
tristanmikemy hat's off to the boys/girls that created it12:04
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dipnliktristanmike: what is so innovative?12:05
tristanmikedipnlik, Katapult12:05
dipnliktristanmike: hm... guess you really need to know quicksilver formac os12:06
dipnliktristanmike: katapult is good but has a very long way to go :)12:06
tristanmikewell, most of us aren't rich, and thus cannot afford a mac :P12:06
dipnliktristanmike: i don't have one, my friend has one, i've seen it there. THAT is true nirvana12:06
tristanmikedipnlik, then I'm assuming that quicksilver was created first ?12:08
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kfarrellwow gnome apps look really good on Dapper Kubuntu, hats off12:09
dipnliktristanmike: yeah yeah12:09
dipnlikanyway, i have a katapult+amarok doubt. when i type a songname, the only option is play now. can i enqueue the song instead?12:09
kfarrellI'm getting 50 updates a day on dapper, nice activity12:11
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TheFuzzballI only get a few12:13
kfarrellI must have a crap load of apps installed then *8P12:13
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TheFuzzballhow would I set up vnc on windows? so I can control my Windows comp from Linux12:14
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kfarrellyou need to set up a vnc server on woindows12:17
_cathalanyway of extracting a tar.gz file on a server without shell access?12:17
kfarrellI can't think of the name offhand, I think freevnc?12:17
jindiazsoooooooooo any input on the downloading app?  anyone?12:17
kfarrell_cathal: extract it on a machine with acces then upload?12:18
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_cathalkfarrell: yea i know, but its quicker if i could just send the .tar.gz file and extract on that server12:20
_cathalis it possable at all?12:22
kfarrell_cathal: sorry can't think of any other way, unless you have gui and can use ark or similar?12:22
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_cathalthat sucks, not to self, write an app to make it possable lol12:22
kfarrellwhat's the best way to compare folders, and sync? any apps?12:23
_cathalits built into bluefish i think, not sure about the sync part12:24
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kfarrellwow, Linux doesn't have a compare/sync app, wierd12:28
kfarrellECMerge is like $50, bah12:28
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kfarrellmidnight commander maybe?12:28
tristanmikekfarrell, right click the bottom bar in Konqueror and select split view...is that what you're looking for ?12:29
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kfarrelltristanmike: that might work mate thanks12:31
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jindiazok, so i think i found whut i need here12:37
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jindiazummm can someone help me compile from source?12:38
jindiazthe file extention is .src.zip12:38
jindiaznever done that before12:38
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jindiazok soooooooooo 190 ppl and no one can help12:39
patientfoxsuch is life12:41
jindiazyahhhh maybe.  lol.  do yu know how to compile form source?12:43
patientfoxthats a pretty vague question12:43
patientfoxwhat do you want to compile?12:43
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jindiazi need a downloading app and bittorrent and gnutella networks suck12:44
jindiazthe dc i found thru adept sux as well12:44
jindiazi want the one that is similar to the windows GUI12:44
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jindiazi think this should be it12:44
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jindiazive never installed a .src file as of yet, only tars12:46
jindiazso i need help with this one12:46
jindiazand furthermosre is came as .src.zip12:46
patientfoxyou've lost me chief12:47
jindiazlol.  ok, basically, trying to install DCPlusPlus-0.689-src.zip12:48
jindiazso, how do i install that?12:48
kfarrelleek, omg. How do I browse my local network through KDE?12:48
patientfoxoh. ok... so its just source.. i thought it some package junk...12:49
jindiazno man12:49
jindiazjust source12:49
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jindiaznever done it b4 though12:49
patientfoxok.. unzip it and go into that directly12:49
patientfoxfrom the terminal12:49
patientfoxits too easy man12:49
patientfoxprovided it works and doesnt break12:49
jindiazok one sec, let me do that12:49
patientfoxdo you know if you have the dev tools installed? im not familiar with kubuntu really and what it installs by default12:49
Troy_McClureanyone in here get xgl/compiz set up for kubuntu?12:50
patientfoxdistros that doesnt install gcc and associated tools by default make baby jesus cry. remember that12:50
crimsunpeople who think that all distros should have C/C++ dev tools installed by default make jebus cry12:50
crimsunand for every such person, I will stab your cat once with a cluebat.12:51
jindiazummmmmmmmmm no12:51
jindiazbut who cares lets just go for it12:51
patientfoxwell i suppose the purpose of distros like kubuntu is to free people from the yolk of oppression that compiling from source and icky things like the terminal represent12:51
jindiazso i extracted it to a file on my desktop simply called DC12:51
crimsunI have no interest in discussing it; that's not my decision, nor would I care either way. I'm not beyond *gasp* installing it myself.12:52
jindiazhmmmm well i hope it just works12:52
patientfoxbut obviously as our man's situation shows right here... unless kubuntu has a binary package for what he's t rying to compile...12:52
patientfoxwell. arent you the clever one.12:52
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crimsunjust install kdebase-dev12:52
patientfoxsee, there ya go... thoughtful help from people who are familiar with kubuntu12:53
patientfoxthats what this chan is all about! cooperation and helpfulness and stuff12:53
jindiazerm... soooooooo whut am i supposed to do here?12:53
jindiazdidnt quite follwo that one12:53
patientfoxok unzip that file you dl'd12:53
patientfoxand go into in the terminal... are you familiar with how to do that?12:53
jindiazyup and yup12:54
crimsunit's just a C/C++ app, not a KDE one?12:54
jindiazyah it is, its not a kde app12:54
jindiazbut the kde one found on adept sucks12:55
patientfoxso you unzip'd the file or whatever... then go to the directory it should have in theory created12:55
patientfoxand maybe/maybe not there's a file in there called 'INSTALL' which should have decent instructions on how to build it from source12:55
patientfoxit ought to be something along the lines of:12:55
patientfoxmake install12:55
jindiazthats the thing, i tried folloeing those, but cant get past the /compile part12:55
patientfoxyou may need to use 'sudo make install' of course12:55
jindiazerm, configure i mean12:56
patientfoxwhat is the error msg?12:56
patientfoxi guess this channels has a pastebin, best to use that12:56
jindiazbash: /configure: No such file or directory12:56
patientfoxdo it like this: './configure'12:56
crimsunhe has to generate it from his svn checkout12:57
crimsungive me a second to check it out.12:57
jindiazooops, copied the wrong one12:57
jindiazyah i did that, nothing happend, same msg12:57
jindiazi changed the directory to my desktop though, which is where i save dit12:57
patientfoxok... lemme get the URL from where you DL'd this file from12:57
patientfoxok so you're in your desktop dir... on the terminal?12:58
jindiazand ok, let me grab it for yu12:58
patientfoxand the file you dl'd is on your desktop... have you unzip'd it?12:58
jindiazi extracted it to a folder i have called "DC" on my desktop12:59
patientfoxok.. go into the DC foldier12:59
jindiazandd what should i do now?01:00
patientfoxtype 'ls' and see if configure it in that directory...?01:00
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ricardohey guys how can i install my webcam?01:01
crimsun!info libstlport5-dev01:01
jindiazls in the terminal now?01:01
crimsun!info libstlport5-dev dapper01:01
ubotulibstlport5-dev: (STLport C++ class library), section universe/libdevel, is optional. Version: 5.0.0-1.1 (dapper), Packaged size: 667 kB, Installed size: 4336 kB01:02
crimsun!info libstlport4.6-dev01:02
ubotulibstlport4.6-dev: (STLport C++ class library), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 4.6.2-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 919 kB, Installed size: 5728 kB01:02
crimsunyou also need libstlport4.6-dev in breezy.01:02
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crimsunsheesh, this thing doesn't even build in dapper.01:03
jindiazwhich?  the dc thing im trying to install??01:03
crimsunyes, but you're in breezy.01:03
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jindiazyah tru.  man cant wait to see the dapper thing, but as downloading is immediatley pressing, i havew to get this done01:04
jindiazpatientfox has disappeared01:05
patientfoxno im here01:05
jindiazlol, whered yu go?  umm yah, ls didnt do anything01:05
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patientfoxthis is a touch out of my league... im still trying to get my fresh kubuntu install working... but ive got it unpacked here on my osx install... and the one you're trying to use is most likely the stlport?01:06
patientfoxi dont wanna sit here and give you useless advice01:06
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jindiazhmmmmm crappppppppppp01:06
jindiazthe thing is, im installing kubuntu as we speak on my mian pc, but i NEED dc, so i have to figure it out now01:07
jindiazim used to haveing a minimum of 100k downloads, and everything ewlse doesnt get me that speed01:07
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jindiazits windows to kubuntu, sooooooooo yah i need it desperately01:07
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jindiazok well ill ask again soon, if your around and figure smthing out id appreciate it, have to go do some hardware level changing of hd's forawhile01:09
jindiazthanks again though01:09
crimsunjindiaz: by default the tarball extracts with silly permissions01:09
jindiazo huh?01:09
jindiazits not a bz2 file01:09
jindiazits a .zip01:09
jindiazreally?  god damn this is confusing01:10
crimsunits build system is utter crap. It fails horribly to build.01:10
patientfoxhmm yeah well dont feel bad, my install keeps crashing when it tries to go into x01:10
patientfoxwell, locking up is more accurate01:11
patientfoxim wondering if there's some special voodoo i have to do for an SLI install... the x.org configurator detected my card(s) well enough.. hmm01:11
jindiazdamn it.... DAMMMMMMMMMMN.. but dc is the best downloading app as far as i knoe01:11
jindiazwhut do yu guys use?01:11
jindiazthat can guarentee like at least 100k connections, quality files, and stuff01:13
jindiazi share abt 60gb if that is of concern01:13
crimsunthat really belongs in #kubuntu-offtopic :)01:13
jindiazbut hey speaking of which01:14
jindiazhow do i add that channel to this app?01:14
jindiaznot experienced with it either01:14
jindiazyah im noob01:14
jindiazbut leanring01:14
jindiazis it just add to bookmarks?01:17
patientfoxgotta go01:17
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jindiazahhhhhhhh it is it is01:18
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SlimGi tried run sudo checkinstall inside ccd2iso folder but i got this error, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/660577, could anyone help me?01:34
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SlimGi tried to run sudo checkinstall inside ccd2iso folder but i got this error, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/660577, could anyone help me?01:44
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holotoneI'm browsing a DVD of mp3s that I made in Windows via Konquerer in KDE01:46
holotoneall the Bjork files throw an error when I'm trying to copy them on the drive, because of the uumlat over the O in bjork01:46
holotonecan I fix that01:46
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holotonemaybe something with character encoding?01:47
holotoneI listen to alot of experimental and foreign music, so this problem is going to pop up ALOT as I'm moving stuff off the discs onto my HDD01:47
holotoneand I'd like to avoid it all together.01:47
holotoneWin can manage to display "special" characters just fine, so I'm SURE linux can do it, I just don't know how.01:48
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SlimGi tried to run sudo checkinstall inside ccd2iso folder but i got this error, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/660577, could anyone help me?01:52
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nukyhi, i'm using skype on kubuntu 5.10, and i have a feeling that it's using me as a supernode, as i have 8 skype.bin connections in my netstat output.. does anyone know how i can confirm this or stop it?02:14
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wordHi....I'm having some trouble with mysql-server it can't find the mysqld.sock file...and well..i can't either. >< I tried reinstalling and it's the same.02:18
wordAnyone have any ideas on what could be wrong?02:20
LeeJunFanword: is the directory there?02:21
wordthe /var/run/mysqld/ directory is there but nothing in it02:21
LeeJunFanword: are you sure mysql is running? ie . ps xauw | grep mysql02:22
wordI know it's not running...Thats one of the problems just after install when it trys to start the mysql server it says it can't find the .sock file02:24
wordBy the way the only thing it showed when I did that ps xauw | grep mysql thing is the edit I made to the .cnf file putting in my ip02:25
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ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions02:27
wordLeeJunFan: Any idea what's wrong?02:28
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LeeJunFanword: not sure. I wonder if you start mysqld_safe by hand if it will give any useful error output?02:29
wordLeeJunFan: Just started and ended itself right away02:31
LeeJunFanword: perhaps removing and re-installing would help?02:32
wordLeeJunFan: This is what happens when I do mysqld_safe - http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/66067102:32
wordLeeJunFan: I've done that but I guess I'll try again02:32
LeeJunFanwhen you start it use sudo it needs to start as root so it can change to mysql user02:33
LeeJunFansudo mysqld_safe02:33
jindiazhey guys, how do i format an extended hard drive?02:34
tarmathjindiaz: extended hard drive... partition?02:35
wordLeeJunFan: Ok, and heres the error when i install - http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/66067502:35
jindiazthe whole thing.02:35
jindiazpreferably in fat format, or fat 3202:35
jindiazcan kde do that?02:35
jindiazor can it only format to linux format?02:36
tarmathjindiaz: use fdisk /dev/hdsomething02:36
wordLeeJunFan: Oh, and no change when I used sudo02:36
jindiazcrap, no gui huh?  damn, im not sure how to use fdisk02:36
LeeJunFanword: does syslog say anything useful?02:36
jindiazwhichj am going to be needing help with soon... cause theres going to be alot of that going on02:37
wordhow do I find it?02:37
wordnot sure what syslog is ><02:37
tarmathjindiaz: fdisk is very simple02:37
wordWell I know what it is..just not if it's a file or a command or something..02:37
LeeJunFanword: sudo less /var/log/syslog02:37
jindiazcurrently installing windows...  then kubuntu..  then formating my other hdsone at a time02:37
jindiazok, so launch it from terminal im assuming?02:38
jindiazjust type that fdisk command in???02:38
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jindiazand can it do fat and fat32 format?02:39
tarmathjindiaz: it can do almost everything, including fat02:39
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jindiazSWEET!  the reason is i will need it for temporary storage02:40
jindiazok, so from terminal then?02:40
tarmathjindiaz: you need to find what is the name of your hard drive02:40
jindiazyah its sda102:40
tarmathjindiaz: then fdisk /dev/sda102:40
jindiazor media:/sda1 if it has to be like that02:40
jindiazuhhhhh okkkkkkkkkkk02:41
LeeJunFanwoohoo! I just rammed my knee into my desk hard enough to move it! :)02:41
jindiazthat did nothing02:41
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tarmathjindiaz: ok, its somewhere else then02:41
jindiazwell no, it did display a msg02:42
tarmathtype mount02:42
jindiazYou will not be able to write the partition table.02:42
jindiazthen talks abt the cylinders02:42
jindiazand now im at command:02:42
jindiazo wait, ok so yah it did work then i guess02:42
jindiazmy bad02:43
tarmathyea but if you're not able to write to the partition table then you cant do squat02:43
tarmathyou need to unmount that drive first02:43
jindiazooo crap02:43
jindiazok so unmount it from the desktop then yah?02:43
=== frozenBit [n=felipe@201-69-20-129.dial-up.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu
tarmathquit fdisk02:44
tarmaththen type mount02:44
jindiazok cool02:44
tarmathand type umount the_drive_filename02:44
tarmathbtw, you should put sudo in front of all commands im telling you02:45
jindiazo, so sudo mount?02:45
wordLeeJunFan: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/660685 that's the jist of the errors02:45
jindiazok, so unmount sda1?02:46
tarmathnah for mount you dont need it02:46
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tarmathbut you will for fdisk and umount02:46
jindiazlol, yah i got the same msg02:46
jindiazok so sudo unmount sda1?02:47
LeeJunFanword: user.MYI can't be opened, check to see if you have /var/lib/mysql and that it and the files in it are owned by mysql.02:47
LeeJunFanword: ls -l /var/lib/mysql02:47
tarmathjindiaz: the full path, and please write my nick when you're talking to me, it helps me keep track...02:48
jindiazlol cool, sorry02:49
LeeJunFanword: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/66069102:49
jindiaztarmath, sudo unmount /dev/sda1 ?02:50
tarmathjindiaz: its ok... if you use konversation, you can use auto completion with the tab, you've probably also noticed that when i put your nick in fron of the line, it appears with a different color, which is convenient...02:50
tarmathjindiaz: yes02:50
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word-rw-rw----  1 mysql mysql   2048 2006-04-12 18:47 user.MYI02:51
wordLeeJunFan: so it's there02:51
jindiazsudo: unmount: command not found02:51
jindiaztarmath.  i dont know how to do that man, always wondered though.  lol.  and got this msg.02:51
tarmathjindiaz: its umount, not unmount02:52
jindiazooooooooo ok02:52
LeeJunFanword: hrm, dunno. Perhaps try removing it with --purge ie. apt-get remove --purge [package]  which will remove any config files as well which might be broken.02:52
wordHow could I just completely eliminate everything left behind by previous installs? That's basically what I need....haha! great minds think alike :P02:52
jindiaztarmath:  ermm it didnt do anything, just brought me right back to the command prompt line02:53
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wordLeeJunFan: Thanks for your help hopefully this will solve the probelm02:53
sirdannyalguien habla espaol02:53
LeeJunFanword: hopefully. :)02:53
wordsirdanny: no hablo mucho espanol :-/02:54
wordsirdanny: Que quiere?02:54
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:54
tarmathjindiaz: which is perfect, means it successfuly completed02:54
jindiaztarmath:  lol, o, ok sweet then02:54
tarmathjindiaz: if you type mount again you should see that the entry for sda1 has diseapeared02:55
jindiaztarmath: yup, tis gone02:55
tarmathjindiaz: sudo fdisk /dev/sda102:55
jindiazcool, it says the same thing, but without the i cant write to the disk thing02:56
wordLeeJunFan: Still the same error...I'm going to try to remove all of the dependencies of mysql-server that aren't needed by other programs with --purge...02:56
jindiaztarmath:  and at the command: line again02:56
tarmathjindiaz: because of sudo... type m for the menu, p to print the partitions on the disk02:56
LeeJunFanword: maybe try apt-get -f install to fix any deps that might be missing now.02:57
LeeJunFanno package needed. just apt-get -f install02:57
jindiaztarmath: ok, and so whut should i do now?02:57
tarmathjindiaz: do you want to wipe out whats currently on the drive^02:58
jindiazeverything, total format into fat32 format02:58
wordLeeJunFan: Nope, aren't ay02:58
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tarmathjindiaz: how many partitions are shown when you type p02:59
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jindiaztarmath:  402:59
tarmathjindiaz: you want to wipe all of them?02:59
jindiazall of them, yah, to have one sinbngle drive.  theres so many partitions because it was previously my main disk with windows03:00
jindiazunless for some reason i would need them03:00
jindiazit is becoming a purely external drive from henceforth03:01
jindiazand need to maximize all the sapce03:01
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jindiazand before all thos points, tarmeth:03:01
tarmathjindiaz: ok, then its very easy, you should just follow what you think you should do, type m for menu and see your options, if you arent sure you can confirm with me, you can mess around nothing anything you want, fdisk will not touch your drive until you  tell it to03:01
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jindiazermm.... MATH03:01
jindiazok cool, i need to learn so ill give it a go03:02
tarmathjindiaz: just dont type w as a command, it will write your new partition and exit... anything else you can do03:02
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jindiaztarmath, so im guessing go with d 4 times, then with o, and in there will be options?03:03
jindiaztarmath: to format it to a filesystem type like fat32 and so on03:04
tarmathjindiaz: not o, n03:04
jindiaztarmath:  oooooooo ok ok, ic.  makes sense. and in there will be options03:05
jindiazok let me see here03:05
tarmathjindiaz: the partition type you are looking for in the list (command l) is 'c'03:05
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jindiaztarmath:  uh oh.....03:07
tarmathjindiaz: done?03:08
jindiaztarmath: ummmmmmm ok, so let me get this straight, i deleted the 4 partitions, then i used the creating partition command, and gave me the choice right of either p or e03:08
jindiazbut when i choose p, it says partition (1-4) still03:09
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jindiaztarmath:  and yah i checked to see if they were deleted with the p command, and nothing came up when i used it, like under the headings03:09
tarmathjindiaz: pick 103:09
jindiaztarmath:  ok, picked one, its asking me First cylinder (1-19928, default 1):03:10
tarmathjindiaz: if you want that partition to take up the whole disk, then you want it to go from the first cylinder up to the last03:11
jindiazso i should type 19928 yes?03:11
tarmathjindiaz: no, its the first cylinder here, 1 is fine03:11
tarmathjindiaz: next step is the last cylinder03:11
tarmathjindiaz: if you dont type anything, the default is used03:12
jindiaztarmath: ooooooooo ok ok, i see.  wow i so would have messed that up03:12
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jindiaztarmath:  cool, done that, but the formating thing, i dont see just a c format for hat3203:13
tarmathtype p03:13
jindiazyup its there03:13
jindiazits all good03:13
tarmathjindiaz: you ve created the new partition as you can see, but it's not fat3203:13
tarmathjindiaz: so you need to change it's type03:14
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tarmathjindiaz:  type t03:14
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tarmathjindiaz: to change the partition's type, then 'c' for windows 95 fat32 (lba)03:14
jindiazAHHHHHHHHH ic ic, i didnt see that...03:15
jindiazmy god i need glasses or something... lol03:15
tarmathjindiaz: and when you're done, you cancontemplate your new partition table once more with p and write the changes with w,, and you're done03:15
jindiazhey thanks a million man, really appreciate that.03:17
jindiazim going to have to do that alot very very soon tonight03:17
jindiaz3 more times actually03:17
tRSSquick question: i have curl, wget, sed installated and using pipes, i want to be able to download pdf files from a few sites. these sites have documentations (as pdfs) of our company. instead of downloading each and every document individually, i just want to harness the power of linux to make my work easier, so need some help from you folks!03:18
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jindiazhey is there a way to save these converstaions?03:21
jindiazcopy and paste doesnt work03:21
Hobbseejindiaz: what client are you using?03:21
=== Hobbsee wonders who turned off the ctcp version function...
