
mjg59BenC: The Broadcom stuff seems really quite solid now12:40
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cjbBenC: Do you maintain binary compatibility with upstream, or could I try to persuade someone to carry the fs events connector/netlink patch?03:11
mjg59cjb: Userspace or kernelspace?03:11
cjbKernelspace; new netlink entries are analogous to new syscalls.03:13
mjg59Then there's no real effort03:13
mjg59So you just need to talk Ben into believing it's useful :)03:13
cjbCool.  I wonder what kind of convincing one makes about whole fs event notifications being useful.  Seems like a you-get-it-or-you-don't thing.03:15
cjbrlove doesn't like the patch; he dislikes that you need to have a daemon up to catch the events, so he wants an event log to go into ext3/jbd instead.03:16
infinityI'm with rml, but only because I'm a frothing fanboy.03:25
infinity(And I hate having 372 helper daemons running just so my kernel can talk to itself)03:26
cjbinfinity: Stephen/tytso are never going to accept such a patch to ext3, though.  And I don't think the jbd gives early enough context for it to stay in there without hitting ext3.03:30
cjbI'm a frothing fanboy too, and did take the time to write up rml's thoughts:  http://blog.printf.net/articles/2006/03/31/filesystem-notifications-revisited03:31
cjbBut that doesn't mean I want to give up on the feature because neither set of maintainers think it's quite right for their subsystem.  The netlink version requires you to keep the daemon running in order not to miss events, but doesn't break anything?  I'm for that, then.03:33
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=== lamont wonders why nfs-modules-2.6.15-20-hppa32-di doesn't exist
lamont(since debian-installer wants it and all that...)08:46
infinitylamont: Already discussed with Kamion, who claimed he'd sort out whose bug it is. :)08:57
lamontoh, even better.  danke08:57
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dholbachhey guys!11:42
dholbachBenC: what could we put on a wiki page to make bug triage for Kernel bugs easier?11:43
dholbachhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUSBStorage http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingIRQProblems http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection are not really it, are they? :/11:45
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BenCdholbach: Check the CategoryKernel stuff04:24
dholbachi see04:24
dholbachi don't want to build a kernel... i was more looking for information for bug triagers04:27
dholbachquestions they can ask, stuff we can point people to, if they have kernel problems04:27
dholbachif you want people to triage kernel bugs next week's friday - it'd be great to have something like that04:27
BenCthere's a lot of that under CategoryKernel04:29
BenCdebugging stuff04:29
=== dholbach has another look
BenCthe main thing that needs is questions like "Was this under dapper"04:30
dholbachwhat else? lspci -v, lshal, dmesg - is that kind of stuff of any use?04:30
BenClspci -vv04:33
BenClspci -vvn04:33
BenCthose are the four URL's I use to point people04:34
BenCalso, bug submitters need to be explicitly told "attach the output to these commands, do not paste them into a comment"04:35
BenCotherwise we get a huge unreadable comment listing04:35
BenCSound problems need to have alsa-team subscribed04:36
BenC100 new emails in my bug folder just since last night04:37
BenCThe problem for me is, a lot of those are bugs getting closed, but I still have to read all the emails to find out04:37
BenCa lot of them can be closed, but I still have to go through the emails to verify it is a problem I fixed04:38
dholbachsame here04:41
dholbachfor gnome land we get millions of bug reports :/04:41
dholbachbut i'll knock up a webpage with the stuff you mentioned04:41
dholbachdoes that sound good?04:42
infinityWould be nice if Malone could put the bug status in the Subject line, now that I think about it.04:55
infinitySo you could skip mails with "[Fix Released]  foo bar baz" if you're in a hurry and catch up on them later.04:56
mjg59Why is hibernate really really really slow on battery and fast on ac?04:58
mjg59And why has it just worked properly for me? IT BURNS05:02
BenCmjg59: where's the script that allows people to add modules that should get unloaded/reloaded on suspend/resume?05:05
mjg59BenC: /etc/default/acpi-support05:09
mjg59Hm. Now I seem to have fixed it, but I'm not sure how...05:14
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zulBenC: ping..09:22
zulbored bored bored..09:33
=== cjb gets back from telling the people in the LinuxWorld FSF booth that he wishes they could sue nVidia.
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