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mhzguys, I know we have discussed about "alternative ways" to generate and work with XMLs12:38
mhzHas any of you ever tried Texmacs12:39
mhzI know it is meant for scientific texts12:39
LaserJockfor .xml ?12:39
mhzLaserJock: oh, well, IMHO, xml = docbook12:39
mhzfar from reality?12:40
LaserJockso what are you doing?12:40
mhztexmacs does allow to export to XML or Save As "Scheme"12:40
LaserJockwell, so does openoffice ;-)12:41
mhzyeah, but I remember we dont use OOO for some reason12:41
mhzdo same reasons apply to Texmacs?12:41
LaserJockwell, I think it depends on how "nice" or clean the XML is that it outputs12:42
LaserJockI wonder if texmaker can output to XML too?12:44
LaserJockI do a far amount of latex but I usually use emacs or vim12:45
mhzwell, as you know, I know just the theory of Latex and xml12:47
mhzso, I could hardly tell how clean the output is12:47
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john_the_linux_nHey guys01:26
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john_the_linux_nAny ubuntu guys free for a couple of questions?01:27
LaserJockhi john_the_linux_n 01:27
john_the_linux_nits supposed to read newbie01:28
john_the_linux_nI've been playing with this for a couple of days01:28
robjohn_the_linux_n, try #ubuntu01:28
robthis isn't a help channel :)01:28
john_the_linux_nOh sorry guys01:29
Burgworkwhy do so many people assume -doc is a help channel?01:52
=== Burgwork is baffled
Burgworkanyway, I am leaving work now01:53
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=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
`6ogis moving a wiki page an easy process or do i have to delete it then re add it?02:35
Burgundavia`6og: what page do you want to move?02:35
Burgundavia`6og: oh, and your nick is really really annoying to type02:36
=== `6og is now known as kgoetz
kgoetzshould be easier02:36
Burgundaviait was made worse by thefact that the ` is not labelled as such on my laptop, it being a physically a UK keyboard, but logically a US one02:37
kgoetzBurgundavia: i want to move this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/CompaqN1000C so it has "CompaqEvoN1000C" (it's currently missing the 'Evo')02:37
kgoetzheh. oh sorry.02:37
Burgundaviait is pretty easy02:38
Burgundaviafirst, click on the page title to see if there are any pages that refer to it02:39
Burgundaviait so, find those links and fix them02:39
Burgundaviathen google the full page url "http://wiki.ubuntu...."02:39
Burgundaviaif you find any links out in the wild, leave a redirect behind with #REDIRECT NewPageName02:39
Burgundaviabut before you do that, to actually move a page, go the drop down menu on on the page and select "Move page"02:40
kgoetzi'll give it a shot, thanks.02:40
kgoetzwheres this drop down menu?02:43
Burgundaviait is called "More Actions"02:43
kgoetzoh right, the realy obvious one :$02:44
kgoetzthat's got it, thanks Burgundavia02:49
Burgundaviakgoetz: np02:49
=== Burgundavia grumbles about implicit linking
Burgundaviakgoetz: for future reference https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MovingWikiPages02:51
=== kgoetz visitis
BurgundaviaI am very glad I splurged on a $225 CDN router. download speeds are great02:59
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Madpilothi all08:14
robitaillehi Madpilot 08:15
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Burgundaviasalut Madpilot, robitaille08:29
Madpilothi Burgundavia 08:29
Burgundaviawhat are you doing tomorrow night?08:29
MadpilotSaturday night? Nothing much at this point08:32
Burgundaviashall you, I and clive have beer and food together?08:33
MadpilotI'll ask Clive if he'll be in; he's just gone to bed08:34
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Burgundaviahmm, wonder why the totem-plugin is in universe09:22
robitailleoh, that's why  it is not available in Firefox by default like in Breezy.  I was wondering about that09:24
Burgundaviaboth xine and gstreamer plugins are in unvierse09:26
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robitaillepersonally I never had a good experience with that plugin in breezy; it was crashing on me more often than not09:28
Burgundaviatrailers.apple.com seems to be working perfectly with ffmpeg09:30
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Madpilotg'night all10:20
