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bddebianHeya gang02:05
crimsunlo bddebian02:06
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bddebianHeya Oh Great One :-)02:07
bddebianOh Hello zul :-)02:08
zulhey bddebian how is it going?02:08
bddebianOK, thanks, you?02:08
zulgood...just watching the hockey game02:08
bddebianWho is Jordan Mantha?  I feel that I should know that name/nick?02:21
bddebianUh duuh02:26
bddebianI'm soo bad at associating names with nicks :-(02:26
bddebiancrimsun: Did you ever get a chance to check out ivtools btw?  infinity keeps ignoring me. :-)02:27
crimsunbddebian: haven't yet; I'm finishing an edit of Jordan's packaging guide atm02:28
bddebianah nice02:28
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bddebiancrimsun: s'ok, infinity says he knows the fix I guess02:30
crimsunbddebian: ok02:30
=== bddebian goes back to being the .desktop bitch
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rtcmhello all02:43
rtcmI'm trying to debug a system daemon which is crashing (segv) so I'd like to get a core dump file, or in someway atach gdb to it, any ideas?02:44
rtcmbtw, it crashes right at the start thus I can't "normally" attach gdb to it02:45
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Amaranthwhat daemon?03:02
Lathiatrtcm: start it under gdb03:02
Lathiatrtcm: gdb /usr/bin/blah03:02
Lathiatrun <arguments here>03:02
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rtcmLathiat: yep doing that, nevermind my sillyness :-P03:04
=== ajmitch is drenched
ajmitchLathiat: I think I'll reconsider moving to .au ;)03:04
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=== bddebian gives ajmitch a big hug
ajmitchimpressive post to launchpad-users03:07
ajmitchthe sole content of it is "Free CD's UBUNTO LINUX New Release Thanks"03:07
Lathiatajmitch: its wet here too :)03:07
ajmitchhow annoying03:07
bddebianUh oh, ajmitch is annoyed with me again :-)03:08
ajmitchbddebian: me? never03:08
jmganyone know how to exclude a directory from inclusion in a source package built by dpkg-buildpackage?03:09
bddebian rm?03:09
ajmitchjmg: see dpkg-buildpackage manpage03:09
ajmitchspecifically the -i option in the dpkg-source section03:10
jmgajmitch: thanks03:11
jmgajmitch: hmmm03:15
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jmgajmitch: how do i make that directive get obeyed by dpkg-buildpackage?03:15
ajmitchdpkg-buildpackage -i.bzr03:17
jmgnow how to make that happen everytime03:18
ajmitchwell I think that's what worked for me :)03:18
ajmitchtype it out everytime, or use debuild & set it in the options03:18
ajmitchyou don't put it in the rules03:19
Lathiathrm, what does chmod +t do?03:19
ajmitchLathiat: not much these days03:19
ajmitchit's the sticky bit03:19
ajmitch       When  the sticky bit is set on a directory, files in that directory may be unlinked or renamed only by the directory owner as well as by root or the file owner.  Without the sticky bit, anyone able03:19
ajmitch       to write to the directory can delete or rename files.  The sticky bit is commonly found on directories, such as /tmp, that are world-writable.03:20
ajmitchlovely name for it03:20
Lathiatwhere did you find that?03:20
Lathiatoh, in the man page, its just not associated witH +t03:20
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=== ajmitch really doesn't want to have to walk back to uni in this rain
=== StevenK waves.
lifelessajmitch: still in .au ?03:38
ajmitchlifeless: no, been back in Dunedin for a month now :)03:39
ajmitchhi StevenK03:39
=== StevenK sighs.
