
LureI did remove eveyrthing (libnl1*, libnm*, network-manager*, wpasupplicant) and then installed fresh12:04
Lureeverything just work12:04
Lureeven with old knm12:04
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureTonio_: why is package 0.99 if their version is 0.1?12:07
Tonio__Lure: that was it12:07
Tonio__Lure: because when 0.1 will be release, version will not be prior to 1.0rbla12:08
Tonio_Lure: do you have vpn options ?12:08
RiddellLure: able to try this out? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=1396912:08
Tonio_Riddell: want to revu knetworkmanager ?12:08
RiddellTonio_: yes, int a bit12:08
Riddellgot 3.5.2 to upload first12:09
Tonio_Riddell: okay, thanks :)12:09
kwwiinight all..really busy day tomorrow12:09
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel []
Tonio_kwwii: nite :)12:10
Tonio_Lure: ping ?12:10
LureTonio_: do not get version 0.99 > 0.1, therefore if they release 0.2 it will not upgrade12:11
Tonio_Lure: arf ;)12:11
Tonio_sorry for the error12:12
Tonio_0.1~rbla should do the job ;)12:12
LureTonio_:  true, even better12:12
Tonio_Riddell: E: knetworkmanager source: bad-version-number 0.1~r5961-0ubuntu112:15
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-141-181.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_Riddell: is that normal ?12:15
LureRiddell: will try, but Debian package require kwin-style-crystal + k-d-s and k-d to remove12:16
RiddellTonio_: looks ok to me12:17
Riddellhello yuriy 12:17
Tonio_Riddell: okay12:17
LureRiddell: first feeling is positive - but you need to dsiable transperancy12:20
RiddellLure: yes, we'll do that by default12:21
Riddellbut it fixes the problem when you've done that?12:21
LureRiddell: it is much better, still kwin gets in top high, but not near as high as before12:22
LureI need to test desktop thing after reboot - will be back soon to report....12:23
LureTonio_: you need n-m-vpn packages for VPN12:24
Lurehere is one private repo: http://bootlab.org/~j/NetworkManager/12:24
Tonio_lureokay, testing :)12:25
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Tonio_Riddell: just fyi, I can confirm you knetworkmanager works with vpn :)12:57
Tonio_the only poblem is that the vpn config dialog is gtk based.....12:57
Tonio_and requires gconf......12:57
Tonio_but that works12:57
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== ZuZubuntu-fr|AWA is now known as ZuZubuntu-fr
jeroenvrphi folks01:50
jeroenvrpI think this question has ask before: how long does it normally take when a package is in the repos (after it is in the rss-feed)?01:51
jeroenvrprss-feed=dapper-changes mailinglist01:53
jeroenvrpi'm using http://archive.ubuntu.com/01:54
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=== DoeRayMe [n=will@ACC9BF8D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
DoeRayMehey everyone, does anyone know if Kaffeine 0.8 will make it into Dapper? or will that get into +1?03:34
Riddellwe don't know, it's not a priority03:47
Riddelland does add bugs03:47
DoeRayMeahh ok thanks for letting me know03:48
DoeRayMegood work with Kubuntu btw, its getting real nice now :)03:49
yuriy(a little late for the previous conversation) it's not possible to add any more bugs to kaffeine IMO even if the newer version has new bugs, I would hope that more bugs would be fixed than could possibly be introduced.  I don't normally use kaffeine for anything, but I gave it a shot the other day and it crashed with just about every file I tried to open.  I was thinking wow "kaffeine crashes when playing ANYTHING", but turned th04:39
yuriy*turned out04:40
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robotgeekyuriy: kaffeine works great for me05:53
robotgeekRiddell: around pong?05:54
seaLneany ideas what a "web shortcut" is? malone #3709906:22
UbugtuMalone bug 37099 in kdebase konqueror "Web shortcuts not working with uppercase letters" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3709906:22
robotgeekseaLne: try lpbug:37099 in konqueror06:23
robotgeekerr, that doesn't work06:25
seaLneah right like gg: etc06:26
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hendrywhere is the bzr tree for kubuntu-default-settings?07:02
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=== Hobbsee waits for tonio_
=== Lure [n=luka@BSN-77-135-17.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LureRiddell: ping08:34
Hobbseehey Lure 08:34
freeflyinghey Lure it's 6:34 AM for Riddell , hehe 08:35
LureRiddell: my KDE session got messed up completely after installing new crystal.deb and removing kwin-crystal-style08:35
LureRiddell: and depending k-desktop and k-d-s08:35
Lurefreeflying: I know, but I may not be here latter ;-)08:35
Hobbseehey Tm_T 08:36
Lurefreeflying: and he has plenty to do so I cannot understand how he can afford sleep ;-)08:36
Tm_THobbsee: :)08:36
Hobbseehehe @ Lure 08:36
freeflyingLure: haha, he also like us , he just a man 08:37
LureRiddell: I should have used dpkg-divert instead or removing kwin-crystal-style - now I know that ;-)08:37
LureI just home Flight6 will be out soon so that I can do fresh install08:37
Hobbseeor just install off whatever you have...08:38
=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-141-181.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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yuriyfor bugs or wishes that were filed by breezy users and are now fixed in dapper, should those be marked "fix released" even if the reporter can't tell if their problem was solved?08:46
yuriythis: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/32350 for example08:46
UbugtuMalone bug 32350 in kdebase konqueror "No menu entry and hotkey binding to "Find file..." in file manager mode" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  08:46
crimsunyes, mark it fix released08:50
crimsunthe submitter can always revert it if (s)he feels differently08:50
yuriythanks. realized though that that particular one isn't quite fixed. ctrl-f still doesn't get you to find file.08:57
