
linrunixsheng, i suggest grub12:00
shengto start with sata drive #2, and then it will give an option to boot into hard drive 1, which has xp?12:00
shengi have xp pro on sata disk one12:00
sethksheng, the installation program configures it for you during install, if the other O/S is present at installation time12:00
shengand ubuntu on sata disk 212:00
duelbootI need to...pkg not compiling correctly...want to see the error sethk?12:00
shengit wasn't present12:00
sethkduelboot, ok, but that isn't the right way to fix it12:00
shengi did the install on a clean disk12:00
shengand unplugged xp12:00
duelbootwhat is?  tried export see above12:00
sethksheng, ok, you can add it without a problem12:00
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shengthe disk with xp on it12:00
=== bkn [n=bkn@c-66-30-11-19.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
tomskihi all. I'm setting up ubuntu on my inspiron 9100 for the first time. I'm having a big prob with the setup where it asks to create a non-root user. after putting in both passwords it just restarts the new user prompts and ignores what i put in. any advice???12:01
sethkduelboot, usually when it is looking for a particular gcc version, you should install that gcc version12:01
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duelbootI have it installed12:01
duelbootboth 3.4 and 4.012:01
sethkduelboot, oh, you want it to find 3.4 by default, then12:01
linrunixwich version brings latex???????????????12:01
duelbootokay, how?12:01
zokzokhow can i go in a german chat ?12:01
shengso i can make an edit on hard disk two, and it wont affect xp hdd at all, correct? i want ot be able to plug in the xp disk by itself if i need, and just have it boot up12:02
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, duelboot12:02
glyphsolved uninstall gdm and then reinstall it12:02
sethkduelboot, "type gcc" will tell you the path it uses for gcc12:02
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sethkduelboot, then you make that path a link to the gcc executable for 3.412:02
kingspawnemacs might be the best program ever created12:02
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duelboot/usr/bin/gcc   sethk12:02
zokzok#join eichel12:02
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anto9uskingspawn, ssh gets my vote12:02
jorge_alguin que hable espaol?12:02
=== kung [n=kung@p213.54.179.38.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
duelbootok like this?  ln -s gcc-3.4 CC12:02
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de12:03
ryanpganyone know of any repos for current CVS of Xgl?12:03
kingspawnanto9us: yeah, ssh is great. but emacs is... emacs is just insane.12:03
sethkduelboot, ok, so you would do something like this:   mv /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/original.gcc; ln -s /wherever/gcc-3.4 /usr/bin/gcc12:03
bknHi anyone running ubuntu on a G4 powerbook?12:03
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sethkduelboot, it may not be exactly gcc-3.4, but you know what I mean12:03
tomskihad anyone heard of the installer not being able to create a new user? maybe something about it not being able to write to the hd?12:03
duelbootyes, but my head is hurting sethk :)12:03
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anto9uskingspawn, I've never really played with it, not placed to judge12:03
arrickI hope this works12:03
sethkduelboot, do you know the name of the gcc 3.4 executable?  It may just be gcc in a directory with 3.4 in the name12:04
MemeticViruswow the ubuntu forums are basicaly not used by anyone...12:04
duelbootI was able to get the symbolic link before without mv anything...12:04
sethkduelboot, you don't have to mv12:04
arrickduelboot, i have a SIIG pci duel ide adapter, that i just threw in my server, and I am hoping it workd ok12:04
sethkduelboot, I just suggested that to preserve your current configuration12:04
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kingspawnanto9us: hehe, i started using it about 14 days ago, and there are so many features to it its just stupid. you can irc from it, read news, play games, it is the greatest text/code-editor i've ever seen, and its got everything :)12:04
=== newbuntu [n=sara@d207-216-71-113.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
jorge_alguien que hable espaol que me pueda alludar??12:04
newbuntuhowdy neighbours12:04
shenghow do you play midi files? i dled one, double clicked it, and it wont launch anything12:04
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:04
sethkduelboot, you can instead make the link for gcc somewhere in your path earlier than /usr/bin12:04
duelbootsethk, don't care about current...if it screws up , i can reinstall :)12:04
arrickit makes it where i can have a total of 8 hdd in y server without using the new server, then i can raid it12:04
sethkduelboot, and then not move anything12:04
obscuriteanyone have a raid1 with a swap on it? my mdadm raid1 is just one big partition right now and i want to split it up, so i can have a swap partitoin in raid112:05
duelbootokay sethk, i will try12:05
sethkduelboot, or you can even do this:  export PATH=.:$PATH12:05
sethkduelboot, which puts the current directory at the front of the execution search path12:05
MemeticVirusnope that's not the case... something is wrong with the little icons that indicate usage. bleh12:05
sethkduelboot, then make a link named gcc in the current directory12:05
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MitjaIs it possible to wire up a Yahoo mail server to a linux machine somehow to receive mails directly on the machine even though free Yahoo service doesn't allow forwarding?12:05
arrickhow do I tell if my hdd's have all ounted, and if the system is seeing them from terminal?12:06
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newbuntuI was installing something using adept, and then it froze the system so I xkilled adept and then suddenly radom programs disappeared , like apollon, kde-multi-media, kcontrol and lots of others, i'm not sure what to do now12:06
duelbootsethk, okay thx...give me 10 min...my head's hurting...need another beer :)12:06
=== zorin [n=zorin@host81-158-239-4.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
sethkarrick, mount (no arguments) will tell you what is mounted12:06
obscuritearrick -  type mount12:06
shengno decoders to play mp3s found? what's up wiht that?12:06
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anto9uskingspawn, yeah, but i bet you have to remember how to do them all, rather than being presented with options. I think I've learned to love the gui, maybe I'm getting old or something12:06
sethkarrick, you can find out about the hardware using a utility or looking in the /sys directory12:06
anto9us!tell sheng about restricted formats12:06
duelbootsheng, need to install decoder12:06
shengwhat decoder12:06
=== Aidamina [n=aa@cc247812-a.roden1.dr.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
duelbootbelieve it's win32codes sheng12:07
duelboothold one12:07
obscuriteanyone have their /tmp in raid1?12:07
shengi just need to play mp3s, mids, and avis/mpegs12:07
shengthe standard stuff12:07
kingspawnanto9us: hm, there is a lot of stuff to remember, but you can redefine EVERYTHING, if that's your fancy. and text-editing or programming is so insanely fast when you've got 4-5 hotkeys memorized12:07
anto9usobscurite, mine's in raid012:07
ubotufrom memory, restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:07
obscuriteant09us - hw or sw raid?12:07
newbuntuhas anypne else had weird dissapearences of software after an apt-get session stalls?12:07
kingspawnsheng, read what ubotu said now12:07
=== Inazad [n=root@c66.110.165-51.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
shengi will read it. thanks12:08
duelbootit's w32codes sheng12:08
Inazadkingspawn: Hi re12:08
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obscuriteanto9us - hw or sw raid?12:08
shengwell, whatever it is, i need to play these12:08
Inazadkingspawn: are u there?12:08
arrickhey sethk can you join #arrick for a sec?12:08
kingspawnInazad: ya12:08
sethkarrick, ok12:08
=== Gareth_ [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawnthis channel is so insanely friendly its almost too much12:08
Inazadkingspawn: Yesterday, I do a modification for the login...12:08
newbuntuhi kingspawn12:08
anto9usobscurite, supposed to be hardware but it didn't work, I think it was pretending, linux sw raid12:08
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kingspawnnewbuntu: good evening12:08
Inazadkingspawn: I think I have marked automaticly loggin with my username12:09
MarioNunesgood evening12:09
obscuriteanto9us - can you msg me your /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf?12:09
Inazadkingspawn: then, I cannot login with the .log-in. screen12:09
kingspawnInazad: tell me, can you boot ubuntu at all?12:09
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kingspawnInazad: im not entirely sure what you are saying12:09
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newbuntuis it possible to reinstall kbuntu without wiping out all your software and settings? I cant tell what all programs were deleted by the failed apt-get session12:09
Inazadkingspawn: It said: FATAL : Module ext2 not found.12:09
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anto9usobscurite, http://pastebin.com/64694712:10
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newbuntuI know it was abunch of KDE stuff though12:10
Inazadkingspawn: When the loading are finish, i cannot login I just see the background and my mouse...12:10
nathi everyone12:10
obscuriteantu9us - thanks12:10
kingspawnnewbuntu: ubuntu you _might_ try apt-get -f install12:10
kingspawnnewbuntu: no guarantees, just a theory12:10
hyphenatedhas anyone burned a CD iso to a DVD? does it work? :-)12:10
Inazadkingspawn: when I'm going in a shell, i see : FATAL: Module ext2 not founded12:10
newbuntuthat unjams apt-get but as for the programs that vanished?12:10
kingspawnInazad: then you press CTRL-ALT-F112:10
hyphenatedI only have blank DVD-RWs lying around the house12:10
anto9usobscurite, I have another raid0 set up across the 2 of the devices also12:11
newbuntueven their icons dissappeared12:11
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kingspawnInazad: hm, you might really hve a very bad partition on your hands12:11
kingspawnInazad: try reinstalling12:11
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ruggyanyone here use a cellular internet connection?12:11
shengdamn it12:11
obscuriteanto9us - my raid1 is one bug partition (no swap) and i need to figure out how to get swap12:11
shengfirefox wont start now12:11
Inazadkingspawn:  I'll not loose all of my windows ?12:11
shengis there another browser built in?12:11
kingspawnruggy: where are you, siberia?12:11
anto9usobscurite, don't put swap on raid, no need12:11
kingspawnInazad: yes, surely12:11
kingspawnInazad: if your harddisk is broken, you'll loose everything12:11
Inazadkingspawn: I will loose my windows?12:12
obscuriteanto9us - my applications actually depend on /tmp not being lost12:12
natdoes anyone know what kind of decoder you need to play dvd on ogle12:12
kingspawnInazad: i just lost a 160gb disk the other day12:12
kingspawnInazad: is it on the same disk?12:12
Inazadkingspawn: yes12:12
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obscuriteanto9us - if /tmp is lost, things go weird12:12
aridesehow do i mount *.bin12:12
anto9usobscurite, /tmp isn't swap, unless you can tell me different12:12
kingspawnInazad: well, the reinstall of ubuntu should not break it12:12
obscuriteanto9us - hmm, good point12:12
Inazadkingspawn: but, its not supposed to crash... it works perfectly yesterday and I do nothing...12:12
kingspawnInazad: be SURE to select ext3 as your filesystem, its a bit better with errors12:12
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devnull_hello i am having an issue removing a package it fails with a diversion error12:13
=== Spee_Der [n=n1gke@ip68-14-152-144.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
obscuriteanto9us - hmm, not sure hwere that thought was going12:13
newbuntuit always takes weeks to teak your ubuntu the way you want it, then everything goes amuck and you feel like starting all over again, I need to make myself a manual of all the java, realplayer, dvdnav , k3b-mp3 etc etc12:13
kingspawnInazad: if your harddisk is broken, it will crash if you like it or not12:13
Inazadkingspawn: my bro choose ext2...12:13
Inazadkingspawn:  my hd it's not broken12:13
spikebtakes me a couple hours.12:13
kingspawnInazad: well, choose ext3 next time12:13
Inazadkingspawn: what's the difference?12:13
kingspawnnewbuntu: that manual is at help.ubuntu.com :)12:13
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kingspawnInazad: you dont need to know, just think that 3 is larger than 212:13
Inazadkingspawn: :P12:14
Inazadkingspawn:  I'll reinstall12:14
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Inazadkingspawn: you'll there this night?12:14
kingspawnInazad: yes, and do a complete format12:14
newbuntumaybe its a stable /unstable conflict with debs i'm installing that makes things go bad12:14
kingspawnInazad: not just a quick one12:14
aridesehow do you mount *.bin12:14
=== ltR20 [n=alex@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawnInazad: i'll be here for... a couple of hours more12:14
kingspawnInazad: meaning 412:14
ltR20hey, new nvidia drivers came out today.12:14
kingspawnsince i prefer to sit at home friday evenings coding assembler12:14
svalkingspawn, dont need ti reinstall to upgrade to ext3 ...12:14
kingspawnwhile my gf is out with her friends...12:14
obscuriteanto9us - so i should make each disk have an auto raid partition and a swap partition and make my swap partition off of one of the two disks. what happens when the swap disk fails?12:14
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aridesehow do you mount *.bin12:15
newbuntuI gave up on my via onboard soundcard that kept failing to be recognized so I got a cheap soundblaster and it works great12:15
kingspawnsval: no, but he cant boot because of what seems to be a broken hd...12:15
anto9usobscurite, keep swap and raid seperate12:15
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aridesehow do you mount *.bin12:15
Inazadkingspawn: Where I can change the auto-login config file?12:15
nat hi eveyone12:15
svalkingspawn, ok, my mistake :p12:15
kingspawnsval: its all good, since we seem to be in the hood12:16
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obscuriteanto9us - let's say /dev/sda1 has my swap partition. if it fails, will swpa automatically use /dev/sdb1 swap or do i need to console in with a rescue disk and change it to recover12:16
Inazadkingspawn: Where I can change the auto-login config file?12:16
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natdoes anyone know what kind of decoder you need to run dvd on ogle12:16
kingspawnInazad: probably in ~/.gconf12:16
kingspawnInazad: but i dont really know much about gui's12:16
anto9usobscurite, if the device fails your system may lock up or something, a mirror will make no difference to my mind12:17
=== Cloud_tm [n=cloud-tm@tnt1-63-166-167-148.mdvl.net] has joined #ubuntu
aridesehow do you mount *.bin12:17
Inazadkingspawn: what's GUI?12:17
svalInazad, /etc/gdm/gdm.conf12:17
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Cloud_tmI need help12:17
Inazadsval: ok wait me12:17
Cloud_tmwith sound12:17
kingspawnsval: excellent :)12:17
svalInazad, or just use gdmsetup12:17
Inazadsval: ok12:17
kingspawnInazad: GUI means "Graphical User Interface" - gnome is such an interface, or kde, or windows xp12:18
Cloud_tmIn frozen bubble, the sound doesnt work12:18
aridesehow do you mount *.bin12:18
kingspawnInazad: means you can use your mouse to point and click on stuff12:18
disasmone annoying thing i don't think is possible, but might as well ask anyway... when I hibernate and have ssh sessions open is their anyway to a) have them reconnect when it wakes up again or b) (slightly more realistic option) kill the ssh session so I don't have 50 terminals locked up that I can't close without kill (I have my terminals not showing window decorations)12:18
anto9usobscurite, what I know is, you can spread your swap across devices but you don't put them in raid containers, I could be wrong in this but that's how I've always done it12:18
Inazadkingspawn:  My display cant run12:18
kingspawndisasm: write a scritp12:18
svalaridese, what do you mean by "mounting *.bin" ?12:18
Inazadkingspawn: Because My ext2 module was not founded12:18
kingspawndisasm: make that "script"12:18
Inazadkingspawn: Because My ext2 module was not found*12:18
aridesesval, i have a bin file and i want to read the content12:18
kingspawnInazad: yes, well, thats why i am talking about a reinstall12:19
disasmkingspawn: I guess I could killall ssh in the hibernate script12:19
shengdamn it12:19
Inazadaridese: vi file.bin12:19
shengthat install didn't work12:19
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Inazadkingspawn: ok12:19
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kingspawndisasm: indeed a clever plan! better than what i had in mind :)12:19
Inazadkingspawn: but my hd works perfectly12:19
TheCreatureHello :)12:19
arideseInazad, it has files in it12:19
svalaridese, bin file are binary file, you can read these files as simple ascii file12:19
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kingspawnInazad: well, i dont know, its kind of an intangible problem12:19
Inazadkingspawn: I will re install12:19
aridesesval, it's a disk image12:19
kingspawnand i _am_ enjoying my beer.12:19
disasmkingspawn: what did you have in mind?12:19
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Inazadkingspawn: can I boot with the safe mode ?12:19
Inazadkingspawn: or it's change nothing12:20
hyphenateddisasm: in those ssh sessions, hit enter, then type ~.12:20
shengsomeone help me install firefox12:20
obscuriteanto9us - okay, i think my problem was thinking that the mirror would help me if a device failed. now i realize i need to reboot after a device failure before recovering. it doesn't just switch over to the other disk in mid-failure.12:20
kingspawndisasm: some kind of crazy python script that goes through your ssh-pids at bootup, kills and goes all crazy12:20
TheCreatureI have a message that says: "W: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)12:20
TheCreatureW: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)"12:20
kingspawndisasm: your plan is _that_ much better :)12:20
shengi follewed the directions on that site, and now i can't even start it from the application menu12:20
hyphenateddisasm: that should exit ssh smoothly12:20
shengonly 1.07 again from usr/bin12:20
anto9usobscurite, I think you're looking at a failover system for that12:20
TheCreaturewhen I start Synaptic package manager. How do I fix it?12:20
Inazadkingspawn: Are u good with SSH ?12:20
obscuriteanto9us - does such a thing even exist? :)12:20
kingspawnInazad: define good.12:20
=== fiendskull9 [n=clayton@12-201-47-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
samojordhi there, i am very new to linux and ubuntu, but i would really appreciate some help. Right the problem...12:21
samojordI have just installed the breezy badger version of ubuntu and once it has installed,12:21
samojord i login and everything works excellently. Once i reset my laptop ubuntu loads up up to the brown loader12:21
samojord then when my loading icon on the mouse appears the whole system freezes, but i can still Ctrl+alt+del12:21
samojord to reset it. i have tried installing this about 3 times and it has always been the same error everytime.12:21
samojord Please can someone help me with this problem?????12:21
samojordhi there, i am very new to linux and ubuntu, but i would really appreciate some help. Right the problem...12:21
samojordI have just installed the breezy badger version of ubuntu and once it has installed,12:21
=== Joetheodd [n=joe@AC85D4EA.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
samojord i login and everything works excellently. Once i reset my laptop ubuntu loads up up to the brown loader12:21
aridesehow do i mount a *.bin disk image?12:21
samojord then when my loading icon on the mouse appears the whole system freezes, but i can still Ctrl+alt+del12:21
samojord to reset it. i have tried installing this about 3 times and it has always been the same error everytime.12:21
ltR20when will the new NVIDIA Drivers be availible to download ?12:21
samojord Please can someone help me with this problem?????12:21
Inazadkingspawn: to resolve my prob ! ;)12:21
fiendskull9.join #gentoo12:21
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anto9usobscurite, yes, a second machine mirroring and possibly even contributing to the load of the first one12:21
kingspawnInazad: i really dont get it. how can your ssh-server run if your disk refuses to mount?12:21
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aridesehow do i mount a *.bin disk image?12:21
kingspawnbrb, toilet12:21
obscuriteanto9us - ahh, right12:21
Inazadkingspawn: oops12:21
Inazadkingspawn:  i'll re install12:21
IamEthosdoes anyone know of something like KSmoothDock for Gnome?12:21
aridesehow do i mount a *.bin disk image?12:22
IamEthos(or if KSmoothDock will run on Gnome?)12:22
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fiendskull9IamEthos, like osx style dock?12:22
obscuriteanto9us - now i need to figure out how to set up the swap. i guess just having a swap partition on each drive will do the trick...12:22
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IamEthosfiendskull9, it's like that, but it's actually a panel12:22
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joshisscifiHey everybody12:22
IamEthosthat just magnifies icons on mouseovers12:22
disasmkingspawn: that did the trick, thanks for the idea :-D12:22
fiendskull9IamEthos, well, u could try Gdesklets, and get the Launcher thing12:22
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aridesehow do i mount a *.bin disk image?12:23
kingspawndisasm: great!12:23
anto9usobscurite, that's what I do, just set several swaps on each device, outside the raid partitions12:23
Inazadkingspawn: On my /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file, where it's written AutomaticLogin, it's my user..12:23
IamEthosfiendskull9, I tried that, didn't really care for it12:23
kingspawndisasm: what's with the nick?12:23
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Inazadkingspawn: AutomaticLogin=inazad12:23
kingspawnInazad: delete the whole automaticlogin12:23
joshisscifihopefully someone can help... I am trying to run 'sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall xlibs-dev', and it says the following:12:23
kingspawnInazad: or google AutomaticLogin, to see if theres a value to negate it12:23
TheCreatureWhen I start Synaptic Package Manager I get the following error message:12:23
TheCreatureW: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)12:23
TheCreatureW: Couldn't stat source package list http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)12:23
TheCreatureHow do I fix it? 0.012:23
Inazadkingspawn: I delete my name or I delete all the line ?12:23
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joshisscifiThe following packages have unmet dependencies: fluxbox: Depends: menu (>= 2.1.19) but it is not going to be installed12:24
kingspawnTheCreature: apt-get update12:24
joshisscifilibimlib2 but it is not going to be installed12:24
kingspawnTheCreature: (i hope)12:24
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obscuriteanto9us - thanks you really helped me understand things12:24
kingspawnInazad: the whole line, i would think12:24
Inazadkingspawn: ok... wait me12:24
kingspawnInazad: but i am just throwing out ballpark stuff here12:24
anto9usobscurite, well, maybe you can return the favour some day :D12:24
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obscuriteanto9us - it'd be my pleasure12:24
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TheCreatureThanks, kingspawn, I'll try that! ^_^12:25
kingspawni am listening to old prodigy, realizing that it is really crap12:25
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Fnoyi have a quastion12:25
obscuriteanto9us - I suppose now I need to re-install and rebuild my raid. oh fun ;)12:25
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tomskican someone please tell me how to set up a new user via command line12:25
kingspawnFnoy: fire12:25
Inazadkingspawn: How I can save and wuit a file in command line?12:25
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aridesehow do i mount a *.bin disk image?12:25
kingspawntomski: adduser <name>12:25
aridesehow do i mount a *.bin disk image?12:25
Inazadkingspawn: (I'm noob)12:25
arnonwhat is the package name for ssh server ?12:25
hyphenatedtomski: 'sudo adduser username'12:25
Fnoyim now in ubuntu live cd is it possible to install it right wher i am now12:25
kingspawnInazad: depends on which editor you are using12:25
svaltomski, adduser12:25
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anto9usobscurite, repartitioning gives you enought time to learn the errors of your ways I suppose :)12:25
Inazadkingspawn: vi editor12:25
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disasmkingspawn: i got the nick in high school when friends would show me a cool z80 assembly program they wrote for TI-86 calculators, and around lunch time I'd come back with their code disassembled :-D12:25
kingspawnInazad: use nano, at the bottom it lists which keys to press to save and such. ^ menas CTRL12:26
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hyphenatedarnon: openssh-server12:26
ltR20how do i close x and go to a terminal12:26
Inazadkingspawn:  ok but now I cant leave the editor12:26
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ltR20i wan't to install drivers12:26
kingspawndisasm: hahah, nice. i love disassembly, makes my day that much more fun12:26
arnonhyphenated, thank you12:26
kingspawnInazad: yes, i am quite sure you can12:26
kingspawnInazad: CTRL-x12:26
BambinoExcuse me, I am running KDE on UBUNTU on a laptop. Everything works except when i press FN and upper arrow. It should higher the volume on my sound. It does not =( nothing hppens. Anyone knows why?12:26
kingspawnInazad: CTRL-o to save file12:26
Fnoykingspwan what do you mean fire12:26
hyphenatedBambino: #kubuntu12:26
svalltR20, ctrl-alt F112:27
jomuraAre there any chat in spanish?12:27
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leleobhzhave ffmpeg2theora package on ubuntu?12:27
arnonhow do I tell ubuntu to look for package from internet source instead of cdrom ?12:27
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Bambinojomura: #ubuntu-es12:27
kingspawnFnoy: i mean: ask your question12:27
hyphenatedarnon: remove the cdrom line from /etc/apt/sources.list and run sudo apt-get update again12:27
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svalarnon, just comment the first line in the /etc/apt/sources.list file12:28
disasmkingspawn: writing a multi-cycle cpu in vhdl, and we were given a set of instructions in the program memory to run, rather than just figuring out what the code block did, i wrote a simple c++ program taking the hex inputs, converting to binary, and then disassembles the binary into assembly12:28
anto9usBambino, theres's a package somewhere that you need to install io set obscure functions like that, I'll see if I can find out what it's called12:28
=== nat [n=nat@toronto-HSE-ppp4050717.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Fnoyim right now in ubuntu live cd is it possible to install it wher i am right now12:28
Inazadkingspawn: how I can leave the ***** editor12:28
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tomskii get the error "chown 1001:1001" when I try to do adduser. any ideas?12:28
Bambinoanto9us: thanks! ;)12:28
ZimxIs anyone using MYSQL Administrator?12:28
disasmInazad: im going to guess you mean vi esc :wq12:28
ZimxOr is there other good mysql-gui programs?12:28
obscuritedisasm - so you wrote a disassembler for your cpu12:29
kingspawndisasm: thats my kind of man! heh. i am just getting into the elf-format, have you read a quick tutorial named "teensy elf"? its real cool, some guy picks apart the elf-header so bad its not even funny12:29
kingspawnInazad: well, you leave NANO with CTRL-x12:29
Inazadkingspawn: wait me12:29
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kingspawnInazad: you leave Vi with :wq12:29
anto9usBambino, it might be lineakd12:29
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slavikanyone good with dot/dotty?12:29
kingspawnInazad: you leave emacs with CTRL-x CTRL-c12:29
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thecrazymonk86hey i just saw this when i started "Mounting local drives:   Failed"12:29
Fnoywow what a feed back12:29
thecrazymonk86how do i fix that12:29
kingspawnthecrazymonk86: depends. what does your fstab contain on the drive that failed?12:29
disasmkingspawn: i'll look into it12:30
Bambinoanto9us: is it called "lineakd" ?12:30
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kingspawnFnoy: i dont believe so. and cut the snappy-ness.12:30
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anto9usBambino, yes, it's in univers/x1112:30
arnonhyphenated, thank you12:30
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hyphenatedBambino: you don't need that, but can install it if you want12:30
kingspawndisasm: www.ag0ny.net/~xpozed links to it12:30
Se7h?---------  ? ?    ?            ?                ? /media/icy_more/Movies12:31
kingspawndisasm: sometimes im desperate for ... yeah, "your" kind of people in here12:31
Inazadkingspawn: I jst put a # before the two line12:31
Se7hthat appears on a ls -l12:31
svalaridese, bin2iso software exists, dont think it's present in ubuntu but you may find it on internet12:31
kingspawnInazad: thats alright too12:31
Se7hi cant access the dir12:31
Inazadkingspawn: How I can reboot12:31
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kingspawnInazad: shutdown -r now (but remember, this starts the reboot process immediately)12:31
svalInazad, sudo reboot12:31
thecrazymonk86kingspawn, i dont know12:31
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Inazadbye guys12:31
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kingspawnInazad: insert sudo before EVERYTHING i say12:31
kingspawni cant remember that stuff12:32
sfarHow can fix i start "system monitor" by pressing ctrl+alt+del ?12:32
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kingspawnsfar: beer!12:32
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kingspawnyou shouldnt fix that, though12:32
sfarbeer and linux 4 the win12:32
kingspawnsince its win32-"syntax"12:32
anto9ushyphenated, he can configure it without that?12:32
kingspawnsfar: yeah12:32
kingspawnsfar: im drinking steadily12:33
obscuriteanto9us - i removed a drive before and when i put it back in it rebuilt fine. now i tried the other drive after a reboot but it won't start rebuilding. any ideas on how to kickstart it?12:33
sfarkingspawn: yea but im used to it :)12:33
hyphenatedanto9us: in KDE, yes12:33
natdoes anyone know what kind of decoders you use to run dvds on ogle12:33
kingspawnsfar: then... get "unused" :)12:33
aridesewhat a fucking pain12:33
newbuntudoes anyone here use bittornado? if so ... how do you point your browser to to the gui when you click on a torrent? I cant find the launcher for the life of me12:33
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hyphenatedanto9us: and probably in GNOME too. it's all about the keyboard layout he chooses12:33
arideseis there no way to load up disk images in ubuntu?12:33
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anto9ushyphenated, I always assume gone here12:33
sfarbah, can i fix another keyboard shortct to it then? =)12:33
arideseinstead of fucking around with converting images12:33
arideseand mountin them in command line12:33
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Inazadkingspawn: Hi, I have reboot12:34
gnomefreakaridese: can you please watch your language12:34
sfaror even better... whats the terminal-command to start it?12:34
arideseare there no programs that will mount images for me?12:34
nathi everyone12:34
hyphenatedanto9us: well, he started off saying KDE on UBUNTU (he put the caps there, not me) and I said #kubuntu, but he missed the hint :-)12:34
kingspawnaridese: aridese: you mean mounting an image?12:34
Inazadkingspawn: I can log in but nothing after my login...12:34
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Inazadkingspawn: just a brwon backgournd with my mouse12:34
arideseKingspawn, yes12:34
anto9usobscurite, sounds like hardware raid is it?12:34
kingspawnaridese: mount img destination -o loop12:34
natdoes anyone know what kind of decoders you need to run dvd from ogle12:34
aridesegnomefreak, are you an op?12:34
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kingspawnInazad: hm12:35
obscuriteanto9us - nah, just mdadm12:35
sfarplease dont say fuick, i get so ho... sorry.  i will shut up now12:35
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.12:35
svalaridese, *.bin image are binary WINDOWS image, so it's no conventional, you have to convert bin into iso file and mount in loopback12:35
kingspawnInazad: well, i cant tell, my best advice is reinstall12:35
robertjhow can I redirect users from a certian IP address to a different port?12:35
devnull_is there any way to get a single restricted module from linux-restricted-modules?12:35
svalaridese, use bin2iso.c and compile it12:35
anto9usobscurite, I've never really played with raid1, might be very different12:35
nickgarveyInazad: try a different desktop12:35
devnull_i need the ati fglrx but am not using a ubuntu kernel12:35
Inazadkingspawn: ok but I'm not understanding why it crash too easily...  ?12:35
kingspawnrobertj: might need to look into "route"12:35
Inazadnickgarvey: I'm with gnome12:35
nickgarveyInazad: that happened with me so I tried xfce to see if that helped12:35
kingspawnrobertj: by the way of "man route"12:35
kingspawnrobertj: but really, read up on google :)12:35
nickgarveyInazad: from the command line "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop"12:36
kingspawnrobertj: prolly easier than the man-pages for such a task12:36
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Inazadnickgarvey: ok wait me12:36
nickgarveykingspawn: what language does he speak?12:36
anto9usobscurite, to my mind, raid1 is for very mission critical where a fail over is prohibitive for some reason12:36
kingspawnnickgarvey: you tell me. he keeps telling me module ext2 doesnt load, but he can obviously boot all the way into "almost-gnome", so i am confused12:36
obscuriteanto9us - i just need to make sure data isn't lost because restoring the system is time-prohibitive12:36
Inazadnickgarvey:  its said that the operation xubuntu-destop was not available12:37
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nickgarveyInazad: ubuntu-desktop12:37
Inazadnickgarvey: wait me plz12:37
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TheCreatureOk, I ran apt-get update and I get the following error: (it's long): bzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;12:37
TheCreature        perhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible* reason follows.12:37
TheCreaturebzip2: Resource temporarily unavailable12:37
TheCreature        Input file = (stdin), output file = (stdout)12:37
TheCreatureIt is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.12:37
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TheCreatureYou can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.12:37
TheCreatureYou can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover12:37
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TheCreaturedata from undamaged sections of corrupted files.12:37
anto9usobscurite, just remember, it's only as good as your proven tests and then not always12:37
nickgarvey!tell TheCreature about pastebin12:37
TheCreatureErr http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages12:37
TheCreature  Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages - open (2 No such file or directory)12:37
TheCreatureFetched 2335kB in 10m31s (3695B/s)12:37
kingspawnTheCreature: no no no12:37
TheCreatureFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages - open (2 No such file or directory)12:37
nickgarvey!tell TheCreature about paste12:37
Inazadnickgarvey: same error msg12:37
kingspawnTheCreature: you must not paste like that heere12:37
TheCreatureReading package lists... Done12:37
TheCreatureW: GPG error: http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy Release: Unknown error executing gpgv12:37
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TheCreatureW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages)12:37
obscuriteanto9us - one drive was removed and the array rebuilt. now i can't get md to recognize the other drive after removing it12:37
TheCreatureW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems12:37
TheCreatureE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.12:37
ZimxMy MYsQL administrator closes when i try to edit an table..12:37
kingspawnTheCreature: you're sources.list is probably shot to kingdom cmoe12:38
Inazadkingspawn: I can't repair it only?12:38
hyphenatedTheCreature: please stop pasting all of that stuff12:38
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource12:38
anto9usTheCreature, don't paste here please12:38
ubotupastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126912:38
nickgarveyInazad: apt-get install12:38
TheCreatureSorry ^^12:38
Inazadnickgarvey: ok wait me plz12:38
nickgarveyInazad: remember the word install12:38
hyphenatedTheCreature: there are HUNDREDS of people in here. please paste a single URL to a pastebin, like other people do12:38
nickgarvey672 to be exacty12:38
Inazadnickgarvey:  why?12:38
=== duelboot is still dizzy from TheCreature's paste
hyphenatedTheCreature: people that care about your problem will load the link. really. they're nice like that12:39
kingspawnwhy indeed.12:39
Inazadnickgarvey: I have to update 80 packages...12:39
nickgarveyInazad: what language do you speak?12:39
Inazadnickgarvey: french :S12:39
anto9usobscurite, yeah, I find recovery never as easy as promised in setup/backup12:39
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:39
TheCreatureJust 'cause there are hundreds of people here, doesn't mean that every single one of them has to tell me this.  One will do :p12:39
Inazadnickgarvey: what ?12:39
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obscuriteanto9us - booting the installer just to make sure the disk is actually connected ;)12:39
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nickgarvey!tell Inazad about fr12:39
hyphenatedTheCreature: well gee, we'll try to collaborate our annoyance in the future ;-)12:39
Cooner750Ubuntu wont let me empty the trash12:39
nickgarveyCooner750: whats it say?12:39
kingspawnTheCreature: general irc practice: never paste more than 1 or 2 lines.12:40
Inazadnickgarvey: I dint understand what u're talking about?12:40
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.12:40
obscuriteCooner750 - that's crazy. how can an OS stop you from keeping your house clean?12:40
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kingspawnInazad: yes. /join #ubuntu-fr12:40
anto9usobscurite, if you have a terminal, lshw is useful12:40
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obscuriteanto9us - good point thanks12:40
zerboxxHey, I got a new laptop and when I run the UbuntuLive CD it takes forever and a day to boot up, am I to expect this to happen if I fully install it?12:40
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robertjok, tougher one, is there a way to split up traffic destined for a local port into two different ports by ps #?12:40
Cooner750It says "Error while deleting". "/home/cono...speakers.P" cannot be deleted because you do not have permissions to modify it's parent folder"12:40
nickgarveyInazad: type "/join #ubuntu-fr" in this window12:40
hyphenatedzerboxx: no, you shouldn't expect that from the live CD either12:41
mavric2001zerboxx no cdrom drives have a slower speed12:41
nickgarveyCooner750: do it as root12:41
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Cooner750Is there a command to empty the trash?12:41
hyphenatedzerboxx: in reality, do you mean 2-3 minutes, or more like 15?12:41
Angel_Dexhow do i activate surround sound in 5.10?12:41
nickgarveyzerboxx: remember, you are booting an entire operating system off a single CD12:41
zerboxxhyphenated, mavric2001: It takes about 20 minutes to get to the desktop via the live cd12:41
TheCreatureI get the following error when running apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11710  How do I fix it?12:42
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nickgarveyzerboxx: that would be a problem though12:42
zerboxxnickgarvey, On my old laptop it took a few minutes, nothing like 2012:42
Cooner750or can I login as root?12:42
Stormx2Cooner750: Trash is stored in folders like .Trash-root across the FS, you'd have to loop through em and delete the contents of these directories12:42
nickgarveyzerboxx: yeah thats way to long12:42
hyphenatedzerboxx: that's way too long for a normal modern laptop12:42
mavric2001angel_Dex: what chipset does your pc use12:42
nickgarveyzerboxx: play around with some of the boot options, perhaps noapic nolapic12:42
kingspawnCooner750: rm -rf ~/.Trash/*12:42
zerboxxhyphenated, New AW laptop :/ I think I've read that they have problems with ubnutu12:42
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obscuriteCooner750 - sounds like you have to go into ~/.Trash12:42
aajajhi all12:42
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Angel_Dexmavric2001 idk its a 2002 compaq with a p3 how would i check my chipset?12:42
hyphenatedzerboxx: there may be workarounds using kernel options as nickgarvey just said12:42
nickgarveyzerboxx: thats what I had to do with my laptop12:43
Stormx2kingspawn: Surely rm -rf ~/.Trash-*/*12:43
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aajajim looking to start a linux system for my HTPC and wanted to know how12:43
zerboxxhyphenated, nickgarvey: I'm downloading the dapper live to see if that changes anything *shrug*12:43
mavric2001Angel_Dex does that laptop even have surround sound? I wouldnt think so12:43
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kingspawnStormx2: oh?12:43
aajaji came a across a guide a couple of days ago for vdr and ubuntu12:43
aajajbut i cant find it anymore12:43
Stormx2kingspawn: I thought the directories were named like .Trash-username12:43
TheCreatureI get the following error when running apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11710  How do I fix it?12:43
Angel_Dexmavric2001 its not a lap top its a desktop and i have a creative labs Soundblaster on it12:43
zerboxxhyphenated: I know this must be a very noobish type question, but can I burn the live cd to a dvd?12:44
kingspawnStormx2: no reason for that, since theyre in the users home-dir, or..?12:44
nickgarveyTheCreature: 1. don't spam 2. wow you messed that up12:44
mavric2001thats 5.1 isnt it angel?12:44
nickgarveyTheCreature: get a new source.lst file12:44
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource12:44
Angel_Dexmavric2001 Idk?12:44
hyphenatedzerboxx: I asked that earlier :-) I only have blank dvd-rw's around the house12:44
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nickgarvey!tell TheCreature about easysource12:44
Stormx2kingspawn: Meh looks like im wrong12:44
zerboxxhyphenated: hehe, and the reply you got?12:44
hyphenatedzerboxx: and nobody knows. I don't imagine it works, but I will try anyway, because it's a dvd-rw so I can use it again if I need to12:44
TheCreaturenickgarvey: I'm not spamming, I was told earlier to keep posting my question if it doesn't get answered.12:44
Angel_Dexmavric2001 creative labs SB audigy LS12:44
mavric2001check in ubuntu forums, sound blaster 5.1 is the the first place i would look angel12:45
TheCreatureAnd thanks for the info ^_^12:45
anto9usobscurite, I could restore my email/samba/database/web services on another server within an hour or two, including travel time (if needed), is that too prohibitive?12:45
zerboxxhyphenated: Well I'll give it a shot, I have a handful of dvd-r's so I'm content with loosing one12:45
nickgarveyTheCreature: yeah but over and over in a period of less than 2 minutes is to much12:45
hyphenatedTheCreature: who told you to keep posting your question if it doesn't get answered?12:45
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nickgarveyTheCreature: try that, you really messed it up though heh12:45
mavric2001or sound blaster audigy12:45
obscuriteanto9us - yeah, i need to be able to reboot and be up12:46
intelikeyhowto use xdm to automaticly login one user ?12:46
Angel_Dexmavric2001 Hum >< i have a set of logitech x530s taht are 5.112:46
obscuriteanto9us - but for other applications it would be fine to take 2 hours12:46
anto9usobscurite, safest is a failover system, mirroring the other12:47
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obscuriteanto9us - more expensive than raid1 though ;)12:47
Cooner750anyone know of a good site for FREE website templates?12:47
=== `underOATH [n=roflcopt@ool-45734354.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
TheCreaturehyphenated: I don't remember. It was maybe last week or so.  I posted my question and everyone kept ignoring it, so I'm like "Could someone please direct me to the ubuntu support channel" and someone like "You're there" I: "So how does one get support?"  person: "you ask a question"  Me: " I did. Three times."  Person: "Well, this is IRC, you just have to keep posting it untill somebody answers".12:47
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`underOATHDoes anyone know how to get AIM to install for linux ?12:47
anto9usobscurite, that can be disproven when things don't boot12:47
hyphenatedTheCreature: that was really bad advice12:47
`underOATHThere is a version of aim for Linux now.12:47
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obscuriteanto9us - in this case i am doing raid1 and failover actually12:48
Angel_Dex`underOATH why not just use gaim or kopete?12:48
hyphenatedTheCreature: and if you ask again, it should be after waiting a reasonable length of time, like 4 hours, and doing some google searches in between12:48
intelikeyanybody ?12:48
sval`underOATH, just use GAIM12:48
obscuriteanto9us - i also have hardware raid cards coming, but wanted to see how sw raid would work, since i plan to use it on other servers12:48
`underOATHAngel_Dex, and sval: i don't like those :(12:48
mavric2001angel not sure what to tell you, ive no problems with my onboard nvidia sound card12:48
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kakashihi there12:48
Angel_Dexmavric2001 idk i pluged them in and no surround sound12:48
shrewduseranyone know how to instal the dapper kernel sources so i can compile the new nvidia drivers for it?12:48
sval`underOATH, kopete ?12:48
intelikeyTheCreature you can ask questions that are too hard for this channel...12:48
Angel_Dexregular sound yess but the middle and rear speakers do not work12:48
philipacamaniaccan someone point me to dbus reference documentation for various GNOME apps?12:49
`underOATHsval, what is that ?12:49
TheCreaturehyphenated: I don't think 4 hours is a reasonable amount of time.  I'd say if it's not answereed in 30 minutes everyone overlooked it.12:49
anto9usobscurite, I don't think there's much difference, do a trial run on it though... a backup is only as good as proven restore12:49
obscuriteanot9us - amen brother!12:49
TheCreatureintelikey: really? Which channel would be better to ask harder questions in?12:49
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sval`underOATH, a multiprotocol client12:49
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mavric2001right click your speaker icon select properties make sure the proper channels are enabled12:49
hyphenatedTheCreature: there isn't a good channel for questions that are too hard for IRC :-) it's the nature of the question12:49
`underOATHCan someone help me get the official AIM linux client to work ?12:50
gnomefreakTheCreature: there is no such thing as a hard question or easy question12:50
hyphenatedsome questions have answers that are much too involved as well, and are better answered in a wiki or some other webpage12:50
intelikeyTheCreature yes 30 minutes is long enough to wait.  and overlooked may not be accurate.   everyone may have read it and knwe they couldn't answer so they didn't try...12:50
kingspawngnomefreak: now we are getting philosophical12:50
zidohow do i load the new edited xorg.conf?12:50
Angel_DexAnyone know how to make surround sound work?? TT_TT12:50
gnomefreakkingspawn: no what one person doesnt know another might12:50
obscuriteanto9us - i'm worried that if the system is looking for swap on one disk and then i boot up with the other disk, swap won't work12:50
sval`underOATH, official AIM on linux ? doesn't exist12:50
devnull_how can i find out what drivers are built into the ubuntu kernel images that they offer ?12:50
nathi everyone12:50
kingspawngnomefreak: still, that does not pertain to the definition of a question12:50
`underOATHYes, It does sval: www.aim.com12:51
kakashii have a problem: i installed ubuntu and windows and im already using those two OSsystems for quite a long time but i had to boot from the windows cdrom because of formating a disk (i know i could have formated it in windows and linux or any other utility but it did not work in any os) it worked, but my MBR was deleted and that means i have no LILO but the system foulders are still in tact. My question is how to recover the MBR ?12:51
gnomefreaksval: use gaim the aim thats packaged for linux is like 1.5 and garbage12:51
intelikeyTheCreature ##linux   at times.  can field some real tuffies.   or maybe even #linuxhelp12:51
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TheCreaturenickgarvey: what options do I click on  http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic to get the file I need?12:51
philipacamaniacno dbus experts?12:51
natis anyone going to answer12:51
ubuntuwhere do i get edubuntu shipped to me?12:51
gnomefreakphilipacamaniac: you talking python-dbus?12:51
shrewduserwill there be a nice synaptic package for the new nvidia drivers? (dapper) ?12:51
TheCreatureintelikey: Ok :)12:51
whiteranswer what12:51
obscuritehi nat :P12:51
`underOATHsval, version 1.5.28612:51
kbrooksubuntu: why?12:52
natwhat kind of decoders do you need to run dvd from ogle12:52
natthank you12:52
kingspawnTheCreature: beware of ##linux though. they are real hardas*es. atleast they used to be.12:52
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anto9usobscurite, reboot shouldn't be an issue in that regard, maintaining a live system that becomes critical12:52
intelikeyTheCreature it also depends on the specifics of your question.   i.e.  php questions go to php   xorg to #xorg   and so on.12:52
kingspawnnat: i cant help you off the bat, but what is ogle?12:52
gnomefreakubuntu: i dont think it will be shipped i think its just ubuntu kubuntu in june12:52
meagsquidanyoen got any good laptop recommendations, been a while since i've gotten a new one?12:52
sval`underOATH, my mistake, i have a look12:52
`underOATHsval, I just can't get it too work.12:52
kingspawnmeagsquid: just dont get a major brand one12:52
TheCreatureintelikey: but mine are all Ubuntu questions ><12:52
philipacamaniacgnomefreak: sorry I'm really asking about dbus-send. Like if I created a shell-script that used dbus-send to send commands to say, Totem or Rhythmbox, or Gnome-panel, where is the documentation that has those available commands12:52
anto9usobscurite, I've learned to distrust speedy recovery, I've my own obscure methods of handling these situations, social engineering not being the least of them12:52
kingspawnmeagsquid: and not a very minor brand either.. :)12:52
intelikeyTheCreature as in ?12:52
zidoanybody know how i reload X to load with the new xorg.conf config?12:53
ubuntuim on a live "regular" ubuntu cd but everything i download doesnt work where do i go to get edubuntu shipped?12:53
gnomefreakogle is a music player12:53
philipacamaniacor just a basic dbus-send tutorial, in case I'm not quite grasping the concept12:53
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kakashihow to recover the MBR ?12:53
meagsquidkingspawn: so who's your rec?12:53
natogle is a music player12:53
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obscuriteanto9us - social engineering people so you don't take the heat when things fail? or social engineering to get help?12:53
kingspawnmeagsquid: hm, well, ive had luck with asus. in my opinion they are beneath dell in "knowability" and above the crazy asian brands12:53
gnomefreakphilipacamaniac: i dont know of any howtos or anything on dbus12:53
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anto9usobscurite, whatever works or is required :)12:53
kingspawnnat: help.ubuntu.com, search for restrictedformats inside the single page help html :)12:54
TheCreatureintelikey: Like the other one. The ubuntu Synaptic Package manager is giving me an error.12:54
`underOATHBased on http://www.aim.com/get_aim/linux/latest_linux.adp: which version should i get if i'm using ubuntu ?12:54
natok thank you12:54
MacSlowehm... anybody gave the new 1.0-8756 driver from nvidia a test-run yet?12:54
TheCreatureWell, now it doesn't. Now it's the apt-get update thing..12:54
philipacamaniacgnomefreak: well isn't that kinda dumb. perhaps I'll expert myself and write a reference manual.12:54
intelikeykakashi windows 9x & 2k   use fdisk /mbr   xp may have a utill for that also.... i don't do windows.12:54
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intelikeyTheCreature what error ?12:54
sval`underOATH, so just download the debian 3+ deb file and ' sudo dpkg -i file.deb'12:55
kakashiinteklikey: what do you mean by 9x & 2k ?12:55
TheCreatureintelikey: That's after the apt-get update, though.  Not synaptic package manager.12:55
kingspawnintelikey: fdisk /mbr doesnt work under xp anymore?12:55
`underOATHok sval12:55
anto9usobscurite, you can protect yourself immensely by having no single point of failure12:55
obscuriteanto9us - where are you based?12:55
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sval`underOATH, hope it helps12:55
anto9usobscurite, south Wales, UK12:55
kakashii cant use fdisk mbr ...cause there is no place to use it ... i could use a liveCD but i dont have one and dont want do load one from the internet12:55
obscuriteanto9us - the bigest point of failure for the system i am building is the power12:56
kingspawnkakashi: what's "no place to use it"?12:56
obscuriteanto9us - the server room wiring is just scary12:56
anto9usobscurite, if you can disseminate any services to other machines, do so12:56
intelikeyTheCreature looks like you need to   " sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get update "12:56
kakashikingspawn: no MBR ... no linux ... i cant boot it12:56
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kingspawnno mbr? well, then you need to get a bootable cd12:56
kingspawnkakashi: or floppy12:56
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TheCreatureintelikey: Ok. Thank you! I'll try that right now.12:57
svalkakashi, did you try grub-install ?12:57
philipacamaniacis there an easy way to autologin to IRC rooms from Gaim?12:57
anto9usobscurite, hope you're not working full time in there then, guess heat will be an issue :)12:57
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kakashikingspawn: yeah could be a way12:57
intelikeyTheCreature also of note.  if you ask and nobody seems to notice you.  watch who is answering a log of questions, then when they have a moment free, prepend their nick to your question....  :)12:58
kakashikingspawn: you know how to creat a boot disc?12:58
kingspawnkakashi: depends entirely on the environment12:58
obscuriteanto9us - this application will host email/db/nfs on these two servers, each raid1, and the web apps are served off of 4 load balanced web servers (redundant load balancers too)12:58
TheCreatureintelikey: ooo! Ok. I'll keep that in mind :)12:58
kingspawnkakashi: google is very good at these things12:58
kingspawnkakashi: what do you want to do?12:58
=== Fnoy [n=ubuntu@82-203-172-61.dsl.gohome.fi] has joined #ubuntu
anto9usobscurite, how many clients?12:59
kingspawnkakashi: have you got access to a cd-burner? if so, ultimate boot cd is great12:59
Fnoywhat is the root password int he live cd12:59
obscuriteanto9us - sadly i think there is some network gear between the core switches and the load balancers that is not redundant12:59
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frank23Fnoy: ubuntu12:59
obscuriteanto9us - about 35,000 users right now internally, plus some public hosting12:59
kakashikingspawn: i have a ubuntu-install cd and i have access to a burner and i have just one free CD left ;o)12:59
Fnoyand username12:59
kakashiok i have no free CD left sry01:00
frank23Fnoy: ubuntu01:00
kingspawnkakashi: where are you irc'ing from now?01:00
Fnoythx pal01:00
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TheCreatureintelikey: when I do that update thing now it gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1171401:00
anto9usobscurite, BIG offices :)01:00
Angel_DexAnyone know how to make surround sound work?? TT_TT01:00
kingspawnkakashi: and, what is your mission?01:00
kakashixchat is also available for windows01:00
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kingspawnAngel_Dex: you need to wait for crimsun to be online, he knows sound01:00
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intelikeyTheCreature looking....01:00
Angel_Dexkingspawn, ok thank uou01:01
obscuriteanto9us - these two backend ubuntu boxes are replacing an 8 year old sun E250 that has held up admirably01:01
kakashimy mission to recover the MasterBootRecord ...01:01
Fnoyubuntu@82-203-172-59:~$ su01:01
Fnoysu: Authentication failure01:01
Fnoyits not ubuntu01:01
kakashikingspawn: you sound like a souldier: what is your mission ... just i addition ;o)01:01
kingspawnkakashi: so you can boot winxp or the like?01:01
svalFnoy, no root passwd with ubuntu01:01
kingspawnFnoy: ubuntu disables root access by default. you cant su, you can sudo01:01
meagsquidkingspawn: asus manufactures the macbooks?01:01
svalFnoy, you can define it with ' sudo passwd '01:01
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kakashiim right now on my notebook which has only windows and i have a PC where i wanna recover ubuntu01:02
Fnoywhat should i do01:02
kingspawnkakashi: everything computerrelated is like a war mission :)01:02
svalFnoy, or ' sudo -s ' to open a root terminal01:02
kingspawnkakashi: damn near impossible, but somehow you survive01:02
anto9usobscurite, subnetting may be an option?01:02
intelikeyTheCreature close synaptic and/or aptitude  make sure nothing is running apt  and then   "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock "   and try again.01:02
kingspawnkakashi: still - do you want to fix mbr to boot windows?01:02
TheCreatureintelikey, ok. Trying..01:02
Fnoyok now01:02
zizzii speak xdutch01:02
=== lea [n=lea@206.Red-83-38-31.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
obscuriteanto9us - subnetting? the web stuff has it's own VLAN already01:02
zizzihey lea01:02
kakashikingspawn: i thing the windows boot cd deleted entry of ubuntu but windows works just fine on the PC01:03
kingspawnkakashi: aha. two secs, there is a guide01:03
kakashikingspawn: and like i said ... partitions are still in tact01:03
kakashikingspawn: ok01:04
svalkakashi, just boot with a ubuntu live cd a run ' grub-install ' , it will reinstall grub in MBR01:04
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kakashisval: i have no liveCD01:04
zizziiI SPEAKE DUTCH01:04
anto9usobscurite, well, subnetting and web stuff are very seperate entitites, it's about minimising network traffic01:04
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kakashisval: i would have done it before when i had one01:04
ubotufor wintel https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo :for the Mac https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:04
kingspawnkakashi: basically, what you do is run the installer, go until it installs grub again (dont modify your hd-settings), and just reboot it01:04
TheCreatureintelikey, Now I get this message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1171501:04
kingspawnmeagsquid: sorry, i dont know anything about macs01:05
obscuriteanto9us - i guess i'm in the dark on subnetting :)01:05
kingspawnzizzi: twice!01:05
intelikeyTheCreature pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please.01:05
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kakashikingspawn: ah yeah ... i rememeber the install .... ok ill give it a shot01:05
svalkakashi, so configure the windows bootloader. boot on linux and run ' grub-install'01:05
intelikeyTheCreature also that warning doesn't mean it failed.01:06
obscuriteWhat's a good non-meat non-dairy meal to eat while configuring ubuntu servers?01:06
TheCreatureintelikey: it says "sudo: /etc/apt/sources.list: command not found01:06
anto9usobscurite, ok, think of local proxy servers for a department with it's own sub-network  and that about sums it up01:06
kingspawnobscurite: apples01:06
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ubotuOp #ubuntu-nl staat de koffie al voor je klaar.01:06
ompaulzizzi, ^^^^^^^^01:06
kingspawnTheCreature: i guess you have to use an editor, if that is your mission01:06
kakashisval: im already doing ... but thx very much :o) ....01:07
intelikeyTheCreature   cat /etc/apt/sources.list01:07
obscuritekingspawn - I passed up an opportunity to buy farm fresh apples at the market earlier. DOH!01:07
ubotuapt is, like, totally, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto01:07
kakashikingspawn: thx tooo01:07
kingspawnobscurite: bad mistake :)01:07
kingspawnkakashi: hope it works01:07
kakashikingspawn: very much !!!01:07
svalkakashi,  ;-)01:07
Fnoyis ubuntu any good at supporting printers01:07
kakashikingspawn: has to01:07
tonyyarussoompaul: Thank you.  My brain was being dumb and couldn't remember the languge code :X01:07
kingspawnkakashi: :)01:07
svalFnoy, like other distro01:07
Fnoyand that is?01:07
obscuriteanto9us - I dunno if this helps, but I do run some proxy apaches on the web servers to offload some processing :)01:07
Fnoybad right?01:07
kingspawnFnoy: "yes"01:07
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ompaulFnoy, in general rather good - what printer are you thinking about?01:08
tonyyarussoFnoy: Mine worked out of the box, but you'll have to do some research to see about yours.01:08
Fnoycanon smartbase mpc19001:08
intelikeyTheCreature you did understand that that warning doesn't mean it failed .   it completed but the gpg=gnu privacy guard   errored on that list file.      k ?01:08
svalFnoy, www.linuxprinting.org01:08
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TheCreatureintelikey, I remember I set up the apt-get thing before so that it would run off cd instead of the internet (couldn't connect to the net. Now I can) Do you think that might be the problem?  On and the sources thing is here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1171601:08
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TheCreatureintelikey, so it doesn't like the sources.lst, huh?  Well it's good that it didn't fail completely.01:09
anto9usobscurite, I would guess some balancing in terms of terms of business logic rather than allowing all 35,000 staff to do whatever, might be required, that's where social engineering comes into play01:09
intelikeyit didn't "fail" at all. TheCreature01:09
ompaulFnoy, its not obvious to me if that one is supported01:09
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zizziFUCK YOU ALL01:09
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obscuriteanto9us - even though there are 35k users, only 50-100 are online at any given time01:09
TheCreatureintelikey, really? So all is well and I shouldn't worry?  And the sources lst looks ok?01:10
Fnoyits not01:10
yaniswhat should I do if a app askes me fro the kernel sources?01:10
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kakashikingspawn: ill speak to you later when i have lost all my data by formating the disks instead of just grubbing01:10
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Fnoywindows didnt support it cuz of sp 2 and now ubuntu doesnt01:10
Fnoyaa man01:10
anto9usobscurite, I've dealt with that level of concurrency myself01:10
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kakashikingspawn: talk to you ...01:10
obscuriteanto9us - the web server load is extremely low, even with reverse proxy going on01:10
kingspawnkakashi: hehe01:11
kingspawnkakashi: thatll be a nice conversation01:11
=== ltR20 [n=alex@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
obscuriteanto9us - the poor database was kind of dying on that old sun box though01:11
anto9usobscurite, yeah, I've had zope/postgresql cope with that01:11
ltR20hey guys, i'm trying to install the new nvidia drivers but it says x is already running.01:11
kakashikingspawn: im in europe ... where are you?01:11
ltR20i'm installing the drivers from terminal though.01:11
kingspawnkakashi: norway01:11
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intelikeyTheCreature change the last line form "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy universe"  to  "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ breezy multiverse"   and run  "sudo apt-get update " one more time.  and you should be all set.01:11
disasmFnoy: what kind of printer? I've never had a problem with printer support, of course all my printers are hp lasers, so those are easy to work with01:12
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kakashikingspawn: too cold up there isnt it?01:12
tonyyarussointelikey: Do they want multiverse and not universe?01:12
Fnoycanon smartbase mpc19001:12
kingspawnkakashi: hehe, getting better now, but still a bit chilly :)01:12
Fnoyits a printer scanner etc01:12
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disasmFnoy: hp, lexmark, dell, ???01:12
obscuriteanto9us - we once had an outside vendor do a load test on the servers, and the cpu never went above 15% - that's running mod_perl authentication, mod_rewrite rules, reverse proxy and the web servers were 4 pIII 600's01:13
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tonyyarussointelikey: Is it on a different line?  Because what you just said would delete uni.01:13
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obscuriteanto9us - it was pretty funny that they couldn't make a dent ;)01:13
kakashikingspawn: weve got about 15 degrees in the afternoon down here in the czech republic01:13
svalFnoy, mpc190 is not present on www.linuxprinting.org, this is bad news01:13
anto9usobscurite, cpy is least of worries there, I would say01:13
intelikeytonyyarusso he has duplicate uni's01:13
Fnoyi kow01:13
tonyyarussointelikey: Ah, okay.  Just checking.01:13
TheCreatureintelikey, Ok. I'll tray that. Thanks :)01:13
kingspawnkakashi: oh, your in czech? nice. i am going to prague in summer/autumn01:13
Fnoyman canon has the worst slogan "with canon you can" bullshit01:14
anto9usobscurite, fast raid0 and lots of memory01:14
obscuriteanto9us - true, though nothing bad happened aside from that01:14
sfari am drinking urquell atm :)01:14
obscuriteanyone using ubuntu on a 4way or greater box?01:14
kingspawnsfar: !01:14
kingspawnsfar: anything related to alcohol makes me intuitively like you (even when im sober)01:14
tonyyarussoFnoy: Careful with the language.01:14
yaniswhere can I find my ubuntu's kernel sources?01:14
sfarlets make love01:14
disasmFnoy: model?01:14
intelikeyTheCreature for some reason apt doesn't like duplicate lines  duplicate lines  duplicate lines  very much  :)01:14
crimsunyanis: in the repository. apt-get source linux-source-2.6.1201:14
kingspawnsfar: right on!01:15
svalyanis, sudo apt-get install kernel-souce.xxx01:15
anto9usobscurite, I was runing web databases, when load got too high I seperated the services, to 2 x 2Ghz 1Gb machines with 3 times IDE 7200 Raid0obscurite, when load got too high I seperated the database and web services, to 2 x 2Ghz 1.5Gb machines with 3xIDE 7200rpm Raid001:15
crimsunsval: we use linux-source*, not kernel-source*01:15
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Fnoylike i said            Canon Smartbase MPC19001:15
anto9usI must have just lied there somewhere01:15
obscuriteanto9us - this particular system always had db separate from web01:15
TheCreatureintelikey, Oh dear. I think it's giving me the same message: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11717  Are you sure the fact that I configured it to run off-of cd instead of the internet isn't the problem?01:16
svalcriminy, depends of the kernel01:16
kingspawncrimsun: whats the reason for that?01:16
anto9usobscurite, what RDBMS is it?01:16
svalcrimsun, depends of the kernel01:16
disasmFnoy: i don't see it in linuxprinting.org. you can always try other drivers of similar printers and see if you can get one to work, but I'd say it's not going to work in linux01:16
crimsunkingspawn: it's more correct to use linux-source, since a kernel is not necessarily just linux01:16
obscuriteanto9us - used to be oracle and mysql, now just mysql01:16
crimsunsval: no, ubuntu has always used linux-source01:17
anto9usobscurite, I'm a fan of Postgresql01:17
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obscuriteanto9us - yeah me too, though i haven't gotten to use it much01:17
intelikeyTheCreature that looks ok.   you should be able to   "apt-cache search <blah> "    and  install anything you like now.01:17
crimsunkingspawn: hurd, bsd, mach, etc.01:17
ltR20hey guys, i'm trying to install the new nvidia drivers but it says x is already running.01:17
kingspawncrimsun: yes, i see.01:17
Fnoygod help me it doesnt even work on windows01:17
TheCreatureintelikey, Ok. Thanks again :)01:17
BambinoHow do I make a backup of a file?01:17
intelikeyTheCreature anything else ?01:17
TheCreatureintelikey, Not right now :)01:18
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ownerany one finding working with dapper is much slower than breezy?01:18
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svalltR20, just kill X01:18
intelikeyTheCreature ok good luck with it.01:18
eugmanWhere are the website mysql databases stored?01:18
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ompaulowner, no it is faster01:18
disasmowner: i find it much, much faster, of course I use fluxbox and breezy was ridiculously slow at starting fluxbox01:18
svalBambino, cp file file.old ( just a copy )01:18
anto9usobscurite, I'd say it's well worth the effore feature and performance wise, very good at scaling, concurreny benchmarks leave mysql well behind01:18
obscuriteeugman - depends on your config. sometimes /usr/local/mysq/ sometimes /var/lib/mysql01:18
denis_surferhi guys can someone help me with WIFI PCMCIA01:18
ltR20sval how?01:19
kakashikingspawn: yeah ...01:19
intelikey you         anyone know howto autologin via xdm ?01:19
kakashikingspawn: how long you gonna stay here?01:19
kakashikingspawn: im directly from prague01:19
kingspawnkakashi: its 01:19 here now. trying to get to 04:00 atleast01:19
obscuriteanto9us - I'd probably use postgresql if i were building a large web project now01:19
disasmowner: may have better luck in #ubuntu+101:19
ownerdisasm, i have fluxbox on breezy and it is pretty fast01:19
svalltR20, ctrl-alt F1     /etc/init.d/gdm stop01:19
kingspawnkakashi: cool01:19
obscuriteanto9us - when this project was started, mysql was a better choice, arguably01:19
ownerdisasm, i am just testing it on a test machine. thanks i am on the channel now01:19
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kakashikingspawn: also 1:20 here\01:20
anto9usobscurite, yeah, I'd argue01:20
disasmowner: it was taking 15 secs for it to startup on breezy, and takes 2 secs on dapper01:20
kingspawnkakashi: then you have a good idea :)01:20
eugmanOh good I had mine in var/lib/mysql/ Hey will there be any problems if I just dump my old databses into my new installation? They are from the same version of mysql.01:20
kakashikingspawn: any plans what you would like to visit here?01:20
intelikey         anyone know howto or even if you can autologin via xdm ?01:20
obscuriteeugman - that *should* work01:20
kingspawnkakashi: no, hm, not exactly. i'd like to see franz kafkas house, and drink dark beer :)01:21
ownerdisasm, that is because there was a problem with the precompiled package.I recompiled it with xdm disabled and works fine here01:21
eugmanOr it'01:21
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intelikeywell i'll ask again in a few hours....01:21
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ownerompaul perhaps because i just upgraded might have better luck by reinstalling from sart01:21
anto9usobscurite, I think all web projects are potentially large01:22
ompaulowner, that does not make sense01:22
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kakashikingspawn: its said you will have big brests if you drink dark beer ...01:22
mikehi, i am seriously considering installing the dev release of ubuntu. i have the stable version installed now. What can i expect if i do install the dev version? heaps of broken packages?01:22
ompaulowner, but I am too tired to help you debug it01:22
mikeo1does xgl work on badger?01:22
mikeubuntu dapper im talking about01:22
MdSalih3hello all01:22
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ompaulmikeo1, No it does not01:22
mikeo1i know it didnt before but does it now?01:22
kingspawnkakashi: im open to that01:22
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anto9usobscurite, scaling is a problem for tomorrow though, merely be aware it might be an issue and plan accordlingly :)01:22
kingspawnkakashi: as long as the beer is cheap01:22
mikeo1there isnt a way to install a newer window manager01:22
MdSalihI have just installed ubuntu on my laptop - am find the mouse touch pad too sensitive.. how can i adjust this ?01:23
ompaulmikeo1, a release does not get extras after unless you backport something01:23
obscuriteanto9us - sounds like good advice :)01:23
mikeo1on badger to get xgl working01:23
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ownerompaul, simply perhaps a script has an upgrade script has a bug or just an old config files causing the problem. Thank you anyway this is just my test machine anyway01:23
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mikeo1can i just upgrade the files that xgl uses to the new oens and leave the rest the same?01:23
disasmowner: yeah, I did that when I first upgraded to breezy in october, but this time around breezy was only a stepping stone for dist-upgrade to dapper01:23
kakashikingspawn: what do you mean with that i have a good idea? you mean what i would recommend to you here?01:23
ompaulmikeo1, and then who will help you when it falls over - in theory you can I would not like to try it01:23
obscuriteanyone have bridged networking working on a vmware workstation install on ubuntu?01:24
kakashikakashi: beer is the cheapest thing in our land ;o)01:24
kingspawnkakashi: yes01:24
anto9usobscurite, commitment to long term project has to be an issue there, and be careful, you can be far more committed than all those around you :)01:24
mikeo1maybe i should switch to gentoo01:24
RemyLaptopmorning all!01:24
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obscuriteanto9us - story of my life!01:24
kakashikingspawn: very hard to say ...01:24
RemyLaptopanyone gottan a hp ipaq working with ubuntu ?01:24
kingspawnmikeo1: noone in their right mind switches to gentoo01:24
obscuriteanto9us - I had to fight for 2 years to get these 2 replacement servers01:24
ompaulmikeo1, ask me how long I am using OSS software :-)01:24
mikeo1this is for my server tho01:24
mikeo1and i would just want to run xgl over vnc01:24
kakashikingspawn: it depends ... what are you interested in?01:24
anto9usobscurite, don't fight, break something :)01:24
ompaulmikeo1, that is just sad01:24
mikeo1but dont want to upgrade to dapper and have it kill my server01:25
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dabaRompaul: is that a recursive acronym, Open SOurce Software Software?01:25
kingspawnkakashi: hm, culture. literature, architecture, nature01:25
obscuriteanto9us - guess what got me the servers finally. things started to break down :P01:25
ompauldabaR, :P01:25
mikeo1vnc works fine with opengl stuff, as long as your connection is fast01:25
ompauldabaR, yes :-/01:25
kakashikingspawn:  i mean if you want to go sightseeing or if you music or sports ...01:25
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kakashikingspawn: ah ...01:26
mikewhat can i expect if i installed dapper? heaps of broken packages? what about the future?01:26
Genfoomike, don't do it01:26
RemyLaptopanyone gottan a hp ipaq working with ubuntu ?01:26
Genfoomike, if it ain't broke don't fix it01:26
mikeo1yeah i guess ill jsut stick to using xgl on my desktop01:26
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anto9usobscurite, do some web searches on average IT expenditure per employee, irrespective of computer usage, across all business01:26
mikeo1and live cds01:26
obscuriteif you install dapper, you should in theory be able to move your home dir over to a final dapper install - no?01:26
mikeGenfoo, but i want newer packages01:26
Genfooobscurite, #ubuntu+101:27
kakashikingspawn: architecture is everywhere in prague ... very interesting is the prague castle, and the part Mala Strana of prague (just under the castle)01:27
mikeespecially lighttpd01:27
MdSalihwhats the default root password for ubuntu ? or how can I set it ?01:27
Gau...architecture is everywhere01:27
Genfoomike, well things work fine for me except for my printer :'(01:27
mikeMdSalih, sudo passwd01:27
obscuriteGenfoo - i was sort of asking for mike01:27
kingspawnkakashi: i will visit it :)01:27
anto9usobscurite, me doing that very thing got both me and my assistant a 3000 pay rise about 3 years ago01:27
kakashikingspawn: there are alway some galleries opened in prague co there is no problem to get in a few of them ....01:27
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svalMdSalih, no default passwd ... for setting it just ' sudo passwd ' or ' sudo -s ' to open a root term01:27
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Gau...I'm suddenly reminded of an interpretive dance I choreographed about architecture.01:28
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obscuriteanto9us - i get to work out of my own office separate from my client, so i'm not complaining about work conditions ;)01:28
mikeY Helo Thar01:28
ipfwanto9us:  what gave you a huge pay raise ?01:28
mikeo1http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133772 :p01:28
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anto9usipfw, letting my employer know they never had it so good01:28
kingspawnkakashi: looking forward to prague :)01:28
kakashikingspawn: perhaps you come here when the programming games are taking place ... very intersting ... visited once ...but its not czech culture but the culture of the C language or others01:28
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kakashikingspawn: ah ... but be aware of pickpockets!!!01:29
kakashikingspawn: living in prague for ten years and never been robbed01:29
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kingspawnkakashi: sounds fun01:29
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kclaf_would an1 know a way to bypass HDD check during ubuntu install ?01:29
mikeo1think ill installi t on breezy01:29
kclaf_because i just crashed my laptops HDD, and id like to run an ubuntu from USB drive01:29
mikeo1looks pretty easy01:29
kclaf_but when i do the setup, it hangs because it tries to detect the broken HDD01:29
ltR20http://pastebin.com/647066 <-- why?? i'm trying to install NVIDIA'S new drivers01:29
kakashikingspawn: not even in the poor parts of prague ... at night so its really no problem here ...01:29
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obscuritePrague seems like the kind of place you can move to and become a wizard or a potion maker.01:30
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kakashikingspawn: but perhaps theyll robb me and ill tell you something else tomorrow ;o)01:30
RemyLaptopanyone gotten a hp ipaq working with ubuntu ?  All I want to do is get files across to it...01:30
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anto9usltR20, you might need the drivers that match the kernel modules, 1.7660 or somethin as I recall01:30
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kingspawnkakashi: :))01:30
obscuriteBut I suppose Prague is much more modern than I imagine.01:30
kclaf_i browsed the boot parameters, but couldnt find one to disable HDD check01:30
KrhisI would like to load a filesystem into my RAM. I have 3GB and would like to load a 1GB ext2 just for temp logs and stuff.01:30
kakashikingspawn: if you want really some info you cann contact me via kakashi@seznam.cz01:30
KrhisAny suggestions?01:30
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kingspawnkakashi: maybe i will :) i have saved it01:31
kakashikingspawn: i would send you some places that would be nice to visit ... and could send you some electronic guide if you would like to01:31
ltR20not that?01:31
kingspawnkakashi: thanks01:31
kakashikingspawn: ok01:31
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kakashikingspawn: no problem01:32
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kakashikingspawn: i had the choice to visit france or norway this year ... i have chosen france?! was it a good choice?01:32
anto9usltR20, try earlier drivers01:32
ltR20i have older drivers, anto9us01:33
arrickok guys, I want t strip a dell power supply so al lit runs is 4 hdd's, can someone help me?01:33
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ltR20but the point is they released new drivers and i wan't to install them.01:33
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obscuritearrick - strip it? what od you mean?01:34
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PseudoPlaceboOn my powermac, my linux install CD (Ubuntu) get hung up on a happy mac when I boot holding C.01:34
anto9usltR20, if you've done any updates on nvidia-glx or nvidia-glx-legacy you may need later but earlier than latest01:34
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PseudoPlaceboI've tried Dapper PPC install, and Breezy PPC Live.01:34
kingspawnkakashi: yes, probably :)01:34
obscuritePseudoPlacebo - that sticks01:34
arrickobscurite, It by default runs a whole system, however I am not mounting it on a mb, just 4 hd's, and I dont want it to burn up cause the fan is controlled by the mb01:34
obscuritestinks too01:34
kingspawnkakashi: i think norway is best if you have an interest in nature, but france for culture etc.01:35
PseudoPlaceboI also have no mouse.01:35
anto9usltR20, you run dapper?01:35
PseudoPlaceboAnd only a keyboard.01:35
cloudnethow do i play mp3?01:35
ltR20anto9us, no01:35
kclaf_is there a specific ubuntu help channel ?01:35
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:35
dabaRkclaf_: you are there. /topic01:35
=== mikeo1 installs xgl on 5.1
anto9uskclaf_, tis is it01:35
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kingspawnarrick: you can do that, but i dont remember how right now01:35
ltR20Since i installed KDE in ubuntu my gnome install is really strange01:35
kclaf_k dabaR thanks01:35
ltR20Can i re-install GNOME01:35
kingspawnarrick: there are guides, you have to modify the thingy that usually plugs into the mb01:36
arrickkingspawn, i know, but i cant remember how either01:36
anto9usltR20, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop I think will do it01:36
KrhisltR20, is there somthing you want to reset?01:36
arrickyou happen to know where some of the guides are kingspawn ?01:36
kclaf_would an1 be able to help me ? i need to bypass HDD check by Ubuntu's partitioning util01:36
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ltR20Krhis, Yes GNOME.01:36
kclaf_because my hdd is dead, and id like to install on USB01:36
KrhisWhat do you want to reset?01:36
ltR20Krhis, Some of the things are messed up.01:36
kingspawnarrick: http://www.procooling.com/index.php?func=articles&disp=52&pg=101:37
KrhisLinux != Windows.01:37
ltR20The volume control is bugged out, and the theme too.01:37
kingspawnarrick: might help. google is always helpful01:37
arrickthanks kingspawn01:37
KrhisWith Windows you reinstall. With Linux just removing the config folders in your home dir and let it reset.01:37
anto9usltR20, set up a new user and see if the login under that user works ok01:37
arrickI ust got the 8 hdd's hooked into the system kingspawn01:37
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RemyLaptopanyone gotten a hp ipaq working with ubuntu ?  All I want to do is get files across to it...01:38
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dabaRkclaf_: with breezy, 5.10 ubuntu?01:38
kclaf_yes dabaR01:38
dabaRkclaf_: I do not know that it can be done. Why not use a Live CD?01:38
kakashikingspawn: i have to do some other thing ... if i have the desire of nature ... ill definately visit norway ... have a nice day01:38
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kclaf_because live cd has slower acces times01:39
kingspawnkakashi: you too01:39
kclaf_id like a fast system, as it's going to be my main system until new HDD comes back01:39
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kakashikingspawn: thx01:40
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levanderI just ran 'smbpasswd -a' for the first time, but can't find the samba password file on my filesystem. Anyone know where it is?01:40
obscuritewhat's the slowest desktop/notebook you run ubuntu on?01:40
obscuriteanyone running on a pI, PII or PIII?01:40
kingspawnobscurite: i bet it'll run pretty low01:41
kingspawnobscurite: pII must surely work01:41
levanderobscurite: i run it on a dual PIII 55001:41
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ltR20anto9us, you still there?01:41
obscuritelevander - as a desktop?01:41
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levanderobscurite: it's great as a server, acceptable as a desktop, but desktop applications take a loong time to startup01:41
obscuritelevander - ahh thanks01:41
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dabaRkclaf_: I am not aware that that can be done at all, installing to a USB. Google a bit on that.01:41
levanderobscurite: 15 seconds for firefox to startup, after prelinking 11 seconds01:42
levanderobscurite: i don't consider it acceptable for my purposes01:42
obscuritelevander - ouch01:42
ltR20My GNOME install is acting weird, but on a new user account it works fine again.01:42
ltR20How do i Reset it on my own account?01:42
levanderobscurite: i do only have 512MB ram, not sure if upping that to 1GB would make a big difference or not01:42
anto9usltR20, yep01:43
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kbrooksltR20: rm -rf ~/.gnome*01:43
kbrooksltR20: rm -rf ~/.gconf01:43
ltR20anto9us, it works fine on another account01:43
obscuritelevander - sounds like a disk access issue?01:43
kclaf_dabar : okey, thanks a lot for your help01:43
kbrooksor ~/.gconf201:43
m4rcosHello ! can you help me with COMPIZ and GDL ?01:43
_jasonltR20: I had that problem when I installed kde.  You can try deleting the ~/.gnome* and maybe even ~/.gconf*, but I ended up just moving over to a new account01:43
kbrooksm4rcos: no.01:43
anto9usltR20, you could try replacing some of the gnome settings to try and fix it01:43
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)01:43
VRWarperm4rcos, try #ubuntu-xgl01:43
ltR20_jason, same here.01:43
ltR20I installed KDE and everything messed up.01:44
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_jasonltR20: i promptly deleted kde as well, but that's up to you :)01:44
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ltR20_jason, i deleted KDE.. it's not my cup of tea.01:44
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levanderi thought ubuntu had an excellent KDE install?  that's the whole kubuntu thing...01:45
=== mikeo1 tries starting xgl on 5.1
ltR20_jason, i'm going to try KDE again when KDE4 come sout.01:45
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obscuriteThe KDE text editors rocks pretty hard (kate)01:45
ltR20_jason, will my themes get deleted?01:45
obscuriteI find myself using various KDE apps01:45
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duelbootobscurite, and just how dif is it from gedit?01:45
kingspawnobscurite: emacs...01:45
Krhisobscurite, vim.01:45
_jasonltR20: you mean by moving to a new account?01:46
kingspawnKrhis: emacs..01:46
kingspawnKrhis: ;)01:46
=== Beforewisdom [n=Beforewi@207-172-148-191.c3-0.slvr-ubr1.lnh-slvr.md.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Krhiskingspawn, vim XD01:46
ltR20no, if i delete ~gnome01:46
obscuriteduelboot - it's very graphical, very visual. also has a nice save to ftp feature.01:46
_jasonltR20: oh, no.  Your themes are in ~/.themes.  You may have to select them again though01:46
=== LordXenu [n=LordXenu@pool-141-155-11-109.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
obscuriteI generally use VIM, but for the save to FTP alone it's worth using kate sometimes01:46
mikewill XGL/composite handling slow down games?01:46
=== linuxpoet [n=jd@or-67-76-146-141.sta.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
vgesudo nano is a second nature now01:47
KrhisThat's just one of the reasons I dislike KDE: It's an all-in-one-plus-a-bag-of-chips.01:47
duelbootobscurite, guess if i needed to save to ftp, it would matter...gedit does all I need01:47
linuxpoetAnybody have some experience with difficult sound cards?>01:47
ltR20okay it's deleted01:47
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=== duelboot eats Krhis' bag of chips
ltR20do i reboot?01:47
KrhisI don't want my text editor to have FTP access....01:47
BeforewisdomHirvinen, Ubuntu is so nice I decided to use the system as is, and the defualt choice of software.  Im using a lot of new stuff.   Im using xchat for IRC for the first time.  I guess my question is how do I ignore users in xchat?  Simply doing /ignore obnoxiousUser doesn't work.  I get a message telling me to put in a mask and type.01:47
_jasonltR20: log out and log back in01:47
carthiklinuxpoet, please just ask the question01:47
Krhisduelboot, give me them back! :P01:48
duelbootkrhis..uuuhhhhhh, nope01:48
linuxpoetI have this sound controller01:48
linuxpoetnVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)01:48
linuxpoetIt doesn't work ;)01:48
linuxpoetI did a lot of research and it is not supported until 2.6.1501:48
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kakashikingspawn: boot loader on ubuntu is installed at the end of the install ... so i just took my data and sent it to the notebook and then ill send it back ... but i think that there will be a lot of problems with reseting the system ... doesnt matter ... will mange it per night01:48
linuxpoetTo wit... I upgraded to Dapper01:48
linuxpoetbut still no go01:48
=== Krhis eats a cookie.
