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Tonio_Riddell: ping ?01:12
robotgeekhey Tonio_ 01:13
Tonio_robotgeek:  :)01:13
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RiddellTonio_: hi01:16
Tonio_Riddell: I'm checking for a softphone01:16
Tonio_Riddell: is the video component important for you ?01:16
RiddellTonio_: we'll take what we're given01:17
Tonio_Riddell: if yes, I will concentrate on wengophon, but I also like the audio only Twinkle01:17
Tonio_Riddell: just found a debian package for wengophone for unstable01:17
Tonio_Riddell: checking if I can port it01:17
robotgeekkdesvn: Depends: kdesvn-kio-plugins (= 0.7.2-2) but it is not going to be installed 01:18
robotgeekbug filing time?01:18
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Riddellkaffeine 0.8.1 is on revu01:21
Tonio_Riddell: I'm thinking about asking to kaffeine upstream an option to completly disable audio ripping function....01:24
RiddellTonio_: why?01:24
Tonio_Riddell: honnestly, that's not of any use, and doubles with konqueror and kaudiocreator01:24
Tonio_Riddell: and because it not possible to use it with the ubuntu version, cause it depends liblame-dev -> multiverse01:25
Tonio_the result is a "encode" button that you can click and tells you "no encoders available", which is horrible01:26
Tonio_the problem is that you have all encoding buttons ad options even if you compile without that support, which isn't convenient01:26
faboi disabled mp3 ncoding but keeped ogg vorbis encoder01:26
Tonio_appart from that, the video part is greatly improved01:26
Tonio_fabo: does it work ?01:27
faboyes bu not on all cds01:27
Tonio_as far as I tested, the function doesn't work nicelly, and upstream didn't find the solution of my problem01:27
Tonio_fabo: when you see konqueror's ability in the ripping part.......01:27
faboi don't know if it's caused by cds protection01:27
robotgeekTonio_: are we changing something radically (which i need to document)01:28
Tonio_robotgeek: concerning ?01:28
robotgeekTonio_: video ripping/encoding 01:28
Tonio_fabo: don't you thinkaudio ripping capability should by desabled by a configure option ?01:29
robotgeekthere is isn't much in the desktop guide anyways about that01:29
Tonio_robotgeek: well, if it gets in, kaffeine latest version offers audio ripping capability, but that is limited to ogg, and doesn't work very nicelly01:29
faboalready exist, you can add --without-oggvorbis01:29
Tonio_fabo: yes, but you still get those "rip" and "encode" buttons :)01:30
Tonio_fabo: which are there but don't work01:30
robotgeekTonio_: okay, i will pretend nothing changed :)01:30
faboi'm not against disable ogg support, as you said we can find duplicate tools01:30
Tonio_robotgeek: hehe01:30
Tonio_fabo: I mean we have far better tools in kubuntu01:31
Tonio_fabo: the problem is that there are still those ugly buttons :)01:31
Tonio_fabo: fancy removing them ?01:31
Tonio_should be that hard to patch I assume01:31
Tonio_Riddell: any opinion concerning audio encoding added or removed ?01:31
fabodon't know, but christophe can do it if we ask him01:32
Tonio_fabo: the point is that those buttons should only appear when compiled with ripping capability01:33
RiddellTonio_: since fabo has included ogg encoding we should keep it01:33
Tonio_Riddell: okay ;)01:33
faboTonio_: i'll send an email to upstream about that feature : disable encoding buttons if we didn't build them01:34
faboat least could be available in next release :)01:35
Tonio_fabo: well, if we keep encoding capabilities, there is no need of that ;)01:35
faboit's a non-sense to have these buttons anyway if one day, we disable them01:36
faboje peux toujours demander a mange pas de pain :)01:37
faboa bit of french ;)01:37
Riddellfabo: what does it mean?  other than the literal01:38
faboi can always ask upstream, that doesn't hurt 01:39
Tonio_fabo: c'est vrai que pour un non francophone "ca ne mange pas de pain", c'est vraiment debile a comprendre :)01:40
faboen plus j'ai galerer pour traduire ;)01:40
Tonio_fabo: ^^01:42
Tonio_Riddell: I think we should forget wengophone, it uses a big bunch of universe libs....... too late to work on that all :)01:42
=== Tonio_ now focussing on twinkle
RiddellTonio_: well, I'm not expecting it in main just yet01:43
Tonio_Riddell: hum, okay ;)01:43
Tonio_Riddell: but really, the program structure is a pain....... they don't respect any standard path, that's a nightmare......01:44
Tonio_everything is in /usr/share/wengophone, even libs headers etc......01:44
Tonio_the wengophone ng (next generation) is clean, but really unstable01:44
Riddellok, ignore wenga then :)01:45
