
=== Tonio__ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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j^what to do to remove files from http://revu.tauware.de/?12:29
crimsunask a revu admin12:29
j^upid=823 and 912 should go12:29
j^i just uploaded a new version of 823(network-manager-vpnc) for NM 0.6 though so possibly that will be overwritten12:31
j^912 is an outdated version of nm which is in main for some time now12:31
ajmitch__they're already archived12:32
j^confusing, i just searched, so i did not see the archived section12:34
=== Arr0gance [n=aks@ottawa-hs-209-217-79-82.d-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
hubj^: n-m 0.6 for Dapper?12:40
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j^hub which other n-m 0.6 would be in question?12:42
hubdon't know12:42
hubin fact I don't have n-m 0.6 for dapper12:42
j^it just hit the archives12:43
j^the vpn plugins build find in my dapper pbuilder12:43
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Kyralanyone here know about passing vectors and the like in functions?12:56
Kyralthey aren't by reference right?12:56
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Kyralno one...12:57
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hubinstalling nm 0.601:29
hubso I can use WPA01:29
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crimsunI'm still quite uncomfortable with wpasupplicant+n-m in main, but I don't have much say about that, heh.01:34
ajmitch__especially with the 3 year support01:35
ograajmitch_, 5 years if you use a wireleass server :P01:42
j^i put my server in a tree in the garden and after only 2 years it stoped responding, now im to old to climb on the tree, i need help01:44
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ograj^, if you were clever you put it in a cat costume so you can call the fire brigade to save it ;)01:57
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jdongso, x264 is now in multiverse; will mplayer be built using it?02:08
jdongI'd love to be able to encode and play h.264's from mplayer/mencoder02:08
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gclairhowdy all02:50
LaserJockhi gclair and yves02:52
gclairHi Laser02:53
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Erlangmy "manpages that lead to nowhere" thingee doesn't make much people react03:13
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LaserJockErlang: ?03:17
Erlangon u-devel03:18
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-March/016888.html is so less-than-helpful03:20
ErlangI see why now -_-03:21
Erlangthe message shows up just fine in mutt.  When i'll come back home I'll link with the wiki instead of attaching the list.03:22
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crimsunheads up for us in dapper+1: http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2006/03/msg01084.html03:31
crimsunwe'll probably be running into those issues sooner than later03:31
ajmitch__oh we will03:34
ajmitch__4.1 is already planned for dapper+1 :)03:34
=== crimsun stashes page in cache
ajmitch__and in this case I'm glad that many patches are filed in debian BTS before we move03:34
=== ajmitch__ really has to question why he's subscribed to the users list
TheMusoajmitch__: If you mean ubuntu-users, I got off that list LONG ago.03:38
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bddebianHeya gang03:48
crimsun'lo bddebian03:50
bddebianHi crimsun03:50
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LaserJockhi bddebian and crimsun03:55
bddebianHeya LaserJock03:56
crimsun'lo lj03:56
LaserJockman, I'm finally feeling like a MOTU today03:59
crimsundolson: please join #ubuntu; 19:59 < jadaz87> IamEthos i am looking to have a music production pc based off of linux03:59
crimsunLaserJock: oh?04:01
LaserJockcrimsun: wait a bit for dapper-changes ;-)04:01
crimsunLaserJock: ah04:01
LaserJockhopefully it won't be "Rejected" :-)04:02
LaserJocka simple developer asking about a bug report turned into a 2 day mission04:02
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ajmitch__LaserJock: decided to upload 10 or 20 packages? :)04:04
OgMacielsomebody know how I can get a hold of jdub by any chance?04:04
LaserJockajmitch_: only 3 but one is NEW04:04
LaserJockOgMaciel: I think he is in -devel04:05
OgMacielLaserJock, thanks much  ;)04:05
OgMacielLaserJock, found him...  not sure he's awake though...  ;)04:06
ajmitch__he ought to be04:06
ajmitch__since it's lunchtime if he's in .au04:07
OgMacielajmitch_, forgot about the time difference... true...  ;)04:07
LaserJockOgMaciel: he last said something in -devel about 30 min ago04:08
OgMacielLaserJock, been trying to get a hold of him for a while now...04:08
=== LaserJock waits for the email with fingers crossed
OgMacielguess \sh hasn't been around either04:09
OgMacielLaserJock, I know what you mean...  ;)04:09
LaserJockyeah! They made it04:12
LaserJockhmm, "bombs away" keeps coming to mind ;-)04:13
ograLaserJock, yay04:15
LaserJockogra: oh, I didn't think you'd still be up04:16
LaserJockogra: yeah, I got it all done I think. squeak runs fine from the menu now04:17
ograi'm on my way to bed, but looked into the mail before ;)04:17
ograi'll test as soon as Kamion waved -image through04:17
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitch__LaserJock: ogra is always up this late :)04:19
LaserJockgosh, I feel like going to bed and I'm US Pacific TZ04:20
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ograajmitch__, its getting spring ... i'm starting to get up earlier :)04:20
LaserJockhi tritium04:20
ajmitch__ogra: what, 7am? :)04:20
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tritiumhi LaserJock, ajmitch__04:20
ajmitch__hey tritium04:20
ograso i wont be around this long in the next months04:20
=== ajmitch__ needs to do more uploads & bugfixing :)
ajmitch__I can't let my key go stale04:21
tritiumhi ogra04:21
ograajmitch__, 9am is fine instead of 11am :) but that means going to bed *before* 4am ;)04:22
ograhey tritium04:22
=== ajmitch__ got up very late today, after 9am
tritiumrub it in, ajmitch__ ;)04:23
ajmitch__tritium: I'd usually be up a bit after 7am :)04:25
tritiumajmitch__: I'm already at work by then :)04:25
=== ajmitch__ is not quite that crazy
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LaserJockman, mutt seems to have a bit of a steep learning curve05:22
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ajmitch__LaserJock: mutt? hardly :)05:23
LaserJockhmm, maybe I'm just to GUIfied but pine seems a whole lot easier05:24
LaserJockI can't figure out how to get back to my inbox once I've gone to another folder05:25
