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LaserJockhi seth03:07
sethhi LaserJock03:07
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bmontyhi LaserJock03:30
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LaserJockhi bmonty03:46
bmontyevening :)03:46
LaserJockhow's the family?03:48
bmontygreat! my Mom is visiting with us this week03:48
UnfrgivenLaserJock: hey dude. did you get a chance to look at the diff?03:50
LaserJockyeah, just applied some03:50
LaserJockI put the chroot section into the Appendix and I beefed up to the tools section03:51
UnfrgivenLaserJock: shouldn't the chroot stuff belong in the tools section? the idea is to keep a clean standard working environment and have a separate development environment? if we move it to the appendix, it would imply that the chroot is optional - when in fact we are saying that its the proper way to work (kinda like not working as root when using linux in general)03:53
LaserJockUnfrgiven: I really don't think a chroot is *neccesary* when you have a pbuilder03:53
LaserJockUnfrgiven: it is nice to have now and then but I'd like to keep the requirements as low as possible03:54
LaserJockand get people to the real packaging as soon as possible03:54
psusipbuilder is a tool to manage a build chroot03:54
psusiit handles it for you03:55
LaserJockpsusi: we know ;-)03:55
UnfrgivenLaserJock: true but when trying to create a new package from scratch, you tend not to use pbuilder till the end... the initial "./configure" tends to be in ur own environment not the pbuilder one03:55
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Unfrgivenand the configure wont work without the relevant -dev packages03:55
LaserJockbut you are also likely to have done that before anyway so...03:55
psusiI usually do all my building with pbuilder since I don't feel like installing the -dev packages and you should test that it builds in pbuilder anyhow before uploading03:56
UnfrgivenLaserJock: done what? if you mean install -dev packages then i disagree. i only install the -dev packages in my chroot.03:56
LaserJockpsusi: we are saying pbuilder is a given. the discussion is about using a seperate chroot03:57
Unfrgivenpsusi: pbuilder can be very slow when starting to package an ap[p from the start.03:57
bmonty./configure would be run as part of the package build in the pbuilder03:57
psusiwhy create the wheel twice?03:57
psusithe entire purpose of pbuilder is to create and manage a chroot for you03:57
Unfrgivenpsusi: no the purpose of pbuilder is to build your packages. not to use freely as a chroot environment03:57
LaserJockpsusi: we are talking about having a chroot in which you install stuff etc and work in, rather than just for buliding03:57
psusiI saw on the mailing list someone recently patched builder to use unionfs for the chroot rather than constantly untaring a pristine tarball... should make it much faster03:58
psusiUnfrgiven, right... but if your goal is to build packages, why would you also maintain another build chroot?03:58
Unfrgivenpsusi: this is getting off-topic.03:58
crimsunguh, iptables 1.3.5?03:59
Unfrgivenpsusi: because when you are trying to build a NEW PACKAGE FROM SCRATCH, you tend to install the -dev packages to test build the app. then you start working on the /debian/* files03:59
LaserJockI think chroots are nice but I just don't think it is really essential for learning how to package. That is why I think we can definately use it in the Packaging Guide but I'm thinking that it is better placed in the Appendix03:59
crimsunUnfrgiven: actually the first thing I tend to do is read the INSTALL/README from upstream, and experience has given me an indication of which -dev packages to use in debian/control:Build-Depends04:00
psusiwell if you really want to work that way you can pbuilder login ;)04:00
LaserJockmaybe we should just link to the Appendix at the beginning of the example, what would you think about that?04:00
Unfrgivencrimsun: i do to but i guess i just dont like running pbuilder until i'm almost there with the package. pbuilder is quite slow to startup and clean up.04:01
psusiLaserJock, I disagree... maybe I'm different, but when I learned to package I learned first by trying to work with an existing package not build a new one... crawl before you run and all04:01
LaserJockpsusi: yeah, but that is sort of hard to but in a Guide ;-)04:01
crimsunUnfrgiven: understandable. It takes about 2 minutes to untar here.04:01
Unfrgivenpsusi: this is getting off topic. LaserJock and I discussing where to put a section of the document. you are questioning what use a chroot is. please stay on topic04:02
LaserJockI use chroots quite a bit to get Debian and other Ubuntu releases04:02
LaserJockcrimsun: a lot faster here04:03
psusisorry, I thought someone had asked a question about chroots to build in rather than pbuilder04:03
LaserJockpsusi: np, we are discussing http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html04:03