Hobbseejindiaz: it logs by default - see ~/.kde/share/apps/konversation/logs03:22
jindiazNO WAY!! serious!  ok i have to check that out03:22
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Hobbseejindiaz: hehe03:23
jindiazermmmm... noooooooo03:23
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jindiazits not there man, its a log, but no like conversation history03:23
Hobbseewell, what were you asking for?03:24
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Hobbseearent they the same thing?03:24
CheeseBurgerManUm, logs are conversation histories....they're the history of your conversations...03:24
jindiazno no, see with those it just says all that random stuff when yu come in, whut i want ios all the conversation03:24
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HobbseeVIrus: why the odd name?03:25
jindiazooooooooo my bad, my bad, opened the wrong file03:26
Hobbseejindiaz: hehe :P03:26
jindiazyup its all there03:26
Hobbseecool :)03:26
jindiazswet, thanks man.03:26
wordwhen you install from a tarball will it normally act as an upgrade?03:26
wordif you have a previous install03:26
Hobbseei was getting slightly worried there, seeing as i use konv, and my logs work properly...03:26
Hobbseeword: ah, if the version is later, yeah...03:27
jindiazhey do yu knoe abt dual booting??03:27
jindiazlike relatively well03:27
Hobbseejindiaz: sure, and tripple booting03:27
wordHobbsee: Ok, thanks sorry just not used to things making sense ;p03:27
jindiazok, thats just crazy man03:27
Hobbseejindiaz: XP, kubuntu breezy, kubuntu dapper...03:28
Hobbseedidnt make sense to be stuck on XP while dapper was so unstable (ie, no X or whatever)03:28
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Hobbseei got rid of breezy in january though...03:28
tarmathHobbsee: which version of x is dapper using?03:28
jindiazbut whut i have to do, on a 200gb hd, im installing xp right now, gunna update and all that crap, then installing kubuntu after that, and only need xp to have like 60gb of space, its only for games, everything elsse is kubuntu03:28
Search4Lanceris there something quick and easy I can use to replace multiple lines of text with multiple lines of text in a large number of seperate files? Kate can only do one file at a time, and doesn't seem to be able to correctly handle multiple lines of text (and by that I mean it can't at all)03:28
jindiazdamn, yu have dapper running already? nice man03:29
Hobbseetarmath: got no idea...03:29
tarmathHobbsee: but you're on it right now?03:29
Hobbseetarmath: yes03:29
jindiazthats why i have to format and move all the data around on my other 3 hds, so 4 in total...03:30
jindiazmannnnnnn got alot to do03:30
jindiazbut yah, thats my next brick wall03:30
CheeseBurgerManjindiaz: It helps if you have a separate /home partition.03:30
jindiazi mean ive read abt it and stuff, but its never that easy03:30
tarmathHobbsee: can you look for me then :)03:30
Hobbseetarmath: does version 11 sound right, of xserver?03:30
Hobbseetarmath: got a place to look?03:30
tarmathHobbsee: no its been x11r6 for 10 years i think...03:31
Hobbseeah ok03:31
tarmathHobbsee: head /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:31
jindiazCheese:  what do you mean, a seperate home?  i thought it was install xp, then reboot with KDE, and install and designate space03:31
CheeseBurgerManWell, it helps when you switch versions of Linux a lot.03:32
tarmathHobbsee: look for a line like this one... X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 6.8.203:32
Hobbseetarmath: in what?  xorg.conf?03:32
tarmathHobbsee: the line I typed you up there... head /var/log/Xorg.0.log03:33
jindiazoooooooo no no, i wont be doing that, im not that involved yet to be doing that, i really like kubuntu, so im pretty happy with that.  and the pc i do switch with is the pc im on right now, which is my downgrade pc03:33
Hobbseeah yeah...03:33
HobbseeX Window System Version 7.0.003:33
HobbseeRelease Date: 21 December 200503:33
HobbseeX Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.003:33
tarmathohh sweet release 703:33
tarmathbring that goodness over!03:34
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Hobbseejindiaz: in the installer, you have the option for a manual partition, so you can create a separate /home partition tehre03:34
jindiazok, theres one thing i need to get down like right now, how the hell do yu guys do that thing where it does the name for yu and its in different colors03:35
Search4LancerConfigure Konversation03:36
jindiazyu guys do it so fast somehow.. i have no idea how that happens03:36
jindiazo, ok03:36
jindiazanddd, next?03:37
tarmathjindiaz: its there by default man, just start typing the name of the guy and press tab, it will auto complete03:37
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Search4Lancerthen go to notifications03:37
Search4Lancerand highlight03:37
Search4Lancerand check the box that says "always highlight currently used nick" or whatever it says03:37
Search4Lancerand pick a color, I use red03:38
tarmathi didnt need to do any of that... it was on by default03:38
Search4Lancermeh I'm just guessing at what the actual question is, really03:38
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Search4Lancerso.... anybody been thinking about my question a few minutes ago?03:38
jindiaztarmath: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO03:39
jindiazthats sick!03:39
jindiazthanks guys03:39
tarmathSearch4Lancer: sed? vim?03:39
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=== Search4Lancer is confused as hell about sed
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dipnlikis there a way to disable global shortcuts in order to enter new multi-key shortcuts? i have alt+',[1-5]  to rate songs in amarok, now i want to add alt+',spacebar to play/pause, but when i type alt+' in the config i get the rating menu and can't set the shortcut03:55
Hobbseedipnlik: yeah, see in kcontrol, keyboard shortcuts (use the search function), and reassign the offending one...03:56
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dipnlikHobbsee: can't find amarok related shortcuts in kcontrol :S04:02
Hobbseedipnlik: ah, you want the ones for amarok.  configure, global shortcuts or something04:03
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dipnlikHobbsee: yeah, i know that. the problem is, i assigned some multikey shortcuts, now i want to add more04:04
dipnlikHobbsee: but when i try to add more, i can't type the complete shortcut in the configs because kde "interprets" the first part of the shortcuts before i can configure the second part04:05
Hobbseedipnlik: then you probably need to disable the alt+ bit temporarily, add all the others, then put in the alt+ bit again, if that makes sne04:06
dipnlikHobbsee: i wanted to avoid that :P04:07
dipnlikok, thanks anyway :)04:07
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ep have onboard sound (AC97), sound mixing doesn't work, I can only play sound in one app.  It seems like "newer" hardware should support hardware mixing. Is there a faq or howto for this?04:10
ubotu[sound]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary04:11
Hobbseeep: check that you're using alsa, not oss, in system settings, sound, engines...04:11
epcheck start at boot right?04:14
Hobbseeyou can check now...04:16
epi don't think that worked, I'll restart it and try again04:16
viatorlook for a dude name crimson over in the ubuntu or ubuntu+1 channel04:18
Search4Lancerhe's good, helped me with my sound04:18
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epok in system setting admin mode , alsa and/or alsa-util will not start, also i rebooted with start at boot checked and i still get a "not running" status.04:27
epSince i rebooted i need those urls for sound mixing in ubuntu again please :)  !sound04:28
ubotuI heard sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary04:29
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kingpombakubuntu is giving me alot of greif...04:54
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elijahlofgrenkingpomba: What problems are you having?04:55
kingpombaalot of processes freeze and i only can move the mouse around :/04:55
kingpombai've   restarted atleast 10 times in the past 2 hours, i just installed it too...04:56
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Man, that's annoying. I haven't had that problem. What's your CPU speed?04:56
kingpombaevery time i try to get something done it screws me over X_X04:56
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Hmm. A GZ faster than mine... So can you click on stuff?04:57
kingpombawell now i can obviously but when it freezes up...04:57
tarmathkingpomba: breezy or dapper?04:57
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tarmathkingpomba: and everything is updated?04:57
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: amd64?04:57
kingpombai try to then the process freezes04:58
kingpombaintel p404:58
kingpombaill try again if i leave you know why04:58
kingpombaso far so good04:59
tarmatherm, i dont know honestly, is it really anything that you do or is there any similarity in what you're doing that could give us an hint on whats going wrong04:59
kingpombaif launching a process counts as a similarity then no :/05:00
tarmathkingpomba:  do you restart because everything freezes or just the program you're using freezes05:00
kingpombaadept updater seems fine this time05:00
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Which programs freeze? All or just some?05:01
kingpombawell tarmath the program freezes then i can't click the menu or close it , i can only move the cursor around05:02
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Which program?05:02
kingpombaahh want a list05:02
tarmathkingpompa: when this happens, alt-f2 then type xkill and aim the cursor at the program's window05:03
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kingpombakonqueror , adept updater ,even konversation froze before elijahlofgren05:03
kingpombaadept updater seems fine now05:04
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kingpombaso does konversation05:04
PaulThello... need some help05:04
tarmathkingpomba: if it happens again, type ctrl-alt-f1, log in the console and run top or ps aux and see which process is using all the computer or seomthing...05:04
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Hmm... Maybe it would be worth trying dapper? (I'm using dapper and don't experiance these freezes you're having)05:05
tarmathkingpomba: in fact, try doing it now to be sure you know how...05:05
tb77hi all, just installed dapper got an adept wont start get an "Could Not Open Cache"  error. Any ideas?05:05
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PaulTi am having trouble setting up my wireless network card... i cant seem to access the admin05:05
CheeseBurgerMantb77: Learn to use the apt from the console. :P05:06
elijahlofgrentb77: I actually don't use adapt. I've found I like synaptic better.05:06
CheeseBurgerManPaulT: What have you done so far05:06
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tb77CheeseBurgerMan: thanks i know apt, just wanted to figure out this error05:07
CheeseBurgerManI just don't have any ideas, and was presenting an alternative. ;)05:08
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PaulTwell, i just installed the kubuntu and i have put in the network card, i went to the network settings and i can see that the eth0 is there, but i cant modify it unless i click the administrator mode, but there is no button there for it05:08
CheeseBurgerMantry maximizing it - I've noticed that problem too05:08
PaulTi did maximize it and i cant see it even then, could you maybe walk me through it in the console?05:09
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PaulTor terminal05:09
CheeseBurgerManAh, OK05:10
CheeseBurgerManrun 'kdesu kcontrol'05:10
PaulTyou are the man... cheeseburgerman that is... thanks05:11
PaulTi will have to remember that05:11
CheeseBurgerMankdesu is how you run gui apps as root05:11
CheeseBurgerMansudo is for console commands05:11
PaulTthanks man05:12
CheeseBurgerManYou're welcome05:12
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PaulTanother thing now05:13
CheeseBurgerManWhich is?05:14
PaulTi try to enable the interface and it briefly enables it but then disables again, any clue?05:14
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CheeseBurgerManCheck the gateway settings05:14
CheeseBurgerManAssuming  you use one05:14
PaulTuhm.. those are?05:14
CheeseBurgerManOn the routes tab05:15
CheeseBurgerManBy default (if you have a linksys router) it's
PaulTi have a dlink...
