
mdkeLaserJock_away, pong12:36
mdketrappist, sorry, I don't see why removing xreflabels will have an unintended effect on cross references links12:41
mdkefor example, the serverguide doesn't use them at all, and it happily cross references links12:41
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=== mdke kicks screen
highvoltagemdke: how come? if you got a "Lost terminal" it probably means you weren't running under screen.12:46
mdkehighvoltage, i was though :)12:46
mdkei had to go out and kill it12:47
mdkeit deserved it12:47
highvoltageprobably did12:47
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mdkeLaserJock_away, just had a quick look at the PG, from what I can see, the way you use linkends, there will be no problem simply removing the xreflabels and letting the links take their text from the relevant section titles01:00
robotgeekmdke: damn, i replied to you instead of to the list01:03
mdkerobotgeek, np. By the way, this isn't super urgent01:03
mdkeit can easily wait until next week at least01:03
robotgeekmdke: just came back from a run, i'll try to see if i can regex it :)01:04
mdkecool :)01:04
mdkeah good01:05
LaserJockmdke: you sure?01:05
mdkeLaserJock, why not?01:05
LaserJockmdke: ok, so the beginning of http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-scratch.html01:06
mdketake a look at the ubuntu desktop guide in yelp, common tasks -> video -> dvd's has quite a few01:06
LaserJockthere is a link to the pbuilder section01:06
mdkeoh hell01:06
mdkewell, that has to go01:07
mdkefurther down that page, the link to "Common Mistakes" is how internal links should be done01:07
mdke(in my opinion)01:07
LaserJockmdke: and at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/basic-chap.html01:08
LaserJockthere is a link to the chroot section01:08
mdkeyeah, I see the problem. Damn01:08
LaserJockmdke: so what I'm saying is that I agree with you01:09
LaserJockbut it might take a few string changes for me to make the change01:09
LaserJocksorry about that01:09
mdkeyes, I see. I think it's worth doing the changes01:09
mdkelinking on words like that is not a good idea, I don't think, because it is not obvious its a cross-reference01:09
mdkehowever, let's think about this01:10
mdkeLaserJock, both those examples are of words which don't get translated01:10
mdkeso in theory, you could leave those xreflabels, and remove others01:10
LaserJockhmm, well I'd like to get it right, and I'd like to make sure the links are translated01:11
mdkewell, no one is going to translate "chroot" or "pbuilder", right? so those xreflabels are not a problem, they work in all languages01:12
mdkehow many string changes are we talking?01:12
LaserJocknot many. in fact, if we leave chroot and pbuilder then it might be fine as is01:14
LaserJockI'd have to look01:14
mdkeideally, I'd like you to do the changes, but if there are a few big paragraphs that translations would have to redo, it might be worth leaving chroot/pbuilder or whatever else won't make a difference01:16
mdkesee how you go, I'd say01:17
LaserJockok, I'll go through and see what I can do, just greping for linkend looks like it might be only 1 or 2 changes.01:19
mdkethanks a lot dude01:19
theCorehi LaserJock01:29
theCoreLaserJock: spliting basics.xml?01:32
theCorewhat is froud?01:34
mdkefroud is the irc nickname of a guy who used to work in the docteam01:34
theCoremdke: oh, ok01:34
mdkewhy do you ask?01:35
theCoremdke: I thought it was the new devel version name01:35
mdkewhere did you hear that?01:35
theCoremdke: I saw a branch in the repository named froud01:35
mdkeoh right, gotcha01:36
mdkewe should probably delete it01:36
mdkeok, I'm going to bed01:39
mdkelater all01:39
LaserJockhi theCore 01:39
LaserJockcya mdke 01:39
theCoregood bye mdke01:40
theCoreLaserJock: so, are you spliting basics.xml?01:40
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LaserJocktheCore: no01:42
LaserJocktheCore: just trying to make things translatable01:42
theCoreLaserJock: by the way, do you if there's any issues with pbuilder?01:43
LaserJocktheCore: I think I cleaned it up01:44
theCorewith the program itself, not the docs01:44
LaserJockoh, not that I know of01:47
theCoreHmm ...01:49
theCoreI wonder why then mine isn't working01:49
LaserJocksometimes the mirrors are not working for a bit01:51
theCoreI able to fetch the package, but I get a wierd error at the end01:53
LaserJockwhich package is it dying on?01:56
theCoreI don't remember01:56
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trappistmdke: that would only happen if the xreflabel was added because the linked section's title didn't fit the narrative flow where the link is, and that's the only reason I can think of to specify an xreflabel06:10
LaserJockright, so maybe xreflabel is just something we shouldn't use06:11
trappistmaybe so06:18
trappistit's used in some 3rd party docs, like the fdl06:18
trappistor maybe it was the gpl I saw it in06:18
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mdketrappist, talking of the fdl, did you see that it now gets subsections in the document indexes? (http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html)10:41
robso, docwiki is a tad rough around the edges.. heck I had to fix some of their C up just so it would work10:42
mdketrappist, what do you think about removing the <section> tags so that doesn't happen?10:42
mdkeheya rob10:44
robhi mdke 10:45
mdkehappy easter everyone10:45
robI've been investigating several web-based solutions to allow people to contribute just using a browser.. a few promising projects but so far all of them need quite a bit of work10:46
robhappy easter mdke 10:46
mdkerob, that's unsurprising :) 10:46
robyeah :)10:46
mdkei mean, if there isn't even a good wysiwyg editor for docbook xml, there is unlikely to be a web based extension for one10:47
robdoing a lot of research before I roll my own10:47
robthere are several good conversion tools and I've picked up a lot of good ideas from several projects, but none have been suitable thus far for what we do10:47
mdkeif you're interested in contributing code, may contributing the the moin xml generation thing would be an idea10:48
robthat one was the most promising, but a lot of dependencies, a few major security issues and very rough around the edges10:49
robI'm having a look at the moin xml thing now :)10:49
=== mdke goes for breakfast
robwhat version of moin is Ubuntu running on the wiki?10:51
robhmm.. 10:56
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mdkerob, SystemInfo tells you the version of stuff12:13
robmdke, cool12:14
jendarob - I have a person who wants a channel dropped - could I let them grab hold of you now?12:29
robjenda, sure12:29
jendaYou don't speak french, by any chance?12:29
robno.. but I can probably manage12:30
jendaOK - I think he can manage english. It's teh #et channel.12:30
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LaserJockHi everybody, Happy Easter!09:45
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