=== bimberi [n=bimberi@pdpc/supporter/active/bimberi] has joined #edubuntu | ||
mhz | ogra? | 01:29 |
=== iGotNoTime [n=joshua@cpe-65-189-240-199.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #Edubuntu | ||
iGotNoTime | Finally got it fixed :) | 01:47 |
=== areels [n=areels@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
areels | where can i see supported languages ? | 02:17 |
Burgwork | areels, I don't there is a place, but which language are you interested in? | 02:23 |
areels | turkish | 02:23 |
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=== mhz [n=mhz_chil@pc-252-84-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
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mhz | .oO(gee, fluxbox is fast!) | 03:20 |
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jenatmcds | need help with schooltools - love the idea and have tried to get it working - installed schoolbell but can't get it to run? any ideas | 03:42 |
raekism | Jena where do you find schooltools? | 04:25 |
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
bimberi | !info schooltool | 04:28 |
ubotu | schooltool: (common platform for school administration), section misc, is optional. Version: 0.11.2-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 31 kB, Installed size: 184 kB | 04:28 |
bimberi | !info schoolbell | 04:28 |
ubotu | schoolbell: (web-based calendaring server), section misc, is optional. Version: 1.2.2-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 30 kB, Installed size: 172 kB | 04:28 |
bimberi | raekism: you can install them with Synaptic (or your preferred package manager) | 04:29 |
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=== kgoetz [n=kgoetz@ppp232-141.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
kgoetz | correct me if i'm wrong - but does edU have *red* title bars? different :) | 06:14 |
mhz | red title bars? | 06:14 |
=== Burgundavia [n=corey@ubuntu/member/burgundavia] has joined #edubuntu | ||
kgoetz | in dapper yeh. i just opened a terminal and its title bar sure as heck not brown :) | 06:17 |
kgoetz | bbs | 06:53 |
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=== mode/#edubuntu [+o highvoltage] by ChanServ | ||
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xwind | I'm trying to boot a client computer from a diskette with an image from rom-o-matic. But it won't. The file "/ltsp/pxelinux.0" as specified in dhcpd.conf is not there. Where can I get it? | 08:27 |
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=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-244-151.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu | ||
=== pygi pokes JaneW | ||
JaneW | hi | 09:54 |
pygi | Hi Jane | 09:54 |
JaneW | gimme 2 mins please | 09:54 |
pygi | will do | 09:54 |
JaneW | sending out weekly status report | 09:54 |
JaneW | ok done | 09:58 |
JaneW | I'm all yours | 09:58 |
pygi | can you please see the new mail I sent out or should I just summarize that one sentence? :) | 09:59 |
JaneW | it just arrived | 09:59 |
JaneW | let me look | 09:59 |
=== JaneW 's mail downloads very slowly this week | ||
highvoltage | ogra: i want to package this for tuxlabs: http://fixedreference.org/2006-Wikipedia-CD-Selection | 10:00 |
highvoltage | ogra: it's ~150MB | 10:00 |
highvoltage | ogra: would that be a possible candidate for universe, even if it's that large? or would the packages need to be split up? | 10:01 |
JaneW | highvoltage: nice | 10:01 |
JaneW | pygi: ok, so you want the meeting and it should be public | 10:02 |
JaneW | pygi: Monday at 13:00 | 10:02 |
pygi | JaneW: that's preety much it...being public won't help us (it will actually distract us most probably), but still... :) | 10:03 |
JaneW | I still think we can go to #cookbook | 10:03 |
JaneW | we can announce it here and on our mailing list | 10:03 |
JaneW | it will avoid arb ppl joining and leaving #u-m and commenting at random | 10:04 |
JaneW | at least, and that may help a bit | 10:04 |
JaneW | i.e. we will only have ppl there who sepcifically want to attend | 10:04 |
pygi | JaneW: sure, agreed | 10:05 |
pygi | #edubuntu-cookbook open | 10:05 |
JaneW | yes, we won't have a password or anything | 10:05 |
pygi | I've already registered the channel | 10:06 |
pygi | ah :-/ | 10:07 |
pygi | anyway, will you announce it to the list where the meeting is to take place or? | 10:08 |