Unfrgivenall im saying is that using a development chroot is a good practice to have. it keeps ur normal working environment separate from your development one. a development environment is usually full of random -dev packages which you don't want in ur standard working environment. if things get messy, its much easier to recreate a chroot than rebuild ur standard environment04:04
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psusiUnfrgiven, right.... that's what I use pbuilder for04:05
dolsonthis is damn ridiculous04:05
=== psusi goes back to his beer and freeciv game
dolsonevery damn day this system locks up04:05
Unfrgivenpsusi: except that when you make a change in ur pbuilder environment, using pbuilder --login, it is persisted.04:05
Unfrgivenpsusi: that means ur pbuilder env is no longer reliable for building pacakges04:06
LaserJockUnfrgiven: I can understand that it is nice. I'm just don't think we should make in manditory and making the chroot isn't exactly trivial04:06
LaserJockI'm feeling bad making people make a pbuilder before they get into packaging04:06
bmontyLaserJock: its kinda like if they don't want to make the pbuilder, they don't really want to build packages04:07
Unfrgivenpsusi: you may inherently install a -dev in ur pbuilder env - which makes it permanent for future pbuilder invocations. so if you package something next time, you *may* miss the build depency easily - thereby defeating the purpose of using pbuilder in the first place04:07
LaserJockbmonty: well, that is why I'm willing to do pbuilder04:08
UnfrgivenLaserJock: remember we want to teach people to package things the right way. i know the setup is a pain but its worth it in the long run. i'll leave the decision up to you but i think we're doing the readers a favour by encouraging the use of a chroot development environment.04:08
LaserJockbmonty: it raises the bar a bit and I think we really want people using pbuilder04:08
dolsonpbuilder setup isn't much of a pain, if you ask me04:08
bmontythats true also :)04:09
psusiUnfrgiven, true04:09
LaserJockUnfrgiven: I'm happy with linking to the chroot section in the appendix04:10
UnfrgivenLaserJock: ok, but i think we should add some text that really encourages the use of the chroot. so we've made it optional but made the point that it is highly recommended.04:11
LaserJockyes, I agree04:11
robertjAre there public buildds that people can use to submit trusted compiles of trusted source from untrusted users to 3rd party projects?04:12
LaserJockUnfrgiven: I think I'll add a "tip" at the beginning of each example, how does that sound?04:13
LaserJockor at least on the first04:13
UnfrgivenLaserJock: sounds good! can you let me know when you've uploaded to the svn server?04:15
UnfrgivenLaserJock: thanks04:18
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twinoatlwho is responsible for squeak-vm package ?06:04
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crimsunall of us are, why/06:05
twinoatlSomebody told me to test this package and tell ubuntu-motu what needs to be changed/what is good etc.06:05
twinoatlWhere can I do this ?06:06
crimsuntwinoatl: I'm not sure what your objective is06:06
crimsuntwinoatl: what issues do you have with the 3.7.7-5ubuntu2 version in dapper?06:07
twinoatlcrimsun, I'm a squeak user and I would like squeak packages to be ready to use when dapper is released06:07
twinoatlNote 1 : I would like Squeak not to be in 'Sound And Video' category. It has nothing to do with this. It is more 'education' and 'development'06:08
crimsuntwinoatl: then please install squeak-vm from multiverse, test it, and report any bugs you experience at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug06:08
twinoatlI'll make my report to launchpad then06:09
crimsunRE: Note 1: It's a desktop file bugfix. Just modify that file, generate a debdiff, and upload it as an attachment to your bug report.06:10
twinoatlcrimsun, I have do this. Can you explain me how to do a debdiff ?06:11
twinoatlcrimsum, my first comment : apt-get source squeak-vm06:12
crimsuntwinoatl: debdiff is in the 'devscripts' package06:12
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twinoatlcrimsun, installing devscripts06:13
crimsunhuh, broken fixingbugs link on the wiki06:14
twinoatlcrimsun, where is the file with the desktop file ?06:19
crimsunsec, getting source06:20
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twinoatlcrimsun, thanks06:22
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twinoatlcrimsun, do I need to recreate the .deb to use debdiff ? How do you do that ?06:27
twinoatlcrimsun, what are the different menus I can use instead of AudioVideo ?06:28
crimsunand yes, you need to build a deb to create a debdiff06:32
crimsunerr, well, you need to at least generate .d{sc,iff.gz} and .changes06:33
crimsunso strictly speaking you don't _have_ to create a binary deb06:33
twinoatlcrimsun, how do I generate those files ?06:33
crimsunafter you've modified the necessary file(s), debuild -S06:34
crimsun(that creates a source package, which is what you need to generate a debdiff)06:35
twinoatlthanks, I will try06:35
=== crimsun heads to bed.
