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Warbofredl: Well do you have GLCore in your modules section of xorg.conf?12:00
fredlWarbo - according to dpkg -l I'm using version ii  xorg-driver-fglrx                      6.9.0-8.23.7+
Henry_Beanhi, anyone knows some irc channel for linux palm users?12:00
NickGarveymwe: yes 64, yes theres something one second (grandparents just left12:00
nickrudvars, I just read a way to use wine & firefox to see flash 8 on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:01
Warbofredl: Erm.... fglrx is for ATI cards, not NVidia!12:01
NickGarveymwe: zv600012:01
ateveshi! i installed and set up proftpd as daemon. works fine, i can connect form outside, but ftpwho tells me that no users are connected, why?12:01
fredlWarbo - ehrm... sorry :P12:01
NickGarveymwe: 0000:03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)12:01
mweNickGarvey: yeah does lsmod|grep bcm show anything?12:01
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fredlWarbo - I think things broke on me when I installed kubuntu-desktop12:02
Warbofredl: Was that the problem sorted, or did you just give me wrong info?12:02
thiago_Warbo, I think this part resumes everything (I translated it): "W: It wasn't possible to check the list of packages http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 files or directories not found)"12:02
fredlWarbo - I gave you the wrong info.12:02
NickGarveymwe: yes, I pasted it12:02
Warbofredl: kubuntu-desktop shouldn't do anything to Xorg. Kubuntu is the same as Ubuntu, same repos but different packages on the disc12:02
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fredlWarbo - I have an ATI card, the driver seems to work when I just start up 'X'. gdm also comes up, but when I log in in gdm, the menu gets build up to some unpredictable point and then restarts, it keeps trying to restart12:03
Warbothiago try "ls /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages"12:03
Warbofredl: Menu? The gnome-panel menu? Kicker menu? what?12:04
mweNickGarvey: where did you paste the output of lsmod|grep bcm?12:04
thiago_Warbo, it didn't find it12:04
fredlWarbo - the gnome panel menu12:04
zomican anyone tell me the name of the channel for graphics hardware Ubuntu issues12:04
NickGarveymwe: 0000:03:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)12:04
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Warbothiago: OK, so we now know what the problem is.12:04
zomiallo simon12:04
mweNickGarvey: that's from lsmod?12:04
mweNickGarvey: isn't that from lspci?12:05
Warbofredl: OK, how about this "built up"? What does that mean exactly?12:05
NickGarveymwe: haha silly me one second12:05
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thiago_Warbo, this directory SHOULD exist?12:05
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fredlWarbo - can I msg you a piece of output that I see when I simply run startx without gdm running?12:06
varsnickrud, i dind't see anything about wine on that link12:06
NickGarveymwe: http://pastebin.com/66385212:06
Warbothiago: OK, this may be a bit of a bodge, but try "sudo touch /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages" then "sudo chmod 755 /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages"12:06
mweNickGarvey: oh yeah. like I thought. that one is conflicting with ndisrapper I think12:06
Warbofredl: I find startx doesn't work well with GNOME at all, only simple window managers like E or FluxBox12:06
varsis macromedia shockwave the sema as flash 8?12:07
mweNickGarvey: sudo modprobe -r bcm43xx12:07
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Warbovars: No. Flash 8 is for 2D stuff, shockwae is basic 3D12:07
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NickGarveymwe: ok now that command returned nothing12:07
fredlWarbo - hmmm.12:07
thiago_Warbo, nothing happened12:07
mweNickGarvey: good12:07
mweNickGarvey: lsmod, is it gone?12:07
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Warbovars: Flash 7 works fine, and 8 is just an update. I don;t think shockwave works at all on Linux (except for WINE)12:07
NickGarveymwe: yes, that returned nothing12:08
mweNickGarvey: good12:08
Warbothiago: Yes that's fine. Basically you've just made an empty file there. Now try "sudo apt-get update"12:08
DeMoNSeEDnope, shockwave still not on nix12:08
mweNickGarvey: now reload ndiswrapper. modprobe -r ndiswrapper && modprobe ndiswrapper. then dmesg|grep ndis12:08
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fredlWarbo - I just made an .xsession/chmod +x .xsession/startx and I get the same error message12:08
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mweNickGarvey: or dmesg| tail -n 2512:09
digitalwizdomautomatrix does all the work12:09
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ubotufrom memory, automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.12:09
