_static | to view html code and edit or wat? | 12:03 |
robotgeek | nuky: i think you mean xchm | 12:03 |
_static | cananyone make there konversation trasparent like xchat? | 12:04 |
_static | i wanna know how i dont see it | 12:04 |
nuky | ah, nah xchm are for the .chm format.. these are .hlp format (WinHelp) | 12:05 |
nuky | hmmm i found a chm version of the same file so it's ok.. but would be curious for future use.. | 12:06 |
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cowboyfeng | Hello Room | 12:14 |
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tchize | re | 12:15 |
tchize | je disais donc | 12:15 |
tchize | i think the answer is obvious, but i'll ask in case someone has any idea. I just installed a wifi card in my kubuntu, hardware seems detected ok (i get a ra0 wireless interface), but when i issue 'sudo dhclient' just after the client return, my kernel freeze!! | 12:15 |
cowboyfeng | Got a newbie question: How do I allow access to /dev/hdc6? I can enable it in kcontrol but I cannot access it from my user account. | 12:15 |
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Celeste | hi | 12:16 |
Celeste | how can I make KDE _not_ open a window automatically when I plug in a USB Stick? | 12:16 |
ninHer_ | Celeste: edit your fstab deleting the /media/usb line | 12:17 |
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Celeste | ninHer_, if I delete this line, I will not be able to find the usb stick on /media/usbdisk any more | 12:18 |
sledge | What package contains the man-pages for C functions, like printf etc.? | 12:19 |
sledge | Sorry, that is C stdlib functions ;> | 12:20 |
cowboyfeng | How do I allow access to /media/hdc6 for my user account. Can only access it from root. | 12:20 |
ninHer_ | if you don't need the usb stick, don't plug it in | 12:21 |
ninHer_ | i don't understad why you plug it in but don't need it | 12:22 |
sledge | That's like saying you don't understand why someone fills up his car with car, but then doesn't procede to drive around. | 12:22 |
sledge | *gas | 12:22 |
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ninHer_ | it is a nonsense anyway | 12:23 |
ninHer_ | imho | 12:23 |
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simian__ | i've set up very simple apache web server that i can access over a lan but when i type my public ip address into a browser i just get my router setup page | 12:25 |
simian__ | i've been trying for a week now and i'm pretty desperate now | 12:25 |
simian__ | i'm sure that my problem is my router is not set upt properly | 12:26 |
me2win | simian__: go to /etc/apache2/ports.conf and set replace Listen with Listen 80 | 12:27 |
me2win | simian__: you will also have to forward port 80 on your router | 12:27 |
simian__ | me2win: ok | 12:28 |
simian__ | me2win: i have forwarded port 80 on my router but i havn't touched the ports.conf | 12:28 |
me2win | simian__: ah, yeah sometimes ports .conf isnt configured correctly | 12:28 |
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simian__ | me2win: ports.conf says listen 80 | 12:29 |
me2win | simian__: k, then make sure you are forwaring 80 to the correct inet addr | 12:30 |
me2win | if your comp is sitting on, then you need for forware 80 to .100 if its sitting on .101 then you need to forward 80 to .101 | 12:30 |
me2win | if you type ifconfig | 12:30 |
me2win | in a console | 12:30 |
me2win | you should see what your inet addr is | 12:30 |
me2win | for some reason, my apache server doesnt respond unless I am on .100 | 12:31 |
me2win | so you may have to get your computer on .100 | 12:31 |
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simian__ | me2win: on my router i have set up a firewall rule to say that inbound port 80 trafic should always be sent to | 12:32 |
me2win | thats probably your problem | 12:32 |
me2win | what inet are you sitting on? | 12:32 |
frank23 | simian__: do you also have a static IP with your router? | 12:32 |
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me2win | even with dynamic IP it should work fine | 12:34 |
me2win | as far as i know | 12:34 |
=== me2win shrugs | ||
Word | Could a bad mouse driver cause KDE to crash? | 12:35 |
frank23 | well if he forwards port 80 to he needs to always have that IP adress (internaly) | 12:35 |
me2win | frank23: tr00 | 12:35 |
me2win | Word: did you do a dist-upgrade? | 12:35 |
tchize | i think the answer is obvious, but i'll ask in case someone has any idea. I just installed a wifi card in my kubuntu, hardware seems detected ok (i get a ra0 wireless interface), but when i issue 'sudo dhclient' just after the client return, my kernel freeze!! | 12:35 |
Word | It appears whenever I resize a window or move my mouse to fast through the K Menu or use the mouse wheel to fast through Konquerer it locks up | 12:35 |
Word | Meaning...? Adept full upgrade? | 12:35 |
me2win | Word: nah, actually typing dist-upgrade | 12:36 |
frank23 | Word: that is strange... | 12:36 |
me2win | I lost a machine to a dist-upgrade, as did many people, but I dunno, doesn't sound a symptom of it i suppose | 12:36 |
me2win | a bad dist-upgrade that is | 12:36 |
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Word | Where do I type dist-upgrade? KTerminal? | 12:37 |
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me2win | Word: dont do one | 12:37 |
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me2win | its only when you want to upgrade the distribution release/files | 12:37 |
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Dasnipa` | like when dapper is released | 12:37 |
me2win | Word: like Dasnipa` | 12:38 |
me2win | said* | 12:38 |
Xanza | w00t | 12:38 |
me2win | w00t | 12:38 |
Xanza | Windows sucks! | 12:38 |
me2win | Xanza: windows rocks. | 12:38 |
Dasnipa` | windows has its place... in my trashcan | 12:38 |
Xanza | <.< | 12:38 |
Xanza | Don't lie to the children! | 12:39 |
Word | Any idea why a mouse could cause it to freeze? | 12:39 |
frank23 | me2win: actually dist-upgrade is needed anytime a newer package wants to uninstall an older one. the synaptic "smart upgrade" is actually a dist-upgrade | 12:39 |
me2win | frank23: ah i see | 12:39 |
simian_ | me2win: sorry i got disconeted when playing with my router | 12:39 |
me2win | simian_: any progress? | 12:39 |
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simian_ | me2win: no forwarded to and the same thing happens | 12:40 |
simian_ | public ip just displays router setup | 12:40 |
me2win | I used to have that error, and all I did was Listen 80 and it worked | 12:40 |
me2win | like I said the only other thing I could imagine is needing to be on .100 | 12:41 |
me2win | but im pretty sure thats just something IM missing | 12:41 |
frank23 | simian_what is the problem exactly? | 12:41 |
simian_ | me2win: i'll try it | 12:41 |
me2win | simian_: tell frank23 your problem first, prehaps he knows a solution | 12:41 |
simian_ | frank23: i've set up very simple apache web server that i can access over a lan but when i type my public ip address into a browser i just get my router setup page | 12:42 |
simian_ | frank23: i've been trying for a week now and i'm pretty desperate now | 12:42 |
frank23 | simian_ what is the public ip adress? | 12:42 |
simian_ | | 12:42 |
me2win | I get a page | 12:43 |
me2win | bward.co.uk | 12:43 |
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simian_ | wow | 12:43 |
simian_ | but i can't see it from here | 12:43 |
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me2win | simian_: type localhost | 12:43 |
me2win | see what happens | 12:43 |
Kr4t05 | Does anyone know how to get bitpim to work in Linux? | 12:43 |
frank23 | simian_I get melissa's photo album | 12:44 |
simian_ | thanks guy it was working all along, i just didn't see it | 12:45 |
simian_ | lol now i'm embarrased about my crappy pages | 12:45 |
me2win | simian_: lol | 12:45 |
frank23 | simian_: I've already forgotten th ip ;) | 12:45 |
me2win | simian_: they're better than some of the offerings on mysapce | 12:45 |
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Celeste | hi | 12:47 |
Celeste | I just installed the program "kamera" but I cannot start it (command not found) | 12:48 |
Celeste | what shall I do? | 12:48 |
frank23 | simian_ I just checked and my router behaves the same way. | 12:48 |
simian_ | frank23: so chances are my router is set up correctly then? | 12:49 |
me2win | frank23: its odd, i type in my ip and i get the server | 12:49 |
frank23 | simian_ just access your webserver via localhost to test it | 12:49 |
me2win | i even have dyndns set up for it | 12:49 |
simian_ | that's my next step, i have to assign a name the that ip address, is that simple? | 12:50 |
XVampireX | How can I upgrade wine from the repositories because it only installs 0.9.9 | 12:50 |
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vge | simian_: try this one http://www.no-ip.com/ | 12:51 |
me2win | simian_: or dyndns.org | 12:51 |
simian_ | vge: ok thanks | 12:52 |
me2win | simian_: i like dyndns because its built in support for most routers | 12:52 |
frank23 | simian_: since you're behind a router it might be a bit harder to do the dyndns updates. because your computer doesn't know what your external ip adress is. some routers can be setup with a dyndns client directly | 12:53 |
me2win | yeah, as soon as my router grabs an internet connetion, it updates with dyndns | 12:54 |
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simian_ | ok htanks for the help guys | 12:55 |
me2win | thats 54.99 USD | 12:55 |
frank23 | me2win: does it also update it periodically? | 12:55 |
me2win | frank23: it updates if my IP changes at all | 12:56 |
frank23 | me2win: but what if it stays the same for a very long time? | 12:56 |
me2win | I have dynamic IP, so everytime my connection resets (usually manually) it will update the IP, if it stays the same, then it stays the same | 12:57 |
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_shane | hi i am trying to get a laptop serial port to work, '/proc/tty/driver/serial' has a line in it "0: uart:16550A port:000003F8 irq:4 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD|RI" does this mean it is reconized? | 01:09 |
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Kr4t05 | Does anyone know how to use bitpim | 01:12 |
Kr4t05 | ? | 01:12 |
XVampireX | Hey, you people want to support a little endeavor? I want to try to cause a global switch (Where many people will start switching to linux). | 01:13 |
Kr4t05 | What does it entail? | 01:13 |
Kr4t05 | How do you plan on accomplishing this? | 01:13 |
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XVampireX | Alot | 01:14 |
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XVampireX | First of all Linux needs a wiki that will explain everything in every possible way. | 01:15 |
XVampireX | Second we need to do some changes to the Ubuntu core, specifically the installation part. | 01:15 |
XVampireX | I did a little research and there are 3 factors why people do not switch to linux yet: Compatibility, Fear, Knowledge. | 01:16 |
Word | Very specifically the Partitioner ;) | 01:16 |
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XVampireX | Word: No | 01:16 |
staticunit | hi is there a free c++ compiler for linux or what do i use to comple .h files and code c++? | 01:16 |
crrj | I had a friend over today and the only reason he isn't switching to Linux is that his business relies on a program only available in Windows. | 01:16 |
XVampireX | This is compatibility, lol. | 01:17 |
crrj | Yup | 01:17 |
Word | When I installed it was the most annoying and somewhat confusing step Vampire.. | 01:17 |
XVampireX | Yes, it was for me too. | 01:17 |
XVampireX | THIS is why I suggest a Wiki for ALL things linux. | 01:17 |
nuky | staticunit: if you install the build-essential package, you can compile c++ programs using g++ | 01:17 |
staticunit | ok does it come with kubuntu i havnt seen it i looked | 01:18 |
staticunit | ? | 01:18 |
_shane | hi i am trying to get a laptop serial port to work, '/proc/tty/driver/serial' has a line in it "0: uart:16550A port:000003F8 irq:4 tx:0 rx:0 CTS|DSR|CD|RI" does this mean it is reconized? | 01:18 |
crrj | staticunit, it does. | 01:18 |
nuky | staticunit: you can install it with apt, using: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 01:18 |
staticunit | awesome ok ill browse around ty | 01:18 |
staticunit | ty | 01:18 |
crrj | one sec, I'll see if I can find the exact package name... | 01:18 |
crrj | in adept search for build-essential and it will come up. | 01:19 |
staticunit | k | 01:19 |
_shane | XVampireX: you would need to limit it to one version of linux, then you have the trouble of the thing that change release to release of that version. | 01:20 |
XVampireX | If you don't see what I mean by the 3 factors: Compatibility - Programs that people got used to on windows can "No longer" be accessed in linux. Fear - Related to Compatibility, the fear of not being able to use linux because it's different. Knowledge - Not knowing that linux exists, not knowing what distro to use and so on. | 01:20 |
staticunit | found it | 01:21 |
XVampireX | _shane: What do you mean by limit it...? Limit what? | 01:21 |
_shane | XVampireX: It would be a mamoth wiki and that in itself might deter people changing. | 01:21 |
Word | Have you seen Microsoft.com? | 01:22 |
Word | That's what I would call mammoth | 01:22 |
XVampireX | _shane: No, whenever I research I use wikipedia (Not for everything) which is mammoth in and of itself. And I like it. | 01:23 |
_shane | XVampireX: there are too many version of Linux that do things slightly different ways. (e.g. RedHat using yum etc. Debian using apt-get, and others). | 01:23 |
XVampireX | Yes, this is why I suggest a general linux distro | 01:23 |
XVampireX | With a package selection during installation | 01:23 |
XVampireX | And preselected packages in a dropdown menu, selecting packages for specific needs | 01:24 |
_shane | XVampireX: I thought that was what Lindose was trying to do. | 01:24 |
XVampireX | It doesn't do it as good as it was supposed to | 01:25 |
frank23 | Lindows is just debian with a fancy synaptic that has commercial software for sale | 01:25 |
_shane | XVampireX: so why should yours? | 01:25 |
XVampireX | Because it would be based on ubuntu | 01:26 |
XVampireX | And | 01:26 |
staticunit | i like the kubuntu update system | 01:26 |
XVampireX | Compatibility issue could be resolved with a COMPLETE integration of Wine. | 01:26 |
XVampireX | Instead of having it as a standalone application, integrate it into the kernel or whatever | 01:27 |
LeeJunFan | lol | 01:27 |
_shane | XVampireX: there are a lot of programs that Wine wont handle, one of the problems is a 95% market share means that a lot of speciality programs aren't considered for anything else. | 01:28 |
XVampireX | The point is - Make the transition from windows to linux as painless as possible. Keeping in mind the reasons for not switching yet I think it is possible. | 01:28 |
simian_ | me2win: dyndns dynamic ip service is free right? | 01:28 |
XVampireX | _shane: This is why an auto-update menu for all programs would be neccessary | 01:28 |
LeeJunFan | It couldn't get less painful, if people would just give it a fair try, windows is painful. | 01:29 |
XVampireX | So you can switch auto update on and off | 01:29 |
XVampireX | LeeJunFan: So far, they don't want to get it a try because they fear changing. Since windows is already comfortable for them. | 01:29 |
simian_ | i'm just about to create an account but it says: | 01:29 |
simian_ | Our basic service offerings are free, but they are supported by | 01:29 |
simian_ | our premium services. See http://www.dyndns.com/services/ for a | 01:29 |
simian_ | full listing of all of our available services. | 01:29 |
Word | Not Ctrl-alt-del might be enough to deter a windows user :P I haven't had an OS freeze on me like Kubuntu is (I know it's an isolated issue I just wish it would fix itself) since Win 95 | 01:29 |
Word | No* | 01:30 |
XVampireX | Yeah, linux never freezes, lol | 01:30 |
XVampireX | some applications are very unstable though | 01:30 |
_shane | XVampireX: It shouldn't be hard to make a front end for apt-get that does that. Maybe you could make one and see if it becomes popular. | 01:30 |
Word | I think it's my mouse...with no apps open it's fine I think...but then I opened one up and resized it and boom frozen | 01:30 |
XVampireX | Well I want to do a standalone distro based on Ubuntu | 01:30 |
Word | then I was just navigating the K menu and boom frozen | 01:30 |
_shane | XVampireX: noone is stopping you. | 01:31 |
XVampireX | Then I want to sell CDs for very little (The money which I will use to work on some other projects of mine that will change the free world) | 01:31 |
Word | you might not want to make it to heavily based on Ubuntu since some diehard distro fans might not use it just because it's 'based on ubuntu' | 01:31 |
me2win | simian_: yes its free | 01:32 |
XVampireX | Yeah, so I began asking if anyone would like to support or help out, perhaps forming a company | 01:32 |
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Word | Depends on how dedicated you are to this | 01:32 |
XVampireX | Word: We're not talking about distro fans, we're talking about windows fans. | 01:32 |
Word | Aye | 01:32 |
XVampireX | I'm quite dedicated, but I don't have the programming skill... | 01:33 |
winXperts | there are such things out there XVampireX | 01:33 |
XVampireX | I can provide with my advices and management | 01:33 |
StFS | hello, I hope someone here can help me... I installed zeroconf on my breezy and now it won't boot. Always hangs on "configuring network interfaces" | 01:33 |
Word | I know C# Visual Basic PHP Html Javascript and know how to use AJAX...nothing down to the OS though. | 01:33 |
