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joelbryan | Hi, I just found out oem-config is in GTK+ mode | 12:52 |
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minghua | Is there any place I can find old source pacakges that was in dapper? | 04:19 |
minghua | I can find old binary packages in launchpad, but now the source | 04:20 |
raphink | I think the sources get removed | 04:22 |
raphink | permanently | 04:22 |
minghua | :'-( | 04:22 |
minghua | then why are we keeping the binaries? | 04:22 |
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dark_light | distributing the source without the binaries isn't a viollation of gpl, raphink ? | 04:44 |
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raphink | no it's not | 04:45 |
raphink | of course | 04:45 |
raphink | distributing the binaries without the source is | 04:45 |
dark_light | ooops | 04:46 |
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dark_light | i meant distributing the binaries without source | 04:46 |
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raphink | yes | 04:47 |
LaserJock | hi raphink | 04:49 |
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wasabi_ | mdz: i notice there are mythtv packages on marillat's site. Those Ubuntu-compat? | 05:30 |
wasabi_ | are they yours? | 05:30 |
wasabi_ | Oops. I found a message that says you no longer maintain them. ;) | 05:31 |
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dotwaffle | Damn timezones! | 06:04 |
_ion | Amen. | 06:05 |
dotwaffle | Much as I hate Swatch for doing it, their "beat" system or "internet time" is damn appealing. | 06:06 |
_ion | Yep. | 06:06 |
dotwaffle | Which timezone are you? | 06:06 |
_ion | su maaliskuun 26. 07:06:53 EEST 2006 | 06:06 |
dotwaffle | suomalainen? | 06:07 |
_ion | Yep. | 06:07 |
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dotwaffle | I work for Assemlby Organizing Oy during the Summer ;) | 06:07 |
_ion | Cool. :-) | 06:07 |
dotwaffle | Interestingly enough, sladen was on about bringing an Ubuntu stall to Assembly this year, would be good to have an open source company there - Microsoft getting the cold shoulder from the guests isn't funny anymore :S | 06:08 |
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_ion | That would be cool. | 06:08 |
dotwaffle | I work for the media division "livecrew" and was head of Production last year, so I could even get him some national airtime ;) | 06:08 |
dotwaffle | anyway, enough of that. | 06:09 |
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fabbione | slomo_: ping? | 06:30 |
neuralis | fabbione: hey, did the cd md5 checker ever get unblocked? | 06:33 |
fabbione | neuralis: no | 06:35 |
fabbione | it's still in admin queue.. and deferred | 06:35 |
neuralis | fabbione: okay, thanks. i'll reflect that in the book. | 06:35 |
fabbione | neuralis: thanks | 06:36 |
_ion | "Germans risk two years in prison if they illegally download films and music for private use under a new law agreed yesterday." Good that the legislation finally punishes piracy harsher than lesser crimes such as murder or rape. | 06:40 |
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infinity | Riddell: If you're going to be updating libapt-front, you need to update debtags as well, which is FTBFS with the newer versions. | 09:35 |
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sladen | dotwaffle: yeah, we should follow that up some more :) | 09:47 |
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Pygi | pitti: around? | 11:40 |
spacey | hi Pygi:) | 11:42 |
spacey | good morning | 11:42 |
Pygi | mornin' spacey ;) | 11:42 |
Pygi | spacey: good work on the wiki for now, but we have a lot more to do ^_^ | 11:43 |
spacey | Pygi: i'll be away from home monday-wednesday, so have a little less time | 11:43 |
spacey | but we can finish it up a the meeting, but as long we have something to start from | 11:44 |
Pygi | spacey: no problem at all ;) | 11:44 |
spacey | :> | 11:44 |
Pygi | Do we have anyone by now who wants to contribute? | 11:44 |
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siretart | Pygi: I installed nm 0.6.1 on my girlfriends laptop yesterday | 11:46 |
Pygi | siretart: and? ^_^ | 11:46 |
siretart | Pygi: and made her connect to my wpa-psk2 secured network. she has an ipw2200 adapter, and on the second try, it worked | 11:47 |
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siretart | no idea why it didn't succeed in the first place, but in the second time it worked | 11:47 |
