
=== Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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LaserJockRed_Herring: a .deb really doesn't help12:28
LaserJockRed_Herring: we need a source package12:28
Red_Herringugh, so i need to package it myself?12:28
LaserJockRed_Herring: or wait for somebody to do it12:28
Red_Herringcuz currently im running DSL on a laptop with a dead hard drive w/ no other computer around12:29
Red_Herringso my development opportunities are "limited"12:29
LaserJockRed_Herring: you can add it to the list of packages wanted at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/Candidates12:29
=== Red_Herring looks into it
LaserJockbut believe me, this is a very known problem, but it is quite late in the Dapper development cycle12:30
Red_Herringugh, i guess, but its a shame...12:31
LaserJockyes it is12:31
Red_Herringim willing to help, but if you dont htink its worth it, w/e12:31
LaserJockwell, you can start know and if it gets in for  Dapper fine, if not it could go in Dapper+112:31
Red_Herringi cant start now, i lack the resources12:32
dolsonargh. why do we have mismatched PIDA and Gazpatcho in Dapper... :(12:34
dolsonI haven't been paying full attention lately... are we still opening UVF exception requests to upgrade the old unstable crap in Dapper Universe?12:36
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LaserJockRed_Herring: well, when you have a chance you can work on it, but I would think that somebody would package it for Dapper+112:39
Red_Herringugh, whats it gonna be called?12:39
Red_Herringany name yet?12:39
LaserJockRed_Herring: but getting it on the install cd is quite a bit more difficult12:40
LaserJockRed_Herring: not that I know of12:40
Red_Herringtrue true true12:40
Red_Herringcan it still be added to the universe?12:40
LaserJockif it has a good license (it is GPL, right?)12:40
LaserJockand it gets packaged (a real source package)12:41
LaserJockthen it can be reviewed for inclusion in Universe12:41
Red_Herringill get right on it... can i do this from a livecd of kubuntu flight 6?12:42
LaserJockthere isn't  an inherent reason for it to not be included, it just takes somebody to take the time to do it12:42
LaserJockhmm, I wouldn't recommend using a livcd for development work12:42
Red_HerringLaserJock: then do you have a spare laptop hard drive? :-P12:43
LaserJockRed_Herring: unfortunately not12:43
Red_Herringalso, once i package it, do i hafta maintain it?12:43
LaserJockUniverse is team maintained12:44
LaserJocki.e., community members (the MOTU) with upload rights take care of Universe12:44
Red_Herringah, thats good12:45
LaserJockthe problem is there are only ~ 30 MOTUs for ~15000 packages12:47
ajmitchwhich means we prefer that people don't just dump packages in & run :)12:48
Red_Herring... fine12:49
LaserJockRed_Herring: if you want some reading on packaging, I would suggest http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ and http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html12:50
Red_Herringi dont want any howtos or suggestions about packaging until i get an actual install of dapper to work with!12:51
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Red_Herringgrr, sorry, my computer has been broken for a while now12:52
LaserJockRed_Herring: well, good luck with that. I can't help you there.12:52
Red_Herringok, thanks anyway12:53
LaserJockRed_Herring: you might be better off enlisting somebody else who might be interested in packaging it.12:54
Red_Herringim trying that now in #easyubuntu12:54
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chillywillycan someone point me to that wireless compat wiki page?01:22
chillywillythe Atheros Super G does not support WPA according to this page, right?01:26
chillywillymight as well use WEP w/ MAC filtering01:27
chillywillyalthough it's pretty useless01:27
crimsun_still marginally better than none at all01:28
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kbrooksI'm willing to sponsor a upload of the frostwire package available at http://www.frostwire.com/static/downloads.html to universe01:50
kbrooksfor dapper+101:51
crimsun_how would you sponsor said upload?01:51
kbrookscrimsun_:  i dont know how. what are the available methods?01:51
crimsun_you can't "sponsor" unless you have upload privileges.01:52
crimsun_does frostwire build and run correctly with gcj?01:53
kbrookscrimsun_: ?01:53
kbrookscrimsun_: im on breezy01:53
crimsun_kbrooks: where are you confused?01:53
kbrookscrimsun_: well01:54
kbrookscrimsun_: i havent checked. ill install the package01:54
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sladenchillywilly: best thing to do is not use either WEP or MAC locking and then use real-encryption (SSH, VPN)02:53
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LaserJockhi tritium03:14
tritiumhi LaserJock03:14
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chillywillysladen: yea I could do that I suppose03:34
chillywillysladen: I have openwrt on the AP/router so I can do all kinds of nifty things03:35
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robertjhey all, can anyone try to find out what happened to quake3 and why it never got out of revu even though the last action taken (Jan) was looking very good?03:40
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LaserJockrobertj: it isn't in Dapper?03:43
robertjnot according to http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=quake3&searchon=names&subword=1&version=all&release=all03:44
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zakamehi motus03:46
Kyralmeh where is bddebian when I need him?03:48
LaserJockrobertj: hmm, odd. It looks like it was supposed to be uploaded03:50
robertjLaserJock: is there a next step?03:56
LaserJockrobertj: sistpoty said he was going to upload it03:58
LaserJockso maybe some poking is in order ;-)03:59
robertjLaserJock: according to revu it looks like daemon@poleboy dot de was the person who was going to upload04:01
LaserJockyeah, that is sistpoty, why don't you just email him and politely ask him if he has done it ;-)04:02
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robertjpolite email sent04:26
KyralMeh I wanna ask bddebian about the status of DHCP in HURD04:28
Lathiatdhcp is for wimps04:33
Kyralor for people whose campus only uses DHCP04:33
Lathiatand for wimps04:33
Lathiatlast time i tried hurd04:33
Lathiatif you hit the keyboard while it was booting04:33
Lathiatit'd kernel panic04:33
Lathiatdid they fix that yet? :)04:33
ajmitchprobably not04:34
ajmitchKyral: last time I used the hurd dhcp was working well enough for me04:34
Kyralajmitch: ty :D04:34
KyralI'm just installing it in Qemu anyway04:35
ajmitchso why ask, if you would have found out in a few minutes?04:35
ajmitchafaik only bddebian & myself have been crazy enough round here to do anything with the hurd04:35
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Kyralajmitch: more like a couple hours...04:39
Kyralthe debian ISO is downloading and my school has a bandwidth cap of 78 Kb/S04:40
KyralThis should be interesting...installing Gentoo in a Qemu image04:53
TheMusoKyral: Hope you are running the acceleration kernel module or whatever it is. :)04:53
KyralI'll just nice it down to 19 :D04:54
KyralTheMuso: nope....04:54
LaserJockKyral: I ran the Gentoo livecd installer in a qemu on my iMac. Seemed pretty nice for a graphical installer04:57
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Kyralhow do I setup the bridge to Eth0?04:59
truz24who decides which kernel to put on the repositories?  I notice i'm running 2.6.15-20, but on kernel.org they are up to 2.6.1605:15
KyralI heard 2.6.16 breaks stuff05:15
Kyralhehe, I reniced Qemu to 1905:19
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Hobbseehey Kyral!05:21
=== Hobbsee is killing time, chatting from the uni :D
Hobbseejust done an assignment, stuff for the chem prac in 40 mins...05:22
Hobbseenot a lot :)05:22
Hobbseelooking vaguely at my comp assignment, and screaming loudly05:22
KyralI'm playing around with KQemu05:22
KyralReniced Qemu down to 19 :P05:22
Hobbseeooh nice!05:22
Hobbseewhich OS with it?05:23
KyralRight now FC505:23
KyralI was gonna do Gentoo05:23
Kyralbut I dunno how to get the Bridging working05:23
Kyraleventually I'll do HURD05:23
Hobbseeah ok05:26
Kyralmeh I hate the FC installer05:30
Kyralforget it05:30
=== Hobbsee has never bothered with it
=== Hobbsee couldnt even install suse, so went back.
