
cprovgood night 12:09
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=BjornT,carlos rs=SteveA Fix LIKE/ILIKE queries that were incorrectly using quote() instead of quote_like. Also fix uses of urljoin that should have been urlappends. Delintifies in places (r3447: kiko)12:09
carlosgood night12:10
ddaamorning lifeless12:47
ddaacoding policy question12:59
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ddaaI want to define a method/function that computes a sort key for a branch, for use in the various branch listing pages in Launchpad01:00
ddaaWhere should I put that?01:00
ddaaSome options: staticmethod in database.Branch, staticmethod in database.BranchSet, top-level function in interfaces.branch 01:01
ddaanone of those makes me particularly happy01:01
ddaalifeless: ?01:02
ddaaMh...  could be a method in database.Branch, as well...01:02
ddaalifeless: thank you01:02
ddaawell... not very good either, since it's a view thing... should not be in the content class01:03
=== ddaa decides against factoring it out
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lifelessddaa: does it return a key from one Branch, or from many ?01:06
ddaabranch -> sort key01:07
mdke_mental note: stop leaning on laptop01:07
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ddaafor use as sorted(branches, key=sort_key_function)01:07
lifelessthen its really something you get from a single branch01:09
lifelesswhy would it live anywhere else than Branch ?01:09
ddaabecause Branch is the content class, and that's view logic.01:09
lifelessview logic is the browser set of classes01:10
lifelessbut ...01:11
ddaamaybe a top-level method in browser.branch?01:11
lifelessthat sounds like a method that any type of presentation could use01:11
lifelessso its not so ugly to put it in the content class01:11
lifelesswhich is where I think a lot of the sort_key logic done today goes.01:12
ddaacurrently trying to convince myself I can make a sort key that works for all views...01:12
lifelessthere was a discussion on launchpad@ beween mark and steve recently about a case of this.01:12
ddaamaybe (product, status, author, name, owner)01:13
ddaaokay... I'll factor it out01:13
ddaaMh... the annoying bit is that it's hard to specify an attribute as sort key... need to use a lambda01:14
lifelesssorted(branches, key=operator.attrgetter('sort_key'))01:15
ddaasorted(branches, key=lambda b: b.sort_key)01:16
ddaamethink lambda is still less ugly!01:16
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sabdflkiko-zzz: dude, i'm too late right?01:41
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hendryhow do i see bugs i'm subscribed ?03:46
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spivhendry: https://launchpad.net/people/<your user name>/+subscribedbugs04:17
hendryspiv: thanks04:21
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Decruft (unused) date widget example (r3448: Stuart Bishop)04:32
jameshlifeless: this might be another option for getting SIP working: http://people.netfilter.org/chentschel/docs/sip-conntrack-nat.html04:35
jameshwithout siproxd04:35
lifelessjamesh: if you like kernel crashes04:42
lifelessjamesh: the divmod guys have tried that, and apparently you play roulette with your kernel on every sip packet,04:43
lifelessbesides - theres no need for kernel involvement.04:43
lifelessshould be possible to redirect sip (5060) packets to siproxd with iptables, and have siproxd inject 'active connection' records into iptables as needed04:44
lifelessno way does this belong in kernel space :)04:44
jameshlifeless: is it that just an issue with the particular module, or the approach in general?04:47
lifelessthat module is apparently a flakey pos04:48
lifelessbut sip is complex. putting in the kernel is a bad idea in general04:48
lifelesss/in/it in04:48
lifelessgot to go buy more disk storage for my home server. bbiab04:51
jameshlifeless: http://siproxd.sourceforge.net/siproxd_guide/siproxd_guide_c6s4.html <- I guess siproxd can already do the transparent proxying trick04:52
lifelesslooks like04:53
lifelessnot quite complete though04:53
lifelessthis rule04:53
lifelessiptables -A INPUT -m udp -p udp -i ppp0 --dport 7070:7089 -j ACCEPT04:53
lifelessis not stateful04:53
lifelessit should possible for siproxd to poke the kernel to say that a specific host:port:internal_host:port quad is accepted *and where the natted address is*04:54
lifelessthen the rtp packets do not need to bounce via siproxd which will be faster04:55
mptGoooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!05:31
mptD'oh, I missed ddaa05:31
stubIs there a builtin way of flattening a structure like (a, b, (c, (d, e), f)) to (a, b, c, d, e, f) if I don't care about ordering of the final tuple/set/whatever i get back?05:36
stubmpt: launchpad_ftest_template in use should be a thing in the past now05:38
mptstub, excellent05:39
mptstub, in about how many hours is the rollout?05:39
stubmpt: Don't know - I haven't heard back from elmo or Znarl05:39
stubmpt: Probably around 10:00 UTC05:39
stub(is London UTC+1 now?)05:40
mptno idea - that's why I ask in terms of hours :-)05:40
=== mpt washes out his mouth with soap and water after using the phrase "in terms of" for the second time in a month
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Unfrgivenhi all. im having problems with e-mail on launchpad. all e-mails to ankur.kotwal@ubuntu.com are bouncing back, returning unknown alias. i am an ubuntu member. can someone assist me with this?05:47
stubUnfrgiven: The only person who can help is elmo I'm afraid. If you are around on London time you can sort it via IRC, or email rt@admin.canonical.com to stick a request into his queue.05:56
Unfrgivenstub: ok cool. thanks for the info.06:04
