
buzcomplaining about dapper not working is frowned upon anyway12:03
Wizz_Kiddim not complaining im stating12:03
Wizz_Kiddtrappist: are you a dev for Kubuntu12:03
buzyou screaming for help12:03
buzand not in the nicest way, either12:04
Wizz_Kiddno one is screaming i was asking politely and buz seems like your having printer probs yourself12:04
buznobody is saying the printing works like it should12:04
cromobuz: both cupsd are just the same12:05
buzlemme see12:05
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cromoI'll  try with lp pass12:05
cromodelete everything12:05
cromodamn, there has to be a way12:06
cromoone more thing12:06
cromounder kcontrol, what do you have selected under "The print system used:"? (or similar, translated from my locale)12:06
cromohere I have CUPS12:06
cromobut the default one is LPD12:06
buzalso, OO shows cups12:07
cromoand below CUPS?12:07
buzcups 1.1.99.b1.r4929-0ubuntu712:07
buzuhm localhost:63112:07
cromoso it's the same12:08
cromoone one more12:08
cromotry in your browser:12:08
buzic an acess it ;)12:08
buzi tried before12:08
cromothan I see12:08
cromoI cannot12:08
cromobut I used to12:08
buzare you sure cups is up?12:08
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cromops ax|grep cups says so12:09
cromoI'll try to reboot, I am using initng here, even though it says it is run that could have something in common anyway12:09
buzi think i got default init here12:10
buzwhatever ships with dapper anyway12:10
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cromobuz: so yes, you got stock sysvinit12:10
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toxic_Does anyone know how I can use grep with root-tail ? (no, root-tail - logfile | grep mask) doesn't work. (Doesn't have to be grep, anything that makes root-tail adapt to print text that only matches pattern)12:16
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cromobuz: same problem12:20
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cromoI can see following error in /var/log/cups/error_log: http://pastebin.com/65237112:21
cromoI can see following error in /var/log/cups/error_log: Unable to open /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf12:21
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fiendskull9does Kubuntu support XGL/compiz12:23
buzfiendskull9: go to #ubuntu-xgl12:23
buzand search for xgl in the wiki/forum ;)12:24
buzshort answer: yes, but only in dapper12:24
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fiendskull9my dapper disk was a bad burn12:24
fiendskull9and i dont wanna redownload12:24
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stasiekhi there12:25
trappisttoxic_: you'd have to grep the text before it gets to root-tail12:25
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cromobuz: under kcontrol, kprinter, printing manager (or so - that's where you're setting cups), manager12:25
toxic_trappist, yeah I solved it, thx anyway12:25
cromo's confgiguration:12:25
cromoCups server: username12:25
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cromowhat do you have there?12:25
buzunder printer server?12:26
cromothis could be not revelant - I use different locale here12:26
buzjudging by the number of stars, it would be my own pw  likely12:26
buzand my own username12:27
cromolet me switch to english for a sec12:27
cromoPrint Manager - Configure Manager - CUPS Server12:28
cromowhat do you see ther, in all the host, port, user, passwd?12:29
buzlocalhost 631 my user, stars ;)12:29
cromoare the stars in the same amount as your usual passwd?12:31
cromoany checkbox's selected?12:31
cromoI'll gona have to ask some developer12:33
cromoor just file a bug12:33
cromodo you habe libuser package installed?12:34
cromosudo dpkg --list libuser12:36
cromoput an asterisk by the end (libuser*)12:36
buznone of the perl ones either12:36
cromoand see if any of the results is marked with ii flags12:37
buzbuz@buz:~$ sudo dpkg --list libuser"*"12:37
buzNo packages found matching libuser*.12:37
cromoi see12:38
BambinoAnyone using dapper and can please give me 3 files? kcm_konsole.la kcm_konsole.so and libpng.so.312:39
apokryphosBambino: why can't you get them :P12:39
Bambinoapokryphos, They dont exists for me12:40
cromoBambino: apt-get install wajig12:40
cromothen, learn how to use it12:40
cromoit's the all-in-one utility12:40
cromojust like apt-get, apt-cache and dpkg in one12:40
cromoit actually is just a backend12:41
cromothen, wajig whichpkg libpng.so.3 will show you which packages contains this file12:41
cromothus, you will easly install it with wajig install pkg_name12:41
apokryphosor just use apt-file12:42
apokryphosor, even, just use packages.ubuntu.com12:42
Bambinook thanks12:43
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Xaero_VincentIs Kubuntu going to die?12:53
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kbrooksPossible trademark violation.12:57
kbrooksRiddell: online?12:57
Riddellkbrooks: hi12:57
kbrooksRiddell: someone (or a team) is doing something bad to the actual kubuntu project12:58
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Xaero_Vincentkbrooks #kubuntu-de?12:58
kbrooksXaero_Vincent: hold on.12:58
Riddellkbrooks: I know12:58
kbrooksRiddell: what are you doing tohandle this?12:58
Riddellwriting e-mails to all the silly threads it has created12:59
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kbrooksRiddell: what about being in #kubuntu-de ?12:59
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Riddellkbrooks: I am01:00
kbrooksRiddell: okay01:00
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StringBladeevening! anyone know how I might set my default sound card in Kubutu?  I've got the correct card as default for ALSA, but apps that use the OSS layer still use the wrong sound card.  Any ideas?01:02
StringBladespecifically, NWN01:02
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paulvolkHey Guys01:08
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mindspinkbrooks: #kubuntu-offtopic would be the better place01:08
kbrooksright, Riddell. kubuntu history. ok. i remember that there was a wiki page talking about kde on ubuntu (not kubuntu)01:08
kbrooksmindspin: OK01:08
RiddellI don't remember that, "Kubuntu" was the first wiki page we had01:09
kbrooksRiddell: ages ago, before kubuntu.01:09
kbrooksRiddell: on the ubuntu wiki01:09
paulvolkI am having some trouble getting the JRE to work with Firefox. I have put the plugin into the /home/username/.mozilla/ directory but still no luck01:09
Riddellmaybe I made a page to advertise my kde packages I made01:09
paulvolkhow could I get JRE to work?01:10
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs01:10
Riddellpaulvolk: seen that?01:10
kbrooksRiddell: so what happened since then?01:10
Riddellkbrooks: a year passed and we have a great distro01:11
Riddellwell, 18 months actually01:11
kbrooksRiddell: oh, THAT was last year01:11
paulvolkI will take a look at that01:12
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kbrooksRiddell: just to say this. good work :P01:13
mindspinI still love hoary ;-)01:13
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MrFabergood night01:14
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kbrooksMrFaber: heh01:14
kbrooksmindspin: so you do. and?01:14
mindspinI 'm keen to get stable dapper01:14
kbrooksRiddell: were you usingg ubuntu before you started this?01:14
mindspinand want to give it to my customers01:15
kbrooksmindspin: dont.01:15
kbrooksmindspin: er01:16
kbrooksmindspin: oh01:16
kbrooksmindspin: sorry01:16
Riddellkbrooks: can't actually remember when I first installed it01:16
kbrooksmindspin: i thought you meant dapper flight601:16
mindspinno stable dapper01:16
Riddelloh yes, it was after jdub phoned me01:16
kbrooksRiddell: odd.01:17
Riddellkbrooks: why?01:17
kbrooksRiddell: after this question, this may not be so odd: how long have you known jdub?01:18
Riddellsince about the ubuntu preview release01:18
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kbrooksRiddell: aha, so thts it01:18
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kbrooksRiddell: :)01:18
Riddellthat's what?01:19
kbrooksRiddell: now i understand.01:19
=== Riddell wonders what is understood
=== mindspin hasn#t any clue
kbrooksRiddell: the relation between kubuntu and ubuntu01:20
Riddelllike siamese twins so we are01:20
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BambinoDoes anybody here know how to make so when i switch desktop, the tasbark gets empty? cause now, all its doing wheni switch is showing the desktop01:23
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VgeBambino: if you go to kcontrol>desktop>Taskbar>and unselect the "show windows from all desktops"?01:27
BambinoVge, I love you! thanks01:27
Bambinook not that kind of love01:27
paulvolkok I have another question01:27
robotgeekhaha, looks like we need op love in here!01:28
paulvolkI would like to use amarok as a media player yet when I try to open MP3's on it it won't work. how can I fix that?01:29
tristanmike!tell paulvolk about mp301:29
robotgeekpaulvolk: right click on the mp3, open with, and select amarok as default01:29
Vgepaulvolk: in amarok mp3 needs libxine-extracodecs01:30
Vge*in dapper amarok needs01:30
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paulvolkok Robotgeek if I do that does it mean that from then on it will open MP3s with armarok by default?01:32
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Vgepaulvolk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats <-- check "mp3" section01:33
robotgeekVge: i think he is more concerned with doublie click to open mp3, but yes that would be the codecs :)01:33
paulvolklol I have the codecs and robotgeek is right.01:34
robotgeekpaulvolk: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide/C/ch05s02.html01:34
Vge"it won't work" is kinda large thing :)01:34
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paulvolkVge: what do you mean?01:37
superbnerbman, i finally got dapper drake to work!01:38
superbnerblong live the kubuntu?01:38
Vgepaulvolk: well your problem could have been also missing codecs, but good that it works now01:38
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paulvolkwell when it gives you an error all you can do is try diffrent things unless it tells you specificly what you need.01:40
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paulvolkone more thing01:40
Vgeyup, darn im getting tired01:41
Vgehave to join #kubuntu-offtopic01:41
paulvolkI have changed my cursor in Kde but for some reason when ever I use firefox when my cursor goes into the window it goes back to the old theme. Why does it do that?01:42
paulvolkIt only stays when I am in the firefox window but still it gets annoying01:42
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Vgepaulvolk: this is fixed on dapper, but i can google you a solution, sec01:44
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paulvolkThanks so much01:44
Vgehttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-75474.html <-- check xMetaRidley post01:45
superbnerbhas anyone ever tried to install ndiswrapper through adept?01:50
superbnerbi get this weird ass message.01:50
Vgethere are n+1 weird ass messages, please be specific01:51
superbnerbouch... ok ok hold on.01:52
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BambinoDoes anyone know how i can show the trash can, home folder and system menu on my desktop?01:56
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Vgehome folder is easy01:56
Vgejust make a link to ~/01:57
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superbnerbain't the trash can in the bottom right corner?02:00
superbnerband why isn't make on kubuntu?02:00
superbnerband su02:00
Wizz_Kiddanyone here drive motorcycles02:01
Vgesuperbnerb: becouse allowing root user can lead to security problems02:05
ubotuVge: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:06
ubotu[build-essential]  a meta package for software building see !gcc for more info02:08
BambinoExcuse me, How long does it actually to ./configure  file? ever since I got kubuntu, it takes almost 10 min for a 1mb file02:08
Vge1Mb text file contains kinda alot of info, debends on your system02:08
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nukydoes anyone know a good webcam driver setup tutorial for kubuntu? my webcam doesn't have a brand as i bought it at a computer fair, however i've used it under windows and it was very good.. was looking for a general web cam installation tutorial online. any suggestions? thank02:10
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Vgenuky: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Webcam02:11
nukyVge: thanks02:12
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fjellrev1Can anyone help me find the path for my dvd player,when I pop a dvd in it goes to /media/hdb but when I try to go there myself I dont find it02:15
zarephathHey all...asked in Dapper...I can't get KDE to setup my shared printer on Ubuntu PPC...it works fine in Gnome...so it must be KDE...02:15
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Vgefjellrev1: try typing "mount" in konsole02:18
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fjellrev1Vge: mkay.and thats supposed to tell me something ? :)02:20
Vgefjellrev1: your righ, kinda misinfo, sry02:21
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Vgefjellrev1: second click the cd on desktop and mount it, then go to /media folder02:23
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Vgeany better result?02:23
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robertsaIs anyone else getting MD5 mismatches with Kubuntu Dapper?02:24
BambinoDoes anyone knows why its taking 10 min to configure a file that usually takes seconds? this happened after kubuntu installation02:24
zarephathrobertsa: Nope...just the printing system is hosed...maybe not if you have a printer attached...02:25
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robertsazarephath: No printer, just MD5 mismatches when doing "apt-get update"02:25
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robertsaNevermind, it stopped doing it. I must have caught it in the middle of an update or something.02:27
fjellrev1Vge: seems to work better now,thanks..Did it through mount dvd in konsole though.but I have to do this each time I put in a dvd?02:27
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RayFredPipHelp!How can I install KDE!02:27
RayFredPipI am using ubuntu OS!02:27
paulvolkdon't you have to have Kubuntu to use KDE?02:27
zarephathRayFredPip: How about opening synaptic and searching for kde?02:27
zarephathpaulvolk: Not if he is running Ubuntu..it is gnome based02:28
RayFredPipzarephath, that is not easy.I tried just now!02:28
paulvolkI know that02:28
zarephathLook for kdebase for starters02:28
RayFredPipzarephath, a lot of software to be install02:28
zarephathYeah no kidding....depending on what you want...if you are on dialup just download the Kubuntu CD02:29
zarephathOr order02:29
paulvolkthat can work too02:30
vgeRayFredPip: try package named "kubuntu-desktop"02:31
laszlokRayFredPip: look in synaptic, and try and install the package names kubuntu-desktop02:31
robertsaIt's big, but there's no way to get around that.02:32
robertsaKDE is always big.02:32
zarephathAnyone know what is needed to get midi working in KDE?02:32
zarephathOr Kubuntu for that matter?02:32
RayFredPipvge, Thank you very much!02:33
RayFredPipvge, but I want to know what the difference between Kubuntu-desktop and KDE?02:34
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laszlokzarephath: a lot of hard work02:35
RayFredPipvge, I mean KDE conponents02:35
vgeRayFredPip: im not 100% but i think kubuntu-desktop is just ubuntu metapackage that contains all the needed files02:36
RayFredPipvge, Thank you!02:37
vgezarephath: http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/PlayingMidi <--this helps anything?02:38
superbnerbPlease insert the disc labeled 'Kubuntu 6.06 _Dapper Drake_ - Alpha amd64 (20060331.1)' in the drive '/cdrom/' and press enter02:39
superbnerbi get this error when i i use adept and try to install ndiswrapper02:39
superbnerbi put it in and nothing....02:39
stasieksuperbnerb: remove it from the list of repositories02:40
vgesuperbnerb: dont use cd repositories after you have installed the distro02:40
superbnerboh, i guess it is something that simple eh.  i just tried this the first time, i wonder why it is like that out of the box?02:40
vgewell, devs cant know when you need it or not i guess, but if you have internet connection, you dont need it.02:42
superbnerbso i went to adept and manage repos.... am i in the right place?02:42
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superbnerbright clikc disable?02:43
superbnerbcool, it says it is installed. now to test :-)02:44
superbnerbthanks vge02:44
vgedont thank me yet, buahaha :)02:44
superbnerbvge: why  no SU?02:45
stasiekmac osx style?02:46
vgenope,  wrapper is not the best friend to play with allways02:46
vgesuperbnerb: it has sayd to be a security thing, use sudo allways when you need to "su do" something02:47
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vgehttp://img148.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot108rm.jpg <-- got bored, heres my desktop :)02:53