=== hub [n=hub@toronto-hs-216-138-231-194.s-ip.magma.ca] has joined #ubuntu-motu
TheMusoLaserJock: YOu know there is in-built help?05:31
KyralI hate C lol05:33
Kyralwell, C++05:33
LaserJockTheMuso: and the FAQ is full of RTFMs05:33
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KyralI coded for like 3 hours05:34
LaserJockI can get to all my mailboxes (they are in ~/Mail) but I can't get back to my inbox (somewhere in /var/spool/ I think)05:34
Kyralonly to be shot down by conversion between my Structs05:35
Kyral(which only differ in that they interpret the < and > differently)05:35
Kyralso hows it going :D05:35
jamessanLaserJock: you could have your mail delivered via procmail so it goes to ~/Mail05:36
LaserJockjamessan: hmm, ok. I was thinking about learning how to use procmail05:36
ajmitch__LaserJock: when you hit c to change folder, hit ? to get a list, your inbox should be in there05:36
LaserJockajmitch_: but it isn't05:36
KyralI have mine delivered to my server :D05:37
jamessanajmitch__: not the system mail (which goes to /var/spool/...)05:37
ajmitch__jamessan: it is here (at least when I hit tab in that list)05:37
jamessannot for me  :/05:37
ajmitch__however that's because it's listed in my muttrc :)05:38
Kyraljeez...I just got ANOTHER email address05:38
Kyralmy GPG key is insanely long now....05:38
LaserJockajmitch_: ah, maybe that is what I'm missing05:38
ajmitch__my muttrc has just grown a bit over the years05:39
jamessanajmitch__: nice. thanks :)05:40
psusiis there a way to tell gpg to not be a moron and go fetch keys it doesn't recognize?  like when I try to verify a downloaded tarball, it just says it doesn't recognize any of the keys that signed it... well, fetch them from the key server!05:40
ajmitch__psusi: yes, but it's usually turned off because key fetching is so slow05:41
psusiok... so how do I turn it back on? ;)05:41
psusibecause otherwise, what's the point of the web of trust?05:41
psusiif you have to already have all the keys in the web on your ring that is05:42
=== ajmitch__ thought he had it in but disabled, but I guess not..
psusiI was also wondering what happens when two people get the same key id?05:43
ajmitch__ah, auto-key-retrieve, in the manepage05:43
KyralI think I have one at "petermcv@acm.org" now....05:44
ajmitch__psusi: the short ID doesn't have to be unique05:44
ajmitch__for example, hub's 32-bit key id clashes with someone else's05:44
psusiright... so what happens when they clash?05:44
hubpsusi: lot of bugs05:44
hublot of pain05:44
psusilol.... fantastic05:44
hubbut nothing serious05:45
=== Kyral goes to add it
hubkeyserver are still confused05:45
ajmitch__signing scripts often get confused, too :)05:45
hubajmitch__: much less05:45
ajmitch__they still tend to do the right thing05:45
psusiwhy did they only use the first 32 bits of the fingerprint?05:45
ajmitch__would you prefer to remember 64 or 128 bits everytime you want to use a key?05:46
psusiis there a conf file or something I can edit so I don't have to specify --keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve every time?05:47
ajmitch__as I said, look at the man page05:47
psusigpg's man page is too darn long... shoudl have been done as an info tree, heh05:48
=== ajmitch__ is going out for a bit
Kyral...I think I just set the record for registered email addresses on LP05:49
LaserJockarggh, I still can't figure out how to add my inbox05:49
KyralI just pointed it at the mailspooler05:50
KyralI think05:50
KyralI may have a copy of my .muttrc around...05:50
LaserJockit seems like the FVWM of email05:50
KyralYah personally I just use POP305:50
psusiimap >>>> pop305:50
Kyralpsusi: yah but I don't have the space to pull it off on my server05:51
Kyralwell, I do...05:51
Kyraland the ports are open05:51
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Kyralall I gotta do is tell Domain 0 to forward the IMAP ports05:51
LaserJockanyway, I'm not using pop or imap at the moment05:52
LaserJockmy inbox is at /var/mail/mantha05:52
psusimy imap server is holding lkml traffic since jan 1... 31,000 messages taking up like 150 megs... one of these days I think I'll stuff it into a cramfs and see if I can't use unionfs to maintan access to the full maildir while keeping the older messages compressed05:52
LaserJockbut when I list the mailboxes I can't see it05:52
Kyralouch lkml05:53
KyralThats what my GMail account is for :D05:53
psusiI went through my work machine today and compressed around 400 megs of 'normal' email too ;)05:53
KyralI download it all to my desktop05:53
psusifortunately, 7zip shrank it down to 50 megs05:53
Kyralwait...this client is on my server05:54
Kyrallol I forgot I was SSH'd into a screen session05:54
LaserJocklol, there is a website to build a muttrc05:56
psusithe actual signatures generated by gpg only identify the signer by their first 32 bits of fingerprint right?  aka the keyid?05:56
Kyralyah I saw that lol05:56
psusiso if two people get the same keyid, there's no way to tell which one is the one that signed something because they would both look the same no?05:57
psusiI think I prefer s/mime... your whole public certificate goes into the message so the recipient doesn't have to download it from a key server... just validates the CA's signature on it05:58
psusiactually, I guess you really couldn't do that with gpg06:01
psusisince if you were to try and recursively include all signer's keys, you could end up with millions of them06:01
psusiman... what's up with this guy's key?  de885dd3... he has a million signatures... and like two people that each signed like 30 times...  I guess the big 'X' means that sig expired right?06:03
Lathiati tried that once06:18
Lathiati crashed gpg06:18
Lathiat(recursing down my signatures and their signatures etc06:18
Lathiatafter about 24 hours06:19
Lathiaton a p10006:19
psusihow many GB did the output file grow to? ;)06:19
Lathiati cant find that key id?06:19
Lathiatit was a few hundred meg06:19
ajmitch__Lathiat: and on your new box now it'd probably succeed in a few minutes06:19
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Lathiatyeh probably :)06:21
Lathiatif i had a gig net connection to stick into it06:21
truz24how often do you guys regenerate key pairs for gpg?06:21
ajmitch__Lathiat: I think the keyservers would be too slow though06:22
Lathiatajmitch__: multiple keyservers at once? ;p06:23
ajmitch__you'd need a *lot*06:24
ajmitch__me will bbl06:24
ajmitch__bad keyboard, missing / :)06:25
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=== psusi wishes he coudld figure out how to increase the font size that gitk uses... this is killing my eyes
