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mptGoooooooooooooooooooooood morning New Zealanders!12:31
mptAnd good evening everyone else!12:31
paulproteusGood evening mpt! (-:12:40
AlinuxOSmpt, good night :D12:41
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ajmitchmorning mpt 12:52
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Fix missing NotFoundError import and add tests for that codepath (r3350: Stuart Bishop)06:28
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Initial cut at distroreleasequeue refactoring as per Bug 36470 and Bug 36472 (r3351: Stuart Bishop)07:58
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Fix broken staging/launchpad.conf (r3352: Stuart Bishop)08:27
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yveshi. I've created a poll and I didn't know I could not edit it after opened. Could you delete it? thanks08:38
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jameshhi mpt09:20
lifelesshey jamesh09:21
lifelessstatus clcient is landed09:21
lifelessstub: me wanna cherry pick done... is that feasible ?09:22
lifelessMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=jamesh]  Branch status client, supermirror puller, and integration of the two. (r3348: Guilherme Salgado, James Henstridge, Robert Collins)09:23
lifelessit needs an authserver bounce done after the db is updated09:23
stubdb updates in there, are there?09:24
stubThat might need downtime09:24
jameshmpt: you left a handkerchief behind in the room.  I asked if they could leave it with your luggage (assuming you had left it there), but apparently that wasn't possible.09:24
jameshlifeless: cool09:24
lifelessstub: yes, the additional branch column 'mirror_status_message'09:25
stubJust looking at the patch - looks like I can apply that without downtime09:26
stublifeless: So the authserver code needs an update too?09:26
lifelessstub: yup09:26
lifelessstub: will not break until the new db column is used09:27
lifelessstub: but will fall over crying like a baby when it is.09:27
stubAnd this is required, or should it just go in with the next rollout (Wedesday I expect, but maybe tomorrow)09:29
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stubBah. Sampledata conflicts in the cherry pick09:37
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Kagouon https://launchpad.net/people/vetsel-patrice/+packagebugs , clicking on a critical number like 5 fo cupsys do not work09:47
Kagouand for blender 5 unassigned bug for 4 open seem's strange :)09:49
dafcan you explain what you mean by "doesn't work"?09:52
Kagoujust click on it (5 on cupsys line)09:54
Kagouwhen i do that , i'm standing to see the 5 criticals bugs09:54
Kagoubut https://launchpad.net/people/vetsel-patrice/+packagebugs-search?field.distribution=ubuntu&field.severity=Critical&field.sourcepackagename=cupsys&field.status=Unconfirmed&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Needs+Info&search=Search09:55
jameshKagou: I see 4 bugs on that second URL10:05
stublifeless: test failures after cherry picking that patch10:05
Kagoujamesh,  you see 4 bugs with my last link ?10:06
Kagou0 for me do you want a screenshot ?! :D10:06
jameshoops.  wrong link :)10:06
jameshKagou: I see one extra bug if I add "&field.omit_dupes.used=true" onto the end10:07
jameshIt might be that the other 4 bugs are private?10:07
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jameshor maybe they are closed10:08
Kagouso it's a strand behaviour10:09
jameshthe counts must be from a different query to what is used to display the results10:09
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Kagoumorning carlos 10:13
jameshcarlos: had a good trip home?10:17
carlosjamesh: yeah, but the taxi was really expensive and when I arrived there... my flight was delayed for 3 hours...10:17
carlosjamesh: other than that... it's only a 2 hours flight :-P10:18
carlosjamesh: and yours?10:18
jameshouch ...10:18
jameshI had to choose a different tube route to get to the airport though10:18
jameshthey had shut down some of the lines for the weekend again10:18
carlosthey don't want that you leave London :-P10:20
lifelessstub - if there are test failures its probably ok to leave it. we're activating the new sftp server today and it would have been good to have it in for that10:20
stubI can apply the db patch if that helps at all - adding a new column isn't dangerous to us.10:21
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lifelessstub: it wont be useful unnless we roll out the authserver too - did you get any authserver test failures ?10:35
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dafjamesh: yo11:00
dafjamesh: the OOPS summaries are showing RequestStatementTimedOut as an exception rather than as a timeout11:00
