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lbrownI just created a test product and project and would now like to delete them. How to?12:12
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hugelmopfthe question above ^^ arose from a thread on kubuntu-devel, so if you want, you can answer there.12:52
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mptBurgwork, when I'm "away (zzz)", I'm usually not around :-) What can I do for you?03:47
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lifelessstaging is back up05:18
mptGooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:31
mptIt's a lovely afternoon to be inside working05:31
lifelessstub: ping05:38
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stublifeless: pong06:08
lifelessspivs requested update to the authserver - is it done ?06:13
lifelessthat is, are we running the correct .tac now ?06:13
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mptThat is truly, truly messed up06:39
mptspiv, got a few minutes?06:43
spivmpt: sure06:47
mptspiv, go to http://localhost:8086/products?exact_name=1&text=firefox06:51
mptSee how it redirects you to /products/firefox06:51
mptNow in templates/products-index.pt, delete the "@@+portlet-details" line near the beginning06:52
mptthen try that URL again06:52
mptThe way the search behaves is dependent on the presence or absence of a portlet!06:53
mptI don't understand how that's even possible.06:53
mptAny ideas?06:54
stublifeless: no06:54
=== lifeless begs
stub(unless spiv did it)06:54
lifelessspiv: ^^06:54
spivNo, I haven't done it.06:55
stubI'll cherry pic r3403 now06:56
spivmpt: I get the same behaviour with or without the portlet.06:57
spivmpt: (except for the presence or absence of the portlet, of course...)06:57
jameshmpt: with the portlet, the redirect reads "Location: http://localhost:8086/products/firefox"06:58
jameshmpt: without, it just reads "Location: firefox"06:59
jameshmpt: I'd fix ProductSetView to do redirect(canonical_url(product)) rather than redirect(product.name)06:59
mptthat looks promising07:00
mptNoCanonicalUrl: No url for u'firefox' because u'firefox' broke the chain.07:02
mptoh, my mistake07:02
mptyes! thanks, jamesh 07:02
mptand thanks for your time spiv07:02
stubauthserver is now broken07:09
stub          File "/srv/authserver.ubuntu.com/launchpad/lib/twi sted/internet/threads.py", line 25, in _putResultInDeferred07:10
stub            result = f(*args, **kwargs)07:10
stub          File "/srv/authserver.ubuntu.com/launchpad/lib/twi sted/enterprise/adbapi.py", line 372, in _runInteraction07:10
stub            conn = Connection(self)07:10
stub          File "/srv/authserver.ubuntu.com/launchpad/lib/twi sted/enterprise/adbapi.py", line 32, in __init__07:10
stub            self.reconnect()07:10
stub          File "/srv/authserver.ubuntu.com/launchpad/lib/twi sted/enterprise/adbapi.py", line 69, in reconnect07:10
stub            self._connection = self._pool.connect()07:10
stub          File "/srv/authserver.ubuntu.com/launchpad/lib/twi sted/enterprise/adbapi.py", line 342, in connect07:10
stub            conn = self.dbapi.connect(*self.connargs, **self .connkw)07:10
stub        psycopg.OperationalError: could not connect to serve r: No such file or directory07:10
stub                Is the server running locally and accepting07:10
stub                connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/ postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?07:10
stubSeems to want to connect to localhost07:10
stubAhh bugger07:11
lifelessI'm ringing spiv now07:11
stublifeless: don't worry07:11
spivI'm online07:11
jameshdaemons/authserver.tac doesn't seem to look at config.dbhost07:11
lifelessspiv: yes, but its urgent :). 07:11
lifelessspiv: I'm now not ringing you07:12
stubI'm too used to pulling configs and reversed my rsync line07:12
spivjamesh: It does07:12
=== stub rebuilds the production launchpad tree
jameshspiv: so it does.  I was looking at an older tree07:12
spivjamesh: Yeah, I fixed it yesterday :)07:13
stubauthserver back with new code07:17
lifelessI'll rollout the new sftp and branch puller now07:20
lifelesswheres the production branch at ? pqm /production/launchpad ?07:21
lifelessthats the built config ?07:23
stubOh... ~pqm/production/launchpad07:23
lifelessthanks ;)07:23
stubI just fixed a config bug in the built tree07:24
