
=== Hexidigital [n=Hexidigi@] has left #ubuntu ["Your]
=== Mortuis [n=Mortuis@cpe-204-210-158-224.hvc.res.rr.com] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
sdPartion manager will not edit size of partion "media/hda1" (C:/), that partition has 20gb etra space..12:00
=== shray__ [n=shray@ool-435261eb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cervezanazgulwalker, O(n^2)12:00
qkslvrwolfi.e, http://sfx-images.mozilla.org/affiliates/Buttons/88x31/get.gif12:00
qkslvrwolfperhaps it has another name12:00
mwemike13: before trying what again?12:00
nazgulwalkerCerveza , thanks so much .12:00
=== G0SUB_ [i=ghoseb@ubuntu-in.org] has joined #ubuntu
cablopthanks a lot, now i'm surfing the directory of that ubuntu machine12:01
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cablopthanks a lot12:01
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=== edir [n=kurumin@200-232-193-150.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
cablopsee you guys, have a nice time12:01
=== jadams [n=jadams@c-71-56-43-176.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
sdPartion manager will not edit size of partion "media/hda1" (C:/), that partition has 20gb extra space.. Anyone have any ideas?12:01
id`qkslvrwolf: eh, how is an image bound to an operating system...12:01
nickrudnazgulwalker, Cerveza what was that?12:01
george_helou aguna persona de Puerto Rico12:01
mike13before tryinbg again on display :012:01
edirwho is using dapper?12:01
Cervezanazgulwalker, big O notation is always c*something with an n so you can get rid of anything next to the n12:01
qkslvrwolfIts just to go on my blog to show support for ubuntu.12:02
Cervezaand technically its O(n^2 + n)12:02
mwemike13: I don't understand12:02
qkslvrwolfI'd link ubuntulinux.org12:02
id`owwww hah :P12:02
Cervezabut for a big enough n, n^2 dwarfs n12:02
Cervezaso you don't need to worry about it12:02
facugaichgeorge_: necesitas ayuda?12:02
=== nickrud remembers once again, he gave up professional programming due to math
_jasonfacugaich: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226012:02
george_un antivirus12:02
=== TheFuzzball [n=TheFuzzb@] has joined #ubuntu
sdPartion manager will not edit size of partion "media/hda1" (C:/), that partition has 20gb extra space.. Anyone have any ideas?12:03
shadow__Hi, I have a 2pc's connected over a crosscable. i have pc1 ( My Gateway [mandriva]  : ) and pc2 ( ubuntu : ). I have my gateway:pc1 configured with iptables to do nat/masq, and is working well. Once i connect the cable and do "ifconfig eth0 up;route add default gw netmask" from pc2. after that i can ping pc1 and pc2 bothways. but i cannot ping google.com or its IP from pc2. Pls help ?12:03
_jasonfacugaich: basically in that command, you just need to escape the . because it represents the 'any character' in regex12:03
qkslvrwolfsd:  have you tried using something like system recovery cd and working with it without the os loaded in memory?12:03
facugaich_jason: that code recuses down directories?12:03
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mwebut big O need not be tight12:04
_jasonfacugaich: ah no, for that you will need bash trickery12:04
george_e tratado de instalar el avg pero sin ningun resultado12:04
facugaichits ok12:04
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facugaichI can do it with find12:04
_jasonfacugaich: yeah12:04
=== echo [n=echo@cpe-24-164-142-142.si.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
sdqkslvrwikd: I don't understand how that would help, the computer as is is uneditable to the main(C:\) partition12:04
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=== JulienH [i=kvirc@jem75-2-82-233-232-223.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu ["So]
id`There is no lighttpd, there is one for badger. Can I install it?: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/web/12:05
facugaichgeorge_: en ubuntu?12:05
=== diffe [n=diffe@h177n2fls35o986.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuxinerama is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=xinerama&titlesearch=Titles Hopefully, one of these works for you, and feedback is welcome12:05
george_en ubuntu12:05
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naxxtorwhy won't' hcitool detect my bluetooth dongle :( i don't get it - all the drivers are loaded, and it's listed in lsusb, it's just there arn't any /dev/hci* entries12:06
Cervezawhen I try to ./configure gplflash it sets my system for x86-64, but when I run check install it says my system (amd64) is incompatible12:06
facugaichguys, george_ is in need of an antivirus12:06
sdfor linux?12:06
id`for linux?12:06
george_for ubuntu12:06
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:06
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mweid`: sudo apt-get install lighttpd12:06
=== StarKruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-224-58-247.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
facugaichoh, there you go george12:07
nickruddoh, MYP12:07
donlduckwhat program should i install so that i can debug my c code?12:07
gnomefreakcelerex: isnt there an apt way of getting it?12:07
id`mwe: why is it not in the package manager then? Do i need to enable some repo's in some conf?12:07
Cervezadonlduck, gdb12:07
celerexdonlduck: gdb12:07
sdokay fine, ima try and install xandros again12:07
donlducki need to trace the error of my c which line12:07
donlduckok Cerveza12:07
celerexgnomefreak: try apt-cache search clamav12:07
mweid`: it is. you need to enable !universe though12:07
celerexshould show up or at least show you what packages will have it12:07
LeafWizwhy can't i install vncserver from apt-get?12:07
mwe!tell id` about universe12:08
gnomefreakcelerex: i know what that is and where to find it :(12:08
id`mwe: how would i do thaT? pointer to the wiki maybe?12:08
facugaichso, there's no need for an antivirus at all in linux?12:08
=== Elazar [n=matt@ip68-229-159-133.lf.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
CervezaLeafWiz, why do you need vncserver? you have ssh -X12:08
mjrnot really at the moment12:08
mike13mwe> i wrote you mp with error message12:08
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nickrudLeafWiz, probably since you don't have universe enabled, see the ubotu link below12:08
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource12:08
gnomefreakCerveza: sudo apt-get install libflash-mozplugin     thats all12:08
Cervezagnomefreak, doesn't work12:08
mwefacugaich: malware tends to not spread system wide because users are not superusers by default in linux12:08
=== jadams_ [n=jadams@c-69-180-24-93.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakCerveza: what does it say? reason not working)12:09
Cervezaubuntu suggested recompiling from source12:09
ElazarI have the USB flash drive component of a Creative MuVo plugged into my Ubuntu 5.1 system, but it doesn't seem to be recognizing it. I'm a bit of a n00b when it comes to Ubuntu. Suggestions?12:09
facugaichgeorge_: no hay necesidad de antivirus en ubuntu12:09
Cervezait installs but no flash will run12:09
scifianyone know why my monitors refrsh rate was limited to 60hz with the live cd?12:09
gnomefreakCerveza: did you restart FF12:09
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mwemike13: ?12:09
Cervezarebooted even12:09
nickrudscifi, probably because your monitor didn't report it's capabilties when asked12:09
facugaichde nada jorge12:09
gnomefreakCerveza: ok than just pretty much cut and paste the source instructions12:09
gnomefreakshould be fairly easy12:09
=== bowen [n=admin@dsl-201-133-156-139.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudscifi, try the command sudo ddcprobe12:10
Cervezadon't know what you mean by that12:10
=== admin__ [n=admin@dsl-201-133-156-139.prod-infinitum.com.mx] has joined #ubuntu
mwescifi: because the xorg.conf is not tuned for you card, probably12:10
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gnomefreakCerveza: on the flash page there are instructions for compiling the source12:10
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Cervezathey failed12:10
cablophello people, me again, i have a simple question12:10
id`mwe: I get the duh award :P12:10
Cervezacheckinstall says it won't install a x86-64.deb12:10
Cervezabecause i'm amd6412:10
nickrudid`, I OWN that award, but I'll share :)12:11
id`nickrud: ;o12:11
gnomefreakCerveza: than i would use make install12:11
qkslvrwolfok, ya'll, a firefox booster button is available here: http://qkslvrwolf.com/wp-content/themes/andreas04/images/firefox-button.png12:11
scifinickrud/mwe: so it wud be easy to resolve if i did indeed install ubuntu12:11
mwescifi: probably12:11
nickrudscifi, yes, there's a lot of tools to fix theat12:11
gnomefreakCerveza: as long as you have checkinstall installed it should work for that12:11
Cervezaits the .configure file12:11
Cervezait detected my system as x86-6412:12
cablopok, does anybody how to save the commandline output of an application? in DOS i use "application > file.log"  to do that in bash what i need?12:12
qkslvrwolf*make that ubuntu booster button12:12
gnomefreakCerveza: thats what it is isnt it?12:12
nickrud!tell scifi about fixres12:12
=== mzuverink [n=mzuverin@adsl-75-11-210-98.dsl.klmzmi.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Cervezaits amd6412:12
mwecablop: you can do it like that. it want save errors though12:12
facugaichcablop: I think its the same12:12
Cervezaapparently there is some sortof difference in the eyes of checkinstall12:12
naxxtorcablop, the same works in bash12:12
digen_jason, u there12:12
ElazarI have the USB flash drive component of a Creative MuVo plugged into my Ubuntu 5.1 system, but it doesn't seem to be recognizing it. I'm a bit of a n00b when it comes to Ubuntu. Suggestions?12:12
nickrudscifi, that link in the pm from ubotu has details12:12
scifinickrud:it also didnt detect my origo asr-8000 modem router...but obivously i need to install some linux drivers for that?12:12
gnomefreakCerveza: are you on breezy or dapper?12:12
Cervezaalthough I thought x86-64 was amd6412:12
mwecablop: you'd need foobar > file.log 2>&112:12
ubotusomebody said skype was http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/12:12
nickrudscifi, I don't know that router, so I won't venture a guess12:13
mzuverinkcan someone point me to a link that give instructions in how to upgrade breezy to dapper12:13
digeninstallation finished, it gives a new error now12:13
digenchecking for DBUS... configure: error: Package requirements (dbus-glib-1 >= 0.60) were not met:12:13
digenRequested 'dbus-glib-1 >= 0.60' but version of dbus-glib is 0.36.212:13
gnomefreakdigen: please dont paste in here use pastebin12:13
digengnomefreak, k i'm sorry12:13
cablopmwe, in this line "foobar > file.log 2>&1" why we use two times the symbol ">"?12:13
=== _vinboy [n=vinboy@60-234-137-136.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudscifi, can you use your browser to access your router?12:14
mike13mwe: i wrote the message in a separate window12:14
scifierm i didnt try it....but possibly12:14
Cervezamake install didn't work at all12:14
mwecablop: the firs redirects stdout. the second directs stderr to stdout12:14
scifiwud "sudo ddcprobe | grep monitorrange" command work even for the live cd?12:15
=== olive [n=olive@o.o6.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cablopwoa! thanks12:15
mwecablop: hence all is directed to the file12:15
mwemike13: I didn't get it. you need to be registered at freenode to /msg people on the network12:15
naxxtorwhat could possibly be wrong - i don't get this at all ... everything points to the device being correctly loaded, but for some reason it isn't!12:16
ubotu[bluetooth]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote12:16
facugaich_jason: this will do? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226112:16
gnomefreakCerveza: are you sure you have everything needed to compile it?12:16
CervezaWell I had everything via apt-get12:16
=== Dann0 [n=danny@crbknf02-21-142163001180.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuscifi: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:16
Cervezaand the only thing I removed was the flash12:16
Cervezaso I should have all the dependencies12:17
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nickrudscifi, possibly, but the live cd is really only an example, not a true version of ubuntu.12:17
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scifiyeh, i understand.....maybe i shud just go ahead and partition instead of messing about :p12:18
id`'$ sudo ls -AlF ~/share/audio' reveals that the directory is owned by tom. I did a 'chown -R ~/share tom' before that. I cant access the directory with my user. Why? :P12:18
nickrudscifi, quit messing around, get on the stick :)12:18
naxxtorAHA.  dmesg shows this: "bcm203x: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -512:18
naxxtor" when i insert the dongle12:18
donlduckhow do i know mysql server is installed?12:19
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scifion the stick? sorry dont know all the linux jingo yet :)12:19
=== spajus [n=none@ctv-213-164-104-248.vinita.lt] has joined #ubuntu
Cervezajust partition and install12:19
mweid`: wrong syntax12:19
nickruddonlduck, dpkg -l mysql-server12:19
id`mwe: meh :|12:20
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nickrudscifi, gimme a break :)12:20
mweid`: it's chown -R tom ~/share12:20
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gnomefreakdonlduck: apt-cache policy <packagename>12:20
id`<--- boke12:20
manickamorning all :)12:20
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manickadoes anyone know where evolution 2.6 stores its account information? It's not in /.gconf/apps/evolution/mail/accounts like it used to be12:21
nickrudscifi, it's a figure of speach, and means get cracking (lol)12:21
=== MacSlow [n=mirco@dslb-084-063-040-060.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
donlduckun  mysql-server          <none>                (no description available)12:21
donlducki got this one12:21
nickruddonlduck, then not installed12:21
scifiive also read about easyubuntu, which looks like it solves alot of multimedia codec issues in one swoop, wud u recommend using that once i have ubuntu sorted?12:21
siimohi anyone expert with gnome menus? i have eclipse installed in /opt and if i run /opt/eclipse/eclipse as both user or root then it runs fine but a gnome menu with same exec command says i dont have java in my path... but i do ... if i try using a bash shell12:21
nickruddonlduck, the u means desired status is uninstalled, n means current status is not installed12:21
donlduckdoing sudo apt-get -y install mysql-server12:22
donlduckam i right?12:22
=== stpere [n=stpere@ts1-186.f1234.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddonlduck, yup12:22
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donlduckbtw any other c debugging program besides gdb?12:22
=== mebaran151 [n=mebaran1@c-24-130-170-225.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickruddonlduck, but, please don't use -y , there may be questions you may want to answer12:23
mike23mwe: sorry i've been disconnected12:23
ubotusomebody said bluetooth was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote12:23
mebaran151why isn't rubygems included by default12:23
mwedonlduck: ddd is a pretty nice front end12:23
mebaran151the rails setup with Ubuntu is seriously borked12:23
scifiwhen i partition with ubuntu, will i still be able to access the 1st partition in windows?12:23
=== coz [n=coz@c-71-236-91-89.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwedonlduck: gdb rocks but has a steap learning curve12:23
MrKubuntuUsermwe: I just tried out the parallel port on my home machine using Kubuntu Dapper Flight 6 LiveCD12:24
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Marineboyscifi, Yes, It gave me the option to add another partition12:24
mweMrKubuntuUser: yes12:24
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  I have the BIOS configured properly12:24
MrKubuntuUserI modprobed lp, parport, and parport_pc in that order12:24
donlduckill install ddd then12:24
scifimarineboy:k ty12:24
Marineboyscifi: yw :)12:24
MrKubuntuUsermwe: and no DMA12:24
mweMrKubuntuUser: odd12:25
scifi250gig drive, so think take a 100gig chunk for the linux partition12:25
cozwhere is evolutions account information stored?12:25
=== phoul [n=colin@S0106004005b748fa.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
phoulAnyone get amarok 1.4 on ubuntu by chance?12:25
mike23mwe : ?12:25
nickrudcoz, evolution keeps the account info in gconf12:25
mwescifi: that'd plenty and then a lot12:25
phoulIm wondering if anyone knows where i could find a deb or what ever12:26
coznickrud, Ok do you knwo ecact location another guynees this information12:26
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nickrudcoz, gconf-editor is the command, and /apps/evolution/mail is the key location12:26
Marineboylol mwe, Now I gotta wait for the site to send me the disks.12:26
coznickrud, ok thanks12:27
=== ChristmasCpp [n=christma@] has joined #Ubuntu
MarineboyI thought my writer wrote all the files, i went to sleep while it installed to find out that it deleted my windows partition and then was a corrupt installation file.12:27
MarineboySo now I have to boot my PC off the live version.12:27
=== Althulas [n=andy@c-71-235-110-131.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifiouch marine12:28
ubotuamarok is, like, a music player for Linux and Unix with an intuitive interface. See http://amarok.kde.org ; amaroK's features: http://amarok.kde.org/content/view/51/1/12:28
nickrudMarineboy, bummer12:28
scifiur scaring me now :P12:28
MarineboyI know right!12:28
Althulasi got a serius problem. how can i convince someone to use ubuntu amd64 version if they say they absolutely need M$ money12:28
coznickrud, apparently not there the other guy has looked as well12:28
Althulasany equivelent ?12:28
cozi will keep looking12:28
naxxtorright, check this out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24876 <-- that is the exact problem, only i'm under breezy not hoary - and that package isn't available for hoary - what should I do?12:28
MarineboyYou'll be fine, Just make sure your burner burns the entire .iso.12:28
nickrudcoz, I'm looking at it as we speak12:28
Althulasor wine ?12:28
Althulasive never used wine12:28
scifiive read that hi-def video will run slightly smoother on a linux system than windows...thats one of a few reasons why i'd like to try it12:29
Marineboyill bb, let me call a friend and see if i can go to her house and burn it.12:29
cablopi have next qestion: i have a .sh file with this line inside but ubuntu reports me an error when using it "CLASSPATH=/opt/grinder/lib/grinder.jar12:30
cablopexport CLASSPATH"12:30
=== baquero22 [n=vsas22@modemcable147.195-201-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudAlthulas, take a look at http://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/search?name=money&company=&medal=&date_start%5B1%5D=1&date_start%5B2%5D=1&date_start%5B0%5D=2000&date_start%5B3%5D=0&date_start%5B4%5D=00&date_end%5B1%5D=4&date_end%5B2%5D=14&date_end%5B0%5D=2006&date_end%5B3%5D=17&date_end%5B4%5D=30&search=app , if one of those is right, he can run crossover office12:30
cablopubuntu sdaid me "not a valid identifier: export: `CLASSPATH"12:31
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cablopwhat is the problem?12:31
=== mike_ [n=mike@c-68-38-24-85.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Althulasthanks nick12:31
kbrookscablop: you have to split into 2 lines12:31
Althulaswhat is crossover office exactly ?12:31
baquero22i have a big problem.. trying to share my folders with my winxp laptop but nothing happends when i right-clic and shared the folders12:32
nickrudAlthulas, point him at the 386 version, don't saddle him with the 64 bit version12:32
baquero22as well i tried to go to system and folder sharing but that application always freeze12:32
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nickrudAlthulas, it's a customized version of wine12:32
Marineboyill be back soon because I'm going to download it again12:32
baquero22i can open it as root or as anyuser and its freeze12:32
mweAlthulas: modified wine aimed at windows office12:32
Althulasnice nice12:32
mike_I love ubuntu.12:32
cablopkbrooks, how to split ythem, only enter?12:32
cablopthey're yet splitted12:33
=== twidget [i=Charles@adsl-33-113-135.shv.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
id`When I press my media buttons on my laptop keyboard gnome gives me a nice volume display. It uses Master. I want it to use PCM. What is it/where can i find or config it?12:34
naxxtoruhm - how do you get the kernel version?12:34
twidgetI'm unable to format my /home 155.5GB partition as FAT32. Would someone help me figure out why?12:34
crimsunnaxxtor: uname -r12:34
naxxtorcrimsun, cheers12:34
baquero22hey no idea about why my system ---> shared foldres.   get freeze each time i open it???12:34
nickrudtwidget, home needs to be a linux partition, not fat3212:34
cablopif i use that lines directly i can run it, but not from inside the .sh file12:34
cablophow to say in a .sh file there's an end of line?12:35
=== zig_ [i=compache@82-42-121-159.cable.ubr07.live.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
shray__hi how may I switch to a faster mirror in ubuntu.. the current one its using is only going 100KB/s down12:35
twidgetI was told I could format it as FAT32 and have it be seen both my Windows XP and Ubuntu (for my documents)12:35
echocan someone help me edit my xorg.conf file... i dont wanna be all screwin it up again12:35
echotryin to do dual video on the same card12:35
twidgetI was told wrong?12:35
echotwin view12:36
zig_Is XULrunner out as far as dapper drake is concerned, we are still sticking with the bloody firefox dependency12:36
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baquero22soo anyone shared folders here???12:36
nickrudtwidget, ignore that advice, maybe set up a 10-20gb fat32 that both ubuntu & windows can see, but home must be a linux type partition12:36
baquero22i just installed samba12:36
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baquero22and i can see my ubuntu from the laptop running xp12:36
scifishray: lol whats wrong with 100k? :P ......try the torrent links, probly get faster speeds12:36
baquero22but i cannot add folders to the shared folders cuz that application freeze on my ubuntu12:36
twidgetSo, what's the recommended size for /home, then?12:37
baquero22no one knows why that simple application is freeezing my system?? lol12:37
shray__scifi, I dont mean on torrents12:37
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shray__scifi, I mean when I do apt-get..12:37
nickrudtwidget, after you've given the / partition about 10GB, give the rest to /home12:37
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id`tom@laptom:~$ sudo apt-get install lighhtpd12:37
id`cant find it12:38
id`on breezy12:38
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baquero22omg people trying to install ubu on fat3212:38
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twidgetnickrud, 10GB of an availble 155.5GB?!12:38
baquero22and i thought i had an stupid12:38
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mweid`: enable universe then sudo apt-get update then install it12:38
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nickrudtwidget, yeah, that's probably enough, unless you're running a huge website or database12:38
echoquestions arent stupid unless you dont ask them12:38
id`mwe: i have12:38
mwe!info lighttpd12:38
ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: vsftpd, proftpd12:39
twidgetI'm mean, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, it's just that I'd prefer to have the bulk of my free space available to both OSs.12:39
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=== twidget laughs at his Fruedian slip.
baquero22sooo its easy men12:39
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  I just tried booting the LiveCD with the extra option parport=0x378,7,3 but I still didn't have DMA after I modprobe'd lp12:39
baquero22three partitions12:39
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  any ideas?12:39
twidgetI mean instead of I'm mean12:39
mweid`: maybe it's only in dapper then.12:39
ardchoilleCheck out some of the themes I made:  http://www.gnomehelp.org/ardchoille/themes12:39
baquero22one ext3 another fat32 and anotherone ntfs12:39
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id`mwe: ok12:39
mweMrKubuntuUser: not really12:39
baquero22like that ur gonna be able to play12:39
nickrudtwidget, then, say 10GB for / on ubuntu, 40 GB for /home, and the rest as a fat32? or something along those lines12:39
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VeronicaQuick question.. got a siguation.. got a siguation.. got a siguation.. got a siguation.. got a siguation where a way to have a directory?12:39
baquero22hey nickrud your complicated12:40
twidgetthat sounds good12:40
slimzdoes anyone know if there is any real benefit to building your programs from source in apt versus just installing them? other than the fact that the source migth be out before the build?12:40
baquero22split the disk in three parts... or in two...  ext3 and anotherone fat3212:40
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twidgetwhat should the fat32 point to?12:40
id`mwe: ill go get badger then12:40
nickrudbaquero22, I've gone thru so many iterations of this exact question .... currently I run a 10gb fat3212:40
twidgetor does that matter?12:40
baquero22or a third one on ntfs if u want to protect ur winxp from any ubuntu idiot move u make12:40
echoanyone got a wiki on 2 monitors on 1 video card?12:41
delliottGood evening all.12:41
simosxslimz, you would build from source for educational purposes, to learn the process. Other than that, get the package.12:41
id`mwe: i mean dapper12:41
=== erez [n=erez@CBL217-132-110-168.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)12:41
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slimzsimosx : well if apt will be doing the building for me, then im really not learning, i thought it *maybe* would be better configured for my system, thanks12:41
scifilooking at screenshots of the partitioning wizard when u setup ubuntu, i can only see 2 erase options and an edit partiton table option, so how do u create a NEW partition on the same drive without erasing anything?12:42
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  Do you know of any other settings that would affect the parallel port?12:42
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nickrudbaquero22, always recommend a /home partition, they'll thank you in the morning12:42
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nickrudscifi, if there is no room for a new partition, you'll have to delete an existing one12:42
twidgetnickrud, does it matter what that fat32 partition points to?12:42
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twidget(Sorry if these come across as newbie questions, but I am, after all, a newbie.)12:43
scifithere will be plenty of room nickrud12:43
simosxslimz, apt has prebuild and pre-configured packages for your system. No need for compilation, so they install fast. Long time ago I did compilations and it was good experience. Now, it's only for special cases (unavailable package, etc).12:43
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  Also, do I need to have something plugged into the parallel port during boot-up for DMA to be enabled?12:43
mweMrKubuntuUser: no. I suspect a bug but I don't know where. doesn't dmesg say anything useful?12:43
nickrudtwidget, not really. I currently have it mounted as /home/fat, but I've used other mount points.12:43
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MrKubuntuUsermwe:  [4294977.771000]  parport0: PC-style at 0x378 (0x778) [PCSPP,TRISTATE] 12:44
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MrKubuntuUsermwe:  [4294977.853000]  lp0: using parport0 (polling).12:44
mweMrKubuntuUser: that's good. nothing about dma?12:45
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skplcan someone tell me what this error means? Closing Link: (You match the pattern of a known trojan, please check your system with a cleaner from http://www.moosoft.com or Swat-It from http://www.lockdowncorp.com/bots/downloadswatit.html)12:45
cablopexcuse me i was away so i don't know if somebody answered me12:45
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  Not for the parallel port.12:45
mweskpl: where did you get that?12:45
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scifiactually i cud just create a new partition myself with the western-digital tool, then install ubuntu on it?12:45
skplmwe: trying to connect to dalnet12:46
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nickrudMrKubuntuUser, my equiv from dmseg is [4294696.473000]  parport0: PC-style at 0x378, irq 7 [PCSPP,TRISTATE,EPP] 12:46
cablopok, my question is, i need to edit a .sh file, but i don't know how, i need to place three instructions each one in each line12:46
gimmulfcommand to scan connected bluetoth devices?12:46
mweMrKubuntuUser: how did you find out dma is disabled?12:46
cablopi need to place a character at the end of each line?12:46
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mweskpl: it probably means a) you have the trojan or b) dalnet is broken12:47
skplmwe: i did not know lthere were torojans made for linux12:47
MrKubuntuUsermwe:  hardinfo.  Also, DMA is supposed to be listed in the system log for parport0.  Also also there was some file (can't remember what now) that had to do with parport0 that said -112:47
Althulasanyone know if there is an official lightscribe cover for ubuntu cd's ?12:48
mweskpl: they are rare. I'd guess b)12:48
cablopthe three lines are:12:48
cablopexport CLASSPATH12:48
cablopjava net.grinder.TCPSniffer"12:48
cablopbut if i place them in that way systems report me error abour using export as a parameter of last line, but uding them directly on bashcommandline, they worked12:48
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  EPP?  Hmm... maybe I should try setting my parallel port to EPP12:48
skplmwe: could it have something to do with my identd?12:48
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  and you have DMA enabled?12:48
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, according to hardinfo, yes12:48
mweskpl: I think not. if so dalnet is really broken, complaining about trojans12:48
cablopubotu tell me about editing .sh files12:48
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  I haven't tried EPP yet... maybe that was my entire problem.  :D12:48
cablopubotu tell me about sh12:49
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MrKubuntuUsernickrud, mwe:  I'll be back later12:49
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mwecablop: /msg the bot please12:50
cablophjelp me12:50
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skplwhat is ipp?12:51
mwecablop: nano foobar.sh12:51
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nickrudskpl, internet printing protocol12:51
mweskpl: internet printing protocol IIRC12:51
brian__can someone help me get ssh going? i have got openssh-server isntalled and know how to forward ports12:51
gimmulfcommand to scan connected bluetoth devices?12:51
odathow do i kill a process?12:52
naxxtorhcitool scan ?12:52
Seantatercablp: what do you want?12:52
brian__when i connect to ssh12:52
mweodat: kill pid12:52
Seantaterodat: use killall in a terminal12:52
nickrudodat, killall <process name>12:52
Seantaterodat: format killay name_of_process12:52
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naxxtorgimmulf, hcitool scan? or maybe hcitool dev?12:52
cablopi want to make a batch file like .bat or .cmd on dos but in my ubuntu12:52
spajuscan ubuntu handle TV card hadrware?12:52
brian__ssh <username>@<ip> it just sets there. and does nothing12:52
brian__not even a new line12:52
Seantaterodat: not killay, killall12:52
cablopi need to place three comand line instructions on it12:52
brian__i double checked everything12:52
brian__can someone help me?12:52
mweodat: you need sudo for processes not owned by you12:52
cablopbut command line reported me erros when doing12:52
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Seantatercablop: that's a shell script here12:53
cablopif i suse the three comandline options by themselves they worked, but inside the .sh don't12:53
Seantatercablop: Paste them into a file12:53
skplcan someone tell me why my music skips when i play it in banshee but not in rhythymbox?12:53
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ubotumethinks bluetooth is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote12:53
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Seantatercablop: then prepend them with #! /bin/bash12:53
jorge_Necesito ayuda para instalar programas12:53
brian__can someone help me with ssh?12:53
ubotuMystaMax: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:54
Seantatercablop: then save it, and make it executable12:54
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nickrud!info proftpd12:54
ubotuproftpd: (Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 1.2.10-22 (breezy), Packaged size: 347 kB, Installed size: 1044 kB12:54
maerlincouldnt find it in the wiki: how much harddisk does 5.10-default-installation need?12:54
jorge_Necesito ayda en espaol12:54
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cablopok i pasted them into  a file12:54
MystaMaxnice, thanks nick12:54
cablopSeantater, what is prepend?12:54
maerlinmi harddisk has only 1,2 GB. i am not sure, if that is enough.12:54
nickrudmaerlin, 1.8gb for a minimal install, you'll want about 5gb to play around in12:54
maerlinnickrud: thank you a lot12:55
tuyanhi all, i have a headless pc here and i want to do a headless installation since i do not have any monitors.. can anyone guide me ?12:55
cablopok i have the lines12:55
cablopexport CLASSPATH12:55
cablopjava net.grinder.TCPSniffer" how to prepend them?12:55
method|anybody here have any experience with kdevelop?12:55
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Seantatercablop: When you set the shell lines into the file, simply make an empty line at the top and sat #!/bin/bash in the empty line12:55
skplcan someone tell me why my music skips when i play it in banshee but not in rhythymbox?12:55
naxxtorskpl, because banshee is using a different decoder?12:55
cablopok,  i'll try12:56
skplnaxxtor, how can i change the decoder it uses?12:56
MystaMaxI'm looking to install Proftpd, and would like to provide mysql support later. Am I choosing just the regular proftpd or proftpd-mysql??12:56
naxxtorskpl, no idea - just an idea12:56
Seantaterubotu tell jorge_ about es12:56
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taghow much effort is it to set up a vpn?12:57
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jerwaretag: it may be a bit time consuming.12:57
eth0_no0bcan anyone help me with ssh?12:57
tagbecause I can tunnel into work overssh12:58
mweeth0_no0b: elaborate12:58
Seantatereth0_no0b: what do you want help with concerning it12:58
tagbut it's starting to become a hassle12:58
skplcan someone tell me how to change my decoder in banshee?12:58
=== signature16 [i=br3nden@adsl-68-121-207-181.dsl.sndg02.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
signature16why does my proftpd say unable to determine ip address of server1.pacificx.net when i try to start it?12:58
Seantatereth0_no0b: keep talking12:58
eth0_no0bi have it all setup i apt-get openssh-server, i know how to forward ports on meh router12:58
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eth0_no0bi forwared 2212:58
jorge_Aqu Jorge pidiendo ayuda para instalar el juego tibia en linux12:58
eth0_no0band i12:59
Seantatereth0_no0b: open your web browser to
maerlingood night12:59
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.12:59
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eth0_no0bits 0.112:59
cablopSeantater, it doesn't work :(12:59
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eth0_no0bbut ok12:59
eth0_no0bim in meh ro0uter12:59
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Seantatercablop: pastebin me what you did12:59
cablophow to pastebin?12:59
=== naxxtor beats head against a wall
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126912:59
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naxxtori don't understand - why do i have this problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24876 when i'm using breezy? it doesn't make sense!01:00
Seantatereth0_no0b: there should be a forewarding section01:00
eth0_no0bi have everything needed for ssh server and stuff. ok. on the same computer, i "ssh <username>@<ip>" and it just sets there01:00
eth0_no0bSeantater, its virtual server01:01
Jonte--Hi, I'm having trouble with a wireless mouse in breezy, as it starts the mouse locks and moves up to the corner and can't be moved. It works fins when ubuntu is installed at first but after a few reboots this behavoir occurs.01:01
Seantatereth0_no0b: I use ssh-server too..01:01
eth0_no0bi already forwared port 22 to my assigned router ip.01:01
skplcan someone tell me how to change my decoder in banshee?01:01
Seantatereth0_no0b: Do you have firestarter or anything on01:01
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Seantatereth0_no0b: it should ask for for a password01:01
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eth0_no0bit doesnt ask for a pass01:01
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eth0_no0bbut just for troubleshooting purposes01:02
Seantatereth0_no0b: Check in /etc/ssh01:02
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eth0_no0bSeantater i have been in etc ssh01:02
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Seantatereth0_no0b: There may be setting prohibiting your access01:02
=== rOss^64 [i=tinman@S0106000f665a1cdc.ed.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
eth0_no0bhow would i check/change that?01:02
Seantatereth0_no0b: I know little past that01:02
eth0_no0bunder ssh_config01:02
Seantatereth0_no0b: It works for me all the time01:02
eth0_no0bidk anything about hostkeys or anything01:02
rOss^64anyone using newest LIVECD have programs on step4 of installing to HDD from liveCD ?01:02
rOss^64programs = problems01:03
Seantatereth0_no0b: Hostkeays are pre-installed when openssh is installed01:03
eth0_no0beh ok01:03
nickrudrOss^64, you should ask on #ubuntu+1 , that's the dapper channel01:03
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eth0_no0bwell this works "ssh <username>@<assigned router ip>"01:03
Seantatereth0_no0b: I'm stumped01:03
eth0_no0bidk why01:03
eth0_no0bi hate my router01:04
Seantatereth0_no0b: what does it say?01:04
Seantatereth0_no0b: It does not work here, AFAIK01:04
eth0_no0basks for pass when i use router ip01:04
naxxtori hate my usb bluetooth dongle thing :@01:04
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Seantatereth0_no0b: try it01:04
Seantatereth0_no0b: what happens01:04
skplcan someone tell me how to change my decoder in banshee?01:04
eth0_no0btry what? what is AFAIK?01:04
SeantaterAFAIK is As Far As I Know01:05
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Seantater01:05
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Seantaterubotu: afaik is As Far As I Know01:05
ubotuokay, Seantater01:05
eth0_no0bi can ssh to my computer through router ip, but i cant through regular ip.01:06
gimmulfI have done the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSkype guide now and i can find my bluetoooth headset and everything in konquer but i cant listen to any music in the headset and when i try thru xmms it just says that i should check that my soundcard is configured properly01:06
eth0_no0bsouds like my router sucks01:06
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signature16why does my proftpd say unable to determine ip address of server1.pacificx.net when i try to start it?01:07
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slimzhi guys, i have a 5.1 channel audio setup with a soundblaster live, with 6 analog outputs to a reciever. whenever i play an audio of video file, and i raise or lower the master volume, it only lowers the volume of the front 2 channels, is there any way i can link the master volume to the center/sub/rear channels?01:07
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naxxtori have a bcm2035 bluetooth dongle and it won't load properly! and nobody has any idea what to do about it01:08
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MrKubuntuUserIf I want to manually load lp0 on a LiveCD, what's the propper way to do it?  I've been doing "modprobe lp", but it's not recognizing that my parallel port is EPP or anything01:08
nickrudsignature16, possibly because you haven't set up the dns for server1?01:08
naxxtori could go far as to say nobody really cares01:08
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naxxtori even made a thread about it: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=160348 and nobody has even read it!01:09
cablopSeantater, this is my pastebin of my problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226301:09
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naxxtoris my problem invisible or something?01:09
cablopi feel stupid trying to do a really easy task like this one01:09
nickrudsignature16, ignore me, I was stupid for a second01:09
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jadaz87hello all how do i recompile my kernel?01:10
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siimowhats the real memory usage in top command?    VIRT  RES  SHR01:11
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cablopok, anybody could helpme about shis problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226301:11
mikebothow can i get .wmv's to work>?01:11
simosxjadaz87, if you don't get a better answer, you can google for "ubuntu compile kernel" (without the quotes).01:11
ubotuI heard restrictedformats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats01:11
nickrudjadaz87, don't. if you really want to, install kernel-package, and read the docs in /usr/share/doc/kernel-package01:11
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pr0-t31nanybody here listening to my problem?01:12
MojoWorkhow do i get the default terminal to use fixed as the font?01:13
mikebot"WMV files encoded with DRM (Digital Rights Management) are not playable by the codecs"01:13
mikebotdoes that mean i can't play the,m?01:13
echocan anyonehelp me with twinview on a geforce 520001:13
MojoWorkgnome doesn't want to see the console fonts01:13
nickrudmikebot, yes, some of them.01:13
pr0-t31nwmv stands for windows media video01:13
pr0-t31ni think01:13
echoypur right01:13
cablopsemms to be people is dead here01:13
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jadaz87nickrud do you know how to do this? Please either recompile your01:14
jadaz87kernel with "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.0.2", or restart /usr/bin/vmware-config.plwith CC environment variable pointing to the "gcc" version "3.4.5".01:14
simosxMojoWork, gnome-terminal has an option to use the system Monospace font, or you can specify your own fixed-width font.01:14
jadaz87the CC environment variable?01:14
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Jonte--Monospace is the best ever01:14
MojoWorksimosx: yeah but "fixed" doesn't show up in the fonts01:14
jmoncayoi have a question, i thought aterm -tr -sh 60 wasnt working but i just realize it is darking the deafaul bg but not the one i have just changed01:14
cablopthere's a mnual about editing .sh files?01:14
=== organic [n=organic@24-247-240-10.dhcp.klmz.mi.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
simosxjadaz87, for building the kernel, a common command is "apt-get install build-essential", so that it picks up all the compiler tools in one go.01:14
siimonickrud, i thought you could ignore the warning and go ahead with install ?  or download older gcc like jadaz87 says01:15
pr0-t31nthis will play01:15
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nickrudjadaz87, yes, exactly the CC ev variable.   Try     export CC='gcc-3.4'  before your vmware module compile. You may need to do sudo apt-get install gcc-3.4 first01:15
scifiwill we be able to upgrade to dapper drake from breezy badger?01:15
simosxMojoWork, I see. Is there a specific need to have font "fixed" in gnome-terminal01:15
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billjada trying to get nvidia working?01:15
cablopscifi, i think sure01:15
tin_nqnhello people01:15
mikebotbut oi want to play wmv files in totem01:15
MojoWorkyes, monospace sucks01:15
tin_nqnI have a question about ftp command...01:15
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Apostle^scifi: yes01:15
siimomonospace is C00L01:15
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simosxnickrud, it's better to get the compiler with "apt-get install build-essential" (build-essential is a virtual package).01:16
jadaz87nickrud do :       export CC='gcc-3.4'01:16
jadaz87simosx that does not install 3.401:16
polpakmikebot, most wmv files work fine. Just ones with DRM won't work01:16
nickrudjadaz87, I though you were talking about a complete kernel compile when I advised against.01:16
mikebotpolpak, is there no way to make those ones work?01:16
pr0-t31nMIKE HERE01:16
simosxMojoWork, "Monospace" is a virtual font. See /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, to see from which fonts it takes characters.01:16
billwhere does /lib/modules/2.6.*/volatile come from?01:16
nickrudsimosx, build essential gets you gcc-4.0, jadaz87 needs to install gcc-3.4 explicitly01:16
jadaz87nickrud oh ok haha no i whould not want to do that01:16
jadaz87nickrud i did01:16
facugaichtin_nqn, just ask01:17
tin_nqnhow can I "force" mget (ftp command) to it don't ask me to confirm in each file?01:17
simosxnickrud, ahh, ok. thanks.01:17
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vega-_i'm trying to apt-get -u dist-upgrade breezy -> dapper but the problem is i'm running out of disk space (E: You don't have enough free space in /var/cache/apt/archives/). Anyone know if it's safe to link /var/cache/apt/archives somewhere else?01:17
gnomefreakpr0-t31n: can you please not use caps01:17
mikebotpr0-t31n, thanks01:17
jadaz87nickrud so do:               export CC='gcc-3.4'             before i running the vmware config?01:17
pr0-t31nand sure01:17
nickrudjadaz87, yes01:17
polpakpr0-t31n, that link won't help with DRM01:17
simosxMojoWork, do you want to type English or another language in gnome-terminal? What's the problem with Monospace? (screenshot?).01:17
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pr0-t31ni win an internet.01:18
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simosxvega-_, yep, you can even link to your VFAT partition.01:18
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facugaichtin_nqn, you mean 'wget'? or is 'mget' a command in an ftp client?01:18
siimowhy doesnt ubuntu compile kernel with the GCC they default with01:18
pr0-t31nu guys, linux is too complicated01:18
pr0-t31nbut windows suck01:18
jadaz87nickrud are the kernel headers included in build-essentials?01:18
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Apostle^no i isn't.01:18
tin_nqnmget in an ftp client01:18
jadaz87siimo THAT is what i want to know01:18
Apostle^jadaz87: no01:18
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nickrudjadaz87, no, to get those, do sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:19
vega-_simosx: don't own a vfat partition.. but oh well, i guess it's worth a shot01:19
siimooh well i always build my own kernel with the ck patchset with default GCC so no problems for me01:19
cablophelp me01:19
pr0-t31nis ftp the same thing as i know it? a site u upload to and pple can download from01:19
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facugaichftp is a protocol01:19
facugaichlike http01:19
simosxvega-_, wherever you have space you can link to. External USB harddisk, etc...01:19
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jadaz87nickrud oh ok i will do that now01:20
tin_nqnyeah I know01:20
cablopi'll make the question as easyu as i can: i need to place two lines on a .sh file, i don't know how to do them, just copying them and pressing enter between them?01:20
nickrudsimosx, you have no problems with the gcc-4.0 compiling the kernel (I don't know why I'm asking, I stopped compiling kernels a couple of years ago :)01:20
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pr0-t31nwhat do u guys think off goatse coming off the interweb??01:20
facugaichI was telling pr0-tein01:20
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vega-_simosx: i know.. just thought i'd ask if someone might have ran into trouble or something01:20
cablopif i do it in that way system reports me errors01:20
gimmulfwhen i start alsamixer i can only change volume for my bluetooth01:21
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tin_nqnfacugiach:  I must dowload a list of file from a hosting server to another... that I am connected by ssh. Here I use ftp command to connect to the first one (source of my files)01:21
scifiCerveza: wine compatability layer also looks good01:21
polpakcablop, what errors?01:21
tin_nqnThat's all ok.01:21
nickrudcablop, gedit <file> , and on the first line put #! /bin/bash . Add your two lines below that line. Close & save the file, then chmod +x <file>01:21
jadaz87!tell pr0-t31n about offtopic01:22
simosxnickrud, it's long since I compiled a kernel myself. Even for a kernel module, one can simply compile the module and install. For me, gcc 4.0.2 was ok to compile kernel modules.01:22
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pr0-t31nwhat irc client are yall using???01:22
tin_nqnbut I have move 6000 and more files... and mget command (into an ftp session) ask me every time if I want "dowload XXX.zzz file"01:22
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nickrudsimosx, the only problem with that is ubuntu uses 3.4 to compile the kernel. Any extra modules need to be compiled with 3.4 as well.01:23
billirssi here01:23
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asdf25is there a way to start X using a specified Xsession file?01:23
jbroomeirssi also + screen == happiness :)01:23
billnickrud yeah having that issue with the nvidia kernel01:23
pr0-t31nis bitchx any good?01:23
NsOmNiAc!ubotu enlightenment01:23
ubotuhmm... enlightenment is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7915501:23
jmoncayohow can i make fluxbox to set a wallpaper when i log in01:23
gnomefreakjbroome: that it does ;)01:23
jadaz87nickrud look at this What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running01:23
jadaz87kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 01:23
jadaz87The path "kernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] " is not an existing directory.01:23
simosxtin_nqn, if you type "prompt", it will turn off prompting. Using "ncftp" as an FTP client will do the job much better01:23
jadaz87nickrud i already installed the headers01:23
jmoncayohow can i make fluxbox to set a wallpaper when i log in01:23
pr0-t31nrun windows and download cuteftp 701:23
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billanyone know where /lib/modules/*/volatile comes from?01:23
polpakasdf25, you can change your ~/.xsession to get it to start with that one...01:24
cabloppolpak, systems try to read next line as paramneter of first one01:24
tin_nqnok. I try it01:24
billmine has the wrong nvidia module and it comes back01:24
polpakcablop, can you pastebin your script?01:24
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asdf25polpak: yeah i know, i'm trying to run a second X server on top of my main Xgl one01:24
nickrudjadaz87, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare maybe that has the info you need01:25
asdf25polpak: but that'll actually work01:25
siimoall this module driver stuff that needs the same kernel version etc is a bad design01:25
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jadaz87nickrud man oh man thank you01:25
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MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  I just tried EPP too... still doesn't recognize it properly01:25
nickrudsiimo, that's one of the reason's I gave up kernel compiling :)01:25
gimmulfalsamixer is selecting my Bluetooth headset as device.. how do i switch to my soundcard?01:25
cablopmy case is i need to set in a first line the CLASSPATH like01:25
pr0-t31nwhen i first installed ubuntu i though i wouldn't use it much so i put it on a 20 gig partition now i use it more and need more space what on earth should i do?01:25
cablopafter that export it01:25
cablopexport CLASSPATH01:25
cablopno more, but if i copy that lines in the same .sh file systems said01:25
polpaksiimo, so join the kernel-devel mailing list and fix it =)01:25
cablop': not a valid identifier3: export: `CLASSPATH01:25
CosmoDadsiimo: there is a reason why it's necessary, you just don't get it01:25
cablopexcuse me, i think that line was shorter01:25
gnomefreakcablop: please use pastebin to [aste01:26
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MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  I'm thinking maybe I just wasn't starting lp properly from the command line (the LiveCD apparently doesn't automatically start parallel support)01:26
siimoCosmoDad, yes i do get it....01:26
siimobut its unacceptable  and one of the reasons that venders are put off making drivers for their own hardware01:26
CosmoDadsiimo: then why do you say that?01:26
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, I don't know what to say. Live CD, well, I tend to avoid questions about that since I haven't run one, ever.01:26
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polpakcablop, well you could also just do export CLASSPATH=/app/pack.jar01:26
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jfksounds like u need "apt-get install build-essentials"01:26
siimobecause you need to recompile driver/module for every new kernel even a 2.6.12.x patch01:27
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cablopok i'll try, how to coment a line in .sh files? using "#"??01:27
scifipr0-t3in: can u not make another partition on the drive and allow ubuntu to access it?01:27
gnomefreakcablop: put a # infront of the line01:27
nickrudsiimo, I thought there was supposed to be some mechanism to get around that now adays01:27
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  OK... what's in your /etc/modules file?01:27
CosmoDadsiimo: vendors don't publish drivers because they think they can make a fortune out of windows users01:27
cablopnow the error is01:28
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, lp, psmouse & nvidia01:28
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jfkaccecpt correction by gnome-freak01:28
gimmulfalsamixer is selecting my Bluetooth headset as device.. how do i switch to my soundcard?01:28
cablopnow the error is01:28
cablop: command not found line 2:01:28
pr0-t31nwhen i first installed ubuntu i though i wouldn't use it much so i put it on a 20 gig partition but know i use it so much i need more space what should i dooo???????????????????????????01:28
siimoCosmoDad, that may be true but the linux driver architecure is not great... just imagine what would be possible if all you needed was one driver for all 2.6 series kernels with no recompiles needed and it plugged in nicely with every 2.6 kernel01:28
polpakcablop, how are you running the file?01:28
nickrudpr0-t31n, buy another hd?01:28
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CosmoDadpr0-t31n: backup what you got, then try enlarging the partition with, say, gparted01:28
polpakcablop, and more specifically, how are you editing it?01:28
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  hmm... same as my HDD installation except for nvidia... do you know where kernel settings for lp and stuff would be stored (if there are any)?  I know sound stuff, for example, is in /etc/sound/...01:28
cabloplike this "./file.sh"01:28
cablopwithount the "01:29
siimothen closed source vendors wouldnt have the problem of keeping up with the kernel dev01:29
gnomefreakcablop: sh file.sh will do it also01:29
pr0-t31nhow bout a partitionmagic?01:29
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CosmoDadpr0-t31n: qtparted is like a good tool for that01:29
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M3MCan anyone point me in the right direction towards setting up a LAN printer under ion3?01:30
cablopnot sh ./file.sh doesn't work nor bash ./file.sh01:30
pr0-t31nnickrud ive got enough space but thats for windows01:30
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, dapper has changed how modules are handled, I'm still learning01:30
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polpakcablop, how are you editing the file?01:30
pr0-t31nthx cosmodad01:30
cablopusing nano01:30
jadaz87pr0-t31n are you going to use it as your main os?01:30
cablopnano file.sh01:30
twidgetnickrud, thanks for the advice earlier01:30
CosmoDadsiimo: there are rapid changes between kernel versions, not just between 2.6.12.x, but also between 2.6.8 and 2.6.14. You need a way to differentiate01:30
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jadaz87pr0-t31n ubuntu?01:30
pr0-t31ni dont know01:30
polpakcablop, it'd be very helpful if you'd prefix your responses.. Makes it much easier to read01:30
pr0-t31nim wishy washy bout operating systems01:30
nickrudtwidget, glad it helped. Partitioning is a matter of taste, as much as anything else01:30
pr0-t31nwindows seems much easier01:31
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pr0-t31nbut everybody loves linux01:31
=== f00li5h meows
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cablopand i have only this lines01:31
cablopexport CLASSPATH=/SIMAT-MEN/grinder-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar01:31
cablopjava net.grinder.TCPSniffer -remoteHost -remotePort 80 -httpPluginFilter > sniffer.log01:31
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polpakpr0-t31n, it's not really easier. People just think it's easier because they have been using windows for 10 years. If you used linux for that long linux would be easy too01:31
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cabloppolpak, soprry, i dfo it by now01:31
gnomefreakpr0-t31n: a better channel for your topic is #ubuntu-offtopic since its not a ubuntu related support issue01:31
=== nickrud strokes f00li5h
pr0-t31npeople are asking me what is my main os01:32
f00li5hpolpak: true, but doing harder things is easier by comparison01:32
siimoyes but they could still have just one interface to hardware that doesnt need to be recompiled every time, google it a lot of people think this is a major flaw of the kernel that is coming in the way of hardware support by vendors  and desktop acceptance01:32
pr0-t31nwhat should i do01:32
=== f00li5h purrs =^_^=
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scifipr0-t3in:the question is, which do YOU prefer?01:32
polpakcablop, you need the shebang01:32
pr0-t31ni want to say ubuntu01:32
polpakcablop, and you should use pastebin01:32
jfk>pr0 - well said that person!!01:32
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MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  OK.  I'll search some more on Google, but I haven't come up with much...01:32
polpakcablop, on the very first line of the file put #!/bin/bash01:32
cabloppolpak what's sehbang?01:32
f00li5hsay, i was wondering if anyone can tell me how to turn processor stepping off01:32
scifipr0-t3in: well then increase ubuntus partition with gparted01:32
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  Thanks again for your help01:32
ompaulpr0-t31n, to do #ubuntu-offtopic for chat, or ask a specific help question this is not a chat room - thanks01:32
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, luck01:33
=== majd [n=majd@cpe-71-65-19-97.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
f00li5hcablop: #! /pat/to/interpreter01:33
CosmoDadsiimo: the driver API hasn't changed much for 2.6.8... there's a major difference between 2.4 and 2.6, but not within a major branch01:33
ompaulpr0-t31n, its a help channel01:33
majdHi, anyone know of a dock launcher...sorta like the one that comes with gdesklets?01:33
polpakf00li5h, no space01:33
cablophow can i found the path to my interpreter?01:33
f00li5hpolpak: you can have a space,01:33
CosmoDadsiimo: prob is drivers rely on different components within the kernel that *do* change01:33
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f00li5hpolpak: and some older unix systems have a 3 character shebang01:33
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polpakcablop, type which bash01:34
slavikf00li5h: that is quite f00li5h :P01:34
f00li5hslavik: *sigh*01:34
CosmoDadsiimo: like wireless extensions, or v4l vs. v4l2.. has nothing to do with the driver model01:34
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NsOmNiAc!ubotu enlightenment01:34
ubotusomebody said enlightenment was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7915501:34
simosxcablop, "env python"?01:34
nickrudCosmoDad, and that is the issue, maybe 2.8 will have stable releases, not releases that require a bcollins to keep it functional01:34
f00li5hsimosx: yeah, you can do that too01:34
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simosx"siimo" is gone.01:35
cablopi begin to think using .sh files where very difficult01:35
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polpakcablop, it's not really01:35
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cablop* are instead of where01:35
f00li5hcablop: nah, you just need someone to answer the simple questions, so you don't get stuck on them for months01:35
CosmoDadnickrud: so what do you suggest: freezing all development within a release?01:36
simosxcablop, I had a look at your pastebin text. You have "#!/bin/bash" more than once in your file. It should be once, at the start.01:36
polpakcablop, just put #!/bin/bash on the first line of the file, then you can put your commands in fine01:36
nickrudCosmoDad, we're a bit off topic, and if you've ever watched the kernel mail list, you know what I'm talking about.01:36
cabloppolpak but i only  need to execute those two lines, in windows i only need to place them into a file and put the extension .cmd or .bat, no more, here it dfoesn't work, maybe i need to use a different file extension?01:36
f00li5hor if it's an ash script you can just have a single : on the first line01:37
ubotumethinks sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary01:37
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polpakcablop, linux doesn't use extentions01:37
polpakcablop, it uses the shebang01:37
f00li5hpolpak: shebangs and chmoddage01:37
f00li5hcablop: you chmod +x'ed it?01:37
polpakcablop, the #!/bin/bash means " run the commands in this file using /bin/bash"01:37
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cablopyes i chemoded the file01:39
simonpcaBonjour tout le monde!01:40
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.01:40
LathropWellsWhere do i add this command to run at boot up?  " hdparm -c1 -d1 /dev/cdrom0"01:40
f00li5hLathropWells: init scripts01:40
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, echo01:40
f00li5hLathropWells: when do you want it to run?01:40
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cablopok i understand that but now01:41
polpakLathropWells, you can put it in /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh if you want it to run at boot01:41
cablopit tryies to exectute those lines but cannot fount my file01:41
echoanyone have a geforce fx 5200 runnin 2 monitors01:41
LathropWellsYou guys are great. - Thank You.01:41
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f00li5hcablop: you got full paths to the files you refer to in the scripts?01:41
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fRz[Fu] hi there01:41
DShepherdis there an irc channel for rhythm box?01:41
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jadaz87does anyone know if i do these commands if they will be permanent?01:42
jadaz87$sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/swap bs=1M count=300001:42
jadaz87$sudo mkswap /tmp/swap01:42
jadaz87$sudo swapon /tmp/swap01:42
f00li5hDShepherd: i'd assume so, randomly join things that sound like that01:42
polpakcablop, what is the error it gives?01:42
polpakjadaz87, pastebin pls01:42
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fRz[Fu] i've juste downloaded nvidia drivers and i'd like to know wich package are necessary for ubuntu 5.10 to install the drivers ?01:42
cablopnow it says me ": there's no such file or directoryer-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar'"01:42
f00li5hjadaz87: nope01:42
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f00li5hjadaz87: i'd say not, since /tmp will be eaten through each restart (i think)01:42
cablopbut executing same line it works01:43
jadaz87f00li5h so it is not permanent? oh ok thanks :-)01:43
f00li5hjadaz87: don't take my word alone though01:43
DShepherdf00li5h: remember the name of the channel. #rhythmbox doesnt work01:43
Quinthiusjadams: even if /tmp isn't cleared on reboot, that file won't automatically be used for swap unless you add it in /etc/fstab or enable it manually again01:43
f00li5hDShepherd: nope, i use cplay01:43
cabloppolpak, excuse me i said now it says me ": No existe el fichero o el directorioer-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar'" but using that line in the comandline it works01:43
Quinthiuserr jadaz8701:43
DShepherdf00li5h: ok01:44
polpakcablop, something looks wrong with that path..01:44
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polpakcablop, shouldn't it be /SIMAT-MEN/grinder-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar01:45
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jadaz87Quinthius yes?01:45
cablopyes, it's that path01:45
facugaichpolpak, the error msg is overlapping it01:45
polpakcablop, try just typing ls -al /SIMAT-MEN/grinder-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar01:45
Quinthiusjadaz87: see my message to jadams, was meant for you01:45
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cabloppolpak, yes and the file is here01:46
jadaz87Quinthius yes i see it thanks01:46
twitchwhat is a good app to use to convert ntfs to fat32 on a usb hard drive? i tried gparted but it shows a lock by it or if there is a ms dos disk with usb support that would be a last resort01:46
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jadaz87does anyone know if breezy uses the same filesystem as hoary on the live cd01:46
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polpakcablop, so you have a directory in your root dir called SIMAT-MEN ?01:46
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cabloppolpak, yes01:46
polpakcablop, why not /home or /opt or something?01:46
cabloppolpak, and  everyone has access to this directory01:47
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polpakcablop, so paste the output of the command ls -al /SIMAT-MEN/grinder-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar01:47
twitchwhat is a good app to use to convert ntfs to fat32 on a usb hard drive? i tried gparted but it shows a lock by it or if there is a ms dos disk with usb support that would be a last resort01:47
cabloppolpak, because i was using this application in one winfdows machine with same path and i don't want to spand time fixing paths between OS01:47
polpaktwitch, you mean formatting the drive to fat32?01:47
Quinthiustwitch: CAN you even convert ntfs to fat32?01:47
nickrudtwitch, I don't think that you can do that01:48
twitchoops i didnt mean convert i meant reformat01:48
nickrudtwitch, maybe some $$$ app can01:48
cabloppolpak, "-rwxrwxrwx  1 sakura sakura 521024 2002-11-03 16:38 /SIMAT-MEN/grinder-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar"01:48
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jadaz87nickrud do you know if breezy uses the same filesystem as hoary on the live cd?01:48
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polpakcablop, pastebin your sh file pls01:48
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twitchwhen i try using gparted it shows a lock by it and it wont let me format it01:49
nickrudjadaz87, I've never run a livecd. No clue01:49
cablopjadaz87, i hear not01:49
ubotufrom memory, pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126901:49
polpakjadaz87, you mean same fs type?01:49
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Quinthiustwitch: is the drive currently mounted?01:49
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polpaktwitch, unmount it01:49
Quinthiustwitch: unmount it and try again01:49
scifiwhen i partition to do the dual-boot setup, what file-system format will it use (ntfs etc) ?01:49
polpakscifi, win xp needs ntfs01:50
billif I install the nvidia driver, it works for one boot01:50
twitchhow do i remount it01:50
billthen fails after reboot01:50
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MrKubuntuUserI just found the instructions to insert the following into /etc/modules.conf:  "options parport_pc io=0x378,0x278 irq=7,auto"01:50
odatanyone ever get Lirc working?01:50
nickrudbill, you mean you do a modprobe nvidia & it works for that boot session?01:50
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MrKubuntuUserWhere does that go in Dapper?  modules.conf doesn't exist01:51
skplcan someone tell me what the startup dir is in ubuntu?01:51
billnickrud no even stranger, if I boot nvidia.ko is loaded, but it doesn't work01:51
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twitchhow do i remout my us hd01:51
polpakskpl, define "start up dir"01:51
billbut if I install it again it does (for that boot)01:51
polpaktwitch, is it in fstab?01:51
cablopoplpak, this is my sh file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226501:51
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, I think that goes in /etc/modutils/ (like I said, it's all changed for dapper, I'm relearning)01:51
Quinthiustwitch: after formatting it? or just how it is already?01:51
cabloppolpak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226501:51
twitchi just unmounted it01:51
billI'd use the default nvidia driver but I require 8xxx for my video card01:51
twitchhow do i remount. i havent formatted it yet01:52
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  OK, I'll try that.  Is /etc/modules.conf for the 2.4 kernel or something?01:52
nickrudbill, add the word nvidia at the end of /etc/modules , that will reload the nvidia module automatically at each boot01:52
skplpolpak, i have a program that came with a script, it told me to put the script in my startup dir, which it listed as possibly being /etc/init.d/rcx.d or /sbin/etc/init.d/rcx.d01:52
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nickrudMrKubuntuUser, no, just for older versions of the 2.6 kernel. It's moving fast.01:52
skplpolpak, Where the 'X' in rcX.d is the value obtained by running the01:52
skplfollowing command01:52
skplgrep initdefault /etc/inittab | awk -F: '{print $2}'01:52
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billnickrud the problem isn't that the module isn't loading...it's just something else is fixed by the nvidia installer01:52
facugaichtwitch, I think you can use 'umount' to mount removable devices01:52
Quinthiustwitch: if it's in your fstab, you can just do something like mount /dev/hda1 or whatever the drive is01:52
polpakcablop, this is how it should look http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226601:52
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Quinthiustwitch: or, mount /path/to/mount/point ... look in /etc/fstab to make sure01:53
nickrudbill, try that, that's the one thing I remember doing to get nvidia support for each boot.01:53
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polpakskpl, put the script in /etc/init.d01:53
billnickrud I just booted, and lsmod shows it01:53
billbut I'll try it01:53
skplpolpak ok01:53
s|kwhat's the apt-get for build dependencies?01:53
cabloppolpak, i'll try01:53
nickrudbill, then nm, you're right I guess about something else01:54
s|kthe syntax?01:54
NsOmNiAcI want to get rid of everything KDE on this system if I remeber right there is some command that does that01:54
rOss^64anything special i have to do to make my wireless work with ubuntu. it worked on liveCD but does not show up on the installed version01:54
billnickrud ah, I was afraid of that01:54
nickrudNsOmNiAc, sudo apt-get remove libqt3-mt01:54
tonyyarussoCan someone explain why when mounted /windows shows up as an icon on the desktop (only after changing fstab as instructed in !ntfs to be user-accessible) when none of my other partitions do?  I'd rather only removable media show as an icon.  /etc/fstab is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12219.01:54
Quinthiustonyyarusso: are you mounting it under /media/ ?01:54
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tonyyarussoQuinthius: No, under /.01:55
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skplpolpak, does it matter what i name the script?01:55
polpakskpl, nope01:55
=== [C] hris [n=chris@pool-71-96-208-81.dfw.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #Ubuntu
Quinthiustonyyarusso: hmm, does the fstab entry have the "user" flag? i seem to recall something about that causing stuff to appear on the desktop01:55
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[C] hrisWhat would cause gnome not to run this from a panel icon if it is fact the correct location? "wine /home/chris/.wine/drive_c/World of Warcraft/WoW.exe -opengl"01:55
cabloppolpak, it cpontinues telling me that there's no such file or directory :(01:56
tonyyarussoQuinthius: Yes, let me see if removing that changes anything.01:56
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polpakcablop, show me the whole error pls01:56
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skplpolpak, i do not think it worked, i logged out and back in and it is not running01:56
polpakskpl, it only works on boot01:56
polpakskpl, but you need to add a symlink also01:57
scifi[C] hris:i'd love to know if uve used wine to run counter-strike on ur system at all?, apparently it supports steam based games01:57
skplpolpak, can you tell me how to do that?01:57
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tonyyarussoQuinthius: That was it.  Thank you.  Been wondering about that for a few days and nobody knew.01:57
skplpolpak, what is a symlink?01:57
polpakskpl, cd /etc/rc2.d01:57
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ubotupastebin is, like, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126901:57
skplpolpak, ok01:58
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cabloppolpak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226701:58
polpaktonyyarusso, only problem with not having the user flag.. Means users can't mount/unmount it only root01:58
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Quinthiustonyyarusso: hehe. there might also be some option for nautilus in the system tools -> config editor stuff, to change what kind of drives it shows, but i forget..01:59
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tonyyarussoQuinthius: I think it just has show or not show, but I'll look.01:59
polpakcablop, can you pastebin the script again.. ?01:59
Quinthiustonyyarusso: ahhh that might be it01:59
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tonyyarussopolpak: Well, that's nothing new, none of my other things are mountable except by root.01:59
polpaktonyyarusso, true enough01:59
nickrudQuinthius, tonyyarusso the user flag is the only thing that works for the desktop showing, irrc01:59
Quinthiusnickrud: ahh okie01:59
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cabloppolpak, i'll pastebin the file and the output02:00
polpakskpl, ls -al in the directory02:00
[C] hrisScifi no i just run wow which works as of today02:00
facugaichwhats that IRC client lots of you use? irssci?02:00
polpakskpl, you should see several links to scripts in /etc/init.d02:00
CokeNCodeor bitchx02:00
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facugaichno, the other one02:00
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  Sorry, Firefox crashed.02:00
polpakskpl the order listed here determines the order in which the scripts are run02:00
facugaichthat one02:00
skploh, ok02:00
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, what's new :)02:00
skplpolpak, what else?02:00
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CokeNCodemy ubuntu install keeps breaking ...02:01
CokeNCodei'm running an xp and ubuntu dual boot02:01
CokeNCodeand every now and again, by x server gets fubar'd02:01
polpakskpl, to create a new link to your script use ln -s /etc/init.d/scriptname S66scriptname   where the 66 number just determines where the file will be in the list, and scriptname is the name of the script in /etc/init.d02:01
CokeNCodeand i have to reinstall Ubuntu to get it back02:02
tuyanok, is serial console working on ubuntu ?02:02
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CokeNCodeanyone know what could be causing this ?02:02
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polpak!tell CokeNCode about enter02:02
polpakCokeNCode, define fubar'd02:02
skplpolpak, what if the script does not exist in the dir, i should copy it over?02:02
polpakCokeNCode, what erros does it give02:02
tonyyarussoCokeNCode: Do you have any more information, errors, logs, etc?02:02
CokeNCodeCokeNCode, it says modeprobe error, and that it can't find quite a few files02:02
polpakskpl, doesn't exist in /etc/init.d ?02:02
cabloppolpak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226802:03
echocan someone help me configure my xorg to do twinview02:03
tonyyarussoCokeNCode: And does this happen randomly, or after you or the system has done something significant?02:03
skplpolpak, it is in /etc/init.d/rc2.d02:03
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CokeNCodei know this isn't much info, i was hoping that someone else had possibly encountered this same problem. I'm thinking it may be the hard drive i'm using (a separate one for Ubuntu that I salvaged from an old pc) that's bad02:03
tonyyarussoAnyone know of a GUI interface to configuring runlevels?02:03
skplpolpak, ok, now it is there02:04
nickrudtonyyarusso, bum02:04
CokeNCodetonyyarusso, it actually seems pretty random, it happens when I reboot tho, that much I've noticed02:04
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  I just tired doing insmod parport and it returned "can't read 'parport':  No such file or directory'.  Am I using the command improperly02:04
CokeNCodesorry, when I boot up02:04
tonyyarussoCokeNCode: Possible...  You might be will off though to save logs the next time it happens, and pastebin them.02:04
tonyyarussonickrud: Does that let me do ones other than 2?02:04
nickrudtonyyarusso, no clue :) rcconf is a text gui, works nicely02:05
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tonyyarussonickrud: I'll check that out too.02:05
Storkmehow can i force dpkg to use i386 arch instead of amd64?02:05
CokeNCodetonyyarusso, ok, thanks, last time it happened, i came on using bitchx, i'd lost the xserver but, it crashed into console, and i was able to run bitchx and ask for help, hpoefully if it happens again, i'll be able to come back in and give more info02:05
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, you probably would prefer to use modprobe02:05
polpakcablop, you said this command works from the command line?02:05
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=== nickrud thinks that he nicely finessed that question without answering :)
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  Can I specify stuff like the irq number using modprobe?02:06
Storkmehow can i force dpkg to use i386 arch instead of amd64?02:06
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tonyyarussoCokeNCode: Yeah, I run irssi on a terminal so I can get support if X dies.02:06
skplpolpak, i created the symbolic link, is that all i have to do?02:06
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, you pinned me. Dapper, right?02:06
polpakskpl, should be02:06
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  Yeah, Kubuntu Flight 602:06
skplpolpak, but i have to restart to test it right?02:06
polpakskpl, you can test it with sudo /etc/rc2.d/S66filename restart02:07
MrKubuntuUsernickrud: Sorry :D02:07
polpakskpl, assuming the link is called S66filename02:07
skplpolpak, thank you02:07
Storkmehow can i force dpkg to use i386 arch instead of amd64?02:07
skpli think i get it02:07
nahoj-hmm... almost every time i run azureus, amaroK and x-chat my system hang up...02:07
skplthough i do not understand why we need symbolic links02:07
ompaulCokeNCode, that looks like it might be hardware - please reseat the video card, and ram launch the memtester before you go to bed and see what comes back02:07
cabloppolpak, yes it works fine02:07
polpakskpl, cause the file should be in /etc/init.d  but we want to reference from many places02:07
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CokeNCodeon to my other problem, after i update the kernel, i get 4 different boot options for ubuntu, this is a bit much isnt it, is there any reason to keep the old kernel boot option around?02:08
cabloppolpak, really fine02:08
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echosomeone help me with this my boss is gonna stab me02:08
polpakskpl, so we link rathr than copy incase we want to change it, we don't have to change them all02:08
CosmoDadnahoj-: start them from console and see if standard output helps to figure out what the prob si02:08
CosmoDadnahoj-: is02:08
WillyTellhello everybody!02:08
polpakecho, ?02:08
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, I really need to upgrade my skills on how modules are handled in dapper. I have some ideas, but none worth your wasting time on02:08
CokeNCodeompaul, could it be as a result of me installing nvidea drivers, when i have an onboard soundcard ?02:08
skplpolpak, do i have to make the script executable?02:08
echotwinview on a 520002:08
polpakcablop, what is the output of pwd ?02:08
skplpolpak, i have yet to do that02:08
=== mucha [n=mucha@217-211-56-100-no38.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
polpakskpl, yes02:08
echopolpak, twinview on a 5200, i got it workin... thanks for that before02:08
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nahoj-CosmoDad, thx... *checking out*02:09
cabloppolpak, it's /SIMAT-MEN/plantilla/rec02:09
skplpolpak, chmod +x right?02:09
polpakcablop, can you pastebin the output of ls ?02:09
polpakskpl, yeah02:09
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=== misfit_toy [n=guy@cpe-67-9-170-125.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulCokeNCode, it might be the drivers - save /etc/X11/xorg.conf to one side and use VESA and if it works without falling over then consider changing the driver or card02:09
tonyyarussonickrud: How do I choose runlevel with that tool?  rcconf #?02:09
cabloppolpak, i go02:09
CokeNCodeompaul, ok ... thanks02:10
nickrudtonyyarusso, you don't, you set the default run level in /etc/inittab02:10
polpakecho, so what are you needing help with?02:10
ompaulCokeNCode, the audio should not be part of the problem02:10
skplpolpak, for some reason the restart command does not work, it tells me to use start or tsop02:10
polpakskpl, ok, just try start02:10
CokeNCoderight, i meant to say video card02:10
tonyyarussonickrud: But what if I want to have mulitiple runlevels configured differently?02:10
WillyTellXGL ???02:10
CokeNCodei have an onboard video card02:10
ompaulCokeNCode, if disabled it has no influence02:10
skplpolpak, it worked02:10
WillyTellsomeone tried the new XGL on Ubuntu???02:10
echopolpak, tryin to find something that shows someone elses xorg file that has a 520002:10
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, you add a new file to /etc/modprobe.d/   and in that file have a line options parport <options>, see alsa-base in that dir for an example02:11
polpakWillyTell, on dapper yes02:11
CokeNCodeompaul, it's not disabled, that's what i use ... :/02:11
cabloppolpak, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1226902:11
ompaulWillyTell, #ubuntu+1 would be a better channel for that conversation02:11
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polpakecho, pretty much all the nvidia configs are the same02:11
WillyTellthank you very much!02:11
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MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  OK, I'll look now02:11
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ompaulCokeNCode, ahh I thought you had two cards there for a moment - just try that and there ya go02:11
echopolpak, ok ty... ill search on google02:11
nickrudtonyyarusso, you can set up each run level as you chose, and either telinit <runlevel> or change the default in /etc/inittab or during the boot, edit the grub menu line02:11
CokeNCodeok, but i can't reseat an onboard card ... i think when i ran Automatix, i installed some nvidea drivers that may be causing the problem02:12
tonyyarussonickrud: Right, but the "set up each run level as you chose" part is what I'm wondering about.02:12
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nickrudMrKubuntuUser, that stuff has changed 3 times in this major kernel release, it's fun keeping up <not>02:12
CokeNCodeeither that, or the fact that it has to switch from one resolution to another when loading up xserver. I fixed that now, so I'll see if that helps02:13
ubotuwell, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.02:13
nickrudtonyyarusso, just what are you attempting to do? I might be able to give better <more specific> advice02:13
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ompaulCokeNCode, ^^02:13
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polpakecho http://www.ublug.org/ubuntu/twinview/twinview-howto-breezy.html02:13
scifiis it gnome 2.14 with breezy badger?02:14
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polpakcablop, you're doing something wrong.. I can't tell what it is though02:14
CokeNCodeompaul, ok, what would you suggest instead of automatix ?02:14
nickrudscifi, 2.12 in breezy, 2.14 in dapper02:14
ompaulscifi, no 2.12 that will be in the next release02:14
echopolpat... thanks again02:14
tonyyarussonickrud: Well, my first thing is simple, just removing gdm from runlevel 3, but I'd rather learn the general stuff just for the knowledge.  (I think I can do the specific part already, but hey.)02:14
polpakecho, it's polpak02:14
ompaulCokeNCode,  documentation or #easyubuntu02:14
echooh god i did it again02:14
scifican i upgrade to 2.14 from within breezy badger?02:14
polpakecho you know xchat does tab completion right?02:14
echoim like talkin to customers and typin at the same time02:15
nickrudtonyyarusso, ok, first, runlevel 2 is the default run level. Remove gdm from that one.02:15
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  oof... so the kernel just uses options from a file with the same name as the module in /etc/modprobe.d whenever a module is loaded?02:15
echoi have no clue what that is02:15
polpakecho type pol then hit tab02:15
CokeNCodeompaul, so you think automatix may be the source of my problem?02:15
polpakecho also02:15
polpakecho bash has tab completion02:15
tonyyarussonickrud: No, I want it by default, but would like to be able to create a semi-recovery option in grub for if X is borking on me or I just want to boot fast, but I don't want to full recovery mode.02:15
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, I believe so, anyway it makes sense to name it the same as the module. You are currently a guinea pig :)02:15
CokeNCodei installed it a good few days ago, and i've shutdown and booted up fine several times since then02:16
echowhats bash?02:16
polpakecho the shell you get in a terminal02:16
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tonyyarussoCokeNCode: Ooh.  Yeah, automatix is icky.02:16
polpakecho, so for example typing /u<tab>/loc<tab> will give you /usr/local02:16
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echosorry i was usin windoze for the last 6 months... before that kubuntu//// im not that good at the linux thing yet02:16
LathropWellsborn again sh - ell02:16
ompaulCokeNCode, without actually having the machine here I could not say, however I have seen a lot of people come through this channel with broken boxes as a result of it, two choices one reinstall or ask the author for help02:16
CokeNCodetonyyarusso, lol, ok. I'll keep that in mind.02:17
nickrudtonyyarusso, ok, then remove it from 3, then add another grub stanza and add     3   to the end of the kernel invocation for that stanza02:17
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  haha, OK.  I'll try it out in a virtual machine now02:17
echothats cool02:17
CokeNCodethanks ompaul02:17
echothanks for that02:17
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polpakecho =)02:17
tonyyarussonickrud: Right.  Just wondering if there's an easy way to mess with stuff generally.02:17
nickrudMrKubuntuUser, yes, I remember you saying you have a virtual machine :) I'm looking forward to having vmware or the free equiv soon02:17
moonwatchercan i ask a question?02:18
CraiZEmoonwatcher, yes :) you are supposed to02:18
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ompaul    #ubuntu-il   02:18
jmoncayohow can i start the sound so i can use mpg321?02:18
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  I'm actually using Virtual PC for this... it runs Ubuntu very nicely, even though Microsoft says they don't support Linux02:18
polpaktonyyarusso, if you really want to learn how the boot stuff works, take a look at "Linux from Scratch" they explain a lot of it there02:18
ompaulmoonwatcher, ask away02:18
nickrudtonyyarusso, what you're doing is right down in the guts of a gnu/linux system, easy is relative :)02:18
CokeNCodewow, this channel is nice, other places, folks would've jumped all over him for asking to ask02:18
jmoncayohow can i start the sound so i can use mpg321?02:18
tonyyarussopolpak: I'll check it out.02:19
polpakCokeNCode, depends on our mood02:19
ompaulCokeNCode, we jump on people for noticing :-)02:19
tonyyarussonickrud: Hehe, true.02:19
moonwatcheri have an IBM T42, tried the live cd on it and the 2200BG card seems to be working but getting an IPv6 adress, which naturally doesnt work02:19
nickrudohzie, I cannot recommend linux from scratch too highly. I learned more there than anywhere else02:19
cabloppolpak, thanks a lot, i changed the way i was launching the java, very strange i changed the .sh content to "java -cp /SIMAT-MEN/grinder-2.8.6/lib/grinder.jar net.grinder.TCPSniffer > sniffer.log"... just this line, and worked, very strange02:19
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moonwatcheror so it seemed in ifconfig02:19
simosxjmoncayo, ideally there is no service to start to get mpg321 to work. If sound is working, it should all be ok.02:19
Veronicatonyyarusso, lol, ok. I'll keep that are you attempting to do? I might be able to give better <more specific> advice02:19
polpaktonyyarusso, it really gives you a good idea of what's going on from boot to login, etc. and how things are layed out02:19
tonyyarussonickrud: Thing is, that rcconf tool looked great.  But you'd think it could handle multiple runlevels.02:19
nickrudohzie, sorry, that was supposed to be 'oh'02:19
polpakcablop, very odd02:20
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wordHi....I'm having some trouble with mysql-server it can't find the mysqld.sock file...and well..i can't either. >< I tried reinstalling and it's the same.02:20
tonyyarussoVeronica: Find a nice interface for separately configuring runlevels 2-5.02:20
moonwatcheranyone seen my question is all this?02:20
defendguini still cant get network manager to work in dapper flight 602:20
CraiZEmoonwatcher, you gotta be patient, i dont have that problem :)02:21
CraiZEso you gotta wait til someone can help you02:21
toxic_Why does the following return "expecting unary command"? I don't see what's wrong with it ..      if [ `echo "${MSG}" | grep pam_unix` != "" ] ; then02:21
simosxdefendguin, me neither. I had a USB stick and it cannot get the WEP key properly..02:21
CraiZEmoonwatcher, or you can write it into the forum :)02:21
polpakmoonlite, it's wireless network?02:21
polpakmoonwatcher, erm02:21
polpakmoonwatcher, ^^02:21
moonwatcheri checked ifconfig02:21
nickrudtonyyarusso, sysv-rc-conf is better, sorry. I hadn't looked at either recently, and got them mixed up02:21
moonwatcherthe interface is up02:21
moonwatcherbut for somereason it gets an ipv6 address02:21
defendguinsimosx: the applet crashes on startup for me02:22
moonwatcherwhich is not at all good02:22
cabloppolpak, one question more, there's a way to say in .sh that i'm ending a line? meybe using ";" ??02:22
polpakmoonwatcher, if you go to system->administration->networking you should be able to config your wep key etc02:22
tonyyarussonickrud: apt-getting now.02:22
polpakcablop, ; or a newline will mark the end of a command02:22
moonwatcherand i did that02:22
simosxdefendguin, I see. I have a clean Flight 6 install and it was ok in the respect for me.02:23
moonwatcheri think it even authenticated02:23
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Der_RichterAnyone know of a good IDE for C/C++ development? I've been hassling with Dev-CPP for a year or so... and it just won't feel right. Thinking about trying something else for Linux-development. At work i've always used Visual Studio in a lot of different versions over the years... So, something close to the feel of VC6?02:23
moonwatcherbut i need to have an ipv4 address02:23
Der_RichterBut open source02:23
polpakmoonwatcher, did you set it to DHCP?02:23
billmoon eclipse02:23
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moonwatcheri think so02:23
polpakDer_Richter, eclipse is one02:23
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toxic_Why is it that data copied from linux to an usb-harddrive cannot be read by windows ? It's not ext3 on the drive or anything.02:24
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moonwatcheri use a static dhcp/mac mapping on an opnwrt box02:24
jinho326is there a queue that I have to wait in to ask a question?02:24
simosxmoonwatcher, can you paste the IPv6 IP address line from ifconfig?02:24
simonpcaa+, j'y vais ;-)02:24
Der_Richterpolpak: I've heard about that at work... But as far as i know, that's what the Java-guys downstairs use :)02:24
Veronicaborn again sh - ell02:24
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simosxjinho326, no queue. just fire your question away :)02:24
ompaultoxic_, stupid windows boxes can need drivers to talk to usb sticks02:24
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mlowetoxic_, did you rember to unmount the usb drive ?02:24
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moonwatchernot now... i am running windows now, will boot the live cd again later and check again, anything special i should look for?02:25
polpakDer_Richter, or Anjuta is another one02:25
moonwatchermaybe some dumps i need to save so i can show someone here02:25
toxic_ompaul, Well, it works fine to write/read data on usb stick written by windows, but moving it to my linux comp makes the linux data unreadable02:25
tarvidany recommendations on point of sale for ubuntu02:25
toxic_mlowe, eh, why ?02:25
jinho326I unstalled ubuntu on my comp, sda1 being a sata drive, and hdb being an old IDE drive i found in the closet, the installation seemed to go fine and after installing GRUB the system restarted, but when I rebooted, the second HD isnt there and GRUB doesnt show up02:26
simosxmoonwatcher, I think that the IPv6 address is not an address that came from the DHCP server. It's just that the DHCP did not work, me  thinks. You can always disable IPv6 on OpenWRT, isn't it?02:26
jinho326XP runs02:26
jinho326and thats it02:26
mlowetoxic_, to flush the write buffer, can just pull out the stick02:26
polpakDer_Richter, I generally just use a good text editor (Jedit, gedit, etc) all the ide stuff can be managed through makefiles etc02:26
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cablopDer_Richter, try Eclipse with the CDT package, or try Lylix, that's Borland Builder C++ for linux, or try QT02:26
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nekostarive got alsa in02:26
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:26
jinho326I was trying to dual boot XP and ubuntu but now my second IDE hd doesnt appear in windows, but it does appear in the bios....02:27
nekostari added modules to /etc/modules02:27
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nickrudrflmao, makefiles & easy making :)02:27
toxic_mlowe, I've tried attaching it, removing it, copying data to it etc, windows still can't read any data not written by windows to it02:27
cablopDer_Richter, sorry, is Kylix not Lylix02:27
moonwatchersimosx: i dont think i even have the ipv6 stack installed on the opnwrt box02:27
nekostarand xmms etc claim there is sound but i hear NOTHING @@@@02:27
simosxtarvid, you need to use the pessulus tool to lock down the system. See http://www.gnome.org/start/2.14/notes/en/rnadmins.html02:27
Der_Richterpolpak: That's what i've come to as well... Since Dev-CPP isn't to my liking. The problem is... I have to share my work with a dev-group... So i have to invent SOME standard :)02:27
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moonwatchersimosx: i think your first guess was better, dhcp didnt work properly02:27
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  is your second drive your Ubuntu drive?02:27
tonyyarussonickrud: Aaah, here we go!  This one's wonderful.02:27
simosxmoonwatcher, so it's a DHCP failure there..02:27
mlowetoxic_, before you reboot try "umount /dev/sd?" !!02:27
nickrudtonyyarusso, yeah I totally mixed the two02:27
toxic_mlowe, yeah I'll give that a try02:28
polpakDer_Richter, just use a beautifier to enforce a standard02:28
s|khow do I find a file from the shell?02:28
tarvidsimosx, why?02:28
MrKubuntuUserjinho326: is there some reason you need Windows to see your Ubuntu drive?  Does it not show up in Disk Manager?02:28
mileskeatonInstalling Ubuntu onto a new laptop this weekend.  Since it's just for me, thinking of doing Dapper Drake Flight 6.  But... is it easy to upgrade as Dapper Drake becomes stable/release?02:28
moonwatchersimosx: if i get an ifconfig dump will it help to find out whats wrong? or do i need anything else?02:28
cabloppolpak, are you working on linux with DEV-cpp? mmm, just try KDevelop02:28
mileskeatonDoes apt-get do all upgrades needed or will I need to re-install?02:28
cablopsorry polpak02:28
nickrudmileskeaton, absolutely easy, just use sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:28
nekostarthe channels are not muted02:28
simosxtarvid, for a POS system, you need the system to be simplified with just a couple of this to be able to do, isn't it?02:29
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  XP can't read Ubuntu's file system, so those partitions won't get drive lettters, but the drive should show up in Disk Manager02:29
mileskeatonnikrud: cool. thanks.02:29
nekostarand the cords are plugged in02:29
ompaulnekostar, sure your plugged in? turned on, turned up and not muted (type gnome-volume-control in a terminal) and work from there02:29
nekostarand the volume is up02:29
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cablopDer_Richter, try KDevelop instead of Dev-cpp02:29
nekostarompaul, went through the usual :/02:29
jinho326Disk manager being like when I open My Computer?02:29
nekostarand i had it working before this last install..02:29
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Der_RichterKDevelop... Part of KDE, isn't it? I'm using IceWM mostly... So... I have to install KDE completely to use KDevelop?02:29
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Nope, right-click My Computer, click Manage, and then click Disk Management02:30
simosxmoonwatcher, the "ifconfig" dump will help rule out the IPv6 part. Did you mention it was an IPW2200 wireless card?02:30
jinho326k one second02:30
polpakDer_Richter, no, you can use KDE apps w/o using kde, but you will need a lot of the shared libs02:30
cablopDer_Richter, not necessary, just the libs needed for KDevelop to work02:30
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MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Please put the nick of the person you're talking to at the beginning of your messages so that they're easier to find.  :-)02:30
moonwatchersimosx: 2200BG, yes02:30
tarvidsimosx, good point, I hadn't gotten thatn far, i've been looking at bananapos02:30
scifican gpart be used to setup several multi-distro boot-ups?02:31
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tonyyarussoAnyone used bootchart on Breezy?  I can't seem to figure out how to make it go.02:31
polpakscifi, sure02:31
jinho326MrKubuntuUser sorry, Im new to IRC....but yeah it does show in Device Manager02:31
cablopDer_Richter, i used Eclipse a long time, and i like it over other IDEs02:31
simosxmoonwatcher, I would recommend to check ubuntuforums, Dapper section for your wireless card. I think I heard other reports on this in Flight 6. www.ubuntuforums.org, section Dapper.02:31
moonwatchersimosx: its a T4202:31
jinho326MrKubuntuUser however I cant load ubuntu itself02:32
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  OK, then everything is as it should be.  You'll have to use GRUB to boot Windows and Ubuntu, as Windows can't see Ubuntu's partition02:32
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Did you install XP before or after installing Ubuntu?02:32
scifipolpak: thx, may try kubuntu alongside ubuntu02:32
cablopok, thanks a lot02:32
jinho326MrKubuntuUser how do I do that? :-)02:32
polpakscifi, oh02:32
cablopi must go now02:32
moonwatchersimosx: whats dapper?02:32
jinho326MrKubuntuUser XP before02:32
polpakscifi, no need for that02:32
cabloppolpak, thanks a lot02:32
polpakcablop, sure, see you02:32
Der_RichterOk... Might try KDevelop... Since there seems to be a lot of knowledge here i might take the time to ask another thing... At work, i mostly develop software for embedded small systems, such as DVD-players or multimedia TV's... The thinmg is... Do you think QT will run on let's say a small M68k-system with only 48 Mb. RAM? Is it possible to run QT-framework?02:32
cablopDer_Richter, just give Eclipse+CDT a try, ;)02:32
polpakscifi, you can install them both in the same place02:32
jinho326MrKubuntuUser what I did was I just added the old HD to the computer and installed ubuntu on top of it02:32
simosxmoonwatcher, "dapper" is the development version of Ubuntu, to be released in June, 1st.02:33
jinho326MrKubuntuUser so I wouldnt have to reformat02:33
scifireally? thought they were seperate distros02:33
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Hmm... the installer should have installed GRUB for you02:33
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Did you install Ubuntu before or after moving the drive to your current machine>02:33
celerexDer_Richter: don't think you'd want to..02:33
jinho326MrKubuntuUser yeah thats what's weird, it said it did, but then it never showed again02:33
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)02:33
jinho326MrKubuntuUser after02:33
polpakDer_Richter, I wouldn't know. You'd probably be better off asking on the qt mailing list02:33
VeronicaDer_Richter, not necessary, just the libs needed for KDevelop to work02:34
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: I made sure that the comp registered it, then I installed ubuntu onto it02:34
polpakscifi, no, you can just sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and you'll get everything you'd have with kubuntu basically02:34
scifipolpak: so i can install KDE and switch between kde and gnome?02:34
celerexspecially if you're not developing anything needs a gui.. would probably, if you needed a framework, would suggest java or MONO02:34
Veronicanickrud: Thing is, that rcconf tool looked great.  But you'd think it could handle multiple runlevel as you'd the volume is up02:34
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polpakscifi, yeah, if you install kubuntu-desktop you can choose kde or gnome when you log in by clicking the "Session" button on the login screen02:35
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: does the fact that Im using a sata for windows, and an IDE for ubuntu matter?02:35
Der_RichterIs there other frameworks known to work on small systems? We're a little under the whip to make a transition from XP Media Center to open source. Which i personally think is good... if i can find useful libs to work with.02:35
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  I don't know about that02:35
polpakDer_Richter, one sec02:35
wil_Der_Richter  Do you have experience with MythTV?02:35
scifipolpak: thats sweet, liking this linux lark more every minute :)02:35
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celerexDer_Richter: .. it would depend on the device i guess. Java would be the fastest implementation..02:35
polpakscifi, welcome aboard =)02:35
Veronicatonyyarusso, it really02:35
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: is there a way to reinstall grub?02:35
polpakcelerex, not nessicaraly02:36
Der_Richterwil_: Yup. I've seen a couple of units running it.02:36
OompaCan anyone recommend a nice parition resizer that doesn't have a habit of corrupting NTFS formated hard drives?02:36
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CraiZEOompa, in windows, partition magic02:36
Der_Richtercelerex: M68020 Core, 48 Mb. RAM and no HDD. It's a DVD-player :) The system has to fit in RAM...02:37
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OompaCraiZE: Uh.. is it free :D02:37
CraiZEOompa,  there is a free trial i suppose02:37
wil_Der Richter Just downloaded it and am lost -- said I needed to configure Myth backend02:37
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Yes, there is.  I think you could do that by booting an Ubuntu LiveCD02:37
tonyyarussoCraiZE: Ick.  PM broke stuff for me.02:37
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  However, I think your Ubuntu HD would have to be the boot drive02:37
CraiZEtonyyarusso, not for me02:38
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: so change the order of hd boot?02:38
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  I'm not positive about that, though02:38
celerexI would have thought in that situation you'd write a custom C firmware..02:38
jadaz87hello everyone i was wondering if this command is permanent or whould have to do it everytime i restart the computer:  export LC_ALL=C02:38
polpakDer_Richter, http://www.linuxdevices.com/articles/AT9202043619.html02:38
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Yeah, GRUB might actually be installed on your other hard drive and your computer is ignoring it02:38
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  so try changing the boot order02:38
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: I see, I'll try that02:38
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Der_Richterwil_: /usr/bin/mythtv-setup02:39
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: thanks for the help02:39
polpakwil_, you using ubuntu?02:39
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  No problem.  Hope it works! :-)02:39
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: you'll be sure to hear from me soon if it doesnt help :-)02:39
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  OK.  :D02:39
wil_Der Richter thanks  yes I am in Ubuntu now02:39
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polpakwil_, http://www.abarbaccia.com02:40
yipewhat was the thing you add to the end of the ls command to allow you to scroll through long directories?02:40
