[12:04] IdefiX666: well you're wanting to install a devpt version [12:04] this is not very wise of you if you can't deal with it by yourself [12:04] I'd suggest you install breezy instead [12:04] anyone running kubuntu on a g4 powerbook? [12:04] bkn: yep [12:04] and You think this will help? [12:05] IdefiX666: then you can refer to the forums [12:05] are you running stable or unstable? (err i think that's hoary and drapper). [12:05] and at least you'll have more users with your version [12:05] Can someone help me with a KDE issue, I did an update to 3.5.2 with deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde352 breezy main [12:05] , and now _MOST_ of KDE doesn't function, no panel, no dekstop etc [12:05] bkn: stable=breezy, unstable=dapper [12:05] and I'm running dapper [12:05] glyph: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm could get you there [12:05] ipfw: running breezy? [12:06] raphink: yes, but thinking of moving over to dapper if that will help [12:06] ipfw: are you sure the upgrade was complete? [12:06] maybe it stopped in the middle [12:06] try runing apt-get -f install [12:06] and apt-get dist-upgrade again [12:06] !changedesktop [12:06] parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, mvv === _admin [n=admin@201-42-131-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [12:06] raphink: see, thats the deal, in synaptic, when I tell it to reload, and then mark all updates, I haven't had any for weeks :P === _admin is now known as Shigutso [12:07] raphink: ahh, cool, ditto. I've been trying to get the wireless card working with limited success. I followed the instructions on the ubuntu wiki page. I was able to scan for Access Points, but i have not been able to get a DHCP address with my wireless card. Did you get wireless setup successfully?a [12:07] !changedesktopdefault [12:07] mvv: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [12:07] bkn: I haven't got wireless [12:07] ahh, nuts ;). [12:07] bkn: you mean aiport extreme? [12:07] yeah. [12:07] i need to install the newest NVidia Graphic drivers, but I need to close the X to install them. How do I close the X ? What is the command? [12:07] aiport extreme is not supported yet [12:07] iirc [12:07] a support for it is being written iirc [12:08] but I don't think we have it, even in dapper [12:08] raphink: umm, okay. oh well :). [12:08] raphink: did you try to get Mac On Linux working? [12:08] Shigutso: sudo killall X [12:08] for ex === _kavit [n=kavit@] has joined #kubuntu [12:08] bkn: why? [12:09] what for? [12:09] raphink: thanks, i will try here :) [12:09] I have been using linux only for years [12:09] MacOS is very nice, but I don't need it [12:09] :) [12:09] I got this powerbook because it's great hardware and a friend of mine needed to sell it [12:09] raphink: for me its convient to run mac apps that i use while i trasition to linux. it's also a pretty cool project. makes for a good 'wow' factor. === _kavit is now known as kavit [12:10] bkn: hmm ok [12:10] what kind of mac apps do you need to run, [12:10] ? [12:10] raphink: heh, cool. i'm really impessed with the suspend on linux. [12:10] raphink: i balence my checkbook on a osx app. [12:10] raphink: neither the -f install or the dist-upgrade did a thing ... Think I should just make the hop to dapper ? [12:10] you mean your accounts? [12:11] ipfw: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop [12:11] does it do something? [12:11] bkn: you should try kmymoney2 === _admin [n=admin@201-42-131-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [12:11] raphink: yeah, my bank accounts. getting MOL running is not that big of a deal. i was just curious if you had got it working. === _admin is now known as Shigutso [12:11] raphink: kubuntu-desktop is already the newest version. [12:11] raphink: nope :P [12:11] ipfw: hmm [12:11] weird [12:11] raphink: i'll give that app a try. i think i tried back in the 0.6 days before i got my powerbook. [12:12] raphink: the command to close the X didn't work... :/ [12:12] ipfw: did you restart KDE after you upgraded? [12:12] raphink: screw, it .. its a weekend .. I'll try a move to dapper, if that doesn't work I'll just back up and level the drive :P [12:12] raphink: yeah, even went so far as to restart the whole computer [12:12] Shigutso: I'd say sudo killall kdm first so you get rid of it since it will reload X automatically, then ps ax | grep X to get the pid numbers then kill X manually [12:13] there must be an easier way [12:13] raphink: let me check my logs, see if any major errors... [12:13] maybe a telinit 2 would do [12:13] or even telinit 3 shoudl do [12:13] according to LSB [12:13] raphink: this wiki pages seems to indicate that air port exreme is supported (in a limited fashion though) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx === conn [n=conn@] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] ah good bkn [12:14] I don't have it though, so I can't tell [12:14] it's good if it is [12:14] :;) === kernoman [n=kernoman@82-33-9-8.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [12:14] although I think I'd buy a PC card rather === goldbuggie [n=goldbugg@c213-100-52-89.swipnet.se] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] raphink: i'm way too cheap to buy a PC card:). so i'm going to see what i can do to get it working. [12:15] hi, has anyone noticed that Kubuntu is pretty slow redrawing? For example, dragging a window around is very slow when there are icons on your desktop, you can see the icons being repainted very slowly... or try minimizing and maximizing windows (with animation disabled), there's a 1sec delay when maximizing. I tried other KDE-based distros and they're much faster, has anyone noticed this? [12:16] raphink: happen to know where that kde352 installs & logs to ? [12:16] like a Dlink or so [12:16] when I buy one [12:16] sorry big big lag === kernoman [n=kernoman@82-33-9-8.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:17] ipfw: /var/log/dpkg [12:17] for the dpkg logs [12:18] conn: which version of kubuntu are you talking about? [12:19] raphink: breezy and dapper have both had this problem, I'm running dapper atm [12:19] hmm [12:19] I didn't notice this particularly [12:19] what other KDE-based distros did you compare it with? [12:20] raphink: Knoppix, which is pretty old and XFree86-based, and MEPIS, which is newer and Xorg-based [12:20] all running KDE 3.5 ? === Art_ [n=art@netblock-68-183-20-244.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:20] knoppix & mepis are live CDs iirc [12:20] in MEPIS, everything is much snappier, there's no slowdown like in k/ubuntu [12:20] they can't really be compared [12:21] raphink: why can't they be compared? that's silly, MEPIS is KDE based and runs on Xorg (albeit probably 6.8.0) [12:21] MEPIS is going to be based on Ubuntu soon ;) [12:21] conn: hmm, shame, because MEPIS will be based on ubuntu/kubuntu from now on, so the site says :) === ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] conn: if you have a computer with a ton of ram MEPIS might seem faster, because it likes to load as much as it can in memory, so it doesn't have to read from the CD/DVD === ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Left] [12:22] does nobody else notice the slowdown? I have kubuntu installed on 3 computers, with 3 different gfxcards, a pentium 2, 3 and Celeron 2.8Ghz, they all have this problem [12:22] conn: what version of KDE? [12:23] all on 3.5 ? [12:23] Isn't MEPIS sorta selling out on this one? [12:23] ipfw: no, this isn't a matter of livecd vs installed, in face, by nature livecds are slower due to constant CD accessing, and in reality it's faster === pvh__ [n=pvh@d66-183-173-185.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:23] raphink: I believe MEPIS is 3.4.1 [12:23] Art_: why would they be selling out? It makes plenty of sense to have migrated to a Ubuntu base. [12:23] conn: that might make a huge difference [12:24] you're comparing different distros [12:24] that run different version of Xorg (Dapper has 7.0) [12:24] and different version of KDE [12:24] how can yo ube sure it's not Xorg or KDE that slow it down? [12:24] raphink: open firefox and load a website with some images, open a konsole, turn off any compositing programs (in KDE/xcompmgr etc), and simply drag the konsole window around, and you'll see what I mean === _rubens [n=rubens@201-41-118-91.bsace703.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [12:25] crimsun, Makes it a third generation distro Debian -> Ubuntu -> MEPIS. [12:25] and try dragging a window over a full desktop too, do you not see the repainting delay? [12:25] Art_: so? [12:26] Art_: this is not the third generation distro [12:26] Ubuntusb is one, too [12:26] and others [12:26] crimsun, I would prefer to see them independent. [12:26] Art_: yeah, well, that's great and all but completely off-topic and irrelevant here. [12:26] crimsun, OK. [12:27] There is 100+ settings in KDE that can speed it up, or slow it down also -- Menu Animations, Shading, Resolution of the Icons, Number of Virtual Desktops, etc etc === Bambino [n=romeo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:27] Excuse me, I am running KDE on UBUNTU on a laptop. Everything works except when i press FN and upper arrow. It should higher the volume on my sound. It does not =( nothing hppens. Anyone knows why? === _neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-171-196.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] So, when I upgrade this box from Breezy, to Dapper, is it going to know its Kubuntu, and upgrade the kubuntu-desktop for me also, or is it going to leave me hanging ? [12:28] ipfw: if you've got kubuntu-desktop installed, it will upgrad it altogether [12:28] should ;) [12:28] ----- /var/tmp/SMdDfecEWZLgiXqKgmKn/installscript.sh: line 13: 28512 Segmentation fault mkdir -p "/usr/share/doc/v4l-dvb" ---------- does anybody know what this error message means.... i got it while using the checkinstall program [12:28] raphink: I've ran Breezy too, and that's very similar to MEPIS in terms of versions, it had the same problem too.. there's miniscule delays in opening menu items, for example, and try maximizing a window from the taskbar, there's a delay from .5sec to 2 seconds (on my systems, from fastest to slowest).. [12:28] raphink: I just dropped a sources.list for dapper in there, did apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade === nico8481 [n=nico@ip-62-235-55-198.dial.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu [12:29] on MEPIS or Knoppix, maximizing is instantaneous, there's no repaint probs etc.. [12:29] conn: ok you can report this bug [12:29] hi [12:29] raphink: ok, if it hoses it, I'm going back to slack ... I'll just build the crap by hand, like I'm use to :P === _justin [n=justin@netblock-66-245-201-90.dslextreme.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:30] ipfw: good4u [12:30] ipfw: i'm not going to force you to stay if you prefer to do things for yourself only [12:30] I only like to remind people about the fact that open-source is not merely about building your own packages apart ;) [12:30] but it's also about freedom of choice, so ;) === Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034210155.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:31] raphink: I have to say though, the Ubuntu/Kubuntu has been a nice ride so far though, I picked it for a quick install, and for the binary pkg's to save bw (limited net).. And over all, its been wonderful, minus this lil kde upgrade issue (more than likely my user error) [12:31] What's the best way to install flash on kubuntu breezy? [12:31] to be clear ipfw people who react like "this distro doesn't work, I don't want it" totally miss the point of open-source imo, which is contribution [12:32] !RestrictedFormats [12:32] Art_: what browser ? [12:32] restrictedformats is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats [12:32] ipfw, Firefox. [12:32] Art_: follow the link ubotu gave [12:32] Art_: one _easy_ way if is to go to a site with flash, and tell it to "install plugin" when it asks :) [12:32] ipfw: no [12:33] that's a trashy way [12:33] with firefox 1.5 you can just click on the install plugin when you are on a flash site [12:33] the best way is to install the package [12:33] ;) === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] raphink, The package sez it needs gsfonts-x11 [12:34] But can't install it. [12:34] ah [12:34] Where is a source? [12:34] Repository. [12:34] raphink: speaking of packages, I still have a strange bug... when I have a link thats a redirect to a dot com ... say freshmeat/blah/blah/home/redirect/www.mozilla.com it tries to load/execute/save the link as .com instead of surfing it ... _ever_ in your life have you seen that ? [12:34] Art_: do you have multiverse on? [12:34] Excuse me, I am running KDE on UBUNTU on a laptop. Everything works except when i press FN and upper arrow. It should higher the volume on my sound. It does not =( nothing hppens. Anyone knows why? [12:34] raphink, Yup. [12:35] ipfw: what browser? [12:35] what laptop Bambino? [12:35] acer aspire 5024 [12:35] raphink: ff1.0.7 && ff1.5.0.1 [12:35] Bambino: did you search for your model on the wiki/forums? [12:35] it works so good in ubuntu without the KDE installed. but the second i installed KDE it stopped working [12:35] ipfw: I don't know about firefox, I use konqueror [12:35] raphink: Wiki for Ubuntu? or for KDE? [12:36] Bambino: ah weird [12:36] Bambino: go to systemsettings -> internationalization -> keyboard layout [12:36] and try to play with the layouts maybe [12:36] Art_: apt-cache search gsfonts . anything here? [12:37] raphink: upgrade to dapper is on 128 out of 1275 or so. I might as well get a nap in. Thanks for the support, with a little luck the kde issues will clean themselves up, and I can concentrate on the other lil issues [12:37] ipfw: if you want a clean dapper, I'd suggest you install it from scratch though [12:37] not that upgrading won't work [12:38] raphink, Yes, but not -x11. [12:38] but there are changes in dapper that will take effect on a clean profile for ex [12:38] and you'll enjoy better a clean dapper install [12:38] than an upgraded one ;) [12:38] raphink: I like it dirty *Grin*, just want to see if its functional when it comes up [12:38] + a clean install will have a clean KDE 3.5.2 [12:38] ipfw: as you want [12:38] Art_: really? [12:38] let me see [12:38] Bambino: also you might need to explicit add acpi=on to grub since that often handles the fn keys [12:39] Art_: gsfonts-x11 should be in main ... [12:39] goldbuggie: I am new to linux, so I read ur language as chinese :P didnt udnerstand ;) [12:39] raphink: honestly, do you think it will flip out when it notices I've trimmed 60% or so of the boot scripts out ? [12:39] at least in dapper [12:39] let me check in breezy [12:39] ipfw: lol [12:39] barbarian [12:39] raphink, Hmm, interesting. Let me look again. [12:40] Bambino: click on the KMenu, then systemsettings -> internationalization -> keyboard layout [12:40] that's where you have to click Bambino [12:40] it has nothing to do with linux in particular [12:40] raphink: just got to looking through there, and OMG I don't need most of that stuff *Grin*... === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] lol [12:41] why not tune your services instead ipfw? [12:41] Bambino: you are on a laptop, I take it ? [12:41] raphink, I have the us.archives main in my sources.list. [12:41] ipfw: Correct [12:41] Art_: breezy, [12:41] ? === Henning [i=nix@chello213047130099.24.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] hi again [12:41] raphink: I need most of them, but just every now and then, so I nuked all the runlevel links for them... I can turn them on through init.d when I need darnit :P [12:41] hi Henning [12:42] sure ipfw [12:42] it's up to you to tune your box ;) === Lacerta [n=Silakka@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] Bambino: yeah, its just KDE overwriting your keyboard mappings with its defaults, to find what they should be set at you can lookup example configs for your specific laptop at like a linuxforlaptops site or something [12:42] raphink: or break it *Grin* [12:42] ipfw: Thanks [12:43] so, ive done the following up to now: (I have the problem, that sudo wont accept my root pass, using "breezer-->editing any settings") i tried to edit the kdmrc and allow the root login. But that didnt work, as it wasnt accesable via the konsol [12:43] raphink: I do miss "use the source", at times, because when something broke I knew who to point the finger at [12:43] every time i did "su" n the consol, i wasnt able to access /etc/ /bin/ or any root folders [12:43] so, i tried via konqueror [12:43] but when trying to save, i had no admin rights [12:44] raphink, Just breezy-updates. Maybe that's the problem. [12:44] and now i cant edit my isp settings [12:44] Henning: settle down, Ubuntu/Kubuntu has root user disabled by default [12:44] i know [12:44] thats why i tried to set it up [12:44] allow it [12:44] coz sido wont accept my pass [12:45] Henning: I can tell you my quick, dirty, and probably improper way of enable the root account ... Or someone can give you a guide to do it right :P [12:45] where would he need it? [12:45] setting up his isp settings [12:45] and any settings in general === picoss [n=picoss@roa76-5-82-234-252-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] Henning: you need sudo, no su [12:46] ubotu: tell Henning about sudo [12:46] Henning, Try "sudo su". [12:46] Henning: sudo -s, also works :) [12:47] Henning: kdesu konqueror :) [12:47] so "sudo -s" [12:47] and then "kdesu konqueror" [12:47] "sudo + any command that needs root rights" [12:47] in a command line? [12:47] what is "" [12:47] s [12:47] Henning: all these examples are explained on the the wiki page [12:48] main problem is: [12:48] why doesnt sudo work via kde? [12:48] Henning: what do you mean, it works for me [12:48] why doesnt it accept the pass? on the long run, i cant leave my root acx open [12:48] yeah, but not for me [12:48] xD === _admin [n=admin@201-42-131-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === _admin is now known as Shigutso [12:48] Henning: okay, you cant su, you need sudo. please read the wiki page completely [12:49] (00:48:08) (Henning) why doesnt it accept the pass? on the long run, i cant leave my root acx open [12:49] dont you have an answer to this? [12:49] Henning: and it you enable su, gui admin tools will not work :P [12:49] ive seen severall peopel having this problem (google) [12:49] Henning: i don't follow [12:49] When I tried to install the NVidia graphic drivers, I got this message when it was almost ready to install: Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel. [12:49] Henning: it's not a problem, it's a safety feature [12:49] okay, i want to setup my "network settings" [12:49] what do you mean, " i cant leave my root acx open" [12:50] now, i need root rights for this [12:50] what do I do now? [12:50] so i click on "edit with root rights" [12:50] enter the ass [12:50] "sudo nano /etc/networking/interfaces" [12:50] and it "thinks" abit and then the settings are still greyed out [12:51] Henning: you are not able to enter "Administrator Mode?" [12:51] yes === dutch [n=james@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:51] (that is correct) [12:51] Henning: i think that is a problem with kde 3.4.3, i upgrade to 3.5.2 and it went away :P [12:51] raphink, That did it. I had inadvertently commented out the breezy main line. Thanks [12:52] okay, ill see if i can google an installation. thanks [12:52] Henning: momento. http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php [12:53] thankyou [12:53] robotgeek: I upgreaded to 3.5.2 and it broke KDE completely :P [12:53] gz [12:53] ipfw: meaning? === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:53] ipfw: broke kde isn't very useful [12:53] robotgeek: Panel doesn't run, no kdesktop... basically, Konsole still works, thats about it :P [12:53] When I tried to install the NVidia graphic drivers, I got this message when it was almost ready to install: "Unable to find the kernel source tree for the currently running kernel." What should I do now? :/ [12:54] !nvidia [12:54] rumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 [12:54] ipfw: sudo apt-get install kde-core [12:54] ipfw: if that does anything at all then kde was not ugpraded it was removed :) [12:54] http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/kde/stable/3.5.2/kubuntu/pool-breezy/ could you tell me, which file i need please? [12:55] kosh: for being removed, it sure thinks the packages are still there :) [12:55] ipfw: that that command install pretty much anything? [12:55] found it [12:55] raphink: where to file bugs about breezy kde 3.5.2 ? === mofu [n=Corneliu@host94-0.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] is it a bug or feature that if i press the "minimize all" button and then try to do new file to desktop, when the "insert name for new file" window appears, minimized windows get back up? :-) [12:58] robotgeek: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs === mofu [n=Corneliu@host94-0.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:58] i must say, that with all the efforts "Linux" ist trying to become a mass os, it still is far from that. [12:58] robotgeek: is the kdg in rosetta yet? [12:58] thats my first impression [12:58] frank23: lemme check. === me [n=me@cpe-24-33-228-64.insight.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:59] Henning: some people are trying to make linux a mass os, most arn't and probably don't care === me is now known as Wizz_kidd1 [01:00] whats a good instant messegner program like gaim only for KDE [01:00] Henning: well, linux needs fixing first then pure "using", windows needs fixing little all the time using between, thats how i see it [01:00] Wizz_kidd1: kopete. it's there by default === conn [n=conn@] has joined #kubuntu [01:00] yea i know but no aim direct connect [01:01] any others i guess I could use kopete hmmmm [01:01] but i like aim direct connect [01:01] Henning: I write db software and have been using linux for the last 10 years or so and this is what my desktop looks like http://aesaeion.com/mydesk [01:01] vge: my experience is that whatever system people know the best they have the fewest problems with [01:01] vge: so people that are bad at windows have more windows bugs, bad with linux have more linux bugs etc [01:02] kosh: true also [01:03] second that [01:04] kosh: what res are u on? [01:04] total of 5504x1200 [01:05] kosh: what type of db software do you do ? [01:05] yeah, thats fine for you [01:05] but i need a mouse [01:05] vge: I have just seen people have the strangest problems on linux with things breaking badly and they would keep claiming to do have done nothing, however when closely investigated they often deleted something from /usr manually, screwed over the permissions etc [01:05] Henning: what kind of mouse do you have, it should just plug in and work [01:06] ipfw: zope === viktor [n=viktor@] has joined #kubuntu [01:06] frank23: not yet [01:06] robotgeek: ok. [01:07] kosh: but still, linux needs more support for normal people [01:07] vge: _normal_ people can pay MS $200 a pop for all I care [01:08] @kosh: i just installed it, and the first thing was to try and get the internet up and running [01:08] and the thing is, i can install an eggdrop [01:08] ipfw: you just wanna be special or want a good OS? [01:09] so im not my mother, who cant check her emails, if the icon isnt called emails [01:09] i want stable os, which is easy to use [01:09] vge: I have a great OS [01:09] in fact, I have a couple of them :) [01:09] ipfw: yes, but elitism will ruin linux imho [01:10] first time i installed kubuntu now i was not asked for root pass during the installation, what is the default root pass ? === seth|lappy [n=seth@ubuntu/member/seth] has joined #kubuntu [01:10] glitchy [01:10] reinstall [01:10] viktor: your own pass [01:10] hehe [01:10] users are glitchy [01:10] how often have you had to asnwer that question? [01:10] vge: for my account viktor ? [01:11] yes [01:11] vge: we all have our opinions [01:11] vge: Failure [01:12] vge: i feel the same. a big problem with unix, is that when you ask for help, people say "if you cant even do that, then dont use unix" === owner [n=owner@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:12] Henning: can you help me please ? [01:12] Henning: well who say that are just mean [01:12] Henning: I have gotten even worse things on windows, try updating the ati video driver if you have two radeon cards in a machine that are not the same model === xDaSx [n=DaS@] has joined #kubuntu [01:13] vge Henning : honestly, the biggest problem with *nix not spreading, is most users cry when they have to "study" an OS === ronin_ [n=ronin@pool-141-156-177-196.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:13] kosh: thats true. but then you have to only install the driver [01:13] Henning: what do you have to do to get the internet up and running, for the past 8 years or so I have just plugged the network cable then [01:13] o, via the graphics card itself [01:13] Henning: umm no [01:14] Henning: in order to update the drive you have to remove the old one, windows even if told to use the vga driver won't use it if both cards are present [01:14] Henning: the go to admin problem you ran into is rather unfortunate. I thought it was fixed a while ago but maybe it wasn't [01:14] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa === tarmath [n=tarmath@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp3497027.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] somebody to help [01:14] Henning: so I have to open up the box, physically pull one of the card, turn it back on, install the driver, shut it down, plug the card back and turn it back on [01:14] kosh, do get the internet up and running i need to change dns to chello.at dns ip: [01:14] Henning: so they don't send that info via dhcp? [01:14] !tell viktor about rootsudo [01:15] no, you just go: settings-->system->hardware-->selcet the graphicscard -->driver->install manually->chosse driver [01:15] next [01:15] ipfw: biggest problem is the driver makers, not the users. Normal people dont wanna update a kernel to get new driver support [01:15] no, you just go: settings-->system->hardware-->selcet the OTHER graphicscard -->driver->install manually->choose driver stored soemwhere else [01:15] Henning: open up system settings -> network settings -> and configure your network card [01:15] Henning: that DOES NOT WORK [01:15] i cant [01:15] because it wants my root pass [01:16] vge: well, contact millions of vendors then [01:16] and when i enter it, it wont accept it [01:16] Henning: if you have one ati card it works fine === My8os[Away] [n=My8os@ppp28-adsl-1-189.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu [01:16] Henning: it wants your password not a root password [01:16] Henning: it doesnt want a root pass [01:16] !sudo [01:16] well, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. === fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:16] ipfw: and drivers are made to operating systems that people use [01:16] my pass is the root pass [01:16] Henning: irrevelant [01:16] coz i got kubuntu === My8os[Away] is now known as My8os [01:16] kbrooiks: lol [01:16] kosh: it's a bug with kde. I thought it was fixed [01:16] so, getting more people on operating system is really important as i see it [01:17] Henning: the GUI that pops up for admin permissions wants your damn user password [01:17] Henning: if you have multiple nvidia cards it works, if you have one ati cards it works, however if you have two or more ati cards the driver install like what you said won't work [01:17] kubuntu users cant use root [01:17] Henning: clear? [01:17] Henning: it is a known bug that they don't care about fixing [01:17] okay [01:17] Henning: they use it thru "sudo". [01:17] i know windows is crap [01:17] kosh: those a**holes [01:17] thast why im trying linux [01:18] Henning: ubuntu sux less, go and try it [01:18] kbrooks: okay this is another idea can you just hit alt-f2 and type kdesu kcontrol and hit enter [01:18] ill have to reboot for that [01:18] :-) [01:18] ill try [01:18] kosh: who me im not on kde [01:18] Henning: no reboot necessary [01:18] opps meant Henning [01:18] Henning: why do u have to reboot? [01:18] Henning: why would you have to reboot? [01:18] coz im on win xp [01:19] ah [01:19] i cant sue internet with linux, thats the whole problem [01:19] kbrooks: well if you can't setup network settings in kubuntu, you need another OS to come here [01:19] Henning: well once you are in kcontrol then go into internet and network -> network settings [01:19] thanks [01:19] you should be able to change anything then [01:19] it seems strange that your isp does not just send that as part of the dhcp information, then it would just magically work under every os out there [01:19] dont i have to do kdesu kcontrol su ? [01:20] just hit alt-f2 and type kdesu kcontrol once you are inside kde [01:20] what about admin rights? [01:20] that will run kcontrol as root and it will prompt you for your password [01:20] ah, okay [01:20] thanks [01:20] once you are in there can configure the network [01:20] sorry, for being so dumb [01:20] Henning: and on that version, the dns option keeps resetting if you have to set it in GUI [01:20] kdesu is a graphical sudo/su program [01:20] kosh: the problem is with configuring the interface. he can't reach the menu [01:21] frank23: that should get him to that menu [01:21] yeah [01:21] frank23: since it will just start it as root to begin with [01:21] kcontrol works over the bug i guess [01:21] okay, thankyou all very much [01:22] no problem [01:22] hopefully it works [01:22] I still wonder what kind of isp does not just sent that information automatically [01:22] that is part of dhcp [01:22] what info? [01:22] at any rate it's a shame that kubuntu breezy was released with that bug because it has affected many people. the worst thing is that right now on a fresh kubuntu dapper install, you can't setup network either. the module just keeps crashing [01:22] the dns servers, routing information etc [01:23] frank23: what _module_ ? [01:23] frank23: really? I am running dapper with the kde that is in it and I just clicked on it and it seems to work just fine [01:23] i wish IRC worked on my new 2.6.17-rc1 kernel T_T [01:23] https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kde-systemsettings/+bug/38530 this is the bug I reported yesterday. someone would have to try with a fresh install to confirm [01:23] Malone bug 38530 in kde-systemsettings "systemsettings crashes when you try to configure a network interface on a fresh install" [Normal,Unconfirmed] [01:23] somebody can help me on that? [01:25] frank23: I can't duplicate that bug but what is a fresh install of dapper? [01:25] kosh: you install kubuntu dapper from a daily iso. (not ubuntu) then you try to setup the network [01:26] ah I did not install from an iso, I upgraded from breezy to dapper and have just used apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade to keep it updated [01:26] and I just tested and it is working here [01:28] hmm, can i update to dapper from repos? [01:29] im not really in a mood of breaking something, shoud i update? === _frank [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:29] getting lazy [01:29] umm I don't think I should help you do that [01:29] the upgrade broke x and I had to fix that manually [01:29] I don't want to try and walk you through fixing x, it is not hard but .... [01:30] naah, dont worry, i had my fix on slackware and kde way back, but im not really into fixing atm [01:31] and i dont wanna loose my cool quake1 console ^^ === tjokro [n=tjokro@] has joined #kubuntu [01:32] <_frank> vge: yakuake? === davebgimp [n=davebgim@ool-182d0d91.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] kuake0.4, onlyone that works with kde and it's bug with the "minimize all" button [01:34] www.tp.spt.fi/~veenseta/snapshot8.jpg === davebgimp [n=davebgim@ool-182d0d91.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #kubuntu === jind [n=ruben@] has joined #kubuntu [01:39] Hi, I just replaced my 19" CRT with a 19" flatpanel. I ran dkpg-reconfigure xserver... and the monitor is showing the the correct native resolution, but it really hurts/strains my eyes looking at it. I have the correct refresh range set in my xorg.conf file. Am I missing something? [01:40] <_frank> davebgimp: what refresh rate are you using? [01:41] refresh rate on a lcd should be 60 [01:41] and 60 shouldn't flicker [01:41] ing [01:41] <_frank> davebgimp: oh you switched to LCD? [01:42] <_frank> davebgimp: yeah refresh rate on a LCD is not very important [01:42] _frank: According to my monitor's built in info thing...75 HZ [01:43] _frank: hmm then is there anything I can do. i really hurts my eyes and the fonts look off. [01:43] <_frank> davebgimp: it's LCD? even 60 Hz should be perfect because the image is relatively constant compared to a CRT === fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] _frank: yes it's a LCD SyncMaster 930b [01:43] !xincludes [01:43] When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev [01:45] what are the qt and kde includes package for dapper? [01:45] someone erased the ubotu entry [01:45] kdebase-dev should be a good starting point. === jdong [n=jdong@ubuntu/member/jdong] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] crimsun: that's right [01:46] crimsun: I put that package name in ubotu and I'm guessing one of the mods took it off === xDaSx [n=DaS@] has left #kubuntu [] === seth|lappy [n=seth@ubuntu/member/seth] has joined #kubuntu === karvr [n=karvr@ppp-216-106-101-175.storm.ca] has joined #kubuntu === NoDgr[away] is now known as NoDgr === k|away [n=kevin@203-206-29-91.