stub(which I will now commit - looks like both me and spiv fixed a config bug and both landed breaking the config)07:24
lifelessbtw, this rsyc recipe might be nicer.07:25
lifeless-rltD --delete-after07:25
lifelessthat will avoid owner, group and permission bits07:25
lifelesscan add p to set permission07:26
lifelesswant to avoid owner and group because we have different users and groups between these machines07:26
stubWe want permission for the executable flag07:29
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lifelessstub: ok so -rltpD07:29
=== stub hands lifeless a spittoon
=== lifeless expectorates
lifelessspiv: can you tell me if the authservers logs look like its getting good branch status feedback ?07:40
spivlifeless: Looks good.07:41
spivlifeless: There are POSTs to /branch/ getting 200 responses.07:41
spivSo I'd say it's working.07:42
lifelessthe 'update in last day' filter is now active.07:42
lifeless89 branches to pull on the next run07:43
lifelesshmm, mirrorFailed call failed.07:43
spivlifeless: I see a traceback for that07:44
spivlifeless: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filek05M3u.html07:44
=== lifeless hopes spiv or jamesh can fix that asap
spivI'm looking07:46
jameshlifeless: looks like the reason needs to be converted to an 8-bit string before being passed to sqlvalues07:51
lifelessfair enough. I think thats the authservers problem - agreed ?07:52
jameshthe webapp pyscopgda converts unicode query strings to UTF-8, iirc07:52
jameshand the authserver isn't using that07:52
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spivYeah, the authserver has it's own "utf8" function, which is a bit nasty.07:54
stubI want to move to psycopg2 sometime soonish, which should accept Unicode queries natively. So a quick fix might be best.07:59
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spivI have a fix: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileA4xKak.html08:01
lifelesserm, r=lifeless08:02
spivlifeless: :)08:02
spivstub: That would be very nice.08:04
mptAccording to <http://www.zope.org/Control_Panel/Products/PageTemplates/Help/tal-repeat.stx>, "python:repeat['bugtask'] .number" should be the same as "repeat/bugtask/number"08:12
mptThe latter works, but the former produces "&lt;bound method Iterator.number of &lt;zope.tales.tales.Iterator object at.."08:13
lifelessthe latter is much nicer and we should always use it08:14
spivlifeless: ?08:15
spivlifeless: in general python: expressions in tal should be discouraged.08:15
mptlifeless, but I'm concatenating it to a string08:15
lifelessspiv: tal - using python: should be discouraged08:15
mptbecause (X)HTML IDs can't start with numbers08:15
jameshmpt: maybe you want repeat['bugtask'] .number()?08:15
spivlifeless: Oh, my brain forgot what latter and former meant, ignore me :)08:15
lifeless /ignore spiv08:16
lifelessoh thats not what you meant ? :)08:16
spivlifeless: In the meantime, I've quick-and-dirty fixed the production authserver code with that fix.08:16
spiv(While waiting for my mail to escape my ISP and reach PQM)08:16
lifelessthank you08:16
mptjamesh, that works08:16
lifelessnice, we're down to 31 to mirror08:17
jameshmpt: alternatively, sometimes using a tal:define can simplify things08:18
lifelessjamesh: spiv: its live08:20
lifelessgreat work guys08:21
lifelesswe should probably hook up branch notifications on this next08:21
lifelessso that when your branch starts failing you get an email08:22
lifelessperhaps with debounce08:22
lifelessafter 3 failures you get an eamil08:22
lifelessand 08:23
spivlifeless: Sweet08:25
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mptBjornT, ping09:40
mptBjornT, I thought my MaloneSimplifications branch would end up in your queue, but lifeless reviewed it first ... Would you be able to fix those mysterious test failures sometime soon? :-)09:41
lifelessmpt: BjornT already has stuff queued, I didn't. So in the interests of latency I reviewed it09:41
mptthat's fine09:42
mptthanks for the review, anyway09:42
BjornTmpt: if you want me to review something, you can put it in my queue directly. i'll take a look at the test failures today.09:42
lifelessmpt: note that unless there is a specific reason to give it to a named reviewer, the general queue is the place to put it09:44
ddaabranch puller is _still_ offline09:44
lifelesstis not09:44
ddaa(or looks like it is)09:44