Pygi | siretart: great, altought it should work on first try ;) | 11:47 |
siretart | what we both found very very annoying is that nm uses gnome-keyring to store the passwords | 11:47 |
Pygi | siretart: we need to get wpasupplicant promoted to main, so we'll have official packages ;) | 11:47 |
siretart | it is not possible to have that unsecured | 11:47 |
Pygi | siretart: ah, yes, I know :-/ | 11:47 |
siretart | Pygi: I've built the official 0.6.1 nm packages from the archives | 11:48 |
Pygi | siretart: I don't know why it still hasn't been promoted, when it's accepted ;) | 11:48 |
siretart | using wpasupplicant from the archive | 11:48 |
Pygi | siretart: ah, ok, glad it worked ^_^ | 11:49 |
Pygi | spacey: you alive? ^_^ | 11:49 |
siretart | Pygi: wpasupplicant does not need to be promoted to main, afaiu, because it is only a recommends | 11:49 |
j^ | Pygi any idea what to do about orinoco_pci/hostap_pci cards? | 11:49 |
j^ | 0.6.1 does not work at all for me for WEP anymore | 11:49 |
siretart | Pygi: but to be serious, up to now, nm seems to be only a solution to ipw users. no other drivers seem to be supported similar well | 11:49 |
Pygi | siretart: yes, I know, but n-m is still in building queue | 11:50 |
Pygi | because of wpasupplicant | 11:50 |
siretart | j^: she uses wep at home, she will tell me if that still works for her | 11:50 |
=== _ion wonders where Keybuk is. | ||
siretart | Pygi: because of libnl, at least when I last looked at it | 11:50 |
siretart | _ion: I think he doesn't work on sundays | 11:50 |
_ion | I sent him a message about the n-m build-deps using MemoServ a few days ago. | 11:50 |
_ion | I don't know whether he has received it. | 11:50 |
siretart | I havn't seen him ircing since friday | 11:51 |
spacey | Pygi: pong | 11:51 |
Pygi | siretart: nop. now it's because wpa-supplicant | 11:51 |
siretart | ah, yes, your right: http://librarian.launchpad.net/1840598/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.network-manager_0.6.1-0ubuntu1_MANUALDEPWAIT.txt.gz | 11:51 |
Pygi | spacey: well, why don't you respond? ^_^ Do we have anyone by now willing to contribute? | 11:51 |
siretart | but I'm not happy with the wpasupplicant package in dapper | 11:51 |
spacey | Pygi: sorry was busy | 11:51 |
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crimsun | we definitely need to do something about the upgrade path | 11:52 |
siretart | we are working in the pkg-wpa team on nice packages. | 11:52 |
siretart | right | 11:52 |
Pygi | siretart: it's not *that* bad | 11:52 |
crimsun | I'm surprised it was uploaded as-is | 11:52 |
siretart | crimsun: so was I. believe me | 11:52 |
spacey | Pygi: you and me :P We'll see at the meeting. its not really useful to call out for contribution before anyway. | 11:52 |
siretart | Pygi: it is horrible, because it breaks existing installations | 11:52 |
Pygi | siretart: yes, aware of that I am afraid :-/ | 11:53 |
Pygi | spacey: O joy ^_^ And what if none else would be willing to contribute? :-/ | 11:53 |
spacey | Pygi: well i will make my collegue contribute as well | 11:54 |
Pygi | spacey: ah,ok | 11:54 |
spacey | but thats only 1 :p | 11:54 |
spacey | i'm sure it will be fine | 11:54 |
siretart | Pygi: Perhaps you/we should update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperNetworkManager to not point to tonios archive anymore | 11:54 |
Pygi | siretart: wrong, I told you wrong ;) WPAsupplicant is going to main, because we agreed that we are going to ship it on a cp | 11:54 |
siretart | his archive seems to be quite outdated | 11:54 |
Pygi | siretart: official n-m doesn't exist yet anyway | 11:55 |
Seveas | Pygi, there has been no such agreement yet | 11:55 |
siretart | Pygi: it does. how do you think I'm using it ;) | 11:55 |
siretart | Pygi: the source is available in the archive since some time | 11:55 |
Pygi | siretart: ah, yes, the source ;) | 11:55 |
Pygi | Seveas: hm, yes it was ... talk to pitti if you don't truest me ;) | 11:55 |
Pygi | spacey: ah, yes it will be fine ;) | 11:56 |
Seveas | Pygi, they *may* be in ship if *they are good enough*, but they're really really far away from even remotely goof enough | 11:56 |
siretart | Pygi: anyway, http://kubuntu.no-ip.org/kubuntu needs updating. the packages in there look quite broken with uptodate dapper | 11:56 |
siretart | Seveas++ | 11:56 |
