
kwwiipost packages for everyone to test?12:05
kwwiiI wish I had a friend in the area with an intel linux machine12:08
kwwiieven the syslinux stuff is gone, I guess12:08
kwwiithe best solution is that I sit in front of an intel machine while it boots with the new pics so that I can see directly what can be fixed12:12
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kwwiiok...time for this later01:39
kwwiisleep now01:39
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kameron_after lengthly investigating into the X-KDE-Protocols, it indeed does work after editing some .desktop files.01:41
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kameronwhat time zone are most of you guys on.. this place is bumpin when i should be sleeping, and dead in the day time.02:44
hendry+9 hours. just woke up. headache.02:48
kameronsweet hendry 02:57
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jjessekameron: i'm in EST03:28
jjesse+5 GMT03:28
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jpatrickwe allowed to upload NEW packages still?01:59
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Riddelljpatrick: I think so02:42
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=== Hobbsee waves to Riddell
Riddellmorning Hobbsee02:44
Riddellmust be easter for you now, happy easter02:44
Hobbseeevening.  i finally got home from work :P02:44
Hobbseehappy easter to you as well - it's easter saturday02:44
Riddellno, that's next saturday02:45
Riddellif you remember your bible jesus was tortured to death on the friday and did his spooky ghost thing on sunday, so sunday is the start of easter week02:46
Hobbseegood point.02:46
=== Hobbsee remembers her bible :P
Tonio_Riddell: is there an uvfe for koffice actually ?02:48
RiddellTonio_: dunno, mdz hasn't got back to me yet02:49
Riddellat least I don't think he has, not got through my e-mail yet today02:49
Tonio_Riddell: I did an uvfe for yakuake, latest version closes a nasty bug02:49
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marseillaii recognize that Qt API is may be more simple than windows api! but it's really harder to learn! because with visual c++ it's quite simple to learn! with kate ......02:51
Riddellkate is hardly equivalent to visual c++02:52
Tonio_marseillai: kdevelop ?02:52
marseillaijust install02:52
Tonio_Riddell: although that cannot be compared to visual studio 200302:53
marseillaibut i follow QT tutorial02:53
marseillaiand they don't speak about kdevelop at all.......02:53
Tonio_marseillai: give a try ;)02:54
Tonio_marseillai: fancy joining the kubuntu-fr launchpad team ?02:54
marseillaiTonio_: jconnais pas cette expression : "give a try"02:54
Tonio_essaye :)02:55
marseillaii also try kdevelop and didn't had enough time to really learn so i leave ... :s now i got time! :)02:55
marseillaiTonio_: yes waiting for approval to traduction team02:56
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Tonio_marseillai: subscribe to the kubuntu-fr team plz ;)02:56
Tonio_I will approve you02:56
marseillaiodyx and raphink was tired to have to correct my translation they asked me to subscribe02:56
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jpatrickwhat package is qlist.h in?03:07
jpatrickah libqt3-compat-headers03:08
Tonio_Riddell: is pitty the person to contact for the i18n packages missing when installing a new lang ? that's for the problem with koffice i18n03:11
phanatici'd like to ask if kubuntu will participate in google summer of code 2006?03:11
RiddellTonio_: pitti yes, koffice though I'll take care of when I get a decision on UVFe for 1.503:13
Riddellphanatic: not alone, but KDE and ubuntu so you can do projects through either of them03:14
Tonio_Riddell: yes, but even for version 1.4, having the i18n installed by default is important03:14
Tonio_Riddell: actually, krita is in english whatever is your language03:14
phanaticRiddell: thanks for the info :)03:14
RiddellTonio_: of course, I'll take care of it as I said03:14
Riddellbut no point uploading language packs today if a new koffice will enter tomorrow03:15
Tonio_ah, ok, sorry :) I though you didn't remember the bug ;)03:15
=== Tonio_ doesn't find lots of things to work on.......
kmonRiddell: are you planning to include Koffice 1.5 in the default installation or just in main?03:15
Tonio_kmon: I think it is too late for such a change :)03:16
kmonTonio_: I agree03:16
kmonmaybe in dapper +1 :)03:17
Tonio_kmon: will be a great debate I think :)03:17
=== Tonio_ is waiting for kde apps to come to rosetta, there is so much to translate !!!!!!
