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LNSwell, sxw will be better so if you want you can mod it - http://www.mythtvr.com/other/Edubuntu_overfiew.sxw12:06
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spaceyLNS i have a meeting monday about that12:25
spaceywere gonna compete against a company who offers a windows thin client solution12:25
spaceyLNS: overView12:27
Burgworkspacey, crib from this http://userful.com/document/DiscoverStation-and-ThinClients12:27
Burgworkspacey, most of the nasty stuff we say about thin clients there only applies to windows-based thin clients12:28
spaceyits only one page12:30
Burgworkit should only be one page12:30
spaceyi don't find it useful :P12:30
=== Burgwork [n=corey@d66-183-174-128.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #edubuntu
Pygispacey: can I give you a url to check out? but you are forbidden to comment on the forum, at least ;)12:31
spaceyPygi: ok12:32
Pygilast post12:32
spaceyPygi: so? :)12:33
Pygispacey: nothing ^_^12:33
spaceyi don't use wpa12:33
BurgworkPygi, stopping development?12:33
spaceyalthough it would have been nice12:33
BurgworkPygi, who are you referring to as upstream, in this instance?12:33
spaceyi don't like the forums :P12:34
PygiBurgwork: well, the are stoping development ^_^12:34
BurgworkPygi, who is stopping development? network-manager? wpa-supplicant?12:35
PygiBurgwork: yes, both...and me, and johan12:35
PygiBurgwork: anything against it? :P12:36
Burgworkare you saying that network-manager is no longer going to be developed?12:36
Pygiyup, that is what I am saying12:36
Pygiplease comment at foru12:36
Burgworkin ubuntu or in general?12:36
Pygiboth ;)12:36
Burgworkoh, this is an aprils fools joke12:37
Pygibe quiet :P12:37
LNSyou guys are nuts =p12:38
Burgworkit is 2:37pm on Friday, March 31st here12:38
spaceydamn timezones! :P12:38
LNSspacey, thanks for the typo correction ;) didn't see that one12:38
PygiBurgwork: ah, sorry about that then ;) but shhhhhhhhh now ;)12:38
Burgworkyou might want to drop the bit about security12:39
PygiBurgwork: I did had it, but erased12:39
Pygithey can get it by that12:39
spaceygood night people :)12:48
Burgworkspacey, do you need help your proposal with edubuntu?12:48
=== spacey off
spaceyBurgwork: well if you have some information thats always useful12:49
spaceyi will have a meeting on monday with another company12:49
spaceywe will try to offer an edubuntu solution together12:49
Burgworkspacey, if you want to send me the proposal on the weekend, I can do some edits12:49
spaceyvs the windows one12:49
spaceyBurgwork: not in that stage yet, but thanks12:50
spaceyi might know more on monday12:50
spaceyi still need the details12:50
Pygispacey: go to sleep ;)12:50
spaceythanks anyway Burgwork12:50
Pyginight ;)12:50
Burgworkspacey, ok, bug me if you need help12:53
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LNSi'm glad to see so many people going out and hitting up businesses/other places with edubuntu solutions01:11
PygiLNS: hehe ;)01:11
Pygiyup, I know01:12
LNSfor once I feel 100% excited and believe in my work! before it was all just M$ support01:12
LNSthat makes me a much better salesman01:12
Pygiyup ;)01:12
LNSwhere are you located Pygi?01:13
LNSwhere's that?01:13
LNSJust curious01:13
LNSahh nice01:13
LNSUS / California01:14
Pygiit's better there probably, but here...01:14
LNSI'm of italian heratige though01:14
Pygijust one school in entire state is on linux/edubuntu01:14
LNSwell i'm sure there is more than one in cali that is on linux, but probably not many more01:14
LNSit's still very much dominated by microsoft over here01:15
Pygihm, here a state has a contract with ms01:15
LNSthat's kind of the way it is here too01:15
Pygibah, it'll get better01:16
LNSbut the thing is, they charge so much for their software in retail, but turn around and give it away to non-profits and/or gov't01:16
LNSI am very confident it will get better01:16
LNSI'm gonna make sure of that =)01:16
PygiLNS: good luck, if you need help you can always ask someone ;)01:16
LNSPygi, thanks =) Likewise for you. That's our real strength in the OSS community. =)01:17
LNSwe're like millions of little bugs eating away at a monstrosity of a company... we'll all do it together01:18
LNSit'll taste like shit though! ;)01:18