stasiekis gnome 2.14 really faster?02:55
stasiekthe last time I've used gnome was around 2.10 and it was sooo slow02:56
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_matthewHello can someone point me to a discussion for new users03:23
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_networkerHallo - is there a way to view WMA9 video on kubuntu?03:35
laszlok_matthew: have you tried http://kubuntuforums.net/03:36
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_matthewyes I used them to install the nvidia drivers but the information I need to set up my monitor is not there03:37
dalegribbledoes anyone know what to install to satisfy a dependency for the following error: 'error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory', I've tried libgtk packages to no avail03:38
crimsundalegribble: dpkg -l libgtk1.2|grep ^ii03:39
dalegribblei'm a moron :D  thanks!03:40
jonathan_you know....i am so impressed with this distro...i can finally move from windows now03:41
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CheeseBurgerManjonathan_: Yeah, I stil have Windows, but mostly for games. :P03:43
jonathan_yeah, it just dawned on me that i'm doing everything i did in windows and its just great03:43
jonathan_it's on my desktop and laptop now03:44
jonathan_i use vmware but just for specific things when i absolutely have to03:44
CheeseBurgerManvmware doesn't have an AMD64 package IIRC, and for games I wouldn't want to use VMware anyway. ;)03:45
_matthewis there a good source for setting up xorg that anyone can point me to?03:46
jonathan_this is true but i don't use amd6403:46
jonathan_i have one but don't use it03:46
jonathan_it's harder to find packages i guess.03:46
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jonathan_night all... :)03:51
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zblachquick question. anyone know about samba?03:58
ubotuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently or http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/samba2/book/toc.html03:59
CheeseBurgerManI know that it exists, and I sometimes use it.03:59
CheeseBurgerManWhat's the problem?03:59
zblachconnecting to an existing windows network03:59
ToyMan2hmm. if I put a new skin in my products dir. and restart, and it doesn't show up in 'add new products', what's the debug procedure?03:59
ToyMan2i mean, nothing is complaining... is there a listing of what it takes for a plone product to 'take' somewhere?04:00
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DaSkreechSo whats up with the Kubuntu team having issues with canonical04:13
frank23DaSkreech: It's far from being as big an issue as the article suggests. I don't really know the details though04:14
DaSkreechI suspect it isn't I would just like to know whats going on04:15
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DaSkreechand if it's a reasonable issue or just some people being jerks over money04:15
frank23DaSkreech: not sure...  Canonical is not responsible for the local websites though (except the ubuntu-xx.org ones)04:16
DaSkreechfrank23: is it about the distro or the sites?04:16
frank23you need to ask someone who actually knows anything about it ;)04:17
DaSkreechWell.. the only person that I have heard comment on it was Johnathon04:19
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frank23what did he say?04:20
DaSkreechIt was ok04:20
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs04:28
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jonathan_hello, does anyone in here rip cd's with linux...if so, with what?04:31
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noiesmojonathan_, i use kaudiocreator with lame04:32
jonathan_i'm looking to replace audiograbber04:32
jonathan_i loved it but it doesn't rip fast enough in windows04:32
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jonathan_noiesmo: can i set the bitrate ?04:38
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noiesmojonathan_, yes04:42
noiesmojonathan_, the default bitrate is variable04:42
ToyMan2jonathan_: konq has a nice kio thing04:43
ToyMan2insert the cd and it auto-rips in about 3 dif. formats04:43
ToyMan2just copy the one you want to the fs04:43
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noiesmojonathan_, open kaudiocreator then go to configure from there you can edit the lame settings04:44
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laszlokjonathan_: do you see in the encoder settings where it says configure?04:44
noiesmojonathan_, you will need to install lame as it does not come with kubuntu by default04:44
laszlokjonathan_: if you really want constant bitrate, you can change "--preset standard" to "--preset cbr 128" for 128kbps04:45
noiesmovariable is the better than constant04:46
noiesmofrom what i read04:46
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laszlokor you can just use oggenc04:49
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jonathan_sorry phone call....thank you for the info05:12
jonathan_are you there noiesmo?05:12
jonathan_ok under configure ?05:13
jonathan_i have name, command line, extension05:13
noiesmowhen I open kaudiocreator I then go setting configure kaudiocreator then click encoder05:15
jonathan_there i have name, command line, extension05:16
jonathan_i selected lame and hit the configure button05:16
noiesmoyes then click the command line and move then cursor to the beginning of the line you should see lame --preset blah blah05:17
noiesmothis is were you can change "--preset standard" to "--preset cbr 128" for 128kbps05:18
noiesmojonathan_, you see it05:19
jonathan_hmm....wonder why it doesn't just have a slider or something ....yes i see it :)05:19
noiesmocool now change it other wise bit rate standard is variable05:19
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jonathan_noiesmo, you said that variable was better than constant?05:36
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jonathan_why is that ....05:36
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swaitsKopete a little unstable for anyone else?05:40
jonathan_gaim swaits ...use gaim05:41
noiesmojonathan_, I have read it somewhere and another user mentioned not much of an answer but maybe sus out lame home page05:41
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noiesmojonathan_, http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/archives/000470.html05:43
noiesmojonathan_, extract from url Once I heard the incredible difference in fidelity between variable bit rate (VBR) and constant bit rate (CBR) encoding, I can never go back.05:43
jonathan_well i will have to try it05:43
laszlokjonathan_: variable bitrate changes the amount of data used for less complex sounds. So like with VBR silence can be recorded with less data, and you end up with a smaller file size05:44
jonathan_just as good quality?05:44
laszlokjonathan_: but also some mp3 devices have compatibility issues with VBR, cause everything used to be CBR05:44
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jonathan_i have an ipod nano05:45
jlbhola kubuntu zealots05:45
laszlokjonathan_: well technically its less quality, but it only does it where you cant tell the difference, so yes the quality will sound just as good05:45
jlbcan anyone tell me how to play my big a** list of .wma's in amarok?05:45
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DaSkreechPress play?05:47
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navais there any keys sequence like "ctrl+alt+arrows" to change between desktops in kde?06:07
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laszloknava: ctrl+tab?06:08
navathanks laszlok :)06:09
laszloknava: you can change it in system settings --> regional & accesibility -->keyboard shortcuts, then search for desktop06:09
navathanks alot :)06:10
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dale_gribbleodd question...just installed breezy on a new machine, and installed both gaim and firefox.  neither were added to the menu, and if i try to edit the menu and add the path, it saves, but still doesn't display06:13
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dale_gribbleit will execute from a terminal06:14
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DjDarkmanhy ,i have major performance problems ,can someone help me out?06:42
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theripperupgrade the computer07:10
theripperjust  kidding07:10
poningruDjDarkman: whats wrong?07:10
DjDarkmanmy pc runs realy slow sometimes07:11
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DjDarkmanbut i discused this on #kde and they said that it`s beause of the updatedb and azureus07:12
DjDarkmanthis is my ps aux output07:12
jlbcan anyone tell me how I can play wma files? Amarok and xmms are installed, but will not play them.07:13
DjDarkmanand this is my pc07:13
DjDarkmanSysinfo for 'Darknet': Linux 2.6.12-10-386 running KDE 3.4.3, CPU: AMDAthlonXP1700+ at 1463 MHz (2908 bogomips), , RAM: 246/250MB, 130 proc's, 18.48h up07:13
theripperSysinfo for "theripper"07:15
theripperSysinfo for 'theripper'07:15
robotgeekDjDarkman, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:15
theripperSysinfo for 'theripper':07:15
robotgeektheripper: what are you trying to do?07:15
therippersys info like he did07:15
theripperfor my pc07:16
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robotgeektheripper: DjDarkman -> don't spam, please07:16
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theripperok , i just wanted to see if it works07:16
DjDarkmanrobotgeek: i think that link was for jlb07:17
robotgeekjlb, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats07:18
DjDarkmanis the updatedb in my crontab?07:19
robotgeekDjDarkman: i would think so, sudo crontab07:19
jlbwell out of all of the searching I did for the last few hours, I finally got someone with a fucking brain.  I'm really thankful. Have a good night.07:19
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robotgeekjlb, please mind you language07:20
DjDarkmandjdarkman@Darknet:~/tmp$ sudo crontab -e07:20
DjDarkmanno crontab for root - using an empty one07:21
robotgeekDjDarkman: hmm, lemme see mine07:21
jonathan_wow....i am impressed robotgeek07:21
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jonathan_finally ...it's nice to see a geek who actually doesn't like to hear bad language07:21
jlbah, the elustrious mIRC cop. take care, my appologies.  Please be empatheitc with my frustrations.07:22
robotgeekDjDarkman: somewhere in /etc/cron.daily weekly etc07:22
robotgeekjonathan_: this is a coc complaint channel :)07:23
Wizzy_Kiddopinion someone07:23
jonathan_just nice it's not allowed to go on...07:24
jonathan_wizzy, i'm not crazy about the color but it looks nice :)07:25
DjDarkmanthis is just not my day ,i wanted to upragrade my kde but the server looks like it`s down07:26
Wizzy_Kiddjonathan_: thanks07:27
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rob_anybody here having trouble with the nvidia drivers?07:29
Wizzy_Kiddfor what gfx card07:30
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rob_Geforce 680007:30
rob_maybe 6600 I'm don't remember which one...07:30
rob_there was an nvidia-glx update for both my breezy and dapper drake machines today that killed my nvidia drivers07:31
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rob_I can only get x to start using nv07:31
captainbrailleHow do I change my screen resolution?07:32
rob_I've never had problems like this before with other distro's.  Is this a pretty common Ubuntu issue?07:33
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captainbrailleHow do I change my screen resolution?07:35
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robotgeekcaptainbraille, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:37
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captainbraillerobotgeek, thanks that worked great07:41
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noaXesshi all..07:52
noaXessi have downloaded and installed ubuntu 5.1 and then installed kubuntu-desktop.. is that the same as download and install kubuntu 5.1 ?07:52
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Systlainehi all, i was wondering if anyone here could help me with a x server issue im having in breezy...07:59
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Systlaine...alright, nevermind then :/08:01
noaXessis there an apt-get source list for kubuntu?08:08
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DjDarkmanhy i need a program to create animated gif images ,what should i use?08:31
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DjDarkman_sorry ,but i got disconected ,did i get answer to my previous question?08:35
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me2winDjDarkman_: the gimp08:37
DjDarkman_i don`t know i used it long ago ,but didn`t notice that it has animated gif creating function08:39
me2winDjDarkman_: might wanna try Krita08:41
DjDarkman_ok i have 2have installed ,i`ll try it right away08:42
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dave_cbanyone alive here?08:50
dave_cburgent!!! =X08:51
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laszlokdave_cb: whats so urgent?08:56
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dave_cbim having a problem playing cds under kubuntu (i just made a fresh installation of the latest kubuntu version) , mp3s work nice system sounds too but when i try to play a cd under any music player i don t get any sound or (on kaffeine) i get an error message! what should i do?08:56
Somefilenamedeave_cb, Kaffeine is not a music player.08:57
me2winid lart you if it was still allowed08:57
Somefilenamedeave_cb, Check if you have all the engines for Kaffeine or other music player.08:57
dave_cbbut kscd is and he doesn't play too =(08:57
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dave_cbsorry about the ignorance but...how should i do that?08:59
Somefilenamedave_cb, Package kaffeine-gstreamer - check if you have it.09:00
dave_cbyep i have it09:00
laszlokdave_cb: kscd doesnt actually process the audio, it just tells your cd drive to send it to the sound card09:00
laszlokdave_cb: which means it has its own cd volume control in kmix09:01
dave_cblaszlok: the cd volume on kmix is on max09:01
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dave_cbthe weird thing is that this doesn t happen on gnome09:02
dave_cbonly with kde09:02
laszlokdave_cb: what program in gnome?09:03
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dave_cball of them09:03
dave_cbsound juicer09:03
dave_cbreal player09:03
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nobotztrying to install kde on ubuntu09:22
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nobotzI got the error09:22
mathew-eDoes anyone know how to change the K icon at the bottom left conner to a different icon?09:22
nobotzNO_PUBKEY A506......09:22
nobotzdid a gpg --recv-keys A506....09:23
nobotzstill get the same error :-(09:23
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nrdbWhen I ask 'adept' to do an update it thinks lots of things need to be done including removing the program 'dia', when I ask 'apt-get' to do an update it says there is nothing to be done, why the difference?09:24
Hobbseemathew-e: change the file at ~/.kde/share/icons/(icon_theme)/(size)/apps/kmenu.png09:24
Hobbseenrdb: does apt-get show packages being held back?09:24
mathew-eHobbsee, thanks I will try that. Is that the place others place "Launch" icon?09:25
Hobbseemathew-e: er.....huh?09:25
Hobbseenobotz: can you paste the entire error to pastebin please?09:25
nrdbHobbsee: yes ?09:25
nobotzok Hobbsee09:26
nobotzI think I got it09:26
nobotzI need to do apt-key add09:26
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nobotzand not gpg --recv-keys09:26
Hobbseenrdb: then do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, and it'll add those packages09:26
Hobbseenobotz: yeah, that's usually it09:26
mathew-eHobbsee: do you mean "yes" ?09:26
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nrdbHobbsee: why should I need to do a dist-upgrade ? has there been a new release?09:27
Hobbseemathew-e: i dont understand the question09:27
Hobbseenrdb: there hastn been, but dist-upgrade will include all packages, including new dependancies/stuff to be removed09:27
Hobbseeotherwise, apt-get install (packages left behind), and it will do the same thing09:27
mathew-eHobbsee: I have seen other DISTROs like LINSPIRE has the "Launch" icon on KDE. Is it possible for us to do that by changing the icon in that directory?09:28
mornfallnrdb: are you only adding security updates? in that case, something must have gone horribly wrong09:28
Hobbseemathew-e: got a screenshot of the launch icon?  i'm not quite sure what you're talking about...09:28
mornfallnrdb: and if you are on dapper, stop smoking crack ;-)09:29
Hobbseemathew-e: or is that what's called "quick launcher" as an applet for kde panel?09:29
nrdbmornfall: no I am using other repositories other than security, and I am not using dapper.09:30
mathew-eHobbsee: the icon is simmilar to Windows "Start" button icon. That is what I am refering to a "K" button.09:30
mornfallnrdb: what other repositories09:30
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=== Hobbsee wonders if mathew-e is talking about kbfx...