jpatrickTonio_: already there03:17
Tonio_jpatrick: nope, not all universe apps we added03:18
Tonio_even if there is a rosetta patch03:18
jpatrickOh, those..03:18
Tonio_jpatrick: look at kde-pwmanager for example03:18
Riddellkmon: just main03:18
jpatrickhttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/661407 - how annoying03:19
Tonio_kmon: I must say I think it would be nice to promote koffice :) so I would follow you for dapper+1, but we need to convince Riddell first ;)03:19
jpatrickah, it's missing a library..03:20
kmonfor the time03:20
Tonio_and because it is still a very good "commercial" argument to have OOo, it'll be hard to change that ;)03:20
kmonfor the time dapper+1 will release koffice 1.5.x will be in good shape03:20
Tonio_kmon: yes, but there is one missing feature : export to msoffice formats03:21
Tonio_unless office 12 reads opendocument, it'll be hard to deal with this...03:21
kmonTonio_: oh. I didn't know that. I only use od* files...03:21
Tonio_kmon: that's a problem :)03:22
kmonmaybe a good gogle soc 2006 proyect could be doing such work for koffice03:22
Riddellit takes more than a summer to code that03:23
HobbseeRiddell: depends if you sleep :P03:23
Tonio_Riddell: using the OOo export code ?03:24
Tonio_Riddell: should it be that hard to implement ?03:24
Tonio_as they use the same ods format by default, I assume that should be that hard, but well, I'm not a coder :)03:24
RiddellTonio_: it took openoffice two people working for over a year to do it03:24
kmonI've read somewhere that OOo code is very coupled03:24
jpatrickTm_T: afternoon03:24
RiddellTonio_: ever tried taking code from openoffice?  not a nice codebase03:24
Tonio_Riddell: that's why i was asking ;)03:25
kmonThen I would love to have a way of uinstalling OOo and installing Koffice without removing kubuntu-desktop03:29
Riddellthat needs better metapackage support in apt03:30
Tonio_Riddell: could it be possible to have another desktop metapackage ?03:33
Tonio_like kubuntu-koffice-desktop03:33
RiddellI don't think it would get past NEW03:33
Tonio_something like that, that wouldn't be used by default of course03:33
Riddellnot to mention the fun you'd have with keeping seeds up to date03:33
Tonio_I need to look how they are generated, I think it is a bit complex isn't it ?03:34
freeflyingRiddell: we can upload NEW package now ?03:34
Riddellfreeflying: I think so but I'm not sure03:35
RiddellI expect universe should be fine03:35
Riddellwhat's to be uploaded?03:35
freeflyingRiddell: quarry, which is in universe now , and new upstream is avaliable , and will ix the bug exist 03:36
jpatrickRiddell: I'm packaging a kscope03:36
jpatrickfreeflying: UVF exception then03:36
Tonio_freeflying: that not NEW stuff :)03:36
freeflyingjpatrick: UVFe was asked 3 weeks ago , no reply yet03:36
jpatrickfreeflying: on Malone?03:37
freeflyingTonio_:  also have others , heh03:37
freeflyingjpatrick: y. and mailing list too03:37
Tonio_freeflying: you can ping for uvfe maybe03:37
Tonio_like slomo or siretart03:37
jpatrickfreeflying: what bug  #'03:37
freeflyingTonio_:  I'd have a try03:38
Tonio_dholbach also maybe ;)03:38
freeflyingactrully , it's awrong uploaded , I don't know who sponsor that upload  :)03:38
jpatrickfreeflying: no quarry here: https://launchpad.net/people/motu-uvf/+assignedbugs03:38
freeflyingjpatrick: already done  :)03:39
jpatrickoh, sneaky03:39
robotgeekTonio_: i get an error with wengophone, again03:39
Tonio_robotgeek: hu ????03:39
Tonio_I don't03:39
Tonio_robotgeek: installed from universe ?03:39
robotgeekTonio_: hmm, no03:40
Tonio_robotgeek: don't use the revu version :)03:40
Tonio_the corrected version is in universe03:40
robotgeekTonio_: ah03:40
Tonio_I didn't upload it to revu03:40
