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thedarkenerwhat's up people!12:19
thedarkenerWAKE UP! =p12:19
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juliuxthedarkener, whats up?12:19
lnsnada mucho12:20
lnsjust got back doing an edubuntu install, 6 terminals online so far12:20
lnsanother 4-8 to go for this site12:20
lnsand hopefully many more soon12:21
mhzcool news12:24
mhzjuliux: hey mon! long time no see ya12:25
mhz(my fault though)12:25
lnsogra, you around?12:26
lnsso can anyone link me to some documentation on customizing default things like desktop backgrounds for new users, ldm splash, etc?12:32
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are-12hello all02:56
are-12i'm booting up fine, but get stalled at a login screen02:59
are-12are there demo accounts on the live cd (dapper flight 6)02:59
are-12thanks for all the help03:26
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are-12ah ... acording to the wiki (i'f i'm reading it right) i want to boot dapper live and select WORKSTATION, otherwise i boot into a (USELESS) thin client04:25
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are-12not entirely intuitive, but makes sense04:26
bimberiare-12: ah, kk (did see your Q earlier but couldn't help)04:27
are-12aretwelve is at my office and i'm home now as are-1204:28
are-12so i'll have 16 hours of chat to scroll through when i get to werk04:28
are-12BUT ... the basic problem is, i boot up (defaults into live dapper flight 6, then x loads and i'm challenged for a user / pass  ... and no matter what ... nothing logs me on   ... as there's not thin client server on my netwerk04:30
are-12so i suppose i need to tell it to boot workstation style04:31
are-12is that "linux workstation"  or just "workstation" ???04:32
are-12(actually, i'm reading the install notes for 5.10 )   is 6.4(6?) more or less the same?04:33
bimberiare-12: sorry, i don't have the edubuntu livecd so I can't tell you.  I'd try "workstation" first.  Did you try "ubuntu" (or "edubuntu") with no password04:33
are-12yup ... same old "you need to check your capitalization" error04:34
are-12tried    demo / demo  and  admin / admin and ubuntu / ubuntu and ubuntu / <CR> and about 20 other combinations .... the problem is i'm not in a "desktop environment"  it's playing "thjin client"  (SURE MIGHT BE GOOD TO USE SOME OF THAT SCREEN REALESTATE TO SAY SOMETHING ABOUT THIS)04:36
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are-12so lemme go try that ... wish me luck 04:43
are-12thanks all04:43
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JaneWmorning all08:40
Burgundaviasalut JaneW08:40
highvoltagemorning and salut!08:41
=== JaneW salutes
Burgundaviawow, shipit in the 2nd result for free linux cd08:42
JaneWwhat's first?08:43
highvoltage!google free linux cd08:44
ubotuhighvoltage: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:44
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Burgundaviathat is ubuntu canada. YMMV08:45
JaneWit's 4th on altavista08:45
=== JaneW gave someone a CD yesterday it was funny
JaneWshe runs a company08:46
JaneWand I said I had a CD with me08:46
highvoltageJaneW: i want some of your medication08:46
JaneWshe asked if one of her tech guys could look at it08:46
JaneWand spent like 5 minutes convincing me that it would get used by an appropriate person, or they'd return it if they don't need it etc08:47
JaneWI had to eventually tell her 'It is FREE. Take it, keep it!'08:47
JaneWhighvoltage: well actually my neck felt ok this morning, so I went for a short gentle run08:48
highvoltagei would even give her 5 more! :)08:48
JaneWI am completely drug-free today :))08:48
highvoltagethat's brave!08:48
lucasvoJaneW: wow, nopain killers? 08:48
JaneWand feeling much more possitive08:48
highvoltagei thought your medication might be a cause for thinking that handing out cd's is funny :)08:48
lucasvoso the doctor actually helped you, and not just gave you painkillers(which is the normal procedure)08:48
JaneWhighvoltage: heh08:49
JaneWlucasvo: well I went to a chiropractor and then physio08:49
JaneWthe chiro actually didn;t want me to take meds, but I couldn;t think straight without them (or with them)08:49
JaneWI normally don't even take an asprin, but I was taking pain killers AND muscle relaxants08:50
=== lucasvo to
JaneWI think I still have some muscle sensitivity but at least they have loosened now, so I feel much relieved08:50
lucasvoI can't think straight with any meds08:51
JaneWlucasvo: you joined the edubuntu frapper group right?08:51
JaneWI looked at it yesterday, and am sure I saw you...08:51
lucasvoin zurich08:51
lucasvowhere are you?08:52
highvoltageedubuntu frapper group?08:52
highvoltagewhat's frapper?08:52
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JaneWhey look who else is there..."TechnologyRescue.com Granite Bay (CA)08:54
JaneWUsing Edubuntu in thin-client mode in our business!"08:54
JaneWsounds good08:55
JaneWor is that Burgundavia ? ^08:55
highvoltageno, that is Steve.08:55
highvoltagehe's not using edubuntu yet, but he's going to.08:55