CheeseBurgerManOK, try that05:16
nukydoes anyone here know how to use vnc? i managed to get connected to antoher pc, but i'm can't see the same desktop as them.. as in X creates another screen.. so we aren't really sharing a desktop05:16
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PaulTdidnt make a difference05:19
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CheeseBurgerManDid you configure it to use your essid and, if you need it, dhcp?05:20
PaulTcheese... it was easier to set up the card in ubuntu05:20
CheeseBurgerManI've setup mine in Kubuntu before05:20
elijahlofgrennuky: Check out krfb05:20
httpdssPaulT: what does /etc/network/interfaces say ??05:21
PaulThow do i read that... new to unix05:23
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CheeseBurgerManvi works05:23
httpdsscat /etc/network/interfaces05:24
elijahlofgrenPaulT: I prefer nano for editing system config files.05:24
CheeseBurgerManI prefer vi. :P05:24
PaulTit opened a new file05:24
httpdssyou dont need to open it .. just CAT it05:26
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elijahlofgrenPaulT: /etc/network/interfaces shouldn't be empty. Maybe no networking is set up?05:26
PaulTwhat should i look for... it opened05:26
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httpdsspaste it on the bin05:27
lancellor should i install ubuntu and upgrade to the dapper or wait until dapper comes out05:27
lancellorhi you all05:27
CheeseBurgerManwait for dapper05:27
PaulTwell, it is on the laptop05:27
PaulTi see05:27
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PaulTiface eth0 inet dhcp... there is nothing under it05:28
httpdssand iface wlan0 inet dhcp ?? anything ??05:28
lancellor thanks i already using kubuntu but i wanted to upgrade but a thing=k i wiil do a clean install with dapper when it comes out thanks...05:28
PaulTbut there is stuff under iface ra0 inet dhcp05:28
httpdssoohh there .. what does it say05:29
PaulTwireless-essid Paul's Network and under that... wireless-key s:**********05:30
httpdsslooks fine  ...05:30
PaulTbut that is under ra0... not under eth0, which is the wireless card05:31
httpdssclose the file and try to see if you can "see" the AP .. sudo iwlist scan05:31
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PaulTa bunch of stuff came up05:32
httpdssyour wifi is under ra0 ... it would be really wierd to have it on eth005:32
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PaulTyou know what... i am a moron...05:33
PaulTi was enabling the wrong device05:33
Search4Lancerwtg moron05:33
PaulTsorry for wasting your time... but i learned a few more things05:33
CheeseBurgerManThen it was worth it. :)05:34
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PaulThow can i enable the device... the lights are on but it still says that it is disabled05:35
httpdsssudo ifup ra005:36
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PaulTlemme see05:36
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PaulTit says that the device is already configured05:38
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httpdsssudo ifdown ra0    (and then)  sudo ifup ra005:39
PaulTdoing a bunch of stuff05:41
httpdssworked ??05:42
PaulTDHCPDISCOVER on ra0 to on port 67 interval 6... and the interval changed 4 times05:42
httpdssand it goes on and on ??05:43
PaulTthen... No DHCPDISCOVER recieved05:43
pipHello! I need help05:43
elijahlofgrenpip: Post your problem. ;)05:44
httpdsscan you see your access point when you do: sudo iwlist scan ??05:45
pipI am connecting to another computer which in on Windows XP in my gruop here with gFTP. Can I transfer data from his?05:45
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PaulTCell 01- Address... on and on05:46
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kingpombaahh yeah now another problem05:47
kingpombamy desktop is pink...pure pink05:47
pipelijahlofgren: I am connecting to another computer which in on Windows XP in my gruop here with gFTP. Can I transfer data from his?05:47
kingpombaand parts of adept updater are pink :/05:47
elijahlofgrenpip: I would think you would want to use smb://Computername instead to do windows networking. Unless  the Windows XP PC is running a FTP server.05:47
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elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Did you change the KDE Color scheme? Is every KDE app pink?05:48
kingpombadid'ent change anything05:48
kingpombanot every app05:48
pipelijahlofgren: yeah,it is running a FTP server.I want to ask if I can get data from him.05:48
kingpombairc is'ent05:49
kingpombaexcept for the scroll bar...05:49
httpdsspip: yes just connect to it ..05:49
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Weird. Maybe try logging in and out.05:49
httpdsspip: why are you using gFTP if you are using kde ??05:49
pipelijahlofgren: I tried once. Last time I sent data to him,but now I wanna get data from him ,but failed. why?05:50
PaulThttpdss: did you see the last thing05:50
PaulTCell 01- Address... on and on05:50
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: I prefer update-manager to Adept updater. It's GTK, but its cool how it download changelogs.05:50
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httpdssPaulT: yup just thinkin what could be wrong .. start from cero .. restart pc05:51
kingpombamesa is the linux open gl librarys right?05:52
pipelijahlofgren: Error:When trying to transfer files ,the remote host disconnected05:52
elijahlofgrenpip: You could try using Konqueror instead. Just enter ftp://servername05:53
pipelijahlofgren: OK! thank you!05:55
kingpombawhat do you recommend for burning dvd iso's05:56
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: I use K3B05:56
kingpombatoo much pink every...05:56
kingpombawth is going on05:57
kingpomba119 updates05:58
kingpombaim going afk then bbs05:58
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: I've got 177 updates waiting.05:58
kingpombaim just updating my stock install05:59
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: But I may wait until Dapper is released so I don't have to download so much.05:59
kingpombafrom about 2 hours ago i installed it05:59
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Dapper or Breezy?05:59
PaulThttpdss: i got it restarted05:59
kingpombabeen a less than present expirence i must say, with all the program freezes and the pink06:00
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: I'm on Dapper. I like Dapper, it has Firefox 1.5 and seems to work better than Breezy for me.06:00
kingpombahopfuly once its updated everything will be fine..06:00
kingpombawell i would download it if breezy held out when i tryed to do anything06:01
elijahlofgrenkingpomba: Hopefully you're problems get fixed. Sorry I haven't really been able to help. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.06:01
httpdssPaulT: did it get an address from DHCP ?06:03
PaulTwhat is the command again06:04
httpdssiwconfig ra006:05
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httpdsssee if you have an ip assigned06:06
PaulTsays access point... where would the ip addy be?06:07
PaulTdamn thing... still wont enable06:09
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PaulTit seems like it is connected, but there is nothing coming through06:11
lancellorgood night everyone thanks for help.....06:12
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PaulThave any idea http?06:15
kingpomba /me wonders if the au. kubuntu update archive is actually in his country06:17
kingpombano /me?06:17
PaulTaight guys... got to go to bed. thanks for the help... night06:18
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kingpombaonly 14:18 here :)06:18
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Firztspawnheya.. I have some noob questions of someone who has some time..07:09
Smeggyi might be able to help07:10
FirztspawnKubuntu uses sudo.. correct, does this ever use a password?07:10
Smeggyyou use your first regular accounts password to sudo for root priviledges07:10
Firztspawnis there a way to stop the default.. and need to use a root password all the time?07:11
Smeggyyes there is07:11
Firztspawneasy to do?07:11
Smeggyyup, just use sudo on the passwd command07:11
Smeggye.g. sudo passwd root07:11
Smeggyand set a root password :)07:12
Firztspawnthe reason I ask is that I have a mate wanting to set up a computer training thing with kids07:12
FirztspawnI suggested screw windows, use Linux07:12
Firztspawnbut I need an easy to install distro (I use Gentoo by default.. not easy to install)07:13
Firztspawnbut I cant have the users being able to just type 'sudo' and having root access07:13
Smeggyonly the first user is able to do that by default07:14
Smeggyyou can add other users to be able to but thats not the default07:14
Firztspawnfirst user being the person who sets it up?07:14
Smeggyso if that was your friends account he could then make an account for the kids to use which wouldnt be able to use sudo to get root07:14
Firztspawnincidentally, I think I will be admin, my mate doesnt know Linux much07:15
Firztspawnnext question..07:15
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Firztspawnhow good/sad is apt-get?07:15
FirztspawnI hated it in FC3 coz it didnt find half the deps07:16
Smeggythe one FC uses is for rpms07:16
Smeggyapt-get on a debian base is very powerful07:16
Firztspawnso itcompiles like portage/07:16
Smeggythe dependency resolution is as good as portage if not better but overall it's probably less powerful but more reliable07:16
Smeggyit can fetch source packages, but it uses binaries ordinarily07:17
Firztspawnso its judt the download time and short install time (a la pacman?)07:17
Firztspawnfinal question, I have Ubuntu, but dont really like Gnome, can I change it to KDE?07:19
Firztspawnor is it easier to just download Kubuntu?07:19
Smeggyits easy to get kde07:19
Smeggyjust apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:19
Firztspawnfinal question..where can I find a list of what apps I can get for Kubuntu (like php, games etc)07:20
Smeggyyou can find the package database at http://packages.ubuntu.com i07:21
Firztspawnok thanx for the help :)07:21
Smeggythe packages apply for ubuntu and kubuntu fyi07:22
Smeggythey share the same repository07:22
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FirztspawnSmeggy: just one final thing...07:25
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Firztspawncan (K)ubuntu update on the fly? a la Gentoo07:25
Firztspawnrather than download a new version every six months, can I just updqat packages?07:26
Smeggyjust point your apt sources to the latest tree (currently dapper) and apt-get dist-upgrade07:26
Firztspawnso I can start off with a Breezy system and say 6 months down the track (just through upgrades of base system files) have a dapper system? correct?07:27
Smeggycorrect :)07:27
Firztspawnok sweet07:27
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sledgeFirztspawn: You might run into some problems when you have installed unsanctioned packages like ATI's proprietary display driver07:32
Firztspawnsledge: I will try and avoid ati cards lol07:32
Firztspawnincidentally I will be building the comps too I think ;p07:32
Smeggyuse nvidia cards then :)07:33
sledgeI'm stuck w/ mine ;(07:33
Smeggyive had no trouble updating the drivers automatically on my nvidia system through several different kubuntu incarnations :)07:33
FirztspawnI use nvidia on this, ATi I have heard a lot of sad stories about (Linux wise)07:33
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StarZenDis there anyone in here with bluetooth experience?07:41
StarZenDthe bluetooth client doesnt bring up a window or offer any way to enter an authorisation code for pairing of devices07:42
StarZenDwhat can i do about this?07:42
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Massacrationhi everyonde07:46
Massacrationcould anybody point me all the video codecs07:47
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Massacrationcould anybody point me all the video codecs07:49
StarZenDdoes https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats#head-a57167a3ce442dc52d9b05e46a14503330d4e970 help?07:49
StarZenD0.o where did the rest of that come from?07:50
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_jakewhy am i getting such bad bit torrent speeds on linux...08:57
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kingpombais there something i have to configure? i just install kubuntu a few hours back08:58
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kingpombai've used several diffent clients and try to download several diffrent distro's08:59
kingpombayet i still get bad BT speed :/08:59
laszlokkingpomba: are you sure you're not behind a firewall or something?09:02
kingpombain windows i got almost full speed with aezerus , now i get 0 ( or 2 kb for that matter but im sure it's false )09:03
kingpombatryed with ktorrent as well09:03
kingpombaits a fresh install so i don't know whats wrong09:04
kingpombai get almost full speed from http09:05
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kingpombaso i have no idea whats going on09:07
kingpombathis distro sucks.. first the random freezes , then the color problems now this ... other distros are fine09:10
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uniq /names10:12
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gourdinApr 15 11:35:42 archon kernel: [4297572.802000]  NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out11:41
gourdinApr 15 11:35:42 archon kernel: [4297572.802000]  sky2 hardware hung? flushing11:41
gourdinit happens frequently11:41
gourdinmarvell tech 10/100 on an intel duo laptop11:41
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AljoshaNLhello how can I connect to my exchange maps using KMail?12:12
AljoshaNLWhen I use IMAP i cant enter slashes12:13
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Tonio_AljoshaNL: what do you call "map" ?12:14
Tonio_here is the way I use it with exchange :12:14
Tonio_mails with imap, contacts with ldap on active directory, and calendar with the http component (requires OWA to be activated)12:15
Tonio_there is no solution for public folders as far as I know12:15
AljoshaNLOK thanks, but I cant enter slashes into the host textbox really strange12:15
Tonio_and I don't have your problem with imap, slashes12:16
Tonio_should have anything to do....12:16
Tonio_I mean imap is only about "getting mails"12:16
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Tonio_nothing to do with writing/sending mails, which is still smtp12:16
Tonio_I don't understand on that point12:17
Tonio_AljoshaNL: are you sure this is related to the usage of imap globaly ?12:17
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AljoshaNLno. i just read on the dutch irc that exchange cannot be used the way i need it with kmail12:17
AljoshaNLi think im submitting a bug12:17
Tonio_AljoshaNL: the best way to use exchange is still evolution12:18
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Tonio_kmail isn't as good as evolution is for exchange12:18
AljoshaNLTonio_:thanks for info12:19
Tonio_AljoshaNL: no pb ;)12:19
Tonio_AljoshaNL: evolution ises a full featured component that makes usage of OWA, that way, it avoids compatibility problems, as everything is done with http12:19
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Tonio_slow-motion: hey12:22
slow-motionhi Tonio_12:24
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inc|freakyhi all. is there any wlan client with which i can manage different locations. one location WPA one location WEP?12:35
kmoninc|freaky: KnetworkManager which is in dapper12:36
inc|freakyi dont have dapper12:36
inc|freakyshould i upgrade to dapper?12:36
kmonI would first try the beta cd12:37
kmonwhich will be out next week12:37
kmonIf you don't find any regressions...12:37
inc|freakycan i compile that knetworkmanager from source?12:37
kmonthen I would backup everything12:37
kmondon't know12:37
kmonI don't know if it will compile on breezy12:37
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inc|freakykmon: ok. i can try. where can i find the source?12:39
kmonin kde svn12:39
inc|freakyi can see it here: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kdereview/knetworkmanager/ but i dont know how to retrieve that directory?12:39
kmonI'm not the best person to ask on how to build that from source :(12:39
kmonyou'll also need network manager12:40
kmonknetworkmanager is only a front end12:40
inc|freakyok, network-manager is in breezy, too12:40
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inc|freakykmon: can you tell me where the actual testing-CD for kubuntu is?12:47
kmonone second please12:48
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inc|freakyoki :)12:48
kmoninc|freaky: http://cdimage.ubuntulinux.org/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-6/ <--- This is the current testing one, but next week the team will release the beta cd12:49
inc|freakythankyou :D12:50
inc|freakyyea, i just cant wait lol12:50
kmonremember to backup everything if you upgrade, and report bugs you may encounter ;)12:51
Terminusspeaking of bugs, i'm not alone with adept crashing right? :)12:52
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noaXesshi all.12:54
noaXesswhat about support m4p/mp4 format in kubuntu?12:55
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AljoshaNLi cant even figure out how to play mp0312:57
noaXessAljoshaNL: there is one package to install.. but i don't remember..12:58
AljoshaNLdoesnt work12:58
noaXessi try to remember..12:59
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noaXessAljoshaNL: isn't it that package? gstreamer0.8-plugin-apps ?01:02
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TerminusAljoshaNL: for amarok? libxine-extracodecs?01:03
noaXessi think gstreamer0.8-plugin-mpeg2dec01:05
noaXesswithout plugin01:05
noaXessno..not really..01:06
noaXesssorry... i don't remember01:07
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machi.. I upgraded from breezy to dapper (via apt-get dist upgrade) and my kde doesnt show applications in the taskbar now.. What can I do?01:10
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AljoshaNLno doesnt wrk01:11
macFixed it, nm01:11
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macI am having trouble with outputting mp3.. I installed gstreamer, xmms, amarok.. I think I am missing some alsa libaries or so.. It all worked in Breezy.. what can I do?01:27
Terminusmac: which media player are you trying to use?01:29
macTerminus: currently, amaroK (the new beta announced on kubuntu.org)01:30
macI have gstreamer installed, and selected as engine01:30
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Terminusmac: for amarok, you need libxine-extracodecs.01:30
macOutput plugin is "alsasink"01:30
maclibxine-extracodecs is already the newest version.01:30
macAlready installed01:30
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Terminusmac: i don't think i have any idea. libxine-extracodecs alone here worked. :|01:31
macOk, thanks. Ill try to find some guides how to setup mp3 on (k)ubuntu dapper01:32
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flaccidwhere are the min requirements for kubuntu?01:39
Tonio_flaccid: I would say 1 gig proco and maybe 256 ram01:40
Tonio_512 to be comfortable01:40
Tonio_flaccid: arround the same than for winxp01:40
flaccidis there an official document?01:40
Tonio_flaccid: don't think so, but that's my experience ;)01:41
flaccidi wanna see if i can get it to go on a g3 333 imac 32mb ram01:41
Tonio_with less than 256 MB of ram, I would suggest xubuntu01:41
Tonio_flaccid: it will install01:41
Tonio_flaccid: but it'll be a nightmare01:41
flaccidthats xfce?01:42
Tonio_flaccid: yup01:42
flaccidneed to find some so dimm ram01:42
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fujiWhen i click a avi file in konqueror i get this error: "Can't init Audio Driver 'alsasink' - trying another one...". I used to have a browser for kubuntu that would play the avi streams straight away... help me please01:42
Tonio_I tried once kubuntu with 128 mb, it was hard to use, cause system was spending it's time swapping01:43
jpatrickTonio_: what i suffered on my old computer01:43
fujihelp me plz i am n00b01:43
Tonio_jpatrick: yup, kde is nice, but not very "lightweigth" ;)01:43
jpatrickfuji: are you on Dapper?01:43
Tonio_fuji: did it previously work ?01:43
Tonio_fuji: which version plz ?01:44
fujii just reinstalled kubuntu again01:44
jpatrickflaccid: what?01:44
Tonio_breezy or dapper ?01:44
fujiits the default kubuntu package of kobqueror01:44