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carthikIs it okay to ask a "user" question. pardon me if it's not :) Why doesn't the following link seem to list the bugs oldest first, though it is supposed to? There seems to be no order wrt time: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?advanced=1&field.searchtext=fixed&orderby=datecreated&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.owner=&field.component-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dup07:18
carthikwow, that was longer than I thought. Let me make a shorter url. I'm really sorry.07:19
carthikhttp://shurl.org/dsRvn  Thanks in advance.07:19
robotgeekUnfrgiven: did you make it your main email?07:20
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mpt_BjornT, ping08:25
BjornTmpt_: pong08:27
mpt_BjornT, when you said "remove [priority]  from IBugTask", does that mean removing it from just browser/bugtask.py, or also interfaces/bugtask.py?08:28
mpt_(sorry for the novice-level question)08:30
BjornTmpt_: i was thinking removing it from interfaces/bugtask.py. that way, if some code tries to access the attribute, a ForbiddenAttribute exception will be raised.08:30
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sivangmorning all08:56
mptBjornT, removing it from interfaces/bugtask.py causes an importfascist KeyError in database/bugtask.py08:56
mptI guess that means removing it from database/ too08:57
BjornTmpt: IBugTask['priority'] .default can be removed and replaced with None.09:02
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lifelesswhy don't source packages have specs ?10:04
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isaricI a problem of impression with OOo.org on Dapper UBUNTU, is it necessary has to make in report/ratio of bug? http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=3480910:13
jameshisaric: could you rephrase that?10:17
isaricI am not on being able it, I test10:19
isaricSince I passed in UBUNTU Dapper, I cannot print with openoffice.org10:20
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Added Dzongkha plural forms to our sample data (r3449: Carlos Perello Marin)10:20
lifelessBjornT: please remember to update the pending reviews wiki page when you do a review10:21
jameshisaric: then it would make sense to report a bug10:21
lifelessit throws the stats out :)10:21
lifelessjamesh - same for you10:21
jameshlifeless: I have10:21
lifelessI see that now, stats page is slow10:22
lifelessbut you hadn't this morning :)10:22
jameshI updated the statuses right after doing salgado's branch10:23
lifelessits ok10:23
lifelesswater under the bridge now10:23
BjornTlifeless: right, sorry, forgot to do that for the last review.10:28
mptcarlos, that was quick handling of Dzonghka, now how about Tamazight? :-)10:28
BjornTlifeless: or did i? :) which branch?10:28
jameshlifeless: I'm getting a machine to replace the firewall soon (a 2.8GHz Pentium D from Dell for about $500).  I'll get the siproxd stuff set up on that box so we can test things then10:29
carlosmpt: did we get a request for it?10:29
carlosI think I missed it, where?10:29
mptcarlos, bug 395410:31
UbugtuMalone bug 3954 in rosetta "Tamazight needs adding to Rosetta" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/395410:31
lifelessBjornT: I did it just now10:31
lifelessjamesh: FWIW siproxd on my P150 firewall works fine :)10:31
BjornTlifeless: ah, i saw that you changed it. the thing is that i reviewed it, but then matsubara found out that he needed to take a completely different approach, so he sent me a new diff and changed it to needs-review himself.10:32
jameshlifeless: sure, but my current firewall machine needs a refresh (it is still running Fedora Core 2)10:32
carlosoh! I see...10:32
mptcarlos, judging by the last comment, the description isn't accurate, it's not quite the same as English10:32
carlosmpt: thanks for remembering me it10:32
lifelessBjornT: hmm.10:32
mptoh, yes it is10:33
jameshlifeless: if I'm going to do that, I'd prefer to experiment with things after the upgrade10:33
jameshrather than having to do it all over again10:33
mptthey just have different wordings for "no chair" and "zero chairs", but then so does English10:33
lifelessI'd like 'needs a revisit' to show differently to 'needs its first look'10:33
lifelessjamesh: fair enough. Just saying is all ;)10:33
lifelessBjornT: what do you think? needs-review to me says very clearly 'never looked at'10:34
jameshlifeless: Dell had some pretty good prices at the time -- $300 for a dual core 2.8GHz machine10:34
lifelessjamesh: thats seriously good10:34
lifelessjamesh: I was drooling over the alienware FX60 dream machine last week10:34
jameshlifeless: I realise that I don't need something that good to get things working10:34
jameshthis is a tower case server machine though -- has no sound and on board 2D graphics, and can't take a modern 16-lane PCI-E graphics card10:35
jameshi.e. designed to be difficult to set up as a desktop ...10:36
carlosmpt: we don't even have that language in our database...10:36
lifelessI can see that10:36
jameshof course, $300 for the parts isn't too bad either ...10:36
BjornTlifeless: in the current workflow, yes. i think he changed to needs-review since he wanted me to take a look at the whole diff again, so maybe he should have changed the date as well.10:36
carlosoh, we have it but with a different name10:37
lifelessBjornT: yeh. that would work for me10:37
lifelessjamesh: spiv what you think of that ?10:37
BjornTlifeless: i think the problem is that we have only after needs-review we have only needs-reply, in which state the review is until it's approved. maybe we should rename needs-reply to under-discussion or something like that?10:37
lifelessBjornT: depends what precise stats we want out10:39
lifelessI think needs-reply as under-discussion is a good compromise10:39
lifelessthought it does not put the onus on who has the next act10:39
lifelesswhich needs-review with an updated date does.10:40
