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tarvidon one of my workstations I installed moodle and php5 which all went well enough.04:30
tarvidthen I installed mirrormed - it wanted php404:30
tarvidi found both installed on this machine but libapache2-mod-php5 was installed04:32
tarvidi installed libapache2-mod-php4 and broke everything04:32
tarvidany secrets to the php4/5 dilemma?04:33
infinityYes, don't install both.04:44
=== infinity can't find this mirrormed package you speak of.
tarvidmirrormed is a GPL medical practice management system04:47
infinityYes, Google tells me that.04:47
infinityBut I don't see any package of it that requires php4.04:47
infinityIf you're installing it from source, what makes you think it won't work with php5?04:47
tarvidit is easy to say don't install both but sometimes one does not know in advance04:47
tarvidthe install scripts check php version and stop if it is less than 4.3 or greater than or equal to php5.004:48
infinityWell, you can't install libapache2-mod-php5 and libapache2-mod-php4 together.  They conflict with each other.04:48
infinitySo fix the install script to be more lenient, and see if it works with php5?04:48
infinityIf not, then I suppose you need php4 instead of php5, or you need to run one as a CGI.04:49
tarvidI did patch out the test on php version and died in a related place so i tried to revert to libapache2-php404:49
tarvidbut I am intrigued by your suggestion of running one as CGI04:50
tarvidhow would one go about that?04:50
infinityWith a fair amount of unnecessary pain, generally.04:51
infinityYou're better off not bothing unless you KNOW it's required.04:51
infinity(It will require mass renaming of some PHP scripts, etc)04:51
infinityYou're better off figuring out where/how/why your install script dies and fixing it, I suspect.04:52
infinityYou can force php5 to be "almost like php4, but not quite" by enabling the zend.ze1_compatibility_mode flag (perhaps only in the vhost serving mirrormed) if it's really necessary.04:53
tarvidThis machine does not have to run other applications, machines are cheap04:53
infinityWell, if the only application it needs to run is mirrormed, and you're pretty sure it needs PHP4, then just use PHP4.04:54
infinityBut then you're stuck not being able to run stuff that definitely DOES require PHP5, that's all.04:54
infinityWhile php5 has some backward compatibility options, php4, oddly enough, doesn't have any forward compatibility flags. :)04:55
tarvidmy tech insists he didn't install php5 intentionally, is there a way to get the installation history to know when it came in?04:55
infinityIf you installed the moodle package, that's what pulled it in, yes.04:55
tarvidI did that on my machine but he has performed at least two fresh installs on a different machine04:55
infinityWell, unless you install some PHP application that depends on it, nothing will pull it in "by default"... We don't install any PHP interpreter by default.04:56
infinityIf you install php4-pear, that will bring in some php5ish packages, but that's not the same as "having PHP5 installed in apache"... Only libapache2-mod-php5 will do that for you.04:58
infinitySo, make sure apache is using libapache2-mod-php4, and you're set.04:58
tarvidthanks, it may be working05:02
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nictukuinfinity, are you there?11:45
infinitynictuku: I am, but just heading out.11:47
infinityWhat's up?11:47
nictukuah ok11:47
nictukuI was wondering if you could show up in the #ubuntu-meeting and say "yes I remember this guy. he's working on nwu", since no one from my small fan club appeared (07:00am here). it could take a few minutes though, and since you're leaving, thanks anyway :-)11:51
infinityWell, I haven't had a chance to look at or tst any of your code, so I wouldn't be a very good advocate anyway.11:53
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NrbelexHi - I'm learning through experimentation and so far I've setup Apache and registered a domain name from godaddy and created a tiny test website in my www folder. I registered at Zoneedit and am waiting for a response. I installed the ez-ipupdate package (but can't find it, if there is something to find in order to configure it). I opened port 80 on my router and can access the site from my...11:06
Nrbelex...IP address in the address bar. I don't understand how I do binding or if I need to and how to use a name server or anything. At this point, I'm thoroughly lost. Any help would be greatly appreciated.11:06
neuralisNrbelex: you'll want to edit your domain in godaddy, which provides free DNS services, and create an A record that points your domain to your IP address.11:39
Nrbelexneuralis: looking for that on the site now... thanks11:39
Nrbelexneuralis: I'm not seeing it on Godaddy11:41
neuralisactually, if you're doing this with a dynamic IP (which is what i'm guessing you want to use zoneedit and ez-ipupdate for), you'll want to edit your domain at godaddy, and put zoneedit's DNS servers instead of godaddy's.11:41
neuralisput =~ set it to use.11:41
Nrbelexneuralis - I registered with them but they haven't gotten back to me yet - how do I do that?11:43
neuralisNrbelex: http://www.zoneedit.com/doc/dynamic.html11:45
Nrbelexneuralis right but how do actually transfer the domain or will that come with my registration E-mail?11:46

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