
soltso if i had a choice between in-kernel ntfs and ext3, i'd choose ext3. having captive-ntfs to it, i'd choose captive-ntfs12:03
soltthat's my 0.03$12:03
fatejudgersolt: it's also very slow12:04
fatejudgersolt: and crappy12:04
fatejudgersolt: about 50% slower12:04
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fatejudgersolt: Windows external ext3 support doesn't decrease in speed12:04
soltwell, because it's a driver, not a wrapper. that's a point.12:05
fatejudgersolt: which is why my setup is faster and better12:05
soltnot always, you are not counting the time to shutdown/reboot/boot/copy12:06
fatejudgersolt: ?12:06
fatejudgersolt: why would I need to shutdown and reboot?12:06
soltcopying directly gives you the opportunity, to copy to the drive, shutdown, and take it some place else :-)12:06
h3sp4wnsebastian: try putting your files in "/home/windows/Windows 2000 Professional" it might be easier for you to dowload VMware Workstation Trial then create the virtual machine and then uninstall it and install VMware player12:06
soltbecause you'd might be taking the disk to another place (not booting it, but attaching to another computer)12:06
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soltthat's my scenario 2 years ago12:07
fatejudgersolt: right, so I might be taking my INTERNAL HD somewhere else12:07
fatejudgersolt: and someone or another I wouldn't have an internet connection12:07
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fatejudgersolt: to install the Windows ext3 drivers12:07
fatejudgersolt: sounds like a VERY likely scenario to me12:07
soltwell, you're right.12:07
Snake__Hey guys, someone want to trouble shoot?12:07
Snake__snake@Laptop:~$ wine12:08
Snake__wine: error while loading shared libraries: libntdll.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:08
fatejudgersolt: and well worth the slowness associate with NTFS wrappers12:08
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fatejudgersolt: :P12:08
sebastianI think I am getting some where, because I just tryed it.  and got a message saying I didn't have enough disk space or whatever.  so about to change the RAM setting12:08
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soltSnake__: ask da question :-)12:10
h3sp4wnsebastian : how much ram do you have ? anything less than 128 for the vm will make it unusably slow12:10
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soltSnake__: eg. don't ask to ask, just ask.12:10
Snake__solt: I did12:10
sebastiannot sure how much RAM I have12:10
sebastianhow to find out?12:10
Snake__solt: lookie:12:11
holy_foolreboot ^^12:11
Snake__[18:07]  < Snake__> Hey guys, someone want to trouble shoot?12:11
Snake__[18:07]  < solt> hehe12:11
Snake__[18:07]  < Snake__> snake@Laptop:~$ wine12:11
Snake__[18:07]  < Snake__> wine: error while loading shared libraries: libntdll.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:11
soltSnake__: aah, sorry, my eyes are tired by now12:11
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uboturumour has it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:11
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sebastianI bet there is some command prompt command to find out how much RAM I have?12:12
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Snake__sebastian: "top"12:12
Guest483hi, kann mir wohl jemand bei der live cd helfen?12:12
Snake__very informative12:13
soltsebastian: free12:13
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de12:13
soltwow, the bot recognized german language ?12:13
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Snake__solt: smart bot aint it?12:13
Guest483could anyone help me with the live cd of kubuntu?12:13
holy_foolna wie geht denn das12:13
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:14
holy_foolit was snake12:14
soltmy turn12:14
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de12:14
soltszukam pomocy12:14
Phazemandoes anybody know for some alternative to chkconfig in kubuntu/ubuntu ?12:14
ubotuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu.pl12:14
Snake__anywho, i g2g guys12:15
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soltcool, does he know anything about cyryllic12:15
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help12:15
soltnope :-)12:15
holy_foolgotta question for what purpose do i need 4 desktops (virtual)12:15
soltholy_fool: well, if you have several windows on one desktop12:16
holy_foolim a native windows user alt+tab is my natur =)12:17
soltyou may want to move one or two windows to another desktop, so as not to clutter it up12:17
solti am running amarok, a couple of terminal sessions, IM, Konversation, and say a browser12:17
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soltif i am not using amarok,IM and the browser heavily i can move it to another desktop12:18
holy_foolor just minimize it, but its only my opinion12:18
sNakei didnt do nothin12:18
sebastiangetting the message.  saying it carn't find anything to boot from again12:18
holy_fooli thought there is maybe a special purpose for it12:18
soltthe point is not to minimize i think.12:18
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soltanyway, you'll find out, with time all the things that are here show a reason they have been coded.12:19
holy_foolok thx12:19
solti wonder if dapper or dapper+1 will ship a -ck kernel12:20
solti really see an improvement with -ck kernels12:20
crimsunno, we won't ship a -ck12:20
soltwhat is the reason?12:21
crimsunbecause one kernel source is enough headache?12:21
Phazemancan someone please suggest some kind of web based PIM server for ubuntu/kubuntu ?12:22
sebastianthis is how I tell VMware player  where the ISO  yes?  ide1:0.fileName = "/home/sebastian/W2POEM_EN.iso"12:22
sebastianwhere the ISO is12:22
Phazemananyone please ?12:22
sebastianide1:0 means though?12:23
_mindspinwhat's a PIM server?12:23
Blissexsolt: -ck kernel not bad, there are several other things that can improve things greatly.12:23
soltpersonal information management. i think he's referring to an application to store/access/modify/publish his personal information, like name/addresses/etc (a guess)12:23
holy_foolhow do i get a write permision for /usr/share/wallpapers12:24
Blissexsolt: these suggestions make a lot of difference: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/anno05-4th.html#05100812:24
soltwell, here's what i have done: -ck kernel, prelink, ati.com drivers, turn off some effects12:24
soltBlissex: i'll check it out, thanks12:25
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Blissexholy_fool: don't, put wallpapers in your own directory....12:25
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holy_foolthan where to?12:26
bytewalkerguyz i turned the mouse accelerattion to max in system settings, but i have a touchpad and it still works SUPER slow12:26
bytewalkerany ideas?12:26
holy_foolk thx12:26
Phazeman_mindspin: it;s some personal information manager12:27
Phazemansolt: yes i do12:27
Blissexholy_fool: most KDE directories have a per-user counterpart under '~/.kde/'12:28
soltok, lower read-ahead make some sense, i am using cfq, my computer does not use swap at all, so swappiness and swap-ahead logic is kind of useless here.12:28
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Blissexsolt: then not much else needs doing. Perhaps this:12:28
Blissexsolt: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/anno06-1st.html#06032312:28
Blissexholy_fool: have you seen the 'Get new wallpapers' in the desktop configuration panel?12:29
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bytewalker!tell bytewalker about wireless12:30
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holy_foolhehe cool thanks12:30
Blissexholy_fool: also, you can select wallpapers from _any_ directory. using the ''browse'' button next to 'Background:Picture'12:30
solt!tell solt about wireless12:30
holy_foolonly local director12:30
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Blissexholy_fool: there are actually _three_ rules where to put things...12:31
holy_foolbut i have an dir for wallpaper in my home dir now12:31
Blissexholy_fool: 1) under /bin, /lib ... and /usr never put stuff that you install manually, only via the package system.12:31
Blissexholy_fool: 2) for manually installed stuff that can be used by all login names, put stuff under '/usr/local'.12:32
Blissexholy_fool: 3) for manually installed stuff for one use, put it under their home dir.12:32
holy_foolhm cool thanks for the advice12:32
boreliaanyone use Tor ?12:33
tonyyarussoHow to change/customize the image (the big K) for the K Menu in KDE?12:34
soltBlissex: hm, this patch is not in 2.6.16 (exactly 2 months now since publishing to lkml) I won't experiment with it. Have you applied that?12:35
Blissexsolt: yes and makes things a lot better when doing a lot of writes, like disk-disk backups or compiles...12:36
holy_foolisthere alsow a utton for more screensaver?12:40
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soltthe only i/o problems i am experiencing now are when i try to run something (like adept) having a bunch of apps running (+2 cpu-eaters: boinc+cpushare). the load is around 2 to 3. the sound is playing fine, applications all are ok, but the app that is going to be started (like adept) take soo much time to start. that's all.12:41
solti reduced read-ahead, if it won't help, i try that patch. saving it now :-)12:41
bytewalkeris therea metapackage to install all the stuff i need to compile C programs?12:41
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soltbytewalker: well, just gcc should get gcc and dependencies12:42
soltthis will give you gcc-4.0.112:43
soltif you need earlier versions just fetch gcc-3.412:43
h3sp4wnsebastian : can you boot up and get the vmware bios ?12:44
sebastianI nearlly left12:44
sebastianvmware bios how to get that12:45
bytewalkeris it a bad idea to use debian repositories?12:45
sebastianand I think it might be the disk that is cuasing me problems12:45
bytewalkerkubuntu doesnt seem to have alot of stuff12:45
soltbytewalker: have you enabled universe and multiverse repositories?12:45
sebastianyou can get loads of programs for any Linux distro12:45
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sebastianI think I am going to do all this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VMwarePlayerAndQemu#head-bb5f242664002ce9fc9d070468856d05f6144e7b12:48
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spiritzI'd like to use the daap:/ ioslave, however it seems to be absent from my distribution (daap:/ triggers google search). Does anyone knows more about that?12:52
solthmm, i just noticed that some strange hosts created pages on my wiki setup. another worm? some people are just braindead12:52
soltwhat is daap?12:52
ubotuSimian__: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:53
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, solt12:53
=== ubotu pours simian__ a cold pint of his favourite beer.
jtshawHi Mr. ubotu, my cat's name is Beamish12:54
spiritzsolt : DAAP is the itunes music sharing protocol12:54
h3sp4wnsebastian : and you didn't do it before ?12:54
Simian__can i aks a none kubuntu question?12:55
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Simian__i have been playing around with apache and i've got 1 linux box reading web pages from another over a lan, but how would i let anyone view those pages?12:56
Simian__do i need a static ip or something or can i just set it up now?12:57
spiritzSimian__: all u have to do is to give out your ip to some else so he can connect12:57
sebastianI don't understand a part of that tutorial12:57
soltSimian__: well, if you're IP is private (like, or then you would need to have a DNAT rule on your router12:57
Simian__yes it's 192.168.and so on12:58
sebastianwhere to store the images part. that's confussing with the commands it has given so on.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VMwarePlayerAndQemu#head-bb5f242664002ce9fc9d070468856d05f6144e7b12:58
soltso, there is a router on your network that has a public IP12:59
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Simian__solt:  where would i find that12:59
soltso you have to make the router forward packets incomming to it to your computer12:59
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soltdo you have access to the router? does it have port forwarding? is it linux by any chance?12:59
sebastiananyone go here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VMwarePlayerAndQemu#head-bb5f242664002ce9fc9d070468856d05f6144e7b  and tell me what it is trying to get me to do.  the store the images part that is12:59
sebastianthe commands it has given so on is confussing01:00
Simian__it's a lynksys01:00
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holy_foolwhat packer do i use best under linux?01:00
Simian__i think that's linux isn't it?01:00
sebastianit's not being clear where to cd so on01:00
soltlinksys, maybe it runs linux..., anyway what you need is to create a mapping01:01
soltlet's say your public IP on the router is
spiritzSimian__: you have to connect to the admin website of ur linksys, and tell him to redirect port 80 from public internet to your webserver ip. Or you can type its ip as DMZ, so everything coming from the internet will  connect to it.01:01
soltso you have to make it forward packets from, port 80 TCP to, port 80 TCP01:02
soltyes, like spiritz says01:02
h3sp4wnsebastian: just telling you to create some directories you could do mkdir -p ~/vmware/windows then cd ~/vmware/windows01:02
Simian__ok i think i can follow that01:02
h3sp4wnsebastian : But then you would have to change the location in the config file01:02
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sebastianI just done what it said01:04
sebastianin my home folder01:04
sebastianand I had some vmware folder from before01:04
sebastianthe image is how much space I am going to give 2k yes?01:05
h3sp4wnsebastian : whats the problem then ? If you copied just every command from the wiki then it would work01:06
sebastianthat's what I should of done I guess01:06
sebastianI didn't01:06
Simian__solt: my router has DMZ Host IP Address (enter address here)01:06
sebastiandid the first bit, but not the last01:06
Simian__solt: is that what i'm looking for?01:06
h3sp4wnsebastian : You would then have a windows installation called dapper01:06
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sebastianI know obviouslly some things I will be doing differently01:07
sebastianlike instead of calling the folder dapper I called it windows2000profesional for example01:07
h3sp4wnsebastian : are you installing from cd or iso ?01:07
sebastianI can do either.  the CD or ISO01:07
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h3sp4wnsebastian :iso is probably faster01:08
holy_foolhow do i execute executable files?01:08
sebastianthat's what I thought.  since it don't have to do it from a CD01:08
jindiazhey umm which is faster to use, or easier, rpm or gz?01:08
h3sp4wnsebastian : so have you made the image01:08
sebastianthe image file. is how much space I give it yes?01:08
sebastianit says something about it getting bigger as more stuff goes there.  or does it mean.  when more things are put there in 2k?01:09
sebastian,but the actsual space 2k has will be the same that I give it?01:09
Simian__how can i find out my routers ip address?01:11
h3sp4wnsebasian: just give it a fixed size01:11
sebastianhow much space doesk 2k take when it's installed?01:11
sebastian6GB I was thinking, but that's quite a bit for 2k and well I won't be using it for much01:11
h3sp4wnsebastian : mine is 4gb and hardly any of it is used01:11
sebastiansounds good01:12
soltSimian__: Um, if i understand correctly, this is a place to put your IP to make the router forward packets to. I think so. I have limited experience with these devices, i usually have computer servers running as routers, but give it a shot :-)01:12
sebastianok the image is created now it seems01:13
soltbtw, anybody got opera9 (weekly snapshots) running on kubuntu?01:13
soltjindiaz: on kubuntu we use .deb01:13
jindiazuh oh01:14
tristanmikejindiaz, rpm's are designed for Red Hat and the like, .deb is what we use, and .gz, bz2 are compression formats01:14
jindiazummm im trying to install kbarcode01:14
soltrpm is a redhat-made format, you could install software from rpm, but i would discourage01:14
soltif you can't have deb, go for tar.gz01:14
soltit propably contains sources to compile01:14
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h3sp4wnsebastian : I would get rid of what you don't need in windows - (sound / usb) usb makes it dog slow to bootup01:15
sebastianI want sound though01:15
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sebastianfor my game01:15
jindiazok cool thats there01:15
jindiazummm how do yu do that?01:15
sebastianUSB you mean the USB stick for example?01:15
jindiazsry styll new, havenmt installed anything like this yet01:15
jindiazbeen primarily using adept01:15
Phazemancould someone please try sshing to phazeman.kicks-ass.net01:16
soltwell, tar.gz file is a compressed archive, which you should extract, and see what's in it01:16
soltit's like zip or rar, so no automatic gizmos there01:16
h3sp4wnsebastian : Yeah you can still access it in linux anyway01:16
soltto uncompress a tar.gz file try in shell: tar zxvf file.tar.gz01:17
soltin case of tar.bz2 type: tar jxvf file.tar.bz201:17
h3sp4wnsebastian : Have you never thought of trying to get stuff working and then adding stuff that is not necessary afterwards01:17
soltusually these archives contain sources, and in these there might be an instruction what to do in a file called README, INSTALL or something similar01:17
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sebastiannot really I don't think01:17
jindiazuhhhhh okkk.. so in the console, just type that command in?01:17
soltwhat is it that you are trying to extract?01:17
jindiazo man that would be nice, let me check01:18
soltjindiaz: yes, provided you are in the path where that file is, if not, provide the path01:18
h3sp4wnsebastian : also games under vmware are dog slow01:18
soltjindiaz: kbarcode is in the repositories, you do not have to do that01:18
soltsudo apt-get install kbarcode01:19
jindiazAWWWWWWWWWW man, damn why didnt it come up in adept?  ok, maybe, how do yu search the repositories?  is there another way or something?01:19
jindiazhey thanks again man btw01:19
sebastianwell i'll try it on VMware.  and if it don't work good well01:19
sebastianI can either use it how it is01:20
sebastianboot up crappy XP01:20
sebastiandual boot that is01:20
h3sp4wnsebastian what game is it ?01:20
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sebastianan old game so shoudn't be to bad under VMware I expect.  altough they  come out with a lot of patches now01:20
sebastianhave done01:20
sebastianWorms Armaggeddon01:20
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h3sp4wnsebastian: just give me the location of the files and I will write a config file for you to try in a min01:24
soltjindiaz: apt-cache search kbarcode01:24
soltapt-cache search <phrase>01:24
h3sp4wnsebastian : what the filename for the disk and iso are (and there locations)01:25
sebastianoh right01:25
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jindiazooooooooooooo really!  cool, thanks man!01:28
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chouetteCan someone help me to make my heaphones work ? sound works but the headphone doesnt...is there something to do so it can be recognize ?01:29
sebastianok    /home/sebastian/vmware/qemu-Windows2000Professional.vmdk and /home/sebastian/W2POEM_EN.ISO  I hope the ISO will work.  since I was sent it from someone in Canada :D01:31
sebastianstill here h3sp4wn?01:34
sebastianso doing the file?01:34
sebastiancan 2k in vmware.  for sound use Linux?01:35
h3sp4wnit can in linux I don't know whether it can with arts or esd01:36
sebastianby the wy where you from and how old?01:36
h3sp4wnEngland 2401:36
sebastianEngland 18 I am.  where in England?01:37
solti bet you guys are neighbours :-)01:37
soltor better yet: brothers01:37
sebastianbrothers nah.01:37
sebastianmy brother is to ignorant at computers to be in here01:37
chouetteand if someone know how to install java...i found a lot of java things whit Adept but i dont know wich one is useful to install Java runtime environnmt ?01:39
sebastianJava never liked installing that on Windows.  on Linux it can be a bit of a thing to hummm01:40
sebastianyou want for your browser yes01:40
sebastianyou use Firefox or?01:40
chouetteyes, but for somme applications too01:41
chouetteyes firefox01:41
sebastianwell I got it installed for my FIrefox and stuff01:41
sebastianthis should be of help:  http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/faq#q2.201:42
sebastianh3sp4wn still here?  I thought you said you were going to make me a file?01:43
h3sp4wnhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10733 - save it as qemu-Windows2000Professional.vmx01:44
h3sp4wnYou are pretty impatient and starting to annoy me01:44
sebastianyou forgot/missed ide0:0.fileName = "vmware-dapper.vmdk"  ,but I know what to change that to01:47
h3sp4wnIts what happens if you try to something quickly (doing something else that has to have priority)01:48
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sebastianwhat else you doing?01:48
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h3sp4wndoesn't matter01:48
h3sp4wnsebastian : so has that worked ?01:49
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sebastianabout to edit the file01:51
sebastianhummmm  ide0:0.fileName = "vmware-dapper.vmdk"01:52
sebastianide1:0.fileName = "/home/sebastian/vmware/qemu-Windows2000Professional.vmdk"01:52
h3sp4wnchange the second one to the path to the iso01:52
KaoticEvilhey everyone :)01:52
sebastianthe second is the ISO and the first is the vmdk file?01:53
KaoticEvilanyone care to help with a DVD question?01:53
sebastianyou carn't play DVD's on Kubuntu or Ubuntu yes?01:54
KaoticEvildont see why you couldnt01:54
sebastianis that your problem01:55
sebastianthey won't play?01:55
KaoticEvilas long as you have the codecs installed, they should play fine01:55
h3sp4wnhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10736 : thats the fixed one01:55
sebastianoh right you do have the codecs installed01:55
KaoticEvili need to make an image of the DVD on my harddrive01:55
KaoticEvilbasically, rip the entore disc01:55
sebastianI carn't really help you.  since I Haven't even bothered to set up DVD's on Ubuntu yet :D01:55
KaoticEvilany suggestions/recommendations on an app to use/try?01:55
sebastianK3B is a good  CD burning program01:56
sebastianmaybe it makes ISO's to01:56
chouetteWhat should i chose if i want to install Java from here ? http://java.com/fr/download/index.jsp01:56
KaoticEvili tried that...01:56
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KaoticEvilit wont rip a DVD01:56
chouettehttp://java.com/fr/download/linux_manual.jsp here sorry01:56
verwilstcongratulations!! :D01:56
sebastianI don't know French so01:56
verwilstwrong channel01:57
sebastianrip you mean copy?01:57
sebastianor make into the ISO?01:57
KaoticEvilit wont read it at all01:57
sebastianyou want to copy a DVD?01:58
sebastianGnomeBaker is a CD/DVD writer01:58
sebastianGnome :d01:58
sebastianand your using Kubuntu with KDE aren't you?01:58
sebastian,but you can run Gnome Baker on Kubuntu anyway I think01:58
KaoticEvili'd be happy enough to just reauthor it to include only the main title and then make that into an iso format that will fit on a DVD5-R01:59
KaoticEvilactually, ive got gnome installed as well :)01:59
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KaoticEvilbut yes, it would run on KDE even without gnom installed01:59
sebastianI think GnomeBaker will02:00
sebastianhaven't used myself02:00
h3sp4wnsebastian : are you going to try it it should work I can't be bothered messing around02:00
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KaoticEvilHobbsee: hi :)02:00
Hobbseehey KaoticEvil02:00
sebastianyes I will try it now.  was helping this guy02:00
Hobbseethey screwed the latest version of wpasupplicant!02:00
KaoticEvilthat sucks :(02:00
KaoticEvilHobbsee: you know kubuntu pretty good... would GnomeBaker do what i need?02:01
KaoticEvili need to reauthor a DVD and burn it to an ISO02:01
KaoticEvilits gotta fit on a DVD5-R02:01
Hobbseehmm...i've never used gnomebaker02:01
Hobbseek3b is pretty good for burning though02:01
KaoticEvilknow of a KDE app that would do it?02:01
KaoticEvilit wont rip the DVD tho02:01
KaoticEvilmy g/f has netflix man...02:02
KaoticEvildo the math ;)02:02
sebastianwhat am I calling the file02:02
chouette.rpm are for all Linux distributions  ?02:03
sebastiansomething .vmx I guess02:03
sebastian.rpm is not for Ubuntu/Kubuntu or Debian02:03
sebastian,but there is a program called Alien that can get them working02:03
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h3sp4wnthe same as you called the disk02:03
chouetteHow do i install something from a rpm pls ?02:03
sebastianisant' there a tar.gz or something of the program you want?02:04
chouetteyes there is one02:04
h3sp4wnapt-get install alien ; alien *.rpm02:04
chouetteBut i dont know how to use tar.gz too02:05
h3sp4wndpkg -i *.deb02:05
chouettei only know apt-get02:05
h3sp4wnyou need to use alien to convert an rpm to a deb02:05
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chouetteapt-get install alien ; alien *.rpm >> this with the name of the rpm instead of * ?02:05
KaoticEvilhmmm.. if i install dvdrtoold, it might work :D02:06
jindiazhey anyone knoe a good fan speed monitor?02:06
h3sp4wnthen dpkg -i name of the new deb02:06
sebastiansaved the file now i'll try it02:06
jindiazactually, how do you install a .bz2 file?02:08
jindiazive never installed from source02:08
soltbz2 is an archive02:09
sebastianhow to install Linux software02:09
soltlike zip02:09
soltyou don't install zip files02:09
soltyou unpack them02:09
sebastianhow to install LInux software:  http://personal.riverusers.com/~thegrendel/build.html02:10
soltjindiaz: why aren't you using the kubuntu package for kbarcode?02:10
jindiazhahaha yah i got that one, im trying out kprobe now02:10
jindiazive been looking for something similar to the asus version02:10
jindiazthis looks pretty good, wanna give it a test spin02:10
soltwell then02:10
solttar jxvf file.tar.bz202:10
soltcd file02:10
sebastianhummmmmmmm not a valid virtual machien file02:11
soltif that's the directory name02:11
soltand look for INSTALL or README files02:11
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jindiazyah the readme says nothing02:11
soltusually if the source is written to use autoconf and automake the installation boils down to 3 commands02:11
soltsudo make install02:11
soltwell, try to look on the website for help02:12
soltit's a common practice to put installation information on the website and in the tarball (tar file)02:12
__mikemdoes anyone know if there are torture test programs like prime95 available for linux02:12
jindiazok cool, umm can yu like help me thru this so i get a feel for it for the future02:13
__mikemI need to know if my laptop is stable02:13
chouettehow do i know the name of the deb i create with alien ?02:13
sebastianyou mean the rpm02:14
sebastiandeb is Ubuntu Kubuntu Debian so on02:14
sebastianRPM is Fedora Core  Mandrake/Mandriva so on02:14
jindiazsoooooooooo i just write sudo make install into the terminal?02:14
chouettewell i create a deb from a rpm02:14
sebastianlook at this link jindiaz02:14
h3sp4wnsebastian : get vmware-workstation (If you have already pirated windows 2000 from canada it shouldn't be an issue for you) it will give you it in a nice hold your hand type way02:14
sebastianit tells you what to do02:14
jindiazok ill check it out02:14
h3sp4wnit will be the same as the rpm name with .deb on the end02:15
sebastianI will just edit one of the already made files02:15
sebastianand then it should work I hope02:15
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sebastianaltough I have thought about maybe piraitng the actasul VMware workstation02:15
sebastianor buying02:15
sebastian,but it's rather expensive02:15
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h3sp4wnyou install it using dpkg -i (install the deb with dpkg -i)02:16
h3sp4wnget the trial and then create the virtual machine then you don't even need it anymore02:16
h3sp4wnI only have it because someone else paid for it.02:17
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jindiazerm, how do i make it find the directory, its on my desktop02:17
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ryanakcahmmm.. just checking, but is this conversation ummm... "legal" ?02:17
[Nige] hello02:17
sebastianwhich convo :D02:18
sebastianare Microsoft 100% legal.  uhmmmmmmm no.  they have broken loads of anti trust laws.  hence why the Europen Commision and so on have tryed to sue them02:18
=== sebastian has legal 98 and XP
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__mikemsomeday linux will take the man (microsoft) down. Haven't you heard the news, they are afraid of us, they are terified02:20
darkmatter137can someone help me with installing kubuntu dapper drake from a dvd?02:20
[Nige] does anyone know how to get daul screens and different backgrounds for each monitor working in kubuntu / kde?02:20
sebastianso pirating 2000 when someone has legal 98 and XP.  I mean so what really.02:20
sebastian2000 being like a cross between 98 and XP02:20
darkmatter137I cant get it to recognize my hard drives02:21
__mikemum, a lot of dvd drives don't support booting from dvd yet02:21
darkmatter137oh, it boots from it fine02:21
darkmatter137loads live fine02:21
__mikemoh, interesting02:21
__mikemso what goes wrong02:21
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sebastianDapper Drake is still in Alpha02:21
sebastianit's not been released yet02:21
sebastianJune 1st02:21
sebastianfor the Ubuntu one02:21
darkmatter137ok, the live cd works fine, but when I tell it to install it says device not recognized02:21
ryanakcaAlpha means its still buggy/being tested02:21
sebastianyep that's right ryanakca02:22
jindiazok how do i install this thing from the desktop?02:22
ryanakcahmmm... what device?02:22
darkmatter137I have a fresh secondary hard drive that i bought specifically for linux02:22
sebastianaltough with open source.  most programs.  when they are in Alpha.  are pretty damn stable so on02:22
jindiazthe website isnt helping much02:22
__mikemdarkmatter137 does the installer at some point ask you what device/partition you want to install ubuntu on?02:22
ryanakcajindiaz: what thing?02:23
darkmatter137you boot from the cd and it gives you several options02:23
chouetteMust run as root to convert to deb format (or you may use fakeroot). >> It says this when i want to convert with Alien02:23
darkmatter137live cd, install, install in oem mode, check disk02:23
__mikemwhat are those options02:23
sebastiansudo you mean?02:23
darkmatter137install server02:23
sebastianyes you have to sudo02:23
__mikemok, so you do install I assume, then what happens02:24
jindiazthis kprobe app02:24
sebastianfake root no such thing.  it's called sudo.  and that's root, but for only that thing02:24
jindiazive never installed from a bz2 file02:24
ryanakcaeh hunh. ah, I see02:24
ryanakcaopen a console02:24
sebastiango here jindiaz02:24
jindiazno man, ive tried that02:24
chouetteok now it says file not found lol..02:24
jindiazit didnt like work02:24
darkmatter137I do install, it says device not recognized, i the command line to install to hda, hdb, hdc, hdd, hda1, hdb1, hdc1, hdd102:24
ryanakcathanks sebastian02:24
ryanakca!didnt work02:25
uboturyanakca: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:25
chouetteI dled the file to my desktop..02:25
darkmatter137I change*02:25
jindiazdo i have to put something to make it install from the desktop02:25
__mikemdo you know what the name of the secondary hd is02:25
ryanakcajindiaz, please be specific02:25
jindiaztar xzvf kprobe-0.2a.tar.bz202:25
jindiazi put that02:25
darkmatter137well, in windows its "new volume (F)02:25
ryanakcaeven though it would be uber uber cool, I cant read your mind02:25
jindiazbut it didnt work, how do i make it specfifc to the deskjtiop?02:26
__mikemit is probably hdb02:26
darkmatter137and my main hd is C02:26
jindiazyah that would be mad helpful02:26
darkmatter137I tried hdb02:26
darkmatter137and hdb102:26
darkmatter137but it wouldnt recognize02:26
__mikemare you sure those drives are mounted02:26
ryanakcaI see, zxvf means extract gzipped file, extract tar file, verbose, use archive file02:26
darkmatter137is the breezy badger installer easier?02:27
__mikemthe breezy badger installer is easier atleast on cd, never tred dvd02:27
ryanakcayou want "tar xvfj kprobe-0.2a.tar.bz2"02:27
jindiazummmm ok... what does that mean exactly, relative newb here.  lol02:27
jindiazok let me try that02:27
__mikemmounted means is the hard drive loaded and accessable by the computer02:27
darkmatter137by my windows system02:27
ryanakcatar zxvf is for whatever.tar.gz , tar xvfj is for whatever.tar.bz202:27
darkmatter137I want to dual boot you see02:28
soltdoes anybody know if dapper is goind to have glibc-2.4 ?02:28
darkmatter137actually, I have the choice of OSX, vista, or linux02:28
darkmatter137but i chose linux02:28
__mikemyes, do me a favor, go into the bios and tell me if that drive is a master or a slave02:28
sebastianyou want to dual boot Linux and Windows?02:28
[Nige] does anyone know how to get daul screens and different backgrounds for each monitor working in kubuntu / kde?02:28
[Nige] sorry02:28
sebastianyou have a Mac with OS X?02:28
jindiazoooooooooo ic ic, wow thats some usful info, going in my notepad, but umm yah that didnt work either02:28
[Nige] I need to get new repos for kde02:28
darkmatter137I have a PC02:28
darkmatter137but, in front of me02:28
sebastianyou have Linux and the Vista Beta on a PC?  and Mac OS X on a Mac?02:28
jindiaztar: kprobe-0.2a.tar.bz2: Cannot open: No such file or directory02:29
jindiazstyll got that msg again02:29
darkmatter137I have the disks for, Vista, OS X, and Dapper Drake kubuntu02:29
[Nige] good place to find them? I want to upgrade to kde 3.502:29
darkmatter137and i chose kubuntu02:29
darkmatter137to dual boot with my xp02:29
__mikemdarkmatter please go into the bios and tell me if your secondary drive is a master or a slave02:29
koolatronjindiaz: bunzip2 it first02:29
sebastianI thought you said your dual boot wasn't working02:29
sebastianok nevermind02:29
darkmatter137how would i do that?02:29
__mikemreboot the computer02:29
sebastianyou want to dual boot with XP?02:29
ryanakcathis channel is scrolling to fast02:29
soltjindiaz: he's getting no such file, so he's not in the directory where the tar.bz2 file is02:29
solteither cd to that directory02:29
darkmatter137then what?02:30
__mikemhit f1 several times when its flashing the memory02:30
koolatronsolt: ha02:30
soltor proide a full path02:30
__mikemdid a screen come up02:30
darkmatter137well, i only have 1 comp02:30
darkmatter137im writing this down02:30
soltok, gotta sleep02:30
soltbye bye02:31
__mikemif the f1 key doesn't work, try the del key02:31
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__mikemmy reasoning is, the drive MUST be a secondary master in order for you to install any OS on it02:31