polpakyipe,  | less02:40
yipethank you:)02:40
polpakyipe, that works with any command02:40
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LathropWellsjadaz , -  I added hdparm -d1 -c1 /dev/cdrom to /etc/init.d/bootmisc.sh - would that work for your command?02:40
Der_Richtercelerex: It's a combo thingie... According to the ppl we work for... They wan't it to be able to burn cd/dvd, access WWW, use messenger and IRC + play DVD/SVCD. So we found it easier to try for a complete OS however slim.02:40
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doug_hey everyone02:41
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jadaz87LathropWells what? lol02:41
tonyyarussopolpak: Any way to do that so that you can keep it in columns across the whole screen than making a long one column list?02:41
doug_im having some really annoying problems02:41
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polpaktonyyarusso, yeah, one sec02:41
jinho326MrKubuntuUser: it works! thanks so much02:41
MarineboyHow safe do you think it is to run the Live version for a couple days?02:41
MrKubuntuUsernickrud:  That options file seems to work!  I can't test it for DMA yet, but I used it to not specify an IRQ in Virtual PC and it seems to have worked02:41
LathropWellsjadaz87,  - it would be run at boot up. maybe... - lol02:42
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Hey, great!  No problem!02:42
jadaz87LathropWells so it is just a temporary command?02:42
nekostarforwhoever was here02:42
nekostari figured out my sound problem >_<>02:42
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doug_someone help me? When i do "Sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" i get the Invalid argument error. Any help?02:42
tonyyarussoMarineboy: I've heard of it being done anyway.02:42
MarineboyBecause I've tryed to install it several times, and even redownloaded it and and reburned it and it still wont work.02:42
nekostari had the switches all checked ... should have left exchange dac unchecked...02:42
LathropWellsjadaz87, - nvm - lol02:42
MrKubuntuUserjinho326:  Are you in Ubuntu or XP now?  :D02:42
MarineboySo I got the CD's being sent to me off the website.02:42
USERNAMELinux irc demo from palm!02:43
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polpaktonyyarusso, ls -x | less02:43
Stormx2how do I restart sound?02:43
lampshadeAnyone here use F-Spot?  Why does it fail so hard?  In other words, is there an option to refresh a directory and have the thumbnails of the files that have been deleted auto removed much like picasa does?02:43
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tonyyarussopolpak: Cool.  Okay, one more: Can I retain the file-type coloring?02:43
polpaktonyyarusso, yeah02:44
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Der_RichterOk. I will use Eclipse. And by the looks of their website microLinux can run on 68020. Fab. Now i'm in business. Thanks, by the way.02:44
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PuMpErNiCkLeDer_Richter: Are you doing work for the $100 laptop project, by any chance? :D02:45
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JoetheoddHow can I join a Windows networking workgroup and get my hostname (deadmeat) recongnized by other Windows machines?02:45
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JoetheoddFor ICS port forwarding, if it means anything..02:45
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polpaktonyyarusso,  ls --color -x | less -r02:45
Der_RichterPuMpErNiCkLe: Nope. "The ultimate DVD/home entertainment machine" according to the demand-list. If u see the ad, get one. Keep me on the payroll :)02:46
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tonyyarussopolpak: Beautiful.  Thanks.02:46
lampshadeJoetheodd, Samba will let you connect to workgroups beautifully, but I don't know anything about ICS in particular.  I just use samba for file sharing between win and linux machines02:46
polpaktonyyarusso, man pages are your friend =)02:46
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tonyyarussopolpak: Yeah, wasn't sure which one of them to even look for that in though.02:47
matt_Anyone in Alabama?02:47
gasolinehi, I can't seem to figure out this problem but when i try to install the base packages, it says an error , unable to install initrd tools, any ideas?02:47
CokeNCodehmm, why can't i apt-get install azureus anymore ?02:47
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polpaktonyyarusso, well to get ls to output the color codes you need the man page for ls02:47
stevemcqHi guys! Is anyone having problems with jack and the latest kernel?02:47
Nosidehi everybody! is there a way to configure your bandwith??02:47
Joetheoddlampshade: The package "samba" itself?02:47
gasolineany ideas anyone?02:47
polpaktonyyarusso, which will tell you to use --color and -x to get the right outpu02:48
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polpaktonyyarusso, but less will escape the color codes by default so you have to look at the less man page to see how to stop it from escaping the control characters (-r)02:48
stevemcqIt was working fine up until about a week ago, last time I tried it. I could record with jack & ardour up to 96,000 Hz.02:48
tonyyarussopolpak: Got it.  Wasn't sure since ls by itself gives color by default, but not in less.02:48
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stevemcqSomething this week broke it. Now if I try anything over 48,000 Hz, I keep getting xruns (buffer over/underruns) :-(02:49
polpaktonyyarusso, that's because you have the proper environment variables set. Programs can tell the difference between outputting to a terminal and outputing to a pipe02:49
Noside is there a way to configure your network bandwith?02:49
tonyyarussopolpak: Ooh.02:49
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polpaktonyyarusso, so ls knows if it's outputing to a terminal to use columns and colors, but when outputing to a file (or a pipe) it behaves differently02:50
Steildoes anyone want to buy a nice rug made by children in some factory in the middle east, it's about 30 years old02:50
tonyyarussopolpak: Okay, that makes sense.  I think I've got it now.02:50
polpaktonyyarusso, cause you wouldn't want all those colors mucking up your syntax if you were doing ls | xargs rm02:50
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Nosideso does anyone knows??02:51
Noside is there a way to configure your network bandwith?02:51
rabehullo, i g followed a LOT of guides (for ex. https://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) and still, my ATI drivers are not installed properly, instead, it uses "MESA GLX Indirect", I don't have any 3d acceleration!?02:51
polpaktonyyarusso, so you explicitly tell it to use columns and colors because you know that ultimately the output will be to the terminal even if it's not (directly from ls)02:51
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polpakrabe, what video card do you have?02:52
rabeati radeon 9800XT02:52
polpakrabe, drat, sorry I have to run. someone else should be able help though02:52
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rabeok, have a nice evening02:52
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VideoToasternickrud:  This better?  (MrKubuntuUser)02:53
nickrudVeronica, I was gone for a bit, did you see the bit about sysv-rc-conf?02:53
Veronicalampshade: The package "samba" itself?02:53
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lampshadeVeronica, , ummm not sure in this case usually for fileshaing yeah you just need samba, but I'm not sure what you need for ICS.02:54
Veronicapolpak: so try changing Ubuntu's file system, so those partitions won't sure since it's just the drive lettters, but now.02:54
nickrudVideoToaster, I was just looking for you. I saw that you had success with the options in the modprobe.d dir, any more info?02:54
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VideoToasterjinho326:  Everything running OK with the dual-boot setup?02:54
s|kwhat's the make clean command?02:54
shrewdusercan APT install things from CVS alla emerge?02:55
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VideoToasternickrud:  I can't try out DMA yet, but assuming it pays attention to the DMA specification in modprobe.d, I just might have my problem fixed02:55
nickrudshrewduser, no, no such luck in general.02:55
PuMpErNiCkLes|k: I cleans up after the 'make' command... gets rid of temp files, .o files, stuff like that.02:55
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nickrudVideoToaster, cool (not least that my first look at the change in module handling wasn't totally out to lunch)02:56
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nickrudshrewduser, however, a number of people use checkinstall to do the final installation of a cvs checkout as a deb02:57
rabeI followed a LOT of guides (for ex. https://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) and still, my ATI drivers are not installed properly, instead, it uses "MESA GLX Indirect", I don't have any 3d acceleration!?02:57
darxhi guys02:57
darxneed help with java install02:57
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shrewduserta nickrus02:57
shrewduserta nickrud ***02:57
slavikdarx: what's the problem?02:57
arrickshrewduser, did you mean rustynic?02:57
slavikdarx: did you follow Sun's instructions on the manual install??02:57
darxi get the following error02:57
VideoToasternickrud:  Yeah, thanks for telling me about that!  I tried specifying a DMA value in the virtual machine, but Kubuntu ignored it... I don't think Virtual PC supports DMA02:58
darxdarx@darx:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install fakeroot jave-package java-common02:58
darxReading package lists... Done02:58
darxBuilding dependency tree... Done02:58
darxE: Couldn't find package jave-package02:58
darxi was following the wiki02:58
slavikdarx: first off, use pastebin please02:58
darxwhat is that i'm a complete noob02:58
mauperdarx: second: jave sound like it should be java ;)02:58
slaviksecond, you mispelled java in 'jave-package'02:58
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Veronicanickrud: Aaah, here we go!  This one's wonderful.02:58
Veronicai was following the wiki02:58
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darxi'm a windoze zombie02:59
mauperAny chances that sun might allow packaging java for ubuntu ? (like they did for bsd ?)02:59
nickrudVideoToaster, Virtual PC, if I knew you were using that I'd've handled you with tongs ;P02:59
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VideoToasternickrud:  I'm sorry!  That's all I've got!02:59
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Veronicaompaul, so you think automatix may be the source of my problem?03:00
VeronicaDer_Richter: don't the whip to work on small kubuntu-desktop and the whip to open source. Which i personally think is good... if i can find useful libs to open source. Which i personally think is good... if i can just sudo apt-get everythink is good... if i can i start think you'd have with.03:00
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nickrudVideoToaster, lol,03:00
p03t1cdoes the next release of ubuntu come out next month?03:00
nickrudp03t1c, june 103:00
darxproblem solved i guess03:00
darxhe he he03:00
VideoToasternickrud:  Better than waiting to try everything on the real computer... I tried VMware player and it installed all kinds of extra network stuff that I didn't like03:00
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mandywilhelmhello, i have a problem with my mozilla, i made a dist-upgrade and since then i cannot see a thing displayed in the mozilla browser, other than dashes and the google symbol03:01
VideoToasternickrud:  If you find a VMware Player file for Ubuntu, you could use that... that's free03:01
rabeI followed a LOT of guides (for ex. https://wiki.ubuntulinux.org/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI) and still, my ATI drivers are not installed properly, instead, it uses "MESA GLX Indirect", I don't have any 3d acceleration!?03:01
VideoToasternickrud:  but that wasn't out when I got Virtual PC (which was cheaper than VMware, too...)03:01
Nosidebut did u try using synaptic???03:01
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p03t1cthanks nickrud03:02
slavikrabe: did you download the .bin or the .run file from ati.com?03:02
nickrudVideoToaster, I hear that will be free soon, I may corrupt myself03:02
=== YellowTeeth [n=YellowTe@82-44-96-251.cable.ubr03.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
lampshadeAnyone know about DMA on cdrom drives?  My question is in regards to hdparm,  it doesn't say DMA on or off, but I do think my drive is slower than it should be  anyway I can check to see what is being used?03:02
LathropWellsmandywilhelm, - could it be a problem with the default language choice in mozilla and fonts?03:02
Veronicai think it into the .sh content to work with.03:02
YellowTeethi'm having trouble sending files through gaim anyone know the problem03:02
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VideoToasternickrud:  VMware Player is already free.  You can't make new virtual machines in it, but you can download virtual machines from other places.03:02
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fiendskull9i installed Msoft core fonts, where are they?03:02
mauperYellowTeeth: firewall ?03:02
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slavikwhoever needed help with the ati driver03:03
YellowTeethhow can i change the settings03:03
josh__does anyone know if it is possible to download the ubuntulooks theme to use on breezy?03:03
mandywilhelmfor what should i look for...03:03
fiendskull9josh__, its on the forums, gimme a sec03:03
slavikdownload the driver from ati.com and in terminal run "file-from-at.run --help"03:03
wil_darx had java problems at first too then went through  system -administration -synaptic package manager and followed directions03:03
Veronicashrewduser, no clue what the option magic03:03
josh__ok, thanks03:03
YellowTeethmauper: how can i change the settings03:03
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VideoToasternickrud:  and the most important reason I got Virt03:04
Nosidetry using sudo03:04
VideoToasterual PC:  It supports OS/2.  :D03:04
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nickrudVideoToaster, 0_o Old schooler, you are03:04
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LathropWellsjosh - If you enable "show hidden folders" in nautilus you can place your new them in the .themes folder.03:04
mauperYellowTeeth: which settings ? If either you or your peer uses a firewall, the firewall has to be configured to allow a file transfer03:04
mandywilhelmLathropWells  for what should i lok for03:04
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mauperYellowTeeth: then again: icq seems to be completely broken ...03:05
YellowTeethi havent set up my firewall and my peer does not have one03:05
YellowTeethim using aim servers03:05
nickrudVideoToaster, that os florished when I wasn't using computers much, but I hear nice things about that orphaned thing.03:05
VideoToasternickrud:  Yes... It's quite obsolete now, but I needed to convert some old IBM Works documents from when I used to use OS/2, and Virtual PC was perfect for that (you can share Windows folders with OS/2 using Virtual PC Additions)03:07
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mauperYellowTeeth: no idea then ...03:07
Edisonhi everyone03:07
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rabeslavik: the .run03:07
Edisonis there a way to set up your network bandwith???03:07
slavikrabe: ok03:07
slavikrabe, open a terminal and go to the dir where the file is stored03:08
slavikrabe: I am telling you how I got mine to work btw ...03:08
rabebut i did all the instructions on the wiki03:08
Edisoni mean your network settings?03:08
=== slavik has direct rendering :)
Edisonto set up i higher speed03:09
slavikrabe: now, run the file with '--help' parameter03:09
slavikPM me the output03:09
=== slavik forgot the parameters that driver installer makes
slavikrabe: what's your screen resolution?03:09
nickrudEdison, your question is kinda vague, I have generally got the bandwidth my provider provides03:10
slavikoh, rabe, nvm then03:10
slavikrabe, run the file03:10
slavikit will start a GUI installer03:10
slaviktell it to create a distribution package03:10
slaviknot to install the driver03:10
Edisonyeah, but your network card let u configure ur speed03:10
slavikthen chooe breezy/5.10 or ubuntu/5.10 ... then one with 5.10 in it03:10
slavikand continue on03:11
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slavikit will create a dep file03:11
rabeslavik: how do exactly mean?03:11
slavikthen use dpkg -i to install it03:11
slavikrabe: double click on it to run it03:11
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Edisoni think i change that setting but now i cant remember where to change it again03:11
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slavikif it doesn't run, go into terminal and do chmod +x file-from-ati.run03:11
slavikEdison: which setting?03:12
Edisoncause it was set up to work with 10 mps and i set it up to 256 kbps03:12
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Edisonmy lan setting03:12
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rabeslavik: i got the .run file now, what should i do?03:12
slavikoh, no clue03:12
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slavikrabe: doubleclick it03:12
jadaz87hello guys this command: chroot mnt dpkg-query -W --showformat='${Installed-Size;10} ${Package}\n' | sort -gr | less        gives this error chroot: cannot change root directory to mnt: Operation not permitted03:13
prayforwindGood evening. Can anyone point me to doc's that describe alsa config for CS4237b?03:13
jadaz87i was wonder why that is?03:13
nickrudjadaz87, sudo03:13
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nickrudjadaz87, chroot requires admin privs, so use sudo03:13
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rabeslavik: it can not open it03:14
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lampshadeone of my devices is listed at UDMA 33 while the other is at 100, What does that mean?03:15
slavikrabe: what's the error?03:16
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Hobbseejenda: ping?03:17
rabeslavik: should i execute it?03:18
tRSSquick question: i have curl, wget, sed installated and using pipes, i want to be able to download pdf files from a few sites. these sites have documentations (as pdfs) of our company. instead of downloading each and every document individually, i just want to harness the power of linux to make my work easier, so need some help from you folks!03:18
tRSShow can I do it?03:18
rabeslavik: i get this: you need to run installer as superuser03:19
slaviktRSS: use perl :)03:19
tRSSslavik: don't know perl that well! :(03:19
slavikrabe: I don't remember what exactly I did to insta;;03:19
rabeslavik: "chmod +x ati-driver-installer-8.24.8-x86.run "03:19
rabedoes open it03:19
slavikrabe: right03:19
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gnu2it2are /dev, /proc, /sys should all be emptey on a bootable drive that wasnt booted?03:20
slaviktRSS: the site is html?03:20
rabeishould i now install deb packages, slavik?03:20
nickrudgnu2it2, yes03:20
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slavikgnu2it2: sounds like a reasonable assumption03:20
slavikrabe: using dpkg03:20
rabesudo dpkg -i xorg-driver-fglrx_8.24.8-1_i386.deb"?03:20
tRSSslavik: it is html03:20
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tRSSslavik: to be exact, it htm03:21
SteilDoes anyone know a program that will edit pdf or postscript files?03:21
slaviktRSS: once you load a file into a variable: open $in, "index.html |" or die$!;03:21
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CokeNCodehow do you unzip a file that is in bz2 format ?03:21
arielhi all, i need some help with GDM03:21
slavikyou can parse it and extract all the pdf links ...03:21
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tRSSslavik: you lost me there :'(03:22
nickrudnomasteryoda, that was an answer to Steil ? (looking for the same answer)03:22
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nomasteryodaSteil, pdf2html03:22
ice60hi, has anyone here used Nagios?03:22
tRSSslavik: hold on, don't tell me yet, let me try again on my own and see if I can do it03:22
nomasteryodanickrud, worth a try03:22
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tRSSslavik: if i can't, i know whom to look for! :)03:23
nickrudlol, I've tried a lot, what's one more thing :)03:23
Veronicatonyyarusso, ok, the kernel invocation for that still wont work.03:23
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nomasteryodagoogle uses pdf2html for the view as HTML links for pdfs03:23
arieli don't know why, but when i try to close session in gnome, it send me to GDM and when i click on Action->Shutdown it ask for root password, when i enter the password of my user (like sudo) it says that the password is incorrect03:23
terry_que onda vatos....03:23
slaviktRSS: the pdfs are all on the same html page?03:23
slavikor do you need to traverse the site?03:23
Steilnomasteryoda: will scribus just import the file into its native format?03:23
tRSSthey are all on the same page03:23
slaviktRSS: what company is this btw? (your company)03:23
tRSSslavik: yes sir03:23
slavikoh, easy ... then wget it and use a perl script03:24
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arielplease help :{03:24
nomasteryodaSteil, just sec03:24
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mavric2001anyone know how i would go about installing vmware-player on ubuntu breezy?03:25
tRSSslavik: i thought curl can download the htm content of the webpage, and I can somehow parse it to extract the pdf links, doing a stdout to wget, using pipes somehow. I understand what to do, just don't know how to do it03:25
slavikariel: state your problem ... oryou will sit here for all eternity03:25
maupertRSS: wget -r -l1 -A pdf03:25
arielslavik, id did it, can we talk?03:25
maupertRSS: where l(numba) is the depth of the recursion, try 1 first ... :)03:26
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slavikariel, interesting problem03:26
tRSSmauper: thanks, let me try it03:26
slavikariel: how do you close a session in gnome?03:26
rabeif someone can tell me how to play 5.1 sound, i would be very satisfied, since nothing i tried worked03:26
slavikby logging out?03:26
rabeslavik: it did still not work with ATI03:26
JoetheoddHow do you play a WMV in Linux?03:26
arielslavik, like always... System->Logout03:26
mavric2001trying to install vmware player on ubuntu, ran the ./configure command terminal says command not found, any ideas?03:26
Stormx2mavric2001: In the right directory?03:27
slavikrabe: after you use the dep file, you have to change your xorg.config03:27
mavric2001yes i am03:27
slavikariel: open a terminal03:27
arielmavric2001, are you sure that the configure script is on the same directory?03:27
nickrudmavric2001, does ls configure show a configure existing03:27
mavric2001lemme check03:27
arielslavik, open03:27
rabeslavik so how to change it so that it uses the new drivers?03:27
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slavikrabe: sudo gedit /etc/X11/Xorg.conf ... or whatever the conf file is03:28
slavikhold, letme get mine03:28
slavikariel: do "sudo echo Hello"03:28
tRSSmauper: this is working like a charm so far.. thank you so much :)03:28
slavikit should ask you for your password03:28
slaviktry it03:28
rabei did03:28
rabeand then?03:28
rabei opened it03:28
arielslavik, it work with the same user password03:28
slavikrabe: 1sec03:28
arielbut i dont know why it doesnt whe i use gdm03:29
mavric2001ariel i dont see the config file03:29
maupertRSS: np ... but be aware that every hoster will hate you for it ;) - look for options to limit bandwidth/timing :)03:29
arielmavric2001, try to locate the configure script of vmware03:29
suspect_i dont play cod anymore03:29
suspect_= )03:29
mavric2001bin, doc, etc, installer, lib03:29
slavikariel: no clue03:29
slavikariel: it should shutdown the system without asking for a pass I think03:30
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nickrudmavric2001, sudo updatedb && locate configure , it'll be one of those03:30
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slavikrabe: scroll all the way down03:30
VideoToasterEvery time I boot up Ubuntu, I see "ACPI:  Unable to locate RSDP".  What does that mean?  Is it a problem?03:30
rabeslavik: ok03:30
arieli think the same03:30
veninthe audio in mplayer lags alot when playing music files.. any ideas? im using alsa as audio output03:30
slavikthen scroll up, you will see some definitions of modes (resolution and depth)03:30
slavikabove those there will be a section for the video card03:30
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arielslavik, you know how to remove the password of root user, not sudo user03:31
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XhyldazhKhi all03:31
XhyldazhKwhere is the default directory for deafult mimetype icons?03:31
slavikariel: there is no root user on ubuntu03:31
XhyldazhKin GNOME?03:31
rabeslavik: Section "Device" you mean?03:31
slavikunless you went against that03:31
mavric2001using the sudo command03:31
slavikrabe yes03:31
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rabeok, what to do there?03:31
arieli know, is not my machine, but maybe they set a root password03:31
XhyldazhKbecause I lost all my icons where uninstalled a checkinstall deb03:31
slavikwhere it said driver, what is in quotes?03:31
XhyldazhKplease HELP meee03:32
rabeDriver      "fglrx"03:32
slavikrabe: looks like it is set to load the proper driver, restart the X server.03:32
mavric2001cant believe vmware doesnt provide some rudimentary directions for install on linux03:32
slavikor reboot your system03:32
rabei did :-)03:32
slavikthe do glxinfo | grep direct03:32
slavikand it should give you a line that says "Direct Rendering: Yes"03:32
slavikoh, ok03:33
nickrudXhyldazhK, try System->Preferences->Themes, button Theme Details, Tab icons: choose one there, it should reset them03:33
slavikafter installing the deb?03:33
rabedirect rendering: no03:33
XhyldazhKafter uninstalling it03:33
slavikhmm, then it is not using the driver03:33
arrickwhy do people ask you to join private chat rooms, then start playing games with you? Kind of childish and dumb if you ask me.03:33
slavikrabe, uninstall all the video drivers and do what I walked you through03:33
nickrudarrick, you have one of your own, don't you :P03:33
rabeok, but the problem lays there, slavik:03:34
arrickbut I dont play games with people in there03:34
nickrudarrick, well, they have a lot less sense03:34
arrickI hate games03:34
arrickyeah I guess03:34
rabeslavik: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Breezy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_newer_8.24.8_drivers_in_Breezy_Badger03:34
XhyldazhKnickrud: no, it didnt worked03:34
nickrudarrick, just brush it off03:34
nomasteryodapdf editing... flpsed03:34
nomasteryodathat's it03:34
XhyldazhKnickrud: the rogue .deb uninstalled the icons03:34
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rabeslavik: in the remove driver section of the wiki: i get an error there03:35
nickrudXhyldazhK, hm. Try selecting different icon sets from that tab. One should work.03:35
arricknickrud, yeah I just kick banned him, I dont like messing around like that, but if thats what it takes03:35
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slavikwhat error?03:35
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slavikrabe: you also want to select the vesa driver, not the ati one03:35
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schtinkyanybody had any luck getting the CRT out on a dell laptop working?03:35
arricknickrud, his name is {myp} in here03:35
nickrudthe perils of being a channel op :)03:35
nomasteryodapdf editing... flpsed .. it's in the apt repos too03:36
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XhyldazhKnickrud: my default icons dissapeared, they were erased, i need to reinstall them, but i don't know which package is03:36
slaviktRSS: did that command for wget work for you?03:36
nickrudXhyldazhK, a sec, I think I know the package, possibly03:36
Red-Bulli just installed ubuntu.. and works fine.. but just a nasty thing.. i cant open website or connect via gaim.. but ping works03:36
rabeslavik: dpkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to03:36
rabe  when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/share/fglrx/diversions/libGL.so.1.2 by xorg-driver-fglrx'03:36
Stormx2how do I reset sound?03:37
rabeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)03:37
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ubotuI guess xinerama is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=xinerama&titlesearch=Titles Hopefully, one of these works for you, and feedback is welcome03:37
slavikuninstall the ati driver we installed03:37
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nickrudXhyldazhK, gnome-icon-theme is the default one, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-icon-theme will reinstall them. I guess we can start there03:38
mauperslavik: I quote : "this is working like a charm so far.. thank you so much :)" - so - seems like :)03:38
XhyldazhKaaah thanks!!!03:38
tRSSslavik: the command is working beautifully03:38
slavikoh, ok03:38
slavikperl is still better03:38
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tRSSmauper: i will work on limiting the bandwidth/timing options03:38
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Red-Bullmaybe any1 can help me.. i just installed ubuntu out of the box.. works fine.. but i cant open websites via firefox.. dns works.. i can ping the website via terminal! but no go via firefox03:38
mauperslavik: yes, always use the bigger weapon ;) - cause it's cool ;)03:38
suspect_ok now i need help03:39
tRSSmauper: though it is a local lan website03:39
nickrudrabe, that error depends on the context, paste the whole error to pastebin03:39
suspect_just a reminder type of help03:39
slavikmauper: :P03:39
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maupertRSS: then don't bother :)03:39
rabenickrud:ok, but what was the address?03:39
suspect_how do i use gksu -u windows?03:39
nickrudrabe, nm, I didn't read back far enough03:39
suspect_this is what i ahve to do03:39
tRSSslavik & mauper: may be it is time for me to learn to use the bigger weapons, such as perl :)03:39
suspect_Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user03:39
blindxRed-Bull, have you tried using another web browser?03:39
suspect_how do i do that?03:39
Red-Bullblindx: gaim does not work either03:40
suspect_please someone tell me?03:40
maupertRSS: never needed perl though ... but then again, I am quite lazy ;)03:40
rabenickrud: nevermind, you can still help me since i did just that of the wiki: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Breezy_Installation_Guide#Method_2:_Generating.2FInstalling_Ubuntu_packages_for_the_newer_8.24.8_drivers_in_Breezy_Badger03:40
nickrudrabe, dpkg-divert is obscure, and especially when it's fglrx which I've never used. sorry to have wasted your time03:40
Red-Bulltracepath via terminal also no go03:40
blindxAre you on IRC on that computer right now?03:40
maupertRSS: rumor has it, perl is almighty ;)03:40
suspect_so ca someone tell me what to do?03:40
blindxAnd you said you can ping to a website, or you can ping to the router?03:40
Red-Bullthe website03:40
tRSSmapuer: lmao, now that was ultimate :oP03:40
blindxRed-Bull, would you mind typing out what you get as a response?03:41
slaviksomeone call me?03:41
blindxjust one line.03:41
Red-BullConnection to blabla.com ....03:41
slavikmauper: perl is the coding language of the gods03:41
rabeslavik: i can't uninstall the drivers03:41
Red-Bullsame with gaim03:41
blindxlol Red-Bull if it time out's03:41
blindxthat means it's not pinging :P03:41
david_Hola! just put ubuntu on my laptop and need help with libdvdcss2?? i found them at a repository and when i try to aply the packages i get a file not found message ;( help please03:41
suspect_i want o know what do i have to do on this instruction.03:41
suspect_Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user03:41
slavikfirst, uninstall the driver we installed03:41
rabesalvik: i type: sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx, i get an error code03:41
blindxRed-Bull, your connection is not set up properly. Is this a wired connection?03:41
Red-Bulli can ping the website via terminal03:42
blindxWhat kind of card do you have?03:42
suspect_oh god03:42
Red-Bull3com nic03:42
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blindxRed-Bull, if it's telling you that it time out's03:42
rabeslavik: i type: sudo apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx, i get an error code03:42
blindxthen no you can't03:42
slavikdavid_: you can't be helped, the file are simply not in the repo ...03:42
Red-Bulli can even log on ftp servers03:42
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Red-Bullvia terminal03:42
slavikrabe: how about the other packages?03:42
suspect_can YOu help me?03:42
Red-Bullftp ftp.idsoftware.com works fine..03:42
suspect_Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user03:42
david_ahh thnk you any where ellse i could look??03:42
suspect_what do i ahve to do there?03:42
echook i think i got another stupid question03:42
blindxRed-Bull, can you actually transmit data?03:42
echoIntel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G] /GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device03:42
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rabeslavik: how to uninstall that one?03:42
blindxtry getting a file03:42
echowhy does it say that instead of nvidia03:43
Red-Bullblindx: ya..03:43
echounder device03:43
blindxyou can?!03:43
Red-Bullblindx: yes03:43
echoon my xorg03:43
suspect_ok no one wants to help me03:43
blindxWell that makes absolutely no sense, then03:43
suspect_= (03:43
blindxwith what?03:43
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suspect_Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user03:43
slavikrabe: so you got all of them except for this one?03:43
Red-Bullblindx: but i cant browse sites via firefox or connect to icq via gaim03:43
slavikrabe: pastbin the errors03:43
suspect_what do i have to do on that/03:43
blindxI have no clue, suspect_03:43
slavikrabe: change the driver line in the config to vesa and restart the xserver03:43
david_i shall go deep into underworld in search of mythicall dvd libs03:43
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suspect_aww man03:43
slavikthat way the module won't get loaded03:44
icebreakhow can i mass upload directories recursivly in sftp ?03:44
rabeslavik: ok will try03:44
suspect_does anyone have a clue on what to do on this step?03:44
suspect_Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user03:44
veninive installed alsa-oss with apt-get .. but the alsa-oss doesnt show in the mplayer-list. howcome?03:44
blindxRed-Bull, it makes no sense that you can't ping out, connect through firefox, or use gaim.03:44
blindxbut that you can connect through ftp03:44
Red-Bulli know.. suxx03:44
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blindxRed-Bull, what is your wireless interface's name?03:45
suspect_so know one knows what to do there?03:45
suspect_Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user03:45
Red-Bullblindx: i am not using a wireless device03:45
nickrudsuspect_, just what are you trying to do, your final goal?03:45
blindxoh, i thought you said it was.03:45
blindxsorry, my fault.03:45
blindxwell, do you know the interface name?03:45
suspect_im trying to install wine and install ie603:45
jadaz87hello i was wondering how do i get a deb file from the repos03:45
suspect_Internet Explorer 6.03:46
jadaz87jadaz87 not with apt-get i want the actual file03:46
jadaz87apt-get install*03:46
Red-Bullblindx: its a 3com 390-TX card03:46
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Red-Bullworks fine with windows and as i said.. i can PING websites via terminal!03:46
suspect_ok nickrud?03:46
slavikjadaz87: you can tell apt-get to only download it03:46
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slavikI know synaptic can03:46
blindxRed-Bull, you told me it times out when you try to ping, therefore it's not actually pinging.03:46
jadaz87slavik oh goodie how do i do that? :-)03:46
slavikrun synaptic?03:47
Red-Bullblindx: i told you its get a timeout via firefox..03:47
david_anyone got time to give me some tips on "intergrated" intell 802.11 g/b??03:47
icebreakhow can i mass upload directories recursivly in sftp ?03:47
slaviksystem->administration->synaptic package manager03:47
blindxwhat kinda response do you get when you ping?03:47
rabeslavik: i use vesa now, how can i see if 3d acceleration is used?03:47
Red-Bullblindx: 16ms ping reply03:47
jadaz87david you want to install?03:47
slavikrabe: glxinfo |grep direct03:47
jadaz87david or get it working rather03:47
blindxRed-Bull, do ifconfig from terminal and tell me what you get under eth003:47
jadaz87!tell david_ about wireless03:47
blindxdoes it have an IP?03:47
rabeslavik: glxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:48
nickrudsuspect, for internet explorer you need wine03:48
Red-Bullall correct.. gateway..dns..subnet.. all fine03:48
blindxnickrud, suspect left :P03:48
blindxRed-Bull, are you using static ip, or dhcp?03:48
blindxtry dhcp?03:48
slavikhmm, did you try following the wiki again to remove all the packages?03:48
Red-Bullno. why?03:48
slavikthe drivers03:48
blindxwhat do you mean why?03:49
blindxto see if it works.03:49
jadaz87slavic where in synaptic? i am in there now03:49
nickrudblindx, eh.03:49
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Red-Bullif i can ping websites unter terminal...03:49
rabehow to see now if 3d acceleration works?03:49
Red-Bulli think its all correct..03:49
slavikfind the package and mark it for install03:49
blindxRed-Bull, If your internet connection works with you using DHCP, then we know it's not the system or the card, but your settings instead.03:49
slavikrabe: vesa is not accelarated03:49
blindxThen we eliminate two issues.03:49
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blindxIf you don't want me to help you, then I won't try to help you.03:50
=== simongo [n=fernando@cable201-232-17-4.epm.net.co] has joined #ubuntu
slavikrabe: follow the wiki to uninstall the drivers03:50
rabethat's the problem i'm telling you, i get this error03:50
slavikpastebin it03:50
Red-Bulli have to reboot router etc. to enable dhcp.. dont want to03:50
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rabewhere to pastebin?03:51
slavikrabe: what card are you using?03:51
blindxwhat kinda router are you using, Red-Bull ?03:51
ubotuI guess pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126903:51
Red-Bullif i can do ping & ftp via terminal... nic is ok i thinkk03:51
blindxRed-Bull, lol fine. I'm done. Good luck.03:51
jadaz87slavik i do not want to install it i want to download the deb file lol03:51
Veronicaoh, no clue03:51
nickrudrabe, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ is a pastebin03:51
slavikjadaz87: did you mark the package for install?03:51
rabeok, nickrud03:52
slavikjadaz87: this is the part where you don't ask questions ...03:52
jadaz87slavik it is already installed03:52
slavikthen it is in the cache03:52
nickrudrabe, you can drag the mouse (hold the left button & drag) across some text in a terminal, then hit the middle button on the mouse in the pastebin text box03:52
jadaz87how do i copy the deb file from the cache?03:52
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slavikcache is on your system03:53
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=== slavik doesn't remember the dir
jadaz87oh ok03:53
rabeok here the pastebin (got german ubuntu version, however): http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227003:53
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nickrudoh god, that one again. sorry rabe :) I'd try 1st: sudo apt-get -f install and try the uninstall again03:55
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rabeyou are familiar with that error?03:56
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nickrudnoonex, but I've seen variations on it03:56
t1nl0tusHey, does anyone know how I increase the number of sound channels I have?03:56
nickrudrabe, ^^^03:56
t1nl0tusCurrently, I can only have one program using my sound and it's getting quite annoying.03:56
ubotuI guess sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary03:56
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slavikI tink I know what it means03:57
t1nl0tusThanks, nickrud03:57
rabenickrud: still not working03:57
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=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux
PwcrLinuxHi there03:57
david_Anyone know how i could figure out what packages i need to drive an intergrated 802.11b/g. on a mobile intell(R) 82915GMS/910GML chipset?03:57
dibblegohow do I tell my system to check for OS updates?03:57
PuMpErNiCkLet1nl0tus: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3206303:57
PwcrLinuxAnyone, I plugged my flash drive and autodetected, then I worked on something and after it's done, I pulled my flash driver out of USB hub, so I checked dmesg, it's all says Dead I/O rejecting.. I guess my fault?03:57
slavikdibblego: apt-get update and then apt-get upgrade03:58
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nickrudrabe, then I'd try dpkg -r --force-remove-reinstreq <package>03:58
rabei give up with that ATI crap, i will move to dapper anyway and try to kick that card for a nvidia03:58
=== Razumikhin [n=FMD@cpe-24-175-253-67.gt.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
slavikPwcrLinux: it didn't write to the drive sounds like03:58
Xaero_Vincentrabe... ATI just released new drivers03:58
Xaero_Vincentfor Linux03:58
Xaero_Vincentit supports the x1000 series now03:59
slavikXaero_Vincent: rabe is having trouble with dpkg-diversion03:59
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rabenickrud, still not working03:59
slavikseems like the symlink for the file was not what it expected03:59
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slavikrabe, see if you have a file in /usr/share/fglrx/diversions name libGL.so.1.204:00
echook another retarted question... the card im trying to do dual screen with is pci... does that matter???04:00
slavikecho: it shouldn't04:00
=== Cheerios [n=Cheerios@modemcable248.114-81-70.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
echooh well04:00
nickrudrabe, like I said a while back, dpkg-divert is not my forte. Those were the two arrows in my quiver at the moment. Sorry04:00
slaviknickrud: divert doesn't like the diversions it sees04:01
PwcrLinuxslavik: Yea, after i pulled USB flash drive from hub box, desktop disappearing a icon. checked on my dmesg. it;s appeared errors..  So next time should I unmounting to prevent any error before pull USB flash drive out of hub box.04:01
=== sonicjam [n=sonicjam@pool-71-114-156-11.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
slavikrabe, see if you have a file in /usr/share/fglrx/diversions name libGL.so.1.204:01
slavikPwcrLinux: yes04:01
sonicjamhey guys04:01
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nickrudslavik, I like to think I understand debian package management, but diversions, not. I'll be watching & learning :)04:02
PwcrLinuxslavik: ah okay i got it04:02
Cheerioshey all04:02
sonicjami'm a noob in linux and i want to know how to install fire fox
jadaz87nickrud if i do       sudo apt-get -d install wifi-radar what whould that do?04:02
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:02
CheeriosI'm having trouble with openLDAP (slapd) configuration... are there any guru's in the house?04:02
sonicjami did04:02
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echodoes anyone have 2 monitors running off of an nvidia 520004:02
Veronicaompaul, so you think automatix may be the source of my problem?04:02
sonicjambut it doesn't work correctly04:02
rabeslavik: seems like i don't have fglrx anymore04:02
terryI am new in it ...04:03
nickrudjadaz87, just download the package to /var/cache/apt/archives, ready for a apt-get install wifi-radar (without another download)04:03
dibblegoecho: almost, NVIDIA PCX530004:03
echocan i see it04:03
echonoit it04:03
dibblegoecho: and it is PCI04:03
terrysome body can help me04:03
dibblegoecho: see what?04:03
echo\can you send me a copy of your xorg.conf file04:03
dibblegook, email?04:03
Veronicamauper: how can i change the settings04:03
terryI get ubuntu but I dont get emacs...04:03
sonicjami have an nVidia geForce XFX 5200 256mb agp04:04
nickrudjadaz87, I used to do that every night when I had dialup only04:04
terryhow I can install emacs...04:04
mauperVeronica: erm, I beg your pardon ?04:04
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nickrudterry, install emacs2104:04
tRSSslavik / mauper: quick question: i want to disable and then enable eth0 of a remote machine. to disable and enable it, i would use ifconfig eth0 down (and up) but, once eth0 goes down, i will also lose connection. how can I disable/enable eth0, such that i am not disconnected. or even if I am disconnected, eth0 is back up04:04
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echoyo can you send a copy of your xorg.conf file to me too04:04
=== Akute [n=Akute@d207-81-176-133.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
MachineScrewterry sudo apt-get install emacs2104:04
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MachineScrewin a terminal04:04
maupertRSS: write a script ?04:05
maupertRSS: but no matter what - you will lose the connection anyway04:05
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terrymmm but where it is this archive...??04:05
id`cant i search with apt get?04:05
tRSSmapuer: i thought, "ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up" would do the job!?04:05
nickrudtRSS, ifdown eth0 && ifup eth004:05
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sissiwhy I do I not have vlc win32codecs and gdesklets with ubuntu 5.10 ?04:05
terryooo ok I will try04:05
terrythanks machinescrew04:06
ubuntuanyone speak spanish?04:06
slaviksissi: you didn't install them?04:06
MachineScrewnp terry04:06
terryI speak spanish04:06
maupertRSS: not sure about that ... the first command kills the connection so that the second gets never executed ... not sure though04:06
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:06
slavik!tell ubuntu about es04:06
ubotuMYP: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:06
sissislavik, no avalable when I apt-get search04:06
maupertRSS: look for "nohup"04:06
terryde donde eres ubuntu04:06
facugaichterry, #ubuntu-es04:06
ubuntuholaa terry de chile04:06
slaviksissi: I know gdesklets are there04:06
facugaichah, perdon04:06
sissislavik, I use the default sources.list04:06
cafuegoNow look what you'v done!04:06
tRSSmauper: will do. nickrud: let me check it out04:06
terryyo soy de mexico04:06
slaviksissi: use synaptic ...04:06
slaviksissi: that's why04:06
echothank you tony i got it04:06
sissislavik, I try with synaptic04:07
facugaichubuntu, te podemos ayudar en #ubuntu-es04:07
ubuntuque bien, terry que nivel de usuario de ubuntu eres04:07
terryubuntu tu sabes como puedo installar el emacs en mi computadora04:07
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terrysuper usuario04:07
cafuegoubuntu:/terry: Kunnen jullie misschien naar #ubuntu-es gaan, dit is erg vervelend hier.04:07
terryjajaja es mi primera vez en la red y he manejado muy poco el linux y tu??04:07
id`vind ik ook dat slappe geluk, begrijpt niemand van04:07
ubuntudebian algo s04:07
id`terry, ubuntu: see how anoying?04:07
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sissislavik, I will pastbin my sources.list would you mind to tell me what's wrong ?04:07
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id`gelul, even*04:08
nickrudwhere's my universal translator, it should be run by ubotu04:08
ubuntupero me tiene algo mal la instalacin de ubunto jajaja tengo problemas con el debootstrap04:08
facugaichterry, ubuntu, vallan a #ubuntu-es04:08
cafuego!tell ubuntu -about es04:08
terryI know04:08
terrybut I am novat person in it04:08
ubuntunos estan echando jaja04:08
cafuegoubuntu: wat?04:08
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terryjajajaj en serio04:08
ubuntuok, cya04:08
slavik!tell sissi about repos04:08
sissislavik, http://pastebin.com/66077404:09
terrytienes msn??04:09
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sissislavik, ok thx I'll read it04:09
sonicjambut seriously i need to install firefox i tried that website and i get error in the terminal04:09
defendguin__how come i cant install the openoffice quickstart applet without unstalling openiffice.org-gnome04:10
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nickruddefendguin__, good question, I was wondering about that one myself (dapper?)04:10
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Tarantulafudgecan anyone help me get my jaz drive to work04:11
defendguin__nickrud: yes dapper.  dispite my brand new centrino laptop it doesnt doesnt open nearly fast enough04:11
=== slavik though those died with zip drives
sonicjamcan any one help me04:11
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cafuegoslavik: nope04:12
defendguin__sonicjam: scrap the jazzdrive and get a usb drive04:12
cafuegodefendguin__: I believe the qstart applet is an OOo 1.x thing.04:12
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>04:12
nickruddefendguin__, I keep a spreadsheet open all the time, it speeds up the rest04:12
cafuegodefendguin__: OOo-gnome is OOo2.04:12
tRSSi was assuming that when one command was followed by another command, with && in between would execute the first command and then the second command. it didn't work in my case though (i.e. ifconfig eth0 down && ifconfig eth0 up)04:12
jedx23Hey is there anyway to remove the password thingy that keeps asking for04:12
jedx23my password04:12
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slavikjedx23: no04:12
slavikjedx23: ubunt is not windows04:12
defendguin__cafuego: is there a way to increase launching speed?04:13
Veronicaompaul, so you think automatix may be the source of my problem?04:13
cafuegodefendguin__: Apart from a faster cpu? ;-)04:13
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jedx23It ask for it on everything04:13
slavikjedx23: if you want to install everything that wants to get installed, use windows and wonder why your system is slow04:13
slavikjedx23: that is the point04:13
ubotuit has been said that automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.04:13
defendguin__cafuego: this is about as fast a laptop as i want to get04:13
jedx23I hate windows04:13
slavikjedx23: otherwise the system might be changed without your knowledge04:13
jedx23I been useing linux for a few months now04:13
PwcrLinuxslavik: It's work good, I tested plugged in and then unmounting, checked on dmesg  no errors whew!04:13
jedx23I finaly had time to buy a nic card04:13
cafuegodefendguin__: The first run of Ooo also takes a while on my AMD64. Subsequent runs *are* fast, though.04:14
jedx23usb wont work04:14
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jedx23it don't except dsl modems on it04:14
sonicjamum i'm emulating linux04:14
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sonicjamwith vmware04:14
cafuegodefendguin__: Check the launchpad bug reports; see if there's a feature request to have qstarter put back (and file one if not..)04:14
defendguin__cafuego: thats why the quick start applet was so important04:14
PwcrLinuxjedx23: which USB device that not working?04:14
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defendguin__it makes it like it already been open04:15
jedx23the motherboard usb04:15
jedx23i allready looked it up04:15
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jedx23ubuntu wont work with speedstreamer dsl04:15
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sonicjamso no one is going to help me :/04:15
blindxlol lycade. i was about to ask for you :P04:15
PwcrLinuxjedx23: did you check on dmesg in the terminal box?04:15
LycadeThanks. :p04:15
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jedx23anyway i got another question04:15
LycadeI doubt theres any help for me though. :(04:15
mwhitehello. New Ubuntu user here..Nice to meet everyone04:16
blindxLycade: never hurts to try04:16
blindxhey mwhite04:16
LycadeI have a friend elsewhere trying to help me. xD04:16
jedx23is there any application out there i can keep my self and my pc safe from viruses04:16
blindxyes. linux :P04:16
mwhiteif someone gets a few minutes, can you help me with a little problem?04:16
nickrudjedx23, there isn't much call for an antivirus for linux04:16
Veronicaompaul, so you think automatix may be the source of my problem?04:16
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volleyholy jeez my dl has said time remaining: 5 seconds for like the last 10 minutes 0.o04:17
=== TallRain45 [n=wa_usa_g@c-67-171-31-218.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jedx23ok thanks04:17
terryI couldnt install the emacs I put this command but write this couldnt find this archive....04:17
nickrudVeronica, if ompauld doesn't answer, the answer is 'quite probably'04:17
sonicjamyou know linux does have some virus but not as many as windows04:17
Veronicaslavik it is already installed04:17
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudmwhite, ask away, maybe someone has an answer04:17
volleyand what will that virus do without root privalige04:17
slavikVeronica: what is?04:17
Veronicanickrud: the rogue .deb uninstalled the icons04:17
terrysudo apt-get install emacs2104:17
slavikvolley: nothing dangerous?04:18
mwhitedoes anyone know how I can access the Java Console?04:18
jedx23is there any anonymous ip thingy i can use cause i got banned from he aint the owner he just doe's for fun and i'm getting sick of it04:18
slavikVeronica: huh?04:18
Xaero_Vincentvolley destroy the home directory... blah... just backup it and your good04:18
nickrudVeronica, ouch04:18
blazemongeranyone here use jack/rosegarden?04:19
=== garcla [n=garcla@ppp-70-251-70-149.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
Xaero_VincentUbuntu is pretty much locked down to make any virus writers ballz ache.04:19
blazemongeri'm trying to figure out how to get jack to work properly..04:19
volleyoh ya Im just saying that even if linux does have a vis or 2 circulating it is nowhere as bad as windows04:19
sonicjami want firefox installed in my linux but when i type in the command i get an error can any one help me04:19
cafuegodefendguin__: Tools > Options > Memory > [ ]  Load at system startup04:19
slavik.me is not following what is goin on04:19
nickrudVeronica, as I recall, gnome-icon-theme has the default icon theme, try sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-icon-theme04:19
VeronicatRSS: did thank you so much :)" - seems like :)04:19
blazemongerubuntu is a convenient distro...even my friend that doesnt even know much about computers even likes linux04:20
cafuegodefendguin__: ... may or may not work.04:20
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudahhh, thanks cafuego it's something to check out04:20
defendguin__ill try it out04:20
Xaero_Vincentyea EasyUbuntu and Automatix makes Ubuntu among the best... right along with SUSE and YaST.04:20
defendguin__that applet looks ugly as hell anyway04:20
=== jinho326 [i=jinho326@user-0cceo0f.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
terrysome body speak spanish....???04:21
tRSSVeronica: I am sort of lost. You are thanking me for.....? :)04:21
Veronicait should ask your password04:21
volleyhow many kb in a mb?04:21
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:21
cafuegoticking that box runs the OOO2 quickstarter in the panel.04:21
sonicjamis everyone ignoring me :/04:21
mwhitedoes Ubuntu have an easy way to access the Java Console?04:21
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cafuegovolley: Kb or KB (or KiB)04:21
Veronicamoonwatcher, can you paste the IPv6 IP address line from ifconfig?04:21
volleyin a MB04:22
cafuegoWell, 1024 in real life. 1000 in marketing departments ;-)04:22
terryubotu eres tu de chil???04:22
=== jessejoe [n=jessejoe@67-23-112-188.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
jinho326Hi I just installed ubuntu and when it loads my screen is all screwed up- all I see is a white and black cross hatch on the screen, But I do see my mouse as well. I have an ATI radeon 9200. Is there any way to fix this from Bash by starting in recovery mode?04:22
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, terry04:22
cafuegoterry: ubotu is a robot, written in perl (and runs in Australia)04:23
mwhiteso this isn't a support chat room???04:23
cafuegomwhite: 't is.04:23
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cafuegomwhite: Were you after a terminal and the command 'java' ?04:23
Veronica!tell david_ about wireless04:23
tRSSjinho326: gimme just a sec., i will try and help you04:24
blazemongeranyone know how to build a low latency kernel in ubuntu04:24
mwhiteI'm trying to install some software from CD. and...04:24
jinho326<tRSS>: thank you04:24
jramseyblazemonger, define low latency04:24
LycadeWhats a good website for learning simple commands for linux?04:24
mwhitewhen I type setup.bin it shows alot of ..... then says...04:24
cafuegoblazemonger: the low latency (preemption) stuff is built-in (and enabled)04:24
volley2645 of 176.4MB at 312.38 KB/s    Does that e any sence04:24
mwhiteStarting InstallShield Wizard....04:24
mwhitethen it goes back to the command line prompt04:24
volleydoes that make any sence04:24
nickrudmwhite, what app are you trying to install, and from what cd, and ew, installshield :)04:24
facugaichvolley, that's measured in bytes04:25
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cafuegomwhite: How is that Linux-related?04:25
mwhiteI'm trying to install Rational Web Developer for Linux04:25
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dibblego"sense" - there is no such word as "sence" - yes it makes sense04:25
tRSSjinho326: sorry i have to jet... you have to edit a file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf . I am sorry, but this is kind of an emergency.04:25
cafuegomwhite: Does it require java (or a specific version thereof?)04:25
jinho326<tRSS>: thanks anyways04:25
mwhiteIt requires java 1.4+04:26
volleywell its been saying that the dl will be done in 5 seconds for like the last 10 mins04:26
jinho326Hi I just installed ubuntu and when it loads my screen is all screwed up- all I see is a white and black cross hatch on the screen, But I do see my mouse as well. I have an ATI radeon 9200. Is there any way to fix this from Bash by starting in recovery mode?04:26
cafuegomwhite: Did you install one04:26
mwhiteI want to see the Java Console to see if it has any errors but I can't find it04:26
nickrudjinho326, try this: ctl-alt-f1, that should give you a terminal to log into. Once you've logged in, type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:26
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mwhiteJava is already installed..I can do java -version and get 1.4.204:27
=== cafuego nods
jramseyLycade, try http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner/toc.html04:27
jinho326<nickrud>: can this be done by starting in recovery mode?04:27
LycadeThank you, jramsey. ^^04:27
nickrudjinho326, yes, but its not necessary to go into recovery mode04:27
cafuegomwhite: Is there a Java Console in System -> Preferences or System > Admin ?04:27
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jinho326<nickrud>: is there anything else I need to do after typing that in?04:28
blindxbuilding from source: configure, make, make install ...right?04:28
nickrudjinho326, there will be a bunch of questions, most of which you will just hit enter on.04:28
dibblegomwhite: the Java Console will be specific to your browser plugin04:28
mwhiteso the default Java that came with Ubuntu isn't what I need?04:28
jinho326<nickrud>: thank you nickrud, I'll give it a shot :-)04:29
cafuegomwhite: sunning setup.bin doesn'pront any info/errors to the terminal you run it from?04:29
mwhiteno that is what is driving me crazy..no errors04:29
dibblegomwhite: which version of Java did you install exactly, and how did you install it?04:29
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sonicjami need help04:29
nickrudjinho326, it will probably just get you back to where you are, but first steps are first steps04:29
sonicjami'm new to linux04:29
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=== cafuego suggests you try Java 1.5 then. You can downliad the .bin from sun, then convert it to a .deb file. See wiki.ubuntu.com/Java
nickrudsonicjam, welcome then. Any particular problems04:30
mwhiteI didn't download Java, it was already installed with Ubuntu04:30
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dibblegomwhite: what makes you think you even have a Java Console then? did you install a browser plugin?04:30
gmmechsound card/driver issure driving me nuts here04:30
mwhiteI assummed I have a Java Console because Java was installed04:31
gmmechI think I'm on the right track but I've got to be missing something04:31
sonicjamyes i'm trying to install firefox i went to the website of how to install it but i get an error in the ternimal04:31
dibblegoa Java Console is what is used for web browser plugins04:31
gmmechlol I just used automatix04:31
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blindxWhat to do after "make install" when building?04:32
mwhitenow I'm really lost..hehe04:32
nickrudsonicjam, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion that page04:32
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cafuegoblindx: realise your mistake04:32
blindxoh, right04:32
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blindx :P04:32
nickrudgmmech, you lucky dog, it worked for you04:32
sonicjamnickrud: that the page i went but it doesn't find the tar.gz file04:32
gmmechthe one thing that has04:33
blindxis it installed after make install ?04:33
mwhiteI just went to java.com and verified my plugin and I don't have it :(04:33
blindxI'm new :P04:33
nickrudsonicjam, what do you mean by ' it doesn't find the tar.gz file'04:33
facugaichwhat's this red line that appears once in a while in xchat?04:33
blindxfacugaich, when someone says your name?04:33
blindxoh :P04:33
sonicjamnickrud: hold on i'll show you what i get04:33
nickrudfacugaich, it's a marker of when you switched away from xchat then came back to it04:34
facugaichoh, thanks04:34
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mwhitesince I have java installed (java -version = 1.4.2) can I point firefox to use that?04:35
gmmechanyone any good at installing alsa soundcard drivers????04:35
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crimsungmmech: what's the issue?04:35
nickrudmwhite, sudo update-alternatives --config java , select the blackdown/1.4 version, after that firefox should see your java04:35
gmmechcan't get soundcard reconnzed04:36
mwhitenick.. I do that in command line?04:36
gmmechdriving me nuts04:36
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gmmechproblem is I'm no go at linux04:36
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gmmechjust at searching04:37
crimsungmmech: new hardware?04:37
prospero2005I'm thinking about doing an apt-get dist-upgrade to dapper for xgl. Any thoughts?04:37
gmmechhell no04:37
blazemongerquestion:why is it i get better sound in linux than i do in windows xp?04:37
nickrudprospero2005, xgl is not a good enough reason to upgrade04:37
pepsi^^had somebody used ebuntu ?04:37
PuMpErNiCkLeprospero2005: Sure.. dapper is fairly stable.04:37
crimsungmmech: old? what sound hardware is it?04:37
sonicjamnickrud this is what i get tar: firefox- Cannot open: No such file or directory04:38
sonicjamtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now04:38
sonicjamtar: Child returned status 204:38
sonicjamtar: Error exit delayed from previous errors04:38
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gmmechits a toshiba tecra8000 with yamaha opl3sa204:38
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL04:38
prospero2005nickrud I have a dual-head setup. Think xgl will work with it?04:38
mwhiteok nick.. I did it..I don't have a blackdown/1.4 listed04:38
Hobbseesonicjam: cd into the directory you downloaded it first...04:38
crimsungmmech: does ``sudo modprobe snd-opl3sa2'' work?04:38
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mwhite1. /usr/bin/gij-wrapper-4.004:38
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crimsungmmech: is /proc/bus/pnp mounted?04:39
mwhite*+ 2. /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/bin/java04:39
nickrudsonic2, that means you are not in the directory where you downloaded the tar.gz file04:39
nickrudprospero2005, I really have no idea. When I realized that the window manager for xgl was crippled, I gave it up.04:39
sonicjamhobbsee i'm new in linux and that mean?04:39
Hobbsee!tell sonicjam about cli04:40
prospero2005nickrud crippled?04:40
Hobbseesonicjam: where did you download the file to?04:40
nickrudsonicjam, sorry, ^^^ look up04:40
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gmmechI'm going to say no04:40
mwhiteI will download the latest java and see if that works04:40
crimsungmmech: pastebin ``pnpdump -v''04:41
echois there anyone else using a geforce fx 5200 pci video card and using 2 monitors>???04:41
nickrudprospero2005, it's only a proof of concept, there's a lot of things that a window manager should handle, like shortcuts, etc that this iteration does not have04:41
gmmechfrom what I read I added pnp=0 to the config file because ist an ISa cars04:41
jramseyanyone familiar with the book (and maybe the examples) Linux Device Drivers ??04:41
crimsungmmech: you'll need to add isapnp=0 is your PnPBIOS is overridden, yes04:42
Hobbseesonicjam: then do a cd Desktop, then try the first command again...04:42
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crimsungmmech: s/is your/if your/04:42
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gmmechgood question I looked for a pnp setting in the bios but didnt see one04:42
crimsungmmech: it's also called "easy boot" or "quick boot" or anything along those lines04:43
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crimsungmmech: did you pastebin the info I asked for?04:43
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sonicjamso hobbsee i type in -cd /desktop right04:44
gmmechreal stupid ? do I just "pnpdump in a term window?04:45
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dark_fibrehi. i've gparted a 40GB drive to ext3. apparently 700mb is being used by the filesystem? reiserfs seems to take only 80mb - wouldn't that always be the better option then?04:45
Hobbseesonicjam: type "cd Desktop" and hit enter04:45
crimsungmmech: yes.04:45
jadaz87hello everyone i was wondering how can i shutoff services on the livecd while it is extracted on my hard drive i can customize what runs after i install ubuntu with sysv-rc-conf but i was wondering what do i do to conf the livecd so that they are already disabled i am following the livecdcustom wiki04:45
mwhiteUbuntu does not have rpm?04:45
jinhodoes anyone know how to go about installing a rpm?04:45
uboturpm is, like, totally, the Redhat Package Management file. Very similar to Debians DEB files, but require alien to install. ask me about !alien04:46
gmmechI get command not found???????04:46
crimsungmmech: how about ``lspnp -v'' ?04:46
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jadaz87mwhite no ubuntu is debian based so it uses deb files04:46
mwhiteoh ok.. thanks04:46
gmmechlspnp: /proc/bus/pnp not available04:46
jadaz87!tell mwhite about alien04:46
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jinhofor Enlightenment, If I want to install it, would I use the Linux i386 Binary RPM or the Debian GNU/Linux DEB stuff?04:46
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mwhiteI'm sorry about all the questions. I'm new to the Linux world :)04:47
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crimsungmmech: what specific computer (make & model) is this?04:47
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gmmechtoshiba tecra 8000 pII 36604:48
nickrudjinho, debian debs, definitely04:48
nickrudjinho, erm, debs, ubuntu debs I mean04:48
sonicjamHobbsee: i'll type this in sudo tar -Cd desktop -x -z -v -f firefox-
jinhonickrud good to see you again04:48
wil_mwhite-to install java you should use synaptic package manager --go to system -administration then synaptic04:48
gmmechI can paste you the dmesg04:48
Hobbseeah yeah, that might work...04:49
nickrudjinho, likewise, I'm sure :)04:49
jramseyis there an irc channel for kernel device driver development?04:49
jinhonickrud: after rebooting the screen cleared up again04:49
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chiragwhat debian package is the file stdio.h located in?04:50
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jinhonickrud: now....how would I go about installing the DEB package?04:50
sonicjamHobbsee i got this tar: You must specify one of the `-Acdtrux' options04:50
sonicjamTry `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.04:50
chiragwhen I try to compile my kernel, it can't find stdio.h04:50
crimsunjramsey: irc.oftc.net, #kernelnewbies04:50
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jinhonickrud: in advance, I really appreciate all the help you're giving/ have given04:50
mwhiteshould I use the Java provide by sun, or the one listed in Synaptic?04:50
mwhiteI already hava java-common installed04:51
nickrudjinho, for enlightenment? I'm not sure where you can get them, although I know they exist. gnomefreak had a working e17, I'd look for his advice04:51
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chiragmwhite: I'd use the one in Synaptic04:51
jinhonickrud: I have the DEB04:51
wil_mwhite I could only get the synaptic one to run04:51
jinhonickrud: but I dont know how to use it...04:51
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nickrudjinho, all in one directory, all by themselves?04:51
agarhey, has anyone come across sound issues?? my new installation of ubuntu has dete?cted the sound card but does not play any04:51
blazemongeri was running theme and gnome freaked out ehehehe04:51
mwhiteand you have only java-common, java-gcj-compat installed?04:51
Hobbsee!tell agar about sound04:52
blazemongermeans i need to do some debugging04:52
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jinhonickrud: The file sitting on my desktop says: enlightenment_0.16.7.2-1_i386.deb04:52
cafuegonickrud: I wonder if he runs Duke Nukem Forever on his e17 ;-)04:52
jinhonickrud: I'm not sure whether that is one file or a bunch of them04:52
nickrudcafuego, you card :)04:52
nickrudjinho, you have that in ubuntu, no deb's needed :)04:52
jinhonickrud: lol really?04:52
wil_mwhite it is blackdown java and is working well04:52
nickrudjinho, sudo apt-get install enlightenment (it's the old version)04:53
agarthanks hobbsee04:53
jinhonickrud: would this be 0.16?04:53
agarshall have a look and see what happens04:53
jinhonickrud: either way awesome04:53
jinhonickrud: thanks!04:53
nickrudjinho, .16, yes, not .16.999904:53
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blazemongerwhere do i view the gnome system log04:54
mwhitehmm..under All in Synaptic I do not see blackdown Java04:54
nickrudjinho, np, enlightenment 16 was my very first window manager, it had a lot to do with my sticking with linux. Sliding desktops, yum!04:54
jinhonickrud: ...would you happen to know where to find it?04:54
jinhonickrud: same with me, its the only reason I've been trying to run linux04:54
blindxAnyone ever notice how creepingly similar comparing monitor size is to comparing penis size?04:54
nickrudjinho, no, not the new one. gnomefreak is usually around about 12 hours from now04:54
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jinhonickrud: he would know?04:55
jadaz87hello everyone i was wondering how can i shutoff services on the livecd while it is extracted on my hard drive i can customize what runs after i install ubuntu with sysv-rc-conf but i was wondering what do i do to conf the livecd so that they are already disabled i am following the livecdcustom wiki04:55
crimsungmmech: there's nothing in your bios for PnP?04:55
nickrudjinho, yes, he bragged. Call him on it :)04:55
sonicjamHobbsee: did you saw the last message i sent04:55
jinhonickrud: lol okay04:55
jinhonickrud: thanks!04:55
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gmmechlike I said it's OLD04:55
Hobbseeblindx: that's not necessary in a support channel, thanks04:55
Hobbseesonicjam: see !cli, and man tar - i'm not very good with tar files...04:56
blindxthen it's not necessary to address it again -.-04:56
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sonicjamoperating linux is harder than i tought04:57
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Dr_WillisLife is harder then I thought.04:57
nickrudand then you die.04:57
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Dr_Willisand hopefully you dont get in trouble afterwards for all the warez.04:58
jadaz87does anyone know the answer to my question? i asked in #ubuntu-devel and they told me to come here04:58
nickrudsonic2, have some fun, learn something, make someone like you.04:58
crimsungmmech: try: ``sudo modprobe snd-opl3sa2 isapnp=0 dma1=1 dma2=0 fm_port=0x388 midi_port=0x300 irq=10 wss_port=0x530 port=0x370''04:58
AAAall my warez is gpl'd =p04:58
nickrudgod, I some times hate tab completion in xchat04:58
wil_mwhite  do a search for java in synaptic04:58
LycadeHmm, I take it the default music player can't play winamp radio stations?04:58
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LycadeAnyone know if xmms does? >.>04:59
Xaero_VincentUbuntu Dapper is under feature lock.. by the time its released in June, all its packages will be outdated... so is there going to be a big update by the time it's released?04:59
Apostle^Lycade: it does.04:59
nickrudjadaz87, the live cd is meant to be a test, or example of ubuntu. Not something that you customize while it's running04:59
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wil_mwhite  sun-j2re1.505:00
driggershi.  i have ubuntu on a toshiba laptop and i have an external HD.  i want to boot windows xp off a small partition on that drive... i have no clue where to start.  i don't even know if this has anything to do with the fact that ubuntu is my main os05:00
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jadaz87nickrud exactly that is why i want to customize the iso while i have it extracted05:00
Dr_WillisXaero_Vincent,   its a catch-22 situation.   either way ya lose. :(05:00
mzuverinkWhat do I need to do to get spamassassin to work, I just installed it but it is not working?05:00
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driggerslike... could i make the windows partition on the HD from my ibook instead?  then run it on the toshiba?05:00
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HobbseeXaero_Vincent: they wont be that outdated.  ask in #ubuntu+105:01
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Xaero_VincentHobbsee some packages are already outdated.. im just looking on distrowatch :/05:01
nickrudjadaz87, I see. you want to create a custom live cd. I don't know much about that, so I'll simply shut up :)05:01
LycadeNow to find out how to install xmms as well. -_-05:01
HobbseeXaero_Vincent: you find that on anything stable...05:01
jedx23How can i run a irc server?05:02
jedx23off of my linux system05:02
Dr_Willisjedx23,  installl one, start it up.. :P05:02
jedx23like what one05:02
jedx23i have no ideal what to get05:02
Dr_WillisGoogle would be the place to look.. WHY you want one is the big question.05:02
nickrudnickrud looks to his left: buggy new stuff (I'll run debian unstable). He looks to his right: stable working stuff (I'll run ubuntu recent)05:02
Dr_Willistheres se4veral different irc servers out.. some are for just goofing off with and playing around.05:03
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jedx23because i wanna host my own server thats the hole point of linux and i'm sick of windows Errors05:03
Dr_Willisfreshmeat.net will have a list also.05:03
facugaichjedx23, you can try searching in synaptic with universe and multiverse enabled05:03
Dr_WillisYou got a lot of friends you want to invite over to your own irc server?05:03
jedx23yeah like 1000 friends05:04
jedx23they hate Scoobynet05:04
Dr_Willisgee.. asking them to come to freenode is too hard eh? :P05:04
gmmechI changed the irq to 5 cuz I know that fro checking th bios but used that and checked the lspnp with same results05:04
jedx23all they do is cuss and sexual harrass 15 year olds05:04
gmmechman this is frustrating because I know it;s something small05:05
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jinhonickrud: another question05:05
jedx23Plus everyone tould me linux would be the best way to host a irc server05:06
jedx23your own server that is05:06
nickrudjinho, I always have answers, sometimes I bite my tongue because I know I'll be wrong, but it's your dime05:06
gmmechthat is VERY ISP dependant05:06
jinhonickrud: I dont seem to have superuser privileges05:06
jinhonickrud: I want to edit etc/apt/source.list05:07
mwhiteI think I found my problem05:07
nickrudjinho, type groups in a terminal, if admin shows up you should have admin privileges05:07
jinhonickrud: but it says its read-only05:07
mwhiteI need  GTK, Version 2.2.1 or later05:07
nickrudjinho, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list and enter your password05:07
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blindxCase sensitivity blows.05:08
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wil_mwhite sorry can[t help05:08
jinhonickrud: interesting05:08
nickrudjinho, which :)05:09
jinhonickrud: I am admin, but why can't I edit source.list?05:09
mwhiteok np. that must mean that Ubuntu doesn't come with GTK?05:09
blindxif a system is case sensitive, then you should be able to have the following to files in the same directory: foo.jpg and FOO.jpg05:09
jinhonickrud: in the ubuntu forums one of the instructions for installing E17 says to edit that file05:09
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jadaz87Goodnight All05:09
jedx23do you think unreal would be good for host a server?05:09
nickrudjinho, when you type    sudo echo hi      what happens?05:09
jinhonickrud: which is why I am somewhat puzzled05:09
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jinhonickrud: hi \n [1] + Killed    xchat05:10
AAAblindx  yes05:10
blindxyes what?05:10
jinhonickrud: \n meaning its on the next line...05:10
AAAyou can have both of those files in the same directory05:10
nickrudjinho, then gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list should work05:10
AAAno, just kidding05:10
blindxthat would get really confusing.05:10
blindxyou ass05:10
mwhiteanyways thanks for the help you all. This is frustrating but fun. :)05:11
AAAseriously, you can05:11
jinhonickrud: interesting...but the file is empty now05:11
=== blindx writes down, "Do not trust AAA"
jinhonickrud: (do you mind if I ask what gksudo and gedit mean?)05:11
=== resin [n=resin@adsl-69-152-95-222.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
gmmechgedit is the basic text editor05:12
ubotuUse gksudo to run gtk applications with root privileges. Using sudo to start gtk apps can scramble your user account permissions.05:12
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nickrudjinho, gksudo is a request to run the following command as administrator ; gedit is the command to run as admistrator, and it is a text editor05:12
gwkwhi all05:12
nickrudjinho, and /etc/apt/sources.list should definitely not be empty05:12
jinhonickrud: strangely it is...05:12
gwkwi am new to ubuntu, i was just wondering.. is there a way to upgrade 4.1 to 5.1?05:13
AAAhaving a case sensitive fs is a very good and logical thing.  winders has made lots of strides to bastardized the logic unix created. take the \ for example...05:13
nickrudjinho, type, in a terminal, cat /etc/apt/sources.list05:13
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jinhonickrud: all the stuff showed up05:13
echook... nother stupid question05:13
nickrudblindx, AAA was not kidding, FOO.PNG is not the same file as foo.png05:13
jinhonickrud: but when I do the gksudo and gedit command...its empty...05:13
echohow do i edit xorg.conf file????05:13
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nickrudjinho, so you are mistyping something05:14
dibblegosudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:14
jinhonickrud: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:14
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nickrudjinho, yes05:14
nickruddibblego, you shouldn't recommend sudo for running gui apps, it may mess up permissions in the home directory.05:15
nickruddibblego, if they change a preference and save it05:15
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jinhonickrud: so weird...its still empty05:15
echook another question...05:15
dibblegonickrud: righto05:15
nickrudjinho, try sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list05:15
AAAcat /etc/apt/sources.list05:16
echohow do i restart xorg w/o restarting computer05:16
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AAAecho  /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:16
dibblegosudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop05:16
echoty again05:16
facugaichoh, well05:16
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jinhonickrud: cat /etc/apt/sources.list shows everything as it should be05:16
nickruddibblego, I went round and round on that, everyone said that but no one said why: gksudo env | sort and sudo env | sort shows the reason05:16
jinhonickrud: I've checked my spelling 100 times over...05:17
Apostle^what desktop mixes speed with eye candy? xfce ?05:17
AAAjinho  then just vim /etc/apt/sources.list05:17
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nickrudjinho, then do as AAA said05:17
AAAjinho  you have to use sudo before, by apologies05:17
lancellorhi guys a simple question05:17
jinhoAAA: It appears in the terminal05:18
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lancellorshould i install ubuntu and upgrade to the dapper or wait until dapper comes out05:18
AAAjinho  ok, you are just trying to enable multi/uni verse, correct?05:18
LathropWellsusers shows that i am logged in three times?05:18
jinhonickrud: / AAA am I able to edit this like any other doc now?05:18
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gmmechcrimsun did you see my paste file????05:18
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nickrudjinho, precisely, that's where you are going. You want to add those e17 sources05:19
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AAAjinho  vim is a bit different, you want to arrow down to the # that is in front of the line containg multiverse and hit x (that will delete that charachter) so far so good?05:19
luisitohello guys05:19
jinhoAAA: yeah05:19
gwkwone question for whoever that is free05:19
gwkwif some hardware dont have the driver for linux what should we do?05:20
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gwkwcreate our own driver?05:20
AAAjinho  do the same to the universe line, then type --> :wq (that will write and quit the file) then do apt-get update05:20
LycadeIs there a way to tell ubuntu to open the cd-rom drive? >.>05:20
AAAgwkw  what hardware?05:20
LycadeMy button quit working after copying some files..05:20
AAALycade  eject -r05:20
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Apostle^Lycade: use sudo with that05:20
gwkwerm.. its actually for my wireless card and sound card05:20
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jinhoAAA: any line that has multiverse?05:21
nickrudLycade, right clicking the cdrom icon on your desktop & selecting eject should work as well05:21
jinhoAAA: because I see a few that say both universe and multiverse05:21
LycadeThere isn't anything there on the right click. =/05:21
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AAAjinho  one is for deb-src the other for deb, unless you plan to build packages from source you prolly don't need that, but it worn't hurt05:21
jinhoAAA: like breezy universe05:21
LycadeThen again, I tried from the directory05:21
LycadeI'll check desktop..05:21
jinhoAAA: so just from deb?05:21
luisitoI'm having an error when login, and I don't know how it comes. It says that my $HOME/.dmrc file have wrong permissions and that it should be owned by me and have 644 permissions but I checked and it is right. Any clues?05:22
AAAjinho  iirc that file is commented fairly well, but yes that is what you do05:22
gwkwmy wireless card is an Apacer usb flash drive and wireless usb , 2 in 105:22
AAAluisito  sudo chown user.user (where user is your login name) ~/.dmrc05:22
jinhoAAA: my apologies its just that this is literally my first experience with linux05:23
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luisitoAAA, ok, let me try05:23
jinhoAAA: so I'm a bit wary having so much power :-)05:23
gwkwanyway i be back.. just downloaded 5.1 goign to install it now.. c you guys later.05:23
gwkwhave fun05:23
AAAgwkw  there _may_ be drivers for it. I suggest doing lsusb (with the device plugged in) and paste that into google05:23
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Lycadenickrud - it worked from desktop, thanks. Now back to installing WoW05:23
AAAjinho  welcome to *nix05:23
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gwkwok thanks AAA05:24
nickrudjinho, lol, that's what it's all about. I gotta close up for the night, AAA seems to have you well in hand05:24
gwkwi will be back...05:24
jinhonickrud: thanks so much for the help though, no doubt you'll be seeing more of me in the future :-)05:24
jinhonickrud: goodnight05:24
nickrudjinho, see you about. Remember: Everything in linux is transparent, it's all about learning where to look.05:25
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jinhonickrud: I'll be sure to keep that in mind05:26
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jinhoAAA: now that did all that05:26
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icemananyone installed ubuntu using scsi drives ?05:26
jinhoAAA: am I supposed to just do: sudo apt-get enlightenment?05:26
AAAjinho  apt-get update (this will make the changes aware to system) then you can apt-cache search foo05:27
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icemanhow much hdd space for a base install05:27
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linux_user400354im having a problem installing limewire. could someone help? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227305:27
jipijones8whats the nickersev register command?05:27
tonyyarussoAnyone used bootchart on Breezy?  I can't seem to figure out how to make it go.05:27
AAAjinho  you have to update your apt database first, then you can search or install from the multi/uni05:27
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jinhoAAA: I see05:27
AAA /nickserv register name passwd05:27
=== AAA puts kids to bed
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jipijones8linux_user400354, your not even using ubuntu are you?05:28
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linux_user400354yes i am using ubuntu05:29
tuxuser19i have just installed ubuntu on my pc.i want to login as root i cant do that in ubuntu!i heard that ubuntu by default wont activate root.how to activate root privilages05:29
michael117What website can I use to paste fairly large error messages?05:29
jinhoAAA: apt is where I can get my upgrades from?05:29
jipijones8linux_user400354, then you must get the tar.gz not the rpm05:29
facugaichtuxuser, sudo05:29
jinhoAAA: or is it much more than that- which I'm sure it is05:29
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facugaichtuxuser: 'sudo [commands] '05:29
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facugaichor sudo -s if you want a promt05:30
jipijones8linux_user400354, when u get the tar.gz, extract to your desired place for limewire to be installed, and do - sh runLime.sh in the folder05:30
facugaichnights ppl05:31
prospero2005tuxuser19 I can help with that05:32
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tuxuser19i have tried that it doesnt work i get "sudo: unable to llokup <username> via gethostbyname()05:32
arrickhis /etc/hosts file is corrupted05:33
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Warbringer87Whats a good FTP client for ubuntu?05:34
jinhodreamer anyoung05:34
michael117I'm trying to compile a kernel for a small device but keep getting the following error message: http://pastebin.com/66089905:34
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dreamer_hi there05:34
KuyaedzWarbringe: gftp or use FireFTP Firefox plugin05:34
arrickWarbringer87,  PROFTPD05:34
jinhodreamer do you know how to enable korean text support?05:34
tuxuser19prospero2005 what i have to do now ?05:34
jinhodreamer: I just installed ubuntu and I dont know how to enable korean typing05:34
arricknight all05:35
dreamer_then you can recognize korean?05:35
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jinhodreamer yeah05:35
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dreamer_installing navi is the best choice05:35
Warbringer87is  gftp compatible with ubuntu?05:35
jinhodreamer how do you do that?05:35
dreamer_hold on....05:35
cafuegorecognising isn't too hard, _understanding_ is ;-)05:35
KuyaedzWarbringe: yes.05:35
Dr_WillisWarbringer87,  you mean the gnome ftp client gftp?05:35
AAAjinho  that is it really. when you change your sources.list, run apt-get update, if you want to upgrade all packages run apt-get upgrade, if you want to search use apt-cache search <pkg> if you wanna install apt-get install <pkg> remove? apt-get remove <pkg> easy as pie :)05:35
SusPec1i still dont understand how to install a rpm file05:35
SusPec1and i dont know how to open the files i installed with wine05:36
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  use alien, convert it to a deb, dpkg -i whatever.deb05:36
AAASusPec1  why? on a .deb system? there is prolly a .deb for it, otherwise use alien05:36
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tuxuser19help needed still waiting for my sudo/root prob ;(05:36
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  wine /home/username/.fake_windows/program files/program.exe :P05:36
dreamer_refer this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KoreanSetupHowto05:36
SusPec1show me a example command please05:36
AAAtuxuser19  sudo -s then passwd05:37
Dr_Willisor whatever wine dir uses.05:37
jinhoAAA: Thank you05:37
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arricktuxuser19, your /etc/hosts file is corrupted,05:37
SusPec1wine: cannot find '/home/username/.fake_windows/program05:37
jinhoAAA its installing now05:37
SusPec1tahts what is said05:37
jinhodreamer: thank you too, I will do that05:37
=== AAA ^5's jinho
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  now is where you 'think'  and look and see what dirs are there and use the right paths05:37
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tuxuser19/etc/hosts or /etc/sudoers ?05:38
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arrickprobably both actually05:38
SusPec1oh so i type wine: /home/suspect/then what05:38
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  wine uses some 'directory' thats its own little windows type dir.  cd  into it, and see whates there.05:38
SusPec1the file is aim05:38
AAAtuxuser19  the hosts file has 0 to do with sudo05:38
SusPec1i want to test taht out05:38
Dr_Willisuse the shell and see what dirs are there.05:38
tuxuser19AAA thats what I thought05:38
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SusPec1locate aim?05:38
Dr_Willisand i doubt if AIM will work very well .05:38
misguided"Can't find kernel build files in [anywhere I set KBUILD to, even though I've unpacked the kernel source into /usr/src/] "05:38
arrickAAA, not according to what fixed one last night, with the error he had earlier05:39
AAAtuxuser19  and the sudoers file only delegates privs to non-root users05:39
SusPec1then what about xfire?05:39
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  'ls -al' will show all the dirs. incoudien the hidden ones.05:39
SusPec1or internet explorer 605:39
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  thats just sick :P using IE.05:39
SusPec1i type -al it was a command not found05:39
AAASusPec1  or you can do find .fake_windows (this will show you all the files and dir's in that directory)05:39
Dr_Willisthere is a program on freshmeat that sets up IE in wine for ya.05:39
tuxuser19AAA whats the solution?05:39
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Dr_WillisSusPec1,  'ls -al' will show all the dirs. including. the hidden ones.05:40
resinlmao SusPecl05:40
arrickAAA, according to this "sudo: unable to llokup <username> via gethostbyname" if you look at his /etc/hosts, you wont find a host name , and sudo wont work after you config /etc/sudoers05:40
misguidedanyone got any suggestions for me?05:40
AAAtuxuser19  to activate the root account? do sudo -s (gives you a root-like shell) and issue the cmd passwd (chage the root passwd)05:40
Dr_Willisit maybe time to go read a few bash tutorials. and learn the basics of the shell.05:40
sonicjamhey hobbsee i got fire fox installed05:40
sysop_my ubuntu keeps freezing.  i've installed it 3 times now05:40
SusPec1ok i typed the command05:40
SusPec1i see a whole bunch of things05:40
SusPec1a list05:40
SusPec1= D05:40
AAAarrick  incorredct05:40
Dr_Willisstart THINKING about what you are doing. :P see any named .fake_windows or .wine or similer eh?05:41
arrickok, we even had the guy signed in under root, and he couldnt do anything last night05:41
SusPec1but i want to know if i can install IE05:41
Dr_WillisI use cedega. it may differ.05:41
tuxuser19i get the same error  "sudo: unable to llokup <username> via gethostbyname"05:41
Dr_WillisSusPec1,   Yes i hear you can.05:41
SusPec1you have to pay for cedega05:41
Dr_WillisCedega is comercial so yes.05:41
AAAis that the pasted error? "llokup" <--- like that?05:42
dreamer_does anyone know what the initial root password is?05:42
ubotufrom memory, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:42
SusPec1now how do i install IE?05:42
SusPec1i ahve wine installed05:42
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  no clue. I wouldent EVER want to do such a thing.05:42
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:42
tuxuser19actually it was my error stmt which arrick copied :)05:42
SusPec1i dont know wheres the root on ubuntu05:42
SusPec1all i know is terminal05:42
dreamer_ubotu thx05:42
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dreamer_05:42
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  theres not. :P  he just asked Faq #105:42
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sonicjamubotu is an bot05:42
ubotusonicjam: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:42
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:43
sethkI wish it wouldn't say that.  the root password is not locked05:43
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sysop_can anyone help me/ ?  my ubuntu freezes05:43
Dr_Willisits 'locked out' :P05:43
SusPec1so how do i install internet exlorer six05:43
SusPec1i saw a tutorial but i dont understand it05:43
sysop_the keyboard stops responding, the screen hangs, bout the mouse responds05:43
AAASusPec1  cat http://sidenet.ddo.jp/winetips/05:43
sethkno it isn't, it just hasn't been set.05:43
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  i would guess ya download the insteller and wine installer.exe Like ya do everything else.05:43
sethkthere is no impediment to setting it.05:43
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Dr_Willissethk,  yea - i agree05:43
SusPec1witht he :<<<05:43
SusPec1with the :<<<05:44
sysop_i've got amd64 breezy05:44
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AAAsidenet is a fairly ok script for installing wine with directx and ie and all that junk05:44
SusPec1wine with the colons beside it?05:44
icemanInstalling ubuntu on 7x 2.5 gig scsi harddrive wonder how hard it may be05:45
AAAiceman  like taking beer from a baby =p05:45
misguidedcan anyone help me with my problems with kernel build source files?05:45
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AAAmisguided  possibly, what are you trying to do?05:45
icemanSusPec1 willis who05:45
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misguidedtrying to compile the latest stable ndiswrapper05:46
SusPec1i dont get this step05:46
SusPec1Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user.05:46
sysop_the guy who convinced me to go to ubuntu said he's never seen it freeze up ever.  why is mine?05:46
SusPec1i dont know what to do there05:46
icemanBuild a 850 Pentium 3 ... and use 10 x  2.5 gig scsi harddrives .... lol ...05:46
michael117I'm trying to compile a kernel for a small device but keep getting the following error message: http://pastebin.com/66089905:46
AAAmisguided  *eewww* ndis is teh suck. what is the compile problem?05:46
misguidedwhen i Make, I get "Can't find kernel build files" even though I've downloaded and unpacked them05:46
SusPec1can someone tell me what to do in that step?05:46
SusPec1Use gksu -u windows xterm to open a shell as the windows user.05:47
sonicjamis the terminal case sensetive05:47
dreamer_sonicjam ok05:47
void^sonicjam: yes05:47
SusPec1but what do i do there?05:47
sonicjamok no wonder :P05:47
AAAmisguided  I think you may have to config the kernel first, AND make sure it is a symlink to /usr/src/linux  the first thing to do is see what /usr/src/linux points to if it even exists05:48
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  ive neer heard of a 'windows' command or 'user'  no clue where thats comming from of what you are even trying to do.05:48
arrickhey what is the ubotu wiki page?05:48
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SusPec1ok ima give youa  link05:48
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Dr_WillisI imagine you need to reread and start from the beginning.05:48
Plitskinhi, where can I get help on how to setup Java SDK on Ubuntu?05:48
Dr_WillisOr check freshmeat.net for that program that automates it05:48
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs05:48
Dr_WillisI cant think of any good reason to install IE6 with wine.05:49
SusPec1but its just t test if it works05:49
SusPec1and i wanna see how it is05:49
SusPec1so what do i do in that step?05:49
SusPec1the 3rd step05:50
Dr_WillisNo clue. :P looks like they are refering to a 'windows' user that was made earlier.05:50
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misguidedi already established a symbolic link from /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/build to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/, so i know it points to where i unpacked it... but I can specify the KBUILD variable at the command line when i Make anyways and I can't seem to point it at the kernel source.  *sigh*  what files specifically is it looking for?  in my source dir i have a Makefile and a bunch of directories with a bunch of .c fi05:50
SusPec1aww man05:50
SusPec1but do you know a wat i can install IE605:50
blindxwhy would you install IE6?05:51
Dr_Willistry just downloading the ie installer.exe and run it with wine.05:51
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SusPec1apt-get ie installer.exe?05:51
icemanwish i could install and run Ubuntu from a fat 32 drive05:51
AAAmisguided  ok. unlink that and do this, cd /usr/src ; ln -s linux-source-2.6.12 linux05:51
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  'think' :P05:51
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blindxlol suc05:51
Apostle^good to be back on gnome05:51
Apostle^kde is slow as molasses05:51
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AAAmisguided  also note that your modules tree is of a differtent kernel tree05:52
SusPec1invalid operation 'ie'05:52
icemaninstall... and run Ubuntu from fat32 using loanlin .... anyone know a howto05:52
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  GO to the MS site.. download the IE installer and run it with wine.05:52
AAAiceman  zipslack ?05:52
SusPec1send me a link05:52
icemanAAA zipslack has a lot of broken librarys in x ... ?05:52
Dr_Willisfor the last time - start THINKING.05:52
AAAiceman  and OLD hehe05:52
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misguidedAAA what do you mean when you say my modules tree is of a different kernel tree05:53
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Dr_WillisYou SusPec1. You are asking questions that if you toought about for 5 sec. you would realize the answer.05:53
icemanguess i could try "zipslack" with a older x package list ...05:53
AAAmisguided  look carefully and the 2.6.x (x number) the modules are for .10 and your source is for .1205:53
SusPec1ok god05:53
SusPec1= \05:53
blindxDr_Willis, what do you mean? IE isn't available through the repositories? :P05:53
misguidedno, 2.6.12-10-386...05:53
Dr_Willisblindx,  guess not.05:53
AAAiceman  I was kidding/sarcastic about zipslack afaik it is not keep up to date05:54
luisitoAAA, it didn't work (.dmrc error)05:54
arrickDr_Willis, sethk check out !root05:54
Dr_Willisblindx,  Linux needs to get on the ball and include IE!05:54
misguidedthey're both .12, i'm not sure what the -10 is for05:54
wdennishow does one enable mod_perl on my apache2 inst?05:54
ubotusomebody said root was By default, the root password is "locked" in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:54
arrickis that better?05:54
AAAluisito  chmod 644 .dmrc05:54
_jonAAA, You'll find Linux jokes are better understood at the offtopic channel ;)05:54
AAA_jon  :)05:55
mikebotso is there any way to get WMVs with  DRM (Digital Rights Management) to play in totem?05:55
ubotusomebody said root was By default, the root password is "locked" in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:55
Dr_WillisTechnicially would it be best to say "direct logging in by the root user, is disabled"05:55
_jonmikebot, I'm not sure of this, but my senses tell me no, But I think you could possibly convert it?  How?  I don't know =\  Sorry.05:55
arrickYou want me to change it?05:55
misguidedmikebot, i was going to experiment with trying to run DRM enabled media players in wine...  linux has no native support for *windows* media DRM05:55
ubotuls is probably the command used to LiSt the contents of a directory in Linux.05:55
SusPec1oh one more question05:56
ubotuI guess sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:56
SusPec1how do you run the files through terminal?05:56
blindxWhich files?05:56
SusPec1like .exe05:56
AAASusPec1  what are you trying to do now ...05:56
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  you have been running files that way 'ls' for example05:56
michael117Does anyone know how to fix this error: http://pastebin.com/66089905:56
blindxwine program.exe05:56
Dr_Willisand ive told ya SEVERAL times the 'wine whatever.exe' command.05:56
SusPec1the command is confusing though05:56
AAASusPec1  .exe are not in the proper binary format to run natively on *nix!05:56
mikebotso no drm at all?05:57
mikebotno programs?05:57
wdennishello all05:57
SusPec1dont act smart with me05:57
blindxhow is the command confusing?05:57
wdennishow does one enable mod_perl on my apache2 inst?05:57
blindxSusPec1, i really don't think you should have linux.05:57
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SusPec1im new ta this05:57
SusPec1so shush05:57
_jonAAA, There should be a giant disclaimer on the boot of Ubuntu "*Warning* Linux is NOT Windows.  Have a good day! :)"05:57
blindxso am i05:57
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Dr_WillisSusPec1,  you have been shown several examples and need to pay attention is bottom line.05:57
blindxit's my second day on linux :P05:57
ubotuhmm... root is By default, the root password is "locked" in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:58
sethkSusPec1, there is usually an alias named "dir", if that makes you feel better05:58
SusPec1me too05:58
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_jonmikebot, Google might find a few things as far as converting the DRM locked wmas...05:58
SusPec1ive just been asking how to open wine files05:58
arrickhang on05:58
SusPec1tahst all05:58
SusPec1i know how to do everything else05:58
=== John_D2 [n=chatzill@67-54-197-204.cust.wildblue.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willisyou mean a 'windows binary executable'05:58
blindxno, he means wine files!05:58
misguidedmikebot, it's dependent on windows media drivers that aren't available for linux...  so as far as i know the only way to even dream of doing it is to try and run it through wine and suck up as many native dlls as you can.  i'm going to try this myself in the next couple days regarding Janus DRM 10 wmas which there is definitely no crack for.05:58
Dr_WillisYou said earlier that you installed aim. so how did ya do that?05:58
SusPec1like wine aim.exe05:58
ubotuI guess root is Direct logging as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.05:58
AAAalright n00b's  my kids are taking over my monitor for their movie pleasures.  be good n00b's and break your box before I get back, just don't loose your Inet connection...05:59
mikebotmisguided, ok, thanks05:59
SusPec1its with the colons right?05:59
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.05:59
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_jonSusPec1, What colons??05:59
arrickDr_Willis, that better?05:59
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Dr_Willisive never entered any colons.05:59
misguidedmikebot, part of the reason that no one is rushing to try and hack this support into linux is because it technically violates linux's license.  because of the way GPL works.  it's more an ideological issue though, people who support free software are generally against drm as a rule05:59
resinlol, this is hilarious06:00
_jonSusPec1, If you have an .exe named "bob.exe" and it's in your home folder.  cd to your home folder and type in wine bob.exe06:00
mmmiiikkkeeei would really apreashite if some one coudl look at my xorg.conf file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227506:00
SusPec1cd ~?Home06:00
resindo you all deal with this stuff everyday? :P06:00
arricknight all06:00
blindxSusPec1, i really think you should just install windows and call it a day.06:00
mmmiiikkkeeei am hainga lot of tuble getting dual monitors to work with it06:00
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_jonresin, This is only a bit of it ;)06:00
SusPec1i dont have the wxp cd06:00
blindxI'll mail you one.06:00
resini can only imagine06:00
_jonresin, and what's worse is I do this for free.06:00
SusPec1and im tired of wxp06:00
SusPec1i want vista06:00
blindxI'll get you a copy. Just.. stop using linux :P06:01
resinSusPecl, you need to chill06:01
_jonSusPec1, Good luck running Vista on any hardware. ;)06:01
mmmiiikkkeeetring ot configure MergedFB  ihave followed serval online guids06:01
mmmiiikkkeeebut no love :(06:01
SusPec1you need a sertain motherboard for WV06:01
Dr_WillisI installed Windows98 on qemu :P06:01
SusPec1W98 sucks06:01
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blindxno way06:01
blindx98SE ftw06:01
resin3.1 ftw06:02
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_jonDr_Willis, That's hott ;)06:02
blindx3.1 haha06:02
misguidedhey, here's a question:  how come sudo accepts my password and su says authentication failure???06:02
=== Dr_Willis is suspect of SusPec1 's judgement.