Pygihehee ;)01:18
LNSYou know as a consultant i'm all for the best tool for the job...in a lot of cases micrsofoft is the best fit for someone01:19
LNSi have no real beef with them besides their leverage on entities that might do better with something else01:19
PygiBah, If I need some tools I just get down to it and write it, or help some open source product develop more ;)01:20
Pygis/write it down/code01:20
LNSwell i wish i could say the same...01:21
LNS<--- not a programmer01:21
Pygiah, in Open source world not everyone has to be a programmer to contribute01:21
Burgworkit can be argued that a distro like Ubuntu needs more people doing marketing and helping the end user than actually developoing01:24
Pygidocumenting, helping, etc01:24
Pygithere is a lot of work01:24
PygiAnyway, LNS, Burgwork, it's been a pleasure talking to you... I need to sleep after 5 days of not sleeping ;)01:27
=== Pygi is now known as Pygi_ZzZ
BurgworkPygi_ZzZ, night01:30
LNSnight Pygi_ZzZ =)01:31
BurgworkLNS, whom do you work for>01:31
LNSi agree with Pygi_ZzZ ...i aim to do as much marketing of Edubuntu as possible01:31
LNSI work for myself01:32
BurgworkI am planning to do a page for edubunt similar to http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/Desktop01:33
BurgworkLNS, you could adapt something like that for http://www.logicalnetworking.net/products/index.html01:33
BurgworkLNS, oh, and nuke the flash on your site01:33
Burgworkmenus in flash are evil and not very accesible01:34
LNSwell i plan a different approach to marketing than the standard page talking about the benefits01:34
LNSlol..evil? =)01:34
Burgworkflash is hated by open source people, for a number of different reasons01:35
LNSi don't see anything wrong with flash.. i have the links elsewhere in html as well01:35
Burgworkbut screenreaders cannot read flash01:35
Burgworkflash doesn't work by default in edubuntu01:35
LNSit's because flash isn't OSS01:35
Burgworkmore than that01:36
Burgworkit is also heavy on the bandwidth01:36
LNSbut edubuntu has repositories for not necessarily true OSS software too01:36
LNScompared to what?01:36
Burgworkand what you are doing can be done with CSS quite easily01:36
=== nathan_ [n=noodlema@host81-129-80-13.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #edubuntu
LNSwell i'm not a web dev. though, someone made my site for me01:36
nathan_hey, I need some help installing Edubuntu, I'm getting problems I can;t work out01:37
LNSBurgwork, "flash is hated by open source people, for a number of different reasons" is a very broad and stereotypical comment01:37
nathan_can anyone help?01:37
LNSshoot nathan_ 01:37
nathan_Every time I try to install, at a certain point I get "killed" repeated, scrolling down the screen continuouslty01:37
LNSwhat version are you installing? what is the "certain point"?01:38
BurgworkLNS, http://www.1cog.com/flash-web-design.html01:38
Sergi0nathan_: you could check the cd01:38
nathan_the leatest stable version, can't remember it's number offhand sorry01:38
nathan_yeah I've tried different CDs all with Ubuntu, Kubuntu, and Edubuntu on01:39
LNSBurgwork, that is one person's opinion01:39
nathan_it happens after it connects to the network, detects hardware, all that01:39
nathan_I think before it *should* go to the manage partitions bit01:39
LNSYou can't say "Open source people" like it's one person01:40
LNSnathan_, i've never seen this problem...have you tried skipping the step that's causing it to crash? what about hitting ALT+F4 to look at the console logs?01:41
BurgworkLNS, there are two issues: flash is not OSS and that flash makes for bad websites01:41
LNSBurgwork, your second issue is an opinion, not an issue01:41
nathan_I don;t think I can skip the step...01:41
BurgworkLNS, the intersection of people who want to make good websites and those who use OSS are high01:41
LNSnathan_, how do you know, if you don't know which one it is? ;)01:41
LNStry looking at the logs in tty4 and see if that tells you anything01:42
nathan_I read somewhere it's a problem with the memory, that the Linux Out of Memory thing is the only thing that can produce a 'killed' message, and it only seems to happen if you have 64mb memory, so I bought two new 64mb sticks and put them in in replacement01:42
