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jcole$ dmesg | grep drm12:27
jcole[4294686.182000]  [drm]  Initialized drm 1.0.0 2004092512:27
jcoleisn't that pretty old?12:27
Surakjcole: more than ubuntu :-D12:28
jcolethis guy has a newer version -->  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134069&highlight=2006011912:28
jcolemaybe that's why there are so many xgl problems with i81012:29
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jcoleon ubuntu... my colleague has suse running fine with xgl... ubuntu wouldn't work12:30
jcolei've got: [4294686.185000]  [drm]  Initialized i915 1.1.0 20040405 on minor 0:12:30
mdzmjg59: around?12:31
mdzmjg59: is it at all expected that sleep/hibernate via  the Fn key combinations is no longer working on my T42, and what can I do to remedy it?12:32
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theCorewhy Gnome create an icon for NTFS drives, even when the user doesn't have the permission to access it?12:34
mdketheCore, it's a known bug, and fixed, I think12:34
theCoremdke: oh, well 12:35
theCoremdke: thanks for the info12:35
mdkeI think it's https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/partman-basicfilesystems/+bug/2507112:36
UbugtuMalone bug 25071 in partman-basicfilesystems "More reasonable defaults for ntfs mounts during installation" [Major,Fix released]  12:36
mjg59mdz: It ought to work12:37
mjg59mdz: What's the sleep button action in gnome-power-preferences?12:37
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mdzmjg59: hibernate12:40
mjg59mdz: Hm.12:41
mjg59mdz: If you run xev and focus it, do fn+f4 and fn+f12 generate keycodes?12:42
lifelessmdz: hi12:43
jcoledo you think drm being so old in ubuntu might be the cause of alot of these bugs? -> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=direct+rendering12:46
jcolemy /lib/modules/2.6.15-20-686/kernel/drivers/char/drm/i915.ko kernel module is dated 2004040512:46
jcole2.6.15-20 is the latest kernel i can find in synaptic12:48
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Surakhum. is gnome's bugzilla down?12:53
HiddenWolftoo many connections error. :)12:54
=== jcole brb, booting ubuntu with suse kernel...
mdzmjg59: need to get the laptop back in hand later today...should it generate keycodes or not?  I thought those were acpi events12:56
mdzlifeless: hi?12:56
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KaiL_that was only 1, not 20 ;)12:59
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jcolelol, that was a bad idea01:00
KaiL_"suse" is mostly something, which has to do with bad ideas ;)01:01
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KamionSurak: yes, I knew about the localechooser-data thing but wasn't terribly worried; after all for most people it's a live CD and they won't bother upgrading it01:01
SurakKamion: so I shall close the bug.01:02
Kamionalso I'm more likely to be unhappy at people for closing bugs than for opening them01:02
KamionSurak: no, don't01:02
Kamionplease leave closing espresso bugs to espresso developers :)01:02
Surakthere are two or three regressions from 0.99.36 to
SurakKamion: ok. Even fixed bugs? Sorry. I closed one of them. Just as triage, to make your time better used on coding.01:03
Kamionplease don't close bugs on the basis that it now works for you if you aren't the original submitter01:03
Kamionthat actually uses up more of my time, because I have to go back and check01:04
mjg59mdz: Ot's all done via keycodes now01:05
SurakKamion: did you remove the resize partition option in 0.99.43? It was there friday.01:05
KamionSurak: no, I did not01:05
SurakKamion: forget it. I zeroed the hard drive to test some GRUB bugs.01:05
KamionSurak: you almost certainly no longer have a partition table that partman can resize and insert more partitions into; this often happens because you have too many primary partitioner01:05
Kamion... or that would do it too01:05
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lifelessmdz: I heard there was a distro sprint coming up soon01:07
Surakspecifically, bug 3561401:07
lifelessmdz: I'd like to come along to that to get a stronger sense of the QA challenges you guys face01:07
UbugtuMalone bug 35614 in espresso "grub fails" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3561401:07
KamionI wish people would open new bugs for that01:08
Kamiongrub can fail for all sorts of reasons01:08
Surakit works here. I'm doing some testing to make it break so I can help you, but it insists in working!01:08
Kamionwith Flight CD 6, it will only break if there's a candidate version of grub in the archive newer than what you have installed01:09
KamionI believe the bug to be fixed in more recent versions of espresso, and so I've just closed the bug01:09
Kamion(thought I'd already done so, thanks for the reminder)01:10
SurakOh, you just closed it. It was still as open here, as I probably opened the window about 2h ago :-)01:11
SurakKamion: bug 37199 was fixed too. 01:12
UbugtuMalone bug 37199 in espresso "Espresso does not check wheter the entered passwords are the same" [Normal,Needs info]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3719901:12
KaiL_jcole, do you know, if there are known deadlocks with i915?01:12
mjg59mdz: Oh, BTW - I'll be travelling during tech board tomorrow01:12
HiddenWolflmao, if you order packages by number of bugs, 81 is less than 9. :)01:13
HiddenWolfsomeone confirm I'm not crazy? 01:13
BurgworkHiddenWolf, linky?01:14
KamionSurak: thing is, I could never reproduce that problem in the first place01:14
HiddenWolfhttps://launchpad.net/people/seb128/+packages is the page I was checking01:14
KaiL_jup, same here01:14
KamionSurak: actually, no, ignore that, see my comment in the bug01:14
BurgworkHiddenWolf, the sorting it is doing is by alphabetical, rather than numbeical01:14
KamionSurak: the bug should remain open01:14
KaiL_doesn't say, that you aren't crazy, but that bug really exists :p 01:14
lifelessI've put my name up to get universe upload rights in the next tb meeting. Its at 5am here - how much of a requirement is to be at the meeting ?01:15
HiddenWolfBurgwork: makes the sorting for that column pretty useless01:15
SurakKamion: because of the last comment? About being empty instead of different?01:15
KamionSurak: yes01:15
KamionSurak: thanks for triage though, it helps remind me of things sometimes01:16
BurgworkHiddenWolf, indeed01:17
SurakKamion: as I am not as good as coder as you, but I can still help anyway. Specially in this case, as I know python a little and I did that awful shell script which does the same thing as espresso... 01:18
Kamiongenerally speaking, I'd rather not have people looking around for bugs to close (as mentioned, that mostly just creates more work, because in my experience at best 50% of those closures are valid), but anyone who can dig into a bug a bit and clarify what's going on can make themselves very useful01:19
Kamionwhat my bug list needs is clarification more than anything else, particularly since many installer bug reports are pretty unclear01:20
SurakKamion: the translation is being done through rosetta's debian-installer item, isn't it? I noticed that the "next" "previous" and "cancel" button are never translated, and there are not such items there.01:20
jcoleKaiL_: the ubuntu drivers are just really outdated 01:21
KamionSurak: yes; next/previous/cancel are untranslated at the moment, that's a bug, although hopefully fairly easy to fix01:21
jcoleKaiL_: go here to get the latest videoa driver for your card -> http://dri.freedesktop.org/snapshots/01:21
Kamion"fix up various untranslatable strings" is on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuExpress/ToDo01:22
KaiL_well, if you only go by the date of the file, something seams to be wrong on your system ;)01:22
=== Kamion -> bed before his wife starts dropping more and more obvious hints
SurakI would never look at it there. :-)01:22
KaiL_here the file is dated 2006-04-0501:22
jcoleKaiL_: $ dmesg | grep drm01:22
jcoleKaiL_: [4294686.182000]  [drm]  Initialized drm 1.0.0 2004092501:22
SurakNight Kamion: same thing here. Better go home and leave this for tomorrow. Thanks for your attention.01:23
Surakduh- the first line in wiki is a bug i just opened.01:23
KaiL_jcole, interesting - I wonder, from where this version comes..01:24
jcoleKaiL_:  [4302209.541000]  [drm]  Initialized i915 1.4.0 20060119 on minor 0: <-- notice this line http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134069&highlight=2006011901:24
KaiL_really interesting01:25
jcoleKaiL_: it's the date the debian/ubuntu kernel maintainter(s) downloaded the driver which was a few years ago... i suspect that all drm/dri drivers in ubuntu are outdated01:25
KaiL_maybe only the version number didn't get changed?01:26
jcoleKaiL_: suse and fedora are up to date01:26
jcoleKaiL_: no, i'm missing extensions that should be on my card01:26
KaiL_I can't belive, that all these drivers are 2 years old...01:26
jcoleKaiL_: i suspect this update will make my 3d card work the same on these other distros01:27
jcoleKaiL_: probably because they are not part of the main kernel source tree?01:28
KaiL_aren't they?01:28
jcoleKaiL_: no01:28
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KaiL_I remembered, that the kernel has DRM modules in it's main source tree....01:29
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jcoleKaiL_: where?01:35
jcoleall right... here goes01:36
jcolemodule compile done...01:36
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KaiL_let's see.. (didn't look into the source recently)01:36
Suraknight all.01:37
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mdzlifeless: where did you hear that?01:48
lifelessmdz: some comment during the london sprint. May have misheard/misinterpreted.01:49
mdzlifeless: happy for you to join us, but we won't get together again until after the release01:49
lifelessmdz: thats cool. Wanted to raise it as soon as possible in case it was near01:49
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csmallI have a question that possibly only developers can answer. Regarding performance, comparing RPM based distributions to debian based distributions. Why do RPM based dist seem to run smoother, faster, softer (I know this sounds funny) while debian based dists seem to ...I dunno...hit the disk harder I guess...not the soft smooth feeling of RPM based dists01:52
csmallI just could never figure it out01:52