lifelessddaa: look here for instance09:44
ddaalifeless: I have not received any error mail from it09:44
lifelessddaa: GOOD09:44
lifelessyou should never recieve error mail from it09:45
ddaaMh... okay look like 'tis working indeed09:46
ddaagood work, thanks09:46
mptlifeless, the only reason was that Bjorn wrote the Malone mail code so would most easily work out why my test wasn't working, but that wasn't a particularly strong reason if another reviewer could do the same09:46
ddaaneed another myself to put the new timestamps in the UI09:47
lifelessmpt: so there are two things here - one is 'help me fix my branch'. Another is 'please review'.09:47
lifelessmpt: dont conflate them :)09:47
mptdude, that's why I brought up this issue yesterday :-P - "should I conflate them or not"09:48
=== mpt gets back to person-editing-consolidation
ddaalifeless: will it send errormail for unexpected problems? That is anything but BranchNotFound and network failures?09:49
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lifelessmpt: you asked if there was an issue with the person that helps you being the reviewer09:53
lifelessmpt: very different question :)09:53
lifelessddaa: ues, if it fails to handle a problem it will quit and cron will maili09:53
=== ddaa goes off to a tangent and decides to implement product/+delete, series/+delete and branch/+delete
ddaanot being able to delete stuff like https://launchpad.net/products/0.3809:56
ddaaor https://launchpad.net/products/socnetv/+series/zohaib09:56
ddaais utter nonsense09:56
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [Trivial]  Production discovered corrections to the branch puller. (r3411: Robert Collins)10:05
lifelessddaa: this is what we had planned all the way back in sao carlos10:11
lifelessits nice to have it finally live10:11
mptddaa, shall I assign bug 38349 to you, then?10:17
UbugtuMalone bug 38349 in launchpad "Can't delete a product you created" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3834910:17
lifelesswell, deletion != approved in theory last I heard ;)10:18
mptddaa, how does https://launchpad.net/products/0.38 exist anyway? I thought IDs had to start with a letter, not a number 10:19
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lifelessmpt: thats a series, series can start with numbers because they are version numbers10:20
mptBut that's just the thing, lifeless, it's not a series10:22
mptIt was registered as a product by mistake10:22
lifelessmpt: oh. my confusion is supreme. sorry10:23
mptAnd /products/+new says "At least one lowercase letter or number, followed by letters, dots, hyphens or plusses..."10:23
mptoh, "or number"10:23
mptfine, I can't read10:24
ddaampt: please don't10:26
ddaaI'm really not supposed to do that, and I have plenty of important things on my plate10:26
ddaaI just cannot bear the daily churn of people asking for deletion of dud objects anymore10:26
ddaaso I'll do it for bitching rights10:27
ddaaBTW, who is in charge of moving dud objects out of the way nowadays?10:29
ddaaIt looks like you need admin privs10:30
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stublifeless: do you know why 'make build' fails on vostok but works everywhere else? I don't see why it would be any different.10:42
lifelessstub: nope10:43
lifelessstub: but its the tar buildings stuff10:43
lifelessstub: which I see no need for during 'build' - thats a 'dist' responsibility10:43
stubYer - we shouldn't be using that Makefile or any of the generation code. But it sounds like a missing dependency or something.10:44
lifelesswhy not ?10:45
lifelessMake is a good interface for these things10:45
lifelesswell understood, simple for simple tasks - and this is.10:45
stubBecause the Makefile serves a single perpose - to generate releases that people are supposed to use. It changes at my whim, and there are no guarantees that the code works anywhere except my laptop (indeed - I think the tests don't pass if you build it on a 64 bit architecture due to issues with the upstream code)10:47
stubWe should be using the generated python code, not generating the python code.10:47
lifelessstub: well the rocketfuel policy is that we need:10:47
lifelessmake build10:47
lifelessmake check10:48
lifelessto 'work'10:48
lifelessfor everything in sourcecode/10:48
stubYup. pytz shouldn't have been landed the way it was.10:48