Tonio_fuji: first, konqueror isn't a videoplayer01:45
fujijust kubuntu i downloaded the install cd 25 october of 200501:45
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Tonio_fuji: that doesn't give us the version........ probably breezy but I can't we sure01:45
Tonio_can be hoary too01:45
fujithats all the info that i know01:45
jpatrickfuji: do "lsb_release -r" in the konsole01:45
fujihow do i install a new package again01:45
Tonio_fuji what is the numbered version on the left side of the kmenu ?01:46
Tonio_5.04 or 5.10 ?01:46
jpatrickfuji: or even better "lsb_release -a"01:46
Tonio_jpatrick: assume he doesn't know how to go in the shell.....01:46
jpatrickTonio_: ok, good point01:47
fuji5.10 is the version btw01:47
jpatrickfuji: K-Menu -> System -> Konsole01:47
Tonio_jpatrick: I know n00bs limits cause I work with them all day ;)01:47
jpatrickTonio_: same here01:47
Tonio_fuji: right01:47
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Tonio_fuji, first update your system, that's the first thing to do01:48
fujioh noes01:48
Tonio_fuji: to perform that, use the application called "adept"01:48
Tonio_then click "fetch updates", and "full upgrade", and "apply changes"01:48
fujii just want to watch this docu in a webbrowser i just to click the media b4 and it started to play01:48
Tonio_that will do the job01:48
Tonio_fuji: what kind of document is it ?01:49
Tonio_video ?01:49
fujiTonio dont you want to know how i run kubuntu01:49
Tonio_fuji ??01:49
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Tonio_fuji: i wanna help you, but I need more informations01:50
Tonio_what kind of document is it ?01:50
Tonio_extension or something plz01:50
fujirevolution os01:50
Tonio_the KIND, not the same01:51
fujiits a avi file01:51
Tonio_you need a few things to get your os to work properly01:51
Tonio_1/ breezy uses gstreamer by default, which doesn't work very nicelly01:51
fujidoes it matter that i run the os in vmware?01:51
Tonio_fuji: of course........01:51
Tonio_how can you be sure the sound if fully supported ?01:52
Tonio_alsasynk is relative to sound01:52
fujibecause it works fine for windows01:52
Tonio_and to what I know, vmware doesn't "always" emulate sound correctly01:52
Tonio_fuji: don't expect an emulated os to work the same than the fully installed one01:52
Tonio_that's not the purpose01:53
Tonio_vmware is nice to test, isn't exempt of issues01:53
Tonio_vmware is nice in the "calculating" process and network, but for sure not adapted to try and work multimedia purpose01:54
fujiworks fine so far01:54
Tonio_fuji: if you wanna try kubuntu, download the livecd01:54
fujii used it b401:54
Tonio_and try the latest, cause breezy is actually completly outdated compared to the development version01:54
fujibut not very intensely01:54
Tonio_I would even say the development version is by far more stable01:55
Tonio_so try the latest development version livecd01:55
fujiTonio where can i get BeOS?01:55
Tonio_fuji: that paying OS ;)01:55
Tonio_don't except I give you a download link ;)01:55
Tonio_fuji: beos isn't free01:55
fujiis it any good?01:56
Tonio_there is a development of beos intended to be opensource01:56
Tonio_called haiku os01:56
Tonio_it WAS good ;)01:56
fujijapanese :o01:56
Tonio_beos is completly outdated01:56
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Tonio_haikuos is very promissing, but not intended to be usable at the moment01:56
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fujii like the debian os but its to hard to setup01:56
fujifor me01:57
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zblachmornin Hobbsee01:57
Tonio_fuji: it was 10 years ago ;)01:57
Hobbseehehe hi01:57
Tonio_fuji: don't you know the installer has greatly improved !! kubuntu installer is the same by the way01:57
fujiwhere can i test the sound?01:57
Tonio_fuji: LIVECD !!!01:57
Tonio_third time.....01:57
fujibut i will have to download it first01:57
Tonio_fuji: evidence, yes ;)01:58
Shurikenthe dapper flight 6 live CD is very stable01:58
Tonio_hey Hobbsee01:58
Hobbseehi Tonio_01:58
Tonio_Shuriken: ++01:58
Shurikentry it :)01:58
Hobbseeoh grr!  there was something i intended to tell you Tonio_, and i've forgotten again01:58
Tonio_Hobbsee: knotes !!!!!!!!!01:58
Hobbseeyes, i sometimes use them!01:59
Hobbseeit was something kubuntu related...01:59
Tonio_Hobbsee: I'm 29 now, so my brain ability to "remember" is decreasing01:59
Tonio_knotes is my solution to this01:59
jpatrickI'm 1401:59
=== Hobbsee doestn have that excuse :P
Tonio_jpatrick: promissing baby ;) very promissing :)02:00
fujiccaan i skin kubuntu to look like a mac osx?02:00
jpatrickfuji: yes02:00
Tonio_jpatrick: when I was 14, i was still watching cartoons and playing GI Joe's02:00
fujiwhats the package name?02:00
fujiTonio how old are you now ?02:01
jpatrickTonio_: raphink was hacking his old mac computer at that age02:01
Tonio_fuji: to be honnest, if you want osx, buy a mac....02:01
Tonio_the package is called bagira, but that's not very stable02:01
fujimac is a ripoff :/02:01
fujii just like the visuals02:01
Tonio_like winosx, the are generally dirty hacks....02:01
fujihope that didnt offend anyone :))02:02
Tonio_fuji: nope, of course, but atching the full kde renderring can make it a bit unstable02:02
fujiis that a linux distro Tonio?02:02
Tonio_to what I know baguira isn't perfect at all02:02
Tonio_fuji: nope, it is an application for linux, that make kde look like osx, but that not perfect02:03
Shurikenit just a style for KDE02:03
Tonio_Shuriken: nope02:03
Tonio_that more than a style02:03
Shurikenyeah, you are right02:03
Tonio_Shuriken: it is a set of applications too02:03
fujiobject dock?02:03
fujiapple icons?02:03
Shurikenbut it works as a style02:04
Tonio_fuji: yes, and applications replacement02:04
Tonio_which is where the problem is02:04
Shurikenapplications ?02:04
fujiskins you meaaan02:04
Tonio_Shuriken: yes, you have binaries in it02:04
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Shurikenoh, maybe we aren't talking about the same thing02:04
Shurikeni'm talking abbout kwin-stylebaghira02:05
fujionio where do i get it02:05
Tonio_Shuriken: baghira ?02:05
Tonio_fuji: simply install it with the package manager called "adept"02:05
fujiTonio can you run vmware within kubuntu?02:05
Tonio_fuji: yes of course02:06
Tonio_fuji: you mean the free player or the full paying aplication ?02:06
fujivirtual machine   ware02:06
fujifull app02:06
Tonio_fuji: you can buy it for linux yes02:06
fujii wont  to run windowss in ittt02:07
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Olihow stable runs flight 6 dapper?02:07
fujidapper dan02:07
jpatrickOli: for me, very stable02:07
Tonio_fuji: you are not in "kevinland", plz stop those LLooOOllL things...02:07
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fujiits becuasee of thee update02:07
HobbseeOli: stable, except on the rare occasions where it just wont boot...02:08
fujiOli oli oxen free02:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: is that relative to a very recent bug on the acpi component ?02:08
Oliwell it would be gone on a IBM thinkpad02:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: my love has a problem with her laptop for 3 days now*02:08
Olithere i doubt I would have probs according hardware02:08
Tonio_Hobbsee: I was thinking of hardware relative issue, but wondering about acpi modules too02:09
HobbseeTonio_: i dont know which acpi bug you mean.  this was  aproblem with kpowersave, and grub, so that i got a grub error 1502:09
Tonio_Hobbsee: okay02:09
Tonio_fuji: why running windows on linux ?02:09
Olibut flight 6 doesesn have alredy xorg 7?02:09
Hobbseespeaking of which, where's lure when i want to whine...02:09
Tonio_I dson't see the point in using vmware full day........02:09
HobbseeOli: flight 6 has xorg 7, yes02:09
Tonio_fuji: to me that's only good to make tests, nothing more02:09
Shurikenand it works well :)02:10
Tonio_fuji: what would you need on windows that misses on linux ?02:10
jpatrickTonio_: personally I prefer chroots02:10
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OliHobbsee: oh cool, that it is actually a tought... =)02:10
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fujibut i want to use it to test linux02:10
Olito switch from ubuntu 5.10 to flight 6 dapper kubunuut =)02:10
Tonio_jpatrick: try to run windows 2k3 with a chroot and after come to me ;)02:10
jpatrick:) ok, good point02:10
Tonio_fuji: to test linux use livecds02:11
Shurikendual boot is better for that02:11
Tonio_that the best way02:11
Tonio_vmware can only be usefull to make network test and things like that02:11
Olitheres a cool live xgl cd based on gentoo its fun =)02:11
Tonio_not adapted to your needs as far as I can see02:11
Tonio_Shuriken: dualboot sucks02:11
Tonio_Shuriken: create issues when you need to reinstall anything02:12
Tonio_Shuriken: to me a computer is designed to have ONE os, not many02:12
ShurikenTonio_: i don't have MS windows02:12
HobbseeTonio_: not really...i guess with grub...02:12
Tonio_Shuriken: look at cars using 2 engines, they just have so many problems :)02:12
Hobbseedepends what the other OS is...02:12
Tonio_Hobbsee: search google with "grub bugs", grub issues, or grub problem02:12
Oliactually there is _no_ reason to use windows. point. :)02:13
Shurikenbut i think it's a good solution for those who discover linux02:13
fujiTonio you cant get the feel of a os using livecds02:13
Tonio_Shuriken: that's, to me, the purpose of livecds02:13
fujiTonio you were right i have no audio any tips?02:13
Tonio_fuji: except the fact it is slower, the livecd can make you run everything as if it was installed02:13
ShurikenliveCD are slow :/02:13
Tonio_fuji: complicated..... I would say card emulation issue with vmware02:14
Tonio_Shuriken: to test you don't need something quick02:14
Tonio_Shuriken: it is slow, but acts like the installed stuff02:14
Tonio_Shuriken: to me that the best to "test" if hardware is detected, applications working etc....02:14
Shurikeni agree02:15
Shurikenbut when you don't know linux very much02:15
Shurikenthere is things you don't know how to do02:15
Tonio_Shuriken: vmware can help you testing your hardware, which is certainly the biggest problem with linux actually :)02:15
Tonio_Shuriken: and ??? is that different using vmware ?02:16
Tonio_that problem will be the same I think02:16
Shurikenwmware is paying02:16
Tonio_Shuriken: the player is free02:16
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Shurikena newbee won't pay for something he doesn't know02:17
Tonio_Shuriken: and ubuntu image is available on their website :)02:17
Tonio_so using ubuntu with vmware is free of any cost, and legal02:17
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mvvam i the only one with a bad icon for Kspread in applications:/Office/ ?02:18
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Shurikenin fact, when i discover linux, i didn't know live CD02:19
Tonio_mvv: ??? where do you get that bad icon ? kmenu, app installer or ????02:19
jpatrickmvv: looks like it02:19
Shurikenthat's whay i did a dual boot02:19
Shurikenfor about 3 weeks02:19
jpatrickShuriken: when I got my Kubuntu InstallCD, i just let it format my hard disks02:19
Shurikenafter that i have removed windows02:19
mvvTonio: just in konqueror address bar and paste applications:/Office/ (dapper btw)02:19
Tonio_mvv: koffice 1.5 ?02:20
mvvTonio: yes02:20
Tonio_mvv: let me test02:20
fujiTonio do i need to install alsasink?02:20
Tonio_fuji: nope02:21
Tonio_fuji: what you can do is trying to use kaffeine and use xine istead of gstreamer02:22
Tonio_but first you have to install kaffeine-xine02:22
fujiok ty02:22
Shurikenthe same for amaroK02:22
Tonio_fuji: all of that is fixed in latest dapper livecd....02:22
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Tonio_fuji: why not simply downloading it and give a shot ?02:22
fujiok wahts the location Tonio02:23
Tonio_fuji: use the package manager02:23
Tonio_fuji: linux doesn't require you go over the net to install softwares02:23
fujiso i can update my kubuntu 5.10 breezy to flight dapper without having to download the install cd?02:24
fujii know about th packetmanagement02:24
Tonio_fuji: yes, but vmware related issues will not be corrected....02:24
fujisuch as.. sound?02:25
Tonio_fuji: such as "it depends if your sound problem is relative to vmware or not"02:25
Shurikentry a liveCD juji !02:25
Tonio_I can't be sure02:25
Tonio_fuji: you seem to want to try a livecd02:26
Tonio_if you are not able to deal with vmware problems, don't use it....02:26
Tonio_cause we can't help you on that point02:26
fujiso how do i update to flight dapper?02:27
jah_apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade02:28
Tonio_jah_: ..........02:28
Tonio_jah_: this is 50% of the way to do02:28
jah_grep dapper /etc/apt/sources.list && apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade02:29
fujicome on you were n00bs one day also :'(02:29
Tonio_jah_: will not work also02:29
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Tonio_jah_: 1/ needs sudo, 2/ grep requires 2 arguments02:29
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jah_Tonio_: But if it won't work, it will do it with a reason...02:29
g-hennahow can i (in kde 3.5.2) rearrange the parts of my kpanel so that it consists of two rows, as on http://thechasm.hopto.org:12320/files/images/kdeskbar-snap1_0.jpg02:30
Tonio_jah_: when helping a n00b, I don't see the point giving commands like this.....02:30
Tonio_you can also say "google" or "man..." or "rtfm"02:30
Tonio_that will ont help and the user will switch back to windows saying "assholes" in is head....02:31
jah_well, he should not upgrade to dapper though... he will definitely have more fun with breeezy though...02:31
Tonio_fuji: launch "konsole", then type : "sudo kwrite /etc/apt/source.list"02:31
fujithe fact i like to use linux is because i like to ask questions in rooms like this =p02:31
Tonio_replace "breezy" by "dapper"" everywhere02:31
Tonio_then once saved, type : sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:32
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fujii actually learn something here02:32
Tonio_jah_: that's why I told him to use a livecd 10 times02:32
jah_Tonio_: We all have to go through this...02:32
Tonio_jah_: but it seems he wants to do in a bad way, using this fucking vmware stuff02:32
Tonio_fuji: that's not fun02:33
jah_Hmmm... He will say, it is faster than a cd I assume...02:33
fujisoz :/02:33
Tonio_jah_: and it is a bad way to test hardware compatibility, added to the problems vmware can cause sometime02:34
jah_fuji: dapper is not ready. If you do not have knowledge about shell, thingts will happen,. like: "I cannot go to internet. amarok plays no mp3. or similar..."02:34
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Tonio_jah_: dapper is more "ready" than breezy is02:34
Tonio_breezy is so buggy.........02:34
Shurikenuh ? dapper flight CD 6 works better tanh breezy02:35
Tonio_Shuriken: of course02:35
fujii spend at least a week setting up my previous kubuntu to work02:35
Shurikenjust a little mime type bug with adept02:35
Shurikenbut all the rest works fine02:35
Tonio_Shuriken: and a little issue with cups02:35
jah_Tonio_: Don't think so... I have lates dapper. amarok-xine does nbot play mp3, I got to trugger DHCP manually again after boot...02:35
Smeggyanyone get a crash when trying to upload using Kbear?02:36
Tonio_jah_: mp3 are not played with breezy too ;)02:36
Shurikenjah: with dapper you to install the wine libs02:36
Tonio_jah_: install libxine-extracodecs and mp3 will work02:36
fujiTonio which packages do you advise me to install to be able to play sound?02:36
Tonio_fuji: livecd.....02:36
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fujiheej i heard sound02:37
Tonio_fuji: vmware doesn't work nicelly with sound bindings........02:37
fujiof kubuntu02:37
fujiso it does work02:37
jah_Tonio_: Where do I get it from?02:37
Tonio_fuji: so you should install keffeine-xine02:37
fujiyipee =p02:37
Tonio_jah_: multiverse branch02:37
Tonio_fuji: I already said that also......... plz read sometimes02:37
Tonio_fuji: but you may also need w32codecs02:37
Tonio_which isn't on repos02:38
Shurikenthere is some good sources.list for dapper on the wiki02:38
jah_Tonio_: I have activated multiverse, but do not see the package... Can you post you sources.list?02:38
Shurikenjust past them02:38
Tonio_jah_: I use default02:38
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jah_Tonio_: So do I, but I do not get the packet02:39
Tonio_apt-cache search libxine-ext02:39
fujiRonio whats a good alternate broser i dont like konqueror02:39
Tonio_jah_: can't say more.........02:39
jah__tobias: test read02:39
jah_fuji: firefox?02:39
jah_apt-get install mozilla02:40
jah_or mozilla-browser?02:40
fujiand which packages do i need for mozilla?02:40
Tonio_fuji: you need to search using adept02:40
Tonio_we are not here to replace your brain for all question......02:41
Tonio_it is not an "answers self service"02:41
Tonio_you can "try to search" before asking02:41
Tonio_jah_: are you using dapper ?02:41
Tonio_actually, the package isn't on breezy's repos02:42
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Tonio_fuji: once again I would suggest to use konqueror on licecd02:42
jah_Tonio_: Yes, I am using dapper...02:42
Tonio_konqueror has been greatly improved since the version you actually have02:43
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fujijah isnt the command sudo nano apt-get install mozilla02:43
Tonio_fuji: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox02:43
Tonio_that's the good command02:43
jah_fuji: Download gparted live cd, Free 15G in 2 * 7.5 partitions, Install kubuntu using the install CD.02:43
Shurikenbu you could do that with adept02:44
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fujioh nano was to open location or something like that02:44
fujii forgot02:44
jah_fuji: Use "manual partitioning". 7.5 G for "/" and 7.5G for /home.02:44
Tonio_jah_: http://pastebin.com/66135602:45
Shurikennano = text editor in console mode02:45
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Tonio_jah_: if you don't get that, I assume you didn't activate multiverse properly02:45
BuNnYYhello how install  tar.gz ?02:46
flaccidBuNnYY: tarz zxvf filename02:46
Tonio_BuNnYY: don't.....02:46
jah_Tonio_: I removed the comments before the multiverse lines in sources.list... So what?02:46
Tonio_jah_: can you paste your sources.list plz ?02:46
flaccidthat will uncompress it02:47
flaccidnot install it02:47
jah_Tonio_: mom02:47
Tonio_BuNnYY: generally, don't install stuff that isn't packaged, that not good for the stability of the system, except if you know what you're doing02:47
Tonio_BuNnYY: what do you need to install ?02:48
BuNnYYI extrack this but how install this command make and make install don't work02:48
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Shurikenwhat is the program nam02:48
flaccidBuNnYY: is it available in package?02:48
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jah_Tonio_: http://paste.debian.net/590302:49
flaccidinstall the package02:49
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BuNnYYaha ok thanks02:50
jah_BuNnYY: have you done './configure'?02:50
Tonio_jah_: you have multiverse for "dapper/backports"02:50
BuNnYYjah_ yes02:50
Tonio_not for "dapper"02:50
Tonio_jah_: here is my sources.list02:50
fujiTonio whats the name again of that audio codecs?02:50
Tonio_fuji: read upper02:51
Tonio_gstreamer isn't a codec but an engine02:51
Tonio_and xine is another02:51
Shurikenxine is far better02:51
Shurikendon't use gstreamer02:51
fujii know but i remember from last time that i need that02:51
Tonio_jah_:  http://pastebin.com/66136502:52
fujii need to use what works for me lol02:52
Shurikenthere is a xine engine for kaffeine and amarok02:52
flaccidits good in amarok02:53
Tonio_fuji: once again, easier way is the livecd, cause dapper has xine by default, while breezy hasn't....02:54
BuNnYYhow I joint i root ?02:54
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jah_Tonio_: Thx... Now I get tons off error messages from 'apt-get update' but I have the package...02:55
Tonio_jah_: LOL02:56
Tonio_jah_: replace completly yours by mine02:56
Tonio_jah_: you have doubled repos if you simply added my stuf to yours, which are the reasons of errors02:57
jah_Tonio_: Thanks... You forgot "multiverse" for the security line though....02:58
Tonio_jah_: there is no multiverse for security02:58
Tonio_as they are mostly binary packages........02:58
jah_Tonio_: At least, it works adding it to the line...02:59