twinoatlcrimsun, I have just commit two bugs and confirmed two more06:56
twinoatlcrimsun, thanks for your help07:03
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ErlangI just added a debdiff which should fix 'praat' on AMD64.  See 3442.07:09
Erlanghmm, guess I could have done a fakesync at the same time.07:20
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juuva!tv elok07:45
juuvasry wrong channel07:46
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dholbachgood morning09:02
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lifelessmoin moni09:05
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Gloubiboulgahello MOTU world09:39
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zakamehi all09:49
ajmitchhi zakame10:04
Toadstoolhi everybody10:10
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verwilst_woohoow, pure-ftpd 1.0.21 works like a charm!11:42
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kelmohi siretart12:25
siretarthuhu kelmo :)12:26
siretartkelmo: we are communicating great via email, I think :)12:26
siretartjust sent you another email12:26
kelmohehe, yeah, for public transparency ; )12:26
kelmobut good we are discussing this stuff12:26
kelmoi really apreciate  it12:26
siretartsame here12:26
siretartyeah, but I also think that the 'manual' vs 'dhcp' mode needs to be more elaborated than it could be done on irc12:27
kelmoyep, but thats a moot point i think, the other mode's are far more important12:28
siretartshort: I really think that the if-pre-up script should wait for a dhcp lease12:28
siretartso you agree that it should be 'dhcp' rather than 'manual'?12:28
siretart(or better I let you answer that email :)12:28
siretartyesterday, I forgot to cc: you, and it took ages for alioth to deliver that email. :/12:30
kelmoyeah, it is slow at times12:33
kelmosiretart: i'll let my last three commits answer your questions12:34
kelmoalso, there is a hacked preinst there, if we can make it better , than i am just about happy for upload12:35
=== siretart updates
kelmolook ok?12:36
kelmo(apart from preinst)12:36
siretartthe action script seems still to be in /etc/wpasupplicant/action.d12:37
kelmoerr, only if you did not purge an already installed *experimental* package12:38
kelmoor are you looking in the binary itself?12:38
siretartok, was just looking at the wrong diff12:38
kelmohmm, have not removed the init script yet12:39
kelmowill do so now, ok12:39
kelmoi am not unhappy to see it go ; )12:40
siretartok. I also think that this is good enough for experimental12:40
siretartfor unstable, I'd like to hack up a bit a debconf warning, will handle this12:41
siretartok. the initscript is now officially deprecated and gone from svn :)12:42
kelmosiretart: yes please (warning in transitional package)12:42
kelmoso, how about this for a plan:12:42
kelmolets ask for upload to experiemntal ; )12:43
kelmofix bugs that are reported/found during its stay there12:43
siretartkelmo: do you have a sponsor? I think that kyle might be too busy12:43
siretartotherwise I can ask nobse..12:43
kelmoimprove debconf/preinst warinings12:43
kelmowork on some transistional stuff for next unstable upload12:44
siretartthe network-manager maintainer has asked me when we finally upload 0.4.8 with the apscan patch ;)12:44
kelmoyes, we should do that12:44
siretartperhaps we can ask ajmitch to sponsor? ;)12:45
kelmoi have sponsors for various stuff, but they are not in close contact with me12:45
kelmoand i assume are also busy12:45
kelmosiretart: many thanks for setting me straight on those few issues12:45
kelmoi know now what you were saying about the inet mode12:46
siretartkelmo: I have to thanks for YOUR work. it really rocks hard!12:46
kelmoand definately don't want files marked as conffiles unless they really need to be12:46
kelmosiretart: well, i need a push every now and then ; )12:46
siretartright. we have enough other things which can bite us ;)12:46
siretartlets hope that Keybuk answers us soon12:47
kelmook, i hope you can also arrange an upload to ubuntu?12:47
kelmothe last upload sent shivers down my spine, it was based on immature code12:48
siretartI could, but I'd like to hear Keybuk first12:48
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kelmousers will end up with and extra device file ; )12:48
siretartIf I don't hear anything from him until tomorrow, I'll update wpasupplicant tomorrow12:48
kelmosiretart: Kyle did say he would upload for us12:50
kelmoin a recent mail12:50
siretarthm, shall we try to ask him again?12:50
kelmosure, i'd say he is waiting for it ; ) we *should* ask him first anyways12:50
siretartok. I'll write him an email12:51
kelmocool, thanks12:51
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siretartafter this got uploaded, I'd suggest that we move the packaging from the experimental branch to our 0.4.8 branch and work ther from then12:54
kelmosure, just let me know when the change is coming/done12:55
siretartwoah, alioth is quick today. interesting12:56
siretartto the others on this channel: are you annoyed that we discuss development of debian packages in this channel? if you are, we can also move somewhere else, but I think we are rather increasing than decreasing the s/n ratio :)12:57
