ddaa | kiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/file6r9NCc.html | 12:07 |
=== ddaa prepares pqm-submit and ML post | ||
kiko | ddaa, I still haven't picked up the change to sortabled_init(). can you explain why it is necessary, and how it works without? | 12:12 |
ddaa | that's the one that implements initial sorting | 12:12 |
kiko | no | 12:12 |
kiko | not in ts_makeSortable() | 12:12 |
kiko | in sortables_init() | 12:12 |
kiko | the whitespace thing | 12:13 |
kiko | ah, I see, it is a simple matching fix? do you understand what the code is trying to do? | 12:13 |
kiko | why doesn't it just match className == "sortable"? | 12:13 |
ddaa | in your opinion why did it do ' '+thisTbl.className+' ' in the first place? | 12:13 |
ddaa | kiko: because then it would not match class="foo sortable" | 12:13 |
kiko | ah | 12:13 |
kiko | I see. | 12:13 |
ddaa | or class="foo sortable bar" | 12:14 |
kiko | and yours makes it stop matching on unsortable | 12:14 |
kiko | yes? | 12:14 |
kiko | ddaa? | 12:17 |
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ddaa | yup | 12:18 |
ddaa | it's the standard javascript trick to match on a class | 12:18 |
ddaa | to any moderately experienced JS programmer (or somebody who has read a good DHTML book) it's a completely readable and standard idiom. | 12:18 |
ddaa | bb in ten mins | 12:18 |
kiko | no need to insult this poor brazilian | 12:18 |
kiko | ddaa, you are missing a var in front of "lnk =" | 12:19 |
kiko | please use curly braces in ts_stableSort() instead of the braceless if/else you are using | 12:20 |
kiko | r=kiko with that | 12:20 |
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LaserJock | hmm, is it possible to make the portlets (or whatever the things in the side bar are called) have dropdown menus? | 12:22 |
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kiko | wow. what for? | 12:24 |
kiko | ddaa, why don't you nuke the commented out initTable() while you are at it? | 12:26 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] Fix for bug #5834: "Latest bugs in X" portlet should hide duplicates. Omit dupes in the portlet by using the right API. (r3430: kiko) | 12:27 |
kiko | ah, finally. | 12:27 |
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jordi | mdke: it's only carlos | 01:04 |
jordi | I'll look at kubuntu-docs tomorrow | 01:04 |
jordi | nite | 01:05 |
kiko | ddaa? | 01:11 |
ddaa | on the phone | 01:11 |
kiko | k | 01:11 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: r=BjornT Fix for bug 4880: Batch URLs should use 'start' and 'batch' instead of 'batch_start' and 'batch_end'. Changes the URL arguments to batches to be shorter, and to boot, quasi-user-customizable (r3431: kiko) | 01:45 |
kiko | rock on bogart! | 01:46 |
LaserJock | kiko: what does dilys actually do? | 01:47 |
kiko | reports commits to RT | 01:47 |
LaserJock | ah | 01:51 |
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kiko | RF apologies. | 01:52 |
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LaserJock | kiko: RF? btw I replied to your "Assigned bugs report and Fix committed" email | 02:00 |
kiko | rocketfuel! | 02:01 |
kiko | ah, cool, thanks | 02:01 |
ddaa | kiko-zzz: sorry, it took a bit more than 10 mins | 02:08 |
mpt | ddaa, the Web site for that table sorting JS is full of info saying "no! don' | 02:28 |
mpt | crud | 02:28 |
mpt | ... info saying "no! don't try to trigger this onload. Do initial sorting on the server." | 02:29 |
ddaa | That's interesting. | 02:29 |
mpt | and it's right, really | 02:29 |
ddaa | The point is twofold | 02:29 |
ddaa | my point at least | 02:30 |
mpt | otherwise you're causing things to jump around unnecessarily | 02:30 |
ddaa | noticed that | 02:30 |
ddaa | Actually, the pages should definitely do the sorting on the server first. But initial sorting is good to set the arrow icon on the column it's initially sorted on. | 02:31 |
ddaa | and then we need to make sure the sorting is indeed correct on that column | 02:31 |
ddaa | Mh... my second point was that for the listing of all branches, we want to do the sorting on the client because it might take too long on the server (it's a page that screams for timeouts) | 02:33 |
