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sethnetwork-manager-kde is working great07:13
sethbut my wireless doesn't work right now07:13
sethit scans, but can't connect07:14
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Tm_Tkwwii: good morning07:32
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kwwiisooo, /me starts working on the dapper artwork todo07:37
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Parkotronkwwii: Are there plans for a new default icon theme for Kubuntu?07:51
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kwwiiParkotron: nope, but there are plans to make a few icons which were missing07:57
Hobbseehi kwwii 07:57
kwwiicheck out the wiki page for the list of things toDo until now07:57
kwwiihi Hobbsee07:57
Hobbseewhich wiki page is this?07:57
Hobbseeah yes07:59
kwwiithe first thing I will work on is the usplash stuff08:00
Parkotronkwwii: Sorry, I meant to say a new CURSOR theme.08:02
ParkotronI realise that Dapper is fast approaching, so I don't expect anything to happen soon, but I really think Kubuntu could use some new cursors.08:02
kwwiiParkotron: well, that is on the list :-)08:03
sethReally? I really like the cursor theme08:03
ParkotronThe Ubuntu Human ones are nice, but they're quite Gnomish.08:03
sethsimple and clean08:03
kwwiithey are the best ones we have now, imho08:03
kwwiibut they could fit beter with the KDE look and feel08:04
ParkotronThey could also stand to have a bigger version. On high resolution displays, they can look awfully small.08:04
ParkotronPersonally I'd like to see something like Pinux's Tux Cursors (http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=19506&PHPSESSID=9ce6a9d6dc6598761e7ea68f43bea9dd) but they would definately need some changes.08:09
kwwiiwell, I already started work on a new default cursor theme for KDE which includes a bigger version08:09
ParkotronAre they svg based?08:09
kwwiieverything I do is SVG based :-)08:10
kwwiibut the small pics are pretty much redrawn by hand when necessary08:10
ParkotronUnderstandable. You wouldn't happen to have a sample you'd be willing to share, do you?08:11
kwwiito be honest, I only have two cursors done until now...but once I have enough done to really show I will post them08:12
ParkotronWell, thanks anyway. Daylight saving time just happed here, some I'm now up really late plus an extra hour. Good night.08:14
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glickis anyone up?10:19
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kmonKNetworkmanager works great here :)01:00
Lurekmon: great01:01
kmonmy problem was that the bcm43xx kernel driver doesn't support wpa, wep with rate=5401:01
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raphinkamarok 3.3.6 ???!!!!02:03
raphinksomeone should correct that ;)02:03
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Hobbseewe're just going way into the future...02:03
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Riddellmy poor little brain mixed up amarok and qt02:08
Hobbseepoor riddell brain...02:08
Riddellwe need more random kubuntu images for website stories02:08
Hobbseetell you what, i'll do the site if you do my maths test tomorrow :P02:09
Riddellmaths is easy, especially with the groovy katapult calculator plugin02:10
Riddellresort to speedcrunch for advanced stuff02:10
Hobbseeit's calculus though...02:11
Hobbseestuff i cant really do with a calculator...02:11
=== Hobbsee throws more seeds out of her dinner - i'm not a bird, for goodness sake!!!!
LureHobbsee: ;-)02:12
tvohehe, guess I should add calculus to the katapult calculator plugin :p02:12
=== Hobbsee cant fly either!