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jjesserobotgeek_zzz: what do you mean the answer is in the code?  do you just need a review of the section?03:23
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robotgeekjjesse: sorry, the comment in the code are explanatory i think03:58
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jjesserobotgeek: sorry still a little confused, i just ahve the deksotp guide in front of me and was trying to look at the hardware section i voluneteered to look into during the meeting, what does the comment in the code are explantory ?04:05
robotgeekjjesse: i meant the sectinfo and status="help"04:06
jjesseah i understand now sorry tired :)04:07
robotgeekjjesse: no problem, lagging04:07
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robotgeekRiddell: i see a "Add/Remove Programs" in K-Menu, is it going to be present in final release06:45
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robotgeekmornfall: ping07:15
robotgeekmornfall: the add remove thing takes care of /etc/apt/sources.list as well? need to document07:17
robotgeekas in, does it enable the online repositories automagically?07:17
mornfallrobotgeek: pong07:41
mornfallrobotgeek: not really -- it uses the default one07:41
mornfallso you still need to enable universe and all07:42
robotgeekmornfall: what does the Show Unspported checkbox do?07:42
mornfallrobotgeek: show things from universe, if it's enabled07:42
robotgeekmornfall: docuementing that will be trick07:42
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robotgeekmornfall: i do realise that it is a frontend to adept, but there is no other way to add repositories other than from adept07:45
mornfallrobotgeek: well, the basic problem is that getting this right is fairly nontrivial08:06
mornfallrobotgeek: if i went the easy way and used sources.list.d, it would probably confuse users a bit -- it will be shown disabled in adept and still be there08:06
robotgeekmornfall: no, keep it the way it is. i have already made changes to the documentation :)08:07
mornfallrobotgeek: (un)commenting universe in sources.list is fairly complicated too08:07
mornfallrobotgeek: i'll probably tackle it after 2.0 :)08:07
robotgeekmornfall: heh, just worried about not misguiding people08:08
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robotgeekmornfall: does it ask for cd to be inserted if cdrom repo is enabled, and the rest are disabled?08:30
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xuecanmornfall: When I stratup Adept, it shows: Could not find mime type application/octet-stream, what can I do?08:38
freeflyingmornfall: ping08:39
mornfallfreeflying: pong08:55
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mornfallrobotgeek: i would hope so -- but trying it out would help :] 08:56
freeflyingmornfall: noticed the above problem  by xuecan08:56
robotgeekmornfall: problem is i have distupgraded all the way from breezy :)08:56
mornfallfreeflying, xuecan: it's a known problem with a myriad of dupes08:57
mornfalli don't need to hear of every single instance :|08:57
mornfallrobotgeek: like me, it's just hoary in my case08:57
mornfallthe cdrom functionality is largely untested08:58
mornfallsince, umm, none of the testers actaully use it08:58
robotgeekmornfall: okay. thanks for that info08:58
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PygiRiddell: do you have time for a few quick questions?09:50
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hungerHas somebody messed with the fonts again?12:19
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Tm_Thunger: not me!12:27
Riddellrobotgeek: yes12:31
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RiddellKDE incoming https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports?status=APPROVED&type=all04:23
Tm_Taah, translations04:23
Tm_Tgood good good04:23
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robotgeekRiddell: heh, so no more changes?04:29
Riddellrobotgeek: string freeze is no until april 22nd (or then abouts)04:32
Riddellthis is just rosetta importing KDE for the first time04:32
robotgeekRiddell: hmm, okay. better not change anything (by much) as doc string freeze is 6th04:33
Riddellwow, two days away :)04:34
jjesseyeah no more changes to adept :)04:34
mornfallhmm? :)04:34
Riddellrobotgeek, jjesse: think kubuntu docs will be in a good shape in two days time?04:34
jjesseRiddell: if you would stop changing things they would be :)04:35
robotgeekheh, we are almost done. 04:35
Riddelljjesse: yeah, I have much the same feeling with kde espresso, it would be done a lot quicker if the gtk frontend didn't keep adding things :)04:35
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robotgeekjjesse: i did not notice the add-remove programs until you mentioned it to me04:37