BjornTwe used to go from needs-reply to needs-review, but people often forgot to update the status, so they were often out of sync.10:41
jameshlifeless: I'm not particularly attached to either needs-reply or under-discussion10:45
jameshI can work with either10:45
=== jamesh wonders why the pending-reviews script is running slow
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torthoGood mornig, Anyone who can tell me how & when Launchpad/Rosetta is updating against the packages. The reason why i ask is that i saw the untranslated stings had increased quite much since yesterday, and also there are lots of the pink colors on the bars.10:49
stublifeless: I've got a Zope3.2 migration branch to land rs=SteveA, which also involves updating the Zope branch and the SQLOS branch. I'll be building a branch on balleny in a tick to do a final test run.10:54
carlostortho: that's usually done at the same time we import the .pot files10:54
carlostortho: but there are some situations when we need to associate the .po files with the .pot files10:54
carlostortho: could you point me to the entries where we lack translations?10:55
torthoOK, It's not that we lack any translations, it's only that there are packages that was editet almost a month ago, wich still has pink color, and that yesterday, the Norwegian Bokmaal translation had Approx 133000 untranslated, and today 135000 (If I remember correctly.10:56
lifelessstub: righto.10:57
lifelessstub: disable pqm via cron10:57
carlostortho: we are importing KDE atm10:57
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lifelessstub: then when the composite tree is ready and has passed both10:58
lifelessmake check_merge10:58
lifelessand cd sourcecode && make check10:58
carlostortho: as you could check the amount of already translated strings should increase too10:58
lifelessI will commit and push it for you10:58
torthocarlos: OK :-) more work.. I guess that one is increasing too... (Did only check the remaining ones...The ones that counts :-) BTW: arent the bars going to be green after the translation has been applyed...(since some of them are still pink and edited 1 month ago)10:59
lifelessback when I've got this drive installed10:59
carlostortho: the only way to get them green is that you submit your changes/additions to upstream and they apply them11:00
torthocarlos: OK, Thanks!11:00
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Added Berber plural forms and linked as spoken on Morocco and Algeria to our sample data (r3450: Carlos Perello Marin)11:19
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carlosis there any function on launchpad that, from any string gives you another string that follows the restrictions to be used as a 'valid_name' ?11:45
stubcarlos: not that I'm aware of11:52
jameshcarlos: I wrote my own for the bugzilla import11:54
jameshre.sub(r'[^a-z0-9\+\.\-] ', '-', string)11:54
carlosjamesh: could we move it to a commom place? it would be really useful to create potemplatename rows automatically from the translation domain11:54
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carlosjamesh: so it's not a function but an inline call...11:55
jameshactually, re.sub(r'[^a-z0-9\+\.\-] ', '-', string.lower()) is what is used11:55
jamesh(for sanitising milestone names)11:55
OdyXHey guys. Found an error in english during translation (means, english text has an error): https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kubuntu-docs/+pots/aboutkubuntu/fr/+translate <- N9: Documenation: misses a "t"11:55
jameshOdyX: I'd suggest filing a bug against kubuntu-docs11:56
OdyXjamesh: OK. Will be done. Thanks11:57
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carlosjamesh: I got it12:08
carlosI know I saw it 12:08
OdyXDone. Thanks12:08
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carlosjamesh: helpers.getValidNameFromString12:09
carlosjamesh: I guess we should change it to use your solution as I think is more complete...12:09
jameshcarlos: that function looks like it only produces a valid name for certain bad input12:11
carlosright, that's why I'm going to update it with your code12:11
jamesh>>> from canonical.launchpad.helpers import getValidNameFromString12:13
jamesh>>> from canonical.launchpad.validators.name import valid_name12:13
jamesh>>> valid_name(getValidNameFromString('a$x5'))12:13
jameshcarlos: my function also has a failure mode: it can result in a string that starts with a dash, which is invalid12:14
carlosjamesh: thank's for the test ;-)12:14
jameshthat could be fixed by prepending an 'x' if result[0]  == '-'12:15
carlosjamesh: right12:15
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mptHmm, PQM appears to be stuck01:17
mptI've been at the head of the queue for two hours01:17
Fenrir-any idea how long is shipping to .fi ?01:19
mptFenrir-, if you mean for Ubuntu CDs, it's 4~6 weeks according to http://www.ubuntu.com/support/faq01:21
Fenrir-mpt ye , i mean those01:23
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mithrohi! how do I file a patch against a ubuntu package?02:04
Kinnisonopen a bug against the package and attach the patch to it?02:06
mithroi've never use launchpad before and am finding it a bit confusing02:08
KinnisonHave you got yourself a launchpad account?02:08
tsengdo you have a specific question02:08
tsengit takes some poking around to find what you want, but it seems obvious when you are there02:09
mithroclick on "File a Bug on a Package"?02:10
mithrohow do you attach patches to a bug?02:15
Kinnisonthere is 'add attachment' in the actions box02:15
mithroyeah found it the second after i asked02:20
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mithrosubmitted to patch02:32
mithronow how long till they get processed :P02:42
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lifelessstub: re zope 3.2 branch02:55