Amaranthhow can writing new files to the disk not "hit the disk"?01:53
KamionRPM vs. .deb is just a delivery mechanism for files, so that cannot have anything to do with how the system runs01:53
csmallthats all fine and I understand what you mean01:53
csmallI am just trying to explain it in the best way I can01:54
Kamionthe difference must be elsewhere01:54
csmallbut there is a noticable difference01:54
Kyralin a way, RPM and DEB are just frontends to Tar.gz :D01:54
csmallyeah they are just compressed files01:54
=== Amaranth smacks Kyral
Kamionpresumably the kernel shipped by e.g. Red Hat happens to be better for your hardware01:54
Amaranthyou oversimplify things :)01:54
Surakcsmall: try a "apt-get dist-upgrade" in fedora and ubuntu. Then tell me how many minutes more you have to wait in fedora for it just show you the list.01:54
KyralI said "in a way"01:54
Kyraljeez :P01:54
csmallI am not really comparing the package managment01:55
csmallSurak: agreed01:55
csmallbut I mean an overall feel01:55
Amaranthcsmall: perhaps you have dma enabled on the other distro and not on ubuntu?01:55
Surakcsmall: which means rpm can be, in fact, much slower on this particular case.01:55
csmallAmaranth: thats what I was wondering I just installed dapper Iwill chekc if its on01:55
csmallSurak: I mean an overall feel for the entire desktop experience01:55
csmallAmaranth: I will check. I have been using debian religiously for years and I have always wondered why there is this difference in the feel01:56
lifelesscsmall: I dont think there is any relationship betwen the packaging and the feel01:56
HiddenWolfubuntu and debian are the only ones building for 386?01:56
csmallJust thought maybe you guys could offer some insight01:56
AmaranthHiddenWolf: probably01:56
csmalllifeless: I agree, I only mentioned RPM to descibe the distributions I am refering to01:57
HiddenWolfAmaranth: would that _really_ be noticable?01:57
lifelesscsmall: its misleading though, right.01:57
AmaranthHiddenWolf: doubtful01:57
=== Amaranth gets lost
AmaranthHiddenWolf: iirc it's march=386 but mtune=p4 so i think it's just a matter of not using a couple of newer instructions01:58
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Amaranthjdub: oh, it's 486 now?01:58
Amaranthcan't really go any higher because of the via c301:59
jdubit always was iirc01:59
KaiL_VIA should really repair their CPU crap..01:59
Amaranthi'm out of my league here01:59
HiddenWolf*chuckle* Well, whatever you do, current performance will always become the baseline. My dapper feels normal or slow, untill I boot up breezy. :)02:00
AmaranthKaiL_: They don't do anything wrong, they just don't implement one instruction (cmov?) that others do02:00
AmaranthHiddenWolf: hehe, yeah02:00
HiddenWolfJust now, eog took more than a blink to show me a photo, and I was 'damn, slow' 02:00
KaiL_Amaranth, bad enough - afaik except this single instruction, it's an i686, so it's only an i486 with many many additional instructions, which are mostly not used02:00
HiddenWolfMust just have been a microsecond or 2. :)02:01
csmalldma is on, so thats not it. maybeit will always be a mystery heh02:01
Amaranthcsmall: it's harder on the system but from what i've heard it's also faster, maybe that has something to do with it02:01
Amaranthalthough that might be apt vs yum02:02
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KamionKaiL_: actually no, it really is an i686, it's just that every other i686 happens to implement i686+cmov02:20
Kamionoh god, changing gtk's language under its feet is incredibly tedious02:21
Kamionit caches the translations of all stock items02:21
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=== Kamion kludges madly
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lifelessKamion: how can I tell if a motherboard has SATA without plugging it into a monitor and rebooting ?02:56
lifelessKamion: is there some regular device/driver that hints this ?02:57
Kamionlifeless: lspci, look for SATA02:58
Kamionor possibly Serial ATA, or similar02:58
lifelesspity though, looks like my server box is sataless02:59
HiddenWolflifeless: just get the model of moderboard and google for a product/review page03:02
lifelessHiddenWolf: if I knew that, I'd just grab my manuals03:02
Lathiatdmidecode perhaps?03:02
HiddenWolflspci grep ATA shows it for me.03:03
lifelessLathiat: good call. thanks03:03
Lathiatdmidecode works for me on most things like that, if nothign else to get the motherboard model03:03
lifelessproblem is I have lost touch with hardware-level skills03:03
lifelessbeen focused on software for long enough that I'm out of date03:03
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lifelessLathiat: yeah, hindsight - bleeding obvious03:04
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bddebiandh_link creates hardlinks?04:24
ajmitchbddebian: no04:26
bddebianHow do I symlink dirs?  The manpage isn't real clear.  Can I just do dh_link debian/foo/  debian/bar/ ?04:28
bddebiandh_link: link destination debian/qgis/usr/share/doc/qgis is a directory04:30
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bddebianajmitch: So, how can I do a dir?04:42
desrtis anyone else experiencing mime wonkiness?04:45
bddebianmime is wonky to begin with :-)04:48
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bddebianHello fabbione06:34
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dholbachgood morning08:26
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sivangmorning !08:53
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pittiGood morning09:00
ajmitchmorning pitti 09:01
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=== sivang hugs pitti and ajmitch
sivangand dholbach  , ofcourse09:03
tepsipakkig'morning. what component is responsible for showing the volume when pressing volume buttons on laptops?09:04
dholbachhi sivang!09:04
pittihey sivang09:05
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sivangdholbach: :-)09:05
mdke_morning dholbach 09:07
mdke_dholbach, hey, we're thinking of branching the ubuntu-docs repo today sometime, ok with you?09:07
dholbachmdke_: that's ok with me, sure - sorry for not answering the mail earlier09:08
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mdke_dholbach, no problem09:08
mdke_dholbach, it might permit us to eliminate some of those unused icons and reduce the source package size :D09:08
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jdubdholbach: upload u-a crack!09:10
dholbachjdub: ok!09:10
mdke_jdub, i will never be able to read something you write in irc again without asking myself whether you are writing from the "love-sac" or not09:11
Burgundaviamdke: are you scarred for life?09:12
=== mdke nods sadly
sivangmdke: what, when did this happen??09:13
sivanghaving such consequences, it must have been something very shocking..09:14
mdkesivang, I'm reluctant to consign you to the same fate, but it happened when i read http://perkypants.org/blog/2006/04/09/tin-roof-rusted/09:14
=== sivang holds his breath and reads
sivangoh dear09:16
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mvoRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/language-selector/+bug/37065/+index is about the kde interface guidlines. can you give me a hint please :) ?10:14
UbugtuMalone bug 37065 in language-selector language-selector-qt "[OK]  not working." [Normal,Confirmed]  10:14
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pittidholbach: okay for me to upgrade clamav to new upstream release 0.88.1 (from 0.88)? it fixes three security bugs10:22
pittidholbach: http://changelogs.debian.net/clamav -> top entry10:23
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pittihi slomo10:49
slomopitti: hi :)10:49
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hungerCurrently I have about 1GiB logfiles each day! And that on a laptop that is turned of most of the time.11:00
mdkeyou win11:01
hungerklogd is eating up more than 35% CPU time with dd taking the rest... what did you change that produces so much data?!11:01
hungerLooking into it I think I have problems with dm:-(11:02
=== mdke points hunger to the bugtracker
hungerAny idea how I can find out what devicemapper device dm-13 is in normal terms?11:03
hungerIs that the minor number in /dev/mapper?11:03
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stockholmi need to reach clair davis urgently11:06
stockholmis she online?11:06
stockholmdoes someone have a phone number?11:07
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fabbionestockholm: what is the problem? she is in holidays11:09
stockholmfabbione: the problem is that she was (i thought) supposed to write the paper for mark's debconf6 talk and did not do so11:11
stockholmfabbione: and without a paper the talk wont take place11:11
fabbionestockholm: i am pretty sure she will sort it out after eastern as soon as she is back11:12
stockholmfabbione: i sent her reminderrs that the deadline was over last week11:13
fabbionealso.. no need to panic.. it's not like Mark really needs paper to talk for a few hours11:13
stockholmfabbione: the stuff gets printed very soon11:13
stockholmfabbione: we require it for the proceedings.11:13
fabbionestockholm: nothing that can be done now.. she is not online and Mark isn't either.. 11:13
Treenaksfabbione: The organisers want a basic description of what the talk is about, etc., probably11:13
Treenaksstockholm: am I right?11:13
TreenaksI'd say: just wait for sabdfl to join, and ask :)11:14
fabbionestockholm: ok, you know what is the status, you will be able to sort it out with Claire and Mark when they will be back next week.11:14
stockholmhum, right, thanks11:14
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hungerIt is amasing how quiet the system gets as soon as the FS in fixed again:-| sorry for the noise.11:19
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mvojamesh: do you happen to know what magic I have to do to get something > 0 from gtk_get_current_event_time() ?11:31
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jameshmvo: have some events pending11:43
infinitydholbach: Are you doing UVF exceptions for universe?11:44
jameshmvo: with a bit more context, I could probably give a better answer11:44
dholbachinfinity: yes, with the motu-uvf team11:45
infinitydholbach: I'd like a UVF exception for mailutils (fixes a bunch of bugs, looks happy in sid, makes people stop filing bugs about /usr/bin/mail not having an MTA)11:45
dholbachinfinity: go for it11:46
=== infinity goes for it.