JaneW | ok | 10:09 |
pygi | JaneW: ok what? =P Ok, as in "I will announce" or as in "You go ahead, and announce" | 10:10 |
JaneW | Q: will you announce it to the list where the meeting is to take place | 10:10 |
JaneW | A: ok | 10:10 |
pygi | JaneW: aha, ok, sorry =P | 10:11 |
pygi | and thanks | 10:11 |
highvoltage | hehe! | 10:13 |
magnon | JaneW: I think you might be the kind of person who knows when the Ubuntu pro cert will be released? | 10:38 |
JaneW | magnon: " The certification exam will be launched in | 10:39 |
JaneW | Johannesburg, South Africa, May 16 - 19, 2006." | 10:39 |
JaneW | magnon: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2006-April/000063.html | 10:40 |
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magnon | thanks :) | 10:46 |
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jsgotangco | JaneW: lol | 11:41 |
JaneW | jsgotangco: :P | 11:41 |
=== jsgotangco doesnt have the heart to face JaneW now | ||
JaneW | jsgotangco: why not? | 11:42 |
JaneW | cos of my typos or cos I;m a nerd? | 11:42 |
jsgotangco | i haven't accomplished anything here | 11:43 |
=== JaneW is not aportioning any blame or anything | ||
JaneW | just trying to get some effective action now | 11:45 |
JaneW | I have to go, have another chiro appt now | 11:45 |
JaneW | although I feel better after dragging myself to yoga last night, and the instructor sprayed some magic (and weird smelling) chinese spray on my neck... | 11:46 |
jsgotangco | ancient chinese secret medicine | 11:46 |
jsgotangco | you'll never know what those are made of :) | 11:47 |
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JaneW | yup appraently it's a military guarded secret recipe *shrug* | 11:48 |
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mhz | re | 01:04 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp232-141.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | how do i file a bug against EdUbuntu? i'm looking at applications -> system tools -> terminal specificaly, and thinking it should be moved to accessories to be like the rest of dapper. | 01:23 |
JaneW | teachers should not give kids drinking problems... | 01:25 |
JaneW | http://colmans.net/ts/drinkingproblem.jpg | 01:25 |
=== jinty [n=jinty@135.Red-80-37-34.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | bhahaa. that's frigging classic. whoever does those cartoons is good - i'v seen them before | 01:29 |
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mhz | ogra: as I mentioned yesterday, caravena (ubuntu-cl) is interested in documenting edu apps. performances (is that called benchmarking?) given a certain HW env. Could you give us some tips? | 02:06 |
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xwind | during install of edubuntu 5.10 it said something like "failed creating chroot environment for ltsp". After install, i can not boot a thin client because vmlinuz and initrd.img are missing. | 03:36 |
xwind | how do i fix the failure? | 03:38 |
xwind | should i just wipe the disk and retry installing edubuntu from scratch? | 03:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i cant help sorry, i have a workstation install here | 03:40 |
=== ogra_ [n=ogra@p5089EF75.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
xwind | hi ogra | 03:44 |
ogra_ | mhz, sure | 03:44 |
=== vincenzio [n=vmarks@adsl-065-015-231-005.sip.rmo.bellsouth.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
ogra_ | xwind, look at the last lines of /var/log/installer/messages | 03:44 |
xwind | k | 03:44 |
ogra | (you'll need to sudo to read it) | 03:45 |
xwind | yes, been reading it. huge file, have not found anything relevant except: | 03:50 |
xwind | Setting up linux-image-2.6.12-9-386 (2.6.12-9.23) ... | 03:50 |
xwind | Or maybe you don't want a symbolic link here. Hmm? Lets See. | 03:50 |
xwind | i just made some educated guess based on ogra and steelballz chat log. got to disconnect so i can test. bye for now. | 03:56 |
=== iGotNoTime [n=joshua@cpe-65-189-240-199.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #Edubuntu | ||
mhz | ogra: sure... sure as in "yes I can give caravena some tips" ? | 04:03 |
ogra | yep | 04:04 |
ogra | just ask | 04:04 |
mhz | ogra: okis | 04:04 |
mhz | ogra: caravena has left for work/university, I guess. Thx, anyways. I'll let him know | 04:05 |