seaLneyuriy: i don't see display in system settings, but you do?08:58
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yuriyseaLne: i do see it. that's kind of been confusing me -- i've seen a lot of problems about that module but haven't had any of them myself.09:00
seaLnei don't see it at home or at work09:00
seaLnewhen i get into work i'll restart into the new kde packages, but i presume they are just really rebuilt against 3.3.6, to check again09:04
=== Hobbsee cheers, now that her weekly program seems to be working
yuriyseaLne: you have kde-guidance installed?09:06
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=== verwilst worries about the smart thingy
Hobbseeverwilst: smart which?10:06
verwilstthe apt-get replacement10:06
=== verwilst would hate to have rpm's back :p
Hobbseehavent heard of an apt-get replacement10:08
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theineHi, what's the reason for kdvi not being in main?10:29
seaLneyuriy: hmm at work i have display back, weird10:34
seaLneminor heart attack after restarting kde and nothing happened blank kicker, but portmap had decided to bind to localhost so nfs wasn't working10:36
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verwilstman, yakuake owns10:46
verwilstsee yaaaaaa konsole10:46
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superstonedyuriy: i think the reporter of bug 32350 (ctrl-F for find file) is right - that shortcut should do exactly that. maybe bug Riddell about it...11:15
UbugtuMalone bug 32350 in kdebase konqueror "No menu entry and hotkey binding to "Find file..." in file manager mode" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3235011:15
superstonedyeah, verwilst, yakuake rulez :D11:16
verwilsti really love it11:18
verwilsti even removed konsole from my taskbar :d11:18
seaLnesuperstoned: i have a find file menu entry, not sure if that has stayed around from before tho11:30
superstonedseaLne: where?11:30
superstonedi don't have it, at least i can't find it...11:30
superstonedi only see the filters11:30
superstonednow beagle/kerry works (and is eating all my RAM) i wouldn't need a find function, but i guess anyone without 1 gig ram simply can't run beagle, so find would be usefull for them...11:31
seaLnesuperstoned: www2.duffus.org/tmp/kmenu.png11:31
superstonedaaah you're talking about the Kmenu11:32
superstonedtought it should be in konqueror's edit menu :D11:32
seaLnearen't they?11:32
superstonednothing in konqi11:32
seaLneah sorry just re read it11:32
superstonedno, its ok11:33
seaLneisn't ctr-f for find text in file?11:33
superstonedtry it...11:33
superstoneddoes nothing in filebrowsing mode11:33
seaLnewell it wouldn't as there is no text11:34
superstonedif you opened a file (embedded), i guess yes. lets see if these two bit each other...11:34
superstonedthey don't bite - ctrl f in filebrowsing now shows me the "find file" thingie above the files, and if i view a textfile (embedded) the find text dialogue pops up.11:34
superstonedi think ctrl-F should definately allow for searching files.11:35
superstonedwe have the dirfilter now, but it only searches through the current folder, not 'deeper' and not IN textfiles, as the find function can do.11:35
hungerGreat! You got rid of the xmms dependency in kde 3.5.2 as seen in main!11:40
=== Tm_T dropped xmms dependency from my own kopete package
Tm_Thunger: but atleast here when I upgraded to 3.5.2 xmms was installed :o11:42
hungerTm_T: It was for me too, when I used the kde 3.5.2 debs from some strange repository.11:42
Tm_Tstrange repository like kubuntu.org ;)11:43
hungerTm_T: After upgrading to those in main that dependency vanished and debfoster cleaned out xmms.11:43
hungerTm_T: Yes, something like that:-)11:43
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Tm_Tit was kdeaddons that got xmms dependency, I think11:44
hungerThat and kubuntu.no-ip.org11:44
hungerTm_T: kicker-applets dragged xmms in.11:44
Tm_Tah yes!11:44
=== Tm_T compile his own kicker
hungerTm_T: IIRC there is one applet to control xmms.11:44
Tm_Tthere is11:45
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hungerWell, applets seem to get out of vogue anyway... I get lots of systray icons nowadays but hardly any applets anymore.11:46
hungerAnd the applets way much nicer... at least you could move them separately.11:46
Tm_Tmediacontrol applet or something like that11:46
Tm_TI have minimum set of applets in kicker, no icons11:46
Tm_Tbut 3 in systray (rest hidden)11:47
=== hunger got 4 in systray (plus 3 or 4 more hidden)
hungerPlus the clock, wastebin and taskbar applets (are those applets?)11:48
Tm_Tkmenu, taskbar, systray, clock11:48
hungerI used to have the panel vertically, too.11:49
hungerBut then it gets soooo wide if you add the taskbar to it.11:49
hungerIf you keep the taskbar horizontal, then you can add the rest there just as well... and get rid of the vertical panel.11:50
=== hunger does not have the screen estate to waste on several panels.
Tm_Thunger: I like the way it is here, doesn't use much space and still have all I need11:52
hungerTm_T: It limits the width of fullscreen windows (which I use for scribus or such apps only).11:53
hungerTm_T: Of course you usually need more vertical space for those apps anyway.11:54
Tm_Thunger: it doesn't limit, if you don't care if kicker is hidden11:55
Tm_Tbut, 82px from 1400px ... nothing ;)11:55
hendryRiddell: is KOffice 1.5 going into dapper?12:08
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mornfallHobbsee: i should be preparing to get a bunch of useless reports in launchpad? :] 12:34
Hobbseemornfall: probably12:34
Hobbseebetter than on the forums, then have them whine about them not getting fixed12:34
Hobbseemornfall: is this guy a painful bugwriter, or something?12:34
mornfallHobbsee: no idea, i only infer from what is written in #kubuntu12:35
mornfallsudo kill -9 -1 :]  (don't try that at home kids)12:36
Hobbseewhat's that do?12:37