Pygi | siretart: ah,k | 11:57 |
siretart | what I've seen today is that it has this annoying dependencies on gnome-keyring and that it seems to only work with ipw resonably well | 11:57 |
Pygi | siretart: nah, we've had a lot of reports where it works | 11:58 |
Pygi | much more reports where it works then where it doesn't | 11:58 |
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siretart | Pygi: on madwifi? on acx? on ipw2100? | 11:58 |
siretart | what about ndiswrapper? | 11:58 |
Pygi | yes, on madwifi, ndiswrapper as well | 11:59 |
Pygi | on ipw2100 as well | 11:59 |
siretart | madwifi as in madwifi-ng or madwifi-old? | 11:59 |
Pygi | madwifi-old | 11:59 |
Pygi | some people experience disconnects, but just a few | 11:59 |
siretart | Pygi: could you please link to such success and failure stories on the wiki page? | 11:59 |
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Pygi | siretart: hm, it's on the forums, but I'll do my best ^_^ | 11:59 |
=== siretart doesn't read forums | ||
siretart | sorry | 12:00 |
Pygi | no problems | 12:00 |
siretart | not activeley, that is | 12:00 |
Burgundavia | forums are a horrible place for longterm data, but great for chatting | 12:00 |
Pygi | siretart: links to threads about new N-M along with that stories, is already in the wiki | 12:00 |
siretart | yeah. perhaps you can link to releavant forum threads | 12:00 |
Pygi | siretart: linked already ^_^ | 12:01 |
siretart | Pygi: there are some horribly long threads linked from there. I'm not gonna click through 20 pages to get my opinion | 12:01 |
crimsun | please summarise | 12:01 |
siretart | yes. that would help | 12:01 |
crimsun | a graph/chart is best | 12:01 |
Pygi | crimsun, siretart: ah,ok, will do ^_^ | 12:01 |
Seveas | siretart, have you seen bug 36614? | 12:06 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 36614 in wpasupplicant "wpa-driver-file implementation" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/36614 | 12:06 |
=== Pygi goes to see | ||
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Seveas | siretart, it looks both like serious crack and serious help (only need to configure interface, wpa_supplicant knows the rest if packagers provide these files) | 12:07 |
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siretart | Seveas: like said above, I'm not happy with the current wpa package in dapper | 12:14 |
siretart | Seveas: Keybuk took the work-in-progress on our experimental packages and uploaded them to dapper. Kel wasn't finished yet at that time | 12:15 |
Seveas | hmm | 12:15 |
siretart | Seveas: we (= crimsun, kelmo and me) are working in the pkg-wpa team on alioth on nice wpa packages | 12:15 |
siretart | perhaps and with some luck, we can upload that to debian next week. well, we'll see | 12:15 |
Seveas | all I can say is "works fine for me" - if you need testers for any new packages: just poke me | 12:15 |
infinity | siretart: So upload some fixes. It's still in universe. Just don't repackage it (again and again..) | 12:16 |
siretart | infinity: we already switched to cdbs on debian :( | 12:16 |
siretart | infinity: you know, we are working on some nice ifupdown integration | 12:16 |
siretart | infinity: kelmo has even integrated roaming to that new world order | 12:16 |
siretart | infinity: but it still needs testing and documentation | 12:16 |
infinity | kelmo? | 12:17 |
siretart | infinity: I've even worked on a interim solution to the new world order, in order to make bug sumitters in debian/unstable happy | 12:17 |
crimsun | Kel Modderman <kelrin@tpg.com.au> | 12:18 |
siretart | kelmo is the third man in our pkg-wpa team on alioth. he did the work on ifupdown integration | 12:18 |
infinity | Erm, so kylem isn't working on the Debian side of it anymore? | 12:18 |
siretart | kyle is still in the maintainer field, but he seems to be very busy lately. we havn't heard from him since some time | 12:19 |
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infinity | I assume you've been keeping him in the loop about all this, though? | 12:19 |
infinity | It's pretty unfriendly to repackage using cdbs (or whatever) without consent from all the maintainers. | 12:19 |
siretart | everything goes via pkg-wpa-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org, a list he created | 12:20 |
infinity | Fair enough. | 12:20 |
siretart | and we work on the alioth svn only. so he should be informed about everything | 12:20 |