ddaa | but I think the sorting is not going to be that expensive actually... | 02:33 |
ddaa | since everything will already be prefetched... | 02:33 |
ddaa | (supposedly) | 02:33 |
ddaa | Okay, then the second point is moot. How do you address the first one? | 02:35 |
mpt | Set the "this column is sorted in this direction" CSS class on the relevant <th> yourself | 02:36 |
ddaa | The lack of arrow on bug listings really bothers me, because I've got no clue why the heck are the bug listed in that way. | 02:36 |
ddaa | mpt: that's quite fragile, don't you think? | 02:37 |
mpt | No, why would it be? | 02:37 |
ddaa | It's easy for the template and view code to get out of sync | 02:37 |
ddaa | leading to a lying UI | 02:38 |
mpt | I'm not saying hard-code the class= in the template | 02:38 |
ddaa | even crashing is better than lying | 02:38 |
mpt | but tal:attribute it based on the current sort order | 02:38 |
ddaa | I'm not sure how you would do that... | 02:39 |
ddaa | esp since the img that displays the arrow is created by the JS, so you cannot even set it from the template... | 02:40 |
ddaa | given the proper JS hacking that would be something like, on every column, tal:attributes="sortdir ${python:view.initiallySorted("column")}" | 02:41 |
ddaa | mpt: or am I misunderstanding you? | 02:42 |
mpt | Something like <th tal:attributes="class view/initialPrioritySort">Priority</th> | 02:44 |
mpt | and that returns ascending, descending, or "" depending on what the initial sort is | 02:44 |
mpt | and fix the CSS to use classes instead of inserting the image manually | 02:45 |
ddaa | Okay... | 02:45 |
mpt | (so that, for example, we can change the background color too) | 02:45 |
ddaa | I'll make a suggestion... | 02:46 |
mpt | there's probably a nicer way to arrange the variable | 02:46 |
mpt | view/initialsort/priority, perhaps | 02:46 |
ddaa | I'm going to land that patch that I painfully got kiko to approve, so I can be happy landing the sabdfl's patch. Then I'll fix the sabdfl patch to do proper server-side sorting, and you fix the JS and CSS and templates to your liking. | 02:47 |
mpt | That would be great | 02:47 |
ddaa | At least, that gives stable sorting, which is a HUGE improvement. | 02:48 |
ddaa | Something else for you... | 02:48 |
ddaa | the sabdfl patch I'm working on introduces the "branches" facet... | 02:49 |
ddaa | only incompletely so | 02:49 |
ddaa | but he's very intent on my landing this code ASAP | 02:49 |
ddaa | so it woud be nice if you could keep some room next week to apply the branch facet thoroughly | 02:49 |
ddaa | I intended to split the thing in many small bits to make that stuff easier, but the sabdfl would have none of it. | 02:50 |
ddaa | The rationale for the branches facet is that we should move to one vhost per major facet | 02:50 |
ddaa | rosetta.launchpad.net | 02:51 |
ddaa | malone.launchpad.net | 02:51 |
ddaa | soyuz.launchpad.net | 02:51 |
ddaa | bazaar.launchpad.net | 02:51 |
ddaa | I share your likely reservations for this scheme, but that's how the sabdfl wants it. | 02:51 |
mpt | I'm fine with rosetta.launchpad.net and malone.launchpad.net and maybe even bazaar.launchpad.net, but soyuz.launchpad.net is probably unnecessary | 02:57 |
mpt | because it's primarily a directory | 02:57 |
ddaa | mh... I'm not too sure about that one. | 02:57 |
mpt | bbiab | 03:01 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [r=kiko] sorttable supports class="initial sort" and stable sorting (r3432: David Allouche) | 03:26 |
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carsten | Hi | 09:33 |
carsten | I filed a bug in ubuntu against the wrong product but don't see a way how to move it... | 09:34 |
carsten | Furthermore, the bugwatch doesn | 09:34 |
carsten | Furthermore, the bugwatch doesn't work here, it seems | 09:34 |
carsten | Changes in the other bug don't appear anywhere inside launchpad (that other bugtracker is bugzilla) | 09:34 |
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BjornT | carsten: which bug is this? | 09:48 |