StevenKI was actually going okay with the 4th prac for SP2, until a gaggle of first years and their tutor moved into the lab I was using.03:42
ajmitchsounds like the rain has stopped briefly, hopefully there's enough time for me to run back to uni03:43
ajmitchmore lab demonstrating fun03:44
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bddebianWhere the hell is everyone?05:00
freeflyingbddebian: hi05:00
bddebianHeya freeflying05:02
bddebianHeya Se7h05:10
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Se7hhi bddebian :)05:13
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Unfrgivendoes anyone know how to convert the timestamp shown in dmesg to actual time? or alternatively get the current dmesg timestamp?06:35
ajmitchUnfrgiven: no, since it appears relative to system boot time06:36
Unfrgivenajmitch: really? then you would expect the first entry to be a smallish number right? what unit of measurement is it?06:38
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ajmitchUnfrgiven: seconds? I don't know :)06:39
ajmitchdmesg only holds a set number of messages before dropping them, that's why we have /var/log/{dmesg,syslog}06:39
ajmitchfirst entry here is [    0.000000]  Bootdata ok (command line is root=/dev/mapper/ubuntu-root ro quiet splash)06:40
ajmitchmight be milliseconds06:40
=== ajmitch can't recall
Unfrgivenok no probs, thanks :)06:41
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LaserJockbddebian: ping?07:18
ajmitchhi LaserJock07:18
bddebianLaserJock: pong07:18
LaserJockhi ajmitch07:20
LaserJockbddebian: yes, probably a symlink would be fine until Debian/upstream fixes the problem07:21
bddebianWell I can't get it to work :-(07:21
LaserJockIt wasn't too nice of upstream to hard code the directory for the help07:21
LaserJockbddebian: no?07:21
bddebianNo, dh_link doesn't seem to like to symlink dirs07:22
LaserJockok, I gotta get to bed, I'll fix it tomorrow if you don't, ok?07:23
bddebianBTW, also if you get a sec, check out saoimage, it FTBFSs for me07:23
bddebianOh, Gnight :-)07:24
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LaserJock_awaybddebian: ok, will do - in the morning07:45
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dholbachhello motu world!08:26
Gloubiboulgamorning dholbach08:26
dholbachhi Gloubiboulga08:27
Unfrgivendholbach: hey08:30
ajmitchhi dholbach08:30
dholbachhey Unfrgiven, ajmitch - i see the aussies^wkiwis are still there :)08:32
ajmitchdholbach, inciting trouble as always...08:34
Unfrgivendholbach: i hear that then next ubuntu conference is going to be out your way?08:36
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dholbachUnfrgiven: i wish i could say that - no idea, honestly08:36
dholbachwith the delay of the dapper relase all the planning had to be done again08:36
dholbachso i'm afraid I can't even give unofficial hints08:37
ajmitchdoesn't surprise me08:38
=== ajmitch would really really like to know though :)
zakamehi all08:39
ajmitchas I'm hoping it'll fall right in the 3-4 week break I have ;)08:39
Gloubiboulgahey zakame :)08:39
zakamehello Gloubiboulga08:39
=== ajmitch is guessing that it won't suit, however
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Unfrgivenwhiprush: dude, ur post finally worked! p.u.c is sydnicating it well now. what was the prob?09:01
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UnfrgivenSeveas: hey dude09:09
UnfrgivenSeveas: you had a chance to talk to lilo? :)09:10
Seveasyes, I even poked him about the cloaks 09:10
UnfrgivenSeveas: did he respond?09:11
Seveaswas at the end of a long conversation, had to leave09:11
Seveasapparently it slipped his mind09:12
Seveaswill poke again 09:12
UnfrgivenSeveas: thanks!09:12
=== Hobbsee pokes Seveas
=== Hobbsee waves to everyone
=== Mongoose is away: /_\ zzZzZZZZzz
