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Flosoft | hey | 12:03 |
jeff_ | hey flo | 12:03 |
Flosoft | why doesn't Amarok work anymore? | 12:03 |
Flosoft | I can't install it anyomore since an update a few hours ago | 12:04 |
Flosoft | (Dapper) | 12:04 |
jeff_ | flosoft:lol thats probably it | 12:04 |
Flosoft | well it should be fixed no? | 12:05 |
jeff_ | flosoft: yeah, but dapper stuff takes time | 12:05 |
Random_Transit | can anyone suggest a good binary-oriented Usenet client? | 12:06 |
swoke | Flosoft: You should use the svn version, works without any trouble for me since 2 months... | 12:07 |
Flosoft | well I used the one from the deb repos of dapper | 12:08 |
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Flosoft | but after this update it uninstalled Amarok | 12:08 |
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jah | Hi | 12:12 |
_ravn | hello | 12:12 |
Reflektionz98 | newbie to linux here, can anyone help me set up my pc to share an internet connection with a Windows PC using Kubuntu PC as the direct connection? | 12:12 |
jah | Can anyone tell me how to get amarok playing mp3's via xine in dapper? (gstreamer0.10 would be fine, too, no artsd please) | 12:12 |
Flosoft | well install amarok-xine | 12:13 |
Flosoft | then go to the settings | 12:13 |
jah | Reflektionz98: I would go to a shop and buy a hub.... | 12:13 |
jah | Flosoft: Yes... | 12:13 |
Flosoft | there there is somewhere a setting | 12:14 |
jah | it say "xine could not start an audio driver" | 12:14 |
Flosoft | hmm... | 12:14 |
Reflektionz98 | wounld, but I am getting my internet connection via Wan from my neighbor | 12:14 |
jah | and no, I am not willing to give it exclusive acces to an alsa device... that's not what alsa is there for | 12:14 |
Reflektionz98 | i need to share it with windows PC | 12:15 |
jah | Yes, I know, but even if I shut down all audio apps, and start xine engine, It does not play my mp3's | 12:15 |
jah | Reflektionz98: You have something, where you plug you "inet-cable" in? | 12:15 |
Flosoft | ah ... look on the xne vfaq page | 12:16 |
Flosoft | maybe you need another package with codecs | 12:16 |
Reflektionz98 | I have a 1 wireless network card and 2 Ethernet cards | 12:16 |
jah | Flosoft: That's what I thought, too. But I have no idea which... | 12:16 |
jah | Reflectionz98: no, the other end of the cable... | 12:17 |
Flosoft | look on the faq site ... afaik they describe it there | 12:17 |
jah | Flosoft: already searching | 12:17 |
Reflektionz98 | when i had Windows XP on this PC it shared the connection perfectly | 12:17 |
Reflektionz98 | i'm not sure what you're asking jah | 12:19 |
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jah | Reflektionz98: I am trying to understand, what you have. So, you have 2 PC. One Windows, one Linux. You want to connect the Linux PC's ethernet-card to a DSL-modem. The windows PC shall connect to the linux PC'? | 12:21 |
Reflektionz98 | the modem and wireless router are at my neighbors house so i can't connect to them any way other than wireless | 12:21 |
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jah | Reflectionz98: So why use the Linux PC as gateway? Just get two wlan-usb.pci.or.whatever-antenna-carrier-things, one for eacxh pc, and connect via wireless twice... | 12:22 |
Reflektionz98 | internet connection is wireless, i have a cable to connect the 2 PC's here, yes one is Kubuntu and one is Windows | 12:22 |
jah | Why exactly you want to connect them? | 12:22 |
Reflektionz98 | no money to spend for that. I did it once with Ubuntu 5.04 but don't remember how | 12:23 |
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jah | Okay, you only have one WLAN client hardware thing, right? | 12:23 |
Reflektionz98 | yes | 12:23 |
jah | now I got you I think... | 12:23 |
Reflektionz98 | k | 12:23 |
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jah | but you have 2 ethernet cards...? | 12:24 |
Reflektionz98 | yes, one in each PC | 12:24 |
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jah | the wireless client, which kind of hardware is it? | 12:24 |
Reflektionz98 | Kubuntu PC has wireless card and a ethernet card in it | 12:24 |
Reflektionz98 | Linksys WMP11 | 12:25 |
jah | alle 3 cards ordinary pci cards? | 12:25 |
Reflektionz98 | yes | 12:25 |
jah | okay, I'll think about it now for some minutes... | 12:25 |
Reflektionz98 | ok | 12:25 |
Reflektionz98 | not sure how to share files either but that is a later subject | 12:26 |
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Red_Herring | im very happy w/ the wlan support w/ dapper | 12:29 |
=== Red_Herring congradulates *ubuntu dapper drake | ||
jah | Reflektionz98: can you issue the command "apt-cache show dnsmasq" and tell me, if that is what you want? | 12:33 |
Reflektionz98 | one sec | 12:33 |
Reflektionz98 | if all that means the same as Internet sonnection Sharing than yes | 12:35 |
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Reflektionz98 | basically allow the windows PC to access the internet through my Kubuntu PC's connection | 12:37 |
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mastermindless | re | 12:38 |
jah | well... you kubuntu pc can provide services to you windows pc... that means, that your kubunt pc repeats everything you windows pc says, and returns the answers that it gets from you (or whoevers) internet-service-provider.... | 12:40 |
jah | dnsmasq claims to be a package that provides a dns server... | 12:40 |
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Reflektionz98 | i think you said what I need, as long as both PC have internet access than yes | 12:41 |
jah | you will have to add a route from the server (once you got it up) to the ethernet card. (give it an arbitrary ip adress... would probably be possible) | 12:41 |
jah | "man route" will be necessary | 12:42 |
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jah | then in windows, enter this ip as "DNS server adress" | 12:42 |
jah | that should work | 12:42 |
vortec | hi there, i just downloaded kubuntu and tried to install it, but it aborted on bootstrap and now i can't boot my windows anymore. it says "disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter". i've been using kubuntu 5.10 amd64 on athlon xp 64 3000. what's happening? | 12:43 |
Reflektionz98 | what IP? THe IP of my Kubuntu PC | 12:43 |
jah | vortec: you have the windows cd and a key? you see a GRUB menu? | 12:44 |
jah | You Kubuntu PC will probably have 2 IPs then.... One for each PCI card. (both may have a MAC, so you'll have to have two IP's in there then... | 12:45 |
vortec | jah: yes, i got the windows cd. not seeing a grub menu. but what happened there? | 12:45 |
jah | vortec: how did you partition? | 12:45 |
vortec | i tried to install ubuntu on a free partition, so no problems there | 12:45 |
jah | the installation went fine? | 12:46 |
vortec | no, it aborted on bootstrap | 12:46 |
jah | what was the last thing, you did? | 12:46 |
vortec | "installing main system" or something (duno what it was called in english) | 12:46 |
vortec | so one step after the partitioning | 12:46 |
jah | what was the last menu about, you could navigate in? | 12:48 |
_harm | i just read something about botnets.. does know a place where i can get some good info or an IRC channel? | 12:48 |
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vortec | jah: "partition free space automatically" after i chose the free partition | 12:49 |
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jah | vortec: and you are sure you did not chose what you might refer to as "C:" | 12:50 |
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vortec | jah: yes, pretty sure | 12:50 |
jah | vortec: that is a good sign... | 12:51 |
vortec | i've installed gentoo on several machines so i guess i figured out what' was happening there, but i'm not really sure about ubuntus install routine | 12:52 |
vortec | or kubuntus in this case | 12:52 |
jah | well i know kubuntu, which should be the sam... this looks pretty much like standard debian.... | 12:52 |
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jah | that's why I am asking... | 12:53 |
vortec | just want to know what the installer was trying to do at that moment | 12:53 |
jah | you had to confirm the formatting of you partitions, I assume.... | 12:53 |
vortec | yes, i forgot. | 12:53 |
vortec | looked fine to me | 12:53 |
jah | so it was how many? | 12:53 |
vortec | partitions? | 12:54 |
jah | yes | 12:54 |
vortec | 5, there are 3 ntfs partitions on that box | 12:54 |
vortec | one partition that was ext3 and one swap | 12:54 |
vortec | the swap was about 212MB or something | 12:54 |
jah | and you confirmed swap and etx3 (only) for formatting though...?? | 12:55 |
vortec | correct | 12:55 |
jah | then while installing base system, it told you stuf about debootstrap and hung up? | 12:55 |
jah | what colors did you see? | 12:56 |
vortec | nah once it installed until 55%, the second time it finished up to 100%, then hung up | 12:56 |
vortec | red background and some ncurses message boxes | 12:56 |
vortec | like grey or something | 12:57 |
jah | i miss some information. how often you tried to install grub? | 12:58 |
vortec | is grub part of the main installation? | 12:58 |
vortec | i tried installing the main system twice | 12:59 |
vortec | but both attempts ended up with the same error | 12:59 |
jah | no, main installation does not touch mbr. at least not on debian | 12:59 |
jah | vortec, I would retry, and enter the partitions manually... | 01:00 |
jah | how much space you have for linux alltogether? | 01:00 |
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vortec | i'm downloading kubuntu for i386 instead of amd64 now | 01:00 |
vortec | 5 gigs | 01:00 |
jah | vortec: what processor you have? | 01:01 |
jah | and 5 gig???!?? | 01:01 |
vortec | amd xp 64 3000 | 01:01 |
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jah | it is available as one CD-iso (700MB) | 01:01 |
vortec | jah: just want to try kubuntu, not really use it | 01:01 |
darkhorizon | hi all :o) | 01:01 |
vortec | ohh sorry | 01:01 |
vortec | 5 gigs for the partition afterall :) | 01:01 |
jah | http://mirrors.uwa.edu.au/ubuntu-releases/kubuntu/5.10/kubuntu-5.10-install-amd64.iso | 01:02 |
jah | oh sorry... | 01:02 |
jah | doh! | 01:02 |
jah | 5 gig is very less.... | 01:02 |
vortec | should be enough? | 01:02 |
_harm | 5gigs is fine | 01:03 |
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vortec | ok just gimme a minute i going to try the i386 version | 01:03 |
jah | so I would try using 3G for / (defaults,bootable), 1.5G for /home(defaults) and 512MB swap | 01:03 |
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to3 | is any 1 useing kubuntu athlon 64 with vmware in windows? | 01:04 |
_harm | jah right now i have used 6GBs > 2 movies (700mb each) and some anime (500mb) and i think after install i used about 2GBs | 01:04 |
jah | I have made good experiences with kubuntu amd64 and reiser for / | 01:04 |
temi | Quick question, anyone know how to run google videos? | 01:04 |
_harm | jah je bent zeker nederlands? | 01:04 |
_harm | temi i know how hold on | 01:05 |
temi | :D | 01:05 |
jah | _harm: sound reasonable | 01:06 |
_harm | temo click this link: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?highlight=%28restricted%29 and scroll down | 01:07 |
temi | thanks | 01:08 |
_harm | jah if you want a small fully working OS check out puppy linux or DSL(damnsmalllinux) both are 50mb total size | 01:08 |
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Danny | is there anyway to install a package without using apt or other package programs? | 01:11 |
dipnlik | Danny: sudo dpkg -i yourpackage.deb | 01:12 |
Danny | where can I download the deb for this: | 01:13 |
Danny | http://hostap.epitest.fi/wpa_supplicant/ | 01:13 |
visik7 | apt-get install wpasupplicant | 01:16 |
visik7 | enabling universe | 01:16 |
Danny | found it | 01:17 |
Danny | I have no internet | 01:17 |
Danny | http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/w/wpasupplicant/wpasupplicant_0.4.5-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 01:17 |
visik7 | correct | 01:17 |
visik7 | dpkg -i wpasupplicant.... | 01:18 |
Danny | ok thanks | 01:18 |
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theripper | is it possible to install firestarter firewall on flight6? | 01:30 |
bimberi | !info firestarter dapper | 01:31 |
ubotu | firestarter: (gtk program for managing and observing your firewall), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.0.3-1.1ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 384 kB, Installed size: 1904 kB | 01:31 |
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bimberi | theripper: enable universe and you can... | 01:32 |
bimberi | !universe | 01:32 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 01:32 |
theripper | ok thanks ill try this | 01:33 |
bimberi | theripper: yw :) | 01:35 |
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theripper | im using kde ,, and i dont have that option to show hidden source , and i dont understand the other 2 links with the text files , | 01:41 |
theripper | can somone explain this plz? | 01:41 |
wicked_ | yesssssssssssssssssir | 01:42 |
visik7 | does breezy-backports be update for security ? | 01:42 |
wicked_ | !sources | 01:42 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 01:42 |
wicked_ | 1-0 mtl!!! sorry guess ill leave and watch the game | 01:43 |
theripper | i looked at it already , i still dont kn ow what to do | 01:43 |
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nuky | does anyone know if there is a sims game available for kubuntu? or something equibvalent | 01:45 |
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davebgimp | Forgive me is this is a silly question... I'm running Kubuntu 5.10 and just changed myt montitor from a CRT to Flatpanel. My flatpanel's "native resolution" according to the documentation is 1280x1024. I have an NVIDIA card installed and working. Does this mean I can run higher resolution than that and if so, how can I force that because KDE doesn't seem to present a GUI for changing resolution and I'm a bit nervous to mess with my xor | 01:58 |
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temi | hey anyone, im trying to get an update, its called mozilla-mplayer, i did everything they said, but it said it cant find it | 02:04 |
davebgimp | temi: you checked the repos? | 02:05 |
Dasnipa` | do apt-cache search mplayer and look for that one... i would do it myself and tell you but i have to do an update and my connection craps out on long downloads | 02:05 |
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davebgimp | Any takers on my question? Beuhler....Beuhler... :) | 02:12 |
mbettels | hi there, what is the package called for mplayer? apt-cache can't find it | 02:12 |
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patrix | mplayer-k7 mplayer-686 etc | 02:13 |
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bimberi | mbettels: you'll need to have the multiverse repository enabled... | 02:15 |
bimberi | !multiverse | 02:15 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 02:15 |
bimberi | mbettels: and universe for that matter :) | 02:15 |
mbettels | bimberi, how would i do that? | 02:16 |
bimberi | mbettels: see that link from ubotu above | 02:16 |
wicked_ | !mplayer | 02:16 |
ubotu | I heard mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 | 02:16 |
davebgimp | mbettels: back up your sources first though :) | 02:17 |
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kameron | what's the prefered method of upgrading kernels in ubuntu? i haven't done that yet. | 02:33 |
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m0mberger | hi, room | 03:06 |
m0mberger | trying to get xgl working on flight 6 here :( | 03:06 |
m0mberger | I followed the tutorial at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=151391 | 03:07 |
m0mberger | one of the packages on the beerorkid server won't install | 03:07 |
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m0mberger | anyone know why? | 03:07 |
m0mberger | anybody? :P | 03:08 |
m0mberger | waah | 03:09 |
=== m0mberger , the linux noob, cries | ||
=== bimberi hands m0mberger a tissue | ||
bimberi | !xgl | 03:11 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ | 03:11 |
bimberi | m0mberger: hopefully something on the wiki ^^^^ will get you there :) | 03:12 |
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kevman | Can someone tell me where the K Menu config file is? | 03:15 |
m0mberger | thanks bimberi ;) | 03:16 |
m0mberger | these apply to kubuntu as well? | 03:17 |
m0mberger | they don't appear to :P | 03:17 |
bimberi | m0mberger: sorry, i don't know :/ | 03:17 |
m0mberger | 'sok | 03:18 |
m0mberger | thanks for your help | 03:18 |
bimberi | !find compiz dapper | 03:19 |
ubotu | Ubuntu Package Listing of 'compiz' (3 shown): compiz ;; compiz-gnome ;; compiz-kde. | 03:19 |
m0mberger | rofl | 03:19 |
bimberi | m0mberger: maybe try compiz-kde where it says compiz-gnome (if only you had waited :P ) | 03:19 |
crimsun | q | 03:20 |
crimsun | err, sorry. | 03:20 |
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pipegeek | Hi. Does anyone here have any experience with kio_ipodslave? | 03:34 |
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pipegeek | I'm trying to get ipodslave to work, but when I navigate to ipod:/ in konqueror, I get the unhelpful message "unable to create io-slave; klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_ipodslave'" | 03:37 |
pipegeek | And no useful output to stdout or stderr | 03:37 |
pipegeek | Googling the error message resulted in 0 hits | 03:37 |
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docta_v | anyone know why my screen is blanking after a few mins | 03:51 |
docta_v | i tried setterm -blank 0 | 03:51 |
docta_v | doesn't seem to have helped | 03:51 |
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Xaero_Vincent | hi | 04:06 |
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ToyMan2 | hmm. anyone here good with wireless? | 04:31 |
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ToyMan | hi all | 04:41 |
ToyMan | anyone here good with wifi? | 04:41 |
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ToyMan | just installed a new atheros card with the hi-gain antenna | 04:42 |
ToyMan | and I'm able to bring it up with ifup ath0 | 04:42 |
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ToyMan | but how do i control which network it connects to? | 04:42 |
Massacration | how tro install kde 3.5.2? | 04:42 |
ToyMan | kiwifimanager doesn't seem to know how to switch | 04:42 |
Massacration | good eveing... | 04:43 |
Massacration | can anybody help me with kde 3.5.2 | 04:43 |
Massacration | ? | 04:43 |
ToyMan | Massacration: do a google to find the repositories for 3.5.2, add them to your list and then just do an update | 04:43 |
starzend | can someone suggest an engine that will play mp3? | 04:43 |
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ToyMan | starzend: xine or gstreamer | 04:44 |
ToyMan | i like xine a bit better for using with amarok | 04:44 |
starzend | so do i, but xine wont ./configure | 04:44 |
ToyMan | you're compiling? | 04:44 |
starzend | this is a freash install, and im new to kubuntu | 04:44 |
ToyMan | why> | 04:44 |
ToyMan | ah | 04:44 |
ToyMan | just bring up adept... is that what it's called? | 04:45 |
ToyMan | one sec | 04:45 |
Massacration | do u know any rep? | 04:45 |
ToyMan | Massacration: look in the kubuntu website | 04:45 |
ToyMan | it | 04:45 |
ToyMan | it's listed there somewhere.. | 04:45 |
ToyMan | starzend: you don't have to compile hardly anything with kubuntu | 04:45 |
ToyMan | if you're using say amarok for playing mp3's | 04:46 |
starzend | well, thats nice to know :) | 04:46 |
starzend | i intend to, yes | 04:46 |
ToyMan | look in your system menu | 04:46 |
ToyMan | the Adept prg | 04:46 |
starzend | i just did, and xine is installed | 04:46 |
ToyMan | that will list everything you can install binary | 04:46 |
starzend | but under the engine tab of the amorok config i dont have a xine option | 04:47 |
ToyMan | i actually like synaptic better than adept, it has more features | 04:47 |
starzend | just gstreamer or no engine | 04:47 |
Massacration | thanks | 04:47 |
ToyMan | starzend: enter 'xine' in the quick filter | 04:48 |
ToyMan | you'll see it there | 04:48 |
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ToyMan | xine engine for the amaroK audio player | 04:48 |
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ToyMan | so, is anyone using wireless with kubuntu? | 04:48 |
ToyMan | trying to figure out how to switch networks | 04:49 |
ToyMan | starzend: there's a command line interface for all of this... apt-get | 04:49 |
ToyMan | man apt-get | 04:49 |
pipegeek | Anybody here with any knowledge of kio_ipodslave? | 04:50 |
starzend | it seems everything is installed, but i just dont have the option of selecting xine in amaroK | 04:50 |
ToyMan | pipegeek: all I know is I couldn't get it to compile | 04:50 |
starzend | how could i test this? | 04:50 |
robotgeek | ToyMan: is this breezy? | 04:51 |
ToyMan | robotgeek: yes | 04:51 |
robotgeek | ToyMan, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 04:51 |
ToyMan | starzend: look in 'configure amarok'... | 04:51 |
ToyMan | robotgeek: bless you | 04:51 |
ToyMan | i hate having to look this shit up ;-) | 04:52 |
starzend | ToyMan: then engine > sound system correct? | 04:52 |
ToyMan | yes | 04:52 |
starzend | there should be a dropdown for xine there? | 04:52 |
ToyMan | should be | 04:52 |
starzend | the problem is there isnt.. | 04:52 |
ToyMan | adept didn't complain when you installed it? | 04:53 |
starzend | not at all, and it appears to be installed correctly | 04:53 |
ToyMan | you did 'commit changes' in adept? | 04:53 |
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ToyMan | you could try 'sudo apt-get install amarok-xine' | 04:54 |
starzend | i have a worrying feeling i didnt hit commit changes. | 04:55 |
starzend | im currently experementing. thanks | 04:55 |
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tarmath | is there a command or whatever that make a 'beep' sound that I could put in a bash script? | 05:06 |
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robotgeek | tarmath: man beep | 05:07 |
tarmath | i tried that already, i dont have beep apparently | 05:08 |
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tarmath | oh wait i only tried 'beep' and it said command not found, but I got the manual page... | 05:09 |
tarmath | hrm, ow would I go about using it... | 05:10 |
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ToyMan2 | anything similar to netstumber in the linux world? | 05:22 |
robotgeek | ToyMan2: wasn't netstumbler written for linux first? | 05:23 |
ToyMan2 | robotgeek: just finding that out... ;-) | 05:23 |
ToyMan2 | kismet... | 05:26 |
kalenedrael | kismet | 05:27 |
kalenedrael | Beh. | 05:27 |
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_kenny | is there any qt gui builder that generates python code ?? | 05:29 |
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tarmath | just make the gui as would normally | 05:30 |
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tarmath | and use pyuic on it... | 05:31 |
robotgeek | or pyuic -x to execute | 05:34 |
robotgeek | httpdss: http://www.cs.usfca.edu/~afedosov/qttut/ | 05:35 |
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httpdss | thx ! | 05:36 |
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Barbelos | I updated to the k7 kernel, and it broke my nvidia driver. What's the best bet, should I apt-build the packages, or just use the installer? | 05:44 |
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ltR20 | what's better superkarama or the normal one? | 05:53 |
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tarmath | superkaramba | 05:54 |
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GNU_Style | hi | 05:59 |
GNU_Style | im in kubuntu brezzy | 05:59 |
GNU_Style | :) | 05:59 |
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steven | hello all | 06:07 |
steven | anyone know which C compiler kubuntu comes with? | 06:07 |
robotgeek | steven: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 06:07 |
steven | O.o | 06:07 |
steven | whats the kubuntu default root password? | 06:08 |
robotgeek | steven: gcc, and rest | 06:08 |
robotgeek | ubotu: tell steven about sudo | 06:08 |
steven | robotgeek: i did your sudo command but its asking me for password | 06:08 |
steven | the root password is different from mine | 06:08 |
steven | what is the defualt kubuntu root pw? | 06:09 |
robotgeek | steven: read the link please | 06:09 |
steven | k | 06:09 |
=== ricardo is away: depois volto | ||
atys | hey robotgeek can i read it too?? | 06:09 |
robotgeek | ricardo: please turn off public away | 06:09 |
steven | robotgeek: lol its downloading gcc | 06:09 |
steven | robotgeek: 1337 thanks | 06:10 |
steven | does it comee wiith libraaaries? | 06:10 |
robotgeek | steven: i would guess so | 06:10 |
steven | thank you very much | 06:10 |
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=== ricardo is back: vortei | ||
robotgeek | ricardo: get my message? | 06:12 |
ricardo | hey how can i do that? | 06:12 |
robotgeek | ricardo: what client? | 06:12 |
ricardo | konversation | 06:12 |
=== robotgeek goes to investigate | ||
robotgeek | ricardo: okay, open server list, edit identity, in away, uncheck "show away messages" | 06:15 |
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ricardo | ok | 06:17 |
ricardo | done | 06:17 |
StarZenD | the amarok handbook says that it most likley hasnt detected the xine engine because it wasnt installed at the time it was compiled or kubuntu packages the libraries seperatly from amarok. | 06:17 |
mendred | has anybody made any packages for dvd+rw-tools 6.1? | 06:17 |
StarZenD | what would you suggest? | 06:17 |
ricardo | Can anoyone help me at system configuration? when i put the pass to some function it just doesnt go, it loads an back to the user mode | 06:19 |