jjesseRiddell: agreed, hence no mention of add/remove programs in the chapter04:42
Riddellsorry guys, I should have pointed that out to you04:43
jjesseanything else on tap that we should now about to get into the docs?04:43
robotgeekjjesse: i added it already04:44
Riddelljjesse: well espresso of course but hard to write about that currently04:45
jjessethis is cool installing kubuntu on windows virtual server release 204:46
mornfalljjesse: btw, how's adept docs? :)04:47
jjessemornfall: if you would quit changing things they would be better :)  04:47
mornfalljjesse: i haven't changed anything for weeks now04:47
jjessehave to finish the kubuntu chapter for the official ubuntu book first then i can get it done 04:47
mornfallIIRC :)04:47
jjesseadd/remove programs04:47
mornfallwhat's with it04:47
jjessenew to me04:47
mornfallthe thing that changed was, umm, button shape04:47
mornfallthat's about it04:47
mornfalljjesse: adept_installer was uploaded before end of february04:51
jjessedo changes to adept get updated first in debian and then move over to kubuntu slowly?  for example just saw the new add-remove programs 04:51
mornfalljjesse: 2006-02-20 12:03:31 was upload to dapper04:52
mornfalljjesse: it was announced in the following flight -- it wasn't on the k menu at that time (typo in .desktop file)04:52
robotgeekRiddell: any changes to make help more accessible? (desktop icon etc)04:58
Riddellrobotgeek: it's in the top level of the k-menu and in about: page on konqueror04:59
Riddellthere's no space for any more icons on kicker05:00
Riddelland desktop icons are barred :)05:00
jjessei love that desktop icons are barred05:00
robotgeekRiddell: okay, cool05:00
jjesseplus you can get the kubuntu docs from konqi05:00
robotgeeki wonder if people can actually find the help05:01
jjesserobotgeek: when i frist started using kubuntu i found the help05:01
robotgeekjjesse: not you, but people like we saw in the video :)05:02
robotgeekjjesse: since you are able to use an irc client, you are not the target audience :)05:02
hungerKonqui can no longer handle html or so it claims!05:03
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kwwiiRiddell: can you point me to the Usplash colormapping info?05:20
Riddellkwwii: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Usplash/Artwork05:22
kwwiiRiddell: thanks :-)05:24
hungerRiddell: I might end up having some time to help a bit starting next week.05:26
Riddellhunger: cool, what sort of stuff can you do?05:26
hungerRiddell: I'll find myself a nice bug to gnawl on I think.05:27
hungerRiddell: Somethi++ related... I must prepare for my new job;-)05:27
hungerRiddell: Something C++ related...05:27
hungerStrange keybiard layout on this windows box...05:28
Riddellhunger: fix qtparted!05:28
faboRiddell: how the symlink is created ? or where can i find a log of the problem ?05:29
hungerRiddell: I'll try to look into that then:-)05:29
hungerBut first I need to get all the data of this windows box and then I need to get kubuntu installed on it.05:30
Riddell22:16 < sebas> Riddell: Uninstalling guidance obviously doesn't remove the link in Xsession startup to displayconfig-restore.05:30
Riddell22:17 < sebas> So after removing guidance, X crashes at startup.05:30
Riddell22:17 < Riddell> sebas: ouch, that's not good05:30
Riddell22:17 < sebas> /etc/X11/Xsession.d/40guidance-displayconfig_restore: line 9: /usr/bin/displayconfig-restore: No such file or directory05:30
jjessehunger: just use a virutal machine :)05:30
hungerjjesse: For what?05:30
jjessehunger: in case you don't want to wipe that windows box05:31
hungerjjesse: I must wipe it: The computer will be returned and has my win license:-)05:31
faboRiddell: ok, thanks05:31
hungerjjesse: Used to be my play-computer:-)05:32
hungerjjesse: And now that I got a new job my boss wants it beck... so I have to reinstall kubuntu (which is our default OS).05:32
jjessehunger: that's cool that kubuntu is your default OS05:32
hungerjjesse: I'll probably end up on kubuntu in my new company again;-)05:33
jjessehunger: i run kubuntu at work but often have to use windows.  i'm a newtork admin for a windows network05:34
hungerjjesse: Poor you!05:35
hungerjjesse: I finally got myself a job developing SW:-) Used to do consulting...05:36
jjessehunger: why poor me, i enjoy it :)05:36
hungerjjesse: I hate having to use windows.05:36
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danimoRiddell: ping?05:45
Riddelldanimo: yo05:47
danimoRiddell: hi. I am running networkmanager now. it's awesome05:48
Riddelldanimo: cool.  well thank Bille and the other suse dude mostly :)05:48
Riddelldanimo: knetworkmanager?05:48