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Kyralyou should try Arch05:32
Hobbseecould do05:34
=== Hobbsee had heard the wireless was good on suse, so was looking for interesting stuff to bring back
ajmitchhello Hobbsee05:38
Hobbseehey ajmitch :)05:39
LaserJockhi Hobbsee and ajmitch05:39
Hobbseehey LaserJock05:39
ajmitchhello again LaserJock05:39
LaserJockajmitch: I already said hi?05:40
LaserJockmy memory must be slipping05:40
ajmitchwell I was was around a couple of hours ago :)05:40
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KyralHoly Netsplit batman05:40
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LaserJockajmitch: ah, so it wasn't that bad05:41
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HobbseeStevenK: ping?05:41
KyralMan I really need to get a Dapper Qemu image up05:41
ajmitchunless you have a really fast machine, you'd probably be very disappointed05:43
=== LaserJock was pretty disappointed with qemu on his Intel iMac :(
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Kyralajmitch:  I need a development enviroment on ArchLinux06:09
Kyraland with the KQemu module...it speeds up06:10
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LaserJockhmm, funny. my rhythmbox volume slider is still upside down. do other people have that?06:54
KyralI do in Amarok06:58
Kyraleven in ArchLinux :P06:58
Kyralbut I have to hit the sack06:59
Kyralnight kiddos :P06:59
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crimsunLaserJock: is only rb affected?07:15
LaserJockI think so07:16
LaserJockit has been that way for a while but I haven't used rb for a while07:16
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Hobbseehi again everyone!09:16
LaserJockhi Hobbsee09:16
=== Hobbsee survived her chem prac :P
LaserJockyeah for chem!09:18
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Hobbseedidnt manage to poison anyone either, or get yelled at09:22
Hobbseei suspect the tutor for the prac was trying to set me up with the guy that i was working with though...09:22
LaserJockyou've got to watch out for those chemists09:23
LaserJockwell, as long as you didn't hurt yourself I'd say you did OK. I hate it when students cut themselves on glassware or something09:23
Hobbseehaha yeah, that's true09:25
=== Hobbsee ends up cutting herself on all sorts of things - including cigarette boxes!
=== Pupeno [n=Pupeno@80-102-226-85.bcn2.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu-motu
PupenoWhere is that page with information about uploading upgraded packages (for the next Ubuntu) ?09:34
LaserJockPupeno: perhaps wiki.ubuntu.com/REVU ?09:37
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PupenoLaserJock: maybe.09:37
LaserJockdo you want how to upgrade the package or where to put it?09:37
Pupenoit is an upgrade, yes.09:38
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LaserJockhi dholbach09:59
dholbachhey LaserJock09:59
LaserJockare you going to be super busy in the next day or two?10:00
dholbachwhy you ask? :)10:00
LaserJockthe doc string freeze is tomorrow (probably today for you) and I almost have the Packaging Guide done10:00
LaserJockbut I would like somebody like you to look it over for policy violations, etc ;-)10:01
dholbachwrite to ubuntu-devel@ that you need reviews10:01
LaserJockI'll send and email asking for review to -motu and -devel but in the past I haven't gotten much response10:01
LaserJockmaybe -devel will be better, people seem to complain easily enough when they don't have to fix ;-)10:02
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Toadstoolhi here10:57
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kelmohi siretart12:47
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siretarthey kelmo12:53
kelmosiretart: i have proposed a compromise for our recent discussion12:56
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kelmosiretart: http://rafb.net/paste/results/fwmNBF31.html12:59
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siretartkelmo: interesting. but, wouldn't it be more easy to rely on /sys? isn't this what sysfs is for?01:19
kelmosiretart: well, i still use linux 2.4 as well01:20
siretartkelmo: oh. now I begin to understand why you objected to my proposal. TBH, I expect etch to not support linux 2.4 anymore01:24
kelmosiretart: proc is equally as useful, imho, in this case01:25
siretartkelmo: if your detection works on 2.6 as well, I'd say lets include it in our next upload (I think the 0.4.9 release could come soon[tm] ), and close the detection bug01:25
kelmosiretart: 2.4 on one machine, and that is no choice of mine really ; )01:26
kelmosiretart: but as you know, i am opposed to any sort of driver "guessing", this is about the only really robust way i could think of, and quite simple too01:34
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siretartkelmo: I think the bug submitter would be happy with this, given that he cares at all anymore01:53
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zakamehi al01:55
Gloubiboulgahi zakame01:55
kelmosiretart: ok, i'll commit and maintain that for as long as it is useful01:56
zakamehello Gloubiboulga01:56
siretartkelmo: thanks.01:56
zakamehuhu kelmo siretart01:57
kelmohey zakame01:58
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siretarthi zakame02:01
zakamehow do I help with DhIconCacheChanges? Do I just add dh_iconcache to debian/rules then rebuild and upload?02:02
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dholbachzakame: yes02:06
zakameok then02:06
dholbachzakame: if you want to make 100% sure that it worked, check that it really gets called in the buildlog or check for the postinst :)02:06
dholbachbut that should be about it02:06
HobbseeSeveas: ping02:07
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SeveasHobbsee, ?02:07
zakamedholbach: yes, I'd like to be 100% + 1 sure :)02:07
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dholbachROCK! ON! :)02:07
phanatichi people02:07
HobbseeSeveas: any chance we can get ubugtu in #kubuntu permanently?02:07
zakameheya phanatic02:08
Seveas#kubuntu-devel you mean?02:08
Seveasor #kubuntu too?02:08
phanatichi zakame02:08
Hobbseekubuntu as well02:08
Hobbseealready in kubuntu devel02:08
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dholbachthanks zakame!02:10
zakamedholbach: my pleasure :)02:11
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Gloubiboulgazakame, could you upload libtranslate between 2 dh_iconcache uploads? :)02:25
zakameGloubiboulga: oi! almost forgot that! :)02:25
