radix | kiko: +1 | 12:10 |
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kiko | radix, you liked it? | 12:39 |
radix | kiko: yes. to explain (so that you know I'm not just being silly), it replaces a bunch of hard-coded display:nones with some classes that do the same, and then also uses those classes as tags to know how to do sorting (of something) | 12:40 |
radix | also some simple reformatting | 12:40 |
kiko | of specifications in this case, but of anything really | 12:40 |
kiko | I should give my changes back upstream | 12:40 |
kiko | they might find them interesting | 12:40 |
radix | oh, so you were the author :) | 12:41 |
kiko | it was stolen from http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ | 12:41 |
kiko | but it's MIT-licensed! I'm innocent! | 12:41 |
kiko | yeah, I was the author of that patch, yeah | 12:42 |
radix | :) | 12:42 |
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lifeless | moin moin | 01:32 |
lifeless | radix: I think we need to rollout spivs fixes anyway to make it work better | 01:33 |
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mpt | hello SteveA | 06:00 |
mpt | kiko-zzz, if you're going to change the JavaScript to pay attention to class=, why not change it to *sort* by class= when present? That way you don't need to cruft up the tables with invisible <span>s | 06:04 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] Adds an to the right column to ensure that the left column always appears, fixing bug 31342 (Launchpad main_template is broken when there's no actions portlet), as evidenced by the branch pages. (r3378: Matthew Paul Thomas) | 07:56 |
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decent- | Hello UBUNTU | 08:02 |
decent- | hey everyone | 08:02 |
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mart | hi, are there docs for launchpad? I'm trying to find out how to close a bug. | 10:36 |
SteveA | mart: hello | 10:39 |
SteveA | what page are you looking at right now? | 10:39 |
mart | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdegraphics/+bug/19008 | 10:39 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 19008 in kdegraphics kdvi "KDvi complains of file corruption on all DVI files." [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 10:39 |
=== SteveA looks | ||
mart | SteveA: is there an email address that I can CC to to close it? | 10:40 |
=== mpt_ cries | ||
SteveA | let's stick to the web UI for now | 10:41 |
SteveA | do you see that table with the orangey row in it | 10:41 |
mart | yup | 10:41 |
SteveA | it says "Affects: kdegraphics kdvi ..." | 10:41 |
SteveA | click on that | 10:41 |
SteveA | it will open up | 10:41 |
mart | ah.... | 10:41 |
SteveA | the thing is, a bug in malone can be a bug in many different contexts | 10:41 |
SteveA | so, a bug in X could manifest in ubuntu, but not in debian, for example | 10:42 |
SteveA | depending on how the packaging and configuration is done | 10:42 |
mart | ok | 10:42 |
SteveA | and the bug can be fixed in ubuntu and not in upstream X | 10:42 |
SteveA | or vice versa | 10:42 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] Cleans up the Projects page, hopefully reducing the problem where people think teams or products are projects. Also, 'chars' are cleaning ladies and should not appear in Launchpad's interface. (r3379: Matthew Paul Thomas) | 10:42 |
SteveA | so, there are often different rows in that table, with different statuses etc. | 10:42 |
mart | I just clicked the URL in the email I got | 10:42 |
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SteveA | the launchpad ui designer feels it is important for people to be aware of what context they are closing a bug in | 10:43 |
mart | SteveA: so, in general, there's no email interface for this sort of stuff? | 10:43 |
SteveA | there is indeed an email interface | 10:43 |
SteveA | i'll find you the docs | 10:43 |
mart | great | 10:44 |
SteveA | https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc | 10:44 |
mart | thanks. | 10:44 |
