
braddr_anyone awake here?10:20
fabbionehi braddr_ 10:25
fabbionenot really10:25
fabbioneheading to sleep now10:25
fabbionebraddr_: i did ping davem.. 10:25
braddr_he feeling more human?10:25
fabbionehe said he didn't forget, but he told me also that he is still not feeling very well and he's staying away from computer10:25
fabbionehe is getting better..10:26
fabbionebut not there yet10:26
braddr_at some point that'll be even worse for him.. withdrawl symptoms will be kicking in.10:26
fabbioneanyway i need to get some serious sleep10:26
fabbionegood night..10:27
braddr_take it easy.   I'm definitly not blocked on linux working, so all's well.10:27
fabbioneehehe ok10:27

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