highvoltagehe's currently using K12-LTSP.08:55
BurgundaviaJaneW: nah, we use multiseat X in what we do08:56
lucasvohorrible, anybody know how to reset the font-settings on mac osx?08:56
=== highvoltage notices that jsgotangco is quite literally half way around the world from here
highvoltagelucasvo: i'm sure someone does08:57
lucasvohighvoltage: I think I'll install ubuntu on all our school machines08:58
JaneWhighvoltage: oic, who is steve?08:58
lucasvoosx sucks08:58
JaneWhighvoltage: yes jsgotangco is pretty far away08:58
highvoltageJaneW: Steve Hargadon, here is his blog: http://stevehargadon.blogspot.com/08:59
highvoltageJaneW: he works with thin clients and refurbished machines08:59
JaneWhighvoltage: oh right, yes I 'know' him from e-mails and he does a lot of trade shows etc08:59
highvoltageJaneW: very nice guy, he wants to roll out 100 labs in the US some time08:59
JaneWhighvoltage: excellent08:59
highvoltageJaneW: and base a big part of it on the tuxlab model08:59
highvoltageyeah, he's very active.09:00
JaneWhighvoltage: we should give him more support09:00
JaneWI wish I had a budget09:00
highvoltagedefinitely. we could all benefit from a relationship.09:00
highvoltageJaneW: when you're in again, let's talk in person09:00
=== JaneW will see what can be done
JaneWhighvoltage: yes lets09:01
JaneWI think I'll only come in next week, since this is such a short week09:01
=== bimberi adds himself to frappr
JaneWand I am dashing off to Robbie Williams on Thurs :)09:01
JaneWhighvoltage: so prolly Tues, or maybe Wed next week09:02
JaneWI have received a new spam/virus, which is pretty effective (luckilly I am not too gullible)09:03
JaneW"Dear user of canonical.com,09:03
JaneWWe have received reports that your account was used to send a huge amount of spam messages during this week.09:03
JaneWObviously, your computer had been compromised and now runs a trojan proxy server.09:03
JaneWPlease follow our instructions in the attached file in order to keep your computer safe.09:03
JaneWHave a nice day,09:03
JaneWcanonical.com support team.09:03
JaneWthe attachment is a .zip09:03
JaneWyeah right09:03
lucasvoanybody know where one can buy a (boot) rom programmer?09:05
lucasvoa cheap/used one09:05
highvoltageJaneW: yep, tues or weds will be fine09:06
highvoltageJaneW: that's quite rich :) it would have been even funier if it was an .exe09:07
JaneWhighvoltage: indeed09:07
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lucasvoah, finally my ltsp machine is working again05:12
lucasvohighvoltage:  I had a mainboard crash05:21
lucasvosecond one this year05:21
lucasvono, not this year, but during 365days05:22
lucasvohighvoltage: ah, yes, about proto.edubuntu.org05:22
lucasvoI wouldn't make the rounded corners where they "touch" the screen border05:23
lucasvoI don't know how to say this in english05:23
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thedarkenerHas anyone had the issue of after adding a user (I've seen this in Breezy as well as Dapper up to flight 6), you try to login on a terminal, it goes black, big X11 'X' and back to the login? Even with the right password?06:38
ograthedarkener, can you log in on the server dirctly with the user ? 06:39
thedarkeneri haven't tried, i just got a call this morning of this..i just installed another server here in my lab though i'll try it06:39
thedarkenerit seems to happen intermittently06:39
thedarkenerlike if i try a few times it will log in06:39
thedarkenerI'll check the logs too when i'm there next (it's 20mi away)06:40
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lucasvothedarkener: yes06:44
thedarkenerlucasvo, maybe we can help - can you describe what you're having problems with?06:45
lucasvohow do I have to configure the network interface used for ltsp?06:45
lucasvoshouldnt sudo ifconfig eth0 up be enough?06:46
lucasvothedarkener: or do I need to do sth. else?06:46
thedarkenerlucasvo, the edubuntu setup should bring the adapter up by itself06:47
thedarkenerif you need to do it manually, yes 'ifup eth0' would work (provided you set up networking correctly during install)06:47
lucasvothedarkener: I didnt set up the second interfafce during install06:49
thedarkenerlucasvo, which interface is connected to the ltsp network? eth0 or eth1?06:50
lucasvoeth2 is connnected to internet06:50
thedarkeneryou mean eth1?06:50
thedarkenereth2 would be a third interface06:51
lucasvoyes it is06:52
lucasvoI have 3 interfaces06:53
lucasvoon the server I do:  ifconfig eth0 up
thedarkenerlucasvo, if you do 'ifconfig eth0 up' command you have to manually enter much information about your network for it to route properly, etc.06:55
lucasvothedarkener: so how should I do it ?06:56
thedarkenerWhat I would do if I were you is edit your /etc/network/interfaces file and enter your settings for all network adapters you didn't configure during setup06:56
thedarkenerthat way you can simply type 'ifup ethX' when you need to bring up/down interfaces manually06:56
lucasvothedarkener: can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces06:57
