_ | also | 06:16 |
IamEthos_ | I don't know what step B. is doing | 06:16 |
thenuke | Where can I find help about installing ubuntu with software raid | 06:17 |
IamEthos_ | if someone wouldn't mind taking a look at that url and telling me what's going on in step B., that'd be great | 06:17 |
ompaul | !grub | 06:17 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 06:17 |
=== Cholo [n=Cholo@pool-71-98-26-99.mdsnwi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | BlueOrange, sorry, haven't been following, get what working ? mplayer? does it not work ? or is there something particular that doesn't work ? | 06:17 |
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Cholo | i have a question on how to get a dhcp host? | 06:19 |
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tristanmike | Cholo, ask away and someone will help if they can :) | 06:19 |
Cholo | thx | 06:19 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: i am not able to view dvd video's or divx/xvid content. i do have mplay installed. | 06:19 |
Macrosser | can someone help me with tv out in unbuntu | 06:19 |
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BlueOrange | Stormx2: still not working. | 06:20 |
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sczep2 | Cholo, whats the problem | 06:20 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, right....hmm, well, the method you mentiond for enabling "dma" is "session" only, so if you restart, you have to issue that command again | 06:20 |
Cholo | i was here earlier an my internet wasnt established during installation i tried reinstalling and still no connection | 06:20 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, excuse the dumb question and I risk insulting you....you do have a dvd drive, right ? | 06:21 |
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IamEthos_ | http://frontier05.blogspot.com/2006/01/installing-ubuntu-to-external-usb.html <- can anyone explain step B. of this a little better for me? | 06:21 |
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sczep2 | what kind of connection to your provider you have?? | 06:21 |
phenex | hey guys... i need some help with a new dapper install... when i ran it first all looked ok, then when i tried to load the updating app it just wouldn't load... asked for a password and disapeared... then when i restarted X the display became 640X480 and there is no option to change it... what is going on here? | 06:21 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: lol, np. yea, and i know it works. | 06:21 |
Cholo | dsl thru verizon | 06:21 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, sorry, but you'd be surprised to see how many people don't realize that you need at least a "dvd rom" to view even dvd data disks. | 06:21 |
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LabThug | anyone in here use evolution? | 06:22 |
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sczep2 | cholo, Do you use a router?? | 06:22 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, so, what happens when you put a dvd movie in your drive ? | 06:22 |
jbritz22 | hey guys, I did an instaled of kdesktop with apt-get, now whenever I try and run kde programs or kde itself I get a dcopserver error, and a cant write configuratoin error, can anyone help? | 06:22 |
=== agalavis [n=agalavis@mmcyte1.cps.unizar.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
agalavis | hi | 06:23 |
mirak | I just got the biggest bug I have ever seen on linux | 06:23 |
mirak | I killed my X server with ctrl+alt+back | 06:23 |
mirak | went to the login windo | 06:23 |
tristanmike | mirak, that's normal | 06:23 |
mirak | then nautilus started | 06:23 |
agalavis | can anyone tell me if the dapper install cd can resize ntfs partitions in a safe way? | 06:23 |
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mirak | as well as the gnome panel bars | 06:23 |
spikeb | heh | 06:23 |
LuckDuck | How do I preorder the CD's to get the new version when it gets out? I think I can only order the Current right? | 06:23 |
mirak | without me login of course | 06:23 |
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spikeb | mirak: so you had a partial gnome desktop with a login window? | 06:24 |
mirak | tristanmike: that sound normal ? | 06:24 |
mirak | lol | 06:24 |
tristanmike | LuckDuck, yes, only the current | 06:24 |
mirak | spikeb: yes | 06:24 |
spikeb | haha | 06:24 |
sczep2 | cholo, may be only a mistake in your provider data | 06:24 |
mirak | spikeb: I would say a full gnome dekstop | 06:24 |
spikeb | mirak: that sounds like a bit of a security hazard | 06:24 |
agalavis | i have to resize an ntfs but i'm not too confident | 06:24 |
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Cholo | i have a LinkSys wit a D-link system inc RTL 8139 ethernet (rev 10) ethernet controller | 06:24 |
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mirak | spikeb: just a bit. lol | 06:24 |
Agrajag | agalavis: I did it with breezy, it worked fine | 06:24 |
Mabus06 | Why does totem take like 30 seconds to go from playing one .mp3 to another? | 06:24 |
tristanmike | mirak, yes, perfectly normal :P, just kidding of course :P | 06:24 |
spikeb | hahaha | 06:24 |
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jbritz22 | why does banshee scroll through all my mp3s instead of playing them? | 06:24 |
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agalavis | thanks agrajag | 06:25 |
spikeb | GO FASTER | 06:25 |
Cholo | :/ they aint from my area i called an she didnt know wat linux was | 06:25 |
matejkoo | Is anyone can speak Polish language | 06:25 |
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matejkoo | ? | 06:25 |
IamEthos_ | how do I boot from the install cd with the parameter rescue? | 06:25 |
mirak | matejkoo: hold on !! put your hands up ! | 06:26 |
sczep2 | cholo, that mayed be the problem, because you need the propper information. You use a router? | 06:26 |
mirak | matejkoo: freeze ! | 06:26 |
Cholo | yes | 06:26 |
mirak | matejkoo: at that's polish, not police ! | 06:26 |
mirak | ahahahah | 06:26 |
Cholo | linksys | 06:26 |
Stormx2 | jbritz22: You probably don't have MP3 support | 06:26 |
Stormx2 | !mp3 | 06:26 |
ubotu | well, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 06:26 |
matejkoo | so who can? | 06:27 |
Stormx2 | !po | 06:27 |
ubotu | Stormx2: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 06:27 |
Cholo | its not wireless if thas wat your getting to | 06:27 |
Stormx2 | !pl | 06:27 |
ubotu | Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu.pl | 06:27 |
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jbritz22 | stormx2: how can I get mp3 support | 06:27 |
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matejkoo | thanks | 06:27 |
tristanmike | jbritz22, follow the link ubotu spit out | 06:28 |
Stormx2 | jbritz22: Read ubotu's previous message | 06:28 |
tristanmike | jbritz22, that is "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats" | 06:28 |
jbritz22 | ok sweet | 06:28 |
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sczep2 | cholo, test the following>>> sudo pppoeconf | 06:28 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: when i put a dvd video in the drive, an icon appears on the desktop, totem movie player opens, thinks for a bit and then replies 'could not read title information'. | 06:29 |
Cholo | i was told earlier to type "lsmod" an chk to see if i was able to find my interface card | 06:29 |
n_ | ola | 06:29 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, hmmm | 06:29 |
kristina | how do i change (in KDE) the superlarge fileicons in konqueror? when i do it through "system settings" only icons on the desktop change but not inside konqueror. | 06:29 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: try using VLC | 06:29 |
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jbritz22 | ok sweet | 06:29 |
jbritz22 | ok got another problem | 06:30 |
sczep2 | cholo, lsmod checks the kernel modules | 06:30 |
jbritz22 | I instaled of kdesktop with apt-get, now whenever I try and run kde programs or kde itself I get a dcopserver error, and a cant write configuratoin error, can anyone help? | 06:30 |
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fart | can someone tell me how i can get packages from phlak onto ubuntu useing synaptic package manager. | 06:30 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, you could try vlc, it comes with it's own codecs/etc, I missed it about, you do have libdvdcss2 from Seveas's packages, right ? | 06:30 |
defrysk | kristina, I believe its in the view section of konqueror (not sure tho) | 06:30 |
tristanmike | s/about/above | 06:31 |
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Cholo | sczep2: access concentrator did not respond | 06:31 |
sczep2 | cholo, basicly it is importend to find out is the hardware detection correct | 06:31 |
kristina | defrysk: thank you. it is | 06:31 |
defrysk | :) | 06:31 |
warreng | if i have a debian install, could i change the repositories to ubuntu dapper.. and do a dist-upgrade and convert it to dapper? | 06:31 |
Cholo | it detected the hardware | 06:32 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yes i think i have libdvdcss2. it looks like it might be working now, testing . . . | 06:32 |
jbritz22 | when I try an install azurues I get an Package azureus has no installation candidate | 06:32 |
Cholo | wit a different command | 06:32 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, I cross my fingers for you | 06:32 |
defrysk | !azureus | 06:32 |
ubotu | methinks azureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo | 06:32 |
=== StFS [n=stefan@194-144-6-113.du.xdsl.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ruggy | is there a version of ubuntu that has all multimedia options(codecs,players,dvd playing, eitc..) enabled on install? | 06:32 |
[blah] | will ubuntu run on a powerpc? | 06:32 |
pramz | ruggy, no | 06:32 |
tristanmike | ruggy, no | 06:32 |
defrysk | no | 06:33 |
StFS | Anybody here have experience with using X.org packages from Dapper on Breezy? | 06:33 |
pramz | but adding the repos is easy | 06:33 |
ruggy | why not? | 06:33 |
tristanmike | ruggy, and there will never be one | 06:33 |
defrysk | its non-free | 06:33 |
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yamathan | How do I change my sound settings? | 06:33 |
tristanmike | ruggy, because Ubuntu's founding principle is that it and all it's software is 100% free | 06:33 |
LabThug | evolution <=> sun-one Anyone doing it? | 06:33 |
yamathan | I just installed my Creative 2.1 speakers and the system still thinks I'm using headphones./ | 06:33 |
Cholo | i type "sudo lspci |grep net" it comes back with my ethernet controller | 06:34 |
fart | does any one know how i can get more packages for synaptic package manager | 06:34 |
sczep2 | cholo, than it should work, you have to enter username and password and DNS Server | 06:34 |
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Stormx2 | ruggy: Patent stuff. We don't want to break the law. | 06:35 |
tristanmike | fart, aside from enabling the universe/mulitverse nothing official (cept maybe the backports) | 06:35 |
sczep2 | when you are running pppoeconf | 06:35 |
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Hexidigital | _jason, still here? | 06:35 |
chris_ | i need help installing java | 06:35 |
fart | any unofficial | 06:35 |
ruggy | how about an unofficial verson? | 06:35 |
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Stormx2 | !java | 06:35 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 06:35 |
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chris_ | i did all that | 06:36 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: in Jesus and Linux we trust, thxs. its starting to work :) expeirensing very jumpy playback. i am using an older ibm thinkpad t21. is it prety safe to use sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc ?\ | 06:36 |
fart | i know it more urls | 06:36 |
mikelo | hi my sound doesn't after a crash. does anybody know how to reconfigure the sound server? | 06:36 |
mikelo | *work | 06:36 |
sczep2 | cholo, the pppoeconf programm should know your hardware, if not you must update | 06:36 |
fart | i know it allows you to add more urls* | 06:36 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, ok, that command is safe, but again, it's session only, you have to add an entry to /etc/hdparm.conf | 06:36 |
sailor | randomly, does anyone know where firefox stores it's cookies? | 06:37 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, to make it permenent that is | 06:37 |
sczep2 | cholo, what happens if you run >> sudo pppoeconf | 06:37 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, and you must ensure that "hdc" is your dvd drive, but I'm sure you have ;) | 06:37 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yes, got it, testing . . . | 06:37 |
chris_ | and it is giving me chmod: cannot access `jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory | 06:37 |
Cholo | it finds 1 device | 06:37 |
LuckDuck | So is there some kind of MailList, or something, where do they announce when we can start ordering the new version? | 06:37 |
LuckDuck | How do I know? | 06:38 |
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BlueOrange | tristanmike: assume nothing ! :) how do i confirm this ? | 06:38 |
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BlueOrange | tristanmike: i do know that i have a dvd drive in the machene. | 06:39 |
chris_ | i am trying to install java and it is giving me chmod: cannot access `jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin': No such file or directory | 06:39 |
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apokryphos | chris_: are you on i386? | 06:39 |
chris_ | no | 06:39 |
chris_ | 686 | 06:39 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, lol, well, what I do is check device manager. I scroll down to my dvd drive and check "Advanced" the first line "block.device" tells me for sure that 'hdc' is my dvd drive | 06:39 |
Cholo | it scans it but comes back as "sorry i scanned 1 interface but the Access Concentrater of your provider did not respond" | 06:39 |
apokryphos | chris_: that's fine; to install java /msg ubotu javadebs | 06:40 |
chris_ | do what\ | 06:40 |
tristanmike | chris_, "/msg ubotu javadebs" here in irc | 06:40 |
sczep2 | cholo, than something with your provider data seems wrong | 06:40 |
tristanmike | !tell chris_ about javadebs | 06:40 |
=== simzi [n=simzi@81-179-69-157.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | chris_, or just check your private message | 06:40 |
simzi | Do you need extra drivers to be able to see SATA drives in computer with Dapper? | 06:41 |
crimsun | simzi: no | 06:41 |
GnarusLeo | !dapper | 06:41 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake. Currently this is BETA software - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 06:41 |
jbritz22 | how do I uninstall kdesktop | 06:41 |
simzi | Weird it's not showing up :X | 06:41 |
apokryphos | jbritz22: do you mean kde? | 06:41 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yes, drive lists block.device as first item. | 06:41 |
bet0x | i have a error running amsn on dapper, i got: Application initialization failed: this isn't a Tk applicationunknown color name "Black" | 06:41 |
jbritz22 | yes | 06:41 |
jbritz22 | i installed it | 06:41 |
jbritz22 | and its nothing but errors | 06:41 |
defrysk | sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop kdm | 06:41 |
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GnarusLeo | jbritz22, "sudo apt-get remove kdesktop" | 06:41 |
jbritz22 | ok | 06:41 |
sczep2 | cholo, are your cables ok?? | 06:41 |
apokryphos | jbritz22: no, don't do those. | 06:41 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, to the right of that you should see "Type" and "Value" it's under "value" you should see "/dev/hd<something>" | 06:42 |
defrysk | *kubuntu-desktop | 06:42 |
jbritz22 | that wont mess up any gnome settings will it? | 06:42 |
simzi | Do you know why it wouldn't show up crimsun ? I have the latest kernel and updates etc | 06:42 |
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Cholo | yep | 06:42 |
jbritz22 | apokyryphos: what should I do | 06:42 |
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Cholo | tested on this one wit the new cable | 06:42 |
crimsun | simzi: are you using _current_ dapper? | 06:42 |
simzi | Yes | 06:42 |
Cholo | ^comp | 06:42 |
apokryphos | jbritz22: if I recall correctly, breezy uses a standard kdelibs. So sudo apt-get remove kdelibs will take away your kde | 06:42 |
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crimsun | simzi: which controller are you using? | 06:43 |
mikelo | my audio doesn't work anymore? | 06:43 |
mikelo | ! | 06:43 |
ubotu | Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, mikelo | 06:43 |
simzi | Onboard controller crimsun | 06:43 |
crimsun | mikelo: did you pastebin your amixer output? | 06:43 |
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Hexidigital | !firefox | 06:43 |
crimsun | simzi: ok, that's much too vague | 06:43 |
simzi | ? | 06:43 |
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simzi | would you like my motherboard make? | 06:43 |
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jbritz22 | apokyryphos: will it take away all the apps that come with kde? | 06:44 |
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Hexidigital | !firefox1.5 | 06:44 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:44 |
kaz_ | What can I do to speed up ubuntu? (Firefox specifically... sooo slow) -- everything is WAY slower than when this same box was running win2k | 06:44 |
apokryphos | kaz_: I recommend trying kde | 06:44 |
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crimsun | simzi: I'd much rather like to know the actual controller and model | 06:44 |
mikelo | crimsun, here it is: http://pastebin.com/614603 | 06:44 |
GnarusLeo | is kde much faster then gnome???!? | 06:44 |
graft | anyone know how i can keep my wireless card from constantly changing access points like some sort of cheap slut? | 06:44 |
simzi | Is there a command for terminal to find that information? | 06:44 |
GnarusLeo | graft, hehe .. try nm-applet | 06:44 |
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graft | nm-applet, you say? | 06:45 |
GnarusLeo | yes | 06:45 |
jbritz22 | apokyryphos: kde gives me errors, a dcopserver error and a cant save configuration error | 06:45 |
kaz_ | haha...aside from sparking a KDE vs. GNOME flamewar that is.... are there any performance tweaks I can do or something? | 06:45 |
Hexidigital | do you guys think it is really worth the effort to try to update to firefox 1.5? i tried it yesterday, and ended up reinstalling my system today... i dont want to have to do that twice... what do you think? | 06:45 |
crimsun | mikelo: you need to play with combinations of (un)muted 'Headphone Jack Sense' and 'Line Jack Sense' | 06:45 |
GnarusLeo | Hexidigital, you can wait for the reps to put it up .. | 06:45 |
graft | you had to reinstall your system because of firefox? | 06:45 |
tristanmike | graft, networkmanger-applet. Right click on a panel, Add to panel, select the Network Applet | 06:45 |
apokryphos | kaz_: do you have an amd? | 06:45 |
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apokryphos | kaz_: you could install an architecture-specific kernel | 06:46 |
Cholo | sczep2: with lsmod it shows " 8139 23552 0" | 06:46 |
Hexidigital | GnarusLeo, all i really wanted it for was to install some cool extensions... you think i should wait then? or is 1.5 a necessity? | 06:46 |
mikelo | crimsun, u mean i have to run amixer while i'm playing something? | 06:46 |
BlueOrange | ok, i know this is BASIC! how do i open hdparm.conf | 06:46 |
BlueOrange | in a way which will allow me to edit it? when i open it it allways says that its read only. ? | 06:46 |
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graft | sudo, BlueOrange | 06:46 |
Stormx2 | BlueOrange: use "sudo gedit /path/to/hdparm.conf" | 06:46 |
mikelo | crimsun, how do i do that? | 06:46 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, are you using "gedit" ? | 06:46 |
GnarusLeo | Hexidigital, well, its much faster and has extensions indeed, but installing it can be kind of tricky ... but the site given by ubotu helped me | 06:47 |
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Vladimir_BG | is there anything like kppp for gnome? | 06:47 |
BlueOrange | ya, ok that was the prob. got it. | 06:47 |
GnarusLeo | have to run :) | 06:47 |
Cholo | then it has " mii 5248 1 839too | 06:47 |
Cholo | " | 06:47 |
Hexidigital | well, i went by the site... actually copied and pasted everything into terminal... and i still messed it up :) | 06:47 |
Cholo | *8139* | 06:47 |
Vladimir_BG | I'd really like a dialer with data transfer ant time monitoring! | 06:47 |
Hexidigital | i had to install Mozilla, instead of Firefox | 06:47 |
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kaz_ | apokryphos: no amd here... just an old P3 1ghz systm | 06:47 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, you should avoid using "sudo" on applications that are graphical | 06:47 |
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jbritz22 | should I grant stopthread runtime permission when installing java | 06:48 |
Cholo | am i supposed to change the 0 to a 1? | 06:48 |
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swiffffa | hello | 06:48 |
chris_ | i need help with my java | 06:48 |
kaz_ | but like I said, it was very snappy running win2k. I'm reading in ubuntu forums right now. It looks like there might be some issue with firefox. | 06:48 |
Stormx2 | jbritz22: Whatever it recommends | 06:48 |
sczep2 | cholo, sorry dont have an idea | 06:48 |
Healot | you don;t own Java?? | 06:48 |
apokryphos | kaz_: install linux-686 | 06:48 |
Cholo | :( | 06:48 |
Hexidigital | also, this may sound stupid... but i'm a new IRC user... how do you direct a comment to people... or do you have to type the name in? | 06:48 |
kaz_ | that is my biggest complaint. | 06:48 |
simzi | crimsun, i can't see how to find you the controller model :X | 06:49 |
Stormx2 | chris_: Whats the problem? | 06:49 |
swiffffa | I just did a fresh install of ubuntu and im wondering how do I mount the dvd writer drive??? | 06:49 |
chris_ | i can not get it to instal | 06:49 |
Stormx2 | Hexidigital: You can PM them with "/msg username Hello!!" | 06:49 |
swiffffa | it cant even mount it to read | 06:49 |
tristanmike | Hexidigital, if you mean, how do I make the line red to the person I'm taking to, just type their name | 06:49 |
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Hexidigital | tristanmike, like this? | 06:49 |
Grark | Hello again everyone, how do I "log" a launching of an application? I have a problem with an app that just never"launches" though when run from a temrinal it says "checking if currently running" and freezes. | 06:49 |
tristanmike | Hexidigital, bingo! | 06:50 |
Hexidigital | :) thanks guys | 06:50 |
Stormx2 | kaz_: whats the problem with FF? | 06:50 |
frans | Problem: Used to use Debian sarge, mplayer with -vo xv worked fine. Switched to Ubuntu Dapper, installed Xgl and Compiz, now mplayer is sooo slow. with xv it cant even play a small xvid. Solution?? | 06:50 |
tristanmike | but it doesn't have to be at the beginning Hexidigital | 06:50 |
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Hexidigital | how about, tristanmike, this? | 06:50 |
Cholo | hmm ok how could i go about using a remote desktop from win XP to my ubuntu? | 06:50 |
kaz_ | stormx2: VERY slow on a P3 1ghz | 06:50 |
swiffffa | I need to mount a cd drive but how | 06:50 |
tristanmike | Hexidigital, yup, yup! | 06:50 |
Stormx2 | frans: Did it work ok before xgl & compiz? | 06:50 |
Hexidigital | lol thanks | 06:50 |
kaz_ | I'm reading this thread now: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=145026&highlight=firefox+performance | 06:51 |
Healot | frans, another problem, dapper + xgl are testing version | 06:51 |
Vladimir_BG | anyone here know of a good gnome dialer for a 56k modem that has data and transfer tracking? | 06:51 |
Stormx2 | kaz_: Not sure. Try using FF 1.5, or maybe a different browser, Galeon? | 06:51 |
swiffffa | Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted. | 06:51 |
simzi | Is there any way to get rid of the stupid shift + backspace logoff shortcut in Dapper? | 06:51 |
frans | Stormx2: didn't try before installing Xgl... so i dont now... | 06:51 |
swiffffa | Warning: device /dev/hdb is already handled by /etc/fstab, supplied label is ignored | 06:51 |
swiffffa | mount: block device /dev/hdb is write-protected, mounting read-only | 06:51 |
swiffffa | mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb, | 06:51 |
swiffffa | missing codepage or other error | 06:51 |
swiffffa | In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try | 06:51 |
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swiffffa | dmesg | tail or so | 06:51 |
swiffffa | Error: could not execute pmount | 06:51 |
Stormx2 | frans: Don't know then... | 06:51 |
kaz_ | someone said XGL and compbiz could be a problem. | 06:51 |
swiffffa | ??? whats this | 06:51 |
Stormx2 | swiffffa: DON'T PASTE!! | 06:51 |
swiffffa | it wont mount the cd drive | 06:51 |
chris_ | i need help with my java i can not get it to install | 06:51 |
swiffffa | 8-o OMG im sorry | 06:51 |
Stormx2 | swiffffa: Use a pastebin next time | 06:51 |
swiffffa | I cant see my cd drive | 06:51 |
swiffffa | ook | 06:52 |
kaz_ | how do I upgrade to FF1.5 ? I just saw in this chat that people were having problems with it? | 06:52 |
frans | Healot, yes, but i think the problem is in the Xorg extensions... | 06:52 |
Stormx2 | swiffffa: What command did you issue? | 06:52 |
jbritz22 | apokryphos: sudo apt-get remove kdelibs, will that take away kde and all the programs | 06:52 |
Stormx2 | !ff1.5 | 06:52 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:52 |
G0SUB | Seveas: I installed a custom kernel and now usplash doesn't work ... and ideas? | 06:52 |
swiffffa | I went to computer gui | 06:52 |
swiffffa | double clicked dvd drive | 06:52 |
kaz_ | swiftfox? | 06:52 |
apokryphos | jbritz22: it should, yes. | 06:52 |
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swiffffa | then got error | 06:52 |
Grark | or another question is how do I see all the processes running? | 06:52 |
{aaron} | hi guys...anybody know what the root password is for the Ubuntu VMWare/VMPlayer image? | 06:52 |
Grark | I know it's something simple :( | 06:52 |
frans | Healot, mplayer says XFree86-VidModeExtension missing | 06:53 |
tristanmike | Grarg, you can try "top" | 06:53 |
Stormx2 | swiffffa: What filesystem? FAT? NTFS? | 06:53 |
swiffffa | Kaz_ answer my question and I can be anyone you want me to be lol | 06:53 |
Grark | ok tristanmike | 06:53 |
kaz_ | how do you search apt again? | 06:53 |
swiffffa | well I used windows to make it | 06:53 |
zukalk | kaz_, apt-cache search 'package' | 06:53 |
swiffffa | probly faT | 06:53 |
Grark | Cripes! I got 5 running! | 06:53 |
Grark | Thanks! | 06:53 |
Stormx2 | swiffffa: Well you need to know... | 06:53 |
swiffffa | it is fat | 06:53 |
tristanmike | Grark, there is also "System Monitor" for the graphical users among us. That can be found at Applications-SystemTools-SystemMonitor | 06:53 |
swiffffa | so now what | 06:53 |
Stormx2 | swiffffa: What are you trying to do? | 06:53 |
jbritz22 | apokryphos: Package kdelibs is not installed, so not removed | 06:54 |
swiffffa | im trying to read this cd I have many many vacation pictures on lol | 06:54 |
{aaron} | nevermind, the password was "ubuntu" :) | 06:54 |
swiffffa | like 8 months of vacations | 06:54 |
apokryphos | jbritz22: might be called kdelibs4c2a or something | 06:54 |
kaz_ | ah...swiftfox is for amd | 06:54 |
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Grark | tristanmike, I am such a graphical user ATM. | 06:55 |
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tristanmike | Grark, then that should be just peachy for you ;) | 06:55 |
kaz_ | so how do you install 1.5 firefox? | 06:55 |
swiffffa | I swear theres a cmd to mount fat cd drive | 06:55 |
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apokryphos | jbritz22: kdelibs4c2? | 06:55 |
sarcasticzombie | mount -t fat /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom | 06:55 |
Grark | tristanmike, ok what do I do with a process that won't kill? | 06:55 |
jbritz22 | apokryphos: ok that worked | 06:55 |
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Grark | tristanmike, nevermind, I started the process again and killed it | 06:56 |
tristanmike | Grark, that's how ;) | 06:56 |
Grark | tristanmike, I may be a GUI user ATM, but I'm not so dumb! | 06:57 |
sarcasticzombie | Grark, are you sure that works? It should spawn a seperate process which you then killed. | 06:57 |
Grark | sarcasticzombie, it worked like a charm, and the next time I launched my app, it worked | 06:57 |
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tristanmike | Grark, I never assume that | 06:57 |
sarcasticzombie | grark, Fair enough, can't argue with success. ;) | 06:57 |
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Grark | Thanks again all! | 07:00 |
Theprimata | hi, i need help to intall ( xerox workcentre m15) | 07:00 |
kaz_ | what is dapper? | 07:00 |
Theprimata | plz, help me | 07:00 |
jbritz22 | !dapper | 07:00 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake. Currently this is BETA software - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 07:00 |
kaz_ | ah | 07:01 |
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tristanmike | !helpme | 07:01 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 07:01 |
Mika_i | hmm | 07:01 |
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jbritz22 | apokryphos: should I stop the kde daemon | 07:02 |
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sarcasticzombie | Noob question (OT) how do I make someone's name pop up to address them, so that it links in the chat window? | 07:04 |
spikeb | try pressing tab | 07:04 |
spikeb | like, type sp and then hit tab | 07:04 |
Mabus06 | /query sarcasticzombie | 07:04 |
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sarcasticzombie | Thanks guys :-D | 07:04 |
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swiffffa | mount /dev/CD-RW/*** -t iso9660 -r /cdrom | 07:06 |
swiffffa | I need the path for cd drive the name | 07:06 |
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swiffffa | yes? | 07:06 |
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[Wiebel] | Hi :) | 07:06 |
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engla | swiffffa: doesn't the cd mount automatically? | 07:07 |
tombs | hi all | 07:07 |
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[Wiebel] | Is it possible the font settings don't effect the font in the "start menu", app-menu's and evolution's folder-bar? | 07:07 |
jbritz22 | apokryphos: its all done uninstalling, should I reboot now? | 07:08 |
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[Wiebel] | and if not, how do i change those :P | 07:08 |
kaz_ | This worked wonders for the firefox proble (disable pango) http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=807322&postcount=28 | 07:08 |
[Wiebel] | and if so, there is prolly something broken in dapper at the moment :P | 07:09 |
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tristanmike | [Wiebel] , if you have dapper questions, the folks at #ubuntu+1 would be better equiped to help | 07:09 |
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[Wiebel] | ubuntu+1 ? :) | 07:09 |
[Wiebel] | ghe | 07:09 |
tristanmike | !dapper | 07:09 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake. Currently this is BETA software - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 07:09 |
jbritz22 | apokryphos: its all done uninstalling, should I reboot now? | 07:09 |
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[Wiebel] | ok | 07:10 |
[Wiebel] | thanks | 07:10 |
SilentJihad | hello | 07:10 |
SilentJihad | can anyone help me install Mplayer? | 07:10 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, still having troubles ? what's up ? | 07:10 |
jbritz22 | !mplayer | 07:11 |
ubotu | from memory, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 07:11 |
SilentJihad | yea | 07:11 |
SilentJihad | dunno | 07:11 |
nateoh | hi u'all | 07:11 |
SilentJihad | i went to the site, installed all the packages and stuff... | 07:11 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, are you compiling from source? or trying from the repos ? | 07:11 |
jp | !wpa | 07:11 |
ubotu | well, wpa is enable the universe repository, then "sudo apt-get update", and then "sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant". See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WPAHowto for more details | 07:11 |
SilentJihad | source | 07:11 |
tristanmike | ahhh | 07:11 |
kaz_ | what are the ownership & permissions for /usr/bin/firefox supposed to be? | 07:11 |