lifelessstub: it being unrelated means we lose our local change history record02:55
lifelessstub: and - folk downloading it will need to do more02:56
lifelessstub: so, I think we want to turn it into a patch in the first instance02:56
stubThe local changes are no longer relevant if that makes a difference02:56
stub(except to archaeologists)02:56
lifelessall of them ? Testing support changes02:56
lifelessfor instance02:56
stubWhole new test framework02:57
lifelessI'm aware of that :)02:57
lifelessbut we have changes that may not be present in it yet02:57
lifelessand we either have to accept that these are lost - that we lose the features, or add them back in02:58
stubDid --story ever land? That is the only thing I'm aware of that we will lose, and it will need to be reimplemented anyway.02:58
lifelessits implemented with tests but it does not alter zope at all02:58
lifelesswhat about stop on first failure ?02:59
stubSome command line syntax changes that need to be documented on the wiki02:59
stubFor doctests? built in now.02:59
lifelessno, all tests.02:59
lifelessnot stop-in-doctest-script, stop executing further tests at the end of a failing test.03:00
lifelesswe want revno 2203:00
lifelessdont need 2103:00
stubStop-on-first-test-failure will need to be reimplemented03:00
lifelessI presume 19 is unneeded03:00
stubWhat are you looking at?03:01
lifelessif the new test stuff is still vaguely pyunit compatible (it better be!) then reimplementation should be called 'merge'03:01
lifelesslog of our branch03:01
lifeless18 I presume is also unneeded03:01
lifelesswhat about the whrandom stuff ?03:01
stubwhrandom is fixed upstream03:02
stubI would be extremely surprised if any of the old patches still apply anyway03:02
stubwhrandom usage is all fixed in 3.203:04
lifelessI'm turning this into a patch, please dont use or alter the zope dir for a bit03:04
lifeless(the patch change is to make it easier for our devs to update to this)03:05
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lifelessholy cow03:17
lifelesstheres an entire copy of twisted in here ?03:17
sladenkiko-zzz: could you debug bug #29767 when you wake up if you get a chance03:18
UbugtuMalone bug 29767 in linux-source-2.6.15 "IBM Thinkpad X41 suspend to disk unsatisfactory regression" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2976703:18
zorglubis it possible to remove a branch ?03:29
zorglubI made some crap and registered a series with an upstream SVN as a branch03:29
lifelessstub: ping03:29
stublifeless: pong03:30
stubyup - twisted03:30
ddaasick and twisted?03:31
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stubUnfortunately not a version we can use for our other stuff :-(03:31
stubWe are about 18 months out of sync with upstream - lots of changes03:32
ddaazorglub: nope cannot delete03:32
ddaastub, lifeless: what is the proper way of dispose of those dud branches ATM?03:33
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ddaaquite a few of them around, I'm willing to put in a trivial patch to make easier to garden, but I dunno what is the actual recommended gardening operation03:34
stubI probably have to delete them manually until an interface gets written to do it. 03:34
zorglubTRUNCATE TABLE :)03:34
ddaadeleting branches is dangerous stuff, since they are associated to on-disk data03:35
lifelessstub: zopeskel03:35
lifelesswhats it for ?03:35
lifelesswe are ignoring it which means it will be imported03:35
lifelessstub: having two copies of zope - wont that fuck things ?03:35
ddaazorglub: what is the launchpad page of the faulty branch?03:36
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ddaastub: delete from Branch where id=1117;03:42
stublifeless: I'm not sure what it is for.03:42
stubzopeskel sounds like stuff generated by the build step03:43
stubHmm... looks like the template used for creating a Z3 instance, which we don't do (we just run inplace)03:45
lifelessshould we version it or not ?03:45
stubSure - it is part of the Zope tree, and stuff may depend on it being there.03:46
stubIt isn't generated - it is in the upstream SVN repository03:46
stubddaa: I should run that now?03:47
ddaathis kind of dud branch can be safely removed without second thought03:48
stubddaa: Gone03:48
ddaaif there's any revision history or bug associated with it, you'd get a foreign key error.03:49
ddaazorglub: et voil03:49
zorglubok, thx03:51
ddaampt: ping03:54
lifelessstub: ok, we have a new tree04:10
sabdflstub: are you happy with the add-series-drivers patch?04:12
sabdflstub: am stepping afk for a while, will you mail me if you have any issues? am aiming to land asap04:13
stubsabdfl: I haven't looked at it yet04:13
stubsabdfl: ok04:14
sabdflkiko-zzz: unzzz...04:14
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lifelessstub: we have a tree based on the previous, so 'pull' will work04:16
lifelessstub: but with your content04:16
stubis it still rocketfuel/zope/3.0/test ? bzr log doesn't show any changes04:17
lifelessnot yet04:18
lifelessready to flick the switch on this ?04:22
lifelesshave we done all the production updates we need to for a day or two to let this bed in ?04:22
stublifeless: I've already tagged production release before this04:26
stublifeless: I think we should flip the switch04:26
lifelessshould we change the zope branch04:26
lifelessi.e. put this in zope/3.204:26
lifelessrather than zope/3.0/testing04:26
lifelesswe'll obviously need to update the config04:26
lifelessbut this lets us leave the production config pointing at 3.0 until we do a prod rollout with this branch04:27
stubPeople are manually entering the pull's rather than using config manager at the moment04:27
stubI haven't built the production tree yet, so that would be good ;)04:27
=== ddaa has a script to convert the sftp urls in the configs to local urls, so building the config on chinstrap takes less than forever.