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:51] crimsun: how do you get ubotu to just quote a line without it adding the "I guess something is" prefix? [01:51] I've done it once [01:51] I just forgot how... === Shigutso [n=admin@201-42-131-181.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu === brendan__ [n=brendan@] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] davebgimp: ive had issues with that monitor too, i had to replace it... it was too bright [01:59] tarmath: turning the brightness didn;t help? [01:59] davebgimp: and not only on linux... i tried on windows also just to compare and it was the same [02:00] davebgimp: i had to brithness to 0 and I still couldnt see some colors close to white [02:00] davebgimp: apparently they are built in 2 different countries, mexico and malaysia [02:01] tarmath: Hmm, I don't think I have that problem. Mainly my eyes hurt looking at it. [02:01] davebgimp: those from malaysia are shit, those from mexico are nice. [02:01] davebgimp: or so i read... === owner [n=owner@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] tarmath: i wonder if since I did the install with a CRT at 1600x1200 and just recently swtched the monitor to the LCD, there something still set in regards to the CRT [02:03] you could try booting without x and moving your config file, then generate a new one and see... [02:04] tarmath: Hmm, I can try that. Could it also be my NVidia card? [02:04] you should normally habe the monitor's name in the monitor section... [02:05] are you on digital or analog input? the monitor supports both if im right? [02:05] tarmath: the xorg.conf file seems to have the right info as far as i can tell [02:05] tarmath: I believe i'm on analog [02:05] then you are on analog [02:06] have you tried google? theres a few links that explains what to put in your config manually for the monitor [02:06] i read those when i was trying to set it right === thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu [02:07] I have, extensively and I have also run dpkg-reconfigure xserver... as well as manually input the refresh rated from a model spec sheet I found [02:07] by the way, the thing gave me headaches too... [02:08] then you did everything just like me... next is to get a better monitor [02:08] not all people have the same eye sensibility for those things... [02:08] I notice that when I check the Nvidia settings app that comees with the NVidia drivers, it says under Display Device CRT-0 [02:09] there are a few monitors that i cannot use... i see them refresh... maybe you re more sensible too === Henning [i=nix@chello213047130099.24.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] hi, sorry but ive returned [02:10] the trick worked, and now i could finally manage to change my network settings [02:10] but i till cant seem to get it to work [02:10] under windows: [02:11] IP: Defautl Gateway: [02:11] dhcp ? [02:11] now the wbeiste of my isp says dns is: [02:11] i couldnt find the dhcp [02:11] what? website? [02:11] it says "assigned automatically" [02:12] www.chello.at [02:12] yea thats dhcp === __Ace__ [n=love@kr-lun-162-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:12] dhcp: [02:12] or... do you need to connect? [02:12] im currently log on via windows [02:13] heh, you're in a local network with dhcp? [02:13] no [02:13] modem diretly connected [02:13] ok modem [02:13] do you need user/password? [02:13] no [02:14] they use my mac adresse [02:14] but im on the same pc [02:14] ok,.. [02:15] could you tell me, were all the above ips go, in order for it to work (should) [02:15] ive tried DNS as a router, and setup up dhcp for the dns ip [02:16] then i went to get ip automatically [02:16] via dhcp, but then it dsabled my network adapter [02:16] when i enter the ip manually it stays enabled, but i cant ping google [02:16] first, have you tried the easiest... search on google "name of your isp" "linux" [02:17] yes [02:17] your setup with dns and all is messed up for sure [02:17] a dns server and a gateway are 2 very diferent things [02:18] but the thing is a really dont know any details about your isp... [02:19] okay, thnks for your time though [02:19] austria? [02:20] i found some links for chello but not austria, maybe you could do the same... === jjesse [i=user@69-87-143-66.async.iserv.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:21] yes, maybe === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:21] but i tried [02:21] real quick what is the command to mount a folder via ssh to /media/mp3 ? [02:21] poeples answers are "i ported windows settings and it worked" [02:21] but they are doing it via command, not desktop [02:21] ill just try around [02:21] thanks [02:23] Hey guys. Whew. Finally got in. [02:24] Anyone have a moment to help a newbie out? I'm using Kubuntu Dapper Flight 6 === kasslloyd [n=kasslloy@pool-72-65-75-249.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:25] ronin_: what is your problem i can try [02:26] Thanks Jjesse - I have been so far unable to get a resolution of 1920x1080 [02:26] The best I can get is 1280x1024 [02:27] did you try and reconfigure the display through system settings? do you have the right size monitor setup? [02:27] I don't understand why new people have to use Dapper [02:28] is it that they see it on digg and think it's going to be problem-free? [02:28] jjesse - the highest it will go is 1280x1024 [02:28] ronin_: you need to edit your xorg.conf file === _ravn [n=ravn@x1-6-00-14-bf-e2-a7-5d.k301.webspeed.dk] has joined #kubuntu === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] ronin_: and add the desired screen resolutions [02:29] fatejudger- I had major graphical issues when when I tried Breezy. Whole desktop went all static-y and artifact-y [02:29] ronin_: weirdness, xorg 7 did fix a few things though [02:29] ronin_: big speed improvements on certain intel graphics chips [02:30] ronin_: never heard of a problem like that though [02:30] fatejudger- How would I go about editing the xorg.conf? [02:30] ronin_: anyway, you need to edit your xorg.conf file [02:30] ronin_: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:30] ronin_: you'll be able to tell where the screen resolutions are [02:31] dapper has the ability to change your x settings through system settings [02:31] jjesse: not any more than Breezy did [02:31] okay I have the xorg.conf open in Kate === karvr [n=karvr@ppp-216-106-101-175.storm.ca] has left #kubuntu [] [02:32] look around in the file [02:32] I guess I want to add it under depth? [02:32] you'll see where I'm talking about [02:32] depth 24, rather? [02:32] I think that's the default, I add it to all of them [02:32] what about system settings -> [02:32] jjesse: nope [02:32] jjesse: I'm in the right now, just a new display menu [02:32] *there [02:33] there are just something that's are better to do manually [02:33] like adding screen resolutions === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu === Seveas [n=seveas@ubuntu/member/seveas] has joined #kubuntu [02:33] Okay, I added it. However it won't let me save [02:34] not possible to write to the file [02:35] ronin_: kdesu kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:36] ronin_: but it's usual to use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to configure X [02:37] Thoreauputic - uh... running that in the shell gave me a completely blank xorg.conf [02:38] ronin_: hmm - odd [02:38] ronin_: try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf [02:38] Appears blank as well. [02:40] ronin_: then you have the path wrong === jjesse [i=user@69-87-143-66.async.iserv.net] has left #kubuntu [] [02:40] ronin_: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ( note capital X) [02:40] ie X11 [02:40] xorg.conf is lower case [02:40] Ahhh. didn't know it was case sensitive === vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [02:40] ;) === jjesse [i=user@69-87-143-66.async.iserv.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:40] join #kubuntu-devel [02:41] ronin_: linux is case sensitive [02:41] Heh. Such I'm figuring out === _lee [n=lee@rrcs-24-123-151-34.central.biz.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] ronin_: it really is much better to use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [02:42] ronin_: that way debconf will update the config if you need to upgrade to a new xoeg etc [02:42] Alright. I'll run that [02:43] *xorg [02:43] !fixres [02:43] Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto [02:43] ^^^^ [02:46] Hmmm... locked by another process.. === Danny [n=dk@] has joined #kubuntu [02:46] can someone help me...kubuntu is giving me an error when I try to do an apt-get [02:47] http://dknoppix.pastebin.com/647144 [02:47] There's the error ^^ [02:48] Rebooting. I'll be back. [02:49] anyone? [02:50] Danny: looking [02:51] Danny: do you have a standard /etc/apt/sources.list? === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away [02:51] Danny: or are you using 3rd party repos? [02:51] Danny: and what are you installing? [02:52] hmm [02:52] I'm trying to get firefox [02:52] or any other program [02:53] I used a different sources list [02:53] Danny: it is already installed , as the message says quite clearly [02:53] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 [02:53] ^^I used that one [02:53] Danny: that's an OK list [02:53] oh [02:54] it is...heh [02:54] Danny: did you run sudo apt-get update ? [02:54] not the standard icon [02:54] yep === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MMCXCIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu [02:54] you already have firefox, according to your first paste === spikeb [n=spikeb@207-118-221-221.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:55] danny: i had no problem when i used Adept both in breezy and now in Dapper [02:55] yes [02:55] er [02:55] hmm [02:55] when I go to adept [02:55] Danny: try running sudo apt-get -f install [02:55] it looks like its loading [02:55] then it goes away [02:55] how do i reconfigure the x server? === ronin_ [n=ronin@pool-141-156-177-196.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:55] same error [02:55] spikeb: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg [02:56] Danny: from sudo apt-get -f install ? [02:56] Thoreauputic: what is the -f option do in your last command [02:56] thoreauputic: thanks [02:56] brb [02:56] fix === k|away is now known as kev1n [02:57] k|away: in simple terms. it tries to fix any weirdness by removeing and installing as necessary [02:57] *removing [02:57] thanks thoreauputic [02:57] you run it without arguments [02:58] yes [02:58] gives me an error [02:58] -f = "Fix" in other words === kalenedrael [i=3545-ide@c-24-34-93-227.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:58] Danny: paste the error then [02:58] Hey guys - I'm using dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and there's a question about putting the amount of the video card memory down. Should I bother doing that for a GeForce 6600GT 128mb? [02:58] http://dknoppix.pastebin.com/647164 [02:59] ronin_: in general you can leave the defaults - bt if you know it's 128 MB, put it in [02:59] There is nothing there by default, it seems [03:00] Danny: I don't know what you've done with dhcp client and pmount... === raeky [n=kasslloy@pool-72-65-75-249.clrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:00] ronin_: if you know the answer - put it in :) [03:00] nor do I.. [03:01] Danny: somehow you've confused the apt dpkg system... [03:01] is there any way to do a repair [03:01] would it be taboo to beg for help in getting my sound card working? heh [03:01] Oh okay. It asks for it in Kb - should I put in the actual version of 131072 Kb, or just stick with 128000 [03:01] Danny: you might be able to purge those packages and then reinstall them [03:01] ronin_: actual [03:02] Danny: or run sudo dpkg --configure -a === jind [n=ruben@] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] ronin [03:02] leave it blank [03:02] kk [03:02] unless it gives you a problem [03:02] blank is generally ok [03:02] Eeep. Uh. Didn't blank it out. [03:02] same error [03:03] ronin_: if you entered the right number it should be fine [03:03] Okay lets see here. Its asking about kernal framebuffering? [03:03] Danny: in that case your dpkg is borked [03:03] Danny: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a [03:03] Danny: that reconfigs *everything* [03:04] ok [03:04] ronin_: say no [03:04] will i have to reinstall proggies? [03:04] Danny: just try it - if it works, then no [03:04] Danny: it will ask you to make a root password - do so [03:05] Danny: most of the questions, accept the defaults [03:05] it might have worked [03:05] chown: `root:utmp': invalid user [03:05] then it gave me that ^ [03:05] Okay... its asking for what best describes my mouse ImPS/2 or ExplorerPS/2 - Not sure what to put, considering I'm using a USB Logitech [03:05] imps/2 probably [03:05] Danny: OK - well at this point I have no idea what you've broken so I can't really help [03:05] Danny: sorry [03:06] Thanks Kosh. Lets see... emulate a 3 button? [03:06] ronin_: saying yes won't hurt [03:06] gah :( [03:06] thanks though === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [03:07] anyone in here doe the dapper upgrade recently ? [03:08] yeah [03:08] i did ipfw [03:08] just last weekend [03:08] I'm at the part where it wants me to select resolutions, and 1920x1080 isn't even listed [03:08] I'm getting a huge amount of download errors, telling me it can't find the files it needs (fetch) [03:08] Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/multiverse/t/transcode/transcode_1.0.2-0.0ubuntu2_i386.deb 0 p://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/t/ttf-arphic-uming/ttf-arphic-uming_0.1.20060108-0.dot.1ubuntu3_all.deb Filename: /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/ttf-arphic-uming_0.1.20060108-0.dot.1ubuntu3_all.deb [03:08] Unable to correct missing packages. [03:08] ronin_: try scrolling down (down arrow) [03:09] ipfw: what are you using.. i did my through Adept [03:09] Afraid not. Not listed at all. 1920x1440 is. [03:09] 1920x1080 is an odd resolution for a computer monitor anyway [03:09] kev1n: just apt-get with a sources.list for dapper .. did apt-get update && apt-get distupgrade [03:10] ipfw: uummmm. [03:10] ipfw: did you ensure all sources lists were dapper [03:10] ipfw: try adifferent mirror - ie remove the us. from your url s [03:10] kev1n: yes [03:11] thoreauputic: worth a shot [03:11] ipfw: don't forget the apt-get update :) [03:11] easy to forget... [03:11] I did (see above) [03:12] ipfw: yes - I meant after changing mirrors :) [03:12] Any ideas guys? Is 1920x1080 just too odd? Its 1080p widescreen HDTV [03:12] I've done that so ... [03:13] thoreauputic: aahhhh [03:13] ronin_: I seem to recallthere are some special packages for wide screen formats [03:13] ronin_: did you look a t the wiki on resolution? [03:13] !fixres [03:13] Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto === avdi [n=avdi@ha-216-108-203-126.ctsimm.net] has joined #kubuntu === StarZenD [n=zen@222-153-74-231.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] uhh [03:14] could it be bad [03:14] I'm looking at that.. maybe I have to try that 855thing? === bigk [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] if I did apt-get remove dpkg [03:15] Danny: it would be disastrous :) [03:15] haha [03:15] can I reinstall it? [03:15] Danny: anyway it would pop up dire warnings :) [03:15] so I shouldn't do it? === Hobbsee_away thinks that could be kind of interesting to see [03:15] Danny: as it is the package manager... [03:15] Danny: no, you definetly shouldnt. [03:15] Danny: make sure you use -f at the least :) [03:15] Danny: do *not* try it [03:15] Thoreauputic: Thanks for your help so far. Everyone else too. [03:16] ok [03:16] thanks [03:16] i was about to ;) [03:16] that's even worse than removing all of kde by accident! [03:16] ronin_: no worries - sems you have an unusual screen setup [03:16] "Yes, do as I say" [03:16] Danny: not something I would recommend, unless you never plan to install, upgrade, or uninstall on the system again :) [03:16] creative [03:16] Hmmm... I'm a little nervous to use the 855resolution fix in the wiki, because I'm not using that graphics card, but my mobo IS a 915 chipset. However I'm connected to a discreet gfx card. [03:16] Hobbsee_away: removing all of gnome by mistake would be a blessing :P [03:16] lol [03:17] hehe! [03:17] i know! [03:17] whenever i try to use apt-get anything i get "2 no such file or directory" errors. [03:17] eww gnome [03:17] Danny: if you *had* triedit, dpkg would have complained and warned you [03:17] it did [03:17] lol [03:17] I tried it [03:17] im currently using a sources.list file generated from a webpage i was sent to from this chat [03:17] but I didn't go on... [03:17] Danny: very wise ;-) [03:18] If I click "End Session" [03:18] will it log me off? [03:18] or switch user like windows === bigk is now known as CheeseBurgerMan [03:18] Danny: logs you off [03:18] Log off [03:18] any way to make a quick switch? [03:18] Lock Current, and Start New? [03:18] i personnaly find Adept an excellent package manager. I use it all the time. [03:19] both to new install and to upgrade === pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-12-187.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] Adept isn't opening :) [03:19] it looks like its opening [03:19] then it stops [03:20] Happens to me a lot. [03:20] try synaptic [03:20] Try opening it again [03:20] I did [03:21] don [03:21] t [03:21] have synaptic === theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] Danny: so get it. [03:22] kev1n: still getting errors downloading everything :( [03:23] why I am the only person that has issues with getting packages all the time :P [03:23] i can't [03:23] kbrooks: his dpkg is borked [03:23] ipfw: you're not [03:23] ipfw i dont think you are, im having similar problems === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MXCIX.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] same here [03:24] but my problems are worse ;) === RT_Away is back. [03:27] ipfw:. sorry ...cant help you any further.. i am only into linux for about two weeks myself. [03:28] i must have been lucky to install breezy and then update to dapper with NO errors either time [03:28] heh === jeff_ [n=jeff@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:28] but then i use GUI programs wherever I can being a past Windoze user [03:29] hey guys [03:29] does anybody know how to get kde-devel [03:29] its not working for me with apt-get [03:29] kev1n: maybe thats my downfall :P [03:30] jeff_: probably because you want kdebase-dev === _kyle [n=kyle@ip42.241.45.216.suscom.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:30] ipfw: :P === _kyle is now known as Klohunt [03:30] crimsun: does that give me the kde headers for compiling kde apps? [03:30] jeff_: it's a start. === winXperts [n=winXpert@ip70-171-63-240.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] Can anyone tell me what packages I need to compile C code in kubuntu? [03:31] my proxy setting in apt.conf doesn't seem to be working, anyone have a valid line(s) for it ? [03:31] Danny: try sudo apt-get remove --purge pmount dhclient && sudo apt-get install --reinstall pmount dhclient [03:31] Klohunt: install build-essential for a start [03:32] thats what it was, thanks [03:32] ok [03:32] Danny: your system is already borked, so it can't do much harm to try it :) [03:33] uh the first one gave me an error [03:33] the 2nd one said it had no installation candidate [03:34] Danny: erm [03:34] Danny: what does sudo apt-get remove --purge pmount say ? [03:34] that one gives me the same error [03:34] about pkg [03:34] what error? === KR3470R0 [n=josh@dsl-202-173-151-217.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:35] hiyas [03:35] needing some help [03:35] Danny: the same one as you pasted? [03:35] http://dknoppix.pastebin.com/647164 [03:35] yep [03:35] Rar. Okay. I've rerun the reconfig xorg a few times. I just can't get the resolutions I want to pop up there. [03:35] Is there any downside to manually editing? [03:36] KR3470R0 what sort of help? [03:36] ronin_: read the message at the top of the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file [03:36] trying to install eternal lands, but whenever I run the executable, i get the message Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server [03:36] Xlib: No protocol specified [03:36] drivers issue maybe? [03:37] Danny: did you try to install dhcp3-client or pmount at some stage? [03:37] uh no [03:37] don't think so [03:37] KR3470R0: sorry not my area of expertise [03:37] no worries [03:37] I installed wpasupplicant [03:37] Danny: hmm - those two seem to be the problem packages [03:37] and easyubuntu [03:37] ah [03:37] thats all [03:38] Danny: did you see any errors when you used easyubuntu ? [03:38] yes [03:38] the dpkg error [03:38] oh === barebones [n=barebone@barebones.resnet.mtu.edu] has joined #kubuntu === barebones [n=barebone@barebones.resnet.mtu.edu] has left #kubuntu [] [03:39] Danny: hmm - try visiting #easyubuntu and telling them the error [03:39] Danny: possibly a bug ? I don't know... [03:39] looking :) [03:39] thanks [03:39] I'm good at finding the bugs [03:39] just my luck [03:39] lol [03:40] Danny: or ping nalioth - I think he's involved in easyubuntu [03:40] Nice to have some skill, isn't it, Danny? ;) [03:40] yup [03:40] Danny: heh - some people seem to attract all the bugs I've noticed ;) [03:41] Danny: you need some bug repellant spray perhaps ;-) [03:41] sure lol ;) [03:41] Danny: that is not an easyubuntu bug [03:41] aha - the man himself [03:41] nalioth: any ideas how Danny can fix his dpkg? [03:41] kev1n: I got _most_ of my issues downloading fixed, it wasn't taking my proxy var for some reason before :P [03:42] does konqueror always crash a lot? [03:42] kev1n: they have a transparent proxy with filesize limits etc here that I have to _avoid_ :) [03:42] Danny: what OS are you using? [03:42] they reffered me to the #ubuntu === firephoto_ is now known as firephoto [03:42] Breezy [03:42] kubuntu [03:43] are you logged in as root, Danny ? [03:43] yes === Danny doesn't like to sudo [03:43] Danny: What do you mean, you are? [03:44] Danny: did u set the password for root with a command? [03:44] why does bon echo doesnt work in flight6 , it works in breezy [03:44] yes === thoreauputic_ [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu [03:44] and I enabled it so I could log in as root [03:44] nalioth: what do you think? [03:44] Danny: this is why we advise NOT enabling a root account, cuz *buntu was designed to work without one [03:45] oh [03:45] grrr [03:45] so If I logged into my reg account it'll work? === thoreauputic kicks his ISP [03:45] Danny: sudo -i makes a great superuser terminal [03:45] Danny: and use sudo [03:45] whats sudo -i? [03:45] like everything so i don't have to enter it? [03:45] Danny: log into your user account and use sudo and hope it works [03:45] Danny: were you logged in as root? ( Sorry my ISP cut me off) [03:45] ok brb [03:46] yes [03:46] :( [03:46] Danny: do you think the ubuntu designers would "remove" functionality by not having an active root account? [03:46] nalioth: ? [03:46] Danny: sudo is more than capable of doing any super user task you need "if you learn how to use it" [03:46] oh [03:46] ok [03:46] well theres my lecture :/ [03:46] nalioth: some linux apps DO need the root account [03:46] er [03:46] kbrooks: name one. === thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on Danny [03:46] let me rephrase [03:47] ;-) [03:47] heh === Danny is a n00b [03:47] :P [03:47] Danny: :) [03:47] kbrooks: n/m === kev1n is a Noob as well [03:47] nalioth: some linux apps dont work with sudo :'( [03:47] ubotu: tell Danny about root [03:47] yeah I've been told ;) === bigk [n=bigk@24-247-185-68.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:47] Danny: you will see on that page many "this is dangerous to your systems health" warnings [03:47] kbrooks: such as? [03:48] thoreauputic: i think kbrooks can move this discussion to -offtopic [03:48] thoreauputic: i dont want to list themh here. it's called temptation :) [03:48] nalioth: fair enough :) [03:48] nalioth: im done for now [03:48] ok logged in [03:48] trying sudo now [03:49] !tell me about sudo [03:49] its telling me === bigk is now known as CheeseBurgerMan [03:49] sudo: no passwd entry for root! === theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] Danny: give it your user password [03:49] kev1n: hmm, in my upgrade to dapper it tells me it will REMOVE kubuntu-desktop :P [03:50] it doesn't ask [03:50] Danny: are you in the admin group? [03:50] it goes back to the terminal thing [03:50] not sure [03:50] looking [03:50] type " groups" [03:50] Danny: sudo apt-get install blah === me2win [n=Roberto@adsl-69-153-1-30.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] yeah [03:50] thoreauputic: look at the error [03:50] Danny: then use your user pass [03:50] thats what it gave me [03:50] anyone had the upgrade to dapper remove their kubuntu-desktop ? [03:50] ipfw: it wont affect anything [03:50] ipfw: ask in #ubuntu+1 [03:50] kbrooks: which error? [03:50] in the admin group [03:51] ipfw: i think it does and adds the new desktop... hopefully someone else may back me up on this before you go any further [03:51] ipfw: kubuntu-desktop relies on various packages, and these packages wont be removed because apt doesnt do that [03:51] should I log out of root? [03:51] cuz I just started a new session [03:51] Danny: erm [03:51] ipfw: it will only remove the actual package named "kubuntu-desktop". [03:51] in F8 [03:51] Danny: did you login as your user [03:51] ? [03:51] yes [03:51] Danny: remove "root" from your usage habits, please [03:52] ok [03:52] well brb.. [03:52] nalioth: thoreauputic: [03:52] kbrooks: cool [03:52] nalioth: thanks for the link [03:52] "sudo: no passwd entry for root!" [03:52] kbrooks: ah I see [03:52] kbrooks: riiight, sexy ;) [03:52] nalioth: ^^^ === robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek [03:52] kbrooks: this is why we don't recommend enabling the root account [03:53] *sigh* [03:53] nalioth: it worked for me. i know the entry wasnt changed at all or even touched [03:53] kbrooks: ymmv [03:53] nalioth: of course, that was ages ago [03:54] i feel for danny...:( [03:54] a lot of people choose the "expert" install and then have to do contortions to enable sudo ... [03:54] thoreauputic: they should do the default install [03:55] kbrooks: of course [03:55] thoreauputic: expert is expert. [03:55] kbrooks: but everyone thinks they are an expert ;-) [03:55] heh === kev1n does not at all === zblach [n=zblach@HSE-London-ppp208826.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:55] default doesnt fix everything though.. === kev1n is an exception to the rule [03:55] hey all [03:55] i know mine was a regular install, but im still having problems.. [03:56] kev1n: well, I don't use the expert install either :) [03:56] i killed my hdd the otherday, and I have to setup the permissions correctly again === robotgeek doesn't use expert install [03:56] kev1n: I don't consider myself expert enough :) [03:56] what do I need in fstab for complete read/write by all users & execution by root and all those with sudo power? [03:56] (erm, sudo power gives root access, right?) [03:57] zblach: erm - care to rephrase tht? [03:57] *that [03:57] where can i find some good newbie guides to kubuntu and linux in general? [03:57] thoreauputic: you may not consider yourself an expert but compared to me... YOU ARE...:) [03:57] zblach: so you want every user to be able to read and write everywhere on the entire file system? [03:57] zblach: what does fstab have to do with sudo? [03:57] thoreauputic, kosh: i have a couple of partitions [03:58] and I've two fat32 partitions [03:58] where I'd like full read/write access for all, and executable for root (rwxrw-rw-) [03:58] !tell zblach about windowsdrives [03:59] mk, that covers part of it [03:59] but doesn't go into great deal about fmask (never heard of it) or dmask (also never heard of it) === KR3470R0 [n=josh@dsl-202-173-151-217.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] hey, how do I close X-Server? (trying to install new nvidia drivers) [04:00] KR3470R0: sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop === jay [n=jay@ool-4357f414.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] coolio :> [04:00] KR3470R0: but have you read the wiki on nvidia? [04:01] !nvidia [04:01] it has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 [04:01] thanks :> [04:01] no worries :) === Danny [n=dknoppix@] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] ok.. [04:02] now i get this === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu [04:02] sudo: no passwd entry for root! [04:03] Danny: what does "whoami" without quotes say? [04:03] dknoppix [04:04] (My username) === _xleo [n=xleo@] has joined #kubuntu [04:04] Danny: and dknoppix is in the admin group, right? [04:05] I am installing CentOS on one of my junk boxes. Anyone ever use CentOS? === Zephod [n=Zephod@] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] hey [04:05] yeah [04:05] I think.. [04:05] Danny: what does grep 106 /etc/group | grep dknoppix say? [04:06] What do you think of it [04:06] dknoppix@dknoppix:~$ groups [04:06] adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin dknoppix [04:06] i know i was in here noobing the other day but could i have a hand persuading my server version of kubuntu to let me run as su ? [04:06] Danny: OK [04:06] Danny: I'm puzzled [04:07] yeah [04:07] Danny: so whnever you try to run something with sudo you get that error? [04:07] yep] [04:07] Danny: how much would you lose if you did a fresh install of kubuntu? [04:08] nothing lol [04:08] so don't enable root this time? [04:08] I just need to reinstall wpa supplicant [04:08] and NO ROOT [04:08] Danny: might be the easiest way in this case [04:08] ok [04:08] no problem :) [04:08] you can disable root... [04:08] I know [04:08] but the rest of my system if FUBAR [04:08] Danny: jus tdo a default install, not "expert" [04:08] yeah [04:08] I didn't do expert [04:08] :) [04:09] Danny: I missed the convo with nalioth - what was the problem then? [04:09] from what i remember it did ask me for a root password during setup [04:09] kev1n: no, it doesn't [04:10] it doesnt [04:10] that is /expert [04:10] i had to put a password in there somewhere === Zephod wishes it did cause he wouldnt be so screwed atm [04:10] kev1n: user password [04:10] OK [04:10] its the same password i use for sudo [04:10] kev1n: right [04:11] ok brb in an hour [04:11] best of luck Danny [04:11] Danny: good luck [04:11] can anyone tell me how to set up a root passwd? === SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-240-80-173.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:12] !tell Zephod about root [04:12] thanks lol [04:12] cheers [04:12] Zephod: you really don't need to you know... [04:12] thoreauputic: he's enabled the root account and now dpkg can't find the user "root" === doko_ [n=doko@dslb-088-073-091-042.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] nalioth: you mean he actually created a user "root" ? [04:14] nalioth: becuase just making a root password doesn't screw anything up (except init 1 or recovery mode in a way) [04:14] although that isn't a real problem... [04:14] thoreauputic: i have no idea what he's done, he admits enabling the root account, and he showed us a pastebin http://dknoppix.pastebin.com/647164 [04:15] nalioth: looking === vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] nalioth: yeah, I saw that one [04:15] nalioth: I can't work out what the heck he did to his system... [04:15] thoreauputic: i'm lost, too [04:16] heh- OK well I feel less stupid then ;) [04:16] at east I'm not the only one puzzled :) [04:16] *least [04:17] so in theory i never need to login as su, just sudo everything? [04:17] Zephod: not just in theory [04:17] ok, cheers [04:17] as a matter of fact you "cant" login as su unless you enable root account [04:17] Zephod: if you want a root shell you can do sudo -i [04:17] You can sudo everything but it is a pain in the a** [04:17] tbh its not a problem [04:18] sudo -s or sudo -i works [04:18] FadedSun: not really - once you are set up you shouldn't need sudo very often anyway [04:18] thank Hobbsee [04:18] I tend to use apt-get / apt-cache etc almost always over synaptic/adept, etc. [04:19] FadedSun: so do I [04:19] hmm, now someone tell me why i can apt-get install mrtg [04:19] FadedSun: you can enable programmable bash tab completion - speeds up sudo and apt commands [04:19] And I've been using linux fine for more then a decade without often sudoing. [04:19] Package mrtg is not available, but is referred to by another package. [04:19] This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or [04:19] is only available from another source [04:19] E: Package mrtg has no installation candidate [04:20] FadedSun: sure - using root is OK if that's what you prefer [04:20] thoreauputic: True, it really just depends on what you're comfortable with, which is the point of OSS IMO. [04:20] !info mrtg [04:20] mrtg: (multi router traffic grapher), section universe/net, is extra. Version: 2.12.