SilentJihad | keeps saying that I dont have the correct C compiler | 07:11 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, you need gcc 3.4 maybe | 07:11 |
SilentJihad | ok | 07:12 |
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engla | kaz_: probably root:root and 0755 | 07:12 |
SilentJihad | can I get it from wget? | 07:12 |
frans | engla, wont just root be able to run it then? | 07:12 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, it's in the repos | 07:12 |
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SilentJihad | ok | 07:12 |
engla | frans: nope, +x is the 1 value, +w 2 and +r 4 | 07:12 |
flodine | can you install icons that are sip files on ubuntu | 07:12 |
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flodine | zip | 07:13 |
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kaz_ | yeah... the speed issue was caused by 'pango' for me. | 07:13 |
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nateoh | i love this OS...where can i learn the basic terminalogy? | 07:13 |
SilentJihad | great | 07:13 |
SilentJihad | thanks Tristan | 07:13 |
SilentJihad | This is great there are thousands of programs here!! | 07:13 |
SilentJihad | awsome | 07:13 |
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SilentJihad | better then searching websites looking for programs | 07:14 |
nateoh | also i need to know how to install my printer | 07:14 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, you _may_ need to "CC=gcc-3.4" | 07:14 |
SilentJihad | ok, this is a stupid question... | 07:14 |
SilentJihad | haha | 07:14 |
Healot | you never look at the right place... | 07:14 |
Joetheodd | Hey, I just got back into Linux (after big windows booboo and lost disk, hehe), can someone point me towards the information about installing the compilers? | 07:14 |
SilentJihad | I found this thing when i was playing around. and... I found some command that makes my windows pop up overtop of another window... But I cant remember where the hell i made the change to take it off | 07:15 |
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kingspawn | Joetheodd: just sudo apt-get install build-essential | 07:15 |
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Joetheodd | And also, anyone know a good chess program on the repositories with an AI? Playing against myself is boring. | 07:16 |
kingspawn | Joetheodd: check out gnu chess | 07:16 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: i just wanted to let u know that im still fooling around this it, and that i really appreciated ur help ! ill report back to u if ur still around ! | 07:16 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, my fingers are crossed for you | 07:16 |
SilentJihad | Awsome, its compileing now! whoo hoo im soo cool haha well.. Tristan is the ccool one! thank you | 07:17 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, nice to hear, good luck with it | 07:17 |
Healot | SilentJihad, next you will encounter some errors :) | 07:18 |
Joetheodd | Thanks kingspawn! I downloaded gnuchess last night, and tried running it and nothing showed up. Then I ran it from gnome-terminal and it didn't do anything except print some technobabble. Am I doing something wrong? | 07:18 |
SilentJihad | haha | 07:18 |
nateoh | i guess no help for here | 07:18 |
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nateoh | for me | 07:19 |
Joetheodd | SilentJihad, I hope you love compiling because you'll do a good deal of it in Linux. ^_^ | 07:19 |
SilentJihad | hah ayea I know | 07:19 |
SilentJihad | lol l | 07:19 |
mikebot | anyone here know anything about intuitionistic logic? | 07:19 |
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Jivers | i do | 07:20 |
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ompaul | !offtopic | 07:20 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 07:20 |
SilentJihad | i already run into a problem haha it now it won't let ./configure works fine but after it wont let me 'Make' or make install | 07:20 |
SilentJihad | lol | 07:20 |
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mikebot | Jivers, come to #ubuntu-offtopic | 07:20 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, try "make clean" | 07:20 |
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Joetheodd | SilentJihad, Make or make? Big difference. | 07:21 |
nub3 | Hi | 07:21 |
mrt | hi. | 07:21 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, but you may see an error that says <somefile exists, can't overwrite> or something like that, just delete that file | 07:21 |
SilentJihad | make of course | 07:21 |
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nub3 | i am new to linux and ubuntu | 07:21 |
mrt | cool | 07:22 |
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nub3 | I have a small problem | 07:22 |
nub3 | I have a pppoe conection | 07:22 |
ompaul | !enter | 07:22 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 07:22 |
Joetheodd | Shoot it, nub3. | 07:22 |
graft | man this battle of wesnoth game is hard... | 07:22 |
SilentJihad | just says.. Command not found | 07:22 |
SilentJihad | for each command | 07:22 |
SilentJihad | :( | 07:22 |
nub3 | and coud start the connection in ubuntu | 07:22 |
ompaul | Silencer, ^^^ | 07:23 |
Joetheodd | !offtopic | 07:23 |
ubotu | Non Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! | 07:23 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, pastebin it ? | 07:23 |
ompaul | SilentJihad, | 07:23 |
SilentJihad | ok | 07:23 |
nub3 | but now i have a lan connect too on which i use dc++ | 07:23 |
SilentJihad | sorry, whats the link for pastebin? | 07:23 |
SilentJihad | haha | 07:23 |
nub3 | the pppoe give me a internet ip as 221.xxx | 07:23 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, "/msg ubotu <factoid>" | 07:23 |
nub3 | how do i have a lan ip too | 07:24 |
=== jelabarre [n=jelabarr@bi-02pt1.bluebird.ibm.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nub3 | like say 10.xx | 07:24 |
tristanmike | !tell SilentJihad about pastebin | 07:24 |
nub3 | at the same time | 07:24 |
graft | nub3: do you have two ethernet interfaces? | 07:24 |
nub3 | nop | 07:24 |
nub3 | just one | 07:24 |
graft | then you can only have one IP address | 07:24 |
nub3 | hmmmm | 07:24 |
SilentJihad | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10587 | 07:24 |
nub3 | actually it works that way in windows | 07:24 |
SilentJihad | wierd | 07:24 |
SilentJihad | usually it installs right away | 07:24 |
frans | graft, well.. he's got also :) | 07:24 |
SilentJihad | It compiled fine | 07:24 |
SilentJihad | dunno | 07:24 |
graft | well, yeah, except for that | 07:25 |
graft | um | 07:25 |
graft | maybe with ptys you can have more than one... | 07:25 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, try to avoid using "enter" as punctuation, try to give all thoughts in a concise, single statement, some people have small screens, and the single thought lines, make the pages move up to fast and hard to follow...looking at pastebin | 07:25 |
kingspawn | SilentJihad: have you installed build-essential? | 07:25 |
graft | nub3: how are you hooked in to your LAN? | 07:25 |
ompaul | SilentJihad, sudo apt-get install build-essential<<< in the terminal | 07:26 |
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nub3 | also i dont see Networks in system>adminstartion | 07:26 |
=== oskari [n=oskari@dsl-hkigw7-fe0af900-115.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | nub3, are you using 5.10? | 07:26 |
nub3 | ya | 07:26 |
ompaul | nub3, it is networking | 07:26 |
nub3 | 5.10 | 07:26 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, yeah, I thought you already did, whoops, my mistake, "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 07:26 |
Joetheodd | Hehe, I'm still using 4.10 | 07:27 |
oskari | #ubuntu-fi | 07:27 |
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ompaul | joelbryan, it has no support after 20th April | 07:27 |
Mika_i | hmm | 07:27 |
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ompaul | doh | 07:27 |
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nub3 | no i only have 4 entries there 1 Add application 2 Loging screen 3 p rinting and Syn. Pac manager | 07:27 |
ompaul | Joetheodd, , it has no support after 20th April | 07:27 |
jelabarre | is there a way to start an Ubuntu install (ppc) from floppy rather than CD? it seems the SCSI CD in my old 43P has suddenly decided it doesn't want to boot CDs anymore | 07:28 |
graft | nub3: how is your LAN set up? | 07:28 |
=== orp [n=orp@sb-217-129-125-15.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu | ||
TiG4 | Hey | 07:28 |
ompaul | !tell jelabarre about netboot | 07:28 |
Joetheodd | ompaul Yeah, I'm upgrading ASAP | 07:28 |
tristanmike | jelabarre, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SmartBootManagerHowto/ | 07:28 |
orp | some one help me ? my ubuntu crach wen i use my usb webcam | 07:28 |
TiG4 | Im trying to install MOL (Mac on Linux) and whenever I try to get the mol-modules from synaptic or even apt-get they do not appear to be in the repository. Any suggestions? | 07:28 |
Healot | does newer Mac has floppy drive? | 07:28 |
Joetheodd | ompaul Just reinstalled, and the shipit disks for ubuntu-x86 5.10 seem to be corrupt or something, so had to use my old disks | 07:28 |
tristanmike | Healot, not internal iirc | 07:29 |
nub3 | graft: i have a pppoe connection for internet and the provider has ditribution thru a Lan network | 07:29 |
Joetheodd | Healot: Nope. | 07:29 |
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nub3 | I can start internet by sudo pppoeconf | 07:29 |
orp | some one help me ? my ubuntu crach wen i use my usb webcam | 07:29 |
Stormx2 | whats the equivilent to ipconfig? | 07:29 |
orp | ifconfig | 07:30 |
graft | nub3: um. not sure i got that... so your ubuntu machine connects via PPPOE... where does the LAN fit into this? | 07:30 |
djm62 | Stormx2: ifconfig | 07:30 |
Joetheodd | Healot: Not the i/eMacs, but the G4/G5 towers have the option, I think. | 07:30 |
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graft | erm... how odd | 07:31 |
TiG4 | Im trying to install MOL (Mac on Linux) and whenever I try to get the mol-modules from synaptic or even apt-get they do not appear to be in the repository. Any suggestions? | 07:31 |
nub3 | graft: My guess is the provider has a dialin server to which i used Ras pppoe in windows the distribution is over a lan | 07:31 |
jp | !wep | 07:31 |
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ubotu | methinks wep is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.0031507315 | 07:31 |
nub3 | in windows i have two ips as a netip and a lan ip | 07:31 |
nub3 | lan ip is static | 07:31 |
fastwings | armm i need help i need active mp4 video codec ok i try install x264 codec but i got this problem | 07:31 |
graft | ahh... um | 07:31 |
jelabarre | the netboot & SmartBoot options seem to presume an i386 system | 07:32 |
fastwings | x264-bin: Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-21) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be installed | 07:32 |
graft | okay so you have one ppp IP and one ethernet IP? | 07:32 |
jelabarre | I have an old PPC (ppc32, PReP) | 07:32 |
s_spiff{AWAY} | nub3 if u get the sold to this prob..lemme kn ow | 07:32 |
nub3 | also in Ubuntu ifconfig comand does not work untill i have connected to ppoe | 07:32 |
nub3 | graft:yes | 07:32 |
s_spiff{AWAY} | i'm trying to do the same...of having 2 ip's for 2 gateways | 07:32 |
fastwings | how i can fix at plz:) | 07:32 |
null_ | on a fresh install on ubuntu, how can i get into root? | 07:32 |
SilentJihad | no i didnt install build-essential | 07:32 |
tristanmike | null_, use sudo | 07:32 |
tristanmike | !tell null_ about root | 07:32 |
graft | nub3: okay... and once you've connected, which interfaces show up on ifconfig -a? | 07:32 |
Master_Shake_57 | null_, sudo bash | 07:33 |
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nub3 | s_spiff:sure | 07:33 |
Master_Shake_57 | null_, or passwd root, but it's a bad idea. | 07:33 |
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null_ | okay let me give that a shot | 07:33 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, that was my mistake, I "assumed" you had, and boy did I get burned | 07:33 |
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ubuntu | hello all | 07:33 |
null_ | ah there we go, thanks | 07:33 |
mrt | is it rally ndd to hav anti virus softwar on a brezzy badger system? | 07:33 |
null_ | and another question...how can i get my refresh rate above 60 hertz? my eyes are bleeding | 07:33 |
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tristanmike | null_, actuall, all you need to do should be "sudo su" to get too a root terminal from within a terminal | 07:34 |
ubuntu | somebody speak spanish here? | 07:34 |
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tristanmike | !fixres | 07:34 |
ubotu | Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto | 07:34 |
graft | null_: use sudo -i | 07:34 |
engla | !es | 07:34 |
ubotu | Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. | 07:34 |
nub3 | graft:eth0 ppp0 lo sit0 | 07:34 |
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misterii | in what way to edit sources.list to access multiverse, I do get to universe allready. Is that the same? | 07:34 |
graft | nub3: how many of them have assigned IP addresses? | 07:34 |
akd | thanks | 07:34 |
nub3 | but eth0 does not show the lan ip i had given while installation | 07:34 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yea, playing both a dvd video as well as divx content now seems to be working smoothly. interesting it only works in mplayer. when reiwed in totem, the playback is very jerky, but ill take that for now ! | 07:34 |
fastwings | can any one help | 07:35 |
fastwings | ? | 07:35 |
akd | =) | 07:35 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, that's prolly cause mplayer comes with it's own codecs/sources. Totem uses things you install | 07:35 |
graft | err... but eth0 has some IP address? | 07:35 |
nub3 | graft:only ppp0 has eth0 shows broadcast runnng | 07:35 |
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misterii | hello? | 07:36 |
misterii | any1? | 07:36 |
nub3 | err srry it shows a inet6 address | 07:36 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, same with "VLC" comes with it's own codecs | 07:36 |
nub3 | dunn know how it got that | 07:36 |
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graft | um... okay that's not right | 07:36 |
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SimzI | Where do you have to install fonts to in dapper? | 07:36 |
nub3 | how do i set a ip address ? | 07:36 |
graft | so i'm guessing you're using the pppoe package from ubuntu | 07:36 |
nub3 | ya | 07:37 |
BlueOrange | humn, than that might sugest i still dont have the codecs insatalled properly then? well thats ok for now, as i have other issues. ok, next problem is i dont have any sound. this is a new laptop, so i dont really know anything about it and i did not try sound before installing linux, however i did hear sounds on boot up and under linux i did hear sounds when i pushed a wrong key at some point, but now im not able to hear anything. all | 07:37 |
BlueOrange | the obvius sound sliders are turned up. | 07:37 |
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BlueOrange | ok, ill try VLC too. doesnt really matter what i use as long as it works! | 07:37 |
graft | did you run pppoeconf? | 07:37 |
misterii | I need /etc/apt/sources.list--help | 07:37 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, not necissarily, mplayer just may come with _more_ codecs, that's all or be configured to accept obscure codecs | 07:38 |
nub3 | i read it form http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138 | 07:38 |
=== SilentJihad [n=munsa@adsl12-92.qualitynet.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SilentJihad | !pasteit | 07:38 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SilentJihad | 07:38 |
SilentJihad | whats it called paste it? | 07:38 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, it's "pastebin" ;) | 07:38 |
BlueOrange | ok, now on to the sound problem. im not hearing anything, even when i play mp3 or ogg files. | 07:38 |
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SilentJihad | HAHA | 07:39 |
SilentJihad | !pastebin | 07:39 |
ubotu | somebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar , | 07:39 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, and try "/msg ubotu <factoid>" | 07:39 |
nub3 | also other issue is my pppoe connection does not start automatically | 07:39 |
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graft | nub3: you ran pppoeconf, though | 07:39 |
scharnagl | hi, which is the official german ubuntu channel? | 07:39 |
SilentJihad | yea I closed it | 07:39 |
nub3 | i always have to do do sudo pppoeconf | 07:39 |
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nub3 | ya graft | 07:39 |
graft | nub3: you can fix that ... | 07:39 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, but the "/msg" doesn't flood the channel, that's all =) | 07:39 |
SimzI | Where do I choose MP3 codec for xmms? | 07:40 |
SilentJihad | "/msg ubotu <factoid>" | 07:40 |
SilentJihad | baa | 07:40 |
graft | if i can remember how... um | 07:40 |
misterii | -" | 07:40 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, without the quotes and replace <factoid> with something you want to know about, like pastebin for instance | 07:40 |
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nub3 | also add application is Application always gives me an error saying failed to get a exclusive lock | 07:41 |
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SilentJihad | ahhhhhhh ok | 07:41 |
SilentJihad | i get it | 07:41 |
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nub3 | while i dont have apt-get etc runing | 07:41 |
SilentJihad | sorry new to IRC as well | 07:41 |
SilentJihad | hehe | 07:41 |
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kyd | hey, im trying to change permissions on a drive but it says it can't because it is read only? | 07:41 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, that's ok, I don't mean to insult you intelligence | 07:41 |
BlueOrange | for instance xmms indicates its playing my ogg file, it counts time and shows the sound levels, any sugestion on how to make sure sound is on ? | 07:41 |
SilentJihad | ok this is the NEW error i get | 07:41 |
SilentJihad | lol | 07:41 |
=== Kanalal [n=chatzill@ACD6DC72.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
grodius | Hi, if im in hoary do i have to update to breezy before i go to dapper? | 07:41 |
nub3 | graft:how do i set static ip for eth0? | 07:42 |
SilentJihad | dont worry I dont have much intelligence to insult hehe | 07:42 |
SilentJihad | lol | 07:42 |
QUASAR | grodius, nop | 07:42 |
Hexidigital | is dapper stable? | 07:42 |
Kyral | grodius: Dapper isn't released yet | 07:42 |
Kyral | it will be released June 1st | 07:42 |
SilentJihad | Im just happy I have spent more than an hour on linux without the urge to windoze it | 07:42 |
rambo3 | sombody wants to end up on bash.org | 07:42 |
QUASAR | Hexidigital, works well but isn't marked as stable yet | 07:42 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, it will become second nature, just give it time and patience | 07:42 |
QUASAR | Hexidigital, still several updates dairly | 07:42 |
SilentJihad | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10588 | 07:42 |
kyd | any ideas? I know I have to change something in the start up script to stop the drive being read only but im not sure :/ | 07:43 |
TiG4 | Im trying to install MOL (Mac on Linux) and whenever I try to get the mol-modules from synaptic or even apt-get they do not appear to be in the repository. Any suggestions? | 07:43 |
SilentJihad | Yea, I hope so, I really dont think I can handle one more Blue death screen | 07:43 |
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rambo3 | /etc/mod~/blacklist | 07:43 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, close Update manager or Synaptic | 07:43 |
graft | nub3 i don't think you do... | 07:43 |
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Hexidigital | thanks QUASAR | 07:43 |
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p01n7 | alot of updates today | 07:43 |
graft | nub3: why do you want a static IP anyway? | 07:43 |
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SilentJihad | Linux is awsome I have wanted to swich for years, I have 50 distros but it seems like every time I want to swich there is one or two major bugs I cant live with... eg. No modem, ect... | 07:44 |
nub3 | Why does Networking not show up in System>Administraton | 07:44 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, that error means that "apt-get" can't work because it's being used elsewhere, usually due to Synaptic being open | 07:44 |
grodius | could someone give me a link to the dapper repos | 07:44 |
SilentJihad | ahh yea its open | 07:44 |
nub3 | graft:with a staic ip i can join the Dc++ local network | 07:44 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, or "dpkg" rather, which is directly related to "apt" | 07:44 |
Amaranth | http://archive.ubuntu.com | 07:44 |
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Amaranth | warty, hoary, breezy, and dapper are all in there | 07:44 |
Kyral | !dapper | 07:45 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: still available? all: having trouble getting sound to work, any suggestions ? | 07:45 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake. Currently this is BETA software - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 07:45 |
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Amaranth | once dapper is out warty will fall out of there, iirc | 07:45 |
graft | nub3: with any IP you can join the local network... why do you need a static one? | 07:45 |
jbritz22 | !azureus | 07:45 |
ubotu | somebody said azureus was a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo | 07:45 |
rambo3 | grodius if you want to uppgrade tp dapper just change sources.list | 07:45 |
SilentJihad | awsome build-essential is installed | 07:45 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, you can try "sudo alsamixer" in a terminal and see if anything looks down | 07:45 |
SilentJihad | Try Mplayer again? | 07:45 |
ompaul | Amaranth, even before that | 07:45 |
SilentJihad | or should I do something else? | 07:45 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, try to compile? sure | 07:45 |
rambo3 | !sed | 07:45 |
ubotu | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rambo3 | 07:45 |
Amaranth | ompaul: true, since dapper is delayed | 07:46 |
graft | nub3: anyway, your WAN ip is the one that has to be static, doesn't it? | 07:46 |
Amaranth | ompaul: april 20th then? | 07:46 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, but be prepared for errors, you may just get them | 07:46 |
grodius | rambo3: change sources.list to what? i need to pate the repos list in there right'? | 07:46 |
nub3 | graft:it not like that i pppoe gives me a ip 202.xxxx and a static ip would be 10.xx now i have to connect to a ip 10.xx so i can only do it with a static ip for myself | 07:46 |
SilentJihad | there it goes | 07:46 |
SilentJihad | whoot whoot | 07:46 |
rambo3 | grodius : sudo sed -ie 's/breezy/dapper/g' /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:46 |
SilentJihad | *bows to Tristan | 07:46 |
=== Ethan [n=dechouxb@AMontsouris-152-1-89-204.w86-212.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nub3 | hmmm WAN=pppoe | 07:46 |
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ompaul | Amaranth, I am pretty sure thats what Jdub put in a mail | 07:47 |
graft | nub3: you're trying to connect to some outside network, or to some internal network of machines within your firewall? | 07:47 |
SilentJihad | this is cool because nextime I will remember all this stuff | 07:47 |
rambo3 | apt-update and dist-upgrade if you want to upgrade else just install packedges that you want and switch back | 07:47 |
=== winston [n=winston@82-69-26-123.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu | ||
p01n7 | kernel upgrade too :| | 07:47 |
nub3 | gaft:it a network inside the network with a local ip | 07:47 |
SilentJihad | Tristian, what do you think of Ubuntu? I like it so far, I was useing Xandros which was nice but it didnt let me do alot of things | 07:47 |
SilentJihad | Knoppix is cool | 07:47 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, yeah, it took me a few times of compiling before my confidence level went up | 07:47 |
SilentJihad | hehe | 07:48 |
SilentJihad | yea, how long you been at linux? | 07:48 |
kyd | How do I take a drove off read only? | 07:48 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, I <3 Ubuntu with all my heart | 07:48 |
kyd | *drive | 07:48 |
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grodius | rambo3: ok thanks, hey what exactly does that command do? | 07:48 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: ok good. "sudo alsamixer" seems to indicate that everything important is up. master, headphone, and pcm are all up. the second item, "master m" is down. is this a problem? also im grabing a pair of headphones to check that. | 07:48 |
rambo3 | changes every breezy word to dapper | 07:48 |
rambo3 | in sources.list | 07:48 |
graft | argh... nub3 you're going to have to be more clear what you're trying to do... you have a DSL connection. your ubuntu box connects to the 'Net through that via PPPoE... now what? you have some other internal machines that you want to be able to talk to? how are they networked? | 07:49 |
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SilentJihad | really? cool, I was downloading SlackWare someone told me it was awsome, but I really like Ubuntu, I downloaded it because its been the number 1 distro forever... so I figured I had to try it | 07:49 |
kyd | fuck this, i get more help in other linux channels | 07:49 |
misterii | I don't have deb-lines for multiverse in my sources.list. Where can I find the right one (Finland)? ...and how do I add it? | 07:49 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, that's the great thing about Linux, you could get lost forever trying out distros, there is something for everyone | 07:49 |
SilentJihad | yea | 07:49 |
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misterii | fyrestrtr, I don't have deb-lines for multiverse in my sources.list. Where can I find the right one (Finland)? ...and how do I add it? | 07:50 |
SilentJihad | The only reason I HAVE to go to windows now is because I can't use my Yahoo VOIP account here :( | 07:50 |
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BlueOrange | tristanmike: no sound from headphones either. | 07:50 |
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Hexidigital | !c compiler | 07:50 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hexidigital | 07:50 |
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rambo3 | misterii ask ubotu for soruces.list | 07:50 |
graft | !gcc | 07:50 |
ubotu | somebody said gcc was the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' | 07:50 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, so you're saying your getting no sound at all ? from anything ? | 07:51 |
misterii | !sources.list | 07:51 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 07:51 |
IamEthos | hey | 07:51 |
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SilentJihad | the Yahoo Messenger for Linux is old.. Why is it that linux is always on the back burner? Hardware people dont support it, only stupid microsoft, programs don't supoprt it.... | 07:51 |
IamEthos | I am having some trouble writing to my ext3 partitioned hard drive in Ubuntu live | 07:51 |
misterii | rambo3, how? | 07:51 |
IamEthos | it's a USB hard drive | 07:51 |
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IamEthos | can anyone make any suggestions? | 07:51 |
graft | SilentJihad: $$$$ | 07:51 |
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Hexidigital | E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)E: Unable to lock the download directory | 07:51 |
Hexidigital | any ideas? | 07:51 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, well, that my friend is a conversation for #ubuntu-offtopic, it's a long one | 07:51 |
graft | some hardware folks support Linux | 07:51 |
SilentJihad | You know I think that Google is going to put out its own version of linux they Goobentu | 07:51 |
SilentJihad | lol | 07:52 |
tristanmike | Hexidigital, close Synaptic | 07:52 |
SilentJihad | for real | 07:52 |
graft | Hexidigital: ... yeah that | 07:52 |
hid3 | Evening everyone. I'm new to ubuntu. What are the major differences between ubuntu and debian? | 07:52 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, google has already said they plan on releasing an OS | 07:52 |
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Hexidigital | synaptic? command line ? | 07:52 |
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_jason | hid3: 6-month release cycle, security updates | 07:52 |
graft | Google OS? will it be free? | 07:52 |
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tristanmike | Hexidigital, no, Synaptic Package Manger or Update manger, one of those is using dpkg(apt) | 07:52 |
p01n7 | better be | 07:52 |
linkd | google OS? o0 | 07:52 |
graft | as in, like speech | 07:52 |
nub3 | graft:Well its a Broadband conenction which is distributed thru a Lan network.To connect to the Internet i have to dial in.But if i do not want to connect to internet i have LAN (which consists of the users linked by the distributers network for internet).The authentication server which allows me to connect to the internet is on one end of this network | 07:52 |
Hexidigital | oh | 07:52 |
tristanmike | !off-topic | 07:53 |
SilentJihad | really? That would be awsome man, if they could release an actuall OS that would rival MS that would be awsome | 07:53 |
ubotu | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tristanmike | 07:53 |
=== Turicas [i=justen@20151094031.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | grrr | 07:53 |
linkd | SilentJihad: i think its just a rumour and people are getting confused. | 07:53 |
SilentJihad | course it would have to seemlessly support all windows formats... and be stupid-simple | 07:53 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: OOPS! yup, linux might be comples, but all problems are ussualy the simple stuff! i turned up the volume from some hard keys on my keyboard ! :) THXS ! | 07:53 |
Hexidigital | thanks tristanmike | 07:53 |
SilentJihad | possiably | 07:53 |
Hexidigital | that worked | 07:53 |
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Turicas | Hello. I want to report a bug in Launchpad. How can I do this? | 07:53 |
corvax | ive got no wireless now damn it | 07:53 |
corvax | heh | 07:53 |
graft | nub3: ah... okay, good... so then how is your LAN set up? is your ubuntu box a router, or is something else the router? | 07:53 |
corvax | went to dapper | 07:53 |
corvax | rom breezy | 07:53 |
_jason | Turicas: use launchpad probably :) | 07:53 |
corvax | on laptop | 07:53 |
tenmon | do you think Ubuntu should come with WINE by default? | 07:53 |
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linkd | tenmon: no | 07:54 |
graft | tenmon: no, wine is like alpha at best | 07:54 |
Turicas | _jason, yes, malone. but wich link? :) | 07:54 |
misterii | tenmon, No | 07:54 |
corvax | dapper recognized my linksys wpc54 g pcmcia card | 07:54 |
tristanmike | linkd, no it's no rumor, but what the OS is, no one knows yet, Google has just said they plan on releasing an OS | 07:54 |
ompaul | corvax, go to #ubuntu+1 for all dapper conversations | 07:54 |
tenmon | ok | 07:54 |
corvax | whoops | 07:54 |
gleesond | ok so I wan't to kill my ATI cartd | 07:54 |
linkd | tristanmike: where did they say this? | 07:54 |
gleesond | because I can't get X to work | 07:54 |
gleesond | I did what the ATI wiki told me to do but it didn't fix any thing | 07:54 |
ompaul | !enter | 07:54 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 07:54 |
gleesond | could it be that I have the busID wrong in the xorg.conf file | 07:54 |
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ompaul | FOLKS ^^^ | 07:55 |
tristanmike | linkd, http://www.kottke.org/04/04/google-operating-system | 07:55 |
graft | gleesond: what's your problem? | 07:55 |
gleesond | because its something like PCI:1:0:0 but its a agp card | 07:55 |
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-156-4.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rinke | Hallo | 07:55 |
_jason | Turicas: sorry I don't know offhand, just search for launchpad. There are probably other bugs for it somewhere that you can look at | 07:55 |
misterii | grrrrrr | 07:55 |
gleesond | graft: the screen locks up as soon as gdm, or kdm try to load | 07:55 |