darkmatter137if it isnt02:32
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darkmatter137can i change it somehow without opening the case and changing the hardware?02:32
__mikemyou should be able to set it as one in the bios02:32
darkmatter137that makes me happy02:32
__mikembe careful when your doing that though02:32
__mikemId have someone supervise you when your in the bios because if you don't know what your doing you can screw things up badly02:32
darkmatter137how badly?02:33
__mikemwindows won't boot badly02:33
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darkmatter137even if im not messing with my windows hard drive?02:33
darkmatter137I have absolutely nothing on this hard drive02:33
__mikemany mistake you make is reversable02:34
darkmatter137what mistakes might I make?02:34
darkmatter137so I am forewarned02:34
__mikemyou might accidently set your primary master as a slave, you might accidently turn on network boot,02:34
darkmatter137but if i turn primary master to slave, then i just go back and turn it to master02:35
__mikemyes, anything you do can be reversed, so remember what you did02:35
__mikemand having someone supervise you wouldn't hurt02:35
darkmatter137i dont have anyone to supervise me02:36
darkmatter137I wish I did02:36
__mikemdo you have the instruction manual02:36
darkmatter137for my hd or for my motherboard?02:36
__mikemfor the bios02:37
darkmatter137I have the instructions for my motherboard right next to me02:37
darkmatter137i didnt know there was instructions02:37
darkmatter137I thought it was universal02:37
__mikemlook in the motherboard manual02:37
darkmatter137chapter 4, bios setup02:37
frank23for what? I think the only way to change a drive from master to slave is to change to jumper on the drive02:38
__mikemonly if its specifically jumpered a certain way02:38
__mikemI am hoping that its not set by the jumpers02:38
darkmatter137if its sata isnt it cable select always?02:39
darkmatter137i know how to change the jumpers for an ultra ata02:39
darkmatter137but there are none for sata02:39
frank23darkmatter137: oh... I've never even seen a sata drive02:39
__mikemdarkmatter137 I am not really a hardware guy02:39
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__mikemI can only tell you that that drive must be a secondary master before you can install the os on it02:40
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__mikemfrank, it shouldn't matter what kind of drive it is, but I don't know how I am going to walk him through making the necessary system changes without knowing what kind of system he has02:42
__mikemfrank123 did you get that02:42
frank23what is the problem exactly?02:42
darkmatter137what kind of system?02:42
__mikemhe can't get the install cd for drapper to see his secondary hard drive02:43
__mikemI surmised that the drive is probably not designated as a master02:43
darkmatter137I cant get it to see any hard drive though02:43
__mikemany at all02:43
__mikemnot even the main drive02:43
frank23darkmatter137: can the 2nd drive be seen by windows?02:43
darkmatter137frank, yes02:43
__mikemId say try an install CD at this point as apposed to a dvd because if it doesn't see any of your drives then your bios settings are NOT the issue02:44
frank23darkmatter137: my guess is that the hardware setup is correct. the problem might be with the installer, sata controller maybe?02:45
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__mikemI assume you downloaded that dvd as an ISO02:45
frank23what is the motherboard model?02:46
darkmatter137asus P4800-E Deluxe02:47
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__mikemI use an asus motherboard in my for my amd6402:47
darkmatter137yeah, im downloading the cd right now02:47
darkmatter137for breezy02:47
darkmatter137just go mainstream, hopefully it will be easier02:48
__mikemThe CD shouldn't have any such problems02:48
__mikemand should be much easier02:48
darkmatter137do you know if there is a way to know if my secondary is slave or master from within windows?02:48
darkmatter137I get nervous talking about bios02:48
__mikemno, but as I said, if its not seeing any of your drives, that may not be the imediate problem02:48
__mikemas far as the breezy cd goes, all you need to do is follow the prompts, and the most difficult thing it will ask you is what language youw want your installation to use by default02:49
darkmatter137oh, hmm, I dont see the secondary in my boot menu02:49
darkmatter137could that mean its slave?02:49
__mikemnot sure what a "boot menu" is, what do you mean02:50
darkmatter137like, when I choose which device to boot from, such as live cds02:50
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__mikemyes, it is posible02:50
__mikemum, but not definite02:50
darkmatter137when I dual boot, will that be how I do it?02:50
darkmatter137or is there a graphical or some other interface02:51
darkmatter137that i can use02:51
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__mikemit depends on how you have it set up, some BIOSes can be configured so it gives you a menu at startup02:51
darkmatter137but that would probably mean major surgery02:52
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__mikemas I said, you really need to know what your doing02:52
darkmatter137so, when I use this installer cd, if its a slave drive, it will tell me?02:53
__mikemif its a slave drive, chances are it won't even show up when it prompts you to choose where to install ubuntu02:53
__mikemif it shows up, its a good sign02:53
frank23darkmatter137: you can go into the bios and check though. If you choose exit without saving to exit the bios. there is no way you can screw up anything02:54
darkmatter137well, im well into downloading the iso for breezy02:54
__mikemthe manual should atleast tell you how to get in02:54
darkmatter137so ill get that done first02:54
__mikemfrank123 I was actually more worried about what would happen if he touched the clock speed02:55
darkmatter137for my cpu's?02:55
frank23well I don't think it's that easy to accidentaly change bios settings02:56
__mikemin my old system, the boot sequence and the clock speed were dubiously placed in the same menu02:56
__mikemI forget what kind it was02:56
frank23__mikem: lol02:56
darkmatter137I looked at some screenshots in my manual02:56
darkmatter137i should be fine02:56
darkmatter137hard drives in one box02:57
darkmatter137everything is separated02:57
__mikemcool, you said, you had an asus motherboard02:57
darkmatter137most damage i could do would be to change raid settings or something02:57
__mikemYes, I do to02:57
__mikemI have an amd64 running at 3Ghz02:58
__mikemin that box02:58
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darkmatter137never heard of a 3ghz amd02:58
darkmatter137fx60 or something?02:58
frank23__mikem: do you mean 3000+02:58
darkmatter137thats not 3ghz02:58
darkmatter137thats like 2.1302:58
darkmatter137or something02:59
darkmatter137but dont worry02:59
darkmatter137it would pwn a p4 at 3ghz02:59
frank23my 3200+ is 2.2 GHz02:59
__mikemmy dad said specifically when he bought the thing it runs at 3 ghz02:59
__mikemnow, I can check if you want02:59
frank23__mikem: cat /proc/cpuinfo03:00
__mikemits a windows machine, I am on my laptop right now03:00
__mikemhmm, your right, its only running at 2.1 right now03:01
__mikemOh well, I can try overclocking it later03:01
__mikemif my dad lets me03:01
darkmatter137if it works fine, why risk it?03:02
__mikemfor the fun of it, and I will ofcourse use caution when doing so03:03
darkmatter137hmm, interesting03:03
darkmatter137looks like linux is already making a move on ps303:03
frank23__mikem: yeah if you make sure the system stays rock stable, the cpu should be ok.03:03
darkmatter137support for cell processors in 2.6.1603:03
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frank23__mikem: the problem is if you overclocked cpu is stable in the winter, it might not be in the summer03:04
frank23stop that! ;)03:04
ubuntulol anyways i have a question03:05
ubuntui am running kubuntu from a cd...03:05
ubuntuhow the heck do i install win32 codecs03:05
frank23!tell ubuntu about restricted03:05
ubuntui own windows xp so it shouldnt be a copyright issue03:05
__mikemright now, I have the fans set on low, so I can always do that03:06
__mikemset them higher I mean03:06
__mikemas you can tell, I aint a hardware guy03:07
frank23ubuntu: I finally understand why so many people named ubuntu come the channel. It's because the run the live cd. I previously thought they were idiots for naming themselves ubuntu.03:07
frank23It finally makes sense03:07
ubuntui apologize... ill change th enick03:07
__mikemlol, I figured that out a long ime ago03:07
frank23ubuntu: no no it's fine03:07
CheeseBurgerManI never really thought about it.03:08
__mikemubuntu, don't worry I don't mind03:08
frank23!tell ubuntu about restricted03:08
__mikemonce, I went into VMware, took a system snap shot, and typed "sudo rm -r ~" just to see what what it would be like03:09
ubuntuthis is the first time im on linux... so all this code stuff makes nil sense to me lol03:09
__mikemrm -r ~ means remove everything from your home dirrectory03:09
ubuntubut i have to say i never realized how efficent ubuntu os are compared to windows03:09
ubuntui was always a windows user03:09
__mikemall linux distributions are good, its just a matter of learning how to use them03:10
ubuntulol i cant even install realplayer...03:10
__mikemits like learning how to drive a stick shift after driving an automatic for so long03:10
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ubuntuit said save at desktop and unpack and then type ./realplayer10gold.bin or something03:11
__mikemyou can't rely on the os doing a lot of the greasy stuff for you03:11
ubuntudo i open a terminal window for this?03:11
__mikemno you don't03:11
ubuntuwhen i do that it cant find the file or folder03:11
__mikemnot yet anyway03:11
__mikemubuntu, rightclick on the ,bin file03:11
__mikemand go to properties03:11
frank23ubuntu: you should follow the instructions in the link I sent you03:11
ubuntui apologize... i have no clue abt this so bear with me lol03:11
ubuntuthanks alot03:11
__mikemgo to permissions03:11
__mikemin properties03:12
__mikemand check all three check boxes under the word executable03:12
sebastianforget realplayer03:12
sebastianuse Mplayer instead :)03:12
frank23ubuntu: It's always preferable to install software with synaptic. If its not there, use a .deb file. or compile from source.03:12
sebastianthat's not WIndows Media Player by the way03:12
ubuntulol i figured03:12
__mikemsebastian, don't patronize the newb03:13
sebastianMplayer can play like all the audio types03:13
ubuntui understand frank... but my programming or usage experience in linux is nil...03:13
__mikemubuntu, what kind of programming do you do03:13
ubuntuwhats synaptic...03:13
sebastianyour using Gnome or KDE Ubuntu?03:13
ubuntunone... used to do javascripting, vb asp and html03:13
__mikemits the package manager for gnome03:13
sebastianUbuntu or Kunbutu?03:13
frank23ubuntu: You don't to be able to program. Using the terminal is useful and you'll learn over time. you can do most things without it if you want as well03:14
ubuntuim using kubuntu03:14
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sebastianthen you should of called yourself kubuntu since people think your using Ubuntu since you called yourself Ubuntu03:14
ubuntuhow do i install mplayer?03:14
__mikemI am actually prety new to linux myself, but I got a nice book called he Linux Bible by Christopher Negus03:14
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frank23ubuntu: oh yeah the kubuntu equivalent is adept but I like synaptic better03:14
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kubuntu_noobthere we go03:14
__mikemlol, talk about low selfesteme03:15
kubuntu_noobhey first day03:15
kubuntu_noobon linux03:15
kubuntu_noobim sure u guys were learning too on ur first day :)03:15
__mikemI still am learning actually03:15
sebastiansame here03:15
sebastianused LInux for about two years though03:15
CheeseBurgerManas am I03:15
kubuntu_noobwell im trying to install realplayer... and run those damn videos and mp3s03:16
CheeseBurgerManused linux for a few months.03:16
sebastianah ha03:16
sebastianjust rememberd03:16
__mikemhey sebastian, what is the actual name of the package for mplayer03:16
sebastianthere is a good page on the wiki03:16
sebastianUbuntu wiki03:16
CheeseBurgerManI think03:16
frank23kubuntu_noob: I remember at first the file system organisation totally scared me!03:16
sebastianabout getting MP3's so on to work03:16
kubuntu_noobit is scaring me!03:16
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sebastianI used Gnome first :)03:17
kubuntu_noobim like wtf is going on... where is th emy computer gone?03:17
sebastianKDE yuck03:17
__mikemKDE yum03:17
CheeseBurgerManyup, mplayer03:17
kubuntu_noobis there a noob site for installing this stuff?03:17
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sebastiani'll get the link for getting mp3's so on to work on Ubuntu03:17
kubuntu_nooblike mplayer with the codecs03:17
sebastianthat should help you03:17
__mikemI tried a sudo apt-get install mplayer, and it says package not found03:17
kubuntu_noobthanks... im trying to make sense of th elink frank sent me, thanks!03:18
CheeseBurgerManfunny. in apt-cache search mplayer is shows mplayer03:18
frank23kubuntu_noob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation  is great to start with03:18
ubotu[restricted]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats03:18
frank23kubuntu_noob: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats has everything about audio/video/dvd/java03:19
kubuntu_noobi guess tonight it will be dedicated to linux till 12 lol03:19
sebastianyep  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=mp303:19
kubuntu_noobthanks i really appreciate it03:19
sebastianyep this is the link  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=mp303:19
kubuntu_noobok one question... i dloaded the bin file to my desktop for realplayer03:21
kubuntu_noobi went to properties and checked all the executable and write etc stuff03:21
sebastiandon't bother with the actsaul Real realplayer03:21
sebastianjust download and get working mplayer03:21
sebastianthat will take care of like everything03:21
kubuntu_noobhow do i do that? i mean i cant seem to open any file with ./03:22
kubuntu_noobit keeps telling me the file doesnt exist03:22
sebastianyes MP3's don't just play by default in Kubuntu or Ubuntu03:22
sebastianand many other LInux distros03:22
sebastian,because of legal reasons.  they are patented or whatever03:22
sebastianand same thing with DVD's  they won't just play either03:23
kubuntu_noobyeah i know... i checked that with the windows ppl03:23
kubuntu_noobi own windows xp so they said it is fine03:23
frank23kubuntu_noob: you should install realplayer as explained here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats. you have to cd Desktop to go to the Desktop directory03:23
kubuntu_noobbut i need to install win32 codecs... ok before i ask any more stupid questions ill read the link frank sent me03:23
sebastianI tryed to install Relaplayer myself before.  and well it's not very uhmmmm nice03:23
kubuntu_noobthank you for your patience guys03:23
sebastianyes install win32 codecs03:23
__mikemsebastian, it aint in my apt-cache, I piped the output of apt-cache pkgnames through grep mplayer and couldn't find any03:24
__mikemjust so you know03:24
frank23kubuntu_noob: it may be "morally" fine. but I'm sure it's still not legally fine at least in the US. I doubt anybody cares about that though (including Microsoft)03:24
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sebastianthis is the site for mplayer:  www.mplayerhq.hu/03:24
sebastianyou have to download it I think03:24
CheeseBurgerMan__mikem: Did you enable universe and multiverse repositories?03:24
sebastiancarn't just get it from the package manager I think03:24
frank23__mikem: mplayer is not in amd64 ubuntu03:25
frank23!info mplayer03:25
CheeseBurgerMan sudo apt-get install mplayer-amd6403:25
frank23!info mplayer-38603:25
ubotumplayer-386: (The Ultimate Movie Player For Linux), section multiverse/graphics, is extra. Version: 1:1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 3568 kB, Installed size: 8132 kB03:25
frank23mplayer is in multiverse03:25
kubuntu_noobso i have to dload the source, codecs, fonts and maybe a skin03:26
kubuntu_nooband run them :)03:26
frank23kubuntu_noob: for mplayer? no need for any of that.03:26
kubuntu_noobit says on the site... for a complete installation u need to do all this03:27
frank23kubuntu_noob: are you running i386 version of ubuntu?03:27
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michael__sorry, I have a busted cooling fan on my laptop and it just overheated03:27
kubuntu_noobi have a 64bit processor, not sure exactly which one im running...03:27
frank23kubuntu_noob: what image did you download?03:27
sebastianso your running kubuntu on a 64bit PC?03:27
kubuntu_noobyes an amb 64bit 1.8ghz03:28
michael__hey, is there a moderator in here03:28
frank23michael__: why?03:28
sebastianyeah I am a moderator :D and if you piss me off I will kick you out :D03:29
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kubuntu_noobahhh the readme for mplayer... this might help on how to install03:29
michael__the screen name __mikem is me, my laptop died, and aparently for some reason my the irc session didn't terminate03:30
sebastiando you even know how to use a package manger yet?03:30
sebastiankubuntu noob03:30
frank23kubuntu_noob: no no no.... there are much easier ways to install stuff in ubuntu03:30
michael__do you think you can kick that name so I can use it03:30
CheeseBurgerManWell, even if you kick it from the channel, you can't use it.03:30
kubuntu_noobim all ears frank...03:30
CheeseBurgerManIt has to disconnect from the server.03:30
kubuntu_noobshould i follow the link u sen tme?03:30
michael__unless it times out, it isn't going to disconect on its own03:31
frank23kubuntu_noob: first learn to use adept (link) and add universe and multiverse (2nd link)03:31
kubuntu_noobthanks alot frank...03:31
kubuntu_noobthey insturctions are very clear03:31
kubuntu_noobok will do!03:31
frank23kubuntu_noob: after that you can install mplayer (and about 15000 other packages) with adept03:32
kubuntu_noobi did try and install some mp3 library codes etc... earlier03:32
kubuntu_noobbut the mp3s still didnt run... i need the win32 codecs i think... the manager prob doesnt have them to download03:33
kubuntu_noobbut yeah now im getting the hang of this...03:33
kubuntu_noobnoe trying to install th emultiverse thing :)03:33
frank23kubuntu_noob: for mp3s, did you try to follow the restrictedformats page?03:34
kubuntu_noobi am trying to... it says type commands. not sure where i should type them in...03:34
kubuntu_noobopen a terminal window?03:35
kubuntu_noobor the run thing03:35
frank23kubuntu_noob: yeah. it's called konsole in the menu03:35
CheeseBurgerManPress Alt+Space and type in "Konsole"03:35
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CheeseBurgerManYeah, awesome app, isn't it? :D03:36
kubuntu_noobman... this is just like grade 2 when i got my very first pc03:36
kubuntu_noobthe thing just popped out of nowehere03:36
frank23kubuntu_noob: all the sudo apt-get install  stuff can be done with adept. they do the same thing: install programs from the repositories03:36
___mikemsebastian check the user id of me and __mikem, they both say n=michael@201-106.24.70.tampabay.res.rr.com03:36
sebastianyep  LInux is about typing commands in for loads of stuff.  so start getting used to it now Kubuntu noob03:36
sebastianI was joking when I said I was a moderater.  mikem03:37
kubuntu_noobone question what are respositories?03:37
kubuntu_noobjust for info03:37
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sebastianuhmmmmm basically03:37
___mikemTHats a real bummer, because there is no irc client currently connected to __mikem, I can guarintee you03:37
sebastianplaces where you can download stuff03:37
sebastianservers where you can download the programs from03:38
kubuntu_noobso its like a holding place... which have small programs in them03:38
kubuntu_noobu can dload as u need them?03:38
CheeseBurgerManThe repositories are places where you download the packages, then apt will automatically install them.03:38
frank23kubuntu_noob: servers that contain programs for ubuntu.  apt is the package management system for ubuntu.03:38
CheeseBurgerManadept is a GUI for apt03:38
kubuntu_noobso ubuntu.com or whatever stores all these little programs we all make to add on03:38
kubuntu_noobso this think keeps improving all the time...03:39
CheeseBurgerManWell, they only store certain programs, but basically, yes.03:39
kubuntu_noobshit... so much more power than windows03:39
frank23kubuntu_noob: not just little programs. A large part of all open source software is in there. 15000 packages03:39
kubuntu_noobahh i see03:39
frank23kubuntu_noob: if something is not there, it usually means, it's new, unstable or that not many people use it03:40
CheeseBurgerManUsually new03:41
darkmatter137hello again03:41
sebastianyep open source is more powerful then Windows and that03:41
CheeseBurgerManSuch as the rather annoying Firefox not being there. :\03:41
__mikemok, looks like the account timed out03:41
kubuntu_noobone thing i dont get is why arent there any vruses or secutrity holes on linux bases os...03:41
sebastianyou can install Firefox  Cheese Buger Man inside your Kbuntu03:41
kubuntu_noobi mean with all this power and access...03:41
kubuntu_noobu guys can do whatever u want03:41
__mikembecause virus writers count on the fact that most people use windows03:42
CheeseBurgerMansebastian: I tried, but it told me it needed a lib that I already had.03:42
kubuntu_noobsorry but im really curious03:42
darkmatter137maybe becuase insidious hackers use linux, and like linux peeps :)03:42
sebastianwell I got Firefox on my  Ubuntu.  I followeed a nice wiki page03:42
CheeseBurgerManand because anyone can get to the code, people can patch security flaws without being part of the 'official tema'03:42
sebastianthere have been some virus's for Linux03:42
CheeseBurgerManI followed the wiki page too, and got the same error03:42
sebastianthey tend to stay in the lab03:42
kubuntu_noobahhh i see... so open source can go both ways03:43
frank23kubuntu_noob: and even the holes that do exist tend to cause less damage because user programs are run with user priviledge while Windows home users run everything as administrator03:43
__mikemmost vulnerabilities in linux stem from buffer overruns based on what I heard03:43
CheeseBurgerManfrank23: not all windows users run as admin - I don't, and setup my mom so she doesn't either. ;)03:43
frank23CheeseBurgerMan: You're not the average home windows user then ;)03:43
__mikemI run as admin on my windows machine03:43
darkmatter137admin allows you to gain access to almost any computer easily03:44
kubuntu_noobi dont think ur mom would be the cause of spyware or viruses03:44
__mikemI am actually using vmware to run ubuntu right now03:44
CheeseBurgerMankubuntu_noob: Regardless, it's still safter. ;)03:44
sebastianwell I been trying to get VMware player03:44
sebastianworking this evening03:44
CheeseBurgerMan__mikem: VMWare is a bit slow on my comp (at least with Windows, not installed it in Linux)03:44
darkmatter137do i need to use a firewall with linux?03:44
sebastianso I can install 2k pro inside Ubuntu :)03:44
darkmatter137or antivirus?03:44
sebastianUbuntu has a anti virus03:45
sebastianthere are some anti virus's for Linux03:45
sebastianjust in case03:45
sebastianand yes it is a good idea to  use a firewall if your using it on The Internet03:45
sebastianwhatever operating system you are using03:45
__mikemYou shouldn't try running vmware server because that is very slow03:45
CheeseBurgerManWhich you are. ;)03:45
CheeseBurgerMan__mikem: I didn't. It was the VMware player03:45
__mikembut vmware workstation version works fine03:45
sebastianVMware player03:45
CheeseBurgerManmy 'puter just isn't the fastest. :)03:45
kubuntu_noobnot running a firewall on this os... but windows i have zonelabs03:45
__mikemI use vmware workstation03:45
sebastian,but Gnome or whatever is being stupid.  and keeps on turning my Virtual Machine file into a text file at the moment03:46
kubuntu_noobi think the university server im on right now has its own firewall in place too03:46
MaterMaravillae__mikem: how much ram have you got?03:46
kubuntu_noobi gb03:46
frank23darkmatter137: antivirus is basically useless. Firewall...  can be useful but by default ubuntu has no open ports that can accept connections03:46
__mikemI only have 512mb right now03:46
sebastianyes I expect they have a firewall your uni03:46
CheeseBurgerManYeah, I've only got 512MB03:46
darkmatter137if ubuntu has no open ports03:46
darkmatter137how do you use bittorent?03:46
MaterMaravillaeok, ty. im trying vmware right now and ive got 512, and i didnt know if it was enough03:46
__mikemFirewall is good if you are running ubuntu on a server03:47
frank23darkmatter137: well bittorrent opens those ports but you need them opened anyways.03:47
darkmatter137ah, i c03:47
sebastianwhatever operating system if  your using it on the internet. you should have a firewall03:47
__mikemwe are all closet vmware users and now we are all coming out?03:47
sebastianI am not a vmware user just yet03:47
darkmatter137im burning the install disk03:47
sebastiansince I haven't got it working with 2k pro just yet03:48
kubuntu_noobwhats universe and multiverse?03:48
frank23__mikem: And all law abiding vmware player users I'm sure03:48
sebastiandiffernet resporitories03:48
darkmatter137once i have it installed, how will I boot into kubuntu since my winxp is my main03:48
kubuntu_noobim adding it... but would like to know exactly what they are03:48
sebastiannope 2k pro is a pirate :d03:48
__mikemI got my copy of vmware workstation lagitimately03:48
sebastiansomeone in Canada sent me03:48
sebastian,but I have legal 98 and XP03:48
kubuntu_nooblol im in canada03:48
__mikemmy brother happened to have an unactivated version of workstation lieing around so he gave it to me03:48
CheeseBurgerMandarkmatter137: It will install GRUB into the MBR which allows you to chose between windows and Kubuntu03:48
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darkmatter137it will install grub by default?03:49
__mikemIs it alright to recomend a good book I resently bought on learning linux here03:49
darkmatter137so, I have windows on my primary, i install kubuntu on secondar, grub will let me choose?03:49
sebastianI thought about pirating VMware workstation or buying it, but then well this VMware player so I am like i'll just use this03:49
CheeseBurgerMan__mikem: Go ahead03:49
frank23kubuntu_noob: universe is programs that are not officially supported by ubuntu. they may or may not get security updates. multiverse is like universe but closed source03:49
darkmatter137im off to install03:50
darkmatter137see yas03:50
__mikemGet the Linux Bible by Christopher Negus03:50
kubuntu_noobthanks again frank03:50
CheeseBurgerMan__mikem: Too late, already got it. :P03:50
__mikemLooks like my laptop just came back up03:50
CheeseBurgerMan2005 edition though03:50
sebastianHoary headgehog had Gnome and Kubuntu,  but Breezy no Kubuntu hummmmmmm03:50
sebastian,but I installed KDE on my Ubuntu to03:51
__mikemTheres kubuntu for breezy, or atleast there was03:51
ubotumethinks kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/03:51
kubuntu_noobwhats breezy?03:51
frank23sebastian: breezy has kde too. what are you talking about?03:51
kubuntu_nooband kde?03:51
sebastianYes I got KDE on my Ubuntu  that's what I said, but on Hoary Headgehog there was Gnome and Kubuntu03:51
frank23kubuntu_noob: breezy is 5.10   hoary was 5.0403:51
kubuntu_noobman i sound like a 10 yr old kid... so much curiousity i love it!03:52
sebastianwhat are the differences between Kubuntu and just installing KDE on Gnome?03:52
__mikemkubuntu_noob I was (and some times still am) the same way03:52
kubuntu_noobahh different versions of kubuntu....03:52
sebastianI mean just isntalling KDE on Ubuntu03:52
CheeseBurgerMansebastian: None, except that you still have GNOME.03:52
tonyyarussosebastian: Default apps.03:52
CheeseBurgerManI have GNOME, KDE, and XFCE.03:52
__mikemcould someone explain what kde is to kubuntu_noob, I would but I don't know how to explain it03:52
tonyyarusso__mikem: I'll give it a shot.03:53
sebastianso will I03:53
=== CheeseBurgerMan will supplement
sebastianLinux is all about choice Kubuntu noob03:53
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: You coming from a Windows background?  (I'm making an assumption, correct me if I'm wrong.)03:53
frank23kubuntu_noob: kde is the desktop environment you're using. If you had ubuntu, you would be using gnome instead and things would look quite different on your screen03:53
sebastianthere are loads of Desktop Environments Graphical User Interfaces to choose from on Linux03:53
kubuntu_noobahhh guis03:54
sebastianKDE is the most populast apparanatlly03:54
__mikemxfce, kde gnome03:54
sebastianand Gnome is the second03:54
sebastianand XFCE is the 3rd I Think03:54
__mikemcde (for you old time unix users)03:54
kubuntu_noobso kubuntu runs on kde?03:54
frank23sebastian: yeah but gnome is more popular among (k)ubuntu users03:54
__mikemkde runs on kubuntu03:54
kubuntu_nooblol yeah03:54
sebastianKubuntu uses KDE by default.  and Ubuntu uses Gnome by default03:54
__mikemlinux is just the kernel03:54
__mikemthe kernel is like a car engine03:55
kubuntu_noobthat makes sense!03:55
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: When you logged into Windows, you had a pretty little interface, with the Start menu, clock, My Computer, and all that kind of stuff that made up the desktop.  That sort of package deal is similar to a desktop environment like KDE (though not quite the same, because there's all sorts of little components to compare too).03:55
kubuntu_noobyeah i got it... thanks03:55
kubuntu_noobi feel a lot smarter now03:55
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: Wonderful!03:55
__mikemyou need more than just an engine to get around03:55
__mikemyou need more than just a kernel to use your computer03:55
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sebastianand Gnome is more user fridnly then KE I reckon.  and of course since this is the Kubuntu channel here I guess loads of people here disagree or whatever03:55
sebastianuser friendly that is03:56
sebastianand KDE03:56
sebastiannot KE03:56
__mikemdifferent distributions of linux use different software to interface with the kernel, just like different cars have different bodies and still use the same engine03:56
__mikemits what I like to call a modular opperating system03:56
sebastianthere are also loads of file managers for Linux03:56
sebastianKubuntu noob03:56
sebastianKDE uses Konquerer which is also a browser.  Gnome uses Natuilus03:57
__mikembecause things like the desktop environment, the package managers, and stuff like that are like moduals to the kernal03:57
sebastianand there is even a file manager which is rather much like Windows :d :)03:57
__mikemis that a good synopsis03:57
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: Main difference on that front Linux vs. Windows - you have a choice.  And you can run more than one.  WinXP you basically get one desktop, and can either theme it as XP or Classic.  Here, you can have KDE, Gnome, XFCE, IceWM, Fluxbox, Openbox, Motif, and some others all installed at the same time, and if you really feel like it, all running at the same time.03:57
__mikemmotif is just a window manager,03:57
sebastianXP with 3rd party programs can theme it as well03:58
tonyyarusso__mikem: True, nm.03:58
__mikemXFCE is also just a window manager but it works nicely with gdm03:58
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: Things like Konqueror and Nautilus would be roughly equivalent to Windows Explorer (not to be confused with Internet Explorer, although Konq. fulfills that role too, but not Nautilus)03:59
sebastianLinux is about choice being able to choose what you want to use for like everything.  where as Windows is about vender lockin and well having to use there shit03:59
tonyyarusso__mikem: Speaking of which, how can I get desktop icons and such in XFCE?03:59
__mikemI don't know, I found xfce difficult to use when I tried it03:59
tonyyarussoCheeseBurgerMan: Thank you for nabbing that one :)03:59
CheeseBurgerManMy pleasure. :P03:59
__mikemits nice, but as I said, difficult to use04:00
kubuntu_noobyeah konquerer i understood was a web browser04:00
sebastianit still is04:00
sebastianKonquerer is both04:00
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: Yes, and a filesystem browser at the same time.04:00
__mikemconquer is as I said like windows explorer because like windows explorer, it is both a windows manager and a web browser04:00
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kubuntu_noobso its like ie...04:00
sebastianyes in a way04:00
CheeseBurgerManYeah, but cooler. :P04:01
tonyyarussokubuntu_noob: Except it works and won't expose you to every security hole known to man.04:01
Snake|ONAIRCan I intrest anyone in tuning into my radio. I got 3 spots lef on the server. It's predominatly rock, but theres going to be a 30 min techno block coming up. Anyone intrested?04:01
sebastian,but unlike IE, because of it's link to Explorer.  well the whole of Windows crashes then.  anwyay with KOnquerer if Konquerer crashes04:01
sebastianthe whole of Linux won't crash04:01
__mikemThe only reason why I don't use kde is because for some reason it won't run on my machines at resolutions higher than 1024x76804:01
__mikemI always hated that about IE04:02
beefsprocketis there a way to remove all mimetype associations and revert to the default?04:02
CheeseBurgerManI use it at 1280x76804:02
=== tonyyarusso left IE because of security, etc., but then saw tabbed browsing, and was hooked
beefsprocketI keep getting an octet popup problem or some such error04:02
sebastianaltough Firefox is the better  than Konquerer as a web browser I guess04:02
__mikemLong live Firefox04:02
Snake|ONAIROpera for life04:02
__mikemlets not start any cola wars in here04:03
kubuntu_noobwhere is the repositories option in adept?04:03
sebastianIE is shit.  stops the whole Internet from becoming much better, because of it's lack of web standards suppourt04:03
sebastianas in the webpage coding it suppourts and how.  Yep lack of CSS so on04:03
__mikemmicrosoft claims that it can't not include ie with windows even though they were told they needed to stop04:03
=== tonyyarusso laughs every time the EU hits them with more fines
sebastianIE 7 will be a slight improvement, but not a good enough one.  and by the way IE 7 has tabs04:04
sebastianwhich is a long over due feature for them04:04
tonyyarussosebastian: So I've heard, but a little late.04:04
Snake|ONAIR__mikem: and they were proved rong04:04
__mikemyup, the amazing thing is, as bad as microsoft is, Mac is getting to be worse04:04
sebastianis it? why?  how?04:04
__mikemlook at what they are doing with the IPod and Itunes04:04
=== beefsprocket wonders if anyone has any idea about reverting to default file associations?