kelmookay, i can make a bit of time for wpasupplicant again on the weekend12:57
kelmoits been fun working on it, cheers siretart12:58
siretartkelmo: same here :) - lets continue this way :)12:58
siretartI intend to 'port' this work to trunk and work on smooth integration of an action script with whereami12:59
siretartthat could be a really rocking roaming solution, I think12:59
kelmowell, thatd be superb01:00
kelmoany assistance i can give i will01:00
siretartin principle, we just need to call whereami with parameters indicating that we are going connected or disconnected01:01
siretartbut we should also provide additional tests for that01:01
siretartcurrently whereami provides a test for kicking wpasupplicant using /etc/init.d/wpasupplicant :/01:01
siretartbut I'll work on that01:01
kelmoideally, this could all be done via wpa_cli though01:01
siretartI have a proof of concept test already here01:02
siretartok, I'm out for lunch01:08
siretartcu  later01:08
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dehyi want to make a ubuntu package of pydza, a mario-like game in pyton made by friends (http://pydza.sourceforge.net), but i'm lost02:18
dehyi'm reading the maintener's guide from debian02:18
dehyit explain how to create a package from sources02:19
dehybut this game needs only python and pygame to work, none compilation needed02:19
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dehyso my question is "how to make a simple package with dependencies to install files where i want ?"02:21
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slomodehy: look at other python packages for examples :) or data-only packages like mplayer-skins02:22
dehyokaayyy, i forgot this step ! thx !02:23
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Yagisanajmitch: around ?02:34
Yagisanajmitch: I've started putting my pax and other sec patches on the web02:35
Yagisanajmitch: if you feel like being a guinea pig02:36
Yagisanajmitch: they appear here http://eyagi.bpa.nu/eyagi/our-research/technologies/e-yagi-security-enhanced-linux/02:36
ajmitchagainst the latest git tree for dapper?02:36
Yagisanajmitch: I started by patching binutils02:36
ajmitchsecurity-enhanced-linux? :)02:36
Yagisanajmitch: yep. just a research project02:37
Yagisanajmitch: hows your SE linux work going ?02:37
=== ajmitch thinks the name you've chosen may be very confusing to people who are expecting SELinux
ajmitchslow, on the shelf right now02:38
ajmitchmore stuff is happening in debian02:38
Yagisanajmitch: only confusing for a little while, SElinux is to be added later02:38
Yagisanajmitch: I don't want to tackle to muc at once02:38
ajmitchYagisan: what do you think of apparmour? :)02:42
Yagisanajmitch: it looks at first glance to do the same as grsec's rbac02:43
Yagisanajmitch: I see it and rbac as the two "lightweight" acess systems02:44
Yagisanajmitch: and SELinux and RSBAC as the "heavyweight" versions02:45
Hobbseehi ajmitch and Yagisan02:45
ajmitchhey Hobbsee02:45
YagisanG'day Hobbsee02:45
ajmitchhow are you?02:45
Hobbseebetter than yesterday...02:45
Hobbseeyou know i had to go to work?02:46
ajmitchhow bad was it?02:46
Yagisandamm - that binutils patch may be dodgy02:46
Hobbseemmm...yeah...well...i made it half way to work, then my car suddenly stopped, brakes wouldnt work, and it started rolling backwards when i hit the accelerator.02:46
Hobbseefortunatley, the handbrake still did02:46
ajmitchHobbsee: uh, that's not good.. :)02:46
Hobbseehad to be shoved (by some random, nice guys in the car behind) up into somone's driveway, call work, call car people, they came and looked at it, got it towed away02:47
ajmitchsounds expensive02:47
Hobbseepicked it up this morning, one of the sensors failed in the engine, meaning no ignition, and no fuel :P02:47
Hobbseefortunately, no - it's a hyundai, so it's still under warranty.  and i'm part of the car thingo, (NRMA), so that was free!02:48
ajmitchdid you manage to get to work in the end?02:48
Hobbseeoh yes, an hour late - wasnt that far to work, and dad stayed with the nrma, and the car02:49
ajmitchthat's a relief02:49
Hobbseewas lucky that it didnt happen a week later, when dad would be in the US02:49
Hobbseehow was work?  hmmm....oh yes, one of the guys was being a pain in the neck, cos i didnt want to stay back, and that i'd complained about him, to the manager.02:50
Hobbseeso he was being rotten, making jokes, etc - probably could have threatened to report him for harrassment, if i'd wanted to bother02:51
ajmitchI bet you were tempted :)02:51
Hobbseehehe, yeah, but the main manager had gone home for the night.02:51
ajmitchsounds like you live a 'fun' life02:53
=== Yagisan has learned to double check that "patch" really does patch the right spot before starting a build
Hobbseeajmitch: i'd prefer not to, thanks!02:55
Hobbseehehe @ Yagisan - i'll remember that02:56
ajmitchYagisan: or the missing 00list when using dpatch, and starting a 2 hour build02:56
ajmitchrather irritating, that02:56
YagisanI know, I've done it already02:59
YagisanI think people would be scared to test my patches - my C is as good as my swahili03:00
Yagisanand I don't speak swahili03:01