jenda | I need some one on one help with networking (Ubuntu - hub - Ubuntu) and transferring settings from one comp to the other. Anyone, please? | 07:55 |
misterii | is there noone here!??!?? | 07:55 |
nub3 | graft:No it consists of different users who are on the same Link of the provider they use Windows PC no one is behind the main router of the ISP | 07:55 |
tristanmike | so you're good BlueOrange ? | 07:56 |
ompaul | misterii, there are over 600 here | 07:56 |
khad | gleesond, where'd you get your drivers at? | 07:56 |
gleesond | graft: my friend told me to disable the dri, so I did but now all I get is 640x480 | 07:56 |
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misterii | ompaul, anyone helping me? | 07:56 |
ompaul | !patients | 07:56 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ompaul | 07:56 |
tristanmike | !patience | 07:56 |
ubotu | The people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you. | 07:56 |
ompaul | !patience | 07:56 |
gleesond | apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 07:56 |
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tristanmike | I got your back ompaul ;) | 07:57 |
_jason | misterii: are you trying to get multiverse? | 07:57 |
ompaul | tristanmike, so you did | 07:57 |
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ompaul | jenda, what kind of settings? | 07:57 |
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nub3 | WHy is my eth0 taking a ipv6 ip | 07:57 |
nub3 | :( | 07:57 |
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SilentJihad | ahh you were right Tristan! errors!! haha | 07:57 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, it's bound to happen ;) | 07:57 |
misterii | _jason, yes.. I got a nice tip to ask from whatever the bots name was... Then I asked how, but no answer | 07:57 |
graft | why is ipv6 even IN the stock kernel? | 07:57 |
SilentJihad | lol | 07:58 |
misterii | I just get more questions, no answers xDDD | 07:58 |
ScreaminIke | how do i mount an iso as a CD? | 07:58 |
_jason | misterii: do you want to use synaptic or edit manually? | 07:58 |
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ompaul | graft, it gets used by more people every day | 07:58 |
misterii | _jason, manually | 07:58 |
jenda | ompaul: first of all, connecting the PCs, to be as permissive as is wise. And then all the basic gnome things (panels, terminal, interface an' all that) | 07:58 |
nazty | does regular ubuntu come with Adept? | 07:58 |
_jason | misterii: do you still have the default sources.list? | 07:58 |
corvax | my wireless card is detected by ubuntu broadcom 802.11b/g | 07:58 |
_jason | nazty: not installed | 07:58 |
corvax | its a linksys | 07:58 |
graft | ScreaminIke: mount -o loop -t iso9660 whatever.iso /mnt/iso | 07:58 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: Im GREAT! thxs so much ! All ur folks ARE linux ! | 07:58 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, one of the most important things to know about compiling is that if your error says "I need blah" you will need the "-dev" version of it. So for instance it says it needs "libabcdefg", you would want "libabcdefg-dev" | 07:59 |
corvax | but i couldnt get it to connect | 07:59 |
nazty | _jason: download it and compile it i guesS? | 07:59 |
misterii | _jason, it's a bit edited, no backup | 07:59 |
_jason | nazty: it's in the repositories | 07:59 |
corvax | i had ndiswrapper working before | 07:59 |
nazty | ok | 07:59 |
corvax | i reinstalled | 07:59 |
nazty | whats the hot key to bring up run | 07:59 |
corvax | but now it doesnt work | 07:59 |
nazty | so i can get in a xterm | 07:59 |
SilentJihad | !pastahhh ok | 07:59 |
ubotu | parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, SilentJihad | 07:59 |
_jason | nazty: you may want to try synaptic, adept is for kde I believe? | 07:59 |
nazty | yeah | 07:59 |
nazty | i was using kubuntu | 07:59 |
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SilentJihad | howcome when you write me it is in red? | 07:59 |
corvax | mt card used to be called wlan0 but now it shows up aseth0 | 07:59 |
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nazty | and i wanted to try out ubuntu | 07:59 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, cause I type your nick | 08:00 |
_jason | !terminal | 08:00 |
nazty | adept is for kde :D | 08:00 |
nub3 | graft: In Application>Network Tools> I see eth0 and ppp0. Eth0 has a ipv6 ip and ppp0 has my netip 221.xxxx | 08:00 |
SilentJihad | oh ok | 08:00 |
spikeb | SilentJihad: your IRC client is highlighting every line with your nick in it :P) | 08:00 |
ompaul | jenda, a terminal - tar cvf ~user/.* and sftp -C | 08:00 |
nub3 | I cant change Eth0 ip form there | 08:00 |
_jason | nazty: applications > accessories > terminal | 08:00 |
SilentJihad | ahhhhhh ok | 08:00 |
nub3 | :( | 08:00 |
SilentJihad | nice | 08:00 |
SilentJihad | lol | 08:00 |
BlueOrange | a little ity bitty question: using mplayer, when i select "full screen" the video is still small and in the middle of the screen surrounded by black. in totem i can make it expand to the full screen. how do i do this is mplayer? i do not see any option for it. | 08:00 |
_jason | misterii: put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please and give me a link | 08:00 |
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SilentJihad | !pastebin | 08:00 |
ubotu | it has been said that pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar , | 08:00 |
graft | nub3: yeah, that's not the way pppoe works | 08:01 |
_jason | BlueOrange: use 'xv' as your video output in preferences | 08:01 |
corvax | lspci it shows up under | 08:01 |
graft | you get assigned a LAN ethernet IP, then you connect via PPP using that | 08:01 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, under "preferences-Video" try using the "xv" video driver | 08:01 |
ompaul | misterii, launch synaptic and it will do all that for you just go play with settings | 08:01 |
corvax | and i see a refrence to ndiswrapper in | 08:01 |
jenda | ompaul, no, that's not what I want to do - that'll do all the apps. I won't have the same apps on both comps. And, first of all, I need to access on from the other - how can I do that? (I have both in front of m running Ubuntu and connectd to the LAN) | 08:01 |
corvax | lsmod | 08:01 |
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nazty | _jason: so i want to get synaptic? | 08:02 |
graft | how do you try to connect to other users, nub3? | 08:02 |
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_jason | nazty: system > administration > synaptic | 08:02 |
SilentJihad | it figures, it gets allllllll the way to the end... and boom, error lol You have to have alot of patience to use linux, but I think when you get used to everything it is much better than using windows... | 08:02 |
misterii | ompaul, I wanna do it manually | 08:02 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10589 | 08:02 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, who says it's the end ? :P | 08:02 |
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SilentJihad | HAHA | 08:02 |
=== SeAcabo [n=bro@i577B3822.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
SilentJihad | well It LOOKED like the end | 08:02 |
_jason | nazty: you can use adept too if you want I think, just install it using synaptic | 08:02 |
nazty | _jason: do you know whats a good terminal app? | 08:02 |
SeAcabo | hi | 08:02 |
corvax | my wofes gonna kill me | 08:03 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike | 08:03 |
_jason | nazty: for doing what? | 08:03 |
nazty | that supports transparency etc... | 08:03 |
SilentJihad | whoops | 08:03 |
nazty | for a shell | 08:03 |
corvax | :( | 08:03 |
corvax | if i dont get this back up | 08:03 |
nazty | something like konsole but thats for kde | 08:03 |
ompaul | jenda, (A) ssh (B) sftp (C) /var/cache/apt/archive (D) other things like from /etc/ (E) use easyubuntu yourself if you used it before :) | 08:03 |
corvax | i KNEW i shouldnt have upgraded | 08:03 |
graft | nazty: nothing supports transparency yet really... that's an X server issue | 08:03 |
_jason | nazty: I like aterm | 08:03 |
nub3 | graft: I use DC++ in windows and join them | 08:03 |
IamEthos | hey | 08:03 |
SeAcabo | ich hab da ein problem mit java | 08:03 |
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graft | nub3: yeah what do you do in linux? | 08:03 |
nub3 | In ubuntu i have downloaded Ldcpp | 08:03 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, is this on the "make" ? | 08:03 |
nazty | ill check aterm out i guess | 08:03 |
nazty | :D | 08:03 |
nazty | time to compile jircii | 08:03 |
SeAcabo | src/libjava/jni/gtk-peer/gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_GtkImage.c: line 572 (createRawData): assertion failed: (data_fid != 0) wird mir immer ausgegebn | 08:03 |
_jason | nazty: yeah it just shows your desktop though, not true transparency | 08:04 |
IamEthos | can anyone help me make my external USB hard drive writable in Ubuntu live? | 08:04 |
nazty | yeah | 08:04 |
corvax | shit oi gotta go back to work | 08:04 |
_jason | nazty: gnome-terminal does that too if you check preferences | 08:04 |
nazty | thats still cool | 08:04 |
corvax | bbl | 08:04 |
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Joetheodd | IamEthos: Do you know what filesystem it uses? | 08:04 |
graft | i find that fake transparency annoying... | 08:04 |
=== Stendhal [n=stendhal@jem75-3-82-236-91-104.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
IamEthos | yeah | 08:04 |
IamEthos | ext3 | 08:04 |
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nub3 | It hasent workes till now but ldcpp can get clients form inetrnet | 08:04 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yup perfect ! | 08:04 |
IamEthos | it's readable write now | 08:04 |
=== anto9us [n=anthony@cpc1-ptal1-0-0-cust555.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nazty | theres no option for preferences | 08:04 |
SilentJihad | make install | 08:04 |
IamEthos | but won't let me write anything to it | 08:04 |
Joetheodd | IamEthos: Then nope. I was just going to say that NTFS is unwritable, but that's all I know. =p | 08:04 |
BlueOrange | where are fonts usualy stored ? | 08:04 |
ompaul | misterii, sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list enable lines with universe by removing leading # in the line with #deb .... universe and then type the word multiverse at the end of the line | 08:04 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike it is on make install | 08:04 |
=== bastian [n=bastian@nh-londonderry8b-a-255.mrrmnh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | SilentJihad, don't use make install, use "checkinstall" | 08:05 |
SilentJihad | i think i skipped make and just went to make install | 08:05 |
SilentJihad | ok | 08:05 |
ompaul | jenda, that okay? | 08:05 |
nazty | _jason: is there anyone i can get devices off my desktop? | 08:05 |
IamEthos | I actually have ubuntu installed on this hard drive as well, but right now I'm running ubuntu live | 08:05 |
nazty | cause i got /dev/hda1 on my desktop and i just want to my a link to it | 08:05 |
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nub3 | graft: i cant even ping a local ip | 08:05 |
nazty | not the actual device | 08:05 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike, use checkinstall first then "Make" | 08:05 |
tristanmike | Silencer, you must "./configure" , "make" , "sudo checkinstall" | 08:05 |
tenmon | anyone can help with partitioning? I want to resize Ubuntu partition to make it grow and make NTFS smaller | 08:05 |
nub3 | :*( | 08:05 |
SilentJihad | ok | 08:05 |
SilentJihad | got ya | 08:05 |
graft | nub3: what are you trying to ping? | 08:06 |
graft | you're not supposed to use that eth0 IP at all, really | 08:06 |
graft | that's only there to facilitate PPPoE | 08:06 |
nub3 | tenmon:use partition magic | 08:06 |
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graft | your ppp IP is your WAN ip that the rest of the world can see | 08:06 |
BlueOrange | all: anyone point me to where in the file system fonts are generaly stored ? | 08:06 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, people will tell you to use "make install" but "checkinstall" is better because it not only makes Synaptic aware of the program, but it also creates a "deb" in case you need to reinstall on that system later | 08:06 |
_jason | !volumes_vis is <reply> To remove devices from displaying on your gnome desktop open Gconf (applications > system tools > configuration editor) and uncheck /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible | 08:06 |
ubotu | okay, _jason | 08:06 |
SeAcabo | can anyone handle this problem: "gnu_java_awt_peer_gtk_GtkImage.c: line 572 (createRawData): assertion failed: (data_fid != 0) | 08:06 |
SeAcabo | " | 08:06 |
_jason | nazty: read above ^ | 08:06 |
IamEthos | JoetheOdd: any ideas? | 08:07 |
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tenmon | nub3: I've tried in past times, but apparently Windows does something that makes partition magic errors 9 and 11 | 08:07 |
Joetheodd | IamEthos: nope. | 08:07 |
nub3 | graft:yes but i can have a local ip to roght | 08:07 |
nub3 | right* | 08:07 |
nub3 | ? | 08:07 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, /usr/share/fonts maybe? as well as "~/.fonts" | 08:07 |
Joetheodd | tristanmike: Just use checkinstall at the makeinstall step, and it does that stuff? Cool. | 08:07 |
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nub3 | well | 08:07 |
SilentJihad | ok cool i will try it | 08:07 |
SilentJihad | now | 08:07 |
IamEthos | has anyone else run into problems writing to a usb hard drive? | 08:07 |
timon | ./quake4.x86: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 08:07 |
timon | what can be wrong i got libsdl1.2-debian installed | 08:07 |
tristanmike | Joetheodd, yes | 08:07 |
graft | nub3: not that anyone else can see, no | 08:07 |
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bastian | This is off-topic, but can anyone tell me what font this is (it's an Ubuntu system, so I don't know if it comes with Ubuntu) http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/35202-1.jpg | 08:07 |
Joetheodd | tristanmike: Thanks. Never heard of that. <3 | 08:07 |
graft | nub3: only your WAN ip is open to the rest of the world | 08:08 |
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administrator_ | heyy can someone tell me how to install steam with wine???? | 08:08 |
tristanmike | Joetheodd, but the deb is not interchangeable between your system and mine, the deb was made pretty much for your configuration | 08:08 |
nazty | jason? | 08:08 |
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nazty | _j: i missed that | 08:08 |
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nub3 | graft:tru to out side lan only WAN is open | 08:08 |
_jason | ubotu: tell nazty about volumes_vis | 08:08 |
rambo3 | administrator_ read wine wiki and ask in #winehq | 08:08 |
=== xukun [n=xukun@ip20-99-173-82.adsl2.versatel.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | Joetheodd, it may work, but then again, it may break someone else's system, use with caution outside the box it was made on | 08:08 |
nub3 | But i am trying a local ip | 08:08 |
IamEthos | it says that the owner has read and write priveleges | 08:08 |
graft | nub3: but you're not really on a LAN... the only LAN you're on is the one you use to negotiate your DSL connection | 08:09 |
IamEthos | and that the owner is root | 08:09 |
IamEthos | is that incorrect? | 08:09 |
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tristanmike | IamEthos, you would use "sudo" in that case | 08:09 |
graft | (this is why pppoe sucks) | 08:09 |
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BlueOrange | What does "~/.fonts" mean? where is that? i dont see anything at /usr/share/fonts. Im just trying to get rid of mplayer complaining about the font problem every time it launches. | 08:09 |
IamEthos | but sudo what? | 08:10 |
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nub3 | graft: please see this http://pastebin.com/614736 | 08:10 |
IamEthos | can I change the owner of the disk? | 08:10 |
SilentJihad | Why is RedHat the most popular distro? I think it sucks really... I tried it once and hated it | 08:10 |
graft | BlueOrange: ~/ is your home directory | 08:10 |
_jason | BlueOrange: install the mplayer-fonts package | 08:10 |
IamEthos | can I make it available to any user on this computer? | 08:10 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, sorry the ~ means home directory | 08:10 |
SilentJihad | I like the Debian based distros much better | 08:10 |
administrator_ | anyone tell me how to use wine and install steam with it | 08:10 |
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nazty | thanks _jason | 08:10 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, just link it to anyfont | 08:10 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, it wont make any difference to be honest | 08:11 |
xukun | anybody know if there is something like ActiveSyn for linux ? so I can sync my smartphone | 08:11 |
nub3 | graft:i am not on a lan but we used the pppoe distribution network to have a lan | 08:11 |
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graft | nub3: ah... okay i'm getting it now | 08:11 |
nub3 | and it works that way in windows i just want ed it to work in this too | 08:11 |
graft | finally | 08:11 |
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nub3 | :) | 08:11 |
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nub3 | graft:tell me tell me tell me the soution :D | 08:12 |
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Grathol | Does anyone know what package provides the 'apxs2' apache utility? | 08:12 |
nub3 | soluton* | 08:13 |
SeAcabo | @xukun gnome-pilot-Applet i use it for my palmdevice | 08:13 |
graft | nub3: thinking, reading, hold on | 08:13 |
nub3 | k | 08:13 |
SilentJihad | What are the best packages to install softwhere with Ubuntu? Debian files? or RPM's or complie from source? | 08:13 |
_jason | SilentJihad: use synaptic | 08:13 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, best bet is to see if it's available in the repos first and foremost | 08:13 |
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SilentJihad | Skype for example I want to download Skype | 08:13 |
graft | nub3: did you give yourself a static IP in windows before? | 08:14 |
tristanmike | !skype | 08:14 |
ubotu | somebody said skype was http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/ | 08:14 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, there you go ^^^ | 08:14 |
nub3 | yup | 08:14 |
khad | I'm actually using automatrix right now to install a bunch of nice stuff | 08:14 |
SilentJihad | hahaha | 08:14 |
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nub3 | In wondows it works for me | 08:14 |
tristanmike | !automatix | 08:14 |
ubotu | hmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 08:14 |
graft | nub3: and you did it the same way? | 08:14 |
SilentJihad | Ubuntu has some awsome documentation | 08:14 |
tristanmike | !tell khad about automatix | 08:14 |
nub3 | I want to start learning linux that why i ot | 08:14 |
nub3 | graft :yes | 08:14 |
graft | um... okay try this: | 08:14 |
khad | I figured it was recommended since it was stickied on the ubuntu forums | 08:14 |
nazty | brb | 08:15 |
xukun | SeAcabo, My smarthone is running Windows Mobile. Do you think this will work with gnome-pilot-Applet? | 08:15 |
graft | sudo ifdown dsl-provider | 08:15 |
graft | sudo ifdown eth0 | 08:15 |
IamEthos | how do I change the owner of a drive to make it available to any user? | 08:15 |
Grathol | nobody knows a package that provides apxs2? | 08:15 |
nub3 | hmm ill disconnenct then? | 08:15 |
tristanmike | khad, here's a comparison b/w automatix and easyubuntu http://nalioth.hostdestroyer.com/comparison.html | 08:15 |
SeAcabo | @xukum yes it is designed for any handhelddevice | 08:16 |
graft | and then sudo ifup eth0, sudo ifup dsl-provider | 08:16 |
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_jason | !find apsx2 | 08:16 |
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_jason | oops | 08:16 |
_jason | !find apxs2 | 08:16 |
xukun | SeAcabo, thanks. I will try | 08:16 |
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administrator_ | how to install wine and use it???? | 08:17 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Search of 'apxs2' (1 shown): (/usr/bin/apxs2) in devel/apache2-prefork-dev,devel/apache2-threaded-dev. | 08:17 |
nub3 | gratf: /etc/network/interfaces:31: misplaced option | 08:17 |
Grathol | thanks, _jason | 08:17 |
nub3 | ifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces" | 08:17 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: Beautifull. Maye the electron g-ds continue smiling upon you. | 08:17 |
=== Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Grathol | _jason - is there a way to search for binaries without using this IRC channel (using aptitude, apt-get, etc.?) | 08:18 |
_jason | Grathol: install apt-file | 08:18 |
administrator_ | how? | 08:18 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'apsx2' returned no results. | 08:18 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, I can only do what the fantastic people here have done for me =) | 08:18 |
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nub3 | the line 31 is /etc/network/interfaces:31: misplaced option | 08:18 |
nub3 | ifdown: couldn't read interfaces file "/etc/network/interfaces" | 08:18 |
nub3 | srry | 08:18 |
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Hexidigital | !xine | 08:19 |
nub3 | the line 31 is : pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf | 08:19 |
ubotu | parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hexidigital | 08:19 |
_jason | Grathol: first update it 'sudo apt-file update', then search like so 'apt-file search apsx2' | 08:19 |
Hexidigital | !xine download | 08:19 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hexidigital | 08:19 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: if i keep asking this many questions i should be able to help others in no time ! :) (MAYBE:) | 08:19 |
=== yamathan [n=yamathan@66-226-112-59.adams.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Hexidigital | !xine sudo command | 08:19 |
Grathol | _jason : thanks much | 08:19 |
ubotu | Hexidigital: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 08:19 |
_jason | Hexidigital: did you enable universe? | 08:19 |
Hexidigital | yes | 08:19 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, you'll pick it up in no time :) | 08:19 |
administrator_ | where is that sudo apt-file | 08:19 |
nub3 | hmmm brb lemme try removing pppoe | 08:19 |
graft | yeah nub3 comment out that stuff for now | 08:19 |
Fracture | how is apt-file different from apt-cache ? | 08:19 |
_jason | Hexidigital: use synaptic or do: sudo aptitude install xine (or gxine) | 08:19 |
nub3 | ohh k | 08:19 |
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vook | nub3, /etc/network/interfaces isn't a script, that shouldn't be there. | 08:19 |
SeAcabo | @xukun you will need sync your smartphone with evolution (note that) | 08:19 |
yamathan | Hey, guys. | 08:19 |
IamEthos | how can I change the properties of a drive to allow user ubuntu to write to it instead of just sudo? | 08:20 |
Hexidigital | _jason, i'm trying to find the command | 08:20 |
_jason | Fracture: 1) it searches for files 2)it searches things you don't have installed | 08:20 |
yamathan | How can I change my sound settings from "headphone" to something else? | 08:20 |
_jason | Hexidigital: command for what? | 08:20 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: how do i change the default video player from totem to mplayer, since mplayer is the one i have working for now, and seems to meet my needs fine. | 08:20 |
jenda | ompaul: sorry, had a phonecall. Very important, rather long :). Now, I have no clue how to use ssh or sftp to access dirs on my dsktop | 08:20 |
Fracture | _jason: doens't apt-cache search things that you don't have installed ? | 08:20 |
Hexidigital | _jason, the sudo command line for the xine installation (sudo apt-get .... ) | 08:20 |
nub3 | graft: now it says admin@ubuntu:~$ sudo ifdown dsl-provider | 08:21 |
nub3 | ifdown: interface dsl-provider not configured | 08:21 |
=== SilentJihad smashes head ... err smashes computer | ||
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BlueOrange | Anyone else out there a fellow thinkpad linux user ? | 08:21 |
SilentJihad | Damnit | 08:21 |
graft | nub3: okay that's fine | 08:21 |
_jason | Hexidigital: I gave it to you above, sudo aptitude install xine | 08:21 |
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tristanmike | BlueOrange, hmmm, the only way that comes to mind is right click on the file and select properites-Open With, and select the proggy | 08:21 |
graft | keep going | 08:21 |
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xukun | SeAcabo, I connected the smarthpone with the usb cabel on my laptop. What is the first thing that I need to do? | 08:21 |
Hexidigital | _jason, i'm sorry :) i'm being a pain in the rear today | 08:21 |
xukun | start gnome-pilot-Applet? | 08:21 |
_jason | Fracture: yes. But apt-file let's you search for which package provides a file. It's like dpkg -S | 08:21 |
tristanmike | _jason, I can't seem to find "xine" as a stand alone package | 08:21 |
_jason | !info xine | 08:21 |
Fracture | _jason: great :) | 08:21 |
nub3 | ok | 08:22 |
_jason | oh right it's xine-ui <-- Hexidigital | 08:22 |
spikeb | hrm | 08:22 |
_jason | tristanmike: thanks | 08:22 |
graft | nub3: and...? | 08:22 |
spikeb | bah xine-ui sucks | 08:22 |
graft | did you get a ppp IP address? | 08:22 |
administrator_ | this says source is not temporary in use | 08:22 |
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tristanmike | _jason, yeah, np, didn't know where you were going with him there | 08:23 |
administrator_ | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 08:23 |
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=== Fracture things the current dapper icon for the trash applet looks like a battery | ||
IamEthos | I think I just encrypted my initramfs modules file | 08:23 |
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tristanmike | administrator_, close Synaptic or Update Manager | 08:23 |
IamEthos | in VIM, I did :X instead of :x | 08:23 |
IamEthos | and it asked for a key | 08:23 |
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yamathan | How do I change my sound settings in KDE? | 08:23 |
IamEthos | I pressed enter for the key without supplying anything | 08:23 |
IamEthos | so I'm not sure if I encrypted it or not | 08:24 |
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jenda | Dammit, isn't there a simple way to share directories between two Ubuntu PCs? | 08:24 |
yamathan | I know that I can do it in GNOME, but I have very little experience in KDE. | 08:24 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike... i made the ./ configure again, and it compiled nicely, when it finished i put "make" and it says "nother to be done for 'all'. | 08:24 |
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administrator_ | it is closed | 08:24 |
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SilentJihad | thats "nothing to be done for all" | 08:24 |
Koobi | vim = <3 | 08:24 |
llusser | jenda: scp works quite nice | 08:24 |
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administrator_ | now it is installing | 08:25 |
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IamEthos | never mind, I fixed that | 08:25 |
jenda | llusser: is it graphical? | 08:25 |
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loststar4545 | Hello can anyone suggest a game or application worth checking out? | 08:25 |
llusser | can be | 08:25 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, I assume you're using the forums for the compiling proceedure ? | 08:26 |
xukun | SeAcabo, ? | 08:26 |
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csgirl | hello, can someone tell me? I type sudo mount /dev/sda7/mnt/sda7 | 08:26 |
csgirl | but it shows can't find /dev/sda7/mnt/sda7 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab | 08:26 |
=== Telek [n=Telek@p508A59EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ompaul | jenda, sftp -C username@otherIP | 08:26 |
jenda | ompaul: OK will try | 08:26 |
_jason | csgirl: you are missing a space after the first sda7 | 08:26 |
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administrator_ | WHAT means this command sudo aptitude? | 08:26 |
ompaul | jenda, ssh -C username@otherIP | 08:26 |
SilentJihad | Forums? | 08:26 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10591 | 08:27 |
_jason | administrator_: it's like apt-get, but better | 08:27 |
jenda | ompaul: what's the difference? | 08:27 |
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kuba | cze | 08:27 |
rambo3 | you have xtra t there | 08:27 |
kuba | hi | 08:27 |
misterii | synaptic is so sloooowwww | 08:27 |
administrator_ | but i so new user that i dont know any commands | 08:27 |
_jason | ubotu: tell administrator_ about apt | 08:27 |
_jason | ubotu: tell administrator_ about cli | 08:27 |
kuba | i have ubuntu!!! u not have it | 08:27 |
ompaul | jenda, sftp is a secure ftp and ssh is a secure shell | 08:27 |
vook | loststar4545, wesnoth isn't bad, it can kill some time. Beyond that, check out the emulators (zsnes, xmame, xmess, uae, cedega) Neverwinter Nights works beautifully on Linux too, a few EA games have linux clients these days. | 08:27 |
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@eggplant-11.dynamic2.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
tristanmike | SilentJihad, "sudo apt-get install checkinstall" | 08:27 |
administrator_ | do you have somekind of a list where are all important commands | 08:27 |
misterii | can I install another distro withing the ubuntu console? | 08:27 |
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_jason | administrator_: check your private messages from ubotu | 08:28 |
ompaul | jenda, I have to run - if you want to leave it to later I'll be back in a couple of hours | 08:28 |
Koobi | have any of you had problems updating via apt-get from wine.sourceforge.net ? | 08:28 |
jenda | ompaul: OK. Now can I get that to work graphically? (I don't mind using the CLI)... OK, later :) | 08:28 |
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=== vook doesn't dare recommend icmoria or nethack :) | ||
p01n7 | administrator_, i used to keep a text file of notes on commands on my Desktop.. it helped then. | 08:28 |
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llusser | jenda: you can use eithere graphicaly | 08:28 |
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SilentJihad | ok, cool I got it now | 08:29 |
misterii | SilentJihad, I think 'cause it costs. It has to have a simpler Technical-support | 08:29 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, sorry, I broke the most important rule "Don't Assume" | 08:29 |
misterii | SilentJihad, I think 'cause it costs. It has to have a simpler Technical-support | 08:29 |
MisterN | hi | 08:29 |
SilentJihad | but it still wont let me "make or make install" | 08:29 |
SilentJihad | lol | 08:29 |
jenda | llusser: will try. so far, sftp and ssh gave me 'connection refused' | 08:29 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: does that go for a whole dvd video disc ? | 08:29 |
llusser | jenda: goto Places>Connect To Server | 08:29 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, sorry, refresh my memory | 08:30 |
SilentJihad | tristanmike :: no problem... why doesent Ubuntu come pre-installed with all these things I need to download? | 08:30 |
llusser | jenda: you probably have to install ssh-server | 08:30 |
rambo3 | administrator_ debian has a good refrence rad worth knowing : http://people.debian.org/~debacle/refcard/refcard-en-a4.pdf | 08:30 |
spikeb | SilentJihad: so it fits on a single cd :) | 08:30 |
SilentJihad | ahh i see | 08:30 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, because Ubuntu comes set up for a Desktop usage, and "technically" you don't "need" to compile | 08:30 |
SeAcabo | @xukun you have to test where the device is connect (on which port) | 08:31 |
SilentJihad | ahhh ok | 08:31 |
llusser | !tell jenda ssh | 08:31 |
BlueOrange | sorry, it had been awhile! changing default app to launch dvd discs and xvid/divx content. | 08:31 |
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jenda | llusser: OK, working on it - thanks | 08:31 |
administrator_ | so can i install that steam.exe with sudo aptitude install steam??? | 08:31 |
llusser | !tell jenda ssh | 08:31 |
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SilentJihad | @mplayer command not found :(:(:( im gonna cry for real | 08:31 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, oh, yeah, hmm, don't know, never tried, but I'd assume that you'd want to do that on the ".vob" file, but I don't know | 08:31 |