__mikembeefsprocket, wish I could help, we aren't ignoreing you though04:05
beefsprocketI didn't think you were, just scrolling quite a bit is all04:05
sebastianapparantlly Mac OS X has the best GUI though?04:05
CheeseBurgerMannever used it04:06
sebastianI have seen it in videos and stuff.  damn I want a Mac04:06
__mikembeefsprocket, try uninstalling and reinstalling all the mime types04:06
sebastianthing is with open source.  I mean come on.  surely they can make something better than Mac OS X's GUI?04:07
__mikemIT would be nice if we could have open source music04:07
CheeseBurgerManWell, I know those who would say that open source has made something better than OS X's GUI04:07
CheeseBurgerManBut that's the same guy who makes bash scripts for fun.04:07
__mikemCheeseBurgerMan, apple is very good at GUI Design04:08
CheeseBurgerManAs I said, I've never used it.04:08
__mikemIve used them before04:08
=== Snake|ONAIR sings B52's - Rock Lobster
CheeseBurgerManI've not. :P04:08
__mikemthey are beautiful04:08
sebastianwell I guess they have to04:08
sebastiansince most of there users/customers04:08
sebastianare multimedia peopel graphics designers04:08
sebastianso on04:08
__mikemand those people are so abundant that APple is targeting them04:09
__mikemand they even put a big dent in WIndows credibility when it comes to Multimedia Design04:09
__mikemmost people will say that Macs are better at graphic design than a PC will ever be04:10
sebastian,but they forced people to buy there hardware04:10
sebastianhence why Mac OS X04:10
sebastiandid not become so popular04:10
sebastian,but now we got these Mactels hummmmmm04:10
__mikemlike I was saying, Apple is really becoming worse than microsoft04:10
__mikemAnother interesting fast fact about Mac OSX, Its based on BSD04:11
sebastianand Safari there browser is based on Konquerer04:11
Snake|ONAIR__mikem: not totally04:11
sebastianwell it's rendering engine04:11
Snake|ONAIRIts more based on...whats that other OS...04:11
=== Snake|ONAIR cant remeber the name
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== burepe [n=burepe@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu
__mikemBSD is UNIX04:12
sebastianI know04:12
Snake|ONAIRNeXT I think04:12
sebastianand Linux is Linux, but quite a lot of people like to call it a Unix04:13
Snake|ONAIRMac OS X is based on the Mach kernel and the BSD implementation of Unix, which were incorporated into NEXTSTEP,04:13
naliothlinux is a *nix04:13
__mikemI was looking at FSU as a petential college I might go to in a year. The woman in the computer science department had the gaul to say that Unix is going to be obsolete04:13
sebastianUnix is becoming obsolote04:13
sebastianit's true04:13
=== nico [n=nico@] has joined #kubuntu
sebastiancompanies that use Unix for servers so on04:13
sebastianare going to Linux :)04:13
__mikemI said, to her funny, there are plenty of Linux distributors that are doing quite well04:14
sebastianthat's interesting females in a computer science department.04:14
sebastianthe majority of females and computers hummmmmmm04:14
__mikemYeh, its a new thing04:15
CheeseBurgerManthere are some smart females in computers. I Just don't know any. :P04:15
sebastianindeed same ehre04:15
Hobbseesebastian: yes, they exist04:15
CheeseBurgerManHeck, I've been asked "How do I get to my desktop"04:15
=== Hobbsee glares at CheeseBurgerMan
__mikemI used to know a girl who was prety good with computers. HOwever she kicked the hobby after she tried a computer programming class and bit off a bit more than she could chew04:16
sebastianare there any females here?04:16
tonyyarussoCheeseBurgerMan: I know some that try, fewer that succeed.04:16
sebastiangirls find computers for geeks,  but yet obbsses over there mobiles phones.  which are really computers by the way04:16
=== CheeseBurgerMan doesn't really know Hobbsee. :P
__mikemIt took me several tries to get into computer programming04:16
sebastianthey don't see a mobile phone as being a computer04:16
Hobbseesebastian: do you have any idea how horrible you're sounding?04:17
=== __mikem refuses to comment
sebastianteenage girls04:17
sebastianat least around here04:17
sebastianother countires maybe not so much04:17
Hobbseehehe - __mikem already knows :P04:17
__mikemyou should see how things are down here in floriDUH04:17
sebastianHobbsee are you are female?04:17
sebastianI was thinking that from when you started talking to me so on04:17
CheeseBurgerManlol, he guessed it04:17
Hobbseesebastian: what an interesting conclusion.  yes.  there are other females around here too, btw04:17
__mikemHobbsee, I kept my mouth shut does that make me a gentalman04:18
=== Hobbsee likes computer programming
Hobbseehehe it does __mikem04:18
=== tonyyarusso thinks some people should read a link that he hopes to produce soon...
sebastianwell that's pretty damn cool.  at least some females here :)04:18
=== claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu
=== __mikem laughs at sebastian as he tries to pull his foot out of his mouth
Hobbseetonyyarusso: what, the one about girls not existing on the internet?04:18
=== darkmatter1 [n=Owner@ip68-4-174-28.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuI guess women is Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ to learn how to act, mister!04:19
darkmatter1help.... lol04:19
__mikemubotu lart sebastian04:19
=== ubotu chops sebastian in half with a free Solaris 7 CD
ubotuLove is a snowmobile racing across the tundra, which suddenly flips over, pinning you underneath.  At night, the ice weasels come.04:19
darkmatter1I just installed kubuntu, it rebooted04:19
CheeseBurgerManAs I said, there are some, but I don't really know any. (since I don't really know you - just that you were a female, and that from a pastebin that you did which showed your home folder)04:19
CheeseBurgerManBut I'll digress. ;)04:19
Snake|ONAIRWho needs women, when you have love04:19
darkmatter1grub 1.5 loading04:19
CheeseBurgerMandark_suic: Good...04:19
=== sebastian remembers how he read some article about the Ubuntu developers trying to get women to get involved with that
darkmatter1grub starting04:19
darkmatter1error 2104:19
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Nope, the one about dealing with attitudes and behaviors towards those in the Linux community, or that you are trying to encourage to get into it.04:19
CheeseBurgerManNot so good04:19
Hobbseesebastian: you might want to read http://www.escapistmagazine.com/print/17/27  :P04:19
Snake|ONAIRAmarok = ALL THE CHICKS04:20
Snake|ONAIRAll girls love amarok.04:20
darkmatter1well, what does it mean, and how do i fix it?04:20
=== CheeseBurgerMan wonders what error 21 is
=== CheeseBurgerMan uses Google.
__mikemlart Snake|ONAIR04:20
__mikem!lart Snake|ONAIR04:20
=== ubotu resizes Snake|ONAIR's terminal to 40x24
ubotubeefsprocket: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:20
__mikem!good bot04:21
darkmatter1is there anyone here that can help me?!?04:21
darkmatter1i mean, my system wont boot04:21
=== sebastian lol Hobbsee loads of females use The Internet
=== sebastian I already knew that
__mikemdarkmatter CheeseBurgerMan is working on it04:21
=== Hobbsee examines tonyyarusso's link
=== robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek
__mikemhey hobbsee, type !lart sebastian04:22
CheeseBurgerManWell, I've found lots of stuff on error 21, just not a solution.04:22
Hobbsee+1 to the last paragraph of 1.1 of that page!04:22
Hobbsee__mikem: i know about lart04:22
ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.04:22
tonyyarussoHobbsee: I have a feeling you'll be +1-ing it a lot; it's quite the article.04:22
Hobbsee__mikem: and there are far more effective ways of dealing with him :P04:22
darkmatter1well, what is error 21/04:22
darkmatter1to start with04:22
=== callie [n=callie@host86-137-0-200.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
CheeseBurgerManI still have no idea04:23
__mikemhey CheeseBurgerMan, you might want to start a private chat with him04:23
CheeseBurgerManWhy? This way if I find a solution everyone can see and learn. ;)04:23
__mikemso he doesn't have to deal with the scrooling04:23
__mikemI know when I am in his position, I usually find a scrolling chatwindow hard to deal with04:24
Hobbseesolutions are good in here too04:24
=== Hobbsee hates giving help by private messages
=== tilix [n=ilia@pppoe59.bol.bg] has joined #kubuntu
=== exobuzz [n=jools@82-70-241-13.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
=== Hobbsee refuses to do it, most of the time
__mikemthen again, the people have spoken04:24
darkmatter1oh shit04:24
darkmatter121 is selected disk does not exist04:24
Hobbseedarkmatter1: language.04:24
=== sebastian wonders how old Hobbsee is, but she probably won't tell him :(
darkmatter1but I really am screwed04:24
Hobbseedarkmatter1: you get to the grub screen?04:25
=== dottedline [n=rick@] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:25
darkmatter1this is what ive gotted04:25
Hobbseecheck that the partition numbers are actually correct - you can edit it with e04:25
__mikemSelected disk does not exist, sound like the problem he had earlier04:25
Hobbseesebastian: yes.  i wont tell you, due to what you've already said, and that i suspect you'll try hitting on me if i do.04:25
darkmatter1loading grub 1.5      loading grub, please wait      error 2104:25
darkmatter1and now im on the grub manual04:26
darkmatter1and it says, that 21 is selected disk does not exist04:26
=== sebastian Hobbsee sorry about what I said before, but it's the sad truth.
__mikemIm thinking find an old laptop, and just do a "takeover" instalation of that machine04:26
darkmatter121 : Selected disk does not exist04:26
darkmatter1This error is returned if the device part of a device- or full file name refers to a disk or BIOS device that is not present or not recognized by the BIOS in the system.04:26
Hobbseedarkmatter1: did the partition somehow get deleted, or did grub screw up?04:26
darkmatter1the install went fine04:27
Hobbseedarkmatter1: quickest way is probably to reinstall grub, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows#head-32d586a32fe70f9e1accb80d55cf3d3f0600175a04:27
darkmatter1I was pleasantly happy04:27
__mikemdarkmatter1, if you really want a machine with ubuntu on it, you could also find an old laptop you don't use and do a "takeover" install on that04:27
=== sebastian thinks there is quite a big chance that he will get his friends 14 year old sister using Ubuntu eventaully :)
darkmatter1without grub, how could i get into kubuntu?04:27
darkmatter1you see, I have a problem04:27
sebastianwithout a boot loader your f ucked04:27
darkmatter1I cant get into windows or ubuntu04:27
sebastianyou need a boot loader to boot Linux04:28
__mikemsabastian, do you mean get a date with her or get her to use ubuntu?04:28
sebastian14 is to young for me.  and she has a boy friend04:28
__mikemoh lol04:28
CheeseBurgerMandarkmatter1: Well, you can always run a fixmbr in the Windows recovery console, but that won't let you boot into Kubuntu04:28
sebastianI am 18.  and I have a feeling your about the same age mikem?04:28
CheeseBurgerManThat's a last resort.04:28
Hobbseedarkmatter1: what are you using now?04:28
CheeseBurgerManHobbsee: Probably live CD04:29
darkmatter1a different computer04:29
CheeseBurgerManClose. :P04:29
Hobbseesebastian: language.04:29
Hobbseedarkmatter1: then load that webpage on your other computer04:29
=== unix_infidel [n=blue@adsl-68-94-71-96.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
unix_infidelhow do i check which version of kde i have installed.04:29
__mikemwhy do you ask sebastian04:29
Hobbseewhich gives you instructions on how to reinstall grub using the install cd04:29
=== sebastian so what countires you people from
Hobbseeunix_infidel: konversation --version04:29
sebastian,becasue I could tell by the things you were saying that you were about my age04:29
sebastianin other words your imaturiety lol no offence :d04:30
__mikemDon't worry, I get that a lot04:30
unix_infidelhow would i go about updating kde to 3.5.104:30
CheeseBurgerManThat's spelled wrong, but I can't figure out how to spell it right. :P04:30
unix_infidelwikipedia says that's available in repos for breezy.04:30
=== sebastian so what country are you people from? I am from England
ubotuTo upgrade to KDE3.5.1, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".04:31
Hobbseesebastian: did you not see people's answers above?04:31
CheeseBurgerManUbotu takes my job. I can't fetch links when he does it all. :P04:31
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CheeseBurgerMan04:31
tonyyarussoHobbsee: From US, living currently / attending school in Canada.04:31
__mikemHobbsee ;-)04:31
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Dangit, not for you.04:31
tonyyarussosebastian: ^^04:32
sebastiannope I guess I just missed them04:32
sebastianI just read above04:32
=== __mikem hopes things work out for darkmatter1
darkmatter1really ultra nervous04:32
unix_infidelwait, so its not available in official repos?04:32
CheeseBurgerManunix_infidel: It is an official repo04:32
__mikemdarkmatter1 just be glad you aren't trying to deal with using different partitions on the same disk04:33
=== sebastian Australlia :) seems Linux is getting strong there. I read aritcles. schools changing to Linux so on
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: but with what i already have in sources.list04:33
CheeseBurgerManjust not included in the default install because KDE 3.5.1 was released after breezy was.04:33
Hobbseeit's a semi-official repo...  well, it's official, but it's not into main, as it was released after feature freeze.04:33
Hobbseeit's in dapper04:33
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: but the repos havent been updated to include 3.5.104:33
CheeseBurgerManWhat Hobbsee said04:33
=== dottedline is now known as boogerhead
unix_infidelthey only include what's available for that release.04:33
exobuzzi wish laptop makers didnt suck, so they could make machines without broken firmware/bios so i wouldnt have to fuck around trying to get linux to work.. :-)04:33
unix_infidelthey arent updated to include updated software.04:33
Hobbseesebastian: wish my school would change.  then again, looks like my uni is using partly linux04:34
__mikemI don't use beta software, but when drapper becomes stable, I have to remember to send away for more pressed CDs04:34
sebastianthat's good Hobbsee04:34
Hobbseeunix_infidel: language, please.  what problems are you having?04:34
Hobbseemy laptop works fine, under dapper :)04:34
unix_infidelHobbsee: language?04:34
CheeseBurgerManThat was exobuzz, not unix_infidel.04:34
=== winXperts [n=winXpert@pool-71-99-184-249.tampfl.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
__mikem!tell unix_infidel about language04:35
sebastianschool ay Hobbsee so your about my age to then I guess.  and no this is not a suck up.  I meant that04:35
exobuzzit was me. i had a foul mouth04:35
sebastianI meant04:35
sebastianto put04:35
Hobbseesorry unix_infidel04:35
ubotumethinks coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/04:35
unix_infidelHobbsee: talking about __mikem04:35
Hobbseesebastian: i left school last year04:35
unix_infidelok so to my actual question.04:35
sebastianI meant to put.  school ay Hobbsee.  so your about my age to then I guess.  and your quite mature.  and no this is not a suck up.  I meant that04:35
CheeseBurgerManooh, we have a code of conduct?04:35
exobuzzreally. laptops can be a pain.. this laptop. is mostly great. but it has a broken bios.. after 1 year, a patch got into kernel 2.6.1604:35
=== Mater [n=pablo@85-54-133-233.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu
unix_infidelthe "official" kubuntu repos arent updated to include newest packages?04:36
exobuzzand thanks to the dapper devs the patch is going into 2.6.1504:36
CheeseBurgerManunix_infidel: No04:36
unix_infidelnewest "stable"04:36
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: blah, ok.04:36
Hobbseeack!!!   darn!!!04:36
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: so how do i update kde and nothing else?04:36
__mikemWell, I am out for now. TTYL04:36
sebastianbye miek04:36
CheeseBurgerManThe updated KDE updates all KDE packages.(including Konversation, Kopete, Krita, etc_04:37
CheeseBurgerManSo you have to update those.04:37
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: that's fine. but how do i updated with apt-get upgrade <meta-package>04:37
Hobbseeunix_infidel: they are.  like i say, kde 3.5.1 is in dapper.04:37
exobuzzthe f word surely is not being misused when referring to laptop manufacturers who build there bios's using m$ tools which create broken ACPI code04:37
sebastianI think I should be going off now to or soon.  3:37am here04:37
unix_infidelso i dont have to update the entire system.04:37
CheeseBurgerManYou can't AFAIK.04:37
Hobbseesebastian: i thought you said you were in australia04:38
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: that's pretty asinine.04:38
sebastianno I said i was in ENgland04:38
boogerheadI guess an old guy doesn't belong in a world of teenie boppers...04:38
=== boogerhead [n=rick@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== beefsprocket [n=beefspro@] has joined #kubuntu
unix_infidelah well, i guess i gotta bite the bullet and blame you guys if the system breaks.04:38
CheeseBurgerManI said AFAIK, not that it's impossible04:38
sebastianHobbsee you come here quite a lot or?04:38
unix_infidelCheeseBurgerMan: lol, yea, but no one seems to know :P04:38
exobuzzsebastian: where is that ?04:39
Hobbseeoh, i must have misread04:39
sebastianwhat exobuzz?  England in Europe :d04:39
=== Hobbsee has been told before that she must live here
naliothsebastian: Hobbsee is a fixture here04:39
Hobbseei'm not here as often as i was - i'm at uni now04:39
sebastianHobbsee comes here a lot ok04:40
CheeseBurgerManYeah, Hobbsee is the faucet, while robotgeek takes on the honorable position of refridgerator.04:40
exobuzzsebastian: mate, i live in england.. i know, since its friday night (saturday morning) and weve had the local chav scum drunk causing trouble outside on the way home from the pub again04:40
exobuzzas usual04:40
sebastianoh right :d04:40
sebastianwhere abouts in England you from?04:40
exobuzzdidcot, oxfordshire04:40
exobuzzu ?04:40
sebastiannear Bristol04:40
exobuzznot so far. my littel sister is studying there04:40
=== nalioth see the !offtopic factoid in the future
sebastianwhat at University West of England?04:41
exobuzzshe runs kubuntu.. ON TOPIC!04:41
sebastianwell someone from my school.  well he is doing computer science at Oxford University now04:41
robotgeek /whois Hobbsee04:41
exobuzzshe studies at Bristol university. (is ther more than one i dont know). Kubuntu (on topic) :D04:41
sebastianI think there are about two or three04:41
sebastianor something like that04:42
exobuzzshes doing law.. which ever one ...04:42
sebastianheh I did Law GCSE last year at college, but well  the teachers were s hit and yeah04:42
exobuzzI never made it to Uni.. I got a cr*p job instead..  :D04:42
sebastianwoudn't help us with coursework and stuff04:42
sebastianI think most of the class failed04:42
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!04:42
ubotuHobbsee: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:42
Hobbseeit should say #kubuntu-offtoipc04:43
Hobbseeit should say #kubuntu-offtopic04:43
sebastianyou want to go to that channel exobuzz?  since I carn't private message here since not registerd04:43
exobuzzyou can do law gcse ? (utilising the excellent kubuntu ) ? :D ok. ill stop now... ehm. no more offtopic04:43
Hobbseefor kubuntu04:43
sebastianok go to other channel04:43
ubotumethinks kofftopic is Non Kubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #kubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!04:44
=== Massacration [n=thiago@200-206-178-55.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationhi reveryone04:44
Massacrationcould anyone help this poor little boy?04:44
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>04:45
Massacrationok thanks host guy04:45
Massacrationi'm upgrading my kubuntu with the latest packges but i do get the message that the kdegraphics-kfile-plugins will not be upgraded04:47
=== burepe [n=burepe@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationwhat should i do? and what's that package for?04:47
Massacrationbobesponja ajua ai nego04:47
Hobbseesudo apt-get install dist-upgrade04:48
Massacrationthanks for the tip, I didn't know about that04:48
CheeseBurgerManyou don't need the install IIRC04:48
CheeseBurgerManAt least, I never use it04:48
CheeseBurgerMansudo apt-get dist-upgrade is what I use.04:49
Hobbsee-install, yes04:49
=== kosh [n=kosh@aesaeion.com] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationbut here i got the message: "couldn't find the dist-upgrade package04:49
CheeseBurgerMansudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:50
Massacrationnow the same olde message04:50
Massacrationwon't upgrade that package04:51
=== CheeseBurgerMan looks up some stuff
=== regeya [n=shane@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu
CheeseBurgerManAh, try sudo apt-get upgrade kdegraphics-kfile-plugins04:52
Massacrationsame old message...04:53
Massacrationthanks anyway04:53
CheeseBurgerManGrr, there's gotta be a reason for it.04:53
CheeseBurgerManJust don't know why04:53
Massacrationit says sothing about broken packages04:53
MassacrationDepende: libpoppler0c2-qt (>= 0.4.0) mas no vai ser instalado04:54
MassacrationDepende: libpoppler0c2-qt (>= 0.4.0) mas no vai ser instalado04:54
Massacrationdepends on that package above04:54
CheeseBurgerManOK, so some dependency is missing04:54
CheeseBurgerManDoesn't apt automatically install all dependencies? :o04:55
Massacrationyeah I though so...04:55
KaoticEvilCheeseBurgerMan: always as for me04:55
=== CheeseBurgerMan is now officially lost and sends out a call for help.