Gloubiboulgawith this lib fixed gnome-translate could be available for dapper02:25
phanatichey Gloubiboulga :)02:29
Gloubiboulgahi phanatic, how are you?02:29
phanaticoh fine, thanks. i'm having a look at the hungarian translation of debian-installer. quite messy :/02:30
phanaticGloubiboulga: and what about you? :)02:31
Gloubiboulgawell I'm fine too :)02:33
GloubiboulgaI try to help Xubuntu as much as I can since a few weeks02:33
phanaticare there more people, or still just a few?02:35
Gloubiboulgamore users, but still a few devs...02:35
GloubiboulgaI hope it'll change with the rocking iso images ;)02:36
phanatici'm sure it will ;)02:36
zakameGloubiboulga: just uploaded :)02:43
Gloubiboulgathanks zakame :)02:44
zakameGloubiboulga: no prob :)02:44
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bddebianHowdy folks03:20
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zakameheya bddebian!03:23
zakamebddebian: I notice some of your uploads haven't hit the archive yet :/03:23
bddebianzakame: Hi.  Which ones?03:23
zakamehmm I remember maelstrom for one03:24
bddebianI was just looking at that on the buglist :-)03:25
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bddebianGah, which i810 driver bug was that person looking at yesterday? Hmm03:29
bddebianHmm, wtf03:31
bddebianI don't even see my maelstrom now..03:34
Gloubiboulgaa .desktop bug bddebian ?03:43
zakamehmmm, could it be because of distribution-not-dapper ?03:45
zakame(just hit that snag myself today, with preload)03:46
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bddebianGloubiboulga: Aye03:49
Gloubiboulgabug 31118 maybe03:49
UbugtuMalone bug 31118 in maelstrom "Maelstrom is missing a .desktop file" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3111803:49
bddebianzakame: Aye, I did that on a couple but I swore that one got accepted but I can find the e-mail03:49
bddebianGloubiboulga: Yes03:49
zakamebddebian: iirc there are no individual accepted/rejected files, only those on dapper-changes03:50
zakamehmm is packages.u.c down?03:56
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cbx33afternoon all04:03
bddebianHello cbx3304:03
cbx33bddebian, histarted looking at the packaging docs today04:03
cbx33but afraid I got stuck04:04
cbx33it all looks ok, but i ran into problems with pbuilder04:04
zakamehi cbx3304:04
cbx33hi zakame04:04
cbx33it was creating the debootstrap that failed04:04
cbx33with vi-runtime package dependency04:04
cbx33this is what I did....you guys can tell me if it's the reason it broke04:05
cbx33I am running breezy....so i installed pbuilder as per instructions04:05
bddebiancbx33: Did you read the Pbuilder HowTo wiki page?04:05
cbx33on the wiki....changed the sources.list to be dapper, and the extracted the dapper debootstrap script from the source and plonked it into my filestructure04:06
cbx33can i have a pbuilder environment with dapper on a breezy system04:06
Gloubiboulgayes cbx3304:07
zakameof course04:07
cbx33i thought it must be04:07
cbx33forgive my stupidity04:07
cbx33think anyone could givem a hand getting it up and running in a mo04:08
cbx33just gonna get the laptop04:08
bddebianAck, it was an unstable/dapper thing for maelstrom..04:09
bddebian<-- dumbass04:09
zakamebddebian: you're not alone ;-)04:11
bddebianThat's my 3rd one so far.. :'-(04:11
cbx33ok I'm starting the pbuilder from scrath again04:12
cbx33it's ok cos thi sis on another machine04:12
cbx33and one which i would be using for this kinda thing anyway04:12
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bddebianWTF, I did it for spider too :-(04:15
PupenoI've uploaded a package to revu but it doesn't appear here http://revu.tauware.de/04:16
=== bddebian blames Emmet for that one. His changelog entry :-)
bddebianPupeno: Is your key on REVU?04:16
PupenoWhat might I be missing ?04:16
=== bddebian does the summon crimsun dance
Pupenobddebian: it should be, it was added, some days ago (is there a deadline to upload the first package) ?04:17
bddebianPupeno: No, shouldn't be04:17
HobbseePupeno: how long ago did you submit the package?04:18
PupenoHobbsee: 3 or 4 hours ago.04:19
Hobbseeoh ok04:19
cbx33ok guys04:19
cbx33I've re-installed pbuilder04:19
cbx33editited the pbuilderrrc04:20
cbx33just about to edit the sources.list file to dapper04:20
bddebianWhat person/team should we assign main bugs too?04:22
zakamebddebian: awww04:23
bddebianzakame: ?04:24
cbx33ok sources edited04:24
cbx33run the opbuilder create now?04:24
zakamebddebian: maelstrom, then spider...04:25
bddebianzakame: Oh :-)04:25
cbx33ok...that breaks04:25
Gloubiboulgacbx33, yep :)04:25
cbx33shall i do what i did last time and download the debootstrap source to extract the dapper script?04:25
Gloubiboulgacbx33, do you have a error message?04:26
bddebiancbx33: Maybe I'm out of the loop but what do you need debootstrap for pbuilder for?04:26
cbx33to biuld the environment04:26
cbx33using pbuilder create04:27
cbx33as in the docs04:27
=== Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-68-200-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cbx33I'm following this tut04:27
cbx33sudo pbuilder create --distribution breezy04:29
cbx33that step breaks on mine04:29
cbx33i'm doing it for dapper04:29
cbx33for a start there is no dapper script in breezy obviously04:29
YagisanG'day all. Do we have something like debian-legal for ubuntu ? I'd like a quick check of a license template to see if it is ok as a template04:29
cbx33so i downloaded the debootstrap source and copied it out04:30
bddebiancbx33: Create your pbuilder with breezy first (with breezy in sources.list).  Then create it.  Than change pbuilder source.list to dapper and do an upgrade04:30
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=== cbx33 has setup pbuilder on dapper
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Yagisancbx33: congrats. Now what are you going to build ?04:53
cbx33as per my tut instructions :p04:53
cbx33I'll get to the bigger stuff oneday04:54
Yagisanoh, we have a packaging guide ?04:54
YagisanI never noticed.04:55
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cbx33got a problem :p05:01
cbx33make -i distclean doesn;t have a target05:01
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cbx33anyone got a spare sec?05:10
bddebiancbx33: Just ask :-)05:11
cbx33well I'm trying to build the source package for hello05:11
cbx33i ge a .changes file05:11
cbx33but it's failing because it can't run the distclean.....this is bcause Makefile is not there05:12
cbx33that arrives after the ./configure doesn;t it?05:12
azeemthat's expected05:12
