pulsar84 | SoBeIcedT: In fact, dpkg-reconfigure should add/remove those items by itself, shouldn't it? | 12:03 |
frank23 | ninniuzITA: I don't know... there is a problem somewhere | 12:03 |
trispace | is there a simple mp3 player alternative for amarok? just a simple KDE application for playing a directory with files? | 12:03 |
frank23 | trispace: try juk or beep-media-player | 12:03 |
ninniuzITA | try juk | 12:03 |
trispace | frank23: i've tried beep-media-player, but it's gtk based, right? | 12:04 |
ninniuzITA | juk is kde/qt based | 12:04 |
frank23 | trispace: maybe... not kde based for sure | 12:04 |
ninniuzITA | and it's lighter than amarok for sure | 12:04 |
trispace | ninniuzITA: yeah, it was my favorite on my old machine, but i'm wondering why all qt/kde players are so function overloaded | 12:05 |
frank23 | yeah amarok uses 45-50 MBs of RAM. not everyone can spare that to play mp3s | 12:05 |
InGpAo | folks..if I install the 32bit dapper, then is there something to enhance some 64bit capability on my PC? | 12:06 |
ninniuzITA | well cause we always want some more features | 12:06 |
frank23 | InGpAo: no. you need 64 bit dapper for that | 12:06 |
InGpAo | ank'io sn italiano | 12:06 |
ninniuzITA | btw amarok is just great...though a bit fat by now | 12:06 |
trispace | ninniuzITA: really? ;) | 12:06 |
ninniuzITA | ciao ingpao | 12:06 |
InGpAo | but i know that there are some problems with the 64bit | 12:07 |
trispace | ninniuzITA: ah, italiano | 12:07 |
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InGpAo | ciao ninniuz | 12:07 |
frank23 | amarok has some cool features though. can go get lyrics and band info on wikipdia | 12:07 |
ninniuzITA | ops prolly I'm not allowed speaking italian here :p | 12:07 |
frank23 | !it | 12:07 |
ubotu | Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! | 12:07 |
InGpAo | prolly?what means? | 12:07 |
ninniuzITA | probably | 12:07 |
InGpAo | ubotu it was a joke! | 12:07 |
ubotu | Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, InGpAo | 12:07 |
trispace | frank23: sure, and there is surely some plugin to allow cookie baking :) | 12:07 |
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frank23 | trispace: yeah... you need the new apple bake-pod for that though :( | 12:08 |
ninniuzITA | but I still dont know why audioscrobbler capabilities are broken on my amarok installation | 12:08 |
trispace | frank23: hehe | 12:08 |
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trispace | frank23: actually i'm searching for something like billy (a awesome win32 player) | 12:09 |
Russel | mhhh my gtk fonts are borked... anybody a solution? tried already changing it in the settings menu (using kubuntu) | 12:09 |
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pulsar84 | Russel: What exactly is the problem? :) | 12:10 |
Russel | some fonts in gtk apps are dots or squares or such thing (tiny) | 12:11 |
pulsar84 | Uh... No idea. | 12:12 |
Russel | it appears at random, but when they are unreadable they stay unreadable till i close the application | 12:12 |
Russel | it makes every gtk programm unusable... tried already deinstalling gtk-qt | 12:13 |
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_silje | hi, anyone here knows how to get into /var/lib/php5/ folder? I get premision denied. And I am in the only user? | 12:21 |
tristanmike | i don't have that directory | 12:23 |
_silje | mayebe because you dont have php5 installed:P | 12:23 |
tristanmike | could be :P | 12:23 |
nalioth | tristanmike: you can borrow mine :P | 12:26 |
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trappist | hrm, /var/lib/php5 has nasty perms | 12:30 |
trappist | drwx-wx-wt | 12:30 |
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trappist | world-writable, root-only-readable? | 12:30 |
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_shane | I have a Campaq Presario 1700 when I press the power button the computer doesn't power down, is there anything I can do about this? | 12:36 |
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_shane | is there a command line command that I can use for a beep? | 12:38 |
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murph2481 | anyone good with CUPS? | 12:39 |
murph2481 | i have many issues and I cannot figure it out | 12:40 |
murph2481 | mainly it doesn't work :) | 12:40 |
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frank23 | _shane: yes but I can't remember... why do you need it? | 12:42 |
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_shane | frank23: I wanted to check if that the script that should be run when you press the power button was getting run. it isn't! do you know if I can check the acpi it picking up the power button press? | 12:49 |
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smoosh | hi, i've a dual boot linux/win-xp, it's all ok, but when i boot in xp, i see a linux partition,,, how can i fix it? | 12:53 |
OdyX | smoosh: this is normal..... | 12:54 |
OdyX | Linux cannot do much about that.. | 12:54 |
OdyX | apart special partitions (crypto...) | 12:54 |
smoosh | OdyX: i don't think tha's is nornal... i shouldn't see a linux drive in xp | 12:56 |
murph2481 | if i reinstall dapper without reformatting do i loose all my emails in kontact? | 12:56 |
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My8os | smoosh: where exactly do you see it? in "My Computer" or in admin tools->hard disk management? | 12:57 |
My8os | the second one is normal | 12:57 |
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smoosh | My8os: in "My Computer" | 12:58 |
sven-kubuntu_ | Hello | 12:59 |
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sven-kubuntu_ | I want to start a Skript automaic wenn KDE shutsdown. Where must i put the skript? | 01:00 |
OdyX | smoosh: you probably installed some prog.. | 01:01 |
OdyX | in Win | 01:02 |
smoosh | OdyX: no, it's a fresh install... | 01:02 |
OdyX | smoosh: where did you get your XP ? | 01:02 |
OdyX | fresh even ? | 01:02 |
yuriy | there is an ext file system driver for windows, but you would have had to install it yourself | 01:03 |
OdyX | Maybe Microsoft did some efforts... | 01:03 |
yuriy | riiiighhht | 01:03 |
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OdyX | smoosh: is your partition in ext3 ? or fat32 ? (which would explain and be a big mistake) | 01:03 |
yuriy | murph2481: probably not, but you should really have /home on a seperate partition so you don't have to worry about things when you reinstall. you can just format your / partition and /home is safe with all your documents | 01:04 |
smoosh | OdyX: i've formatted my computer and reinstalled my copy of win... lin part=ext3 | 01:04 |
cerdg | smoosh: in the properties of the drive, does it show correct information? | 01:05 |
cerdg | like size, filesystem, ect | 01:05 |
smoosh | cerdg: no, it say 0 byte, raw fs.... but of course it's wrong.. | 01:05 |
cerdg | smoosh: there's an easy way to make it disappear, although I don't know why it would show up by itself | 01:06 |
smoosh | cerdg: what is this way? | 01:07 |
cerdg | smoosh: right click my computer, click on manage, then go to disk management. You'll see the partition there | 01:07 |
cerdg | smoosh: it'll be assigned a drive letter...just unassign it | 01:07 |
smoosh | cerdg: are u shure that i can unassing it? | 01:08 |
cerdg | smoosh: should be able to...I've done the same thing before | 01:08 |
cerdg | smoosh but I'm not in front of a windows box right this moment...give me a few minutes and I can tell you for sure | 01:09 |
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smoosh | cerdg: ok... | 01:09 |
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cerdg | smoosh: you right click on the partition, click Change Drive Letter and Paths, then click remove | 01:11 |
cerdg | smoosh: it'll give you a warning, but it doesnt matter because you can't actually access anything from windows to run it anyway | 01:11 |
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FliesLikeABrick | what part of the system is responsible for displaying the Ubuntu splash screen at boot, and where would I find errors given by this? My splash doesn't display at boot, it simply goes grub --> black screen for a bit --> login | 01:11 |
FliesLikeABrick | or rather, the kubuntu splash | 01:12 |
smoosh | cerdg: i try now... than i say if work or not... see you later... | 01:12 |
cerdg | smoosh: good luck | 01:12 |
smoosh | cerdg: thanks :) | 01:12 |
Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick probaly wrong boot settings, maybe look at the /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:13 |
FliesLikeABrick | Sergi0 what would I be looking for in there? splash is given to the kernel as an option, but I don't know what else to look for besides seeing that | 01:15 |
yuriy | FIiesLikeABrick: the program that displays the splash screen is usplash | 01:15 |
Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick 'ro vga=0x318 quiet splash' | 01:16 |
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FliesLikeABrick | yes Sergi0 | 01:16 |
FliesLikeABrick | Sergi0 its not only the splash I don't see, but any text at all about boot info | 01:17 |
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FliesLikeABrick | it just goes grub --> black screen with no text or anything --> login | 01:17 |
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Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick so u see a blinking cursor on the left-top screen pos? | 01:18 |
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FliesLikeABrick | no Sergi0 | 01:18 |
Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick monitor is switched off during boot? | 01:18 |
FliesLikeABrick | Sergi0 no it is a laptop and the backlight is on the entire time | 01:18 |
trappist | FliesLikeABrick: try booting with vga=normal | 01:18 |
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FliesLikeABrick | trappist I never had this problem in the past, I upgraded to dapper and it broke | 01:19 |
smoosh | cerdg: all work fine! thanks :) | 01:19 |
FliesLikeABrick | but on my desktop with dapper, this works fine | 01:19 |
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trappist | FliesLikeABrick: the splash and all that is drawn to the framebuffer. the framebuffer drivers for your card may be broken. | 01:19 |
trappist | FliesLikeABrick: vga=normal should disable the framebuffer | 01:20 |
FliesLikeABrick | so trappist I replace vga=0x318 with vga=normal ? | 01:20 |
Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick yep | 01:21 |
trappist | yes | 01:21 |
trappist | actually that vga=0x318 may be your problem | 01:21 |
trappist | you could try just removing that | 01:21 |
FliesLikeABrick | so what will I see if this works? | 01:21 |
Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick, u can try during boot within grub, press e when the menu shows up, edit the line and press b for boot | 01:21 |
trappist | FliesLikeABrick: just text, if you do vga=normal. hopefully it'll work as before if you just remove vga=0x318 | 01:22 |
FliesLikeABrick | alright guys I see normal text | 01:22 |
FliesLikeABrick | so I should just try removing vga=normal now and see what happens, or should that just give me text as well? | 01:22 |
trappist | hopefully you'll get a purty splash and all as god intended if you just remove the vga= line | 01:23 |
FliesLikeABrick | alright | 01:23 |
FliesLikeABrick | any idea why this would cause problems if vga=0x318 worked fine before? | 01:23 |
trappist | there's a file in the kernel source's documentation directory that explains all that vesa stuff, and it may hint at an answer to that question | 01:24 |
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Sergi0 | FliesLikeABrick not at the moment, u could try reinstall usplash from synaptic | 01:25 |
FliesLikeABrick | trappist removing vga=normal just gives me text again | 01:25 |
trappist | you might try to find a valid value then | 01:25 |
trappist | iirc 'vga=ask' will let you try stuff at boot time | 01:26 |
FliesLikeABrick | will try that now | 01:26 |
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FliesLikeABrick | I really want the boot up and shut down splash screens that dapper has on my desktop :-( | 01:27 |
trappist | yeah | 01:28 |
FliesLikeABrick | do you know where I can find a page that talks about the vga modes to be used in grub? | 01:29 |
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claudio | hi, people | 01:30 |
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KamisaMa | gf | 01:30 |
trappist | FliesLikeABrick: x86? | 01:30 |
FliesLikeABrick | yeah | 01:31 |
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kevman | What is the KDE installation prefix directory in Kubuntu? | 01:32 |
trappist | FliesLikeABrick: try 771 and have a look here: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=152575 | 01:32 |
FliesLikeABrick | trappist 0x771? | 01:33 |
trappist | just 771 | 01:34 |
tonyr | FliesLikeABrick: vga modes table at http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Framebuffer-HOWTO-5.html | 01:34 |
FliesLikeABrick | back to the blank screen with 77a | 01:34 |
FliesLikeABrick | 771 rather | 01:35 |
FliesLikeABrick | i'll just use normal for now and try periodically with 0x318 as the patches for dapper keep rolling out | 01:36 |
cerdg | 0x318 doesn't indicate the resolution does it? | 01:36 |
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FliesLikeABrick | I have a friend who supposedly has ubuntu dapper running on a laptop 100% identical to mine, I'll see if he has any issues and if not I'll compare his configs to mine | 01:36 |
cerdg | I don't know much about grub....I'm just curious | 01:36 |
sredna | What is the 'multiverse repo'? I can't seem to find that in adepts list of repositories? | 01:37 |
frank23 | sredna: you have to add it, just like you can add universe | 01:37 |
frank23 | !sources | 01:37 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 01:37 |
tonyr | cerdg: 0x318 indicates 1024x768 at 24 bit depth | 01:38 |
cerdg | ah, got it | 01:39 |
cerdg | thanks | 01:39 |
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SkrotFFS | Is 3.5.2 for dapper yet? | 01:57 |
nalioth | SkrotFFS: it should be along shortly (better to ask in #ubuntu+1 It's for dapper discussion) | 01:58 |
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quique | ni gente que hay aqui | 02:43 |
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Dr_House | then i deleted that line in fstab and tried mounting it with "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/230 -t ntfs" .. this time it shows the icon without a lock but it still gives me the permissions message | 02:46 |
Dr_House | can someone help me with mounting HDDs? i placed a line in my fstab to automatically mount an NTFS HDD (/dev/sdb1 /mnt/230 ntfs defaults 0 0) .. then i did "sudo mount -a" and it seemed to have mounted properly but when i go to /mnt/230, it shows the icon with a lock on it and says "you do not have enough permissions to read file:///mnt/230" | 02:47 |
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Dr_House | er .. my bad .. lol take those two messages in reverse order | 02:47 |
danial | hi has anyone installed realplayer on kubuntu? | 02:47 |
danial | i am trying to run .rm files, i have followed the instructions and installed realplayer. not sure how to open the client and run files... | 02:48 |
danial | only had linux for a few days now so any help would be much appreciated. thanks | 02:48 |
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danial | anyone? | 02:50 |
tarmath | it may take a while before anyone answers... | 02:50 |
tarmath | i havent used real player in years so I cant really help you about it | 02:50 |
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tarmath | but you said you're not sure how to open the client... that should be easy if you installed it | 02:51 |
danial | thats the thing... i followed instructions to open it | 02:52 |
tarmath | is it installed? | 02:52 |
ipfw | where does Ubuntu/Debian (whatever) put the pkg-config files for Glib, Glib2, GTK etc ? | 02:53 |
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tarmath | if it is, then try typing r and then *tab* in the console and see if theres anything that looks like it in the autocompletion | 02:53 |
tarmath | ipfw: I dont know, try asking in #ubuntu maybe, they re more likely to know that then here... | 02:54 |
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Dr_House | how do i unlock a folder in breezy? in this case .. a mount folder | 02:54 |
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ipfw | I keep forgetting ubuntu/deb is binary based, so it doesn't install dev files | 03:02 |
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Kyral | anyone know how to make a link in the Konqueror sidebar to a "fish://" location? | 03:17 |
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unperson | If I want to give a file to someone on a windows computer (via the Internet), what's the easiest way? | 03:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | what file type? | 03:29 |
CheeseBurgerMan | generally I'd say an FTP server if you have one, or you could use IRC | 03:29 |
unperson | ah | 03:29 |
CheeseBurgerMan | there's sites where you can upload files, though they usually don't allow EXEs | 03:30 |
unperson | Yeah, the lack of support in Linux AIM clients for file transfers removes the usual way a lot of people do it. | 03:30 |
unperson | Right. | 03:30 |
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unperson | If the person were on *nix/Mac OS I'd just scp or sftp. | 03:30 |
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unperson | But I don't think 'doze has any build-in client. | 03:30 |
drowe | does someone have a bit of time to help me get NX stuff running? Running Breezy... | 03:30 |
unperson | CheeseBurgerMan: Thanks for the suggestions. | 03:31 |
CheeseBurgerMan | NP | 03:31 |
CheeseBurgerMan | drowe: I have time, but no clue what "NX stuff" is. :| | 03:31 |
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unperson | Isn't that a VNC type client? | 03:32 |
drowe | I've installed the packages from 'universe'...NX is like VNC but much more lightweight | 03:32 |
Kyral | hehe | 03:32 |
drowe | it allows you to have remote X11 sessions on pretty much any connection | 03:32 |
anton | hei | 03:32 |
Kyral | I <3 the Fish protocol :D | 03:32 |
CheeseBurgerMan | drowe: That's great to know, but I still don't know how to use it. ;) | 03:33 |
unperson | drowe: Did you try #nx? | 03:33 |
drowe | trying there now.. | 03:33 |
unperson | ah | 03:33 |
unperson | Yeah, sorry, I've never used it myself. Only read about it. | 03:34 |
gabbah_ | test | 03:35 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gabbah_: Did it work? | 03:36 |
gabbah_ | hehe just testing out Konversation and comparing it with xchat-gnome :) | 03:37 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Ah | 03:37 |
=== CheeseBurgerMan enjoys Konversation more than X-Chat | ||
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gabbah_ | test | 03:41 |
gabbah_ | yep seems Konversation is much more customizable than other chat clients.. me likes.. | 03:41 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :) | 03:42 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | hi there | 03:43 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | can i ask you something simple about HTML? | 03:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Sure | 03:43 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | can i have a VERY simple page, such that it is possible have autoredirection? | 03:44 |
jpowers | yes | 03:44 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Yes. use the <meta> tag | 03:44 |
jpowers | iaw CheeseBurgerMan | 03:44 |
CheeseBurgerMan | oh | 03:44 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | osshit my microsoft mouse is dying!! | 03:45 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | iaw? | 03:45 |
jpowers | I agree with | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | http://www.pa.msu.edu/services/computing/faq/auto-redirect.html | 03:45 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | :) | 03:45 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | thanks :) | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | NP | 03:45 |
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kpaolo | hi...is there anybody who can help me? | 03:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | depends | 03:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | what's the problem? | 03:49 |
kpaolo | fstab... | 03:50 |
kpaolo | after two years of linuxbox I'm not able to configure it... | 03:50 |
gabbah_ | :D | 03:50 |
kpaolo | can I attatch it on main page? | 03:50 |
kpaolo | ah...only one line... | 03:51 |
gabbah_ | i think that's ok | 03:51 |
kpaolo | # /dev/hda5 none ntfs defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 | 03:51 |
kpaolo | this partition (and other ones...must automount for any user... | 03:52 |
kpaolo | at startup | 03:52 |
kpaolo | how can I do? | 03:52 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | kpaolo: I have no idea. I don't muck with my fstab :P | 03:52 |
kpaolo | azz... | 03:53 |
gabbah_ | i can help u i think | 03:53 |
kpaolo | thank God!!! | 03:53 |
gabbah_ | # /dev/hda5 /media/hda5 ntfs ro, umask=0222 0 0 | 03:54 |
kpaolo | i think i have to add the just rights....as "rw,user"... | 03:54 |
gabbah_ | u can't write to ntfs safely | 03:54 |
gabbah_ | only read | 03:54 |
gabbah_ | u will have to create the folder /media/hda5 of course.. or any other you'd like to use | 03:54 |
gabbah_ | that line works for me | 03:55 |
kpaolo | i know...but is there a two final 20" ?? | 03:55 |
kpaolo | * "0" | 03:55 |
gabbah_ | i think so yes | 03:55 |
kpaolo | shall i delete it? | 03:55 |
gabbah_ | according to my fstab | 03:55 |
kpaolo | no? | 03:55 |
gabbah_ | delete what? | 03:55 |
kpaolo | no...so..if you'll wait a minute i reboot.. | 03:56 |
kpaolo | i'm coming... | 03:56 |
gabbah_ | already? ;) | 03:56 |
gabbah_ | CheeseBurgerMan: i must say Konversation rocks! | 03:56 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :) | 03:57 |
gabbah_ | CheeseBurgerMan: the best chat client I've ever seen I think :) | 03:57 |
gabbah_ | I can get things just the way I want them :) | 03:57 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I like mIRC with NNscript | 03:57 |
CheeseBurgerMan | But that's on Windows. ;) | 03:57 |
gabbah_ | Well I'm starting to just love ubuntu/dapper, let me tell ya | 03:57 |
gabbah_ | If I can get twinview to work on here I'm sold... never going back to windows then :P | 03:58 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | twinview? | 03:58 |
gabbah_ | when i said on here i meant in ubuntu | 03:58 |
gabbah_ | to get TV out working | 03:59 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Ah | 03:59 |
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kpaolo | bad line in fstab.... | 04:00 |
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gabbah_ | what line did you use? | 04:01 |
kpaolo | wait.. | 04:01 |
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kpaolo | #/dev/hda5 /media/hda5 ntfs ro, umask=0222 0 0 | 04:01 |
gabbah_ | umm | 04:02 |
gabbah_ | ro and umask go together.. may be that | 04:02 |
gabbah_ | check this | 04:02 |
gabbah_ | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 04:02 |
kpaolo | i want the partition to be mounted automatically at startup | 04:02 |
gabbah_ | # /dev/hda5/media/Dntfsro,umask=022200 | 04:02 |
gabbah_ | oh that looked crap | 04:02 |
kpaolo | Dntfs? | 04:03 |
gabbah_ | no | 04:03 |
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-19-192.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
gabbah_ | # /dev/hda5/media/Dntfsro,umask=022200 | 04:03 |
gabbah_ | ah it can't handle tabs.. | 04:03 |
gabbah_ | i'll fix it | 04:03 |
gabbah_ | # /dev/hda5 /media/D ntfs ro,umask=0222 0 0 | 04:04 |
kpaolo | ok...wait.. | 04:04 |
gabbah_ | so try /dev/hda5 /media/hda5 ntfs ro,umask=0222 0 0 | 04:04 |
gabbah_ | and you did create the folder /media/hda5 first right? | 04:05 |
kpaolo | no... | 04:06 |
kpaolo | i create it now.. | 04:06 |
gabbah_ | well no wonder.. | 04:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 04:06 |
gabbah_ | damn i want popsicles | 04:07 |
gabbah_ | kpaolo: how's it going? :) | 04:09 |
kpaolo | i must reboot... | 04:09 |
kpaolo | wait... | 04:09 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | CheeseBurgerMan: look here | 04:10 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | http://www.sfu.ca/~ata2/ | 04:10 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | i have put the metatag correctly | 04:10 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | but it doesn't redirect :( | 04:10 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Does here | 04:11 |
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kpaolo | uhm...nothing... | 04:12 |
_shane | Hi, I have just gotten openvpn to work between to computers, when I try to mount a drive though the VPN with NFS I get an error message: "mount: RPC: Program not registered" does anyone know what going on? | 04:13 |
gabbah_ | kpaolo: it didn't work? what happened? | 04:14 |
kpaolo | it doesn't mount anything... | 04:14 |
gabbah_ | it should | 04:15 |
kpaolo | but are you sure it is "ro"??? and not "rw"... | 04:15 |
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kpaolo | i now that i cant write... | 04:15 |
gabbah_ | CheeseBurgerMan: isn't there a way to show join/parts with grey color in Konversation? | 04:15 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | CheeseBurgerMan: ok, it's just linux | 04:15 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | ;) | 04:15 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | CheeseBurgerMan: or better, firefox | 04:15 |
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gabbah_ | kpaolo: ro means read only | 04:17 |
kpaolo | i know.. | 04:17 |
gabbah_ | rw means read write | 04:17 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Tallia1Kubuntu: I'm using Firefox on Linux | 04:17 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gabbah_: Yes, lemme find out where | 04:17 |
gabbah_ | besides, that line works for me | 04:17 |
kpaolo | envy........ | 04:17 |
gabbah_ | CheeseBurgerMan: I'll give you a change to find it ;) | 04:17 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | CheeseBurgerMan: that's weird.. doesn't work for me.. but actually i don't care... since it works for others | 04:17 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Settings > Konversation > Colors | 04:18 |
gabbah_ | kpaolo: are u sure the partition is correct? | 04:18 |
kpaolo | yes | 04:18 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Tallia1Kubuntu: Which version of Firefox? | 04:18 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | 1.0.7 | 04:18 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Ah, I'm on | 04:18 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | :) | 04:18 |
kpaolo | gabbah...how can i create a directory by konsole?? | 04:19 |
firewire | mkdir | 04:19 |
kpaolo | mkdir /media/D is correct? | 04:19 |
gabbah_ | yeah | 04:19 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Tallia1Kubuntu: It redirects for me in Firefox 1.0.7 too | 04:20 |
gabbah_ | CheeseBurgerMan: Settings > Konversation > Colors will not let me configure color of join/part...? | 04:21 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hmm, I changed mine once, let me see if I can figure it out again. :P | 04:22 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | CheeseBurgerMan: whatever.. .boh | 04:23 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 04:23 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Hmm | 04:23 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Not that | 04:23 |
gabbah_ | u can't do it? :) | 04:24 |
gabbah_ | i have already reached the limits of Konversation ;) | 04:24 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 04:25 |
CheeseBurgerMan | You can | 04:25 |
kpaolo | it say that the lines in fstab are wrong and i can't create a valid link in /media... | 04:25 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It's called "Command message" I believe, not "Join/part" | 04:25 |
CheeseBurgerMan | In the color dialog | 04:25 |
kpaolo | i have a sample of correct fstab in hda5.... | 04:25 |
kpaolo | ...but i can't mount it!! | 04:25 |
gabbah_ | also, i have enabled "flash taskbar" when someone writes my name. It won't stop flashing until I have actually pressed the taskbar entry! I want it to flash only when this program is not focused... yet another limit?? ;) | 04:25 |
gabbah_ | command message.. hmm och I'll check it | 04:26 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gabbah_: Don't know what to do about that - I use the system tray for notification | 04:27 |
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gabbah_ | i have an icon in systray? | 04:27 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | It's not on by default | 04:28 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Settings > General I believe it's in | 04:28 |
gabbah_ | yeah | 04:29 |
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gabbah_ | but... does it stop flashing when the program get's focus? and does it flash when you're in the channel where the highlight occurs? | 04:30 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Yes and no | 04:30 |
