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kwwiitime for bed12:32
kwwiinight all12:32
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jjessemornfall: ping?01:57
jjessei see that Add/Remove Programs does not support managing repositories, will it?01:59
robotgeekjjesse: i asked him yesterday, he said no02:06
robotgeeknot until v 2.002:06
jjessegack, trying to explain when to use add/remove programs and when to use adept02:07
robotgeekjjesse: :)02:07
jjessewhat is the license on mp3 playback? example libxine-extracodecs02:16
mornfalljjesse: hmm?02:18
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jjessemornfall: will i be able to manage repositores from add/remove programs?02:18
mornfalljjesse: i think robotgeek already asked02:18
mornfalljjesse: answer is no, we are deep in feature freeze -- it's not possible now so it won't be02:19
jjessemornfall: ok, i'm just tyring to figure out how to explain when to use adept and when to use add/remove progrmas02:19
mornfalljjesse: (adding a menu entry to be able to call the current adept repo manager could do -- but the repo manager is far from intuitive, i'm afraid)02:19
jjessemornfall: so if you were writing a book for new users how would you recomend managing the repos?02:20
jjesseediting the file sources.list?02:20
mornfalljjesse: the adept manager works when you have docs02:20
mornfalljjesse: it's not intuitive => hard to use *without* docs02:20
mornfalljjesse: if it's documented, it shouldn't be hard02:20
mornfalljjesse: most of what you do is: 1) enable/disable repos that are already there (context menu on deb lines) 2) add new repos by cut&paste02:21
jjessemornfall: that is what i mention just thinking out loud i guess02:22
mornfalljjesse: the latter may be even intuitive, the former needs the user to right-click the right line02:22
mornfalljjesse: i'll redo the interface after dapper02:22
mornfalljjesse: (the repo management one)02:22
mornfallother than that, i'll go and sleep now02:23
mornfallgot to get up early02:23
jjessemornfall: thanks for responding have a good night02:23
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alleemaybe someone feel like testing http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/tmp/digikam_0.8.1+0.8.2-beta1-0_i386.deb, built from not yet annouced http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/tmp/src-only/digikam-0.8.2-beta1.tar.bz2.  (Debian dir at pkg-kde alioth repo)03:25
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verwilstcould yakuake be upgraded?09:16
Hobbseehey verwilst 09:16
verwilstthe current version always crashes on exit09:16
verwilsthi Hobbsee09:17
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freeflyingverwilst: you'd ask for UVFe09:22
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Hobbseethat's even worse than what ended up happening with me yesterday!09:32
verwilstwgat's that?09:33
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Hobbseejust joins and parts - adn 3 clones - repeatedly, for around 5 mins09:33
Hobbseenot as long as enfact_'s though09:33
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freeflyingthere will be a distro based upon kubuntu dapper by the creator of mandrake 11:12
=== Lathiat washes his eyes
Lathiatwasnt april 1st a week ago now? :)11:12
freeflyingLathiat: no , I have confirmed it 11:13
freeflyingI'm basing the first release of Ulteo on latest Kubuntu (6.0x). Using 11:13
freeflyingeither Knoppix installer or Espresso (no standard install).11:13
freeflyingRiddell: ping 11:14
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Riddellfreeflying: yeah, I'm in contact with Gael11:27
freeflyingRiddell: as qt is upgrade to 3.3.6, so need scim-qtimm recompile against it 11:28
Riddellfreeflying: ok, anything else or just scim-qtimm?11:39
Tm_Tnice flood11:40
freeflyingRiddell: i meet some crashes with konqueror and kopete , all about libqscim.so11:41
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hendryRiddell: I can't get skim going :12:33
Riddellhendry: maybe because scim-qtimm needs recompiled12:35
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hungerAnyone adapted the koffice RC to the new mysql already?12:35
Riddellhendry: no, but koffice final will be out soon enough12:35
hungerRiddell: Will that end up in universe or in some of the more obscure repositories?12:36
Riddellhunger: same as the RCs I'll put them on kubuntu.org and if it's stable I'll ask for an upstream version freeze exception12:38
hungerRiddell: I keep forgetting that deb line:-( Is it documented somewhere?12:38
hungerRiddell: Will koffice-latest work? Then I won't need to keep editing sources.list.12:41
Riddellhunger: yes12:44
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raphinkSime: are you there?01:18
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freeflyinganyone can tell me whom shall I ask for the ubuntu logo's license03:18
Riddellfreeflying: http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/TrademarkPolicy/03:21
hendrykdm doesn't depend on x-window-core. charming03:21
freeflyingRiddell: thx03:22
raphinkhendry: what was that supposed to mean?03:24
hendryi apt-get install kdm thinking that it will pull in X03:24
raphinkI don't see why03:25
raphinkif you only put kdm03:25
raphinkyou have no window-manager03:25
raphinkhence you don't need X03:25
raphinkinstalling a window-manager should pull in X rather03:25
raphinkactually ...03:27
raphinkx-window-system-core is installed by either kde or kubuntu-desktop03:28
raphinkhendry: note that's it the same for other DMs03:28
raphinkinstalling gdm won't have x-window-system-core pulled in03:29
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jeroenvrptwinkle twinkle twinkle :-)05:44
jeroenvrpworks great05:44
jeroenvrpI have the new version 0.6.205:44
jeroenvrpin the dapper repo ts 0.4.205:45
jeroenvrpany change 0.6.* will become available?05:45
Riddelljeroenvrp: of what?05:45
jeroenvrpRiddell: of Twinkle05:45
jeroenvrp0.6.2 has kaddressbook-integration05:46
Riddellnever heard of it05:46
Riddelljeroenvrp: but please do package an update and ask for an UVFe05:46
jeroenvrpRiddell: sorry I dont know how to package an update yet05:50
Riddelljeroenvrp: perfect time to learn :)05:50
Riddelljeroenvrp: seriously, go to #ubuntu-motu and someone will help you through it05:50
Riddellelse poke people in here05:50
jeroenvrpRiddell: If I have the time06:07
jeroenvrpbut thanks for your time06:07
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kmonamarok1.4 beta conflicts with libmysqlclient1506:27
kmonanyone else has this behaviour?06:27
Riddellthere's a new libmysql in dapper06:28
kmonaptitude reports:06:31
kmonamarok: Depende: libmysqlclient15 (>= 5.0.15-1) pero no es instalable06:31
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Riddellkmon: I don't have time to fix it I'm afraid06:33
Riddellmoin danimo 06:33
kmonRiddell: ok06:33
Riddellkmon: but you can recompile it yourself easy enough06:34
danimoRiddell: still looking for networkmanager-openvpn plugins06:35
danimoRiddell: I can't find any arguments on why they haven been included06:35
Riddelldanimo: they're part of network manager rather than knetworkmanager yes?06:36
danimoRiddell: yes, no special rant at you, I am just looking for someone to ask06:37
danimoRiddell: sorry if it looked like it06:37
Riddelldanimo: dude to ask in that case is keybuk on #ubuntu-devel06:37
Riddellit didn't look like it, I just didn't know06:37
danimoRiddell: thanks06:37
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Riddellah pef 06:45
pefhello Jonathan06:45
Riddelljeroenvrp here just had a request for a package update06:45
pefand the package is ? and what about universe freeze ?06:46
RiddellI'm just passing on the message :)06:47
pefthanks :)06:52
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Simeraphink: pong07:34
raphinkSime: wow that was fast :)07:35
raphinkhow are you?07:35
Simeyeah ok, running dapper on my 'workstation' now07:35
raphinkSime: I can't activate dualscreen in the display module07:36
raphinkthe box is greyed07:36
Simehow many screens to you see on the hardware tab?07:37
raphinkjust one07:38
Simethen it hasn't detected that you've got a dualhead machine.07:40
Simedo you have a dualhead capable machne?07:40
raphinkSime: yes it's a laptop 07:50
raphinkwith a screen wire on the side07:50
Simeyes, but does it support dualhead?07:50
raphinkhow do you mean?07:50
Simecan you have two monitors connected showing two screens? (xinerama)07:51
raphinkI have no idea, but I guess07:51
raphinkwell I'd even like to have the same thing on both monitors07:51
raphinkand I can't get that07:52
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Simehave you still got that guidance_report_bug.py program around?07:56
raphinkSime: what's your email again?07:57
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Flosoftafter the last update in Kubuntu Dapper amarok doesn't work anymore07:59
Flosoftit was uninstalled and now I can't get it back07:59
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_hey ;)08:07
Tonio_Riddell: ping ?08:07
raphinkyop Tonio_08:07
Tonio_lut raphinou08:07
raphinkargh les spams MS qui fusent08:08
Tonio_raphink: tu sais si Riddell a parl du probleme d'antialiasing ?08:08
Tonio_c un truc de ouf non ?08:08
raphinkje sais pas08:08
Tonio_commentle fichier dans le rep de k-d-s peut tre diffrent de celui du packet.........08:08
raphinkj'ai pas suivi08:08
Tonio_je capte pas......08:08
Tonio_raphink: simply08:09
Tonio_whe you boot on the live cd08:09
Tonio_raphink: what this file : /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/kdeglobals08:09
Tonio_and compare to the one in the k-d-s package08:09
Tonio_it is COMPLETLY different08:09
raphinkwhere does it come from then?08:09
Tonio_and that's the reason antialiasing doesn't work08:09
Tonio_raphink: absolutly no idea........08:10
raphinkthis only happens on the live CD though08:10
Tonio_raphink: and the mose surprusing is that if it came from anyther package, k-d-s should be uninstalable08:10
Tonio_raphink: I don't think this is only with the live cd08:10
Tonio_Riddell told me he had the problem with a native flight 6 installation08:10
raphinkwell if its the live CD, it might have been modified just before the image was done08:11
Tonio_raphink: only Riddell could have the response, since he the only one who really knows how are the isos built08:11
raphinkmithrandir made flight 6 iirc08:11
Tonio_raphink: and ?08:12
raphinkwell he's the one knnowing about this one08:12
Tonio_raphink: well, maybe that will be different with flight 708:12
Tonio_but I doubt......08:12
Tonio_and why THIS file specificly ?08:12
raphinkno idea08:12
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== AWAY is now known as ZuZubuntu-fr
Tm_TRiddell: ping08:38
Tm_Tor whoever who knows about recent wallpaper amusement08:39
Simeraphink: do you have an example of a xorg.conf file that works on your machine *and* uses the vga out?08:48
raphinkhmm no08:48
raphinkI c an't get it to work08:49
Simeraphink: has it ever worked?09:00
raphinknot on my machine at least Sime09:00
=== ZuZubuntu-fr is now known as AWAY
Simedoes anyone here have a laptop and know if having vga out can also be used for a dualhead (xinerama) setup?09:01
klugezi think most laptop graphic cards don't support anything else than cloning09:05
klugezat least mine doesn't seem to (not in windows either)09:06
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=== kwwii [n=kwwii@likes.smoking.more.than.watching.spacenight.dk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kwwiiRiddell: I received a mail from Jane about the Usplash so I took care of that today09:35
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Riddellkwwii: have they chosen a design?09:40
kwwiiRiddell: well, until now I made the simple logo but they wanted to try a glow around it, and the text black (my version had white text but that "breaks the logo")09:41
Riddellkwwii: did you work out any plan for squashing the logo to make it look better with 400 stretched to 480?09:42
kwwiiRiddell: to be honest, I will simply prescale the thing 09:42
kwwiiRiddell: and I really hope that that works well09:43
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kwwiibut prescaling a pic with so few colors and such might simply be the worst way to do things09:43
kwwiiI mean, the logo is only 250x65 pixels09:43
kwwiiwe'll see....09:43
kwwiiI am trying to be positive about this :-)09:44
Riddellyeah, I know you an usplash don't always get on so well09:44
Riddelltrouble with scaling it is that on powerpc and the like with real framebuffers it doesn't get scaled09:45
kwwiiexactly, so someone else will have to test it09:45
kwwiiI have three macs at home :-)09:45
kwwiiowning macs is the best way to drastically reduce questions from my wife and son about the computer -the standard answer is "nope, it's a mac"09:50
jjesse are there min. specifics someplace for installing kubuntu?10:18
jjesseboth server and desktop version of kubuntu?10:19
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddelljjesse: e-mail silbs to see what she's going with10:33
Riddellshe's on holiday next week though so do it tonight10:33
jjessedoing it right now thankss10:36
Tonio_Riddell: did you saw my messages concerning the antialiasing error10:37
RiddellTonio_: this morning yes10:37
Tonio_Riddell: and what do you think about that ? weired isn't it ?10:38
RiddellTonio_: the kdegloabs file in /usr/share/k-d-s is the same as in k-d-s package for me10:38
Tonio_Riddell: with a live cd ?10:38
Riddellwhat's missing?10:40
Tonio_Riddell: the content is completly different, let me show you10:40
Tonio_Riddell: http://pastebin.com/64484910:41
Tonio_this is the kdeblogals file I have in /usr/share/k-d-s10:41
Tonio_Riddell: I replaced with the one in the package and restarted kde, and antialiasing then works10:42
Tonio_Riddell: amazing no ? the content is COMPLETLY different10:42
Tonio_Riddell: I thought about that all the day and cannot find any possibility for the file to be modified lie that.......10:43
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Riddellthis is what I have http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/64485810:44
Tonio_this is the file I have on a live flight 6, no update performed, nothing, simply on boot10:44
Tonio_Riddell: and does antialiasing work for you ?10:44
Tonio_hum........ impossible....... what's that mess ?10:44
Tonio_how can I get that file ?10:45
Tonio_in my case, copying the k-d-s file resolved the issue, restarting kde and got antialiased fonts........10:45
robotgeekRiddell: we are shipping kde 3.5.2 with dapper?10:46
Tonio_Riddell: rebooting on the live cd to see if I'm crazy or not10:46
Riddellrobotgeek: yes10:46
robotgeekRiddell: awesome :)10:47
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ubuntuRiddell: I m with the live cd10:51
Tonio-copy/pasting the kdeglobals file10:52
Tonio-Riddell: I now got the same file than you.............10:54
Tonio-I spent 1 hour on this I don t understand.................10:54
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Tonio-Riddell: ok now 5for an unknown reason I see the sa;e than you11:01
Riddellit's certainly spooky11:01
Tonio-you may think that I'm crazy, but I'm certain of the file I got yesterday, cause it is a valid kdeglobals file..........11:02
Tonio-and I never used an opensuse livecd..............11:03
=== Tonio- is more confortable with french keyboard :)
Tonio-Riddell: the strange point is that antialiasing fonts is checked in systemsettings..............11:04
Tonio-uncheck and recheck corrects the issue11:04
Riddellthat sets ~/.fonts.conf doesn't it?11:05
Tonio-but whe I diff .kde after the resolution is applyied, I don't see anything concerning fonts............; that's incredible11:05
Tonio-Riddell: that rewrites a few things in kdeglobals too11:05
Tonio-like font settings etc..........11:05
Tonio-let me diff11:05
Riddellyes, it sets fonts.conf11:07
Riddell+[General] 11:08
RiddellI don't think those are it, but possible11:08
kmonRiddell: kopete's gethotnewstuff support is working well here.11:08
Tonio-Riddell: you're right, removing .fonts.conf recreates the problem for me11:10
Tonio-no antialiasing here.........;11:10
Tonio-Riddell: it seems that the .fonts.conf file is the key :)11:12
Tonio-Riddell: no way to set that with k-d-s, but I can patch kdestart like I did with gtk-qt-engine11:12
Tonio-Riddell: want to make the test ?11:12
Tonio-Riddell: but that means kde changed it's way to work on that point, cause fonts.conf file wasn't creating any issue before.........11:13
Riddellyes, fontconfig hasn't changed11:14
Riddellit's strange11:14
Tonio-Riddell: as far as I know, kde was taking  it's font config in kdeglobals before, am I wrong ?11:15
Riddellwell it has always used fontconfig before as well11:16
Tonio-Riddell: but when ~/.fonts.conf isn't set, where is it supposed to take the font configuration ?11:16
Tonio-and the antialias setting ?11:16
Tonio-Riddell: yes, but as the parameters are in kdeglobals font too, I assume one of the two files is prior11:18
Tonio-Riddell: priority changed due to a bug in kde 3.5.2 or something ?11:18
Tonio-I must say I'm a bit lost....11:19
RiddellI don't see the parameters in kdeglobals11:19
Riddellonly Xfthintstyle11:19
Tonio-Riddell: which is the level of antialiasing right ?11:20
Tonio-Riddell: maybe there is a bug which causes kde to read the ~/.fonts.conf file, but ignores the /etc/fonts/fonts.conf one ?11:20
Tonio-if this file didn't change,  maybe it isn't read at all11:21
Tonio-Riddell: do you know a way to monitor or log when a file is opened by a process ? could be usefull to monitor the /etc file11:22
Tonio-I don't know a way to do that with linux, only windows.........11:22
Riddellsettings xfthintstyle dosn't make anything antialised11:23
Riddell/etc/fonts/fonts.conf is read as well, you can copy the parts of ~/.fonts.conf into it and it'll still work11:23
Tonio-Riddell: okay11:23
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Tonio_Riddell: no pb on my desktop with .fonts.conf removed in my profile11:30
Tonio_Riddell: that's *very* strange....11:31
RiddellTonio_: what is your desktop installed from?11:37
RiddellTonio_: he's a bug you might be interested in :) https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/meta-kde/+bug/3714911:37
UbugtuMalone bug 37149 in meta-kde kde ""Breaking glass" default critical error sound KILLS GRANDMOTHERS!" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  11:37
Tonio_Riddell: my desktop is a flight 4 upgraded, with kde 3.5.211:38
Tm_Tand what's the bug part =)11:38
=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp24-adsl-1-102.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu-devel
Tonio_and it works correctly without any .fonts.conf file11:38
Tonio_Riddell: but I don't see any difference in /etc/fonts/fonts.conf....11:39
Tonio_Riddell: To complicated for me this time :)11:39
=== Tm_T is searching new wallpaper
Tonio_Riddell: hahaha ;) yes breaking glass is a pain, I will change this11:40
Tm_TTonio_: I thought it's meant to cause pain11:40
Tm_Tso user do his best to not to end up having those =)11:40
Tonio_Tm_T: lol11:41
Tm_Tbut yeah, any wallpaper suggestions welcome11:42
RiddellTonio_: can you send me the /etc/fonts directory on your desktop?11:43
Tonio_Riddell: sure :)11:43
Tonio_Riddell: you should have the mail11:51
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the differences in kdeglobals, is appears I switched the ~ and the /usr/share/k-d-s one..........11:51
Tonio_Riddell: shame on me..... that's why I had that difference....11:51
Tonio_Riddell: hard to be concentrated with girlfriend at home buging me every 2 seconds hehe :)11:52
Riddellyep, no difference in font directories11:53
Tm_Taah, oldschool11:54

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