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=== Yagisan hopes it actually builds this time
=== ajmitch should fix more bugs - but it's 1AM already
ajmitchI should just work on an .au timezone or something03:05
Yagisanajmitch: should this actually work - what are my chances that main will take the patch ? slim or none ?03:06
ajmitchYagisan: for dapper?03:08
ajmitchjust the binutils patch? you'd have to ask the toolchain guys (doko, jbailey)03:08
Yagisanajmitch: dapper + 103:08
ajmitchah, dapper+1 is more likely03:08
Yagisanajmitch: binutils patch will probally never be taken by upstream (redhat)03:09
ajmitchwhy is that?03:10
Yagisanajmitch: they think their pt_gnu_stack is better, yet it is far less flexible. Why turn off all protection, when it is just one feature that breaks an app ?03:10
Yagisanajmitch: I think they can coexist nicely, but I'm not a dev03:11
ajmitchmight take a bit of discussion & even some spec work then :)03:12
=== ajmitch is going to head off to bed in a few minutes
=== j^ [n=j@e178005052.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu-motu
j^i have prepared VPN packages for NetworkManager 0.6, since NM0.6 is supposed to enter main soon, it would be nice to have the vpn plugins in universe. http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager/03:17
j^they depend on the new network-manager-dev packages that will hit main soon03:18
Yagisanajmitch: no worries. I can always steal^W borrow gentoo's patches and update them to suit ubuntu.03:22
=== ajmitch wanders off for sleep
Yagisanwoohoo it built :)03:24
slomoj^: are they based on the ones in debian's pkg-utopia svn?03:26
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j^slomo no, based on what i had for NM 0.5 and breezy03:30
zakamehi MOTUs03:31
j^slomo cant't find any vpn packages in  debian's pkg-utopia svn.03:32
slomoj^: oh right, sorry... they wanted to get them there when nm 0.6 is in unstable03:33
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bddebianHeya gang04:26
bddebianHeya zakame!04:30
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irvinhi zakame04:32
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zakameanyone care to check malone 35196 before I proceed?04:42
UbugtuMalone bug 35196 in eclipse libswt3.1-gtk-java "Rebuild against firefox" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3519604:42
bddebianzakame: Ah, go for it :-)04:44
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zakamebddebian: I have a debdiff there04:45
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bddebianOh, hehe04:46
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zakamewould that bug require motu-uvf attention?04:50
bddebianIf it's just a rebuild against a newer firefox, I don't believe so but I have been WAAY out of the loop :'-(04:51
zakameyeah, then again its just a rebuild, not a new upstream04:52
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G0SUBzakame: you need to get permission from a core-dev in any case since firefox is in main04:52
bddebianWhy, he's not touching firefox?04:52
G0SUBoh! my bad04:53
slomozakame: feel free to get this uploaded... you don't need any special permissions by anybody for this kind of changes :)04:53
slomozakame: hm, i'll get it uploaded unless someone else does it already04:53
zakameG0SUB: I just B-D on firefox-dev04:54
G0SUBzakame: got it ... I misread it04:54
slomozakame: the diff there is the latest version? or do you want something else changed?04:55
zakameslomo: ok, will do, I'm just needing a li'l more push of confidence, since eclipse is such a big package04:55
slomozakame: wtf... this is in eclipse... i thought it was the separate swt04:55
slomozakame: better talk to doko then... i don't feel like touching eclipse :) he knows it better than me04:55
zakameslomo: it's the latest as of yesterday; I built it on tiber, then tried it here on my own home machine04:56
zakameslomo: yup wtf indeed :/ ok I'll look for doko04:56
zakamedoko: I need your advice re: malone 3519604:58
UbugtuMalone bug 35196 in eclipse libswt3.1-gtk-java "Rebuild against firefox" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3519604:58
zakameI've prepared the debdiff, and it builds successfully twice04:58
dokozakame: and eclipse does run with your patch?04:59
zakamedoko: yup, so far no problems here afaict05:02
zakamedoko: I don't use eclipse regularly however05:06
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dokozakame: Please Check Help/Helpcontents, an try opening "The Workbench" in the Workbench user's guide05:10
zakameok, will do later :D05:12
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jpatrickMithrandir: ping05:21
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phanatichi people07:14
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zakamehi phanatic lucas Tonio_07:19
phanatichey zakame07:20
Tonio_heya zakame07:21
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elvirolohi all07:40
elvirolocurrently, libtunepimp is not compiled with mp3 support07:41
LaserJockhi elvirolo07:41
elvirolocould you MOTU's could make one with mp3 support enabled and upload it to universe?07:41
LaserJockI'm not sure we can07:42