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Tonio_jah_: hum...... should have change ;)02:59
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jah_Tonio_: I LOVE YOU!!!!! Amarok working again!!!03:01
jah_Anyone knows how to use amarok with JACK?03:01
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Tonio_hole ? :)03:12
RaZor^^jiihaa this works finally03:12
jpatricktoo late03:13
RaZor^^could u help how to get with apt-get line the newest irssi03:13
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MrGreenanyone help me new install please?03:15
MetaMorfoziSabout what?03:16
fredouleI think I got a not very common bug while trying to upgrade from breezy to dapper03:16
MrGreenI'm dropped to reduced shell03:16
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fujiklol whaha how is this possible03:17
MrGreencan anyone help me with new kubuntu install please?03:17
fujii only have 370 Kb/s down and it jumped on 20000 Kb/s03:18
MetaMorfoziSi think you need to downlaod the live cd03:18
jpatrickMrGreen: what's the problem?03:18
MetaMorfoziSfrom www.kubuntu.org03:18
MetaMorfoziSand you can easily install it03:18
fujiits around 3000 now03:18
MrGreeninstalled 64 version to my second drive .... np03:19
MrGreenrebooted got error 17 in grub03:19
MetaMorfoziSis you changed the menu.lst?03:19
MrGreenno I use lilo03:19
MrGreen(want to)03:19
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MrGreento dual boot03:19
MrGreenwhich I have set up ....03:20
MrGreenbut I get dumped to reduced shell03:20
fujihow is this possible?03:20
MrGreenunless my lilo.conf is incorrect03:20
MetaMorfoziSi don't know about lilo.03:20
MetaMorfoziSbut why not good for you the grub?03:21
MetaMorfoziSit's simple and works:D03:21
MrGreenno .... I like lili03:21
MrGreenmy install in on my second drive03:21
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MrGreen& grub was on mbr first disc03:21
mvvTonio: do you think the Kspread icon is kde or kubuntu related?03:21
MetaMorfoziSokay MrGreen  i dunno.03:22
MetaMorfoziSbut : http://www.google.co.hu/search?hl=hu&q=%2B17+%2Berror+%2Bgrub&btnG=Google+keres%A9s&meta=03:22
MrGreenok thanks for your help03:22
Tonio_mvv: I don't have the problem03:22
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Tonio_mvv: at least in  K menu03:23
fredouleI've met a dependancy problem with the kbunt-desktop package trying to do the dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper03:23
=== MrGreen goes to look for a working 64bit distro
fujilol how can my download speed triple03:23
Tonio_mvv: AHHHHHHHHH yes, I can see ;)03:23
jpatrickfredoule: which is?03:23
fujiis this linux?03:23
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jpatrickMrGreen: (K)Ubuntu is the best amd64 there is03:23
fujitriple download speed?03:23
MrGreennot from her its not lol03:24
fredoulethe dist-upgrade wants to deleted all the packages related to kde (maybe gnome-terrorism ;) )03:24
fujioh man i got5 20000 Kb/s lol03:24
MrGreenhow do you guys boot it if grub is broekn03:24
mvvTonio_: i know it isn't really a bug, but polishwise...03:24
HobbseeMrGreen: broken how?03:24
Hobbseerecovery console works pretty well03:24
fujidownloading an avi03:25
MrGreenid that install disc?03:25
Hobbseefredoule: ouch.  maybe you'll have to, then reinstall kubuntu-desktop after...03:25
fujibtw can i get virus on linux?03:25
jpatrickfuji: possible03:25
fujiwhat kind?03:25
fujican i scan?03:25
MrGreenCould I use install disc to recover install?03:25
jah_fuji: you need to install a firewall or an antivir in order to be able to get one... ^^03:25
Tonio_mvv: can you give me a screenshot ?03:25
Tonio_seems nice here, I don't see the bug03:25
fujiwhat dop you mean jah?03:26
HobbseeMrGreen: yeah, you can....03:26
mvvTonio_: sure, give me 2 minutes03:26
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting03:26
fujiignorance is bless?03:26
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fujiHow is it possible that i am downloading faster than what my isp allows me?03:26
fredouleHobbsee: I thought about that but I'm not too confident about that03:27
fujiddos downloading03:27
fredouleI may get in a a situation where I couldn't reinstall kbuntu-desktop03:28
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fredoule*debian syndrome* :)03:28
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fujiis it possible for a virus i download in vmware on linux to get to windows?03:28
MetaMorfoziSif you lame...:)03:29
Tonio_fuji: if you emulate the disk, no, if you use real partition, yes03:29
mvvTonio_: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/205/badiconkspreaddapper7cm.jpg03:29
fujiTonio the emulated disk is on a real partition03:29
Tonio_mvv: no pb here03:29
fujiso what do you mean?03:29
Tonio_already resolved maybe ?03:29
Tonio_fuji: I mean it depends the way you emulate the disk03:30
Tonio_vmware is able to use a physicall partition or to emulate the disk in a file03:30
Tonio_depends the way you do it03:30
fujioops :/03:30
fujii have no clue03:30
fujiwhat i did03:31
Tonio_in one case, the virus isn't readable with windows, but on a physicall partition, of course it is03:31
fujii just clicked next ://03:31
Tonio_fuji: I think you just don't know vmware to deal with it03:31
Tonio_it is a complicated app03:31
fujisimple wizard though :'(03:31
Tonio_sorry for this, but really, I don't see the point you don't want to try the livecd and keep with an app causing problems and that you don't potentially know well enough......03:32
fujibut of course i can use the anti virus on my physical drive to check if the files are clean?03:32
fujiAnd tonio how is it possible i am downloading a file faster than my isp allows?03:33
Tonio_fuji: is it possible to drive faster than your car allow ?03:34
Tonio_except changing car ?03:35
fujiso what does that mean Tonio?03:36
fujiit jumped on 20.000 KB/s03:36
fujii only have 340 KB/s03:36
Tonio_it means you are limited to your isp limitations.....03:36
fredouleabout the file download : you could have caught a corrupted file, with properties that allows a good data compression03:36
Tonio_if the download is slower than your isp limit, you should try another mirror03:37
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fredouleso the physical rate is lower than th limit, but with data compression the amount of data downloaded is high03:38
fujiyer must be cuz i cant see the file03:38
fujiits a stream really that used to play staright when i clicked it in the browser03:40
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epI'm trying to get sound mixing to work.  I have edited /var/lib/alsa/asound.state per the instructions wiki Ubuntu DebuggingSoundProblems site.  I stopped and restarted alsa-utils.  Mixing still does not work.03:43
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epAdditionaly, some of the instructions on this site seem to apply to Ubuntu and not Kubuntu.  For instance, (in the Sound control panel uncheck "Enable Software Mixing")  Well I can't find this specif line "Enable Software Mixing" anywhere in Kubuntu's system settings or anywhere else.03:45
jorikhmm, i have this list of images from my camera, but they're waaaaay to big (~1.6mb) to put them on the internet. Does anyone know of a tool to scale them down to a normal size ? additionally (iknowimpushinit) a way to generate thumbnails + a HTML page with has the thumbnails in a table with appropriate links?03:47
fujiwhere can i find kaffeine-xine i cant find it in adept?03:48
epFurthermore, these pages given by !sound  gstreamer -properties  but I get a command not found when I do this.  Are there kubuntu specific instructions that I'm missing?03:49
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fujiPackage kaffeine-xine is not available, but is referred to by another package.03:49
fujiThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or03:49
fujiis only available from another source03:50
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MrGreenMetaMorfoziS: you still there?03:50
Tonio_fuji: update forst03:50
Tonio_then it'll work03:51
evilmaidenplease, anywhere speak spanish?03:51
fujii did Tonio03:51
Tonio_unless it is in universe concerning breezy.........03:51
fujii did the system update in adept03:51
Tonio_fuji: activate universe in the repo list03:51
MrGreenjpatrick: you there dude?03:51
fujielaborate plz03:51
fujirepo list?03:52
Tonio_fuji: in adept03:52
fujiwhere can i find that?03:52
Tonio_manage repositories03:52
Tonio_then activate the universe branch03:52
evilmaidenalguien q hable espaol?03:52
jpatrickevilmaiden: #kubuntu-es03:53
evilmaidenthanks jpatrick  ;)03:53
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jpatrickevilmaiden: de nada03:53
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epAlso, on the Debugging SoundProblems site there is a PolypAudio section but its not clear if this method is to be used instead of Sofware Mixing (section below) or it is to be used in addition to Software mixing (section below)03:54
DraevenI've got a seemingly dumb question - but does the Flight 6 CD boot?  Cuz 3 times I've d/l'd in and burned it and not had it boot03:55
DraevenI'm a little tired of making coasters LOL03:56
mvvDraeven: no problem here03:56
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epI have AC97 on board, isn't this common soundhardware? Why software mixing is this so hard?03:56
mmport81how is dapper stability btw?03:56
mmport81anyone have any problems?03:56
mvvmmport81: i can't complain03:56
Draevenmw: I can mount the cd fine, and when k3b checksum'd it, it matched - hmmm weird03:57
mvvonly some small things, stability is very good for me03:57
Draevenmw: meanint the .iso03:57
mmport81mvv: i remember with breezy people here said everything was great, but i had some oss probs...03:57
fujiE: Type 'universe' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list03:58
fujiE: The list of sources could not be read.03:58
fujii think i messed up :/03:58
DraevenI will have to admit, this is a pretty slick distro03:58
=== Draeven is a former gentoo'er
mmport81Draeven: slick in that it just works? ;) - not like gentoo...03:59
mvvmmport81: FAIK breezy was rushed, had many things updated while/after release data and had unsolved problems. Breezy wasn't my thing either03:59
Draevenmmport81: I had no problems with gentoo - just got tired of waiting for packages to build03:59
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mmport81mvv: whens;s dapper gonna be released, it was put back no?03:59
Draevenstill running it on my ppc notebook - just havent gotten around to d/l a cd for it04:00
mmport81yeh compiling all those packages would suck04:00
mmport81i often wondered why they didn't make some sort of depository of torrents for all architectures04:01
mmport81that would rule :)04:01
Draevenmmport81: yeah, waiting for kde to compile does - especially if you're not using split builds and building monolithic KDE04:01
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fujiThe APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or something similar. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem.04:08
fujiHelp plz04:08
Tonio_fuji: did you run adept twice ?04:12
Cilindradorhow do i run a *.sh file?04:12
fujiyess got that04:12
fujibut the universe i messed it up04:12
Tonio_fuji: adept should be ran twice04:12
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jpatrickCilindrador: bash filename.sh04:13
Cilindradoror, does kubuntu dapper come with XFree86 4.? or X.Org 6.8 ??04:13
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Cilindradorok tks04:13
jpatrickCilindrador: Xorg 704:13
Cilindradorjpatrick i'm downloading the new ati driver04:13
Cilindradorit only lists xorg 6.804:14
Cilindradoris it compatible w/ 7?04:14
jpatrickNo idea04:14
fujihow do i safe a file after i altered it?04:14
fujiin Konsole04:14
Cilindradorany idea which i download04:14
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mvvmmport81: dunno exactly, i think 6.06, so somewhere in June04:21
fujiHow do i safe file in Konsole after modifying?04:21
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tsdgeosfuji: konsolen is a shell, you can not modify files using it04:22
tsdgeosyou probably used some text editor, vi, nano, joe, emacs, ...04:22
fujiyes you can04:22
fujijust tell me how04:22
fujisudo nano filename i changed something and now i need to safe it04:22
tsdgeosyou need to SAVE it ;-)04:22
tsdgeosand it is not konsole that is doing the modify04:23
tsdgeosbut sano04:23
tsdgeosthat is a different program04:23
fujijust tell me how04:23
tsdgeoscontrol+g will get you help04:23
fujik ty04:23
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Draevenok, if my dapper iso's md5sum matches that from the website04:29
Draevenhow should it be burnt, DAO or RAW?04:29
HobbseeDraeven: as an iso?04:30
fujiwhasts the source lisyt line i need to add in repo to enable universe?04:30
Draevenwell, I'm hoping not to make another coaster - so far I've made 2 even tho the MD5's have matched04:30
DraevenI get it burnt and it wont boot04:30
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mvvDraeven: what app are you using to burn the iso?04:31
fujiHow do i enable universe in repo?04:31
Draevenmw: k3b04:31
fujiI am in repo and dont know how to add universe04:31
fujior enable04:31
mvvDraeven: and you did burn it as image(not a data-cd)?04:32
mvvDraeven: if so then it might be a boot setting in your BIOS04:33
Draevenyep - first time did a burn cd image, 2nd time used the context menu in Konqueror "Write CD Image with K3b04:33
mvvDraeven: are there other cd's you can boot from on that pc?04:34
Draevenmw - that wouldn't make sense, cause I my breezy cd booted no problem - and that was burnt on Windows with Nero04:34
mvvi see...04:34
Draevenmw: nope - every other cd I burnt was fine - I even tryied burning the image with nero on windows with no joy04:34
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Draevenan like I said the image is good as the MD5's match04:35
mvvhave you tried a lower burn speed? And it's not a new brand cd's your burner doesn't like?04:35
DraevenI'll try it again - nope - had it for about 6 months now - it's your standard NEC DVD+-RW burner - burns at 48x04:36
mvvDraeven: these are the only things i can think off, i that isn't the problem i am lost too04:36
Draevenand same brand of cd too04:37
Draevenworst case scenario - I wind up with a full set of coasters for the living room - LOL04:37
Draevenno more drink rings on the coffee table04:37
mvvlol, yeah but the strange thing is that you're not the only one with this problem (i read some complains about this on ubuntuforums)04:38
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Draeventhe only thing I haven't tried, is installing magiciso on windows and from what I hear that will check to see if the image is bootable and tell you why - I just don't feel like getting my notebook out04:39
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randomnuthey guys04:40
randomnutI have a question, maybe its just me being really dumb04:40
randomnutI am a suse user, trying to try out kubuntu04:41
randomnutI downloaded the kubuntu iso and burnt it, but it does not boot?04:41
randomnutthere isnt even a boot folder on the disc?04:41
Draevenrandomnut: what version?04:41
randomnutthe latest one04:41
Draevenbreezy or dapper?04:41
MetaMorfoziShow mode you write it?04:41
MetaMorfoziStook it to your cdrom @this time04:42
randomnutI burnt some suse disks this morning and they boot and work fine04:42
Draevenrandomnut: we were just discussing that - LOL04:42
MetaMorfoziSif you find one file in the cdrom named dapper-install-i386.iso you writed it in bad wrote04:42
randomnutno i mean thats the iso name04:42
randomnutI burnt it fine, it just doesnt boot04:42
MetaMorfoziSyes, but i you wrote it as a data cd04:43
Tonio_randomnut: did you burn it as an "image"04:43
MetaMorfoziSit isn't bootable04:43
randomnutno, I didnt burn a data cd with one file on04:43
randomnutim just saying thats the iso i downloaded04:43
randomnutI used that image file to burn the disk04:43
Draevendid you check the MD5sum on it randomnut04:43
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randomnutyes, everything looks like it should04:44
randomnutdo your dapper disks have a boot folder?04:44
Draevenwhat program did you use to burn?04:44
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randomnutIts not my pc at fault. I downloaded and burnt some suse 10.1 cd's earlier, and they installed fine04:45
Draevenumm....guys - hate to tell you this, but the dapper iso for i386 might be corrupt - LOL04:45
randomnuti'm just wondering if this is a common problem with the dapper kubuntu disks that they don't boot?04:45
DraevenI'll know in like 2 minutes - I'm reburning it again04:45
randomnutthey have plenty of other files and folders just no boot :(04:45
Draevenrandomnut: no - I think its just an issue with that image04:45
Tonio_Draeven: impossible, we would ahave gotten hunders of complains......04:46
randomnutdamn I thought kubuntu was a professional distro04:46
randomnutI guess if that passes through the net of internal testing then who knows what else.....04:46
DraevenTonio_: never say impossible - I've burnt it on 2 diff platforms - I'll even burn it from my ppc box if I need to04:46
Tonio_Draeven: I uses the image too, and that's nice to me :)04:47
DraevenTonio_: when did you d/l it?04:47
randomnutyesterday evening04:47
Tonio_Draeven: dapper flight 6 isn't it ?04:47
Tonio_this is the one I use04:47
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randomnutand your disk boots up?04:48
Tonio_randomnut: with livecd yes04:48
Tonio_randomnut: want me to test with install cd ?04:48
randomnutyes please04:48
DraevenTonio_: we're talking about install CD04:48
randomnutI am not using a live cd i am trying to install04:48
Tonio_okay, but I already know the result :)04:48
Tonio_randomnut: concerning the "professionnal"aspect04:48
Tonio_don't forget dapper is still "in development"04:48
Tonio_any problem actually cannot be consider a "profesionnal fault"04:49
randomnutYeah I know, essentially so is every distro04:49
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randomnutIt seems crazy that something would be released for general use with such an integral part missing04:49
Tonio_okay, 10 minutes to download, we will see04:49
Tonio_randomnut: it is not released for general use04:50
Tonio_it is released for "testing use"04:50
Tonio_which is completly different04:50
randomnuthow can it not be considered a professional fault if the entire boot folder is missing :p04:50
Tonio_and on the other hand, nothing proves that the image is corrupted, which I really, really doubt04:50
Draevenrandomnut: I just checked by breezy install cd - there is no boot folder on it either and it installed fine04:50
Tonio_randomnut: let me test first plz :)04:50
Draevenbrb - gonna test the cd I just burnt04:51
mvvDraeven: i'll re-download the dapper install cd from my lan and check my md5sum. Never know....04:51
Draevenok mw04:52
randomnutquite confusing.  From what i've seen and heard kubuntu looks to be a very good distro04:53
Tonio_randomnut: why is that confusing ?04:54
randomnuthopeing to convery my systems to it from suse if I can get it to install lol04:54
randomnutjust the whole it not booting thing is confusing me04:54
Tonio_randomnut: couldn't your cd be corrupted, your burner having an issue or something ?04:54
randomnutI burnt another to make sure, but it still doesnt work04:55
Tonio_randomnut: did you really test correctly before saying "I'm the only one in the world who saw the install cd doesn't boot !!!"04:55
Tonio_do you imagin if it was corrupted the number bugs opened ?04:55
randomnutthats why I came in here to ask!!!!!04:55
Tonio_randomnut: corrupted download also is possible04:55
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mvvDreaven: nope, no difference at all, my also is d0aac62d385430db8c78d28227ddcabe04:56
Tonio_4 minutes remaining04:56
randomnutAlso downloaded again and checked md5sum04:56
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randomnutI burnt some suse disks earlier, and they boot and install fine04:56
randomnutso it cant be writing the disks wrong04:56
Tonio_randomnut: we will see if I can boot ;)04:57
randomnutI checked the md5sum of the iso and also downloaded it again for good measure04:57
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Tonio_randomnut: gimme 10 minutes04:57
randomnutno worries04:57
mvvDreaven: looks to me like some systems are picky on the system used to boot a cd (if that's possible though)04:57
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=== Tonio_ burning