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ricardo | Anyone????? | 06:23 |
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robotgeek | ricardo: try kcontrol? | 06:24 |
robotgeek | ricardo: do you get a red window somewherE? | 06:24 |
mendred | http://www.skydebanen.net/~peters/ | 06:25 |
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soundmaster80 | has anyone heard of a fix yet for the booting problem in dapper? | 06:26 |
robotgeek | soundmaster80: what booting problem? | 06:28 |
ricardo | Yes, when installling the recommended driver. i looked at linuxprinting.org and there says that have a problem using the epson 670 usb, and should try the 760 driver, but it didnt work also | 06:28 |
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soundmaster80 | i'm sorry i looked away | 06:39 |
soundmaster80 | the .iso will not boot on some pc's | 06:40 |
soundmaster80 | a floppy boot manager can be used to get to the menu, however some are having trouble with it installing from there | 06:40 |
soundmaster80 | the kernel will apparantly begin to boot but nothing else | 06:41 |
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robotgeek | soundmaster80: hmm, know nothing about that one | 06:42 |
soundmaster80 | yeah, apparantly that's everywhere | 06:43 |
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soundmaster80 | looks as though a bunch are suffering from it and it doesn't seem like anyone is moving to fix it | 06:43 |
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treakath | hey all | 06:44 |
robotgeek | soundmaster80: filed a bug? | 06:44 |
treakath | hi | 06:44 |
robotgeek | hey treakath | 06:45 |
treakath | how are you | 06:45 |
treakath | how are you? | 06:45 |
robotgeek | treakath: do you have a support question that we can help you with. offtopic chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic | 06:45 |
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ricardo | thanxs for nothing gyus, very useful | 06:52 |
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Blaxtic | a lot of people here... anyone active? | 07:08 |
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Blaxtic | easy question... | 07:09 |
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m5m | What download client do folks use? I've used d4x in the past is there a better one out there? | 07:09 |
elijahlofgren | m5m: I actually normally use wget since it seems to work the best and easiest for me. | 07:12 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: Ask away. | 07:12 |
Blaxtic | new install of kubuntu - big d... where do i go to get rid of the annoying ballons that pop up when i go to switch to a different window? | 07:14 |
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Blaxtic | i've looked around - but in system settings - maybe i missed it.. | 07:14 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: I that can be disabled. Looking up where now...... | 07:16 |
Blaxtic | (they normally don't bother me, but i've noticed it lately when using freenx - it slows it down quite drasticly, so i want to get rid of it.) | 07:16 |
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robotgeek | Blaxtic: right click panel, and configure | 07:17 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: The go to "Appearance" | 07:18 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: Uncheck "Enable Icon mouseover effects" | 07:18 |
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elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: Or you can Right click on the K menu and choose: "Panel Menu" -> "Configure Panel" | 07:19 |
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bdmp | what is the restart command? | 07:20 |
robotgeek | bdmp: sudo reboot | 07:21 |
Blaxtic | wow - that did it. you're awsome elijahlofgren - thx | 07:21 |
bdmp | thanks | 07:21 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: You're welcome. Glad I could help. :O) | 07:22 |
Blaxtic | i'm finally pause free with freenx... next quest - to get them to include freenx with the final release for the big d. :-) | 07:23 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: I've always thought freenx cost money (at least for the server?), does it? | 07:24 |
robotgeek | elijahlofgren: nope | 07:24 |
Blaxtic | nope - that's NX... check out FreeNX | 07:24 |
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robotgeek | !freenx | 07:25 |
ubotu | well, freenx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX | 07:25 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: Ok, thanks. I've been using "X -query hostname" for thin clients on my local LAN and think FreeNX may be better than that. (Sound?) | 07:26 |
Blaxtic | freeNX is the best i've found so far. as long as you keep the streaming mp3's to a minimum. lol ;-) | 07:27 |
Blaxtic | seriously - it's pretty quick. | 07:27 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: Are you using over the Internet or on a LAN? | 07:28 |
Blaxtic | i do both | 07:28 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: ok, well I'll start looking into FreeNX now. | 07:28 |
Blaxtic | i'm on a laptop via wifi right now, but i use the windowz NX client from work over a slow internet connection - works just as well... | 07:29 |
elijahlofgren | Blaxtic: That sounds pretty cool. I've used a VNC client on Windows but it would randomly lose the connection (Windows 98). | 07:30 |
Blaxtic | i just can't stream my mp3's over the SSL/SSH connection over the internet as well.. hehheh... but everything else works great... | 07:30 |
Blaxtic | yeah - same here... haven't had that problem with freeNX yet.. | 07:30 |
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Blaxtic | gettin late here... thx 4 hlp again elijahlofgren. good luck with freeNX. | 07:34 |
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bdmp | I got a big problem... it is explained at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=896446#post896446 Any suggestions? | 07:35 |
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robotgeek | bdmp: rm -f .Xauthority ? | 07:37 |
bdmp | I did the command and it just returned. I tried to log in but it is still looping. | 07:41 |
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travis_ | hello | 07:48 |
Hobbsee | hi travis_ | 07:48 |
travis_ | is this chat only for kubuntu users? | 07:49 |
travis_ | has anyone tried vector linux? | 07:50 |
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travis_ | does konversation support voice? | 07:51 |
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travis_ | HObsee are you there? | 07:52 |
travis_ | i am not seeing anyone chatting????? | 07:52 |
elijahlofgren | most people are probably asleep ;) | 07:53 |
elijahlofgren | like I should be. | 07:53 |
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travis_ | i should be too | 07:53 |
travis_ | what is mitnick up to these days? | 07:54 |
bdmp | travis_: have you used Kubuntu? | 07:54 |
travis_ | i am using kubuntu right now... | 07:54 |
bdmp | I have never used vector linux but kubuntu is pretty easy to use | 07:54 |
bdmp | cool | 07:55 |
travis_ | i have used linux for about 4 years and i amstill a newbie | 07:55 |
bdmp | tell me about it | 07:56 |
bdmp | I have a problem maybe you could help me with | 07:56 |
elijahlofgren | travis_: I've not tried vector Linux but I've tried Mepis, PCLinuxOS, Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, and Red Hat (and probably more I'm forgetting) and I have found Kubuntu Dapper to be the best so far. | 07:56 |
bdmp | I got a big problem... it is explained at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=896446#post896446 Any suggestions? | 07:56 |
bdmp | ditto | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | travis_: if you use tab completion, you wont make errors in people's nicks... | 07:57 |
Hobbsee | havent heard much about vector linux | 07:58 |
Hobbsee | bdmp: try sudo chown -R user.user /home/user | 07:59 |
Hobbsee | substituting user for your username... | 07:59 |
travis_ | have you tried other desktops??? | 07:59 |
elijahlofgren | Hobbsee: Shouldn't it be user:user? Or does user.user work too? | 07:59 |
travis_ | thanks Hobbsee | 07:59 |
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bdmp | can not access no such file or directory Hobbsee | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | elijahlofgren: i've used user.user all the time - didnt know user:user worked | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | bdmp: even with /home/user - the user being replaced by your username? | 08:00 |
elijahlofgren | Hobbsee: I've always use user:user and didn't know user.user worked. LOL | 08:00 |
Hobbsee | hehe! | 08:00 |
bdmp | oh | 08:00 |
travis_ | i have to go to bed......guten nacht | 08:00 |
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bdmp | didn't see the dots | 08:00 |
bdmp | oyasumi | 08:01 |
bdmp | I'm back to the log in screen | 08:02 |
bdmp | So that is 3 user so i replace it 3 times right? | 08:05 |
bdmp | I tried it with 2 dots and one | 08:05 |
bdmp | neither worked | 08:05 |
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bdmp | they returned but I am still looping to the log in | 08:05 |
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filip04 | what package do i need in order to compile stuff? | 08:06 |
filip04 | -bash: make: command not found | 08:06 |
elijahlofgren | bdmp: Hmm... How much of a pain would a reinstall be? (Maybe reinstalling X or just KDE?) | 08:06 |
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elijahlofgren | filip04: apt-get install build-essential | 08:06 |
filip04 | thankyoiu | 08:06 |
elijahlofgren | filip04: you're welcome | 08:07 |
bdmp | That is what I am trying to avoid | 08:07 |
elijahlofgren | bdmp: maybe you could ask on the ubuntu-user mailing list. There might be people there that could help. | 08:07 |
bdmp | elijahlofgren: I can't get into gnome or xfce so I think that it is not just kde | 08:08 |
elijahlofgren | bdmp: I've an idea, try creating a new user and see if logging it that that user works. | 08:08 |
bdmp | what is the command for that? | 08:09 |
elijahlofgren | bdmp: It's useradd something. Not exactly sure. I can google it though. | 08:10 |
bdmp | do you know the x package name | 08:11 |
bdmp | I am in synaptic | 08:11 |
elijahlofgren | bdmp: You mean for reinstalling x? | 08:11 |
bdmp | yeah | 08:12 |
raphink | it's adduser | 08:13 |
elijahlofgren | Here maybe one of these: | 08:13 |
elijahlofgren | x-window-system-core - X Window System core components | 08:13 |
elijahlofgren | xserver-xorg - the X.Org X server | 08:13 |
elijahlofgren | xserver-xorg-core - X.Org X server -- core server | 08:13 |
raphink | what's the problem? | 08:14 |
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elijahlofgren | raphink's problem is explained here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=896446#post896446 | 08:14 |
raphink | hmpf | 08:15 |
raphink | let me see | 08:15 |
elijahlofgren | sorry | 08:15 |
elijahlofgren | I mean bdmp's problem. | 08:15 |
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=== bdmp_ [n=chatzill@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raphink | are you sure everything is installed ? | 08:16 |
raphink | you should try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop first | 08:16 |
raphink | to get sure everything required for kubuntu is installed | 08:16 |
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bdmp_ | ok | 08:16 |
bdmp_ | I will try that | 08:16 |
raphink | since from what I understood it crashed while you were installing, right? | 08:16 |
bdmp_ | No | 08:17 |
raphink | ah | 08:17 |
bdmp_ | Installing japanese iput and the power went out | 08:17 |
raphink | what then? | 08:17 |
raphink | ah ok | 08:17 |
bdmp_ | I got a big problem... it is explained at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=896446#post896446 Any suggestions? raphink | 08:17 |
raphink | yes I saw that | 08:17 |
=== frepe [n=frepe@c-491f72d5.022-205-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raphink | I guess you had a fsck at next boot | 08:18 |
bdmp_ | what is that? | 08:18 |
raphink | did you have a partition check when you rebooted? | 08:18 |
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bdmp_ | what do you mean checked | 08:19 |
raphink | scanning and repairing the disk | 08:19 |
raphink | when you booted after it crashed | 08:19 |
bdmp_ | I have one fat32 drive but no partition | 08:19 |
bdmp_ | not that I know of | 08:19 |
raphink | ??? | 08:19 |
raphink | you're on linux, aren't you? | 08:19 |
raphink | o_O | 08:19 |
bdmp_ | I saw that people had a similar problem with fat32 partitions | 08:19 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 08:20 |
raphink | you haven't installed kubuntu on a fat32 partition... | 08:20 |
raphink | don't tell me you have | 08:20 |
raphink | bdmp_: are you logged on your kubuntu box right now? | 08:21 |
=== Reflektionz [n=reflekti@24-171-73-10.dhcp.mtvr.il.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bdmp_ | I got 2 drives one kubuntu and the other fat32 | 08:22 |
kosh | why would kubuntu allow itself to be installed ona fat32 partition, that would be MAJOR bug in the installer | 08:22 |
raphink | indeed kosh | 08:22 |
raphink | I'm trying to understand since bdmp_ pretends to ony have fat32 | 08:22 |
raphink | s/ony/only/ | 08:23 |
raphink | so bdmp_ after you system crashed when the power went off, you had an integrity check of your partitions, right? | 08:23 |
raphink | .... | 08:24 |
raphink | like with percentages ... when it says it checks the partition cause it was not unmounted properly | 08:25 |
raphink | ... | 08:25 |
=== Tm_T hides | ||
raphink | hi Tm_T | 08:28 |
raphink | I saw you! ;) | 08:28 |
raphink | don't you hide behind that virtual pillar ! | 08:28 |
bdmp_ | I saw that people had a problem like this with fat32 partitions and I thought that was what you were talking about | 08:28 |
bdmp_ | of course not | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | so I said I have a fat32 drive not a partiion | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | should i do kubuntu desktop install | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | apt-get | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | naw | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | forget it | 08:29 |
raphink | no that won't change anything I'm afraid | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | misunderstanding | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | people who have a fat32 partition on their drive get looping log in problems | 08:29 |
bdmp_ | bdmp_>I got 2 drives one kubuntu and the other fat32 | 08:29 |
raphink | sorry seems I had a big big lag | 08:29 |
raphink | hmm | 08:29 |
=== Xemanth^^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fedcdc00-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
raphink | imo it has nothing to do with the fat32 partition | 08:30 |
raphink | brb | 08:30 |
bdmp_ | no | 08:30 |
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bdmp_ | I don't know anything about that. | 08:31 |
raphink | IRC drives me nuts | 08:31 |
raphink | bdmp_: did you just install your box? | 08:32 |
bdmp_ | Is it something that I do or something that happens automatically? | 08:33 |
raphink | bdmp_: if you had just installed your box a few days ago or so, then I'd say reinstalling is the best option | 08:33 |
raphink | from what I understand, this problem happened for no reason after a big crash | 08:33 |
raphink | the partition may be damaged | 08:34 |
raphink | and you might have lost some data necessary to the system | 08:34 |
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kosh | I wonder what kind of crash could cause that problem | 08:34 |
raphink | I may be wrong but if you don't want to spend too much time on this, I'd say reinstall | 08:34 |
raphink | kosh: power off | 08:34 |
raphink | the power went off suddenly | 08:34 |
kosh | raphink: that is what is strange I have been using this stuff for about 10 years and never seen that problem and I have had many sudden power losses | 08:35 |
kosh | raphink: even ext2 is good at repairing itself | 08:35 |
kosh | raphink: the only fs I have ever had problems with actually is reiserfs | 08:35 |
raphink | kosh: then you should guide bdmp_ in repairing his/her drive | 08:35 |
raphink | cause I've tried to ask about it | 08:35 |
raphink | and now i've got to go | 08:35 |
raphink | so i fyou want to monitor him/her using fsck | 08:36 |
raphink | go on ;) | 08:36 |
=== raphink has got to run now | ||
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-255-010.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kosh | bdmp: are you still around? can you go to a console window on that box to run commands? | 08:37 |
kosh | bdmp: are you running breezy or dapper ubuntu? | 08:38 |
bdmp_ | If something like that happened I didn't do it. Should I do that? | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | If you are asking, "did I see the drive checking itself for integrity", I did not. | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | no | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | I have had it for about 8 months | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | maybe 5 | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | actually | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | with this install | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | it is breezy | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | Yeah, I don't wanna go through all that again | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | should I unmount the fat32 drive? | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | I can view files off the fat32 drive with the network | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | here is the problem | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | I got a big problem... it is explained at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=896446#post896446 Any suggestions? | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | I saw that people with fat32 partitions had a similar problems and I have a 2nd drive that is mounted that is fat32 | 08:41 |
kosh | I wonder why you are saying so much all at once | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | breezy | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | so now I am editiing fstab to take it out and restart and see if that works | 08:41 |
bdmp_ | raphink seems to think it is my drive that is messed I am not sure if he thinks it is the fat32 or the kubuntu one | 08:41 |
kosh | you did not say anything for a very long time and all of a sudden you are sending a lot of stuff | 08:41 |
kosh | I would like to boot the box back up and if x does not start please drop to a command line and I can give you commands to type | 08:42 |
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bdmp_ | I was trying to catch you up to where we were when you came in | 08:43 |
kosh | ah ok | 08:43 |
bdmp_ | Is the log in screen considered x? | 08:44 |
kosh | do you have a graphical login screen? | 08:44 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 08:44 |
kosh | then x is running | 08:44 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 08:44 |
kosh | however when you try to login to your user account it won't let you? | 08:44 |
bdmp_ | it will let me go in to failsafe | 08:45 |
kosh | okay but not kde? | 08:45 |
bdmp_ | but xfce gnome kde loop back to the pretty log in screen | 08:45 |
kosh | okay | 08:45 |
bdmp_ | I tried it with another user too but I got the same thing | 08:46 |
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kosh | is there any way that you can get the box running linux, try to login to kde and then hit ctrl-alt-f1 and login as your user and put the data in /var/log/kdm.log in the pastebin? | 08:46 |
bdmp_ | So I just edited the fat 32 drive out of fstab and restarted but I still have the same problem | 08:46 |
bdmp_ | I can use failsafe | 08:47 |
kosh | any errrors that are generated trying to login to to kde, gnome, etc will be written to that file | 08:47 |
bdmp_ | and even open progreams | 08:47 |
bdmp_ | ok | 08:47 |
=== niels_ [n=niels@p5082B1A9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kosh | yeah but I need that problem written, if you go into failsafe I don't think the problem will be there anymore | 08:47 |
bdmp_ | oh i see | 08:47 |
kosh | you could take that file and copy it to somewhere else though and then go into failsafe to run a program and upload it | 08:47 |
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kosh | I just want you to cop that file between when you try to login and fail and when you login through failsafe | 08:48 |
bdmp_ | ok | 08:48 |
bdmp_ | how do I copy it in the command line? | 08:49 |
bdmp_ | during the second part? | 08:49 |
kosh | cp /var/log/kdm.log /tmp/kdm.log | 08:49 |
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kosh | and then you can go back to x by hitting alt-f7 | 08:49 |
kosh | and you can upload that file to the pastebin | 08:49 |
bdmp_ | no such file or directory /temp/kdm.log | 08:50 |
kosh | tmp not temp | 08:51 |
bdmp_ | ok | 08:52 |
niels_ | Hello, can one help me? i cannot load a module.. but the file is there | 08:53 |
niels_ | ocalhost kernel: [ 57.401227] dvb-ttpci: could not load firmware, file not found: dvb-ttpci-01.fw | 08:53 |
niels_ | localhost kernel: [ 57.401231] dvb-ttpci: usually this should be in /usr/lib/hotplug/firmware | 08:53 |
niels_ | root@unbun:/usr/lib/hotplug/firmware# ls -l | 08:53 |
niels_ | insgesamt 240 | 08:53 |
niels_ | -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 238036 2005-10-16 20:41 dvb-ttpci-01.fw | 08:53 |
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bdmp_ | where am i uploading to kosh? | 08:53 |
kosh | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | 08:53 |
=== [nige] [n=nige@ppp119-203.lns1.bne3.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
[nige] | !firefox | 08:53 |
kosh | niels_: no idea about that sorry | 08:54 |
kosh | niels_: I don't have any devices that need firmware like that | 08:54 |
[nige] | anyknow how to install firefox 1.0.5 under kubuntu | 08:54 |
[nige] | ? | 08:54 |
epinephrine | sudp apt-get install firefox ? | 08:54 |
Hobbsee | sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 08:54 |
[nige] | I downloaded the tar ball, unextracted it, but I dont things its locate in quite right | 08:54 |
[nige] | ahh that would give you firefox earlier than 1.0.5 i believe | 08:55 |
Hobbsee | no, that'd give you 1.0.7 | 08:55 |
Hobbsee | i think you want 1.5 | 08:55 |
epinephrine | it gives me 1.5, but that's dapper :p | 08:55 |
Hobbsee | !firefox1.5 | 08:55 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 08:55 |
Hobbsee | epinephrine: same here, i dont use it though | 08:55 |
[nige] | i am going to have a loook | 08:55 |
epinephrine | nah, konqueror is just prettier and more integrated | 08:55 |
[nige] | thanks for that | 08:55 |
[nige] | :) | 08:55 |
kosh | konqueror also uses about 1/10th the memory and places a lot nicer with the rest of the system | 08:56 |
[nige] | i am not a big fan of konqueror | 08:56 |
epinephrine | I had to force myself to use it, but I like it now | 08:56 |
epinephrine | it's just different to firefox | 08:57 |
kosh | I like it a lot and with 3.5 it actually has better css support then firefox does | 08:57 |
bdmp_ | does konqueror have extensions? | 08:57 |
kosh | the javascript support is worse though in that bad javascript will crash it | 08:57 |
Hobbsee | epinephrine: i use the mozilla binaries instead - they're faster! | 08:57 |
kosh | bdmp_: pretty much no | 08:57 |
epinephrine | I compiled firefox from source back in my gentoo days | 08:58 |
epinephrine | they were fun times | 08:58 |
epinephrine | in a weird kind of way | 08:58 |
kosh | bdmp_: some of the things that are extensions in firefox are built in and other things don't exist | 08:58 |
bdmp_ | i love the exensions | 08:58 |
kosh | however until firefox fixes how it manages memory I can't use it for regular usage | 08:58 |
epinephrine | the thing that put me off konq was lack of adblock, but they recently added that | 08:58 |
kosh | it just sucks down too much memory and kills the box | 08:58 |
bdmp_ | rikaichan changed my life | 08:59 |
kosh | a computer program changed your life? | 08:59 |
kosh | umm ..... | 08:59 |
epinephrine | kmymoney2 is sweet | 08:59 |
epinephrine | if only those figures were higher.. ;( | 08:59 |
bdmp_ | ok I can't figure out how to copy the file to post in pastebin | 09:00 |
bdmp_ | I copied it with kate but firefox won't let me paste | 09:00 |
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bdmp_ | it is not carrying over from program to program | 09:00 |
kosh | hmm | 09:00 |
kosh | justa sec let me look | 09:00 |
bdmp_ | i could email the file | 09:00 |
epinephrine | I wish konq had a clear private data thing though | 09:01 |
epinephrine | clear certain things on exit | 09:01 |
kosh | epinephrine: what do you mean a clear private data thing? | 09:01 |
epinephrine | ctrl+shift+del in firefox | 09:01 |
epinephrine | I've no idea | 09:01 |
kosh | what private data in a webbrowser are you trying to clear? | 09:02 |
epinephrine | things like search boxes and site history | 09:02 |
=== mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B2EAF2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
epinephrine | is it built-in to konqueror? | 09:02 |
kosh | that is part of kde not konqueror | 09:03 |
kosh | however it seems that the kubuntu control panel does not show it | 09:03 |
kosh | epinephrine: run kcontrol and look at security and privacy -> privacy | 09:03 |
bdmp_ | done | 09:03 |
epinephrine | hm, can that be done automatically on exiting konq? | 09:04 |
=== oneman [n=oneman@ip68-230-208-113.rd.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bdmp_ | kosh: "a computerprogram changed your life?" you said... I live in Japan and rikaichan makes it so I can get the reading of kanji I don't know instantly | 09:05 |