eternaljoy-hey hey01:48
kingspawnkakashi: good :)01:48
kingspawnnoone uses vim01:49
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kingspawnits for crazies01:49
eternaljoy-in firefox, at google.com, how can I clear the google search fields?01:49
=== duelboot finished krhis' last chip ...mmmmmmmm mmmmmm good
eternaljoy-anyone know please?01:49
obscuritevim rules!01:49
polpaketernaljoy-, I'm not sure what exactly you mean01:49
Enthusiast78When is Dapper coming out?!01:49
kingspawni've used vim for years, just finally realized there are real editors out there01:49
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)01:49
KrhisNo one uses vim? And where did you ask this question?01:49
=== ltR20 [n=alex@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ltR20_jason, you still here?01:49
eternaljoy-polpak: when I use firefox, at google.com, if I click on the search field, it pops up all my search keywords!?01:49
Enthusiast78KingBahamut, Which editor do you use now?01:50
ltR20I did it, but the problem is still here.01:50
duelbootvim rules?  for a term editor01:50
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eternaljoy-polpak: how can I clear that listing?01:50
carthiketernaljoy-, CTRL+A and the delete01:50
polpaketernaljoy-, oh. the saved form info01:50
ltR20How do i go about moving to a new account now?01:50
Enthusiast78kingspawn, Which editor do you use now?01:50
sorsisEnthusiast78: look roadmaps. wiki of www.ubuntu.org is quite good for that kinf of questions.01:50
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eternaljoy-carthik: NO!01:50
kingspawnEnthusiast78: emacs, of course. it's friggin' fantastic.01:50
Krhisduelboot, yea, that's the point.01:50
polpaketernaljoy-, edit->preferences->privacy saved forms01:50
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eternaljoy-carthik: i mean the WHOLE entire search keywords from past01:50
eternaljoy-polpak: ok thanks01:50
Enthusiast78kingspawn, I'll try it...01:50
carthiketernaljoy-, polpak said it01:50
eternaljoy-polpak: I dont have edit->preferences->privacy saved forms01:50
=== duelboot says goodnight to all...johnboy, grandpa, etc...night night
kingspawnEnthusiast78: i hope you do. but beware, it takes a lot of practice and some learning before it gets really, really good01:51
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linuxpoetlsmod says: snd                    68576  6 snd_hda_intel,snd_hda_codec,snd_pcm_oss,snd_mixer_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer01:51
_jasonltR20: I just created a new one and copied the files I wanted form the old one.  Like docs, some settings.  It might be a little tough to get everything if you don't know what you are looking for.  Maybe you can try deleting ~/.gconf*01:51
Krhisduelboot, vim is good for sudo. Don't sudo with kate.01:51
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eternaljoy-polpak: I dont have edit->preferences!  im using latest firefox01:51
Enthusiast78kingspawn, Just like VI. ;)01:51
polpaketernaljoy-, ......01:51
kingspawnEnthusiast78: even worse :)01:51
mikewill XGL/composite handling slow down games?01:51
duelbootkrhis, I'm in ubuntu...no worries...I prefer gedit...and use vi / vim as well01:51
polpaketernaljoy-, I'm pretty sure it's still there01:51
eternaljoy-polpak: it worked :)01:51
Enthusiast78sorsis, I guess you mean www.ubuntu.com, but thanks! :)01:51
polpakmike, supposedly not01:51
eternaljoy-polpak: found it, you were right, I was blind :)01:52
ltR20_jason what's the command01:52
Krhisduelboot, at least you're not using notepad.exe XD01:52
ltR20rm ?01:52
obscuriteKate is the most polished graphical editor for linux I've seen aside from the Eclipse IDE and Komodo the Perl editor01:52
duelbootlol, so true krhis01:52
polpaketernaljoy-, you can also disable it from saving the form data01:52
eternaljoy-polpak: it worked :) its all cleaned out now ;)  anything else that is stored elsewhere I need to clear?01:52
linuxpoetno thoughts?01:52
obscuriteActually I think they sell SlickEdit for linux too01:52
eternaljoy-polpak: how?01:52
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duelbootps what's notepad, krhis?01:52
polpaketernaljoy-, just uncheck the option for save form data01:52
polpaketernaljoy-, probably history01:52
eternaljoy-polpak: ahh easy!  done :)01:52
polpaketernaljoy-, and possibly cookies01:52
KrhisI don't know, a rumor I think?01:52
_jasonltR20: mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf.backup && mv ~/.gconfd ~/.gconfd.backup01:52
eternaljoy-polpak: ok01:52
sorsisEnthusiast78: i'm allways correct. some freeking switches just twist my bits so that messages are corrupted between us.01:52
duelbootoh yea, the microsloth windoze thingermajigger, eh krhis01:53
polpaketernaljoy-, depending on how paranoid you want to be =p01:53
KrhisSo true, so true.01:53
eternaljoy-polpak: if I use the new firefox "Clear Private Data", is that enough?01:53
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Enthusiast78sorsis, I understand you. I suffer from the same evil force...01:53
Krhisobscurite, sure it's polished, but too much.01:53
eternaljoy-polpak: :)01:53
kingspawneternaljoy-: its never, even enough if you know enough about your system and how stuff works01:53
obscuriteKrhis: it's still pretty lightweight01:53
eternaljoy-kingspawn: never what?01:54
polpaketernaljoy-, it's up to you01:54
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jmgguys is there a daily netinst image?01:54
eternaljoy-polpak: how can I upgrade Fireofx from 1.5 to 1.5.1?01:54
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eternaljoy-polpak: how can I upgrade Fireofx from 1.5 to
_jasonubotu: tell eternaljoy- about ff1.501:54
kingspawnseems like an important upgrade...01:55
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kingspawnworth the time, id say01:55
eternaljoy-jason: I already got 1.501:55
eternaljoy-jason: how can I upgrade Fireofx from 1.5 to
_jasoneternaljoy-: the page explains how to upgrade01:55
polpaketernaljoy-, no idea.. I'm still happy with 1.0.701:55
eternaljoy-_jason: ok thanks01:55
eternaljoy-polpak: hehe :)01:55
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eternaljoy-_jason: do i need to upgrade from 1.5 to
kingspawnuse lynx, its better01:55
_jasoneternaljoy-: well you don't /need/ to do anything, but imo it won't hurt you01:56
=== jdmpike [n=jordan@CPE-65-26-49-184.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
eternaljoy-_jason: and how do I upgrade Thunderbird to latest?01:56
Krhisobscurite, but still FTP for an editor? Real admins use rsync! (sarcasm).01:56
jdmpikedoes anyone know how to run WoW in a window?01:56
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Krollianwudup my ubuntu peeps01:57
=== dabaR switches to lynx
Krhisjdmpike, uhhh.... sure you have the right channel there?01:57
kingspawndabaR: thats my man01:57
jdmpikeyeah, I run ubuntu01:57
KrhisAh, ok ok.01:57
_jasoneternaljoy-: don't know, I don't use thunderbird.  If it has its own updater, I guess it would be similar to firefox01:57
dabaRkingspawn: that's how I surf all my porn...01:57
kingspawndabaR: haha, thats hacker hardcore :)01:57
eternaljoy-_jason: ok ty01:57
jdmpikeI just need the options to pass it to tell it to run it in a window01:57
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KrhisIt's been so long since I've played WoW. I'm a Rangarok player really.01:58
KrhisBut I can't help you with it.01:58
polpakjdmpike, well, one option is to tell wine to use a virtual desktop01:58
KrollianHey, this here newbie would like to know how to download, install, and change my video driver.  ATI Radeon X800 GDO01:58
jdmpikeok, I will do that01:58
polpakjdmpike, I can't recall how to do it though01:58
jdmpikepolpak, you can do it in winecfg01:58
KrhisHmmm.... ATI..... >.>01:58
polpak!tell Krhis about ATI01:59
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juztinhelp!  my system tray disappeared!  what do i do ?!?01:59
polpakKrhis, whoops01:59
Krhis^^ It's ok.01:59
polpak!tell Krollian about ati01:59
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Xenguyjuztin: freak out!01:59
juztinXenguy, check!01:59
juztinfor real though....it's gone02:00
KrhisI've got a Nvidia myself.02:00
juztinso when i minimize to the system tray, i can't see it :(  what do i do?02:00
Xenguyjuztin: I hear it sometimes can happen with gnome02:00
_jasonjuztin: I'm afraid you need to reinstall.  Just kidding, right click and add to panel then choose notification area02:00
KrhisBFG GeForce 6800 GT OC 256MB (over clocked out of the box) if you care to know. XD02:00
sorsisjuztin: would it come back if you wou press ctrl+alt+bacspace and log on again?02:00
Xenguyjuztin: someone must know the command to invoke it02:00
juztinsorsis, nope02:00
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juztin_jason, that worked...but now it's in the _middle_ of my panel02:01
_jasonjuztin: drag it with your middle mouse button02:01
polpakjdmpike, I believe so yes02:01
Xenguyjuztin: it's not 'docker' is it?02:01
jdmpikepolpak, it is - wow is running in a window now!02:02
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polpakjdmpike, congrats =)02:02
jdmpikeI can't seem to connect to my realm though02:02
juztin_jason, you rock, thanks.... :D02:02
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD43B0F.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
juztinXenguy, nope, i got it :D02:02
KrhisWhy did I come here again? Oh yea....02:02
KrhisI would like to load a filesystem into my RAM. I have 3GB and would like to load a 1GB ext2 just for temp logs and stuff.02:02
Xenguyjuztin: K02:02
=== ufergus [n=rich@68-64-44-146.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
jdmpikeso - blackbox is like crazy fast!02:02
KrhisAny suggestions?02:02
cyphasecan you install ubuntu on one machine, then move the hard drive to another machine and boot without problems?02:02
polpakKrhis, ramdisk?02:02
=== Mixx [i=mixx@d60-65-201-134.col.wideopenwest.com] has joined #ubuntu
Krhisjdmpike, Fluxbox personally.02:02
cyphaseor at a minimum changing the kernel02:03
jdmpikeis flux just as fast?02:03
kingspawnKrhis: tmpfs02:03
Krhispolpak, thanks. I'll look into it now.02:03
KrhisYay, that's the one kingspawn.02:03
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jdmpikeman, wow is a hungry SOB02:05
jdmpikeit is eating my 1GB of ram02:05
polpakjdmpike, yeah..02:05
polpakjdmpike, most 3d mmo's are pretty huge02:06
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kbrookscan i format a inmemory fs?02:06
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kingspawnkbrooks: tmpfs02:07
=== cmmedina [n=cmmedina@cable200-116-188-223.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
Jhairtalking about eating ram...02:07
Jhair24867 ?????     16   0 4358m 945m  81m S  0.0 11.9   0:00.62 java02:07
kakashikingspawn ... im just facing another problem ... when i installed ubuntu i can only see a very disastrous screen after bootup ... any ideas ? ... i better look goooogle02:07
kingspawnthats what you get for having java on your system02:07
cmmedinaAutomatix for ubuntu rulz02:07
ubotuhmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.02:07
kingspawnkakashi: very disastrous? what is that? :)02:07
kbrookskingspawn: ?02:07
kbrookskingspawn: rephrase02:08
Jhairman that sucks :)02:08
kbrookskingspawn: hoqw do i format itt?02:08
kakashikingspawn: very very ...02:08
kbrooksto e.g. ext202:08
kingspawnkbrooks: hm, mkfs.extx?02:08
kingspawnwhere x is 2 or 3?02:09
cmmedinaI'm testing that02:09
cmmedinaI hope that work fine02:09
=== VR_ [n=vr@31-107.200-68.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
kbrookscmmedina: automatix is UNSAFE02:10
kbrookscmmedina: use "EasyUbuntu"02:10
VR_do it by handdd!~02:10
kbrooksVR_: who says.02:11
cmmedinaok I'll try it02:11
KrhisWhy not apt it like VR_ said?02:11
VR_kbrooks: i do02:11
kbrookscmmedina: channel: #easyubuntu02:11
cmmedinaI'm a new ubuntu user02:11
VR_i always feel so dirty when using those automated scripts02:11
KrhisThere are some good tutorials, cmmedina.02:11
=== lampshade [n=mrw@69-23-135-235.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #ubuntu
KrhisVR_, same here.02:11
VR_all you need is the wiki and the forums, maybe02:11
VR_and you can do it by hand02:12
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VR_cmmedina: what are you trying to do?02:13
cmmedinanothing in special02:13
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool91-114.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyis it possable to auto login via xdm ?02:14
kingspawnif youre trying to do nothing, dont use automatix to do nothing02:14
kingspawnjust sit still.02:15
Krhisintelikey, yes.02:15
cmmedinaonly I want to learn about ubuntu, and maybe I will work with some network aplications02:15
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intelikeyKrhis can you tell me howto ?02:15
VR_cmmedina: if you wanna learn about it, then don't use automatix or easyubuntu02:15
VR_cmmedina: you'll learn way more by doing it by yourself02:15
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KrhisSystem > Login Screen Setup > under the General tab.02:16
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KrhisIt's the Automatic Login option.02:16
intelikeyKrhis that doesn't affect xdm02:16
intelikeyonly works on gdm02:16
clvnCan anyone tell me the easy'est way to patch my kernel to > 2.6.14?02:16
KrhisOh.... sorry, thought you said gdm.02:16
=== kalthare [n=kalthare@c-71-197-114-207.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
VR_x and g practically look the same man02:17
=== Krhis checks
cmmedinayes, I know that02:17
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eternaljoy-cmmedina: hello02:17
intelikeyKrhis i'd use gdm but i can't spare the 100m+ hd space required....02:17
OrTigaShi! my laptop connected to ofc Network adn yesterday my laptop saw other win PC... not it didn't work again? any idea why?02:17
cmmedinaVR_: my English  is bad02:17
nilgrub is f*cked after a partition resizing; to reinstall it, I booted from a live-CD, mounted / and /boot on /mnt, then chrooted to mnt; but then grub-install fails; am I missing something?02:17
VR_cmmedina: youre doing fine02:17
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Krhisintelikey, I don't even use X at boot up.02:18
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cmmedinabut I know that is the best way to practice and learn02:18
KrhisNo login manager, just CLI then startx to get fluxbox up.02:18
kalthareWhere do I go for Xgl help?02:18
intelikeyKrhis well on this particular application i need autologin because the users passwd is locked.02:18
cmmedinaI need to start newly with linux02:19
kingspawnKrhis: why startx when theres emacs?02:19
kingspawn(im sorry ;)02:19
hyperactivecrondi have an old dell latitude cp... ubuntu dapper flight 6 wont detect my cdrom drive during install02:19
Krhislol, got me there kingspawn! XD02:19
kingspawnhyperactivecrond: does breezy work?02:19
hyperactivecrondkingspawn: nfi02:20
intelikeyso anyone else know if it's possable to autologin via XDM ?02:20
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KrhisFor a split second there I was like... How the.... before I finished reading the sentance.02:20
cmmedinawhen I had my first dist, I worked with Xfree, and now I can see new graphic aplications02:20
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Remy02:20
hyperactivecrond!dell latitude cp02:20
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hyperactivecrond02:20
hyperactivecrond!latitude cp02:20
ubotuhyperactivecrond: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:20
cmmedinaXorg is new for me02:20
Remyhey guys, as part of an installation I've been told to apply a "patch"  http://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/patches/ipaq-0.6-olivier.patch02:20
Remyanyone know how to do this ?02:21
thoreauputicintelikey: there are a couple of other *dm s - wdm I think? Don't know if it does autologins02:21
cmmedinaI need to start from 002:21
TheCreatureIf you go to Add Applications and try to add one and get an error that says"Installing this application would mean that something else needs to be removed. Please use the "Advanced" mode to install 'umbrello'." How do you get into the Advanced mode and is it dangerous?02:21
RemyI've tried running "sudo patch patchfile"02:21
Remybut that just sits there doing nothing02:21
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hyperactivecrondless fireup and see...02:21
hyperactivecrondwin2k that is02:21
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kingspawnRemy: try smoething along the lines of sudo patch -p1 < patchfile02:21
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arrickhey kingspawn that site you gave me on powersupplys is cool for running them parellel, but now I am looking for a mod to get my other hdd's powered without a mb attached02:21
Remykingspawn -p1 being ?02:22
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
Remythe file to be patched ?02:22
Stormx2Playback of .wma's is jerky, what should I do?02:22
kingspawnRemy: no, patchlevel02:22
hyperactivecrondStormx2: dont support wma and its nazi-ish leader/pusher02:22
Stormx2hyperactivecrond: Tough.02:23
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kingspawnRemy: might be p002:23
hyperactivecrondlol this thing has win2k on it... lets see...02:23
cmmedinaMay somebody tell me some ubuntu advantages ?02:23
obs-afkMmm, I found excellent ubuntu-admin food.02:23
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Remyhm, that works better, but I get an error saying cannot find file to patch :P02:23
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thoreauputiccmmedina: we would be flooding the channel :)02:23
hyperactivecrondthoreauputic: heh02:24
OrTigaShi! my laptop connected to ofc Network adn yesterday my laptop saw other win PC... now it didn't work again? any idea why?02:24
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kalthareRemy, you should be in the toplevel directory of the source tree you're patching02:24
kingspawnRemy: you have to be in the dir where the stuff to patch is02:24
kingspawnlike patching the kernel needs to be in the kernel-dir, etc02:24
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Remyso I'll need to recompile it maunally instead of installing from synaptic...02:24
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linuxpoetAnyone have any luck getting a: 0000:00:10.1 0403: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2) working?02:25
crimsunlinuxpoet: you need current ALSA, or Dapper.02:25
Stormx2Playback of .wma's is jerky, what should I do?02:26
kingspawni'll have me some whiskey02:26
Stormx2sorry *wmv s02:26
kingspawnmakes it all so much better.02:26
hyperactivecrondit's a TORiSAN CD-ROM CDR_U20002:26
kingspawnStormx2: delete every wmv you can find02:26
kingspawnStormx2: and never look back. its an evil format.02:26
Stormx2kingspawn: You sure are funny.02:26
kingspawnStormx2: i speak the truth.02:26
hyperactivecrondstormx2: don't be h8in02:26
kalthareAny help available for Xgl? It's using 99% to 100% CPU, and I haven't even started compiz yet02:26
Stormx2kingspawn: pr0n comes in 2 flavours, wma or none.02:26
linuxpoetcrimsun: I am running dapper and 2.6.1502:27
thoreauputicStormx2: more detail please - what are you using to play them?02:27
Stormx2thoreauputic: Totem02:27
kingspawnStormx2: you get your pron in audioformat? haha, nice.02:27
hyperactivecrondany module that would install that one?02:27
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)02:27
Stormx2thoreauputic: Nothing else works02:27
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crimsunlinuxpoet: /j #ubuntu+102:27
thoreauputicStormx2: totem-xine?02:27
kingspawnStormx2: first: switch to vlc.02:27
Stormx2kingspawn:: Thats why i said *wmv02:27
Stormx2kingspawn: Tried using that. Didn't work02:27
kingspawnStormx2: the wildcard would be wm*02:27
carthikkalthare, go to #ubuntu+1 please02:27
kingspawnStormx2: got the right codecs?02:27
Stormx2Think so02:27
kaltharecarthik, thanks02:27
linuxpoetcrimson I assume you are saying ask over there?02:27
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ubotuw32codecs is, like, a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install02:28
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kingspawnfollow thoreauputics advice02:28
carthiklinuxpoet, yes, that is a dapper issue, innit?02:28
TheCreatureIf you go to Add Applications and try to add one and get an error that says"Installing this application would mean that something else needs to be removed. Please use the "Advanced" mode to install 'umbrello'." How do you get into the Advanced mode and is it dangerous?02:28
kingspawnmight help, you might have overlooked something02:28
hyperactivecrondln -sf w32codecs crap02:28
kingspawnTheCreature: depends on what it wants to remove :)02:28
linuxpoetyes... I am in the room now02:28
jadaz87hello everyone i had wanted to come out with my own ubuntu distrobution like they have ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu i was wondering where can i start?02:28
TheCreaturekingspawn, how do I find out what it wants to remove?02:29
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Stormx2kingspawn: VLC only works when i right click the file > open with VLC. And it just closes at random points.02:29
arrickhey guys, I cant remember if the fan on the power supply is suposed to spin when it isnt hooked to a MB, does anybody know the answer to this question?02:29
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hyperactivecrondjadaz: /j #ubuntu-devel02:29
arrickbeen a long time since i messed with psu02:29
kingspawnStormx2: right click -> properties02:29
PuterIf I wanted UBUNTU to run a script at startup where would I start looking ?02:29
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kingspawnStormx2: and then tell it to autoplay with vlc02:29
hyperactivecrondPuter: /etc/init.d02:29
kingspawnarrick: its a dangerous game :)02:29
arrickI know02:29
PuterThanks hyper02:29
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hyperactivecrondbill's in the mail02:30
carthikTheCreature, go to "advanced mode" which is just synaptic. Before the thing gets installed, review the changes and if you dont like it dont let it install. You can also ask here if you are unclear then.02:30
arrickI've messed with them before, just been a while02:30
kingspawnarrick: yeah, i remember having two psu's going for a while, cant remember what for, though.. :)02:30
obscuritearrick - next, you need to rig up a smoke detector so when it catches fire it shuts down02:30
Stormx2kingspawn: Closes at random points.02:30
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intelikeyputer man init02:31
kingspawnStormx2: thats weird indeed.02:31
Firebird8is there any movie making app for linux?02:31
kingspawnStormx2: try installing all the codecs you can find in synaptic02:31
arrickI need the power for my other 4 drives, cause i have a 150w psu in the box, and another one outside the box02:31
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kingspawnStormx2: and if it works, start backtracking one by one, to remove the excess stuff02:31
kingspawnarrick: seems easier to just upgrade to a more powerful one ;)02:31
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arricknot without money02:32
PuterWill do Intel02:32
obscuritearrick - http://www.overclock.net/faqs/15751-info-can-i-use-two-power.html02:32
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arrickjust picked up a job this last month and gotta catch the bils up02:32
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TheCreaturecarthik, so synaptic manager is the advanced mode of add programs?02:33
carthikTheCreature, yes it is so - find out by clicking that advanced mode button :)02:33
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carthikTheCreature, you cannot break much if you read the messages before clicking buttons :)02:34
kingspawnaww, python is so cool02:34
MitjaWhat is the supplement for insserv?02:34
kingspawnarrick: hehe, whatcha doin?02:34
kingspawnarrick: jobwise, that is02:34
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carthikMitja, care to explain a bit more detail?02:34
Drac[Server] Is it possible to install the PPC version of Ubuntu onto a harddrive in a PC, and just not run it? I need a way to put it on the harddrive, and I don't have a modern Mac with which to do it - just an old one that won't run the CD properly.02:35
arricki have 8 hd's hooked to my server, however, the internal psu is not powerful enough for the unit and the extra fans and hd's02:35
TheCreaturecarthik, where's the advanced mode button ><  /me blind02:35
obscuritearrick - let me know if that link works so I can feel the karma ;)02:35
arrickI want to power the hd's outside the box02:35
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arrickok thanks obscurite02:36
io_How can I upgrade to the newest gnome?02:36
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arrickkingspawn, oh you mean jobwise, running a large linux network of 7000 computers at a school district02:36
Krhisio_, Ubuntu 6.04 will have the newest Gnome.02:36
kingspawnarrick: heck, that aint bad :)02:36
arrickjust new to linux02:36
kingspawnarrick: id shy away from that like i would the plague02:37
arrick10 years experience with m$ crap02:37
KrhisUbuntu is released according to Gnome's releases.02:37
arricknew learning curve02:37
Krhisarrick, ah, that's ok. Welcome.02:37
KrhisWe all went through that learning curve.02:37
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arrickyeah my first order was to go from suse10 to ubuntu on the whole dang system02:38
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arrickcause you cant get help with suse10 anywhere02:38
kingspawnKrhis: we all went through the 7000+ comp learning curve? :)02:38
regulatei just installed ubuntu and i'm a long time debian user and I like the fact there is 6 month updates02:38
_Dezi need help with my rt2500 wifi card02:38
intelikeylol.... wdm is kinda KUTE !  :)02:38
fatehazeHere's an odd question - can I use my Sony Ericson GC89 pc card to connect an ubuntu box to the internet through a cell phone network (GPRS/EDGE)?02:38
intelikeybut i don't think it supports auto login user....02:38
ubotuwireless is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers02:38
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arrickevening intelikey02:39
Krhiskingspawn, you mean you're was only 7000? XD02:39
_Dezi have installed ubuntu server and i have a supported wifi card i get device not found02:39
_Dezits in lspci02:39
mlaciplease somebody help me! i've just installed dapper drake and the installer didn't ask for any root passwords and now i can't login. what's the default password?02:40
kingspawnKrhis: haha02:40
arrick_Dez, only one eth device is active at a time02:40
fatehazeIs my question even possible on linux, in general terms?  Connecting to the internet on a cell phone network?02:40
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intelikey_Dez best i can do for you is point you to the wiki.02:40
ubotusomebody said wifi was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto02:40
naliothmlaci: 1: there is no root password 2: join #ubuntu+1 for discussion of dapper02:40
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ltR20how do i open up a file browser in root02:40
=== vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
Remyhey guys, I'm having an issue with Makefile02:40
Remyhow do I tell it to run make in the current directoy ?>02:41
intelikeyltR20 gksudo nautilus02:41
_Dezwhen i do ifconfig only lo shows up02:41
arrickRemy, you haev to be in the directoyr then type make02:41
Remywhenever I run 'make' I get this error:  make: *** No rule to make target `/lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386/build/drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h', needed by `usb-serial.h'.  Stop.02:41
Remyno matter what directory I'm in02:41
arrick_Dez, iwconfig for wireless02:41
RemyI always get that error02:41
kingspawnfatehaze: of course it is possible.02:41
Remywhether there is a Makefile in the directory or not !02:41
kingspawnfatehaze: with the right driver, you can do anything on linux02:41
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intelikeyRemy is there a Makefile in the pwd ?02:42
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_Dezarrick my i privmsg you?02:42
Remypwd ?02:42
hyperactivecrondRemy: Print Working Directory02:42
intelikeyremy do you have b-e installed ?02:42
arrick_Dez, just join #arrick02:42
hyperactivecrond== directory02:42
=== Gareth [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuwell, b-e is no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.02:42
fatehazekingspawn: thanks, here's hoping02:42
Remyintelikey yes there is02:42
Remy(a makefile)02:42
RemyI don't know about b-e... what is that ?02:42
kingspawnfatehaze: heh, but that takes the skill to code the drivers yourself if they dont exist :)02:42
intelikeyhyperactivecrond pwd != print....  present working dir02:43
Remyintelikey, but even if there isn't a makefile I still get the same error02:43
TheCreaturewhen I try to install a package, I get messages saying that it's got unresolved dependancies. When I go to install the thing that it depends on, I get the following msg: kdelibs4c2-dbg:02:43
TheCreature Depends: kdelibs4c2 (=4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1) but it is not installable Any way to fix that?02:43
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fatehazekingspawn: I can probably guess that there is no linux support on those Sony Ericsson drivers, right?  :P02:43
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hyperactivecrondah shell variable $PWD is that02:43
intelikeyRemy b-e ?02:43
Remyintelikey, what is b-e ?02:43
hyperactivecrondbut iirc program pwd = print working dir02:43
ubotuI heard b-e is no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo apt-get install build-essential.02:44
obscuriteOne of my mdadm raid1 drives automatically rebuilts when i remove it and re-attach it. The other one doesn't - after i remove it, it doesn't get recognized again. Any ideas?02:44
Remyintelikey I do have b-e02:44
intelikeyhyperactivecrond yes... but asking about files in the pwd would clearify which i meant, would it not ?02:44
kingspawnfatehaze: cant tell you, but doesnt seem likely :)02:44
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Remythe question is, why would running make always give me the same error, irrespective of whether there is a Makefile in the current directory or not !?02:45
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_jason!b-e =~ s/apt-get/aptitude/02:46
ubotu_jason: OK02:46
intelikeyRemy if you have b-e installed, any you said you do.  and there is a makefile in the pwd, and you said there is.  then something must have went wrong with the .configure   the makefile has errors.02:46
kingspawnRemy: whats the error? i havent been following conv.02:46
Remy$ make02:46
Remymake: *** No rule to make target `/lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386/build/drivers/usb/serial/usb-serial.h', needed by `usb-serial.h'.  Stop.02:46
intelikeyerr ./configure ^02:46
RemyI can run make ANYWHERE, and I get that same message02:46
Remydoesn't matter if there is a makefile there or not...02:46
kingspawnRemy: what if you run "make clean" anywhere? does it actually do anything?02:47
thoreauputicRemy: you do know about ./configure, right?02:47
Remyhm hang on sec...02:47
kingspawnthis seems to be unrelated to configure and makefiles, really02:47
kingspawnsince it is looking around in kernel trees02:48
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thoreauputic!info kernel-package02:48
ubotukernel-package: (A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages.), section misc, is optional. Version: 9.001ubuntu5 (breezy), Packaged size: 352 kB, Installed size: 1316 kB02:48
Remyok, I take it back... it's only happening in that directory, so it must be THAT particular makefile...02:48
RemyThe makefile was downloaded from there02:48
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intelikeykingspawn i don't know why it would look in /lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386/build/drivers/usb/serial/ unless the makefile sent it there.... ?02:49
eugmanI've got a 13 and a half hour long mp3. How can I break it into cd sized chunks?02:49
Remyhttp://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/usbpatch.php#compile  <-- what does point 1 there mean ?02:50
kingspawnintelikey: hm, no, you've got a valid point02:50
RemyWhat kernel source tree would they be talking about ?02:50
RemyThe source for my linux, or for the program I'm trying to compile ?02:50
kingspawnRemy: what are you trying to do?02:50
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kingspawnRemy: im starting to feel intelikey on this one02:50
Remykingspawn trying to syncronise an IPAQ h5550 with ubuntu...02:51
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RemyI need to apply a patch02:51
Remyan recompile it manually...02:51
Kusza_135I have a small02:51
sonicDoes anyone know how i can easily remove an install of Ubuntu that I made by mistake?02:51
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Xenguysonic: there's no such thing02:51
intelikeysonic format the partition ?02:52
sonicwhen I boot now, I get a choice of ubuntu, ubuntu failsafe, ubuntu, ubuntu failsafe02:52
Kusza_135I can't install desktop themes02:52
TheCreaturewhen I try to install a package, I get messages saying that it's got unresolved dependancies. When I go to install the thing that it depends on, I get the following msg: kdelibs4c2-dbg: Depends: kdelibs4c2 (=4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1) but it is not installable Any way to fix that?02:52
kingspawnRemy: aha. well, where did you get the patch, whats its name, have you applied it correctly, have you done "man patch" have you read up on how the ipaq integrates with linux?02:52
Kusza_135whatshould i do ??02:52
sonicits like I installed Ubuntu twice by mistake or something02:52
sonicor maybe an updates went wrong02:52
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intelikeysonic wait.  you only want to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:52
_jasonTheCreature: can you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please and give us a link?02:52
Xenguysonic: nah, it wasn't a mistake; it was fate =)02:53
Remykingspawn yes to most of the above... That site where I d/l that man file from has fairly comprehensive details on how to do it, unfortunately they aren't comprehensinve enough for a noobie like myself, so I'm just kinda blundering along :)02:53
obscuriteXenguy - can Xen run as a client yet? or does it still take over your system?02:53
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Remyatm I'm doing this:  http://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/tarballs.php02:53
sonicintelikey: how do I edit the file?02:53
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sonicor rather, how would I open it through the terminal02:54
MdSalihis there anything like daemon tools for ubuntu ?02:54
intelikeysonic gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.lis02:54
RemyI'm assuming that I should apply the patch somewhere in the middle of that process02:54
kingspawnRemy: go through that stuff that you linked here step by step02:54
_jasonMdSalih: what do they do?02:54
Xenguyobscurite: don't be fooled by my nick :-) But I think Xen is 'pre-kernel' in a sense, isn't it?02:54
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Xenguyobscurite: BTW I hide the nick first :-)02:54
TheCreature_jason, Sure http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1171902:54
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intelikeysonic that assumes default ubuntu02:54
obscuriteXenguy - ahh, sorry. ;) yeah, it's a kernel replacement, from what I understand02:55
ubotuwell, flight is http://www.ubuntu.com/testing02:55
sonicintelikey:  that command opens up a blank text document02:55
intelikeysonic  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst     if you did a server install02:55
ubotu[xen]  a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/ .02:55
dabaR_jason:  20:09 < ubotu> well, flight is http://www.ubuntu.com/testing02:55
dabaR20:09 < sonic> intelikey:  that command opens up a blank text document02:55
dabaR20:09 < intelikey> sonic  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.lst     if you did a02:55
ubotusudo is, like, totally, a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:55
Remykingspawn , I am... but what I don't understand is where/when do I apply this patch:  http://synce.sourceforge.net/synce/usb_linux.php (see under special information for h5550)02:55
dabaR                   sorry.02:55
Xenguyobscurite: it's the lowest layer, and everything stalls on top (I think :P )02:55
PuterSo to get UBUNTU to enable port forwarding at bootup I would create a script (echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward) into /etc/rc1.d ?02:55
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dabaR_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1148702:55
eugmanAnyone know how to split up a mp3?02:55
sonicis it supposed to be blank?02:55
obscuriteXenguy - I just wish it could run in a vmware-like way, so I don't have to have a funky kernel and all that02:55
Xenguysonic: split ?02:56
obscuriteXenguy - vmware workstation that is. ;)02:56
sonicxenguy:  I dont quite understand?02:56
Xenguyobscurite: it doesn't run d0ze either yet, does it?02:56
normanHi I've never been on linux before! Any tips to play dvd and avi dvix etc02:56
OrTigaShi! my laptop connected to ofc Network and yesterday my laptop saw other win PC... now it didn't work again? any idea why?02:56
obscuriteXenguy - not last i checked which was a while back02:56
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)02:56
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PuterSo to get UBUNTU to enable port forwarding at bootup I would create a script (echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward) into /etc/rc1.d ?02:56
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intelikeysonic my bad,  pasted something else.... sorry.    gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst02:56
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_jasonTheCreature: issue the following command to edit your sources, gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list'              delete the last 2 nonempty lines in your sources.list and then remove the # from the beginning of all of the lines that start with # (with the exception of backports, those should stay commented imo)02:57
arrickwhere is the wireless conf located on the ubuntu terminals?02:57
Firebird8anyone know of a movie making app for linux????02:57
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dabaR_jason: just make him paste what is on that pastebin, that is a good sources setup.02:57
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_jasondabaR: is that for ... was about to ask you that :)02:57
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Remyany ideas kingspawn ?02:57
Xenguysonic: neither do I ATM :-)02:57
intelikeyarrick /etc  is the base dir for "almost" all linux configs.02:58
_jasonTheCreature: alternatively you can just delete the contents of yours and use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11487 that dabaR made for you02:58
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ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arrick02:58
sonicintelikey:  Thanks, shall I just delete the boot options I dont need?02:58
arrickok tanks02:58
intelikeysonix yep.02:58
intelikeysonic yep02:58
MdSalihis there anything in ubuntu that will mount a disk image .. i.e iso/cue & bin/nrg02:58
intelikeyi need to go learn how to type....02:58
TheCreature_jason, Ok, I'll try that. Thanks :)02:59
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_jasonMdSalih: the mount command, mount -t iso9660 -loop 0 /path/to/iso /mount/point02:59
cloudnethow do i play a dvd?02:59
sonicintelikey:  thanks alot man02:59
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)02:59
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mystic_portal!tell cloudnet about dvd02:59
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_jasonMdSalih: oops, I messed up, instead of '-loop 0' it's '-o loop' :)03:00
TheCreature_jason, so I replace my sources text w/ that completely? Like 100%?  *just making sure*03:00
_jasonTheCreature: yep03:00
CBGHey folks. I ran Ubuntu on a live CD. I have a wireless network here yet in Administration > Networking I can only choose between Ethernet and Modem. I don't even get a chance to Add anything which the help said I could. Any ideas?03:00
dabaRTheCreature: you can, that one is good.03:00
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_jasonTheCreature: once you do that, save it.  Then run 'sudo apt-get update'03:00
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ubotuhmm... list is you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage03:01
intelikey_jason you too ehh ?03:01
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_jasonintelikey: hmm?03:01
_jasonintelikey: oh, yeah I need to learn to type too03:01
mystic_portal!tell CGB about live cd03:01
mystic_portal!tell CGB about Networking03:02
eugmanHEY, anyone know of a easy way to split a huge mp3 file into cd sized chunks?03:02
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FireplaceTVeugman: audacity?03:02
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:02
CBG!tell CBG about live cd03:02
_jasoneugman: man split ?  or do they need to be playable?03:02
CBG!tell CBG about Networking03:02
zerboxxCan anyone help me with a unique booting question? I have a button on my laptop which loads PowerCinema Linux, and I'm wondering if I can make it boot ubuntu instead03:02
intelikeyit's not even a full moon _jason, idk what's up; but i've typoed some dandies today.03:02
CBGpff, neither work...03:02
eugmanPlayable. This is 13 hours long so it take a while for audacity to even import it.03:02
dabaRCBG: /msg the bot03:03
FireplaceTV!tell FireplaceTV about firewire03:03
CBGdabaR: with...? :/03:03
eugmanAnd don't yell at me to not use evil restricted formats. I got this from project gutenberg and all they had was mp3.03:03
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tritiumeasy there, eugman03:03
intelikeyeugman :)03:03
eugmanyeah that was too much sorry.03:03
dabaRCBG: /msg ubotu networking or whatever.03:04
FireplaceTVwe're going to sue you now.03:04
katya`anyone know why when I use my wireless with dhcp it loses the connection like every minute, if I type dhclient it will reconnet, but lose it again03:04
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LazyAngelhow can i make a deb from a "bin" installation file?03:04
mystic_portal!tell katya` about wireless03:04
intelikeyCBG tegestered nick ?03:04
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, mystic_portal03:04
CBGdabaR: It doesn't know anything about Networking or Live CD.03:04
dabaRLazyAngel: what is the bin?03:05
eugmanSo does anyone know of a file splitting program that will produce playable output?03:05
intelikeyregistered even03:05
LazyAngeldabaR: doom303:05
CBGintelikey: I can send and revieve PMs, if that's what you mean.03:05
eugmanOr do I have to use audacity?03:05
dabaRCBG: I know something about those.03:05
CBG<ubotu> i dunno what is 'live cd'.03:05
CBG<ubotu> i dunno what is 'Networking'.03:05
FireplaceTVlame probably does it by the command line somehow03:05
mystic_portal!tell dabaR about doom03:05
intelikeyso while it's quiet in here,  anyone know if it's possable to autologin via xdm ?03:06
dabaRmystic_portal: lazyangel needed that:)03:06
_jasoneugman: strangely enough, I just found mp3split in the repos :)  seems to do what you want03:06
mystic_portal!tell lazyangel about doom03:06
CBGso, nobody can help me?03:06
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dabaRCBG: what was the question you asked?03:06
kingspawn_jason: does mp3split split up large mp3s into smaller ones? i just had the idea to code that in the toilet an hour ago... :)03:07
LazyAngeldabaR, mystic_portal: that was not what i asked for03:07
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_jasonkingspawn: no idea, I only searched and got mp3splt - Splits MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files without reencoding03:07
katya`that site doesn't do any good, I already got it running I don't understand why it keeps losing the connection, I'm assuming it's something with dhclient03:07
kingspawn_jason: that is, the idea came to me in the toilet, i dont want to code it in the toilet... ;)03:07
bassmoyubuntu spanish?03:07
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dabaRCBG: wireless often requires additional setup. you can start by asking ubotu about wireless03:07
_jasonkingspawn: ha03:07
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:07
CBGAdministration > Networking does not let me "Add" like the help suggests.03:07
eugmanKingspawn, or evern better, code it on your computer.03:07
dabaRLazyAngel: did you read that wiki page?03:07
mystic_portal!tell Lazyangel question03:07
kingspawneugman: its worth a shot, aint it ;)03:08
ubotufrom memory, questions is what #ubuntu exists for. Please help by asking good, clear questions. http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html is recommended reading03:08
mystic_portalread that lazy angel03:08
TheCreature_jason, I get this at the end of apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11720 Is that ok?03:08
FireplaceTVso i want to mount an external firewire drive on my g303:08
LazyAngelmystic_portal, dabaR: yes, i asked for how to build a deb file from a bin file. you linked to a file how to install a bin file... :/03:09
dabaRTheCreature: no, that is no good.03:09
ubotuit has been said that gpgerr is a GPG-related error that sometimes occur when accessing the Ubuntu archives; it can usually be solved by typing "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/*Release*" (without the quotes!) in a terminal03:09
FireplaceTVbut when i look in the /dev directory, i see hd*, md*, ram*, and tty* devices03:09
_jasonTheCreature: probably not and I've never seen that03:09
mystic_portal!tell lazyangel about deb03:09
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FireplaceTVbut not the drive i want to mount (from what i've gathered, it should be /dev/sda or something like that)03:09
LazyAngel!tell mystic_portal about deb03:09
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LazyAngelmystic_portal: stop spamming me with that crap. if you can't help, stfu!!03:10
tritiumLazyAngel: be nice, please03:10
TheCreaturedabaR and _jason, so how should I fix it? ><'03:10
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_jasonTheCreature: see what ubotu said03:10
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.03:10
LazyAngeltritium: i'm not the one spamming with alot off bs03:10
mystic_portalgeese just trying to help!03:10
tritiumLazyAngel: they're trying to help you.  Please return the kindness03:11
kbrooksLazyAngel: LANGUAGE03:11
_jasonubotu: tell TheCreature about gpgerr03:11
_jasonTheCreature: check your private messages from ubotu now03:11
sonicis there any way to find out the exact make and model of my ethernet card?03:11
OrTigaShi! my laptop connected to ofc Network and yesterday my laptop saw other win PC... now it didn't work again? any idea why?03:11
FireplaceTVlol. i like how "STFU" triggers a bad language response03:11
tritiumsonic: check your dmesg and lspci output03:11
intelikeyTheCreature what happens if you do "sudo apt-get install gnupg gpgkeys "   ?03:11
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TheCreature_jason, ok thanks :)03:11
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sonictritium:  how do I do that, lol03:12
LazyAngelmystic_portal: you can have a look at that stuff that you pass from the bot. they arent what i was asking for. you are just writing random words hoping that will help03:12
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tritiumsonic: type either into a terminal03:12
KR3470R0Hiya, i need some help with Ubuntu03:12
Inazadkingspawn, hi03:12
sonicahh, my bad03:12
dabaRKR3470R0: why did you come to #ubuntu then, we help with gentoo...03:12
KR3470R0trying to install eternal lands - but whenever i run the executable, i get Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server03:13
KR3470R0Xlib: No protocol specified03:13
Inazadkingspawn, how I can wrtie/read on my NTFS HD ?03:13
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zerboxxDoes anyone here have a laptop with a PowerCinema button??03:14
TheCreatureintelikey, I'm trying it now. I think it's downloading stuff.03:14
KR3470R0any ideas?03:15
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Inazadanyone know how to resolve my prob ?03:15
dabaRKR3470R0: what is the command you are running?03:15
kingspawnInazad: you cant write to it03:15
kingspawnInazad: you can read it, though03:15
crouchingMonkeyhow can i get beagle to work ? im having some issues with it03:15
cloudnetdoes mark hangout on irc ever?03:15
dabaRKR3470R0: is that in a terminal?03:15
_jasonWhen I insert a dvd I get the following in dmesg, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11721 .  Thing is, it will randomly work if I keep try.  If anyone has any idea what is going on I'd appreciate it.  Yes, does this with other dvd's and even regular cd's and it has always done this, I know the drive sucks.  But maybe someone has some knowledge about it... please :)03:15
dabaRcloudnet: he comes to #ubuntu-meeting, I would expect.03:15
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cloudnetwhere is the schedule?03:16
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PwcrLinuxHi all :)03:17
cloudnetcool :)03:17
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dj_in the instlation it never asked for a root password03:17
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_jasonubotu: tell dj_ about root03:18
dj_so what is the root pass to my machine03:18
kingspawndj_: expert install?03:18
PwcrLinux_jason: Did you enable the DMA for the CDRW/DVD drive?03:18
Inazadkingspawn, no I dont have the access03:18
_jasonPwcrLinux: yep03:18
Inazadkingspawn, but I see it03:18
dj_why thank you03:18
dj_KingBahamut, : no03:18
kingspawnInazad: mount it with umask=022203:18
crouchingMonkeyneed some help with my beagle problem plz :D03:18
PwcrLinux_Jason, okay I'm looking at now03:18
kingspawndj_: the root account is disabled in ubuntu by default, when not doing an expert install03:18
kingspawndj_: thats why.03:18
Inazadkingspawn, what's the command03:19
KR3470R0so does anyone have any ideas for my prob?03:19
KR3470R0i'm pretty new to linux altogether03:19
kingspawnInazad: eh, well, mount /dev/whatever /somewhere -o umask=022203:19
carthik!tell dj_ about root03:19
PwcrLinux_jason: how old on your CD drive?03:19
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kingspawndj_: you can enable it, if you feel like it03:20
kingspawndj_: or you can use sudo to do root-work03:20
Inazadkingspawn, Can I put the mounted HD into /mnt/HD_Externe03:20
GfunKAllright, I need some help configuring my PCMCIA wireless card on my laptop that's currently running Ubuntu03:20
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kingspawnInazad: yes indeed you can03:20
dj_fixing tht little problem right now03:20
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GfunKDoes someone think they can help me?03:21
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_jasonPwcrLinux: 4 years, it's a toshiba sd-c2612 .  It's known to have problems from what I have gathered, but since it works sometimes I was hoping there could be something I could do to make it work more often03:21
Traehttp://pastebin.com/647196  <-- Could someone take a look at that Networking question?  I didn't want to paste it into the channel03:21
MdSalihhow can i play a dvd on linux03:21
MdSalihhave mounted a dvd iso03:21
MdSalihtotem doesn't want to play it03:21
_jasonubotu: tell MdSalih about dvd03:21
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_jasonMdSalih: try totem-xine03:21
Inazadkingspawn, but now I don't have the permission and I don't have the root' password...03:21
=== edir [n=edir@201-0-17-131.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
PwcrLinux_jason: Hmm 4 years old need to replace it, since the laser going bad..03:21
ubotuI guess restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats03:22
Inazadkingspawn, I know what I have to do03:22
Inazadkingspawn, I brb03:22
Dolmubotu: tell Dolm about nvidia drivers03:22
kingspawnInazad: just do sudo before your command03:22
kingspawnInazad: and enter your own password03:22
_jasonPwcrLinux: hrmm I see03:22
Inazadkingspawn, wait me03:22
mystic_portal!tell inazad about sudo03:22
thoreauputic!tell Dolm about nvidia03:22
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=== KR3470R0 coughs
edirthis line are right? (/dev/sda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       0) it's not mounting.03:23
GfunKI have drivers installed for the card using ndiswrapper, but I can't get it to actually send or receive anything03:23
GfunKAny help would be greatly appreciated03:23
mystic_portalGfunk one sec03:23
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nickgarvey!tell GfunK about wireless03:24
mystic_portal!tell Gfunk about ndiswrapper03:24
mystic_portalthose two should help03:24
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mystic_portal!tell Gfunk about ndis03:24
PwcrLinux_jason: vibration or laser bad, then replace new one. I've experinced with my CD drive vibrations goes bad, and I replaced the slim drive for my lappy, it's works good,  better get a sony or LG, not cheapie CD drive which is have no caches on it..03:24
mystic_portalit got quiet03:25
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_jasonPwcrLinux: alright cool, what's an approximate price on what it cost you for the laptop one?03:25
=== ubuntu is now known as Fuku
Newphi when i try to install on my toshiba L25-S1196 laptop it starts to boot the install then the screen just goes black... i cant seem to find anything on google about it... can anyone help?03:25
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obscuriteYay I finally figured out how to get that drive back into my raid1 array03:25
nickgarveyNewp: try passing "expert noapic nolapic"03:25
mystic_portal_jason they run about 25-75 bucks03:25
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nickgarveyNewp: when you boot it type that in quotes03:25
nickgarveyNewp: DON'T PUT THE QUOTES but put what I said that are in the quotes03:26
PwcrLinux_jason: it's $69.99 at local puter shop I bought it..03:26
Newpgotcha..let me try that03:26
_jasonmystic_portal, PwcrLinux: thanks03:26
FukuI have a big problem, i cant boot anymore (im on live cd now), it says something like "id spawned too fast" and cant load bin/getty03:26
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troyhi does anyone know how to convert chm file into html03:27
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FukuSeomeone know seomthing about this ? i cant boot anymore and its...yes...anoying03:27
mystic_portal!tell Fuku about boot03:27
Fukuit didnt work mystic, maybe because im on live cd dont know03:27
Fukubut i didnt had the message about boot03:27
GfunKWell, I've done some readon about ndiswrapper and it does seem to work properly with this card (Belkin F5D6020 Ver. 3)03:28
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Fuku03:28
obscuritetroy - google for chm2html. there's a lot of stuff.03:28
GfunKI have a feeling the problem is just with configuration03:28
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Fukuit's done03:29
Newpnickgarvey: no same black screen03:29
nickgarveyNewp: have you tried playing with the boot codes?03:30
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Newpdont even know what that is :)03:30
nickgarveyNewp: perhaps expert vga=(somethingdon'trememeber) noapic nolapic03:30
nickgarveyNewp: hit f2 f3 ... and such before you hit enter03:30
nickgarveyNewp: it will give you bunch of options to type before booting03:31
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nickgarveyNewp: mix and match ;)03:31
nickgarveyNewp: worked for me on my laptop, painful though heh03:31
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mystic_portal!tell newp about installguide03:31
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nickgarveyNewp: I ended up using a remote X server on my windows laptop to make a gnome like screen on my windows computer03:31
Dolmhuh..synaptic is asking for my hoary disc but i dont have it..there another way to install the upgrades?03:31
nickgarveyNewp: it was as if I was right in front of the ubuntu machine, but I was able to still use windows03:32
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_jasonDolm: go to settings > repostories, and disable the cdrom repository03:32
=== ltR20 [n=ltR20@modemcable199.199-82-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ltR20_jason you here?03:32
_jasonltR20: yes03:32
ltR20I made a new user03:32
ltR20how do i delete the old one?03:32
sgt-dykehi everyone.. i have a mp3 player and when i plug it in my usb.... the light on my mp3 goes on and nothing else... is there a folder somewhere or should i enter some command manually... ???03:33
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Dolmthanks, you people rock03:33
intelikeyhmmm i'm kinda slow.... i just learned that  "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu $(lsb_release -r) main restricted universe multiverse "  is the full list in one line.....03:33
obscuritestupid question - when i apt-get stuff, sometimes it asks me to insert the install CD. how can I stop this?03:33
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nickgarveyltR20: deluser? or userdel?03:33
PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: check in the terminal box and run lsusb03:33
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nickgarveyobscurite: hey someone just asked that ;) one second03:33
_jasonltR20: I would keep it for a few days.  I found myself saying, ``oh yeah I needed that!''  and then went back and copied.  But once you decide it's time, deluser is the command you want.  And if you read 'man deluser' you will see what options you can pass so that the files get deleted too (you may or may not want to do that)03:34
nickgarveyobscurite: go to settings > repostories, and disable the cdrom repository03:34
sgt-dykealright i'm gonna check that pwcrlinux03:34
crouchingMonkeyhow do i update to the new nvidia video drivers ?03:34
ltR20_jason and can i rename the new account to the old one?03:34
troyobscurite: could u give me the link03:34
ltR20because my old one was "alex" this one is "alex2" i wan't to knock off the 2:)03:34
intelikeyobscurite  'gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list '   and  comment out the cdrom03:34
obscuritenickgarvey - thanks!03:34
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Newpgot it!03:35
_jasonltR20: yeah once, you delete the old one.  Then you need to use usermod (you'll want to change the name as well as the $HOME location)03:35
=== linley_ [n=linley@CPE-60-228-125-149.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Newplinux vga=771 noapic nolapic :)03:35
sgt-dykemaybe it's could be that pwcrlinux but ??? what should i do with it03:35
sgt-dykeBus 004 Device 002: ID 04f1:6103 Victor Company of Japan, Ltd03:35
Newpthanks nickgarvey03:35
PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: did you see the list of device on your USB port or box?03:35
mystic_portal!tell sgt-dyke about pwcrlinux03:35
nickgarveyNewp: :) alright, thinks might be fun after they get installed, I will sho wyou this link03:36
ipfwI can't get a proxy line working in apt.conf .. anyone have an example ?03:36
nickgarveyNewp: what is the brand of your laptop?03:36
ubotumethinks apt_proxy is for Apt via a http proxy, make a file called apt;conf in /etc/apt and put this in it...     Acquire::http::Proxy "http://PROXYADDRESS:PORT";03:36
_jason!apt_proxy =~ s/apt;conf/apt.conf/03:37
ubotu_jason: OK03:37
sgt-dykepwcrlinux Yeah i see maybe a lot of them    Bus 004 Device 002: ID 04f1:6103 Victor Company of Japan, Ltd   (---- this one should be the right03:37
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MdSalih_jason - have installed totem-xine and now can get vobs to play... how can i get it to load the whold dvd now ?03:37
PwcrLinuxSgt: okay good and then do a dmesg and look for the victor line..03:37
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Frogzooanyone had wine break on them, and uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't fix the problem? this seems to have happened after I enabled prelinking...03:38
troyhi does anyone know any package to convert chm file into html03:38
_jasonMdSalih: I just tell it to play the dvd and it does, don't knwo what else you would ahve to do03:38
MdSalih__jason - how do you tell it to ? :P03:38
MdSalihi have it mounted in /media/iso03:38
MdSalihhowever i only have play cd/dvdrw in the file list03:38
intelikeychm anything like asp ?03:38
MdSalihthat corresponds to cdrom003:38
_jasonMdSalih: hrmm right, I've never used it on a mounted...03:39
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nickgarveytroy: google chm2html is what that one guy said03:39
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PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: okay good and then do a dmesg and look for the victor line..03:39
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aajajhi all again03:39
_jasonMdSalih: try passing it in command line03:39
aajajim trying to run dvb with tzap03:39
TheCreatureintelikey, it worked well I think. Didn't give me any errors.03:39
aajajbut i get this error03:39
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, mystic_portal03:40
mystic_portal!do you sleep03:40
ubotumethinks do you sleep is I'll sleep when I'm dead03:40
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ipfw_jason:  thanks man .. I had a huge apt.conf, and that 1 liner is all I really needed (dumped the rest)   :P03:40
pundaican someone explain why if i try to install libapr0-dev synaptic tells me i have to unin stall 5 billionother unrelated packages03:40
MdSalih_jason - thank you. that worked03:40
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sgt-dykepwcrlinux i found something telling me that he found my....  mp3 player03:40
aajajERROR: error while parsing inversion (syntax error)03:40
nickgarveytroy: http://xchm.sourceforge.net/ might be what you want, MIGHT03:40
_jasonipfw, MdSalih: np03:40
nekohayohey people, anyone has an idea why a network interface would not be automatically be activated at startup? (doing ifdown ath0 && ifup ath0 makes it work)03:40
ipfw_jason:  you running dapper ?03:41
ltR20_jason is there a usermod gui?03:41
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PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: great and did you mounted it?03:41
_jasonltR20: maybe, but I don't know of one03:41
_jasonltR20: if you aren't sure of something by reading the man, just ask03:41
_jasonipfw: nope03:41
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sgt-dykepwcrlinux no sir cause i dont know how03:41
saifhello, how can i change the name of my network interfaces??? e.g. eth2 to eth003:42
pundainekohayo, maybe it needs to be enabled in /etc/network/interfaces03:42
TheCreatureOk I tried apt-get update agaon and it still gives me the errors: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1172503:42
theCoretroy: well, I don't know how to convert them, `xchm' can read CHM file03:42
intelikeyTheCreature in linux.  no error means no error.03:42
nickgarveyTheCreature: after easy source and everything?03:42
troynickgarvey: those are all windows programs03:42
ltR20_jason i removed my old folder, it looks like it's gone now.03:42
nickgarveytroy: I will call that a joke..03:42
PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: okay check df which /dev/ line for the mp3 player.. should be excatly same MB or GB on your player..03:42
_jasonltR20: and you deluser old_usr?03:42
nickgarveytroy: and I will suggest you read it again..03:42
nekohayopundai: on first look, it is.. and I configured it using the gnome "network-admin"03:42
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ltR20yes _jason03:42
ltR20is everything assosiated with that account deleted now?03:43
pundainekohayo, look at dmesg03:43
intelikeytroy no help but you can look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/d11724 <---  doesn't look promising.03:43
aajajanyone knows what this means when using tzap "ERROR: error while parsing inversion (syntax error)"03:43
troytheCore: yes that true but need to convert them to html for a project03:43
pundaisee if theresa nything interesting in there03:43
_jasonltR20: so now you want to change the name of your new guy and move your new home folder?03:43
TheCreatureintelikey, but there are errors. 3 of them: GPG Error: blab blah03:43
=== TheCreature is confused ><
nickgarveyTheCreature: post your sources.lst in pastebin03:43
ltR20yes _jason.03:43
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ltR20the new one is "alex2"03:43
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TheCreaturenickgarvey, ok03:43
nekohayopundai: hmm nope, nothing besides the usual "ath0: no IPv6 routers present"... I had that all the time03:43
ltR20i want it to be "alex"03:43
nickgarveywhat is the difference between "cat" and "more"03:43
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crimsunnickgarvey: page height.03:44
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nickgarveycrimsun: I don't understand03:44
_jasonltR20: usermod -d /home/alex -m -l alex alex2, should do it assuming you want him to be alex now03:44
nekohayopundai: I would use network manager, but it seems to be currently (as of.. right now) broken... the applet doesn't appear in the tray03:44
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crimsunnickgarvey: one scrolls one screenful at a time03:44
_jasonltR20: you probably want to logout before doing that03:44
nekohayousing dapper drake. stupid me, I forgot to mention03:44
nickgarveytrogdor was a man... I mean he was a dragon man.. well maybe he was just a dragon..03:44
intelikeyTheCreature yeah, i see that.  i don't know why you can't gpg those things....  there is something fishy there.03:44
nickgarveycrimsun: ah I see, thank you03:44
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sgt-dykepwcrlinux  No one ....03:44
pundainekohayo, well why does it think that03:44
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TROGDOR42Been a long time since I been here03:44
TheCreaturenickgarvey, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1172603:44
nekohayopundai: think what?03:44
_jasonltR20: hrmm I just thought of something, did you give your new user sudo rights?03:45
Frogzoonickgarvey: cat concatenates several files, more buffers screenfuls to the display - see their manpages, or just try them out - oh, and less > more03:45
nickgarveyTROGDOR42: long time no burnination...03:45
ltR20_jason, will the clipbord work w/o x?03:45
troynickgarvey: the difference is when there are a lot of line03:45
nickgarveyFrogzoo: yeah I didn't know about less until a few days ago, I was slapping myself ;)03:45
pundainekohayo, that there is no ath003:45
ltR20_jason, I think so.. how do i check?03:45
theripperwhy does bon echo doesnt work in flight6 , it works in breezy03:45
PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: go ahead paste on the other site and give me the url with ### in it..03:45
ubotuDon't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text.03:46
ltR20_jason, I'm able to sudo.. i was able to delete the old user w/ sudo03:46
Frogzootheripper: for dapper -> #ubuntu+103:46
_jasonltR20: ah right03:46
ubotumystic_portal: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:46
TraeI can't seem to get Ubuntu Flight 6 to see my wireless card at boot: It's an ACX111   Is there anything I should put on the command line at boot of the cd?  I'm sure Ubuntu Breezy would probably have the same issue...03:46
_jasonltR20: no i don't think the clipboard works without X03:46
nekohayopundai: no, it says no IPv6 ROUTERS present, blah blah, it's just some useless warnings... besides, my /etc/network/interfaces is properly configured (99% certain) because ifup ath0 works directly.03:46
nickgarveyTheCreature: and easysource made that for you?03:46
ltR20haha ill write it down i guess :/03:46
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ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.03:46
sgt-dykepwcrlinux #dyke03:46
PwcrLinuxsgt-dyke: copy the line for your mp3 player in lsusb, dmesg and df in the pastebin03:47
dabaRI'm not going to that channel:P03:47
=== orbin [n=orbin@WNPP-p-203-54-24-31.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
TheCreaturenickgarvey, easy source?  Is it that website you gave me earlier?  Icouldn't figure out how to make that work (which checkboxes to choose) :(03:47
intelikeynickgarvey see anything wrong with it ?03:47
TROGDOR42Ubuntu hates my graphics card.  Can anybody help?  I have a nVidia 6600LE.  After I install, all goes well, but when it's GUI time I get a black screen.03:47
ubotunvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736803:47
TROGDOR42But how do I do that without a GUI?03:47
nickgarveyTheCreature: that could be the problem, want me to walk you throught it?03:47
dabaRon another computer.03:47
TheCreaturenickgarvey, Yes please!! :)03:47
dabaRTheCreature: you should use my sources.list I gave you earlier, did that gpg error not go away?03:48
orbinTROGDOR42: or use a console broswer e.g. w3m03:48
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intelikeynickgarvey what exactly do you see wrong with TheCreature's sources list ?03:48
TROGDOR42orbin: ah, yes, good idea.03:48
TheCreaturedabaR, I am using your source.list03:48
eugmannickgarvey, Links2!03:48
nickgarveyintelikey: nothing, but I figured easy source wouldn't hurt incase something is wrong and I haven't noticed03:48
arricknight all03:48
nickgarveynice arrick03:48
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eugmanHey where do I lodge a minor complaint with serpentine cd burner?03:49
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sethkeugman, you make a great straight man, but this is a family channel  :)03:49
orbineugman: depends how minor.  maybe file a bug03:49
TheCreaturedabaR, nope. I replaced the text in my sources list w/ the one you gave me and it still gives me that error.03:49
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ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs03:49
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nickgarveyintelikey: do you know what might be wrong with TheCreature's apt-get errors?03:50
eugmanWell it doesn't seem to notice my usb cd burner. I don't kow if that counts as a bub or a non feature.03:50
nickgarveyeugman: neither...03:50
intelikeynickgarvey i had him update gnupg and clean out /var  but it's still doing it... idk.03:51
PupenoHow do I make thunderbird check for mail in all my imap folders without having to enter one by one ?03:51
nickgarveyeugman: it's not that programs job to autodetect03:51
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eugmanWell why does k3b see it but not serpentine?03:51
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nickgarveyeugman: mm I don't know anything about that program, should know what linux tells it is there03:51
ignacio_i need some help with ubuntu03:51
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nickgarveyignacio_: you are in the right place :)03:52
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ignacio_thanks :D03:52
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ltr20_jason it says directory exsist or somthing.03:52
TROGDOR42Yes, you are.03:52
intelikeynickgarvey i also checked the sources list   one of the first things i did.   at that time  apt was erroring out.  now apt is working   just giving gpg warnings.03:52
ignacio_i wanna know ere i can download themes for ubuntu03:52
TROGDOR42Here or the message boards, but this is faster.03:52
keithhhhDoes anyone know of an easy to reinstall GRUB?03:52
ignacio_im starting with linux03:52
_jasonltr20: I though you said you deleted the old directory?03:52
ltr20I did.03:52
eugmanignacio there is also an art manager in the repositories.03:52
nickgarveyintelikey: did he do all of his keys? when I did easysource I had to go though all that03:52
ltr20the only folder i see is alex203:52
nickgarveyignacio_: what kind of things do you need help on?03:53
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_jasonltr20: ok what does ls /home say now?03:53
TROGDOR42Pick your theme from there then download it.03:53
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intelikeynickgarvey i gave the commands but you ought to dubble check.03:53
TROGDOR42ignacio_: got that?03:53
nickgarveyTheCreature: you still even here?03:53
ignacio_ nickgarvey: i dowload gnome themes from the internet but i cant install it03:53
_jasonltr20: and you typed -d /home/alex ? not alex2?03:53
TheCreaturenickgarvey, Yup. I'm here :)03:53
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=== Christopher [n=Christop@adsl-3-164-68.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
ltr20this is the exact command i wrote down03:54
TROGDOR42ignacio: drag the themes to the theme window.03:54
ltr20usermod -d /home/alex/ -m -l alex alex203:54
TROGDOR42ignacio_: drag the themes to the theme window03:54
nickgarveyignacio_: system > preferences > theme I assume03:54
nickgarveyI don't know anything about themes though03:54
nickgarveyTheCreature: ok could you give me the pastebin link again?03:54
TROGDOR42Yeah, I find the default theme sexy enough.03:54
nickgarveyTheCreature: nevermind got it03:54
Christopherhello everyone03:54
ignacio_wait im gonna doit..03:54
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TheCreatureIt's http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1172603:55
TROGDOR42ignacio_: ok03:55
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ChristopherI need someone to show me how to install applications03:55
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ubotuapt is probably http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto03:55
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nickgarveyChristopher: go there, should help a lot03:55
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intelikeyltr20 -m ?03:55
Christopherok thanks03:55
TROGDOR42Christopher: From the internet or from the repositories?03:55
nickgarveyintelikey: ew, unknown error03:55
troyi cant believe the knowledge on the #ebooks channel on undernet. is legal?03:56
nickgarveyintelikey: yeah I have no idea what he did03:56
Christopherim trying to install wine hq03:56
TROGDOR42Christopher: What are you trying to install now?03:56
intelikeyltr20 man usermod doesn't list a  -m switch ?03:56
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nickgarvey!tell Christopher about wine03:56
TROGDOR42Christopher: Yeah, that's in APT.03:56
_jasonltr20, intelikey: -m should move his old $HOME contents to the new location afaik03:56
kingspawnChristopher: System->Administrative tools->Synaptic03:56
Christopherthats a bunch03:56
kingspawnChristopher: a nice frontend for lots of packages and stuff03:56
intelikey_jason undocumented switch ?03:57
ltr20jason so should i try again?03:57
_jasonintelikey: it's in man, mentioned in -l paragraph03:57
ltr20maybe typed it wrong03:57
ltr20what's the command again?03:57
_jasonintelikey: I mean -d ..03:58
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_jasonltr20: you are doing this as a different user?  maybe that's necessary03:58
nickgarveyTheCreature: try ntpdate03:58
TheCreaturenickgarvey, ok.03:58
intelikey_jason hah so it is...  sorry my bad.03:58
TROGDOR42God I love the OSS community.03:58
ignacio_look i download this type of theme from a page of genome /home/ignacio/Nxo/Documents/Themes/GDM-GDMLamp.tar.gz03:58
_jasonltr20: usermod -d /home/alex/ -m -l alex alex203:58
ignacio_ and when install it tells me that is a invalid format03:58
TheCreaturenickgarvey, creature@Tern:~$ sudo ntpdate03:59
TheCreature27 Mar 19:58:10 ntpdate[12975] : no servers can be used, exiting03:59
ignacio_TROGDOR42: im gonna try the page thaat u give me know03:59
intelikey_jason ltr20 sorry for all the confusion.    carry on.03:59
ltr20_jason that's what i put.03:59
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Madpilotignacio_, GDM themes are for the Gnome login manager, not the desktop03:59
nickgarveyTheCreature: mm I was thinking your keys might have expirede03:59
ignacio_o so i cant used for ubuntu ?03:59
felipe_which is the meta-package that installs all the languages to start programing?03:59
_jasonltr20: hold on let me try this on one of my users03:59
intelikeyshould be done as root btw ltr2004:00
TheCreaturenickgarvey, keys? What keys? o.0?04:00
nickgarveyTheCreature: the gpg keys04:00
Madpilotignacio_, it can be, but it's just not a desktop theme, that's all04:00
ltr20intel, sudo?04:00
ltr20i did a sudo command before04:00
ltr20the line04:00
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_jasonltr20: it worked fine, I know have an alex user :)04:00
ltr20i mean on the same line04:00
ignacio_madpilot: o thanks..04:00
nickgarveyTheCreature:  Check out 'man apt-get' for information on how to install other server keys to avoid the warning.04:00
findik1related firestarter I have 1 question04:01
ignacio_madpilot: how i start using phyton > ?04:01
_jasonltr20: now*, are you doing this with a user other than alex2?04:01
orbinfelipe_: no package grabs all the languages.  that would be stupid04:01
!lilo:*! new policy paragraph on http://freenode.net/policy.shtml#unlawful .... basically, this just lays out an aspect of freenode concentrating on the positive stuff04:01
Madpilotignacio_, go System->Administration->Login Screen Setup if you want to use GDM themes04:01
ltr20no i did it on alex204:01
obscuriteanyone know of ubuntu qmail packages?04:01
_jasonignacio_: type 'python'04:01
ltr20should i login to a guest account and do it?04:01
_Dezdoes this make since to anyone.. in install ubuntu and my wifi card works.... i install ubuntu server and my wificard isnt even detected04:01
saifwent through hell to find out how to install tomcat and eclipse on ubuntu a year ago, today, it's in the reps! nice! :) me happy! can't wait for jboss to get there as well! ;)04:01
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TheCreaturenickgarvey, i see. But I did a thingie called "sudo apt-get install gnupg gpgkeys04:01
TheCreature" and it ran w/o errors..04:01
intelikeyltr20 guest cant sudo04:01
_jasonltr20: try making a temporary new account and give him admin group and try it04:01
felipe_orbin, Ok but theres one that installs the ones most commonly used.04:01
!lilo:*! I may be phrasing that poorly....hmmm04:02
PwcrLinuxwhich the filesystem for the mp3 player by the mount command?04:02
orbinfelipe_: you're probably talking about build-essential04:02
ltr20okay thanks04:02
nickgarveyTheCreature: yes but you need to register them, look at the man page04:02
Frogzooprelink -u  /usr/lib/wine04:02
Frogzoo/usr/sbin/prelink.bin: cannot open ELF file: I/O error: raw read04:02
Madpilotignacio_, I don't program, you'll have to ask someone else about Python04:02
nickgarveyignacio_: pick me pick me04:02
!lilo:*! the thing that's always struck me about free software, the enabling thing, is that it's something anyone can do.... a form of social change that anybody can do04:02
nickgarveyignacio_: sudo apt-get install python04:03
TheCreaturenickgarvey, which section of the man page?04:03
!lilo:*! the new policy paragraph just emphasizes that we're here to do that, rather than to trade warez and credit card numbers *grin*04:03
nickgarveyignacio_: then simply type python to get into the interpreter,04:03
nickgarveyTheCreature: no idea haven't read it04:03
nickgarveyTheCreature: I did it a long time ago04:03
nickgarveyTheCreature: like aw eek or two ago04:03
nickgarvey!tell me about enter04:03
TheCreatureI see04:03
ignacio_madpilot.> thank anyway!:D in login screen setup, y have to go to the themed greeter?04:04
ignacio_Jason:> ok sorry :S04:04
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intelikeyinstall pythan..... you can't remove pythan on a ubuntu system.04:04
Dolm!tell me about the meaning of life04:04
Madpilotignacio_, yes - just a second04:04
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Madpilot04:04
_jasonintelikey: you weren't kidding about the typos today04:04
TheCreaturenickgarvey, do you think if I re-install ubuntu it might fix the problem?04:04
intelikeyno... jason  i wasn't04:04
nickgarveyTheCreature: shouldn't need too, its not a problem04:04
felipe_orbin, yeah those.04:04
_jasonignacio_: sorry for what ?04:04
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _Dez04:04
nickgarveyTheCreature: http://www.dewinter.com/gnupg_howto/english/GPGMiniHowto.html04:05
kingspawnTheCreature: a reinstall might fix anything, but if you can fix it you will have learned much more04:05
Madpilotignacio_, 3rd item at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuEyeCandy should help you w/ GDM themes04:05
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kingspawnTheCreature: but i feel you, it can be quite the pain04:05
nickgarveymm I can't wait till dapper04:05
TheCreatureI'm begining to hate linux with passion.04:06
saifTheCreature, been there! i survived! :)04:06
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intelikeyTheCreature yep you're hooked.04:06
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_Dezdoes this make since to anyone.. in install ubuntu and my wifi card works.... i install ubuntu server and my wificard isnt even detected04:07
intelikeyTheCreature you can ignore the gpg errors.  assuming it's just a desktop box and nothing critical.04:07
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alex__jason, it worked.. thanks.04:07
_jasonalex_: np04:07
nickgarveyTheCreature: yeah, the W: in front means warning, not error04:07
alex__jason, i won't be installing KDE anytime soon.04:08
Stormx2_Dez: Possible. Server isn't so robust with hardware support. Why are you running ubuntu server from a laptop anyway? :P04:08
_jasonalex_: I hope you enjoyed your kde experience :)04:08
TheCreatureintelikey, Really? Ok.04:08
alex_I'll try it once KDE4 comes out.04:08
TheCreatureThanks, guys :)04:08
orbinwould !gpgerr be relevant?04:08
_DezStormx2 b/c my laptop cant handle gnome/kde04:08
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nickgarveywhat are the 3 keys to make that little skull that kills anything you click?04:08
intelikeyTheCreature i told you that 5 hours ago, when you ranted about never getting any help   :)04:08
DBO_Dez, you can remove GNOME/KDE from the normal install and replace them with something like XFCE04:09
TruckerManplease dont require nick registration here04:09
Stormx2_Dez: Ah ok04:09
TruckerMani hate that04:09
_jasonnickgarvey: well xkill is the prog, didn't know there was a default shortcut04:09
nickgarveyTruckerMan: you are lucky, it's not04:09
TruckerManmy humble request04:09
nickgarvey_jason: maybe its kde only04:09
TruckerManyeah, i sure am04:09
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alex_how do i give myself permessions to locked folders?04:09
alex_I moved folders over and now they are locked.04:09
TheCreatureintelikey, Yeah but I got them again and it said "error" after it And I'm like "oh no". Plus other stuff doesn't work.04:09
ddonkyalex_ - chown them04:10
orbinalex_: uhoh, what did you move?04:10
DBOalex_, "sudo chown USER:GROUP"04:10
intelikeyTheCreature what "other stuff" ?04:10
_jasonalex_: your home stuff?  do a chown -R $USER:$USER $HOME04:10
OrTigaShow to add a printer....printer is connected to a LAN....04:10
intelikeyalex_ sudo that ^04:11
TruckerMananybody know why hotplug keeps freezing on bootup?04:11
intelikeyif you don't own it you can't change it.04:11
DBOoh yeah, I forgot to add a path to my command, duh...04:11
TheCreatureintelikey, well I'm trying to install Umbrella (or whatever that UML editor thingie is called) and other stuff and it says "You have to be in advanced mode or it can't be installed" so I go to Synaptic and try to install it from there, and it won't let me 'cause it says there are dependancies. I try to install dependancies and it says dependancies have dependancies and I can't find the other dependancies.04:11
TruckerMananybody know why hotplug keeps freezing on bootup?04:12
MadpilotTheCreature, if you can't install stuff that's in Synaptic, it sounds like you've got a messed up sources.list - can you pastebin that for us?04:13
nickgarvey_jason: "xkill already works standard in KDE with crtl+alt+escape"04:13
intelikeyTheCreature ???  uml-utilities - User-mode Linux (utility programs)   ?04:13
_jasonnickgarvey: oh04:13
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intelikeywhat uml ?04:13
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TheCreatureintelikey, nope. I thought UML stood for Unified Modeling Language?04:14
nickgarveyto wikipedia!04:14
TheCreatureMaking class level diagrams for programming and stuff...04:14
sneexTheCreature, it does04:14
intelikeyah ok.  what's name of the app ?04:14
TheCreaturenickgarvey, And the icon looks like it too. It's got a stickfigure and an oval like a use-case diagram..04:15
intelikey!info Umbrella04:15
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orbinit's umbrello04:15
TheCreatureAnd other stuff: like a python gui editor didn't install either for the same reason04:15
TruckerMananybody know why hotplug keeps freezing on bootup?04:15
orbini prefer dia04:15
=== sneex didnt install UML -- cuz it's broek
intelikey!info  umbrello04:15
ubotuumbrello: (UML modelling tool and code generator), section universe/devel, is optional. Version: 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1811 kB, Installed size: 5160 kB04:15
crimsunTruckerMan: what sound card do you have?04:15
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TruckerMandunno, its a laptop04:15
intelikeyTheCreature what happens when you do  "sudo apt-get install  umbrello "  ?04:16
TheCreatureOMG! It generates code too?  Man! Now I'm really mad I can't install it.04:16
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nickgarveyTheCreature: have you tried command line apt-get?04:16
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TheCreatureomg! I just did that and I think it's installing it..04:17
ignacio_nickgarvey:> i send a message04:17
Auckland_Pigubotu tell me about file permissions04:17
intelikeyyour welcome TheCreature04:17
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TruckerMananybody know a smaller ubuntu channel04:18
TheCreatureThank you! ^_^ So I should do that for all of the packages that give me the stupid error?04:18
DBOTheCreature, you could certainly try it04:18
intelikeyTheCreature seeing that gpg is hosed you will probably have to use apt-get in place of synaptic,  yes.04:19
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TruckerManwhy so many people here and no real raport?04:19
alex_where can i manage custom startup commands04:19
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TheCreatureOk. I will. :)04:19
TruckerManits like a weird sleep deprived vibe in here04:19
crimsunalex_: man update-rc.d04:19
TruckerManmaybe its just me04:19
TheCreaturethanks again, guys! ^_^04:19
alex_crimsun is there a gui to this?04:19
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alex_i remember seeing one04:20
ChristopherHey guys I needed help with one more thing. I cant listen to audio. The player is all messed up04:20
crimsunalex_: BUM?04:20
saifTruckerMan, probably no 1 knows what the problem is! :)04:20
MadpilotTruckerMan, must be just you, this is pretty normal for #ubuntu :P04:20
_jasonalex_: do you just want stuff tos tartup when you login?04:20
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alex_like "nvdia-settings"04:20
intelikeyTruckerMan looks normal to me.04:20
saifTruckerMan, i certainly donno y hot plug keeps hanging!04:20
MadpilotChristopher, are you trying to play mp3s?04:20
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_jasonalex_: then use system > preferences > sessions, I don't know about putting nvidia-settings in there.  Why do you want to do that?04:20
=== Auckland_Pig doesnt understand the usefulness of x permission
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intelikeyTruckerMan irc.efnet.net #ubuntu    much smaller.04:21
alex_YUp, thanks.04:21
MadpilotChristopher, have you enabled MP3 support? Ubuntu can't deal with them by default04:21
Christopherhow do i do that04:21
orbinTruckerMan: disable it maybe?04:21
Madpilot!tell Christopher about mp304:21
TruckerManorbin, i thougt about that04:21
DBOAuckland_Pig, it makes the file executable (if that is what you are talking about)04:21
TruckerMani wanna disable alot of stuff actually04:21
alex__jason, what does the order mean?04:21
TruckerManbut afraid i might dis too much04:21
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alex_it says "50" for order.04:22
_jasonalex_: the order it gets started afaik04:22
ignacio_madpilot:> i install the themes were u tell me but is only the begginin windows that change04:22
Auckland_PigDBO: but can you give a user an r permission and deny him the x permission?04:22
Madpilotignacio_, that's all that GDM controls, is the login window04:22
DBOAuckland_Pig, yes04:22
fak3rI'm looking at the Mactel Mini - graphics is an ATI - will the Linux driver work with it in Ubuntu?04:22
intelikeyTruckerMan do one diss  and  reboot...   hehhe takes hours but you know what borked when it fails to boot....   lol04:23
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ignacio_Madpilot:> thanks04:23
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Auckland_Pigdbo: can you give a user the r permission and deny him from creating a copy of the file with x permission?04:23
TruckerMantee hee hee04:23
ignacio_Madpilot im gonna see the page that u give me04:23
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DBOAuckland_Pig, nope04:23
Madpilotignacio_, for desktop themes, you need GTK+ and Metacity themes04:23
alex_what is metacity?04:24
AdventChildMadpilot, thoreauputic, DBO, whats up?04:24
nilAuckland_Pig: if the user can read, he can make a copy, his own copy04:24
TruckerMani'm gnna download a bunch of howtos and read em tommorrow while im waiting for a load04:24
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ignacio_Madpilot: from were i get that ?04:24
nilAuckland_Pig: and on his own copy, he can set the permissions ha wants04:24
DBOAuckland_Pig, unless you chroot the user to a folder that is masked to prevent executable files04:24
Traecould someone help me with ipforwarding stuff?  I already have: sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_foward=1   done.  I have wireless laptop (that I'm on now) [eth0]   I have eth1 on said laptop I'm hooked up to a hub.  want to plug desktop into same hub and be able to be on the same network.04:24
Madpilot!tell ignacio_ about themes04:24
Madpilothi AdventChild04:24
intelikeyAuckland_Pig if they can read they can make their own copies.   but you don't need read to exec.04:24
TruckerManis there a faster less resource using windows manager than gnome?04:24
nilDBO: ah... yes... tricky :904:25
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sethkTruckerMan, several04:25
MadpilotTruckerMan, there's several - XFCE seems pretty complete but lighter04:25
DBOnil, yes it is, and only useful for SSH environments04:25
sethkTruckerMan, blackbox and fluxbox are probably the most popular04:25
nickgarveyI win, fear my ctrl alt esc power04:25
nilDBO: you mean for things liken rssh ?04:25
fak3rTruckerMan: Xfce4 is the compromise between Gnome and the sparse Fluxbox (I prefer Flux, but the latest Xfce4 is really nice)04:25
Auckland_Pigoh thanks everyone.... me am new to linux and trying to learn about these things....04:26
sethkTruckerMan, the "boxes" are quite similar to each other; people seem to feel fluxbox is a bit better, but I haven't used them enough myself to have a preference for one box over the other04:26
AdventChildis thoreauputic here?04:26
nilAuckland_Pig: so, basically, the answer is no04:26
OrTigaShi i just open a link to listen to an internet radio it only say playing but no sounds? any idea why, and how to works?04:26
thoreauputicAdventChild: sort of, why?04:26
fak3rsethk: also Openbox - they had a new release pretty recently04:26
ignacio_madpilot: thanks im gonna try it..:S04:26
Auckland_Pigthnks nil04:26
sethkfak3r, didn't know about that one.  I'll have to try it.04:26
lutraalright...i got NetworkManager to work04:26
orbinTruckerMan: if you use your touchpad a lot, fluxbox is a real pain to use b/c it's heavily menu-driven04:26
DBOnil, yes04:26
AdventChildthoreauputic, just wondering...  wassup? i have to run this on my *gag* win2k box... :(04:27
sethkfak3r, is it in synaptic?04:27
ChristopherI hate ubuntu..its too complicated for me04:27
fak3rsethk: also I run Blackbox at work...on my XP laptop.  No choice on the OS, but Blackbox helps04:27
ignacio_madpilot: ill try04:27
Madpilotignacio_, my favourite themes site is gnome-look.org - have a look there04:27
Christopherim switching to windows04:27
AdventChild!lart Christopher04:27
nickgarveyChristopher: your welcome for the help04:27
thoreauputicAdventChild: oh - sorry kind of busy elsewhere ATM04:27
fak3rsethk: yep, also try obconf -- a configuration editor for it.  comes with some nice stock themes04:27
nilChristopher: if you insist, you may enjoy it soon04:27
sethkfak3r, interesting.  I usually run an X server on the pc, but I do almost all my work on one NIX or another04:27
OrTigaShi i just open a link to listen to an internet radio it only say playing but no sounds? any idea why, and how to works?04:27
intelikeyTruckerMan twm is installed with xorg  but you wont like it.    fvwm  xfce4  are good.  you might like them   fluxbox .... lots of gui crap.   but you could just remove xorg and go comando  CLI  :)04:27
TruckerManok, Now if i change windows manager, will that affect my hardware settings and what not? for instance, my wireless card, took some time getting it to work.04:27
DBOChristopher, linux is not for everyone, best of luck with windows04:27
Christophertake care everyone...thanks for all of the support04:28
nilChristopher: think about how many years it took to learn to use Windows like you know it now04:28
nickgarveyChristopher: might want to try a little OSX too04:28
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nickgarveyChristopher: I hear thats pretty good if you are in love with your mouse ;)04:28
ignacio_madpilot:> thanks! i going to visit04:28
fak3rsethk: yep, I have X running on it too, but most of the time I just run Blackbox and then Putty into the servers...but yeah, running X you can get xterm going - nicer than cygwin04:28
nilChristopher: it's a matter of habits04:28
MadpilotTruckerMan, most of your hardware settings should be OK04:28
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Christopherits that the only problem I have is installing applications04:29
sethkfak3r, definitely.  is obconf just for openbox, or for any of the 'boxes?04:29
fak3rAnyone want to talk about MacIntel Minis and graphic drivers? (or other drivers) for Ubuntu?04:29
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_jasonubotu: tell Christopher about synaptic04:29
fak3rsethk think it's just for open04:29
TruckerManThats another thing i've been wondering about, How can i start ubuntu in command line without loading a window manager first?04:29
Christopherno matter how many faq's i look at i cant figure it out04:29
sethkfak3r, ok, thanks.04:29
_jasonChristopher: synaptic is easier than windows imo04:29
nickgarveyChristopher: quite the contrary for me, it is SO easy for me, my favorite part of linux04:29
DBOTruckerMan, you have to set your default runlevel to 104:29
ignacio_madpilot: from there i download the themes and i install it in system/preferences/themes?04:29
OrTigaSlike me i'm a newbie lots of problems ecounter in this Linux but still i like because i learn different...04:29
nomasteryodaTruckerMan, you add the init 1 to the boot line04:29
intelikeyChristopher don't let them trap you.  run !   run back to M$ while you still can.   cause if you stay in linux very long you can never go back.04:29
sethkChristopher, specifically, what do you run into trouble with?04:29
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nickgarveyChristopher: everything is in the repos just waiting for me... just need to type apt-get install somefile and its there, all set up04:29
OrTigaShi i just open a link to listen to an internet radio it only say playing but no sounds? any idea why, and how to works?04:30
TruckerManinit 1 to boot line hmm04:30
nickgarveytouches something special inside of me..04:30
TruckerMani'll check that out04:30
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Christophernickgarver: really04:30
TruckerManapreciate it channel, i got some new stuff to look into04:30
thoreauputic!tell Christopher about repos04:30
intelikeyTruckerMan init is not needed.   just    104:30
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nilChristopher: maybe the only problem is to kfind which software you need04:31
OrTigaSany idea why i can't listen to internet radios?04:31
TruckerManrunlevel 1 gotcha04:31
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nilOrTigaS: firewall?04:31
nickgarveyChristopher: well my second favorite thing is the easy install, the wonderful and loving community is my favorite such as the good people in #ubuntu04:31
Christopherim trying to install firefox(which ive tried 10003402 times)04:31
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ubotunickgarvey: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:31
DBOand for looping fun, set your default runlevel to 6 (dont really do this, please)04:31
OrTigaSnil no04:31
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:31
nickgarvey!bot snack04:31
OrTigaSits open04:31
Christopheryes they are good people04:32
thoreauputicChristopher: it's already installed ...04:32
fak3rnil: does sound work at all?  Sometimes it's just muted04:32
nilOrTigaS: which soft do you use?04:32
thoreauputicChristopher: you mean FF 1.5?04:32
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nilfak3r: it's for OrTigaS, not for me :)04:32
aajajneed help xine04:32
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alex__jason you still there?04:32
fak3rnil: :)04:32
nickgarvey!tell aajaj about xine04:32
OrTigaSnil,  already installes mplayer. mozilla-,player04:32
fak3rOrTigaS: does sound work at all, sometimes it's just muted04:32
aajaji get this error: couldn't find demux for >stdin://mpeg2<04:33
nilOrTigaS: did you try a simple mp3 streaming bradio on xmms?04:33
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Christopherff 1.504:33
nil!tell me about you04:33
OrTigaSfak3r,  i tried the CNN video news and the wimp its all working04:33
OrTigaSits only the AM/FM radio i tried now and its not working04:33
fak3rOrTigaS: ok, what app isn't playing the stream?04:33
ubotuhmm... vlc is a video/audio player that supports almost everything - See http://www.videolan.org/ for more information (VLC is in the repos)04:33
ChristopherI dont knoe04:34
lutravlc is awesome04:34
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OrTigaSany idea04:34
zac1333i second that, for vlc04:35
=== NxO [n=ignacio@pc-200-74-116-175.asturias2.pc.metropolis-inter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ChristopherIm not sure whether or not I should switch to windows, use another distrobution, or stay with ubuntu04:35
intelikeyi don't know about awesome.... but it's  some awe.04:35
nilChristopher: when did you start ubuntu?04:35
Christophera day or two ago04:35
Christopherim a n00b04:35
OrTigaSChristopher, I tried almost 7 distros and this Ubuntu works like a charm with me :)04:35
intelikeyChristopher go to windows.   go while you can.04:35
nickgarveyChristopher: much to learn my friend, you didn't learn windows in a day either04:36
nilChristopher: I suggest to try a little more04:36
intelikeyChristopher i'm telling you linux is addictive.04:36
DBOChristopher, meh, the main reason to learn linux is so you can be superior to all those windows losers04:36
OrTigaSei about my Q :)04:36
NxOmadpilot:> the GDM themes can be dowload for ubuntu ?04:36
Christopherthat one of the reasons i switched to ubuntu04:36
nilChristopher: and keep both Windows and ubuntu on the computer, even if you want to go back to windows04:36
TruckerManis XFCE sposed to be installable thru synaptic?04:37
theripperwhat does "request purging" do in the updater?04:37
=== intelikey wonders if "good cop, bad cop" is working on chris
ChristopherI thought ubuntu would be more efficient04:37
Christopherdont get me wrong...it is04:37
niltheripper: it removes the configuration files04:37
VR_ubuntu is more efficient than windows04:37
fak3rTruckerMan - that's the easiest way -- after installing logout of gnome, then at the login window choose the xfce session and login04:37
niltheripper: excuse, misunderstanding04:37
Christopherim just saying that everything you do revolves areound the terminal04:37
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VR_Christopher: isn't that wonderful?!04:37
=== Mystic_Portal [n=chatzill@adsl-69-111-248-22.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOChristopher, yes, the terminal is a powerful tool04:37
intelikeyChristopher linux is fo geeks with thick glasses and no hob04:37
VR_Christopher: you can manipulate the hell out of your OS!04:38
intelikeyerr job04:38
nickgarveyintelikey: miss your meds today?04:38
fak3rChristopher: not really, it's there if you need it, but with Ubuntu you don't *have* to use it...ever I think04:38
TruckerManfak3r, ok, then i gotta setup repositories i guess cuz im not gettin anything on a search04:38
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DBOintelikey, are you making fun of me because Im employed and have glasses?04:38
bassmoyubuntu spanish?04:38
DBOerm, dont have glasses04:38
nickgarvey(kidding don't beat me p)04:38
Christopherits like saying that about ms-dos04:38
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:38
therippernil: so it removes config files or all files that were selected?04:38
PwcrLinuxAnyone, sgt-dyke's mp3 player didn't work to be mounted, and he wanted to help with mp3 player in the /dev/sdb line04:38
fak3rTruckerMan: did you search for xfce?04:38
Christopheryou can run windows without ever haveing to look at dos04:38
MadpilotNxO, yes04:38
TruckerManwhats wrong with dos?04:39
niltheripper: no, I didn't notice that you said "in the updater"04:39
fak3rTruckerman: hmmm...could be in universe then04:39
intelikeynickgarvey DBO yall muxt have missed the "good cop, bad cop" statement....04:39
ChristopherIf it wasnt for the problem with installing applications I would be fine04:39
nickgarveyintelikey: yup, I will scroll04:39
ChristopherI just cant seem to figure it out04:39
DBOintelikey, no, I saw it, I was just making a joke04:39
NxOmadpilot: im ignacio i change nick04:39
=== heyjoe2 [n=frank@dsl-58-7-147-55.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
fak3rChristopher: you can do almost everything (install wise) in Synaptic, right?04:39
niltheripper: "purge" removes the config files in apt-get, aptitude, synaptic,04:39
MadpilotNxO, ah, OK - was away from the computer for a bit04:39
VR_Christopher: it's simple to install stuff04:39
Christopheri dont know how to use synap04:39
Madpilot!tell Christopher about synaptic04:39
intelikeyDBO but you kept a streight face ????04:39
TruckerManChristopher, you should look at some linux basics first, its well worth the effort04:39
Christopheri sure will04:40
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DBOChristopher, go to Applications -> Add Applications04:40
fak3rChristopher: if you don't want to use the cmd line, start with synaptic then04:40
ubotuhmm... synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto04:40
nilChristopher: did you look at the help files?04:40
nickgarveyoh I get it now04:40
nickgarveysilly me04:40
VR_Christopher: use ubuntu for a month... after that you'll understand much more than you think04:40
nilyesm the wiki is better04:40
heyjoe2can someone help me with usb problems. ubuntu doesnt recognize my mp3 player of usbstick and win2000 does. im dual booting but i really want to use linux permanently04:40
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, PwcrLinux04:40
therippernil:will it remove only unneccesaary libs or all the selected libs?04:40
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ChristopherI was thinking on buying a linux basics book04:40
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nickgarveyChristopher: STAY AWAY FROM LINUX FOR DUMMIES04:40
NxOmadpilot:. im seeing the page that u give me ..04:40
ChristopherIll remember that04:40
nickgarveyChristopher: it is not a good book no sir04:40
TruckerManChristopher,  you said you want to be 'superior to windows luser' you have to work at it04:40
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niltheripper: as I understand, it removes all the *configuration* files for a package04:41
intelikeyChristopher type this   xman     :)04:41
ChristopherIm gonna stay with ubuntu04:41
VR_Christopher: dont waste your money. read around the ubuntu forums, and do things on your own. that's how you'll learn the fastest04:41
niltheripper: the libs (dependencies) are automatically removed when unneeded04:41
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@CPE-203-45-246-24.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ChristopherI love everything about ubuntu04:41
therippernil:ok , thanks04:41
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alex_i renamed my home dir and now xmms thinks it's in the old one04:41
NxOmadpilot: for how long u use ubuntu ?04:41
Christopherjust there are some things that confuse me04:41
Christopheri love the support the most04:42
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DBOChristopher, thats normal, most people feel a LOT lost there first couple weeks with linux, its like learning to drive on the other side of the road04:42
Christopherall of you guys that are helping me rock04:42
fak3rChristopher: that's what IRC and the Forums are for, if you are wondering about it, chances are it's covered somewhere04:42
niltheripper: if you install A, and A needs libB end libC, then temoving A will also remove libB and linC if no other package needs these libs04:42
intelikeythere is a man page for just about every thing you can do in linux....04:42
MadpilotNxO, about a year now04:42
Dolmi just pulled a good one, i clicked and dragged the tp menu over to the side of the screen and now i cant move it back..how do i restore it?04:42
ChristopherI really appreciate all of this support04:42
therippernil:ok cool , thats good to know04:43
fak3rChristopher: that's what we're here for, it's fun, and it's how we learned04:43
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intelikeyso go back to windows already.04:43
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DBOand dont be afraid to ask dumb questions here, remember, no matter how much a newb you think you are, there is always somehere that makes you look like guru in a can04:43
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heyjoe2can someone help me with usb problems. ubuntu doesnt recognize my mp3 player of usbstick and win2000 does. im dual booting but i really want to use linux permanently04:43
nickgarveyheyjoe2: did you try googling the brand of your player?04:43
felipe_whats the name of the aplication that let's you choose which aplications start along with gnome?04:43
MadpilotDolm, do you mean the Applications/Places/04:43
nickgarveyheyjoe2: www.google.com/linux04:43
MadpilotSystem menus?04:44
=== tkup [n=tkup[3] @cpe-67-10-252-12.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
VR_i gotta question. i installed a program by doing ./configure --prefix=/path/blah  now when i wanna read the man page of that program, i can't just do man <program? but specify the /path/  is there a way to create a shortcut of sorts?04:44
NxOmadpilot, and u have another Operation system in ur computer?04:44
nilheyjoe2: does ubuntu recognizes other usb devices on your computer?04:44
aajajso no one knows about this demux error ?04:44
intelikeylol   " guru in a can"04:44
MadpilotNxO, nope, just Ubuntu04:44
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DBOfelipe_, System -> Preferences -> Session04:44
NxOmadpilot, o kool04:44
Christopherfak3r: thanks04:44
Dolmwell the whole "start" menu, i dont know the name if it, the webbrowser, evolution, and help icons are HUGE ..it looks like the wharf bar would now04:44
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MadpilotDolm, are you running Ubuntu or Kubuntu?04:45
Dolmubuntu, hoary04:45
NxOmadpilot, is easy tu use it?04:45
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Dolmgnome i believe04:45
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intelikeyaajaj i don't even know what demux is.04:45
heyjoe2nickgarvey: i did but its an oldish teach one04:45
=== DBO wonders if he can convince Dolm to upgrade
MadpilotNxO, very easy04:45
heyjoe2nickgarvey: no relevant support04:45
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nilintelikey: mux/demux : mixing audio and video in a file04:45
heyjoe2nil: it recognizes my usb mouse04:45
DolmDBO:  would if i wasnt connecting with gprs at the moment04:46
MadpilotDolm, how did you get the menus so large?04:46
DolmMad: i have no idea, i clicked and dragged it to the side and it stuck that way04:46
heyjoe2the usb devices have worked sporadically on ubuntu before, but dont seem to be workin at all now04:46
Christopherhow do I install an application I download04:46
intelikeynil ok so like that's a gui thing which i tend to not have.....04:46
Christopherlike limewire04:46
Dolmnow i cant get the "hand" icon to show up so i can move it back04:46
nickgarveyChristopher: if you used apt-get its installed already04:46
ChristopherI really dont understand04:46
ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.04:46
Christopherhow do i use that comman04:46
NxOmadpilot, i like this chat that had04:46
thoreauputicChristopher: it's a java app04:47
nilChristopher: there already is bittorrent04:47
aajajit has something with the format??04:47
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Christopheri know how to download it. I need to know how to install it04:47
VR_dont confuse him04:47
thoreauputicChristopher: the factoid tells you ^^^04:47
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs04:48
Madpilot!msg the bot04:48
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage04:48
thoreauputicthe javadeb factoid is too long04:48
Dolmaha, its the top edge panel, ive foobared it04:48
=== nil wonders how ubotu can know so many things :)
ubotuVR_: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:48
intelikeywas just pointing out that the s didn't go on !javadeb04:48
Mystic_Portalif anyone wants to ping me i set it up so you can type MP04:48
thoreauputicnil: misspent childhood ;)04:48
NxOmadpilot: i have problems again, i dowload this theme /home/ignacio/Nxo/Documents/Themes/35592-Flower.tar.gz04:48
NxO and tellsme that is invalid to install04:48
heyjoe2nick garvey: i meant oldish teac one04:48
nilthoreauputic: :D04:48
DBOVR_, NOOOOoo, I spent years in rehab getting away from that game, and you just trashed all that work...04:48
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MadpilotNxO, got the URL you got that theme from?04:49
VR_it's a good game04:49
Christopherwhat does this mean04:49
ChristopherE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied) E: Unable to lock the list directory04:49
nilbye, gotta sleep, it's late in Paris !04:49
NxOmadpilot, from the page that u give me gnome-look.org04:49
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MadpilotDolm, try this: right-click on your menus, select Remove From Panel. Then right-click again, choose Add To Panel, and put the menus back in place04:50
aajajhow do i add mpeg2 support ??04:50
Christophertake care nil04:50
thoreauputicChristopher: do you have synaptic running?04:50
aajaj playback04:50
MadpilotNxO, got the exact URL from gnome-look?04:50
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OrTigaSanyone tried to listen to internet radio(FM/AM)04:50
manickaDoes anyone here know why the ubuntu logo suddenly seems to be hard coded into the menu bar in Dapper?04:50
thoreauputicChristopher: do you hav another apt instance running?04:50
Dolmaha..that did it Mad, thanks04:50
thoreauputicChristopher: did you prepend sudo?04:50
Dolmthe icons were so huge there was no vacant spots to "grab"04:50
Christopherwhat is that04:51
ubotuI heard sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:51
MadpilotDolm, absolutely everything on Gnome's panels is just an applet, so you can remove/replace/move them at will04:51
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thoreauputicChristopher: I suggest you browse http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation04:51
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fak3rChristopher: you shouldn't need sudo - you just launch Synaptic, it'll prompt you for a passwd04:51
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ZezinPeople, is there any error at Ubuntu repositories?04:51
heyjoe2can someone help me with usb problems. ubuntu doesnt recognize my mp3 player or usbstick and win2000 does. im dual booting but i really want to use linux permanently04:52
OrTigaSanyone tried to listen to internet radio(FM/AM)04:52
intelikeyMadpilot it may be the menu aplet that is in question there04:52
ZezinFirst I instaled a package that crashed my Ubuntu...04:52
=== sgt-dyke_ [n=sgt-dyke@cnq17-232.cablevision.qc.ca] has joined #ubuntu
fak3rOrTigasS: sorry, was afk - so what are you trying to hear?  is this an am/fm tuner in yr computer?04:52
tkupheyjoe2, what happens when you plug in the USB stick?04:52
heyjoe2tkup: nothing at all04:52
heyjoe2tkup: same with teac mp3 player04:53
OrTigaSits a website that can listen to AM/FM radio04:53
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DolmOh yeah, score. I just found the Geyes04:53
tkupheyjoe2, does the light turn on?04:53
=== IdleOne [n=idleone@toronto-HSE-ppp4085386.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
fak3rheyjoe2: dmesg | tail04:53
heyjoe2tkup: the light turns on04:53
fak3rheyjoe2: does that say anything usb related?  do you have HAL and Dbus on?04:53
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OrTigaSfak3r,  its an internet radio04:53
ZezinDOES ANYBODY here got problems on instaling new packages this days?04:53
intelikeylike i wish there was a smalled menu in gah'nome  if i'm ever going to use it,  i don't like that three tear wide menu.  they could all be droped in one small button.04:53
tkupheyjoe2, copy/paste the output of dmesg|tail -18 on pastebin04:53
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fak3rzezin: nope - what kind of error?  are you on dapper?04:54
sgt-dyke_heyjoe2 what desktop r u using04:54
ZezinNo.. Breezy....04:54
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sgt-dyke_kde gnome fluxbox04:54
heyjoe2sgt-dyke: gnome04:54
ZezinFirst I instaled a package that crashed my Ubuntu...04:54
NxOmadpilot, usee it ?04:54
heyjoe2tkup: http://pastebin.com/64727404:54
MuNo Flash 8 plugin?04:54
thoreauputicintelikey: you can chosse the applet for a single menu04:54
Traeany way to set up your ip address or network information at booot?  or a way to skip network stuff at boot of an ubuntu box?04:54
Zezinit crashed both gnome and kde of mine04:54
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thoreauputicintelikey: it has the other two as submenus04:55
phrizerintelikey, you can have an applet for a single menu04:55
intelikeythoreauputic really >04:55
Plitskinhi guys I need help with "make"04:55
Zezinnow, I was tring to reintall ubuintu04:55
tkupheyjoe2, can you do a dmest|tail -2004:55
thoreauputicintelikey: I use it on my laptop to save screen space04:55
=== intelikey starts a gui to look at this new thing....
