
neuralismdz: you received that automatically because you're a member of the ubuntu-server team; matt didn't address the mail to you.12:07
neuraliser. s/mdz/pygi/12:07
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pygineuralis: yup, right :-/12:08
pygineuralis: I just saw u-s is assigned12:09
KaiLidea for X-Problems: if gdm fails, maybe add a question to change to vesa driver and re-try with that?12:11
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mdzKaiL: bug #2702012:28
UbugtuMalone bug 27020 in xorg xserver-xorg "Please make X fallback to vesa if the card driver doesn't work." [Wishlist,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2702012:28
KaiLah, cool12:29
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KaiLubuntu seams to become _to_ easy, if I see the recent idiot in #ubuntu-de *g*12:30
TreenaksKaiL: Yeah, I note that too in #ubuntu-nl12:30
TreenaksKaiL: People _expect_ things to be hard, and think to hard about their problem12:30
TreenaksKaiL: while the solution is right in their face12:30
Treenaks('How do I burn a CD?' is a common one there)12:30
KaiLTreenaks, this one is great - he doesn't even know, what a GUI or a console is12:30
ajmitchKaiL: calling people like that 'idiots' isn't much help though :)12:31
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Treenaksajmitch: What would you call them? Thinkers? :)12:32
KaiLajmitch, I needed 15min to find out, if he has a running X or not ;)12:32
Treenaksajmitch: 'They're called thinkers because they think too hard' :)12:32
ajmitchTreenaks: ignorance is different from idiocy - one is fixable :)12:32
neuralisTreenaks: i'd call them the ideal ubuntu beginners.12:32
Treenaksneuralis: sure, they all reply with 'Oh is it THAT simple' when you tell them how to burn CDs ;)12:33
pygiTreenaks: hehe :)12:33
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KaiLTreenaks, did you ever need to use nero on windows?12:39
KaiLafter that you know, why this question comes that often ;)12:39
dholbachgood night12:42
KaiL2 other problems I saw today:12:47
KaiL1. do we have drivers for intels A/B/G WLAN chip?12:48
KaiL2. I saw the detection for the 'synaptics' touchpad driver failing very often12:49
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mdzKaiL: 1. modinfo ipw220012:55
KaiLmdz, nop12:56
Treenaksmdz: ip2200 doesn't cover all chips, there's the 39xx family now12:56
KaiLI mean the new one12:56
Treenaksmdz: ask mjg5912:56
mdzKaiL: 2. I don't think we attempt to detect synaptics12:56
mdzKaiL: ipw2200 supports the 2915 which is A/B/G12:56
KaiLsometimes we detect synaptics ;)12:56
KaiLipw 3945 ABG12:57
TreenaksKaiL: afaik people are working on that driver12:58
KaiLwould be very important for dapper, imho, as it's used on all (?) Core Duo laptops12:58
mdzKaiL: we configure X for synaptics on all laptops12:59
KaiLmdz, fails on FSC Amilo M1437, afaik01:00
mdzKaiL: I doubt that it fails to be configured01:01
mdzif [ -n "$LAPTOP" ] ; then01:01
mdzthat's the test01:01
mdzunless laptop-detect is wrong on your laptop01:01
KaiLok, the WLAN driver is to be found at ipw3945.sf.net01:03
KaiL"only" needs to be integrated into dapper...01:03
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opiHi guys01:18
opihave you noticed that dapper/universe package list is broken?01:18
crimsunmore context?01:18
zulbroken as in how?01:18
KaiLmaybe mirror sync problems?01:19
KaiLor just file not fully loaded?01:19
opioh, I'm stupid01:19
opiI forgot that I'm currently using .pl mirror01:20
=== opi bangs head against desk
opiyeah, it's sync problem. Sorry for the mess. :-)01:21
KaiLfor dapper I recommend to use the master, as it's more "up-to-date"01:21
opithat's what I just did01:21
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opiit's fresh installation, it was picked by installer to use .pl mirror :)01:21
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KaiLmdz, oh, and finnally some very strange and big bug: and deadlocks on intel 915GM known?01:28
KaiLFSC Amilo M1450 hangs on loading X01:28
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jmgguys is there a daily netinst image?01:54
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jadaz87hello everyone i had wanted to come out with my own ubuntu distrobution like they have ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu i was wondering where can i start?02:29
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hyperactivecrondjadaz87: and why would you want to do this? (not cynical, just curious) and what would you put in it?02:31
jadaz87i want to create a ubuntu release that is geared only towards laptop users02:31
