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crimsun | fatal: packfile .git/objects/pack/pack-3524f1c76b188d5a8e36c5acbe481f03ae5dcbff.pack does not match index. | 01:46 |
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infinity | BenC: Do you know much (if anything) about ACPI on Thinkpads? | 05:30 |
infinity | BenC: Specifically, why my TP's fan never seems to want to spin up to "windtunnel speed", even when the CPU is in the process of overheating? | 05:30 |
infinity | BenC: In Windows, if you overheat it (say, by playing a 3D game), it'll spin up to deafening speeds and cool the thing right back down again. Even on reboot, the first thing it does when doing POST checks is to spin the fan way up. But it never does so in Linux. | 05:31 |
infinity | BenC: (The punchline to this is that compiling on my machine will often lead to it overheating to the point of random video/cache/RAM corrpuption, and shortly after that, crashing hard) | 05:32 |
BenC | infinity: no idea really | 05:32 |
BenC | infinity: try the latest kernel, and see if it helps | 05:33 |
BenC | there's lots of shit in there | 05:33 |
infinity | Ahh, the lots of shit" release. | 05:33 |
infinity | Excellent. | 05:33 |
infinity | s/the l/the "l/ | 05:33 |
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lamont | hrm... so when I hotplug a scsi drive, how come it doesn't automagically show up ofr me? | 05:47 |
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fabbione | lamont: it does here.. | 07:08 |
fabbione | can you check with udevmonitor if the kernel sees the even? | 07:09 |
lamont | will do | 07:43 |
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phaidros | how to update alsa kernel-modules to latest? (i have the latest alsa-driver & ubuntu kernel headers in /usr/src and installed make-kpkg) | 11:46 |
phaidros | i'm using dapper, btw. :) | 11:46 |
phaidros | have some troubles with moy soundcard and the advice from the alsa-devs is to use latest src :/ | 11:47 |
phaidros | so now I'm trying to comile latest alsa-src onto running kernel (2.6.15-19-686 ) | 11:47 |
phaidros | how to do that with kpkg ? | 11:47 |
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=== pappan looking for BenC | ||
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pappan | hi BenC | 02:23 |
BenC | hello | 02:24 |
pappan | i was the one who had filed bug 33265 | 02:24 |
pappan | (17:55:49) Ubugtu: Malone bug 33265 in linux-source-2.6.15 "reboot does not do a reboot in sony laptop" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/33265 | 02:25 |
pappan | bug 33265 | 02:26 |
pappan | the bot is not here ? | 02:26 |
BenC | Try booting with reboot=h and then also reboot=r | 02:26 |
BenC | see if either of those allow it to reboot properly | 02:26 |
pappan | ok i will try it later today.. i am now working in a RHL box | 02:27 |
pappan | so if one fails i have to try the other ? | 02:28 |
BenC | correct | 02:28 |
pappan | i also want to get involved in fixing it if possible :) | 02:28 |
BenC | fixing it requires knowing the outcome of the reboot= stuff | 02:30 |
BenC | Send results to the bug report, please | 02:30 |
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zul | heylo | 02:33 |
BenC | hey zul | 02:33 |
zul | hey BenC how is it going? | 02:33 |
pappan | BenC: will do that | 02:33 |
pappan | thanks | 02:33 |
BenC | zul: pretty good | 02:34 |
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zul | thats good to hear...did you have a look at my patches? | 02:39 |
BenC | zul: yeah, I have them queued for next release | 03:17 |
zul | sweet.. | 03:29 |
mjg59 | Now we have to see how many people have broken wireless cards... | 03:30 |
mjg59 | (Since the softmac prism54 driver will now bind to a pile of them instead of ndiswrapper) | 03:31 |
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NAiL | How would I go about getting a small patch into the ubuntu kernel? Blacklist c2/c3 on ibm thinkpad bios 1set70ww (Thinkpad R40e). | 07:00 |
NAiL | other revisions of the same bios is already blacklisted in processor_idle.c, but the bios I'm using is apparently newer. | 07:02 |
zul | NAiL: open a bug in launchpad | 07:18 |
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NAiL | What are the chances of a fix like that going into the dapper release? | 07:36 |
NAiL | (#38228) | 07:38 |
zul | pretty good ill make a patch for it tonight | 07:54 |
NAiL | thanks :) | 08:08 |
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