=== dholbach hugs infinity
KamionFYI: ubuntu-server seeds merged back into main Ubuntu seeds11:47
Kamion(with any luck)11:47
fabbioneKamion: cool11:51
tsenglamont: your beagle syscall change should go upstream, yeah?11:54
infinitytseng: Yes.11:55
infinitytseng: ia64 isn't the only arch without old-skool _syscall  magic numbers, and some day, they'll go away on all arches.  Eventually.11:55
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tsenginfinity: cheers.11:59
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mvojamesh: sorry, my isp hated me for a couple of minutes12:13
jamesh17:43 <jamesh> mvo: have some events pending12:14
jamesh17:44 <jamesh> mvo: with a bit more context, I could probably give a better answer12:14
Kamionoh, damnit, silbs is on holiday IIRC12:15
mvojamesh: I need it for startup-notification support in gksu, I managed to get my events by sending a syntetic GDK_POPERTY_CHANGE event to a fake-window12:15
Kamionany ubuntu-art moderators here? silbs is the only one listed12:15
jameshmvo: for startup notification, the time should be for the event corresponding to the user action that requested the window12:17
mvojamesh: hm, gksu is called by the menu, so  I would have to extract and use this time to have the exact time information? (gksu itself starts some other app then)12:18
jameshmvo: if the .desktop file says that the app supports startup notification, I think the time gets passed in the environment (iirc)12:18
mvojamesh: I think the problem is that gksu itself is a gtk application so the startup notification stuff (from the panel) things all is done when the password dialog is up12:20
jameshmvo: ah.12:21
jameshmvo: I guess gksu should be starting the privileged process with startup notification then12:21
jameshmvo: probably using the time the user pressed enter in the password dialog as the time12:22
mvojamesh: yes, that is what I'm currently working on12:23
jameshmvo: so a signal handler on the entry's "activate" signal and OK button's "clicked" signals would be appropriate12:24
jameshuse gtk_get_current_event_time() there (they are called while the event is being processed)12:25
Riddellmvo__: hmm, Ok is "make changes and quit" which Cancal is "quit without any changes being having been saved"12:25
Riddellmvo: I think they should be changed to "Install" and "Close"12:25
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mvoRiddell: ok, fine with me12:31
mvojamesh: thanks!12:31
jameshmvo: it worked?12:31
mvojamesh: my approach with the fake-window works (tested it now). the trouble with using the event time from the dialog is that sometimes no dialog is needed (when the sudo password is cached). this just occured to me, so I may have to use (the rather ugly) fake-window approach12:34
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sabdflmvo: ping, are you the right guy to forward some dapper Chinese issues to post l10n sprint?12:44
sabdflwhat's abel's email?12:44
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dholbachsabdfl: abelcheung@gmail.com12:46
mvosabdfl: yes, please forward the mails to me12:46
sabdflthanks guys12:46
sabdflRiddell: ping12:46
Kamionsabdfl: on last night's fc-cache thing, yeah, as elmo/infinity said it's easy to take care of by a diversion - been meaning to do that for a while. I'm just waiting for a current install CD to rsync down so that I can test it now.12:46
Riddellsabdfl: hi12:46
sabdflRiddell: mvo just answered my question in pvt msg, i was wondering if Kubuntu always uses the same fontconfigs as Ubuntu12:47
sabdfli have questions from Intel China re Kubuntu fontconfigs for China12:47
Riddellsabdfl: yes it does12:47
mvosabdfl:  http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/bzr/language-selector/language-selector--mvo/fontconfig/zh_CN is the fontconfig for mainland china12:48
jameshmvo: if no dialog is needed, then the right time to use would be the start time for the application itself12:49
jameshmvo: I wonder if you can get at that easily?12:50
infinityKamion: divert update-initramfs while you're at it.12:50
jamesh(application == gksu here)12:50
Riddellmvo: slightly confusing how Language Selector is called Language Support in the menu12:50
Kamioninfinity: ok, I'll have a look, thanks12:51
Kamionwill do some stopwatch timing12:51
mvojamesh: the start-time of the app started via sudo? I'm not sure that this is possible at all because we need a server timestamp for the startup notification stuff12:51
mvoRiddell: ups, I'm fixing this now12:52
mvoRiddell: hm, hold on12:52
infinityKamion: We should compare lists sometime, so whatever speedups you do to d-i, I get in livefs, and vice versa.12:52
mvoRiddell: IIRC there was some discussion about this at some point and that was why it was renamed ...12:52
infinityKamion: In the next week, pre-beta, might be nice for the installer case. :)12:52
jameshmvo: looks like gdk_x11_display_get_user_time() will give you gksu's startup time if it hasn't popped a dialog12:53
Kamioninfinity: at the moment I only divert scrollkeeper-{update,rebuilddb} and run scrollkeeper-update12:53
jameshmvo: and if it has interacted with the user, it'll return the time of the last user interaction, which is what you want12:53
jameshsounds perfect :)12:53
infinityKamion: Ahh, kay.  Well, fc-cache is a killer, update-initramfs can easily be another few minutes on slow hardware (another 20 or 30 seconds on fast machines)...12:53
infinityKamion: And I assume you already divert invoke-rc.d to avoid that hassle?12:54
Kamioninfinity: debootstrap installs a fake start-stop-daemon, but pkgsel doesn't at present12:55
Kamionhasn't seemed to be a problem so far12:55
Treenaksinfinity: my /boot doesn't understand DMA, so I know what you mean :)12:55
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jameshmvo: the only case where gdk_x11_display_get_user_time() will return 0 is if you haven't interacted with the user, and you weren't started with startup notification or the startup notification ID didn't include the timestamp12:56
infinityKamion: It's not a problem, per se (especially since you reboot right afterward anyway, to make sure the system is in a sane state), but if you're going to be rebooting anyway, it's pointless to start daemons in the postinsts and waste time there.12:56
jameshthat last case shouldn't ever happen with recent libstartup-notification12:57
mvojamesh: that seems to be working nicely, thanks12:57
=== mvo goes to remove cruft from his patch
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mdkeinfinity, thanks for the server guide reviewing *hugs*01:03
infinitymdke: NP, sorry I was a bit cranky and harsh.01:03
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mdkeinfinity, i don't think you were. Much appreciated, thanks01:05
Kamioninfinity: yeah, not disagreeing, just seems to be higher-hanging fruit01:05
infinityKamion: Well, most postinst use invoke-rc.d (and, IMO, they're buggy if they don't), so just diverting that to /bin/true is pretty effortless, and works well.01:06
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sabdflKamion, infinity, Riddell: thanks muchly01:17
sabdflwhat's the best way to reset the system fontconfig? if I have a machine which has been around a while, and want a virgin config there to test with as if it were a new install?01:23
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Treenakssabdfl: check if there's a .dpkg-new file, if so, replace config with that01:24
Treenakssabdfl: and there might be some stuff left-over in ~/.font*01:24
=== jdub prepares some fridge love that will make mjg59 cream his pants.
TreenaksOk, launchpad _really_ needs a qdb module01:32
=== sivang waits anxiously for the news
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=== sivang clicked the pony on the fridge, and seeing the results made him cry
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desrtUbuntu 5.1001:56
desrtOur Price:$3.9501:56
desrtYou Save:$4.00 (50%)01:56
_ionMkay. :-)01:57
sivangdesrt: ?01:57
_ionQuite a bargain.01:57
desrtya.  50% is a lot to save01:57
simira http://www.osdisc.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/products/linux/ubuntu/inst_5x.html?ad=overture01:59
simiraare they really allowed to do that?02:00
desrtof course they are02:00
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desrtan interesting hack would be to burn a slightly-altered version of the gold master containing some 'mere aggregation' of a trivial proprietary product with restricted commercial redistribution terms02:03
desrtso that the CDs that ubuntu sends out for free can't be resold02:03
desrtnot sure what right of first sale would say about that, though02:04
Kamionnot to mention free software morality02:04
tsengwait, these are canonical cds?02:04
desrttseng; maybe?02:04
desrtKamion; pah.  you can always download the official iso :p02:05
tseng*that* would be immoral02:05
tsengi dont see a problem with them selling their own cdrs with ubuntu02:05
desrtKamion; just prevents people from abusing the free-cd program for commercial purposes02:05
desrttseng; ya.  of course that's totally fine02:05
Kamiondesrt: over my dead body as cdimage guy, anyway02:06
desrtKamion; it's not a serious suggestion02:06
Kamiona lot of people watch #ubuntu-devel, I'd rather not have a random unserious suggestion turn up on the news sites as Ubuntu's plans02:06
Kamionso I figured an early refutation was a good plan :)02:07
desrteugenia lurking behind the bushes?  heh.02:07
ajmitchdesrt: given the quality of 'news' on there, I wouldn't be surprised :)02:07
desrtKamion; i say let these people do it :)02:07
Kamion(not saying that folks reselling the Canonical-sent CDs aren't immoral)02:07
desrtKamion; just makes their sites look more ridiculous02:08
desrt(as if osnews isn't already the laughingstock of our world)02:08
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=== desrt reads osnews, sounds like the kubuntu project is about to be scrapped
ajmitchdesrt: that, and the sky is falling02:13
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Kamionsabdfl: right, by my count in vmware, that fc-cache change saves 2 minutes out of 14 or so02:31
Kamion(that 14 being just the pkgsel step, not the whole installation, obviously)02:31
Riddelldesrt: they published a retraction02:37
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Mithrandirheno: your accessibility changes have been merged now, you should hopefully see them in tomorrow's daily-live02:47
jdubmjg59: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/33202:47
henoMithrandir: wooooo! Thanks :)02:48
=== heno looks forward to testing the live CD tomorrow
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henoThat gives me a chance to track down that keyboard issue I have too on a clean system02:49
MithrandirI need to fix casper a tiny bit too, but I'm hoping to get that done now.02:49
Mithrandirgconftool is called as root, so the settings don't affect the ubuntu user. :-P02:50
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Riddellheno: what's the plan about kubuntu winfoss?03:00
henoRiddell: we should get together and look at available disk space and any KDE-like apps you want03:01
henoRiddell: then I'll tweak the look a bit for kubuntu03:01
henoRiddell: what are you using now, the old one?03:02
Riddellheno: currently it's the same as breezy03:02
Riddellheno: disk space seems about right for now03:02
Riddellheno: I wouldn't mind having scribus on there if it's any good03:02
henoRiddell: ok, I'll use that as a starting point then03:02
Riddellmaybe replace audacity or something03:03
henoRiddell: ah, yes that's a nice new addition03:03
henoyep, I've tested scribus briefly. seems ok03:03
henoI'll test it a bit more. It's a good candidate for theopencd as well03:03
Riddellheno: also speedcrunch would be cool http://speedcrunch.digitalfanatics.org/download.html03:04
henoRiddell: does it look as pretty as that icon now, or as ugly as it was in the past? ;)03:06
henoI guess it has a rather small user group (but you decide)03:07
Riddellheno: does which?03:07
henospeedcrunch is rather plain looking, no?03:07
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Riddellheno: it's got a keypad now, which keeps the moaners quiet03:08
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_ionDoes it support RPN?03:09
henoRiddell: Right, I'll have a look. 03:09
heno3.8 MB is rather large for a calculator. Can these things be made to share the Qt libs in some way?03:10
henoAs gimp and gaim do with gtk03:10
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Riddellspeedcrunch is qt 4, scribus is qt 3 so no03:10
henoah, ok03:10
henohow is kexi and kde-pim, and hot new developments there?03:11
Riddelloh yes, there might be a new version of kexi03:11
henoor should I go with the same packages as before?03:11
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henook, cool. I'll look03:11
heno... kexi 2006 edition, released in march03:14
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pittidholbach: tang{o,erine}-icon-theme approved, sorry for the delay03:23
pittidoko: openoffice.org-en-au approved; however, I hesitate adding it to l-support-en, since it would blow up the CD03:26
pittimvo, jordi: ttf-lao approved for main; however, how should we handle that? will fontconfig etc. work well enough to include it into u-desktop? or should it become a l-support-lo dependency (ugly)?03:29
dokopitti: ok03:31
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mvopitti: it should work well enough for u-d, there are no common glyphs with other CJK fonts03:33
pittiheno: xcursor-themes approved, so please seed it/depend on it/whatever is appropriate03:34
henopitti: great, thanks :)03:35
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henoMithrandir: ^^ After testing the current CD I'll probably ask you to add xcursor-themes to the seed as well. I'll coordinate the config settings with Luke03:36