epinephrine | that's handy though, ta | 09:05 |
bdmp_ | Made it so I could read a news paper | 09:05 |
bdmp_ | handy | 09:05 |
bdmp_ | I would be screwed without it | 09:05 |
bdmp_ | translating | 09:05 |
bdmp_ | reading emails | 09:05 |
bdmp_ | everything | 09:06 |
bdmp_ | it is like a brain | 09:06 |
kosh | I would have no problems with newspapers anywhere in the world, I don't read them :) | 09:06 |
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bdmp_ | ok... how about reading the japanese kubuntu forums... | 09:06 |
bdmp_ | got cha | 09:06 |
kosh | bdmp_: from your failsafe console window can you just type startkde and hit enter and tell me what it does? | 09:07 |
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kosh | bdmp_: I read english, python, sql, c+ and a few others :) | 09:07 |
kosh | I don't know how to read other human languages and I don't plan to learn | 09:07 |
bdmp_ | oooh | 09:07 |
bdmp_ | looking good | 09:08 |
kosh | I just don't see anything in that log file you sent me that would explain why it would not log into kde | 09:08 |
bdmp_ | loading the window manager | 09:08 |
bdmp_ | it is go! | 09:08 |
kosh | so that worked, is everything running fine? | 09:08 |
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kosh | that makes even less sense | 09:09 |
kosh | I wonder what I am missing | 09:09 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 09:09 |
klugez | bdmp_: what did you do? | 09:09 |
bdmp_ | well i just shut the window and it all | 09:09 |
bdmp_ | ha | 09:09 |
bdmp_ | I got a big problem... it is explained at http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=896446#post896446 Any suggestions? | 09:09 |
klugez | i have broken kdm on two machines :/ | 09:10 |
=== roman [n=roman@afs94.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
bdmp_ | more like what did my roommate do when she plugged in her hair dryer | 09:10 |
bdmp_ | it is a log in issue | 09:10 |
bdmp_ | gnome and xfce don't work too | 09:10 |
klugez | it seems to be a kdm problem | 09:10 |
kosh | what is strange though is that when you try to login to kde that is the program that it runs | 09:11 |
komputer | hiiii | 09:11 |
klugez | because right now i'm using gdm to start kde | 09:11 |
kosh | klugez: if kdm can get him to failsafe it should be able to startkde also since we have just shown that startkde is working on its own | 09:11 |
klugez | and it manages to do it fine | 09:11 |
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kosh | bdmp_: if you close that failsafe window all the rest of the stuff will close since that window owns all those programs, that is normal behavior | 09:12 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 09:12 |
bdmp_ | I know I was just being stupid | 09:12 |
kosh | bdmp_: could you try going back to the kdm login screen, putting in your login name, password and selecting kde as what you want to log into | 09:12 |
kosh | bdmp_: and then see what it does this time | 09:12 |
bdmp_ | no go | 09:12 |
bdmp_ | did it | 09:12 |
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kosh | just now you did it? | 09:13 |
bdmp_ | when I was installing japanese input there was stuff to make it go on at start up. maybe that is causing the problem | 09:13 |
bdmp_ | I did it before you asked | 09:13 |
bdmp_ | i didn't work | 09:14 |
bdmp_ | do you want to see the japanese input pages i was using? | 09:14 |
kosh | guess it could be | 09:14 |
kosh | can I read the pages in english? | 09:14 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 09:14 |
bdmp_ | they are in english | 09:15 |
kosh | okay lets see it then | 09:15 |
klugez | at least it's not the problem here, since i have no special input methods or anything | 09:15 |
bdmp_ | well if you had the rikaichan extension you could read it in japanese too :) | 09:15 |
kosh | no I couldn't | 09:16 |
kosh | I don't read japanese in any form | 09:16 |
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burepe | this is me bdmp | 09:17 |
burepe | here is the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JapaneseInputHowToInBreezy?highlight=%28japanese%29 | 09:17 |
kosh | hmm none of those steps look like they should have screwed logging in up | 09:19 |
kosh | from the command prompt could you run sudo apt-get remove --purge uim-applet-gnome uim-xim uim-anthy uim-gtk2.0 | 09:19 |
kosh | and then try to login again to kde | 09:19 |
bdmp_ | on it | 09:20 |
=== Jaymac [n=Jaymac@host81-129-64-113.range81-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
klugez | ok, here's something i found from /var/log/syslog | 09:25 |
klugez | Apr 7 10:23:16 feyn kdm_greet[6674] : Can't open default user face | 09:25 |
klugez | Apr 7 10:23:27 feyn kdm_greet[6674] : Internal error: memory corruption detected | 09:25 |
klugez | bdmp_: any chance you have that there too? | 09:26 |
mendred | is there any way to check/enable DMA for usb DVD drives? | 09:26 |
bdmp_ | kosh: it is not looping but I am in the grey xscreen but it has lines kinda | 09:27 |
bdmp_ | it is just stopped there | 09:27 |
bdmp_ | klugez can you get into failsafe? | 09:29 |
bdmp_ | can you do statkde? | 09:29 |
klugez | i can use gdm to start kde | 09:29 |
klugez | haven't tried failsafe | 09:30 |
bdmp_ | so you can log in to gnome? | 09:30 |
kosh | klugez: he sent me his kdm.log file and he does not have that in it | 09:30 |
klugez | kosh: me neither | 09:30 |
klugez | that's why i haven't found it until now | 09:30 |
klugez | it appears only in /var/log/syslog | 09:30 |
klugez | my kdm.log contains nothing suspicious | 09:30 |
kosh | hmm | 09:30 |
klugez | bdmp_: well, i don't have gnome :/ i just installed gdm to see if it works | 09:31 |
bdmp_ | I think we are having differnet problems , no? | 09:31 |
kosh | bdmp_: can you look in /var/log/syslog and look for anything interesting that happens around the same time as you tried to log in | 09:31 |
klugez | and it did, i'm able to start kde | 09:31 |
kosh | hit ctrl-alt-f1 and you less /var/log/syslog | 09:31 |
kosh | klugez: you probably have something else corrupted, klugez do you have kdm removed right now? | 09:31 |
klugez | no, but i've tried reinstalling it a couple of times | 09:32 |
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kosh | klugez: so is the kdm package actually installed right now? | 09:33 |
klugez | it is | 09:33 |
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kosh | klugez: okay can you do sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm and then sudo apt-get install kdm | 09:34 |
klugez | i have | 09:34 |
kosh | klugez: and then try using kdm to login, make sure to put in your username, password and select kde from that menu it has | 09:34 |
kosh | klugez: did you purge it that part is important | 09:34 |
klugez | yep | 09:34 |
klugez | i know the difference between purge and ordinary removal | 09:35 |
bdmp_ | hmm now I can't log in to failsafe | 09:35 |
klugez | actually i used aptitude but anyway i did purge and install it | 09:35 |
bdmp_ | from control alt f1 I get an error | 09:36 |
kosh | ctrl-alt-f1 should drop you to the commandline | 09:36 |
kosh | and alt-f7 should send you back to the gui | 09:36 |
bdmp_ | startkde | 09:36 |
bdmp_ | xsetroot: unable to open display | 09:36 |
klugez | bdmp_: that's most likely because you already have gui running | 09:37 |
klugez | alt-f7 should get you there | 09:37 |
bdmp_ | yeah but I can't log in to failsafe so I can't get in to kde now | 09:37 |
klugez | so you shut the gui down? | 09:38 |
klugez | if you just did ctrl+alt+f1, it was left running | 09:38 |
kosh | if you hit alt-f7 do you get that x screen or something kind of grey screen? | 09:38 |
bdmp_ | I was in the log in screen | 09:39 |
bdmp_ | I chose failsafe | 09:39 |
bdmp_ | it looped | 09:39 |
bdmp_ | so i did cnt alt f1 | 09:39 |
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bdmp_ | and i did startked | 09:39 |
bdmp_ | kde | 09:39 |
kosh | that won't work | 09:39 |
kosh | ctrl-alt-f1 will give you the true console, ie no x so kde can't start and it knows that | 09:40 |
bdmp_ | now I am back to the log in but i can't get into failsage | 09:40 |
kosh | you are at the graphical log in? | 09:40 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 09:40 |
kosh | and failsafe won't work anymore either? | 09:40 |
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bdmp_ | yeah | 09:40 |
kosh | I don't even know what could break failsafe | 09:40 |
kosh | from the x login screen can you select the option to login to console mode? | 09:42 |
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kosh | and then log in as your user and run sudo killall kdm | 09:42 |
kosh | then sudo apt-get remove --purge kdm | 09:42 |
kosh | then sudo apt-get install kdm | 09:42 |
kosh | then sudo kdm | 09:43 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 09:43 |
bdmp_ | hold on | 09:43 |
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=== StarZenD [n=zen@222-153-74-231.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
StarZenD | what website dev tools are recomended for use with this distro? | 09:45 |
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kosh | StarZenD: define what you mean by website dev tools please | 09:46 |
StarZenD | something along the lines of quantra | 09:47 |
kosh | yeah you can use quanta | 09:47 |
kosh | that works fine | 09:47 |
StarZenD | how would you go about installing it? | 09:47 |
StarZenD | i seem to be having problems compiling things or using apt-update | 09:47 |
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kosh | sudo apt-get install quanta | 09:48 |
bdmp_ | StarZenD: do you know adept? | 09:49 |
kosh | you shouldn't be compiling this stuff anyways | 09:50 |
bdmp_ | kosh when i did sudo kdm I got the log in screen and got looped again | 09:52 |
kosh | what do you mean got looped? the login screen started up and then started up again or something? | 09:53 |
bdmp_ | I got the pretty log in screen, I logged in, then I got the pretty log in screen again. | 09:53 |
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bdmp_ | the exact same problem | 09:54 |
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kosh | can you login to failsafe? | 09:55 |
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bdmp_ | i didn't try and when I installed kde I chose the gnome log in. thought it might fix things | 09:56 |
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bdmp_ | I logged in now with it and it says your $HOME/.dmrc has incorrect permissions and is being ignored | 09:57 |
kosh | hmm | 09:57 |
bdmp_ | it says is should be owned by user and have 664 | 09:57 |
kosh | you logged in with failsafe, gnome, kde etc? | 09:58 |
bdmp_ | I am trying to log in with gnowm and it looks like it is working | 09:58 |
bdmp_ | maybe that file is what is messing with kde | 09:58 |
kosh | yeah delete it | 09:58 |
bdmp_ | delete it | 09:59 |
kosh | it will get recreated and has nothing useful in it | 09:59 |
bdmp_ | looks like I am an ubuntu user | 09:59 |
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kosh | once gnome loads up just open up the terminal window and type rm .dmrc | 09:59 |
kosh | and then logout and try and login to kde and see what happens | 10:00 |
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bdmp_ | earlier I was told to sudo chown user.user /home/user | 10:05 |
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Tm_T | I'd say "mv .dmrc dmrc-temp | 10:05 |
Tm_T | " | 10:05 |
bdmp_ | and I read in a forum about permissions on the home folder causing this loop problem so i did chmod 777 /home | 10:05 |
bdmp_ | I think that is what is causing the error | 10:06 |
Tm_T | noo | 10:06 |
Tm_T | you should never do that =) | 10:06 |
bdmp_ | ha | 10:06 |
kosh | Tm_T: I already checked what .dmrc can hold, it just says what the default session is, that means when you login next it will be put back right anyways | 10:06 |
kosh | bdmp_: you did WHAT? | 10:06 |
kosh | bdmp_: umm god I don't even know how to fix that | 10:06 |
bdmp_ | oh | 10:06 |
kosh | that could screw up a huge number of things | 10:07 |
bdmp_ | well i can log in to kde now | 10:07 |
Tm_T | indeed | 10:07 |
kosh | so the .dmrc file was screwing things up | 10:07 |
bdmp_ | no | 10:07 |
bdmp_ | I still have that error | 10:07 |
bdmp_ | the kde log in was the problem | 10:07 |
bdmp_ | I can log in with the gnome log in | 10:07 |
kosh | you just said that you can log into kde now | 10:08 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 10:08 |
bdmp_ | that is because of the gnome log in not the file | 10:08 |
bdmp_ | i deleted the file and i sill got the error when loggin in this time | 10:08 |
kosh | okay but you where able to log out of gnome and log into kde? | 10:08 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 10:09 |
bdmp_ | so that problem is fixed | 10:09 |
kameron | sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-30-386 tells me it's already the newest version, but uname -r shows that i'm running the -15-... upgrading kernels with dist-upgrade also doesn't work. anyone else have this problem? i'm running kubuntu dapper. | 10:09 |
bdmp_ | or avoided by not using the kde log in | 10:09 |
kosh | bdmp_: what do you mean avoided by not using the kde log in? I dont' get what you are talking about | 10:09 |
bdmp_ | when you had me install kde it asked me to use the gnome or kde log in | 10:10 |
bdmp_ | because I was having this problem I chose the gnome one | 10:10 |
kosh | bdmp_: can you tell me what whoami && ls -l .dmrc that says if you run it on the console | 10:10 |
bdmp_ | now that I am using that I can log in | 10:10 |
kosh | until you break the gnome one also ;) | 10:10 |
bdmp_ | well | 10:11 |
mornfall | bdmp_: i know it i know it! what do i win? | 10:11 |
bdmp_ | that may be but the chmod 777 /home | 10:11 |
bdmp_ | was to fix the problem. it wasn't what was causing it | 10:11 |
kosh | we still have no clue what the problem is | 10:11 |
bdmp_ | mornfall: know what? | 10:12 |
kosh | can you run that command I gave you though in the terminal window? | 10:12 |
kosh | mornfall: the problem is unlikely kdm itself, it got broken somehow and gdm works differently so it is not broken | 10:12 |
bdmp_ | no such file | 10:13 |
kosh | that makes even less sense, you said to complained that the file did not have the right permissions but it would not do that if the file did not exist | 10:13 |
bdmp_ | where is the file? | 10:14 |
bdmp_ | home? | 10:14 |
kosh | well if you just opened up a terminal file to your home dir and ran that command I gave it should work | 10:15 |
bdmp_ | I did | 10:15 |
bdmp_ | I am just making sure it is not there | 10:15 |
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mornfall | bdmp_: bdmp_ | #kubuntu % StarZenD: do you know adept? | 10:16 |
StarZenD | not realy | 10:16 |
bdmp_ | it is a package manager | 10:16 |
StarZenD | im having trouble updating from the universal repositorys | 10:16 |
bdmp_ | you can get any program from it | 10:17 |
bdmp_ | get your sources here | 10:17 |
bdmp_ | !source-o-matic | 10:17 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 10:17 |
bdmp_ | what should I do about the home file permissions? | 10:20 |
kosh | I don't know of a good way to set them back | 10:20 |
kosh | I know how to fix them all manually since I know what they should be but that would take far too much time | 10:21 |
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kosh | I really heed to get some stuff done instead of spending more time helping people sorry | 10:21 |
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StarZenD | okay, i have a source.list now, what am i ment to do with it? | 10:23 |
bdmp_ | if you save it adept will refrence it when you search for things in adept | 10:23 |
StarZenD | where should i save it? | 10:23 |
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bdmp_ | where it is | 10:24 |
mornfall | lalala | 10:25 |
StarZenD | /etc/apt/souce.list ? | 10:25 |
bdmp_ | yeah | 10:25 |
bdmp_ | that is it | 10:25 |
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mindspin | ! tell me about automatix | 10:34 |
ubotu | mindspin: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 10:34 |
mindspin | ! automatix | 10:34 |
ubotu | hmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. | 10:34 |
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xDaSx | Hello all | 11:01 |
xDaSx | i have a question: I can't get my network interface to not be greyed out an un-editable. How can I fix this | 11:02 |
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xDaSx | no one to help eh? | 11:05 |
mindspin | xDaSx: try kdesu kcontrol | 11:05 |
xDaSx | in the terminal? | 11:05 |
mindspin | yes | 11:05 |
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mindspin | then you should be able to edit your network configuration in admin mode | 11:06 |
xDaSx | mindspin: I'll give it a go | 11:07 |
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xDaSx | im getting errors: could not find the module kcm_knetworkconfmodule | 11:10 |
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xDaSx | >?? | 11:13 |
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pagey007 | kununto 6 | 11:15 |
pagey007 | mmmmm | 11:15 |
pagey007 | where is the multimedia support? | 11:16 |
pagey007 | wmv | 11:16 |
Tm_T | !mp3 | 11:18 |
Glin|Jol | Winamp not Running | 11:18 |
ubotu | I guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats | 11:18 |
Tm_T | pagey007: look from there | 11:18 |
pagey007 | ok | 11:18 |
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pagey007 | Note: WMV files encoded with DRM (Digital Rights Management) are not playable by the codecs. | 11:22 |
pagey007 | oh dear | 11:22 |
xDaSx | geez | 11:22 |
xDaSx | now i cant get the network to enable | 11:22 |
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mindspin | xDaSx: sounds strange... | 11:27 |
mindspin | are you on dapper? | 11:27 |
xDaSx | breezy | 11:27 |
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mindspin | what do you get when you type sudo /etc/init.d/networking/restart in console | 11:28 |
mindspin | oops | 11:29 |
mindspin | what do you get when you type sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart in console | 11:29 |
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xDaSx | Reconfiguring network interfaces... [fail] | 11:30 |
mindspin | what do you get when you type ifconfig in console | 11:31 |
mindspin | btw is it wireless or wired lan ? | 11:31 |
mindspin | !paste | 11:32 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 11:32 |
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mindspin | paste the result in the pastebin, not here in the channel | 11:32 |
xDaSx | wireless | 11:33 |
kuzmaster | how do i set firefox as my deafult browser? | 11:33 |
mindspin | ok then I'm not much help | 11:33 |
mindspin | !wifi | 11:33 |
ubotu | from memory, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto | 11:33 |
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mindspin | have a look there maybe it is helpful | 11:34 |
kuzmaster | dose any one know hot to make firefox my deafult browser? | 11:34 |
kuzmaster | ??? | 11:34 |
xDaSx | ok ill try to work through it | 11:34 |
mindspin | control center kde filetype association iirc | 11:35 |
kuzmaster | ???? | 11:35 |
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kuzmaster | is that to me? | 11:35 |
mindspin | yup sorry | 11:35 |
kuzmaster | k | 11:35 |
kuzmaster | umm... is system setting that same as controll center? | 11:36 |
mindspin | i guess so | 11:36 |
kuzmaster | k | 11:36 |
kuzmaster | there not, i just found out | 11:37 |
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kuzmaster | i used katapult to get into it | 11:37 |
mindspin | I#m always using kcontrol | 11:38 |
kuzmaster | done, thanx | 11:40 |
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slow-motion | hallo | 11:50 |
kuzmaster | hey | 11:51 |
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sandra | When I restarted my computer today it didn't boot, the error is (among others): Incompatible libdevmapper 1.01.03 (2005-06-13)(compat) and kernel driver. any ideas ? | 11:53 |
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CellarDoor | hi folks | 12:00 |
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sandra | Does anybody know how is the device mapper module called ? | 12:06 |
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pagey007 | not impressed with lack of media support | 12:11 |
pagey007 | sad | 12:11 |
sandra | how do I downgrade a package to the last installed version ? | 12:12 |
Snake__ | pagey007: why? | 12:12 |
pagey007 | i have several wmv files not supported | 12:13 |
pagey007 | some are ,others.. mmmmm | 12:13 |
Snake__ | I presume you have w32codecs? | 12:13 |
pagey007 | yes | 12:13 |
Snake__ | Are they encrypted?? | 12:14 |
SkrotFFS | Hi. Is there a way to change the resolution of my console display (from grub's menu.lst) and still keep the usplash? I don't mind if the usplash itself doesn't change resolution. | 12:14 |
pagey007 | not to my knowledge | 12:14 |
pagey007 | in dapper | 12:14 |
Snake__ | I dont understand why its not "compatiable"?? | 12:14 |
pagey007 | I will sort it | 12:15 |
Snake__ | (Obviously it wouldn't be as compatiable as a native windows, as it is their propriety format) | 12:15 |
pagey007 | yes | 12:15 |
Snake__ | pagey007: what are you using to play it if you dont mind me asking | 12:16 |
pagey007 | kaffiene | 12:17 |
Snake__ | have you tryed mplayer? | 12:17 |
pagey007 | will do | 12:18 |
pagey007 | 510 was the last installed | 12:18 |
pagey007 | can I install dapper from live cd? | 12:19 |
Snake__ | As of dapper flight 6, expresso seems to be working right | 12:19 |
Snake__ | But its still in testing, so if you find any bugs, or it fails, report them | 12:20 |
pagey007 | dapper flight 6 install from live cd? | 12:20 |
=== Snake__ nods | ||
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xanax` | hello | 12:50 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hi xanax`, hi apokryphos | 12:51 |
=== xanax` is longing to test the new upcoming version of kubuntu | ||
apokryphos | hey, how's it going? | 12:52 |
Cin | Good music player with a media library? | 12:53 |
apokryphos | !players | 12:53 |
ubotu | [players] Audio/MP3 Players: amaroK, Banshee, Beep-media-player, JuK, Rhythmbox, XMMS ; Video players: Totem, Xine, Mplayer, VLC | 12:53 |
apokryphos | Cin: hi again =) | 12:54 |
Cin | apokryphos: Hai. | 12:54 |
Cin | Did I ask in here last night? I totally forgot what was suggested. | 12:55 |
Cin | Such weird names. | 12:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | xmm >* | 12:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 12:55 |
Snake__ | Cin: go with amarok ;) | 12:55 |
=== Cin apt-gets. | ||
Snake__ | Cin: if you have kubuntu you should already have it | 12:56 |
Cin | Ooo this looks nice. | 12:56 |
Cin | Yeah I just noticed. | 12:56 |
Snake__ | :) | 12:56 |
=== My8os is now known as My8os[Away] | ||
Cin | Always good when you get a good vibe from a new piece of software. | 12:57 |
Snake__ | Cin: and youll only like it more the more you use it | 12:58 |
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cctecxp | oi | 01:02 |
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avu | hi | 01:11 |
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avu | what is the KDE equivalent to gnome-open called? I seem to remember something like 'ksmclient exec' but there is no file called ksmclient in kubuntu. | 01:13 |
danimo | avu: kfmclient exec | 01:13 |
avu | doh, thank you :) | 01:14 |
Tm_T | kfmclient | 01:14 |
Tm_T | bah, slow | 01:14 |
danimo | :) | 01:14 |
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fuci | I have a problem installing Kubuntu | 01:14 |
fuci | When I'm on the main menu (when you boot and get to install or boot from hd) I select install | 01:15 |
fuci | Then it gives error in which it says something about usb-ports | 01:16 |
fuci | and doesn't do anything | 01:16 |
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apokryphos | fuci: which ISO? | 01:16 |
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apokryphos | and what is the error *exactly*? | 01:16 |
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fuci | I can check it soon | 01:17 |
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fuci | dapper-dvd-1386.iso | 01:17 |
apokryphos | fuci: which flight? | 01:17 |
fuci | ? | 01:17 |
apokryphos | fuci: have you got a link to the download? | 01:18 |
fuci | ye | 01:18 |
fuci | http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/kubuntu/dvd/current/dapper-dvd-i386.iso | 01:18 |
apokryphos | there are many dapper ISOs made, considering it's the development version of ubuntu (not current stable) | 01:18 |
apokryphos | fuci: bad idea to use that image :) | 01:18 |
fuci | :( | 01:18 |
apokryphos | there is absolutely no guarantee that it would work -- that's just a daily (or weekly or so) build of the DVD from the repositories | 01:18 |
fuci | Oh darn. | 01:19 |
fuci | I just DL'ed it from the europe server | 01:19 |
fuci | Cause I live in Finland | 01:19 |
apokryphos | you should've downloaded one of the flights (Ubuntu releases snapshots of development when it's reasonably stable) | 01:19 |
apokryphos | as much as a development version can be | 01:19 |
fuci | Can you give me an url? | 01:20 |
apokryphos | sure | 01:20 |
apokryphos | fuci: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-6/ | 01:21 |
fuci | Thanks :) | 01:21 |
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fuci | Now I just have to find an empty CD ;p | 01:22 |
apokryphos | fuci: if you have blank CDs I recommend downloading the Live CD, and then using the installer from that | 01:22 |
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fuci | found one | 01:23 |
RobboRat | Hey :) | 01:23 |
RobboRat | Little help? | 01:23 |
apokryphos | !helpme | 01:23 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 01:23 |
apokryphos | :) | 01:23 |