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 646 kB, Installed size: 1724 kB === keifer [n=keifer@67.143.cm.sunflower.com] has joined #kubuntu === lrm [n=lrm@] has joined #kubuntu [04:20] Zephod: enable universe [04:21] !tell Zephod about repos [04:21] im getting pwned in here, cheers for all the help [04:21] :) [04:22] lemme perhaps rephrase the earlier question [04:23] how can I have a fat32 partition automatically mounted as rwxrw-rw-? [04:23] thing is thoreauputic, i can install somethings using apt-get but not mrtg [04:23] Zephod: please don't paste in here, it's rude. [04:23] ok, sorry [04:24] zblach: that would be umask=0011 I think ( needs checking though) [04:24] zblach: windows partitions don't pay any attention to rwx rwx unix foolishness [04:24] zblach: put umask=000 in the fstab line for that partition [04:24] nalioth: is fat32 a windows partition? i thought ntfs was windows specific [04:24] zblach: fat32 predates ntfs === juan [n=juan@] has joined #kubuntu [04:24] Zephod: because you don't have a full set of repositories enabled [04:25] alright, rather, masking it as the equivalent of rwxrw-rw- === keifer [n=keifer@67.143.cm.sunflower.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:25] ok, working through it now [04:25] Zephod: read the URL ubotu sent you [04:25] Zephod: read that URL the bot sent and enable universe AND multiverse [04:25] thoreauputic: turn off the ESP, ok? === thoreauputic chants mystical incantations [04:26] ;) === Snake|Gone is now known as Snake__ === Snake__ is now known as Snake[ONAIR] [04:31] umask=0011 had no effect [04:31] still cant get it to work :S === _admin [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [04:31] something about not being able to stat the source packages === _admin [n=admin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _avdi [n=avdi@ha-216-108-203-126.ctsimm.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] zblach: nalioth is right - umask=0000 for fat32 [04:33] zblach: use umask=000 ( thoreauputic said he wasnt sure, but i am.) === Zephod tried apt-get update [04:33] ok [04:33] tries* [04:33] nalioth: :) [04:34] nalioth: ESP again? [04:34] so, "auto,users,rw,umask=0000"? [04:34] :D [04:34] or is having the rw redundant? [04:34] zblach: it's redundant [04:35] zblach: 000 means the same thing [04:35] thought so [04:35] zblach: and as nalioth said, fat32 doesn't grok unix permissions anyway :) [04:36] alright, i thought it would be an idea to keep all downloads on a seperate, unexecutable partition [04:36] but I dual boot, so linux-specific partitions aren't the best sol'n [04:37] zblach: erm. Downloads? You mean windows downloads? Ubuntu/ Kubuntu uses /var/cache/apt/archives for packages [04:37] :) [04:37] thoreauputic: like "i want to download this game" downloads [04:37] or my music/manga/whatever === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu [04:37] zblach: it's a good habit to keep, tho, cuz using "umask=000" on a ntfs partition WITHOUT 'ro' will cause loss of data === yuriy [n=yuriy@dhcp-129-64-141-181.dorm.brandeis.edu] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] nalioth: can you elaborate & clarify a bit? [04:38] i have amarok 1.4 and apt wants to "upgrade" it to 1.3.9 :-\ [04:39] zblach: putting 'umask=000' on an ntfs partition and not using "the redundant ro" can cause data loss (ntfs is still not safely writable from linux) [04:39] yuriy: you went outside the apt system to get it, right? [04:39] nalioth: that's fine, it's a vfat (fat32) partition [04:39] yup === jonathan_ [n=jonathan@207-119-203-34.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:39] yuriy: maybe you have a really old version of 1.4? ;) [04:40] not a big problem, just silly [04:40] yuriy: therefore, apt doesn't know about your new amarok [04:40] yuriy: so jsut don't let apt install it [04:40] *just [04:40] i guess more of the problem is that i HAVE to go "outside of the apt system" to get gstreamer support [04:40] yuriy: why? === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-1-30.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:41] yuriy: BTW amarok can use the xine engine [04:41] amarok-xine === Red_Herring [n=ubuntu@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:41] there is no amarok-gstreamer anymore *shrug* but if you compile it it works with gstreamer0.10 [04:41] nalioth: is that concern appliccable to fat32? [04:41] yuriy: are you on dapper? [04:42] zblach: no, fat32 has been writeable for a long long time [04:42] thoreauputic: i know, but it doesn't work for me for some reason, says it can't initialize a sound device, haven't bothered to figure out why because gstreamer works fine. [04:42] yup, dapper [04:42] nalioth: ok. cool [04:42] yuriy: also, when you compile stuff, use checkinstall to make a package for you so apt knows anout it [04:43] !info checkinstall [04:43] checkinstall: (installation tracker), section universe/admin, is optional. Version: 1.5.3-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 34 kB, Installed size: 132 kB === Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] !checkinstall [04:43] methinks checkinstall is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CheckInstall [04:43] thanks, i guess that'd be a useful extra step in that case. but until now I haven't had any issues with apt recognizing stuff when i just do "make install" [04:44] yuriy: and you havent had a nasty badly written package eat your machine, either [04:44] yuriy: I highly recommend checkinstall [04:44] nope, i haven't. thanks for the advice. [04:45] yes, use checkinstall if you compile for yourself === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@pc-39-139-83-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu === avdi [n=avdi@ha-216-108-203-126.ctsimm.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:54] Does anyone on here use dapper kubuntu now? === joao [n=joao@201-42-98-194.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [04:55] hi? oi? === fires [n=fire@c-67-189-214-90.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:55] jonathan_: yeah, in #ubuntu+1 [04:55] hey all [04:55] hello [04:55] :) [04:55] yeah but most everyone is using ubuntu there [04:55] i'll try though [04:55] can someone tell me where to find 'service' on a kubuntu system? :) [04:55] there are kubuntu people [04:55] jonathan_: what's your question? [04:56] fires: we don't use the Red Hat 'service' approach. Use invoke-rc.d instead. === juan [n=juan@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:56] 2 actually [04:56] guys [04:56] shoot :P [04:56] i'm having trouble with the display kcontrol [04:56] module....it's not showing up [04:56] thanks crimsun. can you tell me what the equivilant of 'service httpd start' would be, or point me towards the answer? [04:56] when I run XMMS + Firefox + Adept Updater my Kubuntu get in freeze [04:57] the module display could not be loaded [04:57] I don't have a kubuntu system to mess with, i'm just trying to answer a programming question for someone using it [04:57] jonathan_: is it in system settings? [04:57] yeah [04:57] as in, doe sit work tehre? [04:57] no [04:58] that's the problem :-) [04:58] weird [04:58] well, it could have been working in kcontrol, but not system setitngs... [04:58] Feuer Frei Presents Imagi-Nation Station! Tune in now! http://feuerfrei.kicks-ass.net (Alternative Rock, Metal, Emo Rock) === erik_ [n=erik@pool-138-88-69-89.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:58] no, it doesn't show up in kcontrol [04:58] hi, i'm trying the live cd for amd64 dapper 6.06 (my first trial in linux) but the amarok player doesn't play the songs ... it looks like "fast forwarding" ... any idea? thanks [04:59] fires: sudo invoke-rc.d apache start [04:59] thanks so much :) === spase [n=erik@pool-138-88-69-89.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:00] hi, i'm trying the live cd for amd64 dapper 6.06 (my first trial in linux) but the amarok player doesn't play the songs ... it looks like "fast forwarding" ... any idea? thanks === chavo [n=chavo@] has joined #kubuntu [05:01] ubuntu_: what type of songs? mp3? [05:01] yes, mp3 [05:01] you'll need libxine-extracodecs, which cant be distributed on cd [05:01] you need xine-extracodecs? [05:01] yeah [05:01] and you cant install them, as it's a live cd [05:01] (you can, but it won't be saved unless you install it to the HD) [05:02] (i.e., Kubuntu Dapper) [05:02] oh can you? [05:02] i didnt think you could install extra programs at all, on live cd's [05:02] yep, you can. [05:02] sometimes it'll be futile, like installing a newer kernel [05:03] where can i get the xine-extracodecs? [05:03] !info libxine-extracodecs dapper [05:03] libxine-extracodecs: (the xine video/media player library, binary files), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 1.1.1+ubuntu1-2 (dapper), Packaged size: 1148 kB, Installed size: 2976 kB [05:03] thanks [05:04] question: why isnt kubuntu embracing klik:/ as a sort of click-n-run system? [05:05] spase: I ask that all the time. [05:06] kilk? [05:06] many reasons [05:06] yeah... [05:07] are there any compelling ones? === _avdi [n=avdi@ha-216-108-203-126.ctsimm.net] has joined #kubuntu === Wizz_kidd1 is now known as Wizz_Kidd === RJ_Not_Ajay [n=ubuntu@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] a few, yeah [05:14] it was discussed in a kubuntu meeting [05:14] i think the first one we had [05:14] it seems like a pretty good system [05:14] wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings or something [05:14] what about all the dependancies, different versions of apps on system, that sort of thing [05:18] yeah [05:19] its a cool idea [05:19] it came to mind when i read about kubuntu trying to get in on linspire's cnr [05:21] random question: does anyone know anything about beagle, and if so, is it supposed to follow symlinks when it's indexing? === NoDgr is now known as NoDgr[away] === kosh [n=kosh@aesaeion.com] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-63-173-190-179.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-68-134.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] hi good eveing to everyoe in this room [05:32] could anybody help me to install the open office 2.0.2 [05:32] sudo apt-get install openoffice.org2 [05:34] but the latest version is 1.9.129 === KR3470R0 [n=josh@dsl-202-173-151-217.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Avdi [n=Avdi@ha-216-108-203-126.ctsimm.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] hey, anyone know where i could get a guide to installing SiS drivers on Kubuntu? [05:34] Can't i update to 2.0.2 [05:34] ? [05:34] that's video drivers btw :P === Avdi [n=Avdi@ha-216-108-203-126.ctsimm.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === dk [n=dk@] has joined #kubuntu === dk is now known as Danny [05:34] hey everyone :D [05:34] <_avdi> anyone have any experience with kwrited? [05:35] Massacration: it does not look like you can upgrade to enwer then that, that is the same version as in dapper even === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-17-153.paradise.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [05:35] !+info openoffice.org dapper [05:35] openoffice.org: (OpenOffice.org Office suite version 2.0), section editors, is optional. Version: 2.0.2-2ubuntu1 (dapper), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB [05:36] looks like the install went well [05:36] Massacration: maybe you need some other repositories [05:36] oh I see I have two places it is listed in mine [05:36] how much space do you need for ubuntu and the updated packages? [05:36] try adding universe multiverse or backports [05:36] nah, it's not backported [05:36] Danny: what do you mean exactly? [05:36] there's a factoid for it somewhere though... [05:36] I want to be able to popup a message on the sceen of someone who's logged in in an X-windows session from a shell scipt [05:36] because I am doing apt-get upgrade [05:36] and it said: [05:36] !+ooo2 [05:36] To upgrade to OOo 2.0.x, see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/012520.html (add one of the 'deb' lines to sources.list and update+upgrade) [05:37] Need to get 133MB of archives. [05:37] After unpacking 1057kB disk space will be freed. [05:37] how do I find out if my grahpics card is recignised by my system? [05:37] !tell Massacration about ooo2 === regeya [n=shane@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu [05:37] kwrited doesn't seem to work in kubuntu unless the session is started from the command line (startx) [05:37] whats kwrited? [05:38] Danny: that means it needs to download 133mb but after install it will take up 1057kb less space [05:38] it's a KDE service which is supposed to pop up messages when someone uses the write or wall command [05:38] oh === KR3470R0 pokes the room. need help! drivers! [05:38] I thought it ment that there would be 1 meg less [05:38] so whatever it might be updating or upgrading the newer version takes less === Danny wipes forhead [05:38] or something you have installed now might no longer be needed [05:39] about OOo2, I didnt need to change my sources.lst on dapper [05:40] spase: yes, that's because you're on dapper [05:40] when I right click on my ubuntu drive in /media/ [05:40] and click on calculate size [05:40] does that say the total size? [05:42] ah nvm [05:42] I have 4 gb left :D [05:43] oh yeah.. [05:43] I didn't use root :P === vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@mail.macceketh.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:43] 1 [05:43] well, I did sudo -i to edit a few files === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #kubuntu === mark--- [n=mark@c-67-169-16-100.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === bins [n=benoy@] has joined #kubuntu === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #kubuntu === kakalto [n=kakalto@] has joined #kubuntu === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu === geo-1 [n=geo-1@] has joined #kubuntu === geo-1 is now known as AlHuN_MuNA === zerodni [n=zerodni@c-71-203-224-147.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === AlHuN_MuNA [n=geo-1@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:54] Imagi-Nation Station: Brought you by the Feuer Frei! Tune in now! http://feuerfrei.kicks-ass.net/PlayRadio.m3u [05:55] Snake[ONAIR] : hmm, nope [05:55] robotgeek: hehe [05:55] Snake[ONAIR] : would be spam :P [05:56] robotgeek: oh come on, this room loves me, you gotta let me ad [05:56] is there any way to import my thunderbird settings from windows? [05:57] I am not able to play any media files, but system sounds are working, pls help me [05:57] Danny: i think if you copy the directorym it might work [05:57] bins, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [05:57] ok thanks === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@CPE-138-217-9-224.vic.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [06:03] robotgeek: there is nothing regarding Thunderbird in the RestrictedFormats wiki..... === ubuntutaotao [n=ubuntuta@] has joined #kubuntu [06:03] that was for bins kev1n [06:03] kev1n: :) [06:03] thaks robotgeek, I hope that will solve my problem [06:03] sorry! [06:04] Danny: it might be in Application Data/Mozilla/Thunderbird === kev1n apologises sincerely [06:04] kev1n: no biggie === spase_ [n=erik@pool-68-163-65-160.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [06:05] Danny: how is it going this time? === Blaxtic [n=Blaxtic@38.31.cm.sunflower.com] has joined #kubuntu === spase__ [n=erik@pool-68-163-65-160.res.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] fine :D === jmedina [n=jmedina@jmedina.wlcom.com.mx] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] everything is working [06:08] also [06:08] in thunderbird === jmedina [n=jmedina@jmedina.wlcom.com.mx] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:08] why won't it open a page when I click on a link? [06:10] Danny: are you using FireFox as your browser? [06:10] yes [06:10] uummm.... cant help you....unless Konqueror is your default browser still... [06:11] maybe that could cause a problem... dunno === Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-68-134.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [06:11] hi again to everyone [06:11] hi [06:13] how do I make sure if its defualt? [06:13] uuummmmm ...wait one === firephoto [n=tom@] has joined #kubuntu [06:13] kk [06:14] how do I find out if my grahpics card is recignised by my system? [06:14] Danny: konq as default browser/ firefox? [06:14] edit --> preferences ----- front page... checck that it is the default... there [06:15] front page? [06:15] front page of the prefernces dialogue box [06:15] theres no option for it [06:16] General tab???? [06:16] we are talking about Firefox? [06:16] yes === bge [n=benoy@] has joined #kubuntu [06:17] how can I kill myself ? is tere any app fo that? [06:17] nope [06:17] i'm on 1.0.7 [06:17] how do I upgrade :/ [06:17] lol [06:17] have got to be open source [06:17] on the general tab in preferences... about half way down [06:17] Danny, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion === Sneaky_Bastard [n=Sneakste@] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] Sneaky_Bastard: please change your nick [06:20] http://hijackthisaid.org/Pictures/snapshot1.png === chessguy [n=chessguy@c-69-242-13-143.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MXCIX.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu [06:21] I'm not changing my nick for anyone === Sneaky_Bastard [n=Sneakste@] has left #kubuntu [] [06:22] hmm, fine [06:22] i ' d like to kill my self [06:22] i 'd like to kill myself [06:22] i 'd like to kill myself [06:22] i 'd like to kill myself [06:22] Massacration: why? [06:22] i 'd like to kill myself === mode/#kubuntu [+o robotgeek] by ChanServ === Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-68-134.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu [requested] === mode/#kubuntu [-o robotgeek] by robotgeek === _thiago_ [n=thiago@201-1-68-134.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] <_thiago_> i'd like to kill myself [06:23] <_thiago_> really would [06:23] _thiago_: please stop === Massacration [n=thiago@201-1-68-134.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [06:24] Massacration: please don;t do that. [06:24] do what? [06:24] Massacration: spam [06:25] sorry, it wasn't spam [06:25] Danny... yes .. it must be as it is 1.0.7 [06:25] its that i'm really bored... [06:25] sorry anyway [06:25] good ight [06:25] weird === ipfw [n=sponix@71-81-16-18.static.ftgn.ga.charter.com] has joined #Kubuntu [06:25] Ok, anyone in here running Kubuntu-Dapper ? [06:26] ipfw: me [06:26] robotgeek I updated to dapper (I hope) [06:26] ipfw me as well [06:26] ipfw: lsb-release -a , i think [06:26] and it ditched the so called "kubuntu-dekstop" package [06:26] ipfw: that's not good :P [06:26] Description: Ubuntu (The Dapper Drake Release) Development Branch [06:26] Release: 6.06 [06:27] ipfw: good, you are on dapper === psyk [n=psyk@ip24-254-225-41.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] to get Kubuntu-desktop back, it wants to reinstall 40 apps :P [06:27] ipfw: well, you don't really need it [06:28] hello im having trouble burning audio cds with kubunutu [06:28] ok [06:28] its still not loading into FF [06:28] Danny: maybe some ipv6 problem [06:28] robotgeek I guess I can switch back to init and decide [06:28] is xdm/kdm/gdm init 5 on this ? [06:29] which is..? [06:29] ipfw: kdm should be, kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package [06:29] sorry lol [06:29] Danny: remember something on google [06:29] Danny: about:config and disable ipv6, i guess [06:29] ok lemme try [06:30] robotgeek I know it is, but its one I'd like to keep :) [06:30] makes me feel more a part of the #kubuntu chan ya know *Grin* [06:30] ipfw: yup, there is a problem with kubuntu-docs currently [06:30] anyone know how i can burn audio cds with kubuntu [06:30] im havinf trouble [06:30] I see that ubuntu has big plans, with lots of coverage on what's happening with dapper... is there any news on the stuff going into kubuntu dapper? [06:30] psyk: please be more specific === ubuntutaotao [n=ubuntuta@] has joined #kubuntu [06:31] kakalto: moment, let me pull up a link ( i think it exists) [06:31] thanks :) [06:32] robotgeek I see that, I just removed it, and my dist-upgrade goes all the way through now... I had to force feed a couple xfce things with dpkg also [06:32] robotgeek : oh, and to overwrite my previous ff1.5 that I had installed by hand [06:32] kakalto: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/release-notes/C/index.html might help [06:33] cheers === wirwzd [n=wirwzd@c-24-63-233-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:33] kakalto: as far as i know, kubuntu is not a fork of ubuntu but IS ubuntu with KDE rather than Gnome [06:33] when i try to burn cds it says i need cdrdao with i cant install because of dependencies im unable to get [06:33] ok [06:33] because of all these other dependencies [06:33] that i cant get [06:33] g2g everyone! [06:33] !info cdrdao [06:33] sleep [06:33] cdrdao: (Disk-At-Once (DAO) recording of audio and data CD-Rs/CD-RWs), section universe/otherosfs, is extra. Version: 1:1.1.9-3ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 373 kB, Installed size: 1064 kB [06:34] psyk: you need to enable universe to get cdrdao [06:34] so what goes into ubuntu should also appear in kubuntu if i am reading things correctly [06:34] yah thats all enabled [06:34] it just wont let be get it [06:34] it shows up when i search for it [06:34] it says i need other dependencies [06:34] and i try to get those dependencies [06:34] robotgeek : yeah, can't even force the docs to go atm .. need to get that fixed :P [06:35] wich need other dependencies [06:35] ipfw: i think i know the problem with the docs (the adept guide was removed from the package) [06:35] kev1n, I realise that [06:35] but, due to the DE's being so different, the release plans/feature plans/whatever can be quite different [06:36] psyk: can you paste the exact error in a pastebin === RaRe [n=lisletan@] has joined #kubuntu === Danny is now known as Danny|zzz [06:36] kakalto: you may be right.. i am a n00b at this [06:37] kev1n: kakalto is right :) [06:37] hehe [06:37] the thing is, I see there's large write-ups on how the dev of ubuntu dapper is going, flight by flight [06:37] DE's???? [06:37] Desktop Environments. like kde or gnome [06:37] OK === wirwzd [n=wirwzd@c-24-63-233-182.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [06:37] kakalto: essentially, we need people to write them [06:38] ah. [06:38] and I suppose finding those people isn't the easiest [06:38] I will always be a kde user... i never worry about what is happeneing in ubuntu...:) === sledge [n=chris@CPE00e029110f99-CM00e06f243866.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] kakalto: the desktop guide just got finished, there's only 2/3 people on the kubuntu documentation effort [06:40] compared to about 7-9 people on various ubuntu documents [06:41] ahk === psyk [n=psyk@ip24-254-225-41.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] kakalto: someone did offer to write up flights at the kubuntu meeting, but never turned up later [06:41] o. === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-1-30.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] how do I run a .pl file? [06:42] Danny|zzz: perl [06:42] yeah [06:42] I need to install vmware [06:42] how can i get libxine-extracodecs, apt throws "has no installation candidate" [06:42] Danny|zzz: chmod +x foo.pl, and ./foo.pl [06:42] bge: are you on dapper? [06:42] yes [06:42] !info libxine-extracodecs [06:42] ty [06:43] anyone know what this means: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1) [06:43] same prob as me me2win [06:44] me2win: no problem, kubuntu-docs has problem [06:44] how do i get screen dump so i can send a copy of my screen to Danny? [06:44] Danny|zzz: ah, I thought it might be that the boot partition is full, but now that you say its you too, im assuming it ws a dist-upgrade problem with kubuntu-docs cuz my friend has same problem too [06:44] ok g2g [06:44] Danny|zzz: lata [06:44] cya Danny === sledge [n=chris@CPE00e029110f99-CM00e06f243866.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:45] bge: you have multiverse installed? [06:46] how to check multiverse, if it is a package it is not [06:46] bge: moment === djc [n=djc@CPE-65-31-161-20.wi.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] bge: enable via adept [06:48] bge: open adept, manage repositories, right click enable === RJ_Not_Ajay is now known as Red_Herring [06:48] bge: it should be in the kubuntu-docs package [06:49] one moment, let try [06:49] bge: i meant, in the Kubuntu Desktop Guide in the Help === robotgeek is feeling tired! [06:49] no, you cant go sleep robotgeek === robotgeek unaways Hobbsee_away === mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [06:50] there you go robotgeek [06:50] what the? === mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [06:51] er.... [06:51] Hobbsee: just waking you up :) [06:51] robotgeek: yeah, but why the chanserv? [06:51] i didnt op myself... [06:51] Hobbsee: i did not want to op up [06:51] weird [06:52] Hobbsee: server window [06:53] is it line with dapper-backports [06:53] bge: no, just multiverse [06:53] oh ok === sledge [n=chris@CPE00e029110f99-CM00e06f243866.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:54] there is no such line, help me [06:54] bge: okay, can you paste your sources.list to a pastebin? === treakath [n=treakath@219-89-4-248.dialup.xtra.co.nz] has joined #kubuntu [06:56] hey [06:56] hey treakath [06:57] i knoppix any good [06:57] me2win, are you still there? [06:57] treakath: yes, it is pretty nice [06:57] jonathan_: yes [06:57] i'm having your exact problem [06:57] kubuntu-docs is giving me issues too [06:57] jonathan_: kubuntu-docs, not to worry. it will go away soon [06:57] jonathan_: yeah, i think we just have to wait it out [06:57] ok? [06:58] ah, updated package soon? [06:58] jonathan_: yeah, no big deal. [06:58] good [06:58] is anyone having problems with their display module in system settings ? [06:58] then i can install XGL :D === sledge [n=chris@CPE00e029110f99-CM00e06f243866.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] jonathan_: what problem are you having? [06:59] it's not appearing === robotgeek tries [06:59] the module Display could not be loaded [07:00] jonathan_: for me too, try the disks and file sysytems too [07:00] thanks robotgeek, done it on the pastebin, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/647355 === Hobbsee can load system settings, display module [07:00] i get disk and filesystems [07:01] robotgeek, you do not have display either? [07:01] jonathan_: nope, maybe you need to connect a external for it work? [07:01] meaning...you lost me there? === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] i have tried kcontrol too, that doesn't work either [07:02] i tht external monitor, probably not. [07:02] well, i am running twinview === _mark is now known as _mark_ === _mark_ is now known as _mark === _mark is now known as _mark_ [07:03] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/647355 === _mark_ is now known as mork === mork is now known as mork13 [07:04] bge: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/647362 [07:04] too much going on #ubuntu right now - so i'll try it here... [07:05] need some help please : ( [07:05] mork13: just ask, and please be specific [07:05] why isn't ubuntu/kubuntu supporting/including FreeNX in the Big d? [07:05] mork13 - sup? [07:05] Blaxtic: i have it running :) [07:06] I added a bad repository to my package manager and now it crashes when I start it what file can I edit to take them out? [07:06] robotgeek: same here - it's great [07:06] Blaxtic: no idea why not, sorry [07:06] mork13: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list [07:06] Thanks a million [07:06] mork13 - what he said. ;-) [07:09] freenx is so much better than anything else out there, that i just don't understand why ubuntu/kubuntu isn't including it when they're on top of all the other tech advanced stuff even though it's beta === Snake[ONAIR] is now known as Snake[CSS] [07:10] what is freenex? [07:11] freeNX is used for what? [07:11] !freenx [07:11] damn now it doesn't even start might have to reboot on this [07:11] freenx is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX [07:11] mork13: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list in a terminal [07:11] oh nice [07:12] okies thanks === sledge [n=chris@CPE00e029110f99-CM00e06f243866.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] yeah the first edit worked [07:13] I'll just reboot and see if it works then === theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] laterz === rraajj [n=raj@] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] kev1n - think vnc - only much, much faster, yet over the internet - through ssh using ssl... === theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:15] anyone in here using dapper and nvidia? [07:15] video card i'm referring to === scarn [n=not2bad@ppp-70-226-154-101.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === newbuntu [n=sara@d207-216-71-113.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:17] jonathan_: sorry - haven't dealt with that - but someone hrere surely has... [07:17] !nvidia [07:17] it has been said that nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57368 [07:17] well, I've just noticed moving maxed windows isn't nearly as smooth as breezy === Red_Herring is now known as Red_Herring|zZzZ [07:18] can anyone tell me how to add a program to kde start up? [07:18] i have twinview setup and the correct driver, just preformance in that area seems worse [07:21] newbuntu: [07:21] nvm... [07:23] ok, this is dumb [07:23] i can't remember what to install so amarok can play mp3's [07:23] jonathan_, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [07:25] robotgeek: shhhh.... ;-) [07:25] jonathan_: libxine-extracodecs, if you're on dapper [07:26] kubuntu? [07:26] that's installed currently [07:26] robotgeek, really you helped me, Now I am able to play songs, Thanks once again [07:27] bge: no problem :) [07:29] visit http://seveas.theplayboymansion.net/seveas/ for more good offerings. === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] <_mark> ok got wine installed and setup now whats the best font package to get [07:31] <_mark> hello anyone in here? [07:32] msttfonts? === _mark is now known as mork13 [07:32] !+msttcorefonts [07:32] [msttcorefonts] sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts - you'll need multiverse enabled in your /etc/apt/sources.list first [07:33] alrighty thanks onit === chessguy [n=chessguy@c-69-242-13-143.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] === _vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [07:36] Blaxtic: .... thanks for you explanation... i was away for a little while [07:37] Blaxtic: i can see a need for it but i dont think i am capable of installing it.. looks far too complicated [07:38] not on the multiverse list check it if ya want I just tried 3 times comes back no package [07:38] I'll look it up on the net === LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] apparantly I can't play mp3's over smb:// in amarok [07:39] can I use x11 apps in KDE? [07:40] ... [07:40] I would think I could but not sure [07:40] mork13: eg of X11 app? [07:40] mork13: why not, you can even use Gnome (yes I said it) apps if you install the libs ;-) [07:40] the font package [07:40] oh [07:40] yeah, probably, try it [07:41] ok [07:41] mork13: kde apps are x11 apps [07:42] mork13: x11 is the protocol that the graphics system uses to communicate [07:42] has anyone had trouble as i am having with dapper recognising an ipod type/usb mass storage device being recognised.?? [07:43] never owned an ipod... can't help... [07:43] getting slow... [07:43] kev1n: send me an ipod, i will fix all bugs :P [07:44] poll: wtfdyu? kubuntu irc client - what's your favorite? [07:44] :P [07:44] Blaxtic: irssi [07:44] will do robotgeek.... I wish! [07:44] Blaxtic: konversation [07:44] Blaxtic: konversation [07:45] I use konversation also [07:45] irssi if i ahve no GUI [07:45] also don't send me the ipod I don't want it :) [07:45] :) [07:45] kosh: someone being honest for a change [07:46] yup [07:46] I have a nice audio system and I don't travel around, an ipod would do me no good at all [07:46] i just need to move some data from my windoze laptop to my kubuntu linux [07:46] sweet I had to use the apt-get -f install otion but its all in [07:47] now to setup ventrilo the only ms compatible software I need [07:47] kosh: ... i use it more like a very large floppy or a small CD top move data around [07:48] why ipod, btw? just curious... [07:48] i said ipod like [07:48] it is an iriver brand [07:48] shoot the font is still messed up [07:48] 250mb of storage [07:49] thats a whole lotta jam there [07:49] 250mb data or music or whatever i want === _ubuntu [n=ubuntu@71-81-16-18.static.ftgn.ga.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:49] a very large floppy frive! [07:49] drive even === _ubuntu [n=ubuntu@71-81-16-18.static.ftgn.ga.