Tonio_robotgeek: working nicelly here03:40
robotgeekTonio_: sweet, let me install03:41
Tonio_robotgeek: let me know :)03:41
freeflyingRiddell:  I found there had kubuntu team , seems a kubuntu CC for membership :)03:41
Tonio_freeflying: good point ;)03:42
=== robotgeek creates account
Tonio_freeflying: and we maybe should plan a new kubuntu meeting also, don't you think ?03:43
freeflyingTonio_:  sure, beta is coming03:43
Riddellfreeflying: yeah, I'm not too sure what to do with it, I think I should ask at next CC meeting03:43
Tonio_Riddell: would you be okay with a new kubuntu meeting ?03:44
RiddellTonio_: sure, call it the beta feedback meeting03:44
Tonio_Riddell: okay ;)03:44
robotgeekTonio_: are you online? 03:44
Tonio_robotgeek: yup03:44
Tonio_robotgeek: on wengophone ?03:45
robotgeekTonio_: what is your nick?03:45
Tonio_no, just wait a second ;)03:45
freeflyingRiddell: can the time be 12:00 UTC 03:45
Tonio_robotgeek: I assume altmenorg03:45
jpatrickfreeflying: no03:46
Tonio_robotgeek: let me configure it first ;)03:46
jpatrickon a week day that is03:46
Tonio_robotgeek: want to try an audio conv ?03:46
robotgeekTonio_: anyways, i gotta run now. 03:46
freeflyingjpatrick:  20:00 UTC is too early here , guys still in their dream 03:46
robotgeekwe will try later?03:46
Tonio_robotgeek: sure ;)03:47
Tonio_robotgeek: nick plz ?03:47
Hobbseewhen's the new kubuntu meeting?03:48
Tonio_Hobbsee: we need to decide ;)03:49
Hobbseeright, when are we thinking of?03:49
=== Hobbsee isnt at uni at the moment
Tonio_Riddell: what is the exact date for beta release ? 20/04 ?03:49
Tonio_freeflying: is 22 UTC possible ?03:50
freeflyingTonio_:  then it's 6:00 here , quite better than 20:00 UTC03:51
Tonio_would you guys be okay for 22 utc maybe ?03:51
Tonio_I personnaly don't mind03:52
=== Hobbsee tries to convert 22 UTC to au time...
freeflyingTonio_:  +1 from me 03:53
Tonio_jpatrick: ?03:54
jpatrickTonio_: I'll just be able to make it03:54
jpatrickno wait03:54
jpatrickit'll be midnight over here03:55
Tonio_jpatrick: aren't you spain ?03:55
Tonio_should be +1 only no ?03:55
jpatrickoh yeah03:55
=== Hobbsee screams loudly
=== jpatrick covers his ears
Tonio_jpatrick: so 23 for you03:55
Hobbseei cant use the standard 2200UTC = 7am, cos it doesnt anymore!03:55
Tonio_Hobbsee: you mean ?03:56
Hobbseeurgh...8am...i think03:56
Hobbseei meant, 2000 UTC = 7am, as it did last time we all met...03:56
jpatrickHobbsee: which is what I'll like03:57
Tonio_Hobbsee: is it acceptable for you ?03:57
=== Hobbsee continues to try to convert :P
Tonio_between 7 ans 9 in any case ;)03:57
Hobbseewhich date?03:57
Tonio_don't know for the moment03:58
Tonio_certainly one week after beta release03:58
Hobbsee8am.  yeah, that's ok03:58
Hobbseewait, when's the beta release?03:58
Tonio_Riddell: would that be okay for you ? 22 UTC03:58
Tonio_Hobbsee: I assume in one week, but I'm note sure :)03:59
Hobbseeyeah, that's ok03:59
Hobbseeif i'm on holidays, that's fine, if it's later than that, then i need to push it an hour earlier03:59
Hobbseeif i want to be there, that is :P03:59
freeflyingHobbsee: then we'd  in weekend , r u ok ?04:00
Hobbseeyeah, should be fine04:01
freeflyinghow can I get the build log of pbuilder ?04:03
jpatrickTonio_: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=227804:08
Tonio_jpatrick: could be usefull to patch ;) easier that grep :)04:09
Tonio_jpatrick: revuing04:09
jpatrickTonio_: patch what?04:11
Tonio_jpatrick: isn't that designed to anylise source code ?04:11
jpatrickThink so04:11
Tonio_jpatrick: so ? :)04:11
jpatrickTonio_: I think I should add cscope to the dep line04:14
Tonio_jpatrick: building and testing, let me tell you ;)04:15
jpatrickTonio_: it will ask you for cscope when you run it04:15