danimoRiddell: right, I already send 'em patches and suggestions05:48
danimoRiddell: we just need nm 0.6.2 :(05:49
danimoRiddell: yes05:49
danimoRiddell: because that one supports openvpn05:49
Riddelldanimo: we have n-m 0.6.205:49
Riddellit went into the archive yesterday or the day before05:49
danimoRiddell: we do? since when?05:49
danimoRiddell: cool, can we import network-manager-kde from no-ip.org then?05:50
danimoRiddell: (and update it to the version from kdereview while at it)05:50
Riddelldanimo: network-manager-kde is also in the archive :)05:50
danimoRiddell: oh, wow, I should switch back to the uk server05:50
Riddelluniverse only at the moment05:51
danimoRiddell: that's totally fine with me05:51
danimoRiddell: what version of network-manager-kde is in universe?05:57
Riddelldanimo: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/k/knetworkmanager/05:58
Riddellit's the one the guy put on his blog05:58
danimoRiddell: blog?06:02
danimoRiddell: Riddell: ah, cool06:11
danimoRiddell: still I miss the vpn support for some reason06:11
danimoRiddell: do you know of the "offline mode" of knetworkmanager is supported?06:12
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robotgeekRiddell: is the behaviour of konq profiles going to be these same as in breezy?06:51
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Riddellrobotgeek: how do you mean?06:57
robotgeekRiddell: tonio was talking about moving kde profiles to a new package, etc06:57
Riddellrobotgeek: never heard of that06:57
Riddellrobotgeek: the konqueror profile has some menu items put back, but it otherwise the same06:58
robotgeekRiddell: okay. i will copy over the How do I change Konqueror back to the default KDE profiles? from http://www.kubuntu.org/faq.php06:58
Riddellyeah, should still be right07:00
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PygiI want a way to have a language and locale attributes linked to the user in08:02
Pygithe user management08:02
Pygieach user should have it's own associated language & locales08:02
Pygiany idea how to do it? ^_^08:02
RiddellPygi: each user can set their language in system settings08:03
Riddellbut you can't set someone else's08:03
Riddellmaybe that should be added to userconfig08:03
Pygiyup, that's what I am talking about08:03
PygiRiddell: that shouldn't be too hard to do, right?08:04
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=== Pygi pokes Riddell :)
RiddellPygi: add it to the KubuntuFutureIdeas page08:08
PygiRiddell: will do...so that won't be in for Dapper?  ^_^08:09
Riddellnicer would be if kdm supported selecting language on login08:09
Pygiyup, agreed08:09
RiddellPygi: no, dapper is in feature freeee08:09
=== pradeepto pokes Riddell :)
robotgeekhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch04s03.html can someone verify this for me? the digital camera section08:10
pradeeptoRiddell: how do you tackle if shortcuts of two application tend to over write each other after installation?08:10
pradeeptoRiddell: that happens in Dapper with - yakuake and kerry, both get activated by F12 ?08:11
pradeeptoSo the second application when installed sort of disables the first one till we change the key binding.08:12
Riddellpradeepto: that is a problem we have not yet solved08:12
pradeeptoRiddell: oke thats a known problemo right, so no need to file a bug?08:13
Riddellpradeepto: I think there's already one open for it08:13
PygiRiddell: added, nice ^_^08:13
pradeeptoRiddell: ok thanks08:15
Riddellrobotgeek: I've no time, poke Pygi or pradeepto to look it over08:15
Pygirobotgeek: how may I help you? ^_^08:16
robotgeekPygi: i don't own a digital camera, need you to tell me if the section on digital camera is correct http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch04s03.html08:16
=== Pygi runs to see
Pygirobotgeek: seems fine...whats the issue?08:17
robotgeekPygi: is that what happens? i have no clue :)08:18
Pygirobotgeek: yup, that's what happens =P08:18
robotgeekPygi: great!08:18
PygiI already thought it was something more urgent =P08:19
pradeeptoPygi: actually it is.08:19
Pygipradeepto: what happened this time? =P08:19
pradeeptoAs robotgeek will tell you that April 6 is freeze date for kubuntu guide :)08:20
Pygithat's why =P08:20
pradeeptoSo you just reviewed a chapter :)08:20
=== Pygi yays ;)
jjessenext you can write chapters :)08:21
Riddelljjesse: did you get the e-mail I bounced to you?08:22
robotgeekjjesse: svn up again :)08:22
jjessewhich one Riddell? i got two one on fixing konqi help problem and the book08:22
Pygijjesse: thanks, but I think I will skip for now... There are more serious issues that need to be adressed, and I still have that damn headache08:22