siretart | well, I'm off for a few hours. cu later | 12:21 |
netdur | hey, to what package should this bug belong? http://www.flickr.com/photos/77122833@N00/118048954/ | 12:22 |
infinity | Package: rhythmbox; Subject: Should blacklist Kylie Minogue songs to avoid long term damage to users. | 12:24 |
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_ion | :-D | 12:25 |
netdur | he he | 12:25 |
netdur | serious... what package that's? | 12:28 |
infinity | Which bug? The weird shape in the bubble? | 12:28 |
netdur | ah... bubble looks strange | 12:28 |
infinity | Not positive what actually draws the bubbles... | 12:29 |
Mithrandir | notification-daemon, I thought | 12:29 |
infinity | Different bubbles. | 12:30 |
infinity | These are the new GNOME panel/applet egg bubbles. | 12:30 |
infinity | Anyhow, if you file it on your music player, someone should be able to redirect the bug in the right place. | 12:31 |
infinity | Someone who's not me, clearly. | 12:31 |
netdur | okay... I will file it to rb | 12:32 |
netdur | thanks | 12:32 |
netdur | done | 12:34 |
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=== greenpenguin13-a is Away, Reason: ( cheese ) | Since: ( Sunday March 26 2006. 10:51:35 ) Xlack v2.1 | ||
infinity | greenpenguin13-a: Please turn off the verbose (and coloured?) away messages in this channel. | 12:37 |
greenpenguin13-a | woops | 12:37 |
greenpenguin13-a | sorry | 12:37 |
Tm_T | whoooo | 12:38 |
Tm_T | colours ;( | 12:38 |
=== Tm_T hates public aways (including awaynicks) | ||
=== greenpenguin13-a wasnt' expecting that :P | ||
Tm_T | ;) | 12:44 |
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_ion | I have seen that notification bubble bug with update-notifier as well. | 01:10 |
_ion | Oh, and nm-applet. | 01:11 |
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slomo_ | fabbione: pong? | 02:14 |
fabbione | slomo_: hey | 02:15 |
fabbione | slomo_: i am taking a lock on mono ubunu6 -> ubuntu7 | 02:15 |
fabbione | slomo_: adding some interesting stuff | 02:15 |
fabbione | slomo_: but i need sometime to run the entire build/testsuite and rebuild a few packages | 02:16 |
slomo_ | fabbione: what will you add in ubuntu7? :) and where did you get it from? | 02:17 |
fabbione | slomo_: sparc support, david s. miller via mono svn. | 02:17 |
fabbione | it's all upstream stuff | 02:17 |
fabbione | so no biggie.. | 02:17 |
fabbione | but i need the time to test it | 02:18 |
fabbione | if it works it will be in the archive by tomorrow and you can take over again | 02:18 |
fabbione | does it work for you? | 02:18 |
slomo_ | fabbione: cool :) i didn't plan any new mono uploads in the next time so feel free to test it as extensively as needed before uploading ;) | 02:18 |
fabbione | slomo_: ok thanks | 02:18 |
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slomo_ | fabbione: how big will the patch be btw? should be rather small as solaris/sparc support is already there afaik... | 02:19 |
fabbione | slomo_: they are small and in debian/patches | 02:20 |
fabbione | i didn't change the packaging or anything | 02:20 |
fabbione | just added | 02:20 |
fabbione | and modified debian/control | 02:20 |
fabbione | for the Architecture: field | 02:21 |
fabbione | (all documented in the changelog) | 02:21 |
j^ | right now orinoco_pci is loaded for Prism 2/2.5/3 chips, but hostap_pci is much better, specially with the NM patch in bug 36708 | 02:21 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 36708 in network-manager "[PATCH] wpa_supplicant needs to know about hostap driver" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/36708 | 02:21 |
slomo_ | fabbione: cool :) good work :) i'm really interested in looking at the patches later :) | 02:21 |
j^ | which package is responsible for the module order | 02:21 |
fabbione | slomo_: it's mostly asm stuff.. | 02:21 |
j^ | or is the only way to blacklist orinoco_pci? | 02:21 |
fabbione | and they are upstream svn | 02:21 |
mdke | i was looking at some errors in a build log - it looks like they are due to the machine not having internet access: is that possible? | 02:22 |
slomo_ | fabbione: ok thanks :) | 02:23 |
fabbione | slomo_: no problem | 02:26 |
fabbione | mdke: buildd must not have internet access and pkgs that requires so to build are bad | 02:26 |
mdke | fabbione, oh. in all cases? | 02:27 |
fabbione | yes | 02:27 |
mdke | hmm | 02:27 |
mdke | i've never seen this problem before | 02:27 |