lifelessddaa: config_manager.UrlMapper04:28
stubddaa: Do you also hack it so the tree doesn't need to live in a directory called 'launchpad' ?04:28
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ddaastub: nope04:29
ddaalifeless: good to know the functionality is there, but CM is something that I'm mostly interested into getting out the way when I want to build a production tree.04:29
ddaaand when I do not want to build a production tree, I just do not need it04:30
ddaaI just hope nested trees support in bzr will be implemented soon04:30
lifelessnot for a year or so04:30
lifelessI have not had time to implement the prerequisite specs and the beta for dapper needs to lock down in 4 days04:31
ddaaI certainly do not mean for 0.804:31
lifelessso with data format stability, you'll need to wait for a new default format before launchpad changes04:31
lifelesswhich is ~ one year out04:31
lifelessok rf/zope/3.2 exists04:33
lifelessyou'll need to update that configs before anything notices that04:33
lifelesscare to sqlos updated04:34
salgadolifeless, how do I reconcile one of my branches?04:34
stubthat last in english?04:34
lifelessstub: can you edit configs and send in a merge for that ?04:35
lifelesssalgado: ECYCLES. ask in #bzr please or I'll lose the plot here and we'll be fucked04:35
stublifeless: pushed. There is already a pqm request for my configs branch to land (production 1.58 config)04:37
lifelessstub: you said 'zope/3.2' rather than 'zope/3.0/tests' right ?04:39
lifelessmain branch is merging at the moment04:39
lifelessI'm going to 04:39
lifeless- commit that04:39
lifelessmove your patch to the front of the queue04:39
lifelessenable pqm04:39
lifelesswatch the fireworks 04:39
stubI guess I should document specifying the layer of your tests as that will bite people. Other that than I'm hoping things will be fairly smooth.04:41
lifelesswe need to document that:04:41
lifelessif people are pulling from chinstrap by hand they need the new location of zope04:42
lifelessthat stop early has been removed and we'd like it reimplemented04:42
lifelessstub: so there were three deletes and that was all ?04:44
lifeless~never mind I was on crack04:45
lifelessor was I. this is too late for me.04:45
lifelesslp is done04:46
lifelesslets see what happens04:47
stubsqlos too?04:51
lifelessmeh, I forgot.04:56
lifelessI fixed the queue ordering a while back04:56
lifelessyour patch will be along soon04:56
lifelesshave you removed pytz from the config04:56
lifelessand the symlink in lib ?04:57
stuboops... pytz04:57
stubsymlink is gone thuogh04:57
lifelesswhat else04:57
lifelessthis twisted thing worries me04:57
lifelesswe have apps that import twisted and zope. how do they get the twisted they need without breaking zope ?04:57
stubsize, or what in particular?04:57
lifelesstwo copies of different code in the same namespace04:58
stubIt may be a problem when we try to get Zope using twisted (it is still using the old code - twisted is optional in 3.2)04:59
spivlifeless: The version in sourcecode ought to be fine for Zope 3.2 and our stuff, I think.04:59
stubSo we can deal with it then. Hopefully by standardizing on a twisted release.04:59
lifelesscan we make sure the version in sourcecode is first on the path ?05:00
stubZ3 upstream is componentizing stuff too, so it will hopefully disappear from upstream SVN05:00
lifelessor better yet, just delete :)05:00
stubIt is the only version in the path - sourcecode/zope/src/twisted is not linked anywhere accessible05:01
lifelessok. phew.05:01
BjornTlifeless, stub: my pqm merge failed since pytz couldn't be imported. is that a known problem?05:05
stubBjornT: Your branch was an innocent bystander. Please resubmit it.05:05
salgadostub, what about the one that's being processed right now?05:07
lifelessit will fail05:08
stubsalgado: It will fail too. They will all fail until my config changes land.05:08
lifelessplease watch this channel05:08
lifelessif we go 'woo its done' then resubmit05:08
lifelesssame for you bjornt05:09
lifelesswe will want a test branch up05:09
lifelesswhich looks to be the mirror-management branch05:09
BjornTokay, i already resubmitted it though, since stub said that i should.05:10
lifelessstub: did you get a confirmation mail ?05:11
stubAhh bite me. Conflicts.05:15
ddaaokay, new rule: do not hyperlink bzr branch urls in Launchpad05:15
ddaathat will make it harder for people to go to a place where there's nothing to see05:15
=== lifeless munches
=== stub merge
=== stub merges
=== stub commits, pushes, and submits
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sabdflhey lunchpadders05:22
stublifeless: success05:25
kikohello sabdfl 05:27
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kikoyou have mail (shortly)05:27
ddaajust posted bazaar-ui for review05:28
sabdflddaa: that's great news, did you find a solution to the URL question?05:28
lifelessstub: ok. trees are ready for it05:28
lifelessBjornT: can you resubmit please05:29
ddaasabdfl: did not dig much. Made it class=lesser, with a layout that allows it to wrap into taking the full width of the column.05:29
ddaasabdfl: I think it would be nice to make this page two-columns, that would help displaying the recent history table.05:30
ddaawell, and that would also help the URL problem, there's really no good solution to it. The URLs must be displayed in full text and not hyperlinked. Hyperlinking to a non-browsable resource is asking for people to complain.05:31
BjornTlifeless: sure05:32
=== ddaa -> lunch
sabdflddaa: the url can streth beyond two columns anyway05:35
kikosabdfl, sent.05:36
ddaasabdfl: these urls are meant to be typed by users in a terminal, if they get too long, the user should probably take steps to fix them.05:36
ddaabut the two columns layout really help mitigate any problem, if they are too long, they just run past the right edge. I am convinced we cannot do any better.05:37
ddaaReally, I do not like it much, but any other solution is just asking for people to report bugs.05:38
ddaa"clicked on the link, but there was nothing to see"05:39
sabdflkiko-fud: thanks for being tolerant of the nuclear option here ;-)05:39
ddaa"where is the branch URL displayed?"05:39
ddaa"where is the supermirror URL display"05:39
kiko-fudsabdfl, what "nuclear" option?!05:39
stubsabdfl: That db patch looks fine once you move the comments to comments.sql. patch-40-48-0.sql05:39
