
bddebianajmitch: No, I think I'm losing the battle :'-(12:16
YagisanMorning all12:17
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bddebianHeya Yagisan12:18
Yagisanbddebian: are you familiar with automake ?12:22
bddebianEnough to be dangerous12:22
Yagisanbddebian: great, I'm not. Is there a  nice easy way to regenerate Makefile.am without me having to type in every single .h file ?12:23
bddebianRegenerate the Makefile.am?12:23
Yagisanbddebian: yeah. what it lists and what actually exist are rather different12:24
bddebianOof.  I'm sure sure of an automated way to do that, sorry :-(12:25
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Yagisanbddebian: my upstream for a not-yet-in-ubuntu project moved to a mac, and I get to be the lucky guy to get it going on linux again.12:27
bddebianYagisan: Lucky you :-)12:27
Yagisanbddebian: yes lucky me :(12:31
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ajmitchmorning womble12:41
wombleMorning ajmitch12:42
wombleHow are things in your part of the world?12:42
ajmitchfairly good12:42
ajmitchhow about you?12:42
Lathiathey guys12:43
wombleNot too badly.  I'm at a client site for the next few weeks, doing unspeakable things to their systems.  The 2nd monitor they've given me to hook to my laptop is larger than my freaking TV12:44
ajmitchbddebian: make sure you give the right name when attributing patches :)12:44
ajmitchmorning Lathiat12:44
Lathiatajmitch: still in nz? :)12:44
ajmitchLathiat: yes, did you expect me to have moved to .au?12:44
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Lathiatajmitch: we can only hope12:45
ajmitchsorry to disappoint, but I'm still in Dunedin :)12:47
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bddebianajmitch: Did I give the wrong name?  I was worried about that :-)01:22
ajmitchphil != phill ;)01:23
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crimsunit's ok, I was "David" for a while01:33
bddebianajmitch: Can I just add an install file to a cdbs package to install a desktop file?01:33
bddebianOh, Heya David01:33
ajmitchbddebian: ?01:40
bddebianajmitch: gdpc is built with cdbs but has no install or files files, just a dirs file01:40
LaserJock_awaybddebian: you could just do a dh_install in debian/rules, I think01:42
jmghey all01:42
ajmitchhello jmg01:42
jmganyone know how to set configure reprepro for a ubuntu repo?01:42
jmgi've been doing apt repositories the wrong way all this time01:43
ajmitchbddebian: in that case, just use a .install01:43
jmgspecifically what Suite: and Codename: i use01:43
ajmitchcan't say I've ever used reprepro01:43
bddebianI have, it works pretty well01:44
jmgbddebian: any hint?01:44
bddebianjmg: What are you having a problem with?01:45
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jmgbddebian: how to configure it for ubuntu and for debian01:46
jmgbddebian: if that is even possible01:46
jmgbddebian: what values to use for Suite: and Codename:01:46
bddebianOh, hmm01:46
ajmitchwonderful, a typical dunedin autumn day01:49
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=== ajmitch will be back later
=== paridempath [i=flooblek@ip72-197-228-26.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
paridempathwhats up yo01:58
LaserJockhi paridempath01:58
paridempathwhat's your story laserjock01:58
LaserJockwhat do you mean?01:59
havocI think I asked this already, but how bad can I expect things to be if I install dapper now?01:59
paridempathwhat gets you out of bed in the morning01:59
jmgis locales horked?01:59
LaserJockhavoc: no problems, dapper is perfect and you should put it on all your servers, now ;-)02:00
havocthis would be going on my workstation02:01
havocthe machine I'm using now02:01
LaserJockI found it better than breezy was months ago so...02:01
LaserJockbut it sorta depends02:01
havocit's under a freeze now, right?02:01
havocmostly translations left?  or is there more?02:02
crimsunjmg: WFM02:02
LaserJocksome people find some things that worked in brezzy don't work anymore, mostly old hardware issues I think02:02
havocLaserJock: ah, strange02:02
havocany examples?02:03
havoclike video cards?02:03
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havocor other crap?02:03
LaserJockwell, I'm not sure but I thought I saw some printer and video cards02:03
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LaserJockpretty much stuff that isn't so much Dapper's problem as having newer software02:04
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jmgcrimsun: Wait For ME?02:08
crimsunworks for me.02:08
jmgcrimsun: im on ubuntu-minimal02:09
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crimsunwhat's broken?02:10
crimsunthis should probably be addressed in #ubuntu+102:10
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jmgperl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C").02:12
crimsunjmg: that's not broken, that has always existed. Thank Perl.02:13
crimsungah, ECHANNEL02:13
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theCoreuh? I'm an op02:46
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Se7h\o/ yay02:48
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Unfrgivenslomo_: hey dude03:07
LaserJockhi Unfrgiven03:09
LaserJockand slomo_03:09
Unfrgivenhey LaserJock03:25
UnfrgivenLaserJock: hows things?03:25
UnfrgivenLaserJock: I saw the changes you made to the packaging guide regarding pbuilder. They look good. Just one thing, there is no description of what "<distro>03:40
UnfrgivenLaserJock: "<distro>" needs to be substituted.03:41
UnfrgivenLaserJock: I propose we put an informational message saying "dapper" or the next release codename once it is known.03:41
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LaserJockUnfrgiven: good point03:43
bddebianHeya ajmitch04:00
LaserJockhi ajmitch04:00
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jmg!seen hunger04:59
ajmitchno bot like that in here05:01
Tm_Tajmitch: but here is05:06
Tm_Tjmg: haven't been here in last 48 hours05:07
LaserJockhmm, anybody know where the default Dapper background is for gnome?05:07
crimsuncrimsun@garnish:~$ dpkg -L ubuntu-artwork|grep warty05:08
=== bddebian hugs crimsun
crimsunhi bddebian :)05:09
crimsunLaserJock: yes, warty.05:10
crimsunthat probably dates me, but..05:10
LaserJockwell, it worked, so whatever05:12
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bddebianLaserJock: Still awake?05:55
LaserJockstill working on the floor :-)05:58
bddebianBah, floor :-)05:58
bddebianWho is Zygmunt?05:59
LaserJockhmm, not sure05:59
LaserJockbddebian: you know, you should get honorary MOTUScience membership for this ;-)06:00
LaserJockbddebian: is Zygnmunt on a bug report?06:01
LaserJockbddebian: oh zyga, I think he was around for a Hug Day06:03
bddebianOh yeah zyga, OK06:06
bddebianHe just says he is on a couple of these bugs so I didn't want to step on any toes :-)06:06
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ajmitchbddebian: rebuilt the universe for .desktop love?06:27
=== ajmitch has done a quick rebuild of packages depending on libssl0.9.7
LaserJockajmitch: yeah, the key is to file a bug for everything. then he goes and does it06:27
ajmitchwill do the sort & upload06:27