RobboRat | :) Funny that.... | 01:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | jlittle help *thinks of the matrix* | 01:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | "could do with a little help here" | 01:24 |
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RobboRat | Well, pretty new to Linux, obviously so this may se a bit 'duh' to you guys, but here goes | 01:24 |
kosh | RobboRat: I thought of using my telepathic abilities to figure out your question but I would rather use it for other things soy ou need to ask | 01:24 |
RobboRat | Wen I try to use Kaffeine to play music files, I get an error teling me that ALSA is in use by 'default@ | 01:25 |
Tm_T | =) | 01:25 |
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Tm_T | what? kaffeine? yuuuhh | 01:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | RobboRat: there's very few 'duh' questions - everyone asks silly questions | 01:25 |
Tm_T | Kamping_Kaiser: like I just did | 01:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol. case in point ;) | 01:25 |
kosh | Kamping_Kaiser: I disagree with that, I have had someone ask me why their computer would not work and the reason was it was not plugged in | 01:25 |
RobboRat | LOL@Kosh | 01:26 |
Tm_T | kosh: so typical | 01:26 |
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RobboRat | I'helped' someone at work with that exact problem.... | 01:26 |
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kosh | the point is that while there are no stupid questions and aweful lot of idiots ask questions :) | 01:27 |
Tm_T | I have multiple times seen situation like "computer is on but monitor is just black, what's wrong?" "turn monitor on" "gee thanks!" | 01:27 |
fuci | apokryphos, how do I do that? Start the live-CD and install it from there somehow? | 01:27 |
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RobboRat | Anyway, I'm from the wonderful world of OS X, so having to deal with this stuff is a tad......weird....for me :) | 01:28 |
RobboRat | Running Kubuntu PPC on an old iMac DV | 01:28 |
RobboRat | I read on the forums that it may be the gstreamer version which is at fault - how do I detrmine and fix? | 01:29 |
Tm_T | RobboRat: use xine | 01:30 |
RobboRat | k | 01:30 |
RobboRat | HOw? | 01:30 |
Tm_T | dunno, I don't use Kaffeine ;) | 01:30 |
RobboRat | You use Amarok? | 01:30 |
RobboRat | Or what? | 01:30 |
RobboRat | I just got this installed last night :D | 01:31 |
Tm_T | amaroK yes for music | 01:31 |
RobboRat | How do you use xine in Amarok then? | 01:31 |
apokryphos | RobboRat: install amarok-xine and then select it from settings -> configure amarok -> engines | 01:32 |
Tm_T | apokryphos: young and fast ;) | 01:32 |
RobboRat | k - through Synaptic or command-line? Is it in universe? | 01:33 |
apokryphos | RobboRat: note that amarok-xine is only available from the "Universe" repository which isn't enabled on a default kubuntu install. To enable it, type /msg ubotu repositories | 01:33 |
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apokryphos | RobboRat: if you're on Kubuntu you'll want to use Adept | 01:33 |
RobboRat | k | 01:33 |
Tm_T | cli <3 | 01:33 |
RobboRat | I enabled the universe rep yesterday (I think!) | 01:33 |
Tm_T | but hey, I'm just an old fart, ignore ;) | 01:33 |
apokryphos | RobboRat: cool, then just fire up adept and install =) | 01:34 |
apokryphos | Tm_T: I find that GUI package manager is better for beginners ;-) | 01:34 |
RobboRat | I like cli too - OS X only becomes REALLY seful when you can use the Terminal | 01:34 |
Tm_T | apokryphos: that's my point | 01:34 |
kosh | gstreamer is darn buggy, from what I understand in the next version of kubuntu xine is going to be the default for all the kde stuff | 01:36 |
kosh | ubuntu is going to be gstreamer default though | 01:36 |
RobboRat | I hope so | 01:36 |
kosh | I use xine for all my stuff since gstreamer still only supports stereo sound | 01:37 |
dipnlik | hi all. is there a kde clone to mac os' expose? | 01:37 |
RobboRat | Isn't xine les resource-sapping too? n this computer, every littel helps! | 01:37 |
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apokryphos | dipnlik: what does it do? | 01:37 |
RobboRat | dip - Konspose | 01:37 |
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kosh | RobboRat: I care about xine vs gstreamer since I have a 7.1 speaker setup and xine works with that flawlessly | 01:37 |
dipnlik | apokryphos: press a key, it rearranges the opened windows to fit the screen. kinda like a "zoom out" on your desktop | 01:38 |
apokryphos | kompose | 01:38 |
dipnlik | RobboRat: will take a look, thanks | 01:38 |
apokryphos | it's in the repositories, too, IIRC | 01:38 |
apokryphos | !info kompose | 01:38 |
ubotu | kompose: (full screen task manager for KDE), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 0.5.1-2build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 72 kB, Installed size: 356 kB | 01:38 |
kosh | sudo apt-get install kompose | 01:38 |
dipnlik | thank you all. i know the way to go, just needed the software name :P | 01:39 |
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geir | \quit | 01:39 |
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RobboRat | xine works like a charm :D Thanks :D | 01:41 |
=== RobboRat headbangs to Rush | ||
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=== Cin swipes RobboRat's pooter while he's not looking. | ||
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=== RobboRat is in awe of Cin's strength | ||
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Cin | I get that a lot. | 01:44 |
RobboRat | These things are heavy..... | 01:44 |
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dipnlik | just discovered that my win key is not working in kubuntu :( | 01:47 |
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supaphil | Ok guys I'm a newbie with a problem (Big shock) I'm trying to get kubuntu installed i've tried both the breezy version and flight 6 of dapper and i have the same problem - I cant get the grub loader to install, please ask for details | 01:49 |
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agalavis | hi all | 01:51 |
agalavis | has anyone here tried to install xubuntu from a kubuntu install? | 01:51 |
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agalavis | i dried, bur i think there might be some uncampatibilities | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | agalavis: should work OK - just install xubuntu-desktop | 01:52 |
RobboRat | Is that the version tha uses XCFE? | 01:52 |
RobboRat | Worked OK here, but I prefer KDE | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | !info xubuntu-desktop | 01:52 |
ubotu | xubuntu-desktop: (Xubuntu desktop system), section universe/misc, is optional. Version: 1.4 (breezy), Packaged size: 5 kB, Installed size: 32 kB | 01:52 |
thoreauputic | you need universe | 01:52 |
agalavis | i don't know what happend but when i lig in xface the desktop won't show a thing | 01:53 |
thoreauputic | agalavis: have you enabled the universe repository? | 01:53 |
agalavis | i have universe enabled | 01:53 |
killian | where do i find repositories? | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | agalavis: xfce doesn't use desktop icons, if that's what you mean | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | !tell killian about repos | 01:54 |
agalavis | yes, but has bars | 01:54 |
agalavis | in my user the bars wont appear | 01:54 |
agalavis | i created a new user | 01:54 |
thoreauputic | right - tasbar and panel or whatever they call it | 01:55 |
thoreauputic | *taskbar | 01:55 |
agalavis | but in the new user thunar starts but the window hides | 01:55 |
agalavis | hides or dies, don't now for sure | 01:55 |
thoreauputic | run xfce4-panel | 01:55 |
agalavis | but if for you works ok then its something in my system | 01:56 |
thoreauputic | from aterminal ( use the right click menu in xfce) | 01:56 |
agalavis | that is what i wanted to check | 01:56 |
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thoreauputic | once the panel is running, log out and save the session | 01:56 |
agalavis | and anyone plays wesnoth? | 01:56 |
thoreauputic | it should be there when you log back in | 01:57 |
agalavis | i'll try thoreauputic | 01:57 |
RobboRat | Ack. | 01:57 |
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RobboRat | Can't eject the cd now :/ | 01:57 |
agalavis | in facct i'll try right now | 01:57 |
agalavis | see you in a moment | 01:57 |
RobboRat | cli won't let me | 01:58 |
agalavis | in wesnoth i have another problem, when i start it the screen goes black and i can't do anything | 01:59 |
agalavis | not kill the X server | 01:59 |
agalavis | or change to a terminal | 01:59 |
agalavis | or ctrl c or anything i can think about | 01:59 |
agalavis | only turn off the computer | 02:00 |
RobboRat | Nee to reboot I guess :/ | 02:01 |
RobboRat | Laters | 02:01 |
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grothesk_ | How do I set up my WIFI-interface that it will be upped during boot? | 02:08 |
agalavis | nothing xface for my user won't work | 02:08 |
agalavis | and with the dummy user some programs won't show up | 02:09 |
grothesk_ | I'm using the connection right now, but I keep having to reinstall it at every reboot... :-/ | 02:09 |
agalavis | not even the terminal | 02:09 |
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noteventime | grothesk_: add auto WIFI_DEVICE in /etc/network/interfaces | 02:19 |
noteventime | where WIFI_DEVICE id the nemr of the interface eg eth1 | 02:19 |
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morrow | noteventime: and how do i make it hotplugable? | 02:27 |
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noteventime | I don't know, mine isn't | 02:28 |
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noteventime | I think | 02:28 |
noteventime | Bot the way i did it earlyer anyway | 02:29 |
noteventime | s/bot/not | 02:29 |
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Kubuntest | Testing Kubuntu64 here. It detects and activates my ethernet card, but not my wifi card. I see in system settings, Network, Wireless... but it says I have to press the "Administrator Mode" button and there is none. I had this problem once before when I tried to test kubuntu. How do I find the button when it does not display? | 02:46 |
Kubuntest | Oh, I'm using the LiveCD | 02:48 |
Hobbsee | Kubuntest: try maximising the window, if it's not already | 02:49 |
Kubuntest | I did try that also. | 02:49 |
Kubuntest | When I do that, it extends below the screen | 02:49 |
Kubuntest | So, I tried to "Move" it... and that will not move it up... only down, left or right. | 02:49 |
Hobbsee | alt + click and drag | 02:49 |
dipnlik | Kubuntest: you can drag a window 'from anywhere' (not only from the title) | 02:50 |
dipnlik | Kubuntest: alt+drag the window | 02:50 |
Kubuntest | yes, that does it. thank you very much! | 02:50 |
Kubuntest | i scribbled a note to myself this time | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | not a problem :) | 02:50 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 02:50 |
Kubuntest | =] | 02:51 |
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Kubuntest | and now where would I start trying to figure out why my ath0 wont activate? | 02:52 |
Kubuntest | Is there a starting point? | 02:52 |
vortec | hi there, i just kubuntu dapper drake (flight 6) and would like to know what the default login is | 02:52 |
vortec | i did not have to enter any passwords while install | 02:52 |
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Hobbsee | vortec: you would have had one for your username? | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | Kubuntest: ah...does it require ndiswrapper? | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | better still - what type of wireless card is it | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | is it in this list? | 02:53 |
vortec | Hobbsee: sorry? | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | !wireless | 02:53 |
ubotu | somebody said wireless was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers | 02:53 |
Kubuntest | Hobbsee: I'm not sure | 02:53 |
Kubuntest | let me see | 02:53 |
grothesk_ | noteventime: My interface is already in /etc/network/interfaces. | 02:53 |
Hobbsee | vortec: did you set a username at all, during the install, which had a password? | 02:54 |
vortec | nope | 02:54 |
_jer | how can i fix the mp3 playing problem in amarok? | 02:54 |
vortec | there was no such prompt | 02:54 |
Kubuntest | DWL-650, I think. I will verify, Hobbsee. | 02:54 |
Kubuntest | 520 | 02:54 |
Kubuntest | pardon me. DWL-650 | 02:55 |
Kubuntest | damn | 02:55 |
Kubuntest | heh | 02:55 |
mendred | _jer: install the amarok-xine engine | 02:55 |
Kubuntest | DWL-520 | 02:55 |
vortec | no problem, i'm going to start the livecd and chroot to my linux installation | 02:55 |
Hobbsee | definetly damn | 02:55 |
_jer | where can i get the amarok-xine engine? | 02:55 |
Hobbsee | Kubuntest: then again, that was for 2 releases ago...so it may have changed by now | 02:56 |
Kubuntest | Hmm, the document you linked to say it should work out of the box. | 02:56 |
Kubuntest | Ah, I see. | 02:56 |
Kubuntest | I didnt' realize support fluctuated like that. | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | you'll be able to get it work... | 02:56 |
Hobbsee | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Device/DWL-520vE1 | 02:56 |
mendred | _jer: use the adept installer | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | !+info amarok-xine | 02:57 |
ubotu | amarok-xine: (xine engine for the amaroK audio player), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 2:1.3.1-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 46 kB, Installed size: 176 kB | 02:57 |
Hobbsee | !tell _jer about multiverse | 02:57 |
Kubuntest | wow, nice documentation. thank you Hobbsee. | 02:57 |
Kubuntest | looks like I would just toy with those commands after an actual install and all should be Happyland | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | not a problem | 02:58 |
Hobbsee | yeah, that's the idea | 02:58 |
=== Hobbsee has to do somethign like that, with ndiswrapper | ||
mendred | the new version libmysqlclient15 breaks amarok 1.4 beta 2 | 02:59 |
Kubuntest | In the future, I'll have to pay more attention to purchasing hardware from brands that go out of their way to support Linux. | 02:59 |
mendred | i guess its a apackaging problem | 02:59 |
Hobbsee | mendred: it does. i've got no idea why though | 02:59 |
Kubuntest | thanks for the friendly help. | 02:59 |
dipnlik | is it possible to hide toolviews in kate? i only use find in files and only eventually... | 03:02 |
_jer | mendred: i can't find amarok-xine in adept.??. sorry, newbie here.. =) | 03:02 |
=== Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dipnlik | or maybe is there another text-editor with syntax highlighting to replace kate? | 03:03 |
Hobbsee | kwrite | 03:03 |
Hobbsee | dipnlik: or kedit, whicih you'd need to install | 03:03 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD9508724.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vortec | hi again, in which groups a user must be to gain root access via 'suduo'? | 03:05 |
vortec | sudo, even | 03:05 |
patrix | dipnlik, kedit, nedit, gedit (?), vim, gvim, emacs, emacs-x11, and about a million others! ;) | 03:06 |
Somefilename | patrix, I think he is talking about KDE applications. | 03:06 |
vortec | dipnlik: scite and mcedit are my favourites | 03:06 |
=== Somefilename prefers kwrite | ||
patrix | Somefilename, maybe, I just like to barge in without reading the convo and answer someone ;) | 03:07 |
avu | vortec: admin | 03:07 |
mendred | _jer: close adept and open synaptic, u need to add the multiverse repository | 03:07 |
=== terax [n=gjoerud@084202102235.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mendred | _jer: its a lot easier to do that in synaptic | 03:08 |
vortec | avu: there is no such group | 03:08 |
avu | vortec: maybe breezy does this different then. on dapper, it definately is admin. see /etc/sudoers | 03:08 |
avu | vortec: no, on breezy it's admin, too | 03:09 |
vortec | ah ok, i was using /etc/group. what do i have to put in that file? | 03:09 |
vortec | username<tab>? | 03:09 |
Somefilename | votec, In Breezy it's admin too. | 03:09 |
Somefilename | vortec* | 03:09 |
avu | vortec: yeah, /etc/group is the file | 03:09 |
vortec | i'm using dapper | 03:09 |
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vortec | /etc/group does not have a group called admin | 03:10 |
vortec | shall i create it? | 03:10 |
avu | then your install is broken | 03:10 |
avu | it should have been created on install, adding the first user the installer creates | 03:10 |
vortec | it probably is, it didnt prompt for user/pass on install | 03:10 |
dipnlik | vortec: i know scite (cool!) and mcedit in cli (not so cool) | 03:11 |
vortec | so shall i create the group? | 03:11 |
avu | vortec: yeah | 03:11 |
avu | vortec: check your sudoers, too, to be sure it has the right entry | 03:11 |
dipnlik | patrix: i can use vim, but i want something more KDE-ish | 03:11 |
vortec | avu: yeah, what do i have to put in that file? | 03:11 |
avu | vortec: %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL | 03:12 |
dipnlik | patrix: best i got so far is kwrite with embedded vim component :P | 03:12 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Use kwrite - it's the most KDE-ish ever. | 03:12 |
patrix | dipnlik, maybe kubuntu has the KDE vim component, and then in the kcontrol somewhere you can tell it to yuse the vim component in your editors | 03:12 |
patrix | well there you go | 03:12 |
patrix | yo udid it already | 03:12 |
patrix | haha | 03:12 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: does kwrite has tabs? tried to open 2 files and it opened 2 separate windows | 03:12 |
Hobbsee | hmmm...i have a suspicious absense of sound... | 03:13 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, How many instaces of kwrite do you open to need tabs?! | 03:13 |
vortec | avu: thanks it's working | 03:13 |
dipnlik | patrix: i was thinking of switching from vim to something 'simpler'... vim makes me think too much to use it | 03:13 |
avu | vortec: what method did you use to install dapper? | 03:13 |
vortec | avu: the first one, not OEM | 03:14 |
vortec | should i add any repositories so i can install mplayer/vlc/etc via apt-get? | 03:14 |
patrix | dipnlik, haha I've been using vim for 10 years now, the thinkin is when I use other editors | 03:14 |
avu | vortec: maybe this is a bug that should be reported | 03:14 |
=== _user [n=user@dslb-084-058-196-253.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== user_ [n=user@dslb-084-058-196-253.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dipnlik | Somefilename: sometimes i deal with more than one file at a time, they should be in tabs :) | 03:14 |
avu | vortec: check launchpad for the issue | 03:14 |
user_ | Hi | 03:14 |
Somefilename | Hey user_! | 03:15 |
user_ | are some germans in this channel??? | 03:15 |
avu | yes | 03:15 |
vortec | yea | 03:15 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: when i tried kate i thought it would have tabs like almost every kde program... | 03:15 |
user_ | Who is a german??? | 03:15 |
avu | but please refrain from speaking german in here anyway :) | 03:15 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Kwrite, just like Kate, comes with embedded editor so you can use it with tabs in Konqueror. | 03:15 |
avu | well, I am, user_ :) | 03:16 |
grothesk_ | user_: I'm german. | 03:16 |
avu | what the.. :) | 03:16 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: you're telling me to use 'konqueror as text editor'? :) | 03:16 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Konqueror + KWrite plugins. | 03:17 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: weird idea but maybe it can work :) | 03:17 |
bhna | useer_: me too | 03:17 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: konqi opens the files as read only, so no way... | 03:19 |
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avu | bhna: he's long gone, seems he just wanted some basic demographics, nothing else 8) | 03:19 |
=== |L30n1d [n=My8os@ppp26-adsl-1-29.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Somefilename | dipnlik, Hmmm, have you tried to open it as root? | 03:19 |
vortec | so should i add any repositories so i can install mplayer/vlc/etc via apt-get? | 03:20 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Maybe you are trying to modify something only root has access too. | 03:20 |
avu | vortec: see RestrictedFormats on the wiki | 03:20 |
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dipnlik | Somefilename: no no, tried to open some .php and .css files in konqueror, best option was preview with embedded advanced text editor | 03:23 |
=== dimitris [n=dimitris@ifis.compupress.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Somefilename | dipnlik, Odd - do you run any old version of KDE? | 03:24 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: 3.4.3, from kubuntu | 03:24 |
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dipnlik | Somefilename: well, let's just forget about using konqueror as my text editor :P | 03:24 |
grothesk_ | ? kaffeine does not Play Menues? | 03:25 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Hmmm, it's pretty odd because it works good for me - are you sure you use the KWrite embedded editor? | 03:25 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: hm, i don't have a kwrite embedded editor, just an advanced embedded editor | 03:25 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Ok - as you wish. | 03:25 |
dipnlik | from kate probably | 03:25 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, You need the KWrite advance editor. :) | 03:25 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: thanks for the help anyway | 03:26 |
=== bkjones [n=bkj@targe.CS.Princeton.EDU] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bkjones | mornin' all. | 03:27 |
Somefilename | Mornin' bkjones! | 03:27 |
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-171-196.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dipnlik | Somefilename: i'll probably try to get a good font for kwrite + embedded vim, or use kate | 03:28 |
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=== jeff_ [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Somefilename | dipnlik, Use what you want as long as you are ok with it. | 03:29 |
jeff_ | hey gangsters | 03:29 |
jeff_ | anybody ever compile from source here? | 03:30 |
Somefilename | Hey jeff_! | 03:30 |
Somefilename | Ofcourse, jeff_, we live from thgat. | 03:30 |
Somefilename | that* | 03:30 |
jeff_ | lol | 03:30 |
jeff_ | what is the prefix for configure to find the kde headers? | 03:30 |
Hobbsee | !kdeheaders | 03:30 |
ubotu | Hobbsee: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 03:30 |
=== l3m [n=l3m@ifidyn191.ifi.unizh.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jeff_ | lol | 03:31 |
Somefilename | jeff_, See the konstruct readme. | 03:31 |
jeff_ | ok | 03:31 |
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Somefilename | I never compiled kdebase and kdelibs before. | 03:31 |
Hobbsee | i dont remember, and it's not being cooperative | 03:31 |
vortec | avu: ok i read that, but as i am using dapper i dont think those are the right repositories for me? | 03:32 |
avu | vortec: the basic information ("you need universe and multiverse") is as right for dapper as it was for breezy | 03:33 |
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Somefilename | vortec, Why do you use Dapper anyways? Isn't that in testings or so? | 03:33 |
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vortec | Somefilename: i want xgl | 03:34 |
Somefilename | vortec, Ok. | 03:34 |
Hobbsee | Somefilename: yes, it's unstable | 03:34 |
jeff_ | somefilename: where can i find this konstruct readme? | 03:34 |
vortec | hmm, i enabled universe and multiverse but still cant find the vlc package | 03:34 |
Somefilename | jeff_, In the archive or at kde.org. | 03:35 |
vortec | no libxine-extracodecs either | 03:35 |
jeff_ | its not in the archive | 03:35 |
jeff_ | somefilename:ill try kde.org | 03:35 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Check kde.org. | 03:35 |
jeff_ | lol | 03:35 |
jeff_ | somefilename:k, thansk | 03:36 |
grothesk_ | Having installed kernel 2.6.12-10 (Breezy), I have to manually switch to tty7 when loggin in. Any idea how to fix that? | 03:36 |
Hobbsee | no libxine-extracodecs in breezy... | 03:37 |
=== bluszcz [n=bluszcz@jabberpl.org] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bluszcz | hi | 03:37 |
dipnlik | is it possible to hide the scrollbar in kwrite? | 03:39 |
jeff_ | somefilename: is there something in the readme i should read, or should i install konstruct? | 03:40 |
vortec | no akode-mpeg here either | 03:40 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Konstruct helps you download and compile KDE - that means that you don't need to know the prefix. | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | or just install kde-devel | 03:41 |
Hobbsee | which is a metapackage of all the other development ones | 03:41 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok | 03:41 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Have you tried the binaries - it's faster. | 03:41 |
=== noutram [n=noutram@host81-132-104-249.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jeff_ | somefilename: im trying to install kmetabar off of kde-look | 03:42 |
jeff_ | hobbsee: i tried to get kde-devel but it wont let me | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | more info? | 03:43 |
jeff_ | hobbsee: the teminal says i may have requested an impossible situation | 03:43 |
Hobbsee | pastebin all of what it says? | 03:43 |
jeff_ | ok, just a min | 03:44 |
bluszcz | why i've got only "End current session" when I click IN logout K menu? | 03:44 |
bluszcz | it should be turn off box and reboot also option | 03:45 |