jenda | !tell me about ssh | 08:31 |
techrush | hey does anyone know how to disable that black outline animation when i minimize a window in gnome ? | 08:31 |
csgirl | _jason: thanks , but it shows you must specify the filesystem type | 08:32 |
csgirl | how can I do it then | 08:32 |
rambo3 | why not | 08:32 |
nub1 | graft: you there | 08:32 |
nub1 | ? | 08:32 |
tristanmike | jenda, instead, try using "/msg ubotu <fact>" | 08:32 |
graft | yeh | 08:32 |
SeAcabo | @xukun btw don't make it so difficult in most cases it is /dev/USB0 or /dev/USB1 | 08:32 |
_jason | csgirl: put '-t <filesystem' after 'mount' | 08:32 |
_jason | csgirl: put '-t <filesystem>' after 'mount' | 08:32 |
nub1 | you the man gratf. i got things working the way i wanted | 08:32 |
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nub1 | :) | 08:32 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, "@mplayer" ? what's with the "@" | 08:32 |
jenda | tristanmike: it's been a while - I forgot about that, but ubotu promptly reminded me. | 08:32 |
graft | cool! | 08:32 |
graft | also there's a way to get it to start on boot | 08:32 |
nub1 | graft:thanks a million | 08:32 |
SilentJihad | typp | 08:32 |
SilentJihad | typo | 08:32 |
_jason | csgirl: ugh that's confusing. Here is an example: mount -t ext3 /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 | 08:32 |
graft | there's some file called /etc/ppp/ppp_on_boot usually | 08:32 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: now, when a dvd video disc is inserted, totem opens it. Can i change this so mplayer opens it instead ? | 08:32 |
graft | or a symlink | 08:33 |
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nub1 | ya i saw that | 08:33 |
tristanmike | jenda, sweet, just trying to give my helping hand :) sorry if I insulted you | 08:33 |
graft | you just have to link it to yhe correct file | 08:33 |
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graft | /etc/ppp/dsl-provider or whatnot | 08:33 |
nub1 | hmm k | 08:33 |
Raul654 | I'm trying to install emacs. I do: apt-get install emacs and it gives me this error "Package emacs is not available, but is referred to by another package." | 08:33 |
graft | also you want to move your auto eth0 line up in your interfaces file so it executes first | 08:33 |
[TechGuy] | anyone have any idea off the top of their idea why aptitude would look like its curses info is screwed up? It's missing drawing characters here and there, wrong colors, etc. There's no terminal difference between it and my Debian install (both have TERM=linux). | 08:33 |
Raul654 | erm, sudo apt-get install emacs | 08:33 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, again, i said I've never tried, but you could won't hurt | 08:33 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, ok, that wont work, try changing the Open With on the "VOB" file | 08:34 |
cyphase | wow, Google Finance specifically supports Firefox on linux | 08:34 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: it worked with the divx file, but it doesnt seem to work that way with the whole dvd didc. | 08:34 |
Raul654 | what does that error indicate? | 08:34 |
SilentJihad | wait.... wait.... i think its working.... maybe..... | 08:34 |
kingspawn | Raul654: just install it through synaptic | 08:34 |
Koobi | Raul1654: apt-cache search emacs shows that the package emacs21 is avaialable | 08:34 |
graft | Raul654: apt-get update? | 08:34 |
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Raul654 | graft - already did that | 08:35 |
Raul654 | kingspawn - ok, let me givce that a try | 08:35 |
Raul654 | brb | 08:35 |
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graft | erm... i have an emacs package which points to emacs21 anyway... | 08:35 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, it took me 2 days of intense trouble to compile vlc, so don't feel to bad ;) | 08:35 |
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SilentJihad | haha | 08:35 |
SilentJihad | well maybe it worked now | 08:36 |
SilentJihad | i think | 08:36 |
SilentJihad | hopefully | 08:36 |
vook | TechGuy, it could be caused by the difference in kernels. You may check to see if there is a difference in boot options between the debian install and the ubuntu one (such as vga=somethingorother). You may try booting with the vga=789 option (or something like that). | 08:36 |
Koobi | do any of you use bitchx? | 08:36 |
graft | i used to | 08:36 |
graft | irssi now | 08:36 |
Koobi | is irssi good? | 08:36 |
graft | yeah | 08:36 |
nub1 | graft ya i see a dsl-provider file | 08:36 |
Koobi | i cant copy/paste to/from bitchx | 08:36 |
[TechGuy] | vook: Noted. I'll check in a few minutes. I hosed my upgrade. Didn't give /boot enough space. Oops. :D | 08:36 |
graft | irssi has copy/paste | 08:36 |
Raul654 | emacs doesn't come up in synaptic | 08:37 |
Koobi | i'll try that now then...thought about switching to xchat but i'll give irssi a try | 08:37 |
Raul654 | I manually checked the category it could concievably be in, and searched for it | 08:37 |
SilentJihad | Tristanmike... I moved an MP3 from my external HD to my UBN2 desktop and it has a lock on it, wont let me play it | 08:37 |
Koobi | Raul1654, try emacs21 | 08:37 |
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SilentJihad | this is normal? | 08:37 |
xukun | SeAcabo, How do I see which usb port its connected? | 08:37 |
graft | Koobi: chatzilla is decent too... | 08:37 |
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Koobi | graft: that would mean i would have to have mozilla open, right? | 08:38 |
Raul654 | koobi - that seems to have done the trick | 08:38 |
graft | Koobi: yeah... | 08:38 |
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Raul654 | why emacs21 and not just emacs? | 08:38 |
graft | emacs just points to emacs21 anyway | 08:38 |
Koobi | i'll stick to irssi then :) | 08:38 |
Raul654 | graft - not for me | 08:38 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, it happens, I think because the external hd is perhaps "root" ? a simple "chmod 777" on the file should remedy that | 08:38 |
nub1 | graft:http://pastebin.com/614808 | 08:38 |
Koobi | maybe it's your sources.list Rahul? | 08:38 |
graft | Raul654: what's your mirror? | 08:39 |
SilentJihad | yea I got it :) | 08:39 |
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fbtab | hi all | 08:39 |
SilentJihad | now, lets test Mplayer!! | 08:39 |
Raul654 | this is an almost-out of the box installation | 08:39 |
Koobi | emacs is probably in the native ubuntu lists | 08:39 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, see, you don't need my help =) | 08:39 |
nub1 | thats my vi /etc/ppp/pppoe_on_boot | 08:39 |
nub1 | file | 08:39 |
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graft | nub1: ah hm... i guess that oughta work | 08:39 |
nub1 | hmmm | 08:39 |
nub1 | i hasent till now | 08:40 |
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SilentJihad | hehe | 08:40 |
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SilentJihad | of course it dosent work | 08:40 |
SilentJihad | naw that would be to easy! | 08:40 |
SilentJihad | lol | 08:40 |
graft | SilentJihad: hah, you're compiling MPlayer? | 08:40 |
xukun | How can I see which usb port my smartphone is connected to? | 08:40 |
SilentJihad | yea | 08:40 |
SilentJihad | GRAFT | 08:40 |
SilentJihad | trying to anyhow | 08:40 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, btw, why _are_ you compiling, what does the repo version no do for you? | 08:41 |
graft | ah... i've done that a bunch... works okay usually | 08:41 |
nub1 | graft:what change do i make in interfaces file? | 08:41 |
SilentJihad | no, I just thoguht I needed some practice, I figured i had to learn some day | 08:41 |
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Koobi | i've found that mplayer-nogui works significantly faster than the gui versions | 08:41 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, oh, just curious, that's all | 08:41 |
SilentJihad | repo is like RPM file? | 08:41 |
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graft | nub1: um... well keep that line commented out and just move your auto eth0 line up above the 'iface eth0' line | 08:42 |
[TechGuy] | It's possible to put /boot in a RAID1 software RAID mirror, right? Just not RAID0 striping? | 08:42 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, no, repos are where all the ubuntu files are kept | 08:42 |
=== ice [n=ice@71-10-94-106.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
_jason | SilentJihad: did you 'sudo apt-get build-dep mplayer-386' | 08:42 |
SilentJihad | oh yea | 08:42 |
SilentJihad | naw i downloaded it from the Mplayer website | 08:42 |
ice | anyone user phpmyadmin in here | 08:42 |
deizi | i'm willing to try kde.. what to get from synaptic? | 08:42 |
Koobi | ice: yeah i do | 08:42 |
graft | building it yourself might get you some speed, anyway | 08:42 |
ice | I used synaptic do get it | 08:42 |
metalhedd | ice I do | 08:42 |
ice | now how do I start it | 08:42 |
graft | deizi: install kubuntu-desktop | 08:42 |
_jason | SilentJihad: that command installs the dependencies you need to build the repo version (which are usually what you need to build the newer source too) | 08:42 |
SilentJihad | Tristanmike ::: this is my newest error hehe but hey! at least it seems to be installed | 08:42 |
SilentJihad | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10592 | 08:43 |
Koobi | oice : do you have apache installed? | 08:43 |
Raul654 | anyway, thanks everyone for helping solve my problem :) | 08:43 |
ice | yes | 08:43 |
ice | and php | 08:43 |
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Koobi | ice: then restart apache and you should be able to access it via http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ or something similar | 08:43 |
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ice | so package is good then | 08:43 |
ice | don't have to do anything to it | 08:43 |
graft | SilentJihad: how old is your config file? | 08:44 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, hmm, maybe all you need to do is find that config file and change "fontconfig=yes" to "=no" | 08:44 |
Koobi | ice: not unless its something specific, it should work fine with the default configs | 08:44 |
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SilentJihad | i dunno i just downloaded it today | 08:44 |
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ice | sweet | 08:44 |
ice | thx | 08:44 |
Koobi | np | 08:44 |
nub1 | graft:done thanks for the help | 08:44 |
nub1 | :) | 08:44 |
SilentJihad | oh ok | 08:44 |
SilentJihad | makes sence | 08:44 |
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SilentJihad | can I search for it? | 08:45 |
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SilentJihad | sorry I know I gotta be a pain by now! | 08:45 |
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graft | when you compiled where'd you tell it to look for config files, SilentJihad? | 08:45 |
ice | hey thx alot started right up | 08:45 |
graft | nub1: np | 08:45 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, try checking ~./mplayer | 08:45 |
Koobi | graft: my repo's seem to show development versions of irssi. but theres a irssi-text version avaialable which i would prefer but does it allow copy/pasting? | 08:45 |
nub1 | Well also when i try to start add application i get a error Unable to get exclusive lock | 08:45 |
nub1 | why so? | 08:45 |
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tristanmike | SilentJihad, and not at all :) | 08:45 |
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graft | Koobi: um... what're you running? 5.10? | 08:46 |
Koobi | yeah | 08:46 |
Koobi | Breezy | 08:46 |
tristanmike | nub1, you have something open, either Synaptic Package Manager or Update Manager, or something that's using dpkg | 08:46 |
graft | hrm... | 08:46 |
nub1 | and how do i boowse my files in graphical mode | 08:46 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: ok, im not going to worry about the auto launch dvd thing. things are working great now, THANKS so much for all ur help, and other too! | 08:46 |
yamathan | How can I change my sound settings? | 08:46 |
tristanmike | nub1, use Nautilus | 08:46 |
graft | what's the version of irssi in Breezy? | 08:46 |
ice | umm now I need more help | 08:46 |
jenda | llusser: I'm having trouble, no matter what I try. I can't find anything in apt called eithere, following the ubuntuguide just gives me a "wrong option or fs type" when mounting, and an access denied with Samba. | 08:46 |
nub1 | tristanmike:no i just rebooted my stystem | 08:46 |
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csgirl | msg NickServ IDENTIFY <cici> | 08:46 |
djp | hi. can anyone help me getting a digital camera to recognised? i'm running xfce4, but i cannot see the camera? it used to mount automagically under gnome, but i am using a lesser spec pc and therefore, xfce4. the camera is a mass storage (usb) device. | 08:47 |
tristanmike | graft, 0.8.9 | 08:47 |
korhalf | dapper april 15th correct? | 08:47 |
nub1 | whats nautlis? | 08:47 |
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graft | ah... that oughta be just fine, Koobi | 08:47 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, did you try changing the "Open With" on the "Vob" file ? | 08:47 |
eowhite | who are you | 08:47 |
SeAcabo | @xukun do you speak german | 08:47 |
tristanmike | nub1, it's the file browser :P | 08:47 |
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Koobi | graft: irssi-text is fine? | 08:47 |
lunari | Hello | 08:47 |
graft | no, irssi | 08:47 |
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ice | when logging in to phpmyadmin its my ubuntu user and pass right | 08:47 |
SilentJihad | how do you use the search? | 08:47 |
nub1 | tristanmike:where how do i get it | 08:48 |
Koobi | graft: ok, i'll install the dev version then | 08:48 |
SilentJihad | KDE has a run and a search button | 08:48 |
graft | irssi-text is probably a dummy package anyway | 08:48 |
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tristanmike | nub1, Places-Home | 08:48 |
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Koobi | ice: your username should be root by default and password is probably nothing | 08:48 |
SeAcabo | @xukun it's quite a lot of stuff and i only found a german hwto | 08:48 |
ice | k thx | 08:48 |
llusser | did you install ssh-server | 08:48 |
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Koobi | ok, thanks graft | 08:48 |
tristanmike | SilentJihad, Places->Search for Files | 08:48 |
Koobi | no prob, ice | 08:48 |
nub1 | tristanmike:No hoe only desktop | 08:48 |
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nub1 | Home* | 08:48 |
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mwe | is it possible to change the language for gdm without changing the global LANGUAGE variable? | 08:48 |
lunari | I installed ubuntu warty 4.10 on an older system because it uses XFree86 because it's video card isn't supported by xorg. During install I updated warty and x doesn't load, the screen just goes blank and it sits there. | 08:48 |
tristanmike | nub1, I'm sorry, I don't follow | 08:49 |
ice | #2002 - The server is not responding (or the local MySQL server's socket is not correctly configured) | 08:49 |
tristanmike | nub1, I follow now, do you have panels at the top and bottom ? | 08:49 |
lunari | any ideas? | 08:49 |
[TechGuy] | is mysql running? | 08:49 |
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nub1 | Well i places i only see desktop and when i click it it says Cannot display location 'file:///home/admin/Desktop' | 08:49 |
llusser | jenda: did you install openssh-server on both machines ? | 08:49 |
ice | should be whats the command to start | 08:49 |
SilentJihad | wow I have NO idea how to find this config file, it dosent even give me the name | 08:49 |
ice | it | 08:49 |
tristanmike | nub1, that doesn't sound right | 08:49 |
Koobi | ice: you have to have mysql installed for phpmyadmin...but i imagine it would be a dependancy that would automatically be installed iwth phpmyadmin... | 08:50 |
SeAcabo | @xukun whatever you will need following packages: multisync libmultisync-plugin-evolution synce-multisync-plugin | 08:50 |
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jenda | llusser: not yet, in fact, I'm doing that right now. I was trying the other three methods i mentioned above. | 08:50 |
nub1 | tristanmike:i have a panel | 08:50 |
ice | yeah I have mysql | 08:50 |
tristanmike | nub1, did you delete your home folder by accident | 08:50 |
[TechGuy] | Koobi: Not necessarily. phpMyAdmin could be on a different server than the database server | 08:50 |
richard | how can i start lexmark Z617? | 08:50 |
p01n7 | lol | 08:50 |
Koobi | ice: if you installed mysql as well via apt/synaptic, restarting apache should start mysqld for you | 08:50 |
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p01n7 | what a mistake that would be | 08:50 |
nub1 | tristanmike:I actually have Ubuntu installed only 3 hours back thats all | 08:50 |
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SeAcabo | @xukun install all the packages wit apt-get (i hope you already have a working kernel for this usecase) | 08:50 |
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nub1 | My first home linux :) | 08:51 |
tristanmike | nub1, did you do an "Advance" or "Server" install ? | 08:51 |
Koobi | [TechGuy] : ah, im assuming a typical scenario | 08:51 |
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nub1 | hmmm i have no idea i did the easiest install | 08:51 |
nub1 | i guess | 08:51 |
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lunari | I installed ubuntu warty 4.10 on an older system because it uses XFree86 because it's video card isn't supported by xorg. During install I updated warty and x doesn't load, the screen just goes blank and it sits there. | 08:51 |
lunari | any ideas? | 08:51 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yes, and when i click on a vob file it does indeed open mplayer, but mplayer doesnt open automaticly when i insert the dvd, the way it did with totem. actually totem doesnt open now either, which is just fine. there must be some other little program that when it saw a dvd video disc mounted, it ran totem. | 08:51 |
Enthusiast78 | nub1: The 'hit Enter' install? :) | 08:51 |
nub1 | lol ya | 08:52 |
tristanmike | BlueOrange, right, I wasn't sure if that would work | 08:52 |
nub1 | :) | 08:52 |
SeAcabo | @xukun find out on which serial port your smartphone is with the command: pilot-link | 08:52 |
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Koobi | lunari, would you happen to have a backup of your previous XF86Free config file? | 08:52 |
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BlueOrange | arent there any other ibm thinkpad users in here ? | 08:52 |
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llusser | jenda: when you get openssh installed then Places->connect To Server | 08:52 |
lunari | Koobi: No, I just installed it | 08:52 |
SeAcabo | @xukun u will need the package pilot-link | 08:52 |
nub1 | I am brand new moron in linux | 08:52 |
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nub1 | :D | 08:52 |
Master_Shake_57 | Hey I have a question. | 08:52 |
ubuntu | hey guys, how do i delete my ubuntu partition. i only have 1 hd and i want to get rid of ubuntu on it. | 08:52 |
nub1 | 8-) | 08:52 |
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richard | Which driver can i use for lexmark z617? | 08:53 |
BlueOrange | tristanmike: yea, i wont worry about that one for now! iver very happy how thigs are working, im loggint off now, thxs again. | 08:53 |
Master_Shake_57 | How do I change the keymap to Dvorak. | 08:53 |
ScreaminIke | how do i use bochs to try to boot my live cd INSIDE ubuntu? | 08:53 |
[TechGuy] | Hrm... Breezy Server's installer seems to have a bug with MD support. Constantly wants to refer to /dev/md/1p1 (for instance) | 08:53 |
Koobi | lunari, ...this is a messy work around, but you could use the live CD if you have one and try boot to ubuntu, backup your XF86Free file and try to mimic your VGA configs in the new xorg.conf file | 08:53 |
crimsun | Master_Shake_57: console or X Window System? | 08:53 |
ScreaminIke | master_Shake_57 : system>preferences>keyboard | 08:53 |
Master_Shake_57 | crimsun, Console. | 08:53 |
SeAcabo | just wirte the adress pilot-link gives you in your configuration and everything is fine ;) | 08:53 |
ScreaminIke | (i'm walking you through x...) | 08:53 |
nub1 | I cant browse the files :*( | 08:54 |
jenda | llusser: OK. is the 'server' just the IP, or the username@IP | 08:54 |
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ScreaminIke | hrm. i don't know console. | 08:54 |
crimsun | Master_Shake_57: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data | 08:54 |
=== Nickgarvey [n=nick@cpe-24-195-249-41.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarthShrine | In the 5.10 LivecCD, my "Intel Corp. 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 03)" was working just fine. I installed from the LiveCD, and now my sound will not work, and isn't detected. | 08:54 |
lunari | Koobi: so get a live cd for 4.10 warty? | 08:54 |
crimsun | DarthShrine: live cd of ...? | 08:54 |
llusser | jenda: the server is just the ip | 08:54 |
SeAcabo | @xukun i found it at http://www.galileocomputing.de/openbook/ubuntu/ubuntu_4_007.htm if u speak german u will be fine with this howto | 08:54 |
crimsun | DarthShrine: dapper flight 5? | 08:54 |
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llusser | jenda: service type is SSH | 08:54 |
jenda | llusser: got it! thanks a bunch. | 08:54 |
Koobi | lunari, i guess...a better approach would be to reconfigure your X but i dont know the command...perhaps someone else can help you, or search the forums. sorry | 08:55 |
ice | apachetcl -k graceful righ t | 08:55 |
richard | someone who help me to install lexmark z617? | 08:55 |
eowhite | french? | 08:55 |
ScreaminIke | has anyone here tried bochs who could help me run it in ubuntu? | 08:55 |
GTroy | hmmm I keep getting 'your soundcard is configured properly etc. etc. | 08:55 |
GTroy | or please check that | 08:55 |
bsdfox | DarthShrine, did you try loading the module? | 08:55 |
lunari | Koobi: Okay, thanks.. oh also, when I type in startx in the single user mode, it can't find it, doesn't know the command | 08:55 |
Koobi | ice, yeah, but i think you have to give the full path to apachectl, depends if that path to your apache is in $PATH | 08:55 |
DarthShrine | crimsun, 5.10.... | 08:55 |
yamathan | I think I have my sound set for headphone use, but now I have speakers. | 08:55 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Nope. | 08:55 |
Nickgarvey | GTroy, is someting else using the sound? | 08:56 |
bsdfox | might be a good place to start.. | 08:56 |
yamathan | How can I change my sound settings to reflect that I have speakers? | 08:56 |
GTroy | nick: nope | 08:56 |
ice | hmm its in usr/sbin | 08:56 |
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Overand | lunari: why would you want to run x in single user mode? | 08:56 |
ice | I'M in that dir and nothing works | 08:56 |
ice | hmm | 08:56 |
Koobi | lunari, it sounds like you dont have X installed at that point. did you try man -k startx? | 08:56 |
GTroy | Nickgarvey: I made sure of that | 08:56 |
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bsdfox | darthshrine: sudo modprobe snd_intel8x0 | 08:56 |
Nickgarvey | GTroy, try cranking it, one time when I first used linux it was playing reallllly quietly and needed some tweaking, but it let me know that it was detected | 08:56 |
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lunari | Overand: Because normal startup leaves me with just a black screen | 08:57 |
RAWRZilla | hey guys, how do i delete my ubuntu partition. i only have 1 hd and i want to get rid of ubuntu on it. | 08:57 |
eowhite | hi | 08:57 |
lunari | Koobi: Okay, let me try that | 08:57 |
GTroy | Nickgarvey: no, can't play the media from xmms | 08:57 |
mwe | can you change the language for gdm without changing the default system language? | 08:57 |
jg4200 | Why am I getting the error changing permissions of `hda5': Read-only file system | 08:57 |
bsdfox | Rawplayer: just do it when you install the other OS | 08:57 |
GTroy | Nickgarvey: sound is all the way up | 08:57 |
Mabus06 | Is there like, something similar to nautilus but tab based? | 08:57 |
nub1 | Add application and Synaptic package manager are different? | 08:57 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Cool, no errors. | 08:57 |
bon_ | tvcaaard problems - i am trying to get my tv card working with kedtv its pluged vai rf cable to sky box in the other room as instructed by the sky website to my computer tvcard rf in it finds the canel but there is only a green screen and sometimes it crashes, locksup - paste bin of system log : http://pastebin.com/614830 | 08:57 |
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Nickgarvey | GTroy, mm not sure, is your computer very new? | 08:57 |
Koobi | ice, even after apachectl -k gradceful, your mysql daemon doesnt work? | 08:57 |
[TechGuy] | jg4200: Exactly what it says. It's read-only. :P | 08:57 |
bsdfox | DarthShrine, you might need to run alsamixer to unmute the channels | 08:57 |
GTroy | no, I've had 5.10 about 7 months | 08:57 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Can | 08:58 |
Nickgarvey | and works on the live cd | 08:58 |
Nickgarvey | !sound | 08:58 |
ubotu | methinks sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary | 08:58 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Can't run it* | 08:58 |
Nickgarvey | try that GTroy ? | 08:58 |
GTroy | will do | 08:58 |
[TechGuy] | jg4200: Sometimes filesystems go read-only when they detect errors on themselves | 08:58 |
bsdfox | does sound work? | 08:58 |
ice | I got it now | 08:58 |
jg4200 | TechGuy: So what do I need to do to change the permissions | 08:58 |
[TechGuy] | Koobi: Starting Apache starts MySQL? Err... Must be an Ubuntu thing | 08:58 |
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lunari | Just with xorg supported the card in that computer, so I could just run 5.10 lol | 08:59 |
bsdfox | php is probably doing it techguy | 08:59 |
[TechGuy] | jg4200: Remount the filesystem read-write. | 08:59 |
metalhedd | can anyone suggest a cheap video card that will outperform my GF2MX ? like truly cheap | 08:59 |
ScreaminIke | has anyone here tried bochs who could help me run it in ubuntu? | 08:59 |
bsdfox | metalhedd: geforce 6200 | 08:59 |
lunari | Koobi: man -k startx says, startx: nothing appropriate | 08:59 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Nope | 09:00 |
jg4200 | TechGuy: How do I do that. lol im new to this | 09:00 |
Nickgarvey | jg4200, man mount | 09:00 |
richard | heyyy anyone can help me to install lexmark z617? | 09:00 |
DarthShrine | Very strange that it worked in the LiveCD though... | 09:00 |
bon_ | tvcaaard problems - i am trying to get my tv card working with kedtv its pluged vai rf cable to sky box in the other room as instructed by the sky website to my computer tvcard rf in it finds the canel but there is only a green screen and sometimes it crashes, locksup - paste bin of system log : http://pastebin.com/614830 | 09:00 |
yamathan | !headphone | 09:00 |
[TechGuy] | I honestly forget the specifics. See the manpage. It's something like mount -o rw /dev/hda5 | 09:00 |
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ubotu | yamathan: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:00 |
bsdfox | darth: run dmesg|grep ICH | 09:00 |
Koobi | lunari, sounds like you don't have X installed :/ | 09:00 |
jg4200 | TechGuy: OK thanks. | 09:00 |
[TechGuy] | Though I'd fsck it to see why it went read-only in the first place. Maybe something in the kernel log or system logs | 09:01 |
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lunari | Koobi: is there an apt-get for it? | 09:01 |
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jenda | Is there a way to get 3D accell (as with nVidia or ATI) when there's just an integrated graphics device? | 09:01 |
yamathan | aRts won't work in KDE. | 09:01 |
lunari | Koobi: also do you think letting warty update itself during install might have broke it? | 09:01 |
yamathan | It's screeching at me to check my installation. | 09:01 |
Koobi | lunari, i cant be sure but i think it's xserver-xorg-core | 09:01 |
yamathan | What's going on? | 09:01 |
ramza3 | is update / upgrade normally pretty safe | 09:01 |
bsdfox | darth: arts isn't very good | 09:01 |
bsdfox | er | 09:02 |
jg4200 | TechGuy: I tried typing mount -o rw /dev/hda5 and it says I have an error in my fstab | 09:02 |
yamathan | Yeah, but I need to find SOMETHING to alter these sound settings. | 09:02 |
bsdfox | darth: your sound is probably working, but muted.. | 09:02 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Nothing | 09:02 |
Koobi | i cant imagine how updating would uninstall X...without prompting your first, at least | 09:02 |
=== Absenth [n=absenth@12-222-96-150.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ice | grr what is the mysql conf file | 09:02 |
bsdfox | darth: run synaptic and install alsa utils | 09:02 |
=== pauldaoust [n=paul@S0106001346b98cb5.ok.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarthShrine | Will do. | 09:02 |
bsdfox | then run sudo alsamixer && sudo alsactl store | 09:02 |
bon_ | can anyone help with my tvcaaard problem http://pastebin.com/614830 | 09:02 |
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yamathan | bsdfox: The computer doesn't know I even have a subwoofer right now. | 09:02 |
ice | can't log in to mysql | 09:02 |
ice | I mean phpmyadmin | 09:02 |
bsdfox | yamathan: that's not arts | 09:02 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: thanks | 09:02 |
yamathan | bsdfox: It's fine with headphones when I tell it I have headphones, but right now it's startin' to peeve me off. | 09:03 |
[TechGuy] | ice: man mysqladmin | 09:03 |
=== kapputu [n=kapputu@c-24-6-48-243.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunari | Koobi: hmm, didn't come up with anything.. I just wish xorg supported the Geforce 4 MX 440 SE PCI in that system, so I could just run 5.10 breezy | 09:03 |
[TechGuy] | Give MySQL's root account a password | 09:03 |
yamathan | bsdfox: I set it at startup and now I can't find it. | 09:03 |
kapputu | ubuntu comes with a command-line IRC tool? This is awesome | 09:03 |
=== arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@LIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
pauldaoust | okay, this causes me no end of fury. Does anyone else's computer kill their GNOME session when they press Shift-Enter? I'm using Dapper with XGL/Compiz. That's a pretty serious bug, if it is a bug. Shift-Enter gets pressed a lot when you're editing text. | 09:03 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, alsamixer works as root. | 09:03 |
lunari | Koobi: and not have to try to get older ubuntu releases to run lol | 09:03 |
=== mr_lampe [n=tho@dslb-084-056-133-133.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | metalhedd: they are surprisingly fast, and support pixel shader 3.0 | 09:03 |
bsdfox | darth: oh good.. then hit space bar to unmute and the up arrow to raise volume on the main and pcm channels | 09:04 |
Koobi | hopefully dapper will support more h/w | 09:04 |
bsdfox | lunari, xorg most definately supports that card | 09:04 |
pauldaoust | Hm, I guess I really am the only one who has that problem. | 09:04 |
bsdfox | kapputu: bitchx? | 09:04 |
lunari | bsdfox: Really? I was informed that it didn't when I couldn't get X to start running 5.10 breezy | 09:05 |
lunari | bsdfox: Do you also have that card? | 09:05 |
bsdfox | whoever informed you was an idiot | 09:05 |
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bsdfox | lunari, I used to | 09:05 |
ice | mysql should be in /usr/include correct | 09:05 |
ice | by default I mean | 09:05 |
bsdfox | I have a linux box with it somewhere.. | 09:05 |
pauldaoust | but it truly is the stupidest keybinding ever. Shift-Enter: soft carriage return, or kill your X session? how about both?\ | 09:05 |
bon_ | can anyone help with my tvcaaard problem http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:05 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: Yeah, my gf2mx has served me well in the 5-ish years I've had it, but i think I could use a little more power for playing some newer games | 09:05 |
=== VanacaErkan [n=VanacaEr@66-240-27-15.isp.comcastbusiness.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Still seems not to work. | 09:06 |
bsdfox | metalhedd: what kinda games are you thinking about | 09:06 |
kapputu | bsdfox: ?? I don't get you | 09:06 |
bsdfox | DarthShrine, was it muted? | 09:06 |
[TechGuy] | Gah... Can't /boot be on a RAID1 array? LILO refuses to install to it | 09:06 |