ajmitchLaserJock: ah right06:27
ajmitchI knew I must be doing something wrong06:28
bddebianHuh?  What'd I do wrong now?06:29
LaserJockbddebian: the key to getting you to do all the work06:29
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LaserJockdang it, how does bddebian do it. I was within 1000 a couple days ago. now he has almost doubled me :/06:34
bddebianI have no life :-)06:35
LaserJockhmm, I wish I didn't ;-)06:35
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bddebianHeya chillywilly06:41
bddebianHello Hobbsee06:42
=== Hobbsee wonders why she has a suspicious lack of sound on 2.6.15-20-386
crimsunwhat hardware?06:43
LaserJockhi Hobbsee06:44
Hobbseehi LaserJock06:44
Hobbseecrimsun: which in particular?  forgotten how to find it06:44
Hobbseegive me a sec...then i'll need help :P06:44
ajmitchLaserJock: simple reason, see the wiki06:45
bddebianI gotta delete that freakin' page06:47
Hobbseehi ajmitch06:47
LaserJockajmitch: yeah, yeah. I should have know better06:48
LaserJockbddebian: are you looking for other bugs in the packages?06:49
ajmitchbddebian: it'll just come back06:50
ajmitchhow's it going, Hobbsee ?06:50
Hobbseegood, got stopped at almost every single darned traffic light coming home from uni - when i was tryign to miss the schoolzones06:51
ajmitchlucky :)06:52
=== ajmitch loves bzr
bddebianLaserJock: Yes, where feasable06:53
LaserJockI wonder how well bzr would work for the doc team repo06:54
bddebianOK, 1am is late enough for this old fart, I gotta work tomorrow.  Later folks06:54
bddebianGnight folks06:54
ajmitchLaserJock: very well06:54
ajmitchbddebian: slacker06:54
LaserJockcya bddebian , thanks for all the work06:54
Unfrgivenbddebian: gnite06:54
ajmitchgood night bddebian  :)06:54
bddebianajmitch: Yeah, no kidding :-)06:54
bddebianLaserJock: NP06:55
Unfrgivenajmitch: is there a GUI for bzr yet?06:56
ajmitchUnfrgiven: not that I'm aware of06:58
ajmitchok, time for me to wander off & talk to someone about ubuntu :)06:58
Hobbseeooh fun06:59
Hobbseedont talk - just install the thing :P06:59
ajmitchthat's what I'm talking to him about06:59
Unfrgivenajmitch: u at work?06:59
ajmitchsince it's not your normal pc06:59
Hobbseeyes, dotn talk - install it, then let him play - no talking required07:01
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ajmitchHobbsee: the talking required was to sort out price07:46
Hobbseegood price, or bad price?07:46
Hobbseeand who gets the money, for that matter...07:46
ajmitchgood for me07:46
ajmitchI would07:46
=== Hobbsee is curious now
Hobbseenice - well done!07:46
Hobbseeso you have the deal now, or is it still in the "deciding" phase?07:47
ajmitchdeciding, then the initial phase07:47
ajmitchthen after a couple of weeks or less, we see what happens from there07:47
=== ajmitch doesn't know much yet
ajmitchbut it could end up consuming a bit of my time07:49
Hobbseethis is good, or bad?07:49
Hobbseei guess good, if it's about ubuntu as well, so you'll be learning more of it anyway07:49
ajmitchin that I'd be employed07:50
Hobbseeyou can be a form of cri*msum - knowing everything and everything about a particular few areas :P07:50
Hobbseeyeah, very good with that!07:50
ajmitchargh, he spelt my name wrong07:50
=== ajmitch blames chillywilly
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LaserJockhi dholbach07:55
dholbachheya LaserJock!07:55
ajmitchhey dholbach!07:56
dholbachgood morning motu world!07:56
ajmitchdholbach: fyi, I've already done a rebuild of the libssl0.9.7 depending packages, you want me to upload those that Just Work? :)07:57
=== ajmitch had done the rebuild before your mail, was just too lazy/busy to upload
dholbachajmitch:sounds like a good idea07:57
ajmitchI should talk to siretart about setting up sbuild07:58
Hobbseehi dholbach07:58
dholbachheya Hobbsee!07:58
dholbachhow are you all doing?07:58
=== Hobbsee is wasting time, reading the newspaper before work :P
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-255-004.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
LaserJockcrimsun is doing a wonderfull proofreading job on the Packaging Guide right now07:59
ajmitchdholbach: I *might* get a job soon ;)08:00
dholbachajmitch:rock on!08:00
dholbachajmitch: that's great news08:00
ajmitchthere's potential for it, anyway08:00
ajmitchubuntu-related, too08:00
siretartmorning folks08:02
LaserJockhi siretart08:03
siretartdholbach: I'll be on vac this week and return this weekend08:03
jmgajmitch: you mean we'll hire you? :)08:03
dholbachsiretart: oh nice... so you finished all your work and can relax a bit now?08:03
jmgajmitch: or someone else?08:03
ajmitchjmg: you can hire me if you want :)08:04
siretartdholbach: I'd suggest that you either approve uvf requests with 2 voices, of find a vacation replacement ;)08:04
ajmitchbut I don't recall being contacted by your HR dept yet :)08:04
ajmitchsiretart: you're going away?08:04
siretartdholbach: sort of. I think I worked on most of my backlog of work08:05
siretartajmitch: I'll return this weekend08:05
siretartajmitch: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SbuildLVMHowto08:05
ajmitchsiretart: thanks08:05
dholbachsiretart: nice... where are you going for VAC? :)08:05
siretartdholbach: vienna :)08:05
=== ajmitch doesn't have any unallocated space on LVM at the moment
ajmitchsiretart: I hope you enjoy it08:05
dholbachsiretart: I really should go there too... I didn't visit my sister yet :/08:06
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ajmitchsiretart: what's your current thoughts on zope-zwiki?08:06
dholbachsiretart: but have a good time down there!08:06
siretartajmitch: then setup schroot to use a chroot on a plain subdir or a file (tarball, like pbuilder)08:06
siretartajmitch: plain subdir chroots (traditional chroots) won't give you session management, though08:06
ajmitchhm, I see we're just waiting on slomo for zope-zwiki now08:06
ajmitchschroot on a file will?08:06
siretartajmitch: I agree with dholbach, let's do that fast, so that we find bugs early08:06
siretartajmitch: I think so, but I never tried that08:07
=== ajmitch will have to try
siretartit is mentioned in the schroot.conf(5)08:07
ajmitchit might make my mass rebuilds a bit cleaner than just processing a list through pbuilder08:07
LaserJockI've got a couple general UVF/FF exception questions.08:08
siretartajmitch: I use it on lvm, because I got new harddisks. if you want to extend it for schroot-file backend, just extend the wiki page. it might interest more ppl08:08
LaserJockI requested a sync for a new package before FF but it got stuck in the sync black hole, do I need a FF exception now to get it in?08:09
ajmitchsiretart: I've got new hard drives as well, using LVM on RAID08:10
siretartajmitch: the traditional sbuild mode is 'split' mode. that means that you have a 'normal' chroot, but use apt and dpkg from the host08:10
siretartajmitch: exactly my setup. there is nothing faster than lvm snapshots on a raid 1 :)08:11
Mithrandirsiretart: no, new packages in universe is fine.  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/sounder/2006-March/005107.html08:11
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LaserJockdholbach: did the FF process get worked out? Do we need to do bug reports?08:13