carsten | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kernel-image-2.4.27-i386/+bug/38476 | 09:48 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 38476 in kernel-image-2.4.27-i386 kernel-build-2.4.27-2 "ACPI not working -- Laptop doesn't boot without acpi=off" [Normal,Needs info] | 09:48 |
carsten | BjornT: I fullfilled the "needsinfo" part :-) Well, it is of course not against 2.4.x but against the kernel in Dapper | 09:49 |
carsten | I clicked on the wrong link and didn't notice | 09:49 |
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carsten | Problem number 3: I cannot remove the double bugwatch :-) | 09:53 |
BjornT | carsten: changes in bugzilla will appear in launchpad after a while, it's updated only once a day though. | 09:53 |
carsten | No idea if the bug is in launchpad or if I am to stupid | 09:53 |
BjornT | carsten: if you want to change the package in ubuntu, you can click on " | 09:54 |
carsten | "? | 09:54 |
BjornT | hmm, something strange happened there, tried to msg another nick privately :) | 09:55 |
BjornT | ... kernel-image-2.4.27-i386 kernel-build-2.4.27-2 (Ubuntu)", there you can change the package. | 09:55 |
carsten | BjornT: and the second bugwatch? | 09:57 |
BjornT | carsten: just let if be there. at the moment you can't delete bug watches, bug 3140 | 09:59 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 3140 in malone "Bug watches can't be removed" [Normal,In progress] http://launchpad.net/bugs/3140 | 09:59 |
carsten | ah, ok | 09:59 |
carsten | BjornT: you are one of the launchpad devels? | 09:59 |
BjornT | carsten: yes | 10:00 |
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=== carsten subscribed to that bug ;-) | ||
carsten | ok, thanks BjornT. New lets hope somebody fixed my kernel-oopses :) | 10:05 |
carsten | bye | 10:05 |
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mdke | jordi, right, thanks. I'll wait for carlos to do it then. it's likely to be monday I guess? | 10:50 |
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siretart | is the email interface supposed to accept PGP/Mime signed emails? | 01:00 |
siretart | I sent a bug to new@bugs.launchpad.net, but I didn't get any reply yet | 01:01 |
jordi | mdke: I'm afraid :( | 01:02 |
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mdke | jordi, ok. no worries | 01:30 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] New Caledonia speaks French, updated our sample data. (r3433: Carlos Perello Marin) | 02:04 |
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ompaul | how does one report a bug in launchpad itself, as opposed to in any particular distro, | 02:18 |
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mpt | ompaul, find the most appropriate part of Launchpad at <https://launchpad.net/projects/launchpad> | 02:20 |
mpt | then once you're on the page for that product (Rosetta, Malone, Soyuz, etc, or "Launchpad" for general stuff), click "Bugs" | 02:20 |
ompaul | mpt, thanks | 02:20 |
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kiko | mpt, what ever happened to the million nested sourcepackage JS menus? | 03:15 |
kiko | BjornT, are you around? | 03:25 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] Fix for bug #37347: Display team description even if no homepage is provided. Fix the template to DTRT. Also only display the latest tickets portlet if, well, the guy reported tickets (r3434: kiko) | 03:25 |
kiko | yay | 03:25 |
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mpt | kiko, SteveA told me the plan was for him to contact some real DHTML experts he knows to implement those | 03:45 |
kiko | okay | 03:47 |
kiko | thank god we buy some time | 03:47 |
kiko | you got mail | 03:47 |
kiko | mpt, can I get an opinion from you on bug 35479? | 03:53 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 35479 in launchpad ""First" and "Last" links in search results page" [Major,Confirmed] http://launchpad.net/bugs/35479 | 03:53 |
BjornT | kiko: what's up? | 04:01 |
kiko | BjornT, sheesh, I forgot what I wanted to ask you but it was important | 04:02 |
kiko | let me think about it | 04:02 |
kiko | nope, won't remember | 04:02 |