h3sp4wnrandomnut: If you have a free partition you could try using cdebootstrap under suse - I managed to upgrade a machine with debian sarge to dapper in that way with no problems05:01
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randomnutnah if this doesnt work im probably going to look at another distro05:04
randomnutI need to deploy this on many pc's, so need it to work easily :)05:04
mvvrandomnut: i could be nice to have information about the pc where these disks fail05:06
tarmathis your cdrom drive before your harddrive in the boot sequence? :P05:07
randomnutsuse was a pretty much unattended install05:07
tarmathif you try to boot with the breezy cd now it loads fine, but the dapper cd just doesnt get detected?05:08
randomnutI have not tried a breezy cd05:09
=== Tonio_ 84% burning
randomnutthis is the first time I have tried a k/ubuntu cd so I downloaded the latest version05:09
mvvrandomnut: another thing that came to my mind: you haven't used a slaved cd/dvd drive have you?05:09
tarmathrandomnut: well, any other cd which is supposed to boot then, just to make sure it's dapper the problem, and not the computer...05:09
randomnutmvv: No I have 1 cd drive in the machine (master) and 1 harddrive( also master )05:10
Tonio_randomnut: the latest public version is breezy ;)05:10
Tonio_not dapper05:10
=== Tonio_ rebooting to test
randomnuttarmath: my machine boots other bootable cd's, like I said earlier I booted and installed suse on the machine earlier05:10
mvvrandomnut: what system are you using, what BIOS does it run on?05:12
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vega-_wonder if there's any nice way to get rid of all *gnome* crap from the KDE menu05:13
mvvi think we should find out if the bootfiles between breezy and dapper has changed (with breezy there weren't many problems AFAIK)05:13
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Tonio_right, same problem here05:15
Tonio_works with a live cd, but install cd seems to be ignored05:15
Tonio_amazing I never heard about that05:15
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mvvTonio_: Could it be possible that the bootfiles are a problem with some BIOS version? This is my only guess05:17
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Tonio_mvv: well it works with livecd so......05:17
jpatrickStatus => Major05:18
Tonio_isos are autogenerated, so maybe a bug happened then......05:18
Tonio_jpatrick: beta will be released in 5 days, or about05:18
Tonio_so we need to look at that carefully05:18
Tonio_jpatrick: how is it possible we never heard before ?05:18
Tonio_jpatrick: the cd should have been installed by hundreds people.......05:18
tarmathrandomnut: I was thinking maybe something changed since you last did boot from a cd...05:18
Tonio_jpatrick: or maybe everyone is testing the livecd ?05:19
jpatrickTonio_: just to test the system... :(05:19
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tarmathrandomnut: well, tonio got the same issue so...05:19
Tonio_well, that's not very important ;)05:20
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Tonio_it is not "public" release05:20
Tonio_and there is a new install cd to test every 15 days05:20
Tonio_maybe the next will be good05:20
Tonio_should be a bug of the cd creating process05:20
Tonio_flight5 works nicelly here05:20
Tonio_this is the version installed here05:21
mvvTonio_: but why my flight6 install cd boots fine?05:21
Tonio_mvv: did it ?05:21
Tonio_mvv: .................................05:21
Tonio_no idea05:21
Tonio_sounds like an issue with grub on some systems05:22
mvvi downloaded it a day after the flight6 release05:22
Tonio_mvv: I will investigate this.......05:22
Tonio_mvv: anyway, the install cd will ne be ery usefull when dapper is released05:22
randomnutargo sorry missed things was on the phone05:23
randomnutdid the cd boot?05:23
Tonio_the livecd will allow to install the distro directly using a new install system05:23
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Tonio_randomnut: nope, I can confirm too05:23
mvvespresso, yes nice thing :)05:23
Tonio_mvv: yup ;)05:23
randomnutnothings changed as i only booted suse a few hours ago05:23
randomnutwell at least its not me then?05:23
randomnutI guess I can wait untill a new fixed iso comes out :)05:24
Tonio_randomnut: seems to be a bug with the iso or an issue with some hardware and grub05:24
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Tonio_randomnut: we need to wait for next built cd to be sure it was just an accident during the iso building process ;)05:24
randomnuthmmm must be the settings kubuntu uses with grub, as suse uses grub and booting was sucessfull with that05:24
Tonio_if the problem is still there, then it is a major bug05:24
Tonio_randomnut: can simply be a accident during the iso building process05:25
randomnutok many many thanks for testing this for me guys05:25
Tonio_randomnut: the livecd has the same parameters, and boots05:25
randomnutI will hang around and see if this is fixed in the next release05:25
Tonio_that's why it is just an accident to me05:25
Tonio_randomnut: the install cd will be obsolete when dapper is out anyway :)05:25
randomnutI must go to the shops now but ill stop by for a chat later :)05:25
mvvi agree on that Tonio_05:25
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randomnutthanks for the help guys, much apprecieated :)05:26
Tonio_the livecd will be the main one :)05:26
Tonio_randomnut: thanks for reporting the issue05:26
Tonio_to late....05:26
jpatrickthat's becoming really common nowadays05:27
Tonio_jpatrick: people living too quickly :)05:27
jpatrickTonio_: I have time in life05:28
Tonio_jpatrick: note that he said "thanks", while sometimes, people just kill the windows when they have their response :)05:28
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Draevenok back - sorry I think I get the gist of what was said - I should d/l the livecd and use that to install dapper?05:30
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jpatrickyo Snake__ !05:30
Snake__Hey jpatrick !05:30
Tonio_Draeven: seems dapper isn't installable at the moment :05:30
Snake__How ya been buddy05:31
Draevenwith either media?05:31
Tonio_Draeven: in a few days, the espresso stuff will be working on the livecd, but not at the moment05:31
jpatrickSnake__: fine, more or less05:31
Tonio_and as the install iso is buggy........05:31
Snake__heh thats good05:31
Tonio_Draeven: dunno if it is still possible to download the flight5 cd maybe........05:32
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Tonio_Draeven: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-5/05:32
Tonio_download this05:32
Tonio_that should work05:32
Draevenok, thanks Tonio_ - Is there a mailing list that I can get on for releases?05:33
Tonio_Draeven: kubuntu-devel ml ;)05:33
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Draevenok, thanks05:34
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Tonio_Draeven: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/05:36
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Tonio_you may find it here05:36
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jpatrickmsyg|sleepy: pardon?05:36
Draevensometimes I just hate cups!05:37
msyg|sleepyoh sorry i mine helloo05:37
jpatrickDraeven: so, use a glass05:37
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mvvTonio_: if you want i could rip the Bootcatalog.cat and Bootimage.img files from the flight6 install cd here that worked (i dunno howto read binary files myself)05:40
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Tonio_mvv: don't think that will help much in fact......05:40
mvvokey :)05:41
Tonio_mvv: it is still possible to simply install a flight5 and update ;)05:41
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mvvtrue, when the next pre/beta release is scheduled?05:42
Tonio_mvv: next release should come on wednesday on thursday05:43
Tonio_will be beta105:43
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Draevenso Flights are more alpha than beta?05:44
buzmhh i'd say flight6 is beta quality05:45
Tonio_Draeven: yes05:45
buzbut officially they are alpha05:45
Draeventhis is all new to me - but like I said earlier, I'm migrating off of Gentoo05:45
buzof course, winxp officially is final ;)05:45
Tonio_buz: flight 6 is closer to rc release than simply beta ;)05:45
buzi wouldnt say it's rc yet05:45
Draevenbuz: yep and I've got a bridge to sell ya next to some oceanfront property in the dessert05:46
buzthere's been massive changes since05:46
buzoh really? maybe i can pay it with the 2million mr mobuto will pay me next wednesday?05:46
Tonio_buz: not that massive05:46
Tonio_polishing only05:46
buzmhh kpowersave got in05:46
buzthat's quite massive ;)05:46
Draevenbuz: only if you give me all the pertinent information to pass to him05:46
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jpatrickbuz: uploaded by me05:47
Tonio_kpowersave isn't intended to come to the default install as far as I know05:47
buzmhh no?05:47
buzat least it doesnt conflict with kubuntu-desktop anymore05:47
buzjpatrick: thanks then ;)05:47
Tonio_jpatrick: still ftbfs on the build machines iirc........05:47
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Tonio_buz: concerning the default install, there will not be major changes but a lot of polishing05:48
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Tonio_translations, look etc.......05:48
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Tonio_kmplayer will replace kaffeine for the konqueror's embedded player05:48
jpatrickTonio_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kpowersave/0.6.0-1ubuntu305:48
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Tonio_wlassistant will replace kwifimanager05:48
buzif kpowersave won't be default05:48
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buzthen why is kpowersave required by kubuntu-desktop now?05:49
Tonio_buz: dependancy ???????05:49
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Tonio_buz: it doesn't to me05:49
buzTonio_: sudo apt-get remove kpowersave wants to remove kubuntu-desktop as well for me05:49
Tonio_buz: kpowersave is in universe05:50
Tonio_it is impossible kubuntu-desktop depends on it05:50
buzso i thought05:50
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Tonio_that's an issue......05:50
Tonio_apt-cache show kubuntu-desktop | grep kpowersave05:50
Tonio_no output05:50
buzthat's weird05:51
Tonio_jpatrick: issue in your packages depandancy list ?05:51
jpatrickapt-cache rdepends kpowersave05:51
Tonio_buz: anyway, kpowersave actually fails to built on the building machines......05:51
jpatrickTonio_: fixed05:51
Tonio_jpatrick: ah ?05:51
Tonio_jpatrick: what was the issue ?05:51
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jpatrickpot generation05:52
buzbuz@buz:~$ sudo apt-get remove kpowersave05:52
buzReading package lists... Done05:52
buzBuilding dependency tree... Done05:52
buzThe following packages will be REMOVED05:52
buz  kpowersave kubuntu-desktop05:52
buz0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 2 to remove and 0 not upgraded.05:52
buzit is however not installed by default05:52
Tonio_buz: weird.........05:52
buzwell as long as it wont conflict with kubuntu-desktop i'm happy ;)05:52
Tonio_buz: plz remove kpowersave, reinstall kubuntu-desktop and tell me if that makes kpowersave back05:52
buznow of course i'd be happier if my notebook actually would wake up from hibernate but that's something else ;)05:52
buzwants to install klaptopdaemon instead05:53
Tonio_buz: okay ;)05:53
jpatrickTonio_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+source/kpowersave/+changelog05:53
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Tonio_jpatrick: nice :)05:54
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buzwill knetworkmanager continue to be available in universe?05:59
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jpatrickbuz: I think so06:00
buzthank god06:01
buzfirst thing that actually got my wpa config completely right06:01
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buzwhereas wlassistant doesnt seem to support wpa, really06:04
jpatrickbuz: that's default06:04
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buzi would argue it to be slightly broken if it tells me my wpa wlan is wep secured...06:05
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blindboygruntjust trying kubuntu on a fairly low spec machine - I'm impressed with it06:08
jpatrickblindboygrunt: how much ram do you have?06:09
blindboygrunti think06:09
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blindboygruntcould be 12806:10
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blindboygrunthow do check without rebooting06:10
jpatrickTonio_: ^ weird06:10
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jpatrickblindboygrunt: k-menu -> system -> kinfocenter06:10
jpatrickthen memory section06:10
blindboygruntplease hold06:11
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jpatrickI'm not on the phone06:11
blindboygruntsorry - please holdon06:12
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jpatrickI had serious headaches with KDE and 128MB ram06:12
blindboygruntits a little slow when running amarok, konsole and konqueror06:12
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blindboygruntoh and kmail06:13
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blindboygruntsometimes the music playing chunks06:13
jpatrickblindboygrunt: I'ld get more ram if I were you06:13
blindboygruntbut still more responsive than gnome06:13
blindboygruntand not much slower athn xfc06:13
blindboygruntjpatrick: i will06:14
blindboygruntit's my girlfriends machine06:14
blindboygruntit's a weird packard Bell06:14
jpatrickI'm happy on 1GB :)06:14
blindboygruntat the moment I have 3mb of free physical memory :)06:15
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mshelbyis anyone here good at command-line?06:18
jpatrickmost of us06:19
mshelbyYeah, I'm fair at it. Anyone familiar with "lshw?" (hardware listing?)06:19
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Tonio_last time I checked, it was really slow.......06:20
jpatrickmshelby: man:/lshw in konqueror06:20
heney^i'm testing kubuntu live cd and this is not working good i think06:21
jpatrickheney^: why not?06:21
heney^programs don't start06:21
mshelbyYeah, I know how to use it, but I can't remember how tosave the output as a file. for instance "lshw -html" outputs an htmlfile, but how do I save the output toa file?06:22
jpatrickmshelby: lshw -html > result.html06:22
heney^now this is loading amaroK but it failed06:22
mshelbyjpatrick, thanks! Knew it was simple!06:23
jpatrickmshelby: :)06:24
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SbCl3i may have screwed up my user's group...by default, what group will a user be in?06:27
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SbCl3could someone please check real quick?06:28
Aikurnall the groups?06:29
SbCl3the group by default a user is placed in06:31
matrix? w32codecs06:31
matrix? mplayer06:31
Aikurnby default the main group should have the same name as the username06:32
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TerminusSbCl3: i've got justin adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner admin here06:32
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matrixis there a step by step guide how to setup all available codecs?06:35
jlbOk, so I downloaded an ISO of Mandriva and it comes with an Md5 and an sha1 file.  What do I need to do in kubuntu to burn to a CD?06:36
ubotusomebody said mp3 was a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats06:36
jpatrickmatrix: ^06:36
heney^first when i started this Konversation program but then i can't start any program it doesn't do anything06:36
jpatrickjlb: use K3b?06:37
tarmathjlb: k3b06:37
jpatrickheney^: something's seriously wrong06:37
heney^sorry about my bad english06:37
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matrixjpatrick: thk y very much06:37
jpatrickheney^: no debug?06:38
heney^i don't know why it do that06:38
jpatrickheney^: try running them from the konsole06:38
jlbok, in k3b, where do i need to go to insure it will be a bootable image?06:39
heney^i'm beginner in this :)06:39
jpatrickjlb: look for burn image06:39
jpatrickheney^: k-menu -> system -> konsole06:39
heney^that don't even start O_o06:40
jlbjpatrick : I selected Burn CD Image, it saw the iso, does it need to have the sha1 and md5 files on there also?06:40
jpatrickreburn the iso, something is terrible wrong06:40
jpatrickjlb: no06:40
jlbk, thx06:40
heney^ok, that could be burning is the reason why this doesn't work06:41
jpatrickor bad image06:41
heney^have to try again :)06:41
heney^i'll have live ubuntu too, it works better06:43
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reconciliationI enabled dual monitor config using system settings->Display. Is this broken because one monitor is the wrong size although configured properly06:46
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vega-_is there some way to remove all the gnome* stuff from the KDE menu, it's quite a mess with everything in there..06:52
Seantatervega-_: Probably06:52
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Seantatervega-_: Go to a terminal and type in kmenu06:53
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Seantatervega-: Go to a terminal and type in kmenu it should help06:53
Seantatervaga-: are you still here?06:54
Seantatervega-: does it work?06:54
vega-preferably some other way than editing the menus by hand...06:54
vega-bash: kmenu: command not found06:54
Seantatervega-: right click the "k" and press "Menu editor"06:55
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vega-ok, started06:55
Seantatervega-: Be warned -- I would onyl remove about 2, and then boot back into gnome06:55
Seantatervega-: To check if it gets removed from both menus06:56
Seantatervega-: Gnome and KDE06:56
vega-there's got to be a better way, i mean there's gnome stuff all over the menus06:56
Seantatervega-: You might be able to make a script with an Regex filter -- but that;s even more tedious06:57
vega-why the f... do you need to register in www.ubuntuforums.org to do a search06:58
jpatrickvega-: yep06:58
Seantatervega-: They went over thier 1000GB bandwith and they are trying to cut it down06:58
SeantaterThat can be done with a script too07:02
SeantaterBut it's still kinda slow07:03
SeantaterI could pastebin a script for you, but it would take several minutes to make it07:03
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:jpatrick] : Congrats to freeflying on MOTU rights | Flight 6 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | FAQ: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu
jpatrickoh wait07:05
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:jpatrick] : Congrats to freeflying on MOTU rights | Flight 6 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 3, KOffice 1.5 out - See http://kubuntu.org/ | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FaqOnIrc | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | http://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu
jpatrickthat's better :)07:06
vega-Seantater: not that important.. i mostly use a terminal anyway07:07
vega-thanks anyway07:07
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jindiazhey guys!  can someone plz help me with setting up the dual boot system!?07:22
jindiazim sorta stuck at one point07:23
jindiazand i dunno whut to do07:23
Aikurnwhat point?07:23
jindiazim stuck inbetween steps 5 and 607:23
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jindiazi just resized the windows partition07:23
jindiazbut i dont know what to do now, theres no option for the swap space at this point07:24
SeantaterYou do not have tpo have swap space07:24
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SeantaterYou can make a swap file instead07:24
jindiazand also, am i supposed to format the partition that says pri/log for kubuntu now?07:24
jindiazo ok, so i dont need the swap space then?07:25
SeantaterCan you directly quote that?07:25
SeantaterNo, swap space is optional07:25
SeantaterYou can do that later07:25
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jindiazo ok cool.  and yah, im at the partitoning disks p[art where i JUST finished resizing the windows partition07:26
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SeantaterSo now that you are through with the swap space, what do you see now?07:26
jindiaznow im back at this partiton menu, which has #1 primary ntfs, etc etc07:26