ajmitchsiretart: probably not, but my main build volume is 450GB RAID0 :)08:13
LaserJockso is LVM faster than non-LVM?08:14
dholbachLaserJock: sorry, I don't know08:15
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siretartLaserJock: creating an snapshot on my machine is about 2 secs, extracting a pbuilder tarball about 20seks08:15
siretartLaserJock: removing the tarball takes longer as well than removing the lvm snapshot (which works with cow techniques)08:16
ajmitchLaserJock: afaik there's no current process for FF exceptions - I'd think that handling it in the same wasy as UVF would make sense08:16
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LaserJockhmm, I wonder if the new sync process essentially would cover that. If I make a sync request, somebody on the ubuntu-archive team has to OK it08:20
Lathiatyou could also use unionfs yeh?08:21
Lathiatwith a tmpfs08:21
Lathiatalso pbuilder-uml can do COW08:21
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ajmitchLathiat: you can't build too much on tmpfs08:28
ajmitchI'd hate to think how it'd go building firefox or oo.o08:29
Lathiatthats what lots of swap is for08:30
Lathiator even a disk image to unionfs too :)08:30
Gloubiboulgadholbach, I have a gnome-translate package (almost) ready, is ubuntu-desktop still interested in it?08:31
dholbachsounds nice08:31
ajmitchLathiat: bah, I don't have any swap & I intend to keep it that way :)08:31
Gloubiboulgadholbach, ok, I just have to add a man page, and I'll dput it on REVU08:33
dholbachnice work - cool08:33
=== ajmitch waits very very patiently for a daily install image
Hobbseebye all!08:35
=== cbx33 [n=pete@84-45-238-195.no-dns-yet.enta.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
cbx33hi all08:38
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cbx33I'm trying to edit some documentation in the form of a man page08:43
cbx33there is currently a .sgml and a .8 file08:43
cbx33which one do i need to edit, does the .sgml create the .8 file by converting|08:44
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jabrafor the package nvidia-glx in dapper has it been updated yet?08:46
LaserJockcbx33: yes, you can create the man page from the .sgml08:47
cbx33ok...I'll edit the sgml....08:47
alleecbx33: edit the .sgml file.   Have a look at the rules file. Try 'debuild clean' and the .8 file should be deleted08:47
cbx33do i use the sgml2txt function there?08:47
cbx33thank you08:48
jabraguess it does08:48
alleecbx33: docbook2x-man08:49
cbx33thank you08:49
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ajmitchgreat to see kubuntu rumours going round & getting completely blown out of proportion09:48
ajmitchpoor Riddell :)09:48
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freeflyingajmitch where is the rumours about kubuntu ?09:49
=== KillerKiwi2005 [n=jason@203-173-151-77.bliink.ihug.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-motu
ajmitchfreeflying: various crappy 'news' sites09:50
ajmitchhttp://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/1917 for some actual info09:51
KillerKiwi2005is there a list of packages waiting for inclusion for ubuntu?09:51
freeflyingajmitch got it ,thx09:51
ajmitchKillerKiwi2005: what do you mean by waiting for inclusion?09:52
KillerKiwi2005im looking at http://sax.berlios.de/ and wonadering if its slated to make it into ubuntu at any time09:53
ajmitchpackages that have been started & are being reviewed get uploaded to revu.tauware.de, so check there first09:53
ajmitchotherwise we don't know if some people decide to package stuff by themselves & not tell us09:53
KillerKiwi2005ajmitch: kind of stange, nothing on x config in luanchpad or wiki as far as i can tell09:55
Toadstoolhi here10:23
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GloubiboulgaHi there10:43
GloubiboulgaI have an issue when building gnome-translate with pbuilder: http://pastebin.com/65090910:44
GloubiboulgaI don't really know how I can handle this, any idea?10:44
Unfrgivendholbach: ping10:44
Unfrgivenslomo_: ping10:44
slomo_Unfrgiven: pong10:45
Unfrgivenslomo_: i take it meebey didnt upload MD 0.10?10:45
Unfrgivenslomo_: to debian i meant10:45
slomo_Unfrgiven: nope... upstream does insane things :) we spent most of the time to find a solution for the stetic binary they have in their tarball without any sources...10:46
Unfrgivenslomo_: ugghhhh. binary? dodgy dodgy10:46
dholbachUnfrgiven: pong - hey! :)10:47
Unfrgivendholbach: how r u?10:48
slomo_Unfrgiven: it's not the first one :) but for the other's we have the things already packaged... well, we will package this with the binary for now and tell people in debian/copyright that the sources can be retrieved from mono svn... i think the package may be ready soon :)10:48
dholbachUnfrgiven: fine thanks... how are you?10:48
slomo_hi daniel :)10:48
dholbachhey slomo_ :)10:48
Unfrgivendholbach: good good. ive had some time on my hands so ive been getting involved again10:48
dholbachUnfrgiven: good to have you back :)10:49
lifelessslomo_: thats really not good enough if its GPL licenced10:49
slomo_lifeless: i know... but it's MIT licensed10:50
slomo_lifeless: otherwise i would've thrown some stones at them :) (and GPLed libraries are bad anyway)10:51
lifelessslomo_: they aren't 'bad' per se IMO. Just hard for some folk to use10:53
ajmitchhi lifeless, slomo_10:54
slomo_hi ajmitch10:54
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ajmitchdholbach: so what do you say to having zope 2.9 in dapper? ;)11:02
ajmitch2.7 is getting removed from debian11:03
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dholbachajmitch: please ask doko for that11:03
ajmitchhe'll possibly just tell me to deal with it, being universe11:03
=== ajmitch will check
dokoajmitch: dude, you're member of the zope team as well ;)11:03
Unfrgivenslomo_: so are they going to release the source for stetic?11:04
ajmitchdoko: yeah, but dholbach wants me to pass everything by you :)11:04
dholbachwe can't possibly say "we tested it", can we?11:04
=== ajmitch has a few things to pass by debian as well
dholbachajmitch: hm? I just have no clue about it and trust other people's advice11:04
dokoajmitch: talk with fabio, he did want to prepare a list of packages to sync11:04
slomo_Unfrgiven: it's in svn11:04
slomo_Unfrgiven: http://svn.myrealbox.com/viewcvs/trunk/stetic11:05
=== Gervystar [n=gervysta@217-133-96-194.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== ajmitch will try & chase up the zope-zwiki debian maintainer again also
Unfrgivenslomo_: cool.11:05
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ajmitchsigh, more code that just fails on amd6411:13
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zakamehi all11:44
infinitohas anyone a second to review this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=225511:44
Gloubiboulgahey zakame11:44
nomedhi all11:44
nomedhey Gloubiboulga11:45
nomedone question .. i get this W11:45
nomedold-fsf-address-in-copyright-file <--11:45
Gloubiboulgahi nomed11:45
Gloubiboulgait's not a big issue11:45
Gloubiboulgaif the sources headers use an adress, just keep the same in the debian/copyright file11:46