=== tvo continues studying numerical mathematics :/
raphinkwow great02:15
raphinkthanks Riddell for telling about the katapult calculator02:15
raphinkhowever I don't call that maths ;)02:16
PygiLure: yay, n-m was mentioned in TUX02:16
Pygialtought not directly :-P02:16
raphinkHobbsee: what kind of calculus is it?02:17
Hobbseeraphink: evil stuff - first year02:17
raphinkevil stuff is not a subject I know of02:17
raphinkI think I must have missed this one02:17
LureRiddell: what is your plan regarding knm - should we push for main?02:21
PygiLure: not yet I suggest... not until we have n-m 0.6.202:22
Luren-m-gnome is in main and on Live CD, why should we do the same with Kubuntu Live CD02:23
Lurethere will be always another bug to fix...02:23
raphinkand as Ploum suggested, we should get some bugs in Dapper02:24
raphinkthere are too few02:24
Pygiloool 02:25
=== Pygi kills raphink ;)
raphinkPygi: you didn't read the bug report?02:25
Pygiraphink: no?02:25
UbugtuMalone bug 37579 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu doesn't urge enough users to contribute to OpenSource" [Critical,Rejected]  02:25
Pyginotice rejected02:26
raphinkof course, thankfully ;)02:26
raphinksomeone noted that this bug conflicted with malone 102:26
UbugtuMalone bug 1 in Baltix "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/102:26
freeflyingwhy kaffeine can not stop screensaver when it play in fullscreeen mode02:27
freeflyingraphink: hi02:27
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raphinkhi freeflying02:29
freeflyingraphink: you owe me a review ,hehe 02:33
kmonfreeflying: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kaffeine/+bug/3001802:34
UbugtuMalone bug 30018 in kaffeine "screensaver starts while kaffeine is playing a film in fullscreen" [Normal,Confirmed]  02:34
kmonsomeone suggested a solution in there02:35
kmon"the problem is to do with missing -lXtst at compile time"02:35
kmonso we need someone to try that and upload an updated package02:36
freeflyingkmon: seems the build-dep need add something 02:36
raphinkfreeflying: I don't remember owing you anything02:44
freeflyingraphink: :) 02:44
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pradeeptoRiddell: around?03:38
Lurekwwii: around?04:02
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martis it OK to copy a bug off launchpad and file it upstream?04:45
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Tm_Twhat bug04:47
UbugtuMalone bug 31633 in gtk-qt-engine "emacs-snapshot-gtk unusable with gtk-qt-engine" [Normal,Confirmed]  04:48
martit's not mentioned in the freedesktop.org bugzilla04:48
martso I guess they don't know about it04:48
Tm_Toh, bug out :)04:48
Luremart: only if you are sure that bug is upstream...04:48
martLure: how could I possibly tell?04:48
martat least if I file it upstream they can check04:49
Lurefirst indication might be that ubuntu has older version than upstream04:49
martreally, I can't see them releasing anything past 0.604:49
martwhich is the package I'm using.04:50
Luresince ubuntu changes are not substantial, it is probably common bug04:51
Luretherefore it makes sense to request bug fix from upstream04:52
martok, I'll ask upstream if they are able to reproduce.04:52
_SimeRiddell: guidance 0.6.4 is up. ( http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/ )05:01
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LureRiddell, raphink: seen this - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/189905:56
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Lure_Riddell, kwwii: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=154000&page=207:48
kwwiisee how people take art personally07:49
kwwiihe says he would never have made it GPL if he'd have known people were going to change it07:50
kwwiifunny taht07:50
Lure_kwwii: btw, how can a fix my 1920x1200 wallpapers - I am showing my kubuntu to ppl and this is still an ugly issue07:50
Lure_kwwii: true, some do not get GPL...07:51
kwwiiI will have to make new versions of the wallpaper07:52
kwwiisince I did them with bitmaps07:52
kwwii(the bubbles, I mean)07:53
Lure_kwwii: can I replace them somehow (temporary fix)?07:53
kwwiiLure_: well, you could try to simply scale them with GIMP and see how they work07:54