=== Mongoose [n=mongoose@ip68-106-216-206.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
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Toadstoolhi all10:15
freeflyingToadstool: hi10:16
Toadstoolhi freeflying10:16
UnfrgivenSeveas: ping?10:22
UnfrgivenSeveas: in bug 38566 on Launchpad, you said that someone is already working on packaging the madwifi-ng drivers?10:22
UbugtuMalone bug 38566 in linux-restricted-modules-2.6.15 "update to madwifi-ng" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3856610:22
UnfrgivenSeveas: who is doing that? i just made packages of it myself on the weekend. perhaps i can assist the person?10:23
SeveasUnfrgiven, I heard from infinity (iirc) that there are plans to distribute it in universe since several cards need it10:26
SeveasUnfrgiven, and please apply the wext-19-compliance patch to your package 10:27
UnfrgivenSeveas: well ive packaged it so i can upload it if need be.10:27
UnfrgivenSeveas: where do i get that patch?10:27
Seveasmadwifi bug 46210:28
UbugtuMadwifi bug 462 in madwifi: 802.11 stack "Current WEXT Standard Compliance" [Enhancement,New]  http://madwifi.org/ticket/46210:28
Unfrgivenwext19_060402.patch (17.0 kB) - added by eaton.lists@gmail.com on 04/03/06 05:10:19. nearly complete patch, applies cleanly to r148910:29
Unfrgivenlooks lik it was already applied to r1489?10:30
Unfrgivenive packaged r149710:30
Seveasit's not applied yet10:32
Unfrgivenalright. ill take a look when i get home from work.10:33
Unfrgivenim heading home now. cya later10:33
SeveasI'm heading to work soon 10:33
=== MrFaber [n=MrFaber@dslb-084-056-236-134.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
MrFaberhi all10:34
MrFaberCan please someone patch checkinstall like described in bug report?10:35
MrFaberAnd please fix loop-aes-source. It would be very sad if this bug comes in release.10:40
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zakamehi all11:09
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zakamehmm is there a bug with dh_iconcache11:39
dholbachi just did an upload11:40
dholbachwhich bug did you spot?11:40
dholbachzakame: ^11:42
zakamedholbach: line 32, missing $tmp in -printf switch, or is that intentiona?11:42
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zakameI suddently can't make the post* stuff, find says it cant find /usr/share/icons ... was doing this with darksnow last night11:43
dholbachthat's for replacing, so there's /usr/share/icons/hicolor in @icon_dirs11:44
dholbachthat line is good11:44
dholbachthat there's no .post* that was a different bug11:44
dholbachthe check if there were subdirs was wrong in dh_iconcache - i moved it to the post*11:45
dholbachthat should be fine now11:45
=== zakame checks again
dholbachi just did the upload in ubuntu811:47
dholbachso it might take some time until it's at your end11:47
dholbachi can upload the deb if you like11:47
dholbachto test it11:47
dholbachzakame: it's at http://daniel.holba.ch/ubuntu/11:48
zakamecool! thanks =)11:48
dholbachthank you for taking it seriously11:49
dholbachand i'm sorry for the bug I introduced11:49
dholbachbut it should be better now and even clean the cache if there's nothing left11:49
=== zakame hugs dholbach :)
zakameI hope to finish half of the list before thursday11:50
dholbachsome might need a rebuild because of my stupidity11:51
dholbachbut i'll check all of them for release again11:51
dholbachso just keep on going11:51
zakamethanks again! =)11:51
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adnwho did I talk to last time I came about vlc? :)12:50
adnToadstool: help me! :)12:51
adnG0SUB_: was it you?12:51
Toadstoolhi adn :)12:51
adnG0SUB_: yes, it was you :)12:51
adnToadstool: well, I've built a vlc package for dapper, if someone is interested12:52
adn(with less than 60M diff with Debian's version :p)12:52
Toadstooladn: svn version?12:54