dafmpt__: yo11:00
jameshdaf: so it does.11:00
jameshI should fix that11:00
jameshwe got two oops summary emails due to the daylight savings transition ...11:01
dafthis means you're 9 hours ahead rather than 11?11:02
jameshjust that half past midnight happened twice11:02
dafyou haven't done yours yet?11:02
jameshdone what?11:03
jamesh(the script runs off chinstrap)11:03
daf.au hasn't done it's timezone change yet11:03
lifelessdaf: .au doesn't have a single tz shift11:03
lifelessdaf: we have 3 IIRC11:03
jameshwell, western australia doesn't have a daylight savings transition11:04
lifelessjamesh: which is one of the 3 - 'None'11:04
jameshlifeless: is it 4 this year? (Commonwealth games)11:04
dafthe games have their own timezone?11:05
jameshor did other states follow NSW?11:05
dafnow you're just showing off11:05
jameshdaf: NSW delayed the switch back to winter time til after the games11:05
lifelessdaf: the games have their own tz11:06
lifelessjamesh: not sure about ACT, vic etc11:06
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dafso it does11:07
jameshdaf: I'd forgotten to copy the updated oops analysis script over to the right place on chinstrap11:08
jameshfixed now11:08
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jameshI'll look at updating the oops.cgi script to use the new duration info too11:10
dafhow so?11:11
dafI wonder if it's worth special-casing "2 UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-8: ordinal not in range(128)"11:14
dafcarlos: 1 SQLObjectNotFound: The Language by alternateID code=u'aka' does not exist11:15
carlosdaf: URL?11:15
dafthat should be a NotFoundError, I think11:15
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dafshall I file a bug for you?11:16
carlosthat language was renamed two weeks ago or pehaps four...11:16
carlosdaf: yes, that's a bug11:16
carlosdaf: thanks11:16
dafde nada11:16
jameshdaf: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_time_zones <- explains the gory details11:18
dafcarlos: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/3682411:19
UbugtuMalone bug 36824 in rosetta "translation groups traversal raises SQLObjectNotFound" [Minor,Confirmed]  11:19
Simira,em /win close11:20
dafhi Simira :)11:21
Simirahi daf, how are you?11:23
daffine thanks11:23
dafhow are you?11:23
Simirapretty good, just trying to do some work11:23
Simirawill you be a the next conference, where or whenever that is...?11:24
dafhow are the no translations?11:24
dafhmm, I suspect I won't11:24
dafI will be at GUADEC11:24
Simirathat is after the conference, isn't it?11:24
SimiraI wanted to go to GUADEC, but I don't know now... I probably can't afford it.11:25
Simirano translations are going slow, I think. We tried to have a translation-sprint-night, but noone showed up :p11:25
dafoh, no11:26
dafthat's a shame11:26
Kinnisonstub: why are soyuz changes going in when there's no cprov and no me to help monitor them?11:26
Kinnisonstub: seems like a very dangerous thing to be doing11:26
dafI thought soyuz ran a different branch on production?11:27
jameshdaf: got merged11:27
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KinnisonWhile I'm not worried about other things breaking soyuz too much, going ahead with changes to distroreleasequeue seems like inviting issues without a soyuz developer on-stream11:28
lifelessKinnison: no test suite ?11:29
Kinnisonlifeless: Possibly incomplete coverage as always11:29
dafwell, if it breaks, you can add tests when you fix it :P11:30
mpt__daf, the problem with the "This bug is not recorded as needing" etc presentation is fixed in my tree11:32
daftell me about your ideal UI for subscribe-on-comment11:33
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mpt__daf, https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/BugWorkflow?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=bug-report.jpg11:36
jameshmpt__: is that a checkbox for "Add a comment"?11:38
mpt__yes, though I haven't thought about that part very heavily11:38
=== mpt__ is now known as mpt
jameshmpt: you left a handkerchief in the room in London11:39
jameshI asked at the desk if they could leave it with your bag (assuming you had left it there), but they said they couldn't11:39
mptjamesh, I realized that at about Canning Town, but it doesn't matter11:39
mptthanks anyway11:39
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stubKinnison: There are soyuz changes going in?11:44
Kinnisonstub: distroreleasequeue?!11:44
stubIts in pending for whenever someone gets a chance to look at it11:44
Kinnisonaah right11:45
KinnisonI was concerned because sabdfl assigned a bunch of bugs to me, then you come along and say you've done stuff, and I'm not even meant to be working on LP for another two months11:45