nrdbmornfall: I would like to know why 'apt-get' has suddenly decided not to update a lot of stuff including most of the kde packages.09:31
laszlokHobbsee: no hes talking about the kmenu.png09:31
mornfallnrdb: upgrade never adds or removes packages09:32
Hobbseelaszlok: ah ok09:32
Hobbseemathew-e: answer to that is "yes" then..09:32
laszlokmathew-e: Most every distro that uses the kicon for the menu will have it in that directory09:32
nrdbmornfall: ok, but why isn't it updateing 82 different packages?09:33
mathew-eHobsee: Have a look in bottom left conner - "http://shots.osdir.com/slideshows/slideshow.php?release=293&slide=38&title=linspire+5.0+screenshots"09:33
mornfallnrdb: maybe they now depend on something you don't have?09:34
laszlokmathew-e: not sure about linspire tho, they change a lot09:34
Hobbseemathew-e: that's kde-look.org - search for kbfx09:34
nrdbmornfall: I would expect it to then download what is needed.09:34
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mathew-eHobbsee: Thanks I will check that website.09:35
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Hobbsee!info kbfx09:36
mornfallnrdb: read the manual09:36
Hobbseedarn, that must only be on dapper, not breezy09:36
mornfallnrdb: upgrade is explicitly not supposed to install anything :)09:36
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RanmaHi 2 all09:37
RanmaI have an ati radeon card, does anyone knows if its possible to use the tv-out without proprietary drivers?09:38
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nrdbmornfall: thanks for the help, I am now doing a 'apt-get dist-upgrade' I will the do a 'apt-get install dia' to reinstall the program its going to remove.09:47
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BambinoDoes anyone know how to get the trash can and my home folder to my desktop?10:00
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noteventimeYour homefolder can be created by right clock pn desktop -> create new -> Link to location10:01
noteventimeI guess you could do the same with the trash can but that wouldn't give you the "Empty trash can functionality"10:02
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noteventimetomas__, Hejsan  :)10:04
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captainredbeardis there any program that I can get to periodically change my desktop background?10:06
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_itahi all ... could someone please pinpoint me to a description of the keywords in the repositories ?! like .. whats a multiverse, universe and so forth ?!10:11
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_itai think im talking about the so called "section name"s10:14
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mepis_6hello all10:50
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noteventimehello mepis_610:53
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Bambinocan someone please help me and tell me why my ./configure now is taking 1000 years? no matter what i configure, a small theme. takes 10 min! then it gives me an error something with qt-mt11:10
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painesBambino: you are missing some packages11:13
Bambinopaines, What kind?11:13
painesapt-get install libqt3-mt-dev11:13
painesthe qt development packages11:13
painesand then maybe the kde development packagees too11:13
painesapt-get install kde-devel11:14
jaarooI'm running dapper drake and till some day my kde stopped (without any rememebered interaction (maybe dist-upgrade)) to traverse windows from all desktop upon pressing alt-tab and limited traversal to active desktop only. I went through configure panel but found nothing wrong. Can anyone give me some advices how to get that behaviour back?11:15
Bambinopaines, Thank you sir.11:17
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painesBambino: does is work ?11:18
Bambinopaines, I dont know mate, I am at work so I can't check. I just ask to find out so i can try, cause ive been asking for 2 days without any answer. Cause this happened when i got kubuntu.11:18
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painesBambino: i see.11:20
Bambino_pip hi! :)11:21
Bambinopaines, ya.. and konqueror opens with 2 extra tabs. for some reason. empty tabs. so lets say i wanna browse in konqueror. Then 3 tabs opens. One i browse in, and 2 empty11:21
Bambinopaines, and Konsole is imposisble to konfigure, because there are missing files appearently to konsole. So, it's making my life a misery :(11:21
_pipBambino: Hi11:22
_pipBambino: I using Kubuntu desktop ,and you!11:22
Bambino_pip, Is that a wuestion?11:22
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painesBambino: I have that too with konqueror. I think that is a bug. could possibly be changed by deleting its config files in ~/.kde/share/apps11:22
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Bambinopaines, Cool, im gonna do that11:23
dipnlikhi all. i added bugs.kde.org to my bookmarks to use with katapult, but i want it to run when i type bko. how can i have this? tried editing the bookmark's name and comment, didn't work11:23
painesBambino: what do you mean by konsole is unable to configiure11:23
DARKSHINhow can I to install a program with kubuntu?11:24
Bambinopaines, well if i go to Konsole and press configure, it says that kcm_konsole.la and .so is missing11:24
Bambinopaines, so i read on the net that it can be fixed by adding those two if someone has them. So I did. Now a third file is missing all of a sudden.11:25
jaarooDARKSHIN: there are many ways.11:25
DARKSHINone of this...11:25
_pipBambino: no!11:26
DARKSHINi'm italian^^11:26
_pipBambino: hehe~~Do you like gnome ?11:26
jaarooDARKSHIN: you will probably like to use some gui to ease that. Dapper drake provides adept updater I think that breezy is based on Kynaptic. You can run it and work with it.11:26
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jaarooDARKSHIN: you could also use commandline gui - aptitude (I like it the most)11:27
painesBambino: that is strange. that shouldn't happen11:27
Bambino_pip. ya :)11:27
painesBambino: seems like update/upgrade process failed or something11:27
Bambinopaines, What happend was like this. I had kde 3.4 i upgraded to 3.511:27
_pipBambino: both of them you like,right?11:27
Bambinopaines, konsole stopped working for konfiguration, note htho, its still working as terminal11:27
Bambino_pip, Yes11:27
jaarooDARKSHIN: or if you just want to install single package you know the name of then the fastest approach is to run (sudo apt-get install package-name)11:28
Bambinopaines, so i removed the kde, and then deleted the entire folder. and installed Kubuntu. and now i am getting hell :(11:28
painesBambino: bad11:28
_pipBambino: Why can't I change the color ?11:28
painesBambino: try when you caome home apt-get install --reinstall konsole11:28
Bambino_pip, where?11:28
DARKSHINsudo apt-get install package-name <--------------------------------11:28
Bambinopaines, Does not work :(11:29
painesreally ?11:29
DARKSHINthx jaaroo11:29
_pipBambino: Konversation!~11:29
Bambino_pip, Are you configuring it?11:30
Bambinopaines, Yep .. :(11:30
_pipBambino: Yes , I am trying11:30
_pipBambino: But it doesn't work11:30
Bambino_pip, Weird. Works fine for me.. ? Hmm. Are you applying the colours after words?11:31
_pipBambino: Hi,can you tell me how to change the run level of my ubuntu?11:31
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paines_pip: edit /etc/inittab11:32
Bambino_pip, You better ask someone more advanced then me mate. I know how to run away from ubuntu11:32
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_pippaines: level which?11:32
_pipBambino: OK11:33
paines_pip: ? well you have to know which level you want11:33
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_pippaines: comand line mode11:33
_pippaines: which one?11:34
paines_pip: well thats 2.11:34
_pippaines: I am going to have a try .11:35
nexus10Hi. I want to install gcc 3.4 on a standard Kubuntu breezy box. apt-get install gcc-3.4 runs, but I still have no gcc, only gcc-3.4 -- and no make etc. build-essential looks like gcc4 -- what should I read?11:35
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_pippaines: oh,it is likely not 211:36
uLDaRieLHi, anybody can give me a good guide about configuring a tv card?11:36
painesnexus10: installing the compiler 3.4 installs it. gcc is just a link on the default compiler11:37
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_pippaines: I tried a command "sudo init 2" which did work .11:37
paines_pip: give in runlevel11:37
paines_pip: it will tell you in which you are11:37
_pippaines: did/t work11:37
paines_pip: what did you get as the answer11:38
nexus10paines: thanks. Do I need to create a symlink for gcc myself? And which make / ld etc should I use?11:38
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_pippaines: I read the config text of inittab ,but it says 2~5 are multi model and 1 is single mode ,0 is halt mode ,6 is reboot mode11:39
nexus10paines: I just need enough to ./configure && make && sudo make install11:39
painesnexus10:for make there is only one. ld will be choosen by gcc. so you just have to make a link from gcc-3.4 to gcc use CC veriable11:39
_pippaines: so which will take me to xommand line mode11:40
_pippaines: so which will take me to command mode ?11:40
nexus10paines: excellent, ta. Should I create that symlink myself -- in /usr/bin? In /usr/local/bin? Where is customary on (K)ubuntu?11:40
paines_pip: well normally it is 2.iirc. seems like this was changed in ubuntu.11:41
_pip# /etc/init.d executes the S and K scripts upon change11:42
_pip# of runlevel.11:42
_pip# Runlevel 0 is halt.11:42
_pip# Runlevel 1 is single-user.11:42
_pip# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user.11:42
_pip# Runlevel 6 is reboot.11:42
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paines_pip: don't flood the channel mate11:42
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painesnexus10: do you want 3.4 to be your default compielr11:42
_pippaines: Do you know a command to change my system into command mode?11:43
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waiting:OOO how many folk11:43
waitinghello :)11:43
nexus10paines: hmm... I don't really mind. I just need to compile a package, it needs gcc3 --- may need to compile something with gcc4 in future, but not an issue now. What's easiest?11:44
paines_pip: like i said. in the past init 2 would do what you want. now 2 is the default runlevel with X, and multi user and netwrok etc11:44
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painesnexus10: so best is do CC="gcc-3.4" ./configure11:44
_pippaines: yes ,you are right, so it is a problem11:44
painesnexus10: that should do the job11:44
paines_pip: not really11:45
nexus10paines: ideal -- thanks. Will report back later.11:45
paines_pip: you could make runlvel e.g. the same a runlevel 2. and delete just X out from 2.11:45
paines_pip: you could make runlvel 5 e.g. the same a runlevel 2. and delete just X out from 2.11:45
painesyou know what I mean11:46
_pippaines: Yes.11:46
_pippaines: dangerous?11:46
paines_pip: not really11:46
waitingI have a KDE issue: 1: the network setup in Startmenu->System Settings->Internet & Network->Network Settiings is too high for a x768 laptop display and the GUI offers no possibility to move the window so that the button "Administrator Mode" would be usable11:46
waitingI think that the form applies an unneccessary vertical fill policy for the panes displaying the settings11:47
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waitingunfortunately this host is rather weakish so I cannot ... like ... recompile the package in a timely manner11:48
waitingis there anything that can be done about this?11:48
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arrinmurrwaiting: have you tried to move the window with alt + left mouse button?11:49
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waitingarrinmurr: yeah, ok, that works, thank you :)11:50
waitingI still think it would be a good thing to fix because that way I can deploy puterz and let users set hostnames11:50
waitingthe way it looks now, it is somewhat counterintuitive, I had to guess that there actually are buttons below viewport11:51
paineswaiting: if it really is so like you discribed, than this is an kde issue. best is to report to them directly11:53
waitingpaines: I see!11:53
jaarooI'm running dapper drake and till some day my kde stopped (without any rememebered interaction (maybe dist-upgrade)) to traverse windows from all desktop upon pressing alt-tab and limited traversal to active desktop only. I went through configure panel but found nothing wrong. Can anyone give me some advices how to get that behaviour back?11:56
arrinmurrwaiting: does it help if you use kcontrol? alt+f2 -> kcontrol11:57
painesjaaroo: i don' understand you question. you were using alt+tab and this stoppped working ?11:59
waitingarrinmurr: yes! there, the form arranges nicely11:59
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waitingarrinmurr: ohh, that's very good! thank you :)12:00
arrinmurrwaiting: the system settings thing in k-menu is a kubuntu addition. kcontrol is the "real thing" in kde12:00
dipnlikarrinmurr: i don't have kcontrol in my katapult :(12:01
mepis_6done the same with mepis 6.012:01
waitingI thought so. on KDE level it is sorted to "playground" as for now12:01
waitingand has no contact info btw :S12:01
dipnlikgtg now, bye12:02
_itaim trying to do a mount on a samba share i can easily reach with konqueror smb://ma.ch.i.ne/share .. the mount -t smbfs //ma.ch.i.ne/share /mnt/foo -o credentials results in an error like "cannot mount block device" .. what the problem here ?!12:02
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mepis_6I am trying to get opera for mepis 612:04
mepis_6debian error's12:04
mepis_6even with static!12:05
mepis_6back to tar.gz,...Hell its 2006!12:06
waitinga solid design shows its longevity ;)12:07
mepis_6guess so12:07
waitingI tar gzed firefox here, too12:08
waitingfor they always write to userz on their website "download the latest version :D" and it's written so freindly that I assume userz to believe that12:09
waitingand then its tar gz :p12:09
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MartiiniWhich should I use and why - Adept vs. Synaptic vs. kpackage vs. aptitude ... Any thoughts?12:15
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arrinmurrMartiini: apt-get :)12:17
waitingMartiini: in GUI mode I go for synaptic12:18
waitingMartiini: it's pretty stable12:18
MartiiniWhy is there such a thing as adept in Kubuntu anyway? What about all other package mngmnt frontends?12:18
waitingMartiini: with same legit one can ask "why not"12:19
DarkshinW kubuntu!12:19
Martiinibut they say that there is no point fixing things unless they dont work , so ...12:19
Martiiniwhy such thing as adept now I wonder12:20
Martiinibut it seems it works12:20
waitingMartiini: well all I can say from my short experiences with synaptic, adept and kynaptic is that for the moment I think synaptic is most reliable12:20
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Martiinistrange stuff12:20
waitingon the other hand, for example, I like the adept update wizard12:20
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Martiiniis "Full Upgrade" in adept same as apt-get dist-upgrade?12:22
MartiiniFetch Updates is apt-get update I guess12:23
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Darkshinthere's a downloadaccelerator for linux?12:28
Darkshinthere's a download accelerator for linux?12:28
MartiiniI guess if they've included Adept in Kubuntu , it must be better at handling dependencies or whatever - Lets trust Kubuntu team and use suggested tools then :)12:29
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=== mornfall wibbles
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m0ns00nI've got a problem with the latest nvidia drivers and the latest breezy nvidia driver12:33
m0ns00nAll opengl usage gives me "rainbow" colors (also renderaccel)12:34
m0ns00nCan this mean a faulty card?12:34
m0ns00nOR a faulty kernel?12:34
m0ns00n(I'm thinking about upgrading to dapper)12:34