Mithrandirhe will want to merge some changes I'm doing now first.03:37
ograKamion, this fifo stuff seems to be a metter of luck, sometimes it works and sometimes the backgrounded process i try to read from just dies silently ... 03:38
Lathiathrm, quagga03:44
Lathiathas a question on prerm of medium priority which is "do you really want to stop quagga"03:44
Lathiatwhich on ubuntu gets skipped, and causes prerm to fail03:44
Lathiatwould it be reasonable to bump that to high?03:44
Lathiatbreaks upgrading, for example03:45
Lathiat(as it just did for me)03:45
infinityIf the prerm fails when the question is answered incorrectly, why does the question exist at all?03:45
Lathiatinfinity: the question is03:45
Lathiatinfinity: "do you relaly want to stop quagga"03:45
Lathiatwhich is medium, and edefauls to false03:45
Lathiatand is ignored so it just abortsd03:45
Lathiati assume in debian the default priority shows medium questions03:45
infinityYes, my point is that if there's only one correct answer, the question shouldn't be asked.03:45
Lathiati think the question is03:46
Lathiat"i'm about to upgrade quagga"03:46
Lathiat"if i stop it, you might lose connetivity"03:46
Lathiat"you sure?"03:46
infinitypcmcia-cs had a similar question, with equal irritation.03:46
infinitySee what that does now and follow suit.03:47
Lathiati mean, its a valid question, bu shoudlnt it be priority high?03:47
infinityMy gut feeling would be to change the default answer.03:47
Lathiati'd be inclined otherwise03:47
Lathiatto make it high?03:47
infinityMost users just want to upgrade (and at that point have already downloaded packages)03:47
Lathiatnot tha ti have alot of experience in that area or on what others do03:47
ajmitchmost users wouldn't want to run quagga without really knowing what it does :)03:48
Lathiatsure, but it might not be obvious why your dist-upgrade barfs halfway through03:48
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Lathiathell it took me a few minues to figur eit out, and i had to dig aroudn the prerm file.03:48
Lathiatinfinity: it seems to lack the question entirely03:49
ajmitchLathiat: I'm not saying it should be kept broken03:50
=== Lathiat thinks that, a question, which if not answerre dbreaks the upgrade process, should be priority high, at least
Lathiati guess whether or not to ask at all is another question03:52
maswanheh, after a workalike to that xscreensaver vulnerability hit me in the late 90ies, I alwasy make sure to not have focus in any window when locking the screen. :)04:05
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DizietYay!  I finally managed to get firefox to start with a Spanish home page.  Now all I have to do is automate my fiddlings.04:17
sladenDiziet: can you get it to replace the start-page URL with an empty URL too rather than file:///mucho-wankage04:18
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DizietErr ?  You want it to start with a blank page ?04:25
lifelessDiziet: I think he wants it to show the start page04:27
lifelessDiziet: but not the url. 04:27
lifelessso that users dont have to delete the url every-single-time-they-hit-ctrl-T04:28
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Treenaksreplace about:blank with the intro pagE?04:28
Treenaksscary :)t 04:29
DizietI'm definitely unconvinced by that as an idea.04:31
infinityI'm fairly sure it's a simple XUL/JS one-liner to clear the address bar.04:33
infinityThe idea does have merit.04:34
Kamionthey don't have to put any effort into deleting the URL - just ctrl-L <type stuff>04:34
Kamionor highlight the URL and type04:34
infinityNo one cares that they're looking at file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html, they care that they just started a browser and want to use it.04:34
infinity(It makes the page feel more "built-in" that way)04:34
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infinityAn empty address bar screams "type in my and see what happens!"04:35
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MithrandirTheMuso: please merge my casper changes if you want to give me something to update from.04:37
infinityIt also resolves the "should a single click insert or hilight?" debate once and for all, I think, since the number one time a user wants to single-click-to-retype-the-url is when they start a fresh browser.04:37
infinityIf a fresh browser has nothing in the URL bar, problem solved. :)04:38
infinity(For the record, I'm firmly on the "single click should insert" side of that debate)04:38
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ploumIs there a way to get the previous version of a package in Dapper ? I'm looking to the previous nvidia-glx one in order to track something. (if anyone has it in his /var/cache/apt/archives, I would appreciate)04:39
infinityploum: The 8178 driver, from lrm
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plouminfinity: yes, I guess it's that one04:40
infinityploum: Hang on a second.04:41
ploum(I have a lot of freeze with nautilus and epiphany and I want to try if they are related to the driver)04:41
infinityploum: i386 or amd64?04:43
sladenDiziet: yes.  intro-page (unless they have set their own start-page), but with empty URL bar and focus in the URL bar04:43
infinityploum: http://people.ubuntu.com/~adconrad/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15_2.6.15.7-4/04:44
infinityploum: Be sure to downgrade all related packages (LRM and LRM-common as well), not just nvidia-glx.04:45
infinityploum: And reboot between tests.04:45
plouminfinity: many thanks :-)04:45
ploumI will do that04:45
freeflying-ibookjdub: ping04:45
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sladenDiziet: I did look at it once.  It requires starting having that start page load with permission to talk to the chrome04:46
ploumso, let's go for reboot.. (I hate that)04:47
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sladeninfinity: /proc/bus/pnp seems to have disappeared and the sysfs equivalent seems underpopulated.  what's a good way to 'lspnp' these days?04:50
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bandinimmh bug-buddy seems to segfault with today's update. anyone else seeing this? (crashes in md5_get_digest_from_file())04:54
seb128that's not from today04:56
bandinimmh ooutdated mirror of mine?04:57
bandini2.14.0-0ubuntu1, here04:59
janimoinfinity: any eta on xubuntu-live? thanks05:02
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ograwow, fabbione, you made someone really happy in bug 3527 :)05:17
UbugtuMalone bug 3527 in Ubuntu Breezy "OpenGL screensaver freezes!!" [Normal,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/352705:17
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dholbachogra: btw the new dia is in debian - it might only be a sync - just saw the upload mail, dunno how well it'd work for us05:32
ograi'll do a testbuild today and ask for the sync05:33
ogra(in fact that was what i was hoping for)05:33
dholbachseem it was the right day to sign up for debian-devel-changes :)05:34
ograhehe :)05:34
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lifelessogra: gss is still bust for me05:42
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lifelessogra: and when it goes bad, so does my metacity mouse-focus behaviour05:42
ogralifeless, with 2.14.1 ?05:43
lifelessogra: ah, no.05:44
lifelesswill try05:44
DizietAnyone here use es_ES, fi_FI, lt, pl_PL, ru_RU, sk, sv_SE, or zh_CN ?05:45
DizietAnd would you be willing to try an under-the-table m-f-l-* package for me ?05:45
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DizietI've tried it myself of course and it seems to work but IWBN to test it in a `real' system.05:45
DizietOK, I'll try in #ubuntu.05:46
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bddebianHow can I symlink dirs?  dh_link seems to fail on directories?06:27
Kinnisonaccording to the manpage it shouldn't06:33
Kinnisonthe second example indicates a symlink of directories06:33
bddebianI know but it does06:33
bddebianfail that is06:34
seb128maybe you don't use it correctly?06:34
bddebianGah, will guys quit fixing things, my dist-upgrades take forever.. :-)06:34
Kamionbddebian: it won't work right if the target directory already exists06:34
bddebianseb128: Probably not, that's why I'm asking06:34
bddebianKamion: Ahhh06:35
Kamioni.e. it won't remove the target directory for you if something else already created it06:35
Kamionsuch as make install or dh_install06:35
Kamionwhy so bad? it's usually easy to fix up paths in whatever's doing the installation06:35
bddebianHmm, can I wildcard it?  dh_link /foo/bar/* /bar/foo/* ?06:35
Kamionjust fix whatever's installing to the directory that you want to be a symlink06:36
Kamionit should probably install to the target of the symlink instead06:36
seb128speaking about link, I'm not sure but is there a bug 06:36
bddebianKamion: Well qgis's help path is hardcoded in the app for /usr/share/qgis/doc and Debian is installing in /usr/share/doc/qgis/06:36
seb128if package n-1 has dir_name and package n makes it a symlink on other_dir_name06:36
seb128does that work?06:37
azeembddebian: then that hardcoded path should be patched, IMHO06:37
Kamionbddebian: change qgis' Makefile to install somewhere else, then06:37
bddebianazeem: Agreed06:37
seb128I think that's something known but I'm not sure06:37
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Kamionor mv and rmdir, whatever's needed06:37
bddebianBut it always comes bad to the question of how far to veer from Debian06:37
bddebianErr s/bad/back/06:37
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Chipzzbddebian: given the rules of shell wildcard expansion, how *would* that work?06:38
azeembddebian: well, it looks like the right fix06:38
bddebianChipzz: It was just a question. :-)  I'm a little slow06:38
azeemso submit the patch to Debian as well, maybe?06:38
ogramdz, the patch for fullscreen preview in g-s-s landed in g-s-s CVS today, if i could include it, that would make doko a happy man (we talked about it before and you said we'd have to wait if upstream accepts it)06:38
Chipzzbddebian: ;)06:38
mdzogra: is the openGL visual problem fixed yet?  that is much more important06:39
bddebianazeem: You Debian types ignore my patches.. ;-P06:39
ogramdz, nope06:39
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ogra(i know about its importance)06:39
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sladenregarding #22045, I've also noticed that the openGL hacks aren't getting a z-buffer, so it's possible they're not getting double-buffered either06:44
ogramdz, i was hoping for the announced patch in that bug06:44
ograelse i could indeed need help with that one, i still have no machine where i could reproduce it06:45
mdzogra: announced patch?06:45
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ogramdz, see the comment from Bart Hartgers in that bug06:46
mdzogra: many of us here in the channel can reproduce it06:46
ogra"I might be able to help. I've a radeon 9200 in my desktop that has the same problem, and I am halfway done with a patch agains 2.14 to fix this on my system."06:46
mdzthat was a week ago06:47
mdzogra: I'm sure you can get an account on a machine you can use to reproduce the bug06:47
mdzI can give you an account on mine, but it would probably be better with someone in a closer time zone so they could answer questions about the display if needed06:48
mdzperhaps email Bart and ask if he can give you his incomplete work for you to use as a starting point06:49
mdzanything but wait06:49
ograthat was my plan, i wanted to give him some time since he volunteers06:49
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mdzthere's no shame in asking for his code; you're offering to help him finish it06:55
mdzogra: also, was the xscreensaver patch for thin clients carried over to gnome-screensaver?06:57
mdzor does it provide some other mechanism?06:57
ograits using gconf keys i was thinking about to just unset the key for the hacks ... 06:58
ogra(g-s-s calls that throttling)06:58
mdzhow does it work?  does ldm set them on the ssh command line?06:59
ograbut adding it to g-s-s is trivial (its a two line patch)06:59
mdzoh, so that's currently broken?  is there a bug open?06:59
ograi'd set them from ltsp's postinst ... so we have a system setting and if the user insists to use hacks, he's still able to06:59
ogranope, i think you closed it ... it was the same bug i carried over ...07:00
ograits still on my TODO, so dont worry, wont get lost07:00
ograMithrandir, did you set the RUNNING_UNDER_GDM env var from casper again (while we're at g-s-s)07:01
mdzogra: if I close a bug because it was fixed, and it has been unfixed without my knowledge, it is appropriate to correct me :-)07:01
ogramdz, ok, i'll reopen it (it were two bugs about the same issue in two packages and i have it on my list anyway)07:02
mdzogra: I didn't close it; it's bug #1859507:03
UbugtuMalone bug 18595 in xscreensaver "Needs to disable graphics-intensive modes for LTSP" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/1859507:03
ogrameh, right, but it indeed doesnt show up in the g-s-s buglist :)07:03
bddebianHeya LaserJock07:04
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RiddellKamion: i18n working well in kde-espresso07:11
RiddellKamion: is there a way on the Ready label to not include "ubuntu"?  so it can be changed to Kubuntu?07:11
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Riddelland probably ogra will want his to say edubuntu somehow07:11
sladenRiddell: could it be de-branded completely ?07:12
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ograisnt that what espresso-ubuntu-artwork is for ? 07:13
Riddellsladen: the string says "Ubuntu is now ready to install", that could be de-branded but it's not a bad string to have like that07:14
Riddellof course I could just run s/Ub/Kub/ in the frontend easily enough07:14