MadpilotNxO, that's another GDM theme, so it's not a desktop theme04:55
heyjoe2tkup: command not found04:55
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Zezinand when it went afetr some packeges, nothing happends...04:55
tkupheyjoe2, tail only shows about 10 linux by default and we need more than that04:55
thoreauputicintelikey: right click the panel and choose it04:55
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tkupheyjoe2, sorry meant dmesg | tail -2504:55
NxO madpilot:(04:56
thoreauputicintelikey: and then of course delete the other one :)04:56
MuNo way to get Flash 8 plugin on linux?04:56
zac1333quick question for you guys04:56
crimsunMu: there won't be. Wait for 8.5.04:56
zac1333i was following the ISP-Server Setup at http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p304:56
Mystic_Portalgo ahead sac133304:56
sgt-dyke_heyjoe2 i suggest you get those package    usbmount  pmount libmount0.0 and all the dependency you need04:56
zac1333i'm at the part where he is showing you how to go from dhcp to a static ip04:56
Mucrimsun: Oh ok, thanks04:56
heyjoe2tkup: http://pastebin.com/64728104:56
=== intelikey didn't mention that starting a gui that had 'nome involved booting another box....
MuCan't see the movies sites though :-(04:56
NxOcan u send me a Url of a theme that i can download?04:56
heyjoe2sgt-dyke: how do i do that04:57
zac1333no sweat, i run the command sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces04:57
=== _jason [n=jasonr@dhcp0534.hrn.resnet.group.UPENN.EDU] has joined #ubuntu
NxOmadpilot, can u send me a Url of a theme that i can download?04:57
zac1333type in everything as it should be04:57
tkupheyjoe2, what do you have on the usb device?04:57
Dolmwelp, i got my nvidia drivers updated with much thanks to you all..now to see if guildwars will work04:57
zac1333then when I type sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:57
ChristopherI need your opinion...should I get this book04:57
Plitskinplease help me... I downloaded a .gz file. I extracted it, and then typed "make"... But then I received an error like... /bin/sh: sdl-config: command not found and another one... /bin/sh: g++: command not found04:57
zac1333it fails04:57
heyjoe2tkup: just some pdfs and doc files for uni04:57
Christopherforgot to copy the link04:57
Mystic_Portal!tell NxO about themes04:57
_jasonPlitskin: what are you compiling?04:57
intelikeythoreauputic one other thing.  is there any way to stop those disk drive icons from poping up when you insert or mount a disk ?04:58
zac1333any thoughts Mystic?04:58
sgt-dyke_remember my name pwcrlinux i own you a lot04:58
Plitskin_jason: it's a game04:58
sgt-dyke_thanx again all... and have a nice day....04:58
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_jasonPlitskin: have you checked if it is in the repositories?04:58
thoreauputicintelikey: yes - but I'm in fluxbox and I forget where - I think under disks in the admin menu04:58
fak3rOrTigaS: it's an internet radio...do you have a URL we can look at it on?04:59
intelikeythoreauputic k.    this menu is  the custom one right ?04:59
Mystic_Portal!tell zac1333 about smartask04:59
thoreauputicintelikey: or you can explore the gconf editor...04:59
heyjoe2tkup: any ideas on where to go from here?04:59
Plitskin_jason: OMG... Does that mean I have to download from the internet...? SDL is not installed by default?04:59
=== IdleOne [n=idleone@toronto-HSE-ppp4085386.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
NxOmystic_portal, thanks..04:59
Mystic_PortalNo prob NxO04:59
thoreauputicintelikey: umm - there are two menus with ubuntu logos04:59
Dr_Willisthres oooodles of stuff not installed by default.04:59
Muwould flash work on firefox windows through wine?04:59
thoreauputicintelikey: it's the other one... heheh04:59
Mystic_Portalzach1333 will you please rephrase05:00
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nickgarvey05:00
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nickgarvey!tell mu about flash05:00
intelikeyyeah i found it.  it's the main menu.  the custom one is the three teared one.05:00
_jasonPlitskin: your error says you don't have g++ which means you need to isntall the build-essential package, but I think you should check the repostiories before compiling yourself.  And I don't know if sdl is isntalled by default, it is definitely in the repos though05:00
_jasonubotu: tell Plitskin about compile05:00
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thoreauputicintelikey: right - I was just checking on my other box here :)05:00
NxOmystic_portal, what is the specific kind of theme i have to download?05:00
Christophergotta go to sllep05:01
Christophertake care everyone05:01
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NxOmystic_portal, splash skin?05:01
tkupheyjoe2, looks like synchronization problems. why don't you unplug the usb key, wait a few seconds, plug it back in, and wait a few minutes. let me know when you plug it back in05:01
Christopheror goodmorning05:01
thoreauputicChristopher: do not return to the dark side, Christopher !05:01
theripperwhat does this mean ./ when inserted before a file in a command?05:01
ChristopherI promise I will not05:01
tkupheyjoe2, not synchronization but rather timing problems05:01
Frogzoowoot! fixed my wine problem - just a note to all, prelink might be best avoided for the time being05:01
fak3rOrTigaS: looks like it wants to launch Windows media player; do you have Mplayer installed with all the plugins/win32codes?05:01
zac1333I am trying to go from a dynamic ip, to a static ip, and I have edited the /etc/network/interfaces according to the tutorial at http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10_p3, however when I run the command sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart (after I have modified the networking properties) it fails05:01
DBOFrogzoo, werent you trying to run a game of somesort?05:02
ChristopherWindows is for n00bs05:02
ChristopherLINUX FOREVER05:02
heyjoe2tkup: ok ill get back to u in a few mins05:02
OrTigaSi already played in wimp.com and the cnn video news05:02
DBOChristopher, thats the elitist attitude we try to premote towards linux users, welcome to the crew!05:02
_jasonChristopher: linux talks to you? :P05:02
ChristopherThanks a bunch05:02
Mystic_Portal!tell zach1333 about dns-dhcp05:02
OrTigaSonly on this site because it all audio only05:02
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FrogzooDBO: yep, turns out prelink corrupts ld-2.3.5.so05:02
nickgarveynight chris05:02
tkupzac1333, any errors?05:02
Christopheryes it does05:02
NxOchristopher im with u!05:03
DBOFrogzoo, what game?:-P05:03
fak3rOrTigaS: so can you just run Mplayer, then Open -> URL and put in this: mms://fm.martin.bitstop.ph/mareco_cebu05:03
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ChristopherAre you guys gonna be online tommorow05:03
zac1333just says *Reconfiguring network interfaces....         [fail] 05:03
NxOchristopher im a new user too!05:03
Christopherwe can help each other out i suppose05:03
intelikeythoreauputic shows how much i've played with 'nome   i hadn't even found that menu yet....   ben on kde for years  twm  also.     never learned to like gnome.    but i like it a little better now.....     very little....  :)05:03
OrTigaSlemme try that05:03
fak3rOrTigaS: that'll tell us if it can play it05:03
DBOChristopher, someone is almost always on05:03
jsestri2I've got this odd situation with my network: I will be logged into some programs remotely via ssh, and have a bunch of Xwindows popped open, then all of a sudden, the network stops responding to anything (including any other programs using the network) the networking menu says eth0 is still active, but a restart seems to fix everything. Ideas for a cause or a fix?05:03
zac1333mystic I did not get the dns-dhcp thing you tried to send me05:04
Christopherill be back on as early as i can05:04
tkupzac1333, pastebin what you put there05:04
thoreauputicintelikey: heh - I mostly live in fluxbox these days :)05:04
FrogzooDBO: well pretty much everything under wine was crapping out after I prelinked - ie6, Firefox etc05:04
theripperwhy cant all the poeople join and make one super distro instead of having 1000 different distros?05:04
_jasontheripper: choice05:04
ChristopherTake care every one and thank you for all the support05:04
intelikeyyeah flux is good :)05:04
ChristopherLINUX FOREVER!05:04
tkuptheripper, because some people think they're cool05:04
Frogzootheripper: it's the diversity that keeps linux moving forward05:04
Mystic_Portalzach1333 please check your pm from ubotu i will send it again05:04
thoreauputictheripper: why can't we herd cats?05:04
Mystic_Portal!tell zach1333 about dns-dhcp05:04
PwcrLinuxim back! :)05:04
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DBOFrogzoo, Ill be honest, I dont know crap about wine, never needed to run windows progs.  Do you know where I can learn about Wine?05:04
OrTigaSi open the mplayer but i only saw mplayer video no other option..maybe thats the problem05:05
Auckland_Pighe he he ... lol05:05
intelikeywinehq.com ?05:05
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FrogzooDBO: wiki.winehq.org winehq.org05:05
theripperi figured in a joint effort of all distros linux evolution would progress at much faster pace05:05
zac1333# This is a list of hotpluggable network interfaces.05:05
zac1333# They will be activated automatically by the hotplug subsystem.05:05
zac1333mapping hotplug05:05
zac1333        script grep05:05
zac1333        map eth005:05
zac1333# The primary network interface05:05
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zac1333auto eth005:05
zac1333iface eth0 inet static05:05
DBOFrogzoo, ok, works for me05:05
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thoreauputictheripper: doesn't work like that05:05
zac1333        address       netmask
zac1333        network
zac1333        broadcast
zac1333        gateway
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o thoreauputic] by ChanServ
=== DBO is off to newb it up with Wine
thoreauputiczac1333: STOP pasting!05:06
zac1333the guy told me to05:06
ubotuDon't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text.05:06
FrogzooDBO: first step is to d/l the 0.9.11 deb from sourceforge (or use their repo, NOT ubuntus)05:06
zac1333tkup asked me to paste05:06
heyjoe2tkup: ive tried that and its still not recognizing it05:06
thoreauputiczac1333: use a pastebin05:06
!lilo:*! access to the network is closed for the moment, apologies for the inconvenience05:06
tkupzac1333, reread what I posted. I said "pastebin" :)05:06
Mystic_Portalzac1333 dont paste or you will get banned05:06
DBOFrogzoo, WAY ahead of you =P05:06
zac1333what's a pastebin05:06
intelikeytheripper "i figured in a joint effort of all distros...."  that would kill linux.05:07
tkupzac1333, you should have asked earlier :)05:07
tkupzac1333, read the title of this channel05:07
ubotuI guess pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126905:07
theripperintelikey: why would it?05:07
OrTigaSfak3r,  u there?05:07
Mystic_Portalthoreauputic I will help him with paste bin no need to ban him =)05:07
thoreauputictheripper: the various projects cross fertilise05:08
OrTigaSi open the mplayer but i only saw mplayer video no other option..maybe thats the problem05:08
thoreauputicMystic_Portal: I wsn't going to - yet ;)05:08
fak3rOrTigaS: I'm on my ibook, just booted my desktop to see if I can listen on Ubuntu...05:08
intelikeytheripper because it would require one governing body or person.... but linux is about freedom,   go read  gnu.org05:08
OrTigaSits only play with video05:08
tkupheyjoe2, did you try mount /dev/sda /mnt/ -fstype=vfat05:08
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heyjoe2tkup: no05:08
Mubah why do sites use flash805:08
thoreauputictheripper: and everyone has access to the code05:08
Mystic_Portalthoreauputic I thought you were because your mode is still +o pluse zach1333 left the channel05:08
tkupheyjoe2, it might give you more clues about the problem05:09
zac1333i'm here05:09
=== zerboxx [n=zerboxx@d57-193-49.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jsestri2tkup: you're helping zac1333 with his network? have you ever heard of the network stop responding and requireing a restart to fix it?05:09
heyjoe2tkup: i just did it and nothing happened05:09
intelikeymu good question.... i've often wondered why anyone used flash.05:09
thoreauputicMystic_Portal: ah, good point - I shall deop :)05:09
PhoenixP3KHi, I've got a weird w32codecs bug, DivX/Xvid codecs stopped working on all players except Mplayer. Tryed to uninstall & reinstall but no change...05:09
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o thoreauputic] by thoreauputic
fak3rOrTigasS: what's the URL again?  I lost it05:09
NxOOut for a while..05:09
fak3rMu: yeah, I hate flash8 sites...05:09
tkupzac1333, remove auto eth005:10
jsestri2heyjoe2: where did you make your fat partion?05:10
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PhoenixP3KMu, 'cause they think it's better and never consider legacy versions05:10
rukuarticAny relase date for dapper?05:10
theripperyeah you are right , but lots of things still dont work , and its still takes forever to fugure out hoe to use linux05:10
PwcrLinuxrukuartic: June 105:10
rukuarticPwcrLinux: Thx05:10
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tkupheyjoe2, I don't understand your question05:10
Muall the sonypictures movie sites use flash 805:10
thoreauputictheripper: when you start using linux you become part of the solution :)05:10
FrogzooDBO: one last thing, if you're trying to get help with a specific app, check their app db, http://appdb.winehq.org/ which shows how/whether the app will run05:11
heyjoe2jsestri2: i dont know. im very new to all this05:11
DBOFrogzoo, now that was just the thing I needed, thanks!05:11
zac1333tkup, I did that05:11
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)05:11
heyjoe2tkup: my question is. how do i get linux to read my usb devices like windows does05:11
tkupheyjoe2, did mount finish executing or is it still stuck at the terminal?05:11
DBOintelikey, he already left:-P05:11
PhoenixP3KMu, yup that's a real bummer. I read somewhere that the next Flash version for linux would skip directly to Flash 905:11
Mutoo bad, flash 8 doesn't work in wine05:11
Mystic_Portalthoreauputic may i pm you plz05:11
heyjoe2tkup: i just copied what u typed and nothing happened, no error msg, no output05:12
jsestri2heyjoe2, have you tried looking in the System->Administration->Disks menu?05:12
MuThey say it will be 8.5, but when? that was 5 months ago05:12
thoreauputicMystic_Portal: if it's brief, OK05:12
fak3rOrTigaS: hmf...yeah, it wants to open in Totem - but then that gives me the error: Location not found.05:12
tkupheyjoe2, try dmesg|tail -20 on pastebin again05:12
PwcrLinuxi might bbl..05:12
PhoenixP3KMu, time frame is not an issue when it comes to linux consumers, since they're not considered as such05:12
zac1333tkup - I still get the same result - fails on restart05:12
tkupjsestri2, I was thinking the usb would me mounted automatically :/05:12
MuGuess I'll have to boot to windows for the first time in months to see this site05:12
Dolmwhat is this progress bar in x-chat under the users list?05:13
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PhoenixP3K**Codec problem, someone experienced on that issue ?05:13
PwcrLinux-BBL[Othmm limitation..05:13
jsestri2tkup: this is linux, its not quite as plug'n'play as windows, but its getting there05:13
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=== vanRijn [n=gideon@24-151-129-245.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
nathanjBLAH! promoting automatix http://www.pcmech.com/show/os/917/5/05:13
TruckerManjsestri2, its come a long way, i know that much05:13
heyjoe2tkup: http://pastebin.com/64729005:13
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vanRijnre, all05:13
nickgarveyfriends don't let friends use automatix05:14
jsestri2TruckerMan: I started wtih redhat 5.1 i think05:14
tkupheyjoe2, it's already been mounted. it's on scsi305:14
PhoenixP3Knathanj, it won't solve my problem. It's a quick fix for newbies05:14
heyjoe2tkup: ok how do i access it?05:14
jsestri2tkup oh does he know where to look for it in the filesystem?05:14
tkupheyjoe2, but the timing problems must mess it up a little05:14
tkupheyjoe2, look under /mnt05:14
fak3rjsestri2: I booted up my 5.0 install cd the other night just for fun!  came with the Red Hat Linux Unleashed back in...97, 98 or so05:14
heyjoe2jsestri: no05:14
TruckerMani remember first time i did redhat bout eight years ago, you had to look at the back of your monitor and type in the mhz and test it during installation05:14
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zac1333is this what i should have done?   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1172905:15
MuMy first was redhat 905:15
heyjoe2tkup: what do i type?05:15
Dolmlol @ TruckerMan05:15
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fak3rTruckerMan: right - fun stuff...05:15
jsestri2fak3r nice! yeah it was a redhat 5.1 500mhz comp i think, real old school05:15
fak3rOrtiGas: can't get anything to play05:15
tkupzac1333, can you paste dmesg|tail -20 to PASTEBIN?05:15
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motinis it possible to use the combination php4 mysql41 apache13 in ubuntu? the php4 package has dependencies on apache2 only as i can see...05:15
DBOTruckerMan, I kinda miss those times... accidentally "overclocking" your monitor... good times05:15
fak3rjsestri2: I first learned apache and ftp server, since the desktop wasn't too nice back then05:15
intelikeyhmmm i started on slack 405:16
tkupheyjoe2, places->Home folder and then naviguate to /mnt05:16
tiglionabbitI get these errors every time I use apt.  How do I fix this?  http://pastebin.com/64729205:16
TruckerManthen startX and theres like a huge task bar and and giant x cursor all pixalated taking up ninety percent of the screen05:16
jsestri2fak3r, yeah def good to learn to love the terminal05:16
TruckerManyeah lmao05:16
fak3rintelikey: aw slack, that's where I learned my way around linux05:16
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vanRijnI'm running ubuntu (dapper) on a powerbook ppc, and when I plug headphones in, the internal speakers don't stop and the headphones don't have sound.  is there anyway to debug this?05:16
tkupheyjoe2, rather Places->Computer05:16
TruckerManthe old days, my my05:16
OrTigaSfak3r,  it can be solve?05:17
heyjoe2tkup: all i see is floppy drive, two cd rom drives and filesystem05:17
tkupheyjoe2, any luck?05:17
tkupheyjoe2, goto filesystem05:17
heyjoe2tkup: nothin inside mnt05:17
zac1333tkup, not sure how to past the result of dmesg|tail -20, as I have no way to copy that text, since the network connection is not working05:17
tiglionabbithow do I fix gpg errors?05:17
fak3rOrTigaS: I can't play it in any audio player ;( maybe ask on ubu-forum...sorry, but Totem, Rhythmbox, Xmms...none will open for me05:17
=== io_ [n=io@fctnnbsc16w-156034215380.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
io_Can I install flight 6 of drake without losing the stuff on my computer now?  -how do I upgrade?05:18
ubotugpg is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/874605:18
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tkupzac1333, are you running it from the terminal? then you can highlight the text, click on the highlighted text once, and middle click to paste05:18
zac1333I can see the results of typing that in, just not sure how to paste it into the pastebin05:18
OrTigaShere nobody try it? listening to internet radio :)05:18
nickgarveyio_: read topic of channel, #ubuntu+1 for dapper05:18
NxOwhat is KDE?05:18
uboturumour has it, kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/05:18
zac1333i am running it on another machine (i'm on a thinkpad now)05:18
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tiglionabbitnickgarvey: I know but how do I resolve these errors coming from apt-get?05:19
odin__is there any way to draw shapes in GIMP>05:19
ubotuhmm... fluxbox is a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net05:19
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nickgarveytiglionabbit: get the keys and register them05:19
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Mystic_Portal!tell zac1333 about pastebin05:19
nickgarveytiglionabbit: I used google and it worked fine for me05:19
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frederick_ive just installed Ubuntu how do i get root acceces?05:19
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tiglionabbitnickgarvey: get from where?05:19
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:19
rishiIs there support for the Creative Zen Vision M?05:20
tkupheyjoe2, try mount /dev/sda /mnt -fstype=vfat and open it again05:20
nickgarveytiglionabbit: I used easy source05:20
zac1333mystic, pastebin would do me no good, as the machine I am referencing is a server install05:20
rishiCan anyone tell me if i can use my creative Zen Vision M on ubuntu?05:20
heyjoe2tkup: this is what happens- frank@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sda /mnt -fstype=vfat05:20
tiglionabbitnickgarvey: what?05:20
tkupheyjoe2, from the terminal do a ls -al /mnt05:21
nickgarvey!tell tiglionabbit about easysource05:21
odin__is there any way to draw squares and circles on GIMP?05:21
tkupzac1333, can you paste the LAST line in your dmesg log here?05:21
thoreauputic!tell Mystic_Portal about ubotu05:21
TruckerManrishi is it usb?05:21
rishiTruckerMan, yeah, it is05:21
TruckerManhave you tried plugging it in ?05:22
zac1333[4294714.716000]  IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver05:22
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heyjoe2tkup: http://pastebin.com/64729705:22
tkupzac1333, type in the line before the above one. you can leave out the numbers05:22
rishiTruckerMan, not yet, i wanted to see if there was support or not first, should i jsut try?05:22
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zac1333Disabled Privacy Extensions on device c031eb40(lo)05:23
TruckerMani havent tried my girlfriends creative yet but ubuntu recognized my usb drive so i imagine its going to just recognize zen as a removable drive05:23
motinHow do I install php4 with apache13 on Ubuntu?05:23
TruckerMani'd just try it, if you do let me know05:23
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rishiTruckerMan, i will, you usually on here?05:24
nickgarveyI live here05:24
tkupheyjoe2, try ls /dev/sda?05:24
TruckerMangotta keep on truckin05:24
rishiTruckerMan, if you want, give me your email and i'll let you know05:24
rishipm me it05:24
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TruckerMannickgarvey eats sleeps and dreams ubuntu05:24
tkupzac1333, one more up :/05:25
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NxOmystical_portal, you are there?05:25
rishiit is people like nickgarvey that make ubuntu the greatest distro05:25
zac1333NET: Registered protocol family 1005:25
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heyjoe2tkup: http://pastebin.com/64730005:25
tkupheyjoe2, from the terminal try looking under /media/05:25
TruckerManrishi, naw, thats cool bro, i'll just try my girlies creative, i thought you would just do it right now05:25
=== Mystic_Portal [n=chatzill@adsl-69-109-21-179.dsl.renocs.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
TruckerManthanks tho05:25
tkupheyjoe2, ls /dev/sda? not ls /dev/sda05:25
rishiTruckerMan, hold up05:26
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zac1333the one above that is ibm_acpi: ec object not found05:26
heyjoe2tkup: no such file or dir05:26
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nathanjcan you send netsend message from ubuntu?05:26
vanRijnanyone using ubuntu ppc on a powerbook?05:26
chrisDBO here?05:26
bigfoot1i did a "wget" on the embedded videos at http://www.nature.com/news/2006/060403/full/060403-10.html but mplayer can't play them. what's wrong?05:26
NxOthanks for everything!...im gonna try to install a theme..05:26
chrisDBO how are you doing today!?05:27
Angorhi! can anyone help me with my sounds in ubuntu?05:27
DBOIm alive05:27
DBOhow are you chris?05:27
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-70-226-94-119.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
heyjoe2tkup: i gather just typing /media/ is not  the ticket05:27
nickgarvey!tell Angor about sound05:27
tkupheyjoe2, the kernel doesn't get along with your usb drive :(05:27
DBOis the PC working ok?05:27
NxOwith the info that i receive05:27
heyjoe2tkup: is there anything i can do?05:27
nickgarveytry those sites Angor05:27
tkupheyjoe2, ls -al /media05:27
chrisDBO just fine, I am making awebsite but i can't fiqure out why the picstures arn't loading up05:27
Angorthanks nick!!! :)05:27
tkupheyjoe2, you can post it on the ubuntu forums and I'm sure some developer will fix the problem05:28
chrisdo the pictures have to be on my ftp?05:28
heyjoe2tkup: what should i write05:28
jsestri2I've got this odd situation with my network: I will be logged into some programs remotely via ssh, and have a bunch of Xwindows popped open, then all of a sudden, the network stops responding to anything (including any other programs using the network) the networking menu says eth0 is still active, but a restart seems to fix everything. Ideas for a cause or a fix?05:28
DBOno, the pictures need to be in a directory in the /home/chris/www directory05:28
heyjoe2just say ubuntu doesnt read my usb device. here is the relevant info and paste that?05:28
djosirishey, for general desktop use, is it really worth it to go from ext3 to reiserfs4? kind of a headache upgrading 5.10 to that im seeing 8|05:28
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chrisi had them in /home/chris/www/images05:29
heyjoe2heyjoe2: i also have an mp3 player that id like to get working05:29
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tkupheyjoe2, try #ubuntu-bugs05:29
heyjoe2ok thanks05:29
OrTigaShere nobody try it? listening to internet radio :)05:29
zac1333tkup is helping lots of people tonight05:29
ubotuI guess relatedtopic is Please keep all questions related to ubuntu in this channel.05:29
ubuntuif i go to Places -> Network Servers then I select a server then SMB share, right click the SMB share and go connect to this server, where abouts is it stored in the fs apart from the icon on desktop05:29
DBOchris, so in your html the path to the images is images/imagename.jpg05:29
Viflu1I just got Ubuntu installed on my laptop, can anyone tell me why the fonts look so...horrible (not very smooth, kind of jagged)?05:29
zac1333tkup if I need to reinstall ubuntu server, I can05:29
tkupheyjoe2, yeah and make sure you paste in your full dmesg and the /etc/issue05:29
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Mystic_Portal!tell viful about fonts05:30
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chriswait hold on05:30
DBOchris, should be working then05:30
djosirisanyone here try reiserfs4 on ubuntu?05:30
chris:P trying something05:30
heyjoe2tkup: what is my full dmesg and etcissue?05:30
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Viflux!tell Viflux about fonts05:30
rishiTruckerMan, doesn't show up05:30
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mystic_Portal05:30
_jasonViflux: system > prefs > fonts, set up subpixel smoothing05:30
=== KR3470R0 [n=josh@dsl-202-173-151-217.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
KR3470R0hey, anyone know where i could get a guide to installing SiS drivers on Kubuntu?05:31
tkupzac1333, what I usually do is comment all the entries in /etc/network/interfaces and put the lines ifconfig eth0 IP_ADDRESS netmask NET_MASK up and on another line route add default gw GATEWAY in file /etc/init.d/rc.mynet05:31
ubuntucan the 5.10 live cd play mp3s?05:31
_jasonubuntu: install gstreamer0.8-mad from universe and it will05:31
Frogzoois automatix unfixable? is this like a kde vs gnome/emacs vs vi thing, or can automatix never be made to work?05:31
ubuntuwhats universe?05:31
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:31
_jasonubotu: tell ubuntu about unvierse05:32
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_jasonor just see what ubotu said since I can't type05:32
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OrTigaSanyone used to listen to internet radio(FM/AM)05:32
motinHow do I install php4 with apache13 on Ubuntu? the php4 packages are dependant of apache2... can this be changed in any way?05:32
zac1333tkup, give me a sec to try that05:32
_jasonOrTigaS: be more specific05:32
OrTigaSi'm having problem..it didn't works05:32
OrTigaSthe sounds05:32
djosirishmm No factoids containing "resierfs"05:32
tkupheyjoe2, paste whatever you get from typing dmesg at the terminal and also typing cat /etc/issue05:32
DBOFrogzoo, the way to fix automatix is to make people stop being lazy sheep =P05:32
_jasonOrTigaS: what station?05:32
tkupzac1333, I can paste the above with your config on pastebin if you want05:33
OrTigaSFM & AM station05:33
Mystic_Portal!tell zac1333 relatedtopic05:33
FrogzooDBO: one of the down sides of diversity, is that some apps will suck05:33
RehanSAlvihello everyone. I just tried installing Ubuntu from the Live CD and the first time through the installation when it went to detect hardware it said it couldn't detect my CD drive. I then ran "live noapic nolapic" and it go further along in the reading stuff from CD part of the install but then gave the same error.  I know my CD drive works fine---any help or suggestions?05:33
mikebotheyjoe2, in gtkpod, when i add songs to my ipod, and i try to close gtkpod, it says: Data has been changed and not been saved.05:33
mikebotOK to exit gtkpod?05:33
mikebotand then the songs aren't saved on the ipod05:33
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mikebotis there a way to resolve this05:33
heyjoe2mikebot: i dont know, i cant even get ubuntu to read my mp3 player05:34
FrogzooRehanSAlvi: you can't install breezy from the live cd05:34
_jasonOrTigaS: http://www.eradioportal.com/dzbb_prepys.asx works fine05:34
chrisDBO thanks :)05:34
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mikebotMystic_Portal, i can play mp3s and everything05:34
chrisits working05:34
mikebotjust saving to the ipod seems to be the problem05:34
OrTigaSsomethings wrong with my mplayer05:34
=== chris passes DBO fresh pot of coffee
_jasonOrTigaS: mplayer -cache 50 -playlist http://www.eradioportal.com/dzbb_prepys.asx, in a terminal.  Does it work?05:35
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: I have version 5.10 -- is that Breezy? They sent me a Live CD...05:35
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KR3470R0so, anyone know where I can get the guide to isntalling SiS VGA drivers?05:35
FrogzooRehanSAlvi: you can't install that - you can only run it - but they sent you 2 cds, you want the install disk05:35
zac1333tkup, pastebin would be great05:35
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: oh i'm sorry. I mean, I'm trying to run it.05:35
DBOyour images are still broke chris05:36
zac1333Mystic_Portal, I did not get your relatedtopic thing05:36
tkupzac1333, paste your IP info on pastebin. I lost them above05:36
mikebothow does anyone here add songs to their ipod?05:36
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: but while its reading files off the CD drive it says there was an error reading from the CD drive05:36
FrogzooRehanSAlvi: yes, but not the live cd, the install cd05:36
ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto05:36
ubotuKR3470R0: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:36
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zac1333tkup http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1172905:36
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jsestri2is there a way to check whether apic is on/off?05:36
cloudnetanyone in pta here?05:36
djosirisare there any newer kernels that are stable with 5.10?05:37
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: I'm not trying to install...just trying to use the Live CD to run it w/o changing my system files. Thats when I get the CD read error.05:37
FrogzooRehanSAlvi: try bootking with 'linux acpi=off'05:37
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OrTigaSin terminal its works05:37
mikebotwhat's the command to search for packages?05:37
tiglionabbitnickgarvey: I just used easy source, and imported its gpg keys, but I still get a failed key for security.ubuntu.com05:37
jsestri2djosiris: breezy is a release, all work is on ubuntu05:37
DBOchris, your html shouldnt include the /home/chris/www part, just the bit that follows05:37
_jasonubotu: tell mikebot about apt05:37
mikebotapt-cache locate or something?05:37
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: ok, should i also type noapic nolapic  ?05:37
OrTigaS_jason, copy05:37
OrTigaSits work in terminal05:38
_jasonOrTigaS: huh?05:38
cloudnetif you're in gauteng check this out: http://forum.cloudnet.yi.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=205:38
OrTigaSthe AM radio05:38
FrogzooRehanSAlvi: try without first05:38
jsestri2Frogzoo: is there a way to check if the kernal has noapic=on/off?05:38
_jasonOrTigaS: tell me one that doesn't work05:38
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: sweet. thanks. let me go try that. thank you for all your help.05:38
Frogzoojsestri2: it will be in /proc I assume05:38
djosirisjsestri2: what are you running?05:38
OrTigaSit say playing but no sounds05:38
djosirisdapper is stable?05:39
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OrTigaSeven the FM when i open it show the Totem again and close the Firefox05:39
jsestri2djosiris: i am actually running dapper, but my networking has problems and i want to check to see if turning apic off will help05:39
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=== KR3470R0 coughs. any info on installing my SiS VGA Drivers?
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djosirisjsestri2: what NIC?05:39
_jasonOrTigaS: does the am have sound?05:39
Madpilotdjosiris, Dapper test releases are available05:40
OrTigaSno sounds in am it just shows playing05:40
Frogzoojsestri2: there's a difference between acpi & apic05:40
jsestri2Marvell pciexpress gigabit LAN05:40
djosirisjsestri2: yeah turn off acpi05:40
jsestri2djosiris: are there any side effects to this?05:40
_jasonOrTigaS: do other things you play in mplayer have sounds?05:40
OrTigaSvideo its works with sounds..05:41
Frogzoojsestri2: yes, acpi doesn't work05:41
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OrTigaSbut this audio only didn't work05:41
ubuntuhow do i install that file from the universe when the options are remarked out in sources.list05:41
Mystic_Portalortigas did i answer your question?05:41
_jasonOrTigaS: pastebin the output from that mplayer command05:41
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djosiriswhat motherboard do you have?05:41
_jasonubotu: tell ubuntu about universe05:41
Madpilotubuntu, you need to edit your sources05:41
djosirisproctype/chipset etc...05:41
jsestri2Frogzoo: how exactly do i turn it off? do i need a recompile?05:41
=== KR3470R0 cocks an eyebrow
Mystic_PortalOrTigaS: Please read your query from ubotu05:42
Frogzoojsestri2: you just pass 'acpi=off' as a boot option - you can set kopt in grub's menu.lst05:42
OrTigaSyea i'm reading05:42
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jsestri2Frogzoo: alright i'll give that try, thanks05:43
Frogzoojsestri2: then run update-grub05:43
OrTigaSMystic_Portal,  i hear sounds when i play in terminal05:43
djosirisjsestri2 only way to know is to try05:43
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OrTigaSwhen _jason  told me05:43
Frogzoodjosiris: do or do not - there is no try :)05:43
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_jasonOrTigaS: does the AM give you sounds or not?  because you seem to be saying both...05:43
OrTigaSi think my player has the issue05:43
tkupzac1333, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1173105:44
djosirisI have A-Bit AN8 AMD 64 3200 but due to the large amount of x64 issues I have settled for 32bit for now =(05:44
OrTigaSAM no sounds but it say playing05:44
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_jasonOrTigaS: ok, can you pastebin the output from mplayer now, I'm about to go in a bit05:44
OrTigaSFM its open the totem player then say something05:44
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djosirisdont have anything to loose other than a little time with dapper i guess05:44
OrTigaSits only say playing05:45
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frederick_http://www.linuxin.dk/games/artikler/index.php?id=6101 can anybody tell me what to do im just reached here to sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-7667-pkg1.run05:45
OrTigaSwhat output can i paste05:45
OrTigaSwhen i click the AM05:45
OrTigaSit just playing but no sounds05:45
_jasonOrTigaS: the mplayer command that you put in the terminal05:46
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djosirisare there any x64 linux distros that have working 32bit flash/java on install? LoL!05:47
alex_how do i upgrade to flash8?05:47
djosiristhe core stuff is really nice but once you start getting into apps and hardware drivers it becomes a nightmare05:47
OrTigaSteknikal@Teknikal:~$ mplayer -cache 50 -playlist http://www.eradioportal.com/dzbb_prepys.asx05:47
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OrTigaS <---- i try this its work in a terminal05:47
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tkupzac1333, there yet?05:48
zac1333about to be...05:48
_jasonOrTigaS: so you hear sound with that?05:48
OrTigaS_jason,  yes05:48
chrisDBO the pictures are missing!!05:48
rixthalex_, you can't.05:49
joelbryanhello, If all people in the planet that use Ubuntu will auto-join #ubuntu, do you think that would going to be a total chaos.05:49
chrisonly shows up on my computer05:49
jsestri2Frogzoo: are there any default settings i should worry about turning off?05:49
alex_rixth ?05:49
alex_so i can't install flash 8?05:49
alex_some programs require flash 805:49
rixthalex_, Macromedia (er, Adobe) have not released Flash 8 for Linux.05:49
rixthI'm ot sure they will, either.05:49
DBOchris, yeah, I know, when you coded your html, you the path to the images is NOT /home/chris/www/images it is simply images/imagename05:49
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_jasonOrTigaS: the server is slow, your mplayer plugin is probably just caching a lot05:49
andrewskiflash sucks.05:49
andrewskiadobe sucks too.05:50
DBOchris, they work for me05:50
rixthandrewski, not helping.05:50
=== slew_ [n=slew@cblmdm72-240-143-107.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
andrewskirixth: yeah, true.  sorry.05:50
chrisok thanks dbo :)05:50
kargath64hey ppl05:50
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ubuntuwow that synaptics package manager is pretty awesome05:50
djosiristhey are probably going to wait another 5 years to release any x64 flash05:50
andrewskirixth: it's a frustrating conundrum.  isn't there a "request support for linux" page somewhere?05:50
slew_hi, id like to make an audio cd, it tells me it needs plugins, but not which ones. which plugins do i need to burn an audio cd?05:50
OrTigaSah ok05:50
OrTigaSlemme just try again05:50
rixthandrewski, I think there a couple petitions somewhere, but nothing official from Adobe.05:51
djosirisand bunches of issues trying to run x32 & x64 firefox on the same system!@#%05:51
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kargath64does anyone know how to force 5.10 to use gcc3.3?05:51
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OrTigaSstill open and theres no sound at all05:51
kargath64'cause i need it to install drivers, nvidia card, modem ...05:51
acid-tripok i'm new to ubuntu just JUST installed it05:51
tkupzac1333, the /etc/resolv.conf entry should only be there if you want to surf the net from that machine05:51
djosiriskargath64 your hardware doesnt work at all?05:52
andrewskia bug report today mentioned running the "latest dapper live cd" to test something... would that be flight 6?05:52
tkupzac1333, you can do that step when you get network connectivity going05:52
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acid-triphow do i find out what driver my system installed for my ati card?05:52
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Madpilotandrewski, depends on when the bug report was filed, if they didn't actually give a05:52
rixth!tell acid-trip about atu05:52
rixth!tell acid-trip about ati05:53
MadpilotFlight number  :P05:53
andrewskiMadpilot: today05:53
djosiriskargath64: nforce4?05:53
Madpilotandrewski, then yes, Flight605:53
djosiriskargath64: what hardware IS working?05:53
andrewskiMadpilot: ah, great.  cheers.05:53
kargath64um, my geforce 6600gt ... somewhat05:53
kargath64my cdrom05:53
kargath64usb controller05:54
acid-tripi really like the look of ubuntu05:54
djosiriskargath64: did you follow the help on the Ubuntu starter guide for the 6600?05:54
acid-tripLinux Kitchen 2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux05:54
ubuntuis ubuntu more secure then windows by default?05:54
kargath64the main problem is someone at canonical forgot kernel compile version matching driver compiles is a GOOD thing05:54
kargath64djosiris: it's a circular problem05:55
kargath64can't connect to synaptic without modem05:55
kargath64can't use modem with synaptic05:55
kargath64can't use modem without synaptic05:55
Madpilotubuntu, much05:55
DBOkargath64, you will need to download the .deb and install it manuallly05:55
slew_hi, id like to make an audio cd, it tells me it needs plugins, but not which ones. which plugins do i need to burn an audio cd?05:56
kargath64breezy sucks05:56
Madpilotslew_, what format is the stuff you want to burn in?05:56
kargath64i'm seriously considering downgrading05:57
djosiriscan someone point me to a(n) nforce 1.0-0310 .deb package?05:57
djosirisor is that just a wet dream?05:57
Madpilotslew_, have you enabled mp3 support?05:57
DBOdjosiris, its not that hard to install the nforce drivers05:57
djosirisor perhaps a faq on nvidia's that wont wreck my networking05:57
djosirisi was reading the forum does that actually work?05:57
djosirisalot of people having issues posting to that thread05:57
cloudnetcan someone help me with a printing problem?05:57
slew_Madpilot, by enabling the repositories? then yes05:57
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DBOdjosiris, I installed with wild abandon (I like to live dangerously), worked just fine05:58
Madpilotslew_, well, you need to actually install the mp3 codecs :P05:58
Madpilot!tell slew_ about mp305:58
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zac1333tkup, i should comment out everything in /etc/network/interfaces correct?05:58
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cloudnetonly half the page prints... printing to a windows xp machine's print queue using smb05:58
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jsestri2Frogzoo: well it appears to at least not have broken anything i can see05:58
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ubuntuwhy do mp3s open with totem by default?05:58
cloudnetLinux Cirrus 2.6.12-10-amd64-generic #1 Sat Mar 11 16:15:30 UTC 2006 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:58
cloudnetcloudnet@Cirrus:~$ uname -a05:59
acid-tripok this is a stupid question but how can i mount my second hard drive to take some pix off of it05:59
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DBOacid-trip, is it a windows drive?05:59
dabaRacid-trip: man mount? what is the file system type? ntfs - windows?05:59
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djosirisDBO: well wild abandon sounds like my game then06:00
djosirisit cant possibly mess up any worse than it did on x64 ubuntu06:00
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: i wasn't able to get it to work still running it with "live linux acpi=off" and now that i've taken the live CD out and gone back into windows I keep getting error messages saying "attempt to access invalid address"06:00
DBOacid-trip, "mkdir /mnt/pix; mount -t ntfs /dev/hd?? /mnt/pix"  (you will have to determine the right device)06:00
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: any ideas what could be causing it?06:00
DBOdjosiris, thats the spirit!06:00
djosirisi see nvidia actually provides more instructions for the x32 driver!!@#06:00
bigfoot1I did a wget on http://www.nature.com/news/2006/060403/multimedia/videosh3.mov but i can't play the file. Can anyone please try it?06:01
DBOdjosiris, exactly the reason I stuck with the 32 bit distro06:01
bigfoot1i tried with mplayer and with totem. neither works06:01
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: i think it has to do with my intel motherboard monitoring program but am not sure06:01
Madpilotbigfoot1, have you got .mov support installed? Can you play other .movs?06:01
djosirisi have been out of the linux scene for a couple of years now so am playing some catchup06:01
djosirisim finding very handy to have prior knowledge (pre 2.2 kernel ;p)06:02
bigfoot1Madpilot: yes. i can play other .mov files.06:02
slew_Madpilot, thanks! <3!06:02
Madpilotslew_, np - mp3s work now/06:02
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djosirishmm well here goes nuthin rock on DBO06:03
slew_Madpilot, well i could always listen to them, im about to try the burning of them now.06:03
EmskoI'm trying to download the latest version of Banshee, and in synaptic an outdated version is listed.. is there a way this can be updated?06:03
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slew_Madpilot, the burning is successful, thank you for your help.06:05
acid-tripis there a way i can list my devices through command with the ls command?06:05
Madpilotslew_, glad it worked! (I actually know spit about mp3, I've got all my music in .ogg instead :P )06:05
DBOacid-trip, to find the disk the right way, just go System -> Administration -> Disks06:05
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DBOthen look for the one that is formated ntfs06:06
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slew_Madpilot, one day i will be leet as you. if the gods will it.06:06
acid-tripwhen i installed ubuntu it didn't ask me for a root pass06:07
Frogzooacid-trip: lspci  might help06:07
slew_acid-trip, we use sudo06:07
ubuntuis there a way to make rythmbox see a smb share that is an icon on my desktop, its not seeing it when i try to add it to library06:07
DBOacid-trip, thats right, it doesnt06:07
Madpilotslew_, actually, the only reason I use only .ogg is because I didn't start ripping my CD collection until I switched to Ubuntu, and .ogg is Ubuntu's default format ;)06:07
DBOacid-trip, the root account is locked06:07
acid-tripok thanks slew_06:07
Madpilot!tell acid-trip about sudo06:07
bigfoot1Madpilot: are you able to view the movie file (http://www.nature.com/news/2006/060403/multimedia/videosh3.mov)?06:08
EmskoI'm trying to download the latest version of Banshee, and in synaptic an outdated version is listed.. is there a way this can be updated?06:08
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OrTigaSokay maybe one can help me :)06:08
inazadHi, I want to configure an FTP Server (proftpd)06:08
alex_should i take the chance and upgrade to drapper?06:08
DBOEmsko, you will have to find a deb for a newer version, or compile from source06:08
acid-tripcan i past something in here?06:08
inazadanyone can help me?06:08
chrisDBO check out my website!!06:08
alex_!tell acid-trip about pastebin06:08
slew_alex_, i took the plunge and havent looked back. flight 6 is totally worth it!06:09
ubuntuwhere do smb mounts show up in the filesystem06:09
DBOchris, works perfect man!  and I love that song06:09
Madpilotbigfoot1, nope. wonder if the whole file is borked?06:09
EmskoDBO, where can I find newer debs?06:09
acid-tripgot it06:09
alex_slew, did you get XGL working?06:09
acid-tripi went to system administration disk06:09
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slew_alex_, YES!!06:09
acid-tripi had to put the path where i wanted it mounted to in there06:09
alex_can i revert??06:09
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Madpilotinazad, ask an actual question, and you'll probably get actual help06:09
OrTigaShere nobody try it? listening to internet radio :) i'm having a problem.. its just playing but no sounds... i played in the terminal it wroks... any idea why06:09
alex_to breezy06:09
chrisDBO was on american idol ;)06:09
FrogzooEmsko: don't go there - you'll break your system06:09
slew_alex_, sure you can, you might have to reinstall breezy, though.06:10
Emskoohh.. k?06:10
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: ooh, it was the intel desktop utilities program...that was always acting up it seems---got rid of it....was wondering if you had any other ideas on how I could the ubuntu live cd to work.06:10
acid-tripnow to install my ati driver06:10
DBOchris, I signed your guestbook a bit ago ;)06:10
Emskodamn linux sure makes installing software difficult06:10
DBOlooks like you already got those images fixed, well done06:10
FrogzooRehanSAlvi: no, sorry06:10
MadpilotEmsko, not at all.06:10
acid-tripEmsko, not with ubuntu sudo apt-get install program06:10
OrTigaShere nobody try it? listening to internet radio :) i'm having a problem.. its just playing but no sounds... i played in the terminal it wroks... any idea why06:10
bigfoot1Madpilot: what's "borked"?06:10
Madpilotbigfoot1, "broken"06:11
DBOFrogzoo, how would getting a newer version of uhhh... the program (forgot name) botch the system?06:11
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tkupzac1333, except the lines that lo in them. There are usually two06:12
RehanSAlviFrogzoo: thank you anyways. :)06:12
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acid-tripwell guys i'm going to head to bed i'll talk to you guys tomorrow06:12
acid-tripthanks for your help so far06:12
FrogzooDBO: well, if you tried installing a debian linux-kernel for starters06:12
inazadI have downloaded Proftpd with apt-get install proftpd06:13
DBOerm... I wasnt suggesting he got a debian kernel, just that he could compile a new version from source06:13
inazadbut now, I want to configue it..06:13
inazadHow I can configure the proftpd config file ?06:13
inazadI wanna help..06:14
tkupzac1333, I meant the lines that have lo (short for loopback)06:14
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alex_anyone get the new nvidia drivers installed?!06:14
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Eleafhmm, not on my main machine to test the new ones out06:14
EleafHave the new nvidia drivers been added to the repository or not yet?06:14
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FrogzooDBO: I think newbs need to know that installing debs rather than going through the repos can cause problems, and should be done cautiously06:15
DBOFrogzoo, ok, I see what you are getting at, I thought you were getting at something specific to Banshee06:15
RehanSAlviif i have two hard drives, my primary SATA one with windows and another one on IDE that I can delete the data on and install UBuntu---can I just pop in the ubuntu install CD and will it let me choose which drive and which partition I install on?06:15
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arrickhey guys06:15
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arrickI finally got the 8 hard drives to work on my server06:16
OrTigaSRehanSAlvi,  yes06:16
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RehanSAlviOrTigaS: it won't delete my windows drive data unless i choose that drive, right?06:16
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OrTigaSur right06:17
Frogzooarrick: raid 5? total volume?06:17
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cloudneti've got printing problems with breezy :(06:17
arrickFrogzoo, its 1 20 gig, and 1 3 gig and 6 278mb hd's, no raid as of yet06:17
cloudnetonly half the page prints06:18
OrTigaSi install my ubuntu in my pc which has 2 HD and have installed 2 OS i just partition the other HD and install ubuntu06:18
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Blaxticcloudnet - go the big d then. ;-)06:18
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Frogzoocloudnet: wierd - r u sure you have the right cups driver installed?06:18
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nomasteryodacloudnet, half left, right or top boittom06:19
nomasteryodahiya bluecookies06:19
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bluecookiesi have a question06:19
DBOask away06:19
bluecookieshi DBO06:19
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cloudnetdoes anyone actually print with ubuntu?06:19
nomasteryodacloudnet, lol yes06:20
DBOcloudnet, yeah, I do =P06:20
nomasteryodai do06:20
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bluecookieswhy there isn't shockwave for linux06:20
arrickyes cloudnet you just have to do your research on printers is all06:20
nomasteryodabluecookies, nope06:20
RhineAnyone know why im getting a missing image error when i start ubuntu it forces me to a command line as soon as stuff loads06:20
nomasteryodaflash only06:20
DBObluecookies, same reason lots of software isnt for linux, its not a big enough user base for home users06:20
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Frogzoocloudnet: printing with cups is excellent - what printer have you got, & which cups driver r u using?06:20
nomasteryodaDBO, well that may be true, but they did it for Flash and Adobe06:21
arrickor did you write your own driver cloudnet06:21
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dabaRshockwave flash...:-/06:21
cloudnetespon stylus 760 on win xp sp206:21
cloudnetprinting over smb06:21
arricknu uh06:21
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bluecookiesso i can't open a web that include shockwave plugin with it06:22
RhineCan someone help i just installed and i went through the whole thing, on the first start up it gets to the part with all the hings that say [ok]  then it gives me an error about some images cant load and makes me go to a text only command line06:22
Frogzoocloudnet: and are you using a 760 cups driver?06:22
SyndromeHey, can someone here help me with sudo? It doesn't like me.06:22
DBObluecookies, what website?06:22
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iloomwhere do i go to add new resolutions to my display?06:22
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Frogzoo!tell iloom about xorg06:23
ubotufrom memory, res is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:23
arrickiloom, ^^^look up06:23
RhineCan someone help me? Please?06:23
Blaxticwhat's up?06:24
arrickRhine, did you verify the md5sum on your disc?06:24
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.06:24
SyndromeI forgot to set a root password when I installed Ubuntu. Is that bad?06:24
bluecookiesDBO: www.liveconnector.com/chat06:24
arrickther is no root password06:24
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:24
ralphoexpert install there is06:24
DBObluecookies, wow that site is slow...06:24
EmskoAnyone here know how I can get the music from my iPod onto my computer using Rhythmbox?06:25
arrickralpho, how any people that come in here are experts with ubuntu their first time?06:25
bluecookiesits from indonesian06:25
SyndromeHmm. So the password totally doesn't matter even if I do set it?06:25
EmskoOr any way I can get the music from my iPod onto my comp?06:25
RhineArrick im kinda new to all this i just ran the install with pressing enter at the first prompt06:25
DBOSyndrome, no, if you set a password, the root account will be unlocked06:25
ralphoI did the expert install because i was hoping for more pak to install06:25
bluecookiesin my country (indonesia), liveconnector is a popular web06:26
Blaxticsyndrome - use your own password - with sudo06:26
arrickthats good06:26
DBOSyndrome, you do not want to do that06:26
DBOSyndrome, what Blaxtic said, use sudo06:26
arrickRhine, thats the way most people do it06:26
arrickwhen you run a command entry just type sudo before everything06:26
alex_what's a good video editing program06:27
SyndromeI try to use sudo, but it returns the error "sudo: unable to lookup ubuntu via getbyhostname()". What does that mean?06:27
arrickralpho, do you mean the "server" install?06:27
RhineNo i cant load the graphics on startup it gives me a grey box and it asks if i want an error report and then takes me to the command line with no graphics06:27
ralphono just expert mode06:27
Syndrome*I named the computer ubuntu, by the way.06:27
arrickyour sources list needs to be edited Syndrome06:27
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:28
bluecookiesDBO, so there isn't ways to solve shockwave problems06:28
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phrowzenwhat is the service that monitors package updates? for some reason its not running for me right now, and i dont want to restart06:28
ralphoin text mode type expert06:28
SyndromeIs that something I can do without superuser privleges, arrick?06:28
DBObluecookies, i dont know really06:28
ralphoesc to get out of th setup screen06:28
arrickcan you gedit?06:28
bluecookiesDBO, thanks06:28
Rhineare you guys talking to me?06:29
DBObluecookies, if the site would load, I might be able to help some more06:29
ralphohe could go to users and groups and show all users06:29
ralphoselect root and make a password06:29
EmskoAnyone here know how I can get the music from my iPod onto my computer?06:29
ralphogo to login window and allow root login06:29
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RhineEmsko you could use winampe and transfer in windows and mount the drive in linux06:30
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Madpilotralpho, not a good idea at all...06:30
bluecookiesDBO, does wine would works with games on-line06:30
ralphoif you want root thats how06:30
George007my windows isn't loading anymore ... it's not in grub.. for some reason06:30
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DBObluecookies, you mean flash games?  I think so...06:31
ralphonot that root is a good idea06:31
arrickhey George007 did you load windows first?06:31
Frogzoocloudnet: try this driver instead: Gutenprint v5.0.0-rc206:31
EmskoRhine, all I have is ubuntu on here06:31
George007grub arrick06:31
RhineOh o.O06:31
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Syndromearrick: What's the file I need to edit, and what line should I add?06:31
Rhinetheres a hidden folder06:31
bluecookiesDBO, not flash game06:31
sun_i get this error when trying to change screen resolution: "The X Server does not support the XRandR extension. "06:31
sun_what can i fix it?06:32
Blaxticstick with sudo - never go root...06:32
bluecookiesbut game-online like ragnarok06:32
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George007arrick, it got replaced by something else06:32
DBObluecookies, you mean like an online video game... well I know for a fact World of Warcraft works...06:32
arrickSyndrome, you can check out this page06:32
George007I'll paste it06:32
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:32
DBObluecookies, it really depends on the game, not everything works, some stuff works really well, all I can say is try06:32
George007arrick, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1173206:32
bluecookiesyeah, for WoW i already test it06:32
RhineEmsko does your ipod show up when you connect it? If so go to Ipod_control folder\music06:32
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Rhineand drag that where ever you want06:33
Rhinethose are all your music files06:33
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cloudnetFrogzoo: where do I find  Gutenprint v5.0.0-rc2 ?06:33
bluecookiesbut for other games, wine won't work great06:33
SyndromeSorry, I'm new to linux... Will it tell me what I need to know if I type !sources into a terminal?06:33
arrickyep George007 you accidently deleted windows06:33
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DBObluecookies, you could try Cedega06:33
jbn-oAnyone having a problem with Thunderbird opening a browser other than that selected in PreferredApplications?06:33
arrickDBO check this out06:33
MadpilotSyndrome, nope - the !sources thing is a command to the bot here in #ubuntu06:33
bluecookiesDBO, yes i've try06:33
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:33
sun_does anyone use a widescreen monitor like 1680x1050?06:33
arrickhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11732 DBO06:33
bluecookiesstill it won't work06:34
RhineWonder if someone can help me with this one. I get an X Server error before i reach the login and it wont load for me06:34
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arricksyndrome look ^^06:34
George007arrick,  I didn't touch this... I updated ubuntu last night, and it vanished... how can I get it back?06:34
ralphonow you can partition that space for more linux room :)06:34
DBOarrick, so what about it?06:34
MadpilotSyndrome, ubotu posted above with the info you need - look under my !sources post ^^^06:34
arrickreinstall windows and then install ubuntu George00706:34
EmskoRhine, all the folder and files are given names like f04 and DIUE.mp3... any way to decode it back to the nice and pretty names I had under itunes on windows?06:34
jbn-oWhen I click a link in Thunderbird, it always opens Konqueror regardless of what browser is selected in my Preferred Applications preference panel.  This is on Ubuntu Dapper Drake prerelease.06:34
arrickDBO, he had a dual boot with windows06:34
George007OMG arrick  =(06:34
bluecookiesDBO, thanks for your great help06:34
Blaxticsundrome - don't forget about: http://www.apt-get.org/06:34
RhineNot really06:34
SyndromeOh. I get it now!06:35
Rhineit will have to be manual06:35
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Rhinethats the simplest way though06:35
George007arrick, windows still exists, I can get on c, it's just not in the boot anymore06:35
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DBObluecookies, you mean telling you what you already knew:-P  sorry I wasnt any help06:35
Steilanyone have a favourite theme they'd like to share?06:35
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting06:35
Frogzoocloudnet: try 'sudo apt-get foomatic-db'06:35
DBOarrick, yeah, that sucks06:35
Emskojeez... 15 gigs of music06:35
arrickGeorge007, ^^06:35
MadpilotSyndrome, ubotu is a bot, it saves us from remembering dozens of URLs & stuff :P06:35
RhineIll look for something for you Emsko06:35
intelikeysudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied06:35
arrickok,gonna talk to my aunt for a bit06:35
Emskothanks Rhine06:35
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intelikey-r--r-----  1 root root 320 Apr  7 23:22 /etc/sudoers06:36
ralphotitle Windows 200006:36
ralphorootnoverify (hd0,0)06:36
bluecookiesDBO, chat with you is a grear help for me.... THANKS06:36
intelikeywhat's up with that error message ?06:36
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SyndromeOkay, sorry. Do I need to read the part about adding repositories, or the official sources.lists?06:36
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dabaRintelikey: sudo visudo?06:36
SyndromeHeh, nevermind, stupid question. :)06:37
MadpilotSyndrome, both - the first for the explanations, the 2nd for the actual info you need06:37
tk401i love windows xp, it's the best operating system ever!!! *barf*06:37
intelikeydabar sudo wont open anything06:37
RhineHope someone helps me now o.O06:37
cloudnetroot@Cirrus:~# apt-get install foomatic-db06:37
cloudnetReading package lists... Done06:37
cloudnetBuilding dependency tree... Done06:37
cloudnetfoomatic-db is already the newest version.06:37
cloudnet0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:37
dabaRintelikey: sudo visudo06:37
intelikeyi can edit sudo if that makes you feel better dabaR06:37
ubotuit has been said that pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126906:37
cloudnetwhat else could i try?06:37
Blaxticsynrome - use synaptic - it's pretty straight forward...06:37
bluecookiesDBO, bye06:37
DBObye bluecookies06:37
intelikeysudo visudo06:37
intelikeysudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied06:37
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  postdrop: warning: unable to look up public/pickup: No such file or directory06:37
RhineEmsko did you get that link?06:38
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Emskoyeah looks good Rhine  thanks a lot06:38
dabaRintelikey: rescue mode? Recovery or whatever it is called in grub when you reboot...06:38
SyndromeCool, thanks. I'll boot ubuntu to see if I can get this working.06:38
Blaxticdamn this channel is hoppin tonight...06:38
Rhineno problem enjoy your music and rock on :)06:38
intelikeydabar  NO !06:38
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tk401Blaxtic, yes, 625 souls on board06:38
dabaRintelikey: free the whales.06:38
intelikey i was running sudo as root06:38
dabaRintelikey: just visudo?06:39
intelikeydabar ok i have it open  now what ?06:39
pulgokiis turning ubuntu into kunbunto agonizing or is it a smooth transfer?06:39
RhineMeh someone help plz? I get an X Server error on startup and says it cant load the graphics and goes to text only mode06:39
dabaRintelikey: what are you trying to do?06:39
tk401pulgoki, it's really easy06:40
dabaRRhine: what graphs card?06:40
intelikeyget sudo to work06:40
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dabaRintelikey: add yourself to the file.06:40
Rhine9200 se PCI06:40
RhineI also have a built in VGA06:40
intelikeyroot is there already06:40
Blaxticpulgoki - easy06:40
pulgokitk401: is the transfer back easy if you dont like kde?06:40
DBOhi mwright106:40
=== whiter` [n=whiter@adsl-70-241-100-2.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwright1has anyone here got ubuntu 5.10 and can test something for me, I have a launchpad bug in and need the same thing tested wth 5.106:40
intelikeyroot    ALL=(ALL) ALL06:40
Rhineshould i startup with the built in one?06:40
dabaRintelikey        ALL=(ALL) ALL06:40
intelikeydabar so why can't root run sudo ?06:40
tk401pulgoki, you would have to save the names of the packages you install so that you can delete them later06:40
MadpilotRhine, is the builtin card disabled in BIOS?06:40
Frogzoocloudnet: try 'sudo apt-get cupsys-driver-gimpprint '06:40
tk401if you want to get rid of everything that is06:41
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dabaRintelikey: why do you need to run sudo with root?06:41
Blaxticpulgoki - that won't matter - you'll love it. ;-)06:41
Rhinethe pci one is enabled06:41
Madpilotmwright1, I've got Breezy - pm me if you want06:41
pulgokiwell, i dig gnome06:41
mwright1I need someone to create a group, then to make a directory have the group permissions then chmod g+s /directory06:41
tk401anyone running dapper here?06:41
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)06:41
pulgokibut i would like to try kde also06:41
intelikeyfor auto login to work for user rather than root06:41
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pulgokijust want to make sure i can change back if i want06:41
mwright1then use cp /home/yourhome/file /directory; ls -la06:41
pulgokiso i have to take gdm out of init.d?06:41
pulgokiso = do06:42
mwright1then do the same with cp -a then finally do the same as a drag and drop with nautilus and check the permissions each time06:42
tk401pulgoki, you don't have to worry about all those details, it does it for you06:42
JRlinuxNeed wireless broadcom 4318 support... Hope Ubuntu is going to have it06:42
Blaxtictk401 - yep06:42
mwright1madpilot: can you check that?06:42
pulgokiwell lets make it too simple06:42
dabaRRhine: what is a 9200 se? is that a ATI?06:42
intelikeyinit script line   sudo -u user startx     dabar   but if sudo wont work that is hosed.06:42
Madpilotmwright1, yeah, just give me a second06:42
tk401pulgoki, it will install kdm for you hehehe, so you better like it!!! just kiddding :-)06:42
dabaRJRlinux: In dapper it works:) I got it set up today.06:42
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pulgokiwell, what if i want to go back, do i have to re-add gdm to init.d?06:42
dabaRJRlinux: dapper is not released yet, though, so you may want to wait if you need the computer working reliably.06:43
pulgokii dont want to re-install gnome06:43
pulgokii would just like to revert back06:43
tk401pulgoki, you can have both kde and gnome06:43
JRlinuxdabaR, Really?  I have dapper live and no luck on my compaq v257572 presario.  Hmmmm06:43
RhineMadpilot i think i found a solution thanks for your time06:43
intelikeyand as root  that command returns "sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied"  dabar06:43
JRlinuxdabaR, OK06:43
dabaRJRlinux: did you install the driver?06:43
tk401pulgoki, side by side, so you can switch to whatever you want any time06:43
pulgokii guess i'll just add kde and worry about the detail later i guess06:43
Blaxticpulgoki - or just download the live CD from www.kubuntu.org06:43
JRlinuxdabaR, which driver?06:43
RhineOnce i type this in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg What else should i know to do?06:43
tk401pulgoki, the only thing is that you'll see some kde applications in gnome06:44
ubotuTo use your broadcom or airport extreme card, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx for info and firmware.06:44
tk401pulgoki, and vise-versa06:44
Blaxticpulgoki - and test it out without modification to your existing system06:44
pulgokino problem there06:44
pulgokiBlaxtic: thanks06:44
pulgokiim not too worries about that06:44
JRlinuxdabaR, then you need to energize ndiswrapper?06:44
pulgokiim ok moving things around06:44
dabaRintelikey: I don't understand your issue. Root does not need sudo, that is simply wrong:), but maybe it is needed on that issue.06:44
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pulgokijust wondering what im in for06:44
tk401but kde isn't much for me, i'm trying to be a fluxbox whore :-)06:44
dabaRJRlinux: nope, there is a .deb cafuego built that works nice.06:44
tk401pulgoki, i hope you enjoy it!06:45
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dabaRJRlinux: It is all experimental and buggy, but it connects, even with wpa.06:45
tk401pulgoki, ubuntu makes it easy to do whatever you want, that's the beauty06:45
JRlinuxWow, OK.  Thanks dabaR06:45
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intelikeydabar fot any idea why root #  sudo <blah>    returns  "sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied"   with  ls -l /etc/sudoers    "-r--r-----  1 root root 320 Apr  7 23:22 /etc/sudoers"  ?06:45
cloudnetthis doesn't seem to solve my half page printout problem...06:45
cloudnetroot@Cirrus:~# apt-get install cupsys-driver-gimpprint06:45
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cloudnetReading package lists... Done06:45
cloudnetBuilding dependency tree... Done06:45
cloudnetcupsys-driver-gimpprint is already the newest version.06:45
cloudnet0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.06:45
dabaRcloudnet: we don't paste here.06:45
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cloudneti did06:46
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126906:46
dabaRintelikey: it has same permissions here. Would you like my file on a pastebin?06:46
Frogzoocloudnet: u sure you picked the right driver? there's 2 x 760s in there06:46
intelikeymaybe it's /etc that is to tight for it to read?06:47
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cloudnetnot in my list06:47
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dabaRintelikey: show me:)06:47
cloudneti'll check again...06:47
dabaRintelikey: ls -ld /etc06:47
cloudnetwhat resolution should i be using?06:47
dabaRintelikey: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11734 is my sudoers.06:47
cloudnetcurrently default06:47
dominic_can i install dapper drake onto my existing brezy badger using internet06:47
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dabaRintelikey: my root can sudo.06:47
intelikey755 i just set it06:47
dj-fudominic_, you certainly can06:48
dabaRMine is 755 too06:48
Frogzoocloudnet: 'add printer' again - but choose the 2nd driver in the list 'gimp-print'06:48
dominic_coz i dont hav a cd of dapper drake06:48
dominic_and i hav full speed of internet acces06:48
dj-fudominic_, I can give you a one liner to perform the upgrade if you'd like06:48
intelikeyi'm setting it back to 001  like i had it.  that's not the problem.06:48
dj-fuit will take a while (700+mb)06:48
tk401anyone try nubuntu yet?06:48
dominic_yes thanks you help me06:49
dj-fuLOL. Nubuntu06:49
dj-fudominic_, right, `sudo sed -ie "s/breezy/dapper/g" /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade`06:49
dabaR001?? that is no permissions except execute for all.06:49
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intelikeymost of my /dirs are  00106:50
intelikeyincluding  /06:50
dabaRGood idea, I guesses.06:50
jenatmcdsStill having a horrible slow time with install breezy on IBM Aptiva 13 hours and at 17% of format ext3 /06:50
intelikeyroot doesn't need permission and users dont need out of /home   soooo06:51
Frogzoojenatmcds: serious problem - not worth continuing install until you fix it - is the drive failing? problems reading cd?06:51
dominic_in a terminal dj-fu: sudo sed -ie "s/breezy/dapper/g/" /etc/apt/source.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:51
Blaxticjenatmcds - do a low level format first06:51
jenatmcdsdon't know I have installed off that CD before but this is a new drive06:52
intelikeydabar can you dcc me a copy of your sudoers  ?06:52
dj-fudominic_, yes, in a terminal06:52
ralphoI had that trouble when it was reformating an exsiting drive06:52
dabaRintelikey: you don't like pastebin?06:52
Frogzoocloudnet: echo?06:52
Blaxticjenatmcds - do a low level format through bios first06:52
=== dabaR meant Mr. Pastebin
intelikeyit will change the markup06:52
ralphoI reinstalled and deleted and remounted and it worked right. :006:52
dominic_do i nid to include to quotation mark "s/breezy/dapper/g/"06:53
jenatmcdsthanks Blaxtic - I think I will try that - I have been so frustrated06:53
dj-fudominic_, yes, that's the sed expression - it needs to be quoted06:53
intelikeyno no dabar06:53
dabaRI am not good with IRC, and I am in irssi06:53
intelikey/dcc.send /etc/sudoers06:53
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Blaxticjenatmcds - i had that same problem on one of my laptops - that's the only thing that fixed it.06:53
Jorjehey, can someone help me? Trying to run a wireless LAN driver on my Ubuntu06:54
dominic_ahhhhh ic "how about my files in home and my network configuration also my samba sharing to my network?06:54
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dominic_i cant be affected06:54
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Blaxticjorje - by any chance is it broadcom?06:55
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Jorjeno, Intel Pro 2200BG06:55
Praki need some help configuring my internet connection06:55
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intelikeyooops retry that, this user had no ddc download dir.06:55
Blaxticjorje - sorry, can't help with that one.06:55
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dabaRhaha, I screwed my sudoers up now.06:56
Praki use a d-link DSL-300G modem, and i tried to follow the procedure in06:56
intelikeyhehhe i think it went to dev/null06:56
SmerityPrak - you need to tell us what the problem is =)06:56
dabaRI can not sudo:( Whatever, Ill deal with it later.06:56
Jorjek, thx06:56
Prakbut i can't modify the file06:56
Praki got the dns for my dhcp from the isp06:56
Prakbut can't modify that file06:56
alex_does anyone know why azureus wont start? http://pastebin.com/64735006:56
intelikeythank you.06:56
Praki can't connect to the internet06:56
dabaRI screwed mine up. You get a permission error?06:56
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dominic_DJ-Fu  "how about my files in home and my network configuration also my samba sharing to my network?06:57
dj-fudominic_, what?06:58
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dominic_dj-fu  http://www.macewan.org/2006/02/23/upgrading-breezy-to-dapper/06:58
dominic_how about that instructions06:58
intelikeydabar that didn't change a thing here.  i still get "sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied "06:58
intelikeyyou say you broke yours too dabaR ?06:59
dabaRintelikey: what permissions do you have on it anyhow? I screwed mine up now:-/06:59
dabaRYa. It won't let me sudo cause I have 0444 permissions.06:59
dj-fudominic_, that's what mine did - except mines a oneliner, making it so much cooler.06:59
dabaRsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0444, should be 044006:59
rob_pintelikey:  What perms does your /  dir have?06:59
DrawLtI can't connect to ubuntu 5.10 from OS X 10.4.6 using connect to server.  I have shared a folder from my home dir in ubuntu and have set up "shared folders" in system>admin, OS X asks for a password when I try to connect to smb://etc... but then I get an error 43 from OS X07:00
DrawLtplease help07:00
dominic_how about the problem about x-window after installing dapper drake07:00
Praki'm currently using ubuntu 5.10 right now07:00
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dabaRDrawLt: why not use ssh?07:00
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intelikeyso dabaR you have a root passwd or are you in for a reboot ?07:01
GuardianAtomosHi. Am I allowed to ask for help in this channel?07:01
DrawLtdabaR: what is ssh?07:01
dabaRintelikey: reboot.07:01
_jasonGuardianAtomos: yes07:01
Blaxticthere's prolly too much going on right now for me to really ask this question - maybe is a bit too deep...   i'm going to do it anyway however... hehheh :-)  why isn't ubuntu/kubuntu supporting/including FreeNX in the Big D?07:01
intelikeyheh figures07:01
DrawLtdabaR: I don't use it cause I don't know about it07:01
dominic_dj-fu is that not too risky when used that command line07:01
intelikeymine is long and a pain to type in but i always have a root passwd07:01
dj-fudominic_, just as risky as doing it his way07:01
intelikeyi think is like 50 something chars07:02
dj-fuDrawLt, you have to use smbpasswd -a <your linux user account> - then you'll be able to login to the machine from osx with your username and password07:02
DrawLtdid that already07:02
dominic_but your suggestion i mean your command :: is just easy07:02
DrawLtset the password07:02
IcemanV9intelikey: check your /etc/group to see if your username is added to "admin" line07:02
dj-fushouldn't be any problem then07:02
dominic_you can assure no problems comes up..07:02
GuardianAtomosI would search the forums, but I have no clue what my problem is...I just installed Ubuntu 5.10 on an older machine...Celeron 1GHz with 256MB RAM...pretty basic. The entire installation was successful and it did all the first-boot procedures...but now the computer is frozen with a cursor line in the upper left corner (but it's not blinking). I can't access any of the other TTY sessions.07:02
OrTigaShere nobody try it? listening to internet radio :) i'm having a problem.. its just playing but no sounds... i played in the terminal it wroks... any idea why07:02
GuardianAtomosThe same thing happened with the Live CD.07:02
alex_what's the command to extract somthing to another folder07:02
IcemanV9intelikey: then you should be able to use sudo command07:03
intelikeyIcemanV9 i assume that root is07:03