jjessePygi: grin i hope your headoache goes away08:23
Pygijjesse: thank, I do as well =P08:23
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Riddelljjesse: from Mario Guerra08:24
jjesseRiddell: must be on my home pc i can check later, unless you can resend it08:25
Riddelljjesse: where do I resend it to?08:26
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jjesseRiddell: same address i can grab it before it downloads to my pc @ home08:26
Pygipradeepto: you should have said earlier so I could review big parts of handbook08:27
pradeeptoPygi: heh robotgeek is man you should talk to about this. I am n00b, just running around all the places :)08:27
robotgeekPygi: you mean desktop guide?08:27
Pygirobotgeek: I don't know...whatever needs reviewing =P08:28
PygiBut my time is higly limited, especially at this moment :-/08:28
robotgeekPygi: no problem, we are almost done :)08:28
Pygirobotgeek: ah,k...poke me for dapper+1 =P08:28
PygiBut like 5 months before =P08:28
robotgeekPygi: heh, wont even start :)08:29
Pygiwon't start what? bah... still ..I knew to know 5 month in advance if you want me to get time to review it :P08:29
jjesseRiddell: got that email and there isn't slow progress :)08:30
Riddelljjesse: yes, I'm wondering where he got that idea from08:30
Riddelljjesse: can I trust you to reply and bring him into the team?08:31
jjesseRiddell: yes of course, working on reply already :)08:31
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Pygirobotgeek: I stand corrected...Lure = No response to pluging camera ... might be due to lack of drivers or somethin'08:59
robotgeekPygi: i also added section about digikam, just in case 08:59
Pygirobotgeek: will look09:00
Pygihm, nothing changed there or? =P09:00
robotgeekPygi: well, it's upstream only. it only updates twice a a day09:01
Pygirobotgeek: lemme see pls? ^_^09:01
robotgeekPygi: let me upload somewhere09:01
robotgeekPygi: http://www.robotgeek.org/kubuntu/ch05s03.html09:04
Pygirobotgeek: thx09:04
Pygirobotgeek: nice, continue the good work ^_^09:04
robotgeekPygi: thanks :)09:04
jjesseRiddell: email sent to mario09:07
Pygijjesse: huh, what you sent to me? :) (joking) :)09:07
jjessegrin i'm glad someone still has a sense of humor :)09:07
jjessePygi: is your name mario?09:07
Pygiyes =P09:08
RiddellPygi: and did you send an e-mail saying how slowly the kubuntu docs were going?09:09
PygiRiddell: no =P09:10
RiddellPygi: good good, just checking :)09:10
PygiWell, I said I was joking =P09:10
jjessequick everyone jump Pygi and beat him up :P09:10
=== Pygi hides behind a barell
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Riddellnow now, no call for violence09:10
=== Pygi threatens to stop packagin new n-m versions, and fixing bugs =P
jjesseok i take back everything mean i said :)09:11
=== robotgeek waves to Pygi
=== Pygi will be back sometimes later
jjesseshould kubuntu/kde automatically adjust for time changes (ie daylight savings, etc?)09:16
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Riddelljjesse: yes09:25
jjessehmmm it didn't 09:26
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Lurejjesse: strange - it did here (CET)09:28
Riddelljjesse: the locales stuff has changed in dapper, possibly it's broken for your timezone09:28
LureRiddell: seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPowersave reports?09:35
Lureit looks that powersave is just better and no real regression09:35
Luresome smaller issues to fix before UVFe I think09:36
robotgeekLure: now with ppc packages?09:37
Lurenot yet :(09:37
Lureneed volunteer to build it09:38
robotgeekLure: i tried to get from mbeil's repo, but no avail09:38
Lure(also requests for amd64)09:38
robotgeekLure: i can build it :)09:38
robotgeekraphink also, freeflying also09:38
LureIt looks like another powersaved release is around the corner (bugfixes) and that might be right time to request UVFe and push new stuff to universe09:39
Lurerobotgeek: grab source from kubuntu.no-ip.org and then we can arrange to upload .deb09:39
Lure(I have ftp access Tonio gave me)09:40
Lureif we do some ppc testing before, even better09:40
Lureraphink was testing a while back and was not very successful09:40
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danimoRiddell: is the "go offline" functionality in nm supposed to work with kmail?10:00
danimoRiddell: it does in suse afaik10:00
Riddelldanimo: no idea, never used it10:01
Riddellpossibly they patch kmail for it10:01
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danimo_Riddell: no, kmail has a dcop call for it10:09
danimo_Riddell: dcop kmail KMailIface stopNetworkJobs10:09
danimo_Riddell: and dcop kmail KMailIface resumeNetworkJobs10:09