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:51] i carry a sandisk cruzer micro 2GB everywhere i go. [07:51] with the sandisk mp3 player addon - you can't go wrong... === m0ns00n [n=m0ns00n@] has joined #kubuntu [07:52] cheep as hell as well... [07:53] kev1n: floppy drives? what are those, arn't they in the smithsonian? ;) [07:53] kosh - hehheh [07:54] kosh: LOL [07:54] i am OLD enough to remember using them === kakalto [n=kakalto@] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] anyone here remember the 8" floppies? it's been so long, they seem like a dream now. [07:55] well the font I need should be in this Six Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty Fonts package [07:55] Blaxtic: yup I remember them === stupendo44 [n=stephen@cpe-66-24-113-149.stny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] i dont remember 8" but i do remember the 5 1/4 in soft floppies [07:57] REAL floppies. === arda [n=arda@] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] lol === _arda [n=arda@] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] yep - i actually still have some 5 1/4 here.. [07:57] :) === _arda is now known as BlackDagger [07:58] sad thing is, i doubt i actually have a working 5 1/4 drive.... === BlackDagger [n=arda@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:59] i have not had one of those drives in the last few machines i have had [07:59] hello, someone can help me please? [07:59] with what? [07:59] arda: yes? [07:59] does KDE have anything like Gnome Art program where I could DL themes and install them from the program? [08:00] no, just wanna knwo where can i find repositories to open office === shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] I got some 5 1/4 and also have a computer that runs a tape drive [08:00] what package manager do you use arda? [08:00] they are pretty hard to find, because i don0t knwo where to find... [08:00] apt [08:01] deb sorry [08:01] I use debian manager [08:03] arda: open office is in the Ubuntu repositories [08:04] yes but, i want the latest 2.0.2 [08:04] well, hell.. someone else prolly has a lot better advice than i at this point. i would expect it to be in your default reps, but if not - just open up the universe and muliverse - although, i don't thing that's anywhere necessary [08:05] arda: Kubuntu dapper has 2.0.2. Dapper will be released June 1 [08:05] if "me" appears, tell him he sucks [08:05] and flight 6 is out now - go grab it. ;-) [08:05] So, I think I must wait [08:05] arda :... http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS7556718089.html [08:06] lol how do I install a font package with out an installer ? [08:06] mork13... with a lot of trouble [08:06] LOL [08:07] mork13: sorry [08:07] and if i donwload flight 6, can I then just update without downloading the whole thing once again? [08:07] lol [08:07] u suck man [08:07] arda: cant help you with that [08:07] arda - too little info [08:08] arda: if you install Flight 6 you should be able to dist-upgrade to the full release latter. [08:09] what is arda running right now? [08:09] yeah, i think I will try the flight 6 [08:09] kubuntu breezy [08:09] ah - coo [08:09] should be fine [08:09] arda: keep in mind it is still a development release, but it has been fairly stable for me for a few months now === kev1n agrees with Laserjock [08:10] hey when does dapper come out I can't find the news on it [08:10] June 1st [08:10] wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule [08:10] the big D.... it's been the most stable of all releases for me actually... [08:10] I'm really please with Breezy you know, but I would like to install a newer version of openoffice, it is really cool [08:11] is it ganna be better or just more stuff packaged in the same thing? [08:11] it really depend on your hardware... [08:11] i gave up looking for gimp 2.2.10 [08:11] arda: it is also in Dapper [08:12] !tell arda about ooo2 [08:12] cool! [08:12] http://www.apt-get.org/ [08:12] well I give on the font thingy daon't need vent that bad I guess I'll stay in here and talk to you guyz lol [08:13] "dist-upgrade" today,"kubuntu-docs (6.06-2)" had a miss. [08:13] there has been a lot of work done for Dapper, believe me [08:13] ubuntutaotao: sorry about that [08:13] mork13 - sorry - i haven't been there... don't know how to help. [08:13] really I need to figure out how to install an rpm package now [08:14] LaserJock:why? [08:14] lol np [08:14] ubuntutaotao: that was sorta my fault. [08:14] wasn't that important anywayz [08:14] LaserJock::) [08:14] ubuntutaotao: it should be fixed with the next kubuntu-docs upload [08:15] LaserJock: luck.thank [08:15] I was adding the Kubuntu documentation to the Debian doc viewing systems (dww, doc-central, and dhelp) but it had a little mishap [08:15] so.... === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:16] little said tonight on the FreeNX... [08:16] anyone? anyone? heh [08:16] hi [08:16] does anybody use amule in here? [08:16] Blaxtic: what about it? [08:17] my amule can't connect to servers anymore.. is it the same for you? [08:17] well, thank you everyone. I'll wait, afterall June isn't so far :) [08:17] Lasorjock: why isn't it in the big D? [08:17] Blaxtic: because it seems to have some security and stability issues apparently [08:18] and somebody has to package it and get it approved in Universe [08:18] LaserJock: ??! not that i've experienced... [08:18] my amule is as same as you [08:18] i would just expect it to be in the works is all... [08:19] Blaxtic: I know but apparently there has been some argument about it during the Breezy dev conference but it hasn't gotten much further [08:19] bye! [08:19] ubuntutaotao: that's sad :( === arda [n=arda@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:19] I know Seveas has a little repo for it, but I haven't seen any work on it for Dapper [08:20] TallialKubuntu:yeah. but i had not find a way to it [08:20] yeah - in fact there is an official ubuntu page on it - declairing it as "of very little importance" [08:20] ubuntutaotao: what about installing the old version? [08:21] i am doing an update all now.. maybe it was a dapper packages problem.. outside amule [08:21] they did 200 packages updated in a week :) [08:21] Tallia1Kubuntu: sorry,i don't know [08:21] Blaxtic: where, on the wiki? [08:21] ah - just a sec. === SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@mail.macceketh.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] dagnabbit - i can't find it now... [08:24] to convert a rpm to deb I use this command right ? alien -d sm56-06.05.02-1.suse90-020421-99.athlon.rpm [08:24] where are the project pages of ubuntu/kubuntu [08:24] and then I can use dpkg -i command to install correct? [08:25] get back to me whenever lol [08:25] mork13: yeah, sounds about right [08:25] Blaxtic: not sure what you mean by project pages [08:28] sorry - i mean the development community pages [08:28] is there a diagnostic program for checking a modem to see if its working ? === mlask [n=stagger@aux197.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === mlask [n=stagger@aux197.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu [] === shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:29] they claim freenx isn't a priority right now on it.... [08:29] late... headed to bed - later... === Blaxtic [n=Blaxtic@38.31.cm.sunflower.com] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [08:30] you know whats wierd is that I converted the package and I can't see it in konqueror but I can see it at the command line [08:31] What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running? [08:31] if i have a precompiled kernel where i can find those? [08:32] ?? [08:32] umm I don't think you have the headers if you didn't get them and I can't recall how to do it let me see if I can find out real quick [08:32] mork13: i already did it [08:33] but now i forgot their location :( === vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [08:33] ??? [08:33] oh well just do it again then it shouldn't hurt anything === ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@222-be2-8.acn.waw.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:33] is it "/usr/src"?? [08:34] how do you guyz respond like that in red? [08:34] ? red ? i am writing in red? [08:35] mork13: if it mentoins your nick, it's in red [08:35] yeah when you answered me [08:35] ubuntutaotao: meh.. i tried but it didn't like it [08:35] oh lol ok [08:35] :) [08:35] hehe I am so a newb [08:35] mork13: when your name is in the dialog [08:35] yeah I get it [08:36] lol [08:36] did you find your headers? [08:36] nope [08:36] but the kernel is going to be updated... so i will have to update vmware again [08:36] ok I'll google for the answer give me a min === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [08:37] Tallia1Kubuntu: "sudo apt-get install linux-head-'uname -r'",not really? [08:41] are you getting an error with the KDE header files? === vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] nope.. vmware needs updated configuration with kernel headers in order to run [08:46] and i updated the kernel recently [08:46] so i lose the config [08:47] oh [08:49] why could not my "scim-pinyin" to do? [08:53] I got to reboot system is acting a little funky hope I didn't break anything [08:53] laterz === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu === Marrs [n=marrs@planetmarrs.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === zeno86 [n=zeno86@156.191-78-65.ftth.swbr.surewest.net] has joined #kubuntu === Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu === fuci [i=fuci@dsl-aur-feccf800-164.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === fuci [i=fuci@dsl-aur-feccf800-164.dhcp.inet.fi] has left #kubuntu [] === pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-14-13.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] isn't it possible to monitor kopete from command line? [09:15] like start a chat from there [09:15] or see if somebody sent you a message...... [09:16] Tallia1Kubuntu, Why don't you try it yourself. [09:16] Tallia1Kubuntu, Check the Kopete website for FAQ. === hellz_hunter [n=abra@c-68-58-148-84.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca_ [n=ryan@d226-20-171.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:17] i was asking if it is possible .. or if was an utopic stuff [09:18] Tallia1Kubuntu, We are not the Kopete help staff - don't ask us - personaly, I don't use Kopete. [09:18] cmon... don't do the anal.. [09:18] i was just asking in general [09:19] Tallia1Kubuntu: try with dcop [09:19] Tallia1Kubuntu: most KDE apps use dcop commands [09:19] kdcop allows you to browse them [09:19] why in IRC i find so often so many anal people? [09:19] raphink: tnx :) i will check it out :) [09:19] Tallia1Kubuntu: please keep polite even if offended ;) [09:19] just type dcop kopete [09:20] and it will give you the available parts you can conttrol [09:20] anal as far as i know means uselessy precise right? === XVampireX [n=sergey@85-65-11-13.barak-online.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:20] is there another word for it? [09:20] Hi [09:20] eg. dcop kopete default setAway() [09:20] hi XVampireX [09:20] I'm having problems with Inkscape: http://pastebin.com/647451 [09:21] XVampireX: I can have a look [09:21] wiw [09:21] but inkscape is not kubuntu specific [09:21] wow [09:21] Ok, thanks [09:21] dcop is cool.. [09:21] so you have a greater chance to have an answer on #ubuntu [09:21] an uniformed way of communication between kde application :) === andre^off is now known as andred [09:22] It's crashing for some reason.... [09:22] exactly Tallia1Kubuntu [09:22] with no error message [09:22] I'm on Kubuntu dapper [09:22] hey is there a way to configure KMenu [09:22] Tallia1Kubuntu: you can use it in konversation scripts or amarok scripts for ex, to print stuff in kopete, and vice versa [09:22] etc. [09:22] pradeepto: right click on it [09:22] raphink: very nice :) [09:22] Tallia1Kubuntu: it is to desappear for dbus in KDE 4 iirc [09:22] raphink: thanks but I was thinking with respect to users === linuxrebel [n=linuxreb@niflocal.snvacaid.metrofi.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] what ddo i need to have installed to play mpegs [09:23] ? [09:23] raphink: dbus is the new dcop? [09:23] that's what you mean? [09:23] Tallia1Kubuntu: I didn't say that [09:23] ;) [09:23] I said KDE is going to stop using dcop and use dbus instead iirc [09:23] I might be wrong [09:23] ;) [09:23] Wizz_Kidd: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [09:23] I'm not a KDE dev myself [09:24] XVampireX: I'm looking at your pastebin [09:24] Ok [09:24] XVampireX: `insufficient resources for operation` is pretty explicit imo [09:24] raphink: I was thinking is there a way I can disable System Settings for *some* users or someting. [09:24] It happens randomly when I use random features of inkscape [09:24] pradeepto: ah! [09:24] hmm [09:24] So I don't have enough resources for operating the program? === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu [09:25] pradeepto: you might want to have a look at desktop-profiles imo [09:25] XVampireX: it seems so [09:25] Weird [09:25] raphink: desktop profiles? [09:25] XVampireX: how much memory do you have (physical + swap) ? [09:25] pradeepto: install the desktop-profiles program [09:25] package I mean [09:25] hi Hobbsee [09:25] A friend of mine is using this and has the same amount of physical and swap memory [09:26] raphink: ah oke [09:26] 256mbram and 768 swap === robotgeek goes to file bug on kde system-settings [09:26] hi raphink [09:26] pradeepto: not sre it will do what you want but it allows to deal with user ACLs pretty well [09:26] raphink: ok cool [09:26] XVampireX: and what do you run ? [09:26] But gaim might be taking alot of resources, so I might be trying it without running gaim [09:26] apart frrom inkscape [09:26] cool!! [09:26] gaim, azureus [09:26] gaim shouldn't be taking resources [09:26] dcop kopete default setAway [09:26] robotgeek: hello there! [09:26] this is sweet... [09:27] Tallia1Kubuntu: ;) [09:27] Tallia1Kubuntu: there are many more [09:27] i konw [09:27] Tallia1Kubuntu: di dyou have a look at kdcop ? [09:27] i have seen them [09:27] yeah, but i can't execute commands from in thre [09:27] hey pradeepto [09:27] it shows an error [09:27] raphink: It seems like it does when I used top it took like 65% memory or something like that, sec [09:27] ah weird [09:27] at least you can list theem [09:27] raphink: even with simply dcop kopete [09:27] right now it's taking 20% cpu === ubuntutaotao [n=ubuntuta@] has joined #kubuntu [09:27] you can list them [09:28] Tallia1Kubuntu: yes [09:28] and with dcop kopete default you list the functions :) [09:28] Tallia1Kubuntu: yep [09:28] Tallia1Kubuntu: needless to say you can do that with any kde app [09:28] like dcop amarok [09:28] ;) [09:29] :) yeah, i imagined :) [09:29] hmm not really actually [09:29] in dapper, you can type dcop and hit tab [09:29] to see the apps that support it [09:30] Hmm, I'm experiencing great lag on freenode.... [09:30] raphink: naa, doesn't work for me [09:30] XVampireX: yes that happens to me very often [09:30] freenode is overcrowded [09:30] Oh well, it's fine now [09:30] So what should I do about inkscape? [09:30] Tallia1Kubuntu: did you iiinstall a fresh dapper or dist-upgrade from breezy? [09:30] dist upgrade [09:30] XVampireX: I'd say ask on #ubuntu [09:30] first [09:31] Tallia1Kubuntu: did you modify your ~/.bash* ? [09:31] i am not going to do fresh installs very soon :) === linuxrebel [n=linuxreb@niflocal.snvacaid.metrofi.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:31] raphink: I'm on dapper though, so shouldn't I be going to ubuntu+1? :P [09:31] raphink: what should i modify? [09:31] XVampireX: sure [09:31] No one seems to be there, lol [09:32] Tallia1Kubuntu: in your ~/.bashrc, check if the completion stuff is commented, and uncomment it if that's the case [09:32] so you get [09:32] if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] ; then [09:32] . /etc/bash_completion [09:32] fi [09:32] uncommented === chavo [n=chavo@] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] then login again [09:32] and you will have a better completion [09:33] Tallia1Kubuntu: found it? [09:33] this is default in dapper now... on a clean profile ;) [09:33] yes === kakalto [n=kakalto@] has joined #kubuntu [09:33] now you can use autocompletion for most basic tasks [09:33] for example [09:33] you can type [09:33] sudo apt-get install kubuntu === robotgeek_away [n=robotgee@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek_away [n=robotgee@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has left #kubuntu [] === robotgeek_away [n=robotgee@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] damnit [09:34] i thaught it was only for file completion [09:34] this is awesome!! [09:34] by typing only `sud apt-g in kubdes` [09:34] :) [09:34] :) [09:34] damn lag [09:34] and it will work with dcop too ;) [09:35] i seriously thaught that it was reffered to the file completion and so that was already enabled === mornfall [n=mornfall@kde/developer/mornfall] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] robotgeek_away: yeah the lag is very bad on freenode [09:35] meh [09:35] sud is no fewer keystrokes than sudo unfortunantly [09:35] does that really annoy you? [09:35] lag has anything to do with freenode? [09:35] i have 220ms [09:35] Tallia1Kubuntu: /etc/bash_completion sets the rules for autocompletion for most apps [09:35] the only lag i experience on freenode is my own [09:35] sp there is some uses which are better [09:36] Dasnipa`: if you're lazy, you can set shortcuts... I have set `alias apt-install="sudo apt-get install" [09:36] actually I have set [09:36] raphink: tnx, good hint [09:36] http://pastebin.com/647457 [09:36] I have this in my .bashrc [09:36] :) [09:37] the autocompletion won't work for these cause I haven't changed my /etc/bash_completion for them [09:37] mine is pretty messy too :) [09:37] but at least I gain some time [09:37] raphink: any cool things with klipper? [09:37] robotgeek_away: you mean bugs? [09:37] wouldnt it just be easier to just write a bash script and then ./apt-inst [09:37] ;) [09:37] raphink: nope, customization [09:37] robotgeek_away: I don't know about it sorry ;) [09:38] Dasnipa`: why would that be easier? [09:38] Dasnipa`: naaa [09:38] Dasnipa`: using aliases is far easier [09:38] Dasnipa`: you have to have a script folder .... [09:38] all the more that you can just export your .bashrc everywhere you wok [09:38] work [09:38] and get the same aliases === n3storm [n=n3storm@] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] Tallia1Kubuntu: well that is not a problem, you can put your scripts in /usr/local/bin for ex === Snake[CSS] is now known as Snake[Sleep] [09:39] use zsh :] [09:39] yeah.. [09:39] mornfall: :p [09:39] but it's kind of a mess to find them [09:39] nah === mornfall uses zsh [09:39] Tallia1Kubuntu: which does [09:39] mornfall: we had guessed [09:39] and keeps dotfiles in svk (svn) repo [09:39] however [09:39] new machine = install svk, make a mirror, roll out dotfiles :) [09:39] raphink: would you mind to take a look to my bashrc and suggest me some corrections? [09:40] Tallia1Kubuntu: .... sure [09:40] it's very messy and some options are really cryptic [09:40] pastebin [09:40] hi everyone [09:40] hi n3storm [09:40] http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/2rLugD38.html [09:40] completely a mess :) [09:40] or just PATH=$PATH: [09:41] you have not seen cryptic until you have dealt with sendmail or bind :) [09:41] sure, but why create a script when it contains a command that is "ls -l" ? [09:41] Tallia1Kubuntu: seems nice, except you doon't have a custom PS1 :p [09:41] ? [09:42] kosh: hehe [09:42] that is? [09:42] hmm, i have >300 lines of dot/zshrc [09:42] mornfall: should we congratulate you or feel sorry for you? [09:43] raphink: custom PS1? [09:43] Tallia1Kubuntu: a custom prompt :) [09:43] ? [09:43] that is pimp [09:43] kosh: dunnow :) [09:43] cust prompts [09:43] I'll show you my .bashrc Tallia1Kubuntu === kakalto [n=kakalto@] has joined #kubuntu [09:43] as are custom bashes [09:43] ok :) [09:43] custom insultive/dirty bashes === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] http://pastebin.com/647461 [09:44] Tallia1Kubuntu: [09:44] :) === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44a606.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] function reload() { . ~/.zshrc } # seems i change zshrc often :] [09:44] Tallia1Kubuntu: lines 36-50 [09:44] mornfall: lol [09:45] Tallia1Kubuntu: these lines define me a nice coloured prompt :) [09:45] mine is hypercolored :) [09:46] huh? [09:46] http://tallia1.myftp.org/shared-folder/snapshot.png [09:46] from what I see of your .bashrc, you should have the default [09:46] ah [09:46] mine mostly uses colors beyond the range of human perception [09:46] it's just green [09:46] raphink: http://rafb.net/paste/results/YuFOkq48.html :) [09:46] ooooo [09:46] so you guys can't see what mine really looks like :) [09:47] mornfall: huhu [09:47] Tallia1Kubuntu: I'll show you mine [09:47] the prompt is the [09:47] ok === inc|freaky [n=freaky@pD9E9E4AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:48] mine uses 4 dimensions except the magnitude in the 3rd and 4th is 0 so that it wont bogle anyone who looks at my console's brain [09:48] hi all. how can i enable mp3 support under kubuntu with the kde3.5.2 packages installed? because if i do apt-get install akode it wants to uninstall kde? [09:48] Tallia1Kubuntu: http://r.pinson.free.fr/images/prompt/prompt.jpg [09:49] inc|freaky: breezy? [09:49] can you help having a rainbow prompt [09:49] ? === xmatrix [n=xmatrix@host172-26.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:49] just that.. only a different color for every letter.. :) [09:49] inc|freaky: akode is not used anymore === xmatrix [n=xmatrix@host172-26.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:50] libakode2 libarts1-akode libakode2-mpeg those are the packages to use [09:50] raphink: this one may be useful too, http://rafb.net/paste/results/UmfA3V87.html :) [09:50] Tallia1Kubuntu: that seems pretty easy, you just ahve to get the codes for the colors in `man bash` [09:51] ok, maybe i will try another time [09:51] raphink: (doesn't work with nfs home though and it may be currently broken) [09:51] kosh: ok, so how do i add support for mp3 and general media playback into kubuntu? [09:51] now my eyes are hurting :) [09:51] see ya guys! thnx for all [09:51] indeed mornfall, although my ssh-agent start script is much easier [09:51] bye Tallia1Kubuntu [09:51] raphink: is it? does it also work with "independent" shells? [09:51] raphink: gimme :) [09:51] mornfall: let me see where it is [09:52] raphink: (like i ssh into the box and get the agent that is running already) === linuxrebel [n=linuxreb@niflocal.snvacaid.metrofi.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:52] mornfall: ah right [09:52] I don't have such a thing indeed [09:52] that is a great === pradeepto is now known as pradeepto|lunch === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1410b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [09:53] well actually I just see that I don't have a ssh-agent stuff in my .bashrc file anymore [09:53] :s [09:53] just noticed it === mornfall disappears in shower [09:53] bbiab :) [09:53] ok [09:53] ciao [09:53] oh mornfall before you go [09:53] I've got a weird thingy [09:54] with the libept.mo translation file [09:54] it doesn't seem to translate the whole thing into fr [09:55] another question: i have 2 soundcards. one on-board, and the other one is a hercules game surround fortissimo. i want to disable the on-board soundcard but its not possible through the BIOS. can anyone help me doing this? [09:56] sledgehammer :) [09:57] you don't have to disable the onboard one though, linux should work fine with both cards it is just configuration is little complex === suye [n=suye@141.Red-83-37-59.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === suye [n=suye@141.Red-83-37-59.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === C-O-L-T [n=icechat5@] has joined #kubuntu === Oli [n=Oliver@unaffiliated/oli] has joined #kubuntu [10:00] hiho [10:00] how stable is flight 6 dapper? worth a try? [10:02] For me very ... and yes I'm having fun with it ... [10:04] Oli: for some people it is, some it isnt. === Ranma [n=pculler@200-42-29-232.dup.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntutaotao [n=ubuntuta@] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] Running on amd64 (sempron) Abit Mobo I've not had any crash related or non working type problems. [10:05] :) === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1410b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] linuxrebel: good to hear [10:06] In fact even the most unstable thing going on (xgl) isn't crashing me. But I have had the same problems others expect. === spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu === _JP [n=jpn@] has joined #kubuntu === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:08] <_mark> anyone in here [10:08] I need a little help, when I unmount a hard disk under kde it appears like its still mounted but when i try to access to the contents it shows me nothing... [10:08] _mark: no [10:08] <_mark> lol [10:08] _mark: I ate everyone [10:08] <_mark> hehe [10:08] burps [10:09] <_mark> I am having about the same problems ranma is ahving KDE is acting funny [10:09] yeah im not alone [10:09] whois ranma? [10:09] me [10:09] ah ok [10:09] :) [10:09] nice to meet you [10:09] <_mark> I go to open the package manager and it doesn't open this is a fresh install mindyou [10:09] the same greetings from argentina and sorry my english is really bad [10:09] <_mark> lol === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu [10:10] the most unussual thing is that im not using hal or anything like that [10:10] <_mark> I was dl files and they wouldn't show up in the floder for quite some time [10:10] im going nutz [10:10] what version ? [10:11] <_mark> 3.4 I think whatever comes on the disc [10:11] so breezy you mean [10:11] <_mark> oh yeah [10:11] ok [10:11] this is weird [10:11] but it can't be debugged [10:11] breezy is frozen [10:11] so this won't be fixed [10:12] <_mark> yeah noone else has noticed this stuff aye [10:12] <_mark> oh well [10:12] the current dev version in dapper [10:12] so for your problem what can be done is help you fix it locally [10:13] but reporting this is useless === human_blip [n=mike@] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] <_mark> ahh its notin real serious I'm not worried about it [10:14] ok [10:14] <_mark> I am having probs with my radeon 9550 128mb video [10:14] <_mark> the screensavers run real slow in opengl [10:15] <_mark> any ideas [10:15] do you have direct rendering enabled? [10:15] <_mark> I am using whatever was installed off the disc right now [10:16] <_mark> lol don't know how do I find out === morgane [n=morgane@aut75-1-81-57-2-14.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === aeon17x_ [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu [10:16] do glxinfo|grep direct === morgane [n=morgane@aut75-1-81-57-2-14.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === frepe [n=frepe@c-0b1f72d5.022-205-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [10:16] <_mark> okies [10:16] <_mark> do I have to be su for that? [10:17] no [10:17] <_mark> okies === grimse [n=grimse@p5481D08A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-17-153.paradise.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-17-153.paradise.net.nz] has left #kubuntu [] === carsten [n=carsten@wikipedia/carsten] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] does anybody know if there have been kernel-changes post flight6? [10:19] maybe the problem is because you are not using the proprietary ati drivers === xmatrix [n=xmatrix@host172-26.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === xmatrix [n=xmatrix@host172-26.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:19] <_mark> the grep direct just hung there no reply with it [10:19] <_mark> was I suppose to type all of it in at the same time [10:20] <_mark> lol ok no gl rendering [10:20] have you tried installing ati proprietary drivers ? [10:21] <_mark> err direct rendering gl is there [10:21] maybe that's the solution to your problem [10:21] <_mark> its there [10:21] <_mark> it says its there [10:21] cause direct rendering with mesa drivers its slower than using the prop drivers [10:21] i've been there and i have a radeon too === meister_ [n=meister@p54948D44.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [10:22] in [10:22] <_mark> it says direct rendering = no then OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect [10:22] <_mark> ok [10:22] ok then you dont have accel enabled [10:23] <_mark> how do I enable that please tell [10:23] that's why your screensaver its running so slow [10:23] <_mark> just run glx maybe [10:23] <_mark> or glxconfig === _andre [n=andre@80-195-189-177.cable.ubr05.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [10:23] <_mark> just guessing the command [10:24] if you dont have direct rendering then you should try prop drivers from ati [10:24] <_mark> I've already killed a hard drive from screwing up the system and reinstalling lol [10:24] you'll get better performance also [10:24] <_mark> really [10:24] no pain no gain [10:24] <_mark> lol [10:25] raphink: bak [10:25] there are weird things with translations... [10:25] Only one... mark you should see my collection of smoked hardware :) [10:25] raphink: not weird [10:25] with various programs [10:25] mornfall: ? [10:25] i understand but you have to try [10:25] <_mark> hehe [10:25] raphink: you are probably missing libapt-front.mo :) [10:26] <_mark> ok I hate to do it but I'll go get the driver from ati's site and try it === ubuntutaotao [n=ubuntuta@] has joined #kubuntu [10:26] <_mark> brb maybe lol [10:26] mornfall: what package is that? [10:26] but it's probably true that i should remove the UI strings from libapt-front and move to libept [10:26] raphink: what package is what [10:26] there's an ati howto on wiki page [10:26] libapt-front.mo [10:26] where is that supposed to be done? [10:26] you can get the drivers with apt-get also [10:27] raphink: i think i sent a .pot to Riddell at some point [10:27] ah [10:27] but i don't know anything about the result [10:27] cause I've translated adept into french [10:27] the interface works well [10:27] but none of the messages are [10:27] translated [10:27] although I translated libept.mo [10:27] hmm? [10:27] what messages [10:27] I'll show you [10:28] the not installed/install/... strings are from libapt-front IIRC === raul [n=raul@p16.pub.ro] has joined #kubuntu [10:28] <_mark> should I uninstall the drivers already install b4 installing the ones I'm ganna install? [10:28] I've translated hundreds of stuff in libept [10:29] mornfall: http://r.pinson.free.fr/images/ept/adept.jpg [10:30] all strings in the adept package have been translated though [10:30] wait === Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu [10:31] <_mark> ok here I go ganna install without uninstalling [10:31] ok [10:32] _mark go here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI [10:32] raphink: then, the .pot is incorrect [10:32] raphink: it's missing all the .ui files apparently [10:32] ok [10:32] raphink: or have you translated things from the filters eg? [10:33] we have translated all the strings available === _francesco [n=francesc@ip-126-164.adsl.cheapnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:33] so raphink have you translated it to swedish chef yet? :) [10:33] https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/ept/+translations [10:34] jag kan inte kosh === MaMaTt [n=mamatt@AReims-151-1-93-166.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [10:34] jag talar svenska inte bra :( [10:34] Bonjour ! === Xemanth^^ [n=xemanth@GYYKDCLXXXVI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #Kubuntu === gtradigo [n=gtradigo@acerc111.deis.unical.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:35] MaMaTt: /join #kubuntu-fr pour parler en franais stp [10:35] sinon ici c'est en angliche :) [10:35] aaaargh [10:35] rosetta blows [10:36] mornfall: what does it blow? [10:36] minds? === _francesco [n=francesc@ip-126-164.adsl.cheapnet.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu === carsten [n=carsten@wikipedia/carsten] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:37] no, it just blows [10:37] the ui is awful (as usual with launchpad) [10:37] or it breaks in konq [10:37] which is all the same as much as i care [10:37] orboth :) [10:37] hmmm [10:37] lol [10:38] I have just seen many situations where people have said somethign was broken because of a or b or c and what it turned out was it was broken becasuse and a and b and c === Xemanth^^^ [n=xemanth@GYYKDCLXXXVI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [10:39] raphink: how can i get the .pot file? [10:39] omg [10:39] it sends it by mail [10:40] mornfall: you have to get the weed object first and refine it then you have to wrap it in a wrapper file and use the smoke command :) [10:40] Brb. [10:40] <_mark> lol I goto dl the driver and my system wants to call it Attachment [10:40] launchpad, i officially hate you [10:41] why can't it let me download the file like every normal system on the planet [10:41] naaah [10:41] launchpad the ingenious [10:41] it mails it [10:41] bye to all good luck [10:42] <_mark> lol === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1410b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:42] i'm wondering if it arrives today or just next week === Sime [n=konversa@ip54579d1b.direct-adsl.nl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ubuntutaotao [n=ubuntuta@] has joined #kubuntu === slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DCBAE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:44] <_mark> so what do I do now? [10:45] <_mark> lol crazy [10:45] hallo === Libertus [n=paul@82-38-184-240.cable.ubr03.