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painesm0ns00n: latest nvidia drivers in breezy of the latets nvidia drivers nvidia released ?12:35
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m0ns00npaines: both12:37
TheNightRider``hey all :)12:37
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m0ns00npaines: I get all the colours of the rainbow on all fonts rendered with renderaccel12:37
m0ns00npaines: And opengl shows up in blue/bright gradients, it looks all wrong12:37
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m0ns00npaines: I'm running amd6412:38
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m0ns00npaines: It's a new computer, so it could be a faulty card!12:38
m0ns00npaines: PCI-E12:38
Martiinianyone know what is "No URI handler implemented" when trying to play video with kaffeine through samba ?12:39
m0ns00nMartiini: That samba isn't supported by kaffeine12:39
m0ns00nMartiini: Try mounting the disk with samba through fstab12:39
painesm0ns00n: strange.12:39
m0ns00nMartiini: Or make a mount script for sshfs12:39
Martiinigetting too intricate for me :)12:40
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m0ns00nMartiini: Linux is intricate =)12:40
Martiiniyep :)12:40
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MartiiniI'll jsut copy the movie and watch it12:40
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ubotuit has been said that sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary12:53
RaReHello. i need help =( my kubuntu can't play from more than one audio source... i dont get the guides much because they are either for ubuntu or says that the latest alsa will solve it12:57
painesRaRe: this is a soudn driver issue. get a sound mixer like arts to do the job or a card which has "good" drivers to play multiple streams at once. like emu10k1 base sound cards12:58
MartiiniThere's a strange thing with my box since I bought it - All movement on the screen creates noice and buzzing in headphones (like in movies when something is downloading or whatever)12:59
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Martiinicreates noise I mean12:59
RaRepaines: i believe i already have arts, do i need to configure it or something?12:59
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MartiiniRaRe what soundcard you have?01:00
painesRaRe: correct. made you audio player amarok or what every and other media playing apps using arts01:00
RaReMartiini: i dont know...01:00
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painesRaRe: for amarok this is simple. by instaling amarok-arts and chossing it in aamrok configuration01:01
RaRepaines:  i tried at amarok under the engine > output plugin artsdsnk - i still get the same rpoblem01:01
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MartiiniRaRe what about fiddling with kmix?01:02
RaReMartiini: how do i find out what's my sound card (it's built in)01:02
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RaReMartiini: i did, but i dont know what im doing01:02
painesRaRe: strange.01:02
milesanyone tell me where I can find a repo with kwlan please?01:02
painesRaRe: which apps did you use to play sounds at the same time. amarok and ?01:02
Martiinimiles by googling for debian repos01:03
RaRewell a game - enemy territory and/or quake01:03
RaReit's the same for flash i think01:03
RaRelet me test it.. give me a sec01:03
painesRaRe: well game won't use arts. thats the problem01:04
MartiiniRaRe I dont know about command line , but you should see your card in System - KDE infocenter01:05
RaRepaines: i dont get sounds from flash on web aswell01:05
painesRaRe: flash has to be configured to use arts. did you do that ?01:05
RaRenot yet01:06
RaRei think01:06
RaRepaines: would you happen to know where can i do this? it's not on the firefox options01:06
painesRaRe: i check, give me a sec01:08
RaReMartiini: i've got an intel ac'97 audio controller something01:08
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Martiiniisnt it a flash sound problem then?01:09
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RaReMartiini: Intel 82801DB-ICH4 with AD1981A01:09
Martiinidunno ... paines is helping you01:09
RaRe? well its a problem with everything in my system.. i can only play sound from one audio source01:09
RaReit's like a first come first serve basis.. only the 1st program is able to play sounds, any subsequent programs just gets muted =(01:10
Una^Hi, I am having a problem with my xorg resolution, error is I810(0): Not using mode "1280x1024" (no mode of this name)01:11
=== Martiini has no idea - not a linux pro really
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Una^but there is a mode in my xorg.conf called this..01:11
RaRe^^ thanx anyways Martiini01:11
kameronRiddell, you around?01:12
RaReUna^: when/how did you get that error01:12
Una^RaRe: thats in my Xorg log sorry, I810(0):  Built-in mode "1024x768" which is what it always defaults too01:13
milesI tried using dpkg to install a .deb, however, its broken in the adept...01:13
Una^RaRe: Cant seem to use the native mode for the lcd01:13
milesanyway of removing this or fixing the deps easily please?01:13
painesRaRe: /etc/firefox/firefoxrc, FIREFOX_DSP="arts"01:14
RaReUna^: oh, =/01:14
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RaReUna^: just guessing, is the mode 1280x1024 enabled in your xorg?01:15
Martiinimiles did it say that the deb package is gonna break your kubuntu and remove lots of stuff?01:15
Martiinidoesnt adept resolve all dependencies?01:16
Riddellkameron: hi01:16
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RaRepaines. hmm, there's no firefox folder in my etc, anyways ill find my firefoxrc then. thanx01:16
kameronRiddell, hello. i wanted to talk with you about some things.. permission to /msg you?01:16
mornfallMartiini: why it wouldn't?01:16
MartiiniIm advising miles01:16
Riddellkameron: ok01:16
Una^RaRe: http://pastebin.com/653232 thats my xorg.conf looks enabled to me :)01:17
milesMartiini: ok, removed it safely... now I either gonna have to install the deb or find a rep...01:17
Martiinimiles has a deb with unresolved dependencies01:17
milesMartiini: I've upgraded to kde 3.5.2 btw01:17
mornfallhe installed it with dpkg01:17
mornfallas he said01:17
mornfalldpkg is not adept01:17
Martiinisorry :)01:17
MartiiniI know01:18
milesthats the deps01:18
Martiinimiles this kwlan wants to replace ubutnu packages with debian packages which causes the problem01:20
Martiinii dont know really01:21
milesno, i tried installing a earlier version number01:22
Martiiniits really bad that aubuntu and debian packages arent completely compatible , anyway01:22
milesanyway of getting dpkg to handle the deps for me?01:23
milesand install this ubuntu kwlan01:23
RaReUna^: line 47 has a hash sign, is that normal? doesn't that comment out that line01:23
Martiinimiles are you using ONLY ubuntu repos and packages?01:24
MartiiniI use aptitude for dependency resolving sometimes01:24
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milesMartiini: I have a good sources list @ home, but im at the office :-\\01:25
Martiiniyea, but , debian and ubuntu sources dont mix always01:25
Una^RaRe: yeah but its makes no difference even with that line left in01:25
Martiiniyou get complete ubuntu sources.list with install - just have to uncomment some repos01:26
Una^RaRe: out of ideas now, so is google :P01:26
milesI have01:27
milesjust looking if aptitude can install this .deb01:27
RaReUna^: :o well, have you tried reconfugiring xorg?01:28
Una^RaRe: yes I dont think its anything to do with my config.. more the i810 driver its self01:28
RaReUna^: and btw, why's our xorg structured diff? (http://pastebin.com/653243)01:28
Martiinimiles cant you substitute this kwlan with some other package?01:28
milesonly one I see that does WPA01:28
RaReUna^: ah, oh well good luck :D01:28
Una^RaRe: because its a custom config, cut out all the crap I didnt need :p01:28
RaReUna^: ^^01:29
milescan aptitutde install a .deb file, or only from repos?01:29
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Martiinimiles sorry, dunno, man aptitude01:31
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milesdont think it can :-\\01:31
MetaMorfoziSismeros vagy miles:D01:32
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milesbbiab, lunch01:32
pagey_mmm get errors when installing opera in mepis/kubunto 6.001:32
MetaMorfoziSdapper is out?01:33
MetaMorfoziSor when does it comes?01:33
pagey_its out01:33
MetaMorfoziSthe stable?01:33
MetaMorfoziSthe stable, whan come?01:34
pagey_like mepis 6.0 better01:34
pagey_very similar now01:34
MetaMorfoziSokay, but dapper stable when goes out?01:34
pagey_have read in the next two weeks01:35
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RaRepaines: can't find the firefoxrc..01:36
RaRepaines: oh w8 nvm found it01:38
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RaRestill no sound.. sigh, anyways thanx paines01:40
painesRaRe: did you restart firefox ?01:42
painesRaRe: damn01:42
RaRe=( i guess im left with blaming my onboard soundcard o.o01:44
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painesRaRe: yes. sad but true. onboard sound is really bad. get a emu10k1 based card like sb live! i have mine no for 6 years and it just rocks01:45
painesplays 32 streams parallel01:46
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RaRepaines: ooohh, ill go read up on emu10k101:49
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MartiiniI've got soundblaseter card and it works in linux as well as in win :)01:52
TheNightRider``hey guys, know anywhere i can find an irc bot?01:57
painesTheNightRider``: apt-get install eggdrop01:58
TheNightRider``thanks :)01:58
TheNightRider``you guys rock! :D01:58
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TheNightRider``hmm okay its installed02:00
TheNightRider``how can i run it /02:00
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VGhostI've installed kubuntu 5.1002:02
VGhostand I have some problems with it02:02
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VGhostwhen I try to configure my network devices(ethernet and wireless cards)02:03
TheNightRider``whats the problem about?02:03
VGhostI get prompted for my password on the settings tab, and when I type my password02:04
VGhostnothing happens02:04
TheNightRider``press connect02:04
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VGhostI am looking for the manual configuration02:05
VGhostthrough the .conf files02:05
TheNightRider``good luck then :)02:05
VGhostI think I should edit the /etc/network/interfaces file02:05
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VGhostbut I am not sure02:05
VGhostdoes anyone know which file I should edit?02:06
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jarlathDo I need evms and lvm services? I have one primary partition and one logical one (and /tmp is mounted seperately I think).02:10
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zmoVGhost: you're right, you should edit /etc/network interfaces02:16
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VGhostok thanks02:17
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TheNightRider``what was the copy command in konsole?02:19
TheNightRider``thanks :)02:21
milesok back02:22
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milesthis thing is ="!(ng me off now02:22
VGhostI guess adding something like auto eth0  ath002:23
VGhostshould do the job02:23
milesit's annoying that there is now WPA support in the normal wifi conf tools on kubuntu :-(02:26
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jarlathmiles, is that just for dapper or breezy too?02:28
milesim on breezy02:28
jarlathI find wireless a pain with kubuntu. Its fine as long as you dont want to change networks.02:29
milesgonna try compile it from source02:29
mileskwlan that is02:29
jarlathmiles; gave up on kwifimanager?02:29
vgeKnetworkManager in dapper looks like it could handle wpa02:30
milesjarlath: no wpa support02:30
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jarlathmiles; I saw it in the config. You mean it doesnt work?02:31
milesjarlath: I see no wpa in kwifimanager on wep02:31
jarlathgive me a mo...02:32
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jarlathYou must be right. I'm  mixing up my apps. Sorry!02:34
milesif I could find away of get the kwlan .deb (which is for ubunutu) installed, i'd be laughing02:34
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milesseems no way of installing a .deb via dpkg and have it resolve the deps for you :-\\02:38
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jarlathThe only other app I've tried is kwavecontrol (in the repos), but it didnt work for me.02:40
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v3ctorwhy does /etc/libao.conf default to esd on kubuntu?02:47
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TheNightRider``how can i write in /usr/share/eggdrop ?02:50
TheNightRider``it says permission denied02:51
TheNightRider``sudo cp ?02:51
mangustasudo mena super user do02:52
mangustasudo means super user do02:52
TheNightRider``oh k02:52
mangustaso, if you sudo cp foo bar02:52
fjellrev1Anyone know how I could mount my Creative Zen Touch so I can get a path for it? only way I manage to connect to it is through gnomad2 and it doesnt tell me much where the mp3 player is located02:53
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TheNightRider``anyone know anything about eggdrop?02:59
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dipnlikTheNightRider``: i dropped eggs on physics' classes >_<03:01
TheNightRider``no seriously.. ? :)03:02
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dipnlikTheNightRider``: i'm serious. we made some marks on the eggs' height in some time intervals, then calculated some things with some crappy physics very long precisions and approximations. but it was some years ago03:04
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dipnlikother than these, no eggdrop for me03:04
TheNightRider``i meant the program03:04
TheNightRider``an irc bot :)03:04
dipnlikubotu: eggdrop03:05
ubotudipnlik: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:05
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TheNightRider``i already tried the bot :)03:06
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gnumdkkbookmarknotifier.h seems to be missing from dapper kdelibs packages :(03:24
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foobarhi there03:32
foobarI want to add some files to a install cd (kubuntu dapper)03:32
foobaris there a program for such things?03:32
foobaror a howto?03:32
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robotgeekfoobar: it's pretty complicated, but there's a cd customization howto on the ubuntu wiki03:34
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foobarhmm, I dont want to add programs or things, just something like an additonal folder with some textfiles, backups03:35
foobarbut I'll see - thanks03:35
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MartiiniWhere do I find startup log?03:48
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foobarMartiini: look in /var/log03:51
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CinIs KOffice by any chance less buggy than Open Office?04:01
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CinBuggy as in, I can't do a couple minute's work without it closing and recovering my work, and randomly losing images on the way.04:03
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painesCin: depends on what you are doing. openoffice and koffice work equaly good for me04:08
CinI think I'll stick w/ KOffice.04:09
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CinHm. KOffice needs some recognition rather than recall.04:10
CinI keep having to navigate to the same pictures folder on my USB drive.04:10
CinWouldn't mind getting hold of the source.04:11
CinBetter to *do* that to complain.04:12
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kubahi all04:34
kubafrank23: you here?04:34
kubafrank23: Dapper runs fine from the LiveCD04:37
kubaI'm killing the kernel atm - my way :P04:37
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jjessewhat is a good news group reader program for kubuntu?04:40
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ubotuRaRe: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:47