zakamehey Gloubiboulga11:46
Toadstoolheya zakame11:47
zakamehello Toadstool11:47
Gloubiboulganomed, but you can ping upstream and propose them to update the adress ;)11:48
nomedi guess it 's what i'll do :)11:48
zakamenomed: just ping upstream, it's not really your problem :)11:48
zakamenomed: of course, feel free to submit a patch :)11:48
nomedzakame, yep11:49
nomedone more question ..11:50
nomedi have this libfoo1111:50
nomedof course they don't really conflicts with libfoo10 ...11:50
nomedbut once you've installed the newer one ..11:50
nomedthe v 10 is not really needed ..11:50
nomedshould i add a conflicts entry ?11:51
Toadstoolnomed: I think a Replaces: is a better option but I'm not an expert ;)11:51
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zakamenomed: does libfoo11 obsolete the older version?11:52
ajmitchhey koke11:52
Gloubiboulgainfinito, I can't find this package in ubuntu, is this the first release?11:52
kokehi all!11:52
zakamehey ajmitch koke11:52
ajmitchhey zakame, how's it going/11:53
zakameajmitch: just committed a fix for malone 3861911:53
UbugtuMalone bug 38619 in balsa "FTBFS: using deprecated GNOME_PARAM_POPT_TABLE" [Major,Fix committed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3861911:53
nomedzakame, the problem is that it may be possible user has some bin .. that he wrote11:53
nomedthat could need those libs ..11:53
ajmitchzakame: nice :)11:54
nomedthat's why i just added a replaces entry ..11:54
nomedbut in most of the cases i guess users should consider old libs obsolete11:54
nomedi do not really know what to do here ..11:55
ajmitchnomed: Replaces is only meant to be used when there's some file overlap between packages11:56
ajmitchnomed: also libraries are meant to be parallel installable, so you shouldn't need to have a newer lib conflict/replace the older11:58
ajmitcha fun doc to read is the debian library packaging guide11:58
nomedajmitch, perfect so it's fine as it is :)11:58
=== ugner [n=ugner@tor/session/x-41216fe7aa8c1e3f] has joined #ubuntu-motu
=== Toadstool is going to read the debian library packaging guide...
ugneris it true about kubuntu?12:00
ajmitchugner: do you mean the wild & completely unsubstantiated rumours?12:01
ajmitchor what 'it' do you refer to?12:02
ugnerajmitch: how unsubstantiated and how rumoural can they be when the site itself is offline??12:02
ajmitchwww.kubuntu.org is online as usual12:03
ugnerajmitch: i mean, isn't that a proof?12:03
ajmitcha proof of what? :)12:03
ajmitcheither way, this really is off-topic for here12:05
infinitoGloubiboulga: yes, its the first release for ubuntu12:08
=== Gervystar [n=gervysta@217-133-96-194.b2b.tiscali.it] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Gloubiboulgainfinito, ok, then 1 changelog entry is enough :)12:10
Gloubiboulgaand the version should be 0.7.0-0ubuntu112:11
Gloubiboulgaraphink, ping12:11
infinitoGloubiboulga: oups, sorry.. i was doing .debs for downloading from my site since 0.1...12:11
raphinkGloubiboulga: pong12:11
Gloubiboulgaraphink, hello12:11
raphinkhi Gloubiboulga12:11
Gloubiboulgatu pourrais lancer revu-report sur laptoptemp stp ?12:11
raphinkje te fais a12:12
raphinkc parti12:12
ugnerajmitch: where is this topic on topic?12:13
infinitoGloubiboulga: i'm gonna upload right now a version with correct changelog12:13
Gloubiboulgainfinito, just a minute12:14
infinitoGloubiboulga: ok12:14
Gloubiboulgainfinito, you can bump debhelper version to >=5.0.012:15
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infinitoGloubiboulga: debhelper >=5.0.0 done12:16
raphinkGloubiboulga: done12:17
Gloubiboulgaraphink, thanks :)12:17
infinitoGloubiboulga: anything else i should change?12:18
=== ZuZubuntu-fr [n=ZuZubunt@AVelizy-154-1-35-26.w82-124.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Gloubiboulgainfinito, I check a last little thing :)12:18
Gloubiboulgaerr, I can't dl the .deb :/12:19
infinitoGloubiboulga: i can't neither... something about permissions... but i think is not my fault...12:20
Gloubiboulgainfinito, no, it's not your fault :)12:20
ugnerajmitch: and what is to be done about that? i love ubuntu and i would like it to be so easy for me too to say they are just rumours.12:20
Gloubiboulgainfinito, I'm not a MOTU, so I can't advocate, and MOTUs might have more comments12:21
Gloubiboulgabut your package looks great imo12:22
infinitoGloubiboulga: thanks12:22
Gloubiboulgaah, found some other issues :/12:22
Gloubiboulgainfinito, you've set arch 'all', but it should be 'any' instead12:24
infinitoGloubiboulga: uops12:24
Gloubiboulgait's not pure python12:24
infinitoit's pure python code using autotools to build12:25
Gloubiboulgaand dh_python isn't called in the rules, so ${python:Depends} doesn't work12:25
infinitoGloubiboulga: so should i add dh_python to the rules?12:27
cbx33bbl guys with my FIRST BUG FIX :D12:27
Gloubiboulgainfinito, yes12:28
ugner"a number of Kubuntu developers are complaining that Canonical is not answering their requests"12:28
Gloubiboulgait's not called using the cdbs gnome class IIRC12:28
infinitoso just adding "dh_python" to the rules file works?12:30
Gloubiboulgadepends on what "just adding" means to you ;)12:30
Gloubiboulgayou have to call it during the binary-install rule12:31
Mithrandirhub: iirc, you no longer has the hardware you used when filing https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/xkeyboard-config/+bug/21163 ?12:31
UbugtuMalone bug 21163 in xkeyboard-config xserver-xorg "can't use proper modifier with custom keymap" [Normal,Needs info] 12:31
infinitoGloubiboulga: i don't have too much knowledge about rules file...12:32
Gloubiboulgainfinito, have you read the cdbs documentation?12:33
Gloubiboulgait helps a lot :)12:33
Gloubiboulgaand have a look at some cdbs packages standing on REVU maybe12:33
Gloubiboulgaraphink's packages are good exemples :)12:34
Toadstoolfor simple packages, cdbs is really easy to use and there's a lot of examples ;)12:34
infinitoGloubiboulga: i've just added this: binary-install/laptoptemp:: dh_python -plaptoptemp12:36
infinitois that enough?12:36
Gloubiboulgainfinito, it should be enough :)12:37
infinitoGloubiboulga: great12:37
Gloubiboulgainfinito, a last thing, .pyc files should be removed from the package I think12:38
infinitoGloubiboulga: i'm not sure how to tell autotools not to compile the python files...12:40
Gloubiboulgainfinito, you can compile the files, that's not the problem12:41
Gloubiboulgayou just have to remove the pyc file from the package after the build12:41
Gloubiboulgahttp://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ch-module_packages.html chapter 2.512:42
infinitothat manual says using dh_python the pyc files should be removed automatically12:44
infinitoin fact, it does work, adding dh_python cleans the pyc files :)12:44
Gloubiboulganice :) I didn't know that12:45
infinitojust one more question...12:46
infinitowhy with Architecture: any when building i get _i386 package instead of _all package?12:47
freeflyinglooking for reviewer12:47
Mithrandirbecause that's what arch: any means.12:47
infinitoMithrandir: so if i want other architectur pkgs, what should i do?12:49