Lure_bubbles are not an issue, as they are stretched - t is more a KDM login screen and splash during login07:54
kwwiior, if you say "pretty please" I will make bigger ones tonight :-)07:54
kwwiiwell, the bg for that is really easy to change07:54
Lure_kwwii: pretty please, please07:55
kwwiigive me a few hours (to put my son to bed) and then I will take care of it07:55
Lure_ok, thanks - probably easier fo you to just do it that explaining to me07:55
kwwiiyeah, it would save time07:59
kwwiiso the kdm bg is the most important right now07:59
RiddellLure_: kdm and ksplash should be ok07:59
kwwiiRiddell: did you make a bigger version of the bg?07:59
Lure_Riddell: not for 1920x120007:59
kwwiithe orig was 1600x1200 which would not be scaled at bigger sizes08:00
Lure_icons are now placed corectly, but background image (soft blue) is just 1600x1200, so I have some trash at right08:00
Riddell/usr/share/apps/kdm/themes/kubuntu/kubuntu-wallpaper.png: PNG image data, 1600 x 1200, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced08:00
Riddellguess not08:00
kwwiiI will take care of it08:00
kwwiiit is only stripesw :-)08:01
kwwiiRiddell: should I send a mail to JBUS about the kdm, etc?08:01
kwwiiI really knew nothing about the whole situation and I hate that someone is angry08:02
Riddellkwwii: it's the first I've heard of it.  if you think you can be diplomatic enough then do contact him08:02
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Tonio_hello :)09:34
Riddellsalut Tonio_ 09:37
Lurehi Tonio_09:38
Tonio_bonjour Riddell09:39
Tonio_hi Lure :)09:39
RiddellTonio_: any ideas why antialiasing and mouse cursor themes are broken in flight 6?09:39
Tonio_Riddell: are they ?09:40
LureTonio_: seen this - http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/189909:40
Tonio_I didn't test flight609:40
Riddellon new installs yes, but not on upgraded ones09:40
RiddellI've run out of ideas on what's caused them both09:40
Tonio_Riddell: I will test...09:40
Tonio_Riddell: does flight6 contains 3.5.2 ?09:41
Tonio_Lure: yes I agree, we at least should have beta version of cups.......09:41
Tonio_Lure: sounds strange having an outdated svn version09:41
LureRiddell: who is doing cups in Ubuntu?09:41
Tonio_Lure: pitty09:42
RiddellLure: pitti09:42
RiddellI've pointed the recent blog out to him09:42
LureTonio_: I am just concerned that new version will not help with kdeprint - and old cups is just used as excuse09:42
Tonio_sorry for the bad name :)09:42
Tonio_Lure: yes, but we can ask for something to kde devs if we have a beta version, not an svn.....09:42
Tonio_Lure: unless I'm wrong09:43
Riddellthe kdeprint maintainer knows about the problem and has been promising to fix it since august09:45
kwwiihrm, I forgot my wiki login :-(09:45
Tonio_Riddell: technically, a flight 5 up to date with 3.5.2 should give the same result than a flight 6 when using a virgin profile09:45
Tonio_Riddell: I'm trying to reproduce09:45
kwwiiLure: I made a 1920x1200 version for kdm09:46
Lureprint seems to major grief by new users of dapper09:46
Lurekwwii: thank you!!!09:46
kwwiiLure: but my screen is so small that I am not 100% sure that it is exactly the same as the one before :-) you'll have to test it09:46
Lurekwwii: ;-)09:46
RiddellTonio_: that's what I thought, so I installed flight 5 and upgraded qt then kde then everything else, and it still had no problems with anti-aliasing09:47
Riddellkwwii: it's your e-mail address used in launchpad09:47
Lurekwwii: you can reset password in lauchpad09:47
Tonio_Riddell: problem with the building of flight6 ?09:47
RiddellTonio_: no, can't be09:48
Riddellyou can turn on antialiasing easily enough 09:48
kwwiithankfully I only have three different email accounts and 6 passwords09:48
kwwiimy sixth try worked :-)09:48
kwwiiI'll put the pic, and the svg on the wiki09:48
Tonio_Riddell: the difference can be the default kde config files maybe09:49
Tonio_when you install flight5 and upgrade, you should have differences on that point09:49
Riddellyep, but I was deleteing everything in the home directory on each try09:49
Tonio_Riddell: weird......09:50
=== Lure hides - raphink is banging on #ubuntu-devel with his core-dev hat regarding cups... ;)
Tonio_okay, let's burn flight609:52
raphinkpitti is not there anyway09:53
Lureraphink: ;-)09:53
=== Tonio_ is missing a blank cd at home.......