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WarboDeMoNSeED: The only decent Shockwave I've ever found is one from the "Cat-a-pult" people!12:09
muchahow do i unrar a rarfile to a specific directory?12:09
NickGarveymwe: I love you12:09
NickGarveymwe: the light is on12:09
mweNickGarvey: good12:09
DeMoNSeEDfor years now macromedia, now Adode has been saying if enough want it they'll port it over, yeah, right!12:09
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mweNickGarvey: now blacklist that module12:09
fredlWarbo - does this mean anything to you: (WW) fglrx: No matching Device section for instance (BusID PCI:1:0:1) found12:09
max2hello !!  i am looking for a virusscanner that runs on linux that can scan and kill infections on ntfs systems...12:09
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DeMoNSeEDbtw, nice to see ya again Warbo12:10
mweNickGarvey: /etc/hotplug/blacklist12:10
mweNickGarvey: and make sure it's not in /etc/modules12:10
digitalwizdomget I used to over write them file myself , but I'm a moron12:10
NickGarveymwe: http://pastebin.com/66386112:10
mweNickGarvey: the bcm44xx12:10
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mweNickGarvey: that's really good12:10
mweNickGarvey: it's working12:10
varsnickrud, did you get flash 8 working?12:10
NickGarveymwe: just put "bcm44xx" in /etc/hotplug/blacklist?12:11
mweNickGarvey: now you need to actually configure the connection12:11
Warbofredl: If it is the panel screwing up then you MAY be able to do this (but it is very dodgy!). "sudo mv /usr/bin/gnome-panel ." then "sudo ln -s /bin/true /usr/bin/gnome-panel" That will move the panel out of bin temporarily and replace it with "true". Maybe GNOME then works and you can move back the panel and see if that works? (VERY dodgy though)12:11
mweNickGarvey: yeah and make sure it's not in /etc/modules either12:11
fredlWarbo - I'll give that a try12:11
nickrudvars, actually I'm messing around with it as we speak. My memory was defective, the page was talking about shockwave.12:11
mweNickGarvey: is your connection encrypted?12:11
NickGarveymwe: why does it say wlan0? its eth012:11
digitalwizdomflash works , Quicktime, firefox 1.5, mplayer and much more12:11
mweNickGarvey: it's wlan012:11
mweNickGarvey: eth0 was with the other driver12:11
mweNickGarvey: try iwconfig12:12
NickGarveymwe: iwconfig doesn't show wlan, it shows eth012:12
mweNickGarvey: sudo ifconfig wlan0 up12:12
WarboDeMoNSeED: Cat-a-pult is just a funny game where you slingshot rocks at cats to whack them through doors before they kill each other. It's best when you miss the doors and they hit the wall!12:12
varsahh i only have ff1.012:12
mweNickGarvey: and ifconfig eth0 down12:12
thiago_Warbo, things look better. Now I recieved this in the end: "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format12:12
thiago_" "Err http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/universe Packages12:12
thiago_  Sub-process gzip returned an error code" "(1)downloaded 2B em 4s (0B/s)12:12
thiago_" "Fail on attempt to download http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Sub-process gzip returned an error code (1)12:12
varsi should upgrade to ff1.512:12
NickGarveymwe: wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device12:12
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion12:12
thiago_Warbo,  it was appearing before too, I though it was nothing12:13
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mweNickGarvey: rebooting might be easiest to clear the kernel confusion after the driver mess12:13
fredlWarbo - that worked....12:13
NickGarveymwe: sounds like a plan12:13
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NickGarveylet me log all this..12:13
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Warbothiago: Hang on a sec12:13
thenetduckman i hate sundays'12:13
WarboDoes anyone know if Epiphany has GZip built in?12:13
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DeMoNSeEDlol, k thanks Warbo12:13
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WarboI just opened a gzip archive and it came up text12:13
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naxxtorhallo there!  how would I go about getting XVid to work in breezy?12:14
WarboAnd I need to know if it is in gzip format.12:14
WarboOh I'll just download it!12:14
mustang97naxxtor, I found you need to install a codec pack and all formats work12:14
thiago_Warbo, sorru there12:14
fredlWarbo - so it would seem it's gnome-session that's messing up here.... are there gnome-session directories I can get rid of to 'reset' it somehow?12:14
thiago_Warbo, sorry there12:14
naxxtormustang97, called what...12:14
fredlWarbo - I mean gnome-panel is messing up12:15
