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hendryKamion: i see the problem, the indices aren't being done right by the CD package creation thing01:58
hendryi ignored the indices in /srv/cdimage.no-name-yet.com because i thought it was to do with local/ which you told me to ignore02:00
hendryi created the package lists correctly on my mirror. but the CD creation doesn't seem to use those package lists and create new ones.02:01
hendryok i think they're supposed to be in02:04
hendryoh yes it worked. :)02:12
hendrynow to test in vmware02:12
hendryoh yes! it seems to be working... muhahaha02:16
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Kamionwell done03:07
hendryKamion: thanks =)03:11
hendryit didn't complain of a lack of a Release.gpg03:11
hendryit didn't seem to add my hannux desktop package03:13
hendryso i am a little confused by "tasks"03:13
hendrythat's the seed which i got from kubuntu.seed03:13
hendrythere is no kubuntu-standard package03:13
hendrybut there is a kubuntu-desktop03:13
hendryi want to use ubuntu as a base03:13
hendryas does kubuntu03:14
hendryso shouldn't it read ubuntu-standard|kubutu-desktop03:14
hendryi guess I somehow need to replace Ubuntu's base-files. Or we need to come up with a way of derivatives that can alter the /etc/issue03:15
Kamionthis is confusing, so it's understandable that you're confused :)03:21
Kamionyou're mixing up tasks (which are constituted from Task: headers in the Packages file) with packages03:21
Kamioncdimage synthesises Task: headers based on your project name (so in your case hannux-standard, etc.) and makes them match whatever germinate says is in the standard seed03:22
Kamionwhen you use ~t in aptitude patterns, e.g. by preseeding pkgsel/install-pattern, you're talking about tasks; there don't have to be packages by the same name03:22
hendrywhy have tasks though? can't meta packages solve this problem?03:23
Kamionso in your case, your preseed file looks fine03:23
Kamionmetapackages are an inferior solution03:23
Kamionthey break down if your archive is not quite perfectly in sync, which happens pretty frequently in my experience of daily image builds03:24
Kamionthey're also not quite as accurate in terms of what you're telling apt to do03:24
Kamionaptitude remembers what you've explicitly requested be installed03:25
Kamionif you request that a metapackage be installed, it will try not to remove the metapackage, but won't have any particular reason not to remove anything else03:25
Kamionif you request that a task be installed, it will try to keep everything in the task03:25
Kamionat least, that's how it should conceptually work; I'm not sure if the implementation currently matches up to that03:26
hendryit would be good if apt-cache show kubuntu-standard worked03:26
Kamionthis is when you're asking it to clean up packages that aren't used any more, btw03:26
Kamionit's intentional that there's no kubuntu-standard package03:26
Kamionthat task only really exists for the benefit of the installer03:27
hendryi meant, that it would be good to show a task ...03:27
Kamionoh, well that sort of thing is more likely to happen in aptitude anyway03:27
Kamionapt-get/apt-cache don't know about tasks03:27
hendrybut aptitude does...03:28
hendryKamion: ok, thanks for the explaination03:28
Kamionaptitude search \~tubuntu-standard03:29
Kamionor \~tkubuntu-standard03:29
hendrythese tasks get applied to the package list by indices?03:31
hendryperry$ apt-cache show wget | grep Task03:31
hendryTask: edubuntu-standard, kubuntu-standard, ubuntu-standard03:31
hendryI think i see a problem03:32
hendrybecause I want Hannux to use Ubuntu in the sources.list. I want to use the Ubuntu "wget" package03:32
hendrysince Ubuntu controls the package list, how will hannux-standard make it there?03:33
Kamionyou're looking at a different list.03:34
Kamionyou're looking at the one in archive.ubuntu.com03:34
Kamioncdimage makes up its own for Packages files on CD images03:34
hendrybut once "hannux" is installed03:35
hendryit will be using package lists from archive.ubuntu.com and hannux.com03:35
Kamionwell, if you're using the Kubuntu seeds, then you'll have kubuntu-standard installed03:35
hendryor are you saying, it doesn't matter, because they are only used in the initial install?03:35
Kamion(the metapackage)03:35