GauDOS 6.0 ftw06:02
_jonubotu, tell misguided about root06:02
SusPec1this is suspect_06:02
_jonmisguided, Check out what ubotu sent you06:02
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blindxoh no wonder.06:02
_jonmisguided, If that doesn't explain it, ask a more detailed question.06:02
mmmiiikkkeeei would really apreashite if some one coudl look at my xorg.conf file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227506:03
blindxappreciate. :x06:03
mmmiiikkkeeei really want mergedFB to work :(06:03
misguided...oh.  huh.  well, it would have been a good idea for me to read that article since i've seen it linked like 4 times since i've been in here.  sorry guys :$06:03
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SusPec1i wonder why rpm is not a command in terminal06:03
_jonmisguided, Nah, that's what ubotu is for ;)  He's a wonderful bot.06:03
blindxhe is.06:04
Kumohi guys, everytime I have to active my internet connection in System-Administration-NEtwork, could anybody tell me how to set it by default? thanks06:04
_jonSusPec1, Because Ubuntu is a debian based distro, it doesn't use RPM's06:04
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_jonSusPec1, It uses .debs06:04
misguidedso... what IS the root password then?  it alarms me that I don't know it.  or is it what I think it is, but the functionality is blocked?06:04
Apostle^Kumo: everytime you boot?06:04
resinSuspecl, read up on the different distros man06:04
SusPec1so i have to compile them correct?06:04
KumoApostle^: yes06:04
Dr_Willismisguided,  the initial user's password is the 'sudo' passwprd.06:04
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  No.06:04
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SusPec1way o go06:04
Apostle^kumo pastebin /etc/network/interfaces06:04
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_jonmisguided, It's not set, but Sudo replaces anything that you need to do as root, like to access a root write only file such as xorg.conf you do sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:05
mc|ambhi, is there a way to hide the white background behind the notification are icons?06:05
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SusPec1my name is Alex06:05
blindxsuspec1: you really have no right to be correcting typos in this chatroom.06:05
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SusPec1stupid bitch06:05
SusPec1oops sorry06:05
misguidedheh the problem with that is that i keep doing things that require root access but that i don't know the command line for, and i start doing it in x and i get the shaft. heh.06:05
CaminomasterThe other night I was banned by an error "spam". I'm sorry bout that, was a "ctrl.C ctrl.V mistake. Forgiveme please06:05
_jonmisguided, Haha, sudo will replace anytime you want root access.06:05
AngryElfis there a way to make tar include hidden files?06:06
_jonmisguided, Just a weird tweak that Ubuntu has ;)  It was different to me too06:06
mmmiiikkkeeewhere should i go to get help with setting up dual monitors on an ATI all-in-wonder card???06:06
CaminomasterAnyone knows how to rip to MP3 with k3b?06:06
misguidedabsolutely, if you know what the command is to launch the program you need root write from...  if you don't it's more complicated :S06:06
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blindxmisguided, you can activate the root account and su will work for you. it should be at the bottom of the page that ubotu sent06:06
_jonmisguided, What do you mean exactly?06:06
jinhohi I know I have enlightenment installed, but how would I get it to show?06:06
KumoApostle^: here you are http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227606:06
sethkAngryElf, tar includes hidden files by default06:06
Dr_WillisCaminomaster,  i tend to use "Grip" to rip mp3's from cd. and k3b to burn mp3s to an audio cd.06:07
_jonjinho, Wasn't there directions to get it to show on the howto that you are hopefully on?06:07
jinhoI still see the default gnome/human theme rather than enlightenment06:07
jinho_jon: yeah there were...06:07
blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?)06:07
_jonjinho, Did you follow them?  to the letter?06:07
jinho_jon: but that was how to install them06:07
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jinho_jon: I used synaptic06:07
SusPec1im learing python06:07
mc|ambhi, is there a way to hide the white background behind the notification are icons?06:07
SusPec1its real easy06:07
jinho_jon: and found that they are installed, but all I see is gnome still06:08
sethkSusPec1, python is an excellent language06:08
SusPec1i learned alot06:08
misguided_jon: well, like, if i have a tar.gz that i want to extract somewhere the normal user doesn't have write access...  i have to use something like gzip instead of the archive manager that's built into ubuntu/gnome/x because i don't know the command line for that.  that's a bad example because i do know the command line for gzip...  i should think of a better one since it keeps happening.06:08
SusPec1since 2 days ago06:08
jinho_jon: forgive me, I'm still learning06:08
mmmiiikkkeeehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12275  woudl really liek some help with getting this f-ing graphics card to do daul disply :(06:08
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CaminomasterWillis: But can I rip with k3b? I think is possible but don't know which of the buttons can i try06:08
mrstoneugh, someone have any information on Ndiswrapper? I really need help guys06:08
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sethkSusPec1, what's daking you so long?06:08
SusPec1on what?06:08
_jonjinho, We all are ;)  A quick google search gave me this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20216&highlight=e1706:08
ubotuit has been said that ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper06:08
sethktaking, that is06:08
sethkSusPec1, just kidding, about python.06:08
mrstoneblindx: thank you06:09
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_jonmisguided, Isn't it to extract a tar .. just tar optionshere file.tar.gz?06:09
blindxno problemo06:09
jinho_jon: haha06:09
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blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?)06:09
jinho_jon: thats the same forum post that got me into this hairy mess06:09
varshey what about the in2tv deal     how can you watch that with ubuntu?06:09
misguided_jon yeah I said it was a bad example... the point is I can't use anything with a graphical interface by putting sudo in front of it in the terminal if i don't know the command line to start it06:10
sethkmisguided, you can either do:  gunzip whatever.tar | tar xf06:10
_jonjinho, *laughs* well did you create a file called e17.desktop in /usr/share/xsessions/06:10
sethkmisguided, you can either do:  gunzip whatever.tar | tar xf-   sorry06:10
_jonand put these lines in it? [Desktop Entry] 06:10
sethkmisguided, or, you can use the convenience option, tar xvzf06:10
jinho_jon: I cant even edit my sources.list still06:10
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jinho_jon: I can delete stuff in vim but vim doesnt seem to work like a normal editor06:10
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resinjinho: why not?06:10
blindxI got the same problem :P06:10
resinuse another editor then06:10
blindxI just use gedit06:10
jinho_jon: when I type i seem to be screwing up stuff06:10
resinpico or nano06:10
misguidedheh i know all these command lines for that particular situation, that's why i'm not sitting here wondering what the heck is the command for such and such?  the problem is, when i don't...06:10
icemanAAA cant seem to get X installed and complete librarys working in zipslack ... lot of stupid errors ..06:11
_jonjinho, Vim = Not my suggestion, try nano06:11
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jinhoI think what it is is that Im still confused about the file structure06:11
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jinhoI'm still stuck in c:\ land06:11
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jinhoand am finding the root structure to be a bit confusing06:11
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_jonmisguided, Ooo, well, mostly it's self explainitory.  use gksudo for graphical applications.06:11
VSFHAnyone happen to know off the top of their head a url to like an 'ubuntu bible' or the like ?06:11
mooorman gdb or man ddd puzzled me06:11
icemanmissing librarys ... when x runs.... errors in releation to x ... and the x screen links ..06:11
_jonjinho, You'll get used to it ;)  Eventually.06:11
mrstoneis there a way to uninstall Ndiswrapper completely? I get a fatal error whenever i go modprobe ndiswrapper06:11
mooorhow can i use gdb or ddd to debug my c program?06:11
jinho_jon: heh no doubt06:11
VR_jinho: http://www.secguru.com/files/linux_file_structure.jpg06:12
mooori get segmentation fault06:12
Plitskin2hi I got disconnected, please tell me again the site on how to setup J2SE on Ubuntu06:12
SusPec1i wonder why i cant download the aim.deb file from aim.com06:12
SusPec1ftp is all messed up06:12
vars_jon, what was all that enlightenment about?06:12
jinho_jon: awesome..nano does the trick06:12
mrstoneVSFH: whenever i need help http://www.ubuntuforums.org06:12
CaminomasterDr_willis: I found a rip mode!06:12
misguidedlike say you had to edit a file that the ordinary user doesn't have write access to...  you and i would just go sudo gedit file... but if you didn't know the command gedit, you only knew how to get to the editor from your menu in gnome... then you go to gedit and you don't have write privileges and you go what the hell is the console command to launch gedit!06:12
jinho_jon:is write out the same as saving though?06:12
Dr_WillisSusPec1,  you may just want to use 'gaim' and be done with it.06:12
KumoApostle^: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227606:12
SusPec1i know06:12
_jonjinho, Yes sir, just hit ctrl-O to save06:12
VSFHthanks mrstone. I'm on dialup but downloading Badger right now, looks like fun06:12
SusPec1im just saying06:12
_jonjinho, Then ctrl-x to exit06:13
resin<3 gaim06:13
mrstoneVSFH: its great stuff06:13
CaminomasterDr_willis: but I think I have to install first the plugin decoder06:13
jinho_jon: awesome06:13
Apostle^Kumo: add ifconfig eth0 up to /etc/rc.d/rc.local06:13
mrstoneI wonder when there is going to be a linux port of Miranda06:13
jinho_jon: stuff is finally making sense :)06:13
KumoApostle^: ok06:13
blindxmisguided: so you do ALT+F2, gksudo gedit06:13
_jonvars, Enlightenment = A window manager  Gnome, Kde, Xfce = Window managers.06:13
blindxthen file: open06:13
VSFHThe philosophy about everything being free and available to redistribute and everything else said to me, most awesome06:13
blindxand find the file06:13
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SusPec1hey so can i play music videos on ubuntu?06:13
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blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?)06:14
jinho_jon: btw am i reading this right... "Add the following lines to /etc/apt/preferences06:14
misguidedDUDE.  you don't know the command gedit.06:14
SusPec1from mozilla06:14
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resinSuspecl, yes06:14
jinho_jon: you can have a file without an ending?06:14
mrstoneSusPecl: yes, I recommend Mplayer06:14
blindxmisguided. who are you talking to?06:14
icemanwish there were a linux installer for Ubuntu, that could run from "dos" fat 32 ...06:14
_jonjinho, Yea.  You can06:14
resinmplayer or vlc is nice06:14
_jonjinho, Something different from Windows :)06:14
jinho_jon: yeah lol06:14
ringgahi, I've got a kernel panic when trying to upgrade to kernel The last message is : [4294670.197000]  kernel panic not syncing: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block (0,0)06:14
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_jonjinho, Like, if I had a file "blah" and it was saved using a txt editor...it would auto open as a txt file.06:15
VSFHiceman, you might suggest it; it already exists with redhat, for example, or it may exist06:15
mrstoneHow can I completely uninstall Ndiswrapper?06:15
vars_jason,  is e17 out in the repos?06:15
misguidedyou blindx.  i'm trying to make the point that if you don't KNOW a command like 'gedit' (as in, what to type on the console to launch the program), you can't launch it with sudo or any variant of it.06:15
SusPec1this is what happens06:15
SusPec1We regret that Yahoo! Music videos are not currently supported for Macintosh. We are exploring ways to offer video on additional platforms, and hope youll check back as we make enhancements to the service.06:15
SusPec1For more information on Yahoo! Music Video system requirements, visit to the Music Video section of Yahoo! Music Help.Please use the following error code when writing to Yahoo! Help. (Error Code: 4)06:15
SusPec1oops sorry06:15
VSFHringga: then you have a serious problem. :)06:15
blindxif you don't know the command "gedit" then you probably should learn it, or stop using linux.06:15
icemanVSFH a dos "fat" way to install redhat ... and run rom fat3206:15
varsi have been using fluxbox and elightenment off and on06:15
KumoApostle^: that file didn't exist before, is that right?06:15
Apostle^Kumo: yes06:15
_jonblindx, Well technically it's a program ;)06:15
sethkringga, that usually means the kernel is missing support for the root file system06:16
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blindx_jon: ?06:16
VSFHiceman: there was a program to load linux kernel into a virtual FS inside fat3206:16
ringgaAnyone knows why? I have similar grub settings as other kernels. Later I tried to make a initrd. But it doesn't work06:16
_jonblindx, gedit is a program\command06:16
blindxyes, i know that.06:16
echostormhey guys :) does anyone have a quick page gor installing codecs quick and easy? i need my flac and mp306:16
ringgaI have had ext2 and ext3 compiled in.06:16
blindxgedit is the command, to open the program06:16
misguidedblindx, lol, we're not talking about gedit specifically, i'm just trying to use it as a really shitty example of a problem06:16
_jonringga, Did you manually install the kernel?  Or through repos?  Because if you did it through apt-get install it should set up automatically06:16
blindxlol misguided. well you learn quickly, trying to tweak, in any case.06:17
jinhohow do I create a file in bash?06:17
ringgajon: I downloaded it from kernel.org06:17
KumoApostle^: it doesn't let me save it06:17
misguidedheh well that's why i'm here.06:17
icemanVSFH loanlin will load and run linux from fat32... but getting linux there .... always wants to install to ext2 "ect..."06:17
Apostle^Kumo: did you use gksudo gedit ?06:17
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_jonjinho, Umm, create what file?  You use a program to create a file...06:17
icemanVSFH i need a dos Installer ... :(06:17
ringgaI configured it myself and compiled. make xconfig, make, make install, make modules_install06:17
jinhoAdd the following lines to /etc/apt/preferences06:18
jinho(If this file doesn`t exist, create it.)06:18
jinho(Don't know how necessary it is, but it worked for me.)06:18
KumoApostle^: sudo gedit06:18
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_jonringga, Ah, any reason why you would bother? =\06:18
Apostle^Kumo: odd, try using root, sudo su06:18
jinho_jon: those were the very explicit instructions...06:18
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VSFHa dos installer... hmm.. why?06:18
blindxjinho: you could just make that file with a text editor.06:18
Gerenis there a reason for me to switch from fc5 to unbuntu ?06:18
_jonjinho, Ooo, gksudo /etc/apt/preferences or sudo nano -w /etc/apt/preferences06:18
resinjinho: open nano06:18
KumoApostle^: ok06:18
misguidedbut what i'm driving at is... is there no "right-click" or "shift-click" kind of functionality that will let you launch something from x instead of the terminal, get that graphical sudo "please type your password to run such-and-such" so that whatever you invoke from that has superuser privileges?06:18
icemanVSFH to get a intact directory map in fat32 ...06:18
_jonjinho, either way06:18
blindxor.. you could make the file with an echo command, but that gets tricky, and it's unnecessary06:19
ringgajon: I'd like a faster boot. And many modules comes with ubuntu are not useful.06:19
_jonjinho, When you open and save that file with stuff in it, it'll auto create.06:19
_jonblindx, K.I.S.S. as much as possible :)06:19
jinhoI see06:19
blindxK.I.S.S. ?06:19
jinhoyou guys are so great ^^06:19
_jonblindx, Keep it simple, stupid. (not meant to be offensive)06:19
icemanVSFH or a way to copy and reconfig "ubuntu" to fat3206:20
KumoApostle^: again the same problem06:20
blindxi just like to throw out alternatives :P06:20
misguidedblindx did you catch my msg above?06:20
VSFHyou're not going to get linux to act appropriately inside a fat32 filesystem06:20
blindxnah, must have missed it06:20
VSFHspecifically because fat32 sucks, and NTFS sucks more ;)06:20
KumoApostle^: I'm gonna create the file and them I'll move it to that folder06:20
VSFHWhy don't you just partition some space or get a new or use an old harddrive and dual-boot ?06:21
icemanVSFH winlinux 2003 ... but outdated ... i need new hardware support in the kernel06:21
misguidedblindx: damn, it was the whole reason we were talking about this!  [22:18]  <misguided> but what i'm driving at is... is there no "right-click" or "shift-click" kind of functionality that will let you launch something from x instead of the terminal, get that graphical sudo "please type your password to run such-and-such" so that whatever you invoke from that has superuser privileges?06:21
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blindxWell.. you could... add gksudo gedit to the applications list.06:21
blindxthen right click, run with other application06:22
Dr_Willisor make a launcher06:22
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Dr_WillisThen again.  once ya got stuff set up right.. you dont need to be doing root-ish stuff that much.06:22
misguidedheh but the whole point is that you might not know the console command offhand to launch whatever you're launching from x06:22
VSFHyou know what I just realized? You know you're a geek when on friday night, you have nothing to do, so you're downloading a new OS to install and play with.. sigh.06:23
Dr_Willismisguided,  thats why i dislike the use of the 'cute names' in the menus06:23
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resinVSFH: amen.06:23
tuxta2 trying to build a src deb, cant build because of dependency libavcodec1-dev, but I have installed libavcodec-dev ,  how can I get it to use libavcodec-dev instead ??06:23
Dr_Willismisguided,  ive often added a menu item, to the panels, jist so i can check its properties and see what its really running.06:23
VSFHbut, I take solace in the fact that i have not yet binded different uses for my keyboard LEDs.06:23
misguidedVSFH:  good point. heh since I can't get this to stop sassing me and compile, maybe I'll stop ditching and go meet up with my friends06:24
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Lukeif i have an amd athlon xp 2400+ should i use the kernel-image-k7 or the kernel-image-i686?06:24
icemanLuke K&06:24
KumoApostle^: I don't have the folder rc.d but I have rc0.d, rc1.d, rc2.d....06:24
VSFHLOL, I don't have anyone to meet up with, you definitely beat me on geekdom -- troubleshooting an install and blowing off your friends in one shot. lol.06:24
Lukeiceman: thanks06:24
blindxhow can I get my monitor to run at 1280x1024 screen resolution, without running the reconfigure thing, cause that doesn't work.06:24
icemanKumo there hidden06:24
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ubotuI guess fixres is Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:25
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icemanblindx yes it does, you just have to learn hor to reconfigure the resolution settings06:25
misguidedVSFH: true.  i've been putting off all my errands for most of the day too.  it's just so frustrating and it seems like it should happen right away as soon as I figure out what the crap is wrong...  but then I dont'.06:25
resinblindx: edit XF86Config-4 i think it is06:26
resini use xorg so i forgot06:26
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_jonblindx, You can edit it manually, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf  find where you see a list of resolutions...and add what you want there..06:26
icemanblindx when it ask about the resolutions to run in, you tell in t=no, and select your own for each screen setting ...06:26
VSFHmisguided: I'm guilty of the exact same thing -- I can't ever stand the idea that the computer, a machine, is smarter than me, or has beaten me06:26
JoetheoddHow can I make avi files play with aviplay by default instead of totem?06:26
_jonblindx, then restart X, if it fails, just sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf_backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf06:26
ringgajon: any ideas about my problem?06:26
Kumoiceman: I have comfirmed, no I don't have that /etc/rc.d06:27
VSFHNow, code, is something different altogether, but usually I can't stand not being able to get something to work06:27
_jonringga, Well, besides the fact that I don't suggest building your own kernel unless you have a real reason, try rebuilding it..and be sure have all the options correct..06:27
VSFHwhat all installs are you coming up with  ?06:27
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VSFHer, install errors  ?06:27
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icemanKumo cd /etc/rc.d/ try that06:27
Althulasis there dc++ for ubuntu ?06:27
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VSFHAthulas -- see if there's a DC++ for debian and start with that06:28
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misguidedI just can't get make convinced that I have the kernel source and am pointing it at it.  :S06:28
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Althulaswell linux in general06:28
fiendskull9hey guys06:28
Althulasim trying to get my step sister to switch06:28
Althulasand she needs it06:28
TecnoVM64Althulas, search ubuntuforums.org there's a post about how to install it (and yes, there is)06:28
Kumoiceman: yes, I don't have that folder06:28
VSFHathulas - yeah, there's DCGUI for one, I don't know about others cuz I've been off of it for almost 2 years06:28
Althulasthanbk you06:29
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fiendskull9what was Athulas trying to do?06:29
sethkmisguided, put the kernel where make is expecting it.  Most likely /usr/src/linux-2.6....06:29
TecnoVM64install DC++06:29
fiendskull9automatix does that, but automatix is crap06:29
VSFHI thought automatix was supposed to rock ?06:29
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TecnoVM64eh no06:29
Richow will i create and manage users in xubuntu?06:29
_jonVSFH, It screws up many installs.. =\06:29
ubotu[automatix]  unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.06:29
VSFH(I'm going on what I read off of pcworld -- I haven't gotten it downloaded yet)06:30
mbelgedhesis anybody here knowing config of ubuntu kernel ?06:30
_jonVSFH, I avoid it.  I'll just do my own installs for things I need.06:30
Plitskin2hi, why do I get this error message when installing JDK?06:30
_jonVSFH, For the easier stuff, but it has less options..try Easyubuntu06:30
misguidedwell it apparently expects a symbolic link, which i created.  and then that didn't work.  so i tried specifying the KBUILD variable on the command line and it still didn't work.  so i'm sitting here wondering if i even have the complete source... i downloaded and untarballed it from the repository...06:30
Plitskin2E: Couldn't find package java-package06:30
VSFHI thought that, just by the basic idea of it, but hey, if its open source, you never know how intelligent the code may be06:30
aloonwhats the easiest way to get ubuntu to be able to mount a second hard drive that is for storage and is already partitioned?06:30
VSFHor unintelligent... see Windows. :)06:30
fiendskull9the only reason i ever use it is for gamepad installer and easy way to install JRE06:30
blindxEven after editing my xorg.conf file, my resolution won't show.06:30
blindx :\06:30
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VSFHput it in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab... I don't remember which06:30
Kumoiceman: what can I do? can I reinstall something to have that folder?06:30
_jonblindx, Did you edit it correctly?  Why don't you pastebin your xorg?06:30
blindxI know my monitor can handle 1280x1024 though.06:31
_jonblindx, And .. also, did you restart Xorg?06:31
sethkmtab is a transient structure that goes away when you reboot06:31
blindx_jon: I edited it once, and it worked, but it was at 43hz06:31
blindxand was blinking. so i edited it again06:31
icemanKumo reading ... see what i can find out06:31
blindxand haven't been able to get it back to 1280 :\06:31
aloonsystemsettings shows the harddrive but it has no mount point06:31
_jonblindx, Ah.06:31
resinblindx: drivers installed? did you try a reboot?06:31
_jonblindx, Do you have the right drivers? yeah what resin said.06:31
VSFHI couldn't recall which one was dynamic and which one static06:31
fiendskull9aloon, open Gparted and find out what the device is named, and do sudo mount <device name, probably hdb or sda> /media/HD206:31
blindxyeah, I've rebooted a few times..06:31
_jonRic, What is the help needed for?06:31
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Kumoiceman: ok, thanks06:31
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blindxand no, i probably don't have the correct drivers.06:31
resinwhat about drivers though?06:31
resinwell thats your problem most likely06:32
aloonyes its hdb  thank you06:32
blindxi don't know what kind of monitor i have. it doesn't have any.. markings..06:32
Richow will i create and manage users in xubuntu?06:32
resinyou need drivers for your video card06:32
resinnot monitor06:32
fiendskull9aloon, np. i beleive there is a way to mount it every boot, hold on06:32
blindxit's an onboard.06:32
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_jonblindx, Not your monitor silly ;)  Monitors are for kids.  What kind of onboard?06:32
fiendskull9!tell aloon about ntfs06:32
mbelgedhesuseradd -m -g users,audio name-user06:32
icemanKumo try /etc/X11/rc.d06:32
aloonmy main question was how to get kde to see it as mountable06:32
blindxuh. i haven't a clue :x the computer's a dell06:32
fiendskull9read that link, and subsitute ntfs for whatever your file system is06:32
resinprobably intel then06:33
_jonblindx, What kind of Dell? You can google it :)06:33
fiendskull9aloon, oh, i dunno how to mount in kde.06:33
blindxit's black06:33
resinyea, google your dell model and look at specs06:33
blindxlmfao kidding06:33
blindxuh shit lemme find out what my model is.06:33
fiendskull9blindx, it should say on the power button, in an arch circle thing.06:33
icemanwho hass dell issue06:33
mbelgedhesDell known as a difficult branded PC06:33
VSFHAren't all dells one model? (target practice with a large caliber rifle)06:33
_joniceman, No one, we are just trying to figure out his graphics card ;)06:33
fiendskull9if your gonna do store bought linux pc, go with ibm or gateway06:33
aloonmount hdb06:33
icemanwhat card ?06:34
blindxdimension 3000, thanks fiendskull906:34
VSFHDell's arent as terrible as Gateway or the mother of all bitches, Aptiva06:34
Dr_WillisOr go to Monarch Computers and order one with Linux :P06:34
icemanonboard ...06:34
_jonVSFH, Hahaha, or a paintball gun, in the case of me :)06:34
Kumoiceman: no, I don't have it either06:34
fiendskull9Its most definately an Intel 8685G06:34
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resinyea, but search just to make sure06:34
_jonVSFH, Have you tried Acer?  That is, ... before they went out of buisness?  ... Aptiva is a queen compared to Acer...06:34
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fiendskull9iceman, if its an inspiron dell its gonna be an 8685G06:34
ruthalguien sabe de servers en espaol06:34
icemanwhat cpu in the dell06:34
VSFH_jon: my family used to run a computer shop (years ago) and my stepdad paid this couple to take their aptiva and back over it several times with an el camino06:34
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.06:34
fiendskull9ruth, no espanol.06:34
resinAcer went out of business?06:34
ruthya lo se06:34
mbelgedhesjust cat /proc/cpuinfo06:35
_jonruth, Por Favor usen #ubuntu-es06:35
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blindxum. now, the drivers from dell.com aren't gonna work, cause they're for windows. or will they? :\06:35
_jonresin, Well...maybe as a full computer maker06:35
_jonresin, I think they still make parts =\06:35
VSFHfrom google06:35
VSFHAcer Co. Ltd.06:35
VSFHAcer ranks among the world's top five branded PC vendors.06:35
fiendskull9blindx, intel.com06:35
fiendskull9blindx, support/download center06:35
_jonVSFH Ew ;(  They are back XD06:35
resinyea, i was going to say, i could of swore i seen acer products on newegg06:35
fiendskull9blindx, desktop motherboards.06:35
Kumoiceman: I have searched for a folder called that way in the system but I don't have any06:35
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_jonVSFH, resin, Perhaps I'm behind in the times... =\06:36
fiendskull9blindx, then do your model, then choose Debian, itll be there for GFX card06:36
_jonVSFH, resin, Well back in the day, we bought a 2,000 dollar Acer model, I don't know which one, and that thing was dead before it got out of the box.06:36
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VSFH_jon: Aptiva is the worst I ever found because of their minitowers -- have you seen these super minitowers now? they're marginally bigger than laptops.. I can't imagine how very irritating it must be to work on06:36
resin_jon: that sucks :/06:36
resinget your money back i hope?06:36
_jonresin, Yes sir :)  Marched it right back.06:37
CaminomasterDr_Willis: I found how to rip in k3b, HaHa, but was failed...06:37
CaminomasterSeems good06:37
_jonresin, Exchanged it for a compaq persario, (not much better but hey..)06:37
resinhehe, whatever works06:37
_jonresin, But now we are getting offtopic, so I digress.06:37
fiendskull9i just build my own computers06:37
Dr_WillisCaminomaster,  :P i recall having GRIP set where it would rip as i put in the cd's and spit them out... it ripped as fast as i could change disks06:37
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fiendskull9On topic peoples :P06:37
_jonNext Victim...I mean problem ;)06:38
icemani have run linux from a dell ... but i install tothe onboard card .. then install nvidia drivers and use the nvidia card i have added06:38
VSFHworst packaged PC ever -- AMD k5 450mhz with the 100 mhz bus, and 64mb ram.06:38
blindxUh, I have no clue what to do with this file, now.06:38
fiendskull9VSFH, my Teamspeak server is worse06:38
_jonblindx, What file is it?06:38
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blindxit's a tgz file.06:38
blindxi unpacked it06:38
blindxbut.. what goes where, how do i install drivers?06:38
VSFHHere's a question that I'm almost sure I have the answer to. My terrible modem in this terrible PC is not even a pci or isa modem.06:38
VSFHWhat's the likelihood that it will be supported?06:38
Dr_WillisVSFH,  whats left then?06:39
VSFH(Check out Via's VT8235 chipset to see what I mean)06:39
Gauwhat kind of modem IS it?06:39
_jonVSFH, Can pigs fly?  If so, it *might* be supported ;)06:39
Dr_Willisits an AGP modem? :P06:39
resinVSFH: slim to none?06:39
VSFHessentially, yeah06:39
fiendskull9VSFH, 64 bit mobo. amd 350mhz, 100mhz fsp. and came with 16 mb of ram. now at 32mb.06:39
_jonblindx, What is your graphics card again?06:39
fiendskull9VSFH, its name is Igor06:39
blindxit's an intel06:39
VSFHI figure I'd have better luck with a winmodem, since my external viking was stolen06:39
_jonblindx, What model?06:39
blindxi don't know *what* it is.06:39
_jonfiendskull9, lol, nice name.06:39
jedx23where can i download Nvidia graphics card drivers06:39
_jonblindx, What's your Dell model again?06:39
jedx23For linux06:39
fiendskull9_jon, my money is on Intel 8685G06:40
blindxdimension 300006:40
_jonfiendskull9 k.06:40
jedx23well i'm sure you know that lmao06:40
resinjedx23: nvidia.com06:40
fiendskull9!tell jedx23 about easyubuntu06:40
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VSFHfiendskull: The 1st pc I used exclusively was a 16 mhz (yeah) 386.. I think it had 16 megs of ram at the very end, but that's probably wrong06:40
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icemanmay not have support in breezy for that dell Mobo onboard card ...06:40
fiendskull9resin, thatll get him nowhere, i dont think they have them there06:40
jedx23ok they have drivers for my nvidia geforce 4 mx44006:40
resinyea, they do :)06:40
VSFHprobably more like 800 k, but I can't recall the end ramcount in my head, been too long ago06:40
fiendskull9resin, but hell have to compile them.06:40
_jonfiendskull9, I can't find anything on Intel 8685G =\06:40
fiendskull9jedx23, can you compile06:41
resinthat is true06:41
icemancheck intells website for the chipset ... and the check kernel support for the onboard card06:41
VSFHwhy oh why am I the last person on dialup?06:41
=== resin looks at jedx23
jedx23if there application available for linux and say red hat they work on ubuntu too right06:41
Richelp! how will i create and manage users in xubuntu?06:41
fiendskull9_jon, download center - Desktop Boards - 865 - 8685G(maybe b after G)06:41
fiendskull9hold on06:41
icemandialup ouch .. i got a 3gig up and down pipe on wireless internet06:41
fiendskull9iceburgh__, nice06:41
fiendskull9i get around 2-3 gig down, and 1 gig up06:42
VSFHI live in the middle of BFE for the time being.. no highspeed available but satellite06:42
fiendskull9i hate sattelite06:42
VSFHyet one of my clueless friends (tho many years my senior) has his own t3 line where he lives..06:42
icemanVSFH "move" .... :)06:42
VSFHDonated, even06:42
CaminomasterDr_Willis: I take it in mind... but I try one more time with K3b06:42
Dr_WillisRic,  could learn how to do it with the shell. :P 'adduser' 'deluser'06:42
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VSFHyeah, Vegas... and upgrade my pc. ;)06:43
resinmmm Vegas06:43
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fiendskull9_jon, http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=950&lang=eng06:43
CaminomasterDr_Willis: I like few programs in my PC, but if it don't work...06:43
VSFHdoes ubuntu utilize grub exclusively, or can I still use lilo?06:43
fiendskull9_jon, if its not that, then go back and choose 865 chipset - 8685GBF06:43
ubotufiendskull9: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:44
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fiendskull9VSFH, you can run a slackware mini install, go to menu, and choose install BootMGR06:44
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VSFHI hated slackware :/06:44
fiendskull9VSFH, the mini disk is like 150 mb.06:44
RicDr_Willis: aren't there any user management app (w/ gui) for xubuntu?06:44
jdsbluedevlI'm having some trouble with the sound on my Dapper Flight 6 system06:45
fiendskull9VSFH, you dont need to install it tho. it boots to a main menu. and you choose what operation to do. and just choose install boot manager. itll detect the stuff.06:45
jdsbluedevlas in I don't have any right now06:45
jdsbluedevlmy soundcard is SBLive CT478006:45
harisundHas anyone here used Mathematica? I am looking for some FSF equivalent in Ubuntu, which can do *symbolic* computations (no, Octave can't)06:45
Kumoiceman: any help?06:45
VSFHbleh, I loved my lilo. at least I won't have to use special boot args any more06:45
_jonfiendskull9, Umm, could you help blindx with 3d acel?  Because I haven't the slightest clue where to start =\06:45
_jonfiendskull9, I'm an ATI man :(06:46
icemanthe a application to unpackage a live cd to a full file system using win9806:46
jdsbluedevlit worked in Breezy, and it's broken in Dapper06:46
icemanKumo no idea whats in rc.d ?06:46
fiendskull9_jon, me neither really. I use ati radeon. but i dunno.06:46
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_jonfiendskull9, Same.06:46
Kumoiceman: no06:46
driggersharisund i've used maple 9.5 in fc306:47
driggersbut i couldn't tell you how to install it to save my life06:47
harisunddriggers: Yes, maple is pretty good too, but you can't apt-get that right? Isn't it proprietary?06:47
jdsbluedevldoes anyone know how I can fix my sound?06:47
icemanKumo what u need access to in rc.d06:47
harisunddriggers: maple is also what I use in school .. but I want to have some sort of a decent symbolic computation tool for Ubuntu06:47
driggersharisund, sorry i don't even know what apt-get is06:47
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ubotumethinks pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126906:48
driggersmaple is comparable (some say better) than mathematica06:48
harisunddriggers: ok don't bother. maple is basically not free..06:48
Dr_WillisRic,  i tend to install ubuntu, then kubuntu-desktop, then xubuntu-desktop.. then.... :P i dont know. of course I got 1 user.. (me) :P06:48
driggersneither is mathematica06:48
harisunddriggers: Yep, maple and mathematica are comparable, but they are not free..06:48
driggersmaybe u thinking of maxima?06:48
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harisunddriggers: maxima? what is that?06:48
Kumoiceman: I was planning to add a command there but I cannot find it06:48
_jonDr_Willis, xubuntu-desktop = Perfect for my P3.06:48
harisunddriggers: that doesn't sound like anything I have heard before?06:48
RicDr_Willis: yeah, same for me.. :p06:48
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Dr_Willis_jason,  i had gnome/ubuntu on my Pent1 - 100.06:48
jdsbluedevlhello, can anyone help me with my sound?06:48
Dr_Willisthe install took foreve.r. but it worked ok.06:49
linux_user400354what can i do to fix this problem? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227806:49
Dr_Willisnight all.06:49
icemanKumo trying to remember whats in rc.d ? folder ?06:49
driggersmaxima and mupad are both symbolic, i'm pretty sure harisund.  you can google them i guess06:49
driggersharisund one or both of them are free i think06:49
harisunddriggers: ah ha ! Thanks .. will check up on them.... yes, it looks like maxima is free..06:49
driggersisn't it a bit odd to have a single op bot?  i mean what if ubotu crashes?06:50
_jondriggers, A mod will restart him.06:50
harisunddriggers: you know what, a couple of days back there was a netsplit.06:50
harisunddriggers: and ubotu was indeed lost :D06:50
icemanKumo try /usr/X11/xinit/xinitrc ?06:50
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jdsbluedevlcan someone help me?06:50
misguidedOK, interestingly enough, I got ndiswrapper to compile and now the command does nothing at all...  "bash: /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper: /usr/bin/perl^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory"06:50
Kumoiceman: ok06:51
driggersharisund no troll took controll and banned everyone?  maybe that's not possible... anyway, way off topic06:51
harisunddriggers: join me in ubuntu-offtopic06:51
fiendskull9im out for awhile guys06:52
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Kumoiceman: I don't have it either06:52
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Ricxubuntu-desktop seems to lose the functionalities the original ubuntu system has.06:52
PwcrLinuxUbugtu is online as the bot06:52
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jdsbluedevlcan anyone read my messages?06:52
icemanKumo run MC and peek around ... i am tring to look at my Linux Complete book .. see what i can find ...06:53
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smith_agentany person speak spanish?06:53
Kumoiceman: ok06:53
harisundiceman and Kumo: Care if I join in? Your topic looks interesting?06:53
sarcasticusjdsbludevl, I can see you06:53
sarcasticusbut that doesn't mean much06:53
jdsbluedevlI was getting worried that nobody was acknowledging me06:54
bifodusi'm having a hard time mounting a mac os x network drive...is anyone familiar with doing that?06:54
icemanharisund np ... i cant find /etc/rc.d/ ?06:54
_jonsmith_agent, Por Favor usen #ubuntu-es por Espanol.06:54
icemanKumo u have network support ?06:54
jdsbluedevlmy OS is Dapper Flight 6, and my soundcard is SBLive06:54
harisundiceman: hang on .. let m check06:54
jdsbluedevland I have no sound06:54
jdsbluedevlwhat else do you need?06:54
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Kumoiceman: what exactly you mean?06:54
aloonwhats the easiest way to get kde to be able to mount a secondary storage drive that is partioned, it says it is hdb106:54
_jonjdsbluedevl, #ubuntu+1 for dapper06:54
_jonjdsbluedevl, np06:55
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sarcasticusbifodus, how have you set up the drive06:55
icemanKumo if you have a network card, you should have /etc/rc.d no network card, no need for it to install06:55
linux_user400354i did a "make check" before doing a "make install" to do a test. im getting some errors so i know the make install will not work. how can i fix it? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227806:55
Kumoiceman: yes, I think I have one06:56
harisundiceman, Kumo: I don't there even exists a /etc/rc.d in a Debian (or rather a Sys V based) system06:56
bifodusi haven't...i think maybe i've got the filesystem wrong...06:56
bifodusi was trying hfs06:56
harisundWhat are you looking for, iceman?06:56
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icemanharisund where does ubuntu put the network rc.d folder ...06:56
sarcasticusis the drive in an OS X box, or are you trying to access it from and OS X box06:57
PwcrLinuxlinux_user400354: did you burned onto CD?06:57
icemanKumo try /home/rc.d06:57
Kumoharisund: I cannot find that folder06:57
Kumoiceman: ok06:57
bifodusyeah, it's in an OS X box06:57
harisundiceman: If you are looking for networking commands, it is in /etc/init.d/networking and then there are simlinks to that in /etc/rc1.d , /etc/rcS.d ...06:57
bifodusa remote server06:57
linux_user400354pwcrlinux, no06:57
bifodusi'm doing 'sudo mount -t nfs host:directory mountpoint'06:58
icemanharisund figures Linux Complete out of date ... :(06:58
bifoduser, hfs instead of nfs, i mean06:58
bifodus(neither seemed to work, however)06:58
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PwcrLinuxlinux_user400354: Okay then install CD seem bad. try other install CD if you ordered a bundles..06:58
Kumoiceman: it doesn't exist06:58
icemanharisund he may need rc1.d06:58
harisundiceman: Hmm probably. But things are done differently on Ubuntu. There is a /etc/init.d foldeer06:58
harisundiceman: I agree.. rather he miht need rcS.d ..06:58
harisundwhere the scripts are execued any runlevel no matter what06:59
icemanharisund tell him try that06:59
icemanKumo try /etc/rcS.d06:59
KumoI do have that06:59
jedx_23How do i find files i download off of X-CHAT06:59
Kumoiceman: I do have that06:59
harisundKumo: Here's the deal. Every start up script is in /etc/init.d Depending on which run leve you are, scripts with S in them get started and scripts with K in them get stopped.06:59
imbrandonjedx_23: probbly in ~/.xchat07:00
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sarcasticusbifodus: I access a linux box from an OS X box (the opposite of you). I've found SMB to be the most desirable networking protocol.07:00
Kumoharisund: ok07:00
harisundhowever, scripts in /etc/rcS.d get executed (started or stopped) during boot time07:00
icemanKumo probably the Newer directory for newer linux distros ... lie the disaperance of the old xf86config .. now xorgconfig07:00
resinjedx_23: /home/<uname>/.xchat2/downloads07:00
bifodusdo i need to install any additional packages, sarcasticus?07:00
cppnewbiehey guys. i just installed ubuntu 64 bit but my repositories are messed up. what can i do to fix em? :)07:00
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sarcasticusbifodus: I have accessed my OS X laptop from the other way round using ftp07:01
imbrandoncppnewbie: just edit /etc/apt/sources.list07:01
wdennishappy easter everyone  <><07:01
cppnewbieimbrandon: and put what in them? thats the problem :P07:01
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resinnot easter yet wdennis :/07:01
_jonresin, He's gone :)07:01
PwcrLinuxalso, don't forget the .xchat is hidden dir :)07:01
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:01
resinyea, just noticed, heh07:01
bifodusthanks, sarcasticus...i'll try SMB and see if i have any problems07:01
icemanharisund rc.d was the network modules ... looks like ubuntu uses rcS.d ...07:01
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sarcasticusbifodus: my roommate says that you would need to make the user IDs identical on both systems to make NFS work07:02
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cppnewbieimbrandon: even when i start synaptic i get errors. or better, warnings.07:02
Kumoharisund and iceman: so it means that I should add the file that I want in that directory starting with s like s(number)rc.local?07:02
imbrandoncppnewbie: follow the link ubotu pasted07:02
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harisundKumo: I don't think there is a rc.local . What you should do is this:07:02
_joncppnewbie, The less popular backup the bear comes to mind here: "Remember kids, always cp yourself a backup before messing with repos :D" (sorry I can't be of more help)07:02
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DaskiesAnyone know of a good Java compiler for ubuntu?07:03
harisundKumo: Create a script, call it something that doesnt' start with either upper case S or upper case K and put it in /etc/init.d07:03
chiragim having a problem getting my audio to work when i play dvds07:03
chiragit works for all of my music07:03
PwcrLinuxOooo iceman's quitmsg.. lol07:03
bifodusyeah, they're actually the same...when i try nfs it hangs, which is different from everything else i've tried (and seems to be more promising)07:03
jedx_23I downloaded my graphics driver and I can't find that either half the stuff i downloaded was on the desktop Now  there aint07:03
bifodusbut it never actuallys mounts07:03
bifodusit just sits there07:03
chiragbut i was wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem and could possibly help07:03
cppnewbie_jon: i never messed with the repositories. even when i started synaptic from the first installation the sources.list was screwed up :|07:03
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harisundAnd then go to rcS.d and create a symlink to your original fine, like this "sudo ln -s ../init.d/script Sscript"07:03
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_joncppnewbie, From a fresh Ubuntu 64 bit install? =\07:03
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Kumoharisund: ok, so could be: /etc/init.d/rc.local07:04
cppnewbie_jon: ya07:04
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harisundKumo: I don't think that is going to work either.07:04
_joncppnewbie, That's not right  Have you taken a look through the sources.list file and made sure there's no obvious errors?07:04
DaskiesAnyone know of a good Java compiler for ubuntu?07:04
harisundKumo: It will have to be in /etc/init.d and then the folder rcS.d should only contain simlinks to the files in /etc/init.d07:04
DaskiesYeah repetition07:04
harisundDaskies: I blieve you could use Sun java itself. Else I think there are gcc java and something called black down java (pardon me if I am wrong)07:05
cppnewbie_jon: i took a look but im not so experienced in sources.list files :P i cant say if its right or wrong :|07:05
chiraganyone have a problem with audio on ubuntu?07:05
imbrandonwhat kinda error / warning are you getting?07:05
chiragi can hear the audio for regular mp3s but not for DVD movies07:05
_joncppnewbie, Can you paste bin it?  I'll look at it and attempt to see any obvious errors, no promises..oh yeah, and post any errors\warnings.07:05
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CaminomasterAnybody: Why I can't rip in k3b?07:06
_jonapt-cache search java | grep compile07:06
sarcasticusanyone, I would like to flash my dvd drive with binflash. Trouble is, it seems to be 404. I'm on AMD64, so I'm not even sure I could use it if I had it.07:06
cppnewbiewell _jon its in greek, does ur pc support the greek fonts? or could u even understand greek?07:06
cppnewbiei mean the errors/warnings07:07
Kumoharisund: honestly I'm kind of lost07:07
_joncppnewbie, No, I don't understand Greek =\  But you could post it anyways...see if I can anything out of it.07:07
_joncan get*07:07
harisundKumo: Yes, I expected that. Things arent going quite according to the book, are they?07:07
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Daskies_jon, W: Couldn't stat source package07:07
Daskies_jon, Nice error07:07
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harisundKumo: Ok what basically is it that you are trying to do? (Sorry, I wasn;t around earlier .. but I still think I can help you out... kinda :D)07:08
cppnewbiei think its a problem with the greek mirror repositories. if someone could gimme their sources.list it would get fixed. I THINK!07:08
_jonDaskies, Thanks ;)  --> try this link http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-143290.html07:08
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chiragDaskies: Can you help me out with a problem im having with sound on ubuntu07:08
_jonchirag, Just throw the problem out on the table...07:08
chiragi did07:08
_jonchirag, I missed it =\  Lemme find it07:09
chiragi get audio for mp3s07:09
harisundchirag: I think you will need some special DVD libraris.07:09
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chiragany idea where i can get them?07:09
chiragim new to this whole environment so im gonna need help on that07:09
harisundchirag: Are you sure you have the libdvdcss2 library (or something along those lines)07:09
_jonlibdvdcss2 sounds right07:09
chiragi dont think i do actually07:09
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)07:09
tchelocoany brazilian there?07:09
mooorhow do i get those lines in my text file with 5 columns only?07:09
chiragthanks alot07:09
Kumoharisund: ok, thanks for your patience, everytime I log in I have to activate my network in System, Administration, Network07:10
cppnewbie_jon: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227907:10
chiragthank you ubotu,_jon07:10
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chiragand harisund07:10
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mooorhow do i use awk or grep in getting only those lines inside a text file with 5 columns only?07:10
harisundchirag: No problem. Hope it works out. Kumo: What kind of a network is that? Wireless?07:10
Kumoharisund: when I activate it works fine but I don't know how to do it but default07:10
nomasteryoda|wcan I add a source that uses lanuchpad's repositories?07:11
Kumoharisund: not wireless07:11
_joncppnewbie, Yeah, your guess is as good as mine, What you said might be right, the Greek mirrors may not work...07:11
Kumoharisund: adsl07:11
moooror is it easier using sed?07:11
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jedx_23I still can't find that file07:11
jedx_23someone help me07:11
cppnewbiewell then, think i can get a working sources.list from somebody?07:11
harisundKumo: uh Oh, I am not too sure about ADSL.. Anyway.. hang on ..07:11
_joncppnewbie, It won't have Greek on the programs.07:12
sammomy ubuntu installation freezes at 77% when ttf-bitstream-vera is configuring in the install process07:12
cppnewbie_jon: i really dont give a damn :)07:12
Kumoharisund: ok07:12
_joncppnewbie, Well if it's a fresh install anyways ;), it might be easier to reinstall.07:12
_joncppnewbie, But I know there *must* be an easier way.07:12
harisundKumo: before anything at all, I am assuming you have asked Ubotu?07:12
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ubotuSetting up an ADSL PPPoE Connection? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ADSLPPPoE07:12
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cppnewbie_jon: it wont make any difference to reinstall. the sources.list was screwed up from the first moment :|07:12
jedx_23hey sammo07:13
Kumoharisund: no07:13
jedx_23Burn at a slower speed07:13
_joncppnewbie, But I mean select the "English" as default language.07:13
jedx_23worked for me07:13
dark_lighthow can i setup my ip on the local network? i have an ip for internet, but not an ip on local network (i think)07:13
dark_lighti want some config file or command or man page07:13
cppnewbie_jon: ah ya thats an idea. but y reinstall if all the thing is a sources.list ? :|07:13
harisundKumo: that webpage has given some neato instructions fr configuring adsl connectin. Would you like to check that out? It might just work, without your having any head aches. (Hopefully)07:13
sammoi have the legit cd, it installed on the laptop, but it wont install on my main box07:13
_joncppnewbie, Yeah, there's an easier way :|  I just don't know how to do it =\07:13
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cppnewbieif u got a working sources.list pastebin it and ill overwrite. except if its chinese language(the packages) or something07:14
Kumoharisund and ubotu: ok thanks, I'll try it now07:14
_joncppnewbie, Oo h wait!07:14
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_joncppnewbie, Check it out :)07:14
_joncppnewbie, http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:14
harisundKumo: Yes, please do (and I will pray it works out :D ) .. lets see ..I will be around for a while longer .. besides, you could always come back under the hope that some one might assist you again ..07:14
mooorany help for me?07:14
Kumoharisund: ok, thank you very much for your help07:15
sammoanyone else with another idea of how to fix installation?07:16
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cppnewbie_jon: what does it mean by 2 letter code of your country? :|07:16
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harisundKumo: don't thank me yet .... let's see if it works ..07:16
_joncppnewbie, Just type in "us" to get an English version that'll "hopefully" work.07:16
eggzeckmooor, grep -e 'PATTERNHERE'07:16
Kumoharisund: ok :)07:16
cppnewbieso it means like de,fr,nl,us and such stuff?07:16
_jonsammo, Reburn the CD slower.  If that doesn't work, redownload the ISO and burn it.07:16
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_joncppnewbie, Yes sir.07:16
axeshredderAnyone running dapper 6.06?07:17
mooorim not that familiar with -e 'PATTERN'07:17
mooorim sorry07:17
eggzeckmooor, oops I forgot to tell you to add the file name07:17
eggzeckmooor, example: grep -e 'why' filename07:17
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_joncppnewbie, Although I'd file a bugzilla about the Greek mirrors not working07:18
eggzeckmooor, that will print any line that has "why" in it07:18
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cppnewbie_jon: have no idea how to do that one :P07:18
eggzeckmoor, -e option is for advanced regexp07:18
sammo_jon could it be that i am running this on an athlon64 but the regular ver wont work, i might ned to get the 64 ver?07:18
eggzeckmooor, type 'man grep' to learn more :)07:18
moooryes im using -e07:18
mooorbut not for getting those lines with 5 columns07:18
mooorim reading it now i cant find the columns for -e or -E07:19
_jonsammo, I'm on an Athlon64 with 32 bit..works fine.07:19
_jonsammo, So no.07:19
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_jonsammo, Personally, I wouldn't advise the 64 bit. =\  It doesn't have Flash...nor Open Office 64 bit..07:19
_jonsammo, It's kind of a pain.07:19
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xiaoyuhow can i change my hostname07:20
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_jonubotu, tell xiaoyu about hostname07:20
cppnewbie_jon: it got errors again :|07:20
nqhi, what does this theme call: http://download.freshmeat.net/screenshots/54779.png07:20
Kumoharisund: are you there? I had a trouble output07:21
_joncppnewbie, Did you update the key?  as it said in the comments?07:21
harisundKumo: Yes. Could you post it somewhere perhaps?07:21
cppnewbiei just used what it had already :|07:21
bleakedxiaoyu. man hostname07:21
_joncppnewbie, Is it complaining about "keys"?07:21
bleakedor edit /etc/hosts07:21
cppnewbienot really. i even pastebined it but it appears in a very crappy way. want za link?07:22
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_jonxiaoyu, Check out what ubotu sent.07:22
Kumoharisund: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228207:22
_joncppnewbie, Yea07:22
sammo_jon thanx07:22
_jonsammo, No problem.07:22
cppnewbieit has stuff like &#942 in07:22
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chiragharisund: I still cant get the audio working for some reason on the dvd player07:22
_joncppnewbie, Eek =\07:22
jedx_23NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8756-pkg1.run How do i get it to work07:23
chiragi installed the package libdvdcss207:23
harisundKumo: I believe you may have to do it before going online (meaning you cant already be online when you do it)07:23
_joncppnewbie, Well, .. by now, I would've just reinstalled, =\  But there's got to be a better way, which kind of bothers me.07:23
harisundKumo: Either restart, don't go online, and try the command out, or simply switch off your connection and try it07:23
cppnewbiemate _jon where do ya live? tell me07:23
chiragharisund: I still cant get the audio working for some reason on the dvd player07:23
chiragi installed the package libdvdcss207:23
_joncppnewbie, United States. Yourself?07:23
Kumoharisund: what a fool, how could I turn my connection down with out rebooting? or I have to do it anyway?07:24
harisundchirag:: hmm... I am really sorry.. Could someone help chirag out too?07:24
cppnewbiegreece as u may have already guessed. so if u live in the us cant u give me ur sources.list? :|07:24
harisundKumo: I am really sorry, I am not sure with adsl. I would suggest try rebooting.07:24
_joncppnewbie, I'm using a 32 bit, I'm afraid it won't work.07:24
harisundKumo: Wait.07:24
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harisundKumo: How do you connect anyway?07:24
cppnewbieim not. someone gave me a 32 bit sources.list once here07:24
cppnewbieworked perfectly07:24
_joncppnewbie, Ah..ok...I'll give you mine.07:24
eggzeckI want to go to Greece, cppnewbie, you can use sourc-o-matic07:24
_joneggzeck, He said it didn't work.07:25
cppnewbieeggzeck: i already tried. it gives me some warnings07:25
eggzeck_jon, oh, I didn't see :)07:25
cppnewbiewhich i copy pasted and look like crap --> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228107:25
Kumoharisund: system, administration, network, I will do it that way, diactivating it, that was the way I got connected07:25
_joncppnewbie, Let me make you one real quick ;)  Tell me if it works, then I'll give you mine.07:25
eggzeckcppnewbie, paste the warnings07:25
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Kumoharisund: I'll be right back07:25
harisundKumo: Yes go ahead07:25
chirag_jon: i tried the package libdvdcss2_1.2.9-0.007:25
chirag_jon: and it still wont work07:25
chiragjon: i get audio when i play mp3s07:26
_jonchirag, Hmm, I'm not sure either to be honest...make sure nothing is blocking the sound...07:26
chiragjon_ ok thnx07:26
eggzeckwtf, I've never seen warnings such as that07:26
eggzeckOr maybe it's my system, but all I see is "&#940;07:26
_joneggzeck, I get the same.07:27
cppnewbieyea eggzeck07:27
eggzeck_jason, good, now I know I'm not alone :)07:27
cppnewbiethese are not the errors07:27
cppnewbieit just appears like it07:27
cppnewbieon the pastebin07:27
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jedx_23I need Some help with ubuntu07:28
jedx_23i can get my nvidia to install07:28
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jedx_23i downloaded linux driver07:28
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_jonhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12283 <-- cppnewbie, Try that.07:28
stramdoes gnome-sound-recorder even work?07:28
eggzeckcppnewbie, looks like your sources.list might be wrong07:28
_joncppnewbie, if it doesn't work, I'll give you mine..07:28
_joneggzeck, Yeah, his greek mirrors aren't working, so i'm trying to get him set up with a working English mirror source list...07:29
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_joneggzeck, Trying to avoid a reinstall.07:29
xiaoyuit seems that my "CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE" was  disabled ,how to enable it07:29
ike_tem algum brazileiro aki ?07:29
chirag_jon: which media player do you use to play dvds?07:29
nomasteryoda|wchirag, check the sound output server for the player.. should be oss or some such07:29
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.07:29
_jonchirag, xgine <-- I think?07:29
cppnewbie_jon: same thing. :|07:30
chiragnomasteryoda|w: ok ill give that a try07:30
_joncppnewbie, Any errors with "keys"?07:30
chiragnomasteryoda|w: which media player do you use?07:30
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jedx_23Witch File should i get linux ia32 ia6407:30
chiragnomasteryoda|w: im using VLC07:30
jedx_23My system is a 32bit07:30
_jonor the &2344 stuff?07:30
nomasteryoda|wor mplayer07:30
nomasteryoda|wwhich i like best07:30
cppnewbie        07:30
eggzeckcppnewbie, you're not editing the file with some rich text editor are you?07:30
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cppnewbiethats what it says07:30
mikebotanyone here play fsrisk>?07:31
cppnewbieand that means, impossible to find the status of the list of source packages. or something like that07:31
xiaoyuit seems that my "CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE" was  disabled ,how to enable it07:32
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alooncan anyone please tell me the commands to get a secondary storage harddrive (with files already on it) to be mountable by kde? KDE sees it but doesnt give it a mountpoint and im not sure what to type in fstab07:32
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cppnewbieeggzeck: whadda u mean rich text editor? :|07:33
_jonhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12284 <-- cppnewbie, Here's mine.07:33
jedx_23Well i recond i aint getting a driver for my linux07:33
jedx_23this sucks07:33
hahahahahaha!restricted formats07:33
ubotuI guess restricted formats is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats or 'codecs'07:33
cppnewbiewtf. this doesnt work either :|07:33
chiragnomasteryoda|w: I found that OSS thing in VLC media player07:33
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chiragnomasteryoda|w: I found that OSS thing in VLC media player07:34
chiragnomasteryoda|w: but what should i set its directory too?07:34
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chiragnomasteryoda|w: the audio_ts folder?07:34
nomasteryoda|wer, just sec07:34
_jonjedx_23, cd to where it is.. cdmod +x NVIDIAblahblah.run then sudo NVIDIAblahblah.run07:34
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cppnewbie_jon: maybe u mean chmod ? :|07:35
nomasteryoda|wchirag, needs to be alsa07:35
nomasteryoda|wnot oss07:35
chiragnomasteryoda|w: asla?07:35
sammoanyone know of a good app that i can use to burn the iso on ubuntu?07:35
_joncppnewbie, Err yeah07:35
chiragnomasteryoda|w: just type alsa in their literally?07:35
_joncppnewbie, I'm too tired to be giving support :P07:35
cppnewbiebut i dunno. urs doesnt work either07:36
_joncppnewbie, But I just noticed he left anyways. =P07:36
chiragnomasteryoda|w: sorry if that seemed like a dumb question but im new to all this07:36
_joncppnewbie, Umm, anyways, .. What I'd do, since you have a fresh install anyways..just reinstall.. Doesn't take too long.07:36
nomasteryoda|wlet me find the config setting07:36
harisund_jon: What is cppnewbie trying to do?07:36
_joncppnewbie, Because, to be honest, I'm flat out of ideas. =|07:36
cppnewbierofl it takes TOO long but anyway, thats not the point :)07:36
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cppnewbieharisund: restore the repositories. no sources.list worx07:37
harisundWelcome Kumo07:37
chiragnomasteryoda|w: because its asking for a specific directory07:37
chiragnomasteryoda|w: and i have no idea what to point it too07:37
_jonharisund, He has a greek install of AMD64 bit Ubuntu...the repos don't work (the greek mirrors I think are messed up), so I'm trying to think of a way to use English mirrors without reinstalling..but any source.list that he makes gives him errors...07:37
_jonharisund, But I'm flat out of ideas, so if you want to take over, that's fine.. =\07:37
Kumoharisund: hi, everytime I did the sudo pppoeconf I got connected as of course got the same output07:38
chiragnomasteryoda|w: because its asking for a specific directory07:38
nomasteryoda|wchirag, you can hand-edit the files in /etc/07:38
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nomasteryoda|wchirag, for mplayer that is07:38
aloonwhat are the terminal commands to get a secondary storage harddrive (with files already on it) to be mountable by kde? KDE sees it but doesnt give it a mountpoint and im not sure what to type in fstab07:38
nomasteryoda|wand the others players too07:38
nomasteryoda|wit is easier to do that way07:38
chiragnomasteryoda|w: ohhh i thought we were talkin about vlc07:38
harisund_jon: that's funny. So does his sources. cppnewbie: what is English mirror?07:38
nomasteryoda|wchirag, do you have mplayer07:38
nomasteryoda|wi know07:38
nomasteryoda|wlooking for that one too07:38
chiragnomasteryoda|w: yeah i have mplayery07:38
Kumoharisund: do you think I shall reboot and try again?07:38
harisundKumo: Hang on. Just a sec, let me get it clear.07:39
Kumoharisund: ok07:39
harisundKumo: You are not already online before using pppoeconf, are you?07:39
cppnewbieharisund: whadda u mean what is english mirror :P07:39
nomasteryoda|wok, well then use this.. ao=alsa,oss,sdl,esd,arts07:39
nomasteryoda|wchirag, thats in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf07:39
tonyyarussoharisund, _jon, cppnewbie: Are we sure it's a sources.list problem?  Maybe it's an apt or net connection one.07:39
harisundcppnewbie: Hang on, I will get you an URL .07:39
Kumoharisund: yes I wasn't online07:39
anto9usaloon, you can call it whatever you want as long as it's not reserved, see 'man hier' for list of linux directories, after editing your fstab type 'sudo mount -a' to enable it07:39
nomasteryoda|wchirag, edit using sudo gedit /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf07:39
cppnewbietonyyarusso: might be. how can i figure it out tho07:39
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chiragnomasteryoda|w: ok lemme give that a try07:40
_jontonyyarusso, take it, I'm leaving anyways.  cppnewbie, Good luck. :)07:40
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tonyyarussocppnewbie: First off, can you ping the sites listed in your sources or go to them in a browser?07:40
aloonkde sees it as hdb07:40
cppnewbiehttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy-updates_main_binary-amd64_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)07:40
cppnewbieone of the errors i get07:40
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blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?)07:41
cppnewbietonyyarusso: i didnt even try it :)07:41
anto9usaloon, yes, that's the device not a partition and mount point07:41
chiragnomasteryoda|w: once i open the mplayer.conf file what should i edit?07:41
harisundcppnewbie: I would suggest first ensurig you have an internet connection (as he has pointed out)  and second using this to get a working souces.list http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:41
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nomasteryoda|wchirag, scroll down to audio settings07:41
cppnewbieharisund: i already tried source-o-matic07:41
harisundKumo: Now I am at a loss..sorry ... anyway, what is it that you do otherwise to get your internet started?07:41
nomasteryoda|wit should say07:41
anto9usaloon, you need to allocate a mount point to the partition on the hdb device07:41
cppnewbieand if i didnt have an internet connection how would i be here :S07:41
aloonthats my question how to do that07:41
chiragnomasteryoda|w: k07:41
tonyyarussocppnewbie: That, and the us mirror isn't reliable either.  :P07:41
harisundcppnewbie: Then I strongly believe tonyyarusso is correct. But apparently you have internet since you are on IRC07:41
chiragnomasteryoda|w: im there07:41
nomasteryoda|wchirag, should say ao=alsa,oss,sdl,esd,arts07:42
alooni want to call it just storage07:42
nomasteryoda|win that order07:42
nomasteryoda|wthat is the default i think07:42
aloon<anto9us> how do i allocate it?07:42
Kumoharisund: I turn it on in system-administration-network07:42
anto9usaloon, give me a second, I'm finding a help page for you07:42
aloonthanks alot in advance07:43
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tonyyarussocppnewbie: Also, you could test whether apt itself was okay by trying to fetch an extra non-default package off of the install CD, like build-essential for example.07:43
chiragnomasteryoda|w: it only says 'ao=alsa"07:43
blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?)07:43
chiragshould i edit it to what you said?07:43
chiragnomasteryoda|w: should i edit it to what you said?07:43
harisundKumo: oh. that's bad (for me) since I don't really know how system-network-manager works.07:43
nomasteryoda|wthat is ok, but if you add the others then you are covered if alsa does not work07:43
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Kumoharisund: or I can get connected using the previous kernel07:43
AngryElfhey all, i'm trying to set up my home directory so it's shared across a couple boxes.....problem is, if i use the home directory from one box on another I can't open any apps....username, uid are all the same, what do i need to change?07:44
chiragnomasteryoda|w: ok did that07:44
chiragnomasteryoda|w: it should work in mplayer now?07:44
anto9usaloon, there's information here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions07:44
harisundKumo:Hmm..let's see, if we knew the command line options to get connected we could write a script that starts at runtime07:44
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nomasteryoda|wchirag, yes07:45
Kumoharisund: ok07:45
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patrick52222wats the command to install .deb files07:46
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs07:46
ubotuI guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736807:46
chiragnomasteryoda|w: audio still doesnt work07:47
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chiragnomasteryoda|w: i dont really like mplayer much any idea how to get the audio to work in vlc?07:48
Kumoharisund: Aploste recommended me to add ifconfig eth0 up to /etc/rc.d/rc.local, the problem was that I don't have that folder07:48
chiragnomasteryoda|w: or totem player07:48
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harisundKumo: can you post the output of /etc/network/interfaces file contents somewhere?07:48
harisundKumo: That file tells what to do with network interfaces on DHCP07:48
harisundKumo: I mean on boot time07:49
Kumoharisund: ok07:49
chiragnomasteryoda|w: i dont really like mplayer much any idea how to get the audio to work in vlc?07:49
chiragnomasteryoda|w: or totem player07:49
Kumoharisund: here you are http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1227607:49
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harisundKumo: Is eth0 your DSL connection?07:50
Mendgood morning everybody!07:50
harisundKumo: That could be a problem. You see your machine thinks it should be connected to a DHCP server,which is not the case.07:50
monsterbpatrick52222: having problems installing Nvidia drivers?07:50
harisundKumo: What I am trying to do is find out how to configure an interfaces file for dsl .07:50
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Kumoharisund: ok07:51
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chiragI am having a problem with my audio07:52
chiragits not working for my dvds07:52
chiragbut it works when i play mp3s07:52
chiraganyone have any suggestions?07:52
harisundHang on Kumo. I am trying todo some searching07:52
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Kumoharisund: ok07:53
varsmplayer DVD isn't working it gets to cache fill to 19.57%   and then it hangs   what gives?07:53
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chiragvars: did you ever get the audio to work when playing dvds?07:54
jmoncayodoes somebody know what is rpc3 and rpc5 for?07:54
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chiragvars: can you help me out with that?07:54
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chiragvars: my audio works for music mp3s but not when i play dvds for some reason07:55
ChairmanKagaare you using oss or alsa or esd?07:55
ChairmanKagaand what program are you using to play the dvds07:55
chiragim using vlc player07:55
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varschirag, restart your computer and then try to paly a DVD ( the sound card gets locked up and then it needs to be un locked07:56
harisundKumo: You say you are getting the same errors after rebooting, even before going online?07:56
chiragChairmanKaga: and im not too sure which drivers im using07:56
xwinghi all. I managed to get nvidia binary drivers working with X, but everytime i reboot X tries to use the 7174 drivers (and fails) instead of 8756. However, after I re-compile the 8756 X works fine. How can I fix this?07:56
Kumoharisund: no, I haven't tried that yet07:56
harisundKumo: Ok, after restarting, make sure you don't have internet.07:56
harisundKumo: try pinging some website and ensuring you don't have internet.07:56
chiragChairmanKaga: my audio works for mp3s but not dvds07:56
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blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?)07:57
Kumoharisund: I'm gonna try to see what happens07:57
harisundKumo: And then try in general opening a web page to make sure you don't have internet.07:57
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harisundKumo: And if possible, save the output of ifconfig (before going online)07:57
chiragChairmanKaga: and I am using vlc media player07:57
chiragChairmanKaga: you think i should restart my computer?07:57
harisundKumo: When you are *100%* sure you are not online07:57
harisundKumo: Try pppoeconf07:57
Kumoharisund: ok07:57
harisundKumo: are you still there?07:58
nomasteryodachirag, i have it07:58
Kumoharisund: I'll be right back07:58
harisundKumo: hang on. Just a second. don't reboot07:58
nomasteryodachirag, you need to do this... as root07:58
Kumoharisund: ok07:58
nomasteryodachirag, in terminal... type alsamixer and then using arrows adjust sound for video07:58
sammowhats a good app to burn an iso? i need to burn the ubuntu iso again and got rid of windows07:58
harisundKumo: Edit (as sudo) your /etc/network/interfaces file07:59
nomasteryodai had to do it for my swf stuff in firefox just now07:59
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chiragnomasteryoda: ill give that a try07:59
chiragnomasteryoda: for video?07:59
chiragnomasteryoda: i dont think i have a video adjustment knob07:59
nomasteryodathe sound you want right?07:59
chiragnomasteryoda: but lemme double check07:59
AAAsammo  k3b07:59
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harisundKumo: Make it match this file here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228608:00
Kumoharisund: ok08:00
chiragnomasteryoda: yes i want sound for movies08:00
harisundKumo: basically comment out the last 2 lines. The iface line and the auto line08:00
nomasteryodaso is that option there on alsamixer?08:00
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harisundKumo: Got that?08:00
chiragnomasteryoda: it should say video?08:01
nomasteryodaer, mine does08:01
chiragnomasteryoda: if so, then there isnt08:01
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nomasteryodain the terminal version not gui08:01
AAAnomasteryoda  alsa has the master volume muted by default, just use alsamixer and turn the master up08:01
chiragnomasteryoda: yea im in the terminal version08:01
Kumoharisund: yes, so those lines won't be read08:01
chiragnomasteryoda: maybe thats my problem08:01
nomasteryodaAAA, yea08:01
xwingany idea how I can remove the 7174 nvidia binary driver? I have installed 8756 but X seems to take 7174 as default due to which gdm fails (error is driver mismatch)08:01
harisundYep. DHCP is suspicious, I don't like it for a dsl connection08:01
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nomasteryodachirag, turn all up except mic08:02
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nomasteryodaabout 75%08:02
cdmbhshi, can someone please refresh my memory on the command to mount an ntfs drive (im using a live cd to recover info from windoZe) ... thanks08:02
chiragnomasteryoda: ok08:02
chiragnomasteryoda: one sec08:02
AAA mount -t ntfs /dev/hdX /mnt/foo08:02
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chiragnomasteryoda: k did that08:03
AAAiirc it will mount it ro use mount -t -o rw ... to make it writeable (UNSTABLE)08:03
SmerityCuriously, in Synaptic, when an app has an ubuntu logo next to it, what does that mean? Is it supposed to be installed by default...? It just doesn't say and I'd like to know =)08:03
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monsterbHow do I remove the Ubuntu branding from Gnome? I want the Gnome foot back in my life. :)08:03
jmoncayohow can i know my battery status??08:04
nomasteryodachirag, now as normal user run your player from commmand line with file pasted as the run option08:04
cdmbhsugh, whats the fake root password for live cds? (btw thanks chirag)08:04
cdmbhsi mean AAA08:04
nomasteryodachirag, that way you can see if there are any errors08:04
nomasteryodait will tell you08:04
Kumoharisund: I haven't realized but now I got 2 more lines in that files: iface dsl-provider inet and ppp08:04
Kumoprovider dsl-provider08:04
harisundaha. that's interesting.08:04
harisundKumo: can you post it again?08:04
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chiragcdmbhs: i have no idea08:05
Kumoharisund: sure, a second08:05
harisundKumo: I expected you would get it after doing a pppoeconf. Hang on I have to disconnect and reconnect08:05
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AAAjmoncayo  it depends on whether it is apm or acpi, there are tons of tools or you can just look ath the /proc entry08:05
Kumoharisund: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228708:05
blindxAny recommendations on a VCD burning program? (that can handle avi's?) >_>08:05
Kumoharisund: yes I think it changed after that08:06
chiragnomasteryoda: oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)08:06
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AAAblindx  vcd's and svcd's are mpg files, you will have to convert it regardless08:06
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chiragnomasteryoda: oss audio output error: cannot open audio device (/dev/dsp)08:07
Concretesledgehey my ubuntu connec just quit working08:07
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ChairmanKagachirag, try following this FAQ08:07
harisundsorry Kumo. Did you post?08:07
AAAchirag  make sure you are in the audio group (id) and that /dev/dsp actually exists08:07
ChairmanKagathat one ^^08:07
seba_89does somebody know how to play mp3 on ubuntu?08:07
Kumoharisund: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228708:07
ConcretesledgeWhat is the command to restart servicecs08:07
ChairmanKagait's how i got my sound working properly08:07
frank23how would I move files in different subdirectories   ./dir1/*  ./dir2/*  etc  in one directory?08:07
driggerswhats a good ubuntu book?  is that the best way to familiarize myself with my new system?  i'm new to linux as well08:07
AAAConcretesledge  /etc/init.d/<service name>08:07
ConcretesledgeAAA what is it for dhcpnetwork ?08:08
Concretesledgebreezy badger08:08
Kumoharisund: it changed after the pppoeconf08:08
harisundKumo:: I would expect that.08:08
AAAfrank23  mv dir1/* dir2/* dir3/* new_dir_with_all_files/08:08
monsterbHow do I remove the Ubuntu branding from Gnome? I want the Gnome foot back in my life. :)08:08
chiragAAA: dev/dsp doesnt exist08:08
AAAConcretesledge  what are you trying to do08:08
harisundKumo: You know what, just try to comment out the line that has the word DHCP in it.08:08
chiragAAA: but what should it be pointing to?08:09
frank23AAA: yes but how to do it automatically for all dir?08:09
Kumoharisund: ok08:09
AAAchirag  ls -l /dev/dsp* what does that say? is your sound driver loaded?08:09
ConcretesledgeAAA i just want to try and restart the internet connection, it worked for a few days, then suddenly stopped08:09
harisundKumo: Do you see what I am saying? Something like this. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228808:09
vskyeseba_89: go to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and read.08:09
AAAfrank23  you want to move dir1-3 to a new subdir?08:09
chiragAAA:crw-rw----  1 root audio 14,  3 2006-04-14 13:38 /dev/dsp08:10
chiragcrw-rw----  1 root audio 14, 19 2006-04-14 13:38 /dev/dsp108:10
harisundKumo: You may want to try that and restart and see if it works?08:10
AAAConcretesledge  well, /etc/init.d/network restart will restart the service08:10
AAAchirag  and are you in the audio group? id  <-- will tell you your groups08:10
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frank23AAA: dir1, dir2, dir3 have random names and there are lots of them. I need to put all thoses files in one directory08:10
Kumoharisund: sure, I'll reboot right now08:10
harisundKumo: And don't forget to pray too08:11
hahahahahahaflawless install into dell inspiron 820008:11
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hahahahahahavery impressive08:11
harisundAre there are any MAC users? Do they know of any Ubuntu applications that shows me all Windows, like F11 does on a Mac08:11
AAAfrank23  ok find /home/frank23 -name dir* -exec mv {} newdir \;08:11
Kumoharisund: sure, I'll do it08:11
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chiragAAA:uid=1000(chirag) gid=1000(chirag) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),30(dip),44(video),46(plugdev),104(lpadmin),105(scanner),106(admin),1000(chirag)08:12
AAAfrank23  oops, you need also -type d08:12
sockpuppe1how can I get the latest openoffice on breezy (2.0.2)08:12
chiragAAA: yea i guess that means im in the audio group08:13
anto9usharisund, compiz+xgl does it08:13
AAAapt-get install openoffice.org08:13
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harisundanto9us: really? That's cool. Has anybody dared to install Compiz on Breezy yet?08:13
FlannelKingsockpuppe1: breezy comes with OOo208:13
AAAchirag  yeah, is your audio driver loaded? lsmod |grep snd08:13
=== FlannelKing doesn't think compiz will work on breezy.