gabbah_ | :P | 04:30 |
CheeseBurgerMan | ;) | 04:30 |
gabbah_ | so your reply is "maybe" :P | 04:31 |
gabbah_ | ;) | 04:31 |
gabbah_ | ok, perhaps i should use systray also then | 04:31 |
CheeseBurgerMan | No, I was answering both at once | 04:32 |
gabbah_ | hmm but i don't want to... what do i do then ;) | 04:32 |
gabbah_ | yeah i got that | 04:32 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Oh :P | 04:32 |
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gabbah_ | kpaolo, does a manual mount work? | 04:37 |
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=== gabbah_ uses systray only now | ||
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 04:38 |
kpaolo | how?? | 04:38 |
kpaolo | mnt /dev/hda5 /media/D ?? | 04:39 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I have mine in the taskbar - just close it to the system tray | 04:39 |
gabbah_ | kpaolo, sudo mount /dev/hda5 /media/D o umask=0222 | 04:39 |
gabbah_ | no wait | 04:39 |
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gabbah_ | kpaolo, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/D -o umask=0222 | 04:40 |
gabbah_ | try that | 04:40 |
kpaolo | Cannot create link /etc/mtab~ | 04:41 |
kpaolo | Perhaps there is a stale lock file? | 04:41 |
gabbah_ | mtab? | 04:41 |
kpaolo | mtab | 04:41 |
gabbah_ | where did that come from? | 04:41 |
kpaolo | ihiihhihi | 04:41 |
gabbah_ | can u paste the command and the result? | 04:42 |
kpaolo | private..it's too long.. | 04:42 |
gabbah_ | sure | 04:42 |
kpaolo | kpaolo@kubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/D -o umask=0222 | 04:43 |
kpaolo | Cannot create link /etc/mtab~ | 04:43 |
kpaolo | Perhaps there is a stale lock file? | 04:43 |
kpaolo | gabbah your client have banned my "spam".. | 04:43 |
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gabbah_ | hold on | 04:44 |
SkrotFFS | /etc/mtab is part of the lessdisks-terminal btw | 04:45 |
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gabbah | ok | 04:45 |
SkrotFFS | kpaolo: Do you already have a /etc/mtab~? | 04:45 |
kpaolo | what? | 04:45 |
gabbah | kpaolo, try msg now | 04:46 |
kpaolo | yes | 04:46 |
SkrotFFS | kpaolo: Check the rights on that file | 04:46 |
SkrotFFS | Aren't ~files backup files? | 04:47 |
SkrotFFS | Perhaps the program is having trouble overwriting that file | 04:47 |
gabbah | let's see your whole fstab kpaolo | 04:47 |
gabbah | i messaged you | 04:47 |
SkrotFFS | My bet would be "mv /etc/mtab~ /etc/mtab~.back" and try again | 04:48 |
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kpaolo | wait | 04:48 |
kpaolo | gabbah | 04:48 |
erofee | Hi Everybody | 04:48 |
kpaolo | one minute... | 04:48 |
kpaolo | damn konversation | 04:48 |
kpaolo | gabbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh | 04:48 |
kpaolo | wait | 04:48 |
kpaolo | gabbah...please wait...i'm banning your messagegs | 04:48 |
gabbah | kpaolo, are u a registered user? | 04:49 |
erofee | Has anyone here setup LAMP on Breezy? | 04:49 |
kpaolo | no gabbah i'm not | 04:49 |
kpaolo | azz... | 04:49 |
SkrotFFS | kpaolo: Did you try moving the file? | 04:49 |
kpaolo | ok... | 04:49 |
gabbah | kpaolo, u need to be regged to send msgs | 04:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | kpaolo: pastebin. ;) | 04:50 |
kpaolo | people can i write my fstab in main? | 04:50 |
CheeseBurgerMan | http://ubuntu.pastebin.com | 04:50 |
gabbah | erofee, i think it's quite easy with linux to setup lamp | 04:50 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Paste it in there | 04:50 |
kpaolo | you're right but this my first time on freenode | 04:50 |
kpaolo | # /etc/fstab: static file system information. | 04:50 |
kpaolo | # | 04:50 |
kpaolo | # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> | 04:50 |
erofee | I have set it up, but i am having some issues | 04:50 |
kpaolo | proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdb8 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdb9 none swap sw 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hda5 /media/Documenti ntfs ro,user umask=0222 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdb5 /media/Video ntfs ro,user umask=0222 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdb7 /media/Altro ntfs ro,user umask=0222 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom2 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom3 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
erofee | gabbah: I have set it up, but i am having some issues | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom4 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom5 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom6 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom7 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/hdd /media/cdrom8 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 04:51 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy1 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy2 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy3 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy4 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy5 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | /dev/fd0 /media/floppy6 auto rw,user,noauto 0 0 | 04:52 |
kpaolo | ...i blame...sorry.. | 04:52 |
kpaolo | anuone want to see a | 04:52 |
kpaolo | mtab???it's short... | 04:52 |
gabbah | damn how many cdroms du u have? | 04:52 |
_shane | I have an IP routing question, I have setup OpenVPN, how do I setup all traffic to 192.168.0.x though the VPN ? | 04:52 |
kpaolo | i have only two CD-ROMs | 04:52 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Then what's with the cdrom8? | 04:53 |
kpaolo | actually a DVD-ROM and a DVD-RW | 04:53 |
gabbah | and all the floppys.. | 04:53 |
kpaolo | maybe the Windows Daemon TOOLS??I think it's impossibile | 04:53 |
kpaolo | i have only one floppy | 04:53 |
gabbah | i don't think windows daemon tools can affect linux.. | 04:54 |
kpaolo | if only I could read my hda5.... | 04:54 |
kpaolo | there is a perfect fstab | 04:54 |
gabbah | i dunno... it looks weird to me with all those cdrom and floppy entries | 04:55 |
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kpaolo | so? | 04:55 |
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kpaolo | must i reinstall o stable kubuntu instead of this dapper5?? | 04:56 |
gabbah | and you still have separated umask from the ro,user | 04:56 |
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gabbah | u shouldn't do that i think | 04:56 |
gabbah | i'm on dapper5, works fine.. i mount my ntfs disk with the line i gave u | 04:56 |
kpaolo | yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | 04:57 |
kpaolo | gabbah!!!! | 04:57 |
kpaolo | you're a God!!!!! | 04:57 |
kpaolo | you're right!!!1 | 04:57 |
gabbah | what? | 04:57 |
kpaolo | ro,user.umask!!!! | 04:57 |
nalioth | kpaolo: please heed the /topic and don't paste in here. use a pastebin please | 04:58 |
gabbah | yeah i told u before.. but i don't think you need "user" | 04:58 |
gabbah | ro,umask=0222 | 04:58 |
kpaolo | nalioth sorry... | 04:58 |
kpaolo | gabbah...now..what have i to do with all taht floppys?? | 04:59 |
gabbah | no space between | 04:59 |
gabbah | i think you can comment it out.. | 04:59 |
gabbah | u don't need to mount them to multiple places | 04:59 |
kpaolo | this is my old mandriva fstab @@@ /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 ntfs noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=0222 0 0 | 05:00 |
gabbah | comment out cdrom2-cdrom8 and floppy1-floppy6 | 05:00 |
gabbah | forget about that old one :) | 05:01 |
kpaolo | cdrom 2 to cdrom8? | 05:01 |
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gabbah | yeah | 05:01 |
gabbah | comment it out | 05:01 |
gabbah | they are duplicates of the same cdrom anyway | 05:01 |
kpaolo | ok | 05:02 |
kpaolo | gabbah | 05:05 |
gabbah | i don't know why u get that mtab link error.. | 05:05 |
kpaolo | what means this | 05:06 |
kpaolo | noauto,users,exec,ro,umask=0222 | 05:06 |
gabbah | just ro,umask=0222 | 05:06 |
kpaolo | and noauto,users,exec | 05:06 |
kpaolo | ? | 05:06 |
gabbah | remove it | 05:06 |
kpaolo | no...it's just the old fstab... | 05:07 |
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kpaolo | anyway I can only mount hda5... | 05:07 |
kpaolo | the other partition don't want to be mounted | 05:07 |
gabbah | well u should be able to mount it manually, or it won't work with fstab either | 05:07 |
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gabbah | try to mount it in the disk manager | 05:08 |
kpaolo | it doesn't.. | 05:08 |
KaoticEvil | anyone know why the kubuntu installer would fail when running usb.rc ? | 05:08 |
kpaolo | only root can mount that partition... | 05:09 |
gabbah | kpaolo, does it work to mount it there? | 05:09 |
gabbah | as root? | 05:09 |
kpaolo | only hda5 works..the others don't... | 05:10 |
kpaolo | should i try as root?from konsole? | 05:10 |
gabbah | that's the one you wanted right? | 05:10 |
gabbah | first tell me what i want to know | 05:10 |
gabbah | can you mount it in the disk manager or not? | 05:11 |
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kpaolo | no... | 05:11 |
gabbah | why not? | 05:11 |
kpaolo | only root can | 05:11 |
kpaolo | from konsole: sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/D -o umask=0222 | 05:12 |
gabbah | but you have to enter your password when you enter the disk manager right? | 05:12 |
kpaolo | mount: mount point /media/Video does not exist | 05:12 |
gabbah | heh | 05:12 |
kpaolo | but /media/Video exists!! | 05:12 |
KaoticEvil | linux is case-sensitive... are you sure you didnt name it /media/video ? | 05:13 |
gabbah | do: ls /media/ | 05:13 |
gabbah | kpaolo, write ls /media | 05:13 |
gabbah | and show me | 05:13 |
frank23 | anyone running kde 3.5.2? can you access the display settings in kde? | 05:14 |
kpaolo | kpaolo@kubuntu:~$ ls /media | 05:14 |
kpaolo | Altro cdrom1 cdrom4 cdrom7 floppy floppy2 floppy5 Video | 05:14 |
kpaolo | cdrom cdrom2 cdrom5 cdrom8 floppy0 floppy3 floppy6 Z | 05:14 |
kpaolo | cdrom0 cdrom3 cdrom6 D floppy1 floppy4 Sistema | 05:14 |
CheeseBurgerMan | frank23: I am. Let me check | 05:14 |
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gabbah | kpaolo, the command sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/D -o umask=0222 will try to mount to a folder called "/media/D" | 05:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | OK, this has gotta be the stupidest question I've ever asked. But where are the display settings? | 05:15 |
gabbah | so try sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda5 /media/Video -o umask=0222 | 05:15 |
kpaolo | mount -t ntfs /dev/hda7 /media/Video -o umask=0222 | 05:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It doesn't show in the search. :\ | 05:16 |
gabbah | why hda7? | 05:16 |
frank23 | CheeseBurgerMan: right-click Configure Desktop->supposed to be there | 05:16 |
gabbah | i thought you wanted hda5? | 05:16 |
kpaolo | hdb7.... | 05:16 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Oh | 05:16 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 05:16 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I was looking in K Control | 05:16 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Yes, I can get there | 05:16 |
frank23 | CheeseBurgerMan: you see display settings in kde 3.5.2 (breezy)? | 05:17 |
kpaolo | kpaolo@kubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hdb7 /media/Video -o umask=0222 | 05:17 |
kpaolo | Cannot create link /etc/mtab~ | 05:17 |
kpaolo | Perhaps there is a stale lock file? | 05:17 |
CheeseBurgerMan | frank23: Yes | 05:17 |
KaoticEvil | anyone running Dapper flight 5? | 05:17 |
gabbah | kpaolo, i don't know why you get that error.. u will have to ask someone else about that | 05:17 |
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frank23 | CheeseBurgerMan: hmm... I don't. meaning you can change resolution? | 05:17 |
CheeseBurgerMan | No, I can't | 05:18 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Sorry, I'm getting confused about what you mean. :| | 05:18 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, yep I am | 05:18 |
KaoticEvil | gabbah: hows it run? | 05:18 |
kpaolo | gabbah...i'm mounting all the partition manually... | 05:18 |
kpaolo | shall i have to do that at every startup????????? | 05:18 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, I think it's awesome.. better than breezy :) | 05:18 |
frank23 | CheeseBurgerMan: you're supposed to be able to right-click->Configure Desktop->Display Settings->change resolution/refresh rate. | 05:19 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | frank23: I can't do that | 05:19 |
gabbah | kpaolo, no shouldn't have to. I don't know why you can't mount hdb7... | 05:19 |
KaoticEvil | gabbah: cool.. hows the stability? | 05:19 |
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KaoticEvil | and any major bugs that you've run into | 05:19 |
KaoticEvil | ? | 05:19 |
kpaolo | why not?? | 05:19 |
frank23 | CheeseBurgerMan: yeah kde 3.5.2 removed that menu | 05:19 |
kpaolo | there are my videos... | 05:19 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, so far so good... nope no bugs so far. but i haven't been using it very long though. | 05:19 |
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KaoticEvil | ah, ok | 05:19 |
gdarel | anyone have information (or a link) where I can enable the wireless lan switch for a Compaq? | 05:20 |
gabbah | kpaolo, i don't know, I don't understand that mtab link error | 05:20 |
kpaolo | what's the problem?? | 05:20 |
KaoticEvil | gdarel: you mean a wireless network card? | 05:20 |
gdarel | Yup | 05:20 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gdarel: Broadcom? | 05:21 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, my printer and mp3-player worked better with dapper than with breezy :) | 05:21 |
gdarel | I belive that's the one | 05:21 |
kalenedrael | gabbah, enable the switch? | 05:21 |
CheeseBurgerMan | !ndiswrapper | 05:21 |
ubotu | ndiswrapper is, like, totally, a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper | 05:21 |
KaoticEvil | gabbah: cool... well, my printer is a samba one, so... | 05:21 |
kalenedrael | You mean that little pushbutton that turns it on and off? | 05:21 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, i think they have improved things overall.. i like it alot | 05:21 |
KaoticEvil | i may try it... | 05:21 |
KaoticEvil | can i get it thru apt ? | 05:21 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Oh, maybe I got confused. :| | 05:22 |
KaoticEvil | or do i have to download the CD? | 05:22 |
gdarel | thanks! | 05:22 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gdarel: That's just to make the wireless work - not make the button work. | 05:22 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Although the button still turns it off. :P | 05:22 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Just not back on as far as I can tell. ;) | 05:22 |
gdarel | do I need to enable the button for the crd to work? | 05:22 |
KaoticEvil | probably not back on tho heh | 05:23 |
kalenedrael | gdarel, can you describe specifically what you want to do? | 05:23 |
CheeseBurgerMan | yup. :P | 05:23 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gdarel: No, you don't | 05:23 |
kalenedrael | The button itself does not need drivers. It's a hardware thing. | 05:23 |
kalenedrael | The card does. | 05:23 |
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gabbah | KaoticEvil, u can upgrade from breezy yes | 05:24 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, type my name or i will miss your messages.. | 05:24 |
gdarel | My thought was that I need to be able to turn it on before I can use it | 05:24 |
KaoticEvil | gabbah: you got it... i cant find anything for the repos to add tho :( | 05:24 |
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Goop2 | hey | 05:26 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, no, u need to replace all "breezy" with "dapper" in your sources.list | 05:26 |
KaoticEvil | oh... is that all? | 05:26 |
KaoticEvil | well, in that case.... | 05:27 |
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gabbah | KaoticEvil, and then do apt-get update, and apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:27 |
KaoticEvil | ok, cool.. thanks gabbah :) | 05:27 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, if i remember correctly... there's a howto on this. | 05:27 |
KaoticEvil | altho i think im going to download a CD of dapper anyway | 05:27 |
Goop2 | what type of program file should I download for kubuntu? | 05:27 |
gabbah | well can't hurt to have it. but the upgrade is easy like i told you | 05:28 |
gabbah | Goop2, i'm guessing ISO | 05:28 |
KaoticEvil | yeah, well, if my network dies in the middle of the upgrade... i can just install from the CD then :) | 05:28 |
kpaolo | shall i have some special codec to listen to mp3 and watch films?? | 05:28 |
gabbah | KaoticEvil, safe thinking :) | 05:28 |
Goop2 | no, I mean like .exe is windows | 05:28 |
trappist | anybody running kde that doesn't have mp3 support installed? | 05:28 |
gabbah | kpaolo, i installed xmms and VLC, worked fine | 05:28 |
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KaoticEvil | trappist: mine worked OOB... | 05:29 |
trappist | KaoticEvil: using what | 05:29 |
kpaolo | ok..i'm tryng | 05:29 |
gabbah | Goop2, you use the "add program" menu... | 05:29 |
KaoticEvil | trappist: i use xmms for audio playing | 05:29 |
trappist | KaoticEvil: (k) doesn't ship with any mp3 decoders | 05:29 |
trappist | err (k)ubuntu | 05:29 |
gabbah | Goop2, otherwise u can get into trouble doing that on your own.. | 05:29 |
KaoticEvil | ah... i guess xmms installed them then :) | 05:30 |
Goop2 | I want to download a program >.> | 05:30 |
kpaolo | gabbah...some problems... | 05:30 |
kpaolo | kpaolo@kubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install xmms | 05:30 |
kpaolo | E: Impossibile ottenere il lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 05:30 |
kpaolo | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 05:30 |
gabbah | Goop2, but otherwise, linux often use .gz or .tar i think.. they are like zip files. | 05:30 |
CheeseBurgerMan | kpaolo: Running adept? | 05:30 |
kpaolo | i think no...in systray it isn't! | 05:30 |
trappist | KaoticEvil: dpkg -l | grep 'gstreamer0.8-mad' | 05:30 |
CheeseBurgerMan | or synaptic, or some other apt-frontend? | 05:31 |
KaoticEvil | Goop2: if you see a .deb file, those are best for x/k/ubuntu | 05:31 |
kpaolo | but it's possible 'cause i've this dapper since half an hour! | 05:31 |
KaoticEvil | easyier to install | 05:31 |
gabbah | kpaolo, make sure you don't have some other admin program open when you do that | 05:31 |
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Goop2 | I tried that, but I couldent open the files | 05:31 |
Goop2 | deb? ok | 05:31 |
kpaolo | i don't remember the "task manager" linux konsole mode... | 05:31 |
gabbah | Goop2, u should search for that program in the "add programs" menu first | 05:32 |
kpaolo | what's the command??? | 05:32 |
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kpaolo | adept??? | 05:32 |
gabbah | kpaolo, just look at your taskbar.. if you don't see it there it's not anything that could interere | 05:32 |
kpaolo | well..actually...it started the very first two boot | 05:33 |
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gabbah | kpaolo, and also make sure you're not running another apt-get in another terminal | 05:33 |
gabbah | kpaolo, what started? | 05:33 |
kpaolo | but then because the rebbot it doesn't work well and i've switch it off... | 05:33 |
kpaolo | shall i reboot? | 05:34 |
kpaolo | ok..i'm rebooting... | 05:34 |
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gabbah | CheeseBurgerMan, i'm leaving you to take care of kpaolo ;) | 05:35 |
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gabbah | he's too much work :) | 05:35 |
CheeseBurgerMan | hey! | 05:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 05:36 |
gabbah | good luck mate! :) | 05:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol, thanks | 05:36 |
gabbah | he'll suck the life right out of ya... :P | 05:36 |
gabbah | i need some sleep now... good bye :) | 05:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | So I see. ;) | 05:36 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | G"night | 05:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | WB | 05:36 |
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kpaolo | ok..adept doesn't work... | 05:37 |
CheeseBurgerMan | What does it say? | 05:38 |
kpaolo | is the same if i do apt-dist upgrade?? | 05:38 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Dunno, what did you tell it to do? | 05:38 |
kpaolo | i sayd nothing! | 05:39 |
kpaolo | *said | 05:39 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Then no, it's not the same as a dist-upgrade. | 05:39 |
kpaolo | i only have 221 packs to upgrade and adept deosn't worl.. | 05:39 |
kpaolo | *work.. | 05:39 |
CheeseBurgerMan | You can use apt-get dist-upgrade | 05:40 |
kpaolo | ah ok! | 05:40 |
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kpaolo | ok it's working | 05:41 |
gdarel | back again.... OK I'm at thepoint where I foind the driver for Ndiswrapper. on the HP site is a exe file..... How do I extract the INI out of that? | 05:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Do you have a Presario V2000Z? If so I can just send you the sys file | 05:42 |
gdarel | no 2568cl | 05:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gdarel: You have to run the exe as far as I know | 05:43 |
gdarel | cheeseburgerman any harm in trying it though? | 05:44 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Not sure. | 05:45 |
eitan | Anyone know how to get xmame to work in kubuntu? | 05:45 |
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Kyral | oy... | 05:46 |
eitan | it says it loads the rom then it says it doesn't | 05:46 |
Kyral | I have 6 email addys registered at LP | 05:46 |
yuriy | why o why | 05:46 |
gdarel | How do I exacute the exe fle? | 05:46 |
_jonathan | for some reason the amarok's podcast folder is being deleted | 05:46 |
yuriy | lol. | 05:46 |
_jonathan | i have to keep re-creating it | 05:46 |
firewire | wow | 05:46 |
Kyral | because people keep giving me forwarders | 05:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | gdarel: You'll need wine | 05:47 |
_jonathan | ...anyone know about this ? | 05:47 |
Kyral | I have a GMail Account, my college account, my personal mailserver | 05:47 |
CheeseBurgerMan | http://www.winehq.com | 05:47 |
Kyral | then for Forwarders I have @ubuntu.com, @member.fsf.org, and @acm.org | 05:47 |
yuriy | oh thats what he's asking | 05:47 |
eitan | anyone know about xmame? | 05:47 |
yuriy | i dont know if running it under wine will let you extract it | 05:47 |
eitan | how to use it and stuff? | 05:48 |
yuriy | you might be able to just open the archive as it is even though its an exe | 05:48 |
yuriy | try opening it with ark and see what happens | 05:48 |
gdarel | k good idea | 05:48 |
yuriy | or run it under windows to extract | 05:48 |
yuriy | assuming it IS an archive and not a setup thing | 05:48 |
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XVampireX | WoW, KDE is better than gnome :P | 05:50 |
yuriy | heh hell yeah | 05:51 |
gdarel | On sure.... now that going to take an act of god....... Gary: Sweetie can I use your laptop.... | 05:51 |
kpaolo | do i need some codecs to listen mp3??XMMS Kaffeine and Amarok doesn't make any noise... | 05:52 |
robotgeek | kpaolo, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 05:52 |
eitan | automatix | 05:53 |
robotgeek | !automatix | 05:53 |
ubotu | automatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 05:53 |
kpaolo | ok | 05:53 |
frank23 | eitan: please don't suggest automatix in this channel (or any ubuntu channel) | 05:54 |
gdarel | wine was easier.... FYI it worked | 05:54 |
kpaolo | robotgeek that packs are right for kubuntu too?? | 05:54 |
eitan | ok...sorry | 05:55 |
eitan | didn't know | 05:55 |
robotgeek | kpaolo: yes, those work on kubuntu too | 05:55 |
kpaolo | ok tnx! | 05:56 |
eitan | xmame? anyone know how to use it? | 05:56 |
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frank23 | eitan: It's easier if you use a front end to xmame. I used gxmame which is sort of like mame32 | 05:58 |
llukax | where is the kernel dir in kubuntu? | 05:58 |
eitan | frank23, thanx...i tried apt-getting it...do you know a repository i should add first? | 05:58 |
frank23 | eitan: I think I installed xmame from a debian repository (not sure) and I compiled gxmame myself | 05:59 |
eitan | ahhh...well i think i've found some instructions online...compiling scares my newbilicious conscience | 06:00 |
frank23 | eitan: for programs which are not packaged like gxmame it's often the only way. | 06:01 |
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eitan | downloaded a deb | 06:01 |
eitan | but you're right...i should get used to it... | 06:01 |
frank23 | eitan: for gxmame? from where? | 06:02 |
eitan | frank23: http://mikesplanet.net/deb/gxmame_0.35beta2-1~breezy_i386.deb | 06:02 |
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frank23 | eitan: yeah ok. that one was built for breezy so it should work | 06:02 |
frank23 | eitan: does it work? | 06:03 |
eitan | frank23: at least superficially so far...i'll report if and when i get it to work with a rom | 06:03 |
eitan | nope...pretty much the same error when i was trying to use vanilla xmame | 06:04 |
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eitan | i think i'm just doing it wrong...as in not putting the rom in the right place or something | 06:05 |
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eitan | frank23: do i need to put roms in a particular directory? | 06:05 |
frank23 | eitan: what version of xmame do you have? change the Options->Directories to add your rom path | 06:06 |
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_shane | can you use kphone between two computers on a LAN, or is there something better for this? | 06:11 |
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frank23 | eitan: mame is insane... 9 years old now. I wonder how many hardware platforms it emulates now | 06:12 |
eitan | frank23: yeah, it's pretty badass | 06:13 |
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Ranma | Im wondering if someone can help me with an issue | 06:13 |
frank23 | Ranma: it better if you just ask. If someone knows, they will answer | 06:14 |
Ranma | im using hal ivman and dbus and im having trouble with kde 3.5.1 i cant see cdrom in media directory, only hard disks | 06:14 |
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eitan | frank23: omg, it works... | 06:16 |
eitan | frank23: thanks for your help | 06:16 |
frank23 | eitan: great! np | 06:16 |
frank23 | Ranma: not sure... | 06:17 |
eitan | frank23: it won't let me resize or fullscreen...any ideas? | 06:17 |
frank23 | eitan: I don't remember... option in gxmame for that? | 06:18 |
eitan | i'll check it | 06:18 |
_shane | does anyone know how to setup a VoIP connection between two computers on a LAN? | 06:20 |
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yuriy | ranma: can you see the cdrom anywhere else? | 06:20 |
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frank23 | eitan: If I remember correctly, some roms want VERY strange resolutions and don't work because xorg can't provide them | 06:20 |
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eitan | frank23: there's a setting i can scale it up...gonna try it in a sec | 06:21 |
yuriy | Ranma: are you talking about /media or media:/ or system:/media/? | 06:22 |
eitan | you know what I like best about linux...it's fun just to read about all these different projects that people work on...it doesn't just seem to come out of nowhere...seems like it's made by real people | 06:22 |
kpaolo | what's i2c module??it's in my xorg.conf.. | 06:23 |
yuriy | any particular reason to know? | 06:25 |
Ranma | media:/ | 06:25 |
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kpaolo | i've seen a xorg.conf of a guy that have 3D Accerellation.. | 06:25 |
yuriy | Ranma: i assume you've tried reinserting the cd? mine tends to be inconsistent, and one drive is more consistent than the other even. | 06:25 |
kpaolo | and where i have "i2c" he has "GLcore" | 06:25 |
Ranma | if i insert the cd it shows on desktop and in media:/ but no content in it | 06:26 |
frank23 | kpaolo: I don't think i2c is related to 3d. just leave it there. did you install binary drivers? | 06:26 |
kpaolo | not yet..i'm upgrading the distro.. | 06:26 |
Ranma | is there any difference to hal if i use /mnt instead of /media??? | 06:27 |
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_shane | Hi is there a simple way or getting VoIP to work on a LAN? | 06:39 |
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=== BigAirPlane vroom..... | ||
=== BigAirPlane comes in for a landing | ||
SlimG | Does it exist a automatic cpu/sys fan controller? yet i've only found fan/cpu monitors. | 06:42 |
eitan | frank23: do you know how I set the keyboard configuration i want? | 06:42 |
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llukax | hey does anyone know how to install realtime-lsm on kubuntu? | 06:43 |