mdke | has internet access recently been removed? | 02:27 |
fabbione | it was never there | 02:28 |
fabbione | and it's not a problem.. it's absolutely normal | 02:29 |
mdke | i mean, the problem while building | 02:29 |
j^ | after reading up on hostap_pci vs. orinoco_pci, it looks like orinoco_pci should be blacklisted, have to check for orinoco_cs vs. hostap_cs | 02:30 |
fabbione | mdke: if you can be more specific on at least what package you are talking about | 02:30 |
fabbione | mdke: perhaps the log? | 02:31 |
mdke | fabbione, ok. go to http://librarian.launchpad.net/1838629/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.ubuntu-docs_6.03.4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz and search on "oasis" | 02:31 |
mdke | it is failing to find the dtd for docbook xml | 02:31 |
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fabbione | mdke: ok.. it's an error in the packaging and/or source | 02:32 |
fabbione | have seen it before | 02:32 |
mdke | we'll have to change the documents to use a local dtd | 02:33 |
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mdke | or maybe we can just ignore the warnings in the build | 02:33 |
mdke | yeah, ignoring must be the way forward, i don't see that we can change the reference to the online document in the doctype | 02:37 |
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fabbione | mdke: the kernel used to do the same and it has been patches upstream. i really see no reason why you can't do the same | 02:41 |
mdke | fabbione, do you know what the solution was? I don't like the idea of changing the doctype for the documents | 02:42 |
fabbione | it was patched to use local doctypes | 02:43 |
fabbione | that oh.. my dear.. they are the same as on the website.. | 02:43 |
siretart | _ion: re the wep problem with nm_0.6.1: my girlfriend is just chatting with me over her WEP secured network with network manager | 02:45 |
mdke | fabbione, my dear? | 02:46 |
_ion | WEP "secured" network? ;-) | 02:46 |
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siretart | _ion: YMMV, right. ;) | 02:46 |
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infinity | mdke: docbook XML DTDs are in the "docbook-xml" package, oddly enough. | 02:50 |
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j^ | hm, pccard: PCMCIA card inserted into slot 0 | 02:58 |
j^ | nothing more... | 02:58 |
j^ | it works with Cardbus cards | 02:58 |
infinity | PCMCIA is scary ISAPNP fu. | 02:59 |
infinity | You may well need pcmcia card services running and such to make old pcmcia cards work. | 03:00 |
infinity | (Whereas CardBus is basically just hotplug PCI) | 03:00 |
j^ | /etc/init.d/pcmcia start | 03:02 |
j^ | * Linux >= 2.6.13-rc1 requires pcmciautils instead of pcmcia-cs | 03:02 |
j^ | hmhmhm | 03:02 |
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j^ | no pcmcia support and only cardbus is quite a regression | 03:09 |
infinity | Do you have pcmciautils installed? | 03:10 |
Mithrandir | cardbus is handled by the hotplug pci layer, iirc. | 03:11 |
infinity | Mithrandir: Yes, but PCMCIA isn't. | 03:11 |
Mithrandir | mpe | 03:11 |
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j^ | infinity sure i have pcmciautils installed | 03:18 |
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infinity | j^: Did the card in question work in breezy with pcmcia-cs? | 03:22 |
infinity | j^: If so, I'd file a but on pcmciautils (which may or may not get reassigned to the kernel..) | 03:23 |
j^ | if i remember right it did | 03:23 |
j^ | i have one orinoco silver, one linksys ver.3 and one AVM isdn controller B1 | 03:23 |
mdke | infinity, yeah, I'm aware of that. But reading the dtd, it says to declare the doctype using the online url. I'll read up more | 03:24 |
infinity | mdke: You do declare using the URL, generally, but with docbook-xml instealled (you don't build-dep on it), it should Just Work anyway, IIRC. | 03:25 |
mdke | sure, it probably would | 03:28 |
mdke | but it already Just Works :) | 03:28 |
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mdke | I'm gonna look and see what the gnome-user-docs do | 03:29 |
mdke | yeah they use the online one too | 03:30 |
infinity | mdke: But they probably build-dep on docbook-xml. :) | 03:31 |
infinity | (Or theirs doesn't work right either) | 03:31 |
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infinity | mdke: I'm going to do a local test in a chroot without network access right now. | 03:31 |