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Warbothiago: OK, the file exists for me (and it seems to for you as well) and it IS in GZip format12:15
blindxThere isn't a photoshop for linux by any chance, is there?12:15
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naxxtorblindx, try the Gimp12:15
blindxI don't like it.12:16
_jasonblindx: no, but I have seen claims of 7.0 running in wine12:16
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mustang97naxxtor, check your msg..  thats the site I used to get the codecs working.12:16
naxxtorblindx, it's no real subsitute, i know, but it does work kinda12:16
Warbofredl: Maybe go into ~/.gnome212:16
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Warbofredl: I don't understand all of the XML though12:16
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naxxtormustang97, ... what msg12:16
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mustang97I have every type of video format and after I did what that site said it worked.12:16
NickGarveymwe: still eth0?12:16
mustang97I just msg'd you with a link12:16
b_jonasblindx: I don't know, but running Corel Draw under linux with wine is supported12:16
Warboblindx: People are annoyed with GIMP. It's so darn good that there's no competition, so no real innovation12:16
mweNickGarvey: lsmod?12:17
b_jonasI've just installed ubuntu to my computer12:17
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mustang97hopfully I dont get kicked.12:17
naxxtorwhenever i play an XVid file I get a blue screen and sound12:17
b_jonasand also installed some addittional packages12:17
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mustang97naxxtor, http://ubuntuguide.org/#codecs12:17
_jasonnaxxtor: only xvid?12:17
thiago_Warbo, what does this mean? (noob moment...)12:17
ubotusomebody said ubuntuguide was out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead12:17
fredlWarbo - well I'll see what's in there. After I installed kubuntu-desktop and chose kdm as default display manager, it started gnome-session, maybe somehow that left the panel config hosed somehow12:17
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WarboAnyone know how to use the paste thing to send someone loads of text?12:17
b_jonasbut I can't find the package that contains the info docs for coreutils12:17
b_jonasdoes anyone know if there's one?12:18
naxxtor_jason, i think so.... wmv works fine12:18
_jasonWarbo: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ , paste it there, copy the url and give it to the person12:18
NickGarveymwe: eek its back12:18
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mwehow do you completely make sure ubuntu doesn't load a particular module without removing it?12:18
NickGarveymwe: never blacklisted it12:18
sexcopter8000mis there a command or the such to see what, if any, services are running on one's machine?12:18
mweNickGarvey: did you add the correct name?12:18
NickGarveymwe: nope let me fix that12:18
Warbothiago: Well you've made an empty file, and it should be a downloaded list of packages in GZip format (compressed) but it's not because you just made it yourself. I'll try and send you the correct list12:18
mweNickGarvey: make sure you use the exact name12:18
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NickGarveymwe: where is the blacklist again?12:18
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NickGarveyfind -name blacklist returned nothing12:19
mweNickGarvey: /etc/hotplug/blaclist I think12:19
SirKillalothow can I edit the list of installed packages manually?12:19
_jasonnaxxtor: hrmm have you installed the codecs?12:19
mweNickGarvey: locate blacklist12:19
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naxxtor_jason, I thought so, but i'm just going to check12:19
SirKillalotthere is a problem with a package which locks my whole dpkg12:19
NickGarveymwe: its in modprobe.d?12:19
SirKillalotI'd like dpkg to think that it is already removed12:19
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SirKillalotis this possible?12:19
mweNickGarvey: also make sure it's not in /etc/modules12:19
mustang97Okay, I got a question...   I am trying to install ActiveTCL .. but I need root access to run the install script.   How do I install it if I cant login as root?12:20
_jasonnaxxtor: well I once got a blue screen like that, and I never found out what it was.  I had the codecs already.  It turns out it went away after I restarted X12:20
mweNickGarvey: it is? ok. thankfully hotplug is gone in dapper ...12:20
NickGarveymwe: ha yes I am using dapper12:20
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naxxtor_jason, intersting.  the thing is mplayer plays em fine, it's actually xine and gstreamer that doesn't12:20
b_jonasif there isn't, I'll have to install them by hand. pity.12:21
mweNickGarvey: well put it in the one in modprobe.d then12:21
naxxtorhowever there is sync problems when i play it in mplayer12:21