Mithrandirinfinito: they'll be _amd64 packages if you build on amd64, etc.12:49
infinitoMithrandir: aps, ok... but no way to cross-build them on i386?12:50
Mithrandirinfinito: no, why would you want to?12:52
infinitoMithrandir: for example, to put some .debs for users on my site (amd64, i386, ppc)12:52
Mithrandirinfinito: you could always try playing around with qemu or something, but I'd recommend just getting them compiled on the correct hardware.12:54
infinitoMithrandir: ok, thanks for the info ;)12:54
infinitodoes anyone know why the .orig.tar.gz has not been uploaded to revu with the other files? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226201:00
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infinitoGloubiboulga: to upload using dput the .orig.tar.gz what should i do?01:05
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Gloubiboulgainfinito, try with the -f flag01:06
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infinitoGloubiboulga: ummm the .sources file doesn't include the .orig in its files section01:07
freeflyinginfinito: debuild -S -sa01:08
infinitofreeflying: thank u very much ;)01:09
freeflyinginfinito:  :)01:09
freeflyinginfinito: maybe u can add watch file01:12
infinitofreeflying: ok, im gonna do it01:12
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infinitofreeflying, Gloubiboulga: could you take a look at the pkg now please? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226501:23
freeflyinginfinito: W: laptoptemp: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file01:29
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@physInfo-mac26.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
infinitofreeflying: where can i find the new address??01:32
freeflyinginfinito: quote it from the latest GPL license file01:32
Unfrgivenim trying to edit my apt/sources.list inside my pbuilder environment. so i use pbuilder login. but when I exit, it reverts my changes. ive forgotten how to make it save them. i think it had to do with the return code. does anyone know?01:33
YagisanUnfrgiven: I just edit them in /etc/pbuilder/apt.config/sources.list and do a sudo pbuilder create01:35
ajmitchUnfrgiven: --save-after-login01:35
UnfrgivenYagisan: i haven't configured my pbuilder to use /etc/pbuilder/apt.config.01:36
Unfrgivenajmitch: ah thats it. thanks!01:36
YagisanUnfrgiven: but I have an apt-cacher setup to save me downloading the debs for every box here01:37
UnfrgivenYagisan: I use apt-proxy :)01:38
infinitofreeflying: ok, fixed the copyright file01:38
freeflyinginfinito: use debuild again for check01:38
infinitofreeflying: done and uploaded01:38
infinitofreeflying: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226701:39
YagisanUnfrgiven: I tried that, but it was slower then a direct download on the p2 233 server I set it up on.01:39
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@physInfo-mac26.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu-motu
freeflyinginfinito: you need motu's review01:39
Gloubiboulgadholbach, gnome-translate is on REVU01:40
Gloubiboulgait was longer than expected :/01:40
dholbachGloubiboulga: nice - could you write to ubuntu-desktop@?01:40
infinitoso any motu has time to review this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226701:40
Gloubiboulgadholbach, sure, asking for a review?01:41
dholbachGloubiboulga: yeah... i'm quite busy atm, so that'd be the best place to ask for comments01:41
freeflyingdholbach is around , infinito you may ask him fo review01:41
Gloubiboulgadholbach, ok01:41
dholbachfreeflying: i'm too busy, sorry.01:41
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-253-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
freeflyingdholbach: hehe  :)01:41
freeflyingdholbach: seems we are lack of motu's review now :)01:42
dholbachfreeflying: that particular bit was always problematic01:43
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dholbachand even more so in a time, when people are focusing on getting bugs fixed for release01:43
Yagisanyep. Hopefully after release there may be some reviewers with some free time01:43
=== Yagisan wishes he had a tool that could just scan all the .c and .h files and write it's own makefile
azeemautomake is mostly "list all .c files in SOURCES and all .h files in HEADERS"01:45
infinitoone question... if a pkg is accepted on universe, what should i do everytime there's a new upstream version?01:47
Yagisanazeem: I know. I get to update automake files where a large portion of the source it refers to ins now gone, replaced by new source, with different names and places.01:47
Yagisanazeem: I just wist I could automate this more01:48
azeemthis sounds like a hopefully infrequent enough incident to warrant automating01:48
Yagisanazeem: nope. I'm helping upstream identify, purge and rewrite non-gpl compatible code in in their project and it will take awhile. And now I'm the only linux user interested, so I get to inherit the automake stuff.01:51
azeemheh :-/01:51
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infinitoGloubiboulga: does it look ok to you now? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226701:58
Gloubiboulgainfinito, checking, but you'll have to find a MOTU to advocate it02:01
infinitoGloubiboulga: thanks :)02:01
ugneris it true about kubuntu?02:06
freeflyingugner: what's your mean02:07
Yagisanugner: don't know, don't care. Go ask the kubuntu people.02:08
azeemugner: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/191702:09
ugnerYagisan: what the heck do you mean? isn't this KUBUNTU? is kubuntu not ubuntu???02:10
jmgwhats the email address to send to revu to get an account created?02:10
ugnerfreeflying: osnews says ubuntu is dropping kubuntu02:10
ajmitchjmg: keyring@tauware.de, or ask someone like me02:11
tseng"Don't believe everything you see in osnews"02:11
azeemugner: please read http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/191702:11
tsengis a good idea.02:11
ajmitchtseng: s/every/any/02:11
ugnerazeem: thank you02:11
ugnertseng: osnews is a very interesting site02:11
freeflyingugner: rumour02:11
ajmitcha very very shoddy site, worse than slashdot most days02:11
Yagisanugner: what I mean is, we here, care about all of ubuntu, in universe and multiverse. We don't care for rumours. You should have gotten the hint by now, but it seems you haven't.02:11
ugnerfreeflying: then why did they go offline?02:11
ajmitchugner: didn't I tell you before that kubuntu.org is still up & running and has always been?02:12
ugnerYagisan: i thought you were implying kubuntu was not supported by ubuntu, which anoyed me, as i love kubuntu02:12
tsengugner: it may be interesting, but it is full of exagerations and rumor mongering02:12
ugnerajmitch: i am talking about .de!02:12
tsengugner: any other news is just a link to another site.02:12
freeflyingugner: it's just kubuntu.de not kubuntu.org02:12
ugnerajmitch: wasn't that obvious??02:12
ugnerfreeflying: yes, but kubuntu.de MATTERS02:13
azeemugner: not in here, though02:13
ugnertseng: oh, i see02:13
ugnertseng: then why do they take it offline?02:13
ajmitchugner: and isn't it obvious that kubuntu.de isn't canonical, and them deciding to pack up their toys doesn't imply anything at all about support?02:13