Hobbseeit should04:56
HobbseeMassacration: does it say that it's not installable, or that it's not going to be installed?04:56
Massacrationanother strange thing in my system, is that the whole system is in english, only the aptget is in portuguese brazilian... don't know why...04:56
naliothMassacration: are you using non ubuntu repos?04:56
MassacrationI will list my rep04:56
CheeseBurgerManuse pastebin04:57
CheeseBurgerManas it says in the topic. :P04:57
CheeseBurgerManOtherwise you'll be automatically kicked for flooding04:57
Massacrationhow do i use it?04:57
CheeseBurgerManGo to the site, paste your message, and press submit04:58
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Massacrationwhich site?04:58
CheeseBurgerManand it's send, not submit04:58
CheeseBurgerManbut close. ;)04:58
=== darkmatter1 [n=Owner@ip68-4-174-28.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
GNU_Stylecan I compile and mane xconfig the kernel on another hdd not in usr/src --- cause my / is low on space04:59
CheeseBurgerMandarkmatter1: Try the directions in the link?04:59
CheeseBurgerManGNU_Style: Not a clue04:59
darkmatter1wouldnt work05:00
KyralGNU_Style: you can do it anywhere05:00
KyralGNU_Style: /usr/src is just recommended because its usually the first place programs look for the resulting headers05:00
darkmatter1so there is no way for me to get into either os....05:00
darkmatter1or to fix this05:01
CheeseBurgerManYou can boot from the CD, and try either reinstalling GRUB, or installing LILO05:01
Massacrationcheeseburgerman any coment about my reps?05:01
darkmatter1i tried reinstalling grub05:01
darkmatter1not working05:01
darkmatter1and what is LILO?05:01
GNU_Stylebut if I create a symlink to the extracted source file and cd in the symlink make xconfig ---it says permission denied even if i sudo or even if im root05:01
CheeseBurgerManLILO is LInux LOader - basically the same thing as GRUB05:02
darkmatter1how am I to install it?05:02
Massacrationmeanwhile I wait for an answer... Any good theme for KDE?05:03
darkmatter1are we sure this is a problem with grub anyways?05:03
darkmatter1the installation seemed fine to me05:03
regeyadefine 'good theme', Massacration05:03
CheeseBurgerManMassacration: Everything looks OK to me, but I'd hardly consider that a difinitive answer on the subject.05:04
Massacrationdifferent than the default ones05:04
HobbseeMassacration: see kde-look.org05:04
Massacrationthanks anyway cheeseburguerman05:04
Massacrationbut any ideas? any different theme that worth installing?05:04
CheeseBurgerManI use "Web"05:05
GNU_Stylehow do I use chmod to change file group and ownership?05:05
CheeseBurgerManchanging ownership is chown05:05
regeyaI mean, right now I'm using the Baghira windowborder style with a Milk scheme, the Lipstik widget style, NuoveXT icons, and a colorscheme that makes Aqua Graphite look way too flashy, and I think it's awesome.  but you might think it looks like crud, Massacration.  as someone else said, http://kde-look.org05:05
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darkmatter1are we sure this is a problem with grub anyways?the installation seemed fine to me05:06
Massacrationthanks for the long aswer man!05:06
regeya!tell Massacration about KDETheme05:06
CheeseBurgerMandarkmatter1: I'm not sure what to suggest, sorry.05:06
regeya!tell Massacration about KDEThemes05:07
darkmatter1is there any way to get my old system back up?05:07
darkmatter1can i just tell it to boot from c/05:07
CheeseBurgerManBoot from you Windows CD, go into the recovery console, and type in "fixmbr"05:07
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darkmatter1will i still have all my files/05:07
regeyaCheeseBurgerMan: I've added that to my list of things to do to fix a windows install05:08
darkmatter1and, if I call a computer repair guy or something, would he know how to fix all of this?05:09
CheeseBurgerManYes, you'll still have your files, it just overwrites the MBR with a standard Windows MBR05:09
darkmatter1ive g2 eat05:09
GNU_Stylehow do I change ownership and group of <filename.tar.bz2> to <user> <group>05:13
Hobbseesudo chown user.group /path/to/filename.tar.bz205:14
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callieha blue yonder suck05:16
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=== Massacration [n=thiago@200-206-178-55.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseetonyyarusso: i like part 3.7 of that guide!  wish more people would obey it!05:29
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Which part's that again?  (It's been a while.)05:29
Hobbsee3.7. Don't make sexual advances towards women05:29
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Ah.  Right.  (btw, on an unrelated note, you've been opped for half an hour now.)05:30
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Hobbseegood point05:30
Hobbseei thought i might need them05:30
tonyyarussoYeah, it happens.  Just heeding Seveas' advice to point that out (since he's so guilty of it himself).05:31
MassacrationWho here can consider itself addicted to computers?05:31
Massacrationme too05:31
=== CheeseBurgerMan raises his hand.
MassacrationI'm trying to quit05:32
callieim so addicted i have a spare computer so if this on dies i dont have to kill myself or wait ot get a new one05:32
CheeseBurgerManMassacration: I'm not. :P05:32
MassacrationI've spent to many of my lifetime in front of this...05:32
=== [Nige] [n=nige@ppp127-77.lns2.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu
MassacrationI use computers everyday since I was 9...05:33
[Nige] how do I install firefox 1.0.5 on kubuntu?05:33
MassacrationI'm 22 now...05:33
CheeseBurgerManLet's ddos him! Flood his ports! hack his computer! Use an rm -rf / on it!05:33
[Nige] i have downloaded the tar.gz from them05:33
=== Jambon [n=jambon@S0106000d8832d25c.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu
Massacrationextract wherever ypu ant the firfox05:33
=== CheeseBurgerMan takes a guess.
[Nige] okay05:33
Massacrationand run it05:33
[Nige] where is the better place to install it?05:33
[Nige] /usr/share?05:33
CheeseBurgerManYou don't install05:33
[Nige] okay05:34
Massacrationextract where you can't modify05:34
Massacrationcan modify05:34
[Nige] okay05:34
Massacrationso otherwise u won't be able to update it on the future05:34
Hobbsee!tell [Nige]  about firefox1.505:34
CheeseBurgerManAh, firefox1.5 - I was close.05:35
MassacrationJust curious how old are you guys?05:36
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callienot that curious!05:38
CheeseBurgerManApparently not05:39
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Hobbseetonyyarusso: you know, i'm starting to think this article is more and more accurate, the more of it that i read.  and maybe starting to think that i'm not so paranoid after all :P05:40
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tonyyarussoHobbsee: Yeah, we just need more people to read it now.  So feel free to drop a factoid once in a while or something I guess.05:40
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Hobbseeor stick it in my quit/part message05:41
ubotuI guess women is Read http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Encourage-Women-Linux-HOWTO/ to learn how to act, mister!05:41
Hobbseehehe, there we go05:41
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[Nige] okay05:43
[Nige] I followd that, but it loses all my themes I apply and use when I close firefox05:43
[Nige] :S05:43
oxezI added a MIME-type in Konqueror, I named it: audio/guitar-pro. I added the files associations *.gp4, *.gp3, *.GP3, *.GP4, changed the icon that type of file. But, in konqueror (and on my desktop), those files still have the blank icon :/05:44
oxezBut they open with the correct program (guitar pro 4)05:45
tonyyarussoHobbsee: Very nice.05:45
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GNU_Stylehow do I mount my FAT32 as my <username> no root05:54
callieGNU_Style, you cant mount unless its as root, but you can give your username access05:54
GNU_Stylehow to do that?05:55
callie !fstab05:55
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.05:55
calliehope that helps GNU_Style05:56
GNU_Style /dev/sda7 on /media/sda7 type vfat (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,fmask=0111,dmask=0000)05:56
GNU_Stylebut still I cant extract a tarball using tar jxvf <filename.tar.bz2> it says something about permissions05:57
calliewhats does it say exactly?05:57
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callieit may be the mount point that needs sorting GNU_Style05:58
HobbseeGNU_Style: where are you trying to extract it to?05:58
metalheddhow do I brose the software in adept by category? is it possible?05:58
CheeseBurgerManmetalhedd: Not that I've found. I use Kynaptic for that.05:59
CheeseBurgerManOh wait06:00
metalheddkynaptic eh? never heard of it.06:00
metalheddi'm going to check it out.06:00
callieGNU_Style, you can just do #chown <username> /media/sda706:00
[Nige] its a permission problem :)06:00
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[Nige] did a grep to find it06:00
CheeseBurgerManIn the "Easy Tag Filter" look in Use06:00
metalheddCheeseBurgerMan: not sure I get what you're saying. i dont see 'use' anywhere.06:01
metalheddalso kynaptic isn't in  the repo's?06:01
GNU_Stylei must put the '#' before #chown?06:01
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:01
CheeseBurgerManYou might want to do that, metalhedd06:02
callieGNU_Style, # means as root06:02
metalheddCheeseBurgerMan: already did. i have multiverse and universe enabled06:02
metalheddusing dapper actually06:02
callieGNU_Style, and $ mean as a user06:02
metalheddmaybe thats why?06:02
=== CheeseBurgerMan is still in breezy. :P
GNU_Stylecallie: when extracting it says --tar: linux-source-2.6.12: Cannot utime: Operation not permitted06:02
metalheddcan I install it anyway?06:02
crimsunGNU_Style: your user needs to be in the 'src' grop06:02
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CheeseBurgerManmetalhedd: Yeah, that's why06:03
callieGNU_Style, or just do it as root06:03
GNU_Styleyep my user is in the src group, when I used the 'groups' command06:03
CheeseBurgerManIt's not in dapper's repos06:03
GNU_Stylewhen I do it as root I cannot menu xconfig06:03
metalheddwould it work if I just found a deb somewhere?06:03
callieis there a way in bash to get info on groups? their definitions that is?06:04
GNU_Stylecallie: im not sure06:04
metalheddman... how did my tab completion get so damn smart?06:05
metalheddit's way better than i remember it being in breezy06:06
regeyaanyone here running dapper, and if so, any idea what would cause the initramfs-tools setup to hang?06:11
metalheddi'm running it, but I have no idea. my install went just fine06:12
regeyaah.  it seems to be hanging on /usr/sbin/evms_query info, which when I run it manually, returns 'evms_open_engine() failed with error code 13: Permission denied'.06:13
frank23callie: in /etc/group ?06:13
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=== regeya scratches his head.
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frank23regeya: try #ubuntu+1 for dapper06:14
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regeyaty frank2306:14
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calliefrank23, i was reffering more to what those actual groups mean as in what they give access to, ok with some its obvious but others maybe not so06:15
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frank23callie: oh. i don't know I'm sure many of those are standard on linux. googling might help06:17
metalheddok.. debtags.  brilliant. now I understand how to use this thing06:17
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calliefrank23, im sure i could find out, i just wandered if there was info somewhere on the computer itself06:17
frank23callie: I don't know06:18
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regeyadcc send06:29
GNU_Styledcc send06:30
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=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Teknoenieevening all06:30
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Teknoeniei can't seem to get XviD support to work again in dapper06:30
Teknoenieany ideas06:30
Teknoeniew32codecs is installed06:30
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GNU_StyleI have done a apt-get dist-upgrade but kde is still 3.5 not 3.5.1?06:31
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HobbseeGNU_Style: did you get the repo added?06:32
=== Hobbsee will BAN the next person who does this!
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GNU_StyleHobbsee: yah I did as instructed in kubuntu06:33
robotgeekHobbsee was nice enuf to give you a warning06:33
crimsunsomeone's puttin' the smack down06:33
robotgeekhey crimsun , how you been?06:33
crimsunrobotgeek: not bad, yourself?06:34
robotgeekcrimsun: good, keeping myself busy with various things kubuntu06:34
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crimsuncool, cool06:35
regeyaHobbsee, my apologies, and thanks for informing me that it's an exploit.06:35
Hobbseeregeya: no problems.  but it is a pain06:35
regeyaHobbsee: is it?  as far as I could tell, it's jsut a pain for the poor person instructing someone else to...well, you know.06:36
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regeyayou make me wonder about something in #debian, though...06:37
=== regeya runs off to see if he can get an automagic kickban there...lessee...
Hobbseeregeya: as i'm one of the people who's affected each time this is run, unless i connect to a different port (which i now do), it is rather a pain, yes!06:37
GNU_StyleHobbsee: what EXPLOIT are you taking about?06:37
HobbseeGNU_Style: the one that you tried to use.06:38
GNU_StyleHobbsee: whats that?I dont even have an Idea?06:38
HobbseeGNU_Style: you dont need to know.06:38
Hobbseejust dont type in random commands that you dotn understand06:38
regeyano kidding.  I'm getting threatened with a kickban, and getting a fair amount of hostility, for doing what seemed to be merely taunting the bot once, and it seemed to inconvenience only myself.  Again, I'm sorry to have to cause someone to vent their spleen06:38
GNU_StyleHobbsee: anyways why my KDE is still 3.5?06:38
Hobbseei dont know06:39
=== Hobbsee has to go to work
regeyaSetting up evms (2.5.4-5ubuntu3) ... <- hoboy06:39
GNU_StyleHobbsee: can I apt-get it manually?06:39
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robotgeekGNU_Style: did you add the repos for kde 3.5.1?06:40
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: yes I did as instaructed in kubuntu wiki and apt-get update to download the headers06:40
robotgeekregeya: nevermind, but that was a common irc exploit causing a lot of pain to everyone06:41
ubotuTo upgrade to KDE3.5.1, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".06:41
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ubotu(you might want !kde3.5.1) To upgrade to KDE3.5, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".06:41
frank23Riddel said kde 3.5.2 is out for testing too06:41
regeyaGNU_Style: let's just say you shouldn't ask anyone to send you files via irc, or you'll cause yourself to be kicked and apparently a large hammer to fall on Hobbsee's head.06:41
=== regeya goes to bed...this is just too much...lol...see everyone in the funny pages
robotgeekregeya: you did it publicly, which was how the exploit was triggered06:42
ubotuTo upgrade to KDE3.5.1, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".06:42
regeyaI see.06:42
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: what is an exploit?06:43
=== VRWarper [n=VRWarper@cpe-24-90-212-152.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
robotgeekGNU_Style: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exploit_%28computer_security%2906:43
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VRWarpermeh with the new dapper theme for kdm06:44
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: the URL tells me how to add the repos but doesnt say how to install>06:44
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VRWarperthe background.. color.. doesnt extend the full screen06:44
regeyarobotgeek, I've been workign way too hard lately to have been following any security lists...is there some sort of exploit in some popular client or something, and if so, well, I'm sorry to hear that the author/package maintainers are too inept to have fixed it yet, and I must confess I was ignorant of it.  a simple explanation rather than a glib 'you don't need to know' would have sufficed06:44
VRWarperon my laptop (which has a wider-than-normal screen)06:45
VRWarperits not really a problem except it looks ugly06:45
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: any ideas how?06:45
robotgeekregeya: check server window06:46
robotgeekGNU_Style: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:46
frank23VRWarper: only the background is the problem? or is it the resolution?06:46
VRWarperheh the resolution itself is fine06:46
regeyathat's a great frank herbert bio, but hardly relevant06:46
VRWarperits not a major problem06:46
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GNU_Stylerobotgeek: i did that already, it kust updates my 3.4 into 3.5 not 3.5.106:47
VRWarperafter i login, my own personal background stretches across the screen06:47
frank23VRWarper: well select stretch in the wallpaper configuration dialog06:47
VRWarperin kdm?06:47
VRWarperin kdm the "background" does not stretch and the login is off centered06:47
frank23VRWarper: oh.. kdm I don't know06:47
frank23VRWarper: ask #ubuntu+1  maybe it's a bug06:48
robotgeekGNU_Style: can you paste your sources.list to the pastebin06:48
VRWarperalso, xgl +kde crashes at the end of startup on my laptop as well (ati x700 mobile)06:48
VRWarper:( gnome runs just fine though06:48
VRWarperxgl+compiz+gnome that is06:48
VRWarperi never get far enough with xgl+kde to start compiz heh06:49
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GNU_Stylerobotgeek: http://pastebin.com/62127806:51
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: ?06:52
robotgeekGNU_Style: looking, second06:52
robotgeekGNU_Style: http://pastebin.com/621281 use that as your sources.list06:53
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callietime for sleep06:54
callienight guys06:54
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: k06:54
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buckyregeya: so just because you were "threatened with bannination" its my fucking fault06:55
crimsunlet's keep that out of here, 'k?06:56
GNU_Stylerobotgeek: now downloading thanks for your help06:58
robotgeekGNU_Style: cool. enjoy06:59
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rob_hi.. im running dapper (just reinstalled after destorying my breezy) ive installed wpa_supplicant but its missing the init.d script to start it up. can someone explain why its not there anymore or send me the script so i dont have to manually start wpa_supplicant?07:21
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poningrurob_: you are supposed to use it with something else like network manager or wifi radar or whatever07:22
poningruthere are many init scripts floating around07:22
poningrujust google it07:22
me2win!seen eleaf07:22
ubotueleaf is currently on #ubuntu+1 (13m 1s) #ubuntu-offtopic (13m 1s) #ubuntu (13m 1s)07:22
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poningrurob_: if you cant find it in like 5 mins come back and bug me I will go looking around for it07:24
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luanshenganyone could tell me than some tools for clean the trash files in the ubuntu? thanks07:24
graemedialup modem gives lcp: timeout  sending Config-Requests with my ISP but connects to another ISP (not mine)07:25
poningruluansheng: what do you mean?07:26
luanshengmy meaning is that how to clean the ubuntu for making it thin because my diskspace is very pretty07:26
poningruI still dont understand what you mean07:26
poningrurm -r ~/.Trash/*07:26
poningrujust go do that07:26
luanshenglet me try07:27
poningruwhat exactly do you want to do?07:27
poningruwhy not just go in konq and delete the stuff in that file?07:27
luanshengI want to make get more disk space07:27
poningruthen just go delete it07:28
luanshenghow to delete the stuff? poningru07:28
naliothubotu: tell luansheng about cli07:28
poningrubut no I am sure we can resolve this without cli07:28
poningruhe simply wants to delete the stuff from his trash07:28
poningruin konq07:29
poningrugo to ~/.Trash07:29
poningruselect them all and delete07:29
luanshengno, i want to get more diskspace07:29
poningrubuy a new hard disk07:29
poningruI think I understand what you are saying07:29
poningruyou dont want all the extra packages that are installed by default in kubuntu?07:30
Red_Herringanyone have a spare hard drive?07:30
luanshengi also delete some unusful package that i don't know07:30
Red_Herringsudo apt-get clean07:30
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poningruluansheng: run that ^^^07:30
luanshengi have do it07:31
Kyralokay this is sketchy07:31
Kyralwhy does this freeze...07:31
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luanshengwhat's cli?07:32
Red_Herringcommand line interface07:32
luanshengcan you tell me?07:32
luanshengi want to try it07:32
Red_Herringopen up a terminal07:32
poningruluansheng: what language do you speak?07:32
Red_HerringTHERE YOU GO07:33
luanshengi speak chinese07:33
poningruI am sure we have support for your language07:33
poningruhmm hold on07:33
luanshengi am sorry about my pretty english07:34
luanshengI open the konsole'07:34
frank23luansheng: I don't know about breezy, but dapper (the next version of ubuntu) is supposed to have much better asian language support07:34
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luanshengnow i am use breezy 5.1007:36
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frank23luansheng: you can try #ubuntu-zh   #ubuntu-cn  or #ubuntu-tw  but they are almost empty07:37
frank23luansheng: actually more people in 0tw07:38
luanshengok,let me try it.07:38
luanshengi want ask a question about kubuntu07:38
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GNU_Stylemy firefox is using a diferrent cursor from KDE apps why?07:39
luanshengi know very little pople use this os,they mostly use the windowsxp07:39
frank23GNU_Style: it's a mouse theme thing...  the forums have instructions on how to fix this I think07:40
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nige_is there a bug with kubuntu and its taskbar no showing all applications?07:40
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me2winnige_, not that i know of07:42
nige_because I run dual monitors, and I only get the applications from monitor 1 showing on the application bar07:44
GNU_Stylefrank23: I cant find the fix07:44
GNU_Styleany help07:45
nige_me2win, i post a screenshot07:45
nige_http://nige.gotdns.com/screenshot.png , its huge and I am sorry for that, but see schat is being displayed correctly07:45
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frank23nige_: when I last tried dual screen it did that too. It might be normal. There might be a way around it too, I don't know07:51
GNU_Stylewhere's superkaramba in kde 3.5.1?07:52
me2winnige_, i have a big monitor, heh so i can see most of it at once width wise07:52
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GNU_Stylewhere's superkaramba in kde 3.5.1?07:52
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_benny_hi guy how are oyu07:53
nige_lol nice :)07:53
nige_i created a 2nd panel, so it displays both07:54
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murac|hmmh...how to install xmms ?....apt-get install cant find xmms from those repositories07:54
murac|im newbie07:54
murac|i mean Adept07:55
chavomurac|, why xmms?07:55
murac|which is better ?07:55
murac|to play mp307:55
murac|i dont know much ..07:55
chavoI like amarok or juk07:55
chavothey are both kde apps07:56
murac|hmmh....amarok...can i found it from default repositories ?07:56
chavoamarok is very advanced and juk for the simple player07:56
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chavoit should be yes07:56
murac|hmh..ill test07:56
frank23chavo: hmm.... juk wants to remove kubuntu-desktop for me07:57
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murac|iit says Package juk is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:58
murac|iThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:58
murac|iis only available from another source07:58
murac|iE: Package juk has no installation candidate07:58
murac|isory to paste so long lines..07:58
frank23murac|i: xmms should be available. something is wrong with your sources07:58
frank23murac|i: using apt-get or adept?07:59
frank23murac|i: try a reload/update07:59
murac|ihmm...there is default only cd source...07:59
chavohmm I have both juk and amarok here07:59
chavoI'm running dapper thoiugh07:59
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murac|ishould i add universe repositories ?07:59
murac|ifrom adept07:59
murac|ifrank23: i used apt-get07:59
frank23chavo: juk and amarok should be fine... the problem is akode gets removed by juk08:00
murac|ifrank23: which one you recommend to use ?08:00
murac|iit depends....i know :)08:00
chavofrank23, yes I see that now08:00
frank23chavo: you shouldn't need universe for xmms or juk. either is fine.  try sudo apt-get update then try install again08:01
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murac|iand one more thing...how can i set default eth1 from start08:01
murac|ii had to do eth1 up08:01
murac|idhclient eth108:01
murac|icould u help with that08:01
frank23murac|i: maybe take out the cd line from /etc/apt/sources.list08:02
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murac|ifrank23: ye i tought so...because there are only default and old packages..08:02
GNU_Stylewhere's superkaramba in kde 3.5.1?08:02
frank23murac|i: I don't know about the network thing08:02
murac|iwell....i manage it myself08:02
nige_its been bugged already08:02
nige_have a look http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11783508:02
KyralWanna see someting reeally screwed up?08:02
KyralKonversation and Kontact running nicely in GNOME 2.14 :D08:03
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me2wini finally got my processes PHP script working. To display currently running processes on my apache server08:03
murac|ihey...does superkaramba allso found on some default repositories ?...or are there some .deb repositories for that kand if programs...(like Superkaramba)08:03
frank23GNU_Style: is superkaramba installed? I have it in the utilities menu08:03
me2winmurac|, its in multiverse/universe08:03
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murac|ime2win: oh...if i add them i should find superkaramba allso trough adept ?08:04
murac|iill take out that cd breezy and add those repositories..08:04
GNU_Stylefrank23: KDE website say superkaramba is embeded in KDE 3.5.108:06
naliothubotu: tell murac|i about repos08:06
naliothmurac|i: enable the universe and multiverse repos08:06
murac|inalioth: there are only universe repositories shown..08:06
murac|inot multiverse at all..08:07
frank23GNU_Style: ok maybe it is. try superkaramba in a console08:07
naliothmurac|i: read the wiki page ubotu just PMd you08:07
murac|ihavent done anything...just installed kubuntu08:07
murac|iwhy the uinverse and main restricted repository addresses are same ?08:08
murac|iand should i add deb-src repos...or are those only for source code ?08:09
frank23murac|i: they are only for source08:10
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naliothmurac|i: you may add them if you wish, they are good to have enabled08:15
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murac|inalioth: now i found superkaramba etc..08:21
murac|ii followed wiki08:21
murac|ihad to write manually that multiverse....dont know why08:21
murac|ii think these wikis are really good help for beginners08:22
murac|ilike TLDP howtos08:22
naliothmurac|i: we think so, too. that is why we write them08:22
murac|iye..its easy to learn fast if there are specific wikis to follow08:23
murac|ii have used solaris before but its little different from this...its unix08:23
murac|ihmmh...kind same08:23
murac|inalioth: which were the good mp3 players...amarok and ?08:27
murac|iand which one is good movie player which plays divx,xvid and all formats of video...08:28
naliothmurac|i: the nice thing about linux is all the programs are free08:28
murac|inalioth: i know... i have used unix08:28
naliothmurac|i: use them all and keep the one(s) you like08:28
murac|iim programmer..08:28
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murac|ibut little newbie with linux08:28
murac|inalioth: thats very true....all is free08:29
murac|iand legal etc..08:29
murac|isorry my little bad english...i have used to write so fast that i dont think specific words08:30
naliothubotu: tell murac|i about multimedia08:30
frank23murac|i: I use kaffeine-xine     install w32codecs08:30
naliothmore wiki pages coming your way, murac|i08:30
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murac|inalioth: oh that bot gave me instructions :)..nice08:30
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Psi-JackNow, that was totally unexpected. :)08:31
Psi-JackI found a 1.9GB logfile in my /var/log tree. :)08:31
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murac|iwhy so big ?08:31
Psi-JackFor something, I never used, even. It was the crossfire-server logfile. :)08:32
Psi-JackBut, I do have a situation.08:32
Psi-JackIn X, I can't seem to use CTRL+ALT+Fx to switch to a console.08:33
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GNU_Stylehow to run superkaramba in KDE 3.5.1 they say its included in the release?08:37
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murac|iwell now my repositories are working fine...08:40
murac|ii think ubuntu finds nearest/fastest repositories..08:40
murac|iwell..not ubuntu but adep08:40
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Psi-JackAlrighty.. Time to try out XFCE 4 for a change. :)08:54
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harahello. any ati owners around?09:04
koshyeah I have two ati cards in this machine09:11
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harawith 3d-accel working with latest ati-drivers?09:13
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glickscuse me what version of kde are you all using?09:19
Psi-JackDoes XFCE4 for Breezy have extreme problems or something?09:20
glicki dont think so why?09:20
Psi-JackBecause, first time I started it. It was just a rounded corner background image. And nothing more.09:21
nalioth_zZzPsi-Jack: did you install "xubuntu-desktop" ?09:21
Psi-JackHmmm, No, I didn't.09:21
glickwhat kde version are you all running?09:22
nalioth_zZzPsi-Jack: try that, it will give you a full xfce4 desktop09:22
Psi-JackAhhh.. I see.. How do I remove the old xfce session/configuration stuff?09:22
nalioth_zZzPsi-Jack: it's not necessary09:24
Psi-Jacknalioth_zZz: But, I got it to partially work, one out of 3 times I started it. heh09:25
Psi-JackBut, different times, it does different things.09:25
Psi-JackSometimes, the right-click and middle-click will actually DO something on the desktop, sometimes now.09:25
Psi-JackAnd the xfce settings doesn't work.09:26
Psi-JackSo.. I think it matters, that nothing works. :)09:28
nalioth_zZzthen rm ~/.xfce  no? Psi-Jack09:28
Psi-JackHuh. This is even wierder. When I startx, it starts to start, and I see the background, and what looks like the panel, but then it dies and leaves back to console. I'd been running it from kdm.09:30
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Psi-JackWell, this is quite upsetting.09:34
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cycus_zwisushas anyone tried to upgrade to kde 3.5.2 recently?09:36
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Psi-JackHmm, 3.5.2 is out?09:39
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cycus_zwisusPsi_Jack, not officialy yet but there are already packages for breezy and dapper09:40
Psi-JackWow. Heh09:40
heinkel_111good morning :)09:40
Psi-JackWhat was this about KDE 3.5.1? Is there official packages for it?09:41
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reonPsi-Jack: Yip look at the Kubuntu home page. Been there for a while09:41
Psi-JackI know 3.5.0 has, but didn't know about
Psi-JackI keep having a major problem with KDE, keeping it running for days, and it bogging down so horribly bad, that it pretty much locks up my system.09:43
heinkel_111restart KDE ?09:44
=== Psi-Jack sighs.