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SlimG | llukax: http://oktyabr.wordpress.com/2006/02/20/ubuntu-cleverness-part-5-realtime-lsm/ | 06:45 |
llukax | k i did this but got this error | 06:47 |
llukax | Failed: Security Capabilities not configured as module | 06:47 |
llukax | Realtime LSM will not work with /usr/src/linux | 06:47 |
SlimG | llukax: I'm less experienced with kernel packages, hope you get some better answers | 06:49 |
llukax | thnx | 06:49 |
SlimG | frank23: setting your keyboard to your native language? | 06:50 |
SlimG | frank23: or configuring your own hotkeys | 06:50 |
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ArthurB | Hi, I am trying to upgrade to kde 3.5.2... are the packages broken ? | 06:53 |
regeya | neato. I wasn't aware that anyone had realtime working on ubuntu systems. | 06:53 |
=== regeya gets the happy | ||
ArthurB | anyone running kde 3.5.2 from the kubuntu repositery ? | 06:54 |
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kosh | not yet | 06:55 |
kosh | planned to upgrade a box in another 10 minutes or so | 06:55 |
ArthurB | broken | 06:55 |
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kosh | what is broken about it? | 06:55 |
ArthurB | well tracking down the problem I find that installing libarts1c2 tries to remove the whole kde install | 06:55 |
regeya | indeed. this would be nice to know before an upgrade. | 06:55 |
regeya | lol | 06:56 |
regeya | awesome | 06:56 |
ArthurB | well... try apt-get dist-upgrade, and ponder if (500 Mb will be freed sounds allright ) | 06:56 |
kosh | that seems strange I just told a system to do a dist-upgrade and it does not want to remove anything | 06:56 |
ArthurB | Need to get 12.9MB of archives.After unpacking 505MB disk space will be freed. | 06:56 |
ArthurB | hummm | 06:56 |
kosh | I just tested the command and it does not want to remove that here at least | 06:57 |
ArthurB | Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. | 06:57 |
regeya | I'd assume that if it uninstalls kde it'll probably uninstall kubuntu-desktop as well...feeling like taking one for the team? I'd bet you have some other conflicting package. if it were me I'd drop down to console, do it, then reinstall kubuntu-desktop | 06:57 |
ArthurB | blah blah... Package Broken | 06:57 |
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regeya | ArthurB: simple. wait a while before you upgrade. :-/ | 06:58 |
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ArthurB | I'm not stupid :) | 06:58 |
regeya | ignore what I said before that. | 06:58 |
regeya | :> | 06:58 |
kosh | it seems strange though that another breezy box I have does not want to remove that package at all | 06:58 |
regeya | but...but...broken deps are *fun* | 06:58 |
kosh | it shows no conflicts of any kind | 06:58 |
ArthurB | running dapper btw | 06:59 |
kosh | umm | 06:59 |
_shane | dir | 06:59 |
ArthurB | I track the pb to libarts1c2, but I might be wrong about that | 06:59 |
ArthurB | trying to install that single packages tries to remove everyhing else | 06:59 |
kosh | dapper has kde 3.5.2 as part of it now you do not use the packages linked to on the kubuntu page | 06:59 |
regeya | yeah...do you have something from universe, something from another repo, etc. that could depend on libarts mebbe? *shrug* | 06:59 |
kosh | they are for breezy | 06:59 |
ArthurB | oh | 07:00 |
kosh | I just did an upgrade on dapper with no issues at all | 07:00 |
ArthurB | that's wht | 07:00 |
regeya | oh heh | 07:00 |
regeya | or that | 07:00 |
_shane | I am trying to get an itercomm type system using IP for a LAN does anyone know how? | 07:00 |
ArthurB | I got all the requirements for libarts1c2 | 07:00 |
kosh | _shane: sorry shane no idea | 07:00 |
ArthurB | and it doesn't conflict any installed lib | 07:00 |
kosh | ArthurB: your system is confused because you are mixing stuff | 07:00 |
regeya | _shane: unh? | 07:00 |
regeya | mixing stuff is FUN | 07:00 |
kosh | ArthurB: just remove the apt line for kde 3.5.2 and it should then work | 07:00 |
kosh | regeya: well it gets even worse if you use an outside kde 3.5.2 and the main archives already have it but they are not binary compatible with each other :) | 07:01 |
_shane | regeya: I want to be able to communicate voice between two computers on a LAN. | 07:01 |
ArthurB | so why does it ask for packages to be removed : mystery | 07:03 |
ArthurB | kdelibs4c2: Depends: libopenexr2c2 (>= 1.2.2) but it is not installable | 07:03 |
ArthurB | arthurb@coin:~$ apt-cache search libopenexr2c2 | 07:03 |
ArthurB | libopenexr2c2a - runtime files for the OpenEXR image library | 07:03 |
ArthurB | ahah | 07:03 |
ArthurB | maybe libopenexr2c2a should be set to provide libopenexr2c2 | 07:04 |
SlimG | Does it exist a automatic cpu/sys fan controller? yet i've only found fan/cpu monitors. | 07:05 |
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regeya | _shane: wouldn't know b/c I have no use for such things, but iirc kopete can do audio/video chat via netmeeting...but I wouldn't know anything about that. | 07:09 |
kosh | SlimG: shouldn't the fans control themselves? | 07:10 |
me2win | !squid | 07:10 |
ubotu | me2win: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:10 |
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arn | anyone still awake? | 07:17 |
robotgeek | arn: just ask :) | 07:18 |
arn | I just installed dapper version of kubuntu | 07:18 |
arn | I've used edubuntu before (on my kids machine) | 07:18 |
arn | how do I update it? | 07:18 |
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kosh | I drained everyone's souls, they all serve me now :) | 07:18 |
robotgeek | arn: use adept | 07:19 |
kosh | just use adept | 07:19 |
arn | was afraid of that | 07:19 |
arn | I click on adept | 07:19 |
kosh | why? | 07:19 |
SlimG | kosh: i got a nforce, and back in the m$ days i had to install a separate fan controller witch i could configure high/low temp | 07:19 |
robotgeek | arn: these should also be a notifier in the kicker systray | 07:19 |
arn | it's asks for a password but nothing happens | 07:19 |
kosh | arn: use your password | 07:19 |
robotgeek | arn: did you type your password? | 07:19 |
arn | I know that | 07:19 |
arn | yes | 07:19 |
kosh | arn: otherwise open up a terminal and type sudo apt-get update | 07:19 |
kosh | and then enter your password | 07:19 |
kosh | and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:20 |
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kosh | that will do the upgrade also | 07:20 |
kosh | and probably fix adept :) | 07:20 |
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arn | I just tried sudo adept and it ran in read only mode | 07:21 |
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robotgeek | hey pradeepto | 07:22 |
pradeepto | yo robotgeek | 07:22 |
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arn | sudo apt-get update complains that the administation directory is locked | 07:23 |
arn | hmm | 07:23 |
robotgeek | arn: you are probably runnig adept somewhere | 07:23 |
arn | in the tray | 07:23 |
arn | it auto runs | 07:24 |
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_user | hiiiiiiiii.joined | 07:24 |
arn | quit it from the tray but same message | 07:24 |
kpaolo | arn i had that problem... | 07:24 |
kpaolo | just reboot | 07:24 |
arn | checking for background processes | 07:25 |
kpaolo | even two times... | 07:25 |
pradeepto | arn: check is some apt-get process is running or something | 07:25 |
_user | #kawanua | 07:25 |
pradeepto | bigno | 07:25 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: killing the process should have helped. | 07:25 |
kpaolo | yes obviusly | 07:26 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: did you upgrade to 3.5.2? | 07:26 |
robotgeek | pradeepto: yes, 2 days ago | 07:26 |
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pradeepto | robotgeek: w0ah!!! | 07:27 |
robotgeek | pradeepto: very good upgrade :) | 07:27 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: you beta tested it or something | 07:27 |
arn | 8 instances | 07:27 |
robotgeek | pradeepto: also testing "kio-beagle" | 07:27 |
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
pradeepto | arn: kill them | 07:27 |
fatejudger | upstream version freeze exception? | 07:27 |
fatejudger | how can I wait that long? | 07:28 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: there was K front end to beagle I heard | 07:28 |
arn | killed like three and then the all disappeared pradeepto | 07:28 |
arn | thanks though | 07:28 |
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robotgeek | pradeepto: there's kerry, which is nice. i like kio-beagle as i don't have to leave konqueror | 07:28 |
arn | k, sudo apt-get update ran | 07:29 |
arn | then what? sudo apt-get distro-update? | 07:29 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: what can I say about that? konq is a drug man! | 07:29 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: the first kio is free and then your addicted for life :P | 07:29 |
robotgeek | pradeepto: it's got a Document Model Extentension, which is great for mailing lists | 07:29 |
pradeepto | arn: depends what you want to do. | 07:29 |
arn | :) | 07:30 |
arn | short story | 07:30 |
arn | first time with kubuntu, just installed dapper, want to update it | 07:30 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: you mean konq is it? | 07:30 |
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robotgeek | pradeepto: yes, in konq | 07:30 |
pradeepto | arn: no probs | 07:30 |
fatejudger | !samba | 07:30 |
ubotu | from memory, samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently | 07:31 |
arn | I have 6 years of linux experience just very little of it with a debian based one | 07:31 |
arn | some one mentioned apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:31 |
arn | no need? | 07:31 |
arn | or what does that do? | 07:31 |
pradeepto | arn: if you want to upgrate KDE to 3.5.2 please do -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:31 |
pradeepto | arn: it will pretty much upgrade everything possible on your box. Even KDE :) | 07:32 |
trappist | if it's available in the repos you have configured | 07:32 |
pradeepto | arn dont forget to modify your sources.list file | 07:32 |
kpaolo | i didn't notice i was upgrading to KDE 3.5.2.... | 07:33 |
arn | is there an easy way to do that like in synaptic? | 07:33 |
arn | pradeepto? | 07:33 |
bimberi | arn: you'll need to do 'sudo apt-get update' first to resynchronize the package index files from their sources | 07:33 |
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arn | bimberi: just got the apt-get update to run | 07:33 |
arn | good to go there | 07:33 |
bimberi | arn: kk :) | 07:34 |
kpaolo | any ATI user?? | 07:34 |
pradeepto | arn: yes but I think you mean Adept | 07:34 |
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arn | I meant synaptic - I run edubuntu on my kids machine | 07:34 |
arn | I was just asking if it was like that | 07:34 |
pradeepto | arn: please modify the /etc/apt/sources.list file before you do any of the stuff. | 07:34 |
pradeepto | arn ok | 07:34 |
arn | cool :) | 07:35 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: my lappy has a ATI card | 07:35 |
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kpaolo | lappy?? | 07:35 |
httpdss | when i want to install an eclipse plugin, almost when it finishes the installation and the dialog box is saying feature.xml ... eclipse freezes ... (same effect if running as root) ... this happend to me with the haskell plugin and also the pydev plugin | 07:35 |
kpaolo | soory but i'm italian.. | 07:35 |
kpaolo | i don't understand all you say | 07:35 |
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kpaolo | ahhh laptop | 07:35 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: no problem I am an Indian :) | 07:35 |
kpaolo | ook... | 07:36 |
kpaolo | ok ok | 07:36 |
kpaolo | lappy -> laptop | 07:36 |
kpaolo | ;) | 07:36 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: heh my laptop has a ATI card | 07:36 |
pradeepto | yes | 07:36 |
arn | pradeepto: there are only 2 repositories not active | 07:36 |
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kpaolo | pradeepto got 3D accelleration?? | 07:36 |
arn | never mind | 07:36 |
=== arn is retarted tonight | ||
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pradeepto | kpaolo: hmmm never quite checked that :P | 07:37 |
kpaolo | i don't have installed anything but my glxinfo says that i have direct rendering | 07:37 |
kpaolo | just tip "glxinfo" | 07:37 |
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pradeepto | kpaolo: now what? | 07:38 |
kpaolo | you can read your sys info | 07:38 |
arn | repositories uncommented | 07:38 |
arn | run apt-get update again? | 07:39 |
pradeepto | arn which ones? | 07:39 |
kpaolo | name of display: :0.0 | 07:39 |
kpaolo | display: :0 screen: 0 | 07:39 |
kpaolo | direct rendering: Yes | 07:39 |
arn | the universe and backports | 07:39 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: yup | 07:39 |
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pradeepto | arn: I dont think you will need backports. robotgeek might know more on this | 07:40 |
robotgeek | arn: are you on dapper? | 07:40 |
arn | yes sir robotgeek | 07:40 |
robotgeek | arn: if so, there are no backports, as there is nothing to backport from | 07:40 |
arn | k | 07:40 |
arn | so recomment? | 07:40 |
arn | or no blood no foul? | 07:40 |
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_bbeck | I just upgraded to KDE 3.5.2 today, and I noticed that when I'm in Konqueror (File Manager Mode) the delete key doesn't delete files or folders anymore. Has anyone else noticed this? | 07:41 |
robotgeek | _bbeck: works for me | 07:42 |
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pradeepto | hey arn why dont you post your sources.list on pastebin please? | 07:42 |
fatejudger | I think they should spend less time fixing KDE 3.5 and more time working on KDE 4 | 07:42 |
fatejudger | yes, I do realize it's a bugfix release | 07:42 |
fatejudger | but still | 07:42 |
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arn | pradeepto: give me a sec | 07:43 |
pradeepto | fatejudger: good point but you know 3.5.x will be something we showcase to loads of people who are new to nix and are looking | 07:44 |
pradeepto | fatejudger: and since they are *looking* we ought to look *good* :) | 07:44 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: whats next? | 07:44 |
arn | pradeepto: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/628235 | 07:44 |
pradeepto | ok | 07:45 |
kpaolo | wait...i'll reboot kde.. | 07:45 |
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kpaolo | well | 07:46 |
kpaolo | it seems KDE 3.5.2 but how can i chechk?? | 07:47 |
robotgeek | kpaolo: any kde app, help -> about kde | 07:47 |
kpaolo | it says 3.5.1 | 07:48 |
kpaolo | but my desktop is different than 10 seconds before! | 07:48 |
fatejudger | kpaolo: restart | 07:48 |
kpaolo | even kopete is different | 07:48 |
robotgeek | kpaolo: quit kde, don't restart | 07:48 |
kpaolo | restart the machine? | 07:48 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: takes just as long in Dapper | 07:48 |
robotgeek | kpaolo: no need | 07:48 |
kpaolo | ah...just done | 07:48 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: comeone, ctrl + alt + del is definetly faster than reboot | 07:49 |
robotgeek | s/comeone/come on | 07:49 |
kpaolo | in systray the icons are one above the other...not in row... | 07:49 |
kpaolo | and i have new applications.. | 07:50 |
kpaolo | it must be 3.5.2!! | 07:50 |
pradeepto | arn do you want to play mp3s and movies? | 07:50 |
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kpaolo | yes!i do!! | 07:50 |
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arn | quite likely | 07:51 |
arn | I plan on using this machine for video editing | 07:51 |
robotgeek | arn, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:51 |
pradeepto | kpaolo: that was for arn actually but anyways just activave the universe and multiverse repos | 07:51 |
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kpaolo | i have alredy done that.. | 07:52 |
arn | pradeepto: I only activate universe repositories | 07:52 |
kpaolo | but for the restricted formats it's a Hell!! | 07:52 |
arn | including the backports - thanks for the info on that who ever it was | 07:53 |
pradeepto | arn: | 07:54 |
arn | pradeepto: I activated lines 22, 23, 32, 33, 37 and 38 | 07:54 |
pradeepto | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/628248 | 07:54 |
pradeepto | arn ^^^^ | 07:54 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: can you check if its oke, I tend to make mistakes :( | 07:55 |
arn | thanks pradeepto | 07:55 |
arn | that is your config I assume | 07:55 |
fatejudger | crimsun: how about that fix? | 07:56 |
pradeepto | arn no, yours actually. Just added a few things here and there :) | 07:56 |
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robotgeek | arn, pradeepto looks good | 07:56 |
pradeepto | thanks | 07:56 |
arn | good enough for me :) | 07:56 |
kpaolo | tnx for the sources!!! | 07:56 |
arn | thanks everyone | 07:56 |
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pradeepto | kpaolo: I assume you are running dapper | 07:57 |
kpaolo | yes!! | 07:57 |
pradeepto | ok | 07:57 |
crimsun | fatejudger: I haven't even had time to look at merges today [real life work is utterly consuming atm] | 07:57 |
kpaolo | i always meet future for first!! | 07:57 |
pradeepto | heh | 07:57 |
arn | Any thing else I should know before I go to bed? | 07:58 |
fatejudger | crimsun: I'm just giving you a hard time | 07:58 |
kpaolo | d'oh!!!it's mornig!!i gotta go to lesson... | 07:58 |
pradeepto | arn: after you change the lists do a -> sudo apt-get update | 07:58 |
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fatejudger | crimsun: I'm selling this sound card in a couple of months anyway | 07:58 |
arn | as we speak pradeepto | 07:58 |
pradeepto | hey fatejudger that was just 2cents btw so no offence :) | 07:59 |
frank23 | Wow I didn't know what a rss reader did until now. It's a great idea! | 07:59 |
arn | got some warnings though | 07:59 |
fatejudger | pradeepto: ? | 07:59 |
pradeepto | fatejudger: about kde 3.5.x and kde 4 | 07:59 |
pradeepto | arn: like whay? | 07:59 |
fatejudger | pradeepto: what did you say about it? | 07:59 |
fatejudger | Hobbsee: hey | 07:59 |
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=== arn is looking | ||
arn | looks like unverified signature keys | 07:59 |
pradeepto | [11:30] <pradeepto> fatejudger: good point but you know 3.5.x will be something we showcase to loads of people who are new to nix and are looking | 08:00 |
pradeepto | [11:30] <-- wirr has left this server. (Remote closed the connection) | 08:00 |
pradeepto | [11:30] <pradeepto> fatejudger: and since they are *looking* we ought to look *good* :) | 08:00 |
arn | don't think it caused any problems | 08:00 |
pradeepto | fatejudger: ^^^^ | 08:00 |
fatejudger | pradeepto: I agree | 08:00 |
pradeepto | arn: oh thats okes | 08:00 |
fatejudger | pradeepto: I just really want KDE 4 to roll around | 08:00 |
arn | cool - thanks again for the help | 08:00 |
fatejudger | pradeepto: not only for the new features, but for the integration | 08:00 |
arn | it's bedtime for me though | 08:00 |
fatejudger | pradeepto: things really need to start working seemlessly | 08:00 |
arn | I will be back though :) | 08:00 |
pradeepto | fatejudger: me too, very true | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | hey fatejudger | 08:01 |
fatejudger | Hobbsee: making some good progress on that checkinstall package? | 08:01 |
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Hobbsee | fatejudger: havent looked at it, i dont know how to fix it | 08:01 |
fatejudger | Hobbsee: I'm just giving you a hard time | 08:01 |
Hobbsee | :P | 08:02 |
=== Hobbsee tries, possibly futiley, to resolve these dependancies | ||
fatejudger | some has anyone had this weird problem with the adept updater where the system tray icon flashes on and off after a reboot? | 08:03 |
fatejudger | it's weird | 08:03 |
fatejudger | and it scares me | 08:03 |
yuriy | holy crap i guess here comes the 3.5.2 upgrade | 08:04 |
yuriy | 232 packages | 08:04 |
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pradeepto | 232 pkgs w0ah! | 08:06 |
pradeepto | yuriy: can you tell the download sized | 08:06 |
pradeepto | *size | 08:06 |
yuriy | 204mb | 08:09 |
pradeepto | thanks | 08:09 |
yuriy | and that's just an upgrade | 08:09 |
yuriy | some were held back, so a dist-upgrade should fetch some more | 08:09 |
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InGpAo | guys... | 08:10 |
InGpAo | some problems with upgrade... | 08:10 |
=== pradeepto plans to do that after 22:00 hours as download is free then :) | ||
InGpAo | X has gone... | 08:10 |
InGpAo | now i'm in winzozz | 08:10 |
InGpAo | gota go now.. | 08:11 |
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pradeepto | laters | 08:18 |
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ged_ | er... can't get audio working in amaroK through either xine or artsd engine in Dapper... | 08:20 |
ged_ | anyone seen this problem before? | 08:20 |
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me2win | !lamp | 08:24 |
ubotu | Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP | 08:24 |
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yuriy | looks like some 3.5.2 packages aren't up yet | 08:27 |
yuriy | ..another update pretty much fixed that. | 08:28 |
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yuriy | ged_: neither of those work for me, using gstreamer | 08:29 |
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ged_ | yuriy: thanks, I was beginning to wonder what was going on... I also tried to upgrade (http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-amarok-beta2.php) but that fails for me | 08:34 |
venky | can anyone help me with installing ssh for gaim 2 beta 2 cant connect to google talk and msn without it | 08:35 |
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_mendred | Tm_t: where is ur kopete package? | 08:37 |
yuriy | ged_: breezy probably has a different set of packages, i have no idea what their status is, i'm on dapper and i just upgraded and everything works fine | 08:38 |
Tm_T | _mendred: http://www.tm-travolta.net/kde/kopete/0.12/kopete_3.5.2-kopete0.12-ubuntu1_i386.deb | 08:38 |
Tm_T | _mendred: good morning to you too ;) | 08:38 |
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venky | can anyone help me with installing ssh for gaim 2 beta 2 cant connect to google talk and msn without it | 08:39 |
_mendred | Tm_t:good morning | 08:39 |
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me2win | !add | 09:04 |
ubotu | To add an item to me, type "ubotu <keyword> is <description description description>", without the carets. To append to an article, use /msg ubotu <factoid> is also <description>. Adding spam/nonsense to the bot WILL get you kicked. | 09:04 |
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fatejudger_ | !sources.list | 09:05 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 09:05 |
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me2win | ubotu XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start. Get it at http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html | 09:14 |
ubotu | okay, me2win | 09:14 |
_ankur | hrm | 09:14 |
_ankur | can someone help me install GAIM? | 09:14 |
me2win | _ankur, sure | 09:15 |
me2win | sudo apt-get install gaim | 09:15 |
_ankur | hrm | 09:19 |
_ankur | it says couldnt find gaim package | 09:19 |
_ankur | i have the file saved in the personal folder | 09:19 |
me2win | have you ever used apt-get | 09:19 |
me2win | ? | 09:19 |
_ankur | no | 09:19 |
me2win | alright | 09:19 |
me2win | check this out | 09:19 |
_ankur | i just installed Kubuntu, im new to it | 09:19 |
me2win | alright | 09:19 |
me2win | ill teach you some pointer | 09:19 |
me2win | pointers real quick | 09:19 |
fatejudger | _ankur: this guy is a real loser, you don't want to listen to him | 09:19 |
me2win | !lart fatejudger | 09:19 |
=== ubotu whacks fatejudger with the cluebat | ||
fatejudger | lol | 09:19 |
me2win | _ankur, ubuntu is a debian based linux distribution, and uses things called "debian packages" as an easy way to maintain and install software | 09:19 |
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me2win | it prevents you from having to compile everything from source when you want to install something | 09:19 |
me2win | with ubuntu | 09:19 |
me2win | you can find common packages in repositories, referred to in here as repos | 09:19 |
me2win | tthe repos hold the latest (usually the latest at least) packages with the latest releases for many of the programs you will wan to use | 09:19 |
_ankur | k | 09:19 |
me2win | with kubuntu, you can see what packages are int he repos using adept | 09:19 |
_ankur | i saw that | 09:19 |
_ankur | i didnt find GAIM in it | 09:19 |
me2win | the reason you aren't finding it is because by default kubuntu/ubuntu dont have the universe/multiverse repositories enabled | 09:20 |
me2win | universe and multiverse repos hold a large chunk of software that is "non-essential" to a basic install of kubuntu | 09:20 |
me2win | in this case you are looking for gaim | 09:21 |
me2win | and its in those repositories | 09:21 |
me2win | so you first have to enable them | 09:21 |
me2win | yyou can do this 1 of two ways, 1. through adept | 2. through command line | 09:21 |
me2win | pick your poison | 09:21 |
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zmo | !repositories | 09:23 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 09:23 |
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_ankur | hrm | 09:25 |
_ankur | why does Konversation keep disconncting | 09:25 |
_ankur | i think i enabled the repos correctly | 09:25 |
me2win | k | 09:26 |
me2win | hit fetch updates and see if gaim shows up | 09:26 |
_ankur | yeah | 09:27 |
_ankur | i enabled the universe and multiverse for DEB | 09:27 |
_ankur | i found all the addons for GAIM | 09:27 |
_ankur | but i dont see the main package for it | 09:27 |
me2win | nnice | 09:27 |
me2win | it should just be called gaim | 09:27 |
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_ankur | its not there | 09:27 |
_ankur | i have things like encryption, toaster, smiley, guitifactions | 09:27 |
_ankur | guitificatons | 09:28 |
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me2win | you on breezy or dapper? | 09:28 |
_ankur | breezy | 09:28 |
_ankur | got it | 09:28 |
_ankur | i just enabled a few more repos | 09:29 |
me2win | was it there? | 09:29 |
me2win | ah | 09:29 |
me2win | cool | 09:29 |
_ankur | i mustve missed one | 09:29 |
_ankur | i missed a few of your instructions because Konversation disconnected me | 09:29 |
_ankur | the client is being wird | 09:29 |
_ankur | weird | 09:29 |
me2win | ah | 09:29 |
_ankur | ok so i click on it.. keep package, install package | 09:30 |
_ankur | then what | 09:30 |
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me2win | hhit apply changes | 09:30 |
me2win | you only have to do install package | 09:30 |
_ankur | oh ok | 09:30 |
me2win | keep is only if you already have it installed and make a mistake by telling it to uninstall. then you hit keep | 09:30 |
_ankur | it does the instructions in a batch install of individually | 09:30 |
me2win | essentially | 09:31 |
me2win | it does the apt-get commands for you | 09:31 |
me2win | you can actually search for packages | 09:31 |
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_ankur | can you help me with one more thing? | 09:33 |
_ankur | can you help me with one more thing? | 09:33 |
_ankur | i tried this the other day with the livecd and i had trouble | 09:33 |
me2win | sure | 09:33 |
_ankur | i | 09:35 |
_ankur | hi | 09:35 |
_ankur | lol there we go | 09:35 |
_ankur | stupid client | 09:35 |
me2win | lol | 09:35 |
_ankur | ive got a broadcom wireless card (internal) on this laptop | 09:35 |
_ankur | need to load up drivers so i can use it | 09:36 |
_ankur | because right now im using the ethernet and its driving me nuts that i have to sit at my desk | 09:36 |
me2win | lol | 09:36 |
me2win | i dont have a laptop so im not sure | 09:36 |
me2win | but lets see here | 09:36 |
me2win | !broadcom | 09:36 |
ubotu | well, broadcom is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683 for a guide to setting up Broadcom network cards | 09:36 |
me2win | there ya go --^ | 09:36 |
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_ankur | ok cool | 09:37 |
_ankur | then for a good theme | 09:37 |
me2win | heh | 09:37 |
me2win | for themes and all eye candy stuff | 09:38 |
me2win | look toward kde-look | 09:38 |
me2win | kde-look.org | 09:38 |
_ankur | im there | 09:38 |
solo | hello, anyone wants to help w/ this, pls | 09:39 |
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me2win | solo, gotta know what it is first | 09:39 |
me2win | !kde-look | 09:39 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, me2win | 09:39 |
me2win | !kdelook | 09:39 |
ubotu | me2win: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:39 |
solo | I need to locate my kernel files | 09:39 |
_ankur | installing gimp now :) | 09:40 |
solo | it is suppose to be under /usr/src/... | 09:41 |