ajmitchugner: ask them02:13
jmg<keyring@tauware.de>: host line2.tauware.de[]  said: 550 unknown02:13
jmg    user (in reply to RCPT TO command)02:13
jmgbroken mta :)02:14
ugnerazeem: do we hate kde? do the motu hate kde? why wouldn't kubuntu matter in here?02:14
azeemugner: kubuntu.de does not matter here02:14
Yagisanugner: I'm hoping this is just a language issue02:14
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ugnerajmitch: we are a community. we are not cannonical.02:14
ajmitchugner: you're jumping to all sorts of erroneous conclusions02:14
azeemugner: bring it up to the community council if you want, this channel is about universe maintenance02:14
ajmitchjmg: sorry, keyring@tiber.tauware.de02:14
ugnerajmitch: anything that's happening bad affects us02:14
ugnerajmitch: i don't use kubuntu because i love cannonical02:15
ajmitchjmg: but I'm just going to read the mail to get your key ID anyway02:15
jmgajmitch: i use a different key for signing02:15
jmgajmitch: that's on my build box02:15
ajmitchjmg: yes, but you have to tell me the key id anyway02:15
jmgok, ill do it tomorrow...02:15
ugnerYagisan: language issue? what are you refering to, more exactly? (english is not my first or second language)02:16
ajmitchand that public key has to be on a keyserver02:16
Yagisanugner: we care for the *packages* in universe and multiverse. gnome, kde, xfcem windowmaker, ncurses, sdl, whatever. last time I checked kubuntu.de was not a package.02:16
ugnerazeem: please recommend me a better channel02:16
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dholbachugner: the discussion was about sponsoring a local kubuntu webpage... it has nothing to do with support and hating/loving anything02:16
dholbachand discussing it in a channel makes no sense02:16
ugnerYagisan: why, of course kubuntu.de is not a package :))02:17
Yagisanugner: #kubuntu ?02:17
ugnerYagisan: now i understand why you are confused02:17
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zakamehi all02:17
dholbachthat's something that has to be discussed between the owners of the site and canonical prepresentatives02:17
azeemugner: uhm, can you please stop this discussion in here now?02:17
dholbachend of story02:17
ajmitchYagisan: they've probably got enough to deal with02:17
tsengcanonical wont even give me an account in their data center02:17
freeflyingugner: maybe #canonical :)02:17
tsengso if you were to go everywhere posting tirades about canonical hating mono02:17
zakamewhat's up?02:17
tsengit would be about as silly.02:17
ajmitchhey zakame02:17
zakamehello ajmitch02:17
Yagisanugner: I'm not confused. I'm trying to get the point over to you, that if it isn't related to packaging, we probably can't help you.02:18
Yagisanajmitch: true02:18
zakamewha'ts with prepresentatives all of a suddent ? =)02:18
ugnerdholbach: ok, but the language in which one showsexpresses their not being related shouldn't (necessarily) express lack of interest on the kubuntu community plus exclusive credit for cannonical. this is my point.02:18
ugnerYagisan: right02:19
dholbachugner: it's nothing we all have to decide, so there's nothing to do02:19
dholbachif Jane/Mark/whoever decides to give them money, that's their decision02:19
dholbachkubuntu is supported, end of story02:19
tsengthis isnt even over money02:19
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tsengso knock it off.02:20
ugnerdholbach: it was not about money, maybe you should read their "complaint"02:20
dholbachyeah, the discussion is off-topic and irrelevant here02:20
zakamehow long is until the next packages.u.c update?02:20
ugnerdholbach: where would it be relevant? what is the right channel for this?02:20
tsengugner: warning #1, please take it elsewhere02:20
ajmitchzakame: dunno, is it updating still?02:20
ajmitchzakame: awhile ago it stopped, I never checked if it restarted02:20
ugnertseng: HELLO, this is what i AM TRYING02:20
ugnertseng: please recommend me a better channel02:21
azeemugner: start in #ubuntu02:21
tsengugner: #nowhere02:21
azeemugner: just stop it in here02:21
freeflyingugner: #canonical02:21
tsengfreeflying: uhhh02:21
ugnertseng: you are not pleasant to talk to02:21
zakameajmitch: it hasn't yet, I was observing this since my uploads a few days ago02:21
tseng#canonical is staff matters only.02:21
tsengugner: i am sorry to hear that, you have been asked several times02:22
freeflyingugner: maybe mark the right person you wanna talk02:22
tsengyou can join in the frenzy on osnews if that floats your boat02:22
tsengbut there isnt really anything to discuss02:22
tsengcanonical doesnt give me an account either.02:23
ugnerfreeflying: what makes you think you are the right person?02:23
tsengits data center policy02:23
freeflyingugner: me?no, it's Mark02:23
zakameugner: pray tell me, is this releated to helping shapte the Ubuntu Universe? =)02:24
=== herzi_x41 [n=herzi@pD9E2A831.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
Unfrgiventseng: hey hows it goin02:24
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tsengUnfrgiven: hi there02:24
Gloubiboulgainfinito, your package looks really better :)02:24
tsengUnfrgiven: just moved02:24
ajmitchhello Hobbsee02:25
ugnerfreeflying: oh, you forgot to add "is", and i thought it as an advice, something like: "show us the right person you wanna talk to"02:25
Hobbseehi ajmitch02:25
Unfrgiventseng: moved? where to?02:25
=== Hobbsee is home from work ON TIME!
azeemugner: are you involved with kubuntu.de?02:25
tsengUnfrgiven: new apartment.02:25
zakameHobbsee: rocking!02:25
ugnerfreeflying: i thought it as a retort to my "you are not pleasant to talk to"02:25
Unfrgiventseng: excellent. still in the US?02:25
zakametseng: just moved?02:25
ugnerazeem: not at all, but i thought that as a loss. don't you?02:25
azeemugner: also, you have been asked to move this discussion elsewere02:26
tsengUnfrgiven: yeah.02:26
ugnerazeem: a loss for the community02:26
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Yagisanugner: not at all. We still have kde02:26
ugnerazeem: i thought i was simply answering your question.02:27
ajmitchHobbsee: well done :)02:27
azeemmea culpa02:28
Unfrgiventseng: cool. so you all settled in then? I see your net connection is up so thats the important thing(s) covered ;)02:28
tsengUnfrgiven: nah im at work now02:28
zakamemalone 2950302:28
UbugtuMalone bug 29503 in blackbox "Blackbox fails to install if Fluxbox is also installed due to shared /usr/bin/bsetroot" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2950302:28
tsengUnfrgiven: gotta get back.02:29
zakamehmm, that probably needs justa Conflits, right?02:29
Unfrgiventseng: k cya later.02:29
ajmitchUnfrgiven: revu login is your email address on your gpg key, which is gmail. is that ok?02:29
Unfrgivenajmitch: yep, its fine with me.02:29
ajmitchUnfrgiven: ok, retrieve your password to find out what it is :)02:30
ajmitchmarked you as reviewer, too02:30
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ajmitchUnfrgiven: able to login yet?02:34
=== Yagisan actually read the kubuntu.de complaint now. Wow, that sort of reminds me of how my kids sometimes act when they don't get their way.