nathan_well I don't know how I can skip a step in the installation01:43
LNSBurgwork, i respect your opinion about flash but seriously, you're acting as though you're the spokesperson for open source software, which is the exact opposite of what open source is supposed to be about01:43
nathan_but it obviously still didn't work01:44
LNSnathan_, if you hit "<Go Back>" on any of the steps i believe it kicks you to a screen where you select the steps, like in Debian installs01:44
LNSopen source is supposed to be about choice, and i choose to use flash01:45
LNSIf you follow your line of thinking, we might as well go back to punchcards for the people who don't have monitors01:45
nathan_so... I should just try skipping the next step in the install01:48
LNSwell depending on what it is01:49
LNSif it's something like partitioning a hard disk, try another disk01:49
LNSsounds like it could definitely be hardware issues01:49
LNSUnless, of course....01:49
LNSyou got hit by that new "Killbuntu" worm that's going around...;01:50
LNSit's a big security risk to even talk about it on a public chan01:51
LNSbut word is, there's a ubuntu-specific worm going around the past couple of days01:51
LNSand since edubuntu is basically ubuntu it's affected too01:51
nathan_well I just downloaded the images off the Kubuntu and Edubuntu listed mirrors01:52
LNSthose mirrors have all been hit...01:52
LNSyou don't have any other computers on your network do you?01:52
LNSwhat's the OS on them?01:52
nathan_this is the first linux one we're trying01:52
LNShehehe..i had to do it01:53
nathan_aha genius01:53
LNSi figured i'd get you until you said it's the first linux you're installing01:53
nathan_it's only 53 minutes into April Fools where I am, and you're already at it01:53
LNSthen i just felt bad :)01:53
LNSwell it's still the 31st here..so maybe i should get slapped with a big trout01:54
LNSi kinda jumped the gun on my end01:54
LNSit does sound like hardware issues01:54
LNSespecially if you're using 5.10 (Breezy) stable01:54
LNStry taking all unnecessary hardware out of the box during install01:54
LNSsee if it "breezes" by the killed msg you're getting01:55
nathan_I can take out the netowrk card01:57
LNSand try swapping out any hardware too, vid card or hdd or anything else01:57
LNScan you verify the PC works with another OS installed?01:57
LNSalso, try selecting "Memtest86" option from cd boot menu to verify your RAM's integrity01:58
nathan_well that's the thing... it died, that's why I was doing linux, because I can't find the Win98 CD, I thought we coudl try something else01:58
nathan_so I formatted it01:58
LNSyeah it's most likely hardware01:59
nathan_hmm crapola01:59
LNSfind out what hardware is causing it and replace it, then install linux :)01:59
nathan_well I thought it was RAM, that's why I replaced both sticks01:59
LNSwelp...doesn't look like it now though, does it?01:59
Sergi0nathan_: maybe set the bios to the defaults? 02:00
LNSgood point Sergi0 02:00
Sergi0nathan_: overclocking or other setting could harm anything02:01
nathan_as far as I know it's not overclocked at all02:01
nathan_but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try02:01
Sergi0nathan_: but memory speed etc etc, and it would not hurt to try02:01
Sergi0nathan_: is the harddrive ok? can it handle dma?02:02
nathan_to be honest I'm not 100% sure the hardrive is ok... win98 never booted properly, it could have easily been a HD problem02:06
nathan_because Scandisk would jam at 15%02:06
LNSsounds like it is a hdd problem nathan_ 02:06
LNSput another hard drive in and install again02:06
nathan_I guess :(02:06
LNSsorry dude ;)02:07
nathan_guess I'll have to buy one02:07
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Sergi0nathan_: well, u got a good point there, good luck02:07
nathan_okay well thanks for the help02:12
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=== Yagisan sighs
YagisanI broke my system by upgrading to dapper :(05:03
Yagisanno kernels boot, either old or new :(05:04
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gboutwel1I'm having trouble getting a sound card to work..05:44
gboutwel1It's an aztec 2320 and seems to need an isapnp module preloaded before it and i'm not seeing this and modprobe can't find it.05:44
gboutwel1Anyone around that can help?05:51