jameshstub: are you still maintaining pytz in baz-1.x, or have you moved to bzr?11:45
=== Kinnison got a bit scared, s'all
dafKinnison: deep breaths :)11:45
stubjamesh: Still in baz due to baz-import bugs11:46
=== Kinnison has an asthma attack all over daf
=== daf hugs Kinnison
jameshstub: okay.  Was looking at https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/3648411:48
UbugtuMalone bug 36484 in launchpad "Timezone "Asia/Dacca" to be renamed" [Normal,In progress]  11:48
dafmpt: what is "Bug watch URL"?11:48
jameshdaf: I'd guess it is the URL for the bug in the remote tracker11:49
dafmpt: I'm not convinced by collapsed activity11:49
dafmpt: if I want to read the bug, won't I have to uncollapse them all manually?11:49
dafa good bug is like a story11:50
stubjamesh: Both work, and both are listed in common_timezones11:50
jameshso they are.11:52
lifelessstub: bugs ?11:52
stublifeless: In pytz? Nah. It is just a transform of a different database, so even if it is wrong it needs to be fixed elsewhere.11:53
stublifeless: oh... baz-import11:53
stublifeless: Bug 3610811:54
UbugtuMalone bug 36108 in bzrtools "baz-import fails with AttributeError" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3610811:54
mptdaf, they would all be expanded by default, and whether an individual comment should be expanded or collapsed would be decided wiki-style11:56
mptcollapsing the comments that were just noise11:57
jameshmpt: collapsing "me too!" comments, I guess11:57
mptor that had been obsoleted by a new description11:57
dafbut if a comment is collapsed11:57
dafI'm not going to look at it11:57
dafto decide whether it needs to be uncollapsed :)11:58
mptYou don't need to, unless there are following comments that don't make sense as a result :-)11:58
dafit's certainly an interesting idea11:58
dafit would be nice to see if it works in practice11:58
jameshit could use AJAX11:59
jameshand tags11:59
jameshdaf: tags is the term we'd use, if we decide to use them12:00
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lifelessstub: update12:04
Simiragood morning, sabdfl 12:05
sabdflhey simira12:05
Simirasabdfl: how's london? And how's the conference planning going?12:07
sabdflim not up to speed on that, silbs has it under way12:07
SimiraI guess bugging you about it won't speed it up anyway. Just trying to figure out summer holidays (you ruined my plan for birthday in Barcelona!).12:09
Simirasabdfl: how's weather in London now? I was supposed to go there this weekend...12:10
jameshit was raining on Saturday before I left ...12:11
Simirajamesh: it's better than snow anyway12:11
jameshstub: btw, staging.ubuntu.com is giving a Bad Gateway error again12:17
sabdflstub: could you fire up the staging server again, please?12:19
stubsabdfl: Doing an update now. It was dead due to a broken configuration file.12:19
stubsabdfl: Might be a few mins - one of the text indexes needs to update12:20
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stubsabdfl: staging is back up12:52
sabdflthanks stub01:18
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carlosstub: hi, around?02:08
jordilaunchpad admins here?02:16
jordihttps://launchpad.net/products/picard/+review <-- can anyone assign ownership to lalinsky@gmail.com02:16
carlosjordi: is all ok?02:17
carlosjordi: aren't you able to do it? you are a DOAP admin02:18
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jordicarlos: it's not my project02:27
jordicarlos: I'm not a DOAP project, I'm a member of the Archive Registry team only02:27
carlosjordi: but you are an admin on the project/product tool02:27
carlosDOAP == Archive Registry02:28
jordis/DOAP project/DOAP admin/02:28
jordiwell, I cant :)02:28
jordiSorry, you don't have permission to access this page.02:28
=== carlos changes it
jordiI love this error message. :)02:28
carlosjordi: file a bug02:28
carlosjordi: I think you should have as an admin...02:28
carlosjordi: change done02:29
carlosjordi: btw, could you move the Rosetta import policy  to wiki.launchpad.net as a final document? it has a note that it lacks notification email templates02:29
jordicarlos: the OLPC document is written blog-style02:31
jordiI wasn't sure where this needs to appear.02:31
jordiDo you know?02:31
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dafcarlos: One Laptop Per Child02:43
dafany admins around?02:44
stubcarlos: yo02:44
stubdaf: I'm round02:44
dafstub: can you do https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/36142?02:44
UbugtuMalone bug 36142 in Ubuntu "release information on launchpad wrong" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  02:44
=== carlos is confused.....