minghuadoesn't gitk use tcl/tk?06:43
minghuaI suppose tcl/tk has some global configuration files, no?06:45
crimsunI don't think so [for tcl] 06:46
crimsun[or tk] 06:47
minghuaoh okay.  no wonder fewer and fewer apps are using tk these days, then :-P06:48
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psusithe question is what does tcl/tk use?  that's just a scripting language... what X toolkit does the script interpreter use?07:11
psusibased on the simple look if I had to guess, it's motif07:11
psusiI'm thinking there's some sort of black magic I can do with X resources... but I have a few scarry memories of trying to figure that stuff out07:12
psusithe number of changes that go into the linux kernel in only a day or two span is mind boggling07:12
psusiI've been reading all the changes since I last pulled a few days ago for a half hour now... and I'm only half way done07:13
psusiand i'm just skimming it!07:13
=== dolson is now known as dolzzzon
Amaranthpsusi: stop drinking out of the fire hose07:15
psusilol... that's what it feels like....07:17
psusimy head is swelling I swear07:17
Amaranththat's how i felt when i was subscribed to ubuntu-users :P07:18
psusiI haven't even found my commit yet07:19
psusiheh... ubuntu-users isn't bad at all07:19
psusiabout half the traffic of lkml07:19
psusiof course... I'm on both ;)07:19
psusilooking at this git history is like examining a fine tapestry...07:20
psusifinally, THERE is my patch07:21
psusiI can't believe the sheer number of patches that linus alone applies07:22
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psusiomg... 1836 commits in a week07:37
cassouI would like to help with the squeak package07:37
cassouto make it ready for dapper07:37
psusiok, I'm now officially insane... and up too late... night...07:37
cassouI've already reported bugs07:37
cassouwhat can I do now ?07:37
cassouogra, are you responsible for the package ?07:38
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minghuacassou: I believe getting a patch for the bug you reported would help a log07:45
ajmitch__argh, users07:45
=== ajmitch__ feels tempted to go off on a rant
minghuacassou: either track it down yourself, or contact upstream/debian, then ask people to review your patch07:45
minghuaajmitch_: users list?07:46
ajmitch__minghua: no, someone on malone07:46
cassouminghua, I already wrote patches07:47
ajmitch__someone who *should* know better & be able to provide actual information instead of just saying 'it breaks, fix it'07:47
minghuaoh.  I suppose any user that endured the horrible interface of malone and reported a bug should deserve better treatment :-P07:47
cassouwhy do I need to talk to debian peaple ? I just would like to have good ubuntu packages07:47
minghuacassou: great then, try find someone who knows the package to review it07:48
ajmitch__minghua: this is not just a random user, and he replied to a needinfo setting with basically 'just try it'07:48
minghuacassou: that's your choice.  but usually the debian maintainer is a good choice to ask for review07:48
cassouminghua, ogra (on this channel) seems to be responsible for this package but he is not here07:48
cassouminghua, what is the best way to talk with debian maintener ?07:49
minghuapoor ajmitch_07:49
G0SUBajmitch__: lol07:50
G0SUBajmitch__: bug ID?07:50
minghuacassou: for bugs, if you can reproduce it in debian, Debian BTS would be best place.  if you don't want to try reproduce in debian, I think email would be better.  But as I said, your choice07:50
UbugtuMalone bug 32991 in stratagus "MOTU:  Stratagus AMD64 Segfault" [Normal,Needs info] 07:50
ajmitch__I know he's perfectly capable of providing even a backtrace :P07:50
G0SUBsmart but lazy guy07:51
ajmitch__and he's perfectly willing to mouth off on the devel list :)07:51
cassouminghua, I don't mind  helping debian too. I just would like dapper to have squeak ready and easy to use.07:52
minghuasee, never show that you are more than a dumb user.  otherwise the devs expects more.  ;-)07:52
cassouminghua, However, I can't install debian now07:52
ajmitch__minghua: I expect at least common sense07:53
G0SUBajmitch__: the guy's wiki says this -- ``I'm just rallying for greater security in general. If I seem strange to you, don't give it a second thought; I'm neither primarily a Debian or Ubuntu user.''07:53
minghuacassou: let me put it this way: if upstream/debian maintainer says your patch is good, I am willing to upload your patch even I know nothing about squeak (as long as it builds)07:53
minghuaajmitch_: I know.  I was just kidding.07:54
ajmitch__GOSUB: I know, I've run into him a few times on irc as well07:54
cassouminghua, if I can07:54
G0SUBstrange people ...07:54
=== ajmitch__ is strange
crimsunoh great, my pop host is down.07:55
cassouminghua, if I can't install debian, to whom do I need to write a mail ? with what information since there is no debian package for squeak currently07:55
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minghuacassou: oh, squeak is not in debian?  try contact upstream, maybe.07:56
cassouby upstream, you mean squeak community ? I'm one of them already07:56
cassouI do not have squeak patches, but packages patches :-)07:56
minghuacassou: what is the malone bug number?07:57
UbugtuMalone bug 36804 in squeak-vm "Desktop file needs update" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 07:57
cassou(for example)07:58
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ajmitch__hi Hobbsee, tritium07:58
tritiumhi ajmitch__07:59
minghuacassou: I suggest writing a mail to ogra or MOTU mailing list07:59
minghuacassou: I can upload a fix for 36804 but I suppose you need more than that08:00
cassouI thought it was automatic when filling a bug08:00
cassouminghua, it will be a good start if you upload the fix.08:00
cassouminghua, but you are right: we need more :-)08:01
Hobbseehey ajmitch__08:01
=== ajmitch__ needs to put together a hackergotchi for launchpad :)
minghuacassou: about bug 36806, squeak-vm fails to build on amd64 (and powerpc): https://launchpad.net/+builds/+build/18076108:04
UbugtuMalone bug 36806 in squeak-vm "amd64 version" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3680608:04
minghuacassou: can you figure out why?08:04
minghuacassou: As you say you are from upstream community, I am willing to review your patches and upload them if ogra is busy08:06
minghuacassou: but I still suggest you contact him first08:06
cassouI removed dapper-amd64 to test squeak32 as requested by someone from squeak community. Can I try to compile it without reinstalling everything ?08:06
cassouminghua, I will try to contact him08:06