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RaReI juggle geese!04:47
ubotupermissions are explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions  - The easiest way to work with permissions is to sudo chmod {options} filename.  Also, try "man chmod", "man chown", and "man chgrp" from the console.04:47
uboturumour has it, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:48
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kubaDoes anyone know what packets are installed when I install a new linux-image?04:49
Bambinopaines, are you here?04:50
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: which packages?04:50
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Kamping_Kaiserlinux kernel and some modules (drivers and whatnot)04:50
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jjesseis there a kde newsgroup reader?04:50
kubaKamping_Kaiser: yeah, but what packages exactly? I need to remove them04:51
kubaKamping_Kaiser: reinstall I meant04:52
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Kamping_Kaiserkuba: your running Breezy?04:53
Kamping_Kaiser2.6.12-10 is the latest kernel04:53
kubaKamping_Kaiser: yeah, and I've installed 2.6.15b which crashed my system04:54
kubanow I'm fighting to get it back04:54
kubaKamping_Kaiser: I mean the 2.6.15-20 version (Dapper repository)04:54
Kamping_Kaiserah right04:55
kubaKamping_Kaiser: It installed some additional stuff and now I can't boot 2.6.12......04:55
Kamping_Kaiserhm. strange04:55
kubaso I'm hoping to downgrade those things04:55
kubaliveCD Dapper works fine04:55
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: have you tried running 'apt-get -f install'?04:56
kubaKamping_Kaiser: nope, what's that?04:56
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: it tries to fix your install for you04:56
kubaoh I see04:56
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-153-24-235.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiseralso you could try `dpkg --configure -a` to make sure evertying is setup right04:57
Kamping_Kaiserhi me2win04:57
kubaKamping_Kaiser: Should I try that with Breeze or Dapper repositories?04:57
me2winsup Kamping_Kaiser04:57
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: do you want to run Breezy or dapper?04:57
Kamping_Kaiserme2win: oh, just putting off work - you?04:58
kubaWell, I have Breezy but I'd prefer Dapper04:58
me2winKamping_Kaiser: same :D04:58
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Kamping_Kaiser<grin> me2win04:58
kubaKamping_Kaiser: I just need that bloody new kernel04:58
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: then change your sources.list to dapper, and run `suod apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg --configure -a`04:59
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: then try `sudo apt-get install $kernelThatYouNeedInstalledHere`04:59
kubaKamping_Kaiser: yeah, that's  how I fried the system04:59
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: lol. sounds like you want the first line05:00
Kamping_Kaisermake sure all lines say dapper05:00
kubaRemove Breeze ones?05:00
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: yeh. only have dapper available05:00
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: I also have Dapper install/live CD if it helps?05:01
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: um. if you can i recomend just updating off the net05:01
kubaKamping_Kaiser: ok05:02
jonathan_hi guys ....i have a weird question but i hope someone here is smarter than me...05:02
jonathan_hi, I'm supposed to be writing a presentation on synchronous vs. asynchronous encryption. I'm running into some blocks...would anyone care to help me with this?05:02
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jonathan_it's not a linux question but people have helped before and i'm about to freak out05:02
Kamping_Kaiserjonathan_: i don't think someone knowing that will be "smarter" then you, just "freakier"05:03
kubaKamping_Kaiser: it's progressing05:03
Kamping_Kaiserkuba:  good luck :)05:03
kubaKamping_Kaiser: thanks05:03
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Kamping_Kaiserjonathan_: i would sugest you try -ooftopic, but it seems quiet over there right now05:03
kubaKamping_Kaiser: afterwards I reboot or what?05:04
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: you let it install the pacakges and reboot, yes05:04
jonathan_lol....well, i was a 3rd wheel in a project....they did theirs and just told me to figure it out...05:04
kubaKamping_Kaiser: I have an ATi card - I think I've read something about the need to reinstall the drives after an update. That true?05:05
edulixit's me or blogger page for creating new entries is buggy in konqueror?05:05
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: what card?05:05
Kamping_Kaiserhi edulix05:05
Kamping_Kaiserjonathan_: ouch ;). try offtopic.05:05
kubaKamping_Kaiser: Radeon 9500 something05:05
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: yeh, you will need to reinstall the driver05:05
kubaKamping_Kaiser: just after that reconfigure?05:06
Zico|Hello i have installed build-essentials now, but when im trying to build a file with make, ive got /lib/modules/2.6xxx/build No suc file or directory05:06
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: after you run those commands. no point trying to install it on a broken system05:06
Kamping_Kaiseredulix: check on launchpad - it might be konqueror or the website is written poorly05:07
kubaZico|: did you install the needed libraries?05:07
Kamping_KaiserZico|: when you find out let me know - i got that as well ;)05:07
Zico|kuba: didnt it do it automaticilly?05:07
Zico|because it si requried?05:07
Zico|and which libareis are that?05:07
kubaZico|: when I installed build-essentials I still neded the C/C++ libraries..05:08
kubalibc or something?05:08
=== Kamping_Kaiser wondesr why apt-get build-deps doesnt get it
=== kuba has no idea
=== kuba wonders why his kernel is an idiot :)
me2winkuba: he didn make enough chicken! :D05:09
me2winYou might not get that unless you live int he US05:09
Kamping_Kaiserthat explains it ;)05:09
kuba!package test05:09
ubotukuba: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:09
kuba!package libc05:10
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kuba05:10
kubahow to use this?05:10
kuba!package mc05:10
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kuba05:10
me2winKamping_Kaiser: Colonel Sanders is an icon/mascot for a well known food chain called "KFC" or "Kentucky Fried Chicken"05:10
gourdinhi there05:10
Kamping_Kaiserkuba dotn spam the bot please :)05:10
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: gday05:10
kubaKamping_Kaiser: sure, sure :)05:11
kubaKamping_Kaiser: so how to use it?05:11
kubahi gourdin05:11
Kamping_Kaiserthe bot?05:11
kubano...the chicken... :D05:11
gourdinI got an ethernet device "marvell technologie" 10/100 on my laptop, daper drake install doesn't detect it05:11
gourdinhow can I enable it ?05:11
gourdin(I don't have internet access on it;)05:11
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: as in 'it wont show up in lspci'?05:11
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: o_0 stick it in your mouth05:12
gourdinKamping_Kaiser: it is in the lspci05:12
gourdin(it the last dapper drake iso instal (rc6?)05:13
gourdinI'm new to kubuntu05:13
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: then go into your network settings thingy and enable it05:13
Kamping_Kaiseri don't use Kubuntu at all, so i don't know what it's called ;)05:13
gourdinKamping_Kaiser: ok05:13
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: i can walk you through it in a terminal though05:13
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gourdinKamping_Kaiser: I'm searching the module I have to load05:14
kubaKamping_Kaiser: ;) Damn, I knew I was doing it wrong...05:15
JakubSis there way to install package from disk with dependencies?05:15
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: it shows up in lspci though, so why load modules?05:15
Kamping_KaiserJakubS:install the packages, then 'apt-get -f install`05:15
JakubSdidn't think of that :-)05:16
Kamping_Kaiserapt-get >*05:16
gourdinKamping_Kaiser: right05:16
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Kamping_Kaiserkuba: :D05:16
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kubaOK, Kamping_Kaiser thanks for help, This'll take a while so I'll be back later. Take care :)05:16
Kamping_Kaiserlater mate05:17
Kamping_Kaiseri'm on for the next hour or so05:17
gourdinifconfig eth0 up05:17
gourdindhclient eth005:17
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gourdinweird that kubuntu install doesn't use it05:17
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Kamping_Kaisergourdin: afaik it does it if it's connected to a network during install05:18
gourdin(it was)05:18
Kamping_Kaiserthat's strange :)05:18
Kamping_Kaiseron an ubuntu install that's what happens - you even get a thying during install 'couldnt configure with DHCP, configer by hand?'05:19
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gourdinKamping_Kaiser: in install kubuntu says that no netwrok device was found05:19
gourdinit appeard in lspci on the second console05:20
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: hm.05:20
panzii made a graphics driver update (compiled the newest original NVIDIA drivers)05:20
Kamping_Kaiserhi panzi05:20
panzii had some problems with it05:20
panziwell most of them where my fault05:20
panzii installt the drivers without uninstalling the apt-gettet nvidia drivers05:20
panzibut now i solved this problems05:21
panzibut now i only have ONE tty (one shell login), not the usual 605:21
panziand there is no /dev/fb005:21
panziwhat could be the reason?05:21
panzix works fine now05:21
panziand nexuiz finally runs smooth05:22
Kamping_Kaiserpanzi: i have heard of trhe tty issue, i don't know how to fix it.05:22
Kamping_Kaiserfb0 is (i asume) the framebuffer - it may not be compiledint your kernel or x may not  e configure ed to use it05:23
panzibut what causes this issue? is it the nvidia driver?05:23
Kamping_Kaiseri asume so.05:23
panziwhatever, i want more shell logins and i whant them in 1024x768-60. any idea how i can get it?05:24
Kamping_Kaiserno. i don't know how to fix the issue. i suspect it's come up on the ubuntu forums, and probably Kubuntu ones as well05:25
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nexus10paines: thanks for your help earlier; symlinking gcc and g++ to gcc-3.4 and g++-3.4 respectively in /usr/local/bin/ did the trick.05:27
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nexus10Anyone here familiar with VNC / tightvnc? I need to see the same desktop a client is using, cannot get tightvnc to work. Any suggestions?05:28
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:29
nexus10re VNC hassles -- using Kubuntu breezy. If I could use Krdc that would be fine.05:30
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elijahlofgrennexus10: Are you using VNC on only a LAN?05:35
nexus10elijahlofgren: nope - across the net --- but security not an issue on this box05:35
elijahlofgrennexus10: Ok, if it was over just a LAN I would have suggested just using remote X by running "X -query hostname", but I don't think that would work well over the net because I think it's high bandwidth.05:37
nexus10elijahlofgren: Ok. I have freenx working fine, but that gives me a new login, I want to see what my client is seeing....05:38
elijahlofgrennexus10: Ok, I can't help you there.05:39
zmonexus10: k/ubuntu comes with vino server05:39
nexus10elijahlofgren: Thanks anyway. I have seen this done on a gnome/debian machine using tightvnc and a java applet so I can see it in a browser - great05:39
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nexus10elijahlofgren: will vino let several of us see the same screen?05:40
zmonexus10: yes05:40
zmonexus10: with a vnc client connecting on port 5900/tcp05:41
nexus10elijahlofgren: excellent, googling now. Thanks :-)05:41
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zmoyw :)05:41
elijahlofgrenzmo: LOL, I think nexus10 got us mixed up. ;)05:42
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nexus10zmo: , elijahlofgren : right! Thanks to both of you.05:43
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: I'm back for a sec. After all this I nee to do: 'apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx' right?05:43
elijahlofgrennexus10: You're welcome. Always glad to help.05:43
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: does your system work yet?05:43
zmonexus10: same here :-)05:43
uniqnexus10: try krfb and krdc. that's the kde remote desktop software. vino is gnome-ish.05:44
nexus10thanks uniq05:44
Kamping_Kaiserif it works, then you can run that. or enable the restricted repository and do `apt-cache search fglrx` and look at what comes up05:44
kubaKamping_Kaiser: nah, I'm still downloading it. What restricted repository?05:46
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: ubuntu has a repository called restricted, which has the nvidia and ati drivers in it05:46
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: I have those enabled...05:48
kubais that bad?05:48
Kamping_Kaiserit menas you can apt-get the drivers with little fuss05:49
kubaKamping_Kaiser: cool, hope this fixes  my system. If not I'll have to do a full reinstall :/05:50
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: make sure it's working before complicating issues with drivers!05:50
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: so restart before driver instalation?05:51
Kamping_Kaiseryes. preferably05:51
kubawell, what'll happen if I restart with old/bad drivers? :)05:52
Kamping_Kaiserthe world wiill blow up :)05:53
kubaKamping_Kaiser: I only care about me kernel :P05:55
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Kamping_Kaiser<grin> let me put it another way:05:55
Kamping_Kaiseryou might be reinstalling05:55
kubaKamping_Kaiser: btw, how to copy to a fat32 partition without coping symbolics?05:56
Kamping_Kaisersymbolics? links?05:56
Kamping_Kaisersym links05:56
kubayesm that05:57
Kamping_KaiserIIRC cp has a switch *checks*05:57
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Kamping_Kaiser       -P, --no-dereference05:57
Kamping_Kaiser              never follow symbolic links05:57
Kamping_Kaisercp -RP /from/here /mnt/windowsfat32/partition05:57
kubadamn, why doesn't cp show some 'status' by default :P05:59
Kamping_KaiserUNIX tools don't05:59
Kamping_Kaisertry with -v as well05:59
kubaOK, it's working, just showing a lot of errors but it's working... That'll do :)05:59
kuba1h30m\ downloading left :/06:00
Kamping_Kaiserfeel like proof reading some stuff for me? I'm trying to get EasyUbuntu's docs into some sort of usefull state again06:00
kubaKamping_Kaiser: sure, though just a bit cause I have some work to do. Yet work can wait :P06:01
=== Kamping_Kaiser thinks of html'ising the docs for readability
kubagood idea06:01
kubait's always easier that way06:01
Kamping_Kaiserthey are at http://www.itshare.org.au/eudocs06:01
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Kamping_Kaiseryeh. thing is the files are readme's, so they have to be text viewable as well06:02
Kamping_Kaiserso that would leave me updating 2 files :/06:02
kubaKamping_Kaiser: make XML then06:02
kubaand then a choice: HTML or TXT06:02
kubatxt would just show the contents from the tags, HTML would parse it into a nice format06:03
Kamping_Kaisergood idea. xml06:03
Kamping_Kaiserbtw. layout is crap. in the files... i'm working on it ;)06:04
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: one thing about txt is that it's now wrapped06:04
kubabut that's just a detail06:05
=== Kamping_Kaiser slaps formatting around
kubagood idea this Easy Ubuntu06:06
Kamping_Kaiserwe hope so :)06:06
=== Kamping_Kaiser hakcs on the docs
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kubaI'm not up to date I think06:09
Kamping_Kaiserxfce ubuntu06:09
Kamping_Kaiserit's been under development since Breezy came out06:09
=== kuba laughs at: NOT all codecs may be legal where YOU live! Please check to MAKE SURE YOU ARE ALLOWED before you install !