LaserJockbut I'm not really up on the MP3 stuff07:42
elvirolook thanks07:42
ograsomething in main needs libtunepimp07:42
ograno way that mp3 support gets in there07:43
LaserJockogra: but is it possible to have a separate package in say multiverse or something?07:43
ograyou could spli out a universe package though07:43
=== JohnnyMast [n=rave@84-104-9-27.cable.quicknet.nl] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ograbut thats a lot of work and duplication...07:44
elvirolohere ( https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/libtunepimp/+bug/21923 ), a developper says he will do that07:45
UbugtuMalone bug 21923 in libtunepimp libtunepimp2c2 "tag search in musicbrainz/libtunepimp2c2 does not work on mp3" [Normal,Confirmed] 07:45
Tm_Tthat's because libtunepimp is compiled without mp3support07:45
elviroloyeah i know07:46
=== Tm_T doesn't read what other people says ;)
Tm_Tach, tired07:46
zakamebecause there are no mp3 libs in main07:47
slomooh i said that i wanted to do it... damn, i simply forgot about that issue and now it's too late for dapper :(07:49
elvirolois it ? never mind07:50
=== jinty [n=jinty@115.Red-80-24-9.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
elvirolocan't it be put into the updates?07:50
slomoelvirolo: nope... -updates is only for updates, not new packages07:52
elvirolohow do other distro's deal with the mp3 stuff ?07:52
elviroloi think in works in debian, doesn't it ?07:52
elviroloone should set up a third-party repo to store a modified version of libtunepimp07:53
ograwhy not just fix the isuue ?07:53
ograslomo, its a bug, i guess there is still time to split the package and add a universe component ... its just a bit ugly07:54
slomoogra: hmm. would it need approval by anybody to put a modified tunepimp in universe?07:54
slomoogra: no splitting... just the same package with a new build-depends and conflicts/replaces/provides07:54
slomoiirc at least07:54
ograprobably, but since its only a recompile of a main lib, it wont be an issue07:55
slomoogra: why do you think it's a recompile of a lib in main?07:55
ograyes, thats what i thought of as well07:55
elviroloit -is- an annoying problem (and i still haven't found the workaround)07:55
ogralibtunepimp is in main07:55
slomoogra: i don't need to touch libtunepimp iirc... only make a new libtunepimp-mp3 in universe unless i miss something... but let me take a look at it again before i say something else ;)07:56
ograso you need a libtunepimp-universe or libtunepimp-mp3 or something with appropriate Conflicts/Replaces07:56
zakamethat could get messy07:57
ograi think we both mean the same just talking different languages :)07:57
ograzakame, why ?07:57
slomoogra: possible :)07:57
ograit provides libtunepimp and replaces the one in main if you install it ...07:58
ograits just tricky to set up ...07:58
zakamehm, but then again, if the package is done correctly, maybe...07:58
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slomozakame: you mean the package in main?07:59
zakamebah, don't mind me, I'm triaging :P07:59
zakameslomo: yup... anyhow this will all come from just one source package, with just different build options, right?08:00
slomozakame: yes... and different build-depends which is the problem08:00
zakametrue true08:00
zakameunless one does some control.in black magic... gaah08:01
slomozakame: nope that won't help... you still need libmad0-dev08:01
zakamegaah... yeah... at any rate its tricky unless a new source pkg is introduced08:02
zakameanyhow I'm long past my date... gn8 all! :D08:03
bddebianLater zakame08:03
zakamesure thing bddebian =)08:03
zakamebye elvirolo08:03
elvirolocould you help me to recompile it myself ?08:04
Tonio_I just noticed beagled doesn't autostart08:04
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Tonio_is that normal ? sounds strange for a daemon......08:05
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slomoelvirolo: yes... but you could as well wait until i've finished it now :) do you want to be my tester before i upload? ;)08:07
Tonio_it apears that's just for kde08:07
elvirolocertainly :-D08:07
slomoTonio_: i guess kde doesn't support the .desktop autostart foo yet...08:07
Tonio_slomo: yes, but that can be done in /usr/share/autostart ;) I'm gonna work on that08:08
slomoTonio_: the standard is /etc/xdg/autostart08:08
ograTonio_, doesnt kde use the xdg autostart folder ?08:09
slomoTonio_: and there is the autostart file... maybe it just needs a link to the kde directory08:09
ogra /etc/xdg/autostart/ rather :)08:09
ogra(at least thats what the spec defines)08:09
Yagisanspacey: ping08:09
Tonio_ogra: kde doesn't manage this apparently08:10
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ograTonio_, hmm, it should ...08:11
ograbut thats probably next release :)08:12
Tonio_ogra: yep, but it is confirmed that it doesn't ;)08:12
slomoelvirolo: there you go... please test: http://slomosnail.de/~slomo/temp/libtunepimp-mad-2c2a_0.3.0-9.1ubuntu3_i386.deb :)08:27
elviroloslomo: great :)08:27
elviroloi'll try it out right now08:27
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spaceyYagisan: pong08:32
slomoelvirolo: just ping me when it works or fails or whatever ;)08:32