GuardianAtomosI have a hunch that it has something to do with the X server, because I can boot into "recovery" mode or whatever it's called.07:03
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dominic_but your suggestion i mean your command :: is just easy    >>> you can assure no problems comes up..07:03
DrawLtOS X doesn't say there is a prob with the password it says "the operation cannot be completed because one or more required items cannot be found (error code -43)"07:03
intelikeyIcemanV9 besides root is explicitly in sudoers07:03
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dominic_after i upgrading dapper to breezy07:03
dabaRintelikey: :(07:03
intelikeyIcemanV9 it's not a group issue07:03
dj-fuDrawLt, OSX is probably the problem :{07:04
arrickevening DrawLt07:04
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intelikeydabar it needs a break.....07:04
DrawLtarrick: hey07:04
GuardianAtomosI also don't know what logs I should look at. :-\07:04
arrickyou get your problem fixed? DrawLt07:04
alex_what's the command to get the root file browser07:04
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_jasonintelikey: 50 something cars?  is it like a song or something so you can remember it?07:04
GuardianAtomosI really want to use Ubuntu...heard so many good things about it. :) But if I can't figure it out...I'll have to try another distro I guess.07:04
IcemanV9intelikey: in my group file -> admin:x:106:ubuntu,icemanv9 AND in my sudoers file -> %admin  ALL=(ALL) ALL07:04
dominic_huuuuuuuuuhhhhhh a lot of erros07:05
_jasonchars even07:05
DrawLtnope, i've been away from my linux system for a few days (exam studying)07:05
dominic_huuuuuuuuuhhhhhh a lot of errors Dj - FU07:05
dabaRThis makes me sad. Later:)07:05
rob_pintelikey:  Your / should be 755.  If it isn't, then you need to change it (chmod 755 /).  However without sudo, you'll probably have to boot into recovery mode to get a root console.07:05
intelikeydabar if you had been running for that long you would want a restart07:05
DrawLtstill stuck at getting that error message saying that one or more items are missing07:05
odin__how do you install something that you've downloaded rather than got through apt-get?\07:05
Prakdoes anyone know how to configure dhcp on adsl?07:05
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_jasonodin__: what are you trying to install?07:05
intelikeyrob_p why does my / need to be 755 ?07:05
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dominic_can i used the pastebin to my output07:06
odin___jason: d1x-rebirth07:06
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intelikeyrob_p  i set it to 001 over a weak ago,  that's not the issue.07:06
DrawLtany ideas?07:06
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dj-fudominic_, sure, what's the problem?07:06
arrickyeah anybody can use pastebin dominic_07:06
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_jasonodin__: is it something you need to compile?07:07
odin___jason:  I think so07:07
_jasonubotu: tell odin__ about compile07:07
_jasonodin__: by the way an apt-cache search turned up: freebirth - Bass synthesizer/sample player/sequencer similar to Rebirth07:07
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  chmod 777 /07:07
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  sudo echo bob07:07
intelikeysudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied07:07
lutraany recommendations on a nice rss feeder for gnome?07:07
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ubuntualguem do brasil??07:08
OrTigaS_jason,  any idea with my problem RE: internet radio (Fm/Am)07:08
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.07:08
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_jasonOrTigaS: did you try reducing the cache size mplayer-plugin uses?07:08
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maualguem do barsil?07:08
_jasonOrTigaS: make it 50kb for that site07:08
odin___jason:  how do I know if I need to compile it or not?07:08
_jasonmau: /join #ubuntu-br07:08
Prakdoes anyone know how to configure dhcp on adsl?07:08
_jasonodin__: did you download a source tarball?07:09
OrTigaSit just only audio...why with the video it works?07:09
rob_pintelikey:  Can you open your /etc/sudoers file with visudo?07:09
_jasonOrTigaS: it is because those particular servers are slow07:09
dominic_somebody can make help me07:09
odin___jason:  I think so07:09
_jasondominic_: you need to aska  question07:09
_jasonodin__: link me?07:09
OrTigaShow can i change that07:09
OrTigaSreduce the cache07:09
mauchecking for gcc... no07:10
mauchecking for cc...  does anybody knows what is this?07:10
_jasonOrTigaS: can you right click on the mplayer plugin and choose configure or settings?  (I am not sure you can)07:10
GuardianAtomosDoes anyone know why my system freezes at the very end of the boot sequence...blank screen with a frozen cursor in the top left corner.07:10
_jasonmau: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential'07:10
GuardianAtomosI have to force the system off.07:10
intelikeyrob_p yes07:10
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maujason: just type these words?07:10
_jasonmau: sim07:10
alex_what's the command to get the root file browser again07:10
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odin___jason: http://www.dxx-rebirth.de/07:10
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odin___jason:  nvm though, I just found out that I have some missing files07:11
_jasonodin__: k07:11
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OrTigaSit only 221 can07:12
intelikeyrob_p well actually with mcedit  i don't have any "alternatives"  so visudo errors out with "visudo: no editor found (editor path = /usr/bin/editor)"  but i can edit it.07:12
alex__jason what's the command to get root console again07:12
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OrTigaSafter that it zero07:12
alex_i mean file browser07:12
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_jasonalex_: sudo -i07:12
inazadI can't make... comand not found.. help me!!!07:12
newbuntuhow do you add a program to startup in ubunto kde/07:12
harisundDoes anybody know the command to lock the screen?07:12
_jasonalex_: gksduo nautilus, be careful...07:12
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harisundinazad: You will have to install the make package. try installing "sudo apt-get install build-essential"07:12
stpereis libc2.3.5 backward compatible with libc2.2.14?07:12
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alex__jason, installing azureus in opt07:13
zenbumharisund: shutdown -p now07:13
newbuntuim trying to add ktorrent to startup in kde07:13
mau_jason:  ubuntu@ubuntu:/$ sudo aptitude install build-essential07:13
harisundzenbum: I dont' want to shut down.07:13
mausudo: aptitude: command not found07:13
_jasonmau: weird... try apt-get instead of aptitude07:14
harisundzenbum: I only want to lock the screen (so that the beared man asks for a password..)07:14
inazadI have another question... I just got all the stock to have a webserver in localhost but I have a problem...07:14
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intelikeyrob_p i made a symlink and now visudo opens it fine.07:14
inazadit dont read the file, it download it..07:15
newbuntucan anyone please tell me how to add a program to startup in kde ubuntu?07:15
DrawLtanyone have any ideas on how to fix this problem i'm having with connecting OS X 10.4.6 to ubuntu 5.1007:15
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mau_jason: thank u very much! downloading in progresss... ;)07:15
_jasonnewbuntu: try #kubuntu, they might know better07:15
harisundzenbum: Could you get my question?07:15
dj-fudominic_, still having the problem?07:15
newbuntuits an empty room?07:16
_jasonnewbuntu: #kubuntu07:16
liquidflameany one know anything about java?07:16
_jasonliquidflame: someone surely knows something about java07:16
intelikeynewbuntu there is a dir in  $HOME/.kde/   called startup  i think.   put a luancher there.  or a warper07:16
rob_pintelikey:  Visudo is a wrapper around your editor which verifies the integrity of your sudoers file by checking for syntatical errors.  You really should be using it to edit your /etc/sudoers file.07:16
rob_pintelikey:  A symlink to what?07:16
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newbuntuthanks i didnt realize07:16
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liquidflamewill i'm trying to install Java Runtime Environment but i can't get it to install07:17
intelikeyln -s /your/favorite/editor  /usr/bin/editor07:17
OrTigaSok that internet radio leave it.... i have one more thing to set-up.. Network Printer i want to add it07:17
PhoenixP3KI need quick help; just how do you execute those .sh07:17
_jasonubotu: tell liquidflame about javadebs07:17
_jasonPhoenixP3K: sh file.sh07:17
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OrTigaSi wont detect our network printer07:18
PhoenixP3K_jason, God thank you  :o07:18
OrTigaSit a window printer07:18
intelikeyrob_p normally /usr/bin/editor is a link to /etc/alternatives/editor  which is a like to  /usr/bin/sensable-editor  or some crpa like that but i don't do /etc/alternatives/   so... meah07:19
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munzirHi, I want to let domain1.com points to domain2.com, should setting a cname be enough? is this a correct way?07:19
rob_pintelikey:  Ok.  So now that you can edit your sudoers file with visudo, try making an insignificant change and then save it.  That way you can verify your sudoers file integrity.07:20
alex__jason you there?07:20
rob_pintelikey:  After that, try running a command with sudo and cross your fingers.  :-)07:20
_jasonalex_: yeah07:20
alex_i downloaded azureus from their offical site07:20
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alex_because the one in the repository doesn't work07:20
harisundhas anybody used the software mathematica here?07:20
alex_anyway it works now, but how do i make a shortcut to it?07:20
alex_i want to put an icon in my taskbar07:20
arrickhey how do i delete a directory that I made with "sudo mkdir ext6" on accdent?07:20
alex_if i type azureus in terminal it doesn't come up07:20
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  visudo07:20
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  sudo echo bob07:20
intelikeysudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied07:20
_jasonalex_: right click > create launcher07:20
harisundarrick: sudo rm -r ext607:20
intelikeyand i did change it.07:21
_jasonarrick: sudo rmdir ext607:21
intelikeyremoved a blank line and saved rob_p07:21
alex__jason, where should i install th ings?07:21
alex_is the opt directory fine?07:21
alex_i saw firefox there07:21
_jasonalex_: yep07:21
alex_so i put azureus there07:21
_jasonalex_: /opt or /usr/local are what I usually use07:21
OrTigaShow can i add a window network printer?07:22
alex_what's the significance of the opt directory?07:22
alex_it has root access or somthing07:22
intelikeyrob_p if you think it will help i'll rm /etc/sudoers and reinstall sudo  that will make a new default /etc/sudoers file   but it will still error out because that error is bogus.   i don't know what the porblem is but i know it'e not the sudoers file itself.07:23
rob_pintelikey:  What perms do you have on your /etc/sudoers file?  Should be 440.07:23
_jasonubotu: tell alex_ about dirs07:23
biovorethe /opt is for optional software.. Atleast thats what it says in the FHS07:23
arrickhey _jason harisund IdleOne DBO check out #arrick right quick07:23
mau_jason: do you speak portuguese?07:23
rob_pintelikey:  brb... gotta hit br...07:23
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) ou #ubuntu-pt (/j #ubuntu-pt) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.07:24
alex__jason, i can't select an icon in t he opt dir07:24
alex_it's all greyed out07:24
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_jasonalex_: what's the filename?07:25
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_jasonalex_: hrmm, don't know07:26
ubotuI guess pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126907:26
alex_is it because it doesn't have access to it or osmthing07:26
Prakdoes anyone know how to deal with dhcp problem with adsl?07:26
_jasonalex_: ls -l /path/to/Azureus.png07:26
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boggiex64never had any probs with DHCP sorry07:26
alex_nevermind it works now _jason.07:27
alex_i wish utorrent would get ported over.07:27
boggiex64lol thats good07:27
intelikeyanybody else want to take a crack at this error ?     "sudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied"   ???07:27
_jasonalex_: well you could take the initiative :)07:27
lutraalex_: just use bittorrent07:27
BostonBubzanybody know how to move the default volume controls from analog center to analog front???07:27
Prakhere's my problem; i installed ubuntu to dual boot with windows 2 weeks ago; it's connected to the router using ethernet cable07:27
Prakbut it can't connect to the internet07:27
_jasonintelikey: seems like you fixed the permissions, have you tried logging out and back in maybe?07:27
alex__jason, i clicked on the azureus icon and it doesn't give me permissions07:28
intelikeySetting up sudo (1.6.8p5-1ubuntu2) ...07:28
intelikeyNo /etc/sudoers found... creating one for you.07:28
rob_pintelikey:  I'm back.  Yeah, I'd hold off from reinstalling it.  What was the last thing you did  before you noticed sudo was broken?07:28
_jasonubotu: tell alex_ about azureus07:28
alex_it says can't open file - permission denied07:28
_jasonalex_: ubotu just sent you the easy way07:28
ic56alex_ /opt is for packages that you want installed in their own directory hierarchy.  /usr/local is for conventional unix-style installations where all packages share a single hierarchy.07:28
arrickOk everyone check out http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11735 and let me know what you think07:28
intelikey_jason no change.   tty2 [root#~]  sudo echo bob07:28
intelikeysudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied07:28
inazadanyone know how to install No-ip DNS software on Linux?07:29
boggiex64did you run dclient?07:29
intelikeynever used it on this system.... probably never worked here ?07:29
inazadboggiex64, I finished the installation 2 minutes ago07:29
inazadI dont know if it runnin07:29
inazadhow I can know if it's running?07:29
arrickinazad, if you followed the instructions in the README.FIRST file, then its running07:30
intelikeyrob_p  i don't remember ever using sudo sense i installed the system.07:30
inazadarrick, yes but I want to be sure07:30
alex_nevermind i got it _jason, it's working now.07:30
ic56intelikey: tell me more.  Is this an Ubuntu system?  what does ls -l /etc/sudoers say?07:30
_jasonalex_: k07:30
alex_I tried the offical one but it's buggy.07:30
inazadarrick, because my apache2 sucks..07:30
boggiex64that I am not sure on but try sudo dhclient eth0 or where ever your Nic is07:30
arrickinazad, its working believe me07:30
arrickok what is your noip addy?07:30
inazadarrick, can u help me with my apache2 ?07:30
intelikeyls says 44007:31
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ic56intelikey: 440 is fine.  Now tell me what ls -ld / and /etc says07:31
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inazadarrick, can u help me with my apache2 ?07:32
intelikeyand dpkg just made that file... i "rm /etc/sudoers "  and  "apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install sudo"    and i have tried with 001  755  and 777 on both of those.07:32
arrickinazad, let me know your noip address and i'll check it for you then we will configure apache07:32
ralphoI just got my all in one hp5510 to work good god i got a scanner and its not scsi in linux this is good.07:32
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majdhow do i execute a .deb package?07:32
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)07:32
inazadarrick, inazad.no-ip.org07:33
DBOdpkg -i /path/to/deb07:33
DBOooooh, there is a factoid for that one, handy07:33
intelikeyic56   ^07:33
ic56intelikey: sudo will refuse to run if its config file can be publically modified, since that would allow root to be compromised.07:33
OrTigaSi cant add a network printer it didnt show07:33
ic56intelikey: chmod 755 / /etc07:33
intelikeyic56 i know that.  but that's a different error message07:34
intelikeyyes that's what i just said.07:34
intelikeyand dpkg just made that file... i "rm /etc/sudoers "  and  "apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install sudo"    and i have tried with 001  755  and 777 on both of those. ic5607:34
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intelikeyboth of those being  / and /etc07:34
arrickhey inazad join #arrick07:35
alex__jason, i want to uninstall windows and put it back (another version of windows just for streaming to my xbox) will grub detect it07:35
arrickthat way I dont flood here07:35
ic56intelikey: so is / and /etc now 755?  If so, let's proceed and check the owners.  Who are teh owners and groups of / /etc and /etc/sudoers?07:35
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alex_if i install WIndows media center edition grub will break right since it will overright the MBR07:35
intelikeyowner is  root:root07:35
_jasonubotu: tell alex_ about grub07:35
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ralphoyou will have to reinstall grub because windows will over write the mbr07:36
Madpilotwhat's the bash command to add a user to a group?07:36
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intelikeytty2 [root#~]  ls -ld /07:37
intelikeydrwxr-xr-x  17 root root 4096 Apr  7 15:32 /07:37
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  ls -ld /etc07:37
intelikeydrwxr-xr-x  50 root root 4096 Apr  8 00:26 /etc07:37
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  ls -l /etc/sudoers07:37
intelikey-r--r-----  1 root root 330 Apr  8 00:25 /etc/sudoers07:37
IcemanV9Madpilot: adduser07:37
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  sudo echo bob07:37
intelikeysudo: can't open /etc/sudoers: Permission denied07:37
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MadpilotIcemanV9, thanks - is there a command to list all groups in the whole system?07:39
ic56intelikey: does the error message get displayed before or after you get prompted for a password?07:39
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ubotuit has been said that automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.07:40
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GuardianAtomosHm. I determined that my xorg.conf file was configured to use the graphics card that came with my computer, not a (slightly) newer nVidia one.07:40
OrTigaShow can i add a network printer07:40
GuardianAtomosI have no clue how to configure the file to use the one that my monitor's attached to.07:40
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IcemanV9Madpilot: hrm. dunno the command, but you can take a peek at /etc/group07:40
OrTigaSits doesn't show07:40
intelikeyic56 there is no prompt for a password,  "root    ALL=(ALL) ALL"07:40
RehanSAlviI constantly keep getting a "Could not read from CD" error while trying to install Ubuntu....I know my CD drive is fine---what could be causing this?07:40
ic56intelikey: ls -l /usr/bin/sudo07:41
GuardianAtomosIs there a way to tell the Ubuntu installer to look elsewhere for the graphics card it installs?07:41
OrTigaSRehanSAlvi, try to other machine your ch installer07:41
intelikey-rwsr-xr-x  2 root root 95512 Mar  2  2005 /usr/bin/sudo07:41
RehanSAlviOrTigaS: other machine your ch installer?07:41
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alex_is there a site that shows good alternatives to popular windows programs?07:42
LeRipperhi anyone can give me a hamd with Ubuntu ?07:43
IcemanV9Madpilot: fwiw, type "groups username" will tell you what group a user is in07:43
ic56intelikey: this makes no sense.07:43
MadpilotIcemanV9, yeah, I know that one - thanks, got it sorted another way07:43
LeRipperi cannot use internte, on my ADSL: i use username and passowrd to connect07:43
intelikeyic56 tell me about it.07:43
LeRipperand i cannot find the app to do it07:44
n_i_c_kOrTigaS: /etc/cups/cupsd-browsing.conf - set it to On if not already on.07:44
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intelikeyoh wait, maybe it's perms on /var07:44
intelikeyhah  found it.  it couldn't write to var07:45
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  chmod 051 /var07:45
intelikeytty2 [root#~]  sudo echo bob07:45
intelikeylook it works07:45
ic56intelikey: what perms did /var have before?07:45
intelikeyroot doesn't need permission but root's group does.07:45
dj-fudoh, he just left as i worked it out07:46
dj-fused -e '/./{H;$!d;}' -e 'x;/Section "Device"/!d;' /etc/X11/xorg.conf <-- handy sed for showing the contents of your Section "Device" in xorg.conf07:46
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ic56intelikey: unexpected requirement.  I would have thought 001 would suffice.07:47
PwcrLinuxim back script not working for xchat grrr07:47
EleafIs there some type of "Quality of Service" control in linux I suppose?  (Networking).  As in allowing one application or service higher priority over another? ;p07:47
intelikeyok i think i have it setup. maybe.  i have a user account with locked password  on a system with nosuid  and it "should" start the X server and connect a uesrs twm to X at boot.07:48
ic56intelikey: ah, no. It wouldn't because it needs to verify the perms.  Try 005.  Will that work?07:48
ralphoyeap sed works07:48
LeRipperi cannot use internte using my ADSL modem : i use a username and passowrd to connect , but do not know wher to go and configure it07:48
intelikeyic56 yeah me too.   but root group needs to read something in there.07:48
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OrTigaSn_i_c_k,  browsing on07:49
jsestri2how can i see what drivers are loaded?07:49
LeRipperppoe ?07:49
LeRipperpppoe ?07:49
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EleafI'm talking about within linux, I am using dsl if that's what you are asking..07:49
dj-fujsestri2, `lsmod`07:50
intelikeygoing for a reboot to see if i fixed it all... hehhe  at least i can login as root and   sudo -u user openvt    if needed.07:50
jsestri2anyone happen to know the correct driver for the marvell gigabit LAN?07:50
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g0urdHi, i just finished installing ubuntu using07:51
g0urd'expert' mode07:51
g0urdwhat do i have to do now to retrieve source packages for all the DEs?07:51
n_i_c_kOrTigaS: browsing on, both client and server, cupsys restarted, printer still not showing?07:51
_jasong0urd: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and enable the deb-src lines, then just do 'apt-get source packagename'07:52
g0urd_jason: do i need to disable all the 'bin' repos?07:52
OrTigaSit has to be shown because it open i dont know why i can add07:52
_jasong0urd: nope07:52
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n_i_c_kOrTigaS: if that was in reply to me, I didn't understand07:53
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basiti have installed dapper flight 6, but it did not install ubuntu-desktop, and installing it using apt afterwards fails07:56
basitany help please?07:57
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basiti read the topic07:57
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lutrabasit: that's a meta-package anyways07:57
toddwhats up guys i need some help setting up a dual boot07:57
nadjylabasit: use apt-get install07:57
holycowwow, the gui for mplayer in dapper is great07:57
nadjylaand boot on recovery mode07:57
toddcan anyone walk me through setting it up in kubuntu07:58
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jon_todd, In a quick walk through, you boot into Windows, defrag hardrive, find a live linux CD, *my personal suggestion System Rescue CD* Use QTParted, just make some empty space.  Ubuntu will have an option to "install using free space in harddrive"...select that...07:59
jon_and off you go07:59
holycowthat would be one of the safest ways to do it07:59
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toddi have 2 hard drives 1 with windows and one with linux?08:00
OrTigaShow to upgrade kernel08:00
jon_todd, Hm, well that's different :)08:00
toddcan ya help me08:00
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toddi just want to be able to choose windows or linux08:00
jon_todd, Nah, I'm too fuzzy on the steps to do it, so I don't want to steer you in the wrong direction.08:00
toddjon_ u know anyone who might know how to do it08:01
jsestri2anyone got ideas on changing settings for the sky2 network driver? edit the source myself, or wil there be settings somewhere?08:01
jon_todd, Well, if no one else here on the channel doesn't respond\doesn't know.  Google is your friend.  So is the Ubuntu wiki\forums.08:02
holycowtodd: install windows first on first hd, put ubuntu cd in, install to second hd, make sure the bootloader is installed in the boot sector on first hd (windows always wants to be on c drive), and voila08:02
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jon_holycow, Ah, I didn't know it was that easy. ;)08:02
toddwindows is on one hd and linux is on the other the linux one is set to master and windows to slave08:03
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g0urdis there a nightly-build dvd available anywhere with the desktop source? i've been searching for it since someone mentioned about it in here...08:03
toddholycow whats a bootloader08:04
intelikeyjust thought i'd drop in and say it all worked,   i feel so geeky.... 8*)08:04
ic56intelikey: congrats!  BTW, I haven't succeded in replicating your prob.08:04
toddcan u  walk me through it08:04
holycowtodd: well, if your asking that question, i recommend you have backups of all your data before you go any further :)08:04
intelikeytodd it's what starts the computer loading the os.08:04
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toddthere fresh install theres no data on them anyway lol08:04
jsestri2anyone know how to change settinfs for drivers? i know what i want to change, just not how to do it in ubuntu/linux...08:05
holycowtodd: google grub, that is one bootloader it should tell you enough about what it doe08:05
holycowtodd: alternatively, google 'what is a bootloader'08:05
jon_g0urd, Doing a quick google search...just reading the .. summaries.  "Nightly builds are on some select mirrors"08:05
jon_g0urd, Doesn't mention what mirrors though. =\08:05
intelikeyfresh install != no data    hehhe08:05
toddim not going to have to delete anything am i08:05
toddto do this08:05
jon_intelikey, But if he screws something up, it's easily replaceable :)08:05
yeonhoohow to descompact .rar file?08:05
ubotuI guess rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression08:05
PwcrLinuxGrub is a selection which OS want to load in.. or a single HD linux only, the grub will boot linux up that's all.08:06
jon_todd, What holycow said should work perfectly.  When it sets up "Grub" and says "Is this all the OS's that are on your system?" and if Windows shows up as a boot option..you are in luck.  Just hit yes..and off you go.08:07
toddjon where do i go to see if windows shows up08:07
jon_It'll give a list.08:07
toddwhere is this list08:07
yeonhoothankyou _jason08:08
jon_It'll prompt you saying "Windows XP Home Edition blah blah" "Other OS here" blah blah.  It'll be a prompt showing what OS's it has detected...08:08
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toddmy question is where and when will i see if it detecting windows08:09
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holycowat the begging, right after bios finished listing system devices08:09
jon_It'll say in the prompt asking to continue the install of Grug.. "Windows XP home edition" or whatever you happen to have.08:09
toddit just booted right into linux08:09
toddnothing about windows08:09
arrickIdleOne,  you here tonight?08:09
jon_After the install is complete...it'll say "Booting grub 1.5 hit esc to show menu"08:09
jon_You might wanna do that :)08:10
geniusvicksmy plugin directory has the symbolic link fo java but still java doesnt work08:10
jon_hit esc to enter menu08:10
geniusvicksWhat to do?08:10
_jasontodd: press ESC when the computer is botting up to see the grub menu08:10
toddoo ok thanks jason08:10
arrickDBO, how good r u with apache2?08:10
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holycowtodd: well you either effed it up,or you didn't sdee the option to press del or something to see the options08:10
_jasongeniusvicks: how did you install java?08:10
holycowtodd: by default it loads into the first os in the gub boot list08:10
DBOarrick, what are you looking to do?08:10
geniusvicksI chmod the downloaded file08:10
toddso just hit ESC after bios and it should come up right?08:11
arrickI got a kid in #arrick needing to set permissions DBO08:11
geniusvicksand then typed ./<javafilename>08:11
warrenghas apple come out with an intel-based desktop yet?08:11
arrickand cant remember08:11
DBOarrick, ok, let me go read08:11
_jasongeniusvicks: for future reference, it's better to create a package or use one that is already made.  What version of firefox are you using?08:11
toddoh DBO thanks for the help the other night with the xfce install08:11
DBOtodd, sure, got it working yes?08:11
PwcrLinuxNo, after system logo disappeared and you'll see "Grub loading" and then till timer is counting down hit the ESC key08:11
toddyea work great08:11
DBOtodd, fantastic08:12
holycowesc key, thats what it is08:12
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ubotu[restricted]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats08:12
toddooo ok and it should show up correct?08:12
jon_todd, that's the hope :)08:12
toddk brb let me try and see thanks alot guys08:12
geniusvicks_jason: it is 1.508:13
_jasongeniusvicks: did you install it to /opt?08:13
majdis there a way to play wma's in ubuntu?08:13
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holycowor gxine and w32 codecs08:13
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arrick08:13
ubotuwell, apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP08:13
majdmplayer hates me08:13
ubotuI heard w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install08:13
_jasongeniusvicks: can you pastebin 'ls -l /opt/firefox/plugins' please?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/08:13
jon_majd ^^08:13
=== yabba [n=yabba@p54BB5D5C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
majdjon_, "Failed to open..."08:14
majdit has a horrible UI...wasn't very happy with it really08:14
yabbahi, does anyone know a command to search through all on the system installed programmes (and their descriptions maybe) ; they are somewhere registered (synaptic?) so it shouldnt be a problem, right? :)08:15
majdCouldn't open/initialize audio device -> no sound08:15
=== carthik_away [n=carthik@user-0cej755.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
jon_majd, I agree, mplayer gui is ugly :)  But what failed to open?  Your WMA?  That's why I directed you to the w32codecs.08:15
majdi get that a lot with mplayer08:15
PwcrLinuxtry gxine, it's work everthing including commerical movie DVDs..08:15
majdjon_, oh...my bad...the no sound error i get with almost everything08:15
holycowactually don't listen to PwcrLinux totally08:15
holycowhe is stretching the truth by a very fair bit08:16
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jon_majd, You need to enable alsa for your programs then...08:16
majdjon_, i believe i have win32codecs installed08:16
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yabbamplayer is ugly and not userfriendly but most diverse08:16
holycowgxine is good, but it doesn't play everying, nothing on linux does08:16
majdjon_, way over my head :(08:16
holycowyabba: you should try the one in dapper, purdy new gui08:16
majdi love vlc08:16
_jasonmajd: do you use esd?  (system > prefs > multimedia selector)08:16
holycowits really nice08:16
geniusvicks_jason I posted it08:16
_jasongeniusvicks: url?08:16
yabbai dont have dapper, cant i do it in the bash? holycow08:16
holycowbash? no just wait for dapper to release, i'm just commenting on the gui comment you made08:17
majdand _jason i just switched to ALSA...still nothing08:17
Auckland_Pigi want to use freeBSD on my ubuntu ... should i instal qemu or bochs or xen?08:17
jon_majd, Normally it's just poking around in the preferences of the programs...and switching it alsa.08:17
yabbaahhh holycow okay :D08:17
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_jasonmajd: mplayer -ao alsa /path/to/mediafile08:17
jon_majd, Well, the problem being, .. if you have any program with OSS running, it'll block the alsa.08:17
jon_majd, A major offender being XMMS ;)08:17
majdamaroK ?08:17
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geniusvicks_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11741 is the url08:18
jon_majd, rather, not OSS running, but the program *using* oss.08:18
_jasongeniusvicks: and after closing all instances of firefox and restarting, this page doesn't work: http://www.java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml ?08:18
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ubuntuHi, i REALLY need help!  Is someone here?!08:18
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geniusvicksrestarting my PC or firefox?08:19
_jasongeniusvicks: just firefox08:19
ubuntuyes, someone is hre08:19
jsestri2how do i unload one module and load another?08:20
g0urdjon_: thnx for the info08:20
jon_ubuntu, Ask away.08:20
ubuntuok sorry08:20
geniusvicks_jason no, It says click here to download plugin08:20
ubuntui just installed this08:20
jon_g0urd, No problem.  Did you find what you needed?08:20
=== PwcrLinux ignore temporary on someone :)
mwright1Can you toggle the deafault behaviour or nautilus to copy instead of moving?08:20
ubuntuand grub messed up wtih error 1008:20
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ubuntui tried to reinstall it but no luck08:20
_jasongeniusvicks: ls /usr/java/jre1.5.0_06/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so, says the file exists?08:20
jon_ubuntu, Well, what happened during your installation?08:21
geniusvicksThere's something in green colour08:21
=== tapox [n=ted@c-24-91-212-80.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubuntunothing happend08:21
ubuntuit all worked08:21
majdjon_, _jason i set both multimedia preferences/options and mplayer settings to ESD...now it doesn't give me an error, but it doesn't play anything either08:21
ubuntuwhen it went to restart grub decided it would pull an error 1008:21
ubuntuim on the live cd now which sucks08:21
geniusvicks_jason: There's the filepath and name in green colour08:21
tapoxHey everyone. Dapper seems to be working fine, is this a bug?08:22
carthikI have saved an old gpg revocation certificate. Anyone want to tell me how to use it to revoke my old certs and create some new ones? (or import my old keys on this new system?)08:22
dj-futhat certainly is not ab ug, tapox - that's by design.08:22
jon_majd, I personally don't bother with ESD *at all*...too many bugs.08:22
_jasonmajd: can you play /usr/share/sounds/startup.wav ?08:22
jon_ubuntu, Did your grub install correctly? as in ... are you sure?08:22
ubuntuit said it did08:22
ubuntui tried to reinsall and still nothing08:22
tapoxdj-fu: alright, a little unexpected though.08:23
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jon_tapox, I've heard Dapper doesn't have any real show stopping bugs anymore.08:23
toddhey guys no windows os showed up in that GRUB menu08:23
dj-futodd, that's GREAT! you're one step closer to freedom08:23
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jon_dj-fu, Not helpful.08:23
dj-fuNow all you have to do is throw the aformentioned windows operating systems out of the window08:23
tapoxI guess if I want to make Dapper fun anymore, I need to start deleting kernel modules and config files at random.08:23
jon_tapox, Do it :)08:24
dj-futapox, try installing Xgl & Compiz08:24
jon_ubuntu, Umm...are you dual booting?08:24
geniusvicks_jason: hello?08:24
jon_ubuntu, Which leads to next question, if you are, did you set it up correctly?  Tell me how you set it up.08:24
_jasongeniusvicks: hmm should be working... does your java work?08:24
tapoxdj-fu: Good idea, this computer is held together by duct tape, no way in hell it will handle Xgl & Compiz08:24
toddcan anyone help me put that windows os into that grub menu?08:24
dj-futapox, :D08:25
geniusvicks_jason: LIMEWIRE works08:25
tapox(Well, scotch tape. I'm cheap.)08:25
jon_todd, Easiest for a noob would just be to reinstall Ubuntu, prevents messing with the grub config.  But ask someone a bit more into that to help you config the grub file.08:25
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tapoxHey! Someone from MA!08:25
todddo i have to set the windows HD to slave for it to show up?08:26
majdjon_/ _jason  now i can't play anything :( i screwed it up worse than it was before08:26
ubuntui set it up with default and yes im dual booting08:26
toddot will cable work08:26
khermanstapox, where r u from?08:26
tapoxkhermans: Milton.08:26
dj-futodd, once you work out which drive/partition your windows is on - make it look something like this, where hd(DRIVE,PARTITION) http://pastebin.com/64742108:26
mlaskhi there! my problem is: i would like to hear a mp3/ogg files in nautilus window, however, it doesn't work. I have enabled this function in nautilus opitons menu, i have also enebled gnome sound server and sound actions. I'm also sure that there is no other app blocking my audio device. I can hear sound conected with my acctions, eg. when minimalising a window, but i'm still unable to hear sound in nautilus. What should i do?08:26
_jasonmajd: is esd running?08:26
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jon_majd, What options did you change it too?  And don't worry, everything is reversable.08:26
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majdjon_,  it was on ESD08:27
khermanstapox, ahh cool08:27
majdi changed it to ALSA, then back to ESD08:27
tapoxkhermans: you?08:27
Auckland_Pigcan i use the qemu package in synaptic to install qemu?08:27
khermanstapox, amherst08:27
jon_majd, What applications that use sound do you have runnig?08:27
toddyea that http://pastebin.com/647421 thing is greek to me can someone out that into english for me08:27
tapoxHeh, other side of the state eh?08:27
majdfrom what i can tell, nothing08:27
majdi have gdesklets, xchat, and...that's it08:27
majdunless something's running in the background08:28
_jasongeniusvicks: what does 'which firefox' say?08:28
majdmy CPU has been going at 100% for a good 2 min now08:28
majdi can't figure out what it's from08:28
dj-fulinux != english08:28
dj-fumajd, run `ps -ef r`08:28
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dj-fumajd, that'll show you which processes are stealing the cpu.08:28
ubuntuso, how do i reinstall this grub thing?08:28
geniusvicksit says /usr/bin/firefox08:28
majdUID        PID  PPID  C STIME TTY      STAT   TIME CMD08:28
majdmajd     19095 19083  0 02:28 pts/0    R+     0:00 ps -ef r08:28
tapoxubuntu: grub or grub-install, from memory.08:29
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jon_majd, use Top to find the offending process08:29
_jasongeniusvicks: hrmm are you sure that firefox1.5 is opening?  check in help > about firefox08:29
jon_majd, Just open terminal, type in top..08:29
jsestri2anyone know how to change which driver your NIC uses?08:29
jon_majd, Find the one using 99% CPU or memory. XD08:29
ubuntutapox, could you more clear? ive never used linux before08:29
toddcan someone walk me through putting that into the GRUB08:29
geniusvicks_jason: Yes also it says "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5"08:29
majdjava's using 71% cpu =\08:29
tapoxubuntu: Sure, just give me a second, my computer's being a pain at the moment.08:29
dj-fujava is sux08:29
ubuntuty so much08:29
majdpython using 2708:30
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majdbut i don't have any java apps open =\08:30
jon_majd, Kill that.08:30
majdjon_, kill java?08:30
jon_majd, Gdesklets uses Java, and Java can be a memory leaker.08:30
majdoh ok08:30
jon_majd, Yeah, kill java.08:30
_jasongeniusvicks: so do you just have your shortcuts point to /opt/firefox/firefox?08:31
khermansjava sucks08:31
PwcrLinuxmajd: go to system tools > System Monitor and look for which program have excessive high CPU process..08:31
geniusvicks_jason: I'm not sure08:31
toddcan someone walk me through putting that into the GRUB08:31
majdHOLY CRAP08:31
majdit dropped to 008:31
tapoxubuntu: open up a terminal (Applications>Utilities>Terminal) and type: sudo grub-install /dev/hda08:31
jon_PwcrLinux, Bah, we teach it to him the right way, top. ;)  The de-facto standard.08:32
ubuntushould i close all these programs? im on the live cd08:32
lakcajI don't believe gdesklets use java08:32
jon_lakcaj, I'm 90% it does.08:32
dj-fuit could probably be made to use antyhing08:32
tonyyarussotodd: What do you need to do?08:33
lakcajjon_, I'm 99% sure it doesn't08:33
majdlakcaj, i shut down gdesklets and it didn't go down...i went to the system monitor and killed java...and that did it08:33
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majdCPU usage...that is08:33
jon_lakcaj, No, that's right... it uses python :)08:33
toddi got 2 HDs one with windows and one with linux i want to be able to select which one i can bott into08:33
jon_lakcaj, hence why I didn't like it...used too much of my poor system.08:33
majdtodd, get grub.....08:33
lakcajI don't like gdesklets either - it is a memory hog08:34
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majdthere's no substitute to jvaa08:34
majdi need it08:34
tonyyarussotodd: Does grub-install auto-detect your setup?08:34
lakcajtorsmo is a fairly lightweight system monitor that can run on the desktop08:34
_jasongeniusvicks: ok, close all firefox, 'killall firefox-bin' to make sure it closed, then run '/opt/firefox/firefox' and test the java again08:34
jon_majd, Yeah, but it just leaks sometimes..08:34
jon_majd, It'll run again when an application uses it.08:34
toddtony--- how do i find that out08:34
jon_majd, I find the main pain in the butt ... is java with firefox.08:34
majdi don't even know what memory leaks are...technically08:34
WebLOCHHey guys, I have apache2/php4/mysql stored, and I wanted to make use of XSL/XSLT so I downloaded the php4-xslt package but im getting undefined function errors, do i have to do something else to enable it?08:34
majdWebLOCH, you have to set php.ini up08:35
PwcrLinuxSunJava is good?08:35
jon_majd, Where an application ... starts using more and more memory..when it's not supposed too.  I forget the technical explination...but it's boring anyways. :)08:35
majdgood enoughj08:35
majdthanks for the help....now back to my audio problem...i need to hear this song...:(08:35
WebLOCHmajd, ahh right... is the extension just "xslt.so" ?08:35
lakcajmajd, a program uses memory, and when it is done with it is is supposed to tell the system that that memory is available again for other programs.  Some poorly written apps forget to tell the OS that the memory is free, hence the gradual slowdown of your system08:35
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tonyyarussotodd: One second, I'm hoping to reference the wiki for you.  Essentially, you try running the grub installer, and see if it works.08:35
ubuntumy pms are being banned!@08:35
geniusvicks_jason: there's a message if I launch firefox in terminal08:35
geniusvicksI'm posting it08:36
majdWebLOCH, beats me08:36
ubuntulet me register i guess08:36
WebLOCHfair enough08:36
toddtonyyarusso: where do i open that grub installer08:36
ubuntuumm...  tapox, im really confused and about to throw all of this away08:36
majdlakcaj, hmmm...my understand was that the compiler/system does that automatically08:36
jon_ubuntu, There's generally no need to PM anyone...08:36
tapoxubuntu: just change your nick and join the channel #tapox08:36
tonyyarussotodd: On a terminal line.  (Applications > Accessories > Terminal)08:36
ubuntujon, he pmed me....08:36
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tapoxubuntu: Or say it in the channel.08:36
majdi thought java added abstraction to all that08:36
jon_ubuntu, Ah apologizes. :)08:37
toddtonyyarusso: ok08:37
lakcajmajd, not on your life, it is very language specific, and has alot to do with how the programmer writes his code08:37
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toddtonyyarusso: what do i type in08:37
majdi see08:37
alex_i can't hear audio from flash files in firefox, how do i fix th is?08:37
_jasongeniusvicks: k08:37
majdok...now i hear audio08:37
jon_alex_, You can, if you disable all other sound giving applications.  There's a work around, but it's quite the hack.  Let me dig it up...08:38
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tonyyarussotodd: Do you know what your main drive is (where the master boot record you want to write is)?  Usually /dev/hda or /dev/sda.08:38
majdi always thought Nora Jones was gay (you know what i mean...)08:38
geniusvicks_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1174408:38
majdbut she really has an amazing voice08:38
toddtonyyarusso: no i dont know where that is but i think its hda08:38
jon_alex_, Check this link out. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89827&highlight=arnieboy08:39
toddtonyyarusso: is the main drive08:39
alex_thanks jon08:39
ubuntuok, well ill post here again....  I installed ubuntu with no problems, it asked me about installing grub and i clicked ok.... i then went to restart as directed then when grub loaded it got an error about drun error 10  i tried to reinstall grub with no luck at all right now im on the live cd so i can get some support  so any ideas on how to fix this would be helpful... im on a dual boot btw with win xp08:39
majdOh yeah, one final thing....why can't i edit the ID3 tag info in Rhythmbox (even when i load it up with sudo rhythmbox )?08:39
jon_alex_ NP.08:39
alex_that doesn't say anything about sound though08:39
alex_just crashing08:39
_jasongeniusvicks: seems like it's a problem with your java install.  I would remove that one and use a javadeb (the bot will link you)08:39
tonyyarussotodd: Okay.  This is pretty important, so I want to double check.  Could you type 'df -h', and put the output on pastebin?  (not here!)08:40
_jasonubotu: tell geniusvicks about javadebs08:40
jon_alex_ Ah wrong link, haha one sec.08:40
toddtonyyarusso:  how do i put stuff in the patebin08:40
tapoxAlright, to fix ubuntu's problem, you can use sudo on the live cd right?08:40
ubotu[pastebin]  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126908:40
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Frogzoo_away!tell todd about pastebin08:40
ubuntuim not sure if i can or not.... i can try though08:40
Frogzoo_awaytodd: you paste it @ pastebin, then post the url back here08:41
tonyyarussotodd: Just visit that webpage and copy and paste the stuff in.  (btw, copy in the terminal window is ctrl-SHIFT-c)08:41
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tapoxUbuntu: Well, as I mentioned earlier, try opening terminal and typing sudo grub-install /dev/hda08:41
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tapoxIt should work, hopefully.08:41
toddtonyyarusso: give me one sec to get that for u08:41
ubuntuit doesnt :/08:41
ubuntuProbing devices to guess BIOS drives. This may take a long time.08:41
ubuntu/dev/mapper/casper-snapshot does not have any corresponding BIOS drive.08:41
geniusvicks_jason which one should I use08:42
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_jasongeniusvicks: I'm gonna go to sleep but that should work for you.  You have to create the link yourslef though since you are using ff1.5.  You can just link the the one the java package automatically should create in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins though if you want08:42
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.08:42
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jon_alex_ This seems to easy, but try this http://roel.wordpress.com/2005/10/19/fix-sound-for-flash-on-ubuntu/08:42
tapoxubuntu: Seems that other people have had the same problem, I'm looking it up now.08:42
jon_alex_ Otherwise, Google ubuntu flash sound problems08:42
ubuntuthank you so much tapox i would look online but the live cd is so slow08:43
_jasongeniusvicks: seveas' repo has sun-j2re1.508:43
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toddtonyyarusso: ok heres the link to it i guess    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1174608:43
ubotuI guess numlock is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NumLock08:44
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geniusvicks_jason: goodnight08:44
_jasongeniusvicks: night08:44
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toddtonyyarusso: is that what u wanted?08:44
tonyyarussotodd: Yes.08:45
toddtonyyarusso: k08:45
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tonyyarussotodd: Okay, /boot is indeed on hda, so we'll run with that.  Try 'sudo grub-install /dev/hda/'.  You can paste the output of that too if necessary.08:46
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IamEthosdual monitor support in ubuntu: how do I achieve it?08:47
tapoxubuntu: It's specifically a problem with installing grub from the live-cd. Can you access your HD right now? Do you see it on the desktop?08:47
toddtonyyarusso:  its says not found or is not a block device08:47
ubuntuactually tapox i just found somthing in the wiki08:47
tapoxubuntu: Ahh, good, then I can go to sleep :)08:48
ubuntui have linux installed on my hdd but i cannont access it08:48
ubuntulol ty08:48
ubuntuill try this08:48
tonyyarussoubuntu: Care to share that page, btw?08:48
tonyyarussotodd: Okay...08:48
toddtonyyarusso:  is that good or bad08:48
ubuntuumm how do i get su - in live cd?08:49
tonyyarussotodd: Bad so far, but not necessarily fatal.08:49
IamEthoshow do I use two monitors08:49
toddtonyyarusso:  k08:49
IamEthosI have a Radeon Mobility08:49
ic56ubuntu: sudo su08:49
IamEthos(not sure of the model number, but it has a video out08:49
tonyyarussotodd: Can you tell me more about a) Your disk setup, b) What you did when you installed Ubuntu, and c) What you're running right now and how you got there.08:49
IamEthosI'm trying to use the S video out adapter for it08:49
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ubuntuthank you very much!08:50
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toddtonyyarusso:  my disk setup is i have one drive with windows set to cabel select and one drive linux which im on now set to cabel select, when i installed ubuntu i just had one HD at the time, and im running kubuntu right now08:51
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ubuntualright, time to try this out!08:52
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Auckland_Pigwhen compiling source i have gcc 4.x and qemu is saying it has problems and wants me to compile with gcc 3.08:54
Auckland_Pighow do i do that?08:54
tonyyarussotodd: I'm a bit confused by the device reported for your / .  You might want to try this without the installed system running, via the live CD (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RecoveringGrub) to see if that makes a difference.  How did you partition things in the installer?08:54
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Mystic_Portaltonyyarusso do you mind if i help you?08:56
tonyyarussoMystic_Portal: Oh please do :)08:56
Mystic_PortalLet me look through the wiki ok08:56
Mystic_Portalnow what exactly is your problem?08:57
jessy_hello, is somebody know about an application that convert .VOB into divx ?08:57
bsdfoxjessy_, mencoder08:57
jessy_thanks alot08:57
SnookYup, "Ripp it after me"08:57
Mystic_Portaltonyyarsso what exactly is your problem?08:57
tonyyarussoMystic_Portal: todd is trying to add second hard drive with Windows to grub menu.  See his df -h at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/11746.08:58
Mystic_Portalyou need help with it or another user08:58
toddtonyyarusso: any ideas08:58
FrogzooAuckland_Pig: install gcc3.4 & set 'CC=gcc-3.4'  & try again08:58
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toddtonyyarusso: ?08:59
tonyyarussoMystic_Portal: todd needs it.08:59
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Auckland_PigFrogzoo: where can i set CC=gcc-3.4?08:59
Mystic_Portalok todd please reada dyour pm from ubotu08:59
Thewhat do i have to install ba able to view wmv files? i have totem already08:59
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tonyyarussotodd: See what Mystic_Portal can come up with, if nothing I'd go the live cd route next, and return if that fails.08:59
Auckland_PigFrogzoo: can i use it as one of the option in arguments08:59
FrogzooAuckland_Pig: from the command line, before you ./configure08:59
Auckland_Pigoh thankx08:59
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Thei mean as fair as are there special linux codecs?09:00
FrogzooAuckland_Pig: however, the script to build kqemu is easier, & faster (however proprietary)09:00
Mystic_PortalSorry i am a bit slow right now computer problems09:00
Frogzoo!tell Auckland_Pig about kqemu09:00
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jessy_File not found: 'frameno.avi'09:01
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jessy_Failed to open frameno.avi09:01
jessy_No file given09:01
Mystic_PortalTodd i am sending a bunch of stuff09:01
Mystic_Portalone sec09:01
Zhadowsound problem:   " OSS device /dev/dsp already in use by another program "   occurs when trying to play two sounds at once.....anyone have any idea what to do with this one09:02
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lesshasteanyone found a way to encode he aac in linux?09:03
ubotuWoo Yeah, boogie on down...... **flashing lights*** party :D09:04
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tonyyarussolesshaste: apt-cache search faac09:05
lesshastetonyyarusso: I have faac.. I don't think it does he aac does it?09:05
Mystic_Portaltodd i am sending the last one now09:05
tonyyarussolesshaste: I thought that was it's point?09:05
lesshastetonyyarusso: aac yes.... he aac no09:06
tonyyarussolesshaste: What's he then?09:06
Mystic_Portalwho needs help on aac?09:06
lesshastetonyyarusso: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HE-AAC#aacPlus.2C_or_HE-AAC09:07
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mystic_Portal09:07
ubotuit has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats09:07
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Mystic_Portalaac is restricted09:08
lesshastefaac encodes aac09:08
lesshasteI want he aac09:08
Mystic_Portaldo you want faac?09:10
lesshasteI don't think encodes "he aac"09:10
lesshasteor aacplus09:10
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lesshaste he aac == aacplus09:11
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todd_sorry guys my router went down09:11
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todd_mystic portal sent me something?09:12
Mystic_Portalya i sent you a bunch09:12
Mystic_Portalwould you like it again09:12
todd_sorry can u please send it again09:12
Mystic_Portallesshaste see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CDRipping09:13
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todd_oh and the windows HD dose show up in linux its under dev/hdb09:13
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Mystic_Portaltodd_ please use /ghost todd yourpassword09:13
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todd_whats that09:13
Mystic_Portalit will kill you nick todd so you can get on it09:13
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Mystic_Portaljust makes it log off09:14
lesshasteMystic_Portal: thanks but remember I want "he aac" not aac09:14
Mystic_Portalthat way i can get your stuff sent to you09:14
todd_ok i did it09:14
Mystic_Portalplease type /nick todd09:14
Mystic_Portalthen type /msg nickserv identify password09:15
Mystic_Portalyou didnt do it right09:15
todd_i was typing it09:15
Mystic_Portali need to query you09:16
todd_what do i need to do then09:16
jetscreamerthen type http://freenode.net/faq.shtml09:16
Mystic_Portalok todd_ type /msg nickserv ghost todd your_password_here09:17
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Mystic_Portalleave out the _09:17
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todd_it said password inncorrect09:18
CaptainMorganwhy is my wireless signal intermittent? what is ubuntu doing?09:18
Mystic_Portalok you killed it09:18
todd_is that good09:18
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ubotuI heard wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers09:18
Mystic_PortalTodd_ please type /nick todd09:18
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Mystic_Portalnow type /msg nickserv identify password09:19
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Mystic_Portalok now say "hi"09:20
sfarHi, is it possible to swich to another user in gnome without logging out completely?09:20
sfar(like running 2 users at the same time)09:20
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Mystic_Portaltell sfar about gnome09:20
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Mystic_Portalwhos is banned09:21
sfarMystic_Portal: not much help :)09:21
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CraiZE<- got XGL up & running :D09:21
tonyyarussosfar: Applications > System Tools > New Login.09:21
toddmystic: did it do what u needed to do09:21
tonyyarussosfar: Ctrl-Alt-F{7,8} will switch between the two.09:21
Mystic_Portali am re sending now09:21
Mystic_Portalsorry sfar09:21
toddk thanks09:21
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Mystic_Portaltodd i sent them all09:23
Mystic_Portalits a lot of reading :P09:23
sfarthank you.. i noticed the other (just created) user's gnome-look was the default? can i somehow copy my settings to the other users login? Like the panel setup and stuff09:24
Mystic_Portalsfar it should be in the guide09:24
sfarwhat guide?09:24
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sfarubotu didnt gave me any link :)09:25
ubotusfar: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:25
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sfaroh shaddap!09:26
toddmystic: where should i mount this volume at09:26
ubotu##gnome is a new channel dedicated to supporting Gnome users in various distros, including Ubuntu09:26
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AnotherFreakboyAnyone know the best/easiest way to get the java plugin working with mozilla09:26
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ubotuif you want to install firefox plugins https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins, if you already have plugins installed but lost them when you upgraded to firefox 1.5 look into !firefox1.509:27
ramza3anybody know what configurations I need to enable for samba to work with XP out of the box, I might just enable all options09:27
toddmystic: where should i mount this volume at09:27
Mystic_Portaltodd i am not sure what you mean09:28
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html09:28
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Mystic_Portalsee those ramza309:29
toddin that thing u sent me it told me to goto disk and click on the dirve and the partition on the drive and select a mount point09:29
arricklet me nwo when your done DBO09:29
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toddstep 4 i belive09:29
Mystic_Portalwhich guide i sent you many09:29
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DBOarrick, we arent doing anything you needed to leave for :-P09:29
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toddthe 4th thing u sent it said to mystic_portal wants you to know: Go to System -> Administration -> Disks and enter your password. Pick the disk your partition is on from the list, then click the 'Partitions' tab. Select the partition you want to mount, set an access path (mount point) and click 'Enable'.09:30
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Mystic_PortalDBO will you help todd with this09:30
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lnx^so the ubuntu live cd has the option for installing ubuntu permanently on a computer as dual-boot with windows? can it partitionate the hard disk for that, too?09:30
DBOwhat is your issue, give me the short and sweet version09:31
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Madpilotlnx^, I think so - I haven't used the LiveCD installer yet, though09:31
Cobainhow would i do i create a launcher that uses sudo?09:31
toddi have two drives one linux one windows, i want to beabelto select which OS to load when my box boots09:31
sun_how to run a program as another user?09:31
ex0rcistlinux or fbsd?09:31
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XVampireXHey, is anyone out here09:32
DBOgrub should have already taken care of that todd09:32
jantiejan in malaysia is here09:32
ex0rcistUNIX PWNS YOU.09:32
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ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting09:32
XVampireXCould anyone help me with inkscape crashing with no error? I'm on dapper but someone on kubuntu channel said I should ask here...09:32
jantiejust go on ubuntu09:32
ubotuex0rcist: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:32
toddwell i went into that grub thing (ESC) after bios and no windows showed up09:32
Cobainis there like gsudu or something? how does synaptic and the gnome start menu get root privs?09:32
Madpilotex0rcist, if you're just here to troll, please go away before I have to kick you. thanks.09:32
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.09:33
jantieskype ?09:33
ex0rcisti want to know how to install linux.09:33
jantieanybody kknow sth. on skype09:33
ex0rcistunix isnt working for me.09:33
ex0rcisti know it all already09:33
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roryy!tell jantie about skype09:33
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XVampireXCould anyone help me with inkscape crashing with no error? I'm on dapper but someone on kubuntu channel said I should ask here... http://pastebin.com/64745109:34
toddis there away to send private messages through this IRC09:34
DBOtodd, are you in windows or linux?09:34
ex0rcistMadpilot,  your OS is based on a circle of niggers holding hands09:34
jendatodd: /msg or /notice09:34
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Madpilotanyone else, while I'm op'd?09:34
DBOthanks Madpilot09:34
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ubuntuHi, can someone tell me how to gain root access in live cd?09:35
Mystic_PortalThankyou madpilot09:35
sfarIs it possible to create custom keyboard shortcuts to applications and stuff? (applications that is not listed in system->prefs->keyb shortcuts)09:35
carstenubuntu: su<ENTER>09:35
ubuntuit asks for a password...09:36
ic56ubuntu: sudo su09:36
Madpilotubuntu, use sudo, Ubuntu has no root pw/user by default09:36
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DBOic56, the sudo syntax for a command line session is sudo -s (i think)09:37
ubuntuthank you ic56, i remeber asking before :)09:37
ubuntugetting pissed at linux09:37
ubuntuif i cant even boot into my windows im in trouble :)09:37
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DBOtodd (sorry Im slow today, helping in another channel too), pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst09:38
mantonoWhat is the command for searching for packages in the repos?09:38
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ubuntuis there anyway i can reload my default loader that i used before grub?09:38
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ubuntuor how can i use lilo instaed?09:38
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ic56mantono apt-cache search <any string>09:39
tonyyarussomantono: apt-cache search09:39
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:41
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MYPbye people im off09:42
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freakabcdhi all09:43
freakabcdmy gl is messed up i think.09:44
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freakabcdwould enabling xinerama on i810 driver make opengl performance drop drastically ?09:44
MYPdont know09:44
roryyisn't salut italian?09:45
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!09:45
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MYPyes both ways09:46
WebLOCHCan anyone recommend some ERD tools?09:46
ubotuMYP: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:46
sun_how can you invoke "bash -c ..." such that environment variables like $HOME, $USER are available to ... ?09:46
WebLOCHhaha that result seems to be logs or similar09:46
WebLOCHAny serious options?09:47
[SEAWOLF] !erd09:47
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, [SEAWOLF] 09:47
Dissidenthey everyone I just installed ubuntu to dual boot with xp and stupid me I checked options above 1024x768 for monitor resolutions during installation without thinking that the nvidia drivers haven't been installed yet.  Once X starts up I get garbage on the screen.  Is there an easy fix for this?09:47
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ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MYP09:48
WebLOCHDissident, it doesnt return any results, I just said09:48
SnookI have the same probleme, and fond the solution on the french wiki of ubuntu09:48
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.09:49
roryyDissident: can you get to the command line?09:49
PwcrLinuxtry vga=771?09:49
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roryyDissident: Ctl-Alt-F1 might get you there09:50
toddcan anyone help me with my prolbem09:50
Dissidentahhh...ok, then what?09:50
DBOtodd, pastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst09:50
roryyDissident: login and run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg'09:50
DBO(if its still your grub issue)09:50
roryyDissident: when sudo asks for a password, enter your user password09:50
toddit is09:50
roryyDissident: once you've completed the config, restart X: 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart'09:51
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toddwhere do i type that in09:52
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toddwhere do i type that in09:54
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Madpilottodd, where do you type what in?09:54
toddpastebin /boot/grub/menu.lst09:55
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Madpilottodd, open a terminal, type "gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" then pastebin the contents of the file that opens09:57
ubotuwell, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126909:57
ubuntu_user_1Hello all, quick newbie question -- I am attempting to run ./configure on an application I downloaded called rdesktop-1.4.1 -- a message returns that says, "Couldn't find openssl libraries use --with-openssl option to fix this problem". So I type $which openssl to get the directory and then retry the ./configure --with-openssl=/usr/bin/openssl , but I get the same error. Anyone see where I amgoing wrong?09:57
DBOtodd, oh sorry, you have to say my name if you need my attention, otherwise I dont notice09:57
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toddo ok09:58
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toddDBO: so what do i do09:58
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DBOtype "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst > ~/newfile"09:58
renloreare there any quality linux based games out there?09:58
toddDBO: in terminal09:58
WebLOCHrenlore, any of the ID or Unreal games09:58
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renlorewhats ID?09:59
Madpilotrenlore, sure - depends what you're into09:59
DBOtodd, after that there will be a file in your home directory named "newfile" open it up and pastebin its contents09:59
WebLOCHrenlore, are rather large company, they made Quake, Doom etc09:59
renloreis there any database of linux games with rating etc? :)09:59
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WebLOCHrenlore, yes but i cant remember where it is, you have different formats, like native binary and WINE/CEDEGA supported10:00
roryyrenlore: this is one such place: http://www.happypenguin.org/10:00
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WebLOCHty rorry10:00
WebLOCHty roryy *10:00
toddDBO: heres the thign    http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1174710:01
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Hit3khas there been an actual date for the next ubuntu?10:02
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DBOtodd, yep, no windows in there =P10:02
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MadpilotHit3k, June 1st10:02
toddDBO: so how do i get it in there10:02
DBOtodd, how many hard drives have you?10:02
Hit3kMadpilot, thank you10:02
toddDBO: 210:02
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toddDBO: both are set to cable select if that matters?10:03
DBOtodd, no it doesnt, is one linux and one windows?10:03
toddDBO: right10:03
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DBOtodd, you didnt by chance go into BIOS and change your hard drive boot order at some point did you?10:03
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toddDBO: shouldnt the HD boot first10:04
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defcon8root@defcon8:/home/defcon8/Desktop/azureus# apt-cache update10:04
defcon8W: Couldn't stat source package list http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/gb.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:04
defcon8what is with that?10:04
toddDBO: i think the HD is #1 i havent changed it10:04
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defcon8has more things that it cant find aswell10:04
DBOtodd, ok, thats all I needed to know is that you didnt touch it10:04
toddDBO: k10:04
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toddDBO: k10:05
Smerityhey, just installing ubuntu onto another laptop, will ubuntu recognise wifi by default, or will an ethernet cable be necessary till later?10:05
MadpilotSmerity, that depends on your wireless chipset10:06
FliesLikeABrickdefcon8  does `apt-get update` give the same error?10:06
toddDBO: can we still do this10:06
DBOtodd, yes, you need to wait a couple minutes please10:06
ubuntu_user_1Smerity, during the install of Breezy it found both, I enabled the wired ethernet port and then switched over to eth1 in network properties.10:06
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SmerityMadpilot - It's a Centrino (argh), but does that mean Ubuntu _could_ actually autodetect wifi and set it up thru there10:07
Smerityoh sweet10:07
toddDBO: sorry man my bad10:07
WebLOCHAnyone here use any Entity Relationship diagramming at all ?10:07
Smeritythanks ubuntu_user_1 and Madpilot =)10:07
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defcon8FliesLikeABrick, that is where the error comes from10:07
defcon8oh apt-get10:07
defcon8sorry lol10:07
toddDBO: lol its just its 4 in the morning over here and i have been messing with this for hours10:07
defcon8no its ok now thanks10:07
DBOtodd, we will get it working in 10 minutes10:08
Smerityubuntu_user_1, Madpilot - Just got up to network detect, and lovely Ubuntu got both ^_^ Thanks for the help10:08
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DBOtodd, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1174910:08
DBOI added stuff to the bottom10:08
MadpilotSmerity, nice when it works, isn't it? :P10:08
DBOit MAY not work right away (depending on your setup) but we can get it going10:08
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ubuntu_user_1Smerity, sweet.10:09
Dinneed help on instzalling phpmyadmin10:09
toddDBO: yea thats the link i sent u right10:09
roryyWebLOCH: looked at Umbrello? It's in the universe repository10:09
Dinthis offical ubuntu apckage is very old10:09
FliesLikeABrickDin  so download a new one from www.phpmyadmin.net and extract it into your webserver where you want it10:10
DBOtodd, yeah, but its changed now10:10
WebLOCHrorry, nasty KDE software, but yeah ill check it out thanks10:10
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toddDBO: k so what do i need to do with it10:10
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toddDBO: copy/paste10:10
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DBOtodd "sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:10
DBOthen add those paste those changes into the bottom10:11
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toddDBO: k10:11
mthakurhow do you install apache2 on ubuntu?10:11
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FliesLikeABrick!tell mthakur about apache210:11
ubotuWebLOCH: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:11
WebLOCHmy bad10:11
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FliesLikeABrickmthakur sudo apt-get install apache210:11
mthakuris that it10:12
ubotuI heard apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:12
FliesLikeABrickor use a GUI like Adept or synaptic to install it10:12
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Madpilotmthakur, see the URL ubotu just posted ^^^10:12
mthakurwhat do you search for in synaptic10:12
Dini tried but i get so many errors10:12
FliesLikeABrickmthakur  most likely apache ?10:12
toddDBO: it says its a read olny file and   Could not create per-user gnome configuration directory `/root/.gnome2/': Read-only file system10:12
arrickmthakur, search for apache2, better package10:13
ubuntu_user_1mthakur, I found the following tutorial, it is more geared toward ruby on rails but it has all of the apache installation commands - you should be able to cut and paste http://davidwinter.me.uk/articles/2006/02/05/ubuntu-5-10-web-server-howto10:13
DBOtodd, are you ok to use nano?10:13
mthakurnewayz thanks Flieslikeabrick10:13
toddDBO: olny if ur helping me through it10:13
DBOtodd, did you put the sudo in front of the command like I said?10:13
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toddDBO: yes10:13
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Dinand btw how to delte everything in mysql10:13
Madpilotubuntu_user_1, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:13
Dinis there other way then removing and reinstalling10:13
toddDBO: todd@ubuntu:~$ sudo getedit /boot/grub/menu.lst     thats what i typed10:14
toddDBO: wait10:14
DBOtodd, its gedit, not getedit10:14
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toddDBO: this was what i typed     sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst10:14
ubuntu_user_1Madpilot, yeah that's much easier10:14
toddDBO: and all that came up10:15
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tonyyarussoIs it possible to merge 3 Thunderbird profiles worth of e-mails so that all messages are in one profile?10:15
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DBOtodd, ok10:16
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DBOtodd "sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:16
ubuntu_user_1Madpilot, are you familiar with trying to track down specific libraries in ubuntu? I have an application that is looking for the openssl library but I can't find anything that looks like openssl in /lib... but I am able to run openssl.10:17
DBOhold the down arrow till you get to the bottom of the file10:17
Madpilotubuntu_user_1, nope - apt-get/Synaptic isn't finding the right stuff for you?10:17
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toddDBO: im at the end10:17
saifi dont understand this rc thing, i have a service, i found the file /etc/rc0.d/K20tomcat5 which is alink to the file itself, how do i stop tomcat from starting automatically?10:17
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DBOtodd, now in the pastebin, get those last line on your "clipboard" by highlighting them, right clicking them, and selecting copy10:18
DBOtodd, tell me when that is done10:18
DBOJUST the new lines10:18
roryysaif: 'sudo update-rc.d -f tomcat remove'10:18
liableubuntu_user_1: you now which lib its looking for? if so, install apt-file and search which package its ion.10:18
ubuntu_user_1Madpilot, I did a search for open, ssl, openssl but didn't really turn up anything. Is it possible to run openssl without the libraries? I am guessing the answer is yes.10:18
toddDBO: u mean line 124-2810:18
roryyor use packages.ubuntu.com to search for files ;) if you have low bandwidth like me10:19
toddDBO: 1 sec10:19
Madpilotubuntu_user_1, I really don't know - haven't had to do anything with openssl10:19
ubuntu_user_1liable, it is specifically asking for the path to my openssl library.10:19
saif:) that is the command i needed update-rc.d! i guess same command to add stuff! will check out a howto! thanx rorry10:19
ubuntu_user_1Madpilot, ahh, well thanks anyway.10:19
toddDBO: done u want to check it out to make sure its ok first10:19
DBOdid you paste it into nano?10:20
toddDBO: yea under the last line10:20
DBOtodd,  very good10:20
ubuntu_user_1liable, but I can't find anything in synaptic that matches...10:20
toddDBO: just like it is in pastebin10:20
DBOtodd, perfect10:20
DBOnow press ctrl + x10:20
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DBOand then y10:20
toddDBO: what do i save it as10:21
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liableubuntu_user_1: if you have openssl, you should have libssl. i dunno what its looking for.10:21
roryyubuntu_user_1: what library is it looking for ?10:21
DBOtodd /boot/grub/menu.lst10:21
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DBOtodd, now type "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:22
toddk it saved10:22
toddnow what10:22
DBOdo you see it the new entries at the bottom?10:22
toddbottom of what10:22
DBOtodd, now type "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst"10:22
toddit closed nano when i saved10:22
toddyea theey are there10:23
ubuntu_user_1liable, it prompts me to use the --with-openssl option to fix the problem - so I tried typing ./configure --with-openssl=/lib10:23
DBOtodd, now comes the part where you pray to your god10:23
ubuntu_user_1liable, but it didn't find it.10:23
roryyyou need the dev packages10:23
toddDBO: u wanna chekc it out just to be sure?10:23
DBOtodd, im sure its fine, I trust you10:24
[Spooky] anyone have any tip on a good Podcast application ?10:24
roryyubuntu_user_1: try installing libssl-dev10:24
ubuntu_user_1roryy, was that directed to me? I need development packages?10:24
DBOtodd, reboot, you SHOULD see a new entry in GRUB10:24
ubuntu_user_1roryy, ok I'll look in synaptic.10:24
toddDBO: ok what prayer do i say and what do i do next10:24
toddhit ESC after bios?10:24
DBOtodd, "Dear lord, please dont let us fudge up"10:25
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toddok brb in a sec....................maybe10:25
ubuntu_user_1roryy, I found libssl0.9.6 - I am guessing that I could just hit google and download it that way as well?10:25
=== DBO prays he didnt hose todds system...
roryyubuntu_user_1: i recommend using ubuntu packages10:25
roryyubuntu_user_1: what are you trying to compile?10:25
Dinhow to reset everything in mysql10:25
PwcrLinuxOh, that should be after a system logo disappeared and wait grub comes up and press ESC key10:26
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ubuntu_user_1roryy, I am trying to compile rdesktop-1.4.1 so that I can connect to a windows machine using RDP.10:27
=== dabaR_ dies from happiness.