lunari | bsdfox: using the nv or the nvidia driver, either or, it would give an error saying no screens detected or something.. | 09:06 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Nope | 09:06 |
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bsdfox | kapputu, it's a CLI IRC client | 09:06 |
Koobi | bsdfox, which BSD do you use? | 09:06 |
bsdfox | DarthShrine, dunno | 09:06 |
bsdfox | Koobi, freebsd | 09:06 |
bon_ | can anyone help with my tvcaaard problem http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:06 |
corto_maltese | hi | 09:06 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: I dunno yet, whatever I can get running under cedega. I'm not too big on FPS games, but most other genres I like. | 09:06 |
Overand | bsdfox: managing enough threads of conversation at once? | 09:06 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: any suggestions? | 09:06 |
DarthShrine | bsdfox, Oh...:( | 09:07 |
_davexus_ | Hello, how can I play quicktime videos on firefox with mplayer by default? By default, firefox opens totem, which does nothing | 09:07 |
bsdfox | lunari, misconfigured xorg.conf then | 09:07 |
kapputu | what's the package name for Xfce? | 09:07 |
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Koobi | ah, i tried to get it on GRUB the other day...had a few problems but managed to fix it but now it seems to have issues mounting root :/ | 09:07 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, cedega has awful performance | 09:07 |
=== fbtab [n=hiren@c4-100-2.rba.dial-up.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapputu | also how do I add extra repositories? I'm using Breezy | 09:07 |
lunari | bsdfox: Okay, let me install breezy again | 09:07 |
fbtab | hi all | 09:07 |
_jason | _davexus_: mplayer plug-in with w32codecs | 09:07 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: I find it works just dandy for the few games I've played on it... and it beats installing windows. :) | 09:07 |
=== Al-Daja cya all | ||
_jason | ubotu: tell _davexus_ about mplayer | 09:07 |
_jason | ubotu: tell _davexus_ about w32codecs | 09:07 |
bsdfox | like.. I've set it up on my gentoo/a64 3200+ (@2.5ghz)/2gbram/gf6800 system and I get like 10-30fps in CS:S | 09:07 |
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fbtab | anyone using user mode linux on ubuntu being the host OS ? | 09:07 |
=== Al-Daja-aWay est Ausente, Razo: ( out of order ) | Desde: ( Tuesday, March 21, 2006. 12:51:09 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
_davexus_ | 've already instamplayer installed | 09:07 |
_davexus_ | I already have mplayer installed | 09:08 |
_davexus_ | and w32 codecs | 09:08 |
_jason | _davexus_: how about the plugin? | 09:08 |
_davexus_ | also installed | 09:08 |
_jason | _davexus_: so what is playing quicktime now? | 09:08 |
=== Journich [n=journich@219-90-187-208.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | metalhedd, but yeah a 6200 will be a huge upgrade over that old card | 09:08 |
pauldaoust | _davexus_: do you have mplayerplug-in installed? | 09:08 |
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_davexus_ | but by default, firefox opens totem | 09:08 |
_davexus_ | yes | 09:08 |
pauldaoust | hm | 09:08 |
Koobi | totem is evil :/ | 09:08 |
=== Gnumannen [n=Gnumanne@c83-250-204-173.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bon_ | can anyone help with my tvcaaard problem http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:08 |
_jason | ubotu: tell _davexus_ about replacetotem | 09:08 |
newcomplexlife | hello, i have a problem with dapper | 09:08 |
corto_maltese | problem with CUPS: error message: "Connection to CUPS server failed" someone can help me, please? | 09:08 |
_davexus_ | yes, totem is crap :/ | 09:08 |
bsdfox | lunari, does the livecd boot on it? | 09:09 |
newcomplexlife | my normal user is freeze when i write my login | 09:09 |
lunari | bsdfox: I haven't tried, let me download it real quick | 09:09 |
graft | corto_maltese: um... is your cups server running? | 09:09 |
pauldaoust | corto_maltese: is the CUPS server running on a different computer? | 09:09 |
bon_ | can anyone help with my tvcaaard problem http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:09 |
corto_maltese | yes I cheked it | 09:09 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: that's all that really matter, I'm not too concerned with bleeding edge games, but it'd be nice to be able to play something newer than black and white (which runs like a dream under cedega on my hardware) the tv-out on my card is also garbage, has nvidia made improvements in that area since then? | 09:09 |
corto_maltese | no I have only one PC connected to 1 printer | 09:09 |
newcomplexlife | http://www.ubuntu-es.org/node/15025 this is my problem | 09:09 |
graft | corto_maltese: when you goto localhost:631 what do you get? | 09:09 |
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graft | err http://localhost:631 | 09:10 |
Absenth | what's the package name for the kernel headers? | 09:10 |
lunari | bsdfox: I just wish the mirrors were faster lol | 09:10 |
newcomplexlife | http://www.ubuntu-es.org/node/15025 | 09:10 |
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newcomplexlife | http://www.ubuntu-es.org/node/15025 | 09:10 |
corto_maltese | I can't access but the deamon is running | 09:10 |
lunari | bsdfox: only getting about 615KB/sec lol | 09:10 |
GTroy | hey guys how do I unmute the sound? | 09:10 |
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[TechGuy] | alsamixer | 09:11 |
bsdfox | haha shit | 09:11 |
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bsdfox | what kinda connection do you have | 09:11 |
pauldaoust | sooooo... am I to guess that NOBODY else has their X session get killed (like when you press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace) when they press Shift-Enter? nobody? that is so weird. It started happening after I installed XGL and Compiz, and I'm sure other people have installed those... | 09:11 |
lunari | bsdfox: lol 10mb/1mb cable ;) ;) ;) | 09:11 |
=== pizzadude [i=pizzadud@68-189-48-77.dhcp.rdng.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
GTroy | TechGuy: just use alsamixer?> | 09:11 |
pauldaoust | oh no, ubuntu left the room. What shall we do now? | 09:11 |
Koobi | Absenth: something along the lines of linux-headers-'uname r' if im not mistaken | 09:11 |
bsdfox | nice | 09:11 |
graft | pauldaoust: for Xgl shift-backspace kills X | 09:11 |
[TechGuy] | GTroy: Usually | 09:12 |
=== Jonnings [n=Jonnings@dsl-hh-109-157.du.vortex.is] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunari | :) | 09:12 |
bon_ | HELP http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:12 |
pauldaoust | graft: hm, I wonder how it got remapped to shift-enter without my touching it? | 09:12 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, yeah tv-out works relatively well | 09:12 |
[TechGuy] | (I'm doing this from memory, honestly... I only deal in command-line servers, really) | 09:12 |
mor | hi I am a girl that have used ubuntu in a month now, but now there is something wrong with my panel :( all the programs disapear when I miminise them :( can anyone help? | 09:12 |
bon_ | HELP tvcaard problems http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:12 |
graft | pauldaoust: shift-backspace does what? | 09:12 |
pauldaoust | graft: oh sorry... you're right; it's not shift-Enter; it's shift-backspace. | 09:12 |
bsdfox | the quality isn't perfect but it's definately usable, and much better than the tv-out on your card | 09:12 |
pauldaoust | graft: that's where I'm having problems. | 09:12 |
graft | corto_maltese: http://localhost:631 gets you nothing? | 09:12 |
pauldaoust | am I the only one who doesn't think that's an idiotic keybinding? | 09:13 |
corto_maltese | nothing | 09:13 |
graft | pauldaoust: no | 09:13 |
pauldaoust | graft: off-hand, do you know where Xgl stores its keybindings? | 09:13 |
graft | erm... i read how to fix this at one point hold on... | 09:13 |
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metalhedd | bsdfox: also, is it possible to use the tv-out and the vga-out simultaneously to run 2 separate desktops? | 09:13 |
=== mor is now known as Mengine | ||
Mengine | hi I am a girl that have used ubuntu in a month now, but now there is something wrong with my panel :( all the programs disapear when I miminise them :( can anyone help? | 09:13 |
pauldaoust | whoa, I put in two negatives there. I meant to say "am I the only one who DOES think it's a stupid keybinding" | 09:13 |
richard | anyone can help me to install lexmark z617? | 09:13 |
ryanpg | hi all... is there any way to open a pdf, fill in forms and save the pdf with the data in the forms on linux? | 09:13 |
metalhedd | I havent ever looked into xinerama or any of the other such things. | 09:13 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: your taskbar applet might have gone; I've had that problem before. | 09:14 |
=== Kirsch [n=adamk@rrcs-24-213-161-133.nyc.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | metalhedd: yeah it's called xinerama | 09:14 |
Naail | whats the diff between i386 and i686 anyone? | 09:14 |
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bsdfox | metalhedd: I think it might only work with the nvidia binary driver | 09:14 |
bon_ | i cant boot when i have the rf cable pluged into my tvcard -sky tv http://pastebin.com/614860 | 09:14 |
[TechGuy] | Naail: Optimizations | 09:14 |
bsdfox | but.. if you want to game under linux you're gonna be getting an nvidia anyways | 09:14 |
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metalhedd | bsdfox: yeah I wouldn't bother using the free driver anywy :) i'm going to give it a try with my current card. is it difficult to set up? | 09:15 |
Hexidigital | i cant wait until Civ 4 is runnable under Linux... i will ditch windows completely | 09:15 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: If you right-click on the big empty space where the minimised applications should be, and click on 'Add to panel', you'll be able to put it back there. | 09:15 |
Naail | Techguy what would an amd 3000+ be? i686? | 09:15 |
[TechGuy] | ya | 09:15 |
Mengine | pauldaoust: I know but I dont know what to put back :( | 09:15 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, the binary driver? no it's very easy | 09:15 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: wait wait. Did you ever get a message that said 'wnck-applet has closed unexpectedly; do you want to restart it'? | 09:15 |
corto_maltese | graft, I restart CUPS to be sure it's running | 09:15 |
Naail | cheers ;) | 09:15 |
graft | pauldaoust: um... apparently you can just fix it with xmodmap | 09:15 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: no i meant xinerama. I already have the binary driver installed | 09:15 |
pauldaoust | graft: thanks kindly! | 09:15 |
=== noob [n=noob@81-208-106-74.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mengine | pauldaoust: I havent but maybe my mom have :( | 09:16 |
bsdfox | metalhedd: oh.. I think it's just an option in xorg.conf | 09:16 |
ryanblack | Hexidigital: I can't wait till direct X works fully under *nix somehow.. but in that case I'll just use an OS X port | 09:16 |
bsdfox | just do a google search for xinerama and xorg | 09:16 |
=== michael [n=michael@d212-152-7-218.cust.tele2.ch] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalhedd | bsdfox: cool. I'll give it a shot. it'd be nice to watch videos on the TV and still have my desktop to work on | 09:16 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: ha ha! okay, what's in the left corner of your bottom panel? is there any icon there at all? | 09:16 |
neoxan | re :) | 09:16 |
metalhedd | even though my monitor is bigger than my tv. :) | 09:16 |
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bsdfox | :P | 09:17 |
Hexidigital | ryanblack... my printer drivers and civ are the only reason i have win installed... otherwise, the configurations i set (so far) have not failed | 09:17 |
=== Rodom [n=Rondom@mrbg-d9b94b2d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mengine | pauldaoust: yes I have putted the gnome icon there the main menu if you understand | 09:17 |
bsdfox | stuff looks better on tv | 09:17 |
bsdfox | Hexidigital: freeciv! | 09:17 |
ryanblack | Hexidigital: do you play any games that require direct x? | 09:17 |
[TechGuy] | bsdfox: More like you notice how crappy a TV signal is on a monitor. ;) | 09:17 |
Hexidigital | ryanblack, civ does | 09:17 |
michael | does aireplay work with atheros cards on this distro? | 09:17 |
=== GTroy [n=galen@207-109-184-188.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalhedd | bsdfox: yeah if it works well I'll bring my livinroom tv in here, its got svidio-in | 09:17 |
ryanblack | bsdfox: freeciv leaves a little to be desired | 09:17 |
Hexidigital | bsdfox, freeciv isn't the same as civ 4 :) | 09:17 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: and its much bigger. | 09:17 |
Koobi | i need metalheads address so i can rob his house | 09:17 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: okay. Now, to the right of the main menu, do you see any sort of gripping handle? If the taskbar really has been moved, the gripping handle will be gone. | 09:17 |
=== CoffeeBreaks [n=jerome@host-81-191-122-9.bluecom.no] has joined #ubuntu | ||
ryanblack | Hexidigital: you'll be waiting for quite a while for direct x support me thinks | 09:18 |
bsdfox | haha | 09:18 |
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michael | does aireplay work with atheros cards on this distro? | 09:18 |
metalhedd | Koobi: for what? I'm pretty much a poverty case. | 09:18 |
=== zegnus [n=zegnus-u@85-50-7-241.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Elektrochelovek | hey, how i can generate pdf's? when i want to print from gnome pdf reader i can see "create a pdf document" as a printer. But when i try to use it I get generatins is unsuported;// Ubuntu dapper drake. flight 5 | 09:18 |
bsdfox | the future is DX10 which is completely different | 09:18 |
Hexidigital | ryanblack, i'm able to get the game to install with wine, but it just dosent run.... so i do have some hope out there :) | 09:18 |
Astinus- | is there non-destructive ntfs partition resize in ubuntu installer? | 09:18 |
Elektrochelovek | do i need som package? | 09:18 |
Koobi | metalhead, how wide is your monitor? | 09:18 |
ryanblack | I am an OS X guy myself and use ubuntu and kubuntu for server stuff | 09:18 |
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metalhedd | Koobi: its a standard 19" crt. | 09:18 |
Mengine | pauldaoust: hmm the thing that you can scroll away the bottom menu? | 09:19 |
Koobi | still bigger than mine :( | 09:19 |
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ryanblack | does wine handle direct x? | 09:19 |
=== Martin [n=Martin@80-52.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | my monitor is a 14" lcd | 09:19 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: hmmm, I'm not sure. what do you mean by scroll? | 09:19 |
metalhedd | Koobi: its the only decent part of my computer. | 09:19 |
bsdfox | built into a laptop | 09:19 |
Hexidigital | ryanblack, no it dosent | 09:19 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: oh I know what you mean! No, not that thing. | 09:19 |
=== NeverDream [n=guv@cpe-071-068-072-195.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
lunari | 20.1" widescreen lcd :D | 09:19 |
Mengine | pauldaoust: If I press on it the thing disapear :P | 09:19 |
[TechGuy] | ryanblack: Cedega I think does. Mainstream WINE, no | 09:19 |
=== oxigen [n=zen@BSN-77-153-202.dsl.siol.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Mengine | now there is nothing else just the clock :P | 09:19 |
ryanblack | Hexidigital: then I can't change to *nix.. | 09:19 |
Koobi | metalhead, i'm crap at h/w so i probably couldnt tell you if my system was a good one or a bad one hehe | 09:19 |
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=== Coffee_Runner [n=Coffee_R@adsl-71-146-124-26.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
kapputu | Is there a Ubuntu guide website for Breezy? | 09:19 |
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Mengine | pauldaoust: now there is nothing else just the clock :P | 09:19 |
ryanblack | I have a mac mini solo with xp on it aside x | 09:19 |
=== TerrapinM [n=Terrapin@c-69-243-117-46.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Coffee_Runner | any1 know why some of my wmv files will run fine...but others the audio just wont work? I have all the codecs and like...4 players...they all produce the same results | 09:20 |
ryanblack | that's what I am going to do | 09:20 |
bsdfox | ryanblack, *nix will always lag windows by a few years in directx | 09:20 |
Koobi | kapputu: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu <---guide for breezy | 09:20 |
ryanblack | when a desktop mac comes out with intel.... I am going to load win xp pro for games on a partition. | 09:20 |
oxigen | when will be released Flight 5 (not alpha)? | 09:20 |
ryanblack | and use os x for everything else | 09:20 |
Koobi | hope there are no typo's there. had to type it out | 09:20 |
=== jgerace [n=justin@pool-71-245-80-203.syrcny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spr0ckit | Coffee_Runner, did you try Automatix? | 09:21 |
metalhedd | oxigen: flight 5 is an alpha release.. the official Dapper drake release is supposed to be april20 i think | 09:21 |
graft | Koobi, paste still not working? | 09:21 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: okay, right-click anywhere in the blank space on that panel, and go 'Add to panel'. Look for 'Window List', and double-click on it. | 09:21 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, they delayed it to june 1st | 09:21 |
Coffee_Runner | o.o ummmm....wha? | 09:21 |
oxigen | metalhedd, thank you! | 09:21 |
Spr0ckit | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=138405&highlight=automatix | 09:21 |
OmniColos | when I get my intel mac I'm gonna install windows on it just to erase and write over it with ubuntu :D | 09:21 |
NeverDream | automatix is genius | 09:21 |
boabsta | kapputu, you could also try http://help.ubuntu.com/ | 09:21 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: good! i wasn't too impressed with the installation.. | 09:21 |
Koobi | greaft: well i didnt shift to irssi yet. it says i should read the manual fist but i dont feel like it now so i will probably try it tomorrow :) | 09:21 |
boabsta | has anyone installed truecrypt? | 09:22 |
graft | Koobi: nah, no need to read any manual... it's ridiculously easy | 09:22 |
graft | as long as you know basic IRC commands | 09:22 |
Spr0ckit | it's got all that illegal codecs in the US nonsense, so it's up to your moral code. | 09:22 |
Mengine | pauldaoust: omg haha I dint know you could scroll that window!! :D | 09:22 |
pauldaoust | Mengine. Now you'll have a taskbar, but it'll be in the wrong spot. So grab the gripping handle on the left side of the new taskbar, drag it to the left, as far as you want it to go (because you said you have something over in the left already). | 09:22 |
gleesond | ok so I can't change the setting for my display to be higher than 1024x768, but my card and monitor. support higher than that, also my /etc/X11/xorg.conf seems to be set to allow more than that as well | 09:22 |
bsdfox | oxigen, flight5 works alright.. there are definately bugs to fix but other than a few nautilus crashes and some weird graphics stuff I'm impressed. gnome 2.14 is fast! | 09:22 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: heh heh. | 09:22 |
Mengine | pauldaoust: thanks alot it is fixed :P | 09:22 |
=== nickrud [n=aias@ppp-70-251-24-40.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
OmniColos | hopefully asus will be making these intel books when I'm loking to buy one | 09:22 |
=== Koobi takes the plunge :) | ||
gleesond | how can I change this | 09:22 |
pauldaoust | Mengine: good to hear. | 09:22 |
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | Koobi: the only thing you need to know is ALT-1, ALT-2 to switch windows, etc. | 09:23 |
oxigen | bsdfox, i have problems with installation... | 09:23 |
bsdfox | gleesond, what's it say down at the bottom of xorg.conf under the screens section | 09:23 |
Koobi | good to know, thanks :) | 09:23 |
pauldaoust | gleesond: maybe the scan frequencies are set wrong in xorg.conf. If that's the case, xorg.conf will see the problem, and disallow those resolutions. Do you have a TFT panel? | 09:23 |
bsdfox | oxigen, oh.. I installed breezy and upgraded it | 09:23 |
=== Griver [n=Griver@81-231-250-204-no52.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
boabsta | gleesond, check what the default colour depth is and make sure the display modes are correct for that display depth in xorg.conf | 09:23 |
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CoffeeBreaks | I am searching for documentation/HowTo/tools to help centralize the administration of several ubuntu desktops in a Windows environment. Is this the right place to ask for these kind of questions? | 09:23 |
boabsta | has anyone installed truecrypt? | 09:23 |
oxigen | bsdfox, what you just replaced repositories? | 09:24 |
pauldaoust | boabsta: never heard o' it | 09:24 |
bsdfox | wtf does that even mean | 09:24 |
=== timon [n=timon@31.varbergkabel-net03b.varberg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | oxigen, yeah | 09:24 |
bsdfox | and ran apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:24 |
=== RichardP [i=richard@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/RichardP] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Spr0ckit | CoffeeBreaks, did you look at using ssh? | 09:24 |
gleesond | bsdfox: default screen | 09:24 |
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OmniColos | btw, has anyone been successful with ubuntu on an intel based mac? | 09:24 |
NeverDream | automatix should come with ubuntu | 09:24 |
bsdfox | it worked well, although it left me with HAL and dbus uninstalled which kinda fked things | 09:24 |
bsdfox | gleesond, what about resolutions | 09:24 |
Koobi | graft: /connect irc.freenode.net seems to time out eventually | 09:24 |
oxigen | bsdfox, hmm, good idea, where are new reposetories? | 09:25 |
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metalhedd | my problem with the isntallation was that I have onboard video as well as an agp card and I can't disable the onboard in the bios, after the install the system wouldn't start x because it was trying to use the onboard video. you'd think it should be bale to tell which is the correct card, after all it IS outputting the console to that same device, why not X? silly... | 09:25 |
[TechGuy] | Can't LILO install to a multidisk device (e.g. md0), which is RAID1? | 09:25 |
graft | Koobi: /server irc.freenode.net | 09:25 |
Koobi | ah | 09:25 |
NeverDream | /server irc.freenode.net | 09:25 |
=== erez [n=erez@89-138-13-112.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu | ||
corto_maltese | graft, now from firefox i success in opening localhost:631 | 09:25 |
bsdfox | oxigen: just replace 'breezy' with 'dapper' in /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:25 |
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graft | corto_maltese: cool, then your cups server should be okay... if the printer is listed with the correct driver, try and print a test page | 09:25 |
oxigen | bsdfox, oh, that's easy :) | 09:25 |
CoffeeBreaks | Spr0ckit: that would be my first option, yes. I was wondering if there was more higher level tools. I can ssh, but I am trying to set something in place for people who don't need to go to that level of details :) | 09:25 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, most northbridges will disable video if there is an AGP card | 09:25 |
Koobi | brb | 09:26 |
richard | how can i install a usb printer? | 09:26 |
gleesond | bsdfox: its got a bunch of different settings the one I would like is 24 "1280x1024" | 09:26 |
bsdfox | gleesond, "1280x1024" is listed under depth 24 and the defaultdepth is 24? | 09:26 |
Spr0ckit | what's the skill leverl of the person using the tool(s) and what kinda things do they need to do? | 09:26 |
gleesond | bsdfox: ye[ | 09:26 |
gleesond | yep | 09:26 |
pestilence | anyone know how to reset the collection database in amarok properly? | 09:26 |
bsdfox | either your videocard or monitor section is screwed up | 09:27 |
lunari | bsdfox: the download of the livecd is almost done | 09:27 |
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bsdfox | lunari, bastard.. | 09:27 |
=== NeverDream wonders why ubuntu is missing xorgconfig | ||
JackHanna | hey guys | 09:27 |
lunari | bsdfox: at 84% | 09:27 |
Spr0ckit | bash scripts with ssh allows one user to do anything, and if you set 'em with the right permissions, you can assure that's all they do. | 09:27 |
=== Cooner750 [n=Cooner75@cpe-65-27-209-24.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cooner750 | Do Windows .ttf fonts work with Ubuntu> | 09:27 |
Cooner750 | ? | 09:27 |
Spr0ckit | but there's like webmin, but that may let the user(s) do too much. | 09:28 |
Cooner750 | If so, how to install | 09:28 |
NeverDream | Cooner750, yes | 09:28 |
corto_maltese | graft, i have to install the printer | 09:28 |
JackHanna | anyone know if there's a how to on getting video drivers working with ATI IGP intigrated video? | 09:28 |
pestilence | Coffee_Runner, apt-get install msttcorefonts | 09:28 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, you CAN specify the device bus address in xorg.conf too | 09:28 |
pestilence | ack | 09:28 |
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Cooner750 | Where do I put them | 09:28 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: my motherboard is a giant piece of crap. stupid SIS chipset to. | 09:28 |
Mabus06 | Spr0ckit: are you good with bash? Would you be able to take a look at my script and tell me what is wrong? It's only 9 lines long. | 09:28 |
pestilence | Cooner750, apt-get install msttcorefonts | 09:28 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: Yeah I know, I got it working, but the installer should do its best tro always start x properly the first time. a noobie wouldn't appreciate being dropped at a console | 09:28 |
graft | Cooner750: stick them in /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ | 09:28 |
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Spr0ckit | do you have it posted online? I'm not one for dcc'ing scripts from others/ | 09:28 |
Mabus06 | http://cpp.sourceforge.net/?show=13906 | 09:29 |
Cooner750 | I found this is a good place for a lot of fonts, including standard windows fonts like Century Gothic http://www.webpagepublicity.com/free-fonts.html | 09:29 |
Mabus06 | lol, fair enough | 09:29 |
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bsdfox | oh, yeah definately | 09:29 |
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metalhedd | bsdfox: maybe i'll file a bug-report? | 09:30 |
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=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | this is definitely off-topic, but anyone have recommendations for a nice cheap portable laptop? | 09:30 |
bsdfox | but as I said.. normally the northbridge disables the onboard when it sees a card filling the AGP slot. and it should if it finds a pci video card, but I wouldn;t count on it. | 09:30 |
graveson | which combination of hardware and software can i use on ubuntu breezy to copy audio tapes to cd ? | 09:31 |
lunari | bsdfox: sometimes you have to disable the IGP graphics from within the bios | 09:31 |
FliesLikeALap | what are the usual device names for bluetooth devices? | 09:31 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, yeah I guess that'd be a bug in ubuntu. but I've only been using ubuntu for 2 weeks so I'm not the guy to ask | 09:31 |
=== didymo [n=ashley@CPE-61-9-197-223.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
metalhedd | bsdfox: what distro did you come from? | 09:31 |
bsdfox | freebsd/gentoo | 09:31 |
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graft | graveson: get audacity or something and use that to record from your line-in to .wav or whatever | 09:31 |
graft | then burn the wavs to CD | 09:31 |
bsdfox | the hd in my laptop died and I decided to give ubuntu a shot, since everyone talks about it so much | 09:32 |
graft | with k3b etc. | 09:32 |
bsdfox | it's not bad | 09:32 |
=== ekimus [n=ekimus@pluto.htu.tuwien.ac.at] has joined #ubuntu | ||
uzume | does anybody knows what is Sun-RPC portmap ? | 09:32 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: i'm in the same boat, came from gentoo, not I've tried freebsd before too... I loved gentoo, just got sick of waiting for compiling... i'm still getting used to the debian ways | 09:32 |
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bsdfox | yeah.. I got sick of compiling stuff on my laptop | 09:33 |
bsdfox | kills the battery | 09:33 |
bsdfox | still running gentoo on my desktop and freebsd for servers though | 09:33 |
[TechGuy] | metalhedd: I used Debian for years before FreeBSD. Switched to BSD because Debian got way behind on specific packages I needed (even direct from the maintainer), and FreeBSD was beating Linux in benchmarks at the time | 09:33 |
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[TechGuy] | Now I dunno in benchmarks, getting tired of compiling, and I know LVM *way* better than Vinum | 09:33 |
=== zorin- [n=zorin@host81-158-235-101.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graveson | do i just need my audio player to have an outlet (AV) to the line in of my pc ? | 09:34 |
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graft | graveson: it has a headphone jack, yah? | 09:34 |
=== freebse [n=freebse@p548328FC.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | vinum is old school | 09:34 |
Cooner750 | I put the Century Gothic font in /usr/share/fonts/truetype (had to chmod 777 first), but yet the font still wont display in Firefox on my homepage, which uses Century Gothic as the main front.. | 09:35 |
[TechGuy] | vinum, gvinum, geom, $insert_name | 09:35 |
Cooner750 | font* | 09:35 |
=== eugman [n=eugene@c-67-171-89-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
bsdfox | 5.x and 6.x have like raidstack or something weird | 09:35 |
graveson | graft :yep | 09:35 |
MisterN | Cooner750: try ~/.fonts/ | 09:35 |
Howitzer | Does an expert-install give you the option to choose the services and packages to install? | 09:35 |
graft | Cooner750: that's REALLY bad web-page design, first of all | 09:35 |
juztin | hi all...i'm looking for a good ubuntu-friendly media player that has something like winamp's media library...any suggestions? | 09:35 |
bsdfox | juztin, amarok? | 09:36 |
eugman | Hey I accidentally change the init screen from the default to the kubuntu one. Will there be any problems loading up if I uninstall kubuntu desktop? | 09:36 |
juztin | bsdfox, thanks :) | 09:36 |
graft | graveson: so then just get a dual-headed 1/8" phono line and plug it in to your PC and the headphone jack of the tape player | 09:36 |
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[TechGuy] | whoa... okay this is weird. Breezy's installer refused to install /boot on my RAID1 partition, like it never even mounted it | 09:36 |
=== AMDXP [n=bardock@user-0vvd9jf.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Cooner750 | I know. The font used to be Arial and it decided not to work for some reason and century gothic was my last resort, since I know Macs and Windows both have the font installed by default | 09:36 |
metalhedd | [TechGuy] : I once tried debian back in the days when I knew nothing about linux, I'd install a distro and run it for a few days until I ran into something I couldn't figure out, then go back to windows... gentoo was the first distro to teach me enough that I never had to go back | 09:37 |
graft | Cooner750: just say 'sans-serif'...? | 09:37 |
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[TechGuy] | metalhedd: Then it did its job, I guess. | 09:37 |
S|ipKnoT | testing dab | 09:37 |
graveson | graft: sorry for my ignorance but what is a "dual-headed 1/8" phono line" | 09:37 |
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[TechGuy] | now that you know... heh. ;) | 09:37 |
metalhedd | I still think everyone who wants to really learn how things work should install gentoo once | 09:37 |
=== Cooner750 Installs NVU. Anyone know of a FTP client for Ubuntu? | ||
=== p01n7_ [n=p01n7@stjhnbsu83w-156034197024.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
S|ipKnoT | sugeng enjing sedoyo mawon | 09:37 |
gleesond | so I tried to sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 09:37 |
bsdfox | gentoo was the first distro I could use productively as a desktop too | 09:37 |
bsdfox | emerge is pretty badass. | 09:38 |
gleesond | but it still won't load at the higher frequencie and resolution | 09:38 |