bluszcz | http://www.kubuntu.org/docs/kquickguide/C/ch02s08.html - i've got only one option from here | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | bluszcz: system settings, user accounts, session manager | 03:45 |
Hobbsee | check that the second checkbox is ticked | 03:46 |
=== fuci [n=taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jeff_ | hobbsee:http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11673 | 03:47 |
fuci | How can I install finnish keyboard layout? | 03:48 |
=== Hamman [n=rasmus@84-217-22-90.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Hobbsee | jeff_: what does it say when you try installing kdelibs4-dev? | 03:48 |
fuci | The Kubuntu installer gave me error when trying to install it at the setup process | 03:48 |
=== NoDgr [n=pi8ikas@ppp29-adsl-1-162.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bluszcz | Hobbsee: it is checked already | 03:48 |
Hobbsee | bluszcz: hmmm ok | 03:49 |
Hobbsee | that's weird | 03:49 |
bluszcz | Hobbsee: no, it is not ok, i've got this problem on two kubuntu box | 03:49 |
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bluszcz | kdm_greet[8442] : Internal error: memory corruption detected | 03:51 |
_jer | where can i find synaptic in kubuntu? | 03:51 |
Somefilename | _jer, Synaptic is not for Kubuntu. | 03:51 |
Somefilename | _jer, It's for Ubuntu - as far as I know. | 03:51 |
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jeff_ | hobbsee: it says the same thing | 03:52 |
fuci | Anyone can help? | 03:52 |
avu | jeff_: kubuntu has adept instead. if you still want synaptic anyway, you can install it with sudo apt-get install synaptic | 03:52 |
Hobbsee | jeff_: which packages break then? | 03:52 |
jeff_ | hobbsee: kdelibs4c2, kdelibs-bin, libarts1-dev | 03:54 |
_jer | mendred told me : "close adept and open synaptic, u need to add the multiverse repository" | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | and how does kdelibs4c2 break? | 03:54 |
Hobbsee | are you on dapper or breezy, and which version of kde? | 03:54 |
mornfall | frown | 03:54 |
mornfall | who's mendred | 03:55 |
jeff_ | hobbsee:im on breezy, on kde 3.5 i think | 03:55 |
mornfall | hmm, breezy | 03:55 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Do a kde-config --version. | 03:55 |
jeff_ | k | 03:55 |
mendred | that would be me | 03:55 |
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=== Somefilename is using KDE 3.4.3 - Kubuntu Breezy repository | ||
jeff_ | kde 3.5.1 | 03:56 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Why do you want to compile KDE when you can upgrade it. | 03:56 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Check this out deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main | 03:57 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Use that in /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:57 |
jeff_ | somefilename: im trying to compile kmetabar, ok ill check that | 03:57 |
jeff_ | somefilename: copy what you typed? | 03:58 |
grothesk_ | Having installed kernel 2.6.12-10 (Breezy), I have to manually switch to tty7 when loggin in. Any idea how to fix that? | 03:58 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Copy "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main" and add it in /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:58 |
mendred | mornfall: asked him to use synaptic to add the multiverse repo cause he can just add it using the dialog | 03:58 |
Somefilename | jeff_, After that do an "sudo apt-get update". | 03:59 |
mornfall | Hobbsee? | 03:59 |
mornfall | err | 03:59 |
Hobbsee | mornfall: what? huh? | 03:59 |
fuci | How can I get/install finnish keyboard layout_ | 04:01 |
mendred | _jer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto | 04:01 |
mendred | whew | 04:02 |
mendred | that should do it | 04:02 |
Somefilename | fuci, Check Google for that. | 04:02 |
fuci | I tried. | 04:02 |
Somefilename | fuci, Or try "aptitude" for that. | 04:02 |
=== Xemanth^^ [n=xemanth@GYYKDCLXXXVI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
vortec | where can i change the grub settings? | 04:03 |
mindspin | fuci sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales ? maybe | 04:03 |
Somefilename | vortec, "whereis grub.conf". | 04:04 |
mendred | _jer: one sec are u on dapper or breezy? | 04:04 |
=== elijahlofgren [n=elijahlo@70-41-1-33.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jeff_ | somefilename: is 'wheris' a terminal command? | 04:04 |
vortec | Somefilename: thanks.. guess i'm going back to gentoo | 04:04 |
vortec | kubuntu doesnt even wanna play mp3s for me | 04:04 |
fuci | mindspin: will try | 04:04 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Yeah. | 04:04 |
jeff_ | !w32codeca | 04:04 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jeff_ | 04:05 |
jeff_ | !w32codecs | 04:05 |
ubotu | rumour has it, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 04:05 |
bluszcz | so | 04:05 |
=== RobboRat [n=emma@] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mendred | _jer: And my sincere apologies, i forgot that kubuntu would not have synaptic installed by default | 04:05 |
bluszcz | i've got this fscking problem: | 04:05 |
bluszcz | Apr 7 16:03:10 localhost kdm[7584] : Cannot create control FiFo "/var/run/xdmctl/xdmctl-:0" | 04:05 |
bluszcz | Apr 7 16:03:10 localhost kdm[7584] : mkdir "/var/run/xdmctl/dmctl-:0" failed; no control sockets will be available | 04:05 |
fuci | mindspin: how can I add locales? | 04:05 |
bluszcz | fuci: go read documentation | 04:05 |
mindspin | sudo apt-get install locales | 04:06 |
RobboRat | Why does KDE insist that I'm runing on a laptop? | 04:06 |
=== delonnor [n=delonnor@p54AEDC10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
dipnlik | RobboRat: in what sense? | 04:06 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok, il added that repo, now im doing an upgrade | 04:06 |
RobboRat | When I start up, it gives me a 'battery low' warning :/ | 04:06 |
Somefilename | jeff_, You mean update. | 04:06 |
jeff_ | somefilename: no, i already did update | 04:07 |
jeff_ | somefilename: i added the repo and did an update already | 04:07 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Great, great - see if what you want is installing - if not try apt-get install. | 04:07 |
dipnlik | RobboRat: buggy, it should inform you are connected to AC power :P | 04:07 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok sool | 04:07 |
=== Creperum [n=ilya@mail.tex.kiev.ua] has joined #kubuntu | ||
RobboRat | I'm on an iMac :/ | 04:07 |
Somefilename | Cool, RobboRat. :) | 04:07 |
RobboRat | ty | 04:08 |
Somefilename | RobbotRat, You are the first person I know to get Kubuntu on PPC. :) | 04:08 |
RobboRat | It's a decent machine, now that I swiped the RAM from my beige G3 to put in it :D | 04:08 |
fuci | mindspin: Thanks, working good now ^_^ | 04:08 |
mindspin | yw | 04:08 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: i know a good story about linux on ppcs | 04:08 |
Somefilename | Beige G3? Ewww... | 04:08 |
=== Advis [n=pol@AMontpellier-252-1-57-197.w83-201.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
RobboRat | Really? It was pretty painless - maybe because I made sure to run all the OS 9 upgrades/firmware updates | 04:09 |
Somefilename | dpnlik, Huh? | 04:09 |
jeff_ | somefilename: kdelibs4c2 is installing | 04:09 |
RobboRat | Hey, the beige is faster than the other iMac I have sat here :P | 04:09 |
Somefilename | Ok, jeff_, soon you will have KDE 3.5.2. :) | 04:09 |
jeff_ | somefilename: wicked :) | 04:09 |
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dipnlik | Somefilename: a guy bought an ibook, installed mac os x and yellow dog, but he booted into mac os just to see how it was | 04:09 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, No - I wanted to point out that I like the blue en blancs series. :) | 04:10 |
RobboRat | I don't think the BondiMac will eben run on Fluxbox :/ | 04:10 |
dipnlik | Somefilename: as far as i know, he never booted yellow dog :) | 04:10 |
RobboRat | The B+W G3s are awesome macihnes | 04:10 |
Somefilename | dipnlik, Heh. | 04:10 |
RobboRat | I've never even seen YDL | 04:10 |
Advis | Hello | 04:10 |
RobboRat | Is it any kop? | 04:10 |
RobboRat | SFN - doesn't surprise me at all - OS X is damn sweet | 04:11 |
Somefilename | RobbotRat, To tell you the truth - I haven't ever, ever seen an PPC machine or an Mac in my life and you can't find any Macs in Romania(except Buacharest). | 04:11 |
bluszcz | kubuntu sucks | 04:11 |
Somefilename | I wanted to get one for my birthday. | 04:11 |
RobboRat | Romania? Wow! | 04:11 |
=== dipnlik wants Castlevania SotN OST now :P | ||
Somefilename | I was miffed to hear that there were no such things in Romania. | 04:12 |
RobboRat | I have (at last count) 7 Macs in my house, all in varying states of repair :D | 04:12 |
RobboRat | Two each of iMac DV orange and iMac 233 Bondi, one of each works | 04:12 |
RobboRat | One beige G3, now not wrking as it has no RAM | 04:13 |
=== avds [n=arvids@213-35-132-194-dsl.trt.estpak.ee] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mindspin | seems like colours were important when it comes to macs | 04:13 |
RobboRat | A G4 iBook, which rocks :) | 04:13 |
Somefilename | True, mindspin. | 04:13 |
RobboRat | 6 Macs, soory - can't count! | 04:14 |
avds | hi, I need to access kubuntu packages, where can I find these? not in archive.ubuntu.com at least | 04:14 |
RobboRat | Or spell :D | 04:14 |
mindspin | does the color have any influence in speed? | 04:14 |
RobboRat | Yes and nomindspin. | 04:14 |
avds | I mean, can someone just `cat /etc/apt/sources.list` for me | 04:14 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, You don't have to - you probably made my subconstient to comit suicide. :) | 04:14 |
Somefilename | avds, You want the comments too? | 04:15 |
avds | no | 04:15 |
RobboRat | I only paid for one of the Macs - the iBook | 04:15 |
RobboRat | All the others were found or given to me | 04:15 |
Somefilename | Nice, RobboRat. | 04:15 |
jeff_ | a white mac reflects light and stays cooler than a.. uh.. black mac | 04:15 |
=== slicslak [n=slick@wbs-196-2-115-140.wbs.co.za] has joined #kubuntu | ||
avds | cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep ^deb | 04:15 |
avds | Somefilename, cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep ^deb | 04:16 |
Somefilename | avds, Sorry, can't do - I have my own locate mirrors. | 04:16 |
na7e | i think i'm going to buy a mac this year | 04:16 |
RobboRat | Mindspin - The iMacs came in loads of colors. The only real ay to tell how fats it is is in the 'About This Mac' panel, but there are some general rules. Anything with Firewire is still usable :D | 04:16 |
Somefilename | avsd, I suggest you start your files from scratch - its no big deal. | 04:16 |
=== meister_ [n=meister@p549495AB.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
avds | can someone else please tell me the mirror or official repository for Kubuntu? | 04:16 |
RobboRat | na7e - buy a MacBook Pro if you can afford it. They are SO damn fast | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | !tell avds about repos | 04:17 |
fuci | How to install .tar.gz files? | 04:17 |
mindspin | I never wanted a mac neither ever will ;-) | 04:17 |
Hobbsee | !tell fuci about compile | 04:17 |
RobboRat | Any reason ms? | 04:17 |
mindspin | no not rationally explainable | 04:17 |
na7e | RobboRat, oh, i would never get any other, i develop in windows and that has been the reason i haven't gone mac | 04:17 |
visik7 | mindspin: we are in 2 | 04:17 |
RobboRat | Now that Macs can dual-boot Windows, aren't you curious? | 04:17 |
=== Somefilename would turn to Mac if he could | ||
mindspin | all people I know who use macs are design orientated noobs | 04:17 |
na7e | RobboRat, EXACTLY | 04:17 |
Somefilename | mindspin, Some people don't care about the design. | 04:18 |
=== monitor [n=monitor@183.Red-83-50-173.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mindspin | no offenc RobboRat | 04:18 |
=== RobboRat is hurt by mindsin's generalisation | ||
visik7 | RobboRat: windows ? who want windows ? | 04:18 |
Somefilename | mindspin, Take me for example - I am interested in the PPC assembly. | 04:18 |
RobboRat | Heh | 04:18 |
na7e | RobboRat, but really, i'd like to see a decent vm product for mac and then i'll most definitely make the switch | 04:18 |
mindspin | I said it was not rational explainable | 04:18 |
monitor | \whois larra | 04:18 |
avds | Hobbsee, so Kubuntu uses the same repos as Ubuntu proper? | 04:18 |
mindspin | and talked about people I know | 04:19 |
Hobbsee | avds: yes | 04:19 |
mindspin | neverwanted to generalize | 04:19 |
RobboRat | I got my first Mac through utter frustration with Windows. OS 9 is just as bad as Win 95 though :D | 04:19 |
Somefilename | avds, Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE instead of Gnome ON THE CD. | 04:19 |
RobboRat | OS X is damn cool though | 04:19 |
RobboRat | Most peoplel I know with Macs are musicians, funnily enough | 04:19 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, No one ever said Mac OS 9 is good. | 04:20 |
RobboRat | LOL@somefilename | 04:20 |
RobboRat | At the time, it was the lesser of the two evils | 04:20 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, Mac OS started being loved when X version was released. | 04:20 |
avds | well, nice and dandy, however I need ijs_server_epsonepl and according to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gs-esp/+bug/34647 it is only available in Kubuntu! | 04:20 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 34647 in gs-esp "ijs_server_epsonepl not found" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 04:20 |
=== Somefilename remembers the Mac OS 1 - black and white | ||
RobboRat | I know - I worked with OS9 for about 2 years....most infuriating | 04:21 |
avds | could someone apt-cache search ijs_server_epsonepl for me? | 04:21 |
=== na7e likes osx, from his limited experience with it | ||
RobboRat | The first Apple I ever came into contact with was an Apple II. That thing was SO cool | 04:21 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, I never worked with Mac OS 9 - I never touched or seen a real Mac - but I can say how bad is Mac OS 9 from the animations they make. | 04:21 |
avds | packages.ubuntu.com doesn't find it | 04:22 |
Somefilename | RobbotRat, I heard Mac OS 9 was used by the FBI for a 3D view of the crime scene | 04:22 |
RobboRat | na7e - GNOME and KDE seem to be working towards a more Aqua/OSX feel, at least from my limitd Linux experience | 04:22 |
RobboRat | Not heard that myself, but I don't disbelieve it :) | 04:22 |
na7e | RobboRat, yeah, which is an improvement :) | 04:22 |
=== apokryphos [n=apokryph@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Somefilename | KDE and Gnome go for the Aqua stile?! Since when? | 04:24 |
RobboRat | na7e - I used to run dcgui-qt on my G4 iMac, which came with the CDE theme as default. Even the KDE theme felt like an ugly version of Windows O_O It was weird to see. It was X11 on Mac that made me tyr Linux for this littel fellow :) | 04:24 |
Somefilename | style* | 04:24 |
RobboRat | sfn - The KDE desktop feels more like Aqua than WinXP, even though it still works a lot like Windows | 04:24 |
dipnlik | kde is borrowing a lot of good ideas from other OSs. if OSX has good ideas, let's borrow then :) | 04:25 |
Somefilename | I don't agree, RobboRat. | 04:25 |
dipnlik | i like the mac os top menus, kompose, katapult | 04:25 |
RobboRat | I totally agree dipnlik | 04:25 |
fuci | Hobbsee: I can't understand that :< | 04:25 |
Somefilename | RobbotRat, Just because people are making it look like Mac OS X that doesn't mean it goes in that direction. | 04:25 |
RobboRat | How do you get the top-menus dip? That's what I miss most :( | 04:25 |
Hobbsee | fuci: did you see the message ubotu sent you? | 04:26 |
fuci | yep | 04:26 |
fuci | I went to the url it gave | 04:26 |
RobboRat | sfn - it makes it more comfortable for Mac-users at least. A lot of the newer stuff for KDE is ading OSX functionality, such as Kompose | 04:26 |
fuci | I want to install firefox | 04:26 |
fuci | Is there apt-get command for that? | 04:27 |
Somefilename | fuci, apt-get install mozilla-firefox | 04:27 |
Somefilename | fuci, Or simply apt-get install firefox. | 04:27 |
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Somefilename | RobboRat, I'd say it's going towards Windows - and it's doing it wrong. | 04:28 |
fuci | Somefilename: thanks :) | 04:28 |
RobboRat | Windows IS doing it wrong ;) | 04:28 |
dipnlik | RobboRat: something in kcontrol, appearance / panel / desktop, can't remember | 04:28 |
dipnlik | RobboRat: my machine is slow, will take a while to find the option again :P | 04:28 |
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RobboRat | FFS, now I can't access my Settings.... | 04:28 |
mhterres | hi | 04:29 |
dipnlik | RobboRat: found it. kcontrol, desktop, behavior | 04:29 |
RobboRat | ty dip :) | 04:29 |
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dipnlik | RobboRat: you may want to take a look at baghira. http://baghira.sf.net/ | 04:29 |
RobboRat | dammit, it's broken. BRB - need to reboot, AGAIN! :/ | 04:30 |
davy | hi ppl | 04:30 |
avds | can someone who has Kubuntu flight 4 CD please confirm if it contains a package named epsoneplijs | 04:31 |
Somefilename | Brb. | 04:31 |
fuci | Somefilename: where did it install it :D? | 04:31 |
fuci | I cant find it | 04:31 |
Somefilename | fuci, Install what? | 04:32 |
fuci | firefo | 04:32 |
fuci | i did that apt-get | 04:32 |
Somefilename | fuci, "whereis firefox" in console. | 04:32 |
fuci | ok | 04:32 |
Somefilename | fuci, Or simply type "firefox" in console. | 04:32 |
apokryphos | avds: flight 4 is really dated 8) | 04:32 |
Somefilename | fuci, Check the paths for firefox executables. | 04:32 |
Somefilename | Brb now. | 04:32 |
fuci | thanks again :) | 04:33 |
=== Barbelos [n=StGermai@10.80-203-68.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Barbelos | Hmmm.... What's the command again for when you need to fix a package messup? Something-something -f is all I remember. Thought it was apt-get -f, but that was wrong. Amnesia here | 04:34 |
apokryphos | Barbelos: sudo apt-get -f install | 04:35 |
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=== Somefilename is back | ||
jeff_ | somefilename: should i restart after the upgrade is done? | 04:38 |
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jeff_ | somefilename: will the configure find my kde headers when its done? | 04:39 |
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Somefilename | jeff_, It's recomended to reboot. | 04:39 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok | 04:39 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Try to emerge that program now. | 04:39 |
=== FadedSun [n=fmagro@cpe-66-67-220-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jeff_ | somefilename: emerge? | 04:40 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Emerge, download, install, eg. | 04:40 |
Somefilename | etc* | 04:40 |
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jeff_ | somefilename: lol ok, do you mean once the upgrade is done? | 04:40 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Yep. | 04:41 |
Somefilename | jeff_, The update. | 04:41 |
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jeff_ | somefilename: ok | 04:41 |
Somefilename | Brb. | 04:41 |
jeff_ | k | 04:42 |
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=== hellsing [n=hell@che33-2-82-225-177-83.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuci | My firefox uses some extralarge bolded font? Can I change that? | 04:45 |
hellsing | hi | 04:45 |
hellsing | i've got a strange error : checking for KDE... configure: error: | 04:45 |
hellsing | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 04:45 |
hellsing | So, check this please and use another prefix! | 04:45 |
Somefilename | Ofcourse you can, fuci. | 04:45 |
hellsing | any idea on what happen? | 04:45 |
jeff_ | lol | 04:45 |
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jeff_ | hellsing: ive been working on that same problem for the whole day | 04:45 |
jeff_ | hellsing: what are you compiling? | 04:46 |
hellsing | arf | 04:46 |
hellsing | and any result? | 04:46 |
jeff_ | yeah im geting there i think | 04:46 |
=== _noel is now known as kicker888 | ||
hellsing | it's make it on all compilation | 04:46 |
jeff_ | im trying to compile kmetabar | 04:46 |
avds | apokryphos, can you please check the CD you are using then | 04:46 |
=== Emry [n=emry@jsam0.yokosuka.attmil.ne.jp] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
Emry | Does anyone know of either a midi-player that uses OSS or a way to set kmid to use oss? | 04:46 |
hellsing | on moodin, xen , everithing it make it... | 04:47 |
Somefilename | Why don't you people try to emerge things rather than compile this way you can let apt-get resolve the dependencies. | 04:47 |
FadedSun | Does kaffeine have a firefox/mozilla plugin like totem? | 04:47 |
apokryphos | avds: I'm not using one, but you (and I) can both check whether flight 5 or 6 have it | 04:47 |
kicker888 | Hi! Guys, I need help! I installed J-Pilot... after I open and press the sync button,, I encounter this message... | 04:47 |
kicker888 | pi_bind error: /dev/pilot Too many levels of symbolic links | 04:47 |
kicker888 | Check your serial port and settings | 04:47 |
kicker888 | Exiting with status SYNC_ERROR_BIND | 04:47 |
kicker888 | Finished | 04:47 |
hellsing | Somefilename and if you don't have *.deb? | 04:47 |
Somefilename | FadedSun, Yes it does. | 04:47 |
kicker888 | can somebody tell me how to fix this problem? | 04:47 |
apokryphos | avds: flight 6 doesn't | 04:47 |
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kicker888 | Also, is thre a good sync program that integrates with Kontact? I am using Palm Treo 650 | 04:48 |
fuci | Somefilename: how ;p? | 04:48 |
FadedSun | What is it called? | 04:49 |
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | kicker888: I don't know if it intergrates with kontact but there is a program called kpilot you can try | 04:50 |
=== edulix__ is now known as Edulix | ||
dipnlik | kicker888: from what i read, you can sync your palm OS pda with kontact using kpilot. i just don't know how this is yet, my treo is coming next week and the other pdas i had i synced with jpilot | 04:51 |
kicker888 | frank23: I already tried the kpilot, but it doesnt integrate very well in kontact, and it messed up my treo 650, it deleted my contact list in treo, it copied the content of kontact.. but i did a full sync which kpilot updated the contacts, but kontact doesnt. | 04:52 |
frank23 | kicker888: ok... I never tried it | 04:53 |
kicker888 | When I sync again,it copied the contact list from kontact and deleted the one I recently modied. :( | 04:53 |
kicker888 | i guess jpilot is quite good, but just encounter error.. can you help me with it? | 04:53 |
kicker888 | pi_bind error: /dev/pilot Too many levels of symbolic links | 04:53 |
kicker888 | Check your serial port and settings | 04:53 |
kicker888 | Exiting with status SYNC_ERROR_BIND | 04:53 |
kicker888 | Finished | 04:53 |
kicker888 | thats the error i encounter | 04:53 |
frank23 | kicker888: I have no idea what to do about it though | 04:54 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok, the upgrade is done. im trying the './configure' again | 04:54 |
frank23 | sorry | 04:54 |
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kicker888 | frank: okay. no problem :) thanks anyways :D | 04:54 |
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frank23 | jeff_: what are you trying to compile? | 04:57 |
=== JRGC [n=JG@F5541.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hellsing | frank23 anything will be ok | 04:58 |
hellsing | if we don't have this error | 04:58 |
hellsing | checking for KDE... configure: error: | 04:58 |
hellsing | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 04:58 |
hellsing | So, check this please and use another prefix! | 04:58 |
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=== slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DCBAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | hellsing: install kde-devel | 04:59 |
hellsing | ok | 04:59 |
slow-motion | re | 04:59 |
=== TheNightRider`` [n=thenight@static-213-240-228-210.megalan.bg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
hellsing | checking for KDE... configure: error: | 04:59 |
hellsing | in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. | 04:59 |
hellsing | So, check this please and use another prefix! | 04:59 |
TheNightRider`` | hello everyone :) | 05:00 |
hellsing | doesn't want... | 05:00 |
frank23 | hellsing: you have the kde-devel package installed? | 05:00 |
=== epinephrine [i=geek@82-37-152-150.cable.ubr01.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | hey, dudes, i'd like to ask again about the 5.1 surround system | 05:00 |
hellsing | no and it's not the error i wanted to post | 05:00 |
TheNightRider`` | it doesn't wanna work | 05:00 |
hellsing | i can't instal kde-devel | 05:00 |
TheNightRider`` | allthough everything should be fine | 05:00 |
frank23 | hellsing: why not? do you have universe enabled? | 05:01 |
hellsing | it say it would break paquage so it doesn't instal kde-devel | 05:01 |
TheNightRider`` | i guess noone knows, eh? | 05:01 |
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frank23 | hellsing: break what package? did you install packages from non ubuntu repositories? | 05:02 |
hellsing | no | 05:02 |
=== apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | hellsing: ok try to install kdebase-dev | 05:04 |
apokryphos | kde-devel brings in all kde includes | 05:04 |
fuci | is there apt-get for nvidia drivers? | 05:04 |
hellsing | normally yes | 05:05 |
Somefilename | fuci, Try aptitude for that. | 05:05 |
=== noutram [n=noutram@host81-132-104-249.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | !tell fuci about nvidia | 05:05 |
TheNightRider`` | frank23, know anything about my prob? | 05:05 |