Seantaterrather than etc, etc.. can you elaborate07:27
jindiazand also the new partion i creeated which simply says pri/log07:27
jindiazFREE SPACE07:27
jindiazin caps07:27
SeantaterHave you chosen what is to be mounted as / ?07:27
SeantaterHave you already wrote the partitioning to the disk, or are you doing that now?07:28
jindiazSeantater: lol.  ok, so it says #1 primary 65.0GB ntfs /media/hda1  the second line right fater syas  pri/log 138.9GB  FREESPACE07:28
jindiazjust like that07:28
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SeantaterOkay, try selecting that and see the dialog that comes up07:29
jindiazwhich?  the second one?07:29
SeantaterYes, the free space07:29
jindiazok one moment07:30
SeantaterDoes ot mention the mount pount07:30
Seantaterif not, does it meantion formatting07:30
Seantaterhold on, brb07:31
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jindiazuh oh....07:32
jindiazwhat type is this new partition????07:32
SeantaterAt the moment, nothing07:32
SeantaterYou should choose to format it07:32
SeantaterYou can choose between many FS's07:32
jindiazuhhh noo my only options are primary and logical07:33
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SeantaterChoose primary, you only have 2 partitions at the moment07:34
SeantaterAnything else?07:34
jindiazthats all, just those two options07:35
jindiazso primary for sure?07:35
SeantaterThere is not that much difference07:35
SeantaterPrimary is easiest07:35
SeantaterI hope they get moving on thet GUI installer -- :-P07:36
SeantaterIt would make this much easier07:36
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Seantaterstill there?07:38
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jindiazlol, yah, just one moment,07:38
Seantaterwhat is going on? it usually only takes about 5-10 seconds07:38
jindiazok, so im back at the menu07:39
jindiazand so finsih changes and right to disk yah?07:39
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SeantaterIs it still "free space"?07:40
jindiazyah seriously, alot of gui is needed in my opinion07:40
SeantaterYou'll need to format it, if you have not already07:40
jindiazand no07:40
jindiazits just /07:41
SeantaterGood. What FS have you chosen, if you do not mind me asking?07:41
jindiazand the type is ext3 now07:41
SeantaterMany people debate between ext3, reiserfs and xfs.07:41
jindiazlol, i didnt choose it per say, it just sort of did that07:41
Seantaterext3 is most common07:41
SeantaterThat's why ext3 is most common07:41
jindiazman!  there was a choice there!?  CRAP07:41
jindiazo well, so write changes to disk yah?  its all good?07:42
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Seantateryes, that is good.07:42
SeantaterIt should be opk to right07:43
jindiazerm.... yah bit of a problem07:43
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jindiazits saying WARNING: this will destroy all data on any partition you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted07:44
SeantaterYou removed a partition?07:44
SeantaterI was not aware?07:44
SeantaterWhich one?07:44
jindiazi just said write cahnges to disk, and the next screen is this07:45
SeantaterItYou did not remove a partition?07:45
jindiazor selected i mean, not said07:45
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jindiazermmmmmmm noooooooo just resized the XP to 65gb, and the other partion was just changed to that new format with yu07:46
jindiazthats all07:46
jindiazwell i pressed go back07:46
jindiazand im at that menu again07:46
jindiazof partions07:47
jindiazit seems like the only option to go with here07:47
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davixhow can I check my sensors temperatures?07:47
SeantaterHow much data do you figure you have on the windows partition07:47
Seantaterdavix: type in lsensors into a terminal07:47
Seantaterdavix: Make sure you hacve it installed first07:48
davixno such thing in my apt-cache search07:48
jindiazi think its lmsensors07:48
jindiazor maybe it is lsensors...07:48
jindiazcrap i forget07:48
Seantaterjindiaz: I think you were right, lmsensors07:49
davixi found lmsensors07:49
Seantaterdavix: good!07:49
jindiazthats the one then07:49
jindiazSeantater: so should i just go theru with it and forego that warning?07:50
Seantaterjindiaz: how much date do you have on the win partition07:50
davixthis is awful07:50
davixit sais no sensors detected07:50
Seantaterjindiaz, not date, Data07:50
jindiazo yah yu have to restart man, i had the same issues07:50
Seantaterdavix: you can also try mbmon07:50
jindiazbut yah, as for data, none man, just the fresh install as of last night07:51
jindiazall updated and everything07:51
Seantaterjindiaz, Then go ahead and do it07:51
jindiazand drivers, etc etc07:51
Seantaterjindiaz, Sounds good to me07:51
jindiazyah thats whut im thinking07:51
jindiazaight here goes07:51
Seantaterjindiaz, cross your fingers07:51
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Seantaterjindiaz, it should be finishing up right about now07:52
Seantaterjindiaz, going well?07:53
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jindiazSeantater: yup it went with no problem07:54
SeantaterIs it installing the rest now?07:54
jindiazhowever ive appeared at a menu asking me i f i want to assign swapspace as a parition07:54
SeantaterNot really07:55
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SeantaterI prefer swap files anything07:55
jindiazim wondering if i should go back and assign 1gb for swap07:55
Seantateranything _> anyway07:55
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SeantaterI keep it on my data partition07:55
jindiazhmmm... should i deal with it later then?07:56
skOrecan somebody give me a hand on installing kubuntu into an ubuntu? or point me to a help chan?07:56
davixhow do I run a program thru terminal that will dump it's output to a file so I can check later?07:56
davixlike mbmon - send output to - log.txt07:56
Seantaterjindiaz: I would07:56
jindiazcool, aight here goes the rest then, lets see whut happens07:56
SeantaterskOre: there are also #ubuntu, #ubuntuforums, and #ubuntu+1 channels07:56
skOreI mainly just need a good introduction to Synaptic, since it won't work for me (linux noob)07:57
skOreI search for kde, kubuntu and kubuntu-desktop and it won't show anything07:57
Seantaterdavix: after the command (to the right), type in a > and then the path to the file07:57
SeantaterskOre: I'm not sure I have that mcuh time07:58
SeantaterskOre: I use adept07:58
skOreis that in ubuntu?07:58
SeantaterskOre: The commands line interfaces for package managemant are not that hard though07:58
SeantaterskOre, I think so, but it's intended for Kubuntu, not Ubuntu07:59
skOregot a good tutorial to point me to?07:59
skOreSeantater: ah well, so it won't work for me yet ;)07:59
SeantaterskOre, you might try looking through linux.about.com and debian.org07:59
wiskzitowhy i dont have the command kedit listed im my options here at command line?07:59
Seantaterwiskzito, you will need to install it07:59
wiskzitofrom apt?08:00
Seantaterto see available commands, do "dir /usr/bin" with no quotes in a CLI08:00
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Seantaterwiskzito: yes08:00
wiskzitook, thx08:00
skOreSeantater: thanks however, will try my best :)08:00
Seantaterjindiaz: Still going?08:00
SeantaterskOre: I can give you a few points08:00
skOreSeantater: I also tried suod apt-get, but it would all the time report that it wouldn't find my package08:01
SeantaterskOre: for example, try the above with no quotes "apt-cache search kedit"08:01
skOreSeantater sudo that is08:01
jindiazSeantater: yah man, shes still chugging away.  i just reeally hope its going to the right partition08:01
SeantaterskOre: "Don't worry, if something went wrong, it went wrong quite a while ago08:02
SeantaterSorry, not skOre, jindiaz08:02
SeantaterI'm not good with names08:02
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skOreIts quite a fresh install08:03
Seantaterthere the latter in a terminal: apt-cache --help; apt-get --help; dpkg --help08:03
SeantaterskOre: Be warned, apt is good and bad sometimes08:04
wiskzitoanyone know how to install a webcam, i found some tutorials, but didnt work for me08:04
skOreif I downloaded a package (a tar-bz2 that is), how can I install that?08:04
Seantaterwiskzito: not me...08:04
SeantaterskOre; with danger08:05
SeantaterskOre; Install kinstaller08:05
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SeantaterskOre; and kompile first08:05
SeantaterskOre: and along with that, build-essential08:05
wiskzitothx Seantater08:06
skOrecan't I just make it into an autopackage? :)08:07
skOrethat I can install08:07
kettenschutzhi there08:07
SeantaterskOre, not unless you made the package08:07
kettenschutzi've gotta problem here with my kubuntu installation08:07
SeantaterskOre, autopackage-ing is not easy08:07
jindiazSeantater: it worked man!08:07
Seantaterjindiaz: Good!08:07
jindiazthanks a million man!!!!!!!08:08
Seantaterjindiaz: I;m feeling all warm and fizzy inside :-P08:08
jindiazas soon as it got to the grub point and recognized xp, all was well08:08
Seantaternot fizzy, fuzzy08:08
skOreSeantater: damn08:08
jindiazme 2 man, so happy to get my primary pc onto linux.. finally08:08
SeantaterskOre, have you installed thosepackages08:08
jindiazsadly.... need xp for games..08:09
skOreI did install inkscape with it08:09
SeantaterskOre, It;s not that hard to compile a package, it just needs the above-mentioned tools08:09
SeantaterskOre, with08:09
skOreso kinstaller?08:09
Seantaterjindiaz: glad I could help :-)08:10
SeantaterskOre: yes, kinstaller, kompile; and build-essential08:10
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skOreSeantater: and how would I install these? :)08:11
SeantaterskOre, using synaptic, apt, or adept08:11
skOreapt-get always tells me it wont find the package08:12
SeantaterskOre, You'll probably find what you are trying to compile there too08:12
cigaI try to suspend my box, but I got 'apm: busy: Unable to enter requested state'. Any idea how to fix?08:12
skOreI guess so08:12
SeantaterskOre, using apt-cache search, not apt-get08:12
Seantaterciga: try doing that with sudo08:12
Seantaterciga: AKA: run it as root08:13
cigaSeantater: yes, I do it with root08:13
skOreso when I input: sudo apt-cache search scribus08:13
skOreit will just jump to the next line doing nothing08:13
SeantaterskOre: sudo is unnecessary, you can do it as a normal user08:13
SeantaterskOre: do "sudo apt-get update" just before that08:13
skOresame thing08:14
SeantaterskOre: Go into /etc/apt/sources.list, and enable the "universe" repository08:14
skOreuh, and how would I accomplish such a fancy thing? :D08:14
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SeantaterskOre: "kate /etc/apt/sources.list"08:15
Seantaterstrange_ghost: ?08:15
skOreskOre: bash: kate: command not found08:15
SeantaterskOre: or for gnome: "gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"08:15
SeantaterskOre: How long have you used Linux?08:16
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strange_ghostSeantater: Are there aptget sources to upgrade kubuntu to dapper?08:16
Seantaterciga: hellop again08:16
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Seantaterstrange_ghost: Yes, just open /etc/apt/sources.list, and change every place that says breezy to dapper08:17
skOreon and off a couple occasions, but I'm still a full fledged noob08:17
Seantaterstrange_ghost: Then type apt-get update08:17
cigaI do it like this: 'sudo apm --suspend'. My monitor switches off, but after a little time it turns on again, but my keyboard does not respond until I restart X.08:17
Seantaterstrange_ghost: Then type apt-get upgrade08:17
Seantaterstrange_ghost: Then restart08:17
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Seantaterciga: Google it, I do not know that much about it08:18
strange_ghostSeantater: OK, I will try that. Was a little different for Ubuntu (just needed to get one package and then run upgrade). Thanks08:18
jindiazSeantater: bad news man... after a stunning visual deomopnstration, i dont think that its too happy with my videocard all of a sudden...which makes no sense cause it was fine during install08:19
cigaSeantater: I booted up with apm=on acpi=off08:19
Seantaterjindiax: try installed dapper08:19
Seantaterciga: I really don;t know that much08:19
Seantaterciga: I have no clue about acpi apm, etc08:19
jindiazdapper!?  ooo i duno man..  maybe.. just gunna try to reatrt08:19
cigaSeantater: thanks anyway.08:19
Seantaterjindiaz: I use dapper all the time08:20
jindiazit should be fine with an nvidia 6600 gt vid card08:20
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jindiazits totally stable?08:20
SeantaterGosh I must be popular, my whole screen lit up from prople saying lines with my name in it08:20
Seantaterjindiaz: No08:21
Seantaterjindiaz: It's still alpha08:21
Seantaterjindiaz: But It works08:21
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Seantaterjindiaz: Try the live cd first08:21
macHi. I upgraded to dapper from breezdy (via apt-get) and the sound wont work quite right.. I've got it now to semi work, but it the volume is WAY to low .. making it louder via kmixer etc doesnt work.. Any clues?08:21
Seantaterjindiaz: IMO, it already has less bugs than breezy08:22
SeantaterThen again.. :-)08:22
Seantatermac: What about your physical speakers?08:22
Seantatermac: Are they plugges in all the way08:23
Seantatermac: volume up08:23
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Seantatermac: what program has this problem, all of them?08:23
macSeantaler: Yes, they are setup correctly.. its a software problem, as it worked one hour ago with breedy08:23
macSeantaler: tried the kde settings for sounds, xmms, bmp, amarok.. take a pick08:24
strange_ghostSeantater: That did not work (replacing breezy with dapper). Repositories do not have dapper yet08:24
jindiazSeantater: crap.... i dunno whut the hell the problem is, it boots fine, the kubuntu start comes up, loads all the things with ok's, but when its done, the screen has these white boxes,, then pink lines08:24
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macIt looks like the alsa mixer is set up too low08:24
mac(alsa driver)08:24
strange_ghostSeantater: Actually hold on...08:24
Seantaterstrange_ghost: Read the wiki, I think they have very much info concerning this.08:25
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strange_ghostSeantater: k, thanks08:25
Seantaterstrange_ghost: They MOST DEFINITELY have the packages, I use them08:25
Seantaterjindiaz: Last time that happened to me, I had to replace my video card08:25
strange_ghostSeantater: I needed to run update first :-\08:25
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Seantaterstrange_ghost: working now?08:26
strange_ghostyup , downloading the stuff...08:26
Seantaterjindiaz: I had to unplug (At the wall), my monitor and plug it back in to fix that last time08:26
Seantaterjindiaz: Actually, that was two different times08:27
Seantaterjindiaz: sorry08:27
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ubotu[alsa]  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=32063, see also !dmix08:27
ubotu[dmix]  first try system>prefrences>multimedia system selector change it to alsa. for oss application type aoss <appl name> if still have problems then http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?page=DmixPlugin08:28
Seantaterubotu tell mac about alsa08:28
Seantaterubotu tell mac about dmix08:28
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Seantater08:28
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macThanks, I will try that08:28
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Seantaterhello nico__08:31
skOreSeamtater: root is the owner of that file, why can't I change that with sudo chown?08:32
macNot much look with that08:32
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jonathan_hi all. i get this odd message everytime i start up apdept updater08:33
jonathan_Could not find mime type application/octet-stream.....any suggestions08:33
jonathan_it works but it's just annoying to have that come up08:33
mvvjonathan_: i got that too since flight5, i guess it's something that's waiting to be done(?)08:35
jonathan_well, like i said it's just annoying08:35
jonathan_i have to say at least for me, flight 6 has been very stable08:36
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mvvyeah for me too :)08:37
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skOreSeantater: this guide: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto solves my problems08:40
skOreSeantater: thank you for your help, I think I'm on track now08:40
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zblachhey. can one recommend me a nice, friendly audio converter?08:41
beefsprocketzblach: amarok has some great plugin scripts for conversion08:43
zblacheh, i'm not really an amarok fan08:43
zblachtoo... not xmms like08:43
crimsun!info nautilus-script-audio-convert dapper08:44
ubotunautilus-script-audio-convert: (A nautilus audio converter script), section universe/sound, is optional. Version: (dapper), Packaged size: 14 kB, Installed size: 96 kB08:44
crimsun!info nautilus-script-audio-convert08:44
crimsun(no, and it's for nautilus)08:44
zblachah. hrm08:44
beefsprocketI tihnk kaudiocdcreator can convert as well as rip08:45
zblachthere was a package called audio-convert, but it wants musepack-tools08:45
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maczblach: : apt-get install musepack-tools , most likley08:47
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zblachmac, the package seems not-existant08:48
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zblacheither archaic or hidden08:49
maczblach: try apt-cache search musepack08:49
zblachfound a few things, but audio-convert still ain't happy08:49
maczblach: it could be also in the multiverse branch08:50
zblachi didn't see it anywhere08:50
zblachbut i'll keep lookin08:50
macI remember installing it myself, I think08:51
crimsunin Breezy it's called gstreamer0.8-musepack08:51
zblachi'm fairly sure I have multiverse enabled08:51
crimsunjust use gstreamer to convert them08:51
zblachhave it08:51
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crimsunnow read the man page for gst-launch-0.808:54
crimsunsee the examples toward the end of the man page for converting08:54
crimsunyou'll probably want to use gst-inspect-0.808:54
zblachhey, this is pretty good, thanks08:55
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Firinstruction Google Adsense-->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/en.htm                 Download free Firefox -->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/Firefox.htm09:04
crimsunFir: STOP IT.09:04
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ubotuHelp! Riddell, fooishbar, haggai, amu, uniq, Mez, seth_k, nikkia, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, or robotgeek09:04
=== jpatrick must ask to get added
jpatricksoulflare: hi09:05
naliothhow lovely09:05
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soulflarei've problem with KDE, the icons on my desktopdon't align to the grid anymore, althoug the option is enabled09:07
soulflareKDE 3.5.209:07
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Firinstruction Google Adsense-->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/en.htm                 Download free Firefox -->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/Firefox.htm09:08
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jpatricksomeone ban the spammer09:09
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Seantatersupposively, konversation did.. I don;t see anything happening though09:10
paulvolkWhere can I find a list of repositories for Kubuntu09:11
SeantaterI;m not an op, so I don;t figure it did anything09:11
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource09:11
paulvolkI recently installed Kubuntu and the last couple of times I have started it it has started in the command line mode. How can I fix it so that KDM shows up all the time.09:13
Seantatertry looking in /etc/init.d09:13
SeantaterI think there is a kdm script there.09:13
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic09:13
SeantaterIt might be faulty, or deleted09:13
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soulflareokay, i fixed the problem myself now :)09:17
soulflareseems to be a bug in KDE09:17
jonathan_anyone have an opinion on XGL ?09:18
jonathan_stability, etc?09:18
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/09:18
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jonathan_cool, thank you09:19
