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bddebianAnyone alive that knows xmkmf?12:42
crimsundefine "knows".12:43
KyralSay that near me again and die....12:43
=== LaserJock goes back to sleep
LaserJockbddebian: which package are you working on?12:44
KyralI thought you were sleeping12:45
LaserJockwell, it almost put me to sleep but I managed to awaken myself with a dose of Python12:47
LaserJockI'm trying to make a nice Python environment on my Windows laptop12:48
bddebianLaserJock: xfishtank at the moment :-)12:51
bddebiancrimsun: Well it's generating an X11R6 path and I don't want it too :-)  The package is also looking for stddef.h but it doesn't look in usr/include/linux which is where it is12:52
Kamionstddef.h is more usually got from gcc's private include directory12:53
Kamione.g. /usr/lib/gcc/powerpc-linux-gnu/4.0.3/include/stddef.h12:53
Kamionthat should be automatic unless it's doing really stupid things with include paths12:54
bddebianHang on I'll paste bin it12:54
Kamion(i.e. you have to work hard to turn that off in gcc)12:54
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mdzKamion: is debian-cd intentionally a person rather than a team?01:02
mdzoh, sorry, I confused debian-cd with ubuntu-cdimage01:02
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Kamionright, ubuntu-cdimage is a team, debian-cd is an imported person01:04
bddebian2stupid POS phone01:05
bddebian2Anyway, here is a shot of the xmkmf error:01:05
=== Kamion would be inclined to find an imake expert to punt to rather than trying to dig into it myself
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robertjI've got a really bad crash and I've narrowed it down to something nasty on my desktop that nautilus doesn't like01:11
robertjmv'ing ~/Desktop to ~/Desktop/olddesktop made it happy but opening olddesktop in Nautilus causes bad things to happen01:11
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robertjthere is a deadly .gif image that generating a nautilus preview for causes bad things to happen01:19
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robertjcan someoe download http://www.music.uga.edu/wip/deathgif.gif into ~/Desktop/somefolder and tell me if it causes Nautilus to crash?01:34
ozamosirobertj: jupp, it does01:36
robertjozamosi: Dapper I assume?01:36
robertjAnyone got a breezy system handy to test with?01:36
ozamosiBut nothing happened untill I hovered it...01:37
robertjozamosi: didn't matter for me, it just took a few seconds01:38
bddebianDamnit, why can this thing not find stddef.h.. whacky01:38
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defendguin__https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/37110   is there any possibility of this making it into dapper?03:23
UbugtuMalone bug 37110 in Baltix "no NetworkManager VPN Connection Plugins installed or available in ubuntu" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  03:23
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cartel_hunger: you there?03:36
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cartel_sabdfl: hello!03:40
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jadaz87hello everyone i was wondering how can i shutoff services on the livecd while it is extracted on my hard drive ;-)04:05
jadaz87i can customize what runs after i install ubuntu with sysv-rc-conf but i was wondering what do i do to conf the livecd so that they are already disabled04:17
jadaz87i am following the livecdcustom wiki04:18
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jadaz87anyone? lol04:38
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bddebianjadaz87: Have you asked in #ubuntu?  I don't know the answer and there aren't too many people in here tonight.04:40
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mdkejadaz87, for support, you'll always have better luck in #ubuntu04:44
jadaz87oh ok i did not think anyone in the #ubuntu whould know since it was not the develop channel04:44
mdkebddebian, mm?04:45
bddebianmdke: How's your automake foo? :-)04:45
mdkebddebian, have you got me confused with someone else?04:45
bddebianI don't think so?04:45
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mdkeI don't know anything about automake04:45
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=== enyc meeps at doko ;-)
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bobulatorhey there does anyone know much about amharic support for scim? im having trouble switching keyboards around...03:30
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mdkeinfinity, hi. Is your t43 suspending to ram/waking from suspend properly? mine is really cranky, often it fails04:07
giftnudelmdke: how does it fail?04:08
mdkegiftnudel, it freezes. I don't know how to be more specific than that04:09
mdkegiftnudel, just filing a bug now04:11
mdkeit's at bug #3966004:12
UbugtuMalone bug 39660 in acpi-support "Suspend to RAM is doing some cranky things on T43" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3966004:12
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HiddenWolfHey guys05:23
HiddenWolfdoes ubuntu-desktop depend on the accesibility stuff now?05:23
HiddenWolfdist-upgrade is asking which braille-engine I'd prefer.05:24
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ompaulHiddenWolf, it does, brltty at least06:24
HiddenWolfompaul: I see why, great thing, but it shouldn't bother users who don't need it.06:25
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fabbioneHiddenWolf: you will  see the questions only on upgrades from dapper to dapper. probably breezy -> dapper06:35
fabbionenot on install06:35
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Mithrandirfabbione: they shouldn't be there by default.  I have a bug assigned to me for that.06:37
fabbioneMithrandir: ah ok...06:37
fabbionecan we actually autodetect them?06:38
MithrandirUSB we can, serial we can't.06:38
HiddenWolffabbione: ah, ok06:38
fabbionewe will need to work on this serial usage on dapper+106:38
fabbionebecause there are too many pkgs that tends to do autodetection on serial06:38
fabbioneand mess up stuff06:38
fabbionespecially when you have GPS on serial or console on serial06:39
Mithrandirfabbione: it should just default to USB and we're fine.06:39
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Mithrandirthat is, default to USB and not display the question by default06:39
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jpatrickwho do I have to ask to get kmediafactory into multiverse?08:55
crimsunyou need a demotion of it?08:56
jpatrickcrimsun: yes08:56
crimsun(I'm presuming for additional codec support)08:57
jpatrickyep :)08:57
crimsunis jriddell aware? If so, ask kamion when he returns from Easter.08:57
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robertjwhat software powers the ubuntu wikis?09:57
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sabdflyes, its moinmoin10:38
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sabdflhey zul10:42
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lamonttseng: rock12:02

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