heinkel_111unless you have something precious running on top of course09:44
Psi-Jackheinkel_111: Well, generally, I'm the only one that uses it. :p09:45
Psi-JackBut, I'd like to also not have ot restart it, as if it were a windows system, either. Not quite as bad, as a full reboot, (which I still do regularly even in VMWare'd Windows :p), but still, annoying.09:45
koshif you run top what is taking up all the time?09:46
heinkel_111Psi-Jack: wintendo has to be restarted...in kubuntu at least you can restart only the dekstop environment :)09:47
heinkel_111i think one of your apps must be moemory leaking09:47
koshactually most of the reasons that windows has problems now is hardware and software that is not part of the os09:49
koshie norton software can bring anything to its knees09:49
koshand a bad power supply will screw over anything09:49
koshand most people have very bad pos power supplies09:49
koshjust because something says 300W and your computer only need 200W does not mean it will work since the cheap power supplies seem to become unstable at half their rated power or so09:50
koshso your video card goes under voltage during load, generates something weird as a result, the driver freaks out and windows dies09:50
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koshwindows sucks in a lot of ways but most stability problems are hardware and very bad software09:51
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heinkel_111and the way people use ut09:52
heinkel_111us it09:52
heinkel_111omg the typos09:52
heinkel_111USE IT09:52
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heinkel_111I know people that keep reformatting all their disk and reinstalling etc. every 3rd month on windows09:52
heinkel_111how do they get all that malware?09:53
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heinkel_1111. it exists and it works on their system09:53
koshI know I have managed to run some w2k boxes that have no spyware and have not been reinstalled in about 2 years09:53
heinkel_1112. they don't do the necessary precautions like running a GOOD AV system and spyware cleaner09:53
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heinkel_111kosh: same here, but not without precautions09:54
koshthe primary way people get nailed is running IE and downloading random crap09:54
heinkel_111yup :)09:54
koshuse firefox and don't download screensavers, shareware games etc09:54
hatake_kakashirunning everything as administrator is a pure sign for trouble.. more or less the same theory applies to running everything as root09:54
Psi-JackOh. D'uh me.09:55
mornfallor remove winders :)09:55
Psi-JackI have 3.5.1. LOl09:55
heinkel_111the most important  part of any protection system is 60 cm from the screen :P09:55
heinkel_111mornfall:  removing windows is a cheap soution09:55
mornfallin the spirit that there are no other errors than pebkac09:55
Wingedewhen is the next version due out? - sorry if this is asked all the time :)09:56
heinkel_111no more hardwork with all the spyware cleeaning, firewall constructions etc etc09:56
hatake_kakashi!tell Wingede about dapper09:56
Psi-JackSupposed to be next month sometime. :)09:56
Psi-JackMaking it, 6.409:56
Wingedety hatake_kakashi09:56
koshmy point though it that windows is not as bad as many people make it out to be stability wise09:57
koshsince w2k whenever I have found a windows box constantly crashing it has almost always been hardware09:57
mornfallno, but they are horrible usability-wise -- at least for a long time kde/unix person09:57
koshor something like starforce09:57
koshI have been using kde since one of the betas before 1.009:57
koshand I have used linux for all my desktop and work stuff for about 10 years now09:58
koshI just have windows for games09:58
mornfalli can't get a grip on a system that doesn't resize windows on alt-drag09:58
koshhowever I like accuracy of information and I still have had to deal with windows boxes09:58
Psi-JackHeh, StarForce. Most annoying thing for legit buyers.09:58
hatake_kakashibad programming and/or corporate greed has more or less cause the instability of windows09:58
mornfallor move them09:58
heinkel_111kosh...i think that windows for games will change09:58
heinkel_111sometime soon09:58
reonPsi-Jack: Give dapper a try, you will be pleasently supprised. Looks shithot09:58
Psi-Jackreon: Shithot, eh? That's a new term for webster. :)09:58
koshwell if I had nvidia cards on this box instead of ati I would probably try to do the games more under linux09:59
heinkel_11164 bit linux is just more effective...i don't know why performance hungry gamers use a 2nd rate OS09:59
Psi-Jackreon: I've been waiting for it to release before actually going with it.09:59
mornfallkosh: not to mention ctrl+h, ctrl+w not working09:59
mornfallkosh: did i mention the shell being useless? :)09:59
mornfallevery now and then i have to do something to some windows box09:59
koshI like to know the truth about various products not just the bs that people repeat on forums09:59
mornfalland more time passes the more lost i get :)09:59
hatake_kakashiyou can still play games on linux via ATI, but your options maybe limited. However, I am soon to test that theory fully out09:59
reonPsi-Jack: I installed it yesterday and I must say it looks much better than breezy and also feels way faster10:00
reonand i havent even updated my nvidia drivers yet10:00
Psi-Jackreon: Did you clean install? heh10:00
Psi-JackXorg 7, mind you, itself is a bit faster, so that makes some difference.10:00
Psi-JackBeyond that, I don't see how it could be any faster ,unless the kernel was compiled differently, with more desktop-oriented settings.10:00
reonPsi-Jack: Yes, I basically said _uck it and popped the cd in10:01
Psi-Jackreon: That's why it seemed faster, then, most likely.10:01
Psi-JackA clean system always feels faster. :)10:01
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reonIt definately feels faster, not my imagination. Bootup times have also been reduced. Overall a very polished package so far10:02
reonAnybody seen Riddell around, maybe he can comment on the speed issue10:02
Psi-JackHeh. I assume there's not any Breezy to Dapper upgrading docs, yet?10:04
reonI would not do a dist-upgrade, prefer a clean install10:05
koshhatake_kakashi: I have two radeon cards, the binary ati driver will only activate one of them, that is true under linux and windows10:05
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hatake_kakashikosh: crossfire?10:05
Psi-Jack-v2Well, one of the big reasons, out of all the other binary-based distributions of Linux there are, why I chose Kubuntu, was because of dist-upgrade.10:05
koshhatake_kakashi: so I can't use it with 3d, I already checked with nvidia and they sent me a config file for running two of their cards at a time with 4 monitors and 3d accel on all of them10:05
koshhatake_kakashi: no I have an x850 and a 925010:06
koshhatake_kakashi: if the cards are different the ati driver won't start both of them10:06
Psi-JackAnd, so, when I upgrade to dapper, it'll be dist-upgraded to it.10:06
koshhatake_kakashi: so my next upgrade is definitely to nvidia which not only has a far better documented driver but when I asked the question I got a config file10:06
koshhatake_kakashi: my point about windows though is people nail them for so much crap that is their own fault instead of looking at what they do right and also nailing them for what they really did do wrong10:07
hatake_kakashikosh: afaik, the last I heard is that they use optimisation codes to rig the benchmarks against ATI, some rumors are still floating around declaring that is true10:07
reonI just had a though. You know when you can't always remember a command. It would be nice to have a feature similair to Cisco IOS cli. You can start typing what you think the command is follow by a question mark and it will give you all commands that start like that.10:07
koshhatake_kakashi: like naling them for their crappy file locking system, the fragmentation issue for long running processes and realloc etc10:07
koshhatake_kakashi: ati just got nailed for cheating in 3dmark06 also10:08
koshhatake_kakashi: however I don't care about the benchmarks, I want quad head xinerama with opengl acceleration10:08
koshhatake_kakashi: so I can use aigl or xgl to offload tasks to the video cards that the cpu are currently doing10:09
hatake_kakashikosh: yeah then in that case Nvidia is better10:09
koshhatake_kakashi: quad head is fairly cpu intensive10:09
koshhowever while windows is not a very good os, linux and bsd are only slightly better ,none of them will ever be very reliable or secure without a complete redesign10:11
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koshhttp://www.coyotos.org/  that should be fundamentally far more stable and secure but even something like qnx now is far more stable then linux will pretty much ever get to10:12
mornfallpeople that can use debuild, running dapper and willing to test new adept beta?10:13
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hatake_kakashiThere was also another one, something like plan9 or something, some person ranted on in another channel declaring its security is superior from ground up10:14
rumpleHi everyone...10:14
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koshhi rumple10:15
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hatake_kakashiGuten Tag10:15
koshhatake_kakashi: plan9 is probably a fair bit better then the unixes and windows but worse then those that I listed10:15
mornfallnot everyone at once...10:15
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koshhatake_kakashi: however even the languages we use to write software in is not very well suited to making better software10:15
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hatake_kakashikosh: well what can I say.. 'Its built by humans for humans' :)10:16
koshhatake_kakashi: the functional style languages are FAR easier to parallelize and don't run into issues with threads and race conditions10:16
heinkel_111does anyone have any experience with automatix? if so do you  recommmend it or would you rather do the the install work manually?10:16
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hatake_kakashi!tell heinkel_111 about automatix10:17
koshearly next year quad core chips will be coming out from amd and intel10:18
heinkel_111hatake_kakashi: thank you...*goes back to wrestling with the right repositories, sudo apt-get and all that*....10:18
nalioth_zZzheinkel_111: it's best if you do it manually10:18
koshand they are supposed to get even more cores10:18
koshhowever writing code in c,c++,java,etc that scales efficiently is VERY VERY hard10:18
=== xst [n=xst@kbhn-vbrg-sr0-vl208-012.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu
xstWhere do I report bugs for the Kubuntu Dapper release?10:18
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs10:19
koshI did an upgarde from breezy to dapper and that was interesting to get it working right :)10:19
koshsince xorg changed a lot10:19
koshso my config file would not work anymore10:19
xstok - in the same bugtracker as ubuntu? Apparently10:22
nalioth_zZzxst: ubuntu is the name of the distro, dapper is the code name for the next version10:22
koshand if you tell anyone about the code there will be very bad consequences from the penguin mafia :)10:23
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dualityhi, is there any way of adjusting the graphics cards shared memory unde kubuntu? i chose 256Mb under windows and now i need to change it to lower10:28
dualityi cant change it in bios either, but in windows i had 128/256Mb option10:29
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koshsorry no clue on that one10:29
kormihi there all:)10:29
kormiI am here new10:29
heinkel_111welcome kormi :)10:29
koshhow do you know how much it is using under linux?10:29
kormithank u :)10:29
kormijust installed for the first time kubuntu :)10:29
dualityi got 1024 in total and when i boot it shows about 750 from bios10:30
dualityso that means its using 25610:30
heinkel_111kormi: you will find newbies like me and you here, and more experienced users that are quite helpful, thankfully :)10:30
raphinkcongrats kormi10:30
kormiI have little problem now :D10:31
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kormiI am on Compaq Presario M200, and my wifi seems to be down10:31
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frank23duality: you have a shared memory video card using 256 MB of RAM?? Is it any good? If you don't play games change that to like 8 or 16 MB10:31
kormii enabled it , and it disabled it in a while10:32
kormiinteresting :)10:32
rootmein Ubuntu geht wieder o,O10:32
rootalso die neue version10:32
rootauch gut10:32
rootWAH warum heis ich root xD10:32
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dualityfrank23: i know but how do i change it? its the UMA buffer or something, i had the option to change it under windows, but how do i do it in linux?10:32
koshno idea what you are saying10:32
kevstiups falscher chan -.-10:32
koshhowever rule #1 DO NOT IRC AS ROOT10:32
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mornfallkosh: well -- it's he who will get rooted not you ;-)10:33
frank23duality: you could do it in windows? that was probably the driver doing it. is it intel? not sure if there is an equivalent way in linux10:33
kormiDoes anybody now st about WIFI in KUBUNTU ?:) pliz msg me10:33
dualityfrank23: yes, the ati tools10:34
frank23duality: what options do you have in bios?10:34
dualityfrank23: i dont have the option to change it in bios10:34
dualitylol @ ati10:34
koshmornfall: it is a very bad idea anyways and all newbies should be told that10:34
koshit sould not even be possible to run these programs as root10:34
heinkel_111kormi: did you try a search on http://www.kubuntuforums.net10:34
koshby default root should not be allowed to run anything and only specific programs should then be added to the allowed apps that root can run10:34
kormihmm, not :)10:34
kormishould I? ;)10:35
heinkel_111i dont have wifi on linux myself, but i think it is not unusual to have some problems that needs fixing10:35
heinkel_111no ... don't do it :P10:35
dualityill have to install windows and change it then reinstall Kubuntu i think =(10:35
frank23duality: do you think changes stick like that?10:35
mornfallkosh: unix has a long tradition of absolutely not getting in your way when you want to shoot yourself10:36
dualityfrank23: they do10:36
raphinkmornfall: lol10:36
frank23duality: what does cat /proc/meminfo give you?10:36
koshmornfall: some things are deviating from that10:36
dualityfrank23: the changes show in bios at boot, for how much RAM is counted10:36
mornfallkosh: (or alternatively, unix gives you enough rope to hang yourself... and then few meters more just in case)10:36
koshmornfall: like kde and gnome both warning you if you try to do stuff as root10:36
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koshmornfall: and some server programs refusing to run as root like zope for instance, even if you start it as root it will switch to another user, you can not force it to run as root10:37
frank23duality: that option should be in bios. If not, it still should be10:37
dualityfrank23: wich line should i look at?10:37
koshfrank23: it is probably in the bios on the video card and can only be programmed from the windows driver10:37
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frank23duality: memtotal10:37
dualityits not in bios belive me, ive even upgraded to newest bios10:37
koshyou probably have to change it from windows10:37
mornfallkosh: yes i know -- but those apps are usually so full of holes you *really* don't want them to access root, aren't they? ;-)10:37
dualityMemTotal:       773436 kB10:37
dualitybut i got 2 512 MB sticks10:38
frank23kosh: ok. I didn't know that existed. is it only ati cards shared on ati chipset MB?10:38
koshmornfall: well zope is probably the most secure environment out there10:38
frank23duality: I guess you're right10:38
koshfrank23: all video cards have a bios in them10:38
koshfrank23: you just normally don't notice it10:38
dualityfrank23: yeah, ati XPRESS 200M10:38
mornfallkosh: zope?10:38
mornfallkosh: are you sure?10:38
frank23kosh: yeah I know that...10:38
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mornfallisn't it built on python?10:39
koshmornfall: web app server10:39
frank23duality: there still might be a linux utility that can do it though. I don't know10:39
koshyup it is built in python10:39
dualityyeah ill keep looking a bit before reinstalling , thnx anyways frank2310:39
mornfalli don't trust python the slightest bit (ever tried to run it in valgrind?)10:39
koshit has better security then any java, php, perl, ruby, etc framework10:39
dualityi thought id choose 256MB for XGL10:40
mornfallthat's a bold statement too :)10:40
dualitywill 128 be enough10:40
koshcheck the security reports on it10:40
mornfalli would almost say that by the virtue of complexity it has to be less secure than simplistic systems :)10:41
koshthe entire codebase has been audited many times10:41
frank23duality: my guess is even less than 128 would be enough for XGL. not much happening compared to a game10:41
mornfallkosh: i think that's true for sendmail and it doesn't give it much in terms of security reputation :)10:41
dualityfrank23: k10:41
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mornfallkosh: there were 3 fairly unfortunate advisories abot zope in 200210:42
mornfalli guess it's comparable to bind9 in these terms :)10:42
koshnot exploitable without an account with edit privelages and document creation privelages10:43
koshso a user of the website can't exploit it10:43
mornfallZCatalog plug-in index support capability for Zope 2.4.0 through 2.5.110:43
mornfallallows anonymous users and untrusted code to bypass access10:43
mornfallrestrictions and call arbitrary methods of catalog indexes. (CAN-2002-0688)10:43
mornfallit says anonymous user10:43
koshthat one is not harmful in practice10:44
mornfalland a dos that allows shutting down zope with forged headers10:44
koshyou can call the method but the return from the method is checked for security and it gets blocked for that10:44
mornfallthere's one denial of service with bind9 since 2002 -- and it's still considered insecure10:44
koshso one part of the security failed but another part catches it10:44
glickhey does xgl work with any desktop?10:44
koshstill a bug but not very serious10:44
mornfalland, well, i wouldn't trust zope to manage my boots10:45
frank23duality: oh and xgl only works in dapper10:45
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mornfall(boots as in shoes)10:45
mornfallno matter10:45
koshmornfall: it has the best security record of any of the frameworks I have seen10:45
mornfallkosh: the only thing that tells to me is that web app frameworks have poor security record (which is nothing new) :)10:46
koshmornfall: the java, perl, php, ruby etc frameworks I have looked at usually accumulate more problems in a week then zope has in the last 7 years10:46
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ganymedi need some help with kvpnc10:46
koshmornfall: that seems like a darn good record, only about 5-6 problems in the last 7 years and none serious10:46
glickis anyone running kde 3.5.1?10:46
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koshmornfall: the linux kernel and just about everything else has a FAR worse record then that10:47
mornfalli can't seem to find any security advisory about RoR for that matter10:47
glickganymed, is that much more stable then 3.4?10:47
ganymedwhat do you mean?10:47
koshmornfall: ror does not even include any kind of security framework, everything is allowed by default10:47
glickganymed, oh i thought you were saying "yes" to me10:47
koshmornfall: hard to have a broken security setup that way ;)10:47
glickganymed, nevermind10:48
mornfallruby has sandboxing as part of the language as far as i know10:48
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heinkel_111will this be a correct url for the multiverse repository? ---> http://countrycode.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy multiverse10:48
mornfalleither way, i do not use web frameworks... useless10:48
ganymedall the progs that used to work still work, the ones that do not, still don't (except the network modul, which i haven't tested, yet)10:48
mornfallso i could care less10:48
[Nige] how do I disable the system bell?10:49
koshmornfall: so how would you suggest to build large corporate intranet systems with tens of thousands to millions of documents?10:49
ganymedkvpnc always wants that i enter a password for my wlan, but it doesn't provide me with a prompt or sth. vpn works... any ideas?10:49
mornfalldefinitely not by using python :)10:50
koshmornfall: http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/release24-maint/Misc/README.valgrind10:51
simianyesterday i took my first apache step and set up 2 linux box on a network and made one of them an apache web server and the other could read the pages off of it10:51
koshmornfall: by default valgrind does not work with how python allocates memory correctly even though it does not leak10:51
simianbut that was only usung a lan ip 192.168 and so on - what do i have to do to let everyone access it?10:51
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mornfallkosh: python interpreter is a massive kludge -- not unlike the language itself :)10:52
[Nige] any ideas?10:53
mornfallkosh: as for valgrind, i am not talking about leaks10:53
mornfallmore about ==8952== ERROR SUMMARY: 893 errors from 113 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)10:53
mornfallthat's valgrind running on an empty program10:53
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koshmornfall: so what do you think the problem is? about the only language I can think of that is probably better would be something like lisp10:53
mornfall(no other interpreter i used suffers from this)10:53
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rumple<simian> you only need port 80 re-directed to the server10:54
mornfallkosh: python is awful language sorry10:54
koshmornfall: that is covered in the url I gave to you, valgrind gets confused because python uses pymalloc10:54
koshmornfall: so can you actually answer any question other then just trolling?10:54
simianrumple: ok i better get my ruters manual out thatn...thanks10:55
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mornfallkosh: the problem? the language is inconsistent, most features are bolted on the original design and somehow don't fit10:55
mornfallkosh: scoping is all messed up10:55
rumple<simian> most welcome10:56
mornfalli was thruogh this flame long ago so i don't even recall everything10:56
mornfalli have stayed away from python after trying to use it few times10:56
koshmornfall: so can you give a single specific thing and not just throw generalizations?10:56
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koshmornfall: however you still did not cover how you could do a very large app without using any of the frameworks, any security you write yourself will end up being far worse10:56
koshmornfall: and zope and python both have better security records then the kernel, apache and darn near everything else except qmail or postfix10:57
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ganymed_how do i setup kwallet?11:01
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koshganymed_: hmm just run alt-f2 kwallet and it should walk you through the setup11:02
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glicki dont get what kwallet is exactly11:03
ganymed_is kwallet used by kvpnc?11:04
koshand encrypted password repository11:04
puckmananyone read this: http://www.centos.org/modules/news/article.php?storyid=12711:04
koshno idea if it is used by that program11:04
ganymed_kosh: doesn't work11:04
ganymed_seems to be kwalletmanager11:05
glickis anyone running kde 3.5.1?11:05
ganymed_glick: are u asking again the same stuff?11:05
koshI am running 3.5.111:05
glickkosh, is it more stable then 3.4.3 cause i had some issues with that11:05
ganymed_great, kwalletmanager crashes...11:06
glickwho would i send a pmount bug report too?11:07
glickthe ubuntu project or the Author11:08
koshglick: I have not had crashes in pretty much any version of kde in a very long time11:08
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koshglick: the arts crashes went away for me with 2.0 or so11:08
glickkosh, kongueror crashes ALL the time on me11:08
heinkel_111how do i change default font size in kde for my root account?11:10
locomortokosh: Have you used 3.3?11:10
locomortoThat thing segfaulted on me like no tomorrow11:10
heinkel_111in Adept i get letters the size of "Jesus Comes" newspaper headlines11:10
koshlocomorto: I have used every version of kde since something before 1.011:10
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glickamarok is a sweet app11:10
koshI almost never have konqueror crash11:10
koshthe only pages I have run into where ones that had really nasty javascript11:11
heinkel_111amaroK <3 <3 <3 11:11
locomortoamaroK > sliced bread11:11
koshhowever I don't have flash installed and won't allow it anywhere on this network and I usually leave javascript turned off11:11
glickwhats wrong with flash?11:11
locomortoit well, sucks :)11:11
glickits not bad11:11
glickmy friend developed this cool addictive ass game in flash calle quadradius11:12
glickever hear of it?11:12
locomortoWell it depends, sometimes it works smooth as butter, and other times causes the house to come burning down even time you think of looking at a flash file :/11:12
locomortoNo actually, link?11:13
glickthe lobby is prolly dead now cause its 5am here11:13
koshglick: well flash has had a bunch of security problems that macromedia seems to be happy to ignore for one11:13
koshglick: it allows any flash app to write data locally that can be read by any other flash app11:14
koshglick: it is probably the most annoying plugin ever11:14
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mornfallkosh: for a small extract -- self. (or was it this.) everywhere, __foo__, (still?) impossible to inherit builtin types, runtime extension of objects only possible with big nasty hacks, no continuations, crippled closures (due to awkward scope rules)... that would be about what i can recall without much looking at it again11:14
heinkel_111(CRIES uhuuuuhuhu *Teaaars*) where in the world can I find the  gstreamer0.8-lame package?11:14
koshglick: and by getting rid of you you block nearly all the crap11:14
mornfallkosh: anyway i do not want to debate the individual items -- you wanted concrete things so here they are11:15
koshmornfall: you can inherit from any builtin type and have been able to do that for many years now, extending objects at runtime is trivial, self. is there on purpose and will not be changed since it is better to be explicit11:15
koshmornfall: oh yeah and continuations have existed for about 3 years now also11:15
mornfallkosh: continuations? you mean stackless? stackless isn't python11:16
koshmornfall: no I mean things like generators11:16
glickyeah kde apps are pretty sweet11:17
locomortohopefully xgl and kde will play nice in time for dapper11:18
glicki think ill be perfectly happy with a humble 2-d desktop11:18
glicki just want to do work on my computer11:18
mornfallkosh: well, python generators... are they iterable yet? i'm not sure if this is what my problem with this was, but can i iterate a generated sequence like i would iterate normal iterator?11:19
mornfallkosh: (and no, generators are not it)11:19
locomortoWell its more the performance increases. Ok I lied. But there there :)11:19
glickif i want to see hot 3d eye-candy ill go to my local  strip club11:19
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koshmornfall: generators are always iterable11:21
koshmornfall: all iteration in python is done with the iteration protocol, generators adhere to that protocol  that is how you can do for line in somefile:  and it will read the file in fairly small chunks at a time instead of all at once, the file object is a generator among other things11:22
glickheh k3b says my medium doesnt support write speed at 7024450x turning down speed to 8x11:23
glickhehe no crapp11:23
koshthis kind of stuff is why I try to get accurate information on things11:24
koshglick: hehe, but wouldn't it be cool if that worked :)11:24
glickmybe when quandum drives come out11:24
hatake_kakashicoasters.. anyone? :)11:25
locomortoWhat is this whole times thing anyway? I think they should just set 1x as 1bit per second then we culd have 1.024 x 10^12 x drives!11:25
mornfallkosh: for some reason my list-extended class is not iterable11:27
glickim runnin k3b on ubuntu-desktop11:27
mornfallah okey11:27
mornfalli got it11:27
simianwhere can i find out my ip address (public)11:27
mornfallwhatever :)11:27
reonAnyone here know superkaramba ?11:28
koshwhat I am looking forward to is later this year samsung is supposed to have 30gb flash drives come out for regular computer usage11:28
mornfallkosh: well, before i disappear, can you tell me how to extend an existing object?11:28
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simianlocomorto: thanks11:28
glickkosh, im sure the'll be nice and expensive too11:28
kosh$750, about 5% the power of a regular drive and 3 times faster with no moving parts11:28
locomortoonly $1 dollar per megabyte too! I can just see it :'(11:28
koshmornfall: you mean like just inheriting from a class or something else?11:28
locomortoonly 3 times?11:29
koshwell at $750 for 30 gigs that is great for a database server11:29
mornfallkosh: hmh? no, i get an object from something and i want to add a method to the instance11:29
koshyeah itis not a fast as regular ram11:29
koshmornfall: oh instance.somemethod = method11:29
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locomortokosh: what about the limited writes?11:29
koshmornfall: for example you can do def foo(self, args): dosomething     and you can do anyobject.somemethod = foo11:30
locomortoI don't know if its just my flash file as well, but they seem to have a very low i/o operations per second11:30
koshlocomorto: about 500K writes/cell and the drive takes care of that on its own11:30
locomorto= not good for a database11:30
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koshlocomorto: you will stop using the device before you exceed the writes on it11:30
koshlocomorto: if you just replace the drives every few years you will have no issues, most hard drives don't survive long enough to even get that many writes to a sector11:31
locomortoI thought the whole point of putting a flash drive in a server would be that it wouldn't die often?11:31
mornfallkosh: i know i tried that but it did not work for me (i probably needed to add a whole bunch of methods eventually not knowing their names -- extend an object with a new class)11:32
koshmornfall: in python all functions are first class objects, there is no distinction between a string attribute and a method that you add11:32
locomortoIt not like its cheaper (yet)11:32
koshmornfall: all functions are is just callable objects11:32
koshlocomorto: it would still end up being cheaper, you would save a lot in power11:33
glickwhen k3b finihes burnin whos bright idea was to make it play a bugle thingie11:33
locomorto*tries to remember physics from last year*11:34
mornfallkosh: shame i rmd the code i wrote for that, but i know the foo.x = something did not work for the situation (it ended up being horribly messy by either hardcoding what i add to the object or using some method_missing equivalent that had to look up methods in different objects)11:34
glickhey does kubuntu come with a decent firewall setup app?11:35
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mornfallkosh: (which is generally the problem with python i have, things that i expect to work (like, when you use some language you expect some things to work -- works with ruby very well, works with c++, works with scheme) -- they don't... they have somehow different semantics or just don't support what i want to do... python always felt terribly limiting in what it allows me to do, and, well, kludgy in that many of the concepts did not extend ...11:36
mornfall... to their usual generality)11:36
heinkel_111anybody here knows how to install lame? i cannot find any lame-related package?11:36
koshpython is more closely related to lisp then it is to c++ and java11:36
mornfallit is probably me (well not only me, i know many people having this same problem with python)11:37
koshpeople that come from c++ and those style of languages often have a harder time11:37
heinkel_111http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3228.0 <---guide in this thread doens't work because packages are not where they are said to be11:37
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mornfallc++ and java are not too related for that matter11:37
koshthat is the problem of people that say they know 10+ programming languages but they really just know 1 and write it in all of them11:37
mornfallc++ is a very different language from what many people use it as11:37
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koshhowever the way that many people use c++ is how java is designed in part11:38
mornfallnot really, i definitely don't write ruby in c++ nor the other way around11:38
koshthey have similar semantics11:38
mornfallmy ruby is usually full of blocks and closures11:38
mornfalland c++ full of templates :)11:38
mornfalljava does generics, which are very far from templates11:38
mornfallc++ can do mixins a lot better than java11:38
mornfallbut java can do it at runtime, unlike c++11:39
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mornfall(but you can only mix in an interface, not a full object, which is shame)11:39
mornfallsame thing, extending java objects through proxies works fine, but when you try to use it on a full object it fails11:39
mornfallin a dynamic language (as java is), one would probably expect it to work11:40
sniffanyone anble to tell me the command to use apt-get to download, compile and install from source please?11:40
mornfall(what is such a problem in extracting an interface from an existing object?)11:40
koshsniff: why do you want to do that?11:40
sniffwhy not ;)?11:41
sniffi would like to try at least11:41
mornfallkosh: hmm, AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'test'11:41
mornfallkosh: i probably did it wrong? >>> foo.test = mymethod11:41
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sniffi read the man for apt-get, but i'm still unsure which commands i need to use11:41
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koshmornfall: you can inherit from the built in types and add things to what you have inherited from but you can not alter the built in types11:42
mornfallkosh: bultin types are not objects?11:43
koshmornfall: however it isnot necessary to alter the built in types since your object could be used anywhere the bult in type could be used11:43