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anto9usharisund, I believe so, search the ubuntu wiki/forums08:14
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mbelgedheshi all folks08:14
harisundanto9us: ok thanks. I am going to have a look ..08:14
AAAchirag  when you run alsamixer it gives you that error?08:14
chiragAAA: which error?08:15
sockpuppe1tonyyarusso thank you08:15
AAAchirag  about /dev/dsp not existing08:15
harisundPeople this update-manager is really really annoying. Kind of reminds me of Windows. How can I switch it off completely so that it doesn't start on reboot?08:15
patrick52222im havin errors installin stuff  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:15
chiragAAA: ohhh im sorry i dont get that error08:15
chiragAAA: i think we are thinking two different things08:15
AAAchirag  ok, so what is it that is not working for ya ?08:16
chiragAAA: what the problem is is that my audio is working for my mp3s and all my music08:16
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chiragAAA: but once i pop in a DVD it doesnt work08:16
FlannelKingpatrick52222: what's your sources list look like?08:16
chiragAAA: so it works for music but not for DVDS08:16
AAAchirag  ah, is your audio cable plugged in to the dvd player to the sound card?08:16
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nomasteryodachirag, is the audio player off/unloaded?08:16
patrick52222flannelking:wat do you mean08:17
tonyyarussoharisund: It's in the Synaptic preferences.08:17
chiragAAA: yea my dvd player is connected through usb08:17
AAAchirag  if the dvd plays, and you can adjust the sound, it bet you a dollar you cable is not hooked up proper08:17
mbelgedhesharisund, try to check /etc/rc2.d08:17
AAAchirag  OH, that is another ball of wax then08:17
harisundtonyyarusso: Synaptic? Ah that's why I couldn't find it . I have never used Synaptic. What would the command name be mbelgedhes?08:17
chiragAAA: hahahaha well maybe i should try my internal dvd player then08:18
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tonyyarussoharisund: System > Administration > Software Properties will get you there quickly too.08:18
frank23AAA: ok. thanks. I didn't need -type d . Not sure what it was for08:18
AAAchirag  do you know if it works the way it is set up now in winders? I have never played with usb dvd players08:18
mbelgedhesscrip under that dir is link to /etc/init.d that run at boot time08:18
chiragAAA: u mean in windows?08:18
AAAfrank23  man find.... -type d  d=directory =p08:18
AAAchirag  yah08:18
chiragAAA: yea it works great in windows08:19
harisundmbelgedhes: Yes, but there is no update-manager script. I have removed most of my scripts to increase boot time.08:19
mihai_What port under 1024 I can use for torrent?08:19
harisundI mean, speed up boot time.08:19
tonyyarussoharisund, mbelgedhes: I don't think it's an init script, a cron job rather.08:19
harisundTonyyarusso: Ah. That makes sense.08:19
tonyyarussoMine runs at 7:35 AM every day.08:19
harisundSystem > Administration > Software Properties: Couldn't find it?08:19
AAAchirag  ok, sounds like a driver issue with the usb stuff, I have no clue sorry.  unplug the device, plug it back in and type dmesg at the prompt. maybe you will find a clue there08:19
patrick52222hoe do i view my source list08:19
FlannelKingharisund: that's a menu/GUI thing, not a command.08:19
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harisundpatrick52222: "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"08:20
anto9usmihai_, ports below that are root only08:20
AAAmihai_  any port you set up properly, but why use trusted ports for that?08:20
harisundFlannelKing: I know but I am not able to find anything like that in my Administratin08:20
ice1016newbie here?????...need some help08:20
chiragAAA: im gonna give my internal drive a try08:20
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mihai_the ISP blocked every port you could imagine08:20
chiragAAA: ill let you know how that works out08:20
FlannelKingharisund: Synaptic Package Manager?08:20
mbelgedhesif it's a cron job, check /etc/cron.daily08:20
AAAchirag  cool08:20
mihai_and I need to find another one that works so I can use bittorent08:20
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tonyyarussoharisund: Okay, then try opening Synaptic, then Settings > Repositories, click Settings, and you'll see it.08:21
mbelgedhesor some kind of that08:21
Concretesledgevcpu-0:ASSERT devices/vide/vide.c:2264 bugNr=1219008:21
patrick52222flannelking:here my source list   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229008:21
harisundmbelgedhes: Will do it. FlannelKing: Got it. Am having a look. Thanks a ton08:21
CpuWhizis there a way to only use a specific from dapper, i want to use my bluetooth headset08:21
Concretesledge*** VMware Workstation internal monitor error ***08:21
CpuWhizspecific package08:21
mihai_guess I can't use 8008:21
ice1016just installed the "install" cd on my laptop.Can anyone gimme some tips on how to get my desktop to run?08:21
AAAmihai_  then you may be SOL. you should still be able to leech with the current setup, just not seed08:21
anto9usmihai_, I wouldn't recommend running bittorrent as root, try 808008:21
mihai_anto9us, 8080 is closed too08:22
chiragAAA: it doesnt look like the sound is working for my internal drive either08:22
AAACpuWhiz  you want to 'pin' an apt check google and man apt-get for more details08:22
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CpuWhizok, i will look that up08:22
anto9usmihai_, hmm... bittorrent is client server anyway isn't it? surely the ports are dictated by the server08:22
CpuWhizto be honest i normally use gentoo and i am sick of compiling everything08:22
Plitskin2whew finished installing Java...08:22
Plitskin2anyone else having a hard time?08:22
AAAchirag  did you adjust the volume for the cd-drive? try just putting all the volume's on max and see what happens08:22
harisundtonyyarusso: My Synaptic Settings->Preferences has nothing related to auto update?08:23
mbelgedhescan anybody tell me how to switch off synch time to ubuntu server ?08:23
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mihai_can I use azureus through a proxy?08:23
tonyyarussoharisund: Settings > Repos > Settings08:23
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chiragAAA: i think i am missing a ton of dependencies08:24
doubletwistAnyone gotten a MS Intellimouse to work with side buttons and scrolling in Dapper? [or point me to working info on it?] 08:24
AAAmbelgedhes  /etc/init.d/ntpdate stop you may want to also remove it from your startup scripts :: update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove08:24
harisundtonyyarusso: Oh repos. Really sorries. I should have checked.08:24
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AAAchirag  for what?08:24
chiragAAA: so im gonna go through and install everything08:24
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mbelgedhesthx AAA,08:24
sockpuppe1tonyyarusso is this 2.0.1 or 2.0.2?08:24
chiragAAA: libdvdcss208:24
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FlannelKingpatrick52222: try installing those packages (the ones that gstreamer-mad depends on) individually.08:24
mihai_I think I ran out of solutions08:24
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chiragAAA: while im at it do you have any idea how i could get my cd eject buttons to work under ubuntu08:24
mihai_tryed every possible port I can imagine08:25
tonyyarussosockpuppe1: I think it should work for any.08:25
AAAchirag  if that wasn't working you wouldn't even get video. can you adjust the volume when you play the dvd?08:25
ConcretesledgeNOW it wont even boot08:25
AAAchirag  eject -r08:25
FlannelKingchirag: that's in easyubuntu, so you could check their script ;)08:25
chiragAAA: yes i can adjust the volume08:25
varsdoes anyone know why mplayer stops once 20240 bytes are cached?08:25
chiragAAA: but there is no volume to adjust08:25
sockpuppe1tonyyarusso 2.0.1-0breezy1... I can deal with this08:26
harisundwhois Kumo08:26
harisundHow do I check if someone is online?08:26
AAAchirag  just for fun, try playing the dvd as root (with mplayer if it is installed)08:26
harisundin IRC I mean?08:26
vars204800 bytes08:26
FlannelKingput a slash infront /08:26
anto9usharisund, /msg nickserv help info08:26
AAAchirag  what do you mean? does it not let you change it in your media player?08:26
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patrick52222flannelking: nope cant find and install the things it needs08:27
harisundAh thanks anto9us. I was helping Kumo fix his adsl to get cnncted on boot, and he said he would reboot. So I was wondering whteher he was back online08:27
Plitskinhey is there any issues regarding installing Ubuntu on SATA 2 drives?08:27
anto9usharisund, !seen <nick> also works in many channels that have a bot08:27
AAAvars  what are you trying to play and did you give it the -cache argument?08:28
chiragAAA: well i can change the audio level in the media player but i dont hear anything anyways so its useless08:28
FlannelKingpatrick52222: no idea, sorry.  Someone else here might be able to help you.08:28
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harisundanto9us: ok .. thanks08:28
harisundKumo. Welcome back. Any luck?08:28
chiragAAA: i could put the audio on full volume and still not hear anything08:28
AAAchirag  it really sounds like something is not hooked up on the hardware end to me08:28
patrick52222im havin errors installin stuff  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:28
varsAAA, a DVD and i gave it no arguments08:28
chiragAAA: im pretty sure its not that cuz it works in windows just fine08:28
varswhat is the -cache argument?08:28
patrick52222here my source list   http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229008:29
Kumoharisund: hi, the same output08:29
AAAvars  try mplayer dvd://1 -cache 818608:29
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AAAchirag  what sound card?08:29
Kumoharisund: this time when I wanted to activate the connection it said that wasn't configured08:30
AAAvars  is mplayer reading the crypt at the begining?08:30
harisundKumo: Same output would mean you are trying to get connected at the beginning. That shouldn't be happening.  Hmm... I am really sorry why we are not able to get it working ... WHAT DID IT SAY? How did you get it to work then?08:30
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varslibdvdread: Get key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_11_1.VOB at 0x003e199308:31
varslibdvdread: Elapsed time 008:31
vars is that whgat you mean?08:31
AAAchirag  do have mplayer installed?08:31
bintuthello all...08:31
AAAvars  you need libdvdread308:31
DBOhello bintut08:31
Kumoharisund: I set configure, then I picked up dhcp and got the connection08:31
Concretesledgetried to share windows drives with it08:31
Concretesledgeand the internet goes down.. nice08:31
harisundKumo: You picked up DHCP and it worked? Are you sure you are even on adsl?08:31
AAAvars  er, is it giving error? or jsut reading it then not playing? how fast is your cpu?08:32
varsi have a 1.4 celeron08:32
Kumoharisund: I think so, it uses the telephone line08:32
patrick52222im havin errors installing stuff like mp3 formats and other packages here the problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:32
CaminomasterSomeone who uses grip08:33
AAAvars  ok is dma turned on your dvd player? sudo hdparm -d08:33
harisundKumo: You know what we must be doing then? I am going to give it one last shot, else I am just going to apologize to you for wasting your time all together. Post me your current /etc/network/interfaces08:33
Kumoharisund: and the output of the ifconfig here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229108:33
harisundKumo that is what srprises me. That is the output of ifconfig before cnnecting right? What is the current ifconfig output?08:33
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Kumoharisund: let me see08:34
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Dusthi guys08:34
DustI'm a beginner. help me. my system broken. error: can't access tty08:35
DBOhi Dust08:35
livingdaylighthi, can one configure panel and menu size in gnome like one can in kde?08:35
AAAharisund  did you bring that interface up? ifconfig ppp0 up08:35
mbelgedheshi too Dust08:35
Dusthow can I do?08:35
DBODust, when do you get that error?08:35
AAADust  what serial device are you working with?08:35
Dustjust boot08:35
harisundAAA: That was before the interface was brought up. I wanted to make sre it was not configured, so that pppoeconf could be used.08:35
Kumoharisund: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229208:35
DustI'm using virtual PC. parallels workstion.08:35
FlannelKinghmm.  Anyone know why the latest update is installing python-vte? (the update of update-manager)08:36
mbelgedhes error: can't access tty --------------> did u edit /etc/inittab ?08:36
varsAAA, i don't know what is going on.08:36
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varswith my mplayer   ahh i'm going to go to bed, i used that dvd player last week08:36
varsCaminomaster, are you talking to me?08:37
Kumoharisund: my "new" /etc/network/interfaces file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229308:37
AAAvars  well, does it ever play the dvd? you can add -v to mplayer to get verbose output08:37
Dusthow do I edit? /etc/inittab?08:37
patrick52222im havin errors installing stuff like mp3 formats and other packages here the problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:37
DBODust, is this a virtual install or a real install?08:37
anto9us!tell Caminomaster about ask08:37
AAAvars  mplayer is the very best media player!!!08:37
Dustvirtual Pc..08:37
DBODust, hmmm, I dont know enough about virtual PC to get access at that "hard drive" from another OS...08:37
AAADust  what are you trying to accomplish? do you want to throw a term to a serial device via getty?08:37
varsAAA i agree   but i don't know what i've doen in the last few days to break it?08:38
varsi have used GRIP08:38
AAAvars  did you build from source or from .deb?08:38
mbelgedheswhat do u mean with virtual PC ? Ubuntu being guest OS for other OS ?08:38
livingdaylightI'm confused; my 17in. AOC (model7VLr) has resolution 1280x1024 yet ubuntu only looks sensible set at 1024x768. Why is that, please?08:38
varsAAA would taht have broken it08:38
varsAAA apt-get08:38
harisundKumo: That looks like the DHCP section is just added in whether you like it or not. What I would is try this for one last time: Delete everything including and beyond line 14 in your http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12293 Then restart. You should have no internet whatsoever. Good. Then just do an pppoeconf and let it take care (do not use the gnome network manager) and from thatpoint on everything should be fine.08:39
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anto9uslivingdaylight, you may need to set monitor timings in /etc/X11/xorg.conf08:39
AAAvars  ok. just curious. I would m ake sure dma is on, sudo hdparm -d (add 1 to turn it on)08:39
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livingdaylightIf i set it to the resolution of the monitor it is tiny - i thought maybe i could increase the size of everything fonts panels etc, is that possible in gnome?08:39
harisundI am really sorry, but that is my last resort. You see what I am saying?08:39
harisundKumo: Just delete everything beyond line 14 in your interfaces file and reboot. It shouldn't bother trying to connect at all.08:39
anto9uslivingdaylight, it is System | Preferences | Font08:40
livingdaylightanto9us: i have done, what i'm saying is that set at the right monitor setting ubuntu shows real small, so that i had to change it to something bearing normal08:40
patrick52222im havin errors installing stuff like mp3 formats and other packages here the problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:40
livingdaylightanto9us: ok, panels too?08:40
Kumoharisund: ok, so dont'erase line 14?08:40
AAAKumo  shouldn't dsl-provider and ppp0 be swapped in that file?08:41
CaminomasterIm looking for someone who uses grip08:41
anto9uslivingdaylight, you can resize the panels and the panel icons will fill it08:41
harisundKumo: well line 14 is a comment (since it bgins with #)08:41
Kumoharisund: ok08:41
harisundAAA: That file wasn't created by him. It was created by the software, so I am guessing it is right08:41
DBODust, I think you are pretty well screwed because of virtual PC...  do you get any kind of place to input commands or does it just give you the error and stop?08:41
livingdaylightanto9us: ok, how does one resize panels?08:41
varsAAA, my dvd is at /dev/dvd   how do i turn dma on?08:41
AAAharisund  ah ok. seems odd and ppp not ppp0 *shrug*08:41
anto9uslivingdaylight, right click an empty space on the panel and select properties08:42
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harisundAAA: poor Kumo, everything about that file looks odd.08:42
varsok i got it08:42
harisundKumo: You got what I am sayng08:42
AAAvars  sudo hdparm -d (check the status first) then add 1 to the end of the line08:42
livingdaylightanto9us: cool!08:42
varsAAA what is dma08:42
AAAdirect memory access08:43
Dustmbelgedhes : you're right. Ubuntu is running guest OS on XP. and I can't edit .inittab.08:43
varsit still stops at 204800 bytes08:43
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Kumoharisund: yeah, this is odd, I realize that08:43
livingdaylightanto9us: thx, so in your opinion am i better off setting the computer at the resolution for that monitor and then enlarging the panels?08:43
Kumoharisund: ok I did it08:43
Dustcan't run vi or other editor08:43
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patrick52222im getting tones of broken packages, what could be the problem08:43
Kumoharisund: time to reboot08:43
harisundOk. Assuming everything beyond line 14 is commented, let's restart one last time, and just do pppoeconf.08:43
harisundNothing else08:43
AAAvars  what about avi/mov/divx on yout box, does it play them proper?08:44
varsjust a sec08:44
DBOMiles-, Yo08:44
mbelgedhesDust, i thing the problem lying on emulator not ubuntu08:44
Kumoharisund: yes, see you08:44
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harisundLet's hope it works !08:44
Miles-I'm having a hard time trying to install ATI drivers for my X600se graphic card08:44
DBO!tell Miles- about ATI08:45
DustT_T I have to give up my data?08:45
Miles-I'm new to *nix, too08:45
Plitskinhi! how do you unzip .zip files in Ubuntu?08:45
varsAAA, yea it plays them fine08:45
AAAPlitskin  apt-get install unzip && unzip foo.zip08:45
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AAAvars  is the dvd bad? try another disk?08:45
mbelgedhesDust T_T I have to give up my data? -----------> data ? u save data on ubuntu ?08:45
Dusthumm.. I'm gonna try reinstall virtual machine program.08:46
PlitskinAAA: Thanks...08:46
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varsyeah i've tried a couple,08:46
AAAvars  or maybe try mplayer -v -cache 8196 dvd://308:46
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varsi've gotta go get soem sleep08:46
Dustthanks mbelgedhes.08:46
Miles-DBO, ?08:46
mbelgedhesu r welcomed08:46
anto9uslivingdaylight, I don't have a 17" monitor and my eyes are different to yours, all I'd say is position the monitor as close to eye level as possible to avoid neck strain :)08:46
DBOMiles-, check the link ubotu sent you08:46
AAAvars  me too soon, does mplayer give you the hullabalu about "your system is too slow"?08:46
Miles-Oh okay, didn't see the notice08:46
ohzieAre there any window managers that kind of clone the MaxOSX gui?08:47
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PlitskinAAA: PLease explain what foo.zip is there for?08:47
varsohzie, enlightenment does a pretty good job08:47
AAAohzie  kde has some themes that look darn close08:47
patrick52222im getting tones of broken packages, what could be the problem. PLEASE08:47
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livingdaylightanto9us: i was just wondering if whether it was ideal basically, to have the monitor set to its default resolution08:47
ohzieAnd does anyone know of ubuntu packages for enlightenment and FCE or something?08:47
Plitskinok I understand now...08:47
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AAAPlitskin  define:foo foo is anything, everything and still nothing. a simple example for geeks08:48
ohzieI need to look up that second one again. Can't remember what it's called.08:48
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PlitskinAAA: Yes, I just figured that out :)08:48
anto9uslivingdaylight, it depends entirely on your usage08:48
DBOohzie, "sudo apt-get install enlightenment" but its still beta08:48
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, DBO08:48
Plitskinwhat's the diffrence between using <command> ; <command> and <command> && <comman>08:48
sethklivingdaylight, set it to the highest it can do with a vertical refresh >= 70hz08:48
crimsunubuntu: #ubuntu-zh08:49
AAAPlitskin  man bash =p08:49
Plitskinwhy us there a japanese text there...?08:49
PlitskinAAA: Thanks again08:49
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AAAPlitskin  basically ; does things in succestion, && does the right cmd if the left finishes and || does the right if the left fails08:49
Troy_McClurethis is a really dumb question, but what key is meant by Superkey??08:49
Troy_McClurei am really confused08:50
Troy_McClure(playing with compiz)08:50
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)08:50
AAAPlitskin  furthermore & does all cmds in a subshell regardless of their exit status08:50
anto9usTroy_McClure, that's usually the one with the windows logo on it08:50
ohzieTroy_McClure: Usually your windows key08:50
livingdaylightanto9us: i don't know what is best. if i set it to monitor default everything is small; which means having to configure everything, fonts panels to all programs and applications. If i just lower the resolution everything looks ok withouth having to tamper08:50
patrick52222im getting tones of broken packages, what could be the problem. PLEASE08:51
FlannelKingpatrick52222: you updateyour sources recently?08:51
mbelgedhesthat means u can use that package08:51
DBOpatrick52222, "sudo apt-get check"08:51
mbelgedhesthat means u can't use that package08:51
PlitskinAAA: That was a wonderful explanation, I took not of it. Thanks a lot :)08:51
anto9uslivingdaylight, a higher resolution gives you more deskspace to work on, changing fonts and panel sizes negates that, in that case, if you don't need the higher res, stick with the lower one08:51
AAApatrick52222  or you installed pkg's from another source that conflict with ubuntu08:51
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SenorYhi there!08:52
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AAAPlitskin  np, man is your friend you can man or info any linux command and RTFM :)08:52
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mbelgedheshi too SenorY08:52
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mmmiiikkkeeei am trying to install gyach in ubuntu brezzy baddger.... its a tarball archive...08:53
AAARead the Fine Manual...08:53
SenorYjust wanted to say: (x)ubuntu rocks. ;-)08:53
mmmiiikkkeeehow do i install a tarball?08:53
patrick52222i have updated08:53
patrick52222im havin errors installing stuff like mp3 formats and other packages here the problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:53
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GigaClonmmmiiikkkeee, double click it08:53
AAAmmmiiikkkeee  you don't, a tar ball is like a zip file, you have to untar it them you can access the files08:53
livingdaylightanto9us: thats simple enough, ok. Of course i would like more deskspace, but if i can't see what is on the screen? I just thought there was a theoretical 'best' way of having it set, but it sounds subjective. If i really want more deskspace i'll just have to get a larger monitor : )08:53
mmmiiikkkeeei untared then08:54
mbelgedhesuntarring it, then cd to that package, ./configure && make && make install08:54
AAAmmmiiikkkeee  ok, the cd <new dir> and less README08:54
mmmiiikkkeeeand did ./configure08:54
mmmiiikkkeeethen make08:54
anto9uslivingdaylight, there's always the option of virtual deskspace and you have multiple desktops by default :)08:54
AAAmbelgedhes  that assumes it is c, limewire for example you just run from that dir08:54
GigaClonEnglish kudasai08:55
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AAAmmmiiikkkeee  what app is it and what error are you getting?08:55
mbelgedhes:-), that's right AAA08:55
ohzieI searched for xfce in synaptic, and was reading the descriptions...there's no like...xfce-base package. Anyone know which I should select?08:55
AAAor who knows, maybe it is ... *gasp* perl08:55
sethklivingdaylight, you don't want flicker, which is why I said vert >= 70 hz.  Other than that, if you cared, the desktop would have to be rewritten.  :)08:55
DBOohzie, xubuntu-desktop08:55
SenorYubuntu, i'm afraid most people won't understand your language.08:55
livingdaylightanto9us: that is what is cool with linux, the multiple desktops. Something i took for granted and realised only when i had to briefly run windows in a laptop i bought but quickly returned08:55
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PwcrLinux-AwayIt's a chinse, I dunno which the code from uboutu bot tell a chinse langs..08:56
livingdaylightanto9us: what is virtual deskspace?08:56
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SenorYohzie, xubuntu-desktop will install a basic xfce-environment, i did it the same way.08:56
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Kumoharisund: hi, the same output08:56
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patrick52222DBO:im havin errors installing stuff like mp3 formats from the restricted format page here the problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1228908:57
ohzieDBO: Thank you08:57
harisundKumo: Really really sorry.. I have no clue anymore08:57
ohzieSenorY: Thank you08:57
livingdaylightsethk: what do you mean by flicker? i get a flicker if that is what you mean when i start an application sometimes08:57
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anto9uslivingdaylight, it's where your monitor acts like a window to the desktop, which is larger than your physical screen, you move the mouse to the edge of the screen and it automatically scrolls to reveal the rest (move the window)08:57
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Miles-DBO, thanks, it works =)08:57
vladuz976what does || do compared do | in bash?08:57
shreevatsaWhen I want to do a dist-upgrade, is there a way of finding out what packages involve the most amount of space?08:58
AAA | is a pipe and || is a logical or08:58
Kumoharisund: don't worry, don't look that we were defeated08:58
harisundKumo: I am really sorry. That is supposed to typically work.08:58
sethklivingdaylight, the flicker I'm talking about is there all the time.  If the vert freq is close to the electrical frequency (the A/C frequ from the power company) you will see the screen appear to flicker08:58
livingdaylightanto9us: ok, i've never had that08:58
harisundKumo: It could probably be that I am sleepy too :(08:58
sethklivingdaylight, it's hard to describe in words but it's fairly obvious when you see it.08:58
Kumoharisund: at least I can use internet, yeah I'm kind of sleepy too :)08:58
AAAshreevatsa  I believe aptitude will show you08:58
livingdaylightsethk: then i'm not suffering from that problem by the sounds of it08:58
DBOpatrick52222, do you have universe repos enabled?08:58
shreevatsaWhen I see "Need to get 119MB of archives." -- is there a way of finding why?08:58
sethklivingdaylight, very likely not, I think you would have noticed.08:59
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DBOpatrick52222, "sudo apt-get install libmad008:59
sethkKumo, you have a dhcp server problem?08:59
livingdaylightanto9us: where do you set that?08:59
shreevatsaAAA: is aptitude better than synaptic? I usually just use the command-line, so I know of neither...08:59
anto9uslivingdaylight, you can switch to another resolution if it's configured with ctrl alt - or + and it should work08:59
Miles-How do I access the "Gears" test program?08:59
DBOshreevatsa, its just a preference, they do the same thing08:59
Miles-Can't remember ~~;08:59
AAAshreevatsa  aptitude is a curses frontend to apt-*08:59
Kumoharisund: anyway thank you very much for your help, I now know that wasn't something easy08:59
DBOMiles-, "glxgears"08:59
PwcrLinuxyea, a flickered screen.. away from strong magnets (elevator shaft behind it in home, non-shield speakers and etc)..08:59
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harisundKumo: You know what, keep trying or reading somewhere. I have done it before (way back, on Debian) and I will get it to you somehow.09:00
AAAshreevatsa  I think so, not off the top of my head tho, check man apt-get09:00
sethkKumo, what's the issue?09:00
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anto9uslivingdaylight, you caught the backspace key?09:01
patrick52222DBO:i have then enabled and i cat install libmad0 as i get errors09:01
DBOyes, what errors?09:01
Kumoharisund: what if when you find something write it to my email?09:01
livingdaylightanto9us: no : )09:01
harisundOk will do. What is it?09:01
Miles-O_o I'm lacking my 1280x800 original screen resolution09:01
rodniyhi all. can anyone help.. I'm trying to install ati drivers on dapper and all I get after changing xorg.conf is blank screen. When I try #modprobe fglrx I get: FATAL: Error inserting fglrx (/lib/modules/2.6.15-20-386/volatile/fglrx.ko): Operation not permitted09:02
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mbelgedhes hello dust09:02
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)09:02
sethkrodniy, can't insert it while the gui is up and running09:02
Dustcan't boot, either..09:02
Kumosethk: well I can connect to internet but everytime I have to active the eth0 connection on the System-Administration-Network09:02
DBOMiles-, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"09:02
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sethkKumo, I got a couple of systems working yesterday with dhcp.09:03
AAArodniy  sudo ?09:03
sethkKumo, they now work on reboot.09:03
rodniyI am su09:03
Dustsaid Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init.. but I can't edit any file09:03
sethkKumo, question, if you reboot and then look at eth0 (before you bring it up), do the settings look correct?09:03
shreevatsaI can't find any such thing in the apt-get manpage...09:03
patrick52222DBO:  here is the problem http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12294 when trying to install that package09:03
Kumoharisund: I'll conitnue looking for the solution09:03
sethkKumo, you can add a couple of lines to an init file and hack it that way09:03
mbelgedhesDust, u'll be better install dual booting OS instead of emulate them :-)09:03
harisundKumo: Ok will do.09:03
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Kumosethk: really? where exactly?09:04
DBOpatrick52222, what is the output on "uname -r" (you can paste the one line output here)09:04
sethkKumo, what I did was create a new file in /etc/rc2.d09:04
Dustwell.. I have a lot of data. aobut 40GB. but I don't have some backup media.09:04
patrick52222DBO:  2.6.12-10-38609:04
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Plitskinuhmmm... how do you put an entry in the  "applications" menu in the taskbar?09:05
mbelgedhesthat's win's data ?09:05
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sethkKumo, it's customary to make that kind of file in /etc/init.d, and link to it in /etc/rc2.d, so you can also link it for other runlevels.09:05
sethkKumo, I don't know if you are familiar with run levels.09:05
Dustand I use Raid 0. so I can't try to resize partion.  afraid of losting files.09:05
DBOpatrick52222, /etc/apt/source.list -> pastebin09:05
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akonkwaHi everyone.   I have problem. I'm installing eclipse, and I downloaded a tar.gz form eclipse.org. I want to exctract it to /opt/Eclipse (I am not sure if this is the right thing to do) but the peemission to do so is denied , using the GUI. So is there a way I can do it in command line?09:05
Kumosethk: no, I'm not09:05
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Dustmbelgedhes : not about windows. just for me.for work09:06
s|kwhat are some default options I should include in php for basic functionality? I have mysql and gd09:06
SenorYakonkwa, sudo09:06
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AAAsethk  wouldn't you want to use update-rc.d and automagically put it properly?09:06
shreevatsawhere does aptitude show it? It isn't even showing the same packages as dist-upgrade shows...09:07
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patrick52222DBO: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229509:07
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sethkAAA, possibly, I'm been editing rc.d files for 30 years so I never even looked it doing it another way09:07
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bintutI would like to make use of my old Sun JavaStation JK (Krups) thin clients to boot via LTSP-4.2 on an Ubuntu GNU/Linux AMD64 server. Due to the fact that I don't have a Sun Sparc machine to compile and build a binary LTSP-4.2 packages for my Sun JavaStation JKs, I am seeking help for whoever can help me build LTSP-4.2 binary packages for my thin clients. You can find relevant informations at the following URLs:09:07
bintuthttp://wiki.ltsp.org/twiki/bin/view/Ltsp/LBE ; http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/JavaStation-HOWTO/index.html ; http://math.univ-lille1.fr/ltsp-sparc/ ; http://people.redhat.com/zaitcev/linux/ ; http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Lab/6125/linux/javastation.html09:07
sethkKumo, you are booting to level 2 (because that's the default).09:07
Dustmbelgedhes : I have question.I'm translating some docs.09:07
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sethkKumo, that means files in directory /etc/rc2.d are run during startup09:07
AAAshreevatsa  I am not positive that it does, just a thought that it did. there are a ton of options on the file menu09:07
Kumosethk: ok09:07
sethkKumo, also rc1.d and rc0.d09:07
sethkKumo, everything up to and including your current level09:08
mbelgedhesok, Dust  what is that ?09:08
Kumosethk: ok09:08
AAAsethk  crusty ol' hacker...09:08
PlitskinHi, I installed yahoo messenger... I want it to appear along with GAIM, and other networking applications in my Applications -> Internet menu... How do I do that? Thanks :)09:08
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akonkwaSenory; sudo what?09:08
sethkKumo, so I made a file in /etc/rc2.d that simply does and ifdown and ifup for teh009:08
tapoxAnyone running Dapper and have their sound break recently?09:08
Miles-Working great09:08
Dustand I use Ultraedit. but move that file(changed), then diff. then diff said all content changes.(but I don't)09:08
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sethkKumo, start the name with S20.  Look at the files in that directory, you'll see the pattern09:08
Dustmbelgedhes : how can I do? GUM. gimp user manual09:08
Kumosethk: let me see09:08
SenorYakonkwa, sudo tar xcf yourtarfile.tgz /opt/wherever09:09
patrick24601anyway to get ubuntu firefox current - to 1.5 ?09:09
dshPlitskin, Applications > System Tools > Applications Menu Editor09:09
AAAsethk  that is exactly waht update-rc.d does, it one simple step09:09
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shreevatsaAAA: yeah, but the only interesting option there seems to be "play Minesweeper" :p09:09
Kumosethk: there are a lor of S2009:09
mbelgedhesis this multimedia file huh ?09:09
sethkAAA, I'm not disagreeing with you.09:09
SenorYakonkwa, sorry... sudo tar xzf yourtarfile.tgz /opt/wherever09:09
DustI wanna works on windows. except compiling09:09
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patrick24601Or do i have to uninstall it and reinstall FF from the mozilla site09:09
sethkKumo, AAA has a point, try running the utility he mentioned09:09
Dustnono.. docbook09:09
sethkKumo, it's very likely safer09:09
Dustjust text files09:09
sethkKumo, although you can always recover from an error by deleting the file you add09:09
Kumosethk: which was?09:09
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sethkupdate-rc.d, I believe he said09:10
AAAneither Debby nor Ian were alive 30y ago sethk =p09:10
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Kumosethk: ok, I"ll try now09:10
sethkAAA, that's true, but UNIX was09:10
DustUltraedit can't support UTF-8?09:10
AAAsethk  hehe, indeed well, they were alive just hadn't hacked up debian yet09:10
Plitskindsh: thanks09:10
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Kumosethk: it seems that I need to specify something else09:11
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patrick52222DBO: do you think i need to reinstall ubuntu09:11
DBOpatrick52222, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1229609:11
DBOpatrick52222, made changes to the bottom09:11
Dustmbelgedhes : I don't know about all. I just gonna reinstall ubuntu. and backup my files to other server.09:11
mbelgedhessorry Dust, i think i can't help u about that i don't have experience bout that09:12
Dustmbelgedhes : anyway thanks. ^^09:12
AAAupdate-rc.d -f <script> defaults  (assuming yo9u created the file in /etc/init.d/09:12
jerry_not sure you try the reboot with initial config?09:12
patrick52222DBO: where do i put this09:12
KumoAAA: ok, I haven't done it yet09:12
Dusttoo hard to use Linux. T_T09:12
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DBOpatrick52222, add those changes into your /etc/apt/sources.list09:12
Dustbye all09:12
jerry_linux not to hard just takes a lot of reading09:12
AAAlinux is simple, it's the users that muck things up09:12
sethkKumo, you have to create the script first, I believe.09:13
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DBOjerry_, its better to have documentation than to not have documentation =)09:13
Kumosethk: sure, how do I do it?09:13
jerry_honestly dont know to much about linux myself and already got it almost exactly like my xp box09:13
sethkKumo, with any editor09:13
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sethkKumo, try it out at the command line, to make sure it works.  You'll be doing the equivalent of running network-admin, but cli, obviously09:14
patrick24601Hey patrick - nice name ;)09:14
sethkKumo, which should be somethinglike:    ifdown eth0; ifup eth009:14
Kumosethk: ok09:14
sethkKumo, but check me on the command line09:14
patrick52222wat the command to edit the source list09:14
AAAif the iface is eth0 that should work09:14
DBOpatrick52222, "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list"09:15
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mbelgedhesjust sudo vi /etc/apt/source.lst09:15
AAAmake sure you don't forget your #! (shebang) #!/bin/bash09:15
sethkpatrick24601, or you can use synaptic to modify it09:15
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mDotupgrading to dapper out of sheer boredom isn't a good idea huh...09:16
DBOmDot, not if it is your primary box09:16
patrick52222DBO: nope i still get the same error09:16
AAAmDot  that is the best reason _I_ can think of09:16
poningrumDot: have a backup09:17
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poningruAAA: rofl09:17
bjvi did mine because i wanted to see a pretty boot-time chart :|09:17
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sontekHey, did ubuntu not ask me for a root pass when I just installed it?09:17
patrick24601sthk: how so?09:17
mDotstopping sudo apt-get dist-upgrade mid-stream is a worse idea i think09:17
AAAbjv   you can modify the boot splash in the kernel09:17
dj-futhere is no root pass09:17
ubotuI heard sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:17
mDotwe'll just ride this one out09:17
Kumosethk: well I got disconnected and then with ifup eth0 got connected again09:17
patrick24601sethk: How so?09:17
sethkKumo, good09:18
winstonI have the weirdest bug and it wont go away09:18
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sethkpatrick24601, let me look, it's on the menus somewhere.09:18
AAAwinston  take some penicillin?09:18
bjvAAA: oh nono, there is this program to make a nice poster of system-efficiency during boot09:18
DBOpatrick24601, did you do a "sudo atp-get update"?09:18
winstonAAA no not that09:18
sethkpatrick24601, settings/repositories09:18
DBOpatrick52222, , did you do a "sudo atp-get update"?09:18
AAAbjv  ah cool09:18
bjvAAA: it's a dapper package i tried to hack into breezy for about 2 seconds, before i just started the upgrade09:18
AAAwinston  so sup ?09:18
AAAbjv good luck09:19
winstonAAA You know the task bar with the programs and different desktop thats (usually) at the bottom?09:19
mDotthis upgrade is gonna take a while, gonna do some puchups09:19
AAAno hablo gui09:19
winstonAAA Well mine is stuck in the middle of the screen09:19
Kumosethk: so the file that I got to add has to contain ifdown etho; ifup eth009:19
sethkKumo, right.  first line is  #!/bin/sh09:19
winstonAAA Right smack in the center09:19
sethkKumo, then those are the second and third lines09:19
patrick24601I'll take a look...09:19
AAAwinston  I don't know gui stuff sorry09:20
sethkKumo, do a chmod +x on the file09:20
sethkKumo, put it into /etc/init.d09:20
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winstonit floats about all the programs except for the full screen stuph09:20
patrick52222DBO: i get thie error sudo: atp-get: command not found09:20
sethkKumo, then create a link to it in /etc/rc2.d, or use the tool AAA was telling you about09:20
[C] hrisWhat does apt-get do again?09:20
DBOpatrick52222, oops, typo "sudo apt-get update"09:20
Kumosethk: ok, the name of the file? S20...?09:20
AAA[C] hris  it gets you stuff09:20
[C] hriswell not apt-get but the other apt-auto09:21
patrick24601sethk: ok went htere...09:21
AAAKumo  the Sxx tells init what order to start the script just as Kxx will kill in that order09:21
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[C] hrisapt-get is to get software via repostories09:21
KumoAAA: ok, so what do you recommend me?09:21
AAA[C] hris  correct09:21
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[C] hrisbut what does apt-auto do09:22
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AAAKumo  update-rc.d -f <script name> defaults09:22
AAA[C] hris  no idea09:22
PlitskinUh... sorry if I seem to be doing too many things but... Why can't I list files in my /var/lib/php4 directory?09:22
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patrick52222DBO: yep i have updated but still get the same errors09:22
KumoAAA: ok but the name of the file? it doesn't matter?09:22
Plitskinls: .: Permission denied09:22
shreevatsaPlitskin: Maybe you don't have permissions09:23
AAAPlitskin  must be a permission issue ls -l /var/lib/php409:23
[C] hristhe command was auto-apt09:23
shreevatsaPlitskin: Try sudo09:23
PlitskinI tried it09:23
Plitskinwon't work...09:23
[C] hrisI think it builds a .deb file09:23
AAAPlitskin  then you need sudo -s <-- gives you a root-like shell09:23
shreevatsaPlitskin: Can you see the directory?09:23
DBOpatrick52222, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12297 two new ones at the bottom, add those on, then update, then try again...09:23
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shreevatsaPlitskin: First, try "sudo ls -ld /var/lib/php4"09:23
[C] hrisi dont know checkinstall needs it09:24
sontekHey, what are the packages for lisp?  I did apt-cache search lisp and it doesn't show an actually lisp compiler09:24
bjvso is it bad that i use   ' su' then commands  instead of 'sudo command'   :\09:24
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bjvbecause my root password is shorter & easier then my user pwrod?09:24
[C] hrisi think auto-apt just keeps track of the ones you do have09:24
shreevatsaPlitskin: It's hard to believe that root doesn't have permissions to view a directory....09:24
AAAyeah, you need root for php4 files09:24
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Plitskinhmmm... when I try sudo ls nothig happens09:24
Kumosethk: can I use any name on the file?09:24
Plitskinmaybe there's nothing in there?09:24
[C] hrissudo ls -al09:24
patrick52222DBO: yep i have updated with the new code but still get the same errors09:24
bjvis it empty?09:24
AAAbjv su gives you root, sudo acts like root09:24
sethkKumo, yes.  the link should start with S20.  AAA explained about the S## prefix09:24
shreevatsabjv: Frankly, I don't see why Ubuntu uses sudo...09:25
DBOpatrick52222, remove those entries from your sources.list09:25
Kumosethk: yes, I got that09:25
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AAAsethk  to make it easier to support I think09:25
Plitskinhere's the result of sudo -ld09:25
Plitskindrwx-wx-wt  2 root root 4096 2006-03-08 03:00 /var/lib/php409:25
bjvshreevatsa: to fake-keep us safe from ourselves. :\09:25
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bjvshreevatsa: and so bash-macro's only wipe out our entire home directories, because we are idiots.09:26
AAAPlitskin  that is how it should read, just use sudo and it will be fine09:26
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[C] hrisanyone know why i can run this from a panel icon? but can in a terminal ? "wine /home/chris/.wine/drive_c/World of Warcraft/WoW.exe -opengl"09:26
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bjvrather then wipe out our entire system, because we are idiots.09:26
[C] hristhe path is correct but it tells me the path isnt correct09:26
patrick52222DBO: i have removed them now09:26
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bjv[C] hris: the spaces09:26
bjvescape them out with backslaches09:26
s|kaptitude is so dumb09:26
AAAyeah, your "09:26
s|kit's a joke09:26
iplgeckoHey does anyone here know how to copy a file to a wine directory?09:26
shreevatsabjv: But if you run the bash-macro (what's that, anyway?) with sudo, you'll still wipe out everything...09:26
[C] hrisi've tried that too09:27
bjvwine /home/chris/.wine/drive_c/World\ of\ Warcraft/WoW.exe -opengl09:27
PlitskinI'm getting a bit confused @_@ but thanks for your suggestions09:27
bjv^ likes that09:27
[C] hrisanyone know why i can run this from a panel icon? but can in a terminal ? "wine /home/chris/.wine/drive_c/World\ o\f Warcraft/WoW.exe -opengl"09:27
AAA[C] hris  wine " /some/long file with /spaces" foo ...09:27
[C] hriswell09:27
[C] hrisk09:27
AAAbjv  I think that needs qoutes, i could be lying09:28
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iplgeckoCan anyone here tell me how to add a font to ~/.wine/dirve_c/windows/fons  ?09:28
bjvsingle quotes could do it too, i guess09:28
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twidgetMy screen doesn't look right after installing Ubuntu for the first time.09:28
AAAactually the \ (shell escapes) should be suffiecient09:29
shreevatsabjv: In fact, I find it disturbing that five minutes after I do a sudo, I can do something "normally" and still wipe out everything09:29
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bjvshreevatsa: ?09:29
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shreevatsabjv: You sudo once; it remembers you for fifteen minutes09:29
patrick52222DBO: do i need to reinstall ubuntu09:29
KumoAAA and sethk: done it09:29
bjvshreevatsa: isnt it for five minutes after you do sudo, all calls to sudo can be used with out a password09:29
AAAshreevatsa  I think there is a way to set the time sudo reamins in your shell, maybe a PAM setting? I forget09:30
DBOpatrick52222, need to? I dont think so... but can I fix your issue?  no...09:30
bjvthen it times out, and asks for the pw again09:30
[C] hrisnow it does nothing09:30
[C] hrislol09:30
AAAKumo  w0000 WTF09:30
KumoAAA and sethk: now, reboot?09:30
AAAer WTG go go09:30
iplgeckoDoes anyone here know how to add a font to ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts ?  I asked in in #winehq but noone replied09:30
patrick52222DBO: ok thanks for trying09:30
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AAAKumo  or just init 209:30
baboWhat's the story with installing things using sudo ? ... everytime I try to do it, I get permission denied and I have to go into root ...09:30
KumoAAA: I done understand that that I think is something good :)09:30
jerry_i had to use show button to install each font in wine09:30
shreevatsabjv: Ok, five/fifteen whatever... If it's not going to ask for a password, it's dangerous IMHO09:30
patrick52222DBO: there shouldnt be any probs as it is a fresh install09:30
DBOpatrick52222, the one we just looked at was a fresh install?09:31
baboiplgecko: what exactly does wine actually work for ?09:31
iplgeckoCan anyone here help me?09:31
jerry_but youll have to go to the wine hq under the instilation to get the fonts09:31
DBOI wonder if it has to do with the gb locale09:31
iplgeckobabo: you mean what am I using it for?09:31
jerry_wine works for windows apps in linux09:31
AAAKumo  WTG == way to go, WTF == what the f#*^09:31
baboiplgecko: sorry though, I can't help you with your problem ?  ...09:31
shreevatsabjv: On a machine with just one user, I can see absolutely NO reason to use sudo instead of a proper root account09:31
iplgeckobabo: oh its ok thanks for replying anyhow :)09:31
baboiplgecko: well, yes - I'd be interested09:32
KumoAAA: lol, ok09:32
iplgeckobabo: I was trying to instal steam and CSS but I need to add tahoma.ttf09:32
iplgeckobabo: before anything09:32
jerry_haveing problems with steam and wine at the moment09:32
baboiplgecko: oh, ok - good luck ...09:32
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iplgeckobabo: thanks09:32
jerry_says it will run but when i get to last disk it doesnt see the files on it09:32
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bjvshreevatsa:  i just log into my machine as root, and su into my user account,    it 'is' still a strategic reduction of privileges.09:33
AAAKumo  and you can switch runlevels without rebooting to test, just use init 2 and it will go through your init files in rc209:33
bjvshreevatsa: even though i do it in reverse, from the normal way.09:33
KumoAAA: sudo init 209:33
AAAbjv holy cow, you live very dangerously!!!09:33
shreevatsabjv: lol09:33
AAAKumo  yeah, that should do it09:33
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bjvshreevatsa:  i guess i could just run X and read emails as root.    but my user account has everything *like gaim settings* stored in .dotfiles09:34
KumoAAA: I did it09:34
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bliss1_good morning folks09:34
AAAKumo  and it is going through the services then?09:34
sontekis there a reason Ubuntu has firefox 1.0.7 as default browser? and apt doesn't see that it needs an upgrade09:34
bliss1_jerry_ morning09:34
bjv /root/.whatever is just for this machine  but /home/username/.dotfiles is something i can copy, mount out, and take with me to other machines.09:34
shreevatsabjv: I log in normally (user account), but to become root, I've set up a two-letter alias ("ssh root@... ")09:34
bjvi guess otherwise i would just use root, and forget this whole su thing09:34
DBOsontek, because the newest version of firefox in the repos is 1.0.709:34
AAAshreevatsa  that is smart09:35
KumoAAA: I cannot see any output, do I have to see anything?09:35
DBO!tell sontek about FF1.509:35
sontekDBO, why not 1.509:35
bjvshreevatsa: alias?09:35
bjvshreevatsa: i didnt think of that. :P09:35
bliss1_if i use the shutdown -h now option is everything I have been working on saved?09:35
bliss1_DBO: happy easter09:35
AAAbjv yeah, cat ~/.bashrc09:35
KumoAAA: do I have to see something here?09:35
DBObliss1_, says you =P09:36
AAAbliss1_  if you saved it =p09:36
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southernhi all09:36
bjvshreevatsa: i wonder what is more dangerous. trading private keys between machines and doing passwordless logins09:36
jerry_not sure i just check the save option on restart09:36
DBOhi southern09:36
southernpls help, it seems my squid jammed...09:36
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bjvshreevatsa: or aliasing    srdm to   ssh user:Password@randommachine09:36
southernI can't remove it09:36
bliss1_AAA: how to save it? updatedb?09:36
AAAKumo  you should, it's been a while since I did that, just reboot ... I am tired, brain i s d y i n g...09:36
patrick24601sethk: can I please get some more help on getting up to FF 1.5 ?09:36
bliss1_DBO: well your here thats happy09:37
sethkpatrick24601, ask,  someone will know the answer09:37
DBO!tell patrick24601 about FF1.509:37
patrick24601I have EasyUbuntu installed so I believe that my universe and all that jazz is straightened out09:37
AAAbliss1_  that has nothing to do with your work, that simply updates your files on your box. as long as you saved your OO doc or whatever you are good to go09:37
sethkbliss1_, updatedb only updates the file database, that's only used by locate to search for files09:37
bjvwith the alias, your passwords would be stored in plaintext in the .rc ...09:37
patrick24601thats DBO xo09:37
patrick24601thanks dbo xo09:37
KumoAAA: ok I'll try it now, and I'll tell you how was09:37
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bjvi guess to compramise either method you would need to be able to read the users home directory.09:38
AAAbjv not if you had keys set up or keyboard auth09:38
DBOpatrick24601, if that xo is meaning hugs and kisses you better be female, otherwise I only take payment in coffee =P09:38
AAAbjv and crack the ssh key ....09:38
bjvkeys are stored in your home directory too, though09:38
bjvif you can read someones .bashrc09:38
bjvyou can copy their ssh keys too09:38
patrick24601coffee then - large and black09:38
AAAno no no don't put passwd's there...09:38
shreevatsabjv: But it's just one single machine. (alias rt='ssh -X root@localhost -i ~/.ssh/id_for_root')09:38
AAAyou need the hash and the salt silly09:39
sethkbjv, not necessarily.  if they have sense they'll have changed the permissions09:39
bliss1_AAA: thing is rebbot does not work I could tell you the story but for simplicity whats the diffrence between reboot and shutdown?09:39
shreevatsabjv: And the ssh-key is not in my .bashrc! :p09:39
bliss1_sethk: thanks09:39
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AAAbliss1_  uh...one recycles power the other halts the box09:39
poningrushreevatsa: what are you doing?09:39
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ubotuI heard mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f09:39
poningrushreevatsa: its in .ssh09:39
shreevatsaponingru: Yes09:40
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bjvwhich is in your home directory09:40
bjvand is everyway exactly as secure as the .baschrc09:40
shreevatsabjv: Yeah, but if someone can already read all *my* files (which means that have my password), they can also do sudo, anyway09:40
southernupdate-rc.d: /etc/init.d/squid: file does not exist09:40
southerninvoke-rc.d: unknown initscript, /etc/init.d/squid not found.09:40
southerndpkg: error processing squid (--configure):09:40
bjvshreevatsa: yah.09:40
southernI can't reinstall and remove JAMMED09:40
bliss1_AAA: ok so not much diffrence09:40
bjvshreevatsa: i guess they both have the same Achilles heel09:40
AAAok, you think jtr is gonna crack rc5 with one computer before the box gets shut off or the hacker is caught? jeez it is called ssh for a reason09:41
southernhow can I repair squid?09:41
shreevatsabjv: My .bashrc is world-readable, but not the ssh-key.09:41
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Cooner750anyone know of a free DynDNS updater for Ubuntu?09:41
bjvoh. why on earth is your .bashrc world readable?09:41
DBOCooner750, noip does have one09:41
AAAsouthern  do you even know what squid is? and why didn't you finish installing it, and why exactly do you need it?09:41
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[C] hrisEven if you have the ssh key dont you still need the log in?09:42
[C] hrisor password09:42
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bliss1_AAA: i am doing a howto and the final command is shutdown -r now but I cannot so i will do shutdown -h now09:42
method|I had dma enabled on my dvd rom drive and it was working. now today all of a sudden DMA stopped being enabled and I cant get it to be enabled. Why would it do that and how can I get it back to normal?09:42
AAAbjv cause that is the debian default =p09:42
shreevatsabjv: Actually, I'm not even sure it is... let me check :)09:42
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mike_the uodate manager said:::>W: GPG error: http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl breezy-seveas Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 49A120FD1135D46609:42
southernsquid is a proxy/cache and I need it09:42
mike_wht does tha mean?09:42
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jerry_you have to enable dma09:43
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jerry_then save it to the config09:43
AAAmethod|  edit the /etc/init/d/hdparm file to suit your needs then restart that service09:43
vladuz976can i install ubuntu on a separate partion of a drive connected as slave?09:43
method|AAA: I already tried that09:43
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southernAAA: do you know why I can't remove it?09:43
method|AAA: how can I restart the service?09:43
mike_wht is  public key?>>> NO_PUBKEY 49A120FD1135D46609:43
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sethkmethod|, you can run hdparm at the command line and turn on DMA mode.09:44
conmiwebhow can i extend my ubuntu ext3 partition?09:44
AAAmethod|  what does hdparm -d say? if it says off you didn't edit the script proper or hdparm is not in /etc/init.d/rc2.d09:44
sethkmethod|, but the only way it would be off is if you updated your kernel and goofed09:44
method|i dont remember updating my kernel09:44
jerry_mine was off by default09:45
method|i have done a yum update though09:45
method|i dont know if that updates the kernel09:45
method|the thing that confuses me is that is was working yesterday09:45
method|now it wont work09:45
twidgetMy monitor can handle resolutions higher than 1024x768, yet they're not shown. Have I done something wrong?09:45
jerry_had to set it whne i configured xine09:45
method|and i get this error when i try hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc09:45
method| HDIO_SET_DMA failed: Operation not permitted09:45
AAAsouthern  yeah there is an argument to apt-get (I forget) you can also put it in your /etc/apt.conf file and tell it to ignore keys, or you can just import the key and tell apt about it09:45
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bliss1_AAA: did you see my last post to you09:45
twidgetI've installed the nvidia drivers09:45
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AAAmethod|  sudo09:45
jerry_ya actually have to muck about with nvidia09:45
method|AAA: i am root09:46
jerry_lemme get the invida config page i used09:46
twidgetAnyone willing to do a little newbie hand-holding?09:46
AAAmethod|  and you get that error? makey no sense.  bliss1_ no09:46
conmiwebhow can i extend my ubuntu ext3 partition?09:46
AAAconmiweb  gpart will do that for you if you mean make it larger or smaller09:47
method|AAA: i know :/09:47
AAAmethod|  oh oh oh, that drive doesn't support dma then, do an -i on it09:47
bliss1_AAA; : i am doing a howto and the final command is shutdown -r now but I cannot so i will do shutdown -h now09:47
conmiwebi ussed live gparted, but it only let me do ir smaller09:47
conmiweband i want to do larger09:47
AAAmethod|  or actually an -I09:47
method|AAA: are you sure?09:47
method|because DMA was enabled before09:48
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AAAbliss1_  that is not a question09:48
method|what do you mean do -I?09:48
babohmmm ... this is weird. I can open a file and write to it with pico, but when I open it with emacs, it's read only ?09:48
KumoAAA and sethk: success!!!!!09:48
AAAhdparm -I method| or.....hdparm --help or....man hdparm09:48
sethkKumo, excellent09:48
conmiwebi ussed live gparted, but it only let me do ir smaller and i want to do it larger09:48
AAAKumo  coolio09:48
sethkKumo, it's a hack, but it works.09:48
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AAAon that note, I is o u t09:48
Mend_anyone used dial-up in ubuntu?09:49
Kumosethk: yeah, I don't mind, it woks fine09:49
method|AAA: i did -I now what?09:49
Mend_i can't connect to internet. Modem is recognized by ubuntu09:49
sethkmethod|, have you updated your kernel?09:49
Mend_but it says pid 0835 blocked pppd09:49
method|i dont think so09:49
conmiwebi ussed live gparted, but it only let me do ir smaller and i want to do it larger09:50
method|i did do a yum update (i am on fc5 right now)09:50
method|i dont know if that updates the kernel or not09:50
method|lets assume it does09:50
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KumoAAA and sethk: thank you very much guys, you did a good job, now I need some rest09:50
method|what would that do?09:50
method|would that mess things up?09:50
Mend_i can't connect to internet. Modem is recognized by ubuntu but it says pid 0835 blocked pppd09:50
sethkmethod|, It could.  I've seen it happen09:50
sethkmethod|, if the kernel doesn't have support for a particular IDE chip, it reverts to PIO compatibility mode09:51
sethkmethod|, which works, but crawls09:51
method|i see09:51
bjvwoah, you cannot ban yourself from a channel even if you have full ops??09:51
bliss1_AAA: my question is if I cannot invoke shutdown -r now then the only option is to invoke shutdown -h now  will I loose ant data by doing a shutdown rather than a reboot?09:51
bjva burrito so hot, not even _you can eat it09:51
KumoAAA and sethk: see u09:51
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sethkKumo, 'night09:52
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Mend_i can't connect to internet. Modem is recognized by ubuntu but it says pid 0835 blocked pppd09:52
conmiwebi ussed live gparted, but it only let me do ir smaller and i want to do it larger, please help!09:52
Kumosethk: 'night09:52
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bliss1_DBO:  my question is if I cannot invoke shutdown -r now then the only option is to invoke shutdown -h now  will I loose ant data by doing a shutdown rather than a reboot?09:53
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cobriengreetings earthlings09:53
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tin_nqnhow can I donwload only the files that I don't have yet with ftp from command line?09:54
conmiwebsomebody can help me please?09:54
tin_nqnmget overwrite each file, no?09:55
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, La_PaRCa09:55
ubotulogs are at http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/09:55
tin_nqnconmiweb... what happen?09:55
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PwcrLinuxtin_nqn: look in Places>Connect to server..  it's a Netalius FTP09:55
conmiwebhow can i extend my ubuntu ext3 partition?09:56
conmiwebi ussed live gparted, but it only let me do ir smaller and i want to do it larger, please help!09:56
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La_PaRCawhere can I see the LoCobot logs?09:56
=== echostorm [n=echostor@pool-71-115-39-105.sbndin.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bliss1_PwcrLinux:   my question is if I cannot invoke shutdown -r now then the only option is to invoke shutdown -h now  will I loose ant data by doing a shutdown rather than a reboot?09:57
tin_nqnsorry but I'm working between two hosting server by an ssh connection09:57
PwcrLinuxbliss1_: timed event or manually?09:57
cobrienbliss: if you have saved your data to disk, you'll be fine either way09:57
echostormhey guys, can anyone help? i need to enable my svideo out for my tv (nvidia card) i successfuully was able to do it with seperate desktops, but i actually am try to do it in a twinview type of mode for videos09:58
cobrienbliss: and the lazy way to "shutdown -r now" is "reboot"  :)09:58
tin_nqnso the only tool I have is ftp command line client, or not?09:58
sontekyou could try typing "init 6"09:58
PwcrLinuxtin_nqn: are you on the Gnome desktop?09:58
robitailleLa_PaRCa  http://netz.smurf.noris.de/logs/freenode/09:59
bliss1_PwcrLinux: at the prompt right now -manually I suppose09:59
cobriensure..   6 is farther out of the way though...  :)  albeit 'geekier' :)09:59
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La_PaRCarobitaille, yeah, shoulda looked around the wiki first. Thanks D.09:59
conmiwebhow can i extend my ubuntu ext3 partition?09:59
conmiwebi ussed live gparted, but it only let me do ir smaller and i want to do it larger, please help!09:59
tin_nqnyes, but... it is not a solution. My connections is to a server from another server wich I connected by ssh09:59
robitailleLa_PaRCa:  I did a irc whois command on LoCoBot  :)10:00
PwcrLinuxbliss1_: You can do  'sudo reboot' if in case stuck in terminal box or adverted into full screen..10:00
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cobrientin_nqn: check out scp10:00
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=== cobrien fires up his kubuntu VM
jerry_set mine up when i installed ubuntu maxed it useing the whole drive10:00
cobrienanyone going to get one of those new virtualization chips from AMD & Intel?10:00
bjvthat isnt part of the AMD64 spec, is it?10:01
cobrienas far as I know, it's a sepparate spec10:01
cobriendifferent chip...10:01
cobrienthey'll continue to make the normal 64s10:01
bjvi dont have any real reason to run a virtual os.10:02
jerry_well bugger i kills xine10:02
bjvim not sure anyone does. :|10:02
cobrienI'd like to dump a few of these test boxes and save some space10:02
tin_nqncobrien... my source server only has ftp10:02
cobrientin_nqn: do both servers have ssh?10:02
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cobrienwell why the heck not?10:02
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bliss1_PwcrLinux: ok i will try to make the question clear  I have just done a howto the last command is shutdown -r now ok , but without going into a long reason why I cannot reboot if I do shutnow -h now will I loose any data10:03
cobrientin: do you have local access to the source server?10:03
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1BD47.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
tin_nqnnop. Only an ftp account10:03
cobrientin_nqn: ahh. ok..  and what exactly do you want to do?10:04
PwcrLinuxbliss1_: unsaved workspace would lose..10:04
bjv bliss1_: why does it want you to shut down the box?10:04
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tin_nqnMake a copy from a server to the another one.10:04
bjvbliss1_: did you just change the kernel or something?10:04
jerry_well going to finish watching my movie and hit the rack good night and good morning folks10:04
=== _Avatar_ [i=paulo@zorg.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu
tin_nqnI used mget command into an ftp session10:05
tin_nqnand was ok10:05
cobrienbjv: servers...  there are tons of idle servers in the world...  If you could combine the workload of 3 boxes into one computer running different operating systems, you could save space, power, battery backup time, generator time, and maintanence costs.10:05
tin_nqnbut, stupid of me, I delete some files..10:05
bliss1_PwcrLinux: so how to save before shutdown????10:05
bliss1_bjw: just a sec10:05
twidgetI've installed and activated my nvidia drivers, yet I'm still limited to 1024x768. What else can I try?10:05
PwcrLinuxbliss1_: I'm not sure,, someone will tell you in here.. anyone??10:06
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bjvcobrien: i can see that.10:06
tin_nqnso I want re-download only the files that aren't into my destination server10:06
bjv cobrien: you;d also get some comical single points of failure :P10:06
bliss1_PwcrLinux: ok thanks10:06
tin_nqndo you understand me?10:06
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twidgetAlso, my Windows partition is mounting as sda1. How do I get it to stop that?10:06
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bjvcobrien: i know what you mean though, a linux box, a windows box and a novell machine or something all sitting at 3% load.10:07
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Ch4OSm4nbuongiorno a tutti10:08
cobrienbjv: possibly :)   but if you have at least 2-3 of those servers to back you up, you could merely bring up the virtual OSs in a different server and have them run the tasks.  The larger picture here is the ability to manage resources across tens & hundreds of servers.  If web servers are not needed at the moment, but database servers are, you can bring down the web server OS and bring up the DB OS.10:08
=== xlogik [n=chatzill@pool-71-255-164-64.bstnma.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
bjvcobrien: slap all three into one box, and you;re small business might actually be able to keep up all their servers for more then 45 seconds if they loose power.10:08
bjvthough, if you have lost power. why do you need your servers up.10:08
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bliss1_bjw: i have two os's ubuntu and sarge they have 2.6 kernel to use my labtop keypad in sarge I had to disable USB legacy in  BIOS since then i can only shutdown not reboot10:09
cobrienbjv: heh... usually...   I don't even try to last through blackouts unless it's datacenter stuff...  the small/medium businesses I support all must necessarily stop production after their workstation batteries run out.10:09
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=== Natja [n=Natja@192-116.241.81.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
_Avatar_Anyone from Brazil online now?10:09
bjvcobrien: exactly. if the workstations are down and so are the network lines, you dont really need to have the servers us.10:10
bliss1_bjv: i have two os's ubuntu and sarge they have 2.6 kernel to use my labtop keypad in sarge I had to disable USB legacy in  BIOS since then i can only shutdown not reboot10:10
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PwcrLinuxxlogik: No ping in here pls10:10
=== Romanov [n=Romanov_@a84-231-38-163.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
bjvbliss1_: oh. the question is that you want to shut down, and the faq says reboot?10:10
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bliss1_bjv: yep its a howto10:11
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_Avatar_anyone could get XGL + ATI + KDE working alltogether?10:12
bjvbliss1_: just shut down.   with a reboot, memory never looses power, but there is no way for the new kernel you are bringing up to be able to constructively use those not-lost states of memory10:12
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bliss1_bjv: you have lost me i am sorry10:13
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PwcrLinuxbliss1_: let me find in wiki site10:13
bjvbliss1_: starting ubuntu after a reboot is no different then starting it after a shutdown10:13
bjvbliss1_: there is no information saved in the reboot, that you would loose with a cold shut down10:14
PwcrLinuxbliss1_: Hmm wiki unable to find search for shutdown10:14
bjvif you need to shutdown to change a bios setting, but the faq says you should reboot10:14
bliss1_bjv: so is the answer no if i do a shiutdowm as opposed to a reboot I will not loose any data ??? yes yes10:15
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bjvyes. if you do the shutdown instead you will loose no data10:15
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cobrienbliss1_: If you have saved all your opened data to the disk, it will not make a difference between shutting down or rebooting.10:15
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angelbmgood morning10:16
cobrienbliss1_: let's say you had a Text document open and you haven't saved the data to the disk and then you typed, "shutdown -h now"   You will lose that data.10:16
cobrienbut if you saved it, you'll be fine.10:16
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bliss1_cobrien: that i understand10:16
cobrienbliss1_: cool.  :)10:17
bjvas far as i know, the only advantage to rebooting is that it is faster10:17
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cobrienthat is the only advantage10:17
bliss1_cobrien: sweet10:17
cobrienbliss1_: how long have you been using linux?10:17
bjvi guess you dont have to fool with posting, and your server comes back up a little faster10:17
cobrienyou still need to POST, but you don't have to sit next to the server to hit the power button.10:18
bliss1_cobrien: since jan without windows about a tear with10:18
bjvcobrien:  oh, do you still post?10:18
bjvi only ever init 0 :\10:18
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bjvcobrien: surely there is a way to reload the system without posting and re discovering drives, etc10:19
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bjvi mean... i can do that in windows98.. :P10:19
bjvhold shift, click reboot :P10:19
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cobrienbjv: there is a way, but I'm not advanced enough to do it in FreeBSD, which is what I am using as a firewall...   I wanted to boot to a cd-rom that runs a tripwire scan of the files on the disk and when the disk checks out, hand off to the kernel on the hard drive10:20
domswhat is the difference between FSF and Opensource people?10:20
cobriendoms: not much :)10:21
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bliss1_cobrien: thanks for your support10:21
domswhat is the difference between FSF and Opensource people?10:21
cobrienbliss1_: any time bro :)   so you done with windows?10:21
bliss1_bjv; thanks also10:21
domswhy they split10:21
bliss1_cobrien: yep10:21
ompauldoms, they did not, FSF is a subset of OSS10:21
cobrienbliss1_: why, may I ask?10:21
domswhat is OSS?10:22
cobrienopen source software?10:22
ompauldoms open source software10:22
domswhos the best among FSF and OSS?10:22
bliss1_cobrien: well its because there is no challenge for me10:22
cobriendoms: you should look that up in Wikipedia10:22
cobrienbliss1_: what kind of challenge?10:22
=== dsh [n=dsh@0-1pool150-65.nas64.los-angeles2.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompauldoms this is not a chat channel join #ubuntu-offtopic this is a help channel for ubuntu10:23
bliss1_ompaul: hi  weather report --happy easter10:23
ompauldoms as for best read http://www.gnu.org and http://www.opensource.org/10:23
domscan u give some channel so i can know further info.10:23
PwcrLinuxHello ompaul :)10:23
ompaulbliss1_, 8oC cloudy and many happy returns10:24
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ompaulmorning PwcrLinux10:24
PwcrLinuxHmm, I might to add weather temp on my box, brb (digging into system prefs)10:25
bjvbliss1_: oh, just to scare you. :)10:25
bjvbliss1_:  there is a 0.00001% chance that it _will_ make a difference.10:25
bjvwhen this all blows up in your face, remember: "a guy on the internet said it was OK"     :)10:25
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs10:26
bliss1_cobrien: well how about you cannot use postfix in windows and certainly not with  TLS capability are configured to support ephemeral keying10:26
bliss1_bjv: thanks10:26
bjvbliss1_: lol no problem10:26
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cld_txwhere you all from10:28
bliss1_bjv: where do you get you stats10:29
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ali_babahi can i use unbunto as server10:29
bliss1_ompaul: pretty warm yesterday teatime10:29
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superm1so I have been working at getting Xgl going with my dapper laptop.  I can get it to work from the repo version of the ATI drivers, but with the binary from ATI.com, Xgl won't work.  Is there something else that needs to be done to make those drivers go?10:29
PwcrLinuxaha, I found it hehe it's not system prefs, it's was on taskbar (Add to panel) for a weather :)10:29
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cld_txhi all10:30
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bliss1_bjv: got to go se you10:30
patrick52222wat the name of that torrent client witha frog logo10:31
Mend_i can't connect to internet. Modem is recognized by ubuntu but it says pid 0835 blocked pppd10:31
bliss1_cobrien: well catch you later10:31
Mend_what is pid?10:31
bliss1_DBO: just keep drinking10:31
patrick52222DBO: i done the extreme and reinstalled ubuntu its all working now10:31
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, patrick5222210:31
DBOpatrick24601, ok, well done10:31
DBOpatrick52222, I spelt it wrong... sorry10:32
bliss1_patrick52222: hi hows  it going10:32
Mend_i can't connect to internet. Modem is recognized by ubuntu but it says pid 0835 blocked pppd10:32
patrick52222blissi_:it going ok10:33
=== CraiZE [n=craize@vodsl-3858.vo.lu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs10:33
nicklascan i only mount ntfs with read acces, and not read and write acces?10:33
bliss1_patrick52222: get my package10:33
DBOnicklas, NTFS on linux is read only10:33
DBOnicklas, writing to NTFS will fubar the disk10:34
Mend_is there anyone who used dial-up with ubuntu? please, help!!!10:34
nicklasDBO: I've done it in suse i think :)10:34
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patrick52222blissi_:Yep posting it ta day on the way to work should be with you thursday i would say10:34
DBOnicklas, yes, with captive NTFS, it doesnt work correctly in ubuntu, and its still risky10:34
bliss1_patrick52222: thanks10:35
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nicklasDBO: Allright, thanks m810:35
=== mDot [n=michael@ip68-7-136-15.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Mend_is there anyone who used dial-up with ubuntu? please, help!!!10:35
=== vladuz976 [n=vladuz97@pool-71-106-208-236.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
domsanybody can offer us to host a homepage for our organization, were currently advocating the ubuntu OS in our place?10:36
bjvbliss1_: my ass, dear bliss. i get all my statistics from when i pull them out my ass.10:36
PwcrLinuxbjv: bliss left10:36
vladuz976i installed to /dev/hdd5 as root. what do i enter into grub? i have (hd3,4) and that doesn't work10:36
bjvPwcrLinux: i know.10:36
domsanybody can offer us to host a homepage for our organization, were currently advocating the ubuntu OS in our place?10:37
Mend_is there anyone who used dial-up with ubuntu? please, help!!!10:37
bjvi do10:37
domsyes me10:37
=== DBO pulls statistics from bjv's behind
domsgo to linmodem.com10:37
Mend_is there anyone who used dial-up with ubuntu? please, help!!!10:37
vladuz976anybody here know about hard drive naming in Grub?10:37
domsor conexant.com10:37
CraiZEdoms what you need hosting for ?10:37
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.10:37
bjvMend_: what it the problem?10:37
domsour organization10:37
domswe want that our homepage can be publish10:38
CraiZEwhat organization ?10:38
=== fiendskull9 [n=fiendsku@12-201-47-48.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
fiendskull9hey guys10:38
domsubuntu green10:38
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bjvdoms: if you produce code, sourceforge will give you webspace10:38
domsaah webspace?10:39
Mend_bjv: the problem is i have done everything, installed slmodem, configured dial up but it doesn't connect to internet. it says pid blocked pppd10:39
bjvdoms: probably similar organizations would offer some for non-code producers. i dunno, though10:39
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bjvMend_: which process is using the modem?10:39
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bjvprobably just another pppd you can kill10:39
Mend_bjv: im new to linux10:40
Mend_what is process?10:40
PwcrLinuxPID# to kill10:40
domswere non-coder or were not like drupal expert or plone expert were a students but were translating our ubuntu to our native language10:40
bjvMend_: ah, other programs and services running all get a number10:40
Mend_ pid 08*10:40
DBOMend_, "sudo /etc/init.d/ppp restart"10:41
=== aurelian [n=aurelian@C8424744-H92.geniusnet.ro] has joined #ubuntu
domshope their somebody can help us to post our homepage.. or you may help us to develop10:41
bjvMend_: the process identifier, or pid     you can list all the processes with    ps -A10:41
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PwcrLinuxor ps -x10:41
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DBOor ps -ef10:41
=== Okami-kun [n=Benoit@75-QoS1-BARC-D00.inversas.jazztel.es] has joined #ubuntu
=== DBO wanted to be part of the in crowd
bjvMend_: you kill them with commands like    kill or pkill or killall10:42
=== Stormx2 [n=Stormx2@host-87-240-137-127.hi-velocity.net] has joined #ubuntu
fiendskull9doms, what do u need a webpage for?10:42
bjvMend_: you can learn how to use ps and kill by typing         man kill       or man ps10:42
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=== punkforpez [n=pez@68-186-26-135.dhcp.astr.or.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuit has been said that xorg is To reconfigure your X server, type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal, or check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto or here http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-83973.html10:42
Mend_bjv: if i kill them, doesn't it harm any other application?10:42
GTroyhow do I go from matrox's driver I installed to ubuntu's matrox driver?10:43
DBOMend_, do you know how to use pastebin?10:43
bjvMend_: yeah, if it's something importaint10:43
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domsfor promoting our ubuntu green organization10:43
Mend_DBO: is it like recycle bin?10:43
eggzeckDBO, right click on any panel and click "Add to Panel"10:43
PwcrLinuxMend: it's like "Force Close Apps" uses kill <PID>10:43
bjvMend_: chances are it's just an earlier pppd  (the dialup service) that you had started earlier without having the config right10:44
domsas an students were campaigning ubuntu to our native language10:44
DBO...eggzeck... what are you talking about...  I wasn't trying to get help... =P10:44
eggzeckDBO, oh LOL10:44
mDotmaybe someone can help me, i just upgraded to dapper, and everything in forefox is in a differnt font, very hard to read. SANS is missing from my firefox font list as well10:44
mDotany ideas10:44
DBOI was asking him if he knew how to use it, so I could direct him for help10:44
eggzeckDBO, okay :)10:44
=== _Avatar_ [i=paulo@zorg.dreamhost.com] has joined #ubuntu
fiendskull9mDot, you need to reinstall msttfcorefonts again probably10:44
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Mend_bjv: you might be right coz i have configured it several times10:45
domsas an students were campaigning ubuntu to our native language10:45
domswere looking for free web hosting for our homepage10:45
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bjvMend_: probably. either way, any day si a good day to learn about process ids and pkilling them.10:45
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mDotE: Couldn't find package msttfcorefonts10:45
GTroyI installed matrox's graphics driver, how do I go back to ubuntu's ?10:45
DBOdoms, you are welcome to translate it yourself, there are links on how to do that withing ubuntu, just right click and select "Translate this application"10:45
alimhI just upgraded to dapper but it didn't install open office. how do I install all the open office programs (the default ones that came with breezy?)10:46
DBOdoms, why complain when you can actually contribute? =)10:46
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robinl1how to get 96 dpi?10:46
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)10:46
_Avatar_anyone into KDE + ATI + XGL?10:46
CraiZE_Avatar_, not KDE but ATI and XGL :)10:47
Mend_bjv: ODB: PwcrLinux: ok guys thank you, i will switch to linux now, and try i have learned from you10:47
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bjvnvidia ftw.10:47
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PwcrLinuxMend: :)10:47
domsi mean first our updates like what are our events, skedules, meetings something like separate page..10:47
DBOdoms, if you are on highspeed you can easily host it yourself (and pay 6 or so dollars a year for a domain name)10:48
bjvdoms: also, try a chokingly heavy load of email forwarding :P10:48
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domsooo were students we cant afford  but were in highspeed internet connection10:49
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bjvdoms: if you know all parties that are to be involved, you can compile and recompile all info into weekly email updates10:49
DBOdoms, if you are connected to a campus network you cant do it, but maybe the college will give you webspace10:49
ubuntu_who's dat10:50
domswere not using in the campus10:50
=== bjv for a moment i thought the bot just started speaking.
DBObjv, I have those moments too10:50
domswe cant use our campus10:50
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bjvabout blew my mind..10:50
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DBObjv, ubotu has achieved... sentience!!!10:51
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_Avatar_yeah... xgl w/ gnome is ok...10:52
domswere anti-campus coz our school using a MS tools were hate them............10:52
_Avatar_but i am a kde guy...10:52
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_Avatar_coundt do it until now... tried many howtos from ubuntuforums10:52
domshope somebody can help us10:52
DBOdoms, the irony value might be worth it =)10:53
DBOdoms, free webhosting doesnt really exist, at least nothing that isnt LOADED with banner ads10:53
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domswere promoting ubuntu as our native language.. in an alternative way os MS Tools10:53
domsoo sure adds is welcome10:54
bjvMS has adequate tools in your language? o_O10:54
bjvwhat language?10:54
DBOdoms, if you want, I will help you set up an ubuntu based webserver that you can run off your home internet (high speed of course)10:54
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domsyes i like that10:54
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_Avatar_doms, where are you from?10:54
Scar_Freewillany one knows a mp3 to ogg converter?10:55
domswere in the cafe you want to see us how  campaign ubuntu in our place you want to see my video clips, can i send you10:55
DBOScar_Freewill, mp32ogg10:55
DBObut it does result in a quality loss10:55
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bjvoh, all i had was "use oggdec" :\10:56
domsFrom Philippines, Mindanao is far from the Capital of our country10:56
domswere from Mindanao10:56
ompaulDBO, anything that is not mp3 is a step in the right direction :)10:56
bjvoggdec will get you a wav, and you can then take that and run10:56
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DBOompaul, that is true, but transcoding from one codec to another is still going to lose quality10:56
stamen81I am in big trouble, could anybody help me10:57
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ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>10:57
DBOstamen81, what is your problem?10:57
stamen81yestarday I upgraded my Kubuntu on dapper10:57
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stamen81DBO, but I don't stopped the kde daemon10:57
DBOdoms, do you have a box you can use as a webserver?10:57
DBOdoms, is it on your home internet connection?10:58
stamen81DBO, when the system makes the upgrading10:58
domswe have 7 pcs fully installed ubuntu each of them10:58
DBOstamen81, what is your native language?10:58
stamen81DBO, and now I can't start the KDE10:58
stamen81DBO, its bulgarian, but I am installing on Eglish version only10:58
domsour organization manage an cafe10:58
DBOdo we have a channel for bulgarian?10:58
_Avatar_stamen, try to enter in the rescue mode and removing kde-desktop.. after that reinstall kde-desktop10:59
stamen81and how can I make a repair10:59
bjvstamen81: when i upgraded my kubuntu to dapper, after closing X there was still one kde program open10:59
_Avatar_all on recscue mode10:59
burgermannI get a 'bootstrap' error when installing 5.10 beside Dapper Drake.10:59
domspurpose for free tutorials for ubuntu, dekstop plubishing10:59
_Avatar_them reboot an see if it works10:59
DBOdoms, ok, all you need to do is "sudo apt-get install apache2" on your server10:59
bjvstamen81: i had to kill that program, before i could bring the new kde up10:59
domsi go now in my synaptic10:59
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bjvstamen81: in my case it was ksensors that didnt shut down after i shut X down10:59
Scar_Freewillmy server just crashed10:59
DBOdoms, that will install the basic webserver package, then you need to put all your html in "/var/www/"10:59
burgermannNow I can't install anything, because of that bootstrap error10:59
stamen81djv what to do10:59
DBOdoms, then you need to forward port 80 to that box11:00
bjvstamen81: i listed running tasks with    ps -A11:00
domsi'am still installing the apache211:00
bjvstamen81: and saw   'ksensors'   on the list, which i knew was a kde app.   so i killed it with    pkill -KILL ksensors11:01
bjvstamen81: if you cant do all that,   have you done a plain old reboot?11:01
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stamen81the system reboots, and sends me on the kosole11:01
PwcrLinuxokay, good night all :)11:02
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DBOon how to spot a KDE user...11:02
_Avatar_stamen... on the grub menu choose the Recovery Mode... (rescue mode)...11:02
stamen81so say me what to do if you can step by step11:02
_Avatar_the goto terminal....11:02
stamen81because I am new11:02
bjvstamen81: ah, so you have rebooted the machine11:02
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stamen81yes, yestarday11:02
domsDBO /var/www/apache2-default11:02
bjvi am just guessing now, but im gonna go with 'you cant start X at all'11:03
stamen81_Avatar_,  and the11:03
_Avatar_while in rescue mode terminal login as root and type "apt-get remove kde-desktop"11:03
stamen81_Avatar_,  and then11:03
bjvstamen81: do you have a graphics card?11:03
DBOdoms, erm, no, just /var/www/11:03
_Avatar_them "apt-get install kde-desktop"11:03
stamen81djv, yes11:03
_Avatar_it might work..11:03
mustard5_Avatar_, kubuntu-desktop?11:03
bjvstamen81: an nvidia or an ati?11:03
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_Avatar_mustard5, you might be right11:03
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stamen81djv, ati11:03
_Avatar_i dont remeber the packages names by heart11:03
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bjvstamen81: i use an nvidia card11:04
_Avatar_i am away from my ubuntu box right now11:04
burgermannWhat does "Erase entire disk and use LVM" mean?11:04
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domsDBO do you a free template or something a free page that you can offer to us11:04
domsdo u hav11:04
mustard5burgermann, LVM is logical volume manager11:04
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DBOdoms... no, I think you will need to make your own...11:04
mustard5burgermann, erase entire disk is self explanatory :)11:04
_Avatar_i am at work... with nasty windows machine and firewall... using putty to access my shell at othet box (not ubuntu)11:04
bjvbjv: are you at the console right now?11:04
burgermannmustard, yeah :)11:04
bjvbjv: what happens if you type      startx     as a user11:05
DBOdoms, if you want to promote it, you should probably learn how to do it afterall =)11:05
stamen81_Avatar_,  can I make a repair for dist-upgrade11:05
bjvstamen81: what happens if you type      startx     as a user11:05
ubotulvm is probably (for the moment) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/11:05
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_Avatar_stament81, you must reboot your machine. at the bootup pay attention to the GRUB menu... choose the 2nd option (rescue mode)...11:06
stamen81djv, it starts, but there is no KDE desktop, it is a screen with a somthing like net and a little window with konsole11:06
_Avatar_type the root password...11:06
_Avatar_and logged in as root..11:06
stamen81_Avatar_,  and after that11:06
_Avatar_type "apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop"11:06
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_Avatar_them "apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"11:06
_Avatar_if you dont login as root...11:07
DBOyou will have to use sudo11:07
stamen81_Avatar_,  will all configurations of KDE be saved11:07
_Avatar_just type "sudo apt-get remove......" and them "sudo apt-get instal..... "11:07
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DBOstamen81, yes11:07
nicklasHello. I am trying to share some files ubuntu -> windows over my network. I go up to system, administration, shared directories. Choose which directories i like to share, and give it a name... Click ok, and when i from my windows pc try to connect to it, it ask for a username and password? Ive tried the username and pass i use on ubuntu. Any help?11:07
stamen81there is one more problem11:07
DBOstamen81, well your session might get nuked... but the config files in general should not11:07
_Avatar_DBO, on dapper.. it goes directly to root in rescue.. just need to type the pass...11:08
domsDBO i will try to make a page in screem11:08
domsthen i will put it in /var/www11:08
stamen81when I type ifconfig11:08
DBO_Avatar_, forgot we were in dapper... my bad11:08
DBOdoms, yes, your home page should be named index.html11:08
stamen81konsole says that there is no eth card11:08
driggersoo.  do those chinese characters show up on all your screens? * wray has quit ("")11:08
mustard5nicklas, would you need to set up a user name on the windows side using the user name of the ubuntu account?  (just guessing here)11:08
mabus06driggers: yes11:09
bjvdriggers: we _are all running the same OS :P11:09
_Avatar_stamen81.. how are things going?11:09
stamen81_Avatar_, I will reboot now11:09
stamen81_Avatar_, and try what you say11:09
driggersoh.. yeah... well maybe it would be better to hear from anyone who does not see them as chinese chars... ty guys11:09
stamen81_Avatar_, but I have last question for now11:09
nicklasmustard5: I've tried to11:09
Scar_Freewilli just installed ubuntu 5.10 and it is the first time for me on ubuntu... can some one give me a site link to where i might find some apps/updates/codecs like mp3codec...11:10
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bjvmustard5: you should only need the username and password of the ubuntu account11:10
stamen81_Avatar_, can I make a repair of dist-upgrade11:10
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stamen81_Avatar_, from scratch11:10
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_Avatar_Scar... www.ubuntuforums.org11:10
mustard5bjv ah ok11:10
bjvnicklas: isnt there a box you can click to make the samba share public?11:10
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bjvdoes that work?11:10
_Avatar_stamen,  what do you mean by a repair?11:10
Scar_Freewill_Avatar_, thx11:10
_Avatar_you are already upgraded.. arent you?11:10
_Avatar_scar, look for a script called Automatix11:11
_Avatar_it will do all the dirty work for you11:11
stamen81_Avatar_, imagine that I had downloaded the new files and packets, and to do the upgrade function11:11
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nicklasbjv: Could it be to use the ubuntu computer as a WINS server?11:11
mustard5!tell Scar_Freewill about restricted11:12
bjvnicklas: i recall seeing that initialization once in a windows networking profile.. what is WINS?11:12
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_Avatar_stamen... login in rescue... root or user... if root.. apt-get update them apt-get distro-upgrade11:12
stamen81_Avatar_, somthing like I was one step before starting the upgrade, and I want to make with the cached files a repair upgrade11:12
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_Avatar_if user just type "sudo" before the apt-get11:12
stamen81_Avatar_,  ok, but with this command it wants a internet connection11:13
nicklasbjv: I can choose 1)Do not use this as a WINS server 2) Use this as a WINS server 3) Use WINS server:       .... So i dont know what it is :)11:13
stamen81_Avatar_,  but the system now dont recognise my eth card11:13
_Avatar_arent you online? it wont redownload the downloaded packages i think11:13
stamen81_Avatar_,  this is the other problem11:13
_Avatar_try apt-get --help11:13
bjvnicklas: what asks you that? the ubuntu menu, or the popup in windows?11:13
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stamen81_Avatar_,  ok11:14
stamen81_Avatar_,  now I will reboot, and try all this11:14
mustard5stamen81, apt-get -f install   will fix broken package problems11:14
nicklasbjv: It is in ubuntu...11:14
stamen81_Avatar_,  bye and 10x for now11:14
stamen81mustartd5, ok11:14
bjvnicklas: ok. it sounds like WINS was some fake bullshit that microsoft cooked up a while ago11:15
bjvnicklas: your ubuntu box uses DNS and so does your windows machine11:15
nicklasbjv: yes11:15
bjvnicklas: so no one should be using any WINS at all. you can use names if you want, but probably you are just going to be connecting to shares with IP addresses11:15
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nicklasbjv: hmm, I think i found what i needed in the manual...11:16
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Scar_Freewilltuxracer needs some updates [=11:18
Scar_Freewill& by the way how do you compile a app/game like tuxracer to a win port if your not using cygwin?11:19
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_Avatar_scar, found Automatix?11:21
beta_mdoes ubuntu come with free JVM? because i need to run normal SUN JVM, how do i do that?11:22
Scar_Freewill_Avatar_, yes the page11:22
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_Avatar_beta_m go to www.ubuntuforums.com you will find the answer there...11:22
Storkmehow do i shut down from the command line?11:22
ubotuhmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.11:22
_Avatar_you can compile with the source code from JavaSUN11:23
_Avatar_or use the JAVA clone from blackdown or something like that...11:23
Scar_FreewillStorkme, shutdown -t secs now11:23
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_Avatar_ubotu.. risky in which way?11:23
beta_m_Avatar_: www.ubuntuforums.com address not found11:24
_Avatar_many ppl have used it without complains11:24
mendibjv: made it!11:24
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delliottIs there a dedicated PPC channel?11:24
Scar_Freewillbeta_m, .org11:24
_Avatar_beta.. look at google type ubuntu forums11:24
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mendibjv: i think it was ethernet conflicting with modem11:25
mcleodhello world11:25
_Avatar_hello mcleod11:25
bjvmendi: suppa!11:25
mcleod_Avatar_, ;-)11:25
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bjvmendi: good to hear, i actually just went out and bought an external serial modem. that';s how i solved my problems11:25
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bjvmendi: fast, seamless, worked like a charm.11:26
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bjvmendi: guess you saved a couple bucks, though :)11:26
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mephis1987synaptic is the GUI for deb package , what is for rpm packages ?11:27
mendibjv: thank you, it is time to have a lunch, my wife calling me. Yea, it is great, i have saved some bucks and i have internet.11:27
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mendibjv: see u!11:27
mephis1987synaptic is the GUI for deb package , what is for rpm packages ?11:28
ubotufrom memory, rpm is the Redhat Package Management file. Very similar to Debians DEB files, but require alien to install. ask me about !alien11:28
_Avatar_mephis, none... we use "alien" a cmd line prg to conver a .rpm into a .deb11:28
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp226-32.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOdo NOT use alien, please =)11:28
ubotualien is probably a program to convert RPMs to DEBs. Its use is discouraged, as it could create serious problems. Website: http://www.kitenet.net/programs/alien/11:28
_Avatar_why DBO?11:28
mephis1987_Avatar_, yes but what the GUI for rpm ?11:28
mephis1987like synaptic is the GUI of deb11:28
nandemonaiHi people, Just wondering what the new desktop people are going on about in dapper is called.. Curious and want to have a look..11:29
_Avatar_mephis... ubuntu doesnt use RPMs....11:29
DBO_Avatar_, because it fubars systems11:29
jendaoi - anyone know how to assing a keycode to a command?11:29
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ScarFreewill|AFK7-zip can decompress rpms & deps [=11:29
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DBOnandemonai, probably you mean XGL11:30
nandemonaiDBO, That's the one thanks :P11:30
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mephis1987_Avatar_, just for reference , do rpm have a GUI manager like synaptic11:30
DBOnandemonai, you would need dapper, of course, to use it11:30
stjepanwhat's /dev/wacom?11:30
Gold-at-workhi all11:30
Gold-at-workI'm e newbie....can I ask here for help?11:30
DBOmephis1987, yes, but the repository style setup isnt nearly as advanced11:30
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nandemonaiDBO, Yes I realise this.. Hence why I want to have a see before dapper comes out.. Thanks again..11:31
DBOGold-at-work, thats what we are here for!11:31
Gold-at-workdbo: 10x a  lot :D11:31
stjepancan I have DRI and 3D acceleration with newest dapper and my ATI Radeon 9600 (r300 driver)?11:31
mephis1987DBO, uhm , what is the name for it ? sth like yellow dog ?11:31
Gold-at-workwell th eproblem is with live cd11:31
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Gold-at-workit doesn't find the cd11:31
DBOmephis1987, no clue11:31
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DBOGold-at-work, does it just boot to your hard drive instead?11:32
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Gold-at-workI never tried11:32
Remenicwhat's the package named that contains all C function man pages?11:32
DBOGold-at-work, when you put the CD, what happens?11:32
Gold-at-workwin is ok11:32
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Gold-at-workmaybe is my system?11:32
_Avatar_sometimes alien isgood...11:32
_Avatar_i am too lazy to compile from scratch11:32
DBO_Avatar_, please do not recommend alien in here11:33
Gold-at-workI have an asus p5ld2 with i945P chipset and Pentium D 93011:33
DBOGold-at-work, you have to change the boot device priority in the BIOS11:33
ScarFreewill_Avatar_, i have Automatix now, what now?11:33
=== fab [n=fab@cpe-72-129-65-128.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== fab is now known as hajiki
ubotuautomatix is probably unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.11:33
hajikimy cd ripping is very slow (0.1x) can someone help me with that?11:33
Remenicn/m, found it11:33
ubotuI guess automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.11:34
Gold-at-workdbo: nope1!!! it is fine....11:34
DBOScarFreewill, please do not use automatix11:34
Gold-at-workthe cd boots normally11:34
DBOGold-at-work, ok, what is the problem then?  Im not understanding your issue11:34
ScarFreewillubotu, its ok i'll just reinstall... lol11:34
=== laney__ [n=laish@81-178-116-194.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ScarFreewill11:34
=== Hoxzer [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuompaul: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:34
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.11:34
ScarFreewillubotu, k11:35
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, ScarFreewill11:35
Gold-at-workthe problem is that when I press enter to load the kernel...it starts but after 2 seconds it says me that it can't find the cd............11:35
ubotumethinks mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106111:35
DBOScarFreewill, do not use ubotu's name unless you need to ask the bot a question please =)11:35
ompaulScarFreewill, its a channel bot - the advice is in there as we give it out often11:35
Gold-at-workI tried with knoppix live too11:35
jendaOk... anyone know what the Sys_req keysym does? It doesn't seem to do anything11:35
=== mephis1987 [n=mephis19@b-222-119.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
hajikimy cd ripping is very slow can someone help me speed it up11:35
Gold-at-workand it says the same thing11:35
ScarFreewillubotu, lol no, but how do i remove automatix now?11:35
ubotuScarFreewill: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:35
bjvbuuuuuuuurn @ ubotu: "Did you get hit by a windmill?"11:35
DBOGold-at-work, it seems your CD drive is not supported by the live boot...11:36
bjvubotu is getting all up ons.11:36
ubotubjv: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:36
beta_mhow to i edit the %PATH%... where is it initialised during startup?11:36
Gold-at-workIt has no problems with another motherboard and cpu11:36
ScarFreewillDB0, sry didn't know its a bot11:36
DBOGold-at-work, hmmmm...11:36
Gold-at-workI use it with asrock dualsata2 and amd64 3000+ with no problems11:36
r0dubotu, sshlib11:36
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, r0d11:36
DBOScarFreewill, its ok, you had to find out someway11:36
=== MahaDewa [n=UIMPlus@] has joined #ubuntu
Gold-at-workis the same with 32 or 64bit live cd11:37
Gold-at-workdunno why....11:37
=== g8m [n=evil@cp82868-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
_Avatar_DBO, where are you from?11:37
=== Atlas95 [n=atlas@] has joined #ubuntu
hajikimy cd ripping is very slow can someone help me speed it up11:37
DBO_Avatar_, USA...11:37
=== mephis1987 [n=mephis19@b-222-119.cable.kpy.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #ubuntu
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_Avatar_hajaki, have you tuned the hdparm option?11:37
DBOGold-at-work, I see... Im not sure there is much to be done since it is a liveboot11:38
_Avatar_DBO, u work for Canonical?11:38
DBO_Avatar_, oh heck no11:38
mephis1987checking X11/xpm.h usability... no11:38
mephis1987checking X11/xpm.h presence... no11:38
mephis1987checking for X11/xpm.h... no11:38
mephis1987configure: WARNING: Xpm header not found11:38
hajikii tried hdparm -d1 /dev/hdX and it got slower11:38
caplink811_logGold-at-work, what kind of drive it is? sata or ide?11:38
mephis1987should I install xpm ?11:38
ScarFreewill_Avatar_, i have Automatix now, what now? and should i use it because the bot was helling at me uninstall !! lol11:38
_Avatar_DBO, u into kubuntu or ubuntu?11:38
bjvhajiki: i do stuff like  hdparm -d1 -m16 -A1 -a320 -u1 -X mdma2 -c3 /dev/hdc11:38
hajikiare all of those safe11:38
Gold-at-workdo you think is better with installation cd?11:39
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/11:39
DBO_Avatar_, I prefer GNOME because its more... no-nonsense...  but its just a preference...11:39
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, stjepan11:39
_Avatar_Scar, read the forums... i have used it no side effects...11:39
DBOGold-at-work, yes11:39
bjvhajiki:  -A1 -a320  iirc made it work wild on long haul straight reads.11:39
_Avatar_hdparm -d1 -m16 -A1 -a320 -u1 -X mdma2 -c3 /dev/hdc11:39
_Avatar_hdparm -d1 -m16 -A1 -a320 -u1 -X mdma2 -c3 /dev/hdc11:39
=== fyrestrtr [n=burhan@pdpc/supporter/student/fyrestrtr] has joined #ubuntu
ScarFreewill_Avatar_, ok lol so the bot has side effects...11:39
DBO_Avatar_, do NOT recommend automatix in here, we get people all the time who hosed their systems with it11:40
Gold-at-workok I download it...11:40
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Gold-at-workis there a special version for intel dual core?11:40
_Avatar_DBO, i wont recommend.. =)11:40
=== captainredbeard [n=thomas@host-194-46-254-123.dsl-ie.utvinternet.net] has joined #ubuntu
_Avatar_I will only show the door...11:40
captainredbeardis there any weather applet for the KDE panel?11:40
hajikibjv, that didnt work ;(11:40
_Avatar_not make him follow throgh...11:40
beta_manybody?... where is %PATH% set during the startup ?11:40
hajikibjv, i dont need to reboot right?11:40
ScarFreewillDB0, lol, so what do u recommend?11:41
DBOScarFreewill, this is a warning, if you use Automatix after having been warned, you probably will not get much sympathy11:41
mcleodI try to use wifi-radar and wpa11:41
DBOScarFreewill, what are you trying to do?11:41
ScarFreewillDB0, trying to get codecs/updates...11:41
DBOGold-at-work, no there is not, but you would want the kernel compiled for SMP, which means compiling your own11:42
_Avatar_there is a wiki page called ubuntu startup guide...11:42
DBOScarFreewill, what codecs?11:42
_Avatar_it has all the code to do much of the things we want11:42
ScarFreewillDB0, mainly mp3 atm11:42
_Avatar_you can do by yourself11:42
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:42
fyrestrtrbeta_m: /etc/profile for system-wide settings11:42
=== charles_ [n=charles@69-165-62-113.clvdoh.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOno need for automatix11:42
charles_Hello room11:43
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ScarFreewilli have u bot11:43
_Avatar_yeah... automatix sucks.. heheh =)))11:43
xerophytewhat is the best method to keep the to server cluster together, i have load balancer with 2 servers and load balancer is configured with virtual ip address but i need to sync the data to both server, what is the best method out there ..other than rsync11:43
fyrestrtrxerophyte: heartbeat11:43
ubotuit has been said that skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/11:43
DBOxerophyte, yes... there is a program... argh what is the name...11:44
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ScarFreewillDB0, should i rather use a mp3 to ogg converter?11:44
stamen81_Avatar_, I try all this thing11:44
stamen81_Avatar_, but whe I try to remove kubunut-desktop11:45
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp226-32.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has left #ubuntu ["]
DBOScarFreewill, install the mp3 codecs, try the link ubotu gave you11:45
stamen81_Avatar_, konsole says that ther is no kubuntu-desktop installed11:45
DBOxerophyte, Unison works fairly well for that11:45
fyrestrtrScarFreewill: just download the codec as described in RestrictedFormats -- converting mp3 to ogg won't be of much use. You need a "raw" format like wav to start the converstion from.11:45
_Avatar_did u try to run the distro uprgade command again?11:45
DBOfyrestrtr, there are programs to convert11:45
mephis1987hello , i have problem when installing xcircuit , when typing ./configure11:46
mephis1987it says checking X11/xpm.h usability... no11:46
mephis1987checking X11/xpm.h presence... no11:46
mephis1987checking for X11/xpm.h... no11:46
mephis1987configure: WARNING: Xpm header not found11:46
fyrestrtrDBO: I know, but its converting from one compressed format to another just to change the codec. Kinda useless.11:46
stamen81_Avatar_, whe I try to make dist-upgrade, it wanted to install some libs, but it wants a connection to internet, but the system when boots recognize the eth card, and11:46
ScarFreewillhow to i uninstall automatix?11:46
mephis1987so i cant not make11:46
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DBOfyrestrtr, yes, we went over that earlier, you do lose fidelity11:46
stamen81_Avatar_, when I try to mak ifconfi eth0, says that there is no such device11:46
bjvhajiki: hay you dont need to leave, a reboot isnt necicary. :|11:46
DBOScarFreewill, did you use apt-get to install it?11:47
stamen81_Avatar_, like eth011:47
stamen81_Avatar_, what to do11:47
domswere i can get a software like macromedia dreamwaver that i can install in my ubuntu like drag and drop11:47
_Avatar_stament, something must be wrong... is you box connected to a DHCP enabled router?11:47
ScarFreewillor w811:47
DBOScarFreewill, use the same command you used to install it, but replace "install" with "remove"11:47
stamen81_Avatar_, it is connected to LAN and I am using pppoe connection11:47
ScarFreewillthis is how: wget http://beerorkid.com/automatix/automatix_5.7-3_i386.deb11:47
ScarFreewillsudo dpkg -i automatix_5.7-3_i386.deb11:47
=== gourdin [n=gourdin@www.goupilfr.org] has joined #ubuntu
gourdinhi there11:47
fyrestrtrdoms: sudo apt-get install nvu11:48
stamen81_Avatar_, but to activate it I must configure my eth11:48
stamen81_Avatar_, but I can't11:48
gourdinI got a problem with my eth on kubuntu11:48
gourdinApr 15 11:35:42 archon kernel: [4297572.802000]  NETDEV WATCHDOG: eth0: transmit timed out11:48
gourdinApr 15 11:35:42 archon kernel: [4297572.802000]  sky2 hardware hung? flushing11:48
gourdinthis is happening when the load of the network grows a bit11:48
stamen81_Avatar_, how was the command to make the root system of the live cd to use the root of the real distro root11:48
gourdinkernel 2.6.15-2011:48
gourdinanyone got a clue ?11:48
gourdinor a place to report this ?11:49
DBOScarFreewill, "sudo dpkg -r --purge automatix_5.7-3_i386.deb"11:49
_Avatar_boot up with the live cd... and choose the rescue mode.11:49
=== Opinie [n=Opiniee@pc5.htk.fi] has joined #ubuntu
DBOgourdin, you are using dapper?11:49
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:49
gourdinDBO: =)11:50
stamen81_Avatar_, and11:50
ScarFreewillDB0, "dpkg: conflicting actions --purge and --remove"11:50
DBOScarFreewill, "sudo dpkg -r automatix_5.7-3_i386.deb"11:50
=== jareth_ [n=xxx@ip56521d94.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
=== resin [n=resin@ppp-70-243-140-69.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOsorry, my brain no worky11:50
_Avatar_stamen.. i dont understand what you mean.... u want to login as root? you dont nee to use the live cd...11:50
uboturoot is, like, totally, Direct logging as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.11:50
_Avatar_just reboot.. wait for the GRUB menu... and choose the 2nd option11:51
ompaulyou just don't need it11:51
=== nic [n=nicolas@cez63-1-82-243-89-26.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== seyit [n=seyit@koe67-2-82-238-197-62.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulstamen81, sorry that is chroot11:51
stamen81_Avatar_, ok, what to do then11:51
uboturumour has it, chroot is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457511:51
=== nonix4 [n=iheino@power11.adsl.netsonic.fi] has joined #ubuntu
seyithow are you ?????11:51
ompaulstamen81, ^^^^^^ that is what you want11:51
stamen81ompaul, yes, 10x11:51
_Avatar_if you get into the regular login as your regular user you can use sudo before the commands..11:51
ScarFreewillDB0, "dpkg: you must specify packages by their own names, not by quoting the names of the files they come in"11:51
_Avatar_or just type sudo bash11:51
_Avatar_to get a root shell..11:52
DBOScarFreewill, yeah... just try automatix11:52
=== Isil`Zha [n=isilzha@] has joined #ubuntu
stamen81_Avatar_, yes I got it, but what to do then11:52
=== DBO really has no idea how to uninstall automatix
DBOnever installed it11:52
=== mendi_ [n=mendi@] has joined #ubuntu
=== fyrestrtr slaps _Avatar_ with a wet sock -- do NOT recommend that in here.
