
=== juz [n=juz@12.Red-83-33-18.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
lwelynI have a little problem with a mini program plug in in the task bar. the system performance monitor is just green now..and not shownig something anymopre12:05
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blackshellrobotgeek on my notebooke i am connected with wirless card to my private wirless network at home and in vitrual machine on notebook when i do scan for wirtual netowrks it says it doesn't found any network :S12:05
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robotgeekblackshell: can you try with a live cd, or look in wiki to see if your model works?12:06
ubotuwell, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers12:06
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shiggzthere're dead links there12:07
shiggzthe list being one12:07
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=== tanghus [n=tol@0x535c8e5f.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
_adminin my Kubunte, the "media" isn't showing anything... what is wrong? wasn't it supposed to show my drives?12:09
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robotgeek_admin: yes, can you see in /media12:10
shiggzwhat's the apt command to install ndisgtk?12:10
lwelynDamit...why the system mini monitor in my task not showing anything anymore?12:10
_adminrobotgeek: yes, but I mean... when I click "Media" on my KDE Menu, Konqueror tries to enter the adress "media:/", and there is nothing there12:11
robotgeek_admin: upgrade to kde-3.5.2 to fix that bug, i think12:11
shiggzoh and also12:11
lwelynSo nobody want to help me with this?12:12
shiggzthe wlan shit reports that I somhow have two kernels in there or something12:12
_adminrobotgeek: how can I upgrade my KDE? with "apt-get" ?12:12
shiggz2.6.12 and 2.6.1612:12
robotgeek_admin: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php12:13
robotgeekshiggz: uname -a12:14
lwelynwell problem solved12:14
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shiggz-a shows everything about the distribution12:17
shiggzya so12:17
shiggzhow can I set aside one kernel and use the other?12:17
shiggzI'd rather use the newer one12:17
apokryphosif it's installed, just select to run that one on the GRUB prompt12:17
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shiggzah you mean at boot up?12:18
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shiggzon a restart?12:18
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hellz_hunteri just wanted to say that i love kubuntu12:21
hellz_hunterits very cool12:21
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robotgeekhellz_hunter: kubuntu loves you too :)12:21
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hellz_hunterim finally loved!12:22
hellz_hunteri can stop seeing my therapist now!12:22
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shiggzfucking bah12:28
shiggzI can't seem to install python-gnome212:28
robotgeekshiggz: please, mind you language12:30
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lwelynhow can i configure a mini proramme without taking it on the task bar?12:36
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shiggzsorry robotgeek12:39
shiggzI'm sorta annoyed12:39
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shiggzcan you help me install python-gnome2?12:39
robotgeekshiggz: why doesnt it install?12:39
shiggzno idea12:39
shiggzI can't find the file12:39
shiggzeither that I don't know how to add repositories to apt12:40
shiggzeither that or*12:40
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robotgeek!info python-gnome212:41
ubotupython-gnome2: (Python bindings for the GNOME desktop environment), section python, is optional. Version: 2.12.1-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 19 kB, Installed size: 48 kB12:41
robotgeekshiggz: you need not have to enable repositories12:41
robotgeekshiggz: "sudo apt-get install python-gnome2"12:41
shiggzI did12:42
shiggzdoesnt find it12:42
=== chipo [n=chipo@host-148-244-99-10.block.alestra.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu
shiggzPackage python-gnome2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:42
shiggzThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:42
shiggzis only available from another source12:42
shiggzE: Package python-gnome2 has no installation candidate12:42
shiggzthat's what I get12:42
shiggzsorry for the spam12:43
robotgeekshiggz: apt-cache search python | grep gnome12:43
shiggzno output at all12:43
conn_hi, is anyone here using the ati (r128) driver?12:43
chipoAnyone nows how to change the Soundcard config?? I have the CreativeSB Live24! and my kubuntu thinks its a CLSBLive24 7.1  and I cannot hear the CDs or MP3 (or maybe is another thing)12:44
robotgeekshiggz: maybe python-gtk or something like that, i am not sure. sorry12:45
sickshiggz: grep '^deb' /etc/apt/sources.list12:45
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shiggzdeb cdrom:[Kubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release i386 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted12:46
shiggzshiggz@ubuntuownsj00f00:~$ sudo apt-get install python-gtk12:46
shiggzReading package lists... Done12:46
shiggzBuilding dependency tree... Done12:46
shiggzPackage python-gtk is not available, but is referred to by another package.12:46
shiggzThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or12:46
shiggzis only available from another source12:46
shiggzE: Package python-gtk has no installation candidate12:46
shiggzscratch that12:47
robotgeekshiggz: please don't paste here12:47
sickadd 'deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse' to /apt/sources.list12:47
sickthen apt-get update12:47
sickand then apt-get install python-gnome212:48
sicksorry, a typo, ad to /etc/apt/sources.list, but seems u got that12:49
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shiggzsick: same error12:51
shiggzE: Package python-gnome2 has no installation candidate12:51
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sickmyabe you need python-gtk2 not python-gtk?12:53
shiggzndisgtk needs python-gnome212:53
shiggzI'm trying to get my wireless working12:53
shiggzI'm getting net from my laptop atm12:54
sicki ma on dapper/unstable and i don't have the python-gtk package12:54
shiggzconnection sharing12:54
sickwhat package do you want to instal to setup your wireless?12:54
shiggzor wifigtk12:54
shiggzone or the other12:54
shiggzI tried the wlan driver but it errors out when I do make install12:55
sickwhat card do you have?12:55
sickwifi one i mean12:56
shiggzLinksys WMP1112:56
shiggzand I just fixed my sources.list12:56
shiggzit's DLing the new stuff now12:56
=== BlackySoopaNex is now known as blackshell
shiggzit's getting the stuff12:59
shiggzI did apt-get -f install12:59
sickwhich driver you tried?12:59
shiggzand it's working it seems12:59
sickglas it helped12:59
shiggzsick lemme check which driver12:59
shiggzwhich wlan right?12:59
shiggzthat one*01:00
shiggzI think it's a kernel conflict or something01:00
shiggzI have 2.6.16 and 2.6.14 installed01:00
shiggzI think01:00
=== Red_Herring is now known as Red_Herring|FOOD
sickthe driver is outdated01:01
sicktry 'apt-cache show linux-wlan-ng' what version?01:02
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sicktry 'ifconfig -a'01:03
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kbrooksfreezes put pressure on us, eh?01:03
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shiggzsick what am I looking for in that?01:05
sickthe names of the interfaces 'ifconfig -a | grep ^[a-zA-Z] '01:06
BarbelosOr even better, try iwconfig01:07
shiggzeth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:50:BA:C7:96:5A01:07
shiggzlo        Link encap:Local Loopback01:07
shiggzsit0      Link encap:IPv6-in-IPv401:07
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shiggzshiggz@ubuntuownsj00f00:~$ iwconfig01:07
shiggzlo        no wireless extensions.01:07
shiggzeth0      no wireless extensions.01:07
shiggzsit0      no wireless extensions.01:07
kbrooksrobotgeek: :P01:08
kbrooksrobotgeek: peep in.01:08
robotgeekkbrooks: hmm01:10
robotgeekshiggz, don't paste in here. Please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:10
shiggzyou're not an op01:11
robotgeekshiggz: so?01:12
shiggzsick do you have AIM or MSN/01:14
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sickshiggs: maybe you will have some tips here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=731901:16
kbrooksrobotgeek: general irc myth #1: rules are stated by ops01:17
kbrooksops only01:17
kbrooksrobotgeek: what have you got to answer to that? :)01:17
robotgeekkbrooks: i prefer not to answer01:17
kbrooksrobotgeek: heh01:18
kbrooksshiggz: he is not an op, but he can show rules :P01:18
sickrules, rules, the whole life is about rules and how to break them to get the thign done01:19
kbrookssick: funny.01:20
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sickesp in russia, where i live01:21
crimsun_whether robotgeek feels the need to remain opped at all times is his prerogative.01:21
crimsun_same for the rest of us.01:22
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sickanyone on dapper/unstable here?01:23
crimsun_plenty in #ubuntu+101:24
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shiggzhow do I resolve GTK bindings errors?01:30
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shiggzbwahaha I'm installing GNOME01:41
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_nickHEy folks, quick question...there a way to get Konqueror to not open things in the same window all the time? I want to click my "Home" twice icon and have 2 windows open, not one with 2 tabs....01:45
_nickI've tried changing the "Always open in new window" setting, but it doesn't appear to do anything =\01:46
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_jordanCan someone help me getting my wireless card to work? It should work automatically, but for some reason it won't be detected01:51
visik7_jordan: what card ?01:52
_jordanA Dlink DWL-G51001:53
visik7it's a acx100 iirc01:53
Red_Herring"sudo modprobe acx"01:53
visik7510 or 510+ ?01:53
_jordanone sec, let me check01:54
_jordanRed_Herring, when i run that, i get this response: FATAL: Module acx not found.01:55
Red_Herringhrm, modprobe -l | grep acx01:55
Red_Herringwait, is this dapper or breezy?01:56
Red_Herringfor breezy: sudo modprobe acx_pci01:56
_jordanthe, modprobe acx_pci, returned with nothing. the modeprode -l | grep acx returned with: /lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/acx/acx_pci.ko01:57
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=== bur[n] er finds it empty
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c|everwould this be an appropriate place to ask for some help?02:01
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_jordanany ideas as to why it's not working?02:02
=== wicked_ [n=wicked@modemcable123.18-131-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
c|everi've got kubuntu up and running on a G5. i just need a little help getting amarok working.02:02
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c|everif i try and select the xine engine, it'll crash on me.02:03
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wicked_hi! im having a hard time tryiing to have mp3 and mpeg codec installed over dapper02:03
visik7c|ever: try an updated amarok version02:03
c|evervisik7: i'm using the latest and greatest02:03
bur[n] erwicked_: using gstreamer0.10-plugins ?02:03
visik7_JohnFlux: lspci report texas instruments card ?02:03
visik7c|ever: 1.3.9 ?02:04
wicked_i just made afresh installation so all i got is the basic02:04
=== bur[n] er has been using 1.4betas but it's crashing on closing with the latest for me
visik7there aren't repo for breezy02:04
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c|evervisik7: the 1.3.7 from the repo02:05
wicked_... do some1 as a link on a help page or somethiing... i cant find any02:06
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yanisI have a very strange problem02:06
visik7c|ever: and same problem with 1.3.1 I guess02:06
yaniswhen I choose an object in Konqueror there is no 'Cut' action under the Edit Menu.02:06
yanischeck this screenshot: http://elgreco.unstable.nl/odd.jpg02:06
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c|evervisik7: so grab and build 1.3.9?02:07
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visik7maybe could fix02:08
visik7have u checkd on the ppc section on the forum?02:08
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wicked_bur[n] er: any clue?02:08
c|everyea, not much on there.02:09
visik7dunno man02:09
visik7time to sleep02:09
visik7 2.00 am here02:09
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c|evernight man.02:11
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wicked_hi! im having a hard time tryiing to have mp3 and mpeg codec installed over dapper... on a fresh installation02:13
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_jordanwould anyone have an idea what i should do for my wireless card problem?02:14
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ubotumethinks k9copy is A good alternative to running DVDShrink with wine is k9copy http://k9copy.sourceforge.net/index.php which is available for breezy is this repository deb http://repos.knio.it/ breezy main contrib non-free02:16
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bur[n] erwicked_: you need the codecs... what are you using to play the files? kaffeine?  totem?02:17
wicked_amarok mostly02:17
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Ze_Mgod night02:18
bur[n] erwicked_: xine engine or gstreamer?02:18
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wicked_i dont know, this is a freash installation of dapper02:18
Ze_Mwhats the diference between kubuntu and ubuntu?02:18
wicked_i didnt install nothing yet02:18
crimsunZe_M: KDE and GNOME by default.02:19
wicked_Ze_M: ubuntu use gnome and kubuntu kde02:19
bur[n] erZe_M: kde and gnome02:19
Ze_Mits the only difference?02:19
=== bur[n] er thinks it's a big difference
crimsunpragmatically, yes02:19
Ze_Mbut since is the same distro wy differentiate name? in other distros the name keeps the sane if using kde or other wm02:20
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bur[n] erZe_M: because their two different cds, and it's a petty thing... the distros working well is more important than naming :)02:20
wicked_bur[n] er: how may i find if i use gstreamer or xine02:21
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bur[n] erwicked_: sudo apt-get install amarok-xine, it's better anyway02:21
bur[n] erwicked_: dapper or breezy? i forget02:21
bur[n] erwicked_: you have universe and multiverse as available repositories?02:23
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bur[n] er!mp302:23
Glin|JolWinamp not Running02:23
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:23
wicked_yes ive been to that link but seems like apt was unable to find some of the require package02:24
wicked_libxine-extracodecs... as an exemple02:25
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angelikai've got a silly question for somebody- i want to remove a module from the kernel with modprobe, but the module is in use.  how to forcibly stop it?02:26
Ze_Mservice foo stop02:26
angelikathanks :)02:26
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=== Steven_M [n=Minerva@210-246-8-118.paradise.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu
bur[n] erthat's not right... service?02:28
bur[n] erangelika: sudo rmmod module_name02:28
bur[n] erangelika: lsmod lists them02:29
Steven_Mhi all02:29
wicked_amarok-xine is already installed02:31
wicked_hi Steven_M02:31
bur[n] erwicked_: follow that link from the !mp3 command02:31
bur[n] er!mp302:32
Glin|JolWinamp not Running02:32
ubotump3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:32
bur[n] ergrr... stupid mirc script02:32
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bur[n] erer... xchat script ;)02:32
shiggzokay so no matter what I do I can't get ndisgtk working02:32
wicked_yeah i went there but it seems like there is some package here that apt cant find02:32
angelikaburner, that didn't work either, because the mod is actually running.02:32
shiggzeven installing full blown GNOME helped very little02:32
Steven_MIs there ISO of a 64-bit Intel kubuntu cd/dvd as opposed to 64-bit AMD?02:33
bur[n] erangelika: what are we talking about here?02:33
shiggzshiggz@ubuntuownsj00f00:~$ ndisgtk02:33
shiggzFailed to load GTK bindings. Please check your Gnome installation02:33
bur[n] ershiggz: just use the non-gui :)02:33
shiggzthe drivers I have don';t seem to work anyway02:34
shiggzI have a WMP11v4 card02:34
shiggzI followed why ppl say and it won't work02:34
angelikaburner, the command you wrote- sudo rmmod module_name complained because the module is running02:34
angelikai need to shut it off but not sure how... or if i can.  new to linux :-\02:35
_jordanWhat is the kubuntu version of Synaptic, or is it the same? If it is the same, where can i find it?02:35
Steven_Mhi wicked_02:35
bur[n] erwhat module specifically02:35
bur[n] erand what does it control?02:35
angelikasnd_intel8x0.  its onboard sound card module02:35
bur[n] erso stop all sound apps02:36
angelikanone are running.02:36
bur[n] erps ax <--u sure?02:36
crimsunangelika: sudo invoke-rc.d alsa force-unload02:36
angelikaok, i will try it.02:36
shiggzisnt there a KDE NDISWRAPPER frontend?02:37
angelikaoh thanks, that did the trick :)02:37
shiggzlike a Qt one02:37
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wicked_ok well i give up the fight02:37
angelikathanks guys!02:38
=== bur[n] er shrugs and listens to mp3s with amarok ;)
bur[n] ershiggz: google?  apt-cache search ?02:39
shiggzthe ndiswrapper wiki that tells which driver works is down sorta02:39
shiggzthe needed page isnt there02:39
wicked_bur[n] er: that was bad02:39
bur[n] ersucky02:39
bur[n] eri assume it's a wireless card shiggz ?02:39
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shiggzI tried the official ubuntu supported one but that's a no go too02:40
hz9000hi guys, i have 2 hd's, 1 windows, 1 kubuntu, i just installed kubuntu and apparently screwed something up because grub can't see my windows share02:40
hz9000what can i do?02:40
lanceI have a very choppy mouse, I looked at top and everything seemed low, I think its just my mouse is slow.. any way to fix this?02:40
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CellarDoorah excellent I have K9Copy now02:42
bur[n] erhz9000: windows share?  as in samba?02:42
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CellarDoormust give it a whirl02:42
hz9000just windows hard drive02:42
bur[n] erlance: could be video card related with slow display refresh?02:42
hz9000formerly was my main hd and just used my spare one for storage (now it's linux)02:42
lancebur[n] er: how do I check?02:45
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=== wicked_ is getting pissed off
lancebur[n] er: everything seems pretty quick tho.. my keyboard commands happen quickly02:45
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lancehz9000: did you have windows installed first, and then installed kubuntu?02:47
icemanthere a way to set superkaramba to load on boot and start a set of plugins02:47
wicked_hi! im having a hard time tryiing to have mp3 and mpeg codec installed over dapper... on a fresh installation... ive been there https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats but apt was unable to find some needed package02:47
lancewicked_: what packages?02:48
hz9000lance, i did02:48
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icemanwicked_ got to be extremely sure that multi verse repos are enabled02:48
xwolf-wicked_ well, all i did was installing gstreamer0.8-plugins and the magic was done.02:48
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xwolf-i just got out of a fresh new install, but on breezy02:48
bur[n] erlance: glxinfo |grep direct  <-- does that say yes for rendering?02:48
wicked_iceman:  sources.list as been edited and recheck than update02:49
wicked_im using dapper02:49
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wicked_under xine engine02:49
icemanI need help setting mplayer to the default media player ...02:49
xwolf-i don't think there is much of a problem02:49
xwolf-iceman afaik, you need to set the mime types specifically for each file02:50
lancebur[n] er: says yes, with three warnings all like: "libGL warning: 3D driver claims to not support visual 0x24"02:50
=== hugo [n=hugo@modemcable151.87-202-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu
hugohey is it normal if I dont have super Karamba02:51
icemanwhere do you change the settings ...02:51
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icemanhugo you have to install superkarama .... not a included package02:52
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_jordanWhere should the kernel build files be located?02:52
hugook I dont need new deb02:53
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icemanwhere do you change the mplayer  settings to make it the default media player02:54
xwolf-iceman go to the file's properties and click the little thingie on the far right of 'type'02:54
xwolf-it's a tool, don't know the name in english02:54
xwolf-iceman or you can choose Open With and then 'remember the association for this file type'02:55
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psychiccyberfreawhat's the file I have to mod to get online packages again?02:56
psychiccyberfreayeah where is that02:57
ablosyansya kelk ki parle frensh ici02:57
=== PhoenixGI [n=PhoenixG@pool-70-104-45-101.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