liableubuntu_user_1: if you are compiling you might need the libssl-dev package.10:27
roryyubuntu_user_1: rdesktop 1.4.1 is in the ubuntu repositories10:27
ubuntu_user_1roryy, I am going to install the 0.9.8 version and see if it works. If not I found this website in google -10:27
DBOhi Frogzoo, would you like to join me in praying I didnt hose todd's box?10:27
ubuntu_user_1roryy, will rdesktop connect using RDP? I thought I would have to load vnc on the windows machine?10:28
liablethe kde one does rpd to iirc.10:29
roryyubuntu_user_1: according to rdesktop's description, it is an 'RDP client'. I do not know what that means.  However, I highly recommend trying the ubuntu-provided package before attempting to compile your own10:29
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snadgewhat happened to the 3270 packages? :(10:29
ubuntu_user_1roryy, --sorry it's late I didn't fully read your last post - I understand now - I should install rdesktop from synaptic.10:29
DBOsnadge, im sorry?  what are you asking?10:29
ubuntu_user_1roryy, instead of trying to compile it.10:30
will-hRDP = the protocol rdesktop uses - it's for connecting to windows terminal servers (or, e.g XP with remote access enabled). It's not VNC.10:30
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snadgefor example x3270 seems to have disappeared in breezy, but it was in hoary10:31
roryywhat is the application launched by Applications -> Internet -> Terminal server client -- is that something different to an RDP client ? (I see mention of RDP if I launch it)10:31
PwcrLinuxDBO: Hmm Todd might something wrong with it, it's took too long?10:31
DBOPwcrLinux, stop making me have a heart attack...10:31
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will-hroryy: looks like that's a frontend for various different things - including RDP and VNC10:31
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DBOI didnt hose it!10:32
roryyubuntu_user_1: have you tried that app?10:32
DBOtodd, any luck?10:32
toddDBO IS GOD10:32
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toddworks great man thanks a bunch10:32
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DBOtodd, I told you it would be running in 1010:32
DBOnow if I could only get mine to work...10:32
todddude is this ur job or something10:32
DBOthis is my hobbie10:32
toddwhy not10:32
DBOmy job is to sit in a server room and drink coffee10:33
ubuntu_user_1roryy, no I am still trying to find it in synaptic. Synaptic is the same as ubuntu repositories, correct?10:33
PwcrLinuxDBO: well, are you mad at me?10:33
DBOPwcrLinux, oh no10:33
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toddlo u know whats sad too im in college and a IT major but my linux classes dont start till next semester10:33
roryyubuntu_user_1: first try 'Applications -> Internet -> Terminal services client'10:33
PwcrLinuxDBO: you said "Stop" like that, make me embrassed10:33
DBOtodd, something tells me the ubuntu folks arent going to pay me to help the newbers here10:33
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toddthats why i have no idea how linux works.....yet10:34
DBOPwcrLinux, yeah, I was getting worried because he took so long to come back...  sorry, little jumpy10:34
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PwcrLinuxDBO: Oh10:34
traeis there a command i can run to check my kernel version?10:34
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DBOtrae, uname -r10:34
roryyubuntu_user_1: Synaptic does use the ubuntu internet repositories -- you may need to set it up to do so, though.10:34
toddhence, why im useing linux now to get everythign ready for next semester10:34
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ubuntu_user_1roryy, by editing sources.lists?10:35
todddude seriously ur in the wrong profession or something u need to be doing this for a living just with linux10:35
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roryyubuntu_user_1: yeah, or properties -> repositories in synaptic (i think)10:35
roryy!tell ubuntu_user_1 about repos10:35
CinWhere do application files go in Linux?10:35
DBOtodd, oh I thought you meant do I talk in this chat room for a living, no I do server admin as a job10:35
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Zeffhi guys10:36
chenjfanybody knows why after upgrading to dapper from breezy,labels of all mounted partitions shown as "DATA" in gnome desktop?10:36
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roryyCin: lots of places. Synaptic will list all files belong to a particular package, or you can run 'dpkg -L package-name'10:36
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)10:36
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toddwell my major is IT but my minor is Unix/Linix networking but my unix/linux classes dont start till next semester10:36
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FrogzooCin: libraries in /lib & binaries in /usr/bin /usr/local/bin & admin tools in /usr/sbin10:37
saptechhello everybody10:37
Zeffi'm a linux newbie10:37
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Zeffi need some basic explanation10:37
DBOtodd, if you need any help with those, Id be more than happy.  Remember, the REAL reason to learn linux is so you can be superior to windows lusers10:37
DBOZeff, what do you need?10:37
toddthats why im in here getting help b/c ive been exposed to linux a whole 3 days so far yet10:37
Zeffi installed ubuntu10:37
johannes__how could i save my desktop configuration to dapper?10:37
toddwell i use macs so im ok there lol10:37
CinYeah but I downloaded rarlinux from winrar.com and it has a few files apart from the binary itself.10:37
johannes__which file needs10:37
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Zeffbut i don't know differences among dapper, breezy or other versions10:38
DBOtodd, Im not touching that one with a 10 foot pole10:38
Zeffwhat is it?10:38
DBOZeff, breezy is the newest stable version10:38
tonyyarussoZeff: Breezy is the current stable.  Dapper is in development, to be released 1 June.10:38
DBODapper is the development version10:38
will-hZeff: breezy is the current stable released version and you should run that.10:38
DBOnext time we can use bats!10:38
toddi do alot of coco, and carbon programming for the macs so thats why i use them plus i work for apple too10:38
toddso i get a nice discount10:39
will-hmy mac is broken atm :(10:39
Zeffi thought that every version was for different subjects10:39
=== DBO still not touching the mac thing with a 10 foot pole
Zeffisn't it?10:39
john66251Can anyone please tell me what prog on ubuntu plays midi files????10:39
DBOZeff, no10:39
Zeffok tnx10:39
FrogzooCin: usually there'll be a file called INSTALL or README - describing install instructions, but often programs are distributed as source code & you may have to compile it10:39
tonyyarussoZeff: That's Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu/Edubuntu distinction.10:39
todddbo u got a S/n i could hit u up on if i have any more complicated questions next term10:39
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Zeffok tony tnx10:39
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DBOtodd, for what protocol?10:40
Zeffi already knew this...i only wasnt able to understand what dapper and breezy were10:40
tonyyarusso(Still not exactly subjects, but I think that's what he was getting at.)10:40
Zeffi know now10:40
CinYeah I'm used to the old configure and make in BSD. This came in as a binary with no source. The readme.txt just has info about how great it is and what it can do.10:40
Zefftnx, u all r very kind10:40
freakabcdcan someone take a look at this porum post and tell me if theres anything dangerous in there?10:40
DBOZeff, use breezy10:40
tonyyarussoZeff: Wonderful!  Enjoy, and we hope to see you around often.10:40
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roryyCin: you know that ubuntu has unrar utilities in the repositories?10:40
freakabcdie. i'm going to follow those instructions and want to know if theres anything that will mess up my system10:40
DBOgood luck Zeff if you have ANY questions, we would love to help10:41
Cinroryy, no. I wouldn't be going through this trouble if I did. ;P10:41
Zeffi downloaded ubuntu 5.10, is it breezy or not?10:41
ubuntu_user_1roryy, HA! Terminal Service Client worked!10:41
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tonyyarussoZeff: Yes.10:41
roryyubuntu_user_1: good stuff10:41
FoxHound01apache2 question: i would like to put htaccess on my cgi-bin directory, but after putting the htaccess file in the cgi-bin directory it still doesn't work, and i assume this is because its not a CGI file, how could i password protect my cgi-bin dir.?10:41
johannes__how could i save my desktop configuration to dapper?10:41
roryyCin: look for the unrar and unrar-nonfree packages10:41
Zeffok but how can i check my version?10:41
Zeffis it written anywhere?10:41
john66251can anyone advise me what prog in ubuntu plays midi files PLZ???10:42
Frogzoojohn66251: apt-cache search midi10:42
roryyZeff: run 'lsb_release -a' in a terminal (applications -> accessories -> terminal)10:42
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patrick52222how do i install apache10:42
konfuzedis there an ubuntu users nvidia dedicated site some where10:42
DBOpatrick52222, "sudo apt-get install apache2"10:42
john66251thanks froggy!!!10:42
Frogzoo!tell konfuzed about nvidia10:42
ubuntu_user_1patrick52222, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:43
Zeff(however i'm sorry for my english, i hope it's clear enough)10:43
toddDBO: did u get that10:43
DBOits very good Zeff10:43
DBOget what?10:43
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tonyyarussoZeff: (No problem so far!  If you would prefer to use a different language sometimes though, there are other channels that offer that.10:43
toddu got a sn i could hit u up on if i had some question next term about my unix/linux stuff10:43
patrick52222does apache take php510:44
will-hZeff: you can also see the current versiony ou are using in the Synaptic Package manager (->Repositories)10:44
DBOtodd, yes, I just sent you a private chat10:44
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Frogzoo!tell patrick about lamp10:44
johannes__if i upgrade to dapper can i just save my home partition and mount it again?thx guys10:44
toddDBO: is it going to pop up ?10:44
konfuzedthats not really enough about nvidia. cuz I want to get some disc together with all the packages needed to install a new system with nvidia chipset motherboards10:44
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DBOits going to be in the server list...10:44
patrick52222Frogzoo: didnt get that lamp10:45
DBOtodd, just join #dbo10:45
Jhairjohannes__: I don't think upgrading to dapper would touch your /home partiotion...10:45
ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:45
toddDBO: im in it10:45
Frogzoopatrick52222: pls register with nickserv so the bot can pm you10:45
DBOno you are not:-P10:45
toddi said hey10:45
konfuzedthis nvida board does not enable net or video from install cd so I cant get even download the packages needed to update kernel or install drivers10:45
patrick52222how do i reg my nick10:45
DBOtodd, you are not registered10:46
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration10:46
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Zeffi need another explanation: what about linux files format? i mean...in windows executable file r .exe... documents .doc...and in linux?10:46
DBOtodd, in this window type "/j #dbo"10:46
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tonyyarussoZeff: You can have file extensions, but it is not required.10:46
will-hZeff: they don't have .anything10:46
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Frogzoojohannes__: there will be setting you want to save from /etc - but you'll need to restore them piece by piece eg. /etc/hdparm.conf10:46
shreevatsaZeff: The filetype is determined by looking at the contents of the file itself, not by the extension10:46
shreevatsahow do I find out what motherboard I have?10:47
FoxHound01unlike windows10:47
will-hZeff: if you use 'file <filename>' in a terminal it'll tell you what kind of file it is10:47
johannes__is upgrading to dapper better made by a new install via a dapper cd in june or by dist-upgrade?10:47
tonyyarussoZeff: You can run executables by just typing their name, provided they're in the path.  For instance, if I type 'firefox' in a terminal it runs Mozilla Firefox.10:47
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konfuzedZeff, file types are essentially defined by whats in the file header if anything at all. executable is merely a permissions bit that can be set for any file or directory10:47
Zeffok tnx10:47
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FoxHound01can you "break" your clipboard? I cant copy anything and then be able to paste it again10:48
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konfuzedshreevatsa, reboot the box and or open the box and look for a model number10:48
tonyyarussoFoxHound01: I've found that if copying between apps I have to have the one I copied from still open to be able to paste.10:48
Jhairjohannes__: an upgrade through dist-upgrade is more comfortable than installing everything from scratch I think10:48
shreevatsakonfuzed: oh, of course... thanks :)10:48
FoxHound01i wasn't closing it...10:48
FoxHound01you have to keep the FILE open10:48
stravhi... I'm currently trying to setup my system (dns, mx records, bind and sendmail) to receive mails via my direct connection... If someone could clarify the process a bit, would be much appreciated.10:48
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johannes__Frogzoo:i have already /etc on an own partition :how should i use that?10:49
FoxHound01i was copying text out of one file to another, and closed the first file10:49
FoxHound01at least i think thats what did it10:49
Auckland_Pigubotu tell me about qemu10:49
Zeffi have a adsl usb modem, i found linux drivers and a file called firmware...what is it?10:49
FoxHound01maybe synergy is messing with it10:49
Zeffi think it's a part of software that must be installed inside the modem, isnt it?10:50
johannes__Jhair: but isnt doing that from scratch better? i heard its often not so sophisticated that the new install works much more flawless10:50
Frogzoojohannes__: you should backup /etc & let the install reformat the /etc partition, as dapper will have its own ideas about what /etc should look like, once the upgrade is finished, any files you've modified in /etc will need to be redone10:50
konfuzeduh why isnt the nvidia chipset drivers included on the install cd?10:50
FoxHound01because they aren't Free Software10:51
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will-hFoxHound01: synergy does do clipboard things10:51
konfuzedoh those buggers10:51
will-hso that may be your problem10:51
stravsights ... first lets burn a cigarette10:51
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FoxHound01I know, and it wasn't copying windows=>xubuntu a few minutes ago, so that coulda just been it10:51
konfuzedthey shold license canonical to include it with ubuntu10:51
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patrick52222 /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <399313>10:52
will-hthey should opensource it10:52
konfuzedstart a petition10:52
johannes__do they send dapper cds for free? flight cds too?10:52
stravis a sociopath someone who follows the path of the society?10:52
FoxHound01there ya go10:52
will-hbut that argument's been had a thousand times10:52
patrick52222 /msg NickServ patrick52222 <399313>10:52
Jhairjohannes__: my personal experience is dist-upgrade works in most cases. Never had problems with it.10:53
Frogzooeveryone, look away, look away!10:53
CinDo KDE programs crash regularly or am I just having bad luck?10:53
WebLOCHCin, are you running KDE?10:53
WebLOCHCin,  or KDE apps in Gnome?10:53
CinCin, yah.10:53
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WebLOCHCin, no idea then, i sometimes have trouble in gnome, but not much10:54
johannes__Jhair is this the way most and exoperienced guys do too?10:54
FrogzooCin: I think there's something wrong there10:54
WebLOCHCin, if its any consolation you can upgrade to gnome for free10:54
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stravyou know what cinderella said: cin->cout.10:54
konfuzedso would it be better to install a flight 6 and then the nvidia kernel updates or install 5.10 then nvidia and then upgrade to dapper in 3 months10:54
stravand see ya10:55
FrogzooCin: most gui crashes are related to your xserver - upgrade your vid driver10:55
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Cinstrav, it's >> you foon. :P10:55
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Frogzookonfuzed: you'll be happier sticking with 5.10 for the moment10:55
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[Spooky] anyone have any tip on a good Podcast application ?10:55
konfuzedit seems like a lot of effort to do it again in 3 months10:56
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konfuzed[Spooky] , shourcast is good for that10:56
konfuzeduh shoutcast10:56
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Frogzookonfuzed: but you'll dodge all the bugs that come with running a beta releases, so much less trouble this way10:56
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[Spooky] konfuzed: for listening ?10:57
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Dindoes anyone know how to install phpmyadmin on ubuntu, but somehow the new version10:57
Dinthis package of ubuntu is very old10:57
Frogzooanyway konfuzed, upgrading a video driver is really no big deal10:57
konfuzednot the video the motherboard chipset10:58
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konfuzedwell video too but the motherboard chipset is most of my concern10:58
Frogzookonfuzed: lspci will reveal all10:58
konfuzedits all nvidia10:58
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roryyDin: /list #php10:59
konfuzednforce 430/410 and the net card doesnt want to run without the chipset drivers10:59
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roryyDin: have you tried asking in ##php or #phpmyadmin ?10:59
AleXC_Why is the File Browers in Dapper not the ... normal one?10:59
Jhairjohannes__: the dist-upgrade way is known in Debian (the distribution on which Ubuntu is based) as the way of eternal upgrade :)10:59
AleXC_It's like all compact, with no buttons etc11:00
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johannes__has anybody experience with buying a subnote book for library and using it with external tft screen and usb keybord at home? is this recommendable?11:00
Jhairjohannes__: if the ubuntu guys do the release right you should not have more issues upgrading from breezy to dapper through dist-upgrade as reinstalling everything from scratch11:00
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konfuzedso ive got to go to my buddies place to put a cd together that has the gcc upgrade kernel sources and both nvidia downloads and hopefully thre are no other dependencies waiting. Cuz after I burn that to a cd I can go over to my other buddy with this deadduck nvidia box just to install the chipset driver11:01
zokzokich will ins deutsche chat11:02
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de11:02
johannes__Jhair: thanks, you know i read this big book by micheal kofler and he sayd i rarley works, but mabe he referred to SUSE, and it was from 2002 ( i think) so ubuntu didnt even exist then11:02
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bsdfox"I will speak in german" ??11:02
konfuzedbon soir11:03
|{tonyyarussobsdfox: So it is...11:03
bsdfoxAleXC_, right click -> browse11:03
bsdfoxnautilus --browser11:03
will-hbsdfox: 'will' = want11:03
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AleXC_bsdfox: how can I make that default?11:04
Jhairjohannes__: every distribution has its own system for upgrades and Debian (Ubuntu) system is far more robust than the others.11:04
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Jhairjohannes__: apt-get has been for much more time than Ubuntu11:04
goodi_If I try to mount a reiser4 fs. I always get a wrong fs type ... any suggesstions? (its a new device just created with mkfs.reiser4 )11:04
WebLOCHJhair, you say that but many have integrated apt-get :P11:04
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JhairWebLOCH: I know apt-get has been ported to work with RPM, but does any official distribution use it as default package manager?11:05
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WebLOCHJhair Scientific Linux appears to11:05
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KavokOh. My. God. Why can't I install java on firefox? :\11:05
bsdfoxedit the command line?11:05
WebLOCHJhair, and im sure ive seen others11:05
bsdfoxKavok, 64-bit?11:05
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KavokIntel, 32bit11:06
goodi_and I get  a "ReiserFS: dm-28: warning: sh-2021: reiserfs_fill_super: can not find reiserfs on dm-2811:06
goodi_" in syslog. - but mkfs.reise4 /dev/vg/test worked without errors11:06
neuronwhy doesnt ntfsprogs install ntfsmount? i installed it with synaptic11:06
FoxHound01Best IRC client for Linux?11:06
FoxHound01any recomendations?11:06
KavokI've been googling for how to install java on firefox, none of the instructions seem to work11:06
|{tonyyarussoFoxHound01: I use irssi.  It's cli, but I find that better for certain purposes.11:06
WebLOCHwhy is it all of the filesharing protocols (Samba/NFS) are useless by comparison to SCP11:07
bsdfoxJhair, emerge/portage are pretty robust imo11:07
goodi_what's the kernel module name for reiserfs4?11:07
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johannes__FoxHound01: kopete is handy; Xchat fine too, didnt like Konversation to much11:07
JhairFoxHound01: there is no best IRC client, I use ERC (the Emacs ERC client) and I am happy with it11:07
MadpilotFoxHound01, XChat11:07
WebLOCHJhair, theres pacman too in Arch11:07
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JhairWebLOCH: uh? pacman? I don't get it11:07
WebLOCHJhair,  its a package manager in Arch Linux11:07
|{tonyyarussoFoxHound01: My big reason is that I needed it up and running during things that involved restarting X.  For graphical things I like XChat.11:07
roryyerc is the One True IRC client11:08
johannes__Kavok: cant you use automatix for it? is this actually recommended to use?11:08
|{tonyyarussoDid you guys know XChat isn't included in Dapper now?11:08
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JhairWebLOCH: ohhh so many new distributions, you already mentioned two that are new to me Arch and Scientific Linux :)11:08
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WebLOCHScientific Linux is a shambles :P11:08
neuronFoxHound01, there is no best irc client, i suggest trying the top rate irc clients, and choose the one you realy like11:08
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will-htop votes for irssi and xchat here :)11:08
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neuronwhy doesnt ntfsprogs install ntfsmount? i installed it with synaptic11:09
FoxHound01i just got xchat, setting it up now11:09
johannes__why do most ppl not use kopete even though it has most features of xchat etc?11:09
johannes__is it because it looks so "comfortable"?11:09
Kavokjohannes__: I've not found "automatix" in my googling, I guess im going to have to go through and do it the hard way rather than using apt-get or synaptic11:09
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ubotuautomatix is, like, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.11:10
diemannote to self: do not lock scooter keys in scooter trunk11:10
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ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu11:10
diemanonly took 4 hours to fix that, too11:10
johannes__ johannes__: I've not found "automatix" in my googling, I guess im going to have to go through and do it the hard way rather than using apt-get or synaptic11:10
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roryydieman: just boot your scooter in recover mode ;)11:10
diemani paid the locksmith good11:11
Jhairbsdfox: I've heard also about the robustness of Gentoo emerge. Haven't tried myself though, and don't want to spend hours compiling the X server from scratch :)11:11
diemanwe ended up prying up the seat enough (plastic base) to reach en11:11
diemanand move crap around11:11
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diemanuntil we were able to reach them11:11
diemanguy was a total latent geek too, had only been locksmithing for a few months11:11
diemanwas surprised that i got along with him ok11:11
Madpilotroryy & dieman - #ubuntu-offtopic, please11:11
diemanand didn't mind a small lesson in lockpicking11:11
diemandidn't know we had an offtopic now11:11
KavokEven the "guide" that ubotu links you to doesnt work :\11:12
johannes__/msg Kavok its included in 5.10 and in the ubuntuforums.org there is a good how to; for me it worked , you know but the guys and the bot do not like it,well probabyl they are right11:12
ubotuhmm... ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead11:12
|{tonyyarussoKavok: Have you tried the Wiki?  That's more current information.11:12
Kavok5.10? Im using breezy, and java wasnt installed11:12
KavokE: Couldn't find package java-package11:12
KavokURL tony?11:12
Madpilot!info java-package11:12
ubotujava-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.26 (breezy), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 308 kB11:12
KavokI've found like 4 different ways to -not- install java11:13
|{tonyyarussoKavok: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ and search for Java.11:13
MadpilotKavok, you need to enable the Universe & Multiverse repos, probably11:13
Kavokmadpilot: I -have-.11:13
|{tonyyarussoKavok: I I believe you want a different package.11:13
|{tonyyarusso!info j2re1.411:13
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ubotuj2re1.4: (Blackdown Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition), section multiverse/devel, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 21982 kB, Installed size: 58892 kB11:13
MadpilotKavok, and run Reload/apt-get update after?11:13
johannes__no i meant automatix:11:13
johannes__but you heard shouldt use the bot said so..11:14
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KavokMadpilot: I don't know what Reload is but I can apt-get11:14
Kavokapt-get update*11:14
|{tonyyarussoKavok: Like the info before said, java-package is for building packages, not making java work.11:14
bsdfoxJhair, Xorg 6.9 compiles in like 15 minutes on my 2ghz laptop..11:15
johannes__ has anybody experience with buying a subnote book for library and using it with external tft screen and usb keybord at home? is this recommendable?11:15
bsdfoxI did it this morning11:15
MadpilotKavok, sudo apt-get update, then, if you're using the command line rather than Synaptic11:15
|{tonyyarussoKavok: I take back the searching bit.  Java is included on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:15
KavokMadpilot: Done, but I've done it before.11:15
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fwedhi, someone can help me to install wine under amd64, i've some problem ...11:17
MadpilotKavok, check the URL tony just posted - but if you aren't finding java-package, your sources.list might be messed up11:17
WebLOCHMadpilot, Kavok, have you checked you have the multiverse repos added?11:18
Madpilotfwed, I'm not sure Wine will run on 64-bit OSes11:18
KavokApparently I had to type in the word multiverse to each entry11:19
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KavokLet me see if thats what the problem was11:19
WebLOCHKavok yeah you need to for about 3 of the repos11:19
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:19
FoxHound01well so far xchat works great, ill keep using it unless i see a reason not too, thanks guys11:19
WebLOCHKavok then do apt-get update   followed by   apt-cache search j211:19
fwedMadpilot, i see some post where people have install wine under amd64 but i've some error (libXxf86dga.so.1 not found)11:20
MadpilotKavok, see the 2nd URL in the line ubotu just posted ^^^11:20
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DBOfwed, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12873911:20
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johannes__how does ubotu work actually?11:21
fwedDBO, already see but i have the same problem (*.so not found ...)11:21
WebLOCHjohannes__, its a custom client, that listens to  the information being sent and respons accordingly11:21
Madpilotjohannes__, voodoo :P11:21
johannes__ (6)11:21
Madpilotubotu, tell johannes__ about yourself11:21
fwedDBO, i copy libXxf86dga.so.1 in /lib32, run ldconfig but it's the same for me11:22
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DBOmeh, I dont know how to help you then, I run 32bit11:22
johannes__cool that shit really works11:22
johannes__he is like a man now11:22
fweddbO> i will install the 32bits version ..... ^^11:22
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WebLOCHfwed, what processor do you have?11:23
fwedthanks a lot ;)11:23
fwedWebLOCH, athlon11:23
WebLOCHfwed does it support dual core?  or is it purely  64bit ?11:23
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:23
fwedWebLOCH, hum ... i don't know ...11:23
KavokAtleast thats fixed :-)11:24
KavokNow my mom can play web games :p11:24
WebLOCHfwed you should find out, because you can run it in 2x 32bit mode if it supports dual core, in which case you can use all the normal packages that work haha11:24
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fwedWebLOCH, for that, do i install the ubuntu 32bits ? or my install i good in 64 ?11:24
DBOfwed, dont do it on account :-P11:25
donivhi guys... need some help with my display resolution11:25
donivi'm trying to get it set to 1280x102411:25
WebLOCHfwed, I usually start with breezy 32bit, and then i download the 686-smp kernel, in your case you'd need to know which kernel you need11:25
johannes__are the >< for the factoid search necessary?11:25
gnomefreakubotu tell doniv about fixres11:25
fwedWebLOCH, ok i will look that ! :)11:26
=== doniv searches for fixres
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fwedThank for your help ! :) );11:26
KavokI couldn't even get Ubuntu to install onto my laptop11:26
gnomefreakdoniv: in your pm11:26
WebLOCHfwed,  good luck11:26
KavokThe debian installed freezes on the old lappy :p11:26
donivi've read that :)11:26
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gnomefreakdoniv: if you read that and did what it said than i would make sure your video card and or moniter supports that res. (what video card?)11:27
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mthakurhow do u install a software that u have downloaded off the net e.g. flash 4 linux?11:29
donivgnomefreak, its a geforce11:29
Apostle^mthakur: what format is it in .deb ?11:29
mthakurnah its .tar.bz211:29
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:29
Apostle^mthakur: thats source, first you need build essential, sudo apt-get install build-essential checkinstall11:29
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gnomefreakif you read the link above no compile needed11:30
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donivwhen i open preferences->Screen Resolution it doesnt show me 1280x102411:30
Apostle^mthakur: you need to extract the source from the tar.bz2 and in the dir run ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall11:30
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Apostle^mthakur: but it's easier just to see if it's in the repo's ...11:30
WebLOCHmthakur, do macromedia make a linux version of flash?11:31
mthakuri don't know11:31
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ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:31
WebLOCHmthakur, i dont believe they do11:31
donivWebLOCH, atleast they do a plugin11:31
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gnomefreak^^^^^ yes11:31
WebLOCHdoniv, yeah sorrt i was thinking about Flash not Flash Player11:31
johannes__when will one be able to ugrade to dapper via dist-upgrade?11:32
sfarjohannes__: you can do that now if you want11:32
gnomefreakjohannes__: i would wait till june 1 when its released11:32
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Madpilotjohannes__, you could do it now, if you want the excitement of a testing release...11:32
sfarjust replace "breezy" with "dapper" in sources.list (note that dapper is still BETA)11:32
WebLOCHis that when ist getting released now?11:32
gnomefreakWebLOCH: june 111:32
donivgnomefreak, did you get to look at the pastebin?11:33
WebLOCHgnomefreak, man, thats aaaaaages11:33
mthakurthanks mate11:33
gnomefreakdoniv: yes and you should beable to just choose that res from the system>prefference>screen res11:33
johannes__well if it has flaws now could i do another dist-upgrade in 1 june11:33
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johannes__and all would be fixed?11:33
donivgnomefreak, thats whats not happening :(11:33
WebLOCHIs dapper actually usable ?11:33
Madpilotjohannes__, if you switch to Dapper now, you'll be kept current as the development moves11:34
donivit doesnt even show the res11:34
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cyh hello, when i resize my window in mplayer the movie doesn't resize11:34
cyh, i have mplayer-586 on ubuntu 5.10 from multiverse11:34
MadpilotWebLOCH, I've tried the Flight5 & Flight6 LiveCDs, they were very stable & usable - haven't touched the install, though11:34
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johannes__how much mb is the dapper ugrade to doenload?11:34
WebLOCHcyh, you need to edit the mplayer config file, you need to change the video driver11:34
WebLOCHcyh, "sudo gedit /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf"11:35
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cyhWebLOCH, do you happen to know the name of the paramter that needs to be set11:35
gnomefreakdoniv: do sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and make sure you read the part on res. i cant remember if it says check the ones you dont want to use or check the one you want to use and make sure the one you want is either checked or not checked depending on what it says11:35
WebLOCHcyh ... then tell me what vo=11:35
donivgnomefreak, its basically "check the ones you want to use"11:35
Madpilotjohannes__, probably fairly large - a dist-upgrade replaces most of your system, after all11:35
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cyhWebLOCH, vo=x1111:36
mthakurhow do u compile from a source code11:36
gnomefreakdoniv: and its checked?11:36
Jhairjohannes__: after adjusting your /etc/apt/sources.list you can do a apt-get -us dist-upgrade to simulate an upgrade: it reports how much data will be downloaded11:36
WebLOCHcyh, okay i set it to xv   but there are other  options that may be better for you11:36
gnomefreakmthakur: why cant you get it from repos?11:36
mthakurits not in there11:36
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:36
gnomefreak^^^ mthakur11:37
MenZaubotu, seen kingant11:37
ubotuMenZa: i haven't seen 'kingant'11:37
mthakuri mean flash maker not plugin11:37
cyhWebLOCH, works great thanks alot!11:37
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WebLOCHcyh, no problem, tell your friends mplayer rocks.11:37
johannes__Madpilot: so in my sources list i should exchange evry single breezy badger with dapper drake right via an editor?11:38
gnomefreakubotu tell mthakur about compile11:38
drelchlittle question: do you know a tool to open *.wps files?11:38
donivgnomefreak, any clue if the geforce2 supports this res in the first place?11:38
gnomefreakubotu tell mthakur -about tar11:38
cyhWebLOCH, hehe, ya!11:38
WebLOCHdoniv, what resolution ?11:38
gnomefreakdoniv: it should my fx 5200 does11:38
donivthe fx 5200 came much later11:38
Madpilotjohannes__, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 <-- official Dapper sources.list11:38
donivWebLOCH, 1280x102411:38
WebLOCHdoniv, yes it should do, i used to have one11:39
WebLOCHdoniv, my dad still has it now, i can check if you can wiat 4 hours11:39
neuronhow can i install ntfsmount ?11:39
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gnomefreakubotu tell neuron -about ntfs11:39
erezMadpilot: heh, thanks i was just looking for something like that..11:39
donivanyways, i've reconfigured x11:39
donivand will try and restart gdm11:39
mthakurgnomefreak, can u help me11:39
erezMadpilot: the sources.list ..11:39
tecloHello, I get this: /bin/sh: strip: command not found     ... what do I need to install ?11:39
donivbut another problem is11:40
Madpiloterez, cool11:40
cyhteclo, sh11:40
donivgdm doesnt restart on CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE11:40
WebLOCHdoniv, ive found you osmetimes need to manually edit the config and restart gdm, in some cases however you need to alter the refresh freqs11:40
cyhteclo, but you should have sh11:40
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drelchlittle question: do you know a tool to open *.wps files?  so i mean Microsoft Works files11:40
WebLOCHdoniv, you know about virtual terms?11:40
cyhteclo,  thats the most basic shell11:40
donivnot much11:40
donivjust shifted to ubuntu from win2k311:40
gnomefreakmthakur: i might beable to but ive never compiled that app before so you will have to read the readme or install file after you unpack it  but ill be here if you get stuck11:40
donivbut been using linux on and off11:41
mthakurok thanks.11:41
johannes__Madpilot :thx all or from line 11 without the novel quotation?11:41
WebLOCHdoniv, well once linux loads, it forks (it would seem) into 7 virtual terminals, represented by CTRL +ALT +Fx  where x = 1 to 7,  in the 7th instance you have the GDM etc running11:41
teclocyh: thank you11:41
neurongnomefreak, i want read-write permisions11:41
donivi know that11:41
anto9usdrelch, if you find one, let me know, I usually recommend they save from Works in Word format11:41
WebLOCHdoniv, if you hit CTRL+ALT+F1 you can restart gdm from the terminal11:41
teclocyh: but there is no package called sh11:41
gnomefreakneuron: ntfs is not safe to write on11:41
WebLOCHdoniv, ahh sorry haha11:41
mantonoIs there a way to set userflags in Ubuntu?11:41
Madpilotjohannes__, what?11:41
donivi tried sudo and started gdm11:41
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donivbut then it froze :)11:41
donivhad to do a rest11:42
WebLOCHdoniv  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart11:42
neurongnomefreak, i dont care...11:42
cyhtelco, what does "which sh" return?11:42
gnomefreakneuron: than do what the wiki says11:42
donivWebLOCH, let me try and restart gdm now11:42
neurongnomefreak, then how can i convert a ntfs partition to a ext3 ?11:42
Jhairmantono: userflags? what's that11:42
WebLOCHdoniv okay11:42
johannes__Madpilot : i meant this:  "I was beginning to think the old man was a few pennies short of a11:42
johannes__ #  dime when in the distance, much like thunder, I heard a 'quack'. I11:42
johannes__ #  have heard mighty dragons roar in fury and anger in the heat of11:42
johannes__ #  battle, but nothing was equal to the earth shaking rumblings of this11:42
johannes__ #  'quack'."11:42
johannes__ #11:42
johannes__ #    -- Jason Frieling, "Of Dragons and Ducks"11:42
gnomefreakjohannes__: no pasting please11:42
Madpilotjohannes__, careful with pasting, thanks11:42
neuronubotu tell johannes__ -about pastebin11:42
mthakurgnomefreak, there is no readme11:43
teclowhich sh returns /bin/sh11:43
cyhteclo, is did you get this script off the net from someone because if you use FreeBSD like i normaly do there will often be a space in the first line of the script "#! /bin/sh" --> "#!/bin/sh"11:43
gnomefreakjohannes__: thats the start of dappers sources.list file11:43
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mantonoJhair: Defining useflags can give you support for example more formats while compiling a package11:43
gnomefreakteclo: either ./script.sh or sh script.sh11:43
Madpilotjohannes__, anything that starts with # is just a comment, you can include it in your sources.list or not11:43
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Madpilotjohannes__, including that odd quotation :P11:44
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cyhteclo, yes "sh script" will work but i wouldn't be suprised if there was the space problem11:44
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mantonoJhair: If I for example compile audacity with the useflag "ogg", then I might add ogg-support to my audacity package.11:44
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donivWebLOCH, no luck11:44
Jhairmantono: compiler flags? When compiling C programs you can do, e.g.: CFLAGS=-g -O0" gcc ...11:44
donivstill stuck with 102411:44
roryymantono: are you perhaps thinking of gentoo?11:44
donivxorg.conf shows all the res'11:44
JhairI meant CFLAGS="-g O0" for example11:44
neurongnomefreak, wiki says "*At this time, NTFS may only be mounted read-only by the kernel. This means information may be read, but no information may be written."11:44
mantonoJhair: that's cflags11:45
Ishithi, any one on dapper?11:45
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WebLOCHdoniv, well then your options are to play with the refresh rates, or possibly download the latest drivers and install them from binaries11:45
roryymantono: i'm not sure ubuntu/debian support that concept11:45
Ishiti want some help with installing xgl11:45
donivi've installed the nvidia drivers11:45
Jhairmantono: then I don't know what useflags are sorry11:45
roryy!tell Ishit about xgl11:45
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mantonororyy: I know it exists in Gentoo, that's why I ask if it workd in Ubuntu as well.11:45
WebLOCHdoniv, from apt?  or from site?11:45
gnomefreakIshit: please see #ubuntu-xgl for help with xgl11:45
MadpilotIshit, try #ubuntu+1 for Dapper questions11:45
mantonororyy: okey, thank you11:45
donivfrom apt11:45
Ishitsorry and thanks guys11:45
johannes__how could i find which channels are on which server without trying to connect to all servers and getting their channel list?11:46
WebLOCHdoniv, i mean from the site, for example, the apt drivers for my card dont support HD res, but my card does, so i had to insatll from the website11:46
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cyhjohannes__, you mean in IRC? Try searchirc.com11:46
donivoh ok11:46
johannes__cyh: yes thanks11:46
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CoffeeBreaks_Does someone have a link to the various GNome performance improvements made into 2.14? I remember a particular blog where the various the bottlenecks were identified thanks to a serie of tools.11:48
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donivlemme tinker around some more... thanks for the help11:48
WebLOCHdoniv, good luck11:48
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donivWebLOCH, whats the equivalent for /etc/rc.local ?11:49
donivi need to put path and aliases11:49
WebLOCHdoniv, i usually use /etc/bash.bashrc11:49
donivand what abt aliases for gterm?11:49
PupenoIs there any reason why Ubuntu includes Firefox instead of Galleon ?11:49
WebLOCHdoniv,  a qiuck example ... export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/j2se/1.4/11:49
WebLOCHgnome-terminal ?11:50
donivlike... ll11:50
donivit works for bash11:50
donivbut not for gterm11:50
CoffeeBreaks_Pupeno you mean epiphany right?11:50
WebLOCHdoniv, i don't know what you mean haha :S sorry11:50
gnomefreakPupeno: FF is installed by default you can still get galleon from repos11:50
donivll is an alias for ls -l11:50
neuronhow can i free up some space?11:50
donivstandard with bash11:50
johannes__guys: how can i get my pop pawords in  kontact get stored in kde wallet?11:50
gnomefreakneuron: sudo apt-get clean  or  sudo apt-get autoclean11:50
johannes__there is no option: store..11:50
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WebLOCHdoniv, if you can call gnome-terminal instead, why not just use that?11:51
erezCoffeeBreaks_: http://www.gnome.org/~davyd/gnome-2-14/  is that what you are looking for?11:51
donivyea, i'm talking abt gnome terminal only11:51
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CoffeeBreaks_erez: no this one is too high level. There was one guy who had more low level things, in several installments11:51
kleineswie gehtd11:51
warpforgeJohannes, btw, there's a German-language forum11:51
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donivis there a startup script for that11:51
donivlike bashrc11:51
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warpforgeI mean channel11:52
kleineshow are you??11:52
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kleinesops hi11:52
manjihey so does anyone use a good apt repository that houses mplayer?11:52
warpforgeJohannes, you can't. Wallet takes an API11:52
Jhairmanji: multiverse?11:52
warpforgeJohannes, the app would have to support it11:53
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manjiJhair: i have multiverse, but i cant find mplayer11:53
warpforgemanji, do you have universe?11:53
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manjiwarpforge: yeah, do you have it in universe?11:53
Madpilotmanji, use Synaptic's search button11:53
manjiMadpilot: its not there11:54
Jhairmanji: strange: Filename: pool/multiverse/m/mplayer/mplayer_1.0-pre7cvs20050716-0.1ubuntu9_amd64.deb11:54
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neuronhave any of you installd captive?11:54
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donivWebLOCH, bashrc did the trick for the vars11:54
Madpilotmanji, try searching packages.ubuntu.com - there really are mplayer packages for Ubuntu11:54
donivnow i can use ll in gterm as well :)11:55
neuronis there any way of converting a ntfs partition to fat32?11:55
warpforgeneuron: no11:55
vasilishi....has anyone installed the ubuntu-live-support utility?11:55
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johannes__does someone know i would assign to e.g. kontact a behaviour that eg it always starts on screen 4 ?11:56
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neuronthen, how can i modify files on a ntfs filesytem?11:56
stamen81hello dudes11:56
vasilisneuron: from linux its too dangerous11:56
stamen81my questuion today is for web developers11:56
Madpilotneuron, in Ubuntu, you can't11:56
donivneuron, its not well supported11:57
stamen81is anybody here who is web developer11:57
stamen81and use bluefish11:57
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Madpilotstamen81, if you just ask your question, you'll get better help...11:57
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stamen81ok, help me :)11:58
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.11:58
stamen81I can't remember how to make the source code to be wrapped11:58
stamen81whe I am writing it11:59
donivin what, stamen81?11:59
gnomefreakstamen81: iirc there is a menu item that would help you with that(do it for you even)11:59
stamen81in bluefish editor11:59
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gnomefreaklet me check11:59
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stamen81where is that menu11:59
stamen81gnomefreak,  where is that menu12:00
anto9usstamen81, Document | Wrap12:00
Madpilotstamen81, Edit->Preferences, Editor tab, check the "Word Wrap default" box12:00
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ndazzastamen81: please be patient12:00
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stamen81ok, 10x verry much12:00
antonio_is it possible to install itunes?12:01
ubotuinfo for syncing your iPod is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPodHowto12:01
vasilishi...i tried to install ubuntu live support utility but ./configure returned that it cant find install-sh or install.h although they were present in the directory, what am i doing wrong?12:02
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WebLOCHanyone here ever tried re-installing macosx after installing ubuntu?  The macosx installer cant see the disk anymore :(12:03
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stramdoes ubuntu come with some type of GUI tool to change the power settings/policy? you know, to set it to dim the screen when running on the battery and such12:03
gnomefreakvasilis: did you install build-essential?12:03
shreevatsagnomefreak: Hey, thanks! I just won an iPod Nano yesterday, and didn't even think of asking here... was struggling all by myself12:03
gnomefreaklol shreevatsa there are alot of different apps you can use banshee is most like itunes but alot of people dont like it ;)12:04
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vasilisgnomefreak: how do i do that?12:04
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gnomefreakvasilis: sudo apt-get install build-essential12:04
donivguys, whats the best svn gui client app for gnome?12:05
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gnomefreakiirc build-essential has some header files it installs12:05
vasilishmm i'll try12:05
neurondamn ntfs, damn M$12:05
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CraiZEhey :D uhm i wanted to display the song i am currently playing in XMMS on ex-chat, anyone knows a plugin for that?12:05
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gnomefreakCraiZE: ther eis one (here atleast) try apt-cache search xmms12:06
gnomefreak^^^ CraiZE in terminal12:06
neurongnomefreak, is there a way of showing the song i`m playing in xmms in gaim?12:06
vasilisgnomefreak: yeah they were already installed....the build-essential that is12:07
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grumwhats the default root password for ubuntu when first installed12:08
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domashi! I'm experiencing network stalls on 5.10, running in Parallels VM12:08
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.12:08
donivgrum, its random12:08
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WebLOCHis it possible to format a disk from a livecd?12:09
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TrunkzInstalling ubuntu on the laptop today :D12:09
domasdid anyone run Ubuntu on parallels?12:09
MenZaTrunkz: sweet :)12:09
Apostle^WebLOCH: yes12:09
gnomefreakgrum: its you user password there is no root enabled12:09
ndazzaWebLOCH: what do u want to format the disk as?12:09
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grumok sweet thx12:09
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WebLOCHndazza, well i wnt to reinstall macosx because im selling the laptop, but i cant do that becaus eits installer doesnt recognise the paritions i have and thus the disk12:10
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WebLOCHndazza, so i need to empty a partition to install to12:10
josh__Hi, I can't change my resolution12:10
TrunkzMenza, quick question. i810 driver works fine under ubuntu right (thats the dell inspirons stuff..)12:10
gnomefreakWebLOCH: there is a wiki on that if you give me a min ill get it for you12:11
MenZaTrunkz: I don't think I'm who you ought to turn to; I'm not really fantastic at Linux :)12:11
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Trunkzahh :D12:11
ndazzaWebLOCH: try gparted (i dunno if it's on the ubuntu live cds by default)12:11
Trunkzokeh ;p12:11
TrunkzLast time I installed knoppix on that laptop12:11
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Trunkzit had graphical problems ;p12:11
WebLOCHgnomefreak, ty12:11
levanderIs there some way to "auto-download" all the dev packages you need when you are compiling a package?12:11
WebLOCHndazza, not  sure, can i do it from command line?12:11
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josh__How do I change my resolution if there is only 640 x 480 in the menu list?12:12
WebLOCHlevander, yes, apt-get build-dep package12:12
gnomefreakWebLOCH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot?highlight=%28yaboot%2912:12
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shreevatsajosh__: Just installed?12:12
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shreevatsajosh__: I had this bug... I had to go edit my xorg.conf12:12
senn1hey all.12:12
josh__i know nothing about linux12:12
josh__so dont go throwing anything technical at me12:12
shreevatsajosh__: Yeah, just gimme a minute12:12
shreevatsajosh__: Sorry about that... I'll just tell you what to do (let me remember)12:13
josh__lol ok12:13
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ndazzaWebLOCH: maybe parted will do it12:13
senn1got a tough question for people in here12:13
Apostle^WebLOCH: you can use gparted12:13
WebLOCHApostle^, from the live cd?12:13
Apostle^WebLOCH: yes12:13
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WebLOCHApostle^, awesome, ty12:14
shreevatsajosh__: what monitor do you have?12:14
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josh__a philips12:14
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senn1anyone know if theres a livecd remastering script for ubuntu that works like the mandriva one? with just a single comand12:14
AleXC_How can I get GTK2.4? I'm trying to install The Widget Factory - but it needs GTK 2.412:14
ubotuyaboot is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:14
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shreevatsajosh__: There is something called the horizontal and vertical refresh rates... do you know what they are for your monitor?12:14
WebLOCHgnomefreak, ty for that im reading it thru now12:14
Dincan be this fixed #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate utf8_slovenian_ci NOT NULL default '',12:15
gnomefreakWebLOCH: i just aded it to bot wanted to see if it took12:15
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josh__no i dont... windows had this cool feature... it just worked12:15
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shreevatsajosh__: lol, ok. (But from my experience, windows had the feature that most things just didn't work)12:15
josh__not from what ive seen12:15
shreevatsajosh__: anyway, try this:12:15
josh__this pos caused me to loos all my data12:15
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josh__im not happy atm12:15
AleXC_How do I get GTK 2.4?12:16
gnomefreakit all depends on hardware if an os will work out of box (my ubuntu worked out of box)12:16
uboturumour has it, flight6 is http://www.ubuntu.com/testing12:16
roryyAleXC_: ubuntu comes with gtk 2.8. Perhaps you just need libgtk2.0-dev to compile your library12:16
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roryyAleXC_: that is, ubuntu 5.10 comes with gtk 2.812:16
shreevatsajosh__: Can you start a terminal?12:17
AleXC_roryy: installing them now - hopefully it will work this time12:17
shreevatsajosh__: Ok, start it, and type "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (without the quotes)12:17
vasiliswhy a ./configure cannot find install sh12:17
gnomefreakvasilis: what are you trying to install?12:17
vasiliswhy a ./configure cannot find install-sh although they are in the same directory12:17
donivhas anyone tried installing esvn?12:18
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josh__where in the conf file do i edit?12:18
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vasilisgnomefreak: ubuntu live support ... wait to find the link12:18
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shreevatsajosh__: Look for a place that says: Section "Monitor"12:18
vasilisgnomefreak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLiveChatSupport12:18
josh__it already has my monitor and everything set up12:18
shreevatsajosh__: No, but did you find that place?12:19
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josh__yes, it does... it lists my monitor model number12:19
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shreevatsajosh__: In that section, there should be lines saying HorizSync and VertRefresh... are they there?12:19
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josh__i dont know its hard to see with this small ass shitty linux screen12:20
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shreevatsajosh__: Lol, there should be a menu option somewhere to maximise the screen or font or whatever is small...12:20
shreevatsajosh__: Anyway, is there such a line *just* after the "Identfier" line?12:20
Apostle^AHHHH dapper where are you!12:20
jeanHi, i'm searching informations on how to get a recent version of ffmpeg12:20
TrunkzDamned ICS12:21
gnomefreakvasilis: what one are you trying to install the 1st or 2nd tar?12:21
TrunkzI still can never seem to get it to work x.x12:21
TrunkzUbuntu might hate me now x.x12:21
josh__HorizSync not found12:21
intuos_penhi, i've installed ndisgtk on my breezy, it was able to detect my wireless lan adapter and use the windows "sis 162" driver. but ubuntu's network configuration gui program can not detect a "wlan0" device, what's the next step?12:21
josh__it lists my monitor and all that good stuff12:21
ndazzaTrunkz: try installing guidedog12:21
ndazzaics: internet connection sharing?12:21
gnomefreakguidedog or guarddog?12:21
neurongnomefreak, is there a way of showing the song i`m playing in xmms in gaim?12:21
intuos_penintuos_pen: i hope i won't be tweaking on udev /dev entries.12:22
ndazzaguidedog is a tool to help with that12:22
gnomefreakneuron: dont know12:22
TrunkzI wanna set up ICS on this machine, so that gnome can get a connection12:22
neurongnomefreak, okay12:22
shreevatsajosh__: ok then, just below the Identifier line in Section "Monitor", type "HorizSync       30-70" (without quotes) in a new line12:22
ndazzagnomefreak: guidedog. guarddog is the firewall, they are written by the same author12:22
vasilisgnomefreak: emm....there is only one tar hosted there12:22
TrunkzI dont need a firewall :o12:22
Dinhay where is cgi-bin if i installed mod_perl/2.0.1 Perl/v5.8.712:22
gnomefreakah ok12:22
gnomefreakvasilis: why i see 2?12:22
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Madpilotneuron, just so you know - running a 'now playing' script in #ubuntu will get you kickbanned12:22
shreevatsajosh__: And in the next line, type "VertRefresh     50-160"12:22
Dinsomeone know where is it?12:22
vasilisgnomefreak: dunno....drunk maybe ? :P12:22
ndazzaTrunkz: is it the ubuntu machine that has the internet connection?12:22
gnomefreaknm read the first link wrong12:22
Trunkzthe windows machine12:23
TrunkzI'm installing ubuntu on the laptop12:23
JhairDin: type locate cgi-bin in a terminal12:23
TrunkzWant the laptop to get a net connection off this xp box12:23
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josh__ok, do i have to restart for this to take effect?12:23
gnomefreakok vasilis im gonna do this with you i hope12:23
ndazzaTrunkz: linux will use whatever router you point it to, including windows machines12:23
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blueydoes anyone know the best way to convert ogg to mp3 using lame? all i get is a really small outfile with static in it12:23
intuos_penwhat must one do to make the system detect a "wlan0" device after ndiswrapper has used the windows driver and detected the wlan adapter?12:23
neuronMadpilot, i`m not planning to run a "now playing" in xchat, i want it for  gaim, yahoo specificaly12:23
grumhow do i enable mp3 support in ubuntu 5.1012:24
Trunkzndazza, nvm.. some guy just told me how to do it :D12:24
TrunkzThanks ;)12:24
ndazzaif you're playing with windows 98 ics, then good luck to you :D it's very fiddly and rarely works12:24
TrunkzI'll be on here12:24
Madpilot!tell grum about mp312:24
Dinum this mybe /usr/share/apache2/default-site/cgi-bin12:24
Trunkzas I'm sure i'll get some graphics problems12:24
shreevatsajosh__: er12:24
gnomefreakvasilis: did you get it extracted yet?12:24
shreevatsajosh__: Sorry, I didn't notice that12:24
josh__wtf is er12:24
shreevatsajosh__: You have to, yes...12:24
josh__not to be rude12:24
Madpilotneuron, OK, just thought I'd give you a heads up12:24
vasilisgnomefreak: yeap12:24
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shreevatsajosh__: Or you can just restart X12:24
josh__ive lost ALL my data!12:24
josh__thanks to this thing12:24
TrunkzWill ubuntu run happily on 256MB ram?12:24
shreevatsajosh__: Why?12:24
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josh__and now this is my ONLY os12:24
shreevatsajosh__: What does resolution have to do with data?12:24
neuronMadpilot, thanks ;)12:24
josh__it doesnt12:24
gnomefreakvasilis: also can you please install checkinstall12:24
josh__its just one of the many problems with this pos12:25
MadpilotTrunkz, it'll run, but more would be better12:25
=== gnomefreak hates make install
WebLOCHhaha, things are bad, i need assistance restoring a mac to its former glory12:25
WebLOCHanyone able to help ?12:25
TrunkzMadpilot, I plan on upgrading to 512MB12:25
TrunkzOnce I make sure Ubuntu runs happily on the laptop12:25
TrunkzSo far, I have my doubts.. as its had problems in the past12:25
gnomefreakvasilis: once its unpacked and your ready to continue please cd ubuntu <tab> that should put you install the file tar just made12:26
vasilisgnomefreak: checkinstall from apt-get?12:26
vasilisgnomefreak: ok done12:26
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gnomefreakgrrrrrrrr ok give me a min i have to do something before we can go on :( i have this feeling about this app12:27
rungekhi. anybody got skype work in ubuntu breezy? (it fails install as it depends on a package (libqt3c102-mt)12:27
uboturumour has it, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/12:27
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bimberirungek: see ^^^ to get a package that doesn't have that dependency issue12:28
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levanderMan, has anyone tried building php5 themselves?  I'm getting all kinds of warnings, although the build is continuing.12:28
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neuronhow can i see what ubuntu i`m running? breezy, dapper, etc12:28
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WebLOCHanyone here know where i can go for mac advice?12:29
bimberineuron: 'lsb_release -a'12:29
ndazzaneuron: cat /etc/issue might work...12:29
Madpilotlevander, PHP5 is in Breezy's repos, you know12:29
gnomefreakvasilis: cant install it it is broken i have this feeling they are not done with it12:29
vasilisgnomefreak: oh ok...sorry for the trouble12:29
neuroni`m running hoary, how can i update?12:30
ndazzalevander: lots of software will give out warnings while compiling... it's not necessarily bad12:30
levanderneuron: 'apt-get update && apt-get upgrade'12:30
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levanderndazza: yeah, but for someone who doesn't compile much, it's not encouraging...12:30
shreevatsalevander: isn't dist-upgrade better?12:30
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Dinam will be there any soon mysql5 for ubuntu?12:30
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vasilisgnomefreak: i just wanted learn how to properly install packages....so ./configure, make , make install should install it when its done right?12:31
bimberi!tell neuron about upgrade2breezy12:31
levanderDin: look on packages.ubuntu.com and search in dapper12:31
neuronthanks bimberi12:31
MadpilotDin, it'll be in Dapper in June, I think12:31
bimberineuro_: yw :)12:31
new_to_linux1how i set the password for root ? i just install ubuntu :)12:31
neuronhow can i free up some space? apt-get clean and auto-clean doesnt do anything12:31
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Madpilotnew_to_linux1, you don't - use sudo, and your own user pw12:32
shreevatsaneuron: You could just wait a couple of months and upgrade to Dapper directly :)12:32
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.12:32
levandernew_to_linux1: oh boy, you know slashdot has an article about some book that was an introduction to Linux based on the Ubuntu distribution12:32
Madpilot!tell new_to_linux1 about sudo12:32
rungekthans bimberi, i will look it up (second link seams to be what I need)12:32
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Killgoresup fellow ubuntuers12:32
CinIs there any way to reinstall ubuntu without a CD if I'm already on it?12:32
CinI.e. get to the installation somehow?12:33
bimberirungek: np :)  (best to use one of the mirrors btw)12:33
XenguyCin: why would you want/need to?12:33
levanderCin: don't think so, but not sure12:33
WhoopieHi, I have a question regarding dapper and PAM: Why are we stuck with PAM 0.79? I ask this because I'd like to use pam_keyring and it needs PAM >= 0.99.12:33
intuos_penis there any ubuntu specific tutorial on how to use wlan adapter under ndiswrapper?12:33
levanderXenguy: he wants to do a reinstall12:33
Dindoesn't seem that anyone is working on it :(12:33
levanderXenguy: like you do in XP12:33
CinBecause a lot of things are crashing and I can't make any diagnosis to the problem because I don't know anything about Linux.12:33
Killgorei fixed my sound problems12:33
gnomefreakWhoopie: try #ubuntu+1 for dapper issues12:33
Xenguylevander: yes, but what is the reason?12:33
levanderDin: can post something on ubuntuforums.org if you want12:33
Killgorethere is a switch in alsa to enable tone controls, so thats y i wasnt getting any bass12:33
levanderXenguy: he's probably just used to XP, probably doesn't have a good reason12:34
Whoopiegnomefreak: ok, thanks.12:34
Xenguylevander: (I don't use XP)12:34
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Xenguylevander: why don't you let him speak for himself :-)12:34
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levanderXenguy: why do you want to go through the install process?12:34
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levanderor, I meant the guy who originally asked12:34
Xenguylevander: are you on (bad) drugs?12:34
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Dinlevander under what forum, which section12:35
CinI stated above.12:35
vasilisdoes anyone know how to build a boot floppy for breezy?12:35
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levanderDin: just look at the forum names and make an educated guess12:35
Killgoreuse the live-cd12:35
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KillgoreDin: what are the problesm you are having?12:35
KillgoreCin: lol sorry12:35
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu12:35
Dinio would like to have my sql 512:35
Dinit is much faster12:36
Xenguyahh, 'stuff is crashing'; sounds like something went wrong then12:36
Dinbut cannot be installed by ubuntu12:36
CinI'm pretty sure it's X in general. A lot of programs are failing to start, amarok seems to crash a lot, and now crashes X when I open the library.12:36
KillgoreDin: are you using postgreSQL?12:36
Dinno mysql 412:36
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DinMySQL - 4.0.24_Debian-10ubuntu2-log12:36
CinI assume it's X that crashes because my mouse still works but nothing else does (Ctrl + Alt + Backspc does nothing).12:36
levanderDin: mysql 4.1 should be plenty fast enough for you, you won't see any performance benefit except on servers serving a *lot* of people, like thousands of people12:36
KillgoreCin: how long have you had it installed? ie if its a new install then there might be installation issues12:36
levanderDin: there's also mysql-4.112:37
Xenguy!tell Cin about xorg12:37
CinKillgore, yeah I installed like yesterday and haven't rebooted since (until the crashes of course)12:37
Dinthen why i get #1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'collate utf8_slovenian_ci NOT NULL default '',12:37
XenguyCin: not sure if that will help at all12:37
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Killgorelevander: I used postgreSQl and its not bad once you get used to it12:37
zegnushi at all !12:37
zegnusMy dvd is mounted at /media/cdrom0 but when I insert a dvd film, totem says that cannot play dvd:////media/cdrom0 and libdvdcss2 is instaled, any idea ?12:37
Dini was using before mysql 512:37
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levanderKillgore: no, postgreSQl is a find dbms12:37
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vasilisdoes anyone know how to build a boot floppy for breezy?12:38
prxqmy laptop screen blanks every so-and-so minutes. Is there a way to disable that via the command line?12:38
Killgorelevander: you mean "fine" i assume12:38
CinXenguy, I admit I've edited my xorg.conf but never actually ran the configuration program. I'll try that.12:38
levandervasilis: i don't think you can make boot floppies any more, it's like the kernel is too big or something12:38
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Killgoreprxq: it will be your power settings12:38
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levandervasilis: check the 'mkboot' command though, think that's what it's called12:38
levanderKillgore: yeah, meant fine12:39
Killgoreprxq: like power saving mode will turn the screen off. Or are you using it when it blanks12:39
neuroni installed ubuntu and then the kde desktop, no i`m trying to update to breezyand synaptic wants to uninstall kde, why is that?12:39
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Killgoreneuron: probably because it wants to update all files that need updating12:39
levanderneuron: maybe it wants to install gnome that conflicts with kde? that's a guess.  gnome is the default ubuntu desktop12:39
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Killgoredoes anyone here use rythmbox rather than another player?12:40
neuronehhh, it seems i need to install kde again12:40
neuronsoo.. is theer any way of freeing some space12:41
levanderneuron: 'df -h' tells you how much space you got left12:41
Killgoreneuron: did you mention that space was an issue?12:41
levanderneuron: how much space you got left?12:41
neuronlevander, i kknew how i can check my free space, well. i only have 2.5gigs free, out of 1012:42
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levanderneuron: i ran on a 4GB partition for a long time12:42
levanderneuron: that should be plenty...12:42
gnomefreakvasilis: that prject isnt finished i have it in my dapper menu and that doesnt work yet either12:42
Xenguyneuron: 'filelight' is a nice X prog for finding you 'big' files, if you want heavy artillery12:42
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Killgoreneuron: check too see how much space is taken up by /var/cache/apt/archives12:43
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Apostle^neuron: baobab is nice also.12:43
=== BuxXxx ruft: %C1,8:)%C %C8,4:)%C %C1,13:)%C %C11,2:)%C %C1,0:)%C %C5,7:)%C %C1,15:)%C11,5%C %C4,9:)%C Hallo albacker %C13,11:)%C %C11,4:)%C %C12,11:)%C %C11,5:)%C %C5,11:)%C %C8,6:)%C %C0,2:)%C %C1,9:)%C
levanderneuron: i think when you use synaptic to install packages, it first tells you how much space is required before it installs the package12:43
levanderneuron: i know apt-get does that12:43
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CinShould I use the kernel framebuffer device interface?12:43
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Apostle^Cin: no12:43
neuronlevander, yes it does, thans not the problem, i dont want ubuntu tu ron out of space :D12:43
Killgoreneuron: du -hc /var/cache/apt/archives12:43
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levanderneuron: there's parted to resize partitions, or you can uninstall packages you're not using12:44
munzirHi, I am connecting to the internet through a router via an ethernet cable (eth1: as well as a wireless connection (eth0: How should I specify which connection is used when I browse a site?12:44
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MenZaHow do I set Thunderbird as my default mail-application?12:44
levanderneuron: i've never used 7.5 GB with a Linux install before, you ahve a lot installed12:44
neuronokay, thanks12:44
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Dinwhy phpmyadmin at me doesn't work with php5, i just tried and get error of phpmyadmin check mysql,<br /> in php configuration12:44
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Killgoremunzir: u need to specify the default gateway12:44
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neuron/dev/hda1             9.5G  6.8G  2.3G  76% /12:45
Killgoremunzir: system -> admin -> networking12:45
neuron6.5gb actualy12:45
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Apostle^neuron: sudo tune2fs -m 0 /dev/hda1 will free up some space.12:45
CooleoCaN i have some help installing wine?12:45
levandermunzir: i don't think you can specify on a per site basis which connectino to use12:45
gnomefreakMenZa: system>prefferences>perfered apps12:45
Cooleoi get "Failed to write to pipe in copy" & "Subprocess paste returned error exit status 2" errors when trying to install12:45
MenZaThank you, gnomefreak .12:45
Killgoremunzir: change the default gateway device to eth0 or eth112:45
Cooleowhat do they mean?12:46
Apostle^munzir: if you want firefox to always use one connection you can set it up that way.12:46
levandermunzir: the routing table will route all internet traffic through one connection or another12:46
neuronntfs is realy annoying12:46
levanderDin: umm, maybe you need php5-mysql installed???12:46
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neuronbut i just cant format it :(12:46
munzirKillgore: netstat -r shows default         speedtouch.lan         UG        0 0          0 eth112:46
munzirdefault         speedtouch.lan         UG        0 0          0 eth012:46
CooleoCan someone help me?12:46
WebLOCHIm looking for a babysitter?12:46
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Killgoreneuron: only if u use it :P12:46
Apostle^Cooleo: whats the problem12:46
munzirApostle^: how?12:47
Cooleo<Cooleo> i get "Failed to write to pipe in copy" & "Subprocess paste returned error exit status 2" errors when trying to install wine12:47
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CooleoWhat do they mean?>12:47
neuronKillgore, i had a ntfs filesystem on my xp system, and i have a lot of valuable data on it that i just cand afford to loose12:47
neurona 65gb filssitem being read-only, imagine that12:47
sergeWhy do I get this error while trying to ./configure mysql? "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables12:47
Apostle^munzir: i was mistaken sorry.12:47
prxqKillgore: that worked. thanks.12:47
Apostle^serge: sudo apt-get insall build-essential gcc12:47
levanderyou guys have no idea how expert you had to be to even try to install WINE five years ago12:47
Killgoreprxq: too easy12:48
Apostle^neuron: linux doesn't write to ntfs (safely)12:48
levanderneuron: you need to back that ntfs partition up, hard drives are designed to fail sooner or later12:48
Killgorelevander: thank god for apt!12:48
neuronApostle^, i dont realy care about safety12:48
sergeta Apostle^12:48
CooleoWhats wrong with the installation ?12:48
peter_why would apt-file search and dpkg -S disagree about the contents of a package?12:48
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levanderKillgore: it's more than just apt12:48
Apostle^neuron: if you write to that partition it might become un recoverable.12:48
Jhairpeter_: which is right?12:49
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peter_Jhair: dpkg12:49
Killgorelevander: is cedega better for games than wine? or does it go on a game-by-game basis12:49
neuronlevander, my cdrw just gone poof12:49
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Jhairpeter_: which package?12:49
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sergeApostle^, any idea why I also get this error? checking for termcap functions library... configure: error: No curses/termcap library found12:50
Apostle^serge: no idea on that one sorry.12:50
sergealright ta12:50
munzirKillgore:  in Networking it's set to eth1 but why then netstat -r shows both, please?12:50
sergeAnyone else had that before and found a solution?12:50
vasilisthe mkboot command couldnt make a bootable disk.......can i copy vmlinuz and initrd to a media and tell grub to boot them would it work?12:50
peter_I guess, more specifically, apt-file search fail to report the actual contents of the package (as displayed by dpkg -c after downloading it)12:50
Apostle^serge: you need ncurses12:50
uboturumour has it, mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106112:50
peter_Jhair: nvidia-glx in dapper restricted12:50
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Apostle^serge: sudo apt-cache search ncurses get the -dev also12:51
sergeApostle^, I can just apt-get that righT?12:51
Apostle^serge: yes sir12:51
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Killgoremunzir: my netstat -r shows my gateway computer then the default connection (eth0)12:51
neuronubotu, 2*212:51
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neuronubotu, version12:51
ubotuTo find out what ubuntu version you have type 'lsb_release -a' or 'cat /etc/issue' in a terminal.12:51
neuronblootbot? :D12:51
KillgoreZOMG hes so smart12:52
Killgoreubotu, 4923987295867*212:52
roryyi hope system -> about ubuntu will more clearly show the version in dapper and future ubuntu releases12:52
yabbais here anyone who can tell me a bash command that shows all (active) users on my system?12:52
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Dinso does any other version of ubuntu have builded in mysql512:52
CooleoIs my wine file corrupt?12:52
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munzirKillgore: so you don't have two default connections like me?12:52
Killgoreyabba: users12:52
eth42is there a tool in ubuntu to test the quality of dvd media?12:52
Apostle^yabba: users lol12:52
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neuronsi breezy the latest ubuntu release?12:52
eth42yabba: who?12:52
yabbakillgore, Apostle^ : :( :D thank you12:52
Apostle^neuron: the latest stable yes12:52
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Killgoremunzir: ill but it in chan #flood12:53
neuronand whats the latest,latest ? :d12:53
CraiZEis there a newsticker (for rss feeds) that i can add to a new panel ?12:53
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)12:53
Apostle^CraiZE: yea, sudo apt-cache search rss12:53
neuronog, so ubuntu 5.10 is actualy breezy?12:53
yabbaApostle^, Killgore : it was just because i did "uptime" and my system was like "4 users" i wondered. now it comes out that i have 4 times the same user connected :S how that?12:53
Apostle^neuron: indeed12:53
eth42yabba, I mean if "active users" == "logged in users", then use "who"12:53
Killgoredo they wait until its fully stable before a release?12:53
peter_oh I know what must be the cause: a bunch of "diversions" are involved12:53
neuronokay, thanks12:53
Apostle^yabba: it can happen when you use sudo12:53
yabbaeth42, okay :D12:53
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yabbaApostle^, ah alright12:53
Apostle^yabba: i have three of me right now ;-012:53
CraiZEApostle^: thanks!12:53
CrashProneSoo... someone... help... microphone.  I downloaded and installed Audacity just for kicks (audio recording prograM) and after I shut it back off, I couldn't talk on TeamSpeak anymore!  And... my mic is unworkey.12:54
Killgoreyabba: im loged in twice12:54
Apostle^CraiZE: yep12:54
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yabbaokay, thank you12:54
eth42is there a tool in ubuntu to test the quality of dvd media?12:54
CraiZEApostle^: you know anything more specific ?12:55
Apostle^CraiZE: you want it to run in the notification area?12:55
CraiZEyou know i got a bar with all my windows on12:55
CraiZEi wanna add a bar12:55
CraiZEwhere the news scroll12:55
CraiZEbut on top of my desktops12:55
Apostle^CraiZE: hmm.. i'm not following you12:55
munzirKillgore: I pasted to you how mine looks12:55
Apostle^CraiZE: the one i use is liferea - feed aggregator for GNOME12:55
CraiZEyou got a panel with applications, places, system, icons, etc12:56
Apostle^CraiZE: indeed.12:56
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CraiZEi want a 2nd bar that is empty like that one12:56
PingBadso he is12:56
CraiZEand have the news scroll on it12:56
Apostle^CraiZE: on like the left or right hand side?12:56
CraiZEyou get me now ? :)12:56
CraiZEi dunno12:56
Apostle^CraiZE: i do yes, but i'm not sure how to make the news 'scroll'12:56
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Killgoremunzir: thats crazy12:56
munzirKillgore: there is something wrong, eh?12:57
CraiZEwell im gonna try liferea12:57
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rixthWhat package powers the notification bubbles?12:57
Killgoremunzir: yes definately it seems to me that its trying to connect twice12:57
munzirKillgore: now if I disconnect the ethernet should I still be connected via wireless?12:58
munzirKillgore: may be I have a nice load balanced system ;)12:58
Killgoremunzir: i was just about to suggest turning one of them off12:59
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Killgoremunzir: speed*2!!!12:59
pippijnhi all12:59
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Killgorerythmbox is quite good eh?12:59
Apostle^Killgore: amarok is much better.12:59
CrashProneAnybody able to help?  Mic worked just earlier and stopped after I installed Audacity and tried to use it?01:00
Apostle^CrashProne: in a terminal type alsamixer01:00
bluesocksi need help with my smcwusbgt-g wireless adapter , i dont get it to work :-(01:00
Apostle^CrashProne: make sure the device is set to on toggle with M01:00
KillgoreApostle^: amarok support gapless playback?01:00
Apostle^Killgore: yes01:00
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Apostle^Killgore: sudo apt-get install amarok amarok-xine01:00
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PwcrLinuxHi there01:00
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Apostle^PwcrLinux: hello.01:01
munzirKillgore: what do you mean by speed*2?01:01
KillgoreApostle^: hmm what else is better about it? anything in particular01:01
Killgoremunzir: 2 connections to the internet :P01:01
Apostle^Killgore: it keeps a very good database of all your music it's very quick and it uses 'xine' which is the best media engine. it is also very pretty ;-)01:01
ubotump3 is, like, totally, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:01
ESPOiGKillgore: y have 2 connections is there even any point01:01
CooleoWine Still Isn't Working :(01:01
munzirKillgore: yes it's funny! ok I will disconnect the ethernet now and see whether the wireless would work01:01
KillgoreESPOiG: i was being stupid :P01:02
munzirESPOiG: I really don't know how this happens and why01:02
ESPOiGKillgore: :P my bad01:02
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KillgoreApostle^: should i install that thing that easyubuntu has to make KDE apps look nicer? or is amorak gnome01:02
PwcrLinuxI was puzzle, the OSD not working on my sony lappy PCG-GRZ610, the Live CD works good and but the install CD didn't put a OSD for FN key to control volume, brightness, LCD/VGA, LCD/TV and HD Sleep.. except the brightnet works no OSD display..01:02
=== ubuntu is now known as Fuku
ubotuWine is a compatibility layer used by linux to let it run the majority of windows programs. To get wine installed, download http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/wine/wine_0.9.10-winehq1-2_i386.deb then follow this guide to installing it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=149585 More info at http://www.winehq.com or for support go to #winehq01:02
gnomefreakCooleo: try in #winehq01:03
Apostle^Killgore: amarok is KDE but it looks perfectly, want to see a screenshot of it on my system?01:03
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Killgoreyer ok01:03
rungekbimberi I seam to get same problems using the link you showed me01:03
rungekbimberi about skype that is01:03
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Azertyuuuhey all, i got my usb-storage and floppy mounted, but do i always need to paste files in Konsole by typing "mv file target" as root ? Is there no other way ?01:03
mercenhi there01:03
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, PwcrLinux01:03
bluesocksanyone help me wit my smcwusbt-g ?01:03
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KillgoreAzertyuuu: yes01:03
KillgoreAzertyuuu: i mean yes there is another way01:03
Azertyuuuah ok01:04
CrashProneApostle^: In the alsamixer display capture section, the mic display doesn't really have anything on it... it's just kinda... red.  "L    R CAPTUR" that sorta thing.01:04
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Apostle^CrashProne: does it have an on/off toggle and a volume toggle?01:04
Apostle^Killgore: http://home.comcast.net/~elitepete/Screenshot.png01:04
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CrashProneApostle^ not in the capture section no.01:05
=== PwcrLinux need to get OSD script for sony lappy..