NickGarveymwe: alrighty reboot away12:21
Warbothiago: OK, can you go to http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy/universe/binary-i386/ in firefox?12:21
qatsitarzeau: hey, this thing worked perfectly :D now i have my old files in here and everything is working good :D thanx a lot !!!12:21
ohzieIs there an easy way to install firefox 1.5?12:21
welshbytemustang97: you ask a person with root12:21
sexcopter8000mmustang97, "sudo"12:21
ohzieLike, can I enable a repo for beta shit or something?12:21
mustang97its an install script.   I cant even type anything in.12:22
mustang97its like windows exe's12:22
Warboohzie: You could temporarily put dapper in your Synaptic lists and upgrade firefox, then change back to breezy12:22
AMDXPwhat was i thinking i should have installed Dapper on this PC12:22
ohzieAnd if I install it with a .deb, will it screw up my 1.07 install?12:22
ohzieWarbo: Okay, thanks.12:22
ohzieWarbo: Dapper uses 1.5 then? Yay! :D12:22
fredlWarbo - well it's most definitely something in the settings that were saved for the panel coz if I log in as another user everything runs fine12:22
naxxtori'm having sound problems too12:22
Warboohzie: Yup. I'm on dapper, but I use Epiphany!12:22
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mustang97Is their a way to give myself root access?  ( this is my pc.. just intalled ubuntu the other day)12:23
naxxtorif i've got weird lag on sound, what should I do?12:23
welshbytemustang97: sudo12:23
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Warbofredl: For any other package I would recommend uninstalling with --purge to get rid of config files, but gnome-panel is needed by so much stuff :(12:23
thiago_Warbo: did it12:23
tritium!tell mustang97 about rootsudo12:23
naxxtormustang97, depends what for - if you really want full root access you can sudo passwd and then su into root - but using sudo is the "ubuntu" way to do things12:23
octathlonAfter using synaptic to install a couple of packages, I can't find them on any menu or figure out how to start them.(gnome photo printer and glunar clock). ..12:23
mustang97welshbyte, yea, I got that.  but its an install script.   I don't type anything in.12:23
naxxtorplus it makes more sense12:23
thiago_Warbo, there are 4 links12:23
Warbothiago: OK, download the Packages.gz file to your desktop12:24
SirKillalothow can I edit the list of installed packages manually?12:24
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sexcopter8000mmustang97, tried "sudo sh install.sh"?12:24
welshbytemustang97: eh?12:24
Warbothiago: Then go into a terminal12:24
NickGarveymwe: eth0 is not there, but nor is wlan012:24
angie83Can anyone here, help me fixing a remote LAN installation?12:24
gravesoni am receiving this error with mplayer : can anyone help me - /usr/bin/mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1:12:24
thiago_Warbo, done12:24
mweNickGarvey: good12:24
NickGarveymwe: modprobe ndiswrapper brings eth0 back..12:25
nickrudvars, you still about?12:25
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mweNickGarvey: huh?12:25
aridesewhy is the firefox in breezy so old?12:25
Warbothiago: Do you know how to navigate around in a terminal or not (do I have to explain)12:25
mweNickGarvey: dmesg|tail -n 25 after modprobe ndiswrapper12:25
varsnickrud, yeah12:25
mustang97sexcopter8000m, : thanks.. that worked.   I didnt know you could run install scripts in terminal.12:25
varsNickGarvey, what up?12:25
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sexcopter8000mmustang97, ok, you're welcome :)12:25
angie83Can anyone here, help me fixing a remote LAN installation?12:26
Warboaridese: Work is being done on Dapper. Adding FF 1.5 could (would) cause bugs in stable that nobody can be bothered to fix so close to dapper12:26
thiago_Warbo, if you mean going to a directory, yes12:26
mweNickGarvey: also make sure you put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules12:26
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arideseWarbo, ah i see, dapper is june?12:26
nickrudvars, I did the wine/windows firefox install, went to the macromedia flash test site, and downloaded shockwave & flash there; both seem to work12:26
Warbothiago: OK, than go to your Desktop (in the terminal) and type "sudo -s -H"12:26
NickGarveymwe: ndiswrapper is not there, let me add it12:26
Warboaridese: something like that12:26
mweNickGarvey: no need to reboot though12:26
Apostle^can somone tell me why when i tell xine where to look for a dvd it still reads from the dvd-rom drive instead of the folder i specified?12:26
NickGarveymwe: http://pastebin.com/66389412:26
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mweNickGarvey: what's dmesg|tail -n 25 say after loading ndiswrapper?12:26
b_jonasnickrud: why wine? why not native firefox?12:27
varsnickrud, cool thanks12:27