=== iGotNoTime [n=joshua@cpe-65-189-240-199.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #Edubuntu
Burgundaviagboutwel1: edubutu and ubuntu share the same logic for this, so you might try #ubuntu05:52
gboutwel1gotta go, not getting any help there either, croses fingers that it works after getting all the available updates06:00
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highvoltageogra: is the configure xserver-xorg resolution setting really needed?09:25
=== LaserJock is now known as LaserJock_away
Bluekujagood morning09:58
cbx33hi Andrea10:00
Bluekujahi :)10:00
Bluekujajust woken up10:00
Bluekujawe have to wait jon one moment10:01
Bluekujais sure around i think10:01
Bluekujahey jon!!!!!!!!!!!110:01
highvoltagehi there Bluekuja 10:02
Bluekujahow are you? all ok?10:02
highvoltageyep, forging ahead with our Edubuntu Getting Started guide.10:02
highvoltagecoming along very nicely. i'd go as far as to say it could be a pre-release version for the cookbook :)10:02
Bluekujacool :) later ill give an eye10:03
Bluekujato the testing wiki10:03
Bluekujato add/modify something10:03
Burgundaviahighvoltage: where is they getting started guide?10:03
Bluekujaoi corey :)10:03
Burgundaviasalut Bluekuja10:04
highvoltageBurgundavia: on my laptop, let me upload a fresh copy..10:04
Burgundaviahighvoltage: where to?10:07
highvoltageBurgundavia: just a sec...10:07
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highvoltageJaneW: ping10:10
highvoltageBurgundavia: http://jonathancarter.co.za/docs/ed-gs/10:13
highvoltageBurgundavia: i haven't touched styling yet, will do that a bit later. my focus is on getting a whole bunch of content in there today10:14
Burgundaviawhat are you doing you doc in?10:16
Burgundaviain order for it to get translated, you need to make it docbook or xhtml strict (not transitional)10:16
Burgundaviacan I send you a diff?10:17
highvoltageyeah, if you look ath the actual 'html', you'll see it's very xhtml'y10:17
highvoltagei'll just change that description on top to xhtml strict and run it through w3c10:17
highvoltageshouldn't be much of a problem at all10:18
Burgundaviait should be fairly easy to make it strict10:18
highvoltageshouldn't take more than 5 mins, since it's very, very close to strict.10:18
BurgundaviaI am about to send you a diff of some content10:19
Bluekujajon nice page10:21
Burgundaviayou have some wierd line issues, hope that doesn;t mess my diff up10:21
Burgundaviahighvoltage: where shall I dump my diff?10:24
highvoltageBurgundavia: how large?10:28
Burgundaviajust the first para10:28
highvoltageyou can paste in /msg, or e-mail to jonathan@ubuntu.com10:28
Burgundaviahighvoltage: sent via email. I need to sleep. I will look some more tomorrow10:29
highvoltageBurgundavia: sure, thanks10:30
spaceygood morning10:39
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highvoltageogra: ever considered replacing dhcpd with dnsmasq?11:30
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ograhighvoltage, not really12:05
highvoltageogra: using dnsmasq will probably save some space, and i think it's a real handy thing to have anyway12:07
mhzhi all12:07
=== mhz is happy testing ubuntulooks-graphite
highvoltagehi mhz 12:08
ograhighvoltage, i think dnsmasq is fine for home users or as dns proxy ... 12:09
mhzhighvoltage: hi there, you installed 200 labs_12:09
ograbut i dont think that justifies code duplication in main 12:09
ograisc dhcpd is somewhat standard, and the app you will find the most documentation for on the net ...12:10
highvoltagemhz: close, it's at ~196 atm12:10
highvoltagemhz: will be 200 in next 3 weeks or so12:10
highvoltageogra: ok, that does make sense12:11
mhzhighvoltage: and what has been your duty in such task?12:11
highvoltagemhz: that has changed just about every six months. from ~August 2003, Hilton and Jason and I did everything, sharing it with the other tuxlab volunteers (i was volunteering full time at that stage). back then I did everything from carrying hundreds of computers around to fixing problems at schools, helping schools with technical things by phone, and doing some other arb contract work for TSF.12:14
mhzwow! lotta worka12:15
highvoltagemhz: then in March 2004 I was employed full time, my job desc. said 'technical co-ordinator' (actually it still does, but is not as apt, really)12:15
highvoltagejason moved on to other projects, and hilton and i were far too stretched (there were 30 schools at this stage)12:15
highvoltageso we hired an admin person, Casey, do help us with that.12:15
mhzoh, I see12:16
mhzso it is still growing12:16
highvoltagewhen we got to ~40 schools, we couldn't keep up with support and roll-out, so we hired 2 help desk staff, chandre and wesley.12:16
highvoltagebut we still couldn't keep up, so we hired Jeremey, a full-time on-site technician12:16
highvoltageat one stage we were installing 4-5 schools every weekend for 2 months, and we were so busy that the help desk slacked off a bit, i couldn't keep an eye on them all the time, so Riaan joined the team as help desk manager.12:17
highvoltageinstallations is quieting down now, mostly, so my job at the moment is enhancing our project and making more things work, adding more depth to the project.12:17
highvoltagethat includes a lot of documentation on how we do things, and making our project more packagable so that other people can easily replicate it on mass scale.12:18
mhzhighvoltage: and who carried out training to schools lab admins/teachers ?12:18
highvoltagetraining has always been a big problem for us.12:18
highvoltagewe train educators to do training. which works really well, but then the educators get too skilled up in Linux, and they find a better job.12:19
highvoltagewe have some headmasters who are a big angry because we gave their best teachers some valueble skills and then they left the school :/12:19
highvoltageso what we've done since the last year or so, is to have a group of champions at a school, instead of 1.12:20
highvoltagethe 1-champion idea, which a lot of projects do, doesn't work so well here.12:20
mhzbut that is not "your issue", that is market's12:20
highvoltageso each school has to have a computer committee, made up of educators, students, and community members, so that there's better skill fallover.12:20
highvoltageit's our issue because we have to make this project work!12:21
mhzhighvoltage: yeah! great idea!12:21
mhz.oO(it sounds like a CSS idea)12:21
highvoltagecascading style sheets? :)12:21
mhzyeah, :)12:21
highvoltageok :)12:21
mhzknowledge resources are shared among the group12:22
highvoltagepeople assume our model is about technology and software, but the tuxlab model is much more about community and sustainability, and how to make things work in schools.12:22
mhzyeah, like edu-communities12:22
mhz(we are proposing similar model here in TC)12:23
mhzhighvoltage: it feels good to know you are there and that is your model12:24
mhzand it's working12:24
mhzour main prob. here so far is getting teachers motivated to share knowledge and commit to "bazaar" ways12:25
highvoltageyeah, it took us a long time to get here though, we still have a lot of work ahead of us. *a lot*12:25
mhzincredibly, the are not so used to team work12:25
mhzhighvoltage: but my feeling is you know you'll get there12:26
mhzhighvoltage: it will ber VERY good we'll have time to share those experiences12:26
highvoltageyep, i have that feeling too12:27
highvoltageyeah :)12:27
mhz.oO(if we raise all funds. Though, personally, you are in my "priorities list for the event"))12:27
highvoltagemhz: some schools don't want to help each other here too, in the very poor areas, the schools are in competition to be the best school so that they can get more learners (more income), since they don't get money from government12:28
mhzwell, you + themuso12:28
mhzdamn, that seems to be happening in many schools in LA12:28
ograhighvoltage, thats an evil rule, you should change your laws12:28
highvoltageogra: no shit!12:29
highvoltagewe have lots of very, very stupid laws.12:29
highvoltagebut there are many people working on changing them. they're getting slightly better all the time.12:29
ograheh... youre not the only country with that prob :)12:29
highvoltageyeah, i suppose so.12:29
highvoltageogra: 12:30
highvoltageogra: this is still very ugly, and needs proofreading, but perhaps you'd just like to see what I've got so far: http://jonathancarter.co.za/docs/ed-gs/12:30
ogra"The third option installs a server setup. ..."12:32
ogramake that: "The 'server' option installs a minimal system"12:32
highvoltageoh yes, i asked you about that last night, but i think you missed it12:32
highvoltageok. i wanted to check whether it install minimal or edubuntu server without gui12:32
ograi hadnt slept for about 50h yesterady, i went to bed early12:33
mhzhighvoltage: or, '''The {{{server}}} option installs a minimal setup'''    :D12:33
mhzogra: that is definately no good for your brain12:34
highvoltageogra: wow, np though. sorry, didn't mean to complain or anything12:34
ogramhz, everything that currently happens in my life isnt :)12:34
ograhighvoltage, i know :)12:35
mhzat least sleeping 3 hours after 9 hour-periods is healthier if you know you'll spend too many hours withour sleep12:35
ograi had no 3h thhe last days12:35
mhzogra: that bad? (is that happening to many people I know, including myself ?)12:36
highvoltagei need to ask this to clear my ignorance a bit, because I'm very confused on the status of 'the cookbook'.12:38
highvoltagehave we been planning (recently) to ship it with dapper still?12:39
mhziirc, yes12:39
mhzoh, "ship it" ?12:39
mhziirc, yes12:40
highvoltagepackage / distribute, not as in shipit.ubuntu.com12:40
mhzgood clarification12:40
highvoltageand the goals of it? is that to cover how to do an edubuntu lab? we could use the getting started doc as a base, can't we?12:40
=== mhz has not read last meeting log
=== mhz slaps himslef
=== mhz still trying to run Moin in a windows CE handheld, so teachers can hapilly see it also works and they dont have to be walking around with tons of papers or a laptop (some few schools do have laptops for teachers)
=== highvoltage goes to get some excercise, bbl for website stuff
mhzogra: unfortuantelly, cfdisk is not working properly for me, nor fdisk. cfdisk only allows me to write changes while fdisk allows me to do anything. BUT, when I try to mount partitions, the "do not exist"12:45
mhzwhen I i try to use mkfs.* same thing, "dont exist"12:45
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cbx33hi Bluekuja 12:48
Bluekujaoi pete12:48
cbx33sorry got here a little late12:48
cbx33great news from john12:49
mhzhi Bluekuja 12:49
Bluekujahey mauricio!!!!!12:49
Bluekujahow are you man?12:49
mhzin the wiki, bluekuja is not Bluekuja 12:49
Bluekujain ubuntu wiki12:49
Bluekujaits Bluekuja12:49
Bluekujain launchpad bluekuja12:50
Bluekujahow are you mauricio?12:50
cbx33Bluekuja, I'll let ou guys know the next time we can do i12:51
cbx33think it'll be teamspeak12:51
mhzBluekuja: pissed off, I was happily sleeping when a group of 6 stupid kids woke me up (I have a little park -just 5 trees + grass area and some seats) at 4:50 AM and since then, i am here12:51
cbx33mhz, not a great start to the day12:51
Bluekujawhen lol12:52
Bluekujahehe not nice12:52
Bluekujasometimes my little sister come to wake me up12:52
mhzand I know that tonight, my neighbour will have a family party (we share a wall... very common in Chilean housing)12:52
Bluekujaand thats not nice12:52
Bluekujatonight i start the trip for amsterdam12:52
Bluekujaat 2112:52
mhzBluekuja: hehehe, at least that is a nice waking up. These kids were drunk12:53
mhzand told them, to !@#$%12:53
mhzI will never do that to my kids >D12:53
Bluekujaof course :)12:53
=== mhz is using a diff keyboard layout
Bluekujais ok for you next week?12:54
Bluekujacoz there must be jane12:54
Bluekujaand mauricio if he want12:54
mhzBluekuja: in your email to marketing ML, it was a typo: bluekuja for the wiki12:54
mhzBluekuja: my advice, simply link b to B12:54
Bluekujagreat man12:55
Bluekujalet me do it12:55
Bluekujaone second12:55
mhzand hence you'll own 2 pages shown like one12:55
Bluekujayeah correct12:55
Bluekujajust a moment12:55
=== mhz will kill X and get back
=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
Bluekujaokie done12:57
Bluekujatry now12:57
Bluekujawhere did you go?!?12:58
Bluekujait work good?12:59
Bluekujathe page 12:59
Bluekujaokie perfect12:59
mhzhad to kill X12:59
Bluekujai wait you :)01:00
mhzBluekuja: where did you get the CSS for -it wiki?01:00
Bluekujayou mean ubuntu-it wiki?01:00
Bluekujamizar did it01:01
Bluekujamizar(one of the leaders)01:01
Bluekujahim with the support of website group and others01:02
Bluekujathe forum template01:03
Bluekujawas made by mizar01:03
Bluekujaetc too01:03
Bluekujaah mauricio when you will re-start working to edubuntu-study-content tell me01:04
mhzrumour says mid-april, Bluekuja 01:05
Bluekujai will be there01:05
mhzBluekuja: I should have a lba installed for teachers to test Edubuntu by then01:05
Bluekujaok perfect01:06
mhzso I will have a kind of "focus-group" to ask questions for edubuntu-study-content01:06
Bluekujaok perfect , ill help01:06
Bluekujai go eat 01:06
mhzthx. it is needed01:06
Bluekujabrb 30 minutes01:06
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juliuxJaneW, ping03:45
Pygihighvoltage: you like to be OP, don't you? ;)03:45
=== mode/#edubuntu [-o highvoltage] by highvoltage
highvoltagePygi: sure, why not :)03:50
Pygibah ;)03:52
highvoltage/kick Pygi 03:54
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highvoltagei don't know what you are.04:24
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Bluekujajon still there?04:50
highvoltageBluekuja: am now.04:50
Bluekujai have added an emblem and a description04:51
Bluekujato the page04:51
highvoltagefor testers?04:51
Bluekujatell me if u like 04:51
=== highvoltage looks
Bluekujaemblem is linked to the testing idea04:52
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highvoltageah yes. i think we need to make it more edubuntuy04:54
Bluekujaright jon04:54
Bluekujai add edubuntu logo behind?04:54
Bluekujait can be nice04:55
Bluekujalet me see04:55
highvoltagehave you seen the other edubuntu emblems?04:55
Bluekujai try something04:55
highvoltageBluekuja: it's operating system hey, not operative system04:56
Bluekujaoh yeah sorry 04:58
Bluekujathat was for another page04:59
Bluekujawhat do you suggest?04:59
Bluekujafor the emblem?05:00
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=== Pygi pokes spacey, highvoltage, and JaneW ^_^
Pygihighvoltage: when will you have time next week?06:02
highvoltagePygi: depends for what :)06:02
Pygithe BOOK06:02
highvoltageThursday is a public holiday06:03
highvoltagethat looks good.06:03
highvoltagePygi: have you seen what i've done last night and this morning?06:03
Pygihighvoltage: hm...no? :-P06:03
Pygihighvoltage: please respond to that mail, and send proposal for meeting day/time06:04
highvoltagePygi: ok, i'm behind with e-mail responding, but will do tonight06:04
highvoltagePygi: a big part of 'getting started' could be used for cookbook06:05
highvoltagePygi: the missing parts we could hand out to people to complete, and we give short deadlines like, 24 hours. and say do it!06:05
Pygihighvoltage: no, no deal06:05
Pygiwe'll talk to Jane and Herman (and ogra?), and we'll write it on our own06:06
Pygiat least for dapper06:06
Pygiit won't be written if we go any other way06:06
highvoltagewell, with people I mean us :)06:06
highvoltagebut i do believe in the short deadline thing06:07
Pygiyes, short deadline06:07
Pygibut I doubt we'll be able to ship this as a package06:07
highvoltageperhaps not for ogra, we shouldn't ask additional things from him at this stage06:07
Pygiyes, I know...that's why I said "?"06:08
highvoltagethere's an edubuntu-docs package, i don't think it would cause trouble putting it in there, if size permits06:08
highvoltageoh, right. sorry!06:08
Pygihighvoltage: problems with time06:08
Pygiso we can't get it into docs06:08
Pygiwe'll have to work a lot on the book to even get it finished06:09
highvoltagePygi: can you explain to me what the goals of the book is atm, i've been out of touch and I'm not sure anymore06:10
Pygihighvoltage: well, the "right" goals are still to be set by us, but... the point where we are now: Learn a user how to deploy & use & effectivly administrate edubuntu enviroment06:12
highvoltagePygi: i'll make pretty much any time available for us to discuss it, except for tuesday evening.06:13
Pygiyes,yes, I know ^_^06:13
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dabaRIs edubuntu also put back to 1st June?08:56
dabaRIs the version number also to be 6.06?08:57
crimsunthey'll all be 6.0608:57
dabaROK, I will edit the wiki page for edubuntu a little bit then.08:57
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dabaRI bet someone is writing/wrote a script for that.09:01
highvoltageto update 6.04 to 6.06?09:07
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Pygispacey, JaneW, highvoltage...10:33
Pygihighvoltage: you have time now?10:36