CrashProneIn playback...01:05
KillgoreAzertyuuu: you need to edit your fstab01:05
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Apostle^CrashProne: hm, so after installing audacity it no longer works?01:05
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CrashProneExactly. :-P  No mic functionality after installing that.01:05
AzertyuuuKillgore:  i know, but what can i write there ?01:05
Apostle^CrashProne: all i ever hear about audacity is problems, i think it's a bunko program.01:05
CrashProneI liked it in Windows...01:05
Apostle^CrashProne: have you uninstalled it?01:06
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Apostle^CrashProne: hm.01:06
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PwcrLinux*Yawn*... I need get some sleep cya later all :)01:06
KillgoreAzertyuuu: in the options section instead of defaults write somthing like this. rw,user     <- user makes it so anyone can mount it with full rw permissions01:06
Apostle^CrashProne: in the volume applet have you checked 'headphone' or mic or whatever?01:06
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Apostle^CrashProne: also in alsamixer do you have an input source area?01:07
CrashProneYeah, it looks fine...01:07
CrashProneInput source area...01:07
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CrashProneMic select?01:07
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CrashProne'cause that should be fine...01:07
Apostle^CrashProne: play around with that, mine is a weird setting for my mic..01:07
ubotunew_to_linux1: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:07
KillgoreApostle^: hey u like APC???01:08
Apostle^Killgore: yea i do01:08
Apostle^Killgore: i like tool better though.01:08
KillgoreApostle^: you know the new album is out June?01:08
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Apostle^Killgore: no i wasn't aware.01:08
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AzertyuuuKillgore:  there is no usb-storage entrie in fstab01:09
PirarucuId like a help. How may i setup my soundcard. A home theater 5.1? i cant find soundconfig or alsaconfig and so on...01:09
KillgoreAzertyuuu: ummm01:09
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Apostle^Pirarucu: you need to setup the volume levels or?01:09
KillgoreAzertyuuu: is it plugged in?01:09
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ubotuI heard valknut is a Direct Connect client, in Ubuntu the package containing Valknut is dcgui-qt01:09
munzir_Killgore: I am now connecting via wireless after disconnecting the ethernet ;)01:10
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PirarucuYes the soundcard is there01:10
MenZaHow do you create a directory in a terminal?01:10
Killgoremunzir: wont the enet be faster?01:10
Apostle^MenZa: mkdir01:10
defcon8when i install nvidia-glx will i be able to play 3d games?01:10
AzertyuuuKillgore:  yes, it's mounted in/dev/sda , but can't see it in fstab01:10
cettalnick /damba01:10
Apostle^MenZa: remember you might need to do sudo mkdir dirname :-)01:10
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MenZaAnd move a folder to a given director?01:10
Apostle^defcon8: yea, you should be able to01:11
MenZaApostle^: well, seemed to work.01:11
ticohello i have installed ubuntu and mandriva in this box but my lilo from mandriva doesn't show the ubuntu option what can i do?01:11
Apostle^MenZa: mv01:11
defcon8okay htanks01:11
KillgoreAzertyuuu: check mtab it shows your currently mounted devices01:11
Apostle^MenZa: mv or cp01:11
AzertyuuuKillgore:  i watch it in KDiskfree01:11
MenZamv /source/ > /new/ right?01:11
Apostle^MenZa: cp is like cut, cp is like copy/paste01:11
Apostle^MenZa: mv is like cut*01:11
Frogzootico: you need to update your lilo.conf & reinstall01:11
KillgoreAzertyuuu: pardone?01:11
Apostle^MenZa: mv music /home/user/music01:12
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PirarucuWhere are the sound module config (install) in Ubuntu?01:13
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waldenhey all.01:13
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FrogzooPirarucu: depends if you mean OSS, ALSA or ESD01:13
PirarucuAlsa or OSS01:13
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Apostle^Pirarucu: i'd suggest using ALSA01:14
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PirarucuWhere i get it?01:14
Pirarucuthe comand whereis didnt find it!01:15
Apostle^Pirarucu: you should have it already01:15
Apostle^linux-sound-base - base package for ALSA and OSS sound systems01:15
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PirarucuThanks Guy!01:15
PirarucuI just need get our now01:15
Apostle^our ?01:16
Arronaxhi, I'm new with Linux. can anybody tell me how to access an ekstern harddisk?01:16
PirarucuGet out01:16
Apostle^Arronax: external ?01:16
Arronaxyes, sorry01:16
ceriuswie kann ich ubunre de loinen01:16
ceriuswie kann ich ubunre de loinen01:16
MenZaApostle^: ekstern = Danish term for 'external'.01:16
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de01:16
waldenWhat do you mean "external hard disk"?01:16
waldena USB hard disk?01:17
Apostle^MenZa: i thought it was drunk english :-P01:17
PirarucuDas wiess ich nicht01:17
MenZacerius: #ubuntu-de01:17
ArronaxI cannot access my external harddisk01:17
PirarucuDas weiss ich nicht01:17
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Apostle^Arronax: is it mounted ?01:17
ceriusjoin #ubunte-de01:17
MenZacerius: /join #ubuntu-de01:17
ceriusjon/ ubuntu-de01:17
ArronaxApostle - I'm sorry, I do not know what that means01:17
MenZaArronax: do tell me if you need help with translations.01:18
ubotuhmm... mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f01:18
burepewhat is a command to make a directory writeable by anyone? sudo chmod 777 /file?01:18
ceriuscerius: /join #ubunte-de01:18
ArronaxMenZa - I think I'm doing OK, but thanks :)01:18
MenZaArronax: goody :)01:18
MenZaCan I find Gaim 2.0 in the repositories?01:18
waldenburepe: chmod -R /path/to/dir01:18
waldenMenZa: apt-cache search gaim01:18
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burepewalden, too few arguments01:19
MenZawalden: I assume "gaim-dev" is what I'm looking for?01:19
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MenZaty walden.01:20
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ArronaxMenZa - what is a 'mounted' harddisk?01:20
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ticohow can i recover the grub from ubuntu, because accidentaly i installed the lilo from mandriva01:20
MenZaArronax: you need to make the operating system identify the hard-drive.01:20
munzir_MenZa: I though -dev means the source code, no?01:20
ArronaxMenZa - can you explain how to do that?01:20
MenZamunzir_: well, that's what I'm not sure about.01:20
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Killgoretico: just add an option to boot to ubuntu in the lilo bootloader01:20
Apostle^microsoft is giving away free .com names, too bad they still want a credit card #01:20
Apostle^screw that.01:21
MenZaArronax: I'm no linux guru myself. I only know how to mount a Windows partition :)01:21
ArronaxMenZa - ok, thanks anyway01:21
Apostle^ubotu: tell tico about grub01:21
waldenArronax: read the link in the wiki that ubotu told you about01:21
MenZaNot at all :)01:21
MenZaArronax: I'm sure someone here will be able to help.01:22
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:22
KillgoreApostle^: giving away? credit card? that doesnt add up01:22
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ompaultico, may be interesting to you ^^01:22
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rajivhi everyone01:23
Apostle^Killgore: yea, they say they want it to make sure the website won't be used for phishing and the likes.01:23
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Apostle^ompaul: i gave him the grub info already ;-)01:23
WebLOCHanyone installed macosx recently?01:23
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ompaulApostle^, me no see01:23
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mekkerI have a problem with my usb drive01:23
Apostle^Apostle^ ubotu: tell tico about grub01:23
ompaulrajiv, quit with the caps lock thanks01:23
Apostle^;-) *01:24
rajivk ompaul01:24
panterahello alguien habla espaol01:24
mekkerubuntu mounts it two times01:24
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:24
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mekkerin a different way01:24
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unamedHi there ... not newbie with linux but with the 5.04 ... how comes that I cannot rip CD with the juicer in the MP3 format?01:24
KillgoreWebLOCH: where do i go to find out how?01:24
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Killgoreunamed: you need the non-free codecs01:25
panterathank you01:25
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:25
deadzedHow do i execute dist-upgrade with Synaptic? Is there a difference?01:25
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WebLOCHKillgore, what do you wnat to find out about sorry?01:25
ompauldeadzed, from which version to which version?01:25
deadzedbeezy > dapper01:25
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KillgoreWebLOCH: id like to know if my hardware is compatible01:25
MisterNdeadzed: what you say=01:26
deadzedI cannot find the button is synaptic01:26
ompauldeadzed, go to the channel #ubuntu+1 where all they ever talk about is dapper01:26
aimazhow can I add an item to every users' gnome menu?01:26
KillgoreWebLOCH: with OSXfree01:26
ompaul!tell deadzed about upgrade01:26
WebLOCHKillgore, with what?  You havent actually told me01:26
WebLOCHKillgore, I dont know what OSXFree is, nor do I know what your hardware is or its specs01:26
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unamedKillgore: yes thta's right ... I installed them because I can read MP3s ... don't understand why they don't appear in juicer. I installed all things from universe and multiverse. You can f e rip in MP3? So that I just have to look what I did wrong ... :-(01:26
KillgoreWebLOCH: is there any where i can go to find out if i can install OSX on my amd machine. Sorry if you werent talking about that01:27
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WebLOCHKillgore, nope as far as i know there is no free OSX01:27
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ompaulKillgore, I suggest ##apple01:27
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ompaulWebLOCH, cos it sure is not Ubuntu01:27
Killgoreunamed: check it the ripping profiles01:28
Apostle^whats the SAFEST way to upgrade to dapper from breezy ?01:28
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Killgoreompaul: i might get shouted out of the chan if i talked about that in there :P01:28
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unamedKillgore, you mean "preferences" by "profiles"?01:29
ompaulKillgore, well it is offtopic for here01:29
HobbseeApostle^: install off a dapper cd01:29
Killgoreunamed: yeah01:29
Hobbseeflight 6 is out01:29
ubotuflight6 is, like, http://www.ubuntu.com/testing01:29
Apostle^Hobbsee: i don't want to lose any data?01:29
deadzedApostle^ What I\ve been doing usually - change all sources to dapper in sources.list and dist-uprade01:29
Killgoreunamed: then edit profiles01:29
HobbseeApostle^: backup first?01:29
deadzedyou gotta change kernel01:29
Apostle^Hobbsee: i mean won't the dapper delete all the files?01:29
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unamedKillgore, you are the only one answering here that everybody is speaking to you?!?!? ... In the preferences I don't them ... I go to check the installed packages. Thnaks01:30
Hobbseebackup your home partition, and you wont lose them...01:30
Apostle^deadzed: and how long does that take ?01:30
deadzed30 mins maybe01:30
Killgoreunamed: what is your first language? sorry if im rude but you might have better luck in another channel01:30
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unamedMy first langage is french, but I speak good english. Is there any french channel anyway?01:31
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:32
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Matic`Makovecoff topic..what's the weather like in france in may ?01:32
unamedthanks Madpilot01:32
Killgoreunamed: sorry but your last message didnt make much sense01:32
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unamedMatic`Makovec, I'm in Germany, sorry I don't know the weather in France today ... But in May the weather is warm and nice01:33
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munzirHi, If I have a domain.com set as a name virtual host, can I redirect newdomain.com to it using cnames?01:33
Matic`Makovecunamed, thanks :)01:33
Matic`Makoveci'm going to fance in may, so i was woundering.01:33
unamedKillgore,no pb ... I'm coming right out of the bed ... maybe still sleepy. I have to drink a little more coffee01:34
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Killgoreunamed: :P01:34
manatlanhello, i'd got an ATI9200, and glxgears gave me 2000fps, i've just bought an geforce6200, and glxgears score at 1270fps ... i know glxgears is not a bench tool ... but i want to know if it's a normal score for the geforce, or if i must exchange my card right now ?01:34
Killgoreunamed: ice coffee is good, i dont like the taste of real coffe01:34
unamedMatic`Makovec, you lucky! I will go there too ... Lyon01:34
rixthmd5 isn't affected by the filename, right?01:35
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Killgoremanatlan: they are very differecnt architecutures01:35
Matic`Makovecunamed, i'm going to nica, monako, that coast(i don't know it's name in engliosh.. asure or something..) provansa, ..01:35
Trunkzso far01:35
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Trunkzubuntu's installin happily01:35
Killgoremanatlan: did you reserach this purchase? if you did then you would know that the 6200 uses system memory as well01:35
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unamedMatic`Makovec, "Rhe Riviera" ... or "la cte d'azur" in french ... very nice places!!!01:36
Matic`Makovecyep, that's the one :)01:36
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unamedsorry "the riviera" ... I have to take off also my gloves :-)01:36
manatlanKillgore: ok, so the 6200 is better thant the ati9200, it's just glxgears,01:36
PupenoIs it possible to import the kaddressbook contacts into thunderbird (it is a vcf file) ?01:37
FukuI have this kinf of problem, and cant boot anymore : http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?postid=241355 ; but the given solution here doesnt work, so if someone have an idea...01:37
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manatlanKillgore: i didn't do research, i just wanted to have a simple nvidia card01:37
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JVizuba-tuba > ubuntu; granite smash people!01:37
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manatlanKillgore: i'm not a specialist in video card .... i just wanted to know why 6200 makes less fps than the poor ati920001:38
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Killgoremanatlan: becuase01:40
Killgoremanatlan: the 9200 has dedicated memory right? on the card01:40
manatlanKillgore: yes ... 128mo01:41
MenZahttp://www.menza.org/gaim_guification.png <- Can anyone explain the immensely small font-size? My fonts appear incredibly small in various places; KDM had the same problem when I used it.01:41
Killgoremanatlan: but the 6200 has some memory on the card, and steals the rest from your system RAM01:41
Killgoremanatlan: how much do u have BTW01:41
manatlanKillgore: in the geforce6200, i've got 256mo01:41
manatlanKillgore: and 1go of RAM01:41
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Killgoremanatlan: hmmm. Well it is a low end card, umm im not to sure actually01:42
Cooleowhere can you download libgtk1.2?01:42
Killgoremanatlan: btw how do i get the fps to show in glxgears?01:42
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manatlanKillgore: glxgears -printfps01:42
waldenCooleo: apt-cache search libgtk01:42
MenZaCooleo: sudo apt-get install libgtk1.2 ?01:42
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_markhow do I get into the kubuntu channel?01:43
palcohi ubuntu users!01:43
Cooleoim on XP at the moment and want to download the file01:43
MenZa_mark: type /join #kubuntu01:43
Killgoremanatlan: well i get 2500 fps on my FX520001:43
_markok thanks01:43
waldenCooleo: http://packages.ubuntu.com01:43
MenZaCooleo: Ah, I see. Not sure then.01:43
waldenhello, palco01:43
MenZa_mark: not at all :)01:43
manatlanKillgore: ok01:43
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MenZahttp://www.menza.org/gaim_guification.png <- Can anyone explain the immensely small font-size? My fonts appear incredibly small in various places; KDM had the same problem when I used it.01:44
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CinHai... is there a hard drive manager? Like I've got another hard drive I store music on, but (yeah I'm new to Linux) so I don't know if it's even detected, or how to find it.01:44
MenZaCin: you have to mount it.01:44
MenZaWhich filesystem is it?01:44
ChousukeTell me, should I have a file called /proc/bus/usb/devices?01:44
palcocan anyone tell me how to install packages from soarce in Ubuntu ? pls01:44
CinFreeBSD's, maybe.01:44
ChousukeI want it :/01:44
Chousukebut it's not there.01:45
MenZaCin: Err, I wouldn't know then. Sorry.01:45
MenZa(I thought it might've been NTFS or FAT)01:45
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waldenpalco: you install the same way. download the src, untar. read the README and INSTALL. Follow the instructions. usually, ./configure --options. make and make install01:45
Killgorepalco:  u need the tools to do it first01:45
CinWell it *was* NTFS, but I changed the partition to FreeBSD when I was installing it, but I decided to try Ubuntu after that, sooo.01:45
Killgorepalco: sudo apt-get install build-essentials01:45
_markI wouldn't of thought there was such a big difference in Gnome and KDE01:45
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CinI'd rather format it under Linux filesystem, I don't care about what's on it.01:46
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saifi am using j2sdk from sun, when trying to start jboss, i get an out memory error, any1 had this problem?01:46
Killgore_mark: HUGE difference01:46
hartzHey everybody... what does "db" mean in /etc/nsswitch.conf?01:46
palcoKillgore: palco: sudo apt-get install build-essentials, does it creat an installation filde, or just installs?01:46
MenZahttp://www.menza.org/gaim_guification.png <- Can anyone explain the immensely small font-size? My fonts appear incredibly small in various places; KDM had the same problem when I used it.01:46
=== macerata [n=macerata@host-84-9-164-207.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:47
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necroUpon booting my Ubuntu breezy badger system for the first time after cd installation, continued installation ensued, but an error and now I'm at a terminal.  How can I continue the process?01:47
Killgorepalco: no build-essentials is to get make, as walden suggested01:47
CinMenZa, any idea how I access the physical drive and format the partition to Linux format? >.>01:47
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MistaEDhartz: man nsswitch.conf01:47
hartzMistaED I was just reading the man page :-)01:48
_markyeah I couldn't get opengl under KDE and Gnome I had no problem01:48
palcoKillgore: palco:  u need the tools to do it first :: so me tools are not installed with the default ubuntu install, are they?01:48
KillgoreCin: hmm ive never done it before and i dont know how safe it would be01:48
Killgorepalco: no01:48
MistaEDhartz: i guess it just refers to database01:48
CinKillgore, safe?01:48
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KillgoreCin: apparently it is safe. I assume you want to convert NFTS to FAT32?01:49
CinKillgore, nooo. I want to treat the drive as if it's totally new, blank, and I want to format it under Linux's FS if possible?01:49
goodi_I try to mount /dev/sdd1 to /mnt/somedir - and get /dev/sdd1 is in use. (/dev/sdd1 or the dir is not mounted yet (I verified that)) but there is a symlink in /dev/mapper to sdd1 - how do I remove this symlink correctly?01:49
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hartzMista I'm trying to know what DB it is referring to, and to know what is / isn't in there, eg in case I need to modify it!  More out of curiosity's sake01:49
KillgoreCin: so you dont care about the data?01:49
CinKillgore, nope.01:49
KillgoreCin: its external?01:49
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns02-1786.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
palcoKillgore, and onece I install buildessentials I will get "male install" and "checkinstall" to compile ind install soarce packages on my ubuntu pc. is that right?01:50
CinKillgore, no, IDE.01:50
_marknow I am in the process of setting up Gnome had to reinstall after so many hours of messin with the video driver its even the same driver so that leaves notin but the desktop to blame hehe01:50
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Killgorepalco: yes as far as i know01:50
KillgoreCin: too easy mate01:50
CinKillgore, heeeeeeeeeeeelp .:P01:50
KillgoreCin: get a program called GParted. sudo apt-get install gparted01:50
CinOki, cool.01:50
KillgoreCin: its graphical and all01:50
_markgotta go dl is done laterz01:51
=== SHYFX [n=SHYFX@82-44-96-251.cable.ubr03.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
palcoKillgore, and everything else I need to know is there in istall and readme files of the soarse packages. right?01:51
SHYFXhello, im currently running ubuntu live because i have a full hard drive and it wont let me log on01:52
SHYFXanyone able to help01:52
CinKillgore, what should I convert the partition to? :O (This is for putting music/documents/etc. on)01:53
Apostle^SHYFX: you can't logon to the ubuntu system because the HD is full ?01:53
rixthWhat package powers the notification bubbles?01:53
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Apostle^SHYFX: whats the error you get01:53
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SHYFXsomething about hard drive being full and nothing can be written to the home directory pls contact ur administrator01:54
rixthSHYFX, from the live CD, why don't you delete from files?01:54
rixthLike your trash, or /tmp01:54
SHYFXi cant see the files01:54
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SHYFXnothing in there01:54
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palcoKillgore, do i need to log in as root to do this, or sude will work?01:54
CinWhat filesystem should I use for a hard drive I'm storing my documents and music on?01:54
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misteriihey peeps01:55
rixthCin, do you use Windows?01:55
rixthAs well as Ubuntu01:55
Cinrixth, did.01:55
misteriihow do I do a memory test in ubuntu?01:55
Cinrixth, nah, no Win32.01:55
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Killgore_who stole my name?01:55
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Cinrixth, why?01:55
rixthCin, I'd say fat32 or ext3.01:55
SHYFXrixth all of my files that i saved in the home dir are not here in the live cd mode01:55
palcoKillgore, ok, thanx so much!01:56
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palcoKillgore, thnk yoy01:56
Cinext3. Okay. Is that the usual one?01:56
Killgore_Cin: use ext3 its quite good01:56
Killgore_palco: np01:56
rixthWith fat32, you don't have permissions, but Windows can read it (Windows CAN read ext2 & 3 too) and there are many more file recovery tools for fat32 than the ext filesystems01:56
CinAye. I'm not bothered about Windows, and I want permissions. I'll go for ext3 then.01:57
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misteriiany memtest applications in ubuntu?01:57
Killgore_Cin: yeah thats right boy, windows pfft01:57
fyrestrtrsince when can windows read ext3?01:57
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CinKillgore_, hehehe.01:57
Killgore_misterii: yeah01:57
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misteriiKillgore, ??01:57
Killgore_fyrestrtr: with software01:57
fyrestrtrah, so not natively.01:57
Killgore_misterii: in the grub boot list01:57
fyrestrtrand I bet this software is not free, either.01:57
Killgore_misterii: choose memtest01:57
Killgore_fyrestrtr: no the ext2 software is well supported and free, but im not sure about ext301:58
CinThis song makes my CRT screen vibrate.01:58
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CinYay for bass. ^_^ !01:58
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SHYFXanyone know why i cant access my files saved on my hd from live cd?01:58
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fyrestrtrKillgore_: yeah but honestly, who uses ext2 for other than the boot partition :)01:58
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fyrestrtrSHYFX: maybe your hd is not mounted?01:59
SHYFXand how can i mount it?01:59
fyrestrtrCin: yaay for your subwoofer :)01:59
rixthfyrestrtr, there is a great driver for the ext filesystems for Windows. Windows sees it as any other drive. You don't need to use any special application,01:59
fyrestrtrSHYFX: mkdir ~/my-drive && mount /dev/whatever ~/my-drive01:59
rixthCin, what speakers do you have/how powerul?01:59
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mercencould someone explain me why glxinfo freezes when I start it (it displays name of display: :0.0 and then nothing else but doesn't stop either) even though kernel modules seem to have loaded fine and X looks happy? Running ubuntu 5.10 on an AMD64 w/ nforce3 and radeon 9250 detected as a 9200 pro, w/ X driver "ati"02:00
mercenI'm at a loss as to where I could look for a clue as to what is happening02:00
rixthI have Logitech Z-2300s. I need to stick down my lamp with blue-tak so it doesn't rattle =)02:01
rixthYay for 2.1 systems.02:01
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Killgore_fyrestrtr: yeah but ext2 can be used for anything02:01
Cinrixth, heh, 5.1 200watt. You like Prodigy (I'm listening to Spitfire). :D02:01
Matthewvpetsei, hi02:02
fyrestrtrKillgore_: I'm sure it can, but there are so many better options. But I guess it all comes down do how cross-compatible you want.02:02
Killgore_Cin: that song rocks02:02
CinKillgore_, you rock! :D02:02
rixthCin, is that how powerful te whole system is, or just the sub?02:02
fyrestrtrCin: that song > *02:02
rixthCin, http://www.last.fm/user/wdaltec02:02
Killgore_rixth: i use my senheisser headphones mad bass02:02
fyrestrtrI have it in my car, it rattles my trunk lid :D02:02
Killgore_fyrestrtr: what would u use then?02:02
fyrestrtrKillgore_: ext3 or reiserfs02:02
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rixthI bought some in-ear Sony ones- totally amazing. Noise blocking.02:03
Cinrixth, not sure actually. I think that's all together. The sub can only rattle so much. :P02:03
ompaulHobbsee, got a second?02:03
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Hobbseeompaul: yeah02:03
Killgore_fyrestrtr: resierFS...hmmm interesting02:03
Cinfyrestrt, you know good music. :D02:03
rixthCin, the Z-2300s have a 120watt sub and two 40w sats. I got a noise complaint from two doors down last week =D02:03
Hobbseehaving trouble with this assingmetn, so yeah02:03
=== Killgore_ strokes his beard
fyrestrtrmercen: anything in the x log?02:03
Killgore_rixth: i envy you02:03
ompaulHobbsee, assignment?02:03
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fyrestrtrlol rixth. Logitech are the best when it comes to speakers.02:03
Hobbseecomputing one - c++02:03
CinNice playlist, rixth .02:04
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rixthI'm trying to figure out why it hasn't got any recent track plays up there. Rhythmbox seems to not be subitting to last.fm02:04
scorchsaberfyrestrtr: I say Altec Lansing rocks, myself02:04
ompaulHobbsee, how is your python?02:04
rixthKillgore, when I last checked, Amazon had the for $60!!!02:04
Hobbseeompaul: fairly bad, why do you ask?02:05
Killgore_fyrestrtr: i wish i would have gotten a 2.1 instead of 2.002:05
Killgore_rixth: american? :( if so02:05
Hobbseeompaul: i've never learned much of it - only some of the stuff in bash02:05
fyrestrtrscorchsaber: I've seen some Logitech's make altec lansing look like weak tweeters.02:05
mercenfyrestrtr: nothing helping me. It says it has successfully loaded the ati driver with radeon specific things, that it has recognized a 9200 pro and that it has started drm02:05
CooleoInstalling Wine Is A Pain In the Ass!02:05
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Cinrixth, what were you listening to when you got the noise complaint? :)02:05
Killgore_Cooleo: no way02:05
rixthscorchsaber, I have had 3 pairs of Lansings (AV3000, 221, and VS-221) they were alright, the VS-221's were totally shit though.02:05
fyrestrtrmercen: how are you running glxinfo?02:05
=== walkingice_ [n=walkingi@220-132-63-118.HINET-IP.hinet.net] has joined #ubuntu
CinCooleo, I've not heard that song for ages.02:06
CooleoKillgore_ Yeah without an internet connection it i02:06
Cooleo*it is02:06
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mercenthe thing I don't understand is why glxinfo freezes? I could understand better if it complained that rendering is not direct02:06
rixthCin, ''Hold Your Colour' by Pendulum02:06
mercenfyrestrtr: in a term02:06
ompaulI am coming to the opinion that there needs to be a standard call that can identify version number of the release and with some evil apt magic work out what is next version of a distro if any02:06
fyrestrtrmercen: as root?02:06
Killgore_rixth: you are my god!02:06
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:06
ompaulHobbsee, ^^02:06
rixthKillgore_, heh, why?02:06
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mercenfyrestrtr: as myself02:07
CinI don't even remember setting my root password in Ubuntu, but it's cheese5234.02:07
Hobbseeompaul: you mean an extension of cat /etc/issue?02:07
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CinThat was a lie.02:07
Killgore_rixth: beast speakers and you like pendulum!!!!02:07
ompaulwould parse that and then use some magic with apt to work out the next version02:07
Cinrixth, I've not heard that. I'll have to acquire that.02:07
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scorchsaberCin: You sure you want to say that around me? ;)02:07
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mercenfyrestrtr: same thing if started w/ sudo02:07
Hobbseeompaul: yes, that would be logical02:07
rixthKillgore_, Pendulum is great, but I am lost for new Drum and Bass music, can you reccomend someone?02:08
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Cinscorchsaber, I lie to everbody. :P02:08
munzirHi, Can I redirect a name virtual host domain.com to mynewdomain.com using cname?02:08
ompaulHobbsee, sorry distracted keep ommitting the leading name02:08
scorchsaberCin :D02:08
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rixthCin, I'm uploading the track now =D02:08
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Killgore_rixth: i was hoping you could! :P02:08
ompaulHobbsee, where would I work that one up for the list of stuff that should be in dapper+102:08
Hobbseeompaul: then again, you wouldnt have the $distro+1 repos in apt02:08
Killgore_rixth: which one are u giving him02:08
bauahow are usbsticks handled in dapper?02:08
Cinrixth, to where?02:09
fyrestrtrmercen: hrmm, you aren't running any strange X setup, right?02:09
Hobbseeompaul: as in, for a wishlist?  launchpad specs, i think02:09
waldenbaua: i dunno about usb sticks, but the ipod that i have works great.02:09
mercenfyrestrtr: afaict, nope02:09
ompaulHobbsee, but you could parse the apt repo your hitting for non historical versions or look at commit dates02:09
waldenbaua: right out of a clean install.02:09
Cooleoits ubuntu debian based?02:09
mercenfyrestrtr: this is a fresh install, everything detected by ubuntu itself02:09
rixthCin, yousendit.com Killgore_ Hold Your Colour, the song.02:09
Killgore_Cooleo: yeah02:09
fyrestrtrmercen: dunno what to tell you, other than to check for upgrades.02:09
Hobbseeompaul: this has something to do with the idea of inviting the users to upgrade?02:09
PupenoHow do I change the name of a network connection in the file manager (nautilus ?) ?02:09
mercenfyrestrtr: <sigh> thx anyway02:09
ompaulHobbsee, just bouncing the idea - you got it02:09
bauawalde: were is it mounted?02:09
Killgore_rixth: y not send him "Fasten your seatbelts" or "Slam" those are the best 2 songs on the album02:09
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rixthKillgore_, I prefer 'Girl in the Fire'.02:10
Hobbseeompaul: there was talk of that in one of the meetings - dapper devel status meeting or something - i dont remember which one02:10
ompaulHobbsee, and it becomes a program that has a lot of readme style stuff in its output02:10
rixthCin, if you have broadband, the album is here http://ts.searching.com/torrent/404577/Pendulum_Hold_Your_Colour02:10
Hobbseeompaul: yeah, that would make sense02:10
ompaulHobbsee, k I'll go poke the archives02:10
m0r0nIs it possible to hide all packages for kde from the synaptic package manager?02:11
CinYah I do. I just gotta be careful on IRC about sharing MP3's with users, some get all funny about it. :)))02:11
ompaulHobbsee, that is why I invested in a whiteboard and markers = to allow me do this kind of stuff and then keep it on my agenda date it so it gets actioned02:11
Cinrixth, I'll check it out.02:11
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waldenbaua: yes?02:11
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bauawalden: where is ur ipod mounted?02:12
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rixthKillgore_, after Pendulum finished uploading, I'll up another of my fave dance track.s02:12
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ompaulHobbsee, oldest on that are 4 days old - its been busy for the month02:12
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Hobbseeompaul: you looking in the mailing lists, or the meetings?02:13
=== Hobbsee has only been looking at the meetings
Killgore_rixth: u listen to the ministry mixes?02:13
THE_DIRKwhat is gnome meeting??02:13
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rixthKillgore_, indeed.02:13
ompaulHobbsee,  meetings02:14
Killgore_rixth: australian or uk versions02:14
rixthTHE_DIRK, Gnome Meeting doesn't exist anymore, it is caled ekiga now.02:14
rixthKillgore_, don't know02:14
ompaulhobbsee but first launchpad for the wishlist02:14
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THE_DIRKbut what is it?02:14
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bolshTHE_DIRK, It's the old name for a VoIP & video-conferencing application that comes with GNOME02:14
waldenbaua: it is in /media02:14
waldenbaua: like /media/ipod02:15
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THE_DIRKok thanx :)02:15
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CooleoCan someone help me install linux?Ive downloaded and install libgtk1.2 but wine tools doesn't load :S02:16
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goodi_I try to mount /dev/sdd1 to /mnt/somedir - and get /dev/sdd1 is in use. (/dev/sdd1 or the dir is not mounted yet (I verified that)) but there is a symlink in /dev/mapper to sdd1 - how do I remove this symlink correctly?02:17
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.02:17
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intuos_pencan someone please explain what this guy means when he says "Then I added ndiswrapper to /etc/modules" in this article: "https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/32275" ?02:17
evaderhow can i add modules to be autoloaded?02:17
Seveasintuos_pen, echo ndiswrapper | sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:18
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evaderi've been using gentoo for ages, but now i'm new in debian/ubuntu land02:18
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Seveasevader, lol, you do that the way I just said to intuos_pen 02:18
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Seveasecho name_of_module | sudo tee -a /etc/modules02:18
intuos_penSeveas: oh thanks very much.02:18
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Dinum problem #2013 - Lost connection to MySQL server during query i get when phpmyadmin is trying to connect to mysql 5.0.1902:18
Dinwhat can i do02:19
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rixthDin, how did you get phpMyAdmin?02:19
Dini downloaded from offical page02:19
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Dini configure it02:19
Dinit worked with mysql 402:19
Dinnow i make mysql 502:19
Dinand doesn't want to connect02:20
rixthDin, then go to #phpmyadmin or ##php or #mysql02:20
Dinanyone know why02:20
bauawalden: do u know which modul is mounting the ipod02:20
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waldenbaua: how do i know? i am not sure..02:20
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bauawalden: what is ur /var/log/messages saying?02:20
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WebLOCHhey guys, just installed breezy on my ibook and i get to gdm, i can log into terminal, but if i try loading gnome it looks like it starts but the splash etc doesnt load02:21
oppohello all can someone tell me if it is possible to cancel operation: Device>Install partition table ?? i am very in the ... otherwise02:21
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oppoin Gparted excuse me02:21
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rixthCin, http://s11.yousendit.com/d.aspx?id=0BACSIYSZZC7H2CFGMILXKS3A002:22
waldenbaua: i will paste in #flood?02:22
ubotuDon't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text.02:22
waldenbaua: i can paste my /var/log/messages for the ipod02:23
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[koji] !java02:23
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs02:23
waldenbaua: that help?02:23
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Cinrixth, awesome. :D I'm listening to it now.02:24
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Ummmmm_morning all :)02:25
new_to_linux1how can I mount the partition on ubuntu02:25
hanianienawidze tego systemu!!02:25
rixthKillgore_, have you got Ministry - The Annual 2006?02:25
new_to_linux1because I mount them but after restart the partitions are unmounting02:25
Cinrixth, wow this is nice. Thanks. :)02:25
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!02:25
gravesonwhat can i use to decode rm to mp3 or aiff02:26
Killgore_rixth: yeah buddy02:26
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Killgore_rixth: and the clubbers guide02:26
rixthCin, I really suggest the album, then. Killgore_ I really like 'Coburn - We Interrupt This Program'02:26
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Ummmmm_I'm about to install Ubuntu, but i'll probably still need XP. Obviously I'll need to repartition the drive and install dual-boot. Is there any necessary installation order that I need, in order to get my machine dualbooting xp / dapper?02:26
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rixthI guess we should take this to #ubuntu-offtopic02:26
ompaulrixth, and Killgore_ any chance you could take that conversation to the channel #ubuntu-offtopic  thanks ;-)02:26
ubotufrom memory, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f02:26
dylan_what's the hdparm trick to remove the bottleneck in your hard drive?02:26
Killgore_ompaul: possibly :P02:26
Ummmmm_ubotu: it's not drive mounting, it's GRUB .. ??02:28
ubotuUmmmmm_: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:28
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IdleOne!tell Ummmmm_ about bot02:28
evaderHow can I stop my /boot/grub/menu.lst file being changed whenever apt-get or synaptic/dselect upgrades my kernel???02:28
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waldenYou cant.02:29
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ompaulKillgore_, if xchat clicking on the link for #ubuntu-offtopic02:29
Killgore_ompaul: wow i didnt know you could do that02:29
waldenYou edit the grub menu and set it to how you want after the package installer is done with it.02:29
martyvdylan_, sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/dha02:29
martyvs/dha/hda or whatever02:29
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evaderwalden: so the only way around it would be to roll my own kernel then remove the kernel package files from synaptic/apt-get02:30
dylan_martyv, are you sure?02:30
martyvdylan_, depends what the bottle neck is02:31
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waldenevader: no.. allow apt-get to install the kernel.. no need for you to do all of that. but after it changes the menu.lst, just edit it with your fav text editor... and set one for the new kernel, one for thecurrent kernel for fallback, and another for Windows(if you have it). You dont need any more02:31
new_to_linux1!mount on startup02:31
ubotunew_to_linux1: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:31
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new_to_linux1how can i mount the partition on startup? pls02:32
waldennew_to_linux1: man fstab02:32
=== LogicalDash [n=LogicalD@pool-72-79-34-4.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.02:32
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!lilo:*! cleaning the kline file; you may see a few spambots.... thanks02:32
=== Joris [n=ljoris@d51A5E193.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
evaderok thanks walden (it's just that i need to add some kernel options for my laptop)02:32
blueyuse the auto option to automatically mount it02:32
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waldenevader: ok.02:33
LogicalDashI've installed kubuntu on top of GNOME, but I left the old login mananger. How do I change login managers?02:33
Jorisfirst time on irc, want to discuss ubuntu-kernel USB issues (lost data)02:33
SeveasLogicalDash, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm02:33
SeveasJoris, you mean losing data when unplugging a usb drive before unmounting?02:33
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gravesoncan anyone help me please , what can i use to convert from rm/ram to mp302:34
JorisSeveas, nope, getting all error messages on scsi/sda02:34
LogicalDashSeveas, thanks02:34
deadzedhttp://uncyclopedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu :)02:34
SeveasJoris, could you pastebin those messages please02:34
Seveasdeadzed, please join #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic talk 02:34
Seveasgraveson, transcode perhaps?02:35
JorisSeveas, a moment, this is a MAJOR issue to me, worked fine before02:35
JorisSeveas, will try to post asap02:35
gravesonseveas: yes02:35
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goodi_how can I remove e.g. /dev/mapper/sdd1 from the list?02:36
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dylan_why use ubuntu over debian?02:37
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Pupenodylan_: because the pacakges are more up to date and since it is oriented towards desktop it makes a better desktop (for me at least)>02:38
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ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.02:39
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dylan_Pupeno, would you say Ubuntu is suffice even as a server?02:39
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blueydylan: you would do better to install the base system for server usage.02:40
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Pupenodylan_: I haven't tryed Ubuntu server, but the desktop is very robust and I spect the server will make a good server as well. In fact, I am eager to find a chance to try it.02:40
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blueyfor server purposes you don't need X though02:41
tecloHello, there is no inetd running when I do ps aux. Is that normal ? Where is inetd/xinetd ?02:41
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dylan_bluey, is it hard to run a Linux server without a GUI?02:41
blueydylan_: it's pretty straight forward provided you can use the cli02:42
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[koji] dylan_, i am using ubuntu right now for home server purpose02:42
dylan_[koji] , is it easier to manage than a Windows server?  How do you scroll up in the CLI ?02:42
blueydylan_: you can run one with a gui if you like, it just uses more resources thats all02:42
IdleOne!tell dylan_ about cli02:42
Azertyuuuhey all, i have 1 DVDplayer and 1 CDrplayer, but there's always just one that's beeing recognised. somethimes the DVDplayer, and sometime the other, how come ?02:43
NChief!tell NChief about cli02:43
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blueydylan_: shift + up/down arrow keys02:43
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neuronhey again :D02:43
dylan_bluey, thanks!02:43
[koji] dylan_, fairly easy (subjective to user's linux familiarity)02:44
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neuronwhats the difference between ubuntu and kubuntu? except the graphical envoirement?02:44
Pupenoneuro_: none.02:44
fyrestrtrneuron: that's it. the graphical environment. nothing else.02:44
=== dylan_ wants to know if anybody thinks the Firefox in Breezy is slow
blueydylan_: my bad, it's shift + up/down page keys02:44
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:44
neuronokay, and if i want to install gnome, will there be any problems?02:44
martyvteclo, not used normally02:45
IdleOneneuro_, sudo apt-get install  ubuntu-desktop02:45
dylan_neuron, isnt ffx 1.5 unstable as heck?02:45
sHaDeRoSSI C !02:45
=== lucaaas [n=lucas@h98n2c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrneuron: just use the "normal" ubuntu, which comes with gnome.02:45
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JorisSeveas, you still here, had a power issue (darn darn)02:45
neuroni dont realy like gnome, i hate its menu style, so i will install kubuntu02:45
aanwezig_zokm er leuke dames aanwezig?02:45
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neuronbut can i install gnome in kubuntu?02:46
SeveasJoris, yes02:46
balduranneuron, yes with synaptic02:46
Seveashi aanwezig_02:46
aanwezig_waar zijn die dames dan02:46
mjrneuron, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop02:46
aanwezig_ja zeg dan is wat02:46
IdleOneneuron, you can use gnome apps with kubuntu if thats what you mean02:46
Seveasaanwezig_, english only please02:46
Pupenoneuro_: no, I recommend you to do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop or ubuntu-deskop02:47
aanwezig_call m02:47
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b aanwezig_!*@*] by Seveas
=== aanwezig_ was kicked off #ubuntu by Seveas (Seveas)
neuronIdleOne: not realy, i`m trying some themes with gnome, i realy dont like its menu style, i like kde-s menu style02:47
martyvaanwezig_, #ubuntu-nl02:47
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IdleOneneuro_, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop then will give you kde desktop and then if there are certain apps from gnowme you want use apt-get to install them02:47
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Jimmey__How do I change my screen resolution?02:48
dylan_IdleOne, after I install kubuntu-desktop, why can't i remove kde?02:48
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.02:48
LogicalDashOK , I've reconfigured kdm so that it's the default display manager, but the login screen still looks like the GNOME face browser.02:48
Jimmey__LogicalDash: sudo apt-get remove gdm02:48
blueyJimmey_: system->preferences->screen resolution02:48
Jimmey__bluey, it only gives me one option02:48
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LogicalDashWell I'm not sure I WANT to remove it...02:48
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IdleOnedylan_, kubuntu-desktop is kde..unless I dont understand what you mean02:48
neuro_hey guys, if you're going to talk to neuron, can you please tab-complete his nick correctly? you keep setting off my nick detection with neuro and neuro_ :)))02:49
blueyJimmey_: you probably need to setup your graphics card02:49
neuronheh :D02:49
neuronsorry neuro_02:49
neuro_not your fault anyway :>02:49
LogicalDashJimmey__, any way to do that without removing gdm entirely?02:49
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Jimmey__LogicalDash, I've done it, but can't remember how, sorry02:50
dylan_IdleOne, after i install kubuntu-desktop, i cannot remove all of kubuntu....i have to kill each package manually.02:50
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IdleOnedylan_, you are confusing me! you install kubuntu but want to remove kde?02:50
blueydylan_: --purge switch02:50
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=== IdleOne drinks more coffee
=== glagla [n=laurent@ALille-257-1-102-153.w86-198.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
spliffhello, i've lost sound in flash>firefox.. any ideas?02:52
rungekhi. when I do apt-get dist-upgrade (after chaning repositories from horay to breezy) it says that it is holding lots of backages back from upgrade. why? what should I do?02:52
sfar!tell spliff about flash02:52
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apokryphosrungek: can you pastebin the full output?02:52
neuronis there any way of setting kde's default browser to firefox and not konqueror?02:53
rungekapokryphos yes, but its in swedish in some parts02:53
apokryphosrungek: please make sure you follow the proper instructions for upgrading. That is, /msg ubotu upgrade02:53
apokryphosrungek: that's alright02:53
apokryphosneuron: yes, from systemsettings02:53
Jimmey__How can I re-configure xorg02:53
Jimmey__I forget the command02:53
sfarneuron: system - prefs -> preffered applications02:53
sfari think02:53
apokryphosJimmey__: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:53
neuronokay, thanks :D02:53
apokryphosneuron: Component Chooser02:54
neuronapokryphos: where can i find it?02:54
apokryphosneuro_: alt+f2 -> systemsettings. Then go to Component Chooser02:54
dylan_IdleOne, it was hypothetical02:55
dylan_so i have to do apt-get --purge kde?02:55
apokryphosdylan_: to do what?02:55
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IdleOnedylan_, sudo apt-get remove --purge kde02:55
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apokryphosthat won't do anything02:55
apokryphoskde is a metapackage02:55
IdleOnedylan_, I am still confused as to what and why you want to remove it if you just installed it02:56
spliffhmm that didnt really help02:56
rungekapokryphos  http://pastebin.com/64775802:56
ubotuA meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.02:56
alef0Is there a way to tell fullscreen apps like quake4 to use only one of the heads in a twinview configuration consisting of two heads? e.g. quake3 works as I want (fullscreen on head 1, head 2 is blank), but quake4's fullscreen is placed in the middle between the two heads.02:56
=== Christopher [n=Christop@adsl-3-164-68.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
LhademmorHello world. This is my first message from X-Chat in Ubuntu. I've just installed Ubuntu and got the Internet working.02:56
ChristopherHey everyone02:56
neuronwhere can i see ubuntu`s changelog?02:57
apokryphosrungek: is ubuntu-desktop installed?02:57
IdleOneLhademmor, welcome to Xchat and Ubuntu :)02:57
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, neuron02:57
=== zorin1 is now known as zorin-home
spliffhey Lhademmor, welcome to ubuntu :)02:57
rungekLhademmor nice :)02:57
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baua is there a dapper update for kernl 2.6.16?02:57
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neuronbaua: are you having problems with the current kernel?02:57
rungekapokryphos yes, im running from gnome/xhat now02:57
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)02:57
rungekapokryphos or am I misunderstanding you?02:58
LhademmorThank you all :)02:58
apokryphosrungek: is the package, ubuntu-desktop, installed I mean02:58
ChristopherLhademmor, welcome to ubuntu!02:58
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ChristopherHey guys I nee some help...I cant play mp3's02:58
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:58
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Christopherthanks idle02:58
bauaneuron:no, but broadcom driver need 2.6.1602:58
dylan_IdleOne, it was hypothetical02:59
JorisSeveas, i've not got a good log-file availabe02:59
zapatadont seem to understand what nubuntu is, anyone knows?02:59
rungekapokryphos http://pastebin.com/647765 well, no02:59
bauaand my usbstick isnt mounting automatically02:59
IdleOnedylan_, is what hypothetical?02:59
apokryphosrungek: you weren't following the proper installation instructions then :)02:59
dylan_IdleOne, meaning in the event that i would like to do that, i could....for future refernece.02:59
apokryphos!tell rungek about upgrade02:59
rungekapokryphos uhm, well no I guess not. though I have read the instruction after you told me to.03:00
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rungekapokryphos it seams to be a simple change of repositories, unless im mistaken!?03:00
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IdleOnedylan_, I still dont know what it is you are trying on doing if you do it at alll but I know this if you phrase your question a little more clearly I will try to answer you03:00
apokryphosrungek: it warns that you should have ubuntu-desktop before you upgrade otherwise things can break :)03:00
dylan_IdleOne, you have already answered my question.  Thank you03:01
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IdleOnewas it just me who doesnt know what just happened ?03:01
rungekapokryphos aha!, then im in the "things have broken"-part03:01
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sorush20_guys I can't access yahoo mail beta I don't know how to ?03:02
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fggshdfany dc++ package in ubuntu ?03:02
apokryphosrungek: indeed. You might be ok, still. Try installing it and then doing the dist-upgrade. Normally things could've been worse :)03:02
=== fwed [n=fwed@cac94-4-82-226-137-171.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOneapt-cache search dc++03:02
rungekapokryphos I can't install it, did you see the last pastebin?03:02
bauaso is there a kernel package 2.6.16 available for ubuntu ?03:02
fggshdfIdleOne i knew that too .... but all i get its some other package not the one im looking for03:03
apokryphosrungek: has "no installation candidate" ?03:03
rungekapokryphos it said package not avalible, though there are packages depending on it03:03
fggshdfi want the dc++ the file sharing package03:03
rungekapokryphos http://pastebin.com/64776503:03
martyvbaua, doubt it - apt-cache search 2.6.1603:03
apokryphosrungek: could you pastebin your sources.list?03:03
rungekapokryphos yes, not isntallation candidate03:03
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rungekapokryphos sure *hoping he wont look like a fool again*03:04
bauamartyv: yh, but maybe i need some special sources?03:04
blueydoes anyone know where the keybindings for the sound keyboard shortcuts are stored?03:04
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=== Din is now known as EvilDin
gnomefreakIdleOne: i think he was asking when he trys to remove --purge kubuntu-desktop he doesnt get all packages to go with it. answer if he used aptitude aptitude will remove most of packages with it and if he used apt-get he has to remove libqt3-mt03:04
JorisSeveas, can we have a  more privat chatrooom ?03:05
LhademmorI'm extremely newbie at Linux but I think I'll add some "reposteries" and look if there's anything interesting to install.03:05
fwedhi, i've install ati driver but i already have mesa3d in opengl, someone know how can i install the ati driver ?03:05
rungekapokryphos http://pastebin.com/64777303:05
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apokryphosrungek: you don't have the main repository which is...erm... vital :)03:05
IdleOnegnomefreak, what was confusing me is that he was asking how to install kde and then in the same question wanting to know how to remove it and I just woke up and my coffee needs more sugar in it and I was also having a sneezing fit lol03:05
apokryphosrungek: you're doing a hoary -> breezy upgrade?03:06
gnomefreaklol its all good ;)03:06
rungekapokryphos yes03:06
blueyfggshdf: valknut or microdc, the latter being a cli client03:06
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IdleOnegnomefreak, he also mentioned he didnt like gnome look and feel so in any case I think he said I answered his question so lol03:07
apokryphosrungek: erase what's in the current sources.list and enter    deb http://se.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse03:07
Lhademmorwow, looks like a lot of libraries need updating..03:07
apokryphosrungek: then add the other appropriate lines for breezy-security/backports/updates03:07
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ChristopherThanks a bunch idleone! I got mp3s to play03:08
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=== gnomefreak doesnt know anything
IdleOneChristopher, :)03:08
ChristopherYou rock03:08
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IdleOneChristopher, the person who wrote the wiki rocks but thanks :)03:08
fggshdfbluey any gnome one ?03:08
apokryphosrungek: an example sources.list: (you can use this one)03:08
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource03:08
apokryphosrungek: you can just use the one for Breezy, that is.03:09
blueyfggshdf: possibly, check out gnome apps website03:09
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:09
blueyfggshdf: http://gnomefiles.org/03:09
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rungekapokryphos ok, thanks.03:10
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apokryphosrungek: once you've changed it, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:11
Jorisaanwezig_ : de moderator vraag of je enkel engels wil gebruiken op dit forum (english only please)03:11
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Jorisaanwezig_ : de moderator vraag of je enkel engels wil gebruiken op dit forum (english only please)03:11
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neuronwhere does gaim keep its alias entries?03:12
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Jorisanyone had any issues with usb sticks on ubuntu getting trashed, hanging the machine ?03:12
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bluey03:12
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LhademmorThe wiki is really neat!03:12
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bluey!sound keyboard shortcuts03:12
uboturumour has it, ubuntu is a free GNU/Linux distribution. More at http://www.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth03:12
ubotubluey: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:12
aajajgood morning all03:12
=== AkiraYuki [n=Akira@81-208-83-212.fastres.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotufrom memory, fishing is randomly throwing !commands in the channel instead of using /msg ubotu command. Please dont fish for help. either !ask in the channel or msg ubotu < Knows Everything!> :)03:12
aajaji just finished my setup for ubuntu03:13
aajajand whanted to know03:13
AkiraYukihi all03:13
LhademmorMorning, aajaj? Over here its 5:13 PM :)03:13
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aajajit says that the kernel i38603:13
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Jorisanyone had any issues with usb sticks on ubuntu getting trashed, hanging the machine ? (private chat pls)03:13
aajajya u know ...  we live all over the world ;) and we never sleep :)03:13
Joris!ask anyone had any issues with usb sticks on ubuntu getting trashed, hanging the machine ? (private chat pls)03:14
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, Joris03:14
=== CurtisB [n=cbrown@CPE000d6138a7ef-CM0012253ebdee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
blueyIdleOne: :)03:14
aajajmy question is: i have a p4 2.6 - should i do the kernel upgrade to the i68603:14
CurtisB /msg NickServ IDENTIFY retsyo1303:14
Jorisubotu, this is my virgin-moment on irc03:14
ubotuJoris: what are you talking about?03:14
neuronheh CurtisB03:14
Jorisi've used ubuntu on ibm wich trashed my usb-stick twice03:14
IdleOne!tell Joris about bot03:14
aajajmy target is to make it a htpc03:14
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.03:15
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IdleOneCurtisB, :) no space03:15
Joristhanks, just found out03:15
Joris!bot ???03:15
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.03:15
rungekapokryphos http://pastebin.com/64778303:15
neuron!play with bot03:16
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, neuron03:16
=== Arglist [n=Arglist@202-161-11-238.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Jorisbot ?????????????03:16
Jorisdont dont dont like reading manuals03:16
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Jorison a bot03:16
fwedanyone can help me to configure my ati card ?03:16
ompaulJoris, your not it gives you urls that are your friends03:16
ubotuati is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358903:16
apokryphosJoris: a lot of the time that'll be hard-luck -- you won't find many people wanting to help you if you're not willing to help yourself.03:16
=== Lhademmor is adding repositories and updating a bunch of packages
IdleOne!tell fwed about ati03:17
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apokryphosrungek: and indeed, those are the problems :)03:17
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.03:17
=== matallo [n=matallo@155.Red-83-38-186.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuJoris: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:17
=== MacTel [i=ubu@cpe-24-209-230-48.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Joris!ask usb03:17
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Joris03:17
apokryphosrungek: what's the output of cat /etc/issue ?03:17
Joris!ask flash03:17
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Joris03:17
IdleOne!tell Joris about fishing03:17
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
apokryphosjordo23: do not play with the bot in here03:17
CurtisBokay, I doubt anyone will try to steel my nick to defame me, but uhm, as a IRC plebian, how do I change my password?03:17
rungekHbuntu 5.04 "Hoary Hedgehog"03:18
Killgore_does rythmbox support gapless playback???03:18
=== MdSalih [n=sd324fsd@host86-128-216-14.range86-128.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
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aajajanyone here has dvb running ontheir machine ??03:18
IdleOneCurtisB, /msg nickserv password help03:18
apokryphosrungek: hm, since you didn't have main enabled earlier it might be possible to reinstall hoary's ubuntu-desktop, and then try to upgrade.03:18
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Killgore_i just answered my own question03:18
blueyubotu listkeys bind03:18
=== Trae [n=october@ip24-252-207-46.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFactoid search of 'bind' by key (1 shown): keybinding.03:18
rungekapokryphos I wo03:18
=== MacTel [i=ubu@cpe-24-209-230-48.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
rungekapokryphos I will try it. thanks03:19
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Traepeople looove to tinker03:19
rungektyping while eating :(03:19
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apokryphosrungek: you'll need to change your sources.list back to hoary ones, then try installing ubuntu-desktop. LMK how it goes.03:19
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos
ubotukeybinding is, like, totally, console command  "gnome-keybinding-properties"    Need more info  https://wiki.ubuntu.com//MultimediaKeys03:19
Traejdub: you here?03:19
CurtisBIdleOne it says unknown command password03:19
blueynice :)03:19
blueythanks bot :P03:19
=== laurent_ [n=laurent@88-136-88-77.adslgp.cegetel.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Trae wonders whos bright idea it was to take out the "test screensaver" in gnome-screensaver.
=== Joris [n=ljoris@d51A5E193.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOneCurtisB, /msg nickserv help DROP and then REGISTER03:20
FrogzooTrae: use rss-glx anyhow - all the stock ones suk03:20
Traenow you haveto wait a minute before testing03:21
=== Karpor [n=K4rp0r@pc.armas.fi] has joined #ubuntu
TraeFrogzoo: heh03:21
=== mucha [n=mucha@217-211-56-100-no38.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
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CurtisBokay, thanks again03:21
=== Cerius [n=root@ip-80-236-202-171.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Ceriusgerman ubnutu link pls03:22
AkiraYukiwhere can I find the fedora icons for ubuntu?03:23
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Frogzoo!tell AkiraYuki about themes03:23
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de03:23
neuron!kde themes03:23
ubotuneuron: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:23
s-ndh-cwhy has win32codecs been removed from the repo?03:23
TraeFrogzoo: what do you have to do to get it to show up?03:23
_jasonubotu: tell s-ndh-c about w32codecs03:23
Ceriusjoin #ubuntu-de03:23
TraeFrogzoo: I've apt-get installed it03:23
LhademmorWhat is the difference between Applications > Add Application and Synaptic? Is it that Synaptic is regarding individual packages while Add Applications is about whole programs?03:23
=== Draconicus [n=Glitch@c-24-60-219-129.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooTrae: the longer bot msgs don't appear in chan03:24
Cerius\join #ubuntu-de03:24
apokryphosLhademmor: yes; it's an easy-install app03:24
neuronwhere can i find a .deb for gaim2 ?03:24
Ceriushelp meto go german ubuntu03:24
LhademmorOk. Thank you03:24
FrogzooTrae: you need to edit a config file - it's explained in /usr/share/docs/rss-glx there somewhere03:24
s-ndh-ci tried unpacking the tarball from mplyerhq but that doesnt seem to work03:24
Joris!tell Joris about themes03:24
apokryphosCerius: type /j #ubuntu-de03:24
s-ndh-ci still cant play wma files03:24
DraconicusWhen I try to put it in fullscreen mode, the Blursk plugin for XMMS complains that I don't have XFree86, which I don't. However, I know it can work with X.Org, because I've done it with Gentoo. What can I do to make it work?03:25
apokryphoss-ndh-c: amaroK supports wmas03:25
IdleOne!tell s-ndh-c about w32codecs03:25
FrogzooTrae: would you believe ~/.xscreensaver03:25
fyrestrtrLhademmor: no, they are both for the same purpose.03:25
neuronhow can i remove the nvidia intro-image after i installed nvidia drivers?03:25
Ceriusi hae a prolem wight wirlees lan siemens03:25
fyrestrtrLhademmor: proof is that you can't have Synaptic running, and then launch Add Applications :)03:25
apokryphosfyrestrtr: they're really not. It's not a duplication of effort.03:26
_jasons-ndh-c: check your private messages from ubotu for a w32codecs deb03:26
AkiraYukiFrogzoo i don't undersood03:26
TraeFrogzoo: yeah, I ran rss-glx_install03:26
LhademmorOh, it's using this "apt-get" or "aptitude" stuff?03:26
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apokryphosLhademmor: nope03:26
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LhademmorBut apt-get is a command that doesn't basically the same as Synaptic?03:27
fyrestrtrLhademmor: no, Synaptics is a front-end to apt03:27
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s-ndh-c_jason: yeah iam trying this atm03:27
=== edward_ [n=edward@host86-140-124-73.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonneuron: add the following to your xorg.conf under the device section for your nvidia card:    Option          "NoLogo"03:27
rungekapokryphos http://pastebin.com/647794, this is what I get. IE faild03:27
LhademmorI meant "does"03:27
IdleOne!tell Lhademmor abouit apt03:27
IdleOne!tell Lhademmor about apt03:27
FrogzooTrae: cool - log out/back in & you're in business03:27
=== mekker [n=geen@dD5E0C4E8.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Joriss-ndh-c : use mplayer with w32codecs in addition03:27
LhademmorWow. Cool bot03:27
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neuronheh , rpm=relaxing porm movie :))))03:27
edward_i have heard that there is a newer version of ubuntu, but i cannot find it on thw ebsite03:27
johnny_brasilhi peoples03:27
=== riomerc [n=riomerc@CPE-144-137-107-36.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic03:27
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)03:27
FrogzooAkiraYuki: have a look around the sites they mention, you might find something similar to FC03:27
fyrestrtrLhademmor: I guess Add Applications is a more filtered down version of Synaptic, in that the only applications you can add there are gnome-specific.03:27
edward_version 6 apparently, how can i upgrade from 5.10 to the new version03:28
ubotuHelp! lilo, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee03:28
apokryphosrungek: try sudo apt-get remove cupsys cupsys-driver-gimpprint xpdf, and then retry03:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o apokryphos] by ChanServ
johnny_brasilow...this is a secure server no?hauhauaha03:28
=== johnny_brasil was kicked off #ubuntu by apokryphos (annoying)
DBObye bye03:28
s-ndh-cwow, i upgraded to dapper with no problems03:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b *!*@] by apokryphos
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riomercI need help!03:28
DBOwhats your problem?03:28
IdleOneriomerc, ask away03:28
LhademmorThank you for the clarification :). I'm well on my way to understanding Linux03:28
edward_how did you upgrade ?03:28
=== mode/#ubuntu [-o apokryphos] by apokryphos
fyrestrtrriomerc: we are not wizards with magic balls, tell us your problem.03:29
s-ndh-ci can remember that version upgrades failed allmost everytime on suse hehe03:29
riomercI'm trying to install nethack onto ubuntu03:29
edward_i'd like to upgrade today03:29
apokryphosedward_: /msg ubotu upgrade03:29
Jorishi, anything better then x-chat ?03:29
rungekapokryphos nope, it wont work03:29
riomercbut it seems to be inpossible to untar the package03:29
Killgore_XCHAT FTW03:29
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-014-252.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosJoris: yes. I recommend KVirc03:29
fyrestrtrJoris: depends what you mean by 'better'. I like irssi myself.03:29
FrogzooJoris: irssi but it's text based03:29
IdleOneLhademmor, if you do /msg ubotu searchterm it probably will return a answer that can help you or try wiki.ubuntu.com/searchterm03:29
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Killgore_Joris: what dont you like about xchat?03:29
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fyrestrtrFrogzoo: IRC is text-based :P03:29
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Jorisdon't care for graph vs text, has to be functionally unimpaired03:30
Frogzoofyrestrtr: I hadn't noticed ...03:30
apokryphosfyrestrtr: indeed, but many GUI features are friendlier and can come in more handy.03:30
Jorisgaim ?03:30
LhademmorWill do.03:30
Apostle^Frogzoo: lol\03:30
fyrestrtrJoris: what do you find lacking in xchat?03:30
simonpcaJoris: Xchat is still good, KVirc is more complete, erc is for emacs-fans[.el] , Gaim is if you have serval messaging service03:30
fyrestrtrapokryphos: yes, but I know some people that argue bash is GUI :)03:30
=== apokryphos chuckles
rungekemacs! emacs!!03:30
fyrestrtroh no lol03:31
ubotuthe INETRNET DAMNIT try freshmeat.net, linuxapps.com and tucows.com and then winge at /dev/null03:31
riomercUm... I really need help03:31
apokryphosvi all-the-way03:31
MacTel 8-)03:31
Jorisuhm, me being impatient, it seems03:31
fyrestrtrLMAO @ ubotu03:31
fyrestrtrubotu: botsnack03:31
Jorisfiltering of msg, panned windows03:31
=== JRGC [n=JG@F578d.f.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #ubuntu
_jason!forget wtf03:31
ubotui didn't have anything called 'wtf', _jason03:31
IdleOneneuron, stop spamming the channel please03:31
Ceriusi have a problem wight wlan pcim03:31
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@60-240-185-111.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Seveas!unforget wtf03:31
neuronokay, sorry03:32
ubotuSeveas: Successfully recovered 'wtf'.  Have fun now.03:32
rungekapokryphos about my problem, im tosted eh?03:32
freakabcdhi all03:32
Seveas(please keep it around for a sec)03:32
freakabcdhow do i update using dpkg?03:32
apokryphosrungek: did you try what I said?03:32
freakabcdi have a newer deb downloaded03:32
neuronis ubotu a blootbot?03:32
fyrestrtrCerius: was it working with the livecd?03:32
=== mikul [n=mikul@81-233-78-174-no73.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
riomerchow do I properly install nethack in ubuntu03:32
Jorisgrudg, grudge, what's up with usb and usbsticks anyway ? data corrupted each time ... automounting sucks ?03:32
freakabcddo i just dpkg -i new.deb ?03:32
rungekapokryphos yes, it says they are not installed03:32
apokryphosfreakabcd: yes03:32
freakabcdor do i remove the old one first?03:32
freakabcdapokryphos, thanks03:32
=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@d7-30.dip.axsp.de] has joined #ubuntu
apokryphosrungek: you're into dependency hell. This is the exact problems you'll get when people don't make sure they have that package first =)03:32
Ceriusdriver ist alocatet af not troufe te sever03:32
LhademmorAnyone here who can recommend a good BitTorrent-application for Ubuntu?03:33
fyrestrtrJoris: it has something to do with syncing -- I forgot where I read about it ... something that with the newer kernels, you need to manually turn *off* async or something.03:33
Seveas!forget wtf03:33
ubotui forgot wtf, Seveas03:33
fyrestrtrJoris: I will try to look it up.03:33
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Seveas!forget only problem i see03:33
ubotui forgot only problem i see, Seveas03:33
Seveas!forget problem03:33
Ceriusi have kumuntu03:33
ubotui forgot problem, Seveas03:33
LoevborgGuys, does anyone know the problem that files clicked in nautilus aren't run? How can I "debug" the problem?03:33
freakabcddamn, i've got aiglx + compiz working on a frickin i810 !03:33
Seveas!forget >ubotu clueless03:33
CinDoes gnome-terminal and konsole copy the main system console's colour settings?03:33
rungekapokryphos now, my mother will demand windows back! (dont worry, I will fight to my last breath!)03:33
ubotuSeveas: i forgot >ubotu clueless03:33
freakabcdand its smooth!03:33
apokryphosLhademmor: azureus, bittornado, ktorrent03:33
apokryphosSeveas: /msg  ;-)03:33
Seveas!forget relatedtopic03:33
ubotuSeveas: i forgot relatedtopic03:33
=== riomerc is ticked off
Seveas!forget ubuntu only03:33
ubotui forgot ubuntu only, Seveas03:33
LoevborgI want to view a video with mplayer.03:33
Jorisgrmbl, scsi (0:0 : rejecting i/o to dead device03:33
fyrestrtrrungek: get her an intel mac :)03:33
Seveasapokryphos, just showing that the bot needs a lobotomy FAST03:33
mdkecan anyone tell me what package I need to file a bug on if I want to complain about the names mounted partitions are given on the desktop?03:33
_jasonLoevborg: is it not working?03:33
rungekfyrestrtr hehe03:34
LhademmorI've used Azureus before on Windows so I think I'll stick with it (Azureus obviously!)03:34
IdleOneneuron, see what Seveas is doing ? next he is going to instruct the bot to forget you also :P03:34
apokryphosSeveas: ok, but don't show us too much :P03:34
riomercI want to install nethack but i'm having troubles03:34
MacTel :p03:34
=== robokop [n=robokop@ip9135169d.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonriomerc: what troubles03:34
MenZaCan I comment certain parts of my xorg.conf with #?03:34
fyrestrtrmdke: I suppose the main package of the wm you are using.03:34
apokryphosMenZa: yes03:34
Loevborg_jason, I can view it just fine when running mplayer in a terminal, but not thru nautlius03:34
neuroni`m the bots best friend, why should ite forget me? :D03:34
MenZaGoody,t hanks apokryphos.03:34
riomercMy terminal isn't responding to my tgz file03:34
fyrestrtrMenZa: yes03:34
CurtisBriomerc did you try installing with synaptic package manager?03:34
Ceriuswww.ubutusers.de not funkton03:34
Seveas!forget neuron03:34
riomercbut of course03:34
ubotui didn't have anything called 'neuron', Seveas03:34
mdkefyrestrtr, I use GNOME, but I don't think that can be the right answer.03:34
_jasonLoevborg: are you using mplayer or gmplayer in each case?03:34
neuron!dont ever forget me you bot03:34
ubotuneuron: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:35
=== MacTel [i=ubu@cpe-24-209-230-48.cinci.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu []
apokryphosneuron: please don't be annoying :)03:35
_jasonriomerc: nethack is in the repositories03:35
fyrestrtrhey stop molesting the bot03:35
_jason!info nethack03:35
ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.03:35
ubotunethack: (Overhead dungeon-crawler game (dummy package)), section universe/games, is optional. Version: 3.4.3-7ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 17 kB, Installed size: 48 kB03:35
_jasonubotu: tell riomerc about universe03:35
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Frogzooriomerc: sudo apt-get install nethack-x11 nethack-common03:35
CurtisBubotu: tell CurtisB about ubotu03:36
robokopcan i setup grub so that i mount an iso an boot from it03:36
=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #ubuntu
=== ljoris_ [n=ljoris@d51A5E193.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^who owns ubotu anyway03:36
fyrestrtrpersonally, I can't wait till someone figures out (or heck, even Apple) how to triple boot Intel macs. That would be ... by all means ... The Awesomeness(tm)03:36
riomercthansk for the universe thing03:36
kbrooksApostle^: cafuego03:36
fyrestrtrrobokop: no03:36
FrogzooApostle^: I'm guessing canonical03:36
CurtisBubotu: tell CurtisB about universe03:36
riomercmucho gracias03:36
_jasonubotu: who owns you03:37
kbrooksFrogzoo: cafuego03:37
=== jackzilch [n=user@HSE-Montreal-ppp122576.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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neuronhmm.... is ubotu a blootbot?03:37
Apostle^isn't apple ditching OSX ?03:37
kbrooksApostle^: no.03:37
ljoris_fyrestrtr : what you looking up ?03:37
neuronokay, thanks03:37
fyrestrtrApostle^: ermm, no.03:37
fyrestrtrljoris_: ?03:38
=== woody__ [n=woody@69-168-133-37.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== rob [i=Robert@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.rob] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksApostle^: were did u get that from03:38
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=== Cerius [n=root@ip-80-236-202-171.dsl.scarlet.be] has joined #ubuntu
ljoris_fyrestrtr : related to my usb post03:38
Apostle^kbrooks: dunno03:38
neuronisnt M$ dumping windows?03:38
=== niekie [n=niekie@niekie/unaffiliated] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^they are03:38
fyrestrtrljoris_: oh that, I read it in one of the Linux mags, forgot which edition though. Let me google it for you.03:38
neuronthats more like it :D03:38
Ceriuswat kannic make vor the wlan funktion03:38
nathanjcan anyone enlighten me on how to send net send messages>?03:38
=== topal [n=topal@p548F6371.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ljoris_ljoris = joris03:39
kbrooksneuron: they r not dumping windows03:39
uboturumour has it, linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Ubuntu is only one version of the GNU/Linux operating system. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux03:39
=== Hokum [n=hokum@] has joined #ubuntu
neuronkbrooks: why not?? :((03:39
kbrooksneuron: because. thats why.03:39
Lhademmor!free software03:39
ubotuLhademmor: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:39
Apostle^Lhademmor: this is linux everythign is free03:40
neuronthe should03:40
Killgore_free software obviously doesnt exist if ubotu doesnt know about ti03:40
Traemy cable isn'tworking03:40
apokryphosLhademmor: please investigate in /msg03:40
kbrooksi'd like a long list of free software03:40
LhademmorI know03:40
apokryphosApostle^: not everything, but most, yes ;-)03:40
Traeanyone ever made a cat5 cable that actually tested out ok, but didn't work?03:40
neuronApostle^: yeah right.. :D03:40
IdleOneLhademmor, packages.ubuntu.com03:40
Apostle^apokryphos: 99% :-)03:40
kbrooksKillgore_:  it exists03:40
apokryphoskbrooks: check the stuff that ubuntu installs03:40
neuronApostle^: free as cedega? :D03:40
kbrooksKillgore_:  factoids are factoids.03:40
TraeI've got a cable tester, and it shows the cable's pins areall setup properly03:40
Apostle^cedega sucks03:40
Apostle^and you can get it for free03:40
TraeI've made like... hundreds of cables before03:40
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
Killgore_Apostle^: cedega for gaming? or wine03:40
Loevborg_jason, I'm not sure if it's gmplayer03:41
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kbrooksApostle^: cedega-cvs, yes03:41
=== Hokum [n=hokum@] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
neuronApostle^: yeah some pitifull fu**ed up version :D, veter use wine :D03:41
Frogzookbrooks: apt-cache search 'free_software'03:41
ljoris_fyrestrtr : usb kernel : i/o to dead device after using automount03:41
=== Trae wonders if there is something wrong with this spool
kbrooksneuron: its not messed up. language03:41
_jasonLoevborg: when you setup mplayer as the default application in nautilus did you have to type in 'mplayer' as the command, or did you just select Mplayer from the list?03:41
Traecan you get a whole bad spool of cat5 cable?03:41
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooks!tell neuron about language03:41
Traestupid questions abound this morning huh?03:41
Killgore_neuron: wine is better then03:41
Apostle^i do all my gaming on a commodore 6403:41
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neuronthanks for the tip ubotu ;) i`ll watch my language, sorry03:42
CurtisBc64, wow, high-tech... I use pencil & paper03:42
kbrooksneuron: er03:42
kbrooksneuron: i sent that tip03:42
kbrooksneuron: ubotu is a bot03:42
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ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:42
=== IdleOne gives kbrooks a gold star :P
Frogzooubotu gets all the credit :p03:42
ubotuFrogzoo: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:43
kbrooksneuron: "us" = the channel.03:43
Loevborg_jason, you were right in your suspicion03:43
neuronthank you kbrooks then :D03:43
kbrooksompaul: who me i tend to.03:43
Ceriusich habe an siemens 11bms03:43
Killgore_CurtisB: pen and paper still rules03:43
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de03:43
neuroni was joking :D03:43
_jasonLoevborg: k, does 'gmplayer /path/to/file' work in a terminal?03:43
ubotuneuron: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:43
Loevborg_jason, I used mplayer in the terminal, but gmplayer in nautilus03:43
DBOi love that one03:43
Loevborg_jason, I fixed it now, it didnt find the default skin03:43
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DBO03:44
_jasonLoevborg: ah ok, cool03:44
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Loevborg_jason, thanks for un-blocking me03:44
Loevborg_jason, although it would be handy to see console output of programs run in nautilus somewhere03:44
ompaulDBO the bot is not for playing with and its not really a good thing to do in front of 680+ logged into the channel, if we all did it there would be no help03:45
_jasonLoevborg: you can have it open a terminal and run mplayer somehow I am sure03:45
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DBOompaul, Im sorry...  I know better...03:45
Apostle^would it be possible to make a script and add it to nautilus to right click a file and upload it to a ftp site automagically03:45
ompaulDBO, hmm don't tempt me then :-)03:45
IdleOneApostle^, yes03:45
fyrestrtrLoevborg: I think your problem might be with file associations. Try right clicking the file, and then choose Run with, or open with, or whatever sounds close.03:45
Apostle^IdleOne: what would something like that look like03:45
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ompaulDBO, there is #ubuntu-offtopic03:45
IdleOneApostle^, I have absolutely no clue but it is possible03:46
_jasonApostle^: check http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/03:46
Apostle^_jason: yea just found that, thanks03:46
fyrestrtrApostle^: why don't you add the location? That way i'll just show up.03:46
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DBOompaul, Im quite aware of that channel03:46
Loevborgfyrestrt.. thanks, I found the issue03:46
fyrestrtrApostle^: as another drive.03:46
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Apostle^fyrestrt1: hmm through connect to server?03:46
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fyrestrtrApostle^: yeah, I've used that before. Worked amazingly well.03:47
acid-tripevening guys03:47
Apostle^fyrestrt1: and then i could just right click send to?03:47
ChristopherI removed the recycling bin from the panel03:47
IdleOnemorning acid-trip03:47
acid-tripwith ubuntu does it work nicely with ntfs now?03:47
Christopherhow do i get it back03:47
fyrestrtrApostle^: I don't know about right click, but surely you can just drag it :)03:47
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IdleOne!tell acid-trip about ntfs03:47
ompaulacid-trip, it reads not writes03:47
DBOChristopher, right click on the panel -> add to panel -> trash03:47
KrhisChristopher, right click the panel, Click Add to Panel, click trash.03:47
acid-tripIdleOne, can i like copy and paste from ntfs?03:48
Apostle^fyrestrt1: thanks mate03:48
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DBOacid-trip, yes03:48
gnomefreakacid-trip: should be able to03:48
Christopherthere is no add to panel option03:48
fyrestrtrApostle^: and Send To.. is something from Evolution. You can only send to an email address.03:48
IdleOneacid-trip, yes I believe you can copy from ntfs but not to03:48
KrhisChristopher, what are you right clicking?03:48
DBOChristopher, did your right click on the panel or your desktop?03:48
Apostle^fyrestrtr: ahh03:48
Frogzoo!tell acid-trip about captive03:48
Christopherand yes i did right click03:48
gnomefreakChristopher: if you right click the upper p[anel in gnome it will03:49
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fyrestrtracid-trip: you can copy, read, browse -- everything but delete or write.03:49
Frogzoocaptive can write ntfs, but you need an M$ driver03:49
DBOChristopher, very first option03:49
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Christopheroh ok03:49
ChristopherI found i03:49
ChristopherI was clicking on the bottom panel03:49
DBOgnomefreak, any panel will03:49
KrhisThis why I prefer CLI....03:49
Stormx2Hey guys what would I use to connect to a VNC server?03:49
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fyrestrtrStormx2: a vnc client :)03:49
gnomefreakDBO: should03:49
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FrogzooKrhis: terminal server applet03:49
Stormx2fyrestrtr: such as?03:49
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neuroni tried upgrading to breezy synaptic gave me a error, i restarted the box, and now, gnome or kde wont starrt03:49
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fyrestrtrStormx2: Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client03:50
L28Hi, Firefox loads  pages really slow... Espicially pictures, i got nvidia drivers installed. What might be the problem?03:50
Stormx2fyrestrtr: not there.03:50
fyrestrtrL28: might want to upgrade firefox, or your connection.03:50
gnomefreakL28: its pango if your on dapper03:50
Apostle^where would nautilus scripts go/03:50
jim_uHey, i can setup ldap authentication in a heartbeat on gentoo, but i'm new to it on ubuntu. i've been following some documentation but for some reason when i try to test the connection to the ldap server with ldapsearch it just hangs waiting.. and no matter what i set the debug level to it doesn't display anything... any idea?03:50
KrhisL28, do you have another computer (or OS) to test your connection?03:51
acid-tripIdleOne, does wine work better under ubuntu?03:51
L28Its not my connection.03:51
gnomefreakApostle^: ~/.nautilus/scripts   or something like that it says it on that page03:51
L28And firefox is up to date. I read somewhere that the graphic-driver migth be the problem03:51
KrhisSo you know it's Ubuntu or Firefox?03:51
gnomefreakL28: are you on dapper?03:51
Apostle^gnomefreak: thanks03:51
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gnomefreakApostle^: anytime03:51
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L28Dapper? I don't think so ^^03:51
neuronis there a .deb for gimp 2 ?03:51
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fyrestrtrStormx2: type 'xvncviewer' in a terminal windo03:52
_jasonApostle^: ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts works03:52
gnomefreakL28: if you type uname -r what is the output?03:52
Apostle^_jason: thanks03:52
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L282.6.12-10 amd63-generic03:52
gnomefreakneuron: should be and if ther eis you may find it on gimps site03:52
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=== vividhaze [n=vividhaz@62-64-208-214.dynamic.dial.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrjim_u: first steps -- can you ping the server? are the ports open?03:52
L28gnomefreak amd 64*03:52
vividhazeHello, could someone help me?  I am stuck trying to install Ubuntu :(03:53
Stormx2fyrestrtr: That's rubbish. I hit OK and it just freezes.03:53
gnomefreakL28: are we talking FF1.5?03:53
DBOvividhaze, where are you stuck?03:53
fyrestrtrStormx2: don't know why its not in your gnome application menu, its installed by default on mine.03:53
fyrestrtrStormx2: just install it via apt-get/synaptic03:53
vividhazeI let Ubuntu do what its doing and when it tells me to take out CD and reboot, and gets to GRUB bit.03:53
L28gnomefreak 1.0.703:53
vividhazeit just says error 22.03:53
Stormx2fyrestrtr: Install what, tsclient?03:53
redguyvividhaze: somebody probably will as soon as you tell us what your problem is03:53
Stormx2I have that now, but it does the same thing03:53
neuronwhere does gimp keep your its aliases?03:53
Stormx2After I click "connect" the box goes away and nothing happens.03:53
Apostle^_jason: after i copy the scripts in their anything i need to do?03:54
Krhis1.0.7 is not the latest.03:54
fyrestrtrStormx2: yeah, it should be there already though.03:54
gnomefreakL28: 1.0.7 i slow anyway ther are things you can do like change the piplining to make it faster or install FF 1.503:54
_jasonApostle^: I don't think so03:54
vividhazeok well thats my problem :) GRUB Error 22 just comes up.03:54
gnomefreakKrhis: for breezy it is03:54
Stormx2fyrestrtr: i've installed it, nevermind03:54
fyrestrtrStormx2: can you connect to that box from another machine? its not a ports/firewall issue?03:54
L28gnomefreak Can i update to 1.5 through terminal?03:54
Stormx2fyrestrtr: i probably just hid it from the menu03:54
vividhazeisn't there a way to bypass putting GRUB on?  I only want Ubuntu on my comp anyway03:54
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion03:54
gnomefreak^ L2803:54
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vividhazeno WinXP03:54
Stormx2fyrestrtr: I'm not running a server, and I have no firewall set up.03:54
Krhisgnomefreak, true, but then again I complied 1.5 on Breezy.03:54
gnomefreakL28: please do not remove 1.0.703:55
fyrestrtrStormx2: what are you trying to connect to?03:55
KrhisIf you're using APT it would be the latest.03:55
_jasonApostle^: make sure they are +x03:55
Stormx2fyrestrtr: A VNC server on my friend's computer03:55
neuronwhere can i get the kernel compiled sources from?03:55
fyrestrtrStormx2: and his computer is .... where/03:55
jim_ufyrestrt1, yes, i can03:55
L28gnomefreak um, okay03:55
jim_uoops fyrestrtr yes i can03:55
Stormx2fyrestrtr: Thing is, on tsclient, the password box is greyed out and there is a username box. I don't know what to put in that, there isn't a username03:55
fyrestrtrneuron: from apt-get -- or kernel.org03:55
gnomefreakL28: with breezy you have to run 1.0.7 side by side with 1.503:56
DBOvividhaze, it seems grub is misconfigured for some reason... error 22 means that its looking for a non-existant partion (I believe)03:56
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jim_ufyrestrtr, and every other machine is authenticating fine.. i've used configs known to work..03:56
DBOvividhaze, lemme look for a fix03:56
fyrestrtrStormx2: there must be. Are you sure its even connecting? If the ports are open, it should connect.03:56
vividhazecook thanks DBO03:56
L28gnomefreak oh. Do i have to get 1.5 from mozilla.com?03:56
neuronokay, and where  is the .configu file for breezy?03:56
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gnomefreakno L28 ubotu posted the link for it03:56
Stormx2fyrestrtr: Dude how the hell can I be sure? When i click connect the box just goes away and nothing happens!03:56
vividhazeDB0 even if you could find a way to just not bother about GRUB and just let Ubuntu load up cause I haven't got any other systems on my comp03:56
vividhazeI'm using a Live-CD of Kanotix atm to get in here :S03:57
vividhazebut I want ubuntu03:57
fyrestrtrStormx2: well for one thing, you need to type a username first, before you can enter a password.03:57
DBOvividhaze, you need some kind of bootloader03:57
gnomefreakL28: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion03:57
L28gnomefreak thanks alot!03:57
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vividhazeI remember ages ago i just had RH on my computer and it didn't need a loader, maybe things have changed.03:57
DBOvividhaze, has knoppix mounted your linux drives?03:57
neuronany ideeas?03:57
gnomefreakL28: please do it word for word it should take less than 20 mins03:57
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errpast_vividhaze: On install with Ubuntu, there is an option to wipe entire disk and put on Ubuntu03:58
L28Gnomefreak Yep, i'll try :)03:58
vividhazeumm, I think so, but it shouldn't matter, in the ubuntu partition thing I wipe everything, and I reinitialise my MBR before install.03:58
errpast_I haven't used the Kanotix live CD03:58
fyrestrtrStormx2: one way to find out, is to ask your friend :)03:58
vividhazeso its clean before Ubuntu03:58
kevorHi, i've written (in warty) some extra options in Gnome-volume-manager, will i be able to use the same sourcecode on breezy, or isn't gvm used anymore?03:58
=== Trae goes to make another cable
jim_uwhy would the ldaptools just decide not to work? is there something funky on ubuntu (5.10) that could stop this from working?03:58
Stormx2fyrestrtr: how can I? VNC doesn't use usernames as far as I know. And my friend certainly hasn't specified a username.03:58
vividhazeat what point errpast_?03:58
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fyrestrtrStormx2: seems your friend's router/internet/firewall is blocking the vnc port.03:59
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Stormx2fyrestrtr: Really? OK03:59
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errpast_vividhaze:  a couple minutes in.  I'm just installing Ubuntu on a laptop and desktop and got those options03:59
vividhazeWould it make a difference if I have 2 Hard Drives?03:59
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vividhazeerrpast_: the bit you can decide to manually partition or just use a whole HDD?03:59
errpast_vividhaze: yes, that bit shows up about 2 minutes in04:00
antisocial_borismy friend has just installed breezy but didnt configre the network when he did it, how does he do it once its installed?04:00
vividhazeI tried that, tried loads of those options and even manually wiped everything errpast_ :S04:00
errpast_vividhaze: I believe the MBR will be written to boot sector of hd0.  multiple disks are certainly ok04:00
vividhazeI only created /, /swap & /storage(my 2nd HDD)04:00
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DBOantisocial_boris, system -> administration -> networking04:01
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fyrestrtrStormx2: vncviewer: ConnectToTcpAddr: connect: Connection timed out Unable to connect to VNC server04:01
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Stormx2fyrestrtr: OK. he's forwarded it now hold on04:01
vividhazeyup it says its writing to hdo errpast_04:01
errpast_vividhaze: when you get error 22, does it appear to be coming from Grub?04:01
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vividhazeyup at boot it says Starting Grub stage 1.5, then GRUB, then below that Error 204:02
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errpast_vividhaze: let me poke around.  I believe I got that once.04:02
vividhazecool thanks errpast_ :)04:02
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rambo3vividhaze, and google search showed you that error 22 is ?04:03
vividhazerambo3 it didn't show me anything useful.04:03
antisocial_borisalso im having problems setting up other user accounts, i can make them but cant log in using the password i choose/ randomly generated04:03
inazadHi there, O've a keyboard problem... anyone can help me?04:03
errpast_vividhaze: try http://lists.trolltech.com/qt-interest/2004-07/thread00053-0.html04:03
fyrestrtrvividhaze: error 22 means grub isn't installed on the right drive.04:03
DBOvividhaze, can you look in your ubuntu drive and pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst (beginng of path may be slightly different depending on where your live cd mounted it)04:04
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neuroninazad: dont ask to ask, jst state your problem04:04
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CraiZEuhm, anyone knows how to map the XGL keys differently?04:05
inazadneuron, sorry04:05
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inazadI can't install my keyboard (Canadian Multilingual) ..  How ?04:05
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vividhazeDB0 how do i do that without having access to Ubuntu04:06
vividhazei'm quite new to Linux04:06
rambo3vividhaze, do you have live cd ?04:06
vividhazea Live CD of Kanotix only.04:06
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shadeofgreywhats up all04:06
rambo3is that debian based?04:06
vividhazeI'm on 56K, so will have to wait til i'm at work on Monday to download a Live CD, if thats the only way04:06
vividhazeyea I think it is rambo304:06
macuserondopeKantonix is based on knoppix.04:07
macuserondopewhich is based on debian.04:07
vividhazethanks macuserondope :)04:07
errpast_vividhaze: I thought you were using a Kanotix live CD to get in there04:07
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vividhazeyup I am.04:07
Trunkzone problem sof ar04:07
Trunkzso far*04:07
rambo3yeah well mount /dev/hda what ever iubuntu is on to /mnt/ubuntu/ chroot /mnt/ubuntu/ and do grub-install /dev/hda04:08
rambo3from live cd04:08
TrunkzFor some reason, ndiswrapper's compiling method is now thru some fakeroot command04:08
GTXHi, I'm running ubuntu as a server, now I have two network cards eth0 and eth1. eth1 is connected to the internet and eth0 is connected to the local network, when I bring both up they cancal each other out how do I fix this?04:08
Trunkzwhen I do that, I later get some pnp.o error at the end :o04:08
vividhazeok I'll try that now rambo304:08
Apostle^GTX: you can probably bind one to local only04:08
CraiZEanyone knows how to map the XGL keys differently?04:08
ayabarais there a kind of network connection wizard in ubuntu?04:08
GTXApostle^: explain what you mean04:08
Killgore_cedega for free?04:08
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Apostle^GTX: like set one just for LAN04:09
GTXApostle^: You mean bind one to LAN and one to inet04:09
Apostle^GTX: i suggest searching ubuntuforums.org04:09
GTXApostle^: I would search on there, but Im currently in the console of the server using irssi :P no gui04:09
GTXApostle^: so in /etc/network/interfaces I should set eth0 to LAN and eth1 to inet?04:09
neuronapt-get install links04:09
vividhazehow do I mount /dev/hda to /mnt/ubuntu04:09
Apostle^GTX: you can try it ye04:09
neuronGTX: apt-get install links04:09
GTXneuron: ?04:09
ayabaraI am at my parents this easter, but Ubuntu won't connect to their wlan04:10
neuronthis is a console baste web browser04:10
GTXApostle^: and the name is called LAN ?04:10
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rambo3vividhaze,  /dev/hda1 or 2 or where ubuntu is04:10
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kosnickhi all04:10
rambo3you cant mount /dev/hda04:10
Apostle^GTX: probably not one moment04:10
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GTXApostle^: Ok, thanks04:10
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CinIs there an apt-get for source codes?04:10
CraiZEApostle^: you got an idea how to change the XGL keys?04:10
vividhazeok so i'm typing in "mount /dev/hda1" first?04:10
vividhazeit says it isn't there04:10
Apostle^CraiZE: no04:10
delonnor i seem to have a problem... i am trying to compile mplayer, but during the configuration, it cannot seem to find my inttypes.h (i cannot either, to be quite honest), where do i find it?04:11
CraiZEthe other 2 chans about XGL are empty :(04:11
rambo3vividhaze, do df -l04:11
_jasondelonnor: you know mplayer is in the multiverse repository?04:11
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salahMaulkin :04:11
ompaulCraiZE, ask in #ubuntu+104:12
delonnor_jason: yes, i do...i just like to compile it, i tend to always do that04:12
vividhazedone rambo304:12
CraiZEi am there04:12
GTXApostle^: any luck finding name?04:12
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_jasondelonnor: are you compiling cvs?04:12
CraiZEits quiet :P04:12
vividhazeFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available04:12
vividhazeUse% Mounted on04:12
vividhaze/dev/root                 5887      1156      473104:12
vividhaze 20% /04:12
vividhaze/dev/hda                716070    716070         004:12
vividhaze100% /cdrom04:12
vividhaze/dev/loop0              711552    711552         0                     100% /KNOPPIX04:12
vividhaze/dev/hda                716070    716070         0                     100% /cdrom04:12
vividhaze/dev/loop0              711552    711552         0                     100% /KNOPPIX04:12
_jasonubotu: tell vividhaze about paste04:12
ompaulvividhaze, STOP NOW04:12
eggzecklearn how to use pastebin04:12
Apostle^GTX: what does your /etc/network/interfaces look like now04:12
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Trunkzhey folks, kinda having some problems compiling the latest stable release of ndiswrapper on breezy04:12
eggzeckvividhaze, learn how to use pastebin, I mean damn....04:13
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TrunkzIts spitting out a */pnp.o error04:13
Apostle^does anyone know how to map a network card to be LAN only ?04:13
gerhardgruess gott04:13
GTXApostle^: basiclay it has the two devices, in there. one is eth1 and one is eth0, but they both contain inet etc04:13
Loevborgdelonnor, http://packages.ubuntu.com/04:13
Apostle^GTX: try removing inet from one04:13
bluey!tell vividhaze about paste04:13
GTXApostle^: I have then it doesnt boot04:13
jim_uwow ubuntu is making this alot more difficult than it needs to be :(04:13
gerhardI have no sound in Ubuntu, not with any media Player etc04:13
gerhardand it is not muted04:13
vividhazeok I know now, won't do it again. :(04:13
Cingerhard, you on KDE?04:13
_jasongerhard: do you have sound with anything?04:13
gerhardwhat could be the prob?04:13
gerhardno gnome04:13
CinOh, okay.04:14
gerhardno sound anywhere04:14
jim_uIt ususally takes me about 1-2 mins to setup ldap auth and i've been doing this forever now04:14
Apostle^GTX: sorry man, you need somone who is better then me :-P04:14
GTXApostle^: :\04:14
rambo3vividhaze, fdisk -l  -u /dev/hda  and paste output to paster04:14
odatanyone have any experience with alien arena?04:14
Apostle^GTX: i just have no experience with two network cards04:14
delonnor_jason: as far as i know04:14
=== zaz [n=zaz@175.Red-217-125-107.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
GTXHi, I'm running ubuntu as a server, now I have two network cards eth0 and eth1. eth1 is connected to the internet and eth0 is connected to the local network, when I bring both up they cancal each other out how do I fix this?04:14
kosnickgerharrd : one prob i met at the begining was that there were no codes for mp3 and staff. maybe that works for you too04:14
_jasondelonnor: what does that mean?  where did you get the source :P04:15
Apostle^GTX: you know, you could just use one network card for both ..04:15
gerhardmay be04:15
Apostle^GTX: it wouldn't slow performance04:15
GTXApostle^: erm how?04:15
gerhardbut xmms should play those04:15
rambo3!tell vividhaze about paste04:15
Trunkzjust changed the fontsize to 1004:15
Trunkzmuch better xD04:15
gerhardshouldnt it?04:15
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GTXApostle^: The setup I have here, that would not work./04:15
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Apostle^GTX: just clean one out of the config file04:15
Apostle^GTX: ah04:15
kosnickgerhard: you have sound for them?04:15
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Apostle^GTX: no router?04:15
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gerhardi have no sound at all04:15
GTXApostle^: Im quite advanced in networking, The router is the whole server itself04:15
GTXJust dont know how to figure this problem out04:16
kosnickgerhard : do you have video>04:16
Apostle^GTX: let me search a minute04:16
gerhardyes i think so04:16
inazadHow I can read/write on my NTFS HD Extern (USB) of 250 GO ?04:16
vividhazeok did that, so now i past the URL of that page? - http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1176404:16
kosnickgerhard : give me one mimute plz04:16
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blueyGTX: which devices assigns ip's on your lan?04:16
neuroninazad: you cant04:16
gerharddont hurry, i have time04:16
Siph0ninazad: u can only read04:16
delonnor_jason: got it right from mplayerhq.hu04:16
Siph0ninazad: gotta edit \etc\fstab or sometin04:17
GTXbluey: Im not using dhcp04:17
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GTXThe server it self will assign the ips via ip4forwarding04:17
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inazadSiph0n, I know people who they can..04:17
blueyGTX: using a hub ?04:17
rambo3ok you cant repair nothing there, i guess you need to reinstall ubuntu04:17
GTXbluey: kind of, I need to figure out this problem with the two network cards thoe04:17
_jasondelonnor: so did you just download the tarball for v1.0pre7try2 right?  you didn't issue some cvs commands in a terminal?04:17
Siph0ninazad: well they are awesome then :) cause i keep hearing/reading that u cant :)04:17
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inazadhere its my /etc/fstab04:17
GTXOne goes into the modem, the second goes into the local netweork bluey04:17
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inazadproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       004:18
inazad/dev/hda5       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       104:18
inazad/dev/hda4       /home           ext3    defaults        0       204:18
inazad/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults        0       004:18
inazad/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs    defaults        0       004:18
inazad/dev/hda3       none            swap    sw              0       004:18
inazad/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       004:18
neuronahha :D04:18
GTXinazad: SHUT UP04:18
inazad/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       004:18
rambo3+m and rtfm in topic quick!04:18
inazadGTX, what is ur prob ?04:18
salah_I am facing problem to do C prog in Ubuntu Terminal04:18
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vividhazerambo3: I've reinstalled it loads of times with different settings :)  I'll try again though.04:18
_jasoninazad: please use a pastebin http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:18
blueyGTX: they are related. You need to setup each net.eth interface to use it's own ip address04:18
GTXinazad: You dont paste things in the channel04:18
kosnickgerhard : maybe this is something that works for you , check this out http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#codecs04:18
odat anyone have any experience with alien arena?04:18
neuroninazad: that wasnt realy necesarry04:18
ompaulinazad, you do not paste in this channel use the pastebin as suggested by _jason that is considered spamming04:18
GTXbluey: it does already.. but they still clash04:18
kosnickgerhard : it is about codecs04:18
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riomercIs there a specific place to ask abotu nethack-related problems?04:18
rambo3vividhaze,  do you install it at first partition04:18
inazadI don't know sorry04:19
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rambo3or the whole disk04:19
ompaulinazad, you do now :-)04:19
blueyGTX: if you have setup the ifconfig_ and default gateway on each interface it shouldn't be a problem04:19
kosnickgerhard ?04:19
ompaultell inazad about pastebin04:19
Siph0ninazad: i think u gotta put something besides "defaults"04:19
riomercIs there a specific place to ask abotu nethack-related problems?04:19
blueyGTX: ifconfig, pastebin the results04:19
GTXbluey: The local eth0 device doesnt have a default gateway of course becauses its the hub.04:19
vividhazeI'm not 100% sure rambo3, I set / to the first partition on the first drive and then /swap as well.04:19
GTXbluey: I cant im in console04:19
delonnor_jason: ... i ./configured it04:19
vividhazethen click finish and it starts installing.04:19
ayabarashouldn't ubuntu connect to an available open wireless network by itself (the only available network...)04:19
Apostle^GTX: if you had a GUI you could use firestarter to do this easil04:19
inazadmy ntfs is sda1 (USB HD)04:19
blueyGTX: links/lynx/elinks + gpm04:20
GTXApostle^: I would never use that crap :P04:20
rambo3vividhaze, do you plan on installing win on that hd too?04:20
Apostle^GTX: firestarter works perfectly ..04:20
vividhazenope, no more windows for me.04:20
riomercI need a little help04:20
GTXbluey: Its a pain as I have to exit irssi every time i do this, You got any suggestions? in /etc/network/interfaces both devices have inet in them. is there one for the local network?04:20
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void^firestarter does work, but it does have a number of caveeats.04:20
kosnickgerhard : got it?04:20
riomercis there a specific place for asking about nethack problems?04:20
Apostle^void^: such as?04:21
=== inc|freaky [n=alpha@pD9E9E4AC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
AljoshaNLI've got a question about flight 6 where can I ask it?04:21
Siph0ninazad : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155368&highlight=mount+ntfs04:21
blueyGTX: ctrl + alt + 1-9 to switch consoles or use screen04:21
Siph0nthat thread talks bout write support on ntfs04:21
_jasondelonnor: ok... 'll assume you are using v1.0pre7try2 .  Can you pastebin the output?04:21
salahHow can i do C prog in Ubuntu Terminal04:21
gerhard_can you qry me?04:21
rambo3then let ubuntu partition for you , if you dont know , else you have to set / to fist partition format it as xt3 make it bootable. make  swap  and thats it04:21
GTXbluey: as i said ages ago im using server, I dont have GUI or X04:21
ompaulinazad, looks like hda2 might be used for swap please paste the output of free into pastebin04:21
inazadSiph0n, I'll read it, plz wait me04:21
kosnickgerhard_ : i didn't ment you , there is some other gerhard (not gerhar_)04:21
vividhazerambo3: I can get SuSE 9.2 Personal to install and work ok, so I'm messing about atm to see if I can get Ubuntu working is all.  Windows sucks.04:21
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void^Apostle^: issues with some sysloggers, and the sheer number of unnecessary default rules are what annoy me the most usually04:21
blueyGTX: yes, are you listening to what i'm saying, these are all cli apps?04:21
AljoshaNLWere can I ask a question about flight 6???04:21
_jasonsalah: install build-eseential, write the C source code, save it as file.c, then do 'gcc -o file file.c', then run ./file04:21
kosnickc y04:22
ompaulSiph0n, there is also the factiod the bot has !ntfs and have a look04:22
GTXbluey: I'll install screen in a moment, but you got any ideas what the configuration is for a local setting instead of inet04:22
CinHm. Coming from a FBSD perspective on getting packages as source that you compile, is there a way I can get the source of a particular program (like Konsole) in that sense? So I can basically check out the source, edit something and do make install?04:22
ubotusomebody said ntfs was the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:22
Apostle^void^: i like it :-P04:22
riomercexuse me04:22
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delonnor_jason: ... how do i pastebin...? just copy and paste?04:22
AljoshaNLWere can I ask a question about flight 6???04:22
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odat anyone have any experience with alien arena?04:22
Siph0nawesome thanx ompaul04:22
vividhazeok I'll have a fiddle about with the settings rambo3, thanks for trying to help anyway. :)04:22
jim_ualright the amount of time i'm wasting on something that should be extremely simple.. i could have gentoo installed and running. is there any reccormended ldap authentication documentation that will get this going because everything i've followed ended up with it not working and no usable error messages04:22
inc|freakyhi all. im trying to get ubuntu running on my laptop. but it hangs at "starting hotplug" now i know i have to write something into a file on the harddrive. (blacklist) when rebooting in rescue mode with the CD, and trying to mount the HDD, it says: mounting failed: invalid argument. i did: mount -t ext3 /dev/sda3 /target/ can someone help me please?04:22
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_jasondelonnor: yeah just copy and apste to http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give us a link04:22
blueyGTX: without knowing the results of ifconfig i couldn't comment on your setup04:22
kosnickgerhard : still here?04:22
salah_jason: how can I build essential04:22
blueyGTX: or lspci04:22
_jasonsalah: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential'04:22
eizesusHi all, how do i install Internet Explorer for wine?04:23
riomercexuse me all04:23
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_jasonriomerc: just ask04:23
rambo3eizesus, ask in #winehq04:23
inazadBUt now, I see my External HD04:23
riomercis there a specific place for asking abotu nethack?04:23
TraeI guess my new cable is working04:23
inazadbut I don't have the read only access04:23
inazadO don't have the minimum...04:23
smoCin: apt-get source <package> .. change what you need, then within the source root, 'debian/rules binary' will chew for a while, then spit out a .deb you can install like normal04:23
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salah_jason: Thanks. How about Java prog?04:23
Cinsmo, thanks man. :D04:24
_jasonsalah: ah don't know, don't do java04:24
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TraeI retract that statement04:24
delonnor_jason: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1176604:24
fromvegaHello, is there any FTP GUI in Ubuntu?04:24
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eizesusjoin #winehq04:24
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salah_jason: Haha funny ans04:24
Siph0nfromvega: yes... i forget the name tho lol :)04:24
riomercis there a specific place for asking abotu nethack?04:24
Cinsmo, it's getting to the point where I want a feature on a prog. but if I request it, you know it's gunna take a long time for it to be added to the main proj.04:24
Siph0ninazad: good luck,.... i gotta go shower and stuff04:24
fromvegaSiph0n: but can I download it through apt-get? There is a ftp client installed here, but I think it's not a GUI04:25
salah_jason: How can i setup media player.04:25
riomercis there a specific place for asking abotu nethack?04:25
ompaulsmo, care to add that to the wiki or find it in the factoids so that it can be pointed to (we need that kind of thing :-))04:25
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GTXBack, I'm on screen now04:25
riomercIs there a specific place for asking about nethack?04:25
_jasonsalah: there are a few to choose from, totem-gstreamer, totem-xine, gxine, xine-ui, mplayer, vlc... which one?04:25
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riomerc_jason: Is there a specific place for asking about nethack?04:26
_jasondelonnor: the version of mplayer you have only compiles with gcc-3.4 iirc.  Have you install gcc-3.4?04:26
salah_jason: To play songs from Online04:26
GTXI'm currently on a server which is using ubuntu, it only has console, Im trying to configure two devices, eth0 and eth1, eth0 is connected to the local network, eth1 is connected to the internet. When both interfaces are up they both cancal each other out and either the internet works or the local network works. not both at the same time, how can I fix this?04:26
_jasonsalah: I like mplayer the best04:26
_jasonubotu: tell salah about mplayer04:26
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kbrooksriomerc: #nethack04:26
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delonnoryes i have04:27
ubuntuwhat's the default password for root in the ubuntu live CD???04:27
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hyperactivecrond!tell ubuntu about rootsudo04:27
AljoshaNLhow can I import evolution data into Kontact?04:27
salah_jason: Actually I tried both site u provided me04:27
hyperactivecrondubuntu: there is none04:27
Hobbseeompaul: sorry, had to sign out to concentrate.  code works though04:27
ompaulGTX you say cancel each other out do you mean they both get the same ip?04:27
ubuntuhyperactivecrond: I have no X so I cant check sites :\04:27
_jasondelonnor: sudo aptitude install build-essential gcc-3.4, you need both of those to build it04:28
salah_jason: I got stuck on skin and font installation problem04:28
Frogzoowhat's the record for number of times to recompile wine to get WoW to work?04:28
GTXompaul: No, They both dont get the same IP. the eth0 has a local area ip, and the eth1 has a different ip.04:28
hyperactivecrondubuntu: there is no root pass04:28
_jasonsalah: k, install mplayer-fonts for the font problem.  then put your skin error on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and give me a link please04:28
rob_pGTX:  Make certain that only the 'Net connected interface has a gateway listed in /etc/network/interfaces.04:28
ubuntuhow can I act like root so?04:28
ompaulGTX so that box is now a router04:28
_jasonubuntu: the root account is locked, you use sudo instead.  So for nano as root you do: 'sudo nano'04:29
uboturumour has it, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:29
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GTXrob_p: both are listed. If eth0 ( the local area connection ) isnt listed then how will people access the local one?04:29
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GTXompaul: correct04:29
AljoshaNLhow can I import evolution data into Kontact?04:29
odatanyone have any experience with alien arena?04:29
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sHaDedomani barra AN04:30
rob_pGTX:  People (local LAN) will use eth0 (in this case) as THEIR default gateway.04:30
hyperactivecrondsHaDe: ?04:30
GTXrob_p: Thats correct.04:30
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GTXrob_p: But if its not in /etc/network/interfaces then it wont work./.04:30
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rob_pGTX:  As long as it is connected to the LAN and also within the same network segment, they will be able to access it.04:31
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LeeJunFanokay, I give up, I'm going back to windows. For some reason mesa GL drivers are loaded according to fglrxinfo, even though I've checked paths with ldd and it's using the right ones, removed all the mesa GL libs manually, still says mesa gl vendor.04:31
GTXrob_p: But where would I configure the ip for eth0 etc??04:31
ygetartsonwhats the specification for the ubuntu newsfeed to add in opera?04:31
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LeeJunFanyeah, like that'll happen :) but it is annoying.04:31
ygetartsonthe url04:31
ygetartsonor what04:31
delonnor_jason: ty...i know i forgot somwthing!04:31
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rob_pGTX:  I didn't say remove it from /etc/network/interfaces!04:31
GTXrob_p: What do you mean then, what needs to be removed :S04:31
ubuntu_jason: nano is a text editor right? ..04:32
_jasonubuntu: yes04:32
hyperactivecrondLeeJunFan: what kind of vidcard did u have?04:32
rob_pGTX:  I said make sure that your settings for eth0 do NOT have a gateway listed in /etc/network/interfaces.04:32
ubuntu_jason: what I suppose to do with it?04:32
_jasonubuntu: nothing, it was just an example04:32
GTXrob_p: Yes thats correct it doesnt have a gateway listed. Only eth1 has the gateway listed.04:32
LeeJunFanhyperactivecrond: 980004:32
rob_pGTX:  Only the 'Net connected interface should have a gateway listed.04:32
ubuntuI want to mount a dev.. So i must be root04:32
ubotu[ati]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358904:32
ubuntuhow can I do that?04:32
GTXrob_p: Thats correct, thats what Ive got at the moment04:32
hyperactivecrondfollowed this?04:32
ubuntusudo mount ... ?04:32
_jasonubuntu: you but sudo before the command... same as nano04:32
LeeJunFanhyperactivecrond: actually lspci says 9600, but it's a 980004:33
_jasonubuntu: yep04:33
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ygetartsonsomeone here who reads the ubuntu rss feed?04:33
L28Hi, aren't sounds supposed to work on flash-movies on ubuntu?04:33
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rob_pGTX:  In order to help you further, I'm afraid we'll need to see the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file.04:33
GTXrob_p: how can I show it? through the console :S04:33
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hyperactivecrond!tell GTX about pastebin04:33
odat anyone have any experience with alien arena?04:33
GTXhyperactivecrond: Im in the console not gui04:33
GTXrob_p: I've got an idea ill upload it04:34
blueyGTX: are you hard of hearing?, gpm, and pastebin04:34
rob_pGTX:  There are command-line utils out there which allow you to pipe the output of commands to a pastebin.04:34
_jasonhow can I make checkinstall create a deb but not install the package?  I can't find an option04:34
blueyGTX: links/elinks/lynx + gpm -> connect to a pastebin site then paste, it's not rocket science04:34
kbrooksbluey: be nice04:35
GTXbluey: do I need a mouse for that?04:35
rob_pGTX:  Unfortunately, the one I use had to be modified to work with my pastebin otherwise I'd just have you download it.04:35
=== Newbie16 [n=tobias@pD9548A28.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
kbrooksgtx: yes04:35
=== delonnor [n=delonnor@p54AEF803.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GTXbluey: I dont have a mouse...04:35
blueykbrooks: hes repeatly asking the same questions, which i already answered04:35
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sgt-dykeHow can i play battlefield under linux04:35
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kbrooksbluey: irrevelant04:35
kbrooksbluey: be nice04:35
DBOsgt-dyke, you could try cedega04:35
acid-tripok how do i install apache04:36
acid-tripwhen i sudo apt-get install apache04:36
acid-tripit don't work04:36
_jasonubotu: tell acid-trip about lamp04:36
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kbrooksdbo: not free04:36
=== _mark [n=mark@pool-71-98-86-6.ipslin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
Newbie16I have an Gforce 6200 and Dapper flight 6!! ust i use glx or glx-legacy??04:36
sgt-dykeokay DBO apt-get cedega ???04:36
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Killgore_DBO: please explain how to get cedega without paying. I know im cheap but04:36
_jasonacid-trip: do you get errors by any chance?04:36
blueyGTX: you don't have a single mouse anywhere?04:36
GTXrob_p: I dont suspose you have an ftp I could upload it to do you? just for a few minutes04:36
DBOkbrooks, compile from CVS is free04:36
GTXbluey: no, I'm in a datacentre04:36
_jasonacid-trip: want to tell me :P04:36
_jasonacid-trip: if it's long, use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/04:36
Killgore_DBO: ive read there is a lot of problems with compiling it. Do they still exist?04:36
acid-tripi got it04:37
DBOKillgore_, yep04:37
Newbie16Huhu?? Gforce 6200 GLX or GLX-Legacy paket?04:37
acid-tripi had to sudo apt-get install apache204:37
acid-tripforgot the two04:37
_markI installed the motorola 56k driver and still have no modem I ran lsmod and nothing shows up as far as the modem any ideas would be great04:37
rob_pGTX:  I do but it does not allow anonymous access.04:37
_jasonacid-trip: yeah apache2 is in main, apache is only in universe04:37
odat anyone have any experience with alien arena?04:37
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Killgore_DBO: so would it be worth "finding" the .deb files for it?04:37
DBOKillgore_, dont pirate it04:38
kosnick_mark : got modem DRIVER problems or modem connection probs?04:38
=== jug777 [n=brian@host-69-145-208-240.chy-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
Killgore_DBO: oooh but i want to04:38
rob_pGTX:  I gotta split... didn't realize the time!  Once you get the contents of your /etc/network/interfaces file to a publicly accessible location, I'm sure someone here will be able to help you.  Wish I could stay... gotta run.  Good luck.04:38
DBOKillgore_, well Im not telling you how04:38
_markkosnick: driver problems04:38
GTXIs there anyone here which can lend me an ftp account for two secs, which I can upload to and paste a link in here04:38
Newbie16Can somebody help me???04:38
DBONewbie16, sure, whats the problem?04:38
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GTXrob_p: The only thing which I think might be wrong in /etc/network/interfaces is that they both have inet in them04:39
MenZaNewbie16: stating the problem would be a good start.04:39
kosnick_mark : ok , i had some connections probs and maybe i could help you but nothing bout drivers04:39
GTXrob_p: is there one for local or something04:39
_markkosnick: wvdial doesn't see it nor dose the lsmod show it04:39
AljoshaNLhow can I import evolution data into Kontact?04:39
_markkosnick: ok thanks though04:39
Newbie16DBO i have an Gforce 6200 and flight cd 6 !! but i dont know glx  ore glx-legacy04:39
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)04:39
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
=== shadeofgrey is away: Away
=== delonnor is now known as _delonnor
_markdoes anyone know of a great site to learn setserial04:40
rob_pGTX:  Yes.  They should say something along the lines of, "iface eth0 inet static" or dhcp depending on your network.04:40
GTXrob_p: Yeah they both say along the lines of that, but should the eth0 ( local network ) not have inet in it but something elser?04:41
Trae_mark: --^04:41
Traefrom google04:41
rob_pGTX:  No.  It should be similar.04:41
=== jobli [n=jobli@h13n1fls310o291.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
GTXrob_p: I havnt got a clue whats wrong then everything looks fine :\04:42
=== intuos_pen wonders why computer companies must always have to put "<insert company name here> recoomends microsoft windows <9x/NT/2k/XP/[and soon vista?] >.