danimo_Riddell: we just need to fire those when n-m sends the according events10:09
Riddellhmm, right10:09
Riddellwell it should just work then10:09
danimo_Riddell: not sure how suses does it10:09
danimo_and I think at least kopete supports it, too10:09
Riddellif it's build into knetworkmanager10:10
danimo_not sure if knm emits dcop signals itself10:10
danimo_hmm, there is "connectAll" and "disconnectAll"10:10
danimo_not sure if you really want to connect every time you connect to a network10:11
Riddellthere we go, we need to patch kded-networkstatus :)10:11
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danimo_we do?10:11
danimo_Riddell: let's do it :)10:11
Riddellsee the super sekret channel10:12
danimo_Riddell: it's worth it I reckon10:12
Riddellwell, we need to find the patch first :)10:12
=== danimo_ pulls the patch from suse's source package
Riddellmeans digging through suse factory10:12
kwwiime is going crazy from working on buttons10:14
=== kwwii of course
kwwiiI give up10:14
Riddellkwwii: what's the problem?10:14
kwwiiI know now that I hate buttons10:14
kwwiidude, it is sooo hard to make something different that will still look good with the theme as it is10:14
kwwiior I can start messing around with different options to mix things, etc....nasty work10:15
Riddellwell we can change the theme too if necessary10:15
kwwiiwell, I think I am pretty close to having something for everyone to hate :-)10:15
kwwiilet me finish what I am doing and then we can discuss the future10:15
kwwiibut for tonight I am about done with it10:16
kwwiisomething for tomorrow morning when my head is clear10:16
danimo_kwwii: what are you trying to do?10:16
Riddelldanimo_: window decorations10:16
=== danimo_ is now known as danimo
kwwiidanimo_: make new  buttons for the crystal-vista theme which do not look like vista but still look good with the rest10:17
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
danimois that supposed to be the new default?10:17
kwwiinot just "window decorations" but editing existing code by changing pixmaps and settings10:17
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Riddelldanimo: yes10:17
Lurekwwii: can you publish somethng already (even if still marked as "work in progress")?10:18
=== _Sime wonders if danimo's problems with guidance and displayconfig have cleared up.
danimo_Sime: nope, the gamma sliders still won't work10:19
danimowhat is guidiance?10:19
danimofuck suse has a whole lot of patches10:19
kwwiiLure: I will have something to test tomorrow morning (or perhaps midday) even if everyone hates it :-)10:19
_Simedanimo: http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/#screenshots10:19
kwwiiI have to export all the pics (the xcf file is ready) and that takes time and concentration10:20
Lurekwwii: not for test, just screenshot on wiki to get prepared... ;-)10:20
kwwiiLure: I would rather that everyone test it and say exactly what they do not like10:20
Lurekwwii: fine with me...10:20
kwwiiit would help me to determine what is an "art" bug and what is an "implementation" bug10:20
Lurekwwii: I do not want to push on you....10:21
kwwii(although I strongly disagree with the idea of art bugs)10:21
kwwiihehe, if I can make a screenshot of it then I bug Riddel to make a package out of it :-)10:22
danimoargl, there are so many patches in suse rpms that should go upstream10:22
danimoit's just sick10:22
kwwiiI don't talk about suse anymore :-)10:24
danimokwwii: right, I'll bug beineri next time10:24
kwwiiYES! he needs something to keep him angry10:24
kwwiiyou should pop by suse and see the looks on everyones faces - it is refreshing for me10:25
danimokwwii: well, that's beineri10:25
danimokwwii: they asked for him so they got him10:25
Lurekwwii, danimo: you both worked for suse before?10:25
danimoLure: kwwii did, I just happen to know the guy10:26
kwwiiwell, I worked for suse for almost 7 yeras10:26
Lurekwwii: so you did suse KDE design? nice work, consitent and unique...10:27
kwwiiLure: I did all the kde stuff, all the (pre ximian days) gnome stuff, by choice, and lots more (marketing broschures, mouse pads, coffee cups, t-shirts, etc.)10:28
Lurenice to have you around for dapper... ;-)10:29
kwwiithanks! nice to be here :-)10:31
danimoRiddell: found the patch10:33
danimoRiddell: interested?10:33
Riddelldanimo: top stuff10:33
Riddelldanimo: sure, although I can't test it today10:33
Riddellif you need it super fast you'll need to fix the packages yourself10:34
=== toma_ is now known as toma
danimoRiddell: I'll do, if you tell me where the packages end up when pulling them with apt-get source10:34
Riddelldanimo: which package is it for?  kdelibs?10:35