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BurgworkRiddell, why not just say "Ready to install"?07:15
Burgworkas branding in espresso is bad and should be avoided07:15
sladenogra: grep -rci opengl gnome-screensaver-*  = 0  does it actually do any  gdk_gl_ specific calls, or leave that to the hacks?07:17
RiddellBurgwork: that could well be the best way, although it does seem quite nice to know what you're installing07:17
BurgworkRiddell, you already do - Ubuntu07:18
RiddellBurgwork: I'm not installing ubuntu, that's the point :)07:18
Burgworkif an Ubuntu live cd installs Fedora, I would concerned07:19
sladenRiddell: the image in the background, the desktop, the front of the CD, and the CD sleave should give you a good hint07:19
RiddellI'm not against the idea, I just follow Kamion, poke him07:19
sladenanything that is shipped with 'Ubuntu' in the name is unattractive for other derivers07:20
Burgworksladen, I am fairly certain this is a simple mistake, as Kamion is pretty busy and probably just missed it07:21
ograsladen, it sadly leaves it to the hacks, which is wrong, since you cant force the hacks visual in --root mode07:21
ograxss just selects the visuall according to what xscreensaver-gl-helper gives it07:22
ograand sets it in the daemon07:22
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KamionRiddell: the "ready" label was awkward, I couldn't come up with a good phrasing that excluded Ubuntu07:28
Kamionsuggestions welcome07:28
Kamionyou can't do s/Ub/Kub/ as not all translations will include "Ub"07:28
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Burgwork"Finish Install"07:29
Kamionthe sentence needs to be rephrased from the current "Ubuntu is ready to install on this computer."07:29
KamionBurgwork: not a heading07:29
Kamionthe heading is "Ready to install"07:29
Burgwork"You are now ready to complete the installation"07:29
Kamionsounds clunky, I'm afraid07:29
sladenor  Complete Installation.07:29
Kamionto me anyway07:30
ogras/Ubuntu/The System/ ?07:30
Kamionsladen: that's a heading, not appropriate07:30
Kamionogra: ugh07:30
Kamionthe system is ready to install onto your computer machine thing noun.07:30
Kamion"system" works elsewhere, but not there, IMHO07:30
Kamionthe welcome label needs to be rephrased too07:30
Kamion Ready to install? Once you answer a few questions, Ubuntu can be installed07:30
Kamion on this computer so you can run the system at full speed and without the07:30
ograprobably "I am" ?07:31
Kamion CD.07:31
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ograhas a personal note07:31
Kamionogra: I'm avoiding anthropomorphisation07:31
Kamiondoesn't sound right in espresso07:31
sladenogra: xscreensaver-gl-helper is only a separate binary to avoid linking xss against libGL.   gdk_gl_query() && gtk_gl_area_new([GDK_GL_RGBA, GDK_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, GDK_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 1, GDK_GL_NONE] );   should do what's needed.  (or abuse glXChooseVisual() directly on the root window)07:33
janimoKamion, for xubuntu art in the gfx boot will a .pcx file suffice?07:33
janimoif so how do you prefer it? bug against d-i, personal mail etc07:34
ograsladen, thanks !07:34
Kamionjanimo: just point me to a usplash image and I can do the conversion07:34
Kamionjanimo: bug against debian-cd07:34
janimoKamion, oh cool. xubuntu-artwork has the usplash07:34
janimothat's the source package07:34
Kamionok, file me a bug and I'll try to look at it tomorrow07:34
janimook, thanks07:35
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sivangre all07:56
=== sivang gets back to HUBing
mdzKamion: is the lack of an initrd.list in the archive a d-i problem or a soyuz problem?07:57
jordipitti: thanksf or ttf-lao07:58
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Kamionmdz: it's called udeb.list now, in line with changes made in Debian to help the archive track which sources it needs to keep around for GPL requirements; might have slightly different contents07:58
Kamionit's a directory or two up, too07:58
ograoh fun, libgtkgl2.0-dev is indeed in universe ...08:10
ograergh, but gtkglarea5-dev (gtk 1.2) is in main ????08:10
wasabi_http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/032142722X/desktoplinuxa-20/104-8693816-3330301   <--- nice08:11
Burgworkwasabi_, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0132435942/ref=pd_sxp_elt_l1/002-9576091-6069611?n=283155 <-- better ;)08:11
ograpitti, ^^^ didnt you clean up the gtk 1.2 mess already ? 08:11
pittiogra: ~ 7 packages still b-dep on it08:12
_mvo_"foreword by Mark Shuttleworth"08:12
pittiogra: it's still on my wishlist to clean that up, but it's work08:12
wasabi_mvo, grab latest GAptI. 08:12
wasabi_When you get a chance. ;)08:12
ograi might need libgtkgl2.0-dev for g-s-s :/08:12
mdzyay, awty unbroken now08:13
Burgwork_mvo_, I might be a little biased of course...08:13
pittimdz: what does that tool do?08:13
_mvo_Burgwork: sure ;)08:13
mdzpitti: reports the versions of packages in many places, from the archive to the CDs08:13
_mvo_wasabi_: pulling08:13
mdzso we can see when a new version is propagated08:13
wasabi_mvo, it's pretty much all implemented and works. Some parts are a bit hacky, because I need to find proper ways to do it.08:14
wasabi_I also need a little better tie between gapti and synaptic for installation.08:14
_mvo_wasabi_: anything you need in synaptic for this?08:14
pittimdz: it sounds like a tool that collects build failure states, anastacia inconsistencies, etc. and print a summary report :)08:14
mdzKinnison: is the drescher archive exported via http anywhere?08:14
wasabi_Yeah. I'd like a way to add a key to apt-key, with the proper confirmation dialog.08:14
mdzpitti: it can grow ;-)08:14
wasabi_Right now I'm using some of your code in gnome-software-properties.08:14
mvowasabi_: you send a mail/bug-report for this, right?08:15
wasabi_the apt_key class in dialog_apt_key.py08:15
sivangBurgwork: I'm honnored to know you :)08:15
mvowasabi_:  ok, I'll have a look. loads of stuff going on currently, sorry for the lag08:15
wasabi_I was also considering writing my own package installation dialog for it, like update-manager. I would like to talk with you 1on1 about it though.08:15
wasabi_Since it might actually fit into Synaptic.08:16
wasabi_I don't just want to initiate an install for whatever packages are listed. Would rather have a screen so the user can see what is going to be installed, and not just as "raw" as synaptic.08:16
mvowasabi_: update-manager is using synaptic as backend, the dist-upgrader is independent 08:17
mvowasabi_: if you want your own (based on apt.InstallProgress/FetchProgress) we should probably move it into python-apt or python-apt-gtk or something like this08:17
=== pitti yays at cups 1.2rc2 - the spooler, authentication, etc. finally works fine :) of course it doesn't print, but who needs that anyway...
wasabi_Something akin to how OS X and windows installers are.   It shows a list of what will be installed, top leve items, like "Photoshop", and then under that has conditionals that you can choose like "Extra Brushes"... see wha tI mean? Those are recognized as Suggests and Recommends.08:17
wasabi_But the interface needs to be a bit better at conveying the idea.08:17
wasabi_And not inunduating the user with tons of things like package-common package-base, package-foo, libfoo, libbar, etc.08:18
sivangpitti: hehe08:18
sivangpitti: yes, paper is going to deprecated in not time anywyas08:18
pittisivang: still, rc1 was a real mess, as were previous snapshots; so I'm hopeful again08:19
mvowasabi_: right. if it's only about installing that shouldn't be a problem08:19
wasabi_It's something which we could benefit from in synaptic primem but which makes a real lot of sense when real users start clicking on .apt files.08:20
wasabi_I'm going to put together at least a little UI mockup for it.08:20
=== mvo looks up primem
mvowasabi_: cool, thanks!08:21
wasabi_Anyways, gapti actually works. Adds the key, etc.08:21
wasabi_Installs the packages.08:21
wasabi_Not sure ow to tell the browser it's allowed to open the file yet, though. ;008:21
Mithrandirogra: running_under_gdm has always been set.08:22
ograuuh, really 08:22
ograthats odd, then something in g-s-s is wrong08:22
wasabi_Obviously it's not set in stone yet. I think I'm going to change the .apt file format... and want some other input on that.08:22
wasabi_Instead of having PublicKey, require the entire file to be cleartext signed by the key.08:23
wasabi_That way the file must originate from the same source whose archives are being added.08:23
mvoright, that sounds sensible08:25
Riddellpitti: will you be able to review kmplayer and knetworkmanager for main inclusion before beta freeze?08:26
wasabi_Also, I want to talk about this in a better forum. For the entire idea to succeed, there has to be some marketing push behind it.08:26
pittiRiddell: yes, will process the list in the next days08:26
wasabi_We want ISVs to actually support it, and publish their software with it.08:26
pittiRiddell: kmplayer sounds suspicious :) is it *that* mplayer/08:27
Riddellpitti: we use the xine plugin08:27
Riddelland don't even build the mplayer one as I remember08:27
jordiRiddell: any news about that pot?08:29
Riddelljordi: which one?  katapult?08:29
Riddelljordi: no response from mez yet, I'll send him another e-mail08:30
bddebianUhm, interesting new background :-)08:30
Riddellbddebian: where?08:30
bddebianRiddell: Gnome 08:30
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pittiwow, cups prints!!!08:30
netstarIt seems the r200_dri.so is not bundled with Dapper08:31
MithrandirI'd be more surprised if cups was scanning.08:31
pittiMithrandir: after all the mess and failures I have seen in the last weeks, this is a miracle, really!08:31
=== mvo giggles
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=== Chipzz pokes mvo ;)
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Chipzz20:33 -NickServ(NickServ@services.)- You have already identified08:33
netstarhow can I search all packages in repositories for a file name?08:34
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mvoKamion: re launchpad bug #36022, I understand that we work-around the problem for now?08:36
UbugtuMalone bug 36022 in launchpad-upload-and-queue "change-override can't handle pockets" [Major,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3602208:36
sivangindeed interesting background08:43
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lucasI've got a problem with librmagick-ruby. There are several bugs which would justify an update for breezy.09:28
lucasI initially asked mdz and Kamion about an upload through breezy-updates. I was asked to contact the breezy-backports team instead. I did, and after a long delay, I'm told that packages in breezy-backports must be backported without modifying the dapper source.09:30
lucasthis is not possible with librmagick-ruby.09:30
lucaswhat should I do ?09:30
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mdzlucas: why do you feel that it is impossible?09:36
mdzlucas: it is acceptable to modify the package in dapper to allow it to build correctly on breezy as well09:37
lucasbecause, for example, there's a build-dep on debhelper >= 509:37
lucasI don't understand why breezy-backports packages should be built using dapper sources09:37
tsengbecause it would be a mess to have specific breezy-backports sources09:38
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lucasok. I'm tired of those librmagick-ruby issues. What should I do : mark the bugs as rejected, or leave them open, hoping that somebody will fix them someday ?09:39
pittilucas: these bugs aren't fixed in dapper?09:40
lucasthey are09:40
lucasthey are Fix Released for Dapper, but still open in breezy09:41
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Burgworkinfinity, do you enjoy doing janitor work as other people play in the sandbox? :)09:54
mdkewho knows what the "P" stands for in the ubuntu-server "Install a LAMP server" option?09:55
tsengmdke: thats a trick question09:55
sivangmdke: python probably :)09:55
tsengmdke: it stands for php/perl/python, take your pick.09:56
mdketseng, I've written: to install a LAMP server (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Perl/Python), select blah09:56
mdkeoh good09:56
tsengi am not sure that it installs all those, though09:56
sivangmdke: we hae something like that in ubuntu server?09:56
tsengis there a meta package?09:56
=== mdke pats wikipedia
mdketseng, I'm not sure... there is an option in the boot screen, it seems: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jsgotangco/126410755/09:57
tsengis that something he has made custom?09:57
tsengi havent seen that.09:58
tsengthe official server cd installs ubuntu-minimal and ubuntu-server, not lamp out of the box last I saw09:58
mdzpitti,Kamion: would it make sense to consider Malone for UbuntuMainInclusionQueue, or do you prefer the wiki workflow?09:59
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mdketseng, I think that's a screenshot from flight 610:00
mdke(of the server cd)10:00
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janimomdz, hi. I can answer your mail in detail tomorrow10:02
mdzjanimo: ok, thanks10:05
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luopiohi all. I was hired to develop a live-cd for the IOI (International Olympiad in Informatics). The current live cd uses Morphix, but I'm leaning toward switching to Ubuntu. I'd be interested to hear how stable 6.06 live cd is. Any experiences?10:14
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bluefoxicy"The kernel freeze is a deadline for kernel updates, since they require several lockstep actions which must be folded into the CD building process."10:15
Tm_Tluopio: toimii10:15
bluefoxicySomeone explain to me why exactly this can't be automated10:15
Tm_Tluopio: I mean. works, though this is wrong channel for that kind of questions10:15