stubIts a bug10:48
lifelesshow should it be? can we fix that ?10:48
lifelessshould it just be a package ?10:49
stubIt will be fixed when we land Zope 3.2, as pytz is included in that and we can drop the external dependency entirely.10:49
lifelessin which case, just dont run 'make build' on vostok - and dont use --delete when rsyncing to it ;)10:50
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=lifeless]  Ensure that the authserver's /branch/ XML-RPC methods don't blow up on unicode. (r3412: Andrew Bennetts)11:22
ddaampt: what is this "aqua" sort of sitemap them on rocketfuel?11:25
ddaampt: the horizontal gray lines really scream "the web designer thought it would be cool to make it look like MacOS"11:26
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lifelessstub: oh, r3412 is also important - its in production now on the authserver11:28
ddaaHow comes registry is not a celebrity????11:29
ddaampt_: what I said to mpt before ^^11:31
mpt_ddaa, Mark's choice11:48
mptddaa, it's Mac OS X 10.2 specifically12:00
mptIn 10.1 the stripes are darker, in 10.3 they're lighter, and in 10.4 the menu bar doesn't have stripes12:00
ddaaokay, then I guess it qualifies as vintage ;)12:00
ddaamh, what's the passwd of mark@hdb.com in sampledata, "test" does not work...12:03
ddaaworks when I spell hbd properly12:04
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ddaaduh: https://staging.ubuntu.com/people/logicalfaith12:13
ddaampt: it looks like neither the title nor the summary of a team is shown on the team's page anymore12:16
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ddaaheya, who's up for a quasi-trivial review?01:51
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BjornTddaa: doesn't celebs.registry == registry work?01:56
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ddaaBjornT: maybe it does, I just conformed to the existent code01:57
ddaaobviously it should also check that the appropriate interface is provided or something, but I think that is out of scope01:58
BjornTyeah, i think that it didn't work before. it should work now though, if it doesn't it's a bug.01:58
ddaayou tell me whether you want me to try and change that before merging01:58
BjornTddaa: since you conform to the surrounding code, r=bjornt without the change. it's better to change all at once later.01:59
=== ddaa ponders whether he really wants to install that "unattended-upgrades" package
ddaathank you02:02
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salgadostub, around?02:21
carlosstub: hi, around?02:21
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  add missing security declaration for the bugnotification db user. (r3413: Bjorn Tillenius)02:26
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matsubaraddaa: ping02:29
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
ddaamatsubara: pong02:30
ddaahey niemeyer02:30
matsubaraddaa: in interfaces/branch.py the url field is required=True but the description says otherwise. Which one is correct?02:30
ddaaWhen the URL field is present in the form, it is required02:32
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ddaabut the database value may be NULL02:32
seb128carlos: around?02:32
carlosseb128: hi02:32
seb128hey carlos :)02:32
niemeyerHey ddaa, what's up?02:32
UbugtuMalone bug 38330 in gaim "Rosetta Translations" [Normal,Rejected]  02:32
lifelessddaa: *cough* actually it currently works with no url to setup hosted branches02:33
ddaamatsubara: there is some logic in the edit form to remove the url widget if it's null in the database02:33
seb128carlos: gaim upstream have some interrogations on how rosetta works on the upstream collaboration plan, etc ... is there an FAQ or some page we can point about that?02:33
lifelessddaa: +newbranch -> shows the field but lets it be left blank02:33
ddaalifeless: it should not... the interface says it's required!02:33
matsubarathat's my point.02:35
lifelessddaa: its how I created a hosted branch02:35
lifelessddaa: and the web form says 'leave this blank to create a hosted branch'02:35
carlosseb128: Hmm, we should have that in our FAQ page, but I don't see anything there02:35
carlosseb128: could you redirect them to jordi?02:35
carlosjordi: and please, after answering their questions, update the FAQ, ok?02:35
matsubaraddaa: in http://localhost:8086/products/firefox/+addbranch it says the branch url is required but you can leave it blank02:35