azeem...if you build a source pacakge05:12
azeemdpkg-buildpackage just runs debian/rules clean, which basically has nothing to do if you did not build the program before05:12
cbx33yeh....so i have to build the binaries first?05:13
azeemwhat are you trying to dO?05:13
cbx33well i have the source05:13
cbx33the tutorial I'm follwoing says to build the source file05:13
cbx33the package05:13
cbx33but it;s failing05:13
cbx33after i do the source it says to do the binary one05:14
azeemis it really failing, or is the error ignored?05:14
cbx33it says it was ignored05:14
cbx33ah don;t wory05:14
cbx33I'm being stupid05:14
bddebiancbx33: Welcome to the club :-)05:15
cbx33no I'm not05:15
cbx33where does the file get created?05:15
azeemin ..05:15
cbx33the src deb05:15
cbx33swat i thought05:16
cbx33it's not there05:16
cbx33only a .changes file05:16
azeemno .dsc?05:16
cbx33but that was there before05:16
cbx33i see05:16
=== cbx33 bangs his head :p
=== cbx33 goes for a binary build package
cbx33it works05:18
cbx33where's the source .deb?05:18
Yagisancbx33: please don't hit enter after just one or two words. It makes a lot of vertical scrollback.05:20
azeemcbx33: the source package is the set of files referenced in the source.changes05:20
bddebiancbx33: What do you mean where is the source .deb?05:20
azeembasically, .orig.tar.gz, .diff.gz, .dsc, there's no .deb for source05:20
bddebianYes, as azeem says05:20
hubdholbach: I have a fix for a bug in main https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/abiword/+bug/3841205:30
UbugtuMalone bug 38412 in abiword ""Collaborate..." menu item doesn't do anything" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 05:30
hubdholbach: I provided the debdiff, if you want/can upload05:30
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cbx33sorry Yagisan about the enter:p  I guess my brain buffer is very small05:31
cbx33Hi LaserJock05:31
cbx33working through your docs now05:32
Yagisancbx33: don't worry about it.05:32
cbx33i've fixed the problem i described, by starting with a brezzy then working up to a dapper, so I'm well on the way, have created the hello pacakges using the first method05:32
LaserJockcbx33: when did you start?05:34
cbx33um....well...it's 16:34 now...05:34
cbx33i originally started at about 7:30 this morning05:34
cbx33took me 45 mins before i wrote the email to you, but i screwed up....started again this afternoon, took about 25 mins to get to the end of the first method05:34
LaserJockhmm, I did a major rewrite of the "Packaging from Scratch" section about7 hours ago05:34
LaserJockit is up on doc.ubuntu.com so make sure you have refreshed your browser ;-)05:35
cbx33did you get my mail....and i suppose the main question was any of it any help?05:35
LaserJockI just got up to work on finishing the guide. I saw I have an email but I haven't read it yet. Doing so now05:36
cbx33probably not that helpful now, plus, i fixed my major error in there, still want feedback on the rest of it?05:37
LaserJockso you started with a breezy pbuilder and upgraded it?05:37
cbx33i did now, first of all i tried just starting with a dapper one05:38
LaserJockdid you install the Dapper version of debootstrap?05:38
cbx33no :p05:38
cbx33but i did nick the script from the dapper debootstrap source05:38
dholbachhub: i'll have a look05:39
LaserJockyou can just dpkg -i the dapper .deb05:39
cbx33well, i could have :p  but i didn't know the impact so i went for the safer option - but it still broke it05:40
hubdholbach: thx05:41
dholbachde rien05:41
cbx33dholbach, I'm getting there :p05:42
LaserJockcbx33: the other thing is what distro you have in your /etc/pbuilder/apt.config/sources.list file05:43
cbx33packaged up hello and it all works05:43
cbx33well it was breezy...so i switched it to dapper....this is the first time05:43
cbx33but now it all works fine05:43
LaserJockI'll try to make the pbuilder section a bit clearer on those points. you are the second person to have that problem05:43
cbx33starting off with breezy and then moving up to dapper05:43
cbx33thought I was being clever LaserJock turns out I wasn't :p05:43
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cbx33LaserJock, could be because I am stupid :p06:02
LaserJockyour not the first one to mention it06:02
bddebiancbx33: I have the claim on stupidity in the MOTU's so that's not allowed :-)06:02
LaserJockcbx33: just wait until you want to make more than one pbuilder >:)06:02
LaserJockbddebian: heck no. that imake/xmkmf stuff scares me :/06:03
cbx33so...i watned to ask....is there a package....that someone has the old and teh fixed versions./...06:06
cbx33that I could try to fix and someone could possibly give me guidence in steps....not hold my hand just some general pointers06:06
cbx33bddebian, I'll fight you for the stupidity claim....:p06:07
bddebianYou don't stand a chance :-)06:07
cbx33we'll see :p06:08
LaserJockcbx33: how do you mean? for a fix or something?06:08
cbx33well, I really want to do this. but i think i need some practise, my idea was to fix something someone has already fixed06:08
cbx33and to talk to that person so they could gimme some pointers when i get stuck06:08
LaserJockcbx33: there a merge tutorial in the "Ubuntu Packaging" chapter. it might be too much but you could give it a go06:11
cbx33might be too much...what are you suggesting...I'm trying out to be a master of the universe...nothing is too much for me...06:12
=== cbx33 lowers his voice and slinks back to the laptop
cbx33are you talking about the xcdroast one?06:13
LaserJockI went through quite a bit of detail on how to see the differences between packages with that06:14
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LaserJockand although it isn't a bug fix, it is certainly something we will be doing a lot of when Dapper+1 repos open :-)06:15
cbx33ok excellent06:16
cbx33I'll work through that one06:16
cbx33thank you so muhc LaserJock you've been a realy help to me06:17
LaserJockcbx33: that's my job (umm, volunteer work) ;-)06:17
=== Marticus [n=demart01@12-210-128-9.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
MarticusI'd like to report an issue with expert mode installation at the 'base-config new' step06:20
cbx33is it fixed in dapper so that an exper install performs the visudo06:21
cbx33LaserJock, the xcdroast source from debian links are broken06:21
cbx33any idea on an alternative?06:21
Marticuscbx33: I just installed using expert, I ended up manually running visudo06:21
LaserJockcrap, they shouldn't be06:22
cbx33Marticus, that needs to be fixed06:22