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soulflarehow actually is the stability of dapper atm?09:20
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paulvolkWhich is better to get KDE 3.5.1 or 3.5.2?09:21
Tm_Tpaulvolk: newer ofcourse09:21
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jindiazo no, hey does anyone knoe if zenity is unavailable now!?09:25
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jindiazi cant run automatix09:25
jindiazi need to run it cause i need this pc up and running asap09:26
jindiazlike super asap09:26
jonathan_soulflare: i have used it for some time and have no problems09:26
jonathan_it has replaced my main OS09:26
soulflaredoes the upgrade from breezy to dapper work without problems?09:27
soulflarewhat was your main OS before?09:27
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Draevenok, this is the weirdest thing - the dapper cd worked just fine in my new Acer notebook - but failed on my desktop system09:29
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wordNot so wierd...different cd rom drive..different hardware...09:29
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wordThe cd might have been corrupted by passing over a magnet or something on your way to your desktop..ya never know. Try it again in the laptop09:30
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Draevenworked fine on the laptop - and from what I know - you can't corrupt plastic with a magnet ;)09:31
DraevenI'm gonna use Flight 5 on the desktop and the just upgrade to Flight 6 with adept09:31
wordI've heard of weirder things happening ;)09:31
wordTry it again in the laptop and if you can try running the cd uh....forgot what it was called it checks to make sure the cd isn't corrupt.09:32
soulflarewill there be kubuntu cds available at shipit?09:33
Draevencd couldn't be corrupt - I'm on my notebook and just installed using a Flight 6 cd - the same one that I threw 3 other copies out09:33
jindiazanyone have any ideas on the zenity issue?09:33
wordDraeven: Don't say it won't work until you've tried it wierd things can happen with computer equipment that can't be easily explained.09:35
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AjiDahakacould anyone glance in the package list and tell me if skim is available yet?09:35
Draevenwhat I'm saying is the CD worked fine in my laptop - its the desktop that it wouldn't work on09:35
Draevenand I'm fine with it not working on the desktop09:36
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wordYet you worked on it after you used the laptop...it could have been damaged the driver to operate your cd rom drive in your desktop could have been improperly copied...09:36
wordif your fine with it then why'd you say it was a problem?...09:36
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Draevenword: what I was saying was that it was wierd that it wouldn't boot on my desktop and that it did on my notebook09:38
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wordDraeven: And I gave you nearly every possible reason why...09:40
jindiazok so anyopne out there know abt the zenity problem????09:41
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bigironhello all09:58
bigironcan anyone give me some advice on how to get kubuntu onto and existing ubuntu install. I want to do a Kubuntu-Desktop in synaptic but can't find the metapackage09:59
crimsunit's kubuntu-desktop. capitalisation matters.09:59
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bigironcool thanks, I should have thought of that.10:01
bigironit's working now10:01
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jonathan__ok, I'm having printer issues10:14
jonathan__i had my printer installed and I'm assuming the updates killed it10:15
elijahlofgrenjonathan__: What error are you having? And what printer do you have?10:15
jonathan__now when i try to install it again i get "unable to load the requested driver. Unable to create the foomatic driver. either it doesn't exist of i dont have permissions to do it10:16
jonathan__samsung ml-201010:16
jonathan__the ml-4500 drivers work, and i'm going thru kde to do it10:16
elijahlofgrenjonathan__: I would suggest trying the Cups web interface. Try going to: http://localhost:631/printers/10:17
jonathan__yeah, i'm working on that now10:18
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jonathan__it shows them all as stopped10:21
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jonathan__dang, why can't things work and stay working10:24
paulvolkWhat do I need to compile software?10:24
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elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: apt-get install build-essential10:26
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elijahlofgrenjonathan__: I don't know if these would  help: http://ywwg.com/wordpress/?p=309 http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6511110:27
elijahlofgrenjonathan__: Are you using Dapper?10:27
AjiDahakais the new nvidia driver in dapper?10:28
AjiDahaka(the 8756 driver)10:28
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elijahlofgrenAjiDahaka: Let me see...10:29
elijahlofgrenAjiDahaka: Yes it is.10:29
AjiDahakagreat!  thanks!10:29
AjiDahaka(my card doesn't run with the older ones nor the nv driver)10:30
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elijahlofgrenAjiDahaka: Here's the listing. http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/x11/nvidia-glx10:31
stodgeHi - is there a package for kubuntu for Microsoft's core fonts?10:31
crimsun!info msttcorefonts10:32
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stodgeWhich repo is that in? I don't get a hit through adept10:32
ubotumsttcorefonts: (Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts), section multiverse/x11, is optional. Version: 1.2ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 164 kB10:32
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paulvolkOk I have downloaded KBFX 0.4.9 but it won't configure for installing10:33
stodgeMust be universe I presume10:34
paulvolkI unpack it and type ./configure but it gives me an error messege10:34
AjiDahakawhat error message?10:34
AjiDahaka(pastebin the output, actually)10:34
paulvolkbash: ./configure: No such file or directory10:35
AjiDahakahehe ...10:35
AjiDahakago to the directory with the configure script ...10:36
AjiDahaka./ is a way to say "run the file in this directory as a program" to your shell10:36
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paulvolkWhat is the extention on the config script?10:38
AjiDahakathere shouldn't be one, usually10:38
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AjiDahakajust configure10:38
AjiDahakaif it's not there, usually reading the included documentation is best10:38
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stodgeStill can't find msttcorefonts10:39
AjiDahakasays they are in multiverse10:39
stodgemultiverse? Oh10:39
AjiDahakathat's what ubotu said10:40
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:40
stodgeSorry I missed that.10:40
stodgeI don't have multiverse setup10:40
stodgeDo I add the same repos for kubuntu as ubuntu?10:41
elijahlofgrenstodge: yes10:41
stodgeOk thanks10:41
elijahlofgrenstodge: Ubuntu and Kubuntu us the same repos but the just install different package sets.10:41
elijahlofgren*but they just10:41
paulvolkWhat is the command for unpacking a .tar.bz2?10:42
AjiDahakatar -xf10:42
stodgeAnd kubuntu is based on breezy?10:42
AjiDahakabreezy is a version of kubuntu, iiuc10:42
stodgetar xvfj?10:42
AjiDahakaj and v are optional10:42
elijahlofgrenstodge: I'm using Kubuntu Dapper Drake.10:42
stodgeI didn't know there was a Kubuntu Dapper10:43
AjiDahakait's in pre-release10:43
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stodgeDo I replace my sources.list with the source list that was mentioned earlier?10:45
paulvolkOk I am really messed up. It won't let me configure this packedge source10:45
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paulvolkAnd I have no Idea why!!!!10:45
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: What error does it have?10:45
paulvolkbash: ./configure: No such file or directory10:46
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paulvolkI have read the readme and it should work. It says to go to the directory and type ./configure10:46
AjiDahakathat's the idea, yeah10:46
paulvolkThat is what I do but I get an error!!!!10:46
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: What does the command "ls *configure" show10:46
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paulvolkls: *configure: No such file or director10:47
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paulvolkthat is what it says10:47
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AjiDahakapaulvolk: then it's not there ...10:48
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: Weird. What does running the command "ls" show?10:48
paulvolkdo you want me to paste it here?10:48
paulvolkWhat does that mean?10:49
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: !pastebin10:49
ubotupastebin is probably http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:49
paulvolkoh ok10:49
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: Are you sure you have done: "10:49
=== AjiDahaka hands paulvolk the book of netiquette
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: "cd /the/directory/containing/the/configure/script" ?10:50
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: That's what it means by "go to the directory"10:50
=== AjiDahaka recommends find . | grep configure ...
stodgeTHis is multiverse right?     deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse10:50
paulvolkgo here and tell me what you think10:51
AjiDahakawhat's configure.files?10:51
AjiDahakamake -f Makefile.cvs would be my initial guess, though10:51
mustafuI've tried burning the Kubuntu install CD, however, my computer won't boot from it...bad burn / image maybe?  or...?10:52
elijahlofgrenpaulvolk: Maybe there's a configure in "kbfx-0.4.9"10:52
AjiDahakamustafu: is the computer set to boot from cd?10:52
stodgepaulvolk what error do you get when you do ./configure10:52
AjiDahakastodge: there's no ./configure ...10:52
mustafuyes, it says "Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM: Failure..."10:52
stodgeOh must have missed that too - sorry10:52
AjiDahakamustafu: sounds like bad media to me10:52
AjiDahakastodge: no problem ;)10:52
stodgesh autoget.sh?10:52
stodgesh autogen.sh?10:53
stodgeor sh bootstrap.sh10:53
AjiDahakaI'm still voting for make -f Makefile.cvs10:53
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stodgeWhat is the current version of kde in stable kubuntu after upgrading?10:54
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fatejudgercrimsun: ping10:54
paulvolkok so what would I do to get it to install?10:54
AjiDahakapaulvolk: did you try make -f Makefile.cvs?10:54
elijahlofgrenstodge: It depends if you endable the KDE 3.5 repo or not.10:54
stodgeIs that safe?10:54
crimsunfatejudger: pong10:55
paulvolkI will10:55
AjiDahakatell me if it works10:55
fatejudgercrimsun: the Audigy 2 bug I reported got marked as "more info needed"10:55
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elijahlofgrenstodge: Should be. See: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php10:55
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fatejudgercrimsun: I provided it, but it hasn't been unmarked10:55
fatejudgercrimsun: I didn't know whether I should do something other than comment at the bottom of the bug10:55
crimsunfatejudger: that just means someone hasn't looked at it yet10:56
paulvolkok it didn't work10:56
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paulvolkit said "bash: -f: command not found"10:56
crimsunplease be patient, it's Easter, and we're under extreme time pressure10:56
SteveireIf I have a program written in VB6 for windows, can I easily make it work in Linux?10:56
fatejudgercrimsun: I can imagine10:56
fatejudgercrimsun: I'm just making sure that I did it right10:56
fatejudgercrimsun: I didn't want there to be any confusion10:56
AjiDahakapaulvolk: what's the exact command you ran?!10:56
paulvolk-f Makefile.cvs10:56
AjiDahakamake -f Makefile.cvs10:57
stodgesteveire: Most likely no - there is a program somewhere that may be close, but I don't know its name10:57
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AjiDahakamake is a command ... and an important one!10:57
paulvolkoh ok10:57
elijahlofgrenSteveire: Wine should probably run it.10:57
paulvolksorry I missed that part10:57
stodgeBugger - my fonts keep changing size every time I log in10:57
SteveireWhat if it was written in Visual c++, or anotherlanguage?10:57
Draevenanyone know why I wouldn't be able to enable my wireless nick - its a Broadcom 4318 and the driver module is loaded?10:57
stodgeC++ is cross platform10:57
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paulvolkdidn't work10:59
paulvolkhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12340 take a look10:59
elijahlofgrenSteveire: See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Wine10:59
AjiDahakapaulvolk: install autoconf10:59
AjiDahakapaulvolk: and probably automake10:59
cycus_zwisushow to compile the newest kbfx under breezy?11:00
Steveirethanks elijahlofgren, but I'd prefer to have a standalone set up.11:00
Steveirestodge: Does that mean that it will work?11:00
elijahlofgrenSteveire: Standalone? What do you mean by that?11:00
SteveireNot needing wine11:00
stodgeYou can write C++ on Windows and the re-compile it on Linux11:00
SteveireThat's what I wanted to hear, thanks11:01
stodgeSame with C, Python, Java etc11:01
Steveirebut not BASIC?11:01
elijahlofgrenstodge: But won't it not work if it calls Windows APIs?11:01
paulvolkok now that I have installed autoconf what do I do?11:01
stodgeI was talking standard C++11:01
stodgeWindows API is an extra library, not part of standard C++11:02
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AjiDahakapaulvolk: the same thing ... it FAILED because of the REASON STATED IN CAPITAL LETTERS11:02
paulvolkoh ok11:02
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paulvolkIt said this: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1234111:03
AjiDahakapaulvolk: what do you guess you should do now?11:03
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paulvolkinstall it again?11:04
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paulvolkor what? Update?11:04
enr1x|MarcosBOXgood night from barcelona!!11:04
AjiDahakaor install THE THING IN CAPITAL LETTERS11:04
paulvolkoh ok11:04
AjiDahaka*** AUTOMAKE NOT FOUND!. <-- that line is IMPORTANT11:04
enr1x|MarcosBOXhow can i disable the signature checking for apt-get update? im trying to install breezy11:04
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paulvolkWhat version? it gives me version 1.4 through 1.911:05
stodgeapt-get install build-essential11:05
AjiDahakapaulvolk: *** KDE requires automake 1.6.1 or newer <-- also IMPORTANT11:06
paulvolkok I made the config file11:08
paulvolkit worked11:08
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paulvolkbut when I configure I  get this checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths!11:09
AjiDahakayou need to install the -dev package for xorg, then11:10
AjiDahaka(you'll run into this a few times, I imagine)11:10
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paulvolkI can't find the xorg-dev?11:12
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paulvolkWhat is the exact packedge I am looking for?11:13
AjiDahakapaulvolk: there's actually a search utility builtin for this sort of thing ...11:13
AjiDahakaxserver-xorg-dev is what it tells me11:13
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paulvolkCan't find the packedge11:15
paulvolkthere is no xserver-xorg-dev11:16
AjiDahakahmm ... it exists here11:16
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paulvolkI can't find it though11:16
AjiDahakajust a tick11:16
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AjiDahakaI don't see them ...11:18
AjiDahakathey seem to be in my cache, though :p11:18
paulvolkyou don't see what?11:18
paulvolkoh ok11:18
AjiDahakathe xorg-dev programs on the search page11:18
paulvolkso what should I do?11:20
AjiDahakafind an xorg -dev package with X headers or download them manually ...11:20
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steveireWhen I boot, there is one thing that fails everytime.11:23
steveireSynchronisation with ntp.ubuntu.org clock or something like that11:24
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stodgeDamn - this site doesn't work using Konq:   http://www.trader.ca/search/default.asp?category=1&categoryid=1&CAT=111:28
paulvolkWhich would be better to install Kubuntu version 5.10 or 6.06?11:29
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PaulThello... need some help11:31
steveireI'm fairly happy with 5.10 atm11:31
steveireI want to make an application with C++. Do I have what I need preinstalled, or do I need to apt get something11:32
PaulTmy wireless card is showing that it is functioning, but it says that it is deactivated... it is showing that it is on my network and there is signal strength... it wont let me on the net... what is going on?11:32
Blissexsteveire: you need the development packages, there is a metapackage to pull them in.11:32
steveireeh, what do I search in adept for?11:33
stodgesudo apt-get install build-essential11:33
stodgeAnd others11:33
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BlissexPaulT: insufficient description, hard to say whats going on.11:34
PaulTyeah... uhm... i dont know what the deal is either... in the kcontrol, it says that ra0 is deactivated, but when i press activate device, it takes about a minute to activate it and then it breifly flashes activated and then says it is deactivated again... but then when i check the status, it says that it is connected to the network. but when i open up the window to surf the net... it says that i am not connected11:38
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TheMonoTonehas anyone installed cinelerra?11:39
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stodgeAnyone know how to switch between different versions of automake?11:40
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Enr1x|Marquinhosgood night11:40
Enr1x|Marquinhosi have a small question11:40
Enr1x|Marquinhoswhat is newer: dapper or breezy11:40
Enr1x|Marquinhosso i should edit the /etc/apt/sources.list rightnow11:41
Enr1x|Marquinhosstodge: thanks11:41
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Enr1x|Marquinhosstodge: could you tell me what version has kde 3.5.2 please? i changed every instance of breezy to dapper in /etc/apt/sources.list, but i cannot find kde 3.5.2 through apt-cache search11:44
BlissexPaulT: more details. Which card? Which driver?11:46
stodgeI don't know - sorry11:46
BlissexPaulT: also, check with command line tools like 'iwlist scanning' and 'ifconfig'11:46
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stodgeI have a bunch of files in sub-directories. How can I move them all into one directory?11:47
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stodgeI thought there was a way to use tar to do this, but I can't work it out through man11:48
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Enr1x|Marquinhosstodge: mv */* . should do this11:49
Enr1x|Marquinhosnote that you have to cd to the parent directory of that subdirectories11:49
stodgemv */* .    ?11:50
stodgeI don't see how that will go down into multiple sub-directories11:50
Enr1x|Marquinhosto move files11:50
Enr1x|Marquinhosadd more asteriscs...11:50
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Enr1x|Marquinhosi cannot think of anything else11:50
stodgeOk thanks11:50
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PaulTin the terminal, i typed in sudo ifup ra0 and it went through a buch of crap and then said No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.11:52
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stodgeAny ideas how to select which automake is used?11:58
stodgeBugger I accidentally removed the menu bar and icon bar from konsole - how do I get it back!12:00
ToyManhey all12:01
ToyManhas anyone successfully mounted a fbsd usf volume in kubuntu?12:02
ToyManI have a fbsd box with 2 hd... I want to wipe fbsd on the boot drive, but I'm worried that I won't be able to access the much larger usf volume after the install... the big drive has my entire music collection...12:03

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