Tonio_jpatrick: then add the dep yes ;)04:15
jpatrickTonio_: done04:16
Tonio_jpatrick: okay ;)04:16
jpatrickfreeflying: pong04:17
freeflyingjpatrick: ?04:17
jpatrickfreeflying: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=227804:17
Tonio_jpatrick: deon't use same terms for small and long description04:19
freeflyingTonio_: ++04:19
freeflyingseems you like use cdbs 04:19
jpatrickTonio_: "KScope is an application program for browsing and editing source code..."04:20
Tonio_jpatrick: few problems : you should prepare desktop file for xdg directory and install it in propper folder with cdbs04:20
jpatrickremove program04:20
Tonio_also, it would nice to include rosetta patch04:20
jpatrickTonio_: tried that04:20
Tonio_and ?04:21
RiddellTonio_: 22 UTC is fine, what day?04:21
Hobbsee...you know, i think that this time converter is wrong...i'm thinking that 2200UTC is 10am, if it's currently 14.20 UTC....04:21
Tonio_Riddell: when is beta published ?04:21
Tonio_Riddell: I think one week after would be good for feedback04:21
jpatrickTonio_: cvs.sh doesn't have a 'kdepotpath='04:21
Hobbseeoh...that may have been what it was04:21
Tonio_jpatrick: create it ;)04:21
HobbseeTonio_: there's a thing on the meeting page that i added - a patch that might be useful to put in, about adding the kde print thingo back into the kmenu...04:22
RiddellTonio_: wednesday/thursday04:22
Tonio_Riddell: so 26/04 would be good I think04:22
RiddellTonio_: sure04:22
Tonio_Riddell: okay I'll prepare the wiki ;)04:22
Tonio_jpatrick: you can add the kdepotpath line04:23
Tonio_jpatrick: let me show you04:23
RiddellTonio_: thanks04:23
RiddellTonio_: announce it on kubuntu-devel mailing list too04:23
Tonio_jpatrick: http://pastebin.com/66148404:23
Tonio_Riddell: sure04:23
Tonio_jpatrick: here is an example with klibido04:24
Tonio_jpatrick: and patch .desktop file also :)04:24
jpatrickTonio_: prefect, did the later too04:24
Tonio_jpatrick: misses GenericName entries...04:24
Tonio_let me five you the french ones ;)04:25
freeflyingjpatrick:  besides Tonio_ , nice to me04:25
Tonio_jpatrick: and also, remove "comment" entries, those generic comments are a pain04:25
Tonio_"a simple application for kde".... what stupid ;)04:25
freeflyingjpatrick: maybe you can add AUTHOR section in manpage 04:26
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Tonio_jpatrick: want me to prepare you the desktop file ?04:27
jpatrickTonio_: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/661488 ?04:28
Tonio_jpatrick: wait a second, misses a few other things too ;) like categories, I will do it and show you04:29
jpatrickoh yeah04:29
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freeflyingTonio_:  jpatrick  http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=227904:30
jpatrickfreeflying: lots of changes too orig src04:31
Tonio_jpatrick: http://pastebin.com/66149304:31
Tonio_that would be a nice one to me04:31
freeflyingjpatrick: just a moment , I invite the packager here04:32
=== caleb- [n=caleb@219-84-15-89-adsl-tpe.STATIC.so-net.net.tw] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tonio_jpatrick: can you patch that ? then you get my yes ;)04:33
Tonio_packaging is nice04:33
jpatrickTonio_: what's the command to install to xdg dir?04:33
jpatrickor just leave it?04:34
jpatrickfreeflying: cdbs > *04:34
Tonio_jpatrick: in rules file, simply dh-install the desktop file to /usr/share/applications/kde04:34
Tonio_that's the good directory04:34
caleb-freeflying: I am here, and then?04:34
Tonio_and the .desktop improvements are needed in the first place ;)04:34
jpatrickin build/kscope:: ?04:34
freeflyingcaleb-: I'm poke jpatrick and Tonio_  for a review04:34
caleb-freeflying: Does prerm need DEBHELPER?04:35