adnlast -test2 version12:55
adnand I think I'll be ready to get a 0.8.5-final version as soon as it is released12:55
adn(in about 2 weeks)12:55
adntest2 was released around one week ago, I think12:56
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Toadstooladn: for new upstream versions of a package, we must follow https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2006-February/000545.html as we are in UpstreamVersionFreeze12:58
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adncassidy: hello, sorry to bother you, but do you know someone called quentin baire?01:00
cassidyadn: no. I should ?01:01
jmgwhat was the keyring email for revu again?01:01
adncassidy: nono01:01
ajmitchjmg: keyring@tiber.tauware.de01:01
adncassidy: it is a friend of mine who is student in a physics lab at ulb01:02
jmghi ajmitch :)01:02
jmgi exported my secret key01:02
ajmitchevening jmg01:02
adnso I wondered if physInfo was the one :)01:02
cassidyadn: no, i don't know him :)01:02
infinitois it possible to remove an application from REVU?01:02
ajmitchinfinito: yes, ask us :)01:02
infinitoajmitch: gcfilms is no longer needed on revu, as it is synced from debian01:03
ajmitchinfinito: it's in the archive section01:03
ajmitchgenerally we don't remove completely01:04
Unfrgiveninfinito: hey dude01:04
infinitoajmitch: sorry, i didnt realize it was in archived... anyway, that pkg was never used01:06
Unfrgiveninfinito: were you working on madwifi-ng pacakges?01:08
infinitoUnfrgiven: no, i don't01:08
adnToadstool: I don't think I'll move myself to make an exception01:09
adnToadstool: I'll see for the next version of ubuntu01:09
adnwell, thanks, I have to leave :)01:09
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Unfrgiveninfinito: ok no probs :) i'll just continue on my packages then01:13
infinitoUnfrgiven: maybe you were thinking on infinity...01:14
Unfrgiveninfinito: yeah i was told infinity and i thought the name must be a typo :)01:15
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=== ZuZubuntu-fr is now known as AWAY
ajmitchhm, TB meeting in the morning01:37
ajmitchI guess I could get up in time for this one01:37
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tsenghi ogra01:45
ajmitchhi ogra01:45
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jmgTeam Building?01:48
Gloubiboulgajmg, Technical Board01:48
jmgubuntu tech board?01:48
jmgwhere is the meeting held?01:48
Gloubiboulgaon #ubuntu-meeting01:48
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tsengdholbach: gnome 2.14.1, *hug*01:57
dholbachtseng: working on it :)01:57
tsengi see :)01:58
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Unfrgivenwhat does it mean when patch says something like "hunk succeeded with fuzz"?03:21
Unfrgivendoes it mean that it all worked ok? or do i need to inspect the changes?03:22
kelmofuzz could be indicator of a patch gone wrong03:22
kelmocheck fuzzy patches, always03:22
Unfrgivencheck it just around the fuzz or the rest of the patch too?03:22
kelmowhere the fuzz is, in particular03:23
Unfrgivencool, it looks fine. the patch applied successfully. thanks03:23
tuxmaniacCan someone tell me who is taking care of #6266 ticket03:30
Hobbseebug 6626?03:31
UbugtuMalone bug 6626 in rhythmbox "rhythmbox: an album added to the queue plays out of order" [Unknown,Unknown]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/662603:31
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tuxmaniacno 626603:31
Tm_THobbsee: hi03:31
Hobbseehi Tm_T03:31
Tm_Tbug 626603:31
UbugtuMalone bug 6266 in xcircuit "xcircuit version is old" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/626603:31
Hobbseebug 626603:31
UbugtuMalone bug 6266 in xcircuit "xcircuit version is old" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/626603:32
=== Hobbsee isnt dyslexic - really!
tuxmaniacUbugtu: yes03:32
tuxmaniacTm_T: yes03:32
Tm_Ttuxmaniac: what's that03:32
tuxmaniacTm_T: Its a Software for designing Circuits [Electronics] 03:32
Tm_Tlooks good03:33
Tm_Twhy I haven't seen this before :o03:34
ajmitchtuxmaniac: I'd say noone is03:34
tuxmaniacajmitch: I just wanted to confim this so that I can try to do something about it..03:34
=== ajmitch would probably be interested if it was useful :)
=== Kyral [n=kyral@HyperDream.hamlin.clarkson.edu] has joined #ubuntu-motu
tuxmaniacajmitch: Tm_T : it is useful for Hardware Software Guys03:35
Tm_Tlike me03:36
=== Tm_T is now doing things around AVR and little LCD display
tuxmaniacTm_T: Which Software u use to flash AVR Chips?03:37
Tm_Ttuxmaniac: well, no success yet in Linux, so codevisionavr in windows03:38
Tm_Twe spent one day with one pro trying to flash in Linux... 5min with CVavr and whoo, done03:39
tuxmaniacIs there no software in linux for flashing AVRs?03:40
tuxmaniacI mean with proven success?03:40
Se7hwhats avr ?03:41
tuxmaniacits a microcontroller03:41
tuxmaniacSe7h: Microcontrller03:41
tuxmaniacTm_T: Did u ry avrdude03:42
tuxmaniacDid you try avrdude03:42
Tm_Thmm, not sure03:43
Tm_TI think yes03:43
tuxmaniacTm_T: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/728903:43
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bddebianHeya Gang04:52
YagisanG'day bddebian04:59
bddebianHowdy Yagisan04:59
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Yagisanbddebian: hows your day been ?05:01
bddebianYagisan: Not bad since I just woke up. :-)  You?05:03
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Yagisanbddebian: exhausted. I spent all day doing my work, and all the cooking, cleaning, and childminding - and it still isn't finished05:17
bddebianIt NEVER is :-)05:18
=== Yagisan sobs quietly
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SpecIs it possible to get the '.changes' file from a package in the ubuntu repository?05:28
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slomo_Spec: no... why would you want it?05:34
SpecI wanted to test this local apt repository i'm setting up for someone else05:36
Specbut I need a program and a .changes file to use dput05:36
slomo_create one yourself :)05:36
slomo_dpkg-buildpackage or debuild creates one for you05:36
slomo_(well, dpkg-genchanges to be exact)05:37
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bddebianOK Oh MOTU Gods, how can I symlink dirs?  dh_link doesn't seem to like it..06:21
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crimsunFunnyHat_Work: no, that's very much a debhelper question, which is on-topic here.06:48
FunnyHat_Workcrimsun, Ahh ok.  I had thought this was mainly for packaging and repository discussion.06:50
bddebianHeya crimsun06:50
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crimsunFunnyHat_Work: it is, and that's a packaging question :)06:51
crimsunbddebian: heya06:51
bddebianOK, I know someone told me this already but how can I add an icon file to a package without regenerating the orig.tar.gz?06:51
=== bddebian loves talking to himself in here :-)
azeembddebian: put it in the .diff.gz06:54
azeemi.e. somewhere in debian/ and install it in the install: target or via dh_install (unless it doesn't set --srcdir=debian/tmp)06:55
FunnyHat_WorkI'm so nub  :)06:56
bddebianazeem: That's what I'm trying to do but I get "unrepresentable changes to ..." problems :-(06:58
azeembddebian: you need to uuencode binary data in patches06:58
azeemand thus also in .diff.gz06:58
bddebianOh ugh06:59
=== bddebian is so clueless :-(
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ivoksanyone here? any MOTU :)07:14
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ivoksou! :)07:14
ivoksone quick q.07:14
=== bddebian hopes he can answer
ivoksi have new wifi-radar (mostly bugfixes)07:15
ivoksi would like to upload it07:15
ivoksbut i'm not sure should i ask for UVF exception07:15
ivoksor just upload07:15
ivoksit is a new version, not new revision07:15
ivoksoh, thanks07:16
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ivoksgreat procedure07:17
ivoksso, how are you guys?07:17
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crimsunivoks: busy as always. How's the work going?07:21
ivoksdon't ask :(07:22
ivoksi got 20kg in 4 months07:22
ivoksthat's 1/4 of my weight before i got job at redhat partner :)07:22
ivoksfrom 80kg to 100kg :)07:22
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cbx33in malone, is a debdiff classed as a patch?  - when it says tick this box if it's a patch?07:35
crimsun(you can apply a debdiff, so it must be a patch)07:35
cbx33LaserJock said to assign it the motureviewers then07:36
cbx33not motu-reviewers07:36
cbx33did i get the spelling right there?07:36
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cbx33thanks LaserJock07:37
cbx33did you get my pm?07:37
cbx33what do i change the status to?07:38
cbx33In Progress07:38
cbx33it was Confirmed07:38
LaserJockcbx33: no, I don't think I got the pm. Yeah, In Progress works07:39
LaserJockcrimsun: how is the packaging guide reviewing going?07:39
crimsunLaserJock: I'm 50% finished with generic/packagingguide/C/basic.xml07:40
crimsunthat should be the bulk of it07:40
LaserJockcrimsun: cool07:40
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cbx33first bug submitted07:45
LaserJockwhat to go cbx33!07:45
cbx33you didn't get my pm about my other bug?07:46
bddebiandpatch can work without a 00list?07:48
cbx33looks like it07:48
Gloubiboulgabddebian, 00list is needed I think07:49
cbx33well a package I'm working on doesn't have one07:49
cbx33what do i do...07:49
bddebiancbx33: Neither does qgis afaict07:50
cbx33i have to add a patch that modifies something a previous patch does07:50
cbx33is that ok?07:50
GloubiboulgaI'd modify the patch, but I'm not sure that's the good way to do this07:56
cbx33what's the good way07:56
cbx33it' difficult07:57
cbx33i have to apply the patch and then create a new patch from that source :S07:57
cbx33you're right not good....either...this is quite a mess...07:57
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kikohello sacred MOTU hackers08:28
kikoI see, ignoring me08:28
bddebianHello kiko08:29
kikohow's it going08:29
bddebianBusy :-)08:30
=== Mithrandir tickles kiko
bddebianOK, gotta take the kids to the park, later gang08:31
kikoI'm looking for a motu who can give gtimelog some loving!08:31
kikonormally ajmitch takes pity on me08:32
kikobut today it seems that the world is busy watching iran08:33
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Lurecan somebody remind me how to add additional repo to dapper pbuilder - OTHERMIRROR did not help08:38
Specslomo_: thanks08:39
Luresolved - sudo pbuilder update --override-config08:46
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cbx33boo ya :p - he's back09:54
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cbx33when i do an apt-get remove on a package it tries to remove ubuntu-desktop I know this isn't desirable...where would the problem lie?10:13
Kyralubuntu-desktop depends on it10:13
Kyralenough said10:13
crimsunubuntu-desktop is fine to remove. It eases dist-upgrades between released Ubuntu versions, though, which is why you'd want to have it installed.10:13
cbx33no it doesn't10:13
cbx33ah i see10:14
LaserJockcbx33: there is a Technical Board meeting going on in #ubuntu-meetings if you want to take a peak at the proccess10:14
Kyralin a nutshell10:14
cbx33oooh yes10:14
Tm_Tubuntu-desktop contains only dependencies10:14
cbx33thanks LaserJock10:14
Kyralthe -Desktop packages exist to pull in the things installed normally with the respective variants10:14
Kyraland when new things are added to the default installs, they get added to the -Desktop package10:15
cbx33i see10:15
Kyralyou can remove the -Desktop packages fine, and the software will continue to upgrade. What purpose the -Desktop packages serve once installed is to keep a "standard" set on the computer10:16
cbx33so, anyone got any advice on my little problem with a package I'm trying to fix...10:16
Kyralfrankly I dislike the entire concept....10:16
cbx33i need to patch a patch :p10:16
LaserJockKyral: what would you do instead?10:17
KyralI use Arch now :P10:17
KyralOn my laptop I keep Xubuntu-Desktop around just because I haven't removed anything that it depends on10:18
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KyralOn my server, well that is 4 systems in one, so it doesn't really apply10:18
Kyraland it runs headless anyway, so the point is moot10:19
Kyralthe Server is Xen Breezy (so that means custom compiled Kernels and Xen) and otherwise is stripped down like crazy10:20
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LaserJockI found a bunch of qemu images for various distros, I was thinking of trying a few out10:23
cbx33qemu is ok10:23
cbx33LaserJock, would it be better to patch a patch, or modify the existing patch10:24
LaserJockdepends on the amount of changes10:24
LaserJockI would guess10:24
cbx33it's only one line modification10:24
cbx33the change last made to port to ubunutu actualy broke the package10:25
LaserJockcbx33: and it is in the realm of the patch? generally we seperate patches if they are for different purposes or different files for instance10:26
cbx33it is a line which is changed in the patch10:26
cbx33it was put move file locations10:27
LaserJockoh, then for sure patch the patch10:27
cbx33just mod the patch?10:27
cbx33or create a whole patch for it?10:27
cbx33if so how does that work even :p10:27
LaserJockcbx33: is it a dpatch patch?10:36
cbx33i don;t think so.,,,10:36
cbx33it has not dpatch header10:36
cbx33and no 00list10:36
LaserJockthen you probably need to redo the patch10:36
cbx33ok, i think I can just modify one line in the patch file10:37
cbx33and rebuild10:37
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cbx33is that a valid method?10:38
LaserJockwell, it depends on if it works ;-)10:40
cbx33I'm sure it will10:40
LaserJockpatches usually don't work too well if you edit them by hand10:40
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cbx33I'll try it10:40
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bddebianOK, folks, what have I missed? :-)10:58
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dholbachnight guys11:08
LaserJockcya dholbach11:08
dholbachnight LaserJock11:08
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bddebiandpatch is just dpatch apply-all?11:19
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JohnnyMastNatja ik zou je connectie eens checken :)11:21
NatjaJohnnyMast: huh ?11:22
JohnnyMastyou heared me11:22
Natjawell, not really11:23
JohnnyMastyour from the france part of belgium ?11:24
hubJohnnyMast: there is no france part in belgium11:25
JohnnyMastthere is11:25
hubfrance and belgium are 2 different countries11:25
JohnnyMastno im talking about the france language11:26
JohnnyMastwich belguim is split up in dutch and france11:26
Natjado you mean french language ?11:26
Natjaanyway, you said "Natja I will check your connection"11:27
Natjabut I don't understand why11:27
hubJohnnyMast: split?11:27
hubyou mean the fact that there is a bilinguism>11:28
hubwhich has nothing to do with france11:28
Natjahub: exactly11:28
hubleave the French were they are :-)11:29
JohnnyMastlol im not talking about the ppl11:29
JohnnyMastthe language11:30
hubfrance is not a language11:30
hubit is a country11:30
JohnnyMastwhat ever11:30
JohnnyMastbut dutch powns belgium11:30
crimsunbddebian: in what context?11:31
JohnnyMastlike back in the old days when we learned them how to speak dutch11:31
bddebiancrimsun: qgis has .dpatch files in debian/patches but doesn't run them apparently11:31
bddebiancrimsun: Though in includes dpatch.mk in rules11:31
crimsunbddebian: hmm, are they stated in debian/patches/00list ?11:31
bddebiancrimsun: There was no 00list.  I just added one for my dpatch but still if I do debian/rules patch, I get nothing :-(11:32
crimsunbddebian: does it include both /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/dpatch.mk and /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch.make ?11:35
bddebianNo, just /usr/share..  It is not a cdbs package afaict11:36
bddebianHeya ajmitch11:36
crimsunoh, sorry, I just assumed it was using cdbs11:41
crimsun'morning, ajmitch11:42
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bddebianCan't I just do dpatch apply-all or some such?11:51
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