hyperactivecrondjadaz87: um. how?02:32
LaserJockhmm, how would that be different from the current Ubuntu?02:32
jadaz87adding more packages that are for mobile users as default without going to the repositories02:32
LaserJockwhy not put then in the repositories?02:32
jadaz87and taking away things that are not needed for mobile users02:33
jadaz87because you have to be connected to the internet to get it02:33
LaserJockso you want to customize the install cd, correct?02:33
jadaz87i am on a HP ze5000 desktop replacement series laptop and i had to go on lan in order to get the stuff i needed to get on wireless02:33
jadaz87yes a customized install cd i presume02:34
hyperactivecrondso customize the ce jadaz87 02:34
jadaz87that is the part i do not know how to do02:34
LaserJockjadaz87: you might want to check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallCDCustomizationHowTo02:34
jadaz87oh ok thanks also i know i will have to get copyright permission before i can use the ubuntu name how do i go about that?02:35
jadaz87and does canonical aid in any way?02:36
hyperactivecrondjadaz87: don't reinvent the wheel. you won't be able (i think do NOT quote me) to get listed on the official, supported by ubuntu community, caonical aided, on-the-main-page-of-the-website because it's too vague imo02:36
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jadaz87oh ok02:37
jadaz87then who sponsers these other projects like xubuntu, ubuntulite?02:37
LaserJockumm, nobody exactly02:38
LaserJockI think xubuntu has some hosting from the ubuntu China LoCo team perhaps02:38
jadaz87i am suprised kubuntu is on the official site then all that is, is ubuntu with kde02:38
jadaz87the copyright is still going to be any issue though02:38
jdubjadaz87: trademark more than copyright. see the webpage for more details about trademark licensing.02:39
jdubjadaz87: kubuntu is a sister project.02:39
hyperactivecrondjadaz87: can i /query you?02:39
jadaz87LaserJock i cannot use the ubuntu trademark with out permission02:39
jadaz87what does /query do?02:39
hyperactivecrondsame as /msg but keeps window open02:40
jadaz87oh sure02:40
LaserJockjadaz87: why would you use the ubuntu trademark?02:40
jadaz87LaserJock the same reason why xubuntu gets to use it02:40
LaserJockit does?02:41
LaserJocksorry, I'm very ignorant when it comes to these issues02:41
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bddebianIs /usr/bin/X11 supposed to be symlinked to ../bin?03:58
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jdongbddebian: yes...04:01
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Lathiatbddebian: yes, as everythig nin /usr/bin/X11 was moved to /usr/bin, symlink is there for backwards compat04:15
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bddebianLathiat: That was my guess, I was just curious because of Malone bug 459904:15
UbugtuMalone bug 4599 in wdm "wdm expects "X" at wrong location: /usr/bin/X11/X" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/459904:15
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Burgundaviainfinity: is there a known issue with the madwifi module barfing in fligh 6?04:38
bddebianinfinity: Get your drunk ass off the floor and tell me how to fix ivtools.. :-)04:40
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Burgundaviabddebian: bad boy :)04:40
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joelbryanhello, If all people in the planet that use Ubuntu will auto-join #ubuntu, do you think that would going to be a total chaos.05:51
bddebianprobably couldn't be much worse that #debian :-)05:52
joelbryanso if not, then US will join #ubuntu-US05:52
andrewskiat this point, you wouldn't even notice a difference in #ubuntu.  it's already too fast for comprehension.05:52
joelbryanto solve that problem, the users will not auto-join #ubuntu, but will join #ubuntu-USA if they live in USA.05:55
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bluefoxicyI have a dumb question06:03
bluefoxicyWhy is SimosXenetelis dependent on this?06:03
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LaserJockbluefoxicy: because the dependents are calculated from a Full Text Search of Xen06:11
bluefoxicyLaserJock:  ah.06:14
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bluefoxicyokay help06:30
bluefoxicyI don't know the best way to do roaming profiles-- NFS, samba, or sshfs06:30
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andrewskiis it appropriate to piggyback on someone else's laptop testing report in the wiki, e.g. to give results of something they didn't test or to clarify/mention more details?  or should i perform a brand new test?06:42
