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jjessenot all of us are gone :)03:29
mdkejjesse, :)03:31
jjessehow are things going mdke?03:36
mdkejjesse, not too bad, just relaxing generally. you?03:44
jjessethe same, getting ready for bed, early morning tomorrow03:45
mdkejjesse, working?03:48
jjessemdke: no my wife and i belong to a running club/group and the long runs are on saturday.  need to up and ready to leave by 7:15 to get to the place we are all meeting, 14 miles tomorrow :(03:48
jjesseok heading to bed have a good night ::)03:51
mdkejjesse, good night, good luck!03:53
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robI might have a new tool for you guys to play with soon enough.. just got to get it to a working state.07:17
robyay for randomness07:17
roba web based docbook editor07:18
robworks with svn too07:19
robactually it will allow you to edit in any supported format you like (even plain text) and convert between docbook on the fly07:20
jsgotangcoahh that might be useful07:20
robkind of like a wiki in a way07:20
jsgotangcognome upstream would love something like that too07:21
robI should have a test server set up in the next couple of days07:21
robsetting up a subversion server from scratch is more complicated then I though :)07:22
robthought even07:23
jsgotangcono its not if you're just going to use svnserve07:24
jsgotangcoif you're going to use webdav it becomes a bit complicated07:24
robyeah, I set it up with apache+webdav07:24
jsgotangcoyeah its a bit of a mess07:25
robeasy to add new users to though07:25
robonce set up07:25
LaserJock_awayrob: is this something you are writing?07:32
robLaserJock_away, mostly done already, a GPLed project I found on sourceforge07:32
robI did have the idea to do something similar, but why reinvent the wheel I guess07:34
LaserJock_awayrob: what's it called07:34
jsgotangcoi thought this was a google bounty before07:35
robjsgotangco, that was sumra, largely incomplete07:36
roband docudo doesn't support docbook, I emailed the list and they replied that they don't intend on any time soon either07:36
LaserJockrob: sounds cool07:45
LaserJockrob: hopefully it creates nice docbook ;-)07:45
robhehe yep, thats one of the things I'm checking out :)07:45
Kamping_Kaiserhow can i insert an ampersand into a docbook file?  is it &08:11
Kamping_Kaisernm, i tried it out ;)08:13
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poningruso can ubuntu-doc have some soc thing?09:07
Kamping_Kaiserdoes anyone else use vims :make option to test docs as you work on them? i'm just discovering how insanely usefull it is09:17
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LaserJockmdke: ping?06:54
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LaserJocktrappist: ping?07:45
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