lifelessnight all02:36
ddaaI think at some point we decided not to allow registering hosted branch in that way, for some reason.02:36
seb128carlos: sorry, thank you02:36
ddaaBut honestly I do not remember why.02:36
carlosseb128: why 'sorry'?02:36
seb128jordi: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gaim/+bug/38330/+index ... if you could comment would be nice :)02:36
UbugtuMalone bug 38330 in gaim "Rosetta Translations" [Normal,Rejected]  02:36
seb128carlos: hum, dunno, I was probably thinking to something else :p02:36
seb128carlos: thank you so :)02:36
carlosseb128: ;-)02:37
ddaamatsubara: okay, let's consider one can created a hosted branch in that way, I see no reason to prevent that.02:37
ddaamatsubara: then the field must be optional in +addbranch02:37
ddaabut required in +editbranch02:37
ddaabecause otherwise it would allow turning a pull branch into a hosted branch02:38
ddaawhich we decided not to allow because it involves a lot of extra complications02:39
ddaamatsubara: good luck unraveling that :)02:39
lifelessddaa: does it ?02:39
matsubaraddaa: ok02:39
lifelessbah, got sucked in .02:40
lifelessGood Night!02:40
ddaalifeless: good night, you can ask on the mailing list if you care. I think that would probably deserve a spec.02:40
ddaamatsubara: conversely, if you prevent registering hosted branches from the web UI, then it all becomes much simpler: when the URL widget is present, it's required, and when URL is NULL, the widget is not present.02:41
ddaaI really do not care on way or another. Allowing registering push branches through the web is marginally simpler, but also give more rope to hang oneself with.02:42
ddaa(simpler in terms of user experience)02:43
salgadohey Kinnison, around?02:44
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stubcarlos: pong02:59
stubsalgado: pong03:00
carlosstub: could you execute this on production?03:01
carlosUPDATE translationimportqueueentry set status=6 WHERE path like 'debian/tmp/usr/share/doc/gettext/examples/hello%' OR path like 'gettext-tools/examples/hello%';03:01
carlosstub: that will set as blocked more than 500 entries03:01
carlosand will save me some time03:01
stubcarlos: 1134 items - sound right?03:03
carlosstub: yes03:03
stubcarlos: Done03:03
carlosstub: thanks03:03
salgadostub, I got https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileikNqb5.html when trying to do a make schema on dogfood03:04
stubsalgado: You need to set up an empty database?03:06
stubexport PGUSER=postgres03:07
salgadostub, well, I need the session database and all the users specified in security.cfg03:07
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stubThat should set the default user to one with the rights you need03:07
salgadobut the launchpad user is a superuser. shouldn't that be enough?03:07
stublaunchpad user is not a superuser03:08
stubits just a standard user with rights on lots of tables03:09
salgadooh, right. I created it as a superuser but the make schema drops it and creates it again?03:09
stubHmm... no idea. Creating it as a superuser isn't good though as you won't catch permission issues.03:09
stubIt won't drop users so not sure what is going on03:10
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salgadostub, can you have a look at https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileYIBWyZ.html and see if it's okay?03:28
bradbBjornT: Should a browser view class that is used in the browser:generalform directive also inherit from GFV? Seems redundant, but just thought I'd confirm.03:30
stubsalgado: Looks good. Add a comment to comments.sql and it is approved as patch-40-47-0.sql03:30
salgadostub, adding the comment right now. thanks!03:32
salgadostub, what do you think of renaming it to date_consumed?03:33
salgado(and make it a timestamp col, obviously)03:33
BjornTbradb: i think it should, it makes things clearer.03:37
bradbBjornT: ok, thanks03:37
=== carlos -> lunch
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=BjornT]  create registry celebrity (r3414: David Allouche)03:43
stubsalgado: Sounds good. Means we can clear them out occasionally03:55
bradbjamesh: ping03:57
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jcole(08:00:13) jcole: sladen: simple question (not), at my company, we use http://linuxcoe.sourceforge.net/ to net-install various distros... right now, we're trying to figure out a way so people can contribute their own packages...05:18