StFS | can I somehow boot it without it trying to configure the network stuff? | 01:33 |
XVampireX | And I meant Ubuntu core, not ubuntu as in gnome and applications. | 01:34 |
Word | recovery mode? | 01:34 |
_shane | StFS: have you got access to the terminals though <ctrl>-<alt>-<f1> etc. | 01:34 |
Word | I'm actually signed up for a summer course at DeVry to learn about the different operating systems don't know how detailed it's going to be though | 01:35 |
XVampireX | Nice | 01:35 |
StFS | _shane: I can switch between tty's (it's not completely frozen) but there's no login prompt there, so no.. I don't have shell access | 01:35 |
Kr4t05 | !bitpim | 01:35 |
ubotu | NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Kr4t05 | 01:35 |
Kr4t05 | :/ | 01:35 |
XVampireX | StFS: Can you get into the program through the console? | 01:36 |
staticunit | i know c, c++, visual basic, API, most assembly / asm , html ,php,css,java script, actions script ,cryptography,networking, server codering to a full application level and more | 01:36 |
Kr4t05 | Does anyone know how to get bitpim to detect my phone? (LG VX3200) | 01:36 |
XVampireX | If you can, try sudo (application name) | 01:36 |
staticunit | SQl too opps | 01:36 |
XVampireX | I don't know that application though so I can give a little bit of general info | 01:36 |
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StFS | XVampireX: what do you mean? I don't have a shell (console) so I can't do anything without somehow figuring out how to turn off the network and rebooting that way | 01:37 |
_shane | StFS: maybe you can do something though the 'recovery mode' boot | 01:37 |
Word | Vampire...I'll definitely help if you can get my Kubuntu working :P | 01:37 |
Kr4t05 | When I try to get it to use a port, it gives me "You do not have any com/serial ports on your system". | 01:37 |
StFS | _shane: that's what I'm hoping but I just can't find how I boot up in "recovery mode" | 01:37 |
XVampireX | Word: What's your problem with kubuntu? | 01:37 |
XVampireX | StFS: In the login screen | 01:38 |
XVampireX | There should be some button with either options or I don't know, look for failsafe | 01:38 |
Word | I made a post about it http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=4369.0 | 01:38 |
XVampireX | Remember, I'm still a linux newbie myself... Just learning more and more everyday | 01:39 |
StFS | _shane: I know I can press Esc when it's booting... but what boot parameters do I supply and how? | 01:39 |
_shane | StFS: it in the initial boot screen done by grub just after turning the computer on. | 01:39 |
StFS | XVampireX: ugh... I don't get the login screen! | 01:39 |
XVampireX | Meh | 01:39 |
Word | To skip a step in the loading process you press Ctrl+C if that helps.. | 01:39 |
StFS | _shane: yeah... I got that far... just don't know what to do after that | 01:39 |
_shane | StFS: I have never had to use it, but I would try it without any parameters first. | 01:40 |
StFS | _shane: I think that just boots it up normally | 01:40 |
XVampireX | Word: Kubuntu freezes completely or just certain programs? | 01:41 |
_shane | StFS: it does put you in single user mode. | 01:41 |
Word | Completely | 01:41 |
staticunit | linux:~$ netcat | 01:41 |
Word | Nothing moves or reacts to clicks only the mouse can mvoe | 01:41 |
Word | move* | 01:41 |
Word | Num lock doesn't go on etc. | 01:41 |
staticunit | anyone know wget flags? | 01:42 |
StFS | wow... I got in... let's just hope that removing zeroconf solves whatever it is that was causing this | 01:42 |
XVampireX | corrupt cd? | 01:42 |
Word | I have an install. | 01:42 |
XVampireX | Do you have live cd? | 01:42 |
Word | Yes | 01:42 |
StFS | Word: I pressed ctrl+c repeatedly when booting and it seems to have gotten me past it... thanks for the tip | 01:42 |
XVampireX | does it work? | 01:43 |
Word | It would have problems after awhile so I'd have to say no | 01:43 |
Word | No problem STFS | 01:43 |
XVampireX | if live cd works and regular install doesn't than Install didn't go well (Corrupt CD) | 01:43 |
=== zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Word | Is there a way to check to see if the cd is not-corrupt without re installing it? | 01:44 |
XVampireX | so live cd is having the same problems? | 01:44 |
Word | not the same but it's still having problems | 01:44 |
Word | Same problems with Ubuntu | 01:44 |
XVampireX | Yeah, boot into the install cd and there should be a integrity check there somewhere | 01:44 |
=== X3n0n_ [n=fabien@AMontpellier-251-1-108-199.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Word | ok | 01:45 |
XVampireX | It sounds like corrupt cd to tell you the truth | 01:45 |
Word | >< | 01:45 |
Word | Vampire do you have Aim/Msn/Yim? | 01:45 |
XVampireX | yes | 01:45 |
XVampireX | my msn is my nick at gmail.com | 01:46 |
Word | K thanks. | 01:46 |
StFS | so, any comments on the stability of dapper? | 01:46 |
XVampireX | But I'll try to help you with that problem | 01:46 |
Word | Talking to a guy yesterday and he said Dapper was just as stable as breezy possibly greater. He seemed pretty smart so it's probably true. | 01:47 |
StFS | I'm thinking about spending the weekend setting it up on my work laptop... well actually spending this evening in setting it up and the rest of the weekend to revert back to breezy when I find out all the showstoppers ;) | 01:47 |
pat_ | the only thing that might get annoying is the constant package updates, ~2 new packages appear hourly | 01:48 |
pat_ | minor bugfixes, but still ther | 01:48 |
StFS | pat_: that's not annoying to me... I hate it much more to do apt-get upgrade every two weeks and getting absolutely nothing! | 01:48 |
=== StFS likes upgrading ;) | ||
=== pat_ agrees, but if you're new it could be weird / annoying | ||
staticunit | anyone got duel boot setup? | 01:49 |
staticunit | or tiple boot? | 01:49 |
staticunit | triple* | 01:49 |
pat_ | dual, XP / dapper | 01:49 |
StFS | but does anyone here have experience with the actual transformation from breezy to dapper? I mean I don't really want to install dapper from scratch... I'd rather upgrade to it | 01:50 |
staticunit | mandrak10.1 /kubuntu me but im bou to reformat and but winxp pro / mandrak 10.1 / kubuntu on | 01:50 |
StFS | staticunit: not currently but I've done it a few times | 01:50 |
=== pat_ [n=pat@adsl-68-21-38-228.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
StFS | staticunit: just use grub :) | 01:50 |
staticunit | i know | 01:50 |
staticunit | i beeter get this done know | 01:51 |
staticunit | windows xp takes so long | 01:51 |
_shane | staticunit: at one time I had about a 7 way boot. | 01:51 |
XVampireX | StFS | 01:52 |
staticunit | lol | 01:52 |
StFS | XVampireX: yes? | 01:52 |
XVampireX | What do you mean by breeze to dapper? | 01:52 |
staticunit | my speakers say yo evertime my name is in room lol | 01:52 |
staticunit | "yo" | 01:52 |
XVampireX | Do you mean upgrade or do you mean installation | 01:52 |
StFS | XVampireX: breezy is the current stable version of (k)ubuntu and dapper is the testing (soon to be new stable) | 01:53 |
StFS | XVampireX: upgrading | 01:53 |
Kyral | wheee | 01:53 |
Kyral | Arch Installed | 01:53 |
XVampireX | I think you should be fine if you upgrade to breeze | 01:53 |
Kyral | now to pacman -S kdebase :D | 01:53 |
XVampireX | I mean dapper | 01:53 |
=== spoop [n=p@67-22-85-162.albyny.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
XVampireX | I'm using dapper and it works fine (I did something worse than breezy to dapper, I did ubuntu to kubuntu) | 01:54 |
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StFS | XVampireX: what version of ubuntu? | 01:54 |
XVampireX | 5.10 | 01:55 |
XVampireX | err | 01:55 |
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XVampireX | No, 6.04 | 01:55 |
XVampireX | I think | 01:55 |
XVampireX | And then I upgraded to kubuntu 6.06 | 01:55 |
StFS | XVampireX: there really is no difference between ubuntu and kubuntu... it's just a matter of which desktop environment is configured to boot up... so doing an ubuntu to kubuntu really isn't anything other than installing a few packages | 01:56 |
XVampireX | Easier than that :P | 01:56 |
XVampireX | just one package which contains all the stuff related to kubuntu :P | 01:57 |
StFS | exactly | 01:57 |
Kyral | anyone know what KDE module Kontact is in? | 01:57 |
XVampireX | But I don't see a reason why an upgrade from breezy to dapper should be faulty | 01:57 |
Marrs | kdepim or something like that, I'd assume | 01:57 |
StFS | XVampireX: ohh.. there can be plenty of reasons for that | 01:58 |
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XVampireX | You can never know if you don't try. | 01:58 |
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=== yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-141-181.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Kyral | what about Kopete and Konversation? | 02:00 |
zorba64 | Kyral: kdenetwork | 02:01 |
Kyral | okay | 02:01 |
=== Blaxtic [n=Blaxtic@38.31.cm.sunflower.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Kyral is installing Arch on his desktop and needs to know where in the modules they are :P | ||
freeflying-ibook | http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11188 | 02:02 |
=== staale [n=staale@084202097235.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
XVampireX | Does konversation have support for multi server connections? | 02:08 |
staale | hi everyone... I got this major problem that i cannot solve by myself... I got this friend who runs windows. I personaly run gentoo.. Is there a kind of build-in kinda ssh for windows that i can use, he's personaly computer is on, and he is on vication at my place, but we need to get into hes pc | 02:08 |
=== arn [n=anthony@host-96-6-220-24.midco.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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Sergi0 | staale: putty? | 02:12 |
staale | Sergi0: My friend is with me here | 02:12 |
staale | not at home | 02:12 |
staale | and he has not any extensions installed | 02:12 |
staale | *no extensions | 02:13 |
Sergi0 | what do you want to do then? | 02:13 |
Sergi0 | ssh from windows > yout gentoo box? | 02:13 |
staale | Sergi0: He works for me. | 02:13 |
staale | no... ssh from gentoo box -> wincrap box | 02:13 |
Sergi0 | ehm | 02:14 |
staale | if he had installed gentoo BEFORE he left on vication to me:/ | 02:14 |
staale | but he didnt.. | 02:14 |
Sergi0 | vnc? | 02:14 |
staale | nope | 02:15 |
staale | have no vnc installed | 02:15 |
staale | kinda need to hack himself:P | 02:15 |
=== Snake[Pimpin] is now known as Snake__ | ||
Kyral | You mean crack | 02:17 |
staale | Kyral: whatever:P | 02:18 |
staale | Kyral: is there that kind of buildt in windows? | 02:18 |
Kyral | what? | 02:18 |
staale | Kyral: how can we crack his own computer? | 02:19 |
Kyral | Google "Cracking Windows Box" | 02:20 |
Kyral | :P | 02:20 |
Kyral | I'm sure you will come up with a LOT of hits :D | 02:20 |
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staale | Kyral: I bet i gets very much bullshit acctually | 02:20 |
staale | :P | 02:20 |
staale | virus shit n crap:P | 02:21 |
=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
staale | to bad they wont work, lol | 02:21 |
staale | Anyone here knows how to might get into a remote windows pc, its for a good case | 02:25 |
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=== _josh [n=josh@dsl-58-6-44-5.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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_josh | hey | 02:31 |
_josh | can someone plz tell me how to install firefox 1.5 on kubuntu 5.10 | 02:32 |
_josh | anyone? | 02:32 |
XVampireX | one sec | 02:32 |
XVampireX | try: sudo apt-get install firefox | 02:33 |
XVampireX | in console | 02:33 |
_josh | ok | 02:33 |
_josh | and how do i get psi? | 02:34 |
_josh | the jabber client | 02:34 |
arn | kopete is already installed, don't want that? | 02:34 |
=== arn never liked psi | ||
=== bur[n] er [n=burner@c-67-173-243-73.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bur[n] er | anyone know the dcop command for kmix to get it to put the volume down? | 02:35 |
bur[n] er | i've been playing at a shell for 10 minutes trying to tap it out | 02:35 |
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bur[n] er | or is there a better way to bind a hotkey to volume? | 02:36 |
XVampireX | Yeah, kopete is good | 02:39 |
=== AngryElf [n=AngryElf@ip68-100-101-98.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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XVampireX | Hey, that Word guy asks how to edit xorg.conf file | 02:55 |
Ras420 | hello, can anyone tell my how i find out the address of the serial port that the modem is in?? | 02:55 |
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=== bh4tw [n=duality@h247n12-m-rg-gr100.ias.bredband.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bh4tw | hey | 03:04 |
bh4tw | i lost my sound, any ideas? | 03:04 |
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XVampireX | bh4tw: Completely? | 03:07 |
bh4tw | yeah | 03:07 |
bh4tw | i dont have alsaconfig' | 03:07 |
XVampireX | See if things are enabled and tuned in the mixer | 03:07 |
bh4tw | i did | 03:07 |
XVampireX | green light? | 03:07 |
bh4tw | yeah | 03:08 |
bh4tw | its not on mute | 03:08 |
XVampireX | http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?s=&threadid=388040 | 03:08 |
bh4tw | kthnx | 03:09 |
bh4tw | it did work las night | 03:10 |
bh4tw | now ive uninstalled all xgl stuff and reinstalled them | 03:10 |
bh4tw | and i lost myu sound | 03:10 |
XVampireX | try reinstall alsaconfig? | 03:11 |
simonS | about sound, my amarok eats 100% of the CPU after few minutes | 03:12 |
simonS | and it does the same on a friend's machine | 03:12 |
bh4tw | how do i install sound? theres no sudo apt-get install alsaconfig | 03:12 |
XVampireX | sudo apt-get install alsa-base | 03:12 |
bh4tw | k | 03:12 |
=== MarcC [n=Marc@ukiah-cuda1-gen2-70-36-18-129.losaca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bh4tw | its already installed | 03:13 |
bh4tw | XVampireX, and theres no alsaconfig | 03:13 |
XVampireX | try sudo apt-get install linux-sound-base | 03:13 |
MarcC | I unmounted my USB disk and now when I plug it back in it says it's already mounted...is there someway to unmount the imaginary one? :D | 03:13 |
simonS | MarcC: try just # mount to see if it is mounted and where | 03:14 |
bh4tw | XVampireX, its allready installed, still no alsaconfig =( | 03:14 |
bh4tw | ' | 03:14 |
XVampireX | alsaconf perhaps? | 03:14 |
MarcC | simon5, thanks: mount says it's on /media/sdf1, but when I double-click that folder none of the files show and it throws an error. | 03:15 |
bh4tw | theres no package "alsaconf" or "alsaconfig" | 03:15 |
simonS | MarcC: try # umount /media/sdf1 | 03:15 |
XVampireX | Yeah, I don't know then | 03:15 |
bh4tw | ill try compiling it from source | 03:15 |
bh4tw | k | 03:16 |
simonS | someone has any idea about amarok eating 100% of the cpu ? | 03:17 |
MarcC | simon5, it says /dev/sdf1 is not mounted? | 03:17 |
simonS | MarcC: boo | 03:17 |
MarcC | boo? | 03:17 |
simonS | and what does # cat /etc/mtab says ? | 03:18 |
MarcC | simon5, it says a few things...is there a good place to paste this so I don't flood the channel? | 03:20 |
Sergi0 | !paste | 03:21 |
simonS | MarcC: i don't know, private messages seems disabled | 03:21 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 03:21 |
simonS | oki, i join #flood | 03:21 |
MarcC | simon5: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11199 | 03:22 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu | ||
XVampireX | How to edit xorg.conf file in kubuntu? | 03:24 |
MarcC | XVampireX: kdesu kate filename | 03:24 |
JohnFlux | XVampireX: can you run x? | 03:24 |
JohnFlux | XVampireX: or are you asking for the command line? | 03:25 |
XVampireX | command line | 03:25 |
JohnFlux | editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:25 |
JohnFlux | as root that is | 03:25 |
JohnFlux | sudo editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:25 |
JohnFlux | (that puts it into root first if you're not root) | 03:26 |
XVampireX | yeah, so I can't configure it from there? | 03:26 |
JohnFlux | from the command line, do: sudo editor /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:26 |
JohnFlux | XVampireX: that will let you edit it. Is that what you wanted? | 03:27 |
=== h3sp4wn [n=samw@cpc2-leed5-5-0-cust41.leed.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
XVampireX | yeah, how do I edit...? | 03:27 |
JohnFlux | XVampireX: You mean you can now change it, but don't know what to change? | 03:27 |
XVampireX | how do I change...? | 03:28 |
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JohnFlux | I told you the command to bring up an editor that will let you change it | 03:28 |
XVampireX | ah, nevermind | 03:28 |
XVampireX | Thanks, it works | 03:28 |
_jeff | whats the difference between dapper and breezy | 03:30 |
_jeff | other than dapper is newer | 03:30 |
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_jeff | and in beta | 03:30 |
=== _jeff scratches head | ||
=== _jeff slips on a puddle of butter in the hall and hits his head on the floor | ||
Hobbsee | _jeff: you pretty much got the answer - newer packages, but has bugs in it | 03:33 |
=== _jeff is writhing on the floor holding his head making a hissing noise | ||
_jeff | hobbsee: ok, thanks man | 03:33 |
=== Hobbsee throws some icecubes randomly at _jeff :P | ||
=== JohnFlux left the butter there | ||
JohnFlux | HAHA! April fools! | 03:33 |
_jeff | lol | 03:33 |
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burepe | Everytime I plug in a usb or a cd or stuff, I get this error "An error occurred while loading media:/sda1: | 03:57 |