mornfallHobbsee: terminate everything12:37
Hobbseeah right12:37
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=== Hobbsee looks thru the bug lists
ubijtsa2kscreensaver-xsavers is not upgradeable atm01:27
ubijtsa2have raised bug on that01:27
Hobbseeubijtsa2: yes, i can confirm that - got a bug #?01:32
ubijtsa2Hobbsee: one sec01:33
ubijtsa2bug #3714601:34
UbugtuMalone bug 37146 in kdeartwork kscreensaver-xsavers "can not install/update package" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3714601:34
Hobbsee if there's a bug in a ubuntu package, and it's linked to a bug upstream, which is marked as fix released, and the problem is not still occuring, i can mark the bug as fix released, right?01:34
Hobbseeubijtsa2: is the kde 3.5.2 in main, or via separate repo?01:35
ubijtsa2Hobbsee: dunno, is it fix released only when fix hits ubuntu repos?01:35
ubijtsa2Hobbsee: uhrrm.. let me check01:35
ubijtsa2main by the looks of it01:36
Hobbseeah ok, cool01:37
Hobbseeubijtsa2: do you happen to use the history function in kopete?01:38
ubijtsa2Hobbsee: I switched to centericq as it was console based01:39
Hobbseeah ok01:39
ubijtsa2hard to run kopete and leave it in a screen session ;)01:39
ubijtsa2about ruddy time we got that capability in X..01:40
ubijtsa2so we can resume an app running on screen at one computer if logging in from another01:40
=== Hobbsee tests, to see if she can close another bug
Hobbseeyep, i think i can :D01:43
mornfallubijtsa2: it's fairly nontrivial01:43
mornfallubijtsa2: if you can sponsor me for some year, i may be able to come up with neccessary qt+kde patches ;-)01:43
=== mornfall listening to Tristania -- Tender Trip on Earth
=== Hobbsee closes the bug
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=== Hobbsee goes further bugfixing & bugclosing
mornfallHobbsee: :-)01:47
ubijtsa2mornfall: *grin*01:48
mornfallbattery crying01:48
mornfalli do have ac -- just was too lazy to plug it :] 01:49
mornfallcan someone advise me a general (non-fixed width) font that looks good around 6-7pt size? lcd screen, subpixel, ~100dpi01:51
Hobbseeand another bug bites the dust....01:51
Hobbseemornfall: i like dejavu sans, but i think it's more personal preference than anything else01:52
mornfallHobbsee: i just tried out dejavu sans condensed :)01:53
mornfallguess it's fairly ok01:53
Hobbseeah ok :)01:53
mornfallit's more readable than whatever is called "sans serif" here01:53
=== NoDgr [n=nod@ppp6-adsl-221.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallusing apple monaco for a fixed width01:54
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Hobbseemornfall: found another user who has the adept-not-loading-from-the-menu bug02:02
Hobbseemight get him to try the updated version - although i'm not sure if he's currently on breezy or dapper02:02
mornfallHobbsee: 1.91 cases of it are interesting02:02
Hobbseethat's the deb that was installed by hand?02:03
mornfallHobbsee: the only guy who could reproduce it and it wasn't the application/octet-stream problem had it go away with latest dapper02:03
mornfallHobbsee: 1.91*02:03
mornfallHobbsee: eg current dapper :] 02:03
Hobbseeyep, cool02:03
Hobbseeoh well...killed off 3 bugs, and marked some more as need-info.02:17
Hobbseethat's enough for one night lol02:22
raphinkRiddell: actually there was a settings file in kubuntu-default-settings for crunch ... do you think I could remove it now that tonio fixed the font sizes in dapper?02:24
raphinkHobbsee: can you try speedcrunch and tell me how the default style seems to you?02:29
fabodoes anyone know where can i find tonio's kaffeine package ?02:30
=== My8os [n=kvirc@ppp84-adsl-215.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeraphink: looks very nice, maybe the fonts are a little big though02:30
raphinkdefault is 902:30
raphinkkubuntu default is 2002:30
Hobbseeno, wait...02:30
Hobbseehehe yeah - the 20's quite big...02:31
raphinkI think 9 is fine now that dpi was fixed02:31
Hobbseeraphink: i dont know about saving the variables and history though02:31
Hobbseethe variables, particularly02:31
raphinkwell this is default02:33
Hobbseeraphink: the reasoning being:  if you wanted to keep the calculations and variables, then wouldnt you leave speedcrunch open?02:33
Hobbseeah ok02:33
raphinkHobbsee: I'm mostly concerned about this huge font actually, which is left from breezy config02:33
raphinkwhen everything was huge 02:33
raphinkdo you think 9 would be fine?02:33
raphinkor something in betweeN02:33
raphink9 being what you have when you choose default in config02:34
verwilstraphink: dpi was fixed,02:34
Hobbseei think it should probably be whatever you've specified, with the global kde fonts02:34
Hobbseepersonally, i use around 1102:34
raphinkwell it was fixed to 100 verwilst02:34
=== verwilst uses 9
verwilstwhy's that?02:35
Hobbseewas fixed to 96, you mean02:35
Hobbseeverwilst: so it was the same as gnome02:35
raphink96 sorry02:35
verwilsti always thought gnome had nicer fonts than kde02:35
Hobbseewhich really does look way better...on either DM02:35
Hobbseeverwilst: which fonts does gnome use?02:35
verwilstsame fonts02:35
verwilstbut they looked nicer :)02:35
verwilstso maybe it was the dpi02:36
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-242-196.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeyes, i rather like the sharp + shinyness of gnome...02:36
verwilstor otherwise they have a better fontrenderer in gtk than qt ;)02:36
Pygipitti: around? we have urgent issue to solve02:36
HobbseePygi: i think you meant that in -motu02:37
Hobbseeer, or not - he's not in either channel02:37
Pygigah, in -devel I thought :)02:37
=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== mornfall giggles
Hobbseemornfall: hehe!  djib, by any chance?02:45
mornfallby two chances too02:45
mornfallwas cute02:45
=== Hobbsee thought that uBOTu was fairly obvious, as was uBUGtu...
mornfallHobbsee: nah02:46
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to go to bed before 2am today...