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-doc: Ubuntu Documentation Team - general discussion - backlog at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs | Website http://doc.ubuntu.com | Get involved: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam | SVN - https://docteam.ubuntu.com/repos | Please observe the Ubuntu community code of conduct @ http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct | Next meeting: 31 March 2006, 2100UTC https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DocumentationTeam/MeetingAgenda |
=== Topic (#ubuntu-doc): set by Madpilot at Mon Mar 20 10:04:17 2006
=== kgoetz is now known as Kaiser_Sleeps
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LaserJockare we having a wiki meeting09:50
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
crimsunnot afaict09:52
crimsun(nothing on fridge or in this channel's topic, at least)09:52
crimsun(unless you meant cookbook?)09:52
LaserJockwell it was on the ML09:52
=== nalioth [n=nalioth@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth] has joined #ubuntu-doc
naliothis it meeting time?10:02
LaserJockis it? I haven't seen anybody else10:04
naliothi got a msg in the ubuntu-doc mailing list for 2100 UTC today here10:04
LaserJockyeah, I did too but I don't see Naaman10:05
=== duncan_nz [n=duncan@56342AB5.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu-doc
LaserJockhi duncan_nz 10:08
duncan_nz(sorry I'm late)10:08
duncan_nzhi lazer10:08
LaserJockwell we haven't started anything10:08
=== nalioth has been raiding the fridge
duncan_nzbut we're here to talk about the wiki right?10:09
LaserJockI'm always here ;-)10:10
duncan_nzoh, well I'll chill and wait to see if the other turn up, with europe changing from winter to summer time tonight - it was maybe a bad day to choose.10:10
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LaserJockhmm, so are we going to try it again?10:57
naliothompaul: what are you doing here?10:57
ompaulnalioth, i don't know beenhere for months11:06
naliothi guess the meeting is a no-go at this time?11:10
duncan_nzoops, I'm here11:14
duncan_nzthe window didn't start flashing...11:14
duncan_nznalioth - still there?11:15
naliothi was just pointing out that nobody has joined (except ompaul ) since you have11:16
duncan_nzoh, but you and I should talk i think :)11:16
naliothalrighty then11:17
LaserJockI'm here but I'm not much help11:17
duncan_nzwell, are you : Naaman Campbell11:17
naliothno sir, i'm an unofficial ubuntu documentarian11:18
LaserJockduncan_nz: Naaman is bustacap I think11:18
duncan_nzoh, he was the one who suggested this meeting...11:19
duncan_nznalioth, I thought you were Naaman - he's the guy I need a word with.11:19
duncan_nzI'll ask anyway ...11:20
duncan_nzWhat do people suggest to make the wiki a more useful resource? (my opinion comes soon)11:20
LaserJockis there a way to have a rating system or something. I think the most difficult things about the wiki are 1) finding the pages you want 2) figuring out the quality (reliability) of the page11:22
ompaulone of the things that is very frustrating on the wiki has to be pages that tell the same story11:27
naliothi was under the impression that the docteam had oversight for fallacious/incomplete/etc content11:28
LaserJockI don't know how defined the role of the docteam is with respect to the wiki11:29
duncan_nzthat's why this meeting was called - so i thought.11:29
nalioththe docteam is supposed to have oversight11:29
duncan_nznoone else has care of the wiki, and it _is_ documentation11:29
duncan_nzI've made some proposals and keep getting shut down11:30
LaserJockthe wiki team is just a group of active wiki contributors11:30
LaserJockthe wiki is open to everybody11:30
duncan_nzah, but laser, some people are running aound reverting peoples work.11:31
duncan_nz(that really pissed me off)11:31
LaserJockduncan_nz: well, yes that can happen but I think that is what meetings, this channel, and the ML are fore11:31
duncan_nzanyone know why we use moinmoin - it's a bit lame compared to others like what wikimedia uses.11:31
naliothyes, the wiki is open to everyone, but there must be oversight to keep "to fix your Xserver problems type 'malicious command goes here'11:32
LaserJockduncan_nz: well, that has been a bit of a discussion11:32
LaserJockduncan_nz: right now we are using moinmoin but we have disscussed using mediawiki in the past11:32
duncan_nzi think we seriously need more features.11:32
LaserJockwell, I think that is a goal for sure11:33
ompaulis there a specific agenda for this?11:33
duncan_nzi'm most frustrated by the lack of internal structure.11:33
LaserJockBetterWikiDocs is a spec on what the doc team would like to do with the wiki11:33