Bambinois it possible for me to change boot splash?06:10
Kamping_KaiserBambino: yes... in theory06:11
BambinoKamping_Kaiser, Theory...?06:11
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: heh. i'm covering my legal backside - i nearly had a run in with the law recently06:11
Kamping_KaiserBambino: i don't know how, but it can be done06:11
kubaKamping_Kaiser: ya, I understand, I had some myself ;)06:11
gourdinexiste t il des paquets officiels pour xserver-xgl ?06:13
gourdinquel howto conseillez vous d'utiliser pour installer xgl sur kubuntu ?06:13
Kamping_KaiserEnglish here, thanks mate06:13
gourdinis there official xserver-xgl debs ?06:13
kubaKamping_Kaiser: It's fine. I've read the README file. I just would like to point out, that make thingies might be a good idea. So that people can actually MAKE without all this fuss before06:14
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: for dapper06:14
gourdinKamping_Kaiser: yes06:14
gourdinam using dapper06:14
Kamping_Kaisergourdin: yes, there are. for dapper06:14
gourdinan official howto ?06:14
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panzii dont know how to search google06:14
kubaKamping_Kaiser: apart from that I not only like it, I'm getting it :P06:14
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/06:14
panzii cant find anything06:14
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: thingies?06:14
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: cool :)06:15
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Kamping_Kaiserget it form my site, not the offical one ;)06:15
Kamping_Kaiserthe offical one is way out of dat :/06:15
Kamping_Kaiser*the offical ones archvie file is way out of date06:15
jpetsohello! is there any howto on how to switch to Kubuntu Dapper (coming from Breezy)?06:15
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: I mean make, build essentials and so forth06:16
kubaKamping_Kaiser: OK, will do06:16
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: thoes are in main, so we wont bother with them.06:16
Kamping_Kaiserwe want to aid setup - not promate lazynes :D06:16
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.06:16
kubaoh, dapper upgrade :>06:17
kubathose readmes are on your site?06:17
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: hm. actualy the tar isnt ther. it's at http://users.on.net/~goetz/EasyUbuntu/current.tar.bz206:18
=== Kamping_Kaiser should get a tiny url of that... or host it at itshare
kubaKamping_Kaiser: downloaded06:19
kubaKamping_Kaiser: how does this dist-upgrade work? Does is do the thing I'm just doing?06:19
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: and you will notice the docs in there arnt so great as mine ;) . untill they become 'stable' the docs are just external bits06:20
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: yes06:20
Kamping_Kaiserit's exactly what your doing06:20
jpetsook, thanks for the links06:20
Kamping_Kaiserkuba: in about a week we hope to have a version that detects your version and can load gtk/qt gui as needed06:20
kubaKamping_Kaiser: correct me if I'm wrong. GTK - Gnome, QT - KDE?06:22
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kubaI'm not very familiar with linux :P06:22
kubaand Xgl is something like that?06:22
Kamping_Kaisernm. your going to take me over soon eough :)06:22
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Kamping_Kaiserxgl is an extra layer on top of x, but below qt/gtk06:23
kubaI see.06:23
kubaI've tested it today06:23
Kamping_Kaiserlike it?06:23
Zico|im giving up06:23
kubanifty yet useless :)06:23
Zico|kuba: all libraries were innstalled06:23
Zico|but make still doesent work06:24
kubaZico|: what's that error again?06:24
Zico|Hello i have installed build-essentials now, but when im trying to build a file with make, ive got /lib/modules/2.6xxx/build No suc file or directory06:25
Zico|is the error06:25
kubagimme a sec06:25
kubawell, I don't have a build directory in there either...06:26
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kubawhat're you making?06:27
Zico|my network driver06:27
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: sorry, I missed your question. yeah, it's nice06:28
kubaZico|: ever done in before?06:28
Zico|kuba: first time im installing ubuntu06:29
kubaZico|: what card is that?06:29
Zico|Asus wl-167g usb dongle06:30
Zico|here is the driver06:32
kubaZico|: I can't see 167 on the list there...06:33
jpetsoregarding my Breezy -> Dapper switch: sorry for not using the auto-updater, but i have to try it manually at least one time06:33
Zico|kuba: Latest BETA rt2570 driver: v1.1.0-b106:34
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Zico|that driver06:34
jpetsoi replaced the "breezy" strings in sources.list with "dapper" and did an apt-get update06:34
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kubajpetso: and? :)06:34
jpetsoand now, adept wants to upgrade most of my system, but uninstall virtually all kde packages06:35
Kamping_Kaiserjpetso: no need to feel sorry !06:35
jpetso...which is bad06:35
Kamping_Kaiserjpetso: does it install new ones?06:35
kubayes it does, at least here :)06:35
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jpetsoit would say "upgrade" instead of "remove", no?06:35
jpetsoor do all the kde packages have new names, like a common prefix?06:35
Zico|kuba: did it work for you?06:36
kubaZico|: wait, Im getting it06:36
jpetsomaybe I should disable some more of the repositories06:36
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harleypigany pointers on making a dual monitor setup work?  I've got a laptop screen and a dvi-out that is cloned right now.06:37
harleypigI can't seem to find a howto for this.06:37
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Kamping_Kaiseri just searched the forums IIRC and copied off someone on there. i have an nvidia, it went like a tream (this is dual head video, not laptop stuff)06:38
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kubaZico|: make works for you? or just make install?06:39
Zico|make doesent work forme06:39
Zico|i havent tried make install06:39
kubathat's good06:39
kubabut I seem to write make and get an instant error :)06:40
kubaexactly the one you get06:40
Zico|thx for the information06:40
jpetso...it's the same with only http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu as repository, all my KDE apps are to be removed :/06:40
kubaZico|: gimme a sec06:40
jpetsoany idea?06:40
jpetsowhile all the others would be upgraded like they should06:41
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Kamping_Kaisercan you use apt get -f install to check for broken packages06:44
kubaZico|: wait, I have an idea06:44
Kamping_Kaiseryou will need konsole, and have to close adept06:44
jpetsoKamping_Kaiser: oh, cool06:44
kubaKamping_Kaiser:  how to 'read' a symlink?06:44
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Kamping_Kaiserkuba: read? you generaly 'follow'06:45
kubaKamping_Kaiser: lol, sorry, I managed :)06:45
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: how to make a symlink? :)))06:46
jpetsoKamping_Kaiser: apt-get -f install retrieves 0 packages06:46
jpetsokuba: ln -s target symlinkname06:46
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Kamping_Kaiserkuba: ln -s /real/directory /fake/directory06:46
Kamping_Kaiserjpetso: ok. now run `sudo apt-get update` then `sudo apt-get dist-upgrade` in the terminal06:47
jpetsoKamping_Kaiser: ah, i'm not sure if dist-upgrade is a good idea when all my kde programs are gone afterwards06:47
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Kamping_Kaiserjpetso: can you pastebin your sources.list for us?06:48
jpetsoKamping_Kaiser: just two lines, should suffice for direct posting06:48
jpetsodeb http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse06:48
jpetsodeb-src http://at.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper main restricted universe multiverse06:48
jpetsoi commented out the other ones and did an apt-get update06:49
kuba'../../../usr/src/linux-2.4.20-30.9' <- this is not under ubuntu - why?06:49
Kamping_Kaiserthat's a fine sources.list... wondre where our spanner in the works is06:49
kubaI know that's an old kernel06:50
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kubabut ubuntu doesn't seem to have that06:50
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kubaZico| needs that for his compiling :)06:50
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Kamping_Kaiserkuba: it's an old kernel06:51
Kamping_Kaiser*no* ubuntu has used a 2.4 kernel06:51
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kubaKamping_Kaiser: yes I know. That's not the point06:51
kubaKamping_Kaiser: I need a directory with the kernel06:51
kubalike this:06:51
_andrewHello everybody.06:51
Zico|kuba: dont need anymore06:52
kubaZico|: no?06:52
Zico|i heard that hte cvs verision is working:D06:52
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Zico|but thx for all the help:D06:52
kubaZico|: oh, cool then, but I thinks this is Ubuntu specific06:52
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kubaredhat's cool with it06:52
kubaKamping_Kaiser: never mind then :)06:52
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Kamping_Kaiserhi _Andrew06:53
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kubaOK, good luck Zico|. I'm away now for ~26minutes. Then my kUbuntu dies :)06:54
_andrewKamping_Kaiser: hello. -- Does anyone know how to identify process that are tied to my cdrom-- it won't eject because it's busy and I was going to manually start killing anything that was talking to it.06:54
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Kamping_Kaiserlsof |grep media06:55
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_andrewKamping_Kaiser: Thank you!06:56
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laszlok_andrew: fuser /dev/cdrom (maybe /dev/hdc) will give you the process id numbers06:56
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XVampireXHi, how do I install ktoon, does anyone know?06:57
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Zico|kuba: like u said06:59
Zico|its ubuntu only problem06:59
Zico|because the cvs verision didnt work either06:59
Zico|same error06:59
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bsacis anyone here running rails on ubuntu?06:59
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harleypigwhere can I find nvidia-xconfig for kubuntu?07:00
Amozzapt-get install nvidia-settings07:02
laszlokharleypig: do you mean nvidia-glx-config?07:02
harleypigIt's installed but I can't find nvidia-xconfig07:02
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harleypiglaszlok: possibly, but what I'm readding suggests an interactive dialog somehow, or at least the ability to setup a dual head enviornemt.07:03
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laszlokharleypig: nvidia-glx-config is something different then07:04
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Vampisnvidia-glx-config is a part of the nvidia-glx package07:05
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harleypigVampis: right, and that's installed, but it doesn't give me an opportunity to select twinview or anything.07:09
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cabajgtrI cant get into my mouse settings, when I click on mouse in control center, CC crashes07:11
cabajgtrany ideas?07:11
Vampisharleypig: configure manual? ;)07:11
VampisGUI isnt everything07:11
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Vampismanualy *07:12
_adamktos mowi po polsku?07:13
_adamto chyba oznacza ze tak07:13
_adamciesze sie07:13
kubaale nie wolno07:14
_adamjak to?07:14
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kubaEnglish only ;)07:14
kubaZico|: you managed?07:14
_adamto ja sie zmywam w takim razie07:15
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kubaZico|: I'll die in a few minutes but I'll try to make it on a different computer and see what will pop up07:18
kubaZico|: nope. RedHat had a build simlink there yet still, some errors07:19
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=== kuba has finished downloading and begins to install...