dafshould be a support request, really02:44
stubNow we have support email, we can start encouraging that.02:45
stubSo is that correct re: the version number?02:45
carlosdaf: I think that distro guys should be able to change it, if they cannot, it's a bug02:47
dafstub: yes02:47
dafstub: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule says June 1st02:47
dafcarlos: I suppose so02:47
stubdaf: But do you know if the version number is changing too?02:47
dafit is02:48
dafthe version number is according to the release date02:48
dafwe could get somebody on the distro team with the right permissions to do it02:49
dafas Carlos pointed out02:49
stubI'm changing it. I just didn02:49
stub't follow the details of the delay announcement02:50
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=== carlos -> lunch
carlosstub: thanks for the DB update03:06
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kikomorning hackers!03:54
=== ..[topic/#launchpad:kiko] : https://launchpad.net/ | developer meeting: Thu 30 Mar, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
kikoman am I feeling weird today03:58
dafhey kiko04:07
dafwhy's that?04:07
kikonot sure -- perhaps just travel shocked04:08
kikohow's it going daf 04:13
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elmowhat's bzr-ese for 'cvs update -p -r <revno>' ?04:26
kikobzr branch -r XXX04:27
elmoah, nm, bzr cat04:27
kikooh, for a specific file04:28
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siretarthmm. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/wpasupplicant/0.4.8-0ubuntu2 gets a 40404:43
siretartI suspect that its still not installed/processed yet, because I just uploaded it. but there are already links pointing there, which are (still) dead04:44
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kikothanks siretart I'll look into it04:56
carloskiko: hey, how was cprov's wedding ?05:00
kikoit was super-cool05:01
kikohad a great time05:01
kikogot home a bit late, though05:01
carloskiko: that's not a bad thing :-P05:03
kikoI usually don't like sleeping late 05:04
siretartnow the 404 is away. I assume the package has been installed now05:05
siretartbtw, would it be possible to have https://launchpad.net/people/pkg-wpa-devel to be converted to a group (with me as owner)?05:08
kikoyou can't convert people to groups05:16
kikowhat you can do is:05:16
kikomerge that account with your own05:16
kikocreate a team with that name05:16
kikoyou can also just rename that account and create a team with its name05:16
siretarthm. that 'person' was created because I just uploaded a new version of wpasupplicant05:17
siretartso it is not intended that a package is maintained by a group, but only by a person, right?05:18
kikoI think it can be either a person or a group, but you'd need to check with Kinnison to be sure.05:18
siretartbecause if I do what you say, I fear that I get the maintainer of the wpasupplicant package, which I don't want05:19
siretartwill write to launchpad-users about this 'problem'05:19
siretartit is okay that my name is in the uploaders: field ;)05:19
kikookay, but I'd still ping Kinnison to clarify that.05:19
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seb128does malone has an xmlrpc interface?05:28
kikonot yet05:28
seb128planned for soon?05:28
kikoas a matter of fact, it is, yes05:31
kikoSteve landed some xmlrpc infrastructure that makes it super-easy to implement05:32
kikowe're still blocked on zope3.2 to deploy that, but we have it in the works05:32
seb128kiko: I spotted an issue with the "don't edit upstream task"05:32
kikoBjornT is likely to be working on that with bradb 05:32
kikoseb128, yes?05:32
seb128you should be able to edit a task with no pointer to an another bug tracker05:33
seb128because it has nothing to sync on05:33
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seb128and we have some tasks "stucked" with wrong settings due to that05:33
seb128we can't reject them by example05:33
kikothat's odd -- that's the way it should work, and the code checks that correctly05:33
kikoBjornT, ping?05:33
kikoperhaps this was landed as part of the bugwatches work05:34
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carlosI think pqm is stalled again...05:35
seb128jamesh: around?05:36
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seb128bradb: is bug #35075 something easy to fix?05:37
UbugtuMalone bug 35075 in malone "Bug Triagers would benifit from a way to list bugs filed without a package" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3507505:37
bradbseb128: yeah05:37
seb128that would make bug triaging team work easier apparently05:37
seb128could you put it on your list? :)05:37
bradbI can imagine.05:37
seb128(we are having an bugsuad meeting on #ubuntu-meeting atm)05:38