Tonio_caleb-: let me have a look first ;)04:35
freeflyingjpatrick: Tonio_  need review on http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=227904:35
caleb-Tonio_: OK, thank you. :-)04:35
freeflyingcaleb-: sure , I add it for you , reuploading 04:35
jpatrickcaleb-, freeflying: changes in orig src04:36
Tonio_okay, first changelog doesn't contain anything concerning patches.... they should be described there04:37
Tonio_copyright should contain the 4 paragraphs of the lgpl resume04:38
Tonio_caleb-: I perfer no overriding and decide if yes or no the warning is acceptable or not....04:40
Tonio_caleb-: global packaging is nice apart from that04:40
jpatrickTonio_: noyau - now that's a new word for me..04:40
Tonio_ho yes, and also, tarball was modified, shouldn't ;)04:40
Tonio_jpatrick: translation of kernel in french ;)04:40
caleb-Tonio_: OK, I am talking to freeflying in Chinese...:P wait a minute...04:41
Tonio_jpatrick: feel free to add spanish comment and genericname of course ;)04:41
Tonio_caleb-: no pb04:41
Tonio_jpatrick: once that done, you'll get my yes on revu ;)04:41
freeflyingTonio_: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2259 http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=226104:43
Tonio_freeflying: okay, you decided to make me revu today ;)04:43
Tonio_freeflying: I will after eating right ?04:44
Tonio_in about an hour ;)04:44
freeflyingTonio_: heh ,thx04:44
jpatrickso I'll upload this..04:44
jpatrickright, I'm going back to my school work...04:45
jpatrickRiddell: I have an upload for you05:11
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Tonio_Riddell: ever heard about an issue with flight 6 install cd ?05:15
Tonio_doesn't seem to boot, and several personns can confirm this05:16
Tonio_no pb with livecd05:16
jpatrickTonio_: someone on #kubuntu-es was talking about that yesterday05:16
Tonio_jpatrick: at least 2 other personns have the issue on #kubuntu05:17
Tonio_and I just tested, I can confirm too05:17
=== verwilst [n=verwilst@dD5E0099B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
verwilstthe new color scheme is a lot better!05:33
verwilstespecially with polyester ;)05:33
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verwilsthm firefox can't seem to play sound05:53
jpatrickwow, polyester's menus are _small_06:02
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
kmondoesn anyone here use LVM and has installed the package kubuntu-grub-splashimages06:12
kmonI've installed that package on my laptop & dekstop06:13
kmonand In my desktop they don't work06:13
kmonand I don't have a clue06:14
jpatrickkmon: can you see the images in grub?06:16
kmonwhat do you mean?06:17
jpatrickdo you see the pictures when it boots'06:17
kmonthe thing is...06:17
kmonI have 2 machines06:17
jpatrickpressed 'ESC' ?06:17
kmona laptop and a desktop06:17
kmonboth amd6406:17
jpatricksame here06:17
kmonon the laptop everything went fine06:18
kmonand I can see my splash image06:18
kmonbut on the desktop nothing appears.06:18
jpatrickkmon: have you pressed 'ESC' when grub starts to load?06:19
jpatrickwhat happens?06:19
kmonI've also disabled the hiddenmenu option06:19
kmonshows normal grub06:19
kmonwithout a bg06:19
UbugtuMalone bug 39673 in kubuntu-grub-splashimages "splash image not showing" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  06:24
kmonfiled a bug06:24
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reconciliationI enabled dual monitor config using system settings->Display. Is this broken because one monitor is the wrong size although configured properly06:46
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Tm_Toh boy07:55
Tm_TRiddell: ping07:57
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jpatrickTm_T: on holiday i guess09:12