danimoRiddell: generally: http://daniel.molkentin.de/networkstatus_glib_dbus.diff10:35
danimoRiddell: kdepim10:35
danimoRiddell: since for now it is kmail/kontact specific10:35
Riddelldanimo: apt-get source kdepim10:35
Riddellapt-get build-dep kdepim10:35
Riddellapt-get install devscripts fakeroot 10:35
Riddellcd kdepim-<tab>10:35
Riddellput the patch into debian/patches/kubuntu_xx_ddd10:36
Riddelldch -i to add a new changelog entry10:36
Riddellcd ..10:36
Riddellvoila, new .debs10:36
danimoRiddell: cool10:36
danimoRiddell: I'll tell you once it works10:36
danimoRiddell: can I send you the changed source pkg?10:36
Riddellthen debdiff <old>.dsc <new>.dsc and send me the patch10:36
danimoRiddell: or are you basically going to redo it?10:36
danimook, fine10:37
apacheloggerRiddell: do you know a good example for howto package qmaked software?10:37
Riddellapachelogger: qt?10:37
Riddellapachelogger: you can't do it with cdbs10:37
=== apachelogger checks the qt rules
Riddellapachelogger: is speedcrunch also qmake maybe?10:37
danimoRiddell: yes10:38
danimoRiddell: but I thought it even was qt410:38
Riddellwe didn't upgrade to the qt4 speedcrunch10:40
danimoah, ok10:40
Riddellthey didn't want qt4 in main just for a small app10:40
danimoRiddell: it's not in main?10:40
danimoRiddell: why?10:40
Riddelldanimo: it is in main, that's why we stuck with the old qt3 version for dapper10:40
Riddelloh, qt4 isn't in main yet, since nothing needs it10:41
Riddelldefinatly will be for dapper +110:41
danimoah, ok10:41
danimoRiddell: did you consider to take over suse's "remove arts" patches?10:41
Riddelldanimo: I did then I a laughed for a while and considered better things10:42
danimoRiddell: why?10:42
danimoI haven't actually looked at the quality10:42
Riddellarts may be old but that's too big a deviation from KDE for me to want to support10:42
danimobut it was a huge relief10:42
danimoRiddell: I see your point, though10:42
danimoRiddell: especially when it needs to be maintained for the next what? 5 years?10:42
Riddelldanimo: does suse still do that?10:43
tomaRiddell: fyi, my cups problem was resolved, It pointed to a host which was not available and printing was blocked by that. editing the rc file, resolved that and i'm happily printing again with current dapper.10:43
danimoRiddell: yes10:43
Riddellbeineri was complaining about it when he started working for them10:43
danimoRiddell: with pride apperantly10:43
danimosomeone must have convinced him10:43
danimoRiddell: it's still in factory10:43
Riddelltoma: interesting.  why did it point to an unavailable host?10:43
tomaRiddell: i configured it that way when the host was reachable10:45
tomathat host was renamed later10:45
danimoRiddell: it automatically picks up all patches in debian/patches?10:46
tomaRiddell: appearantly there is a very long timeout, when the host is reachable but is not responding to that port (and blocking the host app with it).10:49
Riddelldanimo: yes10:50
danimoRiddell: ok, cool10:50
Luredanimo: you want to make kmail n-m connection aware (if I read the patch correctly)?10:54
danimoLure: yepp10:54
Lurebtw, is any way to configure multiple groups of account in kmail for different networks?10:55
LureI have IMAP in company (but firewall prevents POP) and POP at home (but no IMAP)10:55
danimoLure: uhm, good question. waitaminute10:56
danimoLure: there is no "connection profile"10:56
Luretherefore I would need some kind of two profiles and enable/disable one depending on network10:56
Lureor at least manually10:56
danimobut let's check if we can hack around that10:56
danimoargl, why do the dbus includes have different names on debian?10:56
Luredanimo: really? should not have...10:57
danimoRiddell: the patch add dependencies to dbus and dbus-qt. where do I add those?10:57
Lureunless we have older dbus....10:57
danimo/home/danimo/src/kubuntu-build/kdepim-3.5.2/./networkstatus/networkstatus.h:28:29: error: dbus/connection.h: No such file or directory10:57
danimoIn file included from kded_networkstatus_la.all_cpp.cpp:2:10:57
danimo/home/danimo/src/kubuntu-build/kdepim-3.5.2/./networkstatus/networkstatus.cpp:36:23: error: dbus/dbus.h: No such file or directory10:57
danimo/home/danimo/src/kubuntu-build/kdepim-3.5.2/./networkstatus/networkstatus.cpp:37:26: error: dbus/dbus-qt.h: No such file or directory10:57
danimoI had the same when I tried to build knm from sources10:57
kwwiiRiddell: is there a newer install CD for dapper/ppc that I can download?10:58
Lureapt-get build-dep kdepim (will get all required packages to build)10:58
Luredo it for knm and you will probably have enought also for kdepim (wuth dbus)10:58
danimooha, I missed one include10:59
danimoerr, one package10:59
