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lifeless | anyone around ? | 10:17 |
lifeless | I'm wander what would cause AttributeError: \'zope.thread.local\' object has no attribute \'interaction\' | 10:17 |
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DevGet | hi! | 12:05 |
DevGet | how to I type a [tab] when I'm translating? | 12:05 |
daf | you type "[tab] ", IIRC | 12:11 |
daf | :) | 12:11 |
daf | lifeless: I've seen that before | 12:11 |
daf | lifeless: when I didn't set things up for my test correctly | 12:12 |
DevGet | daf: thx | 12:15 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [r=jamesh] Branch status client, supermirror puller, and integration of the two. (r3348: Guilherme Salgado, James Henstridge, Robert Collins) | 12:17 |
lifeless | daf: its happening in the librarian tests. I'll show spiv week after next when I'm in the same ity again | 12:19 |
daf | lifeless: it's been a while, but it may be something to do with calling login() without having used the correct test harness | 12:22 |
daf | hence the thread not having been given an interaction | 12:23 |
daf | whatever one of them is | 12:23 |
sivang | hey folks | 01:02 |
sivang | I'm wondering if there is a way in python to create class method in run time? that is, programmtically? | 01:03 |
lifeless | yes but I would regard that as evil and ask why! | 01:07 |
sivang | long story... you'd hae to pick at the code | 01:12 |
sivang | given the situation, I don't think it's so evil. But I might be wrong | 01:12 |
sivang | I have a "scheduling" method, | 01:13 |
sivang | which calls metods one by the other from a list | 01:13 |
sivang | this is to undertake a backup / restore operation in HUB | 01:13 |
sivang | now, the nice thing in that that it waits for the previous executed bash job to finish and then moves to next step. | 01:13 |
sivang | I need to also be able to do that for a list of files, I need to turn into ISOs, | 01:14 |
sivang | and in the same pass burn to CD. | 01:14 |
sivang | I already tried for loops, and trying to block with | 01:14 |
sivang | while proc.isalive(): pass | 01:14 |
sivang | but that doesn't work so good. | 01:14 |
sivang | If I can create functinos in runtime for processing the iso and burn, and run it through my scheduler , it would probably work better. | 01:15 |
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daq4th | anyone aware of the required permissions to change the priority of specifications? | 03:16 |
daq4th | ok, simpler question: anyone awake? | 03:19 |
daq4th | ;-) | 03:25 |
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mdke | how can a team be unsubscribed from a bug? | 04:37 |
mdke | I've noticed that when a task is rejected for which a team is default bug contact, the subscription of that team isn't removed :( | 04:38 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] remove debugging fluff from librarian tests I left in by mistake (r3349: Robert Collins) | 05:09 |
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luks | hi guys, probably a stupid question but i can't find it in any of the FAQs... | 09:59 |
luks | i'd like to use rosetta to handle translations for https://launchpad.net/products/picard but i'm not the person who registered the project at launchpad | 09:59 |
luks | and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RosettaFAQ says something about using "Request Translation Upload" link but i can't see any | 10:00 |
luks | can somebody explain me a bit what should i do? or point me to some FAQ, etc. | 10:00 |
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trappist | if I click "all bugs ever reported" for a source package where (it says) 11 bugs have been reported, it still only shows me the 3 open bugs. I assume this is a launchpad bug? | 10:02 |
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paulproteus | I'm trying to organize the FreeCulture.org student movement as a project on launchpad.net. | 10:19 |
paulproteus | I'm having trouble seeing how to add my peers who are part of the project. | 10:19 |
paulproteus | I might have the wrong metaphor, though; I'm worried about that. | 10:19 |
paulproteus | For example, I don't understand the difference between "projects" and "teams". | 10:19 |
paulproteus | Is there an "Email this email address with the promise that if he signs up he'll be part of a team/project" feature? | 10:32 |
paulproteus | That's usually called "invitations". | 10:32 |
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paulproteus | It would help me move this existing group into Launchpad. | 10:32 |
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