pimp^air | hi | 03:31 |
pimp^air | upgrading from breezy to dapper confused my alsa configuration as it changes the order of the cards on every boot. is this something to discuss in here or shall i file a bug? | 03:32 |
infinity | pimp^air: Bug please. | 03:32 |
pimp^air | 'k | 03:33 |
mdke | infinity, in gnome's case, they don't build html at the build stage, or at all. they just ship the xml | 03:33 |
mdke | infinity, if adding the build-dep solves it, lemme know and I'll add it in our svn. If not, we can leave it, I think, unless you tell me that the warnings in the log are a really bad thing | 03:34 |
pimp^air | where does autoloading of the modules take place in dapper? | 03:35 |
infinity | mdke: Just verified locally, if you build-dep on docbook-xml, it'll Just Work. | 03:36 |
infinity | pimp^air: udev. | 03:37 |
mdke | infinity, fantastic, thanks for going to the trouble of doing that | 03:38 |
infinity | mdke: NP. | 03:39 |
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j^ | after rebooting several times i was going to looks for a way to silence grub a bit, there is even a patch bug 20736 | 04:14 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 20736 in grub "Would be very nice to hide grub spew on boot" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/20736 | 04:14 |
KaiL | ...even suppresses the "press ESC for menu"? | 04:21 |
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infinity | I would hope not. | 04:25 |
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soumyadip | anyone know why prozilla was removed from the universe after hoary ? | 07:13 |
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slomo_ | fabbione: good work :) would be nice to have everything working on sparc | 08:23 |
fabbione | slomo_: it does work just fine.. | 08:23 |
=== fabbione did run tomboy from his sparc | ||
slomo_ | fabbione: was this the only part of main that was missing for sparc? | 08:24 |
fabbione | slomo_: yes | 08:24 |
slomo_ | :) | 08:25 |
fabbione | slomo_: for the next week or so, let's keep in touch to coordinate possible uploads | 08:26 |
fabbione | David tends to produce a copious amount of code/bugfixing per day | 08:26 |
siretart | how to use pdb in xemacs? | 08:27 |
fabbione | slomo_: also... you might want to take a debdiff and send it to Debian but tell them they need at least glibc 2.4 and kernel 2.6.17 | 08:27 |
fabbione | (stuff we do have backported) | 08:27 |
slomo_ | fabbione: i already talked to the debian maintainer. but he isn't interested, he wants to wait for a release with sparc support | 08:28 |
fabbione | slomo_: ok | 08:28 |
yves | how to properly help on bugs in main packages? After making a patch and sending to malone, what else? wait until a maintainer catch it up? | 08:29 |
fabbione | slomo_: good he doesn't want it.. somebody is going to say soon that we didn't push it | 08:29 |
slomo_ | fabbione: but the only thing i plan to do for mono in the next days would possibly be an update to the bugfix release... | 08:29 |
fabbione | yves: assuming the patch is good yes | 08:29 |
slomo_ | fabbione: hehe, the cooperation between the debian mono group and us is in general very good... so nobody should complain there :) | 08:30 |
yves | Ubugtu, bug #26601 | 08:30 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 26601 in bittornado bittornado-gui "btdownloadgui crashes on startup" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/26601 | 08:30 |
fabbione | slomo_: sounds ok to me... i don't really care.. i just want sparc to fly high :) | 08:30 |
slomo_ | fabbione: will you care for all the million give-backs that are possible now on sparc? | 08:34 |
fabbione | slomo_: there is no need to | 08:35 |
fabbione | all the packages are DepWait on libmono-dev and chain | 08:35 |
fabbione | they will unblock themself | 08:35 |
fabbione | already checked : | 08:35 |
fabbione | :) | 08:35 |
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sladen | infinity: bug #29767 seems to suggest that 2.6.16 fixes some of the IDE issues, so that may help with #6367 aswell. | 09:20 |
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zbbb | hello, i'm looking for some way to throttle my network throughput. any ideas? | 10:46 |
neuralis | zbbb: see lartc.org. this is not the appropriate channel; in the future, please ask on #ubuntu. | 10:48 |
yves | or #ubuntu-server | 10:48 |