lifelessstub: its looking good05:40
ddaa"copy pasted url to bzr, but it did not work" (because of invisible chars to allow line wrapping)05:40
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sabdflkiko-fud: the huge patch. i agree, splitting is better, but then it takes more time, and i'm afraid there's a limit to the time i can devote to this05:43
kiko-fudI know05:43
kiko-fudbut I chide you anyway :)05:44
sabdfli want to make a few changes to rosetta that will be relatively contained, and then i have to write that support-providers-tracker05:44
kiko-fudlet me have lunch my eyeballs are rolling05:44
sabdflstub: thanks05:44
lifelessddaa: is that patch one that needs mpt to do ?05:44
lifelessddaa: or is it any reviewer ?05:44
kiko-fudstub, did we roll out? email on revision level if so please :)05:44
ddaalifeless: Any reviewer will do, but it would be nice for mpt to have a look.05:45
stubkiko-fud: Just finishing the Z3.2 patch push. I want to put off the production update until tomorrow unless you are going to cry - it is getting late and elmo and Znarl can't make use of the downtime window today.05:45
kiko-fudstub, that's fine.05:45
kiko-fudDO IT05:45
lifelessddaa: if you want mpt to review things, you gotta put it in the ui queue on the pending reviews05:46
stubkiko-fud: I've already tagged the branch - r3438 as discussed05:46
lifelessddaa: can you please do that, and also put it in spivs queue for review tomorrow05:46
kiko-fudstub, perfect. appreciated.05:46
ddaalifeless: done05:48
ddaanow, lunch!05:48
lifelessddaa: thanks05:48
=== bradb & # lunch && accountant
sabdflkiko-fud: i deliberately did not try to pre-factor all the .specifications() methods to a common codebase, because i wanted to see how much variation there is05:55
sabdflnow that it's done, i can go back later and consolidate, and it should all fall out quite neatly05:55
sabdflwill add doctests for them in the interim, which will be useful during the refactoring05:56
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stubBjornT: Your landing fail due to conflicts, broken tests, or something we need to worry about?06:02
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lifelesstest failures06:04
lifelessquestion is - 3.2 related or not06:04
BjornTstub: broken tests, it seems to be pytz related. i'll forward you and lifeless the failure email.06:05
kiko-fudthanks sabdfl 06:06
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-82-137.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
kiko-fud(but use email to reply :)06:06
seb128carlos: around? :)06:06
kikohello seb128 06:06
ddaahi seb12806:06
carlosseb128: hi06:06
seb128hey kiko06:06
ddaaseb128: monday is a day off06:06
seb128friday too for me ;)06:06
ddaaright, alsacian thing?06:07
seb128alsace-moselle yep06:07
lifelessstub: I think its down to fine tuning06:08
lifelessstub: if you need me to roll it all back, SMS me, I'll have the phone nearby06:08
lifelessbut its 2am now06:09
seb128carlos: what about locking a po edition when somebody starts working on it, and send a diff of his changes somewhere when he has done his changes on it06:09
seb128carlos: what do you think about the idea? Would it be easy to implement? :)06:09
seb128carlos: I think it would make quality control much easier and make that people don't conflict which is good too06:09
carlosseb128: we already talk about that sometime ago06:11
carlosto implement a kind of wiki lock06:11
seb128we, like me and you?06:11
seb128if that's the case I don't remember it :)06:11
carlosseb128: no, we as the launchpad/rosetta team06:11
seb128and did you decide that was a good idea?06:12
seb128the "mail the diff" to a list would be really really useful06:12
carlosI thought we had a spec on it already (braindump) but I don't see it so I don't think we wrote down any idea06:12
lifelessstub: gnight then06:12
seb128it would be easy to do probably06:12
carlosseb128: the diff part is new, the lock concept is not06:12
seb128and makes possible to control who do good or not translations with rosetta06:12
seb128I just had the idea yesterday after reading the mail from rosetta-users list forwarded to the l10n-fr list06:13
seb128or maybe today :p06:13
carlosseb128: I need to take sometime to answer that thread as it raises some interesting points06:13
carlosabout the diff thing, how are you going to approve/reject the changes?06:13
seb128that would make easy for people to comment on what is changed dynamically06:13
seb128and know who does what06:13
seb128I didn't read that06:13
seb128I'm not on rosetta-users list06:14
seb128I'll go and read it06:14
seb128just a french guy forwarded it to the french list to discuss how we should work to get better quality06:14
seb128and having that lock with a mail of the diff when you unlock looks very good to me :)06:15
seb128it allows other people to spot wrong changes and to know who does good or bad work06:15
seb128and to takes measures when somebody does wrongly06:15
seb128like put him on probation and fix what he did06:15
seb128it makes proofreading easy too if you send those diff on a list, subscriber can have a second look of what just changed and spot errors or comments if required06:16
carlosseb128: I see that point06:16
carlosbut I still have the question about how to integrate the changes if you accept them06:16
seb128you don't have to accept them06:17
carloswill it be an 'accept all or nothing?'06:17
seb128the guy does the changes06:17
seb128if somebody spot they are wrong he goes to fix them on rosetta06:17
seb128and the guy translator status can be put on hold06:17
carlosoh, so you mean to do exactly the same thing we have atm06:17
carlosbut additionally, provide that diff output?06:17
seb128send the diff on a list06:17
seb128so we know who change what immediatly06:18
carlosthat's easy to implement, we already talked about a diff like output06:18
seb128and we can spot bad translators directly06:18
carlosis not exactly that, but is quite similar06:18
seb128and help them to improve06:18
seb128fix errors, etc06:18
seb128should I open a bug, do a spec, or what...? :)06:19
carlosseb128: I think the right procedure would be do a spec06:19
stublifeless: You still there? There are a number of zero byte __init__.py files in zope/src/pytz/zoneinfo and below that are not in the rocketfuel/zope/3.2 branch06:19
kikobradb, bug 39118 is a dupe of a bug of yours06:19