burepe | The process for the media protocol died unexpectedly." How do I fix this? | 03:57 |
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=== bobesponja [i=pat@bas75-1-81-57-4-105.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bobesponja | is there a difference between the fight5 and the latest livecd with 3.5.2? | 04:01 |
=== angelika [n=angelika@NEW-FOUR-O-SEVEN.MIT.EDU] has joined #kubuntu | ||
angelika | anybody help me out with a sound issue? | 04:06 |
=== MarcC-away is now known as MarcC | ||
=== ABCD [n=ABCD@wikipedia/ABCD] has joined #kubuntu | ||
XVampireX | !nvidia | 04:07 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 04:07 |
angelika | ok.... anybody out there using audigy 2 usb? | 04:07 |
angelika | please? | 04:08 |
MarcC | angelika, what is the problem? | 04:08 |
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Hobbsee | burepe: use /media/ in konq instead, and ignore the error message | 04:09 |
angelika | audigy won't play. drivers are there, card is recognized, i can blink the leds with alsamixer, volume is up, but got no sound | 04:09 |
=== wincide [n=WeReTheC@87.Red-81-34-36.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MarcC | angelika, which sound engine? | 04:11 |
angelika | alsa i guess | 04:11 |
MarcC | angelika, can you get it to play using a live CD like Knoppix? | 04:12 |
angelika | i can try it. | 04:13 |
angelika | oook off i go then... | 04:13 |
MarcC | angelika, does this system have on-board sound? | 04:13 |
MarcC | if so you will want to disable it in your system BIOS. | 04:13 |
MarcC | I mean, does your computer have a built-in soundsystem that's not the audigy 2? | 04:14 |
angelika | it has built in also | 04:14 |
MarcC | is it disabled? | 04:14 |
angelika | no, its not. you think that will fix it? | 04:15 |
MarcC | that's what I did on my audigy system...I'm not sure if it'll fix it, but it can't hurt - conflicts are common with this stuff. | 04:15 |
frank23 | angelika: did you check pluging the speakers to the onboard sound? to see if its using the wrong card? | 04:16 |
angelika | it is using the wrong card definitley. everything plays fine, just on the wrong set of speakers | 04:16 |
angelika | wrong card that is. | 04:16 |
MarcC | angelika: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=849541&postcount=10 | 04:17 |
MarcC | you might try that. | 04:17 |
MarcC | although, you have a USB system so the config might be different. | 04:17 |
MarcC | :( | 04:17 |
MarcC | anyway, I would disable the built-in soundsystem (you can always re-enable later), start it back up and see if the problem is fixed. | 04:18 |
angelika | ok, i'll go try those things now. thanks | 04:19 |
MarcC | np | 04:19 |
=== burepe [n=burepe@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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meng | is there a network applet for KDE? | 04:30 |
meng | the kind like the windows one or the gnome one | 04:30 |
Hobbsee | meng: knemo? | 04:39 |
meng | looks like i would need to apt-get it | 04:40 |
meng | can't find it at the add applet window | 04:40 |
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Arcanimus | later guys | 05:10 |
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Snake|ONAIR | hhgougigi | 05:15 |
Snake|ONAIR | ... | 05:16 |
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=== MarcC [n=Marc@ukiah-cuda1-gen2-70-36-18-129.losaca.adelphia.net] has left #kubuntu ["Stay] | ||
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me2win | Snake__: lol | 05:23 |
Snake__ | ... | 05:23 |
me2win | ubotu: hug Snake__ | 05:23 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, me2win | 05:23 |
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Snake__ | did you know its april fools day? | 05:24 |
Snake__ | try "date -u" | 05:24 |
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Kyral | sonuva.... | 05:32 |
Kyral | its KDE thats screwing my computer over | 05:32 |
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hleonardo | Senhores do Conselho | 05:41 |
hleonardo | Boa Noite | 05:41 |
=== glick [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-237-232.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
glick | excuse me, how can i record sounds in linux from a microphone? | 05:42 |
glick | what program would i use? | 05:42 |
TimM | My favorite is audacity | 05:42 |
hleonardo | IRC | 05:42 |
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mikel | hello all | 06:37 |
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deepwoodz | does anyone know about gyach? and if so does anyone know how to install it? | 06:43 |
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_ron | check the readme file | 06:47 |
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themunk | quit | 06:51 |
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ankur | hi | 07:01 |
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XVampireX | heya | 07:04 |
XVampireX | Several questions, starting with: How do I play adonthell? | 07:04 |
XVampireX | ah, nevermind | 07:05 |
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ports- | anyone have trouble with browsers in Kubuntu not displaying css and dhtml well? | 07:07 |
frank23 | ports-: what site do you have a problem with? | 07:09 |
ports- | frank23: like Kubuntu.org | 07:11 |
ports- | i cant see the menu tabs on it correctly | 07:11 |
frank23 | ports-: you mean at the top of the page? works fine here | 07:11 |
ports- | nevermind | 07:11 |
ports- | it wasnt working right yesterday... apparently its changed since i came to KDE 3.5.1 | 07:12 |
ports- | frank23: yesterday you told me not to use 3.5.2 because you had issues with it... what were they? | 07:12 |
frank23 | ports-: the only real one is that you can't change resolution anymore with kde | 07:13 |
ports- | oh ok | 07:13 |
frank23 | ports-: it's because the kde 3.5.2 package is "made" for dapper where they changed that configuration menu | 07:13 |
ports- | k | 07:14 |
ports- | http://www.ubuntu.com/support - try that site in Konquerer | 07:14 |
frank23 | you can always upgrade to kde 3.5.2 and do manual resolution changes if you need to | 07:15 |
frank23 | ports-: works fine too | 07:15 |
ports- | odd | 07:15 |
ports- | i dont see the menus at the top like they should be... i see a text list on the left side | 07:15 |
frank23 | ports-: really? that's weird | 07:16 |
ports- | but it works just fine in Firefox | 07:16 |
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Isil`Zha | does anybody know a graphical scp client which works with breezy? | 07:19 |
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deepwoodz | i cant get to sourceforge | 07:20 |
ports- | frank23: odd... i reloaded Flashplayer and they work fine now | 07:21 |
frank23 | ports-: what do you mean 'reloaded'? | 07:22 |
ports- | frank23: well i had flash in Firefox... i downloaded flashplayer again... and reinstalled it... and Konquerer started displaying the menus correctly | 07:22 |
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frank23 | ports-: well the standard way to install flash is to use adept. flash is in the reopsitories | 07:23 |
frank23 | ports-: maybe it's related to that | 07:24 |
ports- | possibly | 07:24 |
ports- | now in Windows you have Explorer to look at folders/files.... is there anything besides Konquerer in KDE? | 07:25 |
frank23 | ports-: I just use konqueror. if you set the view profile right, it looks just like windows explorer | 07:26 |
ports- | ok | 07:27 |
frank23 | ports-: settings->Load view profile->file management | 07:28 |
ports- | k | 07:29 |
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ports- | thats not there | 07:30 |
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Word_ | I'm trying to install my video card driver and its saying tha the libc headers I installed were compiled with gcc 3.4 and I have 4.0 ..is there anyway I can revert back to 3.4 or get newer libc headers? | 07:31 |
Word_ | ??? | 07:33 |
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robotgeek | Word_: sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 | 07:39 |
Word_ | I already installed 3.4 in Adept it didn't uinstall 4.0.....or does apt-get work differently? | 07:40 |
robotgeek | Word_: you can have both installed | 07:40 |
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mrkev1n | hi guys... i am a newbie to debian (kubuntu) from Oz downunder | 07:41 |
Word_ | It isn't accepting it | 07:41 |
Word_ | When I did it last I guess I'll try again though. | 07:41 |
ports- | robotgeek: does linux have trouble playing files across Samba? | 07:41 |
mrkev1n | i am using Breezy... should i upgrade to Dapper | 07:41 |
ports- | robotgeek: i added files from a windows network share to my playlist and it wont play them | 07:41 |
robotgeek | ports-: hmm, some used to have that problem, i am not sure. i don't use windows at all | 07:42 |
ports- | robotgeek: oh come on.. windows is great :) | 07:42 |
robotgeek | ports-: sure, it might be. :) | 07:42 |
ports- | lol | 07:43 |
ports- | habit of usage.. and compatibility on campus.. makes it easier to use windows as a primary | 07:43 |
ports- | robotgeek: what do you use for your mp3 player? | 07:47 |
robotgeek | ports-: amarok | 07:47 |
mrkev1n | how is dapper compared to breezy for newbies? | 07:48 |
robotgeek | mrkev1n: i havent faced any problems, but YMMV (Your mileage may vary) | 07:49 |
mrkev1n | thanks robotgeek | 07:49 |
mrkev1n | robotgeek: to upgrade, download Dapper and install over Breezy?... as i say I am a newbie | 07:50 |
ports- | amarok gives me an error when i try to get it to play mp3 files.. "gst engine does not support mp3" | 07:50 |
robotgeek | ports-, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:50 |
ports- | ah | 07:53 |
ports- | hrm... xmms plays it fine without adding the new package. | 07:54 |
mrkev1n | robotgeek: to upgrade, download Dapper and install over Breezy?... as i say I am a newbie | 07:54 |
robotgeek | mrkev1n: oops. sorry, forgot :) | 07:54 |
ports- | robotgeek: did you send me a message? | 07:55 |
robotgeek | mrkev1n: install kubuntu-desktop, then replace all occurences of breezy with dapper in sources.list | 07:55 |
robotgeek | ports-: nope | 07:55 |
ports- | oh ok | 07:55 |
ports- | i had an msg window.. i mustve cliecked on your nick | 07:56 |
mrkev1n | kewl... thanks robotgeek | 07:56 |
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robotgeek | mrkev1n: then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 07:56 |
word | robotgeek it still didn't work | 07:56 |
mrkev1n | kewl... thanks robotgeek ... :) | 07:57 |
robotgeek | word: hmm, is this nvdia stuff? | 07:57 |
word | it uses the 4.0 instead of the 3.4 install. | 07:57 |
ports- | im contemplating going to mcdonalds | 07:57 |
word | yes. | 07:57 |
word | It says it detects 4.0 as the "current install" and then warns that it's not the same the libc was compiled with then it asks if you want to attempt anyway which then if you do it fails. | 07:57 |
robotgeek | word: you might want to uninstall gcc-4.0 for now | 07:59 |
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word | I can uninstall 4.0 but not the base package | 07:59 |
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word | by uinstalling the base package it automatically wants me to remove over 300 other installs | 08:00 |
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XVampireX | Hey people, play adonthell, it ROCKS! | 08:00 |
word | Any ideas robotgeek? | 08:02 |
robotgeek | word: hmm, usually export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 works | 08:02 |
word | run that in konsole? | 08:04 |
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word | robotgeek do I run export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4 in Konsole? | 08:06 |
robotgeek | word: yes | 08:06 |
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word | should it show something after I run that or is it just done? | 08:07 |
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robotgeek | word: nope, nothing. | 08:08 |
word | So, it should detect 3.4 as the current install now and should be fine right? | 08:08 |
XVampireX | AWESOME line "I have already bathed this month" in adonthell, while examining the bath in the sewer :P | 08:09 |
robotgeek | word: if you do google, don't refer to these instructions :) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074&highlight=nvidia+howto | 08:09 |
robotgeek | word: i am not being sarcastic, those will break your system | 08:09 |
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ArthurB | Hi, is anyone using knights the chess program ? I think it's broken | 08:10 |
robotgeek | word: have you looked on the wiki? | 08:10 |
word | Ok heh well by running that I'd freeze my comp I think the current video drivers aren't working well with my video card | 08:10 |
word | Not successfully :P | 08:10 |
word | I'm going to try to run the driver install now | 08:10 |
robotgeek | word: sorry, but never done it before | 08:11 |
word | Lol, me neither ;) Be right back. | 08:11 |
crimsun | wow, 3.5.2 has really changed since 3.4.0 | 08:13 |
ArthurB | no kde has | 08:13 |
ArthurB | 3.5.2 hasn't changed | 08:13 |
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ArthurB | ;P | 08:13 |
crimsun | [that's what I said] | 08:13 |
ArthurB | no | 08:14 |
robotgeek | crimsun: yup. doesn't crash anymore :) | 08:15 |
ArthurB | 3.5.2 is a version, so it hasn't "changed" it is what it is | 08:15 |
=== crimsun sighs | ||
ArthurB | kde has changed between version 3.4 and 3.5.2 | 08:15 |
robotgeek | crimsun: :) | 08:15 |
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crimsun | ArthurB: there is absolutely no need to try and force pedantry on me. I'm well aware, as a Ubuntu dev, what has changed. | 08:16 |
ArthurB | :) | 08:16 |
ArthurB | your awarness of the changelog != semantics but that's not really the point... sorry, just trying to be an ass | 08:17 |
crimsun | if you want to argue pedantically, notice that we have revisions of 3.5.2, so what I said is not technically incorrect. | 08:18 |
crimsun | anyhow, I have better things to patch. | 08:18 |
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Word_ | robotgeek that didn't set the CC right. I know it's what has to be done ( i think? lol) because it says to do it..just now how | 08:23 |
robotgeek | Word_: generally configure scripts recognize that, but i think you have a bad configuration script | 08:24 |
Word_ | that might explain kubuntu freezing constantly.. | 08:24 |
robotgeek | Word_: hmm, i was talking about the driver | 08:25 |
Word_ | oh? >< | 08:25 |
robotgeek | Word_: i would recommend looking on the wiki, someone must have a page about it :) | 08:26 |
Word_ | Well the driver might fix the freezing since it happens when using graphical things and leaves artifacts and then locks up :-/ | 08:26 |
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_josh | can someone tell me how to install Kbounce on Kubuntu 5.10 | 08:28 |
ArthurB | sudo apt-get install kbounce | 08:29 |
_josh | k | 08:29 |
ArthurB | or use adept | 08:32 |
_josh | and wat is the shortcut for run? | 08:32 |
_josh | i dont no how to use dat, i tried and it wouldnt work 4 me | 08:32 |
robotgeek | _josh: alt + f2 | 08:32 |
ArthurB | Kmenu->games->arcade | 08:32 |
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ArthurB | or alt+space kbounce | 08:32 |
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Word_ | ... | 08:33 |
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XVampireX | That was cool | 08:43 |
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inge | hai | 08:58 |
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tomye | hai | 09:00 |
tomye | kenalan dong | 09:00 |
tomye | bagaimana kabar | 09:01 |
robotgeek | tomye: this is english only channel, which language do you speak | 09:01 |
tomye | hai | 09:02 |
tomye | i sorry | 09:03 |
=== word [n=word@ip70-162-166-56.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
poningru | that seems malayish | 09:04 |
poningru | err thai ish | 09:04 |
robotgeek | tomye: no problem, just try to ask in english or tell us your language so that we can direct you to better help | 09:04 |
tomye | I undersen | 09:05 |
word | Robotgeek I found the instructions and it appears my problem was fixed! :D | 09:05 |
robotgeek | word: where, on the wiki? | 09:05 |
poningru | !td | 09:05 |
ubotu | poningru: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:05 |
poningru | grr | 09:05 |
tomye | hei | 09:05 |
poningru | !id | 09:05 |
ubotu | join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 09:05 |
poningru | woot | 09:06 |
poningru | /join #ubuntu-id | 09:06 |
tomye | How are U poningru | 09:06 |
word | Yup it was for Ubuntu but I figured Synaptic and Adept were the same and followed the instructions so now the drivers are installed and I don't have the freezing problem | 09:06 |
poningru | hi | 09:06 |
robotgeek | word: cool | 09:07 |
tomye | cool | 09:07 |
tomye | How are U robotgeek | 09:07 |
robotgeek | tomye: do you have a problem we can help you with. offtopic chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic | 09:08 |
tomye | Where do u can froum | 09:08 |
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=== TheChronoTrigger [i=HeyNow@adsl-63-204-105-240.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheChronoTrigger | anyone awake for a simple question? | 09:13 |
robotgeek | TheChronoTrigger: just ask :) | 09:13 |
TheChronoTrigger | oops | 09:13 |
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TheChronoTrigger | ok.. I'm having trouble accessing apache from the internet. I can access it through the network, but not when I use my internet IP address. Is this some sort of firewall issue with kubuntu? | 09:14 |
robotgeek | TheChronoTrigger: do you have a router? | 09:14 |
TheChronoTrigger | yes... the port is fowarded | 09:15 |
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robotgeek | TheChronoTrigger: try pinging your computer on that port? | 09:15 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | hi there | 09:15 |
TheChronoTrigger | um.. no.. let me try | 09:15 |
robotgeek | hey Tallia1Kubuntu | 09:15 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | suppose that i want to control my computer remotely.. i have SSH and VNC installed. I don't want to leave a VNC port always opened, is there a way to open it from ssh? | 09:16 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | by now i can't since the KDE-VNC control gui runs in kde.. that is.. no visualization | 09:16 |
patrix | yes | 09:16 |
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patrix | in fact the best way is to tunnel vnc through ssh | 09:17 |
patrix | and have vnc listen only for loca lconnections, no connections from other machines | 09:17 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | wait.. i don't want vnc server be active always | 09:17 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | i want to start the server only on request | 09:17 |
patrix | wel lthat's simple too | 09:17 |
patrix | ssh in while doing ssh tunneling, and in your ssh session start the vnc server ;) | 09:18 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | a command line krdf kind of program | 09:18 |
patrix | I run it always though, cause I'm lazy | 09:18 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | do you think it is safe? | 09:18 |
patrix | if you use your firewall wisely to prevent vnc connections from outside | 09:18 |
patrix | yes it's safe | 09:19 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | can you help me with this? | 09:19 |
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patrix | plenty of docs out there | 09:19 |
patrix | exhausted here, gotta sleep | 09:19 |
patrix | maybe help you later this weekend if you still need some help by then | 09:19 |
patrix | gnight | 09:21 |
XVampireX | Does anyone know a temporary file hosting website or service? | 09:21 |
TheChronoTrigger | does kubuntu come installed with a firewall enabled, or ports blocked somehow? | 09:23 |
robotgeek | TheChronoTrigger: ports are closed by default, no firewall by default too | 09:23 |
TheChronoTrigger | how do I go about opening a port then? | 09:24 |
robotgeek | TheChronoTrigger: if you run a service, the port is open automatically | 09:25 |
TheChronoTrigger | so apache would open the port automatically? | 09:25 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | !vnc | 09:25 |
ubotu | [vnc] http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-36715.html, or http://www.tightvnc.com/docs.html, or see 'x11vnc' (VNC server which uses your current X11 session) | 09:25 |
robotgeek | TheChronoTrigger: yes | 09:27 |
TheChronoTrigger | I'm starting to think there is something wrong with my router then.... it will foward ports to this ocmputer, but they are being ignored when sent to the linux computer >< | 09:30 |
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collin | hey all | 09:32 |
ports- | hi | 09:32 |
collin | i have a problem with MP3s in Kubuntu | 09:32 |
collin | like aparently, my installation won't support playing them back? | 09:33 |
collin | any suggestions? | 09:33 |
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edulix | hi collin | 09:34 |
collin | hey edulix | 09:34 |
edulix | the problem is that ubuntu by default doesn't support mp3 | 09:34 |
collin | oh yay...so I rea on the FAQ to install `akode` | 09:34 |
collin | which I did | 09:34 |
collin | as well as the gstreamer pack | 09:35 |
collin | and then rebooted my machine, but to no avail | 09:35 |
edulix | what are you using to play the mp3, amarok? | 09:35 |
collin | yeah | 09:36 |
collin | well now it like....well it acts like its going to play the file...like there's no error | 09:36 |
edulix | and what engine? | 09:36 |
collin | but it doesn't actually play it :-/ | 09:36 |
edulix | it goes to the next file? | 09:36 |
collin | no | 09:36 |
edulix | oh | 09:36 |
collin | it doesn't throw an error in aRts mode | 09:37 |
edulix | I suggest using the xine engine | 09:37 |
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collin | do I have to apt-get it? | 09:37 |
inc|freaky | hi all. what package do i need if a ./configure script complains about a failed sanity check of /lib/cpp ? | 09:38 |
edulix | apt-get install xine-ui | 09:39 |
collin | edulix: what package should I apt-get to get it to work? | 09:39 |
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edulix | but you also might need to install the w32codecs, which are available in alternative apt sources | 09:39 |
collin | such as? | 09:39 |
edulix | also, install amarok-xine | 09:39 |
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collin | do you have a suggestion for a good apt source to use edulix | 09:40 |
collin | ? | 09:40 |
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edulix | I've found w32codecs package in deb http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas all | 09:42 |
edulix | add that deb line to your /etc/apt/sources.list and afterwards execute apt-get update | 09:42 |
edulix | and then apt-get install w32codecs | 09:42 |
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collin | cool thanks | 09:43 |
collin | i'll give it a try | 09:43 |
inc|freaky | nm got it ; | 09:44 |
edulix | deb ftp://ftp.free.fr/pub/Distributions_Linux/plf/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free << and this one for libdvdcss2 package, which adds support for DVD playback ;-) | 09:44 |
inc|freaky | D | 09:44 |
edulix | it works now? | 09:44 |
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edulix | oops, I confused you with collin lol | 09:44 |
collin | i did apt-get update and it said that the one you gave me first couldn't be verified | 09:44 |
edulix | bnut it could be downloaded? | 09:46 |
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collin | no | 09:46 |
collin | it told me to run apt-get update | 09:46 |
collin | when i did that | 09:46 |
edulix | then do so, maybe this time you have better luck | 09:46 |
edulix | it worked for me roght now | 09:46 |
collin | it didn't like the first apt source you told me to add | 09:46 |
collin | the second one worked | 09:47 |
collin | are you sure you spelled everything right in the first one? | 09:47 |
collin | it looked kinda quirky | 09:47 |
edulix | enter to http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 09:47 |
edulix | (the webpage) | 09:47 |
edulix | it's said there how to add it and also about the gpg signatures and everything | 09:48 |
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collin | yeah | 09:50 |
collin | that was the only problem | 09:50 |
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collin | WTF?! | 09:52 |
collin | Err http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas/all w32codecs 1:20050412-0.0 | 09:52 |
collin | 403 Forbidden | 09:52 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | which is the best vnc server ? | 09:55 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | what do you suggest me? | 09:55 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i want something very very light.. | 09:56 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | vnc4server, vncserver, x11vnc, tightvncserver... | 09:57 |
kuzmaster | can somone tell me wat katapult? | 09:57 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | kuzmaster: read the desktop files | 09:57 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | kuzmaster: then he create an index | 09:57 |
kuzmaster | ???? | 09:57 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | kuzmaster: such that you can simply type the initials of a program to execute it | 09:57 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | nice program anyway | 09:58 |
kuzmaster | ok | 09:58 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | !katapult | 09:58 |
ubotu | I guess katapult is an application for KDE designed to provide faster access to applications, bookmarks and other items. Once you've installed it, alt+f2 ->katapult, then hit Alt+Space. When splash screen appears, type the command you want. | 09:58 |
kuzmaster | ok, kewl | 09:58 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | kewl? | 09:58 |
kuzmaster | is there a guide on how to use adept? | 09:59 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | ??? | 10:01 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | a guide? for what..? it is extremely simple | 10:01 |
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XVampireX | lol | 10:01 |
XVampireX | kuzmaster sounds lazy :P | 10:02 |
kuzmaster | doogaler | 10:03 |
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doogaler | how do i install java | 10:04 |
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doogaler | i have downloaded it from the sun site, but i dont no wat to do with i5t | 10:04 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | i5t? | 10:05 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | what format is it? | 10:05 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | binary/deb/... | 10:05 |
XVampireX | Tallia1Kubuntu: I think he meant "It" | 10:05 |
XVampireX | or she... | 10:06 |
XVampireX | !tell java to doogaler | 10:06 |
XVampireX | oops | 10:06 |
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XVampireX | I forgot how it goes | 10:07 |
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XVampireX | anyways | 10:07 |
XVampireX | !java | 10:07 |
ubotu | To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs | 10:07 |
XVampireX | doogaler: Follow this guide | 10:07 |
XVampireX | Java is down near the end | 10:07 |
doogaler | ok | 10:07 |
doogaler | and its a shell script | 10:08 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | !font | 10:08 |
ubotu | it has been said that font is https://wiki.ubuntu.com//FontInstallHowto | 10:08 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | tightvncserver -httpport 5800 :1 | 10:16 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | sorry? i am trying VNC but when i start the server with: tightvncserver -httpport 5800 :1 i can connect to my computer but i simply see an X window | 10:17 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | how can i see my KDE session? | 10:17 |
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alexnicol | Morning | 10:21 |
alexnicol | I've dropped a clanger and lost my task bar on the panel | 10:21 |
alexnicol | I can see all my icons and stuff, but not open programs or system tray | 10:21 |
alexnicol | I've looked through the System Settings, but appear to have just missed it | 10:21 |
alexnicol | any ideas? | 10:21 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | sorry? i am trying VNC but when i start the server with: tightvncserver -httpport 5800 :1 i can connect to my computer but i simply see an X window | 10:23 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | Tm_T: sorry? i am trying VNC but when i start the server with: tightvncserver -httpport 5800 :1 i can connect to my computer but i simply see an X window | 10:25 |
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Tm_T | hm | 10:27 |
Tm_T | I know nothing about VNC, never cared to test it | 10:27 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | Tm_T: do you use kopete? | 10:27 |
Tm_T | ofcourse :) | 10:27 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | Tm_T: i wrote you a message in that channel too | 10:28 |
Tm_T | you did | 10:28 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | Tm_T: i have problems with file transfers and Emoticons | 10:28 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | the description is a little above | 10:28 |
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Tallia1Kubuntu | clear | 10:35 |
Tallia1Kubuntu | \clear | 10:35 |
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Robbie_Syd | how do you get to "multimedia systems selector" from kubuntu? | 10:44 |
Robbie_Syd | totem movie player says I need to select another video output as the current one is in use | 10:44 |
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kosh | multimedia selector? what is that? | 10:47 |
kosh | hmm isn't totem a gnome thing | 10:47 |
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ubuntu | hey | 10:53 |
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ubuntu | hey someone know if i can chat in channel Venezuela? | 10:56 |
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XVampireX | Hey, can linux mount any iso format? (bin/cue, ccd, etc..) | 11:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | not all no | 11:16 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | er... i *don't thinkso* actualy | 11:16 |
XVampireX | Need to figure that out before gettings some images than | 11:17 |
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XVampireX | I see that it only supports .ISO mounting | 11:18 |
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XVampireX | Hey, cool | 11:20 |
XVampireX | http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Tools/Mount-ISO-image-2216.shtml | 11:20 |
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nico8481 | hi | 11:25 |
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kyriakos | hi | 11:40 |
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sven-kubuntu | Hello i had a Problem with my Kubuntu and the upgrade to kde 3.5.2. After the Upgrade are some more clients running on my system. Something like Lisa (Lan information Server) and something about ntf remote drives. Are this Features from the kde 3.5.2. ? Have anybody else the same new Features? | 11:55 |
kosh | lisa is an old feature, you just somehow got it drug in during the upgrade | 11:56 |
kosh | you can remove it if you want | 11:56 |
sven-kubuntu | my system is just closed without any open ports. i was angry because why start a upgrade clients etc? | 11:58 |
sven-kubuntu | and i hate to check the system after every upgrade ... | 11:59 |
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inc|freaky | i got a question: when installing the flatknifty stile (compiling and make install) it doesnt apear in the window decorations ... but everything compiled and installed without problems what am i doing wrong? | 12:03 |
me2win | inc|freaky: you may have to close out the system settings window if you had it open while compiling | 12:03 |
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Chris06 | is there anything i need to know before installing kubuntu ? | 12:06 |
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me2win | Chris06: do you know how to partition drives manually? | 12:09 |
inc|freaky | me2win: yes i reopened it | 12:09 |
inc|freaky | its still not there | 12:09 |
me2win | are you sure it was a window dec or a style? | 12:09 |
inc|freaky | yea, flatknifty, but it installed to /usr/local/kde ... | 12:10 |
inc|freaky | is it possible that i have to install it somewhere else? | 12:10 |
basko | With the 3.5.2 Kde version out now, what's the easiest way to upgrade my current Kde to 3.5.2? | 12:11 |
=== Jaymac [n=Jaymac@host81-129-64-113.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hugelmopf | basko: are you using breezy? | 12:11 |
me2win | basko: do a dist-upgrade | 12:11 |
basko | yeah | 12:11 |
me2win | inc|freaky: sec let me try to install it | 12:11 |
inc|freaky | me2win: k ;D | 12:12 |
Chris06 | i dont know how to partition drives manually, but i have made a backup on an external hd so i can try | 12:12 |
basko | me2win: how do I do that? | 12:12 |
hugelmopf | basko: add this line to /etc/apt/sources.list: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main | 12:12 |
basko | yeah i've done that | 12:12 |
hugelmopf | basko: and then do "sudo apt-get update", "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" | 12:12 |
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hugelmopf | or use adept to upgrade, whichever you prefer. | 12:13 |
basko | hugelmof: and in adept I do a full upgrade right? | 12:13 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp201-15.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hugelmopf | yes... first fetch updates, then do a full upgrade. | 12:13 |
basko | hugelmopf: well i've done that but it still remains @ 3.4.3 i believe | 12:14 |
hugelmopf | how do you tell? | 12:14 |
Chris06 | how large drive (GB) should i use for installing kubuntu ? | 12:15 |
basko | hugelmopf: well i check the version within kcontrol | 12:15 |
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Ilokaaaasu | well depens if u need much space | 12:15 |
hugelmopf | basko: have you logged out and back in since upgrading? | 12:15 |
basko | yep | 12:15 |
me2win | inc|freaky: hmm, not sure I can't get it to work either | 12:16 |
Chris06 | is have much space, sata 80 gig and ata 160 gig. but how many gig should i use for the os | 12:16 |
hugelmopf | check "apt-cache policy kdebase" | 12:16 |
=== _kevin is now known as kev1n | ||
me2win | Chris06: depends what you wanna do with it | 12:16 |
hugelmopf | Chris06: the os itself won't need much more than 5 - 10 GB, | 12:16 |
hugelmopf | and that is if you install a lot of packages already. | 12:16 |
Chris06 | i want to use it as a tv / dvd / movie player, mp3 etc.. multimedia | 12:17 |
inc|freaky | me2win: :(( | 12:17 |
hugelmopf | my kubuntu system partition takes 4.5 GB right now, and i have quite a bit of packages installed. | 12:17 |
basko | hugelmopf: what should i be looking for? | 12:17 |
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Chris06 | ah ok.. so 15 gigs for the kubunty system should be more then enough | 12:18 |
hugelmopf | basko: sorry, i was wrong. check "apt-cache policy kdebase-bin" and look for the version installed (**) | 12:18 |