ubotuit has been said that automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.11:52
=== BuNnYY [n=ivan@unaffiliated/bunnyy] has joined #ubuntu
ubotumephis1987: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:52
DBOjenda, yes, we went over that...11:52
jendaDBO: NEVER recommend automatix11:52
_Avatar_read the thread on the forum...11:52
DBOjenda, we are UNINSTALLING it11:52
domsthanks for informing us for NVU11:52
jendaOk, Ok :)11:53
BuNnYYhello all !! how I install skype skype_1.2.0.18-2_i386.deb ?11:53
jendaDBO: sorry :(11:53
ScarFreewillDB0, "sudo dpkg -r automatix.deb" doesn't work11:53
_Avatar_jenda.. why dont you also like it?11:53
fyrestrtr!tell BuNnYY about skype11:53
_Avatar_what do you mean by risky?11:53
_Avatar_its a malicius script?11:53
DBO_Avatar_, because we end up fixing everything it breaks11:53
BuNnYYfyrestrtr I dont know nothing11:53
DBOScarFreewill, get rid of the .deb11:53
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BuNnYYplease say how install this file11:53
fyrestrtrBuNnYY: read the page that the bot sent you11:54
Isil`Zhahi. does anybody know why somebody had the funny idea to call a lib "libsexy2"? as i don't have a problem with that my proxy does...11:54
_Avatar_scar.. if u just got the deb file.. u didnt install it..11:54
BuNnYYwhat is command for install .deb ?11:54
domsdpkg -i packagename.deb11:54
_Avatar_then u install it u get a menu asking many things u want to get installed11:54
jenda_Avatar_: it's been gone over zillions of times: it's made aby a single person, it changes your sources.list and uses --force-yes. very dangerous options and has broken many boxes before. Alleedly, it has improved since then - I'm not going to be the one to find out.11:54
DBO_Avatar_, he did run the command to install11:54
_Avatar_did u see this menu?11:54
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, mephis198711:54
ubotumephis1987: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:54
=== sergio__ [n=sergio@31.Red-83-55-12.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
BuNnYYwhate moment11:54
BuNnYYroot@ubuntu:/home/ivan# dpkg -i packagename.deb11:55
BuNnYYdpkg: error processing packagename.deb (--install):11:55
BuNnYY cannot access archive: No such file or directory11:55
BuNnYYErrors were encountered while processing:11:55
BuNnYY packagename.deb11:55
fyrestrtrBuNnYY: don't paste in here.11:55
bjvIsil`Zha: you will have to wait until they release the next version libsechsey1, with code even hotter then the last.11:55
BuNnYYbut ?11:55
Isil`Zhaand if someone would have an idea how to actually get this lib, maybe named differently for downloading puposes, it would be really great11:55
GoshawkBuNnYY: you have to substitute packagename.deb11:55
bjvIsil`Zha: libomghottness1?11:55
=== quicksilver_ [n=quicksil@p54B25D28.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
GoshawkBuNnYY: with your package11:55
fyrestrtrBuNnYY: replace packagename.deb with the name of the file that you downloaded from the internet. It will probably start with skype11:55
jendaanyway: Help! I'm trying to make a custom launcher on my gnome-panel (xmodmap .xmodmap) and i get "cannot launch icon - not a launchable itme" whenever I click it.11:55
mephis1987man dpkg11:55
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Isil`Zhabjv: it is kind of funny i admit. but i'm stuck with console until i can get this file...11:55
fyrestrtrIsil`Zha: what file is it?11:56
stamen81ompaul, can I make after that the apt-get upgrade11:56
DBOjenda, what did you fille in for command?11:56
stamen81ompaul, when I change the root11:56
Isil`Zhafyrestrtr: it is called "libsexy2"11:56
MelkyWhat is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running11:56
Melkykernel? [/usr/src/linux/include] 11:56
MelkyThe path "/usr/src/linux/include" is an existing directory, but it does not11:56
Melkycontain a "linux" subdirectory as expected.11:56
_Avatar_DBO, if I install flight 6 on my box.. then the final version gets out will dist-upgrade do it all for me or its recommended to go from scratch everytime we get a new version?11:56
jendaDBO: xmodmap .xmodmap (and I tried /usr/bin/xmodmap /home/jenda/.xmodmap11:57
bjvIsil`Zha: i guess it' snot very core. i dont have that in my apt-cache11:57
ompaulstamen81, not if dapper and breezy but you could try11:57
fyrestrtrMelky: install linux headers first. apt-get install linux-headers11:57
DBOjenda, did you check run in terminal?11:57
ompaulstamen81, never had to do it myself11:57
Isil`Zhabjv: its within dapper11:57
fyrestrtrbjv: what version you need? I can download it, rename it, upload it, and you can download it, rename it, and get on with whatever thing you were doing.11:57
Melkyoh,I see11:57
fyrestrtrwhoops, wrong person11:57
fyrestrtrIsil`Zha: ^ is to you11:57
jendaDBO: yes, to test it - but I don't want a terminal to open11:57
bjvErrhttp://archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main libsexy2 0.1.7-0ubuntu211:57
bjv  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 11:58
bjvFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/libs/libsexy/libsexy2_0.1.7-0ubuntu2_i386.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80] 11:58
bjvi cannot apt-get it either.11:58
jendaDBO: it won't work either way.11:58
BuNnYYthis is cool ! mirror  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/ thanks for all :)11:58
bjvmaybe the dapper repo is busted?11:58
ScarFreewillDB0, "sudo apt-get remove automatix" this worked11:58
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jendaDBO: never mind... i put it as a service... how stupid. thanks anyway :)11:58
_Avatar_Scar, there you go!11:58
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Isil`Zhafyrestrtr: 0.1.7-0ubuntu411:58
=== conmiweb [n=conmiweb@22.Red-83-55-67.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
_Avatar_Good boy! =)11:58
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stamen81ompaul,  how can I see is eth card recognized by the distro?11:58
fyrestrtrIsil`Zha: which arch?11:58
domsis their a software like grading system for an class.. or like enrollments sytem for linux11:58
DBOjenda, ah... I just finished making mine, worked fine, so I was confused =P11:59
stamen81ompaul, and to make it work11:59
fyrestrtrstamen81: ifconfig11:59
Isil`Zhafyrestrtr: dapper11:59
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stamen81fyrestrtr, yes I now that, but the live session recognise it11:59
fyrestrtrIsil`Zha: *arch* i386, amd64, etc.11:59
stamen81fyrestrtr, the real instalation not11:59
Isil`Zhafyrestrtr: sorry. 38611:59
fyrestrtrstamen81: did you forget to tell it to bring it up on boot?11:59
=== TokenBad [n=tokenbad@c-71-193-211-174.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulstamen81, is it wireless?12:00
fyrestrtrIsil`Zha: okay, wait for a few seconds.12:00
stamen81fyrestrtr, no it is not wireless12:00
fyrestrtrstamen81: it doesn't matter if its wireless or not :)12:00
stamen81fyrestrtr, and I don't tell it anything12:00
domsis their a software like grading system for an class.. or like enrollments sytem for linux12:00
stamen81fyrestrtr, I have just upgaraded to dapper, and the trouble started from then12:00
TokenBadcan someone help me figure out why my sound stopped working when try to use xmms..it just comes up saying that its not set up right or something else is using it..but nothing to use sound is loaded...and it was working earlier today...12:00
DBOdoms, none I am aware of, try searching around in synaptics, but I didnt find anything12:00
fyrestrtrstamen81: ask in #ubuntu+112:01
stamen81fyrestrtr, and I don't know how to fix all this12:01
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domsanybody has a template of an NVU can you share it to me?12:02
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Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-10-k7 2.6.12-10.3012:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-10-k7: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-10-686-smp 2.6.12-10.3012:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-10-686-smp: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-10-686 2.6.12-10.3012:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-10-686: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-10-386 2.6.12-10.3012:02
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL12:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-10-386: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-10 2.6.12-10.3012:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-10: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-9-k7-smp 2.6.12-9.2312:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-9-k7-smp: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-9-k7 2.6.12-9.2312:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-9-k7: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686-smp 2.6.12-9.2312:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686-smp: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686 2.6.12-9.2312:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-9-686: command not found12:02
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386 2.6.12-9.2312:02
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-9-386: command not found12:03
Melkyroot@ubuntu:~#   linux-headers-2.6.12-9 2.6.12-9.2312:03
Melkybash: linux-headers-2.6.12-9: command not found12:03
domsanybody has a template of an NVU can you share it to me?12:03
DBOdoms, try google =)12:03
=== MenZa is now known as MenZa-San
DBOMelky, please dont paste in here, it spams the channel like no other12:04
DBOMelky, those are not commands... thats all there is to it, what are you trying to do?12:04
Journichanyone had any luck with ubuntu and a dell 9400 with the ati x1400 video card?  can't find any info about x1400 video card drivers from ati12:04
DBOor leave...12:04
domsyes i'am searching in google DBO dont forget your pormise to us12:04
=== Croperz [n=Croperz@203-214-23-223.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
DBOI made a promise?12:04
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domsyes something in /var/www/12:06
=== Glutinous [n=steven@ppp169-109.lns1.per1.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOyou already installed apache, open a web browser and type "" into the address bar12:06
fyrestrtrIsil`Zha: wget http://www.meidomus.com/files/ubuntu-libs.tar.bz2 -- and enjoy some libsexy2 lovin'12:06
DBOyour website will come up12:06
Isil`Zhafyrestrtr: thank you very much :)12:07
domsyes i'am finish installing my apache212:07
DBOok, so you have a webserver now... whats the problem?12:07
domsi can open that webpage to other internet cafe something like
DBOdoms, you have to forward port 80 to that machine through the router to get it to work from the outside12:08
fyrestrtrdoms: you want to open it *to* other internet cafe, or open it *from* internet cafe?12:08
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DBOfyrestrtr, he wants the world to have access12:08
DBOand its being hosted... somewhere...12:08
fyrestrtrdoms: dyndns.org12:08
TokenBadcan someone help me figure out why my sound stopped working when try to use xmms..it just comes up saying that its not set up right or something else is using it..but nothing to use sound is loaded...and it was working earlier today...12:09
domswhat do you mean port 8012:09
fyrestrtrand then setup your (probably linksys) router to use dyndns -- forward port 80 and done.12:09
domsok i try dyndns.org12:09
ubotuportforward is, like, totally, visit portforward.com for a comprehensive site on how to forward your ports for games, torrents, webservers, etc12:09
fyrestrtrbrb -- lunch12:10
=== Scar_Freewill [n=willems@c4-215-2.eno.dial.mweb.co.za] has joined #ubuntu
jendaHow do I make the Super key (win key) ALWAYS use third level keysyms? It seems that the setting in preferences-keyboard gets overridden by running xmodmap .xmodmap (and that gets overridden when setting it in preferences)12:10
jendaSo... where can I acess X's default xmodmap file - the one it falls back to in such cases?12:11
BuNnYYhow install firefox ?12:11
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion12:11
BuNnYYwhere I download firefox ?12:11
DBOBuNnYY, 1.0.7 is already installed12:11
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BuNnYYbut I dont see DBO12:11
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BuNnYYwhare ?12:11
Scar_Freewillyou know i am trying to get mp3 codec but the site you refered me to stats that "sudo apt-get install  gstreamer0.8-mad" is the command to install it but it tells me it can't find the pakage12:11
=== stefano [n=stefano@ip-140-14.sn2.eutelia.it] has joined #ubuntu
DBOApplications -> Internet -> Firefox12:12
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BuNnYYnop nothing12:12
gnomefreakScar_Freewill: do you have universe and multiverse repos enabled?12:12
Scar_Freewillno lol12:12
BuNnYYI dont have12:12
DBO!tell Scar_Freewill about repos12:12
gnomefreakScar_Freewill: you need to12:12
Scar_Freewilli think i know how\12:12
jendaBuNnYY: isn't there a world icon next to the system menu?12:12
=== gicmo [n=gicmo@p5491E917.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakin your pb12:12
gnomefreakpm even12:12
BuNnYYwhate 1 minutes12:13
DBOjenda, oh yeah, good thinking =)12:13
gnomefreakBuNnYY: opena  terminal and type firefox www.ubuntu.com12:13
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Scar_FreewillDB0, now i start liking that bot [=12:13
=== wmli [n=wmli@81-235-195-160-no57.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOScar_Freewill, we like him too, saves lots of typing12:14
=== cassidy [n=cassidy@223.208-136-217.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
jendaHow do I make a third level chooser in xmodmap? The gnome setting is deprecated, as it gets overriden by xmodmap.12:14
Scar_FreewillDB0, yeah12:14
jendaThis line seems to be what I'm looking for.. but how do i assing it to the winkey? add    Mod5    = Mode_switch ISO_Level3_Shift12:15
gicmoI need a lot of 32 bit libs on an amd 64 systm12:15
gicmois it ok to just extract the contents of the 32bit version into lib32?12:15
stefanoI can't see more than 1 windows in lanchpad.there's an error in the property. Can anyone help me?12:15
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domsyes i'am puting now a html file in my /var/www12:17
domsthen i type
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domsApache/2.0.54 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 8012:18
domsDBO whats next when i click my html file i cant open it12:19
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=== Hoxzer_ [n=niko@a80-186-169-248.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
DBOdoms, what did you name the html file?12:20
DBOjenda... I have no idea how to help you, what are you trying to do anyhow?12:20
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DBOdoms, name it "index.html"12:20
iplgeckoHi can I recieve help on mozilla here?12:20
domsah ok12:20
=== olive [n=olive@o.o6.fr] has joined #ubuntu
DBOiplgecko, its kinda dead, so sure12:21
=== shrewduser [n=aaron@203-214-44-168.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Hoxzer_can you guys tell me how do I make Team speak to use alsa12:21
iplgeckoWelll I just want videos and shockwave videos to play without lagging12:21
Hoxzer_I can't find howto for it12:21
iplgeckoI have updated everything12:21
shrewduseris there any simple way to re-install all the important base system files?12:21
DBOiplgecko, is the sound or the video lagging?12:21
iplgeckomozilla, media player plugins, flash etc.12:21
iplgeckolike it stops then starts12:21
shrewduserlike some sort of "system repair"?12:21
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dsasshrewduser: You can reinstall the seperate packages...12:22
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iplgeckoJust choppy you could say12:22
DBOshrewduser, did you make a backup?12:22
wvelezDoes Automatix work with Dapper?12:22
jendaDBO: I use several languages and I decided I would like a third level on my keyboard. Gnome allows this easily, but refuses to cooperate with my xmodmap - it ALWAYS falls back to some xmodmap file (I believe it' sone I made myself as well... as there is no Z in it and that looks like my mistake rather than the devs)... and I have no clue where this could be... maybe... anyway to search *xmodmap* flies if they contain lines with "z*Z" and look at those t12:23
jendahat do NOT?12:23
ubotuwell, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.12:23
iplgeckoDBO: do you have any ideas?12:23
gnomefreakwvelez: dont use automatix12:23
jendawvelez: automatix barely works with breezy...12:23
domsyes i replace it in index.html  nothing happens12:23
gnomefreakwvelez: and no neither that or easyubuntu work in dapper12:24
domswhen i click
=== mmmiiikkkeee [n=mike@resnet-14-120.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #ubuntu
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DBOiplgecko, are you sure its not a bandwidth issue... it sound like buffering to me12:24
mmmiiikkkeeei am haveing trouble with the system updater... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230012:24
DBOdoms, are you sure your HTML is sound?12:25
jendaYeah... DBO, would you know hot to search for files of a given name (*xmod*) that do not contain a string?12:25
iplgeckoI have 1.5mb and I can clearly see it loads first then plays.12:25
mmmiiikkkeeecodl some one look at the error its producing12:25
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mmmiiikkkeeei dont know how to fix that12:25
domsindex.html thats my template12:25
DBOjenda, with grep12:25
iplgeckoDBO: It works fine in windows :S12:25
DBOiplgecko, ok, I will get back to you12:25
jendaDBO: figured as much :-D but the syntax is too complicated for me in this case...12:26
=== accumulator [n=nobody@82-170-119-175.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
iplgeckoDBO: ok thanks alot12:26
=== Melchior [n=Melchior@host86-135-237-11.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== mthakur [n=mthakur@host86-135-33-178.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
mthakurgnomefreak : r u there12:26
mthakurnickrud : r u there12:26
DBOjenda, grep -L <string> *12:26
mthakurmustard5 : r u there12:26
mthakurduelboot : r u there12:26
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DBOmthakur, please dont do that12:26
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mthakurok sorry DBO12:27
gnomefreakmthakur: yes what do you need12:27
=== Howitzer [n=adrian@183.13-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #ubuntu
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mmmiiikkkeeei am haveing trouble with the system updater... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230012:27
mthakurgnomefreak, u no the problem i had last night : the gui won't come up?12:27
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=== mustard5 takes time out from his slashdot reading :)
jendaDBO: thx :) just found it in the man :)12:27
gnomefreakmthakur: no i wasnt here for that i dont think12:27
DBOdoms, pastebin your HTML file12:27
=== Whitman [n=a@cpc2-cdif3-0-0-cust411.cdif.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5mthakur, yeah I remember ..the network configuration gui12:27
mthakurgnomefreak, oh yes.12:27
gnomefreakmthakur: does it give you blue screen?12:27
mustard5mthakur, dialup?12:27
domsi mv my index.html to /var/www12:28
mmmiiikkkeeei am haveing trouble with the system updater... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230012:28
mthakurno, it just gives a black screen : i found out on forum what i must have disabled - GDM or KDM12:28
domswhat do u mean by pastbin my file12:28
=== _pow3r [n=pow3r@158.red-217-217-21.user.auna.net] has joined #ubuntu
mthakurgnomefreak & mustard5 : no, it just gives a black screen : i found out on forum what i must have disabled - GDM or KDM12:28
mustard5mthakur, ah ok12:28
DBO!tell doms about pastebin12:29
mmmiiikkkeeei am haveing trouble with the system updater... http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230012:29
mustard5mthakur, so how did you go with fixing it?12:29
mthakurgnomefreak & mustard5 : so how do u make it load up by default?12:29
holycow__mmmiiikkkeee: stop bloody pasting dude12:29
gnomefreakmmmiiikkkeee: ok thats a warning its ok to have but if you want to fix it please read the page you got seveas repo from it will tell you how to make that go aaway12:29
holycow__mmmiiikkkeee: just paste once and shush,someone will get to you12:29
DBOiplgecko, do video files playback ok outside of firefox?12:29
BuNnYYhow install .tar.gz for my ubuntu ?12:29
mustard5mthakur, I'm not really sure how you disabled it12:30
wvelezDoes Automatix work with Dapper?12:30
gnomefreakubotu tell BuNnYY about compile12:30
iplgeckoDBO: yes they play no worries12:30
Howitzerdon't think so12:30
holycow__wvelez: don't ever use automatix12:30
DBOwvelez, no, automatix doesnt work, period...12:30
Howitzerwvelez, some packages are named differently12:30
ubotuwell, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.12:30
mustard5mthakur, wasnt it when you fiddled with webmin?12:30
mthakurmustard5, i fiddled with something in webmin that regulates boot up and shut down procedures12:30
wvelezHowitzer: thanks12:30
gnomefreakwvelez: no and nothing works in dapper and dont use automatix12:30
holycow__how the hell do people manage to take something like dpkg and apt and completely hose it with something stupid like automatix12:30
iplgeckoDBO: when I go to view a flash video for eg. it says i must update flash or java script isnt enabled12:30
wvelezgnomefreak: youre a moron...dapper works fine12:30
mustard5mthakur, I can't think of any simple way of fixing it :)12:31
gnomefreakwvelez: i meant out of automatix and easyubuntu12:31
mthakurmustard5, o kk12:31
gnomefreakwvelez: if you read it the first time i posted it you would have seen that12:31
DBOwvelez, please be nice to gnomefreak, he works mighty hard to help people =)12:31
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mustard5mthakur, the longshot would be to get webmin going again and put back the boot up options that you removed the first time12:32
gnomefreakwvelez: hey btw this isnt the dapper support channel12:32
holycow__wvelez: such language can get  you banned, careful12:32
DBOiplgecko, there is something in the forums about this issue... Im almost sure of it12:32
mthakurahoy, i fixed it......aha12:32
mthakurthanks u mustard512:32
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mustard5mthakur, what did you do?12:32
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mthakurmustard5, i enabled GDM in webmin.12:32
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mustard5mthakur, heh..well thats a good start :)12:33
gnomefreakwvelez: also a hint _not_ everything works in dapper12:33
mustard5mthakur, see ..your a linux guru ;)12:33
=== DBO hands mthakur his new beard
Howitzergnomefreak, i've had no problems so far12:33
mustard5DBO, :)12:33
mthakurmustard5, thank u - i could not have donw that without you :) - do u no the things that should be enabled when u boot up - like gdm...12:33
mthakurthanks DBO12:33
gnomefreakHowitzer: do you use everything dapper has to offer?12:34
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mustard5mthakur, what other options do you have?  can you show me a screenshot of the webmin page?12:34
mthakuryes - how do u send a file?12:34
mustard5mthakur, the imageshack website will host it12:34
mustard5mthakur, I'll get a link12:34
=== imbrandon [n=brandon@CPE-72-135-8-5.kc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Howitzerwhat do you mean by everything?12:35
domsi mv my index.html to /var/www12:35
=== beetlefrosch [n=beetlefr@V3125.v.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5mthakur, http://www.imageshack.us/12:35
domsnothing happens when i type
domsin my broswer12:35
gnomefreakHowitzer: do you have every package installed for i386 and 64bit?12:35
mustard5mthakur, upload the screenshot to that website and show me the URL afterwards12:35
DBOdoms, ok, does it time out?12:35
Howitzerofcourse noty12:35
mustard5mthakur, I'm going to reconnect my dialup connection brb12:35
Howitzeri'm saying i don't have any problems so far12:35
Howitzeri'm not saying they're aren't any problems12:35
gnomefreakme neither after the printer fix12:36
HowitzerAlthough i've noticed that Gnome 2.14 didnt give the speedboost they said it would give12:36
mthakurok mustard5 thanks.12:36
iplgeckoDBO: ok ill search thankyou for your help12:36
gnomefreakbut my comment to him was everything does not work if it did all work than launchpad bugs would be totally usless and it would have gotten a sooner release12:36
domswhat do mean DBO12:36
=== CrummyGummy [n=wayne@dsl-145-116-239.telkomadsl.co.za] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
DBOdoms, does your web browser say "connection timed out" or something like that?12:37
gnomefreakHowitzer: gnome cant do that too many apps running in background (not everyone is gonna have the speed that so people do12:37
=== wold [n=wold@ev-217-129-81-225.netvisao.pt] has joined #ubuntu
gnomefreakslowest still is KDE imo than gnome12:38
mthakurDBO, thanks for the beard12:38
Hoxzer:D I'm losing my mind because of teamspeak12:38
=== davtaine [n=justjoo@GYYMKDCCXCV.dsl.saunalahti.fi] has joined #ubuntu
DBO=)  welcome tot he club mthakur12:38
=== mustard5 [n=mustard5@038.a.002.sop.iprimus.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5mthakur, k I'm back12:38
mustard5mthakur, how is that screenshot going?12:38
mthakurmustard5, i can only upload one image - but i have got six :)12:39
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=== Whatsisname [n=whatsisn@rrcs-67-52-37-209.west.biz.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
mthakurmustard5, i can only upload one image - but i have got six :)12:39
=== scantid [n=scantid@207.Red-81-32-66.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mthakurDBO , thanks12:39
mthakurDBO, how do u hand a beard?12:39
domsno? no saying no happens when i type
mustard5mthakur, that is your special linux guru beard :)12:40
DBOdoms, did... you press enter?12:40
mthakurmustard5 - thanks12:40
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domsof course12:40
mthakurI am a linux guru, yayyy12:40
DBOdoms, can you put a copy of your "index.html" in pastebin?12:40
mthakurmustard5, i can only upload one image - but i have got six :)12:40
mustard5mthakur, load them one at at time12:40
domsthe sourcode12:41
domsof the url12:41
=== Pupeno [n=Pupeno@80-102-197-7.bcn1.dialup.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
mustard5mthakur, show me the URL for each one as you do it12:41
DBOthe code12:41
mthakuri m sending u this way--send file12:41
jendaDoes ANYONE know... what keymap gnome uses as default? this is really frustrating...12:41
domsbut when i right click an open the html file yes i can see it.12:41
domsbut when i type only in the address nothings happens12:41
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fyrestrtrjenda: what's the problem you have?12:42
mustard5mthakur, I suspect the transfer rate will be too slow actually via irc12:42
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DBOdoms... ok, I need to see a copy of your "/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default12:42
DBO" file12:42
DBOoops, sorry for the two liner12:42
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Ironhandhello, does anyone know what could be causing this... a system with an e100 based ethernet interface, works fine with debian, in ubuntu the module is loaded, eth0 reported in dmesg, however trying to bring eth0 up reports "no such device"...12:43
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mustard5mthakur, I don't think the send is working12:43
DBOBuNnYY, have you been helped?12:43
wahjavaHi group12:43
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bliss1__hi hi12:44
wahjavaI want to create deb packages of one of my app I developed12:44
jendafyrestrtr: I'd like to use both, the settings gnome offers for my keyboard (third level chooser in particular) and what my xmopmap file does. Now gnome aways reverts to _some_ xmopmap_ file of my making (which make sit even weirder) but I have NO clue which one. It's not .xmodmap, and it's not /usr/share/xmodmap/xmodmap.dvorak - those are identical and the way I want them. But it won't let me use them along with the third lever chooser...12:44
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wahjavaHow can I create one12:44
Ironhand(this is kernel 2.6.15-19 as well as -20, i38612:44
wahjavaWhere do I look12:44
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mthakurmustard5, the url for the 1st screenshot is - http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot11ps.png12:45
mustard5mthakur, got it12:45
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mthakurmustard5, can u see the pic?12:45
jendafyrestrtr: won't let me, in this case, means that they mutually override each other.12:45
BuNnYYhow install XAMPP 1.4.11 for Linux.tar.gz ???????????12:45
mustard5mthakur, yeah..I'm on dialup though, so its slow loading :)12:45
domsyou mean that i move my index.html in  /etc/apache2/sites-enabled12:45
mthakuro kk, mustard512:46
bliss1__mustard5 well hi happy easter12:46
DBOdoms... no, I need you to post a copy of the file I mentioned above somewhere on the internet (or at pastebin) so I can read it and see where the problem is...12:46
fyrestrtrjenda: hrmm ... I'm not at my ubuntu station right now, but have you tried looking this up, because its not ubuntu specific.12:46
mustard5hey bliss1__  :)12:46
mthakurWish Every1 Happy Easter!12:46
BuNnYYDBO how install XAMPP 1.4.11 for Linux.tar.gz ?12:46
mustard5bliss1__, I have consumed many easter eggs ;)12:46
jendafyrestrtr: I'll try...12:47
fyrestrtrjenda: you can try your luck in ##gnome12:47
bliss1__mustard5; hows your menu.lst experience12:47
mustard5bliss1__, I have some limited experience :)12:47
DBOBuNnYY, "tar -xvfg /path/to/Linux.tar.gz"12:48
bliss1__mustard; you know what goes where12:48
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mustard5mthakur, wow..you really turned a lot of processes off at startup :)12:48
mthakurmustard5, the url for the second image is - http://img138.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot21bm.png12:48
bliss1__DBO: you 24 hour cat woo12:48
DBOBuNnYY, that will extract it, then you will probably have to compile (or does XAMPP not require that12:48
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mustard5bliss1__, ummm...I'm not sure..It won't hurt for me to have a look :)12:49
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BuNnYYDBO what program I download  ?12:49
BuNnYYfor apache phpmyadmin php12:49
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DBOBuNnYY, why do you want to use XAMPP?12:49
fyrestrtrBuNnYY: sudo apt-get install apache phpmyadmin php12:49
DBOwhy not do a full install...12:49
DBO^^ what he said12:49
mthakurmustard5, what should i enable?12:49
mustard5mthakur, I think you should turn anacron back on (from the first page)...and probably others...just looking and trying to work it out12:49
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fyrestrtrmthakur: you should always run some cron daemon as system admin tasks require cron.12:50
mustard5mthakur, turn acpid back on12:50
mthakurthanx, fyrestrtr12:50
bliss1__mustard5: http://pastebin.ca/49422 go for it12:50
mthakurok, mustard5, nething else12:51
mustard5bliss1__, what am I looking for in particular?12:51
mustard5mthakur, alsa-utils on12:51
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bliss1__mustard5 read the question at the bottom12:51
mustard5bliss1__, yep..just noticed that :)12:51
mthakurthe url for the third image is - http://img95.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot31vi.png12:52
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bliss1__mustard5: your a star12:52
mthakurmustard5, should i turn bootclean etc. on?12:52
mustard5bliss1__, so what is this XEN?12:52
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mustard5mthakur, yep12:53
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bliss1__mustard5: its a virtual thing, but its the grub entry i need to know12:53
mthakurok mustard512:53
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mthakurnething else, mustard5?12:54
mthakurmustard5, u seen the second shot yet?12:55
mustard5mthakur, I'll keep looking in a minute..just reading something else atm :)12:55
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mthakurmustard5, k12:55
DBOmthakur, you should probably turn the ifupdown stuff back on too12:55
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DBOand klogd12:55
mthakurok thanks DBO :)12:56
bliss1__DBO: eats chocolate eggs with coffee inside12:56
DBOand linux restricted stuff12:56
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mustard5bliss1__, I guess it would depend on which directory the vmlinuz is in?12:57
mustard5bliss1__, is it in /boot/?12:57
mthakurthe url for the fourth shot is - http://img135.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot48ux.png12:57
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bliss1__mustard5:  i use grub from the os in hda212:58
mustard5mthakur, k..downloading image 3 and 4 now :)12:58
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mthakurDBO & mustard5 - one thing that is missing is between the 3rd and 4th screenshots is madm-raid - what about that?12:58
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bliss1__mustard: yep i think i know what you are saying its hda2 (hd0,1)12:58
mustard5mthakur, what does the description say it does?12:59
DBOmthakur, do you use raid?12:59
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mthakurmustard5, the decription says Start any arrays which are described in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf and which are not running already.12:59
DBOmthakur, you probably want to turn networking on as well12:59
mthakurok thanks, DBO12:59
DBOmthakur, if you dont use rsync, you can kill that01:00
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mthakurwhat is rsync? dbo01:00
nirmalmthakur r u from India?01:00
mustard5bliss1__, so in hda2 there is a /boot/ which contains this vmlinuz for XEN?01:00
mthakuryes nirmal01:00
nirmali am too01:00
DBOmthakur, if you dont know, you dont use it01:00
DBOmthakur, you can also kill powernowd if its not a laptop01:00
bliss1__mustard5 there will be when I install it01:01
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Plitskinhi, why won't rm -d [dir]  remove my directory?01:01
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mustard5bliss1__, are you installing over your Debian build in hda2?01:02
DBOPlitskin, that is super user only01:02
mustard5bliss1__, or is this an addition to that?01:02
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bliss1__mustard; yes it sort of inside it01:02
PlitskinDBO: Thanks01:03
DBOPlitskin, the man command is your friend01:03
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bliss1__mustard5 well i think must be an additon or I would not need a grub entry01:04
mustard5bliss1__, well I suppose (hd0,1) is the way to go, with vmlinux installed in /boot/ ...the second one...from what I can see it really depends on where the vmlinuz for XEN is installed01:04
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mustard5bliss1__, if its in /boot/ you would use the second one...if not then the first one01:04
Scar_Freewillwhere/how can i get "libsdl-mixer" & "libsdl-image" ?01:04
Plitskinafter I did sudo -s how do I go back to my default user? Sorry... It just felt faster asking here...01:05
mustard5bliss1__, am I making sense..or is my ignorance showing? :)01:05
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mustard5mthakur, bootmisc I'm not sure what it does..01:06
mthakurhi, i can't upload any more images.01:06
bliss1__mustard5; so if i have ubuntu on hda1 (hda0 ,0 sarge on hda2 (hda0,1) would xen be hda2 (h0,3)?01:06
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BiSHEPhi all01:06
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mthakurmustard5, i have enabled that01:06
BiSHEPi install Ubuntu on VMWare01:06
gravesoncan someone please help me with my ati card- i followed th ati binary guide over and over again,but :( %$@#$%#$@%01:06
Plitskinerrr... How could I forget... it's the su command...01:06
BiSHEPand for install VM tools ubuntu says what need super user01:07
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BiSHEPi enter in console "su" but it says what password is incorrect01:07
mthakurmustard5, do u need webmin to start up at the boot time?01:07
mustard5bliss1__, I'm thinking that if you had xen as hda2 (hd0,3) we would be talking about a new partion in which xen is going to be installed01:07
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mustard5mthakur, not necessarily no...you could start it manually01:08
id`How do i restart apache? With archlinux it'd just be sudo /etc/rc.d/apache2 restart01:08
bliss1__mustard5: that ok its not a new partition so it will be xen hda2 (hda0,1)?01:08
mthakurmustard5, i don't need it - i've got xampp01:08
BiSHEP   ?01:08
mustard5bliss1__, one tick..just thinking about this01:08
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gnomefreakBiSHEP: english in here please01:09
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BiSHEPi enter in console "su" but it says what password is incorrect01:10
BiSHEPbut when i install UBUNTU01:10
=== gnomefreak sat through a 2 hour meeting on xen thursday night
mustard5bliss1__, well hda2 would be referred to by grub as (hd0,1)01:10
BiSHEPi enter everywhere only one password01:10
gnomefreakBiSHEP: use sudo not su01:10
mthakurmustard5, can u see the file i sent 2 ya?01:10
fyrestrtr!tell BiSHEP about sudo01:10
gnomefreakubotu tell BiSHEP about root01:10
mustard5mthakur, no..file transfers aren't working01:10
BiSHEP <gnomefreak> with wich parameters use "sudo" ?01:10
bliss1__mustard5: ok so were agreed on that point01:10
gnomefreakBiSHEP: what are you trying to do?01:11
BiSHEPi need instal VMtools in Ubuntu01:11
gravesonanyone i have a screenshot of how my desktop looks when the fglrx module is loaded. can someone please help01:11
mthakurmustard5, aww - i can't upload nemore images on imageshack...01:11
mustard5mthakur, check for PM from me in another window01:11
fyrestrtrgraveson: what's the problem?01:11
gnomefreakBiSHEP: sudo apt-get install <packagename>01:11
mthakurwhat is PM?01:11
gnomefreakpm=private message01:11
fyrestrtrmthakur: afternoon01:11
mthakuroh ok01:11
mustard5bliss1__, the problem is that I don't have a clue what this xen is :)01:11
BiSHEPlet`s try...01:11
mthakurafter noon fyrestrtr01:12
bliss1__mustard; do not worry i think we have it01:12
fyrestrtrmustard5: xen is a virtualization software. Why do you have it?01:12
gnomefreakBiSHEP: read the link in your pm please and im not even sure vmtools are in the repos01:12
mustard5bliss1__, so I'm at a loss as to why its going onto the debian installation on hda2 :)01:12
gnomefreakxen is nice if you can get it running01:12
bliss1__mustard5: its like vmware01:12
gnomefreakubotu tell BiSHEP about repos01:12
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mustard5bliss1__, k01:12
mthakurmustard5, how do u offer Pm?01:12
gravesonfyestrtr: this #%^#$^$#%  ati display card. giving me grey hairs . i will paste on pastebin partof my issue01:13
mustard5mthakur, are you registered with IRC?01:13
gnomefreakmthakur: /msg <personsname>01:13
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mustard5mthakur, you might need to register your nickname01:13
ubotuInformation about registering your Freenode nick is at http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration01:13
gnomefreakmustard5: he is not identified01:13
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gnomefreaksorry i love /whois :)01:14
AkiraYukiCiao a tutti01:14
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mustard5mthakur, just throw up each option you need to know about and I'll see how we go :)01:14
mustard5mthakur, whats the next process you need to know about?01:14
Tm_TAkiraYuki: no, speak english01:15
Scar_Freewill Depends: Help plz libid3tag0 (>=0.15.1b) but it is not installable01:15
Scar_Freewill Depends: libmad0 (>=0.15.1b) but it is not installable01:15
mthakurmustard5, okay..01:15
bliss1__mustard5: now now we have established where its going you will notice there are two examples of what goes in grub i am just wondering which one they are slightly diffrent01:15
mthakurmustard5 - what's the last process u can see?01:15
gravesonfystrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230201:15
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Scar_Freewilllol that help plz shouldn't be there01:15
mustard5bliss1__, the only difference (from what I am seeing) is that one is looking for the vmlinuz in the /boot/ and the other is not01:16
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AkiraYukiok, thanks01:16
Marineboymustard whats up!01:16
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horeahey guys I'm kinda new to linux and I need a little help mounting partitions.. :)01:16
mustard5hey Marineboy01:16
MarineboyMustard the funniest thing happen!01:16
uboturumour has it, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f01:16
mthakurmustard5 - what's the last process u can see?01:16
Tm_Thorea: there you go01:16
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fyrestrtrgraveson: try turning down your resolution, and paste your X log file01:16
mustard5mthakur, to tell you the truth I have lost track :)01:17
=== jan_ [n=jan@osbk-d9bf37af.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
MarineboyI downloaded Ubuntu twice and burned it on 2 different CD's and both give me some kind of error when installing "base system"01:17
mthakurmustard5, so have i...01:17
bliss1__mustard5: arr thats it your correct01:17
ubotuit has been said that mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:17
MarineboySo now i'm having to use the Live CD until the ones I ordered are here.01:17
gravesonfyrestrtr: which log file01:17
domswhere are you01:17
mthakurmustard5, can u offer me a private chat?01:17
fyrestrtrgraveson: X.0.log or something close to that01:17
mustard5bliss1__, so its really dependant on where the vmlinuz is installed01:17
jan_can anyone help me with my problem?01:17
mustard5bliss1__, either in / or /boot/01:17
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mustard5mthakur, I just attempted to01:18
Scar_Freewillcan some one help me with my mp3 codecs?01:18
MarineboyMustard5: I downloaded Ubuntu twice and burned it on 2 different CD's and both give me some kind of error when installing "base system"01:18
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fyrestrtrjan_: we can't help you unless you state your problem.01:18
MarineboyMustard5: So now i'm having to use the Live CD until the ones I ordered are here.01:18
bliss1__mustard5: so the one i  want is where itwill be installed which is hda2 (hda0,1)01:18
fyrestrtrMarineboy: you didn't download the files correctly.01:18
jan_i'm doing that01:18
mbelgedheshi all01:18
mitulv4uhi all01:18
jan_i installed hoary hedgehog01:18
Marineboyhrm. I downloaded the installation version.01:18
fyrestrtrScar_Freewill: read the RestrictedFormats wiki entry01:18
jan_no problem, but firefox doesnt run01:18
fyrestrtrMarineboy: I meant, your download might have been corrupted.01:19
bliss1__mustard5: which i think is the second of the two?01:19
Scar_Freewillfyrestrtr, i have..01:19
jan_there's no other web browser here01:19
gnomefreakjan_: can i suggest you upgrade to breezy01:19
Scar_Freewillfyrestrtr, i need deps:01:19
jan_i'll do the upgrade01:19
Marineboycould have.01:19
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mustard5bliss1__, you would need to edit either one to reflect that yes...as atm they are both looking in (hd0,0)01:19
fyrestrtrScar_Freewill: it talks about the deps in the same page, or provides links to it. Read it again.01:19
gnomefreakbreezy pretty much "just works"01:19
jan_bt i want to browse01:19
mthakurmustard5, the first one is acpi-support No INIT script to check whether we're on batteries, and so start with laptop mode etc enabled. BUGS: unless we start *really* late, we have no way of throttling xscreensaver, since it won't be there to command.01:19
Marineboyfyrestrtr: how long does it take for the CD's to be sent out via shipit01:19
Scar_Freewillfyrestrtr, k01:19
mustard5bliss1__, so yeah..change the (hd0,0) to (hd0,)01:19
fyrestrtrMarineboy: never used it.01:19
mitulv4uhey i am new 2 this os.can ne1 help me out here01:20
gnomefreakjan_: sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox01:20
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-079-068.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
mitulv4ui cant play mp3 files01:20
ubotump3 is, like, totally, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:20
fyrestrtr!tell mitulv4u about RestrictedFormats01:20
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jan_sometimes i don't think a lot before i ask01:20
bliss1__mustard5: and hda6 to hda2?01:20
gnomefreakjan_: its ok we are here to help01:20
gravesonfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230301:20
=== gnomefreak still is a newbiee after 2 years of ubuntu ;)
mustard5bliss1__, sounds correct yes01:21
BiSHEP<gnomefreak> hmmm..i enter sudo apt-get install VMwaretools.rpm01:21
SirKillalotcan I avoid other package to be removed when I remove a specific package?01:21
BiSHEPbut it say what he can`t find package01:21
gnomefreakBiSHEP: this is not an rpm distro01:21
mitulv4uand even firefox cant open some sites...like google and yahoo01:21
gnomefreakBiSHEP: this is a .deb distro01:21
bliss1__mustard5; uumm why (hda0,0) to hda(00?01:21
gnomefreakubotu tell BiSHEP about vmware01:22
BiSHEPi have vmwaretools.rpm and vmwaretools.tar.tgz01:22
jan_already have the same firefox version01:22
Scar_Freewillfyrestrtr, i have read the page again, but still i don't see/know how to get these deps for my mp3 codec01:22
SirKillalotcan I avoid other package to be removed when I remove a specific package?01:22
gnomefreakBiSHEP: looks like youll be compiling it than01:22
mustard5bliss1__, doh.. I made a typo :)01:22
fyrestrtrgraveson: is there some reason you are using VESA drivers and not ATI drivers?01:22
domsanybody hav a crack for crossover01:22
jan_would it be worth a try to delete everything i have from firefox here and then try apt-get again?01:22
mustard5bliss1__, so yeah..change the (hd0,0) to (hd0,1)..<<--is that making more sense?01:22
BiSHEPi extract .tar.tgz01:22
BiSHEPand it have install.pl01:23
BiSHEPbut it says what i don`t super user :)01:23
bliss1__mustard5 yep01:23
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gnomefreakBiSHEP: read the readme or install files for more info01:23
gravesonfyrestrtr:i had to switch to vesa ,so i can get some help -talking to you :)01:23
sethkjan_, unlikely.  download the linux version directly from the mozilla site01:23
sethkjan_, dpkg won't know about it, but firefox is well isolated01:23
gravesonfyrstrtr: i will past the old log01:23
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jan_how do i come to the site without a working webbrowser?01:23
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gnomefreakjan_: not really i suggest if your gonna upgrade upgrade it first than FF should work01:23
sethkjan_, lot's of ways, if you don't mind a bit of programming01:24
sethkjan_, I'd probably use python's http library01:24
fouldsyhey guys, am running amd64 so have firefox + thunderbird wrapped in 32-bit scripts. is there a way to specify an icon to use rather than the X icon in the taskbar for them?01:24
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gnomefreakw3m is a browser thats installed you can use hundreds of browsers01:24
Scar_Freewillcan some one help me with mp3 codecs! why can't i install "libid3tag0" & "libmad0" (deps for mp3 codec)01:25
mitulv4uand also help me on this...............whenever i try to log into windows drives from ubuntu following error comes   "You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "My Documents"." ...even if i am d administrator.01:25
bliss1__mustard5: have you noticed this (fist grun example kernel        /xen.gz dom0_mem=65536(second grub example #01:25
bliss1__kernel        /boot/xen.gz dom0_mem=6553601:25
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jan_how do i get python's library via apt-get?01:26
mustard5bliss1__, they look identical except for the location01:27
testingtimesHi guys, can anyone point me to a fix for hearing sounds in GAIM whilst playing XMMS?01:27
bluelotusjan_, try apt-cache search python01:27
bluelotusjan_, then apt-get install "package_name"01:27
id`Using apache 2.0.54 on Ubuntu linux (Breezy badger). The error log says I don't have a /var/www/favicon.ico. I can't find it in the config files (wich seems not to be in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf but spread out over some files.. (apache2.conf, sites-available/, etc))01:27
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bliss1__mustard5 : yep thats correct since i use the grub to boot from that os hda2 so i wil take the 2nd exaple and make the alterations we talked about ie (hda0,1) and hda201:28
sethkjan_, also, most sites have both http download and ftp download available.  you can try pointing the ftp tool at the site.  get the download site url and try to ftp to that site.  It doesn't always work, but it frequently does01:28
mustard5bliss1__, k01:29
sethkjan_, or, you can get someone who is relatively close to you to download the file and make it available via command line ftp01:29
fyrestrtrgraveson: what happens with ATI? Anything at all?01:29
sethkjan_, or you can take a USB memory stick to a friend, or a school, or a library01:29
bliss1__mustard5; thanks for your support no ore eggs just yet catch you later01:29
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mustard5bliss1__, good luck :)01:30
bliss1__mustard5: thanks i need it01:30
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gravesonif i enable the dri option ,then the screen is blank. if i leave this option out then i get those screenshots i showed you. i am having apt-get update issues.Has this got anything to do with it ?01:31
gravesonfyrestrtr: i am new to all this01:32
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mbelgedheshelp what01:33
fyrestrtrgraveson: how did you install ATI?01:33
BiSHEP <gnomefreak> vmtools ask me where is "make" program on my machine ?01:33
BiSHEPwhere it on default01:33
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gravesonfyrestrtr: both ways using the ubuntu provided driver and also from ati directly01:34
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource01:34
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fyrestrtrBiSHEP: sudo apt-get install build-essential01:35
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darxhi i've installed the mplayer plugin for dapper and now real streams spw01:35
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darxspawn multiple windows01:35
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darxhi i've installed the mplayer plugin for dapper and now real streams spawn multiple windows01:35
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fyrestrtrgraveson: with it off, turn down the resolution on your card, and make sure you have the correct refresh settings for your monitor.01:36
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MenZaKtorrent seems fair :o01:36
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darxany clues??01:36
gravesonfyrestrtr: with dri off ?01:36
sudomania4ESPOiG says that he was banned, and would like to know for how long. He apologizes for his behavior, and promises to change. I am NOT ESPOiG, btw01:36
fyrestrtrgraveson: yes01:37
sudomania4how long are people normally banned?01:37
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sethksudomania4, we don't know, nobody has ever been unbanned  :)01:37
gravesonfyrestrtr: before i start doing that and rebooting etc. do you have any experience with the apt-get command01:37
fyrestrtrgraveson: sure, what's the problem?01:37
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gravesonfyrestrtr: let me paste it on pastebin for you01:38
sethksudomania4, I'm not an admin here, sorry01:38
tombo_Hi Can anyone help wih my install problem01:38
gnomefreaksudomania4: depends on what was done01:38
fyrestrtrjan_: which python library? for what?01:38
ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.01:38
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BiSHEP<fyrestrtr> BiSHEP: sudo apt-get install build-essential <--after that what will ?01:39
fyrestrtrBiSHEP: after that, you should have make.01:39
gnomefreaksudomania4: and depending on who banned you for what will determin how long01:39
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gnomefreakpssssst checkinstall01:39
sudomania4gnomefreak, he claims (he was asking us in #ubuntuforums) that all he did was use abbreviations like "u" for "you", etc.01:39
anymotombo_, just aks, I'm sure there's someone to help you...01:39
gravesonfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1230601:39
darxhi i've installed the mplayer plugin for dapper and now real streams spawn multiple video windows01:40
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gnomefreaksudomania4: who claims?01:40
sudomania4gnomefreak, ESPOiG claims01:40
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darxand the video is choppy as well01:40
sudomania4also, ESPOiG would like to know WHY he was banned01:41
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sethksudomania4, some people get very upset about that, for some reason.01:41
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sethksudomania4, however (and I'm neutral here) I've not seen them ban anyone without many warnings first.01:41
barbarahi... i'm a new user of ubuntu... i'm italian..01:41
fyrestrtrgraveson: change your mirrors and try again, and also, the GPG error is "normal", even I get it.01:41
darxcan u hear me??01:41
gnomefreaksudomania4: you would have to find out who banned him and than as that person but im sure he did more  than that to be banned01:41
sethksudomania4, he might have found an admin in a bad mood01:41
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: 2 command will fix that01:41
sethkbarbara, I like female Italians01:41
tombo_I have just installed Ubuntu.  When I boot up I just get the brown screen, ubuntu logo and the drums.  I have tried changing "nv" to "vesa" in xorg.conf, but no change, just the drums!01:41
gravesonfyrestrtr:change my mirrors . can you provide more detail please01:42
sethkbarbara, northern or southern italy?01:42
fyrestrtrgnomefreak: they released the new keys?01:42
sudomania4darx. yeah01:42
barbarabarbara is the nick of my partner... i'm boy01:42
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: new keys for what?01:42
gnomefreakthe repos01:42
sethktombo_, check your X log file, see what is going wrong01:42
darxany reason to hope??01:42
gnomefreaklast time i did it (lastweek) it worked fine01:42
sudomania4darx, what?01:42
gnomefreak^^^ on dapper01:43
fyrestrtrhrmm, might need to sync then lol01:43
darxhi i've installed the mplayer plugin for dapper and now real streams spawn multiple video windows01:43
fyrestrtrah dapper.01:43
barbarasomeone can help me with sudo command?01:43
fyrestrtrthis is breezy01:43
sudomania4darx, no clue, sorry01:43
tombo_sethk- sorry but how do I doo that?01:43
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: same keys though01:43
sethkbarbara, no doubt.  ask a question, don't ask if you can ask a question01:43
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gnomefreaksame repos but shhhhhhhh thats not good thing to do01:43
captainredbeardI've got a problem building a webcam module01:43
sethktombo_, the file is /var/log/X something.  let me check01:43
sudomania4Seveas, are you here?01:43
captainredbeard  WARNING: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12/Module.symvers01:43
captainredbeard           is missing; modules will have no dependencies and modversions.01:43
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captainredbeardwhat does this mean#/01:44
sethktombo_, usually /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:44
barbaraok... i'm trying to set root password... i look the doc... but i get wrong password message...01:44
gnomefreakcaptainredbeard: please use pastebin to paste01:44
fyrestrtrgnomefreak: nope, still same error here.01:44
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: what repo is it?01:44
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sethkcaptainredbeard, pretty much what it says01:44
fyrestrtrhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy-updates01:44
captainredbeardsethk, how do I fix this01:44
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sethkcaptainredbeard, the kernel modules are stripped, and the kernel can't catch certain errors.01:44
gnomefreakahhhhhhhhhhh that one01:44
barbarai think root is disable (default)..01:44
sethkcaptainredbeard, you don't really need to01:44
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: yeah that one is not updated yet01:44
sethkcaptainredbeard, but if you wish to, you would have to rebuild the kernel01:45
fyrestrtralso http://security.ubuntu.com breezy-security01:45
captainredbeardI get about 5000lines worth of include/linux/types.h:112: warning: data definition has no type or storage class stuff01:45
gnomefreakkind of ironic the update repo isnt updated01:45
fyrestrtrcaptainredbeard: that's okay, you can ignore that.01:45
sethkcaptainredbeard, gcc version 4.x?01:45
gnomefreakfyrestrtr: i have a feeling the security reads from the update repo01:45
sethkcaptainredbeard, gcc v 4.x is anal01:45
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barbarahow i can enable root?01:45
gnomefreakbarbara: dont please01:46
sethkbarbara, sudo passwd01:46
gnomefreakbarbara: please use sudo01:46
id`Using apache 2.0.54 on Ubuntu linux (Breezy badger). The error log says I don't have a /var/www/favicon.ico. I can't find it in the config files (wich seems not to be in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf but spread out over some files.. (apache2.conf, sites-available/, etc))01:46
captainredbeardsethk, theres what I get, and it goes on and on and on http://pastebin.com/66128101:46
sethkbarbara, then enter your password.  you'll be prompted for a root password01:46
fyrestrtrgnomefreak: probably, I googled it for a bit; and realized it was a goof at ubuntu and I left it at that. Never caused me any problems.01:46
fyrestrtr!tell barbara about sudo01:46
sethkcaptainredbeard, I'll look, but it just means the code is sloppy01:46
tombo_Sehtk-, it says permission denied.01:46
gnomefreaktombo_: use sudo01:46
sethktombo_, sudo01:46
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fyrestrtrsethk: please don't tell people how to become root.01:47
id`how do i convert gif images to ico images? apt-cache search gif2 only sees a gif2png01:47
sethkcaptainredbeard, wait, I'm wrong01:47
gravesonfyrstrtr:was the above related to me01:47
fyrestrtrsethk: encourage the use of sudo01:47
sethkcaptainredbeard, those are real01:47
`underOATH./aim: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory01:47
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`underOATHHow can i fix that ?01:47
sethkcaptainredbeard, start by installing autoconf/automake01:47
Madeyeguys, any idea how to open .MDI file ? .MDI ->  A high resolution, tag-based graphics format. .MDI files are only supported by the Microsoft Office 2003 version (and later?) of Microsoft Office Document Imaging. If you are going to share files with people who are using Office Document Imaging 2002, or another document imaging program, save your files in TIFF format for compatibility.01:47
fyrestrtr`underOATH: install libgtk01:47
horeaAight I managed to mount my C partition (windows) using the guide you guys told me but I don't know how my D and my E drives are called so I can't mount them.. any ideas? Their NTFS01:47
sethkfyrestrtr, it's not exactly a secret.  you can find it with a web search in about 10 seconds.01:47
id`this channel is too big :| the spam...01:47
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`underOATHfyrestrtr, it is installed :/01:47
id`in seconds my message scrolls off screen01:47
id`like 6 times nopw01:47
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mephis1987hello , how can i run gnome-blog , i have installed it from synaptic01:48
fyrestrtrsethk: I know, but most people here will break something, then flood the channel with help requests because they found out how to become root.01:48
sethkhorea, "d" would be /dev/hdbX, e would be /dev/hdcX, etc.01:48
fyrestrtrmephis1987: check if its installed in your menu.01:48
horeaso I should just try random letters ? :D01:48
sethkhorea, the X is 0, 1, 2, or 3, or possibly higher numbers if you have a logical partition01:48
horeathanks I'll give it a try01:48
sethkhorea, to see what partitions exist, use  fdisk -l /dev/hda01:48
mephis1987fyrestrtr, what menu is this ?01:48
sethkhorea, sorry, /dev/hdb01:48
id`Using apache 2.0.54 on Ubuntu linux (Breezy badger). The error log says I don't have a /var/www/favicon.ico. I can't find it in the config files (wich seems not to be in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf but spread out over some files.. (apache2.conf, sites-available/, etc))01:48
fyrestrtrid`: use something like gimp01:48
fyrestrtrmephis1987: the gnome menu (the panel on top, that menu)01:49
horeathanx ;)01:49
jan_ok, i've been trying many things and now i can run firefox as root, bt not normal user01:49
jan_how can that be fixed?01:49
tombo_Sethk- okay I type 'sudo /var/log/Xorg.0.log 'and it says command not found01:49
fyrestrtrid`: this is because the browser is requesting for a favorite icon for your site, and you don't have one. You can safely ignore this if you want, or learn how to create a bookmark icon for your site.01:49
sethktombo_, you have to use a program to look at it.  e.g., cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:49
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fyrestrtrjan_: how did you install it?01:50
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sethktombo_, or vi /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:50
sethktombo_, or any other editor01:50
jan_it was there b4, just not running. now installed some packages and it runs as root only01:51
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etnoydoes anybody know how to use tcp on nfs?01:51
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captainredbeardsethk, alright, autoconf&make installed01:52
sethketnoy, sure, you just set it in the config files for mount01:52
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sethkcaptainredbeard, let's see the output of the build01:52
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captainredbeardthe whole thing?01:52
tombo_Sethk-I used cat and got a whole heap of stuff but I cannot scroll up to see it all.  What should I look for01:52
etnoysethk: on the server, rpcinfo displays that the nfs demon only serves udp01:52
fyrestrtrjan_: what package did you install?01:52
minimecHi. I have to create a local udef rule for my Genius WP5540U Tablet. My rule looks something like this: BUS="usb", KERNEL="event*", SYSFS{product}="UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U", NAME="input/%k", SYMLINK="tablet". Where do I have to store that. I saved it in 10-local.rules, but this doesn't work. Any hints?01:53
fyrestrtretnoy: any reason you want it on tcp?01:53
etnoyfyrestrtr: yup, encryption over ssh01:53
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fyrestrtretnoy: any reason you can't use scp01:53
sethketnoy, that's the default.  the config is in /etc01:54
jan_w3m, epiphany (both did not work), then python's in both versions, then another have to look for it to tell which one01:54
etnoyfyrestrtr: well, I need a _mounted drive_, not individual file transfer01:54
etnoysethk: yes, which file do I edit to change it? google gives nothing I'm afraid01:54
sethketnoy, using tcp is a reasonable thing to do.01:54
sethketnoy, let me look01:54
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etnoysethk: great, thanks01:54
BiSHEPone more question01:54
jan_for what reason could firefox run as root only?01:54
etnoysethk: brb01:54
BiSHEPhow mount flash ?01:54
captainredbeardsethk: http://pastebin.com/66129201:55
captainredbeardpastebin isn't big enough01:55
sethkcaptainredbeard, that's ok, only the first few lines are meaningful.  it will just repeat the same stuff endlessly01:55
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captainredbeardit won't built01:56
sethkit still isn't finding autoconf.01:56
captainredbeardi get make error 201:56
Storkmehas anyone here installed opera on a 64-bit system?01:56
etnoysethk: so01:56
sethkcaptainredbeard, looks like you've got mixed up versions.01:56
sethketnoy, hold on  :)01:56
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sethkcaptainredbeard, it seems to be set up to be used with an earlier kernel version01:57
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zblachmornin Hobbsee01:57
captainredbeardhow can I fix that?01:57
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sethketnoy, on my box there'01:58
WarOfAttritionhey I'm still using  5.10, would anyone know where to download a debian pkg of libasound2 10.0.10 and if it's ok to install on 5.10 ?01:58
sethketnoy, on my box there's a file system-config-nfs01:58
sethkin /etc/security/console.apps01:58
jan_epiphany runs  now01:58
etnoysethk: okay01:58
RoxQi3xTG winxp with sata raid and wanting to install ubuntu dual-boot....not so simple?01:58
jan_firefox still root only01:59
etnoysethk: the server is actually a gentoo server (which I am in the process of migrating)01:59
sethketnoy, you can get tcp using mount options01:59
etnoyyes, i know, but the server doesn't use tcp01:59
sethketnoy, good move.  I'm migrating all my latest client's gentoo servers to a real distro01:59
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captainredbeardsethk: if you take a look at the file would you be able to figure it out? I can give you the link01:59
etnoyand the kernel options are set to tcp01:59
sethketnoy, you get unsupported?01:59
etnoysethk: "real distro" :)02:00
etnoysethk: how do you mean "unsupported" ?02:00
Horseyhi sll02:00
sethketnoy, you also need a version of nfs higher than 202:00
sethketnoy, unsupportable02:00
Horseyhi all oops02:00
etnoyokay, I'll need NFSv3 you say?02:00
etnoythen I see02:01
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sethketnoy, yes02:01
etnoysethk: okay, thanks02:02
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jendaAnyone know how to add a modifier in xmodmap?02:02
etnoysethk: the results from google just talked _about_ nfs over tcp02:02
etnoynot to really do it :)02:02
etnoy*not how to really do it02:02
WarOfAttritionanyone know  where I could d/l libasound2 10.0.10 or higher, as a stand along package?02:03
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hyphenatedWarOfAttrition: a search on packages.ubuntu.com would be the first place I'd go02:03
Storkmehas anyone here installed opera on a 64-bit system?02:03
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WarOfAttritionthey only have repositories02:04
tombo_I have got /var/log/xorg.0.log up, can some one tell me how to sort uot my display02:04
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fyrestrtrWarOfAttrition: you could upgrade alsa -- you need it in a RPM or just a tarball?02:04
gnomefreakStorkme: i have never seena  64bit version of opera02:04
CalHey I'm having a problem setting up any kind of identd server on my breezy badger. The only ident I get is the one from the session account name I use. Basically, I wanna change it from "Cal" to "Darky" so I can connect to my bnc :P Anyone know how to do this? with, for example, oident?02:05
Storkmegnomefreak, that's because there isn't one02:05
sethkcaptainredbeard, that code won't work with that kernel version02:05
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captainredbeardwill alot of it need to be changed?02:05
fyrestrtrcaptainredbeard: just a check, but did you run configure first?02:05
WarOfAttritionIt doesnt matter, I just need to upgrade to 10.0.10 or higher, any way will do02:06
captainredbeardthere is none02:06
fouldsyStorkme: why ask then ;) ? you'd probably need to run it in 32-bit mode anyways due to plugin issues as with other browsers02:06
gnomefreakthan Storkme than you will have to use chroot with the 32 bit app (never done it not sure how)02:06
sethkcaptainredbeard, it's likely to be very difficult02:06
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Storkmegnomefreak, what does a chroot do?02:06
WarOfAttritionok dapper has 10.0.10, but someone tell me, would it be safe to install these packages in breezy?02:06
gnomefreakiirc it allows you to run 32 apps on 64bit system or you could always go with a 32 bit kernel02:06
gnomefreakWarOfAttrition: im thinking _no_02:07
captainredbeardwhat version of gcc is the ubuntu kernel compiled with02:07
minimecHi. I have to create a local udef rule for my Genius WP5540U Tablet. My rule looks something like this: BUS="usb", KERNEL="event*", SYSFS{product}="UC-LOGIC Tablet WP5540U", NAME="input/%k", SYMLINK="tablet". Where do I have to store that. I saved it in 10-local.rules, but this doesn't work. Any hints?02:07
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_Avatar_are u still 32 or you like 64 anyways?02:07
gnomefreakcaptainredbeard: 4.0 for breezy and dapper02:07
sethkcaptainredbeard, I believe version 4, but I'm not sure.  I always throw away the distro kernel and build a clean one from kernel.org02:07
sethkcaptainredbeard, that might be worth a shot here.02:07
fouldsyStorkme: or, try https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava using opera insted of firefox. *should* still work and a bit easier than chroot02:07
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WarOfAttritionI checked the dependencies, it says it only depends on libc6, not a higher version than what is already installed02:08
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gnomefreaksethk: 4 is correct all the apps for breezy were compiled with 3.4 but the kernel was 4.002:08
WarOfAttritionbut I spoke too soon, the site doesn't offer the packages as files02:08
gnomefreakWarOfAttrition: try it than but i dont suggest it02:08
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gnomefreakmixing dapper and breezy packages is _never_ a good idea02:09
WarOfAttritiondoesn't matter, I can't find the package, and gtk2.8 seems to have a bug which doesn't compile stuff02:09
WarOfAttritionso I can't compile the package anyways02:09
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WarOfAttritionthis is it: http://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/libs/libasound2 wondering if there's another way to install it?02:09
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sethkWarOfAttrition, if you can't build it, and you can't find a binary ... no02:12
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tombo_Can anyone help with display problem.  A fresh install of Ubuntu boots to a brown screen and the Ubuntu logo, but I cannot get any further.  I have changed nv to vesa in xorg.conf, but no change.  Help please02:13
WarOfAttritionwould alien be able to handle an rpm of this? it seems to install filler packages that do nothing sometimes, or is that just me?02:13
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WarOfAttritionfiller packages that are not "broken"02:13
WarOfAttritionbut aren't really installed02:13
muep_tombo_, does it show any errors?02:13
muep_and what kind of hardware do you have? an NVIDIA card probably? what else?02:14
sethktombo_, what did you find in the logs?02:14
tombo_Muep,I did not see any errors, but am not sure what they would look like.02:15
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erezI played with the configuration files yesterday and now after i booted the computer gaim crushes on start, can some one help me?02:15
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tombo_Sethk, the log is huge I do not know what to look for02:15
MetaMorfoziSerez try rename your .gaim folder to .gaim_old02:15
muep_tombo do you mean you get the brown bootsplash or do you get the gdm login screen ( or part of it or something)02:16
sethkerez, try using a lower resolution02:16
MetaMorfoziSwhen gaim starts you may re set all of your settings02:16
sethktombo_, the word "error" would be a good start02:16
MetaMorfoziSbut if you need sg from the old you can check it02:16
gravesonhow do i set agppart to no02:16
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muep_tombo, do you get a blue screen that tells you to reconfigure X and restart gdm?02:16
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sethkgraveson, in the kernel build there is a config option for that.02:17
erezno.. it's a sound problem , i played with asound.conf and libao.conf02:17
[M] etaMorfoziS[gijoe] _: you 're over me... arg02:17
tombo_muep, I log in with name and password from gui and then the brown screen comes with the drums02:17
Goraxerez, if you used gedit, chances are it saved a backup file for you02:17
Goraxsame name, 'cept it has a ~ after it02:18
muep_tombo_, and?02:18
muep_it stops there?02:18
erezno it didn't, because i changed them several times.02:18
muep_it should load you into gnome02:18
[M] etaMorfoziSerez: all when you play with any conf files you may create backup...02:19
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[M] etaMorfoziSyou learned this:D02:19
erez[M] etaMorfoziS: i guess i learnewd it the hard way..02:19
[M] etaMorfoziSyes02:19
erezis there a way to restore them now?02:19
tombo_muep, yes I can go to a terminal but nothing else02:19
[M] etaMorfoziSbut re set some im account is not the world crush02:19
[M] etaMorfoziSand you nothing lost02:19
[M] etaMorfoziSyour logs and others are in your .gaim ...02:20
erez[M] etaMorfoziS: yea, but i can't load gaim.02:20
muep_tombo_, how do you get the terminal?02:20
muep_or do you mean the ctrl+alt+fn terminal?02:20
domsanybody hav a crack for crossover02:21
Seveasdoms, not here02:21
tombo_Muep, by going to- session, failsafe terminal.02:21
Seveaswe don't support illegal software02:21
muep_tombo_, try making another user02:21
[M] etaMorfoziSit isn't start?02:21
Goraxquestion: does anybody else here program things?02:21
[M] etaMorfoziSwhen you rename you .gaim?02:22
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muep_sudo adduser new-user-name02:22
muep_then try to log on the new account02:22
erez[M] etaMorfoziS: no, gaim starts loading then when it tries to make a sound it crushes02:22
[M] etaMorfoziShoh.. you may set up correct your sound server/driver etc02:23
[M] etaMorfoziSi'm cant help in that02:23
erez[M] etaMorfoziS: ok, thanks anyway02:23
[M] etaMorfoziSnm02:24
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tombo_Yes, you are agenius the new username worked .  How come? Got to go now  but THANKS02:25
reikiI have a program that requires to be run as root. It checks ink levels in my printer. I assumed that running it using sudo or gksudo was the same as running it as root, but the button for "Check Ink Levels" is still greyed out. Am I wrong in assuming that a program run as gksudo <program> is the exact same as running as root?02:26
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linuxboyfriendhi all02:26
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linuxboyfriendhow can i temporarly stop gnome window manager02:26
muep_tombo_, the settings on your old user are broken02:26
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muep_it tries to load something that doesn't work02:26
[M] etaMorfoziSlinuxboyfriend: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop02:27
[M] etaMorfoziSand02:27
[M] etaMorfoziSstart02:27
sethklinuxboy, init 102:27
[M] etaMorfoziSrestart reload force-reload stb02:27
[M] etaMorfoziSetc02:27
[M] etaMorfoziS:)02:27
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linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, no, i wanna remain gdm running but stop wm02:27
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, actually i wanna check another wm02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSin the login screed02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSscreen02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSyou can select02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSwhat wm you want02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSwwyw:DDD02:28
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id`I want fastcgi with apache2. do i need "cd ~;wget http://httpd.apache.org/favicon.ico;sudo mv /home/tom/favicon.ico /var/www/"02:28
id`woops wrong paste02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSyou can select in the session or sg02:28
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, hmm, lemme check02:28
[M] etaMorfoziSokay02:28
id`I mean, libapache2-mod-fcgid02:28
muep_tombo_, you can try to remove or rename the config files of your old user02:28
muep_they are in his home directory02:29
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linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, no, my desired wm is not there02:30
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, i wanna check xpde02:30
[M] etaMorfoziSxpde?02:30
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, its manual says to edit .xinitrc but i can not find this file02:30
[M] etaMorfoziSxfce? no?02:30
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, no, its xpde02:31
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, just for fun02:31
[M] etaMorfoziSi'm not know it02:31
[M] etaMorfoziSi'm tryed gnome and xfce02:31
[M] etaMorfoziSand all logins creen has all wm02:31
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, http://www.xpde.com/02:31
[M] etaMorfoziSlike kde's login manager the kdm and other02:31
[M] etaMorfoziSlol02:32
[M] etaMorfoziS:D02:32
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, why i can not find .xinitrc file02:32
[M] etaMorfoziSdunno02:32
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[M] etaMorfoziStry locate02:32
[M] etaMorfoziSor whereis02:32
linuxboyfriendk thanks02:32
[M] etaMorfoziSor find in krusader, or mc02:32
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[M] etaMorfoziSbut i don't know what is it support for this02:33
[M] etaMorfoziSubuntu official supports gnome kde and xfce02:33
HowitzerHow do i install mouse pointers actually?02:33
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[M] etaMorfoziSi think, but i dunno about xpde.02:33
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, whats the name of gnome wm02:33
Howitzermetamorfozi, Ubuntu doesn't support XFCE officially yet02:33
Howitzerthat's for the Dapper release02:34
linuxboyfriend[M] etaMorfoziS, metacity?02:34
Seveaslinuxboyfriend, metacity indeed02:34
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linuxboyfriendSeveas, ok thanks02:34
[M] etaMorfoziSyes, sorry xfce is in dapper02:34
[M] etaMorfoziSin the future02:34
HowitzerBut ehh02:35
[M] etaMorfoziSlinuxboyfriend: try kde:)02:35
HowitzerHow do i install mouse-pointers?02:35
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Howitzeri can't drag 'n drop into the 'pointers box for the mouse02:35
[M] etaMorfoziSHowitzer: what wm?02:35
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[M] etaMorfoziSi dunno02:36
ProhibitedHey, I sorta need help. How do I make "RPM's" deb files to install something?02:36
Howitzercrap :(02:36
Howitzeri found this really nice green pointer that would fit perfectly02:36
muep_Prohibited, there is a program named alien02:37
muep_it can convert packages02:37
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[M] etaMorfoziSi use gnome's pointers in kde:)02:38
Howitzerisnt it something like 'alien -rpm2deb <packagename>02:38
Howitzeri'm thinking of trying out KDE02:38
[M] etaMorfoziSi think it's a good idea!02:38
[M] etaMorfoziS:)02:38
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Howitzerbut that would make me download a ton of packages02:38
[M] etaMorfoziS~100-200mb02:39
Howitzerand i'm on  a 10gb bandwith :cry:02:39
[M] etaMorfoziS:DDD02:39
Howitzeri wonder if i could add my Kubuntu 5.10 packages to my repo and install it that way02:39
Howitzer(i'm on Dapper)02:39
[M] etaMorfoziShttp://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-352.php02:40
[M] etaMorfoziSoh02:40
[M] etaMorfoziSit's for breezy02:40
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mendi_hello everybody! how to uninstall applications?02:41
[M] etaMorfoziSHowitzer:02:41
[M] etaMorfoziShttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-6/02:41
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Howitzeroh wait02:41
Howitzerkubuntu-desktop only wants to install 211mb02:41
[M] etaMorfoziSmendi: if it's in pakage, you can do that with a package manager (synaptic or adept)02:41
Howitzerbut it includes openoffice02:41
[M] etaMorfoziSor from commandline apt-get remove sg02:41
Howitzercan i exclude openoffice in any way?02:42
silverwhat applications you want to uninstall?02:42
[M] etaMorfoziSHowitzer: it's includes all that you need02:42
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Howitzerooh right02:42
[M] etaMorfoziSHowitzer: i dunno, but oo is about 80mb02:42
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Howitzeri don't need any office packages except for evolution, abiword and gnumeric(which i don't even use :x )02:42
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[M] etaMorfoziShoh02:43
slixxorfirst time i loaded Xchat :P02:43
[M] etaMorfoziSHowitzer: i dunno, i dunno02:43
mendisilver: glib-2.0.002:43
[M] etaMorfoziSslixxor: greet in the new world:D02:43
=== slixxor tips hat
slixxorUbuntu is great, minor issues02:43
slixxorno snd-azx module ;)02:44
silvermendi: do you have tried `sudo apt-get remove'02:44
Howitzeri'm just installing kdebase02:44
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Howitzerall i need for a testing02:44
[M] etaMorfoziSHowitzer: if you need all of the official kde artworks you need the package named "kde" and/or kde-artwork02:44
mendisilver: no02:44
[M] etaMorfoziSbut i think kdeartwork is in kde:)02:44
Howitzerkde is ~200mb02:44
Howitzerkdebase is 30mb xD02:44
[M] etaMorfoziS:)))02:44
[M] etaMorfoziSbut kde has all off. cursors, themes windecos and other02:44
[M] etaMorfoziSso if you se the eyecandy you need it:)02:45
Howitzeri can get my own from kde-look.org can't i? :-)02:45
mendisilver: i had installed it from source apt-get couldn't remove it02:45
[M] etaMorfoziSyesyes.. you can.02:45
[M] etaMorfoziS:)02:45
ProhibitedOK when I try to use "sudo alien -d FILENAME.rpm" I get "dh_testdir" -- "make: dh_testdir: Command not found" -- "make: *** [build]  Error 127"02:45
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Howitzermendi, i think deleting the directories it's installed in is fine02:45
slixxorhonestly now, is this really a *nix channel that offers help?? thats a wow for me who has been a Windows developer for years looking for an answer to a couple of questions to only be faced with a "no spoon feeding!" +b02:45
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[M] etaMorfoziSthe  base firefox is nasty , you need from kde-look.org the form skin: "winterfox" and some theme from update.mozilla.org (if you use firefox)02:46
mendiHowitzer: how do i find those directories?02:46
neoncodeHow do I change the applications menu logo?02:46
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Howitzercompile from source again? :D02:46
[M] etaMorfoziS^^ yes, or kbfx02:46
[M] etaMorfoziSthat a shit and bugous program02:47
[M] etaMorfoziSif you said abotu kde.02:47
mendiHowitzer: thanks! :)02:47
Howitzerno idea if it will work :x02:47
Howitzerbut you might see some references to the locations02:47
Howitzerhave t go02:47
HowitzerSee you all !02:47
[M] etaMorfoziS:)02:47
mendiany other ideas to remove applications that were installed from source?02:47
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Slixxorok, while im here. - Sound :) LG LW60 Express laptop with the dreaded intel azalia chipset. if somebody can A). provide some source and B). teach me how to recompile my kernel (rather than just telling me that is) that would be helpful :P02:48
mendiany other ideas to remove applications that were installed from source?02:49
MetaMorfoziSneoncode what wm you use?02:49
MetaMorfoziSmendi: you can remove the binraies02:49
MetaMorfoziSfrom /usr/bin or where you installed02:49
MetaMorfoziSand the config files from your home02:49
Slixxoreveryone says this = "just install the snd-azx module and recompile the kernel" not how to, or where to start *screams*02:49
neoncodeMetaMorfoziS: I have no idea, I just loaded the default in dapper. I'm a refuge from Kubuntu because Kubuntu dapper sucks02:49
MetaMorfoziSso you use kde?02:50
Slixxorsorry guys is there a queue?02:50
Slixxori'll wait :)02:50
mendiMetaMorfoziS: im very new to linux world: could you tell me where those packages are installed (like Program Files in windows)02:50
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MetaMorfoziSi'm new like you, 2months using lin.02:51
neoncodeMetaMorfoziS: nope, I did but as I said it looks ugly as sin in dapper to I moved to Gnome.02:51
jinhohey guys this might sound really bad but how do I instal something from a tar?02:51
obnibolongomendi: everywhere; there's no specific place02:51
Slixxorjinho, extract the files, and look for install.sh02:51
MetaMorfoziSbut if its a package you can remove it02:51
Slixxorin buntu right click the file and extract02:51
MetaMorfoziSapt-get remove package02:51
obnibolongomendi: I mean, there is a specific place, but no central directory like Program Files02:51
MetaMorfoziSif from source02:51
MetaMorfoziSi dunno:)02:51
jinhoSlixxor: is .sh the linux equivalent to .exe?02:51
Slixxorsimilar yes02:52
ProhibitedOK when I try to use "sudo alien -d FILENAME.rpm" I get "dh_testdir" -- "make: dh_testdir: Command not found" -- "make: *** [build]  Error 127"02:52
MetaMorfoziSyou can open the .sh with an editor02:52
Slixxorthink of it like a script02:52
MetaMorfoziSand you see the source02:52
jinhothere is no install.sh02:52
mendiobnibolongo: i had put the tarballs into /usr/local/src/ and after untarring them linux creates a folder for them. is that the install directory?02:52
jinhothis is firefox btw02:52
Slixxoropen a terminal window and use the following command "sudo sh /path/file.sh"02:53
Slixxorwhat files are there?02:53
mendiProhibited: reinstall gcc02:53
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MetaMorfoziSyou not need install02:53
obnibolongomendi: don't know, I don't use source tarballs02:53
Slixxormendi: then use apt-get and reinstall it02:53
MetaMorfoziSonly need run run-mozil.sh02:53
MetaMorfoziSonly need run run-mozilla.sh02:53
Slixxorare you using ubuntu?02:54
jinhoSlixxor: it says cannot execute02:54
jinhoSlixxor: yes I am02:54
Slixxoropen terminaland just do this "sudo apt-get install firefox" - then super user password02:54
Slixxorsave yourself some time :)02:55
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muep_actually the package is mozilla-firefox, I think02:55
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Slixxorappologies, have'nt had to install it myself :P02:55
Slixxorlets dbl check one sec.02:55
jinhoit says firefox is already the latext version02:55
muep_and the password required is the normal user password02:55
jinhobut its at 1.0.702:55
MetaMorfoziSjinho: the altest stable02:56
muep_it's the latest ubuntu version of firefox02:56
Slixxormuep_ is correct it is mozilla-firefox02:56
MetaMorfoziSyou may downlaod the newest: www.getfirefox.com02:56
ubotuMetaMorfoziS: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:56
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:56
jinhoreally? it doesnt even have an options buton02:56
sissihi, I loose my touchpad, it going mad and I have this log message : Apr 15 03:47:47 localhost kernel: [4295598.483000]  psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio4/input0 lost sync at byte 102:56
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Slixxorsissi, get a mouse ;)02:57
muep_jinho, it should have02:57
MetaMorfoziSSlixxor: :DDD02:57
sissiSlixxor, :)02:57
muep_it's at a different place than in windows02:57
Slixxormuep_ is once again quite right :P02:57
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jinhowell thanks for the link though!02:58
muep_but 1.0.7 is the firefox version used in breezy. it isn't updated because doing so would break many other packages02:58
obnibolongoMetaMorfoziS: out of curiosity, can't I add dapper drake to sources.list, configure somewhere I prefer breezy, and do apt-get -t dapper install mozilla-firefox to install firefox 1.5 ?02:58
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Slixxorwelcome to dependency wars :P02:58
=== curiita [n=curiita@87-196-54-124.net.novis.pt] has joined #ubuntu
Mooxhi there. Are all PLF repositories down ?02:58
muep_but ubuntu maintainers port the security patches from newer foxes to the ubuntu one02:58
SlixxorMoox, no02:58
Slixxorcheck your repositories.02:58
MetaMorfoziSobnibolongo: you can't02:59
MetaMorfoziSyou can find an unstable or unofficial repo02:59
sissiSlixxor, seriously you have no solution ? :/02:59
MetaMorfoziSand yo can add it:)02:59
Slixxorto your touch pad?02:59
sissiSlixxor, yes02:59
curiitahi guys, i am having troubles with my Ubuntu, i am kind of new in this linux stuff02:59
MooxSlixxor: I have already check and I try a few others but no one works02:59
MetaMorfoziSbut the easiest way it the !firefox1.502:59
=== MenZa [i=MenZa@0x503ea71b.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
curiitamy keyboard is all wrong :x how to change it?02:59
obnibolongoMetaMorfoziS: but in Debian I could install a single package from unstable if required; dapper is the new unstable (well, kinda...)02:59
Slixxorlol, dont ask me i'm new to linux also i'm a Windows developer, im still waiting to get my answer for my SND-AZX driver issue.03:00
MetaMorfoziSi dunno about dapper, i'm on breezy03:00
SlixxorMoox, can you browse webpages?03:00
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MetaMorfoziSand, i'm newbie a little bit, i'm on linux 2months ago03:00
MooxSlixxor: thanks...03:00
MetaMorfoziSi has the basics, and no other:)03:00
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curiitaanyone knows how to change the keymap order the way i want?03:01
Slixxorcan you?03:01
SlixxorDNS issue?03:01
SlixxorDebian is bad for automatic routing03:01
sissicuriita, Systeme->pref->keyboard ?03:01
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MetaMorfoziScuriita: in kde?03:01
curiitasissi i-ve tryed it already :x still the same, nothing changed03:01
curiitaMetaMorfoziS, no, gnome03:02
MetaMorfoziSi dunno.03:02
MetaMorfoziSin kde i know03:02
jinhoAlso I seemed to have screwed up my enlightenment packages when trying to install it yesterday03:02
Slixxorso many new people - no experienced users03:02
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curiitai/ve just finished installing ubuntu 5 min ago :x03:02
MetaMorfoziSand in cmdline: setkbfx-map [yourlanguage] 03:02
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jinhoin synapitc the enlightenment and enlightenment-data packages cant be installed because it says their entries are in the database but they do not actually exist03:02
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Slixxorjinho *shrug*03:03
ph1qt10ni think i messed up my sources.list with automatix03:03
ducktry portage :P03:03
jinhoSlixxor: lol03:03
ubotuautomatix is, like, totally, unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.03:03
salty72hi guys03:03
curiitawell, i-ve tryed kbdconfig but it has done nothing...03:03
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sylvanI updated the latest stuff in Dapper, and then my internet connection stopped working. I deactivated and reactivated the ethernet connection in "Networking" and then it works again, but everything is REALLY REALLY slow. Any ideas?03:04
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ProhibitedThis might sound silly, but is anyone willing to make this file a .deb -- it's an rpm... If anyone wants to help say so and I'll give you the link :)03:04
Slixxorjust got j2se working for buntu03:04
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MetaMorfoziSSlixxor: !java ?:D03:04
Slixxorif anyone wants a deb i've just finished converting one and will upload it for public use03:05
joh6nnProhibited: use alien03:05
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Slixxori had register to IBM.com for the shit03:05
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Slixxorwaste of my time03:05
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Prohibitedjoh6nn, I can't use alien it's giving me make errors.03:05
jinhoSlixxor: you're gonna want to kill me, but how do you go about installing DEB's?03:05
ph1qt10nwhen is the new version of ubuntu coming out?03:05
Slixxorcouldnt convert the files from sun03:05
Slixxorone sec.03:05
joh6nnProhibited: what errors?03:05
ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)03:05
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ra21viph1qt10n: wait for dapper03:05
curiitahum, one more thing, why that for superuser mode, i have to write sudo -s -H and not only su ?03:05
ProhibitedH/o Joh6nn..03:05
MetaMorfoziSjinho: you can install deb-s with: sudo dpkg -i your.deb03:06
ph1qt10nra21vi: when is dapper coming out?03:06
slack_pradshreevatsa, from vt?03:06
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MetaMorfoziSjun 103:06
jinhoMetaMorfoziS: gotcha, I'll give that a shot03:06
ra21viph1qt10n: june 103:06
ph1qt10nra21vi: is it gonna be good?03:06
ra21vibut i am not going to switch to dapper :(03:06
ph1qt10nwhy not03:07
shreevatsaslack_prad: er, I guess you could say so...03:07
MetaMorfoziSi wait for the stable03:07
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slack_pradshreevatsa, i meant vinuthomas03:07
Prohibited"make: dh_testdir: Command not found Make: *** [build]  Error 127"03:07
shreevatsaslack_prad: Although if asked where I was "from"; I could say a lot of things ;)03:07
Slixxorfar out03:07
ra21viph1qt10n: dapper has many new things and enhancements.. its fast.. and work going on to make it more stable ;)03:07
shreevatsaslack_prad: yes, got that03:07
Slixxorwhat a long winded process :P03:07
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ph1qt10nra21vi: is there a website with the new info?03:08
NighTi dont know how to convert .rpm to .deb files......do i need a certain software for the conversion?03:08
slack_pradshreevatsa,   oh nice :) so hows ubuntu coming?03:08
ra21vii did download many .debs for my ubuntu 5.10 ...03:08
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GoraxNighT, you need something called 'alien'03:08
Goraxit's not hard to get03:08
ph1qt10nNight: sudo apt-get install alien03:08
gravesoncan anyone recommend a good graphics card to use with ubuntu (linux) .i need to get rid of this ati card03:08
Slixxorsudo alien -d filename | then i did sudo chown slixxor:slixxor filename | just to convert a bloody rpm to a deb grr :P03:08
ra21viso, i think as i don't have internet for my PC, so i cannot use dapper03:08
ph1qt10nNight: in the terminal03:08
shreevatsaslack_prad: It's what I've been using for about a year; it's great :)03:08
NighTyes i know03:08
NighT= D03:08
=== jan_ [n=jan@osbk-d9bf3091.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #ubuntu
joh6nnProhibited: are you sure you have make installed?03:08
Goraxwhat Slixxor said03:08
sylvanso nobody knows why the internet connection is chugging a long at modem speeds all of a sudden (it doesn't in windows, and didn't before I upgraded to dapper)?03:09
ra21viNighT:  sudo alien -d file.rpm  and u will get file.deb in that dir03:09
NighTok its installting03:09
slack_pradshreevatsa, also visit #vt once in a while03:09
MetaMorfoziSProhibited: has you the build-essentials?03:09
wezzerhi everyone, I was wondering if there is such software for ubuntu which would download all my mail messages via POP but then always leave those messages to server too03:09
jan_can i upgrade from hoary to breezer without having to setup everything again?03:09
slack_pradshreevatsa, and you are not on the forum anymore?03:09
wezzerso that it would be kind of backup software for my mail03:09
=== devie [n=tim@YRMfb-05p2-139.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
NighTok it finshed03:09
curiitaanyone knows how to chang the keyboard order of the keys? i-m having troubles with that :x03:09
MetaMorfoziSwezzer: thudnerbird?03:09
ubotuhmm... thunderbird1.5 is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThunderbirdNewVersion03:09
ra21viany one know how to update my ubuntu source list and new package list offline03:09
wezzerMetaMorfoziS: no, my server does not have X server03:09
NighTok thank you03:10
wezzerMetaMorfoziS: so it had to be non-GUI software03:10
MetaMorfoziShoh, sorry,03:10
MetaMorfoziSyes, i dunno.03:10
joh6nnProhibited: it's hard for me to tell from the way that looks if it's an error from make or if it's an error because make isn't installed.  check to see if make is installed03:10
MetaMorfoziSi'm a gui-geek03:10
=== sonicjam [n=sonicjam@pool-71-114-156-11.hrbgpa.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
NighToh and i dont understand the concept on installing internet explorer 603:10
wezzerok :)03:10
jan_can i upgrade from hoary to breezer without having to setup everything again?03:10
NighTits impossible03:10
NighTi tried wine03:10
NighTbut it said i have to be connected to the internet03:10
MetaMorfoziSjan_ yes03:10
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ProhibitedI'm checking to see right now. H/o03:11
wezzerI mean I tried Hula main server which has pop-download function, but it didn't work for some strange reason03:11
curiitais this a help channel? are there any others?03:11
wezzercuriita: yes, this is the help channel03:11
sonicjamhe guys i got question03:11
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MetaMorfoziSi think you need the correct repositoryes and a big bandwidth:D03:11
deviehey guys, I'm running a Dell Optiplex GX260 (P4 2.0GHz / 1GB RAM) and using the onboard Intel chipset video card. When I installed FC5 recently, I could set my display up to 1200x1024, but with Ubuntu it only gives me the option up to 1024x768, can anyone point me to a reference to get this fixed?03:11
ph1qt10nNight: why do you want IE6 when FF is safer?03:11
NighTi know03:11
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wahjavaIs there any documentation on how to package python apps in Debian ??03:11
NighTbut i just want a test out see if wine works03:11
NighTand to see how it works03:11
=== VincentRC [n=VincentR@143.193.98-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
wezzerdevie: what kind of monitor do you have?03:12
Goraxdevie, there's a config you can change that has all of the supported resolutions in it03:12
ph1qt10nNight: do you have LAN or DU?03:12
deviewezzer, 17" dell03:12
joh6nnNighT: wine works very well for simpler apps.  if you're looking to put some windows apps through their paces, you'll likely want CrossOver Office03:12
NighTi have cable modem03:12
devieGorax, how do I access the config?03:12
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Goraxadd the ones you know work, and you should be able to use them without any problems03:12
MetaMorfoziSph1qt10n: ie is a shit browser, and based on windows, it's ported to wine (winemulator) but only for webdesigners, not for use. (I think ie on windows not able to use, it's only able to annoy, and get spywares/virusess)03:12
wezzerdevie: do you know it's horizontal and vertical sync rates by heart?03:12
NighTCrossover Office03:12
joh6nnCrossOver Office isn't free, but it's more polished than wine03:12
sonicjamhey guys what do i do to get any apps i download for linux to work03:12
ra21viAnyOne. its very urgent.. i could not update my package list anyway. i dont have internet connec. on my PC...03:12
NighTi can download that correct?03:12
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deviewezzer: umm, no - It's a cheap $200 computer I bought to play around with, I don't have any manuals03:13
devieI can try to google it though03:13
NighThow much it costs?03:13
Slixxori have done it03:13
joh6nnNighT: i'm not sure.  i think about $4003:13
wezzerdevie: ahum, but do you what model it is?03:13
=== frayoyo [n=maxmon@dslb-084-060-207-067.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
GoraxI have nfi devie, I did it today, but I was just lucky enough to find it (hooray for my 2nd day in Linux)03:13
NighTi dont have that kind of money03:13
joh6nnnor do i03:13
sethkdevie, very likely that it believes your monitor can't do any better than that resolution03:13
sonicjamhey guys what do i do to get any apps i download for linux to work03:13
NighT= D03:13
joh6nnbut i also don't need to run windows apps on linux.  ; D03:13
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NighTwhy not?03:14
=== Slixxor slaps MetaMorfoziS: dont CTCP me :P
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slack_pradshreevatsa, good day03:14
deviewezzer: ultrascan p78003:14
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ProhibitedOk it seems like I'm having apt-get issues now >=/03:14
ph1qt10nNighT: you can always get it for free03:14
ProhibitedW: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)03:14
=== joh6nn shrugs.