hellsing | it's seems i've got to recent pakage so doesn't want to install | 05:05 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: 5.1? uhhh.... try looking at the xine settings for the player you're using | 05:06 |
TheNightRider`` | well i am | 05:06 |
=== shirley_ [n=shirley@c-67-189-96-225.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | but the speaker layout is blank | 05:06 |
=== shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | its set to 6ch in kmix | 05:06 |
hellsing | TheNightRider`` and with alsamixer is everything configure? | 05:06 |
TheNightRider`` | alsamixer ? | 05:07 |
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hellsing | type alsamixer in konsole | 05:07 |
TheNightRider`` | k | 05:07 |
=== mirshafie [n=jin@c-fa1b72d5.03-59-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | hellsing: what player? in kaffeine->xine engine parameters->audio I can choose how many apeakers I have | 05:08 |
TheNightRider`` | hmm | 05:08 |
TheNightRider`` | im using amaroK | 05:08 |
frank23 | amarok-xine? | 05:08 |
TheNightRider`` | yeah | 05:09 |
Somefilename | TheNightRider``, Where did you get amarok-xine? I couldn't find it anywhere. | 05:09 |
TheNightRider`` | everything seems to be in order | 05:09 |
TheNightRider`` | well | 05:09 |
=== shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu [] | ||
hellsing | frank sometimes some channel are mute in alsa so if you're using alsa ... | 05:09 |
TheNightRider`` | it came with my kubuntu | 05:09 |
TheNightRider`` | :) | 05:09 |
Somefilename | !amarok-xine | 05:09 |
ubotu | Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Somefilename | 05:09 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: yeah I can choose 'speaker arrangement' in amarok too | 05:09 |
TheNightRider`` | well | 05:09 |
=== jeff_ [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | its blank with me | 05:09 |
TheNightRider`` | :/ | 05:09 |
rotman | hi guys.. I'm wondering if there is a way to make my KDM start with the default KDE login, (with the list where you can select users) ? | 05:10 |
TheNightRider`` | rotman | 05:10 |
TheNightRider`` | whats KDM? | 05:10 |
elijahlofgren | rotman: I'll can help. | 05:10 |
rotman | Kde Desktop Manager | 05:10 |
TheNightRider`` | oh | 05:11 |
Somefilename | rotman, System Settings > Login Manager. | 05:11 |
TheNightRider`` | yes thats what i was going to say :} | 05:11 |
=== theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | hmm | 05:11 |
TheNightRider`` | kaffeine doesnt wanna play anything :/ | 05:11 |
TheNightRider`` | it says it has no decoders | 05:11 |
Somefilename | TheNightRider`` , Make sure you have the right engines. | 05:12 |
elijahlofgren | rotman: First you need to disable the Kubuntu KDM them. Open /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc and find: "UseTheme=true" change it to "UseTheme=false". | 05:12 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: do you have kaffeine-xine? | 05:12 |
TheNightRider`` | i dont think so | 05:12 |
TheNightRider`` | know anywhere i could get it? | 05:12 |
ejd3_ | TheNightRider``: I second xine or mplayer as the solution | 05:12 |
TheNightRider`` | hmm | 05:12 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: install kaffeine-xine with adept | 05:12 |
TheNightRider`` | okay | 05:12 |
Somefilename | TheNightRider`` , Kaffeine-xine, Kaffeine-gstreamer. | 05:12 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: then in kaffeine change the Engine to "kaffeine" | 05:13 |
frank23 | Hurray for xine by default in dapper!!! | 05:13 |
TheNightRider`` | okay | 05:13 |
TheNightRider`` | lol | 05:13 |
elijahlofgren | rotman: Then open System Settings > Login Manager and go to the "Users" tab and under the "Users" section check "Show List" | 05:13 |
TheNightRider`` | comming changes | 05:14 |
=== FadedSun [n=fmagro@cpe-66-67-220-23.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
rotman | elijahlofgren: yah, that part I understood... I think my prob was the UseTheme bit... | 05:14 |
TheNightRider`` | hmm | 05:15 |
jeff_ | somefilename: the configure still cant find the kde headers :( | 05:16 |
TheNightRider`` | i cant change the engine | 05:16 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Hmmm... | 05:16 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: Settings->Player Engine? | 05:16 |
=== vikke_ [n=vikke@213-64-220-165-no70.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | oh | 05:16 |
TheNightRider`` | im blind | 05:16 |
TheNightRider`` | lol | 05:16 |
jeff_ | somefilename: i stall cant install kde-devel | 05:16 |
TheNightRider`` | initialising xine | 05:17 |
Somefilename | jeff_, I don't really know right now... | 05:17 |
rotman | elijahlofgren: yep, that was it... thx | 05:17 |
TheNightRider`` | and there we go | 05:17 |
TheNightRider`` | crashed | 05:17 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: restart kaffeine before platying something | 05:17 |
TheNightRider`` | oh | 05:17 |
TheNightRider`` | lol | 05:17 |
jeff_ | somefilename:damnit | 05:17 |
elijahlofgren | rotman: You're welcome. | 05:17 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: yeah kaffeine doesn't like the engine switch much ;) | 05:17 |
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TheNightRider`` | yeah, i see :D | 05:17 |
jeff_ | somefilename: cant i do something with --prefix? | 05:18 |
TheNightRider`` | nope | 05:18 |
TheNightRider`` | didnt work | 05:18 |
TheNightRider`` | uhm | 05:19 |
TheNightRider`` | do i need to restart after i've set it to 5.1? | 05:19 |
=== noutram [n=noutram@host81-132-104-249.range81-132.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuci | frank23: that doesn't work in kubuntu :< | 05:19 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Try Googeling for answers. I'm a little busy right now. | 05:19 |
frank23 | TheNightRider``: I don't know. I never actually tried 5.1 but I know some people made it work with xine | 05:19 |
fuci | that nvidia driver guide | 05:19 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok, thanks for getting me upgraded amn | 05:20 |
jeff_ | somefilename: lol | 05:20 |
TheNightRider`` | hmm | 05:20 |
TheNightRider`` | kosh adviced me very well a few days ago | 05:20 |
TheNightRider`` | but nothing happened | 05:20 |
=== honkzilla [n=honkman@svwr1-253.svtv.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuci | can someone help me install nvidia drivers? | 05:21 |
frank23 | fuci: use adept to install the nvidia-glx package | 05:23 |
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TheNightRider`` | any other suggestions? | 05:23 |
TheNightRider`` | or maybe another playre | 05:23 |
TheNightRider`` | player* | 05:24 |
fuci | frank23: thanks :) | 05:24 |
frank23 | fuci: you need the nvidia-settings package as well | 05:24 |
=== DeeZiD [n=family@dslb-084-062-049-173.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuci | Ok. | 05:25 |
fuci | and now i have to restart x? | 05:25 |
elijahlofgren | fuci: Also see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 05:25 |
frank23 | fuci: To enable the driver, run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable". | 05:25 |
frank23 | fuci: then you restart X yeah. | 05:26 |
fuci | ok | 05:26 |
elijahlofgren | fuci: From the wiki: " | 05:26 |
elijahlofgren | 2. | 05:26 |
elijahlofgren | Close all your applications, then press Ctrl-Alt-Backspace to restart the X server. If the logotype is gone and everything seems to work you are done. | 05:26 |
fuci | ok thanks :) | 05:26 |
fuci | taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164:~$ sudo nvidia-glx-config enable | 05:27 |
fuci | sudo: nvidia-glx-config: command not found | 05:27 |
fuci | :< | 05:27 |
fuci | arfh | 05:27 |
elijahlofgren | fuci: Read and follow this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia | 05:28 |
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frank23 | fuci: did you actually install the package? click commit changes? | 05:28 |
fuci | i didnt | 05:28 |
fuci | just noticed | 05:28 |
fuci | restart -> | 05:29 |
bkjones | eep! 253 upgradeable packages on my dapper box. Guess I've been negligent. | 05:29 |
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fuci | working! :) | 05:30 |
fuci | thanks | 05:30 |
fuci | atleast i think so ;) | 05:30 |
elijahlofgren | bkjones: Yeah, I find it amazing how often they update dapper packages. | 05:30 |
TheNightRider`` | eh, | 05:30 |
TheNightRider`` | anyone know about ati drivers? | 05:30 |
TheNightRider`` | i cant find anything with adept :/ | 05:30 |
frank23 | !ati | 05:31 |
ubotu | [ati] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589 | 05:31 |
TheNightRider`` | thank you ^^ | 05:31 |
fuci | hmph | 05:32 |
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fuci | now it says when i went to adept to check if the things were installed | 05:32 |
fuci | it says nvidia-settings wasnt | 05:32 |
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fuci | but i did install it ;( | 05:32 |
elijahlofgren | fuci: I find synaptic much better than Adept. | 05:33 |
DeeZiD | m2 | 05:33 |
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fuci | ok | 05:36 |
fuci | ok | 05:36 |
fuci | something went wrong >D | 05:36 |
frank23 | elijahlofgren: yeah me too. adept in dapper has improved though | 05:36 |
frank23 | fuci: what? | 05:36 |
fuci | i cant get to kde | 05:36 |
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fuci | it starts to the blue kubuntu screen | 05:36 |
=== Somefilename thinks he should change to the Dapper repository | ||
fuci | im now on alt+f1 desk | 05:37 |
frank23 | fuci: in irssi? | 05:37 |
fuci | jep | 05:37 |
frank23 | fuci: you did sudo nvidia-glx-config enable right? | 05:37 |
fuci | arfh | 05:37 |
fuci | :D | 05:37 |
fuci | forgot :( | 05:37 |
frank23 | fuci: well then the driver wasnt changed yet | 05:38 |
frank23 | fuci: are you sure your kde problem is related to nvidia | 05:38 |
fuci | i think so yes | 05:38 |
fuci | but im not sure | 05:38 |
fuci | it happened after i installed nvidia-settings | 05:39 |
fuci | and didnt do that enable thing | 05:39 |
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fuci | hmm | 05:39 |
fuci | i did run that command before though | 05:39 |
frank23 | fuci: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart to restart X when youre ready | 05:39 |
fuci | ok | 05:40 |
frank23 | fuci: the blue kubuntu screen... you mean the one when you boot? | 05:41 |
fuci | yes | 05:41 |
frank23 | fuci: ok. yes thats probably a video driver problem | 05:41 |
frank23 | fuci: did you try again after enable | 05:41 |
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fuci | yes | 05:42 |
fuci | at first i installed nvidia-glx | 05:42 |
frank23 | fuci: doesnt work? | 05:42 |
fuci | and nvidia-settings | 05:42 |
fuci | it worked and i got back to kde | 05:42 |
fuci | then i went to see if it actually did install those | 05:42 |
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fuci | and it said <not installed> next to nvidia-settings | 05:43 |
fuci | so i downloaded it again | 05:43 |
fuci | and ctrl alt backspace | 05:43 |
fuci | and now im here :< | 05:43 |
frank23 | fuci: to revert to the old driver: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and edit in Section "Device", Driver "nvidia" to "nv" | 05:44 |
theripper | can somone help install bittorrent plz? | 05:44 |
fuci | frank23: ok | 05:44 |
fuci | can i do that on alt + f2 desktop? | 05:44 |
frank23 | fuci: yes | 05:44 |
fuci | ok | 05:44 |
fuci | ok done that, how do i save it? | 05:45 |
frank23 | fuci: ctrl-o | 05:47 |
frank23 | fuci: the ctrl-x | 05:47 |
fuci | ok | 05:47 |
fuci | done | 05:47 |
frank23 | fuci: then restart kdm | 05:47 |
fuci | ctrl alt backspace? | 05:48 |
frank23 | fuci: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart to restart X when youre ready | 05:48 |
fuci | oh ok | 05:48 |
irad | How do i close my kde session via terminal? | 05:48 |
frank23 | fuci: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart to restart X when youre ready | 05:49 |
Emry | Does anyone know of a midi player that uses OSS? ^^;; All the ones I found use ALSA. Will ALSA and OSS work together? | 05:49 |
frank23 | irad sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 05:49 |
frank23 | irad: only the session or all X? | 05:49 |
irad | no, i don't mean the kdm | 05:49 |
irad | just the session | 05:49 |
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fuci_ | ok cool | 05:49 |
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fuci_ | it works | 05:49 |
frank23 | irad: not sure... | 05:49 |
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fuci_ | this is nice, i've never got so much help before :D | 05:50 |
irad | and all the x? | 05:50 |
robotgeek | !x | 05:50 |
ubotu | somebody said x was a portable, network-transparent window system. | 05:50 |
frank23 | fuci: you're back. ok well, You might have to look around for your specific problem. maybe it's a configuration thing in xorg.conf | 05:50 |
irad | !close x | 05:50 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, irad | 05:50 |
frank23 | irad sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop closes X | 05:51 |
frank23 | fuci: at least now you should now how to survive X not wanting to start | 05:51 |
fuci_ | yes | 05:52 |
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theripper | can someone help me install the official bittorrent client ? | 05:54 |
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fuci_ | brb | 05:58 |
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fuci_ | just noticed | 06:00 |
fuci_ | i cant install both nvidia-glx and nvidia-settings | 06:00 |
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frank23 | fuci: are in dapper? | 06:02 |
fuci_ | mm.. frank23 how did the enable thing go ;p? | 06:02 |
fuci_ | yes | 06:02 |
frank23 | oh | 06:02 |
fuci_ | darn, i should've told you that :< | 06:02 |
frank23 | yeah you don't need nvidia-settings then I think | 06:02 |
fuci_ | ok | 06:02 |
fuci_ | but i installed -glx | 06:03 |
fuci_ | but forgot how to enable it ;p | 06:03 |
frank23 | fuci: nvidia-glx-config enable what it does is change the Driver from nv to nvidia in xorg.conf | 06:03 |
frank23 | sudo* | 06:03 |
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frank23 | fuci: hope you get it to work. I got to go. | 06:05 |
fuci_ | wait a mintue | 06:05 |
frank23 | fuci: remember dapper is still in development. maybe there is a problem with your card or something | 06:05 |
fuci_ | Error: your X configuration has been altered. | 06:06 |
fuci_ | This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this | 06:06 |
fuci_ | not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following | 06:06 |
fuci_ | command: | 06:06 |
fuci_ | md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf | sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum | 06:06 |
fuci_ | otherwise edit manually /etc/X11/xorg.conf to change the Driver section | 06:06 |
fuci_ | from nv to nvidia. | 06:06 |
fuci_ | sorry for the flood :( | 06:06 |
fuci_ | but when i try to manually (go to /etc/x11/ and open the file and change nv -> nvidia it doesnt allow me to save it | 06:06 |
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frank23 | fuci_: oh. this happened because we edited xorg.conf manually | 06:07 |
patrix | fuci, make sure you have admin privileges whehn opening the file (eg sudo kate xorg.conf ) | 06:07 |
fuci_ | ok | 06:07 |
frank23 | fuci_: you need to open xorg.conf with root rights: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf not sudo! | 06:07 |
=== patrix doesn't understand why NOT sudo | ||
patrix | they do the same thing | 06:08 |
patrix | one has a nice little window to enter the password | 06:08 |
patrix | the other asks you in the terminal | 06:08 |
frank23 | fuci_: sudo kate will make kate crash and you'll have to kill kate to make it work again | 06:08 |
fuci_ | yeh, i did it with kdesu | 06:08 |
fuci_ | cause you've helped me so much :) | 06:08 |
=== patrix launches "sudo kate" and it works fine. using Dapper though | ||
frank23 | patrix: sudo works for gnome apps but not at all for kde apps (well it works for kcontrol) | 06:08 |
fuci_ | ok, now it saved it | 06:09 |
patrix | frank23, I have neve rhad trouble with sudo and KDE apps though. I don't use it that much (usually I sudo vim ;) ) so I might not have encountered the issue | 06:09 |
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fuci_ | so i restart X | 06:09 |
fuci_ | ? | 06:09 |
frank23 | patrix: hmmm.... maybe the sudo kate problem was a bug that was fixed. | 06:10 |
patrix | maybe | 06:10 |
patrix | I can't remember if I ever did it in Breezy | 06:10 |
patrix | I'm glad someone finally explained to me why it's wrong to tell ppl here to use sudo kate instead of kdesu ;) | 06:10 |
frank23 | patrix: I know I helped people kill kate manually to recover from it though | 06:10 |
patrix | nooow if I could just figure out why kdm wont' let me login anymore, while gdm still works | 06:11 |
noutram | Does anyone know all the packages needed to develop KDE applications (using kdevelop) in C++? (Installing kdevelop alone is clearly not enough) | 06:12 |
frank23 | noutram: kde-devel depends on pretty much everything AFAIK | 06:12 |
patrix | noutram, kde-dev (or kde-devel ? ) or something like that | 06:12 |
fuci_ | frank23: i can now restart my X? | 06:12 |
noutram | cheers - I'll take a look | 06:12 |
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frank23 | fuci_: what did you change? in xorg.conf | 06:13 |
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fuci_ | "nv" to "nvidia" | 06:13 |
fuci_ | under "device" | 06:13 |
frank23 | fuci_: you can try but it will probably do the same thing as before | 06:13 |
fuci_ | well i try | 06:13 |
frank23 | fuci_: then you will have to change it again with nano | 06:14 |
fuci_ | can you paste the command | 06:14 |
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fuci_ | i write it down | 06:14 |
fuci_ | my memory isn't so good | 06:14 |
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frank23 | just remember the location of xorg.conf: /etc/X11/xorg.conf so: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 06:15 |
fuci_ | thanks :) | 06:15 |
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fuci_ | and the command to restart X | 06:16 |
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fuci_ | blaah | 06:18 |
fuci_ | i figure it out somehow | 06:18 |
fuci_ | -> | 06:18 |
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fuci_ | it worked | 06:18 |
fuci_ | good | 06:18 |
Dasnipa` | if (name.gettype() == "rose" && name != "rose"){ return bool (abs(getsmell(rose) - getsmell(name))); } | 06:19 |
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fuci_ | I wonder if those drivers work o.O | 06:21 |
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fuci_ | still acts kinda slow when minimizing and maximizing irssi (for example) | 06:22 |
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frank23 | fuci_: to see if 3d is working: glxinfo | grep direct if you get direct rendering: yes it works | 06:27 |
fuci_ | taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164:~$ glxinfo | grep direct | 06:27 |
fuci_ | direct rendering: Yes | 06:27 |
fuci_ | \o/ | 06:27 |
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fuci_ | well how can it be that if im selecting blank space on my desktop it gets _really_ slow | 06:28 |
frank23 | fuci_: that's a kde bug I think | 06:29 |
frank23 | It's fixed in dapper | 06:29 |
fuci_ | but i have dapper :( | 06:29 |
TheNightRider`` | frank23, whats dapper? | 06:29 |
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frank23 | fuci_: well I think it's a bug anyways | 06:29 |
frank23 | !dapper | 06:29 |
ubotu | Dapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :) | 06:29 |
fuci_ | can you help me install stepmania? | 06:30 |
fuci_ | :D | 06:30 |
TheNightRider`` | what kind of package is it? | 06:30 |
frank23 | fuci_: check the forums. I think pydance is a but like it. in the repositories | 06:31 |
fuci_ | .tar.gz2 | 06:31 |
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fuci_ | -2 | 06:31 |
fuci_ | .tar.gz | 06:31 |
TheNightRider`` | just extract it somewhere | 06:32 |
TheNightRider`` | and run the install | 06:32 |
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fuci_ | how do i know which file is the install file | 06:33 |
FadedSun | Is there an easy way to make clicked on links in for example Konversation to open in firefox and not Konqueror? | 06:34 |
TheNightRider`` | yeah | 06:35 |
TheNightRider`` | check the firefox options | 06:35 |
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TheNightRider`` | and make it the default browser | 06:35 |
TheNightRider`` | i dont remember how it was | 06:36 |
fuci_ | TheNightRider``: how do i know which file is the install file | 06:36 |
fuci_ | readme.txt only gives directions for windows install | 06:36 |
TheNightRider`` | well | 06:37 |
TheNightRider`` | is it a windows application? | 06:37 |
TheNightRider`` | .exe? | 06:37 |
fuci_ | maybe | 06:37 |
fuci_ | i downloaded the linux version though | 06:37 |
fuci_ | from www.stepmania.com | 06:37 |
TheNightRider`` | well | 06:38 |
TheNightRider`` | what are the files | 06:38 |
TheNightRider`` | it should have install in its name | 06:38 |
ash211 | iirc, stepmania comes in a compressed tarball | 06:38 |
fuci_ | theres no such thing in there | 06:38 |
fuci_ | named 'install' | 06:38 |
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TheNightRider`` | what about an sh file? | 06:39 |
TheNightRider`` | or a so file | 06:39 |
fuci_ | .so file | 06:39 |
fuci_ | yes | 06:39 |
TheNightRider`` | whats the name? | 06:39 |
fuci_ | GtkModule.so | 06:39 |
TheNightRider`` | hmm | 06:39 |
TheNightRider`` | wait ill check it out | 06:39 |
fuci_ | ok | 06:40 |
ash211 | there's also a file named 'stepmania' in there w/o an extension | 06:40 |
ash211 | just run that, and it worked for me | 06:40 |
fuci_ | doesn't do anything for me | 06:40 |
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ash211 | run it from the command line and see if it gives you any errors | 06:42 |
fuci_ | how? | 06:42 |
ash211 | type './stepmania' inside the folder you extracted it to | 06:42 |
fuci_ | ok | 06:42 |
ash211 | press alt+f2 and type konsole | 06:43 |
fuci_ | taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164:~/StepMania-3.9-linux/StepMania-3.9$ /stepmania | 06:43 |
fuci_ | bash: /stepmania: No such file or directory | 06:43 |
ash211 | don't forget that tiny dot | 06:43 |
ash211 | ./stepmania | 06:43 |
fuci_ | taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164:~/StepMania-3.9-linux/StepMania-3.9$ ./stepmania | 06:44 |
fuci_ | ./stepmania: error while loading shared libraries: libmad.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 06:44 |
fuci_ | i'm missing something | 06:44 |
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ash211 | yep | 06:44 |
ash211 | google to see what you need to install with adept/synaptic to fix that | 06:44 |
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ash211 | what you need to install is libmad0 | 06:47 |
ash211 | try that, then see if stepmania works | 06:48 |
fuci_ | ok | 06:48 |
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fuci_ | do i have to boot for it to take effect? | 06:49 |
ash211 | no | 06:50 |
ash211 | you should pretty much never have to reboot in linux | 06:50 |
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fuci_ | cool | 06:50 |
fuci_ | well doesn't work | 06:50 |
ash211 | error message? | 06:50 |
fuci_ | yeh | 06:50 |
fuci_ | more libaries | 06:50 |
TheNightRider`` | ya | 06:51 |
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fuci_ | libSDL-1.2.so.0: | 06:51 |
TheNightRider`` | whats with all the libraries?? | 06:51 |
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ash211 | a library is some bits of code the program needs to run. stepmania didn't include all of them already, because that would make the download way too big | 06:51 |
ash211 | usually your distribution (kubuntu) will either pre-install them or make them easy to install | 06:52 |
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fuci_ | i cant find libSDL-1.2.so.0: | 07:00 |
fuci_ | libsdl gives something that has something to do with debian | 07:00 |
fuci_ | in the adept | 07:00 |
ash211 | i'm working on finding which package to install from adept | 07:00 |
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ash211 | try installing libsdl1.2debian | 07:01 |
ash211 | that's one of that huge list of libsdl packages i have installed | 07:02 |
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fuci_ | ok | 07:03 |
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ash211 | looking here: http://www.stepmania.com/wiki/FAQ:_Linux_version ; it seems you might only need the sdl image | 07:05 |
ash211 | that would be libsdl-image1.2 | 07:05 |
ash211 | how's it coming? | 07:05 |
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jeff_ | those people on #ubuntu suck | 07:06 |
jeff_ | does anybody know where the gdm logon screens are kept? | 07:06 |
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crimsun | /usr/share/gdm/themes | 07:07 |
jeff_ | crimsun: ok, thanks man | 07:07 |
fuci_ | ash211: was watching the sipmsons | 07:08 |
fuci_ | took a little break ;p | 07:08 |
ash211 | heh heh | 07:08 |
fuci_ | libstdc++.so.5: | 07:09 |
fuci_ | lol | 07:10 |
fuci_ | more libaries needed :D | 07:10 |
ash211 | install libstdc++5 | 07:11 |
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fuci_ | it prompts me for "kubuntu6.06_dapper_drake_alpha" cd | 07:12 |
bipolar | is anyone using dual screens in dapper? | 07:12 |
ash211 | are you running dapper, fuci_ ? | 07:12 |
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fuci_ | maybe | 07:13 |
fuci_ | yes | 07:13 |
fuci_ | i downloaded dapper .iso from a link that someone gave me earlier today | 07:13 |
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ash211 | well, here's how to not get that cd prompt | 07:14 |