raphinkHobbsee: why?02:51
jeroenvrptwo questions:02:51
jeroenvrphi folks02:51
Hobbseeraphink: because i keep trying to fall asleep in the lectures at uni!02:52
Hobbseehey jeroenvrp 02:52
jeroenvrp1. I installed Kerry and beagle: how to force beagle indexing now?02:52
jeroenvrp2. I though there is a kio-beagle now, cant find it. where is it?02:52
raphinkI'm not sure it's uploaded yet jeroenvrp02:52
jeroenvrpand q1?02:53
Hobbseeraphink: chem textbooks make great pillows, you know :P  unfortunately, those bench writing things on the chairs dont - if you lean forwards on them, they tip forward, bang your legs, and shove all your stuff onto the ground - oh, and they make a large noise :P02:53
Hobbseewhich is kinda embarrasing in a 400 people lecture...02:53
raphinkI guess02:53
raphinkjeroenvrp: just launch kerry02:56
raphinktry a searc h02:56
mornfallHobbsee: studying chemistry?02:56
raphinkclick launch daemon now 02:56
Hobbseemornfall: only first semester.  i'm doign a bachelor of technology in optoelectronics02:56
mornfallraphink: i read lunch daemon :|02:56
mornfallHobbsee: is that 2 separate studies or the chem thing is part of that?02:57
jeroenvrpah I needed to press enter :-)02:57
Hobbseesame study02:57
Hobbseei had one elective, which was chem02:57
mornfallyou only get to pick one course at will?02:57
Hobbseeso this semester i'm doing a computer programming unit, advanced maths, physics, and introductory chem (which is rather boring)02:57
Hobbseemornfall: the degree i'm doing is very prescribed - ie, i have to do specific subjects to get the degree02:58
Hobbseeah, yeah, one half is, the other half is calculus02:58
raphinkmornfall: lol02:58
mornfalleww calculus02:58
Hobbseeyes, evil calculus!02:58
jeroenvrpbeagled --debug /usr/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --bg02:58
sebasMono weirdness, apparently.02:59
raphinkselecting lines in kerry is not very nice03:01
raphinkcause the select color is blue03:01
mornfallHobbsee: how advanced calculus? i still can't do anything much about even basic integrals and that's after passing 2 exams in calculus :] 03:01
raphinkand so is the link color too03:01
mornfallHobbsee: admittedly, they were very easy03:01
mornfallcalculus is the easiest math you get at this school :)03:01
Hobbseemornfall: more advanced than that, i suspect.03:01
mornfallsince, umm, noone in CS really needs calculus right? :)03:02
Hobbseemornfall: http://www.maths.mq.edu.au/~wchen/lnfycfolder/lnfyc.html03:02
Hobbseetrue, but i'm not doign CS hehe03:02
mornfalli think the closest it got when you used a limit in complexity theory03:02
mornfallHobbsee: about same as mine (calculus) -- the catch is that the exam does not even remotely contain all the stuff that is lectured03:03
Hobbseeah ok03:03
raphinkHobbsee: you're in uni right?03:04
Hobbseeraphink: yes03:04
=== mornfall notes he's noone's dear friend and especially not of some barrister david luagard
raphinkwhat year?03:04
=== faked [n=faked@83-65-236-252.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== mornfall notes he's very glad his calculus was that easy
mornfallcalculus = nightmare03:05
raphinkHobbsee: I mean : the link you gave is for uni students ?03:06
Hobbseeraphink: yes03:06
Hobbseethat's only first year, first semester03:06
mornfallraphink: what03:06
raphinkI go over all this with students 2 years before uni03:06
raphinkwell integration by parts is done the year beforre entering uni actually03:06
mornfallraphink: yeah, the problem is that they won't know much of that by the time they actually get to the uni, no? :-)03:07
raphinksure they do03:07
raphinka student who gets in uni here is supposed to know how to integrate03:07
mornfallraphink: how to integrate and how to prove mean value theorem is a different kettle of fish :)03:08
raphinkthey're stupposed to know the mean value theorem too03:08
raphinkbefore uni 03:08
raphinknot how to prove it, but at least how to use it03:08
raphinkunless the programs have changed much since I entered uni03:09
mornfallalso note that this is not math degree programme03:09
Hobbseeraphink: same here, i've forgotten a lot though03:09
Hobbseeand our uni/school thing is different to yours03:09
=== mornfall has forgotten everything
mornfalleven if i wouldn't i wouldn't admit remembering it03:10
raphinkHobbsee: thankfully, ours is getting worse and worse by the year03:10
Hobbseeis the degree03:10
mornfallotherwise someone would pop out of nowhere and want me to integrate something03:10
raphinkmornfall: I have forgotten pretty much everything too, but I remember I knew it then ;)03:10
Riddellraphink: that settings file does thing like fix colours03:10
mornfallraphink: that's the point yes :)03:10
raphinkalthough i've been teaching integration last friday :)03:10
Hobbseeraphink: they keep having to take stuff out, and make the exams shorter, cos they took out an entire term, for teh exams... and so much of it's watered down that it has to be retaught at uni03:10
raphinkRiddell: it seems to me it only fixes teh font size03:11
raphinkRiddell: and it adds some history too, for a reason I ignore03:11
mornfallHobbsee: well, i guess it goes like that everywhere03:11
raphinksince history can't be seen in crunch, but that defines existing variables the user ignores03:11
mornfallHobbsee: it's the part of nature making the bigger and better idiots part of big scheme of things03:12
Hobbseenight all...03:13
mornfallit's not like anyone would ever need to integrate in real life03:13
raphinkRiddell: I'll have a diff 03:13
mornfallHobbsee: good night03:13
mornfallunless he needs to compute area of circle03:13
mornfalland can't find tables03:13
raphinkhttp://pastebin.com/628682 Riddell03:16
raphinkthis is the diff03:16
raphinkbetween the "normal" rc and the kubuntu one03:16
raphinkso as you said it modifies some colours03:16
raphinkit also modifies history and variables, which imo is not good since the user doesn't know it03:17
raphinkand it's useless03:17
raphinkRiddell: crunch adds settings one by one when required, so I'd rather go for a minimal rc file in k-d-s03:17
raphinkonly defining the colours03:17
raphinkand the EvaluateButton=true03:18
Riddellraphink: fair enough03:18
raphinkbut then 03:19
raphinkRiddell: well I don't feel at ease with activating custom appearance by default03:19