jmghey all06:45
jmgubuntu-artwork is horked?06:45
jmghttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11733 anyone?06:49
jmgit's in the postinst06:49
andrewskimy ubuntu-artwork is 13 now.06:50
jmghmm... nz mirror out of date.06:51
andrewskimaybe try the us one (that's what i'm on)06:51
jmgyeah im updating now06:51
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andrewskii'm actually having trouble with gnome-app-install, it's looking for python-dbus, which isn't available, so it can't be updated.  is that bugworthy?06:52
andrewskijmg: maybe you'll see that one crop up as soon as you update. ;)06:52
jmgandrewski: le sigh :)06:53
andrewskiit's not a big deal for me; i don't use g-a-i.  but i think i'll throw it at launchpad, for posterity.06:54
jmgi got a new one06:57
jmgSetting up kubuntu-docs (6.06-2) ...06:57
jmg /usr/share/doc-base/kubuntu-adept: cannot open control file for reading: No such file or directory06:57
andrewskihmm... what if you try installing adept first?  does that help?06:58
jmgit's installed06:58
andrewskierm... dunno. ^_^06:58
mwright1can someone give an opinion as to why I need to test this bug with 5.10 when I have filed it for Dapper drake07:00
UbugtuMalone bug 36647 in Baltix "setgid not respected when copying into a directory" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  07:00
andrewskimwright1: looks like they're wondering if this is a bug that used to work.  also, they're wondering if you could supply some steps to reproduce it, so that sebastian and others could reproduce it.07:02
andrewskiso if you've never tried on 5.10, i guess you could just say "dunno". :)07:03
jmgwhere is the config.gz for the ubuntu kernel?07:21
jmgwhy would you turn such a useful option off?07:21
jmganyone got a link to the .config used for linux-image?07:24
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hilejmg, /boot/config-* ...07:35
hileyou really just don't need the /proc version since it's always packaged to the image07:36
mwright1andrewski: it's easy to reproduce07:38
mwright1I can do that,  but I do not have a ubuntu 5.1 box07:38
mwright1or install / live cds07:38
andrewskimwright1: good.  then it'd be easy to document on the bug. :)  i don't think it's essential that you test it on breezy; it was just something that would be helpful to know.07:38
andrewskithe important thing is helping someone else reproduce it.  maybe with some test dirs/files that you could create?07:39
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LaserJockhi nadjyla 07:53
mwright1andrewski: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/gnome-vfs2/+bug/36647/+index is now upto date, there is step by step instructions to reproduce it and breezy + updates has been tested and it has the bug also08:03
UbugtuMalone bug 36647 in gnome-vfs "setgid not respected when copying into a directory" [Unknown,Unknown]  08:03
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mwright1I think the problem is cause gnome is doing a move by default08:06
mwright1even though the user requests a copy and that is the process which shoudl be taking place08:06
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lifelessogra: not fixed for me08:14
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whiprushjdub: around?09:23
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mwright1this is a usability question with gnome filemanager... nautilus10:00
mwright1who makes those calls.10:00
bmonmwright1: I don't think the main devels are around10:04
bmonI'm not a devel at all10:05
bmonbut whats the issue?10:05
mwright1well i mistakenly put a bug in that setgid for group permissions wasn't being respected for copy action in nautilus10:06
mwright1however it is being respected for copy action10:06
mwright1the problem is with the move action ... being the default action10:06
mwright1regular users want to move a file to a destination directory and don't want to change permissions themselves to make it available to their colleagues who are members of the same group10:07
mwright1mv is the same as cp -a permissions wise in unix10:07
mwright1I feel this is not the right way to do things in the end user world10:08
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tepsipakkimactel-boot from daily-dvd with bootcamp doesn't work :) usplash image is not visible, so there is something wrong with vesa?12:37
mjg59The firmware's vesa doesn't seem to quite match the kernel's idea of vesa12:38
mjg59This new firmware makes life quite difficult12:39
tepsipakkiI bet12:39