=== boredaz [n=brent@166-179-21-13.jamamobile.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
DBObecause the do04:42
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rob_pGTX:  Again, pastebin it and ask for help.  Gotta split.  Good luck!04:42
=== delonnor [n=delonnor@p54AEF803.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GTXrob_p: I cant pastebin it :(!04:43
AljoshaNLbecause they get paid to advertise :P04:43
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kingspawnintuos_pen: money04:43
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intuos_penkingspawn: microsoft pays them just to include that string on their sites?04:44
DBOintuos_pen, you got it04:44
DBOits called advertising04:45
AljoshaNLit sucks04:45
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b aanwezig_!*@*] by Seveas
Jimmey__How do I play DVDs? I have the proper libraries set up, but Totem wont play.04:45
AljoshaNLhave you registered them?04:45
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AljoshaNLand are you sure they are for the right version of gstr04:46
AljoshaNLi m leaving04:46
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AljoshaNLsee you04:46
=== SilversS [n=miro@83-131-17-13.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
intuos_pennow that ubuntu is properly installed and configured i wonder what to do next.04:46
CraiZEwhat is the altGR equivalent tag (like <alt>) for gconf-editor ?04:47
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=== intuos_pen ponders about learning python.
=== AljoshaNL [n=aljoshan@66-226.surfsnel.dsl.internl.net] has left #ubuntu ["Kopete]
DBOintuos_pen, if you are a first time coder, its a good language.  its almost like writing psuedo-code04:47
_jasonhow can I make checkinstall create a deb but not install the package?  I can't find an option04:48
=== [SEAWOLF] [n=seawolf@host178-25.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
ESPOiGneone here tried xubuntu 6.06/4 and found probelms with grub installer ?04:48
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)04:48
=== stgilbert [n=sttgilbe@stjhts18c140.nbnet.nb.ca] has joined #ubuntu
jim_umy ldap authentication died on both of my ubuntu boxes, whats going on!04:49
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CraiZEwhat is the altGR equivalent tag (like <alt>) for gconf-editor ?04:50
CraiZEanyone? :(04:51
Traethis gnome-xchat sucks04:51
Traein dapper-drake04:51
ESPOiGTrae: y?04:51
ESPOiGi just use xhat04:51
TraeESPOiG: heh04:51
=== fredforfaen [n=Morrari@216-132-165.0502.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #ubuntu
CraiZEyou can install xchat04:52
CraiZEyou are using ex-chat like me04:52
Traeregular xchat isn't in universe04:52
CraiZEi will switch in a min too04:52
CraiZEit is04:52
Traeroot@flight6:~# apt-cache search xchat04:53
Traexchat-gnome - a new frontend to the popular X-Chat IRC client04:53
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CraiZEdefo is04:53
CraiZEi just installed it04:53
CraiZEand ran it04:53
=== MeTa[2] _ [n=sajt@dsl54009F98.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
_markok I ran lspci to get the irq of the modem then ran setserial to show all the serial devices and there is none at the irq found any ideas or could it be the modem is dead?04:54
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gopiHi all, Whats the channel for general Ubuntu question?? #ubuntu-offtopic04:55
ompaulCraiZE, please do not use the enter key after a short line, please put all your thoughts on one line, thanks04:56
=== brian_ [n=brian@host-69-145-208-240.chy-wy.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulgopi, in general its here04:56
ompaulgopi, unless its a policy thing04:56
gopiok.. like I am going to present a ppt session call on Ubuntu Topic... Can anyone give a good suggestion please ?04:56
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ompaulgopi, that is for #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-marketing04:57
CraiZEhow can i disable the red line in xchat?04:57
Frogzoogopi: OO impress with a light pro04:57
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CraiZEokay fixed04:57
drcodehi all04:57
CraiZEnevermind :)04:57
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gopiFrogzoo: light pro ??04:58
jug777how do i open a .rpm file04:58
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Frogzoogopi: projector04:58
_jasonjug777: you avoid them.  What are you trying to install?04:58
Dr_Willisive used 'mc' to view the contents of a rpm file.04:58
cybdebcan someone help me with sharing Internet?04:58
ompauljug777, you should not have to on Ubuntu, what is it you want to install?04:58
MenZaWhere can I find more 'widgets' to add to the panels?04:58
jug777AVg ?04:58
Dr_WillisOr you can use a script mentioned on the 'advance bash scripting guide' to 'extract' them to a directory structure04:58
drcodeI am looking for software that can fillter voice from room in microphone04:59
drcodeany idea?04:59
FrogzooMenZa: right click task bar -> add to panel04:59
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_mark_jason: could that be why my modem is not working cuz the driver is in rpm form I had to convert it and then install it04:59
gopiFrogzoo: But its not a projector one... its a session that I need to take only through phone and everyone will my ppt in their systems :)04:59
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ompauljug777, as in the anti virus software?04:59
MenZaFrogzoo: I know - but where do I find more things?04:59
MenZaI love widgets :D04:59
MenZawidgets, gadgets, whatever - <304:59
_jason_mark: maybe, have you seen the ubuntu wiki on dialup?04:59
ompauljug777, why would you want that on linux?04:59
FrogzooMenZa: apt-cache search applet   ;)04:59
=== lestatslair [i=lestatsl@Montreal-ppp49203.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
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_mark_jason: no is it big?05:00
_jasonubotu: tell _mark about dialup05:00
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ompauljug777, rpm files can break your ubuntu in new and intersting ways05:00
MenZaFrogzoo: Err...?05:00
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_jason_mark: you probably want to give yourself about an hour if you haven't done it before05:00
jug777ok thanks for the tip, new to linux just trying to learn my way around05:01
MenZaFrogzoo: If displays hundreds of applications, or "applets"05:01
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ompauljug777, I'll have the bot send you a message you can look at that web page and it will make your linux experience easier05:02
maryssawho's french?05:02
_mark_jason: ok but I don't think its ganna help I have a winmodem and its only source as far as a driver is in the rpm pkg05:02
lestatslairi have a question regarding ubuntu.. im trying to install modem drivers, the instructions i have gotten from the ubuntu site tell me to make clean, when i type that in it tells me command not found05:02
_jason_mark: I think the dialup page covers most brands, you should take a look05:02
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:02
jim_ui have ldap able to connect and search for stuff, but nss won't authenticate against ldap-, i'm new to debian/ubuntu and without it giving me any output whatsoever in any log file relevent to this i have no idea how to debug the problem, i'm trying to get central authentication working. i configured and followed the howto to setup client ldap authentication. every box is working fine with the ldap server, this one won't work.05:02
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ubotuI heard hardware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport05:02
Dr_Willislestatslair,  if compiling stuff you need to have some of the developer packages installed - and 'build-essential'05:03
_mark_jason: reading now thanks05:03
boggiex64question:  does anyone know how to boot into Run Level 3 rather then 5?05:04
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Dr_Willisboggiex64,  ubuntu defaults to 2 - i thought.05:04
Traedoes Ubuntu use kdm now?05:04
lestatslairok.. i can add them from the cd then Dr_Willis?05:04
boggiex64love ubuntu except for that05:04
Dr_Willisboggiex64,  at the grub menu - hit 'e' to edit the line, and put a '5' or 3' or whatever on the end05:04
Frogzooboggiex64: actually in ubuntu default runlevel is 2 - man inittab is what you need05:04
_jasonTrae: you can if you want05:04
Trae_jason: I don't want to05:04
_jasonTrae: then don't, gmd is default :)05:05
jim_udoes anyone have any clue about this stupid ldap stuff, i'm quite frustrated now05:05
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
boggiex64ok didn know ubuntu defaults to 205:05
Dr_Willislestatslair,  proberly - or apt-get them from the internet05:05
Trae_jason: just wondering what was up with the cheesy theme in gdm drake05:05
Traejust figured it was kdm05:05
Traecourse, kde doesn't have the market cornered on crappy themes05:05
_jasonTrae: I haven't tried it yet, but I saw a screenshot and I think it's just a joke while at the same time reminding people it's devel05:05
lestatslairok thanks05:05
Trae_jason: heh05:06
lestatslairalso. is there a prog out that wil play mp3s in ubunto?05:06
=== ves [n=ves@cpc4-john1-0-0-cust233.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonubotu: tell lestatslair about mp305:06
acid-tripdoes anyone know how to format and permantly mount a hdd through commandline?05:06
boggiex64make sure you use the multiverse repos05:06
intuos_penlestatslair: xmms.05:06
intuos_penlestatslair: be sure to download lame.05:07
DBOacid-trip, are you familiar with vi or nano?05:07
=== dan [n=dshufelt@c-24-20-230-249.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
acid-tripDBO, i use both05:07
lestatslairok thanks05:07
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DBOacid-trip, you will have to make an entry in /etc/fstab so that the drive gets mounted each time, as for the format you can use the fdisk command05:08
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mweacid-trip: acid-trip use cfdisk to create a partition. then make a file system on it with mkfs.filesystem05:08
dudawho espeak english05:08
=== Scarborough [n=dennis@84-217-59-123.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #ubuntu
mweacid-trip: then update /etc/fstab05:08
intuos_pendamn, this $100 samsonite (made in china) laptop bag isn't worth it's price.05:08
dudawho sajk spnish05:08
MenZaFrogzoo: I assume I have to restart X to make those appear?05:08
ubotumount is probably the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:08
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Dr_Willis05:08
dudawho speak spnish05:09
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Scarboroughwhat plugin do I need to see quicktime videos in firefox?05:09
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:09
=== intuos_pen wonders whats a good sysadmin scripting tool for ubunti (python or perl).
DBOScarborough, mplayer-mozilla05:09
_jasonScarborough: and w32codecs05:09
MenZaAfter having installed applets for the GNOME panel, do I need to restart X to make them appear in my Panels-menu?05:09
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mweintuos_pen: sysadmin scriting tool?05:09
Dr_WillisMenZa,  i never noticed needing to do that.05:10
Scarborough_jason: can I find them in synaptic?05:10
_jasonubotu: tell Scarborough about mplayer05:10
MenZaDr_Willis: well, none of the ones I've downloaded (plenty) have appeared.05:10
_jasonubotu: tell Scarborough about w32codecs05:10
MenZaWait. Here they are.05:10
Dr_WillisMenZa,  log out/backin then i guess05:10
delonnorScarborough: yes05:10
MenZaDr_Willis: Thank you :)05:10
Dr_Willisthats 'logical' :P05:10
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aajajsorry all...but how do i compile i cvs i downloaded (just started linux two days ago)05:11
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aajaji type "make"05:11
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aajajnothing happens05:11
MenZaaajaj: no reason to apologize.05:11
_jasonaajaj: what are you trying to compile?05:11
Dr_Williscvs is a rather large topic. :P05:11
aajajim trying to run dvb on xine05:11
=== Nick-Sp [n=nobody@200-171-190-143.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #Ubuntu
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aajaji downloaded the tar file for ffmpeg05:12
_jasonaajaj: you need build-essential to compile stuff05:12
aajajextracted it05:12
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intuos_penmwe, yeah sysadmin scripting tool.05:12
aajaji think i have those05:12
acid-tripmwe, when i cfdisk my other drive doesn't appear05:12
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mweaajaj: doest it come with a README or INSTALL file?05:12
_jason!info ffmpeg05:12
Kork_hi, maybe someone could help me with a problem05:12
aajajit does05:12
ubotuffmpeg: (multimedia player, server and encoder), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 3:0.cvs20050918-4ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 3880 kB, Installed size: 9776 kB05:12
_jasonaajaj: it is in the repos though05:12
mweacid-trip: what device is it? you should sudo cfdisk /dev/whatever05:13
dudahola Nick-Sp05:13
aajajim sorry , im not following what u r saying05:13
=== Pupeno [n=pupeno@80-102-194-28.bcn1.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
Kork_some spambot keeps sending authorise requests in gaim an blockind does not work05:13
mweacid-trip: dmesg will help you determine if you don't know05:13
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aajaj!info xine05:13
mweintuos_pen: what is that?05:14
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PupenoIs there any way to have two clock applets with different time zones (like in KDE) ? (in Gnome I mean)05:14
acid-tripok mwe  i sudo cfdisk /dev/hdd05:14
acid-tripnow what05:14
=== joan [n=joan@153.Red-83-51-35.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
aajajso this "make" command..what is it05:14
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mweacid-trip: is that the second hard drive?05:14
acid-tripyeah it's my second hard drive05:15
_jasonaajaj: totem-xine, xine-ui, and gxine are in the repositories05:15
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acid-tripi have it formatted and the partition set up05:15
mweacid-trip: make a partition type 8305:15
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aajajyes i got xine to play all sorts of things05:15
intuos_penmwe: a scripting tool to automate system administration tasks.05:15
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acid-tripok then what05:15
aajajbut when i try stdin://mpeg2 it gives me a demuxer error05:15
inazadHi, I want to install a downloaded theme. How ?05:15
mweintuos_pen: just make a script and make it run with cron05:16
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MenZainazad: drag it into your theme palette, System -> Preferences -> Themes and select Theme Details. Then choose the component you installed.05:16
Eleafhi hi05:16
boggiex64so do I have to press 'e' and switch to runlevel 3 every time? if I have to I'll just stick with booting pressing <Ctrl>+<Alt>+F1 and loging in as root then killall gdm05:17
_jasonaajaj: did you install ffmpeg maybe?05:17
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aajaji did install it05:17
inazadMenZa, ok wait me05:17
Eleafacid-trip, hi05:17
mwe!tell intuos_pen about cron05:17
acid-tripmwe, how do i set the file system as ext3?05:17
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Sonderbladewhen will dapper be released?05:17
aajaj!info demuxer05:17
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yohani have a really quick question: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=902007#post90200705:18
_jasonaajaj: how about this stuff http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies05:18
yohandoes anyone have a recommended nfo viewer btw?05:18
inazadMenZa, error, file type invalid...05:18
boggiex64to use ext3 your part has to be reformatted05:18
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MenZainazad: what file are you attempting to install?05:18
acid-tripgot it now05:18
=== acid-trip kicks himself
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inazadMenZa, linuxtechnology-default-0.6x.tar.gz05:18
MenZainazad: could you link me to the source?05:19
inazadk wait05:19
mweacid-trip: you don't with cfdisk. that only makes a partition. use mkfs.ext2 to make the filesystem05:19
TrunkzHaving some problems with compilin ndiswrapper05:19
MenZa(wherever you got it from, kde-look.org etc.)05:19
Trunkzcan anyone help me here? :)05:19
mweacid-trip: read man mkfs first05:19
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acid-tripmwe, i got it05:19
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=== Rug [n=rug@dyn216-8-163-194.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu
RugHowdy all05:19
MenZalo Rug05:19
inazadMenZa, http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/linuxtechnology/05:19
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aajajim trying this steamtuner right now05:20
=== joan [n=joan@153.Red-83-51-35.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
RugIs it possible to use a debian server as an apt-proxy host for Ubuntu?  (Googling implies the answer is no)05:20
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Trunkzndiswrapper keeps crashing when its compiling pnp.o :o05:20
Trunkzwhat can I do about this?05:21
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inazadMenZa, but the package I wanna install is -> http://themes.freshmeat.net/projects/kernelcode/05:21
IdleOneRug, it is possible but not recommended05:21
ubotuazureus is, like, totally, a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo05:21
MenZainazad: I can't help you with that one, sorry.05:21
aajaji still get this error when i run xone05:21
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inazadMenZa, u runnign ubuntu, right?05:21
RugIdleOne: Thanks.05:21
aajajxine: "there is no demuxer plugin available"05:21
IdleOneRug, chances are the package you want is in ubuntu repos05:21
aajajto handle "stdin://mpeg2"05:22
=== gaz- [n=gaz@cpc1-runc3-4-1-cust25.bagu.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOneRug, packages.ubuntu.com or apt-cache search packagename or use synaptic05:22
=== SOMNIVM [n=ABORT@adsl-82-101-15-219.b3g-telecom.com] has joined #ubuntu
RugAll the packages I want are in the repos.   I have 4 systems that I need to install.  I wanted to use apt-proxy to speed-up the install05:22
ChristopherI need help with the clock. The seconds are going by extremely fast05:22
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IdleOneRug,  oh Im sorry I misunderstod05:23
_jasonaajaj: is there a file available online somewhere that causes that so i can see if it happens ehre too?05:23
RugChristopher: Life gets like that when you get older05:23
=== [cro] smiley [n=smiley@83-131-76-222.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Christopher lol05:23
yohandoes anyone have a recommended nfo viewer btw?05:23
Rugyohan: nano05:23
ChristopherNo i mean the seconds are moving really fast05:23
Christopherlike 105:23
=== Khisanth [n=Khisanth@pool-71-247-58-45.nycmny.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOneChristopher, dont do that please it will get you banned05:24
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Christopherif ok05:24
aajaj_jason: thanks05:24
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TraeCraiZE, heh, you were right05:24
[cro] smileyhow to remove directory from console?05:24
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TraeCraiZE, it helps if you apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade05:24
_jason[cro] smiley: rmdir if it is empty, otherwise rm -r05:24
IdleOneChristopher, are you saying that the clock is ticking faster then it should?05:24
[cro] smiley_jason, thanx a lot :)05:24
_jasonubotu: tell [cro] smiley about cli05:24
mustardhi just crossed over from windows i am a linux newbie05:24
IdleOneChristopher, lmao how is that possible05:25
Trunkz_jason, I'm having problems with compiling ndiswrapper 1.12 (stable). It keeps crashing when trying to compile pnp.o05:25
ChristopherI dont know05:25
_jasonubotu: tell Trunkz about ndiswrapper05:25
acid-tripis ubuntu really secure?05:25
Trunkzthat doesnt help :p05:25
_jasonTrunkz: I've never done it, so I can't help much more than giving you the wiki link05:25
IdleOneChristopher, /set mode Christopher time_slow_down lol05:25
Trunkzokeh, thanks :D05:25
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Trunkzanyone else here who can help me? :)05:25
IdleOneChristopher, I have never heard of anything like that but who knows05:26
erg0t_hi fellow ubuntuers =)05:26
Rugacid-trip: compared to what?  Commodore-Vic 20:  No  WinXP:  yes05:26
mustardhow can i browse files in my windows partition from linux05:26
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonubotu: tell mustard about ntfs05:26
IdleOne!tell mustard about samba05:26
kronozmustard: ntfs kernel module05:26
FrogzooTrunkz: which gcc version r u using?05:26
Christopheri set it for 11:00 about 5 minutes ago and it shows its 11:3305:26
mustarderr? im a complete nub05:26
dabaR_IdleOne: you are off the ball05:26
IdleOneTrunkz, sudo apt-get install  build-essential05:26
dabaR_mustard: read private messages from ubotu, and links.05:27
IdleOnedabaR_, ???05:27
mustardkk ty:)05:27
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dabaR_IdleOne: first wrong info to Rug, then to mustard :P05:27
erg0t_when i installed ubuntu, it automatically mounted my windows partitions as rw with no prob...05:27
IdleOnedabaR_, enlighten me please05:27
dabaR_IdleOne: well, he has a partition to mount, you gave him a link to samba,.05:28
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IdleOnehe never said it was a partition . I assume he has a windows pc and an ubuntu one05:28
kbrooksIdleOne: end users dont know everything05:28
dabaR_10:40 < mustard> how can i browse files in my windows partition from linux05:28
CraiZETrae, :P05:29
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_mark_jason: why does gedit not open a makefile from prompt but will from gui ?05:29
IdleOnedabaR_, yeah I just saw that05:29
=== IdleOne flogs himself
dabaR_IdleOne: no big deal, I just noticed:)05:29
_jason_mark: what command are you using?05:29
RugIdleOne: don't worry about it05:29
_mark_jason: prompt I'm in root so I can rewrite it gui I'm in user05:29
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IdleOnedabaR_, from now on I will check with you first :P05:30
_mark_jason: gedit05:30
_jason_mark: huh?05:30
dabaR_You wish I was here...05:30
_mark_jason: sorry I was slow on that follow up05:30
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_jason_mark: well what happens when you try to open it?05:31
PupenoIs Evolution data in Maildir format ?05:31
_mark_jason: Authentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:31
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_jason_mark: you get that just from the exact command 'gedit' ?05:32
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[cro] smiley_jason, and how to copy folder?05:32
_jason[cro] smiley: check your private messages from ubotu, he gave you a link with lots of info05:32
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_mark_jason: gedit makefile05:33
YkstortGentoo > Ubuntu05:33
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PupenoHow do I change the date format (YYYY-MM-DD instead of MM/DD/YYYY) ? (for evolution and other programs)05:33
dabaR_Pupeno: perhaps in the time and date applet in sys>admin05:34
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_jason_mark: it's usually Makefile with a capital M ?  but I don't know why you get that Authentication rejected thing05:34
PupenodabaR_: I don't see it there.05:34
mustardty for the links i tried that stuff but it didnt work i think i screwed the partition up during the install05:34
_jason_mark: are you doing this as root after sudo -i or something?05:35
=== inazad [n=inazad@c207.134.133-173.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
inazadHi I want to install a theme for wmkaer .. how ?05:35
dabaR_Pupeno: that is best I can think of.05:35
inazadI donwloaded it but I don't know how to install it...05:35
yohani have a really quick question: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=902007#post90200705:35
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_mark_jason: lol sorry I missed the capital M thats the problem05:35
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IdleOneyohan, you changing the settings with sudo?05:36
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[cro] smiley_jason, yes but cp is for files...05:37
dabaR_cp -R will copy recursively.05:37
inazadHi I want to install a theme for wmkaer .. how ?05:37
[cro] smileydabaR_, thanx05:37
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dabaR_nema na cemu05:38
yohanIdleOne: yeah i am05:38
yohanIdleOne: the settings remain during my session but as soon as i restart it gets resetted05:38
IdleOneyohan, then i dont know sorry...check with dabaR_05:38
yohandabaR_: you have any idea?05:38
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Trae100M > my wireless connection that's for sure05:38
yohandabaR_: this is my question: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=902007#post90200705:39
dabaR_yohan: ask crimsun, I have no idea.05:39
Traenow I just need gigabit connection05:39
Traecrimsun, howdy05:39
yohancrimsun: dude, you got any idea?05:39
Traecrimsun, dapper drake is looking seck see05:39
CraiZEtrae you know about XGL ?05:39
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TraeCraiZE, no, sorry...05:39
CraiZEnp :)05:39
TraeCraiZE, :(05:39
ChristopherWhat file types are supported in ubuntu05:39
IdleOneChristopher, all05:40
CraiZEits cool , hahah05:40
CraiZEdont worry05:40
CraiZEmaybe tonight some1 will be on who knows stuff :D05:40
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yohanChristopher: all?05:40
IdleOnewell most all05:40
dabaR_well, a lot05:41
dabaR_well some.05:42
dabaR_none really.05:42
Traeman, I have a lot of kruft laying around in my storage files directory05:42
Traeit's like a freaking attic05:42
Traeor worse05:42
dabaR_ubotu: tell Christopher about questions05:42
TraeYou chunk stuff in there and just forget about it.05:42
=== duelboot [n=duelboot@72-255-37-196.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== Trae needs to have a digital yard sale
Traethere is an idea there05:42
duelbootD-bay :)05:43
FrogzooTrae: a yard isn't digital, it's imperial05:43
TraeFrogzoo, hahaha05:43
MenZaFrogzoo: best quote ever ;D05:43
=== Howdy125 [n=Howdy125@c-67-183-234-42.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blueyyohan: update-rc.d alsa default05:43
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yohanbluey: thanks man, but its printing the usage only05:44
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yohanbluey: i get this:  System startup links for /etc/init.d/alsa already exist.05:45
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=== duelboot wonders if sh4 is the same as sh4d0x....hmmmmmm....well?
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blueyyohan: update-rc.d alsa defaults doesn't work?05:47
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GTXHello, I currently have two interfaces on my ubuntu server, 1. eth0 (Local network) 2. eth1 (Connection to internet) when both are up only one seems to work, either the local network or sometimes the internet. Its like there coliding with each other. Here is my interfaces  http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/urprye83.html - Anyone got any ideas what so ever?05:48
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sH4duelboot // no : ) , i`m sH4 notsh4d0x05:48
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davixhow do I burn a DVD ISO?05:49
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Jimmey__How do I restart a service?05:50
mustardhi again all05:50
void^GTX: err, they're both in the same net?.. how do you expect that to work?05:50
Jimmey__Like apache05:50
TraeJimmey__, /etc/init.d/foo restart05:50
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GTXvoid^, How can I fix that then? :S05:50
void^GTX: you need to assign a local ip/net to one of them.05:50
TraeJimmey__, wiht apache you can do: apachectl restart I think05:50
TraeJimmey__, but do configtest first05:50
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FrogzooJimmey__: usually /etc/init.d/service restart05:50
Jimmey__Thanks] 05:50
TraeJimmey__, apachectl configtest05:50
mustardi tried those links what you guys gave me to no avail its says unbuntu 5.1 should access the partition pretty easily05:50
GTXvoid^, Ok how do I assign local to eth0 ?05:50
Traesomething like that05:51
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TraeJimmey__, tests to make sure the config is ok05:51
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SquealHi Room !05:51
SquealHow is everyone?05:51
purplefeltangel5 minutes after i start my computer, it becomes unresponsive and has lots of little vertical multicoloured lines going up and down the screen05:51
void^GTX: depends on your network, like or
GTXvoid^, no they have to be on the internet.05:52
GTXnot that kind of local.05:52
void^GTX: your network is local.05:52
SquealCan anyone help me with the installation of Easybuntu? I installed it on my computer. Restarted it, yet I can play mp3s or Video files.05:52
lutrapurplefeltangel: sounds like something is wrong with your x configuration05:52
blueypurplefeltangel: sounds like graphics card/vertical/horizontal sync problem05:52
purplefeltangellutra: what does that mean?05:52
void^GTX: clients on your network (which is still local) can access the internet using your server as a gateway.05:52
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purplefeltangelbluey: and what does *that* mean?05:52
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GTXvoid^, Thats what I want them to be able to do05:53
lutrapurplefeltangel: reconfigure X via sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg to set up your video card properly05:53
GTXvoid^, I want the gateway to be on the internet thoe.05:53
blueypurplefeltangel: /etc/X11/xorg.conf, you need to configure your monitors horizontal/vertical refresh rates properly05:53
purplefeltangellutra: what if it does the same thing while i'm doing that?05:53
purplefeltangelbluey: how do i do that?05:53
lutra!tell Squel about restricted formats05:53
RugHas anybody ever setup rsync to mirror one of the Ubuntu mirrors?05:53
lutrapurplefeltangel: kill X with alt+ctrl+backspace or load in the safe mode05:53
GTXvoid^, any idea why its not working then? I dont want to use internal ips like 192.168* crap05:54
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blueypurplefeltangel: find your monitors manufacturers specs for monitor, then sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the vert/horz sync in the monitor section05:54
void^GTX: if you want them all to be on the internet and visible you need to ring your ip and ask for ip addresses.05:54
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purplefeltangellutra: OK. but when i pressed control+alt+backspace when the computer did that before, it didn't do anything05:54
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void^GTX: ring your isp, i mean05:54
purplefeltangelbluey: . . . how do i find the specs? will it be on their site?05:54
lutrapurplefeltangel: try to load in the safe mode then05:55
GTXvoid^, They are my ip addresses !05:55
GTXI have a 64 ip range.05:55
blueypurplefeltangel: a google search will probably suffice, <monitor> horz sync05:55
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void^GTX: oh.. that's different then. but you'll still need to setup a local network.05:55
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GTXvoid^, It is local to a degree05:55
SquealAnyone to help me with installing an application? I am new to linux.05:56
GTXI dont understand what is the problem with it void^05:56
ubotuGTX: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:56
IdleOneSqueal, what app?05:56
rendoCan someone direct me how to install the codecs for video?  I've tried following the ubuntuguide but it can't find the w32codecs and a few others things..  I think I need old suppositiories activated but I don't know which ones.05:56
void^GTX: same net, same subnet, how does your pc know where to send a packet?05:56
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)05:56
purplefeltangellutra & bluey, thank you05:56
_jasonubotu: tell rendo about multimedia05:56
blueypurplefeltangel: if it's a modern lcd it will probably have an info section in the OSD control for it05:56
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_jasonubotu: tell rendo about ubuntuguide05:56
ubotuburepe: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:56
ubotuI guess ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead05:56
lutrapurplefeltangel: no problem05:57
GTXvoid^, I dont understand there both working with that, just they cancal each other out.05:57
purplefeltangelBlueDevil: whereis that?05:57
GTXonly one will work at a time05:57
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purplefeltangeler, sorry BlueDevil! bluey, where is that?05:57
SquealEasybuntu. I got it from http://easybuntu.freecontrib.com And it helps to play mp3 and video files. I did what they said, pasted some code into the terminal. I still cant play the files.05:57
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s-ndh-cGTX:  what are you trying to do?05:57
kbrooksSqueal: #easyubuntu. we're there05:57
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GTXs-ndh-c, I have a modem which is connected via ethernet. Then that routes into the firewall server. Then out of eth0 into the switch. Then all the rest of the pcs use the firewall IP as the gateway  and so on...05:58
Squealok, thanks kbrooks05:58
blueypurplefeltangel: you know the monitor buttons, the thats the OSD control. usually you have things like brightness etc. in mine for example i have an info in the menu which displays the horizontal sync etc05:58
purplefeltangelbluey: oh, OK, thxu05:58
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kbrooksSqueal: /join #easyubuntu05:58
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ICEissues with vmware-server host is ubuntu vmsession is windows xp sp205:58
lutrawhat is easybuntu?  regular *buntu is pretty darn easy :)05:59
kbrookslutra: use the revelant factoid05:59
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu05:59
SquealI got into that room...but I am the only one there.05:59
s-ndh-cGTX:  so you want to use the inet ips on the interfaces on your computers behind the firewall/gateway?05:59
kbrooksSqueal: #easyubuntu05:59
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kbrooksSqueal: type it correctly05:59
mustardsounds like summin i need will it help me acces my windows partition06:00
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GTXs-ndh-c, Kind of06:00
dabaR_ !mountwindows06:00
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions06:00
kbrooksmustard: EU isnt designed for that06:00
MrPonganyone running ubuntu dapper flt 6 on an amd x2 + asus nforce 4?06:00
GTXs-ndh-c, but the thing is only eth0 and eth1 works at the same time06:00
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dabaR_06:00
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)06:00
IdleOneDapper > Breezy06:01
kbrooksIdleOne: oh be quiet06:01
ICEusing dapper right now06:01
IdleOnekbrooks, :)06:01
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FrogzooIdleOne: please don't tempt the newbs into the marshes06:01
ICEand not a fress install06:01
ICEfresh install06:02
IdleOneFrogzoo, wasnt trying to but I should of been more specific I meant the version # is >06:02
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r-emmeranyone experience with acer aspire 5670 and ubuntu?06:03
s-ndh-cwe are doing similar thing in our datacenter06:03
mustardit says no useable windows partitions found it is on another drive tho06:03
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MrPongmy ubuntu installer used framebuffer console correctly, but when I installed dapper, it does not use it. how do i ensure it uses framebuffer?06:03
ICEdoes anyone use vmware in here06:04
s-ndh-call servers have their external ips applied to the interface and the cisco router routes stuff directly to those ips06:04
ICEfor a win vmsession06:04
grievreprotip: if sshd suddenly starts breaking in really weird06:05
ICEwho is using a cisco router ? must be rich06:05
grievrethere probably is a reason, and it probably is something you should pay attention to06:05
infamousei just installed ubuntu and i'm trying to connect to my wireless network using WPA TKIP, are there any HOWTO's for this?06:05
s-ndh-cbut this router is directly connected via 100mbit/s to redundant backbone06:05
grievreICE: not if it's a used one06:05
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ompaul!tell infamouse about wireless06:05
ICEthere like 800 over low end ones06:05
ompaulinfamouse, read message from bot please06:05
infamouseompaul, thanks!06:05
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mustarddude this sucks i got 2 hard drives right 1 SATA and one IDE i thought i installed on the SATA its got 2 partitions and the ide where windows was has got 2 one being tiny and the other one which is huge is about right for the total amount of space i was using with windows so that must be it but its not letting me mount it06:07
ICEgrievre --- what model use your router also do you have AP too06:07
mustardeven used that scricpt06:07
grievreICE: my router is an openbsd machine :)06:07
ICEjust can't spell today sorry06:08
caglar_does anyone knoe a better archive manager than file roller?06:08
EvilDinam why .htacess doesn't work06:08
arrinmurrcaglar_: ark06:08
EvilDinit still leave guys in06:08
EvilDinany idea06:08
ICEyou just said you had a cisco router didn't you06:08
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caglar_arrinmurr: thats too KDE :P06:09
Pupenohow do I see the emails as threads on evolution ?06:09
EvilDinshould be something put in conf files06:09
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arrinmurrcaglar_: well, kde apps are better ;)06:09
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twidgetI'm fed up with Windoze! Is there a video capture/editing/podcasting program for Linux akin to Pinnacle Studio?06:10
yohanbluey: it did work but i got an System startup links for /etc/init.d/alsa already exist.06:10
yohanbluey: as a reply06:11
alejoI need some hell06:11
blueyyohan: did it fix the mixer settings saving problem?06:11
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alejoI cant see any video or ear MP3 file06:11
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MenZa!tell alejo  about restrictedformats06:11
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lutra!tell alejo about mp306:11
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yohanbluey: i havnt restarted yet...i cant right now, do you think it will? thank you anyhow06:11
mustardhow do i log in as root06:12
purplefeltangellutra: the command you gave me didn't work. it told me the file didn't exist.06:12
MenZa!tell mustard about rootsudo06:12
purplefeltangelbluey: i did the thing you told me to but i couldn't figure out how to actually edit it . . ..06:12
s-ndh-csudo -s?06:12
ubotuI guess sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:12
lutrapurplefeltangel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work?06:12
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purplefeltangellutra: OH, i didn't write down the second X. :) ok, h/o will try06:13
ICEor just sudo -s06:13
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blueyyohan: well, if it didn't, there is one other possible thing you can. In applications->sound and video->volume control there are options for selecting mixers devices in file->devices. You could try changing that06:13
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/06:13
CiBoarderHello there, i try to install the nvidia driver, no i think i have to kill Xserv, but he isnt stopping it. I use the /etc/init.d/gdm stope is thta right ?06:13
rendoThanks Jason.06:14
=== Kokey [n=jramirez@dsl-200-78-65-27.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
=== twidget wonders if anyone read his question
pinkmermaidErf... How can I create a launcher to open a java .jar file?06:14
blueypurplefeltangel: http://rafb.net/paste/results/fdIt0W74.html, thats my monitor section in xorg.conf if that helps give you an idea of what it should look like. obviously you need to replace the vert/horz settings with your monitors06:15
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mustardahh man06:16
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infamouseompaul, my wireless card currently works on regular WEP networks, so do i still need to install the ndiswrappers?06:16
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purplefeltangellutra: sorry. i'm there but it has something i don't understand.06:16
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blueypurplefeltangel: you can edit xorg.conf using a terminal by doing: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:17
lutrapurplefeltangel: what is it?06:17
purplefeltangelbluey: thank you; will try that06:17
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blueypurplefeltangel: k06:17
EtienneHello! Im running dapper, I have a ATI Card, and I try to run the restricted ATI driver from the repos...06:17
purplefeltangellutra: it's asking me to select which driver, and i don't know06:17
loko_could sombody tell me why i can't set splashimage in grub06:17
ICEwhere is the default dir for apache2 httpd.conf ubuntu spreads out all the files06:17
purplefeltangelbluey: wait, aren't you not supposed to use sudo to run programs like gedit?06:17
lutrabluey: if purplefeltangel finds info about the card and driver it's easy to use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg06:17
EtienneThis comes when I try to load the module: FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386/volatile/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted06:17
ICEanyone know06:17
sudharshloko_:paste ur grub.conf somewhere06:18
lutrapurplefeltangel: what's you video card driver?06:18
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purplefeltangellutra: i THINK NVidia Geforce06:18
Zarephathanyone how do I get samba to re-read the smb.conf file?06:18
blueylutra: sudo lspci should tell him which graphics card he is using, and consequently the driver he needs06:19
wsjuniordoes anybody here use gizmo?06:19
lutrabluey: yup06:19
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EtienneFATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386/volatile/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted06:19
lutrapurplefeltangel: run lspci and use that info for reconfiguring X06:19
EtienneAnyone know something.06:19
purplefeltangellutra: i did that but it's like, a bunch of stuff. which one will be my video driver?06:20
blueylutra: it could be either the monitor sync or the graphics card, it's hard to tell without ssh.ing into his system06:20
purplefeltangelbluey: i'm a she, please :)06:20
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blueypurplefeltangel: k :)06:20
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ICEnevermind i found it06:20
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lutrapurplefeltangel: i'm not familiar with nvidia geforce cards...i can't imagine someone in hear doesn't have and have X set up properly06:21
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purplefeltangellutra: oh. uh, how do you scroll up in a ttyterminalthinger?06:21
blueylutra: he has nvidia card?06:21
loko_... aaa and where i can find that grub.conf ?? i was changing manu.lst for that splashimage i wrote som lines .. and nothing06:21
lutrabluey: yup she does06:21
blueypurplefeltangel: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx06:22
lutrapurplefeltangel: what a ttyterminalthinger?06:22
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purplefeltangelbluey: nvidia-glx has no installation candidate06:22
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purplefeltangellutra: like, a terminal that's not in Gnome?? when you press ctrl+alt+f1?06:22
loko_sudharsh: ... aaa and where i can find that grub.conf ?? i was changing manu.lst for that splashimage i wrote som lines .. and nothing06:23
lutrapurplefeltangel: oh...well you could type telinit 1 or 3...i forget which in a term06:23
blueypurplefeltangel: you might need to change your sources list06:23
purplefeltangelbluey: i'm doing an apt-get update; will that help?06:24
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sudharshloko_:oh sorry..thats menu.lst alrite..confused with my mom's laptop running fc06:24
blueypurplefeltangel: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:24
sudharshloko_:just adding splash at the end would suffice06:24
purplefeltangelbluey: but what do i change?06:24
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loko_sudharsh: ok i'll try but i already add line like splashimage(hd0,3/boot/grub ... and nothing06:25
XFABIUSSmi rispondi?06:25
sudharshloko_:wait a sec..06:26
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!06:26
Stormx2Whats a good packet sniffer for ubuntu?06:26
blueypurplefeltangel: replace with this file: http://rafb.net/paste/results/y66dZn85.html06:26
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purplefeltangelbluey: i can't really go there right now . . . :/06:26
DraconicusMy midi card crashed and there's a note playing forever. I have to restart the goddamned computer, now06:27
sudharshloko_:yes add 'splash' at the end of the kernel u r bootin06:27
purplefeltangelbluey: nvm that, i did apt-get update and now it's working06:27
arrinmurrStormx2: ethereal06:27
Stormx2arrinmurr: OK06:27
loko_ooo ok i'll try thx be back06:27
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loko_C U06:27
blueypurplefeltangel: ok, good06:27
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Juffyi have created a local repository of deb files.. i added it inside sources.list do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.. but when  I issue command sudo dpkg -i firestarter or sort it asks for dependencies but the dependencies is already in the debs folder.. how do i force install of dependencies with dpkg command?06:28
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purplefeltangel bluey: what will i do when this thing finishes downloading?06:29
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blueypurplefeltangel: reboot and see if it works06:30
purplefeltangelbluey: OK . . . .06:30
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oklinuxwhat is the link for ubuntu where is show you how to install different software like real player and plugin ?06:30
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purplefeltangelwell then i gotta restart. brb06:31
blueypurplefeltangel: if it doesn't then it's likely the monitor horz/vert syncs as i described previously06:31
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scorchsaberippon seoi-nage! Saremane!06:32
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_jasonoklinux: help.ubuntu.com , wiki.ubuntu.com06:35
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EvilDinubuntu apache2 i need to protect some directory with pass, please need whole description, i make .htacces and .htpasswd but apache2 doesn't make folder protected06:36
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wsjuniortrying to run gizmo on ubuntu i get "gizmo: simple.c:557: snd_mixer_selem_get_capture_volume_range: Assertive `elem' failed"06:39
wsjuniordoes anybody know what could be happening?06:39
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justin_hey guys, i'm trying to upgrade my kernel to support multiple processors (SMP)...I don't know where to start on Ubuntu06:40
justin_any thoughts?06:40
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K-ZodronHoho, anyone knows how I can check the current CPU/ram usage in ubuntu? =d06:40
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FrogzooK-Zodron: top06:41
justin_at the command line, top06:41
justin_in gnome, applications->system tools-> system monitor06:41
K-Zodronthanks :p06:42
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Thread--My KDE fails on start, so I need to reinstall it. How do I reinstall the whole package 'kubuntu-desktop'?06:42
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MenZaUmm... I've shut down X - but can't really shutdown my computer.06:43
MenZasudo shutdown now just kills all applications and logs me out06:43
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tat2wolfhello all06:44
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blueyMenZa: sudo poweroff or sudo shutdown -h now06:45
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Gosha.. i've installed wine via downloading the old package and then using the dpkg -i command ... now how do i get it into the program list?06:46
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IdleOneGosha, program list?06:47
Gosha... yeah... applications list06:48
Goshaas an application06:48
Gosha... if that's possible06:48
s-ndh-cyou mean in the gnome menu?06:48
IdleOneGosha, to run a windows app cd to the dir where the .exe is then type wine.progamname.exe to install/run the app06:48
IdleOneGosha, to run a windows app cd to the dir where the .exe is then type wine progamname.exe to install/run the app06:49
s-ndh-ci think the menu is generated from *.desktop files it finds in /usr/share somewhere06:49
blueythere is a menuedit06:50
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Gosha... wine.programname.exe  ... ? not the dir?06:50
blueysudo apt-get install smeg && smeg06:50
IdleOneGosha, where is the .exe?06:50
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s-ndh-ccd to the dir first where you have installed this .exe program06:51
Gosha. /windows/progs/prog.exe06:51
s-ndh-cor try the full path to the file06:51
Gosha... oh, the same command as i dos?06:51
Goshacd /windows/progs/prog.exe06:51
Goshathen wine.prg.exe?06:51
blueywine is installed in ~/.wine06:51
s-ndh-clike wine ~/.wine/driver_c/windows/progs/prog.exe06:51
smoHow would I go about convince 'whois' to recognise .eu domains ?06:51
IdleOnewine progame.exe replace program with the actual file name06:52
Gosha~/. ?06:52
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blueywine is installed in wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Progra*/ ... blah /<file.exe>06:52
Goshak.. i'll ytu, brb :P06:52
toby24hab da eine iso datei die ich gerne auf cd brennen mchte habe aber keine ahnung wie ich das machen soll!06:52
toby24knnt ihr mir helfen?06:53
blueyhalo doesn/06:53
blueydoesn't work*06:53
toby24wre super06:53
blueytried it :P06:53
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blueynor does aliens vs predator, which is such a good game :/06:54
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slopez_como te llamas06:57
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:58
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sorush20hi guys06:59
EvilDinanyone know why hard link is not permitted ln -d /home/ucenci/ ucenci06:59
slopez_que eres una ia o un io06:59
dockanehi all .. is there any known issue with gnome-terminal, its pseudo transparency and  ati cards ? fromt time to time scrolling on gnome-terminal (i.e. less or nano) takes its time for _each_ line06:59
FrogzooEvilDin: you have to be root, & hard links can't cross file systems06:59
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IdleOneslopez_, por favor hablas in ingles o escribe /join #ubuntu-es :)06:59
EvilDini am root07:00
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EvilDinand it is on same partition same systen07:00
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Traeany way to ascertain what type of Motherboard you have withoutrebooting?07:00
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simonpcai'm having a trouble with wvdial07:02
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cinderwhat the url for multiverse repository07:02
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, IdleOne07:02
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:02
simonpcawhen i try to connect, i got something like "carreer not fond"07:02
ubotuwell, r is a powerful statistical program.  sudo apt-get install r-base r-recommended r-base-html07:02
simonpcawhat is it?07:02
IdleOne http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto07:03
lutraR is more than just that :)07:03
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lutraR is a graduate school thesis machine :)07:03
FrogzooEvilDin: dunno, the man page says "allow the superuser to attempt to hard link directories (note: will probably fail due to system restrictions, even for the superuser)"07:03
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cinderIdleOne, I know how to add them07:03
cinderI need the multiverse URL, please07:03
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:04
IdleOnecinder, that is the link07:04
EvilDinaha but why07:04
cinderIdleOne, lets see again :P07:04
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kbrooksubotu: easysource07:04
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:04
IdleOnethe urls for multiverse are same as universe just need to add " multiverse " to all lines that end with universe in /etc/apt/sources.list07:04
dockane!channel dapper07:04
ubotudockane: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:04
callocIm having trouble getting folder sharing going on my ubuntu box, anyone willing to lend a hand?07:05
sfarcan someone name a good ftp-server (gui is prefered)07:05
kbrooksdockane: !dapper :)07:05
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)07:05
ubotusimonpca: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:05
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dockanekbrooks: thx07:05
kbrookssfar: er, gftp. but thats a client07:05
FrogzooEvilDin: well, from ucenci, which directory is .. ? it's ambiguous07:05
sfarwell, i need a server :)07:05
EvilDinyes it is directory to direcotry07:05
lucaaasthe shell seems a lot slower than it was before, does anyone have a clue why?07:06
kbrookssfar: well, there is no such thing as a "gui server"07:06
lucaaaswhen i open a terminal it takes some seconds before i get a prompt07:06
callocanyone give me  adig out with samba?07:06
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sfarkbrooks: sucky :)07:07
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G0SUB_!tell G0SUB_ about in07:08
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Gosha...how do i start winefile?07:08
Gosha... or is that only in the latest version?07:09
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sfarkbrooks: i guess you were wrong07:11
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sfar"PureAdmin is a Gtk 2.x GUI over PureFTPd that aims to07:11
sfarmake easier the task of configuring said FTP server."07:11
oklinuxwhat is the kiwi link for ubuntu installation on realplayer and java ?07:11
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs07:12
ubotuwell, realplayer is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:12
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tat2wolfgot a question for anybody here...    anybody worked with wyse 60 terminals....07:13
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ygetartsonhi. i need some advice.07:16
ygetartsoni got 2 sound cards.07:16
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ygetartson1 internal, onboard.07:16
ygetartson1 usb07:16
slavikwhat chips are they?07:17
ygetartsoni go to system-preferences-sound07:17
ygetartsonor audio07:17
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ygetartsonlet me see07:17
Ongohi people. I get a "Greeter application error..." on clean istall of 5.10 amd64. Can someone help me?07:17
slavikthe onboard is some kind of ac97 base prolly07:17
slavikwhat's the usb sound card?07:17
ygetartsonvia82 chipset the internal07:17
ygetartsonac97, sure07:17
slavikand the usb?07:18
ygetartsonits an audigy 2 nx07:18
slavikusb is better :)07:18
ircuk1hi everyone07:18
ygetartsonit is.07:18
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slavikOngo: are you able to log in?07:18
ygetartsonso i go to that menu item,07:18
ygetartsonand make the nx default.07:18
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ircuk1does anyone know how to find the root password on hoary hedgehog07:18
ygetartsonbut: this setting is ignored07:19
slavikircuk1: there isn't one07:19
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:19
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:19
=== sudharsh says goodbye to every1
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ircuk1what a crock07:19
slavikygetartson: do you ever use the onboard sound?07:19
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ygetartsonnot intentionally.07:19
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ircuk1what about breezy07:19
Tomcat_ircuk1: Same.07:19
slavikygetartson: disable it through BIOS I say07:19
ygetartsonbios is unable to07:19
ygetartsondo this07:19
slavikircuk1: that's all of them07:19
Cinircuk1, what secure system would ever reveal any password?07:19
ircuk1what is the point of that07:19
IdleOneircuk1, ubuntu uses sudo07:19
Tomcat_ircuk1: Read the wiki page.07:19
slavikdisable the onboard sound?07:19
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:20
clastcan anyone install libgtk2.0-dev on dapper?07:20
ygetartsonits a yakumo laptop07:20
Tomcat_ircuk1: It tells many advantages of the sudo system.07:20
slavikoh, I see07:20
ygetartsoni looked up the bios yesterday07:20
Tomcat_ircuk1: + how to enable root pw if you need it.07:20
slavikno option then?07:20
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=== slavik has the same thing, too
slavikI meant to disable onboard07:20
baua?how can i make a ramdisk with ubuntu`07:20
ygetartsoni found that you got to put a line into some file07:20
OngoNo. That's the problem. I can get Gnome to start by booting recovery mode and writing startx. That way it doesn't even try to log plus I get "Failure initializing HAL" error.07:20
Cinircuk1, it's possible to use a sudo argument to stay in root, if required. Or just sudo bash.07:20
ygetartsonno option avaailable.07:20
=== mustard_ [n=mustard@80-42-187-167.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #ubuntu
ircuk1i use fedora core 3 at work far better07:21
ircuk1i reckon07:21
CinNo one cares.07:21
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ygetartsonits the etc modprobe.d alsa-base file07:21
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stephelt1nhow do i update all the packages on my system?07:21
ygetartsonbut i did that already!07:21
mustard_hi guys what version of java do i need for breezy07:21
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ygetartsonso that onboard sound wont take control.07:22
ircuk1this is currently running on vmware on a windaz platform07:22
slavikstephelt1n: apt-get upgrade I think07:22
stephelt1nslavik: thx07:22
ygetartsonnonetheless, gnome menu ignores my setting attempts.07:22
slavikstephelt1n: I use synaptic ... it has an option to mark all upgrades and such07:22
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Cinircuk1, click the X at the top right of VMWare, please.07:22
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ircuk1how come07:23
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kbrookscin: shush07:23
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kbrooksircuk1: ignore him07:23
ircuk1cin is funny......... not07:23
IdleOneCin, no need to be rude . if he prefers slackare thats his choice07:23
darkrammorning all07:23
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inazad!wiki splashscreen07:23
CinIdleOne, I didn't know that.07:23
ubotuI guess usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto07:24
ygetartsonthats so stupid. system, prefs, audio, default sound card: change to nx.07:24
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ygetartsonnext time: system, prefs, audio, default sound card: onboard.07:24
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darkramI have a question with Ubuntu, maybe someone can help me?07:24
jake1darkram what is the question?07:25
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axisyslooking for a good itune like app w/o using codeweaver07:25
Ongo hi people. I get a "Greeter application error..." on clean istall of 5.10 amd64. Can someone help me?07:25
IdleOnedarkram,  ask away07:25
kbrooksdarkram: Ask07:25
slavikOngo: are you still able to log in?07:25
darkramI'm trying to install the latest NVIDIA drivers. the installer doesnt like gcc 4.0 how can I use a later version?07:25
errpast98Looking for a simple sip server to test a sip implementation07:25
IdleOnedarkram, sudo apt-get install  build-essential07:25
jake1darkram upgrade gcc07:25
errpast98many choices - sipx, asterisk, etc.07:25
OngoNo. That's the problem. I can get Gnome to start by booting recovery mode and writing startx. That way it doesn't even try to log plus I get "Failure initializing HAL" error.07:26
OngoNo. That's the problem. I can get Gnome to start by booting recovery mode and writing startx. That way it doesn't even try to log plus I get "Failure initializing HAL" error.07:26
slavikdarkram: did you sudo apt-get install build-essential?07:26
errpast98Simpler the better, no pbx needed for this testing07:26
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jake1isn't it in the package manager thingy07:26
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darkramThe NVIDIA complains about compiling the kernal with gcc 4.0 and wants gcc 3.2(?)07:26
slavikOngo: did you get the error right away or was it after using the system for a while?07:26
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clastcan anyone install libgtk2.0-dev on dapper?????07:27
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Ongoon secon boot up.07:27
ompaulclast, I guess they could, but it would be better to ask in the dapper channel #ubuntu+1 :-)07:27
IdleOneclast, try #ubuntu+1 for help with dapper07:27
Ongofirst was technicaly still a part of installation07:28
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Cindarkram, there are various GCC versions on synaptic. It is possible to uninstall 4.0 and install 3.2 temporarily. Try that?07:28
clastompaul, IdleOne thx :)07:28
Ongoon second boot up.07:28
ompauldarkram, >> sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc-3.4 << should help that a little07:29
ygetartsoni go crazy.07:29
darkramThanks all, I'll try getting the gcc-3.407:29
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holobytedwhat cd ripper do you guys recommend?07:30
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ompauldarkram, to read about darkram read this for ubuntu howto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia07:30
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scorchsaberholobyted: thats almost like asking: "Vim or Emacs"07:30
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scorchsaberholobyted: Multiplied by.00107:30
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holobytedI figured as much, but Sound-Juicer isn't doing crap for me :p07:31
CinMy NVIDIA driver came with Ubuntu. Why didn't his?07:31
CinOn les packages.07:31
scorchsaberholobyted: To be honest, I have no idea which to use. Try googling it07:31
ompaulCin, read that web page he is using an nvidia driver07:31
darkramompaul I tried that, then I was trying the manual instructions for replacing the video drivers on the site.07:31
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holobytedcompiling latest sound-juicer, see if it stops crashing on me07:32
=== xfcefreak used apt-get to grab my nvidia drivers i see no need to compile them
CinYah. So did I.07:32
ompauldarkram, well the few times I have worked with binary drivers that page just worked for me07:32
ompauldarkram, there is more than one driver07:32
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darkramI'm trying to get Cedega to run right in the end, it says 3D Acceleration tests failed.07:34
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_Dezhow do i know if i installed hoary or breezy?07:35
xfcefreakdarkram: did you install nvidia-settings nvidia-glx?07:35
xfcefreak_Dez: lab_release -a07:35
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shivwhere do i find ~/.Xresources07:35
xfcefreakdarkram: did you run the enable command and than sudo dpkg-recofigure xserver-xorg and set the drivers to nvidia07:36
xfcefreakshiv: in your home folder07:36
ompauldarkram, I *strongly* suggest you go over that page again from top to bottom it should get you going, or you are the only person for whom it is not working and see what xfcefreak says - it is vital when you do the >>sudo dpk-reconfigure xserver-xorg<< you choose the correct nvidia-glx and then you restart X07:36
xfcefreakshiv: if using gnome click on view than show hidden files07:36
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xfcefreak;) i feel smart today ty ompaul07:37
ninohi all07:37
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ompaulxfcefreak, yw :)07:37
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ninocouldnt someone tell me if theres such a thing as a shell scripting IDE?07:37
xfcefreaknino: anjuta07:38
darkramBased on the webpage you showed me. The only step I could not do was #11 it said to  select inux-restricted-modules-686 which i could not find on the list07:38
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shivIts not there I did all that I am trying to do this:  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12602307:38
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ompaulxfcefreak, you waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh, what crack is that, nano, or nedit07:38
ompaulxfcefreak, or gedit07:38
Goshacan you wine vlc?07:39
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Goshaso it goes gui?07:39
Gosha.. or does it go cmd?07:39
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stepheltonwhat's the xorg package called??07:39
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ninoi was using gedit but the project is quite big so im after a IDE to keep track of all the suff07:39
Goshayou'll find out if you do rm -r *07:39
bauais there a mkinitrd pendant in ubuntu?07:39
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ompaulstephelton, xserver-xorg ?07:40
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xfcefreakdarkram: sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-     after the - put the output of uname -r07:40
stepheltonompaul, thx07:40
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xfcefreakso it will look like linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-10-386 or whatever yours is07:40
stepheltoni like how every distro has a different name for its xorg package07:41
Ongohi people. I get a "Greeter application error..." on clean istall of 5.10 amd64. Can someone help me?07:41
TraeDoes anyone here know of a PCI (desktop) wireless 802.11g card that works out of the box with Ubuntu Dapper Drake - No ndiswrapper crap etc need?  Just fully functional?   And before someone gets uboto to tell me about the wireless netowkring page with 4 billion cards on it... I'm looking for some human feedback here.07:41
darkramk, I'll try it again. thanks folks.07:41
xfcefreakstephelton: they do? i thought it was xorg (xfree86) all over linux07:41
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stepheltonxfcefreak, well for example, in ubuntu its xserver-xorg07:42
ompaulTrae, orinoco hmmmmmmm spelling07:42
Traeompaul, heh07:42
xfcefreakOngo: how about the error? if its longer than one line please use pastebin07:42
AngryElfwhy won't firefox allow me to select /home/username as my default download location?......whenever I select that it defaults back to Desktop07:42
infamousei'm trying to connect to my WPA, TKIP wireless network...I installed my wireless card's driver through ndiswrapper, but i'm not sure what to do next to configure my card to connect to my network, anyone have any documentation?07:42
Traeompaul, got a model number?07:42
ompaulTrae, afik they all use the same chip set so sorry not much use there07:43
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ompaulTrae, some of us believe in wires :)07:43
=== ompaul has 5 boxes in the house and they all are wired
TraeSome of us can't run wires as far as I need to07:43
enurshahow do i mount a cue/bin image?07:43
TraeI've got an area of my house I just can't physically route cable to it seems07:43
Traewithout tearing my house apart completely07:44
roryy!info binchunk07:44
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roryy!info bchunk07:44
OngoGUI is allready up. It's a message box. It wont let me login, and after that GUI crashes and I'm left in console. What's past bin?07:44
ubotubchunk: (CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 1.2.0-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 12 kB, Installed size: 68 kB07:44
void^i've had pretty good experiences with atheors chipsets07:44
ompaulTrae, well in that case shoot cable into the attic and then drop down on each of the walls through the floors that works for me :)07:44
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Traevoid^, I've got the ACX111 right now07:45
Traeand it worked under Breezy at one time07:45
Traeand then it seems it died or something07:45
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bauawhy can nobody say me how to build a initial ramdisk??07:45
=== nino thinks he'll stick to gedit
ompaulTrae, wait a couple of days - but first report a bug against what though07:46
roryybaua: maybe mkinitramfs ?07:46
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ompaulbaua, initrd.img ?07:47
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CraiZEis there a GUI for grub ?07:47
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CraiZEso i can configure it properly :D07:47
errpast98vncviewer <localhost>:1 works for me07:47
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priyankhey, how do i configure my soundcard ?07:47
priyankalpa: :)07:47
errpast98But the TSC client fails with "error" but no further info07:47
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priyanksudo alsaconf says command not found07:47
priyankam i missing something?07:47
ompaulburepe,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelByHandHowto07:48
priyankompaul: is there an howto for setting up sound ?07:48
ompaulbaua,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelByHandHowto07:48
void^Trae: tried the driver at http://acx100.sourceforge.net ?07:48
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xfcefreakubotu tell priyank about sound07:48
priyankthanks xfcefreak07:48
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priyankubotu tell alpa about sound07:49
J_Phi all07:49
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CraiZEanyone ? :P07:49
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J_Ppeople, are there some software as babylon for Linux ?07:49
AngryElfhey all, i've changed the default download option in firefoxs about:config but it still downloads things to Desktop, has anybody heard of this?07:49
ompaul!tell CraiZE about grub07:49
ompaulCraiZE, that should help07:49
scorchsaberCraiZe: I don't think so. Maybe with the other one? Can't remember what it's called07:49
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Ongohi people. I get a "Greeter application error..." on clean istall of 5.10 amd64. Can someone help me?07:50
CraiZElilo ?07:50
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ompaulCraiZE, what do you actually want to do with it anyway?07:51
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CraiZEi want to make the default OS windows07:51
CraiZEand change the boot order07:52
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ompaulCraiZE, that is so simple that looking for a gui was a distraction07:52
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CraiZEits ok :P07:52
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CraiZEim following the guide :)07:52
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ompaulCraiZE, well change the value of the number for "Default" from 0 to what ever stanza (paragraph kind of thing) that other thing is on and save the file07:53
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ompaulhorse, ?07:54
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J_Ppeople, are there some software as babylon for Linux ?07:54
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gutiszzserver irc.data.lt +666807:55
scorchsaber J_P: what is babylon?07:55
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squehow can I add more locales?07:55
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squedo I need to recompile glibc ?07:55
CraiZEgonna try, brb07:55
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stepheltoni've installed xserver-xorg but i dont have a startx command as i'm used to... can i see a list of files flagged as executable in that package?07:55
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IdleOneJ_P,  sudo apt-get install  babytrans07:56
Schmidtstephelton : you need to 'apt-get install x-window-system'07:56
IdleOnescorchsaber, Front-end to use the dictionaries from Babylon Translator07:56
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stepheltonSchmidt, oh. im doing kde right now; will it install that as a dependency?07:56
ChristopherHow do I use a link sys adapter with ubuntu07:57
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NickGarveyChristopher: wireless?07:58
Schmidtstephelton : dont think so, but i'm not sure07:58
Christopher*yes its wireless07:58
s|k_'my document' button on my ms keyboard causes ubuntu to crash and the computer to shut down, anyone know how to turn those buttons off? I tried the keyboard manager.07:58
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IdleOnes|k_, check the keyboard shortcuts?07:59
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Mabus06How hard would it be to setup a mail server with virtual domains. I only need 2 mail accounts for each of 2 domains, with a web interface and pop3/imap/smtp07:59
s|k_IdleOne: I'll try that07:59
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SchmidtMabus06 : not all that hard, but expect it to take about 1-2 hours the first time08:00
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purplefeltangelwhen my computer starts up, in the BIOS and in grub there are these huge orange vertical lines down the screen. ubuntu freezes on startup and windows has a 640x480 screenres, 16 colours, and a garbled display with weird pink and green lines up and down it! what do i do??????08:01
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Mabus06Schmidt: can you suggest to me some starting points to learn how to do it? I need to do it for a friend but I want to know how to, first, so I can do it on my ubuntu machine.08:01
NickGarveypurplefeltangel: windows has problems too?08:01
purplefeltangelNickGarvey: yes08:01
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MenZaHmm... when I do /etc/init.d/gdm start, it fails to launch... might anyone know why?08:02
SchmidtMabus06 : http://workaround.org/articles/ispmail-sarge/ check out this guide08:02
Killgorewhats the oposite of dpgk -i package.deb08:02
s-ndh-cMenZa:  hm maybe wrong X configuration?08:02
SchmidtMabus06 : remember to read every line, then you will learn how to do it08:02
MenZas-ndh-c: well, I installed a third-party GDM theme.. I'm currently assuming it's that.08:03
MenZaLet me try resetting it.08:03
caglar__where do I get drivers for my generic webcam?08:03
Mabus06sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:03
Mabus06Schmidt: Thanks.08:03
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SchmidtMabus06 : np08:03
Killgorehow do i unistall things with dpkg08:03
Killgorecan i?08:03
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TheFuzzballhow do I install different Bootsplash themes in kubuntu?08:04
SchmidtKillgore : dpkg --help08:04
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[Spooky] Killgore: i use "sudo apt-get remove appname --purge"08:04
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IdleOne!tell TheFuzzball about usplash08:04
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Killgoreits -r looks like i didnt read it well enough the first time08:05
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X3lectricgood evening all :) :bowdown: to crafters of ubuntu08:05
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TheFuzzballwhat is Usplash?08:05
MenZaHmm... no, I think my GDM is ruined, somehow.08:06
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queuebughello - I'm a noobie trying to install wordpress.  How can I find out my localhost name?08:06
J_PCould anyone help me with dict enlish-pt-br and vice versa in ubuntu ? Are there anyone software to do this ?08:06
MenZaI reset it to the Ubuntu Human theme.08:06
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CraiZEqueuebug, type localhost in xterm08:06
k31thI should be safe to upgrade to dapper when im in kde ?08:06
queuebugthanks, CraiZE08:06
CraiZEqueuebug, np08:06
CraiZEits: hostname08:06
CraiZEnot localhost, sorry08:06
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X3lectricIm looking for the xubunto username/password combo08:07
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.08:07
hischamhello, how to EDIT config files which are protected?08:07
MenZaWhen I try to launch gdm from a terminal without X running (using /etc/init.d/gdm start), it says "Fail". Anyone have a clue what's going on here?08:07
stepheltonSchmidt, i could'nt find x-window-system08:07
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k31thwats the easy'st way to gloablly change the word brezzy to dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list ? can i use sed?08:08
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Schmidtstephelton, try 'sudo apt-get install x-window-system-core'08:09
queuebugThanks CraiZE!08:09
purplefeltangelwhen my computer starts up, in the BIOS and in grub there are these huge orange vertical lines down the screen. ubuntu freezes on startup and windows has a 640x480 screenres, 16 colours, and a garbled display with weird pink and green lines up and down it! what do i do??????08:09
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MenZak31th: I can give you my sources.lst if it's of any help :p08:09
CraiZEqueuebug, no problem! :)08:09
MenZaMind you my own CD is listed, among other things.08:09
k31thMenZa: i just wanted to now for future use08:09
MenZak31th: I don't think there is. Don't ask me though.08:10
testHow to edit config files which are protected?08:10
X3lectrichow do I get sudo installed on xbox then?08:10
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Jhairk31th: sed 's/breezy/dapper/g' sources.list > x; mv x sources.list08:10
testHow to edit config files which are protected? I can't open them by double-clicking on them08:11
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k31thJhair: thanks08:11
errpast98vncviewer via command line works to my vnc server, but Terminal Services Client fails with "error", nothing more descriptive08:11
jagerwhat's your favorite antivirus program? (yes i know it's off topic but you guyus are so smart!)08:11
Jhairtest:  gksudo gvim /etc/passwd08:11
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odathi everyone08:12
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xfcefreakjager: i dont use them no need to08:12
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troytroyhi all programs i run in gnome appear very small in kde how do i correct the problem?08:12
odatwhy do i always get this error when trying to compile08:12
odaterror: C compiler cannot create executables08:12
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xfcefreakodat: sudo apt-get install build-essential08:12
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naztyhow can i install a font?08:12
stepheltonSchmidt, thx that was it08:12
xfcefreakubotu tell nazty about fonts08:12
xfcefreaknazty: your pm will show you08:13
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IdleOne!tell jager about antivirus08:13
Schmidtstephelton, np08:13
s-ndh-cone quick question08:13
testJhair, it does not work08:13
xfcefreaks-ndh-c: yes?08:13
naztythanks x08:13
s-ndh-cis there some guid on setting up remote windows printers?08:13
testJhair, I get this: gksudo gvim /etc/passwd08:14
uboturumour has it, print is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters or http://www.linuxprinting.org08:14
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sovieticoolif i install amarok i must to install codec for him ? i install it from synamptic :D08:14
testJhair, I get this: sudo: gvim: command not found08:14
k31thwill ubuntu keep stuff back when you do a apt-get upgrade if its currently in use ??08:14
X3lectricI am looking for the livecd/ xubuntu user/password for xbox version08:14
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Howdy125What is gksudo ?08:14
Jhairtest: use other editor gedit then08:14
Jhairtest:  gksudo gedit /etc/passwd08:14
xfcefreakk31th: it keeps them back because releasing them may hurt your system08:14
s|kI just have to leave that button alone heh08:14
scorchsabertest: it never hurts to install gtk-vim08:14
lucnacCan I update firefox? how?08:15
k31thxfcefreak: i see.08:15
xfcefreakk31th: also if the depends are not met08:15
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion08:15
xfcefreakk31th: you on breezy or dapper?08:15
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testso what should i do to open a config file by double clicking it08:15
k31thxfcefreak: currently im on breezy im trying to upgrade to dapper08:15
k31thim running ubuntu08:15
lucnacthanks a lot, i'll try!08:15
testI mean how to edit a config file by double-clikcing on it?08:16
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IdleOnetest, right click , open with text editor08:16
testbut then i can not edit it08:16
testjsut read08:16
k31thxfcefreak: why do you ask ?08:16
s-ndh-ci have chosen the same driver as on that wiki page08:17
s-ndh-cbut it doesnt print08:17
s-ndh-cit comes nothing out of the printer08:17