Tonio_Riddell: will test this week.... we can correct the problem in k-d-s anyway even if we don't understand it09:54
Tonio_Riddell: by adding the required values to reactivate antialiasing09:54
Riddellyeah it may come to that. the weird thing is that kdm and ksplash seem to be fine, it's only after ksplash that apps don't use antialiasing09:55
Tonio_Riddell: can I make main inclusion report for knetworkmanager ?09:55
RiddellTonio_: yes please!09:55
Tonio_Riddell: doing :)09:55
Tonio_kwwii: nice :)09:57
raphinkkwwii: if you have things to upload iin k-d-s, I need to change the background back09:57
raphinkso please ask ;)09:58
raphinkso I don't have to make just a version to revert 09:58
kwwiiraphink: not sure I understand you09:58
raphinkkwwii: k-d-s currently has the 1st april wallpaper09:58
Riddellraphink: kwwii has no upload rights09:58
raphinkso if you have new stuff to upload09:58
kwwiiahhhh, gotcha09:58
raphinktell me 09:58
raphinkso I don' thave to make a new version just to revert the wallpaper to previous09:58
kwwiioh no, I'll tell Riddell and let him sort it out P)09:59
LureRiddell, kwwii: remind me - where is background located?09:59
kwwiiraphink: ahh, yeah, might be easier for everyone if you do it09:59
RiddellLure: which one?09:59
Lureraphink: this is just login wallpaper09:59
Lurekdm login screen and ksplash10:00
kwwiiLure: easiest of all is: http://bootsplash.org/kdm-bg2-wide.png10:00
Tonio_Riddell: did someone else but you confirm that antialiasing bug ?10:00
kwwiiLure: oops, as in, in the system you meant...sorry10:01
Lurekwwii: no pb, just want to try before raphink packages it... ;-)10:01
kwwiitest it, my monitor is not that big10:01
kwwiidefinitely test it first10:02
RiddellTonio_: yes had one other complaint10:02
kwwiiif the thing is scaled in any way we need to remove it10:02
kwwiiscaling stripes is evil10:02
Riddellkwwii: that image is cropped, not scaled10:02
Tonio_Riddell: okay, I will focuss on this tomorrow, when I bought some cds :)10:02
kwwiiRiddell: yeah, and until someone with a monitor that bigs tells me that it works I still won't sleep well :-)10:03
sethis that a bigger version of the stripe wallpaper than we have now?10:03
sethmy 1680x1050 monitor has a black strip because the stripe wallpaper isn't big enough10:03
kwwiiseth: well, that should be fixed with my new version :-)10:04
sethgreat :-)10:04
kwwiiseth: test it and tell us!10:04
sethis it in the archive?10:04
mornfall[snipped a pageful of "rewrite all package systems on all distributions" style wish]  "I'm happy to help (by thinking through problems) whoever wants to tackle this (if anyone), but I don't have time to do any coding myself."10:04
Lureseth: exactly, but yours is is only 80 pixels wide (I suppose), mine is 320...10:04
kwwiiseth: nope, you gotta do it per hand10:04
sethLure, yeah, it looks to be about 80-100 px, so if the old one was 1600 and this one is 1920, we're golden10:05
=== seth tests
sethwhile I test, free cookie to anyone who tells me why my bcm43xx is broken (but knetworkmanager is working great, so props to that team)10:05
Lurekwwii: ppl are asking if new theme would also have a name (like kubuntu 6.06) in order to be able to switch back10:06
Luresimilarly, some would like to have breezy defaults still available as another theme10:06
kwwiiLure: that would be a great idea10:06
kwwiican't think of a new name atm though :-(10:07
Lureyou know ppl - they get used to something and do not want to switch10:07
kwwiiI guess the idea of this is that we wanted it to match crystal better10:07
=== Lure likes defaults - even more if they change each release ;-)
kwwiibring out more of the bling from crystal10:07
Lurekwwii: do not get me wrong - lot's of ppl like new bling (now that crystal is now CPU hungry anymore)10:08
kwwiiwell, the crystal window deco still needs some work...I really meant the crystal icon theme10:09
kwwiiI am not a big fan of the window deco myself10:09
Lureinteresting: kdm uses png, ksplash .jpg10:09
kwwiibut I understand the idea of making the best out of what kde has to offer now10:09
kwwiinow that is messed up10:09
kwwiithe file is like 28KB as png10:10
=== jjesse [i=user@69-87-141-130.async.iserv.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiit must be three times that size as jpeg10:10
kwwiior more10:10
LureI will just use .png as all files are png otherwise (just need to fix Theme.rc10:10
kwwiiyepp, best idea10:10
kwwiiit is striped solid colors so it should not be a problem as png10:10
Lurekwwii: jpg was 287k (for 1600x1200) - I can imagine that stripes cost in fractals... ;-)10:11
=== Lure will logout to try new background