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] <_mark> heyas [10:47] morning [10:47] <_mark> so how do I get the driver without Konqueror changing it to an attachment? [10:47] <_mark> lol [10:47] <_mark> nuts I tell ya === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:48] right click and choose save as should work [10:48] <_mark> alrighty I'll try it [10:48] <_mark> all I have is save link as no save as [10:49] <_mark> what the heck did I do to my system lol I am ganna have to reinstall [10:49] raphink: so, i have a complete .pot [10:49] <_mark> because I can't dl files [10:50] <_mark> lol [10:50] Save Link as = save as .. different apps on different OS's ... [10:50] <_mark> this is too funny having to reinstall cuz I can't DL files from the internet [10:50] <_mark> oh ok [10:50] you don't have to reinstall [10:50] however you should consider taking a sedative [10:51] <_mark> hey hey what ya know its working [10:51] <_mark> \lol === cfraz89 [n=christop@] has joined #kubuntu [10:51] raphink: and it seems yours is complete too :| [10:52] *sigh* rosetta *is* braindead [10:53] it manages to give me all translations *but* the .pot file [10:53] lameness [10:53] well, either way, i guess it's complete [10:53] <_mark> hey you guyz know of any programs I can use to see if my 56k modem is working or not I am on a network now and don't have a phone jack near by to test it out [10:54] <_mark> well time to install wish me luck [10:54] raphink: something's wrong with either your system or with the .deb of adept [10:54] <_mark> brb === Oli [n=Oliver@unaffiliated/oli] has left #kubuntu [] [10:55] raphink: no idea, it *should* work === MaMaTt [n=mamatt@AReims-151-1-93-166.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:56] hmmm [10:57] <_mark> how do I save the xwindow configuration? it doesn't say anything on the website about that [10:57] <_mark> the installer sayz I have to do that [10:59] amarok randomly crashed while I was asleep and when I got back it was asking me to send the error report. Now I can't restart it, seems I have to restart X. ... I've had a few programs since installing crash and mess up... is this a normal thing? Lots of crashism? I want to know whether this is a usual thing in Linux or if I've got a problem I should be worried about. === rr [n=rr@host13-233.pool8175.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] Cin: what version of kubuntu? [10:59] <_mark> oops I did it wrong have to reinstall can I do it now or should I reboot? === rr is now known as _rr_ [11:00] raphink, uhm, I'll check, 1 sec. [11:00] Cin: breezy? [11:00] Cin: check if your box is up-to-date [11:00] brb [11:00] <_rr_> Hello [11:01] <_mark> heyas [11:01] <_rr_> anybody has experience with fluidsynth + rosegarden4 [11:01] <_rr_> ? [11:01] <_mark> hmmm I'm ganna just do another ontop of this one and see what happens [11:01] <_mark> nopes === DjDarkman [n=djdarkma@] has joined #kubuntu [11:01] <_mark> what is it? [11:02] hy i have a process that comsumes too much of my cpus performance ,can you tell me what this is? [11:02] root 7205 4.7 5.2 107572 13548 ? SL Apr07 61:34 /usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp :0 vt7 -auth /var/run/xauth/ === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-8-234.paradise.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-8-234.paradise.net.nz] has left #kubuntu [] [11:03] DjDarkman -- no idea sorry [11:03] <_mark> looks awfully techi for me heck I can't even install a video driver right [11:04] <_mark> try stopping it and see what happens is what I would do === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Lacerta [n=Silakka@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [11:04] <_mark> then find the file that starts it and remove the entery [11:05] <_mark> entry is what I meant === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [11:05] <_mark> ok ganna do anothewr install brb [11:06] Yeah... I guess this is where most people go back to Windows. [11:06] When they have no idea what's going on or what they've done. === noteventime [n=tilo@h219n2c1o291.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] I supposed I did install a bit messily. [11:06] Ubuntu -> GNOME -> XFCE -> KDE -> Kubuntu... === vge [n=vge@tekpo-148-138.tp.spt.fi] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] I got 5.10 "Breezy Badger" (whatever that means). === spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] Kubuntu desktop 0.55. [11:09] Man this is depressing. === Cin goes for a hot chocolate. [11:10] I get a mate saying "ohh sod Windows off, get Ubuntu it's *really* easy and it works, I'll help you", day I install it, *he stops coming online!* What a wanker. [11:10] Cin: you should update your box with the newest upgrades for Breezy [11:10] run [11:10] sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade [11:10] Okay. === Ilokaaaasu [n=matti@dsl-aur-ff27c000-33.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [11:11] Cin: hmm you know how to launch a console right? [11:11] Yeah. [11:11] good :) [11:12] Cin: you could also use adept to deal with this [11:12] launching it from the K Menu [11:12] Is that the same thing or a different thing I should run after this? [11:12] it's the same [11:12] but adept is graphical [11:12] Okay. [11:12] Yeah. [11:12] it's a click stuff ;) [11:12] hehe [11:13] I don't mind the CLI... I just don't know what to do. :P [11:13] ok === _rr_ [n=rr@host13-233.pool8175.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:13] Cin: can you show your /etc/apt/sources.list in a pastebin please? [11:13] Yeah. After this update has finished or now? [11:14] well now [11:14] :) === jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] http://rafb.net/paste/results/ScXgho78.html [11:15] <_mark> ok here I go got everything installed and rebooting [11:15] <_mark> laterz [11:15] Cin: ok [11:15] you can first comment the CDROM line [11:15] it's not useful since you have an internet access [11:15] Oki. [11:16] (Done) [11:16] the rest seems pretty fine [11:16] could be better but it's fine [11:16] ok [11:16] did it upgrade some packages? [11:16] Could be better? [11:16] Yeah it updated a fair lot. [11:16] good [11:17] Reboot? [11:17] the default kubuntu breezy is a bit borked [11:17] Ah. [11:17] yeah, since there are some shadow upgrades [11:17] better reboot for this time [11:17] :) [11:18] I've still yet to get my bearings with a lot of stuff, it's like "how do I diagnose this?" O.O === geo-1 [n=geo-1@host178-195.kawanuanet.net.id] has joined #kubuntu [11:18] hehe [11:18] I'd like to help in some dev. projects sometime when I'm more competent in Linux. [11:18] Anyhoo. Rebootage. Thanks. [11:18] what can you do? [11:18] Uhh C/C++. [11:19] ok [11:19] KDE could do with some help [11:19] sure === TheNightRider`` [n=thenight@static-213-240-228-210.megalan.bg] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1410b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [11:19] and KDE is mostly C++ === _thenightrider [n=thenight@static-213-240-228-210.megalan.bg] has joined #kubuntu [11:19] brb [11:19] Indeed. You'll neded to become familiar with Qt as well [11:19] I've gotta read up on a lot of Linux basics like graphic libraries like Qt, etc. [11:19] hey all [11:20] morning! [11:20] Yeah, I figured I'd start there. [11:20] anyone knows how to fix a sound problem? === Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu [11:20] hey Somefilename === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [11:20] soo back to my original problem [11:20] my 5.1 surround doesnt work [11:20] Hey TheNightRider``! [11:20] only 2 channels work [11:20] ^^ [11:20] I did a little personal coding on KDE a few years back. I started on the "Korn" program, which at the time was quite small. === _rr_ [n=rr@host13-233.pool8175.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:20] anyone has any ideas? === Cin opens Korn. [11:21] What is this? [11:21] Which sound adapter card are you using? [11:21] TheNightRider`` , See kmix configuration. [11:21] i did [11:21] its set to 6ch [11:21] but nothing :/ [11:21] Korn is a mail notification program that sits in the Kicker [11:21] Ah, cool. [11:22] If you can get Korn changed, compiled and running, your environment is ready for KDE coding :) [11:22] Somefilename [11:22] what did you had in mind? [11:22] TheNightRider`` , What do you mean? [11:22] Libertus, yeah I'll see what I can do. [11:23] I changed some things on XMMS back on FreeBSD, that's all in Xlib though. O.O [11:23] I gotta reboot, I assume there's some KDE-dev stuff on the packages? === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:23] Cin: There's a lot to learn and it can be daunting... try not to get discouraged... [11:23] <_mark> ok gl is still slow I forgot to run aticonfig b4 rebooting is that a prob ? [11:24] Somefilename, about kmix, what would you have told me to do? [11:24] Libertus, nah, all I do is code. :P So it doesn't take me long to get going on my environment. [11:25] Back in a minute. [11:25] TheNightRider``, To check the configuration - see if it's the right volume. [11:25] volume? [11:25] Excellent! Any contribution you can make will be appreciated. [11:25] explain [11:25] <_mark> so should I reboot now that i have ran aticonfig? [11:25] TheNightRider``, Nevermind. [11:25] Brb. [11:26] okay :( [11:26] <_mark> sniff sniff noone wants to talk to me : ( [11:27] <_mark> ganna try rebooting and see if that works === MaMaTt [n=mamatt@AReims-151-1-93-166.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === Batusaky [n=Batusaky@] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [11:30] hi all :0) [11:30] good morning all [11:30] any news about the adept guide? :) === Nakkel [n=nakkel@vektori.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:30] err [11:30] wrong channel === ubuntu is now known as ^^Marcus^^ === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #kubuntu [11:31] <^^Marcus^^> this is the first time i am using kubuntu [11:31] now thsi i a beautiful channel [11:31] Hey. [11:31] this is [11:31] We can see, ^ ^Marcus^ ^. [11:32] <^^Marcus^^> I like it.. :0) but it's a live version from cd [11:32] auch... [11:33] hey yo boys or girls.... [11:33] i've got a question [11:33] ... [11:33] welll....? [11:33] ask [11:33] <^^Marcus^^> regarding linux?.. I am still a newbie sorry [11:34] no.... [11:34] could you enter on a channlr ? [11:34] channel ? [11:34] <^^Marcus^^> fuile [11:34] <^^Marcus^^> file* [11:34] why not here? [11:34] <^^Marcus^^> join channel [11:34] <^^Marcus^^> afk [11:35] Brb. [11:35] no just .....i would like to know if that channel works this is the first time when i enter mIRC from Linux [11:35] so....?would you like to try ? [11:36] :D ? === ghoulio [n=ghoulio@253.119-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host215-225.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu === tanghus_ [n=tol@0x50a1410b.boanxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [11:43] #HellZone [11:43] plz [11:44] Batusaky, huh? [11:45] #hellzone is there === winXperts [n=winXpert@pool-71-243-248-217.tampfl.fios.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] enter here #HellZone and I'll give you OP to all [11:47] only if you enter === MaMaTt [n=mamatt@AReims-151-1-93-166.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === SlicerDicer- [n=Slicer@] has joined #kubuntu === jon_ [n=jon@CPE0011950b2383-CM0014e825d350.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === Hamman [n=rasmus@84-217-19-178.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:48] Brb. [11:49] k === kev1n is now known as k|away [11:52] #HellZone [11:52] enter hetre plz [11:53] hey how can i install rmp files? [11:54] rpm? [11:54] !alien [11:54] alien is probably a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/ === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === mth`MAW [n=konversa@e176207161.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:55] oh 10x [11:55] but [11:55] is it safe? [11:55] <_mark> well I don't know what else to do the card still isn't running as it should any ideas? [11:56] <_mark> the ati control panel reports it running in pci mode so I ran aticonfig and enabled agpgart and it shows up in pci === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #kubuntu [11:56] _mark [11:56] <_mark> yeah [11:56] agpgard is hard to run even in windows [11:56] i tried, but it still gets the default settings [11:56] btw [11:57] are you in kubuntu [11:57] or ubuntu? [11:57] <_mark> yeah kubuntu [11:57] What an odd way to crash. I could move my mouse but nothing else. [11:57] Cin [11:57] reboot the computer [11:57] :D [11:57] I did. [11:57] <_mark> i did [11:57] <_mark> lol [11:57] :O === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu [11:58] <_mark> i missed the cin part [11:58] oh [11:58] then i dont know [11:58] damn im drunk.. [11:58] stupid wine :D [11:58] (real wine, not the emulator) [11:58] Hehe. [11:58] <_mark> I don't know really thinking about installing ubuntu [11:58] <_mark> lol [11:58] lol [11:58] soo [11:59] how can i install repositories?? [11:59] <_mark> so I can have the full function of the video card [11:59] TheNightRider`` , /etc/apt/sources.list [11:59] _mark, pci is way better than agp [11:59] Somefilename, thanks. ;) [11:59] <_mark> no its not none of my opengl stuff will work [12:00] <_mark> thats my problem [12:00] Somefilename, now what? It's installed? [12:00] <_mark> should of kept the original drivers and worked with them [12:00] i need alien to convert an rpm to a deb [12:00] TheNightRider`` , That's the file where all links to repositories are kept. [12:00] <_mark> yep [12:01] well i got that [12:01] TheNightRider`` , You will see deb {link}; deb {link}. One of the links are in the CD. [12:01] oh [12:01] could you please enter #HellZone plzzz [12:01] <_mark> it should be in the universe repositories you can add or remove those from the package manager what sys are ya using ubuntu or kubuntu [12:01] Free OP [12:02] Batusaky don't invite. [12:02] its lame, dude :/ [12:02] if you don't want to enter than don't enter [12:02] <_mark> whats OP? === danimo_ [n=danimo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:03] _mark, OP = Operator. [12:03] <_mark> oh [12:03] #HellZone for people ho wuld like to come... [12:03] _mark, It's unlimited privilages on a channel. [12:03] <_mark> no thanks [12:03] !kofftopic [12:03] it has been said that kofftopic is Non Kubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #kubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there! === mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #kubuntu [12:03] <_mark> okies [12:03] Somefilename, uhh.. do you know how to install .rpm files? [12:03] can we send all the offtopic stuff, including op stuff, other channels, etc, to #kubuntu-offtopic please? [12:03] TheNightRider``, rpm -i or rpm -Uvh. [12:03] <_mark> alien -d the file [12:03] <_mark> to convert [12:04] whow......hobbsee [12:04] oh [12:04] thanks :D [12:04] <_mark> then dpkg -i file to install [12:04] Batusaky: hmmm? [12:04] <_mark> welcome did that about an hour ago [12:04] yes.. [12:04] <_mark> lol [12:04] bash: rpm: command not found [12:04] yes hobbsee it's anything you would like to say ? [12:04] TheNightRider``, But I heard installing RPM files on Slackware and Debian is not recomended, [12:04] what hte.. [12:05] oh [12:05] <_mark> apt-get alien install [12:05] Batusaky: we try to keep all offtopic stuff in #kubuntu-offtopic, as this is a support channel. that includes op discussions [12:05] TheNightRider``, In Debian, Slackware and others you need to install the RPM packages because it's optional and unrecomended. [12:05] well [12:06] any way to convert them to .deb? [12:06] cuz i'm having trouble with installing alien [12:06] TheNightRider``: is there the source of the package somewhere instead? [12:06] ok [12:06] ok [12:06] sorry [12:06] svn://svn.kitenet.net/joey/src/packages/alien [12:07] it should be added to repositories [12:07] <_mark> oh so thats why my modem is not responding maybe becuz I used alien instead of compiling the source? [12:07] but then on, i dont know === danimo_ [n=danimo@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:07] <_mark> alien is in the universe repo [12:07] <_mark> I think [12:07] <_mark> yeah I pertty sure it is [12:07] okay, ill try [12:08] <_mark> I got it from the rpo but I alwayz enable the universe ones === iegary [n=gary@] has joined #kubuntu [12:08] <_mark> are you using kubuntu? [12:08] hmm [12:08] now adept doesnt work [12:08] yeah [12:08] <_mark> take out the entry you just put in [12:09] What do you want to install out of RPM, TheNightRider``? [12:09] GTK Radiant 1.5.0 === bimberi [n=bimberi@pdpc/supporter/active/bimberi] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] <_mark> I wanted the drivers for the motorola 56k modem thats why I had to do it [12:10] <_mark> well that you should be able to find in deb form somewhere [12:10] TheNightRider``: you broke it! [12:10] <_mark> google KDE Look and find it there [12:10] :) [12:10] <_mark> hehe [12:11] wtf [12:11] i broke what?! [12:11] adept [12:11] <_mark> your pkg manager [12:11] TheNightRider``, Get GTK Engines instead. [12:11] Somefilename, It's a mapping tool for ID Software games. ;) [12:11] there are know Op's here ? [12:12] no [12:12] there isnt even a cs [12:12] ^^ [12:12] ouu.... [12:12] <_mark> so any ideas how to get my 200 dollar video card to run near full potential? [12:12] cs... [12:12] _mark: what you need? [12:12] <_mark> to get opengl to work [12:12] mornfall, got an idea how to fix a 5.1 surround where only 2 channels work? [12:13] what card === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] <_mark> i installed the ati drivers and went through the steps but no luck [12:13] hmm [12:13] <_mark> 9550 [12:13] Okay, X is consistently crashing. [12:13] dunnow, it should work :) [12:13] WhatdoIdo? :O [12:13] <_mark> 128mb === did [n=did@cou30-1-82-242-65-162.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:13] it's supported by the fglrx driver, hmm? [12:13] !ati [12:13] ati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=423589 [12:13] (note that 3d is not exactly linux domain now) [12:13] <_mark> yeah fglrx reconizes it === arafat [n=arafat@R9c40.r.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:14] <_mark> with all the eye candy it should be === mornfall is happy with his intel onboard chips :] [12:14] <_mark> lol [12:14] hahaha [12:14] :D [12:14] im gonna eat [12:14] brb ;) === did [n=did@cou30-1-82-242-65-162.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:15] mornfall: do u have intel integrated gfx chip ? with tvout possibilities ? [12:15] TheNightRider``, Sorry dude, couldn't find any DEB packages for GTK Radiant. [12:15] <_mark> he went to eat === Cin waits for another crash. [12:16] Ilokaaaasu: no tvout [12:16] <_mark> is there a way to configure fglrx? [12:16] ah ok, just wondering with my tvout howto get it work [12:17] <_mark> well shoot === Kiasu [n=keqiugua@bb220-255-69-155.singnet.com.sg] has joined #kubuntu [12:18] <_mark> man I really don't want to go through another reinstall lol getting tired === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === txus [n=txus@] has joined #kubuntu === _txus [n=txus@] has joined #kubuntu [12:19] <_mark> its funny how ati's own driver doesn't give full description of the card in its control panel === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #kubuntu [12:19] <_mark> card name = unknown ha [12:19] <_mark> bios version = unavalible [12:19] Amarok seems to crash a lot, and crashes X when I open the playlist window. [12:19] Think my X is out of date? [12:20] <_mark> chip type = unknown [12:20] <_mark> how do ya figure that? === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] <_mark> oops [12:21] <_mark> hehe [12:22] <_mark> should I diable the agpgart ? [12:22] <_mark> disable* === burepe [n=burepe@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] <_mark> I'm ganna try that === mode/#kubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ [12:24] <_mark> Warning: Option 'UseInternalAGPGART' doesn't affect running session. that just means I have to reboot right? [12:25] <_mark> noone knowz? [12:25] you never should need to reboot [12:26] <_mark> hey is automatix really a virus? [12:26] <_mark> I heard it is [12:26] !automatix [12:26] hmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation. === ..[topic/#kubuntu:Hobbsee] : Flight 6 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 RC1 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) http://tinyurl.com/fm847 | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu [12:27] <_mark> ok I'll just stay away from it [12:27] !omgmykubuntukeepscrashing [12:27] Cin: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [12:27] <_mark> its hard enough to learn the stuff I need for the time being === m0ns00n is now known as m0ns00n^out === danimo_ [n=danimo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] <_mark> well I'm ganna reboot and see if that change helped any === mode/#kubuntu [-o Hobbsee] by ChanServ === sredna [n=anders@kde/developer/alund] has joined #kubuntu === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] <_mark> no such luck [12:33] <_mark> still unable to run opengl [12:34] <_mark> opengl has been around for about a decade why am I have such a difficult time with this [12:34] <_mark> having* === senn1 [n=guest@] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] hey all. === danimo_ [n=danimo@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:36] <_mark> maybe if I throw a water cooling kit on the processor and gpu and then overclock the hell out of them I could get the preformance aye [12:36] <_mark> heyas [12:36] <_mark> performance* [12:36] <_mark> shoot [12:38] <_mark> I know I'll tweak the mesa driver to work then charge the free movement to use it isn't that how you guyz work? [12:38] <_mark> lol [12:38] <_mark> kiddin [12:39] <_mark> just alittle fustrated with this sorry [12:39] <_mark> you guyz have been nice [12:39] <_mark> and the people who provide mesa are great === _tijn [n=tijn@ip100-171-59-81.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu [12:40] im back ;) [12:40] <_mark> get your tummy full [12:40] i did lol [12:40] <_mark> I'm still working on the video [12:41] <_mark> I don't understand why I can get it to work on the gnome desktop and not here [12:41] <_mark> the KDE === did [n=did@cou30-1-82-242-65-162.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:41] <_mark> doesn't make since === _wirr [n=wirr@i53876A1E.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] <_mark> well I guess I got to go back to using the gnome desktop [12:42] <_mark> thanks for all the help everyone === thor [n=thor@dhcp13-stud.hive.no] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] <_mark> sorry about that stupid outburst [12:43] <_mark> laterz === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44a606.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [12:43] anybody know anything about 99% stalled ktorrent downloads? === did [n=did@cou30-1-82-242-65-162.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === wirr_ [n=wirr@i538760F3.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:43] burepe: what version? [12:44] 1.0 [12:44] I have the new kde source enabled [12:44] I wonder why i didn't get 1.2 [12:44] hmm [12:44] quote:" [12:45] Installind 3D drivers may destroy your system. === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] jpatrick, you think I should install 1.2? [12:45] yes === senn1 [n=guest@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:46] k im rebooting for the drivers [12:46] if i dont come back, come to my funeral :D === n4w3r [n=erwan@ASte-Genev-Bois-152-1-32-160.w83-114.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] jpatrick, I have kde latest enabled. Why did i not get 1.2 in the first place? === did [n=did@cou30-1-82-242-65-162.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] burepe: I don't think ktorrents in KDE main [12:49] hdc === TheNightRider`` [n=thenight@static-213-240-228-210.megalan.bg] has joined #kubuntu [12:49] how do I get 1.2? === did [n=did@cou30-1-82-242-65-162.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:50] rebooted [12:50] hmm [12:50] it seems nicer now [12:50] :D [12:50] It seems like I have no spell checking in kword? [12:52] TheNightRider: Did you just install the new 8756 drivers from nvidia? [12:52] jpatrick, how do I get 1.2 then? [12:53] from the site? [12:53] ok [12:53] thanks [12:53] actually I have never installed a program without adept [12:53] wouldn't know where to start [12:56] burepe: install kdelibs4-dev [12:56] ok [12:56] does that have the package in it? [12:56] kde header files [12:57] needed to build the program [12:58] what do I do once I get those? [12:59] burepe: have you got the ktorrent tarball? [12:59] getting it === McScruff [n=mcscruff@cpc1-folk1-3-0-cust92.asfd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] jpatrick, there is a kubuntu deb on the site. Should I just use thatt? === CTV [n=cyrus@zux164-221.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] hi all === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #kubuntu [01:02] burepe: if you can [01:02] I'll try it. [01:03] i need a bash command for searching a sub sting in a string like the simular function pos(substring:string, s:string):boolean === zmo [n=zmo1138@ip234-211-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu [01:03] is there a command to do that? === _tijn [n=tijn@ip100-171-59-81.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu [01:04] if substringexist($subs,$s) then ... [01:04] how can i do that ? === zmo [n=zmo1138@ip234-211-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu === zmo [n=zmo1138@ip234-211-59-62.adsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu === g8m [n=evil@cp747435-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu === CTV [n=cyrus@zux164-221.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu === _txus [n=txus@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === txus [n=txus@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _tijn [n=tijn@ip100-171-59-81.dyndsl.versatel.nl] has joined #kubuntu [01:11] There a KDE version of synaptic? [01:12] Cin: Try sudo apt-cache search synapitc [01:12] I was able to install it just fine === DjDarkman [n=djdarkma@] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] i have an amd with 1600 Mhz and 256 RAM ,and still java apss can slow down my system ,why is that? [01:14] what is a command to make a directory writeable by anyone? sudo chmod 777 /file? [01:15] Awesome, I got kynaptic. You should check it out, thor. :P [01:15] I use apt-get [01:15] adept is really good [01:15] kynaptic? [01:16] Yeah. [01:16] adept is good when it works. === X3n0n [n=fabien@AMontpellier-251-1-94-146.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [01:16] It's like synaptic but KDE. :D [01:16] Hasn't worked yet on my Kubuntu install [01:16] hmmm [01:16] adept suxx [01:16] bigtime [01:16] oooo [01:16] it always gives errors without an output [01:16] DjDarkman: you suck [01:17] and i have missed the patches [01:17] so you suck even more [01:17] :) [01:17] mornfall: i can guess that you are an adept develer [01:17] *develeper [01:17] not a leper [01:17] Adept works fin here (fully updated dapper) [01:18] apt-get is the best [01:18] Developer. :D [01:18] DjDarkman: When first one knows the optinos to operate it... [01:19] i am glad you know about everything and so [01:19] Hobbsee: re [01:19] mornfall: hmm? [01:19] Hobbsee: re = hi again :) [01:19] oh, hi again :) === Hobbsee is back === skodella [n=skodella@] has joined #kubuntu [01:19] theres nothing i hate more than slow programs... [01:19] I for example still needs to look iun the manual to see forexample to search and sisplay if found packages are installed [01:20] doesnt look like ops were needed in the middle, either [01:20] Anyone try the new nvidia drivers yet? [01:21] hmmm this kynaptic looks good [01:21] i hope it's better than adept :) [01:21] haha [01:22] Wow this Qt designer is awesome. [01:22] wll it`s better than synaptic in kde [01:22] especially with all the elaborate error reporting that kynaptic has [01:22] *well [01:23] can someene give me examples of 'good' java ide-s? === Hobbsee didnt think much of kynaptic, back when i tried it [01:23] ah, that explains a lot [01:23] DjDarkman: emacs [01:24] and a good java learning site? :) [01:24] kate? [01:24] DjDarkman: java.sun.com? [01:24] oh dear [01:24] use google [01:24] Kate is not an ide [01:24] you make yourself look more lame than you are :) [01:25] For 'good java ide', eclipse comes to mind [01:25] sredna: if you have enough hardware, probably [01:25] true... [01:25] Or kdevelop, if you like kde apps [01:25] mornfall: Right :) === Hobbsee reasons that she can use kate to write c++ code, so it's probably possible for java too... [01:25] Hobbsee: you can use sed to do the same job [01:25] true [01:25] Kate is brilliant for typing, but it's not an ide [01:26] sredna: what *is* an ide? [01:26] mornfall: Well, the acronym means 'integrated development environment' right? [01:26] sredna: if it means you have to use mouse to get work done, then no thanks :) [01:26] hehe [01:26] It usually means integration with debugger, code completion etc === mornfall is too close to rsi to use mouse while coding === Hobbsee is feeling guilty === Hobbsee should be coding! [01:27] urgh, rsi === Hobbsee got that from playing too much minesweeper on a laptop touchpad now... [01:27] ah, all those useless features :) === theine [n=theine@fw2.nbi.dk] has joined #kubuntu [01:27] s/now/a while ago [01:27] Hobbsee: i'm using pointystick :) [01:27] hehe [01:27] less rsi prone [01:27] but when using mouse, it's bad [01:28] mouse blows [01:28] yuck [01:28] i don't even attach mouse to laptop anymore [01:28] just using pointystick === Bedbug105 [n=laurent@ADijon-152-1-89-42.w81-49.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu === bernd [n=bernd@HSI-KBW-082-212-055-154.hsi.kabelbw.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:29] anyway, if setting breakpoints and such needs to be done by mouse, it's useless [01:29] and code completion, i am yet to see an useful version of that === grimse [n=grimse@p5481D195.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === fontax [n=fontina@host23-105.pool878.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === theine [n=theine@fw2.nbi.dk] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009E70.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu === RomanK [n=roman@p54A26B92.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu === _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] mornfall: Kate needs some work... apart from code completion (major work), any other ideas? === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@] has joined #kubuntu [01:44] <_mark> well I got Gnome updating now : ) [01:44] I have a folder that I can't seem to change the permissions of [01:44] I use Kate extensively, and it is better than all the free editors I've used on Windows so far [01:45] sudo chmod a=rwx /file should make the file rwx by any one right? [01:45] It is just not changing [01:46] I tried other files and it seems to be fine [01:47] burepe: What is the output from 'ls -l /file'? [01:47] <_mark> try rebooting if you aree using KDE it seems to be a little slow on response j/k [01:48] drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 65536 1970-01-01 09:00 120baby [01:48] burepe: odd file date [01:48] i just installed maybe the date is wrong [01:49] I think I know what it is [01:49] Could be, but that doesn't explain why the permission bits won't change [01:49] it is mounted so it can't change [01:49] am I right? [01:49] If it is a directory imported from another system, yes, I think you may have trouble changing the permissions [01:50] it is a second hard drive in my comp [01:50] That's what I mean [01:50] I just reinstalled === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === m0ns00n^out is now known as m0ns00n [01:50] If you unmount the directory, you may be able to change the permissions of the mount point [01:50] I can't write to the file what do I do? [01:50] I'm not sure if that makes any difference to the permissions of the mounted directory. [01:50] cool [01:51] got it [01:51] umount did it [01:51] thanks [01:52] Welcome === davidubi [n=davidubi@243.Red-81-37-20.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:54] hello everypne in the channel === OculusAquilae [n=oculus@pD950968A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:55] Good afternoon, davidubi [01:55] Hi Libertus and everyone. First time in #kubuntu.freenode, just testing kubuntu dapper flight 6! [01:56] I tried Flight 3... went back to Breezy pretty quickly. [01:56] Libertus, now this is weird. When the folder is unmounted it has a=rwx but when it is mounted it is not? any suggestions === My8os [n=My8os@ppp24-adsl-1-188.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #Kubuntu [01:57] burepe: yes, your mount point is hidden by the directory mounted over it [01:57] so I need to change the mount point permissions? [01:57] If you want to set the permissions for a mount, I believe the mount paramters would be the first place to go [01:57] Not the mount point [01:58] you mean fstab? [01:58] Yes, I think so. I'm not an expert on mounting [01:58] I have to reinstall os due to a motherboard replacement. Iam considering installing kubuntu instead of my current Debian Sarge 3.1 === Chameleon22 [n=Chameleo@220-245-245-20.free.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === shreevatsa [n=shreevat@] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] davidubi: I use Kubuntu Breezy. I'm happy enough with it. [01:59] I copied my fstab from my last install. and added that. I havn't restarted after the install yet so I will do it now and see what happens. brb [01:59] How do I turn off the auto-mounting "feature"? [01:59] burepe: ok [02:00] shreevatsa: Have you tried the Windows method of holding Shift while inserting the disk? [02:00] Libertus: doesn't work [02:00] Not sure if that works on any of the Linux desktops, but it might :) === Somefilename [n=MacFan@] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] OK, just a thought [02:01] shreevatsa: KDE or Gnome. I can only help with KDE, I'm afraid. [02:01] one thing i want to know: has kubuntu a compiler by default or should I apt-get one through the net? :-S [02:01] KDE [02:01] gcc or the like? [02:01] !tell davidubi about build-essential === stian [n=stian@084202050216.