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Yagisan | G'day All. Upgrading from breezys amd64 kernel to dapper's as of 4 hours ago | 05:34 |
Yagisan | results in a non-bootable system. Last kernel message was | 05:35 |
Yagisan | PANIC Circular dependency - Exiting | 05:35 |
infinity | Yagisan: Can you "dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-(whatever it was)" and try again? | 05:42 |
infinity | Yagisan: Sounds like maybe your initramfs only got half updated (a bug I'll commit a fix for next week) | 05:42 |
Yagisan | infinity: I wish I could. but the old kernels don't boot either | 05:47 |
Yagisan | I'm waiting for a flight6 amd64 iso to download so I can chroot in | 05:48 |
Yagisan | hopefully | 05:48 |
=== Yagisan is loggin in via his firewall | ||
Yagisan | old kernels endlessly repeat "Segmentation fault" | 05:49 |
infinity | Ugh. Fun. | 05:56 |
infinity | Well, when you manage to get an ISO and chroot in, let me know if that fixes it. | 05:56 |
infinity | This one's looming large on my radar for things I need to fix before we release and masses statr dist-upgrading (for obvious reasons) | 05:57 |
Yagisan | will do. 100MB to go, then to put a burner on the firewall. | 05:59 |
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Yagisan | infinity: you were right earlier about the initramfs not being correctly generated. I've managed to get the system to boot now, and am cleaning up other upgrade breakage. Thanks for your help. | 01:55 |
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zul | heylo | 06:25 |
BenC | yo | 06:52 |
zul | hey BenC how is it going? | 06:57 |
BenC | not too bad | 06:58 |
BenC | trying to get all these patches together so I can release a new kernel | 06:58 |
zul | good vacaction? | 06:58 |
BenC | I might just skip all these new ones since current build is pretty good | 06:58 |
BenC | yeah, pretty decent, I pulled over $1500 playing cash games | 06:58 |
zul | i should have a couple of more patches for you next week as well | 06:58 |
zul | nice.. | 06:59 |
BenC | too bad I didn't do well in the $600 tourney, or I'd actually made a profit | 06:59 |
zul | hehe.. | 06:59 |
BenC | broke even, considering all my costs and the $900 profit from playing, so it wasn't a waste | 07:00 |
zul | atlantic city? | 07:00 |
zul | oh yeah, im quiting my job as well.. | 07:01 |
zul | holy fake boobs batman | 07:04 |
zul | this 15 year old has bigger boobs than my feet.. | 07:05 |
crimsun | BenC: sorry about the spam. The latest patch to add a 'Jack Sense' blacklist entry was created against the wrong git branch locally (missing a previous Jack Sense addition), so you'll have to hand-apply whenever you apply it. | 07:07 |
BenC | ok | 07:08 |
BenC | zul: nah, I went to foxwoods this time, there was a WPT tournament series | 07:08 |
zul | BenC: coolio | 07:09 |
fabbione | hey BenC ! | 07:18 |
fabbione | BenC: can you please pull from me before you upload? | 07:18 |
fabbione | BenC: i have a few important fixes. | 07:18 |
fabbione | BenC: there is also a patch from mjg59 to fix ACPI that we must get in for -20- | 07:19 |
fabbione | BenC: it fixes a few tons of regressions and makes the world happy again | 07:19 |
fabbione | BenC: expect soon an e1000 driver backport from .16 | 07:19 |
fabbione | the one we have in .15 is crashorama on my |Viagara | 07:19 |
infinity | BenC / fabbione : You guys mind if I add myself to the LP kernel-team, since I do the LRM junk and whatnot? | 07:27 |
infinity | fabbione: The Niagara uses Intel ethernet? | 07:28 |
fabbione | infinity: sure you can add yourself.. or i can add you.. | 07:30 |
fabbione | infinity: the T1000 comes with tg3, the t2000 with e1000 | 07:31 |
fabbione | infinity: done | 07:33 |
infinity | Yeah, I can add myself to any team due to being an LP admin (still, argh), but I prefer to ask. :) | 07:34 |
fabbione | ehhehe | 07:34 |
infinity | Also, whacky on the Intel NIC in sparc box. Never thought I'd see the day. | 07:34 |
fabbione | well they have no reason to develop their cards anylonger | 07:34 |
fabbione | they have a pci-x and pci-e in that box | 07:34 |
infinity | No, true, but they always seemed to pick weird vendors anyway (like all the godawful ALI chipsets on the SunFire stuff) | 07:35 |
fabbione | they still use ALI for the only ide cdrom | 07:36 |
fabbione | anyway food... | 07:36 |
infinity | Also, do either of you have ATI video hardware? If so, I've been forwarded an offer to get in the fglrx beta program. | 07:36 |
fabbione | just arrived :) | 07:36 |
infinity | I'll sign up and test on my laptop, but if you guys want to be in on it and test crap, let me know. | 07:36 |
fabbione | i know davem does | 07:36 |
fabbione | i don't | 07:36 |
fabbione | you mean on sparc? | 07:36 |
infinity | I doubt they'll build fglrx on sparc. I mean on i386/amd64 | 07:37 |
fabbione | or just x86? | 07:37 |
fabbione | nah | 07:37 |
fabbione | i have no interest | 07:37 |
fabbione | thanks | 07:37 |
fabbione | later | 07:37 |
infinity | Kay. | 07:37 |
infinity | Later. | 07:37 |
infinity | BenC: Let me know if you want in on the fglrx beta program. If so, I'll let ATI know. | 07:37 |
=== infinity heads to bed. | ||
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BenC | infinity: Only ATI hw I have is PPC, so unless they have a PPC-linux beta, then no thanks :) | 10:40 |
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=== cjb is all for people shunning ATI. | ||
=== JanC [n=janc@lugwv/member/JanC] has joined #ubuntu-kernel |
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