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mornfallkosh: instances of them that is11:43
mornfallkosh: but i need to add methods to something i get from someone else11:43
koshmornfall: they are objects but they don't allow alteration for predictability11:43
mornfallkosh: when i get something i don't know what it is (just an object), can i add my methods to it?11:44
koshmornfall: so take what you got from someone else and turn it into another object like make a mylist and hand it the list object11:44
mornfallkosh: what happens if that someone returns a tuple instead?11:44
locomortook whoever said the flash drive would save money over time (lower power consumption)11:44
koshmornfall: the reason that all the built in stuff can not be altered is so you don't have a situation where a string object does not behave like a string object, if something is going to be different it has to be different11:44
koshlocomorto: I did11:45
locomortototal cost of a typical hardrive running 24/7 for 6 years is ((30 x 24 x 365 x 6) / 1 000) * .14 = $AU 220.7520011:45
mornfallkosh: right, but that is a poor substitute for type safety that is also very limiting :)11:45
koshmornfall: you can wrap it in anything, you could make a trivial wrapper class11:45
locomortoIt took so long because I had to check how much it costs per kilowatt hour11:45
koshmornfall: the whole thing is still type safe,  the reason for not altering built ins has nothing to do with type safety11:45
locomortoNote, that is pricing in australia, not america so it may be less/more then the exchange rate11:46
koshmornfall: it is the same reason python does not have a macro system yet, it won't be added until a way can be figured out for it not to change behavior of code without it looking different11:46
koshlocomorto: the more heat you product the more cooling you need also, so a hard drive burns energy in the power it takes it but also in the power it takes to cool it, you also have a problem of a far higher failure rate which has to be averaged into the cost for running it11:47
mornfallkosh: but why is that only limited to bulitin types? if a library has its type it is ok to twist and change it to your liking but not a bultin? what's so special about builtins11:47
koshlocomorto: and you also have the issue of it taking more hard drives to get the same performance out of the database11:47
koshmornfall: it is so the language is predictable, you can't change the language structures either11:47
koshmornfall: it is all for maintenance purposes, readability etc11:48
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mornfallkosh: right, bondage and discipline -- i was looking for the term wrt python since morning :)11:48
mornfallkosh: exactly what i am not looking for in a language11:48
koshif you do a = "something" then it is ALWAYS a simple string type and it will behave in a certain way period11:49
koshyou can not redefine that all of those things should compare differently, redefine how upper works etc11:49
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koshmy experience working on c++ projects where people did change the basic structures of the language have been disasterous11:50
koshdebugging became largely futile11:50
locomortoStill, I don;t think your going to get more performance out a flash drive in a database server.11:50
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koshand even in lisp they recommend to never do that11:50
mornfallkosh: so if i want to get an ordered container of strings in army ordering (length first, then lexicographic), i will have to go through some hoops i guess? does the sorted sequence in python allow passing own compare function? :)11:50
koshlocomorto: you should get at least a 3x boost out of it if not a little more since all seeks are constant time11:50
koshmornfall: you can pass any kind of comparison function you want11:51
koshlocomorto: databases are largely random access io which is a worse case for a regular hard drive11:52
ganymed_does anybody know why kvpnc asks for a user password on the debug console, though the password is entered in the conf dialogue?11:52
mornfallkosh: hmm, what's the python sorted container called i can't seem to find it :|11:52
mornfallsorted as in sorted11:53
mornfallascending/descending, iterable in sorted order after insertion11:53
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mornfallsomething like std::set -- you need sorted sets of items all the time11:53
koshI don't know of a built in for that however you can use a list for that, you can sort the list, it will retain its order and you can do sorted insertions11:54
mornfallso i have to write own sorted set? well at least the builtin one does not suffer from the sort-order specification problem11:54
koshto be honest I can't think of a single time in the last 10 years when a datatype like what you describe would be useful to me11:55
simiani think that i have forwarded all trafic from port 80 to   but when i enter my ip address i just get some info about my router11:55
mornfallkosh: you must be coding very different things than me11:55
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koshmornfall: in the last few years all items I want sorted I use a generator with so I only have on in existance at a time11:55
koshmornfall: or coding in a very different way11:55
mornfallkosh: binary search trees are very fundamental11:55
mornfallin algorithm design11:55
mornfallit gives you lots of nice asymptotic guarantees11:56
koshmornfall: for instance I will pull a list of records from a db but it will be sorted when I get them and I will iterate over them as I go11:56
mornfallwell, i guess people nowadays use sql to do intersections on data sets11:56
sniffwhat program can i use to convert a dvd to... say... divx/xvid?11:56
koshmost of the time I don't sort anything11:56
koshmornfall: a round trip to the database is so expensive it is far faster for you to tell the database to do as much of the work as possible and just hand you the set to work with11:57
mornfallit's been long time since i wrote a program that did not use sorted container :)11:57
mornfallkosh: i don't work with databases -- sql is not flexible enough most of the time and as you say, roundtrips are too expensive11:57
koshmornfall: I recently replaced a system that had about 1000 lines of sql in one query and did over a hundred round trips to the database, the new query is about 20-30 lines and makes no round trips just a single call11:58
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koshmorrow: mostly I work with object databases but I do some relational db work, when you have a client with a lot of data though you need some kind of database11:58
koshmornfall: since you can't do financial stuff directly to a filesystem since they are not acid compliant11:59
mornfalli am a computer science man, no databases11:59
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mornfalldatabases are the boring courses, nothing much else :)11:59
mornfalli am not meant to be practical12:00
koshI build stuff for clients that have to adhere to all kinds of regulations12:00
koshif we lose credit card information, don't handle it properly etc we are in trouble12:00
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mornfallfortunately i don't have that kind of clients12:00
koshwe have some clients whose websites consist of about 30K pages with about 3K people that edit it12:01
kosheach of them with different permissions on what they can edit etc12:01
mornfallyou'll probably sooner catch me doing distributed verification than anything related to web12:02
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mornfalland i don't take your python from you, many bondage and discipline languages are very successful (java and python among others) -- management loves languages that enforce policies12:03
koshthe most freeform language would be lisp12:03
koshhowever everyone defines bondage and discipline differently12:04
mornfalllisp and perl :)12:04
mornfalland probably ruby, it is also very freeform12:04
koshI certainly think that c++,c and java define stuff far more strictly then python does12:04
mornfalland c++ -- which is why i don't know why it is so widely used in business apps12:04
koshlisp is more freeform then ruby and perl are12:04
mornfallyes and no12:04
mornfalllisp has no syntax12:05
koshactually there are ways in python that you could redefine some of the basic things, however if you do it you will probalby end up being shot12:05
mornfallperl and ruby have lots of syntax12:05
koshit is possible although not advised and not very well documented but you can modify the parse tree in python12:05
mornfallit may also break with new version, may it not?12:06
koshno it is standardized12:06
koshhttp://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/277940   that is an example of it12:06
mornfallanyway, as for language strictness -- i don't mostly speak of what can be done12:07
mornfallit's all turing complete -- everything can be done12:07
mornfallit's on what is fluently and naturally expressed in the language12:07
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mornfalli guess you can't even overload operators in python12:08
koshyou can12:08
mornfalllike you can't in java12:08
mornfallkosh: that is then very much against the immutability of core language philosophy :)12:09
koshand unlike java you have multiple inheritance, can define any inheritance resolution function you want (most people leave it at the default) and you can change the inheritance at runtime12:09
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koshmornfall: it is not against that at all, multiple inheritance won't change the meaning of the built in structures in any way12:10
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mornfallkosh: operator overloading12:10
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mornfallkosh: when + starts doing modular addition with some arbitrary modulus, that's definitely change in language12:10
Tsagadaiive still got problems with kde windows,fonts and icons being too big12:10
glickmornfall, pythn does have operator overloading12:11
mornfall__mul__ ew12:11
mornfalltalk about ugliness...12:12
koshmornfall: 5 + 5 can't be overridden  5 + yourcustomobject can be12:12
mornfallwas it added somewhere in the course of language development? (it looks like it)12:12
koshmornfall: nope that was there from the beginning12:12
glickmornfall, whats so ugly about it?12:12
mornfallthe __decoration__12:13
glickor use c++12:13
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graemewhat is the latest version of KDE for 64bit12:14
koshmornfall: http://deadbeefbabe.org/paste/98  that example shows adding a method to a class, instance, and instance inherited from a base type at runtime12:16
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mornfalllet's put a stop to this12:17
mornfallit's a waste of everyone's time12:17
koshwell I am going to bed anyways12:17
koshthere are things about python that are bad, there are things about every language that are bad, however I don't like inaccurate information12:19
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koshmost of the things people believe are not true and it causes many problems12:20
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HenkIs there any way to speed up loading of firefox? keeping it persistant or something like that ?12:33
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HobbseeHenk: IIRC, there's a howto on ubuntuforums.com for this12:34
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holy_foolgotta question. i downloaded unrar(rarlinux-3.4.1.tar.gz) unpacked it to an dir, but what to do next with the files....12:35
ubotuA nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos)12:36
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HenkHobbsee, i could find swiftfox (wich indeed is somewhat faster) and fasterfox (wich does not seem to speed up load times, just has some network option like preloading wich i dont need) was that what you meant or did i overlook something12:45
Hobbseeyes.  a custom user.js file is also useful12:46
Hobbseei'll pastebin mine for you - it's not commented, but it works really nicely12:46
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mornfallHobbsee: that sort of reminds me about my dotfile hacks... they aren't commented either but they work really nicely (for me)12:47
HobbseeHenk: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/62148712:48
Hobbseemornfall: i got the stuff off the net, and didnt comment off it as i copy pasted12:48
Henkis there btw a way to stop the "application loading" with bouncing logo that keeps running until it times out after starting a second firefox ?12:48
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HobbseeHenk: when you find it, please tell me12:52
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HenkHobbsee, i will12:53
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SechsSomeone knows if i can convert from fat32 to ntfs, without losing the data on the partition ?12:54
SechsI suppose it's ok with Partition magic, but i'm affraid to lost my data if i convert12:55
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VRWarperwindows xp has a conversion tool as well12:55
_mindspinI would do it with the windows tool12:55
VRWarperwhy would you convert it to ntfs? >_>12:55
RogueJediAxlMe too12:55
SechsWel i have part magic so the tool itself isnt the problem..just wanted to know if i'll lose my data if i convert the HD ?12:56
SechsVRWarper>> because Linux can't write on NTFS right ?12:56
_mindspinwhen you do it with partition magic , it could be not working properly12:56
SechsOnly on FAT32 ?12:56
SechsOr i misunderstood...12:57
ganymed_does anybody know why kvpnc asks for a user password on the debug console, though the password is entered in the conf dialogue?12:57
SechsFAT32 is ok for Linux to write and all ?12:57
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VRWarperi really have to get a new keyboard12:57
SechsPartition magic worked great till now...but yeah i can  try the XP tool if you say it's better12:57
_mindspinI ve messed a whole HD with partition magic once12:58
crrjWhenever you're messing with partitions it is a good idea to make a backup of your data before starting.12:59
SechsSo just 2 questions before i make something stupid and lost all my data : NTFS isnt' Linux's friends, but it will work great with FAT32 right ? And...i'm sure no to lost my data if i convert the disk taht contains them ?12:59
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crrjOr, if you're using XP there are tools to allow you to mount ext2/3 file systems in XP as though they were native. I use it on my dual boot box and it works quite well01:00
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VRWarperwhy does it take so long to format ntfs >< why oh why ><01:00
VRWarperi had to install xp on a machine with a 300gb harddrive01:00
VRWarperthe formatting took at least an hour -_-01:01
Sechsthat's what i have01:01
Sechs(with partitions)01:01
SechsBut one hour seems a little too long01:01
SechsIt's more like 45 mn anyway..01:01
VRWarperfor 300GB?01:01
SechsIt's still ong :p01:01
VRWarperits long very long01:01
VRWarperso long that i installed linux,, installed all the programs that i needed01:02
VRWarperon another machine01:02
VRWarperthen left01:02
VRWarper:D i decided that ill continue on monday01:02
SechsU can make partitions too with 300 giga like me : one for XP, on for Linux and one for datas01:02
_mindspinor wipe out XP at all which seems for me the best solution ;-)01:03
SechsWell i think XP will say good bye soon anyway01:03
crrjIf I were installing XP on a drive that size I'd have about a 50 gig partition for the OS then the rest for data. That way if the OS gets hosed you don't have to worry about the data in a reformat.01:04
VRWarper:< but i still want to play games01:04
crrjalso faster for the initial install01:04
VRWarperthen again, truth be told i dont play games very often01:04
HenkHobbsee, Rightclick firefox icon in kde [menu|bar] . -> configure -> application -> advanced option -> deselect 'launch feedback'01:05
SechsThere is not a lot of games on Linux, right ?01:06
HobbseeSechs: there are a fair few, but a lot arent windows games...01:07
Hobbseeas in, often the windows games dont have a linux port01:07
SechsI didnt search for the answer since i dont play often, but i'd like too and it's the only bad point for Linux01:07
SechsIt's a shame still...the editors should think Linux too :/01:07
VRWarperthere are also some windows games that cant run in linux via wine/winex01:08
SechsBut i assume it's a lot of work too01:08
Blippethere is cedega and wine for the most popular...01:08
crrjWould you really want a game that's as addictive as Civ IV available in Linux?01:08
SechsJust for example, what's the best doom like on Linux ?01:08
VRWarperrofl WoW01:08
Blippecrrj, we got freeciv, it is worse...01:08
crrjBeing stuck on dial-up online games are not really an option01:09
mornfallfreeciv is a real timekiller yes01:09
HobbseeHenk: cant see it..will have more of a look later01:09
RogueJediAxlAlso, Alpha Centauri and Civilization: Call to Power run natively on Linux01:09
crrjBlippe, so far I've managed to resist the urge to install that package01:09
SechsYeah but no FPS ?01:09
Blippekeep on being strong!01:09
Sechs(yes i know, i'm basic)01:10
VRWarpercs is said to work fine in linux :)01:10
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JakubSquake3, ut2004, enemy territory01:10
BlippeSechs, there are a few. some people are for example playing doo401:10
VRWarpernot that i paly cs :/01:10
mornfallBlippe: try nexuiz01:10
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RogueJediAxlIsn't nexuiz a bit resource-hungry?01:10
mornfallBlippe: especially if your card can do shader effects :)01:10
JakubSmornfall: does it have any online servers01:10
mornfallJakubS: no idea01:10
JakubSi915 kinda works, but i had to disable effects :-(01:11
mornfalli have i915 too :)01:11
mornfallbut it doesn't do shader anything01:11
mornfallwell, not in >5 fps01:11
SechsNexuiz looks not too bad judging from some pics01:11
mornfallwhich is a tad bit little for FPS :)01:11
JakubSwhat is quite weird because i915 is supposed to have hw shading01:11
mornfallJakubS: is it?01:12
mornfalli thought i915 was about as low-end as it gets01:12
SechsOh, totally other question, but i'm trying to install java runtime since yesterday, and soooo..nothing.01:12
SechsI already read helps and all but i can't understand01:12
VRWarperi wonder if its possible to get i810 to run it01:12
SechsANd i realy need it for some appz01:12
JakubS'pixel shader 2.0'01:13
Henkdid anyone see novel's xgl demo with the 3d game running smoothly on the side of the 3d desktop cube.... damn that looked cool01:13
SechsSo if someone know how to...01:13
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SechsHe'll be my god for the day :p01:13
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VRWarperjava runtime?01:14
glickHenk, yeah your the only who who just saw it01:14
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andrzejhow i can download my contact list in kopete witch gadu gadu?01:14
SechsYes VRWarper01:14
BlippeSechs, let me count the ways possible to install suns java!01:14
Sechsdo so01:14
VRWarpermeh are you installing by downloading from sun?01:14
JakubSandrzej: it is downloaded from server automatically when you connect with kopete01:14
andrzejbut not download01:15
SechsI dl it from sun yes...i have an rpm bin and a bin01:15
SechsI dont know wich one and how to use it01:15
Blippei don't even know where to start, but i guess ubotu knows01:15
andrzejJakubS jeste z polski?01:15
SechsI heard i should convert or somthng ?01:15
JakubShm, i have still nexuiz installed, maybe i can find a server :-)01:15
JakubSandrzej: priv01:15
BlippeSechs, alien converts, but it aint a good idea!01:16
Sechsk...then another way maybe ?01:16
BlippeJava can be found in multiverse. Sun (i386) debs here: http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl IBM (PPC) debs here: http://giannaros.org/buntu/breezy.  UNOFFICIAL debs of more recent JRE's can be found in Seveas's repositories.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages01:16
mornfallJakubS: well, my i915 desktop is headless now01:16
Sechsi386 yes...but if have amd64 ?01:16
VRWarperunofficial debs are nice :] 01:16
=== Sechs go see the links anway
JakubSmornfall: i thought this chipset is only used in laptops01:17
mornfallJakubS: and i guess it's not the right game for a laptop01:17
VRWarperwhy amd64 why oh why ><01:17
mornfallJakubS: hmm01:17
mornfallJakubS: let me check :)01:17
VRWarpertheres no particular advantage _yet_01:17
VRWarperjust more pain01:17
JakubSif you connect normal mouse...01:17
mornfallJakubS: ah, i91001:17
Sechsoh or i'm maybe mistaken on this..wait...everest works on lniux ?01:17
VRWarperyou mean like a living one?01:17
mornfallJakubS: almost :)01:17
Sechsor an app to see his process type01:17
andrzejJakubS nie moge do ciebie nic wyslac01:17
andrzejnie jestem zarejestrowany01:18
mornfallJakubS: fwiw, it should be same apart from memory controller? (ddr vs ddr2)01:18
SechsI'm not sure now...i only know it's a sempron 300001:18
JakubSmornfall: yes, it is almost the same01:18
SechsHow do i know if it's amd64 or i386 ?...mine should be amd64 right ?01:18
JakubSand graphic chip is uma900 in both cases01:18
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JakubSi found nexuiz server, with nice ping too :-)01:19
SechsNo one can tells me for AMD64 pls ?01:21
n3stormSechs: What is your question?01:22
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BlippeSechs, haeve you looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JavaAMD64?highlight=%28java%2901:23
JakubSeh, nice ping wasn't so nice after all -> slideshow :-(01:24
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SechsYes but Blippe, just to be sure, AMD 64 is for all Athlon and sempron processors ?01:26
Wingedeanyone experienced issues with IBM netvista's - more so along the lines of crashing after being idle? .. doesn't seem to be kubuntu specific either01:26
SechsI386 only for Intel ?01:26
WingedeSechs: no i386 for AMD also01:26
Wingedebut if you have a 64bit you probably want to use a x64 installation01:27
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Blippebtw does the i in i386 stand for intel or ibm, i never remebers?01:28
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Sechsah damn...then how do i know what i have ?01:28
Sechssome app to identify i386 or amd64 ?01:28
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Blippewhat processor do you have?01:28
DanielCHow do I configure my QT fonts? I can't read the QT toolbars.01:28
Wingedeidentify your processor or install type?01:28
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VRWarperjust reinstall01:29
VRWarperuse i38601:29
VRWarper>< its the least painful method01:29
BlippeSechs, in konsole "cat /proc/cpuinfo"01:29
VRWarperotherwise youll have to use chroot (which essentially installs a 386 build anyway) for 386 apps that are not available in amd6401:30
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VRWarperand for most people there is not much of a gain to use the 64bit vs 32bit (yet)01:30
BlippeDanielC, in the system settings!01:30
DanielCBlippe: I'm running Gnome.01:30
DanielCBlippe: My system settings only affects Gtk apps.01:31
BlippeDanielC, ok, start kcontrol then!01:31
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BlippeDanielC, you might need another package for it to take effect, i'm not sure...01:33
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DanielCBlippe: Nope. It worked fine. Thanks :)01:33
Blippegreat, thanks for the info!01:33
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kokurya-kaiwhat could be the problem if the system is running without any problems (2 sata drives), but wenn i connect two ide drives i get an grub 22 error or grub doesn't even start...01:40
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Sechsback, sorry i was helping someone on...XP :( lol01:42
SechsYes identify my processor, it's a sempron 3000 and i dont know if its amd64 or i38601:43
Sechsi'll try your command lin01:43
epinephrinewhy would apt-get install wpasupplicant not install any config files or init scripts?01:44
Hobbseeepinephrine: it does, you have to enable and configure them01:44
epinephrine../etc/init.d/wpasupplicant doesn't exist, nor does /etc/default/wpasupplicant, and I could have sworn they were example files to be edited01:45
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Hobbseenor /etc/wpasupplicant.conf?01:46
angel__algun kubuntero espaol en la sala?01:47
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:47
Blippeso Sechs what does it say?01:47
epinephrineI've spent more than 3 hours trying to get such a simple thing to work :<01:47
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epinephrinegiven up on rt2x00 altogether, not a tiny bit of automaticness01:47
SechsI copy paste ?01:48
Sechson PM ?01:48
Sechscause i cant find the usefull line01:48
epinephrine(it doesn't support wpasupplicant)01:48
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BlippeSechs, just paste the model name line here!01:50
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Sechsmodel name      : AMD Sempron(tm) Processor 3000+01:51
BlippeAthlon sempron 3000+ is based on Athlon xp (that is 32 bits) and the 3100+ is based on Athlon 64 (that is 64 bits)01:53
Blippeyou should have the i386-packages01:53
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BlippeSechs, it does have a 2000 MHz clockrate, rigth?01:54
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SechsHonnestly...i dont know lol01:54
SechsI little more i think01:54
Blippethe line cpu MHZ what does it way?01:54
Sechs.84 :)01:55
BlippeSechs, you know which socket it has?01:56
SechsIt says nothing about this01:57
Sechsbut i suppose it's an I386 finally ?01:57
Blippewell, either way, i386 works on both 64 and 32 bits processors!01:58
Sechsoh cool...so this is ok. now about the repositories (since i should add one for java)... i think i didnt quite understood how to add them01:59
SechsFor example : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages, i add only this line ?01:59
Sechs(ine Adept)01:59
BlippeSechs, do you use the 64 bits kernel?02:00
SechsI..don't think so02:00
SechsSince i dont even know what it is..02:00
=== Sechs google kernel
HobbseeSechs: no, you go to that link, and do what it tells you to do02:01
Blippeyou see Amd aint all that nice, they sell two processors with the same name, one 64bits (usually running at 1800mhz, and a 32bits (at 2000mhz) so you got the 64 bits one. i know you could use the i386 kernel and software all the way through but i don't know if youre able to mix (i would guess not)02:01
Sechshm ok, i add the lines who starts with deb and deb src02:02
BlippeSechs, do as Hobbsee  tells you to!02:02
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Flight 5 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 beta 2 out | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) http://tinyurl.com/fm847 | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by _NinDZa_ at Wed Mar 22 13:28:04 2006
(Russel/#kubuntu) is there no album -> export to html plugin in digikam?03:53
(Russel/#kubuntu) or should i install another plugin?03:53
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_warrenhi just wanted to see if this works.. I just installed Kubuntu03:57
_warrenis this like a help channel ?03:58
Mi|oi don't know but if someone there knows, i think they will help03:58
_warrenok so you are here to chat?03:59
_warrenthee is alot of ppl on the list  ---->03:59
Mi|owell i said that I don't know if this is a help channel04:00
metalheddit is a help channel, what else would it be?04:01
_warrenit could be many things I guess04:02
Mi|oi guess is better if you just ask :P04:02
_warrenya well I didnt want to be asking questions in the wrong place04:03
bertIt's really a porno site in disguise04:03
glickanyone going to the boston linux expo?04:04
bertwhere's boston?04:05
_warrenin united states04:06
bertnear LA?04:07
_warrenno closer to newyork04:07
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bertnew york was bombed04:09
inukahey, is there a kde version on BUM (boot up manager)? i just realised it installs a bunch of gnome libraries..04:10
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ubotutijn: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:10
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tijn04:10
ubotu[w32codecs]  a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install04:10
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SechsOk i need great help before i'm going crazy...one half day spent to find how to install java and still nothing  >_<...i tried eveything so if someone have it already and have a method...04:18
SechsI installed it from repositories i found on apt-get.org but it says it's broken04:18
laptophi,  can any1 help me with bypassing packet filters in kubuntu?04:18
SechsIs there another site like this maybe ? Listing repositories04:18
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Mi|oi have the same problem that Sechs has since like 3 months now04:21
skribelo all04:21
glickwhy is it so hard to install java04:22
reonanyone here running xgl+compiz on Dapper i386+nvidia ?04:22
glickthe wiki clearly explains how to install it04:22
Mi|oit doesn't want to get installed :P04:22
Mi|olet me check, i haven't done that04:22
Mi|oand it installs the plugin for firefox?04:22
glickyeah it tells you how to do it step by step04:23
Mi|ook, lets see04:23
SechsWell i tried many methods but nothing...the kubuntu wiki ?04:23
Mi|oi have my little brother without playing chess in yahoo because of this :P04:23
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glicklook up restricted formats in the ubuntu wiki04:24
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skribecan anyone help with a weird kubuntu (live) problem on a flatscreen please?04:25
Sechsdamn...i add 2 repositories in adept, it crashed and know it wont start :/04:27
SechsSomeone know how to fix this ?04:27
_warrenyou mean it wont re-boot?04:27
Sechsno, just i cant start adpet anymore04:28
Sechsos synaptic04:28
mornfallapt-get update?04:28
_warrenanytime i screw somthing up a re-boot usually fixes it04:28
Sechsno the graphical one04:28
mornfallsudo apt-get update04:28
mornfallthat is04:28
mornfallSechs: run that04:28
mornfallit may solve04:28
mornfallif no, it will hint you what's wrong04:28
Sechsit says line 1 is bad in /etc/apt/sources.list04:29
Sechsi should suppress it from here maybe04:29
mornfallthat's it then04:29
Sechswhats the line already, to modify /etc/apt/sources.list ?04:30
mornfalli guess adept should syntax-check sources.list04:30
mornfallSechs: sudo editor /etc/apt/sources.list04:30
laptopcan any1 guide me to a guide that can help me bypass packet filtering, It makes my gaming slow04:31
SechsK it worked :)...thx mornfall04:32
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skribeis there any known problem with the live DVD not displaying properly? can't find anything on the web at all...04:33
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Sechshow do i change the path in the terminal ?04:34
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_martinHi. Can anyone recommend a cheap (probably less than 60 / $100) scanner that will work OOTB with Kubuntu Breezy? Brand new PC, so USB probably ideal. Epson? HP? What works for you?04:37
n3stormmartin: epson is good choice04:38
SechsOh, i can't take it anymore :/...i think i'll go back to XP04:38
zerovertexSechs export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/whatever   that will add whatever to the existing path04:38
Sechslike a half day to install something...04:39
SechsIt's annoying04:39
_martinn3storm: any particular model?04:39
Sechs(thx zero)04:39
_warrenya I dont think kubutu is ready to replace xp yet :(04:39
SechsBut damn i tried all the methods to install java and all fails...04:39
n3stormmm 64something are very good, but they need tweaking04:39
n3stormlow numbers work directly04:40
SechsI think it warren, till i cant install a simple thing04:40
n3stormalso, _martin , the multifuncitonal devices works ok without tweaking04:40
zerovertexDoes Automatix do Java?04:40
SechsXP >> DL, click, installed. Kubuntu >> rying 20 methods and still nothing04:40
Chousukedon't use automatix04:40
n3stormChousuke: late for me, any way to go back?04:41
_martinn3storm: the m/f CX 6xxx devices?04:41
SechsSo dont tell me XP isnt more simple...04:41
ChousukeSechs: Well, if Java was free, you could just aptitude install java. :)04:41
n3storm_martin: thats right04:41
_warreni just started using kubutu and it is alot of work to try and duplicat what comes natural to win xp04:41
zerovertexSechs try one more think Automatix http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13840504:42
n3storm_martin: have a look at this url04:42
ChousukeSechs: but it's not, and sun doesn't even allow you to distribute it, so...04:42
ubotuautomatix is, like, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.04:42
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu04:42
zerovertexwell, Automatix worked like a champ for me.04:42
Chousukebut it's unsafe.04:42
Sechshow does easy ubuntu works ?04:43
zerovertexI didn't know that04:43
_martinn3storm: ok, great. If I can't stretch to the 100 ($180) or so for a m/f device, any specific version number of a scanner-only device you know of that works OOTB?04:43
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Chousuke_warren: Don't try to use kubuntu like you would use windows :)04:43
n3stormcx32xx worked for me04:43
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_martinn3storm: checking url -- thanks a lot04:44
ChousukePersonally I find Linux and Ubuntu to be much more usable than windows. :P04:44
SechsO rly ? Then why can't i install something after hours of Googling ?04:44
_warrenI realize that ..but simple things like scanners and cd should be a problem for any os04:44
SechsNo seriously, some things are still a little hard04:44
glickkubuntu is a Unix OS04:44
glickwhat do you expect dude?04:44
ChousukeUbuntu has always worked like a charm for me.04:45
zerovertexSechs, is there a Linux User group in your area04:45
noteventimeMe too04:45
Chousukethen again, I haven't used windows in two years.04:45
SechsNope zero04:45
Mi|o:/ i'm not having look with java :P04:45
ChousukeSechs: Try easyubuntu.04:45
glick_warren: i mean what do you want?04:45
Mi|ois better automatix04:45
Mi|oi guess :P04:46
zerovertexSechs, I suggest finding the closest LUG and join the mailing list so you can meet others that are using Linux and learn from them.04:46
_warrendoes easy ubuntu have to be installed or is it lurking within the os somewhere?04:46
zerovertexI'll have to give easyubuntu a try also04:46
_warrendownloaded i mean04:46
ChousukeI think easyubuntu was created because some ubuntu devs decided that automatix is unsafe.04:46