raphinkusers will just go to the config and feel like the default look has been altered03:19
raphinkalthough they'vev changed  nothing03:20
raphinkmaybe the alternate look could be defined but not used ? :s03:20
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Riddellraphink: the point of the custom look was, as I remember, that the fonts were too small and the colouring had no contrast so you couldn't see it03:21
raphinknow you can03:22
raphinkso there's no point anymore03:22
raphinkthe fonts have been fixed by Tonio KDE-wide03:22
raphinkso 20 is now too big03:22
raphinkand the contrast seems ok to me now03:22
raphinkwith the new blue03:22
raphinkor do you mean the contrast in that you don't see much of a difference between the diff colours when typing?03:23
raphinkRiddell: how about http://pastebin.com/628695 then?03:25
Riddellraphink: perfect :)03:25
raphinkok :)03:26
raphinkRiddell: shall I switch to 6.06 numbering at the same time ?03:27
Riddellraphink: yeah, go for it03:28
raphinkso 03:28
raphink6.06-1 ?03:28
raphinkthere it goes :)03:31
raphinkwhere is the debuild settings to have the proper hostname using dch and uupdate again?03:32
raphinkinstead of localhost03:32
hungerWill knetworkmanager make it into the normal archives soon?03:33
Riddelldch uses DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL03:33
hungerTonio_ was working on it yesterday, wasn't he?03:33
Riddellwhere do you want it to use a hostname?03:33
raphinkwell when I use dch, it uses raphink@localhost as my address03:34
raphinkso I should set DEBEMAIL ?03:34
raphinkit used to work on my previous install03:34
raphinkalters mornfall03:34
raphinklaters ;)03:34
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Riddellraphink: yes, man dch  to double check that variable03:37
raphinkRiddell: I have a tricky question ;)03:41
raphinkabout translations of  patch03:41
raphinkof a patch sorry03:41
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raphinkwhen a program has been patched in kubuntu, with a string using i18n03:41
raphinkwhere should the translation of this string go?03:41
Riddellraphink: into rosetta03:42
raphinkto be more specific, kdesu was patched to display "Please enter your password". This uses i18n03:42
raphinkbut kdesu is not on rosetta03:42
RiddellKDE is being imported into rosetta as we type03:42
raphinkit seems03:42
raphinkabout the default config again, did you have a look at kerry yet?03:42
Riddellbut its best to avoid patching i18n for that reason03:42
RiddellI've not looked at kerry's config, no03:43
raphinkit's a very nice app03:43
raphinkexcept the contrast is very bad03:43
Riddellthe blue on blue is quite painful#03:44
raphinkthe links are blue and so is the highlight color03:44
raphinkhehe ;)03:44
raphinkit's unreadable03:44
raphinkI'm not sure this can be set easily03:44
raphinkI see no config menu03:44
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Tm_T16:12 < Otter> dpkg: error processing  /var/cache/apt/archives/kscreensaver-xsavers_4%3a3.5.2-0ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack):03:54
Tm_T16:12 < Otter> trying to overwrite `/usr/share/applnk/System/ScreenSavers/KBanner.desktop', which is  also in package kscreensaver03:55
Tm_Toverlapping packages03:55
RiddellTm_T: that's been reported, no idea how it could have broken I didn't change anything, but I'll fix it soon03:56
Tm_Tjust checked if it's known ;)03:57
Riddellactually checking my e-mail lots of people have reported it :)03:58
Riddellwonder how it never got picked up by the testers03:59
Tm_Tsorry, I should mentioned it yesterday03:59
raphinkthe same happened wiith kaddressbook too04:00
raphinkto me04:00
raphinkand all of a sudden after a few tries, it worked04:00
Riddellraphink: what happened?04:00
raphinkdunno why04:00
raphinkseems more like an apt problem04:00
raphinkah no it's not the same04:00
raphinkI had a problem upgrading kaddressbook04:00
raphinkit kept upgrading to the same version04:01
raphinkand I thought it might be linked to the fact that the version numbered showed 4%3a3.5.2-0ubuntu104:01
raphinkinstead of 4:a3.5.2-0ubuntu04:01
raphinkinstead of 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu04:01
Tm_Thmm, klirc and konsolecalendar was in upgrade loop here04:02
Tm_Tso I just removed both04:02
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raphinkthe problem with kerry is only that it should turn highlited links to white04:14
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Tm_Tbug 104:57
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/104:57
PygiTm_T: hm?05:00
Tm_Thm what05:01
Pygibah, nothing05:02
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PygiLure, Tonio_: around? ;)05:17
jeroenvrpwas there somewhere a kopete beta 2 packahe around for dapper?05:21
RiddellTm_T: had them05:21
jeroenvrpTm_T: you had a beta2 kopete package?05:22
jeroenvrpcan I download it somewhere?05:23
jeroenvrpthanks :-)05:23
Tm_Twget is your friend ;)05:23
jeroenvrpkget also :-)05:24
Pyginah, wget is better ;)05:25
jeroenvrpI just clicket on it :-)05:25
Tm_Tcli <305:27
jeroenvrpTm_T: thanks, works fine05:30
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freeflyingTm_T: why is kopete0.12-ubuntu105:38
Tm_Tbecause... ask Riddell =)05:39
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freeflyingTm_T: it's should be 0ubuntu105:39
Tm_Tactually no05:40
Tm_T0.12 have to be mentioned there05:40
Tm_Tah, hmm, yes05:40
Tm_Twell, have to fix that some day :p05:40
Tm_Tnot home atm05:40
raphinkcan somebody tell me if the print key currently launched ksnapshot ?05:41
raphinkI don't rememeber is that was fixed05:41
Tm_Tfreeflying: what's difference with 0 ?05:41
raphinksomebody can try and tell me?05:42
robotgeekkscreensaver-xsavers conflicts with kscreensaver05:44
freeflyingTm_T: it's ubuntu's policy :)05:49
jjesseis kaudiocreator still the default appliaction for ripping cds?  i know at one time there was converstaion about just using konqi05:58
RiddellTm_T: the 0 is the debian version number05:58
RiddellTm_T: but it should use a version number in line with kopete from kdenetwork05:58
robotgeekRiddell: you pinged me yesterday?05:59
RiddellI did?06:00
Riddelloh, sladen wanted a copy of yaboot.conf06:00
Riddelland you have a ppc06:00
robotgeekokay. i figure it's probably too late now :)06:02
raphinkhmm I can provide a copy of yaboo.conf too ;)06:02