bradbkiko: Do you want me to fix bug 35075, or someone else? It'd be nice if we can get that in for the next rollout.05:39
UbugtuMalone bug 35075 in malone "Bug Triagers would benifit from a way to list bugs filed without a package" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3507505:39
kikolet me take a look at that05:40
kikoseb128, can you explain how these bugs "fell through the cracks"?05:41
kikoseb128, noting that they were posted to ubuntu-bugs05:41
lakinkiko, with the amount of  msgs a day on ubuntu-bugs it's hard to keep up with all of them ... 05:42
seb128kiko: that's stuff triagers want to look at05:42
seb128without having them in the middle of a flood05:43
kikoI see.05:43
kikompt, have you managed to land all your branches?05:43
kikoyeah, that makes sense.05:44
lakin(this is all for the ubuntu distribution): If I click on unconfirmed bugs  then select sort by: oldest first, and click search, it defaults back to all open bugs.  Is this intended?05:44
=== kiko considers having a special +bugs/+triage page with a UI specific for triagers
seb128kiko: good idea05:44
kikolakin, no, it's a bug. 05:44
kikobradb, ^^^05:45
lakina known one, or should I report?05:47
oohlafdoes launchpad scan revisions for registered branches which are a branch inside a shared repository?05:48
bradblakin: If search can't find one, best to report it.05:49
oohlafI registered my branch last night, and see hit my webserver, but it only requests .bzr/branch-format05:49
oohlafor should I wait a bit longer?05:49
oohlafnot sure how fast the indexing goes after registration05:50
kikooohlaf, ddaa is the best person to ask, but I'm not sure he'll be on before wednesday05:50
oohlafcan some try to branch from  http://deschacht.student.utwente.nl/bzr/bazaar-vcs/bzr.olaf.info/ to make sure I did not misconfigure apache05:51
oohlafah, I see a 404 in the logs05:53
kikooohlaf, I'm branching fwiw and it seems to be going ok05:55
oohlafah, yes the 404 is a get on .bzr/repository/format, and does not exist because the repo is one dir higher05:57
kikooohlaf, the branch seems to be going fine, though it says it will take 2h to finish (and therefore I am giving up on it :)06:06
oohlafkiko: ok thanks for testing06:06
oohlafI saw it hit my repo, only 404 after the first format one was for the .sig files at revisions06:07
oohlafwhich is ok06:07
kikoyeah, should be06:08
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ddaaoohlaf: new branch format is not supported yet, we plan to support it when 0.8 is released06:45
ddaaoohlaf: as lifeless puts it, it's just a matter of crossing the teas and dotting the eyes.06:46
lifelessstub - ping06:48
oohlafddaa: ah, ok06:51
kikolifeless, any chance you can look at PQM?06:56
carlosKinnison: hi, around?06:59
lifelesskiko: if you can looka t gina for me ?07:10
lifelesskiko: starting a service using the production launchpad.conf:07:10
lifelessFailed to load application: The directory named as part of the path /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu does not exist.07:10
lifeless(line 174 in file:///srv/sm-ng/production/launchpad/configs/production/launchpad.conf)07:10
kikowhat is this you're running?07:11
kikogina doesn't need to be run anyway, does she?07:11
lifelessthis is the bzr sftp server07:11
lifelessbut it using the common production launchpad.conf07:11
kikoI see07:11
kikoand does the path indicated exist?07:11
lifelesssomething about that config makes the config engine barf if the dir is missing, and it seems rather strange to mkdir such a dir on the supermirror07:12
lifelesskiko: pqm is disabled. 07:13
kikolifeless, I see. why?07:13
lifelessstub: PING07:13
lifelesskiko: ^^^^07:13
kikolifeless, stub is not online, pinging him won't be very useful.07:13
lifelessoh. well I'll reenable it then07:14
lifelessand mail him07:14
kikookay. it would be nice if you could get stub to be a bit more communicative about pqm changes07:14
lifelessdude, you manage him!07:14
lifelessI'll see about making pqm manage this state though07:15
kikoI've tried in the past, which is why I'm asking you :)07:15
kikomaybe you will have more luck07:15
kikoabout the config, I don't think we've ever run a launchpad instance that isn't rooted in that directory07:16
kikoah, now I see what you mean07:16
kikois that line in the middle of gina's config?07:16
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lifelessyou can look in your branch at configs/production/launchpad.conf to see what it looks like07:22
kikolifeless, why don't you remove the entire gina config from your config file?07:27
kikoit's only necessary if you intend to run her (which you don't AFAICT)07:28
lifelesskiko: we dont want local modifications to the configs - that leads to a mess07:29
lifelesskiko: and we dont want one config per daemon07:30