Howdy125test sudo nautilus .. how ever it's spelled ..08:17
xfcefreakk31th: dappper has holdbacks08:17
testHowdy125: is this really the only way?08:17
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Howdy125test .. yeah without actually becoming root ..08:18
naztyxfcefreak: the font still dont pop up08:18
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testok, thanks then Howdy125, it did work08:18
xfcefreaknazty: what do you mean it doesnt pop-up?08:18
naztyi put it in ~/.fonts , /usr/share/fonts08:18
Howdy125yw test08:18
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naztyin the font selector08:18
Jhairtest: right click on the file -> Open with other application->Use custom command->gtksudo <the name of whatever editor you use> <command>08:18
Killgorehas anybody here used WineCVS.sh ???08:18
naztyi also have it in08:18
Killgorecontacting the CVS is really slow08:19
_harmhi i have an AMD athlon 1800+ thats k7 arch right?08:19
testJhair, thanks too08:19
Jhairtest: without the "<" and the ">"08:19
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naztyits also in there08:19
xfcefreakKillgore: i think most people use the wine repos now08:19
=== Fiscal [n=pscabral@20151109126.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
k31thshould i run upgrade or distt-upgrade08:19
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Killgorexfcefreak: im trying to get cedega08:19
naztyxfcefreak : do u use bitchx or epic?08:19
ubotuI guess amarok is a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/08:20
xfcefreakk31th: from breezy to dapper you should use the update tool08:20
xfcefreaknazty: irssi08:20
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naztybecause i cant get ansi characters to display right08:20
=== lillpelle [i=mickep@c-221ce055.311-17-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
naztythey only display as boxes.....08:20
k31thxfcefreak: ?? iv ran apt-get update08:20
sovieticoolamarok work whit gnome ?08:20
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xfcefreaknazty: sorry dont know08:20
k31thnow its apt-get dist-upgrade ?08:20
IdleOnesovieticool, yes iirc08:20
k31thsovieticool: yes, u will need kde libs tho.08:20
=== maddler_ [n=maddler@217-133-249-231.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu
testis it possible to have 5.1 sound, if so how?08:21
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xfcefreakk31th: i strongly suggest you using the tool. the tool is more stable atm than dist-upgrade08:21
=== Madeye [n=Jad@] has joined #ubuntu
WebGuestwhere can i download libstdc++6     libxxf86dga1 from?08:21
xfcefreakk31th: change your repos back to breezy run sudo apt-get update than get started with the tool08:21
testis it possible to have 5.1 sound, if so, how?08:21
k31thxfce wat tool08:22
=== _spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #ubuntu
=== xfcefreak has seen alot of people mess their system up by using dist-upgrade to dapper
Killgorexfcefreak: im guessing when it says checking out cvs it means downloading08:22
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.08:22
xfcefreak^^^ k31th last link08:22
=== Morrowyn [n=Morrowyn@82-170-255-193.dsl.ip.12move.nl] has joined #ubuntu
xfcefreakKillgore: either downloading or verifing08:22
=== jhaa [n=juha@dsl-aur-fed4dd00-234.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
WebGuestwhere can i download libstdc++6     libxxf86dga1 from?08:23
Gosha...this haven't anything to do with ubuntu .. but still .. why can't i copy the winrar install from the diskette to the computer... ah yeah.. it has to do with ubuntu .. i can't open the floppy in ubuntu08:23
xfcefreakWebGuest: you want both of them?08:23
Apostle^does xgl work on breezy?08:24
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xfcefreakWebGuest: sudo apt-get install libstdc++608:24
xfcefreakApostle^: nope08:24
=== Linuturk [n=Linuturk@adsl-220-132-164.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^not at all?08:24
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xfcefreakWebGuest: if that doesnt work use apt-cache search libstdc08:24
WebGuestI want to download them via ff08:24
WebGuestim on xp08:24
xfcefreakApostle^: im sure theres a hack to the hack but no it depends on dappers Xorg08:24
WebGuesti dont have the internet on my linux box08:24
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)08:25
xfcefreakWebGuest: packages.ubuntu.com08:25
purplefeltangelwhen my computer starts up, in the BIOS and in grub there are these huge orange vertical lines down the screen. ubuntu freezes on startup and windows has a 640x480 screenres, 16 colours, and a garbled display with weird pink and green lines up and down it! what do i do??????08:25
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naztydoes anyone here use bitchx or epic irc clients?!08:25
xfcefreakWebGuest: i dont know where you would get them for windows08:25
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Killgorey does everything on the internet need a credit card08:25
=== xfcefreak kind of thinking you can get them for windows
=== Centaur5 [n=fishman@209-33-227-202.dsl.infowest.net] has joined #ubuntu
Killgorei would pay for cedega if i had one08:25
xfcefreakKillgore: how else are they gonna get their money?08:26
BambinoGuys a question. I am running gconf-editor. and i clicked on apps/nautilis/dekstop. I ticked the computer icon visible, home icon and volumes. and i even restarted X, still nothing is howing at my desctop. Any ideas?08:26
=== Breezy-CA [i=523b0b6b@c-24-4-249-124.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xfcefreakpaypal uses CC and bank account but it costs to be part of paypal (for companies) i think08:26
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.08:26
=== GoRoDeK [n=gorodek@buerbach192.buerbach.wohnheim.Uni-Siegen.DE] has joined #ubuntu
k31thxfcefreak: are you sure this tool is ok08:27
k31ththe packages dont have a gpg key either.08:27
Centaur5If I get an error message when trying to run make that says /lib/modules/uname-r/build No such file or directory which kernel source do I need to install?08:27
=== sbmauricio [n=Mauricio@201009168083.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
xfcefreakk31th: i know its more stable than dist-upgrade08:27
Killgorewould they recommend it if it wasnt08:27
Linuturkfresh install on an emachines m2350. trying to connect to a router via dhcp, and the device isn't automatically configuring. It appears it has detected the hardware, but it isn't working correctly. I can pull it up in network settings, but it isn't working correctly. Can anyone help me troubleshoot this?08:27
xfcefreakk31th: what your installing is only used for the upgrade than removed08:28
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xfcefreakk31th: keep something in mind there is no safe way to upgrade to dapper or to install dapper08:28
k31thxfcefreak: jesus , is there no cmd line tool? its a gui08:29
k31thI know.08:29
odathey whats the command to create a symlink?08:29
odati forget08:29
=== EgoPhobia [n=admin@] has joined #ubuntu
MethuselahCan anybody please point me to somewhere that I can download libstdc++2.9-glibc2.1.deb from? I can't find it anywhere.08:30
xfcefreakthe tool is only gui dist-upgrade would be cli but you choose what one you want to use im telling you the safest way i have seen08:30
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:30
xfcefreakMethuselah: maybe because they are 2 different libraries?08:30
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k31thxfcefreak: im not trying to be an ass... im going to try the gui out tbh.08:30
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MethuselahIt's an old debian library. It provides /usr/lib/libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.208:31
odathey whats the command to create a symlink?08:31
k31thln -s08:31
=== CrocoJet [n=CrocoJet@cm-virtua-poa-C8B0EB96.dynamic.brdterra.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
EgoPhobiai'm a newbie in ubuntu, can i use .deb packages of debian on ubuntu safely ??08:31
CrocoJetHi all08:31
rungekapokryphos, thanks for your help (I broke my system upgrading to breezy). I reinstalled it, now it works :)08:31
MethuselahAnd it did exist in ubuntu a while ago.. but has since been removed from debian and ubuntu08:31
CrocoJetI made install webmin, but I am getting problem to login08:31
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Killgorelate night tv is so crap08:31
purplefeltangelwhen my computer starts up, in the BIOS and in grub there are these huge orange vertical lines down the screen. ubuntu freezes on startup and windows has a 640x480 screenres, 16 colours, and a garbled display with weird pink and green lines up and down it! what do i do??????08:31
CrocoJetanyone can help me ?08:32
xfcefreakEgoPhobia: ubuntu uses .debs but some .debs are built for debian only08:32
k31thCrocoJet: that would be because webmin uses your root passwd hash and you probly dont have a root passwd set08:32
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odathey whats the command to create a symlink?08:32
xfcefreakKillgore: please join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about offtopic things08:32
k31thCrocoJet: google for change webmin password, theres a script some where but i cant remember where it is off the top of my head.08:32
CrocoJetk31th: need I make passwd08:33
CrocoJet command ?08:33
Methuselahln -s /home/me/thisfileislinkedto ./here08:33
xfcefreakodat: ln -s08:33
CrocoJetk31th: let me look08:33
=== bolsh [n=dave@mne69-3-82-225-22-32.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
k31thCrocoJet: it will of copied the hash when you installed, google and you will find the answer as i did.08:33
WebGuestGbalinux eh?08:33
carthikpurplefeltangel, is that with breezy, was it working well before?08:33
torkel_Hello, I installed dapper on this desktop computer, a shitty one :P Lots of ram, 900mhz cpu and geforce2gts... i also installed Gnome/Xgl/Compiz but I am experiencing some problems. Is this computer to slow to handle Xgl or is it something wrong here? :) When I move windows... the wobbling effect hits in, but it's pretty resource demanding, same goes for resizing etc. But not the basic effects08:34
carthiktorkel, /join #ubuntu+1 please08:34
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torkel_carthik: ok08:34
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CraiZEtorkel_, XGL shouldnt work on your machine08:34
=== alef0 [i=alef0@M952P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaWhere do I stuff Gnome splash screens?08:34
torkel_CraiZE: why not? I am running it :P08:35
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Linuturkheh, bad jack on the machine08:35
Linuturkthat's a bummer :(08:36
arrinmurrtorkel_: i think resizing is not hardware accelerated yet08:36
carthikMenZa, use system->Admin->login screen setup to add your new gdm splashed08:36
=== leagris [n=leagris_@mama.noiraude.net] has joined #ubuntu
purplefeltangelcarthik: yes, breezy. it did this a while ago but was fixed by blowing the dust out of the computer case; this time that didn't work08:37
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.08:37
=== hyperactivecrond [n=chris@ppp-69-218-47-143.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
torkel_arrinmurr:  ok, what about the wobbling effect when moving windows? It all move nice and smoothly at first, but when they wobbling effect start to turn out, so does 'fps'08:37
MenZacarthik: well, I meant the splash screen, not the GDM Login-thingy.08:37
hyperactivecrondeek my snd card isnt detected08:37
hyperactivecrondcrystal cs4237b08:37
hyperactivecronddell latitude cp08:37
xfcefreaktorkel_: that is normal for xgl08:37
apokryphosrungek: sorry you had to do that :/08:37
hyperactivecrondxgl= pita b/c if you hit shift-backspace you kill x08:38
xfcefreaktorkel_: for xgl related issues please join #ubuntu-xgl08:38
carthikpurplefeltangel, oh, okay, remove the graphics card from the slot, clean with a soft cloth, clean the slot by blowing/vacuuming, re-insert card and continue using :)08:38
arrinmurrtorkel_: hmm.. i don't know about that. but try to ask at #ubuntu-xgl #xgl-ubuntu and http://compiz.ed3n.com/08:38
apokryphosrungek: you should of course never need to reinstall in Linux, and you could've got around that but it would've been an awful lot of work, really.08:38
Linuturkshould I use the ati drivers for an radeon IGP 320M ?08:38
carthikMenZa, which splash are you talking about?08:38
purplefeltangelcarthik: i don't know where my graphics card is.08:38
Apostle^if i dist-upgrade to dapper do i need to edit grub menu.lst ?08:38
hyperactivecrondany ideas?08:38
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.08:38
apokryphosApostle^: no08:38
rungekapokryphos, yeah, but its moms computer. I gotta be shiny by the time I leave so they have nothing to complain about :)08:39
xfcefreakapokryphos: if you really insist on it use the tool08:39
Apostle^apokryphos: what do i need to do ?08:39
carthikpurplefeltangel, okay - well, if you open your computer, the card that has the slot for your monitor cable to plug in, is your graphics card :)08:39
CrocoJetI did  .. command: /usr/share/webmin/changepass.pl /etc/webmin root newpassword08:39
MenZacarthik: The splash which states that it loads Nautilus etc., after you've logged in.08:39
apokryphosxfcefreak: insist on what?08:39
xfcefreakupgrading to dapper08:39
CrocoJetbut cant login .. yet08:39
leagrishow can I disable ipv6 in a clean way. I wrote a file in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ipv6 and added blacklist net-pf-10 but it continue to enable ipv6. I thout changing /etc/modprobe.d/alias and adding alias net-pf-10 off but that is a modification of a packaged ocnfig file and it will be erase at next upgrade. What is a clean way to disable net-pf-10 in ubuntu ?08:39
purplefeltangelcarthik: errr, if my memory serves me, that doesn't look like it will come out.08:39
hyperactivecrondany ideas as to how to get my damned isa card to work?08:39
xfcefreakwrong dam tab08:39
apokryphosApostle^: it'd be of more help if you tested the thing as ubotu says, but for dist-upgrade you just follow the standard procedure.08:39
xfcefreakApostle^: read what i typed to apokryphos by mistake08:40
Apostle^apokryphos: okay08:40
ubotusomebody said ati was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358908:40
=== qeed [n=qeed@adsl-154-141-150.mco.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^the tool is crap08:40
=== ravice [n=ravice40@pool-71-241-148-227.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== xfcefreak would use the tool. i havent had any mess up using the tool yet but dist-upgrade alot of people have
xfcefreaki never used any of the choices above08:40
=== captainL [n=luke@82-35-246-206.cable.ubr04.dals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hyperactivecrond08:41
ubotuhyperactivecrond: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:41
hyperactivecrondo well08:41
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=== waelti [n=waelti@84-72-181-146.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu
captainLdamnit. if apt-get install asks for the cd does that mean it can't find the package online?08:42
carthikMenZa, go to /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image and you will find you can change it whatever you like...08:42
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sovieticool08:42
FrogzoocaptainL: nope - might just be looking at cd first - disable cd in synaptic's repos08:42
ubotuBinary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories08:42
apokryphoscaptainL: it means that you don't have all online repos listed08:42
captainLFrogzoo: thanks08:42
hyperactivecrondw32codecs == crap08:42
apokryphoscaptainL: it uses the CD before going online08:43
stepheltonwhere do i specify what daemons run at startup?08:43
Breezy-CAI'm running Breezy (figures, neh?). It sometimes shuts down "all by itself" -- signal 15 -- and I haven't been able to figure out what's causing it. Ran chkrootkit and reassured myself that it isn't an attack. Turned off power-saving features in screensaver (someone thought maybe that was the issue), but problem persists. Any thoughts?08:43
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@YZMMMDCCXXX.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sovieticoolwhere to get codec for mp3 ?08:43
=== [SEAWOLF] [n=seawolf@host178-25.pool8252.interbusiness.it] has joined #ubuntu
MenZa!tell sovieticool about mp308:43
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hyperactivecrond:P MenZa you got there befor eme08:43
=== ours_polaire [n=franck@ARouen-151-1-76-163.w86-215.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
FrogzooBreezy-CA: low battery can do that08:43
MenZahyperactivecrond: I like to be the first to answer on the easy ones ;)08:43
captainLapokryphos: the problem is that i don't have the cd anymore. i'll try what Frogzoo said and disable it.08:43
Breezy-CAFrogzoo - my bad, I should have said this is not a laptop08:44
apokryphoscaptainL: yes, that's what most people do. Finding the CD is a hassle08:44
rungekBreezy-CA, try turning of apci in the kernel :), though that would be a crude sulution08:44
stepheltonwhere do i specify what daemons run at startup?08:44
Breezy-CArungek - That may be above my pay grade ... I'm not sure how I'd do that08:45
Frogzoostephelton: /etc/rc2.d08:45
captainLapokryphos: yeah, it's a nightmare.08:45
MenZacarthik: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/pre1/33082-1.png <- That thing.08:45
MenZasovieticool: yes, go there.08:45
sovieticooli don't understand :( there is a lot of word and nothing help me :)08:45
FrogzooBreezy-CA: anything in /var/log/messages to indicate a problem?08:45
carthikMenZa, install gnome-art on your system - makes my life a lot easier...08:46
Breezy-CAFrogzoo - No, just the signal 15, no sign of what's generating it08:46
carthikMenZa, it will put a System->pref->Art Manager entry08:46
MenZaAh, alright. Thank you.08:46
MenZaDownloading :)08:46
MenZaGod I have a nasty habit of running waay too many terminals :\08:47
Breezy-CAFrogzoo -  gconfd received sig 15, shutting down08:47
=== MenZa closes a few
carthikMenZa, open the terminals in tabs :)08:47
jerware_how can i recall and scroll through past command relevent to a search criteria08:47
carthikjerware_, type atrl+r08:48
jerware_carthik:  then how do i scroll?08:48
jerware_up key returns me to bash prmpt08:48
carthikjerware_, that is find as you type....08:48
=== Cin [n=Cin@unaffiliated/cin] has joined #ubuntu
CinThere's no SLIME on the package collection?08:49
Linuturkhow do I access a windows ntfs partion after a fresh install? it has something to do with fstab and permissions, right?08:49
jerware_well i have an ssh session that i want to find,  how do i narrow down the ip i want ?08:49
FrogzooBreezy-CA: suggest you try 'recovery mode' & then go through the boot scripts one by one till you find what service is causing the problem08:49
apokryphosLinuturk: /msg ubotu ntfs08:49
jerware_i dont know my buddies IP off the bat08:49
jerware_but i need to contact him08:49
MenZa!tell Linuturk about ntfs08:49
Frogzoojerware_: you ask your buddy08:49
jerware_theres no way to see all the past ssh entries?08:49
Linuturkmerci beaucoup08:49
Frogzoojerware_: will be logged in /var/log/auth08:50
Breezy-CAFrogzoo, you're talking to a n00b ... boot scripts ... ? Maybe there's an online tutorial or something I can get up to speed with ...08:50
jerware_ok thanx08:50
KillgoreLinuturk: correct08:50
Frogzoojerware_: or just 'last'08:50
Breezy-CACompletely separate secondary thing - anyone recommend a good, cheap (sub $50) graphics card? I'm not a gamer, but I'm running some ancient ATI Rage thing that is barely happy even with ordinary apps (e.g., Oo.o, pdf readers, etc.)08:50
BambinoDoes anyone know how to display the trash can, and my volumes using KDE? I want them to be dosplayed at my desktop08:50
KillgoreBreezy-CA: agp or pci-x08:50
xfcefreakBreezy-CA: nvidia08:50
Breezy-CAagp 2x-4x08:51
Breezy-CAOld mobo08:51
KillgoreBreezy-CA: or possibly pci08:51
sfarBambino: you cant play dos-games on the desktop :) DOSPLAY bwhahahah08:51
KillgoreBreezy-CA: my FX5200 chugs along quite nicely, cost me $120 about 3 years ago (AUD)08:51
xfcefreakBreezy-CA: pci nvidia card for the older mobos08:51
=== sfar slaps Bambino
FrogzooBreezy-CA: any chance the cpu is overheating & shutting down?08:51
carthikjerware_, use   history | grep -i "<search string>" to search and then when you find the history item number, use !number08:51
xfcefreakKillgore: i got same card cost me 70 dollars08:52
Breezy-CAxfcefreak,  Killgore, t/y08:52
Killgorenot a bad card08:52
Bambinosfar: You are so funny08:52
xfcefreakno its not08:52
sfarim a bunny08:52
Killgorewell its pretty terrible these days08:52
carthikMenZa, gnome-art is nice, innit :)08:52
Killgorei was very impressed when i ran doom3 and far cry08:52
Breezy-CAFrogzoo,  I don't *think* so ... can't prove it, but I doubt it08:52
Killgoreo.0 at far cry08:52
FrogzooBreezy-CA: is the fan spinning? any movement should be enough08:53
KillgoreBreezy-CA: are you doing anything in particular when this happens? how long after boot-up08:53
Breezy-CAFrogzoo,  sure ... fan's going, no question08:53
Breezy-CAKillgore,  time from boot varies ... several days at least08:53
KillgoreBreezy-CA: its probably not the fans then08:53
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, carthik08:53
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!08:53
FrogzooBreezy-CA: run a memcheck from the boot prompt08:53
KillgoreBreezy-CA: what is the machine doing when it reboots?08:54
Breezy-CAKillgore,  always it's when I'm afk and can't see, so the box is idle ... Frogzoo, will run memcheck.08:54
KillgoreBreezy-CA: yer let it run for at least 30mins overnight if your really anal08:54
Breezy-CAWill do08:55
=== Breezy-CA goes off to run memcheck ...
=== Jimmey__ [n=james@user-2271.lns5-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Killgoreshould we have told him that memcheck makes the pc implode?08:56
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ubotusomebody said mp3 was a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:56
_Dezhow do i mount my usb drive?08:58
Frogzoo_Dez: plug it in08:58
konfuzedhey is there any significant changes with dapper that would warrant a fresh install instead of doing an upgrade08:58
_Dezim not in gui08:58
Frogzoo_Dez: physically - plug it in08:58
Linuturki found the options to add to fstab. do i leave the option "defaults" and add the additional options "ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000", or do I remove the option "defaults", and only have ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000?08:58
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konfuzed_Dez, it should still auto mount.   try ls /media09:00
CinIf I'm installing a binary something into a directory, what's the common directory to do so?09:00
konfuzedor somewhere else under /usr09:00
konfuzedCin, otherwise only do what the install instructions said to do09:00
konfuzedthe only requirements for location of a bin is that the App using it can find the file09:01
CinYah, but I don't wanna be putting it in my /home/ in case I accidently delete it or just for organisation purposes.09:02
CinHa, nice.09:02
konfuzedold school philosphy says that if its just for personal use keep it in your hoem dir other wise if it is intended to be used by actual users then it belongs somewhere in /usr09:04
konfuzedanything that runs like a daemon or part of the system mostly lives on the file system where end users can not mess with it09:05
konfuzedkeep in mind thats like the general rule of thumb and yes you can install sendmail into your home directory09:06
konfuzedor even under /boot09:06
konfuzedi wouldnt condone that but it could be done09:07
kbrookskonfuzed: no, you cant install sendmail under /boot09:07
konfuzedyes you can09:07
kbrooksno you cant09:07
konfuzedyou gotta screw around with it a lot09:07
kbrooksits illegal09:07
biovoreyou can install it anywhere..  but why boot?09:07
konfuzedagain, i wouldnt condone that but it could be done09:07
kbrookskonfuzed: its illegal to install sendmail under /boot. the law of linux says so.09:08
konfuzedso I say /boot just to illustrate that just because anything could be done doesnt mean its a good idea09:08
biovoreI don't know if the .deb package will let you.. but from source just tell the configure --prefix=/boot  and it will do it..09:08
Frogzookonfuzed: there's a linux standard for file system layout - and it doesn't mention using /boot for sendmail ;)09:08
_Dezmy usb drive isnt being mounted09:09
konfuzedyes I would agree that someone should be slapped for installing sendmail or anything else under boot - but that does not mean that it can not be done09:09
konfuzedagain, i wouldnt condone that but it could be done09:09
=== xfcefreak suggests letting sendmail install itself where it needs to <hint> sudo apt-get install sendmail
biovorethat what nice about linux.. it dose what you tell it.. even if its an insane crazy thing like dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/hda109:10
konfuzedFrogzoo, I read the LINUX BIBLE too and you're right, it wasnt in there09:10
kbrooks</hint>, xfcefreak09:10
_DezNetwork Interfaces: (#1 (VIA Compatable Fast Ethernet Adapter - Packet Scheduler Miniport (100Mb/s) 3871.59MB In, 363.46MB Out) #2(VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet1 (100Mb/s) 0.05MB In, 0.05MB Out) #3(VMware Virtual Ethernet Adapter for VMnet8 (100Mb/s) 0.04MB In, 0.04MB Out))09:10
kbrooksxfcefreak: are u really a xfce freak09:10
xfcefreakkbrooks: today i am tomorrow i dont know yet09:10
Dr_Willisxfce is nice in ways.. annoying in many others. :P09:11
Frogzookonfuzed: http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/HighQuality-Apps-HOWTO/fhs.html    it's not a law, but it's good practice09:11
biovoreIf I am not using kde.. I use xfce409:11
konfuzedagain, i wouldnt condone that but it could be done09:11
Frogzookonfuzed: totally agree it's doable09:11
konfuzedFrogzoo, its not law, but its good practive to only run sendmail on openbsd09:12
Frogzookonfuzed: so you could mail yourself a new kernel, & have procmail install it :p09:12
konfuzedwhy ? because the versio navailable from openbsd has been modified and secured by openbsd09:12
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biovoreif your into security.. openbsd is ussaly the better choice09:12
konfuzedif you're into not getting hacked or turned into a spam engine then send mail is a bad idea09:13
leagrisHow can I disable ipv6 in a clean Ubuntu way? I wrote a file in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ipv6 and added blacklist net-pf-10, but it continue to enable ipv6. I thought about changing /etc/modprobe.d/alias and writing alias net-pf-10 off but, that is a modification of a packaged config file and it will be erased at next upgrade. What is a clean way to disable net-pf-10 in ubuntu?09:13
xfcefreakubotu tell leagris about ipv609:13
biovorewell sendmail is just a pain to setup..  I like postfix better09:13
ubotumethinks ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper09:13
konfuzedI use postfix cause it bugs me the least09:14
Frogzookonfuzed: wait for Pacifica - you'll be able to run sendmail in its own virtual machine09:14
kbrooksFrogzoo: whats Pacifica?09:15
konfuzeduhm whats Pacifica09:15
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FrogzooVMs in hardware09:15
konfuzeduhm why would I want to run send mail ??09:15
konfuzedah yes ive been looking for   VMs in Hardware09:15
konfuzedis there a site for it yet?09:15
Frogzookbrooks: Pacifica is the hardware VM layer in the new AMDs due in a few months09:15
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konfuzedmy fav AMD09:16
konfuzedoh yeah09:16
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konfuzedthey rock09:16
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konfuzedAND's HardWare VM09:16
axisysanyone knows why I am failing to run amarok?09:16
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axisysthis is the error I get09:16
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konfuzedkewl if im lucky I'll be able to get one 3 years after the market release09:16
shikyhow do i identify09:16
sovieticoolhow i save setting to valknut09:17
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shikyor register09:17
axisysit tried to start kmail also.. hm09:17
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ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!09:17
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konfuzedkbrooks, what about off topic comments that are not discussions09:17
leagrisIs it possible to disable a kernel module  where ther exist an alias. Blacklist doesn't appear to work09:18
Frogzooaxisys: pretty ugly - what's your setup?09:18
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axisysFrogzoo: is that what u asked?09:18
Frogzooaxisys: ask in #ubuntu+109:18
Frogzoooops - no soz axisys - stay here09:18
axisysFrogzoo: ok09:18
Frogzooaxisys: kde or gnome?09:18
troytroyhi how do i make my gnome application appear well i kde. the seem to have tiny font view09:19
Frogzooaxisys: & you're only running 32 bit?09:19
xfcefreaktroytroy: ask in one room please whatever room fits you version of ubuntu09:20
axisysFrogzoo: not sure how to check09:20
axisysFrogzoo: its 32 bit09:20
Linuturkwhat is the terminal command to delete a folder and all it's files?09:20
Frogzooaxisys: if it's intel, it's 32 bit09:20
FrogzooLinuturk: rm -rf directory09:20
axisysFrogzoo: it is intel09:21
axisysFrogzoo: Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.60GHz09:21
kbrooksuse this factoid, xfcefreak09:22
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)09:22
kbrooksalso, this factoid09:23
xfcefreakyou mean for troytroy ?09:23
ubotumethinks kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE (not a fork) ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/09:23
biovoreaxisys: file /usr/bin/amarokapp09:23
k31thxfcefreak: it failed btw09:23
k31thsame errors as dist-upgrade09:23
axisysbiovore: let me chekc09:23
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xfcefreakk31th: what failed? and how did it fail?09:23
xfcefreakk31th: what were the errors?09:23
axisysbiovore: dont have one09:23
kdittyi need to resize my ubuntu partition, i gave it 40gigs more space than i wanted to. how should i go about doing that?09:23
k31thxfcefreak: failed on docs,09:23
axisysbiovore: /usr/bin/amarokapp: ERROR: cannot open `/usr/bin/amarokapp' (No such file or directory)09:23
k31thxfcefreak: ill get the log.09:23
konfuzedok so the Install CDs dont have the kernel source or gcc updates (as far as I can surmise), does the DVD have the kernel source ?09:24
k31thoh i cant its broken kde ffs09:24
biovoreaxisys: file /usr/bin/amarok ?09:24
axisysbiovore: may be i should uninstall and re-install using apt-get ?!09:24
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axisysbiovore: exist. it is 32bit09:24
biovoreaxisys: I build amarok 1.4 here from CVS09:25
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xfcefreakk31th: sounds like you had errors before trying to upgrade (upgrade doesnt fix anything)09:25
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axisysbiovore: http://pastebin.com/64830109:25
biovoreaxisys: so my setup is a bit different then ubuntu's09:25
konfuzedi would use apt-get but the network card doesnt work so apt-get cant find anything thats not in the dvd drive09:25
megaman123why cant i run the command "make" to run any .sh file ?09:25
shikyuse sh09:25
biovoreaxisys: ldd /usr/bin/amarok09:26
kbrooksmegaman123: because it doesnt run the .sh file09:26
konfuzedmegaman123, make is not for running .sh files09:26
shikyuse SH09:26
megaman123so how can i run a file of ext .sh09:26
shikysh whatever.sh09:26
svalme2win, sh fichier.sh09:26
axisysbiovore: http://pastebin.com/64830409:26
svalme2win, or chmod +x fichier.sh follow by ./fichier.sh09:27
megaman123it doesn't do anything09:27
axisysbiovore: looks to have found all libs09:27
konfuzedmake is for assited compile source and install sort of idea09:27
roryymegaman123: what's the file called? what are you trying to do with this .sh file?09:28
biovoreaxisys: well you can try reinstalling the package.. but I may not work09:28
megaman123im using the terminal to run commands ... isn't that the console ??09:28
megaman123the file is chech.sh from ati09:28
konfuzedmegaman123, mv whatever.sh runme;chmod 777 runme;runme09:28
megaman123sorry check.sh09:28
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roryymegaman123: and what is check.sh supposed to do ?09:28
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k31thxfcefreak: I did not09:29
megaman123its supposed to get the version of XFree09:29
axisysbiovore: let me give it a shot09:29
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EvilDinam how to take away some user permission to ssh login09:29
roryymegaman123: ok.  And when you run it, nothing at all happens ?09:29
megaman123i type sh check.sh09:30
ubotusomebody said skype was http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/09:30
megaman123it says:"you are either not running this script from the console09:30
EvilDinam how to take away some user permission to ssh login09:30
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megaman123or simply do not have console ownership09:31
ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.09:31
konfuzedmegaman123, it proabably wants you to run it as root09:31
roryymegaman123: ah, perhaps it's a permissions issue. try 'sudo sh check.sh'09:31
megaman123i did09:31
megaman123same result09:31
xfcefreakk31th: its a bug in kubuntu09:31
dashriKewhat do I need to do to set up the partition table for Ubuntu?09:32
roryymegaman123: perhaps you are required to run it from the ``real'' console09:32
xfcefreaki have some filing a bug on it as we speak he has same issue and not from upgrade09:32
konfuzedmegaman123, do      ls -lh check.sh09:32
megaman123where is the real console09:32
roryymegaman123: use Ctl-Alt-F1 to get to the text-mode console.  Use Alt-F7 to get back to X09:32
k31thxfcefreak: oh09:32
konfuzedthere is only one console, no matter how you get to it , it is the same console09:32
svalmegaman123, apt-show-version xserver-xorg to find the version of xorg ( xfree )09:32
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konfuzedmegaman123, do      ls -lh check.sh09:33
megaman123ok :)09:33
axisysbiovore: u r right.. exact same error09:33
megaman123i did the ls09:33
xfcefreakk31th: if he files it i will give you the bug number so you can add to it09:33
konfuzedwell show me the result09:33
konfuzedits only 1 line09:33
k31thxfcefreak: should i email the guy ?09:33
gouchiI'm using a labtec webcam which is using spcaXXX modules09:33
biovoreaxisys: I had problems with the amarok that came with kubuntu, IT would crash alot.. So I built my own..09:33
megaman123it gave me no such file or directory09:33
Goshamy U. doesn't / can't open my floppy... it says "unable to mount device"09:33
megaman123hold on 1 sec09:34
megaman123the file is gone !!!!!???09:34
gouchibut when I try an application ie aMSN, GnomeMeetting09:34
gouchiit freezes the computer09:34
konfuzedmegaman123, that might be the problem09:34
gouchirunning on Ubuntu Breezy09:34
xfcefreakk31th: no its not the tools fault its a bug in kubuntu09:34
k31thok, kool.09:34
gouchieven If I use new update modules09:34
megaman123:) i was doing this linux-686 upgarde at the same time09:34
biovoreaxisys: http://amarok.kde.org/amarokwiki/index.php/Installation_HowTo#From_Anonymous_SVN09:34
gouchidoes anyone have the same problem ?09:34
megaman123do i need to restart after this update ??09:35
dashriKewhat do I need to do to set up the partition table for Ubuntu?09:35
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megaman123sorry im a windows person and just moved here two days ago09:35
axisysbiovore: let me check that out09:35
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gouchior someone succeeded to use spaXXX module for the cam09:35
gouchi ?09:35
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megaman123and in windows u restart every 2 seconds09:35
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k31thxfcefreak: seems to work ok tbh09:35
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ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware09:35
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konfuzedmegaman123, life works out better when you do one thing at a time. Computers only pretend to do more than one thing at a time09:35
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comradeI got a question, my wireless is working, but it keeps dropping the internet, I can still connect to my router, I assume it's something with dhclient. anyone have suggestions?09:36
criminyI'm installing gaim from cvs using checkinstall..what version # could I use that would not try to be overwritten when a dist-upgrade09:36
ubotuit has been said that fluxbox is a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net09:36
megaman123ya i guess09:36
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Goshaagain: my U. doesn't / can't open my floppy... it says "unable to mount device"09:36
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Dr_WillisGosha,  try mounting it manually from the shell09:36
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_Dezwhen i try to install fluxbox it tells me im missing alot of packages09:36
xfcefreakcriminy: there are repos for gaim beta 3 other than that you would have to pin it09:37
konfuzedmegaman123, so pick one say what it is and when thats done bring up your next conundrum09:37
marlunIs there a Skype app for linux?09:37
MenZaCan anyone tell me how I setup Rhythmbox to output in ALSA?09:37
x999nalioth, what do i need to do to get totem to read a dvd rom in the dual sided dvd player.  this is squidbullets, over09:37
winstonmarlun yeah skype09:37
winstonIm running it now09:37
MenZamarlun: yes, skype :)09:37
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MenZa!tell marlun about skype09:37
marlunwinston, oh :) thought it was windows only09:37
megaman123does anyone know where i could get help on DVB issues ??09:37
megaman123a chat place not a website09:37
MenZamarlun: until yesterday, I did too.09:37
k31thxfcefreak: to be honest09:37
Goshadr willis: ...how?09:37
naliothsquidbullets: type /j #kubuntu-offtopic please09:37
NickGarvey /quit09:38
Dr_WillisGosha,  with the mount command. Mounting Drives and devices.. is not too hard to research and learn about. BUt thee may be some tricks to it.09:38
ubotusomebody said mount was the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:38
criminyxfcefreak: I'd much rather build it myself09:38
MenZaCan anyone tell me how I setup Rhythmbox to output in ALSA? :\09:38
xfcefreakk31th: well if everything is working right you wouldnt have that error and that error will cause you not to get updates (what does uname -r output)?09:38
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marlunMenZa, thanks :)09:38
megaman123another question , if i want to add more resolutions to my system..how can i ? i missed it at setup09:38
criminybut I am having troublr with the version #09:38
Dr_WillisGosha,  check the /etc/fstab file and see if the floppy drive is even Mentioned in there. If it is - then it should have a directory in /media09:39
MenZanp marlun :)09:39
k31thxfcefreak: might just nuke this install.09:39
k31thand go bk to to 5.10 on gnome ?09:39
Goshanano etc/fstab ?09:39
xfcefreakcriminy: build it yourself than im just telling you grabbing the repo will stop 1.5 from conflickting or you can pin gaim2 so you dont get updates for it09:39
Dr_WillisGosha,  that would allow the user to view it.. correct.09:39
criminyoh! pin..okay09:39
Dr_WillisGosha,  or cat /etc/fstab09:39
MenZamegaman123: sudo pico /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:39
criminythanks. I forgot what 'pin' meant09:39
ubotumethinks pinning is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PinningHowto09:40
Linuturki just installed a wireless device with ndiswrapper. it worked wonderfully until I rebooted09:40
MenZago down to the resolutions-part and add your desired resolution, on all the points.09:40
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Linuturkthe device still shows up in the nework settings09:40
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Linuturkand says it has 100% signal strengh. should I modprobe ndiswrapper again? how can I get it to do that automatically?09:40
winstonIve got a prob with breeezy on my ppc install on  a G3 bronze keyboard powerpc: When I boot without internet access, the GNOME interface does not load (useless brown screen without anything but a mouse pointer), I can boot up in safe terminal and lauuch programs, but I'd really prefer fixing the problem09:41
Dr_Willisin /etc/modules - is one way09:41
Gosha... yeah.. it says flppy something there09:41
squidbulletsnalioth=8D you gonna help me with this?09:41
Dr_WillisGosha,  then you should be able to access/mount it. its  possible its set up where just root can access it.09:41
Dr_WillisGosha,  try 'mount' and see if its mounted09:42
LinuturkDr_Willis: was that directed at me?09:42
Dr_WillisLinuturk,  yep.09:42
megaman123no one familiar with DVB and ubuntu here ??09:42
Gosha...only mount in console?09:42
Dr_WillisGosha,  as a test and see.09:42
Dr_WillisGosha,  yes 'mount' is the command09:42
Goshacan't see it there09:43
Dr_WillisGosha,  then try mounting09:43
Dr_Willismount /media/WhatevertheNameOFTheFloppyDirIs09:44
Dr_Willis:) since i dont have a floppy i dont know what Ubuntu calls it09:44
arrinmurrmegaman123: well, i'm using dvb with kaffeine09:44
Gosha.... O_o09:44
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Dr_WillisSo you got to look in /media/ and see what dirs are there09:44
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Goshanothing with floppy lol09:45
Dr_WillisGosha,  what does the fstab entry for floppy say exactly then.09:45
megaman123arrinmurr: what dvb card do you have?09:46
megaman123i have SS209:46
axisysbiovore: hey i see the configure says ./configure --enable-debug=full --prefix=`kde-config --prefix`09:47
axisysbiovore: but i do not run kde09:47
axisysbiovore: so i should change kde to gnome?09:47
arrinmurrmegaman123: Terratec Cinergy 1200 DVB-C09:47
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comradewhere can I set the option to only search when disconnected for my wireless, I was reading on a forum it's in network manager, but I can't find that09:47
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axisysbiovore: i will just user /usr/bin as prefix instead09:47
megaman123arrinmurr: i got it to scan but when i try to open xine it gives me a demux error09:47
IamEthoswhat version of Gnome runs on Breezy?09:47
Dr_Willis--prefix=`kde-config   - is using that `kde-config` progrm (see the backticks) to get the setting I belive09:48
svalIamEthos, 2.12.109:48
arrinmurrmegaman123: you got what to scan?09:48
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megaman123arrinmurr: i got it to scan Hotbird and got the channels.conf09:48
SS2megaman123: hope you don't have me ;)09:49
megaman123arrinmurr: and i get the szap to run09:49
axisysbiovore: how did u skip the KDE error.. /usr/bin seems not helping09:49
Gosha/dev/fd0        /media/floppy0  auto    rw,user,noauto  0       009:49
megaman123SS2: :)))) no, you're quite safe09:49
SS2ok :)09:49
arrinmurrmegaman123: hmm.. i  haven't really used the separate small utilities for scanning etc. for a long time, since kaffeine does it all09:49
mineralehi, I have intalled ubuntu for AMD64... big mistake... (graphics don't work right, no codecs, no flash no firefox1.5) ... how do I "uninstall" it and then install ubuntu 32bit ?09:50
Goshai tried a cd and it showed the /media/cd0 thingie in the mount command09:50
megaman123it does ... i will try it as soon as my updates finish09:50
Dr_WillisGosha,  theres no /media/floppy0 directory eh?   'ls -l /media/floppy*' and double check09:50
megaman123arrinmurr: what pre-req's do i need to have installed ??09:50
megaman123arrinmurr: or do i find it in Synaptic??09:51
arrinmurrmegaman123: it brings everything it needs with it when it's being installed09:51
arrinmurrmegaman123: yes09:51
Goshafloppy * or 0?09:51
megaman123arrinmurr: nice :)))09:51
Dr_Willis* is a wildcard. :P Bash Fundamentals.09:52
Dr_WillisIt pays well - to read a few bash tutorials when you have the spare time.09:52
arrinmurrmegaman123: but it's a kde program, so it will bring so kde libraries with it. it worth it though, unless you're going to make a pvr box or something, in which case something like mythtv or vdr would be better09:52
Goshasays lrwxwxwxwx something and then floppy0 total 009:53
megaman123arrinmurr: i can not get either of them to work :( been at it for the last 72 hours non stop09:53
Linuturkok, i need a sound guy. I've got a emachines m2350. I've followed directions in the ubuntu forums for configuring it's sound, but it didn't work. I can adjust it's volume with the tray icon, and the buttons on the laptop, but I don't hear any of the startup sounds at all. Can someone help me troubleshoot this? what additional info would help you help me?09:53
Dr_WillisGosha,  so the dir is there.09:54
Dr_WillisGosha,  as a user you 'should' be able to mount it then. 'mount /media/floppy' (there IS a floppy in the drive correct?_09:54
Dr_WillisDonno? you just Looked and it was there. :P09:54
arrinmurrmegaman123: yeah, kaffeine is like a heaven compared to them in that sense ;)09:54
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megaman123arrinmurr: i'll give it a try..i still have like 30 mins of updates to go09:55
Dr_WillisGosha,  Under the Menus -> Places/Computer --> there 'should' be a floppy drive icon in there as well.09:55
Gosha.. says "lrwxwxw><something> root root /media/floppy -> flopy0" and more down: "/media/floppy0: total 0"09:55
arrinmurrmegaman123: but kaffeine is not a media center like mythtv, but just a media player with great dvb capabilities09:56
IamEthoshttp://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=32845 <-I can't seem to make this theme work, would anyone mind taking a look at it?09:56
_Dezcan anyone help me in a privmsg?09:56
winstonI require assisance to fix a boot problem09:56
sval_Dez, what about ?09:56
Goshayay, it worked09:56
megaman123arrinmurr: i will settle for anything that gives me dvb picture for now09:56
_Dezsval im trying to install fluxbox and i installed ubuntu server im missing a few libs09:56
Goshathanks alot09:56
sjkwinston:  what's the issue?09:57
Dr_WillisGosha,  if you see the floppy icon in that Places/Computer - area.. you need to RIGHT CLICK and 'mount' the thing. :P09:57
megaman123arrinmurr: i'm telling u i've been trying to set vdr up for the last 3 days and i'm done09:57
winstonIve got a prob with breeezy on my ppc install on  a G3 bronze keyboard powerpc: When I boot without internet access, the GNOME interface does not load (useless brown screen without anything but a mouse pointer), I can boot up in safe terminal and lauuch programs, but I'd really prefer fixing the problem09:57
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Dr_WillisGosha,  perhaps that was what you were not doing? Be sure to Unmount the floppy befor removing it also09:57
arrinmurrmegaman123: hehe :)09:57
sval_Dez, did you try to install fluxbox via apt ?09:57
_Dezyes sval09:57
k31thxfcefreak: dude, is best option to roll back to stable version of kubuntu09:57
sval_Dez, what's the error message ?09:58
xfcefreakk31th: no such thing09:58
_Dezi cant even apt-get install anymore09:58
k31thxfcefreak: ?09:58
xfcefreakDapperDrake: has 3.5.2 i think09:58
Goshak, why?09:58
_Dezo crap one sec09:58
sval_Dez, try 'sudo apt-get install -f fluxbox'09:58
k31thxfcefreak: i mean drop back to breezy ?09:58
Dr_WillisGosha,  becuase if you dont - it may not write all the changes to the disk09:59
rungekhi. I am running skype right now. I can speak (they hear me), But I do not hear anything :/09:59
rungekany ideaS?09:59
xfcefreakk31th: only way to do that is to re-install breezy09:59
Goshaoh, k09:59
Dr_WillisGosha,  same with USB memory-stick drives as well09:59
sjkwinston:  I have a similar issue...  but if there is no network connection it just takes a long time to move past that point09:59
Gosha.. wel thanks alot09:59
svalrunedude, ' killall esd'09:59
k31thxfcefreak: bollox09:59
svalrungek, 'killall esd'09:59
_Deznevemrind sval i figured it out.. i forgot to ifup my wlan009:59
xfcefreakthat is why it says dont not use on production pc09:59
rungeksval, ok09:59
winstonsjk so its just a matter of waiting?09:59
axisysi am going to try this http://listengnome.free.fr/ instead.. amarok is nothing bad headache :-(09:59
gravesoncan anyone help me with transcode.been struggling for some time now.i am trying to convert from rm to mp310:00
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sjkwinston:  yes...  or you can change the time to wait...10:00
k31thxfcefreak: is this bug well known ?10:00
k31thi.e its likely to be fixed ??10:00
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xfcefreakk31th: i dont know the guy decided the bug was too hard to report so he didnt do it and i couldnt find one on it10:01
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winstonsjk how do you change the time to wait ?10:01
svalrungek, is it working now ?10:01
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sjkwinston:  you can edit this file - /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf10:01
xfcefreakwhen i get a spare moment i will look again10:01
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sjkwinstion:  you will see a #timeout 60, un comment that line, you could make the timeout 20 seconds10:02
rungeksval, dident help10:02
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FireplaceTVwho's gonna help me mount a firewire drive on my g3??? :-)10:02
winstonsjk thanks10:02
sjkwinston:  hopefully that will help10:02
megaman123ok... a tricky question... how do i update the dvb to the latest cvs ? i have the location of them..10:02
comradeanyone know why I can't download eclipse through syaptic?10:02
svalrunedude, did you check if the microphone is muted ?10:03
svalrungek,  did you check if the microphone is muted ?10:03
megaman123 As an alternative you can also use the (unstable) dvb-kernel drivers from CVS:10:03
megaman123cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@linuxtv.org:/cvs/linuxtv login10:03
megaman123(Just hit enter at password promt.)10:03
megaman123cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@linuxtv.org:/cvs/linuxtv co dvb-kernel10:03
megaman123This creates a directory named dvb-kernel in your current working path. Change to dvb-kernel and follow the README found there. Note that this works only with a kernel newer that 2.4.20 or with a kernel 2.6.10:03
axisyshow to add listen so `!listen' will point to http://listengnome.free.fr/10:03
megaman123that is whar i found on a guide10:03
megaman123is that it?!10:03
rungeksval, they hear me, I do not hear them. Theirs work10:03
winstonsjk should I chanbge the retry?10:04
svalrungek, my mistake :D10:04
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svalrungek, try lsof /dev/dsp10:04
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phoulUmm can somone give me the link to the seavas website thing?10:04
Killgorewhats the latest version of win10:04
sjkwinston:  I would leave the retry 60 commented out - I think10:04
phoulubotu, seavas10:05
svalKillgore, 0.9.11 on winehq10:05
ubotuphoul: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:05
phoulubotu, ubotu10:05
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.10:05
k31thxfcefreak: hum. I guess my options are. remove kubuntu-desktop and install ubuntu-desktop ?10:05
phoul!ubotu seavas10:05
ubotuphoul: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:05
Killgoresval: what other things should i get from synaptic apart from just wine10:05
rungeksval, error about ext310:05
xfcefreakk31th: no you wont beable to apt is not going to work10:06
xfcefreakk31th: your only options are wait till the bug is fixed or re-install breezy10:06
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axisyshow to make ubotu to learn about "listen" .. it seems lot stable and works like amarok but for gnome10:06
phoularg can somone tell me where i can find seavas10:06
FireplaceTVif i plug in a firewire device, what is its name in the /dev directory?10:06
xfcefreakphoul: i dont think hes around right now10:06
phoulNo i mean the mirror seavas's mirror10:06
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k31thxfcefreak: Wat about download ubuntu dapper flight 6 and reinstall that ?10:06
phoulI have been lookin on google for a good 45 mins and for some reason cant find it10:07
k31thWat plays nicer with ubuntu gnome or kde ?10:07
phouli like gnome i think kde looks like crap but thats just me10:07
xfcefreakk31th: what ever you want to do but your gonna find bugs in it anywher eyou go10:07
k31thmaybe ill roll bk to breezy10:07
k31thi.e reinstall it.10:08
phoulxfcefreak, do you know the seavas website?10:08
kbrooks!tell phoul about seveas10:08
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages10:08
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kbrooksphoul: :)10:08
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sjkwinston:  the other option I guess I should mention is to completely disable network configuration altogether at startup10:09
phoulthank you kbrooks10:09
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megaman123!info cvs10:09
ubotucvs: (Concurrent Versions System), section devel, is optional. Version: 1:1.12.9-13ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1407 kB, Installed size: 3016 kB10:09
_Dezi love ubuntu10:09
axisys!info learn10:09
crimsunyohan: ?10:10
winstonsjk where do you edit that?10:10
winstonsjk I rebooted and it seems to load now after a short wait10:10
comradewhen I try to install elcipse-sdk with synaptic, I get an error of unresolvable dependencies for eclipse-jdt and eclipse-pde10:10
sjkwinston:  to avoid configuring the network interface at boot - edit /etc/network/interfaces - and comment out the auto eth1 (or auto eth0) line10:11
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gravesonif there is n one that know transcode can someone tell me if mplayer can encode from rm to mp310:14
crimsunyes, use mencoder.10:14
comradedoes anyone know why I would get that error when trying to install eclipse?10:15
sjkcomrade:  what's the error?10:15
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comradeI said it like 10 lines10:15
comradeunresolvable dependencies10:16
ema92sorry, comrade you try to compile it or to install the .deb pakage from apt or dpkg?10:17
comradeI'm just trying to use apt-get through synaptic gui10:17
ema92ah...through synaptic...mm and is your sources.list correct?10:18
ema92you said that you can't resolv some dependencies...10:19
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phoularg im trying to add the seavas repo and i dont know what im doing wrong but i cant get it working10:19
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comradeis that the repositories menu?10:20
ema92sorry I have to go away10:20
sjkcomrade: yeah10:20
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megaman123anyone tried the vdr package ?10:20
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megaman123the one in ubuntu ?10:20
comradeI have a binary and source one and I clicked like every thing for each of them10:20
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sovindoes anyone know whats wrong with freenode.net?10:21
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sovini've been getting several 'connection refused,' replies.10:21
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sjkcomrade:  I'm not sure what could be wrong.10:22
comradedo I have to install both of the bootstrap packages before the other ones?10:23
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Killgorewhats up with synaptic10:23
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sjkcomrade:  you have eclipse-base installed?10:24
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X3lectricXubuntu for xbox username/password, anyone?10:24
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phoulwhoop got it i was putting "all" in the wrong space10:25
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ZigZaghi! I'm getting a rather weird bug in Dapper, does anyone else see this: in the FileChooser, and in the Computer folder, I have 7 different floppy drive icons... and I don't even have a floppy drive connected...10:26
opexis there an equivalent of skype in ubuntu?10:26
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crimsunZigZag: installer bug that has already been fixed.10:26
megaman123what happened to packages w32codecs and libdivx4linux??10:27
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comradebut it gives me a similar error if I just try to do that10:28
ZigZagcrimsun: ok, good! so I don't have to file it, I figure? how do I get rid of them on the installed system now?10:28
gouchidefault login on liveCD is who ?10:28
gouchiBecause I want to access in ssh10:28
X3lectricThat what I wanna know @gouchi10:28
opexis there an equivalent of skype in ubuntu?10:28
Tomcat_opex: GnomeMeeting / Ekiga10:29
X3lectricasterix @opex10:29
gouchiopex : or openwengo10:29
ZigZagopex: there is ekiga that allows voice conversation... otherwise - it _is_ possible to install skype itself...10:29
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opexzigzag: thanks10:29
Xiloopex: skype has linux download10:29
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Xilothere you go10:30
comradeis there a way to edit which modules autoload in ubuntu10:30
Xilohave fun10:30
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ubu_usr_1Has anyone got any recommendations for getting itunes to work on ubuntu. I can connect my ipod but only to use it as a removable drive right now.10:30
opexxilo: ( . .); i shouldn't reply so much on synaptix10:30
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X3lectricuser/password for xubuntu for xbox10:30
theshibbolethhow do I force quit an application from the terminal?10:30
pinkmermaidWhat would be the name/path of the tclsh interpreter after I've isntalled tcl?10:31
Xilokill -9 procid10:31
aqrawxubuntu for xobox360?10:31
Xilotheshibboleth: that's how10:31
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megaman123how can i see ubuntu on my windows network?? share folders i mean10:31
X3lectricnot xbox 360 normal xbox user/pass10:31
arrinmurrX3lectric: http://www.xbox-linux.org/wiki/XUbuntu10:31
Xilomegaman123: if you are using ext2/3 partitions, there's a driver to read/write them in windows10:32
XhyldazhKhi all... I cannot record cdroms... nautilus tells me that i need to insert the cd even when the cd is on the drive... can anyone help me?10:32
luis_is there a way to use brazilian portuguese in the dictionary bundled with ubuntu?10:32
gouchiubu_usr_1 : why don't use rhythmbox or Banshee ?10:32
ZombieLoffeUh... what am I doing wrong; Upon installing ubuntu (5.10), I get stuck on "[!!]  Partition Disk - ??? ??? [Go back]  [Continue] ". Buttons don't do anything.10:32
gouchiubu_usr_1 : you want to access to itunes catalog ?10:32
ZombieLoffeAnd yeah, I'm a total noob at this.10:32
megaman123Xilo: the drivers are on the windows side or linux side?10:32
Xiloyou install on windows10:32
ubu_usr_1gouchi, will that send mp3's to my ipod?10:32
crimsunZigZag: you'll need to search malone for the appropriate bug # (and thus, resolution)10:32
gouchiubu_usr_1 : yep10:32
Xiloand you can access your linux ext2/ext3 partitions10:32
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ubu_usr_1gouchi, cool! thanks, I'll check it out.10:33
megaman123Xilo: you happen to know what they are? where i mean10:33
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Xiloyou mean network10:33
megaman123ye s:)10:33
Xilonevermind i misread10:33
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mendihello everybody, NEWBIE greets you!10:33
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Xiloyou setup samba10:33
ZigZagcrimsun: can't find it... tried already...10:33
Xilofor network10:33
megaman123ya.. i want to move files around10:34
megaman123movies and stuff10:34
luis_is there a way to use brazilian portuguese in the dictionary bundled with ubuntu?10:34
mendihow can I get files from winxp through network?10:34
Xilomendi: samba10:34
X3lectricmas ke raio e a palavra chave  e o nome usuario para xubuntu para xbox???10:34
mendiXilo: could you tell me how i can install it?10:34
gouchimegaman123 : u can use nautilus directly10:34
Xilomendi: sorry, i've never used it =/10:34
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mendiXilo: lol10:35
luis_x3letric assim ninguem vai te endender :)10:35
megaman123gouchi: whats that?10:35
X3lectrictalvez tu?10:35
XhyldazhKi cannot burn cdroms... please help me boys10:35
X3lectric;) sabes10:35
Xiloanyone know a fix for the "grub installation failed" in the dapper install cds?10:35
luis_infelizmente no10:35
xfcefreakantone have a clue what lanuage X3lectric is speaking?10:35
FireplaceTVi cannot mount my firewire, please help me boys10:35
mendiis there any linux application that can read .rm extension (real player)?10:36
Killgorerun around screaming Xilo10:36
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:36
FireplaceTVmendi: isn't that what the Helix player is for?10:36
criminy!tell mendi about RestrictedFormats10:36
luis_is there a way to use brazilian portuguese in the dictionary bundled with ubuntu?10:36
ubotuxfcefreak: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:36
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de10:36
XhyldazhKX3lectric: hablas espaol?10:36
Killgorecan someone tell me y synaptic keeps disconnecting me10:36
xfcefreakthats not it either :(10:36
XhyldazhKspanish i think10:36
ubotuxfcefreak: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:36
xfcefreakits potugease10:36
X3lectricSi hablo un poquito10:36
criminymendi: helix player can but xine and mplayer can with certain non-free plugins10:37
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.10:37
jadaz87there we go10:37
X3lectricPORTGUES rules10:37
jadaz87i keep forgetting it is !br10:37
mendiFireplaceTV: what is that? Helix? how can i install it?10:37
FireplaceTVmendi: i don't know for sure, but do a google search on it. i think it's real's linux player.10:37
xfcefreakme too there is one for putogese but i can never remember it10:37
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X3lectricbrazileiro is modern portuguese10:37
mendicriminy: is it free?10:37
k31thxfcefreak: bk up on ubuntu  - gnome - breezy10:37
mendisorry, FireplaceTV: is Helix free?10:38
crimsunmendi: yes10:38
FireplaceTVmendi: if you can do it with plugins, then get xine or mplayer10:38
xfcefreakk31th: the issue was known and will be fixed id say 2 days to be safe10:38
X3lectricanyone ten a palavra chave e o username do ubunto?10:38
xfcefreakX3lectric: join #ubuntu-br10:38
luis_x3letric vc quer a senha do usuario root?10:38
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k31thxfcefreak: yeah i can upgrade then tbh no rush, my work machine is running kubuntu - dapper np odd...10:39
ZombieLoffeI get stuck on the [!!]  Partition Disk screen upon installing - buttons don't do anything and the only text on there is ??? ???. Any help?10:39
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xfcefreakk31th: more than likely you didnt do the last updates for it and i wouldnt yet10:39
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k31thxfcefreak:  i thought the same.10:40
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Xiloany easier way to fix the grub installation error from dapper install cds besides booting to a livecd and chroot and apt-get?10:40
rungekHi. I am trying to get skype to work on ubuntu breezy. I can speak, but not hear what they say. Sound works otherwise (music etc)10:40
FireplaceTVwhat device in the /dev directory should match up to my external firewire drive?10:40
XiloFireplaceTV: usually sd*10:40
X3lectricyes quero please luis10:40
xfcefreakXilo: re-insall?10:40
Xiloxfcefreak: it does it from the install cd it won't install it10:40
FireplaceTVXilo: so what happens if the closest I can find is /dev/hda and /dev/hdc, which are the cdrom and the internal drive respectively10:41
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xfcefreakXilo: what error is it?10:41
Xiloxfcefreak: Grub installation failed.10:41
luis_X3l3tric: v no terminal e digite 'sudo passwd root' e escolha sua senha10:41
mendihow can I get files from winxp through network?10:41
X3lectricsera que sim?? Vou tentar Luis... ;)10:42
xfcefreakXilo: no errors at all other than that i would look and see if the md5sum is correct10:42
megaman123a quick question..if i install packages as root, will i be able to use them as a differenet user???10:42
Xiloxfcefreak: it's correct10:42
Xiloxfcefreak: other people have had the same problems on the forum with no real fix10:42
XiloFireplaceTV: it should have picked it up automagically10:42
XiloFireplaceTV: it did for mine10:43
xfcefreakXilo: no such thing as a real fix until it is stable (either md5sum is off or you burned it too fast or they are still having issues with the packages)10:43
mendihow can I get files from winxp through network?10:43
Killgoremendi: samba10:44
luis_X3letric: eh assim mesmo, eu fiz isso e deu certo ;)10:44
Killgoremendi: shared files i assume you are talking about10:44
mendiKillgore: thanks, but ow to install it?10:44
Xiloxfcefreak: i'm not a noob lol10:44
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X3lectricta a loading10:44
Frogzoomegaman123: that's standard procedure10:44
xfcefreakX3lectric: if you are not going to speak english in this channel please go to the channel for your language10:44
mendiyes, i have shared in windows a folder and wanna get the files in it10:44
xfcefreakXilo: i never said you were10:44
Apostle^X3lectric: vamanos10:44
Xiloxfcefreak: you sound like it though10:45
Killgoremendi: system -> admin -> shared folders10:45
FireplaceTVXilo: you think maybe since i didn't hvae the drive in when i did the install, then ubuntu just didn't install um, drivers or whatever for it?10:45
megaman123just checking :))10:45
X3lectricEsperanto nwould be nice10:45
xfcefreakXilo: i dont have your specs next to your name10:45
XiloFireplaceTV: maybe10:45
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Xilohmm weird10:46
NxOhello, someone can give me a page to download desktop theme, for Ubuntu ?10:46
Xiloit says grub failed, but it installed it anyway10:46
Frogzoo!tell NxO about themes10:46
Killgorewww.gnome-look.org NxO10:46
Apostle^NxO: gnome-look.org10:46
alex_was freenode down?10:46
wenkothe server i was on was10:46
xfcefreakalex_: yes10:46
NxOthanks !!10:46
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xfcefreakalex_: they were working on it and not letting anyone join than they let a few join now its done10:47
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pappanhi all10:47
X3lectricdidnt work for the xbox xubuntu10:47
pappanalex_, yes i guess so10:47
KillgoreX3lectric: whats this about xbox's?10:47
pappanalex_, i got connection refused couple of times10:48
xfcefreakpappan: your server tab will tell you if you were here during it10:48
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luis_but ppl, now plz help me.. how can I get a brazilian portuguese dictionary??10:49
Snow_ShelterI was using the live CD on my PowerBook DL (1.67, 1440 x 960) and I wanted to install10:49
alex_what's the commnand to install a .deb file10:49
gnomefreakalex_: sudo dpkg -i file.deb10:49
pappanalex_, dpkg -i10:49
Killgorealex_: dpgk -i package10:49
Snow_Shelterunfortunately, when I tried to install trough the alias on the desktop, it failed10:49
chaviradpkg -i10:49
Snow_Shelterthis is 6.06 Dapper Flight 5 PPC10:49
X3lectricxubuntu runs on xbox10:50
NxOfrogxoo, what kind of theme i have to download?GTK 1.x Themes this? or this GTK 2.x Themes ?10:50
Killgoresory no exp with Dapper10:50
KillgoreGTK 2.x10:50
X3lectricbut i cant get the user/password to work10:50
gnomefreakSnow_Shelter: please join #ubuntu+1 for dapper10:50
NxOfrogzoo, what kind of theme i have to download?GTK 1.x Themes this? or this GTK 2.x Themes ?10:50
Snow_Sheltergnomefreak: thanks10:50
NxOkillgore, thanks..10:50
X3lectric@luis if I get mine working on xbox I tell you how to get brazilian10:51
luis_como assim xbox? :P10:51
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alex_i'm trying to install somthing, and it says i don't have the kernal source10:52
X3lectricXbox sabes10:52
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X3lectricXubuntu runs on the xbox10:52
luis_orra q legal :D10:53
pixelmonkeyhow does one make apache2 allow user's /public_html directories to run CGI scripts, and specifically mod_perl scripts?10:53
X3lectricI mean password=live10:53
X3lectricHow can I be so blind10:53
megaman123i made a shared folder on ubuntu and when it try to connect (ntwork from win) it asks me user/pass?10:54
infamousewhat packages do i need to download that include files such as stdio.h so i can use gcc to compile programs?10:54
Killgoremegaman123: because linux is secure10:54
Killgoremegaman123: you will have to make it public10:55
gnomefreakinfamouse: start with sudo apt-get install build-essential10:55
void^infamouse: build-essential10:55
megaman123it wont let me in, i even used my linux user/pass10:56
X3lectric@ arrinmurr THANK you for the answer...:) right on my freakin face10:56
infamousegnomefreak, void^, thanks10:56
necroUpon booting my Ubuntu breezy badger system for the first time after cd installation, continued installation ensued, but an error and now I'm at a terminal.  How can I continue the process?10:56
gnomefreakinfamouse: anytime10:57
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megaman123how can i make a folder public ?10:58
rungekwhat should I install to get the app "esddsp"?10:58
X3lectricThank you thank you :)10:58
X3lectricNow to see if I can get Br on it for Luis10:58
luis_X3letric, agora pode me ajudar com o dicionario? :P10:58
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X3lectricIm gonna try Luis... Hold on a sec11:00
Zarephathanyone point me to the main wiki page that explains how to configure CUPS to allow windows printers to print to it?11:00
ZombieLoffewhat the damned, I can't partition the disk when installing - help?11:00
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ubotucups is probably The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like.  See also http://linuxprinting.org/11:00
runedudemaybe go there? heh11:00
runedudei guess.11:00
megaman123!info shared folders11:01
Zarephathrunedude: Is that a wiki?11:01
runedudethey probably have a link to some resources11:01
Zarephathheh I guess..you can't read11:01
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runedudei can read, silly11:02
NxOHello =).11:04
pinkmermaidWhich is the best DOS emulator? :311:04
X3lectricstill reloading Luis I forgot to plugin mouse11:04
pinkmermaidThank you. :)11:04
luis_DOSBox, a x86 emulator with DOS - An open source DOS emulator for BeOS, Linux, MacOS X, and Windows. Primarily focuses on running DOS Games.11:05
chavirashockwave for linux?11:09
NxOKillgore, i have a problem, all the themes tar.gz I can't install it11:09
luis_there is no shockwave for linux11:10
FireplaceTVchavira: not on ppc! ;-)11:10
FireplaceTVoh i'm talking about flash. nm.11:10
kkathmanshockwave or flash?11:10
luis_but, you can emulate it, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:10
truz24ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:819:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave - that happens when i try to play a flash video if i open firefox while xmms is playing a mp311:10
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truz24Is there a method to fix that?11:10
KillgoreNxO: just click install them in the Theme Manager11:11
NxOkillgore, i try to do it in system/preferences/themes, moving the tar.gaz to the windows and throw me that is invalid11:11
pappani am having difficulty setting wifi11:11
pappanam i still connected ??11:11
pappanthis is bad11:11
pappananyone has any problem using wifi with intel pro 220011:11
KillgoreNxO: hmm11:11
KillgoreNxO: yeah i had that problem once but never fixed it11:11
NxOkillgore, what can i do ?11:12
pappanit recognized the access point.. but i am unable to figure out why it is not connecting11:12
KillgoreNxO: try another theme11:12
FrogzoozZzpappan: you use WEP or WAP?11:14
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pappanFrogzoozZz, WEP11:14
NxOkillgore, what kind of themes? all of the one i have download are tar.gz,  does excist another kind?11:15
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FrogzoozZzpappan: suggest you make sure you can connect unencrypted & take it from there11:15
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fatehazeI'm setting up Ubuntu to be a server at an astronomy lab, but wifi is a problem11:15
KillgoreNxO: actually try extracting them from the archive11:15
PupenoHow do I change the date/time format on Ubuntu/Gnome ?11:15
pappanFrogzoozZz, sorry i cant do that since i cannot modify the access point11:16
NxOkillgore, and then?11:16
fatehazeDoes anyone know if I can connect to T-Mobile's EDGE service under linux with a Sony Ericson GC98 card?11:16
KillgoreNxO: see whats in them, they may be compatible with the Theme Manager11:16
NxOkillgore, let me see11:17
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fatehazeAnyone know?  Or can anyone think of way to connect this server to the internet, about ten miles from the nearest wifi?11:18
NxOkillgore, non of the things in the archive can be used in the theme manager11:19
TheFuzzballwhen I run dpkg or anything to do with it it says:Errors were encountered while processing:11:19
TheFuzzball kubuntu-docs11:19
TheFuzzballwhat do I do to fix this??11:19
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fatehazeWe've thought about using antennas to extend the wifi, is there a better option?11:19
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RomanKHi all!11:20
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rafal_Hi Romek11:20
RomanKI installed kubuntu on my machine and now i'd like to test gnome... how can i install all packages, so gnome will run just as if i installed ubuntu (not kubuntu)?11:20
rafal_ sudo cp /usr/share/applications/defaults.list /usr/share/applications/defaults.list_backup11:20
rafal_ sudo cp /usr/share/applications/defaults.list /tmp/defaults.list_tmp11:20
rafal_ sudo sed -e 's/audio\/mpeg=.*/audio\/mpeg=XMMS.desktop/g' /tmp/defaults.list_tmp > /tmp/defaults.mp311:20
rafal_ sudo sed -e 's/audio\/x-mpegurl=.*/audio\/x-mpegurl=XMMS.desktop/g' /tmp/defaults.mp3 > /tmp/defaults.m3u11:20
rafal_ sudo sed -e 's/audio\/x-wav=.*/audio\/x-wav=XMMS.desktop/g' /tmp/defaults.m3u > /tmp/defaults.list11:20
rafal_ sudo mv /tmp/defaults.list /usr/share/applications/defaults.list11:20
rafal_ sudo rm -f /tmp/defaults.*11:20
RomanKalready tried ubuntu-desktop, but gnome seems still to  miss the language-settings and many icons11:20
KillgoreNxO: dont know then sorry11:21
chaviraapt-add cdrom11:22
NxOkillgore, dont worry! thanks anyway!11:22
NxOdoes any one know if excist another kind of format for the themes? ( the tar.gz are invalid in the theme manager )11:24
ubu_usr_1In Nautilus - can I just type the ip address of a windows machine to view it's files or do I have to install Samba?11:25
Juhazsmb://ip (or hostname)11:25
fatehazeDoes anyone know about getting a Sony Ericsson GC98 card to connect to the EDGE network under Ubuntu?11:25
ubu_usr_1Juhaz, thank you so much.11:26
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pappanubotu, ndiswrapper11:27
ubotuwell, ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper11:27
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fatehazeWas that for me?11:27
bratscheHi guys, any chance we'll get the latest nvidia driver into Dapper, or is that something that is frozen?11:27
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fatehazeWifi isn't the problem, I want to connect to T-Mobile's EDGE network11:28
fatehazeWe have a server in an observatory that's about 11 miles away from the nearest wifi, but we need it connected somehow11:29
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JVizscrew EDGE, i want 4G11:29
fatehazeI want any internet :(11:29
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JVizfatehaze: satelite?11:30
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fatehazeI don't think it's stable enough for our needs11:31
fatehazeSo far the only options seem to be extending the wifi from my house with a series of antennas, or the EDGE network11:31
fatehazeIf I could get on EDGE it'd be roses, but Sony doesn't have any linux drivers for this card11:32
fatehazeIs there any other way, or is it simply not gonna happen on linux?11:32
JVizcell isn't any more stable than satellite, is it?11:32
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JVizfatehaze: infact, i hear that, with the right dish, you can connect through most cloud cover and rain11:33
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stepheltonhow do i get this hideous kubuntu crap off my kdm?11:33
fatehazeThe way the observatory is set up makes for a lot of interference with satellite11:34
fatehazePlus too slow, too expensive11:34
lucaasstephelton, change kdm theme? :>11:34
stepheltonlucaas, know where to do that?11:34
stepheltonlucaas, ah thx11:35
JVizEDGE isn't exactly fast...11:36
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fatehazeIt's better than nothing11:36
fatehazeBut it's probably also a moot point if I can't get this card working11:36
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fatehazeI guess the only option is to extend wifi from my house... hello, eleven mile string of $200 antennas11:37
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ubu_usr_1fatehaze, I am coming late to the conversation -- but I have heard people expand wireless networks w/ two directed antennas - but you need a clear line of site from each location.11:38
fatehazeThe topography makes that difficult11:38
ubu_usr_1oh, gotcha.11:39
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fatehazeWe're in tall, rocky desert11:39
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fatehazeThis is a conundrum wrapped in a riddle wrapped in an enigma11:40
fatehazeWith red chinese dipping sauce11:40
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X3lectricThe xubuntu dapper 6.06 has Brazilian11:40
X3lectricxubuntu the version I am trying for xbox has not :)11:40
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Xiloim trying to use the nvidia drivers, and for some reason it won't load the glx module... i followed the ubuntu nvidia guide too11:41
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comradeis there a way to edit out unneeded modules from autoloading11:42
pvd2006Synaptic is giving me weird error messages saying that all my list of respositories arent working and all the programs and such that show up under synaptic are only already installed ones.11:43
pvd2006Did they change URLs?11:44
kkathmancomrade: yes you can...multiple ways11:44
kkathmanbut it does take some knowledge to know what you are doing11:44
pvd2006OK nevermind, it is now working...11:44
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comradei want to get rid of prism2_usb from loading at startup11:45
bratscheHi guys, any chance we'll get the latest nvidia driver into Dapper, or is that something that is frozen?11:45
kkathmandrivers are always subject to insertion11:46
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:46
kkathmanespecially those, and now that its been delayed, probably a decent chance11:46
bratschekkathman: Cool, thanks.11:47
kbrookskkathman: i dont think a UVF exception will be given to that11:47
megaman123where are the fonts located?11:47
kbrooksbratsche: which nvidia driver are you talking about?11:47
megaman123which dir?11:47
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kkathmankbrooks: well its been done in the past, I know that so I just figured it would make it.  if not native, as a standard pkg11:48
bratschekbrooks: 8756 binary drivers.11:48
Xiloim trying to use the nvidia drivers, and for some reason it won't load the glx module... i followed the ubuntu nvidia guide too11:48
kbrooksbratsche: i dont think ubuntu will include these in main or anywhere else11:48
kbrooksexcept for multiverse11:49
bratschekbrooks: Why is that?11:49
kbrooksbratsche: thhe drivers are ... proprietary and nonfree11:49
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megaman123sorry, but odes anyone know in which folder the fonts are?11:50
bratschekbrooks: Oh, okay.  Well, I wasn't paying attention to what repo they're stored in (I'm not sure how to view that from synaptic).11:50
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bratscheBut wherever it's stored now, the latest version is 8178.11:50
stepheltonwhat's the open office package called?11:50
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comradekkathman, isn't there an autoload.d somewhere on ubuntu?11:50
kkathmancomrade: the things you are looking for are in init.d11:51
kkathmanand some of its subdirs11:51
kkathmanbratsche: there are lots of nvidia things already in dapper11:51
ubu_usr_1Quick question, I am copying files from my windows box, I have approx 13 - 20 GB of files - should I store them in my home directory or do I need to make a separate folder in bin or something? In other words, is the size of my home directory fixed to a certain amount?11:52
kkathmanusually the specific drivers you have to download and install however11:52
stepheltonwhat's the open office package called?11:52
kkathmanI know thats what I had to do on SUSE also11:52
bratschestephelton: I think it's openoffice211:53
WildZeckopenoffice.org is te package bame under ubuntu11:53
comradekkathman, thanks11:53
bratschestephelton: Sorry, openoffice.org211:54
pvd2006if you have ffmpeg installed that means you already have libavcodec installed right?11:54
stepheltoni did openoffice.org, the difference significant?11:54
kbrooksubu_usr_1: no11:58
ubu_usr_1kbrooks, thanks11:58
pvd2006in Ubuntu where are codecs put under? usr/local/lib/codecs?11:58
pvd2006or is it usr/lib/codecs?11:59

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