basko | 3.4.3 | 12:18 |
hugelmopf | is 3.5.2 in the list as well? | 12:19 |
Chris06 | i'll use my other gigs for data, guess i'll need to reformat all my drives? ntfs | 12:19 |
basko | yeah | 12:19 |
basko | as a candidate | 12:19 |
me2win | Chris06: you dont HAVE to format all your drives. Linux can read NTFS, and has write support for it though some programs | 12:20 |
hugelmopf | ok... on the commandline issue "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and check, whether it upgrades your kde. | 12:20 |
me2win | through the use of some programs that is | 12:20 |
basko | ok kool thanx man | 12:20 |
Chris06 | ok.. but i really hate windows right now so dont want to use ntfs anymore.. i'm making a backup of all my files on an external drive in fat32 right now | 12:21 |
basko | hugelmopf: it's not upgrading them | 12:21 |
basko | hugelmopf: it's saying that the packageas are kept back? | 12:21 |
hugelmopf | does it give you a reason? you must have some package installed, which would get broken by the upgrade. | 12:22 |
basko | hugelmopf: nope no reason on the command line. But I figured as much about breaking things, as in Adept, it did say something about BROKEN.... | 12:22 |
Chris06 | I'll try to install kubuntu, think i 'll be ok | 12:23 |
basko | hugelmopf: so in this case? how do i process to install it? | 12:23 |
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hugelmopf | basko: you have to check, which package will be broken and then see why, and if you want to deinstall it. | 12:23 |
ninHertatil | hi all | 12:24 |
basko | ok no problem. It's not that i'm not good with linux or anything. Is jus that i'm more use to a compiler scheme. not gentoo really but more slackware. anyways kubuntu's nice. Good laptop support | 12:25 |
basko | hugelmopf: anyways later man | 12:25 |
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_nelson | I need some help in kubuntu about keyboard layout | 12:35 |
slow-motion | hallo | 12:36 |
_nelson | hello | 12:36 |
_nelson | I need some help in kubuntu about keyboard layout | 12:37 |
MenZa | echo! | 12:37 |
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_nelson_ | I need some help in kubuntu about keyboard layout | 12:38 |
_nelson_ | I need some help in kubuntu about keyboard layout | 12:39 |
simian_ | _nelson_: what is the problem? | 12:39 |
=== tane| [n=acid9871@hoas-fe2fdd00-242.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #KUBUNTU | ||
_nelson_ | I can not find the US layout international keyboard in kubuntu | 12:40 |
=== Mitja [n=Mitja@cpe2-25-116.cable.triera.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Mitja | What do I have to install to get the "devel" files of X server? | 12:40 |
_nelson_ | can you help me ?? | 12:41 |
_nelson_ | do you know how to solve my problem ??? | 12:43 |
Hobbsee | !tell Mitja about xincludes | 12:43 |
simian_ | _nelson_: i'm looking | 12:43 |
_nelson_ | ok ..I will wait | 12:43 |
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Hobbsee | _nelson_: system settings, regions and accesibility, keyboard layouts | 12:43 |
Mitja | thanks, Hobbsee | 12:44 |
slow-motion | bbl | 12:44 |
Hobbsee | Mitja: no problems - i think they're the ones you want | 12:44 |
_nelson_ | but there is not the US layout international ... | 12:44 |
_nelson_ | there is only US layout | 12:44 |
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nico_ | re | 12:47 |
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sredna | Hello | 12:58 |
Ank_186 | hey | 12:58 |
sredna | Can I use debian packages on kubuntu, for example for debian sarge? | 12:58 |
Hobbsee | sredna: better to compile it from source - they sometimes work, they sometimes dont | 12:59 |
Dasnipa` | erm some you can some you cant | 12:59 |
sredna | Uhm, ok | 12:59 |
sredna | Since it's a kde app, I'd guess there coudl easily be problems | 12:59 |
sredna | How hard is it to produce a .deb package? | 01:00 |
Hobbsee | sredna: which app? | 01:00 |
Hobbsee | sredna: to compile it? not terribly hard. | 01:00 |
sredna | Hobbsee: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=26413 | 01:00 |
sredna | Hobbsee: Well, if I can produce a working package, it would be nice to be able to share it. | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | sredna: you can compile it. you cant share it without massive amounts of work... | 01:01 |
sredna | Ok, thank you. I assume I can find some guides around the net. | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | there's an evil hack that will give you a .deb file, instead of just installing it on your system, but you cant redistribute those deb files done with the evil hack | 01:01 |
Hobbsee | !compile | 01:01 |
ubotu | A nice howto about compiling software from source code can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware (but remember to search !apt first, after adding all the !repos) | 01:01 |
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Hobbsee | !!!! | 01:05 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 01:05 |
Hobbsee | why is this thing packaged so weirdly? | 01:05 |
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Hobbsee | sredna: let me see if you're in luck... | 01:06 |
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Hobbsee | sredna: hey, it looks like you are! | 01:07 |
sredna | Hobbsee: Really? Cool :) | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | download the source, untar it, cd into the directory where it untarred to, and run debuild. | 01:07 |
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sredna | Hobbsee: Ok, let me check if I can get the perl depeddancies | 01:07 |
Hobbsee | okay | 01:08 |
Hobbsee | you should be able to | 01:08 |
sredna | Yes, installing 30MB of perl scripts :o | 01:09 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:09 |
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Hobbsee | no...wait...it'll error out... | 01:11 |
Hobbsee | i think | 01:11 |
Hobbsee | ah well, i might end up packaging it...dont know if it'll work on breezy though | 01:12 |
Hobbsee | sredna: give me a few minutes lol... | 01:14 |
Hobbsee | i'll give you a package, then some instructions for how to build it - which wont error out | 01:15 |
Hobbsee | i think. | 01:15 |
sredna | Ah, very nice | 01:17 |
Hobbsee | sredna: no...wait..if you're a developer, you'd know how to compile a package! | 01:17 |
sredna | I do know ;) | 01:17 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:17 |
Hobbsee | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Packaging/Kubuntu | 01:18 |
sredna | I'm yet to install all the requirements, but now is as good a time as any | 01:18 |
=== Hobbsee thought you were new, for some reason | ||
sredna | Well, I'm new to kubuntu and debian | 01:18 |
nico8481 | is there an "update" systray applet for kubuntu like under gnome? | 01:18 |
Hobbsee | ah ok - what'd you work with before - suse? | 01:18 |
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Hobbsee | nico8481: not in breezy, there is in dapper | 01:18 |
nico8481 | ok | 01:19 |
sredna | I used mandrake for some years, and gentoo since 2002. | 01:19 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 01:19 |
Hobbsee | you're on breezy or dapper? | 01:19 |
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sredna | Dapper | 01:19 |
Hobbsee | mmm...so you would be able to use the deb this builds... | 01:19 |
Hobbsee | cool | 01:20 |
sredna | It works fine, except I appear to have a problem with cups, the kde print manager fails to communicate with the cups server | 01:20 |
Hobbsee | yeah. | 01:20 |
Hobbsee | known issue - CUPS is screwed. | 01:20 |
Hobbsee | although, i thought i had mine working the other day... | 01:20 |
sredna | Well, it' kind of a requirement for me that I get my printer working | 01:21 |
nico8481 | how is printing supposed to be configured when using KDE then? | 01:21 |
sredna | And I'd prefer cups to just using lp directly | 01:21 |
=== nico8481 <-- just curious, doesn't own a printer yet :P | ||
Hobbsee | CUPS is working for me at the moment..but my system seems weird, sometimes | 01:22 |
=== Hobbsee doesnt know how you'd do that | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | nico8481: if you get a supported printer, it should plug and play | 01:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | www.linuxprinting.org | 01:22 |
nico8481 | Kamping_Kaiser: yeah but that would need CUPS working, isn't it? | 01:23 |
nico8481 | i mean a working CUPS | 01:23 |
=== _larsivi [n=larsivi@062016230103.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | it'll be fixed before the release | 01:23 |
Hobbsee | sredna: http://hyperupload.com/download/0244ef9941/maxemumtvguide_6.2.18-1_i386.deb.html | 01:23 |
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sredna | Hobbsee: Let me try and install that | 01:25 |
Hobbsee | sredna: yep, know how to install it? | 01:25 |
sredna | To do so, I use dpkg, right? | 01:25 |
Hobbsee | !deb | 01:25 |
ubotu | To install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos) | 01:25 |
sredna | Hobbsee: Something goes wrong, I only get 9.8 K data | 01:28 |
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Hobbsee | sredna: did you use wget, or actually go to the page? | 01:28 |
Hobbsee | sredna: http://hyperupload.com/download/0244ef9941_hgcuow4cpfcdqb3y/maxemumtvguide_6.2.18-1_i386.deb | 01:28 |
Hobbsee | that should be a dir link | 01:29 |
sredna | No | 01:29 |
sredna | Doesn't work | 01:29 |
=== deviant [n=deviant@cust4966.vic01.dataco.com.au] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sredna | I only get some HTML | 01:29 |
Hobbsee | try visiting in a browser | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | or via dcc, if you get really stuck | 01:30 |
sredna | I'm behind a fiewwall | 01:30 |
Hobbsee | ah ok | 01:31 |
=== Zerlinna [n=Zerlinna@Q75cb.q.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | sredna: got a place i can email it to? | 01:31 |
sredna | Anders@alweb.dk | 01:31 |
sredna | The html page just tells me to wait a bit, then recreates a link that points to a copy of the same HTML page it seems | 01:32 |
=== dzachry [n=dzachry@adsl-70-240-196-49.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | ah ok | 01:33 |
Hobbsee | you can usually click on the URL the second time, and it downloads | 01:33 |
sredna | Yea, I see the idea | 01:33 |
sredna | Hobbsee: Got it, thank you very much! | 01:36 |
Hobbsee | sredna: no problems | 01:36 |
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sredna | Hobbsee: The software appears to work :) | 01:43 |
Hobbsee | sredna: yay! | 01:43 |
=== sredna installs build-essentials to be able to compile something | ||
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:45 |
sredna | Wow, gcc 4.0 :0 | 01:47 |
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Hobbsee | hehe | 01:50 |
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sredna | Oh, and kpf has been fixed in the updated kde packages :-) | 01:50 |
sredna | One more of my essentials | 01:50 |
brexel | re | 01:50 |
Hobbsee | i guess you never got these fixes in gentoo? | 01:51 |
sredna | Well, I did | 01:51 |
ninniuz | hi...I'm wondering, once dapper drake will be out will I be able to just upgrade my breezy badger or will I have to do a fresh install? | 01:51 |
sredna | It feels like kubuntu is updated in a very fast pace though | 01:51 |
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nuky | hey, what program do you use for dc++? valknut is annoying the hell out of me!!!! | 01:52 |
nico8481 | somebody else has troubles with kaffeine? usually it runs fine the first time, then when i close it obviously they are some kaffeine-related processes remaining, and then i can't start it a second time until i "killall kaffeine" | 01:52 |
sredna | One of the disadvantages with kubuntu is that I can't finetune the package configuration, but on the other hand, my CPU is actually free for my usage here | 01:52 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@pD9508BED.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
sredna | nico8481: It works fine here | 01:53 |
nico8481 | :( | 01:53 |
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Hobbsee | nuky: dc++? | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | sredna: that is true | 01:54 |
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nuky | Hobbsee: the direct connect p2p protocol.. | 01:54 |
Hobbsee | oh ok | 01:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nuky: a client called "DC++" and "DCGUI" and a cl version as well | 01:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *cli | 01:55 |
nuky | Kamping_Kaiser: thank! i'll try one of them out :) | 01:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nuky: np, i only know because there's a bug open in EasyUbuntu about it ;) | 01:56 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i would link you, but it's on another PC :/ | 01:56 |
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_michal | hello | 01:57 |
_michal | everybody | 01:58 |
nuky | Kamping_Kaiser: np, i'll google it.. | 01:58 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nuky: cool. | 01:58 |
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_ubuntu | hallo | 02:00 |
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_ubuntu | Wie kann ich ein einzelnes paket neuinstallieren? | 02:00 |
_ubuntu | mit apt | 02:00 |
_ubuntu | im terminal | 02:00 |
Sergi0 | !de | 02:01 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 02:01 |
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hugelmopf | ninniuz: of course you won't have to do a fresh install. upgrade breezy is the correct way to go. | 02:15 |
saimonn | Hi all | 02:16 |
saimonn | my sound server seems to have juste crashed | 02:17 |
saimonn | any sound app tells me "the device is already in use" | 02:17 |
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saimonn | do you know how to solve this ? | 02:17 |
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hugelmopf | saimonn: which apps, for example? | 02:18 |
saimonn | i've killed amarok | 02:18 |
saimonn | (it did hung) | 02:18 |
OdyX | Riddell: Just a rapid question to you: is Kubuntu Dapper Drake still planned to be distributed per ShipIt? | 02:18 |
hugelmopf | saimonn: it depends a bit, which sound engine these apps use. | 02:18 |
saimonn | and xmms (alsa,esd or oss output) tells me that | 02:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | OdyX: afaik, whyy? | 02:18 |
Riddell | OdyX: yes, if espresso gets done in time | 02:18 |
OdyX | afaik ? | 02:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | OdyX: as far as i know | 02:19 |
OdyX | Riddell: OK... that's what I had learned | 02:19 |
saimonn | I used amarok-xine & tried xmms with all | 02:19 |
OdyX | Kamping_Kaiser: OK | 02:19 |
OdyX | Riddell: s/learned/heard | 02:19 |
hugelmopf | saimonn: do you have any other app open, that might use sound? | 02:19 |
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OdyX | Riddell: and what about the 1 april fish saying Dapper will be reported for 6 months ? | 02:19 |
saimonn | I don't think so | 02:20 |
saimonn | amarok was the only one using the sound | 02:20 |
hugelmopf | skype? | 02:20 |
saimonn | and lsof -n|grep dsp returns nothing | 02:20 |
saimonn | I won't use skype, no way ! | 02:20 |
hugelmopf | hehe... ok :) | 02:21 |
saimonn | :) | 02:21 |
hugelmopf | if you go to system settings and stop or restart the sound system... any change? | 02:21 |
saimonn | graphicaly ? | 02:21 |
Riddell | OdyX: where's that? | 02:21 |
hugelmopf | yes... in system settings | 02:22 |
OdyX | on FR-planet, saying it's internal mail: http://www.biologeek.com/journal/index.php/dapper-drake-retardee-de-six-mois (copy of the mail is in english) | 02:22 |
mindspin | ubuntuusers.de | 02:22 |
OdyX | smells like BIG april fish... but who knows... | 02:22 |
OdyX | but if you Riddell have not heard about it... | 02:23 |
saimonn | I don't see anything about sound... except alsa which is not configured to start at boot | 02:23 |
hugelmopf | saimonn: if you go to System Settings in the K-Menu, and then in the first line to Sound&Multimedia | 02:24 |
Riddell | OdyX: hmm, cool, that'll give us time to include Amarok 2.0 | 02:24 |
OdyX | Riddell: could be... | 02:24 |
hugelmopf | lol | 02:25 |
OdyX | Riddell: and KDE 4 ? :P | 02:25 |
saimonn | hugelmopf: Error : device: default can't be opened for playback (Device or ressource busy) | 02:26 |
saimonn | hugelmopf: using the null device... it's not very loud | 02:26 |
saimonn | oops : ps aux lists that : 25150 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? Z 14:09 0:00 [dcop] <defunct> | 02:27 |
saimonn | I have two dcop processes defunct | 02:27 |
saimonn | is dcop handling the sound ? | 02:27 |
hugelmopf | saimonn: no. | 02:27 |
hugelmopf | saimonn: but i don't know how to help the error message above. | 02:28 |
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saimonn | well thanks | 02:30 |
saimonn | I think I'll reboot, as if I had windows... | 02:31 |
hugelmopf | saimonn: that's not exactly elegant, but it'll probably help ;-) | 02:31 |
saimonn | :) | 02:31 |
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saimonn | I'd prefer to avoid it, but I think it'll be easier | 02:32 |
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cantormath | hello | 02:36 |
cantormath | clear | 02:36 |
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cantormath | hello | 02:36 |
hugelmopf | hi | 02:36 |
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cantormath | there are so many folks in here, you would think there would be more chatting | 02:37 |
ziza | hi | 02:37 |
cantormath | hello ziza | 02:38 |
dzachry | Do you know of a apt source.lists that contains mozilla-firefox ? | 02:38 |