highvoltagePygi: yes10:45
highvoltagePygi: just responded to your mail10:45
Pygik, I'll look it up10:46
PygiI wanted us to start a draft of chapter/articles layout10:46
highvoltagethat was what i've been stronly hinting at in my mail :)10:47
Pygiand I wasn't imposing secrecy or anything10:48
Pygijust leave the writing things beetween three of us10:48
dabaRI heard it too..10:49
PygidabaR: Hm, what you heared? 10:49
dabaRwhat you were gonna keep between the three of you.10:49
PygidabaR: bah, writing of a book10:49
dabaRSo now I'm in...10:49
PygidabaR: hm, no? :P10:50
dabaRAnd I have your email pwd:P10:50
PygidabaR: o, yes, damn :-/10:50
Pygihighvoltage: let's start with chapters, then we'll write up articles for them10:50
Pygiso what10:50
PygiChapter 1: Introduction10:50
dabaRHey, I did complete that proxy. And then I rewrote it in Ruby10:51
PygidabaR: #ubuntu-hr pls10:51
PygiChapter 2: Getting started10:51
PygiChapter 3: Edubuntu at home10:52
PygiChapter 4: Edubuntu implemented (schools, etc)10:53
Pygi5: Administration10:53
PygiChapter 5*10:53
PygiChapter 6: Use it! (tips & tricks on how to use Edubuntu potentials)10:53
PygiChapter 7: Getting support10:54
PygiChapter 8: Contributing to Edubuntu10:54
Pygihighvoltage: still alive?10:55
highvoltageyep, sorry, still multitasking a bit10:55
highvoltagei'm listening though :)10:55
Pygibah, what do you think :-P10:55
highvoltagei think you should mail everyone in the edubuntu cookbook team, and myself, janew and ogra, and propose this structure10:56
highvoltagealso detailing what every section should consist of10:56
Pygiah, will do10:56
highvoltagethen ask for volunteers for every subsection, and explain that someone has to do a subsection every 48 hour period, or the work will be given to someone else10:56
highvoltageit's a bit extreme, but i think we need to be a bit hard at this stage on documentation10:57
Pygihighvoltage: no, just three of us :P10:57
highvoltagewell, ogra has a lot of work to do before release, we shouldn't count on him, I have lots of work atm too, but i've made some time for this (and there's lots of public holidays coming up)10:59
Pygiyup, I know we don't count on ogra10:59
Pygime, you and Johan10:59
highvoltageeven if that wasn't the case, we should give people a way to contribute, give them a chance to select their level of involvement10:59
highvoltageoh, Johan. ok.11:00
highvoltagedabaR = Johan?11:00
Pygino :P11:00
Pygispacey = Johan11:00
Pygilol, Herman 11:00
Pygisorry :P11:00
Pyginot Johan11:00
=== dabaR = nothing :)
highvoltagehehe. I was just about to say :)11:00
Pygihighvoltage: I am just working on draft11:02
Pygicomplete one11:02
highvoltageanyone here from jsgotangco lately? he was very interested in the cookbook, I think he'd traveling atm though11:03
Pyginop, havent heard11:05
highvoltagehave jelkner, kjcole or flint contributed to the cookbook so far?11:06
highvoltagethey have said a lot in the past, but I can't remember reading their content.11:06
Pygiagreed, said a lot :P11:10
highvoltagePygi: looked at this? https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuDocumentation/EdubuntuCookbook11:10
Pygiyup, thats old11:11
Pygime and herman got new one11:11
highvoltagei think this was Jerome who set up these sub-chapters: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=cookbook&titlesearch=Titles11:11
Pygihighvoltage: huuh, this seems like already written?11:12
Pygientire book???!!!11:12
highvoltagePygi: i think most of it comes from the tuXlab cookbook, it just needs to be mofified and adapted11:13
Pygihm, that isn't much about edubuntu tho11:13
Pygiit's mostly general11:13
highvoltagei'm going to bed now... will be here again tomorrow11:16
PygiI'll write this soon, so we'll see11:16
Pyginight ;)11:16
highvoltagegoodnight, #edubuntu11:16
dabaRHello, nurse.11:19
PygidabaR: ???11:20
dabaRTo ti je iz animaniacsa11:21
PygidabaR: no croatian here, please11:23
spaceyPygi: tomorrow i'll do some cookbook work11:36
spaceytonight is ... 11:36
Pygispacey: hm, I am just writing a chapters/articles thingy11:37
Pygiyou'll see ;)11:37
spaceytalk to you tomorrow11:37
spaceyi'll go continue drinking beer with my friend11:37
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Pygispacey: enjoy11:41
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