minghuacassou: probably not.  but reading the build logs is usually inspiring08:07
minghuacassou: but it wouldn't be hard to have a 64bit chroot from what I heard08:08
G0SUBajmitch__: send me a pic, I will make one for you08:08
cassouminghua, never tried to chroot :-(08:08
=== ajmitch__ has no decent pics :)
cassouminghua, I just contact him08:12
minghuacassou: feel free to ping me when you have patch ready (I would prefer some other people to confirm your patch, but for the .desktop file I can see it's good)08:14
cassouminghua, did you upload it ?08:15
minghuacassou: you want me to?08:16
cassouminghua, why not ? It would be a good start. But you may have reasons not to do it or you may think there are better solutions ?08:17
minghuacassou: no, I don't have any objections, I'll upload08:18
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cassouminghua, thank you very much. It's one point solved08:19
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cassouminghua, can you close the bug too ?08:19
minghuahmm, why is squeak-vm in multiverse...08:19
cassouminghua, squeak has some problems with copyrighted fonts if I remember well08:20
minghuacassou: yes.  but you probably want to test the autobuilt package before closing the bug?08:20
cassouminghua, can you explain me what autobuild is ?08:20
minghuacassou: I'll upload only the source.  then there is a build machine that builds the binary package08:21
minghua(and packages for different arches are built by different machines, obviously)08:22
cassouminghua, what do I need to do ?08:22
cassouminghua, I'm sorry my ubuntu machine is not started and I'm not at home to switch it on. So I'll have to wait to test it08:23
minghuacassou: wait until the package I upload (should be 3.7.7-5ubuntu4) appears in achive, install it, test that the .desktop works, and close the bug08:23
cassouminghua, but I still would like the explanation to test everything this afternoon08:24
cassouminghua, ok, thanks08:24
minghuacassou: "the explanation to test everything"?  please rephrase08:24
cassouminghua, I was just waiting for your comments on how to test the patch. I got it now. Thanks08:25
cassouminghua, thank you for your help.08:26
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cassouminghua, If I already have squeak-vm installed, I will just have to apt-get update/upgrade to upgrade the package to your version ?08:28
minghuacassou: does squeak-vm handles images?08:29
cassouthere is now images now. It is another bug however08:29
minghuacassou: and your patch doesn't apply (the icon is already fixed, de_DE translation is already added)08:29
cassouminghua, I'm sorry, I need to leave you now. Thank for your fix, I will continue working later08:30
minghuacassou: okay.  see you then08:30
cassouminghua, I was waiting for that problem. It seems I did not manage to get a real diff. I did not find documentation08:30
cassouminghua, what I changed is :08:31
cassou- adding the french translation08:31
minghuacassou: paste the correct .desktop then, don't paste a wrong diff08:31
cassou- modifyng the categorie08:31
cassouminghua, sorry, I will do that08:31
crimsunsiretart: ping. The current wpasupplicant package doesn't handle removing /etc/network/if-p{re-up,ost-down}.d/wpasupplicant, which seems to have been superceded by /etc/network/if-{down,pre-up,post-down}.d/0_wpasupplicant08:31
cassouminghua, thank you for your time08:31
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minghuacassou: please paste now so I can upload later08:31
minghuacassou: you are welcome08:32
cassouminghua, I do not have my computer here, I'm sorry08:32
minghuacassou: don't worry then, I think I can handle it08:32
cassouminghua, thank you very much for all08:33
cassouminghua, I must leave now08:34
minghuacassou: see you08:34
cassouI will help squeak and ubuntu later08:34
minghuaHmm, what is the command to test .desktop files?08:36
minghuagot it, desktop-file-validate08:36
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siretartcrimsun: oh. interesting. well, in that case, we should do some postinst magic for that.09:19
siretartcrimsun: which upgrade path did you use for having /etc/network/if-p{re-up,ost-down}.d/wpasupplicant lying around?09:24
crimsunsiretart: I've not touched any of those [conf] files09:25
crimsunthese have been straight upgrades via apt09:25
crimsun0.4.7->0.4.8, that is, and all Ubuntu Dapper versions09:26
siretartcrimsun: I see. if time permits, I will look into this today, and write a workaround for that in our trunk/ branch. then we can decide if we do another upload of trunk/ to ubuntu or not09:27
ajmitchhey siretart09:27
crimsunsiretart: sounds good, thanks.09:27
crimsunshould be good enough to simply check for the existence of the obsolete conffile and nuke it09:28
siretarthuhu ajmitch09:28
siretartcrimsun: kel has already written some preinst magic for conffiles. I suspect that we could just lengthen that list of conffiles in preinst09:29
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=== minghua knows why squeak-vm FTBFS on amd64 now
minghuait's arch: i38609:46
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ograminghua, LaserJock worked on squeak (as the changelog would tell :) )10:05
minghuaogra: yeah, but since both him and you are not around, I figure I shouldn't discourage cassou too much10:06
minghuabut later I realized he/she doesn't know much about debian/ubuntu10:06
ograand probably about squeak ...10:07
ograthere are three binarys and one script :)10:07
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ograall you can do with this package is change the script or the location of the binarys ...10:07
mdkeis there some kind of policy that bugs about menu entries not complying with HIG guidelines are to be set as "Wishlist"? I've had two bugs marked down like that10:08
ograbut thats pretty much it :)10:08
ogra(no sources)10:08
ajmitchhow useful10:09
ajmitchbtw good morning ogra ;)10:09
ogramoin moin10:10
minghuaogra: ah, and cassou told me it's some "font related issues" :-(10:12
minghuamdke: I am not aware of any policies but I agree with such categorization (unless there is a patch)10:13
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mdkeminghua, why? bad menu entries are bugs like all others10:14
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ograminghua, right, the squeak license forbids to change the fonts iirc10:15
=== verwilst is happily using pure-ftpd 1.0.21 ;)
minghuamdke: IMO they are the same as feature requests, but that's just my opinion10:15