sethkdevie, do dpkg_reconfigure xserver-xorg03:14
MetaMorfoziSSlixxor: :)03:14
joh6nnwhat for?03:14
ProhibitedIt gives quite a few of those errors.03:14
Goraxactually sethk, you can choose the resolutions supported when you install Ubuntu from scratch03:14
sethkdevie, or possibly xorg-xserver, I forget.03:14
Goraxchanging them from there is a fair bit harder though03:14
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wezzerdevie: ok, wait a second and I'll ask google what are those sync rates :)03:14
joh6nnProhibited: apt-get update03:14
ph1qt10nNighT: know how to use bit torrent?03:14
sethkGorax, yes, I know, but that doesn't mean you can't do it afterwards as well03:14
Goraxat least for me :/03:14
wezzerMetaMorfoziS: found it! http://freshmeat.net/projects/mailstorage/03:14
NighTi was gonna mention that03:14
deviewezzer, yeah, I can find my sync rates, but how do I tell linux about them :)03:14
MetaMorfoziSyou cool:)03:14
NighTbut i was hoping one of ya are going to say NOOO03:15
NighTit can containa  virus03:15
GoraxI know you can, 'cause I removed my 1600x1200 resolution from the list ;)03:15
wezzerdevie: umm, there is file /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:15
ProhibitedE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.03:15
deviesethk: I tried that earlier, it said I already had the newest version03:15
wezzerdevie: you should put those rates there03:15
wezzerdevie: and then restart X03:15
ProhibitedW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems03:15
MetaMorfoziSdevie, you may BACKUP it before you change it:)03:15
ProhibitedBut that's what I ran :|03:15
sethkdevie, no, that's not what I'm telling you to do03:15
wezzerdevie: and it *should* work :^)03:15
sethkdevie, you do not reinstall it, you _reconfigure_ it03:15
ProhibitedOh, got it ;)03:16
deviewezzer, thanks, I'll try it :)03:16
Prohibitedmake is already the newest version.03:16
deviesethk: I'll try again real quick, thanks03:16
horeaI got a nother problem :\ when I try to play some mp3 files XMMS just freezes when I hit the play button or If i try doing it with rythmbox it says I don't have mp3 support :\ how do i get this stuff working?03:16
=== starman [n=tommi@a84-231-168-95.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
NighTWhere should i save bit torrents?03:16
wezzerdevie: ask if you get any problems03:16
Goraxapplications -> sys tools -> config editor -> /desktop/gnome/screen/ubuntu/0/resolution <-- there03:16
NighThome folder?03:16
frayoyoHi starman03:16
pipubotu, hello03:16
ubotuhey, pip03:16
GoraxI forgot about the search thing03:16
wezzerdevie: there is also step-by-step config program which can be used if editing that file is hard or something03:16
joh6nnProhibited: when you run alien, do you run it with sudo?03:17
NighTubotu is the best = D03:17
ubotuNighT: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:17
pipNighT, No need to save03:17
Goraxwait... that's not the one I found before :/03:17
NighTwell ist telling me to save in what location03:17
NighTor download in what location03:17
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, shreevatsa03:18
joh6nnProhibited: what is the rpm you're trying to convert?03:18
starmanI don't seem to be able to enable the crossfade-mode in Amarok, does anyone know why?03:18
shreevatsapip: You can only play one shot? :p03:18
pipNighT, Just open it so that Bittorrrent can know the site ,and download begins03:18
ProhibitedI think I got it installed using cvs03:18
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NighTbut now iom in a windows saying "Save location for bittorrent session"03:18
NighTso should i save it on the /home folder>?03:19
pipshreevatsa, ?03:19
WarOfAttritionwhat is the command to detect the monitors horiz sync ?03:19
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shreevatsapip: You can do !ping, but not !pong :)03:20
sethkWarOfAttrition, try running dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server03:20
pipshreevatsa, OK03:20
sethkWarOfAttrition, sorry, xserver-xort03:20
sethkWarOfAttrition, try running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:20
sethkcan't type03:20
joh6nnProhibited: you said you got it?03:20
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WarOfAttritionsomeone in here once told me how to find it with a command, and it worked. I dont want to reset the xorg file03:21
pipshreevatsa, My local network work slow03:21
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sethkWarOfAttrition, you don't have to reset the config file, you can stop before it gets to that point.03:21
sethkplus you back it up.03:22
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NighTOk now its downloading.03:22
NighT= D03:22
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Goraxwow... I finally got the compiler working...03:23
Goraxonly took me 2 days :/03:23
Slixxorlol, i've ben trying to install my sound card for 6 months :P03:23
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pipSlicerDicer,How can I update to Dapper?03:23
GoraxI was lucky in regards to things like that03:23
NighTSo when this finishes downloading how do i open it03:23
Goraxthey worked straight away without my input ;)03:23
NighTwith terminal?03:23
xbox_skyhi! what's a command in order to list my eth0/1 alt wlan in console?03:23
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Slixxorironically my sound works in an older version of CentOS :P03:24
NighTits a .TB file03:24
starmanWhere can I find a cd-rom plugin for ePSXe that really works?03:24
pipNighT, either you want03:24
=== passbe [n=passbe@ppp184-119.static.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
MetaMorfoziSSlixxor: @ notebook the cmd line replaced with nasty lines, because i can'T setup the direct rendering:)03:24
NighTwhat can i do with that file?03:24
mephis1987i have installed GRUB in MBR as default03:24
Slixxorwhat card?03:24
pipNighT, what file?03:24
mephis1987how can i move it into first section of linux partition03:24
NighTcrossove office03:24
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NighTits a .TBP file03:24
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Slixxormephis1987, has to be done on boot03:25
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pipNighT, What are you going to do with it ?03:25
WarOfAttritionwhat do you think of initng is it any good or is it too buggy still?03:25
=== mwe [n=mwe@port462.ds1-ynoe.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #ubuntu
NighTopen windows apps03:25
mephis1987Slixxor, more details pls03:25
NighTthats the file03:25
=== wdennis [n=wdennis@c-69-141-167-99.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slixxorperhaps try using your ubuntu disk and resetting it up again03:26
xbox_skyhow do I view my network setups /eth0/1 with a command in console?03:26
wdennishello all03:26
Slixxoror editing grub.conf in your /etc folder first03:26
mwexbox_sky: nano /etc/network/interfaces03:26
NighTwdennis hello03:26
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starmanhello, wdennis03:27
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Slixxorim not support mephis1987 im still waiting for support for my sound card :P03:27
pipNighT, OK! you can mount the pattition of NTFS03:27
wdennisHow do I get mod_perl running in my Apache2 install?03:27
xbox_skymwe, thank you, but i'm looking for a command that displays the results directly in console?03:27
=== yure [n=yure@dhcp-212-235-229-194.sd.uni-lj.si] has joined #ubuntu
NighTyou mean partition?03:27
Slixxorwdennis, works by default03:27
mwexbox_sky: what do you wanna know?03:27
fyrestrtrmwe: cat /etc/network/interfaces03:27
pipNighT, Yeah ,you are right03:27
=== richard [n=richard@85-126-12-138.work.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrxbox_sky: ^03:27
mwexbox_sky: ifconfig shows what's up and the ip03:27
NighTjust to tell you i dont have the windows xp cd03:27
NighT= \03:28
xbox_skyoh dear03:28
=== Tomcat_ [n=Tomcat@p54A1BD47.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
xbox_skythanks mwe/frestrtr ^_^03:28
wdennisIs it compiled in? I didn't see it in mods-available03:28
yurehas anyone had usb issues with gnome volume manager. they mount automatically, cdrom works great, but usb throws already mounted when i click on the icon03:28
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Slixxorok work in the morning im off, i'll wait for someone to finally give me sound ;)03:28
NighTpip, Do i need the windows xp cd to mount what ever you want me to mount?03:28
fyrestrtrNighT: no03:28
mweyure: and if you type 'mount' in a terminal, does it show as mounted?03:28
ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions03:29
pipNighT, No , I mean  you can mount on ubuntu03:29
fyrestrtrNighT: see that ^03:29
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting03:29
NighTpip, And how do i do that03:29
=== mthakur [n=mthakur@host86-135-33-178.range86-135.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu
yuremwe: all is mounted with pmount automatically03:29
pipNighT, yeah ,good question03:29
fyrestrtr!tell NighT about ntfs03:29
mthakurmustard5, are u there?03:29
pipNighT, There is a shellscript03:29
=== BiSHEP [i=BiSHEP@ppp85-141-150-253.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #UBUNTU
arthurgeekHello all! I'm having some trouble here.. I'm trying to install buntu 5.10 Server. I have two Ethernet Cards (Encore ENL832-TX-RENT) that uses Realtek 8139 chips. But, Ubuntu don't find these cards. And when i run lspci all i get is: Ethernet controller: Unknown device xxxx:8139 (rev 10)03:29
Slixxori;ve gotta be honest guys alot of your questions have already been answered on this page i;ve found http://ubuntuguide.org/03:29
starmananybody familiar with the ePSXe?03:29
NighThold on let me read the wiki03:29
yuremwe: just when i click on the icon on in my computer it throws an error: already mounted03:29
pipNighT, please wait a moment03:29
BiSHEPhave a java in Ubuntu ?03:29
NighThank you ubtu03:30
mweyure: yes. I'm not sure what the problem is. what are you clicking when it says already mounted?03:30
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NighTthank you ubotu03:30
BiSHEPcoz i want run gui app...and it says what i need goto sun.com for Java03:30
MetaMorfoziS!tell BiSHEP about java03:30
CraiZENighT, ubotu is a bot :)03:30
pipNighT, the shellscript can help you antomaticlly03:30
=== devie [n=tim@YRMfb-05p2-139.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
CraiZE!tell BiSHEP about java-debs03:30
NighTi know03:30
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Slixxor03:30
NighTjust saying thank you to it03:30
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Slixxor03:30
mweBiSHEP: you can install java with apt if you add sevaes' repos03:30
MetaMorfoziS!tell useless about SlicerDicer03:31
MetaMorfoziS!tell useless about Slixxor03:31
Goraxa lot of those things involve using a terminal, Slixxor, which a few people might not be used to ('specially if they came from windows)03:31
deviewezzer, sethk: I tried running dpkg-reconfigure and it does detect my monitor and video card properly, just doesn't offer me the 1280x1024 resolution, so I modified xorg.conf and that worked03:31
yuremwe: i am clicking the flasdisk icon in my computer03:31
BiSHEP<mwe> how ?03:31
pipNighT, please wait a miniute...I will find a link for you03:31
deviethanks wezzer, and sethk03:31
mweyure: but is it indeed mounted already?03:31
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yurewhich should mount the device or show contents, but instead it does mount if not mounted, and it doesnt show03:31
yuremwe: it is mounted03:31
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yureit's just gnome doesn't seem to see it03:31
wdennisSlixxor: Thanks, I'm off to RTFM!03:32
Slixxorgorax - the terminal is your friend )03:32
mweyure: report a bug then, please03:32
pipNighT, http://wiki.ubuntu.org.cn/%E6%89%8B%E5%B7%A5%E6%8C%82%E8%BD%BDWindows%E5%88%86%E5%8C%BA just do as what the command tells you to do!03:32
MetaMorfoziSnice link pip:)03:32
=== livingdaylight [n=conrad@80-195-239-224.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
yuremwe: ok03:32
yurei am talking about it on gnome already03:32
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Goraxtook me about an hour to figure out how to get into the super user mode, Slixxor, and I don't mind using them ;)03:32
pipMetaMorfoziS, thank you !But why did say that?03:33
mweyure: launchpad.net03:33
=== ProN00b [n=dot@pD9E3B825.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
Slixxorindeed, because im chinese i understand03:33
ProN00bis there some ubuntu unstable ?03:33
Slixxorwelcome to buntu03:33
ProN00bthat always gets me the newest stuff03:33
Slixxorperhaps try sudo passwd -l root03:33
livingdaylightanyone confirm whether .zip files can be converted and read in Adobe Reader?03:33
Slixxordisable root password ;)03:33
=== Jimmni [n=edd@i-83-67-207-70.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrlivingdaylight: no, Adobe Reader only reads .pdf files03:33
NighTThank you pip03:33
ubotuSlixxor: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:34
JimmniHey all!03:34
livingdaylightfyrestrtr: oops, Acrobat Reader then?03:34
Slixxor!info passwd03:34
ubotupasswd: (change and administer password and group data), section base, is required. Version: 1:4.0.3-37ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 503 kB, Installed size: 1692 kB03:34
JimmniI'm a bit stuck with installing Ubuntu on my Mac03:34
JimmniI can't get a bootable CD or DVD to burn03:34
mwelivingdaylight: zip files should be unzipped first03:34
Slixxoryou did get a PPC version>03:34
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livingdaylightmwe: how, please?03:34
mwelivingdaylight: unzip foobar.zip03:35
JimmniDVD first, then CD03:35
JimmniNeither will boot or show up in Startup Disk03:35
mwelivingdaylight: sudo apt-get install unzip if you don't have unzip03:35
Slixxorjimmni try mounting those devices03:35
JimmniBurned with Toast, then tried Disk Utility03:35
ProN00blivingdaylight, zip files are packages that can contain anything, not only documents, you should unpack them with unzip or something and see what they contain, then you can open that03:35
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pipNighT, as you see ,you can copy the shellscript onto a file ---autowinfs which is in /usr/sbin/ ,remember the file autowinfs does not exsist at first ,you should create it by yourself.03:36
ubotuI guess mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f03:36
fyrestrtrlivingdaylight: same thing. Unzip the file first.03:36
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Slixxor03:36
fyrestrtrSlixxor: stop messing with the bot.03:36
Slixxorthe bot serves no purpose :P03:36
fyrestrtryou can /msg the bot if you want to play with it.03:36
Slixxorno i cant,03:37
arthurgeekHello all! I'm having some trouble here.. I'm trying to install buntu 5.10 Server. I have two Ethernet Cards (Encore ENL832-TX-RENT) that uses Realtek 8139 chips. But, Ubuntu don't find these cards. And when i run lspci all i get is: Ethernet controller: Unknown device xxxx:8139 (rev 10).. Anyone here can help me with this? I already tried searchjing google...03:37
Slixxorim not a registered user03:37
JimmniThe CDs and DVD mount on the desktop no problem, but don't seem bootable :(03:37
mweSlixxor: then register03:37
ubotuI heard ubuntu is a free GNU/Linux distribution. More at http://www.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MarkShuttleworth03:37
livingdaylightTHANX EVERYONE! that's done it03:37
fyrestrtrarthurgeek: you need to compile the modules into your kernel, or load them.03:37
Slixxori accidently stumbled in here and noticed it was a help channel - i seem to be doing the helping rather than getting my own answers :/03:38
=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
fyrestrtrarthurgeek: realtek 8139 is a very common chipset, its supported in Linux.03:38
joh6nnSlixxor: what's your question?03:38
fyrestrtrSlixxor: you haven't filled up your quota yet.03:38
deviehah, the graphite theme for firefox is awesome, it looks like Safari03:38
devienow I feel at home03:38
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mwedevie: ppc?03:38
SlixxorLG LW60 Express - i need t know where to find and install the SND-AZX module for my kernel with he current version of ALSA i have. as debian wont let me roll it back.03:39
deviemwe: no, x86, but I'm a mac user03:39
JimmniNobody have any idea what I'm doing wrong? :(03:39
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Slixxor6 months is a decent quota ;)03:39
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deviebought a used PC cheap to setup as an oracle database03:39
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Slixxorbut alas for another day. im off to bed, have fun *nixers03:40
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scifihi there, when i use the ubuntu install cd to create a partition for dual-booting, will i be asked which file-system to format with? (ntfs, ext3 etc)03:40
reikiis PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable a standard variable? Or is it figured out and/or set up when you ./configure03:41
shreevatsaubotu: hello03:41
mwedevie: what graphite theme do you mean? maczilla or what?03:41
shreevatsaubotu: hello03:41
joh6nnscifi: yes03:41
deviemwe: iFox Graphite03:41
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shreevatsaubotu: hi03:41
ubotuguten tag03:41
shreevatsaubotu: what's up?03:41
ubotueverything is okay thanks03:41
joh6nnyou have the option to partition and format however you like03:41
shreevatsaubotu: really?03:41
ubotuyes, shreevatsa03:41
scifijohn622: which should i use?03:41
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joh6nnscifi: depends, what are you trying to do?03:42
roryyreiki: i think it has a default value (probably /usr/lib/pkgconfig)03:42
Slixxorfyrestrtr, dont insult me :P03:42
roryyreiki: if you're getting errors, i'd suspect you're missing a -dev package03:42
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scifijohn6nn: i just want to create a new partition on my driive to install ubuntu, the rest of the drive is running win xp03:42
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ZarephathCan someone enlighten me on how I would send a man page to be printed out to printer from the term I am in?03:42
reikiroryy: yeah I have a configure script that tells me I'm missing libraries that I have installed. It also looks for libraries older than some I have installed and I'm not sure how to handle that part03:43
livingdaylightPlease guys, where is clipboard? i copied something in Adobe Reader and it copies it to clipboard, but i don't know where that is and therefore where to recover it? Is it something within Adobe Reader or a package outside of AR?03:43
fyrestrtrlivingdaylight: ctrl+v03:43
mweZarephath: man man | col -b | lpr03:44
roryyZarephath: read 'man man' -- looks like there's a -t option to output postscript03:44
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scifijohn6nn: so wud i need to format with ntfs ?03:44
joh6nnscifi: use ext3 for you linux partition, and then download this for use in windows: http://ext2fsd.sourceforge.net/03:44
roryyreiki: hmm. you're sure you have the -dev versions of the packages ?03:44
reikiroryy: I'm trying to fix 3 errors and they all look like this: checking for libgnomeui-2.0 libglade-2.0 gtk+-2.0 gconf-2.0... Package libgnomeui-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libgnomeui-2.0.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable03:44
livingdaylightfyrestrtr: so i've copied it but how do i open clipboard?03:44
shreevatsalivingdaylight: Just paste it somewhere03:44
fyrestrtrlivingdaylight: why did you copy it? where do you want to paste it?03:45
Zarephathmwe: Thanks...03:45
reikiroryy: I have libgnome02.0 installed but I don't find a file ending in ".pc" anywhere03:45
shreevatsalivingdaylight: Go into Gimp, and do Edit->Paste (or something like that)03:45
fyrestrtrlivingdaylight: open gimp -- then edit > paste or whatever it is in there.03:45
scifijohn6nn: thx, what does it do? ^^03:45
roryyreiki: do you have the package libgnomeui-dev installed ?03:45
livingdaylightsyrestrtr: i want to take an exerpt to put unto Desktp as screen03:46
jendaDoes anyone know the keysym for cursor selection? the thing that happens when you press an arrowkey with shift held down?03:46
joh6nnscifi: it lets you access ext3 partitions from windows03:46
Zarephathroryy: That would work, but since I don't have a postscript printer this would require trying to figure out how to get at least two programs I know of working to filter the printer output into a format my printer could use...thanks for the reply though :-)03:46
mweZarephath: or col -p03:46
reikiroryy: libgnome2-dev is installed03:46
JollehI can't play any MP3 files in ubuntu do I need some kind of plugin?03:46
mweZarephath: I'm not sure ubuntu col supports -t03:46
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fyrestrtr!tell Jolleh about mp303:47
roryyreiki: no, libgnomeui-dev -- not the same03:47
arrickmorning everyonr03:47
roryyreiki: http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_contents.pl?word=libgnomeui-2.0.pc&searchmode=searchfiles&case=insensitive&version=breezy&arch=i38603:47
shreevatsalivingdaylight: First paste it, then you can do the cutting from within Gimp03:47
PutiikkiJolleh: what player you use?03:47
scifijohn6nn: that sounds good, but i dont actually want/need to be able to do that, i will just access the ext3 partition within ubuntu03:47
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Jollehi tryed amarok03:47
mweZarephath: or just col with no switches03:47
Jollehand rythmbox03:47
scifijohn6nn: but u recommend i format with ext3?03:47
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threeseashow was the community meeting?03:47
PutiikkiJolleh: does sounds work?03:48
reikiroryy: sorry... yes I have libgnomeui-dev installed as well03:48
Jollehsounds work yes03:48
Jollehonly mp3's don't work03:48
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roryyreiki: then you should have /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libgnomeui-2.0.pc, according to pacakges.ubuntu.com03:48
roryyreiki: are you running breezy ?03:48
reikiroryy: nope... dapper03:48
PutiikkiJolleh: try with xmms03:48
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livingdaylightshreevatsa: unfortunately, i'm not managing that03:48
Jollehtryed that too :\03:48
roryyreiki: ah. that may be the problem, i'm not sure.  Maybe ask in #ubuntu+103:48
reikiroryy: oops... and just noticed I'm typing in the wrong window... I hate when I do that03:49
JimmniCan anyone help me work out why my Install CD and DVD won't boot? Burned on Mac OS X.03:49
Putiikkiweird :/03:49
shreevatsalivingdaylight: So maybe acroread doesn't let you copy it...03:49
livingdaylightshreevatsa: trying to cut or copy and paste in gimp03:49
mweJimmni: is the dvd ok?03:49
joh6nnscifi: yes, for linux, you want to use ext303:49
shreevatsalivingdaylight: Select the text (or image) in acroread, then go to acroread's men and do Edit->Paste. Is that what you did?03:49
scifiok ty03:49
livingdaylightshreevatsa: well it says 'copy to clipboard' ? so i want to assume that it does work ; where is clipboard?03:49
Putiikkipaste it somewhere? :)03:50
shreevatsalivingdaylight: There are actually (at least) *two* cliboards...03:50
livingdaylightshreevatsa: no, i right click and click copy03:50
shreevatsalivingdaylight: Ok, now in Gaim03:50
shreevatsalivingdaylight: sorry, Gimp03:50
scifii have the install iso cd downloaded, how do i check it with md5summer?03:50
joh6nnJolleh: !mp303:50
shreevatsalivingdaylight: What happens if you do right-click paste in Gimp?03:50
=== erUSUL [n=erusul@234.Red-83-43-192.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwelivingdaylight: in memory. press middle mouse button to paste or right->paste03:51
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ubotump3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:51
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mwescifi: md5sum foo.iso and compare with the md5sum from the download page03:52
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mthakurne1 know about XAMPP?03:53
mweZarephath: did it work? maybe man man| col -b| lpr if it didn't work well03:54
tachyon2mthakur... a guy i work with uses it03:54
livingdaylightmwe: :s03:54
mthakurtachyon2, can u tell me how to use it?03:54
scifijohn6nn: sorry john dont understand what this md5sum foo.iso is?03:54
Zarephathmwe: haven't tried it yet...will shout it out when I do in a couple minutes...03:54
starmanI have tried many different DVD-players for ubuntu but they won't play my dvds. Wht to do?03:55
mweZarephath: col -b is probably best03:55
Zarephathmwe: K03:55
mthakurtachyon2, eh?03:55
mwescifi: type it in a terminal. md5sum filename.iso03:55
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)03:56
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=== TABASCO [n=martina@ip-80-226-235-153.vodafone-net.de] has joined #ubuntu
mthakurHello, can anyone help me out with apache2/lamp/xampp?03:56
mwemthakur: did you read the wiki?03:56
scifi!md5sum ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso03:56
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, scifi03:56
dionisosis any fucker here ?03:56
mthakurmwe, wot wiki?03:57
mwescifi: um not in the channel :)03:57
shreevatsadionisos: No, I guess most here are virgins. Why do you ask?03:57
tachyon2mthakur- i have only seen him use it a little over his shoulder03:57
mwe!tell mthakur about lamp03:57
=== sylvan__ [n=sylvan@c83-248-105-208.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
scifimwe: terminal? im not running linux at the moment03:57
mwemthakur: read /msg from ubotu03:57
TABASCOhello, I've got the question, how can I change files with a windowscomputer in a network03:57
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mwescifi: then you need a windows program. hold on a sec03:57
joh6nnmthakur: you're better off asking in #apache03:57
mthakurmwe, i know that but i want to know something that is not concerned with installation03:57
sylvan__Dammit. System->preferences->sessions is badly broken. It's impossible to delete or change the order of the entries there. Surely this resides in configuration file somewhere that I can edit manually?03:58
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scifimwe: i have md5summer, but that doesnt check the iso...only the md5 checksum WITHIN the iso03:58
Zarephathmwe: Working like a charm with man man |col -b|lpr :-)03:58
tachyon2mthakur- I dont think XAMPP is secure03:58
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mwescifi: use a wroking program. wait a sec I'll give you a link03:58
mweZarephath: good :)03:59
scifimwe: k ty03:59
mwescifi: http://downloads.activestate.com/contrib/md5sum/Windows/03:59
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mthakurtachyon2, i know - i have secured it by running /opt/lampp security :)03:59
=== Zarephath nods to mwe in agreement...it is good!
joh6nnTABASCO: you're trying to change files on a linux partition from a windows partition?04:00
TABASCOnope, into a network04:00
scifimwe: so just run this md5sum.exe?04:00
joh6nnno idea, then, sorry.04:00
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idPanyone can understand my problem plz ?04:00
tachyon2Tabasco- linux supports SMB04:01
reikihow do I see what the current PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable is set to?04:01
TABASCOer, another problem. I need to get the old list in /etc/apt/sources.list04:01
sylvan__anyone know how to edit the "gnome sessions"? The utility doesn't work so I need to find the file04:01
TABASCOI've changed things in the list, and now it doesnt work any more..04:01
mwescifi: put it in c:\programs files. then open a command window and browse to where the iso file is and type md5sum filename.iso04:02
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idPwhen I point firefox to a hostname,. normally it requests the ip for this hostname from my ISP namse-ervers.. now, shouldnt my macgine cache this info for sometime like few hours or so, so it wont need to do so every time ?04:02
dionisosis any fucker here ?04:02
idPanyone understood my qs ?04:02
mwedionisos: language04:02
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dionisosscanning a book page with a flatbed scanner is inconvenient (edges wont be scanned well, book spine is damaged, etc) do you know any good way to scan pages from books ? thanks04:02
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Zarephathmwe: Now to get even slicker...how to write a short bash executable that can take input for the man page I am looking for and ask...so for example if I wanted to print man ls |col -b|lpr...how would I set a variable for "ls"?04:02
scifimwe: k thx, will try it04:02
tachyon2sylvan- I just edited my sessions to install fluxbox04:02
TABASCOhow can I get back the normal aptitude list04:03
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idPayone ??04:03
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roryyreiki: maybe something like 'pkg-config --list-all' will help ?04:03
Zarephathmwe: $1?04:03
mweZarephath: yeah04:03
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mweZarephath: ${1}04:04
joh6nnTABASCO: check to see if there's a file named sources.list~04:04
mweZarephath: or just $104:04
Zarephathmwe: kewlness thanks for the help...04:04
joh6nnif there is, that will hopefully be a backup copy of the original version04:04
joh6nnif not, you're SOL04:04
dionisosno one helps me ?04:05
Zarephathmwe: Is that just a different way to declare...or could you group variables together between braces for different variables that might be called as needed?04:05
TABASCOthere is a file, but one where I've changed some adresses04:05
joh6nndionisos: that seems like a question you'll get better results with somewhere else.04:05
tachyon2dionisos: get a good digital camera and take photos of the pages04:06
mweZarephath: it means the same. it's for avoiding interpretation error04:06
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joh6nnTABASCO: the ~ file has the changes in it too?04:06
fouldsydionisus: you're asking this in at least 3 channels, maybe stick to one and listen to the responses you're getting ;-)04:06
fouldsy*dionisos ^^04:07
joh6nnTABASCO: then you're SOL as far as restoring goes.  try apt-get update, and hope for the best04:07
TABASCOI've already tried this, it doesnt works04:07
roryyTABASCO: what version of ubuntu are you using?04:07
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roryyTABASCO: the 'Breezy' link in what ubotu sent you should help04:08
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Zarephathmwe: Ok...04:08
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mweZarephath: it should be pretty straight forward to write a script that does what you want04:09
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patrick24601OK. What did I foul up? I just installed Ubuntu and it seems to me that last time I installed I just hopped out to browse the network and saw all of my windows shares on other machines.04:10
patrick24601Now on this install I cannot see any windows workgroups, domains or shares04:10
scifimwe: i get this message:-  "no such file: ubuntu-5.10-install-i386"04:11
KNO3Hi, when trying to build wine from source using APT, 'apt-get --build source wine' stops with error "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:11
KNO3" "Build command 'cd wine-0.9.11~winehq1 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed."04:11
TABASCOok, thanks04:11
mwescifi: type the correct file name04:11
Sn3f3ruHi; anyone managed to get Ati Mobility Radeon 9700 (64 Mb) working with an external monitor?04:11
mwescifi:  ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso probably04:11
Zarephathmwe: I am trying...I have it echo the text then added $1 below then the command man $1 |col -b|lpr...however it doesn't pause to let me input to the variable...sorry I am completely new to this..04:11
roryyKNO3: install build-essential04:11
joh6nnpatrick24601: never worked with windows shares at all, but i think you need samba installed04:12
roryyKNO3: i'd guess something like 'apt-get build-dep wine' would also be helpful04:12
KNO3roryy:  ok, thanks04:12
mweZarephath: oh it's does wait for input04:12
scifimwe: sorry yeh, looks like its doing it now04:12
patrick24601joh6nn - I thought that came by default. hmmm..04:12
Zarephathmwe: no it doesn't..let me type the script as typed04:12
KNO3roryy:  yes, i have already done that04:12
mweZarephath: you would call the script like mycoolprintscript.sh ls to print the ls man page04:12
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Zarephathmwe: echo Please indicate the man page to print?04:13
joh6nnpatrick24601: wouldn't know, i don't use it.  but it's my best guess for a place to start04:13
roryyKNO3: I guess build-essential isn't in the build dependencies -- odd.04:13
Zarephathmwe: then the actual command with the $1 substituted for whatever I input04:13
scifimwe: ok the figure it  shows in command prompt matches the md5 figure from the download site , so all is well yeh?04:14
patrick24601Thanks. marking for installation now.04:14
KNO3roryy:  build-essential is alrady installed to the newest version04:14
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Samyhow do i compile selfwritten java sourcecodes?04:15
patrick24601smb client is alread installed04:15
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roryyKNO3: hmm. And 'gcc -v' outputs something informative ?04:15
roryyKNO3: in that case I don't know what the error is.  Are you running ubuntu 5.10 (breezy) ?04:15
joh6nnpatrick24601: no idea then.  like i said, i don't use shares at all04:15
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KNO3yes, AMD6404:16
KNO3roryy:  yes AMD6404:16
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mweZarephath: use read foo to get bash to read keyboard input into ${foo}04:16
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patrick24601thanks for piping in at lease :)04:16
patrick24601Anybody else on here browsing windows shares from ubuntu yet?04:16
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Zarephathmwe: Ok...one other question...you had it saved as .sh what is this? I just did #!/bin/bash....I guess you are using python or perl?04:17
LadyRootpatrick24601, read about LISA daemon04:17
KNO3patrick24601, nop, havew been trying but failing04:17
scifimwe: so im ok to go ahead and burn?04:17
roryyKNO3: hmm. there seems to be no binary packages for wine on amd64 -- perhaps it can't be built there ? see http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=wine&searchon=names&subword=1&version=breezy&release=all04:17
Samymy wine version does not work correctly04:17
captinepatrick24601, nope.  can't even get ubuntu to work04:18
mweZarephath: no. you don't need to name it .sh04:18
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mweZarephath: chmod +x it though04:18
captinelet alone browse shares04:18
gharzi'm a newbie and i'm about to install java...04:18
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gharzi need to use the "su" command but it's asking for the admin password...04:19
mwecaptine: I hear nautilus is broken for listing windows shares04:19
gharzmay i know what the default admin password for ubuntu breezy please????04:19
KNO3roryy:  wine has only had time to provide i386 versions04:19
mennnhello im doing apt-get update but don't know what it will do?04:19
scifiburning now :P04:19
mwescifi: did the sums match?04:19
Zarephathmwe: Ok...I am guessing adding the .sh to the end just tells the person that it is a shell script executable?04:19
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scifimwe: yeh it seems so04:20
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mennnhello im doing apt-get update but don't know what it will do?04:20
mweZarephath: yeah04:20
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roryy!tell gharz about root04:20
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mweZarephath: just convention04:20
roryy!tell mennn about apt04:20
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scifimwe: i just checked it with the one from the ubuntu download site04:20
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Zarephathmenn: I will update your repositories in sources.list04:20
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fujiHow do i safe a file in Konsole which i altered?04:20
captinemwe, i can't get into X, can't set up dial up to be able to d/l ati drivers, can't set up wifi due to lack of internet connection in ubuntu04:20
mweZarephath: linux doesn't care about extensions though some file managers associate programs with extensions04:20
roryymennn: 'apt-get update' just updates the database of ubuntu packages; 'apt-get upgrade' upgrades packages04:21
KNO3roryy:  yes, all the packages listed there are i386, apart from the libaries04:21
captinemwe, copmaq notebook is making life difficult, as well as south african internet availability04:21
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Zarephathmwe: Kewl...I am really starting to get into this...so much to learn..so little time..heh04:21
mwescifi: go ahead and burn it then. at low speed to avoid errors04:21
mennnroryy thanks04:21
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mwecaptine: oh04:21
roryyKNO3: well, my point is, if canonical/ubuntu can't build it, maybe it can't be done04:21
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scifimwe: check the figures 5 times now to make sure, burning @ 8x04:21
captinemwe hw do i install ndiswrapper without using apt-get?04:22
pyrolxCan anyone here help me?04:22
roryyKNO3: maybe it's possible to do a 32-bit chroot thing, but that is beyond my knowledge04:22
mwescifi: yeah. you can md5sum the burned cd as well. I'm not sure how to do it in windows though04:22
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ubotuJust ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important.04:22
KNO3roryy:  yes, i thake your point, do you think that i meight just be better off instaling the i386 build provided04:22
mwecaptine: well if you have the .deb sudo dpkg -i04:23
shreevatsapyrolx: I'm sure lots of people can help; just ask04:23
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roryyKNO3: if you know how to do that, sure. I don't ;) sorry.04:23
pyrolxMy monitor is messed up and dislplaying 640*480 resolution when it should be 1024*768.... it won't let ne change... brand new inbstall... please reply via PM as it's hard top read atm04:23
ubotusomebody said fixres was Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:23
scifimwe: thnks for the help, when ive done the partition and rebooted, if i boot up into windows i guess it will detect the size of the partition for windows has changed?04:23
captinecool.  I have the .deb.  do u know if the ATI drivers have a .deb file somewhere.  Cannot find it on ftp://archive.ubuntu.com04:23
anyIs there a way to list all the installed packages by size ?04:24
shreevatsapyrolx: got that?04:24
KNO3roryy:  ok, thanks for the help04:24
mwescifi: yeah04:24
sorush20hi what package do I need to install to be able to run Ir-DA , usb on ubuntu?04:24
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mwecaptine: I think so.04:24
pyrolxgot the link04:24
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mwecaptine: look for fglrx04:24
scifimwe: will it just run sfc or something?04:24
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MetaMorfoziSsorush20: find out in packagemanager04:24
MetaMorfoziSsorush20: iirc ir-apps04:24
captinemwe thanks, will do04:25
mwescifi: huh?04:25
joh6nnpatrick24601: you get it figured out yet? gaim crashed on me...04:25
anyany idea ?04:25
MetaMorfoziSsorush20: irda-tools04:25
MetaMorfoziSor sg04:25
scifimwe: i guess it will run systen file checker before continuing to boot?04:25
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sorush20MetaMorfoziS: thanks/04:26
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mwescifi: just installing ubuntu and rebooting to either windows or ubuntu should work04:26
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MetaMorfoziSand if you has it, you may: irattach /dev/ttyUSBX -d device04:26
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scifimwe: k thx04:27
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fredlHi, anybody have a problem with gnome-terminal in Dapper?04:27
eggzeckfred1, #Ubuntu+104:28
fredlMy problem is that the cursor is real freaky, it jumps back and forth to the beginning of the line when I type04:28
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fredl'k thanks eggzeck04:28
shreevatsafredl: Or you can just use xterm :)04:28
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mweor a deacent one like rxvt04:29
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shreevatsamwe: Is wterm the same as rxvt?04:29
mweshreevatsa: I think not04:30
fredlshreevasta - well there's other alternatives obviously.04:30
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fredlshreevasta - However, it could be a general GNOME issue04:30
mweshreevatsa: I don't know if wterm support utf-804:30
shreevatsamwe: what about aterm? How would you order xterm,wterm,rxvt,aterm,gnome-terminal,konsole?04:31
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mweshreevatsa: My favorite is rxvt. aterm is cool but doesn't support unicode04:31
speedieok, how do I setup linux to accept incoming ssh requests?04:32
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mweshreevatsa: I think gnome-terminal and konsole blows. but that's just me04:32
jendaHow can I assing a key to a command?04:32
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fredlshreevasta - don't forget Eterm!04:32
CokeNCodemwe, care to expand on that statement?04:32
shreevatsaspeedie: Installing openssh is probably enough04:32
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ZarephathSomeone look at this poorly written bash script and help me understand what I don't have correct to let it work? http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1231404:33
joh6nnmwe: what's your beef with konsole?04:33
mweCokeNCode: I don't like gnome-terminal and konsole :) I think they're bloated and slow. try ls /usr/lib in gnome-terminal then in urxvt04:33
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speedieshreevatsa, how do I search for packages using apt-get?04:33
joh6nnspeedie: apt-cache search04:34
=== fredl used to use aterm for the longest time....
mwejoh6nn: I think it's bloated and slow. but like I said that's just me. lots of people love gnome-terminal and konsole04:34
speediejoh6nn, thanks04:34
shreevatsaspeedie: "sudo apt-get install openssh" set up ssh for me (IIRC)04:34
zidowhat's the wine package called? i can't find it in synaptic, only "xwine", and when i try to use it i only get an error that wine isn't installed :)04:34
jack-i'm desperately trying to find the source .deb for adept (the kubuntu package manager)04:34
jack-but i cant find it..any hints very welcome04:34
fredlit's extremely low impact, I'd have a ton of them open all the time. And then fluxbox which also uses very little memory04:34
CokeNCodemwe, it's not like you don't have the option of a alt cntrl f1 if you need to something intensive04:34
Zarephathjack: You sure you have the correct repository enabled?04:34
joh6nnmwe: i've never tried anything else, so i can't speak to speed, but about do you think is bloated? it hasn't got all that many features?04:35
speedieshreevatsa, it can't find that package, it's looking for -client or -server at the end04:35
=== joh6nn is just curious
mweCokeNCode: um I like to run a windows manager04:35
shreevatsaspeedie: Oh, then install both, I guess :)04:35
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jack-Zarephath: thats what i'm searching for :) not using ubuntu atm, i'm on mac..i want to port the thing04:35
speedieshreevatsa, nah, I just need the server on my linux box, and the client on my Mac :)04:35
CokeNCodeCokeNCode, ok, well, I can't argue with that. But console is still there when you need it. ;)04:35
shreevatsaspeedie: Sure? Sometimes you might want to copy files in the other direction, etc... Besides, I even ssh to my own machine sometimes :)04:36
joh6nnjack: packages.ubuntu.com04:36
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scifimwe: ok im burnt, was thinking of making the ubuntu partition 80gig, sound reasonable?04:36
Zarephathjack: Ok...sorry don't know about where to get the .deb..ask in #ubuntu+1 some of the developers hang out in there..they would know I presume04:36
joh6nnscifi: no04:36
jack-ok, thx04:36
speedieshreevatsa, I guess it wouldn't hurt, but the linux machine is a dedicated oracle server - I just want to be able to ssh in and get to mysql04:36
=== Zarephath thinks jack should run ubuntu on mac...he loves it on his dual G4 :-)
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speediedid I say mysql?04:37
speediethe oracle gods would crucify me04:37
speedieI meant sqlplus04:37
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joh6nnscifi: make your ubuntu partition 5 gigs, then make a separate partition for your home directory04:37
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mwejoh6nn: I think 29mb for a terminal is too much for my taste04:37
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ubuntuhow do i do to listen to netradio? on ubuntu!04:37
CokeNCodewhy is Nicotine so darn buggy and slow04:38
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ubuntuhow do i do to listen to netradio? on ubuntu!04:38
CokeNCodeSoulseek is open source, and a great foundation to build from04:38
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JimmniAnyone have any idea why I can't burn a bootable copy of Ubuntu in OS X?04:38
Zarephath!tell ubuntu about restricted04:38
joh6nnmwe: ok, so you're not talking about feature creep so much as you're saying that the binary you end up with is a little big for the features you get?04:38
scifijohn6nn: o right....so do i do the 1st partition, format it, boot up ubuntu, then use gpart to create the home directory partition or do i make both partitions when installing ubuntu?04:38
joh6nnJimmni: what are you using to burn the ISO?04:39
jack-found it, yay04:39
joh6nnscifi: i'd make both partitions during install; it's easier04:39
ZarephathJimmni: How are you trying to burn it? I just used disk utility to burn the iso04:39
schtinkyffmpeg says /dev/video0 isn't there, but it is. I don't get it. --  http://pastebin.com/66150204:39
RoxQi3xTGhow do i reinstall grub into MBR sonce i was a jackass and overwrote it?04:39
joh6nnjack-: ; D04:39
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jack-hope i can port that one..its cute04:39
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mwejoh6nn: something like that. I guess I'm kinda old school. I'm not saying it's stupid to use konsole though. just that I don't prefer it04:39
jack-better than kpackage/synaptic ;)04:39
zidois there a apt package for wine?04:39
mwezido: sudo apt-get install wine04:40
Zarephathgrub install?04:40
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scifijohn6nn/mwe: ok here goes, wish me luck ^^04:40
mwezido: enable !universe though04:40
RoxQi3xTGwell, yeah, the Acronis can handle it04:40
joh6nnmwe: no, totally get your meaning.  i've just never bothered looking at anything else 'cause i've been happy with Konsole.  now that you bring it up, though, i might start shopping around04:40
zidomwe: can't find the package (yes, i've un-commented the universe packages)04:40
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mwezido: maybe you need to sudo apt-get update first04:41
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joh6nnmwe: back on windows, i used to use coolplayer for my music, and miranda for my IMs, 'cause i could fit the both of them on a floppy, and still have room left for my homework04:41
ubotuMetaMorfoziS: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:41
CokeNCodehow do you do an installation with wine ?04:41
CokeNCodedoes it work ?04:41
zidomwe: all done04:41
gnomefreakCokeNCode: you dont install anything with wine you run it with wine04:41
mwezido: can you paste your sources.list to pastebin.com?04:41
joh6nnCokeNCode: you run the installer exe with wine.  i recommend doing it from terminal04:41
gnomefreakCokeNCode: you would do something like "wine file.exe04:41
CokeNCodegnomefreak, i just ran the soulseek installation file with wine04:41
zidoofc, sec04:41
CokeNCodegnomefreak, yeh, i just did that, but soulseek kept trying to install in windows like directories04:42
gnomefreakwine installs exe files? i thought it just ran them04:42
CokeNCodelike my documents :S04:42
RoxQi3xTGisnt there as simple way to reinstall grub into MBR?04:42
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mweRoxQi3xTG: yes. read !grub04:42
gnomefreakubotu tell RoxQi3xTG about grub04:43
joh6nnRoxQi3xTG: the simplest way that i know of is to do it from the install CD.  you can do it from a terminal while you're booted into linux, but i've never been comfortable with that04:43
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ProN00bi wonder what kind of people use soulseek04:43
ProN00bi mean its utter bullshit04:43
joh6nnProN00b: 1) watch your language.  2) why don't you ask him?04:43
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CokeNCodei think i'll access my windows drive, and try to copy the soulseek folder04:43
zidomwe: http://pastebin.com/66151104:44
ProN00bjoh6nn, i was intending to get a answer this way04:44
gnomefreakProN00b: join #ubuntu-offtopic to talk about that please04:44
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ProN00blol, ya right, gnomefreak04:45
CokeNCodehmmm, why won't it let me copy the folder ...04:45
CokeNCodethis is weird04:45
maddog39err my ubuntu is screwed, i started up ET and now the resolution wont go back :S04:45
philstarhow can I mount a squashfs like found on ubuntu live cds?04:45
WarOfAttritionanyone know if there is a way to force a resolution-changing fullscreen app to run at 60hz refresh rate?04:45
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mwezido: I'd comment line one with the cd and remove the no. part for your mirrors. using archive.ubuntu.com directs you to a good mirror04:45
joh6nnCokeNCode: try doing it with sudo04:45
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nazeer2culHello all04:46
zidosure, i'll try it04:46
nazeer2culI am a big Fan of UBUNTU04:46
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joh6nnphilstar: man mount04:46
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CokeNCodewhat's with ubuntu, and not letting you log into the gui as root :@04:46
philstarjoh6nn: doesn't match squashfs04:46
CokeNCodethat is lame !04:46
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nazeer2culIs UBUNTU 5.10 Compatible with EM64T Technology Intel 64 Bit PC?04:46
WarOfAttritionhey I dont remember your name, but your instructions worked, thanks!04:46
CokeNCodeIs there any way to get around that?04:46
mweCokeNCode: it's not lame04:46
mweCokeNCode: logging into to X as root is lame04:46
CokeNCodeCokeNCode, how is it not lame  ?04:46
CokeNCodeI should be able to do whatever I want04:46
gnomefreakits dangerous04:47
ProN00bCokeNCode, what you really should try is a Linux Soulseek client you can find some in the see also section of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soulseek04:47
=== Billy [n=Billy@207-172-48-37.c3-0.tlg-ubr3.atw-tlg.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
CokeNCodeProN00b, yeh, i'm running Nicotine, but i don't like it04:47
CokeNCodeplus, i wanted to experiment with wine04:47
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mweCokeNCode: then enable it and take your chances. read !rootsudo04:47
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joh6nnphilstar: heh.  you're right.  no idea, then.  try searching the drive for the squashfs utils04:47
uboturoot is, like, Direct logging as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:47
CokeNCodewas that a trigger?04:47
gnomefreakCokeNCode: whats wrong with gksudo app?04:48
CokeNCodeoh, here we go ...04:48
BillyHello, i need help. I have a wireless card built into my laptop. I am currently running on a live cd. Is there anyway i can set up a wireless network connection?04:48
WarOfAttritionso is it at all possible to do this? To force a fullscreen game to load at a lower refresh rate than the highest available?04:48
mweCokeNCode: go to the wiki page. it's disabled for good reasons though04:48
ProN00bCokeNCode, whats wrong with PySoulseek or Nicotine ?04:48
CokeNCodeNicotine is really slow04:48
zidomwe: i get an error that it's not avalible, but another package is pointing to it, so it can be that the package is missing, out of date or just avalible from another source04:48
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KupuntuBilly: What is your laptop model04:48
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schtinkyffmpeg says /dev/video0 isn't there, but it is. I don't get it. --  http://pastebin.com/66150204:48
BillyIm using a Dell Inspiron 115004:49
nazeer2culIs UBUNTU 5.10 Compatible with EM64T Technology Intel 64 Bit PC?04:49
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ProN00bCokeNCode, whats slow, the download or the interface ?04:49
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CokeNCodethe interface04:49
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mwezido: odd. you sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get install wine and it says not available?04:49
philstarjoh6nn: found it, thanks: http://www.artemio.net/projects/linuxdoc/squashfs/SquashFS-HOWTO.html04:49
joh6nn; D04:49
ProN00bCokeNCode, you might also throw an eye on http://museek.thegraveyard.org/04:49
zidoand now i'm going to archive.ubuntu.com (not no.archive.ubuntu.com)04:49
jmoncayohey is there any command so i can know my battery status on a console?04:49
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, MetaMorfoziS04:49
CokeNCodewhat command do i type to get the gnome file browser to run at the command line?04:49
mwezido: weird04:49
MetaMorfoziSanybody know about?04:50
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CokeNCodeProN00b, ok, thanks04:50
ProN00bCokeNCode, nautilus is the command for the file bwowser04:50
joh6nnjmoncayo: none that i know of, but i ca give you a python script that does it if you'd like04:50
jmoncayojoh6nn, ok thanks so much dudde04:50
jack-could someone plz do a "dkpg -S libtagcoll.pc" for me?04:51
zidomwe: yeah, i would think they'd have wine in apt :(04:51
jack-preferably on a dapper..04:51
mwezido: it's there04:51
roryyjack-: packages.ubuntu.com can search inside packages04:51
CokeNCodeoh, cool, thakns ProN00b. How do you figure those out btw ? Coz i never would've guessed that ?04:51
jack-great, thx04:51
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roryyjack-: and see #ubuntu+1 for dapper04:51
mwezido: i installed it04:51
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zidomwe: where :)04:51
rouslanany ikvm users here?04:52
eggzeckjmoncayo, apt-cache search battery04:52
mwezido: I just enabled universe and typed sudo apt-get install wine04:52
zidothen you must have some extra sources, because it's not here..04:52
eggzeckjmoncayo, you should find it, I did04:52
joh6nnjmoncayo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1231504:52
jmoncayoeggzeck, ok  let me try04:52
nazeer2culIS UBUNTU 5.10 Cool?04:52
ProN00bCokeNCode, google for the soulseek stuff ? (also if you klick help/about in the file browser you see that its name is nautilus)04:52
CokeNCodeProN00b, I'm guessing museeq doesn't have a debian package04:52
mwejack-: libtagcoll-dev: usr/lib/pkgconfig/libtagcoll.pc04:52
CokeNCodeok thanks04:52
ProN00bCokeNCode, it seems to be new, it is advertised on the nikotine page04:53
jack-thx :)04:53
jmoncayojoh6nn, ok thanks a lot04:53
ProN00bbut tbh, soulseek is rly sh*at04:53
ProN00bwhy do you use it ?04:53
jack-the package contents search doesnt cover dapper yet, sigh04:53
CokeNCodeProN00b, I like the chat :$04:54
rudiziam in dapper...how to upgrade FF to 1.5.2?04:54
BillyKupuntu: Im using a Dell Inspiron 115004:54
captinemwe, can't find fglrx on site.  gonna have to resort to google. :).  I hate being connected at 29 kbps04:54
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zidomwe: i can find xwine, but it doesn't really work without wine itself :)04:54
jsmidtI am trying to reconfigure X.  I ran dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but have know Idea what parameters to put where04:54
mwerudiz: read !firefox1.5 it should be the same for dapper04:54
gnomefreakjack-: for what?04:54
jsmidtMy stuff is Widescreen XGA with Trubright Technologhy. Graphics Media Accelerator 950 and 8MB-128MB dynamically allocated shared graphics memory.04:54
ProN00bCokeNCode, try irc ^___^04:54
gnomefreakmwe: why would you need to dapper comes with ff1.504:54
mwejack-: I told you where the file is04:55
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mwejack-: libtagcoll-dev: usr/lib/pkgconfig/libtagcoll.pc04:55
xordaliwhitch version of ubuntu better to use ?04:55
jmoncayojoh6nn, should i save the file as   .py?04:55
jack-on an ubuntu system, yeah :)04:55
gnomefreakxordali: breezy04:55
mwegnomefreak: not 1.5.204:55
jack-i need to get libtagcoll-dev as source now somehow04:55
mwegnomefreak: not here at least04:55
CokeNCodeProN00b, yeh, but on soulseek, i get to be the expert. I 0wnd! a guy in there the other day, who was talking crap he had no clue about. On here, i'm the guy with no clue04:55
gnomefreakmwe: hold on a sec04:55
eggzeckjmoncayo, did you try apt-cache search battery? ;)04:55
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jack-gnomefreak: i'm trying to "port" adept for kde/darwin04:55
joh6nnjmoncayo: you don't have to, but it doesn't hurt.  you just have to be sure to chmod +x, is all04:55
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mwegnomefreak: it's here04:56
jack-since kpackage sucks and synaptic isnt exactly stable ;)04:56
nordleHi, as a rough guide, is it ok to install daper flight 6 with a view to update to the released version in June.  I ask because its going on a P2-266 and I'd rather not do it more than once :)04:56
eggzeckjmoncayo, package: xbattbar04:56
PuMpErNiCkLejsmidt: For most stuff, it should auto-detect.  For the screen parameters, go with the 'medium' option and select which refresh rates and geometry work best.  For the vid card, just tell it to use 128, and it should allocate as necessary.04:56
spoonxmms has frozen on my ubuntu box. is there a way to close a crashed program? I'm downloading some torrents, so i don't want to reboot. everything is running exept a frozen xmms.04:56
Seveasnordle, wait for beta 1, to be released in 5 days04:56
jmoncayoeggzeck, yea man thanks a lot, do you know if one of those is for console?04:56
mwespoon: sudo killall -9 xmms in a terminal04:57
ProN00blol, CokeNCode04:57
jmoncayojoh6nn, the .py extension is for phyton right?04:57
BillyHello, i need help. I have a wireless card built into my laptop. I am currently running on a live cd. Is there anyway i can set up a wireless network connection?04:57
Seveasjmoncayo, yup04:57
nordleSeveas: OK, thanks, if this machine wasn't so slow I wouldn't mind normally. Thanks for the info.04:57
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gnomefreakmwe: some reason im thinking that 1.5.01 will end up being 1.5.02and so on04:57
Goraxdoes anybody know if the Linux gcc compiler has any built-in define macros that distinguish it from other OS's compilers?04:57
Seveasnordle, are you going to try xubuntu?04:57
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SeveasBilly, which chipset?04:57
spooncool thanks mwe that worked!04:57
gnomefreaki wouldnt thing you would need to install it seeing that its just and updated package not like 1.604:57
jmoncayoif i want the syntax on for vi i need to saye a file called .vimrc or .virc?04:58
eggzeckjmoncayo, yes the one I mentioned04:58
SeveasGorax, #ifdef __gcc__ / #ifdef __linux__04:58
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joh6nnjmoncayo: yes, but linux will figure out what's going on even without the extension04:58
eggzeckjmoncayo, xbattbar04:58
kynixhas anyone here been able to get ATI drivers working on a x800 card?04:58
Goraxthanks Seveas04:58
mwejmoncayo: ~/.vimrc. syntax on04:58
nordleSeveas: I've used kbunutu, but have not even looked at xubuntu, but I will now as I've no idea what variation it is.04:58
jmoncayook thanks a lot04:58
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Seveasnordle, xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce, a more lightweight desktop ideal for your older machine04:58
BillySevas, I dont know i cant find it unless im on Windows which im not right now.04:59
DoctorDynakynix: i have a x1600 so if anybody knows, id like to know too04:59
mwekynix: yeah04:59
jmoncayoeggzeck, do you know how can i use it?04:59
SeveasBilly, try the command lspci in a terminal (system  accessories  terminal)04:59
jmoncayoi just downloaded04:59
eggzeckjmoncayo, once you install use 'man': 'man programname'05:00
eggzeckjmoncayo, I hope you did an apt-get install :)05:00
jmoncayoeggzeck, there is no xbattbar or battbar i dont know how did it get save it05:00
BillySevas: Ok i did that but what should i be looking for. I think i found it.05:00
nordleSeveas: I should have guessed that really :) Thanks for the heads-up, I'll check it out now to see about downloading the beta in 5 days, if there is one, if not then the last release, cheers.05:00
jmoncayoeggzeck, yes i did05:00
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SeveasBilly, paste the complete output on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:01
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Eftarjinit seems Nautilus stores a piece of information in a file to know if ot's already running. Where is this file ?05:02
captineanyone know where the .deb ati drivers can be downloaded from to install on ubuntu?  cannot use apt-get when in ubuntu (no internet connection)05:02
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jmoncayoeggzeck, do you know with what name it gets installed05:02
mwecaptine: xorg-driver-fglrx I think.05:03
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eggzeckjmoncayo, should be the same name as progname, but I've never used it before.05:03
Eftarjincaptine: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ maybe05:03
BillySevas: Ok I just did that.05:03
jmoncayoeggzeck, well it is not and i dont know how it should be named05:03
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phychohey guys05:04
captinemwe thanks05:04
phychoanyone know where i can find a ubuntu mirror with source to use with debootstrap?05:04
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captineEftarjin, cool.05:04
phychoaka i dont want ubuntu iso05:05
ruphinHey folks!05:05
mwecaptine: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12/05:05
ruphinany one knows how to get ubuntu to work with wireless05:05
jmoncayojoh6nn, hey buddy do i need to change the hours in the script for my battery?05:05
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ubotuit has been said that wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto05:05
captinemwe, thanks a mil.  really appreciate it05:05
simonpca!tell ruphin about wifi05:05
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nazeer2culcaptine, have u tested Ubuntu 5.10?05:06
nazeer2culIs it cool05:06
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ruphini have a dlink wireless on my laptop05:06
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speediethis is fun05:06
ruphinubutu does detect it but for some reason it cannot connect05:06
nazeer2culHi speedie05:06
mweruphin: read the wiki ubotu pointed to05:06
captinenazeer2cul, am a major newbie.  just installed it on compaq presario.  trying to set up X and wifi still.05:07
speedieI'm using xchat over VNC05:07
ruphinthanks mwe for ur info, i'll try that05:07
scifihi johnnn/mwe: i am on my other pc, installing ubuntu on my other machine...i have got to the partitioning stage, and i cant make a 5gig partition because its says its too small :P05:07
=== jetscreamer [n=jetscrea@adsl-70-241-28-237.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwescifi: well 5GB is probably to small05:08
nazeer2culoh ok captine. I am sure its pretty easy to setup the Wifi, Feel free to ask any doubts05:08
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scifimwe: johnnn recommend 5gig partition for ubuntu system, then another partition for home directory05:08
nazeer2culTry to resize the partition SCIFI .. so that You can install it easily05:08
simonpca!tell ruphin about wireless05:08
mwescifi: I'd go with just one partition and a swap partition05:09
captinenazeer2cul, as ar as i know, i have to install ndiswrapper.  still gotto do that.  problem is, i don't have internet connection at home.  need wifi set up before monday, so that i can d/l from the airport05:09
jmoncayojoh6nn, you there? do i need to change something in the script or its good how it is right now?05:09
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scifimwe: do i crate the swap partition after the main partition?05:09
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nazeer2culoh i see.05:09
mwescifi: it doesn't matter which you make first05:10
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captinemwe, any idea which file i need.  guess it's the 13 meg one.  will take 2 hours to d/l on my current connection.  major slow05:11
BillySeveas: Did you see the output???05:11
scifimwe: its saying the minimum it can be is 51gig (20% of the 250gig drive) lol ^^05:11
nazeer2culare u using Yum Update? Captine.05:11
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phychowhats the latest version of ubuntu? is it hoary or warty?05:12
scifimwe: which is fine, but will i be able to make a 2nd partition after creating this one?05:12
SeveasBilly, urgh, broadcom card...05:12
SeveasBilly, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetupNdiswrapper05:12
captinenazeer2cul, i'm in windows at the moment.  don't have internet connection through ubuntu (modem not detected)05:12
SeveasBilly, or actually: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper05:12
captinenazeer2cul, trying to d/l the .deb files05:13
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scifimwe: so make 1st partition 52gig, then a swap partition 50gig?05:13
BillySeveas: Thanks a lot :)05:13
mwescifi: captine I think it's 7.9 GB05:13
mwescifi: nono05:13
mwescifi: thats way to much swap05:13
jetscreamer50 gigs is way too much for swap05:14
mwecaptine I think it's 7.9 MB05:14
scifimwe: but it wont let me make a partition smaller than 52gigs05:14
mwescifi: 1 GB of swap or so05:14
jetscreamerif you don't do modeling or some other memory intensive thing go low on swap05:14
mwescifi: it should :)05:14
captinemwe, thanks05:14
mwecaptine: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12/xorg-driver-fglrx_6.8.0-8.16.20-0ubuntu16.1_i386.deb05:14
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mwecaptine: I think05:15
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bradley_hello everyone!05:15
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bradley_can anyone recommend a good cd burning software for ubuntu?05:15
scifiknew this wud go wrong for me :x05:15
gnomefreakbradley_: k3b or gnomebaker05:15
bradley_gnomefreak: thank you!05:15
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mwescifi: it's not saying MEGA byte?05:16
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tombshi all05:16
shreevatsagnomefreak: does your name mean that you like gnome or hate it?05:16
Apostle^loves it im sure..05:16
gnomefreakbradley_: your welcome05:16
captinemwe, thats what i'm getting, but the 64 bit one.  Thanks again for all the help locating it :)05:16
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scifimwe: no defo GB05:17
yaibais there somebody can help me? i have a little probleme , i can't understand ?05:17
blindxCan you burn VCDs with gnomebaker?05:17
gnomefreaki like gnome xfce flux black enlightenment05:17
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mwecaptine: oh. you are aware that 32bit ubuntu might save you some trouble even on a 64bit pc?05:17
captinegnomefreak, what about a decent dvd ripper?05:17
shreevatsagnomefreak: In that order? Or in reverse?05:17
joh6nnjmoncayo: sorry, stepped out for a second.  you don't need to change the script05:17
crowbarHey, I'm running Gnome on dapper and i set the taskbar panel which is at the bottom by default to Top.  It sits at the top just below the Applications panel, but when I reboot the computer and log back in the taskbar is above the applications panel and I have to set the taskbar to bottom and then top again to get it where i want it.  Any suggestions on how to make it stay?05:17
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jmoncayojoh6nn, it works for any battery05:17
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mwecaptine: like dvds skipping and multimedia only half-working05:18
eugmanYaiba, All the mindereaders are on break. You're going to have to state your problem if you want help. Unless I missed it that is.05:18
Undersoundtesting for encoding05:18
green_earzcaptine: dvdbackup05:18
captinemwe, I've been told that.  What type of trouble?05:18
jmoncayojoh6nn, really cool script05:18
yaibaok thx05:18
scifimwe: i just realised....this is for RE-Sizing the partition then the remaining space it will use for ubuntu05:18
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mwescifi: heh05:18
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scifimwe: think i need to make it 100 or so for windows, leaving remaining space for ubuntu05:19
lilililililliliHello guys05:19
lilililililliliI need help05:19
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mwescifi: how much do you want for ubuntu?05:19
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mweJusti1: then ask a question :)05:19
ompaulcrowbar, talk about it in #ubuntu+1 thats the dapper channel05:19
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scifimwe: i thought around 75-100gig05:19
Justi1I cannot delete a certain folder, even when I'm logged on as root. What do I do!05:19
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crowbaroh, crazy.  thank you ompaul05:19
scifimwe: maybe thats too much tho05:20
mwescifi: that's plenty and then a lot05:20
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joh6nnjmoncayo: so far as i know, it works for any battery.    i'll be sure to tell my friend you like it; my friend wrote it for me05:20
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mwescifi: if you don't wanna keep a lot of movies in ubuntu you probably don't need that much05:20
Justi1QUESTION: I cannot delete a certain folder, even when I'm logged on as root. What do I do!05:20
green_earzJusti1: rm -r "dir-name"05:20
jmoncayojoh6nn, ok tell him the script works really good05:20
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mwescifi: 25GB or so would normally be more than enough05:21
scifimwe: ok if i tell it to resize it to 175gig, in theory that leaves 25gig for ubuntu...if that is indeed what it means05:21
mwescifi: I haven't used the resizer on the install cd. but i'd think so05:22
joh6nngreen_earz: you probably should have asked justi1 WHICH folder...05:22
scifimwe: gonna try it :O05:22
green_earzyou that right05:22
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joh6nngreen_earz: i've got $10 says he just rm'ed something important05:23
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ompauljoh6nn, maybe he needed to do that anyway :-/05:23
joh6nnompaul: i think we all need to rm something important once.  otherwise we'll never learn05:24
mwescifi: asuming 200GB is the actual size counted in 2^30 giga bytes05:24
mwescifi: 2^30 bit that is05:24
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=== MHobbit is happy, as he used a Ubuntu LiveCD to salvage data on his faulty HDD
freakabcdjoh6nn, not if that something important had a backup somewhere off disk ;)05:25
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scifimwe: ok sweet, the partition overview shows i have a 150gig partition formatted in ntfs, a 98.5gig primary partition in ext3 and a 1.5 logical swap partition, thats sounds ok05:26
green_earzjoh6nn: i was thinking that he may have been have a problem with a dir that got a space in its name that why the " "   hope he not killed is setup05:26
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joh6nnfreakabcd: aw, making backups is cheating05:26
scifimwe: i cud always increase the ntfs in future05:26
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ompaulgreen_earz, joh6nn freakabcd I have one thing to say before I declare this session for #ubuntu-offtopic that is \.05:27
mwescifi: maybe I don't know how easy resizing the ext partition is. I think it's easy with gparted05:27
joh6nngreen_earz: a good thought, but the way he logged off immediately after you told him that is suspicious, no?05:27
AAAscifi  it is generally recommened to have 2x the amount of swap as RAM05:27
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scifiaaa: that wud mean 3gig of ram :O05:28
AAAother way around, unless you have 1.5G of RAM05:28
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scifiaaa: sorry misread read it, yeh i have 0.5gig of ram, so 1.5 gig swap partition is about right05:29
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TokenBadok my sound will not work and xmms is locking up...and all started yesterday..but was working before05:30
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MHobbitWhat command should I run to diff two directories, listing what files exist in one but not the other?05:30
shinichithere are lots of dhcp problems on ubuntuforums.org... and not one of them seem to be solved!05:30
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=== MHobbit is using DHCP fine
shinichiI, like everyone else, am getting the DHCP DISCOVER to
slavikMHobbit: you could do that in perl :P05:30
AAAMHobbit  rsync -nav /dir1/ dir2/ (include the / and the -n is a "dry run")05:30
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shinichidoesn't work though. I even told my gentoo dhcp server to allow port 67.05:31
slavikthat isn't perl ...05:31
MHobbitAAA: Thanks.05:31
scifik its "writing file system to partition #2...."05:32
AAAMHobbit  I misread the "not the other part" I guess I don't understand what you want to do ??05:32
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shinichiis it normal that a dhcp client would 'broadcast to'? what does that really mean?05:32
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AAAshinichi  it means it is looking 'everywhere' for a dhcp server05:32
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TokenBadok can anyone help with this....xmms was working yesterday..and now the sound works outside xmms and all that but xmms will not play mp3 anymore..and when try to it locks up05:33
MHobbitAAA: Nevermind, I think that'll work05:33
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scifi"installing base system"....gonna look for linux drivers for my adsl modem router while it installs05:33
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phychohey guys05:33
phychois ubuntu beta.. what one is that05:33
phychois it breezy, warty05:33
phychoor what05:33
=== phycho cant find any info on it
shinichitokenbad - try reinstalling xmms.05:34
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AAAMHobbit  rsync is GREAT but a caveat... dir1 and dir1/ are very different, man rsync =p05:34
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slavikbreezy has been not beta for 6 months now05:34
scifianyone have a usb modem/router that uses the conexant chipset and has it working in ubuntu?05:34
TokenBadshinichi, doing that now05:34
shinichisomething's wrong with xmms mpg123 plugin perhaps?05:34
shinichithanks aaa.05:34
Steff_breezyhi, I want to remove all *,t.jpg in a certain directory, how do I do that?05:34
phychoE: No such script: /usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/dapper05:34
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phychoi assume theres no debootstrap for dapper?05:34
slavikSteff_breezy: pm me05:34
AAASteff_breezy  find dir/ -name *t.jpg -exec rm {} \;05:34
=== irrvi [n=irrvi@c-71-196-241-204.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
slavikor that05:35
shinichinot rm -R *,t.jpg?05:35
irrvihow come I have no sound even though I have a /dev/dsp?05:35
ubotuscifi: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:35
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Steff_breezyAAA, does that include subdirectories?05:35
AAAthat too05:35
Steff_breezyvery nice, thank you05:35
=== FRAGNSERVERS|Sco [n=sdv@69-170-37-24.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
irrvihow come I have no sound even though I have a /dev/dsp?05:36
AAAtheres more than one way to do it ;)05:36
shinichiokay, guys. Any reason why my ubuntu laptop isn't getting a DHCPOFFER?05:36
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Steff_breezyAAA, if i want to be safe, can i just do rm -i in it?05:36
slavikirrvi: are your speakers on?05:36
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irrvislavik: is there an off switch?05:36
spoonanyone have any idea what might be wrong with my setup? I can't mount my sony momory stick reader for my camera. with or without the memory stick in the reader. its a usb memory stick reader/writer MSAC-US105:36
AAASteff_breezy  yah05:37
uboturumour has it, wireless is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCards if it does not work out of the box https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper windows drivers05:37
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slavikirrvi: dunno, they are your speakers, I would assume they'd be on ...05:37
jmoncayoirrvi, try esd &05:37
roryyphycho: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot suggests otherwise05:37
=== Scott_the_ubuntu looking for answers to some noob questions :)
green_earzirrvi: is the user in the audio group ? to check use the command groups05:37
AAAspoon  as root try mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/somedirthatexists05:37
TokenBadshinichi, that worked...wonder what happened05:37
Steff_breezyAAA, it worked, thanks again05:38
shinichieh. stupid computer.05:38
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irrvigreen_earz: yes05:38
AAASteff_breezy  np, linux is goooood05:38
spoonAAA k I shall try. in the GUI it just says "Unable to mount the selected volume. The volume is probably in a format that cannot be mounted."05:38
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AAAspoon  cat /proc/filesystems <--that will tell you what fs you can mount05:39
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Scott_the_ubuntuquestion:  Does Ubuntu easily see external USB driveS?05:39
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shreevatsaScott_the_ubuntu: yes05:39
irrviALSA lib confmisc.c:560:(snd_determine_driver) could not open control for card 005:40
irrviALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such file or directory05:40
irrviALSA lib confmisc.c:392:(snd_func_concat) error evaluating strings05:40
irrviALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_concat returned error: No such file or directory05:40
AAAScott_the_ubuntu  as long as you have the driver for the usb device and the fs which is _usually_ vfat05:40
irrviALSA lib confmisc.c:955:(snd_func_refer) error evaluating name05:40
Scott_the_ubuntumine is not being picked up.05:40
irrviALSA lib conf.c:3479:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_refer returned error: No such file or directory05:40
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irrviALSA lib conf.c:3948:(snd_config_expand) Evaluate error: No such file or directory05:40
irrviALSA lib pcm.c:2090:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM default05:40
shreevatsa!tell irrvi about pastebin05:40
gn00bi'm trying to 'add applications' but getting this error msg, 'W: Couldn't stat source package list http://us.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)'. how do i fix?05:40
Scott_the_ubuntuIt is my USB music hard drive. I just moved to Ubuntu from XP05:40
AAAScott_the_ubuntu  is it NTFS? you may have to use mount -t ntfs05:40
Scott_the_ubuntuyes it probably is.05:41
Scott_the_ubuntuuse that in a term?05:41
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roryygn00b: try the 'reload' button, and then try again05:41
AAAmount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/some.place.that.exists05:41
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jmoncayoirrvi, i think your sound was not installed dont know what to do sorry05:42
AAAyou can use mkdir /mnt/music if you need too05:42
spoonAAA it says "mount: /dev/sda1 already mounted or /mnt/memstick busy"05:42
twidgetGoing with the AMD Athlon 64 was a big mistake, in hindsight :(05:42
AAAspoon  ok ls -l /mnt/memstick05:42
jmoncayocan i mount a folder or disk over the network, like from other box05:42
Scott_the_ubuntuwhat is the /dev/sdal ?05:42
Scott_the_ubuntuthe command location?05:42
green_earzirrvi: use the link the see what the module should be for your sound card http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/05:42
AAAjmoncayo  sure, with nfs or smb05:42
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spoonAAA it says total 005:43
jmoncayoAAA, with smb i can copy files right? it opens like a web page?05:43
Scott_the_ubuntusays "only root can do that"05:43
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=== Phex [n=Phex@xdsl-84-44-131-55.netcologne.de] has joined #ubuntu
AAAScott_the_ubuntu  that is generally where usb drives will show up, you can check dmesg <-- type that in a term after you plug in the usb drive, it will show you where it lives05:43
punkrockguy318Where is the termcap library located for ubuntu?05:43
AAA /etc/termcap ~/.termcap05:44
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jmoncayoScott_the_ubuntu, try with sudo mount05:44
punkrockguy318AAA i don't have that on my syster05:44
Phexi've a problem i need root tights to install a game how i get root?05:44
AAAspoon  there you go, it is ready to go05:44
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gnomefreakPhex: sudo05:45
AAApunkrockguy318  sorry, I misread.. nevermind me05:45
gnomefreakubotu tell Phex about root05:45
AAApunkrockguy318  up the punx ! ;)05:45
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spoonAAA I have a a feeling its not seeing my reader as sda1. is there a way to see what /dev/ each drive is in "Computer"05:45
spoonAAA there is data on my memory stick and I don't see it. its not working yet.05:45
shivhow do u install directx in wine?05:45
AAAspoon  mount   it is mounted and ready for use it would seem. just nothing on the drive05:45
spoonthere is stuff on there, I can put it on my windows box and see my files.05:46
shinichispoon:dmesg|less and look for a new device05:46
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roryytry 'sudo fdisk -l' to list partitions (should list usb disk partitions as well)05:46
AAAspoon  touch /mnt/memstick/foo (or whereever it is mounted) you can just type mount and it will show you what is mounted where, the touch command simple creates an empty file05:47
Scott_the_ubuntu-t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/some.place.that.exists05:47
Scott_the_ubuntuoops ignore05:47
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AAAspoon  you may have to use sudo to read the files, if so you'll have to change the perms on /mnt/memstick chown user.user /mnt/memstick05:47
JimmniI can't get a bootable copy of Ubuntu to burn on OSX. Tried both Toast and Disk Utility. Anyone have any idea why?05:47
Scott_the_ubuntuI ran DMESG05:48
Scott_the_ubuntugave me alot of info05:48
AAAok, I have to go have fun n00b's05:48
Phexand what is my root password? the same as the normal password?05:48
Scott_the_ubuntucya aaa05:48
roryy!tell Phex about rootsudo05:48
spoonok thanks05:48
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irrvigreen_earz: what next?05:48
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Steff_breezyHi again, due to problems with a browser plugin, i have no sound anymore, but dont want to reboot. how can i restart/reset the sound system?05:48
Phexi hope my com do this too05:48
spoon:\ damn mem stick05:48
scifimy fresh new ubuntu install is now "loading modules" :D05:49
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jmoncayohow can i install the java plugin?05:49
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ompaul!tell jmoncayo about java05:49
ompauljmoncayo, read the message from ubotu05:50
jmoncayooki thanks05:50
irrvigreen_earz: what next?05:50
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jmoncayoompaul, thats for the firefox java plugin right?05:50
MHobbitWhat reason would there be that the 5.10 LiveDVD won't go at a res higher than 640x480? Would I have to set something up for my monitor?05:51
ompauljmoncayo, it's all there yes05:51
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green_earzirrvi: install modconf   sudo aptitude install modconf    then sudo modconf and track down the alsa module for you sound card and install it05:51
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spoonroryy thanks that told me where it is "fdisk -l" it says its fat12 though does linux support that. :|05:51
AAAspoon  before I go, unplug the drive and plug it back in, then type dmesg and look at the output, it should give you clues as to what is going on, good luck05:51
ompaulJimmni, you need to burn "an image" not a file that is the most usual reason for a failure to burn it right05:51
roryyspoon: i fat12 is supported05:52
jmoncayoompaul, thanks a lot05:52
UbuntuNoob|ScottAAA I did dmesg and gotlots of info, what am I looking for to find my USB drive?05:52
AAAfat12 is generally just for floppy discks05:52
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AAAUbuntuNoob|Scott  you are looking for anything regarding /dev/xxx and usb05:52
jmoncayoare mem stick fat32?05:52
irrviCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "modconf"05:53
AAAjmoncayo  or vfat yeah05:53
UbuntuNoob|Scottim just trying to get to my music on my USB drvie while working on getting my Ubuntu up to par05:53
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UbuntuNoob|Scottits an NTFS drive I belive05:53
AAAspencer@madia:~$ apt-cache search modconf05:53
AAAmodconf - Device Driver Configuration05:53
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irrvigreen_earz: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "modconf"05:53
Phexhe said to me authentication failure, sorry05:53
=== newtoubuntu [n=nathan@c-71-198-107-181.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jimmniompaul - do you mean to burn a mounted disc image, rather than just selected the .iso to burn?05:54
Steff_breezyHi again, due to problems with a browser plugin, i have no sound anymore, but dont want to reboot. how can i restart/reset the sound system?05:54
=== endersshadow [n=enderssh@cpe-24-58-80-102.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
AAA /etc/init.d/alsa restart05:54
green_earzirrvi: have a look at the out put of lsmod and see if your sound card module is installed.05:54
newtoubuntuHey, does anybody know of a good FREE particion manager for Windows (my friend wants to make a duel boot, without getting rid of anything)  Iknow you can do it in install, but he doesn't feel confortable.05:55
ompaulJimmni, now you have me lost, the biggest failure is that people burn an iso as a file to a disk when they should burn an image to a disk then it will boot, also make sure your using the correct ppc version  for your chip,05:55
spoonok got it mounted! thanks AAA and roryy!!!05:55
do_me_nicehow do I add something to a PATH?05:56
gn00bnewtoubuntu, try fips05:56
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JimmniOh, okay, I see what you're saying. No, I burnt the disc, not the image. I can mount it and browse through all the files05:56
newtoubuntugn00d: is it good?05:56
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kingspawndo_me_nice: export PATH=$PATH:/what/you/want/to/add05:56
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germanazohi everybody05:56
gn00bnewtoubuntu, it works05:57
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AAAspoon  excellent. I am really gone now05:57
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irrvigreen_earz: it says a whole bunch of things thats like snd and soundcore, and stuff like that05:57
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spoonAAA cool thanks again05:57
scifinewtoubuntu: i am currently installing ubuntu for the first time and used the installers partitioner to set it up, tell ur friend its very easy to without erasing any data...u just resize ur windows partition and the remaining space is used for ubuntu05:57
JimmniHow do I tell if I have the right version for my chip? I have a G3 I want to put it on and definitely got the PPC version05:57
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gn00bnewtoubuntu, it's not a 3rd party software that resides on your system05:57
shivWill this work on breezy? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12709005:57
newtoubuntuOk I'll check out05:57
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do_me_nicethank you05:57
do_me_nicewhat is AIM for linux?05:57
Scar_Freewillwhere can i get wine beta?05:57
do_me_niceis there a version available05:57
UbuntuNoob|ScottLooking for assistance getting to my USB drive.05:58
kingspawndo_me_nice: you can use GAIM05:58
Steff_breezyAAA, alsa said: alsa: Warning: The 'restart' method is deprecated and will be removed.05:58
gn00bnewtoubuntu, first you defrag, then use fips to repartition. it's non-destructive05:58
do_me_nicethanks again05:58
sergiociao a tutti05:58
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newtoubuntuyea, I was just reading that on their site05:58
irrvigreen_earz: it says a whole bunch of things thats like snd and soundcore, and stuff like that05:59
scifianyone use an origo modem/router with ubuntu?05:59
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Scar_Freewillscifi, 56/k crap here ^^05:59
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=== UbuntuNoob|Scott is clueless... :\
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=== Scar_Freewill laggs
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: what are you trying to do? usb drive? hm, try fdisk -l /dev/sda for starters06:00
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chris_does anyone know how to convert dmg to iso?06:00
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, I dont want to format or lose any info.06:01
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chris_:) it'll really help me out06:01
scifiouch scar06:01
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, It was my music drive when I was on XP06:01
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Phexi've root rights but i can't copy it06:01
chris_does anyone know how to convert dmg to iso?06:01
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, I just started Ubuntu, and know I will be working on it for a while so I want to hear my tunes.06:01
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: i havent told you to format, i have told you to list the partition table of /dev/sda, if it exists06:01
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chris_does anyone know how to convert dmg to iso and programs??06:01
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, ok...just used to fdisk in windows being used for partitioning...looking....06:02
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: also dmesg | grep usb is an idea06:02
gn00bchris_, that's not gonna get an answer any faster, and it may get you kicked/banned06:02
bjorn_ive also just installed ubuntu, but i get "command nog found"  when i try to unrar something, how do i do that?06:02
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: it still is used for partitioning, but it can do other useful stuff too06:02
kingspawnbjorn_: sudo apt-get install unrar06:02
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, [4300202.042000]  usb-storage: device found at 1106:03
jesse_voIP Utilities?06:03
Phexhm now i can't copy something06:03
Phexbut i've root rights06:03
kingspawnbjorn_: make that unrar-free06:03
Phexcan anyone help?06:03
Steff_breezyso i have to reboot? nobody knows how to reset alsa?06:03
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: what did fdisk -l tell you?06:03
UbuntuNoob|Scottdidnt do that yet...will do now.06:03
roryymake sure it's 'sudo fdisk -l'06:03
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kingspawnSteff_breezy: /etc/init.d/alsa restart06:03
kingspawnah, yes, the sudo :)06:03
simonpcaa+, je quitte | bye, i'll quit06:04
Steff_breezykingspawn, "Warning: The 'restart' method is deprecated and will be removed.06:04
bjorn_it asks for a password06:04
Phexi can'T believe it can nobody help me?06:04
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, sdv@blackbox-linux:~$ fdisk -l /dev/sda06:04
UbuntuNoob|ScottCannot open /dev/sda06:04
Steff_breezykingspawn, "Warning: Use the alsa-utils initscript instead."06:04
green_earzirrvi: the link should be of help to you > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Sound#head-6f0af37b5422a1bd6d58855b95384aae365eea1106:04
PuMpErNiCkLePhex: What are you trying to copy?06:04
roryyPhex: it's not clear what your problem is; what are you trying to do?06:04
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simonpcai'll leave [pour sissi] 06:04
Phexa game (.run)06:05
Phexi'm root06:05
roryyUbuntuNoob|Scott: try just 'sudo fdisk -l'06:05
simonpcaI leave [merde sissi , t'as fini de me reprendre? :D] 06:05
roryyPhex: copy from where, to where06:05
swiadekUbuntu v5.1 + Skype v1.2 on a 14" laptop with 1024x768 (max resolution). There are two toolbars: one on the top and the other at the bottom. I go to Skype --> Personal Information and the box that opens up fills up an entire screen and OK is not seen. Bottom toolbar is over the Skype's Personal Information box and there is no way to select OK to Continue. How can I move or configure bottom toolbar to auto-disappear, or to not06:05
swiadekbe over the top of other boxes ?06:05
kingspawnSteff_breezy: then do as it tells you, use the alsa-utils in the same dir06:05
Phexfrom my hdd mobile to my hdd in my computer06:06
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: try the same for sdb sdc etc06:06
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, - PM06:06
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roryyPhex: what command are you using ?06:06
Steff_breezykingspawn, ok, ill try, thx06:06
void^swiadek: try alt-leftclickdrag to move a window06:06
twidget#nvidia says my screen resolution problem is a known problem http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=67972&page=406:06
Phexi using root -i to became root06:07
Phexthen i make it with drag &drop06:07
bjorn_ive just installed ubuntu, but i get "command not found"  when i try to unrar something, how do i do that?06:07
roryyPhex: ah, no, unfortunately that doesn't work06:07
kingspawnbjorn_: i've told you a little while ago06:07
roryyPhex: try, in the menu,     Applications -> System tools -> Run as different user06:07
twidgetThey say "You'll have to either find an Ubuntu package for nvidia-xconfig then, or uninstall the Ubuntu packages and use the official .run installer."06:07
scifiok just booted up fine into my new ubuntu install. whats that probe command guys that auto-detects monitors refresh rate?06:07
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Drac[Server] What kernel type do I need for a Pentium III? 686?06:08
Phexok i'll have a try06:08
roryyPhex: run the command 'nautilus' as root06:08
roryyPhex: do be careful; it's very easy to do something silly when you have root privileges06:08
PuMpErNiCkLeDrac[Server] : yeah06:08
twidget...but it's all so Greek to me06:08
Drac[Server] PuMpErNiCkLe, thanks.06:08
PuMpErNiCkLenp :)06:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, I sent you the responses.06:08
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, via pm06:08
Phexok i'll be careful06:08
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swiadekvoid^,  I am trying Alt +... and appears to work same as without Alt button. The box won't go higher than the top of the screen even if I grab the box in the middle. So that I could see the bottom of the box.06:09
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: i didnt get them. are you registered with freenode?06:09
Phexi only want to copy something nothing more06:09
scifi!refresh rate06:09
ubotuscifi: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:09
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Scar_Freewillwho can i ask some questions about the Synaptic Package Manager?06:10
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, no :\06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott$ sudo fdisk -l06:10
UbuntuNoob|ScottDisk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders06:10
UbuntuNoob|ScottUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:10
PuMpErNiCkLeScar_Freewill: all of us, at once06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott/dev/sda1   *           1       15201   122102001   83  Linux06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott/dev/sda2           15202       30401   122094000   83  Linux06:10
UbuntuNoob|ScottDisk /dev/sdb: 120.0 GB, 120034123776 bytes06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 14593 cylinders06:10
PuMpErNiCkLeScar_Freewill: Then if anyone knows the answer, they'll tell you. :)06:10
UbuntuNoob|ScottUnits = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scott   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:10
UbuntuNoob|ScottACK sorry!!06:10
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL06:10
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=== UbuntuNoob|Scott hopes he doesnt get the boot for that
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: well, does any of these correspond to your usb drive?06:10
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, yes, the 120gb06:11
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: well then great, fdisk -l /dev/sdb06:11
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: its probably at sdb1, and you can mount that06:12
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arrickanyone, I created a user called webmaster, how do I set his password?06:12
kingspawnarrick: passwd webmaster06:12
kingspawnarrick: prolly with sudo in front06:12
Scar_Freewillyou know, the SPM dls the desired file(s) in deb format, and then installes it does it delete the deb files after the time?06:13
jmoncayowhat is the latest estable ubuntu realese06:13
nazeer2culplz help -- i have just installed 5.10 ubuntu the installation completed but some io error of hda which is cd  and xserver did not start06:13
kingspawnjmoncayo: breezy06:13
jamaasHow might I get two separate pc's running ubuntu to load exaclty the same packages using apt-get ?  thanks06:13
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, sdb06:13
UbuntuNoob|Scottoh wait...06:13
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UbuntuNoob|Scotti did the fdisk -l /dev/sdb06:13
nazeer2culi have burned the rewritable cd06:13
Phexok it works06:13
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: well, use pastebin.com to paste the result of it06:14
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, i did the fdisk -l /dev/sdb but not sure what i was looking for.06:14
nazeer2culis it not advisable to burn rewritable cd?06:14
nazeer2culhelp plz06:14
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: you are looking forsomething like the entry /dev/sda1 in what you pasted earlier06:14
jmoncayokingspawn, when is dapper realesed?06:14
kingspawnjmoncayo: scheduled for june 106:14
PuMpErNiCkLejamaas: Send them both the same apt-get command, or make one download them and then copy that one's package cache to the other.06:14
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jmoncayooki thanks06:15
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, posted to pastebin06:15
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jamaasPuMpErNiCkLe, thanks, one has more packages on it than the other, but  I want the same!  how/where is the package cache?06:15
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: i'll need the link..06:16
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UbuntuNoob|Scottlol sorry06:16
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: hm, are you sure there is a filesystem on this disk?06:16
PuMpErNiCkLejamaas: It's in /var/cache/apt/archives06:16
UbuntuNoob|Scottlet me put siomething else there06:17
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jamaasPuMpErNiCkLe, thanks , will give that a try06:17
Isil`Zhahi. i tried an upgrade to dapper from a newly installed breezy. now i'm stuck with coreutils failing to upgrade. can anybody give me some hint about this?06:17
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn,  nm on the other paste06:18
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phychohey guys, anyone know what startup script in ubuntu modifies /etc/mtab?06:18
nazeer2culxserver install failed at first time install anybody plz help06:19
_jonnazeer2cul, What video card do you have?06:19
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: well, this is a tricky one, since fdisk cant see a filesystem on it06:19
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, its ntfs, think thats why?06:20
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: hm, no, ubuntu sees ntfs just dandy usually06:20
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: just for checking, if you do sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb, are the results the same?06:21
swiadekSynaptic Package Manager reports that System is Up-To-Date. bzip2 is v1.02 from 2001. According to bzip2 developers bzip2's latest version is v1.03 from 2005.06:22
mzuverinkIs Dapper ready enough to upgrade from Breezy? Or can someone recommend a breezy repo that has gnome 2.14?06:22
Isil`Zhaswiadek: are you on breety?06:23
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, http://pastebin.com/66167406:23
swiadekWhat can be done to determine if there are no other files that are perhaps out of date ?06:23
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JimmniDoes anyone have any idea why none of the install CDs I'm burning in Mac OS X are bootable? :(06:23
swiadekThis is v5.106:23
systemofadownwhy isn't or doesn't modules-update generate a modprobe.conf?06:23
mzuverinkJimmni: are you burning the image or just the iso to disc?06:23
RibsJimmni: Are you pressing and holding "c" when you reboot the computer with the CD in the drive?06:23
swiadekI think that v5.1 is code name Breezer -- I've seen it few times somewhere.06:24
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sissi2hi all, I'm unable to use my wireless card on my hp pavillon dv500006:24
sissi2anyone could help me ?06:24
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PuMpErNiCkLeJimmni: Are you using the MacOSX disk utility to burn the .iso?06:25
naxxtorsissi2 - what's up withit?06:25
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: if you do sudo fdisk /dev/sdb, and when you get into fdisk, press p<ENTER>, still no filesystem-info?06:25
jendaWhy doesn't the terminal pop up when I press the keyboard shortcut associated with it?06:25
JimmniNo, when I put the CDs into the drive, they mount, but they're not letting me boot06:25
sissi2naxxtor, unable to make it works06:25
JimmniI tried using both Disk Utility and Toast06:25
Isil`Zhaswiadek: with breezy you don't have the last versions. that's intentional. that it is a version from 2001 surprises me though06:25
naxxtorsissi2, how far have you got with it06:25
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kingspawnJimmni: turned on booting off a cd in your bios?06:25
sissi2naxxtor, it doesn't work, no device06:25
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JimmniI can boot the Mac OS X Install CD okay06:26
sissi2naxxtor, I try to install driver from hp website with nswrapper06:26
sissi2naxxtor, but nothing06:26
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, so copy and paste "sudo fdisk /dev/sdb"06:26
naxxtorsissi2, do you know what card it is?06:26
shreevatsaIsil`Zha: I don't think bzip2 is updated very often; it's one of the programs that have been around since the dawn of time and are now close to perfection :)06:26
_jonJimmni, I think the ticket is "holding C" and making sure you burnt the ISO correctly.06:26
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, and when that starts hit "p <enter>" ?06:26
ubu_usr_1anyone have any recommendations for a good usnet reader that can download and decode binary?06:26
_jonJimmni, (those being two seperate things)06:26
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: yeah. and q to quit06:26
sissi2naxxtor, 0000:06:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4318 (rev 02)06:26
Isil`Zhashreevatsa: ok i think you got a point there ;)06:27
Phexwhat the command for deinstalling software?06:27
naxxtorsissi2, hmm - what drivers were you trying to use with ndiswrapper?06:27
Jimmnijon - I tried that (c key). I also tried setting the CD to be the default book disk in Startup Disk, but the CD doesn't show up as a bootable volume in startup disk06:27
sissi2naxxtor, the hp.com winXP driver06:27
_jonJimmni, When you look at the CD from Mac OS X, what do you see?  one file? or multiple files?06:27
Jimmnijon - what constitutes burning the iso 'correctly'?06:27
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JimmniLots of files - the whole filesystem06:28
JimmniI definitely bunt the image, rather than the image as a file onto the disc06:28
_jonJimmni, Yeah.06:28
ubu_usr_1Phex,  I have used ap-get install <software>-06:28
sissi2naxxtor, I'll give you the link06:28
_jonJimmni, So when you reboot, with the CD in the drive, holding C doesn't boot it?06:28
naxxtorsissi2, have you tried this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper06:28
JimmniNope - just boots through to OS X06:28
sissi2naxxtor, no I look this06:29
JimmniHolding C with the OS X install CD boots the installer though.06:29
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn,     http://pastebin.com/66168606:29
_jonJimmni, Ah, =\  You've reached the ends of me as far as PPC booting goes.06:29
Jimmnijon - Thanks for your help anyway! I consider myself a semi-expert Mac user, but this has really got me stumpted06:29
sissi2naxxtor, the problem is I'm a noobie with linux and ubuntu there is a lot of things I don't understant06:30
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RibsJimmni: Do you have a burnt CD with you now?06:30
jack-try setting the startup volume in system preferences? ;p06:30
JimmniRibs - Yes, in my drive as we speak06:30
RibsJimmni: Look at it in MacOS X, right now... are there loads of files within it?06:30
Ribsor just the one?06:30
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_jonRibs, Jimmni burnt it correctly.06:30
_jonRibs, From what he told me ;)06:30
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: well then im at a loss. got enough space to back up whats on it while you reformat it to a decent filesystem?06:30
JimmniFirst folder "dists" last folder "preseed" and a couple of files06:30
=== Ribs shuts up then
UbuntuNoob|Scottno, ill do it later06:31
_jonRibs, Yea ;)  That's the limit of most of us here =\  That's the problem.06:31
JimmniI tried booting it on 2 Macs, no luck on either06:31
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, know anything about installing Wine? LOL06:31
arvindhello, i have a problem06:31
KriS|workIf I wanted to submit a bug report, where could I do so?06:31
MHobbitsudo apt-get install wine ?06:31
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: not a thing06:31
naxxtorsissi2, only way you can get better is to stick with it - i'm learning that the hard ware06:31
naxxtor*hard way06:31
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, well thanks for your efforts, very much appreciated!06:31
robinl1how to get the dapper look in breezy?06:31
arvindi tried to instal XGL06:31
arvindwith the wiki faq06:31
_jonJimmni, Well, it's probably a problem with the CD, even though you burnt it correctly, one thing I would try is redownloading the ISO and burning it again.  But I make no promises. =\06:31
arvindand after gdm restart06:31
RibsJimmni: Okay... plan B06:31
sissi2naxxtor, I'll do my best ...06:32
scifihey guys, trying to get internet connection working on my new ubuntu install. my usb conexant device shows up in device manager, and ppp/modem entry shows up in network administrator but it isnt activated. any ideas?06:32
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Didn't "sudo apt-get install wine" work?06:32
RibsJimmni: Have you heard of "ShipIt" ?06:32
Jimmnijon - Already redownloaded and tried two different medias06:32
arvindi got tech06:32
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UbuntuNoob|ScottQUESTION: Need help installing (WINE) I get a message about not having a valid C compiler. Is that normal with a new linux install?06:32
JimmniRibs - I was thinking about just doing that, but it seemed silly to order a CD when I have a fast line and a CD/DVD writer06:32
_jonJimmni, Do you have a PPC? (not one of the newer newer macs?) (just a side check, not patronizing you)06:32
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: No, not normal.06:33
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_jonJimmni, Because if you have an intel, ;) It may not work.06:33
JimmniYup, G3 and G4. I want it on the G3, but it doesn't work on the G4 either.  - "#define DISKNAME  Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" - Release powerpc"06:33
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, everytime I install linux of any kind, I have seen that06:33
naxxtorgotta test a gnome tweak - brb06:33
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Unless, of course, you really *don't* have a valid C compiler, I guess :)06:33
RibsJimmni: Can you use another application to burn the iso files?06:33
swiadekIsil`Zha, How can I tell if this is Breezy vs Breety ?06:34
_jonJimmni, Yeah, what Ribs mentioned, because if *one* file is changed by Mac OSX before you burn it...06:34
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JimmniRibs - tried Toast and Disk Utility so far. I'm not sure if there are any others that don't rely on the same Apple tools as Disk Utility06:34
taigeRi am trying to share my ubuntu printer with windows xp06:34
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taigeRi setup the port to listen to in cups but windows can't find the printer06:34
JimmniI noticed that Toast 7 mounts disc images before burning them. Would mounting it potentially ruin the image?06:35
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ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel except #debian-bots.06:35
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:35
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, are you familiar with wine and/or compilers?06:35
_jonJimmni, hdiutil burn ~/Desktop/myburn.iso  Tried that?06:35
arvindi was trying to install XGL using : http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto06:35
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: to install compilers etc.06:35
UbuntuNoob|Scotthttp://pastebin.com/661694 - this is my WINE error06:35
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Sort of06:35
taigeRanybody can help me with setting up my printer to share with windows?06:35
arvindafter gdm restart06:35
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, thx06:35
arvindi can't startx06:36
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sissi2naxxtor, there is to many driver and files I'm lost06:36
arvindand i can't run compize06:36
Jimmnijob - Not tried that - but will do now! Thanks :) If this doesn't work I think I'll give up :(06:36
arvindcouse system tells me thta it doesn't exist06:36
arvindcan anyone help me ?06:36
_jonJimmni, And order ;)  Free anyways.06:36
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Oh, you're trying to compile from source... why not just use apt-get (or Synaptic if you prefer a GUI)?06:36
_jonJimmni, Well, good luck, but I am departing. :)06:36
UbuntuNoob|Scottis PASTE in linux NOT CNTRL-V?06:36
arvind:( help pleaseeee06:37
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arvindUbuntuNoob|Scott: ctrl + insert06:37
Jimmnijon - Thanks for your help anyway!06:37
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, cause im a NOOB06:37
kingspawnshift + insert is paste, no?06:37
kingspawnctrl + insert is copy06:37
UbuntuNoob|Scotti dont know linux.06:37
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shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Yeah, so using synaptic is a thousand times easier than trying to compile it06:37
naxxtorsissi2, it's only one of them you need, IIRC - i think it's a .INF file06:37
arvinduhm sorry true, shift+insert06:37
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, im new to linux, I know a few (5-10) basic commands06:37
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, never heard of it06:38
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Ok. Are you averse to using a terminal?06:38
arvind~can any one help me with XGL ?!06:38
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, very little.06:38
shreevatsaarvind: Is this dapper?06:38
taigeRI setup my printer to listen on port 631 but I windows doesn't see my ubuntu printer, anybody could help?06:38
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sissi2naxxtor, different files some of them is for suse, another one is for debian etc... unable to find witch one I need06:38
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: If you're already compiling, I guess not. Well then, start a terminal, and do "sudo apt-get install wine"06:38
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, but, i want to learn this to help with my professional career so thats what i shoudl know06:38
arvindshreevatsa: ubuntu06:38
arvindbreezy badger06:38
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arvindi did everything exactly as was on wiki.ubuntu.net/XghlHowto06:39
sissi2naxxtor, forget it it's too hard I'm not a computeur enginer06:39
UbuntuNoob|Scottsudo apt-get install build-essential06:39
UbuntuNoob|ScottE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.06:39
arvindtill the step with compiz -...06:39
arvindcouse i jsut can't06:39
ubu_usr_1taigeR, I haven't done this but I would imagine you would need samba installed on the windows machine?06:39
arvindshreevatsa: can you help ?06:39
naxxtorsissi2, it's not too hard - are you looking for native linux drivers for the card?06:39
shreevatsaarvind: Sorry, I know nothing :(06:39
sissi2naxxtor, ??06:39
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Ok then, try running it ("sudo dkpg --configure -a")06:40
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naxxtorsissi2, you were saying about SuSE packages and debian - implying that you have got some drivers for linux?  (btw, you can use debian packages on ubuntu)06:40
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, doing that...says i need SU however it seems the pass i set for that during install (i think i set) isnt working06:40
sissi2naxxtor, I just want to use my wireless card, I know how to install wifi-radar but all about (driver kernel etc..) to strange06:40
nopeaanybody know if there are any reps out there that have Firefox 1.5 and Thunderbird 1.5?06:41
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Give _your_ password06:41
shreevatsaarvind: Maybe someone in #ubuntu+1 can help you (although this is the right place...)06:41
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, tried that too06:41
arvindech, where is that support from the topic of thsi # ? howcome some one putted an art about installing XGL if it doesn't work06:41
sissi2naxxtor, I try to make it works since 5 hours, I'm bit bored about it (but I know it's not your fault)06:41
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, for SU access I just use "su" right?06:41
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: By default, Ubuntu does not have a root account, so su won't work06:42
naxxtorsissi2, yes, i know how it is.  i spent about 6 hours last night setting up a bluetooth dongle06:42
ompaul!tell UbuntuNoob|Scott about sudo06:42
sissi2naxxtor, what a pitu06:42
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: You must do "sudo" before each command (and give it _your_ password if it asks), or else enable the root account06:42
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ompaulUbuntuNoob|Scott, please read the info on the url the bot sent you, it explains this root / sudo thing rather well06:43
kingspawni usually just enable root, since i get cranky with all the sudoing06:43
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robinl1i ruined my theme by trying to install the Dapper theme onto my ubuntu box. any help? lost clearlooks and stuff.06:44
UbuntuNoob|Scottshreevatsa, $ sudo dkpg --configure -a06:44
UbuntuNoob|Scottsudo: dkpg: command not found06:44
sissi2naxxtor, I found !!06:44
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: dpkg06:44
sissi2I take one of them (hazzard) and it works06:44
ompaulUbuntuNoob|Scott, typo there  Debian PacKaGe06:45
=== UbuntuNoob|Scott rolls on floor laughin cause he cant read.