bipolar | I'm having a problem with dual screens. When KDM loads I can move the mouse over both screens. As soon as I login, I can only use one. I have to run xrandr -s <proper-res> to get the 2nd screen working again. it's very annoying. | 07:14 |
ash211 | in the command line: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list | 07:14 |
bipolar | I've tried creating a test user, with a default config, and it does the same thing with that user. | 07:14 |
ash211 | stick a pound sign (#) in front of the cd line | 07:15 |
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fuci_ | thanks :) | 07:16 |
=== X3n0n [n=Xenon@AMontpellier-251-1-113-66.w86-211.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #Kubuntu | ||
ash211 | let's stay on topic with kubuntu. Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 07:16 |
fuci_ | yay | 07:16 |
ash211 | working? | 07:16 |
fuci_ | its started :) | 07:16 |
ash211 | great! | 07:17 |
fuci_ | yeh | 07:17 |
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ash211 | mine worked for a while too, until I changed to an ATI card a while back | 07:18 |
family | there's a new nvidia driver :) | 07:18 |
family | http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=67864 | 07:18 |
ash211 | now I need to either install ATI drivers or go back to NVidia, because i'm having trouble getting glx and xinerama to work on this ati card | 07:18 |
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emma | Bloody grumbegrumblegrumble...... | 07:19 |
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RobboRat | Bloody grumbegrumblegrumble...... | 07:19 |
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ash211 | yeah, i know. i'm just going to buy an nvidia soon | 07:20 |
RobboRat | Too used to things 'just work' ing I think..... | 07:21 |
RobboRat | Amarok seems nicer than XMMS, but neither of them sem to work properly :/ | 07:22 |
ash211 | no, it's either one or the other. xinerama or glx | 07:22 |
=== me [n=me@cpe-24-33-228-64.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
RobboRat | WTF is Amarok doing? I only want to play some MP3s off a burned CD.... | 07:23 |
me | why are my mp3 files not working | 07:24 |
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RobboRat | Have you installed all the correct stuff for MP3? | 07:25 |
Wizz_kidd | what is the correct stuff | 07:26 |
RobboRat | good question | 07:26 |
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trappist | !tell Wizz_kidd about mp3 | 07:27 |
RobboRat | have you searched the wiki? it's the rsticted formats bit | 07:27 |
RobboRat | ty trappist | 07:28 |
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RobboRat | I wasn't being mysterious - I really don't know myself! I just followed the wiki instructions and it seems to be fine :) | 07:29 |
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Wizz_kidd | dammit | 07:29 |
dbakker | whats the ati card. the latest drm actually worked on my new ati gl card | 07:30 |
dbakker | the ati drivers are getting worsew | 07:30 |
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Wizz_kidd | whats the default password for root on my Kubuntu | 07:31 |
Libertus | none | 07:31 |
dbakker | there is none. u cant log in as root | 07:31 |
dbakker | its an ubuntu thing | 07:31 |
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ash211 | (k)ubuntu doesn't enable root by default | 07:32 |
RobboRat | why do you need root? why not just run as su? | 07:32 |
dbakker | yeah sudu all the commands | 07:32 |
ash211 | some programs, like xscreensaver, like to have a real root account | 07:32 |
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RobboRat | what do you do if you can't eject a cd from cli? | 07:34 |
RobboRat | ? | 07:34 |
=== Somefilename is back | ||
RobboRat | hi sfn :) | 07:34 |
Somefilename | Hello! | 07:34 |
RobboRat | need to reinstall OO | 07:35 |
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Somefilename | Just got back from trying to make KDE look like Mac OS X Jaguar using Baghira. | 07:35 |
RobboRat | needed* | 07:35 |
RobboRat | why jag? why not tiger? ;) | 07:35 |
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Somefilename | RobboRat, I was thinking to try Jaguar first. | 07:35 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, Tiger is too common. | 07:35 |
RobboRat | LOL | 07:36 |
RobboRat | AGH | 07:36 |
RobboRat | Bloody thing | 07:36 |
RobboRat | WTF? | 07:36 |
fuci_ | can you help me to mount my windows drive? | 07:36 |
RobboRat | I KNOW there's a disk in there, liar! | 07:36 |
Somefilename | Damn - I can't wait untill I get a real Mac. | 07:36 |
Wizz_kidd | well when i do su whats the pass? | 07:36 |
=== RobboRat smashes Konsole's head in | ||
RobboRat | when you do su, the pass should be your login password | 07:37 |
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Somefilename | fuci_, Use "mount". | 07:37 |
Wizz_kidd | ...its not | 07:37 |
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RobboRat | sfn - I can't unmount a cd or eject it - konsole tells me it's not there :/ | 07:37 |
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Somefilename | fuci_, Usualy Windows parititions mount automatly from fstab. | 07:37 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, Use "eject" - sudo eject. | 07:38 |
fuci_ | i checked fstab | 07:38 |
fuci_ | wasnt there | 07:38 |
Somefilename | fuci_, What kind of partition is it? NTFS? FAT? | 07:38 |
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RobboRat | It's thinking about it :/ | 07:38 |
fuci_ | ntfs | 07:39 |
Somefilename | fuci_, mkdir /mnt/windows | 07:39 |
RobboRat | you need a plugin for ntfs? | 07:39 |
Somefilename | fuci_, mount -t ntfs /dev/hdaX /mnt/windows | 07:39 |
Somefilename | Also... | 07:40 |
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RobboRat | Hmm. Doesn't sem to be doing anything now :/ | 07:40 |
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Somefilename | fuci_, gedit /etc/fstab and add the line "/dev/hdaX /mnt/windows ntfs auto,umask=0 0 0". | 07:40 |
fuci_ | gedit not found: | 07:41 |
Somefilename | fuci_, Use any other editor. | 07:41 |
Somefilename | fuci_, Use kate. | 07:41 |
Somefilename | kate /etc/fstab | 07:41 |
fuci_ | okk | 07:41 |
Somefilename | Make sure you put a number instead of "X". | 07:42 |
RobboRat | Droppint to alt-f1 then issuing eject worked :/ | 07:42 |
RobboRat | Weird behaviour | 07:42 |
fuci_ | Somefilename: yea | 07:42 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, Eject always works for me. :-> | 07:42 |
dbakker | yeah me too. im running the latest and everything automounts and ejects as designed. I didnt set anything up | 07:43 |
Somefilename | fuci_, Done? | 07:43 |
fuci_ | soon | 07:43 |
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RobboRat | Hmmmm | 07:43 |
RobboRat | I get trouble with mounting CDs a lot so far | 07:43 |
fuci_ | Somefilename: i just add it to the bottom ? | 07:43 |
Somefilename | dbakker, Mine unmounts but under some time of unactivity. | 07:43 |
Somefilename | fuci_, Yeah - it's ok - now reboot and see it will mount automatly. :) | 07:44 |
fuci_ | ok | 07:44 |
RobboRat | Amacock more like :( | 07:44 |
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RobboRat | Refuses to do anything usefl again :/ | 07:45 |
apokryphos | RobboRat: language, please. | 07:45 |
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RobboRat | sorry :( | 07:45 |
RobboRat | Things nt working make me cross | 07:46 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, One question: Why do you use Linux on PPC when you have the big opportunity to get Mac OS X? | 07:46 |
apokryphos | is amarok-xine installed? | 07:46 |
RobboRat | Yes it is | 07:46 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, Are you running Kubuntu? | 07:46 |
apokryphos | Somefilename: some people prefer... GNU/Linux | 07:46 |
Somefilename | apokryphos, Then why would someone buy a PowerPC computer just to run Linux? | 07:47 |
RobboRat | sfn - because on this particular Mac, OS X runs like it's on valium :) | 07:47 |
Somefilename | RobboRat, Maybe this will help you: http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/MP3_on_Ubuntu_5.10 | 07:47 |
apokryphos | Somefilename: many people just converted after getting it | 07:47 |
Somefilename | Brb. | 07:48 |
RobboRat | I hav sound, just amarok keeps crashing :( | 07:48 |
theripper | on which multiverse server are the java packages located? couse i have 2 different multiverse servers and i get "couldnt find package java-package" | 07:48 |
RobboRat | apok - I actually LOVE OS X, but Linux is faster on this machine. And I like to play ;) | 07:49 |
apokryphos | theripper: /msg ubotu java | 07:49 |
apokryphos | RobboRat: what amarok version are you running? | 07:49 |
RobboRat | 1.3 | 07:49 |
apokryphos | RobboRat: try running 1.4 beta | 07:49 |
RobboRat | Is 1.4 in the repo? | 07:49 |
apokryphos | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/koffice-amarok-beta2.php | 07:49 |
jeff_ | does anybody know if gdesklets will run on kde desktop? | 07:50 |
=== jeff_ thinks it may be a stupid question | ||
=== jeff_ but hopes it isnt | ||
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jeff_ | peeps? | 07:53 |
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theripper | try #ubuntu . ull get more help there | 07:54 |
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jeff_ | lol im on that too | 07:54 |
OdyX | Who knows about an app that adds a menu item for Image processing (resizing, ...) | 07:55 |
OdyX | ? | 07:55 |
fuci | Somefilename: works | 07:55 |
OdyX | jeff_: I thinks it won't work... and that your question is a little... | 07:55 |
=== jeff_ furrows his brow | ||
=== My8os[Away] is now known as My8os | ||
fuci | it's safe to copy from ntfs disk, isnt it? | 07:58 |
RobboRat | Can't seem to et the beta of Amarok :/ | 07:58 |
RobboRat | I added the repo for it, and did aptget but no joy | 07:59 |
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RobboRat | No help there :( | 08:11 |
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indyjans | hallo, is there anyone who could hepl me with modem AC 97. The modem is recognized by the system, but I cannot use KPP because it keeps telling me thet the modem is busy. I use Kubuntu 6.04. Thanx (begginer) | 08:17 |
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RobboRat | Oh godamit! Now Amarok won't start :( | 08:19 |
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test | hi to all | 08:22 |
tsdgeos | hi | 08:22 |
tsdgeos | indyjans: it's a difficult thing, are you sure you are using the correct device in kppp config? | 08:23 |
test | i'm trying kubuntu..very cool distro | 08:23 |
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indyjans | tsdgeos: yeas i think so | 08:24 |
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=== CTV [n=cyrus@zux164-221.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CTV | hi all | 08:26 |
RobboRat | eh, and now Adpt crashes when I try to revert to 1.3 :D GG Linux | 08:26 |
CTV | i am looking for a nice firewall wich has an GUI to config | 08:26 |
CTV | any ideas ? | 08:26 |
nalioth | CTV: a firewall is unnecessary with a default install of kubuntu | 08:26 |
RobboRat | GAH | 08:28 |
=== RobboRat shuffles back to his iBook | ||
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RobboRat | afk | 08:28 |
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Somefilename | Back. | 08:30 |
_user | hey guys | 08:30 |
_user | im a new user | 08:30 |
Somefilename | Hey _user! | 08:30 |
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_user | i am a 16 year old girl, looking for a boyfriend who is smart, weak and into lanparties, also a big heart | 08:31 |
fuci | Is it possible to get Diablo2 working on linux? | 08:31 |
_user | and he can weigh anywhere between 400-800 lbs | 08:31 |
_user | im waiting for you big boys | 08:32 |
_user | .... | 08:32 |
_user | why aren't you answering me?! | 08:32 |
_user | you don't even know me?! | 08:32 |
fuci | is this a joke? | 08:33 |
Somefilename | fuci, You can make everything work on Linux except Delphi script. | 08:33 |
rdt | maybe because we don't believe you? | 08:33 |
fuci | _user a/s/l | 08:33 |
fuci | Somefilename: wanna help me ;)? | 08:33 |
_user | any cupcakes wanna chat? | 08:33 |
Somefilename | fuci, Sure. | 08:33 |
fuci | yay | 08:33 |
_user | i am a girl looking for cyber sex | 08:34 |
fuci | Sure you are. :> | 08:34 |
rdt | _user: this is not the place for it | 08:34 |
Somefilename | _user, You won't get any cubersex unless you run Kubuntu. | 08:34 |
_user | i am running kubuntu baby | 08:34 |
_user | i like it a lot too | 08:34 |
_user | the terminal program gets me wet | 08:34 |
rdt | what flight-7, _user | 08:34 |
Somefilename | I think 'caine got _user crazy for cybersex. | 08:34 |
_user | c'mon boys don't be afraid... | 08:35 |
rdt | thank goodness | 08:35 |
fuci | yeh | 08:35 |
fuci | so Somefilename, where to start? | 08:35 |
Somefilename | fuci, Wine - get Wine. | 08:36 |
fuci | ok | 08:36 |
=== roto [n=roto@host250-207.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Somefilename | fuci, Wine is a Windows 16 and 32 bits emulator. | 08:36 |
Somefilename | fuci, Get it from http://winehq.org/. | 08:36 |
fuci | http://www.winehq.com/site/download | 08:37 |
fuci | which one i download? | 08:37 |
Somefilename | fuci, Check your Ubuntu repository - apt-get install wine. | 08:37 |
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Somefilename | fuci, If you don't have it then download the one from here http://winehq.org/site/download-deb | 08:38 |
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fuci | ok | 08:38 |
fuci | i dont have it | 08:38 |
johnathana | how can I set kdm as default login manager? | 08:38 |
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Somefilename | fuci, Impossible! | 08:39 |
Somefilename | fuci, You must have Wine in your reposibotry. | 08:39 |
Somefilename | johnathana, Just delete other login managers. :) | 08:39 |
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fuci | i quess i do | 08:40 |
fuci | it's just not under the name "wine" | 08:40 |
fuci | Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:40 |
fuci | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:40 |
fuci | is only available from another source | 08:40 |
Somefilename | johnathana, Check System Settings > Login Manager. | 08:40 |
fuci | and in this early stage i remind that i have the new version dapper, was it? | 08:40 |
Somefilename | fuci, Ok. Follow the instruction from http://winehq.org/site/download-deb to download it. | 08:40 |
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fuci | synpatic package manager = adept? | 08:41 |
Somefilename | fuci, Yeah - adept... | 08:42 |
fuci | :) | 08:42 |
fuci | strange | 08:42 |
fuci | it wont run :D | 08:42 |
fuci | it stucks on "loading appiclation" and after a while it goes away and does nothing | 08:43 |
Somefilename | Just add "deb http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/ binary/" to /etc/apt/sources.list, run apt-get update and apt-get install wine. That's all. | 08:43 |
Somefilename | Brb. | 08:43 |
fuci | ok | 08:43 |
Somefilename | fuci, Done yet, mine is done. | 08:45 |
fuci | 60% | 08:45 |
fuci | 90% | 08:45 |
fuci | and done | 08:45 |
fuci | downloading | 08:46 |
fuci | i mean :) | 08:46 |
fuci | done | 08:46 |
Somefilename | fuci, Now you can emulate an Windows enviroment. :) | 08:46 |
fuci | \o | 08:47 |
fuci | do i have to copy the game files from my windows drive? | 08:47 |
Somefilename | fuci, Use it as "wine somefilename.exe". | 08:47 |
Somefilename | fuci, You can run directly from the mounted harddrive. | 08:47 |
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Somefilename | fuci, Means you don't have to copy them. | 08:48 |
fuci | so it doesn't have a chance to dmg my ntfs drive? | 08:48 |
Somefilename | By the way, did the fstab thing worked? | 08:48 |
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@a81-197-192-7.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
fuci | yes | 08:48 |
ubuntu | Hi! | 08:48 |
Somefilename | Hello ubuntu! | 08:48 |
ubuntu | Hello | 08:49 |
Somefilename | fuci, Ok - so go play! :) | 08:49 |
=== ubuntu is now known as Kubuntu | ||
=== Kubuntu is now known as ubuntu | ||
fuci | yeh ! | 08:49 |
=== marc [n=marc@ARouen-252-1-98-79.w86-205.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Somefilename | fuci, But in some cases - in GTA San Andreas - you need to do some external configuration. Google for that. | 08:49 |
fuci | i dont like gtas on pc | 08:49 |
ubuntu | this is my firs time in IRC and in linux | 08:49 |
fuci | gz | 08:49 |
Somefilename | fuci, I don't know - I don't play games - I just heard that. | 08:50 |
fuci | ok ;) | 08:50 |
Somefilename | ubuntu, Well, welcome and feel confy in IRC! :) | 08:50 |
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panzi | hi | 08:50 |
Somefilename | Hey panzi! | 08:50 |
panzi | i updated kde to version 3.5.2 | 08:51 |
Somefilename | panzi, Oh, cool. Congrats! | 08:51 |
Somefilename | fuci, Another good emulator for games is Cedega. | 08:51 |
panzi | and why the hell did this update delete the display modul in the kontrol center?????? | 08:51 |
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panzi | how do i downgrade? | 08:51 |
panzi | or how do i get this modul back? | 08:52 |
Somefilename | fuci, I don't know much about it - so you have to Google it. All I know is that this one can see what games are compatible. | 08:52 |
panzi | i tryed to compile guidance: forget ist | 08:52 |
panzi | it | 08:52 |
Somefilename | panzi, You can't downgrade - you applied an upgrade packages not a new install. | 08:52 |
panzi | it just dosnt compile on kubuntu 5.10 | 08:52 |
Somefilename | panzi, You can remove and install an older version of KDE> | 08:52 |
fuci | damn | 08:53 |
fuci | it gave me an error | 08:53 |
Somefilename | fuci, What error? | 08:53 |
fuci | not specified | 08:53 |
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fuci | "Hey guys! We got a big error here" | 08:53 |
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panzi | dose anyone know where the kcmshell modules are sored in the filesystem? | 08:53 |
=== OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
panzi | then i maybe can fix this shit by hand | 08:53 |
Somefilename | panzi, Don't try to compile - use the Ubuntu repository. | 08:54 |
Somefilename | panzi, Saves you a couple of days - that's why I changed from Gentoo. :) | 08:54 |
panzi | and what should that be good for? | 08:54 |
panzi | its totally out of date and it obviously has this bug | 08:54 |
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Somefilename | panzi, I wouldn't say so. | 08:54 |
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fuci | Somefilename: i think i need to isntall some audio/video codecs to display the welcome intro | 08:55 |
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panzi | it updated using the kubuntu repo, and now there si the display modlul missing | 08:55 |
Somefilename | panzi, There's not bug and nothing is out of date - maybe if you are using some kind of old repository. | 08:55 |
Somefilename | fuci, Try w32codecs. | 08:55 |
Somefilename | !w32codecs | 08:56 |
ubotu | well, w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install | 08:56 |
panzi | deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy mai | 08:56 |
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Somefilename | panzi, Ok. | 08:56 |
Somefilename | panzi, You call that out of date? | 08:56 |
panzi | not kde itself | 08:56 |
panzi | guidance | 08:56 |
Somefilename | panzi, Guidance? | 08:57 |
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panzi | guidance, the python scripts and some .c files used to configure linux in kubuntu | 08:57 |
panzi | http://www.simonzone.com/software/guidance/ | 08:58 |
Somefilename | panzi, Ok - what's your problem with Kubuntu? | 08:58 |
panzi | after the kde update, the display kcmshell modul is missing | 08:58 |
Somefilename | panzi, KDE 3.5.2 is not stable. | 08:58 |
Somefilename | That's why I don't use it. | 08:58 |
panzi | i refuse to edit the xorg.conf by hand, if thre is a other way | 08:59 |
panzi | kicker is more stable in kde 3.5.2. it crashed everey logout bevore this version | 08:59 |
Somefilename | panzi, What's the problem in configuring by hand? I mean, is there any other option right now? | 08:59 |
flygisoft | hello. do i need more then 64 ram for kubuntu, my computer is really slow :P | 08:59 |
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frank23 | panzi: not that I know. the display module is missing in breezy because something else replaced it in dapper | 09:00 |
panzi | I just dont know how to apply a resulution change without x-restart | 09:00 |
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Somefilename | flygisoft, Depending on what you want to run - server or desktop? | 09:00 |
frank23 | flygisoft: 64 MBs is not much. Try xubuntu. It uses less RAM | 09:01 |
panzi | frank23: and why dose it miss in breezy? | 09:01 |
panzi | dosn't make any sense | 09:01 |
panzi | i dont use dapper | 09:01 |
panzi | when there is a alternative in dapper, i dont care | 09:01 |
flygisoft | a server but i want to use the desktop sometimes... | 09:01 |
flygisoft | ok | 09:01 |
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panzi | i use breezy | 09:01 |
frank23 | panzi: It's a mistake on the part of the developpers. the only official breezy kde is 3.4.3 though. everything else is at your own risk | 09:01 |
Sime | guidance is breezy doesn't have the X util. | 09:01 |
Somefilename | flygisoft, If you want to run Gnome or KDE - no way, 64 MiB is not enought. | 09:02 |
panzi | smegin hell | 09:02 |
panzi | i think i switch back to xp | 09:02 |
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fuci | Somefilename: do you understand something about this http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Diablo2&back=HOWTO+INDEX+Wine+Games ? | 09:02 |
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fuci | it has some instructions but... i dunno >.< | 09:02 |
frank23 | panzi: I would just stick with 3.5.1 | 09:03 |
Somefilename | fuci, I will see after I read. | 09:03 |
panzi | used linux-only now for 2 month | 09:03 |
panzi | i hve work to do | 09:03 |
flygisoft | im using kde now, really slow to use with 64mb ram :P | 09:03 |
fuci | Somefilename: ok | 09:03 |
panzi | i dont want to work on my system | 09:03 |
panzi | i whant to work with it | 09:03 |
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frank23 | panzi: then stick with what works. kde 3.5.1 worked fine for me | 09:03 |
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Somefilename | fuci, It is verry east. | 09:03 |
Somefilename | easy* | 09:03 |
Somefilename | fuci, "/drice_c" is in ~. | 09:04 |
fuci | good :p | 09:04 |
Somefilename | fuci, I mean in ~/.wine | 09:04 |
fuci | ye | 09:05 |
panzi | frank23: so what exactly i have to do when i want to downgrade to kde3.5.1? | 09:05 |
frank23 | panzi: I not sure... | 09:06 |
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Somefilename | fuci, Do you have Diablo II already installed? | 09:06 |
fuci | on my windows drive? yes | 09:07 |
fuci | it starts the game and runs for ~5s | 09:07 |
Somefilename | fuci, Run the executable using "wine exec.exe". | 09:07 |
frank23 | panzi: downgrading is harder than upgrading. as a workaround for changing resolution, you can use xrandr. xrandr to get a list of res and xrandr -s ## to switch | 09:08 |
fuci | exec? | 09:08 |
Somefilename | fuci, Check this http://appdb.winehq.org/appview.php?versionId=49 | 09:09 |
fuci | ok | 09:10 |
Somefilename | fuci, Try to use "wine diabloii.exe -opengl". | 09:10 |
fuci | ok | 09:10 |
flygisoft | does someone know how to stream music from a windows computer to a linux and make the linux computer to play it? | 09:11 |
fuci | taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164:/mnt/windows/Program Files/Diablo II$ wine "diablo ii.exe -opengl" | 09:11 |
fuci | wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\diablo ii.exe -opengl": Module not found | 09:11 |
fuci | strange | 09:12 |
Somefilename | fuci, What is the executable's name? | 09:12 |
=== TheNightRider`` [n=thenight@static-213-240-228-210.megalan.bg] has joined #kubuntu | ||
TheNightRider`` | hey all | 09:12 |
fuci | diablo ii.exe | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | its me again | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | ;D | 09:12 |
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fuci | or Diablo II.exe | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | Diablo? | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | :) | 09:12 |
Somefilename | fuci, Well - there's a gap there - Linux doesn't support that. | 09:12 |
fuci | oh darn | 09:12 |
Somefilename | fuci, Rename to Diablo_II.exe. | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | yeah | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | no .exe in linux ^^ | 09:12 |
TheNightRider`` | except with wine | 09:13 |
TheNightRider`` | but its not perfect | 09:13 |
TheNightRider`` | !wine | 09:13 |
fuci | Somefilename: but then i have to modify file on ntfs mount | 09:13 |
fuci | should i copy the files on my linux hd | 09:13 |
TheNightRider`` | yes | 09:13 |
Somefilename | fuci, Copying wouldn't be a bad idea. | 09:13 |
flygisoft | can you use all programs (exe-files) with wine? | 09:14 |
Somefilename | fuci, Wait - don't copy yet. | 09:14 |
TheNightRider`` | no | 09:14 |
fuci | ? | 09:14 |
TheNightRider`` | some of them require C:/ | 09:14 |
TheNightRider`` | which isnt quite linux style | 09:14 |
flygisoft | ok | 09:14 |
TheNightRider`` | if u know what i mean :D | 09:14 |
flygisoft | :P | 09:14 |
TheNightRider`` | www.winehq.org | 09:14 |
TheNightRider`` | btw | 09:15 |
Somefilename | fuci, OK - copy them. | 09:15 |
Somefilename | fuci, I don't see any other option. | 09:15 |
TheNightRider`` | i heard there were free .org domain names o.0 | 09:15 |
Somefilename | TheNightRider`` , Where? Where?! | 09:15 |