kwwiiexactly :-)10:13
kwwiiI take that back about it being 28KB as png...it is only 1110:17
=== Lure [n=lure@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lurekwwii: it worked for ksplash, but not sure if kdm is caching is somewhere :-(10:18
kwwiiyes, it is, if I remeber correctly10:19
kwwiiRiddell: !10:20
Lurekwwii: I know for kspash cache, this is why it works ;-)10:21
kwwiithe honest truth is that I am not sure cause I have worked with suse systems for the last 7 years10:22
kwwiiI know that suse caches it in the boot stuff to make it start quicker (theoretically)10:22
kwwiibut bootsplash != usplash10:22
Lurekwwii: there is also install splash (we still have old one - I have added it to todo wiki)10:23
Lurekwwii: problem is that I cannot find single file with same size as old wallpaper for kdm :-( 10:24
LureRiddell: do you know if kdm also caches background image and where?10:24
Lurekwwii: it is not cached, but kubuntu.xml has 1600 as width set!10:25
kwwiithe install splash is instsys stuff, or?10:26
_SimeRiddell: guidance 0.6.4 is up. ( http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/ )10:26
kwwiiLure: lol, it is sometimes easier than you would guess10:26
Lurekwwii: I think install splash is in gfxboot-theme-ubuntu package10:26
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-245-69.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiyepp gfxboot, I know that stuff pretty well10:27
Lure_Sime: you are fast!10:27
kwwiisteffen is the maintainer if I am not mistaken (my ex-collegue at suse)10:27
_SimeLure: there are still outstanding bugs. But it is anyway time to get a new release out and tested.10:28
Riddell_Sime: rocking10:28
Lure_Sime, kwwii: I will still have issue with huge fonts in kdm login screen10:29
LureI think problem is that displayconfig script to fix dpi for fonts starts after login10:29
kwwiiso do we *really* need a 1920 bg for the desktop? it means making two different pics10:29
Lureor we just use too huge fonts for kdm (however I do not see much other complaints)10:30
kwwiiLure: sounds about right10:30
Riddellkwwii: why two different pics?10:30
kwwiino, the normal fonts are ok in size10:30
kwwiiRiddell: well, I cannot simply scale one or the other10:30
Lurekwwii: scaled background does not look that bad, just bubbles are wide10:30
kwwiiso the smaller one *might* be a crop fo the bigger one, but that might not looks so good10:31
kwwiiLure: yeah, wide bubbles suck10:31
Lurekwwii: not that bad (I got used to them)10:31
kwwiihehe :-)10:31
Lureproblem is that raphink's konqi also got on weight a bit ;-)10:32
Lure_Sime: any way to start your script before kdm login script?10:33
LureI would at least try to see if it would help10:33
Riddellhmm, I thought I'd deleted the debian directory in guidance10:34
Riddellguess not10:34
Tonio_Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionReportKNetworkManager10:34
Tonio_Riddell: need to send an email to the ML or is that done automatically ?10:35
PygiTonio_: wrong spelling10:36
Pygireviewed buy MOTUs10:36
LureTonio_: maybe mention that it is included in SLED 10.110:36
Tonio_oups....... Pygi thanks :)10:36
Tonio_Lure: yes good point :)10:36
Pygiyw Tonio_10:36
LureTonio_: thanks for pushing this forward10:37
RiddellTonio_: add it to the unreviewed section in UbuntuMainInclusionQueue10:37
PygiTonio_: schedule your day tommorow for 0.6.2 helping me ^_^10:37
Tonio_Riddell: done10:38
_SimeLure: kdm might have a way of running a script after it starts up...10:38
Lurerelated question - can we get rid or kwifimanager from kubuntu-desktop - it just gives false hopes to users10:38
Tonio_Pygi: I will :)10:38
PygiTonio_: thank you ^_^10:38
Lure_Sime: will research this a bit as I think this would be best way to address this issue10:39
RiddellLure: yes, when wlassistant gets in10:39
kwwiiRiddell: so are we sticking to the crystal theme for now? (ie. should I continue working on buttons for crystal?)10:39
LureRiddell: great - is wlassistant already on the way to main?10:40
kwwiiwindow-deco, I mean, of course10:40
_SimeLure: if you just want consistent font sizes in kdm, then maybe a simple script that sets Xft.DPI with xrdb might be enough.10:40
Riddellkwwii: yes, crystal win deco is the plan10:40
Riddell_Sime: we could add it to the X server args in kdmrc10:41
RiddellTonio_: add http://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?product=knetworkmanager&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED10:41
Riddellas upstream bug tracker10:41
_SimeRiddell: you can certainly try. ;-) but it might cause regessions for some people who want real X DPIs.10:41