icemankool got the mplayer setting ... ty02:57
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sarais my IP address from eth0 ..from the card itself.. or does the cable server give it that ip address?02:58
PhoenixGISara Probably from your Cable, unless you connect to a router, then the IP comes from teh router02:59
saraok thanks03:00
saraim having troubles connecting my new DSL service03:00
shiggzhas anyone here successfully gotten a Linksys wireless card working properly with KUBUNTU?03:00
saramy server wont help, because im on linux, which REALLY sucks03:00
=== shiggz is now known as Shiggz
bur[n] eranyone know the hotkey to switch tabs in konq?03:00
ShiggzI can never find the correct driver03:01
psychiccyberfreayou can use some drivers from the CD, but it is not reccomended03:01
Shiggzagain, I tried03:01
bur[n] ersara: you probably have a dhcp server03:01
psychiccyberfreathat's what I did03:01
saraon cable my on-the-motherboard lan card is recognized right away.. on DSL it wont show an IP address for that eth0 connection03:01
bur[n] ersara: have multiple computers connected to it?  behind a router?03:01
Shiggzpsychiccyberfrea: what driver u use?03:01
ShiggzI have a WMP11v403:01
sarano multiples, yes DHCP03:01
bur[n] ersara: try running "sudo dhclient eth0" ?03:01
psychiccyberfreaI used bcmwl5.inf03:01
bur[n] ersara: what does "ifconfig" say?03:02
Shiggzhwat card u have03:02
psychiccyberfreadell wireless 1130?03:02
=== bur[n] er assumes it more networking issue than hardware/driver issue
psychiccyberfreait's a broadcom thing03:02
bur[n] erbcm43xx?03:02
saraon cable (which I am right now) it gives an IP address , on DSL it doesnt list an inter adr for eth003:02
bur[n] eri'm using that on a dell latitude laptop03:02
ShiggzI don't have that chipset I don't think03:02
psychiccyberfreaI really don't know...03:02
PhoenixGIsara are you directly connected to your DSL modem, or still running thorough the router03:03
bur[n] ersara: if it's a modem... power cycle it?03:03
sarafor some bizzare reason my server asked for 2 things to get started (because I am on linux and cant use the install disk) .. one an ip-mac address which i found and gave them, second they want my IP address for my machine03:03
sarano router03:04
PhoenixGISara, Ok I don't know how to do this, but is PPPoE setup03:04
PhoenixGIIn Kubuntu, sounds like your not "dialing" out03:04
sarawhen everything is hooked up on DSL and I type ifconfig -a   I dont get an ip address showing up for eth0 ,03:04
bur[n] ersara: they give you the ip ;)  that's f'd up03:05
_jordanIs anyone here good with wireless cards?03:05
bur[n] ersara: try sudo dhclient eth0 ?03:05
sarathats the other thing... I tried apt-get to get pppoe and it installed , but doesnt run properly03:05
=== bur[n] er shrugs... all dsl out here uses routers
saraburner i'm at a friend on cable right now getting info, I tried all night to get the dsl working03:06
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arnevening all03:06
PhoenixGIThat's probably where the issue is at Sara, If PPPoE isn't making a connection, then no IP for you03:06
sarai will try  that though, what does that command do?03:06
PhoenixGIEvening arn03:06
bur[n] ersara: asks for an ip from the dhcp server03:06
bur[n] ersara: similar to "ipconfig /renew" on windows03:06
saraI cant wait to try that one03:06
koshsorry I don't know either, I have an external cisco dsl router, it just works regardless of os03:06
psychiccyberfreawell, I know this is a stupid question, but does your 'router' have ethernet ports on the back (more then one) or does it connect via USB, Firewire, or is it a card?03:07
koshno PPPoE etc03:07
arnI marked something for install in adept but it says BREAK(install) in red03:07
arnany one know what that means?03:07
kosharn: it means that package can not be installed03:07
bur[n] erarn: prolly needs extra packages?  (i use apt-get so don't quote me)03:07
saraif you install something like pppoe via tar , is there a good way to delete it and all ?03:07
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bur[n] ersara: find all files and remove it... or if you kept the source, you can make clean i think03:08
psychiccyberfreasara answer my question please03:08
saraim trying03:08
bur[n] erpsychiccyberfrea: how's she to know you are asking her ;)03:08
sarasmall fonts  lol03:08
bur[n] erher/him/ whatever ;)03:08
saraim not on a router , just a dlink DSL modem03:08
=== _jordan dreads it, but prepares to go back to windows
bur[n] ersara: via ethernet or usb?03:09
bur[n] ersara: usually via ethernet means no drivers, whereas usb would03:09
saravia motherboard onboard lan card03:09
bur[n] eroh yeah :)  you said that03:09
sarai have a spare ethernet card that I was considering trying03:09
=== bur[n] er would power cycle the modem first and foremost before anything
psychiccyberfreawith ethernet modems, you go through that, so your IP would appear to be your modem's IP.03:10
bur[n] ersara: it is possible that you're restricted to one MAC address and they didn't put it in correctly and you're getting denied an ip03:10
saraI tried powercycling and restarting, but in the boot, it seems that ubuntu hangs while looking for the cable connection on eth003:10
Steven_MIs there ISO of a 64-bit Intel kubuntu cd/dvd as opposed to 64-bit AMD?03:10
bur[n] ersara: that's where the dhclient command hits basically03:11
psychiccyberfreadid you try configuring it through the web based panel type thing?03:11
sarathanks for all your help03:11
bur[n] ersara: i'd bet it'd to do with a MAC address acceptance issue03:11
sarai'll try that command03:11
bur[n] ersara: they prolly want the MAC address of your modem, not your NIC03:11
=== bur[n] er guesses
saradoes each lan card have a different mac number?03:11
bur[n] ersara: indeed03:11
saramaybe I should install the seperate lan card and give my server the new mac address03:12
psychiccyberfreaif it didn't, it wouldn't be an address now would it :lol:03:12
sarathanks a lot03:12
psychiccyberfreaif you try ipchicken.com you can find your IP and mac address03:12
psychiccyberfreaoh she left03:13
bur[n] erheh03:13
bur[n] ershe can't get online ;)03:13
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_jordando you guys think you can help me with my  wireless card problem?03:13
bur[n] er_jordan: try the wiki?03:13
wicked_where can i find a great sources list for kubuntu dapper03:13
hugook I think ive lost some repositories03:13
_jordanbur[n] er, i've been looking at it and trying all sorts of things for hours... with absolutely no luck03:13
Dannyhow do I install this if I have no internet connection?03:14
psychiccyberfreasearch through the drivers disk and find the one for your model, then install it into ndiswrapper03:14
psychiccyberfreathat's what I did03:14
bur[n] er_jordan: dwl-510?03:14
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_jordanit recognizes the card, but it doesn't assign it anything like wlan003:15
psychiccyberfreadid you re-load the modules?03:15
_jordanwhich ones?03:15
bur[n] er_jordan: iwconfig ?03:15
psychiccyberfreatry this:03:15
=== DrMO is now known as DoctorMO
psychiccyberfreasudo depmod -a03:15
bur[n] er_jordan: how do you know it "recognized" it?  you mean by lspci?03:16
psychiccyberfreahe probably did ndiswrapper -l03:16
_jordanpsychiccyberfrea, that commnd didn't do anything03:16
_jordanlshw -C network03:16
_jordan  *-network:0 UNCLAIMED03:16
bur[n] erwtf does -a do?03:16
psychiccyberfreaI know now try this:03:16
_jordanthen it lists the details of the card03:16
psychiccyberfreasudo modprobe ndiswrapper03:17
psychiccyberfreathen check for errors in:03:17
bur[n] erooh... lshw is neat :)  thanks for that03:17
_jordanroot@jordan:/etc/ndiswrapper-1.12# modprobe ndiswrapper03:17
_jordanFATAL: Error inserting ndiswrapper (/lib/modules/2.6.12-9-386/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko): Operation not permitted03:17
psychiccyberfreadid you do sudo?03:17
bur[n] er_jordan: sudo03:17
_jordani'm logged into terminal as root03:17
bur[n] erdoh03:18
psychiccyberfreathat's a problem03:18
bur[n] erthe module exists? at that location?03:18
psychiccyberfreaI'm just getting this off the wiki, don't blaim me...03:18
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icemanwhats apt-get command for xfce03:18
psychiccyberfreatry apt-get install xfce03:18
CellarDooror look it up using Adept03:19
_jordanor you can try: apt-cache search xfce03:19
CellarDoor(lazy me)03:19
_jordanthen select a package03:19
CellarDooror that...03:19
_jordanpsychiccyberfrea, i tried installing ndiswrapper, but i kept running into an error.. it couldn't find the linux build locationg03:20
psychiccyberfreasudo apt-get update ndiswrapper03:20
Dannyhow do I install this if I have no internet connection?03:20
psychiccyberfreais that even valid?03:21
_jordanroot@jordan:~# apt-get update ndiswrapper03:21
_jordanE: The update command takes no arguments03:21
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psychiccyberfreaopen symawhatever package manager, search 'ndis'03:22
icemanhow to rebuild gnome .... dpkg_reconfigure ubuntu-desktop ?03:22
_jordanyou mean adept?03:22
_jordani haven't been able to find symatic on kubuntu... :/03:22
icemanseems kde toasted my Gnome03:22
psychiccyberfreasynaptic package manager03:22
_jordanyeah, that03:23
crimsuniceman: no, it's just the existence of ~/.gtkrc-2.0 as overwritten by gtk2-engines-gtk-qt as required by kubuntu-desktop03:23
psychiccyberfreasearch 'ndis' there and un-install it, then re-install it03:23
SigmaX_jordan: Adept?03:23
icemancrimsun how to make them play nice ....03:24
psychiccyberfreano sigmax it's synaptic03:24
crimsuniceman: move ~/.gtkrc-2.0 out of the way whenever you use GNOME03:24
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crimsuniceman: then move it back whenever you use KDE03:24
SigmaXpsychiccyberfrea: mmkay.  Just thought Adept was the default for Kubuntu, so sdave him a step.03:24
icemanhave to note that03:24
_jordanthe  only thing that shows is 'ndiswrapper-util'03:24
psychiccyberfreayeah that's it03:24
icemansucks they cant play nice with one anotehr03:24
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angelikai have a nasty sound problem... anybody care to give it a shot?03:25
psychiccyberfreare-install that after you un-install it03:25
crimsunwhat sort of nasty sound problem?03:25
psychiccyberfreanote that your drivers will be erased (anything installed)03:25
_jordanmeh, doesn't matter03:26
_jordani just installed it...03:26
angelikaoook here goes... the short version is that somehow kubuntu sends the sound to my onboard sound card (which i can't disable )03:26
angelikabut, the onboard sound is NOT the default card03:26
psychiccyberfreanow re-install your driver03:26
_jordanok, it's installed03:26
psychiccyberfreasudo ndiswrapper -i <driver path>03:26
crimsunangelika: that's easily worked around.03:27
_jordanwhat would be the driver path?03:27
crimsunangelika: are you using dapper or breezy?03:27
angelikai would LOVE to know how.03:27
icemanI moved to dapper ...03:27
psychiccyberfreajust type in sudo ndiswrapper -i03:27
Shiggz_jordan: what wireless card ya got?03:27
crimsunangelika: what do you have configured for arts in System Settings> Audio03:27
_jordanDlink DWL-G51003:27
icemanwell time to test xfce03:27
psychiccyberfreathen drag the driver .inf file into the terminal03:27
crimsunangelika: I'd disable the sound server completely and just use ALSA03:27
Shiggznot what I got03:28
_jordanwhere would the .inf file be?03:28
angelikai use ALSA03:28
crimsunangelika: so the sound server is unchecked?03:28
psychiccyberfreaon your CD, or download it from the ndiswrapper wiki page03:28
angelikawhere am i looking?03:28
crimsunangelika: system settings> audio/multimedia03:28
psychiccyberfreathe page got erased so google ndiswrapper list and click 'cached' to see it03:29
Shiggzif you manage to get the file let me know03:29
ShiggzI'm annoyed that that page was removed03:29
psychiccyberfreaI would look for it on the wiki first...03:29
angelikaok and where in there?03:29
psychiccyberfreame too shiggs03:29
crimsunangelika: it's just a check box at the top03:29
crimsunI don't have KDE running atm, so I can't tell you precisely03:30
Shiggzuber annoyed03:30
angelikaok i'm looking... i see something "Enable the sound system"03:30
crimsunangelika: that's it. Make sure it's unchecked03:31
_jordanok, i found it in the list...03:31
angelikaits unchecked.  do i have to reboot?03:31
crimsun(you'll lose system sounds, but sound in apps are fine003:31
crimsunno need to reboot03:31
psychiccyberfreaI got the page it's here:03:31
angelikastill uses onboard sound03:32
crimsunangelika: and it should. We're not finished yet.03:32
angelikaok, sry.  what next?03:32
crimsunangelika: cat /proc/asound/modules03:32
_jordansorry, it just dawned on me where to get the inf from :)03:32
Dannyhow do I install this if I have no internet connection?03:33
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angelikathat file is not there.03:33
angelikai should create it?03:33
ShiggzI tried the INF from my drivers cd doesnt work03:33
Shiggz@ Jordan03:33
angelikasorry :)03:33
_jordanwhen i drag the file on terminal, what should i do03:33
crimsunangelika: ...you don't have /proc/asound/modules?03:33
angelikamissed a space in the typing03:33
angelikaits there.03:33
crimsunwhat are its contents?03:34
psychiccyberfreathat's the url to the wiki page for the list of drivers03:34
_jordanyeah, psychiccyberfrea, i found that page, and i have the inf. now what should i do?03:34
psychiccyberfreawhat do I need for MP3 playback in kubuntu again?03:34
psychiccyberfreainstall it03:35
angelika0 snd_intel8x0           1 snd_usb_audio03:35
psychiccyberfreaand then go sudo depmod -a03:35
_jordanhow do i install it?03:35
crimsunangelika: ok, then just do this: echo "options snd-intel8x0 index=-2" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base03:35
PhoenixGIWooHoo, Found it, thanks for the Karma build guys03:36
psychiccyberfreasudo ndiswrapper -i <drag .inf file now>03:36
Shiggzomg omg I think this ma work now03:36
crimsunangelika: now reboot, and everything magically works.03:37
_jordanroot@jordan:~# ndiswrapper -i '/tmp/kde-jordan/arkxkAAyv/Driver/manual/WinXP/mrv8k51.inf'03:37
_jordanInstalling mrv8k5103:37
_jordanParse error in inf. Unable to find section W8100PCI.zerocfg03:37
_jordanParse error in inf. Unable to find section W8100PCI.zerocfg03:37
_jordanParse error in inf. Unable to find section W8100PCI.zerocfg03:37
angelikaok i will do that.  big thanks03:37
psychiccyberfreawow, I should put all this on my site03:37
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Shiggzpsychiccyberfrea and _jordan: if you wanna talk about this, my msn: shiggymiyamoto@gmail.com03:37
psychiccyberfreaI don't use MSN03:37
Shiggzwhat ya use03:37
psychiccyberfreaAIM, YAHOO, and Skype03:37
Shiggzhmm I got skype03:38
psychiccyberfreaI'm too lazy to compile it under linux so it may take me a while to get kopete, and skype03:38
psychiccyberfrealemmie donwload it qwick03:39
Shiggzapt-get it03:39
Shiggz...given you have the right repositories set03:39
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_jordani have to go for a little while03:40
psychiccyberfreaok shiggz wat's your skype name03:41
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Shiggzpsychiccyberfrea: it's shiggityshiggityshwah03:42
Shiggzbut my skype is having issues03:42
psychiccyberfreayeah I'm installin it now...03:43
Shiggzman.. I really like Ubuntu03:43
Shiggzthe best Linux OS I've tried yet03:43
Shiggz<3 apt-get03:44
psychiccyberfreayea everything else sees essy03:44
=== CellarDoor votes for kubuntu
ShiggzCellarDoor: yeah03:44
Shiggzthat's what I'm on03:44
psychiccyberfreathe one problemo I ahve with ubntu03:44
wicked_is apollon a nice app?03:44
CellarDoorwicked_: yeah03:45
ShiggzI have GNOME installed.. though I may remove it03:45
CellarDoorwicked_: I use it all the time03:45
=== angelika [n=angelika@NEW-THREE-FIFTY-TWO.MIT.EDU] has joined #kubuntu
wicked_cool i was hesiting between apollon and giftoxic03:45
angelikaand now, i can't get any sound :)03:45
psychiccyberfreathe install disk didn't let me have my /home partition a fat32 filesystem03:45
Shiggzok psychiccyberfrea I'm firing up my skype03:45
psychiccyberfreaand it took me foreva to fix03:45
psychiccyberfreaI need help running the skype installer03:46
CellarDoorwicked_: I was using Limewire before that... Limewire got the boot about five minutes after I installed Apollon03:46
Shiggzsudo dpkg --install skype<version>.deb03:46
psychiccyberfreayeah I downloaded the dynamic bunaries03:46
Shiggzget the deb03:46
wicked_yah use to hate java based apps under linux03:46
wicked_personal opinion03:47
Shiggzif you use the binaries you'd have to run it from the terminal03:47
Shiggzafaik anyway03:47
ShiggzI dunno how to symlink stuff03:47
CellarDoorwicked_: yeah I hate java apps03:47
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psychiccyberfreaok it's working03:48
CellarDoorwicked_: I'm about to try out K9Copy now too... looks like that might be good also03:48
honguyehmm ... a dumb question03:48
honguyeyou guys know any file sharing program for linux ?03:48
psychiccyberfreapsychiccyberfreak@home:~$ skype03:49
psychiccyberfreaskype: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:49
Shiggzyou'd need that03:49
wicked_http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=23885 ... if you are talking about this, yes it do sounds cool to me03:50
psychiccyberfreaI f33l like a newb03:50
psychiccyberfreajust apt-get it?03:50
Shiggzpsychiccyberfrea: search for that in a package manager or in terminal: apt-cache search libstdc++03:50
CellarDoorhonguye: Apollon is a nice giFT client, I think its great.03:51
CellarDoorwicked_: yeah thats the one03:51
CellarDoorwicked_: I'm gonna try it out after lunch03:51
wicked_honguye: any thing gift related sounds cool to me i was using giftoxic before, tonight i swwitched to apollon and its sounds good too03:52
Nomad411Hi.. My mouse server is dead, lost my mouse.  What do I want to restart from the command line?03:52
JasonFlimewire is the best p2p for linux03:53
ubotu[mouse]  Enabling extra buttons  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=evdev Installing extra cursor themes can be done easily with gcursor03:53
wicked_JasonF: i wont say that03:53
CellarDoorhonkzilla: giFT clients allow you to connect to multiple networks - With Apollon I'm connected to Gnutella, Fasttrack, and OpenFT.03:53
CellarDoorsorry wrong nick03:53
psychiccyberfreaok now it's working03:54
CellarDoorJasonF: Apollon is better03:54
Shiggzu can call meh if you like03:54
psychiccyberfreawhats your nick again?03:54
Shiggz= )03:55
CellarDoorwhat the03:55
CellarDoorwicked_: Limewire used to crash unpredictably at startup sometimes03:55
CellarDoorfor me03:55
CellarDoorreally annoying, it would freeze my desktop and I'd have to ctrl-alt-backspace and log back in03:56
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wicked_same here04:00
wicked_i try to avoid java04:01
wicked_thats evil for my pc04:01
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Steven_Mhi all04:10
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_jordanShiggz, did you guys get anywhere with the wireless?04:13
Steven_MWhere can I make a donation to the kubuntu project?04:13
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Steven_MAre any of you running kubuntu on a 64-bit intel?04:22
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BarbelosHmmm.... Can't seem to find an 'export' command on my kubuntu breezy, and I need to set an env variable. Any ideas?04:24
Steven_MWhere can I make a donation to the kubuntu project?04:25
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Red_Herring04:26
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Red_Herringyou KNOW its a linux chatroom when the kid has a nickname with startrek in it...04:27
=== Red_Herring sighs
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BarbelosAh... I DO have the 'export' command, just not in path when I'm sudo for some reason04:29
al3hey! someone could configurer msn on Kopete for kubuntu 5.04?04:29
keiferSteven_M: If the kubuntu website has information on donating money, then I can't find it. Maybe try contacting someone from http://kubuntu.org/contact.php ?04:31
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bimberiSteven_M: There's http://www.ubuntu.com/donations - not sure if there's a way to donate to kubuntu specifically04:34
Barbelosloading videodev and the quickcam messenger modules gives me absolutely zero video devices in /dev. The module for the cam was compiled with gcc-3.4 and everything. Any ideas?04:34
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Steven_Mthanks all04:35
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ShiggzI THINK I GOT IT!04:40
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murph2481how can i see a list of currently running programs so I can kill one kinda like task manager in windows??04:44
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seanmurph2481: top if you are in the CLI, KsysGuard if in KDE.05:00
murph2481KsysGuard - Process Table thank you :)05:02
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GullyFoylehey kewl, i use irssi, so i created a konsole session type for freenode. nice trick.05:09
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Tallia1Kubuntudo you remember that orange or sheep that use to go around the screen?05:14
Tallia1Kubuntui can't find the program!! :(05:15
Tallia1Kubuntucan you remember what it was?05:15
robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: kmelon05:16
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Tallia1Kubuntuis it in reps?05:24
Tallia1Kubuntuno it's not...05:24
robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: i just guess, it is in the repos. that's probably not what you were looking for05:26
xwolf-how do i install the samba thingie so that i can share files with a lan-but-windows user?05:27
ubotumethinks samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently05:28
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Brujahwhere can I find the directory of my mails? (kmail)05:44
robotgeekBrujah: .kde/share/apps/kmail/ maybe05:46
Xaero_VincentKDE is better than Gnome isnt it.. its better for people who like eyecandy and lots of features... I been using Gnome.. but no matter what I do I find it ugly..05:47
=== Xaero_Vincent is a long time Windows user and Gnomes MacOS 9 look doesnt cut it
Brujahsame here. kde looks muh nicer!05:48
Xaero_Vincentim trying to install kubuntu-desktop... but Im getting problems05:48
Xaero_Vincentcheck out the latest 2 posts on pastebin and u'll see05:48
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xwolf-i managed to install samba and share the file, but my windows counterpart says he cant copy06:04
xwolf-something like "Make sure disk is not full or protected bla bla bla"06:04
xwolf-any ideas?06:04
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robotgeekenfact___: fix your client06:16
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robotgeekgeo-1: no spamming06:17
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soundmaster80hi all, I'm not finding an answer in the dapper chat. I have seen someone else with this problem too. I burned an iso of dapper and my desktop will not boot from the cd06:23
soundmaster80my laptop will however06:23
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)06:33
=== sniff frowns
=== sniff scratches his head
=== sniff then walks away
soundmaster80well, i tried there06:34
soundmaster80apparantly this is a kubuntu problem06:35
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soundmaster80i have tried the dapper ubuntu cd and no problems06:35
soundmaster80however, the kubuntu cd has only worked on my laptop06:35
soundmaster80i've tried it on about 6 different cd or dvd drives06:36
soundmaster80and 3 different pc's06:36
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raidenhi, what is channel for wine help?09:17
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ubotuWine is a compatibility layer used by linux to let it run the majority of windows programs. To get wine installed, download http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine_0.9.10-winehq1-2_i386.deb then follow this guide to installing it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149585 More info at http://www.winehq.com or for support go to #winehq09:17
raidennobody there...09:17
raidenits not that09:17
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raidenim getting an error running a vb program09:18
Hobbseethere are people in #winehq09:18
geo-1nick leona09:20
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geo-1nick leona09:21
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dr3astry with a / in from geo-109:21
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MenZaHmm... I deinstalled KDE - now running GNOME, but a lot of my graphics seem to be replaced by KDE icons etc.... has anyone experienced something like this? And how do I recover it?09:27
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_vinboyany good game for linux?10:04
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MenZa_vinboy: just get cedega :)10:06
_vinboyah.. ok10:06
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koshI wonder if kubuntu can use the firefox package that opensuse has, apparently the one in opensuse uses the kde filepicker, that seems like that would integrate in kubuntu a lot more10:12
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koshie add a firefox-kde package or something and have it conflict with the regular firefox package10:12
vgehow come my new kernel dont let me connect to IRC servers, it hangs up on the "No identd (auth) response", this works fine on the 2.6.10 im using now, but not on the 2.6.17 i upgraded?10:13
vge second, what i need to add to see the loading text when linux is booting, i get  blank screen only now from point when Grub starts loading to point where KDE starts up?10:14
Hobbseekosh: that wouldnt work too well - what if you used both gnome and kde?10:15
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koshHobbsee: pick which one you want to use10:16
koshHobbsee: choose the kde integrated one or the gnome integrated one10:16
Hobbseenot if one conficts the others...10:16
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koshHobbsee: if they want the gnome one they install firefox, if they want the kde one they instlal firefox-kde which would remove the normal firefox and vice versa10:18
Hobbseei guess10:19
koshactually I still would not use firefox almost at all anyways but it is just an idea I had after reading that suse made firefox work with the kde dialog boxes10:19
=== Hobbsee tried building firefox with the qt engine, one day
Hobbseeit didnt wokr though :(10:20
koshfirefox needs its memory management redone10:20
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koshso it stops trying to manage so much memory and lets the os does its job instead10:20
Hobbseeyou a programmer, by any chance?10:20
koshthat is the primary reason I don't use firefox except to test stuff and then close it immediatley10:20
koshyeah I write db software10:20
Hobbseeyou could always fix firefox, then...10:21
koshfirefox seems to use about 10x the memory that konqueror does, even with 2G of ram that ends up screwing up my db work10:21
koshsince firefox claims a bunch of memory and linux will give it that memory and cut the cache10:21
koshHobbsee: I might be able to, however I could probably make more of a difference on konqueror in the same length of time10:22
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koshHobbsee: have you read the reasons for why apple based safari on khtml instead of gecko?10:22
Hobbseequite possibly10:22
Hobbseeno i havetn10:22
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=== Hobbsee doesnt have anything apple-based
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Hobbseethen again, a lot more people tend to use firefox10:22
koshyeah I know a lot do10:23
koshhowever as least as of kde 3.5 konq has better css support that firefox does10:23
koshhowever  firefox has the WORST memory management of any browser in usage10:23
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koshmaybe they learned memory management from sun but did not learn it well enough :)10:24
=== Hobbsee doesnt look at that source code, so doesnt really want to make judgements either way on how they coded it
Hobbseeyou're reminding me of my computer assignment that i should be doing lol10:24
Hobbseethis is not good!10:24
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koshwell java by default seems to assume it is the only app on the system and only seems to release memory when it thinks the system is running low10:25
koshhowever you can configure it to behave better10:25
koshfirefox seems to do the same but without the configuration10:25
koshopera, konqueror, safari, ie, etc don't cache the same way and they let the os make the decision on its own, so if you are doing other stuff at the same time as you have a web browser open those browsers are more system friendly10:26
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kameronwhat's a suitable X server for old cards? i have some unknown video card on ISA on a p2 board.. i can't get X to start trying vesa and fbdev.10:45
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naliothkameron: if vesa doesnt work, you're pretty much on a server box10:46
koshwhoa vesa should work on pretty much everything10:46
koshwhat card do you have?10:46
koshhave you opened it up to read the card?10:46
kameron"some unknown video card on ISA" kosh10:46
koshyeah well make it not unknown :)10:47
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kameronhaha... well.10:47
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_vinboylets say i have a firefox already open10:52
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_vinboyif i run another instance, it will put it right beside the old firefox10:53
_vinboyhow do I make it so that the button on the taskbar just keep adding to the back instead10:53
Hobbsee_vinboy: as in, grouping similar tasks?10:53
Hobbseeright click on kicker, configure, taskbar tab, group similar tasks10:54
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_vinboyHobbsee: not grouping10:56
Hobbseeoh ok10:56
_vinboyi would like every new button on the taskbar to put at the last available space10:56
_vinboydo u remember windows?10:56
_vinboythay have each new button put at the end10:57
_vinboyi tried to find the configuration for it.. but can't find it :(10:57
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koshI have mine only group tasks when the taskbar is full and only put items on the taskbar from the desktop I am on10:57
koshright click configure panel -> taskbar and the options are there10:59
koshkde is very flexible in what you can do with it :)10:59
_vinboykosh: tat is not wat i wan :D11:01
koshI don't really know what you mean then11:01
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kameronkosh, it's a ATI 28800-611:04
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LibertusMorning guys. My DNS lookups have been painfully slow since I installed a new router. Anyone else notice this?11:04
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:04
koshLibertus: I have not seen any issues however I have a local caching dns server11:05
Libertuskosh: My new router acts as a DNS proxy. I think this is the problem, but Windows doesn't suffer any slowdown, just Linux11:05
LibertusShell apps don't seem to have slowed down much, but they don't do anywhere near as much lookup as GUI11:06
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LibertusI'm suspicious that IPv6 might be the problem but I have no idea how to disable it. Any clues?11:07
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alexnicoltrying to get the volume icon back into my system tray11:12
alexnicolany ideas?11:12
lwelynI have a problem with the mini program of ksysguard11:12
lwelynsomebody perhaps have knowledge on this?`11:12
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visik7if I want to PAY legally mp3 from linux how can I do ? is there Itunes ?11:19
Hobbseealexnicol: run kmix11:20
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alexnicolCould not find11:21
alexnicoldownloaded asmix which did the job for now :D11:21
vgewhat tool i can use to reduce image colours to 256?11:22
naliothvge: gimp? krita?11:22
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vgewell im looking that from them, and cant find option to reduce the amount of coulours :/11:23
naliothi'm not very good with the actual usage of those, i just know they can do it11:24
vgewell i would sure like to know where are the options :/11:25
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lwelyni have a big problem with the mini programm ksysguard. if i try to get it to the bar the compelte bar crashes...11:27
JohnFluxlwelyn: what version of kde?11:32
JohnFluxlwelyn: by bar you mean kicker right?11:32
lwelynill trry to reset the whole conig now11:32
JohnFluxlwelyn: you added the applet11:32
JohnFluxlwelyn: and now trying to drag a 'sensor' from ksysguard to the applet, correct?11:33
lwelyni edited it. i tryed to add a new sensor.11:33
JohnFluxlwelyn: by dragging a sensor from ksysguard to the applet?11:33
JohnFluxthe applet is the "mini" program that sits on kicker11:33
JohnFluxlwelyn: hmm?11:34
lwelyni understandt..perhaps this will help..11:34
JohnFluxlwelyn: any crash is bad however so let me know what's happening11:34
JohnFluxlwelyn: (I'm the maintainer)11:34
lwelynWell, i delted the config of ksysguard. and removed it.11:35
lwelynnow ill try to reinstall it11:35
koshhi JohnFlux11:35
koshhow is life going?11:35
JohnFluxkosh: wf kosh?11:36
koshJohnFlux: yup11:36
JohnFluxkosh: working too much on my PhD and not enough on kde ;)11:36
koshJohnFlux: I have the same nic on wf and freenode11:36
lwelynJohnFlux: it dotn worked..no chance...to get this ksysguard onto the task bar11:37
koshI want business to go better, once it is going realy well I want to fund some python and kde work11:37
JohnFluxkosh: and as you can see there's too many bugs in ksysguard :(11:37
JohnFluxkosh: which business?11:37
JohnFluxlwelyn: please explain as accurarely as you can what you are trying11:37
JohnFluxlwelyn: so I can try to fix the problem in future versions11:37
lwelynJohnFlux: Okay. Ksysguard was showing my cpu work on the task bar and my swap. i dont use swap a lot and wanted to change this thing. then i tryed to put some other sensor from ksysguard to the task bar ksysguard.11:38
koshJohnFlux: web apps11:38
lwelynsince then my task bar crashes ultimatly if i try to get ksysguard on it :-I11:39
JohnFluxlwelyn: not good :(11:40
lwelynJohnFlux: tell me one thing..how can i reconfigure this damn mini prog wthout geting it on the task bar ( because this will cause a reboot... )11:40
koshyou have a crash that is causing a reboot?11:41
koshwhat could kde posibly do to any unix box that would reboot it by accident?11:41
lwelynno but...i cant work without a task bar11:41
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lwelynand this damn mini prog execute it compeltly11:42
lwelyni cant remake it..11:42
lwelynonly with a reboot11:42
kiwi_ukCould someone point me to the Kubuntu Bugzilla please? Do we share one with Ubuntu?11:42
lwelyni delted my ksysguardrc in tryout to fix this bug11:43
lwelynbut the one thing i reached that i cant even start this prog from my men...it was not the config i hoped..11:43
kbrookskiwi_uk: i'll reiterate. kubuntu is not a ork of ubuntu11:44
kbrookskiwi_uk: ubuntu doesntuse bugzilla, I think11:45
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kiwi_ukkbrooks: so? Why does that prevent Kubuntu tracking bugs for its own packages?11:45
kiwi_ukkbrooks: the best I could find is Ubuntu's Malone bug tracker...11:45
kbrookskiwi_uk: let me check the distributions11:45
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kbrookskiwi_uk: not there. checking site.11:47
lwelynJohnFlux: so you have an idea how i can fix this stuff? or maybe how i can reconfigure this mini programm without starting it ?11:47
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kbrookskiwi_uk: http://kubuntu.org/ < has a link to bugzilla, which says its disabled11:48
kiwi_ukkbrooks: it sure does11:49
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[nige] !kde11:57
ubotufrom memory, kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/11:57
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[nige] anyone know where I can get repos for kde 3.5?11:58
kosh[nige] : for breezy?11:58
[nige] kosh yep11:58
[nige] :)11:58
[nige] when i went to dapper, it killed X11:59
koshdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main11:59
koshwell you can fix x fairly easily12:00
[nige] cheers12:00
koshjust some lib locations changed12:00
[nige] i jsut reinstalled12:00
[nige] :)12:00
koshI have not reinstalled in about 6 years :)12:00
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twosouls82hi all12:00
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[nige] goood :) i envy you :P12:01
koshthe more you know the less often you have to reinstall12:01
locomortoWould anyone know why the kcontrol font installer doesn't install otf fonts for non KDE apps?12:02
[nige] yep yep, true I am getting better :)12:02
locomortoIt seems to work in KOffice, but I don't normally use that12:02
kbrooks 06:02:47 up 2 days, 13:02,  2 users,  load average: 0.24, 0.18, 0.2212:02
[nige] you wouldnt know where to get the gpg key for kubuntu.org12:02
koshlocomorto: can you give an example of some specific apps that you don't see the fonts in?12:03
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locomortokosh: abiword, OO.o2 (write)12:03
koshhmm they should be using fontconfig12:04
DrBaltarwell guys i gotta say im inpressed12:04
DrBaltarapart from the fact i cant logg on as r00t!!!!!!!12:05
koshlocomorto: out of curiosity do you have something like gedit installed that you could see the fonts in that?12:05
koshDrBaltar: that is by design12:05
koshDrBaltar: you are supposed to use sudo, there is no reason to log in as root12:05
DrBaltarso what do i do to install?12:05
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locomortoYes, gedit sees the fonts12:05
DrBaltarbut if i wanted to logg in as r00t......how?12:05
koshDrBaltar: normally you would just run adept, it will prompt you for your password12:05
koshDrBaltar: I won't tell you that12:06
koshDrBaltar: it is not a good idea12:06
locomortoDrBaltar: As in log into your desktop as root?12:06
[nige] i foudn it :)12:06
DrBaltarno just bog standard root12:06
koshyou should only run the bare minimum under higher security12:06
koshif you want to do stuff manually you could always do sudo apt-get update   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade   etc12:07
alexnicolIs there a guide somewhere to update the kernel?12:07
alexnicolTrying to install VMWARE12:07
locomortoalexnicol: Hmm12:07
DrBaltarand why is it tht every linux irc chann i go in to peeps have your name autod at the begining of a sentence?12:07
locomortoI;m fairly sure you dont need too12:07
alexnicoland its confusing itself because I've got GCC installed version 4.0.5, but the kernal only reckons its 3.5.212:07
koshDrBaltar: it is considered polite so people know who you are talking to12:07
kbrooksalexnicol: what kind of vmware are u grabbiny?12:08
DrBaltarokies cheers :)12:08
locomortoalexnicol: what do you get when you type uname -a?12:08
locomortoalexnicol: Iin a terminal12:08
koshDrBaltar: running as root is just a good way to get nailed, one of the primary problems with windows security is people running as admin12:08
kbrooksalexnicol: the kernel was ***compiled*** with 3.5.212:08
DrBaltarkosh: i know tht but there is so much more you can do as r00t12:09
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DrBaltarlike installing12:09
kbrookskosh: they have to. if they login as user,, they cant install most win32 apps12:09
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DrBaltarexactly lol12:09
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koshDrBaltar: I already told you how to install apps without being root12:09
locomortoWhat on earh is whiptail?12:09
kbrookskosh: do you agree with me?12:09
DrBaltareven the dredded nvidia drivers?12:09
koshDrBaltar: also it is root12:09
locomortoIts eating 97% of my CPU :|12:09
koshDrBaltar: yes use adept and it will prompt you for your password or you can use sudo12:10
DrBaltarWOW whats sudo then?12:10
koshkbrooks: windows was designed around being admin all the time12:10
koshDrBaltar: it allows you to run a command as root without you becoming root entirely12:10
DrBaltarso like: sudo make12:11
koshkbrooks: they have tried to fix some of it but the apps where designed around it, if windows was designed right you would be able to just allow the installer to run as a higher user without you logging out and logging in again12:12
koshkbrooks: but that does not work very well on windows12:12
DrBaltarso instead of su, how do i change to sudo?12:12
koshsudo nameofcommand12:12
DrBaltarthth it12:12
koshand it will ask you for your password12:12
koshto run the command12:12
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DrBaltarwow tht sounds easy12:13
DrBaltarany 1 elles installed the latest nvidia drives on kubuntu?12:13
Kamping_Kaiserit is :), especialy when sudo remembers for a while12:13
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alexnicolsor locomorto: Linux ubuntu 2.6.12-10-386 #1 Sat Mar 11 16:13:17 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux12:14
koshwell the latest nvidia drivers are from later december I think12:14
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koshnew drivers sometime this or next week is the current information12:14
DrBaltarwhats apt?12:16
koshapt is how everything is installed on debian based sytems and kubuntu is debian derived12:17
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koshyou can use adept though as a graphical front end to apt12:17
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DrBaltari think i know most of terminal....then next thing you know summat elles comes along......like sudo, and apt lol12:18
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DrBaltarok gunna log on in kubuntu12:19
kamerondoes ubuntu have the XAA ATI driver in repos, that anyone knows of?12:22
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DeBertCan somebody advice me on what webcam to buy for linux?12:25
=== nanotube [n=lubo@d220-236-184-161.dsl.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu
nanotubewhat is the bast way to install skype to kubuntu dapper? deb package? compile it?12:26
scarndoes dapper support RAID?12:27
nanotubescarn: yes12:28
Kamping_Kaisernanotube: grab a deb12:28
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: ok - thanks12:28
=== BodhiBaum [n=Andreas@p50864F9A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: download in progress .. any know  difficulties which might occur during instal?12:33
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Kamping_Kaisernanotube: um. there was a problem with a dependancy, but i dont know if it was a kubuntu or ubuntuy problem12:34
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=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Riddell] by ChanServ
