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dholbach | heya | 01:31 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-artwork: Ubuntu Artwork | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-artwork): set by HE1 at Thu Mar 16 21:03:05 2006 | ||
lapo | nomed: any new on the xubuntu front? | 07:00 |
lapo | I'm thinking about the logo, are you really sure you'll want the one you showed me? | 07:00 |
nomed | lapo, not yet .. | 07:00 |
nomed | lapo, i can't make decisions .. alone | 07:01 |
nomed | let's say we can vote .. | 07:01 |
nomed | if you're inspired and you came up with something amzaing and cool .. | 07:01 |
nomed | then i'm not really sure i'll want that one .. and probably even all the others xubuntu people :) | 07:02 |
nomed | lapo, but the idea is to keep that logo .. and to change just the colors | 07:02 |
nomed | to make it "more" different from the kubuntu one | 07:02 |
lapo | talking about colors, the blues of the logo are, well lousy | 07:03 |
lapo | it needs something vivid | 07:04 |
lapo | and someting not blue, since blue is kubuntu | 07:04 |
nomed | lapo, yep | 07:04 |
lapo | I'd say green | 07:04 |
nomed | i totally agree | 07:04 |
lapo | green goes weel with tango icons | 07:04 |
lapo | and if you *REALLY* want i could do green tango folders | 07:05 |
lapo | even if the blue one are ok with green | 07:05 |
Tm_T | ugh | 07:05 |
Tm_T | now you're awake... | 07:06 |
nomed | lapo, if it'll not be too much work it would be nice to show your mocups to the whole xubuntu team | 07:06 |
Tm_T | http://www.tm-travolta.net/pics/k-ed-ubuntu/images.html | 07:06 |
lapo | I have no mockups | 07:06 |
Tm_T | something I played around ;) | 07:07 |
nomed | lapo, anyway i guess blue should be used .. | 07:07 |
nomed | and i was thinking on adding some gray .. | 07:07 |
lapo | grey is boooring | 07:08 |
lapo | win95 was grey | 07:08 |
nomed | lapo, have u seen graphite theme ? | 07:08 |
dholbach | does anybody know if andreasn wanted to show up later today? | 07:08 |
lapo | nope, link? | 07:08 |
lapo | dholbach: dunno, if ou need orange icons you can try to ask me, I send him all of my stuff tho | 07:09 |
dholbach | rocknroll | 07:09 |
dholbach | i wanted to tell him, how far I got with Tangerine | 07:09 |
dholbach | and wanted him to merge from my tree | 07:10 |
lapo | I think he is at least as far as I am with orangotango | 07:10 |
nomed | lapo, http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=35444 | 07:10 |
dholbach | there were some bugs in two Makefile.am | 07:10 |
dholbach | i fixed them and now the package builds | 07:11 |
nomed | this is ho i think xubuntu should look like .. | 07:11 |
lapo | dholbach: you should really not do the mishmash with tango and git icons | 07:11 |
dholbach | lapo: that's not my call | 07:11 |
lapo | dholbach: mine? | 07:11 |
dholbach | I care about the packaging, the building and everything :) | 07:12 |
dholbach | Mark has a lot of influence on the decision | 07:12 |
lapo | dholbach: if mark prefer a gnome icon to the tango one I'll redo it in tango style | 07:12 |
lapo | please ask before mishmash | 07:12 |
dholbach | it will be discussed | 07:13 |
dholbach | and I don't think I'll have a loud voice on this | 07:13 |
dholbach | http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/ic/ has the latest | 07:13 |
lapo | dholbach: it's nice to see how better are the tango styled icons :-) | 07:14 |
dholbach | I suggest taking the page as base of discussion on ubuntu-art or somewhere else makes most sense | 07:15 |
dholbach | i will merge from Andreas tree hourly and build a package which is integrated into this page | 07:15 |
dholbach | and I'll do uploads to the real ubuntu archive every now and then | 07:15 |
dholbach | but I'm not deciding and it's not my call anywhere :) | 07:16 |
lapo | dholbach: btw that compare page is a bit "unfair" you contront 48x48 to 22x22 icons | 07:16 |
dholbach | that's a bug | 07:16 |
dholbach | i'm working on it (and some other things) | 07:16 |
dholbach | if you click on the icons you get a popup | 07:16 |
lapo | dholbach: can you fix it before the discussion? :-) | 07:16 |
dholbach | i have other stuff to do as well | 07:16 |
dholbach | but i will look into it, promise | 07:17 |
lapo | nice guy :-) | 07:17 |
lapo | dholbach: a have some more recolored icons on my disk btw | 07:18 |
dholbach | lapo: andreas will merge them in | 07:18 |
lapo | yeah, just to let you know, that's there's more stuff coming | 07:19 |
dholbach | please understand, I work on a lot of other stuff too and I don't want to be the point where people send their pictures :) | 07:19 |
dholbach | I'm really happy with your icons | 07:19 |
dholbach | they really rock | 07:19 |
dholbach | and I'm grateful for your guys' work on it | 07:19 |
lapo | tnx, happy you like them | 07:19 |
dholbach | :-) | 07:19 |
lapo | I'd be happier if mark actually likes them :-) | 07:20 |
dholbach | I need to finish another feature for him, then I'll mail him | 07:20 |
lapo | dholbach: i spotted out this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141227&highlight=lapo | 07:22 |
lapo | tango 80, human 28 :-) | 07:22 |
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