BjornT | kiko: if it was important you should have sent me an email already ;) | 04:03 |
kiko | I was thinking about you and something popped up in my mind | 04:03 |
kiko | but well | 04:03 |
kiko | BjornT, how good is our bugwatch sync test setup for bugzilla? | 04:04 |
kiko | do we have some test XML that I can work on using? | 04:04 |
kiko | I'd like us to sync prio/sev | 04:04 |
kiko | or at least to try it | 04:04 |
BjornT | kiko: it's quite basic atm. you can look at doc/external-systems.txt and ftests/externalbugtracker.py | 04:06 |
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kiko | oh, there's a TestBugzilla? | 04:08 |
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BjornT | kiko: yeah. we should use a stub http server instead, but i didn't get around writing one. | 04:08 |
kiko | ah, perfect! | 04:09 |
kiko | this is already good enough | 04:09 |
kiko | I can get priority and severity | 04:09 |
kiko | easily | 04:09 |
kiko | nice | 04:09 |
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svaksha | hi | 04:13 |
svaksha | In LP what is the purpose of having two functions : -owner and -administrator for a team? | 04:14 |
kiko | ho | 04:14 |
kiko | the owner is, let's say, a meta-administrator | 04:14 |
kiko | he is allowed to define other administrators | 04:14 |
svaksha | in the event the owner is unavailable and also if they are unable to inform their future unavailability to the team, then what ? | 04:15 |
kiko | and can never lose that ability unless he decides to give away the team | 04:15 |
svaksha | see, https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-women | 04:15 |
kiko | svaksha, it's a launchpad admin request, essentially, though that's weird. | 04:15 |
kiko | svaksha, okay so far. I see you are the owner of that team. | 04:16 |
svaksha | yes but we want to keep it with same perms | 04:16 |
svaksha | i am unable to do that | 04:16 |
svaksha | now | 04:16 |
kiko | I don't understand. | 04:16 |
svaksha | hmm... in any project people come and go. But in the event the owner is unavailable and also if they are unable to inform their future unavailability to the team, then what ? so we want to keep the owner/admin status equal | 04:17 |
svaksha | i hope i am making sense | 04:17 |
kiko | that's not doable -- there always needs to be an owner | 04:18 |
svaksha | cant both owner and admin be merged | 04:18 |
svaksha | oh..ok | 04:18 |
kiko | the reason for that is that administrators can give away their rights | 04:19 |
kiko | and if they did | 04:19 |
kiko | nobody would be a team administrator | 04:19 |
kiko | and there would be no way to fix that | 04:19 |
svaksha | :) i tried that and changed ownership to Clytie but she had to undo it to return ownership to me. | 04:20 |
kiko | why did she have to undo it? | 04:21 |
svaksha | In a team where there is more than one admin cant this be merged ? | 04:21 |
kiko | no. | 04:21 |
mpt | kiko, fixing the batching navigation is on my to-do list after I get the next lot of MaloneSimplifications up for review | 04:22 |
svaksha | ok , thanks | 04:22 |
kiko | mpt, just tell me what needs to be done and I will do it | 04:23 |
mpt | kiko, http://developer.yahoo.com/ypatterns/pattern_objectpagination.php | 04:24 |
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kiko | ah, nice! | 04:27 |
kiko | beautiful actually | 04:27 |
mpt | kiko, maybe eventually Launchpad should have a set-piece workflow for changing the owner of a team via a poll triggered by the team's members | 04:27 |
kiko | yeah, that would be an alternative | 04:28 |
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=== kiko waits for PQM once more | ||
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] Fix for bug 1434: We should consistently ensure bugtracker URLs are slash-terminated (or not). Use urlparse.urljoin and everything goes away. (r3435: kiko) | 05:23 |
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kiko-afk | yay | 05:50 |
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wasabi__ | Hi. So I was wondering about these bounty things. What project are they related to? Ubuntu or you c ould put anything up? | 06:16 |