SteveA | BjornT is the main maintainer of the email system | 10:45 |
SteveA | so if he's around and you have a question about it, you can ask | 10:45 |
=== mpt_ wonders why "affects /distros/ubuntu/firefox" works, and what it does | ||
mpt_ | Presumably Ubuntu doesn't have a release called Firefox :-) | 10:46 |
SteveA | heuristics perhaps | 10:46 |
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mpt_ | I have conflicts in current.sql, here's how I think I'll fix them | 11:14 |
mpt_ | 1. Move my DB patch out of schema/ | 11:14 |
mpt_ | 2. make schema | 11:14 |
mpt_ | 3. run my patch on the DB | 11:14 |
mpt_ | 4. make newsampledata | 11:15 |
mpt_ | Am I on the right track? | 11:15 |
mpt_ | SteveA? | 11:22 |
SteveA | erm, db stuff | 11:22 |
SteveA | no idea, unless i looked into it | 11:23 |
mpt_ | If that works as a general process then I can put it on the wiki | 11:23 |
mpt_ | I shall try it and see | 11:25 |
mpt_ | this looks like it's going to fail because of comments.sql | 11:27 |
mpt_ | so, move your comments.sql to pending/ as well, then copy comments.sql from rocketfuel into your current branch's schema/ ... | 11:30 |
mpt_ | oh, syntax errors in current.sql, of course | 11:32 |
mart | ok, one more question - how do I subscribe to all bugs for a particular package? | 11:39 |
=== BjornT [n=bjorn@clt-84-32-240-183.dtiltas.lt] has joined #launchpad | ||
mdke | mart, go to the page, click bugs, then bugmail settings, then check the box | 11:43 |
mpt_ | Hey BjornT, what does "affects /distros/ubuntu/firefox" do? | 11:44 |
mart | mdke: I don't see bugmail settings, which page are you looking at? | 11:44 |
mdke | mart, after you click bugs, you see bugmail settings | 11:44 |
mart | mdke: I at https://launchpad.net/products/koffice/+bugs | 11:45 |
mdke | ah, that's not a package | 11:46 |
mdke | no idea how to do that | 11:46 |
mart | gawd. | 11:46 |
mart | well, where's the package page? | 11:46 |
mdke | oh i see. since koffice doesn't use malone as its bugtracker, you can't subscribe to its bugs | 11:47 |
mdke | there are no bugs | 11:47 |
mdke | are you looking for ubuntu bugs maybe? | 11:47 |
mart | mdke: yep | 11:47 |
mdke | ok | 11:47 |
mdke | that's under Ubuntu. https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/koffice | 11:48 |
mpt_ | Just what I was going to say, mdke :-) | 11:48 |
mdke | it's tricky this upstream/downstream business | 11:49 |
mart | ah... I'd got to the dapper specific pages, which doesn't have that link | 11:49 |
mdke | that sounds like a bug to me | 11:50 |
mdke | mpt_, you can't adjust bug contact settings for individual distro releases? | 11:50 |
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mpt_ | mdke, I know of only one person on Earth who'd be interested in getting all bugmail for a distro release | 11:53 |
mpt_ | or do you mean a distro release source package? | 11:53 |
mdke | yes, the latter | 11:54 |
mart | er, I wouldn't want it if it was only the bugs for one particular release - it's just that that's the page that I was looking for it | 11:54 |
mart | (I didn't know the other page existed) | 11:55 |
mdke | yes. it's confusing. there is the same problem with translations, except the other way round | 11:55 |
mdke | i.e. you can't see translations unless you go to the distro release source page | 11:56 |
=== mart boggles | ||
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sebest__ | i'm trying to registre a new "remote bug tracker" but i can't find where this must be done | 12:02 |
sebest__ | it is said that it can be done from "Malone home page", but i can't find it on malone home page | 12:03 |
mpt_ | that's bug 35728 | 12:04 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 35728 in malone "Registering a bug tracker is prohibitively difficult" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/35728 | 12:04 |
sebest__ | mpt_: the conclusion is that it's not yet possible? | 12:06 |
mpt_ | It can't be impossible, because we've had non-existent bug trackers registered, and that's not something we'd do ourselves :-) | 12:06 |
mpt_ | I found it! | 12:07 |
mpt_ | so, go to the Malone front page | 12:08 |
mpt_ | then click "See all 38..." | 12:08 |
mpt_ | then click "Register Bug Tracker" | 12:08 |
mpt_ | this is like a treasure hunt | 12:08 |
sebest__ | is https://launchpad.net/malone the malone front page? | 12:10 |
mpt_ | yes | 12:10 |
sebest__ | i don't have the "See all 38..." | 12:11 |
mpt_ | look harder :-) | 12:11 |
mpt_ | Clue: It's in something that looks like an advertisement | 12:11 |
sebest__ | i just have a box with "malone statistics" saying that there is 38 bug tracker | 12:11 |
sebest__ | oh i find it | 12:12 |
sebest__ | thanx to firefox search | 12:12 |
mpt_ | heh | 12:12 |
sebest__ | that's like the movie "the net" with sandra bullock and finding the "pi" symbol | 12:13 |
mpt_ | Haven't seen that movie | 12:14 |
mpt_ | kiko-zzz probably has, though | 12:14 |
sebest__ | there should a be link instead of saying "you can add a new bug tracker from malone homepage" | 12:16 |
ajmitch__ | probably why he's asleep - the movie is that bad | 12:16 |
sebest__ | "click here to add a new bug trakcer" | 12:16 |
mpt_ | sebest__, nah, you should be able to just enter the URL of the bug and Malone sniffs out what kind of bugtracker it is and registers it automatically | 12:22 |
sebest__ | that would be the perfect solution , i was just proposing a quick fix using simple technologies (HTML 1.0) | 12:24 |
mpt_ | Alas, HTML 1.0 doesn't have forms ;-) | 12:24 |
sebest__ | no need for forms, just a simple <a href to the page i was looking for :) | 12:25 |
sebest__ | this one: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugtrackers/+newbugtracker | 12:26 |
mpt_ | But what use is a bugtracker, Mister Anderson, if you are unable to enter anything in it? | 12:26 |
mpt_ | (I've seen *that* movie) | 12:26 |
sebest__ | don't think you are, know it! | 12:27 |
sebest__ | (me too) | 12:27 |
sebest__ | can you link? | 12:27 |
sebest__ | eg say that malone bug 123 is upstream bug 345 ? | 12:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 123 in rosetta "There's no direct way to see the project info when translating it" [Normal,Fix released] http://launchpad.net/bugs/123 | 12:27 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 345 in bazaar "PANIC: Unknown error with arch_tree_show_rejects" [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/345 | 12:27 |
mpt_ | sebest__, that's the whole point of registering external bug trackers :-) | 12:28 |
mpt_ | so you can say "this is debbugs 345", and the status automatically updates in Malone when it updates in debbugs | 12:28 |
sebest__ | and that doesn't work? | 12:30 |
mpt_ | yes, it does | 12:32 |
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mpt_ | BjornT! | 01:03 |
mpt_ | Do you have time to answer a question about commands.py? | 01:03 |
mpt_ | mail/commands.py, that is | 01:04 |
ddaa | mpt_: thanks, the branch pages look better now | 01:15 |
ddaa | though I'm still a bit puzzled by mark's requirement not to use two columns layout for those pages... | 01:16 |
ddaa | like, okay, can use three columns, but we've got nothing in the third one... | 01:16 |
mpt_ | mm | 01:16 |
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level- | anybody online that can have a look at a pic? | 01:32 |
level- | i don't know if it's just epiphany or something for the moment, but something looks nasty at malone. | 01:32 |
mpt_ | level-, what pic? | 01:33 |
level- | wait a second, i'm having problems with apache. | 01:33 |
level- | a screenshot to be exact. | 01:33 |
level- | mpt_: http://ventosus.ubuntuserver.be/Screenshot.png | 01:34 |
mpt_ | level-, that's bug 28750 | 01:35 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 28750 in malone "3-column page layout is too narrow for bug activity table (+activity)" [Normal,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/28750 | 01:35 |
mpt_ | a five-minute fix | 01:35 |
mpt_ | I'll do it now | 01:35 |
level- | mpt_: i'm quite new with launchpad hehe. | 01:37 |
level- | and malone. | 01:37 |
level- | actually i like the idea of it. i was glad that the dist-upgrade to dapper 6.06 went all good, nothing lost/misconfigured and took a look at launchpad too. | 01:38 |
mpt_ | Just need to go offline to upload the fix (long story), I'll be back in about ten minutes | 01:39 |
level- | heh. | 01:39 |
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ploum | hello | 01:39 |
ploum | What about putting random karma to everyone today ? | 01:40 |
ploum | ;-) | 01:40 |
level- | :) | 01:40 |
ploum | I'm sure it would confuse some users :-D | 01:41 |
ploum | and it would make a great top 5 | 01:41 |
level- | it already confused me. | 01:41 |
level- | since i have like 5 minutes of stay on freenode. | 01:41 |
level- | bbl. eating. | 01:43 |
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mpt | back | 01:46 |
mpt | bug should be fixed on launchpad.net in about two weeks | 01:46 |
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mpt | ajmitch__, I have a bug page loading showing "Importance" instead of "Severity" and "Priority" | 01:56 |
mpt | It's been a long struggle to get to this point | 01:56 |
jsgotangco | hey guys | 01:56 |
jsgotangco | is there an existing bug about decreasing karam although there is continous activity? | 01:56 |
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ajmitch__ | jsgotangco: I think that's just part of the normal decay, isn't it? | 01:59 |
jsgotangco | im not sure, i've had activity for the past 3 days on bug comments | 01:59 |
ajmitch__ | since afaik karma earned in the past drops off | 02:00 |
jsgotangco | some not recorded | 02:00 |
jsgotangco | yes | 02:00 |
jsgotangco | but only happens with inactivity right? | 02:00 |
ajmitch__ | nope | 02:00 |
ajmitch__ | I think you have to maintain activity just to keep constant karma | 02:00 |
jsgotangco | but comments do not count? | 02:00 |
ajmitch__ | I don't know | 02:01 |
mpt | The karma value of anything you did in Launchpad declines to reach zero a year afterward | 02:01 |
mpt | When I was asked what the karma for adding a comment to a bug report should be, I said "-1" | 02:01 |
mpt | I'm not sure what the eventual decision was | 02:02 |
ajmitch__ | mpt: is it constant decay, or does a karma point earned just go to 0 a year later? | 02:02 |
mpt | constant decay | 02:02 |
jsgotangco | ahhh | 02:03 |
jsgotangco | that' explains it i guess | 02:03 |
jsgotangco | so some karma last year on translations are starting to decay... | 02:03 |
ajmitch__ | eg I'm still doing work but my karma is hovering around 25K - plenty of old karma is disappearing for me | 02:04 |
jsgotangco | that explains it | 02:04 |
jsgotangco | m karma is pretty dismal | 02:05 |
mpt | In summary: Big bounces mean we're playing with the algorithm. Steady declines mean you're not working hard enough. | 02:05 |
=== mpt cracks his whip | ||
jsgotangco | ekk | 02:05 |
ajmitch__ | small bounces means you've got a bursty work pattern :) | 02:06 |
mpt | wow, I can now report a bug and Launchpad doesn't crash | 02:06 |
mpt | I'm making progress | 02:06 |
ajmitch__ | that's a good start | 02:06 |
mpt | bug listings still crash | 02:06 |
mpt | but that can wait till tomorrow | 02:06 |
ajmitch__ | it worries me that you're surprised that launchpad *didn't* crash | 02:07 |
mpt | Well, I'm messing around with the database schema | 02:07 |
mpt | which breaks a lot of pages | 02:07 |
mpt | Once I can no longer find pages that crash, I'll run the test suite for further misery | 02:08 |
ajmitch__ | I'm surprised you're still working on it this late :) | 02:10 |
mpt | It's addictive | 02:11 |
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kiko-zzz | hello hello! | 02:34 |
kiko-zzz | mpt_, use grep to further your addiction | 02:34 |
kiko-zzz | jamesh, yo? | 02:38 |
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mpt_ | kiko, I've been using grep for the past month | 02:46 |
kiko | well, you did miss bug/summary in the milestone index page | 02:46 |
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kiko | (which was, yes, untested, so +1 to having discovered it) | 02:47 |
mpt_ | kiko, I did that with tests, not with grep *or* Search For Files | 02:48 |
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kiko | mpt_, yeah, I know, but I'm pointing out that, just like tests, grep is anoter tool to be used when refactoring | 02:50 |
kiko | another even | 02:50 |
mpt_ | true, though there were many other kinds of "summary" in templates/ | 02:52 |
kiko | yeah -- bug/summary would have been a better match | 02:52 |
mpt_ | I'm using grep for severity though, since there are many fewer false positives | 02:52 |
kiko | yeah | 02:52 |
kiko | there shouldn't be any actually | 02:52 |
kiko | grep -i severity | 02:52 |
kiko | you'll find upper and lowercase | 02:53 |
mpt_ | there are, for Bugzilla watches | 02:53 |
kiko | I see | 02:53 |
kiko | only in externalbugtracker.py | 02:53 |
kiko | ? | 02:53 |
kiko | or in other locations? | 02:53 |
mpt_ | and a few other places | 02:53 |
kiko | how surprising | 02:54 |
kiko | I didn't think we displayed that anywhere | 02:54 |
kiko | mpt_, are you up for some javascript/template review? | 03:04 |
kiko | I need to land some code and nobody is around | 03:04 |
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kiko | mpt_, are you up for some javascript/template review? | 03:18 |
fabbione | kiko: i am :) | 03:21 |
kiko | YES! | 03:21 |
fabbione | i am not sure you want me to review the 1st of Apr.. | 03:22 |
fabbione | but sure.. | 03:22 |
kiko | ajmitch__, the movie is TERRIBLE | 03:22 |
kiko | where is my pastebin | 03:24 |
kiko | fabbione, https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileKGzYlo.html | 03:24 |
fabbione | oh hmm | 03:25 |
fabbione | i need to dig the passwd | 03:25 |
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fabbione | - if (itm.match(/^[\d\.] +$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_numeric; | 03:29 |
fabbione | + if (itm.match(/^-?[\d\.] +$/)) sortfn = ts_sort_numeric; | 03:29 |
fabbione | kiko: are you sure about this regexp? | 03:30 |
kiko | well, what I /want/ is to allow -322.30 and 1123.22 to both work. | 03:30 |
fabbione | kiko: otherwise the other changes look good to me | 03:30 |
kiko | the precious code didn't allow negatives | 03:31 |
kiko | previous | 03:31 |
fabbione | ok | 03:31 |
fabbione | than i am ok with it | 03:31 |
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kiko | thanks! | 03:31 |
fabbione | it's more likely a cleanup of the code | 03:31 |
fabbione | nothing too fancy anyway | 03:31 |
kiko | the important change is the addition of the class-handling code to the .js | 03:32 |
fabbione | yes | 03:33 |
kiko | thanks! | 03:33 |
fabbione | but that also reflect as cleanup in the other bits and pieces | 03:33 |
kiko | yeah, the use of the class is nice because I can centralize the style | 03:34 |
fabbione | <span style="display: none" -> <span class="sortkey" | 03:34 |
fabbione | exactly | 03:34 |
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kiko | sabdfl! | 03:35 |
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level- | mpt__: are you still there? got another screenshot that shows that bug, but this time in the Bug Description... http://ventosus.ubuntuserver.be/Screenshot-1.png | 06:06 |
level- | i don't think it's the same bug. | 06:06 |
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LarstiQ | kiko-zzz: will you send out a launchpad status soonish again? | 07:36 |
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mgalvin | is there a way in lauchpad to determine how many bugs where closed during a given timeframe? | 10:14 |
mgalvin | i though it would be nice, since bug guts are flying all over the place, to include those numbers in the next release overview to provide an example of how much effort is *really* going into polishing dapper | 10:14 |
mart | mmmm.... bug guts.... | 10:15 |
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mpt__ | Gooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 11:59 |
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