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cantormath | yes i do | 02:38 |
cantormath | which version? | 02:38 |
dzachry | 1.5 | 02:38 |
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cantormath | have you tried automatix? | 02:41 |
cantormath | sorry there dzach... | 02:41 |
dzachry | nope | 02:41 |
hugelmopf | cantormath: automatix is not recommendation of this channel. | 02:41 |
cantormath | yeah....I have heard | 02:41 |
cantormath | I have never had a problem with it... | 02:41 |
hugelmopf | dzachry: have you even tried searching the wiki? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 02:42 |
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cantormath | you can do it manually dzachry........ | 02:42 |
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dzachry | I will search wiki now...thanks... | 02:43 |
cantormath | lemmy see where that is again | 02:43 |
hugelmopf | dzachry: on that ^^ wiki page, they at least have a deb package | 02:43 |
ziza | !dapper | 02:43 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 02:43 |
asraniel | i need quick help. with kubuntu breezy icq does not work on the computer of my friend. i tried kopete and gaim. no connection. internet works. i sniffed the packets and i saw that some packets were sent, but the login server did not realy answer | 02:43 |
pussfeller | is there some gui to keep things like mysql from starting on bootup | 02:44 |
pussfeller | an init editor | 02:44 |
dzachry | perfect...that is what I was looking for... | 02:44 |
hugelmopf | pussfeller: there is System Settings -- System Services | 02:44 |
hugelmopf | asraniel: is there a router or a firewall in between? works fine here... | 02:45 |
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asraniel | hugelmopf: well, im on icq with my laptop from the same network | 02:47 |
asraniel | hugelmopf: so i realy cant see the problem, but there is one | 02:47 |
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=== MeTa [n=apu@dsl51B66A6B.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu | ||
MeTa | hi all | 02:48 |
cantormath | sup sup | 02:48 |
MeTa | i need some help, about the changeable device | 02:48 |
MeTa | i ahve a digital camera | 02:48 |
MeTa | and i want to set up | 02:48 |
cantormath | fantastic | 02:48 |
hugelmopf | asraniel: i see... sounds weird. | 02:48 |
MeTa | if it conencts | 02:49 |
MeTa | open it with krusader | 02:49 |
hugelmopf | MeTa: is it a USB mass storage device? | 02:49 |
MeTa | and if i click on the device's icon open with krusader | 02:49 |
MeTa | but for other folder | 02:49 |
MeTa | not krusader, others for konq. | 02:49 |
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MeTa | hugelmopf: it's work | 02:49 |
MeTa | not the conenctiong the prob. | 02:49 |
MeTa | the opening | 02:50 |
hugelmopf | MeTa: have you tried accessing it as /media/whatever in konq? do you see it there? | 02:50 |
MeTa | yesyes | 02:50 |
MeTa | ^^ it's work | 02:50 |
MeTa | but | 02:50 |
MeTa | it opens with konqueror | 02:50 |
hugelmopf | MeTa: i think this is a bug which should not be there anymore in dapper. | 02:50 |
MeTa | and i want with krusader | 02:50 |
MeTa | in kcontrol | 02:50 |
hugelmopf | MeTa: ah, ok. | 02:50 |
MeTa | the file blaa i setted | 02:50 |
MeTa | the mounted_device | 02:51 |
MeTa | to krusader | 02:51 |
MeTa | but it opens konqueror, if i set inode/directory it works, but i not want other fodlers open with krusader | 02:51 |
MeTa | my english is bad sorry, so understandable my problem? | 02:51 |
hugelmopf | MeTa: i understand, but i can't help, because i have never used krusader, so i always open things in konq. | 02:52 |
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MetaMorfoziS | you not need to used krusader... only the setting-way that i need | 02:52 |
MetaMorfoziS | krusader is a twin panel file handler, and i want it ebcause the copy is easyli with this from machine to disk | 02:53 |
MetaMorfoziS | to my father...:) | 02:53 |
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MetaMorfoziS | huh | 02:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | lol | 02:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | i'm in 2 pieces:DD | 02:54 |
MetaMorfoziS | so:) | 02:54 |
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MeTa | :) | 02:54 |
hugelmopf | MeTa: this does not solve your problem, but you can also set up konqueror, to be a twin panel file handler. | 02:54 |
asraniel | hugelmopf: point is, i want to convert him to linux, and without icq this is going to be hard | 02:54 |
MeTa | asraniel: kopete | 02:55 |
hugelmopf | asraniel: i understand, and i find it strange as well. | 02:55 |
MeTa | hugelmopf: my father need it | 02:55 |
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MeTa | so i need an easy way.) | 02:55 |
ziza | !nvidia | 02:55 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 | 02:55 |
Nomad411 | !repositories | 02:55 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 02:55 |
Nomad411 | !easysource | 02:55 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 02:55 |
MeTa | so i'm can't make to open other program other folders and an other program only my device? | 02:58 |
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slow-motion | re | 03:03 |
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slow-motion | does someone knows a rss reader for superkaramba that supports different rss streams? | 03:06 |
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drbreen | hello | 03:30 |
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rubso | what's wrong with KDE guys, its eating my CPU !? | 03:34 |
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pradeepto | any networking gurus here? | 03:37 |
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Pygi | is espresso available in QT version as well? | 03:37 |
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kuzmaster | how do i play mp3 on kubuntu 5.10? | 03:39 |
oelewapperke | can one start the installation from a usb disk ? | 03:39 |
irad | kuzmaster, noatun - amarok........ | 03:39 |
drbreen | does anyone here know how i can close tabs with middleclick in konqueror | 03:39 |
drbreen | cause when i middle-lcik on a tab, it pastes the content of my paste bin into google or something like this :( | 03:40 |
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kuzmaster | ummmm....... | 03:40 |
kuzmaster | both | 03:41 |
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drbreen | ??? | 03:42 |
pradeepto | kuzmaster: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 03:43 |
kuzmaster | k thanx | 03:43 |
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pradeepto | np | 03:43 |
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=== ztonzy peeks in :) | ||
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asraniel | hi, i need help.. can i install kubuntu on a pc with a sata-II hard drive? it does not seem to see the hard drive in the installation | 03:47 |
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mvv | asraniel: my kubuntu runs on a sata2 harddrive so it's possible | 03:57 |
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pradeepto | any networking gurus around? | 04:31 |
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treyh0 | why was amarok's gstreamer engine removed by default? | 04:34 |
jtshaw | pradeepto: Not really a guru per say.. but I might be able to assist | 04:34 |
pradeepto | treyh0: : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 04:34 |
thmas | how to change/costomize the log on screen? | 04:34 |
treyh0 | pradeepto: gstreamer is a library not a restricted format | 04:35 |
pradeepto | treyh0: that might help | 04:35 |
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pradeepto | i know that most plugins are removed or perhaps I understood your question wrong. | 04:35 |
treyh0 | pradeepto: well i'm not trying to play a restricted format, i'm trying to stream over SSH, and gstreamer supports it, but xine doesn't | 04:35 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: thanks | 04:36 |
pradeepto | treyh0: sorry for jumping the gun | 04:36 |
peto | hello, I installed kubuntu breezy from dvd downloaded ...now I changed sources.list in order to instructions on site http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic ...How can I now install security updates? apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ??? or sth else? thanks | 04:36 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: thanks | 04:36 |
treyh0 | i see that jonathan riddel removed the amarok-gstreamer package, but no reason why in the changelog :( | 04:37 |
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pradeepto | jtshaw: l: this is more of a linux question but can you tell me how does linux decide which is a primary interface in case there are two cards in the same box | 04:38 |
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jtshaw | pradeepto: Typically by either PCI bus order or based on your module aliases | 04:39 |
pradeepto | I am asking this because I installed dapper on my box and since then on my network is kaput. | 04:39 |
pradeepto | well during installation debian installer asks for "primary" interface ? how do I decide at that point? since both of them show up as realtek? | 04:40 |
jtshaw | hmmm, that is a tough one.. do you have a cable plugged into both? | 04:41 |
pradeepto | nope | 04:41 |
jtshaw | and is Dapper installed fully now? | 04:41 |
pradeepto | and the point is one of the card, the older one is hooked on to the cable internet and the isp chaps lock on to the mac address of that card | 04:41 |
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jtshaw | if so, sudo mii-tool will tell you which one has the cable in it. | 04:42 |
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jtshaw | so you'll at least know which one to configure | 04:42 |
pradeepto | changing the card mac address is not a problem but I have not been able to do decent if up till now | 04:42 |
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pradeepto | well dapper is installed completely and its running beautifully minus network | 04:42 |
jtshaw | I guess I'll I can suggest is to use mii-tool to figure out what eth interface is actually plugged in, and configure that one the way you used to configure your interface under breezy | 04:43 |
MidMark | Hi people I have uno problem: when I try to move from my external usb hdd to the same hdd (different dir) with krusader it say that I have enough permissions, with konkueror I can do it | 04:44 |
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pradeepto | jtshaw: since right now this cable is connected to my laptop running breezy all results will be a bit different than you expect | 04:44 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: mii-tool gives eth1:no link | 04:44 |
jtshaw | ah.. I see | 04:44 |
Riddell | pradeepto: do you still have flight 5 installed? | 04:45 |
pradeepto | and guess what only the older card is connected to the box right now | 04:45 |
pradeepto | Riddell: yes | 04:45 |
pradeepto | Riddell: on the desktop yes | 04:45 |
Riddell | pradeepto: can you send me your /etc/fonts/fonts.conf | 04:45 |
pradeepto | Riddell: I can if you help configure this nic card thing, I have not been able to configure to connect since I installed dapper f5 :( | 04:46 |
Riddell | sudo dhclient eth0 | 04:46 |
MidMark | none that uses krusader? | 04:46 |
pradeepto | but I think I will write it to a cdrw or something and send it via this laptop | 04:47 |
pradeepto | Riddell: dhclient ??? we have got static ip here. | 04:47 |
peto | ok I found it http://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/system_administration_books/ubuntu_starter_guide/ch02.html#id2526101 ... | 04:47 |
pradeepto | Riddell: jtshaw there is only one card right now attached to my box and it is being detected as eth1 :( | 04:48 |
Riddell | pradeepto: edit /etc/network/interfaces | 04:48 |
Zerlinna | Riddell: may I ask you if flight 6 is already official? | 04:49 |
pradeepto | and write what? I have edited it a million times now. | 04:49 |
Riddell | Zerlinna: yes, it is | 04:49 |
jtshaw | pradeepto: That is a bit strange. For what its worth, I think the Dapper kernel must have some patch related to how the interfaces come up, because it does work differently on my machine then the vanilla 2.6.15 kernel does for me | 04:49 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Flight 6 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 RC1 out | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) http://tinyurl.com/fm847 | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu | ||
Zerlinna | Riddell: thank you :-) | 04:50 |
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jtshaw | pradeepto: but on the other hand.. Kubuntu has always detected my interfaces in the opposite order as Gentoo and Fedora... | 04:50 |
pradeepto | Riddell: another question is how do I decide which is the "primary" interface while I am installing dapper or something. both of them turn up as realtek | 04:51 |
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Riddell | pradeepto: guess? | 04:51 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: interesting ...I wish I tested that out. I removed Fedora yesterday. | 04:51 |
pradeepto | Riddell: :) | 04:52 |
patrix | lol did anybody notice today's kubuntu-wallpaper ? | 04:52 |
pradeepto | Riddell: I can look into this file and find something for ya? If you tell what to look for? | 04:53 |
pradeepto | Riddell: fonts.conf file that is | 04:53 |
pradeepto | what wall paper? and where? | 04:53 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: help :) | 04:54 |
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Riddell | pradeepto: anything about antialiasing? | 04:54 |
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jtshaw | pradeepto: I don't really know what else to tell you, so long as you can figure out what interface is what (and mii-tool with a cable plugged into one will tell you that) you should be able to proceed as normal. It really shouldn't matter whether the system calls it eth1 or eth2 or whatever | 04:55 |
jtshaw | pradeepto: so long as it doesn't apepar to change from one boot to another... | 04:55 |
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serkan_calis | ok, my system has sound. But i cant play mp3 or mov files! | 04:56 |
jtshaw | Riddell: There is nothing about antialiasing in my Flight 5 fonts.conf | 04:56 |
Riddell | jtshaw: grep antialias /etc/fonts/fonts.conf ? | 04:56 |
pradeepto | serkan_calis: : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 04:56 |
pradeepto | Riddell: nothing in mine too | 04:56 |
serkan_calis | thx, pradeepto | 04:57 |
jtshaw | Riddell: I greped for anti and alias and and got nothing | 04:57 |
pradeepto | nRiddell: just give you better picturep | 04:57 |
jtshaw | well, nothing with both:) | 04:57 |
patrix | pradeepto, it's the one with all the blue bubbles, called "Kubuntu Wallpaper" in the wallpaper prefs window ;) | 04:57 |
pradeepto | Riddell: nothing at all for antialias and anti | 04:57 |
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patrix | I'm hoping it's like that just today | 04:58 |
jtshaw | Riddell: I can send you the entire file if it would help | 04:58 |
pradeepto | Riddell: some for alias but I dont think you interested in that. | 04:58 |
pradeepto | patrix: ok | 04:58 |
Riddell | jtshaw: how about in /etc/fonts/conf.d ? | 04:58 |
jtshaw | There is reference to it in ttf-arphic-uming | 04:59 |
Riddell | ok, thanks | 04:59 |
pradeepto | Riddell: yes | 04:59 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: boot to another is not much of an option :( | 05:00 |
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pradeepto | and mii-tool spits eth1 | 05:00 |
jtshaw | then configure eth1:) | 05:00 |
pradeepto | for the older card which is the only one connected to the box right now | 05:01 |
jtshaw | does eth1 have the MAC address you expect it to have? | 05:01 |
pradeepto | hmmm | 05:01 |
jtshaw | if so, that should be all that matters | 05:01 |
pradeepto | yes | 05:01 |
pradeepto | oke let me check | 05:03 |
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noteventime | Since I installed the new wpa_supplicant I have to ifup/ifdown after every boot | 05:08 |
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noteventime | !bot | 05:10 |
ubotu | Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots. | 05:10 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: still a problem I guess - my isp client tool spits - "No route to host". | 05:15 |
pradeepto | another thing I noticed is it took some time to "configure network interfaces" during the boot | 05:16 |
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jtshaw | pradeepto: When you do an ifconfig eth1 are all the parameters correct? | 05:17 |
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jtshaw | pradeepto: Check route too to make sure there is a default route... | 05:18 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: seems so, anything in particular I should look for | 05:19 |
jtshaw | pradeepto: I assume you have some sort of cable modem or something? Do you know what it's ip is and if so can you ping it? | 05:19 |
Riddell | jtshaw: could you send me a tar of your /etc/fonts directory? | 05:20 |
jtshaw | Riddell: Sure, how do you want me to send it? | 05:21 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: actually no, out here its just cable connected to a hub on the top of my building | 05:21 |
Riddell | jtshaw: put it on the web somewhere is best | 05:21 |
jtshaw | ok, I'll send you the address in a second | 05:21 |
pradeepto | brb | 05:22 |
jtshaw | Riddle: www.jtshaw.com/kubuntu/fonts.tar.bz2 | 05:23 |
Riddell | jtshaw: great, many thanks | 05:24 |