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [02:01] davidubi, Depending on your instalation type - for example I did an server install. [02:02] davidubi, The server install doesn't come with gcc - but the normal instalation type come with all the things you need to compile. === _vge [n=vge@tekpo-148-138.tp.spt.fi] has joined #kubuntu [02:04] the cooling fan on my laptop is running almost continuosly :( === wirr_ is now known as wirr [02:04] 5 seconds off 10 seconds on [02:04] shreevatsa: K Menu->System Settings->KDE Components->Service Manager->Startup Services contains something called "KDED Media Manager" which looks like it may be related to automount [02:05] stian: what laptop do you use? [02:05] i mean cpu sorry [02:05] its probably running full speed when it shouldnt [02:05] oh, it's a Pentium Mobile 4, Centrino [02:06] ah [02:06] hmm, I noticed "Enable CPU throttling" wasn't on [02:06] same [02:06] add speedstep-centrino to /etc/modules [02:06] hmm [02:06] then you will have control over the cpu speed [02:06] how do I do that? [02:06] try running kwrite in sudo [02:06] ah [02:07] vim will do :) [02:07] yeah [02:07] !kdesu [02:07] Use kdesu to run graphical applications with root priveleges when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files. If it is not working, you may need to run "sudo adept-updater" [02:07] good old vim [02:07] okay, it's added, now what to do? :) [02:08] it will load next time you reboot [02:08] but for now [02:08] run modprobe speedstep-centrino [02:08] oh [02:08] Somefilename: the only problem I see is that ubuntu/kubuntu it is too net-dependent. My current Debian OS comes from a Sarge 3.1 8GB DVD with 15000+ packages, I rarely need to apt-get from the net. I tried the kubuntu DVD but it only comes with Kubuntu Live CD+Kubuntu Install CD+TheOpenCD software for Win32 Is planned any DVD with more apps than the standard CD ISOS? [02:08] in sudo [02:08] you can load it now though [02:08] done [02:08] cool [02:08] now what? :P [02:08] hehe === t3ch [n=t3ch@i53876795.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:08] well you get to choose your tool to control cpu [02:08] you can use the kde thingy [02:08] ah [02:08] or kpowersave [02:09] i use kpowersave, and disabled the standard kde one [02:09] but it will do fine [02:09] is there a applet for the panel? [02:09] its under laptop battery in system settings [02:09] ah [02:09] you might have to login again for it to pick up the cpu control === FaTBaT [n=FaTBaT@] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] but see [02:10] enable performance profiles on the last tab [02:10] hmm [02:10] performance profiles? [02:10] oh [02:10] it's done [02:10] yeah [02:10] so log in out? [02:10] ok === Bart_lx [n=bart@AMarseille-253-1-96-179.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] I'll be right back :) [02:11] k === shreevatsa [n=shreevat@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === Somefilename is back === stian [n=stian@084202050216.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [02:12] hi [02:12] hey [02:12] hmm [02:12] it hasn't stopped since I logged out :( [02:13] what was that tool you used? instead of the default one? [02:13] kpowersave? [02:13] stian: right click on the icon [02:13] stian, If the fan needs to run that means that it musn't stop. [02:13] yeah === Hobbsee likes kpowersave! [02:13] let's also note that 1) sudo adept-updater doesn't work 2) it has the same chance to muck your stuff like any other gui app [02:13] make sure the performance profile is on ondemand [02:13] or powersave [02:13] Somefilename: well, but, it's never had to do it before [02:13] goes to Hobbsee for now [02:13] but not performance [02:13] in windows it only runs like ever three to five minutes [02:14] stian, And that worries you? [02:14] (it doesn't work because it's adept_updater) [02:14] Somefilename: what worries me is that the fan is running more than it should atm. possibly as a result of CPU throttling not working [02:14] stian, did you change the profile? [02:15] no, i got confused :P [02:15] okay [02:15] let see [02:15] mornfall: wha??? this chat's making almost as little sense as my computing assignment is! [02:15] cfraz89: right click on what icon? === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has left #kubuntu ["assignment"] === buz [n=buz@217-162-135-182.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] the powerplug or battery in the tray [02:15] cfraz89: found it :) [02:15] stian, As long as it doesn't do terrible noise and worrying sounds there's nothing to be afraid. [02:15] :) === buz is really impressed by network-manager-kde [02:15] buz: same! [02:15] me too [02:15] where can we vote to have it in dapper by default? [02:15] i luvz it [02:16] but nm doesnt work on other computer [02:16] on the rt2500 [02:16] Although i would like to have something like, favorite networks [02:16] it's the first thing that got wpa working since flight 3 on my centrino [02:16] Somefilename: I'm just worried about the fan going bad, which happened on my last laptop, became very very noisy [02:17] hmm [02:17] stian, Chillout man. [02:17] stian? [02:17] it's still running constantly [02:17] hmm [02:17] there it stopped :P [02:17] lets see now [02:17] did you say it was a pentium 4 m? [02:17] yeah === zblach [n=zblach@HSE-London-ppp208826.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:17] or maybe just pentium mobile [02:17] ok [02:18] pentium-m [02:18] is fan ok? [02:18] hmm, it's about the same as before === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:18] hmm [02:18] check its speed === Bart_lx [n=bart@AMarseille-253-1-96-179.w86-206.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:18] how to do? [02:18] um [02:18] i think if you left click on the plug it says [02:19] nah [02:19] it says 99% CHARGED === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu [02:19] hm [02:19] try [02:19] !hlsl [02:19] No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime [02:19] :( [02:19] cfraz89: perhaps I'll try kpowersave, i've installed it now [02:19] Is there any chance to get HLSL in linux? [02:19] ok === shreevatsa [n=shreevat@] has joined #kubuntu [02:20] cfraz89: how do I disable the kde default power management thing? [02:20] in the system settings [02:20] Libertus: Thanks, it seems to have worked [02:20] press the checkbox that says show battery monitor [02:20] aha [02:20] that's it? [02:20] also make sure its not set to do anything [02:21] cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq [02:21] shreevatsa: Glad to help. [02:21] see if that shows your top or min cpu speed [02:21] 1600000 [02:21] that would be the top speed [02:22] so your cpu isnt throttling [02:22] yeah [02:22] try setting your cpu to powersace [02:22] *powersave [02:22] I've done that in the kde thing [02:22] tried both powersave and ondemand [02:22] it still shows max cpu [02:22] yeah [02:23] hm [02:23] cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies [02:23] ah [02:23] ? [02:23] stian: check lsmod for speedstep_centrino [02:23] hmm [02:23] cfraz89: I just set using kpowersave, and it was 600mhz [02:24] ah [02:24] cool [02:24] available is 1600000 1400000 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 [02:24] so fan should shut off soon [02:24] if it stays at 600 [02:24] _but_ fan still going :P [02:24] it will keep going until cpu cools [02:24] then it shouldnt start for a while === dark_suic [n=Y@] has joined #kubuntu [02:24] my fan never runs while cpu is 600 [02:24] give it a few minutes [02:24] ok [02:24] stopped [02:25] cool [02:25] for five seconds [02:25] oh [02:25] started again [02:25] stopped again [02:25] lol [02:25] is it still going at 600? [02:25] yeah [02:25] lol your fan is nuts [02:25] yeah [02:25] i know :P [02:25] started again [02:26] okay, it stayed off a little longer this time [02:26] lol [02:26] it's working it's way down from a near-meltdown :p [02:26] does it ever do this in windows? [02:26] lol [02:26] nope, never has, which is what is so sad :( [02:26] ah [02:26] hmm [02:26] I mean, two weeks ago EVERYTHING on this laptop got supported :D [02:27] but the fan is annoying at best\ [02:27] but it could be dangerous [02:27] my laptop gets up to like 85 degrees at full speed [02:27] i want a new one [02:27] the battery on this one died [02:27] it suddenly goes empty at 50% [02:28] thats the other thing [02:28] itll drain your battery like anything [02:29] yeah, I used Linux alot on my last laptop [02:29] whoever wrote kompile deserves a medal [02:29] the battery was dead after a little over a year :( [02:29] ok [02:29] because of linux? [02:29] i figure because of overheating === ubijtsa_ [n=anders@] has joined #kubuntu [02:29] you didnt set up power management on it? [02:29] cause it was some amd athlon mobile thing [02:29] hmm [02:29] I had no clue what to do :P [02:29] that was my first laptop [02:29] most distroes set it up by default [02:29] oj [02:30] *oh [02:30] so I never really thought about these things :P === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:30] ah [02:30] and now, this is my second, and I'm possibly a little overprotective of my precious:) [02:30] yeah [02:30] its good idea [02:31] because, I really start to get worried when the area where the bottom of my palms rests starts to get hot [02:31] yeah [02:31] thats bad [02:31] btw, seems to be getting better now, fan going off more and more seldom and for a shorter time :) [02:31] cool [02:31] yeah, i know :) which is what is keeping me in windows most of the time :( [02:32] thats what i was like when i first got this laptop [02:32] it nearly switched me to windows [02:32] :S [02:32] till i got the cpu worked out [02:33] yeah [02:33] sadly I've got an attentionspan of a fiveyearold :P [02:33] so it's into linux "bah didn't work yet" back into windows [02:33] oh [02:34] lol === shreevatsa [n=shreevat@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:34] :P === davidubi [n=davidubi@243.Red-81-37-20.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [02:40] anyone know the magic trick to get Google Talk running in kopete? [02:40] :P [02:40] not sure [02:41] figured it out :) [02:41] or rather, found info on the kde wiki [02:42] http://wiki.kde.org/tiki-index.php?page=Google%20Talk%20support :) [02:42] yeah :P [02:42] that was it i guess [02:42] yup :P [02:42] google is my friend :) [02:43] lol especially when your on google talk [02:43] :P === apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu === bhna [n=chatzill@p54B81DAE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === sredna [n=anders@kde/developer/alund] has joined #kubuntu === gerardo [n=gerardo@host167-35.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === JRGC [n=JG@F578d.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu === mindspin [n=mindspin@p54B2DCE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === gerardo [n=gerardo@host167-35.pool871.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === G3rardo [n=gerardo@host167-35.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === G3rardo [n=gerardo@host167-35.pool871.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ronin_ [n=ronin@pool-141-156-177-196.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@a81-197-236-104.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:00] hello world! [03:01] Greetings [03:01] thanks [03:01] lol === geo-1 [n=geo-1@host178-195.kawanuanet.net.id] has joined #kubuntu === geo-1 [n=geo-1@host178-195.kawanuanet.net.id] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === frepe [n=frepe@c-0b1f72d5.022-205-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] i need some help! [03:02] with kubuntu === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] Morning everyone [03:02] i can't open ui3 files, what i need= [03:04] ubuntu: wish I knew. [03:04] I'm a newbie here too. [03:04] okay [03:05] XD [03:05] I still don't have any sound :( [03:05] what is a ui3 file? [03:05] I don't know [03:05] why do you want to open it? [03:05] it's a Game [03:05] you downloaded a ui3 file? [03:06] yes! [03:06] AND I CAN'T OPEN IT [03:06] kay [03:06] no caps please [03:06] ok [03:06] what game and where did you download it? === kbrooks [n=kbrooks@unaffiliated/kbrooks] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:07] game is Iris and I dont remember where i download it [03:07] don't* [03:09] It's executable file! [03:09] it's Ultima Iris? [03:09] yes [03:09] is it a .tar file? [03:09] yeesbox [03:10] what? [03:10] yes [03:10] ok, so don't say you can't open ui3 files, when clearly the file is tar. [03:10] what you need to do is as follows [03:10] open a terminal [03:10] what is terminal? [03:10] sorry [03:10] i know [03:11] hmm, okay, the application is called "Konsole" and you find it in the "System" folder in your program menu [03:11] The website you got it from is http://iris.berlios.de/index.php [03:12] Which is where you should seek help after having untarred this game === MeTa[2] [n=sajt@catv54007F21.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu [03:13] tahnks! [03:13] I apologize for my cranky mood :) [03:14] Is there anyone who could offer a little advice on a sound related issue? === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [03:16] For some reason, linux has decided to use my onboard sound instead of my Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS [03:16] new nvidia drivers! [03:16] finally support suspend to disk [03:17] wonder how long before it is added to dapper multiverse === spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu [03:17] :o [03:17] Hey Cfraz, what's this multiverse everyone is talking about? [03:17] I hear you can get all kinds of packages there, if you config adept correctly. [03:18] its just another repository [03:18] with the non-free software [03:18] would you like to add it? [03:19] Yes please. I'm using Kubuntu Dapper Flight 6, if it matters === pv__ [n=pv@a84-231-92-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:19] ok [03:20] in adept go to view -> manage repositories [03:21] then find the entries that say universe [03:21] right click on them and press clone [03:21] then on the cloned one change universe to multiverse [03:21] then press apply [03:21] then fetch updates [03:21] then your all good [03:22] All the ones that say universe are grayed out [03:23] you dont have universe enabled? [03:23] your in for a treat [03:23] right click on them and enable them [03:23] I see dapper and dapper security [03:23] ok === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu [03:23] right click on the grey universe ones and press enable [03:24] Done. I did both the deb and deb-src ones === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:24] yep === LazyWriter [n=pankov@ip84-53.dialup.wplus.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] dont forget to press apply [03:25] then fetch updates [03:25] most of the software is in universe [03:25] :P === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:25] Should I also clone and make a multiverse too? === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:26] there should be a package called "xubuntu-desktop-remove" removing all the apps xubuntu installs :P same for kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop [03:26] yes [03:26] so that when I figure out "Hey, I didn't want ubuntu, I want kubuntu, I can remove gnome stuff that is in the way [03:27] clone the universe ones and change universe to multiverse [03:28] All of them?Or just one? I mean, should I make a multiverse for deb and deb-src? [03:28] yes both :) [03:28] but you probably wont need the src [03:28] hmm, probably not yeah [03:28] but its good to have it [03:28] Okay. Thanks. [03:29] np [03:29] this is so much better than mandriva [03:29] Anyone know how to get firefox to open m3u's and audio files in amaroK instead of Totem? [03:29] hehe [03:29] cfraz89: you've used mandriva alto? [03:29] s/alto/alot === ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:29] yeah === ep [n=mdr@ip68-97-122-135.ok.ok.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Left] [03:30] since 9.0 [03:30] to 2006.0 [03:30] ah [03:30] Alright, looks like I need to reboot or something. Adept is giving me an error message about how I won't be able to do anything because some other instance is using the package repository [03:30] when they fired Gael i decided to switch [03:30] I used redhat/fedora until fedora 1 [03:30] Back in a moment [03:30] ok [03:30] ah [03:30] then I just started distro-hopping until I found ubuntu :P [03:30] lol [03:30] didnt like fedora? [03:30] nah, it got "boring" [03:31] boring? [03:31] i mean, it wasn't any good and stable since red hat 7,3 with gnome 1.4 [03:31] ahh [03:31] lol === JRGC [n=JG@F578d.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:31] i used fc4 for a while [03:31] gnome 1.4 rocked :P [03:31] it started falling apart for no reason [03:31] i never used it lol [03:31] I remember spending ages with my dialup downloading it [03:31] been with kde since 3.0 [03:32] and I remember the phonebill afterwards :P [03:32] lol [03:32] same [03:32] upgrading every kde release on dialup [03:32] hmm, yeah, I think mandrake 9 had kde3 [03:32] yeah [03:32] mandrake 8 had kde2 as far as I remember [03:32] yeah [03:32] its funny to see how far linux has come === exsanet [n=exsanet@] has joined #kubuntu === ronin_ [n=ronin@pool-141-156-177-196.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:33] hi ronin [03:33] Hiya. [03:33] yeah, I remember installing redhat 6 on my pentium 90 :P [03:33] Hmm...seems that didn't help. Kubuntu must have saved whatever was causing the problem along with the session [03:34] try running ksysguard under kdesu [03:34] and kill all the adepts === nico8481 [n=nico@ip-62-235-55-198.dial.scarlet.be] has joined #kubuntu [03:34] Type that in the konsole? kdesu ksysguard ? [03:34] yeah [03:35] hi [03:35] hi [03:35] There are no adepts, but there is an adept notifier [03:35] hmm [03:35] thats ok [03:35] adept still doesnt run? [03:36] It still runs, just in read only mode. [03:36] hmm [03:36] is dpkg running? [03:36] Last time I did the adept update (from the ! in the systray), there were some errors. Maybe that has something to do with it? [03:36] i dont think so [03:37] i got the errors too [03:37] about 3 packages wouldnt update? [03:37] dpkg? nope. none of htose [03:37] I don't remember a number, but yeah. === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:37] hm === niekie [n=niekie@niekie/unaffiliated] has joined #kubuntu [03:38] sorry im not really sure [03:39] Not sure what the issue is. I have Kopete, Konversation, and the shell open. [03:39] maybe you could try removing adept [03:39] reboot === LazyWriter [n=pankov@ip84-53.dialup.wplus.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:39] and reinstall [03:39] at worst case [03:39] sorry [03:39] stypid OGRE3D!!! [03:39] Is there anyway to reboot and make sure it doesn't save the session? Like, reboot clean? [03:39] Stop running processes and that sort of thing. [03:40] noteventime: are you useing ogre? [03:40] Could somone try to help me compiling this engine, it can't find the CEGUI headers but I'm sure I have them installed [03:40] ugh, no matter what I do fglrxinfo says I'm running mesa GL :( [03:40] umm [03:40] i think theres an option [03:40] And pkg-config --cflags CEGUI gives the right output [03:41] !i810 [03:41] NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime [03:41] ahh [03:41] user acount [03:41] then session manager === xwolf- [n=xwolf-@] has joined #Kubuntu [03:43] is it possible to set X server (not kde) to boot up num-lock? [03:43] Aha! Got it. I'll try that [03:43] I'll start with an empty session [03:43] brb [03:43] Isn't there something you can add to xorg.conf, in the keyboard section [03:45] xwolf-: install numlockx === Derek- [n=jes@] has joined #kubuntu === Derek- [n=jes@] has left #kubuntu [] [03:46] xwolf-: oh no, wait, there's an easier way. [03:46] control center -> peripherals -> keyboard Numlock on KDE startup [03:47] can someone please tell ronin when he gets back i had to go [03:47] and that im sorry [03:47] apokryphos kde already does that [03:47] BUT, in login screen, num-lock is still not on [03:47] ohh [03:47] and i have to turn it on to type my password [03:48] hm === n3x^ [n=mrhankey@host-84-9-78-226.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === razio [n=razio@100-45-231-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] so i thought: i X boots up num-lock, it would be on before the login screen [03:48] and i could type the pass in the numpad. [03:48] downloaded amd64 dapper 5.1 - i get /dev/ram does not exist error when trying to install [03:48] ne ideas? === ronin_ [n=ronin@pool-141-156-177-196.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] xwolf-: well, with the above package you could just get it to type /usr/bin/numlockx on ..on startup [03:49] and that'd work [03:49] bah. No bloody good [03:49] oh [03:49] apokryphos that's an idea... [03:49] doesnt xorg.conf do any of it? === Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] sorry [03:49] xwolf-: nope [03:49] try uninstalling rebooting installing adept [03:49] Is okay. Thanks for trying [03:50] ok [03:50] i have to go now === andred is now known as andre^off [03:50] cya [03:50] good luck with adept [03:50] Uh, anyone tell me how I can do that without royally messing up my packaging? [03:50] really wierd problem [03:50] i dont think anything depends on adept [03:50] its just a frontend [03:51] kubuntu-desktop maybe [03:51] it got removed from my comp last upgrade [03:51] i had to reinstall it manually [03:51] or try removing it forcing no dep checking [03:51] and then reboot [03:52] How would I uninstall and reinstall it? I know there's the add/remove programs. [03:52] then sudo apt-get-instal adept [03:52] downloaded amd64 dapper 5.1 - i get /dev/ram does not exist error when trying to install -- help :[ [03:52] Man. I can't even use the add/remove programs - same error. === teclo [i=42@] has joined #kubuntu [03:52] does apt-get work? [03:53] Hello, how can I tell kubuntu to open movies in xine, and not in kaffeine ? [03:53] It asks for parameters, but yeah it seems to [03:53] right ok [03:53] sorry im not sure [03:53] gtg now [03:53] good luck [03:53] See ya cfraz. Thanks for trying [03:53] sorry about the mess === OdyX [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] make `pkg-config --cflags CEGUI` === _rr [n=rr@host13-233.pool8175.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] Shoudln't this tell g++ to look in the right dir? [03:56] I'm still pretty new to the gnu make syste, === HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-160-88.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === My8os is now known as My8os[Away] === _root [n=root@host129-35.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === _root is now known as marcez === delonnor [n=delonnor@p54AEF803.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === marcez is now known as marco_it [04:02] i seem to have a problem... i am trying to compile mplayer, but during the configuration, it cannot seem to find my inttypes.h (i cannot either, to be quite honest), where do i find it? === keifer [n=keifer@67.143.cm.sunflower.com] has joined #kubuntu === Nomad411 [n=Nomad411@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === marco_it [n=root@host129-35.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === steveire [n=steveire@] has joined #kubuntu [04:08] How do I find out which packages installed a file f? [04:12] sredna: dpkg -S /path/to/file [04:12] bimberi: Thank you :) [04:13] sredna: yw :) [04:13] On windows i could refresh my firefox cache with ctrl+f5. In linux that doesn't seem to work. [04:13] !mplayer === stian [n=stian@084202050216.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] [mplayer] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 [04:13] !firefox [04:14] delonnor: Anders@pluto ~ $ dpkg -S /usr/include/inttypes.h [04:14] libc6-dev: /usr/include/inttypes.h [04:14] Not that suprising ;) [04:14] :) === sredna suggests installing build-essential [04:15] refresh firefox cache. Any ideas? === Kyral [n=kyral@HyperDream.hamlin.clarkson.edu] has joined #kubuntu === inc|freaky [n=alpha@pD9E9E4AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:23] hi all. im trying to get ubuntu running on my laptop. but it hangs at "starting hotplug" now i know i have to write something into a file on the harddrive. (blacklist) when rebooting in rescue mode with the CD, and trying to mount the HDD, it says: mounting failed: invalid argument. i did: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda3 /target/ can someone help me please? === AljoshaNL [n=aljoshan@66-226.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu === agerber [n=agerber@myw-stp-196-34-113-81.sentechsa.net] has joined #kubuntu === tarmath [n=tarmath@HSE-QuebecCity-ppp3497027.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] hmmm === Batusaky [n=Batusaky@] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] try -text3 [04:26] re all [04:26] hy all [04:26] 'ello [04:27] inc|freaky, from what I can see it looks correct :S [04:28] how can I import evolution data into Kontact? [04:28] Have you checked that both the /target folder and the sda3 device file exist? [04:28] noteventime: :(( === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === shentey [n=shentey@N7275.n.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu === chouette [n=chouette@lns-bzn-21-82-248-134-234.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:30] hi [04:30] 'elllo [04:30] !diskmounter [04:30] methinks diskmounter is to automatically mount your ntfs, fat32 or hfs+ drives, download and read http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter [04:30] inc|freaky, check that the device file exist and that the folder you are mountung to exists [04:31] sorry gtg [04:31] that thing is handy === noteventime is now known as noteventime_bbl [04:31] noteventime_bbl: it exists === agerber [n=agerber@myw-stp-196-34-113-81.sentechsa.net] has joined #kubuntu === delonnor [n=delonnor@p54AEF803.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === bsm [n=rob@p5483A72A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === jarlath [n=jarlath@] has joined #kubuntu === agerber [n=agerber@myw-stp-196-34-113-81.sentechsa.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === delonnor [n=delonnor@p54AEF803.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === qwertyman [n=other@c-24-118-151-209.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:46] im leaving see you [04:47] im installing kubuntu but it keeps saying: cannot load default config file when it installs fonts :( === AljoshaNL [n=aljoshan@66-226.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [04:47] ah now it works === fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@] has joined #kubuntu === _admin [n=admin@] has joined #kubuntu [04:53] <_admin> hola [04:54] <_admin> algun tigre que me pueda ayudar [04:54] !es [04:54] Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. === MeTa[2] _ [n=sajt@dsl54009F98.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] <_admin> a [04:56] <_admin> mi nombre es eddy === OdyX_ [n=Didier@8.Red-80-33-64.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === _mo [n=mo@p54BCB864.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:06] <_admin> quien sabe como arreglar un paquete roto manualmente === gochoo [n=root@] has joined #kubuntu === noteventime_bbl is now known as noteventime === nikiforidis [n=nikifori@bob75-6-82-238-74-121.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:07] !es [05:07] Hispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda. [05:08] Hi all! [05:08] I need a windows tool that sends console commands to kubuntu, and recieves console output from it [05:08] Does anyone know a way to do this??? === jimmydu3 [n=jimmydu3@cpe-024-031-221-160.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === nikiforidis [n=nikifori@bob75-6-82-238-74-121.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === _david [n=david@ool-44c6eacd.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu === grimse [n=grimse@p5481D2F4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu === kenshirou [n=kenshiro@pool-141-156-177-196.esr.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:15] Heh. if it fails. Reformat. Adept works fine now, for the moment [05:16] Anyone available to help with a sound problem? [05:16] !sound [05:16] sound is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary === slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DF06B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === beavis [n=beavis@p54A79D18.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === stian [n=stian@084202050216.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === bsm [n=rob@p5483A72A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === patrix [n=patrix@patrix.ott.istop.com] has joined #kubuntu === patrix [n=patrix@patrix.ott.istop.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === kenshirou reads the wiki === ehj [n=ehj@c-43c5e055.1321-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [05:22] Hmmm... well, it seems like both my onboard sound hardware and my Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS are detected === stian_ [n=stian@084202050216.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [05:23] but for whatever reason, I can't get the Audigy to work. Nothing comes out. [05:23] bullshit, never touch a running system [05:23] Say what not? [05:23] *now [05:24] hmm, how can I play mp3 in amaroK? [05:24] !mp3 [05:24] Winamp not Running [05:24] mp3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [05:25] thanks :) [05:25] np :) [05:25] <_frank> gochoo: setup a ssh server on kubuntu. and use a ssh client (putty) on windows [05:25] !tell stian_ about easyubuntu [05:25] nooooo [05:25] ? [05:25] :P [05:26] hmm === stian_ is now known as stian === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] no nothing, just a pm, and a pm with spam for something I don't really need _too_ much [05:27] It was me === patrix [n=patrix@patrix.ott.istop.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:27] Aha! Sound! [05:27] yes I know, I saw you asking ubotu to tell me about it ;) [05:27] Woo. Quiet sound, but its a start :) [05:28] Hi! I get an error when aptitude update/upgrade. It says (among other things) "/usr/share/doc-base/kubuntu-adept: cannot open control file for reading: No such file or directory" [05:29] Holy crap. Okay, anyone else using a 5.1 analog set of speakers? [05:29] anyone interested in the whole error message? [05:29] ehj, I have the same problem [05:29] noteventime: can you solve it? [05:29] no :P === larkin [n=larkin@adsl-70-130-139-75.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === jeekl_ [n=crz@h236n2c1o1104.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] noteventime: want to see my output? [05:31] sure :D [05:32] sorry for that... [05:32] what? [05:32] I tried to open a conversation woth you, but I have forgot my pw [05:33] _frank, are you there? [05:33] I didn't even notice :) [05:33] !mp3 [05:33] Winamp not Running [05:33] rumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [05:33] <_frank> gochoo: yeah [05:33] noteventime: good ;-) [05:34] noteventime: there was 10 times "Private messages from unregistered users are currently blocked due to spam problems" [05:34] :) [05:34] my kubuntu is connected so router and has local IP, will it work in this situation? [05:34] I mean it is connected to internet through router === CTV [n=ctv@zux164-221.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:34] <_frank> gochoo: is the windows computer in this local network as well? or outside? === CTV [n=ctv@zux164-221.adsl.green.ch] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:35] _frank: outside [05:35] noteventime: did you try to create this "controlefile" /usr/share/doc-base/kubuntu-adept ? [05:36] <_frank> gochoo: you will have to forward the ssh port (I forget which one it is) in the router to the kubuntu PC. === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-135.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] How do I create a controlefile? :D I don't even know what that is :P === roy [n=roy@] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] Hey guys. A question about gstreamer - anyone familiar with it? [05:36] Depends [05:36] noteventime: the error message says it tries to open a controle file [05:36] I know [05:36] <_frank> gochoo: and if you want the port forwarding to work all the time, you have to use a static IP for the kubuntu PC. not DHCP === theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] kenshirou, ask and you will see :D [05:37] REM: don't ask to ask === Danny|zzz is now known as Danny [05:37] noteventime: if you find a solution, I'd be happy to get a mail from you: ehj@ffii.org [05:37] I'm using Kubuntu Dapper 6, and have enabled the multiverses. I'm looking at the packages, and I'm not sure if I should get .10 or .8 [05:38] _frank: hmm, ok, i got it. Is there anything like remote help, which asks permission through chat like program and connects. === frepe [n=frepe@c-0b1f72d5.022-205-6c6b701.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [05:38] sure === CTV [n=ctv@zux164-221.adsl.green.