MarticusI Was just confirming it :)06:22
cbx33that steered me away from ubuntu for a long time06:22
Marticusmy current issue with expert is that it didn't seem to ever prompt me for the type of package configuration I wanted06:22
cbx33i needed to do a expert intstall for proxies originally06:22
Marticusis that normal?06:22
LaserJockcbx33: what links don't work?06:23
cbx33you mean http ftp cdrom ?06:23
cbx33the 2 set of 206:23
cbx332nd set of 206:23
Marticusum, either06:23
MarticusI opted for installing from the net06:23
LaserJockMarticus: I don't think any Ubuntu install asks for package configurations, but I could be wrong06:23
Marticusso I suppose http06:23
cbx33i don;t think it does either06:23
cbx33I've never had it do that06:23
MarticusI see06:23
MarticusI had hoped to skip all the Xorg stuff06:24
cbx33but the visudo is a killer06:24
LaserJockMarticus: do a server install06:24
Marticusbut it doesn't matter at this point because 'base-config new' isn't working06:24
Marticusit doesn't register that it was sent -y06:24
cbx33i hated ubuntu till i figured that one out.....was a while ago now...now i love ubu more than any other distro :p06:24
Marticusand the screen pauses06:24
cbx33and ever06:24
LaserJockcbx33: what sudo thing?06:24
cbx33I'll love you forever :p06:24
cbx33LaserJock, scroll up...in an expert install06:25
cbx33the visudo step to make the user part of the wheel group isn't performed06:25
Marticusin expert, it never sets up the user with sudo access06:25
cbx33consequently all gnome apps that need root just do nothing06:25
LaserJockis there a bug report on Malone?06:25
cbx33which frustrated me06:25
cbx33no idea06:26
cbx33want me to file one?06:26
Marticusat least, I'm not sure when that is supposed to happen becase I get stuck on the base-config new (download packages) step06:26
cbx33at... i see06:26
cbx33LaserJock, it could be fixed....but wasn't in warty or breezy06:26
LaserJockmake sure to check for a bug report and report it if there isn't06:27
cbx33I'll handle that06:27
Marticusso I guess I need to fux around with the position of the -y flag until it works06:27
=== Marticus goes searching for its location
LaserJockif it is still doing that with dapper, I'm not sure about breezy06:27
LaserJockyou should try to verify with someone that it still happens for dapper06:27
Marticusany thoughts on the other issue?06:28
cbx33sorry Marticus06:28
cbx33so is it the xorg that is killing ya?06:29
cbx33LaserJock, any confirmation on those links06:31
Marticusnot really06:31
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LaserJockumm, the one I tried worked. which one didn't for you?06:31
Marticusbase-config stops before it downloads any packages06:31
cbx33I'll refresh and try again06:31
cbx33Marticus, what's happeneing06:31
MarticusI've moved the -y to immediately after aptitude and apt-get in the pcksel to see if it works06:32
cbx33LaserJock, nope neither of those work06:32
cbx33the 4 and 5th link06:32
MarticusI think that may have worked06:33
LaserJockahh crap06:33
=== cbx33 calms LaserJock down
Marticusalthough I ran base-config once without the new option06:33
Marticusso that may have had something to do with it now working with the new option06:34
cbx33indeed it may have06:34
Marticusat any rate, the process became unstable and I had to manually step through at this point06:34
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MarticusI might try it once more from scratch06:34
cbx33i would06:34
cbx33if you get through it can you confirm the visudo problem and I'll bug report it06:34
Marticusshould I tell it to install the installer stuff from the net or the cd?06:35
Marticusit prompted me and I chose cdrom06:35
LaserJockcrap, crap, crap >:(06:35
cbx33what's up LaserJock06:35
cbx33anything I can do?06:35
Marticusubuntu ftw06:36
LaserJockwell snapshot.debian.net doesn't seem to carry any of the xcdroast info from before 200506:36
Marticusokay before it get's too deep into downloading, I'll restart06:36
LaserJockit used to but not now06:36
cbx33LaserJock, do you have them anywhere?06:36
Marticusand btw this iso is from 4 days ago-ish06:36
cbx33we could host them somewhere?06:36
cbx33as a cache to make sure the tut never breaks06:37
LaserJockcbx33: yes, but it means that I'll have to ship those files on every Ubuntu install :(06:37
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cbx33oh i see....you're including them with dapper06:37
cbx33couldn't you get it to just ship the source and get it to create the others from teh changes when the package is installed?06:38
cbx33then there would only be one source package06:38
LaserJockAll I'll need to include is the 2 files that don't download, which isn't a whole lot06:38
LaserJockbut it is still annoying06:38
cbx33but then thinking what happens if they change?06:38
cbx33you could do it the other way and make it unbreakable :p06:39
LaserJockthen I'm screwed :-(06:39
cbx33of course not :p06:39
LaserJockwell, I'll se how much everything but the .orig.tar.gz files is06:40
cbx33LaserJock, it's possible to do it the way I described isn't it?06:40
cbx33just for my own piece of mind :p06:40
LaserJockI need all the .diff.gz and .dsc files from all the versions I'm dealing with06:40
LaserJockwhich might take up some space, but it might be worth it06:40
cbx33i would say there is nothing worse than a tutorial that doesn't work06:41
LaserJockI agree06:41
cbx33people get frustrated and give up06:41
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pefis pbuilder broken for someone ?06:41
cbx33it was06:42
LaserJockwell, looks like I can ship everything but the .orig.tar.gz for a few hundred K06:42
pefcbx33: and now it works for you ? I cannot run pbuilder create without errors at the end06:42
LaserJockpef: are you creating a Dapper pbuilder?06:43
pefLaserJock: yes06:43
cbx33pef what's the issue?06:43
cbx33is it to do with vim-runtime?06:43
cbx33and a missing dependency06:43
pefcbx33: just wait a minute, I don't have the machine where the problem occurs near me06:44
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pefcbx33: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1160706:49
pefLaserJock: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1160706:49
pefafter running the command "pbuilder create"06:49
cbx33nope not had that issue06:49
cbx33did you start wit ha breezy pbuilder?06:49
LaserJockyikes that is weird06:49
cbx33then edit to make it up to a dapper?06:49
LaserJockpef: did you just dist-upgrade?06:50
pefno, fresh install of pbuilder and running create command06:50
cbx33very odd06:50
cbx33I gtg, I'll leave it with you LaserJock :p - could you drop me a mail if you find a link to those sources, i really want to try that merging bit06:51
LaserJockpef: right, but there have been a some updates to pbuilder recently, I wonder if one of those has messed something up06:51
cbx33I'll file that bug report later06:51
LaserJockcbx33: just a sec, I'll have it for you06:51
pefcbx33: I will fill it right now :)06:51
cbx33oh nice thank you06:51
LaserJockcbx33: http://tiber.tauware.de/~laserjock/06:53
cbx33LaserJock, you're a star06:58
LaserJockI'm also getting them permanently placed on doc.ubuntu.com so I can redo the links in the guide06:59
=== LaserJock avoids a broken packaging guide yet again :-)
LaserJockthanks for finding that cbx3307:00
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cbx33np thank you for the opportunity LaserJock :p07:01
cbx33anytime yo uwant docs checked just ask :p07:01
LaserJockare you subscribed to the ubuntu-devel or ubuntu-motu mailing lists?07:02
Marticusit seems that the -y edits had no effect07:07
Marticuswhich I didn't think would be the case07:08
Marticusor rather, I thought they would have no affect :)07:08
cbx33LaserJock, not at the moment07:09
cbx33think it'd be a good idea?07:09
crimsunbddebian: apt-cache showsrc python-numarray|grep ^Binary07:09
MarticusI wonder07:09
LaserJocksure ;-)  I was just going to say that I was going to email those lists asking for a review07:09
LaserJockcbx33: ^^07:09
cbx33ah ok excellent07:11
cbx33I'll join up....07:11
bddebiancrimsun: You keep answering me in the wrong channel.. ;-P07:12
Kyralheyo bddebian07:14
bddebianHeya Kyral07:14
bddebianGads I HATE packages that are just a debian dir and a tarball :-(07:15
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azeembddebian: why?07:16
bddebianazeem: Dunno, I just like to dig through the source for stuff :-)07:16
azeemyou just need to make sure to put your hacking into debian/patches before you do anything which rm -rf's the build-tree ;)07:16
=== Kyral pants
crimsunbddebian: that's because it's not worth cluttering -devel07:16
bddebianazeem: That is assuming that there IS a debian/patches :-)07:17
azeembddebian: there should be, unless there are no patches applied at all07:17
bddebiancrimsun: Well I knew I couldn't see them in the archive07:17
bddebianazeem: Well I've run across a few of those :-07:17
azeembddebian: cool, then you can decide on the patch system yourself ;)07:17
bddebianYeah, then get "yelled at" for deviating from Debian :-)07:18
azeemthere's no other way in this case07:18
azeemif you need to modify the source, I mean07:18
azeemunless you encode the patch into debian/rules ;)07:18
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cbx33anyone any idea when LaserJock will be back07:40
cbx33his links don;t work :S07:40
crimsunprobably in a few hours07:40
cbx33I'll send him a mail and hope he picks it up07:40
crimsunhe will later07:41
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cbx33Marticus, did you confirm that the sudo bug is still there?07:50
cbx33sudo bug has already been reported by someone else07:51
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pef_awcbx33: was an extra space :) #3845607:57
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cbx33does freenode have memo facility?08:06
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cbx33stupid me08:08
bddebianHello Tonio_08:11
Tonio_hi bddebian ;)08:11
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LaserJockpef: you fixed pbuilder, great!08:19
cbx33LaserJock, you're back08:19
cbx33get my memo?08:19
cbx33oh and that bug isn't a bug...apparently it's intended behavior of sudo in expert install08:21
LaserJockcbx33: umm, yeah. http://doc.ubuntu.com/files/packagingguide/08:21
LaserJockcbx33: better?08:23
=== cbx33 gets on with the tutorial
cbx33thank you08:23
LaserJockI've updated the xml but I don't think the html has been updated08:24
cbx33do i need interdiff LaserJock ?08:26
Marticusdear god!08:26
cbx33of course I do08:26
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Marticuswell, I bypassed the errors08:26
pefLaserJock: bug wasn't too difficult ;)08:26
Marticusby skipping "Config apt"08:26
LaserJockcbx33: actually doc.ubuntu.com has been refreshed08:26
Marticusbut now it freezes the system at the point where it attempts to load x08:27
cbx33oh dear08:27
Marticusso I need to make it skip the xconfig process08:27
=== dzonni [n=dzonni@217-159-219-166-dsl.est.estpak.ee] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cbx33sounds like you're having a tough time of it Marticus08:27
Marticusuntil I can manually configure it08:27
Marticusit's a new laptop08:27
MarticusI have hack instructions here to get x working08:27
MarticusI don't know what base-config is doing at this point08:28
LaserJockcbx33: you don't need interdiff specifically. It should already be installed08:28
cbx33it comes with patchutils08:28
cbx33and is now installed08:28
Marticusbtw, shouldn't install grub do a password confirmation?08:28
Marticusit might be a good idea08:28
LaserJockcbx33: did you not have patchutils?08:29
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cbx33heheheh nope08:30
cbx33actually is that specified in your tut?08:30
Marticuscan I tell dpkg to not configure X?08:31
Marticusso I can skip it and come back?08:31
Marticusotherwise it will freeze08:32
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Marticusbecause I can't apt-get install the correct drivers and finish the manual config process08:32
MarticusI didn't mean this to become a support issue, I merely wanted to report here a few issues...08:32
Marticuslike the grub password verification08:33
LaserJockcbx33: no, but it is a dependency of devscripts which is08:33
cbx33not here it's not08:34
cbx33culd be coz im still on breezy perhaps?08:34
Marticusand the fact that I needed to step through the time clock setup twice, i.e., With GMT, US->Eastern, then Without GMT, US->Eastern, in order to get the correct local and utc times08:34
=== carthik_away [n=carthik@user-0cej755.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcbx33: do you have devscripts installed? I think I might have overlooked it :(08:34
cbx33yes i do08:35
cbx33i see a small spelling error too....near the end of the merging tutorial08:36
cbx33the second paragraph from the end starrts Now you can08:36
cbx33the word packages on that line is misspelled08:36
LaserJockcan you run "apt-cache rdepends patchutils" for me?08:37
cbx33yeh sure08:37
cbx33reverse depends devscripts08:37