Chousuke_warren: it's not installed by default. read the wiki page.04:46
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu04:46
glickits just called following instructions04:46
glickfollowing simple written instructions04:47
_warrenok i will give it a go:)04:47
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
skribearghle... has anyone used the 5.10 DVD to boot a kubuntu live?04:47
Chousukesomeone needs to package easyubuntu and stick it into main :P04:47
Chousukeor not.04:48
sniffi used automatix many times, i don't like it. I wrote a script that sets up my fave software better than automatix04:48
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Chousukeit can't be in main since it installs non-free stuff :/04:48
_warrensave as or open with ARK04:48
zerovertexeasyubuntu looks sweet. I'll have to try that on my next reinstall which is due any day now.04:48
ubotuautomatix is probably unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.04:48
Mi|owhere is that software sniff ?04:48
Chousuke_warren: save as.04:48
_warrenk ty04:48
Chousuke_warren: then you need to do those commands shown in the page in the terminal04:49
sniffMi|o: which software?04:49
_warrenok i will try now:)04:49
Chousuke_warren: in fact, you didn't have to download the package with firefox at all :P04:49
Chousukesince the terminal instructions include wget.04:49
Chousukewhich downloads the package.04:49
Mi|othe software that you wrote sniff04:50
sniffso just skip the wget part right04:50
Kr4t05I can't get Kmid to work properly.04:50
_warrenok i will let the terminal download it04:50
sniffMi|o: it's on my computer :)04:50
Kr4t05I try to play a file and I get no output.04:50
Mi|ocome on, what about the linux spirit? :P04:50
Chousuke_warren: learning your way around the terminal pays off.04:50
Chousuke_warren: it's more complicated than the GUI, but a lot more powerful for many tasks :)04:51
sniffi didn't like automatix installing totem in kubuntu, along with all those other softwares, such as 2 BT clients04:51
SechsOk i dled Easykubuntu and extracted it, but what now ?04:51
_martinn3storm: thanks for your help. bfn.04:51
_warrenok so I just copy those lines in the terminal04:51
=== Sechs yes, real noob
Mi|oi like the bt clients, not totem04:51
ChousukeSechs: you need to open a terminal and cd to the directory that you extracted the package into.04:51
n3storm_martin: not at all!04:51
sniffwhy do i need two clients? anyway i like ktorrent or utorrent (in x-office) better04:51
Mi|oSechs: why don't you go to ubuntu forums, i installed it with the instructions given there04:52
Mi|oyou know what i hate now that i moved to kubuntu!04:52
Mi|othat I have gnome and kde applications mixed :(04:52
Kr4t05Gee, this may seem redundant, but why won't Kmid play midi files? That is what it's supposed to do, right?04:52
ChousukeSechs: crash course to unix terminal: cd changes current directory,  ls lists files, cp copies files and mv moves them.04:52
sniffMi|o: i really hate that too04:52
Mi|ojajaja Kr4t0504:52
Mi|oactually i found some instructions sniff but they didn't work04:53
sniffinstructions for what?04:53
Sechsok i see...but i still don't get the thing  to install from files i dled ?04:53
sniffseperating the menus>?04:53
Mi|othey are supossed to separate the gnome and kde applications to their respective environments04:53
Mi|obut it is not working04:53
sniffyeah that would be good04:53
ChousukeSechs: did you run the easyubuntu python script?04:53
Chousukeactually hmm04:54
sniffall i could do was remove both the gnome libs and then reinstall my fave gnome apps04:54
_warrenok now where will easyubunto show up04:54
Mi|oi'll have to do that, i guess04:54
sniffbut be careful you don't remove all your kde stuff too04:54
SechsI'd like to...but as i say chousuke, i downlded the tar of easykubuntu, but now i dont know what to do with it...i'll check the forums anyway04:54
Chousuke_warren: I don't think it'll install itself in any menu or anything04:54
ChousukeSechs: you need to follow the instructions on this page: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html :P04:55
sniffMi|o: I just wrote a script that does: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts gstreamer0.8-mad gstreamer0.8-plugins gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg mozilla-mplayer libdvdread3  libstdc++5 flashplayer-mozilla j2re1.4 && sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/examples/install-css.sh && sudo apt-get install xine-ui mplayer-68604:55
ChousukeSechs: just copy and paste the second box into your terminal04:55
sniffand then another to: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install build-essential gftp kgpg digikam kipi-plugins digikamimageplugins unrar-nonfree zip gnome-nettool kino kinoplus ktorrent kaffeine-xine audacity04:56
sniffi just execute these two and my system is back up and running04:56
Mi|ook, let me copy all that :P04:57
Sechsok i pasted the second box...its supposed to work now ?04:58
Sechslet's try...04:58
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ChousukeSechs: did it run all the commands?04:58
sniffand then i have some scripts to compile the acpi module for the kernel too04:58
ChousukeSechs: if it worked, you should get a nice GUI with which to install java :P04:59
sniffbtw firestarter rocks04:59
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ChousukeSechs: make sure you run the last command in terminal too04:59
sniffMi|o: you must make sure you have the universe/multiverse repositories enabled though04:59
Mi|oi don't know if install that because it will block the connection and i don't know how to set it up04:59
Mi|oi will print the instructions (firestarter)05:00
sniffi once used automatix to install firestarter and it broke my internet05:00
Mi|ook, let me check the repositories05:00
sniffbut i installed it myself and it worked a treat05:00
Mi|oit doesn't block anything05:00
Mi|olike when you install a firewall in windows05:00
sniffafter installing firestarter run "kdesu firestarter" from a terminal, and then run the firestarter wizard. So easy.05:00
Mi|oyou know it blocks everything05:00
Mi|oa, ok05:01
snifffirestarter helped my setup DHCP, routing and port forwarding05:01
_warrenok so how do you start easyubuntu05:02
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sniffto get the flash=plugin working in konqueror you must tell konqueror to scan for plugins from the options05:04
sniffMi|o: the only other thing is to make sure dma is enabled05:04
Mi|oeverything is cool05:05
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_warrenok i understand I think05:09
_warrenbut my cd plays now with now sound05:09
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_warreni think everyone went for lunch:P05:15
zizai consider upgrading to Dapper Drake at the moment. are there any major bugs in Dapper Drake that are of a serious nature?05:16
slow-motioni eat pizza05:16
zizaany upgraders here? :)05:17
=== inuka [n=inuka@80-41-107-136.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
inukadoes anyone know how to install java on kubuntu? i followed the wiki guidelines, but that's just the runtime environment.. i want to be able to compile too.. but when i search in aptitude, there isn't another java there :/05:19
zizahaven't done something with java in a long time... maybe you should look for a java sdk?05:20
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inukayeah i was looking in apttude for the sdk, but it isn't there.. ideally i'd like 1.5.. thanks, i'll take another look on the forums :)05:21
zizak :)05:21
jukei try to start game then my kubuntu says could not load "libGL.so.. where i can get that file?? :P05:21
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noteventimeInstall libgl1-mesa05:22
azertyuuubash: ndiswrapper: command not found05:24
azertyuuuhey all, i want to install my WLAN drivers with ndiswrapper, but if i enter [ndiswrapper -i (drivername).inf]  , i get this error :05:24
azertyuuubash: ndiswrapper: command not found05:24
azertyuuuplease help me05:25
cnb_you probably want to do sudo ndiswrapper -i (drivername).inf05:25
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azertyuuudoesn't help05:26
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cnb_please try "locate ndiswrapper|grep bin"05:27
cnb_and give the output05:27
_warreni had autmatix installed before and i seemed to work good05:28
jukei already have libgl1-mesa installed but it still saying could not load "libGL.so.. have any idea?? :P05:28
_warrensome one here earlier was saying it is not safe05:29
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jukeplease help me!! 8-)05:31
skribeok, it's a problem with my gfx chips, not the monitor...05:31
skribehas anyone used kubuntu with a mini-itx board at all?05:31
inuka_warren: i didn't think automatix was safe because it uses the --force-yes option in apt-get and the man pages says that it could potentially destroy your system!!05:31
_warreni had it before and it worked fine05:32
_warrenso should I be okay again05:32
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_warrenby system you mean?05:33
Kr4t05Gee, this may seem redundant, but why won't Kmid play midi files? That is what it's supposed to do, right?05:33
jukeIs this Konversation good irc program or is it there better ones??05:34
ovidiuhello everybody?05:34
ovidiuhow can I connect to undernet network?05:34
ovidiuwhere are the ubuntists from?05:34
jukefinland :P05:35
ovidiuromania here..05:35
metalheddovidiu: /server eu.undernet.org05:35
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trappistjuke: I like irssi05:35
ovidiuim glad to see that there is no spam here, like...JOIN ..BUY...Discounts05:35
crrjjuke, konversation isn't bad, there are other IRC clients. My suggestion is give each a try and stick with one that you like.05:35
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_warrenok well i am going to install automatix see what happens..I ran it before no problems05:36
juketrappist: irssi?? is there others..05:36
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Mi|orestarting :P05:37
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ovidiuI am using both ubunt and XP but I will buy a laptop and will dedicate it 100% to ubuntu05:37
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trappistjuke: dozens of others.  BitchX is another console client.  xchat is a popular gui one.05:37
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crrjThere is an X interface to BItchX, can't remember the name off the top of my head05:38
adslhi, did anyone manage to get compiz running on kubuntu?05:38
trappistI like a console client so I can run it in a screen and connect to it from anywhere.  this way I never have to disconnect.05:38
crrjthat works05:39
inuka_warren: sorry, i'm not sure.. i was reading on the forum about how it apparently messes with dependencies.. but i've also used it in the past with no problems, so i'm not sure.. it *should* be ok i guess05:40
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_warrenok i just downloaded it now05:40
trappistthen I run bitlbee to proxy all my IM traffic through irc, so all my chat happens in one window, and I have access to it wherever I am05:40
inukadoes anyone know if it's safe to conver the java sdk rpm to a deb file and install from that? this is the rpm i downloaded fromt eh sun microsystems site..05:40
Sechs[16:55]  <Chousuke> Sechs: you need to follow the instructions on this page: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html :P >> ok this...didnt worked.05:41
trappist!tell inuka about javadebs05:41
trappistinuka: that's not really the way to do it05:41
SechsI think there's no way to do it.05:41
_warrenwhat had happened is that I had originally installed ubuntu from the disc then decided to change it to kubuntu and that worked ok but it was a mixup ok ubuntu and kubuntu but Idid have automatix runing at that time and it did wonders for getting things going05:42
inukatrappist: ah.. i followed the instructions on the wiki and that worked fine but it's just the runtime environment, i can't fine the installation files for the sdk (sdk 5.0)..05:42
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_warrenno i installed kubuntu from the kubuntu iso an things look better now so I will run automatix to help the rest alont the way05:42
trappistinuka: if nothing else you can download the sdk from java.sun.com and install that05:42
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inukatrappist: yeah, that's the file i downloaded.. they don't have a deb.. tere's just an rpm.. thanks05:43
ChousukeSechs: there is.05:43
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ChousukeSechs: You obviously did something wrong. :/05:44
inuka_warren: yeah, i agree, it's amazing just to get  your system so things just work :)05:44
_warrenkool :)05:44
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trappistinuka: when you download from sun.com you have an option - rpm or tarball.  they're both .bin files but one extracts to an rpm and one doesn't.05:44
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ChousukeYou wish people would instinctively do things the correct way.05:45
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ROBOdi have ubuntu breezy and i installed the kde-metapackage05:45
SechsOk this : sudo apt-get install j2re1.5-mozilla-plugin05:46
_warrenok it seems to be working find now05:46
Sechsshould work right ?05:46
SechsBut no.05:46
ROBOdi want to remove my kde installation and ... i want to try to install a minimal kde05:46
SechsI doesnt see what i do wrong here05:46
ChousukeSechs: not really.05:46
Sechsno, really ?05:46
ChousukeSechs: that requires you to have java in you apt sources05:46
ROBOdi did go into synaptic ... and selected for removal the kde metapackage05:46
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ChousukeSechs: which, by default due to unavoidable circumstances, you don't05:47
ROBOdit won't remove all those tens (maybe hundrends) of packages05:47
ROBOdhow to do it?05:47
SechsSo this is a mater of repositories ?05:47
ROBOdi don't want to pick each package05:47
ChousukeSechs: yeah05:47
ROBOdanybody? please05:47
ChousukeSechs: there is no repository that can legally distribute Java in Ubuntu's package format.05:47
ChousukeSechs: thank Sun for that ;P05:47
SechsHmhm...but..not...legally ?05:48
=== Sechs hides
ChousukeSechs: you can download the binary yourself though and convert it to .deb.05:48
ChousukeSechs: that's legal.05:48
ROBOdguys? :)05:48
Sechsok, back to this : then, i convert with alien ?05:48
ChousukeROBOd: I don't think there's any easy way. :/05:48
ChousukeSechs: no, not alien05:48
_warrencould you not just start from scratch Rob05:48
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ChousukeSechs: you need to download the .bin install file, not the rpm.05:49
ROBOd_warren: how?05:49
SechsI have a rpm.bin05:49
_warrenhow did you install it in the firt place05:49
ChousukeSechs: then you need to use this tool called make-jpkg (apt-get install java-package) to turn that .bin into a debian package.05:49
Sechsnot this ?05:49
ChousukeSechs: not the rpm one.05:49
ChousukeJava is probably one of the most difficult apps to install on Ubuntu :P05:50
ROBOd_warren: apt-get install kde05:50
ROBOd_warren: apt-get remove kde won't do the trick05:50
_warrenI meant to start over agan from the istallation disc05:50
Chousukeall because you can't legally include it in the repositories ;/05:50
SechsThat, i'm glad to hear Chousuke05:50
_warreni remember seeing advanced instalation05:50
SechsCuz it's really somthng that makes me regret XP05:51
ROBOd_warren: dude ... this is my main computer05:51
SechsAnd i dont wont to :/05:51
ChousukeSechs: yeah. most apps are available through APT.05:51
ROBOd_warren: i can't reinstall my computer every minute :)05:51
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_warrenok then sorry I cant help you05:51
ChousukeROBOd: I think you can just remove something that most of the KDE stuff depends on.05:51
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ChousukeROBOd: like kdelibs05:51
ROBOdlemme see05:52
Chousuke(the exact name of that package might be kdelibs3 or something)05:52
SechsI didnt really understood how to convert ?05:53
ROBOdChousuke: thanks, that's very helpful05:54
ROBOdChousuke: i already selected *many* packages05:54
SechsI still can't understand for easy ubuntu...a site says i just have to DL the file, unzip it, and click on  the file inside..but it does nothing, weird...05:57
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_warrendid you install easyubuntu05:59
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Sechsnope warren, doesnt work...i try this : http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html and it works, till the last line06:04
Sechslast line does nothing :/06:04
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mackoj trnava06:06
_warrenit worked for me06:07
_warrenbut then i decided to install automatix06:07
Sechsbash: gksudo: command not found06:07
Sechssays this for me06:07
_warreni forgot what you were trying to do in the first place:(06:07
Riddellkdesu in kubuntu06:07
Sechsi forgot too warren lol06:07
=== garret_ [n=garret@c-67-172-146-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
SechsSo many things that wouldnt work i forgo the first :p06:08
SechsJava i think...06:08
ryanakcaI know that this is completly and absolutly offtopic, but seeing that I can't figure out what the license is, you know the thinklinux background that has tux in the apple, tuxinapple shows up in many things (kmenu icon, background, etc), so could you use it as a favicon?06:08
Sechsautomatix, how did you install it ?06:08
ryanakcasorry if my question doesn't make sense...06:08
_warren1 sec i get you the instructions06:08
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.06:09
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tristanmikefor a comparison of easyubuntu and automatix see...http://nalioth.hostdestroyer.com/comparison.html06:09
_warrenit asks you if you want to overwrite configuration on install06:10
_warrenit explains it and gives you a choice06:11
_warrenhow ever a brief explanation06:11
tristanmikeEasyUbuntu:Uses self-contained sources.list. Does not touch YOUR sources.list at all. Makes no changes to system settings.     Automatix:Uses a non-official sources.list. Changes system settings permanently.06:11
SechsDamn o_o...it says the packet doesnt macth (i386) with my system (amd64)...so i guess installing kubuntu amd64 was a huge mistake finally.06:12
_warrenmaybe thats not such a bad thing as it seems to be the only thing that allowed me to get flash and windows media working was automatix06:13
heinkel_111hmm dows Konqueror actually run on very much mozilla code?06:13
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heinkel_111can i install the mozilla flash plugin and it will work in Konquerer?06:14
tristanmikeif someone feels more comfortable using automatix, that's ok, just please don't recommend it here.06:14
_warrenthere is different versions of Kubuntu Sechs06:14
Sechsyes..and i noticed i install the amd64 one06:14
Sechsbut my processor is i38606:15
Sechsso taht's maybe where some problems come from i dont know ?06:15
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_warrencould be none the less you should have the right version06:15
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tristanmikethat's it, you can't install the 64 bit version on a 32 bit machine, which is what an i386 machine is06:15
Sechscan i install a kubuntu i386 over a amd64 one ?06:16
MenZaYou should never install the 64-bit one, even on a 64-bit cpu, in my opinion. Never gave me anything but trouble.06:16
Sechsyes but i read "AMD" and tought i was for the AMD processors...nevermind :/06:16
SechsI just hope it's possible to install i386 over this one..06:17
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Sechssomeone tried this aleady ?06:17
heinkel_111hello...do flash plugins for mozilla work with konqueror?06:17
knoppixAfter updating two nights ago, my wireless network doesnt work. I think what happened is that a package called dhcp3-client got installed and the package dhcp-client was removed. I removed the former package but adept wont let me install the latter. When I run ifup wlan0 it says "network is down"06:17
SechsWell, most generally, can i install a Kubuntu version over another ?06:18
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SechsNo one know :( ?06:20
tristanmikeSechs, when installing just delete the "ext3 and swap" partitions, then set the free space to automatically configure, you should be good to go06:20
Sechsyeah right, i can delete anywya...06:20
tristanmikethat's what you're going to have to do06:20
tristanmikeare you dual booting ?06:21
Sechswith XP ?06:21
tristanmikeyes, or any other os06:21
SechsXP ^^06:21
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tristanmikeSechs, do what I said, delete the ext3 and swap partitions and reinstall on the free space, you should be good to go06:22
Sechsok thanks :)06:22
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tristanmikeenjoy and have fun :)06:23
SechsOh and since i can cha,nge the distribution since i will delete this partitiion, : is Ubuntu similar to Kubuntu except for the KDE environnmt ?06:23
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tristanmikeyes, Ubuntu uses Gnome, but you can then install Kubuntu along side of Ubuntu as well ;)06:25
tristanmikeand you can install virtually any package for Kubuntu and run it under Ubuntu, amaroK for instance ;)06:26
tristanmikeif you choose not to install Kubuntu that is06:26
_warrenthe whole thing is very confusing to new users06:26
tristanmikeyeah choice can be a scary thing when you've never had it :P06:27
_warrento profound :P06:27
=== sebastian [n=sebastia@82-45-40-179.cable.ubr02.azte.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
sebastianI have been trying and trying to get my .vmx file to stay as a .vmx file, but when I open click on it in Gnome/KDE.  It turns into a .txt file.  Also in VMware player it is a .txt file.06:28
sebastiananyone know how I can make sure it stays as a .vmx file?06:28
SechsWell then, cya guys, have a nice day06:28
Sechs(and thanx)06:29
tristanmikegood luck :)06:29
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Elsan_Is there any danger to uprading to Dapper? I know some people who did it and it beautifully but I'm still wondering...06:31
Chameleon22Elsan_, always a danger, back everythign up or better yet ghost the system so you can recover fast and try06:31
raphinkElsan_: depends how well you can deal with your system06:31
tristanmikeDapper is in testing, i *may* break, there is always a danger06:31
raphinkhowever, dapper is already a bit more stable than breezy06:32
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raphinkesp. when it comes to kubuntu06:32
raphinkwhich is horrible in breezy by default06:32
tristanmikeyeah, they expect by the middle of april it to be pretty much there, the extra weeks are for polish and a few nicities06:32
tristanmikeor so I've heard...:P06:33
ninHerhi all06:33
raphinkwell it was originally planned for the middle of april indeed06:33
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raphinkand I personally plan to keep this goal06:33
raphinkas much as possible06:33
raphinkotherwise there's no point in adding 6 weeks06:33
raphinkhi ninHer06:33
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silke'llo. Can sompeone explain me where the media:/ stuff is stored?06:34
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Elsan_What's really new with Dapper for Kubuntu? I alreayd have Koffice 1.5 and KDE 3.51...06:34
raphinkElsan_: polish, polish :)06:34
raphink+ adept06:34
crimsunas in on the file system? /media/*06:34
raphinkadept updater & installer06:34
tanelihey... im just installing xorg-driver-fglrx for radeon X300 card...and it asks cards bus identifier ?...06:34
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silkeyes I know what /media is06:34
tanelimy card is at pcie06:35
silkebut how come some things ARE found there and other arn't?06:35
taneliwhat should i put there ?06:35
tanelianyone have installed xorg-driver-fglrx for ATI ?06:35
tanelimeaby all of you :)06:35
silkeWhen I connect my digital camera he gives an error "couldn't find media:/sda" so how can I tell him what to look for?06:36
Elsan_raphink: Yeah 'cause I still use Synaptic even though I have adept06:36
crimsunsilke: where is it mounted instead?06:36
raphinkElsan_: adept has been worked on a lot in dapper06:36
raphinkElsan_: although I personally only use apt-*06:37
Elsan_raphink: Yeah, saw some screens. Is there a new theme like for Ubuntu?06:37
raphinkkwwii is working on the artwork currently06:37
raphinkhe began some time ago06:37
raphinkso it's a work in progress06:37
raphinkbut I believe it'll be great in the end06:37
raphinkgiven that he's the author of the SuSE look since 7 years ;)06:37
Elsan_Ok, as long as it's ready for the final release!06:37
silkecrimsun: I don't know if it IS mounted06:38
raphinkand SuSE looks really cool ;)06:38
raphinkit'll be don't worry06:38
crimsunsilke: then check with ``mount''06:38
raphinkElsan_: btw, if you prefer we can talk on -fr ;)06:38
Elsan_I'm just impressed06:38
silkewell since I mounted it manually before, I'm pretty sure it's not :p06:38
silkeso now I have to mount it manually every time, but that auto-mount-&-display-in-konqueror doesn't work06:39
raphinkElsan_: the default settings of KDE 3.5.1 have also reworked a lot in Dapper06:39
raphinkthanks to Tonio_ :)06:40
Tonio_raphink: ^_^06:40
crimsunsilke: do other removable storage devices like usb thumbdrives automount?06:40
silkeI don't know, the cd-rom drive does06:40
raphinkTonio_: hehe ;)06:40
Tonio_raphink: I'm working on kaffeine 0.8 actually06:41
raphinkah great :)06:41
raphinkI just arrived in Paris and wired the laptop ...06:41
raphinkI should get a rest and unload the car06:41
=== PoorYoric [n=yoric@cpc1-brig7-3-0-cust74.brig.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tonio_it resolves system:/ issues :)06:41
crimsunsilke: what does ``dmesg'' tell you regarding the kernel's detection of it?06:41
raphinkTonio_: really? how?06:41
PoorYoricIntel ISA PCIC probe: not found.06:41
PoorYoricUnable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual06:42
PoorYoric address 0000000006:42
PoorYoricDoes this evoke something to anyone ?06:42
Tonio_raphink: it wasn't manging the kio plugins, simply06:42
PoorYoric(except "oops")06:42
Tonio_that doesn't resolve any issue with other apps, but kaffeine will now work06:42
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raphinkTonio_: how about other programs, e.g. kpdf ?06:42
Tonio_raphink: in your ass ;)06:42
raphinkTonio_: hmmm...06:42
raphinkok on va s'expliquer en PV :p06:43
Tonio_sorry for this darling ;)06:43
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Tonio_no but seriously, there is no way to completly fit with that stupid system:/ applet06:43
Tonio_all applications have to be adapted for compatibility06:43
Tonio_which means that will NEVER work with gnome apps06:43
raphinkremove it :p)06:43
silke[4298116.437000]  SCSI device sda: 999936 512-byte hdwr sectors (512 MB)06:44
raphinkwho uses the system:/ applet in the bar ?06:44
silkecrimsun: looks good06:44
Tonio_raphink: I would like to, but that's complicated06:44
raphinkraise your hand?06:44
Tonio_and my patchfor this is crappy06:44
Tonio_I do, and most users do06:44
Tonio_but we need a cpp coder to do a better patch than mine06:45
silkeanyway, gtg for now, food... I'll just hope the problem will fix itself.06:45
=== Tonio_ doesn't understant why kde implemented that stupid stuff
marwanHi, can any one help me, i am trying to install CrossOver office can any one give me link i can put in my list06:45
jtshawTonio_: What package is it in exactly?06:45
Tonio_jtshaw: kdebase :)06:45
Tonio_jtshaw: that's the problem, it is not easy at all to patch06:46
disc-qhow do i delete autostart entries?06:46
jtshawTonio_ that is what I feared.. you mind sending me your patch?06:46
Tonio_disc-q: rm ;)06:46
Tonio_jtshaw: my patch is in actually06:46
jtshawTonio_: ah, ok06:46
Tonio_but it creates a little issue with the konqueror's sidebar06:46
disc-qTonio_, rm /etc/init.d/sshd e.g.?06:46
Tonio_the system part of the sidebar doesn't work....06:46
Tonio_disc-q: yes06:47
Tonio_disc-q: ut if you just want that it doesn't start06:47
Tonio_use systemsettings06:47
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Tonio_and disable autostart features06:47
Tonio_jtshaw: if you feel able to do better, plz do ;)06:47
jtshawTonio_: I dunno about "better":)06:48
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pahlookaubuntuforums down for anyone else?06:48
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disc-qTonio_, ah. thx06:49
Tonio_jtshaw: working like mine for systemapplet, and doesn't corrupting the sidebar ;)06:49
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marwanCrossOver any idea here?>06:49
pahlookane1 running Dapper?06:49
jtshawTonio_: I'm going to look at it at the very least, but I make no promises06:49
marwani need some help here guys06:49
jtshawpahlooka: yep06:50
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disc-qdo i need the ppp daemon if i connect with a router?06:50
pahlookajtshaw: are you getting an md5sum mismatch on universe packages.bz2 today?06:50
PoorYoricSo, no idea for my kernel oops ?06:50
jtshawpahlooka: Dunno, haven't updated today.. I'll check06:50
schorem@disc-q: No ppp daemon is for connecting thru a modem. As in the old times06:50
disc-qschorem, so i don't need it right?06:51
pahlookajtshaw: you may not notice it unless you use apt-get update....synaptic and aptitude don't show the error, but of course I get no packages from universe06:51
jtshawpahlooka: Appears to be fine today06:51
schorem@disc-q. Nope. Does your router have a dhcp server?06:52
disc-qyes. the dhcpclient starts while booting06:52
PoorYoricwell, I'll restart with different kernel options06:52
jtshawpahlooka: I used apt-get update and got no errors from the us mirrors06:52
pahlookajtshaw: did u use apt-get to update the packages list?06:52
schorem@disc-q: well it should work fine then? can you connect to the internet or network06:52
pahlookajtshaw: ok06:52
disc-qsure :)06:53
disc-qi will a have a try and stop ppp06:53
disc-qwasn't running :)06:53
pahlookajtshaw: I'm going straight to archive.ubuntu.com (uk?) I was gonna leave a msg on ubuntuforums but its down for me too :O06:53
schorem@dis-q: just apt-get remove/purge ppp06:53
jtshawpahlooka: Odd, the forums are fine for me as well...06:54
schoremdoes anyone here use dapper?06:54
pahlookajtshaw: interesting.... thanks for checking06:54
pahlookaschorem: yep06:55
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schoremany bugs?06:55
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pahlookaschorem: yeah, a few, I can't get mp3 playing under ubuntu (kubuntu fine tho)06:55
jtshawschorem: certainly a few... nothing show stopping on my system06:55
pahlookaschorem: I'm already happier with dapper than with breezy06:55
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schoremShould I upgrade or stay at breezy?06:56
knoppixpahlooka, do you have wireless networking?06:56
knoppixpahlooka, just curious if it has improved.06:56
pahlookaschorem: The usual advice....don't upgrade your production machines06:56
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pahlookaknoppix: yep06:56
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pahlookaknoppix: improved??  Its always worked for me06:57
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jesusfishanyone know where I can find a kdetv deb that works on dapper?06:57
pahlookaknoppix: wlan has worke for me since warty06:57
knoppixpahlooka - kwifimanager was a little tempermental for me.06:57
knoppixpahlooka, its not great for changing networks though.06:58
pahlookaknoppix: Ah, yes, ok, I hate that app - its ugly and don't really work.06:58
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pahlookaknoppix: Let me check the dapper version now06:58
knoppixpahlooka, thanks!06:58
sebastianI got a .vmx file, but instead of it being a .vmx file it is a .txt file.  anyone know how I can solve this problem?07:00
jesusfishstupid dependencies for kdetv are all screwed up07:03
pahlookaknoppix: seems to work.  scans ok now, but as I don't have any hotspots near me except my own accesspoint I can't really tell if it will roam successfully07:03
knoppixpahlooka, you could try connecting to your already connected network. If it says "could not connect due to an invalid WEP key", then things havent changed much.07:04
disc-qanybody here who uses virtual machines?07:04
pahlookaknoppix: ok, I'll give it a try07:04
pahlookaknoppix: ok, you are right - its incorrectly thinking my AP is using WEP (it isn't) and gives the error you describe07:06
knoppixpahlooka, thanks for checking.07:07
pahlookaknoppix: np07:07
knoppixI have the exact same problem.07:07
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=== Red_Herring hums
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sebastianI just got pissed off since no one was able to help me.  in the Ubuntu channel.  so I spammed it :D  and got a bann hummmmmmmm. I only wanted to get kicked out.  not to have some stupid bann is that a pernament bann on my IP?07:14
Red_Herringwhats your question?07:14
crimsundude, stop being an ass. Seriously.07:14
crimsunIf you aren't able to find help RIGHT THIS INSTANT, stand up, walk away, and come back in 5 minutes. Then ask again.07:15
Red_Herringdude, lets not spam channels, and also, if no one can help you07:15
Red_Herringask later07:15
Red_Herringso ask NOW07:15
ryanakcasebastian: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html07:15
ryanakcamy favorite website :)07:15
sebastianso that bann is not pernament?07:15
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crimsunno, you're not banned. You're muzzled.07:15
crimsunWhen you learn to stop spamming, I'll remove it.07:16
=== Snake__ applauds crimsun
ryanakcaheh... I'm surprised ubotu doesn't have a comment about spamming :)07:16
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crimsunthere are 675 other people in there. Nothing makes you any more special than any of the rest of us.07:16
=== ryanakca gets to work on one
ryanakca675 people in #ubuntu ??? wow... So are there more ubuntu users the kubuntu users... seeing that we have 193 people in here? or is kubuntu easyer than ubuntu or ???07:17
sebastianI have a .vmx file, but well it is a .txt file07:17
Snake__ryanakca: ubuntu is older07:17
sebastianI have tryed and tryed to get it to stay as a .vmx file07:17
sebastian,but it just won't do it07:17
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ryanakcaSnake__: ah, I see07:18
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Red_Herringwell, it does have senority07:18
ryanakcaSnake__: and is xubuntu older than kubuntu, or younguer07:18
crimsuneven younger.07:18