infinitoany MOTU here??02:38
cbx33w00t...another bugfix on the way i think02:38
Yagisaninfinito: this place is full of them. Sadly they are not mind readers. Just ask your question(s).02:39
cbx33Yagisan, thanks for the help earlier02:40
infinitojust want a review of this, if its posible: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226702:40
cbx33anyone know how to get rid of these perl warnings about locales02:40
zakamethey bother you?02:41
Yagisancbx33: Me ? help ? you still have the errors. I have been ignoring them now for so long I don't even notice them02:41
cbx33make it bloody difficult to read output02:41
cbx33sometimes there can be 40 of them in one apt-get install02:43
cbx33do you not agree?  or do you know something i don;t :p02:43
=== Yagisan is off to bed after a 37hrs of being awake. Next stop, coma city
cbx33nn Yagisan02:45
zakameYagisan: tc02:45
cbx33take a break02:45
Hobbseehehe night Yagisan02:45
Yagisancbx33: I have kids. I'll never get a break for the next 18+ years02:45
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zakamehi jdthood ! =)02:52
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jdthoodzakame: Hi there02:53
zakamejdthood: can I bother you a bit with checking the latest patch malone 38009? =)02:55
UbugtuMalone bug 38009 in resolvconf "Breezy -> Dapper transition needs proper /etc/resolvconf/run handling" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3800902:55
=== jdthood reads the discussion
=== jdthood looks at "Revised version of Elias' patch"
jdthoodzakame: The indentation doesn't look right.03:02
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zakamejdthood: it looks like sebastian has some vim setting that changed the indents03:03
jdthoodHe just has a slightly unusual way of indenting comments03:03
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jdthoodzakame: Well, it looks OK when I read it as a patch.03:08
ivokshi all03:08
zakamehi ivoks03:08
jdthoodBy making assumptions it is possible to simplify the code.  When I originally wrote resolvconf it wasn't clear whether or not /run would be introduced.03:08
jdthoodI mean: the patch successfully simplifies things.  Good.03:09
=== zakame was busy tracking blackbox too
jdthoodUsing /dev/shm was always a bit nauseating, but it was the best alternative and still is in Debian since Debian still lacks an early writable run directory.03:10
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ivokshoho barry03:12
bddebianHeya ivoks03:13
zakameindeed... I've been hesitant applying it since I botched the previous one :P I'm rebuilding it on my onw machine right now03:13
bddebianHello gang03:13
bddebianHi zakame :-)03:13
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zakamehello Seveas03:15
Hobbseehi Seveas03:15
jdthoodzakame: The patched postinst looks fine when I read it.03:16
jdthoodzakame: My reward is that I now know how to fix resolvconf on my own system.  :)03:18
zakamejdthood: w00t! =)03:19
freeflyingIf I found bugs on malone are not really a bug  ,what shall I do ?03:19
bddebianClose it03:19
zakameclose it, politely :D03:19
jdthoodzakame: It looks to me as if fixing this will fix the other bugs filed against resolvconf on launchpad.03:19
bddebianNah, close it with authoritie... ;-P03:19
zakamejdthood: indeed, trying it right now on the other machine...03:20
freeflyingbddebian: but how to close it ?  :)03:20
bddebianfreeflying: Just reject it but put a "friendly" comment about why you are rejecting it :-)03:21
=== jdthood wonders whether it was really a good idea to change all the boot sequence numbers
ivoksfreeflying: copy paste something from fortunes :)03:22
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bddebianivoks: :-)03:24
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zakamehmm why is boson-base producing a barebones boson?03:39
zakameah, I'm stupid, that's why :P03:39
zakamehi mgalvin03:39
mgalvinhi zakame03:40
jdthood"boson-base producing a barebones boson"!03:42
zakameyes, I'm on crack :P03:42
bddebianAnd you aren't sharing? :-)03:43
zakameplease, see DhIconCacheChanges :D03:43
Se7hhey bddebian03:44
bddebianHello Se7h03:44
Se7hhi all03:44
zakamegood excuse to look into the open bugs for each package listed there too =)03:44
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cbx33where do people normally post their debdiffs?03:53
cbx33on their own sites and link on malone?03:53
zakamenormally, as malone attachments03:53
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cbx33i installed a package to day....a rather trivial one...on removal it wanted to take ubuntu-desktop with it...is this a bug?03:56
Hobbseewhich package was this?03:57
cbx33one of the iputils pacakges I working on a bug for03:57
cbx33it's a tiny utility03:58
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bddebianAck, qgis is a pig :-(04:02
cbx33doesn't need ubuntu-desktop for installation04:03
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zachyhi all04:07
bddebianHello zachy04:08
zachycut in the middle of a build :/04:09
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zakamehmm did somebody touch dh_iconcache today?05:04
zakameit not longer generates the right postinst/postrm05:04
zakamegn8 all!05:09
bddebianLater zakame05:09
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zakamelater bddebian :D05:10
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OdyXHey all. I'm looking for someone to package (for me :D ) theora-mmx. This lib is supposed to speed up thoggen by 3-4 on supported procs. This could be great advantage for Ogg/theora/vorbis encoding.06:10
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freeflying-ibookOdyX: more details about this06:12
OdyXfreeflying-ibook: details ? Like ?06:13
OdyXBranch : http://svn.xiph.org/branches/theora-mmx06:13
OdyXIssues for Thoggen: http://thoggen.net/download/index.html#known-issues06:13
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OdyXhas never been packaged (as google says)06:14
azeemshouldn't this go into mainline, rather?06:15
azeemwhy does regular theora not have those optimizations?06:15
OdyXazeem: 'cause not every proc is mmx ?06:16
azeemyou can detect that at runtime06:16
OdyXazeem: 'cause theora-mmx doesn't compile on PPC/AMD64 ?06:16
tsengcode can be built conditionally06:16
tsengor even at runtime06:16
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OdyXso what? wait for theora to include this in mainline ?06:22
azeemis it going to happen?06:23
azeemmaybe there is a reason why it hasn't happened yet?06:24
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OdyXI don't know.06:27
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OdyXhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/651662 <- This is what xiph guys say.06:37
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azeemOdyX: that's not very conclusive06:39
OdyXazeem: In fact, I'm only user, so I know (from what I read) that theora-mmx should speed thoggen up, but I don't know all technical background. Feel free to speak in #xiph... Sorry for not being so conclusive...06:41
azeemOdyX: I mean the discussion amongst the developers in that paste are not conclusive :)06:42
OdyXSo what should I do ?06:42
azeemI find it strange that they do not try to optimize their reference implementation06:43
OdyXazeem: in fact, it's not their "work", is it ?06:44
azeemeverybody seems to use it, and if you want to make a good impression, it should be as fast as possible without corrupting the source base06:44
azeemit's a branch in their subversion repository, right?06:44
OdyXseems to be, as far as I understand...06:44