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:38] _frank: I just need to send commant to console and recieve output from that console [05:38] I'm basically trying to get MP3 playback in amarok and everything else, reading the wiki. [05:39] !mp3 [05:39] Winamp not Running [05:39] I guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [05:39] You checked that one [05:39] Yah. That's the one. [05:39] ok [05:39] You run breezy? [05:39] kenshirou: after you install gstreamer, you have to make sure to change the engine in amarok to gstreamer [05:40] ehj, I just uninstall them :) [05:40] I'm on Dapper. :) [05:40] <_frank> gochoo: um. there are remote desktop applications. but they need to be setup as well. ssh would be the simplest way for console only. I don't think you can avoid the port forwarding issue. [05:40] I'll remember that me2win. [05:40] kenshirou, Why don't you use xine? [05:40] <_frank> gochoo: I don't know of anything like remote help (like in MSN) [05:40] Uh... I don't know how, really. [05:40] noteventime: uninstall adept? [05:41] No kubuntu-docs [05:41] gochoo, you could use vnc [05:41] noteventime: ok. thanks! [05:41] np :) [05:41] _frank: well thanks for your help, i'll try ssh and port forwarding [05:41] Kubuntu doesn't seem to have it natively. I though Xine was primarily for video anyway? [05:41] noteventime: they still havent fixed that? [05:41] noteventime: what is that vnc? [05:42] Like remote desktop [05:42] me2win. no :) [05:42] hmmm [05:42] will it work from windows to kubuntu? [05:42] I don't know, I think s [05:42] o [05:42] gochoo: i think tight vnc works to windows [05:43] i need to connect to kubuntu from windows [05:43] ssh :D [05:43] gochoo, I would say vncserver if you need graphical or ssh with putty if console is enough [05:43] me2win: yeah it seems ssh is right choice for me :) [05:44] gochoo: like noteventime said, ssh if you dont need gui [05:44] luckuly, i don't need gui [05:44] Then ssh is fast and nice [05:45] indeed [05:45] ssh ftw [05:45] ssh is fun [05:45] esp if two people are connected at the same time using the same user :P [05:45] :) [05:45] <_frank> gochoo's ssh server would be behind a router. what is the port to forward? === andre_ is now known as metalhedd [05:45] 222 [05:45] 22* [05:45] lol [05:46] 22 is standard :) [05:46] ok, thanks [05:47] noteventime: if i uninstall kubuntu-docs will my installs work temporarily> [05:47] Works for me :) [05:47] Right now anyway ^^ [05:48] hheh [05:48] Alright. Excellent MP3 support! === |inc|freaky| [n=alpha@pD9E9D32F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] kenshirou, have you tried xine? [05:50] with libxine-extracodecs === BlueDevil [n=mircea@] has joined #kubuntu [05:50] I'm not sure how to get xine. [05:50] Is the the xine-ui package? [05:51] uhhh [05:51] just install libxine and amarok-xine === fires [n=fire@c-67-189-214-90.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:52] should be done automaticaly by dapper install [05:52] Libxine-main1 is installed [05:52] so is libxine-extracodecs [05:53] then just install amarok-xine === jimmydu3 [n=jimmydu3@cpe-024-031-221-160.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] That's installed too. [05:53] Will that allow amarok to play video as well? or just audio? [05:54] amarok is audio only === burepe [n=burepe@softbank220047238184.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] kaffeine is one of the best video players anyway :) [05:54] Ahh. I see. So use Kaffeine for video? [05:55] yes [05:55] Thats what i do anyway :D [05:55] If you have amarok-xine it should use xine :) [05:55] check in the settings dialog [05:56] It is using xine - though I'm not sure exactly what that means. I thought xine was a video playing engine [05:56] Is it some kind of backend that all the other media players interface with? [05:57] yyou might just have to leave it as xine and switch the output plugin to alsa [05:57] !codecs [05:57] Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories [05:57] actually nevermind, just leave it at autodetect [05:57] both xine and gstreamer play both video and audio [05:57] I use arts [05:57] I think [05:58] what are the codex packages I need. I have the sources enabled [05:58] w32codecs [05:58] w32codecs? [05:58] it isnt in the repos though [05:58] you need plf repos === rraajj [n=raj@] has joined #kubuntu [05:58] Hey, can Kaffeine play Matroska and Ogg video? Soft subtitles? [05:58] burepe, depends what you want to play [05:59] kenshirou, I think so [05:59] Great! [05:59] I've had problems with matroska though, trying to play boogiepop phantom [05:59] That was some time ago though === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu === tecto [n=tecto@cpe-069-134-054-060.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:00] xvid [06:00] breezy or dapper? [06:00] breezy === gochoo [n=root@] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:00] oooh. it seems to play xvid/mp3 audio just fine so far [06:01] gstreamer0.8-xvid [06:01] burepe, gstreamer0.8-xvid [06:01] !mp3 [06:01] Winamp not Running [06:01] [mp3] a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [06:01] Thats breezy only :) [06:02] asaik [06:02] Using the apt get for all restricted formats, it gave me Xvid support, as well as MP3. The Dapper block of code there. [06:02] !ask opera [06:02] me2win: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [06:02] burepe, You might also consider to use xine :) [06:03] Oh, I have to say one really, really good thing about Dapper 6. [06:03] It detected by NTFS USB drive partitions. [06:04] Flawlessly mounts them === HappyAsh [n=ash@pool-71-242-151-193.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:07] whats a good ftp client for kubuntu? === Lurkan [n=Lurkan@] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] kftp? [06:08] or Konqueror in and of itself [06:08] ah [06:08] is there filezilla for kubuntu? [06:08] whats FileZilla? [06:08] its an ftp client for windows [06:08] Danny, not yet [06:08] thanks [06:08] Filezilla is an FTP client. Open source if I'm right [06:08] They are working on a linux version though === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:09] just use the commandline ftp client [06:09] I mean it works fine [06:09] gftp [06:09] is nice === Danny likes gui [06:09] meh, GUI people [06:09] what does this mean? [06:09] E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) === Danny is a noob [06:09] you need to sudo it [06:09] Danny: konqueror can be an ftp client... [06:09] !sudo [06:09] somebody said sudo was a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. [06:09] I know [06:09] oh yeah [06:09] Danny, You have adept or synaptic runnung? [06:09] forgot about that part [06:10] I'm so used to being logged in as root [06:10] ... [06:10] Danny [06:10] NOT GOOD!! [06:10] I know [06:10] thats why I had to reinstall yesterday === Kyral SMACKS Danny with a 50lb Unix Manual [06:10] now I'm logged in as reg [06:10] I can't seem to play media files.. I was able to listen to mp3s with flashplayer.. but now I seemed to have forked that up too. === Danny runs off with the 50lb unix manual [06:11] HappyAsh, Dapper or breexy? [06:11] breezy* === patrix [n=patrix@patrix.ott.istop.com] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:11] hmmm [06:11] how can I permanently set the default mixer channel in kmix ? === elijahlofgren [n=elijahlo@70-41-1-33.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:12] it's always defaulting to my USB headset's main volume when I start KDE [06:12] I want it set to my suondcard's PCM insteaf [06:12] instead [06:12] dapper or breezy? I'm such a novice.. I don't know what that means [06:12] 5.10 or 6.04? [06:12] I'm using dapper [06:12] ok [06:12] dapper is 6.04 [06:12] 6.06 actually [06:12] oh.. I'm using breezy [06:12] :) [06:12] sorry [06:13] np : [06:13] ) [06:13] 5.10 [06:13] !mp3 [06:13] Winamp not Running [06:13] hmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats === Danny installs kbear [06:13] Morning...I was setting up printer serving on breezy ppc using the print system menu...however when I look from my windows machine to the print server using add printer it doesn't list my kubuntu box? Is it necessary to use smb printing, or should the print system configuration let me add the printer on my windows box? [06:13] does anyone use thunderbird/firefox? [06:13] kbear is buggy :/ [06:13] ok [06:13] oh [06:13] hmm [06:13] !restricted formats [06:13] somebody said restricted formats was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs' === kenshirou installs frozenbubble! Yayy! [06:13] Zerephath, I think you need smb [06:13] noteventime: Konqueror works as a great FTP client. [06:13] Yes [06:14] I always forget that X-D [06:14] gftp is nice too [06:14] If you want two panes [06:14] should I set up a firewall here? [06:15] links -dump www.kubuntu.org | cowsay [06:15] noteventime: Konqueror can do 2 panes or 8 or whatever you want. [06:15] It can, I didn't know that [06:15] how? [06:15] noteventime: Konqueror gives ~arbitrary amount of panels in an ~arbitrary amount of tabs, all of them accessing remote filesystem with different protocols. [06:15] noteventime: Right click on the status bar at the bottom of Konqueror and choose "Split view left/right" [06:15] +s [06:15] Cool, like blender :) [06:16] noteventime: Yeah, Konqueror's pretty nifty. [06:16] brb [06:16] Now that I disabled ipv6 its also ok as a web browser [06:17] elijahlofgren: you are my hero no =) [06:17] now === Aikurn [n=aikurn@45.Red-213-96-147.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:18] I had lost all hope that Konqueror could do the split view thing :) === _ravn [n=ravn@x1-6-00-14-bf-e2-a7-5d.k301.webspeed.dk] has joined #kubuntu === noteventime types sudo apt-get remove gftp [06:20] ok.. so I went to install this gstreamer0.8-mad and it gave me errors [06:20] Package gstreamer0.8-mad is not available, but is referred to by another package [06:20] that's just mean, man === elijahlofgren [n=elijahlo@70-41-1-33.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu === apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:21] HappyAsh, Have you enabled universe? [06:21] !multiverse [06:21] To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource [06:21] back, got knocked offline because it started raining and I'm on satellite. === Snake[Sleep] is now known as Snake__ [06:21] ok.. thanks [06:21] tristanmike: Are you the mike that emailed me? (I only got your 1st 2 messages) === Xemanth^^^ [n=xemanth@dsl-jklgw4-fe8df800-93.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu === NoDgr[away] is now known as NoDgr [06:26] elijahlofgren: ....emailed...no not me [06:26] anyone use amaroK? [06:26] how do I go to the next song [06:26] ? [06:26] with a keyboard shortcut [06:26] WIN Key + B [06:27] tristanmike: How did I help you then? [06:27] Anyone setup a print server using a windows client to print from? [06:27] and whats pause and previous? [06:27] I can't install amarok any more :O === Aikurn is now known as Aikurn_ === Zarephath is away: Zarephath [06:27] Shit [06:28] elijahlofgren: oh, I had lost all hope that knoq could do the split view while changing the sides independently, iirc Midnight Commander changes both sides at the same time so I can't have /home open on one side and /usr open on the other :P [06:28] amarok: Depends: libmysqlclient15 (>= 5.0.15-1) but it is not going to be installed === bhna [n=andreas@p54B830A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] Could someone help me to get amarok back X-D [06:29] tristanmike: Oh, ok, cool. Glad I helped you. [06:29] Danny: start amarok, and in the menus Configure -> Configure shortcuts [06:29] or so, i'm not having english amarok now === cvasilak [n=cvasilak@ppp23-adsl-1-60.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu === Zare_Away is back. [06:30] I want amarok :( [06:30] Danny: oh, it's global shortcuts apparently [06:30] Does anyone know if Dapper has NTFS write capability? [06:31] kk thanks [06:31] kenshirou: no distro of linux has the complete saftey of writing to NTFS iirc [06:31] noteventime: What error do you get? [06:31] tristanmike, why not? [06:31] But they can resize NTFS partitions, and create new FAT32 ones? [06:32] yes [06:32] Fat 32 is ok, but ntfs is still sketchy [06:32] hmm, is there any decent SIP client for kde? [06:32] stoopid microsoft [06:32] hello there, i am trying to run X programs in a su environment but i get (can't connect to X server), what should I do? [06:32] because it hasn't been fully reversed engineered yet [06:32] Okay. got it. [06:32] ntfs that is [06:33] elijahlofgren: amarok: Depends: libmysqlclient15 (>= 5.0.15-1) but it is not going to be installed === Aikurn_ is now known as Aikurn [06:33] Package gstreamer0.8-mad is not available, but is referred to by another package. === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #kubuntu [06:33] maybe I screwed something up in Adept.. I'll do it again [06:33] I'm attempting to build my Amarok media collection and a lot of it is on a mounted USB volume that is NTFS. Where should I tell it to look. On my desktop there are the voume names and whatnot [06:33] noteventime: Are you on Dapper or Breezy? [06:33] dapper === viator [n=viator@pool-71-161-161-195.spfdma.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] libmysqlclient15 conflikts with qt4 and a lot of others [06:34] what do you think of mepis using ubuntu as its base? [06:35] whats so complicated about ntfs..just wondering? [06:35] theres no REAL documentation about ntfs [06:35] so its hard to reverse enginner [06:35] Hehe, hope EU makes them release some >:-D [06:36] i guess the only thing they can look at are api calls [06:36] go to MS headquartess and take it [06:36] wait. [06:36] then how can linux read ntfs? === noteventime stabs ballmer === harritj [i=ditto@das.xperiment.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] danny reverse engineering [06:36] reverse engineering calls in windows i guess [06:36] isn't that illegal? (sorry for being stupid..) [06:36] reading is easier cause to write, theres a complex database-type thingee that has to be updated as well [06:36] Danny: reading is much easier than writing...when you read you don't have to alter any blocks on the hard disk or the filesystem [06:37] not really [06:37] noteventime: Have you run "apt-get update" recently? It looks like I have libmysqlclient15off installed but not libmysqlclient15. I have amarok 2:1.3.9-0ubuntu2 installed. === _fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@] has joined #kubuntu [06:37] but it hasnt really been tested in a court of law [06:37] ah [06:37] if you wanna write safely, theres an ntfs port to fusefs [06:37] elijahlofgren, i made update a few minutes ago, I'm running amarok 1.4 beta2 [06:37] or rather was running === Danny is going to hang around in this chan [06:37] to learn about kubuntu [06:38] :) [06:38] the channel is glad to have you Danny :) [06:38] I have libmysqlclient15off installed too [06:38] danny plust resiser4 or even ext3 are better than ntfs anyway [06:38] does the shutdown usplash working on you guys? [06:38] yes [06:38] yeah.. [06:38] ya know, when you try to unmount a storage device, the error box should include a parse of lsof and tell you what application is using the drive making it unable to safely remove [06:38] but I need windows for a few things also [06:39] dunno if my printer works with kubuntu === JohnFlux [n=johnflux@spc1-brig4-5-0-cust66.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:39] like a "more info" as that could take a long time [06:39] like what [06:39] goto the cups page [06:39] see if its listed [06:39] should i try connecting it? [06:39] go to linuxprinting.org better [06:39] Heh. amaroK is like iTunes but without the suck [06:39] if it isnt i can gurantee iturboprint will have drivers [06:39] Danny, sure === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:40] nothing happened.. [06:40] danny, Why do you need windows? [06:40] kenshirou: lol [06:40] to print [06:40] and for some reason WINE isn't working [06:40] its giving me a kernel32.dll error [06:40] is there a task manager in kubuntu? [06:40] Like ctrl + alt + del? [06:41] yea [06:41] Yes [06:41] ksystemguard [06:41] or ps aux in a terminal [06:41] I used to use winamp back in windows. Can AmaroK get to the same shoutcast streams? === TheNightRider`` [n=thenight@static-213-240-228-210.megalan.bg] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] bum is cool too [06:41] boot up manager [06:41] hey all [06:41] kenshirou, I think so, you could try songbird otherwise [06:41] Hiya Nightrider. [06:41] you can control what loads at boot from the gui [06:42] Don't know if the linux release is finished yet though [06:42] i gues like the way msconfig works? [06:42] the printer settings [06:42] kinda froze [06:42] which process is that? === bhna [n=andreas@p54B830A2.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] Don't know, I don't have a printer [06:42] well depends [06:42] it might cuspsys [06:43] Sweet! Native Japanese support! [06:43] what is your printer modekl [06:43] kenshirou [06:43] you know japanese? [06:43] with a printer you have to click on that little wrench and peripherials, printers, then maybe admin mode [06:43] Display support anyway. [06:43] A little bit. [06:43] gijen [06:44] or howver its spelled === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has joined #kubuntu [06:44] lol [06:44] Haha === danimo [n=danimo@kde/danimo] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:44] I know hiragana and katakana :) [06:44] and a little kanji :P [06:44] i was watching a j-movie and they have to press many buttons just to type one charecter and then press enter to make that char, if i was following it correctly [06:44] yes === pahlooka [n=psi@203-217-7-67.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === _tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@] has joined #kubuntu [06:45] One kanji ;) [06:45] Its romanised === _tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:45] my wife knows it but i cant be botherd with it [06:45] so you write shi then press enter to get the hiragana shi and another enter to get the kanji [06:45] :) [06:46] How did you get japanese support? [06:46] Yeah, that's how it works with an english keyboard. [06:46] unless watching inu yasha counts? [06:46] lol [06:46] noteventime - not sure exactly. I think its just built in. At least, display. [06:46] so I need this driver? [06:46] http://linuxprinting.org/show_driver.cgi?driver=gutenprint&fromprinter=Epson-Stylus_CX4800 [06:46] heh tah be great, honey, translate this raw for me, please baby === bins [n=benoy@] has joined #kubuntu === bins is now known as bge === Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034210155.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:47] going to japanese pages or music files that have [] instead of characters on a windows vanella install, this just works [06:48] so which printer was yours? [06:48] is there no ARM support in the gcc thats in ubuntu [06:48] Oh, for reference. Anyone with an iAudioX5, it mounts nicely in Dapper [06:49] the epson stylus cd4800 [06:49] *cx4800 [06:50] how do I download it? [06:51] i preefer russian. that is not so difficult [06:53] nvm [06:53] found it [06:54] I give up for now [06:54] thank for the help, though === HappyAsh [n=ash@pool-71-242-151-193.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:55] danny are you usre cups doesnt already support that printer === ap] |[apakatt [n=kitten@] has joined #kubuntu [06:56] kubuntu dapper broken today? Just did a dist-upgrade and its puked on kubuntu-docs [06:56] yes === bge [n=benoy@] has joined #kubuntu [06:57] whats cups? [06:57] does anyone know how to configure katapult? [06:57] i dont even know what katapult is supposed to do [06:58] it's a launcher [06:58] ya, so I read - but what does that mean? [06:58] Danny, cups is the linux printing system [06:58] like an autostart folder? [06:58] i'm translating it and i want to see it [06:58] not exactly [06:58] dunno [06:58] how do I know? [06:58] with a printer you have to click on that little wrench and peripherials, printers, then maybe admin mode [06:59] the kcontrol icon on your toobar [06:59] it freezes on "Initialising Manager" [07:01] then go to start menu run and type "kcontrol" [07:01] i mean [07:01] after I hit the printer button [07:01] in kcontrol [07:01] what's the command to see what process is using X file? [07:02] danny theres sometimes a bug in using kcotrol from the toolbar, if i remember right === deuce868 [n=deuce868@c-68-42-84-176.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] jpatrick, "lsof | grep file name" is one way [07:02] Danny, don't use system settings [07:02] use kcontrol [07:02] or ps aux | grep filename [07:03] which the second is faster, but not might work [07:03] so does he have the cups gutenprint driver? [07:03] even isntalled [07:03] oh yeah, sudo if you use lsof [07:03] jpatrick: i'd recommend using 'fuser -v /tmp/some/file' [07:04] sudo apt-cache policy cupsys-driver-gutenprint [07:04] if your using dapper youll have the latest [07:04] yay killall [07:04] uniq, pussfeller: thanks [07:04] not sure about breezy [07:05] links -dump ${0} | cowsay === _dk [n=dk@] has joined #kubuntu [07:05] Is there any way to timeour a program === _dk is now known as Danny === Danny is now known as Dannyoops [07:05] like run cat /dev/urandom for two seconds [07:05] gah [07:05] stupid me [07:06] hold on === Dannyoops is now known as Danny [07:06] lemme reboot [07:07] haha [07:07] cat /dev/urandom | cowsay [07:07] then i swirched to another console and did killall cat === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-135.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-135.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-135.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:08] Funny if you have a bad sense of humor like me === alexandros [n=alexandr@] has joined #kubuntu === bobbyd [n=rob@i-195-137-31-171.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-28-135.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ghost_linux [n=ghost@p549CB98D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:09] hello === _dk [n=dk@] has joined #kubuntu [07:10] somebody there?? need some help === _dk is now known as Danny [07:10] hmm [07:10] when I load up kcontrol [07:10] it says "Config will not be saved" [07:10] Ghost_linux, sure :) [07:10] Danny, try running kdesu kcontrol [07:11] so i am a big noob so i think this is a very easy question [07:11] :) go on [07:11] its still freezing on "Inititilizing Manager" [07:11] when I go to printer [07:11] s [07:11] when i start kubuntu i have to enter my login in console [07:12] but i want to start kde automatically [07:12] Ghost_linux, Id doesn't? thats strange [07:12] But you are able to start kde manually? [07:12] in console or from the kdm splash/ [07:12] Ghost_linux, you are saying kdm doesnt start utomatically? [07:12] i can start manually [07:12] hi [07:13] but i want to start it automatically and enter my password in kde [07:13] does anyone have kdevelop running under dapper? [07:13] Yes [07:13] I have [07:13] it doesn't work for me, complaining about plugins [07:13] noteventime: and you just installed in normally? [07:13] Ok, I compiled it manually becuase the one in the repos was buggy [07:13] aha! === Danny is now known as Danny|away [07:13] brb [07:14] ok, did you just grab it from cvs? did you need to do anything special ot make it compile? [07:14] It just downloded the source from the page, well now I'm using the cvs version [07:14] ya not as crappy /buggy as gtkpod aac [07:14] Took some time, but was easy [07:14] ok [07:15] bobbyd, You arent using ogre by any chance? [07:15] I've only recently switched to ubuntu, and I'm sure that the internet is really sluggish on it. [07:15] how can i make kde start automatically? [07:15] It's grand with windows, and I've got a good connection [07:15] !tell steveire about ipv6 [07:15] cheers [07:15] Its a problem with ipv6, np [07:15] Should be faster with FF though [07:16] !tell bobbyd about ipv6 [07:16] lol [07:16] !ipv6 [07:16] To disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv4 [07:16] bobbyd, !ipv6 is enough [07:18] i use FF already [07:18] Gotta reboot === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu [07:19] Ghost_linux, kdm should start automatically its really stange that it doesnt [07:19] like really really sttrange [07:19] maybe check /etc/init.d/kdm ? [07:19] kk i check [07:19] if it exists [07:20] i would tell you how to add it to the run things but, I don't understand ubuntus init [07:20] ubuntu's init [07:20] exits [07:20] exists [07:20] ok [07:21] next time you start try, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start [07:21] Se if it works [07:21] i got the problem since i unistalled a programm [07:21] i was asked do stop daemon and i pressed yes [07:21] kk i try [07:21] What program? [07:21] have you rebooted since then? [07:22] yes i started kde with startx === johnathana [n=john@ppp98-adsl-206.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #kubuntu === Chameleon22 [n=Chameleo@220-245-245-20.free.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [07:22] well me, i am trying to figure out how to shut off kdm [07:22] Ghost_linux, you could try reboot now and we if it works, if yes we need to see how we start it again ^^ [07:22] kk i try [07:23] theres no reason to have a login manager running on a single user system === steveire [n=steveire@] has joined #kubuntu [07:23] possfeller, sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop [07:23] pussfeller, auto login [07:23] noteventime, yeah, but I don't want it to start up [07:23] it wastes resources [07:23] well you0 can se0t kdm to auto login [07:23] I thought you needed kdm anyway [07:23] i can't figure out how to control bootup stuff in ubuntu [07:23] k display manager [07:23] bum [07:24] someone said something about bum in here [07:24] nah, altho, kdm does pass certain params and settings on that startx doesn't [07:24] boot up manager [07:24] bum didn't work for me [07:24] ok [07:24] :/ [07:24] i liked gentoo's rc alot better :) [07:25] thanks noteventime, seems good now === steveire kicks shitty laptop [07:25] Is there any plans or way to make Kopete use google talk? [07:25] nice :) [07:25] it already does [07:25] oh you mean the audio === fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] Thats what google talk is all about :D [07:26] other wise you can use jabber [07:26] its the same protocol [07:26] the last time i checked they are working on it === marc [n=marc@cha25-1-82-226-171-51.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] i wonder if google talk runs in wine [07:27] i dont know many ppl that use google talk [07:27] i wish every client used the SAME open protocol! [07:27] hardly onyone uses it for chat either :) [07:27] viator: yeah! [07:27] yeah its ridiculous === Ghost_linux [n=ghost@p549CB98D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:28] they want to control things like advertising etc... [07:28] All are using stupid MSN :( [07:28] so im back but it didnt work [07:29] What happened? [07:29] ive never used msn [07:29] only > 10% of people would ever bother to use non standard clients so they wouldnt loose too much advertisements [07:29] err < 10% [07:29] < 10% ;) [07:29] I always forget :) [07:29] well yeah and whoever made the BEST client would get all the users [07:29] hehe [07:29] nothing just normal login with console [07:29] viator, no [07:29] aMSN and kopete have trouble transfering files,it stalls until someone cancels.any easy solution for this? [07:30] Ghost_linux, did you write sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start instead of startx? [07:30] yes [07:30] i have never gotten file transfer to work with msn/kopete [07:30] dont ransfer files via messnegers? lol [07:30] Ghost_linux, what did it say [07:30] nothing [07:30] try sudo apt-get install kdm [07:30] i entered it and nothing happend then i rebooted again [07:30] i always end up starting the kfileserver applet === JRGC [n=JG@F578d.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] and the same thin [07:30] thing [07:31] it may be a config [07:31] or dpkg-reconfigure kdm [07:31] somewhere [07:31] sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm [07:32] i try botjh [07:32] pussfeller: whats this kfileserver applet you talk about? and what do you do when your contacts try to send you a file? [07:33] Sorry to bother you with patents, but the Comission has an ongoing hearing about the future of the patent system in Europe [07:33] dpkg-recunfigure says "kdm not running" === _swilting [n=swilting@ABayonne-152-1-17-136.w83-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [07:33] you can submit your position(s) here http://consultation.ffii.org/ [07:33] gtg, bbl, sorry [07:33] do apt-cache policy kdm is it even installed [07:33] Ghost_linux, the the problem is that kdm isn't running [07:34] what to do? [07:35] how to start kdm?? [07:35] Kopete doesn't seem to give me the options that MSN messenger does. [07:35] i would do this sudo apt-get --purge remove kdm then sudo apt-get install kdm [07:35] Appear offline etc. === pradeepto [n=pradeept@dialpool-210-214-15-248.maa.sify.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:36] kk i try [07:36] Reloading K Display Manager configuration...kdm not running. [07:37] you can appear offline with kopete too [07:37] i reboot [07:37] Riddell: ping [07:38] Globally across everything? yahoo etc? or singly? [07:38] pradeepto: hi [07:38] Riddell: ah! [07:39] Riddell: gotthe cd package, thanks a lot :) [07:39] cool [07:39] none left, those things are valuable [07:39] i loathe aol [07:39] and that icon they use for it at gaim === Ghost_linux [n=ghost@p549CB98D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] but gaim works good enough for me [07:40] thank you very much ist works =) [07:40] Riddell: you mean to say that they are last remaining blue CDs :) [07:40] it ^ [07:40] yep [07:40] yw ghost === pradeepto types ebay.in in konq [07:40] pradeepto: nah, they're only valuable on ebay when I sign the cover :) === stian [n=stian@195134057117.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] Riddell: speaking of which... [07:41] http://speedtest.ie/ <<< FF tells me that site needs a java plug in. Can I get it with Adept? [07:41] Riddell: in the first package you had sent , there was card signed by you. [07:41] !java [07:41] To install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs [07:41] make a .deb out of the .bin [07:41] from sun [07:41] pradeepto: sure, sell that on ebay if you want :) [07:41] chairs [07:42] Riddell: that was joke :) [07:42] oh you mean the card right... [07:42] is there any place to vote for the inclusion of knetworkmanager in dapper as default? [07:42] buz: poke pitti to get on with the main inclusion review [07:42] knetworkmanager over what the regualr NM? [07:43] Riddell: so while was in Calicut for the event, the maid nicely kept the one remaining CD on my table and misplaced the box which had your card :) [07:43] :( === buz would consider knetworkmanager to be the single most important thing for any laptop user in dapper [07:43] Riddell: this package has your card but not signed :( [07:43] network manager works the same way s far as i can tell [07:43] knetworkmanager depends on it [07:44] i think its just a frontend [07:44] i think the would promote the use of one frontend because it make it easier to support [07:44] grrrr [07:44] xgl crashed ;) [07:45] as for frontends, well i'd use the kde one for kubuntu ;) [07:45] kmplayer on kubuntu doesnt show the play time and length [07:45] does it work on anyone else? === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-17-88.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:47] why cant i play m,p3 filkes i thoght i have everytyhing i needed to have installed === me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-17-88.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === The [n=TheDoc@p54BE85D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:47] !mp3 [07:47] hmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [07:47] whats on when i get "Action: BREAK (install)" with Adept? === HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-154-97.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === ToyMan2 [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu === Skrot [n=magnus@ti132110a080-1789.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [07:50] may I ask questions regarding dapper in this channel? [07:50] y [07:51] yes you may The [07:51] so, I googled for a fix for the scroll problems in firefox, but they dont work for me. I tryed zaxmapping 4 5 and the about:config ... [07:52] I'm having trouble getting the java-package [07:52] back [07:52] I have multiverse enabled [07:52] scroll problems? you mean if you scroll up fast it makes your browser go back a page === Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:52] i hate that [07:52] right and in other programs like kopete i got to focus the scrollbar to scroll [07:53] I mean i gotta move the mouse over the scrollbar [07:53] steveire: Check out: http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/java2-status/jdk1.4-status.html#debs <== That's how I installed the Java [07:53] viator: seriously I hate that too. I have to use FF thanks to gmail. [07:53] viator: I didn't know that was a known bug. [07:53] viator: I find it really annoying. [07:53] yeah its been filed [07:53] that bug [07:54] brb === m0ns00n [n=m0ns00n@] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] yep, I saw that too, there are fixes too but well... they dont work for me :( [07:54] I have actually come to like that bug :P [07:54] what do i have to have to play mp3 i have been trying for days [07:54] heh and I was looking for settings that can change that feature :P [07:54] noteventime how do you scroll than? [07:54] i have installed this and that etc etc [07:54] I use my scroll as back forward button :D [07:54] The, slower or using the bars :) [07:54] thanks. [07:55] Add the following line to /etc/apt/sources.list: <<< How do I do that? [07:55] sorry [07:55] I'll just use kedit or something [07:55] steveire : use a editor, kwrite for example [07:55] steveire: "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" === Snake__ steps out [07:55] Wizz_Kidd: did you install the codecs. IIRC I pointed you to a link earlier. [07:55] !mp3 [07:55] methinks mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [07:56] Wizz_Kidd: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^6 [07:56] noventime lol [07:56] m$ would call it a feature! [07:56] so there is no working fix for scrolling? the strange thing: when using the xgl powered x-server I have no such problems... [07:57] The windows BSOD is a featur [07:57] e [07:57] It makes you unable to sit in front of the computer to long === jonathan_ [n=jonathan@207-119-233-156.