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iGotNoTime | I have an off topic question.... | 04:23 |
iGotNoTime | On the wiki you guys have a sandbox correct? | 04:23 |
iGotNoTime | Is a sandbox a plugin or script? Or is it simply a *usergroup editable page ? | 04:24 |
iGotNoTime | I am trying to figure out the setup of a wiki and felt the need to ask a random question in here :) | 04:24 |
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=== pygi [n=pygi@83-131-248-237.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #edubuntu | ||
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iGotNoTime | Ogra I did get that ICE error fixed like you said, it just took about 4 minutes of the brown screen to load the GUI | 04:49 |
iGotNoTime | I rebooted and now I think I just have to cope with a 5 minute boot up time. But I am happy I didn't lose any data :) | 04:49 |
iGotNoTime | thanks for the help on that yesterday | 04:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | um. i have a few more questions... 1 is where is "multimedia systems selector", 2 is there are 2 screensaver otptions, and my query about the menu editor from before | 05:00 |
iGotNoTime | sorry for delay I was working | 05:06 |
iGotNoTime | #1 is located under system/ preferences | 05:07 |
iGotNoTime | #2 is unclear to me sorry | 05:07 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser look sagain | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | (NP about work -i should be as well) hm. it's not there on my box :S | 05:08 |
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=== Kamping_Kaiser points out this is a workstation install incase it's relevent | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | hi | 05:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | * hi zakame | 05:09 |
iGotNoTime | Kamping_Kaiser, I really don't know then I have a full install on my desktop, I don't know the differences yet :( | 05:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | iGotNoTime: "full install"? | 05:09 |
zakame | hi Kamping_Kaiser! :D | 05:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i know of 'server' 'workstation' and one i don't remember | 05:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 05:10 |
iGotNoTime | I used the default install | 05:10 |
iGotNoTime | pressed enter | 05:10 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser goes o_0 right then. what's the metapackages for that one? do you know? | ||
=== Kamping_Kaiser is having wine issues, i'm not sure why though | ||
iGotNoTime | no I don't know sorry Kamping_Kaiser | 05:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | nm then. thanks ;) | 05:12 |
iGotNoTime | I have installed only a couple times, but have always had Multimedia Systems Selector under system/preferences | 05:13 |
iGotNoTime | Sorry I am too new :/ | 05:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | heh. i hvae done 2 workstaion installs (made sence at the time) | 05:13 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser might hang around untill ogra wakes up/becomes free and ask there as well | ||
iGotNoTime | ya ogra is the master :) | 05:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 05:15 |
na7e | hey, anyone here work on the edubuntu preseed and/or cd-repos? | 05:20 |
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na7e | no one, eh? | 05:42 |
pygi | na7e: what do you need? | 05:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no :/ | 05:43 |
caravena | mhz: Hello ogra and mhz | 05:43 |
na7e | hey, anyone here work on the edubuntu preseed and/or cd-repos? | 05:44 |
na7e | pygi, :) | 05:44 |
pygi | what do you mean by cd-repos? | 05:44 |
na7e | the repos on the cd | 05:45 |
na7e | because i need some help customizing an installation cd, or rather just understanding it | 05:46 |
na7e | thats what i thought :) | 05:47 |
pygi | well, it's the Main repository | 05:47 |
na7e | lunch time! be back in a bit to annoy you all | 05:47 |
pygi | altought not entire Main repo is on cd | 05:47 |
=== LaserJock [n=laserjoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #edubuntu | ||
na7e | LaserJock is my hero so he'll help me with customizing the installtion CD or at least understanding it | 06:19 |
LaserJock | interesting | 06:19 |
na7e | so, is that a yes? ;) | 06:20 |
LaserJock | well, sorry to lower you grand image of me but I have no idea how to customize the install CD | 06:20 |
na7e | well, do you at least understand the 'Release' file and how you change the Task? | 06:22 |
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ogra | na7e, have you read https://wiki.edubuntu.org/InstallCDCustomizationHowTo ? | 06:44 |
ogra | caravena, hi | 06:44 |
LaserJock | ogra: have you gone through that wiki page ever? | 06:50 |
ogra | nope | 06:51 |
LaserJock | I've had 3 or 4 people in -motu have problems with it. I don't know how many succeed but I don't know enough to determine if it has a problem | 06:52 |
ogra | Mithrandir must update it for dapper i guess | 06:55 |
ogra | i see no notes about squashfs | 06:55 |
ogra | oh, indeed | 06:55 |
ogra | squashfs == liveCD, silly me | 06:56 |
jsgotangco | heh | 06:56 |
na7e | that wiki doesn't explain important concepts | 07:10 |
na7e | like making your own tasks | 07:10 |
na7e | or editing tasks | 07:10 |
na7e | i spent a week trying and discovering ways not to make installation cds | 07:11 |
na7e | ogra, LaserJock | 07:11 |
na7e | but i'd love to fix it if I could only figure out what was wrong, or write something up explaining the tasks and how they work with the installer and how the installer reads the Release files and determines the tasks | 07:12 |
=== Bluekuja [n=bluekuja@228-2.mxp.dsl.internl.net] has joined #Edubuntu | ||
=== Rondom [n=Rondom@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
Burgwork | ogra, ping | 08:00 |
ogra | Burgwork, pong | 08:01 |
na7e | ogra, pinnnnnnnnnng | 08:01 |
na7e | er, nvm | 08:01 |
Burgwork | ogra, the cookbook, where are you planning on keeping that? would the doc team svn make sense (we can get you access easily) | 08:01 |
Burgwork | the advantage of the doc team svn is that it will always be there, and our toolchain is well developed and maintained | 08:01 |
ogra | theer is already a bzr archchive somewhere | 08:02 |
Burgwork | that was the issue I was thinking about | 08:02 |
ogra | flint hosted it ... | 08:02 |
Burgwork | "bzr archive somewhere" | 08:02 |
ogra | i'd also prefer to keep it in bzr, but thats really up to the authirs/maintainers, i'll only contribute and package ... | 08:02 |
ogra | *authors | 08:03 |
ogra | we have a cookbook meeting next monday | 08:03 |
ogra | i'll bring that up | 08:03 |
Burgwork | xubuntu recently migrated their docs to our repo | 08:04 |
Burgwork | plus you get the advantage of having the momentum that the doc team has built up | 08:04 |
Burgwork | anyway, just a thought to get you guys going | 08:06 |
ogra | as i said, i'll bring it up in the meeting | 08:06 |
na7e | who setup the preseed and tasks on the edubuntu installer? | 08:07 |
na7e | install-cd that is | 08:07 |
ogra | that happens in the files in the preseed dir | 08:08 |
ogra | dunno what you mean with tasks | 08:08 |
na7e | In the Release file | 08:09 |
na7e | in the repos on the cd | 08:09 |
na7e | the preseed uses tasks to install certain packages | 08:09 |
ogra | thats generated by the scripts from debian-cd | 08:09 |
na7e | i want to know how those work | 08:09 |
ogra | (the Release file) | 08:09 |
na7e | from debian-cd? | 08:09 |
na7e | where can i find this? | 08:10 |
na7e | oh crap, in the repos | 08:10 |
na7e | no one mentioned this before! | 08:10 |
ogra | i dont have much clue about it, i just use the server in the datacenter that creates the images according to the seeds ... | 08:11 |
ogra | but all creation steps are donre with debian-cd | 08:11 |
ogra | *done | 08:12 |
na7e | ok, what server in what datacenter? | 08:12 |
ogra | the canonical datacenter | 08:12 |
na7e | is it accessible to me, or is it only for ubuntu developers? | 08:13 |
ogra | nope | 08:13 |
ogra | its only for employees | 08:13 |
na7e | of ubuntu? | 08:13 |
na7e | or what? | 08:13 |
ogra | canonical | 08:13 |
na7e | oh...ok... | 08:13 |
ogra | but as i said, the builders are only wrappers around debian-cd | 08:13 |
ogra | you should be able to build your own iso with it | 08:14 |
na7e | ok, i'll have to figure out a way to do this then...sigh... | 08:14 |
ogra | why dont you just modify the CD accordingly to the wiki ? | 08:14 |
na7e | i tried that | 08:14 |
na7e | for like a week | 08:14 |
ogra | i know its at least tested with breezy ... even if i didnt do it myself | 08:14 |
na7e | but i can't troubleshoot it if i don't understand the process or how it works | 08:15 |
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na7e | it's like shooting in the dark trying to hit a target and all i have is someone pointing "it's that way" | 08:15 |
ogra | the release file is used like in any other debian archive ... | 08:15 |
ogra | read up about archives ... | 08:16 |
na7e | on the debian archives? where? archives as in repos or archives as in docs or archives as in compressed files? | 08:16 |
ogra | the preseed stuff requires some knowledge about debconf, read about that as well .. | 08:16 |
ogra | archives as in repos | 08:16 |
na7e | yeah, i read about that, but when building the release files the tasks are already assigned and I need to create a new task, which is what I don't understand how to do | 08:17 |
ogra | moun an iso and look at it, there is a pool directory and dist directorys etc, as in every normal archive | 08:17 |
na7e | yeah, I've seen it, i'll look into it i guess | 08:17 |
=== neurogeek [n=neurogee@] has joined #edubuntu | ||
na7e | i worked with it alot | 08:17 |
ogra | i still dont understand what you mean with tasks ? | 08:18 |
na7e | i even tried manually editing the release files | 08:18 |
na7e | look in the release file on the cd for main/binary-i386 | 08:18 |
na7e | 'Release' | 08:18 |
na7e | under each entry is a 'task' which is used to determine if it is copied over during install and if it is installed | 08:19 |
na7e | Notice in the preseed file there is an (optional) d-i entry for which tasks to copy | 08:19 |
neurogeek | Seig heil! | 08:20 |
na7e | then later a base/package entry that determines what it installs | 08:20 |
na7e | using the task name | 08:21 |
na7e | or names | 08:21 |
ogra | neurogeek, ?? | 08:21 |
na7e | supposedly you can add packages this way, but the amount of customization i want to do isn't possible with just adding packages | 08:21 |
neurogeek | ogra, nevermind.. bad joke on wrong channel.. sorry | 08:21 |
ogra | what do you want to customize ? | 08:23 |
na7e | Removing all unneccesary packages and adding ones geared towards computer forensics | 08:23 |
na7e | sortof like nubuntu, or kubuntu, or edubuntu | 08:23 |
na7e | changing it all up | 08:23 |
na7e | and there is no documentation on the installer, so I just want to find who controls this stage of the development process and pick their brains | 08:24 |
na7e | by no documentation I mean that there isn't anything of enough detail to suit my needs | 08:25 |
=== bash [n=bash@pc-55-105-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
na7e | brb, gotta kick the students out of the building | 08:26 |
ogra | ubuntu/edubuntu/kubuntu use the metapackages to intall the default packages | 08:29 |
ogra | in the preseed file you then have a pattern like: | 08:29 |
ogra | d-i pkgsel/install-pattern string ~t^edubuntu-standard$|~t^edubuntu-desktop$|~t^edubuntu-server$ | 08:29 |
ogra | which installs -standard,-desktop and -server | 08:30 |
ogra | and their dependencys indeed | 08:30 |
ogra | ubuntu doesnt use "tasks" like debian does | 08:30 |
ogra | so you need a metapackage that installs your package selection, then you can thin out the cd repo to only have your packages and their dependencys | 08:31 |
na7e | the t stands for task | 08:34 |
na7e | at least according to Kamion | 08:34 |
na7e | and that has to do with the listing of the Task: in the Release files | 08:35 |
na7e | but maybe he's wrong | 08:35 |
na7e | metapackages are easy to make, so... | 08:36 |
na7e | but it says in the customization wiki that the way to install an individual package is to use ~n^ | 08:36 |
ogra | you dont want to install a single additional package ... you want to change the whole CD | 08:37 |
na7e | yeah | 08:38 |
ogra | so in case of an edubuntu CD i'd keep the edubuntu-standard in the above line, create my own metapackage and replace edubuntu-desktop with it ... and drop -server | 08:39 |
ogra | then adjust the repo accordingly, done ... | 08:39 |
ogra | you find the preseed files in the preseed dir ... and the default selection in isolinux.cfg in the isolinux dir | 08:40 |
na7e | yeah, messed with those a bunch | 08:41 |
na7e | ogra, i love you, have my babies | 08:42 |
ogra | lol | 08:42 |
na7e | lol, was i saying release file before? I meant packages file | 08:43 |
ogra | yeah, the packages file is created by apt-ftparchive ... | 08:44 |
ogra | according to the content it finds in /pool | 08:44 |
na7e | but they include that Task entry at the bottom of most packages | 08:45 |
na7e | which match up with the metapackages | 08:45 |
ogra | thats in the control file of each single package | 08:45 |
na7e | ugh, so I gotta change every single package? | 08:45 |
ogra | you would have to rebuild the whole archive | 08:45 |
ogra | the tasks are not used as i said | 08:46 |
na7e | hrm, that's smelly | 08:46 |
ogra | its just a hint for the packaging system ... | 08:46 |
ogra | just use a metapackage | 08:46 |
na7e | see, now i wanna find out what the Task is for just for spite, to see what the heck it was doing | 08:46 |
ogra | its used by tools like tasksel or aptitude | 08:47 |
na7e | cuz in kubuntu they all list kubuntu instead of ubuntu | 08:48 |
na7e | in the task | 08:48 |
ogra | sure | 08:49 |
ogra | they are dependencys of edubuntu-desktop ... | 08:49 |
ogra | err | 08:49 |
ogra | kubuntu indeed | 08:49 |
na7e | so when i do the apt-ftparchive without the ubuntu-desktop metapackage they won't be associated with that task? | 08:49 |
ogra | apt-ftparchive will read the /pool dir, nothing else | 08:50 |
na7e | not that it matters, but did the kubuntu people rebuild every package in the archive? | 08:50 |
ogra | nope | 08:50 |
na7e | to change the control files? | 08:50 |
ogra | the buildd assigns that entry according to dependencys | 08:50 |
ogra | apt-cache show kalzium|grep Task | 08:52 |
ogra | its not CD related ... | 08:52 |
ogra | there miht be magic to read the task entries in debain-cd to make the initial selection, but thats totally irrelevant if you modify an existing iso | 08:53 |
na7e | ok | 08:53 |
na7e | so just a new metapackage really and i'll be kosher | 08:53 |
na7e | and add the packages to the repos on the cd | 08:53 |
ogra | you just do the same as if you'd build a personal repo | 08:53 |
ogra | and use your own metapackage, exactly ... | 08:54 |
na7e | and use the ~t^ notation? | 08:54 |
=== LaserJock runs to build an laserjock-ubuntu-desktop package | ||
ogra | just make sure to keep the -standard package from ubuntu, so you have a guarantee for a working base system | 08:54 |
na7e | ogra, indeed :) | 08:55 |
=== na7e chases LaserJock to build a na7e-ubuntu-desktop package | ||
LaserJock | me meta package is cooler than yours ;p | 08:55 |
LaserJock | s/me/my/ | 08:55 |
na7e | nu-uh doody-head! | 08:55 |
na7e | so... | 08:56 |
ogra | have a look at the second script on the wikipage, that should help if its not buggy :) | 08:56 |
na7e | well, thanks for putting up with my nonsense ogra, i'm indebted to you. i'm sure i'll mess something up and come whining, so talk to ya soon :) | 08:56 |
ogra | heh, have fun | 08:56 |
na7e | ogra, I did that second script twice and it didn't work both times, but I don't really wanna do it to just add some packages, i want to change it around a bunch | 08:57 |
ogra | yep | 08:57 |
na7e | so the hard part begins 100t | 08:57 |
na7e | err, w00t | 08:57 |
na7e | or whatever, i'm a nerd | 08:57 |
ogra | :) | 08:58 |
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=== pygi pokes HedgeMage | ||
pygi | /ban HedgeMage | 10:32 |
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HedgeMage | lol | 10:36 |
HedgeMage | pygi: it would work, oddly enough. I don't like ban immunity and keep it off unless dealing with a specific problem. :P | 10:37 |
pygi | HedgeMage: well, it wouldn't work since I am no one here =P | 10:37 |
=== neurogeek is now known as neurogeeks|ego | ||
=== neurogeeks|ego is now known as neurogeek | ||
pygi | HedgeMage: any advancement in guitar? :) | 10:42 |
HedgeMage | pygi: lol | 10:47 |
HedgeMage | pygi: I've been working on it, and making some progrees... I have a feeling it'll start speeding up today. | 10:47 |
HedgeMage | I got new glasses so I can finally see again | 10:48 |
pygi | HedgeMage: great :) | 10:50 |
pygi | I am still for that concert, you know :-P | 10:50 |
=== littlepaul [n=littlepa@p5084CD99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu | ||
HedgeMage | pygi: I need to either get us on the same continent or get a toddler-proof microphone :P | 10:52 |
pygi | HedgeMage: can be done, someday at least ;) | 10:53 |
HedgeMage | :) | 10:54 |
=== LaserJock is now known as LaserJock_away | ||
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