cbx33and freebsd5-buildutils08:38
LaserJockbut you had devscripts installed but no patchutils?08:38
bddebianDamn ace is a pig08:39
LaserJockcbx33: ahh, patchutils is only Suggests for devscripts, not a hard Depends08:39
MarticusI just need to correctly configure X so base-config will finish doing what I needs to do08:40
cbx33there ya go08:40
cbx33LaserJock, in the section where you talk about creating the desktop entry file08:40
cbx33you don;t say where to create it08:40
MarticusI think it freezes whilst trying to detect a video card08:40
LaserJockcbx33: in the packaging itself or where it should be installed by the .deb?08:42
cbx33in the packaging itself08:42
cbx33it says08:42
cbx33now in dirs add the following line08:43
cbx33then below that section it has the code for the desktop entry08:43
cbx33but doesn;t say where to put or what to call that file08:43
LaserJockit does say (xcdroast.desktop) but you are right that it doesn't say where it should go (in debian/)08:44
cbx33ah right08:44
LaserJockthanks for another catch :-)08:44
cbx33I'm at the end08:44
cbx33just goign to try creating it08:44
LaserJockOk, I changed it to "Now we need the actual .desktop file (saved as debian/xcdroast.desktop)."08:46
cbx33yes good08:47
cbx33got antoher problem :p08:47
LaserJockof course ;-)08:47
cbx33hang on I'll pastebin it08:47
Marticusokay well08:48
Marticusscratch this, I don't have the time to fix this brokenness08:49
cbx33Marticus, you'll be back :p08:49
cbx33it always happens that way08:49
MarticusI wanted ubuntu damnit :P08:49
Marticusbecause debian = slow08:49
cbx33does it do the same in breezy?08:49
MarticusI am using breezy...08:49
Marticusbase-config hangs during video detection08:50
=== cbx33 apologises
cbx33no idea on that one....08:50
Marticusso I'm in single user mode at the moment08:50
cbx33LaserJock, does that error ring any bells08:50
Marticustrying to figure out how to skip the auto configuration of X08:50
LaserJockcbx33: do you have debhelper installed?08:51
cbx33i do now though08:52
LaserJockcbx33: ok, that's another one I need to add08:52
cbx33ok now another problem08:52
cbx33a fatal error about inseting a pgp key08:52
LaserJockpastebin it08:53
cbx33is this added on the debuild line?08:53
cbx33next pastebin08:53
cbx33my bad08:54
cbx33no not my bad08:54
cbx33gnupg is installed08:54
LaserJockhmm, odd08:55
LaserJockwhat does "which gpg" give you?08:55
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LaserJockcbx33: do you have a gpg key?08:56
cbx33yes....but not on this machine.....08:56
=== cbx33 installs his gpg key
LaserJockmaybe that is the problem08:56
cbx33that might be another thing to add08:56
LaserJockwell, you should have one from the "Building from scratch" section (or know to use -us -uc)08:57
cbx33you mean the debhelper section08:57
cbx33the one i skipped.....for doing tomorrow08:58
LaserJockno, it should be in the first one08:58
cbx33it's not08:58
cbx33how do i move a gpg key from one machine to the other?09:00
=== cbx33 hangs his head in shame
LaserJockcbx33: tar up the .gnupg directory09:01
cbx33swat i thought09:01
cbx3311620 pastebin09:01
cbx33i sftp'd the files over09:02
LaserJockcbx33: last section of http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-scratch.html09:02
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LaserJockcbx33: are you sure you have the email address right in the changelog? it has to be the same email address as your gpg key09:03
cbx33ah checking09:03
cbx33same error about secret key not being available09:05
cbx33when it is09:05
cbx33rw for me09:06
LaserJockhmmm, I've never had that problem before09:06
cbx33my key works fien on this fc4 machine09:07
LaserJockcbx33: can you try signing some file to see if it works?09:07
cbx33yeh sure09:07
cbx33yup signed no problem09:08
LaserJockwhat the heck?09:08
cbx33ok wondered if my name had to be exactly the same...but no09:09
cbx33still the same issue09:09
LaserJocktry adding -k<keyid> to debuild -S09:10
cbx33that worked09:10
cbx33might want to add that to the syncing tut09:10
LaserJockwell, you shouldn't need to09:11
cbx33but i remember you have it added in the debhelper bit if i recall09:11
cbx33and i still can't find it mention gpg keys in build from scratch09:11
LaserJocklol, it in the "Building the Source Package" part09:12
LaserJockcbx33: try adding something like:09:12
LaserJockexport DEBFULLNAME="Jordan Mantha"09:12
LaserJockexport DEBEMAIL="mantha@ubuntu.com"09:12
LaserJockto your .bashrc09:12
LaserJockand reopen your terminal09:12
cbx33well it's building now09:13
jaldharcbx33: do you have multiple secret keys?09:13
sladenwin 10809:15
cbx33jaldhar, nope09:15
cbx33LaserJock, you added that bit today09:15
LaserJockactually it was 1:00 am local time09:16
cbx33grr. LaserJock i just printed it out and everything :p09:16
jaldharcbx33: you sure?  From an experiment maybe?  Because your problem sounds like what happens when you are not using your default key or it is not associated with the same id09:16
cbx33so i could annotate09:16
cbx33only one key that i know of09:16
LaserJockcbx33: well perhaps when it is released, you can buy a print copy from lulu.com. we'll see :-)09:17
=== cbx33 points at LaserJock :p
cbx33just you wait...09:18
cbx33well it's worked09:18
LaserJockcbx33: did you try adjusting your .bashrc?09:18
cbx33not yet will do so now09:18
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LaserJockcbx33: it worked with the -k ?09:18
LaserJockok, so debuild just can't find your key, I think that perhaps the .bashrc thing will help09:19
cbx33doesn't help09:20
cbx33but I have no problem adding the -k09:20
cbx33infact i prefer that09:20
cbx33calm down LaserJock09:20
LaserJockheh, easy for you to say ;-)09:20
cbx33LaserJock, anything else for me to try09:21
LaserJockare you sure the name and email address of your key is the same as in the changelog?09:21
cbx33I understand it all too :p09:21
cbx33I will triple check09:21
LaserJockand they are the same as DEBFULLNAME and DEBEMAIL?09:21
cbx33dpkg is still trying to sign with pete@localhost.localdomain09:22
cbx33hang on09:22
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cbx33ok it;s picked up my name now09:24
cbx33check this pastebin entry09:24
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LaserJockcbx33: well... The name and email address are now all the same?09:27
cbx33what's the .asc file....is that hte signing?09:27
cbx33it shouldn't be of 0 length should it09:28
LaserJocknope, not if the signing worked09:28
cbx33HANG ON09:28
cbx33ok if the gpg sign succeeds does the .asc file dissapear?09:30