kikolifeless, on what box is this running?07:30
lifelesskiko: so the daemons all share the one production.conf07:30
kikoAFAICT this is the first launchpad instance deployed on vostok07:30
lifelesssecond as it happens07:31
lifelessbaz sftp pusher was there already07:31
kikoif you look at production*/launchpad.conf, none of the files contain <gina> stanzas07:31
kikoAFAICT the idea was to have local configurations managed in RCS 07:31
kikobut I am unfamiliar with this side of deployment07:31
lifelesswe manage the launchpad.confs via pqm07:32
lifelessand rsync the lot over the top of the code base for ease of deployment, reliability etc.07:32
kikoanother thing I don't understand is how your instance is even running there (for the sftp pusher) if it has a <gina> stanza07:33
kikomaybe you're not explaining the situation properly07:33
lifelesswe did mkdir that dir07:33
lifelessok, perhaps you could ask about the things that are most confusing07:34
lifelessAFAICT there is a bug in either gina, the gina schema, or the lp config machinery07:34
kikosounds like a bug in the config machinery07:35
kikogina doesn't even come into the picture until you run her07:35
kikowhich you aren't07:35
kikothe fact that we/stub have removed <gina> from the production launchpad.confs seems to suggest that is the current way of working around the problem.07:35
kikoalso, I think having a local configuration file for vostok in RCS might be the correct way of doing it anyway07:36
lifelesskiko: well, thats a different discussion, and one that stub and I agreed did not make sense07:37
lifelessthe reason gina is not in the productionX configs is that they are for the four appservers07:38
kikoI don't understand that reasoning07:38
lifelessits in the main production config because that is where gina *and all scripts and daemons* are configured07:38
kikoI guess stub is really the only person who can give you anything but guesses today07:39
kikobut do note there config directories for mawson, jubany, staging /and/ librarian07:40
lifelessinteresting, I had missed that07:40
lifelessstaging I knew about 07:40
kikoas well as a configs/gina!07:40
lifelessit configures all the staging services07:41
lifelessI knew about librarian too.07:41
kikoso I think a configs/vostok or whatever may not be out of the question07:41
kikobut again I am just handwaving07:41
lifelessI will chat with stub, I think its getting out of control and I want to understand why.07:41
lifelessanyhow, its working now07:41
kikoah, cool07:41
lifelessyou can sftp to lpusername@bazaar.launchpad.net07:42
kikono way!07:42
kikorock on rob07:42
lifelessand spiv!07:42
kikoand how long until something like `bzr supermirror` just DTRT? :-)07:42
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=== kiko thinks about how that interacts with bzr push
lifelessbzr push lp:foo probably eventually07:43
kikowith the launchpad plugin?07:44
lifelessbzr push lifeless@bazaar.launchpad.net/~lifeless/bzr/performance for now07:44
kiko* Creating database "launchpad_empty" with no sample data.07:47
kikocreatedb: database creation failed: ERROR:  source database "launchpad_ftest_template" is being accessed by other users07:47
kiko* Loading sample data07:47
kikolifeless, just seen on pqm.launchpad.net07:47
lifelesskiko: funny, no one is07:50
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kikoI think it's an intermittent problem we've been seeing during make schema lately07:50
kikoI've mailed stub07:50
kikojust wanted to call it to your attention07:51
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=kiko]  Added a way block .po files when the .pot file in the same directoy is already blocked + tests (r3353: Carlos Perello Marin)08:11
kikogo carlos 08:11
carlosI wonder if it could be cherrypicked...08:12
kikocarlos, why cherrypick? isn't the production rollout happening as usual?08:15
carloskiko: that merge will not be rolled out until next week following the usual procedure08:16
kikoah, because it landed today08:16
kikoI see08:16
kikosiretart, that 404 is interesting. it occurs because that source package release is not yet published at all! 08:17
kikowhen we receive an upload, it will sit for a while until it has a publishing record created for it08:18
kikothere isn't really a way to find out if it has been published or not without issuing a query per row which would probably hammer performance08:19
kikoit's an interesting problem08:19
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siretartkiko: oh. I see. I hope I don't case too much trouble with this report..08:28
kikonot too much trouble, but here am I scratching my head thinking how to solve it :)08:29