Kamionif you're not using them directly, but branching them, then you can create a hannux-standard metapackage03:36
Kamionyes, exactly that, the tasks only really matter in the initial install03:36
hendryKamion: ok, that's fine then ...03:36
hendrywhat about base-files?03:36
Kamionwhat about it?03:36
hendryhow do I get hannux in the issue?03:36
Kamionhendry: you can branch base-files on hannux.com if you like, and if you're prepared to fix all the packages that care about seeing Ubuntu in lsb-release output and the like03:37
Kamionif you leave /etc/lsb-release alone you have a better chance of it not breaking everything03:37
hendryKamion: ok, point taken03:37
Kamionchanging /etc/issue and /etc/issue.net should be relatively safe from that point of view03:38
hendryI could hopefully override the archive with my own hannux archive. so it install base-file from my repo, instead of yours.03:38
hendryin your override.dapper.* indices, there is no mention of tasks03:40
Kamionthat's what I'd expect you to do, yes03:40
hendryso I guess I need to add Task override03:40
Kamionlet cdimage take care of that03:40
Kamionit's done dynamically - don't poke at it manually, is my advice03:40
Kamionlook at cdimage/bin/germinate-to-tasks and whatever it is in debian-cd that handles the other end of that (debian-cd/tools/scanpackages, IIIRC)03:41
Kamionif you look at the Packages files in your CD image, it's probably already there03:42
hendryoh yes03:42
KamionI'm not saying cdimage is perfect, but it has nearly two years of accumulated cleverness ;)03:43
Kamionthe hard bit is the setup ...03:44
hendrydo you edit the germinate seeds for ubuntu often?03:45
hendrybecause i need to figure out how to merge in changes in bzr03:45
Kamionbzr merge <location of other archive>03:46
Kamionfix up any conflicts03:46
Kamionbzr commit03:46
hendrydo you use bzr to sync up to Debian stuff etc?03:46
Kamionthe seeds are an Ubuntu thing, they don't come from Debian03:46
Kamionif you mean packages, it depends on the packages03:46
Kamionthe plan is eventually to do that, but we don't have bzr imports of the packages yet (we have baz imports of some, but not all)03:47
hendryi was wondering if you use some other tools03:47
hendryto compare diffs of debian and ubuntu03:47
Kamioner, sorry, wrong url03:48
hendryperry$ bzr merge http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/bzr/seeds.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/seeds/dapper/03:48
hendrybzr: ERROR: Branch <bzrlib.store.revision.text.TextRevisionStore object at 0xb78d33ac> has no revision entries03:48
Kamionhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/ongoing-merge/ I think it is03:48
Kamionno idea, ask on #bzr or something, sounds like either your bzr or your branch or both are busted03:49
Kamiontry pulling down a copy of the seeds.ubuntu.com branch and merging from your local copy of that03:49
hendrybleh. ok.03:49
hendryi got a 404 on http://seeds.ubuntu.com/03:49
hendryi guess you mean your URI03:50
Kamionyou quoted the URL yourself a moment ago, it contains seeds.ubuntu.com03:50
KamionI know that seeds.ubuntu.com itself does not exist; it's intended to at some point, but we haven't got round to it03:50
hendryoh nps03:50
hendryare the mepis ppl also working with you?03:50
hendryi couldn't help notice they are doing the same thing as me03:50
Kamionnot me personally03:51
Kamionbut they're doing live CDs, which is a bit different03:51
Kamionas I understand it03:51
Kamionyou don't have to set up Packages files on CD images or anything for live CDs; it's much easier03:51
hendrybut they'll have to use expresso right?03:51
Kamiondepends, if they want to03:52
Kamionthey might have their own installer they'd want to use03:52
Kamionsince espresso isn't done yet they might reasonably be steering clear for now03:52
Kamionwe're certainly not making them use anything they don't want to use03:52
hendryi haven't even thought about live CDs yet. as my boss is keen on the server market, more so that the desktop.03:52
Kamionright, no particular reason you should03:53
hendryok thanks again Kamion03:53
hendryyou're very helpful :)03:53
KamionI know some people think live CDs can do everything and should replace install CDs, but I've never subscribed to that view ...03:53
hendryKamion: i agree03:53
Kamion(in fact it irritates me immensely :-))03:53
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