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kubacya all07:20
_andrewkuba, is there a remote possibility that I know you? You ever work around Plano Tx?07:20
_andrewdoh! too late.07:20
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OdyXHeyall. Does anyone know any QT/KDE alternative to dvdrip (that is awfully old and GTK)?07:25
OdyXI've taken Thoggen, but it is too in GTK and is awfully slow.07:25
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robotgeekOdyX: k3b?07:27
KyralOdyX: dd?07:27
OdyXKyral & robotgeek: I'm wanting to do compressed files FROM DVD...07:28
OdyXlike Ogg/Theora/Vorbis07:28
OdyXor at least Ogg/xvid/Vorbis07:28
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KyralSeriously when I rip DVDs, I just pop to a command line and run "dd if=/dev/hdd of=myiso.iso"07:28
robotgeekOdyX: sure, see k3b handbook for how to rip dvd's07:28
leafwwhat is the name of the package that contains the module PyQt4 ?07:28
OdyXKyral: Yes.. but you get DVD's...07:28
OdyXno compression Kyral07:29
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uniqleafw: don't think there is a package with pyqt4. only qt3 afaik.07:31
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OdyXrobotgeek: seems fine... will take a look. Thanks07:31
KyralOdyX: uhh, run it through gzip?07:31
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neoncodeIf I use a kubuntu live CD Will it touch the Hard Drive? My friend wants to try it but He has to have the computer exacly the same as before I booted the Live CD07:31
OdyXKyral: idea is to get compressed VIDEO, like Theora...07:31
Kyraloh kik07:31
OdyXKyral: gzip'in a DVD will only reduce a little...07:32
Kyralneoncode: not unless you mount the partiions and mess with them07:32
robotgeekneoncode: live cd doesn't touch file system07:32
leafwuniq: so python2.4-qext is NOT pyqt4 ?07:32
OdyXKyral: target is ~700 MiB07:32
KyralOdyX: ooops, I guess I'm spoiled by an insane huge HD :DF07:32
OdyXKyral: that's it :D07:32
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KyralSysinfo for 'HyperDream': Linux 2.6.16-beyond running KDE 3.5.2, CPU: AMDAthlonXP2700+ at 2166 MHz (4337 bogomips), , RAM: 713/1011MB, 92 proc's, 3.14h up07:32
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OdyXrobotgeek: hum.. avi & xvid... :'(07:33
javaHello all, I'm just getting started w/ kubuntu07:33
uniqleafw: no. that's qt3.07:33
leafwuniq: ok, thanks.07:34
robotgeekOdyX: sure, it must be possible to rip to ogg to07:34
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stjepanwhy is there a mess in konqueror's menus with KUbuntu???07:37
mth`MAWjava: that is great :)07:37
at1asHELP PLEASE :)     - Has anyone else noticed directory structures being reset to restrictive permissions upon reboot?07:37
Kyralwhich ones07:37
Kyralwhich dirs that is07:37
OdyXrobotgeek: but that part of k3b is unmaintained for now... But seems to...07:37
stjepanwhy there aren't some menu items in konqueror's menus?07:37
javaI do have a question about the root passwd07:38
stjepanfor example: tools>toolbars07:38
Kyralstjepan: like what?07:38
Kyralubotu tell java about root07:38
at1asfor example: /etc/alternatives/07:38
stjepanwhy is that?? :-o :-(07:38
uboturumour has it, konqueror is the default Web Browser, File Manager, FTP manager and Universal viewing manager for the K Desktop Environment. See http://konqueror.org07:38
at1asKyral: for example: /etc/alternatives/07:38
Kyralat1as: I never messed with that...they ARE supposed to be restrictive anyway!07:38
Kyralat1as: no offense, but chmoding anything in /etc is kinda dangerous anyway07:39
at1asKyral: This doesn't make any sense for a directory anyway:07:39
at1asKyral: drw-------    2 root     root        4096 Apr 12 03:36 alternatives07:39
KyralRoot owns it07:39
Kyralnuff said07:39
at1asKyral: I didn't make the change to begin with.....07:39
Kyralthen it would be that way by default07:39
at1asKyral, notice that it doesn't have "rwx"....07:40
Kyralit does07:40
Kyralread write07:40
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KyralD = Directory07:40
KyralR = Read07:40
KyralW = Write07:40
at1asKyral, but to cd into the directory, it requires "x" as well.07:40
Kyraloh lol07:40
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Kyraldunno check a normal install07:40
xantian__where can i Change Grub Splash Images07:41
at1asI'm wondering if I have a horked filesystem which is dorking with my settings.07:41
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image07:41
KyralWrong one bot!07:41
krageis there a console based text editor included in standard kubuntu install?07:41
KyralVim and Nano07:41
KyralVim and Nano are part of Ubuntu-Minimal IIRC07:42
kragei can't load x and need to edit my xorg.conf :)07:42
xantian__Kyral: not the Load Splash07:42
xantian__Grub Splash07:42
Kyraland all the Desktop derivatives depend on Ubuntu-Minimal07:42
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Kyralxantian: no clue07:42
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:43
ubotuTo change the Gnome splash screen, open the gconf-editor and change the key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash-image07:43
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robotgeekxantian, use alt + f2, type "kcontrol" in the text box, and hit the <enter> key07:44
robotgeekthen change from appearance07:44
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kragewhere do I find the xorg.conf file?07:46
Kyralin /etc/X1107:46
krage:-) thx07:47
KyralMake a backup first!07:47
Kyraljust in case :D07:47
leafwkrage: cd / && find -name "xorg.conf"07:48
OdyXrobotgeek: if it was possible (as you seem to say) on k3b to encode in Ogg (with Vorbis), it is not now on last version...07:48
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_andrewIs there a way to relaunch the configuration script that ran when I entered the resolution sizes? I need to add 1280x678.07:53
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_andrewI am talking about configuring my display.07:55
Blissex_andrew: depends which one, but have you tried 'dpkg --reconfigure xorg-x11-Xserver' or similar?07:55
Blissex_andrew: anyhow, look at http://WWW/sabi.co.UK/Cfg/X11/ for examples of adding those kind of modes.07:55
_andrewnope -  I know that I was in a file similar to xorg trying to manually add the resolution. I'll try running the dpkg --reconifgure option.07:56
Blissex_andrew: anyhow, look at http://WWW.sabi.co.UK/Cfg/X11/ for examples of adding those kind of modes.07:56
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_andrewalso, I have hit ctrl + alt + f1 before and my entire kde desktop disapears, How do I get back into it? Restarting x tells me that x is already running...07:59
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bge_andrew: try ctrl+alt+f708:05
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jjessehmm how come i cna't get any sound when i play a cd in kscd?08:09
ThuniHey I got a question, when trying to install through the live/install dvd, it tells me Alert! /dev/ram does not exist. Dropping to a shell! Then something called BusyBox comes up, anyone got any idea whats wrong? :P08:10
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gourdinanyone here using xslg,08:12
gourdinxgl ?08:12
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timasQuestion, anyone here proficient with postfix and relaying for unhosted domains?08:16
uniqbackup MX ?08:18
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timasIts a complicated story ;)08:19
timasMy dad has domain A hosted by a company somewhere.. he gets a pop server, but no smtp, he was told to use the one he got from his ISP08:19
timaspreviously, he was using my connection, with my ISP.. whom allowed us sending stuff for domain A08:20
timasnow, he switched to a different ISP who refuses any other addies than there own..08:20
timasI'm like, "I can relay it through my own server"08:20
uniqok.. now you want to setup your own smtp server... get it. smtp auth then.08:20
timasbut postfix, it don't like relaying08:21
uniqlook at sasl and smtp auth setup.08:21
timasyeah, uh, I didn't exactly get auth to work08:21
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timasI went through a howto to get sasl and tls activated08:23
timasbut sasl didn't quite get there..08:23
uniqpostfix.org is good.08:24
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lwizardli downloaded and installed the blackdown jre1.4 deb and i'm getting errors runnig java apps08:24
uniqtimas: you often get error messages in some logfiles when things go wrong. they can tell you alot. i don't have time to walk you though a setup, sorry.08:25
timaspostfix.org lacks a workable/simple description on how to do stuff, there's just too much stuff I can do with postfix :)08:25
timasNo worries, never expected you to :) was actually coming onto here to see if there's a postfix channel, kubuntu is automatically opened when I login so I figured I'd see if anyone here knew :)08:26
Phazemancan someone please supply some kind of link about upgrading breezy to dapper ? is updating the sources.list and update && upgrade will do the job ?08:27
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timasI -think- I saw something about that on ubuntuforums.org Phazeman..08:28
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Phazemantimas: thanks.. i will try looking there08:28
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timashttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158079&highlight=upgrade+breezy+dapper Phazeman08:29
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Phazemantimas: yeah.. thanks much08:30
naliothubotu: tell Phazeman about upgrade08:31
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.08:31
nalioththe bot has many factoids08:31
gourdinI got "kernel module has 1.0-7174  but the X module has the version 1.0-8756"08:31
gourdinwith the last nvidia driver from the kubuntu repo08:32
gourdinanyone got a clue ?08:32
mornfalljpetso: you almost make it sound like it's adept's fault08:32
jpetsomornfall: I hereby officially state that my Dapper upgrading problems are not adept's fault08:33
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timas3 cheers for adept08:33
jpetsomornfall: i'm quite impressed to get a comment at this time, because it seems like hours since I asked08:34
jpetsomornfall: but you don't have a clue either what could have gone wrong, no?08:35
mornfalljpetso: i'm impressed noone has noticed yet i have a highlight on adept :] 08:35
mornfalljpetso: i'd need apt-get dist08:35
mornfalljpetso: -upgrade output08:35
mornfalljpetso: at least08:36
mornfallpastebin or something08:36
panzican some one post his/her /etc/inittab? a untouched kubuntu inittab would be nice08:36
panzii dont know what, but something has corrupted mine08:36
panziwell currupted...08:36
mornfallhmm, 18 minutes of battery remaining08:37
mornfalland i'm so lazy08:37
panziautomatic missconfigurated08:37
jpetsomornfall: apt-get --download-only dist-upgrade is running and has occupied all the Konsole window, so I can't copy the output currently, and I can't start a new one because of the lock08:37
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jpetsomornfall: but it's no problem, never mind08:37
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mornfalljpetso: it's safe to ctrl+c -- it'll start where it left last time... also, there's a scrollbar in konsole :)08:37
jpetsomornfall: ...oh, right08:38
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lwizardlhow do i grant root access to my login ?08:40
h3sp4wnlwizardl: if its your only login it should already have it - get root by sudo -i (with your own password)08:41
gourdinanyone using nvidia binary driver here ?08:41
timashow can I view my installed packages?08:42
jpetsomornfall: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/654019 is the dist-upgrade output, without actually upgrading08:42
lwizardlh3sp4wn: it won't let me create folders or drag files to some folders08:42
lwizardlyeah its my only login08:42
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jpetsomornfall: it seems like apt wants to remove a) all or most kde apps, b) eclipse, and c) plone08:42
kubaDamn, it seems to have worked... :)08:42
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kubajpetso: I have just updated08:43
kubait did remove all and replace with newer versions08:43
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jpetsokuba: that means it could work now? let's see, i'll check that08:43
kubajpetso: I did it using apt-get and those command Sleeping_Kaiser gave me and it works08:44
lwizardlwhats the bash command for make dir08:44
kubaI have all the programs I had (+a few new)08:44
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kubaDoes anyone know how to get rid of Adept update notifier icon? I have all updates and yet it's still there08:45
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kubajpetso: better backup anyway08:46
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jpetsokuba: in any case, I have to download all the packages first, that takes some time08:46
vgekuba: second click on it and select "never ever open again"?08:46
_andrewkuba, did you ever work in Plano Tx?08:47
kubavge: But I like it! I want it to 'watch'. Just that now I have all updates and this thing's still here...08:47
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jpetsokuba: and no, no backup, it can't be that bad - as long as my $HOME isn't damaged, it'll be alright08:47
kuba_andrew: nope08:47
timasKuba, run it08:47
kubatimas: done. twice.08:47
vgekuba: so you want only to hide the icon?08:47
timasThats what fixed it for me.. >_<08:47
kubavge: yes, but I want it back when updates really appear08:48
_andrewkuba, ok - New a programmer that worked at an office who was Polish and went by the same name. I guess it's pretty common?08:48
Phazemanthanks nalioth08:48
naliothPhazeman: you're welcome08:48
Phazemani'm running the dist-upgrade already... didn't see your msg at time08:48
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kuba_andrew: Quite. Not like the English John though :)08:49
Phazemannalioth: but i remember last time i tried to upgrade with the dist-updater it broke the system completely.. took me a week to bring it back to a full working state08:49
kuba_andrew to be honest, it's James in English. Now you know how common ;)08:49
vgei just love how fast linux is to reinstall if needed08:49
CPromptHey all.  is it possible to use the Windows XP Remote Desktop Connection to connect to Kubuntu?08:49
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=== kuba says: "My name is 2.6.15-20. James 2.6.15-20" :)
naliothPhazeman: just change your sources and dist-upgrade via apt.   keep in mind that dapper is in development and it may not work out too well08:50
vgeCPrompt: donno about the XP:s own feature, but VNC works godly08:50
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kubadamn, sound didn't make it...08:51
CPromptvge : yeah.  I can use VNC but for some reason it is like REAL slow!08:51
Phazemannalioth: yeah, thats exactly what i'm doing. about the dev version - its going to get out very soon afaik, so most "heavy" bugs are fixed i think08:51
vgeCPrompt: what are you using in kubuntu?08:51
CPromptvge : for Kubuntu I have the Desktop Sharing running.08:52
CPromptvge : I just enabled the desktop sharing and I could connect to it from Windows via VNC08:52
vgewierd, works nicely here the kde default08:52
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CPromptvge : hmmmmm....do you think that forwarding ports in the router would speed things up?08:53
vgebut as my second computer is broken atm, i cant test it sry :)08:53
kubaOK, I have to go. Thanks for all your help guys. Cya all08:53
vgeCPrompt: well im no guru on vnc, i think somebody other can give you ansvers how to speed it up08:54
vgeusually when it works, it works good enough for me :)08:55
CPromptgotcha.    Thanks!08:55
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mhterresCPrompt: you can try nx08:56
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CPromptmhterres : what is nx?  got a link?08:57
mhterresone moment08:57
CPromptno problem08:57
mhterresCPrompt: http://freenx.berlios.de/08:57
mhterresthis is the server08:57
mhterresthe client has packages in Kubuntu08:58
mhterresIt's a nice solution for remote access08:58
CPromptah!  Groovy!  I'll give that a go when I get back home.  Thanks!08:58
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CPromptdebian package and everything.08:59
mhterresThe package works fine in Ubuntu08:59
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, vge08:59
vgebot makes internet page address faul, can somebody remove . after webpage address?09:01
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WinterwolfHello, i need some help with get kubuntu work, think i will be able to get some help?09:15