zbbb | thanks! | 10:48 |
neuralis | yves: it's a general linux question. #ubuntu is best. | 10:48 |
yves | well ok | 10:48 |
zbbb | btw: this throttling functionality is a useful one that is not visible in any control panel of ubuntu | 10:49 |
zbbb | that's why i asked it here. maybe it should be a good theme for further development | 10:49 |
neuralis | zbbb: write a specification on the ubuntu wiki, and we'll be happy to consider it at the next developer meeting. | 10:50 |
zbbb | do you have any specific url? | 10:50 |
neuralis | zbbb: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SpecSpec -- then use the SpecTemplate it mentions when creating your new spec. | 10:51 |
zbbb | thanks again | 10:51 |
neuralis | zbbb: sure. you can see the list of dapper specs here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+specs ; clicking on one of them lets you hit 'read more' to see their wiki spec. | 10:52 |
dotwaffle | sladen: ping re/ Assembly06 | 10:53 |
sladen | dotwaffle: ubuntu-marketing@lists. is the place to raise this and then get in contact with finnish people like mjr and the other sange.fi people who did the Ubuntu Finnish localisation | 10:55 |
dotwaffle | Is it majordomo or is there a sign-up page? | 10:56 |
neuralis | dotwaffle: lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-marketing | 10:59 |
dotwaffle | yeah, found it through gmnane, cheers | 10:59 |
fabbione | yves: #ubuntu-server is not appropriate either. | 11:02 |
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neuralis | infinity: ping | 11:16 |
yves | fabbione, sorry | 11:19 |
TheMuso | c | 11:23 |
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wasabi_ | haha now the notification color is puke yellow. | 11:40 |
wasabi_ | I love you guys. | 11:40 |
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KaiL | uhm, are there any plans to fix DVD playback in totem for dapper release? ;) | 11:55 |
mjg59 | KaiL: To the extent possible under various laws, yes | 11:56 |
robertj | mjg59: any plans to prompt users about setting a region? | 11:56 |
mjg59 | robertj: No | 11:56 |
KaiL | mjg59, I thought more about the problem gstreamer0.10 not to be able to read DVDs at all...;) | 11:57 |
mjg59 | Region coding is fairly uninteresting in comparison to CSS | 11:57 |
mjg59 | KaiL: gstreamer0.10 can read DVDs fine | 11:57 |
robertj | mjg59: new drives won't play without a region will they? | 11:57 |
mjg59 | robertj: Hm. My experience is that they tend to, but I haven't had an unregioned drive for some time | 11:57 |
KaiL | robertj, afaik the region is already set in the firmware to the region, where the drive got sold, or? | 11:57 |
robertj | KaiL: I have a new Dell and it was not | 11:58 |
mjg59 | KaiL: No, PC drivers are often sold unregioned | 11:58 |
psusi | no.. new drives come with no region set and you have to set one correctly when you get the drive | 11:58 |
mjg59 | (Not all regions) | 11:58 |
robertj | andi t wouldn't play until I used setregion from the command line | 11:58 |
KaiL | hum, really? | 11:58 |
KaiL | didn't have such problems here with drives from BenQ (that one had only other problems), LG, NEC, Panasonic and Toshiba | 11:59 |
robertj | so my understanding is if I owned Joe's Computer store in Country X where it was perfectly fine, it would take some doing to get it to work | 11:59 |
KaiL | mjg59, I thought about this DVD-Problem: {i} Note: "With Ubuntu 6.04 (Dapper Drake), the gstreamer dvd plugin has not been ported to the new version of gstreamer, 0.10. Please use the xine backend. " | 11:59 |
KaiL | ..from the wiki "RestrictedFormats" | 11:59 |
mjg59 | KaiL: Progress has been made since then | 11:59 |
KaiL | but problem still exists - just tried.. | 12:00 |
mjg59 | KaiL: This isn't the place to report bugs | 12:00 |
=== AlinuxOS [n=Ubuntu@d83-176-65-89.cust.tele2.it] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
robertj | KaiL: same result here btw | 12:01 |
KaiL | wasn't thought as such - but some types of bugs are way better to get verified as known here, then with a bugreport waiting to get duped ;) | 12:01 |
=== HrdwrBoB [n=matt@he.said.do.you.speak.in.mylanguage.gov.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
=== ploum [n=ploum@user-85-201-2-96.tvcablenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-devel | ||
mjg59 | KaiL: Reporting bugs here is never the right thing to do | 12:02 |
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