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mornfallso which of you is "Kenny Duffus"?06:21
=== seaLne hides
mornfallseaLne: ha06:21
mornfallseaLne: you don't need to assign me bugs, i get all bugmail for ept in l(a)unchpad06:22
seaLnedo you object to them being assigned to you? i think it looks better if bugs are assigned06:23
mornfallseaLne: well, not in principle, it's just an extra mail... maybe i should set up a folder for it :)06:24
seaLnei won't anymore if you don't want me to06:25
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PygiTonio_: hi, let me bug you ^_^06:26
mornfalli don't know06:26
mornfalltrue it's probably nicer with users to assign their reports06:26
uniqhmm.. what's the name of the hot-plug media popup program again? 06:30
Tonio_hi all06:32
mornfallhi Tonio_ 06:33
Tonio_mornfall: may I bug you a second ?06:35
Tonio_I notice adept doesn't have a way to configure proxy for apt06:35
Tonio_does it auto use konqueror's setting, or is that a missing feature ?06:35
seaLneyou'd need to set for instance Acquire::http::Proxy "http://www-cache.strath.ac.uk:8080/"; for apt06:36
seaLnei have it in /etc/apt/apt.conf06:37
Tonio_seaLne: I know that, but I was rememberring synaptic alows to config this06:37
mornfallTonio_: i think there are two bugs open for that already06:37
seaLneah right06:37
seaLnewhat i find annoying is the new installer asks you if you need a proxy then throws the info away06:37
Tonio_mornfall: okay ;) I was asking because I know adept will not change a lot between dapper and edgy06:37
Tonio_mornfall: is that in your plans to include this ? just for my curiosity :)06:37
Tonio_mornfall: the supposed codename for dapper+106:37
mornfallif someone sends patches, why not06:38
Tonio_mornfall: okay (I will not cause I can't) ;)06:38
mornfalli will be probably working on more fun things :)06:38
Tonio_mornfall: hehe06:39
mornfalland then i have to write bachelor's thesis in something like a year06:39
mornfalli can't decide if i want to continue adept development, hmh06:40
Riddelldo a thesis on package management tools?06:44
mornfallnot very likely06:44
mornfallit's not very interesting topic from theory POV is it?06:44
mornfalli specifically did not want to write a thesis on top of some silly GUI06:46
mornfalli wrote a java-based gui for verification tool in my lab... and was offered to base thesis on that06:47
mornfallbut that's so admitting defeat06:47
=== mornfall goes thinking about his thesis for a bit
_Simeraphink: ping06:51
raphink_Sime: wait a min 06:51
raphink_Sime: ok go on :)06:54
_Simedo you have your G4 with you?06:54
raphinksure I'm on it right now06:55
_Simecool. I think I know the solution to the your bug in guidance.06:55
raphinkthe display one?06:55
_Simefind the ScanPCI.py file and open it up.06:55
Tm_TRiddell: but there's no "official" debian package, so does that 0 matter?06:55
raphinkok 06:55
raphinkwhere is it supposed to be _Sime?06:55
_Simei think.06:56
_Sime   /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/ScanPCI.py06:56
raphinkok it's open06:56
raphinknow what ?06:57
Tonio_Riddell: hello06:57
Tonio_Riddell: knetworkmanager is waiting for second advocation :) raphink already advocated :)06:57
_Simeraphink: go to line 133.06:57
_Simeraphink: you see that long string? "@xxxxxxx"06:58
raphinkon line 138 I see it06:58
raphinknot on 13306:58
_Simeraphink: change the @ to a <. 06:58
raphinkhmm 137 rather06:58
=== _Sime 's version is different, anyway.
raphinkinstead of 06:58
_Simeraphink: save that, and try running displayconfig.py06:59
_Simeraphink: that's good.06:59
raphinkit works06:59
raphinkkcmshell displayconfig06:59
raphinkhehe well done :)07:00
raphinkdoes it work on other archs this way too?07:00
_Simethat was it. It was an endian problem when up packing a struct.07:00
raphinkok 07:00
raphinkso let's fix it this way?07:00
raphinkdo you have other fixes to apply ?07:00
_Simeit will be in the next release.07:01
raphinkwhen is that?07:01
_SimeI've got some other bugs that i want to fix, and then it might be a good idea to package and test on #kubuntu-devel, and then to put it in the repository.07:01
_Simewithin the next week.07:02
raphinksend me the patches 07:02
_Simeyou cna't wait?07:02
raphinksure I can :)07:03
_Simethere are a fair number of other changes in changelog, and I would like to get some quick feedback before the next version goes in kubuntu proper.07:03
_Simewas that bug of yours in malone?07:04
raphinkI don't remember07:04
_Simei don't think so07:05
yuriysuperstoned: you don't have "Find file..." in tools in file manager profile?07:06
yuriysuperstoned: I also agree that ctrl-F should be for find file. as far as bug Riddell about it, I think that's what the "bug" report is for ;)07:06
Parkotron_Sime: Could 1280x960 be added to the list of resolutions in the new Display module?07:09
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_SimeParkotron: where does it come front?07:10
yuriyis there now, by default, a shortcut to konqueror's file manager profile in dapper? I added the "konqueror profiles" applet to kicker myself quite a while ago so I don't know what the defaults are.07:10
_SimeParkotron: I can add it, no prob.07:11
Parkotron_Sime: CRT monitors have a 4:3 aspect ratio. DFP have a 5:4 ratio.07:11
Parkotron_Sime: 1280x960 is the CRT equivalent of 1280x1024.07:11
yuriyor does system>home go to it?  the only entry for konqueror in the KMenu is for a web browser.  Since it's more importantly (for most people) the file manager I think it's kind of silly if there is no file manager shortcut for it.07:11
_SimeParkotron: but 1280x1024 will still work on a CRT.07:12
_SimeParkotron: is there a LCD out there that uses 1280x960?07:12
Parkotron_Sime: 1280x1024 still works, but the pixels are no longer square. They're slightly wider than they are tall. And. no I've never seen a 1280x960 LCD.07:14
mornfallRob Dougan - I'm not driving anymore07:34
yuriyraphink: in bug #28526 what exactly has been fixed? should my print screen button open up ksnapshot now? would this only take place on a fresh install (default settings)?07:34
UbugtuMalone bug 28526 in kubuntu-default-settings "assign print screen key to ksnapshot" [Wishlist,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2852607:34
Tonio_yuriy: it will take place if you use a clean profile07:36
Tonio_I assume your profile overrides the default settings07:36