Riddell_Sime: yes, just realised that10:42
Tonio_Riddell: ah ? I wasn't sure for this ;)10:42
LureRiddell: I think bugzilla.novell.com would be more appropriate10:42
LureRiddell: this is where "Report bug" action i n knm points10:42
Lurebut I cannot find simple way to filter only knm related issues10:44
Tonio_Lure: I'm checking10:44
RiddellLure: well spotted10:44
LureRiddell: do you need only open issues?10:45
Luremost are fixed on this list10:45
kwwiiRiddell: tomorrow I will work on the Ubuntu Usplash first, to get that out of the way, then I either do buttons or backgrounds10:46
=== Lure logging out to test kdm splash again
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Lurekwwii: kdm login now ok - thanks10:49
Lurekwwii: just need to fix the font size - "Menu" text is currently larger than button10:49
kwwiiLure: cool :-)10:50
Lureraphink: will you package new wallpaper for kdm and ksplash? 10:50
jjesseis there a reason the krita manual is not included ?10:50
Luretwo things to watch:10:50
Lure1. change Background.jpg to Background.png for ksplash (need to change Theme.rc too)10:51
Lure2. kdm requires to change width from 1600 to 1920 in kubuntu.xml10:51
Lureall the rest is just replacing the Background.png and kubuntu-wallpaper.pnd with the one kwwii put in wiki10:52
Riddell_Sime: new guidance all working10:52
=== Lure has one firefox question - I hope I will not be banned by konqurer fans ;-)
Lurehow is KDE stopping apps on logout - firefox is always recovering session after crash (indicating that it was killed the hard way)10:54
LureI think it is probably firefox issue, but would like to understand this better before submitting bug10:55
_SimeRiddell: are you going throw the new package directly into dapper repos.?10:55
Riddell_Sime: that's the plan10:55
_SimeRiddell: ok... maybe it is a good idea to test a bit first with some of the people here.10:56
=== Lure always ready for new kde-guidance
RiddellI don't have a 386 build10:57
LureRiddell: give use sources...10:57
jjessesorry for the stupid question, but what is guidance?11:01
kwwiihehe, I was just thinking the same thing :-)11:01
Riddell_Sime and sebas's rocking set of configuration tools11:01
Riddellwhich sit in systemsettings and are written in python11:02
jjesseis it something i need to add to the release notes and book chapter?11:02
Riddellyep, especially the new displayconfig module11:02
kmonjjesse: I think yes. It's a rocking kubuntu feature11:03
jjessekmon: ok, will need to play with it then :(11:03
kmonjjesse: Your are working on the official ubuntu book?11:04
Lure_Sime: can I count on you to write also module for kpowersave config? ;-)11:04
kmonI mean, you are involved?11:04
jjessekmon: yes writing the kubuntu chapter for the book11:04
kmononly 1 chapter?11:04
jjesseyup only 1 chapter11:05
kmonhow many chapters does gnome have? :P11:05
jjessewell there are 13 if i recall correctly11:05
Lurekmon: too many - since it is meant to limit the user11:05
jjesseone that covers kubuntu, one that covers the ubuntu desktop, one that covers ubuntu as a server, one that covers other projects11:06
jjessedon't remember exactly all of them11:06
kmonI've read it will be released as a free book as well...11:06
kmonis that true?11:06
_SimeLure: I don't know much about kpowersave. But seriously, I am interesting in hearing about where Kubuntu is weak with respect to configuration.11:07
jjessei think they will put it on a wiki that will allow you to edit it and keep it up to date11:07
_SimeLure: configuring scanners??? is that covered?11:07
=== kwwii sleeps now...cya tomorrow
Lure_Sime: do not know for scanners, but kpowersave config is currently only in yast2 :-(11:07
Luresee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPowersave11:08
kmonthe klaptop options to configure performance don't work here. Is that a known bug?11:08
Lureif we want to replace klaptopdaemon one day (hope soon), we will need config tool11:08
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel []
Lurekmon: they do not work for me too11:09
Luremaybe it is APM stuff - very hard to say11:09
kmonI remember that gnome's cpu freq applet didn't work out of the box unless you chmod a file....11:09
kmonmaybe klaptop needs something similar?11:10
Lurekmon: which file?11:10
kmonLure: can't remember :(11:10
kmonI'll ask google...11:10
kmonLure: http://hardware.mcse.ms/archive42-2005-8-226342.html11:11
kmonsecond post11:11
kmonchown root:root /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector11:11
kmonchmod +s /usr/bin/cpufreq-selector11:11
Lurekmon: that is hell of a dirty hack11:12
Lurekmon: I just prefer powersaved11:12