luopioTm_T: mutta kauanko? :)10:15
tsengbluefoxicy: because its a waste of time to solve something in software when you don't have to10:15
Tm_Tluopio: see you in #ubuntu-fi, ok?10:16
luopioTm_T: ok10:16
bluefoxicytseng:  so as opposed to changing the kernel package, you have to...?   Change the kernel package, alter scripts to copy vmlinuz-{version}{thing}-01, change the location of modules hard-coded into a script...?10:16
tsenguh, what10:16
bluefoxicytseng:  I just don't understand the problem at all, perhaps you could explain what it takes to build a CD besides picking packages and running a build script10:17
bluefoxicyis there an #ubuntu-mkcd or such?10:17
tsengexactly that, but you dont just change core packages like the kernel in the middle of the process10:17
tseng"lockstep actions" include having a matching version of linux-restricted-modules10:18
bluefoxicyI would assume you would do something like drop in a new kernel core package, rebuild the CD, burn/qemu, test, and then nod and smile when it works10:18
tsengwhich can sometimes lag by days10:18
tsengand would give you a broken cd image10:18
bluefoxicyyes I've seen that10:18
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tsengand the testing process for flight cds is a litle more involved10:18
tsengincluding installs and livecd tests on at least 3 archs10:19
bluefoxicyhowever I'm assuming that you don't release kernel-x without -restricted-modules-x10:19
tsengyou assumed wrong10:19
tsengrolling a flight release is a big production.10:19
ograthe kernel is also part of the installer and bootprocess of the CD ... that needs manual intervention10:19
Mithrandirtseng: for each of ubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu and now xubuntu, yes.  So it's a large amount of testing.10:19
tsengMithrandir: indeed.10:19
bluefoxicythis isn't fairly distributed between devs?10:20
bluefoxicyI would think for each project there's a dev sitting around who can test it10:20
bluefoxicyas opposed to one guy in his basement with 60 hot pockets rabidly changing CDs between 5 machines and 2 qemu installs10:20
tsengthere are about 30 "core dev" folks atm10:20
ograyou still have to download the isos, burn them and install them before testing10:20
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: sure, it'd be ideal if we had an army of testers who jumped at every opportunity to test a new fresh image.  Unfortunately we don't.10:21
tsengonly a handful are responsible for release management10:21
ograedubuntu are 6 CDs i have to sync ... if i discover something critical i can rebuild the whole set and start over 10:21
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: it's also that we don't want to have to stop development for a day or two every second week because we're releasing a flight.  Just freezing the archive slows us down enough.10:21
ogratesting flights is very time consuming ...10:21
bluefoxicyso one more question10:22
bluefoxicykernel freeze is may 18, 2.6.16 is out, 2.6.17 is in RC1 so it probably won't be out by next month, unless tehy release before RC9 this time10:22
bluefoxicy(what was Linus' record, RC14?)10:22
Mithrandirour 2.6.15 is probably fairly close to
bluefoxicyis it likely we will see 2.6.16 in Dapper, or is it more probable that we're sticking with .15 + bug fixes?10:23
tseng.15 is a sure bet10:23
tsengif you have a bug solved in a later release, file it now10:24
tsengget it backported10:24
bluefoxicyI don't, I am more trying to find a bug solved and don't know if it is even relavent.  The LKML totally ignored the message I posted asking.10:24
tsengI have some ideas why :)10:24
bluefoxicythat would, btw, be that the via DRM driver in the kernel causes hard freezes10:24
bluefoxicywhen i boot X using driver 'via' I pretty much die on screen savers :/10:25
bluefoxicyif I look in time, dmesg starts piling up with oopses on various things, once in a while there's a NULL pointer deref in kernel space, etc.10:25
bluefoxicyI have no idea if it's fixed in a newer release, maybe I should build a 2.6.17 some time and see.10:26
bluefoxicyit's a mix between plain laziness, and not wanting to test something that's going to crash my production PC, which I hate shutting down anyway10:26
crimsun(you're already running dapper on your production...)10:27
bluefoxicybut either way, it otherwise works10:27
ogracrimsun, shhh10:27
bluefoxicycrimsun:  yes, witth visible effects10:27
bluefoxicy(rhythmbox:16578): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_pad_push: assertion `GST_IS_PAD (pad)' failed10:27
bluefoxicySegmentation fault10:27
bluefoxicyThat being a recurrant one :)10:27
bluefoxicycrimsun:  my strategy is pretty much, "If it breaks, I find a work-around to keep the system alive until they fix it, and file a bug."10:28
bluefoxicyat least I'm contributing something ;)10:28
bluefoxicyat any rate, no chance of 2.6.16+ in dapper, not a big deal.  I was just curious.10:29
diemantetex-bin paper size bugs are 6 years old in debian10:29
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bluefoxicytseng:  what I'm hoping for is Dapper+1 having the network authentication stuff.  Fedora and RHEL already have a nice quick set-up interface for that on first boot, just check off LDAP and configure it.10:33
=== bluefoxicy <3 where ubuntu is going :)
bluefoxicyof course they also have rpm rollbacks, which is important too.  deb rollbacks would be great, install a broken package, roll it back to a working one.  That's an important feature for enterprise data centers.10:34
Mithrandirit'd be really sweet to have a proper AD killer.10:34
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  you can set up roaming profiles on LDAP, what else does AD do?10:35
Mithrandircentral handling of user accounts, both the user info and the password part.10:35
bluefoxicyldap does that10:36
Mithrandirit also gives you nice things like two-way authentication of services.10:36
wasabi_I've been having some probs with restricted-modules.10:36
bluefoxicywhat we need is a UI to configure OpenLDAP and administrate it (Directory Administrator is nice... but something closer to our current utils would be good)10:36
wasabi_Not running depmod properly.10:36
bluefoxicyA configuration util for OLDAP is non-existent10:36
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: you shouldn't have your passwords in ldap.10:36
wasabi_Havne't been able to pinpoint the problem, beacuse running depmod fixes it. ;010:36
bluefoxicywe'd need something to set up the server, initialize the things for storing passwords and accounts in MD5, import or generate an openssl X.509 cert, set up TLS...10:37
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wasabi_bluefoxicy: I've written a large wiki article describing such a utility.10:37
wasabi_And how it would fit into the entire lifecycle.10:38
wasabi_what was it called. one sec.10:38
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wasabi_Basically it just becomes a meta model around a few pieces of knowledge: domain name, computer account, etc.10:39
pittimdz: I don't have a problem with the wiki, it's fast to handle; you think about handling reports like specs?10:39
mdzpitti: just a thought; since you two are most directly involved, do what works best for you10:40
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mdzthe sync processing in malone seems to be working very smoothly10:40
diemanwasabi_: oo10:42
diemanwasabi_: very interesting10:42
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wasabi_THe individual pieces should really be fixed before we move on though.10:42
diemani just skimmed it10:43
wasabi_libnss_ldap should discover it's info from DNS properly, which it doesn't.10:43
wasabi_libpam-krb5 barely functions.10:43
diemanwe're actually still a nis shop here10:43
wasabi_Doesn't create keys right.10:43
wasabi_Need a daemon per-user and per-machine that keeps cache updated10:43
wasabi_needs a daemon per machine that changes password on a schedule.10:43
wasabi_Needs something to keep /etc/krb5.keytab uptodate with all of that.10:43
wasabi_libnss_ldap needs to fall back properly to a slave LDAP server.10:44
wasabi_it finds one from DNS< but it if fails it doesn't look again.10:44
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  why sohuldn't passwords be in ldap10:45
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wasabi_Nothing wrong with storing passwords in LDAP imo... Just shouldn't use LDAP for actual auth. ;010:45
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wasabi_krb5 is there. ;)10:46
bluefoxicywasabi_:  ldap over TLS10:46
wasabi_Not much need for that with krb5.10:46
wasabi_Which provides channel encryption on it's own.10:46
bluefoxicyKRB5 does what10:46
bluefoxicyI know10:46
bluefoxicyTLS does certificated authentication with X.509 certificates verifiable against a certificate authority10:47
wasabi_Ticket based auth. It's what AD uses.10:47
bluefoxicyticket based auth?10:47
wasabi_A user logs in by asking kerberos to send them a ticket.10:47
wasabi_They use that ticket to access subsequent services, without being reasked for password.10:47
wasabi_single sign-on, etc.10:47
bluefoxicyyou could LDAP with KRB5 as a backend10:47
wasabi_For instance, reading the user list from LDAP should be a privledged operation.10:47
bluefoxicyother way10:48
bluefoxicyKRB5 with LDAP as a backend10:48
wasabi_Sure, but mit krb5 doesn't do that well, and heimdal only does that with samba built extensions.10:48
Mithrandirwasabi_: uh, how can that be a priviledged operation?10:48
bluefoxicyso security wise they're equivalent, but functionality wise KRB5 allows for single sign-on?10:48
wasabi_Mithrandir: You log onto your system with a kerberos password and get a ticket. 10:48
wasabi_You use that ticket to list users later.10:48
wasabi_LDAP shouldn't allow non-ticketed connections, ideally.10:49
wasabi_in AD it doesn't, etc.10:49
Mithrandirwasabi_: stuff run from cron needs to be able to see who owns a file too.10:49
wasabi_Stuff run from cron should have a keytab.10:49
wasabi_as it does in windows.10:49
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  easily, you remove NULL BASE dn listing, turn off anonymous LDAP, and set up each authenticating system to use a privileged cd,dn + password to access the data needed to authenticate?10:49
wasabi_Each machine in AD has a network user account. When the machine boots it logs in, just like a user.10:49
wasabi_And uses that account for network access.10:49
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  Or just put krb5 in front of ldap, either or.10:50
wasabi_It also changes it's own password randomlly, etc.10:50
bluefoxicywasabi_:  does krb5 allow other information to be stored, as ldap does?10:50
wasabi_cron jobs that run as root should be able to access LDAP using the computer account.10:50
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: congratulations, you just broke ls -l if your network is down. :-P10:50
wasabi_Mithrandir: more underlying stuff that needs to be fixed.10:50
bluefoxicywasabi_:  public keys, roaming profiles..?10:50
wasabi_Mithrandir: need a client cache in front of NSS.10:50
wasabi_Or behind it. ;)10:50
Mithrandiruh, what information is it that you store in ldap which is secret?10:50
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  if you're already logged in ls should work o.o10:50
wasabi_nscd, if it didn't suck horribly, would be it.10:50
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  user names are secret.10:51
wasabi_Mithrandir: the user's themselves.10:51
wasabi_A random computer sitting on my network should not be able to access that.10:51
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  haven't you noticed using a bad user or password gives "bad username or password"?10:51
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: no, they're not.  User names are usually trivially discoverable.10:51
bluefoxicynot "That user doesn't exist" or "bad password"?10:51
wasabi_Mithrandir: Might also be a requirement of corporate/gov policy.10:51
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  yeah, by hitting www.foo.com/~user with various users10:51
wasabi_Mithrandir: for example, AD doesn't allow non kerberos authetnicated connections, by default.10:52
wasabi_So somebody can't walk in with a laptop and access the user list.10:52
wasabi_They actually have to hack something.10:52
Mithrandirwasabi_: that doesn't say anything about why being able to list the users on a system which you have authenticated to is bad.10:52
wasabi_It's not. I didn't say that.10:52
wasabi_If you've authenticated, you can list the users.10:52
wasabi_But you must be authenticated.10:52
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  being able to list users on a system you don't have access to.10:52
wasabi_being able to walk onto the company premisis and plugin a laptop and access the company user list is bad.10:53
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  I want to hack Accounting, I'm pretty sure Larry's password is something about his dog spot, probably spotty1 or such10:53
wasabi_That's all.10:53
wasabi_Some privacy laws even protect against it.10:53
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  Either A) I don't work for the firm; or B) I can get the users for my area, but not for the accounting network, which stores its data in a separate privilege area.10:54
bluefoxicyMithrandir:  So I have to guess what Larry's accounti s first, blindly.10:54
wasabi_too many cooks.10:54
bluefoxicyOr, I just dump a list of users, notice lwall06, figure out this is Larry, and try 2 attempts and get in.10:54
wasabi_Blue, that doesn't matter. You need to be doing so from a company system.10:55
lamontpitti: ping10:55
wasabi_It needs to be auditable.10:55
=== Mithrandir shrugs; user names are not passwords. Don't treat them like they are.