thedarkenerI can, but just keep in mind your IP settings will be different06:58
thedarkeneriface eth0 inet static06:58
thedarkeneruse the keywords only, don't copy the IP settings06:59
thedarkeneralso put 'auto lo eth0' in there above it06:59
thedarkenerso whenever you boot the machine it will bring up the interface(s) automatically06:59
thedarkenerrepeat those settings (with different ip settings of course) for each interface on your server07:02
thedarkenerlucasvo, what is the third interface for?07:02
lucasvoyes, but I dont need it atm07:03
lucasvowhat do I have to set in the gateway field?07:03
=== LaserJock_away is now known as LaserJock
thedarkeneri believe you'd put the IP address of the same interface07:05
thedarkenersince it's going through itself07:05
lucasvookay, now it says Failed to bring up eth007:06
lucasvoSIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable07:06
thedarkenerlucasvo, what is the IP network of eth0 for you?07:07
thedarkenerverify everything in /etc/network/interfaces to make sure that it's correct for your 'iface eth0 inet static' stanza07:08
thedarkenerand that there's no duplicates07:08
thedarkenercan you paste it?07:09
lucasvoI pasted no the same07:10
lucasvoI mean the whole file under the same url07:10
thedarkeneryour gateway needs to be .1.107:11
thedarkenernot .1.007:11
thedarkener.1.0 is called the 'network address'07:12
lucasvobut it is definately not
lucasvobecause this breaks my whole network config07:14
thedarkenerhrm...hold on07:15
thedarkenerok try putting the gateway as the internet connected interface07:18
thedarkenerthe internal routing should take care of finding it07:18
thedarkeneri think.. =)07:18
lucasvook, this works07:20
thedarkenerogra, do you have any guesses on the user login issue i'm having?07:20
lucasvobut, when I do dhclient eth0 on a client, it doesnt get anything07:21
thedarkenerwell that's a whole different thing there07:22
thedarkeneryou need to make sure all your dhcpd settings are correct07:22
thedarkenerand that the daemon is running07:22
thedarkenersince you're changing the network config, you need to change the ip settings in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf to reflect it07:23
lucasvoit is running07:23
ograthedarkener, did you check that the user can log in on the server ?07:23
lucasvothe dhcpserver is configured correctly07:24
thedarkenerthen do an /etc/init.d/dhcpd restart, see if that helps07:24
thedarkenerogra, sorry no :( was just wondering07:24
lucasvoI already did that07:25
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ograthedarkener, first make sure the users are set up correctly, if thats the case lets dig deeper :)07:26
lucasvoeven if I configure static IP address it doesnt work07:26
thedarkenerok thanks ogra :)07:26
thedarkenerlucasvo, on the client are you trying to boot via ltsp?07:26
lucasvono, it is a livecd07:27
thedarkenerare you able to ping the server from the client when you statically assign ip settings?07:28
thedarkenercheck your network cable/switch07:30
thedarkenerif you're sure all your ip settings are correct on the server and client and both server and client interfaces are up and running, there's nothing else it could be (besides a firewall?)07:31
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thedarkenerare you sure the correct adapter is connected to your switch/hub, and not one of the others that aren't up?07:41
lucasvoif I put it into the other interface. it doesnt even come up07:42
thedarkenerif you're statically assigning the IP address on eth0, it will come up even if it's not connected to the switch/hub07:44
lucasvoit takes more than 30s07:49
lucasvoand then it exits07:51
lucasvowithout configuring the interface07:51
thedarkenersounds like it's still trying dhcp07:53
lucasvothen there would be output, wouldn't it/07:54
thedarkenerthere should be07:54
thedarkeneri've seen the situation before though07:54
thedarkenerwhere even if you apt-get remove dhcpd, there is still a rogue process running07:55
thedarkenermake sure no dhcpd processes are running07:55
lucasvoI don't think it is a problem ofdhcp07:57
thedarkenerwell i'm stumped then, i'm not sure what else it would be if everything we talked about was correct07:58
lucasvothedarkener: thanks a lot08:03
lucasvoI have to work on that thing later08:03
thedarkenerno problem lucasvo i hope you get it figured out08:05
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highvoltagegoodnight, #edubuntu09:39
ograciao highvoltage 09:39
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spaceywhats a bounty subscriber09:51
spaceyif you just want to get the latest comments09:51
spaceyor does it directly mean you want to do the job (which i don't want to)09:51
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Bluekujaogra: are you there?09:53
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Bluekujaoliver when you have some free time contact me 10:22
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Rondomspacey: I slo wondered about the bounty thing11:37
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