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mlask hi there! my problem is: i would like to hear a mp3/ogg files in nautilus window, however, it doesn't work. I have enabled this function in nautilus opitons menu, i have also enebled gnome sound server and sound actions. I'm also sure that there is no other app blocking my audio device. I can hear sound conected with my acctions, eg. when minimalising a window, but i'm still unable to hear sound in nautilus. What should i do?08:29
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pygiJaneW: bah, around ? :)01:48
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=== jelkner [n=jelkner@pool-138-88-136-140.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #edubuntu
jelknerhi all03:35
jelknerwe have an edubuntu lab here in which most of the clients won't start x03:35
jelknerall we get is a console log-in03:35
jelkner(running 6.06)03:35
jelkner2 of the machines started x03:36
jelknerstrange, since all are the same hardware03:36
jelknerthe others won't03:36
jelkneris there a client log file we could look at?03:36
jelknerx tries to start, but then fails03:37
jelknerhardware info: hp compact t5500 thin-clients03:37
juliuxhave you tried alt+f7 ?03:38
jelknermonitors: Dell E173FP03:38
jelknertrying now...03:38
juliuxmy thinclients one time boot dircetly into x one time only console03:38
jelknerthat did it!03:38
jelknerjuliux: thanks!03:39
juliuxdont ask me why it shows you the consolen login03:39
juliuxjelkner, what for server hardware you use?03:39
=== juliux is interessting who much power an edubuntu server needs
jelknera custom built dual xeon machine03:40
jelknerjuliux: we should file a bug report03:40
juliuxjelkner, yes but which package?03:40
juliuxltsp? xorg? 03:40
jelknerwe want this fixed before release03:40
jelkneri don't know03:41
jelkneri'll ask ogra03:41
jelknerok, i need to get off03:41
jelknerwe have a class going on03:41
jelkneryou were a life saver!03:41
juliuxhave fun03:41
jelknerthanks again!03:41
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iigfiianyone out there who can help me with a ltsp login problem?09:21
iigfiildm.log shows the whole login thing and then 'connection to closed by remote host'09:23
Yagisaniigfii: try running "sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys" on the server and reboot the client09:26
Yagisanit might help09:26
iigfiihi Yagisan. Tried it. No difference09:31
iigfiithe ssh login works ok I think (from what I see from the logs)09:32
iigfii>> debug1: authentication succeeded (password)09:32
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iigfiibut then for some reason the connection gets closed09:36
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iigfiithe .xsession-errors ~/ says:09:44
iigfiiXsession: X session started for laurent at za apr  8 21:30:09 CEST 200609:45
iigfiiNo profile for user 'laurent' found09:45
Yagisandoes the user exist ?09:49
iigfiiit is not in /etc/passwd though09:50
iigfiiit's an ldap user09:50
iigfiican this be the problem?09:50
Yagisanperhaps, I've never used it with ldap. your pam setup working ?09:52
iigfiiyes. I can log in directly on the server09:52
Yagisanany other ldap accounts able to log into the clients ?09:52
Yagisanis this a production box ?09:55
Yagisanif not, have you tried to chroot09:55
Yagisaninto the ltsp directory, and configure pam in there09:56
Yagisanjust a thought09:56
iigfiino. it's just a test setup.09:56
iigfiiI just created a local user.09:56
iigfiisame result09:56
iigfiiI do have a pam_mount thing going on... Maybe I should try without it09:57
iigfiidisabled pam_mount. no difference10:01
iigfiiis it possible that it tries to set a video mode that doesn't work or something?10:02
YagisanI don't think it is video related because you can see to log in10:05
Yagisanmaybe someone else has some ideas too10:05
iigfiiwhen I log in, there is some screen flickering before I'm trown back to ldm10:07
iigfiiseems to be related to sabayon10:11
iigfiithe no profile message was generated by /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60sabayon_apply10:11
iigfiiI removed this file and no I can log in10:12
iigfiishould I file a bug against ltsp or against sabayon?10:12

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