wasabi_Mithrandir: they aren't, but they are secret.10:55
wasabi_Mithrandir: ie you shouldn't be able to get a big list of user names unless you're allowed to.10:55
bluefoxicyconfidential, perhaps not secret.10:55
wasabi_Also it needs to be auditable. The LDAP server needs to be able to record what human being requested the list, so they can be investigated.10:56
bluefoxicywasabi_:  I do not understand how kerberos auth is supposed to work, though.  Where is the ticket stored?10:56
wasabi_bluefoxicy: local machine.10:56
bluefoxicywasabi I  mean Icould set up krb5 here right? I have an ldap server behind me10:57
bluefoxicyand I could rig pam to use krb5 auth right?10:57
wasabi_I have it set up at home, because I do this a lot.10:57
bluefoxicybut what would that get me10:57
wasabi_All my computers, laptops included, use pam_krb5 and libnss.10:57
bluefoxicybesides pam logging in with krb5 auth?10:57
wasabi_Get you?10:57
bluefoxicyI could try to modify stuff in the ldap directory10:57
bluefoxicyand it would probably not run to pam and say "You have a ticket right?  Lemme use it"10:57
wasabi_My needs are a) to test it, because I deploy it in companies. I need to know it works. b) single sign on.10:57
bluefoxicyexplain single sign on10:58
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Mithrandirhmm, I wonder if you could write a dhcp extension to tell the computer about its kerberos domain and such.10:58
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Mithrandiror if somebody has already done that.10:58
wasabi_bluefoxicy: I log into my computer once, open my email client, and read my email. Then I browse to a corporate web page, and it says Hello Jerry.10:58
wasabi_Neither the email client nor the web page has a stored password.10:58
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bluefoxicywasabi I mean the underlying mechanics10:58
bluefoxicyI am sure if I log into my mail client it will be like "what?"10:58
wasabi_Evolution supports kerberos auth to IMAP.10:59
wasabi_Mozilla doesn't yet.10:59
bluefoxicythunderbird doesn't though?10:59
wasabi_IE and Outlook both do.10:59
wasabi_I doubt it.10:59
ChipzzMithrandir: not necessary10:59
=== bluefoxicy has all his mail in thunderbird, doesn't really want to migrate to evo
ChipzzMithrandir: kerberos can do realm discovery via dns10:59
wasabi_Mithrandir: In AD the machine has two pieces of info. It's domain name and it's machine name.11:00
wasabi_It uses the domain name to do service discovery in DNS.11:00
wasabi_And it's machine name to login.11:00
wasabi_Oh and it has a machine password. ;)11:00
wasabi_Which is basically random and very long.11:00
bluefoxicywasabi_:  so the target service or PHP script has to have krb5 authentication built-in?11:00
=== mvo goes to bed
wasabi_bluefoxicy: Yup. IIS supports it. Most internal windows apps are built that way.11:01
Mithrandirwasabi_: you don't need to try to teach me how kerberos works.11:01
=== ogra really wonders what he should do with bug 38893 apart from printing and framing probably ...
UbugtuMalone bug 38893 in gnome-screensaver "Screensaver Still NOT Working!! CRASH INSTANTLY!!" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3889311:01
bluefoxicywasabi_:  mind, I don't quite get how to do krb5 over a web browser :)11:01
wasabi_Mithrandir: Well, you were asking for a DHCP extension thing... which is covered by those two.11:01
torkelbluefoxicy: google SPNEGO11:01
wasabi_bluefoxicy: SPENGO WWW-Authenticate header. MS invented it. Firefox implemented it.11:01
wasabi_SPNEGO I mean.11:01
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: you use another authentication mechanismn than the regular basic authentication.11:02
wasabi_Firefox's implementation doesn't read from the ticket cache though.11:02
wasabi_At least last I checked.11:02
Mithrandirhuh?  It sure does when I tested it a year ago.11:02
Mithrandiror rather, did.11:02
bluefoxicywasabi_:  and krb5 can be used as an authenticaton server to IPSEC, TLS, and PPTP (fuck PPTP) authenticators?11:02
wasabi_Really? It asks me for my username and password.11:02
wasabi_It uses kerberos, but it still asks.11:02
wasabi_Thought it was a bit silly. ;011:03
wasabi_bluefoxicy: yeah.11:03
wasabi_Err, wait, no.11:03
wasabi_PPTP sure. :011:03
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wasabi_AD also has services which auto generate certificates for each user.11:03
LaserJockWho decides the name of Dapper+1? sabdfl, TB, CC ?11:03
bluefoxicyLDAP will work for IPSEC and TLS?11:03
wasabi_For various purposes.11:03
Mithrandirbluefoxicy: pptp and ipsec both work on a host level, not on a user level, so it's slightly muddy when you try to do that.11:03
wasabi_LDAP doesn't work for it. LDAP stores the certs.11:03
wasabi_yeah and also that. MS figured it out though, mostly it's a hack.11:04
sabdflLaserJock: me, with some help11:04
mdkeLaserJock, some say that the name comes in a dream11:04
bluefoxicywasabi_:  I am trying to find the best way to implement a network authentication system over here so I can help small businesses get their IT shops started for a small fee ;)11:04
wasabi_I still use AD.11:05
LaserJocksabdfl: is there a name yet? I'm working on some shipped documentation (Ubuntu Packaging Guide) and since people should be packaging for Dapper+1 when they install Dapper (for the most part) it would be good if I could include the name11:05
wasabi_The pieces just aren't there to compare yet.11:05
wasabi_I mena, the pieces are, but nothing tying them together in any way usable by most small shop IT admins.11:05
sabdflLaserJock: there's a proposal, not yet confirmed or announcd11:05
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bluefoxicywasabi_:  I'm thinking all open source with OSX and Windows able to use it for auth/roaming profiles11:05
sabdfli expect it will be out tihs week or next11:05
wasabi_bluefoxicy: Windows cannot auth against non-Windows kerberos.11:05
wasabi_bluefoxicy: Samba guys are working hard on it, but not yet.11:06
bluefoxicywasabi_:  red hat active directory server?11:06
wasabi_There's code where it works, but it's not released.11:06
mdkedholbach, y011:06
wasabi_Red Hat Directory Server, not Active.11:06
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wasabi_It's just LDAP.11:06
dholbachmdke: hm? :)11:06
wasabi_Windows requires the machine kerberos tickets to have a special piece of data in them called the PAC.11:06
wasabi_Which contains group membership and SID values.11:06
LaserJocksabdfl: ok thanks, will look forward to the announcement and try to make the necessary changes11:06
mdkedholbach, just branched ubuntu-docs to repos/branches/dapper11:06
ograLaserJock, i think that justifies a string freeze exception :)11:07
dholbachmdke: ok, cool - good to know11:07
wasabi_They've sort of made it hard to implement with licensing restrictions.11:07
Kamionmdz: hmm, I think I'm happy with the wiki workflow for now for main inclusion11:07
mdkedholbach, I'm now busy rampaging through the source package to make it 1/10 of the size11:07
pittilamont: pong11:07
LaserJockogra: heck yeah! We love exceptions11:07
mdkedholbach, can you do an upload tomorrow?11:07
dholbachmdke: yeah, can do that11:07
dholbachgood night guys11:08
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mdznight dholbach11:08
bddebianGnight dholbach11:08
Kamionbluefoxicy: changing the kernel ABI is a lot easier now than it used to be, now that we've got it down to a fairly fine art; it's four uploads distributed across about three people, plus a seed change which I normally do11:08
dholbachnight mdke, mdz, bddebian :)11:08
Kamionbluefoxicy: but that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be conservative about changing such a core part of our system just before a release11:08
Kamionbluefoxicy: the CD build process itself is entirely automated; what goes into it is not necessarily11:09
bddebianI've broken 11,000 just uploading .desktop files.  How lame :-)11:11
bluefoxicyKamion:  of course, you want a wide testing buffer before changing the kernel out.11:11
bddebianWhoops, sorry, wrong window11:11
bluefoxicyKamion:  Just I'd rather the wiki reflect reality, and not made-up excuses :)11:12
tseng< bluefoxicy> Kamion:  Just I'd rather the wiki reflect reality, and not  made-up excuses :)11:12
tsengerg stupid mouse11:12
tseng /topic amature hour in #u-d11:12
bluefoxicytseng he just said it was fairly easy, the wiki says it's massively complicated11:13
bluefoxicybut whatever 11:13
bluefoxicywasabi_:  so the next krb release from samba should auth windows?11:14
tsengfairly easy is relative11:14
wasabi_No. Samba doesn't release krb.11:14
wasabi_They are working with Heimdal though.11:14
bluefoxicyyou just said ... ah.11:14
=== bluefoxicy has not done this :>
wasabi_Either way, kerberos is just one part of authing with windows.11:14
wasabi_You really lose a lot of windows features when not using AD.11:15
wasabi_Enough to make AD worth it.11:15
bluefoxicythere isn't an AD server on linux though :(11:15
wasabi_Now, integrating AD into a Unix domain. That has promise.11:15
wasabi_ie so you can share kerberos keys and LDAP.11:15
tsengwasabi_: what is a "unix domain"11:15
wasabi_But windows systems still use AD abilities.11:15
wasabi_tseng: a mad up term for what we're talking about11:15
seb128Keybuk, Diziet: around?11:15
KeybukI'm around11:15
bluefoxicywasabi_:  I would rather be able to build a full open source solution but have it flexible enough to add Windows and OSX later.11:15
Keybukwhat's up?11:15
wasabi_bluefoxicy: Then start coding for Samba.11:16
seb128Keybuk: 11:16
wasabi_There are massive amounts of work to be done still.11:16
seb128<seb128> epiphany-browser 2.14.0 ships a /usr/share/gnome/help/epiphany-browser folder11:16
seb128<seb128> epiphany-browser 2.14.1 ships a /usr/share/gnome/help/epiphany folder and a /usr/share/gnome/help/epiphany-browser symlink to11:16
seb128<seb128> to it11:16
seb128<seb128> after upgrade /usr/share/gnome/help/epiphany-browser is an empty folder, not a symlink :/11:16