me2win | solo, not sure | 09:41 |
me2win | !kernel | 09:41 |
solo | but there is nothing there | 09:41 |
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_ankur | therer we o | 09:42 |
_ankur | reconnected again | 09:42 |
_ankur | me2win so wants wrong with Kopete | 09:42 |
me2win | kopete or konversation? | 09:42 |
solo | hello me2win | 09:43 |
me2win | solo, im not sure about kernel stuff. if you join #ubuntu, somebody might be able to help you a little better, there are lotsa people in there right no | 09:44 |
solo | ok | 09:44 |
solo | thx anyway | 09:44 |
me2win | solo, seriously, try in #ubuntu | 09:45 |
me2win | there are alot of people in there | 09:45 |
_ankur | hrm | 09:45 |
_ankur | Kopete.. it crashes as soon as it signs onto AIM | 09:45 |
solo | well, one trivial question | 09:45 |
solo | how do I get to another channel.. | 09:45 |
me2win | solo, type /j #ubuntu | 09:46 |
zmo | !kernel-source | 09:46 |
me2win | or /j #channel | 09:46 |
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_ankur | and Konversation is just being a pain in the ass.. but im not sure if its that or my dorm connection because of the MAC ID filtering on the network... because i didnt reboot and this is a new mac... so the network security is probably freaking out | 09:46 |
solo | thx | 09:46 |
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_ankur | hrm | 09:56 |
_prog20 | hello everyone | 09:56 |
_ankur | to run Wine | 09:56 |
_ankur | what elements do i need | 09:56 |
bris | hello all, | 09:58 |
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_ankur | BLAh | 09:59 |
kosh | sudo apt-get install wine | 09:59 |
kosh | that should be it | 09:59 |
me2win | _ankur, wine is in the repos | 10:00 |
Hobbsee | me2win: a very old version of wine | 10:01 |
Hobbsee | !+wine | 10:01 |
ubotu | wine is a compatibility layer used by linux to let it run (some) windows programs. It's available in universe but a more recent version can be installed by adding "deb http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt binary/" to your sources.list. (Doing this however will break winetools on Breezy) More info at http://www.winehq.com or for support go to #winehq | 10:01 |
me2win | eep | 10:01 |
Hobbsee | !+info wine | 10:01 |
ubotu | wine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050725-0ubuntu1.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 14130 kB, Installed size: 55488 kB | 10:01 |
Hobbsee | like i sa - 8 months old | 10:01 |
me2win | wow | 10:01 |
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me2win | i contributed to ubotu earlier, i feel proud | 10:01 |
Hobbsee | :) | 10:01 |
Hobbsee | did you contribute good stuff, or bad stuff? | 10:02 |
InGpAo | folks... | 10:02 |
me2win | lol, good hopefully | 10:02 |
InGpAo | something terrible has happened to me.. | 10:02 |
me2win | ubotu, tell Hobbsee about xampp | 10:02 |
Hobbsee | nice :) | 10:02 |
me2win | :D | 10:02 |
InGpAo | upgrading dapper with adept... | 10:02 |
Hobbsee | InGpAo: what's happened? | 10:02 |
me2win | InGpAo, what happened? | 10:02 |
Hobbsee | oh yes, and? | 10:02 |
InGpAo | at the end, after a few minute of glory...X went away from me... | 10:03 |
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InGpAo | and it died! | 10:03 |
Hobbsee | InGpAo: what are you on now then? | 10:03 |
InGpAo | how just deleted the kubuntu partitions... | 10:03 |
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InGpAo | truly...i'm on winzozz | 10:04 |
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InGpAo | i'm going to reinstall dapper5 | 10:04 |
me2win | it deleted your partitions? | 10:04 |
InGpAo | but what went wrong??? | 10:04 |
InGpAo | no..I deleted them | 10:04 |
me2win | oh | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | well, you'll have to now | 10:05 |
InGpAo | after realizing that X was died | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | what type of video card did you have? | 10:05 |
InGpAo | I? ATI Radeon 9250 | 10:05 |
=== Hobbsee didnt have any X upgrades recently, and hasnt had X die for months... | ||
Hobbsee | ah...i see... | 10:05 |
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InGpAo | glxinfo said that direct rendering was enabled | 10:05 |
Hobbsee | did you try an !xcfg, or whatever the solutoin usually is? | 10:05 |
InGpAo | i usually go in panic without desktop manager... | 10:06 |
me2win | i alwaus use dpkg --phigh etc etc etc | 10:06 |
me2win | lol | 10:06 |
InGpAo | kde is a drug.. | 10:06 |
me2win | InGpAo, wonderful thing about linux is command line. it can fix anything | 10:06 |
InGpAo | i know... | 10:06 |
InGpAo | but do u know everything about shell?? | 10:07 |
InGpAo | i know very few commands.. | 10:07 |
me2win | nope, but you gotta learn | 10:07 |
me2win | I'm still a n00b myself | 10:07 |
me2win | but I can manage. You kinda gotta force yourself to learn | 10:07 |
InGpAo | so..what can i do if i meet the same error??? | 10:07 |
me2win | the first thing I would do is reconfigure the xserver | 10:08 |
InGpAo | adept installed kde 352 and the latest kernel.. | 10:08 |
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InGpAo | and the fatal error arrived as apt finished to install thunderbird..(i just managed to configured it and then...ZAP!) | 10:09 |
Hobbsee | InGpAo: learn to use irssi, and w3m/elinks for one thing... | 10:09 |
Hobbsee | that'll give you net access, and IRC, when you have no GUI | 10:09 |
InGpAo | i tipped "start X" | 10:09 |
me2win | hmm | 10:09 |
InGpAo | but X prompted "there is an erroro.X cannot start" | 10:10 |
me2win | InGpAo, well, for future reference, before panicking, what I usually did and do since im still a noob, is if I don't have access to X, i use irssi to connect to an irc channel, do you know how to do that InGpAo ? | 10:10 |
InGpAo | irssi is a stranger for me.. | 10:10 |
me2win | then i reconfigure x. you can find the command to reconfigure (if you dont want to remember it) in /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 10:10 |
me2win | its at the very top | 10:11 |
Hobbsee | !+xcfg | 10:11 |
ubotu | xcfg is probably to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" | 10:11 |
me2win | that one ^^ | 10:11 |
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InGpAo | excuse me..qait a minute.. | 10:12 |
me2win | Hobbsee, you should talk to the other ops about assist points :P getting a point from people when you help with something, hehe | 10:12 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 10:12 |
Hobbsee | and where would they be tracked? | 10:12 |
Hobbsee | launchpad, or something? | 10:12 |
me2win | ubotu can keep track of them :P | 10:12 |
ubotu | What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, me2win | 10:12 |
Hobbsee | me2win: but shouldnt everyone be helping everyone else, anyway? :P | 10:13 |
_mindspin | thats it | 10:13 |
me2win | Hobbsee, i agree, just an idea *shrug* | 10:13 |
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_mindspin | me2win: ambitious guy? | 10:13 |
me2win | yeh, i just like helping as much as I can | 10:14 |
_mindspin | the spanish republic lost the war after creting ranks ;-) | 10:14 |
_mindspin | creating | 10:14 |
Hobbsee | :) | 10:14 |
me2win | the spanish republic was corrupt | 10:14 |
Hobbsee | me2win: besides, the powers that be notice IRC participation | 10:14 |
me2win | and even then, i wasnt proposing ranks, just a way to give back and have fun | 10:15 |
Hobbsee | true | 10:15 |
me2win | people here helped me so much, so i try to help, was just an idea to have fun with it | 10:15 |
=== Hobbsee hates ranks with a passion :P | ||
_mindspin | cool down me2win I was just kidding | 10:15 |
me2win | _mindspin, heh I wasn't getting hostile :D | 10:15 |
=== _mindspin is still upgrading to 3.5.2 | ||
Hobbsee | hehe | 10:18 |
Hobbsee | _mindspin: breezy or dapper? | 10:18 |
_mindspin | 30 minutes now | 10:18 |
_mindspin | breezy | 10:18 |
me2win | yakuake ftw | 10:19 |
_mindspin | I haven't the guts to upgrade to dapper with my work/notebook | 10:19 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 10:19 |
Hobbsee | dual boot? | 10:19 |
Hobbsee | if you're that desperate? | 10:19 |
_mindspin | not enogh space it's a 12 GB HD | 10:20 |
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_mindspin | but if my wife ever switches her stuff to her notebook I'll have adesktop machine for testing purposes | 10:20 |
Hobbsee | _mindspin: hmmm...6gb each...that's true... | 10:21 |
_mindspin | not to mind my files in /home/mindspin | 10:21 |
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_mindspin | done | 10:23 |
_mindspin | brb | 10:23 |
me2win | i updated to 3.5.2 but havent restarted x yet lol | 10:24 |
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_mindspin | where can I check which kde is running? | 10:29 |
_mindspin | how | 10:29 |
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zmo | _mindspin: kde-config --version | 10:29 |
_mindspin | thanks | 10:29 |
zmo | yw | 10:30 |
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_mindspin | done | 10:30 |
_mindspin | its even visible in control center ;-) | 10:30 |
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InGpAo | guys..a guru said that during the dist-upgrade adept has deleted some file that kde needed... | 10:32 |
_mindspin | dist-upgrade to? dapper? | 10:33 |
InGpAo | so in the next install and upgrade i have to check package by package if some other package will be deleted... | 10:33 |
InGpAo | dapper5 | 10:33 |
InGpAo | i just did a dist-upgrade.. | 10:33 |
InGpAo | ...and X died... | 10:34 |
_mindspin | tried it from commandline? | 10:34 |
InGpAo | ok... | 10:34 |
InGpAo | no..from adept | 10:34 |
Rayman | InGpAo: how can you dist-upgrade from adept? | 10:34 |
theine | Does any body know what happened to network-manager-kde/knetworkmanager from kubuntu.no-ip.org? It's not available anymore. Will it soon be in main perhaps? | 10:34 |
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InGpAo | but...but has kde352 been released??this morning? | 10:34 |
_mindspin | afaik it is/was recommended to upgrade without x | 10:34 |
theine | InGpAo: I believe so | 10:35 |
_mindspin | I just upgraded | 10:35 |
tonyyarusso | theine: I have a theory on that (not authoritative). | 10:35 |
Rayman | InGpAo: there are repos for it in kubuntu.org | 10:35 |
theine | tonyyarusso: please let me know about the theory of yours | 10:35 |
InGpAo | no...if i install now...it will install directly kde352?? | 10:35 |
Rayman | no idea | 10:35 |
_mindspin | if your /etc/apt/sources.list fits, yes | 10:36 |
InGpAo | _mindspin...upgrade without X??? | 10:36 |
_mindspin | sure | 10:36 |
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Rayman | outside of X he means | 10:36 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Judging by the address (no-ip), I'm guessing that's redirecting to a server running on Pygi's machine (or maybe someone else who offered to host it), so he probably just doesn't have it on/connected at the moment. When Pygi's back, it will probably be available again. | 10:36 |
_mindspin | hoary to breezy upgrade was recommended from console because of the changes in xorg | 10:36 |
_mindspin | Rayman: indeed | 10:37 |
Rayman | I've never had problems dist-upgrading from X tho | 10:37 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Actually, revise, don't know if Pygi was involved with the KDE version or not. Either way, probably hosted on someone's personal machine. | 10:37 |
theine | tonyyarusso: but the apt server on kubuntu.no-ip.org is still available, it just doesn't feature knetworkmanager for i386 | 10:37 |
InGpAo | but i have a dapper to upgrade..not a breezy | 10:38 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Oh, well, maybe they're working on it and an update is coming soon. | 10:38 |
theine | tonyyarusso: yeah, hopefully | 10:38 |
theine | tonyyarusso: network-manager-kde is working great actually | 10:38 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Ya? Profiles? WPA? | 10:38 |
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Rayman | InGpAo: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:39 |
Rayman | don't take it literally, just the idea. | 10:39 |
InGpAo | another question before going installing.. | 10:39 |
theine | tonyyarusso: Don't know what you mean by profiles, but wpa is/will be supported AFAIK | 10:39 |
_mindspin | InGpAo: take it or leave it it was just afriendly guess cause you seem to have problems with x don't you? | 10:39 |
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InGpAo | i think the problem was kde or adept.. | 10:39 |
InGpAo | that corrupted X | 10:40 |
_mindspin | another reason for doing apt-get update/upgrade from commandline | 10:40 |
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theine | tonyyarusso: indeed, as of 0.6.1-0ubuntu1, network-manager supports WPA | 10:40 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Being able to configure different settings for home, work, school, etc. and just choose them from a dropdown list rather than changing everything each time. | 10:40 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Sweetness. Then I can actually use my school's new network. | 10:41 |
InGpAo | then....is there any problems with 64bit version? | 10:41 |
InGpAo | i need to be able to do anything with my PC | 10:42 |
theine | tonyyarusso: i think it actually works even better than that, by memorizing the networks you previously connected to, and if it finds one of those, it just hooks you up. It also memorizes encryption keys of course | 10:42 |
InGpAo | is there something that 64bit dapper cannot do? | 10:42 |
tonyyarusso | theine: Nice. | 10:42 |
theine | tonyyarusso: oh yeah | 10:42 |
tonyyarusso | Good work devs! | 10:42 |
InGpAo | up.. | 10:43 |
_mindspin | !dapper | 10:43 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 10:43 |
_mindspin | InGpAo: maybe you should remain on breezy if your machine is aproduction machune | 10:44 |
InGpAo | but all that money i've spend for my AMD64?? | 10:44 |
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_mindspin | you can't wait until june? | 10:45 |
InGpAo | ok...i'll wait.. | 10:45 |
InGpAo | but then the 64bit will be full-supported?? | 10:45 |
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InGpAo | i just want to know that | 10:45 |
_mindspin | I think so, because 64bit will become standard | 10:45 |
InGpAo | if you know it,of course | 10:46 |
InGpAo | ah ok!perfect! | 10:46 |
InGpAo | so..i reinstall dapper | 10:46 |
InGpAo | see you soon! | 10:46 |
_mindspin | standard means you will only get 64bit macines more sooner than later | 10:46 |
_mindspin | kinda quick InGpAo | 10:47 |
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myndmelder | Hello everyone. | 11:01 |
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myndmelder | I just installed the kubuntu desktop... Holly moses what a difference... Noe I just need to do some customizing and ajusting. | 11:01 |
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Hobbsee | myndmelder: hehe! better than gnome? | 11:03 |
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HnZeKtO | whois sabdfl | 11:04 |
_mindspin | !sabdfl | 11:05 |
ubotu | [sabdfl] Mark Shuttleworth, cosmonaut and founder of Canonical and Ubuntu | 11:05 |
HnZeKtO | _mindspin: oops thanx | 11:05 |
ged_ | . | 11:07 |
ged_ | . | 11:07 |
ged_ | . | 11:07 |
HnZeKtO | anyone with dapper can confirm this? | 11:08 |
HnZeKtO | 6645 root 15 0 414m 152m 4324 S 2.3 15.2 2:12.46 Xorg | 11:08 |
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jorik | hi guys !! does anyone know of a program that display something *like* a digital clock, only counting down (eg, display the number of hours/minutes/seconds untill ...) ? | 11:13 |
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myndmelder | I dunno if it is better than gnome, but different at least. | 11:17 |
Hobbsee | jorik: apt-cache search countdown | 11:18 |
myndmelder | jorik is putting a bong on the ex's computer... | 11:18 |
myndmelder | *bomb | 11:18 |
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myndmelder | man I'm tired | 11:18 |
Hobbsee | HEHE | 11:19 |
Hobbsee | oops, sticky capslock | 11:20 |
Hobbsee | myndmelder: what's the time over there? | 11:20 |
myndmelder | 1:20 am | 11:21 |
myndmelder | I'm in Cali | 11:21 |
Hobbsee | ouch | 11:21 |
myndmelder | yeah | 11:21 |
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myndmelder | class all morning, work all evening... This is the only "me time" I get... | 11:22 |
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myndmelder | Sleep when I'm dead I guess... Or when I move to China at the end of the year. | 11:22 |
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llukax | hi anyone know how to get flash plugin for konqueror | 11:24 |
llukax | ? | 11:24 |
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myndmelder | cartoon time... TTFN people | 11:25 |
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LeeJunFan | !flash | 11:35 |
ubotu | Installation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:35 |
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nico8481 | hi | 11:38 |
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nrdb | I don't fully understang how ip and netmask work together, I want a server and two subnets on eth0, both subnets should see the server but not each other, how would I set this up? | 11:44 |
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kpaolo | anybody?? | 11:49 |
bimberi | nrdb: i'm no expert but i know you can set up multiple aliases on an interface - 'sudo ifconfig eth0:0 second.ip.address.here' | 11:49 |
bimberi | nrdb: you can also set up separate netmasks etc. for each alias | 11:50 |
kpaolo | no sorry... | 11:50 |
nrdb | bimberi: I don't think I need aliases | 11:51 |
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bimberi | nrdb: kk, there's probably other ways | 11:53 |
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Dreamstar | hello people!!! | 12:04 |
Dreamstar | i need help!!!! | 12:04 |
Dreamstar | i've done the last system update some minutes ago and suddenly the kicker has disappeared!!! | 12:05 |
Dreamstar | now i'm under gnome, otherwise i cannot even use my system without kicker on kde :( | 12:05 |
Dreamstar | any clues? | 12:06 |
OdyX_ | could try to logon... | 12:06 |
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OdyX_ | switch to TTY | 12:06 |
Dreamstar | to TTY? | 12:07 |
OdyX_ | launch $ export DISPLAY=:0 && kicker & | 12:07 |
OdyX_ | TTY = Console = Accessible with [Ctrl] -[Alt] -[F1] ([F1] to [F6] ) | 12:07 |
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Dreamstar | it says command not found | 12:08 |
OdyX_ | ? | 12:08 |
OdyX_ | kicker is not found ? | 12:08 |
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milan | Hi I have a question. I tried to upgrade from KDE 3.4.3 to KDE 3.5.2, but it didn't work. I added the sources to the sources.list and did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade | 12:08 |
OdyX | sudo... | 12:09 |
OdyX | and dist-upgrade for second one | 12:09 |
Dreamstar | no ok here under gnome it worked i'll try to reproduce even on kde | 12:09 |
milan | I was root | 12:09 |
Dreamstar | thx for ur help | 12:09 |
OdyX | !root | 12:09 |
ubotu | By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 12:09 |
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OdyX | milan: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 12:11 |
OdyX | and be sure you have Riddell's key | 12:11 |
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milan | I don't understand. There I see root@milan-linux... am I root then? | 12:13 |
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OdyX | milan: you are. | 12:13 |
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OdyX | milan: but under Ubuntu, you should not. | 12:14 |
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milan | I'm under kubuntu :) Thnx for the dist-upgrade tip. It's now upgrading! | 12:14 |
OdyX | milan: Kubuntu IS | 12:16 |
OdyX | Ubuntu | 12:16 |
OdyX | (indeed, I am even on Kubuntu) | 12:16 |
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Dreamstar | OdyX: nothing to do, it doesn't work :( | 12:17 |
kpaolo | OdyX | 12:17 |
Dreamstar | it says that kicker is already running but i cant see it | 12:17 |
milan | OdyX: So i'm not root if I see root@computername? Or am i? | 12:17 |
kpaolo | help me!!! | 12:17 |
OdyX | milan: you are.... But it is not what Ubuntu-conceptors want you to... | 12:17 |
milan | ohw :S | 12:18 |
OdyX | milan: for everything that needs root, you should use sudo. | 12:18 |
OdyX | kpaolo: what's up ? | 12:18 |
OdyX | Dreamstar: well... | 12:18 |
kpaolo | OdyX my last dist-upgrade failed | 12:18 |
OdyX | kpaolo: ? | 12:18 |
Dreamstar | OdyX: any other clues for me? :( | 12:18 |
OdyX | kpaolo: in what sense ? | 12:18 |
OdyX | Dreamstar: well.. | 12:18 |
kpaolo | X died...and I have just finished to reinstall kubuntu dapper5 | 12:18 |
OdyX | Dreamstar: try to update-dist-upgrade | 12:19 |
OdyX | kpaolo: you are under TEST-version | 12:19 |
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OdyX | kpaolo: you are supposed to know... | 12:19 |
kpaolo | after two-three minutes of glory with my new KDE352 | 12:19 |
Dreamstar | already done, however i try again | 12:19 |
kpaolo | the same KDE went crazy | 12:19 |
OdyX | kpaolo: you know how to switch to TTY ? | 12:19 |
kpaolo | all men changed | 12:19 |
kpaolo | and then X reboot | 12:19 |
kpaolo | ### /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 12:20 |
kpaolo | no?? | 12:20 |
OdyX | kpaolo: I use killall kdm | 12:20 |
OdyX | and then sudo kdm | 12:20 |
kpaolo | anda then?? | 12:20 |
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OdyX | kpaolo: indeed, for Dapper => #ubuntu+1 | 12:20 |
kpaolo | apt update and dist uppgrade? | 12:21 |
OdyX | kpaolo: try it | 12:21 |
kpaolo | am I off topic here?? | 12:21 |
OdyX | kpaolo: well... Yes... | 12:21 |
Dreamstar | OdyX: nothing to do with dist-upgrade | 12:21 |
kpaolo | azz...I apologize | 12:21 |
OdyX | kpaolo: it's not against you.. Just that Dapper is TEST and no production,... | 12:22 |
OdyX | kpaolo: no problem | 12:22 |
Dreamstar | paolo sono pure io dapper | 12:22 |
OdyX | Dreamstar: hum... Sorry I don't see more | 12:22 |
kpaolo | but..if i can...now what have i to do?? | 12:22 |
kpaolo | dream aiutoooo | 12:22 |
Dreamstar | paolo secondo me l'ultimo aggiornamento deve aver mandato a puttane qualcosa, a me il kicker sparito! | 12:22 |
kpaolo | in this installation adept doesn't work...what a wonderful thing are beta versions!!! | 12:23 |
kpaolo | kde 352 ?? | 12:23 |
paines | hi | 12:23 |
Dreamstar | si paolo | 12:23 |
kpaolo | uhm... | 12:24 |
paines | i am just playing around with kdevelop under dapper and I am facing many issues. whom to report ? kde team. kdevelop team, dapper team ? | 12:24 |
kpaolo | what's the command to see all the processes?? | 12:25 |
OdyX | paines: I think "everything to Launchpad" | 12:25 |
paines | OdyX: k. thanks | 12:25 |
OdyX | kpaolo: try [Ctrl] -[Esc] | 12:25 |
OdyX | or top | 12:25 |
kpaolo | nothing.. | 12:26 |
kpaolo | i need to kill adept... | 12:26 |
kpaolo | or apt... | 12:26 |
kpaolo | ps something.... | 12:28 |
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Hobbsee | paines: launchpad. and make sure you file the bugs under the correct packages | 12:32 |
Phazeman | kpaolo: ps -ef | grep apt ??? | 12:33 |
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kpaolo | ok..adept is runnig...but i can't kill it | 12:34 |
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My8os | kpaolo: "pidof adept" to get its pid and then "sudo kill the_pid" | 12:36 |
Hobbsee | paines: about those bug reports - please try to make them clear, and give the developers steps on how to reproduce. a well written bug will always be fixed more quickly than the same bug written poorly. steps to reproduce is also very useful, and backtraces - whatever looks useful. | 12:36 |
kpaolo | ok..i've just use kill | 12:37 |
kpaolo | kill <pid process> | 12:37 |
paines | Hobbsee: okay | 12:38 |
Hobbsee | oh, and search is useful, if you can make it work, hehe - i know it's usually borked | 12:38 |
OdyX | kpaolo: or killall <name of app> | 12:38 |
djib | anyone does photography or anything like there and knows how to change the colour balance on my screen ? | 12:38 |
djib | because I just printed out photos and all photos are a bit redish | 12:39 |
djib | do I guess my screen lacks some red component | 12:39 |
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=== Hobbsee figures it's worthwhile informing people of all this BEFORE they file a whole heap of bugs, which just get set to NEEDINFO from lack of sufficient info. | ||
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Hobbsee | djib: ah, display tab in system settings should control that | 12:39 |
Hobbsee | think i saw it there | 12:39 |
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kpaolo | killall!! | 12:39 |
djib | in the control center Hobbsee ? | 12:40 |
Hobbsee | djib: yes, that too | 12:40 |
kpaolo | !sources | 12:40 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 12:40 |
djib | I couldn't find it | 12:40 |
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Hobbsee | djib: peripherals, display, colour and gamma tab | 12:41 |
djib | Hobbsee: I don't have display in periphericals... It's pretty weird, I remember seeing something like this but it's not here anymore | 12:41 |
Hobbsee | djib: use the search function in kcontrol | 12:42 |
djib | I have kde 3.5.2 and I was thinking maybe they moved it Hobbsee | 12:42 |
jorik | Hobbsee, thx (for the countdown) | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | jorik: no problems - whcih did you end up using? | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | djib: breezy or dapper? | 12:42 |
djib | breezy | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | search for the display tab | 12:42 |
Hobbsee | but on kde 3.5.2 on dapper it's under peripherals | 12:42 |
jorik | kdoomsday | 12:43 |
Hobbsee | djib: if you're in system settings, then it's under hardware | 12:43 |
djib | Hobbsee: is dapper stable enough to use now ? | 12:43 |
Hobbsee | djib: depends. sometimes it is, sometimes it isnt | 12:43 |
Hobbsee | i learnt today that it's a Very Bad Thing to use non-standard repos | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | had to reconfigure all that, to make it work again | 12:44 |
djib | :( | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | personally, i havent had a lot of trouble, but i know others have | 12:44 |
djib | I can't find it even using the search function | 12:44 |
djib | dammit | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | a lot seems to depend on the video card... | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | djib: screenshot of the main window? | 12:45 |
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djib | ok | 12:45 |
Hobbsee | ooh, more upgrades :) | 12:45 |
redguy | hmm, why the new KDE isn't mentioned in the topic? | 12:45 |
Hobbsee | djib: that's right - be prepared for many upgrades... | 12:45 |
kpaolo | guys!! | 12:45 |
Hobbsee | redguy: good question. it was only officially released today | 12:45 |
kpaolo | i must paste a log !! | 12:45 |
Hobbsee | kpaolo: use the pastebin | 12:46 |
Hobbsee | !pastebin | 12:46 |
ubotu | [pastebin] a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - You can install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar | 12:46 |
kpaolo | this is the error that made me format!!! | 12:46 |
djib | can I put images in the pastebin ? | 12:46 |
Hobbsee | djib: yes, or use imageshack.us | 12:46 |
redguy | Hobbsee: the page says the modification time was yesterday | 12:46 |
Hobbsee | on kubuntu.org? | 12:46 |
kpaolo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11038 | 12:46 |
Hobbsee | kde rss feed only showed up this afternoon, and my comp was on till 1 am or so yesterday | 12:46 |
djib | Hobbsee: http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/3016/whereisdisplay9ue.png | 12:47 |
jean | je parle franais | 12:47 |
djib | Jean va sur #kubuntu-fr | 12:47 |
djib | tapes /join #kubuntu-fr | 12:48 |
Hobbsee | kpaolo: ack. ask in #ubuntu+1 | 12:48 |
jean | non | 12:48 |
djib | ? | 12:48 |
Hobbsee | djib: ack! | 12:48 |
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djib | Hobbsee: see, it's strange... | 12:48 |
Dreamstar | sigh :( | 12:49 |
Hobbsee | djib: indeed. | 12:49 |
Dreamstar | still having probs here | 12:49 |
kpaolo | there is anybody in #ubuntu+1... | 12:49 |
djib | jean: pourquoi non ? | 12:49 |
djib | Hobbsee: what shall I do :' | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | kpaolo: paste the link to the error report | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | and do remember about !enter | 12:50 |
kpaolo | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11038 | 12:50 |
Dreamstar | guys my kicker disappeared, how to kill the app and reload again? | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | no, to them... | 12:50 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: alt+f2, kicker | 12:50 |
Dreamstar | ok i'll try hobbsee | 12:51 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: alt+f2, killall kicker, alt+f2, kicker, if you really wish... | 12:51 |
kpaolo | i think that if i use breezy it could be better... | 12:51 |