ompaulit is now 22:33 UTC11:33
=== nalioth pours a case of nuac mham on ompaul. No agenda
duncan_nzI suggested that a link to FrontPage be placed on every user homepage with a note about why.11:33
LaserJockduncan_nz: what would that do exactly?11:36
LaserJockjust so users can get back to the FrontPage easily?11:36
duncan_nzI hope it would be a step in making people aware that there is a place that things should have a relationship to...11:37
duncan_nzAt the moment people can create a page anywhere and it can so easily get lost becasue people don't know where it should be in some hierarchy.11:37
LaserJockwould better use of subpages help?11:38
duncan_nzI think that would also help, but not much the way it is now - it'd need to be more like wikinooks.11:39
duncan_nz(duncan is reading BetterWikiDocs)11:39
LaserJockyeah, it would be nice to find an example of what you would like to see11:40
LaserJockI just don't have enough experience with wikis to know what you can do11:40
duncan_nzhave a look at http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Straw_Bale_Construction11:41
duncan_nz... yes I've written a lot of it ... you'll notice when you click around that it's easy to get back up the hierarchy.11:41
LaserJockyeah, that seems nice11:42
duncan_nzif we want people to find help , then structure structure and predictability are key.11:43
LaserJockI think if we did something like that in combination with moving the doc wiki pages it would make things much cleaner11:43
duncan_nzalso I think people need to move towards a standard wiki markup - and wikimedia will probably be the standard.11:45
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@S0106000fb085cc63.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
LaserJockahh hi Burgundavia 11:45
LaserJockBurgundavia: we are discussing the wiki11:45
duncan_nzHave you seen the php.net online manual? Take a look: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.comparison.php11:46
duncan_nzThere they have a synced copy of the docs _and_ spave for comments below...11:47
duncan_nzI would like to see the same thing with synced docs from each release, and wiki editing space below.11:47
BurgundaviaLaserJock: ok11:48
duncan_nzThat way comments can evolve below each page and be included in the docs as the doc writers see fit.11:48
duncan_nzSo, if someone thinks a new seciton 'skinning ells' should be added to the 'how not to burn toast' section they just add the link in the wiki and write the new page.11:49
duncan_nzThis also serves the purpose of keeping the 'official' and 'community' docs clearly seperate - without divorcing them.11:50
duncan_nz...am I rambling?11:50
LaserJockI think these issues are things we have been thinking about11:51
duncan_nzyes, I just gopt down to the 'Hosting of html documentation on the new wiki' section.11:52
duncan_nzactually no, that looks like it's just trying to solve html issues.11:53
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LaserJockwell, so far the spec hasn't been approved  so we are still trying to work on it11:55
=== Madpilot [n=brian@S0106000d88b9f3db.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
duncan_nzBurgundavia: I just noticed you are a WikiTeam admin. Can you add me to that team please?11:59
LaserJockduncan_nz: I think the main thing is that people can more or less do whatever they want with the wiki so sometimes problems happen11:59
duncan_nzLaser: surely you don't type 'duncan_nz' each time do you? I can't work out how to get your nick to come up when I'm replying to you.12:00
Madpilotduncan_nz, have you proposed yourself for the team?12:00
LaserJockduncan_nz: <tab> ;-)12:00
naliothduncan_nz: the <tab> key is great12:01
duncan_nzaccording to https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/people/wikiteam/ I have to ask an admin.12:01
duncan_nzTAB don't do it here? Just pressing tab? How does it know who I'm replying to?12:02
LaserJockduncan_nz: the LP page says you have to be approved not that you have to ask first12:02
LaserJockduncan_nz: go ahead and join and then you can be approved12:02
duncan_nzso i have to ask before i can be approved right! sooo - tell me who to ask.12:03
LaserJockyou join the team in LP12:03
naliothduncan_nz: type las<TAB>12:03
duncan_nznalioth: aha!12:03
naliothduncan_nz: or nal<tab>12:03
duncan_nznalioth: cool!12:03
LaserJockand then the team owner/administrator will approve you12:03
Burgundaviaduncan_nz: can you propose yourself?12:03

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