graft | graveson: 1/8" phono is the standard headphone plug size that fits into computers, etc. | 09:38 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: I agree... everything I know I learned from gentoo. | 09:38 |
=== willem [n=willem@bbned39-210-100.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | graveson: dual headed just means it has a plug on both ends | 09:38 |
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metalhedd | thats why i'm a little confused with the way debian does things | 09:38 |
[TechGuy] | I've never been able to be productive on Linux as a desktop. Between drivers, various niggling things here and there, etc | 09:38 |
bsdfox | but I'm liking ubuntu a bit, probably shouldn't have upgraded to dapper already cause I've got weird bugs but whatever :) | 09:38 |
=== timon [n=timon@31.varbergkabel-net03b.varberg.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | graveson: your local radio shack oughta have one... but make sure it's stereo and not mono | 09:38 |
[TechGuy] | metalhedd: It all makes sense, in its own way. You get used to it | 09:39 |
bsdfox | [TechGuy] , as long as you're not trying to play windows games it's easy :P | 09:39 |
corto_maltese | second problem: I have a printer connected to a USB prot trough an adapter USB to parallel, what to type on "Device" when I try to install it? | 09:39 |
corto_maltese | tnx | 09:39 |
graveson | graft: okay thanx | 09:39 |
Cooner750 | Got gFTP | 09:39 |
metalhedd | [TechGuy] : its mostly the init script stuff.. gentoo was so easy. rc-update add whatever yourrunlevel i haven't figured out how to do that on debian. | 09:39 |
[TechGuy] | bsdfox: What? Linux as a desktop? *shrug* | 09:39 |
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[TechGuy] | metalhedd: Symlinks | 09:40 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, I got sysv-rc-update | 09:40 |
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metalhedd | bsdfox: whats that? | 09:40 |
[TechGuy] | metalhedd: Thus, Debian is backwards. It's forcing you to do it the Real Way [tm] . Gentoo is now the one that's hiding stuff from you | 09:40 |
bsdfox | it works alright, but rc-update is king really | 09:40 |
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IamEthos | hey | 09:40 |
bsdfox | metalhedd, little CLI tool to show you what run levels are booting what services and let you change them | 09:41 |
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metalhedd | bsdfox: I want it. :) | 09:41 |
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bsdfox | metalhedd, my bad.. it's called sysv-rc-conf | 09:41 |
metalhedd | bsdfox: thanks. | 09:41 |
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metalhedd | i'm out now... the g/f is making me dinner soon! woohoo. | 09:41 |
BIGbird1040 | anyone here using x64 ubuntu? | 09:41 |
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bsdfox | lucky bastard. I;m rocking the $5 pizza | 09:42 |
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metalhedd | bsdfox: first time she's cooked for me, its usually vice-verse... we'll see if I really am lucky in a few hours :) | 09:42 |
alteroo | how do I diasble some of the process that startup.. like bluetooth. which i dont use right now? | 09:42 |
lunari | bsdfox: Okay, after booting the live cd and making all the way through the splash screen where it tells you what it's doing and such.. when it goes to start up x the screen goes blank with just a _ in the upper left hand corner | 09:43 |
pestilence | alteroo, update-rc.d (see man page) | 09:43 |
selinium | is there a 'super' kill command? I am trying to kill a grep that will not stop.. | 09:43 |
graft | selinium: kill -9 | 09:43 |
metalhedd | selinium: kill -9 | 09:43 |
selinium | Cheers peeps! :) | 09:43 |
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Madeye | guys, I'm looking for a good backup system that can connect over network to other PCs (windows, linux, apple) and back them up, any recommendation ? | 09:43 |
=== carve [n=carver@port0002-abm-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
graft | man the day i discovered pkill -f i was so happy | 09:43 |
jenda | I need help with locales. http://pastebin.com/614875 | 09:44 |
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scharnagl | hi, i have ubuntu 5.3 on my harddrive, i also have a windows pc with a minolta printer connected and some folders are connectable through the network. i can read/write the folder, with smblient it shows me that a printer is free in the network | 09:44 |
alteroo | carve: hey roncey! | 09:44 |
lunari | Any ideas bsdfox? | 09:44 |
lunari | :) | 09:44 |
carve | greetings | 09:44 |
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jenda | And, for the locales - I have Breezy in English | 09:44 |
IamEthos | my hard drive partition has the owner set as root | 09:44 |
scharnagl | i tried to install it manually with the gui for printers | 09:45 |
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IamEthos | and as such I cannot write to it | 09:45 |
scharnagl | but it has not worked yet ;( | 09:45 |
IamEthos | can anyone tell me how I can change that? | 09:45 |
carve | hey how do i edit my proccesses that upload when i start ubuntu | 09:45 |
Cooner750 | When I insert my CF card into my CompactFlash slot on my computer (Pavilion a720n) it does not do anything | 09:45 |
[TechGuy] | Crud... I forget what package name it is... there is/was a package in Debian that cleaned out all installed locales except for the ones you mark as installed | 09:45 |
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Cooner750 | when I double-click the drive it says "Opening Compactflash..." | 09:45 |
Cooner750 | with a Cancel button | 09:45 |
IamEthos | I think I'm just going to format it and start over | 09:45 |
Cooner750 | what do I do? | 09:45 |
IamEthos | reinstall and everything | 09:45 |
IamEthos | hopefully I can fix it that way | 09:45 |
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scharnagl | any ideas on how to get the minolate 1300W printer to work on the network? | 09:46 |
alteroo | carve: hmm | 09:46 |
alteroo | carve: hmm | 09:46 |
Cooner750 | When I try to mount the volume it says "Error: could not lock the mount directory. Another pmount is probably running for this mount point." | 09:46 |
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[TechGuy] | automounter? | 09:47 |
jenda | I need help with locales please - it won't let me use subversion and god knows what else. http://pastebin.com/614875 It's a fresh English install. | 09:47 |
Cooner750 | I havent installed anything related to mounting | 09:47 |
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Cooner750 | Is there a command I can run to get it to read my card? | 09:47 |
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scharnagl | please!!! | 09:48 |
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alteroo | carve: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Speed_up_boot <-- try that | 09:49 |
jenda | I need help with locales please - it won't let me use subversion and god knows what else. http://pastebin.com/614875 It's a fresh English install. | 09:49 |
jenda | (sorry) | 09:50 |
carve | alteroo thanks | 09:50 |
tapox | Hey all, I recently dist-upgraded to Dapper, and now it's giving me errors about PCMCIA on boot. But I'm running a desktop, any way to remove PCMCIA support? | 09:50 |
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crimsun | !info pcmciautils dapper | 09:51 |
ubotu | pcmciautils: (PCMCIA utilities for Linux 2.6), section admin, is important. Version: 012-1ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 27 kB, Installed size: 148 kB | 09:51 |
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tapox | So I can safely remove it? | 09:51 |
asterX_ba | hello guys | 09:51 |
crimsun | tapox: and pcmcia-cs | 09:52 |
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gary | kingspawn, I got ubuntu installed :D | 09:52 |
asterX_ba | how may I play a movie which is made with the Windows Media Codec 9?? | 09:52 |
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gary | asterX_ba: I find totem to be very good, also mplayer plays near enoguh everything | 09:52 |
asterX_ba | VLC doesn't work very good | 09:52 |
asterX_ba | or better | 09:52 |
asterX_ba | it is fantastic | 09:53 |
gary | Anyone here used mencoder before? | 09:53 |
tapox | crimsun, ty. | 09:53 |
asterX_ba | but... it doesn't play WMV coded with the latest version | 09:53 |
asterX_ba | 9 | 09:53 |
Cooner750 | Why does Ubuntu show a ? mark over Mp3s when I mouseover them? They open and play fine | 09:53 |
asterX_ba | it plays the audio only | 09:53 |
gary | sounds like a codec problem | 09:53 |
asterX_ba | but it works fantastic with Windows | 09:54 |
asterX_ba | I had the same problem in Windows | 09:54 |
asterX_ba | it didn't play the video track | 09:54 |
carve | Hey guys, how do i get plug ins for the beep media player ? | 09:54 |
asterX_ba | I needed to install the WMV 9.0 codec | 09:54 |
gary | still sounds like a codec problem | 09:54 |
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gary | I would guess you need the codecs | 09:54 |
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S|ipKnoT | how can i upgrade my ubuntu but not by online way or offline network connection | 09:55 |
asterX_ba | w32codecs? | 09:55 |
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jehnx | Is this the place where I can ask some questions, or is there another chan for that? | 09:55 |
iceburgh | can anyone tell me how to install an rpm or convert it to a deb? | 09:55 |
IamEthos | okay, I'm creating a partition on my windows system drive for ubuntu | 09:55 |
jehnx | iceburgh: I'll PM you instructions, initiate a pm session with me. | 09:55 |
IamEthos | do I create it as primary or logical? | 09:55 |
kingspawn | gary: great :) | 09:55 |
nickrud | iceburgh, use the package alien ; are you sure there isn't a deb already available? | 09:55 |
IamEthos | keep in mind, I really, really don't want to fuck up windows | 09:55 |
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graveson | trying to rip a cd with grip and keep on getting the error "invalid encoder executable" | 09:55 |
IamEthos | I'm using Partition Magic, btw | 09:55 |
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jayg | installed breezy few days ago, love it too bits, slight problem, no sound at all anywhere, have a audigy 4, anyone know how i can use it please :) | 09:56 |
S|ipKnoT | but before i have already download many tool that i need for upgrating my ubuntu | 09:56 |
S|ipKnoT | hallo? | 09:56 |
IamEthos | anyone? | 09:56 |
S|ipKnoT | anybody can help me? | 09:56 |
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S|ipKnoT | please | 09:56 |
IamEthos | do I create a logical or primary partition for Ubuntu to run along side my windows system partition (ntfs) | 09:57 |
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jayg | i created a primary, worked fine here, and im a newbie too lol | 09:57 |
jehnx | IamEthos: Primary. | 09:57 |
koobi | IamEthos, you can do that via the ubuntu installer | 09:57 |
metalhedd | k3b can't make audio cd's out of mp3's what package do I need? | 09:57 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell metalhedd about mp3 | 09:57 |
asterX_ba | does mplayer need to be compiled?? | 09:57 |
S|ipKnoT | anybody can help me? | 09:57 |
S|ipKnoT | hallo? | 09:57 |
IamEthos | koobi: I've heard that the ubuntu installer is sometimes problematic in resizing partitions | 09:57 |
IamEthos | and I really, really don't want to lose windows | 09:57 |
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jayg | gawd, i got multiple desktops too, sweet | 09:57 |
koobi | asterX_ba: you can apt-get it using the package name mplayer-nogui, you also have other options such as mpkayer-686 | 09:58 |
metalhedd | nalioth: I have mp3 support. amarok can play them. | 09:58 |
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koobi | IamEthos, i have experienced none of those problems. installed and partitions ubuntu+windows twice on this HDD | 09:58 |
IamEthos | what is the difference between primary and logical? | 09:58 |
asterX_ba | do I need other sources?? | 09:58 |
nalioth | metalhedd: if you go into k3b prefs, it'll tell you the pkgs you are missing | 09:58 |
pierro | i just installed bittornado. Any idea how to run it in ubuntu ? | 09:58 |
koobi | IamEthos: you had better backup in any case just to be safe | 09:58 |
koobi | asterX_ba: you might need the PLF (Penguin Liberation Front) | 09:59 |
koobi | let me get that for you | 09:59 |
jayg | can anyone point me in the right direction to fix the sound problem i have? | 09:59 |
jehnx | IamEthos: http://www.pcguide.com/ref/hdd/file/structPartitions-c.html | 09:59 |
asterX_ba | apt-cache search mplayer | 09:59 |
asterX_ba | mga-vid-source - Kernel driver for the back-end scaler on Matrox cards (source) | 09:59 |
IamEthos | okay | 10:00 |
IamEthos | second question | 10:00 |
metalhedd | nalioth: the only things I'm missing are normalize, emovix and some vcd things. | 10:00 |
koobi | asterX_ba: this is off my sources.list # Penguin Liberation Front (packages) | 10:00 |
koobi | deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free | 10:00 |
koobi | # Penguin Liberation Front (sources) | 10:00 |
koobi | deb-src ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free | 10:00 |
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IamEthos | I originally installed ubuntu to an external usb hard drive | 10:00 |
IamEthos | but I have given up trying to make that work | 10:00 |
[TechGuy] | Penguin... Liberation... Front... now there's a new one | 10:00 |
IamEthos | however, I already have Grub loaded on there | 10:00 |
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IamEthos | actually | 10:00 |
koobi | asterX_ba: add those to /etc/apt/sources.list and apt-get update and apt-cache search for the mplayer version you want | 10:00 |
IamEthos | not on there | 10:00 |
IamEthos | on the boot record on my main hard drive | 10:01 |
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IamEthos | so do I have to get rid of Grub? | 10:01 |
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jehnx | IamEthos: Why do you want to get rid of it? | 10:01 |
IamEthos | do I have to change something? | 10:01 |
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[TechGuy] | ah ha! Now I have an idea why aptitude looks screwed up. The console font is different in Ubuntu than Debian | 10:01 |
IamEthos | well, do I have to get rid of it before the new install? | 10:01 |
andrea_ | !mp3 | 10:01 |
ubotu | mp3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 10:01 |
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jehnx | No, it will just have a new list in there in grub. | 10:01 |
graveson | i am looking for the mp3encode package ,can anyone help me .all my repositories are enabled and still i cannot find it | 10:01 |
koobi | you can just edit /boot/grub/menu.lst | 10:01 |
IamEthos | so that having two version of ubuntu doesn't confuse it | 10:01 |
jehnx | Yeah, there's a list, but be sure to backup before you edit the file koobi just mentioned. | 10:01 |
shavvn | someone please help - a friend just installed breezy and it freezes right after log in, is there anything he can do? | 10:01 |
jehnx | shavvn: after "log in"? Does it say it's loading anything? | 10:02 |
koobi | oh...if you're reinstalling it, you have the option to overwrite it so dont worry aobut it IamEthos | 10:02 |
shavvn | jehnx, no, he signs in then just brown screen and nothing else | 10:02 |
jehnx | IamEthos: Grub is meant to manage those, so you can log into either version, or you can just re-do the whole thing at the new installation. | 10:02 |
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IamEthos | cool | 10:02 |
IamEthos | should I just format the partition with the old ubuntu install on it? | 10:03 |
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koobi | would anyone like to exchange lives with me for a day and take this boring art history mid-term for me tomorrow? | 10:03 |
jehnx | If you don't want it anymore, sure.. you can do that during the new isntallation, though. | 10:03 |
koobi | anyone? | 10:03 |
jayg | anyone know if breezy supports the audigy 4 card? | 10:03 |
Drac[Server] | Going offline temporarily to install a hub. | 10:03 |
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jayg | cos im having no end of probs with it | 10:03 |
jehnx | koobi: You take my managerial accounting and I'll take your art history. :) | 10:03 |
koobi | ok so i take back what i said :p | 10:03 |
Oetzi | hi | 10:03 |
jehnx | jayg: hehe | 10:03 |
jehnx | jayg: are you using kubuntu or ubuntu? | 10:03 |
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jayg | ubuntu, great stuff | 10:04 |
jehnx | do you have alsa installed? | 10:04 |
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Oetzi | do anyone know a good howto to compile an own kernel | 10:04 |
mirak | beagle is really crap | 10:04 |
jayg | well im not too sure, very new to linux, been a windows user for years | 10:04 |
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Oetzi | and to config and so on | 10:04 |
jehnx | jayg: Ok, go to a console, and type: sudo apt-get install alsa | 10:04 |
IamEthos | hmm | 10:04 |
edan | anyone knows wher i can get a nvidia icon? | 10:04 |
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shavvn | can someone tell me what LVM does? | 10:04 |
jehnx | edan: google image search | 10:04 |
jayg | ok let me have a look | 10:05 |
IamEthos | looks like I have a lot of defragmenting to sit t hrough before I'll be able to do anything anyway | 10:05 |
=== misterii [n=misteri@dsl-083-102-071-74.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #ubuntu | ||
eugman | If my loadup screen before gdm changed to kubuntu is there any danger in removing kubuntu desktop? | 10:05 |
edan | thnx | 10:05 |
misterii | aaaaaaarrrrrgggh!!!! | 10:05 |
NeverDream | is there a quickie way to install qt dev libs with apt-get (something like build-essential for qt dev libs)? | 10:05 |
jehnx | shavvn: http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/whatislvm.html | 10:05 |
metalhedd | how do I force dpkg to ignore dependencies? | 10:05 |
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koobi | irssi is pretty nifty...it does all the things bitchx doesn't do | 10:05 |
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Cooner750 | How do I change the splash screen? I know it's in the configs somewhere but I forget where... | 10:05 |
xored | how do i need to set a directories permission, that all files which ar created are from the same user / group the directory is ? | 10:05 |
misterii | would it kill to have graphic rar-archiver for linux? | 10:06 |
koobi | metalhedd: not really a good idea to ignore dependencies :/ | 10:06 |
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shavvn | jehnx, thanks - he is re installing at the moment | 10:06 |
metalhedd | koobi: i'm aware of that. but its necessary. | 10:06 |
JoeMorris | 50% left to burn of ubuntu dapper | 10:06 |
jehnx | shavvn: Ok. :) | 10:06 |
JoeMorris | is it buggy? | 10:06 |
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jehnx | Cooner750: Which splash screen? | 10:07 |
asterX_ba | I got some problems with the linux front soruce | 10:07 |
asterX_ba | source | 10:07 |
jehnx | The one where it has loading of modules below it, etc.? | 10:07 |
JoeMorris | hmmm | 10:07 |
asterX_ba | some files are missing | 10:07 |
asterX_ba | on the server | 10:07 |
misterii | anyone know any GUI rar-archivers? | 10:07 |
=== st3v3dnd [n=steve@24-155-67-146.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sturhanoglu | hi i am installed conky but i saw today this picture http://www.deviantart.com/view/30117492/ conky dont have graphical interface (or i dont know) likely this they are add icons on the walpaper or different system monitor? i didnt find system monitor likely this anyone know where can i download? | 10:07 |
misterii | on breezy | 10:07 |
Cooner750 | the one that it shows after you login | 10:07 |
nickrud | metalhedd, if you really need to, check out the --force options in dpkg manual | 10:08 |
_jason | misterii: file-roller lets you extract | 10:08 |
misterii | rar? | 10:08 |
pierro | anyone knows the command to run bittornado in ubuntu ? | 10:08 |
_jason | misterii: yeah, just install unrar-nonfree from multiverse | 10:08 |
koobi | metalhedd: man dpkg | 10:08 |
misterii | oh... | 10:08 |
misterii | I got it, thanks | 10:08 |
[TechGuy] | I'm really going braindead today for some reason. Where do you change the boot-time console font? | 10:08 |
jehnx | Cooner750: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-26513.html | 10:08 |
koobi | dpkg --ignore-depends=<package name> <action> | 10:08 |
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=== amadeus [n=amadeus@darius.rezel.enst.fr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jehnx | The questions in here are endless! | 10:09 |
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[TechGuy] | heh | 10:09 |
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gizida | hi | 10:09 |
JoeMorris | fedora doesnt look so hot | 10:09 |
jayg | you'll get a lot more now im here i can assure you lol | 10:09 |
koobi | brb | 10:09 |
jehnx | lol jayg | 10:09 |
JoeMorris | so ill stick with ubuntu dapper :) | 10:09 |
jayg | but what ive noticed so far its a great community | 10:10 |
gizida | has ayone installed xglon ati here? | 10:10 |
jehnx | I came in with a question of my own, hehe. :-P Still haven't asked it | 10:10 |
defuego | s | 10:10 |
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jehnx | jayg: Yeh, it seems to be. Today is actually my second day with ubuntu (actually, kubuntu), but I feel like I'm gonna stick with it for a good little while. | 10:10 |
jayg | yep same here, just need to iron a few things out like the sound problem, oh and work out what im actually doing with it | 10:11 |
Ribs | jehnx: You may be interested in #kubuntu as well :) | 10:11 |
[TechGuy] | I'm still looking over what the differences are between it and Debian. :P | 10:11 |
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htrp | anyone using firestarter? does this program really block packets (ddos)? | 10:11 |
jayg | i still cant believe i actually installed it without nuking my windows partition | 10:12 |
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jehnx | Ribs: Thanks. :) | 10:12 |
tritan | lo guys | 10:12 |
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IcemanV9 | soon, you'll nuke win partition, jayg ;) | 10:12 |
jayg | yep that i have no doubt about at all mate | 10:12 |
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tritan | was wondering if any of you used the ACX100 wireless driver? | 10:14 |
tritan | does this require special firmware? | 10:14 |
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Blissex | tritan: it sort of works for 11b cards, not really for 11g (ACX111) ones. | 10:14 |
ubuntu | hello | 10:14 |
lunari | Is there a command to see what proccess are using how much ram and such? | 10:15 |
jehnx | tritan: Been here before: http://acx100.sourceforge.net/ ? | 10:15 |
tritan | yes been there | 10:15 |
jehnx | Hmm. | 10:15 |
tritan | thats where I got info from | 10:15 |
tritan | http://acx100.sourceforge.net/wiki/Firmware | 10:15 |
CarlFK | dapper live cd - how do I just boot to a prompt ? (no X) | 10:15 |
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CarlFK | or... what exactly does boot: rescue do? (probably what I want) | 10:15 |
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tritan | got a wl-121 sitecom which seems to be supported | 10:16 |
tritan | thats a 11g card btw. | 10:16 |
IcemanV9 | htrp: ubuntu has firewalling built into the kernel; why do you need firestarter? | 10:16 |
jbroome | easy to config | 10:16 |
Gnonthgol | Can somebody tell me why my Add Application program is not working? | 10:16 |
htrp | IcemanV9, i see | 10:16 |
ubuntu | i have ever problems, to install ubuntu-dapper flight5 64bit-version on amd64, after install grub give me an error 15, a new install doesnt help | 10:16 |
htrp | IcemanV9, but im talkin about, like if someone packets me and stuff | 10:16 |
htrp | will the 'built-into-kernel-firewall' block it? | 10:17 |
IcemanV9 | htrp: you're welcome to install firestarter and learn more about firewall. it's fun to learn. | 10:17 |
jehnx | Gnonthgol: Have you restarted your computer? | 10:18 |
htrp | im talkin about packeting man | 10:18 |
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htrp | will the 'built-into-kernel-firewall' block the packets? | 10:18 |
jbroome | watch out for the packets | 10:18 |
Gnonthgol | jehnx: no, but why should that help? | 10:18 |
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NeverDream | dapper was set to come out on my birthday... | 10:19 |
jehnx | Gnonthgol: Always the first thing you wanna try, if it just stopped working. My Synaptic wouldn't work yesterday, I restarted, it works fine. | 10:19 |
CarlFK | htrp: do you have a firewall on your telephone? | 10:19 |
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htrp | CarlFK? | 10:20 |
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st3v3dnd | Can anyone tell me of a a graphical iptables config utility? | 10:20 |
st3v3dnd | Someone recommended Firestarter to me last time | 10:20 |
sjaak | fwbuilder? | 10:20 |
st3v3dnd | but it appears to not have anything to do with iptables | 10:21 |
sjaak | firestarter is fine too | 10:21 |
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sjaak | sure it does. check iptables -L | 10:21 |
bdgraue | i have ever problems, to install ubuntu-dapper flight5 64bit-version on amd64, after install grub give me an error 15, a new install doesnt help | 10:21 |
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Gnonthgol | jehnx: but, this is Linux. Any services (without the kernel) can be restarted without restarting the entire computer. And it should return the same resault when you run it over and over again. | 10:21 |
jehnx | I realize that. | 10:21 |
jehnx | lol.. | 10:22 |
defuego | http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/ | 10:22 |
jayg | hmmm did that suda also thingy, says its already installed, any other ideas? | 10:22 |
st3v3dnd | sjaak: So Firestarter does utilize iptables? | 10:22 |
jehnx | But if you haven't tried it, even if hypothetically that's how everything should work, then you shouldn't knock the option yet. | 10:22 |
kozmic_ | i just installed ubuntu breezy and nvidia drivers (have FX 5700 LE), but glxgears -printfps returns about 1500 fps. Isnt that way too slow? I get nvidia splash when i boot up. | 10:22 |
gimmulf | How do i get some cool fonts into gimp? | 10:22 |
Seveas | st3v3dnd, yes it does | 10:22 |
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st3v3dnd | I was also a little concerned with Firestarter because the last release was some time ago, and was wondering if it had stagnated. | 10:22 |
Siddhartha211 | Hello? | 10:22 |
Gnonthgol | For some reason Bill Gates have a random function in every program. | 10:22 |
ninehrcoma | any amd64 users here? | 10:22 |
jehnx | All the time you've spent sitting here could have been already restarted, just to see if it works or not. | 10:22 |
jehnx | ;) | 10:22 |
munzir | Hi, isn't it an inconvience not to have /usr/games on the $PATH? | 10:22 |
Henke | A small question from a curious beginner.. How is Ubundu built? Is it a client/server software where I can choose to just install the serverside and then use my CE.Net clients to connect to it? or?! | 10:23 |
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Gnonthgol | jehnx: Yea, but I an trying to imitate the doing homework but realy I am installing Ubuntu. | 10:23 |
psusi | Henke: what? | 10:23 |
CarlFK | htrp: you seem worried about firewalls and ubuntu, which isn't needed much like your phone doesn't need a firewall | 10:23 |
[TechGuy] | Henke: Ubun*T*u is just the OS... Whatever you install with it could be either client/server or whatever | 10:24 |
defuego | Easy Firewall Generator for IPTables http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/ | 10:24 |
[TechGuy] | Mail server, database, whatever | 10:24 |
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Siddhartha211 | I need to know if Verizon DSL works with ubuntu? I searched verizon.net but it doesn't mention linux, so i dont thing itll work. | 10:24 |
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htrp | what's phoneline got to do with firestarter? | 10:24 |
Henke | ahaaa.. oki.. :) | 10:24 |
seekr | of course it will, Siddhartha211 | 10:24 |
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psusi | Siddhartha211: do they give you a dsl modem that has an ethernet port on it? if so, then yes | 10:24 |
glauber_sp | Hi guys, I need a Distro which liveCD(orDVD) runs OK to use compilation tools like flex, bison, g++ and openGL. Does Ubuntu work for this purpose? | 10:25 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: but someone said that the equipment (router, Westell router) might not work I have to check it out but I can't find anything | 10:25 |
Siddhartha211 | psusi: it is a ethernet | 10:25 |
psusi | Siddhartha211: though if they use a retarded technology called PPPoE, it can be a bit of a pain | 10:25 |
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seekr | Siddhartha211: Verizon only provides you with a basic hookup - you can configure anything on top of it | 10:25 |
CarlFK | htrp: same thing ubuntu has to do with firestarter | 10:25 |
koobi | good night everyone :) bedtime | 10:25 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: so that means I will be able to use Verizon DSL? | 10:25 |
koobi | 3am :/ | 10:25 |
jbroome | Siddhartha211: yes | 10:25 |
Siddhartha211 | anyone here currently use Verizon DSL with a router and adapter on Linux? | 10:26 |
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desrt | hello. i would like to setup an NFS server on my ubuntu box | 10:26 |
seekr | Siddhartha211: Yes, but as psusi says, you may need to endure some pain | 10:26 |
CarlFK | htrp: seemed like you were worried about something for no good reason, (just because win needs a firewall is not a good reason) | 10:26 |
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desrt | i'm open to other possibly more secure alternatives but the semantics have to be like NFS | 10:26 |
psusi | personally, I refuse to pay an ISP that uses PPPoE... it's a bastard retard protocol that never should have been invented | 10:26 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: im a ubuntu noob, i just started using it, what kind of pain might i get and how to i "relieve" it? | 10:26 |
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desrt | (ie: always mounted from the remote host, even when nobody is logged in... and supports multiple users) | 10:27 |
llusser | Siddhartha211: make your life easy and buy a dsl router then you just plugin and go | 10:27 |
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gage | hi. if i build my own version of a package without changing the version string, how is apt-get deciding to overwrite my package with the same version from an apt source? (and how can i avoid this?) | 10:27 |
psusi | yea... if you have an external router it's a piece of cake | 10:27 |
Siddhartha211 | llusser: im going to get the router from Verizon, its a Westell | 10:27 |
seekr | Siddhartha211 & ilusser - i believe Verizon provides a combo modem/router | 10:27 |
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ramza3 | is there a fastcgi install, for example with lighttpd | 10:27 |
phatmonkey | I'm having trouble booting an ubuntu system. out of the blue, it has started to come up with "error while loading shared libraries: .... invalid ELF header". after many of those errors on boot, GDM eventaully complains that the gdm user does not exist. I can't even log in as root... it obviously is having trouble loading things | 10:27 |
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misterii | I tried to unrar with file-roller, it gave "write error" disk space? | 10:28 |
daved | does anyone know a way to have a child process fooled into thinking it is a different date than now when using libc time() | 10:28 |
phatmonkey | ... and it doesn't know what its own hostname is! | 10:28 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: you are correct | 10:28 |
llusser | Siddhartha211: if its a combo router/modem then you just go :) | 10:28 |
phatmonkey | "(none) login:" | 10:28 |
[TechGuy] | phatmonkey: Start kissing your system goodbye. Filesystem corruption probably | 10:28 |
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Siddhartha211 | seekr: im going to have a base router on Windows XP Home, and an adapter (both Westell) on linux | 10:28 |
phatmonkey | alright | 10:28 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: is that okay? | 10:28 |
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seekr | Siddhartha211: i don't know the details - never used Verizon | 10:28 |