Hobbsee | but if it's vanished, it's probably killed | 12:51 |
jean | http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup | 12:51 |
Dreamstar | no no it's not killed, i checked and it looks like it is still working :( | 12:51 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: if you've got a console open, use killall kicker && kicker | 12:52 |
djib | jean: quel est ton problme ? | 12:52 |
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kpaolo | ok..before i'll format agian..i will try to upgrade form command line... | 12:52 |
djib | Hobbsee: he could even do a killall -9 kicker | 12:52 |
djib | just to be sure | 12:52 |
Hobbsee | that too | 12:52 |
kpaolo | sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop... no?? | 12:52 |
jorik | djib, you're not a native are ya? :p | 12:52 |
Dreamstar | no i don't have the possibility to open console since kicker is gone | 12:53 |
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djib | jorik: no :( how did you spot that ? | 12:53 |
Dreamstar | i'm now on gnome to talk to u :( | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: then use alt+f2 | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: ah ok... | 12:53 |
Hobbsee | kicker should be there again when you go back into kde again | 12:53 |
=== Hobbsee has had lots of fun with kicker, with accidental xkill's of it | ||
jorik | hehe ... moi non plus mais ... on essaie :-) | 12:53 |
=== djib finds that funny | ||
djib | jorik: hh | 12:54 |
Dreamstar | negative hobb no kicker when i restart the system :( | 12:54 |
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jorik | hh | 12:54 |
Dreamstar | i'll try now to find out if anything will work properly | 12:54 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: hmmm....that's weird | 12:55 |
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Hobbsee | logging in and back out usually fixes that | 12:55 |
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Dreamstar | Hobbsee: yep really weird :( i'm trying to completely reinstall kubuntu... | 12:57 |
Dreamstar | Hobbsee: really dunno what happened and what to do :( | 12:57 |
Hobbsee | Dreamstar: well, alt+f2, konsole | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | will get you a konsole | 12:58 |
Dreamstar | ok restarting now, say a little prey for me :) | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | and you can do most things from there | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 12:58 |
djib | Hobbsee: do you know yakuake ? | 01:00 |
Hobbsee | djib: no | 01:00 |
Hobbsee | well, i know about it, but i've never used it | 01:00 |
djib | Hobbsee: it's awesome | 01:00 |
=== Hobbsee hears lots of packaging requests for it | ||
=== Hobbsee keeps hearing that too :P | ||
djib | it has been packed I think | 01:00 |
djib | well I installed it with apt | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | yeah, the latest is in dapper | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | !info yakuake | 01:01 |
ubotu | yakuake: (an alternative KDE console resembling those found in Quake), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 2.6-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 48 kB, Installed size: 344 kB | 01:01 |
djib | I'm in breezy... | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | !info yakuake dapper | 01:01 |
ubotu | yakuake: (Yet Another Kuake, KDE terminal emulator), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 2.7.3-1ubuntu2 (dapper), Packaged size: 57 kB, Installed size: 372 kB | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | ah ok, it's not as old as i thought then | 01:01 |
djib | shall I update to dapper... | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | djib: want unstableness? | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | particularly with this kde 3.5.2, which i'm not sure if is contributing to any crashes in the past couple of days | 01:02 |
djib | Hobbsee: well I have already unstableness with breezy | 01:02 |
Hobbsee | true | 01:02 |
djib | kopete crashes everytime I configure it and kaffeine crashes everytime it finishes playing a video | 01:02 |
djib | both problems are *very* annyoing | 01:03 |
Hobbsee | djib: it's completely your choice, but i tend to tell people not to upgrade if they dont want unstableness | 01:03 |
apokryphos | djib: breezy? what kde version? | 01:03 |
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djib | apokryphos: breezy, 3.5.2 | 01:03 |
djib | in 3.5.1 kopete would not crash but kaffeine would crash the same way | 01:04 |
apokryphos | haven't tried 3.5.2 kopete yet, but 3.51 was working quite perfectly | 01:04 |
djib | very annoying everytime there is a video on a website... | 01:04 |
apokryphos | djib: please try doing this: | 01:05 |
Hobbsee | which stops the "oh no, i was running dapper, and it crashed, *insert crying and whining here, including the line of "what on earth are the devs doing???"* | 01:05 |
Hobbsee | :P | 01:05 |
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apokryphos | djib: mv ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete ~/.kde/share/apps/kopete_old && mv ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc ~/.kde/share/config/kopeterc_old | 01:05 |
apokryphos | djib: and also make sure Kopete is *closed* before that. | 01:05 |
djib | yep | 01:05 |
djib | ok | 01:05 |
apokryphos | once you've done that, try starting kopete up again | 01:05 |
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Hobbsee | djib: there is a bug in the kopete 3.5.2 packages for dapper | 01:06 |
Hobbsee | every time you hit the devices tab, it crashes | 01:06 |
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djib | apokryphos: same thing | 01:07 |
djib | Hobbsee: that's not cool | 01:08 |
Hobbsee | djib: i know, that's not a problem in the kopete 3.5.1 packages | 01:08 |
apokryphos | djib: well, you can either report the bug (checking first to see if it's the database), or just stay put (presuming that the bug is known, as Hobbsee says) | 01:08 |
apokryphos | ...and the problem will likely be fixed over the next few days | 01:08 |
Hobbsee | i dont remember seeing the configure bug, but i know that got fixed a while ago, in teh dapper packages | 01:09 |
Hobbsee | now it's just a regression of that devices tab | 01:09 |
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djib | I guess that if this is really a but it will be in the but database by now | 01:11 |
djib | apokryphos: you know that you can in bash write things like : mv myconfig{,old} | 01:11 |
djib | and that is the same as mv myconfig myconfigold | 01:12 |
apokryphos | djib: heh; I did know of that, but hadn't thought of using it as much | 01:13 |
apokryphos | good point :) | 01:13 |
djib | apokryphos: well it's pretty convenient ! | 01:13 |
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apokryphos | indeed | 01:13 |
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djib | does anyone knows how to quickly change the settings for aspell | 01:15 |
djib | like a shortcut | 01:15 |
djib | or something like the keyboard layout chooser ? | 01:15 |
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Kabal | /usr/bin/ivman -s --nofork | 01:30 |
Kabal | What does this do? What is this? | 01:30 |
djib | where is aspell configuration ? | 01:31 |
djib | I can't find it anymore | 01:31 |
djib | seems everything disappeard on my computer ! | 01:31 |
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zaikxtox | hello. i have debian sarge amd64 installed on a machine, on drive sda, and also have an ide, hda, that i wanna use to try kubuntu. the problem is...that i have some spare data on hda, so the question is, can i tell the kubuntu installer to install without erasing my content? | 01:50 |
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burepe | unrar is not in my path for ark. How do I fix that? | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | zaikxtox: yes, there's a manual partition mode | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | !+unrar | 01:53 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:53 |
Hobbsee | oh, i thought it had something for that | 01:54 |
koobi | does anyone know why skype keeps the ESD device busy after a call? | 01:54 |
zaikxtox | burepe, which unrar | 01:54 |
zaikxtox | what tells? | 01:54 |
zaikxtox | i mean, try the command which unrar | 01:54 |
koobi | a friend of mine on kubuntu has to restart skype for the sound to work | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | zaikxtox: it just needs an empty partition to install on, which you can create with the installer. | 01:54 |
burepe | I just click on a rar file and ark opened with that error | 01:54 |
zaikxtox | maybe you have no unrar at all | 01:55 |
zaikxtox | as root, try apt-get install unrar | 01:55 |
burepe | I think thats it. You are too kind. | 01:56 |
burepe | ka-ching! | 01:57 |
zaikxtox | is kubuntu following the 6 month release cycle? | 02:00 |
OdyX | zaikxtox: as Ubuntu | 02:01 |
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zaikxtox | thanks OdyX . | 02:02 |
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apokryphos | zaikxtox: except, as announced, it'll be delayed for this dapper | 02:04 |
zaikxtox | apokryphos, i see. debian sarge is fine, but kde apps are having improvements, specially, bugfixes, and i want the new versions, but whitout going unstable. so if kubuntu has realases more often, it would be fine for me :) | 02:06 |
zaikxtox | i dont need upgrades at 6 month o'clock, but two years is a little two much sometimes :) | 02:07 |
GnarusLeo | How can I get an animated application dock on the top of my screen? wich apperas when moused over .. ? | 02:07 |
GnarusLeo | moused over .. THATS english :P | 02:07 |
apokryphos | zaikxtox: of course :). It's only been delayed by 6 weeks | 02:09 |
apokryphos | zaikxtox: ubuntu was created to address that very reason | 02:09 |
ubijtsa2 | zaikxtox: noooooo-one is forcing you to dist-upgrade every 6 months.. | 02:09 |
ubijtsa2 | -5o | 02:09 |
ubijtsa2 | *sigh* maybe I should have my kbd cleaned | 02:09 |
zaikxtox | jaja. thanks. also, i have the idea that ubuntu amd64 support could be... smoother | 02:10 |
zaikxtox | on debian sarge, you got the 32bit chroot... too jailed. | 02:10 |
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zaikxtox | i have seen the live cd, and openoffice2, for example,is ready available | 02:10 |
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ubijtsa2 | not as many users testing the amd64 and ppc builds, so quality will be ropier | 02:11 |
ubijtsa2 | if I get a chance, I'll get a amd64 x2 box and raise some bugs | 02:11 |
apokryphos | zaikxtox: personally I think ubuntu *and* debian fail very badly with 32-bit support on amd64s | 02:11 |
apokryphos | chroots are plain annoying; on some other distros like suse they handle this a lot better, by specifically having 32bit-lib packages | 02:12 |
zaikxtox | apokryphos, i see. anyway i have just a very few apps that i use with chroot. | 02:12 |
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apokryphos | sure | 02:13 |
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zaikxtox | the las question. can i upgrade from debiansarge to kubuntu whithout fear? :D | 02:14 |
apokryphos | zaikxtox: nope | 02:14 |
ubijtsa2 | zaikxtox: make backups | 02:14 |
zaikxtox | fine. good to know that first. | 02:14 |
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zaikxtox | ubijtsa, yes. i think to use a separate drive to install unubtu | 02:15 |
ubijtsa2 | once upon a time, I managed to dist-upgrade from sarge to Hoary | 02:15 |
ubijtsa2 | it was not a smooth ride, and a good few things took time to iron out | 02:15 |
zaikxtox | i see. i knew that once upon a time they where almost identical, and then ubuntu runned it's own way | 02:16 |
ubijtsa2 | Sarge to Dapper will almost certainly break quite badly | 02:16 |
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zaikxtox | i see. well, i gonna make a fresh install. it's also a good practice | 02:16 |
ubijtsa2 | zaikxtox: I think you wll find the Dapper installer very very nice | 02:17 |
apokryphos | it's pretty ugly, but slightly nicer than debian | 02:17 |
zaikxtox | are there dapper installers out? | 02:17 |
apokryphos | indeed | 02:17 |
apokryphos | http://kubuntu.org | 02:17 |
zaikxtox | i have tryed the kununtu 5.10 on a qemu, and installer is almost equal | 02:17 |
apokryphos | flight 5 is the latest | 02:17 |
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zaikxtox | is there other problem that debian is facing today... | 02:18 |
apokryphos | ? | 02:19 |
zaikxtox | that is that the #debian is getting... too geeky. | 02:19 |
zaikxtox | :D | 02:19 |
apokryphos | heh | 02:19 |
apokryphos | zaikxtox: it might be worth downloading the live and giving the espresso installer a go | 02:19 |
zaikxtox | really, 6 years ago, #debian used to bee a lot helpful | 02:19 |
zaikxtox | but something wrong happened. | 02:19 |
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apokryphos | I find that it has many very experienced users, sometimes helpful, but often it can be very unfriendly | 02:20 |
zaikxtox | ok. flight5 | 02:20 |
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zaikxtox | yes. unfriendly. | 02:20 |
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apokryphos | koffice 1.5 rc out already, wow | 02:28 |
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djib | Ok, does anyone know how to change the spell checker with a DCOP signal ? | 02:30 |
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OdyX | does anyone use ifplugd here ? | 02:31 |
nico8481 | does anyone have problems to seek through FLAC files with amaroK | 02:33 |
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nico8481 | ? | 02:36 |
zaikxtox | well, i'm going with the torrent of dapper live, flight5 amd64 :D | 02:36 |
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zaikxtox | but it seems, that no one still has it | 02:37 |
phreak97 | someone help me out? | 02:37 |
Hobbsee | !+someone | 02:37 |
ubotu | probably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint> | 02:37 |
phreak97 | when i first installed kde, it asked if i want it to be like windows, mac, or whatever the other one was | 02:37 |
phreak97 | i chose the wrong one, can i change that again? | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | phreak97: yes, run kpersonalizer | 02:38 |
Hobbsee | alt+f2, kpersonalizer | 02:38 |
phreak97 | thanks | 02:38 |
apokryphos | zaikxtox: might just be worth going for the direct download then. Servers won't be as overloaded, flight 5 has been out for a few days now. | 02:38 |
OdyX | ifplugd not working over here | 02:38 |
zaikxtox | fine. i go then. | 02:40 |
djib | ubotu: I believe "Ok, does anyone know how to change the spell checker with a DCOP call ?" is a "real" question... | 02:43 |
ubotu | djib: what are you talking about? | 02:43 |
Hobbsee | djib: ubotu is a bot... | 02:44 |
Hobbsee | if you didnt know :P | 02:44 |
djib | oups ^^ | 02:44 |
djib | Hobbsee: I would like to be able to change my kspell settings easily. I think that DCOP is the way to go but I can't find anything about DCOP and kspell on google... :( | 02:45 |
Hobbsee | djib: i have no clue, sorry. | 02:45 |
djib | don't worry | 02:46 |
Hobbsee | think i might have seen something in system settings about it, but i'm guessing | 02:46 |
djib | I'll just stick with the kspell menu :( but it's slow | 02:46 |
Hobbsee | djib: no...wait...what do you want to use instead of kspell? | 02:46 |
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djib | I just want to change the settings of kspell easily from French to English and then back to french | 02:47 |
slow-motion | hallo | 02:47 |
djib | because I use both languages in everyday's life | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | djib: kcontrol, kde components, spell checker | 02:47 |
Hobbsee | that's where i've seen it before, no idea about if there's an easier way though | 02:47 |
djib | yes, I was looking for a quick wayu | 02:48 |
zaikxtox | djib, interesting. i have opted to write both bad spanish and bad english , andusing no speller at all :D | 02:48 |
djib | zaikxtox: well I'm not good in either language... so I'd rather use spellcheck | 02:48 |
djib | it would be so cool if changing the keyboard layout could change the settings of kspell !!! | 02:50 |
zaikxtox | it's an interesting situation. a peoples uses two languages, should be such kind of tools | 02:50 |
zaikxtox | yes djib , i agree. it should have that option. | 02:50 |
nico8481 | djib: shouldn't you be protesting in the streets? ;-) | 02:50 |
djib | I'll post a bug report this afternoon | 02:50 |
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djib | nico8481: oh yes, I forgot... see you then | 02:51 |
nico8481 | :-) | 02:51 |
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djib | I have to go... supervision :( | 02:52 |
nico8481 | see you | 02:52 |
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fabien | whois lordheavy | 03:16 |
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knill | how do i install a .deb package i downloaded | 03:21 |
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pradeepto | knill: sudo dpkg -i <pkgname> | 03:22 |
knill | thanks | 03:22 |
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pradeepto | knill: np | 03:23 |
yesoos | how to get upgrades to latest soft in breezy | 03:24 |
yesoos | as kde 3.5.2 etc. | 03:24 |
=== yesoos noob with ubuntu :> | ||
pradeepto | yesoos: yo! | 03:24 |
yesoos | hi | 03:25 |
pradeepto | yesoos: you need to modify your sources.list first | 03:25 |
yesoos | pradeepto: to what ? | 03:25 |
yesoos | breezy -> dapper ? | 03:25 |
yesoos | or sth ? | 03:25 |
pradeepto | yesoos: add this -> deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main | 03:26 |
knill | whats the difference between breezy, dapper, hoary, etc? | 03:26 |
pradeepto | knill: they are different versions of *ubuntu | 03:26 |
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pradeepto | yesoos: append that line to your "/etc/apt/sources.list" file | 03:27 |
yesoos | Parkotron: and for xorg7 ? | 03:27 |
yesoos | and all bleeding edge soft ? | 03:27 |
pradeepto | yesoos: lets take things one at a time :) | 03:28 |
yesoos | ok :> | 03:28 |
pradeepto | yesoos: once you have made the changes to sources.list do -> sudo apt-get update | 03:28 |
yesoos | so adept is up and running and downloading :> | 03:28 |
yesoos | pradeepto: i use adept :> | 03:28 |
yesoos | i used gentoo before | 03:29 |
pradeepto | oh oke , sorry no problemo | 03:29 |
yesoos | and now i want only to click :> | 03:29 |
pradeepto | heh heh funny man | 03:29 |
yesoos | gentoo pissed me off :P | 03:29 |
yesoos | i upgraded xorg to 7.0 and everything fucked | 03:29 |
OdyX | as one ubuntu devel said "Ubuntu is an ancient word that means "I'm tired of compiling Gentoo all the time" . | 03:30 |
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OdyX | :D | 03:30 |
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yesoos | OdyX: that's right ! | 03:30 |
=== KaoticEvil is upgrading to Dapper | ||
KaoticEvil | i hope it all works heh | 03:30 |
yesoos | pradeepto: so for now i'm going to sleep | 03:30 |
yesoos | but in an hour i'll be back | 03:31 |
yesoos | with questions ! | 03:31 |
yesoos | ;] | 03:31 |
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OdyX | yesoos: sleep well | 03:32 |
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yesoos | one more quiestion | 03:32 |
yesoos | deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest breezy main | 03:32 |
pd273 | /set | 03:32 |
yesoos | it would be good too ? | 03:32 |
KaoticEvil | yesoos: yes, that will get you the latest KDE version which is 3.5.2, i do believe | 03:33 |
yesoos | ok | 03:33 |
yesoos | i'm beggining to understand :> | 03:33 |
yesoos | now a nap :> | 03:33 |
pradeepto | yesoos: sorry was not on desj | 03:33 |
pradeepto | *desk | 03:33 |
yesoos | pradeepto: now i'm off | 03:34 |
yesoos | but will be back :> | 03:34 |
pradeepto | uh oke | 03:34 |
KaoticEvil | got to take my g/f to the doc... and when i get back, i should be running dapper! yay | 03:34 |
pradeepto | KaoticEvil: cooleness | 03:34 |
KaoticEvil | pradeepto: are you running dapper? | 03:34 |
kasim | hi, i really could need some help here, after an very recent upgrade my kubuntu dapper waits for its root filesystem for ever !! | 03:34 |
pradeepto | KaoticEvil: I am downloading dapper actually (flight 5) | 03:35 |
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KaoticEvil | pradeepto: i got the ISO last nite, just burned it this A.M. and im running a dist-upgrade thru apt as we speak heh | 03:35 |
kasim | i can boot an older recovery kernel and arrante to get a net | 03:35 |
KaoticEvil | does dapper include a new kernel as well? i didnt look thru the package listing that closely | 03:36 |
pradeepto | KaoticEvil: you are lucky bro , my download broke last night or else I would be now on dapper /3.5.2 / amarok 1.4/koffice 1.5rc1 | 03:36 |
pradeepto | :) | 03:36 |
KaoticEvil | heh cool | 03:37 |
KaoticEvil | well, if the dist-upgrade fails, i'll just recover my ~ and install from the CD | 03:37 |
kasim | i was on dapper with kde 3.5.2 1 h ago, now no more root FS | 03:37 |
KaoticEvil | oh, is that why it removes amarok? | 03:37 |
pradeepto | removes amarok? | 03:37 |
KaoticEvil | The following packages will be REMOVED: | 03:38 |
KaoticEvil | akode amarok amarok-gstreamer | 03:38 |
pradeepto | you upgraded from breezy? | 03:38 |
KaoticEvil | yeah | 03:38 |
=== kokurya^afk is back. | ||
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pradeepto | no wonder, amarok 1.4 doesnot work with breezy you see. | 03:39 |
KaoticEvil | ah, ok | 03:39 |
KaoticEvil | so it kills the old version of amarok and then installs the new one? | 03:39 |
KaoticEvil | hell, there's 83 packages that it's removing lol | 03:39 |
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KaoticEvil | granted, i dont use amarok | 03:39 |
pradeepto | I guess yes the dist-upgrade should work that ways. | 03:40 |
KaoticEvil | so it doesnt really bother me overmuch | 03:40 |
pradeepto | KaoticEvil: you dont ? why so? :) | 03:40 |
KaoticEvil | xmms :) | 03:40 |
KaoticEvil | from what i understand amarok is an audio player... and i prefer xmms :) | 03:40 |
pradeepto | hmmmm... | 03:40 |
pradeepto | KaoticEvil: have you seen it working before? | 03:41 |
KaoticEvil | i like the way xmms looks like a certain other media player for a certain other OS ;) | 03:41 |
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pradeepto | KaoticEvil: IIRC you can get that other players feel too with amarok :) | 03:42 |
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pradeepto | KaoticEvil: just checked you can do that :) | 03:43 |
KaoticEvil | pradeepto: will amarok do "always-on-top" and take up only the width of a title bar? | 03:43 |
pradeepto | Just one click and it works | 03:43 |
=== KaoticEvil opens amarok | ||
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pradeepto | KaoticEvil: I just made it "always on top" :) | 03:44 |
KaoticEvil | amarok reminds me of WMP :-S | 03:44 |
KaoticEvil | ugh | 03:45 |
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pradeepto | KaoticEvil: Its does much more than WMP, much more than that | 03:45 |
KaoticEvil | yes, but it still reminds me of it | 03:46 |
KaoticEvil | i detest WMP | 03:46 |
KaoticEvil | and i refuse to use it :P | 03:46 |
pradeepto | ok | 03:46 |
=== KaoticEvil goes back to xmms | ||
KaoticEvil | like i said... removing amarok doesnt bother me overly :) | 03:47 |
KaoticEvil | id be just as happy without it at all lol | 03:47 |
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XVampireX | Hi | 03:48 |
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pradeepto | KaoticEvil: heh but you could have change the look and feel to xmms and be happy :) | 03:48 |
KaoticEvil | hello, XVampireX | 03:48 |
pradeepto | XVampireX: oye! | 03:48 |
KaoticEvil | pradeepto: doubtful :P | 03:48 |
XVampireX | Can anyone please help, I've got a really REALLY big issue | 03:48 |
KaoticEvil | ide have to rebuild all my playlists... | 03:48 |
XVampireX | Or at least it is a big issue for me... | 03:48 |
KaoticEvil | and get the settings just like i want them... ive already got that with xmms ;) | 03:48 |
XVampireX | I can never get video to play in a browser | 03:48 |
pradeepto | KaoticEvil: It would understand all your playlists anyways | 03:49 |
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KaoticEvil | XVampireX: got the correct plugin installed? | 03:49 |
KaoticEvil | and what video format are you trying to play? | 03:49 |
XVampireX | I tried, it still doesn't work | 03:49 |
KaoticEvil | and what browser? | 03:49 |
XVampireX | All kinds of formats, wmv, avi, mov | 03:49 |
KaoticEvil | XVampireX: have you installed the w32codecs? | 03:49 |
XVampireX | I tried both konqueror and firefox | 03:49 |
XVampireX | No | 03:49 |
pradeepto | XVampireX: go install them first | 03:50 |
KaoticEvil | !w32codecs | 03:50 |
ubotu | it has been said that w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 03:50 |
pradeepto | XVampireX: read that page ubotu gave | 03:50 |
KaoticEvil | :) | 03:50 |
KaoticEvil | ubotu is awesome :) | 03:51 |
ubotu | KaoticEvil: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 03:51 |
KaoticEvil | lol | 03:51 |
pradeepto | XVampireX: read it from start please, you need to make changes to your sources.list | 03:51 |
KaoticEvil | ok, i gotta blast... later all | 03:51 |
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XVampireX | I already got many of the things on that page, just not w32codecs | 03:54 |
XVampireX | But I got it just now | 03:54 |
pradeepto | XVampireX: cool | 03:55 |
XVampireX | what am I supposed to do after I install w32codecs? | 03:55 |
XVampireX | I installed many things like flash and mplayer and its plugins | 03:56 |
pradeepto | XVampireX: then you can enjoy all the niceties of music and videos :) | 03:56 |
XVampireX | It doesn't work | 03:56 |
XVampireX | konqueror doesn't find the mplayer plugin | 03:57 |
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pradeepto | XVampireX: does it play standalone, I meant mplayer? | 03:59 |
XVampireX | I'm not sure | 03:59 |
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pradeepto | XVampireX: do mplayer <vid file> and see if it works | 04:00 |
XVampireX | it does | 04:01 |
pradeepto | hmmm | 04:01 |
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XVampireX | http://digg.com/technology/Google_patents_free_Wi-Fi | 04:05 |
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XVampireX | so what am I supposed to do, how am I supposed to view streams through the browser? | 04:06 |
hugelmopf | has anybody tried krita 1.5rc1 on breezy yet? it fails with "no colorspaces available" here. | 04:08 |
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jjesse | !ati | 04:28 |
ubotu | from memory, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589 | 04:28 |
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jono | hi all | 04:32 |
jono | jjesse, ping | 04:32 |
pradeepto | yo! jono | 04:32 |
jjesse | jono: pong :) | 04:32 |
jono | hey pradeepto | 04:32 |
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hugelmopf | has nobody tried running krita 1.5rc1 yet? | 04:35 |
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trappist | mine's only 1.4.2 | 04:39 |
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Tm_T | sure | 04:41 |
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hugelmopf | Tm_T: did the breezy packages run for you? | 04:41 |
depesz | hi. simple thing - where can i raport or search for a bug? | 04:41 |
depesz | and - is the bug in konsole for kde 3.5.2 known? | 04:42 |
depesz | missing control panel for konsole | 04:42 |
=== Tm_T doesn't use breezy | ||
YaH00 | hi | 04:42 |
LeeJunFan | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 04:42 |
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YaH00 | whan Kubuntu dapper drake will be ready? | 04:42 |
YaH00 | when* | 04:42 |
LeeJunFan | June | 04:42 |
YaH00 | ok, thnx | 04:43 |
LeeJunFan | Although issues with it right now are very minimal it's still a chore to keep up with updates unless you have a lot of bandwidth. | 04:43 |
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azurehuesofblue | when I tried to burn a cd using k3b it said it didn't support mp3's, what should I do? | 04:44 |
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hugelmopf | azurehuesofblue: try installing k3b-mp3 | 04:45 |
LeeJunFan | azurehuesofblue: install libk3b2-mp3 | 04:45 |
mhterres | morning | 04:45 |
jono | does k3b come with kubuntu? | 04:45 |
LeeJunFan | azurehuesofblue: sry - hugelmopf is right. | 04:45 |
LeeJunFan | jono: yes. | 04:45 |
azurehuesofblue | oh ok, thanks | 04:45 |
LeeJunFan | libk3b2-mp3 is for dapper. | 04:45 |
azurehuesofblue | ah | 04:45 |
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XVampireX | Hey | 04:49 |
hugelmopf | geez... somebody must have tried krita 1.5rc1 under breezy ;-) | 04:49 |
XVampireX | I got a point of discussion if anyone is interested | 04:49 |
XVampireX | topic for discussion^ | 04:50 |
XVampireX | What would it take to transform linux, the OS believed to be used for servers only, to a full desktop OS which will defeat Windows | 04:50 |