UbugtuMalone bug 39118 in malone "bugs by category links do not all work" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3911806:19
seb128is that likely to be implemented soon if you like the idea? ;)06:19
seb128we could really use a way to know who does what06:20
carlosseb128: well, we have a priority problem here06:20
carlosI think I just reached a point where I need to talk with kiko06:20
carlosand prioritize my tasks06:20
kikocarlos, but not now, give me 30m :)06:20
carlosthey are exploding06:21
seb128carlos: what is top priority on your list after having dapper imported and ready to translate?06:21
carloskiko: not sure we should talk about this just before leaving for holidays... I think is better if we have a meeting about it next Tuesday....06:21
carlosseb128: finish PoMsgSetPage implementation (improves the way you can review translations)06:22
carlosseb128: and generate firefox .po files06:22
seb128k, so that diff stuff is not for know06:23
seb128I understand you are busy, not easy06:23
seb128keep the good job :)06:23
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carlosseb128: yeah, I have a lot of things to do, it's just a matter of start with the most important ones06:24
carlosseb128: thanks06:24
salgadoBjornT, around?06:24
BjornTsalgado: yeah06:25
salgadoBjornT, is it not advisable to have a view which inherits from both AddView and LaunchpadView?06:26
salgado(I'm trying to do that and am having some problems)06:26
elmobzr: ERROR: exceptions.OSError: [Errno 12]  Cannot allocate memory06:28
BjornTsalgado: no, it causes some problems. we'll probably make AddView a LaunchpadView later though.06:28
kikoelmo, you need 1gig, or swap06:28
stubBjornT: Please resubmit that merge06:29
elmokiko: that's insane06:30
kikoyou merge-killers06:30
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salgadoBjornT, do you have time for another one? ;)06:45
salgado(another quick question)06:45
BjornTsalgado: sure06:45
carlosdid zope 3.2 land into rocketfuel?06:45
salgadoBjornT, I'm doing a response.redirect(canonical_url(self.context)) on a view's render() method06:46
salgadoand that's giving me a NoCanonicalUrl: No url for <LoginToken at 0x-4a5b70f4> because <LoginToken at 0x-4a5b70f4> broke the chain.06:46
kikostub, stop breaking my merges!06:47
salgadoBjornT, I guess I understand why the publisher is raising that, but I don't think it's correct in this case, because the URL for the view that I'm in is not the same as canonical_url(self.context)06:48
BjornTsalgado: i'm not quite sure i'm following, isn't the problem simply that there's no canonical url defined for ILoginToken?06:50
salgadoomg. I got it completely wrong. I was sure there was a canonical url defined for ILoginToken06:51
=== salgado checks
salgadothere was one for ILoginTokenSet but not for ILoginToken. :-(06:54
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  fix bug 38020, make sure the description isn't duplicated when sending bug notification to new bug contacts subscribed to a bug. (r3452: Bjorn Tillenius)06:57
sabdflstub: did you give me a db patch number for that baby?06:59
sabdfl48 - got it06:59
mdzbradb: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bugs has an "all bugs ever reported (13)" link, but clicking on it shows only the same 5 bugs07:01
mdzbradb: same for other packages, it seems07:02
=== bradb returns for a bit
=== lifeless [n=robertc@dsl-] has joined #launchpad
stubYay. Z3.2 branch is usable.07:08
bradbmdz: Yeah, this is bug 33882.07:08
UbugtuMalone bug 33882 in malone "Critical bugs are listed as 8 in the side bar, but there actually aren't any" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3388207:08
bradbkiko: maybe this bug should be high priority for matsubara? it's pretty annoying, in any case.07:09
stubEmails have been sent to launchpad@ mailing list explaining what people need to update and detailing some changes to the test runner.07:10
mdzbradb: that bug seems to indicate that the behaviour is intended and only the number is wrong07:11
mdzbradb: so how do I get a list of all bugs ever reported (including closed bugs)?07:11
mdzoh, I see in the final comment.  I agree with jamesh07:12
bradbmdz: A hack workaround for now is to use the Advanced Search, e.g., https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bugs?advanced=1&field.searchtext=&search=Search+bugs+in+ltsp+in+ubuntu&orderby=-priority%2C-severity&field.status%3Alist=Unconfirmed&field.status%3Alist=Needs+Info&field.status%3Alist=Rejected&field.status%3Alist=Confirmed&field.status%3Alist=In+Progress&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Committed&field.status%3Alist=Fix+Rel07:12
bradbholy #&@t07:12
carlosstub: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filetFpYge.html07:25
carlosstub: It's a new branch 07:25
stubcarlos: How did you create the branch?07:27
carlosand cp -a 07:27
stubWhat is rocketfuel-get?07:27
carlosstub: a script that I think jblack wrote and that it's in our wiki07:28
stubWhat does it do?07:28
carlosto fetch rocketfuel-built tree from chinstrap07:28
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carlosstub: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/RocketFuelSetup <- You have that script there07:29
stubcarlos: looks like it rsyncs rocketfuel-built/launchpad from chinstrap07:30
carlosyeah, that's the idea07:31
stubcarlos: The tree looks broken at the moment - I'll force an update that should fix it.07:31
carlosstub: I don't see your zope3.2 changes at arch-commits mailing list07:31
carlosstub: are you sure you got your patch accepted?07:31
stubIt was landed directly - not via pqm07:32
stubOh... its rebuilding itself right now anyway07:32
stubcarlos: done07:40
=== bradb & # accountant, bbiab
carlosstub: cool, thanks07:46
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Change package searching to use consistent page layout throughout (r3453: kiko)07:48
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kikocarlos, so we have a new zope in da house?08:25
carloskiko: yeah08:25
kikodoes it rock? does it roll?08:25
carlosworking on my code changes... hadn't time to play with it :-P08:26
kikoam I brave enough to update my tree?08:26
=== kiko flips coin
carloskiko: I'm working on a new tree08:27
carlosnot sure if the update is 100% without pain08:27
kikoI love pain08:27
jordimdke: hey, this is a cool thread you've started08:29
=== jordi replies.