LaserJockI think so, but I'm not sure. let me check09:30
cbx33ok coool09:30
cbx33then it;s working...but i still have to do -k09:30
LaserJockok, well I think you have got something weird going on.09:32
LaserJockI'm going to add a note about using -k<keyid> if signing doesn't automatically work09:32
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cbx33i managed to do it LaserJock I followed your tut09:33
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LaserJockphew, do you feel like a Master of the Universe now? ;-)09:33
cbx33getting there09:34
cbx33feels good actually09:34
cbx33think it's something i could really help with09:35
cbx33now i need to do one on my own09:35
LaserJockjust wait until we start working on Dapper+1 and there will be ~1000 merges or syncs to do09:35
cbx33any idea on the naming for the netxt one ?09:35
cbx33some of the kids in yuthlug had some ideas09:35
LaserJockseems like Edgy something is popular09:36
cbx33Farty Ferret - Crackhead Crocodile09:36
cbx33were their favourites09:36
cbx33yeh we're running a competition09:36
cbx33it'll be on the podcast when we finish09:36
cbx33I'll send you a link when it;s done09:36
LaserJocklol, do09:37
cbx33so when you submit a patch09:37
cbx33of a fix09:37
cbx33you submit the .diff.tgz09:38
cbx33and the .dsc09:38
cbx33i presume?09:38
cbx33and the source.changes ?09:38
LaserJockactually, you usually submit a debdiff09:38
LaserJockfrom the current version to the fixed version09:38
cbx33ah i see09:38
cbx33from one .dsc to another09:38
cbx33see i'm getting it09:39
cbx33and all your changes are done in debian/09:39
LaserJockMOTUs will then apply the debdiff and then upload the source.changes file09:39
cbx33additions of file and stuff09:39
LaserJockideally, yes09:39
LaserJockusually through the dpatch system09:39
cbx33so if i get good at doing the debdiffs then after that comes the motu stage :p09:39
LaserJockwhich I haven't had time to really cover in the guide09:39
cbx33no no that's fine09:39
cbx33will you soon?09:39
LaserJocknot sure09:40
cbx33your guides are pretty excellent09:40
LaserJockyou need to become an Ubuntu member before you become a MOTU09:40
cbx33i write a bit for linux gazette09:40
cbx33of course...and you do that by spotting and fixing bugs?09:40
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LaserJockyes, for at least 2 months09:41
LaserJockyou need to show contribution to Ubuntu09:41
cbx33i see09:41
LaserJockIRC, translations, bug fixes etc.09:42
cbx33on average how many patches/time spent do you think you need09:42
LaserJockif you work with -motu for 2 months you'll become a member no problem ;-)09:42
cbx33like i have been doing?09:42
bddebianI believe there are like 9000 bugs, then you can apply ;-P09:43
=== cbx33 faints
LaserJockyeah. The bar isn't very high. They want sustained (~ 2 months) and significant (you have done something to help Ubuntu) contribution09:43
cbx33hehe....I've converted loads of people at work to ubuntu09:44
=== bddebian wonders if he has done either :-)
cbx33loadsa kids...esp in youthlug :D09:44
LaserJockcbx33: that is a contribution09:44
=== cbx33 thinks probably not bddebian :p
LaserJockbddebian: you don't need too, you are already in the club ;-)09:44
cbx33we're interviewing edubuntu on youthlug radio too :p09:44
bddebianLaserJock: Oh yeah.. Heh :-)09:45
LaserJockcbx33: are you interested in Edubuntu? I know ogra can always use more help with the packaging aspect09:45
cbx33hence y I'm here LaserJock09:45
cbx33ogra pointed me in here for that reason :p09:45
LaserJockI'm going to try to help Edubuntu for Dapper+109:45
LaserJockmostly university science stuff (because I'm a PhD  chemistry student)09:46
cbx33I'm a BEng acoustical engineer09:46
cbx33working as an IT manager09:46
cbx33in a school09:47
LaserJockI see :-)09:47
cbx33LaserJock, location?09:48
LaserJockReno, NV, USA09:48
LaserJockyou are in the UK?09:48
cbx33indeed i am09:48
cbx33well, hopefully guys I'm here to stay09:48
cbx33you should be hearing from me on a regular basis09:49
LaserJockthanks for all the review on the Packaging Guide09:49
cbx33not a problem09:49
cbx33just shout if you need anything else....09:49
cbx33i suppose that's a contribution to ubuntu too eh?09:50
cbx33tbh...you guys are the nicest community I've been to in a long long time09:50
LaserJockjust document it on your wiki page at wiki.ubuntu.com09:50
LaserJocktbh, that is why I'm here too :-)09:50
cbx33I've tried to help out with sooooo many projects...but no one offers support09:50
bddebiancbx33: Yes, they are (nice that is) :_)09:51
cbx33to help out us n00bs09:51
LaserJockThis was the first disto that I felt I could be a part of09:51
LaserJocknot just a user09:51
cbx33where is my wiki page?09:51
cbx33or where do i create it?09:51
LaserJockcbx33: go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PeteSavage and hit HomepageTemplate09:52
LaserJockand document all the work you do for Ubuntu, it will come in handy later, trust me09:53
cbx33what's your wiki page LaserJock09:55
LaserJockhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/JordanMantha but it might be a little stale09:56
cbx33just founf it09:57
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mitsuhikomoin :-)10:37
mitsuhikowhom do i have to contact for a mysql-server vs. python2.4-mysqldb problem?10:38
mitsuhikolooks like a broken dependency10:38
LaserJockhmm, have you checked Malone for a bug report?10:38
mitsuhikothere isn't a single report mentioning mysql10:39
mitsuhikoand that's a bit strange :)10:39
mitsuhikoi will create a new repor10:40
mitsuhiko.oO(hopefully the search isn't just broken)10:40
mitsuhikoney. i'm just to stupid for the search function :)10:42
LaserJockheh, it gets all of us at some point10:42
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pygimeebey, around? :)10:43
mitsuhikofiled: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/python-mysqldb/+bug/3849410:45
UbugtuMalone bug 38494 in python-mysqldb python2.4-mysqldb "dependency problem" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 10:45
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dholbachgood night guys11:31
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ajmitchmorning lifeless, how's it going?11:53
LaserJockhi ajmitch11:58
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lifelessajmitch: rockin'11:59
lifelessajmitch: thou ?11:59
ajmitchdoing alright11:59
ajmitchhoping I'm not coming down with the flu :)11:59
Se7hajmitch LOL12:02

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