kiko | you could, but I wouldn't advise using that part of launchpad, which is completely busted. | 06:16 |
wasabi__ | ahh. | 06:17 |
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dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial] Fix for bug 28615: Errors accessing linux-source-2.6.15 package releases. The DARBPR details portlet's data came from a query that didn't consider Removed packages, which of course are legal. Added test and fixed query (r3436: kiko) | 07:01 |
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kiko-zzz | yay | 07:16 |
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mdke | awesome news!! dapper only has 3 bugs | 07:28 |
mdke | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+bugs | 07:28 |
G0SUB_ | mdke: is that real ? | 07:37 |
mdke | G0SUB_, compare with https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs | 07:39 |
G0SUB_ | mdke: I guess dapper bugs are only those which have ``Dapper'' as the milstone, right? | 07:40 |
mdke | god knows | 07:41 |
G0SUB_ | heh | 07:42 |
mdke | I assume He understands launchpad | 07:42 |
G0SUB_ | lol | 07:59 |
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fireglow | hi | 09:59 |
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marseillai | hi | 10:52 |
marseillai | siretart: i think your are involved in wpa_supplicant package! i have this bug wich seem to be wpa_supplicant issue but i don't know how reassign it ..... | 10:53 |
siretart | marseillai which bug? | 10:54 |
marseillai | this one : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/36086 | 10:54 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 36086 in network-manager "network manager can't activate eth1 interface" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 10:54 |
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marseillai | so i would like to know what i got to do? reassign it if i can? report a new bug? make a bugzilla report (already done)? nothing? | 10:56 |
siretart | marseillai: have you tried to reproduce the problem without (k)network-manager? | 11:00 |
marseillai | siretart: absolutly not because but it really seems it's a wpa bug ..... | 11:01 |
marseillai | how can i try to make my wireless card work in wpa without networkmanager ? | 11:02 |
siretart | marseillai: see /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.{Debian,Modes} for documentation how to prepare your /etc/network/interfaces | 11:06 |
siretart | marseillai: but for testing purposes, I'd suggest to start wpasupplicant on the commandline directly, so that you can capture a debug log (parameter -dd) | 11:06 |
marseillai | pouarfff | 11:07 |
marseillai | don't think to be able to do this | 11:07 |
marseillai | ....... | 11:07 |
marseillai | may be another time! :s | 11:08 |
marseillai | thx for your time siretart | 11:08 |
siretart | marseillai: you have an ipw2200 you say? could you try another ap? | 11:10 |
marseillai | of course | 11:10 |
marseillai | wich one? | 11:10 |
siretart | i suspect the nas on your ap behaves in a strange way. try one from another manufacturer | 11:11 |
marseillai | i'm french i don't understand what you've just told | 11:12 |
marseillai | siretart: my networkmanager is just from a fresh DF6 install so normally it should work but if you want me to try with another i can. Just tell me how to do if you can..... | 11:18 |
siretart | marseillai: sorry, I don't use kde at all. I'm using plain wpasupplicant without any add ons | 11:18 |
marseillai | oki | 11:19 |
marseillai | i'll try to find another app wich manage wpasupplicant | 11:19 |
marseillai | but i think only networkmanager do it | 11:19 |
siretart | marseillai: I'd rather suggest starting wpasupplicant from the command line for testing before reassingning it to wpasupplicant | 11:20 |
marseillai | i'll do but i absolutly don't know how to use it from command linde | 11:21 |
marseillai | line | 11:21 |
siretart | marseillai: I suggest reading the manpages. | 11:24 |
siretart | anyway, need to leave now. sorry | 11:24 |
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