mdkeminghua, I don't see how changing a menu entry with a usability problem is "adding a new feature to a program in Ubuntu". I'd say they are minor or normal bugs10:16
minghuamdke: Hmm, I don't want to argue, and I don't really care10:17
mdkefair enough10:17
mdkeI'll do a patch anyway10:17
minghuamdke: get the patch ready and it will get applied regardless of the severity10:18
minghuaindeed, that's the way I prefer10:18
mdkeargh. there is no desktop file in the source10:20
siretartogra: hrhr, I can only smile at arnieboys answer to my 'genuine concerns'..10:21
ograsiretart, heh10:22
ajmitchsiretart: you're still even reading that thread?10:22
ograi *love* peter garrets short commments in that thread :)10:22
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ajmitchmorning dholbach10:24
dholbachheya ajmitch10:24
dholbachhey guys10:24
verwilsthello dholbach10:24
verwilstdholbach: the new pure-ftpd is purring away nicely ;)10:24
verwilstjust backported it to breezy too ( we have 1 breezy server which was using .19 :) )10:25
siretartajmitch: he finally provided his email address :)10:25
ajmitchsiretart: yeah, impressive :)10:26
=== ajmitch is running out to get food
siretartgood idea :)10:27
minghuaajmitch, ogra, siretart: are you talking about a thread on automatrix (and if yes, where is it)?10:32
siretartminghua: a stupid thread on ubuntu-user@lists.ubuntu.com10:32
minghuasiretart: thanks10:34
=== minghua is not subscribed to -user (and is usually happy about that)
siretartminghua: I read it via gmane only10:34
mdkesiretart, I'm just reading via the mailman archive, where is his response to your post?10:34
mdkei don't see it10:35
mdkeoh, the thread was broken10:35
siretartmdke: gmane and the mailman archive may lag a bit behind10:35
siretartI love the scoring capabilities of slrn. I use them intensively10:36
ograminghua, err10:39
ogra * Apply patch for .desktop file from Damien Cassou, thanks!  (Ubuntu #36804)10:39
ogra     - Add French translation.10:39
ogra     - Put squeak to the correct categories.10:39
ograminghua, the package already ships a .desktop file and LaseJock added the needed script to start properly with his last upload ...10:40
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ograi hope yu didnt revert his stuff  ...10:41
minghuaogra, no, not at all.  I looked at LaserJock's change and changelog10:41
ograoki, then  its fine ...10:42
minghuaogra: the detail is in the bug report if you are interested10:42
ograhe just discussed several hours with upstream since the scrippt needs some special functionallity it seems10:42
ograyou've put it into education ?10:43
ograsqueak is a multimedia programming framework ...10:43
minghuaI don't use/know smalltalk at all, like I said, I dared to upload because I know .desktop files10:43
minghuaogra: it's not?10:43
minghuait was in AudioVideo10:43
ograyes, thats where i put it10:44
minghuawhich now sounds right...10:44
ograand i dont like the education categorya at all :)10:44
ograbut anyway , thats harmless ...10:44
minghuaogra: does Development category makes sense then?10:45
ograeither that or audio/video10:45
minghuanot both?10:45
ograhmm, i'm not a big fan of doubling entries ...10:45
minghuaogra: now it's in both education and development...10:46
ograyes, i just see it10:46
minghuaogra: I'll take care of the category thing before upload10:46
minghuadevelopment makes more sense to me10:47
minghuaI'm not a fan of double entry either10:47
ograyep :)10:47
minghuaogra: and do you have any idea if it is useful on non-i386 arches?10:47
ograi want to get rid of the menu structure in later edubuntu releases, especially of the education section10:48
ograi doubt that10:48
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ograthe image and source packages both only contain big binary images10:48
minghuaand BTW the description of squeak-vm can have some improvement... (I didn't figure out it's multimedia platform at all)10:48
ograi'm not sure that even if the vm compiles on amd64 it could run any of the images10:49
minghuaogra: would you please comment on bug 36806 then?10:49
ogra(i very much doubt that)10:49
UbugtuMalone bug 36806 in squeak-vm "amd64 version" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3680610:49
ograi have the squeak list open ...10:49
minghuaoh okay10:49
ogracassou mailed me the buglist10:50
ogra(i doubt squeak has even more than 10 users on ubuntu btw)10:50
minghuaapparently you know much more than I do about squeak, my future upload will be only fixing the category in .desktop then :-)10:50
minghuawell, smalltalk is not a popular language after all ;-)10:52
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minghuaquite stupid thread indeed...11:09
=== minghua just realized he has been spelling automatix wrong
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Toadstoolhi here11:27
Toadstoolanyone to check and maybe upload the debdiffs I attached to bug 34409 and bug 34663?11:27
UbugtuMalone bug 34409 in lprng "lprng fails to start" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3440911:28
UbugtuMalone bug 34663 in ipmasq "Default configuration logs IGMP packets" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3466311:28
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HeatBlazerare there any ubuntu developers?11:37
azeemHeatBlazer: what do you think?11:37
HeatBlazerI think-yes11:37
HeatBlazermay I suggest something11:38
HeatBlazerit`s about the x.mame11:39
HeatBlazerplease...add xmame 0-104 to Synaptic pakage installer11:40
HeatBlazercompiling it is very confusing and hard to most of the people,especially newbies like me.11:41
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HeatBlazerwill you,please?11:42
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HeatBlazerI really hope you will,you have my forward greetings.:)11:45
HeatBlazerhave a nice day:)11:45
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siretarthey kelmo_lap12:21
kelmo_laphi siretart12:21
siretartkelmo_lap: looks like wpasupplicant will make on the flight6 cd, which is due to today :)12:22
kelmo_lapcool, should find out how its going then12:22
kelmo_lapsiretart, you use wpa_supplicant with EAP, iirc?12:23
siretartkelmo_lap: depends. I have a place where I use either EAP-TLS using x509 certificates or PEAP (with username/pw). at home I currently use PSK212:25
kelmo_lapsiretart, would you be going to those places anytime soon?12:25
kelmo_lapif so, can you please grab me some wpa_cli output12:25
siretartkelmo_lap: we had a user in launchpad complaining that the ifupdown script checks for /proc/net/packet. what breaks if af_packet isn't loaded?12:26
kelmo_lapjust the output of "status"12:26
siretartkelmo_lap: I'm normally on mondays there, but if its urgent, I can go there on my way home12:26
kelmo_lapsiretart, not urgent12:26
kelmo_lapsiretart, i think that maybe that check should be removed, its a bit restrictive12:27
kelmo_lapi shall do it now12:27
siretartthis is bug #37121, btw12:27
UbugtuMalone bug 37121 in wpasupplicant "ifupdown script 0_wpasupplicant assumes CONFIG_PACKET=y" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3712112:27
siretartok, then lets remove it until we know what breaks because of it12:27
siretartbtw, do you happen to have an account in launchpad?12:28
kelmo_lapok, its removed in my local copy12:29
kelmo_lapand the reason being:12:29
kelmo_lapif its not existing, wpa_supplicant would have to make a call to load it12:29
kelmo_lapthat may not succeed in some situations12:29
siretarthm. perhaps we can issue a warning if it doesn't exist12:30
kelmo_lapno, i don't have a launchpad account12:30
kelmo_laphave not used ubuntu, so never required one yet12:30
siretartno problem12:30
kelmo_lapnah, i think we can safely ignore that issue for now12:31
kelmo_lapit will be in the changelog if it comes back to bite12:31
kelmo_lapok, so some further clarification, we will be closing both ubuntu and debian bugs in these changelogs? or how will this work?12:32
kelmo_lapie, how do we manage the release aspect of this combined source package12:33
siretartmalone bugs  can be linked to debian bugs12:34
siretartso if someone files a bug in malone about wpasupplicant, a 'bugtask' for ubuntu is created12:34
siretartif the same bug already exists in debbugs, we create another 'bugtask' for the debian bug. so the 2 issues are linked12:35
siretartthe debian bugtask is supposed to be checked and updated automatically, but I don't know if malone is there yet12:35
siretartI don't know if we need to import all malone bugs to debugs. At least, I don't think so12:36
minghuawell, I am waiting for launchpad to support closing bugs in changelog first (or is that already possible?)12:36
siretartminghua: Kinnison asked for opinions on a syntax for that. I think there was some consensus on that point, which is a prequisite for the implementation for that12:37
siretartminghua:  #launchpad should be able to give you a definite answer on that12:37
minghuasiretart: yes I read that thread in -devel12:37
siretartbtw, this is bug 2037. I filed that some time ago12:38
UbugtuMalone bug 2037 in malone "feature request: closing via changelog" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/203712:38
minghuaI suppose there should be an announcement when it's available12:38
=== minghua subscribes to that
siretartI love the subscribing feature in malone.12:38
minghuato be honest, I really thought about replying "whatever format is okay for me, as long as you guys implement it fast" :-)12:39
=== minghua sees MOTU is already subscribed and decides not to double-subscribe
kelmo_lapsiretart, ok, but how about just the simple thing like managing changelogs for debian/ubuntu releases12:40
siretartkelmo_lap: I expect that someday, we just need to close the debian bugno in the changelog, and malone will close the relevant bugtask as soon as the package enters the given distribution. the debian bugtask when accepted in debian, and the ubuntu bugtask when synced to ubuntu12:41
minghuayes, subscribing is the only thing I prefers malone over Debian BTS12:41
siretartkelmo_lap: I don't have any problem in having 'ubuntu' revision in the debian changelog. there are other (core) package which do this12:41
kelmo_lapsiretart, no i have absolutely no problem with it either12:41
kelmo_lapjust curious as to how we release12:42
siretartkelmo_lap: 0.4.8-0ubuntu2 is smaller than 0.4.8-1, so we could even introduce a 0.4.8-0ubuntu3, without violating the order of version numbers12:42
kelmo_lapie, do we prepare for debian first, then make a new entry for ubuntu, and release again12:42
siretartah, now I understand.12:42
kelmo_lapi think its great to share the same source package! changelog and all12:43
siretartI'd say, lets focus on a 0.4.8-1 upload for unstable. Then we 'sync' that version to ubuntu (I will handle that, don't worry)12:43
kelmo_lapjust a minor point of curiousity is all ; )12:44
minghuakelmo_lap: BTW "sync" means sharing the same source package (and changelog) in case your didn't know12:44
kelmo_lapi do the same for kanotix releases12:45
kelmo_lapwell, i am primarily interested in wpa_cli status ouput, that is indicitave of the state of an interface12:46
siretartI see12:47
kelmo_lapi'll read the source a bit12:47
siretarthow do you handle divergence to debian in kanotix?12:47
kelmo_lapwe don't diverge, unless we are somehow releasing a package that one of us currently work on in debian (wpasupplicant, madwifi, spca5xx etc); or12:49
kelmo_lapthe package is broken, and/or very old12:49
siretartok, but given that you need some short time divergence, what do you upload to kanotix?12:49
kelmo_lapi follow those rules12:50
kelmo_lapi think the packages that have been dealt with like that are just minor12:51
kelmo_lapand bugfix patches are then sent to the debian maintainers12:51
siretartthere is surely more divergence in ubuntu than in kanotix. I know12:51
kelmo_lapsure, we diverge maybe 5 - 10 source packages only12:52
kelmo_lapincluding such important things as kismet, nvclock ; )12:52
siretartso you use +a0.kanotix.X or +c0.kanotix.X suffixes, yes?12:52
kelmo_lap+c0.kanotix.X if i am updating a debian package12:53
siretartI see12:53
kelmo_lapi am the worst offender for this12:53
kelmo_lapthe gatekeeper won't allow some things to pass through12:53
kelmo_lapie, we don't diverge12:54
siretartwell, I think this makes only sense for distribution who support installation of binary packages built in debian chroots, which ubuntu doesn't12:54
kelmo_lapjust small updates to satify our own interests12:54
siretartI see. interesting to know12:54
kelmo_lapwell, we almost experience it ourselves12:54
kelmo_lapsay my sponsor for spca5xx is away12:55
kelmo_lapKanotix will not wait for that, so i apply those rules12:55
kelmo_lapthen the next debian upload upgrades shortly after12:55
siretartwhat if there is a security upload for spca5xx? acording to that policy, it would be versioned 1.2-3+s1.sarge.1, which would be higher than your 1.2-3+c0.kanotix. This would override your changes12:56
kelmo_lapand our users would get the benefits of the security upgrade12:57
siretartbut your divergence/fix would be overwritten.12:57
kelmo_lapit means that we must not diverge, unless we know exactly what we do, and are prepared to fix mess up12:57
siretartI think we have to agree that this policy wouldn't work in ubuntu12:58
kelmo_lapnever did i suggest that12:58
kelmo_lapmaybe we got a bit sidetracked in conversation ; )12:58
siretartI was thinking about that.12:58
siretartbut now I see why this won't work :)12:58
minghuaI am not sure security updates and derivative distros using the same namespace (branch) is a good idea, but I didn't think it through and don't have any better proposal12:59
siretartthat post suggests ubuntu to follow that policy by explicitly mentioning ubuntu as example derivative. they should perhaps rather mention kanotix, where this scheme actually works :)12:59
kelmo_lapthey do not like to mention kanotix much ; )12:59
siretartyou think they like to mention ubuntu better? ;)01:00
kelmo_lapits the hot topic i think01:00
kelmo_lapjust sit in #debian for 20 minutes01:01
siretartminghua: I think for debian, this policy is great. As well as for distribution which do support installation of package built in debian chroots.01:01
kelmo_lapand watch the first person to whisper ubuntu get shot down01:01
kelmo_laphappens too reguarly01:01
siretartkelmo_lap: which is sad, but I don't think we can help then from the ubuntu side01:01
siretartI don't have neither time nor interest to hang around in #debian. the operators decide how to moderate that channel01:02
kelmo_lapme neither01:02
kelmo_lapbut sometimes it can provide light amusement01:02
minghuasiretart: what if the derivative want to be based on testing?01:02
minghuaand you have testing-security01:03
kelmo_lapeasy: do not diverge01:03
minghuaI am also thinking about volatile01:03
siretartminghua: I don't see problems with this policy regarding derivatives based on debian/testing, if the testing-security team obey this policy01:03
kelmo_lapunless you plan to maintain all of it01:03
kelmo_laplike ubuntu01:03
minghuasiretart: I'll think more01:04
minghuaI am interested in this as well01:04
minghuamainly because I am involved in some Chinese-related unofficial repos01:04
siretartI see. well, currently, neither of the 2 debian security teams obey this policy01:05
minghuabut kelmo_lap's rule of thumb is always right:  the less you diverge, the less trouble :-)01:06
siretartminghua: the same is true for ubuntu01:06
siretartthats why we want to unify package development for wpasupplicant01:07
kelmo_lapyes, hence why i try hard to get any ideas i have into debian01:07
minghuasiretart: I'm all for it01:07
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cassouogra, minghua, are you here ?01:24
ogracassou, yep01:24
cassouI'm the one for squeak01:24
ogranearly all the bugs you filed were fixed by LaserJocks upload yesterday01:25
ogra(before you filed them :) )01:25
cassouI don't see any update. I'll take a look01:25
cassouSqueak has multiple uses.01:25
ograsee the bugs i added info to the ones i closed01:25
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cassouIt can be an educational software used by teachers to teach how to develop, how to use a computer, how to make things move without writing code (there is a very simple scripting language)01:26
ogracassou, i know01:27
cassouSqueak can be used as a real Smalltalk implementation. You can then write pure smalltalk code and execute your code01:27
ograbut in the end its a multimedia creation framework ...01:27
cassouIt is an IDE too. You have browsers, refactoring tools...01:27
cassouyou can write web apps, there is a very powerfull framework01:27
cassouso, I think the categories I used where good abstract categories. But now, you are more familiar than me with debian packages so you have to choose the right policie to adopt01:28
minghuacassou: it doesn't really matter whether it's an IDE or not, if IDE isn't in freedesktop spec, and not supported by GNOME or KDE, I believe it's useless01:29
ograi'll drop it from the education meniu though01:29
cassouogra, I never used Squeak for multimedia. I don't know how to display pictures or listen to sounds01:29
cassouminghua, I found the categories in the specs01:30
ogracassou, the only usecase i know for it and i'm told by edubuntu users, is to create audiovisual stuff01:30
cassoubut I don't know what specs :-)01:30
cassouogra, not at all. I use it every for metamodeling and as a very high level language.01:30
cassouI work on the web framework too and I help with developping a CMS01:31
ogracassou, i'm not intrested how *you* use it, i'm intrested about the *common* use ... we probably should make a poll on the edubuntu mailing list or something ...01:31
ograi will strongly oppose to have more than one menu entry for it ... so lets find the best category ;)01:32
cassouogra, you can make a poll or what you want :-) You can just send a mail to squeak-dev mailing list01:32
minghuacassou: yeah I see IDE in the spec, I don't have problem with it then01:32
Hobbseeif there's a bug in a ubuntu package, and it's linked to a bug upstream, which is marked as fix released, and the problem is not still occuring, i can mark the bug as fix released, right?01:33
cassouogra, squeak has very different uses01:33
ogracassou, if IDE is a proposed feature, i'm fine with the development category01:33
ograi can only judge what my users tell me01:33
cassouogra, do you want me to write a mail to the mailing list so that you will see answers without subscribing ?01:33
ograand what we were told by the teachers we had at the edubuntu summit was that they'd like squeak included for multimedia programming tasks01:34
ogracassou, i run the mailing list :) just mail :)01:34
cassouogra, they may only tell you what they know. But I'm sure squeak has multiple uses and I'm not the only one01:34
minghuajust FYI: Developement is in the "releated category" of IDE01:34
cassouI know a laboratory which only use squeak for developing01:34
ogracassou, thats why i say lets find the most *common* usecase :)01:35
ograif its IDE, then development is just fine ...01:35
ograthe old location was based on the info i had back then01:35
cassouogra, there are no more common use cases. There are just very different use cases. It is like if you want to categorise linux or a computer01:35
cassouBut education is very interesting too01:36
cassouogra, do you want to write a mail ? You will see very different uses01:36
ograthe education menu is supposed to go away01:36
cassouwhy ?01:36
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ograedubuntu will add dynamic menu profiles for one of the next releases01:36
ogratask driven ...01:37
cassouso what can I do then ?01:37
ogracassou, as i said, most of the bugs were fixed yesterday, test the new packages ... and trigger a discussion on the edubuntu ML about the category if you like :)01:38