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jtshaw | np | 05:24 |
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pradeepto | hola jtshaw! :) | 05:33 |
pradeepto | jtshaw: thanks a million :) | 05:34 |
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jtshaw | pradeepto: you got it all working now? | 05:35 |
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lwelyn | somebody has problemens with kopete and icq right now? | 05:38 |
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pradeepto | Riddell: jtshaw yes right now dapper | 05:52 |
jtshaw | pradeepto: Excellent | 05:52 |
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mattt_ | i'm trying to install kubuntu, but when the system boots and x/xdm starts, my screen goes outta whack. it looks "out of sync".. I've tried using the settings from my other xorg.conf (for another dist. i've got installed), but it didn't help. i'm using a radeon 9600. any ideas? | 05:54 |
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ncaller | there is nothing like going out and purchasing a full copy of UT2004 to get you to get off your lazy self and fix your fglrx installation | 05:57 |
ncaller | thank god its working again | 05:57 |
mattt_ | :| | 05:57 |
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mattt_ | none of that stuff applies, djk_ :/ | 06:02 |
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arn_ | Is there an easy way to setup printer sharing or just edit the cupsd.conf? | 06:04 |
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_mo | 'n Abend | 06:05 |
_mo | I got an error when compiling amarok (and not just amarok, but all Qt-programs) | 06:06 |
_mo | configure works just perfectly | 06:06 |
crimsun | pastebin the error | 06:07 |
crimsun | the command & the error, that is | 06:07 |
_mo | Make tells me: | 06:07 |
crimsun | no, not in here. | 06:07 |
arn_ | cupsd.conf then? | 06:07 |
crimsun | Use pastebin. | 06:07 |
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arn_ | hey pradeepto, around? | 06:09 |
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pradeepto | arn_ yup | 06:10 |
arn_ | know much about printing setup in kde? | 06:10 |
arn_ | I suppose I could ask in the #kde channel too | 06:10 |
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arn_ | BTW, pradeepto, got my install of kubuntu fixed last night | 06:11 |
arn_ | took me an hour to get back to where I was before I broke it | 06:11 |
pradeepto | arn_ just got network on dapper to work with some nice help from this place. | 06:12 |
pradeepto | arn_: I guess you have ask around | 06:12 |
pradeepto | arn_: good to know that. | 06:12 |
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pradeepto | so what was the problem? and how did you fix it? | 06:12 |
arn_ | dcopserver wasn't running correctly | 06:12 |
arn_ | couldn't start kde | 06:12 |
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arn_ | I just ended up backing up my sources.list file - reinstalling and upgrading | 06:13 |
pradeepto | arn_ breezy with kde version == ? | 06:13 |
arn_ | dapper with 3.5.2 | 06:13 |
pradeepto | dapper ? w0ah when was that? | 06:14 |
pradeepto | I though you were on Breezy | 06:14 |
arn_ | nope | 06:14 |
pradeepto | *though | 06:14 |
pradeepto | t | 06:14 |
arn_ | never was on breezy | 06:14 |
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pradeepto | hmm interesting | 06:14 |
_patrick_ | du | 06:15 |
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speedy4 | ai | 06:33 |
ricardo | hey guys, im having some problems with my printer. can u help me? | 06:33 |
speedy4 | yes | 06:33 |
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kampfschwein | hello | 06:36 |
ricardo | I'VE just intalled my printer an epson stylus color 670, using the foomatic + gimp-ijs, but it doesn't print | 06:36 |
ricardo | i tried to print a text from oppenoffice, and nothing happened but just passing the papers | 06:37 |
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noteventime | Is there any kind of experimental repo for kubuntu? | 06:44 |
noteventime | gtkglextmm-1.2 but the standard only has 1.0 | 06:44 |
Tm_T | err | 06:46 |
Tm_T | what you mean by experimental? | 06:47 |
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noteventime | No stable ;) | 06:47 |
noteventime | not* | 06:47 |
Tm_T | there's dapper ofcourse but it's not that experimental anymore ;) | 06:47 |
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noteventime | hehe, I'm running dapper | 06:47 |
Tm_T | well, that's best you can get ;) | 06:48 |
Tm_T | you can always compile yourself if it's not enough | 06:49 |
noteventime | :/ Then I guess I'll have to compile the library myself | 06:49 |
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noteventime | Thanks anyway ^^ | 06:49 |
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Tm_T | yup | 06:53 |
Bluedeep | hi | 06:53 |
Bluedeep | i'm fighting with acpi ;) | 06:53 |
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noteventime | Bluedeep, How? | 06:54 |
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Bluedeep | I followed wiki, but it don't work | 06:55 |
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Bluedeep | i'm talking about ACPIBattery | 06:56 |
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collin | edulix, are you there? | 06:58 |
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collin | does anyone know how to get mp3 support enabled in kubuntu? | 06:58 |
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edulix | collin: I'm here :) | 07:00 |
edulix | didn't work? | 07:00 |
collin | no | 07:01 |
collin | but I got that error you were talking about | 07:01 |
collin | where if you have a couple songs | 07:01 |
collin | it doesn't play | 07:01 |
collin | but scrolls throguh them | 07:01 |
collin | through* | 07:01 |
collin | I couldn't get that engine though | 07:01 |
collin | w32codecs | 07:02 |
collin | I couldnt't download that | 07:02 |
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collin | Err http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas/all w32codecs 1:20050412-0.0 | 07:02 |
collin | 403 Forbidden | 07:02 |
noteventime | !acpi | 07:03 |
ubotu | noteventime: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 07:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | collin: try mirror3 | 07:03 |
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noteventime | Bluedeep, What excactly are you trying to do? | 07:04 |
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collin | Kamping_Kaiser: mirror 3? | 07:04 |
Kamping_Kaiser | collin: mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl | 07:04 |
collin | nvm | 07:04 |
collin | yeah | 07:04 |
collin | heh sry | 07:04 |
Bluedeep | noteventime https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ACPIBattery | 07:04 |
noteventime | The battery status isn't right? | 07:05 |
Bluedeep | y | 07:05 |
Bluedeep | the laptop is an acer aspire 5510 series | 07:06 |
collin | ah works! thanks Kamping_Kaiser | 07:07 |
noteventime | :-/ I'm sorry but my laptop workes without this so I don't know how to help you... | 07:07 |
Kamping_Kaiser | collin: np | 07:07 |
collin | the download works* | 07:07 |
collin | who knows about the mp3 problem :-/ | 07:07 |
noteventime | collin: ? | 07:08 |
collin | noteventime: I can't play MP3s | 07:08 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !restricted | 07:08 |
ubotu | methinks restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 07:08 |
noteventime | !mp3 | 07:08 |
Glin|Jol | Winamp 5.20 Stopped | 07:08 |
ubotu | I guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 07:08 |
Bluedeep | noteventime :/ | 07:10 |
collin | I already got that package | 07:10 |
Bluedeep | but battery is loaded | 07:10 |
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Bluedeep | terminet@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | grep battery | 07:10 |
Bluedeep | [4294688.209000] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery present) | 07:10 |
collin | an it still doesn't work | 07:10 |
Bluedeep | [4294688.209000] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT2] (battery absent) | 07:10 |
Bluedeep | terminet@ubuntu:~$ | 07:10 |
Bluedeep | but klaptop don't work | 07:10 |
noteventime | collin: Do you use xine? | 07:11 |
noteventime | if yes you need libxine-extracodecs | 07:11 |
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collin | then I need another apt-source because the ones that I have can't find that pkg | 07:12 |
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speedy4 | oioii | 07:16 |
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Flosoft | hey | 07:19 |
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collin | noteventime: where can I get l `libxine-extracodecs` | 07:20 |
Flosoft | I got a problem with compiling vmware on Kubuntu dapper | 07:20 |
collin | noteventime: it's not listed in any of my apt-sources | 07:20 |
noteventime | not? | 07:20 |
collin | noteventime: nope | 07:21 |
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noteventime | Might be dapper-only | 07:21 |
Flosoft | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/634433 | 07:21 |
collin | noteventime: well my shit's still not working, hah | 07:23 |
noteventime | collin: You are running breezy i suppose? | 07:24 |
collin | yessir I am | 07:24 |
noteventime | Have you considered trying dapper ;) | 07:25 |
collin | is Dapper Ubuntu or Kubuntu? | 07:25 |
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noteventime | collin: Both | 07:25 |
|Flosoft| | hey again | 07:25 |
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noteventime | Its just the next version | 07:26 |
noteventime | 'ello | 07:26 |
|Flosoft| | anyone got a solution for my problem? | 07:26 |
noteventime | What problem? | 07:26 |
|Flosoft| | vmware | 07:26 |
collin | noteventime: do I need to go download it or can I just like update breezy to it? | 07:26 |
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|Flosoft| | I can't compile it anymore on dapper | 07:26 |
noteventime | collin: Upi can upgrade | 07:26 |
|Flosoft| | http//kubuntu.pastebin.com/634433 | 07:27 |
noteventime | Flosoft. why? | 07:27 |
noteventime | ok | 07:27 |
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noteventime | Looks like it doesn't like your kernel version :/ | 07:28 |
noteventime | Or there is some library missing | 07:28 |
noteventime | !tell collin about dapper | 07:28 |
|Flosoft| | well normally all works fine | 07:29 |
|Flosoft| | noteventime: do u want to take a look @ it? | 07:29 |
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noteventime | Sure | 07:29 |
|Flosoft| | damn ... can't pm as my old PC is still online :( | 07:30 |
|Flosoft| | hopefully it pings out in a few secs | 07:30 |
noteventime | |Flosoft|, this -> http://www.vmware.com/products/player/ ? | 07:32 |
|Flosoft| | no ... I want to compile vmware workstation | 07:32 |
noteventime | Why? | 07:32 |
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|Flosoft| | well I always use the Workstation | 07:33 |
noteventime | Why not use player? | 07:33 |
|Flosoft| | I need to setup virtual machines with the Workstation | 07:33 |
h3sp4wn | All you need is build-essential and then it will work fine | 07:34 |
|Flosoft| | h3sp4wn: I got build-essential | 07:34 |
|Flosoft| | I also have my kernel headers | 07:34 |
|Flosoft| | but there seems to be a problem | 07:35 |
h3sp4wn | what version of vmware ? | 07:35 |
|Flosoft| | 5.5 afaik | 07:35 |
|Flosoft| | It was updated once from 5 to 5.5 | 07:35 |
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h3sp4wn | Did you download the 5.5 tar.gz (The latest one) | 07:36 |
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|Flosoft| | no | 07:36 |
|Flosoft| | I got vmware installed already | 07:36 |
epinephrine | hm, the wiki says to get mp3 support in amarok in dapper, you need to install libxine-extracodecs, but that does not exist | 07:36 |
|Flosoft| | I compiled it a long time ago on Breezy | 07:36 |
|Flosoft| | and I still used it a few weeks ago | 07:36 |
h3sp4wn | are you on dapper now ? | 07:36 |
|Flosoft| | yes | 07:36 |
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h3sp4wn | Flosoft: /usr/local/bin/vmware-config.pl (or wherever you installed it) | 07:37 |
|Flosoft| | well I am trying to run that | 07:38 |
OdyX | Someone using Kopete on here ? | 07:38 |
|Flosoft| | but it crashes with the module vmnet | 07:38 |
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OdyX | Having status message showed in buddies' list ? | 07:38 |
|Flosoft| | vmmon compiles just fine | 07:39 |
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h3sp4wn | 5.5.1 build-19175 definately works on dapper (without usb unless you remount it) | 07:41 |
damnhil | how do I locate the log of installed packages? | 07:41 |
damnhil | perhaps dpkg.log | 07:42 |
h3sp4wn | Flosoft: try installing gcc-3.4 then do CC=/usr/bin/gcc-3.4; export CC; then try it again | 07:43 |
|Flosoft| | ah finally | 07:43 |
|Flosoft| | one sec | 07:43 |
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Flosoft | ok | 07:43 |
ricardo | anyone knows why my windows are lager than the scree size? and why i cant resize them? | 07:43 |
edulix | how can a revert what prelink did? messed up a bit my system | 07:44 |
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cycus_zwisus | i've got a question, what should i do do make a program run at startup? | 07:50 |
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slow-motion | bbl | 07:52 |
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slewis | Has anyone else got 2 google search boxes in Konqueror since upgrading? | 07:54 |
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OWlNoob | hi all | 07:57 |
pradeepto | is there a way to upgrade everything but OO.o? | 07:58 |
slewis | put OO.o on hold in the package manager | 07:58 |
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pradeepto | slewis: how would I do that using apt-get? | 07:59 |
Blissex | pradeepto: better to use 'aptitude' or 'synpatic' | 08:01 |
slewis | pradeepto: get up a root shell and type in "aptitude" | 08:01 |
OWlNoob | I have got a problem setting my keyboard under XGL / KDE. If I go through xmodmap, the prompt says that it cannont read the xmodmap.XX (hereusr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.fr) for reading,I can understand as there is no usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.fr file. If I go through a setxkbmap -model pc105 -layout fr -variant basic I get a seg fault... Everything works fine under X and I have disabled my multimedia keyboard under kde. So far Google Has | 08:01 |
pradeepto | hmmm thanks | 08:01 |
Blissex | pradeepto: otherwise with 'apt-get' look at the pinning section in the package management HOWTP | 08:01 |
slewis | pradeepto: then you find the package and then press "=" and that should work. if you get stuck "man" is the way forward | 08:01 |
Blissex | OWlNoob: if you are not very experienced you should not be using XGL, never mind 'xmodmap'... | 08:02 |
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slow-motion | re | 08:03 |
OWlNoob | Blissex: Thanx but actually I come for help as many here | 08:03 |
OWlNoob | Blissex: could you be more precise on "never mind 'xmodmap'? | 08:04 |
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Blissex | OWlNoob: part of the message is that XGL is buggy unfinished sw that may or may not have lots of unexpected problems... | 08:07 |
Blissex | OWlNoob: part of it is that 'xmodmap' has been obsolete for several years, and the currently maintained alternative is called XKB. | 08:07 |
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OWlNoob | Blissex: Yes I know that xgl is buggy but I know that many have manage to go through this problem. As you can see on my first (and long) question, I tried with setxkbmap with no success. I just came to kno if anyone could orient my search. I am not willing to stop doing things under linux everything a small bug comes by ;) | 08:09 |
Blissex | OWlNoob: dont stop, but switch to a more reliable version -- bleeding edge stuff well, makes you bleed. | 08:11 |
Blissex | OWlNoob: the problem with XKB and 'seyxkbmap' is that they are not very documented and they are complicated unfortunately. | 08:11 |
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OWlNoob | Blissex: I'll keep that in mind, thanks for your advice | 08:13 |
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Blissex | OWlNoob: in other words I am not surprised that 'xmodmap' backwards compatibility mode is broken in some very recent stuff.. | 08:14 |
Blissex | OWlNoob: note that 'setxkbmap' is basically the same as setting options in 'xorg.conf' or using 'kxkb', so try those too. | 08:15 |
OWlNoob | Blissex: well strangely most ubuntu (meaning under gnome) managed to handle their kb that way... | 08:16 |
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OWlNoob | kxkb : failed to get list of devices... | 08:18 |
slewis | has anyone got 2 search bars in the Location bar of Konqueror? i upgraded to 3.5.2 and now I have 2 search boxes next to each other for soem reason... anyone got any ideas? | 08:18 |
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OWlNoob | :D got it! Rechecked keyboard mapping, removed HP Pavilion for standard 105 keys and Altgr works | 08:24 |
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pradeepto | slewis: I have got that on my breezy with 3.5.2 | 08:26 |
slewis | pradeepto: Why do you think it is there, it doesnt really make sense. I've tried to get rid of one of them but cannot find out how to do it :( | 08:29 |
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pradeepto | I have no idea, I think somebody other mentioned that too out here. I noticed it later. | 08:29 |
pradeepto | Possible bug | 08:30 |