jcole(08:00:16) jcole: sladen: we were thinking about something along the lines of a user only contributing a source package, and then have an auto-build system that creates binary packages for the various distros... any suggestions?05:18
jcole(08:07:19) sladen: jcole: in theory you can create deriviatives very easily under launchpad.  You could ask on #launchpad what the current status of that is05:18
jcole(08:08:48) jcole: sladen: so, launchpad is the closest tool for the type of thing we are looking for?05:19
jcoleare there any open source launchpad equivs out there?05:23
carlosjcole: don't think so, well, outside what Debian uses atm but I don't think it's easy to setup05:44
elmohey, if people could not send anything to pqm for a bit, that'd be nice05:44
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carloselmo: there is a way to disable pqm, the requests are queued but will not be handled until you enable it again05:45
carloselmo: but don't know how to do it05:46
elmocarlos: yeah, but I'm lazy and don't know that way05:46
carloselmo: ;-)05:46
carloselmo: I guess the easier way is just disable its cron job :-P05:46
elmooh, that's a good idea05:46
carloselmo: please, remember to enable it again when you are done...05:47
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elmodone - pqm is back up06:14
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VobiscuMthe launchpad is property software ?!06:21
carlosVobiscuM: If you mean if it's closed source, yes, it is06:23
carlosVobiscuM: Take a look at https://launchpad.net/faq (Is Launchpad open source? Will it be?)06:24
carlosyou have more information there06:24
VobiscuMcarlos: thank you06:25
carlosyou are welcome06:26
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carlosjordi: hi, around?06:58
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carlossee you later07:23
mdzhow can I reject or otherwise get rid of this task?  07:25
UbugtuMalone bug 34939 in linux "Dapper Install Hangs on "Configuring Apt"" [Unknown,Unknown]  07:25
mdzthe bug has nothing to do with linux07:26
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=jamesh]  implement security teams (r3415: Brad Bollenbach)07:28
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=== kiko waves to the world
mdzbradb: any suggestion?07:49
mdz<mdz> how can I reject or otherwise get rid of this task?  07:51
mdz<mdz> https://launchpad.net/products/linux/+bug/34939/+editstatus07:51
UbugtuMalone bug 34939 in linux "Dapper Install Hangs on "Configuring Apt"" [Unknown,Unknown]  07:51
mdz<mdz> the bug has nothing to do with linux07:51
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bradbmdz: Just set the status to rejected08:07
bradbDeleting of tasks is currently not possible08:08
kikoI think that bug's task doesn't allow changing of status08:08
kikoI said it08:08
bradbkiko: You're thinking too much like a DBA, and not enough like a user :)08:09
kikowell, the concept is leaky08:09
bradbbut, since this bug is locked, eh, yeah, hm08:10
bradbs/bug/bug's status/08:10
bradb+editstatus is a thoroughly weird page for that bug. Comment on Change widget and all.08:12
bradbmdz: For now I'll file a bug about it. It shouldn't affect ubuntu devs looking at Ubuntu bug listings08:15
bradbbug 3846008:20
UbugtuMalone bug 38460 in malone "Can't "reject" a bug watch" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3846008:20
kikothat's dupish08:20
bradbI couldn't find anything matching it08:23
bradbkiko: What's the story with bug dates then?08:26
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kikobradb, I wanted to look into callsites further, to see what /I/ thought of the issue, but it seems that our code makes properties a better choice08:29
kikobradb, congratulations on landing security teams, btw08:31
bradbthanks. had to fight a heisenfailure for a while, but nothing beats raw willpower.08:31
bradbkiko: Can I start on the dates change then?08:32
kikoI'm adding some sampledata and having the same sort of problem :-(08:32
kikobradb, do you have a next best item to work on today? I'd be able to confirm tomorrow on what I think we should do08:32
kikoearly tomorrow for you even08:33
bradbI can think of some silly bugs to fix, but the other major priority, I think, was the subscriptions stuff.08:34