gage | is there a channel focussed on ubuntu or debian packaging? or mailing list? | 10:29 |
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xukun | Can anybody point me a some kind of howto about how I can sync my smartphone(windows mobile) with linux? | 10:29 |
Siddhartha211 | anyoen else? | 10:29 |
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phatmonkey | it looks like I can get all my files off there with knoppix ok | 10:29 |
phatmonkey | I'll just reinstall ubuntu again | 10:29 |
psusi | gage: #ubuntu-motu | 10:29 |
Kr4t05 | Ok, so, I'm having some issues with Doom 3's sound system. The audio is rather metallic and buzzy. | 10:29 |
seekr | But linux should auto-detect the connection and do a DHCP probe to get an IP address from the router | 10:29 |
psusi | gage: btw... bump the version number on the package when you build it | 10:29 |
thegladiator | wud dapper release on time ? | 10:29 |
jayg | wish i had buzzy sound lol | 10:29 |
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gage | psusi, thanks. | 10:29 |
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jayg | at least i'd know i was getting somewhere | 10:29 |
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st3v3dnd | Is iptables "always on"? I don't see any listing for it in services | 10:30 |
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seekr | Siddhartha211: But linux should auto-detect the connection and do a DHCP probe to get an IP address from the router | 10:30 |
gage | psusi, i didn't bump the version number because i did't want to conflict with newer upstream releases | 10:30 |
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Blissex | st3v3dnd: 'iptables' is not a dmon or a service... | 10:30 |
st3v3dnd | I also just did a scan from shields up, and it doesn't look like it's working | 10:30 |
bmk789 | how do i make a .deb for a software and submit it for ubuntu's repos? | 10:30 |
seekr | Siddhartha211 - I'm just installing ubunto now (on another machine), so i don't yet know the details - I've been using SuSE | 10:30 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: the computer with Linux installed will have a Westell USB adapter | 10:30 |
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Siddhartha211 | seekr: plug and go? | 10:31 |
psusi | gage: then add to the end of it... i.e. foo-1.2.3 -> foo-1.2.3-0gage | 10:31 |
seekr | but i think it's the same sort of thing in all distros, Siddhartha211 | 10:31 |
jehnx | bmk789: http://linuxdevices.com/articles/AT8047723203.html | 10:31 |
psusi | gage: then when foo-1.2.4 comes out it will replace your package | 10:31 |
Kr4t05 | bmk789, I beleive you need to submit it to the staff and they evaluate it before it goes into the repos. | 10:31 |
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gage | psusi, aha. thanks. that'll give me what i want. | 10:31 |
orangizer | hi | 10:31 |
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seekr | Siddhartha211 - do you already have Verizon service? If so, just give it a try - it may just work the first time. | 10:31 |
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tododoc | hi | 10:31 |
tritan | anyone know what causes this error: `unable to lookup ubuntu via getbyhostname()`? | 10:32 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: not yet, im using dialup right now | 10:32 |
tritan | was trying to run sudo su | 10:32 |
seekr | Siddhartha211: but it shouldn't be all that much trouble | 10:32 |
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Siddhartha211 | seekr: but i just want to get the details smooth when i do get it | 10:32 |
gimmulf | Is there any cool font package? | 10:32 |
orangizer | does anyone have an usb printer? | 10:32 |
bmk789 | thx kr4t05 and jehnx | 10:32 |
orangizer | i want to print with hp 1220c | 10:32 |
_jason | tritan: I do, paste the first lines of /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname so we can take a look | 10:32 |
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seekr | Siddhartha211 - you can get help on the net - sometimes one can "over-prepare" for these sorts of things | 10:32 |
tritan | sure sec | 10:32 |
orangizer | but i don't know how to do it | 10:32 |
tenmon | help | 10:33 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: k, thanks | 10:33 |
seekr | Siddhartha211 - ok - good luck! | 10:33 |
tenmon | it seems that my dvd get screwed or something | 10:33 |
_jason | topyli: I'm picking that up tomorrow at the library | 10:33 |
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tenmon | can't umount it | 10:33 |
_jason | oops wrong channel | 10:33 |
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tritan | hosts: ` localhost ` | 10:33 |
tenmon | anyone? | 10:33 |
tritan | that it | 10:33 |
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_jason | tritan: and /etc/hostname ? | 10:33 |
tenmon | it's making everything unresponsive | 10:33 |
st3v3dnd | Okay, I just loaded firestarter and clicked start firewall, and now the rules appear to be working. | 10:33 |
p01n7 | whats the default Desktop thing? metacity? | 10:33 |
p01n7 | to show icons and all that fancy stuff | 10:33 |
p01n7 | for dapper | 10:33 |
bennie | anyone have a good site that breaks down how to install applications and drivers for a tard like me? | 10:33 |
juztin | how can i add all my media to my playlist at once? i asked in amarok, but alas...silence... | 10:33 |
tritan | set hostname simply to ubuntu | 10:34 |
st3v3dnd | How do I make it so that it is always running, regardless of whether firestarter is open or not? | 10:34 |
_jason | ubotu: tell bennie about synaptic | 10:34 |
tritan | was blank | 10:34 |
_jason | bennie: what drives? | 10:34 |
st3v3dnd | Or make firestarter run as a service? | 10:34 |
tritan | rebooted after changing it | 10:34 |
_jason | tritan: ok so now it reads ``ubuntu'' ? | 10:34 |
tritan | yes | 10:34 |
seekr | Siddhartha211: (just don't expect help from Verizon, whose reps will probably say "we don't support Linux," which just means they haven't received the encessary training - but it doesn't mean that their service is in any way incompatible with Linux | 10:34 |
jehnx | bennie: A video of how to isntall: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5253052326994067125&q=linux | 10:34 |
misterii | when I delete files, do they go to Trash bin? how do I empty one? How can I know my free diskspace? | 10:34 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: i sent them an emai....so theyll probably say that in their response | 10:35 |
_jason | tritan: ok change the first line in /etc/hosts to: localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu | 10:35 |
[TechGuy] | grr... where else could the console font be set during boot up? I'm trying to figure out where the difference is between Ubuntu and Debian here, since Ubuntu's aptitude looks screwy under VMWare for me | 10:35 |
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tritan | k - does it require a reboot? | 10:35 |
tenmon | anty help?? | 10:35 |
jehnx | misterii: Go to a console and type "df" | 10:36 |
_jason | tritan: you will need to reboot in recovery mode to edit the file. Do you know how? | 10:36 |
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ramza3 | stupid q, if I bind to localhost and a port, can I see that port on the outside | 10:36 |
jehnx | Well do "df -h" | 10:36 |
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tritan | _jason i dont | 10:36 |
Fenderet | hola | 10:36 |
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[TechGuy] | ramza3: Not if you're binding to localhost ( specifically | 10:36 |
Siddhartha211 | seekr: are you there IMPORTANT | 10:36 |
tenmon | any helP? my machine is about to crash | 10:36 |
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Fenderet | Is there going to be a new OSS Desktop interface that can compete with Vista? | 10:36 |
bennie | I am sure the video would help but i can't even get a suitable plugin it says | 10:36 |
ramza3 | [TechGuy] , can I bind to an ip through my app | 10:36 |
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Siddhartha211 | seekr: im installing ubuntu and should i use LVM? | 10:36 |
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Siddhartha211 | should i use LVM when installing | 10:37 |
misterii | oh God! | 10:37 |
[TechGuy] | ramza3: Usually you bind to, which binds to all IPs | 10:37 |
_jason | tritan: reboot and from the grub menu choose ``recovery mode''. Then 'nano /etc/hosts', edit the file, press ctrl-o to save and then ctrl-x to exit. Then reboot and start your computer as usual. And do not do 'sudo su', instead use 'sudo -i ' if you need a root prompt | 10:37 |
Siddhartha211 | its says erase hard drive and LVM | 10:37 |
Siddhartha211 | or just erase hard drive | 10:37 |
misterii | I made a mistake | 10:37 |
lblue | Does anyone know how to get rhythmbox to use ladspa plugins? | 10:37 |
Siddhartha211 | ??????????????/ | 10:37 |
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jehnx | bennie: How about this: http://www.newlinuxuser.com/howto-install-deb-rpm-and-source-code-files/ | 10:37 |
misterii | how can I retrieve files from a trashbin? | 10:37 |
tritan | _jason thx gonna try | 10:37 |
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Siddhartha211 | WHAT IS LVM? | 10:37 |
lblue | I'm looking for an equalizer for Rhythmbox | 10:37 |
Psykus | how do I configure ubuntu for dual monitor support? | 10:37 |
[TechGuy] | Logical Volume Manager | 10:37 |
_jason | misterii: open the trash bin and copy and paste or move them | 10:37 |
tristanmike | Siddhartha211, logical volume manager | 10:37 |
llusser | !tell Siddhartha211 LVM | 10:38 |
jehnx | misterii: Go to the trash bin, right click the file, and press "restore" | 10:38 |
Siddhartha211 | tristanmike: im installing ubuntu, should i erase the disk with or without LVM | 10:38 |
S|ipKnoT | What is /proc? | 10:38 |
S|ipKnoT | 1. What you type when you want to start a program. | 10:38 |
S|ipKnoT | 2. What you type when you want to end a program. | 10:38 |
S|ipKnoT | 3. Where you look for information about a program. | 10:38 |
S|ipKnoT | 4. Where you look for information about the system. | 10:38 |
[TechGuy] | wtf | 10:38 |
tristanmike | Siddhartha211, i just use the defaults | 10:38 |
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llusser | Siddhartha211: is there anything else on the drive ? | 10:38 |
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tristanmike | Siddhartha211, read your pm and decide for yourself ;) | 10:39 |
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lblue | does anyone know how to get an equalizer for Rhythmbox? | 10:39 |
Siddhartha211 | tristanmike: there is no default, the default is resizing partition but i dont want to do that i want to wipe it out | 10:39 |
tristanmike | !pastebin | 10:39 |
kapputu | is there a command-line utility for talking to other users logged on in your machine? | 10:39 |
ubotu | hmm... pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar , | 10:39 |
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Siddhartha211 | lluser: not anything i need, i want to erase the disk | 10:39 |
misterii | ok... they're gone... fusk! | 10:39 |
Siddhartha211 | tristanmike: i didnt get a Pm | 10:39 |
tristanmike | !tell Siddhartha211 about LVM | 10:39 |
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=== Cooner750 [n=Cooner75@cpe-65-27-209-24.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Siddhartha211 | alrite thanks | 10:40 |
ktogias | kapputu, Yes... and guess: It is called talk! | 10:40 |
lblue | does anyone know how to use ladspa plugins? | 10:40 |
Cooner750 | Why do things like animations in Openoffice run sluggishly? Is it because drivers are not installed for the video card, or? | 10:40 |
[TechGuy] | mostly openoffice itself | 10:41 |
[TechGuy] | Some parts of it run in Java, IIRC | 10:41 |
jehnx | OOo is sorta slow, anyway, Cooner. | 10:41 |
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Cooner750 | I noticed that screensavers do the same thing... | 10:41 |
jayg | anyone else got audigy 4 working with ubuntu that could nicely walk this old newbie through it :) | 10:41 |
jehnx | Could be your graphics card, then, or its drivers. | 10:41 |
=== pinkisntwell [n=pink@ppp45-adsl-68.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu | ||
transgress | okay question... has anyone here upgraded bittorrent to bt 4.4.0? | 10:41 |
pinkisntwell | i'm trying to install tuxracer and it asks for the cd, why? | 10:42 |
tristanmike | pinkisntwell, cause you still have your cd commented in your sources.list file | 10:42 |
kapputu | ktogias: yeah, I remember that but I couldn't install it | 10:42 |
tristanmike | pinkisntwell, rather, uncommented | 10:42 |
lblue | I want an audio equalizer for Rhythmbox is that possible? | 10:42 |
jayg | i canna get nay sound capytain lol | 10:42 |
jayg | nothing ever runs as you want it, typical, well at least linux dont display microsoft all over it i guess | 10:43 |
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Cooner750 | The card is a integrated VIA S3 UniChrome, It's a ASUS A7V8Z-LA The computer is a HP Pavilion a720n. 3D screensavers run ok in windows... | 10:43 |
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tristanmike | jayg, does windows ever _really_ run like you want it to either ? :P | 10:44 |
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jayg | well now u mention it........ lol | 10:44 |
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ktogias | kapputu, apt-cache show talk | 10:45 |
jayg | some setting gotta be wrong somewhere, dont even have system sounds, very strange | 10:45 |
pinkisntwell | tristanmike: thanks | 10:45 |
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Cooner750 | jayg: Did you try going to System > Prefrences > Sound and making sure the right audio device is selected? | 10:46 |
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Cooner750 | And also try System > Prefrences > Multimedia Systems Selector, and press Test on the sound and if it dosent work select another from the list until one works | 10:46 |
jayg | yep been all through there, even read most of the forums to find a solution | 10:46 |
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[TechGuy] | hah! K-line. Nice | 10:46 |
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jayg | yes been there too, it says testing going back and forth, no sound tho | 10:47 |
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tritan | _jason it works - thx :D | 10:49 |
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[TechGuy] | Anyone have any idea how to fix this: http://members.simunex.com/sbalmos/ss.jpg | 10:49 |
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charly | hola | 10:49 |
charly | hello | 10:49 |
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_jason | tritan: great | 10:50 |
kapputu | ktogias: Unable to locate package talk E: No packages found | 10:50 |
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Gnonthgol | [TechGuy] : What program? | 10:51 |
[TechGuy] | aptitude | 10:51 |
[TechGuy] | It's a console font issue, AFAIK. But I can't find where the difference is between Debian and Ubuntu | 10:51 |
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jayg | no way, please dont tell me i am being forced back onto window cos of no sound, that would be horrific now ive used ubuntu lol | 10:52 |
Gnonthgol | [TechGuy] : What is your console width? | 10:52 |
[TechGuy] | one moment | 10:52 |
[TechGuy] | 80 | 10:52 |
Gnonthgol | [TechGuy] : That is the standard. | 10:53 |
[TechGuy] | I know | 10:53 |
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kapputu | hello | 10:53 |
Gnonthgol | [TechGuy] : Does it work in tty1? | 10:54 |
kapputu | anyone here? | 10:54 |
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Gnonthgol | yes | 10:54 |
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[TechGuy] | Gnonthgol: No. In none of the console terminals | 10:54 |
kapputu | I must be lagging severely | 10:54 |
kapputu | I thought talk came with all *nixes | 10:54 |
tritan | how can I mount my pendrive? | 10:54 |
=== Macbeth [n=chris@client-82-18-230-30.brhm.adsl.tesco.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[cro] smiley | how cut and paste file in bash with a single command? | 10:54 |
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_jason | kapputu: talk is in universe repository | 10:55 |
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[TechGuy] | tritan: man mount | 10:55 |
_jason | ubotu: tell kapputu about universe | 10:55 |
_jason | tritan: you can usually just stick them in and gnome finds them | 10:55 |
Gnonthgol | tritan: put it in the USB. | 10:55 |
Macbeth | Is it just me or are the wine servers stupidly slow? | 10:55 |
nvicf | Hello | 10:55 |
tristanmike | [cro] smiley, mv file new/location ? | 10:55 |
[TechGuy] | [cro] smiley: Uhhh... cp (as in copy file)? | 10:55 |
[cro] smiley | tristanmike, thanx :) | 10:55 |
tritan | okay, but what would be the location of files I can tell in a commandline? | 10:55 |
tritan | want to use a tarball from my pendrive | 10:56 |
nvicf | I had a power failure in my machine, now I try to start mplayer or xmms and gives me segmentation fault, do you think the glibc got screwed? | 10:56 |
shavvn | can someone tell me how to set up net connection from the command line, using a usb dongle to connect? | 10:56 |
kapputu | _jason: Do I need to just uncomment the repos in sources.list or do I need to add more? | 10:56 |
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_jason | tritan: you can do that in nautilus, I think it gets mounted somewhere in /media and depends on the name | 10:56 |
_jason | kapputu: just uncomment for universe | 10:56 |
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Gnonthgol | nvicf: You have had a power falure and you are wondering if your software is ok? Try worying about your sound card mate. | 10:57 |
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Mabus06 | howcome when I wget a page, their counter doesn't go up? | 10:58 |
jadaz87 | hello everyone anyone here uses GTKWifi? | 10:58 |
nvicf | Gnonthgol, my sound card is fine | 10:58 |
nvicf | Gnonthgol, my sw is giving me trouble | 10:58 |
[TechGuy] | Mabus06: The counter is an image file | 10:58 |
tonyyarusso | tritan: /media/<drivelabel>/file.tar | 10:58 |
[TechGuy] | Mabus06: It doesn't increment unless you actually try retrieving the image, which wget doesn't, since it's text | 10:58 |
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=== Szapi [n=csszabol@82-79-106-224.cable-modem.hdsnet.hu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Szapi | Hi everyone! | 10:59 |
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Profichilla | I want to report a bug, but do not know which package it is related to. What to do? | 10:59 |
Szapi | I need some help with intel-agp kernel module | 10:59 |
Gnonthgol | Profichilla: What is the bug? | 10:59 |
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tonyyarusso | Profichilla: I would guess describe it here and on the forums, and see if someone can point you in the right direction. | 10:59 |
sfar-ubu | !firefox1.5 | 11:00 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 11:00 |
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Psykus | is there anything special you need to do to get ubuntu working under vmware? i have ubuntu installed on a partition, normally running it normally, but when I launch it under vmware, the X server gets an error and dumps me to a command prompt | 11:00 |
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ktogias | kapputu, you have to add extra sources... | 11:00 |
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jadaz87 | does anyone here know how i can get to gtkwifi after i install it? | 11:00 |
Psykus | says "(EE) No devices detected. Fatal server error: no screens found" | 11:01 |
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ajulius | hi | 11:01 |
Szapi | is anyone here who has a motherboard with intel 845g/gv chipset? | 11:01 |
Profichilla | Gnonthgol, well. The kernel fails to display any vga mode I give him, regardless of which kernel package I use. On Dapper. | 11:01 |
tonyyarusso | jadaz87: See if you can locate it in your path. First, you'll have to have run 'sudo updatedb', then 'locate gtkwifi', and see if anything comes up, most likely in /usr/bin. | 11:02 |
ajulius | dapper drake is amazing :-) | 11:02 |
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ajulius | damn....... i didnt realize linux would ever get this good | 11:02 |
jadaz87 | what does sudo updatedb do? | 11:02 |
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kapputu | ktogias: what are the other sources that I need to add apart from what I find in sources.list? | 11:02 |
ajulius | just one problem: How do i fix my monitor? | 11:02 |
ajulius | it wasnt autodetected right | 11:02 |
tonyyarusso | jadaz87: Rebuilds the database of the files on your system for the locate utility. | 11:02 |
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sweener | anyone know anything about an error mapping charset c during boot? | 11:03 |
redguy | !tell ajulius about fixres | 11:03 |
Psykus | anyway to reconfigure X? i'm guessing the X config is referring to my actual videocard, while VMware is creating some sort of virtual card thing | 11:03 |
[TechGuy] | Psykus: You have to configure X under VMWare. See xorgconfig, I believe. | 11:03 |
pschulz01 | Where do I report problems with 'dapper'? | 11:03 |
redguy | !dapper | 11:03 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake. Currently this is BETA software - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 11:03 |
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ajulius | thanks redguy :-) | 11:03 |
[TechGuy] | Psykus: There are also X drivers in the VMWare Tools, IIRC | 11:03 |
ajulius | redguy thats my only bug | 11:03 |
Mabus06 | what are some good programs to view stats for my apache server? | 11:04 |
[TechGuy] | analog | 11:04 |
[TechGuy] | apachetop | 11:04 |
[TechGuy] | webalizer | 11:04 |
ajulius | redguy this happens with all the ubuntu distros... spoke to fabbioone and he didnt want to have it so i could select from a list | 11:04 |
tonyyarusso | ajulius: The only one? Wow, dapper is doing well... | 11:04 |
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ajulius | tonyyarusso: only one so far :P | 11:04 |
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ajulius | tonyyarusso no install bugs at all | 11:04 |
Mabus06 | [TechGuy] : thanks | 11:04 |
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ajulius | i even downloaded updates :-) | 11:04 |
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tonyyarusso | ajulius: I'm looking forward to June... | 11:05 |
ajulius | owch | 11:05 |
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ajulius | is it supposed to go to a browser when u doubleclick on a link like ubotu? | 11:05 |
redguy | tonyyarusso: so it's setteled? Dapper is coming out in June? | 11:05 |
ajulius | i doubleclicked it didnt do anything | 11:05 |
Mabus06 | [TechGuy] : Error: Can't open log file /var/log/apache/access.log.1 | 11:06 |
tonyyarusso | redguy: Yeah, I got the e-mail from Mark what, yesterday, maybe day before. | 11:06 |
Mabus06 | That's what I get when I run webalizer with sudo | 11:06 |
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ajulius | weird | 11:06 |
ajulius | could be a bug | 11:06 |
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ajulius | let me close the window and try this again | 11:06 |
ajulius | ack | 11:06 |
ajulius | i had 9 open tabs | 11:06 |
redguy | ajulius: depends on the IRC client you are using I think | 11:06 |
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ajulius | nah it was open | 11:07 |
[TechGuy] | oops | 11:07 |
[TechGuy] | :P | 11:07 |
ajulius | just didnt see em on the screem | 11:07 |
ajulius | now it works | 11:07 |
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ajulius | weird | 11:07 |
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kapputu | ktogias: what are the other sources that I need to add apart from what I find in sources.list? | 11:08 |
redguy | !easysource | 11:08 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 11:08 |
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m0rbid | hello all | 11:09 |
ktogias | kapputu, read look at those urls: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 11:09 |
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ktogias | kapputu, it only one... | 11:09 |
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Szapi | ---- Is anyone here who can help me with intel-agp kernel module???? | 11:10 |
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tonyyarusso | Also, my partition table right now is Windows, unallocated (4,424MB), shared Fat32, unallocated (3,742MB), /, /multimedia, /boot, /home, swap, ibm recovery, unallocated (431MB), in that order. How can I best make use of those free spaces? | 11:11 |
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ajulius | how can i find the refresh rate for a hitachi 753 monitor? | 11:11 |
ajulius | Its old | 11:11 |
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[TechGuy] | 11:11 | |
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Blissex | tonyyarusso: most people fill them with MP3, pr0n, movies. I do that with sw packages, games and astronomy images :-) | 11:12 |
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ajulius | its not in google | 11:12 |
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MotorCityMadMan | i cannot get premmission to extract a file / how do i get premmission ? | 11:12 |
ajulius | shucks | 11:12 |
post_break | anyone use xdesktopwaves? | 11:12 |
ajulius | hmm | 11:12 |
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ajulius | <thinks> | 11:12 |
shiv | how do I make firefox to use irc links by default and start xchat when clicking the links? | 11:12 |
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tonyyarusso | Blissex: Right. I mean, can I add them onto my existing partitions, or would that not work? I stole the extra space from Windows, shared, and recovery, b/c I don't really touch those anyway, and want to grow my linux space. Or would I have to make new partitions out of those rather than tacking them onto another? | 11:13 |
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Blissex | tonyyarusso: you could expand existing partitions into them, but thats going to be rather painful. | 11:14 |
tonyyarusso | Blissex: What sort of painful and why? | 11:14 |
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rukuartic | Anyone know what logfile to look in referring to wlan0 status (eg: to determine what time connection was lost) | 11:15 |
Blissex | tonyyarusso: the best option in cases like this is to have a backup disc, repartition stuff on the other disc, and copy back. | 11:15 |
tonyyarusso | Blissex: That's a distinct possibility too, but I'd have to wait until May to do it. (Which is fine, backup, go to library, clean install Dapper, reget files) | 11:15 |
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shavvn | what can I do about a installation that freezes after logging into gdm, and can't connect to the net? please help | 11:16 |
Blissex | tonyyarusso: the pain is that to expand stuff it will need to copy stuff around, and copying on the same disk is very slow and if it fails you are stuffed. | 11:16 |
[TechGuy] | is there any particular meaning to the tags to kernel messages like these: [4294672.257800] | 11:16 |
ajulius | cant find it | 11:16 |
ajulius | i googled and checked every link | 11:16 |
engla | [TechGuy] : it's a timestamp | 11:16 |
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[TechGuy] | That's what I thought | 11:16 |
ajulius | any suggestions? | 11:16 |
tonyyarusso | Blissex: Ah, right. Well, just out of curiosity then, would you mind telling me how one would go about it anyway? If you're bored or something anyway. | 11:17 |
engla | [TechGuy] : I don't know when zero is though | 11:17 |
sambrista | hello! I'm using ndiswrapper. It says driver present, hardware present, i do ndiswrapper -m, depmod -a and modprobe ndiswrapper. In dmesg it says: version 1.1 loaded and usbcore: added new driver ndiswrapper, but it doesn't says neither ndiswrapper: driver ''driver1'' added nor wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx. The /etc/ndiswrapper directory has the subdirectory with the drivers and so, and in the ndiswrapper web | 11:17 |
sambrista | list it says that mi usb wifi device works well. Any ideas? | 11:17 |
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[cro] smiley | how can i make my ubuntu to wake up from standby at some time? | 11:17 |
dlt | hi, i have a question plz, when i boot kubuntu cd and choose install to harddrive i get "PCI: cannot allocate resource 7 and 8" and then "cannot find tty" how should i do? | 11:17 |
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Blissex | tonyyarusso: there are programs that can resize partitions, like 'parted' or 'qtparted'... | 11:17 |
rukuartic | sambrista: You cant connect to the internet? | 11:17 |
[TechGuy] | engla: Looks like it's a per-second POSIX timestamp. Probably 0000Z Jan 1 1970, like everyone else | 11:17 |
ajulius | the 1st link is the uk version | 11:17 |
ajulius | not mine | 11:17 |
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rukuartic | sambrista: Try pinging your router | 11:17 |
tonyyarusso | Blissex: Those didn't look like they were going to let me expand into non-adjacent space; do they? | 11:18 |
sambrista | rukuartic: i modprobe ndiswrapper, but it doesn't create wlan0 | 11:18 |
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Blissex | tonyyarusso: no, but you can expand some of your existing partitions into adjacent space, like 'root' xpanding down. | 11:18 |
[cro] smiley | how can i make my ubuntu to wake up from standby in desired moment? | 11:18 |
=== WildZeck [n=zeck@ax113-3-82-234-26-6.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
sambrista | rukuartic: it should say: ndiswrapper version <version> loaded , ndiswrapper: driver ''driver1'' added , wlan0: ndiswrapper ethernet device xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx , but it only says the first one | 11:18 |
[TechGuy] | hah. Weird. Must've been a kernel font thing. Updated to dapper, and now the console font is right and aptitude looks fine | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | Blissex: And then shrink that and expand the next, like one of those 8-tile, 9-spaces puzzles? | 11:19 |
rukuartic | sambrista: try this: "sudo ifup wlan0" | 11:19 |
Blissex | tonyyarusso: yes, thats why I said it is going to be painful. | 11:19 |
tonyyarusso | Blissex: Ah, got it. Thanks. | 11:19 |
sambrista | rukuartic: wlan0 doesn't exists | 11:19 |
jadaz87 | does anyone know how i can install Ardour by using the package manager? | 11:19 |
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sambrista | rukuartic: the problem is that ndiswrapper does not create it | 11:20 |
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rukuartic | sambrista: Just was gusesing mate... ndiswrapper doesn't support everything. what device are you trying to use? | 11:20 |
tonyyarusso | jadaz87: Looks like yes. 'apt-cache search ardour' | 11:20 |
rukuartic | Does anyone know if there are any logs that relate to the status of ethernet connections? Where can I find them? | 11:21 |
tonyyarusso | jadaz87: (universe) | 11:21 |
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sambrista | rukuartic: Conceptronic USB 2.0 wireless C56RU. In the list in the ndiswrapper website, they say that it works | 11:21 |
alanic | how can I change the keyboard layout in the console in ubuntu? which configuration file is it in? I'm not talking about xkb. | 11:21 |
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rukuartic | sambrista: Are you using the driver they reccomended? | 11:21 |
yamathan | Hey, I'd like to install wine, but apt-get can't find it. | 11:21 |
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tonyyarusso | !wine | 11:21 |
yamathan | Do I need a third-party repository? | 11:21 |
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sambrista | rukuartic: yes. ndiswrapper -l tells me that the driver is present and the hardware is present too | 11:22 |
rukuartic | yamathan: Use synaptic or aptitude, the package name's really like wine-0.9.10-rc5 or something | 11:22 |
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NickGarvey | !tell yamathan about wine | 11:22 |
nickrud | alanic, I believe it's sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-data | 11:22 |
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alanic | nickrud: I'll check it out, thanks. | 11:22 |
rukuartic | sambrista: No, thats not what I was asking. There's a specific driver that works with your card and it might not be the one on the CD. There's a website on the Wiki that'll tell you what driver to use | 11:22 |