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siretartand I'm not sure how critical this is. I just noticed it today, because I was very curious in seeing the buildlog for that package08:30
daq4thwhat privileges are necessary to change the priority of a spec?08:35
kikoyou need to be a distribution driver08:35
kikoor, well, what is the spec associated with, daq4th 08:35
daq4thhm, i created it, i assigned to to me and i am not allowed to make it important ;-)08:36
kikowhat is the spec related to?08:37
daq4thall zubuntu stuff ...08:37
kikocan you give me a link?08:37
kikodaq4th, I think that Thomas is the only one currently allowed to set the priority08:39
daq4thcan he authorize others to do so as well?08:40
kikodaq4th, the easiest thing he can do is hand over the zUbuntu distribution to a team and make you a member of that team. should be pretty trivial to do.08:41
daq4thi think thomas tried this a while ago ... maybe he should try again ...08:42
kikoit is quite easy, ask him to talk to me if he needs help08:42
daq4thok, thanks ..08:43
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carloskiko: are you going to call me today? I'm going to leave soon08:58
kikocarlos, let's leave that for tomorrow, I am feeling unwell!08:58
kikohow are things looking this week?08:58
kikohas pitti had time to look at your packs?08:58
carloskiko: did you get the flu?08:58
carloskiko: not yet...08:58
kikono I didn't08:59
kikojust feeling a bit unwell08:59
kikowhat is the firefox spec so I can look at it?08:59
carloskiko: I'm going to announce the debian-installer available to be translated now. All things are in place now08:59
kikodid you get stub to clean up the DB and Kamion to agree on the export?09:00
carloskiko: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+spec/rosetta-firefox-support09:00
carloskiko: waiting for Kamion09:00
carloskiko: he detected a minor problem with the comments09:00
kikoI see09:00
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carlosthat I'm going to work on09:00
kikobetter to wait for him perhaps before announcing?09:00
carlosyeah, that's why I didn't send it yet09:00
carloskiko: btw, before you notice it from our logs, there is a bug that breaks rosetta-poimport scripts due a selectOne returning more than one entry09:01
kikothat means database borkage?09:02
carloskiko: I can workaround it from the website09:02
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carloskiko: yes, we cannot represent a restriction to prevent it with db schema09:02
carlosas it implies two tables09:02
carlosbut It's a matter of improve the code that handles imports09:02
kikoyou could just do the check in the code that adds the entries, could you not?09:03
carlosso we don't have two IPOFiles on the same path for the same sourcepackagename/productrelease09:03
kikothere is the risk of races..09:03
carloskiko: yeah, that's the plan, add it there09:03
carloskiko: could be, but it can be fixed from hte website without using DBA rights09:03
kikoI see09:04
kikoit's still no good that the script crashes09:04
carlosit's a workaround, of course, but I think we should fix it when we add then and take care of any other future breakage due race conditions later09:04
carloskiko: it crashes due the SelectOne09:05
kikowhich you should stop using in that case? :)09:05
carloskiko: that will just hide the problem...09:05
carlosI think we should fix it and leave the SelectOne there, if it breaks, it's due a bug09:06
carlosif the system works as it should, we should not get any problem there...09:06
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jordicarlos: so, jdub is missing09:16
jordiI'm mailing you and kiko/stevea and who else? this09:16
carlosjordi: mail jdub, pitti and me09:16
jordioh, right09:16
carlosjordi: ok, and kiko and steve09:17
kikohey hey09:17
jordihmm, great. Jim Gettys blog seems down right now09:17
jordithat river pic is SO COOL man09:17
jordikiko: I wonder why you never tell me to go to that country of yours09:17
jordiI'm pretty sure it's big enough to fit both of us!09:18
kikoyou suck jordi!09:18
jordikiko: dude09:18
kikoin case I haven't made that clear before!09:18
jordiSantiago de Cuba is waiting for US09:18
jordiGuantnamo, amigo!09:18
kikoI only hear bla bla bla bla bla cuba bla bla bla09:18
kikoI ran 18km with mark on sunday did I tell you09:18
kikoit was awesome09:19
kikowe flattened the london circuit09:19
jordimark did 18kms? that's pretty cool!09:19
kikohim me and bruce the leatherman09:19
jordido I know bruce?09:19
jordihe's not Willis, right?09:19
kikobruce is a character of much controversy09:20
jordiI missed out I guess.09:20
kikohe is south african09:20
kikobut yes, you did miss out09:20
jordiotoh, my knee is quite fucked I'm afraid09:20
jordino way09:22
jordiI need to avoid that09:22
jordisome good physiotherapist09:22
jordiI think I know one09:22