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] Wizz_Kidd: ??? [07:57] fixing a friend scomputer i found xp has a "feature" that it automatically reboots when there is a critical error [07:57] yea [07:58] i have installed a BUNCH of stuff [07:58] that little ubuntu readme isnt helping [07:58] Wizz_Kidd, dapper or breezy? [07:58] Amarok will not give me the option to play a CD [07:58] so what happens when that error happens every time the desktop loads? [07:58] viator, :) to bad for you [07:58] pradeepto: konqueror works fine with gmail if you change the identity to firefox, safari or any other browser [07:58] it shuts down every time the desktop would load [07:59] Yes === stian_ [n=stian@195134057117.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] That's the case with many of the viruses [07:59] luckily there was just enough time for me to turn this "feature" off [07:59] Aikurn: it does but have you managed to get all features of gmail working on konqueror? [07:59] which then displayed the error [07:59] duh [07:59] so then i knew what was wrong and how to fix it [07:59] Windows really is a stupid OS [07:59] Can no one help me....Oh the humanity :( [08:00] lol, sorry [08:00] Dappper [08:00] jonathan_ Have you tried using kaffeine? [08:00] pradeepto: tags, filters and everything i can remember, it works just the same [08:00] yeah, it works...i just use amarok for everything else [08:00] Wizz_Kidd, libxine-extracodecs [08:00] I couldn't save when I used kedit, so i used sudo with it and it was successful, but I got this: [08:00] i wanted it to work too :( [08:00] Error: "/tmp/kde-steveire" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. [08:00] Link points to "/tmp/kde-root" [08:00] Aikurn: even the auto-update thing? [08:00] hmmmm [08:00] yeah [08:00] Error: "/tmp/kde-steveire" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0. [08:00] Link points to "/tmp/kde-root" [08:01] try it :) [08:01] oops [08:01] steveire: You may as well just use nano. sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list [08:01] Wizz_kidd, sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs [08:01] inbstalling now [08:01] I think I've got it working, just wanted to know if that message was anything to worry about. [08:01] !nano [08:01] steveire: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [08:01] Aikurn: sure will [08:02] thanks [08:02] What is nano? [08:02] a console text editor [08:02] no prob [08:02] ah [08:02] nice actually [08:02] Like vi or emacs [08:02] I like it too [08:02] shouldnt there be a taskbar program which informs the user about new updates in dapper? cant find it - or is that gnome only? [08:03] nano/pico is good for beginners === chris [n=chris@pool-71-102-152-66.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:03] little bit more intuitive [08:03] The, adept notefier [08:03] The, Its a program not an applet [08:03] Thanks GUYS [08:03] ;) [08:03] works now [08:03] np :) [08:03] The: it only shows up if there are some available updates, mind you [08:04] I have to say I'm impressed with Linux. [08:04] The sheer volume of features makes up for hassle with non-free formats [08:04] =) [08:05] steveire: you can get around most of the non-free formats too, really. [08:05] yeah. Just with a little hassle sometimes [08:05] I don't think I've done anything about security issues yet. [08:05] Do i need to get a firewall / AVG or something? [08:06] nah =) [08:06] why not? [08:06] !firewall [08:06] Ubuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic. [08:06] hmm [08:06] is there really a need in that with linux as a workstation [08:06] Aikurn: :( didnot work with safari. [08:07] I guess I'll get firestarter so === JRGC_ [n=JG@F573f.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:07] Aikurn: do I need a konq restart? [08:07] What about virus/trojan issues? [08:07] i've wondered...i mean it's not prone to spyware, viruses or anything...what's the point [08:07] pradeepto: try firefox 1.0 instead and reload the web [08:07] jonathan_: Do you mean a linux system is not vulnerable to those things? === nerv [i=5YIP6a@p54A5F6C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] i was under that impression yes [08:08] there hasnt been a linux virsu in the wild in a while [08:08] and my understanding was a firewall in this case monitored outgoing traffic from the workstation [08:08] And most linux viruses only attack webservers and such [08:09] the only reson in my mind to run clamav or avg for linux is to keep from passing virus's on to windows user === _jer [n=jer@] has joined #kubuntu [08:09] viruses tend to be OS specific? [08:09] steve basically [08:09] i do not wish to discourage him from being secure, i just wondered what the point was on a desktop firewall for linux [08:09] !linux virus [08:09] Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, apokryphos [08:09] !linuxvirus [08:09] The short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=21 [08:09] !virus [08:09] Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, noteventime [08:09] :S [08:10] pradeepto: safari works for me, does your gmail main page show a message about unsupported browsers? [08:10] ubuntu: You don't know what a virus is? [08:10] You see thats how secure linux is :D [08:10] 99.9999% of all viruss are written to target specifically windows [08:10] because by nature its insecure [08:10] and has less eyes on the code [08:10] the fact that linux doesn't have viruses though isn't just down to that [08:10] <_jer> An error occurred while loading media:/sda1: [08:10] <_jer> The file or folder media:/sda1 does not exist. [08:10] <_jer> hi. my clie doesn't seem to be detected properly at breezy, although it works well w/ hoary h. hmm.. in breezy when i connect it to act as usb storage it says [08:10] Aikurn: no matter what I do, I get this -> "For a better Gmail experience, use a fully supported browser. Learn more" [08:11] <_jer> An error occurred while loading media:/sda1: [08:11] <_jer> The file or folder media:/sda1 does not exist. [08:11] _jer: please stop flooding [08:11] <_jer> sorry. i don't mean to.. =( [08:11] personally i have never ran a antivirus or firewall ever on my linux desktop...lol, waste of cpu for me :) [08:12] i run the firewall [08:12] but no antivirus [08:12] jonathan_: every linux distribution has the firewall as it's built into the kernel [08:12] unless you hack it yourself [08:12] iptables [08:13] with the firestarter front enf [08:13] end [08:13] yes, but iptable might run but it is blocking no traffic by default right? [08:13] iptables...oops [08:13] hey all [08:13] :) [08:14] pradeepto: I remember I saw a message like that, but it gave me the option to switch to non html-only inteface [08:14] Aikurn: yes gmail works but without ajaxy stuff :( === spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu [08:15] there should be no open port except those you absolutely need [08:15] pradeepto: :( it works well for me, maybe it's a cookie problem or something like that [08:15] any doesnot matter so much. Less ff I use more I save ram so cool. [08:16] Aikurn: thanks anyways for helping me out. [08:16] does the firefox 2 "bon echo" or whatever its called use less ram [08:16] did they fix memory leaks [08:16] It wasn't a memory leak [08:16] I think it was a cache [08:16] i know its alpha [08:17] pradeepto: no problem, sorry i can't help more [08:17] nah its alright, perhaps it will work if I close all instances of konqueror and then restart after deleteing the cookies. === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu [08:18] make sure you have javascript enabled [08:18] Hey, I've installed kphone and twinkle (SIP phones) and neither appear in my applications menu :( I've even rebooted since (changing location), but no go. Any idea on how to add them? [08:18] Rightlcik th kmenu icon === stian_ is now known as stian === _harm [n=harm@82-171-74-86.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #kubuntu [08:18] Then menu editor [08:19] ah [08:19] thanks [08:19] pradeepto: I can't give up lol, i've found this link http://mail.google.com/gmail?nocheckbrowser [08:19] <_harm> hi i have an AMD athlon 1800+ thats k7 arch right? [08:19] yes [08:20] <_harm> thx buz :P [08:20] as for kernel, i dont think it buys you much to use a k7 one, really [08:20] Aikurn: heh thanks , reading it. [08:20] <_harm> yah but i need them.. some howto guide :P [08:20] Aikurn: btw JS is globally enables. [08:21] ok [08:21] i386 doesnt even seem to run the much worse than k7 barely noticeable [08:21] *enabled [08:21] yes [08:21] aside of some machines where i386 finds no more than 900MB RAM [08:21] even though there's a gig or more in there [08:22] <_harm> well you guys https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI <- iam not veryr good at linux and i dont wanne mess up stuff :) === _jer [n=jer@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:22] <_harm> so i just wanted to be sure i wasnt downloading something wrong === _spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] any of you guys ever use LMMS [08:22] _harm: that regularly messed up my system ;) [08:23] one of these days i'm gonna trash that radeon [08:23] Aikurn: you are a magician :) muuuuaaaaah!!! === illumination [n=illumina@modemcable050.112-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] lol === nerv [i=0OVDhL@p54A5F6C2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] <_harm> buz :S it messed urs up? === illumination is now known as DIII [08:24] <_harm> buz argh thats a kick to the face :P === pradeepto bows down to Aikurn [08:24] Setting Konqueror to identify as Firefox 1.0 seems to make Gmail send code that works in Konqueror. [08:24] yes [08:24] but it might be me [08:24] lol that's not necessary :P [08:24] i didnt treat it particularly nice [08:24] <_harm> buz urm well... let me do a quick prayer === kevman [n=kevin@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === _harm is going for it : === jimmydu3 [n=jimmydu3@cpe-024-031-221-160.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:28] good luck ;) [08:28] in breezy it should work [08:28] in dapper, maybe ;) [08:28] Aikurn: guess what ? folks at kde-devel discussing konq + gmail. [08:29] Aikurn: [08:29] [23:47] liucougar: konqueror supports gmail. [08:29] [23:47] SadEagle: oh? [08:29] [23:47] liucougar: gmail, however, does not suport konqueror. [08:29] <_harm> uh i just kept pressing enter during the xorg reconfigure... :| [08:29] hmmm === fitness [n=bruno@adsl-ull-105-134.46-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] <_harm> guys at step4 .. i dont get that last sentence === fitness [n=bruno@adsl-ull-105-134.46-151.net24.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:32] what protocol does LIMEWIRE use [08:32] gnutella [08:32] i seee [08:32] you sure ? [08:33] quite === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Petecakes [i=Pete@unaffiliated/petecakes] has joined #kubuntu === thunderbear [n=thunderb@user-10lf9kl.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] I don't need help with anything [08:38] I just wanted to say "thank you" to the maintainers [08:39] I've been using Linux since 1997. I've been a RHAT guy most of that time. Never much cared for Debian. Until now. Kubuntu changes everything. I'm really diggin it. [08:39] :) [08:39] Same here ^" [08:40] But I've not been using linux that long === edulix [n=edulix@205.Red-83-55-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:41] I've seen a lot of distros come and go... some that were incredibly popular aren't so much anymore... Debian has always been so unapproachable for newbies, IMO. Kubuntu/Ubuntu fixes my main gripes with Debian. [08:41] out here there was a time when linux == rhat :) [08:41] I've got 5.10 installed on a test box at work. And tried the Flight 6 live CD on a machine at home. [08:41] kubuntu > ubuntu > arch :D [08:42] when is linux going to have flashplayer 8 ! === _dk [n=dk@] has joined #kubuntu [08:42] viator, it won't [08:42] It will get 8.5 though [08:42] elijahlofgren: You gave me a Java link a while ago. It's still not working with firefox though. Could you help me with it? [08:42] im sick of going to sites and having them tell me oi cant view content because its in flash8 [08:42] when 8.5 is released [08:42] and its happening ALOT lately [08:43] before it didnt bother me because 7 just worked fine [08:43] steveire: Hmm.. Let me check what I have installed.. [08:43] flash is overrated [08:43] viator, depends on when 8.5 is released [08:43] flash is slow [08:43] i dont know why the gnash project shot for 7 compatability === jimmydu3 [n=jimmydu3@cpe-024-031-221-160.sc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:43] my primary box is amd64, so no flash player at all, and I find most sites use flash as a crutch to make up for lack of good content [08:43] Although there isn't much you can do, many sites use flash [08:44] thderbear, ^^ [08:44] www.speedtest.ie also doesn't work with Konqueror [08:45] steveire: Sorry, it looks like I actually have a different java package installed than the link I have you. It's called "sun-j2re1.5" I'm searching to find where I got it right now. [08:46] noteventime: i can't find the adept-notifier :S when I start adept there aint no tray icon... [08:46] elijahlofgren: thakns [08:46] thanks* [08:46] steveire: works fine in my konqueror [08:46] The, Its not a part of adept [08:46] have you tried searching for notefier in adept? [08:46] 4Mbs down speed, 3 mbs up [08:46] ummm [08:46] s/4/5/ [08:46] well, but I have to start it somehow?! [08:47] The: if you are on current dapper [08:47] The: logout+login should do [08:47] The: it's started automatically [08:47] The: or === thunderbear [n=thunderb@user-10lf9kl.cable.mindspring.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:47] The: ps aux | grep adept [08:47] The: maybe it's running [08:47] The: just no updates available :) [08:47] The: if there are updates, a reddish exclamation mark icon will appear in systrtay [08:47] systray [08:47] so I'll only see it when updates are availabe? [08:48] sure [08:48] ... I'm such a boon... [08:48] so, thanks [08:48] sure, np :) [08:48] apokryphos: How is java set up on your machine? [08:48] steveire: Aha, found it here: http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/i386/non-free/java/ [08:49] thank you [08:49] steveire: by /msg ubotu java [08:49] should work in Konqueror from that === The is now known as mw [08:50] apokryphos: I tried that, but I couldn't get the package java-package even though I'm connected to multiverse [08:50] I doubt you tried that, if you're trying to get java package :) [08:50] just install the .deb [08:51] sudo apt-get install fakeroot java-package java-common <<< When I did that it told me java-package is not available [08:52] Sorry for being really clueless, but do I just download the .deb, and then whaat? [08:52] steveire: dpkg -i nameof.deb [08:52] steveire: sudo dpkg -i nameof.deb [08:52] Or install gdebi [08:52] install it, yes. [08:53] gdebi is nice === mw [n=TheDoc@p54BE85D5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [08:54] I'll get gdebi [08:54] Its a graphical deb installed [08:55] installer* [08:55] Looks like it's not available in my repositories [08:56] http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/pool/i386/non-free/java/ <<< of the two here, which should I get? === theripper [n=therippe@c-68-34-180-54.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:56] depends [08:57] Do you want to program in java [08:57] Aikurn: do you have an yahoo account? [08:57] nope. Just use it in FF [08:57] j2re is runtime envoronment [08:57] i see [08:57] j2re is for non-java programmers [08:57] cheers [08:57] np [08:57] sdk is software development kit [08:58] steveire: Also check out: http://wiki.ubuntu-fr.org/doc/plf [08:58] I'm think I've installed about three of these java things to try and get this working [08:58] hehe :P [08:58] WIll they conflict? [08:58] steveire: It has instructions for adding the packages.freecontrib.org repository. [08:59] Is there any other good recommended repos? [09:00] steveire: For java? I don't think so other than the debian Christian Marillat Packages [09:01] steveire: They harder way to install java is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-68565ae07a003332e82c9f23706638777396c249 [09:03] I meant repos in general. I installed universe and multiverse since going kubuntu, but that's about it [09:03] steveire, Thats all you need :D [09:04] might consider PLF, but thats only java + skype + w32codecs + libdvdcss [09:04] afaik [09:04] steveire, If you intend watching dvd on the computer you better install libdvdcss [09:06] pradeepto: no [09:06] ok [09:07] i had one, but never use it [09:07] just that yahoo can do autocompletion of address like gmail, that doesnot work on konq too. [09:07] thats one feature I will miss, really. [09:07] oh [09:08] very nifty adn helpful. [09:08] I'm using ajax on my webpage and it works rather nicely in konqueror :| [09:08] although its moslt basic ajax [09:09] noteventime: can you check yahoo mail with konq [09:09] do you use one? [09:09] No [09:09] I'm on gmail :D [09:09] so does the autocomplete feature work for address on konq? [09:10] pradeepto: In gmail yes [09:10] wo0ah!!! HOW? [09:10] pradeepto: You need to set Konqueror to identify as Firefox 1.0 though to get Gmails AJAX interface working with Konqueror. [09:11] elijahlofgren: trust me I have tried all that. [09:11] Aikurn and me were just discussion that and even on kde-devel [09:11] pradeepto: What version of Konqueror do you have? (I have 3.5.2) It works for me. [09:11] there is something amiss somewhere? [09:11] elijahlofgren: I am on dapper with kde 3.5.2 [09:12] pradeepto: Same here. === seashell11 [n=eastern@pool-71-123-27-194.syrcny.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:12] elijahlofgren: favour please? could you do a apt-cache policy for konqueror? [09:12] just wondering if I should upgrade to dapper? How stable is it? [09:13] I am running Breezy now. [09:13] pradeepto: Installed: 4:3.5.2-0ubuntu5 [09:14] seashell11: works good enough === _jeff [n=katana2k@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:14] I'm still not getting java support. Is there something I can do outside of firefox to make sure java is working properly, and then see if I can get it and firefox talking? [09:14] hey _jeff [09:14] :) [09:14] Does openoffice work right? that is the main thing we use, this is a commputer in our office, and we don't want that to crash. [09:14] pradeepto: it worked for me in breezy kde 3.5.1 and before === _jeff [n=katana2k@CPE001310cdb611-CM001225dffbea.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === frank23 [n=frank@modemcable135.248-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #kubuntu === fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-67-164-19-6.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === narg [n=narg@dsl-63-173-190-179.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu === Zarephath is away: Zarephath [09:17] for some reason a couple of packages don't install right in the latest Dapper dist-upgrade [09:17] is this a known issue? === seashell11 [n=eastern@pool-71-123-27-194.syrcny.east.verizon.net] has left #kubuntu ["ttyl"] [09:17] seashell11: OpenOffice.org works fine on dapper, but unless you really need to upgrade to Dapper now I'd probabbly wait until it is officially released [09:17] how can i tell what speed my ethernet is running if its at 10baset or 100 [09:18] hey anyone know where to get amaroK skins? [09:18] www.kde-look.org [09:19] 10x ^^ [09:19] fatejudger: it's known [09:20] hellz_hunter: 'mii-tool' in konsole. [09:20] Aikurn: they always take the weekend off too :( [09:20] I'm still not getting java support. Is there something I can do outside of firefox to make sure java is working properly, and then see if I can get it and firefox talking? [09:21] fatejudger: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs/+bug/38690 [09:21] Malone bug 38690 in kubuntu-docs "Latest kubuntu-docs can't find /usr/share/doc-base/kubuntu-adept when updating" [Normal,Fix committed] [09:22] steveire: I uninstalled my java and I'm reinstalling it now so I can write instructions for getting the Java plugin working in Firefox. I'll let you know when I've written them up. ;) [09:22] ive never used kaffeine before [09:22] wy is it that it plays the audio but wont show the video [09:23] for a wmp file [09:23] wow. thanks [09:24] viator: You need to install w32codecs. [09:24] im looking at the config nowa problem occured while loading a library or a decoder:wmvdmod.dll === Hamman [n=rasmus@84-217-19-178.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:24] no i have them [09:25] viator: Hmm. Hae you tried mplayer? It sometimes seems to work better. [09:25] i usually run mplayer in gnme works good ill try it now [09:25] maybe your wmp file is drm'ed === n3storm [n=n3storm@] has joined #kubuntu [09:25] hi everyone [09:26] hey [09:26] I messed up with cups 1.2rc1 and know I cant make cups from kubuntu work [09:26] nvm [09:26] i got it to work [09:26] I wonder if there is way to force overwritting files while installing deb packages? [09:27] something like apt-get install --force cupsys [09:28] you mean like apt- get -y install === sean [n=sean@cpe-069-132-052-158.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:28] i'll try that viator [09:29] no that just [09:29] answers yes to any configs [09:30] elijahlofgren: I'm gonna head off now, but I'm sure I'll spot you in here again. And thanks. [09:31] steveire: Ok, TTYL. [09:32] cupsd refuses to start [09:32] but /etc/init.d/cupsys start says everything is ok [09:33] im testing mepis with the dapper base [09:33] runs pretty smoothly [09:33] viator: ole [09:35] dist-upgrading it too === P3L|C4N0 [n=gcamposm@] has joined #kubuntu === lwelyn [n=lwelyn@p5496D490.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] hopefully all goes well === x999 [n=x999@dialup-207-218-217-216.ev1.net] has joined #kubuntu === pvh [n=pvh@d66-183-173-185.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu === neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-206-203.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu === stian [n=stian@195134057117.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu [09:36] bb === Danny [n=dk@] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] whats a good irc client for kubuntu besides xchat and konversation? [09:38] nalioth are you watching that cooking show again? [09:38] squidbullets: watch your messages [09:38] did I swear? [09:39] nalioth I am watching, but I do not see a message [09:40] bye === Aikurn [n=aikurn@45.Red-213-96-147.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving..."] [09:46] hmm, how does koffice compare to openoffice? can it read/write OO.o MS Office documents? === jalvarezrom [n=juanfe@] has joined #kubuntu === paulvolk [n=paulvolk@Toronto-HSE-ppp3860260.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [09:47] Hello [09:48] Is anyone on this channel? [09:48] hello [09:48] yes [09:48] ok [09:48] quite a few if you glance to your right [09:49] Um I want to install Kubuntu on my other box so I have a 15 gig partition but it is formated for a linux system that I used to have. [09:49] paulvolk: And... [09:49] paulvolk: that is not a problem [09:49] I want to install Kubuntu over it but when I choose to repartion it I get an error messege. [09:50] paulvolk: What error message? [09:50] don't repartition, just reformat [09:50] it says that I have not choosen a root file system or something like that. [09:50] I try to reformat, lol that is what I meant [09:50] then you have to choose a root file system :) [09:50] sorry [09:50] you must set the partition to be / [09:50] How do I choose a root file system [09:51] I don't know how [09:51] ? [09:51] it's in there with the "format" and such. you select where/how to mount (don't remember all too well) [09:51] but what do I choose? [09:53] can anyone tell me? [09:54] you select "/" [09:55] ok [09:55] selected that the 15gb partition is mounted as "/" [09:55] .. /= root [09:55] I will try, hold on [09:59] ok now it will go on further but it comes up with a messege saying that it found uncorrected errors in my main windows partition. What should I do? continue? [10:01] any one????? === sledge [n=chris@CPE00e029110f99-CM00e06f243866.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === andre^off is now known as andred === nalioth_ [n=nalioth@cpe-24-28-118-174.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === orangey [n=orangey@] has joined #kubuntu === SmrtJustin [n=SmrtJust@cblmdm72-240-80-173.buckeyecom.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] anyone there????????????/ [10:02] anyone there???????????? [10:02] Yes [10:02] Me [10:03] I'm reading your prevois ims at the moment [10:03] ok [10:03] I'm using dapper, and it seems to keep having problems installing/upgrading kubuntu-docs.... [10:04] /usr/share/doc-base/kubuntu-adept: cannot open control file for reading: No such file or directory [10:04] dpkg: error processing kubuntu-docs (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 [10:04] Errors were encountered while processing: kubuntu-docs [10:04] paulvolk, you disappeared [10:04] Oh well [10:04] SmrtJustin: they are behind. you should ask dapper questions in #ubuntu+1 [10:04] SmrtJustin: it's a known problem and will be fixed [10:04] nalioth: klugez: thats what I figured. [10:05] I just wanted to confirm, thanks. === firewire [n=firewire@dsl081-242-236.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #kubuntu === Petecakes [i=Pete@unaffiliated/petecakes] has joined #kubuntu === HymnToLife [n=fkraiem@dyn-213-36-156-120.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === tecto [n=tecto@cpe-069-134-054-060.carolina.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu [] === stian [n=stian@195134057117.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu === shachaf [n=Shachaf@] has joined #kubuntu === Snake__ is now known as Snake[Narkid] === lwelyn [n=lwelyn@p5496D490.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl51B66A50.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #kubuntu === gabri [n=gabri@adsl-ull-150-201.51-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu === Glin|Jol [n=bobo@cpe-24-90-132-254.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === tecto_ [n=tecto@64-132-110-34.gen.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === gabri is now known as rtttt === tecto_ [n=tecto@64-132-110-34.gen.twtelecom.net] has left #kubuntu [] [10:40] fgh [10:42] c nessuno [10:42] come siamo apparecchiati? [10:43] !it [10:43] Vai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! === andred is now known as andre^off === andre^off is now known as andred === stian [n=stian@195134057117.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #kubuntu === Snake[Narkid] is now known as Snake__ [10:50] Does anyone here use KNemo? === andred is now known as andre^off === andre^off is now known as andred === Zare_Away is back. === Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Romulus] === andred is now known as andre^off === andre^off is now known as andred === theine [n=theine@fw2.nbi.dk] has joined #kubuntu === RomanK [n=roman@p54A1D5D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === agalavis [n=agalavis@62-15-121-23.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #kubuntu === nalioth [n=nalioth@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth] has joined #kubuntu === Libertus [n=paul@82-38-184-240.cable.ubr03.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [11:26] Kubuntu seems to be missing the X(1) manual ?! === ap] |[apakatt [n=kitten@] has joined #kubuntu === elijahlofgren [n=elijahlo@70-41-1-33.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #kubuntu === edulix [n=edulix@205.Red-83-55-182.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:29] Hi all! [11:29] i installed kubuntu and now i'd like to test gnome... but just installing "ubuntu-desktop" as described in several places doesn't work [11:29] gnome still seems to miss many icons and so on... any ideas anyone? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@d235-190-81.home1.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === eman [n=eman@host188-193.pool871.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:30] whats the keyboard shortcut to bring up a terminal window? === eman [n=eman@host188-193.pool871.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:31] RomanK: perhaps they'd know better in #ubuntu about gnome stuff. [11:31] RomanK: maybe something is missing - sudo apt-get -f install [11:31] shoudl resolve missing deps if any. [11:32] LeeJunFan: no, there are no missing packages in the system... apt is absolutely clean... and i already tried #ubuntu a while ago... no answer === andred is now known as andre^off [11:33] RomanK: I dunno, pretty much everyone here is of the kde group. [11:34] hmm... [11:34] RomanK: I've done ubuntu-desktop before on kubuntu just fine, or at least I thought it was, I couldn't stand it after 2 mins and uninstalled libgnome to get rid of it all. :) [11:34] hehe === RomanK just restarts X [11:35] I dunno why really I've just never liked gnome, but then I've never liked any application or distro that hides functions and features for the sake of usability by the mentally challenged. [11:36] I realize it has it's place, but it's not on my desktop. === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:36] lol [11:37] Aw, what the hell, kde probably only wins out because I like kopete and konsole better than gaim and gterm. hehe. I do 90% of my work in the shell anyway, so I don't even know why it matters. hehe === andre^off is now known as andred === hoka [n=hoka@dhcp-248169.mobile.uci.edu] has joined #kubuntu === hoka is now known as karat === _spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu === pv__ [n=pv@a84-231-92-3.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [11:41] Yay for ndiswrapper :) === RomanK [n=roman@p54A1D5D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === andred is now known as andre^off === ygetartson [n=bitteseh@p213.54.80.74.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:42] hi [11:42] Riddell: i heard you are the guru? [11:43] we have a guru? [11:43] i heard so... [11:43] I hvae my moments [11:43] settle down StarZenD he said guru not girl :) [11:43] :p [11:43] ive got a problem with libqt3-mt [11:44] one moment, please [11:44] well, i could use either.. [11:44] StarZenD: who couldnt? :) [11:44] a guru girl? [11:44] bug 125187 for amarok. [11:44] StarZenD: no, she'd never shut up. [11:44] i posted it today [11:45] i have earphones, i dont need people to shut up :) [11:45] and the second backtrace reveals, im told, sth bad with qt [11:45] and im suggested to upgrade qt. [11:45] i have ubuntu dapper [11:46] with libqt3-mt version 3:3.3.6-1ubuntu3 === andre^off is now known as andred [11:46] im told its not amaroks fault, but my system's [11:46] konqueror hangs, too [11:47] otherwise, im gnome user [11:47] could you have a look? [11:47] at the backtrace, i mean. [11:48] 0xb66e5866 in QIconSet::pixmap () from /usr/lib/libqt-mt.so.3 [11:48] this is, im told, where the actual crash happens [11:48] i dont know about debugging and stuff, so... [11:49] id like to upgrade my qt, as suggested, in the hope that it will do. now, i dont know how. [11:49] ** testers needed for new amarok and koffice [11:49] deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14beta3 dapper main [11:49] deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/koffice-15 dapper main [11:50] am i mistaken in believing there is a keyboard shortcut for bringing up a terminal window? [11:50] google isnt telling me much [11:50] StarZenD: install yakuake [11:50] then, you have f12 [11:50] to bring it up and hide it [11:50] yakuake? === k|away [n=kevinj@203-206-29-91.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] yes, thats nice for me [11:53] how do i manually connect to a broadband connection? [11:53] Riddell: could you locate the backtrace? [11:54] it has not started on startup === k|away is now known as kev1n [11:56] ygetartson: no idea I'm afraid [11:57] n8 [11:57] Riddell: you found it? [11:58] "no idea I'm afraid" [12:01] i'm sorry. i repeated my question because i dont know whether you mean you cant find the backtrace, or you dont know what is the problem with the backtrace. didnt mean to bother you. [12:02] I don't know what the problem is, try testing beta 3 and see if that fixes it] === kernoman [n=kernoman@82-33-9-8.cable.ubr14.newt.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu