
PrinterMe again.  :)12:00
=== michael117 [n=michael@adsl-68-94-46-22.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
__mikemWhat I mean is, they haven't really done anything with it. It looks nice, but it seems like they could have done so much more with it12:00
lwizardlis there a guide for configuring a webserver using ubuntu as the os12:00
eth42lwizardl: configuring apache on ubuntu is probably not very much different than on any other unix-os12:01
PrinterWhen I transfer a file through my network via samba it takes 45 seconds to copy a 200 meg file from a command line.  In nautilus it takes about 8 minutes.  Why would this be.12:01
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michael117How can I mount an ISO disk image to appear as though it were virtually a CD drive and the disk was inside of it? Similar to the way that Alcohol 120% or daemon tools do for windows12:01
gravesonit has this shaded grey borders on any application i open.if i remove enlightenment using synaptic , and relogin gnomedoes no start ,only a terminal window12:01
Blissexlwizardl: probably there are several, look for a Debian oriented one for example.12:01
mwePrinter: because nautilus is broken12:01
lwizardleth42: well what i ment was like bind dns, etc but i'll search google12:02
Printermwe:  Oh.  THis is a known problem then?12:02
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=== straylite trundles off; thanks guys
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eth42graveson: well, I don't know about enlightening, but why don't you just try it with a fresh home directory? (that is, with .gnome* and .gconf* moved to somewhere else)12:02
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mwePrinter: well I think at least it not being able to access smb:/ properly is12:02
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gravesoneth42 : ok let me try12:03
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Printermwe: Alright them I'll just keep updating and see what happens.12:05
Get_A_FixWould there be Breezy friendly software to record telephone calls ?12:05
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Sionidealias justfuckinginstall='sudo apt-get install'12:06
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ompaulSionide, how long are you in this channel?12:06
asdjasdjahi, i compiled apache and i changed the documentroot setting and i even chmodded the directory but i keep getting a "orbidden12:06
asdjasdjaYou don't have permission to access / on this server.12:06
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Sionideompaul, 24/7 minus rebooting time. heh, why?12:06
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ompaulSionide, chill with the language12:07
dandesousacgange to root12:07
Sionideoh right, apologies12:07
d4mj3wCan anyone help me with setting up my wireless connection and configuring wlan0?12:07
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Sionidefunny though isn't it :p12:07
asdjasdjai chmodded the directory dandesousa12:07
dandesousachown it12:07
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ompaulSionide, no, its just like your nick deadly :-/ :-)12:08
__mikemI have a question, what makes transgaming different than running my windows games under wine/cedega12:08
ompaulirony becoming laughter12:08
sonichey guys, can anyone tell me why firefox (and any other browser) keeps automatically shutting down when I try to visit certain web pages?12:08
sonicLike this one    http://www.3ddownloads.com/linuxgames/loki/patches/ut/ut-install-436.run12:08
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asdjasdjadandesousa, still nothing12:09
d4mj3wCan anyone help me with setting up my wireless connection and configuring wlan0?12:09
apokryphossonic: if you wget that URL do you have a problem?12:09
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sonicapokryphos:  what do you mean mate?12:09
apokryphossonic: have you tried running one of them from the terminal to see if you can get any useful output?12:09
ompaulsonic, it does not understand what to do with that file, but to be honest it should offere to save it12:09
IdleOneSionide, should that alias be for a force install :P12:09
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apokryphossonic: i.e. typing wget http://www.3ddownloads.com/linuxgames/loki/patches/ut/ut-install-436.run         ......in a terminal12:10
sonicI think its more to do with the content in certain websites12:10
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ltR^Today I booted into ubuntu like I do everyday and I saw that my theme was gone and replaced with somthing else and my font was all blurry and very hard to read. It's like this in the gnome menus, clock gaim, firefox...12:10
sebastianmaresHey guys, I recently downloaded the Flight 4, 5 and 6 CDs and all of them failed to start X.org. Any idea why? I have an ATI Radeon 9600 AGP card that works fine with 5.10.12:10
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apokryphossebastianmares: what's the error output?12:10
SionideIdleOne, good point..12:10
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apokryphossebastianmares: no need to download ISOs btw, you can upgrade straight from your 5.1012:11
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eth42ltR^: create a new user, log out, log in as new, check whether the error occurs for the new user12:11
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sebastianmaresYes, that's what I did in first place and same problem: after the upgrade finished, I couldn't boot in graphic mode.12:11
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ompaulsebastianmares, file a bug with errors from startx12:12
sonicsorry guys, I gave you the wrong link, its this one here  http://www.3ddownloads.com/linuxgames/loki/patches/ut/ut-install-436.run#12:12
sebastianmaresUnfortunately, I don't know the exact output (didn't write it on a piece of paper), but it told me that there was an error and that I should check my configuration file.12:12
eth42 ltR^: well, or just change preferences/theme ?12:12
sebastianmaresOK, will do.12:12
__mikemHey, why would I subscribe to transgaming as apposed to just runing the installer for my games under wine/cedega12:12
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apokryphossebastianmares: can't do much without the exact error output12:12
Sionideanyone know if the nice new Dapper theme/window borders etc is available for breezy?12:12
ltR^eth42 i already did12:12
sebastianmaresIt's just weird that all Ubuntu releases worked except Dapper.12:12
ltR^i changed the theme12:12
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sebastianmaresAnd I didn't change the hardware in any way.12:13
d4mj3wCan anyone help me with setting up my wireless connection and configuring wlan0?12:13
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ompaulsebastianmares, you should try >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << and choose VESA as the card type and leave the rest of the stuff the same12:13
yumzakovlol dw12:13
d4mj3w<3 yumz12:13
yumzakovjust keep trying12:13
mwesebastianmares: maybe because dapper is still in the testing phase12:13
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)12:13
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Blissexd4mj3w: improperly worded question... but try #wireless and be ore specific.12:13
hyperactivecrondjoin that channel dapper-users-without-a-clue12:14
simian__quake 4 has started running in a really small screen, doeas anyone knwo why?12:14
sebastianmaresThanks for the tip ompaul.12:14
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ompaulhyperactivecrond, be nice12:14
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hyperactivecrondompaul, yeah i should...12:14
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Get_A_FixWould anyone know of Breezy friendly software to record telephone calls ?12:14
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marekstrying to compile httpd-2.2.0 and having some issues12:14
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hyperactivecrondalthough dapper flight 6 is quite friendly12:14
sgleo87hello DBO12:14
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d4mj3woi,thank you blissex12:15
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hyperactivecronds/friendly/stable on my machine12:15
yumzakovhows it going deedub12:15
hyperactivecrondstable for me == not scrashing12:15
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marekserror = "C compiler cannot create executeables"12:15
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mareksany help?12:15
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apokryphosmareks: install build-essential12:15
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HowitzerDoes anybody know where i can ask questions about Beagle?12:15
ubotuwell, b-e is no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo aptitude install build-essential.12:15
ompaulGet_A_Fix, have a look at asterisk12:15
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eth42Howitzer: perhaps somewhere on irc.gnome.org?12:16
ompaulHowitzer, ask your real question, after that #gnome might be of use12:16
Get_A_Fixompaul: thx much12:16
albackerchecking for X... no12:16
albackerconfigure: error: fbpager requires the X Window System libraries and headers.12:16
sgleo87I just got my new external hdd....how do I create a partition on it in ubuntu?12:16
albackerwhat do i need ? which package?12:16
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toxic_Does anyone know how I can use grep with root-tail ? (no, root-tail - logfile | grep mask) doesn't work. (Doesn't have to be grep, anything that makes root-tail adapt to print text that only matches pattern)12:16
apokryphosalbacker: what are you trying to compile?12:16
mwesgleo87: sudo cfdisk12:16
albackerapokryphos, fbpager.12:16
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cybernightare there any programs to defrag ubuntu?12:16
eth42sgleo87: how is it attached?12:17
mwesgleo87: create a type 83 partition12:17
Get_A_Fixompaul: getafix - asterisk  LOL12:17
HowitzerIf i put / in the exclude filter, but /home/ in the include filter, what happens? Will it include /home/? or exclude it because it is a child of /12:17
sgleo87eth42, usb12:17
apokryphos!info fbpager12:17
mwesgleo87: then create a file system on it12:17
ubotufbpager: (a pager application for the Fluxbox window manager), section universe/x11, is optional. Version: 0.1.4-2build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 62 kB, Installed size: 264 kB12:17
Howitzer!info beagle12:17
ubotubeagle: (Desktop search tool), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.1.1-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 836 kB, Installed size: 3100 kB12:17
apokryphosalbacker: what's wrong with the ubuntu version? Dated?12:17
albackerapokryphos, i thought there wasnt any version in the repos./12:18
crimsunsfar: probably incorrect dxs parameter being used. Pastebin ``lspci -v && lspci -nv''12:18
proTEU`u guys seem to have funn in here12:18
=== IdleOne [n=idleone@toronto-HSE-ppp4085386.sympatico.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
ompaulcrimsun, if I siad cao106-dat is that enough info for a creative setup?12:18
albackerthanks apokryphos ;)12:18
apokryphosalbacker: as you can see, there is :P. Enable the Universe repository. Type /msg ubotu repositories   in here12:18
crimsunompaul: ECONTEXT12:18
sgleo87mwe, so just type cfdisk in the command line?12:18
=== ompaul pokes crimsun with a nasty card :)
cybernighthello any know any defragmenters for ubuntu?12:18
holdenReally lame question: how do I send those privae red messages over the channel?12:18
eth42sgleo87: I don't know how to find out the device name once it is attached12:18
eth42but then you can just use sfdisk or parted12:18
erg0t_im using Dapper Drake, just recently upgraded... my issue is that before i installed Kubuntu desktop i had Gnome and XFCE running ok... after installing Kubuntu, now Gnome wont work.12:18
mwesgleo87: sudo cfdisk /dev/yourdevice12:18
HowitzerExplain 'wont work'12:18
erg0t_could the installation of kubuntu desktop have broken Gnome_12:19
asdjasdjaYou don't have permission to access / on this server. is the error i get when i try to view and i have created a folder called www as i set the document root for /home/josh/www  i also chmodded it12:19
ompaulcrimsun, its the chip on an audigy212:19
Howitzerexplain 'wont work' please12:19
asdjasdjahow can i fix this12:19
apokryphoserg0t_: in theory -- no definitely not. But join #ubuntu+1 for dapper discussion12:19
erg0t_ok apokryphos , thanks12:19
intelikeyerg0t_ possable but not likely12:19
crimsunompaul: the "audigy" has different models, some of which use emu10k1, some of which use ca010612:19
duelbootis doing apt-get upgrade a good or bad idea?12:19
erg0t_thanks intelikey12:19
apokryphosduelboot: depends on what you're trying to achieve.12:19
jasoner, how do I get java for ubuntu?12:20
crimsunompaul: I'm still missing context12:20
apokryphosjason: /msg ubotu java12:20
duelbootapokryphos, just want the latest available12:20
apokryphosduelboot: for all packages?12:20
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sgleo87mwe, I found the devide name under system>administration>disks, it says /dev/sdb12:20
cybernighti have to find a defragmenter for ubuntu, can anyone help? its a project.12:20
apokryphosduelboot: then yes, it should be fine.12:20
scorchsaberjason: I beleive there is a package in synaptic. Also, you can go to Java.com and use Alien to convert the RPM12:20
jasonapokryphos, nothing happened12:20
ompaulcrimsun, its a box that I have to fix (some day) but I don't know where to start, if it works under dapper I can forget about it12:20
mwesgleo87: well sudo cfdisk /dev/sdb then12:20
duelbootapokryphos, that's why I was asking...don't really know12:20
asdjasdjaYou don't have permission to access / on this server. is the error i get when i try to view and i have created a folder called www as i set the document root for /home/josh/www  i also chmodded it12:20
ompaulcrimsun, it will be dapper at the end of this month12:20
crimsunompaul: what's wrong with it now?12:20
eth42sgleo87: or sudo parted /dev/sdb12:20
asdjasdjahow can i fix this12:20
apokryphos!tell jason about java12:20
jasonthanks, apokryphos, worked that time...12:21
duelbootasdjasdja, tried to sudo?12:21
ompaulcrimsun, appart from the fact I don't have it to hand, it was missing some channels12:21
ledilwhen Im starting network-manager Im getting "no network connection". Is there something I must change ?12:21
sgleo87mwe, ok, and then you said something about a type 83 partition? and creating a file system?12:21
mweparted? isn't that for resizing partitions?12:21
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mwesgleo87: yes12:21
muep__jason: Penguin Liberation Front has a repository with java12:21
mareksinstalling httpd-2.2.0. when running cmd "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2" i get "c compiler cannot create executeables", any help?12:21
scorchsaberjason: Alien is used to convert RPMS to debs, and so forth. I really don't know the commands, only used it twice12:21
crimsunompaul: I'm not sure what that means. Are you saying only stereo worked?12:21
ompaulcrimsun, yes12:21
scorchsaberjason: You should really get the one in the repository12:21
mwesgleo87: create a new partition first. then set type to 83 and commit changes12:21
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sfarcrimsun: uh okay :) i dont know what that mean but here is the output. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1200312:21
apokryphosmareks: install build-essential12:21
predius_mareks: apt-get install build-essential12:21
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ompaulcrimsun, as in the speakers in front of me12:21
cybernightanyone, any help on defragmenting12:21
sgleo87mwe, ok, thx12:22
duelbootasdjasdja, what's the file permissions on the directory?12:22
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intelikeycybernight doesn't e2fsck kinda do that?   i've never tried to defrag an ext fs12:22
muep__cybernight: what are you trying to do?12:22
eth42muep__, jason: I used the ones from jpackage.org and then alien12:22
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apokryphoscybernight: have you searched the repositories? apt-cache search defrag12:22
mwesgleo87: after that quit cfdisk and use mkfs to create a file system12:22
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eth42muep__, jason: problem is that you first have to build these .. . *sigh*12:22
cybernighti'm trying to find a defrag. for ubuntu12:22
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muep__the PLF java is very easy12:22
proTEU`defrag.   defrag.  defrag.12:23
HowitzerNobody can help me with my Beagle question?12:23
crimsunompaul: afaict all channels are supported12:23
ompaulcrimsun, however its not here at the moment, and it just left the building if I had seen you an hour ago I would have been able to do something with it12:23
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HowitzerIn Beagle: If i put / in the exclude filter, but /home/ in the include filter, what happens? Will it include /home/? or exclude it because it is a child of /12:23
intelikeycybernight defrag12:23
apokryphoscybernight: please don't flood. Ask your question, if someone is able/willing to help, they will.12:23
crimsunompaul: In Dapper I've pushed a number of fixes to the ca0106 driver12:23
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muep__that should be the java package12:23
ompaulcrimsun, then it should be good in that :-)12:23
marekspredius_, getting following error when running that cmd: "E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavilable)"12:23
crimsunompaul: a couple of those fixes have been routing, so it's probable your issue is already resolved12:23
eth42 muep__: ah, cool! i thought plf was for mandrake only12:24
predius_mareks: already running apt?12:24
=== zP-Osama [n=zP-Osama@c-68-39-49-28.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
RobertBI have a weird issue with Ubuntu 5.10. During installation I was asked to provide a user name and password for my account. I use this account to log in once the install is done -- no problem. However, that same password is not accepted by applications that demand root access. I've googled a lot but haven't yet come across this variation of the "root problem".12:24
ompaulcrimsun, great, I'll just be taking it down at the end of the month for full dapperisation12:24
marekspredius_, wups, had synaptic running in background12:24
muep__eth42: nowadays they have breezy packages, too :)12:24
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zP-Osamais there anyone who can help me setup ndiswrapper on the new 2.6.16 kernel?12:24
eth42muep__: that's very reasonable :-)12:25
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cybernightwell thanks apokryphos, got to go12:25
marekspredius_, working now; thanks :-)12:25
mweRobertB: can you even use sudo?12:25
mweRobertB: ie open a terminal and type sudo ls12:25
muep__RobertB, try, for example, sudo ls12:25
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RobertBmwe and muep__: Thanks for the advice. That does seem to work. But applications launched from the GNOME menu do not accept my password.12:26
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myp!tell RobertB about gnome12:26
mweRobertB: odd. should be using the same sudo entry12:26
dark_fibredoes anyone know how to set the seti_dir in conky?12:27
RobertBmwe: I even did a complete reformat and reinstall -- this time provided a Full Name for my account, because I thought that this could be the problem (long shot, I know). Still same problem.12:27
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zP-Osamais there anyone who can help me setup ndiswrapper on the new 2.6.16 kernel?12:27
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eth42RobertB: huh? sudo on terminal works but gksudo doesn't?12:27
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vgezP-Osama: what wireless card?12:27
muep__RobertB, are you using any special characters in your password?12:27
mweRobertB: you are using your user password when it asks, right?12:27
__mikemzP-Osama are you Osama Bin Lauden12:27
apokryphoseth42: what's the error?12:27
__mikemsorry, couldn't resist12:28
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eth42RobertB: reformatting + reinstalling sounds like the wrong approach for linux12:28
muep__try using only a-z and 0-912:28
zP-Osamavge: linksys wireless g12:28
eth42apokryphos: about RobertB12:28
RobertBeth42: I'm not quite familiar with how the GNOME menu apps attain root access. But "sudo ls" does work. So does "gksudo ls".12:28
sgleo87mwe, sry, I am bit of a noob...do I create a primary or logical partition?12:28
zP-Osamavge: i got the new kernel installed but it doesnt have ndiswrapper nd im stuck trying to install it12:28
mwesgleo87: either12:28
RobertBeth42: Yeah, probably. But it was worth a shot I figured since I couldn't find the problem.12:28
mwesgleo87: if you just need one partition go with a primary12:28
RobertBmuep__: No -- no special characters. About ten characters, a-z, all lower case.12:28
sgleo87mwe, ok, thx12:29
RobertBmuep__: However, I use a Swedish keyboard layout.12:29
eth42sgleo87: I'd say that doesn't matter much12:29
eth42sgleo87: use primary12:29
muep__RobertB, that shouldn't be a problem12:29
RobertBmwe: Yes, I'm using my regular user password. The one that works fine for logging in to GNOME12:29
marekspredius_, quick question. nothing really happens to other files on my system until i actually run "sudo make install" correct?12:29
predius_mareks: right12:29
mweRobertB: hmm. and sudo ls as that user works fine?12:29
predius_mareks: did you compile with prefix=/usr?12:30
muep__mareks: before the install part, do not use sudo12:30
marekspredius_, the "./configure ..." cmd and "make" cmd just compile the files, correct?12:30
sgleo87mwe, if I do type 83 I can still use it in Windows right?12:30
zP-Osamavge: im at the step in the ubuntu howto forum were i unpakage it and copile but for some reason tis telling me the file doesnt exist....12:30
marekspredius_, "./configre --prefix=/usr/local/apache2"12:30
mwesgleo87: yeah. but windows doesn't read ext3 file systems by default12:30
predius_mareks: /usr12:30
RobertBmwe: Yes. I launched a terminal, still logged in as my ordinary user account ("rob"), and typed "sudo ls". I assume this would then elevate my status to root privileges. And I get a listing of my directory contents, no problem.12:30
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apokryphosmareks: correct12:31
marekspredius_, why just /usr?12:31
sfarcrimsun: do you find anything that might be wrong in the output? sorry to bother, but i should have been in bed for like one hour ago :<12:31
mweRobertB: does gksudo gedit work? and is it a problem in all prgrams accessed with the menus that need root?12:31
vgezP-Osama: well im kinda bad with wrapper, all i can say is gl :/12:31
predius_mareks: because not only binaries are installed12:31
ompaulRobertB, so have you got a program called xev installed? launch it in a terminal12:31
sgleo87mwe, so should I still use type 83 if I use it in both windows and linux?12:31
zP-Osamavge: lol np thanks anyway12:31
predius_so they go into /usr/12:31
mwesgleo87: yeah12:31
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sgleo87mwe, so what do I have to do in windows so it can read and write to it?12:32
mwesgleo87: but you probably want fat32 for easy sharing. it will limit file size to 4GB though12:32
d4mj3wCan anyone help me set up wlan0?12:32
RobertBmwe: Yes, it appears to affect all configuration apps that one would expect to require root privileges. With "gksudo gedit" I get an error message which I believe to be unrelated (but I'm not sure), and the editor then launches.12:32
crimsunsfar: I'm busy atm. If you will please file a bug on Malone, I'd appreciate it.12:32
marekspredius_, do i have to redo configure and make cmd then?12:32
eth42d4mj3w: depends. do you need help setting up the device or the connection?12:32
sgleo87mwe, hmm...so a single file can only be 4GB?12:32
predius_mareks: yep12:32
marekspredius_, (after deleting directory: /usr/local/apache2)?12:32
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mwesgleo87: Or try your luck with some of the free ext tools for windows. I don't use them but I hear there should be some good ones12:32
RobertB"Authentication Rejected, reason: None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed". This is what "gksudo gedit" tells me before launching the editor (seemingly successfully).12:32
mwesgleo87: right12:33
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sgleo87mwe, I do have partition magic in windows12:33
mwesgleo87: or use ext3 and a free windows tool that lets you use it12:33
predius_mareks: configure --prefix=/usr12:33
ompaulRobertB, so it should12:33
sgleo87mwe, k, I'll look into that12:33
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RobertBompaul: What does that message indicate -- does it provide any clue into my problem of attaining root access when I manually launch applications from the GNOME menu?12:34
ompaulRobertB, that one is spurious to your complaint12:34
d4mj3weth: I need help setting up both...but in the network connections I need to make it so I can choose "wlan0" instead of "eth0"12:34
RobertBAll right, suspected that.12:34
mwesgleo87: but frankly how often do you need files larger than 4GB?12:34
eth42mwe: sgleo87: but there are no which support ext3 writing, right?12:34
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ompaulRobertB, I think that your keyboard settings in the terminal and in gnome do not mathc12:34
ompaulRobertB, match even12:35
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ddonkyi'm installing a deb, and i get this error: http://paste.getlinuxhelp.org/214412:35
eth42 d4mj3w: I think that depends on the driver. i have ipw2100, and there it is a special kernel-option you have to provide to get wlan012:35
Flesh2Festerrainbow tables?12:35
dark_fibredoes anyone know how to set the seti_dir in conky?12:35
mweeth42: I think there is. I'm not 100% sure though12:35
RobertBompaul: Hmm, I don't have any special characters in my password though -- they should all work regardless of layout.12:35
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RobertBUnless perhaps there is some Unicode issue?12:35
dark_fibreor what seti's dir is?12:35
RobertBEven with a-z?12:35
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ompaulRobertB, seen it before12:35
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mweRobertB: I don't think it's a unicode or layout problem12:36
eth42 mwe: no free perhaps. I've found one yesterday that had the option "allow writing" and "force ext3 writing". i wouldn't try that... :-)12:36
RobertBompaul: I will try to add the US English layout then, just in case.12:36
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d4mj3weth: I'm trying to set up a linksys wireless G wusb54g.  I got the drivers, and the wdiswrapper.12:36
marekswhere would be a good place to put apache2 root dir?12:36
sfarcrimsun: i will do that tomorrow after work. thank you for being helpful and good night!12:36
sgleo87mwe, that is true, even my video files are less than 200MB12:36
mweeth42: sounds risky yes12:36
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mwesgleo87: I'd go with fat32 then12:36
ompaulRobertB, match it to whatever your xorg-conf says12:36
JoetheoddIf I install firefox 1.5.1 on my system, will anything horrible happen?12:36
d4mj3wproblem is wlan0 is not an option.  the status light on my adapter isnt blinking either.12:37
eth42d4mj3w: sorry, no idea about [nw] diswrapper12:37
UnbunCan anyone tell me how to run wine?12:37
sgleo87mwe, just out of curiosity, what kind of files would be that large?12:37
sfar!tell Joetheodd about ff1.512:37
RobertBmwe: I've seen other issues on the forums with regards to root access, but my particular problem seems unique. This surprises me because it's a completely fresh install (finished just 15 minutes ago) -- and I could replicate it after a second install.12:37
ompaulRobertB, and watch the kyb options - they need to match12:37
d4mj3weth : we dont have to talk about it :p12:37
mwesgleo87: some dvd images maybe12:37
RobertBompaul: Thanks. Will dig around a bit.12:37
UnbunWhats the help server?12:37
ompaulUnbun, wiki.ubuntu.com and help.ubuntu.com12:38
d4mj3wI just need the system to recognize my adapter and see "wlan0" in the network section >.<12:38
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sgleo87mwe, I see, well I don't have any of those, I'll go with fat32 then12:38
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mweRobertB: yeah it's odd12:38
mwesgleo87: good choise12:38
intelikeyUnbun also irc.freenode.net #ubuntu   (here)12:38
devnullright ... me and ati and amd64 don't get along12:38
ompaulmwe, I have seen it (as recently as last night) :-) uk and us mix up12:38
mwesgleo87: use sudo mkfs.vfat to create the file system12:38
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mweompaul: I see12:39
sgleo87mwe, ok, thank you so much12:39
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eth42d4mj3w: network section == network-admin?12:39
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RobertBmwe and ompaul -- guess what: when I changed to US English in GNOME (for some reason the keyboard settings panel did not require root) -- it worked! It's not a solution because I really need Swedish layout, but at least it's a temporary workaround. Many thanks for your efforts.12:39
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mareksany insight on reformatting a ntfs partition to ext3?12:39
ddonkyi'm installing a deb, and i get this error: http://paste.getlinuxhelp.org/2144     ...anyone know why?12:39
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codecainehi how can I get my wifi card configurations to stay in ubuntu like my web key?12:39
codecaineso its the same after I reboot12:40
ompaulRobertB, you need to change your password to all numbers before you change your keyboard again :-)12:40
mweRobertB: sound like a bug to me12:40
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RobertBompaul: Yeah, guess I can live with that. :)12:40
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ompaulRobertB, X and gnome are all saying different things that is all12:40
mwecodecaine: configure it in /etc/network/interfaces12:40
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UnbunCan someone help me with wine execution?12:41
mwecodecaine: man interfaces12:41
mweUnbun: type wine12:41
d4mj3wyes eth sorry :\12:41
mweUnbun: :)12:41
mweUnbun: wine notepad.exe for example12:41
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RobertBompaul: At least I have something to go on now, you narrowed the problem down for me. I'll keep digging a bit and see what I come up with. Thanks again!12:41
UnbunGod... i am such a noob to linux...12:41
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mweUnbun: only a tiny fraction of all windows programs actually work though12:41
lwizardlcan someone help me with configuring this box for static ips12:41
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dark_fibrecan someone tell me what seti's dir is please?12:42
marekscmd to reformat ntfs partition to ext3?12:42
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UnbunIm just looking for something that can run, an mp3 player (such as xmplay) and sim city 200012:42
mwelwizardl: edit /etc/network/interfaces12:42
mwelwizardl: make a backup first though12:42
mwelwizardl: 'man interfaces' in a terminal explains it all12:42
GuardianAtomosWhere is the phpmyadmin package installed?12:42
apokryphosmareks: mkfs.ext312:42
lwizardlmwe: how do i make a backup?12:42
GuardianAtomosi.e., how do I access it?12:42
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jcolemy /lib/modules/2.6.15-20-686/kernel/drivers/char/drm/i915.ko kernel module is dated 20040405 ... how do i go about upgrading my kernel drm to 20060119 like this guy? -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=134069&highlight=2006011912:43
intelikeydark_fibre "find / -name '*seti*' "12:43
mareksapokryphos, im not sure i understand?12:43
mwelwizardl: copy the file12:43
apokryphosmareks: that's a command to format a partition as ext312:43
codecaineanother question I made all my gui blue but when I login to ubuntu I get that red screen with the interfaces loading how can I change that?12:43
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marekshow do i tell it which partition?12:43
zP-OsamaI just installed ndiswrapper and rebooted my computer and my wirelss card isnt showing up in network-admin. Is there another way for me to configure it?12:43
mwelwizardl: sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bak for example12:43
dark_fibreintelikey, thanks, i've already tried that but couldn't fnd anything. the default location appears to be /opt/seti?12:44
apokryphosmareks: man mkfs.ext312:44
mareksapokryphos, thanks12:44
Unbun where do i type wine?12:44
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zaibiechui want to install "Xubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) Flight CD 6" from my hard disk,where can i download the proper vmlinuz and initrd.gz12:44
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apokryphosmareks: as most commands :P, just like mkfs.ext3 /dev/someentry12:44
mweUnbun: in a terminal12:44
s-ndh-cUnbun:  in a terminal?12:44
mareksUnbun, terminal12:44
apokryphosmareks: use with care :), and make sure nothing's mounted on it.12:44
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roostishawcan anyone tell me what user accounts are not needed?12:44
jcoledrm being so old in ubuntu might be the cause of alot of these bugs? -> https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs?field.searchtext=direct+rendering&search=Search&orderby=-priority%2C-severity12:44
vgezP-Osama: iwconfig12:44
apokryphosroostishaw: what do you mean12:45
Unbunsays bash: wine: command not found12:45
mweroostishaw: the ones you see are system accounts and should not be removed12:45
zP-Osamavge: ed@EAGLE:~$ sudo iwconfig12:45
roostishawwhat accounts are not needed for the computer to function properly...12:45
zP-Osamalo        no wireless extensions.12:45
zP-Osamaeth0      no wireless extensions.12:45
Sionidewhat do i need to play a .mp4 ?12:45
s-ndh-cUnbun:  install wine first?12:45
UnbunI thought I did12:45
apokryphosSionide: just xine probably12:45
zaibiechui want to install "Xubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) Flight CD 6" from my hard disk,where can i download the proper vmlinuz and initrd.gz12:45
ompaul!tell Sionide about restricted12:45
intelikeydark_fibre if you ran that command and it didn't return any /path/file_or_dir  then there is nothing named seti on your system or you may need to prepend sudo  it might have errored out before it finished.12:45
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mweroostishaw: the ones that are created by default should be left alone12:45
ompaulSionide, read the message from the bot please12:45
zaibiechucan anyone help me12:46
dark_fibreintelikey, thanks i'll try that12:46
roostishawmwe, ok12:46
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mweroostishaw: they're not login accounts and should not pose a security risk12:46
UnbunThe wine instill isnt the most... Helpful...12:46
zaibiechu_jason, do yo know?12:46
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asdf25so i'm trying to run Xgl with fglrx (radeon 9800 pro), i'm using only official dapper packages, DRI works in normal X, and i've followed all the guides... and when i run Xgl, it starts up, starts an Xorg process, makes monitor grey, waits about 5 seconds then segfaults... any ideas?12:47
UnbunI install from synap package manager right?12:47
CaNsAim trying to find a way of making a ntfs drive into a linux filesystem without lossing the data... i havent got another drive to back it upto12:47
asdf25i think partition magic can do that12:47
mweCaNsA: I don't think that's possible12:47
intelikeyCaNsA not gonna happen.12:47
mareksCaNsA, im doing the same thing right now. luckily its only 1gb of data so im must moving it to current working drive and copying back after format12:47
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mweCaNsA: you need to backup and reformat then restore12:48
mareksCaNsA, how much data?12:48
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mareksneed one of those $4,000 2.5tb flash cards12:48
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CaNsAwhos gonna lend me a 160gig sata then?12:49
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CaNsAill give back in 2 days12:49
UnbunIm downloading wine with synap now12:49
venini think ive removed VLC .. but when i right click a file and "open with" ..VLC is still there.. how to remove it?12:49
MisterNmareks: we all "need" so many things :p12:49
mareksCaNsA, newegg has special on 300gb hitachi SATA150 7200rpm 8mb cache for $10012:49
UnbunAfter that all ill need to do is type wine in the terminal right?12:49
intelikeyCaNsA IT WONT WORK! but one might, resize the main partition and make a small partition of as much of the free space as passable. and move all the data to that you can, then repete.....12:49
CaNsAi dont want to BUY anything :P12:49
mareksCaNsA, wups not hitachi. Seagate12:49
sgleo87mwe, sry, one more question....nfts is read only in linux right?12:50
mwemareks: sounds better12:50
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mwemareks: actually it sounds like a good deal12:50
obnibolongoCaNsA: can't you ask a friend or two or three to go to your place with a laptop, transfer to his computer using a USB 2.0 cable and then do the opposite after formatting? PS: a borrowed harddrive would be easier but in lack of that option...12:50
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mwesgleo87: yeah if you want to stay safe it is12:50
vgezP-Osama: sry im too lazy to register, so i cant pm, but i just fought couple weeks to get my wireless working, im not mutch of a help12:50
CaNsAobnibolongo, i concurr. but its the hassle12:51
zP-Osamavge: lol no prob12:51
CaNsAi wnat to do it now..... lol12:51
f8whats the location of the file with the automount info?12:51
UnbunYAY!!! thanks for the help12:51
mwesgleo87: at least for now. write support is improving though12:51
sgleo87mwe, ok, just wondering why you wouldn't use that instead of fat3212:51
zP-Osamavge: well the output of the comand u ave me was lo and eth0. my card in the old kernel was labeled at ra0 so its not being seen at all apparetnly.....12:51
f8and also, how do i mount NTFS so i can write to it?12:51
s-ndh-cyou could use captive but its not maintained anymore12:51
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mwesgleo87: well now you know :)12:51
intelikeyCaNsA why not ask for something easy, like say we give you the world and imortality....12:51
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sgleo87mwe, ok, thx12:51
kbrookscan someone send me a test email with a encrypted message? thanks12:52
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CaNsAintelikey, ll hhave the moon on a stick if u have it to hand :)12:52
mwekbrooks: why'd you want that ? :)12:52
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obnibolongokbrooks: algorithm? mail? public key?12:52
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vgezP-Osama: yup, i saw your message, but if the wlan was there with old kernel, why upgrade?12:52
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zP-Osamavge: faster kernel12:52
=== intelikey hands CaNsA a lolly-pop
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kbrooksmwe: to test out this thunderbird plugin12:53
mwekbrooks: can't you just email yourself? possibly from yahoo or something12:53
kbrooksmwe: ok ok12:53
kbrooksim lazy12:54
f8is there a way to write to NTFS?12:54
mwef8: yes. boot to windows12:54
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mwef8: or take your chances12:54
intelikeycat dev/random | mail kbrooks@where.ever12:54
BambinoCan i check my ip in terminal?12:55
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Xaero_Vincentis Kubuntu going to fall apart?12:55
mweBambino: ifconfig12:55
kbrooksXaero_Vincent: no. who told you it would?12:55
NoOnExf8: http://www.linux-ntfs.org/12:55
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mwenight all12:56
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f8thanks noonex12:56
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zP-Osamais there anyone else who can help me get my wireless working?.?.12:56
ben32167i need to write a 713mb avi to a 700mb cdr, which program can do this?12:56
kbrooksXaero_Vincent: well, you join #kubuntu. i'll join #kubuntu and i'll talk to them12:57
intelikeyben32167 xcdroast maybe12:57
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CaNsAis partition magic reliable when resizing?12:57
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keithhhhI killed Ubuntu by reinstalling windows recently...is there any painless way to bring back GRUB?12:57
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ompaul!tell keithhhh about grub12:58
VgeCaNsA: i have killed partitions with pmagic, not 100%12:58
ddonkyIn Japan, Fuji apples continue to be the unrivaled best-seller.12:58
intelikeykeithhhh if you can boot from the livecd, it's a peace of cake12:58
ben32167!tell ben32167  about grub12:58
keithhhhoh really cool12:58
keithhhhI have one lying around12:58
michael117What command do I use to find out how much space is availible on a certain disk?12:58
keithhhhI went in with my install disk but it just doesnt like it12:59
ddonkydf -h12:59
keithhhhkeep getting "No root file is Defined"   and I cant seem to define one12:59
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intelikeykeithhhh the howto link should be in your pm's12:59
keithhhhintelikey ya12:59
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UnbunHey, when changing directories in terminal, is it case sensitive?12:59
Unbunthat explains it01:00
Unbunthanks again01:00
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intelikeyalmost {everything} in linux is case sensitive01:00
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clerikhi all01:01
cleriki have a problem with a dual boot installation Windows XP/ubuntu01:01
gtnI just installed Ubuntu01:02
Unbunwhy did wine terminate the program01:02
gtnworks great01:02
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michael117Is there a way to convert a fat32 or ntfs partition into an extended3 one?01:03
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gtnmichael117, yea but you'll lose all the data01:03
intelikeymichael117 not a non-destructive one.01:03
UnbunWhy does wine exit out01:03
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fnoy_should i check every box in repositories that says univers01:04
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sgleo87is this normal? sandra@ubuntudesktop:~$ sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb01:05
sgleo87mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005)01:05
sgleo87mkfs.vfat: Will not try to make filesystem on full-disk device '/dev/sdb' (use -I if wanted)01:05
gtnAre any development tools installed when you first install Ubuntu?01:05
fnoy_should i check every box in repositories that says univers01:05
Stormx2gtn: For programming?01:05
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sgleo87this is a new external hdd and I created a fat32 partition on it01:06
zaibiechui want to intstall ubuntu from hard disk should i download bootimage.gz??01:06
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Stormx2zaibiechu: Check the Wiki01:06
ubotuInstalling Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation Installing software on Ubuntu? See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingSoftware01:06
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bimberisgleo87: yes it is, you need to specify a partition - eg. /dev/sdb101:06
gtnStormx2, yea, but I see some thing on the wiki now01:06
intelikeyfnoy_  one line is enough.  " deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy main restricted universe multiverse "01:06
ISOcratescan someone tell me what to put in my fstab to automount a slave drive on startup01:06
sgleo87bimberi, I did -> sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb01:06
zaibiechuStormx2, give me the link ths01:06
zaibiechuStormx2, i am new to the01:07
zaibiechuStormx2, i am new to this01:07
zaibiechuStormx2, i am new to this,and my english is poor01:07
Stormx2zaibiechu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation01:07
intelikeyISOcrates not without more information.01:07
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bimberisgleo87: you need a partition number at the end (eg. the 1 in my post)01:07
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ISOcratesintelikey: the drive used to be my secondary drive when i used windows01:08
DraconicusMy harddrive made a weird sound while the computer was in standby, and then everything locked up. It sounded like it shut off, then started spinning again. This has only happened on Ubuntu, so far. What gives?01:08
sgleo87bimberi, oh....is the default 1 or how do I know what number to use/01:08
intelikeyISOcrates where is it plugged in ?  ide0  ide1  sata  scsi ?     also what filesystem is now on it and is it the first partition ?01:08
mareksafter changing filesystem to ext3, how do i format?01:08
bimberisgleo87: you need to create the partition first using a partitioner such as gparted (gui) or cfdisk (text)01:08
intelikeyISOcrates running the command " sudo fdisk -l "  in a terminal should help you find it.01:09
sgleo87bimberi, I did, and I created one partition...it's 1, I checked, thx01:09
ISOcratesintelikey: ok i'll try that right now01:09
bimberisgleo87: kk :)01:10
ISOcratesintelikey: /dev/hdb1 hpfs/ntfs01:10
mareksafter cmd "mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda<#>", what is cmd to actually format partition?01:10
ISOcratesintelikey: starts at 1 and ends at 2479201:10
sgleo87bimberi, fat32 is the right format if I want to use the external hdd in both windows and linux right?01:10
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dlican ubuntu be installed from usb memory stick? any download for usb-media?01:10
bimberisgleo87: yes01:11
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dlisgleo87, ext3 are supported via ext2fsd, but not natively01:11
sgleo87bimberi, ok, good, uhm what do I need to do now after it is formatted so I can use it?01:11
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sgleo87dli, ah, ok01:11
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dlisgleo87, if it's fat, windows can read it01:12
intelikeyISOcrates ok you will need to refer to !ntfs  but the line will look something like  "/dev/hdb1 /mnt/disk2 ntfs ro,fmask=0,umask=0,mask=0 0 0 "01:12
ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions01:12
sgleo87dli, yeah that's what I need, I need to be able to read and write in both linux and windows01:12
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ISOcratesintelikey: thanks a lot01:12
bimberisgleo87: create a mountpoint (eg. 'sudo mkdir /media/sdb1) and mount it01:12
sgleo87bimberi, ok, thx01:13
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YellowTeethcan someone tell me how i can use superuser mode?01:13
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Sniderzhey all01:14
Sniderzubuntu ROCKs !!01:14
ISOcratesintelikey: do i have to create /mnt/disk2 first?01:14
YellowTeethcan someone tell me how i can use superuser mode?01:14
gtnYellowTeeth, sudo bash01:14
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dliYellowTeeth, sudo -i01:15
intelikeythat was only an example ISOcrates yes the mount point will have to exist01:15
YellowTeethnice 101:15
rmlightningWhen i try to update my repositories i keep getting an error that it could not download all repository indexes...http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy...Unable to find expected entry Multiverse/source/Sources in Meta-index file...anyone know a workaround?01:15
csmallIs it normal for child windows to show a different window decoration than the parent theme when using xgl01:15
intelikeyany empty dir ISOcrates   /media/blah/   or even /home/<yourname>/ntfs       any empty dir.01:16
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dlirmlightning, it might be a temporary problem or a broken sources.list01:16
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BambinoHmm, if i change desktop, shouldn't the software i have running that is showing on my taskbar disappear? until i change back?01:17
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rmlightningi don't think it is a temporary problem.  it has been happening for awhile now.  is there a way to fix a broken sources list?01:17
ben32167can i use fat32 as /home?01:18
Krollianhey, I can't figure out how to open programs that I've installed.  For example easyubuntu01:18
BerryAllenhi all, anyone use an adapter playstation joystick-> usb at ubuntu?01:18
intelikeyISOcrates the reason i say EMPTY is because, if you mount an fs on a dir with files the files are not accessable until you umount the fs.   so you could mount on /  but the system would be unusable until you reboot because all your linux files would be hiden  including "umount"01:18
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BerryAlleni have sucess, loading 1 joystick (js0), but i cant enable the second joystick (js1)...01:18
VgeKrollian: press ALT+f2 and type the name of the program you installed01:18
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talldavedoes any body now how i can remote connect to my desktop? i have set up vnc and can connect from another pc on my LAN but i am unsyre of my ip address to connect from elsewhere01:18
BambinoWhen you switch between the desktops, shouldent the taskbar become empty when you switch to a unused dekstop so to speak?01:19
KrollianVge, thanks homey01:19
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intelikeyBerryAllen are you sure it's js1 ?  test-->  od /dev/js#  move the stick....01:19
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intelikeyBambino that is configurable01:20
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digitalhav0c_talldave, what vnc client you using01:21
talldavetight vnc01:21
chewyf5hello has someone experience with intel-hda audio device01:21
digitalhav0c_so you have the vnc client and server installed01:21
Bambinointelikey, How do i configure it?01:21
digitalhav0c_ok give me a sec because im doing the same thing right now01:21
talldavei can connect and remote control my desktop from the other pc on my lan01:22
digitalhav0c_i had it working yesterday01:22
digitalhav0c_but i redid my system01:22
intelikeyBambino sorry, i'm not a gah'nome person...  but i have done it one time.01:22
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BerryAllenintelikey, /i created with mknod the device js1, but when i try to use jstest /dev/js1, i got a no such device error.... when i try to use with the first (js0), i see the values changing when i press some key in the joystick01:22
talldavei just have a problem with the addressing cos i have 2 pc's01:22
Sniderzhow do you use apt get? would I just do apt get java ?01:22
Bambinointelikey, k =(01:22
bimberi!tell Sniderz about apt01:23
bimberi!tell Sniderz about java01:23
Sniderzty much bimberi01:23
bimberiSniderz: np :)01:23
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BerryAllenintelikey, a "strange" thing is ... when im testing js0, the values changes when i press the buttons of the 2 joysticks....01:23
Sniderzanyone running xchat and has join and quit messages filtered out?01:24
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intelikeyBerryAllen yeah that's strange....   lsmod   make sure that both devices are installed there01:25
BerryAllenroot@k2:/usr/src# lsmod |grep joydev01:25
BerryAllenjoydev                  9280  001:25
digitalhav0c_talldave, are you behind a router?01:25
sgleo87bimberi, should I add it in the fstab file so it is mounted automatically when I boot? what happens if it is not connected when my computer boots?01:26
intelikeyBerryAllen also you can  cat /proc/ioports01:26
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talldavenot a router, connected via another pc01:26
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UnbunWine is cool,01:27
UnbunI can run sim city now01:27
axylfyrehey all01:27
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axylfyreis it possible to move data between windows and linux on a dual or multi boot system?01:27
KrollianVge, if you're there, your advice didn't work01:27
dliaxylfyre, make a FAT32 partition01:28
KrollianIt opened the file browser01:28
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intelikeyaxylfyre yes,   both systems can read/write to fat3201:28
toxic_Isn't .bash_profile supposed to launch upon loggin in to ie fluxbox ? If it does, how come the predefined line "PATH=$PATH:~/bin " doesn't become added to the path ?01:28
axylfyreoh ok ty01:28
ufoaxylfyre, or create an ext2 partition and use driver for windows01:28
Vgeyes, i noticed too late that tis is the Gnome channel sry01:28
intelikeylinux can read everything.01:28
KrollianTrying to run easyubuntu.  Can someone help?01:28
KrollianI can't seem to figure this out01:28
Krollianme stupid01:28
BerryAllenintelikey, i cant identify any usb device listing the ioports... but js0 is working, im sure.01:28
bimberisgleo87: I think it will error but continue - there may be options you can specify in fstab to make it error-tolerant.  If noone else here knows you could have a look at 'man fstab'01:29
digitalhav0c_talldave, whats the setup01:29
asdf25krol, did you do what it says in the first box at http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/get.html?01:29
intelikeyBerryAllen oh. usb!  lsusb01:29
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axylfyreso on the swap partition, can you put that on an usb hdd or an external hdd?01:29
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sgleo87bimberi, ok, Ill check man fstab01:29
Krollianasd, uh no01:30
KrollianI thought that was two different options01:30
asdf25yeah, it is01:30
bimberisgleo87: how is it connected? usb?01:30
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intelikeyaxylfyre yes you can.   you can even not use a swap partition.   but that is not "officially recommended"01:30
asdf25you did the second one?01:30
asdf25where'd it go wrong?01:31
axylfyrei meant like the EXT2 partition01:31
sgleo87bimberi, yes01:31
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toxic_Isn't .bash_profile supposed to launch upon loggin in to ie fluxbox ? If it does, how come the predefined line "PATH=$PATH:~/bin " doesn't become added to the path ?01:31
BerryAllenIntangir, yeap, im using an adapter .... playstation normal controller, connects to that adapter, and the adapter connects to pc with an usb port01:32
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BerryAllenintelikey, the adapter have 2 ports to connect 2 joysticks01:32
ben32167whats delete command?01:32
Krollianasd, pm01:32
ben32167for folders01:32
talldavedigitalhav0c_ i am on ubuntu pc connected LAN to Win XP pc connected to net with USB broadband01:32
axylfyrety for the help01:32
intelikeyBerryAllen i'v never messed with that particular hardware, sorry i have to defer to someone that has.01:32
Krollianasd, private message?01:33
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dliaxylfyre, try this, http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/ , it enables your windows to read/write ext201:33
intelikeytoxic_ maybe you are thinking of .profile01:33
ben32167rm: cannot remove directory `emule': Is a directory01:33
Bambinoanyone here using BitchX?01:33
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zenbumi tried the dapper live cd on my ibook today... gnome looked really pathetic... like my mac was underdressed01:34
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pike_ben rm -r directory01:34
mareks in /etc/fstab i have entry to mount ext3 partition to /mnt/www. what options do i set so that i dont have to sudo everythign just to create/edit files/dirs?01:34
toxic_intelikey, possibly, doesn't .bash_profile run on starting a wm ?01:34
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axylfyrethanks dli!01:34
toxic_intelikey, btw I don't have a .profile01:34
intelikeytoxic_ afik .bash_profile only runs for login shells.  not for shells started as gnome-terminal  or ?term01:34
digitalhav0c_talldave, im trying to think have you tryed to connecting to xp ip address because the the port should't change01:34
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intelikeytoxic_ touch .profile01:35
digitalhav0c_port 5901 i think01:35
toxic_intelikey, and profile runs each time I login to a wm ?01:35
talldaveyes i just get server not found01:35
fartcan someone help i cant get initng working01:35
intelikeyiirc toxic_ it does.01:35
toxic_intelikey, great, thanks01:35
ben32167pike : how will i  put switch yes to all?01:35
digitalhav0c_are you connect to winxp from ubuntu or ..01:35
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intelikeytoxic_ if that proves wrong.... and it could.   then put what you are needing to do in .xsession  or .wmrc   both of those are read by x on startup of your X session01:37
talldavethw win XP box is connectec to the net via USB modem and then i connect trough that01:37
pike_ben32167: are you writing a script or something?01:37
intelikeyerrr is it  .Xsession01:37
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ben32167i did it, i run nautilus from root..01:37
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digitalhav0c_no i mean what box are you trying to connect to from vnc?01:37
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pike_ben32167: if you get prompted for a y or n you need to sudo rm -r prob01:37
pike_ben32167: ok01:38
digitalhav0c_which one is the server which one is client01:38
ben32167ok thanks01:38
csmalldoes ubuntu have dma enabled for hard disks by default?01:38
DBOnatutilus as root?  *shudders...*01:38
digitalhav0c_csmall, mean default did01:38
ADGhey guys, I have a file called osp-Quake3-1.03a_full.zip on my desktop that I want to extract to /usr/local/games/quake3  what command would I have to put in the terminal for that?01:38
DBOcsmall, yes01:38
=== detox332 [n=matt@c-24-3-244-152.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
talldavesorry i am running vnc on my ubuntu box and trying to connect from work via the net01:38
f8can someone help me with ntfsmount? i just installed ntfsprogs and i have fuse... but i get a command not found when i use ntfsmount01:38
digitalhav0c_csmall, my01:38
ben32167i am the root :P01:38
=== reorourke [n=reorourk@c-24-3-244-152.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
talldavei can connect from the windows pc and control the desktop01:39
fartdoes any on know how i can get initng working01:39
pike_talldave: consider freenx01:39
obnibolongoDBO: lol what's the problem of running nautilus as root? just avoid /dev and stuff... plus it's better than sudo su -  : at least you still have trash :D01:39
reorourkeneed help mounting a secondary hard drive please01:39
pike_reorourke: windows drive?01:39
talldavepike_ whats freenx?01:39
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DBOobnibolongo, because some people have bad tendancies to clean up their file system...  I dont like showing people how to do that =P01:40
reorourkepike: nope, transferred data over to it right before I installed Ubuntu, was previously running SuSe01:40
ubotuwell, freenx is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeNX01:40
ADGhey guys, I have a file called osp-Quake3-1.03a_full.zip on my desktop that I want to extract to /usr/local/games/quake3  what command would I have to put in the terminal for that?01:40
intelikeytoxic_   man xsession    then type    /.Xsession    in the man page.01:40
reorourkeso it should be formatted for linux still01:40
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obnibolongoDBO: for example? Why would someone would do that? I mean, noone cleans system32 :P01:41
pike_talldave: i REALLY prefer it to other remote solutions01:41
f8why is ntfsmount not a reconized command?01:41
obnibolongoDBO:  I hope......01:41
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obnibolongof8: a) not installed; b) not in path01:41
talldavepike_ thanks i will have a look01:41
DBOobnibolongo, you have never been to the windows support room have you?01:41
varshey how do i play DVD's?01:41
obnibolongoDBO: no........01:41
DBOobnibolongo, it happens01:42
tristanmike!tell vars about dvd01:42
f8obnibolongo, i have it installed, what does b mean?01:42
devnullhello ... when i watch a DVD my synaptic mouse pad starts desyncing and spazing .. anyone know of such a problem ?01:42
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ADGanyone help at all?01:42
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reorourkeADG: yes please, mounting a secondary linux hard drive01:42
DBOobnibolongo, if you are going to have someone open nautilus as root, end with a disclaimer of dont do this... ever again...01:42
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obnibolongof8: do note I never used ntfsmount . But *probably* you have to find where it is and enter the full path, like /usr/bin/ntfsmount (AS I SAID: I never used it)01:43
NickGarveyADG: man upzip01:43
NickGarveyADG: man unzip**01:43
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f8obnibolongo, dig it... thanks for the tip01:43
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intelikeyADG first "sudo -i "  then   " mkdir /usr/local/games/quake3 ;cd /usr/local/games/quake3 ;unzip /home/<username>/osp-Quake3-1.03a_full.zip "     if no one answered yet...01:43
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shadeofgreyHi Guys01:43
shadeofgreyand Gals01:43
ADGthanks guys01:44
ADGreorourke:  refer to this thread http://www.suseforums.net/lofiversion/index.php/t21647.html01:44
shadeofgreylisten does anybody know if ubuntu has software capableof handling 256 AES encryption? Specifically so i can buy a Lexar Jumpdrive Secure II?01:44
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mark_ubotu tell mark_ about build essentials01:45
azurehuesofblueIs there a myspace client for Linux?01:45
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ben32167i need to format hda1 fat3201:45
ben32167format c: ?01:45
digitalhav0cazurehuesofblue, myspace client?01:45
obnibolongoDBO: but for example, before I blew up my Gentoo today I needed to change my /home from a separate partition to the / . (files got strange permissions while copying, should have read the man page :P) . As it didn't work I tried to remove all prefs stored so programs wouldn't complain. In such case Nautilus is a good option... "rm .* -rf" cleans... well, **everything** - luckily a friend of mine once did that mistake :P01:45
csmallMaybe someone can clear this up for me. I have been using linux for years, all major dists etc...since redhat 5.2 and slack 3.6....I then became a debian user to the bone. With that said, why do RPM based dists run so much smoother, faster, softer (if this makes any sense) than debian based distributions.....I mean, I know it's true...I just could never figure out why....like with debian/ubuntu you can actually hear the disk getting h01:45
csmallit and feel the lag01:45
nathanaelWhen I try to install a new theme from Gnome-look.org, I get "The file format is invalid" - what's up with this?01:45
ISOcratesintelikey: got it working, thanks again01:45
azurehuesofblueyeah haha, I don't even know if there is a myspace client for Windoze.01:45
ben32167pike : how ill i format hda1 to fat32?01:45
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obnibolongoben32167: nop. There is a package with FAT utils. Kinda heavy :D anyone here knows the package name?01:46
tristanmikenathanael: how and what are you installing from their ?01:46
intelikeyben32167  sudo umount /dev/hda1 && mkfs.vfat /dev/hda101:46
ben32167isnt there a format command in unix?01:46
nathanaelI am usuing browse to find a ".theme" file and then click install01:46
intelikeyerr ben32167 sudo that second one also...01:46
DBOobnibolongo, thats because the command is "rm -rf .*"01:46
intelikeyben32167  sudo umount /dev/hda1 && sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hda101:47
ben32167i run as root01:47
intelikeyok then don't sudo.01:47
tristanmikenathanael: what exactly from gnome-look.org are you installing ?01:47
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ADGintelikey:  That didnt seem to work extracting the file, I get this message01:47
ADGmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/games/quake3': File exists01:47
ADG-bash: username: No such file or directory01:47
DBOobnibolongo, thats because the command is "rm -rf \.*" (doh, I made the same mistake)01:47
intelikeyben32167 don't irc as root tho.01:48
ben32167its ok01:48
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mark_hey, what are the build essentials?01:48
intelikeyADG <username>  should be inturpreted.01:48
mark_sudo apt-get install buildessentials or something01:48
intelikeyyour user name01:48
tristanmikemark_: a selection of essential packages for building/compiling something01:48
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tristanmikemark_: "sudo apt-get install build-essential"01:48
ben32167bash: mkfs.vfat: command not found01:49
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nathanaeltristanmike: What should I be installing?01:49
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harisundDoes anybody know of a interface builder for GTK apart from Glade?01:49
ADGintelikey:  Thanks for the help, but the same error comes up when I use my username01:49
ADGmkdir: cannot create directory `/usr/local/games/quake3': File exists01:49
ADG-bash: sonic: No such file or directory01:49
tristanmikenathanael: give me a link of something you want to install01:49
intelikeyADG if that is the only error.  it must have installed.   " ls /usr/local/games/quake3 "01:50
harisund: Does anybody know of a interface builder for GTK apart from Glade?01:50
nathanaeltristanmike: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=3740601:50
intelikeyor if that is not a dirrectory ADG then you can't unzip to it.01:51
toxic_intelikey, I was off, but thanks for the info again01:51
obnibolongoDBO: lol, read now the mistake. probablt rm -rf ./.* would also work? (just curious)01:51
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talldavedigitalhav0c: still no closer01:51
intelikeytoxic_ everything working now ?01:51
ADGintelikey:  Its not there.  Its just a folder from a zip that I need to put into /usr/local/games/quake301:51
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ADGosp-Quake3-1.03a_full.zip is the name of the zip which is on the desktop01:52
tristanmikenathanael: ok, download it, open up "System-Preferences-Themes" and click on the install a theme button, select the download, it should unpack and install...you might then have to go into "Theme Details" to select the individual parts it installed.01:52
toxic_intelikey, not sure, I need to restart to find out.01:52
heislord5Everyone:  Hey is synaptic down?  Around 3am synaptic started not working for me...I still can't get synaptic to download today01:52
ben32167[root@localhost /] # sbin/fdisk hda101:52
ben32167Unable to open hda101:52
talldavedigitalhav0c: free nx was sugested, but i want to be able to connect from wny web browser01:52
intelikeyADG if /usr/local/games/quake3  is a file and not a "folder"  are you sure you want to "put something into it" ?01:52
toxic_intelikey, btw it's not wrong to add a #!bin/bash in .xsession ?01:52
DBOobnibolongo, there is one way to find out =P01:52
pvd2006Hmm, bit tornado seems to be really slow on linux and so does the default torrent program. what is a good torrent program for linux?01:52
varstristanmike, i downloaded taht libdvdcss2  now what do i do?01:53
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intelikeytoxic_ no.01:53
varsi want to play DVD's with Mplayer01:53
void^ben32167: /dev/hda01:53
heislord5Everyone:  Hey is synaptic down?  Around 3am synaptic started not working for me...I still can't get synaptic to download today01:53
dlipvd2006, if you have a powerful machine, try azureus01:53
ADGintelikey:  It is a folder01:53
ben32167void^,  thanks01:53
void^pvd2006: azureus, rtorrent01:53
dlivars, mplayer should play dvd by default, try "mplayer dvd://"01:53
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tristanmike!tell vars about restricted01:54
heislord5Everyone:  Hey is synaptic down?  Around 3am synaptic started not working for me...I still can't get synaptic to download today01:54
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nathanaeltristanmike: Thanks!01:54
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tristanmikenathanael: no sweat :)01:54
ben32167/dev/hda1   *           1        2089    16779861    b  W95 FAT3201:54
ben32167 --------how can i be sure that this drive is healty?01:54
intelikeyADG then cd'ing into it.   and running unzip from there should be all there is to it....      or if you insist do  unzip file -d dir01:55
obnibolongoDBO: actually no, I've no Linux installed now. I had GRUB's MBR replaced by Windows'MBR; had no live CD; tried to boot from colinux and to create a GRUBbed floppy disk using dd; floppy was device cobd7, Linux / was cobd6; got confused; I created a bootable floppy disk on my / :D01:55
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:55
NickGarveyobnibolongo: you want the second link there01:55
toxic_intelikey, Actually, neither .profile nor .xsession was executed as I logged in to fluxbox01:55
obnibolongoNickGarvey: er... now is too late :P01:56
varsi am using fluxbox, what nkcurses program can i use to adjust alsa?01:56
intelikeyben32167 you can umount it and fsck it any time01:56
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toxic_obnibolongo, alsa-mixer ?01:56
intelikeytoxic_ i corrected my self it's  .Xsession    big X01:56
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toxic_intelikey, haha ok thx01:56
obnibolongoNickGarvey: I was on that same page before :) I followed the instructions on the wrong block device :P01:56
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obnibolongotoxic_: sorry?01:56
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intelikeysorry you missed that eariler toxic_01:56
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marekshow to boot to terminal in ubuntu 5.10?01:57
toxic_obnibolongo, alsa-mixer is a mixer for your soundcard and the alsadriver01:57
toxic_intelikey, hehe, aight, I'll give it another try then .)01:57
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mareksi messed up my /etc/fstab and im having some trouble. how to boot to terminal ?01:57
obnibolongotoxic_: yah I know, but why did you mentioned it?01:57
ben32167intelikey,  but its fat32,  not ext3, fsck works?01:57
toxic_mareks, in grub change to : rw init=/bin/bash01:57
intelikeymareks boot to console ?      add  1    or  single   to the kernel line at boot time.01:58
dlimareks, if it's really bad, try " root= init=/bin/sh"01:58
intelikeyben32167 yes..   fsck.vfat01:58
mareksum, it just starts up with ubuntu splash and username/password prompt?01:58
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rixthDoes anyone know if there is free wifi at LAX?01:58
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dlimareks, or, boot the ubuntu livecd01:58
DraconicusMy harddrive made a weird sound while the computer was in standby, and then everything locked up. It sounded like it shut off, then started spinning again. This has only happened on Ubuntu, so far. What gives?01:58
SgtPepperinstall stalls at Checking 'hlt' instruction??  ideas?01:58
intelikeyben32167 badblocks even works on it....01:58
dlirixth, I think you have to pay01:58
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jbroomerixth: yeah, free wifi at an airport is pretty rare01:59
rixthI thought it was common. Ahh.01:59
mareksError message: "GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directory could not be opened for writing."01:59
obnibolongoNickGarvey: actually my mistake; I followed the third GRUB guide; I didn't found the second one; anyway, too late now, but next time I'm prepared :P01:59
intelikeymareks you ran sudo nautilus didn't you ?02:00
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mareksno i did "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"02:00
intelikeydo this "sudo rm $HOME/.*auth* "02:01
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intelikeythen try again.02:01
mareksi added a line that was identical to "/dev/sda1" that mounts to "/" with the "defaults" option02:01
mareksintelikey, i dont have terminal prompt, i dont know how to get that02:01
mareksthats what im asking02:01
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intelikeymareks [alt] +[ctrl] +[f1] 02:01
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toxic_intelikey, Actually, I didn't get lucky this time either02:02
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mark_can someone reccomend me an IRCd that goes well with Ubuntu?02:02
intelikeytoxic_ what are you trying to get it to do that it's not wanting to do ?02:02
marekswhen i sudo it says "sudo: must be setuid root" wtf is that?! :-(02:03
toxic_intelikey, PATH="${PATH}:~/bin02:03
gilianimahow to see how much space i still have on my hd ?02:03
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_jasongilianima: df -h02:03
intelikeyhehhe mareks you chmoded it or mounted / nosuid  ?02:03
obnibolongomareks: er...  that's weird02:03
_jasonmareks: have you been messing with your permissions?02:03
digitalhav0chey does anyone know how to install flashplayer-mozilla in ubuntu02:03
IdleOnegilianima, du -sh02:03
digitalhav0csudo apt-get install02:04
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Bambinohmm when i used to type ./configure it used to run extrely quickly02:04
digitalhav0cis say pkg not found02:04
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Bambinonow to configure a 1mb file, takes 5 min.. anyone knows why?02:04
_jasondigitalhav0c: you need multiverse02:04
r0nhello, where can i get a linux version of america's army? i went to the site but i only see windows downloads.02:04
ben32167"mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows/ -t vfat -r -w umask=0222" is there anything wrong with this command?02:04
SgtPepperinstall stalls at Checking 'hlt' instruction  ideas?02:04
digitalhav0c_jason, is that in the original .sourcelist?02:04
_jasondigitalhav0c: no02:04
IdleOnegilianima, df -h oops02:04
_jasonubotu: tell digitalhav0c about multiverse02:04
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mareks_jason, yes but on a diff drive. i added a line to /etc/fstab that was identical to the root mount of /dev/sda1 to "/". it mounds /dev/sda6 to "/mnt/www" using the same options / params of the /dev/sda1 entry...02:04
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intelikeytoxic_ you have to export it.     in your .profile   export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"02:05
intelikeythen open the terminal again02:05
mareks_jason, i wasnt sure how to properly automount ext3 partition, so i just copyied one that was already working... (ex: /dev/sda1 to "/" )02:05
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toxic_intelikey, hmm, I forgot to export it in my .profile, but I did so in .Xsession .. ok, another restart02:05
RayFredPipI am pip!02:05
ben32167"mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/windows/ -t vfat -r -w umask=0222" is there anything wrong with this command?02:05
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intelikeytoxic_ no just the terminal02:05
_jasonmareks: can you verify that that is the cause of your problem by reverting to your original fstab and attempting to use sudo?02:06
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GotUbuntuedWhy do I always get error messages when installing programs. Says something about emacs02:06
mareks_jason, how can i revert to original fstab w/o sudo-ing?02:07
_jasonGotUbuntued: what something and what are you trying to install?02:07
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mareksi do have a copy of fstab in /etc/fstab_backup02:07
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GotUbuntued_jason, : emacs21 error02:07
intelikey_jason he'll have to boot to single user mode.02:07
_jasonmareks: you could boot in recovery mode.  Why don't you pastebin your /etc/fstab and see if anyone can find some problems first though02:07
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dliGotUbuntued, pastbin the "something", if you want to receive help02:07
marekshow to boot in recovery mode?02:08
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_jasonGotUbuntued: what error?02:08
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126902:08
ubotuMYP: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:08
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.02:08
ubotumethinks ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358902:08
_jasonmareks: it's an option in the grub menu02:08
dlimareks, use livecd02:08
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harisund_Hello, I want to install UBuntu on another machine. However, I want the Gnome settings to be the same .. can some one tell me what are the configuration files I need to copy from my ~ folder?02:08
mareks_jason, grub menu? i dont have a grub menu that i know of. it just jumps to ubuntu splash w/ username/password prompt?02:09
dliharisund_, try ~/.gnome202:09
harisund_dli: Is that all?02:09
_jasonmareks: it should say something like press ESC to see grub menu02:09
_jasonharisund_: maybe ~/.gconf* too02:09
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dliharisund_, maybe, ~/.gnome too02:09
toxic_intelikey, hmm, doesn't seem to work ... PATH=~/docs:"${PATH}":~/bin02:09
toxic_    , export PATH. The same is in both .Xsession and .profile02:09
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harisund_jason and dli: Hmm.. that was what I was afraid of.. well I guess I will copy pretty much all of it then ... :D02:10
intelikeytoxic_ syntax error.02:10
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intelikeynot PATH=~/docs:"${PATH}":~/bin   but rather   PATH="~/docs:$PATH:~/bin"02:10
toxic_intelikey, oh02:11
intelikeyyour quotes were breaking it.02:11
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toxic_intelikey, running "source .profile" certainly adds everything to the PATH02:11
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MisterN~/docs is a unusual place for executable files02:11
marekswhat does the ~ mean in the paths?02:12
mareks(just curious, sorry )02:12
ben32167means something02:12
RayFredPipHelp me !How can I install KDE ?02:12
_jasonmareks: $HOME, usually /home/$USER02:12
intelikeywhy ~/docs  in the path anyway ?   executable documents ?02:12
ubotumethinks kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/02:12
mareksRayFredPip, Kubuntu lol ;-)02:12
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toxic_intelikey, that was just a typo, it's bin and not docs. Either way it should have added it to the path02:13
toxic_intelikey, and why not, executable documents are the future as I see it :P02:13
r0nis ther a repo for zlibg-dev?02:13
mareksdli, how will the liveCD grant permissions to modify fstab?02:13
GotUbuntuedHow do I enable 3d support in ubuntu?02:13
intelikeyhehhe look again  :)02:13
mareksGotUbuntued, probably w/ your graphics card driver?02:14
blairI installed Kubuntu and then decided to switch back to Gnome, but now I'm logging in with KDM, how can i switch it back to GDM?02:14
zarephath!tell GotUbuntued about 3d02:14
_jasonblair: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm02:14
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GotUbuntuedmareks, : Well i've got a nvidia go card02:14
RayFredPipmareks, But I don't want to change my OS02:15
marekssynaptic pkg mgr didnt have anything for that?02:15
zarephathGotUbuntued: Sorry...you need to go to wiki.ubuntu.com and search for your card02:15
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mareks_jason, using the livecd, will i be able to fix my fstab?02:15
_jasonubotu: tell GotUbuntued about nvidia02:15
dlimareks, just mount your hard drive rw  (example, mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/root ), and edit the files there02:15
_jasonmareks: yes, but it will be more difficult than using recovery mode02:15
ubotunvidia is, like, totally, at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736802:16
intelikeytoxic_ do this.    put this line in each of your  .bashrc .bash_profile .profile .Xsession  files        echo "$0 read at `date` " >> test        then restart and read test.02:16
mareksi didnt see a "Press ESC for ... " option?02:16
RayFredPipmareks, I am using ubuntu!02:16
intelikeytoxic_ that will debug what is being read and what isn't02:16
dlimareks, I'm not sure whether ubuntu livecd will mount hdd auto, you may check by "mount" without option02:16
RayFredPipmareks, can I using KDE in ubuntu?02:16
=== mark_ [n=mark@cpc3-ersk1-0-0-cust378.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
toxic_intelikey, ok thanks02:16
mark_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 11 01:50:13 200602:16
_jasonmareks: maybe just try tapping ESC02:16
mark_I'm getting errors whenever I use sudo02:17
mark_what does that mean02:17
dliRayFredPip, just install kde, and choose kde in gdm02:17
tonyyarussodli: I know for sure the Breezy live does not automount hdd; Dapper may.02:17
intelikeyyou could add $PPID  but not needed.02:17
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GotUbuntued_jason, : I get a error message when starting synaptic p m. E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:17
_jasonGotUbuntued: you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:17
toxic_intelikey, oh, ooohhhh ... Someone using fluxbox just came and told me that fluxbox doesn't load any files during startup, but takes PATH from the enviroment ...02:17
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GotUbuntued_jason, : and whats that? hehe02:17
Installer36mareks> sometimes when I boot I dont receive that msg. either so what I do If I need recovery is when I boot up I hit esc . repeatedly...not sure if this is good but works for me02:18
blairis there any way to make fluxbox automount drives?02:18
tonyyarussoGotUbuntued: a command to type at a terminal prompt02:18
_jasonGotUbuntued: close synaptic, open a terminal and type 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'02:18
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intelikeytoxic_ but it should read the .profile or .bashrc when a term starts anyway.02:18
RayFredPipdli, I am from China.I want to use EvaQQ,but EvaQQ works under KDE ,so I should install KDE first!02:18
ccharleshi. i see this in syslog: /etc/bind/named.conf.options:2: change directory to '/var/cache/bind' failed: file not found02:18
mark_mark@mindtzar:~$ sudo apt-cache search zlib02:18
mark_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 11 01:50:13 200602:18
mark_what does that mean02:18
mark_why can't I use sudo :\02:18
tonyyarussoRayFredPip: What is EvaQQ?  You shouldn't need to install KDE.02:19
GotUbuntued_jason, : ok and now the terminal windows just stops02:19
mareks_jason, what is proper way to add entry to fstab to mount ext3 partition so that it has read/write priviledges by all?02:19
_jasonGotUbuntued: don't use the quotes02:19
dliRayFredPip, I'm Chinese, but I don't know qq :(02:19
toxic_intelikey, that was my idea as well02:19
RayFredPiptonyyarusso, EvaQQ is something like Xchat!02:19
GotUbuntued_jason, :Done02:19
GotUbuntuedinstall/emacs-chess: Handling install for emacsen flavor emacs21, logging to /tmp/elc_gVKgJE.log02:19
intelikeytoxic_ i'd still test it.02:19
mark_sudo: timestamp too far in the future: Apr 11 01:50:13 200602:19
dliRayFredPip, however, I can help you install kde02:19
_jasonmareks: /dev/hda5           /home               ext3    defaults        0       2, then just make sure the correct permissions are set02:19
mark_how can i correct his error02:19
toxic_intelikey, yeah will do02:19
RayFredPipdli, OK!go on02:20
tonyyarussomareks: It's not your sudo that's broken, I know that much.  I'm not very experienced in this area, but you will need to use 'touch' on something to change a timestamp.  That should get you going in the right direction anyway02:20
blairmark, fix your date maybe?02:20
_jasonGotUbuntued: can you try using aptitude or apt-get and pastebin the errors you get?02:20
mareksfix date? huh02:20
marekstime/date is fine.02:20
intelikeymark_ set your clock ?02:20
tonyyarussoRayFredPip: Ah.  You'll probably have to install some libs, but not all of KDE.02:20
GotUbuntued_jason, : whats the pastbin url02:20
RayFredPipQQ is a popular instant messaging system that is commonly used in China and02:20
_jasonGotUbuntued: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ , /topic for future reference02:20
dliRayFredPip, sudo apt-get install kde02:21
RayFredPipthe Asia-Pacific.02:21
RayFredPipeva is the QQ client for KDE.02:21
mark_my clockis set02:21
mark_I'll try rebooting02:21
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mark_might be some syncro error02:21
intelikeymark_ or   touch <file>    if a file is timestamped incorrectly.02:21
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RayFredPipdli, but a lot of softwares I should pick up.it is not easy!02:21
mareks_jason, i dont mean to be a pest, but how do i make sure correct permissions are set? what should the be set to?02:21
Xaero_Vincenthas anyone tried installing Ubuntu on their Intel Macs yet?  I know the installer will boot up.. but wiil it go all the way?02:22
dlitonyyarusso, if it's a ubuntu package, apt should do the dependency02:22
GotUbuntued_jason, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1200602:22
tonyyarussointelikey: Any idea what file that would be in his case?02:22
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tonyyarussodli: I'm not seeing it in repos though.02:22
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intelikeytonyyarusso i don't know what he was trying to access,  so no.02:22
dliRayFredPip, can you use gaim/kopete instead?02:22
dlitonyyarusso, then, it shouldn't be in ubuntu02:23
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_jasonmareks: 777 gives full priveleges: read, write, execute.  reading a linux permissions tutorial is probably the easiest way to learn what the numbers mean.  You can use the chmod command to set permissions02:23
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tonyyarussointelikey: "sudo apt-cache search zlib" was the command that returned the error, "sudo: timestamp too far..."02:23
_jasonmareks: and you aren't being a pest, this channel is here for those questions :)02:23
tonyyarussodli: It could still be compiled.02:23
codecaineim trying to run 3ddesktop but im getting an error Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0". anybody know how I can fix this?02:23
marekschmod 777 /path/to/partition?02:24
dlitonyyarusso, I wonder whether it's open source02:24
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dlimareks, don't do that02:24
_jasonmareks: yes, that will give you 77 permissions on the mount directory of that partition02:24
tonyyarussodli: Maybe not?02:24
NrvsNswhats up fellas02:24
intelikeytonyyarusso sudo on apt-cache ?   but at any rate   "sudo apt-get clean ;sudo apt-get update "   should cure that.02:24
Bambinodoes anyone know why my ./configure takes like 10 min for a small file (a theme)... ?02:24
RayFredPipdli, but I should use EvaQQ because there are lot of friends in it!02:25
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RayFredPipdli, and they do not use xchat and gaim!02:25
RayFredPipDBO, Hello!02:25
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dliRayFredPip, gaim is a multi-protocol IM client02:26
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ben32167is 4gb enuf to install a general size ubuntu without /home?02:26
tonyyarussointelikey: Looks like they left already anyway...02:26
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dliben32167, more than enough02:26
=== DBO is always amazed how people know Im here when I havent said anything
GotUbuntued_jason, : http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1200602:26
_jasonben32167: yeah, I use 5.1gb and I've installed everything I hear about02:26
NrvsNshaving a problem.. Ive been using Evolution mail on Ubuntu set up for my gmail account, I stored my password in Evolution, but have been using it so longi forgot my password. I wanna decode' or reveal' my stored pass.. Any ideas ?02:26
dliben32167, most people will find their installation less than 3GB02:26
RayFredPipdli, yea,but I have seen QQ protocol!02:26
ben32167thanks for help!02:26
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dliben32167, however, hdds are cheap nowadays02:27
intelikeysee that is one of the things that proves that sudo is not by default "better" than a root password.   if you use sudo by habbit on all commands then it's the same as doing everything in a root shell...02:27
_jasonGotUbuntued: what was the command you issued?  and can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list too?02:27
ben32167i have 1gb ram how much swap i need?02:27
ccharlesany idea why named[3163] : /etc/bind/named.conf.options:2: change directory to '/var/cache/bind' failed: file not found is an error seen?02:27
ccharles/var/cache/bind exists.02:27
smokemarenew buntu is impressive02:27
dliben32167, I have 1280MB on a laptop, and I don't use swap at all02:27
blankysmokemare, new buntu?02:28
tonyyarussoRayFredPip: You want Gaim with the QQ plugin.  URL to follow.02:28
GotUbuntued_jason, :  sudo dpkg --configure -a02:28
ben32167dli can i pm u?02:28
ubotuPozhalujsta vojdite v #ubuntu-ru dlq pomoshchi na russkom qzyke. # russian users please try #ubuntu-ru, there you may get more help02:28
blankyit's not release yet is it?02:28
intelikeyben32167 none unless you want to hybernate it..   but 1g should be enough.02:28
dliben32167, no problem02:28
mareksdo i have grub if i dont have more than 1 OS?02:28
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dlismokemare, it has xorg-7.0 and gnome-2.1402:28
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smokemarevery fast on my system02:29
dlimareks, you still need grub to load kernel02:29
intelikeyor lilo02:29
GotUbuntued_jason, :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1200702:29
smokemareand so far flawless02:29
GotUbuntued_jason, :http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12007    sources.list02:29
intelikeyhmm i have one line in my sources list.02:30
tonyyarussoRayFredPip: http://openq.sourceforge.net/02:30
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smokemarejust awesome everyone should try it out02:31
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intelikeyi'm leaving now.   thanks for letting me help a little.02:31
_jasonGotUbuntued: interesting, will it let you remove emacs21?02:31
tonyyarussosmokemare: We don't recommend that b/c it may break for others, even if your experience has been okay so far (which could change tomorrow, btw).02:32
RayFredPiptonyyarusso, 3x02:32
CraiZEhow can i mount a .nrg ISO ?02:32
GotUbuntued_jason, : i'll check ... remove with syn p?02:32
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tonyyarussoWhile we're at it, how to burn an .nrg iso?02:32
_jasonGotUbuntued: nah, sudo apt-get remove emacs2102:32
smokemarelol my system changes by the minute not the day02:32
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smokemare<tonyyarusso> i agree i am just very impressed02:33
GotUbuntued_jason, : lets me remove it02:33
smokemareand think ubuntu is going in the right direction02:33
RayFredPiptonyyarusso, Thank you!02:33
_jasonGotUbuntued: now sudo apt-get install emacs21, does that go through?02:33
r0danyone know how to change the default home directory for anonymous users in vsftp? I can't find any option in the template given02:33
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CosmoDadtonyyarusso: nrg2iso02:34
GotUbuntued_jason, : yes02:34
sorush20guys hi02:34
CraiZEnrg2iso is a conversion too02:34
_jasonGotUbuntued: so do you have emacs now?02:34
sorush20I just messed up02:34
CraiZEi wanted a tool to mount the .nrg :D02:34
tonyyarussosmokemare: Okay.  I'd recommend then including a caveat like "but this is development software and may break" as a follow-up to "this is cool - try it!", please.  (So somebody doesn't run into unnecessary frustration with a broken system.)02:34
smokemareis there creative xfi support yet?02:34
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: Ah, thanks.02:34
CosmoDadCraiZE: you can mount the resulting iso02:34
GotUbuntued_jason, : "emacs" started emacs02:34
tonyyarussoWhat about a .daa disk image?02:35
_jasonGotUbuntued: you poor fellow, now that you have experienced emacs, exit and type 'vim' :P02:35
CosmoDadtonyyarusso: what the heck is .daa?02:35
GotUbuntued_jason, : and then?02:35
CraiZEwell is there no way to mount the .nrg with an application like daemon tools?02:36
_jasonGotUbuntued: eh?  are you all set with emacs now?  (I was just kidding with the vim comment)02:36
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: I'm not sure, but it seems to be similar to an iso.  Something I downloaded came as that.02:36
smokemare<tonyyarusso> sorry just entusiastic hehe02:36
GotUbuntued_jason, : hehehe02:36
smokemareis there creative xfi support yet?02:36
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CosmoDadtonyyarusso: filext.com says it's poweriso format02:37
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: So now the question is just what that actually means.02:37
__mikemHey seaves, wasn't the definition of ping I set, a bit more useful02:37
CosmoDadCraiZE: I've never heard of one, but why not convert a highly specialized format into something very generic02:37
CosmoDadtonyyarusso: "DAA is a format for an image file, which supports some advanced features, such as compression, password protection, and splitting to multiple volumes (similar to .RAR and other compression formats)."02:38
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CraiZEcause it takes time, space , and i dont want to give those02:38
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tonyyarussoCosmoDad: Does that give any hints as to what I need to deal with it?02:38
CraiZEthere should be an app like daemontools for linux :D02:38
CosmoDadtonyyarusso: I'd say windows ;)02:38
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__mikemseveas, wasn't the definition of ping I set ubotu to a bit more useful than a pun response02:39
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blanky!tell CosmoDad about ati02:39
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: All right, that is actually a possibility.  Off to search for a Windows proggy to convert it to plain old iso I guess.02:39
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CosmoDadtonyyarusso: you can be the first to create a tool that's capable of converting from this crappy format into iso ;)02:40
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: And once again my answer has to be "If I had any useful programming knowledge I would".02:40
IdleOneCosmoDad, what format?02:41
CosmoDadtonyyarusso: never too late to learn and reverse engineer without documentation :)02:41
CosmoDadIdleOne: .daa02:41
CosmoDadI just don't like the diversity of image formats, makes Linux live just harder02:42
IdleOneCosmoDad, yeah I think poweriso is the only one02:42
proTEU`CosmoDad, r u the Dad of Cosmo ??02:42
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CosmoDadproTEU`: absolutely02:42
proTEU`u must be proud of yer son, yes ?!02:42
CosmoDadproTEU`: but maybe we're talking about different Cosmos here :)02:42
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RayFredPipIs there any good tools used for intercept pictures?02:43
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Gosha...crap, i forgot what to ask02:44
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MTecknologyhow do i become Op if i remember the channel password?02:45
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Enthusiast78What can I use to rip CDs into MP3?02:45
Enthusiast78Is there an MP3 plugin for Sound Juicer, for example?02:46
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-galoising:#ubuntu- http://www.wikipediareview.com02:46
tonyyarussoEnthusiast78: Sound Juicer should be able to do it if you install the codecs for mp3 capability.02:46
jetscreamerk3b if you want a front end02:46
-galoising:#ubuntu- ------------------> http://www.wikipediareview.com02:46
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-galoising:#ubuntu- ------------------> http://www.wikipediareview.com02:46
-galoising:#ubuntu- ------------------> http://www.wikipediareview.com02:46
tonyyarussogaloising: Stop spamming!02:46
Goshaoh, yeah02:46
_jasongaloising: stop02:46
biovoregripper works good for cd ripping02:46
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux
ubotuGosha: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:46
Enthusiast78tonyyarusso, Any clue which packages do I need?02:46
PwcrLinuxHi there02:46
tonyyarussoEnthusiast78: That too, I've used grip.02:46
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tyloCan someone tell me how I can check my own IP address?02:46
_jasontylo: whatismyip.org02:47
tonyyarussoEnthusiast78: Not offhand, check the RestrictedFormats wiki page.02:47
PwcrLinuxNeed help with Gaim program blocking on someone that didn't work!02:47
MTecknologytylo, ifconfig02:47
Enthusiast78tonyyarusso, I have seen grip once... I'll try it!02:47
CosmoDadEnthusiast78: cdparanoia is not too hard to learn from the console and it's pretty good02:47
CraiZEmount -o loop blah.nrg02:47
CraiZEworks :D02:47
CraiZEi just need a GUI for mount now :D02:47
CosmoDadCraiZE: no kidding?02:47
CraiZECosmoDad, 100% serious02:48
Enthusiast78CosmoDad, Isn't cdparanoia only for WAV extracting?02:48
CraiZEjust did it02:48
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CraiZECosmoDad, now help me find a GUI for mount :D02:48
CosmoDadEnthusiast78: sorry you said you wanted to rip into MP302:48
CosmoDadEnthusiast78: you'd need to append something like toolame02:48
CosmoDadEnthusiast78: get a GUI :)02:48
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blairEverytime I try to run anything that uses openGL, my display goes into fullscreen, and then goes black.02:49
MTecknologyhow do i tell who an op is?02:49
Enthusiast78CosmoDad, Any suggestions?02:49
CosmoDadEnthusiast78: sorry I never rip... apt-cache search rip cd mp302:49
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Enthusiast78CosmoDad, I'm familiar with cdd2wav and lame, but I need something that my wife can use (so I don't have to rip her CDs!) ;)02:50
MTecknologyhow do i tell who is an op?02:50
tonyyarussoMTecknology: When opped they will have a @ prepended to their nick.  Why?02:50
CosmoDadCraiZE: I could actually need that too...02:50
CraiZECosmoDad, a GUI for mount ?02:50
MTecknologybecause i need to talk to 1 in freende-social02:50
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dliMTecknology, bad behavior here, and watch out who ban/kick you out02:50
MTecknologywho else am i supposed to message in a silenced room02:51
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blairCould it be a problem with my settings that makes the screen go black, or would it be a bad install of my display drivers?02:51
CosmoDadCraiZE: yeah02:51
Enthusiast78Hmmm... Looks like grip will do. Thanks, people!02:52
RayFredPiptonyyarusso, can you help me? Do you know how to install the package gaim openq ?02:52
tonyyarussoRayFredPip: I'm guessing you're dealing with source, in which case you need to compile it.02:52
CosmoDadCraiZE: freshmeat found this: http://freshmeat.net/projects/qtmm/ and this: http://freshmeat.net/projects/mount-iso-image/02:53
CraiZEi check :)02:53
RayFredPiptonyyarusso, yes!it is hard for me !I have browered the install paper ,but I am not good at so many English words!02:53
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CosmoDadCraiZE: though neither seems to be available as an Ubuntu package, at least not in the default repositories02:53
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: Could you put those in some appropriate factoid?02:53
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CraiZEwell i can manually install02:54
CosmoDadtonyyarusso: the links?02:54
blairI've got fglrx as my display driver for an ATI card, and whenever I open an openGL program the screen goes blank.02:54
CosmoDadCraiZE: better yet, build a package :)02:54
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: Yeah, comes up sometimes, so might be useful.02:54
CraiZEi dont know how to do that :P02:54
CosmoDadtonyyarusso: unfortunately, I don't know how to create factoids and I haven't even tested the tools02:54
tonyyarussoRayFredPip: I'd suggest trying, and asking the whole channel at stages where you need help.  Many of them have vastly more experience compiling than myself.02:54
tom35Is it a big deal to change to fluxbox from gnome if I want something lighter weight?  What file would I edit? xconfig?02:55
blairanyone have any idea what might be causing that?  could it be a setting ?02:55
tonyyarussoCraiZE: If those work, let us know, then we'll know if a factoid recommendation is in order.02:55
tonyyarussoCosmoDad: Point.02:55
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dlitom35, just "sudo apt-get install fluxbox", and logout, choose "fluxbox" in gdm, and login02:56
mkrenzWhat kind of filesystem is the on the 5.10 live CD in the file casper/filesystem.cloop  ?02:56
tonyyarussoOkay, looks like I'm going down for a reboot to deal with this daa file; see you all later!02:56
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tom35That sounds simple.02:56
tom35gdm?  Is that the x login?02:56
Sionidetom35, it is02:56
blairtom35: there was a really good article on how to install the newest fluxbox on ubuntu up on digg last week.02:56
NickGarvey!tell tom35 about fluxbox02:56
blairthe deb package is a dated version of fluxbox02:57
Sionidegdm is the login screen, yeah02:57
tom35Sionide: digg?  I will google digg +ubuntu02:57
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detox332hey i saved my bookmarks before installing firefox thru automatix...how do i go about restoring them now?02:57
tom35thanks very much02:57
ubotuautomatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.02:57
Sionidei dunno about digg, maybe blair can get you the link..02:57
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=== DBO is convinced there is so kind of alterego ubuntu website that recommend 'tix
detox332ok well how would i go about restoring my bookmarks?02:58
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mkrenzNevermind, found it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo'02:59
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CraiZEwell i got mount-iso installed02:59
SionideDBO, ubuntu forums pimps automatix - or it used to02:59
CraiZEbut it seems to be made for KDE only :D02:59
CraiZEi dont see where i can use it02:59
CraiZEwhats the file browser for KDE ?02:59
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DBOSionide, who do we smack up for that?02:59
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SionideDBO erm i dunno, check out the thread on the forums and smack up the person who wrote it i guess?03:00
blairtom35: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=11675903:00
Minn3his it possible to install ubuntu for i386 on my amd64 machine?03:00
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SionideDBO, its a good idea - in theory... it just breaks things in practice, which only means it's been coded not that good03:00
DBOSionide, yes I know=P03:00
SionideMinn3h, erm, as i understand it - yes, but won't get any of the speed benefits so it'd be pointless, but i dunno much about the subject.. *shrug*03:01
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CosmoDadCraiZE: konqueror03:01
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DBOMinn3h, yes you can, and I recommend you do if you are new to linux or just dont like compiling new stuff all the time03:01
DraconicusMy harddrive made a weird sound while the computer was in standby, and then everything locked up. It sounded like it shut off, then started spinning again. This has only happened on Ubuntu, so far. What gives?03:02
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GotUbuntued_jason, : tnx for all the help. I now have 3ddesktop up and running with the default Dell windows key :D03:02
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jobadiahi have recently started using ubuntu and found that I can stream music with vlc but when i try to record with the  "sound recorder"  it records a file but when I play this file I dont hear anything....anyone have any ideas what I missed....or if someone has a recommendation an easy to configure audio application that I can record streaming internet radio I would appreciate it03:03
SionideGotUbuntued, mine does that too... windows key + left arrow key, switches the desktop using 3ddesk :D looks sooo cool :D03:03
crimsunjobadiah: recently fixed in dapper03:03
Minn3him not finding any special benefits, what Im finding is LOTS of packages and things that just don't work in amd6403:03
Minn3hif only it said on the site somewhere?03:03
pikejobadiah: streamtuner and streamripper03:03
dliDraconicus, are you running out of memory? try "free -m", and check your swap usage03:03
GotUbuntuedSionide, : I just click the windows key... nice :D03:03
CraiZEokay, no work for mount-iso ,its an extension for KDE only :D03:03
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CosmoDadCraiZE: maybe it's KDE-only :(03:04
jobadiahthank you crimsun and pike03:04
SionideGotUbuntued, aye i could make mine do that, but if i wanna go back a virtual desktop i do windows key + right arrow or whatever.. it's nice:D03:04
GotUbuntuedSionide, : Now all i need is to make ubuntu boot faster :(03:04
CraiZECosmoDad, it is03:04
Draconicusdli: plenty of swap.03:04
pikejobadiah: streamripper rips to mp3 format very nice03:04
SionideGotUbuntued, one sec03:04
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=== pike sneezes
shredder_You have to click on the audio settings and click disable like every time to hear the audio on some song/videos on the vlc03:05
dliDraconicus, that's why, close some programs (to save memory), or buy more ram, or you have a program having memory leak03:05
jobadiahgreat i use a nice program called total recorder in windows but it doesn't work in linux03:05
FunnyLookinHatHow do you have GLXGEARS output FPS?03:05
Draconicusdli: firefox has a bad leak... I need to stop leaving it running. Would this really cause the harddrive to actually shut down and restart, though?03:05
SionideGotUbuntued, grr can't find it now, hang on a bit03:06
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GotUbuntuedSionide, : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491    ?03:06
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AeudianQuestion: my network gui in gnome doesnt load it times out and disappears whats wrong? and 2nd how do i manaully add a dns server address through shell03:06
dliDraconicus, if you have large amount of swap used, have to watch out for memory leak03:07
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SionideGotUbuntued, urrr yep that's it -- worked for me... mine boots way quicker now:) apart from being wireless so it trips up when trying to set up networking, then fails when doing ntp03:07
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Draconicusdli: that's just it. I DON'T have a lot in use. I said I had plenty to spare.03:07
Sionidewhich is kinda annoying03:07
CosmoDadAeudian: regarding the second point: add an entry in /etc/resolv.conf03:07
bimberiAeudian: 2. edit /etc/resolv.conf03:08
Aeudianthank you.03:08
GotUbuntuedSionide, : the clock thing?03:08
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dliDraconicus, hard to imagine then :(03:08
Draconicusdli: it can't be the harddrive. It's brand new.03:08
bimberiAeudian: 1. see if running 'gksudo network-admin' gives an error03:08
SionideGotUbuntued, yeah ntp is the clock thing.. basically it falls over when trying to set up networking interfaces, cos i'm wireless - probably, i always have to ctrl+c past it, then it can't do the ntp clock thing.. but if i'm plugged in on ethernet, it's fine and does ntp etc03:09
bimberi!tell FunnyLookinHat about glxgears03:09
GotUbuntuedSionide, : did you follow the guide exactly?03:09
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SionideGotUbuntued, pretty much yeah - apart from a couple of services which i left in and some which i disabled because i know my system doesn't use them, eg. bluetooth was one i disabled - at the end of the day, it's different for every PC... if you don't know or aren't sure what it does from his description, leave it on03:11
GotUbuntuedSionide, : ok i'll give it a go :D03:11
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GotUbuntuedehm try :D03:12
Sionideit made a huge different for me anyways.. go for it03:12
Sionidemaybe jot down the changes you make03:12
Sionideso you can edit them back again after if something messes up?03:12
IdleOnesound issue concerning flash video. can see the video fine just cant hear the sound, any suggestions?03:12
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GotUbuntuedSionide, : How much faster did i start up?03:13
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Sionidewell i didn't time it03:13
GotUbuntuedSionide, : hehe03:13
Sionidebut i noticed the difference03:13
trigg3rhi. does anyone know where the network settings "Location" profiles are stored?03:13
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Sionidetrigg3r, nah i use network-manager-applet03:13
Sionideit's much better03:13
Sionideit's what dapper has03:13
Sionide(i think)03:13
CraiZECosmoDad, i think i will code my own app to do the job now03:14
CraiZECosmoDad, seems nobody did it03:14
SionideCraiZE, to do what?03:14
CraiZEa GUI to mount iso's03:14
shredder_idleone Try clicking on the audio tab and clicking the disable selection every time you see the video and can't hear sound03:14
CraiZEsaving the last dir used03:14
CraiZEmount/unmout them03:14
CosmoDadCraiZE: awesome03:14
CraiZEsetting the mount point03:14
CosmoDadCraiZE: don't forget to tell me once you're done03:14
CraiZEi gotta get my rusty GTKPerl knowledge going03:14
CosmoDadCraiZE: would love to help you debugging03:14
IdleOneshredder_, huh where what?03:15
CraiZEyeah i need to un-rust my knowledge, last time i coded perl was like, 9 years ago03:15
CosmoDadCraiZE: before you start: I only tried freshmeat.net, maybe Google will yield some usable tool03:15
CraiZEi googled, etc03:15
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CraiZEhence why i want to do it myself now :P03:15
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Sionidesounds good CraiZE.. would be good to be able to right-click on an iso in nautilus and click "mount this iso" etc...03:15
CraiZEi dont know anything about nautilus03:15
CraiZEis there documentation?03:15
CraiZEhow to change the menu ?03:16
makaveliis there any virus scanner for dapper?03:16
unbunHey, Is there some way I can get more windows files for wine03:16
CraiZEyou dont get virus's in linux makaveli03:16
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unbunWhat? no viruses?03:16
CosmoDadCraiZE: I'm no expert neither but some nautilus script might really be easier than a new gtkperl app03:16
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lwizardlhmm my sources.list seems broken03:16
CraiZEbut i need nautilus documentation :)03:16
makaveliyes but there is possibility i think03:16
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unbunAnyone know if theres some way to get more windows dlls for wine03:17
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CosmoDadCraiZE: the wiki might has some info on those nautilus scripts...03:17
dliunbun, you can install programs in wine03:17
CraiZEi found something03:18
CosmoDadCraiZE: me too: http://www.gnome.org/projects/nautilus/developers.html03:18
unbunI know that, but Some wont run due to missing files for windows03:18
CosmoDadCraiZE: oh03:18
CraiZEit seems to be done03:18
CosmoDadCraiZE: you found something even better :)03:18
trigg3rSionide: i'm still on breezy. using the network admin tool, i'm trying to edit a location i've previously created, but it doesn't save changes. know of a workaround?03:18
CraiZEnow we need to find out how to get it into nautilus :)03:18
CraiZEthen we're set03:18
VardyrI'm a bit new to Ubuntu... how do I go about retrieving whatever file it is that makes a package for a package in the repositories?03:18
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CosmoDadCraiZE: http://g-scripts.sourceforge.net/faq.php03:19
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unbunHey, If i set up a mirror directory of copied windows system files, would wine read them?03:20
unbunor atleast the programs?03:20
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CraiZECosmoDad, yah im there :)03:20
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CosmoDadCraiZE: I'm unsure about which scripts location to choose though... the FAQ is a bit whacky on that point03:21
AeudianIs there a way to test to see if a NIC card is good, when i do "ip addr" i get a but the computer is set to a static ip which it will not obtain03:21
dliunbun, you can configure wine to use a real windows partition03:21
juankamedcan any help me with two answers?03:21
CosmoDadAeudian: what do you mean by good? what do you wanna do?03:22
CosmoDadjuankamed: just ask03:22
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harisundIn order to best make use of mplayer, would you people suggest I compile it from source, or install it with the mplayer-686 package?03:22
CraiZECosmoDad, yeah im not sure yet either03:22
CraiZECosmoDad,  if i find out i will let you know03:23
Aeudiancosmosdad, i just wanna make sure its working, cause i cant get an ip from my static03:23
trigg3rhi. does anyone know where the network settings "Location" profiles are stored?03:23
CosmoDadCraiZE: I'll try .gnome/scripts first..03:23
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juankamedthanks, how i can do that the ubuntu chatched my keyboard and mouse (live cd ubuntu)=03:23
CosmoDadAeudian: if you can do an "ifconfig ethX" and it shows something, the driver has been set up successfully03:23
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digitalhav0cfor some reason when update to dapper it breaks xorg03:23
CraiZEthats what it is here03:23
GotUbuntuedSionide, : Did you leave lvm on ?03:24
digitalhav0ccan anyone help me or has anyone experienced this problem?03:24
digitalhav0cim currently using breezy03:24
harisundIn order to best make use of mplayer, would you people suggest I compile it from source, or install it with the mplayer-686 package?03:24
harisunddigitalhav0c; I know a upgrade to dapper broke a couple of packages.03:24
OrTigaShi! we have here a Network Printer and have own IP how can i add this to make me print? i tried already the add printer but didn't work..03:24
digitalhav0ci updated sources.list to dapper and did apt-get update03:24
truz24Can you use dd to essentially copy your 30 gig harddrive onto an 80 gig drive so that you can replace your 30 gig with an 80 without reinstalling Ubuntu?03:24
harisunddigitalhav0x I am not sure if xorg was one of them03:24
harisunddigitalhav0c I did the same thing03:25
CosmoDadCraiZE: ok..03:25
harisundIn fact I actually went ahead and did a dist-upgrade03:25
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digitalhav0charisund, how did you fix it?03:25
CosmoDadharisund: I'd stick with the package03:25
CraiZECosmoDad, to find your path03:25
ltR^Today I booted into ubuntu like I do everyday and I saw that my theme was gone and replaced with somthing else and my font was all blurry and very hard to read. It's like this in the gnome menus, clock gaim, firefox... - EDIT: I made another user account and the same thing happens on my 2nd user account!03:25
CraiZElocate nautilus | grep script03:25
harisunddigitalhav0c: I pretty much had to reinstall breezy .. I didn't know which packages were broken on my machine03:25
CraiZEthats what i used :)03:26
lutraltR^: did you do anything special last time you shutdown or before you shutdown?03:26
ltR^lutra, nope.03:26
digitalhav0charisund, me niether that what i did :-) i would like to play with xgl and compiz03:26
harisunddigitalhav0c : Exactly me too. That is why I decided to wait till June :-(03:26
CosmoDadCraiZE: too bad I don't have an iso to test...03:26
harisundyeah I agree03:26
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harisundCould anyone give me a suggestion here? In order to best make use of mplayer, would you people suggest I compile it from source, or install it with the mplayer-686 package?03:27
_jasonharisund: are you comfortable compiling?03:28
lutraltR^: hmm...strange. i wonder if you deleted .gnome2 if that would make a difference03:28
CraiZEdoesnt work here :S03:28
CosmoDadharisund: I told you about the package03:28
dliharisund, I would try source, it has "debian/rules binary"03:28
SlyFerretharisund: what exactly do you mean "best use"03:28
harisund_jason: Well, I am comfortable yes..03:28
_jasonharisund: I'd compile the latest cvs03:28
ltR^in what folder ultra03:28
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SlyFerretharisund: do you have anything specific in mind?03:28
harisundCosmoDad: Did you tell me about the package? Sorry didnt' realize :D03:28
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ltR^_jason you here?03:28
NxNxMoxHey guys03:28
_jasonltR^: yes?03:28
harisundBasically support for all formats. particularly wmv03:28
NxNxMoxI just installed ubuntu!03:28
ltR^remember you helped me with the user accounts03:28
CosmoDadharisund: IMHO, if you don't need anything special the premade package doesn't provide, use it03:28
NxNxMoxIs there some sort of starter guide03:28
NickGarveyNxNxMox: very nice :)03:28
_jasonltR^: yeah03:28
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NxNxMoxthat i could look at03:29
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harisundCosmoDad: Oh ok thanks for that .. I guess I will go with it then.03:29
ltR^_jason we've got another problem :)03:29
NickGarveyNxNxMox: yes.. let me find it03:29
CosmoDadharisund: the package comes with a large variety of supported codecs03:29
_jasonltR^: what's up?03:29
ltR^Today I booted into ubuntu like I do everyday and I saw that my theme was gone and replaced with somthing else and my font was all blurry and very hard to read. It's like this in the gnome menus, clock gaim, firefox... - EDIT: I made another user account and the same thing happens on my 2nd user account!03:29
SlyFerretwhen I setup mplayer, I compiled from source.  It's been a while, but I think I had to comple from source to get all of the various codecs to work03:29
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harisundCosmoDad; I installed the w32 codecs package from the .deb file as well03:29
NxNxMoxThank you NickGarvey03:29
CosmoDadharisund: that's good, you'll be fine then03:29
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CosmoDadharisund: and compiling mplayer takes an awful lot of time if you don't have a decent CPU03:29
harisundCosmoDad: Ok will give it a try then..03:30
harisundCosmoDad: Yes, I was afraid of that03:30
spikebso does compiling anything else heh03:30
lutraltR^: it would be at /home/ltR^/.gnome203:30
juankamed_hi, how i can do that my usb key and mouse work in the ubuntu live cd?03:30
CosmoDadCraiZE: it doesn't? awww :(03:30
CosmoDadspikeb: yeah but mplayer is huge03:30
ltR^lutra, i made another account though and it still happened03:30
CosmoDadspikeb: it has like 300.000 lines of code or something03:30
arrickhow do I check a HD to see if it is bad?03:30
CraiZECosmoDad, i believe its because it needs to sudo first :P03:30
_jasonltR^: did you try seeing if system . preferences > fonts had ``good'' settings?03:30
lutraltR^: hmm...03:30
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arrickevening all03:30
spikebit's nothing compared to compiling kde or gnome and X :)03:30
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ltR^_jason, i'm going to go in ubuntu now03:31
CosmoDadCraiZE: shouldn't it be using gksudo and pop up with a window?03:31
SlyFerreti compiled KDE from source once...03:31
ltR^i had to go in window cause i cant stand the font03:31
SlyFerretnever again03:31
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spikebi've done it six or seven times03:31
CraiZEit doesnt though :P03:31
CosmoDadCraiZE: oh and we should check if the requirements fit03:31
spikebon a 600mhz CPU at that.03:31
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SionideGotUbuntued, i really don't remember - just leave it as it is if you're not sure...03:31
spikebmozilla takes longer.03:31
NickGarveyis emacs on ubuntu by default? I can't find it..03:31
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SionideNickGarvey, sudo apt-get install emacs03:32
_jasonNickGarvey: it's not03:32
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_jasonNickGarvey: emacs21 is the package name03:32
Sionidealthough, *why* you'd wanna do that - i don't know ;)03:32
spikebemacs would require stripping out gnome to fit it on the install disk ;)03:32
CosmoDadCraiZE: I seem to be missing cdemu and I can't find it in the rep03:32
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs03:32
NickGarveyI'm playing with emacs to see if its worth it03:32
Sionidelol spikeb  ;)03:32
CraiZEit isnt i think03:32
ZuninoHas anybody experienced evince not displaying graphics from DVI documents?03:32
CraiZEbut you can mount the .bin03:32
CraiZE.bin = .iso03:32
NickGarveyI'm not to much of a programmer though, which is what it seems to be mainly about03:32
CraiZEso only if your .cue/.bin as .mp3 or .wav, you will need the cuesheet (cdemu) reader03:33
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spikebmost text editors are, NickGarvey03:33
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arrickhow do I check a HD to see if it is bad?03:33
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CosmoDadspikeb: I know what you mean, I spent like 3 days installing gentoo on my Athlon 500. Now I'm with Ubuntu on a 1,86 Ghz laptop :)03:33
arrickin terminal, on ubuntu03:33
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spikebCosmoDad, hehehehe03:33
kethinovcan anyone tell me how to make it so my monitor doesn't shut itself off after prolonged inactivity?03:33
CosmoDadCraiZE: I see...03:33
harisundarrick: I think you can use the fsck command03:33
Cervezahey, I've got a bunch of stupid questions03:34
dlikethinov, disable screensaver03:34
arrickok thanks03:34
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spikebCerveza, start firing away03:34
CosmoDadarrick: reading out S.M.A.R.T. data if supported by your HD is a good way03:34
harisundkethinov: Look into the screensaver options03:34
Cervezahow do I setup internet on my computer03:34
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ltR20_jason you here? what's the default font settings?03:34
CervezaI have my ip, dns, gateway, etc03:34
_jasonltR20: do you have an lcd?03:34
CervezaI just don't know where to put them so they go in eth003:34
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CosmoDadarrick: it'll tell you quite precisely which parts of your HD might be damaged03:34
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arrickok thanks03:34
dliCerveza, gnome has a gui tools, but you can edit /etc/network/interfaces03:34
Anubiswow you guys are gonna hate me03:34
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ltR20No _jason.03:35
spikebi already do, Anubis :P03:35
CosmoDadCerveza: use the Network Manager if you're not familiar with command-line configuration03:35
QuikBng19cosmosdad, what was the command you said to check the interface eth0 my internet died03:35
Anubisyou will hate me more03:35
_jasonltR20: try best shapes03:35
Cervezagui is down right now03:35
CosmoDadQuikBng19: use "ifconfig <interface>", if something shows up, your driver is up and running03:35
yoyohello everyone.  i'm having trouble getting sound to work properly in Breezy03:35
QuikBng19thank you03:35
CosmoDadCerveza: then do as dli said03:35
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Cervezak, how do I modify network/interfaces03:36
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CervezaI found the file03:36
Cervezabut all it has in it is stuff like: etho, dhcp, lo03:36
CosmoDadCerveza: man interfaces && nano /etc/network/interfaces :)03:36
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Anubisanyone have a complete noob guide to installin for some reason when im done installing it has a bitch fit about xserver03:36
ltR20_jason what's the default fonts03:36
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NickGarveywhoa emacs uses x-server? Connection lost to X server `localhost:10.0'03:37
=== PwcrLinux asking for questions
_jasonltR20: mine are (don't know if it's default): sans10, sans10, sansbold10, monospace1003:37
OrTigaShi! we have here a Network Printer and have own IP how can i add this to make me print? i tried already the add printer but didn't work..03:37
SlyFerretAnubis: what video card do you have?03:37
AnubisVideo Card: ATI Technologies Inc. ATI-264VT2 PCI03:37
PwcrLinuxWhich one better lightweight javas for a javachats?03:37
Anubisit boots the loading page03:37
ltR20_ya that's what i have03:38
Anubisconfigures some shit then it doesnt work03:38
ltR20_jason what's your DPI03:38
_jasonltR20: and you have 'best shapes' ?03:38
ltR20yeah i do.03:38
_jasonltR20: 9603:38
CraiZEi need some help to get gksudo going03:38
CraiZEgksudo -u root mount "/media/hdh1/invader\ zim/dvd1.nrg"  -o loop "/media/virtualdvdrom/"03:39
ltR20and smoothing /hinting03:39
CraiZEthat doesnt seem to working03:39
CraiZEanyone good with gksudo ?03:39
baboAnyone use 800hosting.com ?03:39
_jasonCraiZE: you don't need kgsudo, use just sudo03:39
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_jasonCraiZE: gksudo only needs to be used for gui apps03:39
bimberiOrTigaS: try using 'HP JetDirect' with the address of the printer.  Leave the port as 910003:39
CraiZEit is03:39
CraiZEfor a GUI03:39
CraiZEits for a shell03:40
_jasonCraiZE: mount is a gui?03:40
CraiZEyes _jason03:40
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SlyFerretAnubis: I'm looking to see what I can find.  Its a pretty old card03:40
CraiZEso i need gksudo03:40
OrTigaSok bimberi lemme try03:40
Anubisyes it isd03:40
Anubisbut it wont even boot into the gui03:40
CraiZEit takes the -o as option03:40
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Anubisbut gfx card should work due to its being install in vmware03:41
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_jasonCraiZE: did you replace the default mount command with something else?03:41
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SlyFerretAnubis: is that an acutal PCI card, or a PCI integrated grapics chip03:41
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Anubisactual pci card03:41
CraiZEgksudo is bitching about the -o i pass to mount03:41
CraiZEit takes the -o for itself03:41
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_jasonCraiZE: enclose the command in ' ' quotes, but I really don't think you need gksudo03:41
Anubisjust installing packages atm03:42
CraiZEthen i get a seg fault03:42
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lwizardlcan someone help me with getting my networking working i can't ping my router or www.google.com03:42
_jasonltR20: did you removed all the kde stuff?03:42
_jasonCraiZE: use sudo03:42
_jasonCraiZE: sudo mount blah03:42
CraiZEi CANT03:42
PwcrLinuxHello, which better java for javachat plugin for FF?03:43
ltR20ya _jason.03:43
CraiZEdont be stubborn, if you dont know the solution, then drop it03:43
ltR20is that why?03:43
CosmoDadCraiZE: fyi: the script uses gnomesu which is not on my box03:43
CraiZEbut dont annoy me to do it another way, i can do it another way, i want to get it working this way......03:43
OrTigaSbimberi, ITS works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  thanks a lot!!!!03:43
_jasonCraiZE: no, I just don't understand the gui part.  But ok I'll drop it03:43
CraiZECosmoDad, i try to get it to work with gksudo03:43
OrTigaSnow i have more Question :)03:43
bimberiOrTigaS: yw :)03:43
CosmoDadCraiZE: sure but I think you'll need to adapt the script03:43
CraiZEjason, its a nautilus script that auto mounts iso's03:43
CraiZECosmoDad, yeah im trying03:43
_jasonCraiZE: ah, that's all you had to say :)03:43
OrTigaSwhy our network here sometimes i cant see them( windows pc)03:44
CraiZEbut gksudo isnt co-operating03:44
_jasonCraiZE: why the -u root? you shouldn't need that03:44
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CraiZEthat worked03:44
CraiZECosmoDad, we're very close now :P03:44
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bimberiOrTigaS: do you mean from 'Windows Network' in nautilus? i find that be be unreliable03:44
bimberi*to be03:45
_jasonltR20: I don't know03:45
OrTigaSbimberi,  its was two times a already access the other pc here but now it wont03:45
=== PwcrLinux looked at wiki, which one better blackdown or Sunjava?
OrTigaSNetwork window pc03:45
OrTigaSi tried samba03:46
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: IMHO you can run with blackdown03:46
_jasonwhat is the name of the library that lets you use gnome apps in kde with the gtk stuff (I know this is vague)?03:46
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: is that would work for javachat plugin?03:46
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: I don't know what javachat is, sry03:46
_jasonltR20: do you still have gtk2-engines-gtk-qt installed?03:47
OrTigaSi just saw here "window network" when i connect to network server03:47
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AnubisVideo: Default Monitor on ATI Technologies Inc. ATI-264VT2 PCI (1024x768x16bpp 60Hz)03:47
Anubisdono if thats what you want03:47
bimberiOrTigaS: are you trying to connect to a windows share from ubuntu?03:47
andrewfPackage msttcorefonts is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:47
Anubisthis is all being install in vmware03:47
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: just know that blackdown's API and RE is a match to sun's03:47
andrewfany idea why?03:47
SlyFerretAnubis: is that what windows is reporting?03:47
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SlyFerretAnubis: can you get to a comand prompt OK even if the GUI doesn't load?03:48
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Anubisyes i can get bash03:48
bimberi_jason: gtk2-engines-gtk-qt ?03:48
ltR20_jason you here?03:48
ltR20sorry im back03:48
_jasonltR20: yes03:48
Anubisbut im reinstalling so you may have to hold before i try some commands03:48
ltR20that's what it looks like03:48
OrTigaSbimberi,  yes from this box to connect windows network pc's03:48
SlyFerretAnubis: OK... can you tell which X server/driver it's trying to use?03:49
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: okay I'll wait for someone, I have javachat on my webpage and I need to get a java plugins to run a javachat to log into my irc server..03:49
_jasonbimberi: thanks03:49
scoomeyHi folks! Any way to do a verbose boot? I dist-upgraded to Dapper (Flight 6) and now the system hangs at boot time... need to troubleshoot where the problem is occuring03:49
Anubisslyferret i havent got a clue how to do that03:49
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bimberi_jason: yw :)03:49
_jasonltR20: do you have gtk2-engines-gtk-qt installed?03:49
Anubis%85 done installing packages03:49
ltR20im looking now03:49
OrTigaSit been seen already but now i cant03:49
bimberiOrTigaS: yes i get better results using Places -> Connect to Server03:49
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ltR20_jason ya it's installed.03:50
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: try installing Blackdown's engine, it'll 99% work03:50
SlyFerretAnubis: hmm... I'm actually a slackware user... just experimenting with installing ubuntu... so some of the file locations are different03:50
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Okay..03:50
_jasonltR20: sudo aptitude -s remove gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, that won't actually remove it but it will tell you what it will do.  Tell me if it removes a lot of stuff and what it will remove03:50
Anubisya debian does the exact same thing03:50
CraiZEfeck made a mistake03:50
OrTigaSwe dont have window server03:50
aftabhello there. Ive just installed ubuntu and im trying to get 1. a codec for playing mp3s and 2. drivers for my creative 6.1 system (audigy). Can someone tell me where i can get help info for these03:50
CraiZEgotta reboot03:50
CraiZECosmoDad, i will give you a modified version tomorrow03:51
CraiZEits 4am here03:51
CraiZEdont think i come back03:51
CraiZEgotta sleep03:51
SlyFerretanubis: there is a file called xorg.conf.  It contains all of the configuration for your X setup03:51
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Anubishow would i edit it03:52
SlyFerretanubis: I think it's in /etc/xorg/03:52
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SlyFerretanubis: but I'm not totally sure on ubuntu03:52
Anubisslyferret i havent got a clue about any linux03:52
Anubisso any help will help03:52
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techfreaki ve got a question . i try change my screen resolution from 1280x1024 to something bigger but when i try changing to a different resolution my screen goes blur , nothing happens and after 10 seconds or so i get my default resolution back again as if nothing happened. anyone knows how i can overcome this ?03:52
QuikBng19is there a way to install "gcc" without needed the ubutunu cd?03:52
vaderHello folks, is there anyone here using Dapper with the Broadcom 4318 wireless adapter?03:52
OrTigaSit showing me to connect some pc's but when i was in the windows network and click it didn't show anything03:52
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: No installation candiate03:52
_jasonQuikBng19: yes, from the online repositories03:53
Jiv001anyone has any idea why apache cant access home user pages .. http://localhost/~blah03:53
SlyFerretanubis: how are you on navigating directories from the command propmt?03:53
Anubislol im not03:53
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Anubisit just didnt load so i cam here after trying a few times03:53
mareksanyway to have fstab re-autogenerate itself?03:53
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RedEyessIf you install Ubuntu can you just upgrade it to the next version when it comes out.03:54
AnubisSlyFerret would a screenshot error help you?03:54
RedEyessby changing the apt-source03:54
SlyFerretanubis: hmm... I'm not seeing anything that says that your card isn't supported03:54
bimberiRedEyess: yes03:54
RedEyessI am using Debian03:54
SlyFerretanubis: probably not03:54
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RedEyessand just wondered that03:54
techfreakany idea how i can change my screen resolution ?03:54
SlyFerretanubis: in order to fix it though, you'll probably have to do a little tweaking from the command line if the installer didn't detect your card OK03:55
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bimberiRedEyess: ubuntu uses the same packaging tools (dpkg/apt)03:55
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bimberi!tell techfreak about fixres03:55
RedEyessI know03:55
RedEyessI installed it on a friends compuer03:55
Anubislooks like it is a gfx card error03:55
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RedEyessso I will feel at home03:55
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: you need to install the package j2re1.403:56
OrTigaSany idea why? i seen the other windows pc but now i cant :(03:56
SlyFerretanubis: do you remember anything about what it said?03:56
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KurtKrautWhat packages is needed to make Dapper be able to play mp3 ?03:56
_jasonubotu: tell KurtKraut about mp303:57
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_jasonKurtKraut: #ubuntu+1 for dapper please03:57
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: you have to have multiverse enabled03:57
KurtKraut_jason, sorry for that and thanks for the help.03:57
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SlyFerretanubis: what was the error, in a nutshell?03:57
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candaceMy son has us switch to this Ubuntu, and my flashdisk, several of my backup DvDs/Cds, and digital camera come up with a 'Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted.' message. Can someone help me, please?03:58
AnubisSlyFerret give me one sec alot to type03:58
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Anubislooks like a gfx card error to me03:58
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CaNsAAnubis, smells03:59
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PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Yes, it's there in the repos03:59
Anubishmm said xserver was disabled03:59
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sorbixhas anyone figured od the mesa ati problem?04:00
sorbixi still cant switch my opengl renderer from mesa to ati04:00
Anubisloading moduals looks fine04:00
sorbixive been trying for 2 days04:00
sorbixthat forum post didnt help either04:00
Xenguycandace: the dvd/cd might be easiest to start with04:00
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NxNxMoxi have a second hd i want to access04:00
vladuz976how can i create .zip files on linux04:00
NxNxMoxhow can i do this?04:00
candaceHow so?04:00
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: prolly server is down at acrhive server04:00
_nightw0lfhey guys, can someone tell me where I can get sshd ? server? I want to install it on my system04:01
vadervladuz976, zip <package name>04:01
ubotu[openssh]  server and client setup at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto04:01
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: what does "aptitude install j2re1.4" tell ya?04:01
dli_nightw0lf, sudo apt-get install openssh-server04:01
Xenguycandace: preface with my nick so I can read our exchange more easily...04:01
NxNxMoxany idea?04:01
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Okay hold on04:01
vladuz976vader: what package is that, I need to install for that executable?04:01
Remyhey, does anyone know of an application that will allow me to lock the keyboard but not the screen until I press a certain combination of keys ?04:01
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candaceXenguy ~ Allright04:01
SlyFerretanubis: This might sound silly... but does the live CD work?04:02
vaderit was installed by default on mine04:02
Xenguycandace: it sounds like the easiest place to start (compared to the other two)...04:02
Anubiswill try04:02
vladuz976vader: i have server install04:02
vladuz976vader: can you see what package that file belongs to?04:02
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vaderahhhhh vladuz976 then I have no clue04:02
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Xenguycandace: is it just data on the cd's then?04:02
SlyFerretanubis: i'm just wondering if it's a detection problem (loading wrong driver), or a support problem (right driver, doesn't work)04:02
_jasonvladuz976: the 'zip' package :P04:02
vladuz976vader: i think it's just called zip the packagd04:02
NxNxMoxi have a second hd i want to access04:03
NxNxMoxhow do i access it?04:03
vadervladuz976,  I think so but am not sure04:03
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Installed done04:03
_jasonNxNxMox: what filesystem?04:03
benkong2anyone help with network manager applet troubles?04:03
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candaceXenguy ~ A couple are movie files, but most are just regular files from our previous computer04:03
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NickGarveyRemy: I think google is your best bet I don't know of anything like that04:03
Xenguycandace: OK...04:03
NxNxMoxwhat do you mean04:03
NxNxMoxfat or ntfs?04:03
benkong2everything in /etc/network/interfaces is removed04:03
AnubisSlyFerret booting live cd i though of the same thing04:03
_jasonNxNxMox: yeah04:03
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Xenguycandace: also, do you know if you are in a 'gnome' desktop manager?04:03
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: fine. Test your application04:03
Xenguycandace: i.e. the default desktop environment?04:04
_jasonubotu: tell NxNxMox about ntfs04:04
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benkong2I can see my wireless point and I m using 128bit hex WEP I put in the key and no connect04:04
SlyFerretanubis: i'm not sure that the live CD will detect any different, but it's worth a shot04:04
marekshow do i change the file format on a partition to ext3?04:04
candaceXenguy ~ If you mean a graphical interface, yes04:04
NxNxMoxwoops i mean fat04:04
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NxNxMoxi mixed up the drives04:04
AnubisSlyFerret same thing04:04
_jasonNxNxMox: same instructions :P04:04
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ubotusomebody said sshd was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto04:04
sorbixis anyone out there experienced with the mesa/ati problem that can help me?04:04
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wasanI need help wih my linux install04:05
Anubiswell at least i know its a gfx problem04:05
_jasonNxNxMox: vfat is what linux calls it but the wiki page is the same04:05
Xenguycandace: OK, I'm going to load that over here, so I have the interface in front of me; one sec...04:05
CosmoDadmareks: you can only change the file system by formatting04:05
marekshow do i do that? im willing to lose everything04:05
RemyNickGarvey I've been searching for a while now...04:05
CosmoDadmareks: mkfs.ext304:05
ltR20_jason im back04:05
ltR20you still there??04:05
CosmoDadmareks: be careful anyways04:05
_jasonltR20: yeah, did you try that command?04:05
earthenis there a program I can install to make my seround sound work so I can ajust each speaker04:06
_nightw0lfafter I have installed the sshd files, how can I run the service04:06
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ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Metaltron04:06
QuikBng19how come i have added a bunch of apt-get reposities (the ones on ubuntuguide.org) and yet when i do apt-get it sometimes wants to use my ubuntu cd anyway to make it not use the cd?04:06
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candaceXenguy ~ Allright04:06
ltR20no i had to go do somthing quick04:06
ltR20sorry what was it again?04:06
ltR20ill scroll up04:06
wasanmy linux wont start up :<04:06
wasanthe screen just stays black04:06
CosmoDadbenkong2: check that you're truly connected to your AP using iwconfig04:06
_jasonltR20: sudo aptitude -s remove gtk2-engines-gtk-qt, that won't actually remove it but it will tell you what it will do.  Tell me if it removes a lot of stuff and what it will remove04:06
vladuz976vader: how do you use it to zip up a directory?04:06
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Still says "additional plugins are required" and "Install Missing Plugins"04:06
SlyFerretanubis: sorry i'm not much more help.  Google will be your friend (and maybe the x.org website)04:07
earthenQuikBng19, comment out the cd in your sources.list04:07
vadervladuz976, I only do the odd file04:07
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SlyFerretanubis: unfortunately, I must sign off for the night.  good luck!04:07
_jasonvladuz976: do you need this to be zip instead of tar.gz for example?04:07
Anubisthanks for the help04:07
Anubisit really did help04:07
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: erm, sorry, I'm out of knowledge. :( you'll need the RE anyway I think so this wasn't a waste of time04:07
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vladuz976_jason: yes, i have it tar.gz now, but i need to send files to my lab partners who only have windows04:07
benkong2A tail -f on var log messages shows network manager setting transmit key to 0 not 1 as in the linksys router. What's wrong?04:08
ltR20_jason: http://pastebin.com/65273704:08
_jasonvladuz976: I think it's zip -r to recurse through directories, man page has some example I think04:08
earthenQuikBng19,  it because sometime the latest file is on the cd so ubuntu will perfer to get it from there rather then the net04:08
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: I'm not sure what additional plugins it wants04:08
mareksCosmoDad, when i do "mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda6" and then look at partition table, it still lists as NTFS ? :-(04:08
vladuz976_jason: and then you specify the output name too>04:08
mareksive been messing around w/ this afternoon?04:08
Xenguycandace: loaded - so I assume you are right-clicking and trying to 'mount' the dvd, but you get an error - is that the situation?04:08
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NickGarveyRemy: lock-keys-applet - A keyboard lock keys applet for the GNOME2 panel tried that?04:08
CosmoDadmareks: weird04:08
_jasonvladuz976: yeah, zip -r file.zip /path/to/foo04:08
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candaceXenguy ~ Yes, exactly. Do you need to see the entire message?04:09
PwcrLinuxCosmos: yea, so I will do manually install thru SunJava website.04:09
CosmoDadmareks: did you use sudo mkfs.ext3?04:09
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-jingleBell:#ubuntu- ATTENTION: Jews Are Taking Over The World!04:09
vladuz976_jason: worked, thanks04:09
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Remynot yet04:09
mareksCosmoDad, yes04:09
-jingleBell:#ubuntu- ATTENTION: Jews Are Taking Over The World!04:09
Xenguycandace: are you familiar with pasting text to the 'pastebin'?04:09
ubotu[ops]  Help! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee04:09
ltR20_jason did you get that??04:09
CosmoDadmareks: did mkfs tell you it succesfully finished?04:09
candaceXenguy ~ No I am not.04:09
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NxNxMoxeveryone got that04:09
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_jasonltR20: yeah, go ahead and run the command without the -s04:09
NxNxMoxsome loser ctcp'ed the channel04:09
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RemyNickGarvey that only shows you the status of caps lock, etc... doesn't actually lock the keyboard.  That's what I've found everywhere... caps lock info!04:10
Xenguycandace: trying looking at the /topic04:10
_nightw0lfsomeone knows how to make the sshd service work? I need someone to connect to my computer04:10
NickGarveyRemy: oh I see04:10
Xenguycandace: are you able to?04:10
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_nightw0lfi mean to enable it04:10
QuikBng19earthen, i must be blind but i dont see any CD in my sources.list04:10
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NickGarveyRemy: mm that was just me doing an apt-cache search04:10
ltR20_jason what will this do?04:10
candaceXenguy ~ Yes04:10
CosmoDad_nightw0lf: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start04:10
ltR20it says it's done jason_04:10
Remyyeah :)04:10
_jasonltR20: ok try restarting X now04:10
brittodoes yes anyone know how to setup vncserver on ubuntu04:10
mareksCosmoDad, it shows all the stats, then it says "Writing inode tables: done" and "Creating journal: done" and "writing superblocks... :done"04:11
Xenguycandace: So you paste errors to pastebin, then handoff the URL to me04:11
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theCorewhy those people always come from sympatico ...04:11
_nightw0lfCosmoDad thanks alot04:11
brittodoes yes anyone know how to setup vncserver on ubuntu04:11
CosmoDad!tell britto about vnc04:11
brittocould somebody help me04:11
Xenguycandace: I'll be right back (brb)04:12
mareks_jason, i found out why my fstab was throwing a fit. the "mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda6" never worked so it was trying to mount NTFS as EXT3, but i still cant get it to chnage file system :-(04:12
CosmoDadmareks: and what does "sudo cfdisk" say?04:12
QuikBng19how can i force apt-get not to use the ubuntu cd for updates04:12
brittoi have setup the vnc but when i try to connect from my xp the vnc does not connect04:12
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brittobesides i have firestarter ... could that be a problem?04:12
NickGarveyQuikBng19: edit /etc/apt/sources.list and comment out the cd line04:12
CosmoDadbritto: for sure04:12
_jasonmareks: oh.  Can't you use something like gparted?04:12
earthenQuikBng19,  there has to be one there if it is asking for your cd04:12
vaderQuikBng19, I just remove the CD from the decission04:12
QuikBng19britto, are u using the port when u created the vnc like :1 or :2 or whatever u made04:12
brittoi tried tweaking the vnc.conf04:12
ltR20^^_jason i pressed backspace + ctrl and it went to the login screen.. its stil the same04:12
mareks_jason, i dont know whawt gparted is?04:12
QuikBng19earthen, can i private message you my aptget list?04:12
candaceXenguy ~ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12011 Allright04:12
brittoi do ... but still causing headaches ...04:13
frank23britto: try disabling the firewall to see if it's the problem04:13
_jasonmareks: a gui tool to modify partitions04:13
CosmoDadmareks: a graphical frontend to parted, a partitioning tool04:13
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Xenguycandace: checking04:13
ubotuhmm... sshd is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto04:13
CosmoDadmareks: _jason's right, try it04:13
_jasonltR20^^: hrmm I don't know then.  I'm kind of out of ideas04:13
earthenyeah sure04:13
ltR20^^_jason.. so do i re-install ubuntu04:13
ltR20^^this sucks04:13
_jasonltR20^^: nah that seems drastic.  try asking the channel in a bit and try the forums/mail list04:13
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: I downloaded the bin file onto my desktop then what next?04:13
earthenQuikBng19,  no problem04:14
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-e2ebd70ede0e3eb2117ffbd618d2295dd1540dca04:14
britto still no luck guys.04:14
brittoi stopped by firewall ... and still no luck.04:14
earthenQuikBng19,  there should be a line like this in your list  #deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 5.10 _Breezy Badger_ - Release amd64 (20051012)] / breezy main restricted04:15
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Xenguycandace: hrm, have you looked at 'dmesg | tail' at all, as the error message suggests?04:15
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: remove backdown's java first!04:15
_jasonltR20^^: that was always like that ever since you installed kde right?04:15
brittodo you have the vnc.conf available?04:15
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: to save you from further confusion04:15
candaceXenguy ~ No I have not04:15
ltR20^^what was jason?04:15
ltR20^^the font?04:15
_jasonltR20^^: yeah04:15
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ltR20^^no it just happened yesturday04:15
ltR20^^well when i owke up today04:16
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PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: do I need to remove from sytaptic list?04:16
_jasonltR20^^: oh, can you think of anything you installed or modified?04:16
Xenguycandace: can you open a terminal (command line) and try that?04:16
nathanaelI cannot figure out how to increase the size of the CandyBar Gdesklet widget...do I need to manually edit the config file?04:16
ltR20^^_jason... i removed alot of kde/kde apps and a firefox profile04:16
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Xenguycandace: applications > accessories > terminal04:16
brittocosmodad any new suggestions04:17
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mareksany idea why my system might be taking a long time to "Configure network interfaces..." during startup?04:17
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: remove the package, you can do it from synaptics, yes04:17
PwcrLinuxokay hold on04:17
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: or just do "aptitude purge j2re1.4"04:17
PwcrLinuxah go it..04:17
CosmoDadmareks: DHCP?04:17
brandon_mareks: it's taking awhile to get the dhcp info from teh server04:17
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candaceXenguy ~ I'm there04:18
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nathanaelAnyone here using gdesklet?04:18
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Xenguycandace: OK, paste the output once more to a pastebin please04:18
arrickIdleOne, you here tonight?04:18
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brandon_mareks: your pc has to lease an ip address for awhile04:18
IdleOnearrick, yup04:18
earthenanyone get the ATI drivers working in breezy 64 bit04:18
arrickhey I finally got all the drives to stay mounted04:18
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IdleOnearrick, wtg :)04:19
mareksomg i just restored complete /etc/fstab to default and im still having the GDM error :-(04:19
candaceXenguy ~ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201304:19
arrickIdleOne, i had 2 bad drives04:19
=== ROFLCOPTER|`evoL [n=Jordan@ool-45734354.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xenguycandace: checking04:19
CraiZECosmoDad, i got it _almost_ running :)04:19
arrickhey check out this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201204:19
mareksit was a near fresh install of ubuntu i dont know how i couldve broken it so easily04:19
_jasonltR20^^: well good luck.  I don't think you should have to do a reinstall, someone will know what's going on04:19
brandon_mareks: what gdm error?04:19
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLhow can i get my computer to be an ftp server so my friend that i host a game server for can upload files and stuff ?04:19
ltR20^^ill go back to windows till its fixed04:19
ltR20^^it's extreamly hard to read fonts04:19
benkong2!network manager04:19
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, benkong204:20
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ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CraiZE04:20
arrickIdleOne, thats what i get now when i type mount http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201204:20
mareks"GDM could not write to your authorization file. This could mean that you are out of disk space or that your home directorycould not be opened for writing"04:20
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Xenguycandace: hrm, it's the same output04:20
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CosmoDadCraiZE: dude it's 4:20am, go to bed :)04:20
CraiZEi gotta finish it04:20
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLhow can i get my computer to be an ftp server so my friend that i host a game server for can upload files and stuff ?04:20
candaceXenguy ~ I'm sorry, what did you need?04:20
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CraiZECosmoDad,  u know about sed ?04:20
NickGarvey!tell ROFLCOPTER|`evoL about ftp04:20
brandon_mareks: do you have a home directory?04:20
CosmoDadCraiZE: a bit04:20
arrickROFLCOPTER|`evoL, use proftpd04:20
CraiZEcosmo, okay04:20
mareksi dont remember deleting it?04:20
NickGarveyI am a vsftpd person myself04:20
CraiZEhow can i sed -e s#\"\"## my $blah variable?04:20
IdleOnearrick, /hda4 is full?04:20
Xenguycandace: the 1st error suggested 'dmesg |tail' -- did you paste that output the 2nd time?04:21
brandon_mareks: does it have any free space?04:21
earthenmarcels,  could you post your fstab file04:21
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: here is my paste,, is it's removed done??  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201504:21
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candaceXenguy ~ Yes04:21
mareksyep, all thats on an 80gb harddrive is ubuntu04:21
CosmoDadCraiZE: frankly, I don't get but you mean?04:21
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arrickIdleOne, I finished mounting my server into my 4drawer filing cabinet today04:21
Xenguycandace: OK, let me ponder this for a second04:21
mareksits partitioned slightly for a webserver root dir04:21
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLarrick: i installed it but how do i use it now ?04:22
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: it hasn't removed anything. you seem to have removed it before (synaptics?)04:22
arricknow I can't hear it running,04:22
bonshey guys. i'm looking for resources on configuring my xorg.conf file. more specifically modelines for my laptop monitor.  anyone have any suggestions?04:22
candaceXenguy ~ Allright, thanks04:22
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arrick04:22
Abb13Talk to me slags04:22
arrick!info Proftpd04:22
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: or you haven't installed it in the first place04:22
ubotuproftpd: (Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.2.10-22 (breezy), Packaged size: 347 kB, Installed size: 1044 kB04:22
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IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, man proftpd04:22
_jasonCraiZE: you don't need sed, you can do something like: ${blah//\"/}04:22
Abb13arrick, boo04:22
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: what does 'dpkg -l j2re1.4' tell you?04:22
brandon_mareks: can you start kdm?04:22
CraiZE jason ok04:22
mareksi dont know whawt kdm is?04:22
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLIdleOne: How do run the program though ?04:22
arrickROFLCOPTER|`evoL, if you need much more help, you can ask a number of people here04:22
_jasonCraiZE: that gets rid of all of the " quotations marks which is what I think you wanted to do04:23
mareksim a complete idiot... i think im just going to reinstall... ugh04:23
arrickAbb13, what do you mean boo?04:23
brandon_mareks: it's the kde display manager. gdm is the gnome display manager04:23
PwcrLinuxokay is dpkg -l for checking if it's in the hard drive or not?04:23
mareksi dont have kde04:23
IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, most of the time from terminal just type the program name and it will startup04:23
CraiZEno i actually want to fix the path04:23
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: if it's installed04:23
Abb13arrick, i ment boo u twat head04:23
brandon_i see04:23
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: and if it has been04:23
CraiZElike /home/craize/directory has spaces/file has spaces too.txt04:23
IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, look in Applications>Internet it should be there04:23
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: or ever was :)04:23
mareksnot that i know of anyway... its just a default install of ubuntu 5.1004:23
PwcrLinuxokay hold on04:23
arrickAbb13, do you know me?04:23
Xenguycandace: type this at a terminal and tell me what output you get: ls -l /dev/cdrom04:23
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLIdleOne: I don't see it ?04:23
OrTigaShi how can i access this box/folders thru other windows pc... it asking me pswd04:23
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CraiZEi want it to fix the filename04:23
Abb13arrick, no r u american04:23
IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, then in terminal type the name of the app04:24
_jasonCraiZE: fix in what way?  rename the spaces to _?04:24
CraiZE_jason, idea on how to do that?04:24
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLIdleOne: That doesn't work either lol04:24
IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, whats the app?04:24
Healottried the official release of ATi driver on x64 yet... it seems the control panel can't link the libexpat04:24
CraiZEi cant use the spaces with mount04:24
CraiZEfor example04:24
arrickAbb13, yes I am why?04:24
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ROFLCOPTER|`evoLIdleOne: Proftpd....04:24
CraiZE /media/hdh1/invader zim/dvd1.nrg04:24
h4lfl1ngu need to put an escape character04:24
XenguyCraiZE: for i in *; do mv "$i" "`echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`"; done04:24
CraiZEbecomes: /media/hdh1/invader\ zim/dvd1.nrg04:24
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candaceXenguy ~  lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 3 2006-04-08 22:38 /dev/cdrom -> hdc04:25
h4lfl1ngblah\ other\ blah04:25
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Abb13arrick,  just a guess cause im  so intellegent oo he by the way im a natural blonde04:25
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: un  j2re1.4        <none>         (no description available)04:25
CosmoDadCraiZE: can't you just use quotation marks?04:25
Xenguycandace: good - pondering again04:25
PwcrLinuxwhat's the un does for?04:25
CraiZEyou cant04:25
IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, and in terminal if you type proftpd it doesnt start ( may take a minute )04:25
CraiZEmount doesnt like those04:25
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: it has been uninstalled04:25
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arcanistheroguehey im getting an error04:25
mareksgrr this is highly discouraging04:25
PwcrLinuxCosmo: wow that's new to me04:25
arcanistherogueE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)04:25
arcanistherogueE: Unable to lock the list directory04:25
arcanistheroguewhat does that mean?04:25
arrickIdleOne, it runs in the background, he wont even know its running,04:26
_jasonCraiZE: yeah it should work if you do what CosmoDad said afaik04:26
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: you may go ahead and install sun's java04:26
arcanistheroguei tried restarting X and it didn't help :\04:26
mareksi know im going to repeatedly break my linux is this can happen this easily and i know im going to give up on it. :-(04:26
CraiZEoh n/m04:26
CraiZEi had a bug04:26
PwcrLinuxarcanistherogue: close the sypt application04:26
brandon_mareks: did gnome ever run properly?04:26
IdleOnearrick,  ahh that explains it04:26
Xenguycandace: in the terminal, we want to become 'root' now; type: sudo -i04:26
arrickIdleOne, you gona help him set it up?04:26
Healotarcanistherogue: there is a program locking/using your apt database... synaptic probably?04:26
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vaderarcanistherogue, try closing the other program that is using sudo04:26
Xenguycandace: then type your password04:26
IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, I dont have experience with proftpd . thought it was GUI app04:26
brandon_mareks, at what point did it stop running properly?04:26
arcanistherogueok thanks04:26
IdleOnearrick, if you can give him a hand I dont know about it04:27
mareksbrandon_ i was just trying to add an entry to the fstab... and i took it out and now it still doesnt work04:27
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: I have bin on the desktop now..04:27
mareksi had to boot w/ the liveCD twice just to modify the fstab04:27
Xenguycandace: you should get a prompt ending with '#' instead of '$'04:27
arrickDBO, you here?04:27
Xenguycandace: that indicates you are now 'root/superuser'04:27
mareksbrandon_ when i sudo it says ""sudo: must be setuid root"04:27
brandon_mareks: what did you want to add to fstab?04:27
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: follow the link I gave you04:27
CosmoDad!tell PwcrLinux -about java04:27
CosmoDad!tell PwcrLinux -about javadeb04:27
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mareksi was just adding a partition to it (it was originally ntfs, but reformatted to ext3)04:27
candaceXenguy ~  It is still a '$', and said my password was incorrect.04:27
candaceXenguy ~  My son says it only works on his account04:28
arrickmwe you one here?04:28
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IdleOneROFLCOPTER|`evoL, arrick can give you a hand with it . if he is inclined :)04:28
Xenguycandace: yes that is true04:28
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brandon_mareks: it sounds like your user info is screwed up somehow. try adding a new user, and then log in as that user04:28
arrickIdleOne, gotta sleep, trying to find him help from someone that can do it though04:28
candaceXenguy ~  I will be back soon04:28
Xenguycandace: hrm, is your son there at the moment (ATM) ?04:28
arrickI cant remember half of it04:28
candaceXenguy ~ YEs04:28
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mareksi dunno how to do that04:29
Xenguycandace: OK, here is one idea...04:29
CraiZEhow can i remove the last "space" ?04:29
mareksits so pointless i didnt do anything yet04:29
CraiZElike i want this to become04:29
mareksim just going to reinstall04:29
brandon_useradd mareks04:29
CraiZElike i want this tobecome04:29
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brandon_then add a password like this: passwd mareks04:29
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vadernight poeple......it is time for me to give up for the night and relax and take in some TV04:29
ltR20^^_jason you still there?04:29
CraiZEnobody knows?04:29
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_jasonltR20^^: yeah04:29
_jasonubotu: tell CraiZE about enter04:29
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ltR20^^which do i choose?04:30
Xenguycandace: you can become your son's account first (su - sonsaccount); then you can do 'sudo -i')04:30
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CraiZE_jason, do that again04:30
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Hmm I got prvmsg from ubotu, which one better easy faster install than using Bin or long commands in the terminal box..04:30
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arrickhey ROFLCOPTER|`evoL if You cant find help in here within the next 9 hours, I will be back up , and help you get it done sometime tomorrw, if you on04:30
_jasonltR20^^: ubuntu users04:30
CraiZEubotu: tell _jason about enter04:30
XenguyCraiZE: umm04:30
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: yeah I told ubotu to tell you :)04:30
ROFLCOPTER|`evoLlol alright arrick04:30
CraiZEXenguy,  yes?04:30
arrickjust send a pm to me04:30
=== ROFLCOPTER|`evoL is now known as `underOATH
candaceXenguy ~ I now have it04:31
brandon_mareks: are y ou sure your home directory is mounted?04:31
arrickbeen up for 48 hours now04:31
`underOATHchanged my name :)04:31
XenguyCraiZE: get a clue who you are talking to04:31
mareksbrandon_ says "useradd: unable to lock password file"04:31
`underOATHthis is my name i have a password for nickserv on04:31
CraiZEXenguy, who am i talking to ?04:31
Xenguycandace: OK...04:31
IdleOne`underOATH, use an easier nick for us to type please :)04:31
brandon_mareks: what's the output of the command: pwd04:31
`underOATHIdleOne, this is easy enough04:31
`underOATHjust press the little "`" then tab 2 times :P04:31
mareks("webserver" is username)04:31
IdleOne`underOATH,  well its better then the last yup :P04:32
arrickhey join #arrick and I will give you voice so you can let me know when you will be back to work on it if you dont get it tonight04:32
Xenguycandace: we'll try mounting this CD from the command-line and see what happens...04:32
brandon_mareks: that's correct04:32
`underOATHIdleOne, yea i play counters trike and thats my name on gamesurge04:32
Xenguycandace: is the dvd/cdrom in the drive?04:32
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: uses seavas's deb or in the wiki about install java and command lines. which one faster and easy?04:32
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: probably the deb04:32
candaceXenguy ~ I need to swap it, the ones in the drives are ones that work04:32
Healotsvs's PwcrLinux04:32
arrick'underOATH, join #arrick04:32
PwcrLinuxokay, should I remove the bin from the desktop?04:32
Xenguycandace: OK, do that04:32
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brandon_mareks: change directory to root (cd /)04:32
Healotbut if only you have the i386 ubuntu04:32
brandon_now ls04:33
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marekswhat am i looking for?04:33
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brandon_i'm just wondering if everything that should be there is there04:33
marekslooks like it all there... although i hardly have a trained eye04:33
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brandon_is /etc there?04:33
arcanistheroguehey, ive been getting a nasty error when i do sudo apt-get update04:34
mareksi have bin dev media root tmp boot etc mnt sbin usr home lib opt srv  var debootstrap initrd lost+found proc sys04:34
arcanistherogueit freezes at getting headers, 99%04:34
boscohey how do i get the plugin for gaim working04:34
boscobosco the webcam04:34
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: not sure04:34
arcanistheroguehow long should this normally take :\04:34
candaceXenguy ~ It is saying it is unable to eject04:34
arcanistherogue99% [Waiting for headers] 04:34
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: leave it there until you installed the bin04:34
brandon_sounds right04:34
arcanistheroguethats as far as it gets :/04:34
frank23arcanistherogue: maybe you have a source which is down. you can probably ignore it04:34
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: the .deb I mean04:34
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: it might ask you about providing a .bin anyway04:34
arcanistheroguefrank23, how would i tell?04:34
brandon_actually, you have to add the user as root, so sudo it04:34
Xenguycandace: you tried 'eject'  ?04:34
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makaveliis there skype for linux?04:35
Xenguycandace: er, typing 'eject' ?04:35
mareksbrandon+ when i sudo it says "sudo: must be setuid root"04:35
frank23arcanistherogue: wait a minute until it times out. what is the error message?04:35
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: jre-1_5_0_06-linux-i586.bin is on the desktop..04:35
arcanistheroguek, ill wait until it times out frank2304:35
brandon_maybe you;re not set as a sudoer. lemme search for a bit04:35
_jasonmareks: what does this say: ls -l `which sudo`04:35
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Ketobiwhats the difference between kde and gnome? should i use ubuntu or kubuntu?04:35
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: leave it there until you finished installing from the .deb04:36
mareks-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 93332 2006-01-09 04:41 /usr/bin/sudo04:36
frank23Ketobi: try both.04:36
candaceXenguy ~ Allright, I have swapped it for a non-functioning disk, and it gives me the same error when I try to open it, as before.04:36
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: if things go right, delete it afterwards04:36
whaleyKetobi, it's a matter of personal taste, take both for a test run04:36
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Okay04:36
Xenguycandace: K...04:36
whaleyKetobi, try the live cd's first04:36
_jasonmareks: see that needs a +s in the user part.  That's what the error is telling you.  Why it's not there, I do not know04:36
bimberiKetobi: different desktop environments, matter of choice, try both and decide for yourself :)04:36
Ketobiok, thx04:37
marekshow do we get it back _jason?04:37
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Xenguycandace: from the 'root' terminal window, try this:  mount /dev/cdrom /mnt04:37
Xenguycandace: what happens?04:37
arcanistheroguefrank23, Err http://www.mirrorservice.org breezy Release.gpg04:37
arcanistherogue  Connection failed [IP: 80] 04:37
arcanistherogueit is still waiting for headers after that error though O_o04:37
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_jasonmareks: you can change the permission but the fact that it somehow got removed may mean other things are also messed up so you should try to figure out what happened04:37
frank23arcanistherogue: that's not an official mirror AFAIK. maybe you should use an official one04:38
candaceXenguy ~ mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only04:38
candacemount: you must specify the filesystem type04:38
arcanistherogueokey dokey.  I was getting KDE 3.5.2, so i used the mirrors on the kubuntu page.  I shouldn't of put them all in my sources.list, right?04:38
Xenguycandace: it wants more specific info...04:38
marekscan ubuntu create ntfs partitions?04:38
Xenguycandace: let's try a shot in the dark then...04:38
_jasonmareks: no04:38
frank23arcanistherogue: one is enough. but more than one doesn't matter either04:39
Xenguycandace: from the 'root' terminal window, try this:  mount -t vfat /dev/cdrom /mnt04:39
candacemount: Allright04:39
_jasonmareks: at least not that I know of04:39
brandon_marek: when you look at your fstab file, is the word nosuid in there?04:39
arcanistheroguefrank23 thanks alot man, i was getting worried about apt04:39
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mareks_jason, is it possible for windows systems to read/write to a 100% linux computer with 100% ext3 partitions?04:39
candacemount: mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only04:39
candacemount: /dev/cdrom: can't read superblock04:39
frank23arcanistherogue: I find kubuntu.org pretty fast so that one should be enough04:39
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candaceXenguy ~ Oops. 'mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only04:39
candacemount: /dev/cdrom: can't read superblock'04:39
mareks_jason, (across a regular @home network)04:39
ltR20^^_jason you there?04:40
Xenguycandace: hrm, no joy...04:40
frank23arcanistherogue: did you upgrade to kde 3.5.2 yet?04:40
arcanistherogueit went great04:40
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_jasonubotu: tell mareks about explore2fs04:40
kfarrellHello, does anyone know if there is a repository for the latest mono builds? ie monodevelop 0.1004:40
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_jasonmareks: that works with partitions on the same machine, i don't know about across a network04:40
cornflakeis dapper safe yet?04:41
frank23arcanistherogue: the resolution configuration menu disappeared though. it's a bug in breezy kde 3.5.204:41
_jasonltR20^^: yeah04:41
frank23arcanistherogue: you can use  xrandr  to change manually if you need to04:41
Xenguycandace: are you certain these CDs are not unreadable?  Also what operating system/file system generated the data on the CDs ?04:41
Xenguycandace: brb04:41
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ltR20^^_jason do you think it's cause of KDE... that i uninstalled it?04:41
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_jasonltR20^^: no since you said it was working find after you uninstalled kde but only after a few days it happened04:42
arcanistheroguefrank23, so i cant change the resolution?  or do you mean i cant configure it with the system configurations in kde04:42
_jasonltR20^^: s/find/fine04:42
cornflakeis dapper stable yet?04:42
frank23arcanistherogue: you cant configure it with the system configurations in kde04:42
lutracornflake: no04:42
lutracornflake: not till june when it's released04:42
candaceXenguy ~ I had my son burn these backups, and they work on other computers. They were made on Windows XP.04:42
`underOATHWhen the new ubuntu is released will you have to reformat to get that or will it just upgrade breezy ?04:42
arcanistheroguefrank23, no problem, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:42
_jason`underOATH: the latter04:43
frank23arcanistherogue: yeah.  or   xrandr  in a konsole04:43
cornflakelutra, alrighty then. *goes back into his hole*04:43
lutra`underOATH: just point your sources to dapper and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:43
arcanistheroguekonsole owns04:43
NaomarikI have a permission question... I wrote a small bash script that connects to an access point and configures ifconfig and route to give me internet instantly... the only problem is I have to run it as root or sudo due to ifconfig, is there a way around this04:43
Xenguycandace: that should not be a problem to mount then...04:43
`underOATHlutra oh cool04:43
lutracornflake: he he...i mean dapper is stable enough right now...but i wouldn't stay something might not break between now and then04:43
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Xenguycandace: if you type 'mount', what output do you get? (pastebin may be necessary)04:44
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frank23Naomarik: you can suid it maybe.04:44
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Okay which one I open or save onto desktop for the deb file?04:44
frank23Naomarik: not sure how to do that though04:44
ithielhi everybody04:44
lutra`underOATH: the beauty of a debian system04:44
kfarrellHello, does anyone know if there is a repository for the latest mono builds?04:44
cornflakelutra, things break in the stable version now :P04:44
lutracornflake: it's true04:44
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Naomarikthanks frank... I'll see what I can find about suid04:44
frank23kfarrell: I used a debian repository for them.04:44
candaceXenguy ~ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201604:45
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kfarrellfrank23, ty, was it http://pkg-mono.alioth.debian.org/ per chance?04:45
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asjdjasdjjashi, can someone tell me how to find my ip?04:45
asjdjasdjjasmy local ip04:45
marekswith liveCD, whats is a good way to get data off of a ntfs partition across a network to a shared folder on a windows computer for backup?04:45
whaleyasjdjasdjjas: sudo ifconfig04:45
benkong2type ipconfig04:45
bimberiasjdjasdjjas: ifconfig04:45
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IdleOneasjdjasdjjas, type ifconfig in terminal04:45
kfarrellasjdjasdjjas, ifconfig eth004:45
Xenguycandace: checking04:45
frank23kfarrell: no I just used a regular debian unstable mirror04:46
benkong2oops windoze uses ipconfig04:46
tonyyarussoWhat do you have to use with mkisofs to specify the iso as bootable?04:46
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asjdjasdjjasshite... wrong chan im on redhat :/04:46
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nidahhi need help installing java04:46
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bimberiasjdjasdjjas: ifconfig should work in redhat too :)04:47
nidahi type su in terminal followed by my password but it deneis me access04:47
frank23nidah: use sudo instead04:47
kfarrellfrank23, thanks mate04:47
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Xenguycandace: this line looks odd: /dev/scd0 on /media/cdrom2 type iso9660 (ro,noexec,nosuid,nodev,user=maxwell) ...04:47
frank23!tell nidah about sudo04:47
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asjdjasdjjaswould anyone happen to know how to find ur local ip in redhat?04:47
Xenguycandace: it's like 'maxwell' already has the cdrom device mounted (?)04:47
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nidahfrank i wish to know how to instal java on my ssystem as java website doesnt provide info on install using sudo04:48
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: what have you accomplished so far?04:48
candaceXenguy ~ I don't quite get what you mean.04:48
frank23!tell nidah about java04:48
Xenguycandace: what happens if maxwell unmounts the cdrom (/dev/scd0) and you try the mount command again?04:48
Xenguycandace: well the last line...04:48
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candaceXenguy ~ How do I unmount this?04:49
Xenguycandace: indicates that user 'maxwell' has the cdrom device mounted (possibly)...04:49
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: the download box says sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb  open or save ?04:49
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: oh ok, save it04:49
Xenguycandace: thinking...04:49
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Xenguycandace: what happens if 'root' does: umount /dev/scd004:50
Xenguycandace: or this would probably work also: umount /media/cdrom204:51
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Wow, big download 30 MB!04:51
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: yeah, have a coffee or two04:51
Xenguycandace: (notice 'umount', not 'unmount')04:51
mikodelacruzDO i still need to download McAfee is i am using ubuntu?04:52
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NsOmNiAc!ubotu enlightenment04:52
ubotufrom memory, enlightenment is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7915504:52
candaceXenguy ~ The first gives me just a new command line, the second gives me 'umount: /media/cdrom2: not mounted'04:52
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lwizardlhow do i get java 1.4 installed. I've looked for a deb or rpm04:52
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frank23!tell lwizardl about java04:53
frank23lwizardl: install blackdown if you want 1.404:53
Xenguycandace: type this again: mount04:53
Xenguycandace: is the cdrom2 line still there?04:53
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: it's saved on the desktop now04:53
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: install it04:54
frank23mikodelacruz: the short answer is no.  virus scanner in linux are only really useful if you want to catch windows virus (which pose no threat to linux)04:54
candaceXenguy ~ No04:54
Xenguycandace: good...04:54
Xenguycandace: try this again as a test: mount /dev/cdrom /mnt04:55
mikodelacruzso do i need antivirus of some sort if i am using UBUNTU04:55
frank23lwizardl: blackdown java is based on Sun java. I'm not sure what the relationship is04:55
Xenguycandace: (asuming you still have the cdrom in the drive)04:55
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: Couldn't open, archive type not supported04:55
frank23mikodelacruz: no04:55
candaceXenguy ~ I do. This comes up: 'mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only04:55
candacemount: you must specify the filesystem type04:55
Xenguycandace: damn, looks familiar...04:56
tonyyarussoWhat do you have to use with mkisofs to specify the iso as bootable?04:56
Xenguycandace: and this? mount -t vfat /dev/cdrom /mnt04:56
Healotit is recommended to use official JDK/JRE from Sun, and install "java-package" to create the debian package out of the installers04:56
frank23Healot: yes it is04:57
candaceXenguy ~ mount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only04:57
candacemount: /dev/cdrom: can't read superblock04:57
frank23Healot: oh that wasn't a question... ;)04:57
Healotcandace: CDrom formats are udf or iso9660 only04:57
candaceWhich means?04:58
Xenguycandace: OK, what about this: mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /mnt04:58
HealotFAT/VFAT or other isn't suitable for CDroms04:58
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: which guide did you follow? give me the URL04:58
XenguyHealot: yaeh, muddling my way thru :-)04:59
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/java/04:59
candaceXenguy ~ http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201704:59
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Xenguycandace: grasping at straws now: mount -t ntfs /dev/cdrom /mnt05:00
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: you should have added the apt-source in your /etc/apt/sources.list. Do this:05:01
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:01
candaceXenguy ~ Same error -> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1201705:01
Xenguycandace: yep...05:01
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: add this line to the very bottom:  deb http://mirror2.ubuntulinux.nl/ breezy-seveas java05:02
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CosmoDadPwcrLinux: save and exit, then: start synaptics and install the package "sun-j2re1.5". done05:02
Xenguycandace: I should have been trying with '-t iso9660' all along; these errors indicate that there is something non-standard about the filesystem on those particular cdroms...05:02
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: delete the .deb you downloaded manually05:02
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Xenguycandace: the fact that you can read other cdroms indicates there is nothing fundamentally wrong...05:03
nidahi hate linux05:03
candaceXenguy ~ What do you suggest?05:03
Xenguycandace: I'm not sure how I can help at this point if those CDs won't mount tho05:03
OrTigaShi how can i access this box/folders thru other windows pc... it asking me pswd05:03
Xenguycandace: I suggest you make new backups for starters05:04
PwcrLinuxCosmoDad: can I prvmsg with you?05:04
NaomarikOrTigaS: you have samba installed already, yes?05:04
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candaceXenguy ~ Well thanks anyways.05:04
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Xenguycandace: linux has no intrinsic problem reading this kind of stuff normally, so there must be another issue that is not yet clear05:04
OrTigaSNaomarik,  yes05:05
Xenguycandace: yw - sorry I couldn't help produce a happy ending05:05
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Compaq_Owner_Is the Ubuntu install    DVD  an official release?05:05
Healotcandace: is that CD a house-brewed (self-made)?05:05
candaceXenguy ~ Different drives work with different disks, so I'm not quite sure. My son says it has something to do with drivers, he thinks.05:05
Xenguycandace: my guess is that *something* is odd about those 'rogue' CDs :-/05:05
candaceXenguy ~ self made?05:05
NaomarikOrTigaS: Type smbpasswd (username), username being the shares you want accessed... this worked for me.05:06
Xenguycandace: hard to say05:06
NaomarikThen you should be able to log in using the username and password that you typed... I think you have to be root to issue that command though05:06
CosmoDadPwcrLinux: sure05:07
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Xenguycandace: good luck - your son made a good choice with Ubuntu BTW :-)05:07
Compaq_Owner_Is the Ubuntu install DVD an official release?05:07
tonyyarussoIf 'file foo.iso' doesn't show it as bootable, will a CD burned from that still work (as a bootable install disk)?  If not, what do I need to do differently when creating the iso?05:07
tonyyarussoCompaq_Owner_: Yes, and is included on cdimage.ubuntu.com05:08
Compaq_Owner_Thank you tonyyarruso05:08
candaceXenguy ~ Putting this aside, I am pleased ^_^ Thanks, and Good Bye05:09
AngryElfi've got a comp with a SCSI HD  (sda) and a tape drive, is the tape drive suppose to be sdb?05:09
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vanRijnre, all05:11
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thejnaitorhey guys... anybody have an idea as to why I would get this error message when trying to restart gdm?:05:12
thejnaitor* Starting GNOME Display Manager...                                     [fail] 05:12
thejnaitorstartx works fine, or seems to05:12
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vanRijnI am using the latest dapper on a powerbook.  I'm having a problem with the alsa kernel modules that it looks like might be fixed in 1.0.11rc4.  However, the latest available in apt is 1.0.10 (latest stable).  What's the "correct" way of upgrading my alsa kernel modules to 1.0.11rc4?  I've tried compiling them by hand and when I modprobe snd-powermac, I get this: [ 1568.524658]  snd_powermac: Unknown symbol i2c_smbus_write_i2c_blo05:13
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arcanistheroguehow do i change my default dm?05:13
arcanistheroguelike from kdm to gdm05:14
arcanistherogueor reverse05:14
arcanistheroguethey are both already installed though05:14
_jasonarcanistherogue: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm05:14
farous_jason: you beaten me to it05:14
arcanistheroguewill that overwrite my gdm.conf05:14
_jasonarcanistherogue: I don't know, but make a backup just in case05:15
_jasonfarous: :P05:15
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fiendskull9hey fellas05:16
fiendskull9whats the name of the package for the gnome base system?05:16
`underOATHhow can i get my computer to be an ftp server so my friend that i host a game server for can upload files and stuff ?05:16
fiendskull9like kde has kdebase05:16
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tanlaanhey everyone05:17
fiendskull9hey tanlaan05:17
_jasonubotu: tell `underOATH about ftp05:17
tanlaanive just reinstalled ubuntu05:17
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`underOATH_jason that only says programs...05:17
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mikodelacruzis ubuntu protected from attack (hackers, etc)05:17
`underOATHi downloaded all of them but none of them are in my application list05:17
zaibiechuhow can i see the boot messages, after login05:17
_jason`underOATH: pick a server and install it, people seem to like proftpd05:17
tanlaanand i wanted to know if anyone had some suggestions on what i should download05:17
_jason!info proftp05:17
_jason!info proftpd05:17
ubotuproftpd: (Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.2.10-22 (breezy), Packaged size: 347 kB, Installed size: 1044 kB05:17
`underOATH_jason: what do you mean pick a server ?05:17
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_jason`underOATH: have you enabled universe?05:18
`underOATHi donwnloaded proftpd too05:18
zaibiechu_jason, can you help me05:18
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_jason`underOATH: download?  use apt to install it05:18
fiendskull9`underOATH, make sure you open up 21 in your router and firewall05:18
p47hi ! somebody can help me with the sound ?05:18
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_jasonzaibiechu: sorry, I don't know how to do that05:18
`underOATH_jason: i used synaptic, how do i run it though ?05:19
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zaibiechui saw some error when booting05:19
vezk does anyone know what format music has to be in for diskmans05:19
_jason`underOATH: ah I cannot help you there, you will have to read the documentation or wait for someone that uses it05:19
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`underOATHis it alright if i put a timed message in here asking for anyone with proftpd to pm me ?05:20
_jasonzaibiechu: it's probably somewhere in /var/log, but I don't know what would be appropriate.  maybe syslog05:20
fiendskull9does anyone know the apt package that gets me the base of gnome? and not all the programs.05:20
fiendskull9juist gnome05:20
farous`underOATH: just curious why you need it05:20
fiendskull9KDE base is apt-get kdebase, but i need to know gnomes base package05:20
p47someone knows why when I was make a update my sound fail ?05:20
`underOATHfarous: i'm hosting a dedicated game server for my friend and i want him to have access to upload and edit it himself05:20
vezor does anyone know of a program to convert the format of music files05:21
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, fiendskull905:21
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:21
farous`underOATH: setting proftpd is normally done manually you need to consult the howto on the forums. for a more secure client i used vsftpd. it uses ssh05:21
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farous`underOATH: there is an abandon information on the web on how to edit and configure those servers I am afraid though there is not any gui for configuring it at least that i know of05:22
AdventChild!good bot05:22
cycomI just ran vgscan and found an old volume group from LVM.  How the heck to I mount it now?05:22
ubotuhmm... mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f05:22
`underOATHfarous: is vsftpd easier to install ?05:22
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p47HELP ME !!!!!05:23
farous`underOATH: i found a good howto on proftp so was easier for me. Yet once i set vsftp i jsut set it and forget it05:23
cycomAdventChild, it's not more complex than that?05:23
AdventChildcycom, shouldnt be05:23
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forkmantisI've got a chroot / mount --bind question05:24
forkmantisI'm using rssh and chroot to control my sftp users05:24
forkmantisbut have a common directory I want to give all of them access to.05:24
forkmantisI tried symlinking, which didn't work05:25
forkmantisand discovered mount --bind /source /target05:25
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vezk I need a music format converter05:25
forkmantisI just want to know the best approach for executing the mount --bind command every time my computer boots05:25
vezany ideas05:25
`underOATH"500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket05:25
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RayFredPipHow can I using KDE packages ,I am using Ubuntu.05:27
_jasonRayFredPip: just install them through synaptic05:27
IdleOneRayFredPip, sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop05:27
RayFredPipIdleOne, shall I install KDE ?05:28
IdleOneRayFredPip, yes that will install kde desktop05:28
vezk I have k3b and I am trying to burn a disk but it will not let me burn mp3s05:28
vezthere not supported05:28
IdleOneRayFredPip, if you are asking me if you should that is up to you . I prefer gnome05:29
NickGarvey!tell vez about mp305:29
varsRayFredPip, why would you want to install KDE?05:29
forkmantiswhat options do I have for getting a command to run when the computer boots?05:29
forkmantisinit.d scripts?05:29
AngryElfhow do i prevent gdm from starting when the system boots?05:29
RayFredPipIdleOne, Does ubuntu support  KDE unwell?05:30
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IdleOneRayFredPip, yes it does05:30
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forkmantisI need to run mount --bind each time my computer is restarted, and am just looking for the simplest way to accomplish this05:30
IdleOneRayFredPip, both kde and gnome are supported well on ubuntu05:30
RayFredPipvars, Because I want to use more software05:30
AdventChilduse a loader to mount05:31
_jasonRayFredPip: if you just want to run kde programs, you can just install them in synaptic.  If you actually want to use the KDE environment instead of GNOME, then you would do what IdleOne suggested05:31
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forkmantisAdventChild: I assume that was directed to me?05:31
_jasonAngryElf: forever?05:32
varsRayFredPip, what kind of macheine do you have i wouldn't recomend KDE and Gnome both with anything less tahn 2 gig processor and 512 Memoryd05:32
RayFredPipIdleOne, OK! Iin fact I have install Kubuntu-desktop,but why I have not seen KDE desktop view?05:32
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Cloud_tmHello everyone05:32
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AngryElf_jason, i dont want to uninstall it, just dont want it started05:32
IdleOneRayFredPip, you need to log out and log back in choosing kde from the session button on the login screen05:33
RayFredPipvars, so don't you use either of them?05:33
_jasonAngryElf: sudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove, you can also do it in gnome by using system > admin > services I believe05:33
Cloud_tmI have a question: When I run "make" to conpile a certain file I get this error message: "common.h:67: error: array type has incomplete element type05:33
Cloud_tmcommon.h:71: error: array type has incomplete element type05:33
Cloud_tmmake[1] : *** [common.o]  Error 105:33
Cloud_tmmake[1] : Leaving directory `/home/cloud-tm/ffmpeg-0.4.9-pre1/libavcodec'05:33
Cloud_tmmake: *** [lib]  Error 2"05:33
Cloud_tmWhat do i do?05:33
IdleOneRayFredPip, if you have an older pc I suggest not running kde because it will be very slow05:33
lwizardlhow do i check if java is installed ?05:33
jadaz87is anyone here good in cascade style sheets (.css) if so please pm me?05:34
_jasonlwizardl: java -version, in a terminal05:34
Dissidentsomething strange just happened, when I click on Applications in the menu bar, the list appears for a split second then disappears.  Places and System work fine.  I haven't done anything recently so what's up?05:34
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RayFredPipIdleOne, Roger!05:34
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NickGarveyDissident: refresh the panel?05:34
RayFredPipIdleOne, thanks!05:34
IdleOneRayFredPip, np05:34
lwizardl_jason: thanks it lists 1.4 like i need05:34
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Dissidenthow would I do that exactly?  I've already restarted gdm so I wouldn't think that would be it05:35
IdleOneDissident, kinda like the panel locks up for a second or two?05:35
chris_how do i install firefox plugins through synaptic?05:35
chris_or is there another way?05:35
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baboSo should I use \r\n or \n to denote a newline in an email that I'm sending ?05:35
_jasonchris_: which ones?05:35
chris_ubuntu ppc bte05:35
chris_i need the macromedia05:35
Cloud_tmchris_:  sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla05:35
chris_and idk the rest05:35
_jasonchris_: I believe you can't get that on ppc05:35
jdmpikeDoes anyone in here use MonoDevelop?05:35
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DissidentIdleone, no the panel is working fine.  Just the applications menu is not visible.  There is a little graphic glitch where the menu should be05:36
IdleOnechris_, you dont you go to the firefox website and install them05:36
vezwhat format is music on regular cds?05:36
chris_well they have them for linux05:36
chris_but not for ppc05:36
IdleOneDissident, hmm I dont know about that05:36
james_.wav sometimes05:36
chris_its making me mad05:36
IdleOnechris_, ahhh dont know that either sorry05:36
vezdo u know how to change mps to .wav?05:36
vezmp3 to .wav05:37
Madpilotchris_, I think Linux/PPC is SOL for Flash05:37
vanRijnso, if I want to try alsa's 1.0.11rc4 kernel modules, do I have to build a new kernel?  Or can I simply leave the existing default ubuntu kernel and only make install the new alsa modules?05:37
chris_frickin a05:37
IdleOnevez, google convert mp3 to wav05:37
james_you'd need a convertor of some type05:37
lwizardlok now how do i start a java based app05:37
chris_well then is there another web browser that supports linux ppc?05:37
jdmpikeI am looking for a good howto to get MonoDevelop installed in Ubunut05:37
Madpilotchris_, it's not a web browser thing, it's a Flash thing - Macromedia has never produce a nix/PPC version05:38
ubotusomebody said mono was implementation of .NET framework on linux.  For details http://www.go-mono.com05:38
james_i'm just frusterated that i can't get my PCMIA Belkin card to work with Ubunut05:38
vanRijnchris_: yeah, tell me about it05:38
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vanRijnchris_: that's about the only thing left on my powerbook that doesn't work the way I want it to.  flash and w32codecs05:39
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thecrazymonkhey, whats the best type of gui ftp server for breezy? i just want it so that when i'm not on my comp, i can still access it from else where05:40
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RayFredPipIdleOne, haha! I am in!05:41
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Cloud_tmBLARGGGHHH!!!  This is a PAIN! I've been trying to get StepMania to work forever! Heres the newest error message when I try to run it! "./stepmania: error while loading shared libraries: libavformat.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory" Where can I get that file? S.O.S.05:41
RayFredPipIdleOne, so,what you told me is correct .It works slow!05:41
truz24thecrazymonk, you want to access your computer remotely via ftp?05:41
thecrazymonktruz24: yes05:42
RayFredPipIdleOne, I am in Kubuntu desktop!05:42
PuMpErNiCkLeCloud_tm: have you installed the libavformat-dev package from the repository?05:42
IdleOneCloud_tm, sudo apt-get install  libavformat-dev05:42
lwizardlhow do i start a java based application on linux05:42
IdleOneRayFredPip,  :)05:42
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Cloud_tmI a;ready have!05:43
RayFredPipIdleOne, And there is no menus for me! right?05:43
Cloud_tmReading package lists... Done   Building dependency tree... Done   libavformat-dev is already the newest version.  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:43
IdleOneRayFredPip, click on the K bottom left corner of the screen05:43
Madpilotlwizardl, "java -jar nameofjar.jar" (assuming it's a jar file)05:43
IdleOneCloud_tm, I guess stepmania isnt looking for the file where ubuntu keeps it05:44
RayFredPipIdleOne, haha! Another style05:44
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Cloud_tmOk, hold on a tic let me try to other version05:44
Cloud_tmOk lets see here05:44
RayFredPipIdleOne, Hi,do you often chat here ?05:44
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mikeo1http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12018 anyone know wine?05:45
RayFredPipIdleOne, how long have you been with linux?05:45
harisundIs there a way I can ask hidden files (such as .something) to be included when tarring a folder?05:46
IdleOnealmost 2 months now05:46
RayFredPipIdleOne, So in the past you worked with Windows OS?05:46
IdleOneharisund, man tar?05:46
thecrazymonktruz24: any ideas?05:47
_jasonharisund: should include them by default05:47
RayFredPipIdleOne, what time is it theree ?05:47
harisund_jason: Nope it doesn't ..05:47
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IdleOneRayFredPip, yes. but if you want to discuss other topics that arent ubuntu help related join #ubuntu-offtopic05:47
_jasonharisund: I just tried it before I said that though05:47
vezok so I have found and downloaded a music converter how do I install it?05:47
Cloud_tmBWahhhhHHHHH!!!!!  A new error.  I jsut had to configure my stupid X server for this video card now it says this: Crash reason: Segmentation fault - address not mapped at 0x0000000005:48
Cloud_tmCrashed thread: Main thread05:48
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lwizardlok i think the java1.4 deb is broken i'm getting error strings05:48
IdleOneRayFredPip,  it is 23:5005:49
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RayFredPipIdleOne, Thank you for your help!05:49
IdleOne!tell lwizardl about java05:49
D4mJ3wAnyone alive? :] 05:49
harisund_jason: Could you please give me the syntax if you don't mind? Here's what I am trying to do. I am in ~/backup and I am trying to do a "tar -czvf backup.tgz *" but the hidden files / folders in ~/backup are not being archived05:49
IdleOneRayFredPip, np :)05:49
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D4mJ3wCan anyone help me with my WEP?  What is it exactly and how do I find it to connect my wiress internet?05:49
_jasonharisund: ah well if you do it that way :P  Then you should do * .* instead of just *05:49
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thecrazymonktruz24: you there?05:50
truz24thecrazymonk, yes.05:50
thecrazymonktruz24: k05:50
_jasonharisund: it may be easier to just do tar czf backups.tar.gz ~/backup05:50
MrDataoh, boy. I have Breezy. I tried to use a Dapper package with Synaptic by adding the repository. It was because I wanted to have better printer functionality. It didn't work. I removed some of it. I reinstalled some of the Breezy. Now, I can't print at all. I think my Python has problems. Would anyone like to see a log? I tried to force versions back to Breezy, but Synaptic wants to uninstall lots of (apparently to me) unrelated05:50
MrData stuff when I try that. It's a mess.05:50
D4mJ3wCan anyone help me with my WEP?  What is it exactly and how do I find it to connect my wiress internet?05:51
vezgosh how do I change directory in terminal05:51
_jasonvez: cd05:51
MrDatavez: cd command05:51
_jasonubotu: tell vez about cli05:51
harisund_jason I am sorry I didn't get the difference.05:51
Cloud_tmHey Guys...05:52
truz24thecrazymonk, I don't recommend opening up ftp remotely, but you don't need a gui verison05:52
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MrDataI know what I did wrong in Synaptic, and I have a log, but I don't know how to undo it.05:52
truz24thecrazymonk, you can try proftpd05:52
Cloud_tmCan ANYONE EVER suggest a DDR program other than StepMania and Pydance for Linux05:52
truz24it is a ftp daemon05:52
Cloud_tmThere ahs to be an alternative >_>05:52
=== jhawk [n=jhawk@c-68-59-61-186.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
D4mJ3wCan anyone help me with my WEP?  What is it exactly and how do I find it to connect my wiress internet?05:52
thecrazymonktruz24: i tried installing that but it said it couldnt open the standalone nor the other mode05:52
harisundD4mJ3w: Where are you trying to connect to the internet?05:52
harisundAre you at your home?05:52
IdleOne!tell D4mJ3w about wireless05:52
IdleOne!tell D4mJ3w about wifi05:52
_jasonharisund: well I think it is easier for you to just go to ~ and do the command: tar czf backup.tar.gz ~/backup     .  But if you want to do it your way you could do: tar czf backups.tar.gz * .*05:53
D4mJ3wIm using a linksys wireless G adapter05:53
D4mJ3wI got it all set up, I'm in the netword connections part05:53
D4mJ3wjust need to enter my WEP05:53
D4mJ3wDont need drivers, ndiswrapper, I got all that :p05:54
=== Double_D [n=Mjolnir@grnl-01-1808.dsl.iowatelecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
D4mJ3wjust need to figure out my WEP :] 05:54
IdleOnelwizardl, use the wiki page that ubotu sent you cuz that doesnt look right05:54
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truz24thecrazymonk, you could also try vsftpd05:54
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MrDatamikeol, WEP is Wireless security05:55
mikeo1mrData: mine problem has to do with wine05:55
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D4mJ3wMRData, how do I find my WEP?05:56
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thinkl00phow would i find out if my network card is supported by ubuntu05:56
D4mJ3whow do I know if its hexidecimal or ASCII?05:57
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thecrazymonktruz24: alright thanks05:57
RemyD4mJ3w if it only goes up to h then it's hex :)05:57
blairI just installed the fglrx ATI drivers, and when I open up something that uses openGL, it just opens up the a black screen05:57
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MrDataRemy: Hex only goes up to F?05:59
D4mJ3wRemy: how do I find out what my WEP is? :p05:59
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MrDataOct goes up to 8.05:59
tsharpe62Hello gang05:59
blairanyone know if theres anything I can do about my driver problem? openGL worked with the other ATI drivers, but it was really slow.06:00
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tsharpe62I'm guessing this place is a little different than yahoo and aol, huh?06:00
jesus_hey im tryin to setup my 2nd monitor...can anyone help with this?06:00
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IdleOneis there windows media player support for linux? and app i can install or a codecs?06:01
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MrDataIdleOne: There's support, but I think it's only legal outside of the USA.06:02
IdleOnetsharpe62, yup it is different and better in alot of ways06:02
IdleOneMrData, Im not in the us at the momment06:02
mlowewhere are mime definitions stored for firefox ?06:02
D4mJ3wHow do I find out what my WEP is? Someone....anyone!!! :] 06:02
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MrDataIdleOne: I'm sure there's something about that in the "Ubuntu Document Storage Facility". http://doc.gwos.org/06:03
RhineDoes anyone know why when i run Rhythm box it crahses at start?06:03
IdleOneMrData, Ill check it out thanks06:03
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blairwell, can anyone tell me how i can break out of an application that goes fullscreen? everytime my openGL messes up i have to hard reboot, and that sucks06:04
vezbash: syntax error near unexpected token `('      k im pretty sure i got this becuase of the spaces in the name06:05
vezanyway to bypass or fix06:05
blairsomething like Alt-Tab in windows?06:05
Madpilotblair, Alt+Tab should work, just like in MS (some apps do seem to block alt-tab, though)06:05
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MrDataIdleOne: You might also try http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ , which installs lots of common add-ons.06:06
RhineCan someone help me with Rythmbox it crashes when it loads06:06
madewokherdblair: if nothing else works, as a last resort you can restart X with ctrl+alt+backspace (but you should be able to do something else)06:06
MadpilotRhine, when it loads what format?06:06
RhineNothing just when i open it from the app menu06:06
carthikblair, worst case, switch to the console, find the offending app's pid using ps aux | grep app-name and kill that app using kill pid06:06
=== chuck [n=chuck@S010657045afdfa80.vs.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
MrDataIs there a Synaptic expert in the house? I messed up, but I have a log, but I don't know how to go back.06:06
blairk, yeah, i tried ctrl+alt backspace last time it locked up, and it failed, i need to check and see that i didn't disable it i guess06:06
carthikMrData, please post the log at the pastebin and ask, someone might be able to help06:07
blairthanks though, i'll give it a try06:07
tonyyarussoHow do I create a bootable iso from a directory? It didn't flag as bootable before.06:08
carthikRhine, somehting unusual you did, or that happened last time rhythmbox worked fine?06:08
=== Zenero [n=Rorschac@toronto-HSE-ppp4179599.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Rhinenope this is my first time ive ever booted with Ubuntu o.O06:08
IdleOnewelcome Rhine06:08
MadpilotRhine, hmm, RB works here (and welcome to Ubuntu, btw!)06:09
baboGuys can someone give me a quick hint on the whole \n versus \r\n thing ? One is windows right ... ? Would it matter if it were only email text ?06:09
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RhineDo i have to open it by opening a song file?06:09
baboI mean a browser would parse both right ?06:09
RhineI need my music im a junkie :O06:09
=== clever [i=bishop@fctnnbsc16w-156034212152.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
MadpilotRhine, no, it should run on it's own, it's got File->Open like any other app06:09
cleverhow do i force unmount something?06:09
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MadpilotRhine, there's lots of other music playes - I like Muine, for example.06:10
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RhineHeres what it says "the Application "rhythmbox" has quit unexpectedly"06:10
Rhineand then the whole imform developer thing06:10
RhineIm kinda idiotic when it comes to installing applications so far i have only done flash succesfully o.o06:11
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MadpilotRhine, this: open a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal) and then type 'rhythymbox06:11
ifashai semua06:11
Madpilot(without that quote I stuck in front of the app name...)06:11
jdmpikeAny AMD64 users in here?06:12
rogerioHi there...06:12
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Would you happen to know the answer to my mkisofs q?  Not sure how to flag it as bootable.06:12
jdmpikeI just ordered an AMD64 box, it will be here shortly06:12
MadpilotRhine, that might give you more error messages06:12
jdmpikeTrying to figure out what distro(s) I should put on it...06:12
Double_Dcould someone help with me a macromedia flash plugin problem?06:12
Madpilottonyyarusso, I'm not even sure what mkisofs is, tbh... :P06:13
Double_Di downloaded the non-free flash plugin, but it doesn't seem to work.  i still that 'click to download plugin' crap in my browser.06:13
Double_Dany ideas?06:13
tonyyarussoMadpilot: Ah, dang.  Makes a .iso from a directory of files.06:13
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tonyyarussoBeen trying to get an answer for a few hours with no luck.06:13
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Madpilot!tell Double_D about flash06:13
rogerioI have a student of mine that started to translate some applications (abiword and kwrite, presently) and I would like to know what would be needed for him to join the translation team for Brazilian Portuguese...06:13
RhineIt said "GLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:141: failed to allocate 758461487 bytes06:13
Double_Dmadpilot: thanks.06:14
Rhineand then aborting...06:14
rogerioWe have a lot of desire to get Ubuntu working fine with our country's low-end computers...06:14
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rogerioIf anybody could give us the proper orientation, we would love to follow it...06:15
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Madpilotrogerio, there's a channel for Ubuntu Brazil -  #ubuntu-br06:15
carthikrogerio, he can help translate at rosetta.06:15
_jasonrogerio: the people in #ubuntu-br might know right away, but I'll search the wiki/launchpad real quick to see if I can find the contact06:15
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MadpilotRhine, hmm - something is obviously messed up, but I'm not sure what... sorry06:16
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rogerio_jason, he has already translated quite a bunch of strings in Rosetta, but it seems that they are still not "accepted"...06:16
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B_166-ER-XWhat ? Daper has been delayed ? when ? why ? how ?06:16
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rogerioHe is willing to put a good amount of work for on that..06:16
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)06:16
nicemhi all06:16
RhineWould a small HD make a difference Im using a 6Gb just to get acqauinted06:16
Rhinewell im atm trying to install it again06:16
Rhineim in the directory06:17
Rhineand i ran ./configure06:17
Rhinethen the install notes dont really make sense after that06:17
rogerioMadpilot, thanks for the information.06:17
Madpilotrogerio, there's a translators mailing list, I know - see https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/06:17
rogerioI'll join it right now...06:17
=== bhagabhi_ [n=bhagabhi@h228n1c1o269.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
MrDataI'd like to undo my Synaptic mistakes. Log at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12019 . When I try to force versions to undo what I did, it wants to uninstall lots of (apparently unrelated) stuff.06:17
rogerioMadpilot, does he have to subscribe to that to be accepted?06:17
MadpilotRhine, use Synaptic to try and uninstall & re-install RB06:18
=== bucketfan99 [i=bucket@S010600010301ffb9.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
bucketfan99holy moly this is a big channel06:18
Madpilotrogerio, I don't know - I'm a unilingual English speaker who knows zero about translations :(06:18
rogerioAlso, what exactly would one have to do to be an uploader for the Universe/Multiverse sections of ubuntu?06:18
jdmpikepeople love Ubuntu06:18
bucketfan99hay i am trying to get dualhead going on a dell8500 with ubuntu06:18
CaptainMorganme to06:18
bucketfan99its wizard Failed06:18
rogerioMadpilot, no problems...06:18
crimsunrogerio: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU06:19
_jasonrogerio: contact the people involved here I think https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-pt-br06:19
RhineWell it says it has to affect other packages so im kind of hesitant06:19
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@pool-71-96-175-102.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
rogeriocrimsun, thanks for the orientation...06:19
MadpilotRhine, what does un-installing RB affect?06:19
rogeriocrimsun, I already have some packages of mine and I am "upstream" for some programs...06:19
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MrDatarogerio: Thanks for contributions.06:20
crimsunrogerio: follow our NewSoftware link.06:20
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
rogerioFor instance, I'm upstream for http://algorithms.berlios.de/06:20
RhineUbuntu Desktop06:20
bucketfan99hey why can't i install wajig on ubunut06:20
bucketfan99w/ apt06:20
MadpilotRhine, ubuntu-desktop is just a meta-package, it isn't all that important06:20
RhineOh ok06:20
crimsunbucketfan99: have you enabled universe?06:20
MrDataRhine: Just make sure you reinstall one of the desktops before you upgrade!!06:21
tonyyarussobucketfan99: Because you haven't enabled universe.06:21
Madpilot!tell bucketfan99 about universe06:21
RhineMrData Wanna walk me through that one o.o06:21
bucketfan99Ah you are wonderful06:21
RhineOk thats uninstalled now06:21
bucketfan99too bad im stuck in console cuz of this jacked X config :)06:21
MadpilotRhine, the only time ubuntu-desktop matters is when it's time to upgrade to the next release of Ubuntu - so in June before you upgrade to Dapper, make sure to re-install ubuntu-desktop06:21
MrDataRhine: The desktops, like Ubuntu desktop, Kubuntu, etc. are just bookkeeping to make sure everything gets installed. They can be safely removed, but you should have one reinstalled before upgrading to the next version of Ubuntu, or some things can break.06:22
RhineOh ok yeah i read it just now06:22
=== trae_ [n=trae@cpe-70-117-197-39.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
RhineYou guys are incredibly nice :)06:22
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trae_how do i create an empty project with kdevelop06:22
trae_its got all these nice templates06:22
RhineSo what should i try instead of RB06:22
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trae_but no empty project06:23
MadpilotRhine, try Muine (it's in the Universe repo) it's simpler than RB, but suits me just fine06:23
MadpilotRhine, but do try re-installing RB, it really should work...06:24
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RhineYour helping throught he install then06:24
MrDataMan, I'm really in a jam. If I do too much, I might make the problem worse. [sigh]  Maybe I should just download the Live CD and work from that for a while.06:24
RhineDo i cd to the place its at or the actual folder06:24
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NxNxMoxhow do i configure my printer to work with ubuntu06:25
MadpilotRhine, just re-install it thru Synaptic06:25
RhineOh ok06:25
Madpilot!tell NxNxMox about NxNxMox06:25
MrDataNxNxMox: System | Administration | Printing06:25
Madpilot!tell NxNxMox about printers06:25
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Madpilot...bleh... i'm confusing the bot :P06:25
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ubuntuwhen I run off the ubuntu live-cd, is there a way to load it into the RAM?06:26
Cloud_tmDoes anyone here know anyhting about pydance?06:26
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uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358906:26
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ubuntuanyone know?06:27
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RhineWhen I mark RB for installation then click apply it pops open a window and then changes to a window showing my desktop06:28
Rhinewhere do I go from there06:28
MadpilotRhine, you mean Synaptic closes, or what?06:28
codecainehi is there anyways to change the color of the font to blue when unbuntu is first booting up doing checks?06:28
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nicemi have an ubuntu live cd , can i use it to test badblocks on my disk?06:29
Rhineno it stays open the whole time but it pops open my cdrom06:29
mikodelacruzwhen i was still using windows, i can listen to music from radioblogclub.com without buffering, i dont know why now that i am using ubuntu, it seems to be buffering when i am switching websites06:29
felix_somebody speak spanish??06:29
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:29
MadpilotRhine, you need to remove the Ubuntu install CD from your sources - in Synaptic, go Setings->Repositories - the first entry should be CD, just remove it06:29
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felix_alguien de Venezuela??06:31
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)06:31
felix_o de habla hispana06:31
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:31
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NxNxMoxhow do i get ssh to work on my system06:32
NxNxMoxlike allow someone to ssh into my computer06:32
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RhineIt says Could not makr all packages for installation of upgreade06:33
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nicemi have an ubuntu live cd , can i use it to test badblocks on my disk?06:33
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IdleOneMadpilot, thanks for Muine :)06:33
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nicemMadpilot any idea?06:33
MadpilotIdleOne, no problem! RB has a lot more features, but Muine is a really nice, simple album player06:34
MadpilotRhine, that's Synaptic trying to re-install RB?06:34
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IdleOneMadpilot, RB freaked out on me earlier had seizure or sumthing06:34
Rhinewhen i try to mark it for reinstallation that window pops up06:34
ubuntuany option to load the live-cd into RAM when booting? I can't find it06:35
IdleOneMadpilot, oh wow it even shows me album covers :)06:35
=== Gareth [n=Gareth@S0106000625d8524a.cg.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
sfarahaaa... rhythmbox06:36
MadpilotIdleOne, yeah, the Hoary version of RB wouldn't index my music collection once it got fairly large, so I discovered Muine06:36
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IdleOneMadpilot, I normaly use xmms and dont have any complaints about it but its nice to have a few options available06:37
MadpilotRhine, that's odd - let's check your sources... close Synaptic, switch back to the terminal, and type "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"06:37
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tonyyarussoHow to flag an ISO as bootable?06:39
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RhineTony change your BIOS06:39
IamEthos_is there any CAD software for Linux?06:39
IamEthos_*free CAD software for linux06:40
tonyyarussoRhine: What?06:40
RhineHit F10 at startup or whatever pops up your Bios.06:40
carthikIamEthos, did comical work for ya?06:40
IamEthos_carthik: nope06:40
MadpilotRhine, you're running Breezy, right? Ubuntu 5.10?06:40
IamEthos_let me get back to you about that06:40
baconbacontonyyarusso, flag bootable as in flagging a partition?06:40
carthikIamEthos_ ohno06:40
RhineThen go to Startup tab and change the order to CD first06:40
RhineMad Yes06:40
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tonyyarussoRhine: What does that have to do with what I'm doing though?06:41
MadpilotRhine, OK, in the gedit window that opened, paste this over your existing sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 - then close gedit and restart Synaptic06:41
RhineYou said flag the iso as bootable06:41
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tonyyarussobaconbacon: As in I have one iso that 'file foo.iso' returns "TheOpenCD-3.1.iso:       ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'TheOpenCDv3.1 5.10 i386        ' (bootable)" and another that doesn't have the (bootable) at the end.06:42
CNAPi did a port scan of my local system and found port 999 (garcon) open. how do i shut this port down?06:42
carthikIamEthos_ strange, works for me...06:42
=== Lorvija [n=lorvija@dsl-lprgw5-fecdf900-132.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoRhine: But what are you talking about?  This has nothing to do with my bios.06:42
RhineFine I thought you meant something else06:42
sfartonyyarusso: he thought you wanted to burn a ISO to a cd and then boot from it06:43
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bimberiCNAP: use 'sudo netatat -plunt' to find the process that has it open06:44
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bimberiiamEthos_: qcad ?06:44
tonyyarussosfar: I do.  And I can boot from a CD.  The problem is the particular iso, since I'm assuming the lack of (bootable) there will be an issue.06:44
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RhineMad i get this no when i launch synaptic E: Type 'http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047' is not known on line 3 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list06:45
RhineE: Unable to lock the list directory06:45
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IdleOneRhine, remove that line from your sources.list06:45
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
racterhas anyone worked with DVR tools in linux?06:46
MadpilotRhine, sorry - go to that website (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047) and paste the contents of it - in the brown square - into your sources06:46
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RhineAwww lol o.O06:46
IdleOneMadpilot, :)06:46
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IdleOneMadpilot, must be on the floor right now06:47
Madpilotno, I should have been clearer - Rhine isn't the first person to make that error06:47
baconbacontonyyarusso, The booting section seems to be missing from your iso filesystem, you can have a look at how it works http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bootdisk-HOWTO/cd-roms.html06:47
CNAPbimberi:i can't find the process that nmap picked up06:47
CaNsA!seen anubis06:47
ubotuanubis <i=Anubisfs@bsjrmb01dc1-240-67.dynamic.mts.net> was last seen on IRC in channel #ubuntu, 2h 40m 3s ago, saying: 'it really did help'.06:47
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baconbacontonyyarusso, are they supposed to be the same file?06:48
bimberiCNAP: hm, i'm not sure then - netstat should show you the open ports06:48
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RhineSame thing06:48
RhineI think computers hate me06:48
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RhineThis is what it gives me when i flag it for reinstall06:49
rogerioMadpilot, I'm now in contact with the person in charge of the translations for ubuntu-br. Thanks for the pointers.06:49
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RhinePackage rhythmbox has no available version, but exists in the database.06:49
RhineThis typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents of sources.list06:49
tonyyarussobaconbacon: Will check out that link.  If you're referring to my example, that was a side-by-side comparison between one that I made and one that was made correctly, separate ISOs.06:49
IdleOneRhine, sudo apt-get update06:49
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MadpilotRhine, in Syn, hit the Reload button06:49
IdleOneRhine, then sudo apt-get update install rythmbox06:49
MadpilotIdleOne, he's running Synaptic already06:50
IdleOnefollow Madpilot06:50
Nopalinanybody know how can i install nachOS?06:50
IdleOnebesides that second command was errenious and stupid lol06:50
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MadpilotIdleOne, hmm, it was a bit... creative... :P06:50
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IamEthos_anyone know of any CAD software for Linux06:51
baconbacontonyyarusso, ok then theres probably a boot.img file on the orig cd06:51
ubuntuany option to load the live-cd into RAM when booting? I can't find it06:51
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OrTigaShi! i want to add a scanner. how?06:51
ubotuFor scanners in Ubuntu, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScanningHowTo and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners06:52
tonyyarussobaconbacon: There's a boot.bin?06:52
RhineYay i think this might actually work06:52
baconbacontonyyarusso, thats probably it, check the size : 1.44mb?06:52
RhineNope =_=06:52
RhineSame error06:52
marekstrying to compile php5, getting error: "checking lex output file root... ./configure: line 3246: lex: command not found"06:52
RhineIm tryint a different program06:53
IdleOneRhine, what error?06:53
Rhinei just need to listen to my beatles o.O06:53
tonyyarussobaconbacon: 2.0kb.06:53
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RhineGLib-ERROR **: gmem.c:141: failed to allocate 758461487 bytes06:53
MadpilotRhine, Rolling Stones > Beatles :P - but it's odd that RB isn't working06:53
RhineI like both06:53
MadpilotRhine, search for Muine, try that06:54
IdleOneRhine, give Muine a shot it works great and easy to use06:54
melarenIs there a reason why it is so hard to burn a good Ubuntu image to a CD?06:54
RhineIts not hard?06:54
tonyyarussobaconbacon: This is a Windows-related disk if that makes a difference.06:54
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baconbacontonyyarusso, ok then it's the boot catalog. follow the instructions at my url, it gives all you need to mkisofs correctly06:54
RhineType Alex Feinman into google he has an easy app to burn ISO's06:54
tonyyarussobaconbacon: Okay, I'll see if I understand that.  Thanks.06:55
mareksanyone know about my php5 compile error?06:55
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RhineMelaren are you having trouble actually burning the ISO to a blank cd?06:55
MadpilotRhine, muine is easy to use & install - just hit the Search button in Synaptic, and type 'muine'06:55
Rhineyep im installing atm06:55
RhineIm a quick learner06:56
Rhinejust slow to start06:56
Madpilotmelaren, which OS are you trying to burn in?06:56
IdleOneRhine, that link doesnt work btw06:56
marekstrying to compile php5, getting an error: "error: checking lex output file root... ./configure: line 3246: lex: command not found" any help?06:56
mareks<ninjaz2> yeah, usually when you type that someone is stupid to your little friends on-line they take off06:56
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IdleOneRhine, the last.fm link you gave06:56
melarenRhine: no, the CDs just seem to fail during installation alot06:56
tarawaRhine, service unavilable on Alan Feinman06:56
melarenmadpilot: osx06:56
tonyyarussoRhine: His site seems to be down.06:56
Madpilotmelaren, have you checked the md5sum of the ISOs you downloaded?06:56
RhineMelaren try Downlaoding it again06:56
RhineNo Alan06:56
tarawaRhine, ISO Recorder v 2 Alex Feinman06:57
RhineYeah that one06:57
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Rhineits very easy to use06:57
tarawaRhine, he is back up06:58
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RhineIm a Classic Rock Junkie06:58
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ooazzaooanyone know of a parameter to pass to grub that disables AGP?!06:58
OrTigaShow about if my scanner is only for window$? it can still run to linux?06:58
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madewokherdit depends on the scanner06:59
melarenRhine: I dunno, it just seems like the CDs are acting fussy with the drives I have.  I have one drive that usually works fine.  ...but the rest of the drives seem to be flaky when installing ubuntu, even though they can install Windows, other versions of linux without a problem.  I dunno, maybe I'm just crazy.06:59
RhineHow do i access Muine once its installed i cant find it06:59
mikodelacruzIf i have 3 firefox windows open, and wanting to swtich from window1 to window2, its takes 2-3 seconds before it will switch (during that 2 seconds hold everything seems to pause) help06:59
RhineHmm that seems odd06:59
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MadpilotRhine, Applications->Sound & Video -> Muine Music Player06:59
OrTigaSi have this visioneer 4200usb scanner. it didnt say theres a linux driver on their website06:59
dli_mikodelacruz, running out of memory? "free -m" to check06:59
RhineThere it is now07:00
Rhinewasnt there last time i check07:00
Madpilot!tell OrTigaS about scanners07:00
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RhineNow a moe daunting task getting my ATI card to work XD07:00
mikodelacruzi typed free -m and seeing numbers now, dont know what it means07:00
OrTigaSi'm reading on that site now07:01
philipacamaniacweechat is teh bomb, I wish x was working though...07:01
mikodelacruzit says07:01
Madpilot!tell Rhine about ati07:01
mikodelacruz             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached07:01
RhineOh thanks and how do i mount my windows drive07:01
ooazzaooanyone know how to disable agp from grub?07:01
mikodelacruzMem:           249        242          6          0          0         3007:01
mikodelacruz-/+ buffers/cache:        211         3807:02
Madpilot!tell Rhine about windowsdrives07:02
mikodelacruzSwap:          729        213        51607:02
mikodelacruzthats it07:02
Madpilotmikodelacruz, do NOT paste here - use pastebin next time!07:02
dli_mikodelacruz, firefox uses a lot of memory, and you should restart it from time to time, and don't open too many windows at the same time07:02
dli_mikodelacruz, or, you can buy more memory for your box07:03
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tonyyarussobaconbacon: These instructions require dealing with a floppy.07:03
Madpilotor stop using Firefox - Opera has no memory leaks :P07:04
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stunit77server -ssl &207:04
ben32167how will i make synaptic to get lastest version info07:04
stunit77ctcp %2 VERSION07:05
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RhineHow do i make my windows partition viewable on the desktop?07:05
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RhineOpera doesnt have mousegestures07:05
Rhinethats why i still use FF07:06
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MadpilotRhine, um, Opera *invented* mousegestures - try right-mouse-button+(move the mouse left or right) - that's forward & back07:07
Rhinepssh to late im an addict07:07
Rhinedoes it have foxytunes?07:07
ben32167rhine what do you mean by vievable?07:07
RhineHave an icon to double click07:07
ben32167create a link07:07
ben32167and copy it to desktop07:07
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RhineSays operation not permitted07:08
ben32167then sudo nautilus07:09
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ben32167then copy link07:09
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nicemis it safe to run badblocks in rescue mode?07:10
IamEthos_how do you run the LiveCD on Mac?07:10
RhineBen32167 Its a windows drive07:10
IamEthos_there's no advanced boot menu07:10
IamEthos_and the hard drive starts before the cd-rom drive07:11
Rhineits read only atm and i cant write a link to it07:11
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RhineHehe My documents folder is 3 times bigger than my Ubuntu drive07:11
tonyyarussoIamEthos_: On x86 machines you change the boot priority in the bios - is there something similar?07:12
MadpilotRhine, is it an NTFS drive?07:12
pinkmermaidOkay, so I was just watching a DVD.07:12
stunit77mac cpu's cant read i386 archetecture07:12
baconbacontonyyarusso, its just a floppy image07:12
RhineIs there a console command to write the link directly to it?07:12
MadpilotRhine, then you're not going to be able to write to it from Ubuntu07:12
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pinkmermaidAnd I'm a few minutes in, and suddently there's a popup: "Source appears to be encrypted, are you trying to watch a DVD without libdvdcss?"07:12
tonyyarussobaconbacon: What's just a floppy image?07:12
Rhinedamn so i have to navi it all the time?07:12
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tonyyarussobaconbacon: Sorry, but I'm a bit confused.07:12
phrophrostycan i get raid1 to work without reformating the hdd thats in use?07:12
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IamEthos_tonyyarusso: not that I can find07:13
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baconbacontonyyarusso, the standard needs a floppy image so the bios can boot from this "floppy"07:13
IamEthos_I'm used to x86 too07:13
MadpilotRhine, Linux can't write safely to NTFS, it's not just Ubuntu07:13
RhineEr you know what i just did i dragged it to the top bar and then down to the desktop07:13
Rhineit made a link07:13
Rhineim happy07:13
carthikRhine, could you please type longer sentences instead of single words?07:13
RhineStupidity FTW07:13
tonyyarussobaconbacon: Hmm.  How would I obtain such a thing?  (And why wasn't it included in the package I downloaded anyway?)07:13
RhineIll try07:14
carthikty, Rhine :)07:14
baconbacontonyyarusso, the floppy image must be somewhere on the original cd, it has to boot after all07:14
RhineI was just incredibly happy navigating my documents folder is a nightmare07:14
tonyyarussobaconbacon: And it has to be a file somewhere in there that's exactly 1.44 MB?07:15
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MadpilotRhine, you can browse NTFS and read/copy stuff out of it, but not read, just so you know07:16
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tonyyarussobaconbacon: So if I were to look at the other ones that are marked as bootable by file they should have a file that size somewhere.07:16
RhineYeah I read the thing you !tell 'd me07:16
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WebLOCHhey all, im trying to work out why mplayer skews audio but totem doesnt, anyone got any advice?07:17
mikodelacruzhow do i clean the cache everytime i reboot07:17
baconbacontonyyarusso, i dont think it has to be 1.44, but it surely must be <1.4407:18
phrophrostyhow do i get raid1 working in an up and running system?07:18
tonyyarussobaconbacon: Okay..07:18
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baconbaconit should be semi-obvious07:18
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baconbaconlike on ubuntu cd, correct me but theres boot.cat catalog and isolinux.bin image file in /isolinux07:19
tonyyarussobaconbacon: Thing is, I'm not really seeing that on these other ones.07:19
RhineSry I forgot to thank everyone thanks for your hard work in getting a linux newbie like me running fine07:19
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baconbacontonyyarusso, yeah well its for windows software isnt it07:20
basheerdoes anyone have a logitech webcam?07:20
boscodoes anyone know anything abuot graphics as a background in terminal07:20
tonyyarussobaconbacon: Yes.07:21
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IdleOnerhine what was that last.fm link?07:21
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MarlunHow do I disable and enable a network connection (eth0) from terminal?07:22
phrophrostymarlun, ifdown07:23
Wizzy_Kiddopinion someone07:23
baconbacontonyyarusso, If you don't have or cant have a boot catalog and image file, you got to make one, I can't help you much w/ that, sorry, check for how-to's07:23
boscodoes anyone know anything abuot graphics as a background in terminal07:23
tonyyarussobaconbacon: All right.07:23
carthikMarlun, sudo ifdown eth0   and then ifup similarly07:23
Marlunphrophrosty, carthik: thanks! =)07:23
IdleOnebosco, click edit in terminal the current profile07:24
boscoIdleOne,  it is not that07:24
boscoIdleOne,  i have a background allready07:24
carthikWizzy_Kidd, no spam please07:24
kuja/dev/sdb2 /media/ipod vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=mixed,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=077,iocharset=utf8 0 007:24
kujaI've got an ipod mounted like this, but in actual it's read-only07:24
Wizzy_Kiddcarthik: does that look like spam07:24
kujaIt says `rw' so I should be able to write to it, what's up?07:24
boscoIdleOne,  and it is so small that it makes more that one if it and when i compile or update it moves with the text and eats away at my proccer how do i get the image to stay stilll07:25
MadpilotWizzy_Kidd, it looks like a random URL - explaining what it actually is might get a slightly better response...07:25
carthikWizzy_Kidd, for an opinion please find some room where they discuss webdesign, or the cms you use.07:25
madewokherdkuja: maybe the user trying to write doesn't have permission to do it?07:25
MadpilotWizzy_Kidd, if it's web design related, try #web, #css or #html07:26
kujamadewokherd: It was working yesterday... I think it might have to do with the "accidental drop" :P07:26
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Wizzy_Kiddhttp://lanceit.com/temp/index.php  carthik its on a temp dir and not even finished i simply jus asked a quick off topic question .... opinion please thats it07:26
kujamadewokherd: I've also tried making changes through sudo07:26
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boscoIdleOne,  any ideas07:26
christiani am really new to linux07:26
christianas an engineer07:26
madewokherdwas it plugged in when you started up yesterday?07:26
christianits probably a good thing i learn it07:26
boscochristian,  well that is good i was a newb just about 3 months ago07:26
Madpilotchristian, hi welcome to Ubuntu07:26
kujamadewokherd: Yeah, it was syncing songs, then I accidentally dropped it in the process.07:26
juniorGood Night everyone07:27
christianso i was wondering if anyone could help me with running windows programs like solidworks07:27
christianthank you07:27
stunit77WE all n00bs at one point07:27
christiani really like ubuntu07:27
boscochristian,  and now i know ubuntu like i have been using it for years07:27
christiani have some really basic knowledge of linux07:27
carthikchristian some windows apps can run on Wine/Cedega/Crossover etc, but not all.07:27
christianand decent experience with Windows07:27
boscochristian,  my point is that it is really user friendly07:27
carthik!tell christian about wine07:27
boscoand it all works out of th box07:27
boscoand it all works out of th box07:28
boscoIdleOne,  and it is so small that it makes more that one if it and when i compile or update it moves with the text and eats away at my proccer how do i get the image to stay stilll07:28
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madewokherdkuja: but you're sure you mounted it the same way both times? (if you insert it while the computer is on might not be the same as starting up with it inserted)07:28
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christiani tried to get wine from sudo apt-get install wine07:28
christianbut that didnt work07:28
christianso my friend told me to come onto IRC07:28
boscochristian,  it should have worked it is in wine07:28
Madpilot!info wine07:28
ubotuwine: (Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library)), section universe/otherosfs, is optional. Version: 0.0.20050725-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 14131 kB, Installed size: 55484 kB07:28
kujamadewokherd: Ubuntu does the mounting automatically.07:28
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boscochristian,  it is in synaptic07:28
Madpilotchristian, have you got Universe repository enabled?07:29
madewokherdkuja: yeah, but I'm pretty sure it does it differently07:29
christiani dont know07:29
christianlike i said, i am just starting out07:29
Wizzy_Kidd!info cedega07:29
christiani cant even get an mp3 to play07:29
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boscochristian, enable everything but the source07:29
madewokherdand I have a usb key that only works if I plug it in while the computer is running, but I think that's some crazy issue with the bios as it also affects windows..07:29
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boscochristian,  in synaptic07:29
sgleo87I have an external hdd and put it into fstab with noauto but ubuntu still locks at "loading modules" and will not boot when the external hdd is connected07:29
Madpilotchristian, Ubuntu doesn't play mp3 by default - it can't07:29
christiani tried using totem07:30
Madpilot!tell christian about mp307:30
kujamadewokherd: I think it was the issue that I dropped the iPod (and it got disconnected) while it was syncing. Apparently after resetting the iPod settings to its factory default, it works now.07:30
christianand it said i need the plugins07:30
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kujamadewokherd: Thanks07:30
sfar!tell christian about wine07:30
sgleo87I have an external hdd and put it into fstab with noauto but ubuntu still locks at "loading modules" and will not boot when the external hdd is connected. is there anythign I can do so it will boot with the hdd connected?07:30
christiansop one thing at a time07:31
christianfirst, the wine thing07:31
christianwhat do i need to do?07:31
christianhere, this should help a little07:31
madewokherdwould it be appropriate to point him to wine's official page about getting wine on debian/ubuntu?07:31
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:31
christianchristian@desk:~$ sudo apt-get install wine07:31
christianReading package lists... Done07:31
christianBuilding dependency tree... Done07:31
christianPackage wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:31
christianThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:31
christianis only available from another source07:31
madewokherdsince ubuntu also has its own "competing" packages07:31
christianE: Package wine has no installation candidate07:31
sfarchristian: in the future, please use pastebin for large pastes07:32
ubotuI heard pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126907:32
christianwhat is pastebin?07:32
boscochristian,  like i said if you are not a dev then dont enable the source enable everything else for your repositories07:32
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sfarread what ubotu said :) (http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/)07:32
boscochristian, www.pastbin.com07:32
sfarchristian: you need to do some readnig here: To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:33
christianyea, i figured i would have to do some readin07:34
sgleo87I have an external hdd and put it into fstab with noauto but ubuntu still locks at "loading modules" and will not boot when the external hdd is connected. is there anythign I can do so it will boot with the hdd connected?07:34
christianim just doing the tutorials right now07:34
christianto figure out the basics07:34
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sfargood :) dont hesitate to ask if you need07:35
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christianthank you07:35
Madpilotchristian, wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation & help.ubuntu.com - good places to start for Ubuntu. Also System menu->Help07:35
Marlun_how can I get a list of my connections to see if they are up or down?07:35
mansuis it safe to run badblocks in rescue mode?07:36
christianwhat is a dev?07:36
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rronkivanyone around? got a questiona bout duel booting07:36
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL07:36
rronkivif i install windows on my C: drive, then i install ubuntu on my D: drive, will it auto set up the duelboot stuff?07:37
Madpilotrronkiv, duel boot? Is that when the two operating systems fight it out? :P (sorry, it's my favourite typo) :P07:37
stunit77yes just leave free space07:37
sfaryes, if you install ubunbtu AFTER windows like you said :)07:37
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rronkivthank you much! :P07:37
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ben32167Error activating XKB configuration.07:38
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stunit77rronkiv: install windows leave free unpartitioned space for ubuntu then install ubuntu then use grub as boot loader07:39
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christianone other thing: i have evolution mail, and I wanted to have it play a sound when I received mail, so i DLd a wav file, and directed the program to the file, but it wont play when I get mail07:40
christiani cant play the wav file at all though07:40
ben32167help me configure my keyboard pls :((((07:40
christianwhat do i need to do to be able to play the wav?07:41
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RhineOh Noes its me again when i try and play a file in Muine i get this07:41
MadpilotRhine, you get?07:42
RhineThere were no decoders found to handle the stream, you might need to install the corresponding pluins07:42
carthikRhine, what file were you trying to play?07:42
MadpilotRhine, what're you trying to play? what format?07:42
Rhineand it give none07:42
Madpilotyou need the mp3 stuff installed - Ubuntu can't play them by default07:43
RhineSynaptic i guess then?07:43
Madpilot!tell Rhine about mp307:43
christianwhat about wav?07:44
ben32167!tell ben32167 about xkb07:44
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Marlun_what can I use in the terminal to check pop boxes? I want to check my gmail?07:44
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johanbrMarlun_: fetchmail07:44
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AngryElfin ubuntu where is the equivolent of /etc/modules.conf or /etc/modprobe.conf??????07:45
Marlun_johanbr: ok, thanks07:45
jerryok quick question anyone else ever have things disapeare and desktop lock up in ubuntu?07:45
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carthikAngryElf, perhaps .etc.modules is what you are looking for07:45
AngryElfjerry, not all by themselves07:45
sgleo87ubuntu lock up when booting at "loading modules" when my external hdd is connected. Any way to fix that so I can leave the hdd plugged in the USB? I already set up fstab with noauto07:45
jerrythen probably a conflict somewere07:45
sfari have an annoyign issue.. the xmms "button" in the windowlist in the panel is constantly flashing.. anybody know why? :)07:46
mojocan i ask about a command line here?  trying to use find command to process list of files with xargs07:46
carthiksgleo87, I think I saw a bug that describes something similar, but not sure - you can check and provide info to make it better07:46
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jerryneed to figure out what package i added thats doing it been happining alday07:46
johanbrsfar: That's a metacity "feature". Try clicking on that button.07:46
jerryclears up on reboot though07:47
sfarjohanbr: doesnt help :|07:47
sfarits flashing constantly when xmms is stopped.. not when playing tho07:47
noaXessgood morning..07:47
carthikjerry, are you using an ati/n-vidia graphics card, it might be a bug. you can search at launchpad.net07:47
jerryya nvidia gforce 520007:48
sgleo87carthik, would posting my fastab entry help?07:48
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NxNxMoxany good ftp programs for ubuntu?07:48
carthiksgleo87, sorry I couldn't help you with that07:49
carthikNxNxMox, use gftp07:49
james050286hey i'm bandnew to ubuntu and trying to install java runtime envir07:49
johanbrsfar: Hmm... it's not flashing for me, not sure why it does for you. In any case, I'd recommend that you switch to something nicer than xmms. Beep media player is basically xmms ported to gtk2, you might like that.07:49
carthik!tell james050286 about java07:49
james050286what about?07:49
carthikjames050286, check the mesage from ubotu07:49
jerryi just installed jre07:51
noaXessi have downloaded and installed ubuntu 5.1 and then installed kubuntu-desktop.. is that the same as download and install kubuntu 5.1 ?07:51
CaptainMorganhow do I unzip a file.tar.gz that responds 'not in gzip format' ?07:51
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ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, CaptainMorgan07:51
jerrythat one i didnt do i used the bin07:51
jerryand ran in console07:51
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noaXesswhat kde version is in kubuntu 5.1?07:51
johanbrCaptainMorgan: What does "file blah.tar.gz" tell you?07:52
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CaptainMorganomg ... empty.. how is that possible?07:52
RhineMad Pilot I love you my ears will forever be in your debt! Now listening to The Beatles- Revolution Hey Jude Bside07:52
mikodelacruzwhat is the best browser for ubuntu07:52
RhineThank you very much07:52
jerryhavent had any problems with tar.gz they open fine for me07:52
mojocan i ask about a command line here?  trying to use find command to process list of files with xargs07:52
fabrii can't dowload torrents? bit torrent is unable to connect, what can i do?07:52
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johanbrmojo: Go ahead.07:52
MadpilotRhine, cool, glad it worked :P07:52
jerryi just find the selfinstallers easyer to work with not all that good at figureing out compileing yet07:53
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mojojohanbr: thanks...07:53
RhineGuten Nacht meine freuden07:53
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fabriGuten Nacht07:53
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RugHowdy all07:53
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RhineWhere is bittorrent located?07:54
nerve_how do i install mplayer from source on ubuntu? it seems that the gcc version installed from apt is 4.007:54
MadpilotRhine, Apps->Internet->BitTorrent07:54
crimsunnerve_: 4.0? 1.0 hasn't even been released.07:54
RhineDope yeah im blind... This will lead to bad things07:54
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crimsunnerve_: err, sorry, misparse.07:54
amyungwhy does .bash_profile not work in ubuntu07:54
johanbrmojo: Exactly what are you trying to do?07:54
MadpilotRhine, note that you need to get the .torrent files off the web07:54
mojojohanbr: "sudo find ./ -name \*.m4a -print0 | xargs -0 faad07:55
mojo" is supposed to process all the m4a files in the current dir with faad to out wav files for burning.  It processes only the first file.  truncating at the pipe gives the list output withn null seps.07:55
crimsunnerve_: just apt-get build-dep mplayer-58607:55
RhineYeah I know how to use it *sneaky eyes*07:55
mikodelacruzaside from FIREFOX what browser can i use for ubuntu07:55
mojojohanbr: so why does it only do the first file?07:55
RhineWhere should i place the bittorrent metafile?07:55
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LoCusFamyung: you have to run sudo chown youruser:youruser .bash_history07:55
sfarhow can i find out where a file named pci.ids is located?07:55
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amyungi see07:55
MadpilotRhine, anywhere you want07:55
detox332can someone tell me how to register my name please07:56
amyungwhy must i do this though07:56
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crimsunsfar: dpkg -L pciutils|grep 'pci.ids'07:56
Madpilot!tell detox332 about register07:56
LoCusFamyung: its initially owned by root07:56
sfardetox332: /msg nickserv register <password>07:56
amyungi see, thank you07:56
detox332ok thank you07:56
elkynemikodelacruz, epiphany, galeon, opera (takes a little work), konquerer, lynx, elinks,07:56
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asdf25anyone have Xgl working on a radeon 9800?07:57
mojoHi BB!  Look at me!  Look at me!  oh, you already do.. :)07:57
[BiG^BrotheR] nvidia 6600 GT07:58
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mojojohanbr: Any ideas?07:59
johanbrmojo: This may be a stupid question on my part, but did you try doing "faad file1 file2" ? Does that work?07:59
applesaouseHi I'm new to ubuntu and so far I have to say I am thouroughly impressed.07:59
NxNxMox!google vnc and ubuntu07:59
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NxNxMox07:59
MadpilotNxNxMox, the bot doesn't do searches like that07:59
carthikapplesaouse, welcome07:59
Madpilot!tell NxNxMox about vnc07:59
applesaouseDoes anybody know if I add a second ethernet card, can I then serve an internet connection to a windows box?08:00
applesaousethanx carthik08:00
mojojohanbr: no, i don't think so.  I mean, I'd have to type out every file name.  It's a full concert cd with lllooonnnggg filenames.  I want to process in batch to convert with faad.  That's all.  SHOULD be easy but i am not practiced in the art of casting with the shell (yet)... am trying.08:00
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hildogdetox332: /msg nickserv register <password>08:00
AngryElfcarthik, i dont think /etc/modules is what i'm looking for, in fedora /etc/modprobe.conf contains aliases etc, and i believe it gets checked everytime modprobe is run....../etc/modules says that it contains modules that should be loaded at boot08:01
johanbrmojo: Right, but what I really meant is "are you sure that faad accepts more than one filename on the commandline?".08:01
detox332thanks, i was tired of getting that notice about being unregistered08:01
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mojojohanbr: no, i don't think it does at all.  I thought xargs would repeatedly execute faad with each successive filename08:02
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detox332anyone playing with dapper recently?08:03
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carthik_awayAngryElf, ah! /etc/modprobe.d/aliases08:03
applesaouseseeyall later going to install second nic08:03
johanbrmojo: Ahh, ok. No, xargs tries to stuff as many filenames in there as the shell will allow. Try piping the find command to "xargs -0 -n 1".08:03
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)08:03
Madpilotdetox332, for Dapper questions, try #ubuntu+108:03
AAAapplesaouse  yeah, just use packet forwarding and iptables08:03
detox332cool cool thanks guys08:03
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AAAapplesaouse  guidedog is a good tool for that08:03
mojojohanbr: -n 1 makes xargs newline then?08:03
Systlainewell this one seems more lively than #kubuntu :P08:03
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applesaouseI kinda know what your saying but like all things I see what happens.08:03
RhineI am back once again how do i plac aac and .m4a files?08:04
johanbrmojo: No, "-n 1" means that xargs will only use one filename at a time, invoking faad separately for each filename.08:04
Rhine!tell aac08:04
Systlainei was wondering if anyone could help me with a x server issue..?08:04
Rhinenvm i think i got it08:04
AAARhine  mplayer with the proper codecs08:04
RhineWhat codec though?08:04
mojojohanbr: AAAH!!  YOU ROCK!!!! That is just perfect.  You have no idea how much time you are gonna have saved me this coming week.  Much Luv08:05
AAA[faad]  AAC (MPEG2/4 Advanced Audio Coding)08:05
johanbrmojo: Glad to be of help. :)08:05
mojojohanbr: cool!08:05
hildogwhat's the best/easiest way to have a startup script enable DMA on my dvd drive ?08:06
mojojohanbr: It'd even been easier if k3b would just read the m4a's... but alas...08:06
AAARhine  have you tried mplayer?  I don't use the ubuntu .deb, but I bet it will play it out of the box08:06
johanbrhildog: Edit /etc/hdparm.conf .08:06
Systlaineanyone know how to get an ati x800 card to work in kubuntu? xserver keeps crashing for me....im using amd64 as well08:06
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RhineAAA i found the plugin if it works ill respong o.o08:06
AngryElfhmmmm, lspci does not show my tv-tuner......but i've got a complete myth install up and running, i think this is the root of a problem i'm having........where should i start looking to figure this out?08:07
RhineI think it will though *crosses fingers*08:07
AAARhine  mplayer uber alles :)08:07
Systlaineive tried what it said in the wiki and i still get the same error08:07
RhineIs mplayer listed in Synaptic?08:07
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basheerI could use a little help please08:08
Systlaineand ive looked at faqs for x and they were no help...so if someone could help me figure this out id appreciate it..08:08
RhineAAA Which player there is many?08:09
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hildogI edited hdparm.conf already for /dev/cdroms/cdrom0...do I also have to add a line for /dev/dvd if they're the same device ?08:09
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basheerI have this webcam that I can not get to work08:09
johanbrhildog: No.08:09
AAARhine  mplayer is the name of the  program, if you  have universe in your sources.list just apt-get install mplayer08:09
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AAARhine  there are a few choices for your binary depending on your arch08:10
hildoghmmmm...it didn't seem to work for some reason...do I have to uncomment every line after /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 or just the line that refers to dma ?08:10
AAAhildog  are you using devfs?08:10
hildognot sure08:11
AAAhildog  if not just use the example at the bottom and point it to /dev/hdxx08:11
AAAhildog  then you prolly aren't08:11
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Systlaine....anyone know a solution at all?08:11
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johanbrhildog: The DMA line alone should do it. What does "sudo hdparm -d 1 /dev/cdroms/cdrom0" tell you?08:11
hildogthat's what I did...uncommented the example at the bottom08:11
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Systlaine...guess not....sorry to bother you08:12
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hildogheh...no such file or directory...but when I do the same thing for /dev/dvd, using_dma = 1 (on)...but only because I did it manually08:13
AAAhildog  then change that line in hdparm.conf to /dev/dvd08:13
hildogshoould I just...that's what I was about to ask08:14
_Rappy_I have a 250GB external HDD, which I would like to use for both win and ubuntu. Can I use one "universal" FS on it, or do I need to partition it for each OS and use diffrent FS?08:14
elkbuntuyou need to partition it08:14
jbrouhardhey everyone.. is there a bug in the mysql-server package ?08:14
jbrouhardcause it's not allowing me to start it.. something about not creating the DB files or mysqld.sock ?08:14
noaXessdoes anybody has installed kubuntu dapper flight 6?08:14
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AAAhildog  if you want to make sure it is working, do hdparm -d 0 /dev/dvd && /etc/init.d/hdparm restart ; hdparm -d /dev/dvd08:15
AAAit should then be on08:15
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johanbr_Rappy_: Depends. Linux does not reliably write NTFS, and Windows does not understand Reiserfs/Ext3/whatever. Both Ubuntu and Win will read/write FAT but that won't give you optimal performance.08:15
AAAhildog  and as long it is in /etc/rc2.d/ you are good to go on reboot, it should be if you did not change it yourself08:16
hildogcool thanks I think I got it08:16
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dj-fuYou can read ext2/3 with Windows. There is a driver.08:16
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bnDhiya, anyone know of a way to get a save-able list of all installed program? (planning a reinstall and would like to recover all my apps)08:17
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johanbrbnD: dpkg --get-selections >packagelist08:17
bnDjohanbr, thank you very much08:17
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PwcrLinuxHi there08:18
johanbrbnD: You're welcome.08:18
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hawk_wolfokay, I just logged back in, formerly know as applesouse08:19
woodwizzleIs there any way to get tango icons for the new power manager and wireless manager?08:19
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woodwizzleeeer... i mean network manager08:19
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AAAjohanbr  dpkg -l will also give you the version =p08:19
NxNxMoxhow do i turn on tightvnc08:20
OrTigaShi i want to listen to internet radio(FM/AM) but it only shows playing but no sounds on it.08:20
NxNxMoxafter i installed ti08:20
hawk_wolfI installed the second nic and activated it. Do i need to have a x-over cable, or can I go through a hub?08:20
johanbrwoodwizzle: Not sure if those icons even exist.08:20
_Rappy_thanks johanbr and others who replied :)08:20
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AAAhawk_wolf  it doesn't matter as long as you have a link08:20
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woodwizzlejohanbr I think some of them do. I know there are battery icons08:21
bimberiNxNxMox: try 'tightvncserver' in a terminal08:21
hawk_wolfk, I have a link, at least I think I do.08:21
OrTigaSbut it plays with a video08:21
PwcrLinuxCat5 straignt, the router have auto detection either straight or X-over08:21
AAAhawk_wolf  mii-tool -i eth108:21
hawk_wolfI don't have a router just a hub, and I need to share a cable x-nection08:22
AAAhawk_wolf  assuming eth1 is the new nic and is up, that will give you the link status08:22
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hawk_wolfSo I'm trying to set my comp as the router. It says its activated.08:22
OrTigaSany idea?08:22
AAAhawk_wolf  apt-get install guidedog, it is the most simple method I have found08:23
hawk_wolfI called it a dhcp which goes to a hub from server, and then to the other comp.08:23
NxNxMoxim getting this bimberi08:23
NxNxMoxCouldn't start Xtightvnc; trying default font path.08:23
NxNxMoxPlease set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script.08:23
NxNxMoxCouldn't start Xtightvnc process.08:23
hawk_wolfk. I'll do that now.08:23
AAAhawk_wolf  do you understand networking and gateways and routing and such?08:24
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hawk_wolfA bit, still have a ton to learn, but I understand enough to experiement08:25
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AAAhawk_wolf  cool.  basically eth0 routes to 10.1 your gateway, eth2 is and has no gateway, you turn on port forwarding and then your winders box is and uses as a gateway, guidedog will hook you up08:26
NxNxMoxwhats the command to view what someone is doing via SSH08:26
NxNxMoxlike someone sshed into my box08:26
NxNxMoxhow can i view what there doign08:26
AAANxNxMox  haha, no dice unless the are using screen08:27
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bimberiNxNxMox: ah, the font issue, i wonder if there's a fix around for that08:27
AAANxNxMox  or you can the process and such08:27
NxNxMoxwhat do you mean AAA08:27
OrTigaShi i want to listen to internet radio(FM/AM) but it only shows playing but no sounds on it. but when i play video it has sounds. any idea?08:27
NxNxMoxno idea bimberi =(08:27
hawk_wolfOk for the port fowarding stuff, I'm having a hard time even finding the app for that.08:27
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albertoi want convert image mdf to iso? howto please!!!08:27
AAANxNxMox  you can't see what they are doing persa, well I suppose you could...08:27
AAAhawk_wolf  guidedog will do that for you08:28
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AAANxNxMox  it depends on exactly what it is you want to know08:28
AAANxNxMox  like I said, you can see what pid's they own08:28
hawk_wolf"apt-get" is that like add applications or synaptic?08:29
NxNxMoxwell vnc would be bettear08:29
NxNxMoxbut i keep getting errors08:29
NxNxMoxsome font error08:29
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AAANxNxMox  ps -u NxNxMox08:29
Madpilothawk_wolf, it's the command-line backend to Add Apps/Synaptic08:29
AAANxNxMox  er. ps -U08:29
hawk_wolfokay, opening term. brb08:29
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albertoi installed mdf2iso, but my say FILE TOO LARGE08:30
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NxNxMoxCouldn't start Xtightvnc; trying default font path.08:30
NxNxMoxPlease set correct fontPath in the tightvncserver script.08:30
NxNxMoxCouldn't start Xtightvnc process.08:30
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AAAalberto  is the file bigger than 2G ?08:32
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OrTigaShi i want to listen to internet radio(FM/AM) but it only shows playing but no sounds on it. but when i play video it has sounds. any idea?08:32
quentini m french :/08:32
AAAOrTigaS  what is the url to the stream?08:33
albertoi m spanish08:33
AAAI'm PUNK08:33
HeartsbaneI am a asshole08:33
sfarquentin: no need to excuse yourself for being french08:33
hawk_wolfI'm now looking up a tutorial on how to use apt-get08:33
albertofc barcelona campios champions league08:34
quentinok, just i find a french server08:34
Heartsbanehawk_wolf man apt-get08:34
quentinbecause its my first linux install08:34
=== AAA licks apt-get
quentinand i m lost :/08:34
hawk_wolfI'm tryin' still learning command line08:34
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AAAhawk_wolf  good for you!08:35
Heartsbanehawk_wolf its okay also don't forget man apt-cache08:35
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:35
AAAhawk_wolf  don't need no stink'n gui's08:35
HeartsbaneI agree08:35
sfar(or you can take it in english here, quentin )08:35
AAAeven mplayer uses aalib =p08:35
Heartsbane<< ran debian for years with no GUI08:35
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AAAI have debian boxen sans gui08:36
noaXesssomebody have inserted this sources from http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php08:36
hawk_wolfhaha fer real08:36
noaXessthe line deb http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.2/kubuntu breezy main won't work.. timeout08:36
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ben32167how can i add "open terminal here"  to right click?08:36
HeartsbaneI still prefer it08:36
hawk_wolfHere's whats happening, I typed apt-get and it gave me a bunch of options08:36
OrTigaSany idea08:36
AAAHeartsbane  me too08:36
AAAhawk_wolf  apt-get install <package name>08:37
johanbr ben32167: Install nautilus-open-terminal .08:37
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AAAhawk_wolf  apt-cache search <search string>08:37
albertohelp me please!!!08:37
quentinthx ubotu ;)08:37
hawk_wolfk, off to experiement, brb08:37
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AAAhawk_wolf  careful now! apt-get is very addicting ;)08:38
Heartsbanehawk_wolf please read the man page for apt-get and apt-cache by typing "man apt-get"  and "man apt-cache"08:38
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fyrestrtrdoes anyone know where the default firewall rules are kept?08:38
Heartsbaneall will become clear08:38
hawk_wolfexcellent thx guys08:38
AAAHeartsbane  reading is such a bore, wrecking your box is the only way to learn, IMHO YMMV08:38
albertohi, help me please!!08:38
HeartsbaneThat is true08:38
HeartsbaneThat is how I learned08:39
fyrestrtr!tell alberto about ask08:39
HeartsbaneBreak it, Fix it, break something else, fix that08:39
johanbrfyrestrtr: Depends on which firewall package you're running: pure iptables, or something else. From your nick, I'm guessing firestarter. Can't help you with that one, I'm afraid.08:39
hawk_wolfohhh ahh, I c man apt-get.08:39
AAAHeartsbane  I read the man page now a days, hehe08:39
AAAbroken boxen == lost money08:39
fyrestrtrjohanbr: I tried it, buts its too dumb for what I want to do. I'm just running the default iptables.08:39
AAAman == manual08:39
OrTigaSAAA,  did u find the URL and test it?08:40
dextro_dudeAAA: you are right08:40
AAAOrTigaS  haha no. I don't have root on your box, I have no idea what stream your are listening to08:40
fyrestrtrjohanbr: I have setup a tunnel and I need to set rules on that, and firestarter can't do that, it can only set rules on one of the interfaces.08:41
AAAdextro_dude  thats impossible08:41
OrTigaSAAA,  just go to URL and then click one station08:41
AAAmmmm iptun08:41
AAAOrTigaS  troubleshoot much?08:41
AAAOrTigaS  maybe the one you are listening doesn't work?08:41
dextro_dudeAAA: impossible to learn frm mistakes ?08:41
OrTigaSit plays with video08:41
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AAAdextro_dude  sarcasm...08:41
albertohello hello, help me pleaseee!!!!08:42
OrTigaSsomeone ask mt to try in terminal and it works08:42
OrTigaSi hear the sounds08:42
AAAOrTigaS  I don't understand your situation08:42
albertoi want convert image mdf to iso08:42
albertoi load mdf2iso in my system08:42
albertobut my say file too large08:42
dextro_dudeAAA: lolz08:42
NxNxMoxso is there a fix for this08:42
albertofile is of 3GB08:43
dextro_dudeso what is new in ubuntu today ?08:43
OrTigaSask u guys again got to go08:43
johanbrfyrestrtr: In that case, don't you have to save and restore the rules manually using iptables-save and iptables-restore ?08:43
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LathropWellsalberto - is file on fat32? - (just guessing , probably wrong to guess.)08:43
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AAAalberto  it may be a LFS issue, what kernel?08:43
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sethkalberto, large files are both a kernel and file system option08:44
ben32167how can i increase fps?08:44
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sethkalberto, both have to be enabled to be able to deal with files > 2 gb08:44
sethkben32167, crank faster08:44
albertoLinux 2.6.15-20-386 #1 PREEMPT Tue Apr 4 17:48:51 UTC 2006 i686 GNU/Linux08:44
sethkben32167, on your movie camera  :)08:44
dj-fufat32 max file size is 4gb.08:45
albertosethk yes08:45
=== jamaas [n=jamaas@host86-140-241-56.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
ben32167mouse moves so bad when i try to select files.. as if cpu %10008:45
hawk_wolfI typed apt-get install guidedog and got a E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)08:45
albertoi covert image ccd and nrg of 3GB but image mdf no08:46
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NxNxMoxhow do i get on muliple servers08:46
NxNxMoxwith xchat08:46
johanbrhawk_wolf: Put an sudo in front.08:46
hawk_wolfWhat's a sudo?08:46
SeveasNxNxMox, /newserver08:47
johanbrhawk_wolf: Executes the command as root.08:47
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LathropWellsubotu tell hawk_wolf about sudo08:47
ben32167ubotu tell hawk_wolf about yourself08:48
LathropWellsubotu botsnack08:48
ubotuthanks lathropwells :)08:48
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jamaasnewbie here, it would appear that one of the databases associated with apt-get is damaged, when atttempting to upgrade I get the following... " unable to open files list file for package `libacl1': Input/output error", can anyone tell me where I might go to get some sugestions on how to fix?  I've googled and tried forums ... no luck!  Thanks08:48
sfartry apt-get update08:48
sfaror not..08:49
jamaasthanks, did that, same prob08:49
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ben32167absolute bug08:49
gammaanyone here use beagle and have it working?08:49
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ooazzaoohow do i scale the desktop in Xorg?08:49
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hawk_wolfE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?08:49
sfarhawk_wolf: close synaptic08:49
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hawk_wolfhahaha, thanks man08:50
hawk_wolfI feel sheepish baaaaaa08:50
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ben32167how will i get write permission?08:50
sfarhehe, i think most of us made that mistake08:50
hawk_wolfeasy one to make.08:50
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)08:51
ubotuI heard flight6 is http://www.ubuntu.com/testing08:51
ben32167attrib dos = ? unix?08:51
ben32167chmod file -rwrwrw?08:51
NxNxMoxhow can i get a c compiler?08:51
sfarben32167: "man chmod"08:52
hawk_wolfwell in the process of trying this out, I solved another problem I've been having.08:52
WebLOCHNxNxMox: sudo apt-get install gcc*08:52
eliehello , I was trying to upgrade to firefox 1.05 , but i must have messed it or something is there any way to revert the installation ?08:52
hawk_wolfI found a program I dl'd through synaptic, in app-get08:52
hawk_wolfI mean add app08:53
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ompaulNxNxMox, sudo apt-get install build-essential <<  that will provide all the dev env you need including a compiler, if you want to do kernel stuff do install gcc-3.4 also08:53
jamaasIs there a way to force apt-get to reinstall a package?  I've tried to reinstall libacl1 but it says that I already have current version and will not reinstall?  Thanks,08:53
dave_cbhello is anyone alive in here???08:53
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.08:53
bimberiNxNxMox: sorry, got called away, is your tightvncserver issue resolved?08:53
sfari also got that font-error when trying to start tightvnc :|08:54
hawk_wolfso ic apt-get is where its at.08:54
hawk_wolfI got it working08:54
=== buffarama [n=buffaram@adsl-69-155-217-173.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
dave_cbim having a problem playing cds under kubuntu (i just made a fresh installation of the latest kubuntu version) , mp3s work nice system sounds too but when i try to play a cd under any music player i don t get any sound or (on kaffeine) i get an error message! what should i do?08:55
sfar!tell elie about ff.1508:55
sfar!tell elie about ff1.508:55
hawk_wolfI hope someday I'll be as helpful as you AAA, to newbs. SMMMMOOOTHCCy Ass kiss08:55
ompaulhawk_wolf, that and at least adding universe to your list of repos multiverse if you want more08:55
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hawk_wolfalready got that covered.08:55
hawk_wolfI figured out how to do that last night08:56
ben32167what changes if i startx sudo?08:56
ompaulhawk_wolf, keep the language in the space that never offends, thanks08:56
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hawk_wolfohh, I'm sorry, I do appreciate the advice ompaul, I will from now on.08:57
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AAAhawk_wolf  WTG!08:58
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AAAhawk_wolf  so your winders box can hit the Inet now?08:59
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hawk_wolfi just got guidedog open, so will see in a min.09:00
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ben32167i try to change icon of firefox shortcut, i go to /opt/firefox/icons but icons are gray and cant be selected why?09:02
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dave_cbim having a problem playing cds under kubuntu (i just made a fresh installation of the latest kubuntu version) , mp3s work nice system sounds too but when i try to play a cd under any music player i don t get any sound or (on kaffeine) i get an error message! what should i do?09:03
ben32167what error u get?09:03
AAAdave_cb  you can use mplayer cdda://09:03
Madpilotben32167, rightclick on the shortcut, you should be able to adjust the icon thru Properties or something09:03
AAAdave_cb  you can use xmms and xmms-cdread09:03
hawk_wolfokay I don't tink I get how to use guidedog. I can't get it to give me an apply or okay button.09:03
dave_cbdoesn t  work too AAA09:04
dave_cbthis only happens on kde09:04
ben32167well madpilot, it must be about size, panel icon it is?!?09:04
dave_cbon gnome it works fine09:04
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ben32167i use properties09:04
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AAAhawk_wolf  sudo guidedog09:04
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Madpilotben32167, where exactly is the shortcut? on your desktop, or on one of Gnome's panel bars?09:04
dave_cbthe cd volume on Kmix is on max09:05
Madpilotben32167, right-click on it, Properties, there's an Icon setting there09:05
dave_cbso...im out of ideas09:05
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hawk_wolfhaha, I even understand why. thx again.09:05
AAAdave_cb  can you play the cd from a VT?09:05
dave_cbany help?09:05
Auckland_Pigi see that i'm logged in multiple times... (users on command line) how do i logout the one i'm not using?09:05
AAAdave_cb  alt-<F1> and login to a VT09:05
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dave_cbAAA:  im a newbie so waht does VT means?09:05
AAAdave_cb  use mplayer and see if you can make it go09:05
AAAdave_cb  virtual terminal09:05
ben32167Madpilot,  i use that option, but firefoz icons are gay cant be selected09:05
MadpilotAuckland_Pig, the 'multiple users' are probably just you, doing multiple things09:06
Auckland_PigMadpilot: interesting...09:06
uscfanhey i got a question, how can i make the graphical login screen allow root logins?09:06
Madpilotben32167, odd - they should work...09:06
Madpilotuscfan, you can, but why would you?09:06
ben32167may it be about the folder it is in?09:06
ben32167firefox is under opt09:07
uscfani knew somsone would ask that09:07
ben32167should i look elsewhere?09:07
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Auckland_PigMadpilot: the man or info page says that i am logged  into multiple sessions....09:07
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MadpilotAuckland_Pig, type "w" in the terminal09:07
uscfanwell basically09:07
AAAdave_cb  you can also use cdplay, it is int the cdtools package; apt-get install cdtools09:08
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NxNxMoxchecking for gcc... gcc09:08
NxNxMoxchecking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot cr               eate executables09:08
AAAdave_cb  unless of couse you want to use the best media player on earth, mplayer09:08
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patrick52222is there a programme like bitcomet avilable for ubuntu09:08
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HobbseeNxNxMox: install build-essential09:09
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Auckland_PigMadpilot: mmmm thank you... w only shows 1 log in09:09
uscfanmadpilot, I would like to mount my SATA drive and access it from all users. I suppose I should simply edit the fstab... but yeah how would i go about adding root to the graphical login09:09
AAApatrick52222  bittorrent09:09
NxNxMoxhow Hobbsee?09:09
hawk_wolfwhat ports should I use?09:09
Hobbsee!tell NxNxMox about buildessential09:09
Madpilotuscfan, why do you even have a root user? There are far easier ways to get at mounted drives...09:09
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hawk_wolfI just went with 109:10
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dave_cbAAA:  im guessing im using Konsole (thats the only terminal i know of :( )09:10
uscfani also hate having to su in the terminal...09:10
NxNxMoxhavent gotten the bot pm yet Hobbsee09:10
HobbseeNxNxMox: sudo apt-get install build-essential09:10
patrick52222when i restart the pc, dont bittorrent lose where it was or does carryon with the download09:10
uscfanpatrick52222, it should resume automatically09:10
Madpilotpatrick52222, if you restart BitTorrent, it'll resume09:10
Heartsbanepatrick52222 it should resume09:10
damian_hi there im just wondering if anyone knows much about nvidia tv out. I have it working perfectly one half of my screen is my monitor and the other half is my tv. Problem is tv output is in black and white. i ahve been through all the video standards and svideo/composite.No luck. i can get color using nvtv and selecting 64x480 overscan. 2 problems there nvtv wont run unless i already ihave a tv out signal (one that is in my xserver. It segfaults09:10
damian_otherwise)  seconf problem is it changes both my monitor and my tv th only the top left corner on screen its in overscan mode but when i hit a border it wont scroll. i cant use native resolutions they turn off my monitor and my tv looks scrambled until i reboot my pc09:10
patrick52222ok cheers i will carry on use in it then09:11
Madpilotuscfan, um, you do know that Ubuntu is set up to use sudo, not root, right?09:11
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uscfanMadpilot, no sir, i come from fedora/slackware/suse :)09:11
patrick52222heres a big question....What the best media player for ubuntu09:11
hawk_wolfthe winder machine doesnt' have an IP yet.09:11
Madpilotuscfan, have a read: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo09:11
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uscfanokie dokie smoky09:12
AAAdave_cb  in your konsole type apt-get install cdtools  that will install cdplay and allow you to play cd's without kde or gnome or foo09:12
dave_cbi will try that tks09:12
AAAhawk_wolf  just enable routing and hit apply ok and then /etc/init.d/guidedog restart09:12
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uscfanMadpilot, well I already did some sort of sudo passwd, will that screw up whatever was setup automatically by ubuntu?09:12
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AAAhawk_wolf  give your winders box an IP that is one greater than eth1 and a gateway that is the same as eth109:13
Madpilotuscfan, it might have, yeah. Check that wiki page, though09:13
uscfanyeah i mreading it right now09:13
hawk_wolfk, givin it a shot.09:13
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b3nwhow to force grub to re-scan drives for other operating systems?09:14
patrick52222im experiencing very porr download rates in bittorrent is this normal or do i have open some ports09:14
uscfanGoing back to a traditional root account09:14
uscfan<!> This is not recommended!09:14
AAAhawk_wolf  make sure your winders box has DNS set properly09:14
Heartsbanepatrick52222 that depends on your tracker09:14
Heartsbanepatrick52222 it also depends on the # of seed and # of leechers09:14
AAAmmm leechers09:14
hawk_wolfWhat would properly be?09:14
patrick52222how do i find this out09:15
Heartsbaneit varies from torrent to torrent09:15
HeartsbaneWell what client are you using?09:15
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uscfanpatrick52222, if your behind a router yuo need to open ports, if your ports have already been opened there are a few things you can do to increase your speds09:16
AAAhawk_wolf  make sure you put a DNS server entry in the network properties so it can resolve IP's09:16
HeartsbaneUh it been a while since I used the generic client, so uh... I am at a lose09:16
Madpilotpatrick52222, if it's downloading at all, you don't need to open ports. BT is sometimes just slow.09:16
uscfansorry about my spelling09:16
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AAAspeaking of BT, what is the best BT search engine these days?09:16
patrick52222im behind a router but get like 1kb/s09:17
uscfanis my personal favorite09:17
HeartsbaneSorry I thought you asked client09:17
MadpilotAAA, for legal, sometimes oddball live concert recordings, http://bt.etree.org/09:17
AAAand WTF happend to suprnova? $$$ sheesh09:17
HeartsbaneI think torrentspy.com is the best09:17
uscfanpatrick52222, so are you using the client that is downloaded from bittorrent.org?09:17
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patrick52222im using the BitTorrent whihc came installed with ubuntu09:18
b3nwhow to force grub to re-scan drives for other operating systems?09:18
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uscfanpatrick52222, so have you gon into your router configuration to set the appropriate port forwarding settings?09:19
Heartsbaneb3nw I don't know I came from debian/lilo world I am still learning09:19
damian_hi there im just wondering if anyone knows much about nvidia tv out. I have it working perfectly one half of my screen is my monitor and the other half is my tv. Problem is tv output is in black and white. i ahve been through all the video standards and svideo/composite.No luck. i can get color using nvtv and selecting 64x480 overscan. 2 problems there nvtv wont run unless i already ihave a tv out signal (one that is in my xserver. It segfaults09:19
damian_otherwise)  seconf problem is it changes both my monitor and my tv th only the top left corner on screen its in overscan mode but when i hit a border it wont scroll. i cant use native resolutions they turn off my monitor and my tv looks scrambled until i reboot my pc09:19
Heartsbaneb3nw Keep asking someone is bound to know09:19
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patrick52222uscfan: i dont know which ports to use09:19
uscfanok one sec09:20
damian_hi there im just wondering if anyone knows much about nvidia tv out. I have it working perfectly one half of my screen is my monitor and the other half is my tv. Problem is tv output is in black and white. i ahve been through all the video standards and svideo/composite.No luck. i can get color using nvtv and selecting 64x480 overscan. 2 problems there nvtv wont run unless i already ihave a tv out signal (one that is in my xserver. It segfaults09:20
damian_otherwise)  seconf problem is it changes both my monitor and my tv th only the top left corner on screen its in overscan mode but when i hit a border it wont scroll. i cant use native resolutions they turn off my monitor and my tv looks scrambled until i reboot my pc09:20
Heartsbanedamian_ the spammer09:20
Madpilotdamian_, do NOT repeat like that... (unless you want to be kicked, of course)09:20
AAAhear here09:20
b3nwHeartsbane :)09:20
damian_twice was an accident09:21
AAAsounds like the modelines are wrong09:21
uscfanwell im going through the dapper upgrade right now so stuff isnt really running properly... but I am prtty sure with most clients you want to have 6881 thru 6889 forwarded, those are the default ports. Then, look through your client settings to see if it is using any other port, and if so forward that one too. If that doesnt help, check out http://www.whalesalad.com/2005/12/25/conquering-bittorrent/ which is a pretty decent article09:21
uscfanon improving speeds09:21
uscfani hate it when politicians are on leno and conan, they are so not funny09:22
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AAAdamian_  have you looked at /var/log/X.org.log.009:22
ompauluscfan, go do the channel #ubuntu+1 for dapper its in the topic for a reason :-)09:22
AAAor whatever it is09:22
uscfanompaul, well thanks for that tidbit, but I am not in here because of dapper09:22
pl_icehey, how do i write a script with  a command delay,i just need wait a wile b4 using one command, general use, eg. pause/delay ? .. :)09:22
damian_yes but what would i be searching for?09:22
AAAsleep 509:23
damian_notihng is in there to specift tv output in color09:23
AAApl_ice  sleep is what you want09:23
b3nwhow to force grub to re-scan drives for other operating systems?09:23
ompauldamian_, put the file in  paste.ubuntu-nl.org if you want others to look at it09:23
AAAdamian_  I think you need to set the vert and horiz refresh and the modelines09:24
dave_cbi don t want to be boring but to install mplayer i need to add new repositories09:24
dave_cbthe problem is that i cant edit the sources list file09:24
dave_cbdue to an error on gedit09:24
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uscfanok l8z everyone, i just finished upgrading to dapper so wish me luck on the reboot09:24
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AAAdamian_  yeah, I wanna see that log09:25
sfardave_cb: whats the error?09:25
damian_ok one sec09:25
dave_cbcan i copy paste it?09:25
AAAdave_cb  you have to be root09:25
dave_cbi know09:25
patrick52222heres a big question....What the best media player for ubuntu ?09:25
sfardave_cb: if its 3 lines or less you can paste it here09:25
AAAis my gues09:25
dave_cbi am09:25
konfuzeddave_cb, check out http://easyubuntu.sourceforge.net is it ? theres some handy setups from that site09:25
sfarelse use www.pastebin.com09:25
Madpilotdave_cb, "sudo gedit /etc/atp/sources.list" in a terminal09:26
dave_cbXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server09:26
dave_cbXlib: No protocol specified09:26
dave_cbMadpilot:  already did it :P09:26
dave_cbi get that message anyway09:26
damian_i have figured out with this nvtv program where is comes up in color im using "ntsc" whereas in my xorg.conf it comes up as ntsc-m and if i change it to ntsc it says "no screens found and i cant run the xserver09:26
AAAdave_cb  try this in a konsole09:26
dave_cband i get the same message when trying to open konqueror under the root profile09:26
Madpilotpatrick52222, for movies, totem-xine + w32codecs + other stuff09:26
damian_anyway one sec get u that log file09:26
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AAAdave_cb  sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list09:26
Madpilotdave_cb, have you created a root pw/user?09:27
AAAdave_cb  I can help you edit it with a real editor09:27
AAAMadpilot  sure sounds like it =p09:27
patrick52222is totem-xine better than totem09:28
pl_icepatrick52222 yeh09:28
AAAmplayer !! or gmplayer if you prefer09:28
dave_cbit opened the sources list file on the konsole09:28
=== AAA is a media player biggot
Madpilotpatrick52222, it seems more stable & more capable09:28
ben32167which emule substitutes i can use in linux?09:28
Madpilotdave_cb, yeah, that's what vim does09:28
pl_iceben32167  aMule ;)09:28
sfardave_cb: try "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" :)09:28
Madpilotdave_cb, are you running Kubuntu?09:29
AAAI had no idea there was an gui sudo09:29
Madpilotdave_cb, Oh. No wonder gedit didn't work, it's Gnome's default text editor. Sorry.09:29
dave_cbsfar:  gksu command not found09:29
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AAAhrm. it is on my ubuntu box09:30
dave_cbis there a default text editor for kde?09:30
dave_cblike gedit?09:30
Madpilotdave_cb, I'm sure there is, but try asking in #kubuntu09:30
AAAdave_cb  just use sudo vim09:30
pl_icekate? something like that... dave_cb  ?09:30
AAAdave_cb  you will be done in 2 min09:30
AAAdave_cb  you have to use like 8 key presses max to change and save exit the file09:31
konfuzedkate ate my paper09:31
AAAdave_cb  all you are doing is remove one or two #'s depending on if you want the src deb's09:31
AAAdave_cb  do it do it :)09:32
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Madpilot!tell AAA about enter09:32
Hobbseedave_cb: kate09:32
iipingdude where is the room for apt - packers ubuntu09:32
pl_iceanyone uses acx_pci modules for wless acx111 card?... my jamas badly after kernel update...09:32
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AAAMadpilot  I don't understand09:33
MadpilotAAA, check your pm - the bot should have sent you a reminder :P09:33
AAAMadpilot  ok, now I do09:33
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dave_cbAAA: how do i save the file on VIM?09:34
AAAshift zz09:34
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sfarhur sger man "han t en apelsin med skalet p" p engelska?09:35
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AAAdave_cb  to be fair, <SHIFT> zz will save and close the file, :w  will write the file and :wc will write and close the file09:36
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sfaris this a correct english sentence: "He ate the orange with the peel still on"09:37
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AAAwell, since no one called me on my error, :wq writes and quits, I mistyped but didn't want to get in trouble for flood09:40
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AAAgood day liuwei09:41
liuweihow are you?09:42
ompaulkonfuzed, I lost connection just after your post about kate try this -- if you saved anything -- find ./ -name filenamewithwildcard <<< at the root of your home directory if you saved anything it will be there09:42
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liuweiIam chinese09:42
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damian_aaa here it is   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1202009:43
damian_hi there im just wondering if anyone knows much about nvidia tv out. I have it working perfectly one half of my screen is my monitor and the other half is my tv. Problem is tv output is in black and white. i ahve been through all the video standards and svideo/composite.No luck. i can get color using nvtv and selecting 64x480 overscan. 2 problems there nvtv wont run unless i already ihave a tv out signal (one that is in my xserver. It segfaults09:43
damian_otherwise)  seconf problem is it changes both my monitor and my tv th only the top left corner on screen its in overscan mode but when i hit a border it wont scroll. i cant use native resolutions they turn off my monitor and my tv looks scrambled until i reboot my pc09:43
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damian_My config file his here for ppl to look at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1202009:43
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ompaulliuwei, welcome, you may like to know there is a chinese ubuntu team - #ubuntu-cn :-)09:44
AAAdamian_  what country do you live in? I am asking because your TV-OUT is set to PAL-B09:45
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damian_yeah im in australia09:45
pl_icedamian_ wehre bouts? ;)09:46
damian_this tv can handle what ntvt calls "ntsc"09:46
AAAdamian_  then that is your problem09:46
pl_iceperth :/09:46
damian_whats the equivelent to just "ntsc" for my xorg.conf09:46
liuweiI want to help09:46
damian_not ntsc-j or ntsc-m09:46
konfuzedompaul, thanks for the tip09:46
AAAdamian_  just change pal to ntsc and restart x09:46
damian_i cant09:47
damian_i type "ntsc" in my config and it says no screens found09:47
damian_it needs either an ntsc-j or ntsc-m and they both have to color09:47
ompaulliuwei,      /join #ubuntu-cn <<<<< for Chinese channel :-)09:47
liuweii can't type chines09:48
ompaul #ubuntu-cn09:48
ompaulliuwei, ^^^09:48
AAAdamian_  hrm.  maybe try ntsc-m then, it has been a while since I mucked with that, you may also want to install GLcore or comment out of your config09:48
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damian_where is glcore located will i find it in synaptic? under whitch name is its package?09:50
AAAdamian_  hehe, throw this into google :: nvidia tvout +ntsc09:50
ompaulxuecan, I was talking with liuwei :-)09:50
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damian_AAA trust me ive looked EVERYWHERE spent now 6 hours straight today and 9 last night trying every last thing09:51
damian_i am determined lol09:51
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MistaEDthat's odd using ntsc in aus09:51
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xuecanompaul, hi.09:52
damian_it is although seems to be the only way i can get color09:52
ompaulliuwei, there is also " #ubuntu-cn #ubuntu-tw and #ubuntu-hk09:52
ompaulxuecan, hi09:53
liuweiI see thank you!09:53
negninhi all, I'm having some problems with my touchpad on my laptop. Both editing in the xorg.conf and using synclient do not seem to have any effect. I'm trying to disable the ability to click on the touchpad itself. Is there something I'm missing?09:54
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SteilDoes anyone know of a nes emulator that supports Joysticks?09:54
damian_oh well ill kkeep trying thatnk you fopr your help so far09:55
SteilOr if there is a way I can map joystick buttons to keyboard keys?09:55
damian_have made 2 more modifs going to reboot x now09:55
liuwei (SCIM)?09:55
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JDahlI am trying to install Dapper TF6 on a dinosaur HP omnibook 6000 laptop. The last step of the installation fails where GRUB cannot be installed. Is there a way to install it manually from another console, to try and figure out why it fails?09:55
freeflyingliuwei: it's a English only channel09:56
ompaulliuwei, this is an english language channel, can you take the conversation to one of the channels I pointed you to, please09:56
freeflyingliuwei: if you wanna speak in Chinese, olz join #ubuntu-cn09:56
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TomaszDanyone familiar with gpg? I have my own key and I'm trying to decrypt a message, I've put my password an it doesn't react...09:57
TomaszDthere's no output09:57
nonix4Does ubuntu support / on LVM?09:57
AAA gpg -d file -o outfile09:57
TomaszDwill try09:57
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nonix4(installer complained that it has no / when I only gave it LVM and /boot)09:58
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PuMpErNiCkLeJDahl: You can try running grub-install from the livecd.09:58
liuweithank you !09:58
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ompaulliuwei, your welcome09:59
eliehas anyone tried easy ubuntu?09:59
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TomaszDdamn, thanks AAA!09:59
AAATomaszD  :)09:59
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JDahlPuMpErNiCkLe: I was hoping to do something from another console at the point where the installation fails, but I guess I could download the live CD10:00
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RayFredPipI need help10:00
AAARayFredPip  sup10:00
PuMpErNiCkLeJDahl: You may be able to hop to a console by hitting ctrl + alt + F1 (ctrl alt F7 to get back).10:00
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RayFredPipAnyone can help me .I don't know how to config my gaim .10:01
PuMpErNiCkLeJDahl: You can do that in fully installed Ubuntu, at least - I've never tried that in the installer.10:01
JDahlPuMpErNiCkLe: I know... I am asking for the magic word to type in that console, to fix my problem :=)10:01
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BambinoRayFredPip , Ask your question10:01
AAAJDahl  what is your problem?10:01
RayFredPipThere are many protocols supported in gaim ,but I don't how to config them and use properly!10:02
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uscfananyone know how to get AC3 audio to play in ubuntu?10:02
AAARayFredPip  sorry that is out of my league10:02
JDahlAAA: for some odd reason, GRUB cannot be installed on an old laptop. I am wondering how to install GRUB manually from another console at the last step of the installation10:02
debiansux!ubotu tell RayFredPip gaim10:02
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RayFredPipAAA, oh10:02
debiansuxlog into wiki.ubuntu10:02
jerwarehow can i tell my my nic card is full or half duplex? how can i change this?10:02
uscfanAC3 audio anyone???10:02
debiansuxlook for gaim there10:02
debiansuxgoogle for gaim10:03
debiansuxwhy are u looking ofr easy info?10:03
PuMpErNiCkLeJDahl: grub-install /dev/hda I think10:03
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AAAuscfan  I _think_ liboggflac310:03
JDahlPuMpErNiCkLe: thanks... I will try that10:03
uscfanthanks AAA ill try that10:03
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RayFredPipeverytime I make a count as a jabber ,but the windows said that the internet interupet10:04
AAAJDahl  ah, it is possible, but I am way too tired to walk you through that tonight, sorry10:04
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AAAjerware  mii-diag -i eth010:05
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RayFredPipthank you!10:06
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captainredbeardis there any program that I can get to periodically change my desktop background?10:06
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jerwareAAA there is no -i option10:07
jerwaredo you mean -A ?10:07
captainredbeardwhats that ben3216710:07
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AAAjerware  sorry, omit that. I'm tired10:08
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jerwarethanx AAA10:10
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RayFredPipubotu, Hi10:11
ubotuhello, rayfredpip10:11
PuMpErNiCkLeubotu, beer10:12
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, PuMpErNiCkLe10:12
PuMpErNiCkLeit's gone :o10:12
RayFredPipubotu, do you know openq?10:12
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RayFredPip10:12
uscfani just installed kde, do i want gdm or kdm as my default display manager...10:12
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RayFredPipubotu, OK10:12
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, RayFredPip10:12
B0FHmy video card is kinda shot all i have is an ati radeon 7000 is it worth the trouble?10:13
dj-fuRayFredPip, ubotu is a bot :)10:13
B0FHwill i be able to play games in ubuntu again?10:13
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B0FHif i use this card10:14
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RayFredPipdj-fu, ah o : )10:14
Madpilotubotu, tell RayFredPip about yourself10:14
dj-fuB0FH, what games do you have in mind?10:14
RayFredPipdj-fu, haha ,I did not know that10:14
bliss1_Madpilot: hi10:14
PuMpErNiCkLeB0FH: depends on what you mean by 'shot'10:14
RayFredPipMadpilot, Hi10:14
PuMpErNiCkLeMadpilot: hi :D10:15
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Madpilothi all10:15
RayFredPipMadpilot, what did you told ubotu to do ?10:15
=== uscfan puts on a Madpilot mask
MadpilotRayFredPip, you should have gotten a pm from ubotu10:15
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RayFredPipMadpilot, madpilot wants you to know: Yep, that's me! I'm a bot alright.10:15
RayFredPipMadpilot, haha.it's funny10:16
bliss1_question about commom name in CA certs  the DNS name of your host what does this mean?10:16
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B0FHPuMpErNiCkLe, i mean the hardware is shot and i cannot for some reason use d3d or openGL withought x freezeing10:17
RayFredPipMadpilot, Ubotu is clever10:17
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AAAbliss1_  I believe that is the name of your trusted DNS server, to thwart DNS poising and such10:18
_itahi all .. can someone please help me find a description of all the "section names" in my repository .. like universe, backport and so on ?!10:18
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_ita(i searched wiki on (k)ubuntu but not very successful)10:19
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:19
Madpilot_ita, ^^^ first URL10:19
PuMpErNiCkLeB0FH: If it's a hardware issue, it's gone.  There's not much we can do about that. :/10:19
bliss1_AAA: so say I have a domain name aaa.net and the mx record is say mail then the commomname would be mail.aaa.net?10:20
B0FHPuMpErNiCkLe,  yea i just want to know if i should use the ati radeon 7000 i have to fix the issue i currently have an old video card in there10:20
PuMpErNiCkLeB0FH: (If it were a driver problem or something like that, there are fixes, but hardware breaks in a very one-way way.)10:20
B0FHi know >.<10:20
PuMpErNiCkLeB0FH: ah10:20
_itathank you10:21
PuMpErNiCkLeB0FH: Sure, go for it - it's gotta be better than a broken vid card.10:21
B0FHi am under the impression that the card is busted i have no other solution for the software thing10:21
B0FHok thank you10:21
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RayFredPipI need help10:21
RayFredPipI don't know how to use openQ10:22
AAAbliss1_  I know about . that much about ssl etal10:22
RayFredPipwho can help me to config it properly!10:22
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bliss1_AAA: its ok I think I worked it out just answering your question still sleepy10:22
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RayFredPipThe only problew is that I don't know the server's name of QQ which I will login10:23
bliss1_Frogzoo; how are thingsdown under?10:23
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B0FHdamn the wife won't let me use the radeon 7000 so now i am down to the last card a pci one that is an ati ragepro 4mb card :( i don't even know if i want to try it :(10:24
pkhI'm running dapper-6 and liferea doesn't show the details of a feed-item.  The feed is there, sometimes a logo appears, and opening the item in a new tab works, but the main display is pretty much blank -- anyone have an yideas what's wrong?10:25
Frogzoobliss1_: splendid per usual :D - how's tricks?10:25
Frogzoopkh: you might try #ubuntu+110:26
Madpilotpkh, try #ubuntu+1 for Dapper questions10:26
bliss1_Frogzoo; ok got sarge into qemu ok10:27
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Frogzoobliss1_: nice10:27
B0FHyea i have tryed  to figure out if it's a software problem but the more i look into it the less i think it is the computer has loaded the openGL module and the d3d stuff but the card just freezes pritty much when i try to use it10:27
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bliss1_Frogzoo; but I its not as spedy as I thought but its ok no kqemu you see10:28
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bliss1_Frogzoo: think my next plan is to try it with windows 2003 server see how that runs?10:29
nonix4Hmm... are /media/* things mounted on boot or on use? (some of the drives detected on installation are removable)10:29
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Frogzoobliss1_: you just run the install script for kqemu - it's relatively straight forward - it's the networking that's a pita10:29
AAAnonix4  it depends, your hard drives should mount at boot, you can check /etc/fstab for more info10:29
Frogzoononix4: /media is managed by hotplug - so usb/pcmcia etc10:30
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bliss1_Frogzoo: have networking brigde in place ran script got in modules but when you run qemu to install for example win 2003 server does kqenu kick in or do you have to invoke something on command line10:32
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jerryis there a good dvd player for linux? haveing serious problems with the ones im finding10:33
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Peciskjerry: mplayer, xmms10:33
Pecisksorry xine10:33
jerrytried xine wouldnt run the movie10:34
Peciskjerry: you need prioritary codecs to be installed10:34
Zero_Dayplaying dvds is illegal in some countries but a properly configured xine will10:34
jerrywell know were to get window codecs only been using ubuntu for a few days10:34
eliehello, If i mount a windows parition(NTFS) so that i can access it from ubuntu do i risk corrupting the partition if i only copy files from it ?10:34
jerryin the states10:35
ubotuw32codecs is, like, a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install10:35
Frogzoobliss1_: you need the kqemu module loaded - I just have a script to modprobe kqemu at boot10:35
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jerryand all original so no laws broken just got a huge monitor and like to watch a flick in bed10:35
Zero_Dayjerry go here http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu10:35
PuMpErNiCkLeelie: No.  NTFS is read only, so it won't change anything on the partition.10:35
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eliePumpernickle, Thanks10:36
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PuMpErNiCkLeelie: fwiw, ntfs write support is available with captive: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/10:36
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bliss1_Frogzoo: can you paste the script in a pastebin for me please10:36
jerryserious monitors only a few inches smaller then the tv kinda dont like to waste:)10:36
eliePumpernickle: I'll check that out10:37
bintuthello all..10:37
bintuti'm using 5.1010:37
Zero_Dayi hear ya jerry, everything will work if u follow all instructions there10:37
bintuti installed dvdrip10:37
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bintutbut when i launched dvdrip, it says that tools are not installed but they are.. like transcode, ImageMagick, xvid4conf, etc.10:38
jerryno prob gotten used to usein theterminal honestly isnt to far off old dos10:38
kyneshi.. I installed Ubuntu 5.10 and Alt-Gr key is not working10:38
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kyneshow can I fix this???10:38
eliePumpernickle: I just mounted it but this is what it says:"The folder contents could not be displayed."10:39
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bintuti installed some X apps but they don't appear in my gnome menu. why is that so? how can i add them automagically?10:39
PuMpErNiCkLeelie: Sounds like either a permission problem or an invalid path... it's been awhile since I had ntfs FS to deal with, so I'm not sure which.  I'll see if I can find a howto.10:40
thefishbintut: they may appear next time gnome/kde is started10:40
Zero_Daybintut u can add them manually or launch them from command line10:40
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eliePuMpErNiCkLe, http://www.ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs <-- this only says how10:40
bintutthefish: this is a laptop. i already shut this down many times from the time i installed dia, dvdrip, etc..10:41
Zero_Daybintut try this killall gnome-panel10:41
thefishbintut: then you will need to add the menu items manually10:41
bintutZero_Day: then?10:41
bintutthefish: there is no automagic?10:41
Zero_Dayyes its a manual add, or just add a launcher to the desktop manually10:42
thefishbintut: usually yes, but the package builder must do it10:42
bintutok guys.. thanks..10:42
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bintutbrb..  reboot10:42
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kynesplease help, alt-gr key (that worked with earlier Ubuntu distro) does not work now10:43
ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:43
Zero_Daythefish usually im a shorcut guy so tell me to hush if i give bad avice10:43
bliss1_Frogzoo; just seen this line at start up localhost kernel [4294739.209000]  KQEMU installed, max_instances=4 max_locked_mem=88856kB.10:43
attilacan anyone tell me where I can get emacs for gnome from?10:44
PuMpErNiCkLeelie: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions has some more info10:44
thefishattila: look for xemacs in apt?10:44
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attilathefish: "apt?"10:45
eliePuMpErNiCkLe: Thanks10:45
kingspawnattila: emacs21 .. but its not gnome-specific10:45
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Zero_Daysystem>administration>synaptic package manager .. check emacs10:45
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kingspawnattila: i didnt even know there was an emacs version for gnome10:45
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thefishits not for gnome, its for x, so it will run in kde and wm and blackbox and....10:46
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kingspawnthefish: yeah, that was what i was thinking he wanted10:46
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thefishkingspawn: its easy to think its for gnome if that is all you have used though ;)10:46
dave_cbcan anyone tell me how can i install another terminal besides the KONSOLE on KDE ?10:46
attilathx! :-)10:46
thenukedave_cb: with synaptic?10:47
dave_cbor apt-get10:47
thefishdave_cb: sudo apt-cache search terminal?10:47
dave_cbtks thefish10:47
thefishdave_cb: whats wrong with konsole?10:47
ompauldave_cb, stop using enter as a comma10:47
=== thefish loves the tabs
dave_cbim guessing that its getting me some troubles10:47
dave_cbwith some applications10:48
thefishaah, the plot thickens10:48
dave_cblike kate10:48
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.10:48
thefishits not10:48
aruncan anybody help me with mplayer in ubuntu10:48
thenukedave_cb: please. try, using, comma, ok :)10:48
thefishdave_cb: try to keep your sentances to a minimum of 2 words ;)10:48
uboturestrictedformats is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats10:48
kingspawnarun: ^^^10:48
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thefishdave_cb: what kind of problems do you have with those apps?10:49
Zero_Daymost basic questions can be resolved by visiting http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu10:49
dave_cbthis  kded: cannot connect to X server :0.010:49
thefishdave_cb: make sure you are not launching them sudo10:49
dave_cband No protocol specified10:49
Zero_Daysession is kde?10:50
ompauldave_cb, did you install kde using sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop? it balances things out a lot10:50
thefishits not the terminal app causing that10:50
dave_cbthefish:  im not im logging in as root on konsole10:50
thefishyou cant do that dave10:50
ompauldave_cb, well you should not do that10:50
arunkingspawn, hello kingspawn.. i m using mplayer and i need to get a screenshot of a video.. so i run and hit s but i m not sure how to access the image..10:50
ompaulthefish, did I meet you in the film 2001?10:50
dave_cbompaul nop i instaled a fresh copy of kubuntu10:50
bliss1_ompual: hi felling good!!10:50
kingspawnarun: it has probably been placed on your clipboard. get into an image program and just "paste"10:51
ompaulbliss1_, grey skies and light rain 9oC10:51
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thefishdave_cb: if you NEED to run X apps as root, use "kdesu {appname}"10:51
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arunkingspawn, i tried that but i dont get the image on the clipboard..10:52
bliss1_ompaul: i want to know how to become a channel op10:52
dave_cbso if i want to edit a file under the root login i should do kdesu kate .txtfile?10:52
thefishdave_cb: yeap10:52
dave_cbcool let me try10:52
thefishdave_cb: an even quicker way is: press ALT+F2, then type that in10:53
Madpilotbliss1_, trust me, only insane people volunteer to be #ubuntu ops :P10:53
ompaulbliss1_, step one become a ubuntereno10:53
Zero_Daybliss1_ yes its a magnet for unanswered questions10:53
dave_cbthefish:  doesn t work :(10:53
ompaulbliss1_, as in sign the CoC and post it on lp and set up a wiki page about yourself10:53
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thefishdave_cb: what error?10:53
bliss1_Madpilot:  i am insane10:53
dave_cbXlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server10:54
dave_cbXlib: No protocol specified10:54
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thefishdave_cb: you are still root10:54
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thefishclose konsole10:54
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ompaulbliss1_, not nearly mad enough do those steps first10:54
thefishpress ALT+F2, then in the box, type "kdesu kate /path/to/file"10:54
bliss1_ompaul: I have set up a wiki but its not about me10:55
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Madpilotbliss1_, OK, that's one qualification done - but see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMemberHowto for details10:55
dave_cbit worked10:55
dave_cbbut why do i get that error on konsole?10:55
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thefishbecause you are root, using a different number xserver10:56
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thefishthats what kdesu and gtksu (spelling) is for10:56
bliss1_ompaul; thanks10:56
dave_cbbut this only happens on kubuntu :(10:56
Madpilotdave_cb, lay off the Enter key, please...10:56
ompaulbliss1_, hey if you can you can10:56
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thefishdave_cb: it will happen on any X using distro10:56
bliss1_Madpilot: thanks10:56
MenZaWhat's the command to check your horiz/vertic refresh-rate again?10:57
Madpilotbliss1_, generally, you become an Ubuntu Member for non-IRC stuff, then get op'd here10:57
Madpilotbliss1_, or at least, not entirely for IRC stuff10:57
dave_cbwhat about if i use sudo instead of root login ?10:57
thefishdave_cb: probably the same error10:58
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thefishdave_cb: you *log in* as root?10:58
bliss1_ompaul: I assisted in the development of the mixminion project at university10:58
ploumAnyone has the previous version of the nvidia-glx package ?10:58
MenZaWhat's the command to check your horiz/vertic refresh-rate again?10:58
ploumthis one is verry buggy for me10:58
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dave_cbthefish no i  just log on on the console using "su" command"10:59
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bliss1_Frogzoo; did you see my post??10:59
thefishdave_cb: make sure you actually *need* to be root for that11:00
thefishdave_cb: you could also try out vi11:00
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thefishit takes a bit of time to get your head around, but you wont be sorry - almost any *nix box you use will have it11:00
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dave_cbwhat does vi stands for?11:00
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thefish"V"ery "I"ntense11:01
Madpilotdave_cb, Very Insane - it's a complex text editor - try nano11:01
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dave_cbbtw , im getting another problem on kubuntu , i cant play any cds on KDE i can play mp3s , system sounds work fine etc , but cds dont work11:02
dave_cbwhat could be causing this?11:02
taliosany postgres peeps around?  for some reason when I enable tcpip_sockets=true I'm getting a "Error: GUC variable stats_row_level must be enabled." error on startup - the postgresql.conf has that =true thou.  Google doesn't show anything up either.11:02
thebigearlhi guys11:02
ompaulvi - a text editor, initialism for visual, a command in the ex editor which helped users to switch to the visual mode from the ex mode.11:03
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pittitalios: weird11:04
pittitalios: do you have any other stats_* enabled?11:04
pittitalios: grep stats_ /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf11:04
taliospitti - theres 4 other settings, commented out.11:05
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vladuz976does anybody know much about routing tables? what does a mean?11:05
pittitalios: ok, that's the default11:05
pittivladuz976: defaultroute, i. e. the route that is used if no specialized one applies11:06
taliospitti - its a fresh install.  never seen this error before and can't see why its showing up when I enable sockets.  very weird.11:06
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vladuz976pitti: but it's listed under Destination and Gateway but in different line11:06
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pittitalios: hm, I activated tcpip_socket = true and didn't change any stats_* field here, works fine11:07
pittitalios: you are actually using 7.4, right?11:07
taliospitti, yep - breezy - as I say its odd.  never happened on any of my other breezy boxes11:08
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pittitalios: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/tmp/postgresql.conf11:09
pittitalios: please download that and do diff -u postgresql.conf /etc/postgresql/7.4/main/postgresql.conf11:09
Bambinocan someone please help me and tell me why my ./configure now is taking 1000 years? no matter what i configure, a small theme. takes 10 min! then it gives me an error something with qt-mt11:09
pittitalios: (assuming that you use the 'main' cluster and didn't create another one)11:10
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taliospitti, yep - mmm, different port (yours is on 5433) and en_NZ rather than de_DE11:11
pittithat shouldn't matter11:11
PuMpErNiCkLeBambino: Does the entire script run slowly, or does it freeze on one command?11:11
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BambinoPuMpErNiCkLe, Entire script11:11
BambinoPuMpErNiCkLe, between each row, it takes maybe 5seconds11:11
pittitalios: what does pg_lsclusters say?11:11
talios7.4     main      5432 online postgres /var/lib/postgresql/7.4/main       /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-7.4-main.log11:12
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pittitalios: so it's online?11:12
talioshrm, online?  i'm sure the init process said it failed. hrm11:12
PuMpErNiCkLeBambino: Are you running anything cpu-intensive in the background at the same time?11:12
pittitalios: sudo netstat -avpt |grep postmaster11:12
BambinoPuMpErNiCkLe, Nothing really. Only Xchat and that's everything I run. But it used to gbe sooooooo fast before11:12
taliosok - theres something listening.11:13
PuMpErNiCkLethat's odd11:13
pittitalios: ok, so it seems that the startup worked fine and it's just the init script that freaked out for some reason11:13
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pittitalios: can you please file a bug against postgresql-7.4 and include /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-7.4-main.log (please check that it's reasonably small) and the output of sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-7.4 restart ?11:14
taliosjust in launchpad?11:14
pittitalios: if the log file is too big, then please stop postgresql, temporarily move the log file away and start/stop it11:14
PuMpErNiCkLeBambino: It may be a problem with autoconf.  Are you using version 2.57?11:14
pittitalios: yes, that'll be fine11:15
=== talios heads off ;)
pittitalios: thanks11:15
magical_trevskydoes anyone have any experience with this -> http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/ASIN/B0006374PK/ref=br_lf_ce_0/203-8655421-1286317 and ubuntu?11:15
magical_trevsky(Belkin 802.11g Wireless G USB Network Adapter)11:15
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sophtpawwhere does one download Dapper Duck?11:17
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sophtpawis Dapper Duck downloadable yet?11:17
Daveysophtpaw: #ubuntu+111:17
Davey!tell sophtpaw about upgrade11:17
sophtpawoh, ok..11:17
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:18
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sophtpawDavey: don't wanna upgrade distro. I wanna keep Breezy and install Dapper on partition11:18
taliospitti, mmm, I see only postgresql 8.0 and current are listed as versions.11:18
magical_trevskysophtpaw, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-6/11:18
Daveysophtpaw: Then you need to grab the flight 6 CD ^^11:18
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Daveysophtpaw: or if you don't feel like doing that, install breezy again and upgrade ;)11:19
pittitalios: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-7.4 -> it's there :)11:19
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Daveybut from experience, it'll be just as quick, if not quicker to use the CD :)11:19
bliss1_hi again11:19
sophtpawso it is not strictly speaking and correctly speaking called 6.04; 6.06?11:19
taliosaha :)  I was just looking at "postgresql" :)11:19
Daveysophtpaw: it's going to be 6.10 I believe11:20
MenZaHow do you change charset?11:20
bliss1_this file I started withsudo so it only be accessed by root what is the command line to remove root privliages from this file ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem11:21
sophtpawDavey: What?! it is now aiming for release in October?11:22
DaveyOctober? I thought July11:22
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MenZaI thought June :S11:22
DaveyJune, rather :)11:22
MenZaSo. Did anyone know how to change charsets?11:22
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ompaulsophtpaw, it will be 6.0611:22
B0FHcan anyone tell me how to get old nvidia drivers outta the repos?11:22
sophtpawDavey: right, that is what i heard too. so that would be 6.0611:22
sophtpawompaul: lol, thx! that is what i had said11:23
ompaulsophtpaw, year six month June, day 111:23
Daveyoh, that's right, the second number is the month. :)11:23
sophtpawDoes it make a difference upgrading to Dapper from Breezy or installing fresh from 6.06 flight cd?11:23
bliss1_ompaul: any ideas about my post above11:23
MenZasophtpaw: umm. nope.11:23
Sonderbladewhat do i need to install to be able to play .xm files?11:23
MenZaExcept you have to do a dist-upgrade.11:24
eliedoes Xmms support Mpeg? because i just tried an mpeg video and it didnt work11:24
MenZaJust change your breezy to dapper in your sources.list and do a dist-upgrade. That's the easiest way.11:24
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B0FHis there away to get older nvidia-glx drivers from the repos11:24
thebigearlelie: use vlc for mpeg11:24
sophtpawMenZa: so, i'm just being superstitious. Easier to reinstall Breezy on partition and do the upgrade then (no need to download flight cd as i am just now)11:25
eliethebigearl: ok I will download it, thanks11:25
MenZasophtpaw: correct.11:25
thebigearlB0FH you could probably gget them from www.nvidia.com11:25
B0FHthey won't install11:25
MenZaI don't see what the difference should be; you'll have to do a dist-upgrade once it's installed anyway (if you install from CD)11:25
thebigearlelie np11:25
sophtpawok, thx!11:25
thebigearlB0FH why not?11:25
B0FHi have tryed to install them and there is something that they do not like with the k7 kernal there dosen't seem to be a gcc thing that it dosen't like11:26
elieBOFH: why would u need old drivers?11:26
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thebigearlB0FH you have to shut down the X-Server to install that driver11:26
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B0FHthis is why i cannot use the current drivers http://pastebin.com/65310811:27
rasputnik /quit11:27
thebigearlB0FH: is gcc istalled correctly11:27
B0FHand i did i followed the nvidia how to on the ubuntu forums11:27
B0FHit was all 3 times to my knoledge11:27
B0FHknowledge even11:27
B0FHi even tryed to do it from the new install11:28
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thebigearlwait a moment11:28
B0FHi have tryed to figure out this on my own but now i am stumped as i cannot play any games without the drivers for this card11:29
B0FHi had to swap my otherone out this morning as it died11:29
thebigearlB0FH thats correct11:29
thebigearlbut i am sorry, i cannot help you in this matter11:30
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thebigearli have no idea what is wrong with your computer11:30
B0FHniether do i11:30
thebigearlsounds quite strane11:31
taliospitti, added it as https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/postgresql-7.4/+bug/3911011:31
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tonyyarussoMy IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad runs pretty warm - 59C atm.  Why?11:38
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toxic_Upon booting ubuntu, is x started before while being at the logon screen ? Is that when .XSession and .profile is being run ?11:41
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pittitalios: thanks11:42
eth42why are there no info pages in Gnome Help? (breezy)11:42
eth42do I have to install them?11:42
=== nonix4 looks at toxic_, confused how ppl can get so confused
tonyyarussoHow to make irssi ignore join/part messages?11:43
ompaultoxic_, it g/k/xdm waits for you to give a username/password then if your credentials are okay it runs these, .profile also works on a (cli) terminal11:43
domsdo i nid to install clamav for my breezy wat is the frond-en name or graphical package for clamav11:44
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toxic_ompaul, yeah that's what I though, however those aren't executed as I log in to fluxbox strangely enough11:44
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ompaultoxic_, xinit?11:45
toxic_ompaul, hmm, haven't tried that one11:45
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ompaultoxic_, each wm or enviroment has its own "friends"11:45
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_Raptor_I got ubuntu on a laptop, and the laptop has a IR device, however, I can't seem to get it to work. Is tehre some extra packages that needs to be installed, or are there some way to activate it as it stands right now?11:45
toxic_ompaul, yes I know, but it must be some way I can set the path every time I log in to fluxbox11:46
ompaul_Raptor_, LIRC11:46
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, George00711:46
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ompaulGeorge007, just check out sftp comes with ssh11:46
George007a server called sftp?11:46
bliss1_ompaul :this file I started withsudo so it only be accessed by root what is the command line to remove root privliages from this file ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem whats is the chown line and chmod?11:47
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_Raptor_ompaul, thanks =)11:47
nonix4George007: no, sftp doesn't really have a server of its own - instead it tunnels through sshd in a way :-)11:47
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George007I got no idea what u guys are talking about.........11:47
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, George00711:47
ubotuGeorge007: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:48
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ubotu[ssh]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH11:48
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ompaulbliss1_, chown username:username -R /demoCA/   if you want to transfer ownership11:49
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=== MenZa removes /dev/cdrom from repositories: die!
ompaulbliss1_, chmod is rwx permissions11:49
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ompaulMenZa, a bit harsh11:50
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ompaulGeorge007, no it is a function of ssh for secure FTP11:50
MenZaompaul: sometimes to progress, one must use violence.11:50
=== ompaul kills MenZa on the spot, we will have no violence here thank you :-)
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MenZaIt's like a saying we have around here: "Stop violence or we'll f**k you up!"11:51
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George007ompaul, all am trying to do is make an ftp server, that can be accessible by any OS (windows/linux) on my LAN... if whatever ur suggesting does this, then should I uninstall vsftpd? if so, will the ppl who want to connect be able to login through ftp clients?11:52
_itadebian (linux?!) uses /etc/fstabs for mounts .. is there a way to call another file from /etc/fstab to bring structure in my mounts .. id like to have a fstab.intra and fstab.lan and so on ... or do i have to place all mounts into that one file ?11:52
northieif i use nautilus as root and delete something, in what trashcan does that file end up? i haven't gotten any free space.11:53
ompaulGeorge007, do this on the command line: apt-cache search ftpd : it will tell you what ftp servers you have available to you11:53
bliss1_ompaul so chown bliss1:bliss1 -R ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem and chmod (some number for bliss1?) ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem11:53
ompaulbliss1_, -R is recursive i.e. all directories below that level11:53
Madpilotnorthie, / might have it's own trashcan (I think, not sure)11:53
ompaulGeorge007, I also suggest you make universe available if you have not done so already11:54
George007ompaul, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1202511:54
ompaulGeorge007, /msg ubotu universe if you want to know more11:54
George007I have many universes installed11:54
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George007in the servers.lst or whatever it is11:54
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johnnybezakhey guys I've got an external dvd burner that I'm connecting to my computer via Firewire, what should I do to set it up?11:55
MenZa...how do I navigate the file browser (which is used to open- and save files) to a .directory ?11:55
Madpilotjohnnybezak, is it being picked up automatically? (just drop a CD into it and see)11:55
ompaulGeorge007, yeap, choose one that suits your needs from that list, then if there is a security issue it should be looked after by the disto with an update, if you go outside that list then you have to maintain the security yourself11:55
bliss1_ompual: chmod 777 ./demoCA/?11:55
MenZaI want to access ~/home/menza/.icons/11:55
MadpilotMenZa, Ctrl+H shows & hides the .directories11:56
MenZaMadpilot: thank you :)11:56
ompaulbliss1_, you don't need to change the permissions just the ownership11:56
George007ompaul,  I installed vsftpd a couple of days ago..... it's in that list11:56
MenZaMadpilot: Hmm.. not in the file browser.11:56
bliss1_ompaul: ok thanks11:56
johnnybezakMadpilot: nah it's not11:57
ompaulGeorge007, ahh so it is :-) then it should be up and running, when you install a server in ubuntu in 99% of cases it is running11:57
MenZaMadpilot: http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/3944/screenshotselectcustomicon5vz.png <- that's where I want to view my .folders.11:57
George007it is running ompaul they can access it, but I no shit about it... I already made a user/password, am trying to just assign a folder to them... coz they can see basically everything... from my root drive... I want them to see just the folder of their user: /home/friends and I want them to be able to upload/delete files from there11:58
mokopilaheya, since I have windows xp installed on my desktop paralell to ubuntu id like to use it as a data recovery OS incase I lose my windows, but I cant access the drives I partitiond for windows. "help"11:58
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MenZa!tell mokopila about ntfs11:59
MadpilotMenZa, right-click in the file display, you should get a "show hidden" option11:59
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MenZaMadpilot: sweet, thanks :)11:59
ompaulGeorge007, first, language is not needed, I have not got it installed but if you give me a few minutes I can most likely give you a clue11:59
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MenZaMadpilot: is it possible to view thumbnails there?12:00
patrick52222i just downloaded totem-xine   but i cant find it to run it12:00
mokopilado you mean ubuntu does not support ntfs?12:00
MadpilotMenZa, not sure12:00
George007ompaul,  lol ?? language? well I meant: "I know nothing about it" there we go.. no more language =) and alright.. I'll wait for u!!12:00
MenZamokopila: no, read. You can mount and view the partition.12:00
Madpilotmokopila, read the pm you got sent - you can't write to NTFS, that's the only limitation12:01
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MenZaMadpilot: in Dapper you can ;)12:01
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patrick52222i just downloaded totem-xine   but i cant find it to run it, please help me if you can12:02
mokopilabut I can read fat12:02
MadpilotMenZa, do what? NTFS write, or see icons?12:02
MenZaMadpilot: NTFS write :)12:02
MenZaStill unstable, but enabled.12:02
Madpilotpatrick52222, totem-xine just replaces your totem menu entry - looks the same, but different backend stuff12:02
ompaulGeorge007, so you need to edit this file: /etc/vsftpd.conf12:02
George007yup... I am already in it, but I donno what to edit...12:02
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ompaulGeorge007, it appears you need to do something here >> You may specify an explicit list of local users to chroot() to their home12:04
ompaul# directory. << phone call biab12:04
carmen#login aim12:04
ompaulGeorge007, meeting got to go12:04
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George007ompaul, alright man, thx12:04
pappanbug 3326512:05
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johnnybezakhey guys, I'm still trying to work out this firewire drive. Is there anyway for me to test to see if Linux sees the drive at all, like an "lspci" but for firewire?12:09
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domshow can i update clamav12:10
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MenZaMadpilot: thanks mate :)12:10
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domshow can i use update in clamav anti-virus in my root terminal what is the command line12:11
_ClouD_ola tengo un problema con el ubuntu12:11
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ubotuhmm... se is Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se12:12
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:12
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boyan_hi !12:12
_ClouD_thanks ubotu12:13
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MartiiniWhich should I use and why - Adept vs. Synaptic vs. kpackage vs. aptitude ... Any thoughts?12:16
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Killgorehow to start things on boot up? ie vnc12:16
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MadpilotMartiini, which desktop are you using? KDE/Kubuntu?12:17
Martiiniadept is installed by default - never seen this thing before12:17
Killgoredoes XGL/compiz run on breezy?12:17
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tonyyarussoKillgore: No.12:18
farishussainHi, can anyone tell me where to start @ to install .avi codecs for totem?12:18
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MenZa!tell farishussain about restrictedformats12:18
Killgorefarishussain: get easyubuntu12:18
mokopilasince I have xp on may ps too, I chose theos I whant to start. The default is ubuntu, can I change that?12:18
Killgore!tell farishussain about easyubuntu12:19
MenZa!tell mokopila about grub12:19
MenZaI think there's a little guide to doing it there.12:19
munzirHi, I can't browse any site using lynx, I got: HTTP request sent; waiting for response. Alert!: Unexpected network read error; connection aborted.12:19
munzirCan't Access `http://linux.org/'12:19
munzirAlert!: Unable to access document.12:19
Jhairfarishussain: totem-xine? or totem with gstreamer?12:19
munzirany idea?12:19
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munziror hint? ;)12:19
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farishussainthanks Killgore , I will look @ that.12:20
Killgorefarishussain: its a really handy tool12:20
skoldhi i have a problem: I wanna add aplications but when i start the add aplication programm a message appers: Unable to get exclusive lock  what i can do?12:20
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farishussainJhair, I just installed ubunto and metting used to it =)12:20
MenZa!tell me about easyubuntu12:20
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thebigearlmunzir which browser ?12:20
ubushineskold, more info. are you using apt-get or synaptic or both?12:20
tonyyarussoskold: Close Synaptic.12:20
Killgorei can rearange my panels however i want12:21
Killgorebtw are there better panels i can get?12:21
skoldi dont have any update program open12:21
munzirthebigearl: lynx12:21
mokopilathx people12:21
ubushineskold, oh yes you do12:21
thebigearltieed firefox opera etc?12:21
skoldno this happens even when i restart12:22
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thebigearlmunzir or have you tried to ping the site?12:22
domsi try to open my charachter in the website of intro.frienzmu.org i cant open it12:22
MenZaWow. Easyubuntu really is sweet.12:23
MadpilotKillgore, there's lots of stuff to add the panels - try right-clicking on the panels and exploring a bit12:23
domseasyubuntu detecting my nvidia12:23
domsoo it will crash12:23
KillgoreMadpilot: is there any other software i can install to add more things to the panels, or make panels like on OSX for example12:23
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MadpilotKillgore, there's "gdesklets" that live on your desktop - try installing 'gdesklets' and 'gdesklets-data'12:24
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MadpilotI've never actually used the gdesklets, the regular Gnome panel applets do enough for me12:24
Killgorewhat kind of things do they add?12:25
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Killgoreid also like a nice media player with a music database/playlists etc12:26
Madpilotall sorts of eyecandy/info stuff - fancy activity (HDD, CPU, etc) displays, weather, whatever12:26
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MadpilotKillgore, Rhythymbox or Muine12:27
thebigearlKillgore you are searching for amarok12:27
KillgoreamoraK, banshee those sorts of things12:27
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Killgoreis it amorok or ak12:27
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munzirthebigearl: yes it pings properly12:27
MenZaSweet. Mark replied to my e-mail.12:27
Madpilothmm, the gdesklets website seems to be down... :(12:27
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MadpilotMenZa, Shuttleworth?12:28
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thebigearli do not have any problems with that site using opera12:28
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MenZaMadpilot: Yup.12:28
Apostle^MenZa: what was your email about12:28
MenZaApostle^: mailed a simple request to him, as suggested in a forum request12:28
MenZa(adding "reinstall" to apt-get so you don't have to do sudo apt-get install --reinstall package)12:29
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Madpilotthere was a forum thread that said "mailbomb SABDFL"? ;)12:29
MenZaMadpilot: :D12:29
nonix4Argh. At first reboot ubuntu ejected the cdrom, sure. But since then it has been trying to eject it all the time. It simply refuses to keep the damn cdrom door closed, whether there is a cdrom in or not :-(12:29
kenthow do I make my home-folder not readabel by other users on the system?12:31
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MenZa..how do I set a bug as a future request on launchpad?12:32
bliss1_ompual: no not a op just at moment ok12:33
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bliss1_ompaul; I would kick the nick out who said the s or f or b word12:34
PupenoIs there any application to translate from one language to another (ala babelfish) ?12:34
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farishussainI'm trying to get the universe and multiverse repositories working, but there seems to be an error in connecting to the ubuntu database to update them, any ideas?12:35
MenZawordtrans, Pupeno (apt-cache search)12:35
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George007# Please read the vsftpd.conf.5 manual page to get a full idea of vsftpd's <--- where can I find that file?12:35
MenZaGeorge007: tried using locate?12:35
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George007just did MenZa it's .5.gz12:35
Killgorewhen i get amarok do i need the gstreamer or xine engines if i have them already?12:35
PupenoMenZa: thanks.12:36
MenZaPupeno: np.12:36
MenZaI just attempted to install it, seems a bit weir.12:37
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domsis it true that desklets is cool12:37
MenZadoms: very much so.12:37
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kbrooksdoms: subjective12:37
MenZadoms: sudo apt-get install gdesklets && sudo apt-get install gdesklets-data12:37
domsok wait i install it12:37
MenZaTo get a load of additional desklets.12:38
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domsthats the gdesklets-data12:38
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gerhardgood morning12:39
domsoo its evening here12:39
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MenZaMorning gerhard12:40
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simian__suddenly quake 4 has started loading in a really small display12:40
simian__it is only using half of my screen12:40
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Killgorehey can i choose between gstreamer and xine fot amarok???12:41
athlonis it possible to use amarok's global shortcut keys in GNOME ?12:41
athlonthat is without using external programs like xbindkeys et.al.12:41
johnnybezakhey guys I've got an external firewire dvd burner and I'm pretty sure that it is recognized by linux, I just don't think that my user has access to it, how can I find out what file it is in /dev so I can check the permissions?12:42
tonyyarussoThat was odd...closing Firefox made my Xorg memory usage drop by 45%.12:42
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kbrookstonyyarusso: dillo?12:43
IcHxanyone in US ???12:43
tonyyarussokbrooks: No.12:43
kbrookstonyyarusso: how can I find out my Xorg memory usage?12:43
Killgorelol dillo is awesome12:43
kbrookstonyyarusso: "have you used dillo?"12:44
tonyyarussokbrooks: Applications > System Tools > System Monitor.12:44
tonyyarussokbrooks: Ah, yes, but not much.  Only for testing purposes while filling my webmaster role.12:44
kbrookstonyyarusso: "filling"?12:44
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tonyyarussokbrooks: Don't question the word choice of a man who hasn't slept.12:45
kbrookstonyyarusso: um.12:45
tombshi all12:45
kbrookstonyyarusso: what implies that I know you havent slept?12:45
tonyyarussokbrooks: Telepathy ;)12:46
Killgoreif i uncheck the gstreamer engine for amarok and tick the box for xine will that work???12:46
kbrookstonyyarusso: self.human.can_telepathize # False12:46
domsi dont now how to use gdesklet12:46
kbrooksgo on, try to make me use telepathy, tonyyarusso :)12:47
MenZadoms: type gdesklets in a terminal12:47
MistaEDhey what is the most stable 2d-based compositor out there? i know of kwin and xcompmgr, any others?12:47
domsyes i open my graphical of gesklet but i dont nu12:47
tonyyarussokbrooks: Well aren't you just incorrigible today.12:47
MenZadoms: select a desklet and choose file -> run selected desklet12:47
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kbrooksarent system monitors inaccurate by design?12:48
RomanKhi all!12:48
tonyyarussokbrooks: I'm thinking of a number between 1 and the number of people who use Ubuntu.  You have 3 guesses.12:48
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kbrookstonyyarusso: I *do* use Ubuntu12:48
RomanKi just changed from kde to gnome, but now i'm facing something strange: the screensaver starts, even if totem is playing a movie... that's not the way it was in KDE... some idea anyone?12:48
tonyyarussokbrooks: Um, yeah, so?12:48
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nonix4Argh. /var/log/base-config-pkgsel.log is not supposed to be 800 megabytes, right?12:49
thebigearlRomanK swich the screensaver off12:49
domshow can i remove desklet in my desktop is something i installing a toolbar12:49
holden_i've a question: i just upgraded to 5.10 and basically my cpu hasn't climbed down from 100% since. has anyone else had this problem with breezy?12:50
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RomanKthebigearl: hm... but i'd like to have a screensaver... especially because of the screen-locking12:50
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thebigearlwhich video-player do you use ?12:51
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bliss1_how come I can cd into say ./demo or .demo but cannot see the file or directory with Natulis?12:51
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RomanKthebigearl: totem12:52
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KillgoreRomanK: disable the screensaver in totem12:52
thebigearlRomanK did you use that program either when you were using KDE ?12:52
kbrooksarent system monitors inaccurate by design?12:52
KillgoreRomanK: im pretty syre there is an option to stop the screensaver coming up12:52
RomanKthebigearl: yes12:52
RomanKKillgore: haven't seen one12:53
Blippebliss1_, cause the dot makes it hidden. Activate "show hidden files"12:53
bliss1_Blippe: how to activate please Blippe12:53
thebigearlRomanK i know that kaffeine has a ption wich pretends to press a key when you are wtaching a video12:53
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thebigearlso your screensaver does not start12:54
Blippein nautilus menu: View  - show hidden files12:54
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bliss1_Blippe ; is it in natulis go to view and click on show hidden files12:55
Killgorei need advice on amarok12:55
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Blippebliss1_, yes, in the menu on top!12:56
domshow i can remove a psi-page in gdesklet12:56
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domsit seems its annoying my desktop12:56
ssanchezk tal12:56
ulphI reported this last week https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/klibc/+bug/3752812:57
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kbrookscan i reduce a processes' priority12:57
kbrookslike... like.. . uh12:57
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snowblinkkbrooks, renice12:57
nonix4That 800 megabytes contains about a million complaints that language-pack-en is untrusted; should it be installed or not? (input seems to be redirected to /dev/null)12:58
ulphIt is pretty critical since it may render the system unusable, should I do something else to attract the attention of the ubuntu developers? It really needs a fix.12:58
boyeestudiohow to automaticly mount the windows partition while start my ubuntu?12:58
thebigearlkbrooks try top in the console12:58
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thebigearlboyeestudio /etc/fstab12:58
johnnybezakhey guys I'm having trouble installing an external firewire drive and I'm not having much luck. I think that it is being recognised but I'm not really sure. Anyone got any ideas?12:59
Killgorekbrooks: you want to reduce the priority?12:59
domsis their anybody here know a favorite music online so i can enter location in my rythymbox12:59
ulphAlso the fix is trivial, i.e. just removing the minix code in fstype.12:59
seliniumHi all, anyone aware of a Mechwarrior type game on Linux?01:00
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bliss1_Blippe; so you have to that eveytime you open up natulis?01:02
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=== nonix4 's experience w/ ubuntu so far has been worse than w/ any other distro (dunno-remember-what, slackware, redhat, debian, suse, knoppix) - why do ppl tell ubuntu is great?
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tonyyarussononix4: What's been the problem?  Seems great to me.01:03
Killgoreyeah same01:03
nonix4tonyyarusso: I've never got it even install successfully, on any of the three computers around01:03
kbrooksnonix4: what is the PROBLEM?01:03
pr0tComo es jag heter bengt01:03
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eggzecknonix4, huh? Ubuntu IS great01:03
waylandbillHello, I have a system with Kubuntu 5.04, can that be updated to Ubuntu 5.10 without starting from scratch? I prefer to use Gnome.01:03
nonix4kbrooks: language-pack-en untrusted, infinite loop in install01:03
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kbrooksnonix4: well, it CLEARLY works for the rest of US01:03
tonyyarussononix4: With checking md5s and such on the install media, I assume?01:03
tonyyarussokbrooks: Now, now, let's not be rude.01:04
Killgorenonix4: try another cd or burn it on a different computer01:04
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eggzeckwaylandbill, yes01:04
nonix4Killgore: whatever was shipped in mail...01:04
kbrookswaylandbill: yes...01:04
tonyyarussowaylandbill: Yes - see bot pm.01:04
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Killgorenonix4: did you run the cd check from the install menu?01:04
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tonyyarussoKillgore: (How do you do that anyway, btw?)01:05
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nonix4Killgore: Not yet... and for now the install is frozen and I'm wondering what to do with it - is there a way to resume the installation easily?01:06
Killgoretonyyarusso: just hit esc anywhere in the installer. Then you can skip steps or go back a step or to01:06
Killgorenonix4: reboot?01:06
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waylandbilltonyyarusso: looks pretty straightforward... thanks...01:06
tonyyarussoKillgore: I mean, where is the check?  (I don't remember the process too well)01:06
nonix4Killgore: Is it supposed to access the cd after the first reboot?01:06
tonyyarussowaylandbill: np - enjoy Breezy.01:06
domswhat do you mean a controls in gdesklets beside the display tab01:06
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Killgoretonyyarusso: like after you choose the language then you can hit esc01:07
domswhat do you mean a controls in gdesklets beside the display tab01:07
tonyyarussoKillgore: And then...?01:07
Smerityis there any way to easily manage samba share folders without editing smb.conf manually?01:07
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Killgoretonyyarusso: scroll down way to the end of the list01:07
cakehey guys, i followed a thread on the forum to install xgl/compiz which made an option in gdm so i can choose from gdm if i want to start regular x og xgl, now i cant find the thread again and im unsure where the settings are, any help on this?01:07
tonyyarussoKillgore: Ah.01:08
cakeaparently i need to modify some settings when i load xgl in order to kill a certain bug01:08
tonyyarussocake: Try in #ubuntu-xgl01:08
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caketonyyarusso: oki thx01:08
Killgorenonix4: no its not because it copys the packages to the hd01:08
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nonix4Hmm, md5sum for the entire cdrom is running at 1100kB/s on another computer01:09
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nonix4Killgore: another problem is that it refuses to use the cdrom at all after the initial reboot01:09
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GotUbuntuedI'm have problems with firefox. When viewing certain sites it just shuts down. Any clue why?01:10
nonix4Killgore: if I prevent the tray from coming out the kernel complains it can't eject; there's no way for me to convince it to actually read a cdrom in that partially installed ubuntu01:10
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nandemonaiOk I have a big problem.. For some reason on my amd64 system, the /var/log/base-config-pkgsel.log file is 13 gig and growing..01:11
nonix4Killgore: ok, then I can take an md5sum of the broken pkg :-)01:11
nandemonaiAny ideas?01:11
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skurlatbonjour a tous01:12
MenZaI - like a gazillion others - can't get sound working in Enemy Territory. Can anyone help me set this up?01:12
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:12
MartiiniThere's been a strange thing with my box since I bought it - All movement on the screen creates noice and buzzing in headphones (like in movies when something is downloading or whatever)01:13
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boyeestudiohow to install eclipse in ubuntu?01:16
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nandemonaiSo no-one knows why my base-config-pkgsel.log file is going crazy? Is it safe to delete?01:16
boyeestudioI use sudo apt-get install eclipse,but get none!01:16
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tonyyarussonandemonai: I would be doubtful that it's safe...might want to stick around a while and keep asking.01:17
nandemonaihmm was what I was thinking..01:17
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boyeestudiohelp me please!01:18
nandemonaiSeems fine and small (220kish) on the other machines here.. just this 64 machine has this issue it seems..01:18
nandemonaiboyeestudio: Did the apt install succeed?01:18
tonyyarussoboyeestudio: Try with search.  There's a bunch of sub package names, eclipse-<stuff>.01:18
fly-awayDapper Drake is coming soon01:18
toxic_Why doesn't this add something to the log: [ tail -f /var/log/auth.log -n 12 | grep ssh --line-buffered | cut -b 39- > text.log ]  when I get the output printed on stdout if I remove the last "> text.log"01:18
boyeestudioI get none of eclipse!01:18
ubotuto install eclipse please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EclipseIDE01:18
tonyyarussoboyeestudio: You need to install universe maybe?01:19
boyeestudioI have install the universe!01:19
nandemonaiSay, isnt there a Ubuntu64 channel?01:19
nonix4Is that .deb (language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb) supposed to be 3828 bytes long, w/ md5sum staring by 745f?01:19
boyeestudioHow to search in the universe?I am new to ubuntu!01:19
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nonix4nandemonai: I have the same problem...01:20
MenZa!tell boyeestudio about eclipse01:20
GotUbuntuedI'm have problems with firefox. When viewing certain sites it just shuts down. Any clue why?01:20
nandemonaiHow to search the universe.. classic.. You need to modify you /etc/apt/sources.list01:20
eggzeckboyeestudio, eclipse-rcp maybe?01:20
nonix4nandemonai: mine is 800 megs, filling all available space01:20
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eggzeckboyeestudio, apt-cache search eclipse01:21
nandemonainonix4: Ahh yes not good huh.. my drive is almost full atm.. 13gig and climbing..01:21
=== tonyyarusso runs to tell NASA about apt-cache search - it will revolutionize the program!
mithrohow do i log a patch against a package which fixes a bug?01:22
MenZaSo.. can anyone help me with sound issues in Enemy Territory?01:22
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nonix4nandemonai: what does your logfile contain? Mine has an infinite-loop complaining about language-pack-en01:22
nandemonaiI havnt tried to read it..01:22
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nandemonaiHaving problems on my other machine as well at the moment and cant get to gui.. :(01:23
nandemonaiTrying to fix that first before moving onto this log issue..01:23
boyeestudiothank all,I have got it now!01:23
eggzeckyou're welcome :)01:23
nandemonaiback soon..01:23
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devcondoes anyone of you know how long it takes to compile the linux-kernel for ubuntu 5.1001:25
Smeritydoes anyone know a program to set up samba shares without editing /etc/samba/smb.conf manually?01:25
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nonix45.10 install cdrom md5sum: 0e9b08403c25e70e09880fb49726f55101:26
nonix4Good or bad?01:26
toxic_Why doesn't this add something to the log: [ tail -f /var/log/auth.log -n 12 | grep ssh --line-buffered | cut -b 39- > text.log ]  when I get the output printed on stdout if I remove the last "> text.log"01:26
Smeritydevcon, I'd assume the same general time it takes to compile the Linux kernel in general. Used to be about two or three minutes on Gentoo01:26
fly-awaywhen do ubuntu 6.04 is out?01:26
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)01:26
gravesoni have 4 GB memory but ubuntu is only seeing 3GB via top ,is this normal and how do i fix this .also what is th recommendation as far as swap is concerned01:26
bimberiSmerity: System -> Administration -> Shared Folders ?01:26
devconSmerity, I'm compiling the kernel for over 20 minutes now01:26
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holden_i've a question: i just upgraded to 5.10 and basically my cpu hasn't climbed down from 100% since. has anyone else had this problem with breezy?01:27
Smeritybimberi - awesome! thanks! <only been using Gnome like 2 days>01:27
bimberiSmerity: yw :)01:27
Smeritydevcon, maybe that's the first time... I know that in general that it was 2-3 minutes, but with compiling it only compiles changed files ...01:27
GotUbuntuedWhen viewing certain sites firefox just shuts down. Any clue why?01:28
Killgoregraveson: i dont think u will need any swap01:28
Smeritydevcon, my suggestion, wait it out if possible01:28
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devconSmerity, that is what I'm doing at the moment :) its just for interest01:28
ESPOiGwat can i do to get more (add to panel thingos)01:28
gravesonkillgore: i know in another flavour of unix the recommendation is 2x memory. do you know why i am only seeing 3gb01:28
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devconGotUbuntued, on the ubunut website is a good example how to tune your mozilla/firefox browser01:29
_nightw0lfhey, I'm connected to my friend pc trough ssh, he doesnt know his root password where he should look for it?01:30
devconGotUbuntued, and it works ;)01:30
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GotUbuntueddevcon, : Do you have the link?01:30
boyeestudioany channel discus the python?01:30
devconGotUbuntued emm unfortunately not at the moment but i can get it01:30
Killgoregraveson: im not sure y it would only see 3gb of memory but with that 2x reccomendation is meant for ppl with lik 128mb o ram01:31
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GotUbuntueddevcon, : please do. I'm having big trouble with firefox. Can't seem to find whats making it crash. Thinking about flash01:31
_nightw0lfsomeone knows how to switch windows on irssi?01:32
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inazadAnyone jnow the gDesklets ?01:32
devconGotUbuntued, i only found one in the german version of ubuntu help but i think the important things are understandable01:32
pr0tGotUbuntued: try asking in #firefox or #mozilla or something like that01:32
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sophtpawrunning gnomebaker for the first time. Want to burn Dapper flight iso. Do i click on 'All files' or just 'CD image files' to burn bootable iso to cd, please?01:33
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GotUbuntueddevcon, : tnx anyway01:33
GotUbuntuedpr0t, : :D01:33
nandemonaiOk, problem one down.. Now onto this logs file..01:33
inazadI want some help about gDesklets .. .??01:33
devconGotUbuntued : http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Firefox/Tuning?highlight=%28tunen%29%7C%28firefox%2901:33
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devconGotUbuntued, if you are having problems you can ask me01:33
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nandemonaiWho was the person having the same issue with the base-config-pkgsel.log file being huge? Is it a 64bit system?01:34
inazad!wiki gdesklets01:34
sophtpawanyone here know the answer to my above question regarding gnomebaker, please?01:34
GotUbuntueddevcon, : it's just when i view a webpage and firefox just shuts down. But not all sites. I know this sites has flash ads01:34
sophtpaw: /01:34
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graabeindoes anyone know what script file i have to edit to load stuff when i start openbox from gdm?01:35
devconGotUbuntued, what about your security settings? maybe there is the error?01:35
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toxic_Why doesn't this add something to the log: [ tail -f /var/log/auth.log -n 12 | grep ssh --line-buffered | cut -b 39- > text.log ]  when I get the output printed on stdout if I remove the last "> text.log"01:35
inazadI want some help about gDesklets .. .??01:35
GotUbuntueddevcon, : Don't know...can't view the site www.vg.no01:36
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gravesonhow can i find out what version of the ati driver i have installed ?01:36
nonix4Killgore: A second cdrom got the exactly same md5sum... on two different computers.01:36
GotUbuntueddevcon, : It's in norwegian, but still you can see the ads there in flash.... maybe thats why it crashes?01:36
devconGotUbuntued, i think so01:37
GotUbuntueddevcon, : so how do I reinstall the flash plugins?01:37
devconGotUbuntued, the flash is not very difficulted to install01:37
nandemonaihmm.. ok I'll ask again. Anyone know why my /var/log/base-config-pkgsel.log file would be 13gig and rising?01:37
GotUbuntueddevcon, : I've been able to see the site before, but now it just crashes. It's after I made java enabled with firefox01:38
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nonix4But that is the md5sum as taken off the cd; It seems to differ from the .iso md5sum available on the website.01:38
GotUbuntueddevcon, : and I think I unistalled the firefox that came with ubuntu :(01:38
devconGotUbuntued, maybe there is a problem with java on the website, i will check01:39
devconGotUbuntued, you know how to install new software on your system?01:39
GotUbuntueddevcon, : Which software ?01:39
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sharpanyone non afk?01:40
Killgorenonix4: very strange01:40
devconGotUbuntued, you can reinstall your webbrowser which was orginially installed on the ubunut system01:40
Killgoresharp: yeah01:40
pr0tsharp, ask your question and you might find out :)01:40
GotUbuntueddevcon, : but does that set that old firefox as the default ?01:40
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bimberitoxic_: what if you add 2>&1 at the end?01:41
pr0tGotUbuntued: what version of fx do you have?01:41
devconGotUbuntued, what is the latest version of firefox ?01:41
GotUbuntueddevcon, :
sharpwhere is my autoconf marco drectory likey to be01:41
P__once I have loaded the module of my netwrok card, using insmod ......./e1000.ko, what should I do ?01:41
nonix4nandemonai: I did head -3650 /var/log/base-config-pkgsel.log > ~/base-config-pkgsel.log.real; sudo sh -c 'cat /dev/null > /var/log/base-config-pkgsel.log' # and guess what - it freed some space and continued filling the disk :-/01:41
devconGotUbuntued, ok i have the older one 1.0.7 :)01:41
GotUbuntueddevcon, : think the 1.0.7 was the originale01:41
inazadWhy I have an error while I want to create a new desklet ?01:41
pr0tGotUbuntued, did you install it like in the guide?01:41
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toxic_bimberi, I'll give it  a try01:41
nandemonainonix4, hmm that aint good..01:41
P__also, startx isnt' working, is there a tool to configure it ?01:42
GotUbuntuedpr0t,: yes and has worked fine until now01:42
sharpinazad: what type of error?01:42
devconGotUbuntued, yeah cause i didn't update it after the installation01:42
gravesonanyone know i am only seeing 3gb of my 4gb memory installed01:42
nonix4kbrooks: Any idea on how to make it stop complaining infinitely about language-pack-en?01:42
GotUbuntueddevcon, : maybe its because of the plugin linking from the originale firefox01:42
kbrooksnonix4: No. File a bug.01:42
P__someone can tlel me what I have to do to start the network once I have loaded the network car module into the kernel please ?01:42
nandemonaiI figured out what it's doing my end at least.. It's asking 'Should I go ahead and install the packages anyway?01:42
nandemonaiTo continue, enter "Yes"; to abort, enter "No": Unrecognized input.  Enter either "Yes" or "No".' Over and over..01:42
GotUbuntueddevcon, : How do I reinstall the original... just with synops p or sudo code?01:43
inazadsharp, like the display cannot be found and others lines... because if I want to copy the same error, all oy my desklets will be out...01:43
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devconGotUbuntued, i think synops01:43
inazadsharp, wait me a min..,.. I'll try01:43
toxic_bimberi, 2>&1 just redirects stderr till stdout01:43
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GotUbuntueddevcon, : I'll give it a try. Will come back with reports :D01:43
devconGotUbuntued, it is the easiest one and every options will be done01:43
glimp999how could i make firestarter autoconnect when i log on?  anyone?01:43
kokoko1where to look for ethernet config file ?01:43
devconGotUbuntued, good luck01:43
kokoko1ifcfg ?01:43
nonix4kbrooks: Doing so would be easier if I had even one copy of Ubuntu successfully installed :-/01:44
inazadsharp, It's in french01:44
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devconkokoko1, what typ of config?01:44
kokoko1To change IP01:44
kokoko1Enthernet config01:44
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kbrooksnonix4: I have a idea.01:44
devconkokoko1, ifconfig01:44
inazadsharp, It's impossible to find the captor... 'irc'01:44
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reikiwhen I type gksudo nautilus I get this:  GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:01:44
reikiAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.01:44
kbrooksnonix4: Download a CD ISO.01:44
kokoko1devcon, I am asking for the location of the file01:44
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CraiZElocate -u file01:45
kokoko1so that I can edit it by hand01:45
reikinautilus still starts with admin rights, but.... why the error?01:45
P__no error message when I load the module, but if I do ifconfig the eth0 isn't there, only loopback, do I have to restart something ?01:45
inazadsharp, One "captor" can't be found... This means it not installed...01:45
kbrooksreiki: xhost +localhost01:45
nonix4kbrooks: Now why did I wait three weeks for the cds to be mailed to me? :-)01:45
bigfoot1how do i stop the audio file from playing? I put my mouse over the audio file for a while, but it's still playing.01:45
inazadsharp, but I have already installed it01:45
bigfoot1in nautilus01:45
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glimp999how could i make firestarter autoconnect when i log on?  anyone?01:45
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reikikbrooks: sorry... I don't know what that means01:45
bigfoot1i tried killing the process named "play" but now it's a "zombie"01:45
kbrooksnonix4: I'm suggesting you download a CD ISO and compare both CDs01:45
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kbrooksnonix4: Maybe some files are corrupt01:46
sharpinazad: hmm, dont know much about this im afraid, just though our problems could be simaler, it seems not01:46
nonix4kbrooks: well that'll take an eternity w/ the connectivity here...01:46
nonix4kbrooks: downloading a cdrom for 3828 bytes of .deb sounds silly01:46
kbrooksnonix4: I don't know then.01:46
inazadit's the desklet for IRC01:46
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inazadsharp, it's the desklet for IRC01:46
shadukanhowdy ppl01:46
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inazadsharp, or for the system' logs01:47
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reikikbrooks: can you explain what you meant by "xhost +localhost" please?01:47
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kbrooksreiki: type the command on the CLI01:48
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sharpinazad: i havnt really used gdesklets, i just though it might have been to do with gtk01:48
kbrooksreiki: before you run sudo or gksudo01:48
sharpdoes anyone know where I am likely to find my "autoconf macro directory"?01:48
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inazadsharp, k ... can I see ur desktop? if u want to do a printscreen for me ;)01:49
reikikbrooks: ok.. I see localhost added to access control... that's a one-time deal? I don't need to do it every time, right?01:49
nonix4kbrooks: like... do you have that .deb? :-)01:49
kbrooksnonix4: Maybe. Let me see.01:49
reikikbrooks: and running sudo I never saw that error01:49
sharpinazad: why?01:49
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inazadsharp, to see the beauty of linux! :P01:49
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inazadsharp, are u in gnome or kde?01:50
kbrooksnonix4: No, I don't. But it's on the Breezy CD i got sent01:50
sharpinazad: gnome01:50
inazadsharp, can I see plz?01:50
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sharpinazad: why, dont you have you own onderfull system to lok at?01:50
inazadsharp, I dont think so..01:51
reikikbrooks: ok... adding localhost to the access list didn't seem to fix it. I still get the error, but the app still starts01:51
nonix4745f90e2dd3349b196e15117cc4a612f  /media/cdrom/pool/main/l/language-pack-en/language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb01:51
kbrooksnonix4: Hang on. I'll md5 for you01:51
sharpinazad: hmm01:51
glimp999when i ran sudo gedit this always appear ((gedit:8501): Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib01:52
glimp999(gedit:8501): Gdk-WARNING **: cannot set locale modifiers01:52
glimp999) what does it mean?01:52
sharpI still need to find my "autoconf macro directory"01:52
sharpbut gotta go01:52
inazadsharp, it's just a picture...01:52
P__how can I setup X to use VESA for now please ?01:53
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GotUbuntueddevcon, : It's didn't work :(01:53
_nightw0lfhey, someone knows how can i install fluxbox? and how I can switch between the KDE and the fluxbox?01:53
devconGotUbuntued, oh not so nice01:53
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devconGotUbuntued, i've checked the site and my browser crashed after a while01:54
bimberiglimp999: no idea, it is a warning only though, i get it too in breezy, but not in dapper - hence it's probably been fixed.01:54
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devconGotUbuntued, I've disabled the java applet(what I'd never installed, strange thing) and after this it crashed01:55
P__I got the error "(EE) no device detected" and 'Fatal error : no screen found'01:55
GotUbuntueddevcon, ; ok so it's the site that mess up not my firefox then01:55
glimp999bimberi: is the dapper the new update from breezy? should i update?01:56
devconGotUbuntued, think so01:56
CraiZEglimp999,  its alpha01:56
CraiZEor beta01:56
CraiZEit can break your system :P01:56
kbrooksnonix4: I have a problem with my CD drive01:56
devconGotUbuntued, do you have another browser that you can test the site with?01:56
kbrooksCraiZE: alpha.01:56
glimp999ah i see01:56
glimp999i'll stick with breezy then01:56
kbrooksCraiZE: beta will be out on... 13th, iirc01:56
CraiZEif you dont want to tinker with new bugs, (aswell as new features), you better stay with breezy :D01:56
kbrooksor 20th01:56
kbrooksi dunno01:56
P__nobody ?01:56
CraiZEim running dapper01:56
bimberiglimp999: it's an alpha of the June 1 release - so not yet (if it's just for this reason)01:56
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CraiZEam in XGL :P01:56
GotUbuntueddevcon, : Ok, but i think it's time to reinstall ubuntu. Looks like aMsn also crashes on startup and other basic problems01:56
CraiZEand am gonna take my workspaces for a 360 spin for you! :P01:57
glimp999okay thanks01:57
CraiZEand here i am again! , hahaha :P01:57
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kbrooksGotUbuntued: this isnt windows01:57
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glimp999how about firestarter how could i auto run it when i log in?01:57
kbrooksGotUbuntued: problems will still occur if you reinstall01:57
devconGotUbuntued, oh sounds bad but i agree with kbrooks :)01:57
GotUbuntueddevcon, : ok :D01:57
baboIn the grand scheme of things, how far behind are the celeron 2.6 ? processors ... ? I'm thinking of using one for a dedicated server machine (nothing too heavy)  ???01:57
_nightw0lfhey, someone knows how can i install fluxbox? and how I can switch between the KDE and the fluxbox?01:57
GotUbuntueddevcon, : it works with opera01:57
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CablDWRKim trying to install Xubuntu on my old laptop - need it lean and mean  should I do a server install and go from there or is there a way to choose what packages get installed off the DVD? ty01:58
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kbrooksGotUbuntued: problems like registry prooblems, etc01:58
devconGotUbuntued, it takes some time to get problems fixed but you normally can fix most of them01:58
kbrooksGotUbuntued: spyware, adware. these  still appear after you reinstall windows01:58
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bimberiglimp999: you can it to System -> Preferences -> Sessions, Startup Programs tab01:58
bimberiCablDWRK: yes, that's the method as i recall it ...01:59
bimberi!tell CablDWRK about xubuntu01:59
GotUbuntueddevcon, : how can I quit some of the systray apps.... there is like 4 versions of amsn open. Non of them responding01:59
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CablDWRKbimberi ty02:00
kbrooksGotUbuntued: killall amsn. type that on the CLI02:00
bimberiCablDWRK: yw :)02:00
MenZaMight anyone here be able to help me with Enemy Territory sound issues? I've followed every single hint I could find.02:00
GotUbuntuedkbrooks, : CLI = terminal?02:00
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baboFirefox is taking up 97% of my cpu cycles at the moment, even though I don't have anything intensive going on. How can I find out more about the firefox process that is currently running ?02:00
MenZaGotUbuntued: CLI = Command Line Interface iirc.02:00
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reikibabo: what version of Firefox?02:01
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baboreiki: 1.502:01
_nightw0lfguys i have some error while compiling something : configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH02:01
reikibabo: full version number
bimberi_nightw0lf: sudo aptitude install build-essential02:01
baboreiki: yip02:01
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GotUbuntuedkbrooks, : CLI command line interface .... is that the same as the terminal ? hehehe02:02
reikibabo: known issue. Should be fixed in Your only option is to either live with it until then or uninstall and revert to an earlier version02:02
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_nightw0lfbimberi: my licq doesnt work i need to reinstall it or install it manually02:02
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iapx8088hi all02:02
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baboreiki: Known issue ? but it only happens sometimes ? ... what's the story with it ?02:03
iapx8088my breezy is abruptly slow, last time i used it was fine02:03
reikibabo: but it is definitely a firefox issue, not an Ubuntu issue02:03
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devconi'm off i try to install the soundcard02:03
iapx8088I did an update but nojthing changed02:03
iapx8088anyway to assert the direction of the problem02:03
kbrooksWhy do people think02:03
reikibabo: I understand it only happens sometimes. I am running the same version here02:03
kbrooks"i have a problem with foo. i'll go blame bar!"02:03
_nightw0lfhow can i uninstall licq?02:04
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baboreiki: ok, thanks ... do you have any idea what the issue is ?02:04
iapx8088_nightw0lf, apt-get remove --purge licq?02:04
MenZaecho "et.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss <- I attempt to run that command, but I'm being told "Permission denied". Sudo?02:04
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shprdoes anyone knows how to make su or sudo introduce a password  ?02:05
MenZa!tell shpr about sudoroot02:05
glimp999bimberi, thanks i got it02:05
kokoko1why sound is not present in the user which I have created?02:05
reikibabo: no, not technically. I only know that it has been reported and is slated to be fixed in next update02:05
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baboreiki: cheers :-)02:05
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geniusvicksAnyone know how to get RealPlayer working in Mozilla as plugin02:06
fyrestrtrkokoko1: add the user to the audio group02:06
bimberikokoko1: try 'sudo adduser <user> audio'02:06
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kokoko1bimberi, thanks02:07
thiago_i am having trouble to reach the network with dapper, can anyone help?02:08
bimberikokoko1: yw :) (kudos to fyrestrtr too :) )02:08
thiago_i amso don't know if I installed it correctly (i started from a previous breezy badger installataion)02:08
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nonojoin #ubuntu-fr02:09
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nookwhen drake will be released?02:09
bimberiJune 102:09
fyrestrtrnook: when its ready02:09
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bimberior then :P02:09
thiago_i think that would be june 200602:09
nookthiago_: ok, thx02:09
mangustawhats the diff between breezy and dapper? later version?02:09
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fyrestrtryes :)02:10
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thiago_mangusta, dapper has the amazing xgl 3d desktop02:10
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thiago_at least this is my main reason for trying to install it02:10
mangustawhat's it take to upgrade?02:10
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.02:11
mangustaalso, I can't get nvidia drivers to behave02:11
thiago_i would like to know...02:11
thiago_i have upgraded mine, but the system is all messed up now02:11
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thiago_don't know if i did it correctly02:11
kokoko1bimberi, why this odd?02:11
kokoko1why one have to add users to "audio" group :)02:12
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geniusvicksAnyone know how to get RealPlayer working in Mozilla as plugin02:12
thiago_what i have done was to change my sources.list to point to dapper02:13
bimberikokoko1: i don't know the rationale.  Probably so that access to the sound hardware can be controlled.02:13
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thiago_and then `aptitude update` and `aptitude dist-upgrade`02:13
chenjfgeniusvicks: i use mplayer as mozzilla plugin instead of realplayer02:13
kokoko1bimberi, ever run ubuntu under vmware?02:13
chenjfgeniusvicks: and i really works great02:13
bimberikokoko1: never02:14
Nameeaterhow can I get user right for a mounted fat32 partition?02:14
mangustais there a way back from dapper to breezy?02:14
GotUbuntueddevcon, : It's the flash that causes the problem. visited the flash site and firefox went south :D02:14
mangustaor is it a reinstall jobby?02:14
bimberimangusta: it would be a reinstall yes02:14
mangustaalright, I'll give it a go, I have a cd here, so if it all goes to hell, I can get back...02:15
fyrestrtrNameeater: mount the drive with the option of 'user' and change the umask to something less restrictive.02:15
bimberimangusta: have fun :)02:15
_nightw0lfsomoene knows how to install ati drivers?02:15
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graabeindoes anyone know how to edit .xsession just for openbox and not gnome (when i select from gdm)?02:16
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geniusvickschenjf: just go to http://www.raaga.com/channels/tamil/movie/T0000787.html nad play one of the songs02:16
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neo911i've just set up my own lan and want to know more.. what's a good network monitoring / hack utility?02:16
fyrestrtrneo911: ntop02:17
mangustaalso, does wifi work in dapper? generally?02:17
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_nightw0lfwhere I can edit the xdm config? to let the system know that I wan to run gdm?02:17
mangustajust cause i cbf getting up and running a cable if it doesn't ;)02:17
thiago_neo911: i would try ngrep and the almighty man02:17
geniusvickschenjf: just check if they work in mplayer02:17
geniusvickschenjf: or tell me where to get the mplayer02:18
chenjfgeniusvicks: checking02:18
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toxic_How come this works: " tail -f logfile >> text.log "  But this doesn't:  " tail -f logfile | grep ssh >> text.log"       (removing >>text.log in example 2 prints text to stdout just like example 1)02:18
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thiago_is anyone succesfully using dapper? how can I install/upgrade?02:19
IdleOnecan someone tell me if avidemux is available in breezy repos?02:19
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LazySodthiago_, yes, a lot of us do... for dapper discussions plz goto #ubuntu+102:19
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_nightw0lfsomeone knows how to install ATI DRIVERS?02:20
ubotuati is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358902:20
chenjfgeniusvicks: it didn't play any songs,but it didn't give any error messages either02:20
thiago_LazySod, thanks02:20
chenjfgeniusvicks: it just said "loading..."02:21
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geniusvickschenjf: how do I get the plugin?02:22
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chenjfgeniusvicks: just do " sudo apt-get install mplayer-plugin"02:22
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ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, asror02:22
manu__Ubuntu, c la classe :p02:22
AleXC_Ubuntu won't find my DVD Drive. Before when I inserted a DVD into it, it would pop up - but now it doesn't02:22
AleXC_why is this?02:22
fyrestrtrAleXC_: did you remove automount from the fstab?02:23
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AleXC_fyrestrtr: no I havn't done anything - does Using Dapper cause this?02:23
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toxic_Is there another utility besides "cut" that can print parts of a string ?02:23
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glimp999"mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/rmic.1.gz is a dangling symlink" what does this mean? anyone?02:24
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domsXMMS? why i cant play my ogg files over(xmms) my LAN in my server although i can play it in totem player?02:25
AleXC_fyrestrtr: yeh I just typed mount and my DVD drive is not mounted, how can I mount it?02:25
domsbut i cant play it in xmms?02:26
domsXMMS? why i cant play my ogg files over(xmms) my LAN in my server although i can play it in totem player?02:26
GotUbuntuedhow do I uninstall firefox and make a fresh install ?02:26
mangustaok, starting install.... 694meg to download.....02:26
sudharshdoms: any errors...try xmms from a command line02:26
silvercatI'm need my Realtek RTL8180L 802.11b card on my laptop working.. any places I could check out?02:26
AleXC_doms wait more than 1 min before asking again!!02:26
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domsno errors  yes i can open the xmms but i cant play no sound but in my totem i can play it y?02:27
sudharshdoms: hmm..try changing the output plugin..02:27
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AleXC_how do I mount my DVD drive?02:28
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domsoutput plug-in any sample? something in the preference02:28
sudharshAleXC_: mount /dev/dvd02:28
noaXessi wanted to stream with amoraK 1.3.. but.. if i run any stream it allways bufferung 0%-100% some times.. but no sound will played.. any idea?02:28
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sudharshdoms: yeah try changing it..02:28
AleXC_thanks sudharsh :)02:29
noaXessamaroK sorr<..02:29
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CapSoftwhen is the official release of dapper?02:29
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munzirHi, any one know how can I list all the packages installed/unistalled? dpkg  -l gives only the installed02:29
domsaudio i/o plug-in yes i enable all the plug-in even xmms-mad02:29
silvercatI need my Realtek RTL8180L 802.11b card on my laptop working.. any sites to check out?02:29
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domsoo sori my output plug-in is ossd02:30
AleXC_sudharsh: Hum, how can I make it how it was before? Such as it auto-mounts on bootup and I can eject the CD any time?02:30
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domssori you right02:30
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sudharshAleXC_: hmm..u cant jus *eject* without unmounting it first..02:31
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liquidindianHow can I get a program to appear in my menu?  I can only get to it via the terminal...02:31
infinitoanyone here using lm-sensors??02:31
AleXC_sudharsh: I use to be able to02:31
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AleXC_sudharsh: I just pressed the button on my cd drive and out it came02:31
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ConfidentiaLCan any1 recommend a good, easy to use ftp server for me?02:31
sudharshAleXC_: oh...ok...then i want mounted..i think02:31
CapSoftwhen will dapper be final? any1 ????02:31
Bob_le_PointuCan someone explain me "make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/build: No such file or directory.  Stop.02:32
sudharshConfidentiaL: proftpd rcks..02:32
AleXC_CapSoft:  June 1st02:32
sudharshliquidindian: Application Menu Editor..02:32
CapSoftk thanks AleXC_02:32
sudharshin System Tools02:32
Bambinohmm whren i try to run ssh. it says that it can not load host key.. Does anyone know what that is?02:32
glimp999"mandb: warning: /usr/share/man/man1/rmic.1.gz is a dangling symlink" what does this mean? anyone?02:32
AleXC_sudharsh: gah, now it's mounting as read oly and wont let me run any files from it02:32
CapSoftAleXC_ is that inc. XGL ?02:33
sudharshAleXC_: r u runnin binaries..02:33
AleXC_CapSoft: I doubt dapper will have XGL as standard02:33
AleXC_sudharsh: what do you mean?02:33
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infinitoBob_le_Pointu: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-10-38602:33
CapSoftbut optional??02:33
AleXC_CapSoft: yes02:33
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sudharshAleXC_: run any files... i dint get that02:33
AleXC_sudharsh: i'm trying to install UT2004 ( which i've done before ) but when I go sudo ./linux-installer.sh it says permission dined02:34
AleXC_sudo: unable to execute ./linux-installer.sh: Permission denied02:34
cavediver Hi there,. Trying to rip a DVD in Thoggen. Is it possible to have it ripped to one file. It seems to make one per chapter02:34
CapSoftlooking forward to it! :)02:34
CapSofti am going back to sleep02:34
sudharshAleXC_: add sh infront..:)02:34
CapSoftgonna dream about the new release :P02:34
sudharshsh <whatever>02:34
CapSoftubuntu rox!!!02:34
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Bob_le_PointuThanks infinito.02:35
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AleXC_thanks sudharsh ;)02:35
liquidindianWhere are applications installed by default?02:35
infinitoBob_le_Pointu: welcome ;)02:35
sudharshliquidindian: depends on the apps..02:35
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sudharshmost go in /usr/bin -> executables02:35
liquidindiansudharsh, cheers, I'll have a look02:36
shervinI downloaded amsn which is a deb file. How do I install this? I think its by using the dpkg, but I can't remember how02:36
sudharshliquidindian: hey if u want apps in the menu...try the menu editor02:36
chenjfshervin: sudo dpkg -i <deb package name>02:36
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shervinchenjf, I did this, but I get some sort of error02:37
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shervinchenjf, Ah I need some other package first :)02:37
chenjfshervin: well,i think you should do "sudo apt-get install amsn" then02:37
sudharshshervin: use apt..da02:37
anacondathesnakei have a problem with printing in evince (dapper) - i can't place multiple pages on one output page. does anybody see the same problem?02:38
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domssudharsh when i copy and paste the file yes i can hear the sound but when i only browse and play, no i cant paly over the LAN using XMMS02:38
liquidindiansudharsh, got it, thanks mate02:38
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mthakurcan u play avi files with totem at all?02:38
infinitoanyone here using lm-sensors??02:39
sudharshdoms: u mean browsing within the nautilus02:39
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sudharshmthakur: use totem-xine instead..02:39
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silvercathow does this cvs thing work? how do I get sources with cvs?02:39
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sumitouserver libres.irc-hispano.org02:40
ompaulanacondathesnake, please go to #ubuntu+1 for dapper discussion, and your nick is farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr too long :-) bit like some swamp snakes :-)02:40
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sudharshsilvercat: http://www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dbutler/tutorials/winter96/cvs/02:40
GotUbuntueddevcon, : Do you remeber what I asked earlier about firefox shuts down ?02:40
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anacondathesnakeompaul: ok, thanks a lot:-) i'll change my nick then to some shorter snake;-)02:41
domswhen i connect to another pc i use samba to connect then i open the ogg folder  yes i can browse my music then i right click and open with xmms or totem the problem is when i open in xmms i cant open it but when i open it in totem yes i can hear and play my music02:41
mthakurhow do u install that?02:41
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sudharshmthakur: sudo apt-get install totem-xine02:41
domsbut the play list is their in my xmms the point is i cant hear a music using my xmms02:41
ompaulanacondathesnake, asp? but you might get jeered for being a microsoft extention or an application service provider (who thought me this rubbish ;))02:41
sudharshdoms: mite be a bug or something...02:42
mthakurthanks sudarshan02:42
fyrestrtrdoms: you have an ogg plugin for xmms?02:42
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k31thAnyone know of a decent 4U server chassis that can take alot of HD's ?02:43
ubuntu_hi, windows has messed up my boot sequence... how do i restore my ubuntu in the boot sequence?02:43
sudharshfyrestrtr: i think thats incluyded by defalt02:43
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sudharshubuntu_: u aint getting grub..?02:43
mangustak31th, we have one at work, trying to think of the brand02:43
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fyrestrtrk31th: a tower turned on its side02:43
nathanjhow do you select a window and move it? there a keystroke but i cant remember it02:44
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shervinto install amsn it says I need the tlctls , but when I try to install this I get a message saying it has been replaced by something but it doesn't say what :/02:44
mangustanah, there is a beige box one, which we have about 10-12 in atm02:44
k31thI have a 4U maybe ill just mod the hell out of a it02:44
domsyes i hav also xmms-mad for my mp3 format02:44
sudharshshervin: use apt....u wont mess things up02:44
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fyrestrtrno, that's a bad idea. do not mod rack mount cases.02:44
shervinsudharsh, I can't because I have managed to remove amsn from apt02:44
domsi donnu if xmms support for networking playing sounds02:45
k31thfyrestrtr, why02:45
fyrestrtrmainly because the heat will get crazy in there. its not like your regular case that has a lot of airflow room.02:45
anasnakeompaul: is my nick better now...? btw, i don't know m$. what is it?:-)02:45
shervinsudharsh, pluss, you don't get the newest version of amsn when using apt02:45
sudharshshervin: apt-get install amsn..that'll work02:45
shervinsudharsh, It doesnt work :/02:45
fyrestrtrthe components designed for them, are there for a reason. heat, vibration, interference -- all come into play when devices are placed that close together.02:45
ompaulanasnake, I must have been feeling unwell at the time02:45
mangustafyrestrtr, you can have rack cases which have fine air flow02:45
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shadukango to http://amsn.sourceforge.net/02:45
fyrestrtrmangusta: yes, not when you stuff more hdd than its designed for :)02:45
shervinsudharsh, it keeps asking me to use the option -f or something and still when I do that it doesnt work02:45
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sudharshshervin: any errors..02:45
kureihi, windows has messed up my boot sequence... how do i restore my ubuntu in the boot sequence?02:45
mangustatrue, but thats what cordless drills are for02:46
fyrestrtrkurei: re-install grub.02:46
shadukandownload the latest version in deb02:46
k31thfyrestrtr, im sure02:46
sudharshshervin: aah/...02:46
shadukandpkg -i amsn02:46
ruschias far as I know anything concerning GLX should be done on the GPU, right? but when I start GLX ears I get excessive CPU load?02:46
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k31thwell obvioulsy when you mod it you actually use your brina02:46
shervinshadukan, I have but I cant seem to install it02:46
fyrestrtrk31th: buy a blade chassis :)02:46
ruschican anyone confirm this?02:46
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fyrestrtrruschi: hrmm, you don't know much about glx then.02:46
ompaulk31th, and the nice people in charge of health and safety might have words with you on that subject sharp edges and cases involving cuts and lawyers02:46
k31thI need one server which has alot of room to put hd's i dont want to waste my cash on over expensive buzworlds02:46
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shervinshadukan, it keeps asking me for the package tlctls or something which I cannot install02:47
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domsi donnu if xmms support for networking playing sounds02:47
fyrestrtrk31th: invest in a san.02:47
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ruschiwill you wnlighten me?02:47
k31thompaul, i doubt that, im hardly going to bodge it i will take the plans and get one made.02:47
kureifyrestrtr, tnx02:47
k31thfyrestrtr, where from02:47
=== orbin [n=orbin@WNPP-p-203-54-44-36.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
domsyes i hav install plug-in in my xmms even no-free format02:47
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Bob_le_PointuIs there a way to download and install precompiled modules like bttv and saa7134 ?02:47
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domsxmms doesnt support playing sounds over LAN02:48
fyrestrtrruschi: glxgears tests the rendering capabilities of your video card. Obviously, something has to draw those pixels and send it there, that's the cpu. If your cpu use goes up when glxgears is running, then its a function of the driver you are using.02:48
ruschiok, thanks.02:48
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liabledoms: huh? what are you trying to do?02:48
ompaulk31th, 1u 2u 3 u 4, and what depth do you want today from 12 to the max depth of the cab .. and that varies, you can get them cheap enough, your call02:48
fyrestrtrk31th: most providers have san setups. or, if you are on a tight budget, just buy a rack-mountable storage appliance (a NAS). LaCie makes a nice one that's around 2TB.02:48
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ruschiI was just wondering if it has to do with the crappy Intel i950 GMA02:49
fyrestrtrk31th: and its only, 2U02:49
fyrestrtrruschi: probably, since most of the processing of that is done on the cpu, as you really don't have a "GPU" per-se.02:49
orbindoms: xmms doesn't require plugins. it comes w/ it's own (mp3 and ogg anyway)02:49
k31thfyrestrtr, tight budget yes, wat are they like those lacie things ?02:50
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k31thI have the HD's juist need a chassis to mount them tbh02:50
ConfidentiaLDoes any1 know of a noob guide to set up an ftp server with multiple users?02:50
k31thConfidentiaL, install proftp02:50
domsyes i install xmms-mad and for my ogg files format but the problem why i cant play over my network inbehalf i can play in totem-xine02:51
orbindoms: can you play a local file in xmms?02:51
ruschiI am not familiar with the whole graphic subsystem but with a new kernel and Xserver I at least have DRI and glx info gives me a direct rendering : yes02:51
sudharshConfidentiaL: Google is G0d02:51
domswhen i copy and paste it02:51
ConfidentiaLk31th: but its hard to understand...02:51
k31thConfidentiaL, rtfm and use google02:51
fyrestrtrk31th: very nice. cheap, and easy to get up and running with.02:51
orbindoms: what happens when you open the networked file?02:51
domsunlike in totem-xine i can play over my LAN no nid to copy02:52
ruschiwhat is the difference between GLCore and GLX anyway?02:52
k31thfyrestrtr, kool ill check them out02:52
k31ththanks for the help02:52
noaXesswhat default mp3 engine is in amaroK loaded? i can't play any mp3 songs..02:52
fyrestrtr!tell noaXess about RestrictedFormats02:52
ompaulk31th, why not give a url rather than that answer its kind of pointless02:52
domsall ogg files is appear to my playlist of my xmms but i cant hear music02:52
k31thwhy should i he can do that him self02:53
k31thif he has problem understanding some thing02:53
fyrestrtrdoms: turn off anything else that's playing music.02:53
fyrestrtrdoms: and check if your speakers are working.02:53
k31thafter he has read up on it then fine id help.02:53
orbindoms: what output plugin are you using?02:53
domsyes my speaker is working coz i can hear it over totem-xine02:53
k31thubuntu ftp howto would throw up alot of  hits im sure02:53
fyrestrtrdoms: what was the first thing I said? turn *off* anything else playing music.02:53
ompaulk31th, cos its not what we do here, read wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCRules - don't give that answer give a url thats useful or give nothing  http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/proftpd/02:54
domsyes i do turn of my totem-xine02:54
orbindoms: ctrl+p in xmms.  what ouput plugin are you using?02:54
ompaulConfidentiaL, http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/proftpd/02:54
k31thfyrestrtr, does it have raid ?02:54
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fyrestrtrdoms: your card may not be able to play simultaneous streams. So, if one thing is playing, the other cannot get access to the sound card.02:54
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fyrestrtrk31th: no, its not a computer. Its a NAS appliance. Using your own formula, google it.02:55
domsOSS Driver 1.2.1002:55
asrorhow i can install phpMyAdmin ?02:55
orbindoms: switch it to esound or alsa02:55
k31thfyrestrtr, i am.02:55
fyrestrtrasror: by reading the documentation files?02:55
domsok i change it02:55
orbindoms: now try a file02:55
domsthe output plug-in  alsa 1.2.1002:55
asrorfyrestrtr: for maintaeins db02:56
domsno effect02:56
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orbindoms: did you try esound?02:56
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domsthe ogg file is present in my playlist of my xmms but when i click it nothing happen02:56
Zoroastergood day02:56
fyrestrtrasror: type sudo apt-get phpmyadmin at a terminal02:56
domswait i try it in esound output plug-in02:57
domsesound 1.2.10 also02:57
asrorfyrestrtr: Invalid operation phpmyadmin02:57
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fyrestrtrdoms: make sure you close down totem before you do any of these tests.02:57
fyrestrtrasror: sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin02:57
domswhen i configure me esound there is "use remote host"02:57
domsyes i close the totem-xine02:58
domsthe same problem no sound ?02:58
orbinwell i'm stumped.  any ideas fyrestrtr?02:58
domsno playing02:58
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shadukanagain i have the same problem...02:59
orbinweird that he can play a local file...02:59
asrorfyrestrtr: It's  say's already install ?! how i can oparate with phpadmin how i can start?02:59
shadukanin order to have the starndard C head files in /usr/include i must apt-get install which package03:00
shadukanplz help03:00
mangustawell, 3 hours and 3 minutes until dapper makes or breaks my machine03:00
tbenderhi, can anyone help me with my thinkpad an getting an external monitor to work03:00
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tbenderI don't get anything on the laptop after x has started03:00
gnomefreakshadukan: build-essential03:00
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ompaulshadukan, sudo apt-get install build-essential - gcc-4 and you need gcc-3.4 if you want to do kernel stuff03:00
ubotusovieticool: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:00
noaXessfyrestrtr: thx..03:01
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sovieticool03:01
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sovieticool!make cd03:01
ubotusovieticool: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:01
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ompaulsovieticool, don't do that i nthe channel message the bot, and ask for the clue what do you want to do?03:01
sovieticoolhow i burn an image iso on a cd rw03:01
liquidindiansovieticool, what are you trying to do?03:01
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arrickmorning everyone03:02
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sovieticooli try to burn a iso image to cd03:02
ompaul!tell sovieticool about burniso03:02
ompaulsovieticool, read the message from the bot please03:02
arrickhey does this line from /etc/passwd look right?03:02
arrickmicrosoft:x:1002:1002:microsoft files,,,:/etc4/microsoft:/bin/etc4only03:02
sovieticoolok thanx03:03
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arrickI want to enable him to only be able to open that folder an folders beneath03:03
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shadukanthanks guys...03:03
domsfyrestrtr   you hav any clue why i cant play my ogg file over network using my xmms player03:03
shadukani discover it by03:03
shadukansudo apt-cache pkgnames03:03
shadukan | grep build | more03:03
kureihi, windows messed up my boot sequence... im currently running on my live cd. how do i restore my ubuntu boot up?03:04
domsfyrestrtr   you hav any clue why i cant play my ogg file over network using my xmms player03:04
gravesoni have 4 GB memory but ubuntu is only seeing 3GB via top ,is this normal and how do i fix this03:04
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shadukan kurei03:04
shadukansudo grub-install /dev/hd<disk letter>03:04
orbinkurdt: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:04
CraiZEhow can i get dvd playback in Linux ?03:04
sudharshdoms: mybe u cant do dat in xmms..03:04
domsin my totem-xine their is a general preferences like networking tab < you select> <Internet/LAN>03:04
shadukanwrites the grub at bootsector03:05
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kureishadukan, tnx03:05
silvercatwhat packages do i need to compile kernel modules? because I got this realtek module and it cant find /lib/modules/<kernel-version>/build/.config03:05
silvercatI've gotten kernel-headers and kernel-package03:05
kureiorbin, tnx03:05
CosmoDadsilvercat: the config will be in /boot/config-<whatever>03:06
domssudharsh any like networking over xmms03:06
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sudharshdoms: not sure.. though...try askin the fols at xmms03:06
shoofleany chance i could get some help with wireless networking woes?03:06
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CosmoDadshoofle: what's wrong03:07
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shoofleCosmoDad: for one thing, the wireless card no longer shows up in my networking preferences window03:07
orbineric: stop it03:08
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domsis possible i can install amarok over my gnome desktop03:08
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orbindoms: sure.03:08
CosmoDadshoofle: type "ifconfig" and see if there's any device related to your wlan network card03:08
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shoofleCosmoDad: nope03:09
shoofleCosmoDad: I can see it in the device manager though03:09
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mangustashoofle, if ifconfig, and iwconfig don't show up your wifi card03:09
CosmoDadshoofle: did you work before, and if so, did you recompile the kernel yourself or something?03:09
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mangustatry modprobe yenta-socket03:09
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domswhat is the best palyer that i can play over the internet music like in winamp internet radio03:09
mangustacard services may not have started.....03:09
shooflemangusta: nothing03:10
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shoofleCosmoDad: it wasn't *working* but it was detected and it said it was working03:10
sovieticoolis some pack like k3b for gnome ?03:10
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CosmoDadshoofle: do you have an integrated adapter or PCMCIA?03:10
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shoofleCosmoDad: pcmcia03:10
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CosmoDadsovieticool: there's nothing in gnome that can match k3b ;)03:11
shoofleCosmoDad: it said it was connected, but no internet03:11
domswhat is the best palyer that i can play over the internet music like in winamp internet radio03:11
silvercatCosmoDad, there's no build-folder and theres no rule to make target `modules' =(03:11
orbindoms: xmms should work really..but have you tried beep-media-player?03:11
mangustawhat does: modprobe -l yenta-socket03:11
mangustashow shoofle ?03:11
neo911is there an ubuntu util so that in a small lan i can make one computer get more network bandwidth than the others?03:11
ubotuati is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358903:11
liableCosmoDad: yes there is, cdrecord and growisofs from the command line :P03:11
LaibschI was wondering how I can make per job-settings to a print job with cups.  For example if I want to print double-sided or from drawer 1, etc.  I do not want to define thousands of printer queues ;-)  I am not sure this is the right channel, but I do not know a better one that is also active.03:11
=== ] BreliC[ [n=vince@CPE001109d69210-CM0011aea58e24.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
sovieticoolthanx CosmoDad03:11
CosmoDadliable: duh :)03:11
domsbeep-media-player orbin i can found that in my synaptic so i cant install it03:11
gravesoni have 4 GB memory but ubuntu is only seeing 3GB via top ,is this normal and how do i fix this03:12
neo911not necessarily in a small lan just a lan in general03:12
sovieticoolliable :D03:12
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CosmoDadsilvercat: did you install kernel-source-<whatever>?03:12
] BreliC[i have a strange question for you guys..03:12
MdSalih3hello all03:12
MdSalih3trying to apt-get kernel_package03:12
mangustashoofle, what does modprobe -l yenta-socket show?03:12
] BreliC[about 4 months ago, i installed ubuntu breezy on my sister's computer03:12
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orbinsovieticool: yeah, k3b is the most fully featured apparently, but check out gnomebaker03:12
MdSalih3what do i need to add as my source for apt-get to get kernel_package?03:12
] BreliC[everything was fine, i showed her how to use what she needed, keep it up to date, etc03:12
orbindoms: search for it.03:13
CosmoDadMdSalih3: I think it's called kernel-package03:13
shooflemangusta: /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/kernel/drivers/pcmcia/yenta_socket.ko03:13
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mangustaokies, try ifconfig again03:13
liable] BreliC[: try and put it all on one line soo its easy to follow.03:13
mangustasee if the card has been seen now03:13
liable] BreliC[: punctuation! :)03:13
shoofleshows localloopback and eth0, my usb ethernet adapter03:13
sovieticoolorbin is on synaptic ?03:14
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mangustaok, uhmmmmmm03:14
sovieticool gnomebaker ??03:14
orbinsovieticool: ya03:14
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sovieticoolnice :D03:14
] BreliC[a few days ago, she was having a problem with her internet, and called Rogers.  They said they disconnected her internet because of port scanning (she wasn't able to give me the clearest description of their issue).  i'm assuming he meant that her computer was port scanning excessively or something.  she hardly downloads, only uses openoffice and Gaim and that's about it.  the only server i installed on her machin03:15
] BreliC[es were vsftpd and openssh.  any ideas??  the Rogers guy seemed to be suggesting that it was spyware.03:15
dawidhey can sum1 help me share some folders using samba03:15
mangustashoofle, try: sudo discover --enable-all03:15
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mangustasee if it comes up with anything...03:15
sovieticoolhow i find the location of cd rom ?03:15
CosmoDadmangusta: I'm not too familiar with PCMCIA, but wouldn't he need an adapter driver anyway? or is that this yenta_socket?03:15
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] BreliC[i've been using linux for about 2.5 years now, download TONS of stuff and have never had any issues with internet connectivity.  is this guy full of it?03:15
mangustasovieticool, cat /etc/fstab03:15
sovieticoolto be mounted03:15
shooflemangusta:  nothing03:15
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CosmoDadmangusta: cat /etc/fstab|grep -i cdrom03:16
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mangustashoofle, yenta is card services, for accessing pcmcia and pci bus03:16
liable] BreliC[: i would take him to task if i were you. nmap her box, see whats running, also run netstat on it and see what it thinks is running.03:16
mangustaonce you can see the card, you can install it, drivers usually orinoco and hermes03:16
sovieticoolif is so there are they fully mounted ?03:16
sovieticool/dev/hda        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:16
orbin] BreliC[: i don't think we get affected by spyware do we?03:16
sovieticool/dev/hdb        /media/cdrom1   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:16
sovieticool/dev/hdc        /media/cdrom2   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       003:16
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CosmoDad] BreliC[: if the passwords were weak anyone could have broken into and installed malicious software03:17
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mangustals them sovieticool, but they are prob only mounted when there is a cd in03:17
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MarlunHow can I change the name of a computer in ubuntu?03:17
] BreliC[liable, thanks.  i will run some checks on her machine.  would chkrootkit help at all in this case?03:17
waylandbillHello, I'm looking to backup files from my ubuntu system and windows samba shares nightly. What software exists to do that easily?03:17
ompaul] BreliC[, na, it loves to give false positives03:18
sovieticoolok i will see mangusta03:18
dark_fibreMarlun Preferences -> Network -> General03:18
] BreliC[ompaul, heh, ok.03:18
shooflemangusta: i already installed it, according to the ubuntu hardware wiki, using the XP drivers and ndiswrapper03:18
CosmoDad] BreliC[: what you should do is turn of that box, insert a live cd and start forensics03:18
waylandbillthe files would be burnt to DVD-RW by the way.03:18
arrickHey guys does this line from /etc/passwd look right? microsoft:x:1002:1002:microsoft files,,,:/etc4/microsoft:/bin/microsoftonly03:18
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CosmoDad] BreliC[: log files are a great place to start03:18
dark_fibreDoes anyone know a bash command to seach for files containing text?03:18
ompaul] BreliC[, if you want to check her machine out check the ftp logs and what is being shared that is all03:18
liable] BreliC[: wouldnt hurt, but if I were you I would talk to them and ask what ports were being scanned from the box and generally catch them out for being full of shit.03:18
MdSalih3codmodad - it doesn't even find kernel-package03:19
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ompaulliable, and that is like so much effort, more than likely it was for her running a server on the machine and they assume it is compromised03:19
liable] BreliC[: there is also rootkithunter, though if the box has been rootkitted, then its a waste of time. I would be more interested in hearing what they think it was doing.03:19
] BreliC[liable, yeah, that's what i was thinking of doing.  problem is, she lives in another city and they won't reconnect her machine until she "brings it in" or so he says03:19
m_0_r_0_narrick, you funny guy03:19
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] BreliC[CosmoDad, Ompaul, thanks guys.  will do that.03:20
sovieticooli just receve the magic pack from ubuntu guys :P whit a lot of cd ..i will give some to my friends ..me happy :)03:20
CosmoDad] BreliC[: let me tell you that number one cause for breakins are weak passwords03:20
orbinsovieticool: cool :P03:20
arrickm_0_r_0_n, what do you mean funny03:20
ompaul] BreliC[, well if she brings it in they will see it as a ubuntu box which will be a kick in the head for them :)03:20
mangustashoofle, try starting network settings, see if eth1 is listed....03:20
silvercatCosmoDad, there's no kernel-source-2.6.12 in my apt :(03:21
CosmoDad] BreliC[: the machines I administrate are being brute force-attacked about 10 times a day03:21
m_0_r_0_narrick, you re just kidding, arent you?03:21
] BreliC[CosmoDad, indeed, though it's quite long and a mixture of text, upper/lower case, and characters03:21
boyeestudioI find my ubuntu run very slow! What can I do making it run faster?03:21
shooflemangusta: nothing, just eht0 ad modem03:21
liable] BreliC[: thats why i would talk to them yourself, easy to pull the wool over a newbs eyes, once the guys realise you might actually know what you are talking about they might actually give some real answers03:21
sovieticoolhehe now i must get to work  wo study and to learn me and my friend's and to change opinion's:D03:21
mangustaim not sure what else could be going on03:21
] BreliC[ompaul, they refused to help her because it was linux.  she called HP (her computer's manufacturer) and they also refused03:21
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mangustayou have rebooted since installing?03:21
Marlundark_fibre: I do not have a desktop enviorment installed, how can I do it through terminal? =)03:21
domsorbin amarok is good03:21
domsbetter good03:21
mangustacause Mine went spastic after first boot, after reboot it came good though03:22
shooflewhen i first installed it showed up and i could change settings03:22
orbindoms: that's good03:22
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CosmoDadMdSalih3: do you have the standard repositories set up?03:22
ompaul] BreliC[, so they say bring it in ... why in the living daylights did you want to have a server on it, it is more than likely the reason they kicked her, most likely against the aup03:22
shooflesee my computer freezes often when i unplug ethernet cables and stuff03:22
boyeestudioI find my ubuntu run very slow! What can I do making it run faster?03:22
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sovieticoolamarok work on gnome doms03:22
domsyes amarok can play over my LAN03:22
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mangustaboyeestudio, reboot03:22
domsyes very well03:22
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arrickm_0_r_0_n, no I wasnt I want to know03:22
MdSalih3codmodad - i have it set up as it is on new installation03:22
mangustausually its updates, after a reboot it can come good03:23
mangustamine lost it after a kernel update03:23
CosmoDadsilvercat: then your /etc/apt/sources.list is whacky. Start synaptics and figure out if you have those repos set up03:23
mangustamouse went notchy, everything03:23
sovieticooldoms yes very well your answear was for me ?03:23
] BreliC[ompaul, so i can help her remotely.  i have loads more servers than she does, always have (in my 10-15 years of internet connectivity) and have NEVER had a problem03:23
boyeestudiowhy reboot? any other way to it?03:23
arrickI want that user to have acces to that folder only on my ftp server, so I can install from remote locations03:23
CosmoDadMdSalih3: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list03:23
ompaulboyeestudio, run xubuntu-desktop it is light weight, and also make sure you are not running services you don't need03:23
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ompaul] BreliC[, both of you with rodgers?03:23
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] BreliC[ompaul, yes03:23
mangustanot sure boyeestudio, but you have to eleminate all likely suspects....03:23
orbinboyeestudio: what are your specs?03:23
] BreliC[ompaul, trust me, i push my ISP harder than 90% of subscribers :)03:24
waylandbillHP would refuse to help if the system didn't start with linux. I can't expect to put aftermarket parts on a car and then expect the manufacturer to warranty them.03:24
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arrickboyeestudio, find out what process is bogging it down03:24
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arrickthen stop it03:24
ompaul] BreliC[, so then unequal treatment, you talk with them, about that account, then see what they have to say03:24
shooflei will try restarting03:25
ompaul] BreliC[, but it is a person to person thing not really something an irc channel can sort03:25
mangustatry it shoofle, also, before reboot03:25
] BreliC[ompaul, i will.  i'll get my sister to transfer her logs to her usb key and send them to me from a connection somewhere03:25
silvercatCosmo, I'm using breezy though.. but theres nothing wrong with my list.. :/03:25
mangustarun apt-get update03:25
boyeestudiowhat is xubuntu-desktop? and how to bog any process down?03:25
mangustaand dist-upgrade, just in case there are any other updates too03:25
] BreliC[if i find anything interesting, i'll report back and let you guys know03:25
ompaul] BreliC[, do that, but at the same time have a chat with them about her account03:25
mangustaboyeestudio, run a terminal, and type in top03:25
mangustalook at what is on the top of the list03:26
CosmoDadsilvercat: do "reload" in synaptics and try again03:26
MdSalih3cosmodad: http://pastebin.com/65343703:26
CosmoDadsilvercat: and tell me the error message03:26
boyeestudiogood! and then?03:26
mangustatell us03:26
orbinwhat's the process at the top?03:27
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silvercatCosmoDad, theres no error message03:27
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boyeestudio 7918 boyeestu  15   0 77032  17m  10m S  9.3  3.5   1:57.70 gnome-terminal03:27
boyeestudio 7055 root      15   0 40592  23m 7660 S  8.3  4.8  16:33.32 Xorg03:27
boyeestudio 7599 boyeestu  16   0 43920 9820 7772 S  1.0  1.9   1:31.25 metacity03:27
boyeestudio10949 boyeestu  15   0  441m 219m  19m S  0.7 44.3  16:54.16 java03:27
boyeestudio11573 boyeestu  15   0 75592  27m  10m S  0.7  5.5   0:14.09 stardict03:27
boyeestudio 7575 boyeestu  15   0  5940 2300 1744 S  0.3  0.5   0:03.61 xscreensaver03:27
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boyeestudio 7606 boyeestu  16   0 80216  16m  12m S  0.3  3.3   0:42.99 nautilus03:27
boyeestudio 7656 boyeestu  15   0 18580 7568 6564 S  0.3  1.5   0:21.54 multiload-apple03:27
liable] BreliC[: better yet, install ssh on her box and take a good look around03:27
boyeestudio11691 boyeestu  16   0  2148 1100  840 R  0.3  0.2   0:00.27 top03:27
ompaulboyeestudio, stop03:27
CosmoDadsilvercat: what does "apt-cache show kernel-package" tell you?03:27
boyeestudio    1 root      16   0  1560  528  456 S  0.0  0.1   0:01.89 init03:27
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El_Chehaving a hard time trying to install a amd64bit smp workstation03:27
boyeestudioit change all the time!03:27
orbinmangusta: good one. :P03:27
] BreliC[liable, heh, it already is, but like i said, they disconnected her, so i can't get in03:27
shooflestuff seems to have happened!03:28
El_Cheinstalls fine, but when running an smp kernel zoof, gone03:28
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mangustaI didnt say paste anything03:28
ompaulboyeestudio, please go to #ubuntu-cn where people can help you more03:28
mangustadammit, tool03:28
silvercatCosmoDad, you mean other than telling me what it is?03:28
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El_Chebreezy boot and crash after a while (load?), dapper won't even boot03:28
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kimoanyone using samba clients vs Win2003 server, how do u mount user's profile directories ?03:28
ompaulboyeestudio,   #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk03:28
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CosmoDadsilvercat: tell me if "apt-cache show kernel-package" yields any description of the package03:28
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silvercatCosmoDad, I have kernel-source-2.6.11 and 2.6.10 but not 2.6.12 which i'm using. and yes, it describes the package.03:29
alonwhen i try to access my linux from other computers in my home network, it asks for username and password and it doesn't accept any username and password, not even mine. so how can i open it and disable this asking for username and password?03:29
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Marlunhow can I change my computer name through terminal?03:29
asad2005How do I know if I am running XGL or standard xserver03:29
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CosmoDadsilvercat: if it does, the package is available. I can't see no reason why you're not able to find it03:29
_jasonMarlun: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts accordingly03:29
gnomefreakasad2005: are you on breezy?03:29
CosmoDadsilvercat: try "aptitude install kernel-source-2.6.12"03:29
tonyyarussoompaul: Any way to make those not show up as square blocks in a terminal?  (tty, not gnome-terminal (where I already see them right, utf-8 enabled))03:29
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asad2005gnomefreak, No dapper03:30
Marlun_jason: thanks!03:30
ompaultonyyarusso, well I can see what I am posting :)03:30
alonwhen i try to access my linux from other computers in my home network, it asks for username and password and it doesn't accept any username and password, not even mine. so how can i open it and disable this asking for username and password?03:30
orbinompaul: how'd you know he's asian?03:30
gnomefreakasad2005: please join #ubuntu+1 for dapper issues or questions03:30
subsinkerHi... can anyone help with a problem with kaffeine 0.8.1?03:30
ompaultonyyarusso, I'll help you in a sec03:30
tonyyarussoompaul: 'k.03:30
=== gnomefreak sees ompaul is loaded and now i run for lafe ;)
BambinoHow can i start a download with wget in my terminal, and continue working in the same terminal?03:30
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CosmoDadalon: if you mean accessing in terms of ssh you should check /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:30
orbinBambino: append an & to the end03:31
silvercatCosmoDad, there's no kernel-source-2.6.12 package. only 2.6.11 and03:31
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orbinBambino: or run screen03:31
silvercat2.6.10 =(03:31
CosmoDadBambino: use "-d" for daemon mode03:31
alonCOsmoDad what should i check there?03:31
ompaulgnomefreak, tell orbin about me :-)03:31
CosmoDadalon: specifically "AllowUsers"03:31
=== ompaul cackles
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Bambinoorbin, which is betst? so wget -c http:whateverfile.iso & ?03:31
Zoroasterthis is off-topic, but I have a friend that has business dsl with verizon, and it is differnet than the dsl I am used which is PPoE, but his dsl is just DHCP, what modem/router/firewall would someone reccomend?03:31
KleggasI just made an dist-upgrade on my server and now mysqld wont start, giving me the error: [ERROR]  Fatal error: Please read "Security" section of the manual to find out how to run mysqld as root!03:31
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orbinBambino: maybe you should listen to CosmoDad03:31
Kleggasanyone knows why?03:31
alonCosmoDad i don't have that file03:32
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CosmoDadalon: how did you try to connect to your box?03:32
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orbingnomefreak: no botsnack until i get the joke :-/03:32
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BambinoCosmoDad, -d for daemon? What is daemon mode?03:32
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subsinkerGot a prob with kaffeine.... i cant choose the kaffeine-engine, although everything neccessary is installed =((03:32
Dr_WillisKleggas,  sounds like its not trying to run as root. (from the error message)03:32
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CosmoDadBambino: it makes wget put standard output into a log file and not bug you while downloading03:32
Dr_WillisKleggas,  or its NOW trying to run as root.03:32
alonCosmoDad via windows xp explorer03:32
gnomefreakorbin: but i want one :(03:32
CosmoDadsilvercat: what did that aptitude line I gave you yield?03:32
KleggasDr_Willis: ok, and how do I fix it? it doesn't run as nonroot03:33
BambinoCosmoDad, whee thanks03:33
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Dr34mC0d3ri have a cron job that dont automaticly fire 1 * * * * /usr/bin/php -f /home/chris/public_html/weather.php03:33
kimoanyone using samba clients vs Win2003 server, how do u mount user's profile directories ?03:33
CosmoDadalon: have you set up a webserver or something on your Ubuntu box?03:33
Dr34mC0d3ri can run it as root from the command line just fine..03:33
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orbingnomefreak: then answer mummy's question ...03:34
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Dr34mC0d3rgot any ideas?03:34
CosmoDadalon: or samba?03:34
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alonCOsmoDad oops, i do have the file you mentioned before, but just without the "d" letter you wrote03:34
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CosmoDadDr34mC0d3r: you're missing the user name03:34
gnomefreakorbin: the question being how did ompaul know that he/she was asian?03:34
Dr34mC0d3rahh - url of example?03:35
Dr_WillisKleggas,  id check the ubuntu wiki/forums - and perhaps the doc file they are mentioning.03:35
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CosmoDadalon: that's the client-part of ssh, but it doesn't matter if you used the explorer03:35
Zoroasterthis is off-topic, but I have a friend that has business dsl with verizon, and it is differnet than the dsl that I am used to which is PPoE, but his dsl is just DHCP, what modem/router/firewall would someone reccommend?  I recently bought and tried a netgear DG834G and netgear says it doesnt work with my type of dsl03:35
subsinkerNobody here to help? =((03:35
orbingnomefreak: well, yeah.03:35
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ompaulorbin, the language used was not native English, so the ip told me they were chinese03:35
CosmoDadDr34mC0d3r: fire 1 * * * * *    <USER NAME HERE> <command like you did>03:35
Dr34mC0d3rok thanks03:35
sovieticoolwhen i try to blank a CD RW whit gnomebaker  he close himself imediatly ! why ?03:36
orbinompaul: ah.03:36
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gnomefreakorbin: whois is a great command ;)03:36
alonCosmoDad i can't access my linux from my linux also indeed, it asks for password and only when i clean up the username and password areas it let me enter, and in windows if these areas are clean i can't click "OK"03:36
BambinoCosmoDad, btw, can I use like this: wget -cd http://file.extension ?03:36
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CosmoDadsovieticool: start gnomebaker from console and see the log output03:36
arrickGuys I feel the need to repeat my self, as I cannot see the question and no one has been able to help me out thus far03:36
gnomefreakhmmmmmm wonders03:36
ubotugnomefreak: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:36
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arrickHey guys does this line from /etc/passwd look right? microsoft:x:1002:1002:microsoft files,,,:/etc4/microsoft:/bin/microsoftonly03:36
gnomefreakoh well had to try ;)03:36
orbingnomefreak: indeed.  i didn't spot a country code though.  i wouldn't have bothered to ask otherwise.  just curious03:37
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gravesonis it possible for the ati driver to become corrupted.i had the ati driver working and upon reboot after some time the fglrx driver does not work anymore"03:37
Dr_Willisgraveson,  its possible a kernel update, may of messed it up. try reinstalling fglrx03:37
gnomefreakorbin: ive used sites for that also you should beable to do a reverse lookup on ips03:37
CosmoDadgraveson: did you upgrade the kernel?03:37
alonCosmoDad i can't access my linux from my linux also indeed, it asks for password and only when i clean up the username and password areas it let me enter, and in windows if these areas are clean i can't click "OK"03:38
arrickgraveson, did your computer up date between your last boot and this one?03:38
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gravesoncosmodad: no03:38
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CosmoDadgraveson: through automatic upgrade possibly?03:38
shooflenothing happened!03:38
gravesonarrick: yes there has been updates03:38
shoofleno better now!03:38
arrickthats your problem03:38
orbingnomefreak: i see.  you may have your botsnack now :)03:38
gnomefreaknot with whois you cant :(03:38
gravesoncosmodad :yes this is possible03:38
CosmoDadgraveson: if you build the driver yourself, you have to rebuild it03:38
arrickeeeewwwwww CosmoDad03:39
mangustashoofle, try a network restart, but it will drop the machine offline....03:39
gravesoncosmodad: :( that was a mission03:39
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mangustasudo /etc/init.d/networking restart;03:39
CosmoDadalon: sorry  I wouldn't know how to access Linux from the XP explorer.03:39
CosmoDadgraveson: so play it again sam ;)03:39
mangustathat may being the new card up in the networking....03:39
BambinoCosmoDad, when you say use daemon. do you mean wget -d httpfile.extension ? or do you mean wget httpfile -d ? (and if you meant the first thing I said, do can I add -cd or it must be only -d? ) :)03:39
shooflemangusta: other people on the network might not like me i will check03:40
gnomefreakorbin: you are in alstralia (sp) see not hard ;)03:40
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CosmoDadBambino: I usually do: wget -d <filename>03:40
aloncosmodad you don't have to know how to do this, only tell me how to open my computer to the network and not ask for password and username03:40
mangustaokies, will only affect the machine itself, not other machines on network03:40
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BambinoCosmoDad, cool ok. well its not working for me cause i see it downloading and I am with it on the row where it downloads :(03:40
orbingnomefreak: judgin by your mispelling of another country, i'm guessing you are an american ;)03:40
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CosmoDadalon: I use ssh to connect from any {windows|linux} machine to my ubuntu box03:40
BambinoCosmoDad, I am using putty to ssh to my laptop, (using windows now) is it because of that perhaps?03:41
arrickorbin, you familiar with /etc/passwd?03:41
gnomefreakorbin: yep ;)03:41
shooflemangusta: is this a different kind of network restart than i know of?03:41
arrickmorning orbin03:41
shooflei am not experienced with things.03:41
orbinarrick: no, sorry03:41
tonyyarussoorbin: Wow...that was good, but so sadly true.03:41
orbinarrick: evening03:41
arrickthanks anyway03:41
mangustanot sure, it restarts network service on the machine03:41
Dalamardoes anybody know how to fix  403 Forbidden error message on a fresh apache2 install ?03:41
IdleOnemorning folks03:41
CosmoDadBambino: oh shit, sorry it's "-b"03:41
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CosmoDadBambino: my fault :(03:41
arricktonyyarusso, you good with /etc/passwd?03:41
aloncosmodad what is ssh? i installed samba, isn't it the tool for sharing files in windows networks?03:41
orbintonyyarusso: ah, you're canadian.  no wonder you're taking my side :)03:41
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tonyyarussoarrick: Can't say I've messed with it ever.03:41
CosmoDadalon: yes it actually is03:42
BambinoCosmoDad Thank you, working now :)03:42
arrickthansk anyway tonyyarusso03:42
Dalamardoes anybody know how to fix  403 Forbidden error message on a fresh apache2 install ?03:42
Dr_Willisssh can be used to transfer files as well.03:42
tonyyarussoorbin: Actually, I'm from Minnesota, but my IP's Canadian b/c I'm going to university there.03:42
orbingnomefreak: see, tonyyarusso has a nice easy address03:42
shooflegonna try stuff now!03:42
CosmoDadalon: yes samba should work -- somehow. I haven't used Samba for years, however03:42
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orbintonyyarusso: oh. well, no offence then :)03:42
sovieticoolyep CosmoDad now i thing is working but it freeze after i change window03:42
CosmoDadalon: you'll have to wait for someone more expert on that field than I am03:42
Dr_WillisYou need to set a Samba password for the linux users. (sudo smbpasswd -a username) for their homes tobe shared.03:42
aloncosmodad ok, thanks anyway03:43
tonyyarussoorbin: None taken.  Wish I was Canadian, and Minnesota's not much like much of the US anyway ;)03:43
LinuxJonesarrick: how did you end up with those paths for that user ?03:43
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CosmoDadsovieticool: what's freezing?03:43
gnomefreakalaska ;)03:43
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BambinoCosmoDad, thank you once again, You managed to answer me whilst answering 10 others. appreciated.03:44
domsanybody hav a software like internet cafe monitoring coz i want to use that in my linux workstation i have a 7 pc03:44
CosmoDadsovieticool: wait some time03:44
IdleOnetonyyarusso, according to the patriot Act2 you can be sentenced to life in jail for saying what you just said03:44
domsanybody hav a software like internet cafe monitoring coz i want to use that in my linux workstation i have a 7 pc03:44
CosmoDadBambino: this is one heck of a job :)03:44
MartiiniIve got a dapper question03:44
tonyyarussoIdleOne: Then come get me!03:44
gnomefreakMartiini: ubuntu+1 can help you with that03:44
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)03:44
IdleOnetonyyarusso, :P I'm canadian03:44
gnomefreakim sorry03:45
domsanybody hav a software like internet cafe monitoring coz i want to use that in my linux workstation i have a 7 pc03:45
gnomefreakIdleOne: you are soon to be american03:45
tonyyarussoIdleOne: Exactly.  You think the people governed by the Patriot Act know how to read it?03:45
SiriusAwill dapper support dmraid devices?03:45
CosmoDaddoms: stop repeating in short intervals03:45
gnomefreakSiriusA: #ubuntu+! for dapper related questions03:45
IdleOnetonyyarusso, nope! and gnomefreak how do you know that?03:45
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SiriusAgnomefreak, k thx03:46
sovieticoolCosmoDad, look here please it is normal ?http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1203503:46
gnomefreakIdleOne: i know all ;) you said it in offtopic one day abouta  week ago or so03:46
_jasonSiriusA: gnomefreak meant #ubuntu+103:46
IdleOnegnomefreak, ahh ok03:46
vezk Im havin troubles converting mp3s to wav. any                         ggestions03:46
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arrickLinuxJones, I created the user, then edited the home directory and the /bin/microsoftonly03:46
IdleOnegnomefreak, thought you hacked me and where looking at my logs or sumthing hehe03:46
CosmoDadsovieticool: possibly03:46
gnomefreakno sir ;)03:46
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domsanybody hav a software like internet cafe monitoring coz i want to use that in my linux workstation i have a 7 pc03:46
CosmoDadsovieticool: it could also be some gnomebaker bug though03:46
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arrickLinuxJones, that is very similiar to the ftp user on my server, and I want the same result03:47
CosmoDadsovieticool: why don't you just go with k3b? imho, gnomebaker is a piece of crap compare to k3b03:47
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_jasonarrick: you can use the 'usermod' command instead of editing by hand03:47
sovieticooli have gnome :(03:47
CosmoDadsovieticool: that doesn't matter *at all*03:47
IdleOnesovieticool, you can still install k3b03:47
IdleOnesovieticool, sudo apt-get install  k3b03:47
_jasonarrick: but your line looks find as long as that microsoftonly thing exists I guess03:47
sovieticoolyesssss ??????03:47
arrickhow do i use the usermod to change the /bin/something part?03:47
silvercatCosmoDad, the aptitude line just told me that it couldnt find a package named kernel-source-2.6.1203:47
CosmoDadsovieticool: KDE apps just come in KDE style, that's about all03:48
MartiiniWhere do I find startup log?03:48
_jasonarrick: man usermod, I think it's -s03:48
Dr_Willisamazing how well kde and gnome work together these days. :P03:48
orbinsovieticool: yeah, they bring the req. libraries in03:48
CosmoDadMartiini: somewhere in /var/log03:48
arrickok thanks _jaso03:48
arrick_jason, thanks03:48
sovieticoolso any program that work in kde work in gnome too ?03:48
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MartiiniI know its /var/logs - no help03:48
CosmoDadsilvercat: but you said apt-cache show kernel-source-2.6.12 gave you a description of the package?03:48
gnomefreaksovieticool: most if not all03:48
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CosmoDadsilvercat: this is really weirdo03:48
sovieticool:)) today i find america :)))03:48
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CosmoDadMartiini: type 'dmesg' to see hardware-related logs03:49
silvercatCosmoDad, no, you told me to apt-cache show kernel-package, not the source.. it cant find the source package.03:49
subsinkerGot a prob with kaffeine.... i cant choose the kaffeine-engine, although everything neccessary is installed =((03:49
fuciHow do I change my keyboardlayout? Ive set it to Finnish but I it still doesnt work.03:49
sovieticoolto uninstal gnomebaker ?03:49
sovieticoolhow i do that ?03:49
MartiiniCosmoDadIm not in that sustem - do I need to chroot ?03:49
_jasonsovieticool: aptitude remove gnomebaker03:49
IdleOnesovieticool, sudo apt-get remove gnomebaker03:49
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=== tonyyarusso politely taps ompaul
=== ompaul forgot
tonyyarussoMay I have my terminal characters display knowledge cookie now?03:50
sovieticoolthanx a lot _jason and IdleOne03:50
CosmoDadsilvercat: geez I'm just realizing I don't have any 2.6.12 sources either03:50
domsanybody hav a software like internet cafe monitoring coz i want to use that in my linux workstation i have a 7 pc03:50
CosmoDadsilvercat: sry I mixed up that kernel-package prob with yours...03:50
Dr_Willisdoms,  to monitor what exactly?03:50
silvercatCosmoDad, thats weirdo..03:50
domslike itme in and time out03:51
_jasondoms: apt-cache search internet cafe03:51
silvercatCosmoDad, the sources for the running kernel isnt available..03:51
MdSalih3how do i load up the "device driver" in ubuntu ?03:51
sovieticooland thanx to all because u help a newpenguin like me03:51
Dr_Willisdoms,  whos time? :P03:51
Dr_Willisdoms,  may want to check freshmeat.net see what sort of tools they mention03:51
CosmoDadsilvercat: yeah that's absolutely strange03:51
orbinMdSalih3: that's a bit generic. what device?03:51
silvercatCosmoDad, I was the one with the /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/build/-problem.. =)03:52
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silvercatCosmoDad, cant make my kernel modules for the wifi-card03:53
DevUrandomExcuse me, but it seems my Ubuntu install has switched to 680x460 for no reason and I am unable to change back...03:53
CosmoDadsilvercat: I see your problem03:53
domsi hav a 7 client pc and i hav 1 server which means before they can use i must log-in them first in my server like how much they rent the pc, gud for 1 hour like something that03:53
orbinMdSalih3: afaik, that'd be to do with the kernel03:53
_jasonubotu: tell DevUrandom about fixres03:53
orbinor modules or whatever03:53
mangustaDevUrandom, check out /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:53
fuciHow do I change my keyboardlayout? Ive set it to Finnish but I it still doesnt work.03:53
CosmoDadanyone know why kernel-source-2.6.12 is not in the official ubuntu repo?03:54
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_jason!info linux-source-2.6.1203:55
ubotulinux-source-2.6.12: (Linux kernel source for version 2.6.12 with Ubuntu patches), section devel, is optional. Version: 2.6.12-9.23 (breezy), Packaged size: 39493 kB, Installed size: 39628 kB03:55
CosmoDadsilvercat: there you go :)03:55
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orbinwhat's the diff bn kernel-src and linux-src?03:55
CosmoDad_jason: just remembered they renamed it03:55
CosmoDadorbin: name03:55
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silvercatCosmoDad, ahh :D03:55
orbinCosmoDad: so it's the new convention?03:55
CosmoDadorbin: yeah03:55
CosmoDadorbin: there's more behind it but that's the Debian part03:56
dewdudeI'm getting an error about not being able to read the ICE authority file03:56
dewdudeand i can't get into my desktop03:56
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P__hey, someone can help about installing a network card please ? module is loaded, i only don't know how get the interface now03:56
gravesoni have a hyperthread motherboard.is it wise to change my kernel to 686-smp just to install the ati driver03:56
CosmoDadP__: network manager03:56
P__CosmoDad, i can't start x03:57
CosmoDadP__: then you'll have to edit /etc/network/interfaces manually03:57
CosmoDadP__: check the manpage03:57
mangustaP__, try ifconfig?03:57
silvercatCosmoDad, well thanks, I'll see if this works now then.. kinda slow connection, 40mb will take a few =)03:57
CosmoDadsilvercat: have some coffee :)03:57
gravesonanyone ?03:58
P__do you know how I can configure X correctly ? i m on a latop, I have a geforce go 7600, of couse I need to install the driver but maybe I could use a vesa until then ?03:58
CosmoDadP__: ifconfig is the one-time solution03:58
orbinsilvercat: unless you're on dialup like me. be quiet please ;)03:58
=== dewdude sits and wonders if he's going to get his os back today
CosmoDadP__: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg should work03:58
P__CosmoDad, once I load the module using insmod, if I do ifconfig there is only the loopback if03:58
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CosmoDadP__: ifconfig -a should show you the new device03:59
shredder_Has anyone here installed Real Player 10 Gold, I downloaded it from realplayer, In the terminal I get an access denied error and even when prompted to use password I still get jinxed?03:59
orbinP__: or just open up xorg.conf and change the driver to vesa03:59
_jasonubotu: tell shredder_ about realplayer03:59
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dewdudeso..i'm guessing no one has any idea about .ICEAuthority file errors04:00
dewdudeor what it even is04:00
_jasonubotu: tell dewdude about xhangs04:00
sovieticool_how i change the resolution of my monitor ? now is 60 hz :|04:00
dewdudeit doesn't hang04:00
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CosmoDadsovieticool: that's cool for an LCD04:00
nicolitoanybody can tell me how can I instal a deb package that says that has problems using dpkg??04:00
sovieticool_i have a 17'' FLATRON LG F700p04:00
dewdudeit tries to log in..then logs back out04:00
orbinsovieticool: that's not res. that's refresh rate04:01
fuciHow do I change my keyboardlayout? Ive set it to Finnish but I it still doesnt work.04:01
_jasondewdude: try what it says04:01
sovieticool_CosmoDad, is a CRT monitor04:01
P__CosmoDad, thanks, i can start it now04:01
CosmoDadP__: awesome04:01
dewdudethe file doesn't exist04:01
pikedewdude: delete the file04:01
dewdudeit's not there04:01
dewdudeat all, it never was04:01
pikels -a  doesnt show it?04:01
dewdudehold on04:01
=== dewdude forgot about caps
CosmoDadsovieticool: systems->properties->resolution (or whatever it is in your language)04:02
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.04:02
P__CosmoDad, when doing ifconfig -a, I have sit0 and the lo04:02
RayFredPip_jason, hey04:02
CosmoDadP__: did you load the driver?04:02
dewdudealrighty, i'll try that...danke04:02
nicolitoanybody can tell me how can I instal a deb package that says that has problems using dpkg??04:02
sovieticool_i try CosmoDad but is only 60 HZ !04:02
orbinnicolito: what is it?04:02
nicolitoanybody can tell me how can I instal a deb package that says that has dependences problems using dpkg??04:02
nicolitoorbin, sorry04:02
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CosmoDadnicolito: you need to install debs that your target deb is dependent on04:03
orbinnicolito: for what?  i mean, what package is it?04:03
nicolitoit is a deb file for using my webcam04:03
CosmoDadnicolito: install the debs it requires04:03
orbinnicolito: pastebin the errors04:03
arrickdewdude, if the file is not there and its throwing that error still, you  may need to reinstall the program04:03
_jasonRayFredPip: hello04:03
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nicolitothat is not included on the repositories04:03
P__CosmoDad, how ?04:03
CosmoDadP__: sudo modprobe <driver>04:04
P__CosmoDad, just typed insmod ......./e1000.k04:04
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RayFredPip_jason, Nice to meet you! are you tired?04:04
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CosmoDadP__: sudo modprobe e100004:04
DewDudeback in gnome04:04
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_jasonRayFredPip: the ops like to keep this channel for support, let's go to #ubuntu-offtopic04:04
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CosmoDadP__: if there're no errors, the driver will be loaded. Check the interface name with ifconfig -a04:04
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ubotuhmm... quicktime is read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats for information on quicktime support or just install the "libquicktime1" package.04:04
RayFredPip_jason, OK! let's go04:04
=== klm [n=isometsa@a81-197-201-136.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
fish_i have a problem: setxkbmap de04:05
fish_Error loading new keyboard description04:05
P__CosmoDad, no error, but the ifconfig -a just gives me lo and sit004:05
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mangustanicolito, use apt-get, or aptitude, should sort out deps for you, if not in the reps, try enabling the multiverse and universe sources in /etc/apt/sources.list04:05
spartoni figured out.....i hate adelphia high speed....they have my port 80 blocked04:05
fish_the same if i specify us or everything else04:05
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DewDudeheh, helps if i don't close xchat04:05
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CosmoDadP__: sorry gotta go, will be back in 1-2h or so04:06
nicolitomangusta, the file I need, spca5xx-source_20060301-1_all.deb04:06
nicolito, isnt included in my repositories04:06
=== DevUrandom [n=Cheeeees@82-196-162-240.bb.systeamnat.se] has joined #ubuntu
mangustaedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:06
DevUrandomThe auto reconfiguration program worked, Thank you for your help.04:06
mangustauncomment the deb lines under Universe and multiverse headings04:06
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Dr_Willisbackup your sources.list  befor editing it. :P is a good idea.04:07
mangustarun apt-get update04:07
nicolitoI did it, but this file isnt included04:07
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mangustathen try again04:07
CosmoDadP__: you can do sudo rmmod e1000, retry modprobing and use 'dmesg' to read log outputs, meanwhile04:07
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sovieticool_so CosmoDad can u give me an idee how to set HZ to monitor to 80 ot 75 HZ ?04:07
mangustado: ls /etc/apt/source*04:07
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CosmoDadsovieticool: did the gui way I recommended you not work?04:07
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vezin red hat I have no trouble converting my audio files to wav using bladeenc, any suggestions on how to get this done in ubuntu? even if it means using a different program. please help04:08
orbinsovieticool: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:08
nicolitomangusta, four files04:08
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bigtoevez: grip04:09
mangustaany of them called sources.list04:09
mangustaor similar04:09
nicolitomangusta, yes04:09
sovieticool_ok rbin04:09
spartonive never tryed bladeenc ive always used lame04:09
mangustaok, edit it04:09
=== hartym [n=hartym@AAnnecy-103-1-11-135.w193-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
nicolitook, but all of the repositories are uncomment04:09
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mangustacan you see the deb lines after this line: ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'universe'04:10
mangustathey are?04:10
sovieticool_orbin, here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1203704:10
nicolitono, all "deb" lines are uncommented04:11
mc|ambhi, could someone correct me please... mount -t smbfs//192.168,1,4/* /mnt/*04:11
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Dr_Willis192.168.1.4 for a start. :P dont use ,  - and  whats whith the /* ?04:11
Pulgokianybody using nessus get a ssl error when trying to login?04:11
sovieticool_orbin,  i have a LG 17" FLATRON F700P CRT monitor !04:11
orbinubotu: tell sovieticool about monrates04:12
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Dr_Willismc|amb,  i tend to cheat and use 'smb4k'04:12
ubotuhmm... monrates is To try and audodetect monitor rates, run: sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrang04:12
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mc|ambDr_Willis, how exactly do I use that?04:12
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orbinsovieticool: should be an e on the end04:12
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vezis grip in synaptic or do u have ftp? no luck with google though myffort was half assed at best.04:12
=== orbin fixes factoid
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Protocol1whats the command for getting to the video setup?04:13
P__someone can help me with my driver problem ? with a tail -f on /var/log/messages I have the line telling about the driver Intel Pro/1000 which is the right one04:13
orbinvez: it's in universe04:13
mangustanicolito, try finding the deb file here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/spca5xx04:13
virus343hello, i am a linux newbie, how do I run programs from the terminal?04:13
P__I have also no error message, but after that an ifconfig -a show me only the lo and sit004:13
nicolitomangusta, I downloaded the file, so I only want to install it, but the "dpkg -i" says: trouble with dependences04:13
Dr_Willismc|amb,  install smb4k, and run it. :P or read the 'using samba book" thats avilable online and leran how to mount eh shares manually, correctly.04:13
virus343what command?04:13
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD8ADD2.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
mangustawhat dep are missing?04:13
sovieticool_orbin i run sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange04:13
sovieticool_  and i receve VESA BIOS Extensions not detected.04:13
IdleOnesorry about the caps04:13
mc|ambDr_Willis, :D thanks04:13
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virus343i have that easy upuntu app04:14
orbinvirus343: precisely.  what command?  some apps add themselves to the PATH environment, so you can just type their name e.g. xmms04:14
mangustaIdleOne, tis cool, it's noisy in here ;)04:14
nicolitodebhelper (>=5.0.0)04:14
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IdleOne!tell virus343 about easyubuntu04:14
orbinvirus343: others you need to use absoulute or relative paths04:14
virus343its name is easyubuntu.py04:14
nicolitobut I only finds lower versions04:14
Protocol1 whats the command for getting to the video setup?04:14
pikevirus343: eirhter supply the full path or once in the same directory type ./filename04:14
IdleOnevirus343, on that link there will be the instruction on how to start it04:14
orbinsovieticool: that's cool. hang on04:14
mangustanicolito, sudo aptitude install debhelper04:15
virus343now I know04:15
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sovieticool_now what to do ?04:15
orbinsovieticool: actually: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:15
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sovieticool_yes i try that one time and i broke my ubuntu u have the paste bine can u tell me what line to modifi ?04:16
orbinProtocol1: define setup04:16
mangustanicolito, get it here: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/debhelper04:16
mangustav is there04:16
mangustanicolito, you have dapper?04:17
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Protocol1video card setup04:17
orbinsovieticool: HorizSync and VertRefresh numbers are probably wrong04:17
nicolitoI have breezer04:17
orbinsovieticool: hang on, i'll see what i can google04:17
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sovieticool_ok thanx orbin04:17
orbinProtocol1: to do what exactly? get 3d? setup dual head? blah blah blah04:18
nicolitoI have breezy04:18
mangustalooks like spca5xx-source is only available in dapper too04:18
Protocol1to select what driver I want and the reolutions etc04:18
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orbin!tell Protocol1 about xorg04:18
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nonolwolf, j'en ai marre04:18
nonomon sudo gedit n'ouvre plus rien du tt04:19
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.04:19
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nicolitoI only want to use an old usb webcam, RIMAX04:19
orbinProtocol1: run that tool, or edit xorg.conf by hand04:19
nicolitobut I dont find the drivers04:19
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mangustano idea nick|away04:19
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mangustano idea nicolito  rather04:19
=== xOrphenochx [n=ZeroKun@58-86.127-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
noeliaello hat to name04:19
orbinsovieticool_: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:19
xOrphenochxanyone ever experienced that problem where your mouse goes berserk?04:20
noeliano soy espaola04:20
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:20
noeliatu que eres04:20
orbinsovieticool_: go down to horizsync04:20
xophErDo you know of an app with which I could make a video of my desktop?04:21
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xOrphenochxi think there was one in the add/remove programs setup04:21
noppopeople, what software are you using to view djvu files?04:21
bliss1_I have some sources in my source list that start with http and go on to ftp that is incooect? deb http://ftp?04:21
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orbinsovieticool_: change it so: HorizSync 30-98 and VertRefresh 50-16004:22
Tuxieanyone here using amd64 dapper with kernel image 2.6.15-20-amd64-k8? I need your /lib/modules/2.6.15-20-amd-k8/volatile/nvidia.ko :)04:22
=== sNake [n=mrdez@c-67-163-64-96.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
orbin!tell bliss1_ about sources04:22
orbinbliss1_: check the pastebin links ubotu sent you04:22
IdleOnebliss1_, can you paste your sources.list to pastebin?04:22
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL04:22
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sovieticool_done orbin now how i save ?04:23
orbinxophEr: istanbul04:23
bliss1_IdleOne: yes thanks04:23
orbinsovieticool_: ctrl+x, then y (i think)04:23
devconi need some help with the alsa-driver04:23
sovieticool_i must to reboot ?04:24
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neo911hey is it possible to set a timer somewhere in ubuntu utils so that it turns off after the set time? my acpid doesn't work04:24
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devconi didn't know what to do next, i've configure and make the alsa-driver04:24
orbinsovieticool_: not fully, ctrl+alt+backspace (login and type startx if you get dumped)04:24
xophErorbin, thanks04:24
DanielCHow can I change the system-wide defaults for the Gnome panel?04:24
bliss1_IdleOne: the question is can you have http://ftp is this a incorrect format04:25
neo911i want it so that even if i have active tcp connections or applications running they will all shutdown and the computer turn off04:25
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sovieticool_if is not working how i reset xorg ?04:25
IdleOnebliss1_, it all depends on what the ftp is pointing to I guess...most of the time if they arent ubuntu repos it's a bad idea04:25
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Thread-sovieticool_: ctrl+alt+backspace04:25
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Thread-for a simple restart04:26
orbinsovieticool_: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf  ... then change everything back :)04:26
orbinsovieticool_: but it should work.  see you in a bit04:26
sovieticool_ok bye04:26
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IdleOnebliss1_, you can use other repos but you may end up with a broken system and then you will be an unhappy ubuntu user who is gonna blame us and then I'll be forced to say I TOLD YOU SO!" :P04:26
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=== fuci [n=taneli@dsl-aur-feccf800-164.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
orbinIdleOne: well, technically, he'll blame you :)04:27
fuciCan you help?04:27
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fuciHow do I change my keyboard layout04:27
IdleOneorbin, thats fine I got wide shoulders i'll take the blame I just wont pay for the repairs lol04:27
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bliss1_IdleOne: ubuntu is just fine its another debian install on the same box04:28
sovieticoolis working :))) lla lala me happy !! :P04:28
arrickhey all you ops out ther, how do I kick someone tht /kick does not work for04:28
orbinsovieticool: told you :)04:28
simian__i want to use an older nvidia driver in dapper, how would i do this?04:28
orbinsovieticool: so it's 75hz now?04:28
sovieticoolis 85 :D04:28
IdleOnearrick, /kick nickname reason if you want to put one04:28
orbinsovieticool: even better :)04:28
PuMpErNiCkLearrick: Ban them first?04:28
orbinsovieticool: write those numbers down somewhere if you have to change them again04:29
nonix4toxic_: concerning your tail -f | grep question, the answer is simple: grep does not flush eagerly04:29
nandemonaiI'm setting up apache2 and php5 and have it working pretty much.. only issue is that my .php indexing is not working properly.. for example.. http://localhost/index.php works and parses the php properly but if I enter http://localhost/ I get a prompt to download a phtml file.. What have I missed?04:29
PuMpErNiCkLesimian__: You'd have to install it manually, I think.  Make sure both the kernel module and the driver are the same version.04:30
sovieticoolyes i write them in a text editor and i save them !04:30
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sovieticoolwhat i learn i note there04:30
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mwenandemonai: configure it in the apache config file04:30
orbinfuci: sys>prefs k/board?04:30
simian__PuMpErNiCkLe: that sounds tricky to me04:30
IdleOnebliss1_, try asking in that distro support channel if they have one about theyre repos04:31
arrickThanks guys04:31
bliss1_IdleOne: god your so helpful, but also correct04:31
nonix4toxic_: in another words, use grep --line-buffering04:31
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mwenandemonai: DirectoryIndex in the apache2.conf file04:31
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orbinsovieticool: good!04:31
nandemonaimwe, done and done..04:31
simian__PuMpErNiCkLe: my problem is that the new nvidia driver diplays opengl apps in a small display04:31
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fuciorbin: ive set the layout to finnish, but my scandinavian letters wont work04:31
nandemonaimwe, still no change which is what weired me out04:31
IdleOnebliss1_, I became this way after I started using ubuntu and got some awsome support from it's users :)04:31
simian__PuMpErNiCkLe: it doesn't use full screen04:32
sophtpawcan someclear up for me: using gnomebaker to burn dapper .iso to i click on CD image files or all files?04:32
tanukiis dapper better than breezy?04:32
sovieticoolorbin do u use yahoo messenger ?04:32
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orbinfuci: i'm not sure how it all works actually, but what do you mean by won't work?04:32
IdleOnesophtpaw, you click on burn iso and then select the .iso you want to burn04:32
orbinsovieticool: no, worry04:32
PuMpErNiCkLesimian__: odd - not an issue I'm having04:32
orbins/worry/sorry :)04:32
sovieticoolor i will find u here most of the time ?04:32
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: yes, very much better :)04:32
=== Faraon__ [i=user8@84-122-195-187.onocable.ono.com] has left #ubuntu ["Abandonando"]
orbinsovieticool: yes, in here is best04:33
silvercatCosmoDad, I installed the linux-source package, but my module is still complaining about the build/.config thing..04:33
bliss1_IdleOne:  well done and please to give back and enjoy your awsome time here as you seem to give grade A support04:33
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IdleOnebliss1_, I try but thank you04:33
sovieticooli have to go bye all04:33
mwenandemonai: well that's how you do it. I don't know why it wouldn't work unless it's overwritten in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/04:33
UncleDANyone here use lynx?04:33
sovieticooli go to a friend to share what i learn today ;)04:33
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simian__PuMpErNiCkLe: it seems to be a known bug http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=6793604:34
fuciorbin: i cant use 'a' or 'o'(the points on top of the letters a and o), and shift+7 gives & insted of /04:34
baboHi guys, I want to ban all realtechnetwork ads .... how do I do that in /etc/hosts again ???04:34
bliss1_IdleOne : enjoy04:34
orbinsovieticool: bye, enjoy04:34
fuciand other kinds of stuff04:34
fucibut my system language is finnish04:34
baboShould this do it                  www.realtechnetwork.com04:34
UncleDI'm using lynx on a page where the only way to submit is to click on a 'radio' button. I can toggle the radio button, but i cant seem to force the submission. Any ideas?04:34
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orbinfuci: so, it basically remains in US?04:34
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fuciorbin: yes04:34
zwnjhow i can purge configuration files of a removed package?04:35
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sophtpawIdleOne: thx, i did that but then there is a final choice between 'CD image files' or 'All files'?04:35
UncleDAre there any console based alternatives to lynx that are better?04:35
orbinfuci: aha, #ubuntu-fi is finnish ... i think04:35
makavelibabo hosts.deny04:35
IdleOnezwnj, sudo apt-get remove --purge package04:35
zwnjUncleD: links ?04:35
orbinfuci: ask them maybe04:35
mweUncleD: highlight it and press right arrow?04:35
fuciorbin: ok, thanks04:35
UncleDmwe: I tried the right arrow, no success.04:35
mweUncleD: hmm04:36
mweUncleD: sounds like a crappy web site though04:36
sophtpawIdleOne: i wanna install Dapper on partition(so, i still have breezy when/if dapper falls apart on me) but then i can look for that avidemux plugin ; )04:36
babomakaveli: thanks04:36
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mweUncleD: who makes a web site submit with a radio button?04:36
IdleOnesophtpaw, sounds like a plan :)04:36
tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, why is it better?04:37
sophtpaw; ) yip...04:37
PuMpErNiCkLesimian__: known problem, but no fix, it seems04:37
UncleDmwe: I keep getting the error "One radio button must be checked at all times"04:37
sophtpawAnyone here familiar with gnomebager: for burning .iso do i finally select CD image files or All files, please?04:37
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: tons of reasons - udev, Xgl/compiz, beagle, Gnome 2.14 (which is massively optimized)04:38
brammatorhow to configure synaptic to use authenticated webproxy?04:38
mweUncleD: I don't know why04:38
=== riomerc [n=riomerc@CPE-60-229-146-57.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOnesophtpaw, just the .iso file you downloaded04:38
tanukimaybe i will upgrade then04:38
zwnjIdleOne: Package postgresql-8.0 is not installed, so not removed04:38
riomercI need some help04:39
tanukiis it possible to upgrade without re-installing?04:39
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ubotuIf you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.04:39
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: yeah, it's quite easy04:39
IdleOnezwnj, you can reinstall it then do the --purge command04:39
Zico|What is the name of the compiler tools to ubuntu?04:39
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tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, explain please04:39
sophtpawIdleOne: arrgh...  : ) Cd image file or All files?04:39
riomercDoes anyone here run starcraft on their ubuntu?04:39
Zico|where i can use commands like make04:39
zwnjIdleOne: ok, thanks :)04:39
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orbinZico|: install build-essential04:39
riomerc!helpme starcraft04:39
uboturiomerc: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:39
_jasonriomerc: accessories > terminal04:39
IdleOnesophtpaw, I dont know what you mean there is only one .iso file you should have downloaded04:39
nahojanyone who knows how to installa the Kopete DeskList Plugin04:40
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Zico|orbin: thx04:40
riomerc_jason: what?04:40
Zico|is it in the ubuntu innstalation cd?04:40
orbinZico|: afaik, yeah04:40
IdleOneZico|, yes04:40
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: replace 'Breezy' with 'Dapper' in the /etc/apt/sources.list file, and then run 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'04:40
_jasonriomerc: you run commands in applications > accessories > terminal04:40
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mweriomerc: frankscorner.org, use the wine version mentioned04:40
sophtpawIdleOne: of course, but having selected the downloaded .iso i have a choice before burning to specify CD image files or All files04:40
UncleDmwe: here's an example -> http://www.silktide.com/index.php?node=18448&url=http://www.i3brains.com/04:40
_jasonriomerc: erm ignore me I can't read04:40
riomercActually, I don't want to know how to install it04:41
IdleOnesophtpaw, Im guessing here but Cd image file04:41
riomercI want to know how to run battle.net04:41
sophtpawwell, i'll try that then04:41
digitalhav0cPuMpErNiCkLe, that broke my system04:41
riomerccan anyone help me with that?04:41
digitalhav0cthe dapper upgrade04:41
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reikisophtpaw: if you're burning an .iso then CD image is what you want. I burned mine with Gnomebaker as well04:41
orbinriomerc: maybe look at wine.  there's also a gaming section on the forum04:41
makavelitanuki,  http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu04:41
digitalhav0cit broke my xorg04:42
makaveligo in the end04:42
sophtpawreiki: thx04:42
makaveliback up current sources.list04:42
riomercbut I came here because I didn't want to search for it, orbin04:42
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sophtpawreiki: since you know gnomebaker can i ask you- i just got a 'fail' on my burn?04:42
digitalhav0cno telling what else has anyone esle experinced this?04:42
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sophtpawreiki: how do i have to have gnomebaker configured?04:42
=== reiki just did a wipe and clean install from flight6 CD and all is well
sophtpawreiki: is it Tao or Dao i want?04:43
orbinriomerc: stab in the dark if you ask me ... not everyone's a gamer, and not everyone plays scraft04:43
PuMpErNiCkLedigitalhav0c: Broke in what way?  Did it give an error message?04:43
reikisophtpaw: does it see your burner?04:43
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tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, could you explain in further detail? what do you mean replace breezy with dapper?04:43
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sophtpawreiki: yes04:43
Zico|orbin: where do i find it under Add applications04:44
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: /etc/apt/sources.list is a text file that holds a list of all the software repositories04:44
Zico|i clicked at Applications -> Add applications04:44
Zico|but didnt find it04:44
sophtpawreiki: under options what is 'burnfree' and 'Dummywrite'?04:44
reikisophtpaw: I just accepted teh defaults and burned teh iso fine04:44
orbinZico|: sys>admin>synaptic04:44
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tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, ok04:44
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: Replacing any occurrence of 'Breezy' with 'Dapper' will make it use the repositories holding the Dapper versions of all apps.04:44
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tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, ok04:44
Zico|orbin: i dont have internet on that computer04:44
orbinZico|: addapps is just a tool to install common apps (a useless tool if you ask me)04:44
Zico|oh thx04:45
orbinZico|: doesn't matter04:45
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' is the command that upgrades your entire system04:45
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orbinZico|: as long as you have the cd in your repos list, it will find it04:45
reikisophtpaw: burnfree is the buffer underrun protection I believe. Burnfree enabled , dummy write won't actually write anything if I remember correctly04:45
IdleOneZico|, put in the ubuntu cd and in terminal type sudo apt-get install build-essential04:45
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:45
mweUncleD: the page seems to be broken for lynx04:45
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tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, thank you, will i need to restart my computer or just log out to finish the changes?04:45
orbinZico|: IdleOne's method is probably quicker :)04:45
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:46
riomercOrbin: where's the fourm?04:46
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: You'll need to restart - it replaces basically everything, including the kernel.04:46
jmoncayohello people. I need somebody to help me out with a wireless conecction. I just installed ubuntu on my emachines m6809 notebook and i need to set up the wireless conecction?04:46
mweUncleD: I don't think it understands the page04:46
tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, ok, thank you04:46
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: np :)04:46
orbinriomerc: ubuntuforums.org04:46
reikiTo those looking to upgrade Firefox to BE AWARE there is a resource issue where it runs up CPU at times to near 100% and holds... should be resolved in
tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, will it keep my current settings, like themes and such, or will i need to redo all that04:46
digitalhav0ctanuki, hope it doesn't break your system04:46
UncleDmwe: know a browser that does?04:46
mwereiki: I newer experienced that though04:46
digitalhav0ctanuki, if it works let me know04:46
mweUncleD: firefox04:47
ChangerOfSeawhen is dapper coming out now.. junish right?04:47
orbinreiki: didn't 1.0.7 do that too?04:47
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)04:47
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reikimwe: it's intermittent... but a known issue nonetheless04:47
mwereiki: I see04:47
reikiorbin: I don't recall 1.0.7 doing it, but I am not certain that it didn't04:47
PuMpErNiCkLetanuki: It will keep your settings.  It doesn't touch your home directory, where most config files relating to your stuff are stored, and if any system config files have been changed it will ask you whether to keep the old version or go to the newer one.04:48
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mwereiki: it's been stabe for me. Good to hear they fix it though04:48
UncleDmwe: console based browser?04:49
=== Howitzer [n=adrian@90.216-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
sophtpawreiki: yea! now its burning... one does have to configure this things sometimes on a first-time use. Default settings won't do in that case. Are you sure you didn't have it set to either Dao or Tao? In K3B i remember that being the case. Anyways, its burning using 'default' we'll see if it gives an installation04:49
UncleDmwe: im in terminal mode04:49
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tanukidigitalhav0c, why would it break my system?04:49
mweUncleD: I haven't tried. w3c maybe or elinks04:49
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digitalhav0ctanuki, i broke mine04:49
aiduciukasi've donwloaded sensors-applet, how i can add it to panel?04:49
HowitzerDoes anybody know of a way to get an RSS widget? (EXCLUDING gdesklets)04:49
tanukiyou mean dapper drake has not been released yet?04:49
reikimwe: it's actually been ok for me as well. I've only seen it hog CPU twice and both times I had lots of sites open and my suspicion is that one of those sites has something in it that triggers the condiftion. I'm not technical enough to be able to substantiate that suspicion04:49
digitalhav0ci had to end up reinstalling breezy04:49
mweUncleD: w3m that is04:50
tanukii will be pissed if it breaks my system.04:50
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aiduciukasi've downloaded sensors-applet, how i can add it to panel?04:50
digitalhav0ctanuki, i think it just broke he xorg pkg but i couldn't get ti working04:50
tanukidigitalhav0c, you had to re-install?04:50
digitalhav0ctanuki, yeah04:50
tanukior what04:50
Howitzertanuki, if you use Drake with normal use, you won't break it04:50
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009FD8.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
HowitzerJust don't update TOO often..04:50
reikisophtpaw: I think the default is DaO (disk at once) rather than TaO (track at once)04:50
mwereiki: and it's hard to report a bug if you can't reproduce it04:50
tanukihow is it available for use if it has not been released yet though?04:50
aiduciukasany1 help me!04:50
HowitzerI like to wait every 3 days for an update04:50
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Howitzertanuki, testing04:50
orbinaiduciukas: sensors-applet?04:51
jmoncayosomebody who can help me out with the wireless configuration?04:51
digitalhav0cHowitzer, i broke my breezy system updating to dapper04:51
reikimwe: exactly... however it's apparently been reported enough that they know about it :)04:51
tanukihow can you be so sure it wont break anything if it is only in the testing stage?04:51
aiduciukasorbin, yes04:51
orbinaiduciukas: right-click>add to panel04:51
Pulgokianybody using nessus get a ssl error when trying to login?04:51
Howitzerdigitalhav0c, i always do a fresh install04:51
aiduciukassudo apt-get install sensors-applet04:51
mwereiki: well that's good to hear04:51
Howitzeralways works04:51
orbinno such package04:51
digitalhav0cHowitzer, i tried that04:51
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digitalhav0cto the same ends04:51
Howitzerdid you download a daily snapshot?04:52
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digitalhav0cxorg wouldn't work gave me and error when it booted u04:52
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digitalhav0cHowitzer, no04:52
digitalhav0ciso off the ubuntu webpage04:52
Howitzerwhat error did Xorg gave you?04:52
digitalhav0ci was talking to someone else in here yesterday that had the same problem04:52
aiduciukasorbin, thanks it's works04:52
reikitanuki: if you upgrade to Dapper you are in unstable territory. I haven't had any problems so far, but I am fully backed up and able to to install a clean Breezy if need be. Do not upgrade if you aren't willing to accept that you may have problems04:52
aiduciukas*it works04:52
yggworkany way to burn mac dmg images ?04:53
tanukihow do i backup my current system?04:53
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digitalhav0creiki, i second that04:53
HowitzerALSO: When doing a Dapper install, try to make a seperate partition for /home04:53
orbintanuki: there's heaps of backup apps in the repos04:53
orbintanuki: search and choose04:53
digitalhav0clucky for me the system that broke was one of my test systems04:53
Howitzeryou can also just do 'cp -r / <path where to put the  backup>'04:54
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Howitzerthen do grub-install hd0,0 (or something like that)04:54
aiduciukaswhen i've installed ubuntu i've forgotten to create swap partition :( how i can now create it?04:55
orbinaiduciukas: i'd like to get rid of mine :-/04:55
reikidigitalhav0c: so far (crossing fingers) I'm fine, but I am using things as what I believe a "typical" non-techie user would do. Browsing, email, some graphics stuff, gnomebaker... stuff like that... ok well except I also installed apache2, php5 and mysql but that's cause I needed something to do04:55
Tomcat_aiduciukas: Create a new partition of type "linux swap", then put it in fstab... that should be it.04:55
tanukiunfortunately i have already started the upgrade process so it is too late to back up now :)04:55
tanukii hope it all goes well or i will kill somebody04:55
riomercI'm back from my search04:55
tanukinot you04:55
reikitanuki: may the Force be with you. :)04:55
riomercI need some help04:56
aiduciukasTomcat_, but i 'don't have unused space04:56
tanukithank you reiki04:56
digitalhav0creiki, yeah i couldn't get a WM at all maybe it has to do with my hardware im not sure04:56
riomercdoes anyone here run starcraft on their linux?04:56
aiduciukashow i can resize min linux partition?04:56
Tomcat_aiduciukas: Then you need to resize some partition to get unused space. ;)04:56
reikidigitalhav0c: I'm on an old P3 1GHz. Nothing too cutting edge here. :)04:56
aiduciukashmmmz how?04:56
jmoncayocan sombody help me, how can i use my wireless network card04:56
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Tomcat_aiduciukas: Boot into a LiveCD, then use the available tools (parted, gparted)04:57
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riomercCan someone help me?04:57
whyamiI'd like to solve my alsa problems once and for all. I have sync problems with alsa. I have tried various settings for period size and buffer size in /etc/asound.conf and nothing seems to help. Suggestions?04:57
digitalhav0creiki, me niether p4 2.4ghz04:57
aiduciukasTomcat_, i'll try04:57
aiduciukasthankx anyway04:57
reikiriomerce: patience you must have (why am I slipping into Yoda-speak?)04:57
riomercpatience, I have04:57
Tomcat_aiduciukas: It's dangerous. So if you're not up to the task, find somebody to do it for you. :o04:58
reikidigitalhav0c: did you boot a liveCDfirst to test?04:58
reikijust wondering04:58
aiduciukasriomerc, starcraft is game?04:58
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aiduciukasbuy cedega program04:58
riomercno no no04:58
riomercI have it in the systme04:58
riomercusing wine04:58
aiduciukasand you'll able to play all win games04:58
riomercwhich is just fine04:59
Pulgokiaiduciukas: not age of empires II04:59
riomercthat has nothing to do with my question04:59
riomercI want to fix battle.net04:59
reikior install VMWare Workstation 5.5 and run any windows stuff you want... in windows :)04:59
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riomercor just install wine04:59
riomercyou fools04:59
aiduciukasi need to go to the supermarket :D04:59
riomercthat has nothing to do with my question04:59
riomercI want04:59
riomercto fix04:59
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.04:59
reikiWTF is battle.net? And why would I care to fix it?05:00
riomercyou don't want to05:00
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.05:00
digitalhav0creiki, yes and it booted up05:00
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digitalhav0creiki, but it kept locking up05:01
riomercThere don't seem to be many questions at the moment -_-05:01
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riomerclet's restart this05:01
IdleOneriomerc, whats up ? I wasnt watching05:01
mechatronichi all05:01
reikidigitalhav0c: hmmm... that's kinda odd... I would suspect video hardware first, but.. I don't delve into those things anymore. I let the folks that know better do it :)05:01
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riomercIdleOne: What?05:01
IdleOneriomerc, what issue you having ?05:01
vezk so how do I get grip?05:02
riomercIdleOne: I'm trying to fix battle.net on my starcraft05:02
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vezor do I most likly have it05:02
mechatronicwhy mplayer in reposities of ubuntu doesn't work as good as compile from source?05:02
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Kamping_Kaisermechatronic: the ones in the repository are generic05:02
IdleOneriomerc, what is battle.net05:02
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riomercIdleOne: Internet client for starcraft, allowing people to play over the net05:03
IdleOneok so you had it working before and now it isnt? what error you getting ?05:03
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riomercNow exactly05:03
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riomercit never worked05:04
riomercMy starcraft crashes when i'm starting to connect05:04
riomercI used WINE to install starcraft05:04
riomercby the way05:04
IdleOneriomerc, ok it might be an issue with wine not supporting or not supporting it well05:04
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riomercnot really, many people run battle.net just fine05:05
Zico|Hello i have installed build-essentials now, but when im trying to build a file with make, ive got /lib/modules/2.6xxx/build No suc file or directory05:05
digitalhav0creiki, i know i guess i have to wait till june to play with xgl and compiz05:05
riomercaside from a few graphic issues it connects perfectly05:05
IdleOneriomerc, you can try asking in #winehq I think they might be more helpful05:05
riomerci'll try05:05
glimp999what FTP clien is best for ubuntu05:05
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IdleOneriomerc, try being a little more patient and explain the issue clearly with as much detail and info as possible :)05:06
riomercat winehq?05:06
glimp999what is a good ftp client for ubuntu?05:06
glimp999yeah ft client05:07
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IdleOneriomerc, if they cant help then you can try in here again later and someone might be able to help you , also see if battle.net has an irc channel and also starcraft05:07
mechatronicdo u think mplayer is the best for ubuntu?05:07
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digitalhav0cmechatronic, for? playing what type of file.05:08
IdleOnemechatronic, I prefer xmms and Muine is nice little app for plaing music05:08
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Raul654I'm trying to install mplayer using gnome app install. It keeps telling me to enable multiverse, but as far as I can tell, multiverse is already enabled05:08
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silvercatwhats a good and easy wifi-manager?05:08
kureihi, is there such a thing as a command which i can issue in the console for grub to automatically boot in windows?05:08
Raul654I go to repositories, and us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-breezy-backpors is checked05:08
mechatronicdigitallhav0c: i want to play video file05:08
Kamping_Kaiserkurei: not a command as such. there is a file you can edit05:09
mechatronicas much as it can05:09
IdleOneRaul654, the us repos are often not working05:09
Raul654Idle - so they're just down?05:09
kureiKamping_Kaiser, can you educate me more?05:09
IdleOneRaul654, its possible yes05:09
Raul654is there any way to verify that?05:09
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IdleOneRaul654, you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list and change all the us. to ei. works all the time for me05:10
Kamping_Kaiserkurei: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.list and change the '0' to whatever your Windows is05:10
Kamping_Kaiseror to savedefault05:10
=== Rug [n=rug@dyn216-8-163-194.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu
RugHowdy all05:10
Kamping_Kaiserthere's some help in there05:10
IdleOneRaul654, remember to do sudp apt-get update after editing the file05:10
RugDamn I am loving Fluxbox.05:10
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mooooo0010hi, anyone available for first time user?05:11
IdleOnemooooo0010, ask away someone should jump in and help05:12
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mooooo0010ookie.. i just installed ubuntu.. but i can't seem to do much05:12
Rugmooooo0010: We love breaking in a virgin!   (jk)05:12
IdleOnemooooo0010, ubotu is going to send you a few links in a msg to get you started05:12
mooooo0010it tells me i have 82 updates.. but when i click to install updates nothing happens05:12
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Kamping_KaiserRug. hm... pushing the CoC there ;)05:12
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IdleOne!tell mooooo0010 about repos05:13
IdleOne!tell mooooo0010 about cli05:13
IdleOne!tell mooooo0010 about ff1.505:13
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IdleOne!tell mooooo0010 about mp305:13
IdleOne!tell mooooo0010 about dvd05:13
jmoncayohey buddies i just installed ubuntu on my emachines m6809 notebook, i would like to know how can i use my wireless card05:13
IdleOnemooooo0010, there you go you should be good for a couple hours :)05:13
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tswhehe, there should be !tell <nick> intro05:13
IdleOnemooooo0010, if you run into problems just ask in here :) and btw welcome to ubuntu05:13
mooooo0010i've been to most of those pages..05:14
riomercHello again, I'm having a problem in starcraft, does anyone here have experience with the battle.net interface?05:14
Kamping_Kaisertsw: feel free to createit :)05:14
Raul654idleone - that did not correct the problem05:14
plbgnrhello, I have breezy, which is the best way to install skype?05:14
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Raul654mplayer is still greyed out, and still refuses to let me install05:14
tswKamping_Kaiser: nah, its more fun that way :)05:14
Kamping_Kaiser!tell plbgnr about skype05:14
jmoncayohello i need some help if somebody could help05:14
Raul654Package mplayer is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:14
Raul654This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or05:14
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mooooo0010i still dunno why when i click the menu options nothing happens05:14
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Kamping_KaiserRaul654: enable universe and multiverse05:14
k31thtarzeau: sure, Ok i have a small scipt for logging into ssh sessions... basically wat i need to do is, have a user enter the hist name for example 'yahoo' and it will ssh to 'yahoo.com'05:15
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Raul654Kamping - I did05:15
mooooo0010in all the tutorials and helps it doesn't tell me why i cannot access my other HD05:15
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Raul654then, on idleone's suggestion, I tried ei05:15
mooooo0010does anyone know?05:15
Raul654neither of them work05:15
mooooo0010i have c: IDE, d: IDE and e: SCSI05:15
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mooooo0010ubuntu is installed on c:05:15
riomercHello again, I'm having a problem in starcraft, does anyone here have experience with the battle.net interface?05:15
mooooo0010but i cannot access d: or e:05:15
IdleOne!tell mooooo0010 about mount05:15
mooooo0010i have tried that05:16
reikianyone know why this happens? App still runs but...05:16
reiki GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:16
reikiAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed.05:16
mooooo0010i cannot mount anything unless i am root05:16
reikithat's a result of gksudo nautilus05:16
mooooo0010but i can't log in as root05:16
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IdleOnemooooo0010, use sudo05:16
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:16
mooooo0010because i cannot access the menu that lets me set root login05:16
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:17
reikiuse sudo05:17
Raul654that's odd. In the gnome app installer, when I double click on mplayer, it pops up an error saying it was not found in the archive, and thus is probably not available for my platform. But I'm using x86, so it has to be there05:17
IdleOneBlissex, :P05:17
mooooo0010but howcome it doesn't respond when i use sudo05:17
IdleOnemooooo0010, only the first user you setup at install has sudo privs by default05:17
_jasonRaul654: try suing aptitude from the command line, do you know the proper package you need for your arch?05:17
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mooooo0010yes i only set up 1 user so far05:17
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Raul654jason - mplayer05:17
_jasonubotu: tell Raul654 about mplayer05:18
_jasonRaul654: you need mplayer-<arch>05:18
stamen81please tell me how to insert the module for dazuko05:18
mooooo0010also wondering how do i install anything if synaptic doesn't run when i click it05:18
Raul654so: sudo apt-get install mplayer-x86 ?05:18
_jasonRaul654: the wiki page ubotu sent you has a nice little table05:18
Kamping_Kaisermplayer [36] 8605:18
IdleOnemooooo0010, sudo command should give you a password: prompt then you type in your user password ( you wont see anything ) and hit enter05:18
stamen81it tells me this : insmod: error inserting 'dazuko.ko': -1 Invalid parameters05:19
stamen81what to do05:19
_jasonmooooo0010: open a terminal (applications > accessories) and type 'sudo echo hi', what happens?05:19
mooooo0010ok lemme try05:19
reikiwithout the quotes05:19
stamen81so, could anybody help m,e05:19
mooooo0010yaby@yaby:~$ sudo echo hi05:19
mooooo0010it doesn't say hi back05:20
_jasonmooooo0010: paste the output of 'groups'05:20
mooooo0010yaby@yaby:~$ groups05:20
mooooo0010yaby adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner05:20
_jasonmooooo0010: did you do an expert install?05:20
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mooooo0010i think so..05:21
IdleOnethats it05:21
emolinahola hay algien05:21
_jasonmooooo0010: so you have set a root password during install?05:21
johnny3dwhat is the danger of using one dapper repository in breezy?05:21
_jasonmooooo0010: do you understand what it means to su to root?05:21
Raul654Package mplayer-386 is not available, but is referred to by another package.05:21
emolinaquien quiere ligar05:21
IdleOnejohnny3d, a broken system?05:21
mooooo0010yeah i tried that in the terminal before05:21
_jasonRaul654: have you enabled multiverse?05:21
Raul654Jason - yes05:21
_jasonmooooo0010: did it work?05:21
Raul654both us and ei05:21
Raul654neither work05:21
Kamping_Kaiserrourun apt-get update?05:21
_jasonRaul654: can you put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ please?05:21
emolinaquien quiere ligar con una tia  buena05:21
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:22
mooooo0010i can access hdb while i was in root05:22
_jasonubotu: tell mooooo0010 about expert05:22
johnny3dIdleOne, it is the only way I can get an exporter script to work.05:22
mooooo0010but how do i let my default user have permission and access it05:22
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IdleOnejohnny3d, well if your willing to take the risk go for it05:22
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_jasonmooooo0010: what ubotu just sent you will fix your sudo problems first.  Then we can work on giving your user permissions05:22
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IdleOnejohnny3d, as long as you know you may end up with a useless system05:22
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IdleOne!tell johnny3d about upgrade05:23
mooooo0010where does my command start?05:23
_21h_ - - ? :)05:23
johnny3dIdleOne, if I upgrade to dapper I get the same errors as breezy trying to use the script.05:23
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_jasonmooooo0010: hrmm?05:23
mooooo0010do i start typing the command at addgroup?05:23
_jasonRaul654: you only have multiverse for backports.  Do you want to fix this using synaptic or editing by hand?05:23
mooooo0010after su?05:24
stamen81who can help with dazuko05:24
Raul654synaptic please05:24
IdleOnejohnny3d, if you are comfortable with the fixing you may need to do then go for it dude. just letting you know that it might not work05:24
Rubinanyone know if its possible to get clipboard sharing in terminal server client?05:24
johnny3dIdleOne, thanks.  If I don't make it back, go on without me.05:24
IdleOnejohnny3d, we will try to survive :)05:24
_jasonmooooo0010: yes, one whole line.  But remember to substitute your_normal_username appropriately, like this: addgroup --system admin; echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers && adduser your_normal_username admin05:24
mooooo0010ok here it is05:25
mooooo0010yaby@yaby:~$ su root05:25
mooooo0010root@yaby:/home/yaby# addgroup --system admin; echo "%admin ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers && adduser yaby admin Adding group `admin' (113)...05:25
mooooo0010Adding user `yaby' to group `admin'...05:25
_jasonubotu: tell Raul654 about synaptic05:25
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ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL05:25
_jasonmooooo0010: please don't paste ehre05:25
mooooo0010oops sorry05:25
=== Howitzer [n=adrian@90.216-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
HowitzerI would like to have an introduction to programming.05:25
_jasonRaul654: that page has instructions for enabling multiverse using synaptic.  press ctrl-f and search for multiverse.  Pay attention to the special instructions05:25
HowitzerWhat is the best language for this?05:25
_jasonHowitzer: python is nice05:26
IdleOneHowitzer, TV Guide lmao sorry couldnt help myself05:26
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HowitzerIt has to be moderately 'easy' and not cripple any future languages i might learn :D05:26
_jasonmooooo0010: no go back to your normal user and type 'sudo echo hi'05:26
HowitzerIdleOne, funny joke actually :D05:26
mooooo0010now it says hi to me05:26
_jasonmooooo0010: now try synaptic05:26
mooooo0010yay it loads!05:26
pikeHowitzer: even bash scripts then c++ a little later05:27
_jasonmooooo0010: what filesystem does hdb use?05:27
Howitzeri tried doing some bash stuff05:27
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_jasonubotu: tell mooooo0010 about ntfs05:27
mooooo0010how about the scsi drive05:27
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Howitzerlike making little .sh scripts to backup folders, check if they're actually copied and then delete them :D05:27
CosmoDadHowitzer: bash is hell to start with05:27
mooooo0010i think it should be sda05:27
mooooo0010i thnki..05:28
CosmoDadHowitzer: you miss a white space and everything blows05:28
Howitzeri tried C++ once too05:28
mechatroniceveryone, i see some of package in reposities converted from rpm by alien05:28
LorvijaHey, can i run windows programs directly from my windows partition?05:28
Howitzerbut i got all confused with arrays and matrices05:28
mechatroniccan i use them05:28
Lorvijawith wine i mean05:28
_jasonmechatronic: what packages?05:28
HowitzerLorvija, yes05:28
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CosmoDadHowitzer: you're not confused until you reach pointers first time :)05:28
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_21h_in ubuntu ntfs driver only for reading?05:28
LorvijaHowitzer,  will ntfs be a problem? (:05:28
_jason_21h_: yes05:29
mechatronic_jason: please wait05:29
Howitzerunless you need to write to it05:29
Kamping_Kaiserhi rob05:29
LorvijaHowitzer,  okay so it is a problem :/05:29
HowitzerWhat should i try?, Python, C++(again) or Bash?05:29
LorvijaHowitzer,  gotta try something else then05:29
LorvijaHowitzer,  thanks (:05:29
mooooo0010lemme try to get my hdb first before worry about my scsi..05:29
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HowitzerLorvija, there are options to write to NTFS05:29
=== mooooo0010 thx jason a bunch n a bunch!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CosmoDadHowitzer: depdends on what you wanna do05:29
HowitzerBut it might not be fully stable05:29
=== mooooo0010 will be back shortly
HowitzerCosmoDad, i'm a bit interested in going for a programmer career later, that's why i want an introduction to it05:30
vezya well Im going back to good old fedora core, it was fun well it lasted......oh nono wait this wasnt fun at all. have a good one all ya all.05:30
Howitzerto be sure of my case.05:30
erezHowitzer: try python , here is a good guide for beginers: http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld/ and also this one :http://www.ibiblio.org/obp/thinkCSpy/05:30
mechatronic_jason: oops, sorry. No one05:30
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PuMpErNiCkLeLorvija: http://www.jankratochvil.net/project/captive/ might help you05:30
bliss1_IdleOne: In etc/hostnme is just the name of your machine that goes in there or is it a FQDN05:30
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HowitzerCan i easily step over from Python to something else? (like C Sharp, my nephew said it's the language of the future :x )05:31
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Kamping_Kaiserc#? meh05:31
Kamping_Kaiserbliss1_: it's an important file :)05:31
CosmoDadHowitzer: I'd start with Java if you wanted to know object-oriented programming...05:31
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Kamping_Kaiserjust the name, one word, no spaces05:32
HowitzerI thought Java was a bitch05:32
Kamping_Kaiserdon't do java if your running ppc linux....05:32
CosmoDadHowitzer: it's OO05:32
erezHowitzer: after learning python you won't need to EVER learn C# , but i would be able to learn c easly, and c++05:32
bliss1_Kamping_Kaiser:good answer05:32
Kamping_Kaisernp ;005:32
LorvijaPuMpErNiCkLe, thanks05:32
Howitzererez, could you explain why i shouldn't learn C# then?05:33
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silvercatwhats a good and easy wifi-manager?05:34
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CosmoDadHowitzer: it's from MS :)05:34
erezHowitzer: python and C# are after all for the same purpose, then you won't need to know c# , if you will want to hack on windows you will want to learn it, buti  can't think of another reason to learn C# if you know python.05:35
Kamping_Kaiserit's just java for MicroSoft. nothing to speical05:35
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erezmaybe you should start from C, i started from Pascal then moved to C, and after that i have seen that many languages use the C syntax.05:36
PuMpErNiCkLeerez, Howitzer: There is the Mono project, so C# isn't entirely a Windows thing.05:36
HowitzerOh god05:36
Howitzerso many choices -_-05:36
Howitzerit's driving me nuts05:36
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CosmoDaderez: I started with Pascal which I found a very good language to start with, but definitely not C...05:37
Howitzeryeah, they told me C++ was hard for newbies05:37
PuMpErNiCkLeI'd say go with C/C++; a lot of code out there is in those two languages, and a lot of other languages are in the same style.05:37
CosmoDadHowitzer: C/C++ is probably quite useful, but also hard for a newbie (sic)05:38
mechatronicHowitzer: C++ isn't too hard for newbie05:38
adrian_4 people saying different things :x05:38
PuMpErNiCkLeI blame the pointers for that. :D05:38
CosmoDadHowitzer: pick your favorite opinion :)05:38
erezHowitzer: the reason python is considered easy to beginers is because it is very easy to read.05:38
PuMpErNiCkLecurse those pointers05:38
adrian_I'll start with Python then05:38
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adrian_(I'm howitzer on Irssi)05:38
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Kamping_Kaiserany emulated/interperated language is flawed (python included)05:39
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=== mechatronic like C++ and asm
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mechatronicno others05:39
=== PuMpErNiCkLe recommends COBOL and FORTRAN to everyone
CosmoDadhe was asking for a way to learn programming, not create high-speed applications05:39
=== _jason suggests assembly
silvercatwhats a good and easy wifi-manager?05:40
mechatronicPuMpErNiCkLe: Fortran05:40
=== Kamping_Kaiser takes PuMpErNiCkLe up on cobol
CosmoDadHowitzer: you should leave right now, people are getting weird :)05:40
HowitzerThat's the thing i like programming, you can always learn a new language to use05:40
Kamping_Kaiserlol CosmoDad05:40
=== mechatronic thinks FORTRAN is very old
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PuMpErNiCkLeold, terrible, and very lucrative :)05:40
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mechatronicOh my god, it's very slow05:41
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HowitzerStarting on the Python tutorials then :-)05:41
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polpakHowitzer, it's everyone's pet language05:41
_jasonHowitzer: browse the list at python.org05:41
HowitzerNow could someone give me a goal for an application to write in Python?05:41
GRiDhey guys, i just installed a minimal server version of breezy badger, but i want a c development environment now. any easy way to install the standard packages all at once?05:42
HowitzerOtherwise it seems so damn useless to learn Python :D05:42
PuMpErNiCkLeHowitzer: "Hello, World!" is a good start :)05:42
_jasonGRiD: build-essential is a meta-package for that05:42
polpakGRiD, sudo apt-get install build-essential05:42
caminomasterPlease help me! I've deleted a big file in ext305:42
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phbhm, what does the installer do after copying all the (base) packages? Having some issue with 5.10, so it directly reboots my comp after installing all packages.. suspecting x11..05:42
GRiDexcellent, thanks05:42
Howitzeri can write 'hello world' in C, C++ and Bash05:42
HowitzerI just rule05:42
CosmoDadHowitzer: I still need this GUI frontend for mplayer to convert mpg2 files to mpg4...05:42
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_jasoncaminomaster: what do you want to do?05:43
=== Howitzer ignores CosmoDad
Howitzerwouldn't i need GTK stuff for that?05:43
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polpakHowitzer, yeah, but python works very nicely with gtk05:43
caminomasterI wanto to undelete files deleted in an ext3 partition05:43
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HowitzerCan i use Python in Windows?05:43
CosmoDadHowitzer: can't be too hard05:43
philippe_who knows a software to convert avi to mpeg205:43
Howitzeri guess not?05:43
polpakHowitzer, yes05:43
Howitzereven cooler05:44
polpakHowitzer, python works fine with windows05:44
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caminomasterJAson: I wanto to undelete files deleted in an ext3 partition05:44
synopiai have a little problem05:44
_jasoncaminomaster: how did you delete it?05:44
philippe_who knows a software to convert avi to mpeg205:44
caminomasterin nautilus05:44
_jasoncaminomaster: is it in your trash?05:45
Howitzergo to ~/.Trash05:45
Howitzerit will be tehre05:45
Howitzerjust undelete it then (just like in Windows)05:45
CosmoDadcaminomaster: http://batleth.sapienti-sat.org/projects/FAQs/ext3-faq.html05:45
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philippe_i guees that nobody knows a avi converter05:45
_jasonphilippe_: mencoder, I don't know the syntax though05:46
Howitzerphilippe_: apt-cache search for avi converter and stuff05:46
_jasoncaminomaster: no?05:46
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CosmoDadphilippe_: avidemux can convert to mpeg1, but I guess not mpeg2...05:46
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caminomasterno; nautilus told me "cannot send it to trash"05:46
caminomasterand i deleted it05:46
caminomasterwas a mistake05:46
Howitzertoo bad then :x05:47
CosmoDadcaminomaster: if that file is not a text file and you truly deleted it, you're out of luck05:47
DizietAnyone here with a recently-updated dapper using es_ES, fi_FI, lt, pl_PL, ru_RU, sk, sv_SE, or zh_CN, who'd be willing to try an under-the-table mozilla-firefox-locale-* package ?05:47
_jasoncaminomaster: 'sudo updatedb && locate filename' if nothing turns up, you are out of luck05:47
HowitzerIt's gone buddy05:47
HowitzerYou have to let it go05:47
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synopiawe have an (k)ubuntu computer right here, with another monitor, than the one used by installation. now with the new monitor, the resolution is only 640x480 and in system settings, there are no other choices... pls help..05:47
HowitzerDon't mourn05:47
HowitzerMove on!05:47
CosmoDadcaminomaster: luckily, you started to create those backups months ago -- didn't you?05:47
_jasonubotu: tell synopia about fixres05:47
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mooooo0010thank you so SO so much jason, i think i am ok for a while.. i'm sure i'll be back soon!!05:47
_jasonmooooo0010: cool05:47
mooooo0010*muuuuuuuuuuuuah* to everyone who helped me!!05:47
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HowitzerMan, i like irssi05:48
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johngaltanyone up for a n00b ubuntu question?05:48
Howitzerjohngalt: yep05:48
Howitzerfire away05:48
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caminomasterCoosmodad: please Xplain me that "sudo update"05:48
CosmoDadcaminomaster: you mean either "sudo apt-get update" or "sudo aptitude update"?05:49
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rgouldSo I just booted up my laptop and it is not detecting my USB mouse, in any of the three slots. Is there some way to restart USB-support? modprobe perhaps?05:49
CosmoDadcaminomaster: it's the same as if you syncronized your set of packages with the official repository in synapics, that's it05:49
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DomingoSomone is french here please ?05:50
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.05:50
johngaltI have a 200gb ntfs usb drive that ubuntu recognizes, any only allows read access to (i understand why), however, I still need to share it with my other workstations (running winxp).  Every time someone needs a file off the usb drive, i have to reboot to my winxp partition.  Any way to share this drive for the other xp boxes to see it and have full access while i am running linux on this box?05:50
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etahello all...05:50
rgouldlsusb only lists devices with ID 0000:0000 so I assume that means it cannot detect my mouse05:50
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Domingomerci !!05:51
CosmoDadjohngalt: try samba05:51
CosmoDad!tell johngalt about samba05:51
etai just have BIG problem....i changed my admin password and today i started machine again....and that password dont let me use admin....05:51
DizietI'll take that as a no.  Thanks anyway.05:51
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etahow i can change password again?05:52
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CosmoDadeta: reboot into recovery mode, then use "passwd"05:52
sockpuppe1greetings FunnyLookinHat05:52
caminomasterCosmoDad You wrote me: 'sudo updatedb && locate filename' if nothing turns up, you are out of luck05:52
etaok....ill try05:52
CosmoDadcaminomaster: when did I write that?05:53
etaif that works....i say very much thanks for you....=)05:53
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synopia@_jason: THX05:54
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loststar4545Hello when i try to empty the trash it doesnt work i get a message that says are you sure and i click yes  but it doesnt do anything is there a c ommand to empty the trash05:54
FunnyLookinHatsockpuppe1, hello05:54
caminomasterxcuse me, was jason...05:54
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leifhey guys, How do you edit the dropdown meny u get when u rightclick on a file?  to for example add a program u wana be able to open the file with05:54
arrickIdleOne, I'm done in ther now, you can rejoin as you like.05:54
caminomasterJason: explain me the  caminomaster: 'sudo updatedb && locate filename' if nothing turns up, you are out of luck05:54
caminomasterdetailed, please05:54
CosmoDadcaminomaster: but I can answer anway: updatedb creates or updates a database containing all files on your harddisk05:55
CosmoDadcaminomaster: using locate, you can search for files05:55
_jasoncaminomaster: it updates the locate database and then searches your hard drive for the file named 'filename'05:55
CosmoDadcaminomaster: if locate yields nothing in an updatedb'ed environment, there's nothing05:55
caminomasterJAson: how is the command?05:56
_jasoncaminomaster: the stuff inside the single quotes05:56
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MetaMorfoziSanybody know, how can i set cron (crontab -e) without email notification?05:57
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caminomasterJason & Cosmodad: I must write 'sudo updatedb && locate filename' exactly?05:57
_jasoncaminomaster: change ``filename'' to whatever the name of the file was that you are looking for05:58
Blissexjohngalt: yes, share it on a MS Windows box and use 'smbfs' to mount it05:58
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CosmoDadMetaMorfoziS: redirect output in whatever program you use so that it doesn't create anything to mail05:58
CosmoDadMetaMorfoziS: oh wait05:59
CosmoDadMetaMorfoziS: use: MAILTO=""05:59
CosmoDadMetaMorfoziS: in your crontab... it'll prevent mail from being sent (see man 5 crontab)05:59
leifhey guys, How do you edit the dropdown meny u get when u rightclick on a file?  to for example add a program u wana be able to open the file with06:00
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_jasonleif: for your example you can go to right click > properties > open with, and add a program06:01
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leif_jason: will that add a "opener" for that filetyp only, or will that opener always be in the rightclick nenue when rightclicking a file of any type ?06:02
_jasonleif: only that type I believe06:02
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leif_janson: i see. well i wanted to just always have a menu entry to open with, no mather filetype :P06:02
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_jasonleif: you could write a nautilus script, that would always show up under a script menu06:03
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caminomasterJAson & cosmodad: what I must see after use locate?06:04
_jasoncaminomaster: if you see nothing, it means your file is gone06:04
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bobbyd_is it possible to set up kde to allow multiple logins using VNC?06:05
CosmoDadcaminomaster: the location of the filename you were looking for06:05
CosmoDadcaminomaster: try "locate ubuntu" to see what I mean06:05
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CosmoDadbobbyd_: you can do multiple graphical logins without VNC06:06
CosmoDadbobbyd_: just use the "switch user" tool06:06
roostishawhow do you run a vnc server on ubuntu?06:06
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leifanyone have a sugestion for a good mplayer gui ?06:06
Mystery47_newbieTHANKS for helping me about that password thing....=)06:06
_jasonleif: gmplayer06:06
domino-24Does anyone know of a decent encryption tool for ubuntu for encrypted a partition?06:06
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CosmoDad!tell roostishaw -about vnc06:06
Mystery47_newbieeverything is working nice now...06:07
CosmoDaddomino-24: there's a bunch of encryption ways. I like encryption on file system level though because it allows to backup data06:07
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CosmoDaddomino-24: you can for example use the loopback device to encrypt06:07
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ubotuI heard opera is not in the Ubuntu repositories, but you can always download the latest Opera .deb package from http://www.opera.com/download/ and then see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OperaBrowser06:08
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domino-24CosmoDad, is file system encryption easy?06:08
CosmoDaddomino-24: I like the comparison made by the encfs developer: http://arg0.net/wiki/encfs/intro206:08
CosmoDaddomino-24: I use encfs, it's very easy06:08
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CosmoDaddomino-24: encryption on device level requires some more effort06:08
domino-24CosmoDad, I havn't heard of this one before, thanks - will delve into the reading now, must admit as much as I've looked around, I havn't really found many useful articles06:09
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Bambinois it possible to change the bootsplash screen? http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/12674-1.jpg I would like this one...06:09
domino-24Thank you06:09
CosmoDaddomino-24: if you don't seek to hide all your mp3s from the RIAA, I'd suggest encfs :)06:09
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domino-24CosmoDad, I do seek that! lol06:09
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CosmoDaddomino-24: hold on06:10
CosmoDaddomino-24: I think I have another link bookmarked..06:10
caminomastercosmo & jason: I must write '/filename' od 'filename'?06:10
bobbyd_CosmoDad: at the moment I just use the KDE desktop sharing thing...06:10
bobbyd_CosmoDad: I mean multiple VNC logins, I know about that from other X servers...06:11
CosmoDaddomino-24: I liked this link: http://docs.indymedia.org/view/Local/UkCrypto06:11
ubotuBambino: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:11
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CosmoDadcaminomaster: just filename06:12
CosmoDadcaminomaster: it's not hard06:12
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domino-24CosmoDad, thanks, will get some reading done today heh06:12
martynwhere do i install themes ti06:12
CosmoDadbobbyd_: I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve06:12
johnny3dhelp, please.  libSDL_image-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file06:12
arrickhey IdleOne you here?06:12
arrickhow do I turn off the "voice" users setup in my channel?06:12
bobbyd_CosmoDad: I want multiple vnc clients (running on windows boxes) to be able to log in to a ubuntu machine and have a unique session each06:13
CosmoDadjohnny3d: have you installed libsdl-image1.2?06:13
martynwhere do i place gnome themes files to06:13
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RatmannHello all06:13
CosmoDadbobbyd_: I see06:13
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joeltightVNC would work great for that.... 5900 is for display 0 2901 1, ext06:14
CosmoDadbobbyd_: not sure if vnc would let you use kdm, but I guess so06:14
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martynyeah where is that folder06:14
caminomasterwell, I1ll go try06:14
joel5901 ... sorry06:14
johnny3dCosmoDad, no.  And I am ashamed.06:14
arrick_jason, do you know how to turn off required "voice" in a channel?06:14
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CosmoDadjohnny3d: lol06:14
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UbuntuNewbiegood morning everyone06:15
BSDinuxit should be just there... you probably have to switch to "show hidden files"06:15
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BSDinuxin case you use the file browser06:15
P__someone able to help me with network installation ? module load, no error, but no interface06:15
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domino-24CosmoDad, what would you suggest is a decent encryption algorithm nowadays? blowfish?06:15
joelifconfig eth0 up ?06:15
leifanyone happend to know name of the GTK development package ?06:15
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P__CosmoDad, oh you back !06:15
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kYsisleif, libgtk2-dev or something, use <tab> to autocomplete06:16
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sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct)06:16
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sfarwhat to do?!?!06:16
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P__joel, no interfaces no eth06:16
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CosmoDaddomino-24: hard to tell... use the links in the URL I gave ya pointing to wikipedia entries of the different encryption algos06:17
caminomasterMY FILE HAS GONE!06:17
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CosmoDadP__: still stuck?06:17
P__CosmoDad, yes06:17
tanukiPuMpErNiCkLe, you still there?06:17
CosmoDadP__: did you check dmesg?06:17
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CosmoDadP__: what does it show after you modprobe the driver?06:18
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leifhumm, just installed libgtk2.0-dev and trying to compile mplayer with and error GTK dev packages is needed to compile06:19
P__CosmoDad, the name and the version of the driver06:19
VincentMXi have a quastion about a screensaver included with ubuntu. the sonar thing can display computers in my local network right? well anyways... i've got that function on, but now it's only displaying numbers. how do i make it display computer names?06:19
CosmoDadP__: so it worked06:19
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CosmoDadP__: how do you wanna use the device?06:19
CosmoDadP__: dhcp, static?06:19
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ConfidentiaLMany guides on how to install things say that u should use the command "make".  I just get the message command not found when I use that. Can any1 explain to me what they mean when thay say u need to use "make"? PS: Im a noob in linux...06:19
leifsudo apt-get install build-essentials Confidential06:20
VincentMXConfidentiaL, hi06:20
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leifhope i spelled it right :P06:20
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VincentMXyou need to sudo apt-get install build-essential and sometimes you need another version of gcc too06:20
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CosmoDadP__: try this: sudo ifconfig <device, like eth1> add <some unused IP, like> up06:21
VincentMXso build-essentials -s (build-essential)06:21
joelnvidia drivers and some sources need kernel headers as well...06:21
roostishawgoogle for 'compiling from source'06:21
CosmoDadP__: then do ifconfig <device> and see if there's anything06:21
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P__i cant' do that, the interface isn't there06:21
plbgnrI haven't access to /media/hdaX as user ...should I use chmod, or modify /etc/fstab?06:21
roostishawlog in as root06:22
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: what are you trying to compile?06:22
holden_could anyone give me a link to some hoary repositories?06:22
roostishawor 'su' then gedit06:22
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CosmoDadP__: did dmesg name the device?06:22
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ConfidentiaLCosmoDad: Im trying to install pureftp from the guide on their site...06:22
VincentMXjoel, they're usually included when you install build-essential. sudo apt-cache build-essential or look for build-essential in Synaptic or Adept, or whatever you use06:22
caminomasterThanks: Jason & cosmo06:22
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_jasonarrick: -m I think06:23
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: why don't you install pureftpd from package?06:23
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Azertyuuuhey all, does anyone know an interesting blog of an Engineer ?06:23
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P__CosmoDad, what do you mean ?06:23
VincentMXjoel: i really do prefer apt-get and apt-cache over synaptic and adept.06:23
holden_could anyone give me a link to some hoary repositories?06:24
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P__it only gives the name of the driver, and in lsmod i have it, but with 0 in used column06:24
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ConfidentiaLCosmoDad: because when i did the apt get thing I dont know how to configure or do anything to it... :S06:24
CosmoDadP__: when you used dmesg, did it say anything like "driver blabla installed, using device eth1" ?06:24
VincentMXholden, try google06:24
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: that's what the documentation is good for!06:24
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CosmoDadConfidentiaL: you won't get an installer helping you with all the stuff if you build from source either06:24
UbuntuNewbiehelp i need more ethernet ports06:24
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P__CosmoDad, no06:25
VincentMXholden, that's what i always was told when i ask for things like that.06:25
UbuntuNewbiemy questions is right now i have a airlink wireless router06:25
P__it tels the name of the driver, that's all, not eth .....06:25
holden_vins, thanks, you're a doll06:25
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UbuntuNewbieif i connected a netgear wireless router would that give moe more ethernet ports06:25
ConfidentiaLCosmoDad: But where is it installed when I use apt-get ?06:25
CosmoDadP__: tell me what's in /sys/class/net/06:25
CosmoDadP__: just the directories06:25
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agarciaqien eres06:26
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: there's documentation in /usr/share/doc/pure-ftpd06:26
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P__CosmoDad, lo and sit006:26
UbuntuNewbiei do have a 4-port switch but not quite sure what switches does06:26
agarciano te entiendo06:26
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varkezI bought a new dvd burner and I do not think that linux reconizes it is there anything I can do06:26
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: some servers need configuration in /etc/<config-file>, some in /etc/default/<config-file>... the docs are there to tell you about this06:26
CosmoDadP__: are you sure this is the correct driver06:27
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P__i think so06:27
P__since my car is an Intel Pro/100006:27
martynhow do i install restricted formates like mp3 codecs06:27
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ubotuit has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed there can be replaced by !FreeFormats06:27
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats06:28
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ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:28
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CosmoDadP__: pastebin to me the complete output of the relevant part of dmesg after you modprobe your driver06:28
domino-24CosmoDad, Thanks again for your help, have encrypted swap and a drive (hopefully) will reboot to check now, bye06:28
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CosmoDaddomino-24: good luck06:28
=== duelboot would never dream of playing with ubotu
tanukican someone tell why i cannot change the icon of my web browser launcher on my gnome panel?06:28
P__CosmoDad, I already told you the line, there is only one06:29
leifgot thi error while trying to set up xmms-mplayer plugin: GTK+ >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first   anyone have an idea what package to install?06:29
UbuntuNewbiecan someone help me figure out how to get more ethernet ports06:29
duelboottanuki, I know of a way to change the mozilla icon, but not the gnome panel06:29
duelboottanuki, I'll send you a link shortly06:29
CosmoDadP__: please repeat06:29
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P__Intel Pro/1000 Network driver version blahblah06:29
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CosmoDadP__: is this a PCI card?06:30
P__internal one06:30
sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. What to do??06:30
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CosmoDadP__: what does "lspci|grep -i eth" yield?06:30
UbuntuNewbieshould i buy an 8-port switch06:30
CosmoDadUbuntuNewbie: an ethernet port is a physical interface and if you truly mean that, yes you need to buy a switch06:31
CosmoDadUbuntuNewbie: but I'm not sure if you definitely know what you want06:31
P__CosmoDad, unknow device06:31
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CosmoDadP__: full line please06:31
tanukiduelboot, ok thank you06:31
P__Well i could try to compile the driver for intel website, like I tried yesterday on FC506:31
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duelboottanuki, look at the info here, it worked for me:  http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~djm/ubuntu/#restore-mozilla-icons06:32
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caminomasterHow I exit from debugfs?06:32
P__CosmoDad, 0000:02:0.0 Ethernet Controller: Intel Corp.:Unknow device 109a06:32
P__CosmoDad, 0000:02:00.0 Ethernet Controller: Intel Corp.:Unknow device 109a06:32
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL06:32
linuxshopis there any debian channel?06:32
jbroomelinuxshop: #debian06:33
VincentMXlinuxshop: #debian06:33
caminomasterCablop: Hello man06:33
linuxshopi did a list debian and got no results, thats y i asked06:33
cablophello everybody?06:33
CosmoDadP__: I'm running out of ideas... really wondering if e1000 is the correct driver06:33
CosmoDadP__: what's the name of your NIC (brand, chipset)?06:34
VincentMXlinuxshop: or #debian and -es or -nl or -fr or whereever you're from to get help in your local language06:34
cablopcould anybody help me?06:34
VincentMXi can06:34
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boscodoes anyone know anything about backgrounds in terminal i allready have one06:34
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.06:34
RatmannHow can i reset my x server so i can install the latest nvidia drivers?06:34
linuxshopdoes anyone know how to use iptables06:34
UbuntuNewbieCosmoDad, right now i have a 4-port wireless router.  i need more ports06:34
cablopmy bro, has deleted some imprt5ant files on my computer that are stored on a ext3 partition06:34
caminomaster Hello!06:34
UbuntuNewbienot sure what device to get06:34
cablopa lot of poeople said that this is an impossible task06:34
cablopto recover them...06:35
RatmannTried init 3, but didn't work06:35
tanukiduelboot, i got this error: cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/icons/default.xpm': No such file or directory06:35
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VincentMXcablop, what did you do?06:35
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caminomasterDoes anybody know how to exit from debugfs?06:35
CosmoDadcablop: you have a chance of retrieving text files, everything else will be lost06:35
VincentMXit doesn't just remove shit like that, you must have done something wrong06:35
P__CosmoDad, I don't know what is a NIC, maybe I could tell you my lapop is a Toshiba P100-11406:35
tanukican anyone think of a reason i would be unable to change the icon of one of th elaunchers on my gnome-panel?06:35
cablopno i need to recover about 5 CD images made with clone CD06:36
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cablopvery big files06:36
tonyyarussocablop: Not necessarily impossible, but very expensive.06:36
cablopabout 500 Mb each one06:36
CosmoDadcablop: use bittorrent again ;)06:36
linuxshopubuntu is based on debian?06:36
P__CosmoDad, I just triedto compile the last driver, but of course Ubuntu comes with gc3.3 and 4.0, but not te gcc3.4 it's complaining about...06:36
VincentMXbut what did you do? as i sayd it doesn't just remove shit like that.06:36
cablopno, i made that, i borrowed that CDs from a friend06:36
VincentMXlinuxshop yes06:36
duelboottanuki, stupid questions follow:  you did start at the top with the wget, right?06:36
CosmoDadP__: you may install gcc3.406:37
linuxshopthen how do i put sudo in the debian06:37
P__CosmoDad, ok so I just download it and transfert it with my usbkey ?06:37
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linuxshopsorry question is06:37
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VincentMXlinuxshop don't know06:37
cabloplinuxshop, yes ubuntu is based on debian, but uses a different development schedule process06:37
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linuxshophow come i cant use sudo in debian?06:37
CosmoDadcablop: I was kidding. There's no way to retrieve the data unless you wanna spend at least  150006:37
P__CosmoDad, is there a place I can download a "package' ?06:37
duelboottanuki, for the other gnome panel icons, how are you trying to change it?06:37
linuxshopoh ok06:37
CosmoDadP__: synaptics06:37
VincentMXtry sudo apt-get install sudo?06:37
plbgnrit doesn't help to set sth like this into /etc/fstab :'/dev/sda1 /media/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0' and then sudo mount -a .... nls is lighted (as bad syntax) can someone help?06:37
VincentMXor su root apt-get install sudo sorry06:37
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P__CosmoDad, sorry ?06:38
VincentMXsorry, i'm really used to sudo06:38
duelboottanuki, can you PM?06:38
ConfidentiaLCosmoDad: Ok, I have set up the server according to the documentation, but I cant connect to it... :S06:38
CosmoDadP__: are you logged in to Gnome or KDE?06:38
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CosmoDadConfidentiaL: this could be a number of reasons:06:38
linuxshopwhat is the diff with Gnome and KDE?06:38
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Zico|Hello i have installed build-essentials now, but when im trying to build a file with make, ive got /lib/modules/2.6xxx/build No suc file or directory06:38
boscodoes anyone know anything about backgrounds in terminal i allready have one06:38
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VincentMXlinuxshop, it works and looks different06:38
motinWhat files build up the gnome menu?06:38
P__CosmoDad, gnome, but i see Synaptic, the thing is it has only the 3.3 or 4.006:38
cabloptonyyarusso, did you said there's a way to do that?06:38
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: try first to connect to it locally (from your machine to your machine)06:38
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duelbootlinuxshop, lots of things...what specifically?06:38
linuxshopoh differnet06:38
ConfidentiaLCosmoDad: I cant connect locally...06:39
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CosmoDadP__: the package is called "gcc-3.4"06:39
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CosmoDadP__: it's in the standard repo06:39
tonyyarussocablop: Sometimes.  Pay a computer forensics professional lots and lots of money to attempt recovery.06:39
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: then you've misconfigured the server06:39
P__CosmoDad, only gcc3.3 and gcc4.0 after a search06:39
gilianimaListen est-il dans les dpts de Breezy ou pas ?06:39
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cablopoh, i worked my self as a forensics... but only on fat partitions06:39
VincentMXlinuxshop, i prefer kde, but others prefer gnome and xfce, it's really not a matter of good and bad software, it's more about taste06:39
UbuntuNewbiecan someone help me regarding routers and switches06:40
cablopso if ext3 down't allow us to recover files, what advantage it has over ext2?06:40
gilianimaIs Listen in Breezy's repositories or not ?06:40
=== duelboot seconds VincentMX, but use gnome primarily
linuxshopok and what woudl define taste in thes 2 different releases?06:40
CosmoDadP__: it's in main!06:40
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tonyyarussocablop: Journalling.  Saves your behind if you crash it.06:40
duelbootlinuxshop, you define your own taste06:40
VincentMXlinuxshop, just like you can prefer either a ferrari enzo, a lamborghini diablo, or a pagani zonda06:40
wd3just installed xfce on ubuntu by choosing server install then apt get install xfce desktop. well now i all i have is xfce, no totem, synaptic or anything else how do i install them?06:40
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caminomasterHELP! how can I exit from debugfs in a terminal?06:40
duelbootlinuxshop, just try both and see which you like better06:40
CosmoDadcablop: it's a journaling fs06:41
duelbootcaminomaster, let me check...hold noe06:41
cablopjournaling? what doues it means?06:41
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-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- This nickname is owned by someone else06:44
-NickServ(NickServ@services.)- If this is your nickname, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password>06:44
-ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu-server] Ubuntu Server Discussions (development and support)06:44
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tonyyarussotanuki: What did you try that didn't work?06:44
=== duelboot wonders what that is all about
caminomasterjason: I have no guilt: Xchat marked red your message06:44
VincentMXand on wanabe software (such as emacs)  there are things like ^x06:44
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CosmoDadnetsplit, baby06:45
cablopCosmoDad : i read that file, but one of the developers said there's no way tto recover that lost files06:45
cablopbad thing06:45
sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. please help06:45
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_jasoncaminomaster: ubotu sent you a private message, check at the bottom for a new tab with 'ubotu' on it06:45
CosmoDadcablop: that's what I'm trying to tell you06:45
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tanukitonyyarusso, nevermind, i have discovered the problem, i was trying to use an s.vg file instead of a .png06:46
!lilo:*! Occasional main rotation server split....it hasn't been on the rotation for a while, due to problems. Affected users, about 900. Apologies for the inconvenience.06:46
cablopso.... can I begin hitting my brother?06:46
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harisundDoes anybody know of a user interface builder for GTK+ other than Glade?06:46
agarciaque tal06:46
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tonyyarussocablop: You should have been this whole time.  ;)06:46
CosmoDadcablop: nobody likes his smaller brother right?06:46
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linuxshopdoes anyone know if i where to make a mirror image of my linux box on to a bigger hard drive then remove the old drive and use the new bigger drive that it would work without any problems?06:47
cablopi forgive it if my smaller brother was a child06:47
CosmoDadcablop: btw Linux allows to create independent accounts where one cannot delete other user's files :)06:47
caminomasterAH... yes...06:47
cablopbut he's only a linux newbie06:47
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arrickCosmoDad, your wrong man, I am the youngest, and they "adore" me because I am more successful. hahaheheheh06:47
linuxshopcaminomaster: was that yes for me?06:47
tonyyarussocablop: Exactly why he should have restricted access.06:47
CosmoDadarrick: lol06:47
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cablopoh, yes, but he found the way to mount that poartition with privileges for him06:47
CosmoDadarrick: in deleting files right? ;)06:47
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CosmoDadcablop: he shouldn't have sudo rights06:48
tonyyarussocablop: You can't find a way that doesn't exist.06:48
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linuxshopcaminomaster: was that yes for me?06:48
arrickCosmoDad, they dont even know how to get to where the files are stored, so I dont have that problem "yet"06:48
cablopi dunno how but he could mount that partition two times in two different places at the same time, and06:48
cablopsaid, theres a n extra patition06:48
CosmoDadarrick: they? thought you were the youngest?06:48
arrickcablop, you can change /etc/fstab so he cannot mount it06:48
cablopso he pushed the "del" key06:49
zukerohow do i unload a module using modprobe ?06:49
arrickCosmoDad, I am the youngest at 3006:49
CosmoDadzukero: modprobe -r06:49
cablophe's the one who bpught the computer06:49
caminomasterlinuxshop: no, sorry :)06:49
cablopso he wants to have full control on the machine06:49
tonyyarussocablop: Still, if he can't use it right, don't let him have access to root things.06:49
cablopand i agree, until he crashes alll the things and learns a lot06:49
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cablopbut i commited an error storaging my files in that computer06:50
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arrickcablop, you can make him think he has control, just dont tell him he doesnt06:50
CosmoDadcablop: tell him the ubuntu gurus at #ubuntu said that you're the new boss in town06:50
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cablophihi its a really good idea06:50
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tonyyarussocablop: Do you have enough disk space to do two installations?  That way if he totally borked everything yours would still be okay.06:50
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arricktonyyarusso, not if he's deleting partitions he wont be fine06:51
skurlathello all, do you have the address of the french chanel of Ubuntu?06:51
cablophe's not only deleting partitions06:51
cablophe's making magic on a computer06:51
VincentMXskurlat, #ubuntu-fr06:51
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skurlatThanck youi06:51
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cablopi think a group of hackers sould be interested on looking how he do that things06:51
arrickcablop, what kind of magic?06:51
CosmoDadcablop: don't mistake magic for lack of proper configuration :)06:52
cablopmounting one partitions two times in the same machine ingnoring what mtab said06:52
arrickcablop, I do tht all the time06:52
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_jasoncablop: you guys should change the sudo password and type half of the password each.  That way each of you can only sudo when the other is around :)06:52
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cablophehe, sudo password solution was great06:53
CosmoDadcablop: it's absolutely ok to mount partitions multiple times06:53
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_jasonHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, ompaul, or MadPilot06:53
cablopummm, i see06:53
VincentMXanybody knows something about something called composite or something like that in x.org? i've heard people talking about it a very long time ago in the dutch Ubuntu channel, but never heard anything about it again, it can give beautiful shadows and stuff like that, but they sayd it was under development then. how does it go now? anybody using it?06:53
tonyyarussoAnd we're looking for a quick little kickban to liven things up it seems!06:53
UbuntuNewbiehow come i cant start KDevelop Designer program it always give a crash message06:53
caminomasterFOR ALL: My brother (CABLOP) is the only idiot that having more than 160GB in his W$ PC move a file to a $0GB UBuntu PC of a Dangerous Linux Dummie06:53
tonyyarussoQUILES: Nice knowing you.06:53
arrickcablop, I have my 8 hd's all mounted twice for "if and When" someone hacks me, I can umount the one they hacked with a different name06:53
wd3tonyyarusso, i followed the installation from ubuntu to start install cd at "server" then sudo apt get xubuntu desktop wdm ok well i'm in my desktop now but i have nothing. no totem, even synaptic, nothing. i can't even install synaptic using sudo apt get... help.06:54
VincentMXrofl @ _jason06:54
cablopwhat are you doing QUILES?06:54
VincentMXquiles, stfu06:54
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tonyyarussowd3: did you do 'sudo apt get xubuntu desktop' or 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop'?06:54
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wd3tonyyarusso, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop wdm06:55
VincentMXtonyyarusso, maybe he just wants xfce?06:55
wd3thats what online said to do06:55
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tanukican someone tell me what this error means? cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/icons/default.xpm': No such file or directory06:55
cablopok, knowing that i couldn't recover that files..., there's a way06:55
cablopto convert my partitions into ext2 without losing data?06:55
ConfidentiaLWhy cant I set up a single ftp server on my server here? I have tried all day long, without any results. Can any1 walk me throug an easy installation of an ftp server with multiple users for Ubuntu version 5.10? Im a noob in linux so i would like if some1 could explain what to do to the smallest detail...06:55
wd3VincentMX, i have xfce but there's no synaptic or totem06:55
silvercatwhats a good and easy wifi-manager/scanner?06:55
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arrickcablop, like for instance "/dev/hdg1 /info"  and "/dev/hdg1 /etc3" are the same drive and partition, but mounted to different directories, and I can shut one off if I wish, and the filse can still be accessed on my network06:55
RhineAnyone know if there is a plugin for Muine to play .m4a and AAC06:55
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cablopi think i must convert that partition into a fat32 one06:56
crimsunRhine: breezy?06:56
crimsun!info gstreamer0.8-faad06:56
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VincentMXwd3, ok. wqell the xubuntu-desktop package includes those programs06:56
tonyyarussowd3: Okay, the can't even install synaptic may be telling...  Could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list for starters, and can you give any more information about what happened in the process or since?06:56
crimsunRhine: see above06:56
RhineI tried that but my files wont play let me check if the reboot fiexed it06:56
cablopum sounds good06:56
cablopwhen you have the hacker OUTDOORS, hehe06:56
_jasonubotu: you alive?06:56
wd3tonyyarusso,  sure06:56
arrickcablop, works too06:56
crimsunRhine: did you execute sudo gst-register-0.8?06:56
Rhinenot yet06:57
cablopyes, i thin it works06:57
arrickinternal as well, I only publish the one directory06:57
VincentMXwd3, and it only installs the things it doesn't have yet so it won't install xfce again06:57
ConfidentiaLWhy cant I set up a single ftp server on my server here? I have tried all day long, without any results. Can any1 walk me throug an easy installation of an ftp server with multiple users for Ubuntu version 5.10? Im a noob in linux so i would like if some1 could explain what to do to the smallest detail...06:57
cablopnow i'm interested in converting that ext3 partition into a ext2 one, but i'm not interested in losing data06:57
RhineI think that did it06:57
Tomi-boyhello, does anybody know how to activate my network-card on boot? I select "yes" (activate on boot) during pppoeconf, butit doesn't work. I always have to start it manually06:57
arrickConfidentiaL, are you using proftpd06:57
VincentMXversed is here too!06:57
ConfidentiaLarrick: im open to recommendations to any ftp server...06:58
tanukican someone tell me what this error means? cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/icons/default.xpm': No such file or directory06:58
CosmoDadcablop: you don't wanna do that06:58
CosmoDadcablop: instead, you want to build some decent backup strategy06:58
RhineDoes GAIM handle Msn messenger? Or do I a different program06:58
wd3tonyyarusso, walter@matrix:~$ sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list06:58
wd3sudo: gedit: command not found06:58
cablopummm, i don't want to have an unrecoverable partition06:58
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VincentMXwd3, use vim06:59
CosmoDadcablop: that's why there's the trash bin and backups06:59
Kamping_Kaisergaim does MSN06:59
crimsunwd3: gedit is part of gnome. xubuntu-desktop doesn't include gnome apps.06:59
rakkind of a newb question: how do i get my wireless ethernet card to work? i can see it in the device manager, listed kind of right, but it just isn't on and i can't connect through it06:59
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cablopso i want to change my network shared data into a fat32 or ext2 in order to place my files on a safer place06:59
CosmoDadcablop: nobody uses ext2, it can havoc your hard disk by a simple crash06:59
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wd3crimsun, ooooh06:59
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ConfidentiaLarrick: I am not using any atm, since I cant get any1 to work, but I could use proftpd if u could help me set it up...06:59
cablopso i must go to fat3206:59
tonyyarussowd3: Try something else, if none better nano in whatever terminal comes with XFCE.06:59
Tomi-boyhello, does anybody know how to activate my network-card on boot? I select "yes" (activate on boot) during pppoeconf, butit doesn't work. I always have to start it manually...06:59
CosmoDadcablop: oh you were talking about sharing, sorry06:59
wd3tonyyarusso, ok06:59
arrickConfidentiaL, I prefer proftpd for the server, and DBO, MWE are the best I can say for setting it up06:59
CosmoDadcablop: if you wanna share with windows clients, go for fat3206:59
linuxshopdoes anyone know how to use qmail!??06:59
cablopi need one partition to save files07:00
cablopbut that partition have the network shared files07:00
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arrickConfidentiaL, the first thing you need to do is make sure the ports are forwarded07:00
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arrickyou can join #arrick instead of PM07:00
UbuntuNewbiewhat does it mean in bash environment type the following ...07:00
CosmoDadConfidentiaL: did you think about using an easier ftp server?07:00
cablopwhen somebody deleted them by accident (verbigracia: my brother) i can restore them07:00
arrickConfidentiaL, ^^see my last07:00
CosmoDadUbuntuNewbie: in a shell07:00
ConfidentiaLarrick, they are, I had a server with windiws before...07:00
VincentMXlinuxshop, what's qmail?07:00
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cablopok, changing the question07:01
_jasoncablop: just make backups07:01
VincentMXConfidentiaL, linux is way better for use as a server07:01
johnny3dhelp!  no sound in breezy!  what?07:01
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cablopi was making a backup in that partition07:01
arrickConfidentiaL, iin windows di you have ports 20,21 and 60000-61999 forwarded?07:01
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crimsunjohnny3d: help! your question is useless!07:01
ConfidentiaLVincentMX, thats why I changed, but its har to set up...07:01
johnny3dcrimsun, well how is that supposed to help me post a better one?07:02
_jasoncablop: heh well use some kind of media that your brother doesn't have access to07:02
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arrickmwe, you here?07:02
cablopbut that's not the question07:02
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linuxshopqmail is a smtp server apliticion07:02
mwearrick: yeah07:02
crimsunjohnny3d: can you at least tell us HOW it's broken?07:02
arrickConfidentiaL, you can join #arrick07:02
johnny3dcrimsun, no sound.07:02
P__CosmoDad, back, how I install the .deb please ?07:02
cablopok, i want a sure partition stystem that let's me recover lost files07:02
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crimsunjohnny3d: that's just as vague as before. Do you have no sound PERIOD?07:02
arrickmwe you helped me setup proftpd right? or was that DBO?07:02
p47Hello !07:02
UbuntuNewbiehow do i get into a shell07:02
johnny3dcrimsun, yes, NO sound07:03
VincentMXConfidentiaL, it's something you get used to. after all, what is more fun to do? reinstalling windows every once a month or just cleaning things up once in 2 months?07:03
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p47somebody can help me with the sonund !07:03
mwearrick: I just recommended it07:03
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VincentMXUbuntuNewbie, goto the menu and look for terminal07:03
tonyyarussoUbuntuNewbie: Applications > Accessories > Terminal OR Ctrl-Alt-F(1-6).07:03
crimsunjohnny3d: ok, now provide us with hardware details; i.e., pastebin ``lspci -v && lspci -nv && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0''07:03
_jasoncablop: recovering files like that is not 100% reliable, I wouldn't rely on it.  If you want to create partitions formatted as fat32 I think gparted can do it07:03
cablopok, if you said that ext3 is a journalling fs, so, there were some info about the file dletinon that i can roll back... not?07:03
VincentMXUbuntuNewbie, it shall provide you with a shell07:03
P__how do I install a .deb package please ?07:04
CosmoDadP__: sudo dpkg -i <deb-file.deb>07:04
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crimsunp47: make your request less vague. What's broken?07:04
P__ok thanks07:04
mwein the menu?! how come they put shortcuts in the menus?07:04
silvercatisnt there a better web-developing app than Bluefish?07:04
linuxshophey does anyone know how to configure nload?07:04
cablopmwe open the .Desktp files and ad some entries about that07:04
VincentMXsilvercat, i prefer Nvu07:04
CosmoDadcablop: the design of ext3 prevents undeletion07:04
pyasisilvercat, I like Nvu too07:04
p47crimsun when I make update I had problems but before I have excelent sound07:04
cablopif you read other .Desktop files you can do it07:04
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cablopthey're placed on the gnome directories07:05
VincentMXsilvercat, it's WYSYWIG so easy to use07:05
crimsunp47: ok, now provide us with hardware details; i.e., pastebin ``lspci -v && lspci -nv && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c0''07:05
silvercatVincentMX, nice.. ill try that07:05
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johnny3dlspci -v && lspci -nv && cat /proc/asound/cards && amixer -c007:05
cablopCosmoDad ah!07:05
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VincentMXyo stjepan07:05
crimsunjohnny3d: no, pastebinned. Not here.07:05
cablopso i lost that files07:05
cablopi can cry a lot07:05
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ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.07:05
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee07:05
cablopand hit my brother07:05
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _jason07:06
ubotugstreamer0.8-faad: (AAC decoding plugin for GStreamer), section multiverse/libs, is optional. Version: 0.8.11-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 26 kB, Installed size: 92 kB07:06
stjepanhi guys07:06
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats07:06
VincentMXyo stjepan07:06
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stjepananyone here switched from slackware or gentoo to ubuntu?07:06
naliothwho rang?07:06
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tonyyarussoWhy did the bot just yell for help?07:06
_jasonnalioth: ubotu was about 20 minutes late in his response07:06
stjepan!help xgl07:06
IdleOnenalioth, looks like someone is playing with the bot via mesage sending reponse to channel07:06
stjepan!help compiz07:07
_jasonno, that was me before when QUILE was spamming, he just said it now07:07
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/07:07
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IdleOne_jason, oh lol07:07
cablopok people thanks a lot07:07
stjepantonyyarusso: tnx ;)07:07
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sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. please help07:07
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UbuntuNewbiehelp im not sure what i am doing wrong I want to program in KDE07:07
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ubotustjepan: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:07
CosmoDadanyone know how to add gdesklets? I've installed gdesklets-data and applied gdesklet to fortune.display, yet I cannot add that to my gnome panel...?07:07
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, stjepan07:07
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johnny3dhttp://pastebin.com/653835 crimsun and whoever else would like to take a look07:08
cablopUbuntuNewbie programing on KDE?07:08
caminomasterwell, I have to go07:08
cablopuse KDevelop and QT3 or QT407:08
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stjepanwhen will be the stable dapper released?07:08
UbuntuNewbiewants to write application for KDE environment07:08
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p47crimsum ! Intel Corporation 945G/P PCI Express Graphics Port (prog-if 0007:08
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)07:08
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cablopyes use KDevelop07:08
p47crimsum Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)07:08
caminomasterthanks 4 all07:09
cablopand QT for graphical interface07:09
caminomaster2 all07:09
crimsunp47: I need it on pastebin, not in here.07:09
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crimsunp47: and I need all the output07:09
p47mm ok !07:09
p47wait !07:09
stjepanwhat to do if I want to install a 3rd party app manually, from source? I do not like checkinstall very much. With Gentoo (portage) I would just put the software name in /etc/portage/package.provided07:09
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cablopso UbuntuNewbie look that packages, but i really preffer gnome07:09
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jjjjjjji am at the download site now... am i grabbing 10.1 or 2006 ?07:09
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VincentMXubuntu newbie, what you tried to do is done with /me. see:07:10
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p47it's a txt !crimsum !07:10
stjepanjjjjjjj: what is that? Suse? :)07:10
crimsunjohnny3d: mute 'IEC958' by executing: amixer sset 'IEC958' off07:10
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ubotu[kde]  A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/07:10
=== VincentMX shows UbuntuNewbie how do use /me
ProN00bfirefox 3 is almost out and you don't even have firefox 2 !07:10
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bigmichisagt mal was muss machen damit ich mit screen arbeiten kann?07:11
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, stjepan07:11
VincentMXProN00b, you really do have a point there07:11
bliss1_nickrud: working hard?07:11
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ProN00bo wait, the newest firefox is 1.5 *_*07:11
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion07:12
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IdleOne!tell stjepan about fishing07:12
ubotuKOffice is a free, integrated office suite for KDE. Included is word processing, spreadsheet, flowcharting, image manipulation applications and many more. See http://koffice.kde.org07:12
nickrudbliss1_, no, I'm reading reversible errors07:12
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crimsunp47: what?07:12
VincentMXproN00b, see what ubotu sayd07:12
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stjepanidleone: ok, sorry07:12
ProN00bVincentMX, i want a oficial package07:12
IdleOnenp :)07:12
p47txt.txt ! crimsum !07:12
ProN00botherwise i would run slackware ffs !07:12
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p47do you've email ?07:12
p47is very long07:13
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leifhey, i get this error when trying to build xmmsmplayer : GTK+ >= 1.2.2 not installed :   wich package do i need to install ?07:13
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VincentMXProN00B, so you want new firefox or else you'll go use slackware?07:13
VincentMXlol rofl!07:13
stjepananyone here uses XGL and Compiz with Ubuntu?07:13
intelikeystjepan you have !b-e ?    basic source install generally consist of dl & unpack  read any INSTALL or README in the source dir  then unless other wise specified,   ".configure && make && sudo make install "07:14
crimsunp47: yes, that's why I asked you to use pastebin07:14
ubotusomebody said pastebin was http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126907:14
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bliss1_nickrud: am I coorect in thinking that to mout another partition the command is  sudo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/07:14
polpakstjepan, I have done it with dapper flight 4 on a test machine07:14
bliss1_  and to open a files the comand would be for example  sudo gedit mnt/dev/hda2/etc/shells07:14
cablopleif if you'r trying to compile and instll te xmms you must check the package dependencies before07:14
stjepanintelikey: but then dpkg won't recognize that software compiled from src07:14
cablopleif but i preffer to download it from the repositori07:15
stjepanpolpak: what graphics card?07:15
p47so how can I resolv this ? crimsun07:15
cablopi think it's on universe07:15
intelikeyyou said you didn't like chkconfig07:15
ProN00bVincentMX, no, i just say if i would install custom stuff and not get stuff in packages i could just use slack07:15
polpakProN00b, what's wrong with 1.0.7...07:15
leifcablop. its when i do a configure in the xmmsmplayer i get the error. i have not find any xmmsmplayer deb package07:15
stjepanpolpak: with ubuntu or kubuntu?07:15
p47I don't understan you !07:15
polpakstjepan, umm nothing fancy... It was ubuntu07:15
ProN00bpolpak, its old and its fucking insecure07:15
VincentMXProN00b, Ubuntu is a non-profit project. so nobody really cares if you use it or not. ubuntu is free. you should think of it as a present. it's rude to get a present and the go and be pissed becouse it's not 100% the way you like it07:16
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.07:16
stjepanpolpak: what? Nothing fancy????07:16
tonyyarussoubotu: tell ProN00b about firefox1.507:16
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cablopstjepan and intelikey just look at the docs to compile the files creating a .deb package, after that install the new generated deb file07:16
VincentMXpron00b, really 1.0.7 is fine07:16
stjepanpolpak: did you see the new water effect?07:16
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polpakstjepan, yes. I meant my video card wasn't anything fancy07:16
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polpakstjepan, the effects were pretty fun07:16
nickrudbliss1_, yes, except you might possibly need to specify file type during the mount in some situations now and then07:16
tonyyarussoProN00b: I use 1.5, btw.  Not a problem to get it on Ubuntu, just follow the Wiki.07:16
crimsunp47: run the commands gave you, and paste their output on the pastebin Web site, NOT in this channel07:17
ProN00bVincentMX, it really isn't07:17
stjepanpolpak: what do you think about debs?07:17
stjepanwhich ones should I use?07:17
p47mmmm ok crimsun07:17
stjepanpolpak: QuinnStorm's debs?07:17
P__CosmoDad, it's progressing, i have an erro inside dmesg now07:17
polpakstjepan, I just followed the stiky on the dapper forum07:17
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stjepanwhat debs?07:17
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ProN00btonyyarusso, i know there is/are unofficial packages of 1.5, i just wonder why they aren't official yet...07:17
cablopok pleople, bye07:17
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wd3tonyyarusso, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/65384607:17
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CosmoDadP__: what does it say?07:18
polpakProN00b, because the next version of ubuntu isn't out07:18
tonyyarussoProN00b: They are official for the next release.07:18
ZombieLoffeHow do you open certain ports in ubuntu? I'm a complete noob at using linux :\.07:18
stjepanbtw, I have just switched from Gentoo to Ubuntu :D07:18
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bliss1_nickrud: thanks i thought so its just when i look at this file shels via natulis there is something in it but from the command line its emmply when I open t07:18
roostishawZombie, use firestarter07:18
_jasonProN00b: because ubuntu makes a stable release every 6 months and then provides security updates07:18
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arrickIdleOne, you want to join #arrick?07:18
P__CosmoDad, after the driver name line : ACPI: PCI Interrupt 0000:02:00.0[A]  ->GSI 16 (level, low)->IRQ 1607:18
tonyyarussoProN00b: That's a matter of policy such that each release is a stable whole set of packages, easily supportable, and leaving developers time to actually developing rather than just backporting.07:18
Bambinoi typed in my wget -cb blabla fiel.. its downloading now. But I need to turn off my pc, how do I abort it to be able to retake the download? its at 93% but I reaaaaaally gotta go07:18
roostishawZombie, sudo apt-get install firestarter07:19
VincentMXZombieLoffe, just start the deamon you want to use for a certain port07:19
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polpakZombieLoffe, ports aren't closed by default.. You just have to install a daemon and configure it to use a certain port07:19
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stjepanfirst I used Slackware. And I liked it. But then I got frustrated with it's package manager. Then I installed Gentoo. Everything was great until I broke it and got frustrated with compiling. Now I am downloading KUbuntu Dapper07:19
VincentMXi'm off07:19
HowitzerWho can suggest a good Python IDE to me?07:19
ProN00b_jason, i haven't seen any security update to my firefox, its still old 1.0.7, and i have never got some backport of a security fix...07:19
P__CosmoDad, and after that one : PCI : Unable to reserve mem reion #1:c0100000@40000000 for device 00000:02:00.007:19
wd3tonyyarusso did u get that?07:19
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polpakProN00b, what exactly are the security issues that need fixing with 1.0.7?07:19
tonyyarussowd3: Barely!  Looking now.07:19
P__CosmoDad, and finally, e1000: probe of 0000:02:00.0 failed with error -1607:19
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roostishawZombie, ya, then just adjust the poicy... run firestarter with gksudo firestarter07:19
sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. please help07:19
_jasonProN00b: enable the online repositories for them in your sources07:19
polpakHowitzer, erm.. any text editor will do really. I like jedit07:20
ProN00b_jason, i got all repos enables07:20
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crimsunjohnny3d: ...and?07:20
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polpakHowitzer, dapper's supposedly got a really nice version of gedit which I'm hoping will work as a replacement for jedit for me07:20
RhineAnyone know why Rhythmbox shuts down when adding music I was up to about 1500 for the second time and it shuts down on me07:21
tonyyarussowd3: First, don't know if this was related, but you probably want a different mirror.  us is somewhat infamous for instability.07:21
ProN00bpolpak, there are, just look at some common security pages07:21
_jasonProN00b: apt-cache policy base-config, what version do you have?07:21
roostishawpolpak, im running dapper now... i like the gedit07:21
roostishawpolpak, although i think its just about the same07:21
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UbuntuNewbiedon't you hate it when you are following a tutorial and the pictures does not look the same07:21
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tonyyarussowd3: Then, do a sudo apt-get update and trying installing synaptic again.  If that doesn't work, something is seriously strange.07:22
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intelikeytonyyarusso something !borked ?07:23
RhineAnyone know why Rhythmbox shuts down when adding music I was up to about 1500 for the second time and it shuts down on me?07:23
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duelbootokay folks...got my wireless working with ndiswrapper, but when I unplug my usb wireless card, my system locks up.  Any assistance?07:23
wd3tonyyarusso, i remember from gnome, ubuntu apt get xfce and i had all the apps, why not now?07:23
CosmoDadP__: still looks whacky07:23
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tonyyarussointelikey: Maybe - on wd3's.07:23
roostishawRhine, are you using an ipod or something?07:23
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RhineNo it's not connected atm07:24
tonyyarussowd3: If you already had gnome they were there from that.07:24
CosmoDadP__: seems like your driver is still in development07:24
roostishawRhine, atm?07:24
polpakProN00b, I only see 3, and all of them are "Denial of Service" types which I don't really see as actually being vulnerabilities.. They're just bad coding.07:24
Rhineat the moment07:24
roostishawRhine, oh07:24
duelbootoh, and FWIW, my hotplug subsystem does not return an okay at boot07:24
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roostishawRhine, hmmm.07:24
tonyyarussowd3: btw, I'm not sure if xubuntu-desktop will include totem, but synaptic for sure.07:24
roostishawRhine, sorry, no idea07:24
wd3tonyyarusso, oh. so basically when i started over from the server install and then sudo apt get xubunt. there goes my gnome apps.07:25
P__how do i exit X ?07:25
RhineWoops ill check fi adding the folders one by one will work07:25
tonyyarussowd3: Yes.07:25
xfcefreakxubuntu includes totem <<<almost positive07:25
P__i don't see runlevel 3 as in other distrib in inittab07:25
tonyyarussowd3: Of course you can still get them, it's just not as easy.07:25
duelbootbut dmesg returns that pcihotplug (no usb) is there...how do I activate usb hotplug?07:25
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tonyyarussoxfcefreak: I'm looking through the apt-cache show now...07:25
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=== duelboot taps fingers waiting for answer to situtation described above
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fuci_how do i delete folders that i've transferred from windows drive?07:26
duelbootdelete from where fuci_ ?07:26
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fuci_duelboot: from the /home folder07:26
xfcefreakrm -r /path/to/file07:26
xfcefreakfuci_: ^^^ on a unix box07:27
fuci_with sudo in the front?07:27
roostishawanyone know of a way to securly delete files from the wastebasket?07:27
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IdleOnehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12042 can someone tell me how to fix this?07:27
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P__how can I exit X please ?07:27
roostishawby securly i mean written over a few times...07:27
duelbootyes sudo fuci_07:27
xfcefreakfuci_: more than likely yes but try it without it first if it says something like permission denied than yes you need sudo07:27
roostishawP_, reboot07:27
P__ok but it will start it07:27
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tonyyarussoxfcefreak: And I'm not seeing it.  So, if you can tell me what I'm missing, that would be enlightening.07:27
polpakSince when did writing bad javascript code that locks up peoples browsers become security expliots?07:27
P__how I can set to not startx at boot time then ?07:27
roostishawP_what do you mean exit x?07:27
duelbootroostishaw, there are several secure delete apps07:27
xfcefreaktonyyarusso: ok give me a sec07:28
roryyP__: get to a shell and run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:28
roostishawP_, try recovery mode from grub07:28
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roryyP__: ubuntu boots into runlevel 2 by default, and gdm is enabled there.  You can use 'update-rc.d' to stop gdm from starting at boot07:28
polpakpolpak, I don't see how that can be benificial for the would be hacker.. "Muhahah! Now no one can see my website!"07:28
P__roryy, thanks07:28
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germanazosalve _Shade07:28
intelikeyP__ remove the symlink from /etc/rc2.d/   that says  gdm07:28
RhineIs thier a way to change the list order in GRUB?07:28
xfcefreaktonyyarusso: its not included thats from my gnome07:28
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duelbootroostishaw, try this secure delete:  http://www.thc.org/download.php?t=r&f=secure_delete-3.1.tar.gz07:28
germanazoa todos07:28
germanazocome va07:29
arrickIdleOne, you here, or still packing, I need Heeeelllllpppppp07:29
tonyyarussoxfcefreak: Ah.07:29
IdleOnearrick, with?07:29
erUSUL!tell germanazo about es07:29
roostishawduelboot, can i install that with apt?07:29
arrickproftpd setup07:29
erUSUL!tell germanazo about it07:29
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xfcefreaktonyyarusso: it will bring in all kinds of gnome depends07:29
germanazoerUSUL nothing07:29
IdleOnearrick,  I have never used it07:29
polpakroostishaw,  try the shred command for secure deletion07:29
linuxshopdoes anyone know qmail and help me07:29
duelbootroostishaw, no...download then untar then read README and compile07:29
leifcan u make apt-get install to skip dependency check ??07:29
arrickI keep getting you guys confused07:30
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Tomcat_leif: Yes, but it breaks things.07:30
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roostishawduelboot, ok07:30
IdleOnearrick, I am guessing here that there is a proftpd.conf that needs to be configured07:30
duelbootroostishaw, you can check synaptic for list of secure delete apps as well07:30
nickrudleif, why would you want to do that? If you need to, somethings wrong07:30
_jasonleif: dependencies are usually needed for a program to work, that's why they are dependencies07:30
roostishawpoltok, ok ... ill do both07:30
arrickAnyone: if you are good with proftpd please join #arrick and help me out07:30
IdleOnehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12042 can someone tell me how to fix this?07:30
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arrickIdleOne, there is much more than that to it you also have to restrict the users to their folders too07:31
tonyyarussowd3: How are you doing?  (I'm about to pass out, so I'm hoping you're going to be okay soon.)07:31
leifwell, i wana install xmms-xmmplayer wich is dependent on mplayer.  but i have installed mplayer from source :P07:31
linuxshopdoes anyone know qmail and help me07:31
leifand not from deb pkg07:31
IdleOnearrick, like I said I havent used it so i dont know :/07:31
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wd3tonyyarusso, thanks man i'm on it. ur great .07:31
polpakIdleOne, you need to install the gtk development libs07:31
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polpakIdleOne, and the bmp development libs07:31
intelikeyleif to answer your question "leif> can u make apt-get install to skip dependency check ??"  use dpkg    man dpkg   but you will break things forcing things.07:31
IdleOnepolpak, you have the package name?07:31
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Tomcat_leif: Well... I guess xmms-xmmplayer depends on mplayer for a reason, so it won't even work with your source-compiled version. Probably.07:31
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nickrudleif, then you should look into the package equivs , that provides a means of saying 'I have mplayer installed, it's ok'07:32
polpakIdleOne, yeah, one sec07:32
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intuos_penhi, can someone help me about this issue?: before i compiled my kernel hibernate is working okay but after i compiled it it's not. working okay means, when i do hibernate the system will shut itself down and the next time i turned it on, it will automatically put me where i left. but now if i do hibernate, it will still shutdown but when i turn the system on, it would always have me login on gdm as if i just shutdown the notebook and starting it up again.07:32
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malohiHey guys,  I have a tough Linux question for you07:32
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duelbootokay folks...got my wireless working with ndiswrapper, but when I unplug my usb wireless card, my system locks up.  Any assistance?07:32
malohiI have a file that is showing up as a directory.  how do I get it back to be a file?07:32
duelbootbut dmesg returns that pcihotplug (no usb) is there...how do I activate usb hotplug?07:32
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intuos_pencan someone suggest some article about fixing this "hibernate" thing? i wonder what went wrong,. please help.07:33
tonyyarussowd3: Wonderful.07:33
=== duelboot eagerly awaits answer for situation above
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=== intuos_pen does as duelboot did.
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roryymalohi: why do you think it's a directory?07:34
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malohiroryy,  that is what the permissions say.07:34
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malohias well as nautalus07:34
P__ok i give up07:34
=== duelboot still doing what intuos_pen is imitating
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intuos_penanyone here knows something about ubuntu on notebook pc's? especially the hibernate stuff.07:35
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roryymalohi: i may be wrong, but i don't think files can become directories (unless your filesystem data is badly broken)07:35
arrickIdleOne, thanks thoug, polpak has joined to help out07:35
tarikhi to everybody07:35
roryymalohi: can't you can erase the directory and recreate the file?07:35
=== intuos_pen still imitates duelboot but occasionally nag the geeks on the main channel too.
malohiroryy that is what I thought07:35
=== squiddle [n=squiddle@port-195-158-179-162.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyduelboot i know nothing about hotplug, but while you wait; have a look in /etc/hotplug  for clues.07:35
IdleOnearrick, cool! now if he can give me the name of the gtk lib dev package that would be wonderful :)07:35
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malohiroryy,  I don't have a backup of it.07:35
tariki got a question! how cna i unload a module07:36
duelbootintelikey, okay...checked earlier...hmmmmmm07:36
tarik^^in konole07:36
UbuntuNewbieany suggestions how i can make sure my KDevelop program is set correctly07:36
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intuos_pendeulboot: i think you need to recompile your kernel to support hotplug and usb.07:36
roryymalohi: what's in this directory? anything sensible ?07:36
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BSDinuxmalohi: maybe a fschk helps?07:36
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intelikeyintuos_pen ?07:36
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tarikhow can i restart a module by using a terminal07:36
malohiit is a zip file,  Not that important07:36
roryyIdleOne: libgtk2.0-dev ?07:37
roryymalohi: there's a zip file in the directory?07:37
intuos_penintelikey: hibernate. help me with hibernate of ubuntu.07:37
IdleOneroryy, that might be it :)07:37
intuos_pentarik: modprobe.07:37
tarikhow can i restart a module by using a terminal?? please somebody help!07:37
intelikeytarik "restart a module?"   rmmod and modprobe  probably07:37
malohiroryy, nope07:38
intuos_pentarik: don't panic, unless of course that module is connected to your life support systgem.07:38
El_Cheanyone here running 64bit amd and smp kernels?07:38
malohijust a .cmd and a .lock07:38
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nonix4Does "dpkg -i language-pack-en*.deb" check the md5sum & signature?07:38
tarikso i write "modprobe module stop"??07:38
malohiBSDinux, it is a resier partition07:38
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intelikeyintuos_pen can't sorry.07:38
=== jbrouhard [n=joe@cm-24-121-115-231.stjoseph.mo.npgco.com] has joined #ubuntu
a8d6a4m2Hello!  I just installed ubuntu!07:38
intuos_pennonix4: no, it only installs language-pack-en*.deb07:38
nonix4the initial installation was infinite-loop dying on doing that so I ran killall on the installer to get dpkg db freed and tehn installed it07:38
roostishawWhat is the difference between Linux and FreBSD?07:38
intuos_pennonix4: you need to do md5sum "file".07:39
=== Yan^ [n=Yan^@glo44-1-82-67-129-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
malohitarik you type rmmod module to remove it and modprobe module to reload it07:39
intelikeyroostishaw a buck two ninty five07:39
duelboothello a8d6a4m2, any question? or just excitement?07:39
intuos_penroostishaw: Linux is a kernel, FreeBSD is an OS.07:39
=== intuos_pen runs.
BSDinuxthere are many differences07:39
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nonix4intuos_pen: could you md5sum those files for me? (for 5.10)07:39
tarikthx to all^^07:39
roostishawintelikey, oh...  :D07:39
duelbootlol at intelikey's answer07:39
intuos_pennonix4: believe me it's just easy. you can do it yourself.07:39
nonix4intuos_pen: I don't have the md5sum to compare against!07:40
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a8d6a4m2duelboot just excitement right now.  I successfully added a repository and installed mplayer.  everything is going very smoothly so far. :)07:40
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intuos_pennonix4: yay, google?07:40
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tanuki_can someone tell me how to change my cursors in ubuntu?07:40
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duelboothotplug, hotplug, hotplug, hotplug, hotplug, hotplug for usb and ndiswrapper to work properly.  How?07:40
|Ghosthello i need some help again07:40
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nonix4intuos_pen: as if it had such not-so-common ones...07:40
jmoncayocan sombody help me to set up my wireless card?07:40
RhineTanuki do you know of MLP?07:40
intuos_penduelboot: kernel compile. :)07:40
=== JDahl [n=joachim@3e6b7449.rev.stofanet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
tanuki_rhine: no explain07:41
a8d6a4m2thought I'd come in here, and see what everyone else was doing with ubuntu, and see if I pickup anything new. :)07:41
duelbootjmoncayo, what card?07:41
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RhineNah just wondering if you were from a forum07:41
BSDinuxjmoncayo, check out ndiswrapper07:41
jmoncayoduelboot, i have a broadcom wireless card, with emachines m680907:41
duelbootBSDinux, think he needs more info than that07:41
Yan^hello people I have  some VERY basic questions about ubuntu, somebody cares to help? I can not understand how it happens that ubuntu has only 1 installation disk, while debian sarge has 14, does it mean that heving installed ubuntu i will have only a basic system?07:41
intuos_pena8d6a4m2: errr, try modding your gnome desktop to look like macosx, (gnome-look.org).07:41
tanuki_i am not07:41
duelbootjmoncayo, I'll send you some links...hold one07:42
nonix457c8be5603c985ed7b0a4b1d7aada0d5  /media/cdrom/pool/main/l/language-pack-en-base/language-pack-en-base_20051011_all.deb07:42
nonix4745f90e2dd3349b196e15117cc4a612f  /media/cdrom/pool/main/l/language-pack-en/language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb07:42
Rhinewow that took forever i had to all all my music one by one o.O07:42
nonix4intuos_pen: those two as from the cd07:42
a8d6a4m2intuos_pen ok sounds like fun. lol07:42
intuos_penYan^: no, after it installs the basic system it will contact the rest on the internet.07:42
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duelbootjmoncayo, using WPA?07:42
nonix4intuos_pen: they match the ones in /var/cache/ but are they correct?07:42
jmoncayoduelboot, WEP07:42
BSDinuxYan^, most distros only need 1 install cd, the rest are additional packages07:42
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|Ghostwhen i start ubuntu i get "mounting FAILED" and i cant start KDE or X. I thing I changed something in my partitions and system setting. is there a posibility to reconfigure it about console?07:42
jmoncayoduelboot, whats WAP?07:42
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intuos_penYan^: there is also a DVD release of ubuntu and i believe it has a lot more package stored in it than in the regular iso9660 CD.07:43
Yan^intuos_pen: I would prefer not to connect the internet for the installation, is it possible?07:43
jmoncayowhat is the sit0 device?07:43
=== Howitzer [n=adrian@90.216-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
BSDinuxstandard ubuntu install comes with gnome, openoffice, totem and what not...07:43
intuos_penYan^: yes but boring.07:43
ubotuto install eclipse please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EclipseIDE07:43
intelikeyduelboot you might get an answer in one of the other linux help channels ?   ##linux   #linuxhelp07:43
duelbootjmoncayo, start here...I had to go through the complete steps (4.5)...which included "troubleshooting" but it worked.  Here's the link:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper?action=show&redirect=SetupNdiswrapperHowto07:43
intuos_penYan^: painfull if you're on dial up?07:43
duelbootthx intelikey07:43
anders_when ubuntu start up it has automagically mounted my hd-partitions, but without much permissions. what should I put in /etc/fstab to fix this?07:44
jmoncayoduelboot, what is the sit0 for?07:44
Yan^intuos_pen: no i have adsl, but this is a long story, I prefer to manage form CD or DVDs07:44
=== anthony__ [n=anthony@cpc1-ptal1-0-0-cust555.swan.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
xlogikOk I've followed the instructions on setting up madwifi, but ive ran into some problem creating the interface.  The error that appears is: wlanconfig: ioctl: No such device07:44
intuos_pensomeone please help me troubleshoot/configure hibernate on ubuntu (sob, sob, sob, snort! sob,sob,sob).07:44
xlogikany suggestions07:44
Yan^BSDinux: by the way, are ALL debian packages installable on ubuntu?07:44
tarik^^ it is not working that way i want it to! I just want to stop the module vmware. <--requesting help07:44
duelbootit's used for ipV6 apparently...don't worry about it07:45
intuos_penYan^: ubuntu manages itself well if connected on the internet.07:45
nonix4intuos_pen: well, I've almost come to the conclusion that the .fi mirror(?) used by the installer is broken07:45
tarik^^ sorry i am noob07:45
intelikeyYan^ all ubuntu debs are installable....07:45
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ubotuUbuntu Distro Stats on breezy... 18621 packages, 1641 maintainers, 37122 MB installed size, 11461 MB compressed size.07:45
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intelikey18621 packages07:45
jmoncayoduelboot, i did that, i only need the *.inf file right>07:46
=== intuos_pen hopes to find a geek good on ubuntu laptop hibernation issues.
duelbootno, you must have the .inf and .sys in same directory07:46
duelbootjmoncayo, ^^^07:46
Yan^intelikey: sorry, say it once more ;)) are all Debien debs installable on ubuntu? ;))07:46
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nonix4The installer complains in an infinite-loop about trying to install zillions of untrusted packages :-(07:46
ubotuHowitzer: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:46
tarik^^ it is not working that way i want it to! I just want to stop the module vmware. <--requesting help please give me a line I can paste to my terminal07:46
tarik^^ sorry i am noob07:46
duelbootjmoncayo, are you registered, can you do PMs?07:46
intuos_penYan^: even rpms can be installed on ubuntu. (after you did apt-get install alien of course).07:47
intelikeyyan^ NO !07:47
jmoncayoduelboot, ok07:47
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Rhine!tell Rhine ATI07:47
intuos_penvmware is a module?07:47
RhineCan someone !tell me the ATI driver page?07:47
Yan^intelikey: a! this are bad news for me. How can I know what I can install and what not? in debian there is a LIST of packages which I can seek through07:47
duelbootjmoncayo, check pm07:48
intuos_penRhine: http://www.google.com? (then search for ati).07:48
ubotuati is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358907:48
Yan^intuos, intelikey: you seem to contradict to each other??07:48
intelikeyYan^ ubuntu is not debian  and debian is not ubuntu.   ubuntu is based on debian.07:48
RhineThere the bot got it07:48
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a8d6a4m2Yan^  I just installed ubuntu and I already found alist of things to install.   applications-->Add Aplication07:48
intuos_penubotu: can you help me on laptop hibernate issues? (breezy here).07:49
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, intuos_pen07:49
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tariksorry someone remembers my stupid noob question?07:49
tarik^^ it is not working that way i want it to! I just want to stop the module vmware. <--requesting help please give me a line I can paste to my terminal07:49
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a8d6a4m2yan^  I added a repository to install mplayer aswell.07:49
FlannelKingYan^: you can get a bigger list via Syanptic (and then you can add universe/multiverse to get even more)07:49
intelikeyYan^ not all "debian debs" are installable on any given debian installation.    "all debian debs" = every package ever compiled for debian linux.07:49
tarik^^Iam not only noob i am german too07:49
roryytarik: tried asking in #vmware ?07:49
Yan^intelikey: ok, assume I want to install a debian package whch I foulnd on the debian site, how can I learn whether it is installable?07:50
tarikno its just about load or unload a module07:50
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tarik^^or stop or start07:50
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intuos_penubotu: yay! i have to hack a script for hibernate.07:50
ubotuintuos_pen: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:50
intuos_penubotu: thanks, thanks.07:50
ubotuintuos_pen: de nada07:50
intelikeyYan^ assuming that.  you should do   apt-cache search <package-name>   and see if there is a ubuntu deb07:51
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a8d6a4m2Yan^  is entertaining.  I don't feel like such a noob now.07:51
polpakintuos_pen,  ubotu is a bot07:51
[blindx] hah07:51
FlannelKingYan^: ubuntu also has an online browsable one... packages.ubuntu.com, I believe.07:51
intuos_penpolpak: well, he seems to be an intelligent bot.07:51
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=== CosmoDad [n=johndoe@dslb-088-064-180-181.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Yan^FlannelKing thanx I shall try now07:52
intelikeyYan^ if their is not you should get the source and build it.  that is the safe way to install things not packaged for ubuntu.    (the source.deb)07:52
polpakintuos_pen, not terribly =p07:52
ubotupolpak: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:52
nonix4How does the installer decide which mirror to use?07:52
intuos_penpolpak: i won't be surprised if someday ubotu would say "Please state the nature of the medical emergency.".07:52
=== DeviousAnt [n=mike@cpc2-lisb1-0-0-cust107.belf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
roryynonix4: doesn't the installer ask you where you are?07:53
xfcefreakroryy: it asks what country you want to set up for07:53
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Yan^OK, thanks a lot, I will be back in 30 mins07:54
=== stjepan [n=root@83-131-18-33.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
stjepanwhy is dpkg so "closed". Why it isn't as clean and simple as portage?07:54
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stjepanportage is more "config-based"07:55
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stjepandpkg is more "apt-get-based" :(07:55
brentI have a video card question, can anyone help me?07:55
intuos_pendamn, if canonical has a marketing/advertising resources as microsoft, ubuntu would kill windows immediately.07:55
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tanuki_can someone tell me how to change my cursosrs in ubuntu?07:55
xfcefreakstjepan: dpkg -i <app>  than look its installed07:55
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intuos_penstjepan: err, because debian isn't gentoo?07:55
=== intuos_pen runs.
stjepanintuos_pen: don't worry.... microsoft will kill itself soon :)07:55
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brentCan anyone help with an EASY video question?07:56
intelikeyintuos_pen ubotu does not.   !emergency07:56
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roryybrent: please just ask; we might be able to help07:56
brentok, thx07:56
nickruddon't run intuos_pen that's the exact correct answer :)07:56
[blindx] brent: never ask to ask, people hate that. :P07:56
stjepanintuos_pen: no, can I manually see where are all pkgs stored? can I easily browse through apt's heart and see everything there? Why are debs so complicated?07:56
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nonix4roryy: sure it asks that but I don't want to change that part - I edited the sources.list manually, hope that'll fix it...07:56
brentI have two video cards, how can I install the other one to support another monitor?07:56
a8d6a4m2how can ya beet all this free software!   I remember as a kid buying freeware CD's and being entertained for a week or longer.07:57
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brentSorry im new to support IRC07:57
[blindx] "buying freeware CDs"07:57
[blindx] hmm..07:57
[blindx] :P07:57
intuos_penstjepan: synaptic is your friend (or apt-cache search).07:57
roryynonix4: if you know the two letter code for your country you should be able to hack it07:57
a8d6a4m2money rackets07:57
[blindx] I think you got gipped :P07:57
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stjepanintuos_pen: why messing GUI there?07:58
a8d6a4m2pre 199207:58
intuos_penstjepan: actually, it could become more complicated than that if you add dselect. lol.07:58
stjepanI think the package manager should be "console bones"07:58
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=== intelikey would pay for cd's of free software.... dialup.
nonix4roryy: yep, I'll change to the neighbour country and see if they have a better mirror07:58
linuxshopdoes anyone have any idea on how to mirror a debian linux drive?07:59
intuos_penstjepan: before, i was a fan of FreeBSD ports and yum, but when i saw ubuntu i think apt is also strong.07:59
nickrudstjepan, dpkg -L <package> shows you the files in a deb (once installed)07:59
a8d6a4m2back in 1992 there were BBS's so freeware CD's seemed like a deal.07:59
stjepanGUI package manager is ridiculous... synaptic must be just a wrapper for apt07:59
intuos_penstjepan: apt-cache isn't gui.07:59
roryyplease discuss the virtues of different package management systems in #ubuntu-offtopic; this is (ideally) an ubuntu support channel07:59
[blindx] and my ubuntu install disc is.... done downloading, woo07:59
intuos_penstjepan: dpkg isn't gui.07:59
[blindx] burn/install time.07:59
[blindx] bbl07:59
stjepanintuos_pen: I know, I am talking about synaptic07:59
stjepanintuos_pen: why did you say "synaptic is your friend" then?08:00
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intuos_penstjepan: i think you just have to give apt or dpkg equal effort as you did portage and you will be comfortable soon.08:00
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intuos_penstjepan: well, i didn't know you have an aversion to gui.08:00
stjepanintuos_pen: I was using ubuntu for a while08:00
stjepanfew months08:00
intelikeystjepan yes and apt is a frontend to dpkg,  dpkg is the debian package manager   used by debian based ubuntu08:00
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stjepanintelikey: yes, right08:01
zeriumhello all i have a seemingly simple question, how do i add multiple gateway entries into my /etc/networking/interfaces ?08:01
stjepanbut I am complaining about apt.... too complicated08:01
stjepantoo closed08:01
stjepanI can't hack it enough :)08:01
stjepanI must do everything via apt* or dpkg08:02
stjepanwith gentoo I can manually and easilly edit ebuilds and hack them08:02
intelikeystjepan so write your own frontend to dpkg08:02
intuos_penstjepan: i'm just using ubuntu for 2 months, because of some company decision i was stuck with redhat/fedora for one and a half year. ( 3 years of Freebsd before that).08:02
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stjepanI have FULL control over package management with Gentoo08:02
Kyralstjepan: try Arch then08:02
ubotuit has been said that hardware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:02
polpakstjepan, you can get the source packages and make your own debs if you want08:02
stjepanintelikey: no, that's not it08:02
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polpakstjepan, it's essentially the same thing08:03
intuos_penstjepan: same with debian/ubuntu08:03
Kyralstjepan: I use it on my Desktop (Xubuntu and Breezy on Laptop and Server)08:03
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intuos_penstjepan: unless of course complete control means, youre the one resolving the dependencies.08:03
intelikeystjepan then switch back to geenntooo08:03
stjepanpolpak: right, but the problem is connecting sources and dpkg08:03
michaelHello, I will install WLAN and need the universe-section. What must I do?08:03
roryy!tell michael about repos08:03
intuos_penmichael: uncomment the universe section of /etc/apt/sources.list08:04
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a8d6a4m2if ya compile from source will there be even more dependancies?08:04
stjepanintelikey: no, I do not want to break my system or compile everything :)08:04
intuos_pena8d6a4m2: not necessarily, if after you compile the source you would generate deb files.08:04
stjepanintuos_pen: how do you generate debs? checkinstall?08:05
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Kyralstjepan: Try ArchLinux for that kinda control08:05
intuos_penstjepan: make-kpkg ? i'm not sure though.08:05
linuxshopdoes anyone have any idea on how to mirror a debian linux drive?08:05
a8d6a4m2I havn't compiled anything yet so I'm just wondering.  will there be extra files needed just to beable to compile different things?08:05
intuos_penstjepan: the only source i compile is the kernel.08:05
Kyraland for the note, CheckInstall is EVIL08:05
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stjepanKyral: no I do not want Arch08:05
michaelthere is an error on starting synaptic: E: Missgestaltete Zeile 37 in Quellliste /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse)08:05
intuos_penstjepan: i avoid compiling application sources as much as possible.08:05
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roryya8d6a4m2: yes. You need to installe the compiler (via build-essential) and typically development packages (named *-dev)08:05
=== Kyral finds compiling fun :D
stjepanintuos_pen: but what if you MUST compile sources? how will you make debs?08:06
a8d6a4m2sounds like compiling is the way to go,  if source will run on any distro.08:06
roryymichael: sounds like you messed up sources.list (though I don't understand german)08:06
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intuos_penstjepan: see if make-kpkg does make debs.08:06
roryystjepan: there's a howto for making debs; you can find it via the ubuntu wiki (look for developer resources)08:06
=== Ming [n=benja@17.Red-81-41-228.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
stjepanhmmm... make-kpkg? never heard about that08:07
intelikeystjepan let me see if i have got this streight,  you don't like ubuntu's packagemanager but you don't want to write your own.  you want to add compiled source into dpkg but not use the tools that are provided for that.  you come to #ubuntu to whine about this?      anything i missed there ?08:07
roryyintuos_pen: make-kpkg is for kernel packages08:07
stjepanroryy: tnx08:07
stjepanintelikey: no08:07
intuos_penroryy: i see. he,he.. that's why i told stjepan i'm not sure and the only sources i compile are the kernels.08:08
zeriumhow do you add another gateway entry (for one nic) into /etc/networking/interfaces08:08
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intuos_penzerium: route.08:08
UbuntuNewbieis KDE remote desktop secure08:08
intuos_penUbuntuNewbie: what is "secure"?08:08
stjepanintelikey: I like ubuntu's package manager because of binary pkgs and speed, I like it because it's very automated. I want to compile some apps from source but I am searching for the right way to do that08:09
linuxshopdoes anyone have any idea on how to mirror a debian linux drive?08:09
polpakstjepan, ah. that is certainly a more constructive phrasing of your question08:09
zeriumintuos_pen: can you eleaborate a little?08:09
intuos_penlinuxshop: RAID0 ?08:09
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polpakstjepan, the other way just sounds like flaming/whining08:09
intuos_penzerium: learn the route command.08:09
linuxshopno ide08:09
zeriumok thanks08:09
intuos_penzerium: man route.08:09
stjepanpolpak: I am often saying something what I do not think to see what people think about that :)08:10
yabyhi i'm back with more questions...08:10
UbuntuNewbiei want to make sure my KDevelop is configure correctly so im thinking of having someone08:10
yabyi was mooooooo00 earlier08:10
UbuntuNewbieconnect to me remotely08:10
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stjepananyone here using XGL and KDE?08:10
ubotustjepan: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:11
hairyI guess it depends how well you trust the person remoting in08:11
yabyi tried mounting my other hd and cuz they were ntfs they were only read only, so i deleted the partitions and recreated a new partition for it..08:11
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yabybut when i try to write table to disk, it fails and tells me "Re-reading the partition table failed with error22"08:12
intuos_pendoes anyone here use a laptop?08:12
zeriumim guessing you mean w/ubuntu08:12
=== BetaC [n=chatzill@71-81-243-113.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
intuos_pendoes anyone here use a laptop and finding hibernate feature usefull?08:12
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yabywhat does that mean?08:12
BetaConly if your on a battary08:12
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hairyintuos_pen: I do08:13
yabyit says the kernel still uses the old table but even after i rebooted i still get the same thing08:13
intuos_penhairy: help me phuleesseee!08:13
hairyi dont use hibernate though08:13
=== intuos_pen fell from his chair.
gravesonhow do i upgrade my kernel08:13
=== Tennese [n=TenneseW@pool-138-89-43-242.mad.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== intuos_pen thinks about shaving hairy.
yabyis anyone able to help me?08:14
iegarystjepan: I'd recommend that you have a look at the structure of an existing debian package, and maybe make a few changes to see how the built package differs.08:14
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intuos_penyaby: depends on your problem.08:14
TenneseI gotta question, how can I make a bootable iso cd? what app do i need, i have gnomebaker.08:14
iegarystjepan: You can get the sources with "apt-get source <packagename>"08:14
yaby i tried mounting my other hd and cuz they were ntfs they were only read only, so i deleted the partitions and recreated a new partition for it..08:14
yaby but when i try to write table to disk, it fails and tells me "Re-reading the partition table failed with error22"08:14
arrickintuos_pen, hibernate was originally designed to stop burning, kind of like the scrensaver, and also to draw less energy from the battery of a computer, but it really does no godd for the computers today, especially when a Hard drive that stops and starts more often will fail quicker than one that runs constantly.08:14
yabyit says the kernel still uses the old table but even after i rebooted i still get the same thing08:14
iegarystjepan: get the dependencies with "apt-get build-dep <packagename>"08:14
iegarystjepan: then when you've made your changes, run "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" (install dpkg-dev and fakeroot packages first)08:15
hairylol .... it's even funnier when you know my surname!08:15
yabyis there something i can do about that/08:15
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intuos_penarrick: i just want to use hibernate feature because it makes my notebook start faster instead of the usual startup of logging in using gdm.08:15
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linuxshopno ide08:15
linuxshopdoes anyone have any idea on how to mirror a debian linux drive?08:15
bubbelshello out there.08:15
TenneseI gotta question, how can I make a bootable iso cd? what app do i need, i have gnomebaker.08:16
intuos_penarrick: the fresh install of breezy gives me a good hibernate behavior. after i recompiled the kernel to become "VIA Epia Friendly" hibernate acts like it's just a "shutdown" command.08:16
LinuxJoneslinuxshop: have a look at the dd command08:16
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arrickwellll,, you can, but suspend will do a better job, cause if the battery dies during hibernate, you will lose your information if anything is unsaved.08:16
BetaCi need some help, when i installed unbuntu when it asked for user account, it kept sending me in circles, it would not accept my user and password it kept bringing me back to the start of the user setup screen, so i just skipped this step got it installed, and now i need to know how to make a user account from the login screen after i enter cntrl alt f108:16
yabyhi, was anyone able to catch my question?08:16
arrickbut thats up to you intuos_pen08:17
LinuxJoneslinuxshop: you rolling out debian on multiple machines ?08:17
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tanuki_can someone help me to install the last.fm client on my computer?08:17
polpakBetaC, so there aren't any users installed?08:17
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arrickintuos_pen, I use it when I am travelling only but that is my preference08:17
semihakann mir hier mal bitte jemand weiterhelfen?08:17
BetaCunless it added it without me knowing08:17
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arrick08:17
intuos_penarrick: btw, do you know of any other technique (aside from hibernate) to make a notebook computer  start faster if not look like having an "instant on" feature?08:17
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BetaCit kept sending me to the begining of the user setup screen08:18
arrickintuos_pen, you can use suspend08:18
yabyanyone can help me with my partitioning problem?08:18
linuxshop dd is for advanced users im still novice08:18
stinkbaitcan anyone suggest a good back-up util for linux?08:18
intuos_penarrick: suspend is behaving the same as my hibernate, i wonder what config files to edit to fix them.08:18
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polpakBetaC, then you need to reboot and select "recovery mode" then create the user using useradd, set the password for the user with passwd and (this is important) add the user to the admin group08:18
intuos_penstinkbait: rsync, drbd, tar, dump.08:18
arricknot sure on that one, mine worked out of the box the right way intuos_pen08:19
intuos_penarrick: never compiled your kernel?08:19
arrickbut one will save your session to hd and one saves to the RAM only08:19
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intelikeylinuxshop hehhe dd is amoung the first *nix apps.... :)08:19
intuos_penarrick: your laptop is well supported then.08:19
hairyarrick: how lucky were you!08:19
BetaCthx i'll try08:19
arrickthis one it08:19
LinuxJoneslinuxshop: if it's for backup it's fairly easy.  If you're doing an install for a few machines there are better long term alternatives.08:19
intuos_penarrick: anyway, thanks for your time. :)08:19
arrickhpze4315us is supported all the way08:20
sgleo87ubuntu will not bood (locks at loading modules) when my external hdd is plugged in (USB). here is the fstab entry /dev/sdb1    /mnt/externalvfat    gid=100,umask=002,noexec,noauto,user 0       208:20
arricknp :-O08:20
linuxshopim trying to install *this* setup and OS on an other computer08:20
hairyI only had a few probs with my Toshiba08:20
=== intuos_pen wonders if arrick could use some optimization.
linuxshopthats y im looking for a mirror tool08:20
hairyit's all good now08:20
CablD_Wrkis there any tweaks in xfce4 i can do to speed up my cyberblade i7  is there a config file like x11?08:20
arrickintuos_pen, you better believe it, but I do have a dual boot on this thing08:21
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intuos_penarrick: what's the other OS?08:21
arrickxp pro08:21
intuos_penarrick, ah.08:21
arrickits what im in right now08:21
intuos_penCablD_Wrk: try installing the vendor video driver eg. nvidia, ati, unichrome.08:21
hairyfinding it hard to let go arrick ;)08:22
TenneseI gotta question, how can I make a bootable iso cd? what app do i need, i have gnomebaker. Any1?08:22
linuxshopim trying to install *this* setup and OS on an other computer08:22
linuxshopthats y im looking for a mirror tool08:22
intuos_penarrick: nice.08:22
BetaCpolpak, whats the command to add the user to the admin group once i have it made08:22
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intuos_penlinuxshop: tar.08:22
intelikeylinuxshop a tar pipe maybe,  dd perferably.    just dd the / partition  from one to the other.    dd if=/dev/hda1 of=/dev/hdc1    if you can use one box for the transfer.    very fast   very clean.08:22
arrickhairy, no I use both for work and also I run a recording studion with this laptop in my garage08:22
sgleo87ubuntu will not boot (locks at loading modules) when my external hdd is plugged in (USB). here is the fstab entry:  /dev/sdb1  /mnt/externalvfat  gid=100,umask=002,noexec,noauto,user 0     208:22
intuos_penarrick: cool.08:23
arrickhey sgleo87 do you have 2 usb devices?08:23
hairyhey, it wasn't meant badly arrick, (I too have a D/B with XP Pro)!08:23
=== freakabcd [n=freakabc@60-240-246-234.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
freakabcdhi all08:23
=== intuos_pen forgots windows since 98.
UbuntuNewbiewhy is it creating KDE application seems complicated than Gnome application08:23
freakabcdi;ve got a weird problem now..08:23
sgleo87arrick, you mean because it is sdb and not sda?08:23
Tenneseseriously i need help, how do i make a bootbale iso on ubuntu08:23
hairybut I am in Ubuntu now :p08:24
arrickwell Im going fishing have anice afternooon guys08:24
=== MistaaJimmy [n=chatzill@ip24-250-192-73.ga.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
arricksgleo87, yes08:24
intuos_penUbuntuNewbie: Gnome bias over there?08:24
freakabcdwhen i try to apt-get install acroread-debian-files, i get an error!08:24
hairylaters arrick08:24
freakabcdacroread-debian-files: Depends: acroread but it is not going to be installed08:24
freakabcdE: Broken packages08:24
IdleOnefreakabcd, is that package in the ubuntu repos?08:24
intuos_penarrick: you're very luck to have a lake near you.08:24
intelikeyTennese i use xcdroast for that.08:24
IdleOnefreakabcd, run sudo apt-get -f install08:24
arrickhey intuos_pen I live on Lake Michigan08:24
roryy!info acroread-debian-files08:24
ubotuacroread-debian-files: (Debian specific parts of Adobe Acrobat Reader), section multiverse/text, is optional. Version: 0.0.8 (breezy), Packaged size: 14 kB, Installed size: 176 kB08:24
Tenneseis that on synaptic?08:24
arrick2 minute walk to my boat08:24
intuos_penarrick: nice.08:25
freakabcdhuh? its for breezy?08:25
intelikey!info xcdroast08:25
freakabcdi'm on dapper08:25
ubotuxcdroast: (X based CD-writer software), section universe/otherosfs, is extra. Version: 0.98+0alpha15-1.1ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1812 kB, Installed size: 4640 kB08:25
sgleo87arrick, well, sda is my internal hdd...the external hdd mounts fine when I plug it in and I can read and write to it without a problem08:25
intuos_penwho needs acroread when there's xpdf?08:25
IdleOnefreakabcd, then try to install the package08:25
intuos_penah i see, bookmarks.08:25
intelikeyback after while.08:25
freakabcdintuos_pen, someone who actualy uses acroread's features!08:25
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freakabcdIdleOne, i dunno if my system or soures is messed up now..08:26
arrickok, your external is not terminated to run as extra, you will have to run the fstab to mount it after the boot is done08:26
freakabcdi think its now.08:26
=== intuos_pen suspends his laptop.
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arricksgleo87, ^^ look at my last post and read 'man fstab' to help you set it up08:26
freakabcdbut i find it weird that synaptic, upon selection of acroread-debian-files) says there are other packages to be mark as deps, then when i click on the Mark button it gives an error!08:26
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arrickI also had that problem with my external08:27
=== grandpapriz [n=frank@rhhe4-188.2wcm.comporium.net] has joined #ubuntu
IdleOnefreakabcd, its giving you the error because you have a broken package run sudo apt-get -f install from terminal and see if it fixes it08:28
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NxNxMoxwhats a good ftp program for ubuntu?08:28
freakabcdIdleOne, there are no broken packages on my system!08:28
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polpakNxNxMox, Nautilus?08:29
=== intuos_pen decides that he didn't need suspend/hibernate.
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freakabcdits that package acroread-debian-files thats broken08:29
polpakNxNxMox, just go to places->connect to server08:29
freakabcdcos i can install acroread fine. i.e. apt-get install acroread grabs its deps fine and is installting at the moment08:29
IdleOnefreakabcd, lemme see if it does the same here08:29
=== mthakur [n=mthakur@host81-159-47-57.range81-159.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
freakabcdIdleOne, are you on dapper flight 5+ as well?08:29
polpakNxNxMox, change the type to either ssh for scp, or ftp (with login) for that, or anonymous ftp, or samba, or whatever08:30
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)08:30
IdleOnefreakabcd, on flight6 and I got the same error so I guess its the package thats broken08:30
hairyintuos_pen: check on the ubuntu forum HowTo's there's a good article on speeding up the boot process08:30
intuos_penhairy: url please. :)08:31
freakabcdi was thinking there might be something wrong with my system.08:31
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freakabcdAmaranth, you around?08:31
IdleOnefreakabcd, try installing acroread foirst08:31
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hairyI would do but I'm just updating firefox ... if you can wait I'll get it in a min08:31
freakabcdIdleOne, acroread and its deps installed fine with apt-get install acroread08:31
freakabcdthat package acroread-debian-files is surely broken08:31
IdleOneyup I guess so08:32
IdleOnesend a bug report or something08:32
ubotubugs are reported to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs08:32
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Tenneseintelikey i have xcdroast now, i have the iso image but how do  i burn it?08:33
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MenZaHow do you install MS Windows fonts again?08:34
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_jasonMenZa: sudo aptitude install msttcorefonts, after enabling multiverse08:34
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a8d6a4m2why does xchat make noises?08:35
=== mikul [n=mikul@81-233-78-174-no73.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
reflecthello, I was hoping to find someone who has amd64 and running a 64bit ubuntu who seems to be having problems with time skipping back and forth when the system is heavily loaded. I've found various suggestions here and there, but the ones I've tried so far has not solved the issue..  first suggestion was to install adjtimex. second was to boot with the kernel argument notsc..  the first had some effect, yet in less than 24 hours, the system08:35
pikea8d6a4m2: its hungry08:35
reflectoh, damn.. that was alot of text, heh08:35
polpakreflect, better that then the alternative08:36
reflectpolpak: indeed.. "it doesnt work" is.. not too good a starting point when trying to  help someone ;)08:36
polpakreflect, true, but I ment people who submit that much text but hit enter after every sentance08:37
=== nono [n=arnaud@lns-bzn-55-82-255-164-124.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tenneseseriously i need help, how do i make a bootbale iso on ubuntu08:37
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=== [TechGuy] [i=sbalmos@cblmdm72-240-243-3.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
reflectneedless to say, ntpd and whatever other alternatives like that is pointless. the time drifts too much and finally they give up.08:37
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hairyintuos_pen: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8042308:38
stjepanhow often do you apt-get dist-upgrade?08:38
pikeTennese: just sudo apt-get install k3b08:38
asparaguistjepan: i have a cron job to do it every thirty seconds.08:38
a8d6a4m2is there a way to brows my local network?  I found out I can see the individual computers by typing smb://ipadress.  Is there a way to find computers though?08:38
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pikeTennese: sorry i was looking at your earlier question08:39
MenZaE: Package msttcorefonts has no installation candidate08:39
MenZaWhat exactly does that mean?08:39
_jasonMenZa: means you don't have multiverse08:40
_jasonubotu: tell MenZa about multiverse08:40
intuos_penhairy: thanks.08:40
Tenneseits kool08:40
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hairyno worries08:40
=== Ankka [n=Ankka@GYZMMDLXXVI.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
[TechGuy] quick question... What environment variable holds the console font set for a user? I notice that the font set changes when I do sudo -i08:40
polpaka8d6a4m2, Places->network Servers08:40
stjepanwhy are versions of ubuntu 5.04, 5.10, 6.06??? :-o Why it isn't 5, 6, 7? o_O08:40
polpakstjepan, to confuse you08:41
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Ankkaany ideas what I'm missing when a thinkpad x31 detects the wlan device, I set the settings right but it won't connect to anything08:41
_jasonstjepan: year.month 5.10= 2005 october08:41
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asparaguistj: 2005, april (04), novemeber (october), etc...08:41
Tennesepike i have ubuntu, does it matter that the app is for kde?08:41
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MenZaThank you _jason08:41
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a8d6a4m2polpak cool!   is this a ubuntu specific app?   is there a way to do it from the cammand line aswell?08:41
=== Gosha [i=Gosha@c-6579e253.442-1-64736c20.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
MenZaTennese: You can run KDE apps in Gnome.08:41
avarab_your OS is teh sux;)08:42
ubotuthemes is probably try installing gnome-art (sudo apt-get install gnome-art) and running it from System -> Preferences -> Art Manager (On Breezy). It downloads and installs themes from http://art.gnome.org/ Some other sites with various themes include: http://art.ubuntu.com - http://www.gnome-look.org - http://kdelook.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com See also !KDEThemes08:42
Tennese o rly?08:42
avarab_I'm getting this error on my ubuntu box:08:42
hairyanyone here use a dial-up08:42
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polpaka8d6a4m2, I'm not sure about the command line. I don't know of anything that can browse like that08:42
MenZaTennese: yarly08:42
marek_having some trouble. trying to reconfigure apache/php and i cant delete the directories in /usr/local using terminal because the "directories are not empty" and obviously cant delete in nautilus because i dont have permission ...08:42
Tenneseno wai08:42
avarab_the same program compiles and runs without any trouble on my debian ppc and i686 boxes08:42
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MenZaTennese: yawai08:42
avarab_is there some known fault with libc-i686?08:42
polpaka8d6a4m2, you can mount shared drives from the command like with smbmount (I think that's the name of the package)08:42
reflectdoes anyone have experience with time skipping? is there any way this may affect data on disk? it seems to be able to affect certain data being *read* from disk (like some audio/video)..08:42
sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. please help08:42
=== flemin [n=flemin@28sdl30m23.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
a8d6a4m2polpak use them like regular drives?08:43
UbuntuNewbiehow do i make someone view my desktop if i am using a wireless router08:43
fleminhola alguien sabe espaol o algun channel en spanish08:43
polpaka8d6a4m2, yeah,08:43
ubotu[se]  Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se08:43
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:43
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pikeUbuntuNewbie: can you elaborate?08:44
=== riddlebox [n=blah@24-171-40-167.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
[blindx] what is the default root username on ubuntu?08:44
[blindx] "root08:44
[blindx] "root" isn't working for me08:44
LinuxJonesUbuntuNewbie: system >> preferences remote desktop08:44
polpaksfar, have you tried System->Administration->Users and groups    Go to the properties for that user and on the User privileges tab check "Use video accelleration" ?08:44
MenZa!tell [blindx]  about rootsudo08:44
riddlebox[blindx] , it is what you made your user password08:44
marek_how to delete directories in terminal that arent empty?08:45
_jasonmarek_: rm -r08:45
pikemarek_: rm -r08:45
_jasonubotu: tell marek_ about cli08:45
roryy[blindx] : you should have created a normal user on install (unless perhaps you did an expert-mode install)08:45
[blindx] I did create a normal user..08:46
=== NoUse [n=ejfiii@c-24-15-76-162.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
[blindx] but i want to log in as root08:46
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hairy[blindx] : are you trying to log on as root at the login screen?08:46
riddlebox[blindx] , try your user password for the root password08:46
_jason[blindx] : read what ubotu sent you please08:46
[blindx] hairy: yes08:46
sfarpolpak: the only thing that differd was "Use tape drives"..08:46
[blindx] and i did, jason08:46
polpak[blindx] , no you don't. read about root sudo08:46
=== M`S`C [n=root@dD5E04F3A.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu
UbuntuNewbiewell it shows my local ip address08:47
[blindx] i have the page open.08:47
_jason[blindx] : and so you have learned about using sudo?08:47
riddlebox[blindx] , you cannot log in as root by default08:47
polpaksfar, hrm08:47
hairy[blindx] : ubuntu does not let you log in as root by default08:47
MenZa[blindx] : check the pm you got from ubotu08:47
[blindx] it's at the bottom08:47
[blindx] i see it, thanks08:47
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[blindx] sorry :\08:47
MenZanp :)=08:47
polpak[blindx] , read the rest08:47
UbuntuNewbietype sudo passwd root08:47
polpak[blindx] , enabling the user account can cause problems with upgrading08:47
polpakUbuntuNewbie, no....08:48
roryypolpak: really?08:48
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.08:48
[TechGuy] ya know, there's always sudo -s08:48
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ubotuGosha: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:48
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aiduciukaswhy linux in idle uses ~10% of cpu? windows uses just ~1% cpu08:49
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[TechGuy] aiduciukas: And where did that figure come from?08:49
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aiduciukasfrom system monitor08:50
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polpakaiduciukas, OMG and linux uses all your ram too!!!11108:50
_jasonaiduciukas: see what process is using it08:50
svenaiduciukas, the monitor itself uses the cpu08:51
aiduciukasi know08:51
kbrooksaiduciukas: system monitors are inaccurate by design08:51
aiduciukasbut not 10% of cpu?08:51
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Pulgokianybody using nessus get a ssl error when trying to login?08:51
polpakaiduciukas, so what processes are using it?08:51
reflectaiduciukas: do you have an AMD64 processor?08:51
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Pulgokior let me rephrase that08:51
aiduciukasreflect, no08:52
Pulgokihas anybody thats using nessus ever had trouble logging in the first time with an ssl error?08:52
Stormx2I need a video player08:52
twopeakwhat can i do with a .rpm file?08:52
Stormx2anyone have any good ideas?08:52
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=== BaniCity [n=flemin@28sdl30m23.codetel.net.do] has joined #ubuntu
uboturumour has it, rpm is the Redhat Package Management file. Very similar to Debians DEB files, but require alien to install. ask me about !alien08:52
_jasonStormx2: mplayer, xine, vlc...08:52
polpakaiduciukas, cause with Xchat open and using top I'm only using about 2% of my cpu...08:52
ubotuI guess alien is a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/08:52
Stormx2_jason: I'll check out xine08:52
johnny3dcrimsun, still no sound08:52
aiduciukaspolpak, firefox, xchat, terminal, bitorrent08:52
_jasonStormx2: totem-xine, xine-ui, and gxine are in the repos08:52
polpakaiduciukas, use top08:53
polpakaiduciukas, man top08:53
aiduciukasu I know  :)08:53
BaniCity#ubuntu-es no entra08:53
reflectaiduciukas: you need to install some monitoring tool, like "htop" and check what is taking up CPU.. if you're talking about average load, know that it has nothing whatsoever to do with "busy cpu".08:53
=== luckyshot [i=smehta@used.my.1337.h4x0r.skill.to.exploit.your-mom.info] has joined #ubuntu
aiduciukasFIREFOX 120MB RAM!?!?!?!??!?!!?08:53
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freakabcdfirefox is crap..08:53
Stormx2aiduciukas: happens08:54
_jasonaiduciukas: firefox always does that08:54
aiduciukasand just 5 tabs!08:54
freakabcdits a memory whore08:54
avarab_aiduciukas: wow, that's low08:54
reflectaiduciukas: it's called cache08:54
aiduciukasi know08:54
Stormx2aiduciukas: Thats because it caches pages you've visited08:54
Stormx2aiduciukas: But in the ram08:54
[blindx] I need some help hooking up my wireless connection on a new install :\08:54
freakabcdStormx2, not all previous pages are cached08:54
aiduciukasbut in win, i'm using firefox 2alpha and with 10 tabs it uses only 40mb08:54
polpakaiduciukas, dapper will be a bit better, but you can mitigate that somwhat by changing your cache settings08:54
[blindx] It was working with the live CD, I hooked it up the same way, and now it's not working.08:54
freakabcdfor example my firefox rarely goes over 50 megs (over a few days running without quits)08:55
polpakaiduciukas, new version of dapper has better memory management08:55
aiduciukasWILL be :D08:55
polpakaiduciukas, err new version of firefox I mena08:55
freakabcdupon which i promptly kill firefox and start it back again08:55
reflectaiduciukas: so? if you have free RAM, it means your operating system is doing a lousy job08:55
aiduciukasi don't need to kill firefox :)08:55
johnny3dI have no sound in breezy08:55
reflectaiduciukas: you WANT your ram to be filled up, entirely, with cache for programs08:55
=== Yan^ [n=Yan^@glo44-1-82-67-129-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
sfari still dont understand how my screensaver is lagging with one user and runs smoothly with another ...08:55
[blindx] I need some help hooking up my wireless connection on a new install :\08:56
polpakaiduciukas, anyway.. if you prefer you can install IE, but it's so ugly,buggy and insecure I'd stick with firefox08:56
sfarif anybody does please let me know :)08:56
BaniCity|el channel spanish08:56
=== IcemanV9 checks top .. 99.2% idle with xchat2 & top running
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:56
aiduciukaspolpak, i don't like IE it is SH*T!08:56
johnny3dwhat?  whaaat?  <--- no sound in breezy08:56
kbrooksaiduciukas: language08:56
=== xophEr [n=xopher@a84-230-124-206.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
sfaraiduciukas: dont swear (dont say IE)08:57
reflectjohnny3d: and you checked your volume levels in mixer, I assume?08:57
polpakaiduciukas, there's always lynx if you want a low mem consuming browser08:57
johnny3dreflect, yes.08:57
kbrookssfar: saying IE isnt swearing08:57
aiduciukassorry if i can understand what are you saying, because my english is poor08:57
kbrookssfar: saying swear words is swearing08:57
[blindx] .............08:57
Yan^FlennelKing: thanks for the reference about the ubuntu packages, I have had a look it seems great, I mean about all what I need is here08:57
UbuntuNewbieoh i love lynx08:57
UbuntuNewbiebut my mouse doen'st respond to lynx08:58
stjepanlinks rocks :)08:58
sfarkbrooks: oh.. i'd never guessed that :)08:58
stjepanlinks -g08:58
stjepanelinks is even better!08:58
[blindx] I need some help hooking up my wireless connection on a new install..08:58
tbendercan someone help me how to setup my external monitor/projector?08:58
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tbendercurrently I only get a picture on the external monitor after X has started but not on my laptop tft08:59
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Yan^FlannelKing: next I am wondering: is it easy to install, the ubuntu? I have had problems with debian sarge, and I am seeking for simpler things08:59
johnny3di still can't hear you, if you were helping me.  <----no sound08:59
ubotukde is probably A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/08:59
tanuki_can someone tell me how to make sure my ftp server starts when i login?08:59
johnny3dtanuki_, I don't know but gftp has a great gui09:00
hairylaters all09:00
tbenderGeorge007: was that 4 me?09:00
reflectjohnny3d: too much information.. but, better than the alternative. open the gnome mixer and make sure the fiber optic output isn't on09:00
tanuki_yeah but i am talking about the server, not my client09:00
aiduciukasbut ubuntu runs great with 100% cpu load09:00
George007no tbender  form e09:00
aiduciukasthats great09:00
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tbenderno one any clues? come folks the must be someone here doing presentations on  laptop09:01
johnny3dreflect, in alsamixer?09:01
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p47Help me !!! I don't have sound !09:01
tanuki_can someone tell me how to make sure my ftp server starts when i login?09:01
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ubotuFunnyHat_Work: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:02
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intelikeyhmmm just installed "mozilla-thunderbird" but it doesn't do anything.   i tried starting it in a terminal and it says "** regestering clean compreg **"   but no window ever opens or anything, it just sits there.   any ideas ?09:02
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reflectjohnny3d: damn it.. I can't find the name.. it's alsa-mixer but for gnome.. it's a bit better than the command line tool09:02
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[blindx] Can someone help me set up my wireless connection?09:03
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johnny3dreflect, i have already turned off IEC958 if thats what you mean09:03
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ubotuGeorge007: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:03
piketanuki_: ps -A | grep ftp ?09:03
IcemanV9[blindx] : plse read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto09:03
intelikey<tanuki_> can someone tell me how to make sure my ftp server starts when i login? <---  login ?   or boot time ?09:04
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reflectjohnny3d: I was thinking about the selected output. if spdif is turned on, the regular output is automatically turned off09:04
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tanuki_intelikey, when i boot up09:04
=== twopeak would like help updating Gaim to the latest beta.
_jasontwopeak: are you compiling?09:04
[blindx] Iceman: I've done that, it's not working.09:04
[blindx] It worked when I was booting off the Live CD, but now that I've installed, it's not working.09:05
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johnny3dreflect, your terms have already left me behind.09:05
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Ja1how to configure Ubuntu  installed as English, so that the effect is the same as specifying Czech language during installation ? I fixed /etc/environment, by hand, but GDM still "speaks" English09:06
_jasontwopeak: please keep the conversation in the channel, that way everyone can help you.  Yes, you should not use .rpm's, they can cause problems09:06
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reflectjohnny3d: start alsamixer..  the columns in that, if anyone is named something to SPDIF turn them down to zero (that's fiber optic output, if you have that on your card)09:06
intelikeytanuki_ check that the symlink is there in either /etc/rcS.d  or /etc/rc2.d   that says  S#*ftpd    where #* is something like 28 or 34vs   or what ever.  just the symlink that runs the script that starts the ftp server.09:06
johnny3dreflect, no, no fiber optic09:06
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[TechGuy] Anyone have any idea what would cause the console font to change when going to root using sudo -i vs. sudo -s? I can post screenshots if needed09:06
reflectjohnny3d: that's what my problem was.. everything was turned up to 100% and when I finally turned spdif off, I almost blew my speakers.09:06
twopeak_jason sorry, All gaim files are rpm's (or exe)09:07
_jasontwopeak: they have source tarballs too09:07
intelikeyconsolechars ? [TechGuy]  you are not talking about terminal are you ?09:07
=== paulproteus [n=paulprot@pool-141-157-43-33.balt.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
MM2which package provides man?09:07
_jasonMM2: dpkg -S `which man`09:08
johnny3dreflect, no, no fiber optics09:08
tanuki_intelikey, i do not know what a symlink is, can you help me with that?09:08
JoeMorrisfiber? yummy09:08
twopeak_jason: how do I install those?09:08
=== Jether [n=jether@host81-158-206-47.range81-158.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
[TechGuy] intelikey: No, this is most definitely at the console, command-line. I'll check consolechars quickly. But AFAIK, that would set the font console-wide, not just per user09:08
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_jasontwopeak: you need to compile it09:08
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_jasontwopeak: have you ever compiled before?09:08
Yan^intelikey: My next basic question about ubuntu: is it easy to install? i have currently problems with debian (I have checked the ubuntu packages, that si fine with me)09:09
lampshadeAnyone know anything about hibernation?  Trying to work out a problem I've been working on for weeks now09:09
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JoeMorrislampshade my bear is in hibernation too09:09
intelikeytanuki_ ls /etc/rc?.d/S*ftp*     in a terminal.09:09
twopeak_jason I compiled 1 app on MacOsX some months ago ;-) I'm starting to realise I will have to use my patience09:09
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
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connyosisanyone can give me a link on how to do a network install of ubuntu, booting from a floppy?09:09
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reflectYan^: it's alot easier than debian. in fact, I'd say it is one of the easiest operating systems I've ever installed. and not only that, everything worked out of the box from the first boot for me (apart from the fact that I had to turn the software volume up to get sound)09:10
lampshadeJoeMorris, sad thing is, I had it, but I read a forum post that mentioned getting better battery life by removing laptop-mode and then installing laptop-mode-tools and it took my hibernation with me09:10
MM2_jason: man is not installed at the moment09:10
=== avarab_ [n=avar@dsl-228-236.hive.is] has joined #ubuntu
_jasontwopeak: ok I'll send you a guide, and you just ask if you have any questions while trying to do it.  Thinks to keep in mind 1) use checkinstall instead of make install 2) remove the old gaim before installing your beta09:10
lampshadeerr with it09:10
MM2_jason: and I want to install it...09:10
_jasonMM2: oh, it's man-db I believe.09:10
intelikeyYan^ yes the default install is very easy.    but if you require special tweeks and tricks then the install can range from moderate to NO WAY....   :)09:10
twopeak_jason thanks :-)09:10
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[TechGuy] intelikey: Basic idea is at a fresh Breezy install, the console font is set to something weird, which displays odd characters in Aptitude (at least in VMWare & Parallels). Upgrading to Dapper corrects it. But then running sudo -i (which parses root's shell configs) somehow resets to that old set of console fonts, which redisplays the Aptitude fragments09:11
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[TechGuy] intelikey: And nothing definitive is showing up in consolechars09:11
tanuki_intelikey, http://pastebin.com/65407809:11
intelikeythunderbird question.   does it require network connection to open the first window ?09:11
Yan^reflect, intelikey, no Imy requirements are modest. in fact I have just sinked with debian because it did not want to recognize my ATI Radeon 9200 (a whole day of work and garbage). Any predictions about ubuntu+Radeon?09:12
=== Drasla [i=[U2FsdGV@ugl2054cp08.engin.umich.edu] has joined #ubuntu
HowitzerWhen opening Pype i get this error: http://pastebin.com/65408009:12
MM2_jason: man_db is installed, but man man gives: -su: man: command not found09:12
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_jasonMM2: how about /usr/lib/man-db/man09:12
Drasladoes anyone know how to open up a gnome terminal and have it execute some commands without closing afterwards?09:12
MM2_jason: no such file or directory09:12
Draslagnome-terminal --command="somethingorother"       closes once somethingorother is done executing09:13
_jasonMM2: are you sure man-db is installed?09:13
johnny3dhelp, please.  no sound in breezy09:13
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MM2ii  man-db         2.4.2-21       The on-line manual pager09:13
intelikey[TechGuy]  hmmm i'd start by looking through the /root/.<configs>    idk  that is vmware  and i haven't been down that road yet.09:13
_jasonMM2: what did it install?09:14
_jasondpkg -L man-db09:14
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lampshadewhat's the command to manually make your machine hibernate instead of using the menu in the logout screen?09:14
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Stormx2Hey what software would I need to succesfully install and run the game "worms"?09:14
Howitzerlampshade, do 'sudo halt"09:15
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reflectYan^: I have a very new radeon X800 pci express, with amd64 running pure 64-bit linux.. I'm seeing some slight problems.. I suspect if you have something older, and not running 64bit, it'll not be very hard. ubuntu has excellent, step-by-step documentation09:15
intelikeytanuki_ looks good.  it should start at boot both pure-ftpd and  proftpd    if you are only using one of them you should remove the other.09:16
MM2_jason: http://pastebin.com/65409009:16
Yan^reflect: this is ASUS ati radeon 9200 rather old I just want it 1) to install xserver 2) to show movies ;))09:16
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Yan^reflect: by the way, you are using 64. is it better?09:16
intelikeyStormx2 sudo apt-get install worms09:16
Stormx2intelikey: really? o.O09:17
_jasonMM2: notice how it lists /usr/lib/man-db/man :/, try reinstalling09:17
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NoUseStormx2 is it a windows game?09:17
tanuki_intelikey, how do i do that? and why can i not connect to my ftp server using gftp?09:17
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Stormx2NoUse: Yeah09:17
MM2_jason: which is dpkg option for that?09:18
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_jasonMM2: sudo aptitude reinstall man-db09:18
NoUseStormx2 check the wine app db http://appdb.winehq.org/09:18
intelikeyStormx2 ahhhh no.   it seems to be a kde-games game.09:18
=== lampshade [n=mrw@69-23-135-235.cable.inebraska.com] has joined #ubuntu
Shrewsomeone just told me to type this in console :(){ :|:& }; : what does it do09:18
=== ktogias [n=ktogias@ppp10-adsl-1-62.the.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
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NoUseStormx2 no guarantee it will work though09:18
=== cadenss [n=null@68-234-226-249.lmdaca.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
stjepando you know any good games for Linux/09:18
tanuki_intelikey, i do not even have proftpd installed, why is it there?09:18
=== Widoff [n=Widoff@1-1-3-22a.gka.gbg.bostream.se] has joined #ubuntu
Stormx2NoUse: k09:19
roostishawstjepan, check out enemy territory09:19
intelikeyStormx2 try sudo apt-get install kdegames09:19
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-broadband2-ws-14.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishawstjepan, its a free FPS09:19
pikestjepan: doom3 quake4 enemy territory, savage,09:19
reflectYan^: better? yes and no.. since you're having twice the bits to handle, it's sometimes slower.. other times faster..  for normal use, there are no real benefits, I'd say09:19
lampshadeSo sudo halt just shuts the machine down it doesn't actually hibernate the machine as I just found out...09:19
stjepanroostishaw: what about racing?09:19
TTT_Travishow do I completely uninstall and reinstall MYSQL including databases and users?09:19
stjepanI do not like games where I must kill09:19
TTT_TravisI just want a fresh install of MySQL09:19
stjepanI like sports and racing09:19
stjepanand some nice games like worms09:19
roostishawstjepan, no sorry... i dont know of any racing games...  :D09:19
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pikestjepan: you dont have to kill you can die09:20
stjepanroostishaw: what about ultimatestunts? TORCS? :)09:20
FlannelKingtux racer!09:20
stjepanpike: yeah I know09:20
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Yan^reflect: OK I am trying, that means downloading DVD-iso. Btw what d u recommend, DVD iso or CD iso? maybe DVD gives more packages at once?09:20
stjepanflannelking: no, I don't like tux racer :(09:20
roostishawstjepan, what are those?09:20
TTT_Travistux racer isn't really racing09:20
liran_is gaim2 available for ubuntu?09:20
intelikeytanuki_ it must be installed.    or you have borked init settings.     do a sudo apt-get -P remove froftpd09:20
stjepanwormux! :)09:20
TTT_Travisyou can't actually race other peinguins09:20
liran_cause im on hoary and i dont have it09:20
roostishawstjepan, btw, i dont game on linux, i just plaed ET once09:20
MM2_jason: it helped, thank you!09:20
stjepanTORCS = The Opensource Racing Car Simulator09:21
[blindx] Can someone help me set up my WiFi on a new installation of ubuntu?09:21
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roostishawstjepan, oh, i see09:21
stjepanXMoto is good, a fork of ElastoMania09:21
tanuki_intelikey, i got this error E: Command line option 'P' [from -P]  is not known.09:21
roostishaw[blindx] , what card do you have?09:21
[blindx] wmp54g09:21
intelikey-purge   then09:21
stjepanbut I like sports... FIFA :)09:21
twopeakliran_ it is in beta and therefore I guess they don't ship it standard, i'm going to try to install the beta myself when it finishes downloading.09:21
tanuki_intelikey, same thing, command line option unknown09:22
[blindx] roostishaw: it was working on the Live CD, and when I installed, I did everything the same way, but it won't connect.09:22
kingspawnwhich characters are invalid in a linux filename? i can't think of anything except / right now09:22
reflectYan^: dvd means you won't have to replace CDs all the time, but if you have a moderately fast connection, I'd install from the net, just using the CD to boot from09:22
Draslaanyone?  any idea how to keep a terminal window open?09:22
roostishaw[blindx] , google [your card]  ndiswrapper to check for drivers09:22
[blindx] the drivers are fine, it's installed.09:22
[blindx] it's just nto working09:22
kingspawnDrasla: what do you mean? dont close it.. :)09:22
liran_twopeak, ahh ok.. maybe ill just download it from cvs then and install from there09:22
Yan^reflect: I would prefer to handle the network AFTER install09:22
roostishaw[blindx] , then do sudo apt-get install nm-applet09:22
intelikeytanuki_ sudo apt-get --purge remove proftpd   <---- i know it works.09:22
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intelikeyif that errors out on the args something is hosed.09:23
Yan^reflect: it seems that there is onle ONE CD, or I miss smth?09:23
[blindx] sudo apt-get install nm-applet09:23
[blindx] ok.09:23
roostishaw[blindx] , then nm-applet in terminal09:23
tanuki_intelikey, it says proftpd is not installed. huh09:23
roostishaw[blindx] , tell if the icon appears in the tray09:24
=== clast [n=clast@p54B3DC32.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
stjepanbtw, why do you use gnome instead kde?09:24
[blindx] alright, my other computer's in the other room though. so brb09:24
tanuki_intelikey, i got pure-ftpd to start using the command pure-ftpd start09:24
roostishaw[blindx] , ok09:24
intelikeytanuki_ ok then removing the symlinks09:24
tanuki_intelikey, but how can i make it so that the server starts when i boot up?09:24
Draslakingspawn: I'm trying to open a new terminal window, execute some commands, then leave it open.  like     gnome-terminal --command="commands"    .  this closes the window after the commands are done executing though09:24
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twopeakif i want to uninstall gaim, i have to uninstall "ubuntu-desktop" is this normal?09:24
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Yan^stjepan: I was KDE user, now I am gnome user. it is faster, and lighter09:25
[blindx] coulen't find package: nm-applet it says.09:25
intelikeytanuki_ it should start when you boot.   that is what the init scripts do.   they start things at boot time.09:25
reflectYan^: I have no idea, as I said, I installed from the net ;)09:25
[blindx] i don't.. have to be connected to the net to install that, do i?09:25
roostishaw[blindx] , :D  yes, you do09:25
Yan^on the other hand kde has more ptions for every application09:25
[blindx] lmao09:25
[blindx] well, im not.09:25
[blindx] any alternatives?09:25
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roostishaw[blindx] , :D  because your pc is getting it from the repos09:26
FlannelKing[blindx] : or download it, at least, you can install without the net (or download to another computer and sneakernet it)09:26
Yan^reflect: OK  I will try it09:26
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roostishaw[blindx] , hmm.09:26
Zevzushello, when installing ubuntu, it never asked for a root password, how do i set it/is there a default one?09:26
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roostishaw[blindx] ,download it from their site, then install it on ur other comp09:26
FlannelKing!tell Zevzus about root09:26
Zevzusty ;)09:27
[blindx] Whose site?09:27
roostishaw[blindx] , google for nm-applet09:27
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lampshadeAnyone know what command it is to make my laptop suspend to disk without using the menu on logout09:27
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lampshadeisn't there a command or something for it?09:27
intelikeytanuki_ this symlink  "/etc/rc2.d/S20pure-ftpd"  you pastebin'd should point to a script  "/etc/init.d/pure-ftpd"  that starts the ftp server durring the boot process,   you can use  sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd stop &&  sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start   to test it.09:27
tanuki_intelikey, thank you very much, it was super helpful;09:28
Yan^reflect: OK, thanks for all ;) have a nice even.09:28
roostishaw[blindx] , u gunna try it?>09:28
duelbootjmoncayo, ?09:28
=== TTT_Travis [n=Travis@bal-broadband2-ws-14.dsl.airstreamcomm.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
shaggyoafI have a system that I've upgraded to dapper from hoary using apt-get dist-upgrade but it's still trying to mount devfs when it boots, what do I need to change to get it to use udev?09:29
=== VaporTrace [n=VT@adsl-68-127-224-21.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
[blindx] roostishaw: i just downloaded it in a tar.gz file09:29
roostishaw[blindx] , yes. now extract it09:29
VaporTraceGreets all09:29
roostishaw[blindx] , also, is it already compiled?09:29
=== FallenAngel [n=xience@pD9FFC80B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
[blindx] good question.09:29
VaporTraceHow do I run ubuntu off a jumpdrive09:29
intelikeytanuki_ man init    and type this in the man pager  /CONFORMING09:29
boggiex64DAMN I have a slight issue09:30
boggiex64Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]  K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] 09:30
boggiex64but I can't in stall a 64 bit kernel only run a live 64 some times09:30
[blindx] no, it doesn't look like it is compiled.09:30
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishaw[blindx] ,  know how to compile from source?09:30
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[blindx] uh..09:30
[blindx] i used to?09:30
[blindx] :P09:30
=== BlueHeron [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
roostishaw[blindx] , :D09:30
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roostishaw[blindx] , ./configure from the same dir as the source09:30
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roostishaw[blindx] , then make09:31
roostishaw[blindx] , then sudo  make install09:31
shaggyoaflampshade: http://cri.ch/linux/docs/sk0011.html09:31
[blindx] ok.09:31
roostishaw[blindx] , (on the comp ur gunna use wireless on)09:31
[blindx] well yeah09:31
[blindx] this one is windows anyway09:31
[blindx] "family" comp09:31
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hypa7iahey folks, any ideas why evolution wouldn't be applying message filters on incoming mail?  this is on dapper.09:31
roostishaw[blindx] , just making sure   :D09:31
roostishaw[blindx] , oh i see09:32
lampshadeshaggyoaf, ?09:32
[blindx] k brb.09:32
roostishaw[blindx] , ok09:32
shaggyoaflampshade: weren't you the one asking about how to suspend to disk with a command?09:32
polpakhypa7ia, It happens sometimes on breezy too.. It works if you just do ctrl-a ctrl-y, but occassionally it won't use them when it auto checks09:32
lampshadeshaggyoaf, yeah for Ubuntu 5.10 not for fedora core 3, I think that's a whole different suspension method but I could be wrong.09:33
cvais there a way to adjust the mouse scrollwheel rate in firefox?09:33
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ubotukde is, like, A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/09:34
VaporTrace[cva]   check firefox plugin page think there's one there09:34
shaggyoaflampshade: you may be right09:34
james`is it possible to change my ext3 file system to reiserfs without any complications?09:34
hypa7iapolpak: do you know if anyone's filked a bug on it?09:34
cvaVaporTrace: Thanks, I'll give a look09:34
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polpakhypa7ia, I haven't09:35
NoUsejames` I don't think you can non-destructively convert them if that's what you are asking09:35
[blindx] when i ./configure'd it said there was no suitable c compiler in $PATH09:35
VaporTraceAnyone heard of running ubuntu off a jumpdrive09:36
marek_how to share folder so mac/windows users on same network have read/write abilities?09:36
roostishaw[blindx] , ok then... hmmm.09:36
polpak[blindx] , sudo apt-get install build-essential09:36
[blindx] i can't :[09:36
[blindx] lol09:36
roostishawpolpak, hes not on the net09:36
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[blindx] i have to google and put it on my flash drive first :[09:36
james`what about if i do this.. create a new partition, copy all my current / over to it, delete the old one, create a reiserfs and copy it over there, update fstab ?09:36
polpakroostishaw, oh.. that is a problem ;p09:36
[blindx] oh shit. im supposed to have lunch with my girlfriend09:36
[blindx] ten minutes ago.09:36
roostishawpolpak, :D09:36
twopeak[blindx]  i just had that with gaim, and i installed gcc through synaptic and now I got one step further...09:36
[blindx] I'll be back later09:36
roostishaw[blindx] , hahah , lamo09:37
VaporTraceAnyone heard of running ubuntu off a USBdrive like a configurable LIVE CD09:37
roostishaw[blindx] , ill be on later, tell if you still want help09:37
VR_VaporTrace: yes09:37
VincentMXVR_ where?09:37
VR_VaporTrace: i think on digg.com09:37
[blindx] roostishaw: i definitely will.09:37
roostishawwuts on digg.com ?09:37
roostishaw[blindx] , ok09:37
VaporTraceAnyone heard of running ubuntu off a USBdrive like a configurable LIVE CD09:37
VaporTraceon diggs09:37
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marek_how to share folder so mac/windows on same network has read/write access?09:38
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VincentMXmarek_ use samba09:38
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VR_VaporTrace: http://www.tomshardware.com/2005/11/10/taking_linux_on_the_road_with_ubuntu/index.html09:38
VincentMXor are u using classic macosd?09:38
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jbroome09:39
ubotujbroome: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:39
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jbroomei fail at ubotu09:39
roostishaw[blindx] , U STILL THERE?09:39
marek_VincentMX, a little more insight? how do i connect on mac, i dont understand the connecting process? im not sure if im making the share right09:39
ubotujean: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:39
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jean!laptop fan09:40
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jean09:40
VR_jean: what are you trying to find? heh09:40
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jeani had to just shut down my laptop because it was overheating09:40
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jeanjust wondering if there is a temp monitor or fan control09:40
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VR_you won't find anything relating to that from ubotu, i sure09:41
VR_oh yeah, there should be09:41
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ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sovieticool09:41
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ubotumethinks alsa is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix09:41
twopeakWhat does this mean?   configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables09:41
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VR_jean: i *think* some gnome-applets can monitor the cpu heat09:42
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cavediverHi. Anyone know why Thoggen rips every chapter of the DVD into a separate file ?09:42
VR_twopeak: does it mention anything about missing libs?09:42
twopeakjean: I think i saw that in gDesklets: small applets that can do things09:42
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twopeakVR_: no it just tells me to look in the log for more details, but to me it's garbage what's in there09:43
VR_same here...09:43
jeanthanks twopeak09:43
xiptwopeak:  I had that same error when I had a bad CHOSTS set.09:44
jeanand VR_09:44
sovieticooldoes anyoane know how i set up alsa to hear on a 5.1 all speackears ? now i hear music only in 4 speakcers ..subwoofer and center don't work :(09:44
twopeakThe previous error was that there was no C-compiler, so I installed gcc and did ./configure again09:44
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VR_twopeak: which gcc did you install?09:45
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xiptwopeak:  Can I ask what you're compiling?  My particular problem was using a setting that newer GCCs no longer honored.09:45
twopeakVR_ from synaptic: 4:4.0.1-309:46
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twopeakI'm trying to compile the gaim 2 beta309:46
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VR_twopeak: i think the latest ver. i have (of gcc) is 3.409:46
sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. please help09:46
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tbendercan I ask the ubotu bronson bot questions? you know like the (! <keyword>) stuff09:47
void^twopeak: did you install build-essential ?09:47
tbenderor is thtat a mods only?09:47
bronsonbronson bot?09:47
VR_oh nevermind, i have that version too09:47
kingspawntbender: should be able to09:47
bronsonI hear it's really good at passing the Turing test...09:47
twopeakvoid^: no, should I?09:47
FlannelKingtbender: you can go right ahead.  If you want to play with it, you can do it in PMs too.09:47
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=== bronson is a REALLY good AI. :)
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tbenderbronson: sorry was a typo;)09:47
VR_twopeak: build-essential is required to compile09:47
tanuki_can someone help me to write a startup script for a program i have?09:47
void^twopeak: if you want to compile anything it would be a first step.09:48
tbenderFlannelKing: k09:48
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VR_thats probably your problem09:48
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chamoanyone know a html image map tool for linux?09:48
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twopeakokay, i'm installing that (and a long list of extra things that come along with it) and try again!09:48
VaporTrace[VR]  Thanks for the links - better than googling sheesh09:48
tanuki_can someone help me to write a startup script for a program i have?09:49
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twopeakyah, thanks all, the ./configure seems to run just fine!09:50
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polpaktanuki_, what program?09:50
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sovieticooldoes anyoane know how i set up alsa to hear on a 5.1 all speackears ? now i hear music only in 4 speakcers ..subwoofer and center don't work :(09:51
polpaksovieticool, alsamixer has an option for surround i think09:52
reflectanyone with amd64 that has run into the speedy clock syndrome?09:52
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lampshadeAnyone who had hibernation out of the box feel like answering some questions for me?  Like if the command hibernate is installed on your system, what your /etc/default/acpi-support file looks like, stuff like that09:52
polpakreflect, I've heard of it (and a fix)09:52
tanuki_polpak, it is call noip2, it is an update client for an ip redirection service, very simple09:52
sovieticooli have a karajan audio09:52
nmoureyQuestion : Has anyone gotten Wolf ET working on version 6.06 with the latest nvidia drivers?09:52
polpaktanuki_, ok, so what are you needing to do exactly?09:53
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sovieticoolpolpak, don't work i try that :(09:53
tanuki_polpak: i want this program to start when i boot up09:53
polpaktanuki_, ah09:53
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polpaktanuki_, you can either put the command in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh or you can make your own init script09:53
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tanuki_polpak, which do you suppose is better?09:54
hcatlinAnyone know what to do with a corrupted sudoers file?09:54
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PsikosisUbuntu is da $hit09:54
sovieticoolwhi Psikosis ?09:54
polpaktanuki_, I would make my own init script, but if you're not terribly experienced at it using bootmisc.sh would be easier.09:54
Psikosisbest desktop linux i've come across09:55
tanuki_polpak, can you help me make a script?09:55
polpaktanuki_, course if you want to GET more experienced at it you should probably muddle through09:55
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VR_twopeak: did you get anything like this? >  XML::Parser... configure: error: XML::Parser perl module is required for intltool09:55
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polpaktanuki_, the first thing is to copy /etc/init.d/skeleton to /etc/init.d/noip2 or something like that09:55
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Centaur5How can I close the xserver so I can install some nvidia drivers?09:58
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jonathanD_how can i remove a dead shortcut from the "Applications -> Other" menu, i know i can hide it but i would rather get rid!! thanks, Jonathan09:58
ptloCentaur5: from the command line: invoke-rc.d gdm stop09:59
ptloCentaur5: you can start it with: invoke-rc.d gdm start afterwards09:59
tanuki_polpak, then what?09:59
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polpaktanuki_, edit the new script and try to fill in the blanks as much as possible. The comments should give you an idea of what goes where10:00
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truz24why is the local init script called rc.local?10:00
polpaktruz24, you a bsd user?10:00
truz24Just curiousl10:00
polpaktruz24, I mean before ubuntu10:00
jonathanD_how can i remove a dead shortcut from the "Applications -> Other" menu, i know i can hide it but i would rather get rid!! ta!10:01
twopeakVR_ yes i did, but then i installed intltool and it installed an xml::parser thing too10:01
truz24wondering where the "rc" came from10:01
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polpaktruz24, oh.. the closest thing to "rc.local" in ubuntu is /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh10:01
truz24i have a /etc/init.d/rc.local10:01
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polpaktruz24, really? how odd10:02
truz24I'm running dapper...10:02
twopeakNow Glib 2.0 needs to be installed and it doesn't seem to be doable through synaptic, and the gtk.org has terrible information to install.10:02
polpaktruz24, oh, perhaps they changed it in dapper10:02
polpaktwopeak, it is duable in synaptic10:02
truz24Have you been able to use one of the /dev/ram* ?10:02
truz24i created a reiserfs on it, but it won't seem to mount it10:02
truz24nm, i got it now :-)10:03
tanuki_polpak, ok, i will try it10:03
twopeakpolpak: if i search in synaptic for Glib I can only find Glib-docs10:03
reflectpolpak: I have tried adjtimex which seemed to help a little, and the kernel option 'nostc' which afaict did nothing. do you have anything else to suggest?10:04
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polpaktwopeak, what IdleOne said10:05
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jadaz87hello does anyone know of a UHA (ultra highcompresson archiver) package for ubuntu10:05
polpakreflect, lemme see if I can find it10:05
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Apostle^my computer is running like crap, how do i figure out why on ubuntu?10:06
mwejadaz87: isn't bzip2 about as good as it gets for losless compression?10:06
Apostle^mwe: 7z is good.10:06
reflectjadaz87: bzip2 is the one archiver I know of that has the best compression10:07
jerryanyone have a link to a wine wiki? cant seem to get it funtioning right10:07
Hoxzersomebody here uses team speak?10:07
hcatlinHow can I boot ubuntu into single user mode?10:07
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hcatlin(no grub)10:07
jerrydid when i ran windows havent gotten that far yet for com programs10:07
jadaz87mwe reflect i mean a package that can give ubuntu's archiver the ability to erxtract from .uha files10:07
hcatlin(at least, no grub prompt)10:07
sovieticoolhow i see my version of kernell ?10:08
gnomefreaksovieticool: uname -r10:08
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sovieticoolyep done10:09
twopeakthe ./configure worked with no errors till the end, but how do I remove the old Gaim?10:09
sovieticool this is it.. what is the last version ?10:09
polpakreflect,  you've seen this?? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75281&highlight=double+clock+speed+amd6410:09
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polpaktwopeak, sudo apt-get remove gaim ?10:10
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sovieticoolwhen ubuntu develepers release a pack for install XGL on ubuntu 5.10 ?10:10
polpaksovieticool, never?10:11
gnomefreaksovieticool: they cant10:11
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hcatlinAnyone know how to force ubuntu into single user mode?10:11
sovieticoolwhy ?10:11
twopeakpolpak: is removing "ubuntu-desktop" safe?10:11
polpaksovieticool, dapper will have unsupported packages for it10:11
welshbytewould this be an appropriate place to enquire about an aspect of ubuntu's mailman system administration? (the ubuntu mailing lists)10:11
KyralIts too unstable10:11
gnomefreakxorg is different10:11
KyralYou have to understand10:11
luopioAFAIK, you won't need XGL soon to get compiz to work10:11
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Kyralwhereas XCompMgr is an extension to XOrg10:11
polpaktwopeak, sort of10:12
KyralXGL is an entirely new XServer10:12
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polpaktwopeak,  it just means you won't be able to dist upgrade I think10:12
polpaktwopeak, it's just a meta package10:12
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VR_twopeak: did you install gtk from gtk.org did you find a .deb?10:12
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polpakVR_, it's in synaptic10:12
sovieticoolXGL is a nice project to bad is not working on ubuntu :(10:12
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VR_polpak: yeah but it's probably an old version10:12
twopeakVR_ I installed gtk from synaptic10:13
polpaksovieticool, works fine on dapper10:13
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sovieticoolwhat is dapper ?? sory noob :)10:13
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)10:13
twopeakVR_ libgtk2.0-dev did the job, after that i got no errors anymore.10:13
jmoncayoneed some help here10:13
VR_polpak, twopeak: thanks10:13
steffhello, I need a client for downloading .. something else than gtk-gnutella.. any suggestions?10:13
reflectpolpak: hm, no.. I'll take a peek at that. thank you10:13
ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.10:13
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polpak!tell steff about limewire10:14
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polpak!tell steff about frostwire10:14
sovieticoolpolpak, then i will wait for next release ;)10:14
steffthanx polpak10:14
polpaksovieticool, smart man =)10:14
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jmoncayoi need to set up a wireless network on an amd64 laptop need some help10:15
sovieticooli will make a new order to guys to send me the fresh dapper :D10:15
polpaksovieticool, you can always just download it10:16
alarssonhi, I can't get my printer minolta pagepro 1300w to function im ubuntu 5.10, I'm using the recommended driver10:16
IdleOne!tell jmoncayo about woreless10:16
IdleOne!tell jmoncayo about wireless10:16
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IdleOneworeless is a totally different thing :P10:16
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee10:16
polpakIdleOne, indeed10:16
sovieticoolyeah but if i say my internet connection :(((10:16
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SeveasIdleOne, ?10:17
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IdleOneaaron_, spamming other networks is LAME10:17
sovieticool32 k per sec10:17
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Seveasbye bye birdie 10:17
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hcatlinAlright, try again: Anyone know how to boot an ubuntu box into single user mode?10:18
sovieticoolhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+specs  .. nice look ..ssss develepers work :)10:18
Kyralhcatlin: you see "Recovery Mode" in the GRUB Menu?10:19
trappisthcatlin: hit esc to get the grub menu and choose a recovery mode option10:19
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tanuki_polpak, are you still there?10:19
hcatlinThanks guys!10:19
Kyralyah :P10:19
hcatlinThat was the key.10:19
polpaktanuki_, yep10:19
hcatlinI only had one OS, so grub wasn't showing.10:19
tanuki_polpak, the client i wish to make the startup script for requires some command line flags, where do i put those in the startup script?10:20
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polpaktanuki_, in the start section, after the command10:20
polpaktanuki_, can you pastebin what you have so far?10:20
ubotuhmm... pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:21
twopeakPolpak, IdleOne, VR_: thanks for the help, the make for Gaim is busy and i crossed my fingers so it will go on till the end.10:21
jmoncayohad somebody have installed the wireless broadcom BCM4306 on amd6410:21
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tanuki_polpak, http://pastebin.com/65423610:21
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mwejmoncayo: I think you may have better luck on google with that question10:22
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jmoncayomwe, my problem is in the last step of installation10:22
_sebastiani need help10:22
_sebastianhow do change input methods in ubuntu10:22
tanuki_polpak, i am having trouble to get the client to run the way i want it to, i get the command line options when i run the script, i want it to read the config file and start the client10:22
_sebastiani need to type in polish fonts10:23
mwejmoncayo: I doubt it's suppossed to work out of the box10:23
jmoncayomwe, when modprobe10:23
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alarssonanyone else experienced problems with ubuntu and minolta pagepro 1300w?10:23
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jmoncayomwe, when modprobe ndiswrapper: FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.10:23
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Vlieguse sudo10:23
mwejmoncayo: does ndiswrapper even work for 64bit?10:23
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polpaktanuki_, ok, well there some problems with what you have there10:24
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tanuki_polpak, ok10:24
polpaktanuki_, join #polpak and I'll help you there10:25
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jmoncayomwe, i think so because i did apt-get install ndiswrapper and it got installed10:25
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Vliegright :s10:25
Vliegwell i'm running ndiswrapper atm10:25
mwejmoncayo: yeah. just checked the faq. since version 1.0 amd 64 is supported in 64 bit mode10:25
Vliegon 64 bit10:25
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sovieticoolguys what is whit firefox when i try to enter a page he close himself whitout any error !!10:26
Vliegbuffer to big10:26
stjepanwhat do you prefer: gtk or qt?10:26
mwejmoncayo: the ndiswrapper module is included in the linux-image package which is installed on all systems, I believe10:26
Vliegclear all temp stuff....10:26
stjepanTm_T: why? :)10:26
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luopiostjepan: GTK10:27
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stjepanluopio: why???10:27
Vliegi've got another question10:27
Vliegi'm ssh-ed into a box10:27
luopiostjepan: it starts with a G and the name is longer10:27
obliIsn't there any program that play midis in ubuntu?10:27
Tm_Tluopio: you... mrrrh!10:27
mwejmoncayo: it even says broadcom should be well supported10:27
jmoncayomwe, well so i get this have any ideas: jmoncayo@linux:~$ sudo ndiswrapper -m10:27
jmoncayoAdding "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper" to /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper10:27
jmoncayoArchitecture-specific modutils configuration for x86_64 not found, using defaults10:27
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Vliegand i want to run a terminal inside a terminal window10:27
sovieticoolsame problem :((10:27
Vliegso that when i close it, the program running on it won't quit10:27
stjepanTm_T: why do u personally prefer Qt?10:27
Apostle^Vlieg: use screen10:28
zmoVlieg: or &10:28
k31thwats that cmd which checks hds ?10:28
Apostle^Vlieg: screen programname10:28
mwejmoncayo: and you can't modprobe ndiswrapper?10:28
gepatinoVlieg: try launching the process in bakground (command &)10:28
Vliegwell lets see10:28
Tm_Tstjepan: I'm KDE person, also afaik Qt is easier, more flexible (oh, and more C++)10:28
aiduciukascan anyone help with linux swap? i did new partition with linux swap filesystem and it's size is 2gb, but linux don't see that partition, now i haven't any swap space10:28
jmoncayomwe, nope modprobe ndiswrapper10:28
luopiostjepan: I guess you just have to choose one. It's not the biggest choice of your life.. all toolkits are pretty much alike (ducks)10:29
stjepanTm_T: do you like mac osx like menubar?10:29
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jmoncayoFATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.10:29
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Vliegthe problem here is10:29
Vliegthat the box doesn't have a screen10:29
reflectpolpak: on a related question.. could time skipping have any effect on data written to disk?10:29
aiduciukascan anyone help with linux swap? i did new partition with linux swap filesystem and it's size is 2gb, but linux don't see that partition, now i haven't any swap space10:29
Vliegor a 3d card10:29
Tm_Tstjepan: nope10:29
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gepatinoVlieg: you could also use 'nohup' to launch the process, i think this way its not interrupted if you kill your session (man nohup)10:29
stjepanTm_T: why?10:29
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mwejmoncayo: odd. it should be installed on the base system I believe10:29
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Tm_Tstjepan: why should I :p10:30
reflectpolpak: for instance, audio/video data streams10:30
stjepanTm-T: mac osx like menubar doesn't take so much place on the screen10:30
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luopioaiduciukas: do a fdisk -p /dev/hda10:30
Vliegthat works10:30
Tm_Tstjepan: over half of the windows here doesn't have menubar at all10:30
Vliegand now make sure that the stuppid thing aint leaving a log10:30
Vliegthanks anyway10:30
Tm_Tstjepan: so doesn't safe pixels in my desktop10:30
geek_syndicateanyone know what the command for listing all drives are?10:30
IdleOnestjepan, you can make the menu bar auto hide in ubuntu ( right click > properties )10:30
luopioaiduciukas: that'll print out the partitions on your first hardrive. Then you'll have to spot the one that is your swap10:30
firstadminls /dev ?10:31
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IdleOnegeek_syndicate, du -sh ?10:31
stjepanTm_T: :-o oh man, what apps do you use10:31
geek_syndicateok, thanks10:31
port7df -h10:31
Tm_Tstjepan: many10:31
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stjepanTm_T: do you like baghira?10:31
Tm_Tstjepan: nah10:31
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polpakreflect, I'm not sure. I'd imagine so for streaming media10:32
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bliss1_hi all10:32
Tm_Tstjepan: my desktops some time ago http://www.tm-travolta.net/shots/desktops/10:32
IdleOneyeah df -h10:32
aiduciukasluopio, what command is -p? because fdisk says that that comman doesn't exists10:32
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IdleOneI always mix them up10:32
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bliss1_IdleOne hi you hanging in there10:32
IdleOnebliss1_, I'm chillin and you?10:33
luopioaiduciukas: sorry.. remembered wrong. the whole command would be "sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda"10:33
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Centaur5How can I kill the xserver?10:33
bliss1_IdleOne; staying cool10:33
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port7Centaur5: ctrl-alt-backspace10:34
polpakCentaur5, ctrl-alt-backspace works pretty good10:34
digenCentaur5, ctrl + alt + backspace?10:34
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Centaur5port7: Doesn't that just restart it and go back to the login screen?10:34
port7you want to kill it dead?10:34
aiduciukasluopio, so what? I wrote that command:10:34
aiduciukassudo fdisk -l /dev/hda10:34
aiduciukasDisk /dev/hda: 61.4 GB, 61492838400 bytes10:34
aiduciukas255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 7476 cylinders10:34
aiduciukasUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes10:34
aiduciukas   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System10:34
aiduciukas/dev/hda1   *           1        6128    49223128+   7  HPFS/NTFS10:34
aiduciukas/dev/hda2            6129        7476    10827810    5  Extended10:34
aiduciukas/dev/hda5            6375        7476     8851783+  83  Linux10:34
aiduciukas/dev/hda6            6129        6374     1975932   83  Linux10:34
Centaur5port7: Apparently that wasn't sufficient cause these nvidia drivers still say an xserver is running10:34
aiduciukasPartition table entries are not in disk order10:34
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zomakI cant get aterm showing UTF8 characters. is the problem with ubuntu installation or with aterm's incapability to show UTF8?10:34
sfari have this really annoying issue.. i have two users on this computer.. with one of the users the screensaver is lagging, and fglrxinfo returns "Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused by server" ... but with the other user the screensaver is running smoothly and fglrxinfo returns ATI blabla (correct).. please help10:34
port7/etc/init.d/gdm stop?10:35
aiduciukasmaybe stopx?10:35
aiduciukasor killx10:35
Centaur5port7: Okay, I'll try that out10:35
calamariI just did rm *  instead of rm *~   .. am I screwed or can I get the files back (ext3)  /10:35
bliss1_aiduciukas nice one try patebin10:35
aiduciukasplz say from a to z10:35
mwezmo: aterm doesn't support utf-8. use rxvt-unicode instead10:35
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Centaur5Thanks port7 and everyone else10:35
port7you might want to do it from a vterm, so ctrl-alt-f110:35
mwezomak: ^^10:35
zomakmwe: got it ;)10:36
gepatinocalamari: its very difficult to restore files after rm10:36
Centaur5port7: Yeah, I already went into a vterm thinking I could still have the gdm login screen open10:36
luopioaiduciukas: ok.. try "sudo swapon -s" that should print all your swap-partitions10:36
calamarigepatino: how do I do it?10:36
Centaur5Didn't know how to get out of that10:36
zomakmwe: so. you can use all the nice things in .Xdefaults for urxvt also?10:36
bliss1_nickrud: ping ping still tied to your deask?10:36
mwezomak: transparency is supported in that too but is configured a bit different10:36
calamarigepatino: I don't cxare how hard it is.. :)10:36
aiduciukasluopio, nothing10:36
mwezomak: you can do the same things but the resources are different10:36
zanagai'm trying to figure out why dmix is failing on my laptop (with an USB headset) is there any way to make libasound more verbose on the selections it's making?10:36
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crimsunzanaga: dmix is not enabled for usb devices.10:37
gepatinocalamari: shutdown the computer as fast as you can, without doing 'shutdown'... i mean you must 'unplug it' so discs are not synced (if they are not already synced)10:37
mwezomak: it's all explained in man urxvt10:37
zomakmwe: roger that, got to search for some manual pages for correct recourxes.10:37
zomakmwe: aye10:37
luopioaiduciukas: shheeeesssh.. how about system->administration->disks?10:37
zanagacrimsun, oh? why?10:37
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crimsunzanaga: that is, not enabled _by default_10:37
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crimsunzanaga: not enough useful feedback upstream10:37
calamarigepatino: probably too late for that10:37
gepatinoand then 'maybe' you could restore the erased files when fsck cryies that the volumes where not safely umounted10:37
zanagacrimsun, hmm.. ok10:38
zomakmwe: ...or i could change my system back to ISO-8859-110:38
gepatinocalamari: then a backup?10:38
calamarigepatino: there isn't an undelete tool?10:38
gepatinocalamari: afak, no10:38
polpakcalamari, it's unlikely that you'll be able to recover10:38
calamarigepatino: fat16/32 have undelete tools..10:38
mwezomak: I don't think it's a good idea, but you could10:38
calamariis ext3 inherently less stable or something?10:38
zanagacrimsun, is there any way to make libasound more verbose? so i could give a shot at enabling dmix on my setup10:38
gepatinocalamari: yes, but unix systems don't forgive errors10:38
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sovieticoolhandyrecovery calamari10:38
IdleOnecalamari, linux isnt for the faint of heart. you did it now live with it hehe :)10:38
calamariIdleOne: how nice :)10:39
zomakmwe: maybe it isnt, but at least more compatible with the other OS10:39
crimsunzanaga: you'd need to use plug:dmix or create an ~/.asoundrc10:39
gepatinocalamari: it doesnt have to do with stability10:39
IdleOnecalamari, there must be some tools for recovery. google might help you out10:39
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mwezomak: what other OS?10:39
port7anyone know what version of openssh is due in dapper?10:39
zomakmwe: m$10:39
calamarione thing's for sure, I'm turninng off  the dumb ~ thing in gedit, never want this to happen again10:39
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zanagacrimsun, plug:dmix sends the output to the speakers on the laptop, so i have to resort to creating a .asoundrc ;)10:39
mwezomak: doesn't at least XP support unicode?10:39
aiduciukasluopio, http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/9986/screenshot47ja.png here's screen of system->admin..._>disks10:39
gepatinocalamari: the problem is that while you use your computer, and save new files, you could be overwriting the sectors that contains the files you've deleted10:40
zomakmwe: if i remember correctly XP and 2003 are the only ones to support10:40
mwezomak: maybe10:40
calamarigepatino: doesn't matter tho, as there is so sector editor in linux10:40
calamariso -> no10:40
errpast1My gnome screen saver on Breezy (>system>preferences>screensaver)  is set for "fadePlot", but I keep getting some other scrren save image after X minutes (lot's of colors)10:40
liran_is there any chance to get a sony (cmr-pc2) usb webcam installed and working on linux?10:40
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mwezomak: if you insist, make sure you have the locales and configure your locale in /etc/environment10:41
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zomakmwe: i think im sticking with UTF10:41
aiduciukasluopio, http://img104.imageshack.us/img104/9986/screenshot47ja.png here's screen of system->admin..._>disks10:41
zomakmwe: anyway, i thank you :) you've been a great deal of help.10:41
gepatinocalamari: use rm with care, almost never as root, and be extra carefull with rm -rf (i've erased the hole /bin by mistake... :()10:41
luopioaiduciukas: ok. try this "sudo swapon -L /dev/hda6"10:41
twopeakgrrrr, I spent two hours installing Gaim, to find out I should have added SSL... I can start again...10:41
mwezomak: yw10:41
AeosHi, this is my first install of linux. I have installed ubuntu 10.0 and cannot seem to get my lan cards to work10:42
bliss1_Seveas; are you in the room or just about to log off?10:42
luopioaiduciukas: actually I just noticed that my swap is not used either.. dunno why..10:42
zomakmwe: ahh.. yet another question. is it possible to remove sudo from ubuntu?10:42
Tennesei have k3b and im trying to create a bootable iso, what settings do i need for it?10:42
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gepatinocalamari: if you want a recycle bin, use tools like nautilus or konqueror10:42
aiduciukasswapon: cannot find the device for /dev/hda610:42
mwezomak: yes but not adviceable. just use sudo -i if you need a root prompt10:42
zomakmwe: adviceable or not, i prefer the traditional "su" way10:43
=== Yan^ [n=Yan^@glo44-1-82-67-129-149.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
luopiosudo -s i presume?10:43
mwezomak: go ahead then10:43
calamarimaybe I should look into using fat again.. at least there is a possiblity of recovery10:43
calamaripretty strange that ext3 isn't recoverable10:43
zomakmwe: but removing sudo wont remove anything else? (since it seems to remove ubuntu-minimal also)10:43
Seveasbliss1_, I am here but pretty busy - please /msg me if you have something to say 10:43
mweluopio: no sudo -i. sudo -s doesn't read roots environment10:43
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luopiomwe: ok. thanks10:43
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calamarigepatino: people make mistakes.. it should be possible to recover from them10:43
zomakmwe: offtopic, but why not sudo su ?10:43
_jasonzomak: don't remove sudo, just enable root if you really need to use su for who knows what reason10:43
aiduciukasluopio, ca i add this line to fstab?: /dev/hda6       none            swap    sw                      0       010:43
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mwezomak: why don't you just keep it and set a root password?10:44
calamarigepatino: or at least recover as much as possible10:44
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bliss1_Seveas; its ok I know10:44
luopioaiduciukas: yep. that should start swap on boot10:44
calamarigepatino: from what I'm hearing, it is impossible completely10:44
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calamarigepatino: and that is just wrong10:44
Tennesei have k3b and im trying to create a bootable iso, what settings do i need for it?10:44
Aeoswhat should I format my drives as? extended?10:44
aiduciukasok thanks for help!10:44
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rynesshey i just got my nvidia 7800 installed under Dapper... can anyone recommend any 3D games to try out?10:44
gepatinocalamari: i guess it could be because unixes are multiuser systems, and when you have more than 20 users at the time, sectors are rewriten all the time, so its very unprobable that you could find your data again.10:44
rynessOR, can I run games through wine??10:44
zomakmwe: already done it, but can i disable for any useraccount (already made or any accoutn that will be made in future) cant access root priviledges via sudo10:44
SinXhello, i'm trying to install the nvidia driver... and i need to stop the X server, how can i do it?10:44
mwezomak: be aware that all gui apps needing root are configured for using sudo10:45
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apochey everyone, im attempting to play a video in my firefox, but totem player error pops up and tells me it cant play "fd://0", what does that mean?10:45
IdleOneryness, apt-cache search games10:45
Tennesei have k3b and im trying to create a bootable iso, what settings do i need for it? ANYON1?10:45
Yan^Hello people, I did not yet install ubuntu, just some pre-installation questions, ig u don tmind: I found several titles like warty, hoary, breezy, etc. what does it mean? should I choose one during the installation?10:45
gepatinocalamari: besides, command line assumes that you know what youre doing... (no offense here)10:45
rynessIdleOne, thx, but that's not exactly a recommendation ;)10:45
errpast1where is the sudo log?10:45
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_jasonYan^: in order of release: warty, hoary, breezy10:45
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calamarigepatino: I know what I'm doing.. I made a typo10:45
mwezomak: if you clear the sudoers file noone can use sudo10:45
zomakmwe: yes i know, and thats something i dont like in ubuntu, but.. there are no better distro for my laptop at the moment (okay, debian but it has way too old packages).10:45
bliss1_Seveas; i will put it all in a pastebin10:45
Tennesei have k3b and im trying to create a bootable iso, what settings do i need for it? ANYON1?10:45
zomakmwe: ok10:45
farousYan^: the latest stable is breezy10:45
luopioaiduciukas: verify that your swap actually shows up on "sudo swapon -s"10:46
gepatinocalamari: that a problem... most of us have made the same mistake10:46
_jasonzomak: or you can just not put anyone in the admin group10:46
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zomak_jason: aye10:46
IdleOneryness, it will list all the games in the repos then you can pick the ones you want to try out apt-cache show package will give you a brief description10:46
farousYan^: check also ubuntu.com10:46
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Yan^farous, jason: thanks. so the dvd iso which I downloaded (5.10) is breezy, right?10:46
zomakthanks to _jason too, see you :)10:46
rynessthx for the apt lesson IdleOne ;)10:46
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gepatinocalamari: i dont know if you solve the problem using fat32 again, is there any undelete for linux?10:46
drewyeah, 5.10 is breezy10:46
apocim attempting to play a video in my firefox, but totem player error pops up and tells me it cant play "fd://0", what does that mean?10:46
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drewanyone think that they can help me get the last.fm player working in dapper?10:47
IdleOneryness, np. or you can go with someone else tells you to play. I figured I would give you the choice :)10:47
calamarigepatino: I could reboot into dos and undelete that way10:47
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rynessyes i know how to list them all, i was just looking for any recommendations on particular titles... planetpenguin works fine ;)10:47
rynessi think i'll try to install some crap via wine10:48
gepatinocalamari: maybe... i dont know10:48
UbuntuNewbiewow this remote desktop access is neat10:48
gepatinocalamari: but with fat32 you should have fragmentation and all that crap10:48
gepatinosorry about that...10:48
UbuntuNewbieonly problem is it only works in my local network10:48
zanagacrimsun, do you know if there is a reason why the USB headset has a device name of 'default'?10:48
gepatinoall that 'stuff'10:48
mweall filesystems suffer from fragmentation10:48
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crimsunzanaga: no sound device should ever have a device name of "default"10:48
gepatinoyes, all fs does... but not in an ugly way as fat3210:49
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zanagacrimsun, hmm.. then i've hit a bug..10:49
crimsunzanaga: alsa-lib encapsulates the actual device nodes, so alsa applications always use what alsa-lib provides as virtual devices.10:49
apocim attempting to play a video in my firefox, but totem player error pops up and tells me it cant play "fd://0", what does that mean?10:49
_jasonapoc: what video?10:49
gepatinoin ext2/3 fragmentation is not bad.. meaning you dont need defrag to make your machine go faster10:49
drewdo gnome apps work in xfce?10:49
apoci think i may be a flash10:49
_jasonapoc: url?10:49
crimsunzanaga: i.e., alsa apps always use "default", "hw:X,Y", "plughw:X,Y", and so on10:49
mwedrew: yes10:50
crimsunzanaga: alsa apps never access the hardware directly10:50
drewgreat, i have been wanting to try that desktop :)10:50
apoc_jason:hold on10:50
zanagacrimsun, http://pastebin.com/65431110:50
monkey_I have a question about a wireless network card is some one would have the time to answer.10:50
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zanagacrimsun, see the name of card 110:50
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mwemonkey_: don't ask to ask. just ask :)10:51
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_jasonapoc: it's a .wmv, you should use mplayer plug-in10:51
ConfidentiaLA friend of mine had some serious acousations agains linux to use on a server. He stated that windows was much much better then linux, and that the uptime on windows servers was much better. I am shaken by these words, but I would like to hear what you guys have to say to this?10:51
apoci dont have that10:51
_jasonubotu: tell apoc about mplayer10:52
monkey_oh Im sorry I didnt want to be a rude ass. ;) anyway I have a dell latitude D505 and I have the dell 1450 Wireless mini pci card10:52
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mweConfidentiaL: he has no idea what he's taling about10:52
_jasonapoc: first install mplayer and mozilla-mplayer.  When you are done, if it is not working, see !replacetotem10:52
crimsunzanaga: its device _name_ is not "default"10:52
gepatinoConfidentiaL: let him be... its a waste of time to discuss with that people10:52
monkey_I need to know where or what drivers to use on getting it running10:52
RMeisteven tough I supply the correct C header files locations, my program doesn't accept it's path... how to deal with it10:52
crimsunzanaga: you've fallen victim to a misunderstanding of the encapsulation10:52
zanagacrimsun, ah.10:52
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gepatinoConfidentiaL: 'some are born to sweet delight/some are born to the endless night'10:53
apoc_jason: thanks, but whats !replace totem10:53
zanagacrimsun, but even still that doesn't make too much sense..10:53
_jasonubotu: tell apoc about replacetotem10:53
crimsunzanaga: why wouldn't it? Didn't you create an ~/.asoundrc ?10:53
ConfidentiaLhehe, I just installed linux on my server today ;P10:53
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zanagacrimsun, that is with an empty .asoundrc and the default device is card 010:53
crimsunzanaga: that doesn't mean anything at all10:54
monkey_and in device mangler I can see it there its a BCM4309 802.11a/b/g10:54
errpast1apt-cache search <package> will show me if a package exists in my listed repositories.  How can I tell WHICH repository it found it in10:54
gepatinoConfidentiaL: good!! start counting how many times you reboot your server and how many times he dows with his10:54
crimsunzanaga: that simply means that the device string id assigned by alsa-lib is "default"10:54
errpast1What if more than one?10:54
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zanagacrimsun, yeah, but it will cause confusion. i knew that it's just an identifier so i didn't get too confused by it.10:54
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gepatinoConfidentiaL: compare numbers in six months/one year10:54
firstadmintell firstadmin about !replacetotem10:54
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Rudemeistereven tough I supply the correct C header files locations, my program doesn't accept it's path... how to deal with it10:54
intelikeythe package mozilla-browser is hosed in the hoary release.10:55
zanagacrimsun, it's still not too sane to assing an identifier 'default' to something.10:55
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gravesonhow do i upgrade my kernel to the latest stable version10:55
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crimsunzanaga: whether it causes confusion or not is arguably not alsa's problem, which is the opinion I hold10:55
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ScreaminIkecan i get some support getting apache up and running10:55
zanagacrimsun, i'm not blaming alsa. in fact i'm not blaming anything. ;)10:55
crimsunzanaga: use ``asoundconf list'' instead10:55
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zanagacrimsun, checking..10:56
farousgraveson: just sudo apitude update && sudo aptitude upgrade and it will be done automatically for you10:56
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crimsunzanaga: err, that's the command in dapper10:56
zanagacrimsun, luckily i'm in dapper ;)10:56
intelikeyE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? <--- the answer is NO !10:56
gravesonfarous:is it recommended and advisable10:56
ubotusomebody said mplayer was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106110:56
zanagacrimsun, now that output will confuse even more people. 2 identifiers "ICH6" and "default"10:56
crimsunzanaga: if you're in breezy, it's less intuitive, but the crux is that the device string [not id]  is human-readable, or the value in [] 10:57
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crimsunzanaga: hmm, that's odd10:57
farousgraveson: i never had probs with it. but normally the updates are security ones depending on your repos10:57
ConfidentiaLgepatino: ok :P I think I would still win even if he has much better hardware on his... :P10:57
apoc_jason: it sais "# Specify default video driver (see -vo help for a list" i dont get it, where am i to find this list?10:57
dell500anyone know how to get multiple instances of kaffeine?10:57
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_jasonapoc: that's just a comment, type it in as you see it10:58
jendaHello. I am in urgent need of Live-CD help. :) I have a potential new convert on the line, and would like someone to help me if I get stuck - like now. First thing, the LiveCD doesn't boot. I think we have the boot sequence right.10:58
gepatinoConfidentiaL: shure you will. or maybe you should ask him to install a web server + sql server + mail server in a pentium II with 64 megs ;)10:58
=== Rhine [n=rhine23@216-43-239-234.dsl.mcleodusa.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonapoc: the answer to your question though is 'mplayer -vo help' in a terminal10:58
crimsunzanaga: that means that the id assigned to the the usb id needs to be changed10:58
zanagacrimsun, shall i file a bug?10:58
crimsunzanaga: we'll revisit post-Dapper10:58
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RhineIs there a terminal command to roll back Xserver i tired installing ATI Ubuntu drivers and now Xserver crashes on startup10:59
errpast1jenda - Are you sure the BIOS is set to boot from CD-ROM10:59
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crimsunzanaga: sure, but understand it won't be considered until the next devel cycle begins10:59
jendaerratic: I think so.10:59
ScreaminIkecan i get some support getting apache up and running?10:59
zanagacrimsun, post-dapper is fine by me, it's just cosmetic10:59
monkey_how can even enable my wireless card to see if it works10:59
VR_twopeak: are you getting "too many" items in the away drop-down list in gaim?10:59
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errpast1jenda: Has this live CD worked on another machine?10:59
zanagacrimsun, any special info i should include in the bug?10:59
gepatinoRhine: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg (or xserver)10:59
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jadaz87hello everyone i was wonderin where the font folder was11:00
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RhineWhat drivers should i pick is thier a generic one?11:00
RhineIm happy using the intergrated ones11:00
=== MasterC_ [n=MasterC@dslb-084-060-221-014.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
gepatinovesa is the most generuc11:00
crimsunzanaga: there are two problems being touched here: (1) asoundconf is parsing the less {human-}legible string; (2) the actual alsa driver needs to be changed to spew something more intuitive than "default" for your specific hardware id11:00
jendaerrpast-wl: probably not - it's a shipit, unused.11:00
bimberijadaz87: /usr/share/fonts (system wide) or ~/.fonts (for each user)11:00
intelikeytty1 [root#~]  apt-get install mozilla-browser  dpkg: error processing mozilla-browser (--configure)  \n tty1 [root#~]  dpkg --configure -a  \n E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? <--- the answer is NO !  i even did  "tty1 [root#~]  rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" first, incase there was a problem with the lock file.  and that is the only package that errors out afik.11:00
jadaz87oh ok :-)11:00
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errpast1So it was shipped from a distro or something?  That might rule out a mistake like burning the iso file, instead of a bootable cd11:01
RhineOh thank you gepatino hope this works ill be back later if it doesnt >.<11:01
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gravesonis seveas packages supported in breezy11:01
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_jasongraveson: they work in breezy11:01
bimberigraveson: not by ubuntu no11:01
Aeoscan anyone help me with setting up my network card properly11:01
ScreaminIkecan i get some support getting apache up and running?11:01
IdleOnegraveson, they are supported by Seveas11:01
Seveasgraveson, I support them myself, they're not supported by ubuntu or canonical11:01
gepatinoAeos: whats your problem?11:01
errpast1jenda: do you hear the CD spin when you boot the box11:01
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cva is there a flag for rm that, while deleting a link, will remove the original file as well?11:02
zanagacrimsun, hmm.. so i should propably file it upstream.11:02
dell500anyone know how to get multiple instances of kaffeine?11:02
gravesonseveas: wow thanks ,then i will go ahead counting on you !!!11:02
AeosI cant seem to access the web. I enabled my cards in the networking tab, and checked the device manager but cannot find what is wrong11:02
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VR_is anyone else using gaim 2.0beta311:02
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welshbytedell500: a cup of tea and a coke :)11:03
errpast1Aeos: Can you get to a terminal and run ifconfig11:03
gepatinoAeos: have set up your routes, default gateway, dns, etc?11:03
ConfidentiaLI have installed a mysql server on my server, but is having trouble installing mysql admin. It seems like there is an other application controlling the mysql database now, but I dont know what application that is. The message I get when I try to install it is that if I install this package, an other has to be removed, and that I have to use "advanced mode" to install it. Does any1 have an idea on how to check/fix that?11:03
_jasonubotu: tell VR_ about anyone11:03
VR_and if so, do you get a screwed up menu for the away messages11:03
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VR_heh, sorry, _jason11:03
_jasonVR_: yes, kind of11:03
Avericehow do i know how much memory i have left in my computer11:03
Aeoserrpast1: yes it shows the two network cards I have installed. Everything seems valid11:03
Avericeafter installing ubuntu everything seems to slow down in my computer11:04
Aeosgepatino: I dont think I have11:04
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_jasonVR_: mine shows up with blank lines at the top and then I have to scroll down11:04
bimberiAverice: 'free' (in a terminal)11:04
gepatinoAeos: go to System/Admin/Network11:04
errpast1Aeos - Do you see an ip address on the cards11:04
sabakonkii am using gaim2.0beta311:04
apocjason: thanks it works11:04
_jasonapoc: great11:04
VR__jason: same here, but i also get the same message twice or so11:04
Avericewhat does it mean to have 42288 free11:04
_jasonVR_: that doesn't happen here, may want to try #gaim11:04
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gepatinoAeos: and check the DNS tab, and the properties of the iface that connects to the web11:04
errpast1jenda - any update on the live cd11:05
VR__jason: could be because i didnt uninstall the old gaim. thanks.11:05
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yuionWitch program is best to pack upp .rar files with?11:05
Aeoso one sec11:05
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bimberi!tell yuion about rar11:05
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dell500nice welshbyte11:05
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ConfidentiaL!tell me about mysql11:05
jeremy86does anyone know how to mount a windows partition(ntfs) at start up with the ability to read/write?11:06
tanuki_can someone tell me what extension a startup script should have?11:06
AeosI used the network setting dialog to set it up11:06
yuionhaha thanks but..im in hurry so ive been glad if some one jsut can write a like "apt-get winrar" you know11:06
jendaerratic: sorry, takes long here. She doesn't remember hearing anything, but that doesn't mean much.11:06
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tanuki_jeremy86, you cannot11:06
gepatinojeremy86: you cant write ntfs partitions11:06
sovieticooljeremy86 is not recomendet11:06
tanuki_can someone tell me what extension a startup script should have?11:06
sovieticoolgepatino, u can whit the last kernel instaled i thing11:06
Aeosone sec I am going to switch my laptop to wirless11:06
_jasontanuki_: anything you want11:06
bimberitanuki_: anything11:07
gepatinosovieticool: is it safe now?11:07
tanuki__jason, does not matter huh, ok thank you11:07
ScreaminIkeyulon, no. no rars. it's proprietary. try a tarball. or a zip11:07
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yuionany one knows?11:07
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sovieticoolit is safe if u edit only 15 folders maxim11:07
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HowitzerWhat is the name of that package that enables you to edit the .gtkrc so that all gtk1/2 applications fit your theme?11:07
_jasonsovieticool: heh where does 15 come from?11:07
gepatinovery usefull... jeje11:07
Amaranthsudo apt-get install unrar11:07
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sovieticooli don't know11:08
errpast1tanuki: I just checked /etc/init.d.  Lot's of startup scripts.  no particular extension.11:08
Amaranththen the regular archive manager (in Applications->Accessories) will open rar files11:08
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sovieticooli read in a article about this i didn't try miself :P11:08
Amaranthyuion: ^11:08
yuionAmaranth, its dont work:(11:08
Amaranth!doesn't work11:08
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.11:08
mwe_I wonder if 38 degrees celcius is hot for a laptop battery11:08
jeremy86tanki_: thanks11:08
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sovieticoolmwe_, is ok11:09
yuionmwe_, 38 cel is _not_ hot for a laptop11:09
ScreaminIke_jason, i know that you help a lot of folks with a lot of stuff, but can i get som help setting up apache and getting it to run?11:09
_jasonubotu: tell ScreaminIke about lamp11:09
MetaMorfoziSanybody tellme please a cd grabber program which can grab to mp311:09
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yuion_jason there you are11:09
G0SUBMetaMorfoziS: Sound Juicer11:10
blindxI was in here earlier.. I was trying to compile nm-applet, and my comp said "no suitable C compiler found at $PATH" and someone else told me to get something else..11:10
blindxbut then my brother closed mirc on me and i don't remember what it was.11:10
yuioncome on,some one knows how to install some progrma liek winrar11:10
ScreaminIkethanx, _jason11:10
MetaMorfoziSG0SUB: thx11:10
IdleOneblindx, probably build-essential11:10
gepatinoblindx: have you done sudo aptitude install build-essentials11:10
blindxthat was it.11:10
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scorchsaber Hey, I need a bit of help...11:11
scorchsaberscorchsaber@ubuntuDJ:~$ cd /opt11:11
scorchsaberscorchsaber@ubuntuDJ:/opt$ dir11:11
scorchsaberscorchsaber@ubuntuDJ:/opt$ cd /opt/planeshift11:11
scorchsaberbash: cd: /opt/planeshift: Permission denied11:11
scorchsaberscorchsaber@ubuntuDJ:/opt$ sudo cd /opt/planeshift11:11
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scorchsabersudo: cd: command not found11:11
mwe_yuion: yes. read !rar11:11
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RudemeisterHow do I recompile my kernel?11:11
gepatinoscorchsaber: cd is not a command11:11
mwe_yuion: it's cli but it works fine11:11
gepatinoscorchsaber: is part of bash11:11
domino-24hey, has anyone here had any experience with "xfishtank" before please?11:11
Vardyrdoes anyone know how to get X to keep gamma settings when it puts the monitor to sleep? I keep losing them every time11:11
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scorchsaberhow do I get in the folder then?11:11
gepatinoscorchsaber: try doing sudo -i and then use the shell as root (be carefull)11:11
bimberiscorchsaber: 'sudo -i' to get a root shell then cd...11:11
scorchsaberthank you11:11
yuionmwe_, i dont want to sounds notnice..but i right now dont have time for reading:P11:12
scorchsaberI will be careful. I just have to uninstall this thing...11:12
gepatinoscorchsaber: then leave the root shell with 'exit'11:12
blindxwhere can i download build-essentials if I'm not currently on a linux box?11:12
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mwe_yuion: it's easy to use11:12
mwe_yuion: unrar foobar.rar11:12
yuionmwe_, you have some command to install it in xterm?11:12
IdleOneblindx, packages.ubuntu.com and its build-essential11:12
RudemeisterThe path "/usr/src/linux/include" is a kernel header file directory, but it is11:12
Rudemeisternot part of kernel source tree.11:12
intelikeythe offending file is "/var/lib/dpkg/info/mozilla-browser.postinst"  crome protion.11:12
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intelikeyi hacked mine and finished the install.11:13
yuionmwe_, its a movie(prison brake) i want to extract11:13
jmoncayothe linux-source is the same for all the arquitectures like amd64 x86 etc11:13
AeosHi, I am on my ubuntu install. the network seems to be working11:13
gepatinoRudemeister: what do you need? the source files or the headers?11:13
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gepatinoAeos: great!!11:13
gravesoni keep on receiving this error : what and how do i resolve this - W: GPG error:11:13
mweyuion: enable multiverse. then sudo apt-get install unrar11:13
gepatinoAeos: enjoy ubuntu :)11:13
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Rudemeistergepatino: both are installed correctly but the message keeps returning11:13
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scorchsaberOkay, how would I set permissions for a group of files? chmod?11:13
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tanuki_can someone tell me where icon themes are stored at?11:14
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yuionmwe, how to enable it?11:14
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jeremy86tanki_: thanks?11:14
mwe!tell yuion about multiverse11:14
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jeremy86i'm running ubuntu with a viao laptop, i have it pugged in now but it says that it does not detect a battery, is there a way to configure a battery11:14
arcanistherogueHey guys, I get an error when i try to use apt because there was an error with dpkg11:14
gepatinoRudemeister: i think there were three packages... linux-headers, linux -source and linux-tree11:14
mweyuion: see /msg from ubotu11:14
tanuki_can someone tell me where icon themes are stored at?11:14
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michael117I have downloaded the tarball of the newest version of the deskbar gnome applet and am following the instructions on the website to install it so entered "./configure --prefix /usr" and it was checking stuff then finally gave me the error: "configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH". How can I fix this?11:14
Rudemeistergepatino: ok I will try, brb11:14
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:14
mweyuion: after enabling, sudo apt-get update11:14
sovieticoolgraveson try killall gnome-panel11:14
yuionmwe, haha its really kind of you to send me all that..but please notnow:P11:14
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scorchsaberhow do I chmod a group of files?11:14
IdleOnemichael117, sudo apt-get install build-essential11:15
scorchsaberor whatever...gah11:15
arcanistheroguewhen i installed these screensavers last night with apt, one package didnt install for some reason, something like setiathome, so I just canceled the terminal, but now i cant use apt and when i try to correct the dpkg error with dpkg --configure -a, the package never loads11:15
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arcanistheroguehow do i cancel the package11:15
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_jasonscorchsaber: list them11:15
scorchsaberuhm...theres a lot of files11:15
jrk_question: the 5.10 installer kernel seems to hang during boot on detecting SATA devices -- anyone have any pointers?11:15
mweyuion: that explanation is as short as the one I could give you but has the benefit of not wasting my time11:15
Rudemeisterlinux-headers-2.6.12-10-686 is already the newest version11:15
tanuki_can someone tell me where icon themes are stored at?11:15
_jasonscorchsaber: globbing is your friend11:15
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IdleOne/usr/bin/pixmaps iirc11:15
scorchsaberno idea what globbing is11:15
_jasonscorchsaber: or xargs11:15
gravesonsorry let me copy the error again - " The following signatures were invalid:....."11:15
scorchsaberor xargs...don't know that either11:16
_jasonscorchsaber: like when you do 'echo *' it expands * to all the files in the current directory11:16
yuionmwe, sorry me..but come on..you can help me..you reallt have so much to do man?11:16
IdleOne!tell graveson about Seveas11:16
tanuki_IdleOne, no such directory11:16
Aeosnow to get rid of my windows partitions11:16
scorchsaber_jason...you lost me..I'm kindof new, if that helps11:16
IdleOnegraveson, the GPG you need is on that site11:16
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_jasonscorchsaber: why don't you tell me exactly what you want to do, that way I can explain what you need11:17
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mweyuion: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and remove the # in front of the line the comments say. then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unrar11:17
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gepatinoscorchsaber: for example: chmod 775 *, changes permission on all files11:17
Rudemeistergepatino: linux-source-2.6.12 or 2.6.12-10.3011:17
yuionmwe, baby love you ong time11:17
gepatinoscorchsaber: * = all11:17
yuionmwe, long*11:17
Rudemeistergepatino: is the latter newer? not stable?11:17
gepatinoRudemeister: cant help on that, right now im on an ancient hoary11:18
gepatinoRudemeister: sorry11:18
Rudemeistergepatino: k, tnx11:18
Amaranthhrm, wrong one11:18
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Rudemeistergepatino: :}11:18
scorchsaberso if I go, let's say... chmod +x * in a folder, it does it for all files in that folder?11:18
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gepatinoscorchsaber: *.mp3 = all mp3 files11:18
Amaranthyuion: You installed the unrar package, right?11:18
gepatinoscorchsaber: yes11:18
scorchsabergepatino: Thank you11:18
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gepatinoscorchsaber: it ok11:19
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MetaMorfoziSG0SUB_: it can't grab to mp311:19
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_jasonscorchsaber: that does most of the files, it won't expand to stuff that starts with .11:19
mweAmaranth: I think he's on it. I just told him how to install unrar11:19
MetaMorfoziShow can i grab cd to mp3?11:19
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AeosI think I may be laggigng though11:19
gepatinoMetaMorfoziS: first you need to install lame: sudo aptitude install lame11:19
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Howitzeri'm off11:20
HowitzerSeeya guys.11:20
MetaMorfoziSwhat lame do?11:20
MetaMorfoziSi has it11:20
_jasonscorchsaber: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/wildcards.html11:20
gepatinoMetaMorfoziS: those are the libraries to handle mp3 files11:20
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michael117IdleOne: now I get "configure: error: could not find Python headers"11:20
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MetaMorfoziSgepatino: okay, i has it11:20
mwemichael117: install python-dev iirc11:20
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gepatinoMetaMorfoziS: then use soundjuicer (it's in the apps menu)11:20
jendaOK, i need suggestions what to do, when a LiveCD refuses to boot.11:20
MetaMorfoziSyes i've started and readed my files on the cd11:21
MetaMorfoziSbut in the options11:21
yuionmwe, just alot of errors11:21
MetaMorfoziSonly ogg wav and an other11:21
IdleOnemichael117, what are you trying to compile?11:21
mweyuion: what?11:21
yuionmwe, after i removed those #11:21
blindxOkay, I'm at packages.ubuntu.com, and i've looked up build-essential ... but how do i download it?11:21
MetaMorfoziSmp3 nowhere11:21
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mweyuion: did you just headlessly remove all of them?11:21
michael117IdleOne: Gnome Deskbar11:21
_jasonblindx: is there a reason you aren't using apt?11:21
yuionmwe, yes:S11:21
ibob63I am trying to find some good project management software - can anyone recommend something that is webbased?11:21
blindxI'm not on linux11:21
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gepatinoMetaMorfoziS: sorry, i cant test it here, im on a lts and dont have a cdrom drive11:22
mweyuion: you should _read_ what they say11:22
_jasonblindx: build-essential is on the cd too11:22
shaggyoafWhat do I have to change to make my system start using udev instead of devfs when it boots?11:22
mweyuion: you just broke it. please paste what you have on pastebin.com and I'll try to fix it11:22
gepatinoMetaMorfoziS: if you have lame installed, you should be able to grab to mp311:22
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yuionmwe, probaly yea,work all the day..im tired:P11:22
blindxwelll... i downloaded it already :P11:22
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blindxlets see if it works for me :D11:22
IdleOnemichael117, right click on the panel and > Add to Panel then a window will popup and pick Deskbar and Add it11:23
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mweyuion: paste the file on pastebin.com. then paste the url here11:23
postixHow can i start Beep-media player with window decoration?11:23
_jasonblindx: realize that downloading build-essential from pacakges.ubuntu.com does not get you the dependencies you need11:23
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Avericewhat am i missing, when checking this site: http://java.chikka.com/install/upac_loginpage.php?client_id=default&version=1,0,0,3411:23
MetaMorfoziSokay gepatino thx.11:23
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Avericeit is now working11:23
michael117IdleOne: The version in the ubuntu repositories is old and outdated11:23
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MetaMorfoziSso anybody please tell me how can i grab a cd to mp3!?11:23
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mweMetaMorfoziS: grip maybe11:23
sovieticoolMetaMorfoziS, use K3B11:23
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sovieticoolK3B is to burn data :D11:24
MetaMorfoziSok i try girp11:24
MetaMorfoziSsovieticool: :)11:24
mweMetaMorfoziS: grip, not girp :)11:24
Aeoshmm am I disconnected?11:24
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MetaMorfoziSokok i misstyped:)11:24
IdleOnemichael117, I think this is what you need python-dev11:24
mweIdleOne: I already told him11:25
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sovieticooli go to bed bye all11:25
IdleOnemwe, k then11:25
PhosphateI seem to have a bit of a problem here, I tryed installing with the livecd, and tried 3 times, it formats the drives and then just dies out, I know the normal installer works, but I don't have a copy handy.11:25
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jendaCan anyone please suggest what to do, when a LiveCD refuses to boot, beyond setting the boot device in BIOS?11:25
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gepatinobye sovieticool11:26
jrk_resolved: change bios to more conservative sata settings11:26
yuionmwe, im really glad for the help..thanks..here the url   http://pastebin.com/65439511:26
ProN00bjenda, reset bios ?11:26
mwejenda: make sure the cd is ok11:26
PhosphateCan I burn a cd using the live cd?11:26
Avericejenda, do you have a good burn LiveCD11:26
mweyuion: hang on11:26
yuionmwe, sure11:26
shaggyoafwhat do I have to do to get a machine I've upgraded from breezy to dapper to use udev instead of devfs?11:26
AskHLHello, ubotu states that automatix uses something like echo -e blahblah, which is considered 'unsafe'. Could anyone elaborate?11:27
jendaAverice, mwe: beyond that :) I will try with another shipit CD as soon as i can.11:27
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tanuki_can anyone tell me how to change the mouse cursors in ubuntu?11:27
AskHLmore specifically, "echo -e 'y\nY\n'"11:27
eggzecktanuki_, extract them in /usr/share/icons11:27
_jasonAskHL: it automatically answers yes to questions which the user is supposed to answer11:27
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tanuki_eggzeck, ok thank you11:27
AskHL_jason, thank you11:27
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blindxokay, tried to install build-essential. said dpkg-dev needs to be installed... haha the run around is fun!11:28
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_jasonblindx: pop the cd in your drive and install from the cd (just make sure the cdrom repository is enabled in synaptic)11:28
shaggyoaftanuki_: any cosmetic thing like mouse cursors is available through the System menu on the top of your Gnome screen11:28
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jenesuispasbavarWhy does Synaptic want to remove ubuntu-desktop each time I try removing some package?11:28
eggzecktanuki_, then you have to go to System->Preferences->Mouse11:29
ubotuubuntu-desktop is, like, totally, a metapackage. It depends upon other packages and brings them in; you can safely remove it, but it is recommended that you re-install it when upgrading11:29
blindxcdrom repository is enabled i synaptic? how do.. i do that?11:29
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ConfidentiaLhow do I access phpmyadmin after I have installed it?11:29
eggzecktanuki_, then you will see a tab called "Cursors"11:29
bmk789type localhost in firefox11:29
shaggyoafConfidentiaL: http://localhost/phpmyadmin11:29
Aeudianhow do i install my source for my kernel so that vmware can find it?11:29
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gepatinoAeudian: install linux-source, and mybe linux-headers and linux-tree11:30
papaubuntuAeudian, type: uname-r11:30
_jasonblindx: edit > add cd-rom, (if you don't see it listed already in settings > repositories)11:30
mweyuion: http://pastebin.com/654405 use that instead. then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unrar11:30
jenesuispasbavarubotu: What do you mean, reinstall it when upgrading?11:30
ubotujenesuispasbavar: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:30
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tanuki_eggzeck, thank you11:30
blindxAlright _jason. Thanks. Will be back soon.11:30
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eggzecktanuki_, yw11:30
blindxhopefully on my ubuntu box :\11:30
ConfidentiaLshaggyoaf: "The requested URL /cgi-bin/php4/phpmyadmin/index.php was not found on this server." :S |  I just installed it using apt-get...11:30
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eggzeckwhy is php4 in cgi-bin?11:31
Aeudianit says i am running 2.6.12-10-386 but i dont see that source listed11:31
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jenesuispasbavarubotu: Thanks anyway.11:32
ubotujenesuispasbavar: pas de quoi11:32
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sfarjenesuispasbavar: ubotu is a bot :)11:32
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eggzeckConfidentiaL, why would php4/phpmyadmin be in cgi-bin?11:32
GTXhow do I install java on firefox?11:33
_jasonjenesuispasbavar: he means when you upgrade from breezy to dapper for example11:33
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:33
_jasonubotu: tell GTX about javadebs11:33
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ConfidentiaLeggzeck: no clue...11:33
yuionmwe, thanks11:33
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:33
GTX_jason, is there a package name for them?11:33
Apostle^how do i force unmount something11:33
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_jasonGTX: yes11:33
GTXwhats it called11:33
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_jasonGTX: check the seveas page11:33
yuionmwe, hm wait now,what to do with the text you send?11:33
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GTX_jason, I would but im on dapper ;x11:34
gepatinoApostle^: umount -f ?11:34
_jasonGTX: works too11:34
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GTX_jason, It'll muck up my repositry if i add them11:34
eggzeckConfidentiaL, I can assure you it isn't. Perhaps you have to go to http://localhoast/phpmyadmin OR if it's on a server then you might have to create a symbolic lynk11:34
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_jasonGTX: nope, just add the java section11:34
GTX_jason, Which is?11:34
Apostle^gepatino: nope11:34
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Apostle^how do i force unmount something11:34
_jasonGTX: it's explained on the wiki11:34
yuionmwe, where i should paste the text you send+11:35
mweyuion: replace the contents of your /etc/apt/sources.list with that11:35
_jasonGTX: http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/java/11:35
yuionmwe, all in sources?11:35
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ConfidentiaLeggzeck: its on a server, but I didn't understand what that symbolic lynk was... :S11:35
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Seveas_jason, that one does not allow downloads11:35
ConfidentiaLeggzeck: brb11:35
Apostle^how do i force unmount something11:35
_jasonGTX: oh and use one of the mirrors listed on the wiki, not that one I linked you to11:35
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mweyuion: put that text in sources.list, replacing anything else already there11:35
_jasonSeveas: :)11:36
=== zielony [n=zielony@host-ip130-99.crowley.pl] has joined #ubuntu
yuionmwe, all in erase all in that .txt and paste in you text?11:36
yuionmwe, ahha sorry i probally sounds really stupid11:36
GTX_jason, I installed it but it doesnt work :\11:36
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
zielonywhat should I write in crontab if I want to shutdown computer at 01.00 (hour)11:36
_jasonGTX: what doesn't work?  which package did you install?11:36
GTX_jason, java-package11:37
mweyuion: gdsudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list . remove what's there and paste what I pointed you to11:37
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mweyuion: gksudo11:37
=== bruce_ [n=bruce@cro67-2-81-56-30-82.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
mweyuion: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list . not gdsudo. sorry11:37
_jasonGTX: did you read the description for that before you installed it?  You want the jre: sun-j2re1.511:37
=== yomismo [n=yomismo@62.Red-83-53-204.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^what file system is cd-rom ? RAW ?11:38
mweApostle^: no11:38
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Apostle^mwe: what is it11:38
mweApostle^: usually iso966011:38
eggzeckzielony, you should learn how to create cronjobs, then read "man shutdown"11:38
Apostle^mwe: user@System:~$ sudo mount /media/cdrom iso966011:38
Apostle^mount: you must specify the filesystem type11:38
=== hyphenated [n=cgilmour@nzns1.eservglobal.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
yuionmwe, reallt hansk to you really11:38
=== TrevorP [n=trevorp@] has joined #ubuntu
yuionmwe, really thansk11:38
eggzeckzielony, you would type `man shutdown' in your terminal11:39
yuionmwe, and what to write to download the program now?11:39
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mweyuion: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unrar11:39
chris_hey all11:39
Aeosis wine included in ubuntu?11:39
yuionmwe, i do,how to start undrar:S?11:39
gepatinoAeos: not by default11:39
mweAeos: you have to install it11:39
chris_i have a completely brand new install, the only thing ive done is do the universe thing11:39
gepatinoAeos: search it in synaptic11:39
MetaMorfoziShoho grip (girp) is cool:)11:40
chris_anyone have some suggestions onto what i should install?11:40
mweAeos: sudo apt-get install wine or use synaptic like gepatino suggested11:40
gepatinochris_: what you need :O11:40
eggzeckchris_, it all depends on what you need/want to have11:40
kingspawnchris_: that depends on what you like to do on your computer11:40
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mweMetaMorfoziS: yeah :)11:40
zielonyeggzeck-> can I type sudo shutdown -t 3600 ?11:40
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eggzeckzielony, wrong syntax11:40
chris_ummm well i need to have a media player11:40
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chris_to play songs and movies11:40
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eggzeckzielony, well not wrong but missing some options/arguments11:41
yuionmwe, you go to bed?11:41
kingspawnchris_: mplayer is good. i suggest reading up on help.ubuntu.com, lots of tips and suggestions11:41
zielonyeggzeck-> can I type sudo shutdown -t 3600 -h?11:41
chris_does "easy ubuntu" work?11:41
chris_like its sposed to have all the media stuff u need...11:41
mwezielony: sudo shutdown -h +180 to shut down in three hours from now11:41
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mwezielony: or sudo shutdown -h 12:00 to shutdown at noon11:41
eggzeckthanks mwe for helping me out :P11:42
Apostle^how do i get my cd-rom to automount11:42
eggzeckI wonder where ConfidentiaL went11:42
ubotuApostle^: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:42
mweApostle^: it should by default11:42
Apostle^mwe: it doesn;t11:42
gepatinoApostle^: man automount11:43
chris_well im off to go search the documentation11:43
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chris_thanks everyone11:43
yuionmwe, please,you helped me so much already..finish it man:D11:43
mweyuion: what?11:43
PwcrLinuxGnome does have automounting when you put the usb flash drive or CD/DVD discs will appearing on desktop.11:43
Apostle^gepatino: no man entry11:43
mweyuion: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unrar11:43
yuionmwe, i wrote apt-get install unrar,then:P?11:43
zielonythx mates11:44
mweyuion: then type unrar filname.rar11:44
gepatinoApostle^: is automount installed11:44
eggzeckApostle^, apt-cache search automount11:44
gepatinoApostle^: i think the package is autofs11:44
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Apostle^gepatino: okay a sec11:44
yuionmwe,  damn its many .rar files hows create the movie11:44
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mweyuion: I don't understand what you're trying to say11:45
Apostle^gepatino: it is now11:45
Aeudianwhats the remove dir with all contents agruement11:45
yuionyou ever downloaded a movie?,its comes in many small .rar files..11:45
_jasonAeudian: rm -r11:45
yuionmwe, its not just one:P11:45
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gepatinoApostle^: have you find the manpage for automount?11:45
_jasonyuion: unrar x file.rar, where file.rar is the first one11:45
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Apostle^gepatino: yes11:45
Aeudian_jason, thanks was doing rmdir -r =P11:45
mweyuion: but one of them is the one you should unrar11:45
mweyuion: like when you point and click11:46
=== ChaKy [n=chaky@lns01-0257.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^gepatino: how do i get it to automount my cdrom11:46
yuionmwe, its shows me a long list of commands how to use the one i want?11:47
AAAumount /media/cdrom011:47
yuionmwe, i want to use the command "e"11:47
proTEU`is there nothing out there which can create  VMWare disk images ?11:48
mweyuion: unrar x11:48
=== zig [i=compache@82-42-121-159.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ziggreetings gentlemen11:48
mweyuion: unrar x mainfile.rar11:48
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yuionmwe, x=?11:48
=== Red-Sox [n=Jonathan@hrrsnbrg-bluewave1-69-161-2-117.chvlva.adelphia.net] has left #ubuntu ["Hmm...]
Aeudiani am getting an error when install vmware: What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running11:49
_jasonAeudian: install linux-headers-$(uname -r)11:49
mweyuion: just type it man11:49
mweyuion: x is for eXtract11:50
Apostle^mwe: i can't figure out how to automount my cd-rom11:50
=== SilverSpace [n=mirozagr@83-131-19-181.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu
mweyuion: mainfile.rar should be what you would click in winblows11:50
ziganyone got metacity running with composuite goodness? ANy good and would a gma 900 integrated chipbe any good with it?11:50
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=== apoc [n=apoc@CPE0014bf74fb72-CM00111ae467ee.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
apochow do i install java?11:50
Snake__How do I restar the taskbar in gnome?? (Gnome equiv to KDE's Kicker)11:50
VR_apoc: its in the wiki11:50
gepatinoApostle^: it should be automounted by default11:51
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:51
mwe!tell Apostle^ about java11:51
RatmannIt's in the ubuntu guide and wiki11:51
Apostle^mwe: java ?11:51
mwe!tell Apoc about java11:51
yuionmwe, i write this in xterm "unrar x prison.break.117.hdtv-lol.rar"11:51
mweApostle^: was for apoc. sorry11:51
mweApostle^: hit return to fast after nick completion11:51
VR_has anyone ever told ubotu itself about java?11:51
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VR_!tell ubotu about java11:51
mweyuion: good if that's the name11:51
ConfidentiaLeggzeck: Im back :P11:51
Aeudian_jason: the command worked, but vmware is defaulting to /usr/src/linux/include where did the headers just go to?11:52
VR_<ubotu> Isn't that a bit silly?11:52
yuionmwe, jsut give me som erroes11:52
VR_silly bot11:52
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mweyuion: useless unless you tell me what errors11:52
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mweyuion: be aware it11:52
mweyuion: be aware it's case sensitive11:53
asdf25anyone know what package /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/libGLcore.so is from? or how i can find out?11:53
PavixI have a slight problem. It appears I have java installed and running but I cant seem to get firefox to use java11:53
chiwawa_42I cannot install dapper flight 6 on amd64 : unable to mount cdrom. The i386 version works. Is there a known issue?11:53
_jasonAeudian: /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) is where they go, not sure how to properly tell vmware where to look11:53
mweyuion: you can type part of the file name a press the tab key to complete the name for you11:53
=== Jemt [n=Jemt@nat.kollegienet.dk] has joined #ubuntu
gepatinoSnake__: how can we help you?11:53
Snake__[05:50]  < Snake__> How do I restar the taskbar in gnome?? (Gnome equiv to KDE's Kicker)11:53
VR_Snake__: killall gnome-panel11:53
gnomefreakSnake__: killall gnome-panel11:54
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Snake__Thanks guys11:54
Snake__Keep up the good work11:54
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Apostle^gnomefreak: i have a cd in the drive, i type sudo mount /media/cdrom0 how come it doesn't work11:54
VR_whats the difference between sudo and gksudo? gnomefreak, you told me to use gksudo once.11:54
eggzeckConfidentiaL, wb11:54
gepatinoApostle^: what kind of cd is it?11:54
Apostle^gepatino: audio11:54
mweVR_: gksudo is for gui apps11:54
gepatinoApostle^: you dont need to mount audio cds ;)11:55
gnomefreakApostle^: dont know maybe cdrom1?11:55
ogami1972help! i've worked really hard on a new system for my baby brother- he's on the way, but i still can't get flash with sound!11:55
Apostle^it isn't working ..11:55
yuionmwe, WIIIIIIIIIIEHAAAAAAAAAAAa i fix it,thansk a lot man..should remember it!!11:55
mweApostle^: you should probably check /etc/fstab11:55
mweyuion: congrats11:55
gepatinoApostle^: audio cds cant be mounted, you just can hear them (from xmms, for example) or rip them11:55
Apostle^gepatino: okay11:56
ogami1972i have tried flahplayer-nonfree, mozilla-flashplayer, the manual installer...11:56
gepatinoApostle^: they cant be mounted since they dont have data, just raw audio (if such thing exists)11:56
Apostle^gepatino: how do i rip it11:56
ogami1972 i have copied files and to usr/lib/.mozilla, i have checked "about:plugins"- still no sound11:56
AAAApostle^  abcde is a great ripper11:56
gepatinoApostle^: using tools like soundjuicer11:56
mwegepatino: does it work if you kill esd first?11:56
ogami1972i like ripper-x11:57
ConfidentiaLeggzeck: ?11:57
Apostle^gepatino: sound-juicer tells me i have no cd-plugin11:57
gepatinomwe: ?11:57
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Rudemeisterfs/ext3/ialloc.c: In function `ext3_new_inode':11:58
Rudemeisterfs/ext3/ialloc.c:633: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault11:58
Rudemeisterwhat now?!11:58
mwegepatino: if you kill the esd daemon first, do you hear sound in flash? sometimes it excludes other programs from using the card11:58
gepatinoApostle^: can you hear the cd using cdplayer, xmms or something like that?11:58
mweRudemeister: don11:58
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mweRudemeister: don't paste in here11:58
ogami1972anyone sucessfully installed flash w/ sound on dapper?11:58
Apostle^gepatino: let me c11:58
ConfidentiaL ',)   c",)11:58
ConfidentiaL ;)   c",)11:58
eggzeckConfidentiaL, it all depends on how you have your apache configuration setup (for the symbolic lynk)11:58
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RudemeisterI compiled my kernel and got an error, what now11:58
Ghostarneed some help11:58
Rudemeistermwe: sry11:59
duelbootogami1972, not on dapper, sorry11:59
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Apostle^gepatino: i dont think so11:59
ConfidentiaLeggzeck: could u explain me how to set it up to get it working?11:59
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mweRudemeister: I'm not sure gcc-4 is recomended for kernel compilation11:59
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ogami1972i can already hear it- "well, that's cool and all, but can you just put windows on it?ijust want it to work"12:00

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