Tonio_yuriy: but the feature is in dapper for about 1 1/2 month07:36
yuriyTonio_: what's it do? just opens up Ksnapshot when you hit print screen?07:38
Tonio_yuriy: yup07:38
yuriyI just think that, especially on an older pc, having an app open up to take a screen shot with "print screen" is kind of overdoing it and there might be an annoying delay (this is hypothetical).  Also sometimes you would want the old fuctionality of just putting it on the clipboard.  That's why I think print screen should stay the way it is, and have ctrl+print screen go to Ksnapshot.07:44
yuriyminor details, of course.07:44
tomalast meeting we forgot to arrange a date for a next meeting, can we correct that error somehow?07:52
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raphinkyuriy: on other distros (e.g. mandriva), print opens ksnapshot08:09
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raphinkfurthermore, I think we should try to mofidify the settings as few as possible08:10
raphinkfrom the original settings08:10
raphinkand the default KDE settings are to have ctrl+print and alt+print08:10
raphinkto copy to clipboard08:10
raphinkhence using print to open ksnapshot08:10
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LureTonio_: what is the status with knm? went to universe or do we need to have one still in our repo?08:13
Tonio_Lure: nees second revu08:14
Lureis there a package in your repo / people are asking https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperKNetworkmanager08:14
Tonio_Lure: nope08:15
Tonio_I prefer to focus on universe08:15
Tonio_Lure: we know tht it works08:15
Tonio_the repo was here for testing, not to provide official packages :)08:15
Tonio_Lure: can you ask on #ubuntu-revu ?08:15
Tonio_I'm away for an hour08:16
LureTonio_: will do08:16
LureTonio_: you mean u-motu08:17
Tonio_Lure: yes08:17
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vandenoeverhi Tonio_ 08:35
vandenoeverdid you like cubetest?08:36
Tonio_vandenoever: yes, funny ;)08:37
vandenoeverglad you like it! did you do well?08:37
vandenoeverTonio_: 10 out of 10?08:38
Tonio_vandenoever: of course :)08:38
vandenoevercongratulations on your spatial insight, sir!08:38
vandenoeverand what's the verdict on inclusion in kubuntu?08:39
Tonio_vandenoever: back in an hour08:39
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OdyXTm_T: I tested your deb for Kopete09:34
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kmonOh, luka reno submited knetworkmanager to revu :)09:50
PygiLure: ah ;;)09:50
kmonvery cool09:51
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PygiLure: what you did with knetworkmanager? ;)10:01
Tm_TOdyX: liked?10:02
Tm_TOdyX: just don't hit F1 =)10:02
OdyXTm_T: not entirely translated to french...10:02
LurePygi: it is waiting to get REVued - need one more MOTU to do it10:02
Tm_TOdyX: ah, not my fault10:03
OdyXTm_T: which I hope should be solved when included in main.10:03
PygiLure: ah10:03
OdyXTm_T: I'm not saying it's your fault.. but this that where translated aren't anymore.10:03
LureRiddell: can you REVu this http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=222010:03
OdyXTm_T: why changed icons for adding contacts ?10:04
Tm_T0.12 will prolly be poorly translated a long time, I afraid10:04
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OdyXTm_T: unless included in Rosetta...10:04
Tm_TOdyX: there's multiple new icons, meant to make it more clear etc10:04
OdyXTm_T: it's not so bad...10:04
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OdyXTm_T: indeed... your version solves bug https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdenetwork/+bug/3680010:06
UbugtuMalone bug 36800 in kdenetwork kopete "kopete seg fault in "Configure..." -> "Devices"" [Normal,Confirmed]  10:06
OdyXTm_T: well.. I have ONE compaint...10:07
=== Tm_T hides
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OdyXTm_T: gpg is not working anymore.10:07
Tm_Tmessage encryption?10:07
OdyXTm_T: not useable... as it was in breezy..10:07
Tm_Tnever tried it myself10:08
=== OdyX wonders if something in his config misses..
OdyXTm_T: the fact is that it did work in Breezy and all Dapper versions I tried did not present the functionality10:08
Tm_TOdyX: run kopete from konsole and pastebin all output when sending message10:08
OdyXTm_T: I cannot... That's the issue...10:08
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Tm_Twhat you mean?10:09
OdyXTm_T: I cannot send encrypted messages anymore.. because I cannot select public keys10:09
OdyXand cannot choose to encrypt my messages10:09
OdyX(needs gnupg2 ? )10:09
SSJHi all - just a quick question.  Are the KDE packages for Dapper compiled with -fvisibility=hidden? If not, are there plans to do this with future versions?10:11
hungerOdyX: Seems to work here...10:11
OdyXhunger: under Tm_T version ?10:11
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OdyXhunger: config ?10:11
hungerOdyX: Oh, you are refering to kopete?10:12
hungerOdyX: I thought you were talking about kmail.10:12
OdyXhunger: well...10:12
OdyXhunger: that's another issue10:12
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Tm_Thunger: =)10:12
OdyXhunger: it works for encryption and signin' but not for decryption...10:12
=== hunger does not use kopete... used to be too crashy.
OdyXhunger: not natively10:13
Tm_Thunger: thanks for the laughs =)10:13
=== OdyX thinks hunger should.
hungerAnd it is a gui app... so I can not run it in a screen session:-)10:13
OdyXhunger: does decryption works for you natively in kmail ?10:13
hungerOdyX: I think so. I decrypted the test mail I just send out fine.10:13
OdyXhunger: I don't here10:14
hungerOdyX: Basically noboby ever sends encrypted mails to me:-(10:14
OdyXhunger: any manipulation done ?10:14
Tm_Thunger: true, kopete has its flaws, but if you need gui app for jabber etc... Kopete <310:14
hungerOdyX: Feel free to send a test mail to me...10:14
OdyXhunger: OK.10:14
OdyXhunger: mail ?10:14
hungerOdyX: One sec...10:14
hungerOdyX: Key ID is 7372a2a510:15
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kmonSSJ: Is that related to the bug in kaffeine that while playing the screensaver can start?10:15
hungerOdyX: Feel free to use any email attached to it.10:15
OdyXhunger: OK. .... processing ...10:16
=== OdyX is thinking he has to make his key signed.
SSJkmon:I don't think so, no - it's supposed to cut down on the start-up time of C++ apps (when the app is prepared correctly, as I have *heard* that KDE 3.4.x is) by cutting down on the number of exported symbols :)10:16
kmonSSJ: OK10:16
=== hunger waits for friday...
SSJkmon:It's something I'd quite like to see, as Linux app start-up times in general (and C++ apps in particular) seem fairly slow :(10:17
hungerWill knetworkmanager keep its name?10:18
Lurehunger: binary yes, package is n-m-kde10:19
hungerLure: It is there already?!10:19
kmonRiddell: someone has suggested a fix for this bug, seems easy to fix by recompiling the package: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kaffeine/+bug/3001810:19
UbugtuMalone bug 30018 in kaffeine "screensaver starts while kaffeine is playing a film in fullscreen" [Normal,Confirmed]  10:19
Lurehunger: we need one more MOTU to advocate http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=222010:20
hungerI can't see it in the repository yet.10:20
hungerLure: Ah, thanks!10:20
kmonSSJ: have you filed a bug?10:20
OdyXhunger: sent10:20
Lurehunger: there is also test .deb (did not tried it myself, as I compiled from source)10:20
raphinkRiddell: was the sound previews in konqueror deactivated when they would make it crash?10:20
SSJkmon:No - for all I know Kubuntu uses it already! So I just thought I'd hop onto IRC to see if that was the case :)10:21
hungerLure: I think I'll stick with "official" repositories for now... can't take that much longer for the deb to get approved I hope.10:21
kmonSSJ: ok10:22
OdyXhunger: received ? and decrypted ? If you got it, I put you my errors... 10:26
OdyXs/put/have written10:26
hungerOdyX: Not received yet.10:29
hungerOdyX: Did you send to fresco.org? That one is sometimes *extremly* slow wrt. processing mails.10:32
hungerOdyX: Hmmm... lets wait for a bit longer then.10:33
hungerOdyX: Looks like it has a hickup again:-(10:33
OdyXaqua* then ?10:34
hungerOdyX: That is the server the others forward to.10:34
OdyXso ?10:34
hungerOdyX: That one will be the fastest:-)10:34
OdyXI re-sent the first one without re-encryption. I don't know about the format.10:35
OdyXMaybe doin' one again10:35
hungerOdyX: I think that should work out fine.10:35
hungerAh, damn... started a spamassissin training session by accident:-(10:35
OdyXhunger: XD10:36
=== NoDgr [n=nod@ppp6-adsl-221.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== hunger wishes kmail wouldn't block when feeding stuff to spamassassin.
hungerOdyX: Your first message arrived: it is empty with a msg.asc file attached.10:40
OdyXhunger OK10:41
OdyXI thought10:41
hungerkmail tries to open the attachment in kgpg.10:41
OdyX(indeed.. it's my second..)10:41
hungerOdyX: Well, the mail to aquazul.10:42
OdyX"Erreur : Bad passphrase" <- I got this when trying to open...10:43
=== hunger goes to bed. sa-learn takes all my clockcycles anyway.
hungerAnd still some thousand mails to go:-(10:46
OdyXhunger: got the new one ?10:46
superstonedSSJ: ask Riddell if KDE is compiled with -fvisibility=hidden. i DO know the next version (dapper +1) will include fontconfig 2.4.x - which, togheter with Qt 3.3.6 will improve startup performe for KDE apps with 1/3 to 50%. this adds up with -fvisibility, tough i don't know if that is used in Kubuntu yet.10:49
=== verwilst_ [n=verwilst@dD5E0099B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
SSJsuperstoned:Thanks for the info! I'll give Riddell a quick ping when he's not too busy :)11:01
=== Lure [n=luka@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
raphinkhow about turning sound preview on by default in konqueror ?11:03
raphinknow that it works?11:04
hungerOdyX: OK. This is test... Better so ?11:18
OdyXhunger: well...11:18
hungerOdyX: Decrypting works fine here.11:18
OdyXhunger: try to answer with encrypted please...11:18
OdyXso I could try11:18
RiddellSSJ: hmm?11:20
SSJRiddell:"Hi all - just a quick question.  Are the KDE packages for Dapper compiled with -fvisibility=hidden? If not, are there plans to do this with future versions?"11:20
hungerOdyX: Your key is not valid.11:20
hungerOdyX: Did you bork up your clock when creating/signing it?11:21
RiddellSSJ: no, hidden visibility causes too many problems, it's pretty well broken until gcc 4.211:21
OdyXhunger: ???11:21
OdyXhunger: not uploaded I think11:21
hungerOdyX: public key F9FE98F9 is 10913616 seconds newer than the signature11:21
SSJRiddell:Cool; thanks for the info!11:21
OdyXmine is NOT F9...11:22
OdyXhunger: mine is E9A278F011:22
hungerOdyX: Hmmm... I answered now.11:23
OdyXhunger: OK11:24
verwilst_Riddell: it is?11:24
verwilst_pretty crappy :$11:24
OdyXhunger: received... but could not decrypt...11:24
OdyXpass not asked11:24
hungerOdyX: You might want to consider removing some of your selfsigs.11:28
OdyXhunger: I have one per identity and one global on my local key11:28
hungerOdyX: I see 12 selfsigs on your key, 8 of them global.11:29
OdyXoh god...11:29
OdyXI'm uploading the new to all servers I have...11:30
OdyXbut indeed.. the bug is still there...11:30
RiddellTonio_: approved11:32
Riddellhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2220  see comment11:32
LureRiddell: advocating - no?11:37
hungerOdyX: Do the servers let you remove sigs?11:40
OdyXhunger: no...11:40
OdyXhunger: you have to revoke them and send the revokated11:41
OdyXet il est presque minuit 11:41
OdyXmon dieu11:41
=== OdyX apologizes
RiddellLure: forgot ticky box, advocated now :)11:42
LureRiddell: thanks11:43
verwilst_hmmm yakuake is sooo nice :$11:52
Riddelllure: "kubuntu_02_noDialUp.patch to remove vpn support"  dialup or vpn?11:57
LureRiddell: dialup... I think it is just cut&paste/typo issue11:58

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