bradbI was replying to mpt's email about the portlet, but my brain is hurting trying to do better than his proposal.08:35
bradb(One of the silly bugs I was referring to was bug 34224)08:37
UbugtuMalone bug 34224 in malone "wrong bug number counts" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3422408:37
kikoI don't even like that portlet with counts, agreed it's silly08:39
kikowhy don t you drop binarypackagename today?08:39
bradbhey, that's an idea08:39
kikosalgado, I need some help with a mirror management fix?08:39
kikocan you spend 5 minutes with me salgado?08:39
salgadowhant me to go down?08:42
kikoI'll paste the error to you08:42
kikosalgado, I did some changes to sampledata, ftr08:42
kikosalgado, pasted.08:44
salgadodid you add a new entry in securebinarypackagepublishinghistory?08:45
kikoyes. 2 or 3 entries IIRC.08:45
salgadodo any of them for the same distro release in which that pmount_0.1-1_all.deb is published?08:46
salgadoif yes, and if any of them has a more recent datepublished than the pmount's one, then the failure is expected08:47
salgados/distro release/distroarchrelease/08:47
kikosalgado, yes. but what confuses me is why pmount has disappeared.08:48
kikowhy don't we end up with a 3-item list?08:48
salgadobecause there's another one published more recently08:48
kikookay. so I can just accept what changed? that test is kinda confusing..08:49
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salgadoyes, you can accept that08:49
salgadowhy is it confusing?08:50
kikosank you08:50
kikosalgado, well, perhaps because I don't understand how it works.08:51
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kikosalgado, didn't work (didn't actually change anything)09:04
kikooh, nm09:05
kikofound what I was doing wrong09:05
kikoKinnison, why is there no constraint datecreated < datepublished? :)09:05
kikosalgado, it worked, thanks.09:15
kikosalgado, now, what I'd like to talk about is that TeamParticipation caching thing we discussed previously.09:15
salgadowe didn't actually discuss it, though09:17
kikoSteveA had said he had talked to you about how to fix it09:17
kikowas he on crack?09:17
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salgadoI don't remember talking with anybody about this. and during the last sprint I wasn't as fucked up as I was in Matar, so I think I'd remember it09:18
kikodude that was timeless09:18
LarstiQwhy is autotools-dev listed in distro packages for bzr>09:22
LarstiQand the breezecom bounty...09:23
bradbkiko: BTW, are we talking about removing bpn from the db too? Or just the UI at first?09:31
kikobradb, both09:31
kikoactually, bradb, tell me: when the user enters that information, would we lose it?09:32
bradbyeah. we'd have only the spn.09:32
kikoand the bpn would only serve to find the bpn. well, let me think for 2 minutes09:32
bradbthe devs that i've heard from seem to want bpn to go away09:33
bradbAt worst, maybe removing it only from the UI could be a test.09:34
kikome too09:34
kikoremoving from the UI only isn't very good because we'd forget to remove the field later and the data would be, well, inconsistent09:34
kikobradb, okay, mdz and I think dropping it is fine -- mdz said:09:35
kiko<mdz> I have looked at thousands of bugs09:35
kiko<mdz> and so far there were approximately 2 where that information was even useful09:35
kiko<mdz> there were more cases where it was invalid09:35
kiko<mdz> losing the data would be an overall win for bug correctness09:35
bradbi can imagine09:35
=== kiko chuckles
bradbbpn is mostly dust09:36
kikodust in mdz's eyes? 09:36
mdzdo we have any historical data for the open bug count?09:36
mdzI am interested to see the effect that our efforts are having09:36
mdzif not, can we start collecting basic stats somehow?  I suppose we could write a screen scraper if not09:37
kikonot currently, but we will start working on this as soon as we've got the remaining ubuntu requirements nailed09:37
kikowe mmmm can09:37
kikoI'll email stuart, mdz09:37
kikoand actually09:37
bradbmdz: We will start collecting dates of interesting things that happening on bugs in the very near future.09:38
kikomdz, can you think up a set of counts that you'd like to see historically?09:38
kikoI can ask stub to plot some sql results on a graph09:38
mdzkiko: that would make me very happy09:38