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elviroloslomo: yup, it works :) the only problem is that it conflicts with libtunepimp2c2a (but that's normal, in fact)08:45
slomoelvirolo: but it should conflict nicely with it... i.e. it just replaces the package08:46
slomoelvirolo: ok, thanks for your time :)08:46
elviroloslomo: ah, i'm afraid it doesn't here08:46
slomoelvirolo: why?08:46
elviroloslomo: I should thank you for having solved the problem so quickly08:46
elvirolowait a sec08:47
slomoelvirolo: almost half a year after telling that i do it, yes ;) but why do you think it doesn't replace it nicely? seems to work fine here08:47
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elviroloslomo: i have libtunepimp2c2a right now08:51
elviroloslomo: and when I try doing the following sudo dpkg -i libtunepimp-mad-2c2a_0.3.0-9.1ubuntu3_i386.deb08:52
elviroloslomo: dpkg tells me that libtunepimp-mad-2c2a conflicts with libtunepimp2c2a08:52
elviroloand thus cannot be installed08:53
slomobut it installs it?08:53
slomoi.e. it tells you that it conflicts etc but that this will be ignored because of blabla?08:53
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elviroloit doesn't install it08:54
slomoelvirolo: oh i see the problem...08:56
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elviroloslomo: ok what is it ?09:01
slomoelvirolo: dpkg beeing unable to handle versioned provides... so nothing we could fix now :(09:02
elviroloslomo: ah i see09:02
elvirolowhy does it work on your box then ?09:02
slomoelvirolo: because i didn't have anything installed that needed libtunepimp09:03
slomoelvirolo: after installing something it breaks09:04
elviroloah ok09:04
slomosorry... so that won't get done for dapper unfortunately unless someone has a brilliant idea :(09:05
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elviroloslomo: at least, you could store your package somewhere, and make it availible to everyone09:30
slomoelvirolo: that won't help anybody as apt-get will remove that package again on updates ;)09:32
slomoelvirolo: but you could compile the original libtunepimp (with the same package names) with libmad0-dev09:33
slomoand provide that somewhere09:33
elviroloi don't know hpw to do it though09:33
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looksausI'm trying to get simplebackup10:03
looksausto work using passwordless ssh auth10:03
looksaus(universe package: sbackup)10:03
looksausno problem from nautilus and from an xterm10:03
looksauspasswordless ssh works just fine there10:04
looksausbut for some reason, it refuses to in simplebackup10:04
looksauscrimsun, where should I go then?10:05
crimsunlooksaus: #ubuntu10:05
crimsun'morning LaserJock, ajmitch10:05
looksausoh, sorry10:05
looksauscrimsun, might have been a bit cryptic for a less experienced user though...10:06
looksausthx for you great work anyway and bye10:06
Tonio_slomo: ping ?10:07
slomoTonio_: pong10:08
Tonio_slomo: I noticed you maintain beagle package10:09
Tonio_slomo: we're currently testing several kde frontend, but we have an issue.......10:09
slomoTonio_: normally that's tseng's package ;) why?10:09
slomoTonio_: hmm, tell me about them10:09
crimsunLaserJock: north carolina a&t state univ10:09
Tonio_slomo: we would need an /usr/share/autostart desktop file for kde.....10:09
crimsunLaserJock: (migrated for ETOPIC)10:09
Tonio_actually we have to provide a desktop file per package, which results conflicts......10:10
slomoTonio_: could it be a copy of the one in /etc/xdg/autostart?10:10
LaserJockcrimsun: ah, what department? CS?10:10
slomoTonio_: why conflicts?10:10
crimsunLaserJock: yeah10:10
Tonio_slomo: because dpkg doesn't like when a file is replaced by another one ;)10:10
Tonio_slomo: and we don't want 2 or 3 entries in autostart folder :)10:10
Tonio_we focus on 2 tools, kerry and kio-beagle10:11
Tonio_so the only good solution would be, yes, a copy of the xdg/autostart one10:11
slomoTonio_: but why would it give conflicts there? this file gets into the beagle package and we're done... or do i miss something?10:11
Tonio_slomo: no need for it to show in kmenu, as long as it autostarts :)10:11
Tonio_slomo: if in the beagle package,, no pb, but if we provide it with kerry package *and* kio-beagle, that's not nice :)10:12
Tonio_this is the way we did for the moment, but that's crappy10:12
Tonio_that's why I'm asking for the file to be installed by beagle package directly :)10:12
slomoTonio_: sure, i'll add it, np :)10:13
Tonio_slomo: thanks very much ;)10:13
Tonio_slomo: and better no change for it, we don't want it in the kmenu :)10:13
Tonio_slomo: and in my dreams, I've seen a splitted package, giving the possibility to install beagled without libgtk depandancy :)10:15
Tonio_slomo: hehe10:15
slomoTonio_: will come later maybe... but you need to live at least with glib ;)10:15
Tonio_slomo: that will not kill us :)10:15
Tonio_siretart: ping ?10:16
Tonio_or ajmitch maybe ?10:16
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slomoTonio_: i'll upload it in some minutes... when you have any other problems feel free to tell me :)10:16
Tonio_I need package nuking on revu....10:16
Tonio_slomo: fantastic :)10:16