OdyXand... hum.... http://svn.xiph.org/branches/theora-mmx/debian/ <- means a package should be doable (at least in Debian), hmm ?06:46
azeemit's just a branch06:47
azeemI guess that's the regular Debian packaging for theora06:47
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azeemOdyX: I asked one of the Debian people doing theora, maybe he has a better overview on this matter06:52
azeemmight take a while till he responds06:52
OdyXSo.. theora-mmx.deb doesn't seem for tomorrow...06:52
azeemOdyX: you can create one and advertise it to Ubuntu users, of course06:53
azeembut I think some more strategic planning might be alright, before we duplicate the whole theora source06:53
OdyXmeans ?06:53
OdyXstrategic planning ?06:54
azeemwell, e.g. whether the mmx patches should just get included into the libtheora package, rather than having a package on its own06:54
OdyXYeah... seems good.06:54
OdyXbut Ubuntu is going too fast, FLOSS projects cannot follow... :D06:55
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cbx33Hi LaserJock06:59
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Tonio_hi everyone07:39
bddebianHeya Tonio_07:39
Tonio_bddebian: fine ? ;)07:40
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ohoelis monodevelop 0.10 going to surface in dapper?07:53
chillywillybah, I just bumped the memory in the php.ini for cli PHP but it complains when I go to install a pear package...not sure what else to do07:54
chillywillyit *was* set to 8MB but I bumped it to 32MB...it still thinks the memory_limit is 8MB07:55
chillywillybah, must've been broken when I tried to upgrade it07:59
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LaserJockhi seth08:37
sethhi hi LaserJock08:38
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trappistI've just made a trivial patch to cdrecord that fixes some typos that have annoyed me for years in /etc/default/cdrecord.  I sent it upstream but I dunno whether to expect any results from that.  Should I also file a bug and attach the patch in malone?09:01
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LaserJocktrappist: you could. just maybe make a note that you also sent the patch upstream (if you have something to link to that would be cool)09:08
trappistaight.  I just emailed it to the author - afaict he doesn't make it easy for people to make contributions09:09
LaserJocktrappist: yeah, that happens. Is upstream active?09:10
trappistI think so09:10
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LaserJockhi Kyral09:16
trappistso now that I've made this bug and only ubuntu-bugs and myself are subscribed, is there an appropriate way to get it some visibility?09:18
LaserJocktrappist: maybe talk about it on #ubuntu-bugs09:21
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bddebianLaserJock: Damnit, I've got 4 more Science bugs to close but can't test them here at work :-(09:45
LaserJockbddebian: can I do it for you? when will you be off work?09:45
bddebianDunno yet.  I'm setting up a machine here at work but it's a slow ass Celeron :-(09:46
LaserJockbddebian: how slow?09:47
bddebianWel it's just getting "up to date" that's slow09:47
LaserJockwell, I forgot to start my Ubuntu box at home this morning, so all I have at the moment is a dapper chroot on a sarge box I have for data collection09:48
LaserJockalthough it is faster than my box at home09:49
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bddebianLaserJock: Well I have all that at my disposal but I need a GUI to test the desktop files :-)09:54
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LaserJockbddebian: I have a gui in my chroot10:03
LaserJockI just ssh -Y from my iMac and run gnome-session from inside the chroot10:04
bddebianScary. :-)  I tried that with Xing for Winblows but it was just too slow :-(10:05
LaserJockwell, on my local network at school there is basically now slow down. just like being at the box10:05
LaserJockso I have ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop installed. I tried KDE the other day, worked beautifully10:06
LaserJockexpose was a little weird with a Gnome/KDE desktop on top of my OSX desktop but I get everything that I need10:07
=== ajmitch needs more sleep
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bddebianHeya ajmitch, Kyral10:13
ajmitchbddebian: how are you?10:15
=== Kyral finds it highly ironic that he is taking a course next semester called "Psychology of Psychoactive Drugs"
bddebianFair to midland man, you?10:15
bddebianKyral: :-)10:15
ajmitchpoor to average10:15
ajmitchnot enough sleep10:15
ajmitchneed good caffiene hit10:15
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LaserJockhi ajmitch and Kyral10:16
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LaserJockhmm, not much on tomorrow's TB agenda, maybe I should go for core-dev10:18
LaserJockmuahaha, sometimes I just crack myself up10:18
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ajmitchLaserJock: sure, up for a good grilling?10:19
ajmitchI'm surprised that bddebian hasn't gone for core-dev yet10:20
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LaserJockajmitch: maybe he's waiting until he has more Karama then seb12810:22
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LaserJockI don't really have any interest in being a core-dev and I don't think I'll probably ever know Ubuntu well enough to be be one.  I'm pretty comfortable where I'm at10:25
bddebianajmitch: Bah, they all hate me too :-)10:25
LaserJockbddebian: what's up with this self-loathing thing? Everyone loves you and the wiki doesn't lie ;-)10:27
bddebianThe wiki does lie or I could actually fix some REAL bugs :-)10:27
LaserJockheah man, there are going to be a lot of appreciative scientists out there that don't have to drop to a terminal to start their apps :-)10:28
ajmitchLaserJock: he's always been like this10:29
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=== ajmitch hopes he gets to play with new toys today
cbx33ajmitch, oooh what new toys?10:32
bddebianThe Analmaster 9000?10:32
=== bddebian runs
ajmitchbddebian: comments like that really aren't appreciated10:33
bddebianBah, it was a little funny10:33
ajmitchhopefully a sunfire T200010:33
ajmitchnot at all funny10:33
bddebianSorry then10:34
cbx33bddebian, awww10:34
cbx33i thought it was funny :p10:34
cbx33a little funny10:34
=== cbx33 sits in his corner
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=== ajmitch must leave, bbl
bddebianLater ajmitch, have fun :-)10:41
bddebianLaserJock: See, I can't be a core-dev, I have a "sense of humor".. :-)  (Notice the quotes)10:45
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sladenbddebian: I don't get it.10:50
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infinitohas any motu two minutes to review this? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226711:00
bddebianShit, did someone sync a new qgis?11:03
bddebianNo, I'm just an idiot11:09
dholbachnight guys11:22
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bddebianWow, qgis looks very well written11:24
LaserJockhow so?11:25
sladeninfinito: would  laptop-temp  be a better name11:25
bddebianLaserJock: Just a nice crip interface11:25
bddebianErr crisp even11:25
infinitosladen: why?11:25
sladensiretart: why is that linda error still there, I did an upload $months ago that should have got rid of it11:26
sladeninfinito: ah, okay the actual binary is called 'laptoptemp'11:28
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bddebianLater folks11:55
LaserJockcya bddebian11:55
bddebianLaserJock: I got qgis working but forgot to change my version so I overwrote everything.. :-(  I'll fix it up tonight :-)11:56
bddebianCatch you in a few11:56
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