hugelmopf | how boring | 04:51 |
LeeJunFan | XVampireX: that subject has been done to death. | 04:51 |
XVampireX | :P | 04:51 |
XVampireX | I think the biggest reason is because there are too many Distros and it's hard to choose which distro to use. Another one is software support, another one is complexity for beginners, another one is people believe it to be more complex than windows but in fact, it becomes easier than Windows when you learn it. | 04:53 |
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XVampireX | I switched only because I like new things, I don't like being stuck in the same place all the time | 04:54 |
LeeJunFan | XVampireX: I don't think so, what if there was only one distro, and that one distro was slackware - how many people would use linux then? or gentoo? or linux from scratch? | 04:54 |
=== Pest [n=ubuntu@cpc3-bahd2-0-0-cust292.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LeeJunFan | The #1 reason people don't use linux is because windows comes on their computers, and 80% of people don't want to switch their OS to one they can't buy quickbooks, and games for. | 04:56 |
Tm_T | yup | 04:57 |
Pest | hey there :) | 04:57 |
XVampireX | LeeJunFan: I don't mean that there should be only slackware or only one distro in the sense of just one OS, I mean that there should be an easy way for people to know what is best for them, people are confused because they don't know what distro is best for them. | 04:58 |
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XVampireX | And yes, it's another reason what you mentioned but not #1 as you say | 04:58 |
LeeJunFan | XVampireX: wait till vista's 7 versions are out. | 04:58 |
XVampireX | I know that, hehe | 04:59 |
gabbah | hello, my links in Konversation open in bluefish instead of in firefox. Where do I change this? I'm running gnome but I just installed kcontrol. | 04:59 |
XVampireX | Tell you the truth, Sony made a good choice with Linux for PS3 | 04:59 |
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XVampireX | It would show developers that linux can be used for gaming too | 04:59 |
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XVampireX | So developers will start developing games for linux and people would start switching much faster | 05:00 |
XVampireX | Doom 4 - Linux only | 05:00 |
XVampireX | :P | 05:00 |
XVampireX | Just an example | 05:00 |
LeeJunFan | XVampireX: maybe, I don't know if I'd put too much hope into games being ported from PS3 to PC linux though, architecture is way different. | 05:00 |
XVampireX | I don't mean porting | 05:01 |
gabbah | never mind i think i found it | 05:01 |
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XVampireX | I mean people will realize that PS3 is using linux and they will realize the potential | 05:01 |
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XVampireX | Oh, by the way, architecture doesn't matter too much, porting is possible as long as there is some kind of API, | 05:02 |
XVampireX | Hardware calls can be ported to PC if it is neccessary | 05:02 |
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LeeJunFan | XVampireX: it's a step in the right direction to be sure. I imagine though they probably will not be using X. So people will say X is holding linux back. | 05:03 |
LeeJunFan | Which in reality it has been for years. | 05:03 |
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XVampireX | http://science.discovery.com/fansites/discoveriesthisweek/videogallery/videogallery.html?myClip=dtw_aircar | 05:05 |
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:hugelmopf] : Flight 5 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 RC1 out | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) http://tinyurl.com/fm847 | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu | ||
XVampireX | Though I see future for Ubuntu/Kubuntu, they rock :) | 05:08 |
XVampireX | Perhaps it will become the mainstream distro | 05:09 |
pradeepto | mainstream distro? | 05:10 |
XVampireX | yes | 05:10 |
pradeepto | explain whats that? :P | 05:10 |
XVampireX | The distro that most people will use | 05:10 |
pradeepto | define most | 05:10 |
XVampireX | Windows XP is mainstream | 05:11 |
XVampireX | Most people use it | 05:11 |
XVampireX | Most is defined by percentage of a market | 05:11 |
pradeepto | XP is not a distro :P | 05:11 |
XVampireX | So I expect Linux to be at least as much as 50% of the Operating System Market | 05:11 |
XVampireX | I was giving an example of mainstream | 05:12 |
XVampireX | Not of a distro | 05:12 |
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pradeepto | uh ok | 05:12 |
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MacAnthony | do you ever sleep pradeepto? | 05:14 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: siggable :) | 05:14 |
=== MacAnthony is arn - you help me last night (for me) | ||
pradeepto | MacAnthony: aah hi again :) | 05:15 |
MacAnthony | I've been reading this morning that alot of people have been having issues with adept in dapper | 05:15 |
mornfall | MacAnthony: pointers? | 05:16 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: actually the point is when we chatted last it was morning here and not its nearing 21:00 hours so not sleep time yet | 05:16 |
mornfall | i want to read that too | 05:16 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: someone suggested sudo killall adept then run sudo adept from the command line | 05:16 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: btw did the updates work? On you kids computer? | 05:16 |
mornfall | MacAnthony: is that someone "alot of people"? | 05:16 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: that one was the only one that posted a solution | 05:17 |
MacAnthony | I thought that was what you were asking | 05:17 |
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MacAnthony | pradeepto: the kubuntu is on my machine, my kid's machine uses edubuntu | 05:17 |
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pradeepto | hmmm so which box were you updating? | 05:18 |
mornfall | MacAnthony: "I've been reading this morning" -- i want to read that too | 05:18 |
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mornfall | MacAnthony: also note that there's roughly 0 bug reports about that problem | 05:18 |
MacAnthony | sorry mornfall, misunderstood your question :) | 05:18 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: let me look again | 05:19 |
MacAnthony | didn't have them open still | 05:20 |
mornfall | i am interested in real problem reports | 05:20 |
MacAnthony | I actually ran across your site too, mornfall, didn't recognize the name :) | 05:20 |
MacAnthony | http://gmuer.ch/2006/02/28/installing-kubuntu-dapper?appendLang=en | 05:20 |
MacAnthony | that was the page suggesting the fix | 05:20 |
MacAnthony | I'm not sure if this is entirely related but at least one comment mentions the same issue: | 05:21 |
MacAnthony | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/35581 | 05:21 |
mornfall | 28.2.? there were 2 releases since that | 05:21 |
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gabbah | is there no gnome version of Koversation? | 05:22 |
gabbah | Konversation* | 05:22 |
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pradeepto | har har har | 05:22 |
jtshaw | gabbah... Konversation is a kde project... | 05:23 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: I'm just posting what I found - I have the issue but have only been at the machine for about an hour after installation | 05:23 |
XVampireX | Yeah it is, notice the K cliche | 05:23 |
gabbah | it's the best chat client i've seen so far :) | 05:23 |
XVampireX | Are you all using Konversation here? | 05:24 |
gabbah | I am | 05:24 |
jtshaw | gabbah, I would tend to agree. xchat2 is ok as well, and has a gtk interface | 05:24 |
MacAnthony | I haven't even so much as tried to reboot | 05:24 |
mornfall | MacAnthony: what version | 05:24 |
mornfall | trying to reboot is the useless thing to do | 05:24 |
XVampireX | Linux is so configurable it's scary | 05:24 |
gabbah | haha :) | 05:24 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: flight 5 | 05:24 |
mornfall | MacAnthony: old :) | 05:24 |
gabbah | jtshaw, i like that in konversation you can configure quite a lot... | 05:24 |
MacAnthony | I ran apt-get update and still had the issue | 05:25 |
XVampireX | You can configure everything everywhere within linux | 05:25 |
gabbah | XVampireX, well not in all programs... | 05:25 |
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XVampireX | You can get their source and program your own functions | 05:25 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: it was the latest when I downloaded the cd on Saturday | 05:25 |
gabbah | wtf.. something is eating 100% cpu for me :( Every program I've started since I booted took 10-20 seconds to start :( | 05:26 |
mornfall | well, cds are out of date the moment mkisofs is ran :) | 05:26 |
MacAnthony | I understand, which is why I ran the apt-get update | 05:26 |
mornfall | apt-get update won't do anything though | 05:26 |
mornfall | you need to run (dist-)upgrade | 05:26 |
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MacAnthony | what does dist-upgrade do? | 05:27 |
XVampireX | Can't Canonical plan some strategy to make Ubuntu/Kubuntu mainstream? | 05:27 |
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mornfall | MacAnthony: update fetches package lists, nothing else | 05:27 |
mornfall | MacAnthony: upgrade and dist-upgrade fetches the actual updated packages | 05:27 |
MacAnthony | hmm - now I don't remember what I did :) | 05:28 |
XVampireX | I heard aptitude is a good shell for updates | 05:28 |
MacAnthony | not sure if it was update or upgrade | 05:28 |
pradeepto | mornfall: please tell me why did you say "old" to flight5 ? | 05:28 |
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mornfall | because it is old | 05:29 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: you didnot complete the process | 05:29 |
mornfall | specifically its adept version is out of date | 05:29 |
MacAnthony | pretty sure I did at least one update - apparently I was using the terms interchangably | 05:29 |
pradeepto | mornfall: ahh | 05:29 |
MacAnthony | I will try that though mornfall | 05:30 |
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pradeepto | mornfall: love your work btw, IIRC the newer version is gonna have nofiy system right. | 05:30 |
mornfall | adept_notifier? sure | 05:31 |
pradeepto | mornfall: awesome | 05:31 |
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MacAnthony | Now I almost wish I had setup an ssh tunnel to my box :) | 05:33 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: #1 you should do "sudo apt-get update" or Adept->Fetch Updates periodically | 05:33 |
MacAnthony | the whole update and upgrade terminology is gonna mess with me for a bit | 05:34 |
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pradeepto | MacAnthony: that makes your apt-get system *aware* of new packages | 05:34 |
yesoos | it's me again :> | 05:34 |
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MacAnthony | I get it now, pradeepto, I just didn't understand that til now | 05:34 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: #2 then you run "sudo apt-get upgrade/dis-upgrade" or "sudo apt-get install <pkg-name>" :) | 05:35 |
pradeepto | MacAnthony: basically your apt-get system becomes aware of the new packages thats come in since you last did an apt-get update, simple :) | 05:36 |
yesoos | pradeepto: so now, how to update xorg and stuff to the latest wersions ? | 05:36 |
yesoos | pradeepto: there is 6.8.2-77 and the latest are 6.9 and 70. | 05:36 |
pradeepto | yesoos: honestly I really dont know if xorg 7.0 is there in the repositories. | 05:36 |
pradeepto | never checked it. | 05:36 |
yesoos | pradeepto: but still, it's 6.8.2 and the latest is 6.9 | 05:37 |
pradeepto | yesoos: sorrybut cant help you there :( | 05:38 |
yesoos | shit | 05:38 |
yesoos | is kubuntu a bleeding edge distro ? | 05:38 |
jtshaw | xorg 7.0 is in the dapper repositories | 05:38 |
yesoos | same shit is with nvidia | 05:38 |
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yesoos | some old 71xx | 05:39 |
yesoos | not 81x | 05:39 |
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pradeepto | MacAnthony: btw the doc that you point to sometime back is one month old | 05:41 |
MacAnthony | pradeepto: I know - was looking for anything though | 05:42 |
pradeepto | aah | 05:42 |
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MacAnthony | needed to make a step forward - that was just my starting point | 05:43 |
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pradeepto | ok | 05:44 |
MacAnthony | mornfall: is adept a qt app? | 05:44 |
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mornfall | sure | 05:45 |
MacAnthony | the site for it seems to be broken | 05:45 |
MacAnthony | http://web.ekhis.org/adept.html | 05:45 |
mornfall | it is | 05:45 |
mornfall | and it will be | 05:45 |
MacAnthony | k | 05:45 |
mornfall | unless someone wants to pay for the domain that is | 05:46 |
mornfall | there's ekhis.mornfall.net i guess | 05:46 |
mornfall | with /adept.html too | 05:46 |
robotgeek | mornfall: question about adept. does it support command line options ? | 05:48 |
mornfall | like what | 05:48 |
mornfall | it supports -caption | 05:48 |
mornfall | and --icon | 05:48 |
mornfall | and such staff | 05:48 |
mornfall | stuff | 05:48 |
mornfall | like every qt/kde app | 05:48 |
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robotgeek | mornfall: like passing list of packages to be installed from cli | 05:49 |
mornfall | robotgeek: adept_batch install <packages> | 05:49 |
pradeepto | interesting | 05:49 |
mornfall | only in 1.91 | 05:49 |
mornfall | and rough around edges | 05:49 |
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mornfall | and for dapper it won't be able to do anything else than install <packages> and remove <packages> | 05:49 |
robotgeek | mornfall: awesome, thanks! | 05:49 |
mornfall | no versions, no nothing | 05:50 |
pradeepto | mornfall: too bad adept domains are all taken :( | 05:50 |
robotgeek | mornfall: that's all i need | 05:50 |
mornfall | pradeepto: why? | 05:50 |
pradeepto | well .com, .org and .net are alredy registered :( | 05:50 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: yo! | 05:50 |
mornfall | pradeepto: who cares, really | 05:51 |
robotgeek | pradeepto: hey | 05:51 |
pradeepto | mornfall: wel you just said if somebody pays for the domain thingi | 05:51 |
mornfall | pradeepto: ekhis.org -- it's not paid and it expired, obviously | 05:51 |
mornfall | or if someone wants other domain | 05:51 |
Pupeno | Hello. | 05:51 |
pradeepto | mornfall: ah oke | 05:51 |
mornfall | i can host it just fine under mornfall.net | 05:51 |
mornfall | one domain is enough for me to care about | 05:52 |
Pupeno | Is the kubuntu users mailing list dead ? I haven't seen a mail on the whole day, except mine. | 05:52 |
pradeepto | mornfall: I misunderstood your line and thought you wanted to get a nice domain or something for adept | 05:52 |
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pradeepto | which perhaps it deserves :) | 05:53 |
mornfall | why would i | 05:53 |
mornfall | i am not trying to market it | 05:53 |
pradeepto | oh you are getting me all wrong, never mind | 05:53 |
mornfall | there's nothing much in it for me marketing adept | 05:54 |
mornfall | probably just boring work | 05:54 |
=== pahlooka moo's | ||
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hugelmopf | sorry if i am spamming again: has anybody tried the krita 1.5rc1 package in breezy? it doesn't start here, because "no colorspaces available". | 05:56 |
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jjesse | how do i add an applaiction to kapatult? for example i want vmplayer to start up in katapult | 06:07 |
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mart | hi | 06:09 |
mart | anyone use emacs-snapshot-gtk? | 06:09 |
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budda | heyhoe | 06:10 |
budda | grade frisch kde installiert | 06:10 |
budda | und mein amarok will keine mp3s abspielen.. jemand ne idee woran das liegt? bzw. is das bekannt? | 06:11 |
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mart | budda: http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php#mp3s | 06:12 |
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budda | danke | 06:15 |
budda | aber: das pkg akode-mpeg findet er nicht, also hab ich libakode2-mpeg isntalliert, artsd gekillt und in der shell wieder ausgefuehrt | 06:16 |
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budda | immernoch nichts.. | 06:16 |
mart | !de | 06:17 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 06:17 |
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yellowdart | i have a dual monitor setup and i was wondering if there was a way to have KDE "remember" which monitor i want certain windows on. (eg: kdevelop on screen0, kopete chats on screen1) | 06:28 |
yellowdart | as of right now windows open where the mouse is | 06:28 |
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XVampireX | Hey, does anyone know if it is possible to do transliteration of text here in KDE? | 06:29 |
mart | XVampireX: do what? | 06:30 |
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GNU_Style | hey | 06:31 |
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bhna | XVampireX: transliteration? | 06:31 |
XVampireX | mart: transliteration | 06:31 |
mart | in what context? | 06:31 |
XVampireX | For example if I write in english but in a different language, it translates it to the equivalent words in the other language | 06:32 |
mart | ah, translation | 06:32 |
XVampireX | I know GAIM supports it I used it in gnome before I switched to kubuntu | 06:32 |
XVampireX | No, not translation | 06:32 |
trappist | I thought transliteration was a catholic thing | 06:32 |
mart | XVampireX: kopete has a plugin | 06:32 |
mart | XVampireX: no, that's definitely translation. | 06:32 |
XVampireX | NOT translation | 06:32 |
XVampireX | For example if I write: Privet, menya zovut sergey | 06:33 |
XVampireX | It would translate it to cyrillic letters | 06:33 |
mart | ah | 06:33 |
bhna | XVampireX: http://www.christianherta.de/code/transliteration.txt | 06:33 |
trappist | transliterate: To represent (letters or words) in the corresponding characters of another alphabet. | 06:33 |
XVampireX | Yes | 06:33 |
mart | indeed. | 06:33 |
XVampireX | So is that possible? | 06:34 |
bhna | XVampireX: http://www.christianherta.de/kyrillisch.html (in german) | 06:34 |
XVampireX | I don't need web based, I need something like GAIM | 06:34 |
trappist | XVampireX: apt-cache search transliteration | 06:35 |
XVampireX | If you ever use GAIM, right click and you will see you can switch to things like 'Russian (Transliterated)' | 06:35 |
bhna | XVampireX: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=34070 | 06:36 |
XVampireX | Nevermind, I thought it exists in KDE like it exists in GAIM | 06:37 |
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mart | XVampireX: perhaps scim (and skim) have support for that? | 06:42 |
XVampireX | perhaps but I have no idea how to do it | 06:42 |
mart | #scim | 06:43 |
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pinucset | one thing, ubuntu hoary which kde has? | 06:45 |
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mart | pinucset: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?searchon=names&version=all&keywords=kdelibs | 06:49 |
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XVampireX | Where can I see my LAN IP from KDE? | 06:55 |
exobuzz | XVampireX: open a "konsole" and type ifconfig | 06:55 |
exobuzz | or if you want a nice tool to show your current network details, get knemo | 06:56 |
XVampireX | bash: ipconfig: command not found | 06:57 |
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jtshaw | ifconfig, not ipconfig | 06:58 |
XVampireX | oops :P | 06:58 |
exobuzz | have you come from windows? :-) | 06:58 |
XVampireX | yes :P | 06:59 |
jtshaw | ifconfig pre-dates IP networking you see | 06:59 |
exobuzz | you should apt-get install knemo anyway as its quite nice.. | 06:59 |
XVampireX | konsole app? | 07:00 |
XVampireX | or where does it install itself? | 07:01 |
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haakonn | hmm. i'm noticing gam_server is taking up quite some cpu, and if i kill it, it respawns. annoying | 07:05 |
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XVampireX | haakonn: Try sudo killall gam_server or I think (I'm not sure) there should be a process tree kill | 07:08 |
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XVampireX | brb | 07:11 |
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haakonn | still respawns | 07:11 |
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angasule | how do I mute konqueror completely? I don't want it to make any sounds whatsoever | 07:36 |
XVampireX | Hey | 07:38 |
XVampireX | I'm still having the problems with not being able to watch any streams through either firefox or konqueror... I even install kmplayer plugins for it | 07:39 |
XVampireX | but it doesn't find the plugins | 07:39 |
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XVampireX | Can anyone help? | 07:41 |
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Tonio_ | XVampireX: what kind of stream ? | 07:42 |
XVampireX | for example www.spikedhumor.com | 07:42 |
Tonio_ | XVampireX: do you have w32codecs installed ? | 07:42 |
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XVampireX | Yes | 07:42 |
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Tonio_ | XVampireX: works nicely here | 07:43 |
Tonio_ | with both kaffeine and kmplayer | 07:43 |
XVampireX | doesn't work here | 07:43 |
XVampireX | I got both of them too | 07:43 |
Tonio_ | XVampireX: dapper or breezy ? | 07:43 |
XVampireX | dapper | 07:43 |
_tristanmike | !dapper | 07:43 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 07:43 |
XVampireX | well... kubuntu dapper... | 07:44 |
_tristanmike | you will be better served for Dapper related questions in #ubuntu+1 ....and yes, even kubuntu | 07:44 |
_tristanmike | this channel is mostly for Breezy and before....dapper is still in testing and as such is still "unstable" so not recommended | 07:44 |
_tristanmike | there may be people in here who can help and usually do if they can, but I'd say most of your Dapper issues would be better handled in #ubuntu+1 that way the bugs and issues can be in a centralized place | 07:45 |
Tonio_ | XVampireX: anyway the problemcan be due to corrupted profile | 07:46 |
XVampireX | corrupted profile?! | 07:46 |
Tonio_ | on a fresh profile, that works, I can bet on that since I did the kubuntu-default-settings for this and I'm responsible for the kmplayer package | 07:46 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 07:46 |
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Tonio_ | XVampireX: overwritten parameters | 07:46 |
Tonio_ | profile overwrites kubutu-default-settings | 07:47 |
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XVampireX | Can I fix it? | 07:47 |
Tonio_ | so for example removing ~/.xine | 07:47 |
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Tonio_ | and your konquerorrc | 07:47 |
XVampireX | Can I fix it then? | 07:47 |
Tonio_ | I gave you potential solutions | 07:48 |
Tonio_ | two lines before | 07:48 |
XVampireX | am I supposed to remove xine and konqueror? | 07:48 |
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XVampireX | I don't get it | 07:49 |
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_tristanmike | XVampireX: if you go to your home folder and select "Show Hidden files and folders" you should see a folder called .xine or a file called konquerorrc, if you delete these, then next time you start that program again, it will replace with all defaults, so if you overwrite a setting or preference by mistake, you can set everything back to default settings by deleting the appropriate folder in you're home. /home usually doesn't contain ac | 07:55 |
_tristanmike | s and the programs they use | 07:55 |
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Kasei^ | I mean I looked at my bro's windows screen while he was downloading siomething with azureus. And now i turned to kubuntu, and took the same torrent in bittornado. My bro's one was moving around 40 kb/s and my is 0. What is going on? I'ts not the first time when linux torrent is slower than windows one. Maybe the reasoon is that i am using old version of bittornado from respos? | 07:57 |
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Kasei^ | Any idea? | 07:57 |
Marrs | Kasei^: try to at least compare the same program + version on those different platforms (azureus runs just fine on linux) | 07:58 |
Kasei^ | I had problem with azureus on my kubuntu | 07:59 |
tristanmike | Kasei^: what kind of problems? | 07:59 |
Kasei^ | It wasnt working i mean downloading | 07:59 |
tristanmike | did you install java ? | 08:00 |
tristanmike | and how ? | 08:00 |
Kasei^ | I suppose i did | 08:00 |
Kasei^ | it was long time ago when i was noober in linux. | 08:00 |
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Marrs | installing java is not that hard | 08:01 |
tristanmike | right, if you follow the wiki :P | 08:01 |
Marrs | easiest is to just download it from java.com | 08:01 |
Marrs | and then set JAVA_HOME and add $JAVA_HOME/bin to the path | 08:01 |
Marrs | or indeed, use the wiki to wrap it as a debian package and install that | 08:01 |
Kasei^ | Can you tell me what is the best torrent client? | 08:02 |
Marrs | "the best" is rather subjective I guess | 08:02 |
tristanmike | Azureus | 08:02 |
tristanmike | imho | 08:02 |
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Marrs | I haven't tried them all, but I like Azureus | 08:02 |
Kasei^ | So I will try to install java | 08:02 |
Kasei^ | Can you helpo me a little? | 08:03 |
Marrs | sure | 08:03 |
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Kasei^ | So what schould i do, download it from java.com ? | 08:04 |
frank23 | !java | 08:04 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 08:04 |
Kasei^ | !javadebs | 08:05 |
frank23 | Marrs: Kasei^ there are instructions in the wiki | 08:05 |
Kasei^ | I prefer it :] | 08:05 |
Kasei^ | Are debs good way? | 08:05 |
frank23 | !javadebs | 08:05 |
frank23 | Kasei^: yes. | 08:05 |
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frank23 | why isn't ubotu replying? | 08:06 |
Marrs | I don't use deb packages for java myself, but that's because I use it to develop stuff and want to have multiple versions installed at the same time... | 08:06 |
Marrs | but I guess using a deb package for an end user is the most consistent way to install it | 08:06 |
Mee_ | Problem: | 08:06 |
Mee_ | Fetched 4B in 1s (3B/s) | 08:06 |
Mee_ | Reading package lists... Done | 08:06 |
Mee_ | root@hubuntu:/home/hannu# apt-get dist-upgrade | 08:06 |
Mee_ | Reading package lists... Done | 08:06 |
Mee_ | Segmentation faulty tree... 50% | 08:06 |
frank23 | Marrs: yeah. | 08:06 |
azurehuesofblue | In K3b: I have an hour long audio recording... I have split it into 4 minute tracks... how do I make it so there is no gaps in the splits... sounds seamless, like a dj mix? | 08:07 |
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Mee_ | so apt-get install gets segmentation fault after building dependency tree 50%.. anyone? | 08:07 |
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_harm | ah azureus is one of the best linux bittorent clients? | 08:08 |
_harm | i hoped utorrent had a linux version | 08:08 |
azurehuesofblue | azureus is good. | 08:09 |
epinephrine | azureus is *the* best imo, but it's java | 08:09 |
frank23 | _harm: azureus is good but heavy on ram. I you have lots of ram its ok | 08:09 |
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azurehuesofblue | no one knows how to split a seamless DJ mix in K3b... and you call yourself geeks! LOL J/K | 08:10 |
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frank23 | azurehuesofblue: not sure... the only thing I know is that you have to burn DAO and not TAO | 08:11 |
_harm | frank23 what do u suggest if ur not high on ram? | 08:12 |
azurehuesofblue | oh really? ok, well that helps a little. | 08:12 |
Marrs | how low on ram are you harm? ;) | 08:12 |
frank23 | _harm: the other ones. ktorrent comes with ubuntu I think | 08:13 |
Marrs | I think if you really want to, you can restrict the ram usage of azureus too, but that would require some serious tweaking of the config (or running headless perhaps) | 08:14 |
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_harm | frank23 is ktorrent anygood? | 08:16 |
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apokryphos | _harm: it's quite good, yeah | 08:18 |
_harm | ah ok.. well first i want cs1.6 to work | 08:20 |
Kasei^ | Guys, i am having a problem : http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/629261 | 08:20 |
Kasei^ | any ideA? | 08:22 |
Kasei^ | brb | 08:23 |
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Kasei^ | Oh i am | 08:26 |
Kasei^ | So? | 08:26 |
Kasei^ | want to add these java respos, but: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/629261 | 08:27 |
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blackflag | only you shoud have rw rights ob gpg.conf | 08:29 |
blackflag | change it | 08:29 |
Kasei^ | rrr, how? | 08:29 |
apokryphos | Kasei^: what java repo? What are you trying to get? | 08:29 |
Kasei^ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 08:29 |
Kasei^ | java | 08:29 |
apokryphos | Kasei^: ls -lh /home/mars/.gnupg/gpg.conf ..gives? | 08:30 |
Kasei^ | apokryphos, is that all | 08:31 |
Kasei^ | ? | 08:31 |
apokryphos | Kasei^: what's the output of that command?> | 08:31 |
Kasei^ | root@lunar:~# ls -lh /home/mars/.gnupg/gpg.conf | 08:32 |
Kasei^ | -rw------- 1 mars mars 7,9K 2006-02-01 21:48 /home/mars/.gnupg/gpg.conf | 08:32 |
apokryphos | hm, seems fine | 08:32 |
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Kasei^ | Still get: root@lunar:~# gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-keys 1135D466 | 08:33 |
Kasei^ | gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/mars/.gnupg/gpg.conf' | 08:33 |
Kasei^ | gpg: external program calls are disabled due to unsafe options file permissions | 08:33 |
Kasei^ | gpg: keyserver communications error: general error | 08:33 |
Kasei^ | gpg: keyserver receive failed: general error | 08:33 |
Kasei^ | Sorry | 08:33 |
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apokryphos | don't paste in here | 08:33 |
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Kasei^ | so maybe different way of getting java :/ | 08:33 |
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apokryphos | his site appears to be down, so perhaps that's why | 08:34 |
uniq | kasei^: you are root. try to run the command as your regular user. | 08:34 |
apokryphos | hm, didn't spot that | 08:34 |
Kasei^ | :] | 08:34 |
Kasei^ | Works :] | 08:34 |
apokryphos | Kasei^: as a general principle, only go into root when you *need* to | 08:35 |
Kasei^ | I noticed, i used to do all things in root, and that is the problem | 08:36 |
Kasei^ | What is the nameof package with java? | 08:36 |
apokryphos | sun-j2re or something probably | 08:36 |
Kasei^ | Holly... | 08:37 |
Kasei^ | I pasted it in to adept | 08:37 |
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Kasei^ | And it looks like i have it ;] | 08:37 |
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Kasei^ | sun-j2re1.5 is that all i need to run azureus? | 08:37 |
uniq | yes. | 08:37 |
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uniq | kasei^: have you tried ktorrent? | 08:38 |
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Kasei^ | uniq, yes but it also works slowly | 08:41 |
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uniq | ah.. ok. i prefer ktorrent because it's QT. azureus has a slower UI. | 08:45 |
uniq | (java on ppc is very slow ) | 08:45 |
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Kasei^ | ktorrent is to easy | 08:46 |
Kasei^ | i dont know anything when i lok at it | 08:47 |
Kasei^ | Ok i unpacked azureus tar. how to run it ? :] | 08:47 |
tristanmike | follow the wiki | 08:48 |
Kasei^ | ok | 08:48 |
Kasei^ | i have it | 08:48 |
Kasei^ | we will see.... | 08:48 |
tristanmike | hasen't failed me yet :) | 08:48 |
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Kasei^ | holly shit it works :] | 08:50 |
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GNU_Style | if I compile my kernel in ubuntu can I use the .deb package in kubuntu as well? | 08:50 |
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trappist | GNU_Style: I don't understand the question. what .deb package? | 08:51 |
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XVampireX | How do I check where a Package was downloaded through apt-get? | 08:51 |
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trappist | XVampireX: packages get downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives | 08:52 |
cr-tablet | GNU_Style: can you choose to use ubuntu kernel, or your own kernel and they both work? | 08:52 |
XVampireX | So how do I know where I downloaded the Konqueror plugin? | 08:52 |
XVampireX | for kmplayer^ | 08:52 |
XVampireX | or rather, KMPlayer for Konqueror | 08:52 |
trappist | do you mean where it installed to? | 08:54 |
trappist | if you know the package name, dpkg -L packagename to see a list of the files it installed | 08:54 |
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star^^trek | re | 08:54 |
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GNU_Style | trappist, when compiling a kernel on ubuntu the last output file would be a .deb package right? | 08:57 |
uniq | yes. | 08:57 |
GNU_Style | then I run dpkg -i kernel.x.x.deb to install | 08:57 |
GNU_Style | can I install that kernel in ubuntu as well without recompiling? | 08:58 |
GNU_Style | can I install that .deb kernel in ubuntu as well without recompiling? | 08:58 |
GNU_Style | I mean kubuntu | 08:58 |
uniq | yes. | 08:58 |
trappist | GNU_Style: depends how you built it | 08:59 |
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cr-tablet | GNU_Style: kubuntu and ubuntu are the same | 09:00 |
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cr-tablet | defferent default desktops, that's all | 09:01 |
GNU_Style | if it fails to boot can I boot the previous kernel? | 09:01 |
Vixiado | hi. can i set kubuntu live cd (with kde 3.5.2) to english? if so, how? | 09:01 |
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uniq | gnu_style: yes. | 09:02 |
GNU_Style | ok | 09:03 |
XVampireX | Ok, it seems as if the kmplayer did not install in the right place | 09:04 |
XVampireX | I mean the plugins | 09:04 |
XVampireX | But when I try to add it to the scan list of Konqueror, it crashes the scan | 09:04 |
jtshaw | where does it look like they installed? | 09:05 |
XVampireX | It didn't install it anywhere from the scan list | 09:06 |
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jtshaw | right, but what directory do the plugins appear to be in? | 09:06 |
jtshaw | ie. what directory are you adding to the scan list that is crashing it? | 09:07 |
XVampireX | kde3 | 09:07 |
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XVampireX | This is where: /usr/lib/kde3 | 09:07 |
bolsh | aseigo about? | 09:08 |
GNU_Style | ALSA and ALSA-utils? are they modules? drivers? | 09:08 |
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XVampireX | So what should I do? | 09:09 |
jtshaw | hmm, I surely hope that isn't where they intend to put the plugins, it'll probably try and interprett all those .so files as plugins and that won't work well | 09:09 |
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Vixiado | can i set kubuntu live cd (with kde 3.5.2) to english? if so, how? because live cd is in germen by default... | 09:09 |
XVampireX | When you start live cd you have the choice to switch languages | 09:10 |
Vixiado | where? i didnt saw that | 09:11 |
XVampireX | I don't know, it should be... | 09:11 |
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uniq | xvampirex: did you install kmplayer-konq-plugins? | 09:13 |
XVampireX | Yes I did | 09:13 |
uniq | you shouldn't need to add any directories to the list.. or search or anything. | 09:13 |
uniq | it should just work. | 09:13 |
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uniq | try to logout and login again or something. | 09:14 |
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XVampireX | I did restart a few minutes ago | 09:14 |
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spiritz | when is flight 6 scheduled? | 09:18 |
crimsun | "soonish" | 09:18 |
spiritz | ok thanks | 09:19 |
spiritz | lol | 09:19 |
Vixiado | XVampireX, i'm running right know the live cd, and since boot to kde that all kubuntu is in german by default | 09:19 |
XVampireX | uniq: got any idea why it doesn't find anything? | 09:19 |
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XVampireX | You need to restart vixiado, when you first load it up there should be a menu somewhere | 09:23 |
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Vixiado | XVampireX, maybe but i dont speak german... | 09:25 |
XVampireX | did you download a german live cd or something? | 09:25 |
Vixiado | i download from here: www.kubuntu.org/special-cds.php | 09:26 |
Vixiado | brb | 09:27 |
XVampireX | Weird, it isn't supposed to be a german live cd | 09:27 |
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XVampireX | hell yeah it works! | 09:28 |
XVampireX | OR maybe not | 09:29 |
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uniq | xvampirex: i don't think it should be listed in the list you're looking at. it's only for mozilla-plugins, i think. Did you try to just use it somewhere? | 09:31 |
XVampireX | It works for some, I have another problem with just that website | 09:34 |
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XVampireX | Videos that require their own flashplayer (www.spikedhumor.com) which is a flashplayer inside a flashplayer | 09:35 |
XVampireX | Or something like that | 09:35 |
XVampireX | But it doesn't work, but I can click so that it would play in kmplayer in the browser | 09:36 |
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XVampireX | Oh! | 09:36 |
XVampireX | I think I know what the problem, but I don't think I can fix it, I need macromedia flash 8 | 09:36 |
Vixiado | back | 09:37 |
XVampireX | welcome back | 09:38 |
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Vixiado | XVampireX, my live cd is a german live cd | 09:38 |
Vixiado | and, as you said, it isnt supossed to be a german live cd | 09:39 |
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Vixiado | *supposed | 09:39 |
Vixiado | but it is... | 09:39 |
XVampireX | Yeah, weird. | 09:39 |
XVampireX | By the way, konquerer seems to be working fairly slow with some website... | 09:40 |
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nico8481 | re | 09:40 |
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Red_Herring | really? | 09:43 |
Red_Herring | konqueror is lightning fast with me | 09:43 |
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__StarScream | hey guys, does anyone know who is the package maintainer for kde ? | 09:45 |
__StarScream | for kubuntu | 09:45 |
robotgeek | __StarScream: why | 09:46 |
robotgeek | __StarScream: apt-cache show kdebase | 09:46 |
__StarScream | robotgeek, just want to request ppc builds of kde 3.5.2 when they do the x86 ones | 09:46 |
simian__ | XVampireX: yes i have noticed that with 1 or 2 websites konqueror crawls along. | 09:47 |
robotgeek | __StarScream: already there, i am on ppc | 09:47 |
simian__ | mostly i find it lightning fast though | 09:47 |
robotgeek | __StarScream: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php | 09:47 |
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__StarScream | thanks robotgeek | 09:50 |
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tibs01 | i got 3.5.1 | 09:56 |
tibs01 | where do i add that | 09:57 |
tibs01 | to upgrade my kde ? | 09:57 |
tsdgeos | [21:48] <robotgeek> __StarScream: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php | 09:57 |
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warhawk | yop | 09:57 |
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rus_ | hi all | 10:01 |
rus_ | just migrated to kubuntu | 10:02 |
tibs01 | ok | 10:02 |
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tibs01 | ive entered that into the sources.list | 10:02 |
tibs01 | now what do i have todo to upgrade my kde ? | 10:02 |
tibs01 | i got 3.5.1 | 10:02 |
rus_ | i cant find firefox and licq in the package list | 10:02 |
rus_ | they are in some other repository? | 10:03 |
frank23 | tibs01: the same way you upgraded to kde 3.5.1 | 10:04 |
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__StarScream | rus_, do you not like kopete ? | 10:04 |
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rus_ | it has trouble with cyrilic encoding __StarScream | 10:05 |
tibs01 | i know now | 10:05 |
tibs01 | package updater | 10:05 |
rus_ | why do you ask? | 10:06 |
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rus_ | oops | 10:07 |
rus_ | that was a stupid question | 10:08 |
__StarScream | rus_, ah..didn't know that, is there a bug report for it ? | 10:08 |
rus_ | yep | 10:08 |
rus_ | dont know if its fixed yet | 10:08 |
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rus_ | there was an unoficial patch for it | 10:09 |
redguy | erm, are two search dialogs normal in konqueror in the newest KDE (3.5.2) | 10:09 |
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rus_ | but it didnt work very well | 10:09 |
rus_ | so most people use licq and others in russia | 10:10 |
rus_ | not kopet | 10:10 |
rus_ | e | 10:10 |
__StarScream | rus_, oh ok, didn't realise that. i hope they get it fixed for you. i'll go and vote on that bug if its not resolved | 10:11 |
__StarScream | as kopete is fantastic | 10:11 |
__StarScream | really a shame you can't use it | 10:11 |
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XVampireX | Privet rus_ :P | 10:11 |
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rus_ | Zdorovo | 10:12 |
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XVampireX | :) Kak dela? | 10:12 |
rus_ | terpimo | 10:12 |
XVampireX | Ah, cool :P | 10:12 |
rus_ | a u tia? | 10:12 |
XVampireX | Same here :P | 10:12 |
XVampireX | Time for english, I think they don't tolerate other languages here | 10:13 |
XVampireX | Or do they? | 10:13 |
rus_ | yep figures | 10:13 |
XVampireX | Use kopete if you use Kubuntu | 10:13 |
rus_ | why? | 10:13 |
XVampireX | It's good | 10:14 |
rus_ | whats so special about it? | 10:14 |
tibs01 | god | 10:14 |
tibs01 | i upgraded | 10:14 |
XVampireX | You can connect to many clients at the same time | 10:14 |
tibs01 | but kde is nothing ew | 10:14 |
tibs01 | new | 10:14 |
rus_ | i know that | 10:14 |
rus_ | thats no big deal | 10:14 |
tibs01 | still buggy whe it comes to webcam | 10:14 |
tibs01 | on kopete messenger | 10:14 |
rus_ | what about cyrilic encoding? | 10:14 |
Rayman | how can I play mp4 videos on kubuntu? | 10:14 |
XVampireX | Don't know about that, didn't use webcam yet | 10:15 |
redguy | hmm what the heck is the Google Suggest Plugin?? | 10:15 |
tibs01 | u can | 10:15 |
Rayman | mpeg4, ipod compliant ones. | 10:15 |
tibs01 | u can use webcam | 10:15 |
XVampireX | I think you should be able to.... You can use GAIM too, it's good too | 10:15 |
tibs01 | but it freezes my system | 10:15 |
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tibs01 | what u can use webcam on gaim | 10:15 |
trappist | tibs01: that's more likely to be a kernel issue than a kde issue | 10:15 |
robotgeek | redguy: it's google suggest implemented in konq | 10:15 |
Rayman | !mp4 | 10:15 |
ubotu | I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Rayman | 10:15 |
tibs01 | how do i upgrade my kernel | 10:15 |
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Rayman | !mpeg | 10:15 |
ubotu | Rayman: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 10:15 |
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tibs01 | !upgrade kernel | 10:16 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tibs01 | 10:16 |
robotgeek | kokurya-kai: please turn off public away | 10:16 |
trappist | Rayman: install w32codecs and use mplayer or xine | 10:16 |
tibs01 | erm | 10:16 |
tibs01 | how do i upgrade my kernel then | 10:16 |
robotgeek | kokurya^afk: please turn off public away | 10:16 |
Rayman | trappist: installed | 10:16 |
tibs01 | ? | 10:16 |
Rayman | trappist: I've installed them but still can't decode them. :f | 10:16 |
tibs01 | HOW DO I INSTALL MY KERNEL | 10:16 |
tibs01 | PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME | 10:16 |
trappist | tibs01: it's not likely that a kernel upgrade will fix it unless you (or someone like you) has submitted a bug report that led to a fix | 10:16 |
tibs01 | god | 10:16 |
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redguy | robotgeek: hmm, but in my konq there is nodifference between the suggest bar an the regular search bar. What google suggest is supposed to do? | 10:17 |
tibs01 | i can try | 10:17 |
trappist | tibs01: dude quit yelling | 10:17 |
redguy | !caps | 10:17 |
ubotu | FYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour. | 10:17 |
XVampireX | !mp3 | 10:17 |
ubotu | I guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 10:17 |
tibs01 | well someone helpe me then | 10:17 |
Glin|Jol | Winamp 5.20 Stopped | 10:17 |
tibs01 | it aint hard is it | 10:17 |
Rayman | xine: couldn't find demux for | 10:17 |
Rayman | xine: couldn't find demux for | 10:17 |
trappist | tibs01: depends on your attitude. | 10:17 |
tibs01 | i dont ask for help much | 10:17 |
Rayman | sorry. :) | 10:17 |
XVampireX | rayman | 10:17 |
XVampireX | follow that link | 10:17 |
tibs01 | god | 10:17 |
XVampireX | It's not just mp3 | 10:17 |
=== chouette [n=chouette@lns-bzn-46-82-253-238-115.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
chouette | Hi | 10:17 |
robotgeek | redguy: try typing "konqueror" and then wait | 10:17 |
tibs01 | still somene has not helped me | 10:18 |
Rayman | XVampireX: been there. oh well. Just trying to get in running and quickly. Ty for your patience. | 10:18 |
chouette | Someone got a good app to identify hardware ? | 10:18 |
tibs01 | or dont u lot know how to upgrade a kernel | 10:18 |
chouette | Like Everest or Aida on XP ? | 10:18 |
robotgeek | chouette: sudo lshw | 10:18 |
trappist | tibs01: maybe we've lost our motivation to help you in the face of the attitude you're displaying. | 10:18 |
XVampireX | Rayman: Try VLC too | 10:18 |
tibs01 | maybe | 10:18 |
XVampireX | www.videolan.com | 10:18 |
tibs01 | no ne knows | 10:18 |
tibs01 | how to upgrade a kernel | 10:18 |
trappist | *shrug* | 10:18 |
chouette | cool thanks :D | 10:18 |
robotgeek | tibs01: you decide :) | 10:19 |
tibs01 | great support channel this is | 10:19 |
trappist | who can tell | 10:19 |
tibs01 | if u dont know how to upgrade a kernel | 10:19 |
trappist | tibs01: if you don't know how to ask for help from volunteers doing this for free... | 10:19 |
chouette | Btw, i installed like 700 M of games with synaptic and only one or two appears in the K menu...where did the other hide ^^; ? | 10:19 |
tibs01 | yer | 10:19 |
tibs01 | i asked once | 10:19 |
tibs01 | people just ignore me | 10:19 |
tibs01 | so why i bother | 10:19 |
trappist | ok I'm done | 10:19 |
tibs01 | cos u lot have such buggy operating system | 10:20 |
robotgeek | tibs01: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=kernel&titlesearch=Titles | 10:20 |
redguy | robotgeek: oh, I see now. But I had this in earlier konqueror versions, so nothing new, right? | 10:20 |
frank23 | chouette: they might not have menu entries | 10:20 |
tibs01 | no wonder people dont wanna use it | 10:20 |
robotgeek | redguy: yeah, nothing new | 10:20 |
chouette | frank23: Oh...so how do i find them now ? | 10:20 |
tibs01 | CategoryKernel | 10:20 |
tibs01 | HowToEnableSCSIEmulationWithHoaryKernel26 | 10:20 |
tibs01 | ItalianCompilazioneKernel | 10:21 |
tibs01 | KernelBazNotes | 10:21 |
tibs01 | KernelBuildPPCHowTo | 10:21 |
tibs01 | KernelBuildpackageDetailedHowto | 10:21 |
frank23 | K->Run command->command | 10:21 |
tibs01 | KernelBuildpackageHowto | 10:21 |
tibs01 | KernelByHandHowto | 10:21 |
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tibs01 | KernelCompileHowto | 10:21 |
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tibs01 | KernelDoesNotSupportCapabilities | 10:21 |
frank23 | !paste | 10:21 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 10:21 |
tibs01 | KernelFreeze | 10:21 |
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tibs01 | KernelGitGuide | 10:21 |
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trappist | sigh. | 10:21 |
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chouette | lol ! | 10:21 |
chouette | This one was impressive | 10:22 |
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pradeepto | robotgeek: yos! | 10:23 |
Rayman | XVampireX: installed most of the stuff from restrictedformats wiki page and tried out VLC with no luck | 10:23 |
robotgeek | hey pradeepto | 10:23 |
Rayman | is there a util like gspot to find out the codec needed? | 10:24 |
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trappist | Rayman: the output of mplayer is generally pretty helpful that way | 10:24 |
Rayman | there's gspot, to answer myself. : | 10:24 |
Rayman | trappist: mplayert just hangs with I try to open it with it. | 10:24 |
Rayman | mplayer interrupted by signal 15 in module: demux_open | 10:25 |
robotgeek | _tibs01: if you tell us what exactly you want to do, maybe we can help you | 10:25 |
trappist | Rayman: are you doing this from the command line? | 10:25 |
XVampireX | Rayman: Most is not enough :P | 10:25 |
_tibs01 | erm | 10:25 |
_tibs01 | as i said | 10:25 |
_tibs01 | upgrade my kernel | 10:25 |
_tibs01 | about 70 times | 10:25 |
robotgeek | _tibs01: to what? | 10:25 |
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_tibs01 | errrrrrr | 10:26 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 what version you running now? | 10:26 |
_tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ uname -a | 10:26 |
_tibs01 | Linux workstation.gibbs-hosting.co.uk 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Sat Mar 11 16:13:17 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux | 10:26 |
_tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ | 10:26 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 why update, u need it for | 10:26 |
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_tibs01 | cos it keeps freezing my damn system when i try to load my webcam | 10:26 |
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_tibs01 | infact my msn has froze | 10:26 |
Sergi0 | u know synaptic? | 10:26 |
redguy | is 3.5.2 a bugfix release or can I expect some new features? | 10:27 |
_tibs01 | when i use kopete | 10:27 |
_tibs01 | i goto config to see if my webcam works | 10:27 |
kosh | I don't think there are any new features | 10:27 |
_tibs01 | and i have to shut my system down | 10:27 |
chouette | Try amsn, gaim, kmess... | 10:27 |
kosh | 3.5.3 should have a few new features | 10:27 |
chouette | you have choice instead of kopete | 10:27 |
robotgeek | _tibs01: well, unless you upgrade to dapper, you are not getting a newer kernel | 10:27 |
kosh | they loosened up the feature freeze slightly | 10:27 |
_tibs01 | kmess keeps shutting down | 10:27 |
frank23 | redguy: mostly bugfix I think. although the display settings menu (for changing resolution) has disappeared for me in kde 3.5.2 | 10:27 |
_tibs01 | how do i upgrade to dapper then ? | 10:27 |
trappist | frank23: there's a bug report on that, I think with a fix released | 10:28 |
kosh | frank23: it might have just gotten removed | 10:28 |
robotgeek | !dapper | 10:28 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 10:28 |
kosh | either way I have never gotten xranndr to work anyways | 10:28 |
_tibs01 | is it still using kde ? | 10:28 |
kosh | lots of these tools only work for the trivial case of one monitor | 10:28 |
trappist | frank23: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/37113 <-- no fix released | 10:28 |
kosh | is what still using kde? | 10:28 |
_tibs01 | upgrading to dapper | 10:29 |
Sergi0 | _tibs01 there is a kde version kubuntu of dapper | 10:29 |
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_tibs01 | is it easy to upgrade too ?># | 10:29 |
kosh | well kde is certainly in dapper :) | 10:30 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 sure | 10:30 |
_tibs01 | yer but is it easy to upgrade to dapper | 10:30 |
redguy | !upgrade | 10:30 |
ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade. Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html. | 10:30 |
Rayman | trappist: Encrypted VOB file! Read DOCS/HTML/en/dvd.html. | 10:30 |
kosh | when I upgraded I had to fix the xorg.conf file manually | 10:30 |
Sergi0 | tibs. slow down, dont ask to many | 10:30 |
kosh | so that it had the right paths in it | 10:30 |
kosh | the upgrade certainly did not go smoothly and it took me a bit to fix it | 10:31 |
_tibs01 | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html. | 10:31 |
trappist | Rayman: so you need libdvdcss | 10:31 |
_tibs01 | Not Found | 10:31 |
_tibs01 | The requested URL /archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html. was not found on this server. | 10:31 |
frank23 | trappist: I know I reported that bug | 10:31 |
Sergi0 | there is a . after the .html .... | 10:31 |
redguy | _tibs01: try without the dot at the end | 10:31 |
trappist | frank23: oh :) | 10:32 |
kosh | in xorg.conf I had to change the RgbPath and ModulePath | 10:32 |
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frank23 | trappist: ;) | 10:32 |
kosh | the system could not do it on its own since my xorg.conf is not auto generated since the auto generated ones won't work with quad head | 10:32 |
kosh | that file really needs to become more modular though | 10:32 |
frank23 | kosh: quad head.... wow lol | 10:32 |
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trappist | kosh: I think the wrong rgbpath is still compiled into xorg - you shouldn't need to specify it | 10:33 |
kosh | trappist: I had to change it in order for it to work | 10:33 |
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trappist | kosh: right, if it's there and it's wrong it obviously needs changing. I mean it shouldn't need to be theere. | 10:34 |
trappist | *there | 10:34 |
kosh | "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb" that was my old one and it would not start with that I had to change it to this "/etc/X11/rgb" | 10:34 |
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kosh | ah I don't have to specify it anymore? | 10:34 |
kosh | I have just keep upgrading this config file for years now :) | 10:34 |
_tibs01 | omg | 10:35 |
_tibs01 | how do i add to package manager | 10:35 |
trappist | kosh: you shouldn't have ever had to, unless the wrong default path is compiled in | 10:35 |
_tibs01 | as in url | 10:35 |
_tibs01 | ors something sudo /apt/sources.list | 10:35 |
_tibs01 | or summit | 10:35 |
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_tibs01 | ors something sudo pico /apt/sources.list | 10:35 |
trappist | kosh: and I never saw it fail to start if it's wrong - I just get weirdness in some apps like vim and emacs | 10:35 |
_tibs01 | even | 10:35 |
pradeepto | _tibs01: /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:35 |
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Sergi0 | _tibs01 did you change the sources ? | 10:35 |
_tibs01 | im gonna now | 10:36 |
kosh | trappist: this file was using back with xf 4.0 when it first came out, it was auto generated then and that is what it put in there | 10:36 |
redguy | !tell _tibs01 about cli | 10:36 |
kosh | trappist: since then I have removed all the font stuff, added quad head setup, changed the input devices to use a more modern format etc | 10:36 |
trappist | kosh: font entries are good stuff! ADDING and rearranging font entries is the first thing I do on a new install | 10:36 |
trappist | nothing goes further toward a beautiful desktop than good fonts | 10:37 |
Rayman | trappist: didn't help. ty anyway, I'm going to bed now. :) | 10:37 |
simian__ | is it worth updating to kde 3.5.2 or not? | 10:38 |
Rayman | simian__: without knowing a thing about KDE, I'd say it's a bugfix release, so yes. | 10:38 |
simian__ | Rayman: ok, bugfix sounds worthwhile, thanks | 10:39 |
Rayman | simian__: wait for others responses ;) | 10:40 |
Rayman | I just came to that conclusion from the version numbering | 10:40 |
simian__ | Rayman: lol ok | 10:40 |
kosh | trappist: they are not even needed anymore though, you can remove all of them and it works without issues | 10:41 |
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kosh | trappist: the font stuff is all handled by freetype now and not the x config file | 10:41 |
trappist | kosh: yes, but those entries allow you to do a lot of good tweaking | 10:41 |
kosh | trappist: most of those fonts are thrown away anyways since by default freetype won't supply bitmapped fonts, so most of what is stuck in there is thrown away anyways | 10:42 |
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kosh | trappist: and by default debian sets up the freetype stuff right anyways so all fonts that it can use it will do automatically without anything in the x config file | 10:42 |
kosh | trappist: so those entries really don't do anything anymore | 10:43 |
kosh | trappist: look at the output of sudo fc-cache -vv | 10:43 |
kosh | trappist: those are where the system is really looking for fonts and has for years now | 10:43 |
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tibs01 | ok | 10:44 |
tibs01 | wots the command to upgrade packages in konsole | 10:44 |
tibs01 | as package upgrade wont let me open | 10:44 |
kosh | sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:44 |
tibs01 | sayin its open already | 10:44 |
tibs01 | n i rebooted | 10:44 |
kosh | ah well too bad you had not asked about that first | 10:44 |
kosh | then I could have shown you how to close the program that was open | 10:44 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:44 |
tibs01 | Password: | 10:44 |
tibs01 | E: Malformed line 41 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist) | 10:44 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ | 10:44 |
tibs01 | mmmmmmmm | 10:45 |
Sergi0 | probaly u changed it not correctly, | 10:45 |
kosh | okay you need to edit that file and see what is wrong with line 41 | 10:46 |
trappist | kosh: I for example add /opt/fonts in my xorg.conf to get the zillion or so fonts I put there. and it doesn't work until I add the entry. | 10:46 |
tibs01 | saying | 10:46 |
tibs01 | that deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/backports/update-manager | 10:46 |
tibs01 | is wrong | 10:46 |
kosh | trappist: the correct way is to add it to the freetype font system not the xorg.conf file | 10:47 |
kosh | xorg.conf should not have any fonts in it | 10:47 |
trappist | kosh: guess I'm still old school :) I haven't learned fontconfig yet | 10:47 |
kosh | tibs01: well you can remove that line then | 10:47 |
trappist | wonder if that'll give me any performance benefits. using as many fonts as I have tends to slow some things down. | 10:48 |
kosh | fontconfig is supposed to be faster | 10:48 |
tibs01 | thats the line im using to upgrade to daffer | 10:48 |
trappist | yeah I've read that | 10:48 |
tibs01 | or something | 10:48 |
kosh | tibs01: you forgot part of the line | 10:48 |
kosh | deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/backports/update-manager / | 10:48 |
kosh | notice the / at the end | 10:48 |
Sergi0 | tobs01 the line should be: deb http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/backports/update-manager / | 10:48 |
trappist | kosh: you know that's not how you upgrade to dapper, right? | 10:49 |
tibs01 | no | 10:49 |
tibs01 | just gonna use upgrade manager | 10:49 |
tibs01 | trying now | 10:49 |
kosh | trappist: when I upgraded to dapper I just changed my sources.list from breezy to dapper and then do apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:49 |
trappist | yeah | 10:49 |
kosh | trappist: I just had to fix xorg.conf and it worked again | 10:49 |
trappist | same here | 10:49 |
trappist | well I had a few other bumps too | 10:50 |
kosh | trappist: I started this install with some old version of debian about 5 years ago | 10:50 |
trappist | gah! | 10:50 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ sudo apt-update | 10:50 |
kosh | trappist: and recently I switched it from sid to breezy | 10:50 |
tibs01 | Password: | 10:50 |
tibs01 | sudo: apt-update: command not found | 10:50 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:50 |
tibs01 | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 10:50 |
tibs01 | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 10:50 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ | 10:50 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 sudo | 10:50 |
kosh | you have to use sudo ;) | 10:50 |
crimsun | and apt-update is invalid | 10:50 |
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tibs01 | how i do it then | 10:51 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 sudo apt-get update | 10:51 |
kosh | sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 10:51 |
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tibs01 | doing now | 10:51 |
kosh | oh wait you did not want to use dist-upgrade so you can use that other tool | 10:51 |
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Sergi0 | kosh he's still has the breezy sources in there | 10:52 |
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Sergi0 | AFAIK | 10:52 |
tibs01 | ok reboot | 10:52 |
tibs01 | see what happens | 10:52 |
Sergi0 | ehm | 10:52 |
Sergi0 | oh mang | 10:53 |
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XVampireX | Hey | 10:53 |
XVampireX | Got another simple question | 10:54 |
XVampireX | What's the package that I need to install to enable SDL? | 10:54 |
XVampireX | Everything related to SDL | 10:54 |
pradeepto | why did he reboot? | 10:54 |
Sergi0 | pradeepto dont know either | 10:55 |
XVampireX | Does anyone know? | 10:55 |
=== tibs01 [n=tibs01@80-193-4-137.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tibs01 | ok | 10:55 |
tibs01 | done that now what do i do to see if it works | 10:55 |
Sergi0 | why did you reboot? | 10:55 |
tibs01 | worked | 10:55 |
trappist | XVampireX: there's a lot. apt-cache search sdl will give you some hints. | 10:55 |
pradeepto | tibs01: dude why did ya reboot? | 10:55 |
tibs01 | dunno :/ | 10:56 |
tibs01 | just to get a fresh system | 10:56 |
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trappist | reboots are for hardware upgrades and kernel rebuilds. this isn't windows. | 10:56 |
tibs01 | true | 10:56 |
pradeepto | "dunno:/" heh heh that can be a nice kio slave :) | 10:56 |
XVampireX | Yeah, but which ones do I need? I need to compile a snes emulator | 10:56 |
tibs01 | so how do i see if it worked ? | 10:56 |
ganymed | hallo | 10:56 |
Sergi0 | what worked? | 10:57 |
kosh | the main reason that windows needs reboots is file locking | 10:57 |
kosh | an issue that unix machines don't share | 10:57 |
trappist | XVampireX: that's a different issue entirely - you need header files, not just sdl support | 10:57 |
ganymed | is there a search database for kubuntu packages like packages.debian.org? | 10:57 |
ganymed | or ubuntu | 10:57 |
trappist | XVampireX: if you try to compile, one of the first errors you get should say what file is missing | 10:57 |
crimsun | packages.ubuntu.com, of course. | 10:57 |
frank23 | XVampireX: what emulator are you compiling? | 10:58 |
kosh | apt-cache search <search stuff> | 10:58 |
XVampireX | zsnes | 10:58 |
trappist | XVampireX: libsdl1.2-dev is your best bet | 10:58 |
XVampireX | thanks | 10:58 |
tibs01 | ? | 10:58 |
tibs01 | erm | 10:58 |
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tibs01 | the upgrade to daffer | 10:58 |
tibs01 | wot ever | 10:58 |
tibs01 | dapper | 10:58 |
pradeepto | tibs01: hold on a sec | 10:58 |
frank23 | XVampireX: sudo apt-get build-deps zsnes | 10:58 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 u did not update to dapper, not yet | 10:58 |
XVampireX | thanks :) | 10:58 |
frank23 | XVampireX: zsnes is in the repos | 10:58 |
tibs01 | ok | 10:58 |
trappist | frank23: good thinkin... or just sudo apt-get install zsnes :) | 10:58 |
pradeepto | tibs01: what was last command did ya fire on the console ? | 10:58 |
tibs01 | erm | 10:59 |
=== josean [n=josean@89.Red-83-42-115.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tibs01 | the one about something update | 10:59 |
tibs01 | apt-update | 10:59 |
frank23 | XVampireX: sudo apt-get build-dep zsnes sorry | 10:59 |
josean | hola | 10:59 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 apt-get dist-upgrade is just updating all the packages on the machine from the sources list, you have a breezy souce list at the moment | 10:59 |
tibs01 | ok | 11:00 |
tibs01 | what next | 11:00 |
ganymed | crimsun: sorry, i just tried packages.kubuntu.org once... :( | 11:00 |
pradeepto | tibs01: do what Sergi0 says -> sudo apt-get upgrade | 11:00 |
XVampireX | frank: Where am I supposed to do it? | 11:00 |
Sergi0 | pradeepto he did that allready | 11:00 |
pradeepto | ganymed: packages.ubuntu.com | 11:01 |
Sergi0 | now run the update-manager, and follow the info from the link earlyer | 11:01 |
XVampireX | ah, nevermind | 11:01 |
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tibs01 | ibs01@workstation:~$ sudo apt-get upgrade | 11:01 |
tibs01 | Password: | 11:01 |
frank23 | XVampireX: well if you just want to install zsnes, you can install with adept. If you really want to compile from source, do sudo apt-get build-dep zsnes to get the build dependancies | 11:01 |
tibs01 | Reading package lists... Done | 11:01 |
tibs01 | Building dependency tree... Done | 11:01 |
tibs01 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 11:01 |
tibs01 | 1 not fully installed or removed. | 11:01 |
XVampireX | Nevermind, yeah works | 11:01 |
tibs01 | Need to get 0B of archives. | 11:01 |
tibs01 | After unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used. | 11:01 |
daim_ | uhm can sum1 tell me why i cant change the monitor to 80hz ? | 11:01 |
tibs01 | Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? y | 11:01 |
tibs01 | Setting up libkdegames-doc (3.5.2-0ubuntu0breezy1) ... | 11:01 |
ganymed | how are new package releases handled? are they only available via the backports? | 11:01 |
tibs01 | cannot create dhelp file '/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdegames-rc1-apidocs/.dhelp': No such file or directory | 11:02 |
tibs01 | dpkg: error processing libkdegames-doc (--configure): | 11:02 |
tibs01 | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 11:02 |
tibs01 | Errors were encountered while processing: | 11:02 |
tibs01 | libkdegames-doc | 11:02 |
tibs01 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 11:02 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ | 11:02 |
tibs01 | now wot :/ | 11:02 |
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XVampireX | Is there pcsx too? | 11:02 |
pradeepto | Sergi0: sorry didnot read properly, I guess :( | 11:02 |
tibs01 | wot do i do now ? | 11:03 |
tibs01 | ive upgraded | 11:03 |
kosh | I wonder how you are getting these errors | 11:03 |
tibs01 | using package upgrade | 11:03 |
kosh | no but you are getting errors I have not seen elsewhere | 11:03 |
tibs01 | who | 11:04 |
tibs01 | me ? | 11:04 |
frank23 | XVampireX: not in the repositories. both pcsx and epsxe can run in linux though. well epsxe can run I know for sure | 11:04 |
kosh | yes | 11:04 |
tibs01 | mmmmmmmm any packages that i can use to sort it | 11:04 |
tibs01 | if i give u ssh access to my box | 11:04 |
tibs01 | wanna ave alook kosh | 11:04 |
kosh | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com can you paste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file there | 11:04 |
kosh | no I don't want to ssh to your box | 11:04 |
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tibs01 | oh well | 11:04 |
Sergi0 | kosh gl with it :) im out | 11:04 |
tibs01 | anyone wanna ssh my this bag of shit os | 11:05 |
tibs01 | as its full of bugs ? | 11:05 |
XVampireX | :O | 11:05 |
XVampireX | Whoa, I didn't know epsxe works on linux :) Cool | 11:05 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 no, its typical user error | 11:05 |
pradeepto | tibs01: please post your sources.list to pastebin | 11:05 |
tibs01 | i aint | 11:05 |
pradeepto | Sergi0: heh heh | 11:06 |
tibs01 | Sergi0: how i sort that :S | 11:06 |
kosh | tibs01: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com can you paste the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list file there | 11:06 |
kosh | tibs01: considering you said you have 41 lines in that file at least I suspect there is something very screwy in there | 11:06 |
frank23 | XVampireX: yes the only difference is that it doesn't work with 2 joysticks. And I'm not sure if analog sticks work either... | 11:06 |
tibs01 | ok | 11:06 |
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tibs01 | ill paste everything there | 11:06 |
tibs01 | ang onm | 11:06 |
pradeepto | tibs01: oh come on post it man. | 11:06 |
pradeepto | good | 11:06 |
XVampireX | It's ok | 11:07 |
frank23 | XVampireX: its a bit hard to setup too. getting the plugins and all that all work | 11:07 |
ganymed | i am sorry, but i to dump or i don't know what to find this myself... where can i find repository infos about ubuntu repos? | 11:07 |
tibs01 | ther u go | 11:08 |
tibs01 | gone | 11:08 |
tibs01 | done | 11:08 |
pradeepto | tibs01: link please | 11:08 |
tibs01 | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/629652 | 11:09 |
ganymed | kosh: i don't know if it interests you, but i have solved the sound issue i've had (if you remember). system sounds still have a delay, but amarok plays well now (without stops). it's the gstreamer engine. now i am running arts (haven't tried xine). just in case somebody ask the same question... | 11:10 |
frank23 | ganymed: I run xine for everything. it runs great for kaffeine and amarok | 11:11 |
tibs01 | so wot do i do now | 11:12 |
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tibs01 | ? | 11:13 |
hserrano | hola | 11:13 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: check what tibs01 posted | 11:13 |
tibs01 | how do i sort this bag of shit out | 11:13 |
trappist | unbelievable. | 11:13 |
tibs01 | ? | 11:13 |
robotgeek | !coc | 11:13 |
ubotu | methinks coc is the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ | 11:13 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: thats why i was asking if it gets truncated | 11:13 |
tibs01 | ? | 11:14 |
tibs01 | now wot | 11:14 |
pradeepto | tibs01: dude your sources.list is b0rked | 11:14 |
robotgeek | pradeepto: no idea, i think it was pasted wrong or that | 11:14 |
tibs01 | fucked then ? | 11:14 |
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pradeepto | whats with that all $ thingies | 11:14 |
tibs01 | erm | 11:14 |
tibs01 | let me delete them | 11:14 |
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ganymed | i don't understand, why gstreamer is the standard for ubuntu (and for gnome as far as i know) if it has so many issues... or am i a special case? | 11:16 |
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frank23 | ganymed: no you're not. gstreamer has problems. I think in dapper, kubuntu is going back to xine as default. ubuntu is staying with gstreamer | 11:17 |
tibs01 | ahh | 11:17 |
tibs01 | the $ | 11:17 |
tibs01 | means next line | 11:17 |
tibs01 | its cos i didnt have the window far enough open | 11:17 |
tibs01 | paste it again | 11:18 |
tibs01 | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/629672 | 11:18 |
gsasha | Hi. I have a problem with INSPIRON 9400. I installed the Dapper, and there is no sound. It appears to recognize the device, and gives no warnings about missing hardware/etc., but I hear nothing. What can I check? | 11:18 |
ganymed | frank23: but why? it's meant to be for the average user... desktop conqueror and so on... so why losing potential new users with such minor, but extremely annoying things? | 11:18 |
fjellrev1 | When adept tells me to use apt-cdrom to add cd's that means I have to download what its asking for and then burn it out and install it?cant I simply download the cd's into adept?? | 11:19 |
kosh | gstreamer blows currently | 11:20 |
kosh | xine works so much better | 11:20 |
frank23 | ganymed: I don't know... at least kubuntu is going back to xine | 11:20 |
kosh | and xine can do 7.1 audio trivially | 11:20 |
ganymed | fjellrev1: why do you want to download the cds, not just the packages? | 11:21 |
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frank23 | fjellrev1: no. it's asking for the install cd for kubuntu | 11:21 |
kosh | tibs01: remove the kde 3.5.1 package line and then try doing sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:21 |
tibs01 | wot lines that | 11:21 |
frank23 | fjellrev1: you can use adept to simply remove the cdrom line from the sources | 11:21 |
kosh | tibs01: 25 | 11:21 |
kosh | tibs01: however it might not be the same in your system | 11:22 |
kosh | tibs01: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main that line, just comment it out | 11:22 |
fjellrev1 | frank23, mkay,and what are the results from removing the lines? Don't I miss out on important files here? | 11:22 |
ganymed | how is the backport-repository for breezy... or where do i find a repository list? (i have already searched the net) | 11:22 |
tibs01 | deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main | 11:22 |
tibs01 | that one | 11:22 |
kosh | yeah comment out that one | 11:23 |
tibs01 | deleted | 11:23 |
frank23 | fjellrev1: removing the cdrom line is ok. It won't ask for the cd anymore and will download everything from the internet instead | 11:23 |
ganymed | fjellrev1: not if you have a fast internet connection and the repos are in your apt-sources file | 11:23 |
tibs01 | got annother error | 11:23 |
tibs01 | paste in the bin | 11:24 |
pradeepto | tibs01: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/629684 | 11:24 |
pradeepto | kosh: please check if it correct | 11:24 |
gsasha | Hi, can anybody help me with a Dapper config problem? | 11:24 |
frank23 | gsasha: if it's dapper specific, try #ubuntu+1 | 11:24 |
tibs01 | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/629685 | 11:25 |
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fjellrev1 | frank23: so how do I remove the lines? :) | 11:25 |
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frank23 | fjellrev1: you can do in adept->Manage repositories or something like that | 11:26 |
kosh | tibs01: I don't see any errors in what you pasted | 11:26 |
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frank23 | fjellrev1: or edit sources.list sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 11:26 |
kosh | tibs01: what you should do is just use breezy and not try to update to dapper at all | 11:26 |
tibs01 | damn any one | 11:26 |
tibs01 | Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/universe Sources | 11:27 |
tibs01 | Hit http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-backports/multiverse Sources | 11:27 |
tibs01 | Hit http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu breezy/main Packages | 11:27 |
tibs01 | Fetched 5B in 0s (6B/s) | 11:27 |
tibs01 | Reading package lists... Done | 11:27 |
tibs01 | E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied) | 11:27 |
tibs01 | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root? | 11:27 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ | 11:27 |
tibs01 | thats the error | 11:27 |
kosh | tibs01: it is just too hard to help you, you are having issues that I can't find anyone else having and it is too hard to explain how to do it to you | 11:27 |
kosh | tibs01: you got that error because you did not use sudo | 11:27 |
tibs01 | oh ffs | 11:27 |
tibs01 | im sure i did | 11:27 |
tibs01 | ang on | 11:27 |
Sergi0 | :) | 11:28 |
kosh | tibs01: all admin stuff has to be done with sudo | 11:28 |
ganymed | frank23: well, i would be careful with this. if you have no experience with this, it can turn out to be quite annoying... by the way, do not forget to leave an empty line at the end of the file... | 11:28 |
tibs01 | yes | 11:28 |
=== HelloKnoppix [n=knoppix@lost.olf.sgsnet.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tibs01 | and i did it look | 11:28 |
tibs01 | Password: | 11:28 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ sudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:28 |
tibs01 | Ign http://blognux.free.fr unstable Release.gpg | 11:28 |
tibs01 | see | 11:28 |
kosh | try just doing sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade as a seperate command | 11:28 |
Sergi0 | thats not an error | 11:28 |
HelloKnoppix | hello? i need some help | 11:29 |
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HelloKnoppix | with kubuntu | 11:29 |
tibs01 | ok | 11:29 |
tibs01 | thats done | 11:29 |
tibs01 | trying sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:29 |
tibs01 | Fetched 292kB in 1s (210kB/s) | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Reading package lists... Done | 11:30 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Reading package lists... Done | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Building dependency tree... Done | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Calculating upgrade... Done | 11:30 |
tibs01 | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 11:30 |
tibs01 | 1 not fully installed or removed. | 11:30 |
Sergi0 | tibs01 then its all just fine :) | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Need to get 0B of archives. | 11:30 |
tibs01 | After unpacking 0B of additional disk space will be used. | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Do you want to continue [Y/n] ? y | 11:30 |
tibs01 | Setting up libkdegames-doc (3.5.2-0ubuntu0breezy1) ... | 11:31 |
tibs01 | cannot create dhelp file '/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/kdegames-rc1-apidocs/.dhelp': No such file or directory | 11:31 |
tibs01 | dpkg: error processing libkdegames-doc (--configure): | 11:31 |
tibs01 | subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 | 11:31 |
tibs01 | Errors were encountered while processing: | 11:31 |
tibs01 | libkdegames-doc | 11:31 |
frank23 | tibs01: your problem is with your webcam right? It's probably a problem with the webcam module you're using or the chat program. I would search the ubuntu forums and google for people who have the same webcam and whether they had problems with it | 11:31 |
tibs01 | E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) | 11:31 |
tibs01 | tibs01@workstation:~$ | 11:31 |
tibs01 | see | 11:31 |
tibs01 | now wot then | 11:31 |
tibs01 | how i upgrade to dapper | 11:31 |
tibs01 | i have | 11:31 |
tibs01 | if i upgrade to dapper n my kernel | 11:31 |
tibs01 | prob will fix the problem | 11:31 |
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tibs01 | how i upgrade to dapper then | 11:32 |
frank23 | tibs01: the kernel upgrade might do it but I wouldn't count on it | 11:32 |
kosh | tibs01: what kernel problem do you have that you think dapper will fix? | 11:32 |
frank23 | tibs01: at any rate, the first step is to find info on using that webcam in ubuntu, not upgrading the distro | 11:33 |
tibs01 | well | 11:33 |
tibs01 | when ever i try to load it | 11:34 |
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tibs01 | comes up black and freezes | 11:34 |
tibs01 | kopete | 11:34 |
tibs01 | then comes up your application as froze do i wanna keep running it or term it , when i term it freezes my whole system | 11:34 |
frank23 | tibs01: | 11:35 |
tibs01 | yes | 11:35 |
tibs01 | i think ill change to susie linux | 11:36 |
HelloKnoppix | my problem concerns the harddrive im trying to install kubuntu onto, it shows up as 8gb in win, bios and in knoppix, but during the kubuntu install (and partition) its only 2.1gb. does anyone know a way to change this? | 11:36 |
tibs01 | this thing too buggy | 11:37 |
kosh | pelase do switch | 11:38 |
kosh | and realize that nobody else is having the problems you are | 11:38 |
tibs01 | http://www.linuxiso.org/distro.php?distro=2 | 11:38 |
tibs01 | best one to use | 11:38 |
trappist | have at it | 11:38 |
frank23 | tibs01: yeah try SUSE, maybe you'll have better luck | 11:39 |
tibs01 | cool | 11:39 |
kosh | however I don't think you should be using any of the linuxes | 11:39 |
kosh | you should probably use a mac | 11:39 |
trappist | also try your attitude in #suse and see how that goes | 11:39 |
tibs01 | nah | 11:39 |
ganymed | i am searching on packages.ubuntu.com for bluefish in breezy-backports... no matter what i choose, it always searches only in breezy... is this normal? | 11:39 |
tibs01 | ill make a nice site about kubuntu | 11:39 |
tibs01 | how people should not use the heap of shit | 11:39 |
=== trappist rests his case | ||
tibs01 | as it freez's peoples systems | 11:40 |
kosh | tibs01: it is probably one of the most used distros out there and nobody else is having this problem | 11:40 |
tibs01 | fucking xp is better than this bag of shit | 11:40 |
kosh | tibs01: does it tell you anything that millions are using it without any of these issues? | 11:40 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: | 11:40 |
kosh | tibs01: the problem is you most likely | 11:40 |
tibs01 | nah | 11:40 |
kosh | tibs01: you really should use a mac until you learn a lot more about computers | 11:40 |
tibs01 | i know it aint me | 11:40 |
pradeepto | robotgeek: calling robotgeek | 11:40 |
tibs01 | i have a freebsd serve up and goin | 11:40 |
tibs01 | with no problems | 11:40 |
=== bobbyd_ [n=rob@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
robotgeek | tibs01: please don;t abuse | 11:41 |
tibs01 | check out http://www.gibbs-hosting.co.uk | 11:41 |
kosh | tibs01: if it is not you then why is it that millions are using this without issues? | 11:41 |
tibs01 | http://www.gibbs-hosting.co.uk/phpsysinfo | 11:41 |
tibs01 | so fuck u | 11:41 |
kosh | tibs01: a server is not the same as a desktop | 11:41 |
tibs01 | no | 11:41 |
tibs01 | maybe not | 11:41 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o robotgeek] by ChanServ | ||
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o robotgeek] by robotgeek | ||
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bobbyd_ | hi | 11:41 |
HelloKnoppix | guess not then? | 11:41 |
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=== tibs01 [n=tibs01@80-193-4-137.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tibs01 | mmmmmmmm | 11:42 |
pradeepto | *sigh* we just lost one nice Kubuntu user to WinXp | 11:42 |
tibs01 | so if freebsd is better than kubuntu | 11:42 |
tibs01 | i rest my case | 11:42 |
pradeepto | apparently not! | 11:42 |
tibs01 | nah | 11:42 |
kosh | whoa that is a tiny box | 11:42 |
heroin | Ld | 11:42 |
tibs01 | im not goin to xp | 11:42 |
tibs01 | im using a decent version of linux | 11:42 |
kosh | tibs01: you are just trolling | 11:42 |
tibs01 | which aint got 100 types of fucking bugs in the kernel | 11:43 |
kosh | tibs01: like I said nobody else is having these problems | 11:43 |
robotgeek | tibs01: again, please mind your lanuage | 11:43 |
tibs01 | someone can't debug propperly | 11:43 |
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kosh | tibs01: suse has exactly the same bugs as all the others | 11:43 |
tibs01 | well | 11:43 |
ganymed | since when has any distri developer been responsible for bugs in the kernel? | 11:43 |
frank23 | tibs01: try SUSE with your webcam, if it works, you can come back and brag about SUSE. just stop the trolling please | 11:43 |
tibs01 | i will | 11:43 |
tibs01 | belive me | 11:43 |
pradeepto | tibs01: it takes just one second to kick ban you dude so mind your language | 11:43 |
tibs01 | go for it | 11:43 |
tibs01 | proves my point n adds log to my site about kuntunu dunnit | 11:44 |
tibs01 | how much of a heap of crap it is | 11:44 |
robotgeek | tibs01: you are welcome to your opinions | 11:44 |
tibs01 | ok | 11:44 |
kosh | tibs01: you still have not answered me, if millions can use it without issues and you have problems that nobody else has then where does the problem have to be? | 11:44 |
tibs01 | well ill submit it to the kmmessenger uk newpaper | 11:44 |
pradeepto | submit what? | 11:44 |
robotgeek | kosh: tibs01 please, move to #kubuntu-offtopic with that one | 11:44 |
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tibs01 | the errors i keep having | 11:44 |
ganymed | tibs01: i can understand how pissed off one can be if sth. doesn't work out as expected, but at some point it should be enough... don't you think so? | 11:45 |
pradeepto | thats offtopic even there ;) | 11:45 |
tibs01 | ganymed: | 11:45 |
tibs01 | until i get my story in the paper about this heap of poo | 11:45 |
tibs01 | and the uk watch dog | 11:45 |
tibs01 | i wont be happy | 11:45 |
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ganymed | you must be a very SAD person | 11:46 |
tibs01 | and i know someone who works for km messenger | 11:46 |
tibs01 | no | 11:46 |
robotgeek | tibs01: hmm, okay. | 11:46 |
tibs01 | i just dont like my system keep being crashed | 11:46 |
tibs01 | over some script kiddies who can't run a half decent support channel | 11:46 |
ganymed | well, i have issues to solve... goodbye tibs01 | 11:46 |
_kane | tibs01: support channel ? | 11:46 |
robotgeek | tibs01: okay, please don't troll | 11:46 |
tibs01 | yes | 11:46 |
tibs01 | like this one | 11:47 |
frank23 | tibs01: then research the problem, submit bugs, submit fixes, whatever. just stop complaining | 11:47 |
tibs01 | i have done | 11:47 |
tibs01 | dont get me anywhere | 11:47 |
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tibs01 | ban me | 11:47 |
pradeepto | ummmm | 11:47 |
crimsun | +q *!*@80-193-4-137.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk | 11:47 |
_kane | tibs01: this is a support channel ? i'm quite sure it is not ... it is a place for kubuntu supporters ... but not a kubuntu support channel | 11:47 |
tibs01 | go on prove it | 11:47 |
robotgeek | lol | 11:47 |
tibs01 | prove u can't fix the problem | 11:47 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o robotgeek] by ChanServ | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [+b %*!*@80-193-4-137.cable.ubr05.gill.blueyonder.co.uk] by robotgeek | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o robotgeek] by robotgeek | ||
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o crimsun] by crimsun | ||
crimsun | s/mode/msg/ eh? | 11:47 |
trappist | heh | 11:48 |
ganymed | well, that's better than any soap opera... can't we just ignore him...? | 11:48 |
frank23 | do people actually have nothing better to do than that?!?!? | 11:48 |
_kane | shouldn't you kick him also ? | 11:48 |
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trappist | that was a distraction for far too long | 11:48 |
crimsun | no, let him do whatever he wants as long as it doesn't involve affecting others who are legitimately seeking support | 11:48 |
pradeepto | I hate the fact that I was actually working for his sources.list file. | 11:49 |
crimsun | no worries. "Into every irc channel a troll must come." | 11:49 |
pradeepto | thats like an irc commandment or something :) | 11:49 |
ganymed | well, i hated apt in the beginning... then i learned to use and appreciate it... he will never do. that's a punishment! | 11:49 |
=== robotgeek thanks nice script | ||
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slow-motion | re | 11:54 |
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Blippe | you know tibs01 sources.list is all screwy... | 12:03 |
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