jordiwho will do me good09:22
mdkei always knew running was bad for the health09:22
jordimdke: you never tried!09:22
jordikiko: BUT09:23
kikoit's almost as bad as smoking09:23
jorditoday I went to swim at 7AM again.09:23
kikoif it is a female therapist I am all for it09:23
mdkejordi, well that's true09:23
kikothey massage your knees in just the right ways09:23
jordiWhile I don't run, I'll get strong swimming. Deal?09:23
carloskiko: do you have 15 minutes for me?09:23
kikocarlos, I was born with 15 minutes free09:24
jordihe's way too busy with The Jordi09:24
carloskiko: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/198209:25
carlosI'm fixing that bug09:25
carloshmm, I'm going  to open it, makes no sense to have it close...09:25
kikocarlos, I don't understand?09:26
carloslast text was a reflexion ;-)09:26
carloskiko: I'm fixing that bug now09:26
carlosand I have a problem09:26
kikoI see09:27
carlosI don't have a way to know if the filename is a .gz, .bz2, tar.gz, tar.bz2....09:27
carloskiko: is there any way to know it from python using something like the 'file' command?09:27
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carlosI don't want to introduce the filename argument just as a way to workaround that python problem09:28
kikoI'm not sure there is a "magic"-style module for python09:28
kikoask on #python?09:29
carloskiko: there is such module :-P09:29
carloskiko: I didn't remember the database is called 'magic'09:29
jordikiko: is it com.br, or co.br?09:30
carlos'apt-cache search python magic' shows you python2.4-magic :-P09:30
kikojordi, .com.br09:30
kikocarlos, only on dapper?09:30
carloskiko: don't know09:30
kikonot on breezy at least09:30
=== carlos checks
kikoI mean, that's not a big deal09:31
carlosright, breezy doesn't have it..09:31
jordiarticle sent09:31
kikoit's not really .txt though09:33
carloskiko: I think it was created after breezy release09:33
kikothat's fine09:33
carloskiko: I guess I would need to request that dependency addition09:34
kikocarlos, if you and your reviewer think that depending on that package is okay remember to update our dependencies09:34
carloskiko: that implies also an update in our servers...09:34
kikoshop around on launchpad list for opinions09:34
carlostime to leave now. I will send the email tomorrow09:35
carlossee you guys09:35
carlosjordi: thanks for the email09:35
kikonight carlos 09:35
carlosI will answer the email tomorrow09:35
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mvodoes anyone know if I can do uploads to breezy-backports nowdays? (actually uploading a modified source instead of "syncing" from dapper)? I need it for the update-manager and it's dist-upgrade feature09:58
lakinHrmm, I can't change the status of bugs any more?  https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/36902  I just reported this bug and wanted to assign it to desktop-bugs, but i can't change the status/priority or assignee ... ?09:59
UbugtuMalone bug 36902 in nautilus "Location Widgets Don't theme properly (search,nautlius-burner)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  09:59
kikolakin, are you logged in?10:00
lakinThey just aren't links for me.10:00
kikodo you get an expander arrow next to the status line?10:01
lakinoh, never mind.  The ui just changed.10:01
lakinI did not realize what the arrow did.10:01
lakinsorry for the noise. :)10:02
kikonever sorry to ask a question!10:02
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Burgworkis this is a known LP <--> IE bug? http://img101.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot4va.jpg10:37
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lucasdid something change regarding text version of the launchpad pages ?11:00
lucasI have a very inefficient script that fetches bugs for a list of packages11:00
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=jamesh]  correct uncommit support in branch-scanner (r3354: David Allouche)11:13
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kiko-fudlucas, ping?12:00
lucaskiko: pong12:01
kikolucas, you were asking about the text bug pages?12:01
kikodid something break in your scripts?12:01
lucasI was wondering whether some improvements where planned12:01
lucasno, but they are quite slow12:01
lucasand I ran into timeouts sometimes tonight12:01
lucas(ie some pages couldn't be fetched in a reasonable time)12:02
lucasit would be great if the +bugs-text pages for each package could be filtered with search arguments12:02
kikowe could work on that, sure12:02
lucasso I could, for example, exclude all "Fix released" bus12:02
lucascurrently, I have to fetch all bugs and filter out those which aren't interesting12:03
kikocan you file a bug with an API mockup?12:03

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