kmonLure: do you know when kpowersave will release 0.6 final?11:16
Lurebefore end of april for sure (when SLED 10.1 is released)11:16
=== verwilst [n=verwilst@dD5E0099B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kmonLure: found this link: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-88836.html related to configure klaptop11:24
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verwilstanybody using nvidia with dualscreen? :)11:25
Riddellhello mindglow 11:25
Lurekmon: ok, that is normal - nothing works if you do not configure helper app for klaptop11:25
Lure_Sime, Riddell: testing kde-guidance 0.6.4: Display applet fixed, UID bug fixed...11:31
Riddellgroovy, thanks Lure 11:33
Lureone thing (unrelated): were icons in "Admin mode" password window always stretched?11:34
Lureor did I noticed this now for the first time11:34
RiddellI think they always have been11:35
Lurebut it looks like only for guidance modules...11:36
Lurelooks ok for adept_updater, Printers....11:36
Riddellyeah, guidance should include larger icons11:37
Lureit is funny, since I could say that icons size is the same in System setting as well as in password dialog11:37
Lurejust do not know why they get resized in that dialog...11:37
Riddellno, password dialogue uses larger icons11:38
=== Lure has reinstalled his last Breezy system (my work partition) - Riddel will need to find new tester for backports ;-)
=== Lure expect Dapper to rock from now on as he depends on it now!
Lureis this ok:11:41
Lure    sudo pbuilder create --distribution breezy11:41
LureInstalling new version of config file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/40guidance-displayconfig_restore ...11:41
Lure System startup links for /etc/init.d/displayconfig-hwprobe.py already exist.11:41
Riddellthat's fine11:41
Lureshouldn't we always overwrite?11:41
Lurethis is why I still had S17 istead of S37 (or whatever) since I cannot install Flight 5/6 (only 4 works)11:42
Riddellit just uses the normal debian alternatives programmes11:42
Riddellmornfall: I don't suppose you have a copy of 0.3.4?11:46
mornfall0.3.4 of?11:46
mornfallhmm, i apparently have 0.3.511:47
mornfallwhat's in breezy?11:48
=== |L30n1d [n=My8os@ppp82-adsl-136.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
mornfall0.3.3 -- interesting11:48
Riddelltoo old for this debtags11:48
Riddelland 0.3.5 doesn't seem to compile11:49
mornfalllet's see11:49
=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp82-adsl-136.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
Riddellor otherwise how do I checkout from svn for a specific date11:51
mornfallRiddell: should be -r56111:52
=== mornfall has seen a flurry of octet-stream bugreports over weekend
=== Lure has closed two duplicates at least... ;-)
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-250-234.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallalso note 37696 -- i dunnow what with that11:57
kmonmornfall: do you have a gdebi qt interface planned for adept?11:58
mornfallgdebi? wth?11:58
kmonthe tool in gnome for installing single debs11:58
mornfallno, it was dropped for dapper as not important11:58
Luremornfall: this is a hard one... :-(11:58
kmonmornfall: ok11:58
Lureis it notmal for pre/post scripts to be interactive?11:59
mornfallLure: debian policy guarantees that they have a controlling terminal11:59
mornfallLure: but it recommends using debconf11:59
mornfallLure: and adept in turn Recommends: libqt-perl so we have kdebconf12:00
mornfallLure: which is ignored in kubuntu12:00
Luremornfall: maybe we should check how others (synaptic, kpackage...) are doing it12:00
mornfallLure: kpackage? hah12:00
mornfallLure: kpackage freezes12:00
mornfallhmm, i was thinking kynaptic12:00
mornfallno kpackage has terminal12:00
mornfalland synaptic has terminal too, but probably hidden by default12:00
mornfallit probably makes sure gdebconf is available and used12:00
mornfallthat catches >90% of cases12:01
mornfallmost of the rest will be non-ucf conffile prompts12:01
mornfallwhich can be done since dpkg prompts for it12:01
mornfallthat'd cover 99% of cases12:01
Riddellmornfall: bah, still breaks debtags compile http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/63659912:01
mornfallbut that'd require promoting libqt-perl12:02
Riddellgdebi has a terminal, it's one of the things that would make it hard to port12:02
mornfallRiddell: you are compiling with wrong libapt-front (definitely not 0.3.4)12:03
mornfallRiddell: looks a lot newer (at that point, entity::Package was not even a template at all)12:03

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