Tonio_slomo: thanks very much :)10:16
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Tonio_slomo: are you revu admin ?10:21
slomoTonio_: what do you want nuked?10:21
Tonio_slomo: kmplayer10:21
Tonio_slomo: I had to rebuild tarball for some reason, but the new one is rejected for some reason10:21
Tonio_and it keeps old one with crappy debian/ entry in it10:22
Tonio_and because the package is intended to eventually go in main, we need a clean tarball :)10:22
slomoTonio_: hm, i better don't touch it then... seems to be a bigger problem... better talk to siretart or sistpoty10:23
Tonio_slomo: why not simply nuking and let me upload new source package ? :)10:23
Tonio_slomo: is that a problem ?10:23
slomoTonio_: i don't want to break something :) do you get the new tarballs REJECTED or does it fail uploading?10:24
Tonio_it is uploaded, but apparently revu rejects it, because the orig version is the same than the crappy one on revu10:25
Tonio_I did three uploads, unsuccessfully10:25
ajmitchhello bddebian10:26
bddebianHeya ajmitch10:26
slomoTonio_: /usr/share/autostart?10:26
Tonio_slomo: plz :)10:26
slomoTonio_: btw, when you want the gtk stuff splitted off talk to the debian maintainer please10:32
Tonio_slomo: I will :)10:37
slomobtw, beagle uploaded10:37
slomotell me when this isn't what you wanted ;)10:37
Tonio_slomo: I think it is not important as long as we don't had beagle stuff to default kubuntu installation........ only universe for the moment so that's okay10:37
Tonio_slomo: no pb, that will be okay for sure :)10:38
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wBryce_ogra: Hello. Are you still the maintainer of Squeak in Ubuntu?10:59
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LaserJockwBryce_: nobody is really the maintainer for anything in Universe. everything is team maintained by the MOTU11:16
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VoXhow/where do i update the md5 checksums for dapper package sources?11:22
wBryce_Is there still time to get bugs fixed for Dapper?11:23
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LaserJockVoX: the md5sums for source packages?11:23
LaserJockwBryce_: certainly, that is what we are focusing on11:23
VoXFailed to fetch http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/source/Sou rces.gz  MD5Sum mismatch11:23
wBryce_There's about 6 bugs on the squeak packages.11:24
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LaserJockwBryce_: and have the been confirmed or worked on?11:25
ErlangVoX: Everytime that error has happened to me it went away after a little while.11:25
LaserJockVoX: yeah, I think that is perhaps a mirroring problem11:25
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wBryce_LaserJock: Some have been confirmed.11:27
wBryce_How do we get them fixed?11:28
LaserJockpatches and good debugging info always help11:28
LaserJockfiguring out if Debian or the authors have similar bug reports/fixes also helps11:29
wBryce_The major bug is a critical package is missing.11:30
wBryce_Squeak's not in Debian.11:30
LaserJockhmm, that is a problem. what is the bug number?11:30
LaserJocksomebody was here the other day asking about squeak11:30
wBryce_I'm a Squeak developer. Running Breezy though.11:30
UbugtuMalone bug 34530 in squeak-vm "squeak-image missing?" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 11:31
lifelessbug 3453011:32
UbugtuMalone bug 34530 in squeak-vm "squeak-image missing?" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3453011:32
LaserJockhmm, that does seem like a problem ;-)11:32
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wBryce_LaserJock: How is it not a problem? The image contains the the system.11:33
LaserJockwBryce_: I said  "does" not "doesn't"11:34
wBryce_LaserJock: Sorry, my mistake.11:34
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wBryce_What do we need to do to get the bugs fixed? Or marked as confirmed if that's required?11:37
LaserJockwBryce_: ok, so the package is useless without the squeak-image package, right?11:37
wBryce_LaserJock: Yes. It's useless without an image.11:38
LaserJockok, I'll confirm it and assign it to MOTU11:39
wBryce_LaserJock: Thanks.11:39
wBryce_Squeak people hang out on11:39
wBryce_It might be worthwhile adding that so the MOTU can find us.11:39
LaserJockyeah, I think the package might need some work. I don't know if ogra is up now but he should see the bug email11:40
LaserJockwBryce_: thanks for the info11:41
Riddelldo we know Yuriy Kozlov?11:41
LaserJockRiddell: I don't but I might recognize an irc nick11:42
wBryce_Bug 3680511:46
UbugtuMalone bug 36805 in squeak-vm "Link in menu is useless" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3680511:46
wBryce_is also important.11:47
wBryce_Then people could install it and start it with the menu item.11:47
wBryce_The menu item is created.11:47
LaserJockwBryce_: do you know much about the LinEX packages for squeak?11:51
wBryce_LaserJock: No, Is that the Extramerda (sorry about the spelling) distro from Spain?11:51
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wBryce_That's mostly Diago Gomaz Deck's work.11:54
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