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UbuntuNoob|Scottis Ubuntu based on Deb?06:45
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kingspawnindeed it is06:45
UbuntuNoob|Scottthat helps06:45
jendaWhere can I set keyboard shortcuts if System>pref>KS won't do?06:45
Ribsif Deb means "Debian", yes06:45
UbuntuNoob|Scotti wanted to get skype06:45
UbuntuNoob|Scottbut didnt see ubuntu06:45
UbuntuNoob|Scottok wine is up!06:46
secreteaglehi all - muh 1st time loggin in ubuntu thru vodacom GPRS!!!06:46
ompaul!tell UbuntuNoob|Scott about skype06:46
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UbuntuNoob|Scottwhat else can i get with apt-get06:47
MenZatonnes of things06:47
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: try out System->Admin->Synaptic06:48
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: lets you browse stuff06:48
UbuntuNoob|Scott$ sudo dpkg --configure -a06:48
UbuntuNoob|Scott - that just setup ALOT of stuff06:48
jendaUbuntuNoob|Scott: have a look at synaptic06:48
marek_scott, look in system>admin>synaptic06:48
ompaul!tell UbuntuNoob|Scott about universe06:48
slavikyes, over 15000 packages06:48
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Everything06:48
slavikalthough not exactly up to date ...06:48
ompaulUbuntuNoob|Scott, please read the url the bot just sent you, you will find it useful06:48
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shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: The whole point of Ubuntu (or Debian) is that you don't have to compile anything, just "apt-get install <whatever>"06:48
UbuntuNoob|ScottOmpaul - are you real or a bot?06:48
kingspawnhe's real06:49
slavikno he isn't06:49
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Synaptic is a GUI for it, but if you're already fine with using the terminal, you can just use apt-get06:49
kingspawnjust seems a bit robotic at times.. ;)06:49
jendaompaul's a bot06:49
slavikompaul is a bot06:49
scifihey guys, trying to get internet connection working on my new ubuntu install. my usb conexant device shows up in device manager, and ppp/modem entry shows up in network administrator but it isnt activated. any ideas?06:49
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slavikkingspawn: stop lying06:49
UbuntuNoob|ScottLOL king06:49
=== ompaul raises an eyebrow
slavikscifi: click on properties, then enable connection06:49
UbuntuNoob|Scottscifi, it must be working, your here!    j/k ;)06:50
slavikompaul is the culmination of 10b USD of AI research06:50
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scifislavik: doesnt work06:50
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slavikscifi: can you click on the button properties? or what happens?06:51
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UbuntuNoob|ScottQ: How do I know if I have Wine now?06:51
slaviktwidget is my laundry bot :)06:51
UbuntuNoob|ScottXP puts it in your prog list...06:51
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slaviklocated in another part of the country ...06:51
kingspawnactually this whole channel is just bots06:51
pigorhello. my gnuplot does not understand some keys like "delete" and a the german letters ("ae", "oe", "ue", "sz"). can anyone help?06:51
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: it's there, when you try to run an exe, it will run it through wine06:52
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UbuntuNoob|Scottslavik, automatically?06:52
slavikyes ...06:52
=== UbuntuNoob|Scott WOOO HOOO - jumps for joy
=== UbuntuNoob|Scott finnaly got something done with the new system!
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: I would recommend going through the terminal for any errors though06:52
slavikbecause wine can't run everything butter smooth06:52
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scifias soon as i click enable this connection in properties the "OK" button blanks out, it seems to want me to put something in the dial box or account boxes...but im not on dial-up :P06:52
UbuntuNoob|ScottWine Terminal?06:52
UbuntuNoob|Scottor Terminial terminal06:53
slavikterminal terminal06:53
slavikscifi: sorry, no idea how to set those things up06:53
UbuntuNoob|Scottyeah, i want to do that so i can learn the roots of the os06:53
jendaHow do I make my terminal pop up upon pressing a media key?06:53
UbuntuNoob|Scottyou dont learn jack with a gui06:53
jendanote: the key works fine for any other option in the keyboard shortcuts configuration tool, and the terminal pops up with a normal setting, eg. Ctrl-Alt-T, but not with a media key06:53
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: in terminal "wine path/to/exe/program.exe06:53
UbuntuNoob|Scottwill add that to my ntoes06:54
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Then you better not run Windows programs... get rid of wine ;)06:54
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: GUI is easier to figure out than a terminal06:54
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UbuntuNoob|ScottI want WINE for WoW06:54
slavikshreevatsa: stop being like RMS, he's a hippy06:54
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slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: get rid of wine, NOW!!!06:54
slaviknot WOW, but NOW!!!06:54
marek_Opinions on WINE: Can it really run PC apps as good as a PC w/ windows os?06:55
UbuntuNoob|Scottim not addicted to WoW06:55
UbuntuNoob|Scottso im ok06:55
=== taomaster [n=taomaste@68-187-199-142.dhcp.ahvl.nc.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
RootsI know the roots of the os06:55
slavikwow = culmination of 10b usd research into timesinks ...06:55
slavikRoots: that06:55
InazadHow to know me kernel' version?06:55
slaviks because you ARE the Roots :P06:55
marek_Opinions on WINE: Can it really run PC apps as good as a PC w/ windows os?06:55
InazadHow to know my kernel' version?06:55
slavikInazad: in terminal "uname -r"06:55
Inazadslavik, thx06:55
slavikmarek_: correct06:56
taomasterhow do u change the resolution in command line?06:56
slaviktaomaster: you can't06:56
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slaviktaomaster: for the xserver?06:56
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marek_slavik, do you have experience w/ 3d intesive games in WINE? still good?06:56
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taomasteri'm  trying out the mepis (ubuntu base)  o/s06:56
slavikmarek_: wine ran guild wars once and I was able to log in and go to a city, but then gw crashed06:57
slavikand there was no pointer06:57
=== UbuntuNoob|Scott has 250GB SATA2 Drive just to blow away with all this apps in Synaptic
Inazadslavik, do I have to recompile my kernel if I have the 2.6.12-10-386 version?06:57
=== VolVE [n=abc@c-71-192-139-98.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
slavikno, it's the latest, I think06:57
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beta_mi want to change PATH variable for every user on the computer, not just to the current one. How do i do that, i have already tried to add it to the /etc/profiles, but that didn't do the trick06:57
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mDotwell, looks like i successfully upgraded to dapper without breaking anything06:58
ompaulUbuntuNoob|Scott, I *strongly* suggest you read the links given to you by the channel bot ubotu, it will make your life a lot easier06:58
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slavikbeta_m: in etc/profiles is the way to do it ... I wouldn't suggest changing it completely though06:58
UbuntuNoob|ScottPOLL: What do you use for listening to music on linux? I used to use iTunes on XP.06:58
VolVEhey all, I'm trying to install Breezy Badger AMD64 for the first time, and it's not seeing my Nforce disks and RAIDed - I've looked around Google but can't find a solution... anyone? :)06:58
UbuntuNoob|Scottompaul, Plan on it! Thanks.06:58
beta_mbut i did change etc/profiles, i added Java/bin to it, and i also added JAVA_HOME, with the export at the end... and that doesn't show up either06:59
slavikbeta_m: how did you add it?06:59
slavikwith colon as the delimeter?06:59
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=== mode/#ubuntu [+o ompaul] by ChanServ
beta_mi "sudo vi /etc/profile" and added it to both instances where it's being initialised07:00
=== mode/#ubuntu [-b *!*@ool-182cc32a.dyn.optonline.ne] by ompaul
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slavikbeta_m: dunno then, sorry07:01
beta_mok, how do i change it for a single user?07:01
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beta_mand how do i change it for a single session?07:02
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ZarephathI can't get Ubuntu to add a directory to my PATH....grrrr.....http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1232307:02
beta_mis it .bash_profile for the user?07:02
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slavikbeta_m: yes07:02
Zarephathbeta_m: yes...see pastebin07:02
UbuntuNoob|ScottWhen you put a CD into your drive...do you have to mount it to use it?07:02
UbuntuNoob|ScottI put in a DVD (video)07:03
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: usually not07:03
UbuntuNoob|Scotttotem movie player says "failed to fine mountpoint for device /dev/hdd in /etc/fstab07:03
mDotanyone know a way to force kaffeine to all ways open in minimal mode?07:04
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ZarephathUbuntuNoob|Scott: Look in /media to see what defaults are setup for your cdrom(s)07:05
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UbuntuNoob|ScottQUESTION: What is most popular mail application that works like Outlook (calendar, contacts, email, and more)07:05
ZarephathOr dmesg...07:05
UbuntuNoob|Scott0 items in cdrom07:06
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: evolution07:06
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slavikbut evolution is evil07:06
UbuntuNoob|Scottwhats that07:06
ZarephathUbuntuNoob|Scott: What are the folder names?07:06
slavikuse thunderbird07:06
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UbuntuNoob|ScottZarephath, cdrom, cdrom0, floppy, floppy 0, usb, usb0, usb107:07
UbuntuNoob|Scottall say 0 items07:07
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shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: So maybe you have to mount it. try mounting it07:07
pumlpeonI am here to report that the burning tool, (nautilus) rejects filenames with accents and stucks !!07:07
=== PuMpErNiCkLe [n=PuMpErNi@CPE000d8802a749-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom /media/cdrom07:07
UbuntuNoob|Scottnot sure how to find the cd to moust it07:07
UbuntuNoob|Scottmount it07:07
slavikpumlpeon: spanish ?07:07
UbuntuNoob|Scotti cant see anythign if i lookat my cdrom07:07
UbuntuNoob|Scottdvd rom that is07:07
UbuntuNoob|Scottits a dvd movie07:07
pumlpeonslavik, no french07:08
ZarephathUbuntuNoob|Scott: Then which drive is the DVD in? USB, cdrom, cdrom0?07:08
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: "sudo mount /mnt/cdrom0"07:08
slavikpumlpeon: I'd ask in the fr channel07:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottwhich, sudo mount, or mount -t07:08
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: just give it a shot, will you?07:09
UbuntuNoob|Scottyes sir07:09
scifilooks like there is a driver here http://accessrunner.sourceforge.net/driver.shtml for my modem......but i dont understand how to install it, wud anyone be willing to help me thru it?07:09
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: usually one will work07:09
UbuntuNoob|Scottonly root can do that07:09
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: sudo in front07:09
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: a golden rule with my advice: put sudo in front of EVERYTHING i say, i always forget it07:10
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UbuntuNoob|Scottmount: mount point media/cdrom does not exist07:10
UbuntuNoob|Scotthahaha ok07:10
=== PuMpErNiCkLe [n=PuMpErNi@CPE000d8802a749-CM0012c9a9a6dc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #ubuntu
ZarephathOk that means that wasn't the drive with the DVD07:10
kingspawndoesnt it just mean that /media/cdrom dir doesnt exist?07:10
UbuntuNoob|Scottslavik, mount: can't find /mnt/cdrom0 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:10
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, mount: mount point media/cdrom does not exist07:11
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UbuntuNoob|Scottits the only cd drive i have up right now07:11
UbuntuNoob|Scottnothing else connected but hard drive and cd drive07:11
ZarephathIs it an internal..or USB?07:11
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UbuntuNoob|Scottplextor baby07:12
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: does /media have a dir called cdrom?07:12
UbuntuNoob|Scottwith Tombstone DVD :) inside07:12
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, yes07:12
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: what exactly did you type?07:12
brandon_anybody get photoshop cs2 working with corssover orifice?07:12
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UbuntuNoob|Scott$ sudo mount -t iso9660 /dev/cdrom media/cdrom07:13
ZarephathUsually it should be hdc not hdd...however you might have issues with a dvd...since there are additional components that have to be installed for DVD to function07:13
MTecknologyHow can I effectively adjust my CPU speed?07:13
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naxxtorhas anyone had problems with transparent splash screens on breezy?  Here's what happens when GDM has "no background" http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v186/goldfish654/04b45d69.jpg07:13
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: add a / before media/cdrom07:13
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: ie /media/cdrom07:13
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skplis anyone else having trouble connecting to servers with nicotine?07:13
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mlowenaxxtor, i use chbg for backgrounds, yes i have seen problems also07:14
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UbuntuNoob|Scottmount: block device /dev/cdrom is write-protected, mounting read-only07:14
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: yes, did you expect your dvd to be writable?07:14
ZarephathCongratulations...you just mounted the drive07:14
UbuntuNoob|Scottits a dvd burner, but im not looking to burn it :)07:14
naxxtormlowe, chbg? hmm.  The problem before was the background was loading for the transparency before it loaded onto the screen07:15
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ZarephathI suggest mplayer be installed to watch DVD...however there are others...07:15
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: its just telling you that the media you have in it right now isnt burnable07:15
naxxtormlowe, is there an alternative?07:15
mDotany ideas on getting Kaffeine to always open in minimal mode?07:15
PutiikkiUbuntuNoob|Scott: and if you want to burn later, you can use k3b :)07:16
MTecknologyHow can I effectively adjust my CPU speed? or the speed a program is running?07:16
scifimy floppy drive doesnt work in ubuntu, says unable to mount. can anyone help?07:16
UbuntuNoob|Scotthmm totum still wont play...using the "dvd rom disc" - i can go to file system and media/cdrom07:17
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UbuntuNoob|Scottand i have a video ts folder07:17
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: have you installed the stuff needed to play dvds?07:17
ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)07:17
naliothhi y'all07:17
UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, knowing me, no.07:18
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UbuntuNoob|Scottkingspawn, was usign totem moving player.07:18
UbuntuNoob|Scottthinking it would do dvd's07:18
naxxtoris it possible to upgrade gnome to v 2.12?07:18
jpatrickhi nalioth07:18
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: :) have a good read at help.ubuntu.com, tells you about lots and lots07:18
scifi!floppy drive07:18
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, scifi07:18
naxxtoron breezy07:18
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: and get away from totem as fast as you can. its evil and incredibly stupid.07:18
UbuntuNoob|Scottrtfm huh07:18
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: not exactly, but it answers very common questions07:18
UbuntuNoob|Scottk thx07:19
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ubotuit has been said that mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f07:19
surfdue_lappyi need a nice ftp client with a gui for ubuntu whioch do you suggest?07:19
kingspawnsurfdue_lappy: gftp07:19
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robinl1i ruined my theme by trying to install the Dapper theme onto my ubuntu box. any help? lost clearlooks and stuff.07:20
diegohey whats the best game to play in ubuntu???07:20
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=== highvoltage likes freeciv a lot
slavikdiego: planetpenguin-racer07:21
diegohmm let me check it out07:21
scifimy floppy drive doesnt work in ubuntu, says unable to mount. can anyone pls help?07:22
highvoltagesome people also like bzflag and frozen bubble a lot07:22
diegowhich are those?07:22
kingspawnscifi: well, how are you mounting it?07:22
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scifikingspawn: no idea, just tried to access it and that was the error message07:23
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slavikbzflag runs slow on my laptop and it doesn't seem to be very intensive ...07:23
kingspawnscifi: well. what filesystem is the floppy?07:23
=== slavik will try frozen bubble
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scifikingspawn: well i wrote to it via windows xp, so i guess it cant read it?07:24
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kingspawnscifi: well, that depends. try out sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/fd0 /wherever07:24
eobanban ntfs floppy...!?!?!07:25
kingspawnscifi: might also be vfat or whatever, ihavent use a floppy since 9807:25
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kingspawnhaha, no idea07:25
eobanbi'm pretty there are basically no ntfs floppies out there07:25
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kingspawndo vfat then07:25
slavikfloppies still exist?07:25
eobanbi'd try -t vfat or -t msdos or -t fat or -t fat32 or something like that07:25
=== anonemouse [n=anonemou@pool-71-111-171-213.ptldor.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbor -t auto should work right?07:26
kingspawnyeah, auto should do it07:26
kingspawngood idea07:26
scifihaha i used a floppy cus the file im trying to put on ubuntu is only likekb07:26
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eobanbscifi, do sudo mount -t auto /dev-fd0 /media/something07:26
kingspawnscifi: why not just mount up your windows partition and copy it directly?07:27
scifiu can access windows partition within ubuntu?07:27
arrickFlannelKing, can you check out this site and let me know if it works? It is only partially done, just want to make sure the thing opens.07:27
kingspawnscifi: yes yes :)07:27
eobanbscifi, sure07:27
arrickFlannelKing, http://arrick.no-ip.com07:27
eobanblol, that's why you're using a floppy? to copy from one partition to another?07:28
scifiand still leave xp able to access the partition too?07:28
arrickwhadup kingspawn07:28
=== EnsignRedshirt [n=wweckess@cpe-24-59-254-40.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtHello, world.07:28
Tomcat_scifi: Sure.07:28
kingspawnscifi: yeah, no problem. just dont write to your xp-partiion from linux07:28
kingspawnarrick: yo07:28
jpatrickEnsignRedshirt: hello, user07:28
kingspawnjust sittin around07:28
eobanbscifi, xp can't access ext3, but linux can read from NTFS07:28
scifikingspawn/eobanb: thanks, may i ask how i do this? :P07:28
kingspawnscifi: well, do you know what partition your xp is on? ie /dev/hda1 or something of the sort07:29
EnsignRedshirtWhich is the shell script that is executed when I login in, but not each time I start a shell/terminal?07:29
arrickkingspawn, , can you check out this site and let me know if it works? It is only partially done, just want to make sure the thing opens. http://arrick.no-ip.com07:29
=== flocks [n=flocks@lns-bzn-31-82-252-209-145.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawnarrick: doesnt seem to accept connections07:30
eobanbscifi, depending on what partition the disk is on, you actually should just be able to open System > Disks and choose the partition you want to mount and click Mount07:30
arrickok, try this07:30
brandon_EnsignRedShirt: .profile07:30
scifiok i will try and find out07:31
=== Inazad [n=inazad@c207.134.26-243.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
EnsignRedshirtbrandon_: Thanks.07:31
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marek_lighttpd or apache?07:31
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smugolcze wam07:31
kingspawneobanb: that was a lot easier than what i was going to get him into :)07:32
arrickkingspawn, try
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arrickI think my no-ip client is bad07:32
eobanbkingspawn, editing fstab and all that? :)07:32
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kingspawneobanb: you bet ;)07:33
kingspawnarrick: that works07:33
kingspawnarrick: looking good07:33
kingspawnarrick: almost :)07:33
Tomcat_marek_: apache \o/07:33
arrickok thanks, gotta update the client07:33
FLSimpsonKPThow can i extreact / install php-fusion for my apache webserver???07:33
scifikingspawn/eobanb: ok ive found the right partition, but cant see mount, i can see enable, is that it?07:33
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arrickkingspawn, thanks07:33
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arrickhey, kingspawn did you know you can run a free e-commerce site using paypal?07:33
FLSimpsonKPThow can i extreact / install php-fusion for my apache webserver???07:34
kingspawnarrick: i did not know that. you starting up your own business?07:34
eobanbscifi, yes, haha07:34
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slavikarrick: what are you going to be selling?07:34
arrickI used to own a local shop, but never got business here in tome07:34
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arrickCustom computers mostly, I have to get the spec form setup to get it going though07:35
v3rmapHi. I need the C library man pages. Currently on my dapper system, "man strlen" does nothing. Any ideas on what package I should install?07:35
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kingspawnv3rmap: manpages-dev07:35
FLSimpsonKPTis there an apache help channel???????????07:35
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arrickSometimes I will have odds and ends that I find on it as well07:35
v3rmapkingspawn, thank you.07:35
ubotuapache is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP07:35
arrickFLSimpsonKPT, ^^07:35
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scifieobanb: pressed enable but nothing seemed to happen07:36
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arrickFLSimpsonKPT, also typ 'man apache2' in terminal and it will help quite a bit07:36
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kingspawnv3rmap: and man 2 <whatever> to access the pages for kernel calls etc07:36
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eobanbscifi, did you pick a mount point for it?07:36
saik0Can anybody tell me whats wrong with this gst pipleline? filesrc location=foo.wma ! ffdec_wma2 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! alsasink07:36
FLSimpsonKPTarrick: i need help extacting files to it07:36
FLSimpsonKPTarrick: trying to install php-fusion07:36
saik0i get "gstffmpegdec.c(1276): gst_ffmpegdec_chain (): /pipeline0/ffdec_wmav20"07:36
necromancerHello folks! can someone please tell me how to disable "close tab" buttons in Gnome? I am hitting them accidentally everywhere :(07:37
arrickcheckout the wiki page, it should help out07:37
=== D1 [n=damian@pool-71-104-105-237.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifieobanb: how? :P07:37
nathanaelIs Qemu available for Ubuntu?07:37
eobanbnathanael, sure07:37
necromancerEspecially in Epiphany and Gedit07:37
Tomcat_nathanael: Yes, even packaged.07:37
FLSimpsonKPTarrick: kk07:37
nathanaelooh - nice07:37
marek_how to get apache to autostart upon boot?07:37
Tomcat_!package qemu07:37
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Tomcat_07:37
arrickeither that or you;ll have to wait until IdleOne gets done moving, or duelboot comes on07:37
Tomcat_Or however that works.07:37
=== bjorn_ [n=bjorn@5354386F.cable.casema.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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bjorn_How do I log in as root in Ubuntu?07:38
arrickTomcat_, !info qemu07:38
ubotu[root]  Direct logging as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:38
nathanael!package wxvlc07:38
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nathanael07:38
=== jesseman_ [n=jesseman@cblmdm72-240-14-241.buckeyecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
tombo_I have a new instal of Ubuntu.  Had trouble with display which was fixed by adding a new user, but I am unable to open any system or administration progs. Can anyone help?07:38
eobanbscifi, do you see under the partitions tab for the disk in question, where it says Access Path07:38
bjorn_But I need to log in as root to use alien, it tells me07:38
kingspawnbjorn_: do "sudo" in front07:38
arricknathanael, try !info wxvlc07:38
=== evelin [n=evelin@dslb-088-073-195-026.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
marvinalonei'm setting up a single signon/roaming profile solution right now for a small number of machines, and i'm not sure whether i should use mysql or ldap for it ... any hints?07:38
Tomcat_!info qemu07:38
ubotuqemu: (fast processor emulator), section universe/misc, is optional. Version: 0.7.0-4ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1783 kB, Installed size: 5332 kB07:38
kingspawnbjorn_: like sudo alien <whatever>07:38
Tomcat_Ah. :)07:38
eobanbscifi, you can hit Change and choose a directory where the disk will be mounted; that's where you'll be able to browse the disk, but navigating to that folder07:39
scifieoband: yeh it says none at the mo...i go into change, so i can just choose desktop or filesystem?07:39
=== SirKillalot [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-112-179.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifik thx07:39
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eobanbscifi, i like to choose a path like /media/windows or something07:39
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EnsignRedshirtbjorn_: ...and enter *your* password when it asks.07:39
marek_anyone know how to get apache to autostart upon system boot?07:39
eobanbscifi, you don't want to use your desktop as a mount point07:39
scifilol :D07:39
Tomcat_marek_: Install the package, that will make it autostart.07:39
bjorn_i get this:07:40
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bjorn_something with line 49907:40
bjorn_i cant copy t07:40
dxdemetrioucan you tell me the command that makes a copy all directories and subdir., and the command that can changes user and permissions for dir/subdirs?07:40
necromanceranyone knows how to disable "close tab" button in epiphany and gedit? gnome channel is dead :(07:40
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EnsignRedshirtdxdemetriou: The cp command has a -r option.07:41
kingspawndxdemetriou: cp -R copies recursively07:41
Tomcat_dxdemetriou: I think "cp -a" will work. :o07:41
scifieobanb: ok created the mount point, try to access it put it says i dont have the necessary permissions to access it07:41
Tomcat_dxdemetriou: chmod -R and chown -R are for the perms07:41
=== TomB| [n=ownthebo@ACD557AD.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
FLSimpsonKPThow do i extract files in the terminal?07:42
alonis there a difference between installing ubuntu, then kde, and removing gnome. to downloading kubuntu from the start?07:42
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doofyhow do i install wine on dapper drake?07:42
eobanbscifi, if you made the directory as root, you'll have to browse it as root, or you can change permissions on it.07:42
dxdemetriouTomcat_: this can work with all dirs/subdirs?07:42
nathanaelkubuntu has a lot of kubuntu-tweaks07:42
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: if its a .tgz or tar.gz yuo go tar zxvf file07:42
eobanbdoofy, sudo apt-get install wine07:42
marek_tomcat_, do you know anything about config'ing mysql?07:42
nathanaelThat are not present in KDE-Core07:42
simonFLSimpsoKPT: if it is a .tgz: tar xzf file.tgz07:42
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn:its a zip07:42
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: unzip then07:43
doofyeobanb: do I need to have a certain repository?07:43
alonis there a difference between installing ubuntu, then kde, and removing gnome. to downloading kubuntu from the start?07:43
eobanbdoofy, if you're already running dapper, then the repositories will be set to dapper's, and wine is in dapper's repo07:43
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i cant it doesnt give me the write permissions to the folder07:43
eobanbdoofy, so basically, no07:43
bjorn_i get this:07:43
simonalon: nope07:43
doofyeobanb: Its not finding it in there07:43
bjorn_bjorn@ubuntu:~$ sudo alien mozctlinstaller.rpm07:43
bjorn_Error executing "LANG=C rpm -qp --queryformat %{SUMMARY} mozctlinstaller.rpm": at /usr/share/perl5/Alien/Package.pm line 449.07:43
Tomcat_marek_: Sure, just ask away. I'm sure there are lots of people in here who know about MySQL.07:43
Tomcat_dxdemetriou: Yes.07:43
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: its for my webserver07:44
doofyeobanb: Package wine is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:44
doofyThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:44
doofyis only available from another source07:44
doofyE: Package wine has no installation candidate07:44
alonsimon how much time would it take to download kde?07:44
dxdemetriouThanks for the help :)07:44
eobanboh, sorry, doofy, it's in universe07:44
nathanaelIs there a hotkey combo for switching between tabs in terminal and/or firefox?07:44
tombo_Can any one tell me how to administer ubuntu in a terminal.  I need to log in as root and create a new root acount07:44
eobanbdoofy, just open Synaptic and add Universe07:44
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EnsignRedshirtdoofy: You can use the official wine repository, by adding this so sources.list: deb  http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/ binary/07:44
nathanaelopen terminal, then "sudo su"07:44
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: eh? sudo infront then07:44
FLSimpsonKPTtombo_: there is no root account in ubuntu07:44
marek_anyone know how to start/stop & config mysql that is installed through pkg mgr07:44
=== Dr_Willis [i=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbEnsignRedshirt, i dont think that's a good idea..07:44
FLSimpsonKPTtombo_: it is just sudo07:44
=== _harm [n=harm@82-171-74-86.dsl.ip.tiscali.nl] has joined #ubuntu
nathanaelIf ou use "sudo su", followed by the root password, you maintain root privs07:45
_harmwhen is dapper coming out?07:45
SionideFLSimpsonKPT, sudo su  means you get a root@ prompt actually..07:45
doofyeobanb: I already have universe, but I don't think it's in there. I'll try the wine repository07:45
nathanaelThank you07:45
Sionide_harm, june 1st last time i checked07:45
=== ChaKy__ [n=chaky@lns02-0155.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
eobanbdoofy, it is in fact in universe.07:45
KriS|workHi, anybody have a solution for this problem when using transcode? http://pastebin.ca/4943107:45
FLSimpsonKPTthats odd07:46
kingspawnbjorn_: well, have you got rpm installed?07:46
scifieobanb: ok i can browse it within the disks manager :)07:46
tombo_FLSi, i cannot do any admin from the account I am in and the original account has no display.07:46
doofyeobanb: thats interesting. I'm not able to get it even with universe enabled07:46
scifithats sweet07:46
pirroHdoes anyboyd remember the name of the graphical tool to dist-upgrade breezy?07:46
eobanbdoofy, you can try wine's own repository, but don't blame me if something breaks07:46
EnsignRedshirtdoofy: Did you update after changing the repositories?07:46
bjorn_eh i dont know, i think so07:47
bjorn_how can i check?07:47
Ox0000How can I specify the size of a ramdisk?07:47
pirroHIIRC, it is a package in backports07:47
kingspawnbjorn_: just type rpm07:47
doofyEnsignRedshirt: yes07:47
eobanbscifi, that's because the disks manager runs as root07:47
Dr_Willistombo_,  you are saying your iniitally made account cant get to X but a different user account can?07:47
doofyeobanb: I'm not seeing it even when adding wine's repository07:47
bjorn_yes i have07:47
scifieobanb: but nautalius doesnt?07:47
kingspawnbjorn_: then i have no idea, never used alien07:47
eobanbscifi, if you (for example) run an instance of nautilus as root (e.g. 'sudo nautilus') then you would be able to browse it, but you're better off just setting the permissions appropriately07:47
bjorn_oh ok, np07:47
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tombo_Dr-Willis- yes, thats right07:48
eobanbdoofy, you're remembering to run sudo apt-get update right?07:48
nathanaelIs there a hotkey combo for switching between tabs in terminal and/or firefox?/exit07:48
doofyeobanb: yes07:48
Dr_Willistombo_,  delete that users .gnome* or .kde* config dirs to reset them all back to default.. Or try another window manager.07:48
scifieobanb: it doenst allow me to change permissions07:48
Dr_Willistombo_,  ive seen some odd issues happen when the gnome settings get messed up.07:48
eobanbscifi, you have to change them as root..07:49
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EnsignRedshirtdoofy: I'm running breezy, and I see version 0.0.20050725-0ubuntu1 (from breezy) and version 0.9.11~winehq1.1 (from the sourceforge repository)07:49
marek_anyone know good name of mysql gui?07:49
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bjorn_kingspawn, do you know any other way to convert rpm07:49
tombo_Dr-Willis, From the account I am in I cannot do any admin or atleast I do not know how07:49
kingspawnbjorn_: whats in the rpm youre installing? it probably exists in deb-format or in the repos07:50
doofyEnsignRedshirt: I think synaptic was reading my sources.list weird, i just added binary universe by hand and I think I may be able to see it now. 1 second07:50
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: that doesnt work07:50
EnsignRedshirtbjorn_: Just curious (and sorry if I missed this), what is the rpm package?07:50
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FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i tried it07:50
bjorn_eh, its supposed to be cedega07:50
Dr_Willistombo_,  login to the console with that original user. use the shell and mv (or delete) the .gnome* dirs (whatever they are called) also there may be some other .gconf or related dirs07:50
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: what doesnt work? :)07:50
doofyEnsignRedshirt: nope, would you mind posting your sources.list?07:50
Dr_Williscedega has debs07:50
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: infront07:50
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: im confused now07:50
Dr_Willisor use the tar.gz versions07:50
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: i dont even know what you're asking now07:51
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UbuntuNoob|ScottQuestion: Ok, one thing is bugging me. The directory windows...they open in a new window everytime...how do I make that stop07:51
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: so im confused too07:51
eobanbscifi, try sudo chmod 644 /mount/point (or whatever your mount point is)07:51
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FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i need to extract a zip file to a  folder in my filesystem07:51
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eobanbUbuntuNoob|Scott, set nautilus to be in browser mode07:51
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob|Scott,  you mean you want to change from 'spatial to navigionational' mode :P07:51
TheAspHow can I tell if beagle is using xattr or storing all its stuff in the sqllite db?07:51
tombo_Dr-Willis  Can you tlell me how to log in  to original account from the new one?07:51
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i cannot install it using acrhive manager07:51
Dr_Willisnavigational = browser mode.07:51
marek_anyone know good mysql GUI?07:52
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: it says i dont have the right permisisons07:52
eobanbspatial nautilus sucks :D07:52
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: and sudo unzip file.zip doesnt work?07:52
Dr_Willistombo_,  use alt-ctrl-f1 and go to the console and login. :P07:52
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shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: Stop using Nautilus, use "ls" instead ;)07:52
UbuntuNoob|Scottnto sure what nautilus is07:52
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: oh didnt try that07:52
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i am a linux noob07:52
kingspawnshreevatsa: well said.07:52
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: no problem, i just got confused07:52
Dr_Willistombo_,  or try the gdm login menus and the 'failsafe' login/session item.07:52
shreevatsaUbuntuNoob|Scott: The directory windows.. the program they open in is called Nautilus. (Roughly the equivalent of "Windows Explorer")07:52
eobanbUbuntuNoob|Scott, nautlius is the file manager07:52
EnsignRedshirtdoofy: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1232407:53
beta_mfirewall under ubuntu? where do i start looking....07:53
doofyEnsignRedshirt: thank you.07:53
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eobanbbeta_m, if you're coming from windows, you may think a firewall is more necessary than it really is; however if you still want the peace of mind you might try firestarter07:53
marek_anyone know good mysql GUI?07:53
eobanbbesides phpmyadmin?07:54
necromancermarek_: nothing beats phpmyadmin07:54
eobanbwell, i dont know about that..07:54
marek_i mean actual linux app07:54
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EnsignRedshirtdoofy: No problem.  I think it is basically a "stock" sources.list, exept for the sourceforge wine repository at the end.07:54
marek_i understand phpmyadmin for remote admin of mysql07:54
doofyEnsignRedshirt: would it matter if im running x86_64?07:54
marek_something like CocoaSQL for mac?07:54
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eobanbmarek_, there's one called DBDesigner07:55
tombo_Dr-Willis, am logged in at the terminal, but I do not know names of programs or commandes to use, Grateful for any assistance07:55
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eobanbmarek_, yeah i like cocoamysql07:55
EnsignRedshirtdoofy: I don't know, but my guess is yes.07:55
necromancermarek_: nothing as good as cocoamysql07:55
slavikfrozen bubble = teh ownz0rz07:55
=== MHobbit doesn't really need an actual app for DB admin, when there's phpMyAdmin already ready
scifieobanb: i take it im typing this command in terminal, when i type it in and press enter, it asks for my password, but doesnt allow me to type it :P07:55
doofyEnsignRedshirt: that could be my problem07:55
kingspawnscifi: its just invisible07:55
kingspawnscifi: you're typing, but you just dont see it07:55
eobanb^--what kingspawn said07:56
scifikingspawn: ok had a feeling that might be it thx07:56
Phexi've one more question how i can resize the screnn in ubuntu? (from 1152x768 to 1024x768)07:56
ubotuhmm... fixres is Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto07:56
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: how can i extract it to /var/www ??07:56
MHobbitSystem -> Prefs -> Screen Resolution07:56
eobanbPhex, in the System > Preferences > Screen Resolution07:56
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Dr_Williskingspawn,   :)07:56
EnsignRedshirtdoofy: Probably :(07:57
marek_with default install of mysql (from synaptic), what is default username + pass & port?07:57
Phexok thanks07:57
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ubotuLinux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP07:57
tript I'm trying to compile pekwm on my new ubuntu install, but make won't set the $(MAKE)...suggestions?07:57
slavikfrozen bubble = teh ownz0rz07:57
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eobanbmarek_, i think you have to create a user first07:58
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: something like unzip file.zip -d /var/www maybe07:58
doofyWhat is the multiverse?07:58
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scifieobanb: ran the command but still cant change permissions07:58
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eobanbdoofy, multiverse is a wider array of packages that contain either non-free software or other software not supported by ubuntu, but available from its official repositories07:58
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: remember sudo..07:58
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TU2What is the latest stable version of ubuntu?07:58
doofyeobanb: would you reccomend using it?07:59
eobanbdoofy, for example, java JRE is in multiverse07:59
eobanbdoofy, sure, if it has something that you need in it.07:59
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: k07:59
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doofyeobanb: okay that makes sense07:59
UbuntuNoob|ScottNice! http://linuxhelp.blogspot.com/2006/04/linux-distributions-birds-eye-view.html07:59
triptanyone? plz help07:59
slavikTU2: breezy badger07:59
[PoVal] Dutchyahh much <3 for the fixres link, saves me some time finding it, was one of the issues i still had here :)07:59
slavikIMO, breezy badger should've come with the badger flash videos :D07:59
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: yep that did it08:00
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kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: great08:00
eobanbslavik, but flash is non-free :)08:00
UbuntuNoob|Scottanyone see that linux map?08:00
slavikeobanb: the videos are ... and they are fun :D08:00
bjorn_wat is synaptic?08:00
eobanbUbuntuNoob|Scott, personally i think that's kind of a silly chart08:00
uboturumour has it, synaptic is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SynapticHowto08:00
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: thats pretty cool08:01
eobanbUbuntuNoob|Scott, fedora core came from red hat, not the other way around08:01
slavikfedora core claims to not be red hat :P08:01
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eobanbslavik, that doesnt mean it didnt come from red hat..08:01
UbuntuNoob|Scottwell, thats true, but since they dropped it, and brought it back... that migh tbe why it shows that way08:01
slavikjon posted some linux desperation logos on his blog08:01
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slavikeobanb: I never said anything from that08:01
kingspawneobanb: haha, yeah, i was just thinking about that08:02
kingspawneobanb: looks a bit fishy08:02
doofyeobanb: does apt look for a specific package to meet your architecture? For example if it does, can i make it use the 32 bit (assuming that tehre is no 64 bit and thats why i can not find it)08:02
CarlFKwhat is the URL of the dapper cd that isn't daily? (flight I think?)08:02
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kingspawnslavik: dont you just love the way he uses the term "reverse engineering" in every sentence?08:02
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TU2is there anyway way to get the exact kernel + patches that ubuntu uses so i can add a few patches to it myself?08:02
Phexsorry one more problem i can't open a RPM file ubuntu says: archiytype not supported08:02
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JhairTU2: yes with apt-get source08:02
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EnsignRedshirtHmmm, did someone say "badger"?  http://www.jibjab.com/Oddities/OddityRedir.aspx?full=1&oddid=7408:02
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TU2Jhair, whats the name of the package i am looking for?08:03
eobanbthe chart seems kind of inconsistent too...i mean they have nUbuntu and Knoppix STD under "Security Related distributions" and not under Debian, even though that's where they came from08:03
eobanband for some reason they put SELinux on there (not a distro)08:03
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slaviklinux is said to come fromminix, which it didn't08:03
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shreevatsayeah, and what's the diference between "Small Linux Distributions" and "Minimalist distributions"?08:04
slaviklinux is written from scratch ... but inspired and influenced by minix08:04
TU2shreevatsa, a few hundred megabytes.08:04
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nathanael#fedora requires me to register my nick! One more strike against them..it's too bad really.08:04
schtinkyffmpeg says /dev/video0 isn't there, but it is. I don't get it. --  http://pastebin.com/66150208:04
eobanbsmall is like around 50 to 100 MB08:04
shreevatsaAnd there is nothing fundamentally different between the ones on the left and the right...08:04
eobanbminimalist is stuff you'd run on a router on 4 MB of flash08:04
slavikeobanb: or 10MB?08:04
tombo_Can any one tell me how to edit a user account from terminal?08:04
slavikor even 400KB?08:04
eobanbslavik, kernel doesnt fit in 400K08:05
Phexneed help what must i do to open RPM formats which not supported?08:05
shreevatsaTU2: Ok, but why are they so far apart? The should be related somehow :)08:05
slavikeobanb: original MINIX?08:05
JhairTU2: I don't know which kernel do you have installed. But for example there exists the following package: linux-source-2.6.15 - Linux kernel source for version 2.6.15 with Ubuntu patches08:05
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slavikJhair: those are for badger08:05
doofyeobanb: I just downloaded the i386 .deb from the wine repositories and im going to try and force-architecture the install08:06
TU2you can download later versions of the kernel as prebuilt packages?08:06
slavikTU2: do "uname -r" in terminal08:06
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doofyeobanb: it seemed to have worked fine08:06
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slavikTU2: yes08:06
Phexoh no i'll need help!!!08:06
slavikTU2: do "mark all upgrades" in synaptic08:06
Jhairslavik: uh? apt-cache policy linux-source-2.6.15 says it is available for dapper08:07
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slavik12-10 is latest for breezy08:07
poikolanybody has installed canon LBP3200 ?08:07
nathanaelHas anyone here successfully gotten XGL running?08:07
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TU2well balls to that.08:07
slavikJhair: what did I say?08:07
tript I'm trying to compile pekwm on my new ubuntu install, but make won't set the $(MAKE)...suggestions?08:07
Tomcat_nathanael: Sure. :o08:07
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tombo_Can any on tell me how to edit a user account to do admin fro a terminal? please.08:07
simontombo_: man visudo08:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottlooking for a system log file for errors installing software...where would I look?08:09
arrickanyone, I downloaded a file that looks like this, noip-duc-linux.tar.tar, is it double tared?08:09
TU2does the ubuntu source linux package come ready to be built?08:09
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=== Prak [n=prak@dhcp182-2-101.dsl.ucc-net.ca] has joined #ubuntu
TU2(ie with a working .config)08:09
simonarrick: only one way to find out :)08:09
UbuntuNoob|ScottErrors were encountered while processing:08:09
UbuntuNoob|Scott skype_1.2.0.18-2_i386.deb08:09
UbuntuNoob|Scottwhere do i see those errors?08:09
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: in /var/log08:09
marek_necromancer, mysql-query-browser is pretty much a good tool08:10
EnsignRedshirtUbuntuNoob|Scott: You could try dpkg.log in /var/log08:10
marek_necromancer, check it out in synaptic pkg mgr08:10
Prakdoes anyone know how to set up internet connection with a cable connected to a router?08:10
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roryyarrick: 'tar tf noip-duc-linux.tar' will list the contents of the tar file08:10
RddeHey, how can i make my samba server only comunicate trew my gbit network card? ? is there some interface option?08:10
patrick24601Prak: That is what I have - just plug and play08:10
Phexhello is alien default installet in ubuntu????????????????08:11
nathanaelDo you have to have XGL to get "true" transparency (ie not a terminal window that just fills with the wallpaper, instead of the window under it)?08:11
arrickand what will extract it?08:11
Prakpatrick24601: ok...mine doesn't plug and play08:11
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kingspawnPhex: one ? is usually enough to mark your sentence as a question08:11
kingspawnPhex: i believe the answer is "no"08:11
FLSimpsonKPThow can i chmod files, folders in sudo?08:11
FLSimpsonKPTits for my webserver08:11
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kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: chmod -R does stuff recursively08:12
roryyarrick:   tar xf noip-duc-linux.tar08:12
patrick24601Prak: computer is plugged into router?08:12
eobanbnathanael, that's correct08:12
roryyarrick: um, tar.tar08:12
EnsignRedshirtPhex: No, but you can easily get it.08:12
patrick24601prak: Router is plugged into cmodem?08:12
necromancermarek_: I've tried it, too many bugs and crashes every other second :)08:12
Prakpatrick24601: yes08:12
nathanaelI have tried every major Linux distro, and I keep coming back to Ubuntu! :p08:12
eobanbnathanael, actually, more correctly, you just need a compositor08:12
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i have SSH could you do it for me?08:12
Prakrouter is connected to adsl modem08:12
marek_oh gosh08:12
marek_that sucks08:12
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: im rather confused08:12
marek_can i connect w/ cocoasql from my mac?08:12
eobanbnathanael, you can actually do true transparency without XGL, just with xcompmgr or another compositing manager08:12
Prakpatrick24601: router is connected to adsl modem08:12
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eobanbnathanael, it's crude though08:13
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: im one of the good guys, so i probably could, but its usually not a good idea to invite people into your computer to do admin-stuff08:13
patrick24601Is there a router manual08:13
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: what exactly do you want to change?08:13
eobanbnathanael, and often slow08:13
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FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i have an apache server i want to get going08:13
arrickok, it just tared once08:13
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: im trying to install php-fusion to it08:13
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: heh, it wan be tiresome08:13
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patrick24601I had that once a long time ago - the instructions were in the router manual08:14
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patrick24601It is very DSL modem dependent08:14
nathanaelAny Second Life fans in here?08:14
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: and now you need to chmod some files?08:14
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: yep in order for the install to work right08:15
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: okay, what permissions do you need to set?08:15
nathanaelSL on Linux would rock08:15
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jmoncayohad sombody use amule??08:15
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Prakpatrick24601: what kinds of stuff should i look for in the manual?08:15
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: did u get that other dialog box open yet?08:15
nathanaelRecommended P2P client for Ubuntu?08:16
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: say what?08:16
eobanbnathanael, like gnutella?08:16
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eobanbnathanael, SL probably runs on wine08:16
jmoncayois it gui?08:16
patrick24601The router has to authenticate (userid/password) to the DSL modem08:16
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eobanbnathanael, perhaps gtk-gnutella...i've also tried limewire, which works decently08:16
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jmoncayois limewire for linux?08:17
nathanaelDoes acquisition have a port to Linux?08:17
eobanbnathanael, no.08:17
Prakpatrick24601: does windows authenticate (userid/password) to the DSL modem automatically?08:17
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jmoncayoeobanb, what about giFT08:17
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eobanbjmoncayo, yes08:17
FLSimpsonKPTKingspawn: http://www.doteasy.com/ToolsLibrary/tutorial/phpfusion.cfm08:17
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: thats what im trying to do08:17
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jmoncayoeobanb, which one should i use or is the best of the three giFT amule limewire08:18
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nathanaelI successfully set up configured and joined to a domain my first corporate Linux server yesterday!! (I'm p-u-m-p-e-d)08:18
jmoncayoeobanb, or is there other better thwn those?08:18
eobanbhonestly i dont know; limewire is a slight hassle to install but it works quite well08:18
eobanbjmoncayo, i'd try them and see what you think08:18
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kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: well, "sudo chmod -R 777 fusion_admin/db_backups" and all the other dirs should do you nicely08:18
nathanaelWhat about eDonkey?08:18
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FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: k08:18
arrickanyone PANIC ATTACK, why when I typed 'sudo aptitude install build-essential" is it removing stuff?08:19
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: what about getting the mysql admin set up08:19
arrickits removing gnome for some reason?08:19
eobanbi'm not an authoritative source on this because i do my p2p on mac os x with transmission and cabos08:19
FLSimpsonKPTkingspawn: i dont know how to do that i have it thou08:19
jmoncayoeobanb, i am installing amule hope is good08:19
kingspawnFLSimpsonKPT: no idea08:19
kingspawnarrick: now aint that special08:19
eobanbarrick, dont know, i dont use aptitude08:20
kingspawnarrick: haha, what exactly is it saying that it is removing?08:20
arrickyeah I am panicing badly, I just got the server setup08:20
kingspawnarrick: and why not just apt-get?08:20
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Almindorhi peeps08:20
arrickeverything with the name gnome08:20
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Almindordrapper with compiz is nice :)08:20
kingspawnarrick: score :)08:20
EnsignRedshirtarrick: I guess it figures if your a developer, you don't need no fancy-pants desktop.08:20
nathanaelIs there a way to search the repositories from the command-line?08:20
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arrickkingspawn, easier to remove packages if you install with aptitude08:20
kingspawnnathanael: apt-cache search <whatever>08:20
eobanbnathanael, yes, edit /etc/apt/sources.list08:21
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eobanbnathanael, oh, sorry, misread08:21
NickGarveyif I install something by source, how do I delete it?08:21
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kingspawnarrick: hm, well, i've no idea, never used aptitude08:21
eobanbwhy would it be easier to remove packages with aptitude08:21
eobanbinstalling with aptitude is just installing with apt-get08:22
tonyyarussoNickGarvey: If you used 'make install' and still have the source, 'make uninstall', if you use checkinstall then you remove it like any other package.08:22
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wezzerso, how close is dapper drake's release?-)08:22
tonyyarussoeobanb: But it keeps track of things smarter so it can remove metapackages.08:22
eobanbwezzer, about a month off08:22
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arrickkingspawn, and now th stupid pastebin is messing up, wont send, just resets08:23
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kingspawnarrick: calm the panic, it'll all be good :)08:23
arricki hope so08:23
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lulu1hi how can i disable framebuffering ? thanks08:24
eobanblulu1, ...?08:24
eobanblulu1, can you be more specific08:25
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rambo3buy xorg or buy kernel08:25
lulu1well i've install easyubuntu and it has activated the framebuffer mode08:25
winstonI had a weird thing happen to my user interface-- I tried plugging in a monitor in the slot hoping to have dual screen like osx does automatically with powerbooks (im using a 1999 pb ) and it didnt work at all, it boot on the monitor but I couldnt see anything on my laptop screen and then my task back started appearing in the middle of the screen when I rebooted, I rebooted again, checked the menus, but found nothing usefull, I deleted08:25
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winstonthe task bar (the one on the bootom and now its gone even after a reboot, does anyone know a quick fix for this, and how to get two screens on there if at all possible!?08:25
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Kyynara_is there a way for me to be able to get libcurl 7.15.1 for breezy, it's meant for dapper08:26
eobanblulu1, i dont touch easyubuntu and crap like it with a ten-foot pole08:26
sontekHey, I did apt-get install monodevelop and I was playing with it and it crashed, and now it wont open and it says "Please reinstall" in console.. But when I apt-get remove && apt-get install it doesn't fix it08:26
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NickGarveytonyyarusso: thank you very much08:26
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eobanbwinston, newsflash, ubuntu != mac os x08:26
kingspawnsontek: try apt-get --purge remove08:26
lulu1Well the thing is the system boot with framebuffer ON and i want to set it OFF ... like with a default install .... any tips ?08:26
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bjorn_what does wine mean with08:27
bjorn_bjorn@ubuntu:~$ wine CD08:27
bjorn_wine: could not load L"c:\\windows\\system32\\CD.exe": Module not found08:27
NickGarvey!tell bjorn_ about wine08:27
sontekkingspawn, that didn't work either08:27
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rambo3bjrn what is CD?08:27
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Carpapatrick24601: should i be installing the driver for the ethernet card first?08:28
arrickkingspawn, I am trying to use the 'sudo make' command, and it wont let me why?08:28
bjorn_i dont know, i tried to run my cdplayer, because there's a windows game in it08:28
sontekhttp://www.rafb.net/paste/results/g6gJIc45.html   thats the error i'm getting08:28
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NickGarveyarrick: apt-get install make?08:28
bjorn_or is that wrong?08:28
winstoneoband not news to me... why doesnt it support two monitors? and why does it screw up the task bar positioning?08:28
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arrickNickGarvey, I did the aptitude install build-essential, shouldnt that install make as well?08:29
NickGarveywinston: google it08:29
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NickGarveyarrick: yes..08:29
arrickNickGarvey, what do I have to do to egt it working?08:29
rambo3ok you need full path to your cd like wine "/media/cdrom0/ " to exec the game08:29
=== Rus01 [i=rus0@ppp85-140-182-252.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #ubuntu
NickGarveyarrick: "which make"08:29
Kyynara_is there a way for me to be able to get libcurl 7.15.1 for breezy? It's meant for dapper and the version available for breezy is 7.14.x08:29
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bjorn_ok ill try08:29
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arrickNickGarvey, I am using the no-ip client and it says to make, then make install, to put everything in the right directory08:30
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NickGarveyarrick: enable universe and multiverse, "apt-get install no-ip"08:31
NickGarveyarrick: that easy heh08:31
arrickI didnt know that, I already have the uni and multi enabled thanks08:31
=== bicky [n=maarten@049-033-128-083.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bjorn_rambo3 i typed sudo wine /media/cdrom0/autorun.exe and i got a long list of errors08:31
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bickyanybody got experience with WoW on ubuntu ?08:32
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winstonNickGarvey: I tried that, its why im here08:33
cdsawho ?08:33
NickGarveywinston: with what?08:33
cdsasalut le subuntu08:33
pepoanybody has a howto for configure wifi card broadcom ?08:33
KNO3Hi, when trying to build wine from source using APT, 'apt-get --build source wine' stops with error "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:33
KNO3" "Build command 'cd wine-0.9.11~winehq1 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed."08:33
NickGarveywinston: oh googling it08:33
winstonNickGarvey: I tried "ubuntu lost taskbar"08:34
arrickNickGarvey, not working, ca you check this out?08:34
=== ubuntu [n=ubuntu@APlessis-Bouchard-152-1-60-56.w82-121.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
bickynobody gots experience with WoW on ubuntu ?08:34
arrick  NickGarvey  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1232508:34
kingspawnarrick: just type make08:34
kingspawnarrick: to check that make exists at all08:34
arricknot found08:35
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arrickgreat, the install didnt work08:35
kingspawnwell, then you didnt install build-essential08:35
scifiOMG looks like ive just fucked up my ubuntu install already :*((08:35
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EnsignRedshirtbjorn_: I don't know how to get your game working, but you might also try asking in #winehq.08:35
bjorn_oh ok thx08:35
NickGarveyarrick: you don't have universe and multiverse on08:36
=== der0b [i=s0d_0ff@c-24-147-15-207.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
scifii was trying the resolution/refresh rate fixes, did control-alt-backspace and now x-server is disabled08:36
machi.. I upgraded from breezy to dapper, and my sound broke.. Basically the sound is still there, but the volume is way too low (everything is attached correctly), it worked 30 mins ago.. any Clues?08:36
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crimsunmac: #ubuntu+108:36
NickGarvey!tell mac about dapper08:36
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NickGarvey!tell scifi about caps08:36
bjorn_its godfather the game, does that matter ensignredshirt?08:36
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bjorn_is it too new or something08:36
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KNO3i have installed build-essential, the latest version, and it makes no difference08:37
NickGarveyarrick: need to go08:37
EnsignRedshirtbjorn_: Sorry, that means nothing to me.08:37
rambo3!tell bjorn_ about cedega08:37
Coweaterif apt reports a package was not fully installed or removed, how do i find out which package it is?08:37
bjorn_oh ok :p08:37
arrickkingspawn, ok, I need help getting the ()$#$ sources list setup correct, its corrupted somehow, please help08:37
scifisorry for being rude, but ive just made a big mess of my brand new ubuntu install :~(08:37
bicky!tell bicky about WoW08:37
rambo3apt-get install -t08:38
bicky!tell bicky about wine08:38
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Ubewell i've a fresh install of breezy, i modified a bit the grub conf and now it does not show the menu list anymore any tips ? my grub conf is paste here thanks  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1232708:38
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hollowman8904can someone help me access my linux share from windows?  i can't login08:39
scifican anyone help?08:39
rambo3scifi just ask the wuestion , not you whole history08:39
scifii was trying the resolution/refresh rate fixes, did control-alt-backspace and now x-server is disabled08:40
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kingspawnarrick: i have to take care of something, i can help in a little while08:40
UbuntuNoob|ScottAnyone here ever installed Skype?08:40
Phexi've a problem with my dir08:40
rambo3scifi :and alt+f7 , anyway you find x and kill it and then start it again08:40
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jmoncayohow can i see a *.chm file??08:41
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Pordosi suddenly don't have permissions to access my usb key drive when i plug it in.  anyone know what i can do to change that?08:41
scifiok will try08:41
KNO3Hi, when trying to build wine from source using APT, 'apt-get --build source wine' stops with error "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables08:41
KNO3" "Build command 'cd wine-0.9.11~winehq1 && dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc' failed."08:41
KNO3i have installed build-essential, the latest version, and it makes no difference08:41
hollowman8904how do i install smbmnt?  i'm trying to use linneighborhood, but it says smbmnt must be installed first08:41
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:41
rambo3sudo ps -d , will list processes , and just ype sudo kill "process id" and startx or sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start08:41
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scifirambo3: i get the message "the x server is now disabled, restart gdm when its configured properly" only option i have i to press OK08:43
Phexhello i've problems with my direction08:43
mendredUbe: Was ur modification the splashimage entry?08:43
bickyany1 has played WoW on ubuntu ?08:43
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xbox_skyif i'm about to tell gmailchecker use "opera" instead of konqueror, how would I find the file that executes the application?08:43
hollowman8904can someone help me connect to my linux share from windows?  i have a problem logiging in08:44
=== baudi [n=baudi@160.Red-83-55-6.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
rambo3type ok and then startx in terminal08:44
xbox_skyega, where is it located? locate opera will give me tons of locations, but where is the path usually found that executes the app?08:44
EnsignRedshirtxbox_sky: Probably /usr/bin/opera ?08:44
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arrickanyone, please help me get the corect sources.list, cause the ones that ubotu connects to are incorrect, they wont update08:45
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mendredUbe: it should be splashimage=(hd0,1)/boot/grub/splash/tux.xpm.gz08:46
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clem_yeatscan Firefox use sendmail instead of an SMTP server ?08:46
clem_yeatssorry.. I meant thunderbird..08:46
arrickWhy with the official repos, can I not get any sources to stat?08:47
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arrick_jason, you here?08:47
xbox_skyah gotcha tx EnsignRedshirt08:47
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clem_yeatsis there an easy to use smtp server .. minimal one ?08:48
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mebaran151if I put related controllers in a module08:49
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mebaran151say I have an Model Controller, so I have Model::This and Model::That08:49
arrickAAA, ar eyou here?08:49
mebaran151how can I can make a default action this is called when plain ol' Model is called08:49
ubuntuHi, I seem to be having  a problem when trying to update - getting the error "Waiting for headers" then it seems to freeze08:49
mebaran151my url /module/blah08:50
mebaran151I want /module/ to load a simple navigation page08:50
arricknickrud, you here?08:50
mebaran151do I create an index controller or something?08:50
EnsignRedshirtmebaran151: Are in the right place?08:50
arrickHELP PLEASE???????????08:51
mebaran151yeah I think so08:51
EnsignRedshirtmebaran151: *Are you08:51
bjorn_what do i put before /cdrom0/08:51
arrick /dev08:51
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arrickEnsignRedshirt, are you good with repos?08:51
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ubotuarrick: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:52
rambo3mountpoint like /media/  bjorn_ and the08:52
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UbuntuNoob|Scottusing ls....how do I open a txt file08:52
EnsignRedshirtbjorn_: On my computer, it's /media/cdrom008:52
rambo3then read some more about wine08:52
UbuntuNoob|Scottvia cli not gui08:52
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arrickUbuntuNoob|Scott, nano or gedit08:52
Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu08:52
EnsignRedshirtarrick: Nothing special, I  just use 'em.08:52
Iikoriosaako joku auttaa PC-kortin asentamisessa08:52
arrickEnsignRedshirt, mine are corrupted, and the ones ubotu says to use will not update, anyhelp here?08:53
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Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me08:53
scifirambo3: both command wont work, gdm restart sails [fail] 08:53
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rambo3scifi kill it08:53
EnsignRedshirtarrick: What do you mean by "yours"?08:53
UbuntuNoob|Scottanyone using an AMD64 with Ubuntu?08:53
arrickmy sources.list08:53
rambo3or stop it08:53
arrickEnsignRedshirt, ^^08:53
=== GTwice [n=gtwice@aok122.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
scifirambo3: sudo kill "process id"?08:54
rambo3yeah sudo ps -d |grep gdm08:54
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Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me08:54
EnsignRedshirtarrick: So you need to fix sources.list?08:55
arrickEnsignRedshirt, yes08:55
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rambo3!tell arrick about sources.list08:55
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arrickhey rambo3 already did all that and apt-get wont update using the examples, or even the easysource one08:56
echohey all08:56
echohow do i go about installing flash????08:56
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EnsignRedshirtWhat the--??? I have to register in ubuntu forums just to search???08:57
Coweater5.10 on a imac dv, sits still on nautilus loading after login08:57
rambo3arrick : apt-get clean && apt-get install -t08:57
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bjorn_guildwars *O*08:57
Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me08:57
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scifirambo3: did sudo ps -d |grep gdm, then startx, still not working08:57
hollowman8904why do i get "command not found" when trying to do /etc/rc.d/init.d/smb restart08:57
rambo3and the error is scifi ?08:58
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arrickrambo3, option -t requires an arguement08:58
simonhallowman: /etc/init.d/smb restart08:58
jafar00does anyone have repositories for ubuntu amd64 plf?08:58
EnsignRedshirtThat's just seems incredibly stupid to require registration even to search the forum.08:58
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bjorn_how do i force my cd to open? it wont open and i need to switch to another cd08:59
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:59
green_earzhollowman8904: or sudo invoke-rc.d smb restart08:59
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:59
arrickjafar00, ^^08:59
Klick_can anyone recomend me a good music manager, looking for eye candy galor08:59
Shamahobjorn_, try  unmounting the device?08:59
jafar00nice :)08:59
hollowman8904green_earz, unknown init script08:59
scifirambo3: X10: fatal 10 error 104 connection reset by peer ...... it goes on08:59
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EnsignRedshirtarrick: I *was* going to do a quick search for sources.list in the ubuntu forums, because I know you can find an assortment of examples there.09:00
arrickEnsignRedshirt, ok09:00
green_earzhollowman8904: cd into /etc/init.d   and then ls  so you can see what servers are there09:00
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bjorn_shamaho it works09:00
=== Fir [n=10373019@IGLD-84-228-13-169.inter.net.il] has joined #ubuntu
Firinstruction Google Adsense-->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/en.htm                 Download free Firefox -->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/Firefox.htm09:00
Firinstruction Google Adsense-->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/en.htm                 Download free Firefox -->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/Firefox.htm09:00
Firinstruction Google Adsense-->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/en.htm                 Download free Firefox -->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/Firefox.htm09:00
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rambo3sifi maby its your xorg.conf ? did you try restarting ?09:00
arricksomeone want to bane the spammet?09:01
crimsunarrick: no point now.09:01
hollowman8904green_earz, smb isn't09:01
arrickhe'll be bakc i 3 days09:01
EnsignRedshirtarrick: That source-o-matic might work, too.09:01
arrickEnsignRedshirt, is that easysource?09:01
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scifirambo3:i made a backup of the xorg.conf, is it possible to reload it?09:01
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scifirambo3: i ahve tried rebooting, but x-server still disabled09:02
ScrIptureZbuonasera a tutti09:02
Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me09:02
inv_Arperror while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5.. of course since im running .so.6 ...   symlinking doesnt work...    iis there a compat-libstdc++-  like in fedora in the archives..09:02
rambo3yes you can allways sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.cof.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf  .09:02
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UbuntuNoob|Scotti just screwed up09:03
scifiok will try09:03
UbuntuNoob|Scottim at my root i think09:03
UbuntuNoob|Scottand when i do a ls09:03
UbuntuNoob|Scotti only get 2 folders09:03
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EnsignRedshirtarrick: Try it (the source-o-matic link provided by ubotu).  Stick to the top few repos supported by Ubuntu.09:03
UbuntuNoob|Scottdesktop and downloads09:03
scifirambo3: is that all on one line?09:03
arrickthey wont update, I just tried them09:03
ubuntu_Awuante mexico es ubuntu09:04
ubuntu_Mxico es ubuntu09:04
green_earzhollowman8904: so that why unknown init script    is it samba you want to restart iand is it in /etc/init.d    sudo invoke-rc.d samba restart09:04
simonUbuntuNoob|Scott: your not at root then, you're at your home09:04
ubuntu_Como le puedo hacer para que ubuntu reprodusca wmv ????09:05
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Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me09:05
UbuntuNoob|Scottyour right09:05
rambo3sscifi its just an exemple i dont know how you saved your file , just do cd /etc/x11/ and then list files . sudo cp "backup file " xorg.conf09:05
UbuntuNoob|Scotti see the location in the title bar09:05
hollowman8904there that one worked09:05
EnsignRedshirtarrick: Those are the same hosts as in my sources.list (us.archive.ubuntu.com), and I was able to do an update a few minutes ago.09:05
simonUbuntuNoob|Scott: you can't always trust that, only trust the command pwd09:05
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arrickman iave tried them ten or 11 times,,09:05
arrickhow do I ping googole, so I can make sure my connetion is uo for internet?09:06
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macping www.google.com09:06
kingspawnarrick: ping www.google.com09:06
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jpatrickarrick: ping google.com -c 109:06
Firinstruction Google Adsense-->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/en.htm                 Download free Firefox -->  http://planet.nana.co.il/hartk2003/Firefox.htm09:06
arrickno host09:06
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arrickkingspawn, ping: unknown host www.google.com09:07
green_earzhollowman8904: all your boot start up scripts are in /etc/init.d and to start or stop them us sudo invoke-rc.d  server-name start or stop or restart09:07
Bergcube" Measure distance to target.  ONE PING ONLY! "  -Sean Connery in Hunt for red october.09:07
kingspawnarrick: whats the problem? i just got back09:07
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scifirambo3: sorry how do i list files?09:07
macarrick: cat /etc/resolv.conf09:07
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BBHosssounds like dns09:08
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arrickI cant get the repos to update afte ri did the install of build-essential and it uninstalled gnome09:08
macyour dns servers are not correct, most likley09:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottim in /home/sdv09:08
Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me09:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottand do an ls - I see desktop and downloads09:08
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UbuntuNoob|Scottthats it09:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottand I cant cd to either of them09:08
rambo3scifi:  cd /etc/X11/  && ls -l |grep xorg09:08
UbuntuNoob|Scottshould i be able to?09:08
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kingspawnarrick: has the comp still got an ip? does your /etc/resolv.conf look right?09:09
DaveyHow best to determine where my HD space is allocated so I can delete crap? :)09:09
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: remember Case Sensitive09:09
EnsignRedshirtarrick: Good luck, time for me to go.09:09
UbuntuNoob|Scotttried that09:09
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: cd Desktop, not cd desktop09:09
clem_yeatsok, I've found out.. sendmail is simply listening on port 25.. no authorization required.09:09
bjorn_how come there shows an icon on my desktop when i put a cd in my laptop09:09
arrickkingspawn/ mac:$ cat /etc/resolv.conf # Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)#     DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND -- YOUR CHANGES WILL BE OVERWRITTEN09:09
bjorn_and whats useful about that09:09
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UbuntuNoob|Scottso why do I do it WO a / this time09:09
macIf that is all, you have no dns servers installed09:09
macEnter your network configuration tool, and set up some09:09
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UbuntuNoob|Scottto get to directories i have to do /tmp09:10
UbuntuNoob|Scottbut to get to desktop i dont use /09:10
simonUbuntuNoob|Scott: when you start with a / you go to the top directory09:10
arrickI use my isp dns09:10
simonUbuntuNoob|Scott: try cd / and then ls09:10
hollowman8904in windows, how do i change my login name after i have already logged into a share?  i logged in once and want to change users, but i dont know how09:10
kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: a / is sort of a delimiter. / means "the root of your disk" - so tmp is located just one level up from /, ie /tmp09:10
arrickkingspawn, mac, what next09:10
simonUbuntuNoob|Scott: you could also, for instance do cd /home/sdv/Desktop09:10
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macarrick: did you setup dns servers?09:10
kingspawnarrick: whats this resolvconf and glibc resolver? never used it09:10
UbuntuNoob|Scottso if im in home, and I want to go to tmp, i use /09:10
UbuntuNoob|Scottto say "back out"09:10
macDo so, then09:10
simonUbuntuNoob|Scott: exactly09:11
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kingspawnUbuntuNoob|Scott: yes, you use / to indicate you are going to the root (/) and from there into tmp09:11
macI don't use ubuntu.. go to the settings, and network settings.. somewhere, in there, You can setup dns servers09:11
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xbox_skyhttp://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v32/Skynet/?action=view&current=mdesk.jpg         My Linux destkop  ^_^09:11
arrickmac, how?09:11
rambo3xbox_sky, you can post that in ubuntu forums09:11
scifirambo3: ok i typed in sudo cp xorg.conf.backup and it said missing destination file09:12
arrickmac kingspawn brb09:12
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macarrick: *I do not have ubuntu installed*, so I dont know how to enter your network settings. RTFM, please..09:12
harobedhi, there are screencast to introduce Ubuntu ?09:12
rambo3scifi : sudo cp xorg.conf.backup xorg.conf09:12
bjorn_I have installed a game using wine, where did it install?09:12
Iikoriwhich1 is better..normal linux or ubuntu09:12
harobedIt's for ubuntu manifestation stand09:12
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void^Iikori: please explain what normal linux is.09:12
Iikoridunno :D09:12
BergcubeIikori~  Chances are everyone in here will answer "Ubuntu".....09:13
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kingspawnIikori: like everything else in life, it depends on what you want to do with it09:13
scifirambo3:ok it accpeted the command, now try startx again?09:13
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BergcubeIikori~  It's like asking fundamentalistic catholics if the pope is a nice dude.09:14
bjorn_I have installed a game using wine, where did it install?09:14
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rambo3if you are a root i would start gdm and if not startx works ok09:14
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Iikoriwhat is command to change language english09:14
scifirambo3: get same fatal 10 error doing startx09:15
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rambo3!tell scifi about fixres09:15
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saik0Iikori, Ubuntu is a GNU/Linux Distribution. Linux is just the kernel, ubuntu packages many, many things with it09:15
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scifirambo3: does mention for help view log at /var/etc..09:15
Iikoriwhat is command to change language english09:15
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bjorn_I have installed a game using wine, where did it install?09:15
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stperebjorn_, look in ~/.c_drive09:16
UbuntuNoob|Scottis there a Wine channel?09:16
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stperebjorn_,  ~ being your home directory09:16
scifirambo3: yes thats the page where i was working from that caused all this09:16
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arrickok im back09:16
scifirambo3: it got me into the x-server configuration, and i probly messed things up in there09:17
saik0UbuntuNoob|Scott, #wine09:17
rambo3scifi  ok you would have to do cat /var/log/xorg |grep (EE) <- just exemple i dont know the file name you would have to list it. anyway try fixres again and choose vesa as you graphic driver09:17
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saik0UbuntuNoob|Scott, sorry, #winehq09:17
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arrickkingspawn, Im back09:18
kingspawnarrick: okay09:18
arrickI booted to ubuntu so I can ssh in09:18
scifirambo3: so try this autodetect script first?09:18
kingspawnarrick: well, eh, what was the problem? no dns? do you know your dns servers? can you have it get a dhcp-ip?09:18
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arrickbtu I still need help with the dns stuff, cant remember the other guys name now though09:18
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arrickkingspawn, I have it set to static ip cause its a webserver09:19
rambo3yeah skip that09:19
kingspawnarrick: well, then you have to set the dns static in resolv.conf too09:19
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rambo3just use vesa its like "safe driver"09:19
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rambo3or nv09:19
arrickok, can you walk me through it?09:19
scifii used nv before09:20
UbuntuNewbiehello everyone09:20
bjorn_is there a way to install directx8 in ubuntu?09:20
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kingspawnarrick: well, if you have your dns server you just add "nameserver <ip>" to resolv.conf09:20
scifirambo3: try sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf 1st?09:20
rambo3sudo vi  /etc/X11/xorg.conf  , i never used nor use nano09:21
lkzHey, is there a tty tool which will list all my hardware? cpu freq, amount of memory, etc ?09:21
arrickkingspawn, why does it tell me my changes will be over written09:21
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kingspawnarrick: well, i have no idea never, seen that stuff before. just add it and see what happens09:22
kingspawnarrick: is that warning all there is in your resolv.conf?09:22
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arrickkingspawn, yse09:22
simonlkz: cat /proc/cpuinfo09:22
kingspawnarrick: then just delete it and add your nameserver-line(s)09:22
arrickand how do I determin the nameserver line?09:23
UbuntuNoob|Scottyou know, the guys in #winehq are no help.09:23
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void^if you use dhcp, just run dhclient or dhcpcd on your interface and it'll fix it.09:23
rambo3sicif in vi you press " i " for editing and "shift+: " and then "wq + enter" for wite and quit09:23
UbuntuNoob|Scottthey told me to go elseware and get ubuntu help09:23
kingspawnarrick: now thats the question. are you in an ubuntu box with working networking now? if so, just check /etc/resolv.conf09:23
tombo_please, can someone tell me how to edit a user account from the terminal.  I can not do system changes in gui09:23
theinternetHey, I was wondering, I tried install swf-player, libflash-swfplayer, and libflash-mozplugin. It installed, but when I view swfs like on homestarrunner.com, it gives me alot of wierd glitchs in viewing the swf.09:23
scifirambo3: all the setting in the file for monitor + vid card look correct09:24
bjorn_how do i use a .patch file09:24
theinternetIs there anyway I could install a flash player for an AMD 64bit computer?09:24
rambo3scifi most of my x org error got from wrong mouse settings .09:24
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rambo3anyway i have to go now,09:25
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scifirambo3:i remember it asked me what PCIbus my card was, and because i didnt know i accpeted the default, cud that be wrong?09:25
jmoncayotheinternet, do you have amd64 laptop or desktop?09:25
scifiinfact i thought my card was agp ^^09:26
Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me09:26
UbuntuNoob|Scottcan someone please help me install Wine properly?09:26
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jmoncayotheinternet, ok i have an amd64 notebook and i gave up with the 64bit and installed i38609:26
Iikoriwhat is command to change language english09:27
Iikorican some1 help me to install PC card to ubuntu msg me09:27
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UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, good to hear you say that, i was going to try the 64bit, but im on i386 too09:27
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marshhiya! II've got 2 pc's with wireless cards - can anyone tell me if theres a way to make them 'crossover' or do I have to get a router?09:27
theinternetffff not excatly what I was looking for. You can chroot i386 applications you know. :-\09:27
s|k /join #mysql09:27
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jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott, yea it is just too much trouble getting everything to work09:27
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UbuntuNoob|ScottI hear SuSe is easier than Ubuntu, anyone tried it?09:28
jmoncayotheinternet, yes you can but when you need some programs like ndiswrapper it doesnt work09:28
hollowman8904what should i use to have an FTP server?09:28
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theinternetActually, ndiswrapper does work for me under AMD64.09:28
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jmoncayotheinternet, like you dont have the usbcore module09:28
UbuntuNoob|ScottMy friend says it installs everything for you and its so brainless09:28
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kingspawnhollowman8904: proftpd, for instance09:28
Iikoriplease can some1 how to install pc card..need internet connection but no skill to install card09:28
arrickhey its updating now, anyone know how to make it to where it wont change the /etc/resolv.conf file?09:28
jmoncayotheinternet, i had so much trouble getting to work the wireless09:29
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kingspawnarrick: well, try rebooting the box and check if its changed it09:29
theinternetI've been able to install almost everything including my wireless Atheros card, and Wine. Only problem I ran into is this flash player.09:29
jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott, do you have 64bit laptop?09:29
arrickI odnt event think so09:29
marshhello? - can anyone tell me if theres a way to make 2 wireless cards talk without a router?09:29
bjorn_how do i get directx8 or 9 in linux?09:29
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scifirambo3:i had also chose pc105 for my keyboard layout and dont know if thats right either09:30
UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, tower09:30
theinternetBjorn: You don't, you get wine.09:30
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arrickmaybe I can get the build essential to work now, the sudo apt-get install no-ip wont work09:30
jmoncayotheinternet, i couldnt install my broadcom bcm430609:30
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void^marsh: called adhoc mode09:30
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fiveironanyone know how to install mplayer?09:30
fiveironwhat repositories do i need?09:30
UbuntuNoob|ScottHelp: Need someone to assist with installing Wine properly. I am not sure I have it running properly09:30
simonpca_bonjour! | hi!09:30
simonpcabonjour! | hi!09:30
bjorn_theinternet, i have installed guildwars using wine, but it still asks for directx09:30