Tm_Tyeah, noticed09:13
Tm_Tjpatrick: we are moving and reorganizing finnish support of Kubuntu09:13
jpatrickmy most favourite words in the English language: status quo aka nothing happen, nothing can go wrong09:15
crimsunif you meant Latin, sure, but I get your drift :)09:16
jpatrickcrimsun: both09:16
=== crimsun steps aside before pedantry sets in
=== jwork123nl [n=john@g213171.upc-g.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickhehe :)09:19
=== ubijtsa [n=ubijtsa@karlsson.force9.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_Tjpatrick: I wonder what jefferai has against me today09:24
Tm_T...or maybe it's his twisted humour09:24
jpatrickah, I see him09:24
Tm_Tjpatrick: #amarok09:24
jpatrickgetting a bit messy in there09:26
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apacheloggerRiddell: ping09:32
Tm_Tapachelogger: I already tried to poke him09:32
Tm_Tbut his smelly rotten body doesn't give any response09:33
apacheloggerhe might be on B09:33
=== Tm_T hides
apacheloggerjpatrick: developers most consumed drink09:33
jpatrickhe drinks water09:33
apacheloggerwhat happened to the dev culture :|09:34
Tm_T...I know what's developer's "water"09:34
jpatrickso says his interview09:34
apacheloggeralready that long ago that I read it ;-)09:35
Tm_Tyeah, but all clear isn't water ;)09:35
jpatrickapachelogger: something I can help with?09:35
apacheloggernope, just wanted to know whether he got an actually exscalibar package09:36
=== apachelogger should finally mail the author
apacheloggerthe build system is just to mess around with everyone09:37
jpatrickI tried to package that and it was hell09:37
apacheloggerjpatrick: there is already a heavy modified version in revu09:37
apacheloggerstill no go09:37
apacheloggerwell ... it builds, thought the package is kinda useless as for amaroK's moodbar09:38
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jpatrickbye guys10:06
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\shevening ppl11:41
Tm_Thi :)11:41
Tm_Thow are you?11:41
\shnot fine, but better11:43
Tm_Tah, better is good11:43
\shhope that most of the sh*t is solved next week..11:43
Tm_Tyou have my full support ;)11:43
Tm_TI'm able to do 2h a day something useful, in good day11:44
Tm_Tpains, medication, not much human contacts outsied home... doesn't do good to me11:44
Tm_Toh well, maybe summer is better11:45
Tm_Tso know this, you're not alone ;)11:45
\shwell...other people have also problems...for sure...but I never went so down like now.....it's really giving me the creeps11:47
\shRiddell: if you are not finding eastereggs .. I have one for you, the bug report about amarok 1.4beta3 is correct...splash screen is shown everytime..and I think it's a nice easter egg of the amarok guys :)11:51
Tm_T\sh: yeah, it's happening here too, using svn trunk11:52
\shshould be a oneliner11:53
\shand building collections from a mounted samba share is not working...but this didn't work as well in 1.3.x11:54
\shbut the playlists are imported11:54
Tm_Twell, I mentioned it to guys atleast three times, they say it's working fine11:54
Tm_T...about splash I mean11:55
Tm_Tmaybe I bother them again11:55
Tm_Tthey sure love it =)11:55
\shgive me the bug id in kde bugzy11:55
\shI'll confirm this11:56
Tm_Thmm, I'm not sure if it's filed11:56
Tm_TI'll do some search11:56
\shwait...another idea11:56
Tm_Tkde bug #12521011:57
UbugtuKDE bug 125210 in general "amarok shows splash screen at startup even when disabled in options" [Normal,Resolved: worksforme]  http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12521011:57
Tm_TI'll reopen it11:57
\shi just added a comment12:03
Tm_TI do the same ;)12:03

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