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Winterwolfwell i hope someone will answer ;) i got the following problem: i did start with installing ubuntu 5.04 server version, then did i install kubuntu by using apt-get install kubuntu-desktop. every thing went fine i think at the end of install did i get the console back so i did type in kde but something or more correst nothing happend, the screen did become black and i was not able too do anything. i got Geforce 4mx. please help me09:18
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George007kubuntu is fun :)09:27
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George007There is no temrinal in Kubuntu?09:29
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CPrompt@Winterwolf : can you not just install Kubundu with the Desktop?09:29
CPromptafter that you can install stuff like Apache, PHP, MySQL, etc...09:29
Winterwolfwhy? i did think that the apt-get system did fix all that09:30
Winterwolfwhen u download don't all the dependens get installed too?09:30
smooshi'm unable to change the icons of my files (*.doc, *.xls, ecc.)09:31
CPromptYes it is supposed to get the dependencies, however, you are having problems so I was just wondering if you could try it that way09:31
mhterresWinterwolf: what's the problem ?09:32
Winterwolfi can't get any grafic with kubuntu :S09:32
George007How do I open a terminal on KDE?09:32
mhterresare  you login in terminal ?09:32
George007excuse me?09:33
h3sp4wnon the k menu09:33
mhterresWinterwolf: are you login in terminal ?09:33
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Winterwolfwhen i'm root do i type kde (that i think will start kde) but the screen go black and i have too restart the computer manual09:33
smooshGeorge007: KDE button --> System --> Konsole09:33
George007Ah.. alright.. thx09:33
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Winterwolfi'm using knoppix atm..09:34
mhterresWinterwolf: but when you install kubuntu the graphical interface is default. Is it not working got you ?09:34
mhterresWinterwolf: try startx09:34
Winterwolfi don't think so, should explain why the screen go black my grafic card can't take the grafic maybe wrong drivers?09:35
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mhterreswhat video card do you have ?09:35
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Winterwolfgeforce 4mx ;)09:35
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mhterresGeForce 4 MX 440 ?09:36
mhterresIt's a common video adapter09:36
mhterresdid you try to download the latest nvidia drivers09:36
Winterwolfno, don't know how :(09:36
mhterresThe latest version configure X for you09:36
mhterreslook in downloads, Linux09:36
smooshi'm unable to change the icons of my files (*.doc, *.xls, ecc.), i'ive used "files association" in kcontrol but it don't rebember the association...09:37
mhterreswhen the download finishes, make the file executable and run it09:37
Winterwolfhmm so i download it, and restart and then start it by using console?09:37
mhterresyou'll need the sources of your kernel, cause it'll compile the module09:37
Winterwolfdo it work? i'm using knoppix now09:37
mhterresno, install the drivers, then try to start the X09:37
mhterresyes, it works in all distros09:37
yuriyhow do you use checkinstall?09:38
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Winterwolfhmm how do i save something too the hdd when i'm in knoppix?09:39
Winterwolfhmm how do i use apt-get too download nvidias latest grafic drivers?09:41
Winterwolfwhat commands?09:41
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mhterresYou can download direct in your browser09:42
mhterresto save you'll need to mount your partitions09:43
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gourdinusing xgl, I got a problem using a french keyboard09:59
gourdinanyone in the same situation ?09:59
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yuriyusing kaffeine 0.8.1 for a minute and it hasn't crashed yet :) an improvement10:04
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achillescpquick question: how can I change the system locale in kubuntu dapper?10:05
achillescp'dpkg-reconfigure locales' doesn't ask me for it anymore10:06
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zblachhi. quick question. how can I access windows shares via samba?10:10
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arrinmurrzblach: smb:/ in konqueror?10:12
zblacharrinmurr: telling me that lisa doesn't start automatically10:12
zblachand i'm fairly sure I configured it correctly10:12
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arrinmurrzblach: hmm.. i don't think you should need to configure anything in kubuntu to access windows shares via konqueror. i've never had to anyway.10:15
zblachi'm not using the default eth0 network10:15
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Flosofthow can I definetly set my primary soundcard?10:20
Flosoftit keeps changing10:20
KyralDisable the other one10:20
FlosoftI need both of them to work10:21
KyralDunno then10:21
crimsunFlosoft: cat /proc/asound/modules10:21
Flosoftroot@Ubuntu:~ # cat /proc/asound/modules10:22
Flosoft0 snd_emu10k1x10:22
Flosoft1 snd_mpu40110:22
Flosoft2 snd_cmipci10:22
Flosoftroot@Ubuntu:~ #10:22
Flosoft0 doesn't exist anymore10:22
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srednaSo, how fast will koffice 1.5 populate the various mirrors?10:22
crimsunFlosoft: what's the standard config?10:22
Flosoftwell I have one onboard and one Dell PCI SB10:22
crimsunFlosoft: and which do you want to be primary?10:23
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crimsunFlosoft: the cmipci?10:24
FlosoftI don't know really :S10:24
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Flosofthow can I see the names Kmixer / alsamixer displays?10:24
crimsunwhat do you mean by "0 doesn't exist anymore"?10:25
Flosoftah sorry10:25
Flosoft0 is Soundblaster10:25
Flosoft1 is gone10:25
Flosoft2 is onboard10:25
crimsunright, so you want to use your onboard sound instead of the dell sblive?10:26
Flosoftwell as standard yes10:26
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Congrats to freeflying on MOTU rights | Flight 6 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 RC1 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu
srednaRiddell: According to the dot, koffice 1.5 has been released10:29
sredna(and kubuntu packages are available)10:29
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Congrats to freeflying on MOTU rights | Flight 6 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu
Riddelltrue, I should pay attention to my own news postings10:30
srednaI didn't get it yet though10:30
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leafwI have an issue that is torturing me10:32
leafwwith 'sudo -i'10:32
leafwthe 'sudo -i' command brings me to the root home regardless10:32
leafwhow can that be stopped, so that it remains in the same directory ?10:32
crimsunFlosoft: echo "options snd-emu10k1x index=-2" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.cards10:33
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Flosoftoptions snd-emu10k1x index=-210:33
Flosoftroot@Ubuntu:~ #10:33
crimsunFlosoft: then, echo "options snd-mpu401 index=-2" |sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.cards10:33
Flosoftgives me an >10:34
crimsunyou made a type10:34
Flosoftso what is the right one?10:35
Flosoftoptions snd-mpu401 index=-210:36
Flosoftroot@Ubuntu:~ #10:36
Flosoftso now it is fixed?10:36
yuriyhi, i'm trying out kaffeine 0.8.1, can anybody tell me if they have these issues with the previous version (0.7) that's current for dapper:10:37
yuriythere is a "Rip CD" button that does seemingly nothing and there is also an "Encode..." button that tells me no audio encoders were found.   I don't see any configuration for encoding in the program.10:37
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yuriy2. even though i'm playing a CD, the playlist view still has the name of the last file I played scrolling across the top10:37
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theripperafter i install ann app with the adept ,how do i know where it was installed and which file is the executable for that app?10:45
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errpast1theripper: for dpkg, I would run 'dpkg -l' to list all packages10:51
errpast1I could grep for the package I just installed10:51
errpast1dpkg -s <packagename> would give me description10:51
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StRhi all!10:51
errpast1dpkg -L <app> will show you all the files that were installed10:52
errpast1I'm not sure about adept, and its relation to dpkg, debs, etc.10:52
DiLusually the executable files are in /usr/bin. So using a pipe, you can get this information:10:54
DiLvar/cache/apt/archives# dpkg -c yakuake_2.6-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | grep bin10:54
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StRhi all!  anyone could tell me if we will have xgl on kubuntu 6.06?10:56
dell500anyone know how to make multiple instances of kaffeine?10:57
yuriyStR: it's in universe, but it won't be on by default10:57
StRyuriy: ok, after installing it from universe, it will work on kde? I ask because for ubuntu they ask for something called compiz....10:58
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yuriyStR: that's all i know, i haven't actually tried it myself yet..... partially because I didn't know how to get it to work in KDE10:59
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yuriyStR: compiz is a window manager. gnome by default uses metacity, and KDE uses kwin. compiz replaces them.11:00
StRyuriy: so... compiz can be run instead of kwin?11:00
yuriyStR: something like that. but if i understand it right, compiz doesn't provide it's own decorations so you don't get title bars?? or something like that.  in gnome you can run something else to give you decorations but I don't know in KDE.11:02
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StRyuriy: so, if I want xgl... you recomend me to use gnome, not kde, right?11:03
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yuriyStR: i have no idea. i recommend you try it in kde and tell me how it went :D11:09
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Ranmahi 2 all11:11
arrinmurrStR: xgl/compiz works fine with kde, you just need to use gnome-window-decorator with it for now, until kde-window-decorator starts working11:12
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arcanistheroguewhen did kubuntu first come out?11:15
gourdinkonqueror wont run11:16
gourdinstall reading a socket11:16
arcanistheroguewhat is the error11:16
RanmaIm wondering if someone could help me... When I try to unmount a hard disk under kde it says that according to mtab is not mounted but kde shows it as still mounted11:16
arcanistheroguewhat is the exact error?11:16
arcanistheroguei mean to gourdin11:16
gourdinI got the same thing as this guy : http://archives.mandrivalinux.com/expert/2005-01/msg01010.php11:16
arcanistherogueranma, what is the mount point11:16
gourdinarcanistherogue: http://archives.mandrivalinux.com/expert/2005-01/msg01010.php11:16
gourdinsame thing11:16
gourdinlast strace line :11:17
Ranmathe mount point is /media/hdc11:17
gourdinarcanistherogue: can I paste here ?11:17
arcanistheroguesorry gourdin, thats a tad over my head :\, keep asking for help here or post it on the forums is the best response i have for you ;_;11:17
gourdinarcanistherogue: ok, thx11:18
arcanistheroguebut with you ranma, I can help, i'm pretty sure11:18
Ranmai hope so11:18
gourdinranma ?11:18
gourdinah ok11:18
arcanistherogueranma, are you trying to unmount cia command line or via the GUI11:18
arcanistherogueor via the system settings11:18
Ranmavia the gui, by command i can mount and unmount without problems, but kde shows the unit as still mounted when its not11:19
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arcanistheroguewhen it shows it as mounted, does it show it as mounted or plugged in?  If it is mounted it has a little green triangle (if you are using the defualt theme) in the bottom right of hte icon11:19
arcanistherogueand are you doing this via GUI as root or a user11:19
arcanistherogueyou might not have permission to unmount it11:19
Ranmano no,mounted11:20
Ranmayes i have cause i add the user line in fstab to do so11:20
arcanistheroguedoes this happen with any other disks mounted?11:20
Ranmanot with cdrom cause im using submount for that11:20
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Ranmaonly with hard disk11:21
arcanistheroguebut does it happen with any other hd partitions11:21
arcanistherogueoh all hard disk ones?11:21
Ranmareally weird11:21
arcanistheroguethat is rather odd11:22
Ranmaim not using hal either11:22
Ranmaim starting to think that its a kded problem11:22
arcanistherogueperhaps, what version of kde do you have?11:22
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arcanistheroguei dont know what to say man, kde can be a bit quirky with disk un/mounting sometimes11:23
arcanistherogueit happened to me on KDE 3.4 with slax11:23
arcanistheroguebut it was with USB devices11:23
Ranmaim not alone at least11:23
arcanistherogueyeah, sorry i couldnt be of more help, try searching the bug reports on kde11:24
gourdinany kubuntu dev here ?11:24
arcanistherogueyou could make a command icon, like make a button on your panel and have it linked to a command to unmount11:24
Ranmai will, in the meantime im going to try using subfs on hard disk too to see if behaves in the same way as manual mount11:25
arcanistheroguesince you said it worked via command line11:25
arcanistheroguethats what i do sometimes11:25
Ranmathats a good idea11:25
arcanistheroguefunny, "The Ripper" came up on my playlist about 5 mins ago11:26
RanmaI have another question I have an ati card, its posible to do tvout without the proprietary drivers? i mean with ati or radeon driver?11:27
arcanistherogueeh sorry i definantly can't help you there, I'm an nVidia user :/11:28
Ranmaim thinking of buying an nvidia card11:28
arcanistherogueI originally purchased one because my friend reccomended one to me, but then i kept buying em because of linux driver support, so I have never got an ATi card in my life11:28
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arcanistherogueits rather nice, the drivers11:28
arcanistherogueits almost as good as the windows ones11:28
Ranmacause the ati is driving me nutz11:29
arcanistherogueperformance is about the same11:29
arcanistherogueexcept Antialiasing is a bit weaker on linux i notice11:29
arcanistheroguewith the nvidia drivers11:29
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Ranmai know i had an nvidia with gentoo11:29
arcanistheroguei tried gentoo once, I never got past the install ;_;11:30
arcanistherogueI didn't want to take the time to pore through the 90+ page manual i printed11:30
Bambinomy dear beloved fellow mates, is it possible to downlod kdmtheme for breezy?11:30
arcanistheroguei think i still have it bound in a binder somewhere11:30
Ranmai used gentoo for 3 years and after that i switched to kubuntu11:30
arcanistheroguehave you checked the repos with all of htem enabled?11:30
arcanistherogueif it isn't there, you might want to check for a .deb package of it, or compile it from source11:31
arcanistheroguewell i need to go to get something to eat now, ill be back in a while11:31
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Bambinoarcanistherogue, I searched to no avail, cant find anything11:33
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embrikwhere do I download the essential files for kafeine to use when playing microsoft-format videos?11:39
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gourdinis compiz-kde usable ? if yes, how ?11:39
Bambinoso no one knows if i can get kdmtheme for ubuntu breezy11:39
buzgourdin: no its not11:39
tmdx120hello room.11:39
buzbut compiz-gnome works save for the window manager11:39
gourdinbuz: yes, I'm running it right now ;)11:40
gourdinkonqueror don't work on dapper here :(11:40
buzhuh? it works for me on xgl and xorg no problem11:40
gourdinbuz: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=4591.011:40
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buzthat is weird11:41
buzmaybe you want to go to compiz.ed3n.com ?11:41
gourdinyou think it is a xgl bug ?11:41
buzwell, i dont really know11:41
buzit works for me on both xgl and xorg11:42
buzbut everything weird on xgl is likely xgl related ;)11:42
buzis that 64bit11:42
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gourdinbuz: If you press "alt-f2", you too loose the display of your windows ?11:46
gourdinclicking on the desktop redisplay them11:46
buzworks for me11:47
gourdinyou did something ?11:47
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buzjust instal11:47
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gourdinwhat's your compiz line ?11:47
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