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jmoncayowhat is wine for?09:31
theinternetBjorn: Strange. If you go to their website, they may have more information.09:31
marshvoid^: thanks mate - i'll get on it.09:31
UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo,  to install windows based software09:31
Iikorihow I can change user on console to root09:31
bjorn_theinternet, guildwars wasnt made for linux, does that matter09:31
UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, its a windows api emulator09:31
jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott, is it good?09:31
arrickok now its installine09:31
theinternetBjorn: No. Wine is made to run windows apps.09:31
arrickthanks kingspawn09:32
bjorn_ok :) thx09:32
UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, I don't know, this is my first time using Linux09:32
kingspawnarrick: nice09:32
highvoltageUbuntuNoob|Scott: it's a windows api re-write, not an emulator!09:32
UbuntuNoob|Scotthighvoltage, sorry...09:32
highvoltageUbuntuNoob|Scott: np :)09:32
UbuntuNoob|Scotthighvoltage, all the same to me...it just makes sh*t work! :)09:32
jmoncayocan you run win games if you install wine, have somebody done it , did it work09:32
jafar00a lot of games that dont run on wine run with cedega. I use cedega to play Anarchy Online09:33
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arrickkingspawn, now that I know about that, on the rare ocassions that the server needs rebooted i will keep a text file to set it with09:33
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=== jafar00 thinks slavik is a naughty boy :p
hollowman8904how do i configure proftpd09:34
theinternetEh, Cedega costs money though.09:34
fiveironnot the cvs09:34
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kingspawnarrick: i'd reboot it a couple of times now during setup to check if it gets changed09:34
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jmoncayojafar00, can you run the lord of the rings with that?09:34
jafar00theinternet: Yes, but worth it. Just dont renew the subscription until you really need a newer version09:34
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UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, yes, some of them...thats why i need it for World of Warcraft and Steam (HL) based games.09:34
arricknah its working right now, and I dont reboot unless I absolutely have to09:35
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jerry_i have a question anyone ever load windows through wine?09:35
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theinternetEh, I have windows on a dual boot. I figure it would probably be best just to leave games in Windows and everything else in Linux.09:35
kingspawnarrick: lets hope you wont regret it later.09:35
UbuntuNoob|Scottjerry_, nope - but im going to try vmware to load it.09:35
jafar00jerry_: No. But I run windows through vmware. Costly but I needed it for forex trading work09:36
UbuntuNewbieyes its best to be in dual boot09:36
jmoncayothink so09:36
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jerry_well xp wont dual boot09:36
UbuntuNoob|Scottdualboot sucks09:36
jerry_tried that already09:36
theinternetYes it will.09:36
UbuntuNoob|Scottjerry_, yes it will09:36
simonhollowman8904: try man proftpd09:36
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UbuntuNoob|Scottproblem with dual boot is just that, you have to reboot to get to the other OS09:36
dino_grub loader??09:36
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UbuntuNoob|ScottVMware lets you run both at the same time09:36
Iikorihow I can change normal user to root on console09:36
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jerry_yea useing grub09:37
Iikorisome1 please answer me09:37
volleyOk so I got this jerkoff roomate who likes to unplug me from the networkand every time he does I cant get back online untill I reboot. so is there any way to get reconnected without rebooting?09:37
bjorn_what happens if i download directx on microsoft and use it with wine?09:37
Iikoriwhat is command to that09:37
jafar00bjorn_: It probably wont work09:37
simonvolley: try dhcpd (I'm not sure of spelling)09:37
bjorn_why not?09:37
UbuntuNewbiedoesn't VMware requires a lot of RAM and fast CPU09:37
Iikorihow I can change normal user to root on console09:37
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bjorn_ikori use su09:37
XenguyIikori: sudo -i09:37
jerry_depends on its version but my wines good to dxc or atleast compatible with it09:37
jpatricksudo -s09:37
UbuntuNoob|ScottUbuntuNewbie, not sure...but I have it anyway :)09:38
jafar00UbuntuNewbie: I have an AMD 2200+ and 1gb and I just give windoze 256mb and it runs just like native09:38
jmoncayojerry_, it works fine in dual mode with win xp09:38
volleydhcpd in the terminal09:38
UbuntuNoob|ScottHELP with installing Wine please - anyone know how to do this?09:38
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Iikori'unable to lookup ....via gethostbyname'09:38
Iikoriwhat that mean09:38
jerry_will try it again but microsoft is messing around again reason i switchto linux09:38
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jerry_last week had to reformat like 6 times kept getting a virus from there data base09:39
UbuntuNewbieso far i configure my computers to do WinXP, FC5, Debian and Ubuntu09:39
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UbuntuNewbiehad the hardest time installing FC509:39
jerry_anyway it eventually locked up my key now i have to call microsoft to get it athurized every time09:39
jmoncayojerry_, you first need to install win and then linux, otherwise you need to reinstall grub and cofigure it yourself09:39
UbuntuNoob|ScottI think I am going to bail on Ubuntu and get SuSe09:39
jerry_so will probably go with 98 se or me09:39
jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott, can you do sudo apt-get install wine?09:39
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jerry_or just swap drives around09:40
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jerry_yes you can sudo apt get wine09:40
slizardowhat is the best p2p software for ubuntu gnu/linux distribution ?09:40
jerry_or just go through the synaptic program09:40
Iikori'unable to lookup ....via gethostbyname'09:40
UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, pakage not available.09:40
jmoncayojust wondering what is the problem for UbuntuNoob|Scott09:40
Iikoriwha't taht means09:40
UbuntuNoob|Scottjmoncayo, i have Wine, just not sure its stinalled right09:41
slavikslizardo: why do you need p2p?09:41
bjorn_why cant i connect to a tracker using bittorrent, i could when i had windows09:41
jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott,  you need to uncoment  some lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list and then apt-get update09:41
jerry_bring up a terminal and type winefile09:41
slavikUbuntuNoob|Scott: did you add the wine repo?09:41
jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott, its better if you do it with apt-get09:41
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jerry_if wines installed right it will open a wine window that you can use to add win apps09:41
UbuntuNoob|Scottwhats the command to view that list09:41
UbuntuNoob|ScottI dont know09:42
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slizardoto download some independet movies...09:42
LinuxNoob|Scottthat makes more sense09:42
jmoncayoUbuntuNoob|Scott,  sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list09:42
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arrickkingspawn, yeah, I dont think i will, might reboot after the installs though09:42
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LinuxNoob|Scottthat worked jmoncayo09:42
slavikor sudo nano09:43
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fr1nkcan someone please help me with the ltmodem issue? i've found several pages about installing it on acer travelmate - i dont know how applicable that would be in my case though.09:43
jmoncayoyes it does, you need more repos09:43
bjorn_why cant i connect to a peer using bittorrent, i could when i had windows09:43
simonslizard: what protocol? BT/DC?09:43
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jmoncayoyou get more stuff doin that09:44
UbuntuNewbiehas anyone used wireless connection on Ubuntu09:44
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slizardodc better.09:44
jmoncayoi have09:44
jmoncayoUbuntuNewbie, i am wireless right now09:44
simonbjorn_: have you configured your client correctly? ports and shit09:44
simonslizardo: try valknut09:44
bjorn_eh i dont need to i think, im directly into the modem09:44
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UbuntuNewbiedo i have to buy a specific wireless card09:44
slizardook, perfect. i will see it.09:44
simonpcasimon: hmmm... nice name :D09:44
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, i cant edit that file09:45
simonsimonpca: :)09:45
LinuxNoob|Scottread only09:45
bjorn_i only get 0.45kb/s09:45
_-AnTHo-_hey quick question, is there any way to change the name of my mounted filesystems instead of hda1, or hdc2 to anything else?09:45
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jmoncayoLinuxNoob|Scott, try sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list09:45
Iikorihow I can login with root09:45
simonbjorn_: try limiting your upload to about 80% of your maximum upload09:45
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, i did09:45
jmoncayoLinuxNoob|Scott, yes you can do that you need to enter your user pass09:46
bjorn_it isnt uploading anything :s09:46
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jmoncayoLinuxNoob|Scott, can you get root?09:46
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simonbjorn_: are you connected to the tracker?09:46
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LinuxNoob|Scottok im editing it09:46
jmoncayoLinuxNoob|Scott, are you in the sudoers list09:46
LinuxNoob|Scottim admin09:47
LinuxNoob|Scottim only user on the system09:47
bjorn_i dont think so, the only event that is showing is "connecting to peers"09:47
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Iikoripls cone some1 say how I can login with root on console..09:47
jmoncayoLinuxNoob|Scott, just uncoment the repos and then apt-get update thats all09:47
bjorn_the speed keeps growing really slowly09:47
bjorn_it's 6kb/s now09:47
jmoncayoyou get a lot of stuff09:47
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, how do i close this file and save it09:47
Matic`Makovecbjorn_, get better mirrors09:47
kingspawnIikori: by lord. root is turned off. do "sudo passwd root" to set a pass and enable it.,09:47
jmoncayo<esc> :wq <enter>09:47
Matic`Makovecor get better internet connection :)09:47
bjorn_how do you mean?09:47
simonbjorn_: does the torrent have a good seed/leech ratio?09:48
bjorn_with windows i could download the same file with 90kb/s09:48
k31thAnyone know of any software you can use to make music in linux09:48
jmoncayoUbuntuNewbie, you should buy one that has native linux drivers09:48
simonbjorn_: maybe now all seeds are gone09:48
bjorn_wait ill open it in azureus to see09:48
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LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, LOL wow its been a while...I had a couple months of experience with debian about a year ago09:48
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, i remember that command09:48
LinuxNoob|Scottok its done09:48
Iikori'unable to lookup laptop via gethostbyname()'09:48
Iikoriwhines like that09:48
bjorn_oh, ill check on torrentspy simon09:48
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arrickhey kingspawn try out the http://arrick.no-ip.com again will you?09:49
jmoncayooki now you can get more software09:49
turbowaffleIs there a way to force a package removal without uninstalling the dependant packages? I tried to upgrade to libreadline5 and now it says libreadline5 is broken, but libreadline4 is installed. If I try to remove either, it wants to uninstall a crapload of dependant programs09:49
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bjorn_63 seeders09:49
sammoubuntu keeps freezing on me, any ideas where to look at?09:49
kingspawnarrick: working now09:49
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arrickok thanks09:49
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fr1nkcan someone please help me with the ltmodem issue? i've found several pages about installing it on acer travelmate - i dont know how applicable that would be in my case though.09:50
_-AnTHo-_hey guys, i've got a really quick question, is there any way to change the name of my mounted filesystems instead of hda1, or hdc2 to anything09:50
simonbjorn_: does az say NAT OK?09:50
Iikorikingspawn it whines like this when trying it 'unable to lookup laptop via gethostbyname()'09:50
sammoi think that you can change it in the fstab but i may be wrong09:50
kingspawnIikori: hm. did you change the name of your machine?09:50
IikoriI think09:51
_-AnTHo-_sammo: really? i was just in fstab.. hold on lemmie check09:51
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, http://pastebin.com/66199009:51
scifianyone know how to reinstall x-server, cus mine seems to be completely buggared09:51
LinuxNoob|Scottthats my error09:51
simonbjorn_: then all should be in order, just give it some time :)09:51
bjorn_hmm ok09:51
sammoyou can put -L or label i think. I am pretty new to ubuntu but this is what I remember from doing it, I would ask someone else tho09:52
ubuntucan i browse a ntfs filesystem on a Windows xp pc while running Ububtu from a live cd ?09:52
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sethkubuntu, sure09:52
kingspawnIikori: what does your /etc/hosts say?09:53
_-AnTHo-_haha ok, well anyone else know how i can rename mounted file systems from say hda1 to say Windows Partiton09:53
sammoubuntu keeps freezing on me randomly. Anyone know any error logs or anything that I may look at?09:53
ubuntuhow? im completely new to linux09:53
Iikorican't do that09:53
bjorn_do you need a firewall in ubuntu?09:53
Iikoripermission denied09:53
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mwebjorn_: if you are running any services you need to restrict09:53
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo, did you look at that link?09:53
kingspawnIikori: well, reboot into recovery mode, and check it out09:54
mwebjorn_: by default nothing is listening on any ports I think09:54
Iikorirecovery mode?09:54
bjorn_can you explain what restrict is? i'm dutch, so i don't understand :p09:54
kingspawnIikori: in your grub you have a choice thats recovery mode09:55
mwebjorn_: like if you have a web server and want to disallow certain ips to connect or whatever09:55
sethksammo, /var/log/messages, to start with, and do ls -ltr /var/log and see what's changed most recently09:55
Stormx2bjorn_: For example, if you are running a server, but only want it to be accessable from, or whatever09:55
jmoncayoLinuxNoob|Scott, sorry dude i gotta go bbl to help you out09:55
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bjorn_oh no, i only use it for msn and internet, do i need a firewall?09:55
bjorn_to be safe09:55
scifikingspawn: any ideas on reinstalling x server?09:55
Iikoriso how I can change that09:55
Stormx2bjorn_: No.09:56
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sethkBjoern-Erik, no09:56
bjorn_and what about a virusscanner? is that necessary09:56
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sethksorry, bjorn_, no09:56
Misnixbjorn_, inperken09:56
mwebjorn_: no. nothing is accepting incoming traffic, so09:56
Iikorikingspawn just say easy way to format computer with ubuntu09:56
sethkbjorn_, there are only about three linux viruses around09:56
LinuxNoob|Scottjmoncayo-away, cya09:56
bjorn_oh :p and spyware?09:56
kingspawnIikori: insert your cd and install09:57
mwebjorn_: also users are not superusers by default in linux so malware doesn't tend to spread system wide09:57
UbuntuNewbiehow do i install the latest firefox globally09:57
kingspawnscifi: no, sorry, i dont use x much09:57
UbuntuNewbielatest version of firefox*09:57
bjorn_ok :)09:57
Iikorikingspawn you mean ubuntu cd09:57
scifimwe: any ideas on reinstalling x server?09:57
mwebjorn_: not that I've had any yet09:57
kingspawnIikori: i'll let you guess09:57
bjorn_my last question, do you need to defrag ubuntu09:57
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bjorn_time to time09:57
mwescifi: explain09:57
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UbuntuNewbieor do i wait for latest ubuntu firefox package09:58
mwebjorn_: I don't know any program that does it09:58
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scifimwe: after trying out the resolution/refesh rate fixes and chnging some setting in x server cofiguration after restarting x server is now disabled09:58
bjorn_oh, so it doesnt need to :p thanks09:58
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mwebjorn_: it doesn't seem to be a big problem09:58
greenwomhow do I make a fat32 second hard drive read/write and how do I make is so I can wright to it without sudo09:59
obscuriteI'm trying to rsync host:/home/USER to my local directory /home/USER, but rsync is creating a dir /home/USER/USER -- any way to tell rsync not to create the root dir you're copying?09:59
mwebjorn_: all file system suffer from fragmentation though09:59
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bjorn_oh ok :)09:59
waldenheya. how do i decompress a tar.bz file?09:59
shreevatsaobscurite: put a slash at the end09:59
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mwescifi: but you did of course make a backup of your config before messing with it, right?09:59
kingspawnwalden: tar xvfj file09:59
biovoretar -xvzf file.tar.bz09:59
obscuriteshreevatsa - if it's that easy I will do a jig.09:59
waldenkingspawn: ok09:59
shreevatsaobscurite: how about rsync "host:/home/user /home" ?10:00
Iikorikingspawn can't find tha install file at CD10:00
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scifimwe: yes tried reloading it with a command rambo3 gave me, but doesnt seem to have worked10:00
kingspawnIikori: eh, what are you trying to find?10:00
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Iikorithat install thing to unistall ubuntu10:00
greenwomhow do I make a fat32 second hard drive read/write and how do I make is so I can wright to it without root10:00
mwescifi: I didn't see that command. what was it?10:00
Englahello. Is there something I can do to make the ttys support bold and underlined fonts? That would be great and more beautiful10:00
obscuriteshreevatsa - you were correct, a / did the trick. *dance*10:00
fr1nkbiovore: which command should i use to split tar files into volumes? -L ?10:00
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_-AnTHo-_how do i rename a mounted drive from hda1 to something else10:01
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scifimwe: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.cof.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:01
biovorefr1nk: I use split on a tar.bz file10:01
biovoreman split10:01
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kingspawnEngla: guess you could read up on vesa framebuffers10:01
doofyhow do i set an applciation under the applications menu to run as root?10:01
mwescifi: you should probably spell it correctly10:01
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fr1nkbiovore: thx10:02
Xaero_Vincenti have a major problem.... i accidently disabled admistrative permissions on my only user account!  Can anyone help me please?10:02
scifimwe: will try again, but i think i spelt it correctly10:02
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Englakingspawn: well, why not. Where?10:02
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kingspawnEngla: google :)10:02
Iikorisome1 say me easyway to unistall ubuntu10:02
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mwescifi: ls /etc/X11/ to see the correct file name10:02
Englakingspawn: no other keyword hints? :)10:02
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kingspawnEngla: linux.. :)10:03
Xaero_Vincenti cant change the user account settings because thats an adminstrative program10:04
Xaero_Vincentwhat do i do?10:04
walden125mb of updates for me10:04
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volleyI just started synaptic and it displayed like a thousand errors.......10:04
theinternet1,000 errors excatly?10:04
volleythats not good is it?10:04
mweXaero_Vincent: use sudo10:04
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volleyno soory10:04
theinternetNo actually, that's very good.10:04
Xaero_Vincentmwe sudo isnt working10:04
waldenvolley: open a console, and type sudo apt-get update10:04
obscuriteDoes anyone here have a strategy for using vmware? I find that every time I pull down a kernel update I have to rebuild vmware.10:04
theinternetThe more errors the better.10:04
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mweXaero_Vincent: and you can't login as root either?10:05
volleythis is one   "W: Couldn't stat source package list http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ca.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)10:05
volleyoh ok ill do that10:05
bliss1__hello Happy Easter folks10:05
obscuritehappy passover too10:05
Xaero_Vincentnot I only have one user account and I accidently removed admistrative permissions.. so now sudo wont even work10:05
theinternetShutup I'm athiest10:05
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obscuritehappy no-god-day too10:05
scifimwe: omg backup worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:05
mweXaero_Vincent: boot to recovery mode to fix it10:05
kingspawnXaero_Vincent: reboot into recovery mode and fix that up10:05
=== scifi hugs mwe forever
mweXaero_Vincent: that will give you root access10:06
ubotuLazySod: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:06
theinternetEveryday is no-god-day when you're athiest!10:06
bliss1__obsurite yep Happy Passover10:06
Xaero_Vincentok... i'll try that10:06
=== scifi and ever :)
=== steigweis [n=steigwei@p5087BFE3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
mweXaero_Vincent: then useradd youruser admin and reboot10:06
volleyso u think that I just need to update10:06
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scifinow anyone know a refresh rate fix that doesnt mess up x server ? :x10:07
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mweI think he left before he got that. hmm he'll probably be back10:07
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Iikoriplease can some1 say me easyway to unistall ubuntu10:07
roger_eiiii oala10:07
volleyI sure hope so I dowant to have to reinstall again10:07
theinternetBTW, I'm still have errors with Swf. Now it won't even display the swf files.10:07
waldenvolley: maybe update a couple of times, sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade10:07
obscuriteIikori, just put in the CD and follow the prompts. It's easy :)10:07
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bliss1__posted a  doc in a pastebin from my kernel log can someone take a look and let me know if i should make some corrections. http://pastebin.ca/4944310:08
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Englakingspawn: okay, I found out. It's horriby difficult and no fun. Do you know if the ubuntu kernel has the proper stuff compiled in?10:08
waldenobscurite: he wants to un-install ubuntu10:08
obscuritewalden - oh my bad.10:08
obscuritewalden - who would want to do that??? ;)10:08
volleyThe following packages have been kept back:10:08
volley  update-manager10:08
volley0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.10:08
mwevolley: I recommend using archive.ubuntu.com instead of ca.archive.ubuntu.com though. that will redirect you to a good mirror10:08
volleythats not good is it?10:08
bliss1__kingspawn: hi hows it going10:08
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theinternetYeah, who would? I love this os.10:09
tombo_Can someone tell me how to edit a user account to do admin from the terminal.  I have no gui on original user account.10:09
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kingspawnEngla: hehe,it can be fun if you get it to work :) no idea if its compiled in, but it might, since its big and has lots of stuff10:09
mwevolley: what did you type?10:09
kingspawnbliss1__: hey10:09
waldenvolley: that's fine. did you update first, and then try upgrade?10:09
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volleyyes and                  got like a bunch of stuff10:09
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waldeni am upgrading like after 10-12 days and it wants to download 125M of upgrades10:09
waldenvolley: cool. so must be fine then.10:09
volleyso its all good10:09
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Englakingspawn: I'm quite pessimistic.. It says this about menuconfig for ATI cards: "Go into the Code Maturity Level menu, and enable the prompt for development and/or incomplete drivers"10:09
waldennow try opening Synaptic10:09
mwevolley: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade probably10:09
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waldenand see what errors you ger10:10
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kingspawnEngla: hm, might be outdated10:10
kingspawnEngla: its worth a shot10:10
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bliss1__kingspawn: if you have a sec can you take a look at  http://pastebin.ca/4944310:10
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YounixI have a question. Okay, on shipit.ubuntu.com, is there anyway to view the information on the CDs you requested. Such as phone number, address, ect?10:10
waldenyou want to change that?10:11
waldeni believe you cant.10:11
volleygnome seems very resource hungry10:11
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merlin_gnome is resource hungry by nature10:11
waldenjust ask for a new set :) with your latest address10:11
waldenuse xfce4. it works well.10:11
scifimwe:now that im booted in ubuntu with x server im looking at the xorg.conf file and the only difference i can see (as well as the default refresh rates being different) is that id had chnged the monitor name from "generic device" to Hansol 720E10:11
mwevolley: or fluxbox10:11
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kingspawnbliss1__: hm, what gives you this message?10:12
waldenthough i am using gnome atm10:12
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volleynwe: what is fluxbox?10:12
=== walden puts on some more beatles..
waldenit is a window manager.10:12
bliss1__kingspawn: park of my kernel log anything to worrey about10:12
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mwescifi: yes. what's the problem?10:12
mwevolley: fluxbox is a cool light weight window manager10:13
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scifimwe: im assuming that name change is what caused the problem with x server10:13
sethkscifi, that's going to change the list of available resolutions10:13
ReneSDKevening guys i have a problem. Eventhough i have enabled all the repositories in the Synaptec package manager i cant seem to find/install the packages that is supposed to be on the Universe/mulitverse repositories in Dapper Drake 6.06. What could be the problem?10:13
kingspawnbliss1__: hm, wouldnt think so, if it hasnt affected anything you need. looks like some sort of obscure error thats got something to do with power management10:13
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scifisethk: i see but why did it give me that option in the 1st place10:13
bliss1__kingspawn: like my labtop will not reboot?10:13
UbuntuNewbiei just notice my trash can icon on my desktop is not displaying the correct icon10:13
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volleymwe: is fluxbox like a taly different shell?10:14
scifiim gonna try and run the auto-detect script again and see if it works10:14
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sethkscifi, sounds like it didn't identify the monitor, and defaulted to a generic monitor10:14
kingspawnbliss1__: heh, well, thats not unlikely :)10:14
waldenvolley: yeah. you enable the menus in fluxbox by pressing the right mouse button. it is different, but cool.10:14
scifisethk: right that wud explain the 60hz refresh rate, but it did choose the right resolution10:14
mwevolley: shell?10:15
scifiall i wanna do is chnge the refresh rate10:15
sethkscifi, dumb luck, to some degree10:15
mwevolley: it's a different window manager.10:15
obscuriteare there any utilities you can use to set up an xorg.conf graphically?10:15
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bolrod'sort' of graphiclly10:15
bolrodit exists?!10:15
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obscuritebolrod - what were you referring to?10:16
Xaero_VincentThanks! I was able to fix it in recovery mode. :-)10:16
bliss1__kingspawn: well i have two debian os's both with kernel 2.6 had to disable USB legacy in BIOS so my labtop could use keypad in one of the os's and since then reboot has become a thing of the past10:16
mweXaero_Vincent: good10:16
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obscuriteaww, no ubuntu packages for xorgconfig10:16
mweXaero_Vincent: did you add your user back to the admin group?10:16
pepsi^^ubuntu doesn't have xorgconfig or xorgcfg by default10:16
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obscuriteMorrowyn, bolrod, i'll take a look thanks10:16
jafar00little help with compiling needed10:17
pepsi^^you can use sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:17
bolroddpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg works fine10:17
volleyand will it install easy on ubuntu10:17
tonyyarussoAny way to check differences between metapackages?  I want to know what's in edubuntu-desktop that isn't in {u,ku,xu}buntu-desktop.10:17
Xaero_Vincentyea... and su and sudo.. gksudo.. etc. are working again10:17
volleyfluxbox that is10:17
=== SirKillalot_ [n=caglar@dslb-084-056-100-141.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
Morrowyni always do my xorg thourgh vi10:17
mweXaero_Vincent: yeah. good10:17
pepsi^^is a easy way for adjust the settings10:17
merlin_anyone here has had any lock getting laptop s-video to work?....ati radeon mobility 960010:17
crimsuntonyyarusso: check their depends10:17
Morrowynbut thats just a matter of taste though10:17
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beta_mif i absolutely need to run a windows application, what do i use... i keep hearing about wine, is that the package i need?10:17
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tonyyarussocrimsun: Any simple way to narrow that down, or do I just have to sit and read through the whole thing?10:17
eobanbbeta_m, yes.10:18
jafar00i have installed build-essential and autoconf and automake but ./configure returns checking for wx-config... no10:18
jafar00configure: error:10:18
jafar00        Please check that wx-config is in path, etc...10:18
beta_meobanb: thanks10:18
jafar00how do I get wxconfig10:18
tonyyarussocrimsun: Like, show depends of edu.., grep -v u...10:18
obscuriteMorrowyn, something that could help me configure an external monitor would ROCK10:18
jafar00its not installed10:18
mwemerlin_: yeah. it was my old laptop though. I had to add something to xorg.conf but I don't remember what10:18
crimsuntonyyarusso: do it recursively. Have fun.10:18
Morrowynlike 2 monitors?10:18
obscuriteMorrowyn, especially if it knew how to set up various types of multi-monitor setups10:18
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obscuriteMorrowyn - One monitor would be cool, but if it knew how to configure dual display that would be amazing10:19
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tonyyarussocrimsun: Recursive metapackage depends checking by hand?  Icky.10:19
merlin_mwe: cuz i have the ati drivers install and i even have that control panel....but i get no output10:19
maxi1993does can anybody tell me how i can transform a dvdmovie into a .avi file with ubuntu please10:19
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jafar00maxi1993 use k3b10:19
Morrowynyou can use xinerama, although that doesnt support opengl on both screens, just your main, or if you have an nvidia card, then you are lucky10:19
mwemerlin_: you have to edit xorg.conf. google is my best advice. that's how I figured it out10:19
Morrowynand you can have opengl on both screens10:19
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware10:20
merlin_mwe: thank you10:20
obscuriteMorrowyn - have a lappy with an intel 915GM10:20
maxi1993i would like to shrink the size of the dvd from around 4 GB to 700 mb, is that possible with K3B?10:20
waldennot in k3b.10:20
mjrmaxi1993, dvdrip10:21
Morrowynok, then xinerama it is, it isnt that hard though10:21
ubotuwalden: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:21
waldennope. not there was well.10:21
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ubotujafar00: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:21
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mwe!info dvdrip10:21
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ubotudvdrip: (perl front end for transcode), section multiverse/graphics, is optional. Version: 1:0.52.5-0.0 (breezy), Packaged size: 365 kB, Installed size: 1656 kB10:21
MrZaiustalented writer, but he's never going to maintain this thing10:22
MrZaiusmachine won't boot without apic turned off10:22
Morrowynhttp://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Xinerama-HOWTO/index.html this one is nice10:22
MrZaiuswill future updates ever overwrite my /boot/grub/menu.lst?10:22
maxi1993ty :)10:22
obscuriteMorrowyn - Thanks, looking.10:22
Morrowynyou night wanna do it manually though10:22
bliss1__nickrud: HI Happy Easter--i hope10:22
MrZaiusI've got it set with kopt=, but want to know whether or not that'll be permanent10:22
DBOMrZaius, no10:22
kingspawnMrZaius: theoretically no. back it up to be sure.10:22
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MrZaiusso, on a related note10:23
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MrZaiushow does grub get updated when the kernel gets updated, and will it default to the newest version?10:23
jafar00can anyone tell me what provides wx-config?10:23
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gnomefreakMrZaius: apt updates grub for you and yes it _should_ list new kernel10:23
crimsunMrZaius: update-grub is called after /boot/grub/menu.lst is adjusted. And yes, it defaults to the newest one.10:23
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bliss1__MrZaius: update-grub10:24
emskoHi, I'm about to install Ubuntu on one of my comps, (I want only linux on it), and am wondering what the difference between "erase entire disk: ide1 master..." and "erase entire disk and use lvm: ide1 master..." is10:24
MrZaiuscool.  good enough for me, then10:24
crimsunjafar00: packages.ubuntu.com10:24
=== MrZaius thanks God he found you fellows, and didn't have to give the writer gentoo
obscuriteAnyone have kompose running with gnome? When I run it it seems to hang and spit out lots of msgs about pixmaps. I thought I was missing dependencies but nothing I installed helped.10:25
waldenlvm allows you to dynamically resize partitions on your disk... while in fixed partioning, you are stuck with the partitions you make during install.10:25
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emskowalden: so if I just plan on having ubuntu on the comp, I don't need lvm?10:25
javierasexwww.visualmaster.net/sex/webcam.exe el mejor porno gratis solo 2 dias total discrecion... veame soy tu opcion10:25
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waldenemsko: no need. just create a big enough /home and allow ubuntu to take care of the rest with a / partition10:26
=== bur[n] er wonders if a .exe file will have any effect on anyone foolish enought to click it
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emskocool, thanks bro10:26
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beta_mhow do i edit the boot up menu?10:27
waldenwhich menu?10:27
bur[n] erbeta_m: /boot/grub/menu.lst for the grub bootloader10:27
beta_mgrub or whatever10:27
beta_mok, thanks10:27
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waldenis there some software that allows you to track planetary object movements... and star charts based on where i am?10:29
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kingspawni am getting a beer.10:29
DBObur[n] er, no it will not unless it is compiled for linux and marked executable10:29
kingspawnwalden: best question ever.10:29
obscuriteIf I have a /dev/md0 (RAID-1) with two disks, each with a mirrored / partition and it's own swap partition, if I pull out one drive and reboot, should it always be able to boot off the other drive, or do I need to somehow prep it?10:29
waldeni dunno. will check.10:29
waldeni will checkthat about after my update gets over :) still about 20 mins left10:29
Morrowynkstars (for kde users)10:29
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waldenyeah, i have tthe kde libs installed. will get both then10:30
DBOobscurite, the idea is that you should be able to smash one of the drives with a sledge hammer and still boot... but that doesnt always work out...10:30
CokeNCodewhy is that that cntrl + alt + backspace doesn't get rid of hte x server with ubuntu, all it does is log me out, how do i get shut down x server ?10:30
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obscuriteDBO - I found that it only worked with one drive (I guess the non-boot drive). If I pulled the drive it was booting from, no luck.10:31
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Doomhammercan anyone give me a link to a xinerama howto that is more up-to-date than the one in the wiki ?10:31
DBOobscurite, you may have to have made a BIOS change for your boot drive...10:31
=== invvv_ [n=invvv_@213-48-145-76.cro.cvx.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
obscuriteDBO - hmm, didn't try that10:31
Centaur5Could anybody tell me how I can get into a vterm because Ctrl + Alt + F* keys no longer do.10:31
ubotuxinerama is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=xinerama&titlesearch=Titles Hopefully, one of these works for you, and feedback is welcome10:31
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latrekhi there10:32
latrekI just installed ubuntu10:33
latrekfor the first time10:33
waldennice :)10:33
latrekand x server just crashed on me10:33
waldennot nice.10:33
latreknot sure what to do10:33
Scar_Freewillmy totem player just crashes (disapers) when i add click the + button when there is already music in the list10:33
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latrekwhat do you think I should do?10:33
kingspawnScar_Freewill: never use totem. thats my rule of tuhmb.10:33
kingspawnthumb, even.10:34
mwelatrek: when did it crash?10:34
waldenupdate-rc.d -f remove gdm10:34
mwelatrek: I mean when you tried starting it or what?10:34
bliss1__DBO: is this  kernel log its only four or five lines anything of concern http://pastebin.ca/4944310:34
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latrekafter I did apt-get  upgrade10:34
bolroddid you install dapper or breezy?10:34
mwelatrek: oh. it worked before that?10:34
latrekI installed 5.1010:34
ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jafar0010:34
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latrekinstalled nvidia drivers10:35
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Scar_Freewillkingspawn: is tuhmb a multimedia app?10:35
bolroddid you install restricted modules?10:35
mwelatrek: well can you log in at the command line?10:35
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emskototem is teh suck10:35
kingspawnScar_Freewill: no, its a type.10:35
DBObliss1__, how old is your system?10:35
latreknot sure10:35
jafar00!MJPEG Tools10:35
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jafar0010:35
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jafar0010:35
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mwejafar00: please /msg the bot10:35
latrekI edited my sources.list file10:36
jafar00sorry :)10:36
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bolrodlatrek: what did you edit?10:36
DBObliss1__, well, something is wrong with ACPI it seems, but if everything is working... I wouldnt worry... though if that is your WHOLE kernel log, klogd seems to be dumping on you10:36
mabus06his sources.list file10:36
mwelatrek: can you log in at the command line? I guess so10:36
mike13i've got problem getting my soundcard to work10:36
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mike13can anyone help ??10:36
latrekthe last 2 lines to include multiverse10:36
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latrekand ...10:36
bliss1__DBO; installed ubuntu  on hda2in december deleted windos same time  sarge on hda2  -cannot reboot10:37
mwemike13: crimsun is our sound expert. don't know if he's around though10:37
bolrodlatrek: you worked with linux before?10:37
latrekyeah I can log in at the command line10:37
bliss1__DBO: ubuntu on hda110:37
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emskodo and of you know of a itunes-type program that links up with and allows you to manage music on an ipod?10:38
mwelatrek: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might at least get it to run10:38
latrekI've had little exp. in linux10:38
twidgetI've created a vfat partition to share my files between Windows and Ubuntu. As I understand it, /home can't be placed there, but I still should be able to save any files I want there, correct?10:38
bolrodlatrek: dpkg --get-selections | grep restricted10:38
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bolrodwhat does that show10:38
DBObliss1__, I understand your issue now...  i dont know an answer off the top of my head, but it seems there is an error within ACPI which is causing your issue10:38
mike13mwe> ok thanks10:38
latrekI also have a nvidia card if that means anything10:38
waldentwidget: yup. a fat32 partition to share data between your windows partition and normal user10:38
bolrodyes... I know10:38
obscuriteDBO - after I remove a drive, and reboot, the drive needs to be re-added to /dev/md0 - know how I can make that happen automagically?10:38
bolrodwhat does the command show?10:38
DBOobscurite, use hardware raid?10:39
waldentwidget: you can copy from fat32 to /home and vice versa10:39
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twidgetcool beans10:39
obscuriteDBO - i'll take that to mean you can't do that ;)10:39
twidgetnow if I could just fix my NVida driver :/10:39
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DBOobscurite, I could write a script to do it, but I wont recommend using it or even give it to you because its a dumb and dangerous idea10:39
captineanyone know how to install ubuntu 64bit 5.10 on turion without using "noapic" and "nolapic" copmmand?  my installation freezes without those?10:39
waldenhehe. i have a laptop. no nvidia or ati thinggummies in this.. safe.10:39
obscuriteDBO - makes sense10:39
bolrodlatrek: ?10:40
Scar_Freewillwhat is the latest version of wine already compiled 4 us10:40
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slavikI think10:40
slavikor 1210:40
bliss1__DBO: ok thanks I will post the whole kernel in a pastebin --had to disable USB legacy in BIOS so i can use keypad in sarge10:40
latrekok I'll try to dpkg xserver10:40
emskodo and of you know of a itunes-type program that links up with and allows you to manage music on an ipod?10:40
bolrodyou don't10:41
thechitowncubshey i want to put an old computer to use, what things could I have it do on my home network heh :)10:41
Scar_Freewillslavik: thx10:41
bolrodwhat does   dpkg --get-selections | grep restricted10:41
=== DBO is now known as DBshOwer
Scar_Freewilltel me try..10:41
bliss1__DBO: two kernels both 2.6 ubuntu and sarge10:41
eobanbthechitowncubs, you could do a lot of things, depending on how old it is10:41
DBshOwerbliss1__, I remember your issue10:41
slavikScar_Freewill: you have to add the wine repo ...10:41
__mikemwhat in gods name is going on here10:41
thechitowncubseobanb, 333mhz pentium 2 8gb hd 128mb of ram10:41
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gnomefreakubotu tell Scar_Freewill -about wine10:41
DBshOwerbliss1__, I just dont know a fix right now, give me time to try to either recreate it or figure out what is wrong10:41
slavikafaik, wine compiles are very up to date10:42
thechitowncubsI just want some ideas, I'm bored and I've got time to kill... what could I set up?10:42
bliss1__DBshOwer: no probs thanks10:42
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eobanbthechitowncubs, you could set up a server of some kind, like a web server, or you could set up a firewall..10:42
Scar_Freewillslavik: i have and i am downloading it atm, but it ceeps getting disconected while i am dling it10:42
Doomhammeri hit ctrl+alt+backspace, but kdm doesn't appear to be restarting... why?10:42
eobanbthechitowncubs, you could also have it run some sort of grid computing app like folding@home10:42
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bolrodlatrek: you need help?..10:43
darkf0xhey all10:43
thechitowncubseobanb, good idea, i was thinking about that10:43
tombo_Hi guys. can some one tell me how to edit priveliges of user accounts  from the terminal10:43
Doomhammerthe process "kdm" is still running according to ps -A, but it's not showing up10:43
mwetombo_: what do you wanna do specifically?10:43
bolrodyou can edit /etc/group by hand10:43
eobanbthechitowncubs, if you found a bigger hard drive, you could make it into a media server (for music)10:43
bolrodotherwise useradd10:44
darkf0xdoes anyone know anout a good rss feed reader that will stay on (fox example) on the right side of the desktop??10:44
mweno don't do that please10:44
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obscuriteDBO - if I have two identical boxes each with two drives, can I take a RAID1 drive from box 1, drop it in box 2, and build a system off it? or is that insane?10:44
mweyou should always use vigr10:44
mwenot edit /etc/group by hand10:44
mweuse vigr10:44
waldenbbs. if lucky10:44
thechitowncubseobanb, that might be a possibility, I have a 320gb hard drive with all my music, movies, etc and that would be easier to have it on a server like that10:44
thechitowncubssounds good10:44
thechitowncubsthanks for the ideas10:44
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Doomhammercan someone help me... why doesn't KDM restart by itself after a ctrl+alt+backspace ?10:44
bolrodmwe: whats the problem with editing /etc/group by hand?10:45
__mikemWhat would be a better choice, to take a windows machine and a live cd or my windows machine and my linux notebook10:45
Doomhammerplus, it's still not doing anything after i did a /etc/init.d/kdm restart10:45
mwebolrod: it doesn't prevent you from typos. vigr does10:45
obscurite__mikem, what do you need windows for?10:45
__mikemI am going on a trip in two days where I will need access to both a linux machine and a windows machine10:45
mwebolrod: it wont let you save unless the syntax is correct10:45
tombo_mwe I hve just installed ubuntu. Had problems with display and craeted a new account which fixed display, but I cannot makea ny system changes from new account10:45
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martyn_hi all10:45
Doomhammertombo: you need to use the command "sudo"10:45
__mikemIN my case its a competition for programmers, and they may require me to use a windows machine10:46
Doomhammertombo: for more information, type "man sudo" at a terminal10:46
mwetombo_: you need to add the user to the admin group10:46
bolrod /etc/group  isn't that difficult ...  :)   but erh.. is it catastrophic if you save with bad syntax?10:46
eobanbno problem, thechitowncubs .  if you need any help, just come back and ask10:46
__mikemobscurite did you get that10:46
mwetombo_: login as the first user and sudo adduser newusername admin10:46
obscurite__mikem - no way to call ahead?10:46
martyn_i am tring to copile new grf drivers how to i check if i am using gcc and not gcc410:46
ca38aspear_mikem will you have internet acsses if you do take the linux box and use vnc10:46
martyn_i am tring to copile new grf drivers how to i check if i am using gcc 3.4 and not gcc410:46
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mwemartyn_: gcc --version10:47
Doomhammermartyn: gcc --version ?10:47
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mike13anyone else for a problem with a sound card ??10:47
__mikemBecause, currently, my linux box is a notebook, and it is behind a firewall, and I don't feel like setting up vnc10:47
darkf0xi've see rss feed readers on ms machines that like stay on the desktop... but does anyone if i can get the same thing on my ubuntu box??10:47
mwemike13: you need to be more specific. did you try anything at all?10:47
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obscurite__mikem - ideally you could run vmware if you had to run windows10:47
whatsisnamezorhey can anyone with a dell laptop and a multimeter help me out for a second10:48
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mike13i read the documentation10:48
__mikemI don't have any spare license keys for windows10:48
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__mikemI do have a couple of vm ware licenses, but they are for windows machines10:48
whatsisnamezor__mikem any chance your laptop is a dell10:48
mike13i disabled the onboard soundcard10:48
__mikemum, no its a compaq10:48
latrekafter reconfiguring x server how do I start it up?10:48
__mikempresario 90010:48
whatsisnamezoralso, if you have spare licenses for vmware, i'm sure you could call vmware and swap10:48
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darkf0xlattrek: startx10:49
mwelatrek: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start or startx10:49
obscurite__mikem - yeah try to swap for linux10:49
mike13desinstalled then reinstalled alsa10:49
__mikemits the weekend, and I believe where I am, their tech support is closed for the day10:49
tombo_mwe. It says the user******* is already a member of 'admin'10:49
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obscurite__mikem - oh well sounds like you'll be taking both ;)10:49
mwetombo_: yes. and sudo doesn't work?10:50
whatsisnamezoranyone here have a dell laptop10:50
__mikemNow the trick is to clear that manuver with my father10:50
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captineanyone know how to install ubuntu 64bit 5.10 on turion without using "noapic" and "nolapic" copmmand?  my installation freezes without those?10:50
ca38aspearmwe do you have the sudo passwd10:50
__mikemmwe check your sudoers file10:50
obscurite__mikem - if he cares about you having a career then i'm sure he'll agree10:50
mwesudo works fine for me10:51
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mweI was commenting on tombo_'s problem10:51
ca38aspearmy bad10:51
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__mikemoh, then tell tombo_ to pastebin the output of less /etc/sudoers10:51
MrRioIs ubuntu participating in SoC this year?10:51
__mikemthat should tell us exactly what the problem is10:52
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eobanbMrRio, i believe they are10:52
mwe__mikem: but he can't unless he can sudo. he wont have permission10:52
tombo_mwe, how do you mean 'sudo doesn't work.  It seems to be working but I do not know how to use it10:52
__mikemdoes the su command work for him10:52
simonpcai have a question about Wvdial10:52
ryandoes any1 know of a widget that shows the ip's connected to your computer?10:52
mwetombo_: type sudo whatever you need to do as root10:52
__mikemum tombo_ sudo (name of command) [args] 10:52
simonpcawhen I try to dial, i got somethied like "no carrier"10:52
fiendskull9ryan, you measn the internal ips?10:52
mirakI can't enable TV out of ati 9600 with fireglcontrol10:52
simonpcawhat can it be?10:52
mirakI remember having it working already, but it doesn't anymore10:53
mwetombo_: I'm not sure I understand what your problem is10:53
__mikemtombo_ after you do that it will prompt you for YOUR password10:53
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ryanno external ip's10:53
__mikemmake sure you type YOUR password and not your root password10:53
__mikemthen it should work10:53
fiendskull9ryan, like, what is your external IP? or what external ips are transferring data10:53
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ryanfiendskull9, the external ip's that are transferring data10:54
fiendskull9ryan, hmmm. hold on10:54
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disasmi'm setting up amd64 breezy with mdadm software raid, i have 4 320 gig sata hd's in the computer, each partition 10M boot, 1G swap 10G / rest /var i did software raid, and joined the drives, and its currently doing resync on the last drive. do i need to wait for the drives to resync before continuing the install? Just asking because I didn't wait originally, and it failed part way through, so I figured I'd let it finish syncing (been almost10:55
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tombo_I mwe, mikem; want to creat an account so that I can make changes to the system.  at the moment I have a terminal and several useless accounts.  I am now su as root!10:55
Zarephathif [ -d ~/myscripts ]  ; then10:55
Zarephath    PATH=~/myscripts:"${PATH}"10:55
ZarephathShould this not work to add the directory to my path?10:55
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__mikemtombo_  it sounds like you want to log in as root10:55
fiendskull9ryan, i dont know of a widgetm but you can type "netstat" in terminal. and itll show all your current connections. but no guarentee itll give the others IP, most of the time itll give the hostname. for example, im not geting freenodes ip, im getting herbert.freenode.n10:55
__mikemyou need to enable your root account first10:56
ryanfiendskull9, that's quite alright, thanks for your help10:56
fiendskull9ryan, word10:56
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mwetombo_: you need to make sure those users are in the admin group. it seems you did that. now paste /etc/sudoers to pastebin.com10:56
scifilol after about 3 hours of arsing about, finally solved refresh rate problem lol10:56
bliss1__DBshOwer: there is a full kernel log here if you need it http://pastebin.ca/4944710:56
__mikemmwe it sounds like he just wants an account with administrative access, I am not sure how the contents of his sudoers file is going to help us10:57
mweZarephath: you need to export PATH10:57
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mirakhow can fireglcontrol from ATI can change /etc/X11/xorg.conf without beeing root ?10:57
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mweZarephath: export PATH=${PATH}: ...10:57
Zarephathmwe: It should work this way too?10:58
mwe__mikem: it will show if the admin group is set up to allow sudo10:58
ZarephathAhhh...it is just checking but not adding it to PATH?10:58
__mikemoh ok10:58
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mweZarephath: you need the export keyword10:58
tombo_mikem;  I am now logged in as root.  Is there any way I can creat an account with full priveledges.  What do you mean paste /etc sudoers to pastbin.com?....The machine is not on the net10:58
scifiwhen i log out of ubuntu, it then takes me to the non-qui terminal screen, can i get from there to the boot-up list so i can choose to bootup in windows?10:58
__mikemUm, yes there is tombo_10:58
__mikemhold on10:58
mweZarephath: your syntax is correct other than that10:59
disasmtombo_: how many lines are in there?10:59
TeddHi, can someone help me with Gnomebaker? I'm trying to burn an audio CD and it tells me it doesn't have the plugin for it.10:59
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mirakhow can fireglcontrol from ATI can change /etc/X11/xorg.conf without beeing root ?10:59
__mikemyou can use the useradd command10:59
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tombo_disasm; how many lines where?10:59
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disasmtombo_: /etc/sudoers11:00
Zarephathmwe: Will logging out and back in cause it to re-read the .bash_profile?11:00
mwetombo_: you checked that your user is in the admin group, right?11:00
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__mikemtombo_ look at the useradd command, if you want to know how to use it, type man useradd11:00
TeddHi, can someone help me with Gnomebaker? I'm trying to burn an audio CD and it tells me it doesn't have the plugin for it.11:00
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disasm__mikem: why useradd? adduser is so much easier...11:00
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scifihow do i get from non-gui terminal screen to boot up screen?11:01
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mweZarephath: yeah. or source .bash_profile11:01
fiendskull9scifi, startx11:01
disasmscifi: try startx, should get an error of some sort if theres a problem, otherwise gui should start11:01
__mikemdisasm, I never heard of that command, but based on the man pages it should work to11:01
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mweZarephath: changes go to .bashrc normally though. that file should be sourced from .bash_profile11:01
scifino that takes me back into ubuntu login screen. i want to get to boot-up list where i can choose to bootup in windows11:02
sublimeSomeone  know about the cdmon script ?11:02
mweZarephath: that way it will be sourced wheter it's login shell or not11:02
disasm__mikem: useradd is great for scripting, but for quickly creating a new user (especially if you don't know how to use useradd) adduser is much easier11:02
martyn_can any 1 hlp me big time please . i have been installing Nvidia grx driver like the guides that every 1 keeps telling mt to go to. i use them and try to comple the drivers. i have installed gcc3.4 and switched over to them to but every time i use the installer it tells me i need to used 3.4 when i have11:02
crouchingMonkeyhow can i find where the conky folder is located ?11:02
Zarephathmwe: I don't follow..what do you mean "sourced"?11:02
TeddHi, can someone help me with Gnomebaker? I'm trying to burn an audio CD and it tells me it doesn't have the plugin for it. I an't find anything like it in Synaptic.11:02
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mweZarephath: read by bash11:02
disasmcrouchingMonkey: you mean config? .conkyrc11:02
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__mikemdisasm tell that to the guy who wrote the Linux Bible 2006 Eddition11:02
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disasm__mikem: lol ;-) never read it11:03
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__mikemWell, I need to start somewhere11:03
scifino that takes me back into ubuntu login screen. i want to get to boot-up list where i can choose to bootup in windows11:03
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Zarephathmwe: So how do I tie it to .bashrc?11:03
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disasm__mikem: adduser is debian specific so if the books not based on debian, it probably has no clue what adduser is11:03
martyn_can any 1 hlp me big time please . i have been installing Nvidia grx driver like the guides that every 1 keeps telling mt to go to. i use them and try to comple the drivers. i have installed gcc3.4 and switched over to them to but every time i use the installer it tells me i need to used 3.4 when i have11:03
Teddcan anybody help me? Please/11:03
mweZarephath: did you change the default .bash_profile?11:04
eliHello everyone11:04
disasmTedd: problem?11:04
crouchingMonkeydisasm, is it supposed to be in the /home/ ?11:04
Zarephathmwe: Yes11:04
mweZarephath: ok11:04
Tedddisasm,  I'm trying to burn an audio CD and it tells me it doesn't have the plugin for it. I an't find anything like it in Synaptic.11:04
slavikdiff outputs nothing if files are the same?11:04
ZarephathIn ~/<myusername>11:04
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disasmcrouchingMonkey: /home/disasm/.conkyrc11:04
__mikemThe book includes several distros on its "companion cd" including ubuntu, so I am not entirely sure about that11:04
mweZarephath: my .bash_profile has: if [ -f ~/.bashrc ] ; then; . ~/.bashrc; fi11:04
disasmTedd: sorry, i use k3b (about the only kde app i like)11:05
TeddSigh. Thanks anyways.11:05
mweZarephath: that's the default I think. it does nothing but sourcing .bashrc11:05
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__mikemdisasm the only reason I don't use KDE is because I can't get it to run in screen resolutions abovr 1024x768,11:05
Tedddisasm, will K3b work with gnome11:05
martyn_any 1 here good with installing Nvidia drivers and dont point me to the guides i keep try and they dont work11:05
disasmTedd: if you don't mind the extra libraries, sudo apt-get install k3b should do the trick11:05
Zarephathmwe: Gotcha..thanks11:05
TeddCool. Thanks,.11:05
disasm__mikem: i'm a fluxbox guy11:06
slavikdiff outputs nothing if files are the same?11:06
eliI have a question about chown, in terminal I have to the following -> sudo chown -R user:**user_name** ~/.ecore11:06
__mikemoh, I coudl never really get into those alternate DEs11:06
mweslavik: no11:06
disasm__mikem: i used ratpoison and pekwm for a while but they were just a hare to minimal11:06
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slavikmwe: I run diff on 2 files and it doesn't output anything11:06
__mikemdisasm ever use xfce11:06
eliand i get the error -> `user:john': invalid user11:06
redguy__mikem: hmm, but selecting resolutions is not a KDE thing, its a X.org setting11:06
disasm__mikem: yup for about a year or so11:06
mweslavik: that should mean they're identical11:07
eliwhile using dapper11:07
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slavikoh, ok11:07
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redguy!tell eli about dapper11:07
slavikthat's what I was asking :P11:07
__mikemredguy, I know thats what puzzled me about it, but I had no such problems while I was in gnome11:07
__mikemit was just weird11:07
slavikis there a way to time how long it takes a program to run?11:07
elithanks redguy11:07
crimsunslavik: time11:07
redguyslavik: time program11:08
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enr1x|MarcosBOXgood night from barcelona!11:08
disasmslavik: time|program11:08
disasmi'm late ;-)11:08
enr1x|MarcosBOXdo you know how can i disable the signature checking when apt-getting things_11:08
slavikgot it, ty11:08
mweyou should use | with time. just time foobar11:08
obscuriteanyone here using dapper as their main OS?11:09
mweobscurite: yes11:09
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__mikembreezy stilll does the trick for me11:09
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e-sinim interested to see dapper but not until RC111:09
simonpcaa+, je vais manger | bye, i'm gonna eat something11:09
e-sinbroken != fun11:09
__mikemI rather not use beta software11:10
obscuritemwe - how's it going so far?11:10
dbernar1Ya, but a live CD should do great, e-sin11:10
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e-sini dont mind beta software, but not a beta OS11:10
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mweobscurite: pretty good. a few things are broken. I worked around it though11:10
e-sinjust a little too much for me hehe11:10
scifiif i logout or restart from ubuntu x server it just takes to the terminal, how do i actually restart to get to bootup list?11:10
dbernar1e-sin: you never tried a live CD of dapper flight6, though.11:10
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obscuritemwe - like what?11:10
obscuritemwe - and what are your favorite things that are new or improved?11:10
e-sindbernar1, no, actually.  i always forget about those hehe11:10
__mikemJust out of curiousity, are they shiping pressed CDs for Kubuntu yet11:10
dbernar1scifi: like pressing escape to get the grub menu?11:11
e-sindbernar1, think im out of cdrs anyway11:11
dbernar1__mikem: for dapper?11:11
redguyscifi: you mean how to reboot?11:11
scifidbernar1:yes grub is the word i was looking for, so just press esc when in terminal?11:11
mweobscurite: like danish locale not being supported. adept_updater is broken. kdm is broken. checkinstall is broken. using gdm instead and installed checkinstall with a patch myself and changed the locale to en_US11:11
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scifiredguy: to get to grub and/or reboot11:12
mweobscurite: it's not too bad all in all it works fine11:12
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mweobscurite: i don't have any problems right now11:12
obscuritemwe - anything better than 5.10?11:12
redguyscifi: to get to grub == to reboot in most cases11:12
mirakis ther a dapper channel ?11:12
mweobscurite: well hotplug is gone. that's really great11:12
redguyscifi: there should be a reboot option somewhere11:13
beefsprocketmirak: #ubuntu+111:13
mweobscurite: newer versions of programs. overall feeling is about the same11:13
redguymirak: see /topic11:13
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obscuritemwe - cool, thanks for your thoughts11:13
Tedddisasm, I downloaded k3b, but it says Unsupported Format11:13
dbernar1scifi: ya, just press escape while bootinh.11:13
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disasmTedd: what format is it?11:13
scifiredguy: pressing esc in terminal isnt getting me to grub11:13
Tedddisasm, mp311:13
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disasmand is it saying the music is unsupported format or the cd is unsupported format?11:14
dbernar1Tedd: do you have mp3 support otherwise on the computer?11:14
__mikemubotu tell Tedd about mp311:14
redguyscifi: do you want to reboot from the terminal?11:14
dbernar1It should just burn, though, it does not need to encode...11:14
scifiredguy: i want to get to grub from the terminal11:14
Tedd__mikem, I have heard up down and sideways about mp3 thank you11:14
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Tedddbernar1, I have mp3 support with XMMS, which is the only thing I use.11:15
__mikemsorry, I was just trying to help, but if you don't have gstreamer installed, it really isn't going to work11:15
slavikwhen time gives te output, which one is the total time it took for the program to run?11:15
redguyscifi: from terminal as in "no GUI" ? or from terminal as in "a terminal app opened in Gnome or KDE" ?11:15
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scifiredguy: as in no gui11:15
mweslavik: all of them11:15
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redguyscifi: #1 press ctrl-alt-del, #2 sudo reboot11:16
disasmscifi: type grub11:16
mweslavik: real is the total11:16
slavikmwe: thanks11:16
__mikemwhat does ctrl alt del do in linux11:16
dbernar1Tedd: xmms has built-in support for mp3s, it is not system wide. I do not see why k3b would need mp3 support, since it does not need to play the song. Like disasm said, does it say unsupported for the cd, or the files?11:16
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Fenrir-any ubuntu gurus here ?11:16
Tedddbernar1, Unsupported format for the files.11:17
slavik__mikem: open gnome-session-manager or something11:17
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mweFenrir-: just ask and you'll see :)11:17
slaviksystem monitor11:17
disasmTedd: is lame installed?11:17
erUSULdbernar1: to make music cd out of mp3 files directly11:17
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Fenrir-i am trying to get ubuntu to notice my usb modem connection :;SSS11:17
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scifityped grub...looks like grub isnt what i wanted either :P11:17
Tedddisasm: sudo apt-get install lame?11:17
redguyFenrir-: what kind of modem?11:17
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mweerUSUL: yeah k3b can do that, can't it?11:17
dbernar1scifi: reboot, press escape11:17
redguyscifi: what do you want to do then?11:17
disasmdbernar1: it has to convert from mp3 to wav to put it on a cd in audio format11:17
Fenrir-Prestige 623 series11:17
mweerUSUL: if you install libk3b2-mp3 or something11:18
scifii want the list of options which shows ubuntu, ubuntu recoverry mode and at the botton of the list windows xp11:18
tobiassdfsdfHey, would someone mind telling me what the URL to the official Ubuntu repository is?11:18
erUSULmwe: yes, that's what i said11:18
disasmTedd: try it, i don't remember if it's on a restricted source though11:18
Fenrir-it is connected on this com and i need it to connect to the "ubuntu comp" with the usb thingie11:18
redguyscifi: reboot then11:18
latrekI'm having a lot of trouble configuring xserver11:18
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dbernar1disasm: OK, good thinking. Ya, then he has to install some codecs. libmad0 IIRC.11:18
redguyFenrir-: does it support linux?11:18
latrekI di the dpkg xserver11:18
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dbernar1!find libmad11:18
Fenrir-And the ubuntu is Graphical11:18
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'libmad' (4 shown): libmad-ocaml ;; libmad-ocaml-dev ;; libmad0 ;; libmad0-dev.11:18
scifiso thats my question, i cant get from the non gui terminal to the boot list without rebooting?11:19
Fenrir-Redguy i think so ;E11:19
Tedddisasm,  it wasn't installed11:19
TeddI just installed it11:19
mwelatrek: and sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start doesn't work?11:19
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Fenrir-i think ubuntu just doesnt want to notice the internet connection ;S11:19
dbernar1Tedd: installed libmad0?11:19
latrekand followed the steps but x server doesn't work11:19
mwelatrek: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start doesn't work?11:19
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tobiassdfsdfHey, does anyone know the URL to the Ubuntu repository?11:19
Tedddbernar1, I just insatlled lame11:19
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Tedddbernar1, should I insatll libmad011:19
latrekI did startx and it gave me errors11:20
dbernar1tobiassdfsdf: for apt, or for a browser?11:20
jorgpI have the flash plugin for mozilla installed, but when I go to startrek.com it says that flash is required, what did I do wrong?11:20
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xorian`what's a good ftp client that supports SSL, TLS and FXP for in Ubuntu?11:20
tobiassdfsdfdbernar1: for apt11:20
Tedddbernar1, its installed arlready11:20
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mwelatrek: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start11:20
dbernar1Tedd: try with what you have now, then try libmad if it don't work11:20
latrekok mwe11:20
mwelatrek: or pastebin.com the eroor11:20
dbernar1tobiassdfsdf: archives.ubuntu.com11:20
tobiassdfsdfdbernar: thanks11:20
disasmTedd: what about k3b-mp3 if that doesn't work11:20
dbernar1tobiassdfsdf: also /msg ubotu sources11:20
redguyFenrir-: what kind of modem is it? ADSL perhaps?11:20
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bdash_is there a good utorrent equivalent in linux (small fooprint, good features, quick)?11:21
jorgpbdash_: no11:21
tobiassdfsdfdbernar1: so "deb http://archives.ubuntu.com"?11:21
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Tedddisasm, that fixed it11:21
jorgpbdash_: ktorrent is close, but mising many features compared to utorrent11:21
dbernar1Tedd: OK, cool.11:21
ProhibitedSome guy keeps DoSing me..... How can I stop DoS attacks or make it harder to DoS my site :(11:21
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disasmTedd: awesome, perfect timing to, cause servers going to be ready for me to do stuff in less than a minute!11:22
dbernar1tobiassdfsdf: I like http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1148711:22
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TeddSweet, dbernar1, disasm thanks11:22
Fenrir-00:20:39) (redguy) Fenrir-: what kind of modem is it? ADSL perhaps?11:22
Fenrir-yep adsl11:22
latrekmwe, I did /etc/init.d/gdm start but it failed11:22
dbernar1And do you know what IP address you get when you are connected? Fenrir-11:23
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mwelatrek: what error?11:23
redguy!tell fernir about nicktab11:23
erUSULFenrir-: go and take a look over here http://zyxel630-11.sourceforge.net/11:23
tobiassdfsdfdbernar1: sweet, thanks11:23
redguy!tell Fenrir- about nicktab11:23
latrekhold on, the errors is on another computer so I can't paste it11:23
Sn3f3ruanyone knows how to keep two folders syncronized on file change via scp? From windows I was using WinSCP, but from linux to linux I haven't found yet something11:23
mwelatrek: look at /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:24
dbernar1Sn3f3ru: why not make a network folder?11:24
erUSULSn3f3ru: scp?11:24
Sn3f3ruI need two copies11:24
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mwelatrek: grep EE /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:24
Sn3f3ruscp knows about file change?11:24
erUSULSn3f3ru: rsync ?11:24
Sn3f3runo rsync11:24
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latrekit said fatal server error: no screens found11:24
Sn3f3ruI can't install anything on the remote server11:24
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Sn3f3ruand rsync is not available11:25
mwelatrek: you probably didn't answer the questions correctly11:25
latrekmwe is it because I'm using a kvm switch?11:25
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erUSULSn3f3ru: well rsync was designed for that kind of usage scenario11:25
scififenrir: they have some drivers here http://accessrunner.sourceforge.net/, but i dont know how to install them, i have the same problem as u with my usb adsl modem router11:25
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mwelatrek: I don't know. I don't know much about kvm11:25
Sn3f3ruthank you11:25
ProhibitedHow can I prevent dos attacks on my server.....Firewall suggestions? I don't know much about DoS at all =\11:26
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_-AnTHo-_hey, anyone know how to label mounted drives say hdc2 to something else?11:26
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dbernar1DoS is when someone ties up your resources so noone else can access them. Spoofing requests to your server.11:27
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ProhibitedPinging...etc right11:27
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ProhibitedConstant pings that is ^11:27
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Fenrir-scifi ic11:27
ProhibitedWell do you know how I can prevent it or make it harder for someone to dos me? It's beginning to annoy me badly11:28
redguyProhibited: what makes you think that you are DoSsed?11:28
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ProhibitedSome guy told me he had his "hacker" friend DoS me, and my connection like died for HOURS last night11:29
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dbernar1Prohibited: can you explain more about your issue in one line?11:29
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Prohibitedsure dbernar, pretty much I need to prevent people from DoSing me. I got knocked offline quite fast last night and they are saying it will happen again if I don't make one of them a mod on my chat.11:30
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dbernar1Prohibited: kicked off line, like, lost your IP address, or how exactly.11:31
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PuMpErNiCkLeProhibited: get their IP addresses, and report those to their ISP11:32
redguyProhibited: well, you might report this to your ISP, they might block the IPs that you are DoSed from for example11:32
ProhibitedI'm not completely sure... I just know once he said he was going to get my site hacked everyone was saying my site was lagging, and loading really slow... so I pinged my IP and it was over 200 ms, then I tried rebooting, which made it even slower it seemed... It came back a few times but loaded really slow11:32
Fenrir-i am transferin files from this comp to the linux comp with my portable mp3 player11:32
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Fenrir-where i can find the file paths , where i have to add the files and run em then in the console thingie11:33
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shinuwhere can find the airodump package?11:33
shinuwhich repos that is11:33
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ubotuSome people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, fiendskull911:34
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tburdickI tried installing cinelerra, but there's a bunch of old dependencies, is there any official way of installing cinelerra that works?11:35
dbernar1shinu: /msg ubotu info airodump11:35
tburdickand why isn't it in the repos to begin with... its gpl, and a very nice piece of softwre11:35
_-AnTHo-_hey, anyone know how to label mounted drives say hdc2 to something else?11:35
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martyn_can any 1 help me with nvida install problems11:35
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dbernar1ubotu: tell tburdick about cinelerra11:36
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>11:36
shinuohh... it was all in aircrack package :] 11:36
tburdickdbernar1: the link is dead for the getting11:36
tburdickand I believe I followed those instructions already11:36
tburdickand thats where I came across dependencies that were too old11:37
tburdickcinelerra claimed there weren't up to date versions available11:37
tburdickof libdv and something else11:37
martyn_i cant install Nvidia drivers at all it keeps telling that i need to compile with gcc 3.4 and i have this on not 4.0 i am stuck . i have followed the guids but still no luck can any 1 help?11:38
=== theblue [n=theblue@c-69-140-159-42.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Tm_Tmartyn_: err11:38
theblueHi all.11:38
ubotusomebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:38
theblueDoes anyone here use cwirc?11:38
PuMpErNiCkLemartyn_: 'sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx'11:38
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tburdickso once again, are there any working packages for cinelerra somewhere? or atleast a place where I can get cinelerra dependencies?11:38
PuMpErNiCkLemartyn_: That will install the official nvidia driver for you, without having to compile anything. :)11:38
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martyn_i need the Newist drivers as i have a 7900gtx11:38
PuMpErNiCkLemartyn_: ah11:39
martyn_PuMpErNiCkLe; will that install the latest driver11:39
PuMpErNiCkLemartyn_: Nope. :o11:40
TheMonoToneall I need to do is edit a video file, is there anything else besides cinelerra or kino that can do this?11:40
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martyn_PuMpErNiCkLe: i need the latetst on for my card because no outher will recgonise it11:40
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TheMonoTonesince it seems impossible to get cinelerra working in any short amount of time11:40
martyn_any ideas11:41
dbernar1TheMonoTone: You are sure you followed all those repositories the walkthrough suggests.11:42
mwemartyn_: what was the problem in following the guide you found?11:42
LinuxNoob|Scotthow about the ATI drivers - I have a x850 Radeon11:42
LinuxNoob|Scottis there a quick easy way to get it?11:42
ubotu[ati]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358911:42
mweLinuxNoob|Scott: read that11:42
TheMonoTonethey don't have the correct versions, is what the cinelerra package claims11:42
martyn_mwe: ok i followed section 2 as it said it would install latest driver11:42
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mwemartyn_: and?11:43
TheMonoTonecinelerra wants libdv 5.2, latest version available from said repos is 5.0.2 or something like that11:43
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LinuxNoob|Scottwhy dont the links work without right clicking?11:43
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beta_mhey, does anybody know how to install wine, i added the repository the way it says on their website, and yet there's no wine in the list after i search for it... q;-(11:43
mabus06sudo apt-get install wine11:44
TheMonoToneif it works for you, please let me know what deb sources your using then11:44
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scififenrir, if u ever work it out, pls let me know :)11:44
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mwebeta_m: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine11:44
martyn_mwe: i download drivers. install gcc 3.4 and swap from gcc4.0 to 3.4, then try to install drivers . it wantt o cplile them its self and it keeps telling me that i need gcc3.4  when it is gcc3.411:44
odin_I know I have a java interpretor, but does ubuntu have a java compiler?11:44
mwebeta_m: that should work unless you fscked your sources.list11:44
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TheMonoTonecinelerra: Depends: libavc1394-0 (>= 0.5.2) but 0.5.0-2 is to be installed11:44
TheMonoTonethats one of about 5 errors I get11:44
TheMonoTonefor versions11:44
mwemartyn_: does gcc --version confirm that?11:44
mabus06odin_: get the jdk11:45
mabus06from the sun website11:45
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linuxgeekeryah... nice XGL goodness finally working :)11:45
martyn_mwe: yes. the guid i used whas this 1 http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7507411:45
beta_mthanks mwe, so why didn't it work in the graphical mode?11:45
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martyn_mwe:cc (GCC) 3.4.5 20050809 (prerelease)11:46
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dbernar1TheMonoTone: post the errors to paste.ubuntu-nl.org11:46
conmiwebhello anybody has intel graphics processor on a lapatop?11:46
odin_mabus06:  is that on the ubuntu archive?  can't find it11:46
TheMonoToneone moment11:46
Chris_Ccan someone help me get my flash card to mount in the reader?11:46
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mabus06!tell odin_ about java11:46
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mabus06odin_: Just get the jdk instead of the jre11:46
Chris_Cit used to work, and now when I plug it in ... nothing11:46
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Doomhammerguys i need some help configuring xorg... my xorg.conf doesn't work - here's the one that doesn't work, with the differences from the working one highlighted: http://pastebin.com/66215311:47
Chris_CI've already searched ubuntuforums11:47
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martyn_mwe: any ideas11:47
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linuxgeekeryChris_C: is the reader usb?11:47
Toby24Hi how to update my ooo  to ooo 2,0 ?11:47
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linuxgeekeryToby24: apt-get upgrade11:47
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mwemartyn_: I don't know why it tells you to setup a root password11:48
dbernar1ooo is jjust that. ooo2 is a diff. app altogether. Really you will not be updating.11:48
Toby24apt-get upgrade openofficeorg?11:48
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disasmdoing an install with breezy amd64 have a sata software raid, it's installing grub and taking forever on probing devices, is it normal to take a long time with 4 sata 320 gig hd's?11:48
dbernar1Toby24: do you run breezy?11:48
Fenrir-How to install those drivers11:48
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: yes11:48
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disasmToby24: apt-get install openoffice.org11:48
martyn_mwe: well i ahve tried for days now no 1 has a clue11:48
jsmidtDoes anybody know what to do about this error when I type startx?fatal server error:could not open default font 'fixed'11:49
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mwemartyn_: anyway can't you just sudo -i then run the installer?11:49
disasmToby24: err apt-get install openoffice.org211:49
=== arrick [n=Arrick@pool-71-115-179-219.gdrpmi.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwemartyn_: if gcc --version still says 3.4-something?11:49
Doomhammersorry to repeat myself, guys i need some help configuring xorg... my xorg.conf doesn't work - here's the one that doesn't work, with the differences from the working one highlighted: http://pastebin.com/66215311:49
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
martyn_mwe:its when i try to install it it says i can becaus ei need 3.411:49
Doomhammeri'm trying to get xinerama to handle my dual displays11:49
dbernar1jsmidt: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg11:50
mwemartyn_: that makes no sense11:50
arrickmwe, check ou tmy site so far, http://arrick.no-ip.com11:50
linuxgeekeryChris_C: ok...11:50
arrickmwe, by the way good evening11:50
=== mauper [n=mauper@dslb-082-083-250-050.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
martyn_i dont know11:50
=== ressu [n=ressu@a81-197-169-244.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
mwearrick: hey11:50
dbernar1arrick: *khm* spam *khm*11:50
TheMonoTonedbernar1: any ideas?11:50
linuxgeekeryChris_C: what did you mount it as before? sda? hda? something else?11:50
martyn_mwe: is there any way i can pull up an install log that u can look at11:51
arrickspam? when i talk to a friend?11:51
=== Enr1x|Marquinhos [n=marco@85-50-35-94.bcn1.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #ubuntu
Chris_Clinuxgeekery:  It would automount, I believe as sda11:51
linuxgeekeryChris_C: was it in fstab?11:51
dbernar1TheMonoTone: I will look now.11:51
Jowihi everyone11:51
dbernar1TheMonoTone: post your sources.list too, please.11:51
ohzieHas anyone gotten cedega running on ubuntu?11:51
TheMonoToneno problem11:51
Chris_CI don't know ... tell me more ... /etc/fstab?11:51
erUSULDoomhammer: afaik xinerama and twinview are not compatible11:52
erUSULDoomhammer: you have one or the other but not both11:52
mwearrick: it looks good11:52
linuxgeekeryChris_C: yes. is there an entry in there under /dev/sd something?11:52
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: it's not in fstab11:52
linuxgeekeryChris_C: hmmm.11:52
erUSULDoomhammer: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=387&num=111:52
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: should it be if it's supposed to automount?11:52
mwemartyn_: I need to figure out why it doesn't reconize gcc-3.411:52
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DoomhammererUSUL: thanks11:52
Jowi!tell ohzie about cedega11:52
mwemartyn_: what does ls -l /usr/bin/gcc say?11:52
TheMonoTonethats my sources.list file11:53
erUSULDoomhammer: no problem11:53
linuxgeekeryChris_C: wait... do you want it to mount every time at boot or just when you plug it in?11:53
hijackedpeni m in a gr8 problem :(11:53
hijackedpenplz help me11:53
linuxgeekeryhijackedpen: do tell ;P11:53
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: just when I plug it in11:53
DoomhammererUSUL: one more ? ... is the xinerama line in the right place, in the ServerFlags section ?11:53
linuxgeekeryChris_C: OH! I was thinking about at boot...11:53
Jowihijackedpen: first you might want to say what your problem is11:53
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Chris_Cright, the autodetect/hotplug part seems to not work anymore11:54
linuxgeekeryChris_C: ok11:54
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dbernar1TheMonoTone: OK. a few secs.11:54
linuxgeekeryChris_C: run this in a terminal: ps ax | grep hal and see if it comes up with anything11:54
hijackedpeni am having compaq presario laptop and i wanna install ubuntu 5.10... i tried it 6 times again and again but i am always facing the problem of debootstraperror :(11:54
martyn_mwe:llrwxrwxrwx  1 root root 16 2006-04-15 21:50 /usr/bin/gcc -> /usr/bin/gcc-3.411:54
hijackedpeni really wanna use it11:54
hijackedpenplz help11:54
jadaz87hello i was wondering if the result of this command was a temporary or permanent: export LC_ALL=C11:54
mwearrick: the image on contact looks somewhat garbled though11:55
mwemartyn_: it sounds like the installer is broken then11:55
linuxgeekeryhijackedpen: well... maybe it's a faulty burn11:55
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: three hits, including /usr/sbin/hald11:55
=== slizardo [n=slizardo@179.Red-83-50-167.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
kingspawnjadaz87: temp11:55
slizardoPlease help me!!11:55
jadaz87kingspawn thank you :-)11:55
hijackedpeni have burned it correctly sir11:55
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.11:55
slizardoWhere can i find the gnome-sharp library?11:55
martyn_mwe: i have tried the old version to and get the same problem11:56
linuxgeekeryChris_C: well, that part's fine. hald is responsible for gnome's automounting features11:56
martyn_mwe: and the 64 version11:56
mwemartyn_: I don't know why11:56
mwemartyn_: I think it sounds broken11:56
=== steigweis [n=steigwei@p5087AB5F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
linuxgeekeryChris_C: did you upgrade recently?11:56
dbernar1TheMonoTone: is your computer a pentium?11:56
=== rgould [n=rgould@S010600014a5e5049.gv.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
martyn_ah well i think i should give up on ubuntu now lol11:56
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: nope, just Breezy11:57
dbernar1The AthlonXP thing?11:57
TheMonoTone2 athlon mp's to be exact11:57
Chris_Cthis happened once before and it fixed itself, IIRC11:57
=== dbernar1 is arch illiterate
=== chop [n=chop@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has left #ubuntu []
dbernar1TheMonoTone: /exec -o uname -r11:57
TheMonoTonedbernar1: but yeah, amd chip :-)11:57
=== chop [n=chop@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
hijackedpenwhen 6.10 will release??11:57
Chris_Cnothing shows up in dmesg when I plug it in11:57
mwemartyn_: I mean it says you need gcc-3.4 but that's what you have11:58
linuxgeekeryChris_C: really?11:58
hijackedpenwhen 6.10 will release??11:58
tonyyarussohijackedpen: In the tenth month of 2006.11:58
dbernar1TheMonoTone: you have a 386 kernel installed.11:58
tonyyarussohijackedpen: 6.06 comes first though.11:58
Jowihijackedpen: according to this thread ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76316&page=1 ) it might still be a bad burn, did you check the md5 of the iso you downloaded?11:58
martyn_mwe: i know11:58
TheMonoToneyeah I know11:58
Chris_Clinuxgeekery: yes, really :)11:58
TheMonoToneI haven't bothered to upgrade11:58
TheMonoToneI was going to do that as soon as I got cinelerra11:59
dbernar1TheMonoTone: OK, we need those packages then.11:59
hijackedpeni installed it from the original distribution also11:59
linuxgeekeryChris_C: try plugging it in and rebooting with it plugged in. maybe there's a problem with ubuntu's hw detection. it redetects on boot11:59
hijackedpenbut got the same error11:59
dbernar1TheMonoTone: I will get you a sources.list as best as I can. I am at work, though, so it will take a few.11:59
hijackedpeni think that distribution is scratched:-s11:59
mwemartyn_: can't you email someone from support maybe11:59

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