ograand indeed, report bugs where you find them in the packages :)01:39
cassouogra, I did not understand your last sentence. Have I done something wrong ?01:39
ograer, nope01:40
ograyou asked what to do ...01:40
ograand i said the new packages will need testing01:41
cassousure I will test them01:41
ograwhich LaserJock and i would really appreciate to get from someone who actually knows squeak :)01:41
ogra(neither of us uses it )01:41
cassoufell free to mail me when you need help, I really really want ubuntu to get a working squeak01:42
ograwe'll have one01:42
ograthankls for all the work you put in it :)01:43
cassouthanks for helping squeak01:44
cassouwithout knowing about it01:44
cassouminghua, I do not understand your comment on https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/squeak-vm/+bug/3680601:45
UbugtuMalone bug 36806 in squeak-vm "amd64 version" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 01:45
cassouminghua, is it possible or not to build amd64 version ?01:45
minghuacassou: it is possible, but the package need to explicitly specify it01:45
minghuacassou: currently the package says "only build me on i386"01:46
minghuacassou: therefore no amd64 pacakge01:46
cassouminghua, I don't know why01:46
ogracassou, you can build the vm on amd64 ...01:46
cassouminghua, I will send a mail to mailing list to know01:46
ogracassou, but that doesnt mean it will be able to work with -source and -image ...01:46
minghuacassou: which part you don't know?01:47
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ogra(its very unlikely they will work on amd64)01:47
cassouI'm not sure what can be done with the vm on amd64. I know it is in development but I don't know if a package can be released, if the images are compatible...01:47
minghuacassou: it's a feature in the package, it's easy to build on amd64, but we need to make sure it works on amd64 before that01:47
cassouI have an amd64, but I installed a 32bit dapper to test squeak on 32bits01:48
minghuacassou: and I suppose squeak won't work on powerpc?01:48
ogracassou, dapper will be supported for 3 years, lets keep the experimental stuff for dapper+1 :)01:49
cassouthere are vms for powerpc :-) lots of squeakers use a mac01:49
cassouI don't know if it is experimental or not, that's why I need to mail01:50
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cassouIf there is a squeak-vm for mac os x, is it sure that a vm will be able for dapper on power pc ?01:50
Toadstooli'm trying to build squeak-vm on my amd64 box01:51
cassouToadstool, thank you very much01:51
Toadstoolwell it doesn't build...01:52
Toadstooli'll try to figure out why01:52
cassouis it because of the 'only build on i386' field ?01:52
Toadstoolno I've added amd64 to debian/control ;)01:52
cassouanother vm might be used then01:53
cassouI need to leave you know01:53
TheMusoHey all.01:54
cassouminghua, ogra, Toadstool, thank you very much for your help. Feel free to mail me as soon as you have a question about squeak or a package01:54
Toadstoolsee ya cassou01:54
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ograwill do :)01:54
minghuacassou: bye01:55
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redguyDoes anyone know where does bootlogd write its log in ubuntu? Could not find /var/log/boot which is the default...02:16
redguyOK, found out that bootlogd is disabled by default in /etc/default/bootlogd. Can anybody tell me why??02:22
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LinuxJonesHas anybody seen seb128 around ?04:05
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bddebianHeya gang04:27
bddebianHow come no one told me about the Bug Squad? :-)04:28
bddebianHeya tseng04:28
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dholbachbddebian: man... it was on all the mailing lists04:36
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bddebiandholbach: I know, I'm lame these days :'-(04:42
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dholbachcomeon... :)04:42
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cassouogra, are you still here ?06:04
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YagisanIf the entire copyright notice in some code is " Use, distribute, and modify this code freely" that would be public domain right ?06:35
azeemYagisan: it dubious whether distribution of modified works is allowed under such terms, AIUI06:36
azeemit's definetely not public domain06:36
crimsunno, not public domain06:36
Yagisanok. I'm documenting all copyright in a package that I'd like to see in dapper +1, and found a file with that notice, that's gone author -> FLOSS project 1 -> FLOSS project 206:38
Yagisanhow would I call a file licensed as such ?06:40
crimsundoesn't mean anything. You should contact the contributors in addition to the original author for clarification.06:41
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phanatichi people06:44
Yagisancrimsun: thanks. it seems it was pinched from allegro (there are a few ifdef ALLEGRO_UNIX in there), so I'll grab the source to that and look for clarification06:50
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cassouogra ?06:53
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ogracassou, sorry i'm very busy preparing flight-6 edubuntu CDs06:55
cassouogra, no problem. I'm writing bug reports.06:56
Yagisanwell, it doesn't seem different in intent to allegro.06:56
ogracassou, please talk to LaserJock as well if he appears ...06:57
cassouogra, ok06:57
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david_Hello, is there any list of games that are not in Ubuntu yet?07:31
david_I've only found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Teams/Games/NEW07:31
Yagisandavid_: some are also listed in http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Main_Page like my repo07:34
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david_thanks :)07:36
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Lurewe are looking for somebody to REVU knetworkmanager package08:18
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Lurewe would like to have this pushed to universe, since network-manager 0.6.1 is in official repo08:18
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LaserJockanybody know anything about zenity?10:18
ajmitchit has a cool name?10:18
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LaserJockajmitch: lol, I got that already10:19
LaserJockI'd like to make a wrapper script for an app that can do some file choosing and or select from a list10:20
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