pradeepto | slewis: breezy ? dapper? | 08:30 |
slewis | pradeepto: A feature ;) , Breezy | 08:30 |
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pradeepto | slewis: heh I guess submit a bug report | 08:31 |
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slewis | im using the kubuntu repositories for KDE, this is very useful http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 08:32 |
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pradeepto | slewis: same here if you mean the repos from the announcement page | 08:33 |
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polopolo | Hello | 08:40 |
polopolo | Can (k)ubuntu read/write fat32 partitions? | 08:40 |
slewis | polopolo: man mount | 08:41 |
OdyX | polopolo: natively | 08:44 |
OdyX | polopolo: no problem at all (fragmentation, inherent to fat format) | 08:44 |
slewis | polopolo: mount -t vfat /dev/hdc1 /mnt/foo | 08:44 |
slewis | or somthing like that as root | 08:44 |
OdyX | polopolo: should not use fat indeed... => ext3, WinFS (<troll />), ... | 08:44 |
slewis | polopolo: you should also look at fstab: man fstab | 08:46 |
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polopolo | I've not installed kubuntu yet | 08:48 |
slewis | whois polopolo | 08:48 |
slewis | ops ;) | 08:48 |
polopolo | ??? | 08:48 |
slewis | was going to see what your client was ;) | 08:49 |
polopolo | Icechat | 08:49 |
slewis | polopolo: if you like Debian and KDE your on to a winner | 08:49 |
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polopolo | The winner? | 08:50 |
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slewis | polopolo: something you like | 08:51 |
pradeepto | slewis: did that source-o-matic work *completely* | 08:51 |
pradeepto | it doesnot show up kubuntu repos L::( | 08:52 |
pradeepto | I did select them | 08:52 |
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_static | hi | 08:53 |
slewis | pradeepto: you need to check all the boxes download the sources file, backup and replace your current one. then do and update in apt-get or aptitude | 08:53 |
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pradeepto | slewis: I did check the kubuntu boxes but they didnot show up. I am just testing the thing | 08:54 |
pradeepto | anyways its a nice concept | 08:54 |
_static | i got a question why is all 500 of my ram being used? | 08:55 |
_static | all i got open is koversasion | 08:55 |
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slow-motion | <slewis> polopolo: if you like Debian and KDE your on to a winner < i hate debian. i only like the apt system *g* | 08:56 |
polopolo | I only love debian if I really needed | 08:57 |
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OdyX | Hey guys... | 09:09 |
OdyX | wondering when Amarok 2.0 will be available on Dapper ? | 09:09 |
OdyX | s/?/. | 09:09 |
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ciga | hi | 09:16 |
ciga | I am looking for an chess engine for knigths. Anyone can give me a hint? | 09:16 |
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ports | hey | 09:24 |
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ports- | hey | 09:25 |
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Armagguedes | hello | 09:36 |
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Armagguedes | I installed F5, but if i do all the repos/dapper upgrades i get F5 riht? | 09:37 |
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Armagguedes | i mean Flight6 | 09:37 |
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_spiritz | no | 09:39 |
_spiritz | dapper repos are also F6 | 09:40 |
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Armagguedes | _spiritz then how are they distinguishable? | 09:40 |
Armagguedes | how does F5 make F5 and F6 apart when updating? | 09:40 |
_spiritz | Armagguedes: they are not, Flight 6 is a just a "special daily image" of the repos | 09:41 |
_spiritz | they are all F6 except the one that received no update since F5 | 09:41 |
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Armagguedes | hm | 09:43 |
Armagguedes | i think i get it | 09:43 |
Petecakes | When I try to mount a usb flashdrive I get the following error (It's in my fstab as /dev/sda1): "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda1, missing codepage or other error". How can I fix this? | 09:47 |
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My8os | Petecakes: what type do you have for the usb flashdrive in fstab? it should be vfat | 09:52 |
Petecakes | My8os; yes, vfat | 09:53 |
My8os | did you format it on windows and made it ntfs? | 09:53 |
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Petecakes | My8os, it's possible. It was my brothers, and I know he used it on Windows before. | 09:55 |
Petecakes | I'll just check | 09:55 |
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Mitja | How do I add offline repository into etc/apt/sources.list? After I apt-get update it doesn't work. | 09:56 |
My8os | its either that or instead of sda1, its something else in dev | 09:56 |
My8os | like sda or sdb | 09:56 |
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ruedy | hi there, short question. i have a 50 GB ext3 partition and i would like to convert it into a vfat partition. the data can be lost. so how can i delete and format the partition? | 09:57 |
My8os | Mitja: is the offline repository in your hard drive? | 09:57 |
Mitja | My8os, yes | 09:57 |
murph2481 | alright trying to just run apt-get upgrade and I run into an issue with WVDIAL | 09:57 |
murph2481 | it freezes my computer | 09:57 |
Mitja | I can't dpkg them because they're all dependent on each other and won't install | 09:57 |
murph2481 | gives me a message too much work for IRQ 177 | 09:57 |
Petecakes | My8os, it's FAT | 09:57 |
My8os | Mitja: check this out...its what you want: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/swmgmt.html#localrepo | 09:59 |
My8os | Petecakes: then see if its not sda1 in /dev and its something else | 09:59 |
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Mitja | My8os, thanks | 10:00 |
My8os | ;) | 10:01 |
ports- | hi | 10:01 |
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ports- | i want to add 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" startup... how do i add it | 10:02 |
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duality | hi | 10:03 |
duality | is there any software for screen recording? | 10:03 |
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Zerlinna | duality: you can try instanbul or byzanz | 10:06 |
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Petecakes | My8os, there's only sda and sda1 in /dev, and both give the same error | 10:06 |
DeBert | Can i use kopete to talk to people who use GoogleTalk? | 10:06 |
Zerlinna | DeBert: yes | 10:06 |
DeBert | Right out of the box? | 10:06 |
Zerlinna | DeBert I think you need a gmail adress, too | 10:07 |
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Flosoft | hey | 10:07 |
Zerlinna | DeBert: take a look here: http://www.asinen.org/blog/kopetetalk/ | 10:07 |
DeBert | Zerlinna: Yeah, i have that already. But thought that i need to configure sound and stuff first. | 10:07 |
Zerlinna | DeBert: I've just done it like 2 hours ago with the link above.. it works like a charm! | 10:08 |
DeBert | Zerlinna: Thx, i'll check it out | 10:08 |
Zerlinna | DeBert: you're welcome :-) hope it works for you, too | 10:08 |
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My8os | Petecakes: sorry but i cant think of anything else. | 10:09 |
Petecakes | My8os, OK. Thanks for trying. Know where I might be able to get some more help? | 10:10 |
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My8os | try http://ubuntuforums.org/ or google it...i dotn know any certain guide for mounting usb-sticks | 10:12 |
jtshaw | DeBert | 10:12 |
Petecakes | Thanks. | 10:12 |
jtshaw | DeBert: Sorry bout that.. I can't get Google Talk to authenticate... | 10:13 |
DeBert | jtshaw: Me neither | 10:13 |
jtshaw | DeBert.. with gaim it works fine.. but I don't have the TLS option in Kopete | 10:13 |
DeBert | jtshaw: U used the link that other guy gave? | 10:13 |
DeBert | jtshaw: Cause it says that voicechat still doesn't work, only messaging | 10:13 |
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jtshaw | DeBert.. ahh, I fixed it.. enabled SSL and plain text passwords and it worked just fine | 10:15 |
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funkyHat | Where can I get the public key for the kubuntu.org/packages repositories? (specifically amarok?) (Is there a key?) | 10:16 |
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funkyHat | I just updated amaroK to 1.3.8 and it still crashes almost immediately... | 10:19 |
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cycus_zwisus | I want dhcpcd to be run before ntpdate, hoe to achieve this? | 10:20 |
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duality | what was the name of the other software, istanbul and ? | 10:21 |
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duality | i loged out by mistake | 10:22 |
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Armagguedes | anyone here uses WPA-SUPPLICANT? | 10:27 |
Flosoft | hey | 10:27 |
Flosoft | anyone using vmware and having Network problems with the Virtual Machines? | 10:27 |
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xanza | whois admin | 10:30 |
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_jeff | hey guys | 10:32 |
_jeff | im trying to compile dekorator 0.3 | 10:33 |
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_jeff | but when i ./configure, it says it cant find the kde headers | 10:33 |
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MetaMorfoziS | _jeff: has you the build-essentials? | 10:33 |
duality | sudo apt-get install headers* | 10:33 |
_jeff | yeah i do | 10:33 |
MetaMorfoziS | or i guess find out kde headers | 10:33 |
MetaMorfoziS | in any packagemanager | 10:34 |
_jeff | i should search kde headers in packages? | 10:34 |
duality | _jeff, you can do : sudo apt-get install headers* | 10:34 |
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MetaMorfoziS | yes^^ | 10:35 |
MetaMorfoziS | in cmdline do what said duality in package manager (for ex in synaptic) ctrl+f and kde headers | 10:35 |
_jeff | ok | 10:36 |
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MetaMorfoziS | i know, adept is the built-in kde pm, but i think synaptic better than adept because it can search in the descriptionss | 10:36 |
nalioth | _jeff: install kde-devel and kdebase-dev | 10:37 |
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duality | whats the name of the screen recording software? | 10:38 |
_jeff | thanks guys | 10:38 |
_jeff | im gonna try it again' | 10:38 |
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_jeff | it says broken packages in the terminal | 10:40 |
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_jeff | when i try to get kde-devel and kdebase-dev | 10:40 |
=== _jeff scratches head | ||
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duality | it works for me | 10:41 |
_jeff | damn | 10:42 |
_jeff | ok ill try it in adept | 10:42 |
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duality | what kernel version do you have? | 10:42 |
_jeff | i dont know, i havent changed anything with my kernel since i got breezy | 10:42 |
duality | type uname -r in console | 10:43 |
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_jeff | 2.6.12-10-386 | 10:44 |
duality | try: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-10-386 | 10:44 |
_jeff | ok | 10:44 |
duality | or just linux-headers | 10:46 |
_static | ? | 10:47 |
_static | anyone good with konsole? | 10:48 |
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jtshaw | _static: what you trying to do? | 10:48 |
_static | I earn the whole thing lol jk i want to know how to use flags for wget if this is any | 10:50 |
jtshaw | _static: wget --help and man wget should tell you what you need to know | 10:50 |
_static | buty i dont show it all does it? | 10:51 |
_static | it* | 10:51 |
jtshaw | _static: man wget should show you (plus give a description of) all options | 10:51 |
_static | ok i'll lokk into it ty | 10:52 |
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Armagguedes | does anyone around here wacth anime on kubuntu? | 10:54 |
duality | i do | 10:54 |
Armagguedes | duality do you wacth BLECH [lunar] ? | 10:54 |
Armagguedes | *bleach* | 10:54 |
duality | no =) | 10:54 |
Armagguedes | one piece, naruto? | 10:54 |
duality | just ghost in the shell | 10:55 |
Armagguedes | or h.264/mkv's ? | 10:55 |
duality | mkvs? | 10:55 |
benny | hey guys try kuake a great tool !!!! | 10:55 |
Armagguedes | kaffeine is giving me all sorts of jaggies or artifacts | 10:55 |
benny | hey guys try kuake a great tool !!!! | 10:55 |
Armagguedes | matroska video containers | 10:55 |
duality | dont know, i play them in gmplayer | 10:55 |
benny | try VLC for videos on linux ! | 10:55 |
Armagguedes | vlc is a no go | 10:56 |
Armagguedes | kaffeine outputs artifacted image | 10:56 |
duality | mplayer works for me | 10:56 |
duality | i havent tried kaffeine though | 10:57 |
Armagguedes | ok tks | 10:57 |
Armagguedes | ill check that one | 10:57 |
duality | k | 10:58 |
duality | oh, kuake was cool =p | 10:58 |
=== JosephRivers [n=jer@tuk-dsl-225-143.olympus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
asraniel | hi there. i try to convert a friend to linux. my actual problem is video. kaffeine can't open any videos (codecs are installed) so i try to use totem. but it dos not start. in the console i get this error: http://pastebin.com/634753 | 11:00 |
duality | try mplayer | 11:00 |
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JakubS | mplayer can play about anything :-) | 11:02 |
duality | yeah | 11:02 |
JakubS | i should try playing /dev/urandom, i bet mplayer is able to do it :-) | 11:02 |
duality | it even works with xwinwrap =p | 11:03 |
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inc|freakyy | how to mount a windows drive? | 11:04 |
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duality | inc|freakyy, try "man mount" | 11:04 |
JakubS | duality: what is xwinwrap good for? | 11:04 |
duality | JakubS, it plays movies as a transparent background image =p | 11:05 |
duality | and its eating all resources | 11:05 |
JakubS | and distracting user enough to ensure that s/he won't be able to do anything useful | 11:05 |
duality | hehe | 11:06 |
My8os | inc|freakyy: check this out: http://kudos.berlios.de/kf/kisimlar/windows.html#hddmntman | 11:06 |
duality | its still cool, having an entire movie as a background image =p | 11:06 |
duality | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146533&highlight=sharks | 11:06 |
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Biro_2 | hi people | 11:21 |
Biro_2 | Kbera crash, CAn you another ftp-mangare? | 11:21 |
Biro_2 | its possibile, transfer directory wuhit ftp? (shell)? | 11:22 |
simian_ | when talking about bit torrent, what dose seeding mean? | 11:23 |
OdyX | Biro_2: use Konqueror... | 11:23 |
OdyX | simian_: giving files to "world" | 11:24 |
OdyX | simian_: it's like having your client giving files to other persons... | 11:24 |
OdyX | simian_: being little server | 11:24 |
simian_ | OdyX: so it's a good thing right? | 11:24 |
simian_ | OdyX: and when i close ktorrent i am no longer "seeding" right? | 11:25 |
OdyX | simian_: depends... I mean... Just a question of philosophy... I think I should have a "share ratio" (gived/received) of at least 1 for every file | 11:25 |
OdyX | simian_: it means giving at least as much as received | 11:25 |
OdyX | simian_: and if you close Ktorrent, you do not seed.. | 11:26 |
simian_ | OdyX: thanks for the info :) | 11:26 |
OdyX | simian_: all the pleasure is mine. | 11:27 |
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ricardo | how can i install a binary file? | 11:28 |
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slow-motion | does someone knows an rss feed reader for superkaramba that supports more than one stream? | 11:29 |
XVampireX | How do I upgrade to flight 6 now? | 11:29 |
simian_ | i've downloded a file with a .terrent extention what do i need to do to use this file? | 11:29 |
DeBert | Is it possible to add exceptions to adblock in konqueror? Cause one of my favorite sites refuses to work when adblock is enabled. | 11:29 |
p01n7 | bittorrent | 11:29 |
p01n7 | ktorrent | 11:29 |
XVampireX | azureus | 11:29 |
simian_ | ktorrent | 11:30 |
XVampireX | Azureus :P | 11:30 |
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p01n7 | ktorrent is basically the same thing | 11:30 |
simian_ | sorry i've used ktorrent to download a file, now that file has a .torrent extention | 11:30 |
Biro_2 | doh | 11:31 |
p01n7 | just a LOT less resource hungry | 11:31 |
Biro_2 | thanks | 11:31 |
duality | simian_, you open the *.torrent in ktorrent,, | 11:31 |
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duality | or azureos | 11:32 |
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XVampireX | Do I get flight 6 through sudo apt-get upgrade ? | 11:33 |
simian_ | doh sorry i was being a moron :} | 11:33 |
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Biro_2 | good night, o ahve a nice day... bye people | 11:44 |
duality | cu | 11:44 |
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arron | hello | 11:48 |
arron | ???? | 11:48 |
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simian_ | rm -R removes directories and files within a directory but what do i need to add to it so that i don't constantly get asked if i want to continue for each file? | 11:56 |
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My8os | simian_: try -f | 11:58 |
simian_ | My8os: thanks :) | 11:58 |
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