flygisoft | yeah where? | 09:15 |
EddieX | Why can?t i read "msn away messages" in kopete (3.5.2) | 09:15 |
TheNightRider`` | thats what im asking | 09:15 |
fuci | ok | 09:15 |
TheNightRider`` | EddieX i have no idea ^^ | 09:15 |
Somefilename | EddieX, We don't know - ask the ones that developed Kopete. | 09:16 |
TheNightRider`` | yeah | 09:16 |
TheNightRider`` | :D | 09:16 |
EddieX | Somefilename, Ok :) | 09:16 |
Somefilename | "Companies have voted with their feet [on the issue of domains] , they want to have domain names that are international or at least country neutral. The same freedom should apply to individuals; all individuals should be able to have and own their own domain names". | 09:17 |
TheNightRider`` | oh btw | 09:17 |
EddieX | Find it weird though, wy remove something like that hehe | 09:17 |
TheNightRider`` | when adept starts | 09:17 |
TheNightRider`` | it crashes o.0 | 09:17 |
fuci | hmm | 09:17 |
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fuci | now i got to the screen to enter my account name&pass | 09:18 |
fuci | then it gives error | 09:18 |
Somefilename | Brb. | 09:18 |
TheNightRider`` | name and pass | 09:18 |
TheNightRider`` | for where? | 09:18 |
fuci | diablo2 | 09:18 |
fuci | bnet | 09:18 |
flygisoft | can i play music if im running kubuntu in "server mode" | 09:19 |
panzi | thouse fucking asholes | 09:19 |
Somefilename | flygisoft, You need to star arts to play sounds. | 09:19 |
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TuB | Lo. This is going to be my first try with a linux OS, will be installing on an old AMD K6 system, which version should i be looking at downloading? | 09:21 |
Random_Transit | ubuntu | 09:21 |
Random_Transit | plain and simple...you can't find a distro that's easier to use | 09:21 |
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TuB | So just grab the dapper-dvd-i386.iso, burn and install? | 09:22 |
TheNightRider`` | im restarting the comp | 09:22 |
TheNightRider`` | brb | 09:22 |
Random_Transit | no...best to use breezy | 09:22 |
Random_Transit | dapper won't be stable for a few more months | 09:23 |
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seele | is there an issue with certain wireless cards in dapper? | 09:23 |
seele | system log is reporting eth0 as the wireless device, but network settings has it set to eth1 | 09:24 |
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TuB | thanks. | 09:25 |
Riddell | seele: almost certainly network settings getting it wrong | 09:25 |
Riddell | seele: you could try installing knetworkmanager (you'd need to move /etc/network/interfaces out the way) | 09:25 |
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TheNightRider`` | im back :} | 09:26 |
TheNightRider`` | great, i downloaded wine | 09:27 |
TheNightRider`` | now to test if diablo would work ^^ | 09:27 |
seele | Riddell: is that package on the dapper CD or will i have to get the archive? | 09:28 |
Riddell | seele: it's network-manager-kde and its in universe not on the CD | 09:28 |
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Madeye | any GUI client to access webDAV? | 09:28 |
Random_Transit | TheNightRider: umm...i think diablo requires DirectX...which Wine can't do | 09:28 |
Riddell | Madeye: konqueror | 09:28 |
seele | Riddell: ok, ill try that. thanks :) | 09:28 |
TheNightRider`` | Random_Transit, its Direct3D :) | 09:29 |
Random_Transit | ah | 09:29 |
TheNightRider`` | or DirectDraw | 09:29 |
Madeye | Riddell, sorry but how to access webDAV with konqueror | 09:29 |
Riddell | Madeye: webdav://example.com/foo | 09:29 |
Madeye | Riddell, thank you dude :-) | 09:31 |
robotgeek | Riddell: kdesvn has issues? | 09:32 |
TheNightRider`` | omg omg omg | 09:33 |
TheNightRider`` | it worked!! | 09:33 |
TheNightRider`` | :D | 09:33 |
TheNightRider`` | nice! | 09:34 |
TheNightRider`` | :P | 09:34 |
fuci | !!! | 09:34 |
ubotu | fuci: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ | 09:34 |
fuci | how | 09:34 |
TheNightRider`` | i just ran it | 09:34 |
fuci | TheNightRider``: :o | 09:34 |
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TheNightRider`` | so fuckin simple | 09:34 |
TheNightRider`` | oops | 09:34 |
fuci | where did u ran it? | 09:35 |
TheNightRider`` | with wine | 09:35 |
TheNightRider`` | :} | 09:35 |
fuci | but in windows folder or? | 09:35 |
fuci | how | 09:35 |
fuci | tell me! | 09:35 |
Somefilename | Back. | 09:36 |
Somefilename | So, fuci, coppied all the files yet? | 09:36 |
fuci | to my linux hd? | 09:36 |
fuci | yes | 09:36 |
Somefilename | fuci, Ran it yet? | 09:36 |
TheNightRider`` | well | 09:37 |
TheNightRider`` | i copied it to /home | 09:37 |
TheNightRider`` | :D | 09:37 |
fuci | i can get to login screen | 09:37 |
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TuB | thanks for the help, Random_Transit | 09:39 |
fuci | not fair | 09:39 |
fuci | i wanna play d2 :( | 09:39 |
seele | Riddell: is there something running in the background? shouldnt i be able to bring up eth0 manually without kwifi or knetwork? | 09:39 |
Somefilename | fuci, Have you rename tha executable? | 09:40 |
fuci | jep | 09:40 |
fuci | to diablo_ii.exe | 09:40 |
Somefilename | fuci, Now run it - "wine diablo_ii.exe -opengl". | 09:40 |
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fuci | same thing | 09:41 |
fuci | doesn't work | 09:41 |
Massacration | hi everyone | 09:41 |
Somefilename | fuci, What does it says? | 09:41 |
Massacration | could anybody tell me how install open office 2.0.2? | 09:41 |
TheNightRider`` | bad news guys | 09:42 |
fuci | Somefilename: doesn't say anything | 09:42 |
TheNightRider`` | it only works with sp :( | 09:42 |
fuci | "Hey guys! Big problems here" | 09:42 |
Somefilename | Massacration, Emerge it. | 09:42 |
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Massacration | isn't there a rep to aptget it? | 09:43 |
Somefilename | Massacration, Use "aptitude" - you will find Open Office KDE in the list - good luck! | 09:43 |
Somefilename | fuci, Try using Cedega - as I said. | 09:44 |
fuci | ok | 09:44 |
Riddell | seele: you can edit /etc/networks/interfaces yourself and do sudo ifup eth0 | 09:44 |
Somefilename | fuci, Also known as WineX> | 09:44 |
Somefilename | fuci, http://www.transgaming.com/ | 09:44 |
fuci | ok | 09:44 |
seele | Riddell: yeah, thats what i did and it didnt work :/ | 09:44 |
fuci | Somefilename: it isn't free :<? | 09:46 |
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Somefilename | fuci, You need to subscribe or try to emerge it with APT> | 09:46 |
jeff_ | hey guys | 09:46 |
Somefilename | Welcome back jeff_! | 09:46 |
jeff_ | lol | 09:46 |
jeff_ | hows everything? | 09:46 |
fuci | Somefilename: how? | 09:47 |
Somefilename | fuci, Forget it. | 09:47 |
jeff_ | i just installed visualboy advance from the repos, its not on the kmenu :( | 09:47 |
fuci | :) | 09:47 |
Riddell | seele: have you set the essid? | 09:48 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Configure the KMenu. | 09:48 |
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jeff_ | somefilename: how? | 09:48 |
TheNightRider`` | hey jeff_ :) | 09:48 |
seele | Riddell: yeah, wireless-essid myessid, correct? | 09:48 |
Somefilename | jeff_, Right click > Menu Editor. | 09:48 |
Riddell | seele: yes | 09:49 |
jeff_ | thenightrider: hey man | 09:49 |
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TheNightRider`` | sup :) | 09:49 |
jeff_ | somefilename: ok, ill try that | 09:49 |
Riddell | seele: is the essid and Access Point set correctly in iwconfig? | 09:49 |
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seele | ah.. ok. theres a problem. iwconfig still things the wireless device is on eth1 and not eth0 | 09:50 |
Riddell | seele: what does it say for eth0? | 09:51 |
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seele | no wireless extensions | 09:51 |
Riddell | seele: ok, so the log that said it was eth0 is wrong, it's really eth1 | 09:51 |
Riddell | so knetworkconf wasn't broken. First time ever. | 09:51 |
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jeff_ | somefilename: what should i configure in menu editor? i dont see vba anywhere | 09:56 |
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seele | /etc/network/interfaces:17: too few parameters for iface line | 09:58 |
seele | head->desk | 09:58 |
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Riddell | seele: paste it into kubuntu.pastebin.com | 09:58 |
seele | Riddell: haha, im typing this out cause i have no access :) | 09:58 |
Riddell | ah, of course | 09:59 |
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Riddell | seele: mine http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/646724 | 10:00 |
jeff_ | does anybody use visualboy advance? | 10:00 |
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seele | Riddell: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/646730 | 10:01 |
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Riddell | iface eth0 inet | 10:03 |
Riddell | that needs dhcp on the end | 10:03 |
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Riddell | iface eth0 inet dhcp | 10:03 |
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=== seele hugs Riddell | ||
seele | whoot, thanks :) | 10:04 |
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root | hello | 10:04 |
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kavit | does anyone know if Dapper will have XGL support? | 10:07 |
bimberi | !xgl | 10:09 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/ | 10:09 |
bimberi | kavit: sorry, that's not the answer you're looking for ... | 10:09 |
bimberi | kavit: no, it's too new to be part of the core distribution, but it's already in the ubuntu repositories for play purposes. Perhaps dapper+1. | 10:10 |
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fuci | sooo | 10:25 |
fuci | anyone up to help me install diablo2 and lod ;)? | 10:25 |
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_frank | #ubuntu-de-treffpunkt | 10:36 |
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me | could someone upload or pastebin thier souces apt list mine got all messed up :( | 10:43 |
me | i am using kubuntu dapper flight 6 or w/e | 10:43 |
=== fuci [n=taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Riddell | !sources | 10:44 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 10:44 |
mvv | !easysource | 10:45 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic | 10:45 |
=== MenZa [i=MenZa@0x503ea779.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
me | where is the sources/list file at again ? | 10:49 |
me | . | 10:49 |
bimberi | me: /etc/apt/sources.list | 10:51 |
=== rajesh [n=rajesh@adsl-71-131-64-185.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
me | this might sound dumb but how in KDE to i open a file borwser | 10:53 |
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ep | me that would be konqueror | 10:57 |
me | i know but how would i open it in a file browser form and not a web browser form | 10:58 |
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kevman | I have two computers. Their hardware is slightly different, and one has Kubuntu installed and configured. I need the other to have an identical configuration. | 10:59 |
kevman | Any suggestions on how to do this? | 10:59 |
me | is there any better kde package managers then this adept i dont like it too much | 11:00 |
keifer | me: system menu -> home (for the filebrowser question | 11:01 |
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me | huh? | 11:01 |
frank23 | me: you can try synaptic instead of adept. I like it better. its a gnome app | 11:01 |
ep | synaptic is well regarded, it's not qt based however | 11:01 |
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ep | i like it better too | 11:02 |
=== mabel [n=mabel@p54AEE71A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
mabel | hi | 11:02 |
me | i used it with Gnome but im trying to keep everything KDE ish | 11:02 |
=== _peter [n=peter@port-212-202-57-22.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
me | isnt' there something called Kynaptic | 11:02 |
me | or Kpackage ? | 11:02 |
mabel | is there a german speaking channel for kubuntuusers? | 11:03 |
frank23 | me: yeah kynaptic was the default in hoary. it should still be in the repos. kpackage as well | 11:03 |
=== Lacerta [n=Silakka@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | me: kynaptic is not as good as synaptic though | 11:03 |
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me | will kynaptic work on dapper? | 11:03 |
me | whats missing anything major? | 11:03 |
frank23 | me: I don really remember... I just use synaptic because I like it. | 11:04 |
ep | i like to keep stuff KDE'ish as well but In my case the package mgr isnt run that often | 11:04 |
FadedSun | You can try any of them and decide for yourself. :p | 11:04 |
me | will do | 11:04 |
me | adept sucks | 11:04 |
me | i hate it | 11:04 |
keifer | mabel, you might try #kubuntu-de | 11:04 |
FadedSun | I like adept, but that's just me. ;) | 11:05 |
me | but i sitll havent figured out how konquer to make it file broswer browseing | 11:05 |
me | its slow | 11:05 |
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
frank23 | me: click the konqueror icon next to K-menu. then chose home folder | 11:06 |
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mabel | thank a lot keifer | 11:06 |
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me | thanks ;) | 11:06 |
me | didnt see that | 11:06 |
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=== Henning [i=nix@chello213047130099.24.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Henning | hi | 11:06 |
laboratorio | hi | 11:06 |
Henning | could someone be so kind as to help me | 11:07 |
FadedSun | I actually find myself using apt-get much more then any gui package manager. Seems a lot quicker and easier. | 11:07 |
Henning | im a unix noob, and i just installed kubuntu | 11:07 |
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frank23 | Henning: just ask your questions. If someone knows the answer, they will | 11:07 |
Henning | the problem is, that, when i try to setup my broadband, and i enter my password (useraccount pass) the screen flips back, as if i were using the wrong pass | 11:08 |
frank23 | FadedSun: what I like the gui package manager for is searching | 11:08 |
FadedSun | apt-cache search works pretty good for me | 11:08 |
ep | i do too fadedsun but the package mgr is nice to browse around, see what's available, read a description etc | 11:08 |
Henning | the root password, is my user acc pass, right? | 11:08 |
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frank23 | Henning: yeah. | 11:08 |
Henning | mmh | 11:08 |
me | how do i run Konqueror in su mode | 11:08 |
speedracer | I need to know how to totally wipe all of the files put on my machine when I apt-get something | 11:09 |
me | isnt there an option for that somewhere here | 11:09 |
Henning | lol | 11:09 |
frank23 | Henning: are you using breezy or dapper? | 11:09 |
Henning | so many people bombarding the chan | 11:09 |
Henning | @frank23: breezy | 11:09 |
Henning | dled it today | 11:09 |
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Henning | cant i just activate the root acx? | 11:09 |
speedracer | me: I thought there was too | 11:10 |
laboratorio | hi, i never died | 11:10 |
frank23 | Henning: it's possible but not necessary | 11:10 |
frank23 | Henning: try sudo kcontrol | 11:10 |
me | where is the option | 11:10 |
speedracer | like I ran apt-get remove and it didn't work, and then I tried apt-get remove --purge and that didn't do it either | 11:10 |
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frank23 | me: running konqueror as root is not a good idea. I doubt there is a gui option for that. | 11:11 |
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-171-196.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
me | why doesnt SU work | 11:12 |
me | only sudo | 11:12 |
frank23 | me: you can start it with kdesu konqueror | 11:12 |
Henning | suso you think going over kcontrol, will make a differance to "system settings--> network settings" ? | 11:12 |
me | kdesu? | 11:12 |
frank23 | me: because the root account is locked by default | 11:12 |
Henning | (im asking, coz i gotta reboot each time, before i come back) | 11:12 |
frank23 | !rootsudo | 11:12 |
ubotu | By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. | 11:12 |
FadedSun | ep, that is what packages.ubuntu.com is for! :p | 11:12 |
frank23 | me: kdesu is the sudo equivalent for kde apps | 11:13 |
=== tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1410b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
me | i seee | 11:13 |
fuci | hmm | 11:13 |
fuci | why is kde better than gnome? | 11:13 |
Henning | lol | 11:13 |
me | kdesu konqueror doesnt work | 11:13 |
frank23 | Henning: not using kcontrol but starting kcontrol as root maybe. | 11:13 |
ep | because Linus said it was. | 11:14 |
frank23 | fuci: you have to try it and decide yourself | 11:14 |
Henning | no, he said gnome proggers suck | 11:14 |
FadedSun | kde lets you do whatever you want. gnome only lets you do what the developers think your puny little brain can handle. :p | 11:14 |
keifer | actualy, I took it as hw said the gnome HIG sucks | 11:14 |
ep | he said it in more ways than one, yes :) | 11:14 |
fuci | frank23: i've used both kde and gnome | 11:14 |
fuci | but i'm just a newbie so i dont see so much difference in them | 11:15 |
me | lol sudo or kdesu sint working with konqueror | 11:15 |
fuci | except the' startmenu' | 11:15 |
Henning | @frank23: so in genereal: i find kcontrol, log in via sudo, and the find network settings? (sorry, but i have no idea what im doing... xD although im firm with windows, and have installed a unix vserer, so basics are there) | 11:15 |
frank23 | Henning: you login to kde normaly. open a konsole and enter sudo kcontrol it will ask for your password | 11:16 |
Snake__ | frank23: BAD | 11:17 |
Henning | and then i edit the settings via commands, like without a DE? | 11:17 |
Snake__ | BAD FRANK | 11:17 |
Snake__ | Henning: use kdesu for GUI, sudo for CLI | 11:17 |
Henning | mmh, the way you put it i should first of all read a book, and then come back | 11:17 |
Henning | :-) | 11:17 |
frank23 | Snake__: umm yeah... although sudo does work for kcontrol | 11:18 |
Henning | but ill try and find kcontrol, and go as told to. | 11:18 |
Henning | thanks, see you later | 11:18 |
Snake__ | frank23: ya, but when he sudo's something he shouldn't he shall be screwed | 11:18 |
frank23 | Snake__: yeah. although in dapper sudo kate actually works now. I don know what changed | 11:19 |
Snake__ | ...why would he leave...all he needed to do was hit alt+f2, and type kdesu kcontrol... WOW MOM I FOUND IT | 11:19 |
Snake__ | lol | 11:19 |
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Snake__ | lol | 11:19 |
frank23 | Snake__: no he came here with another OS. the problem is with configuring network | 11:19 |
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Snake__ | frank23: ah alrighty | 11:19 |
=== Skrot [n=magnus@ti132110a080-1789.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
me | where can i get kynaptic | 11:24 |
frank23 | me: it in the universe repository | 11:25 |
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noteventime | !usplash | 11:26 |
ubotu | usplash is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto | 11:26 |
me | whats the univerala repos? | 11:27 |
=== adm2 [n=adm2@che78-1-82-232-203-70.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
noteventime | universe? | 11:27 |
frank23 | !sources | 11:27 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 11:27 |
slow-motion | n8 | 11:28 |
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=== bigk is now known as CheeseBurgerMan | ||
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noteventime | !grub | 11:37 |
ubotu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting | 11:37 |
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=== IdefiX666 [n=chatzill@dsl45.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu | ||
IdefiX666 | can anybody help me with 4294675.149000 ohci1394: fw-host0: SelfID recived outside of bus reset sequence error? I cant install ubuntu because of that... http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=4421.msg17333#msg17333 thx in advance | 11:41 |
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IdefiX666 | really need help :( I can't slove that myself | 11:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hmm | 11:42 |
IdefiX666 | any idea? | 11:43 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Well, it stops at booting the kernel for me unless I add the paramaters 'noapic nolapic' - unfortuneatly, I have no idea what that actually does, so I can't say if that'll actually work in your situation | 11:44 |
raphink | IdefiX666: what do you call the newest kubuntu? | 11:44 |
=== CheeseBurgerMan looks for some support from someone with greater knowledge. | ||
IdefiX666 | 6.06 | 11:44 |
raphink | IdefiX666: 6.06 doesn't exist as stable yet | 11:45 |
raphink | there is a new version once every hour or so ;) | 11:45 |
raphink | so which one did you call the latest one? | 11:45 |
raphink | well not one every hour, I mean there are new packages once every hour or so, and there is an install CD everyday | 11:46 |
IdefiX666 | this is mine: dapper-dvd-i386 | 11:46 |
kameron | sudo apt-get install linux-image-2.6.15-20-386 tells me it's already the newest version, but uname -r shows that i'm running the -15-... upgrading kernels with dist-upgrade also doesn't work. anyone else have this problem? i'm running kubuntu dapper. | 11:46 |
raphink | IdefiX666: from what day ? what version? what snapshot? | 11:46 |
raphink | did you have the time to update it? | 11:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | kameron: you may want to try #ubuntu+1 for dapper problems. | 11:47 |
raphink | kameron: did you reboot? | 11:47 |
kameron | raphink, yes, serveral times. | 11:47 |
kameron | CheeseBurgerMan, i'm in that chan too | 11:47 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Oh, OK | 11:47 |
raphink | kameron: i386? | 11:47 |
IdefiX666 | version from 03-Apr-2006 | 11:47 |
IdefiX666 | downloaded from here: http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/ubuntu-cdimage/kubuntu/dvd/current/ | 11:48 |
kameron | raphink, yes.. i just figured out the problem. | 11:48 |
raphink | IdefiX666: so before the install finished you go this message, when the comp rebooted? | 11:48 |
raphink | kameron: good | 11:48 |
raphink | IdefiX666: there's no point in getting the DVD for dapper imo | 11:48 |
IdefiX666 | no. I got this masage before instalation begins.... Uncompressing Linux... OK, booting Kernel4294675.149000 ohci1394: fw-host0: SelfID recived outside of bus reset sequence | 11:48 |
kameron | raphink, basically, the problem is,lilo sucks.. hah. too bad grub doesn't run on this hard ware. | 11:49 |
raphink | kameron: what hardware? | 11:49 |
raphink | IdefiX666: oh | 11:49 |
raphink | IdefiX666: then try what CheeseBurgerMan suggested before | 11:49 |
kameron | raphink, a newer DFI board. | 11:49 |
raphink | hmm I don't know what a DFI board is | 11:50 |
raphink | but ok | 11:50 |
me | i need the actual links to the repsoitory | 11:50 |
kameron | raphink, DFI motherboard. | 11:50 |
raphink | ah ok | 11:50 |
raphink | sorry | 11:50 |
kameron | raphink, it has some ridiculous name like.. DFI ultra lanboy extreme hardcore.. etc. i don't know. reviews show it to overclock amd64 procs better than most. | 11:51 |
raphink | hmmm ok | 11:51 |
raphink | but it doesn't support grub | 11:51 |
raphink | ... | 11:51 |
me | they need to make Kaim | 11:51 |
kameron | raphink, grub is a lot newer than lilo, it doesn't run on as much hardware as lilo does, i've found at least. this computer simply will not boot using grub. | 11:51 |
raphink | Me sorry? | 11:51 |
raphink | what are you talking about Me? | 11:52 |
raphink | yes kameron that's right | 11:52 |
raphink | grub is also much better ;:) | 11:52 |
raphink | actually the first time I switched to grub was to test the Hurd | 11:52 |
raphink | ;) | 11:52 |
=== Snake__ is now known as Snake|Gone | ||
kameron | from what i've heard. i was going to use grub on this new system.. before this i was using BootX on an older ppc that doesn't support yaboot.. but then i got stuck with lilo. oh well, it works raphink | 11:53 |
raphink | kameron: I remember having fun with bootX in the past too | 11:53 |
kameron | raphink, if pulling teeth is fun... then sure :D | 11:53 |
raphink | it was horrible as you had to start MacOS before getting to boot into linux | 11:53 |
raphink | now I've got a G4 so it's nicer | 11:54 |
raphink | not much nicer, since yaboot is still quite primary | 11:54 |
raphink | compared to lilo or grub | 11:54 |
raphink | and I reckon that having a nice bootloader on PPC would be great | 11:54 |
kameron | haha, exactly.. i HAD to boot os9, then get it to escape the kernel. kind of ridiculous. really slowed down the whole boot process. plus you're forced to give os8 or 9 it's own partition, just to do nothing. and hdd space was valuable on that sys | 11:55 |
kameron | raphink, | 11:55 |
raphink | yep | 11:55 |
=== ipfw [n=sponix@71-81-16-18.static.ftgn.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raphink | well at that time I had changed my HD | 11:55 |
raphink | I had bought a 40GB IDE | 11:55 |
raphink | for my 4400/200 | 11:56 |
raphink | :) | 11:56 |
raphink | I had got the RAM up to 80 | 11:56 |
raphink | for a very expensive price | 11:56 |
raphink | well my machine was boosted that is | 11:56 |
raphink | lol | 11:56 |
=== glyph [n=glyph@cpe-24-28-166-38.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
raphink | and I was running YDL ;) | 11:56 |
raphink | I'll brb | 11:56 |
glyph | how do i switch from GDM to KDM? | 11:56 |
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IdefiX666 | ehhh... no one can help me :( gonna serch for other distro ;( | 12:02 |
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