seb128<seb128> that's a "classic" one, no?11:16
Keybukclassic dpkg11:16
bluefoxicywasabi_:  what else does AD do?  Application servering?11:16
seb128what is the usual way to workaround it? :)11:16
Keybukcan't replace a directory with a symlink11:16
Keybukfix it in postinst11:16
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wasabi_bluefoxicy: certificate authority, group policy, client side extensions to that.11:16
Keybukif it's left as an empty directory, remove it and restore the symlink11:17
seb128Keybuk: like, if that's a dir, rm and redo the symlink?11:17
seb128k, thank you11:17
pittiKeybuk: is that a bug or a feature?11:17
=== bddebian curses qgis
bluefoxicywasabi_:  OpenLDAP can function as a CA AFAIK.  Group policy...?11:17
wasabi_openldap can store CA data, but not function as a CA.11:17
wasabi_openldap is a ldap server.11:17
Keybukpitti: feature11:17
wasabi_group policy are objects in AD which machines can apply to enable/disable features and change settings, network wide.11:18
wasabi_Such as automated software installs, hiding the run menu, changing hte home page.11:18
wasabi_To stuff such as distributing certificates.11:18
bluefoxicyoh, very windows specific then11:18
mdkeseb128, did you see my mail ages ago about making epiphany take different default homepages, depending on locale? Any idea if it's possible somehow? np if not11:18
Burgworkbluefoxicy, gpo are very powerful but also fairly arcane and a source of much headache11:18
wasabi_I think some PADL project actually made headway there.11:18
seb128mdke: yeah, sorry, it's on my pile of "to reply" mails, I'm catching up atm11:18
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seb128mdke: I've just replied to the "utch, no quality control from translations on rosetta" replies on the l10n french list11:19
diemangroup policy is evil stuff11:19
bluefoxicywasabi_:  okay so, is there a way to implement authentication through an open source server such as OLDAP or Heimdal KRB5, storing the roaming profiles on an open source samba server11:19
mdkeseb128, no problem. I thought the answer might be a simple "no", so I thought I'd ping you. if the answer is "possibly yes", then awesome!11:19
diemanwe've already got cfengine11:19
wasabi_bluefoxicy: Sure, Samba. ;)11:19
bluefoxicywasabi_:  and then set up a Windows Active Directory Server to get its auth info from those sources?11:19
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seb128mdke: they forwarded your mail to discuss how to organize the team11:19
mdkeseb128, in french, I guess?11:19
diemancfengine can exact its policy from netgroups specified via LDAP11:19
bluefoxicywasabi_:  so in other words I can't set up the network to be expanded later?11:20
mdkeseb128, my french is rubbish11:20
wasabi_You can't do what you want to do right now.11:20
wasabi_And if you kill AD, you will lose windows features.11:20
seb128mdke: yeah, but nothing really useful. I pinged carlos today, my idea of an easy way would be "lock when somebody starts a translation, mail the diff when he unlocks it"11:20
=== bddebian misses seb128 in #u-bugs :-)
bluefoxicywasabi_:  what I want to do right now is set up small IT shops with full open source setups11:20
wasabi_bluefoxicy: then use Linux desktops.11:20
diemanyou can do roming profiles on samba, at least in old school pdc mode.11:21
mdkeseb128, sounds like a decent idea. 250 is a big group to handle :)11:21
diemanim not sure the extent of what samba doing ad can do11:21
wasabi_Yeah. You still do NT4 mode.11:21
seb128mdke: mail going to a list, so it's easy to read what the person did and to fix errors and notice if the guys does it wrongly11:21
diemani thought the newer releases have reasonable ad capabilities11:21
seb128mdke: yeah :/11:21
seb128mdke: for epiphany I don't know but I'll ping upstream ;)11:21
mdkeseb128, rocking. thanks dude11:22
wasabi_dieman: For joining to AD, not for hosting it.11:22
diemanwasabi_: ahh, ok11:22
bluefoxicywasabi_:  I'm waiting for Ubuntu having the easy network authentication setup, like RHEL and Fedora do, because then I can use Ubuntu desktops ($250 for 1 year of support up to 10 incidents?) and RHEL servers ($2500 service contract???) in a mixed shop.11:22
wasabi_Linux can join to AD wonderfully.11:22
wasabi_CIFS support still sucks bad.11:22
seb128mdke: np11:22
bluefoxicywasabi but AD costs too much money :)11:22
bluefoxicyif someone so desired they could go supportless fedora core/ubuntu desktop and CentOS/Ubuntu server.11:23
pittiKeybuk: what's the use case for that feature?11:23
wasabi_Well, I know of no open source/free alternative to AD which actually delivers on what AD does.11:23
wasabi_Which is massive ease of use, for a small shop.11:23
wasabi_And automatic configuration of each host.11:23
bluefoxicywasabi a small shop may not have the $3000 for Win2k3 server11:23
wasabi_The pieces are there, but you set them up yourself.11:23
bluefoxicythey may have a good $100,000 start-up loan sitting around, but you don't want to blow a grand here and there.11:23
wasabi_I'd charge any shop more than $3000 for the man hours involved to set up a Linux LDAP/kerberos setup to serve windows.11:24
wasabi_Nuff said.11:24
seb128mdke: <chpe> seb128: the home page is stored in gconf, and gconf supports localised prefs, so yes :)11:24
wasabi_And win2k3 server is actually like $800.11:24
mdkeseb128, wooo11:24
wasabi_Or get SBS. It's less. ;)11:24
bluefoxicywasabi start-ups can start on full linux but I'd like to make an expansion path that allows for integrating OSX and Windows if desired.11:24
wasabi_Or help with the programming heh.11:24
mdkeseb128, we've already started shipping translations (or links, where I haven't got translations yet), they are in /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home11:25
bluefoxicynothing would be cooler though then setting up a small 5-10 PC linux shop for a small business and 4 years down the line they have 40,000 machines and no Windows in site.11:25
diemanomfg, the russians want to drive a gold plated golf ball of the ISS11:25
diemanoff of11:25
diemanas a stunt11:25
bluefoxicydieman so, they're russians, they're up there drinking wodka11:25
diemanoh, and im in the wrong chan for this :)11:26
diemani thought i was in my idle chan11:26
diemansorry about that :)11:26
bluefoxicysend them some female astronauts, they'll stop worrying about driving golf balls...11:26
ogramdz, haha, see bug 22045  :-D11:27
UbugtuMalone bug 22045 in gnome-screensaver "Poor performance / flickering with OpenGL hacks" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2204511:27
bluefoxicy - turn 3D acceleration on11:28
Chipzzis it just me, or did X get a whole lot faster to start recently? :)11:28
bluefoxicyI heard X7 was going to have SE-X11:28
bluefoxicywasabi_:  i am in general untrusting of microsoft's products.  I don't pretend to understand them, but I fear the defaults.  SQL server had default users and passwords that got owned by SqlSlammer.F ><11:29
wasabi_I'm not suggesting to use WIndows. I'm just telling you what it is and what it does, and what *I* have yet to find a replcement for.11:30
wasabi_And this has become offtopic. PM or something.11:30
bluefoxicyMy idea of installing something is that anything that requires attention, such as administrative passwords, dangerous default settings (i.e. unencrypted connections?  OpenLDAP without tls!) are mandatory for you to set up11:30
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bluefoxicythat's a better idea.11:30
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seb128mdke: k, noted. I'll think about the best way to do that and let you know11:31
SurakKamion: espresso 0.99.44 is calling the systems $username+"-desktop" in the "who are you?" screen. however, it does not accept the dash. Should I open it? Did you already notice?11:32
Surakhello folks11:32
mdkeseb128, thanks so much.11:32
seb128np, thank you for pinging me on the topic and for the translated pages ready to use :)11:32
mdkeSurak, it's very late evening Kamion's time, he might not be around. if not, maybe file a bug11:33
ogragrmbl ...11:33
=== ogra kicks evolution
Surakmdke: Yes. He tends to be awake working these days until late hours, for desperation of his wife :-)11:35
=== pitti kicks himself
pittiso I wasted TWO HOURS with diff -Nur, tar, dpkg -P and sudo make install/uninstall just to discover that a simple dangling stupid symlink broke cups *grrrr*11:42
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=== sivang hugs pitti and cheers him up
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Keybukpitti: :(11:52
Keybukpitti: I'm having one of those "I *know* this worked once, because I tested it; so why is it flat-out not working now?" moments11:52
pittiKeybuk: I wish diff -Nur would consider symlinks :/11:53
Keybukpitti: I tend to use comm on the file lists11:53
pittiKeybuk: what broke for you?11:53
Keybukpitti: if you rename eth1 to "foo", it still calls "ifup eth1"11:53
pitti'it' being?11:54
pittioh, udev ifup's stuff?11:54
Keybukthis is why it sometimes hangs on "Configuring network interfaces"11:54
Keybukboth devices call "ifup eth0", leaving the "ifup -a" to do eth1 later11:54
KeybukI know it damned well worked when I wrote the patch11:54
Keybukso something in udev changed since, and we didn't notice (other than the occasional "hangs for a minute at ifup -a" bugs)11:54
pittihm, I never encountered that one11:55
Keybukyeah, it's a hard one to spot ;)  most people have eth0 and eth1, and both on auto, and it looks like it works :p  it doesn't matter that the wrong event is ifuping the wrong interface <g>11:55
Keybukbut is a *bad* bug11:56
KeybukI know what's causing it now, fortunately11:56
Keybukthe $env{INTERFACE} in the RUN rule is expanded *before* the device is renamed11:56
Keybukso there must have been a change in the way that works11:56
Keybukand then, after this, I have to work out why "blacklist pcspkr" doesn't11:57
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