Snake__ryanakca: I believe younger07:18
Red_Herringbut in my opinion, ubuntu is about 6 months more mature than kubuntu07:18
ryanakcaheh, and Zubuntu is younger than xubuntu :)07:18
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rafHello all!07:19
Snake__Red_Herring: ubuntu is about a year older07:19
rafJust a question:07:19
ryanakcageee... we almost have a buntu alphabet :)07:19
Red_HerringSnake__: i know, but about 6 months more mature07:19
sebastiandoes VMware player have it's own channel?07:19
sebastiansome where07:19
ryanakcaZ series ubuntu or something like that07:19
Red_Herringfor servers07:19
rafjust one technical question please:07:19
rafDo you know when the next release of kubuntu is expected??07:19
tristanmikeyup, #vmware07:20
ryanakcaJune 1st methinks07:20
Snake__raf: June first07:20
ryanakcaoh, my bad :)07:20
_jonathanjune 107:20
sebastiannope I just created #vmware by j9oining it07:20
ryanakcaok then, I was right :)07:20
Red_Herringits june 107:20
_jonathanlol....first part of june07:20
trappistsebastian: typo? wrong server? #vmware is there07:20
Red_HerringWHAT??!?!? there is no channel #nerds?07:20
sebastianwhich server?07:20
tristanmikesebastian, yeah, me and the other 40 people07:21
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Snake__sebastian: freenode...07:21
tristanmike"/join #vmware"07:21
simianmy laptop made a few high pitched noises then i reset it and now it says there is no hard drive....any thoughts?07:21
darkspirithi all07:21
Snake__simian: dead HDD would be your most probible cause07:21
sebastianin there now07:21
gleesondwhats the command to open control center?07:21
pahlookasimian: DEAD HDD MAN07:21
sebastianhopefully I will be able to get help there07:21
ryanakcasimian: your hard drive died like mine07:21
pahlookaoops, sorry for the caps07:21
ryanakcahopefully you had backups :)07:21
Snake__gleesond: alt+f2 and type kcontrol and press "run"07:21
darkspiriti have one question?07:22
simiangreat (sarcasm)07:22
gleesondSnake__: thatnks07:22
Snake__darkspirit: just ask07:22
darkspiritis there a fench kubuntu's channel?07:22
simianso there is nothing i can do about that?07:22
ubotumethinks languages is found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&value=languages&titlesearch=Titles07:22
Snake__darkspirit: french**?07:22
pahlookasimian: not usually07:22
Snake__darkspirit: ^^07:22
Snake__rigt there07:22
darkspiritok thx for the hand07:23
simianpahlooka: what about an external hard drive - is it worth it?07:23
gleesondI guess I don't see where to configure the theme for KDM07:25
=== Snake__ sets up his music server so he can stream to his wifi speakers!!! :)
pahlookasimian: Umm...might work, but it depends on whether your machine will boot from it07:25
Raymanany idea of specs needed to run xubuntu?07:26
gleesondI thought there was a place in control center but I don't see it07:26
pahlookasimian: you could always take your lappy to the shop and have a new hdd put in....shouldn't cost more than 200-30007:26
Snake__gleesond: go into apperances07:26
sebastianno one talking in  Vmware channel :(07:26
Snake__gleesond: then configure whatever you want to configure07:26
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.07:26
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gleesondSnake__: I'm trying to configre the login screen07:27
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Snake__gleesond: Oh...I dont think thats configuarble without editing the image files themselves >.<....dont  hold me to that tho, but thats how I did it07:27
Clockworkerone question ist kde4 avaible alpha or other previews?07:28
sebastianis there like a general Linux channel?07:28
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Snake__sebastian: #linux?07:29
sebastianI tryed that07:29
sebastianand it said it had moved07:29
sebastianor something07:29
Red_Herringhow about #linux-newbies?07:29
Red_HerringClockworker: kde4 is not out in any way shape or form yet07:29
sebastianI have a file that is supopused to be a .vmx file.  ,but instead Linux thinks it is a .txt07:29
sebastiananyone know why that is?07:29
sebastianand how to solve this problem?07:29
Red_Herringit doesnt work ATT ALL07:29
aaronI need to update my sources.list file...   I'm not getting any good packages listed in adept.. like macromedia flash or acroread07:29
Clockworkerthx Red_Herring07:30
aaronor mplayer07:30
cycus_zwisushelp!!i can't update kde language pack to version 3.5.207:30
tristanmike!tell aaron about sources07:30
tristanmike!tell aaron about restricted07:30
tristanmike!tell aaron about easyubuntu07:30
tristanmikeaaron, that should get you started ;P07:31
Red_Herringtell tristanmike to stop telling aaron about things07:31
sebastianstupid IRC I am probably better off trying a forum07:31
bobyfixerany one compiled mechcommander 2 under linux ?!!!!07:31
tristanmikesebastian, help comes in all forums, lol get it :P07:31
sebastian.vmx file is created by putting the stuff in a text editor.  and saving it as filename.vmx.  ,but my .vmx files Linux thinks are .txt and so they won't work07:32
sebastiananyone know how to solve this problem?07:32
aaronI've looked for a list of kubuntu repositories.. thanks guys!07:33
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me2winaaron, did you need to find more repos?07:33
aaronme2win: .. yes.. actually just ones that have good stuff that won't break my breazy badger07:35
me2winubot tell aaron about repos07:35
me2winubotu, tell aaron about repos07:35
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tristanmikeaaron, look at the 3 pm's ubotu sent you07:36
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=== mornfall shoots aaron
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cycus_zwisusafter installing ati drivers shouldn't it be enough to edit xorg.conf and substitute "ati" with "fglrx"?07:48
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=== _crrj thinks that was a rather long timeout
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jesusfishwhat would cause KDE to work when using failsafe, but not normally?07:49
jesusfishit just boots me back to KDM07:49
jesusfishit was working fine before I did an upgrade07:50
n3stormread the .xsession-errors at your home07:50
jesusfishn3storm: I didn. nothing there07:50
n3stormhave you tried other user, jesusfish07:50
jesusfishn3storm: and yes, I tried another user07:50
nferreiraHow can I play DVD in Kubuntu with kaffeine ??07:50
aaronso, to upgrade from 5.10 to 6.04 all I have to do us change from breezy to hoary ?07:51
n3stormjesusfish: and thesame prob?07:51
jesusfishn3storm: yup07:51
aaronactually.. all I need is a list of repositories.. my kubuntu 5.10 did not come with a good list of repositories07:51
jesusfishn3storm: if I do failsafe, and use "startkde" in the xterm, it boots KDE fine07:51
n3stormjesusfish: aja07:52
jesusfishn3storm: ?07:52
nferreirahow can i paly DVD with kaffeine in Kubuntu07:52
me2winaaron, there arent a LIST of repositories, you just uncomment the ones you need in sources.list07:52
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)07:52
aaronI enabled all of them that were commented out in adept, but they don't look anything like the screenshots at the wiki07:52
n3stormjesusfish: that used to happen long time ago, what distro you installed?07:52
n3stormjesusfish: to dapper?07:52
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me2winaaron, thats because the wiki screens are using gnome, not KDE07:53
jesusfishn3storm: I had it working after I bumped up to dapper07:53
jesusfishn3storm: was working fine after I installed XGL/compiz too07:53
n3stormremove kdm07:53
n3stormand use gdm07:53
n3stormjust to check07:53
aaronme2win: I mean the repositories listed in the screen shot07:55
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:56
me2winaaron, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/604707:56
me2winthere is a list of the repos07:56
me2winthe ones in the screenshot dont matter, its just an example of what you are supposed to see if you wwere using gnome07:56
aaronI understand the gnome / kde difference .. oh easysource..07:56
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nferreiraI already installed  libdvdcss, but the kaffeine player keep saying that don't have the plugin to play DVD07:57
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OBeI cant even get a music cd to play in Kaffine :(07:58
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jesusfishn3storm: ya, gdm works08:03
jesusfishn3storm: though its not setup to use Xgl atm so I didn't have any windecs08:03
n3stormjesusfish: no windecs, sounds funny :)08:04
n3stormso it's something about the description of the session at kdm08:04
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jesusfishn3storm: shouldn't it have an error in .xessions-errors then?08:08
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n3stormnot sure08:09
n3stormwhat do you have in there?08:09
jesusfishn3storm: the only line in there is that the session was started08:09
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n3stormjesusfish: I am using kde 3.5.1, shall we check kdm configuration?08:11
n3stormbut I am using breezy, though08:11
jesusfishn3storm: ya, I've been plugging through the config08:12
jesusfishn3storm: what is called on a normal session that isn't on a failsafe?08:12
ryanakcaif an image is gpl, and you use it as a favicon, how do you give the person who sees it a copy of the gpl license?08:14
jesusfishk, I'm gonna try the default kdm08:14
n3stormryanakca: write down the link to the copy as a comment in the html08:17
ryanakcan3storm: ah, ty08:17
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jesusfishn3storm: interesting...its the Xgl servercmd line that does it08:20
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n3stormjesusfish: bad news and good news08:22
jesusfishn3storm: yet, when I use failsafe, Xgl still works08:22
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jesusfishn3storm: and the Xgl command itself works, as I tried it too08:23
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n3stormdapper: beta08:24
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ZechsHi again08:27
ZechsI just installed Kubuntu but my screen is in 648X480...how do i pass to 1024 ?08:28
uboturumour has it, resolution is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:29
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jesusfishn3storm: figured it out08:31
jesusfishn3storm: I had to comment our main() in the displayconfig-restore file to get XGL to work (as per the HOWTO), and it got overwritten after my update08:32
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n3stormjesusfish:didn't apt ask you when replacing the file? :P08:32
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jesusfishn3storm: no, cuz its a file in /usr/bin, not a config08:33
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=== ubuntu is now known as styx-
n3stormaha, I see08:33
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ZechsI tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it doesnt work...08:39
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ZechsI have selected 1024 but still nothing08:40
_normal1hey how do i install a .sh ?08:40
_normal1sorry i'm just starting linux =\08:40
=== reconciliation [n=reconcil@cpe-065-191-078-152.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
n3storm"dotslash .sh" _normal108:40
trappistor 'sh filename.sh'08:40
_normal1thanks =)08:40
_normal1normal1@iismonitor:~/Desktop/mothra3$ ./ build.sh08:41
_normal1bash: ./: is a directory08:41
_normal1am i doing it right ?08:41
n3stormno spaces08:42
_normal1now i get gmake command not found08:42
n3storm_normal1: what are you trying to do?08:43
_normal1install a program08:43
n3stormthe program is trying to compile08:43
_normal1should i download another compiler ?08:44
frank23_normal1: what program are you trying to compile?08:44
_normal1its some banner grabber08:45
frank23_normal1: did you install build-essential ?08:46
_normal1didn't see any08:47
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frank23_normal1: you should install   build-essential with adept08:48
_normal1how would i do that08:48
ubotufrom memory, adept is a package manager for Kubuntu. A howto is provided here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto08:48
frank23_normal1: in K->System08:48
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ubotudiskmounter is, like, to automatically mount your ntfs, fat32 or hfs+ drives, download and read http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter08:50
_normal1got it, the only proablem is i don't know what to install08:51
frank23_normal1: what do you mean?08:51
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frank23_normal1: did you click commit changes to do the install?08:51
Zechshow do i get to the desktop path in the console pls ?08:52
frank23Zechs: cd Desktop08:52
ryanakcado you need to put <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico" />  on every page of your website, or can you configure apache to use it as a favicon?08:52
_normal1i don't really understand what i need to install the program mothra308:52
_normal1when i ./08:53
_normal1it says something about gmake08:53
_normal1do i need to install that08:53
Raymanryanakca: just put the favicon.ico to the document root. Most browser query it on every request anyway.08:53
frank23_normal1: well since you will need to compile mothra, you need compilation tools:  gcc, make..   build-essential  installs those08:54
_normal1cool thanks08:54
ryanakcaRayman: kk, thanks08:55
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frank23_normal1: I found your program. build.sh does this:    cd src/ && gmake && cp m3 ../ && cd -        I think you'll have to change gmake for make.   not sure what gmake is exactly08:57
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_normal1make and gcc have tons of different related software08:59
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frank23_normal1: do you have a fast connection09:01
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frank23_normal1: the regular way to install programs is with adept. compiling is only for things that are not in the repositories09:02
_normal1exaclly this isn't in a repository09:02
ZechsWhen i try to run automatix, it says : AUtomatix will not run alongside an independant instance of dpkg please run just one of them at the time.09:03
philippthe best is to use a graphical interface for apt (adept) like synaptic09:03
ZechsWwhat's wrong ?09:03
philippzechs, close synaptic or any other packet managment software09:03
Zechsthere isnt any open lol...09:03
frank23Zechs: automatix is know to screw up things sometimes. easyubuntu is safer09:03
Raymanwhat is this mothra3 anyway09:03
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.09:04
_normal1some banner grabber09:04
Zechseasyubuntu doesnt want to install so..09:04
philipp@zechs can you run "sudo apt-get update" ?09:05
Zechstrue taht i didnt do it since i install09:06
Zechsmaybe this is the problem09:07
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flavioSorry for the question, Kubuntu 5.10 had some problem with DCOP demon, someonoe know why ?09:12
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ZechsAny idea why Adept doesnt start anymore ?09:20
frank23Zechs: make sure no adept/apt/dpkg processes are running09:20
Zechshow do i check this ?09:21
Zechsbecause i see nothing running09:21
ZechsIf there is another way to see whats running...?09:21
philippps -e09:21
philippcan you do a apt-get update?09:21
frank23Zechs: ps aux | grep apt09:21
Zechsit's ok, it worked for update thx09:23
Zechsbut it's weird, its not the first time adept work one time / 209:23
frank23Zechs: you mean you click adept and nothing happens?09:23
Zechsno it worked now but yes...i clicked, it load, and nothing09:24
frank23Zechs: I think it might be a problem with kdesu. you just click a second time and it usually works09:24
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philippzechs, maybe synaptic works better for you09:25
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Zechsk i'll try to DL synaptic09:25
frank23Zechs: not sure if it will work better but I like synaptic much more than adpet09:26
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djk_does adept log its actions09:36
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Naailhmm my firefox seems to lag quite a bit.... :(09:37
djk_mornfall: was that directed at me?09:38
djk_then that's probably a reason why adept sucks.09:39
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jordanhey all09:51
jordanI need help installing this script called "lomoco." anyone ever use it or think they can give me a hand?09:51
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l091548good afternoon all10:00
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raulhola a todos10:01
raulacabo de instalar kubuntu y la verdad no soy capaz de echar a andar el amsn, alguien me ayuda a migrar de windows?10:01
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raulacabo de instalar kubuntu y la verdad no soy capaz de echar a andar el amsn, alguien me ayuda a migrar de windows?10:02
Zechscan someone help me with this "There was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. " ? this is what i get when i try to apply on adept10:03
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Zechs(and i cant install anything, that's why i dont have synaptic instead)10:04
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beemerZechs - I've run into that error before getting wine from the wine repositories - it usually means it couldn't get the whole package download.10:08
beemeris it downloading the package 100%?10:08
Sechsyeah but it does this with all the packages...10:08
Sechsnope, i have none of it10:08
ParkotronWhere can I find KRandR?10:08
SechsMaybe my repositories are bad ?10:08
SechsIs there a good website for repositories ?10:08
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beemerNot sure sechs10:09
SechsE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? >> it says this too whn i try to update, but i dont know how to kill those process since i see nothing open..10:10
beemerare you running another copy of adept?10:10
Sechsnope, thats whats weird10:10
SechsIf i reboot, all processes will be shut right ?10:10
beemerthat error i've found is when adept is running or maybe dpkg from the command line10:10
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beemeryeah - a reboot should clear errant processes10:11
SechsI mean if i reboot this problem should disappear ?10:11
Sechsthx, let's try10:11
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SechsCool, it works now...btw, isnt there any other to kill processes without rebooting ?10:15
djk_does anyone here use azureus?10:15
tristanmikeI do10:15
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jesusfishhmmm...apparently dapper has a version of mythv that is not compatible with mysql-server-5.010:18
beemersechs - from a command line: ps -ef10:18
beemerthat will give you a list of all running processes10:18
beemeryou can then: kill {process_id}10:18
Sechsyes for the list...but u cant kill them from here ?10:18
Sechsah k10:18
beemeranyone know anything about ext dvd drives in kubuntu?  Mine runs but only at cd rom speed10:20
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Unityhow should i reintsall kde from scratch? kde no longer works10:39
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zblachUnity, what is your problem exactly?10:39
Unityzblach: i get two segfaults when i do startkde10:40
Unity/usr/bin/startkde: line 205:  6444 Segmentation fault      ksplash --nodcop10:40
Unity/usr/bin/startkde: line 213:  6445 Segmentation fault      LD_BIND_NOW=true kdei10:40
zblachthink the problem could be resolved entirely just bu correcting that file?10:41
Unityzblach: this peristed after a sudo apt-get upgrade10:41
Unityzblach: what would i do to the file?10:41
zblachUnity, just an upgrade never fixed anytihing10:41
zblacherm, go to a terminal (konsole) and take a look at the file. (vim /usr/bin/startkde)10:42
Unityzblach: looking at now10:42
zblachanything wonky with those lines?10:42
Unitylike 205 is just10:42
Unity"fi" there shouldn't be any segfaults in "fi"10:43
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Unityhere is line 213: LD_BIND_NOW=true kdeinit +kcminit10:43
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zblachguess we have different files10:44
Unityideally that shouldn't happen10:44
UnityKDE 3.4.3 here10:44
Unitymaybe upgrading will fix it10:44
zblachdangerous thinking10:44
Unityyep, but what do i have to lose?10:44
Unitya non-working kde?10:44
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zblachif it does break, it'd be harder to debug10:45
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Unityi don't mind, i'm ready to reinstall ubuntu altogether10:45
zblach*nods* okay, then you don't really have anything to lose10:45
Unityor debian since i've spent about four hours trying to fix various ubuntu things and i've had it10:46
ubotukde is, like, A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/10:46
zblachbit of advice: if you do a full reinstall, put /home/ onto a seperate partition. it really makes a reinstall a cleaner process10:46
zblachi'll give you the deb addresses10:46
Unityzblach: yup i learned that today10:46
Unityzblach: i'm gonna have to move everything out to reinstall now10:47
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zblachUnity, can you get pm's?10:48
zblachi can't just copy & paste into here10:48
Unityzblach: yes10:49
Unityoh i didn't identify...10:49
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ryanakcacan you find a hostname based on an ip address? ie to d226-20-171.home.cgocable.net    .... if so, would that be a security risk?10:52
Unityryanakca: `host`10:53
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Unityryanakca: you need a certain package to use host, although i'm not sure which10:53
Unityryanakca: it doesn ip to hostname and vice-versa10:53
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ryanakcaUnity: but is that a security risk?10:57
thinkloopim trying to get my mail servers to work but having problems. Anyone know where exim4 creates its mailbox?10:57
Unityryanakca: nope i don't see anything wrong with it10:57
ryanakcakk, good10:57
Unityryanakca: d226-20-171 <10:57
=== ryanakca is being his paranoid self :)
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Unityryanakca: that much is enough to find your ip10:57
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f8i just installed kubuntu desktop and the log in screen is kubuntu but it loads in gnome... can someone help?11:01
f8should i uninstall gnome?11:01
noxyou have kdm set as default login manager.11:02
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f8yeah nox.11:02
noxand it is loading gnome11:02
noxIIRC you can change the default login from the kdm login screen11:03
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nuky where can you get the public keys for the repositories? when i try to update, i get an error saying that the http://koti.mbnet.fi breezy/ has NO_PUBKEY available..11:07
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kwtm1I think I'm getting an error with updates: every time I try to "Fetch updates", Adept reports an error with the multiverse repositories.  Is this the correct line in the repositories file (I think it's /etc/apt/sources.list)?11:07
kwtm1deb  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu  breezy  multiverse11:07
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Kasei^Hi, anybody using NowPlaying Script in amaroK? I cant make it export to ftp.11:09
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CilindradorCilindrador ive installed ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop. how can i update Breezy all the way to 3.5.1?11:09
kwtm1Cilindrator: 3.5.1?  You mean turn it into kubuntu completely?11:10
Cilindradorno no11:10
Cilindradorivve had a kubuntu-cd11:10
Cilindradorand apparently kubuntu has its wifi broken11:10
Cilindradorfrom root11:10
SechsOh, i've got i stupid question but is it possible to get to Gnome from Kubuntu ?11:11
Cilindradorhowever i have no probs with this ubuntu+kubunt-desktop installation11:11
SechsCuz the first distrib i tried is K but i'd like to see gnome without to reinstall all11:11
ubotuTo upgrade to KDE3.5.1, Follow the instructions at http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".11:11
kwtm1Sechs: I think so: install gnome-desktop or something. Later you can uninstall kde-desktop11:11
Cilindradorok tks11:11
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naliothSechs: install ubuntu-desktop and then you can choose it at your login menu under 'sessions'11:11
Sechsah, nice thx11:12
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Cilindradorok lets try it then11:15
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kwtm1Question: (k)Ubuntu Badger is now failing to detect my USB printer (HPpsc1210), where it had worked fine under Badger before.  Not sure what changed.  What utilities can I use to tinker/diagnose?  The usual CUPS web page at http://localhost:631 has been disabled, and the KDE ctrl centre just plain doesn't detect my printer.11:15
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Cilindradorwtf adept does not boot11:17
Cilindradorhm how do i use the public key thing?11:18
Cilindradori tried using konsole and get this: W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release: The following signatures couldn                                                 't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D50                                                 8811:18
CilindradorW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problem11:18
tristanmikeCilindrador: on the page where you got the line for your sources should have intstruction on how to add the key11:19
Cilindradorcrap why wont adept boot?11:20
tristanmikedapper ?11:20
tristanmikeI've heard some people with adept errors today, I don't know if they're related11:21
Cilindradormine just has that bouncing thing11:21
Cilindradorfor a while (~30s?)11:21
Cilindradorand then nothing11:21
tristanmikemine opens...11:21
Cilindradorwhat other pack. manager is there (except synaptic)11:23
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ryanakcaCilindrador: aptitude11:24
Cilindradorok ill try that one11:25
ryanakcaCilindrador: go into konsole, go "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get upgrade" and then "sudo apt-get install aptitude"11:25
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Cilindradorwhats the difference between update and upgrade?11:26
ryanakca(they might have release a fix for adept allready, who knows)11:26
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tristanmikeupdate finds updates, upgrade applies them if i'm not mistaken11:26
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Cilindradorah ok11:26
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kleinlappieshi there can anyone help me with some repos i tried a few sourcers.list files but none that work quite so lekka.11:28
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Cilindradoror not?11:30
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:30
Cilindradori got adept to ask for the password11:30
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heinkel_111does anybody know how to set the separation between tracks when burning cds with K3b?11:31
heinkel_111i need to have 0 separation, for a 1 hr long  mix11:32
heinkel_111but i still want the track markers11:32
=== wawa [n=sparc@80-192-62-51.stb.ubr01.livi.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Cilindradorhow do i kill a process using its name only (case in point: adept)11:32
glicksudo killall adept11:32
CilindradorIT WORKS11:33
osh_heinkel_111: no idea.11:34
Russelhello, i have a problem:11:34
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Russelat the moment udev makes a symlink from hda to dvd, but i want it from hdb to dvd... the hda is my dvd-rw11:35
glickdamn i have a prestine kde install11:35
Russelanybody know what to change?11:35
heinkel_111got to burn off some cheap CDs then, and find out by fail and fail :P11:35
glicknothing works yet11:35
glickand im too lazy to start installing mp3 support and all the plugins :/11:35
=== sweeneyTodd is now known as sweenyTod
aaronI can't fix the date on my system11:36
Cilindradoruse easyubuntu11:36
kleinlappiesubotu thanks11:36
ubotukleinlappies: no worries11:36
osh_aaron: try the command "date".11:36
glickCilindrador: i dont mind doing it, im just too lazy to do it now11:36
aaronI think the UTC clock is right, but I can't fix it using ;the "adjust time / date" from the clock in kicker11:36
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aaronosh_: ... the system clock is correct.. it's just not dealing with the timezone...11:37
glickwhats absolutely rediculous is that in kde the clock applet i cant choose it to be 12 hour format11:37
Cilindradornow i just need the wpasupplicant11:37
Cilindradori hope that thing works well11:37
Tm_Tglick: ?11:37
glickTm_T: the panel clock11:38
Tm_Tyou can11:38
osh_aaron: /etc/timezone?11:38
glickTm_T: how?11:38
Tm_Trightclick it -> date/time format11:38
Tm_Tyeah, it follows systemwide settings11:39
aaroncat /etc/timezone11:39
glickhehe ok lemme log out and see11:39
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aaronosh_: the timezone is correct11:41
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3726566.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
aaronosh_: it's just... the kde clock won't update.. and it says it's in UTC11:41
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glickthanks, whoever it was that told me about that11:42
aaronand I hit "apply" after selecting los angeles.. and it switches to pst (correct) and it says the correct time... but then I hit apply again and it does nothing...  I reopen it, and it doesn't work11:42
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aaroner.. it didn't work11:42
dragonkhanyone using xgl ?11:43
=== bojan [n=bojan@CPE000129d034b0-CM000a736648c7.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
sledgeE: Couldn't find package flashplayer-mozilla11:45
naliothdragonkh: ask in #ubuntu+111:45
Phazemanhi all. i'm trying to do some "project" here... i have a new user (my fife's father) that doesn't know anything about computers at all. all he knows - internet explorer - open the internet (thats what he says when he come to me - open the internet please). i've found some old PII 350+256MB and installed kubuntu on it. now i want to create him a user that will not be able to do ANYTHING but using the stuff that is on the desktop or in h11:45
naliothsledge: are your repos enabled?11:45
sledgenalioth: yes.11:45
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naliothPhazeman: any user you create will have limited permissions11:46
sledgeadept and apt-get use the same sources.list, right?11:46
naliothPhazeman: when YOU installed kubuntu, YOU are the superuser or administrator. make your paw-in-law an account and let 'im loose11:46
Phazemannalioth: so just create a regular user and setup the desktop for him will be enough ?11:46
naliothPhazeman: yup11:46
=== pulsar84 [n=pulsar@dslb-084-063-012-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
Cilindradorim about to download easyubuntu11:47
Cilindradorwhat do i get?11:47
Cilindrador"bleeding edge" or "nightly snapshot"?11:47
Phazemannalioth: thanks much11:47
naliothPhazeman: np11:48
sledgewhat's the difference? ;)11:48
naliothCilindrador: get the svn version11:48
Cilindradorsvn == snapshota?11:48
pulsar84Anyone here using Superkaramba and willing to help me? :)11:49
Cilindradornalioth, whats the svn? snapshot?11:49
tristanmikei'm using it...what's the problem?11:49
naliothCilindrador: the svn version is the absolute latest version11:50
glickPhazeman thats a regular user?11:50
naliothCilindrador: it is the version that is recommended11:50
bojankubuntu doesnt seem to want to keep my display settings11:50
pulsar84tristanmike: Ever developed own themes? :)11:50
Phazemanglick: regular user yeah11:50
tristanmikeoh, no, not that much, I wish11:50
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Phazemanglick: that doesn't understand anything at all11:50
bojanevery time i log off, it switches the resolution, and keeps that one when i log on again11:50
tristanmikepulsar84: but great for you man!11:50
bojannot the one i set up11:50
glickPhazeman im saying if hes just a regular user on the system he cant screw anything up11:50
redguywhat does KDE use as a spellchecker?11:50
redguyaspell? ispell?11:51
Phazemanglick: i hope so :)11:51
pulsar84tristanmike: :/11:51
glickPhazeman put another ram simm in there for your father11:51
glickdont be cheap11:52
Phazemanglick: i don't have any.. its something antique that you cant even find in the local stores...11:52
Phazemanits 256MB... i think it's enough for firefox and xmms11:52
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glickgod im such a lazy tub of lard11:54
=== Armagguedes [n=a@87-196-136-194.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu
glicki havent done jack all day cept lie in bed11:54
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Armagguedes(Cilindrador here; XP pc)11:54
Armagguedeswhere was that ubuntu guide in how to install the latest version of firefox and then linking things11:54
Armagguedesto make it work properly11:54
Armagguedesand all that11:54
ubotuit has been said that firefox15 is see the wiki at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for information on how to install Firefox 1.5 from mozilla.org11:55
tristanmikepulsar84: are you finding it difficult to do ? aside from the current problem?11:55
=== Russel [n=engelzz@d174.stw.stud.uni-saarland.de] has left #kubuntu ["Shikari!]
glickanyone running kde 3.5 stead of 3.4?11:55
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glickand is there a big diffrence?11:55
pulsar84tristanmike: Not really. Needed to learn some Python Basics and had to read quite much docs, but I got around it. :)11:55
sledgenalioth: turns out I forgot to add the universe and multiverse keywords to a source. sorry. :>11:56
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f8what do i have to install to get all the control pannel options: control center....11:56
naliothsledge: good to hear you are sorted11:56
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kwtm1I have a problem: my printer is stopped.  I can't seem to restart it.  Under System Settings > Hardware > Pinters > that particular printer (in Administrator Mode), I can see that the printer is stopped.  But there's no button for starting it again.  I can't print!  Can someone help?12:01
simian__!virtual host12:01
ubotusimian__: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:01
ubotusimian__: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:01

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