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sun | hi i got a usbdrive, dmesg says /dev/sdb but i can't mount or format it. earlier i tried sudo mke2fs -j /dev/sdb but it still doesnt mount? | 11:24 |
kapputu | When I try to install the talk daemon, I get an error that /etc/inetd.conf cannot be found | 11:24 |
sambrista | rukuartic: yes, i am talking about that webpage, but i have discovered that the model should be 14b2:3c02, and mine is 14b2:3c22, so there is the problem | 11:24 |
[TechGuy] | sun: sdb1 | 11:24 |
[TechGuy] | sdb is the whole drive itself, not the filesystem partition | 11:24 |
rukuartic | sambrista: Hold up, lemme look around for a second. | 11:24 |
sun | [TechGuy] it says mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist | 11:25 |
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yamathan | Great. My sources.list just broke. >_< | 11:25 |
[TechGuy] | because you probably blew away the partition table with mke2fs | 11:25 |
damnfx | !root | 11:25 |
ubotu | By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 11:25 |
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alanic | nickrud: console-data worked. thank you. do you know if there is a dpkg-reconfigure to change the default x layout, too? | 11:25 |
[TechGuy] | you have to recreate a partition on it, like a normal hard drive | 11:25 |
sun | [TechGuy] what is the command for that, ive only done partitioning from the ubuntu installer | 11:26 |
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[TechGuy] | fdisk | 11:26 |
nickrud | alanic, no, but if you're using gnome, System->Preferences->Keyboard->tab Layout will let you select one (you may need the add button) | 11:26 |
rukuartic | sambrista: Thats really weird. | 11:27 |
alanic | nickrud: I want it to be effective for newly created users. I'll look it up. | 11:27 |
sambrista | rukuartic: tomorrow i'll go to the shop and exchange it for another one | 11:27 |
rukuartic | sambrista: Checked their website? | 11:27 |
sambrista | rukuartic: probably an SMC | 11:28 |
rukuartic | sambrista: Go for a Linksys WMP54g | 11:28 |
rukuartic | sambrista: I'm using one right now (the PCI version, not USB) | 11:28 |
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nickrud | alanic, from my perspective, have fun with xkb :) | 11:28 |
sambrista | rukuartic: I'd like an usb one, it is for using it on a laptop | 11:28 |
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rukuartic | sambrista: Oh, hmm... didn't know it was a laptop | 11:29 |
MotorCityMadMan | i cannot get premission to extract a file / how do i get premission ? | 11:29 |
sambrista | rukuartic: or in other PCs, right now i'm trying it in this computer, but the results are not good | 11:29 |
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rukuartic | sambrista: look around on that site to find out which ones work well | 11:29 |
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rukuartic | sambrista: or ask around in the IRC channel | 11:29 |
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kapputu | When I try to install the talk daemon, I get an error that /etc/inetd.conf cannot be found | 11:29 |
tonyyarusso | Why is it that the web site for my computer manufacturer says this has a 40GB hard drive, and apparently it's 37.25GB? Is that common? | 11:29 |
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yamathan | Synaptic won't load now. | 11:30 |
sun | [TechGuy] do i want a dos partition table or a sun disklabel or someting else? | 11:30 |
yamathan | Why I don't know. | 11:30 |
gnomefreak | tonyyarusso: yes all bios do that | 11:30 |
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tonyyarusso | gnomefreak: Is there some reasoning behind that? | 11:30 |
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sambrista | rukuartic: i'll do, i was doubting about this one or another (both were on the list). I will buy the other one | 11:30 |
jadaz87 | tonyyarusso do you know how i can install ardour? i tried 'apt-get install ardour' but it does not work :-\ | 11:30 |
gnomefreak | tonyyarusso: yes :( its been over a year since i looked into it so i dont remember | 11:30 |
glitch | what would mounting nfs within my network would like? My two pcs aren't remote I just want a simple file share. Would I do mount pc1:/home /foo ? | 11:30 |
yamathan | Synaptic loads and loads but never shows up. | 11:31 |
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tonyyarusso | jadaz87: Try ardour-gtk or ardour-gtk-i686, depending on whether you should have that optimization. | 11:31 |
=== gnomefreak called and complained about that to seawhoeveritis | ||
mary-kate | hey where can i find a java plugin for ubuntu Mozilla Firefox? | 11:31 |
rukuartic | sambrista: Ask around | 11:32 |
rukuartic | !tell mary-kate about java | 11:32 |
tonyyarusso | gnomefreak: Okay, thanks. And strangely enough, seawhoeveritis registers in my head, and I can't come up with the rest either. | 11:32 |
rukuartic | sambrista: You'll have a better success rate with that | 11:32 |
alanic | nickrud: xorg.conf is the place for keyboard layout:) | 11:32 |
zF | Can someone explain PGP to me? | 11:32 |
nickrud | alanic, :) | 11:32 |
gnomefreak | !pgp | 11:32 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak | 11:32 |
yamathan | For some reason I can't seem to get the Sourceforge Wine repository to work in sources.list | 11:32 |
Phlosten | bios reported numbers are different than manufacturer states capacties of hard disks due to the way they calculate a MB | 11:32 |
rukuartic | zF: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/pgp | 11:32 |
=== simonpca [i=simonpca@ts1-134.f1035.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yamathan | !wine | 11:33 |
simonpca | Hi! | 11:33 |
rukuartic | Anyone here running SSHd? How would I set up a script to block repeated failed access attempts? | 11:33 |
glitch | is nfs good for network file sharing? I just want a simply file share accross two pcs. | 11:33 |
=== Eroick [n=chatzill@Ottawa-HSE-ppp258913.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
rukuartic | yamathan: Did you use aptitude/synaptic to search for "wine"? | 11:33 |
rukuartic | glitch: its either that or samba | 11:33 |
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Eroick | I cant remove phpmyadmin. Dpkg gives an error, what should i do? | 11:34 |
jadaz87 | tonyyarusso how can i get the i686 optimization? i am runninf ubuntu on a Pentium 4 2.66GHz laptop | 11:34 |
PoltheMol | rukuartic check your config from sshd | 11:34 |
PoltheMol | it has a max failed attempts and some thingie to keep it blocked | 11:34 |
rukuartic | PoltheMol: It has an option in there to block repeat failures? | 11:34 |
tonyyarusso | jadaz87: Just use the second package name I listed. | 11:34 |
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rukuartic | PoltheMol: Oh, lemme look | 11:34 |
PoltheMol | yeah i thought so | 11:34 |
glitch | are there any GUIs for nfs? | 11:34 |
PoltheMol | at least, i thought i had something like that on a server of mine :) | 11:34 |
jadaz87 | tonyyarusso so the program will run better if i use the i686 opt. on this laptop? | 11:34 |
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tonyyarusso | jadaz87: Should. | 11:35 |
Eroick | how do i kill off a broken package?! | 11:35 |
simonpca | Eroick: use Synpatic | 11:35 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: sudo apt-get -f install | 11:35 |
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gage | dpkg --purge | 11:35 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: dont use a file name | 11:35 |
rukuartic | PoltheMol: I don't see it... can you give me the syntax? | 11:35 |
gage | mmm 3 different answers | 11:35 |
Eroick | simonpca: how? when i try and remove it it errors. | 11:35 |
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PoltheMol | rukuartic: not right now :( i've killed that server yesterday :') | 11:35 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: sudo apt-get -f install should fix it | 11:35 |
PoltheMol | but, erhm lemme google for ya ;) | 11:35 |
PoltheMol | hang on | 11:35 |
simonpca | Eroick: cannot help you this way, sorry, but in the 700 here, someone might have the answer :D | 11:36 |
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Blippe | how do i remove the root account, and how do i add an user to the admin group? | 11:36 |
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Blippe | or rather remove acces to the root accouunt | 11:37 |
yamathan | rukuartic, there's a bit of a problem with aptitude. | 11:37 |
gage | depending on how the package is broken, modifying its prerm/postrm scripts in /var/lib/dpkg/info/ may be the answer | 11:37 |
PoltheMol | rukuartic http://www.sun.com/blueprints/0403/817-2485.pdf | 11:37 |
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PoltheMol | should be in there | 11:37 |
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[TechGuy] | Someone needs an aptitude adjustment. :P | 11:37 |
PoltheMol | somewhere :P too tired to look it up precize :) | 11:37 |
NickGarvey | Blippe: remove access to the root account for everything or just some paticular program? | 11:37 |
jadaz87 | tonyyarusso it is coming up with this error when i run the program: ardour: [ERROR] : Could not connect to JACK server as 'ardour' | 11:37 |
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tonyyarusso | jadaz87: That I have no idea. I just searched the repos. | 11:38 |
gnomefreak | Blippe: system>admin>users and groups | 11:38 |
Blippe | NickGarvey, from being able to login... | 11:38 |
Blippe | and without x | 11:38 |
simonpca | I have a lucent winmodem. i downloaded the driver, installed it... ok... but when i try to connect, the modem makes some noise... but the connection aborts... is someone having a clue? | 11:38 |
yamathan | I have Universe and Multiverse enabled, but "wine" itself isn't in there. | 11:38 |
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yamathan | There's wine-docs and a few frontends, but no core program. | 11:38 |
jadaz87 | when i did apt-get install ardour-gtk-i686 it should have install all of the dependancies right? | 11:38 |
gnomefreak | yamathan: did you run apt-get update? | 11:38 |
yamathan | rukuartic, I have Universe and Multiverse enabled, but "wine" itself isn't in there. | 11:38 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, yeah. | 11:38 |
Blippe | gnomefreak, i only have ubuntu-minimal installed and don't want to go further using root | 11:38 |
gnomefreak | yamathan: ther eis a wine repo ;) | 11:38 |
gnomefreak | !easysource | 11:39 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 11:39 |
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gnomefreak | ^^^^ wine repo in there at bottom | 11:39 |
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Eroick | gnomefreak: well, that reinstalled thebroken one. i want to get rid of it. | 11:39 |
mary-kate | thanks | 11:39 |
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Eroick | gnomefreak: i tried to get rid of it and it errored again. | 11:39 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: you cant get rid of it until its fixed | 11:39 |
nlogax | Blippe do you want to disable root? you can do that with sudo passwd -l | 11:39 |
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yamathan | Konqueror isn't working properly. >_< | 11:39 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: how do i fix it? | 11:39 |
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gnomefreak | Eroick: now run sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename | 11:39 |
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paradiseLost | anyone good with java in here? | 11:40 |
simonpca | I have a lucent winmodem. i downloaded the driver, installed it... ok... but when i try to connect, the modem makes some noise... but the connection aborts... is someone having a clue? | 11:40 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, I'm getting timeout errors. | 11:40 |
yamathan | Are you sure that's the only place to find it? | 11:40 |
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gnomefreak | yamathan: for the wine thats the only place i would look | 11:40 |
gnomefreak | yamathan: the wine repos could be down or busy | 11:40 |
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jmorris | ok i got the refresh rates for my monitor, and entered them in, i kept generic monitor label in both sections, this is fine right? | 11:41 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, I guess that's true enough. | 11:41 |
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caglar | what does your /etc/environment say if you are GERMAN? | 11:41 |
jmorris | now i got additional refresh rates as choices | 11:41 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 127 | 11:41 |
markrian | I was messing around with the GNOME shortcuts and accidentally assigned the letter "ecks" to something, and now I can't seem to unset it, meaning I'm unale to type that letter | 11:41 |
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gnomefreak | Eroick: what package is it? | 11:41 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, I got it. | 11:41 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, I don't know why it didn't work properly the first time around. | 11:41 |
jmorris | my monitor does higher rates tho | 11:41 |
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hurax | hi | 11:41 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: phpmyadmin | 11:41 |
Metaltron | I installed dapper recently, and I noticed that a one hard drive I rarely use turns off after an hour or so. Is there a way to stop it from turning off? I'm not using a laptop so there's not much use for it doing that. | 11:41 |
Blippe | nlogax, ok, how do i add an user to the admin-group (so that user can use sudo)? | 11:42 |
jmorris | is there a seperate driver for ati? | 11:42 |
gnomefreak | yamathan: could have been a server issue | 11:42 |
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markrian | The same goes for the second letter of the alphaet, the ecks, and the last letter | 11:42 |
hurax | finally got a working cd burned and ubuntu running | 11:42 |
sfar_ubu | s | 11:42 |
sfar_ubu | i currently have 5GB unpartitioned harddisk space.. if i install windows XP on it, will my computer then boot xp as default? or will grub still be working? | 11:42 |
[TechGuy] | boot xp, thank MS for that | 11:42 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: tell me what sudo apt-get -f install tells you please use pastebin for any errors | 11:42 |
st3v3dnd | Okay, I just tried restarting, and not logging in, and the firewall rules were not in effect. Nothing was blocked until I logged into my acct, and turned on firestarter. | 11:42 |
nlogax | Blippe: personally I would edit /etc/group but you should know what you're doing | 11:42 |
Blippe | sfar-ubu, you have to fix grub afterwards | 11:42 |
hurax | sfar_ubu: windows always overwrites the boot sector | 11:42 |
sfar_ubu | thats lame | 11:42 |
=== juztin [n=juztin@24-178-106-32.dhcp.stbr.ga.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
jadaz87 | tonyyarusso how do i uninstall the package that i just installed with apt-get? | 11:43 |
sfar_ubu | is it hard to fix afterwards? | 11:43 |
gnomefreak | !grub | 11:43 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 11:43 |
st3v3dnd | So how can I get iptables, or firestarter or whatever to start immediately when the computer boots? | 11:43 |
gnomefreak | ^^^ sfar_ubu | 11:43 |
Blippe | nlogax, i will try that... no work is behind this computer so i could redo it all later anyways | 11:43 |
sfar_ubu | ah, thanks =) | 11:43 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: it says 0 upgraded, 0 installed etc... | 11:43 |
gnomefreak | st3v3dnd: if firestarter is installed it should load during boot | 11:43 |
Blippe | st3v3dnd, if you have firestarter it will make sure iptables starts | 11:43 |
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st3v3dnd | it only seems to be loading after I login. | 11:44 |
rukuartic | st3v3dnd: I've had more luck with guarddog | 11:44 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin | 11:44 |
st3v3dnd | Any ideas? | 11:44 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, the only supported architecture is i386. | 11:44 |
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=== yamathan is running x64. | ||
gnomefreak | yamathan: for wine? | 11:44 |
=== fbafelipe [n=felipe@201-24-117-194.fnsce701.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu | ||
yamathan | gnomefreak: Yes. | 11:44 |
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fbafelipe | hi | 11:44 |
jmorris | can someone help me to get my monitor working right :) i got the refresh rates and entered em in and kept generic monitor in the 2 areas where it had it | 11:44 |
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unf | do you know if is there any project for improving gnome's clipboard? | 11:44 |
simonpca | hi fbafelipe | 11:44 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: already installed and at newest version, says apt. | 11:44 |
=== ablyss_ is now known as TR30 | ||
fbafelipe | im having an trouble with my connection | 11:44 |
jmorris | now i got more refresh rates but not the highest | 11:45 |
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gnomefreak | yamathan: i dont/wont use wine | 11:45 |
jmorris | and the screen is off | 11:45 |
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Metaltron | !harddrivesleep | 11:45 |
fbafelipe | i have 3 computers connected to a modem by a hub | 11:45 |
ubotu | Metaltron: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 11:45 |
=== pvanhoof [n=pvanhoof@d54C0E27E.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu | ||
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fbafelipe | but after i install Ubuntu, its swaping the intrnet's IP | 11:45 |
=== [A] ndy80 [n=wettreyw@host22-140.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Eroick: how did you install it? | 11:45 |
=== rumpledrev [n=d@pool-71-116-24-139.eriepa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
[A] ndy80 | hi | 11:45 |
Eroick | synaptic | 11:46 |
rumpledrev | hey [A] ndy80 | 11:46 |
=== Owner [n=Owner@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Eroick: use apt-get or dpkg or compile a tar? | 11:46 |
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jadaz87 | does anyone know what the difference between 'Marked for removal' and 'Marked for completely removal' is? | 11:46 |
yamathan | gnome: It's taking a long time to generate the sources.list | 11:46 |
fbafelipe | i beleave that some configuration on Ubuntu is confliting with the modem, and its changing the IP | 11:46 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: synaptic | 11:46 |
[A] ndy80 | one simple question: I've set some connection using "Connect to server" from Ubuntu menu. Where are these settings saved? | 11:46 |
redguy | jadams: "complete removal" is purge, that is remove tha package AND all it's config files | 11:46 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: sudo apt-get remove --purge phpmyadmin should get rid of it you might want to check with the website for it but that command should do it :( | 11:47 |
redguy | erm jadaz87 | 11:47 |
rumpledrev | remove uninstalls. but leaves the files | 11:47 |
Owner | Hi, i'm trying to install ubuntu as a dual boot system with windows. I am setting up my partitions right now and here's what i have: 40GB primary ntfs /media/hda1 which has my winidows on it. 30gb logical ext3 journaling file system /media/hda5, and a logical 7.1gb swap partition | 11:47 |
redguy | jadaz87: that was your answer | 11:47 |
glitch | how would I mount a pc thats on the same router with nfs? | 11:47 |
=== b_e_n_z [n=Mercedes@pcd567106.netvigator.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Owner | when i click Finish partitioning and write changes to disk, i get no root file system error | 11:47 |
jadaz87 | redguy so basically it is a complete uninstall | 11:47 |
MisterN | n8 | 11:47 |
redguy | jadams: yup, remove laeves the config files | 11:47 |
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=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@a80-126-193-138.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | jadaz87: doesnt uninstall the depends that were needed during install though | 11:48 |
rumpledrev | anyone here an audio specialist? | 11:48 |
=== Matthewv [n=matthew@CPE-60-231-250-60.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu | ||
Eroick | gnomefreak: purgigng gives error | 11:48 |
redguy | Owner: yes, you have to have one filesystem mounted as / (root) | 11:48 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, the auto-generated sources.list doesn't work too well. ~_~ | 11:48 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: dpkg error? | 11:48 |
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Eroick | gnomefreak: yes | 11:48 |
gnomefreak | yamathan: work fine for me | 11:48 |
hurax | Owner: did you mount the ext3 partition as / in the partition editor? | 11:48 |
=== ruy [n=ruy@dsl-201-129-210-117.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #Ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | Eroick: what is full error please? | 11:48 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak how do i get it to do that? | 11:48 |
yamathan | gnomefreak, I guess I'm just special. : D | 11:49 |
=== MyNickIsTaken [n=Mabus@blk-222-107-246.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nlogax | Blippe: just add the desired username to the group named 'admin' in the file. Put a comma between usernames and NO SPACES | 11:49 |
redguy | Owner: ouch, what do you need 7.1 GB swap for?? | 11:49 |
Owner | hurax, no, i'll do it right now...does it matter if i do it to the windows partition or the linux partition? | 11:49 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: you cant you have to uninstall them by hand iirc | 11:49 |
Owner | redguy, i don't know, how much should i make it? | 11:49 |
=== barktpolar [n=barktpol@64-48-208-21.phi-02.cvx.algx.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redguy | Owner: the most rcent rule of thumb is to make it equal to your ram size | 11:49 |
Owner | i have 1gb so 1gb? | 11:49 |
hurax | the root partition (/) must be a linux filesystem | 11:49 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: http://rafb.net/paste/results/0Yf0st86.html | 11:50 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: most of the time thee packages that were installed with another package its easier and doesnt hurt to leave them installed | 11:50 |
Owner | huax ok thanks | 11:50 |
protocol1 | hope my order makes it in today | 11:50 |
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jadaz87 | gnomefreak oh ok | 11:50 |
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gnomefreak | Eroick: you forgot the -f in the sudo apt-get -f install command | 11:50 |
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redguy | Owner: also, make the linux partition hda2 or so (that is: make it a primary partition). Not sure if you can boot from a logical partition which hda5 surely is | 11:51 |
BlueEagle | Anyone got any good resources for configuring logcheck. I want it to report failed auth on ssh (more than 10 attempts) and IP-s that have got 10 or more hits (ie. a portscan). | 11:51 |
hurax | i'm sure you can in linux | 11:51 |
BlueEagle | ...and how to make it call a script or something. | 11:51 |
jadaz87 | gnomefreak because i am trying to install ardour on ubuntu and it keeps saying that it could not connect to Jack as 'ardour' | 11:51 |
Owner | redguy, ok, thanks | 11:51 |
hurax | it was just bsd which wants a primary partition | 11:51 |
jmorris | macromedia flash install fails | 11:51 |
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Eroick | gnomefreak: that was only that time. i ran it with the -f and still no luc | 11:51 |
gnomefreak | jadaz87: i dont know what that is | 11:51 |
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jadaz87 | gnomefreak www.ardour.org | 11:52 |
Blippe | nlogax, if i have to add a group, should i take the next number (last one is 105 so 106) or the same as in a fully functional normal ubuntu install? | 11:52 |
redguy | hurax: hmm, will grub manage to boot from a logical partition? Linux will manage most propably, its grub I am afraid of | 11:52 |
=== _frank [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu | ||
barktpolar | Question, Will floppies run with the Live CD? | 11:52 |
redguy | s/afraid of/concerned with/ | 11:52 |
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rumpledrev | I used the Automatix script which fixed my audio on the next boot...but not on every boot after that ...any ideas? | 11:53 |
=== mrt [n=mrt@adsl-69-109-240-27.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
hurax | ok, just used lilo before | 11:53 |
NickGarvey | mount /dev/hd0 /mnt/fd0 I assume | 11:53 |
NickGarvey | !floppy | 11:53 |
ubotu | To mount floppy disks, see here : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MakeFloppyDriveAvailableToEveryone | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | Eroick: thats really strange unless something else is broken | 11:53 |
gnomefreak | !automatix | 11:53 |
ubotu | I heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 11:53 |
nlogax | Blippe - whoa! don't add a new line to the file | 11:53 |
nlogax | find the line for the group named 'admin' it has an id of 70 | 11:53 |
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rumpledrev | ubotu, everything else was fine | 11:53 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, rumpledrev | 11:53 |
pozdiy | if I connect to windows shares with under gnome through where system mounts those shares, so that I can navigate there in shell or file manager? | 11:53 |
Eroick | gnomefreak: what do i do? | 11:53 |
=== polunga [n=edl@CableLink39-26.INTERCABLE.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | rumpledrev: we do not support automatix please see the guy that wrote it you can find him at ubuntuforums | 11:54 |
rumpledrev | ubotu, thanks | 11:54 |
ubotu | rumpledrev: no worries | 11:54 |
Blippe | there aint a group called admin... and on my normal computer the admin group is #109 | 11:54 |
NickGarvey | !bot | 11:54 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. | 11:54 |
nlogax | are you looking at /etc/group? | 11:54 |
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gnomefreak | Eroick: i would check the website on phpmyadmin | 11:54 |
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Blippe | nlogax, yeah! | 11:55 |
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gnomefreak | rumpledrev: my suggestion would be get rid of it and never look back | 11:55 |
mzinz | I'm trying to get gDesklets working. I downloaded the prog through Synaptic and it kinda works, but none of the plugins that come with it look aestetically pleasing at all... then I downloaded some online which looked bad too... but when I look at screenshots of other peoples they look amazing.. what gives? | 11:55 |
mrt | whats a good virus protection tool also a good fire wall for ubuntu 5.10 ? | 11:55 |
JasonF | I just upgraded to dapper, and now, when I try to modprobe the driver for my network (e500 module) it fails. | 11:55 |
JasonF | Any ideas on what the issue could be? | 11:55 |
Blippe | admin:x:109: | 11:55 |
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gnomefreak | JasonF: ubuntu+1 please for dapper support | 11:55 |
barktpolar | Ubuntu I don't think needs a firewall | 11:55 |
nlogax | Blippe: are you running Ubuntu | 11:55 |
redguy | !firewall | 11:55 |
ubotu | Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic. | 11:55 |
gnomefreak | !firewall | 11:55 |
mrt | yees | 11:55 |
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=== orangizer [n=kiko@229.Red-81-42-34.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
NickGarvey | oh that is sweet | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | I didn't know that about the firewall | 11:56 |
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mzinz | In this screenshot, how did they get such cool gDesklets and transparencies? And the the cool taskbar? http://www.lynucs.org/index.php?screen_id=212702003543b821f3279ba&p=screen | 11:56 |
=== Howdy125 [n=Howdy125@c-67-161-102-39.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
mrt | virus tools? | 11:56 |
NickGarvey | I was always wondering why the security things never said GET A FIREWALLl | 11:56 |
Blippe | the one i need support from is a ubuntu gotten with debootstrap (it is diskless), so it is really bare... the one i'm using right now is a old breezy-system | 11:56 |
nlogax | Blippe you should have a line like admin:x:70: | 11:56 |
Owner | redguy, ok, i have 6.1 empty space (made swap smaller) and now when i try to make my 30 gb ext3 partition 36.1gb, i get a too large error | 11:56 |
_frank | mrt: antivirus is pretty much useless in ubuntu | 11:56 |
orangizer | how can i print in fast mode ? | 11:56 |
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=== Owner is now known as Majd | ||
Hexidigital | !antivirus | 11:56 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Hexidigital | 11:56 |
barktpolar | I only have the B.B. System Disks too | 11:56 |
jmorris | weird | 11:56 |
orangizer | i can only print in color and grayscale | 11:57 |
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Blippe | nlogax, none of em have a group with the number 70! | 11:57 |
redguy | mrt: you propably don't need any, but if you want it anyway you might install clamav | 11:57 |
orangizer | but i can't in econofast mode | 11:57 |
jmorris | i installed flash manually, it worked but it said to delete a file in the component directory of my browser | 11:57 |
=== signalvsnoise [n=jonw@addr16212923617.ippl.jhmi.edu] has joined #ubuntu | ||
redguy | Majd: elaborate on "too large error" | 11:57 |
barktpolar | Hexi, have you tried Sourceforge for one | 11:57 |
mrt | ok | 11:57 |
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jmorris | where do i find this file? | 11:57 |
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=== Toki_Masa [i=Thomas@cpe-72-226-179-197.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu | ||
nlogax | Blippe: do you have sudo installed & are you running Ubuntu? | 11:57 |
alexk_ | hey all, i installed ubuntu, and my sound works, but it is VERY poor quality sound... It seems to have detected my audio driver. Anyone have any ideas on how i can improve sound? | 11:58 |
Hexidigital | barktpolar, not yet... thought i'd check here first | 11:58 |
Blippe | i have sudo installed, and both are ubuntu... | 11:58 |
=== sfar-ubu [n=patric@c-f5f0e253.18-2-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | who was trying to install ardour? | 11:58 |
Blippe | nlogax, the one i need support from is a ubuntu gotten with debootstrap (it is diskless), so it is really bare... the one i'm using right now is a old breezy-system | 11:58 |
barktpolar | I thought Ubuntu has sudo installed already? | 11:58 |
gnomefreak | barktpolar: yes it does;) | 11:58 |
barktpolar | K Then | 11:58 |
Toki_Masa | So...is Ubuntu really as good as the site claims for CS students? It's one of the only distros that I have found that claims to be geared toward students and developers. | 11:58 |
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Majd | redguy, ok, i type in 36.1 in the "New partition size" box, then i hit continue, the screen turns red and it says "Too large size" | 11:59 |
Majd | i type in 36.1 GB | 11:59 |
Majd | sorry | 11:59 |
=== barktpolar is a n00b to linux | ||
transgress | hey what would happen if i removed ubuntu-desktop to install new bittorrent then reinstalled ubuntu-desktop? | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | Toki_Masa: yes can be | 11:59 |
=== Gareth_ [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu | ||
gnomefreak | !ubuntu-desktop | 11:59 |
ubotu | it has been said that ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when ugprading. | 11:59 |
redguy | Majd: do you have anything on the linux partition yet? | 11:59 |
Majd | redguy, no, i just made it | 11:59 |
redguy | Majd: delete it and create a new one | 11:59 |
Majd | ok | 11:59 |
_frank | Toki_Masa: I never saw ubuntu claiming to be good for students... it's pretty good at any rate | 11:59 |
redguy | Majd: with the proper size | 11:59 |
mzinz | Whats fluxbox do? | 11:59 |
signalvsnoise | if you compile your own kernel and select K8 as the subprocessor... does that mean its now a 64bit kernel? | 11:59 |
gnomefreak | _frank: edubuntu | 11:59 |
transgress | gnomefreak: that doesn't answer my question. i know that much. what i'm asking, is what is it gonna do about the bt package i install? | 11:59 |
redguy | Majd: and set as a primary partition | 11:59 |
rukuartic | mzinz: the same thing gnome, kde, and xfce do | 12:00 |
signalvsnoise | (and will this interfere with my ability to use non-64bit drivers?) | 12:00 |
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