kikomdke is a sharp dude08:30
kikosharper than most08:30
jordikiko: dude08:30
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: Fix https://launchpad.net/products/malone/+bug/39012 (Report a bug in a non reported context using Also Needs Fixing Here button causes an OOPS) r=kiko (r3454: Diogo Matsubara)08:30
kikobug 394208:30
UbugtuMalone bug 3942 in launchpad "Present search results instead of NotFound pages" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/394208:30
carlosmdke, jordi: I will answer too, just need some time to prepare my answer, but yes, mdke, thanks for your email08:31
jordihmm, no stevea08:31
carlosjordi: he's on vacation08:34
kikobut I am here and I am worth 3/5ths of a stevea08:35
jordikiko: but I need the STEVEA08:35
kikoyou need 5/5ths? wow08:35
jordikiko: his brain stores some s3kr1t discussion I had with him a few weeks ago08:36
jordiin London08:36
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mdkejordi, carlos, thanks09:15
mdkekiko, thanks too09:15
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=salgado, Add package test set for soyuz and initial test for the quick patch I made a while ago (r3455: Daniel Silverstone)09:17
=== kiko runs on z3.2
kikobradb, all quiet today?09:28
bradbkiko: just got back from the accountant09:32
kikoah, I see09:32
kikotax month09:32
kikofor me too09:32
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spaceywhats a bounty subscriber?09:52
spaceyif you just want to get the latest comments09:52
spaceyor does it directly mean you want to do the job (which i don't want to)09:52
spaceyits not really clear to me09:53
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kikoit is somebody who is going to be annoyed by the fact that bounties are only half-implemented ;)10:00
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=== salgado got the first failure caused by the migration to zope3.2 :-(
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spaceykiko: hehe10:07
kikospacey, at least I'm honest 10:07
spaceyyeah thats great10:08
spaceyi just wanted to follow the discussion on a bounty10:08
kikothere's been talk of working on it again, but right now they are a bit of a black hole10:08
spaceybut i don't want to take some accidental reponsibility10:08
kikothat probably wouldn't be the case10:08
spaceyseems there is some spam on the bounty page as well10:09
sabdflkiko: thanks for the review, response on its way. have address most of the nits, will add some tests, but am not going to refactor in this round10:10
sabdfli planned to do it in two stages10:10
kikodoes this second stage have a date?10:11
sabdflonce to cargo cult and figure out all the different kinds of filtering and sorting10:11
kikoor an assignee? ;-)10:11
sabdflthen to refactor10:11
sabdfldo you know anybody else who loves the spec tracker as much as me?10:11
sabdflremember, i want to get that right so it can be a pattern that is reused elsewhere10:11
kikolow blow. okay, I can do it.10:11
sabdflno, not you10:11
sabdfli'll do it, but it will have to wait10:11
kikowell, we'll see how it goes10:13
kikoif it ends up being something which generates maintenence it will end up being refactored 10:13
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kikoBjornT, comment on bug 34105?10:23
UbugtuMalone bug 34105 in malone "Strip leading and trailing whitespace before storing a bug watch's remotebug in the db" [Normal,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3410510:23
BjornTkiko: hmm, i thought i already commented on that one, maybe it was a reply to a mailing list post. i'll add a comment.10:27
matsubarakiko: I started to fix that in the sprint. I have a branch with halfway the fix in it.10:27
kikoah, cool10:27
kikosabdfl, note that tal:define does /not/ work10:30
kikosabdfl, you can't use that to avoid reselecting -- it will happen anyway. the only thing you can do is listifying.10:31
=== kiko doesn't understand "subtle timing issues".
sabdflkiko: the flush_database_updates thing10:37
sabdflin some places, i need to get direct access to the SQLResult10:37
=== lakin [n=lakin@S01060013101832ce.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #launchpad
sabdflbecause I need to bang its query again10:37
kikoin the view code?!10:37
kikooh that is gross10:37
=== kiko hates f_d_u
kikobut wait10:37
sabdflme too, i tried a number of alternatives10:38
kikoI see.10:38
sabdfli could go back in there and try again with more sleep next time around10:38
sabdflbut not this time10:38
kikoyou'll add performance problems that I fixed10:38
kikoI guess I'll just fix them again10:38
sabdflthis is where the view code is explicitly modifying the list10:38
kikoyeah, I see what you mean.10:39
sabdflso, where we are approving specs to be targeted to a list10:39
kikoI think you can avoid using the same API10:39
sabdfli want to detect when we have approved/declined all of them, at that point redirect away from that page10:39
kikoavoid using the API in those two places10:39
sabdflso you get a nice effect10:39
sabdflyou approve, decline, approve, using the multiple selector10:39
sabdfland the moment you have done them all, you redirect to the main page10:40
sabdfllisting the approved specs10:40
sabdflto do that, i need to be able to flush updates, and try the query again10:40
sabdflnow, i could do that in the db code10:40
sabdflwhich would in fact be cleaner, you are right10:40
sabdflISpecificationGoal.approveSpecs(user, speclist)10:40
sabdfl  => return the number of specs still proposed10:40
sabdflwhen that's zero, redirect10:41
sabdflthis would at least contain the db flushing inside the chinese wall10:41
kikowell, you still need to preserve the filter if you are... oh, if that's all that needs to be done, then yes.10:41
kikoright, reusing specs() for that is evil.10:41
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bradbkiko: going through some bugmail while bzr'ing. maybe bug 2796 should be a priority?10:49
UbugtuMalone bug 2796 in malone "Remove constraint on marking duplicates of duplicates" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/279610:49
kikobradb, not yet -- when we have the current priorities sorted10:49
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Fix https://launchpad.net/products/launchpad/+bug/38256 (Mirror prober doesn't know how to generate the filename for binary packages whose version starts with <some-number>:) (r3456: Guilherme Salgado)10:58
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carlostests are failing due I'm not using english locale....11:27
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Fix for bug 39060: Sorting should be done in numerical order for numerical columns. This already half-worked, but unfortunately ts_innerText() may return strings that contain leading or trailing whitespace and the match algorithm we use didn't take that into account; now it does. (r3457: kiko)11:32
kikoyay yay yay11:41
=== mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #launchpad

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