mdzkiko: can I give you some advanced search query strings?09:38
kikodo you just want counts, mdz?09:39
mdzkiko: yes09:39
kikoperhaps just listing what you want is best, because stub is going to do raw SQL anyway09:39
mdzkiko: ok09:40
mdzkiko: all confirmed+inprogress, severity>=normal in main09:41
kikomdz, email?09:42
mdzkiko: ok09:42
kikosalgado, driveby https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileU5jceJ.html09:42
kikosalgado, fixes searching for binary packages in a distrorelease to match on binarypackagename as well.09:43
mdzkiko: sent09:44
salgadokiko, I've already reviewed that patch, haven't I?09:56
kikosalgado, no, this is a similar patch, but it fixes searching for binary packages.09:57
=== bradb heads off, later all
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carloskiko: hi, I have a question for Steve that perhaps you could answer...09:59
salgadokiko, but that one I reviewed previously contained the same changes in database/distrorelease.py, no?09:59
kikosalgado, yes, I asked you to ignore it :)09:59
kikocarlos, yeah?09:59
salgadokiko, no, you asked me to ignore some part related to arch releases09:59
kikosalgado, I should have told you to ignore parts related to distroreleases as well then.10:00
carloskiko: Could I change SourcePackageName.queryByName to be SourcePackageName.getByName to follow the same API other objects are using? (this is a concrete case, but, in general, could I do that while developing code that use those methods?)10:00
kikoI was going to ask bradb but he's gone10:01
carlosis not Rosetta code and it's used by others, that's why I'm asking. I usually do that with Rosetta specific objects10:02
kikoI don't know carlos. are you sure getByName is the standard?10:02
kikosalgado, do you know how the standard works?10:03
carloskiko: well, I don't know if it's the standard, I know it's the most common API we have. I'm not sure if we have such standard...10:03
salgadoI don't know of such a standard either10:03
kikocarlos, don't change it now, I think, but raise the issue on the ML and we can nail it10:04
kikothanks for spotting it though10:06
salgadokiko, that patch looks fine, btw10:18
kikothanks salgado 10:18
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Add for convenience a newsampledata proxy target to the main Makefile. (r3416: kiko)10:27
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kikoelmo, ping?11:13
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=salgado Fix for bug related to bug 30500: searching for binary packages under a distribution release would ignore packages whose names were not good fti fodder -- 'at' for instance. Adds sampledata to verify and test, and fixes the query. (r3417: kiko)11:16
elmokiko: ?11:24
kikoelmo, I'm reviewing your patches, I was going to ask you something but I think email will be better11:24
elmokiko: ok11:25
kikoo/~ milkshake milkshake o/~11:33
kikoelmo, it is long. will you have time for a proper reply?11:34
elmokiko: sure?11:35
kikookay, cool.11:35
lifelessmoin moin11:39
lifelesskiko: will you have time to do the two reviews currently on your plate ? I can find another reviewer if needed11:41
kikonext week yeah11:41
kikois that okay?11:42
lifelesscprov is still away right11:42
lifelessand they are both related to his work, so it sounds fine to me11:42
kikohe will be back on monday11:42
lifelesswhat do you think of the pending reviews tweaks ?11:43
kikovery cool11:43
kikoI was going to commend jamesh but I saw you did already11:43
kikoelmo, are you okay with me CC:ing launchpad-reviews on my reply?11:44
lifelesskiko: theres no problem with multiple people saying 'thats cool11:45
kikoI have just been too busy listening to Louis XIV11:45
lifelessI'm louis the XIV I am ?11:46
kikonot today11:46
kikobut in a previous incarnation, who knows?11:46
lifelesstheres a song11:47
lifelessI'm henry the fifth I am11:47
lifelessvery strange11:47
elmokiko: if you like, sure11:47
elmothe code's going to be in RF one way or the other, no matter how bad it is, I can't hide it11:48
kikoelmo, sent then11:48
kikosalgado, could you review matsubara's patch for 37885? 12:01
matsubarahey it's not ready yet12:03
=== kiko shuts up
matsubaraand the link you sent surely isn't my patch12:03
=== kiko puts paper bag on head and attempts to go back to coding

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