jpatrickcan someone look at malone 38705 ?12:39
UbugtuMalone bug 38705 in kmplayer "UVF kmplayer 0.9.2-pre3 -> 0.9.2-rc1" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3870512:39
mjg59tepsipakki: But right now, you won't be able to install on a Mac (even using the new firmware)12:40
tepsipakkiI'm not even trying, but a friend of mine who told that it wont work :)12:40
tepsipakkiso no worries12:41
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siretartdid someone recently filed a bug in malone via email? are they any bad caveats I need to consider?01:17
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pefcan someone with main upload privileges have a look at #37422 ? just added desktop file, debdiff is provided, thanks !02:41
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mdkecan anyone tell me what package I need to file a bug on if I want to complain about the names that other mounted partitions are given on the desktop?03:32
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ivoksmdke: pmount, but let me check that...03:35
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ivoksno, it's not pmount03:36
mdkeivoks, could it be gnome-volume-manager or something?03:36
ivoksno, it's not gvm03:36
ivoksit's hal or dbus :)03:36
ivoksmore likely hal03:36
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mdkeivoks, ok, I'll file there, it can get reassigned if wrong03:37
ivoksyes, it's hal03:37
ivokswhat bug # is that?03:37
ivoksit's acctually not a bug, it's a feature03:38
ivoksnames are given according to label name03:38
mdkei didn't file it yet03:38
mdkebut my breezy partition appears as "/" which is kinda silly, given that I already have a "/"03:38
mdkei'd prefer it to appear as /media/whatever03:39
ivokswhat's it's label name?03:39
mdkeI don't know.03:39
ivoksmdke: you can do that, but that's not a bug03:39
mdkeimo it's a bug for it to appear under a name which suggests its my root directory, when it isn't03:39
ivoksmdke: dirty way is to change /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-storage-policy.fdi03:39
mdkei think i'll file it and take the risk of rejection :)03:40
ivoksmdke: but there is a nicer way, but i'm not sure wich is it... :(03:40
mdkegtg, thanks for your help03:40
ivoks:) ok03:40
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infinitymdz: Around?  Any objections to a UVF exception for re2c (from 0.9.10 to 0.9.12) to satisfy PHP's insistence that anything (<< 0.9.11) is broken?03:57
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sladentepsipakki: on the ATI mactels (the iMac) the video BIOS is buggy04:16
sladentepsipakki: ^^legacy VGA BIOS04:16
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andrewskiis a regression in the support on dapper for a printer/scanner bugworthy?07:00
Yagisanandrewski: I'd assume so, dapper is supposed to be better07:02
andrewskiYagisan: one would think. :)  yeah, i'll go ahead and file it and if any devs want to yell at me, i'll let 'em. ;)07:02
andrewskibut first, i guess i should try it on flight 6.07:03
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nictukuSeveas, hi. are you there, and not busy?07:37
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Seveasyes and no07:43
Seveasif this is about the cloak: it's on it's way07:43
mdkeyves, ^07:43
yvesah ok, thank you again07:44
=== LaserJock goes into stealth mode, gotta love the cloak
LaserJockactually, I haven't really figured out exactly why it is useful, other than people can tell ubuntu members from the hostmask07:47
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bluefoxicyLaserJock:  it's useful so we can bug you when X breaks :P08:18
=== bluefoxicy remembers when X broke in breezy devel for like a month....
LaserJockand if you bugged me, it would be pretty pointless ;-)08:19
TreenaksLaserJock: this is why I don't have a cloak. I hate them.08:20
TreenaksLaserJock: I can be found _anyway_, just google my nick08:20
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LaserJockTreenaks: heh, I just found when I was starting out that it was easier to tell if a person had some Ubuntu experience because of the cloak08:23
TreenaksLaserJock: hm.. that's a point, but you could also look on launchpad for that08:23
LaserJockperhaps, although LP has some weirdnesses that way.08:23
LaserJockI mean, that Shuttleworth guy has got 180000+ karma, but what has he done for Ubuntu ;-p08:26
Treenakslp needs a qdb module ;)08:26
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lifelessogra: around ?11:48
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