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: yep : libqt3c102-mt , libstdc++512:35
=== killian [n=killian@pc022.roinfodesign.bacau.rdsnet.ro] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaisernanotube: libstdc++5 is in the repos, the first one was the sus one12:36
killianhow do i list all the apt packages to a file?12:36
Kamping_Kaiserkillian: installed ?12:37
killianall of them, wether installed or not12:37
Kamping_Kaiserkillian: they are already in files12:37
Kamping_Kaiserthe pacakge lists12:37
=== Snakezzz_ is now known as Snake__
killianwhere, please?12:37
=== scarn [n=not2bad@ppp-70-226-154-101.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu ["Hey,]
Kamping_Kaiser /var/lib/apt/lists12:39
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: got a problem to install libqt3c102-mt has no installation candidate12:40
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: However the following packages replace it: libqt3-mt12:41
Kamping_Kaisernanotube: hm.12:41
Kamping_Kaiserwonder what ubotu says12:41
Kamping_Kaiser!tell nanotube skype12:42
Kamping_Kaiser!tell nanotube about skype12:42
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: when trying to install libqt3-mt - skype: Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>= 3: but it is not installable12:42
=== Advis [n=pol@AMontpellier-252-1-21-58.w83-197.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: what are you trying to say :-))?12:43
Kamping_Kaisernanotube: i dont know how to fix it :)12:43
nanotubeKamping_Kaiser: no worries dude !! thanks anyway12:44
Kamping_Kaiserfeel free to keep buggin me to help if you need it ;)12:45
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=== DrBaltar is now known as to3
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to3Unable to find the system utility `ld`; please make sure you have the12:48
to3         package 'binutils' installed.  If you do have binutils installed,12:48
to3         then please check that `ld` is in your PATH.12:48
to3any of you get tht with nvidia drivers?12:48
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vgecan somebody tell me, why i dont get bootsplash screen on my new kernel when loading to KDE?12:55
vgejust black screen12:55
to3what version of opera dose kubuntu work with?12:56
to3i mean wich install distro12:57
to3cos ubuntu dosnt work12:57
vgebe more specific, im not that guru myself neather12:58
to3syntax error near unexpected token `newline'12:59
=== andre^off is now known as andred
koshvge: you probably don't have the framebuffer stuff compiled again12:59
to3i get tht when installing the ubuntu distro of opera12:59
vgeto3: www.opera.com12:59
to3kosh: i tryed installing with sudo....was looking good then i got this:01:00
to3Unable to find the system utility `ld`; please make sure you have the01:01
to3[11:48]  <to3>          package 'binutils' installed.  If you do have binutils installed,01:01
to3[11:48]  <to3>          then please check that `ld` is in your PATH.01:01
koshsudo apt-get install binutils01:01
koshand then try that again01:01
vgearrgh, where is framebuffer option in kernel T_T01:02
vgethats like a jungle01:02
=== My8os [n=My8os@ppp27-adsl-1-19.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu
vgeSupport for frame buffer devices FB <-- this i found, under that, shoud i check "VESA VGA graphics support" too?01:03
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to3ERROR: You appear to be running an X server; please exit X before01:05
to3         installing.  For further details, please see the chapter "Installing01:05
to3         the NVIDIA Driver" in the README available on the Linux driver01:05
to3         download page at www.nvidia.com.01:05
ryanakcaAt startup, resolvconf fails... and I can't access web by domain name... just by ip...    I take it it's because I don't have any DNS servers... wich ones should I use...01:05
Kamping_Kaiserto3: close x....01:06
to3how i do tht my man :/01:06
to3all this to up my screen resolutio :/01:07
=== Snake__ is now known as Snake[School]
Kamping_Kaiserwhy are you installing nvidiasa driver?01:07
Kamping_Kaiserwhats wrong with the one in apt?01:07
to3im new too all this as you can tell....i dont even know what apt is to tell the truth01:08
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Kamping_Kaiser<grin> ok to301:09
to3my desktop resolution will only go to 10*7 so i thought the nvidia drivers would fix it01:09
to3and slow my fan speed down01:09
Kamping_Kaiserto3: so you have a terminal open still? (konsole)01:09
to3yeah in in bash01:09
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Kamping_Kaiserjust a mintue01:10
Kamping_Kaiserto3: type "sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list"01:10
to3thing is about this linux, is there is no exact beginners guid.....ive even studied terminal for 2 days and dont seem to have got anywere :/01:11
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apokryphosto3: there are *many* beginners' guides01:11
Kamping_Kaiserto3: i'm not using kde, so i'm helping you the only way i can :)01:11
to3okies :)01:11
to3im in a new box01:12
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org01:12
apokryphosto3: for KDE the best thing to check is the documentation01:12
apokryphos!kde userguide01:12
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, apokryphos01:12
Kamping_Kaiserto3: and i belive there is help in kde?01:12
Kamping_Kaiserits a dapper thing oder?01:12
apokryphoscan't believe someone deleted that factoid :/ geh01:12
apokryphosubotu: kde usgeruide is at http://docs.kde.org/stable/en/kdebase/userguide/index.html01:13
ubotuokay, apokryphos01:13
=== X3n0n [n=fabien@AMontpellier-251-1-52-13.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
to3ok gunna read a few of them as well01:14
to3but would be nice to get my resolution corrected first so i can see :/01:14
Kamping_Kaiserto3: so are we still working here? :)01:15
to3im unemployed01:15
Kamping_Kaiserto3: same, its irrelevent ;)01:16
Kamping_Kaiserare *we* working ?01:16
to3was a joke but yeah lol01:16
to3so im in this new black screen01:16
ubotusomebody said resolution was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto01:17
Kamping_Kaiserwith lots of lines of text?01:17
Kamping_Kaiserapokryphos: getting nvidia drivers01:17
ubotuI guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736801:17
to3yeah loads01:17
apokryphosto3: though Kamping_Kaiser is good -- he'll have you covered :)01:18
to3yeah he's got me in to a black screen with loads of words :P#01:18
Kamping_Kaiser*swoons* got praise01:18
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Kamping_Kaiserhi Hobbsee01:19
Kamping_Kaiserto3: now find the lines with  with "main restricted" in tehm01:19
Hobbseehey Kamping_Kaiser01:19
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to3dound them01:19
Kamping_Kaiserand take away the # in front (it may already be gone)01:20
ryanakcaAt startup, resolvconf fails... and I can't access web by domain name... just by ip...    I take it it's because I don't have any DNS servers... wich ones should I use...01:21
Kamping_Kaisernow press Ctrl+o and Ctrl+x01:21
Kamping_Kaiser(save and exit)01:21
ryanakcalike what dns servers should I enter into my config?01:22
Kamping_Kaiserryanakca: what does your resolv.conf say?01:22
Kamping_Kaiserto3: then run 'sudo apt-get update' and tell me if it fails01:22
ryanakcaKamping_Kaiser: nothing... empty file01:22
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Kamping_Kaiserryanakca: i sugest you check with your ISP for servers01:23
Kamping_Kaiserunless you have an ADSL modem, in which case its usualy the modems IP01:23
to3says save file under diffrent name01:23
vgeshoud i compile "VESA VGA graphics support" into my kernel?01:24
Kamping_Kaiserthats ok, it should move it into the right place, but you can save as the correct name directly01:24
to3ok done tht01:26
Kamping_Kaiserto3: did it throw out erros, or happily update?01:26
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to3nothing i dont think01:27
Kamping_Kaisertry typing in 'apt-get install linux-686'01:27
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to3could not open01:28
Kamping_Kaiseroh, sorry01:29
Kamping_Kaisertry 'sudo apt-get install linux-686'01:29
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Kamping_Kaiserhi bimberi01:30
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu Ubuntusta kanavalla #ubuntu-fi01:30
to3eading package lists... Done01:30
to3Building dependency tree... Done01:31
to3E: Couldn't find package linux-68601:31
bimberihi Kamping_Kaiser :)01:31
Kamping_Kaiserto3: :S sounds lke your sources.list isnt updated to what i hoped - can you paste bin it?01:31
to3dunno what tht means mate :/01:31
Kamping_Kaiserlol. sorry :/01:32
uboturumour has it, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126901:32
to3im gunna try it all again01:32
to3[12:19]  <Kamping_Kaiser> to3: now find the lines with  with "main restricted" in tehm01:33
to3[12:21]  <Kamping_Kaiser> now press Ctrl+o and Ctrl+x01:33
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to3think i went wrong there?01:33
=== christopher is now known as cfraz89
to3do i have to copy tht line?01:34
Kamping_Kaiserto3: ok, first press Ctrl+o <enter>, then Ctrl+x <enter>01:34
to3or drag over it??01:34
Kamping_Kaisercfraz89: gday01:34
Kamping_Kaiserto3: iyou missed a step01:34
to3were ?01:35
cfraz89kubuntu is really nice01:35
vgeif everything works01:35
Kamping_Kaiserfind teh lines , remove teh # before them, then press Ctrl+o <enter>, then Ctrl+x <enter>01:35
=== andred is now known as andre^off
Kamping_Kaisercfraz89: yeh, its not bad01:35
to3do i merely move down so the lines are in view?01:35
cfraz89not bad?01:36
cfraz89i moved to it from mandrake01:36
cfraz89i think its the best distro ive tried01:36
Kamping_Kaisercfraz89: in that case its awsome :D01:36
cfraz89lol :)01:36
Kamping_Kaiserto3: use the up and down arrow keys to move to hte line you need01:36
cfraz89i decided to ditch mandriva after what they did to Gael01:36
cfraz89and it was really frustrating me01:36
Kamping_Kaiserwas gael another disto they ate?01:37
LeeJunFancfraz89: I ditched mandrake after what they did to linux, years ago. Too much bastardization and branding for me.01:37
cfraz89he was the founder of mandrake01:37
cfraz89they fired him01:37
cfraz89to cut costs01:37
Kamping_Kaiseroh o_001:38
cfraz89LeeJunFan: yeah01:38
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cfraz89since 10.0 the branding was really annoying yeah01:38
LeeJunFanThey were so intent on branding it they did so at the expense of compatability and stability. Actually changing source code to kde just to get your branding in at the expense of having kicker not work was lame.01:39
=== andre^off is now known as andred
LeeJunFancfraz89: I got fed up with the branding at around 9.1 I think.01:39
LeeJunFanToo bad too, as far as rpm distro's went they really had a lot going for them.01:41
mornfalllike? :)01:42
Kamping_Kaiserum. sorry to be the one who alwasy complains - can OT go in #kubuntu-offtopic?01:43
=== mornfall disappears
to3<Kamping_Kaiser> to3: did it throw out erros, or happily update?01:43
Kamping_Kaiseri jsut track this chanels comment status - you ppl make it look like someone needs help :D01:43
to3happily now i did it properly :o01:43
Kamping_Kaiserto3: good :)01:44
to3what did it do lol01:45
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Kamping_Kaiserto3: updated the list of pcakges hopefully01:45
cfraz89is there an easy way to permanently enable dma and 32 bit on hard drives?01:45
cfraz89surprised it wasnt default01:46
to3ohhh... but my screen resolution is still the same :/01:46
Kamping_Kaiserto3: so if you just ran `sudo apt-get update` you can run `sudo apt-get install linux-686` hopefully01:46
Kamping_Kaiserto3: we are working on it o_001:46
to3sudo apt-get install linux-68601:47
to3wrong place lol01:47
=== Kamping_Kaiser suspected as much
=== bimberi thought there was an error coming next
to3Reading package lists... Done01:48
to3Building dependency tree... Done01:48
to3E: Couldn't find package linux-68601:48
to3lol there you go01:48
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps bimberi about with a large E
=== Kamping_Kaiser brbs (2 minuts)
to3i think he's had enough lol01:48
bimberinah, he's very persistent :)01:49
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Kamping_Kaiserbimberi: mores teh pity :) theres times i'dlike to just walk off, but i cant01:51
bimberiKamping_Kaiser: lol, know the feeling01:52
Kamping_Kaiserto3: can you copy the output of the "apt-get update" command and paste it at http://kubuntu.pastebin.com ?01:52
to3linux 686 tht intel only?01:52
Kamping_Kaiserum. i think so01:52
=== Kamping_Kaiser realises he didnt ask
to3im useing athlon 6401:53
Kamping_Kaiserwith a 64bit install? or 32 bit?01:53
to3i think you want to shoot me now01:53
Kamping_Kaiserapt-cache search linux-image and apt-cache search nvidia01:54
=== Kamping_Kaiser sees no nvidia for 64 bit - is there one?
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Kamping_Kaiserto3: what kubuntu are you running? breezy or dapper?01:57
to3dunno :/01:57
to3latest 101:57
to3i got some ionfo 12 sec01:57
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Kamping_Kaiser breezy.01:58
to3nvidia-glx - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver01:58
to3nvidia-glx-dev - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org driver development files01:58
to3nvidia-glx-legacy - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver01:58
to3nvidia-glx-legacy-dev - NVIDIA binary XFree86 4.x/X.Org 'legacy' driver development files01:58
=== Kamping_Kaiser smacks self for beeing a geek - and you havent updated... bad boy
Kamping_Kaiseroh, its there. cool. you want the top one01:59
Kamping_Kaisercan i recomend `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx`?01:59
to3what do i do with it?01:59
Kamping_Kaiseryou chew on it :) its a bit gummy untill you'v been at it for a few mintues though02:00
to3so i have to upgrade :(02:00
to3i thought this was the latest02:00
Kamping_Kaiserto3: there have been updates02:00
Kamping_Kaiserits not a 'new system' upgrade, its a "bring me up to date' upgrade02:00
to3ok updateing02:01
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Kamping_Kaiserhope you have a good internet connection :)02:02
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to3while were waiting can i ask what apt-get is?02:03
Kamping_Kaiserto3: its the backend to most of the gui package install tools available. its a wrapper around dpkg02:04
Kamping_Kaiseratualy. lets ask teh bot02:04
Kamping_Kaiser!info apt-tools02:04
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=== Kamping_Kaiser tries to remember the package name
to3wow theres a bot here02:05
Kamping_Kaiser!info apt02:05
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ubotuapt: (Advanced front-end for dpkg), section base, is important. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 1192 kB, Installed size: 3888 kB02:05
ubotuit has been said that apt is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto02:06
Kamping_Kaiserto3: theres 3 iirc, ubotu, ubugtu and ubuntulog02:06
Kamping_Kaiserubugtu is absent it would seem02:06
to3man thts team work02:06
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HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: ubugtu's not usually here02:06
to3ok up to date02:06
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: yeh, but he was last time i dropped by, so i thought me might be a regular02:07
Kamping_Kaiser* regular now02:07
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Hobbseei think you'll find that was in #ubuntu02:07
Kamping_Kaiserto3: bastard :P02:07
Hobbseei'm not sure that he was ever here02:07
Kamping_Kaiserhm. could be02:07
to3nvidia up to date as well02:07
Kamping_Kaiserto3: reboot to make sure the changes applied, and you may or may not have to reconfigure x after02:08
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to3ok brbr02:08
Kamping_Kaiserto3: fear Hobbsee, she has  adirect line to go (aka Seveas)02:08
Kamping_Kaiser*god :/02:08
Hobbseeyeah, in -motu!02:08
SeveasHobbsee, do you want ubugtu to track bans too in here?02:09
HobbseeSeveas: that'd be cool.02:09
Seveas(hobbsee, btw: you should join the ubuntu-irc team on launchpad)02:09
Hobbseedidnt know there was one!02:09
=== Ubugtu [n=bugbot@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiseri'll be back in 15 odd minutes02:09
Kamping_Kaiserhi Ubugtu02:09
SeveasHobbsee, it's the team that says who can access ubugtus bantracker at http://bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl/bans.cgi02:10
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Hobbseeyep, right02:10
Seveas@config plugins.bantracker.enabled True02:10
Seveas@config plugins.bantracker.enabled False02:10
Seveas@config channel plugins.bantracker.enabled True02:10
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Seveasanyway, it tracks kicks, removes, bans and unbans now02:11
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Hobbseeok, that's cool :D  thanks02:11
=== DrBaltar [n=w00t@cpc1-midd10-0-0-cust852.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== DrBaltar is now known as to3
to3still max resolution of 10*702:12
vgehmm, how can i see what went on past the boot, log or something?02:12
Seveasvge dmesg02:14
Kamping_Kaiserto3: run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:14
=== Kamping_Kaiser has a very fast 15 min
SeveasKamping_Kaiser, heeh02:14
Seveasanyway, I'm out of here again. Have fun with the bot02:15
=== Hobbsee adds self to team
Hobbseethanks Seveas02:15
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has left #kubuntu ["cat]
to3Reading package lists... Done02:15
to3Building dependency tree... Done02:15
to3nvidia-glx is already the newest version.02:15
to30 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:15
Kamping_Kaiserheh. bye sev :P02:15
Kamping_Kaiserto3: :D02:15
to3but its still the same resolution lol#02:17
Kamping_Kaiserto3: you missed my comment a few up it seems02:17
Kamping_Kaiserto3: run `sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg`02:17
=== MidMark [n=MidMark@host-84-221-103-12.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu
to3ohhh the first time i did it i just got the above^^^02:18
Kamping_Kaiserto3: theres a setting when you walk though that to change the resolution02:18
Kamping_Kaisersing out if you need a hand :D02:19
MidMarkhi, yesterday all filesystem of my kubuntu 5.10 structure goes in fuck, fortunatelly I have backupped all my data with flight 6 live cd, the hard disk isn't broken (deep test result are ok), but how is it possible that failure? Bug?02:20
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MidMarkfilesystem was ext302:20
to3Select the video modes you would like the X server to use.02:20
to3how do i select lol02:20
Kamping_Kaiserto3: thtas it02:20
Kamping_Kaiserspace bar :)02:20
to3it just lets me move up and down02:20
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to3ohh :P02:21
Kamping_KaiserMidMark: did you change any filesystems/partitons?02:21
to3ok done it02:21
MidMarkno, I have turned on the notebook and after a filesystem check it stops asking me a manual fsck02:21
MidMarkafter it the system won't boot anymore02:22
to3dose it matter that i left alot of it at defauly?02:22
Kamping_Kaiserto3: not log out, press <ctrl+alt+del> and log in and it should be the big one02:22
Kamping_Kaiserto3:  should be fine02:22
to3as in skiped through the whole thing to get to the resolution part02:22
Kamping_KaiserMidMark: hm. sounds like a bug. can you check launchpad for it?02:22
MidMarkwhat is?02:23
Kamping_Kaiserhttp://launchpad.net/malone is where ubuntus bugtracker is02:23
MidMarkah ok02:24
Kamping_Kaiserto3 hasnt come back - hope he didnt get stuffed voer :S02:25
=== DrBaltar [n=w00t@cpc1-midd10-0-0-cust852.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== DrBaltar is now known as to3
to3w00t it worked!!!02:27
=== Creperum [n=ilya@mail.tex.kiev.ua] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiseri was worried :)02:27
to3Kamping_Kaiser you fixed it!!!!02:27
Kamping_Kaiseri just said this -> (21:55:23) Kamping_Kaiser: to3 hasnt come back - hope he didnt get stuffed voer :S02:28
=== MenZa [n=menza@0x535e9f82.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserto3: :D02:28
=== Kamping_Kaiser marks off good deed for teh day
to3how do i open irc logs in xchat lol02:29
Kamping_Kaiserheh. not sure.02:29
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to3is there a way i can change font size?02:31
Kamping_Kaiseryeh. proably in the conrol area02:32
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MidMark<Kamping_Kaiser> is there a way to know what happens mounting / with a live cd?02:34
Kamping_KaiserMidMark: what do you mean?02:34
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
MidMarklog file or something like that in the hard disk that doesn't boot anymore02:35
Kamping_Kaiserall logs are in /var/log02:35
Kamping_Kaiseryou could try the kernel logs, but i honestly dont know the best place to look02:35
MidMarkyou don't know which logs exactly?02:36
MidMarkok, someone that helps me to identify the problem in my ext3 crash?02:38
MidMarkif there is a bug is important to fix it02:38
Kamping_KaiserMidMark: i sugest asking in #ubuntu, as this is a more general quesetion02:39
Kamping_Kaiserand its a busy chanel02:39
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Isil`Zhakedit is considered untrusted?02:53
Isil`Zhak might be the wrong word.02:54
Isil`Zhait brings up a message with a pretty big list of packages it doesn't consider trusted02:54
to3there a way i can view my ntfs files in this day and age?02:55
Kamping_Kaiserno3not safely02:55
Kamping_KaiserIsil`Zha: re run apt-get update and try again02:56
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: it happened after i added the kubuntu mirrors. i did run an update right before02:56
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=== patrix is now known as patrixx
=== patrixx is now known as patrix
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: though after updating / upgrading around 70 packages were held back. so i did a dist-upgrade which came up with this strange list02:57
Kamping_KaiserIsil`Zha: kubuntu mirrors? as opposed to?02:57
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: originally i installed ubuntu and that package (don't rememeber its name) to get kde and thus kubuntu02:58
MidMarkit's a so busy channel that none helps me...02:58
Hobbsee!tell to3 about mount02:59
Kamping_Kaiserkubuntu is in the main ubuntu repostories02:59
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: ping02:59
Hobbsee!tell to3 about windowsdrives02:59
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: pong02:59
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Kamping_Kaiserdo you think MidMark would be able to ask a question about a f*ked fsk in -devel without a flameing?02:59
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: yes i though so too but guessed that adding these mirrors couldn't do harm. obviously they do?02:59
MidMarkI'm not flameing, I'm just saying that the filesystem is fucked, and this is true03:00
Kamping_KaiserIsil`Zha: can you pste your sources list to pastebin.com03:00
MidMarkbut yes I can do it03:00
Kamping_KaiserMidMark: i'm worried *you* will get flamed03:00
MidMarkis there a -devel channel03:01
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: kde-devel, kubuntu-devel, or ubuntu-devel?03:01
Kamping_Kaiserthey dont usauly like 'normal questions'03:01
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: ubuntu-devel03:01
Hobbseenot sure - i dont hang out there much03:01
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=== twosouls82 [n=twosouls@cc100614-b.assen1.dr.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserits a low level ubuntu issue from what i see, but i cant help with the debuging03:02
MidMarkok I'll try, let's see03:02
Hobbseebut they do tend to reroute people back to #kubuntu, when people ask stuff in kubuntu-devel03:02
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: ditto for u-dev03:02
Hobbseetry it, if you like03:02
MidMarkkubuntu-devel or ubuntu-devel is better?03:02
MidMarkoook thanx03:03
Kamping_Kaisertel tehm i sent you, because no one else could help here or in ubuntu03:03
MidMarkok thanx a lot!03:03
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: http://pastebin.com/64396003:03
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RiddellKamping_Kaiser: no, it's a user question03:05
Kamping_KaiserRiddell: so its a devel question? or i should get stuffed ?:)03:05
Kamping_KaiserIsil`Zha: yeh, the extra ones are the 'not trusted' ones. maybe Hobbsee can tell you if they are 'good' repos or no?03:05
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource03:06
Hobbseeanything that's not listed in there is a bad repo03:06
Hobbseeunless it's the wine one.03:06
klugezIsil`Zha: have you added Jonathan Riddell's key to apt?03:06
Kamping_Kaisergood to know03:06
klugezkubuntu repositories are not recognized trusted if you don't do it03:06
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Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: i don't think so. first time i hear about that. i guess it's not automatic03:07
MidMarkok asked with NO flame at all, waiting for a respons03:07
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: but still... although these might be untrusted packages in there: how can kedit be on the list?03:07
HobbseeIsil`Zha: you should not need deb ftp://cipherfunk.org/pub/packages/ubuntu/ breezy main03:07
Hobbseeand you dont need lines 29-3103:08
Isil`ZhaHobbsee: i needed win32codes03:08
Hobbseethey're mirrors of the same thing03:08
=== _mark [n=mark@CTPP-p-144-134-165-222.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseebetter to get it individually, then install the deb - rather than having a repo of it03:08
Hobbseeunless you know how to fix your box with force overwrites and purges, which gets kinda messy03:08
Kamping_Kaiserseveas does w32 doesnt he?03:08
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Hobbseehe does03:09
Hobbseethat's probably a safer repo to use03:09
Kamping_Kaiserand scary to support03:09
Hobbseethat too03:09
Isil`Zhaso should i look for his repo or better delete it all along?03:09
Isil`Zhabut as we touch this topic: i didn't get this part working that well after all. both kaffeine and totem(xine) still refuse to show real-streams03:12
MidMark"ext3 bug" sounds good for ubuntu-devel :) now now more answers...03:12
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Kamping_Kaisergood :)03:13
=== leeghoofd [n=david@dsl-213-233-208-073.solcon.nl] has joined #kubuntu
MidMarkyeah /var/log/messages they said :)03:15
Kamping_Kaiseroh, lol. thanks :)03:15
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Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: ping?03:17
HobbseeKamping_Kaiser: pong03:17
Hobbsee!tell Isil`Zha about seveas03:17
Kamping_Kaiserhm. i cant hit you in The Devils Own Protocol - it rejected me o_003:18
Isil`ZhaHobbsee: thank you03:18
Hobbseeoh really?03:18
Hobbseei dont see you in jabber either...03:18
=== bdmp [n=chatzill@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Ubugtu] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Hobbseethere we go :)03:18
Kamping_Kaisernah not signed on in jabber, it crashed gaim03:18
Hobbseeah ok03:18
bdmpWhen I sign in I get looped back to the log in screen. Help.03:19
bdmpin kubuntu03:19
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: tried a safe mode (does kde have one?)03:20
=== Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu
SeveasHobbsee, ping03:20
bdmpwell it give me a terminal but that is it03:20
HobbseeSeveas: pong03:20
Hobbseewhat's up?03:20
Hobbseefinally got into the ban list..03:21
SeveasHobbsee, when opped, ubugtu will kickban everyone using the DCC S*ND/st**tkeylogger exploit ;)03:21
Hobbseefound out i was using the wrong launchpad thingo...03:21
HobbseeSeveas: yes, precisely03:21
bdmpI can start programs but there is no KDE to speak of03:21
bdmpI can't start xfce either03:21
HobbseeSeveas: that was mostly the reason that i wanted ubugtu there in the first place03:21
Seveasah ok, didn't know you intended him to do that03:21
=== _ezra [n=ezra@222-154-33-42.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu
=== Hobbsee sees it happen in #ubuntu :D
Seveasanyway, I came here for something else03:21
Seveaswho are the main ops in here03:22
Hobbseemind you, it's kinda bad when someone's using the string legitimately, and gets banned03:22
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=== indypende [n=indypend@d83-176-103-214.cust.tele2.it] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseeah....robotgeek, myself, riddell,03:22
indypendehi all!03:22
ezra_fizzle nizzle ham in the middle03:22
SeveasHobbsee, happened 3 or 4 times so far versus dozens of legit morons being banned03:22
Kamping_Kaiserhi indypende03:22
HobbseeSeveas: oh i know!  it's great!03:22
bdmpKamping_Kaiser: What do I do in safe mode? How do I go from here?03:23
=== DrBaltar [i=Baltar@cpc1-midd10-0-0-cust852.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu
Seveasok, I'll add Venkat and Jonathan to the irc team03:23
HobbseeSeveas: there's a list, somewhere03:23
=== DrBaltar is now known as to3
SeveasHobbsee, in chanserv ;)03:23
Hobbseethere's also one via chanserv, too03:23
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: it wsa to find out how stuffed it is03:23
Seveasbut I'm only adding the really active ones03:23
Hobbseeyeah, but i oculdnt find the syntax for that03:23
Kamping_Kaisercan you launch a konsole?03:23
Seveasthe others should simply apply03:23
Seveas/cs access #kubuntu list03:23
uboturumour has it, kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/03:23
RiddellSeveas: what's up?03:24
Hobbseeoh yeah, naliot*h as well03:24
HobbseeRiddell: sorry mate...03:24
ubotuI guess apt is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto03:24
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RiddellHobbsee: why?  what did you do?03:24
SeveasRiddell, Hobbsee dragged ubugtu in here ;)03:25
HobbseeRiddell: in the lists of active ops - using your full nick, which would act as a ping03:25
Hobbseehaha yeah, that too03:25
Kamping_Kaiser lol03:25
=== Hobbsee doesnt have the luxury of the evil ops script to use.
SeveasRiddell, ubugtu is tracking bans now, see http://bugbot.ubuntulinux.nl/bans.cgi03:25
to3!info kde03:25
ubotuto3: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:25
to3!info kde03:25
ubotukde: (The K Desktop Environment), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 5:44ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 7 kB, Installed size: 40 kB03:26
to3!man kde03:26
ubotuto3: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:26
Seveas"is optional"03:26
to3!what is kde?03:26
Seveasnot in #kubuntu 03:26
ubotuto3: I think you lost me on that one03:26
to3!im a n00b help kde03:26
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, to303:26
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HobbseeSeveas: mind you, if you ever happen to modify that script for konversation, let me know :P03:26
Riddellto3: what are you doing?03:26
SeveasHobbsee, which script?03:27
to3want info on kde03:27
RiddellHobbsee: that's fine, you can call me whenever you want :)03:27
Riddellto3: see kde.org and stop abusing ubotu03:27
bdmpKamping_Kaiser: Yeah, I kinda am not so good on the trouble shooting problems like this. Ususally I just reinstall Kubuntu, but that is not really an option cuz I have so much stuff set the way I need it. What would you recommend I do to go about fixing this?03:27
to3abuse as in spanking?03:27
HobbseeSeveas: the opping one which is automated03:27
Hobbseekicks, bans, quote remove with "you should know better" - that one03:27
Kamping_Kaiserto3: dont talk to it in teh channel to much03:28
SeveasHobbsee, ah the thing I fixed for nalioth?03:28
HobbseeRiddell: hehe03:28
Hobbseeyeah, that's the one03:28
to3kampin why?03:28
Kamping_Kaiserto3: feel free to /msg ubotu help and have a talk03:28
=== Hobbsee glares again, remembering the assignment that is clearly not getting done!
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: have you been runnign stuff like k3b with 'sudo'03:29
Riddellsomeone needs to ban Hobbsee so she stops getting distracted :)03:29
Kamping_Kaiserlol Hobbsee03:29
Kamping_Kaiser!tell to3 about botabuse03:29
Hobbseehey!  i did one assignment today!  surely that's enough!03:29
bdmpI was installing Japanese input when the power went out.03:29
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Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: can you open a konsole?03:30
to3is there a dedicated java chann?03:30
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Kamping_KaiserSeveas: can we update the botabuse factoid?03:30
ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.03:30
Kamping_Kaiseriirc debian-bots dont like ubuntu payers03:30
to3bdmp you know were?03:31
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: run this `sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a`03:31
Kamping_Kaiserto3: tried #java ?03:31
HobbseeRiddell: i'm hardly doing work anyway - reading the newspaper while chatting :P03:32
robotgeekmorning Seveas Hobbsee Kamping_Kaiser03:32
Hobbseehey robotgeek03:32
Kamping_Kaiserhey robotgeek. wb03:32
Hobbseemorning?  it/'s not morning yet!03:32
=== Kamping_Kaiser fels teh active ops/usres ratio is a bit scewed :S
Seveas@now melbourne03:33
UbugtuCurrent time in Australia/Melbourne: April 06 2006, 23:33:1803:33
robotgeekSeveas: yay for ban tracker!03:33
RiddellKamping_Kaiser: in which direction?03:33
Kamping_KaiserRiddell: the ops are winning03:33
bdmpKamping_Kaiser: just returned. What now? Sorry ta bug ya.03:34
SeveasKamping_Kaiser, you, bdmp and me are the users, Hobbsee robotgeek and riddell the users03:34
Seveasno winner yet 03:34
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: np. what did you get?03:34
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Seveas] by Ubugtu
Kamping_KaiserSeveas: :)03:34
bdmpjust returned03:34
xwolf-which ascii is ? O_O03:34
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Seveas] by Seveas
Hobbseeah pity...03:34
Hobbsee /op03:34
SeveasHobbsee, it will only op bot owners03:34
Hobbseeworks though03:35
Kamping_Kaiser bdmp: run this `sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a`03:35
Seveasyou have chanserv on your side 03:35
=== Hobbsee doesnt care - she has an alias for op, and deop
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
Isil`Zhais it prefereable to try dapper right away or to install these 351 kde packages? i know this is not the same. i mean it in terms of getting kde 3.5. former way obviously results in a huge list of not trusted packages03:35
Kamping_KaiserIsil`Zha: just wait for dapper, its not that long03:35
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: take talk about op aliases into -offtopic :P03:35
bdmpKamping_Kaiser: it just returned no packeges changed execpt one not upgrade. beyond that nothing.03:36
Hobbseeguilty as charged :P03:36
=== Skrot [n=magnus@ti132110a080-1789.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: did you run the dpkg --confugre -a as well?03:36
Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: ok thanks03:36
bdmpjust returned03:36
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bdmpdid it twice03:37
Kamping_Kaiserhm. bdmp right.03:37
=== Kamping_Kaiser wondes what causes it, because you said xfce and kubuntu have the problem
bdmpwhen I sign in it sits on the blue kubuntu screen for a min and then it goes black and then to the grey x screen and then back to log in. if that helps03:38
=== Kamping_Kaiser sneaks into -bugs and leaves bdmp with teh ops
bdmphow do I make myself talk in the 3rd person03:39
Kamping_Kaiser /me03:39
=== Kamping_Kaiser educates bdmp
=== bdmp has learned something
MidMark<Kamping_Kaiser> seems that the failure wasn't logged, thank you for helping me anyway :)03:40
Kamping_KaiserHobbsee: The devils protocol isnt playing nice :/03:40
=== bdmp thinks this is a very Japanese way to talk, refering to one's self by one's own name
Kamping_KaiserMidMark: pity, bad luck03:40
=== bdmp 's roommate does it all the time
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: i'm not sure what to sugest - i dont *know* whats causing it.03:41
bdmpI gotta keep trying something. I tried to install ubuntu-desktop but I got all these permission denied error and it didn't install03:42
Kamping_Kaiserstrange. root doesnt usualy get denided access (i asume you did upgrade as root....)03:43
bdmpErr http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/all gnome-applets-data 2.12.1-0ubuntu1seveas4 403 forbidden03:45
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: try mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl03:46
Seveasuse a mirror, seveas.ubuntulinux.nl is not accessible outside my own home03:46
bdmpchange my sources03:46
bdmpwhat is the sources.list location03:46
bdmpI am a bad linux user03:46
Kamping_Kaiser /etc/apt03:46
Hobbsee /etc/apt03:46
Kamping_Kaiserlol. as if03:46
bdmpSo i cange the url to http://mirror3.seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/?03:48
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Kamping_Kaiserno, http://mirror3.ubuntulinux.nl/03:48
xwolf-how big should the swap partition be?03:49
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Kamping_Kaiserxwolf-: 1-1.5 times your ram03:49
Kamping_Kaiser(mind you, you only need that much if you hybinate your box)03:49
=== Hobbsee has a 1 gig swap
Hobbseedont think it gets used much though03:50
xwolf-i have 206mb :>03:50
bdmpshould I change my log in to the ubuntu one? Kamping_Kaiser03:50
xwolf-in a 4gb partition03:50
xwolf-4.2gb i mean03:50
=== Kamping_Kaiser has 1 gig as well, but not even mounted :$
Kamping_Kaiserbdmp: dont need to03:50
xwolf-it's just in case ram gets loaded up, then swap is used, right?03:51
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Hobbseeoh wow - 27% swap used!03:51
Kamping_Kaiserhow unleet :P03:51
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Hobbseeit's usually only at around 1%03:52
xwolf-Hobbsee  how do i see that?03:52
xwolf-5% using swap :>03:54
Kamping_KaiserSwap:            0          0          003:54
Kamping_Kaiser100% in use :P03:54
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Isil`Zhai can't close the "KDE-SSL-Information" window any more. it keeps coming up again after i closed it04:01
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=== NoDgr is now known as NoDgr[away]
Isil`Zhakilling it with ctrl-alt-esc didn't help either btw04:02
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=== _guest is now known as karat
xwolf-does kub have CDC ACM support?04:03
Kamping_Kaiserwhat? o_004:04
xwolf-you DONT know what CDC ACM is?04:04
xwolf-me neither.04:05
xwolf-but well, that's what the tutorial says about having this cdc acm thingie so that i can access my cellphone04:05
xwolf-looks like cdc acm is for usb modem04:06
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dominikhi i just installed kubuntu dapper drake... but amarok doesn't play any mp3s can anyone tell me where the problem is04:09
Hobbseedominik: install libxine-extracodecs04:10
xwolf-i'd type !mp304:10
Isil`Zhaxwolf-:  might be this could give you new ideas? it's a list of possible meanings of cdc: http://abkuerzungen.de/pc/html/result.php?language=EN&abbreviation=cdc04:10
=== Nto- [i=nto@124.varbergkabel-net02.varberg.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== noteventime [n=tilo@h219n2c1o291.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu
dominikadept doesn't find libxine-extracodecs04:10
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:11
Kamping_Kaiser!info libxine-extracodecs04:11
noteventimelibxine-extracodecs, the new gstreamer0.8-mad :P04:13
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=== hoka [n=hoka@hoka.micronet.pipenet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
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Isil`ZhaKamping_Kaiser: actually i have universe and multiverse and i can't find that package too? i was just curious because might be it could help with my streaming problems04:23
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Isil`Zhaops sorry. meant to refer to Hobbsee04:23
Kamping_Kaiserhm. i'm on dapper04:24
Kamping_Kaiseris the package on breezy?04:24
Isil`Zhadapper gets more and more tempting... ^^04:24
Hobbseeno, libxine-extra codecs is in dapper...04:24
Hobbsee!info libxine-extracodec04:24
Hobbsee!info libxine-extracodecs04:25
Kamping_Kaiserhave to add dapper to the end odre?04:25
Isil`Zhai tried this. the bot didn't like it04:25
Hobbsee!info libxine-extracodecs dapper04:25
ubotulibxine-extracodecs: (the xine video/media player library, binary files), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), Packaged size: 1148 kB, Installed size: 2976 kB04:25
Hobbsee!info libxine-extracodecs04:25
Hobbseemust be breezy only then04:25
Glin|JolWinamp not Running04:25
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats04:25
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ubotu[restricted]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats04:27
Isil`Zhahow badly is the dapper edge still bleeding?... ^^04:27
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bdmpKamping_Kaiser: that ubuntu-desktop thing didn't work. Do you know how I can change the log in thing to the ubuntu one. That might let me log in, I was thinking...04:29
Kamping_Kaiserwhen teh screen come up to put in your username/password, click "sesion"04:29
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bdmpNot tehe sesson but the log in screen. I can't get past the kubuntu log in so maybe the ubuntu one would let me04:31
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soundmaster80i just wondered if anyone in here has figured out the boot problem with dapper kubuntu04:37
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bdmpWhen I log in with the console and I do startx I get the gray screen and then it goes back to the console. When I get back to the console it says a lot of stuff some of it being:04:40
bdmpSkipping"/usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libGLcore.a:m_debug_clip.o": No symbols found04:40
bdmpWarning: font renderer for ".pcf" already registered at priority 004:40
bdmpwaiting for X server to shut down.04:40
bdmpEverything else is simialr to those errors. Could this be what is looping me back to the log in screen?04:40
soundmaster80hey barb04:40
soundmaster80I'm having your problem04:40
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bdmpreally don't have dapper04:41
bdmpI had the power shut off and when I came back I had this.04:41
Barbelossoundmaster80:Which problem? Not booting the CD? I found a solution, though several have the same problem on computers that should be able to boot CDs, should be reported04:41
soundmaster80yeah i did confirm it on the bugzilla04:42
soundmaster80i tried 6 different drives on 3 pc;s04:42
soundmaster80i also tried the smb.bin from the cd to a floppy. it did boot the menu but i cannot install from there04:43
Barbelossoundmaster80: You can't install from there? What do you mean?04:43
soundmaster80after i select04:43
Barbelossoundmaster80: Hmmm... Haven't actually tried here yet, just tested that the boot floppy would allow me to start from the CD, just reset after the menu thinking it would be ok04:44
soundmaster80install to hard disk, it opens the vmlinux, booting the kernel...ok, a couple other lines that go by to quick, i get a blank screen and i'm still there04:44
soundmaster80i thought so too but nope04:44
soundmaster80at least not for me04:45
Barbelossoundmaster80: Will try starting the install here soon myself. Will report how it goes. I suppose you checked the integrity of the CD too?04:45
soundmaster80had I time i would test it on my other pc's04:45
soundmaster80can't from the menu :(04:45
soundmaster80tried that04:45
Barbelossoundmaster80: Did you try with nolapic and acpi=off? Just an idea04:46
soundmaster80but I would assume it's fine. i had no problems on monday installing it to my laptop04:46
Barbelossoundmaster80: Anyway, will test it here and see04:46
soundmaster80now dumb me has no desktop.04:46
Barbelossoundmaster80: Don't see why the floppy shouldn't get you into a working install though.04:46
soundmaster80lol, it gets me a working menu...thats it04:47
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Barbelossoundmaster80: No desktop? You wiped your old one?04:47
soundmaster80i hadn't had breezy on there but a couple weeks04:47
soundmaster80and the install was flawless on my laptop...04:47
soundmaster80i have a couple others for the things i do but i'm already suffering beginning withdrawls04:49
soundmaster80anywho, i have class in a hour or so, need to get ready..04:49
soundmaster80please post your results on the kubuntu forums page and we might continue there04:50
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dominikis there a way to generate automaticly a menu for fluxbox in kubuntu?04:55
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ObstHi dudes05:05
ObstAnyone knows how i can write on ntfs partitions?05:06
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xwolf-Obst looks like linux has problems with that05:10
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Obstdamn.. that since 6 jeahrs?05:15
mindspinblame microsoft for it05:16
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h3sp4wnObst: Captive-NTFS Can do it but its not supported as part of ubuntu and requires then windows ntfs drivers05:19
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h3sp4wnObst: Or you can buy paragon ntfs for linux - for $2005:22
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Obsti have installed my new kernel per apt (.deb)05:25
Obstwhere i can find the headers?05:25
h3sp4wnObst : they are a seperate package05:26
Obsti have installed that too05:27
h3sp4wnObst: kernel-headers-(arch)05:27
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h3sp4wnObst: /usr/src/05:28
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ubuntui had origionally downkloaded the ubuntu live cd, and now i am running the kubuntu live DVD.  I like the fact I can install from teh live dvd, but do not like the gui as much as the straight ubuntu.  I dont think i like kde... any suggestions for a noob?05:31
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m5mI'm trying to add my wife (only other user on my system) to the admin group so she can sudo and admin printers...  I'm having trouble can anyone guide me?05:32
m5mif I go to Users & Groups, administrator mode and select her name then "modify" nothing happens05:33
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m5mwait nm ignore me I think I figured it out :-P05:34
ubuntucan I change kubuntu to gnome, or whatever the ubuntu orig uses?05:34
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m5mubuntu: yes sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop I think05:35
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runelindhmm...I seem to have lost my volume control, where do I add it back in?  I'm not seeing it under Add Applet05:41
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vgerunelind: try apt get program called tkmixer, might seem familiar if you like it05:46
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runelindI really just liked the simple volume control that kde had, I don't know where it went05:46
robotgeekrunelind: alt + f2, kmixer05:47
runelindhmm...can't find it05:48
runelindprobably my problem05:48
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runelindthere it is <305:49
runelindI wonder why it is not starting on boot05:49
runelindI'll put it in .kde/Autostart I guess05:50
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runelindI have a password protected private key.  Is there a way I can get kde to ask for the password on boot?05:51
_ravnHey all. I downloaded the codec pack from mplayerhq. How do I install it. :)05:51
runelind_ravn: automatix05:51
robotgeekubotu: tell _ravn about w32codecs05:51
ubotuI heard automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.05:51
vgerunelind: how you get it not to ask your password?05:51
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_ravnEhm, say what??05:52
runelindvge: no, I just want it to prompt me to put in my password for my private key05:52
runelindcause I always forget, and then when I try to ssh somewhere it asks me05:52
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vgeicic, cant help you on that sry05:52
_ravnrobotgeek: apt-get install w32codecs ?05:53
robotgeek_ravn: get the codecs and sudo dpkg -i w32codecs<blah>.deb05:54
_ravnOkay, thanks. I dont know what that meant. I new at linux05:55
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runelindare you the same Cheapy that hangs out in #windows2000 on efnet?06:03
Cheapyi just hang out there and i don't use kubuntu or windows2000 anymore :S06:06
Cheapybecause i'm very lazy with partitions06:06
_ravndoes anyone have a little spare time. I am a pretty fast learner, but I have no idea what the different things mean. I have downloaded the codec pack from mplayerhq, and it is on my desktop. How u i install it?06:06
_ravnall help is really appreciated06:07
runelindCheapy: do they have good gargoyle porn here?06:07
Cheapyno haha06:07
_ravnbtw, i tried google06:08
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v_hi all...i am trying to update breezy badger 5.10 to use kde 3.5.1  ...i followed the instructions on http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php but i cant seem to make it work06:16
v_when i do a apt-get dist-upgrade, i get:06:16
v_The following packages have been kept back: akregator ark artsbuilder kaddressbook kamera kappfinder karm kate06:16
v_any clues?06:16
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theripperis this noob support channel for kubuntu ?06:29
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vgetheripper: all lvls are supported06:31
theripperi have the latest kubuntu build installed06:31
therippermy kde gets corrupted with any resolution besides06:32
theripperyes dapper06:32
vgetry #ubuntu+106:32
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v_vge any idea with my problem?  trying to upgrade kubuntu 5.10 to kde 3.5.206:32
theripperok , thank you06:32
v_keep getting "the following packages have been held back"06:32
v_not too sure what to do now06:32
apokryphosv_: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, instead06:33
v_apokryphos: i did that...same thing06:34
v_vgoel@flanker:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:34
v_Reading package lists... Done06:34
v_Building dependency tree... Done06:34
v_Calculating upgrade... Done06:34
v_The following packages have been kept back:06:34
apokryphosyou get "packages held back"? Odd.06:34
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
apokryphosv_: please don't paste in here :)06:34
v_ok sorry06:34
apokryphoscould you pastebin the full output06:34
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos
ubotuDon't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text.06:35
mindspinpaste the url06:35
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v_deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main06:36
v_is in /etc/apt/sources.list06:36
v_did sudo apt-get update06:36
apokryphosv_: is kubuntu-desktop installed?06:37
v_doesnt look like it06:37
apokryphosgo for it, then06:37
v_broken dependencies06:38
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v_and ksysguard06:38
apokryphosv_: pastebin?06:38
jason_how do i replace kde with gnome in kubuntu?06:38
ubotuvge: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:39
apokryphosjason_: remove some vital gnome lib06:39
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jason_can i just apt-get gnome?06:40
apokryphosjason_: oh, replace *with* gnome, sorry, misread.06:40
v_apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1160406:40
apokryphosjason_: install ubuntu-desktop and remove something like kdelibs*06:40
jason_how? extreme linux n00b.06:41
apokryphosv_: what happens if you try to install kdelibs4c2 ?06:41
apokryphosjason_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get remove kdelibs*06:41
v_  kdelibs4c2: Depends: libavahi-client1 (>= 0.5.2) but it is not installable06:41
v_apokryphos: that06:41
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MacAnthonywhy not just install ubuntu jason_?06:42
apokryphosv_: wait, you definitely have the full kde 3.5 repo there?06:42
v_apokryphos: shrug...i installed kubuntu 5.10 this morning06:42
v_i think i might have messed something up06:43
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jason_whenever i apt-get (as root) i get some lock error..06:43
v_no idea how to fix it06:43
apokryphosv_: and trying to install libavahi-client1  gives?06:43
v_Package libavahi-client1 is not available, but is referred to by another package.06:43
v_doh doh06:44
jason_why cant i apt?06:44
MacAnthonyjason_: adept is probably running06:44
mindspinv_ kde3.4.1 is definitely uncommented in your sources.list?06:44
jason_i closed adept06:44
v_you mean 3.5.2?06:44
MacAnthonysudo killall adept06:44
mindspinjason do an sudo ps aux |grep adept06:45
v_i dont have kde3.4.1 in my sources.list at all06:45
apokryphosv_: pastebin your sources.list?06:45
jason_still lock error06:45
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mindspinjason do an sudo ps aux |grep adept06:45
mindspinon console06:45
v_apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1160606:45
mindspinthe cdrom is not uncommented06:46
MacAnthonyI'm still curious why you have kubuntu installed if you don't want kde, jason_06:46
vgeanyone know a program like paint to kde, something simple?06:46
v_i think i screwed something up earlier since i found this link and followed the instructions and it deleted kdesktop-ubuntu, kmail et06:46
v_didnt realise 3.5.2 was available until later06:47
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mindspinput an # in front of the first entry (your cd)06:47
apokryphosv_: those instructions are fine, but looks to me like you mucked up something earlier06:47
jason_it was the only dvd install i could find, and thought it was like the ubuntu live cd i dl'ed.  like i said, linux n00b, but i liked mt live cd better than this...06:47
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v_mindspin: same thing06:48
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v_do i have to reinstall?06:48
v_or is there a way to recover06:48
MacAnthonyI think you can install ubuntu from the live cd, IIRC06:48
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mindspinif it's a freshh install it could be faster than fiddling out where you messed it up06:49
v_yeah it is pretty much a fresh install06:49
v_i dont know where i messed up06:49
v_i just followed what apt told me06:49
apokryphosv_: try doing sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get remove kdelibs* && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:49
v_apokryphos: ok..sec06:49
v_heh its removing a lot of stuff06:50
v_ok its gonna stop kdm..guess this will kill my session...i will be back in a bit here06:50
v_oh wait06:51
v_i can keep it running06:51
apokryphosv_: yeah06:51
apokryphosonce it's finished make sure you restart x06:51
v_lots of unmet dependencies06:51
apokryphoson installing kubuntu-desktop?06:51
v_hold on will pastebin ti06:51
v_apokryphos: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1160806:52
apokryphoshm, this might not be the reason for the problem at all, but try enabling the Universe and Multiverse repository in your sources.list06:53
apokryphosthen re-doing a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:53
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v_  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: kdegraphics-kfile-plugins but it is not going to be installed06:54
v_much better i guess :/06:54
v_only 1 dependency06:55
jason_after installing ubuntu-desktop, do i need to apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop or just kdelibs?06:55
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XVampireXI'm having some problems06:55
apokryphosjason_: doing the latter forces the former06:55
apokryphosv_: trying to install that manually?06:55
v_apokryphos: trying06:55
v_apokryphos: it fails on06:56
v_  libpoppler0c2-qt: Depends: libpoppler0c2 (= 0.4.2-0ubuntu6) but 0.4.2-0ubuntu6.6 is to be installed06:56
XVampireXI can't launch warsow because, and when I do, my mouse suddenly freezes in top left of the screen (Still in linux desktop)06:56
apokryphosv_: what if you install that manually?06:56
apokryphosapt problems like this often need to regress far ;-)06:56
v_libpoppler0c2 is already the newest version.06:56
apokryphosv_: dpkg -l|grep libpoppler0c2 ?06:57
apokryphos!info libpoppler0c206:57
ubotulibpoppler0c2: (PDF rendering library), section libs, is optional. Version: 0.4.2-0ubuntu6.6 (breezy), Packaged size: 406 kB, Installed size: 1140 kB06:57
v_ii  libpoppler0c2                          0.4.2-0ubuntu6.6                   PDF rendering library06:57
XVampireXAnd the same just happened while trying to play Enemy Territory mod, well, it worked but when I got into a server it did the same (Freeze mouse cursor on top left)06:57
XVampireXCan anyone please help me?06:58
apokryphosv_: argh. That doesn't make sense.06:58
v_apokryphos: :(06:58
apokryphosone sec06:58
apokryphosv_: are you on i386?06:58
robotgeekv_: i think you need to have updates enabled06:58
v_apokryphos: yes06:58
v_robotgeek: ?06:58
apokryphosgah, yes, that could be it06:59
robotgeekv_: breezy-updates in sources.list06:59
v_deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-updates main restricted06:59
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v_is uncommented06:59
apokryphosv_: and breezy-backports in there06:59
apokryphosyup, that's it06:59
apokryphosin breezy-backports: 0.4.2-0ubuntu6: amd64 i386 powerpc07:00
v_ deb http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:00
apokryphosthat's it07:00
v_it is uncommented07:00
apokryphosok, one sec07:00
jason_trying to remove kdelibs gives me the lock error...07:00
jason_do i need to reboot into gnome first?07:00
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jason_i cant use konsole to remove kde can I?  doesnt seem like i could07:01
XVampireXJason_ you can07:01
XVampireXsudo apt-get remove kde-desktop or something like that07:01
apokryphosv_: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/poppler/libpoppler0c2_0.4.2-0ubuntu6_i386.deb && sudo dpkg -i libpopp*.deb07:01
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jason_Could not open lock file....07:02
jason_...Permission Denied07:02
XVampireXYou need your root password07:02
jason_in root07:02
v_apokryphos: woo...somethings happening ;)07:02
jason_just let me apt-get install ubuntu-desktop07:02
XVampireXyou can do that07:03
apokryphosI have to shoot off to dinner07:03
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apokryphosI'll help when I'm back if I can =)07:03
v_apokryphos: bingo!07:03
jason_took awhile, but now i apt-ger remove kdelibs it get the lock error07:03
XVampireXNo one wants to help me fix this...07:03
v_apokryphos: thanks for your help man...you rule07:03
jason_apokryphos - ditto07:03
NyX_Sp00nKillahey all07:03
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XVampireXJason_: do apt-cache search kde and then remove everything related to kde07:04
NyX_Sp00nKillaI'm noob on kubuntu and I'd like too know where I can find list of existing packets ?07:04
mindspinXVampireX: I even don't know warsaw so I cannot help even if I want ....07:04
robotgeekjason_: sudo apt-get remove libqt3-mt07:04
v_NyX_Sp00nKilla: packets or packages?07:04
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XVampireXmindspin: It doesn't happen just in warsow, it happened in Enemy Territory mod (The elite one... whatever it was)07:05
Lilfadeanyone know any good mmorpg's for kubuntu?07:05
XVampireXFor some reason it locks/freezes my mouse cursor in top left of the screen and I can't do anything07:05
v_NyX_Sp00nKilla: adept07:05
XVampireXlilfade: Yeah07:05
NyX_Sp00nKillaadept ?07:06
Lilfadewhat r they?07:06
NyX_Sp00nKillais it a command ?07:06
XVampireXLilfade: planeshift07:06
XVampireXand there are few others07:06
XVampireXBut this is the only real 3d one07:06
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_nickIs there anyway to install a i386 package on my A64 install? I know I have a lib32 and lib64 directory, just not sure how to install some i386 stuff07:07
XVampireXBy the way, don't forget that java games work on linux too, so whatever game you know that's written in java (For example, runescape) works on linux.07:07
Lilfadecool thx07:07
Lilfadewell g2g laters07:07
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XVampireXThere are some other indie games07:07
xwolf-.. but you're late to tell him :)07:08
XVampireXhim or her07:08
XVampireXSomeone has got to help me07:08
NyX_Sp00nKillav_ is there a web page where I can see them ?07:08
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cyrushi all07:09
XVampireXIs there a gaming channel for linux here?07:10
cyrusi can't install aptitude install fakeroot java-package07:11
cyruspackage not found07:11
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs07:11
cyrusi added aptitude install fakeroot java-package07:11
XVampireXcyrus, go there07:11
cyrusi am there07:11
XVampireXFollow what they tell you07:11
XVampireXfrom A to B to C, don't skip07:11
cyrusi tryed to add the multiserve path07:12
cyrusand made the update07:12
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cyrusi stil can't find the package07:12
XVampireXYou want to install latest java?07:12
XVampireXor what?07:12
cyrusyes sdk 1.507:12
XVampireXAh, sdk...07:12
XVampireXsec, I don't know about sdk but it should be the same as not the sdk07:13
cyrusi did this07:13
cyrusi tryed to do it07:13
cyrusbut i can't install the fakeroot java packet07:13
cyruswhat is needed to make a deb package07:13
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cyrusfor the bin file07:14
XVampireXDid you chmod +x it?07:14
NyX_Sp00nKillaI'm noob on kubuntu and I'd like too know where I can find list of existing packages ?07:14
XVampireXcyrus: You need to download it first from their page07:14
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LeeJunFanTodays lesson on how to make friends with linux: reboot 20 workstations simultaniously while they are in use at the library you just setup with kubuntu thick clients.07:15
XVampireXand then make it an executable (chmod +x filename.extension)07:15
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cyrusalready done07:15
cyrusthe problem is the fakeroot command07:15
cyrusto build a deb pacakge form bin file07:15
cyrusbecause i can't install fakeroot07:15
XVampireXyou need sudo apt-get install07:16
cyruspackage not found07:16
cyrusalready done07:16
cyrusno work07:16
XVampireXsudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common07:16
XVampireXand that doesn't work?07:16
XVampireXDoes it say cannot find fakeroot?07:16
LeeJunFanNyX_Sp00nKilla: NyX_Sp00nKilla you can use adept and search the database of available packages. you probably want to add universe repositories too.07:16
cyrusi added the multiserve source07:16
XVampireXYou need to enable BOTH universe and multiverse07:16
cyrusi enabled every thing07:16
cyrusand made an update07:17
cyrusstill no package07:17
XVampireXAre you sure?07:17
cyrusyes i am07:17
NyX_Sp00nKillaplz, what's Adept ?07:17
XVampireXNyX_Sp00nKilla: Adept is a package manager07:17
NyX_Sp00nKillaadept, sorry. Is it a command ?07:17
LeeJunFanNyX_Sp00nKilla: open adept and use the manage repositories function and right click and enable the universe repos.07:17
bgeHi friends, I have done apt-get upgrade today and now my machine is not booting07:18
LeeJunFanNyX_Sp00nKilla: yeah, it should be in your kde start menu.07:18
cyrusi removed ## in /etc/apt/sources.list07:18
ubotuhmm... adept is a package manager for Kubuntu. A howto is provided here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto07:18
NyX_Sp00nKillaok, so I certainly need to install it by apt-get ?07:18
XVampireXcyrus you're not supposed to, all you have to do is enable universe and multiverse, that simple.07:18
XVampireXCheck again see if it's got universe and multiverse07:18
cyrusi enabled every thing07:18
XVampireXCheck it again07:19
NyX_Sp00nKillasorry, I just installed the server and choose to install only what I need, cuz it's for a server with few memory07:19
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cyrusdeb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:19
cyrusdeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse07:19
XVampireXyou enabled it? You need to enable it in either synaptic or adept I think07:20
cyruseb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe07:20
cyrusdeb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe07:20
cyrusdeb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe07:20
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cyrusyes its enabled07:20
NyX_Sp00nKillaI need to change it I think, yes07:21
cyrusmybee i can try to add this eb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-security universe07:21
cyrusmybee i can try to add this eb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe07:21
NyX_Sp00nKillaOK, thx for ur help, i'll try what u said07:22
XVampireXIt's not eb, it's deb07:22
XVampireXit stands for debian07:22
LeeJunFancyrus: you should also append your 2 letter country code to the beginning. ie - us.archive.ubuntu.com07:22
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XVampireXBy the way people, I'm gonna show you I got a little problem with viewing media in the browser, it always says (no picture) or something like that07:23
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cyrusi added that leejunfan07:23
cyrusmade en update again07:23
cyrusstill no packet07:23
XVampireXdo apt-cache search java-package07:24
NyX_Sp00nKillaOMG, I don't have KDE yet, cuz server install only, so I can't use adept sems, that's why i'd like to find internet link like i got it for debian http://packages.debian.org/unstable/allpackages07:24
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XVampireXIt will search this in the repositories07:24
XVampireXIf it's not there, then you certainly did something wrong with enabling universe and multiverse07:25
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ninniuzhi I just noticed there is no Display settings menu anymore07:25
ninniuzwhere is it?07:25
XVampireXYou want kde or kubuntu, NyX_Sp00nKilla ?07:25
ep and I lose sound everwhere but within it.  Any idea, how to fix this?07:25
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ninniuzthe one with screen resolution and stuff07:26
XVampireXIf you want kubuntu then do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:26
XVampireXif you want kde then do sudo apt-get install kde-desktop07:26
XVampireXI think it's kde-desktop, I'm not sure07:26
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pussfellerhow do i make Konsole use all the fonts07:26
epOrdinally, sound works great, note it's shared between multible apps. However, when I run this one Java based application I like, I'll lose sound everywhere but within it.07:27
pussfellerlike this nifty D00M font i got here07:27
cyrushmm it is still not working :(07:27
epAny idea how to fix?07:27
NyX_Sp00nKillaI just want a server without graphic for the moment, cuz not a lot's of ram, and I need a weeb link to find it07:27
XVampireXcyrus: also keep in mind, linux is case sensitive07:27
XVampireXNyX_Sp00nKilla: KDE takes more ram than Gnome07:28
cyrusnow i try the us package07:28
NyX_Sp00nKillayes, but I don't want gnome or kde, it's for a server only07:28
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pussfelleryou cant uninstall all the kde and gnome stuff one you get done07:28
pussfellererr can07:28
XVampireXDuring install, you can choose if you want server.07:28
ninniuzwhat about a network install?07:29
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NyX_Sp00nKillayep, and I choose server07:29
XVampireXYeah, it's supposed to install the core07:29
pussfellerserver borked for me, when I tried it on one of the disks07:29
ninniuzdoes anyone have kde 3.5.2?07:29
XVampireXAnd if you want graphical server you might want to try xfce4 I hear it's very lightweight07:29
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cyrushmm strange07:29
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pussfelleror fluxbox07:30
XVampireXcyrus: You must have done something wrong with universe and multiverse07:30
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NyX_Sp00nKillabut now, I don't really know the packages name, that's why i'd like to find a weblink like the one I have for debian  (http://packages.debian.org/unstable/allpackages07:30
bgeis there any way I can reconfigure entire startup scripts to default, including module configuration07:30
cyrusis the package: fakeroot java-package   showen if i use this command apt-cache search fakeroot07:30
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XVampireXit would show things related to fakeroot07:30
XVampireXand java-package07:31
XVampireXbut, don't use both07:31
XVampireXwait, let me check07:31
ninniuzpls can anyone tell me if they can get the Display menu from rmb --> configure desktop?07:31
NyX_Sp00nKilladon't need any graphic on it, I choose roots way, sry07:31
ninniuzwith kde 3.5.2 and kubuntu breezy07:31
XVampireXcyrus: I can see the java-package and fakeroot packages just fine.07:31
XVampireXcyrus, start from BEGINNING of the tutorial, redo all the steps, don't skip ANYTHING.07:32
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ninniuzno one?07:33
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cyrusthis is what i made07:33
XVampireXI got dapper, so I can't say anything about breezy07:33
ninniuzdo you have that menu though?07:34
XVampireXcyrus: Ubuntu/Kubuntu are not debian07:34
XVampireXThey are built on top of debian but they are not debian07:34
cyrusi use kubuntu07:34
XVampireXYeah, but the article is for debian07:34
XVampireXdon't use it.07:34
cyruscan you show your /ect/apt/sources.list file ?07:35
XVampireXninniuz: Hmm07:35
cyrusin query07:35
XVampireXninniuz: What menu exactly?07:35
XVampireXWhat's rmb?07:35
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ninniuzrmb rbm cannot remember07:35
ninniuzright button07:35
XVampireXIn display settings?07:35
ninniuzwhere you can change ur screen resolution and frequency07:36
XVampireXjust a sec07:36
XVampireXThere's no rmb or rbm07:37
ninniuzno didnt mean that...click with ur right button on the desktop and from there chose configure desktop07:37
ninniuzis there a display menu in the dialog you get?07:37
NyX_Sp00nKillaI know that ubuntu/kubuntu r not debian, that's why I'm looking for a kubuntu webpages for packages07:37
ninniuzare you using kde 3.5.2?07:38
Isil`Zhahow do i get back the "go" and "window" menus in konqueror? and why were they left out for kubuntu in the first place?07:38
ninniuzthere was one in kde 3.5.1...and now I dunno where to set my screen frequency07:38
ninniuznor screen resolution07:39
XVampireXclip on kicker07:39
XVampireXsystem settings07:39
XVampireXand then in hardware click on display07:39
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XVampireXAlso, install video drivers07:39
ninniuzsystem settings on kicker?07:40
XVampireXkicker is the menu in the panel07:40
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XVampireXbuttom left07:40
ninniuzI thought kicker was the panel07:40
XVampireXIt is, kinda, yeah07:41
XVampireXbut anyways, click on that button (buttom left) and system settings07:41
ninniuzI have no display submenu there07:41
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ninniuzoh let me check07:41
XVampireXNo, system settings and then hardware -> display07:42
ninniuzno display in hardware07:42
XVampireXIt's right before Storage media07:42
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XVampireXDid you install video card drivers?07:43
ninniuzI have energy there or something like that07:43
ninniuznop...I didnt install nvidia drivers07:43
XVampireXtry to install them then07:43
ubotuI guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736807:43
ninniuzbut I had that menu with kde 3.5.107:44
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ninniuzand nothing changed since then07:44
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XVampireXtry to install drivers just in case07:45
bgepls help me, how do i find the version code of my kubuntu breezy?07:47
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XVampireXbge: sorry, don't know07:49
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ubotuit has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358907:51
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Brujahhy everybody!08:00
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Brujahis there a way I can find out whats the commandline of a program? I need to know how my compiler calls fasm08:01
xwolf-how do i enable the jumpy icon when firefox is opening? it seems it won't jump nor appear anymore08:02
xwolf-it must be shy08:02
apokryphosxwolf-: it works with all other applications?08:03
xwolf-or it could just be that firefox is too quick LOL08:04
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apokryphosI'm sure that's not it08:05
xwolf-me too.08:05
apokryphosargh, can't find the freakin' option. Somewhere in kcontrol08:05
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to3insatlling with vmware :P08:05
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mwecan anyone on dapper confirm that adept_notifier is broken?08:08
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apokryphosxwolf-: aha, it should be set under "Launch Feedback" in systemsettings08:10
apokryphosxwolf-: if it's not there then show me the output of locate firefox|grep '.desktop'08:11
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apokryphos*if it's set there, then...08:11
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therippercan anyone help  me install ati drivers?08:13
ubotuI heard ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358908:13
theripperive read that already , its too confusing08:13
theripperive only been using linux since yesterday08:14
apokryphosthe first link? It's pretty straightforward, which part are you having problems with?08:14
theripperthe ubuntu drivers are already installed, and they dont work right08:15
apokryphoswhat's the error?08:15
theripperso id like to install the ati driver08:15
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theripperit corrupts kde at any resolution besides 1024x78608:16
apokryphosthe ubuntu drivers *are* the ATI drivers08:16
apokryphosif you followed the guide08:16
ninniuzI installed nvidia drivers but nothing changes08:16
apokryphosninniuz: did you follow the guide for installing it?08:17
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theripperits still the default install , i havent changed anything yet08:17
apokryphostheripper: if you  haven't installed anything then you haven't really installed the ati ubuntu drivers :)08:17
ninniuzit's not a matter of drivers...I checked xorg.conf and it has been changed...I had (and still have) a problem with the display menu08:17
apokryphostheripper: have a whack at that guide, I can talk you through any problematic part08:17
ninniuzwhich actually I cannot find08:18
apokryphosdisplay menu?08:18
theripperok , i thought that the ubuntu drivers where installed by default08:18
ninniuzyeah the one with the screen resolution and frequency and stuff like that08:18
theripperok , thank you ill try the guide08:18
apokryphosninniuz: once the appropriate settings are in xorg, the rest is handled by KDE.08:18
apokryphosninniuz: follow this guide:08:18
ubotunvidia is, like, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736808:18
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ninniuzok I did follow it08:19
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ninniuzI was saying to someone else before08:19
ninniuzI'm running kde 3.5.208:19
apokryphosninniuz: are you running the nvidia driver now, then?08:19
ninniuzand cannot find that menu anymore08:19
ninniuzwhile I had it on kde 3.5.108:19
apokryphosto change your resolution?08:19
ninniuzyes I am08:19
ninniuzand asked into the kde channel08:19
apokryphosright-click on desktop -> configure desktop -> display08:19
ninniuzand they told me to ask here08:20
ninniuzthere you go! there is no display menu here!08:20
ninniuzI had it before08:20
mornfallmwe: define broken08:20
apokryphosninniuz: alt+f2 -> krandrtray08:20
ninniuzbut there is none now since I upgraded to 3.5.208:20
ninniuzoh ty08:21
vgesomebody can help me, cos when i use my new 2.6.17 kernel, i cant connect to IRC? all other networks/Internet works fine?08:21
ninniuzbut why there is no menu anymore?08:21
apokryphosninniuz: does that work?08:21
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ninniuzyes it does08:21
ninniuzbut if I do Configure display I get nothing08:22
apokryphosI thought there was an effort to use guidance with resolution options in systemsettings. I know that got put in dapper, not sure if it got backported to breezy08:22
apokryphosif it was, then I'd imagine that that entry would be removed.08:22
apokryphosninniuz: alt+f2 -> systemsettings08:22
apokryphosis there nothing to modify your resolution there? Graphics/Monitor or something, can't remember now.08:22
ninniuzso it has been removed in breezy08:22
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apokryphosin breezy's kde packages of 3.5.2, it appears, but I'm not sure at all of that yet.08:23
ninniuzyes yes there is in krandrtray08:23
ninniuzit's ok08:23
apokryphosI said in systemsettings though, not krandr08:23
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ninniuzthere is no display menu in systemsettings08:24
ninniuzI already checked08:24
mornfallubotu: lart mwe08:24
=== ubotu beats mwe senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
ninniuzI'm still trying to understand why my display flickers from time to time08:24
apokryphosincorrect refresh rate?08:25
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mornfallif it's crt and you are chewing at the time, it's normal :] 08:25
ninniuzwell I have 2 options08:25
ninniuzand 7508:25
Brujahcan a bash script print out the commandline it got called with? how?08:25
ninniuzit is unbearable with 60 so I set it to 7508:25
mornfallBrujah: echo "$@"?08:25
BrujahI try!08:26
ninniuzit is not crt08:26
ninniuzit's a flat screen08:26
mornfallninniuz: lcd shouldn't flicker at all08:27
mornfalleven on 60Hz08:27
mornfallmine's stable as a mirror08:27
epWhen I run the one java based application,  I'll lose sound everywhere else, otherwise sound works fine. How might I fix this?08:27
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ninniuzwell mine doesnt08:27
mornfalland that's on 60Hz08:27
ninniuzso I guess it just sucks08:27
mornfallninniuz: are you sure it's all right? (the display)08:28
mornfallor graphics card08:28
ninniuzno at this point I'm not sure08:28
ninniuzhow can I check the graphics card?08:28
mornfallgot another display?08:28
ninniuzactually it flickers when a window is "working"08:29
mornfallumm, whole screen flickers?08:29
mornfallor just the app :)08:29
epBad wording:  *if I run this one particular java based application, Ii'll lose sound everywhere else.  Hence, it seems like some java configuration.  How to fix?08:29
ninniuznop just some points08:29
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mornfallninniuz: are you sure it's not just redraw?08:29
ninniuzeh nop it's quite annoying08:30
mornfallhaven't seen that before08:30
ninniuzand it flickers08:30
mornfallep: don't run the app :] 08:30
mornfallep: if you run artsd, artsdsp could maybe help (or no)08:30
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ninniuzI dunno why I didnt get the nvidia logo though08:32
ninniuzI was waiting for it08:32
epi knew that was coming -- i've haven't found a replacement for this one app which i like as well.  Dunno what "artsd" is, I'm not running it intentiionly:)08:32
mornfallep: well, artsdsp <app> and see if it helps :)08:32
mornfallep: if the app starts crashing, it may be it doesn't work right tho :)08:32
mornfallartsdsp is... ummm... hack :)08:33
ninniuzand cool nvidia-settings states I have a crt monitor lol08:33
mornfallninniuz: sounds like a problem.....08:33
epwell the app's not crashing, not to go play some porn08:33
epjust kidding08:34
DeJaMoI'm trying to run Cclient, a windows chess interface through wine on my kubuntu system, it keeps screwing-up with the error message "External exception 80000101", I'm looking in /var/log but could anyone point me towords the file most likely to contain information specifically related to the problem with wine ?08:34
mornfalli don't think wine is supported at all08:34
DeJaMowell wine runs some stuff fine for me08:35
ninniuzoh let me check xorg.cong...08:35
mornfallDeJaMo: that's good for you08:35
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DeJaMomornfall: I thought wine ran on any linux box, is that not correct ?08:36
mornfallwine probably does... but eg on ppc, it'll hardly run anything useful08:36
mornfallalso, the fact wine runs doesn't mean a particular app would08:37
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DeJaMomornfall: true, that's why I'm trying to find any error messages related to wine in the logs, to see if I can find out anything more08:38
mornfallDeJaMo: you could try debug output... probably not in logs, man wine could maybe help08:38
DeJaMomornfall: never thought of man wine, ta08:38
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cyrushi all again08:46
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cyrusare there any ideas to solve this: /usr/local/kylix3/bin/delphi: relocation error: /usr/local/kylix3/bin/libwine.borland.so: symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference08:47
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nxv_how do i activate suspend to ram or suspend to disk?08:48
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theripperdoes ubuntu need a firewall and antivirus?08:54
vgenot really08:54
theripperare there any firewalls for linux?08:54
vgesure, but im not good to recommend one08:55
Tm_Tfirestarter is ok gui08:55
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theripperok , thanks ill take a look at it08:56
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steveirewrong window08:56
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_pavelsteveire that's your pass?08:59
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steveiretry it and see09:03
ninniuzcyrus u there?09:03
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ninniuzwhat is breezy-updates?09:06
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therippersame as windows updates?09:09
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_ravnhey all09:10
=== sredna just had to reset, since kubuntu cuould no reactivate the desktop from the screensaver
_ravnI need a good "newb" guide for apt/kbuntu09:11
_ravnanyone know of any?09:11
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TheNightRider``hey all09:19
TheNightRider``anyone know how to change/add keyboard layouts in kubuntu 5.10? :)09:20
_ravnTheNightRider``: hey there09:20
_ravnno im sorry i do not. do u on the other hand know of a good guide for installing appz?09:21
to3in xsecer09:21
TheNightRider``with Adept Packet Manager09:22
TheNightRider``its got almost everything :)09:22
TheNightRider``if its windows apps.. its really, really hard09:22
_ravnI know.. :) But I still dont understand apt yet09:23
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CTVi installed java wiht this manual09:23
CTVbut it dosn't work09:23
_ravnThats what i need the guide for. Xvid for instance. Though I have installed firefox, ssh, bittorrent etc.. But that is easy!09:23
TheNightRider``bittorrent has a linux version ;)09:24
CTVava --version--09:24
CTVUnrecognized option: --version--09:24
CTVCould not create the Java virtual machine09:24
TheNightRider``CTV, you can easily istall Java with Adept09:24
TheNightRider``i think i saw it09:24
CTVi need sdk 1.509:24
CTVj2sdk 1.509:24
CTVwhat command do you use to install java ?09:26
CTVi made a package from bin file09:26
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CTVis there an oter solution?09:26
TheNightRider``i dont know09:26
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nxv_hi, i am trying to get suspend to ram running.09:29
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nxv_i found a introduction, that i should use /etc/acpi/sleep.sh i tried it and tried hibernate but my machine doesn't start up again. how can i find the error without getting an errormessage09:31
steveireAnyone here patient enough to chat to a general ubuntu n00b?09:31
nxv_or is there an hibernation/suspend log?09:31
theripperwhats the best torrent client that works in kde?09:32
steveireI've got it installed, and I know I have to add mp3 support myself. What else do i have to install myself/ should I install?09:32
steveiretorrents, yeah, how do i get myself sorted with torrents?09:32
theripperi have ktorrent , it look so 80s tho09:33
steveirewhat else should I et to make my OS complete?09:33
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:34
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staaleAny expert on compileing?09:41
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Tm_Tstaale: hm?09:42
staaleI have a problem with compileing mysql09:42
staaleTm_T: I have installed gcc09:43
staaledid "sudo apt-get install gcc"09:43
staalenow i gets this when running the ./configure script: "09:43
staalechecking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:43
staaleSee `config.log' for more details.09:43
staaleany idea?09:44
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noteventimekostaale: try installing build-essential09:45
noteventimestaale: try installing build-essential09:45
staalenoteventime: ill trie that, thx09:45
noteventimehope it works09:45
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Tm_Tstaale: what you're compiling?09:45
staaleTm_T: Mysql09:45
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Tm_Tstaale: any reason?09:46
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MenZaIs it possible to deactivate the message-window when you click a contact once in Kopete?09:47
staaleTm_T: Any reason for what? Compileing? Yes09:47
Tm_Tstaale: and it is...09:47
_ravncan anyone plz tell me if there is an easy way to install xvid on kubuntu. I have an imac btw09:47
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staaleTm_T: I like to follow guides houndred percents, and this time too. Im following a guide, that shows how to get mysql. php5 and apache2 to work 100 percent. Mysql didnt work propperly when i did "sudo apt-get etcetc"09:48
_ravnI have tried adept also09:49
Tm_Tstaale: eeh09:49
Tm_Tstaale: "ok"09:49
staaleTm_T: I know it might sound silly:P But there you got me!09:49
Tm_Tstaale: "sudo apt-get build-dep mysql" to get _everything_ you need to compile mysql09:49
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staaleTm_T: ok09:49
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Tm_Tstaale: also, still I think you don't have to compile mysql or anything yourself, what is needing it?09:50
tijnhi all09:51
runelindhow do you start applications at kde startup? I tried adding symlinks to .kde/Autostart09:51
staaleTm_T: I might not be a Linux pro, im the opposit actually. But I do like to make web sites, and I think its easyer to have mysql, apache2 and php5 in the testing period09:52
Tm_Trunelind: you can also add scripts to there09:52
Tm_Tstaale: aaah!09:52
runelindTm_T: well the applications don't start that I've symlinked in there09:52
Tm_Tstaale: you don't need compile any of those09:52
tijni have a question about ubou09:52
Tm_Trunelind: then try scripts09:52
staaleTm_T: Don't I?09:52
Tm_Tstaale: no09:53
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nxv__i don't know how to get suspend working. i change something in /etc/defaut/acpi-support and than execute /etc/acpi/sleep.sh as root but i just have to guess no idea which switch might be the problem09:53
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Tm_Tstaale: I'm pretty sure all of those are in repositories09:53
staaleTm_T: Ok, thx for support, but i need to go now, bye09:53
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_StarScreamis it possible to try xgl in dapper ?09:55
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/09:55
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Snake___StarScream: I personally havn't had much luck with it, but I havn't tried on flight 6 yet09:56
_StarScreamSnake__: i'm trying a dist-upgrade now09:57
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_StarScreamSnake__: do i have to install xgl packages, or does it come with X ?09:57
Snake__steveire: Follow that wiki ( http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto )09:57
steveireI have gnomad2 for my creative, but it doesn't work. I'm trying to get the KDE equivalent, but adept tells me that will break something10:01
steveireIs there a dependent program I need to remove?10:02
nxv__steveire: have you started gnomad2 as root?10:02
_StarScreamSnake__: if i just want the performance benifits and not the pretty graphics can i do without the compiz10:02
steveirenope, and I've already removed it.10:02
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steveireIT should work yes?10:02
steveirewhy wouldn't I go with kzenexplorere10:03
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Snake__steveire: what preformance benefits do you get out of advanced graphics, if you dont mind me asking :)10:03
Snake___StarScream: **10:03
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_StarScreamSnake__ i have an ibook 800 kinda laggy under X, OSX is nice..apps are faster under linux10:06
_StarScreamjust not dispaly10:06
_StarScreamso i am assuming thats the only difference10:06
_StarScreamby OSX is nice, i meant in terms of graphics performance10:06
_StarScreami hate the OS10:06
steveirecan anyone help my adept BREAK issue?10:06
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klohuntCan anyone point me to a manual where I can find out how to download the Nvidia drivers?10:09
Snake___StarScream: Im not exactly sure what kind of boost you would get, but I would say shoot for it...10:09
Snake___StarScream: have you considered a diffrent DM?10:09
_StarScreamSnake yeh tried, gnome, kde, xfce, fluxbox they are all the same10:10
_StarScreamjust as laggy as each other10:10
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Snake___StarScream: there should be NO reason for Flux to be as laggy as KDE10:10
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_StarScreamSnake__: well thats the thing, KDE isn't laggy..its just when i flick between windows / desktops10:11
_StarScreami can see X repainting the screen10:11
_patrick_when booting x sometimes switches to the console, how can i avoid thnat?10:11
Kyralwhy is that a bad thing?10:11
=== Kyral boots right to a console
_patrick_i mean the system switches back to the console10:12
steveireCan I mount my windows partition? I tried mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 and it didn't work10:12
ubotu[ntfs]  the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:12
_patrick_so that i habe to press alt f7 to get back into x10:12
Snake___StarScream: thats odd...10:12
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_StarScreamSnake__ don10:13
_StarScreamdon't get me wrong, its not really slow10:13
_StarScreamits just noticable10:13
_StarScreamand annoying :)10:13
Snake__ya I dunno how much the xgl server is gonna help you out10:14
Snake__you could try it tho10:15
Snake___StarScream: have you installed the accel. 3d drivers?10:15
Snake__Tho that should be nessary10:15
klohuntAbout how many kubuntu users exist?10:15
tijn2 :)10:15
Snake__klohunt: ..how many windows users exist?10:15
tijnsry lame :D10:15
klohuntSnake__ : there would be no way to tell10:15
Snake__klohunt: *nods* so what do you think about kubuntu?10:15
klohuntI think it would be MUCH easier to tell10:16
Snake__Not really, since we dont require registration.10:16
Snake__Its just a guessable as windows, or debian, or suse10:16
klohuntdownloads on different IPs and stuff tho?10:16
klohuntnobody has an estimate anywhere?10:16
Snake__klohunt: ive given my friends cds ive downloaded = Uncounted10:17
Snake__klohunt: shipit = uncounted10:17
Snake__So no, not really10:17
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klohuntWhy would they not count how many people order CDs?10:17
klohuntit would be so easy10:17
Snake__klohunt: you could check this http://counter.li.org/10:17
=== Snake__ shrus
Snake__but I doubt thats anywhere near the number10:18
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klohuntI see10:19
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klohuntmuch more than I thought there would be... 29 million is a significant amount of people10:19
Snake__thats also for all of linux, and I see no wait to search by distro10:20
klohunt(Even though it is an estimate)10:20
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nxv__i tried to upgrade and hang now with the following problem when it comes to ubuntu-artwork10:25
nxv__No theme index file in '/usr/share/icons/default'.10:25
nxv__sudo apt-get -f install doesn't solve it10:25
TheNightRider``i know this is kind of crude..10:26
TheNightRider``reinstall the os :)10:26
nxv__atleast a solution ;)10:26
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nxv__the problem is that gdm depends on ubuntu-artwork as it seems10:28
TheNightRider``gl :)10:29
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steveirecan I make ubuntu play wmas?10:33
_ravnDone wit hreading documentation at kubuntu.org . I still didn't come across how to install packages downloaded from the net10:34
wicked_deb package?10:34
_ravncodecs for xvid fx10:35
_ravnIf u dont got the time, refering to a website guide would be great10:36
_ravnOr though! has to be durable by a dumb former windoze user.. ;)10:38
wicked_trying to find any url10:38
nxv__if you have a deb package install it with dpkg -i debpackage10:39
_ravnwicked_: Yeah, tried google. Thought it would be much easier.. :)10:39
_ravnnxv__: can u give a complete example? Sry, im a bit slow with this. But my heart is in the right place, I wont give up.. ;)10:40
TheNightRider``anyone know how to add/change keyboard layouts in kubuntu 5.1010:40
wicked_i can find several encoder and decoder for xvid in adept though10:40
nxv__sudo dpkg -i yourdebpackage.deb10:41
_ravnnxv__: I downloaded the package to home. does it find it auto?10:41
steveirewhy is firefox v1.07 on adept and not ff v 1.5?10:41
_ravnwicked_: I've tried searching adept. but no luck. :(10:41
wicked__ravn i think you need to aim to your home dir than write the command10:42
wicked_but anyway just try it! ;)10:42
_ravnyeah, think so too. trying, hold plz10:42
nxv__TheNightRider``: system settings -> regional & ... -> keyboard layout10:43
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TheNightRider``thanks :))10:44
thompakoffice 1.5 rc1 was removed in an update in dapper?10:44
thompaif i try to fix it, install libmysqlclient15 kubuntu desktop is removed10:46
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_ravnlol, just rightclicked the package, and chose install package, but it says "... is locked by another process"10:46
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_ravnnxv__ wicked_10:47
wicked_use by another process?10:47
thompa_ravn: something else other thatn synaptic running, kpackage or something maybe10:47
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nxv___ravn: this means you have another prog like aptidue synaptic what ever open accessing the apt database10:47
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thompaanyone know how to get koffice 1.5 back10:48
_ravnYes, and now I got it to work. However, new problem. Im running kubuntu on an imac. :)10:49
ClayGanyone know how to remove the heatsink?10:49
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_ravnOkay. so now the win32codecs is out of the question. I also downloaded the codec pack from mplayerhq. Has anyone installed this on Kubuntu?10:51
srednaThere is something broken about the way kubuntu installs .desktop files. My mimetype settings are screwed up when I install someting, just because I install an application that can handle jpg images does not mean that it should be the default, and my own preferences are silently dismissed too often. Maybe it has to do with the general brokenness of the splitting of KDE modules into atoms?10:51
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robotgeeksredna: no clue, sorry. you might actually know more than i do on this issue :)10:53
srednarobotgeek: I'm not sure if it's how kde collects it, or if the debian system does something odd. But I see that my choices are dismissed, which I dislike. But it could be KDE10:54
srednaIt seems that it happens with some mimetypes but not all10:54
_ravnOh god i feel like such a burden. havn't anybody installed the mplayerhq codec on kubuntu?10:54
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TheNightRider``whats it for?10:54
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_ravnfor playing xvid10:55
thompaall the koffice components are still there: kword etc, so it seems just the koffice suite thing is gone10:55
BigAis there a big difference between the dvd edition and the cd edition?10:55
TheNightRider``cant real player do it?10:55
_ravnreal player like in the bloated adware shit u find on the net? :)10:55
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TheNightRider``well i dont think so10:56
BigAthan what does the dvd edition contain ?10:56
BigAthere is still a diff of almoust 3 GB10:56
ubotufrom memory, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install10:56
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_ravnthompa: won't work. I have an imac. It is for the x386 platform10:56
wicked_dont be sad10:57
TheNightRider``hey, anyone here listening to metal? ^^10:57
wicked_i wish i had one10:57
wicked_i listening to hardcore10:58
TheNightRider``_ravn, dont worry, you'll find something :)10:58
thompai just checked my updates and have kernel headers 2.6.11 being installed?10:58
TheNightRider``wicked_ its not the same ;)10:58
wicked_hell no10:58
wicked_i dont know much about metal10:58
_ravnhehe, i know i will. Just hope u guys dont get tired of me before that10:58
TheNightRider``agree :)10:58
TheNightRider``well you should10:58
TheNightRider``its the fuckin krieg ^^10:58
wicked_are you talking about things like pantera and stratovarius and sh*t10:59
TheNightRider``the lighter ones10:59
TheNightRider``e.g. Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Manowar ^^10:59
TheNightRider``allthough the harder things are good too :)10:59
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wicked_ho i do luv acdc though... i named my dog thunder1 ;)10:59
TheNightRider``Tm_T? whats the matter? ^^11:00
TheNightRider``dont like rock?11:00
_ravnhttp://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html <- the essential codecs package has anyone installed that? and how in gods name did u do that! :D11:00
TheNightRider``do what? :D11:00
wicked_ravn ill give you my pc for your imac11:00
Tm_TTheNightRider``: well, http://www.last.fm/user/Tm_T/11:01
wicked_divx preinstalled and stuff11:01
_ravnwicked_: hehe, easy its only a 700mhz G4 :)11:01
wicked_no worry i got a p3 100011:01
TheNightRider``so you do11:01
TheNightRider``sorry for the misunderstanding :D11:01
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wicked_hey is this your head Tm_T11:01
TheNightRider``(and my bad english.. <<)11:01
_ravnwicked_: well, give me a tft screen also, and u got a deal :)11:02
Tm_TTheNightRider``: well, but I define "heavy" different than you11:02
wicked_my english isnt really good too11:02
Tm_Twicked_: I doubt11:02
TheNightRider``Tm_T, please explain :)11:02
_ravnhehe, my english suck also! But im from denmark, so.. :)11:02
Tm_TTheNightRider``: well, to me AC/DC is lighter and easier than King Crimson for example11:02
wicked_i like irish punk too11:02
_ravnwicked_:  can u do me a favour?11:03
wicked__ravn: im in montreal11:03
wicked_what can i do11:03
TheNightRider`` 11:03
TheNightRider``i mean11:03
TheNightRider``well yes, it is11:03
TheNightRider``but its still heavy metal :)11:03
TheNightRider``it is ^^11:03
_ravndownload the package from the site, and see how it is done, and then explain it to me. :)11:03
Tm_Theavy rock11:03
TheNightRider``the early albums11:03
TheNightRider``are hard rock11:03
nico8481i'm on a hiiiiiightwaaaaaaaay to heeeeeeeell11:04
TheNightRider``yup ^^11:04
TheNightRider``gl reaching hell, tho :D11:04
Tm_Tanyway... good night ->11:04
TheNightRider``good night :)11:04
TheNightRider``damn 12:04 am here o.011:04
TheNightRider``time flies...11:04
wicked_im afraid im not that good11:05
_ravn23.05 here11:05
wicked_17:05 here11:05
_ravnHmm, thx anyway wicked_11:05
TheNightRider``wicked_ my Konversation shows that time11:06
TheNightRider``i forgot to set my timezone11:06
wicked_isnt there any installation help on the site?11:06
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TheNightRider``wicked_, where are you from?11:06
_ravncant find any.. Nor on google11:06
got2b3dwhat would seg fault glxgears?11:06
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wicked_http://www.kde-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=22750&file1=22750-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=gray+magic ... inned to do this with my konsole11:07
wicked_TheNightRider``: montreal11:07
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TheNightRider``nice. :P11:08
wicked_yaah montreal candian will win the stanley cup this year11:08
_ravn"cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.xvid.org:/xvid login" <- what does that mean?11:08
TheNightRider``good luck on that ;)11:09
frank23wicked_: heh. maybe ;)11:09
wicked_haha ;) where u from11:09
TheNightRider``Bulgaria :P11:09
TheNightRider``europe ^^11:09
frank23wicked_: If they beat Ottawa in the first round, I'd be pretty proud though11:09
wicked_so would i11:10
wicked_we'll know tonight11:10
TheNightRider``never heard of bulgaria, huh ^^11:10
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wicked_the thing is that ottawa as many injury11:10
wicked_TheNightRider``:  nope is there hockey down there?11:10
TheNightRider``i dont think so :P11:11
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frank23TheNightRider``: Bulgaria. In the Balkans?11:11
TheNightRider``right on ^^11:11
wicked_hey how does your kde looks like, ive been browsing kde-looks for about 1hour trying to find something cool11:12
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TheNightRider``its default11:13
TheNightRider``what do u mean "something cool" ?11:13
BigAwhat do you think of aLinux ?11:13
TheNightRider``never heard of it^^11:14
wicked_http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=22750 .. this is kool to me11:14
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duckdownHow can I specify KDE utils (Like Konversation) to use a proxy.11:15
wicked_i think alinux is a great alternative for COMPLETE newb11:15
TheNightRider``im a complete newb ^^11:15
wicked_alinux is like a window clone11:16
wicked_in my opinion11:16
wicked_i wont be surprise if thats were one of their objective to create a window like os11:16
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TheNightRider``its nice :)11:17
wicked_personaly that does attrack me... when i first made the jump to linux was to escape microsoft11:17
wicked_geez my english is bad11:18
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frank23yeah the feeling is not anti-Microsoft really. more like anti-crap11:18
TheNightRider``macroschitt sucks11:18
to3how can any 1 complian about windows11:18
to3man it blows linux for ease of use11:19
wicked_$$$$$$$$$ and i dont think it offers really much more than kde11:19
wicked_to3: well im not looking for easyness11:19
wicked_i like the source world11:19
to3yeah but thts what peeps want11:19
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wicked_i wasnt giving the peeps opinion but mine though11:20
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to3ok :)11:20
wicked_but i agree that mom and grandma like easyness11:20
wicked_im not really seeing them trying to compile stuff11:20
to3yeah, i love linux, specially debian based etc.....but i would love to have installshield as well lol11:21
wicked_but if you use linux for a couple of year i bet it might become as easy for you as winblows is11:21
to3nothing can veat a click of the mouse :P11:22
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wicked_thats quickness not easyness :)11:22
wicked_and all those virus11:23
wicked_spyware and stuff11:23
wicked_its like evil to me11:23
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soltHello! Anyone using monodevelop. I have monodevelop 0.7 here on breezy and I know there is 0.10 out there, but they provide sources and rpms. Anyone knows if there is a repository with monodevelop 0.10 for breezy?11:32
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_harmwhen using Mplayer how can i make the movie file the size of the entire screen? full screen just fills up the emptyness with a color :S11:46
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My8os_harm: go to preferences->video and choose the driver that does what u want11:49
My8osjust choose one and test it every time11:49
_harmuMy8os thx11:49
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Bambino_Hi people, I am using KDE and I have two questions. My first question is, how do i change screen resolution. My second question is, any possiublity in Konversation to actually highlight my nick whenppl talk to me?11:53
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Random_Transithey, is there any way i can get Windows Apps that use things like .NET and DirectX to work under WINE?11:54
jeff_Bambino_: yeah i think konversation already does highlight names, you can change the resolution by right clicking the desktop, 'configure desktop'11:55
Tm_TRandom_Transit: if you're really lucky11:55
jeff_Bambino_: then 'display'11:55
jeff_Bambion_: did it highlight your name?11:55
jeff_Bambino_: did it highlight your name?11:55
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jeff_random_transit: no i dont think its possible to get direct x working on linux11:56
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Bambino_jeff_: i found how to, was in configuration. I was looking in configuration for notificcations which was wrong, got it now thanks11:56
jeff_random_transit: at least not that i know of. i think M$ works pretty hard to make sure that direct x doesnt work on linux11:57
jeff_bambino_: ok cool11:57
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jeff_does anybody know if its possible to get gdesklets working on kde?11:58
_ravnWhat is "cvs" ?11:59
jeff__ravn: i think it means the bleeding edge version of whatever app you're talking about11:59
Random_Transitwhat about .NET?12:00
jeff__ravn: like the newest possible build. cvs isnt recommended for beginners, it usually has bugs12:00
jeff_random_transit:i dont know about .NET12:00
_ravnjeff_:  ty, just what I needed to hear.. :) (being a noob and all.. )12:01
ipfwHas it been over a week since Breezy had _any_ updates ?12:01
jeff__ravn: lol np12:01
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Random_Transiti thought cedega could emulate DX...12:01
ipfwI haven't got any software upgrades _forever_ it seems (I know a week or more)12:01
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Random_Transitdoes anyone know if GNOME 2.14 is in the breezy repos yet?12:02
jeff_does anybody know if its possible to get gdesklets on the kde deasktop?12:02

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