danimoI need to add that one to kdepims build-deps10:59
danimoLure: where/how does debian specify those?10:59
danimojust hacking up debian/control?11:00
Riddellkwwii: than what?  flight 6 was out last friday11:00
Riddelldanimo: add them as Build-Depends in debian/control11:00
kwwiiRiddell: cool, so flight6 is what I want, thanks :-)11:01
Lureyep - debuild packages whole debian dir in diff.gz 11:01
Riddelldanimo: libdbus-qt-1-dev11:01
Riddelldanimo: add libdbus-qt-1-dev as a build depend, and dbus as a Depend of whichever package it is part of11:02
Riddelldanimo: which package is it part of?11:02
danimonot sure yet11:02
Riddelldanimo: use debuild -nc  to restart the build without cleaning stuff already built11:02
kwwiiRiddell: will the reinstall wipe my home dir?11:04
Riddellkwwii: you can tell it not to reformat the drive and it should keep what's already there11:06
Riddellkwwii: take a backup though11:06
kwwiicool, will do that, thanks11:06
Riddellkwwii: and preferably just keep /home on a different partition11:06
danimodbus/connection.h: No such file or directory11:06
kwwiisee you tomorrow, downloading, burning and sleeping11:06
=== danimo checks include patches
kwwiibye all11:06
Riddellkwwii: you can just upgrade from your current install easily enough too11:06
danimobye kwwii11:06
kwwiiRiddell: how?11:06
Riddellkwwii: use adept updater11:07
kwwiiadept died the last time I tried to update11:07
Riddellkwwii: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  is the alternative11:07
kwwiiwow, it seems my new DSL connection is already active11:09
kwwiidownloading a CD and upgrading a buttload of packages at the same time11:09
danimoRiddell: there are quite some suseish patches in the configure-script11:10
danimoRiddell: do you know configure.in.in syntax?11:11
Riddelldanimo: I try not to, can't you just add  -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0/ to the relevant Makefile.am ?11:13
=== danimo tries
=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Konversation]
danimoRiddell: why though?11:14
danimoRiddell: it doesn't have the libs either11:14
danimoso it would probably fail at linktime then11:14
Riddelldanimo: what's it missing?11:14
danimothey commented out:11:14
danimo  AC_SUBST(DBUS_INCS)11:15
danimo  AC_SUBST(DBUS_LIBS)11:15
Luredanimo: same in knm, but it still builds...11:17
danimodoesn't here11:17
Lurebut there is bunch of other stuff11:18
Lurethis is conf.in.in from knm: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/64087811:18
LureAC_CHECK_HEADER([dbus/connection.h] ,,[AC_MSG_ERROR([You need D-BUS/Qt3 bindings] )] )11:19
Lurethis probably does it11:19
apacheloggerkdocker hates me :|11:20
danimodoes debians buildsystem run make -f Makefile.cvs?11:20
danimootherwise changes in configure.in.in's would never take effect11:20
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Lureif I remeber correctly, tonio did that on original package before applying debian diff11:21
apacheloggerdanimo: at least it doesn't here ;-)11:22
Riddelldanimo: no11:23
Riddelldanimo: run  make -f debian/rules buildprep11:23
danimoRiddell: Riddell: are package builder obliged to do this before building?11:26
Riddelldanimo: if you make changes to Makefile.am or configure.in.in yes11:27
Riddellsorry, I should have said, I forgot that adding that patch will need it to be run11:27
danimoLure: ok, I added that check11:28
danimoLure: now I am really curious11:28
danimoLure, Riddell: eek, still no go11:38
Luredo you have /usr/include/dbus-1.0/dbus/connection.h11:39
Lureand what error do you get - still missing include?11:39
danimo /home/danimo/src/kubuntu-build/kdepim-3.5.2/./networkstatus/networkstatus.h:28:29: error: dbus/connection.h: No such file or directory11:42
Lureand did configure report anything on dbus?11:43
danimoLure: where does it put config.log to?11:43
danimoah, got it11:43
danimoconfigure:47818: checking PACKAGE_CFLAGS11:44
danimoconfigure:47821: result: -DDBUS_API_SUBJECT_TO_CHANGE -I/usr/include/dbus-1.0 -I/usr/lib/dbus-1.0/include -I/usr/include/hal11:44
Lureodd indeed11:44
danimoconfigure:48017: checking for dbus/connection.h11:44
danimoconfigure:48024: result: yes11:44
danimoprobably it doesn't use that include properly11:44
danimoLure: grml, looks like the original author had less clue about auto* than I do11:45
Lurelooks like11:46
danimoI figured the problem11:46
danimoI'll be so glad by the time cmake is the default11:46
danimoLure: ok, I take that one back11:48
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=== danimo tries the brute-force approach
=== Lure -> bed - good night
danimobye Lure11:55
=== toma is now known as toma_

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