nickrudb_jonas, I'm experimenting with shockwave support12:27
NickGarveymwe: in that pastebin12:27
mweNickGarvey: ok12:27
b_jonasoh, shockwave, I see12:27
thiago_Warbo, done12:27
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mweNickGarvey: can you sudo ifconfig wlan0 up?12:27
NickGarveymwe: no pretty light though..12:27
nickrudand flash 8. I just noticed that http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats had some new info there, I'm checking it out.12:27
NickGarveymwe: no such device12:27
Warbothiago: If you give me a sec to work out what the apt-lists are I'll tell you what to do next (isn't learning fuhn :))12:27
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fredlGRRRR how can I make GNOME forget it's (wrong) state12:28
mwei don't understan. ifconfig -a and iwconfig?12:28
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thiago_Warbo, yes :)12:28
welshbytefredl: whats wrong about it?12:28
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Apostle^can somone tell me why when i tell xine where to look for a dvd it still reads from the dvd-rom drive instead of the folder i specified?12:28
mweNickGarvey: ^^12:28
octathloncan someone tell me how to find/run an application after installing it? It's not on the menu12:28
fredlwelshbyte, somehow while messing with kubuntu-desktop, the panel got in a weird state12:29
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NickGarveymwe: ifconfig -a http://pastebin.com/66389812:29
mweoctathlon: dpkg -L foobar. sometimes a shortcut is added at next log in12:29
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welshbytefredl: what kind of weird state?12:29
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gravesoni am receiving this error with mplayer : can anyone help me - /usr/bin/mplayer: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.112:29
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fredlwelshbyte - it keeps restarting.12:29
NickGarveymwe: iwconfig http://pastebin.com/66390212:29
Warbothiago: OK, I think I know what to do12:30
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octathlonthanks, I have rebooted... that command doesn't mean anything to me, but I'll try it.12:30
fredlwelshbyte, I just tried symlinking the /usr/bin/gnome-panel to /usr/bin/true and then logged in, then everything works, except the panel ofcourse.12:30
NickGarveymwe: I don't see where wlan0 is coming from.. and the light hasn't gone back on12:30
tritiumoctathlon: dpkg -L <packagename> lists all the files in that package12:30
charlieim trying to add my wireless card, and ive gotten the ndiswrapper part working, but i don't know how to add the network interface in my network setting control panel or whatever...  how do i do this?12:30
Warbothiago: Type "mv Packages.gz /var/lib/apt/lists"12:30
mustang97gowd dang son of a biiii...    anyone know how to install eggdrop?    I first got problems saying I need a compiler..  I got gcc installed.    now it said it needed tcl...  i got activetcl installed.      it still says I need activetcl specificaly   libtcl.so12:30
mustang97I have no clue what its wanting me to install12:30
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fredlwelshbyte - when I move gnome-panel back in /usr/bin, my gnome-panel seems to be crashing12:31
varsi am trying to play a DVD with mplayer and it won't do it's thingCache fill: 19.53% (204800 bytes)12:31
mweNickGarvey: but ndiswrapper says it's using wlan0 ? I don't get it. the annoying other module is gone, does lsmod confirm that?12:31
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octathlonthx tritium, trying it now...12:31
tritiummustang97: sudo apt-get install build-essential if you'll be building stuff12:31
facugaichoctathlon, look for files in some 'bin' folder, or 'sbin'12:31
Warbothiago: then go there (/var/lib/apt/lists)12:31
mustang97I think I did that already..  lemme try again12:31
mweNickGarvey: well is the card lighting up?12:31
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_charliehow do i get my network interface working after ive setup the ndiswrapper?12:31
tritiummustang97: but I'd install the eggdrop package, rather than build it, if I were you12:31
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NickGarveymwe: internal card, the light is what I see, and yes the other one is gone12:31
mustang97tritium,  whats the diff?12:32
simonpcaa+ tous, visite de paques oblige12:32
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mweNickGarvey: good. I wonder about the names though. whatever. try ifconfig eth0 up12:32
mweNickGarvey: is your wifi encrypted?12:32
NickGarveymwe: yes it is12:32
thiago_Warbo, it didn't find Packages.gz12:32
tritiummustang97: not having to build it (just install it, and you're done)12:32
NickGarveymwe: ifconfig eth0 up returned nothing12:32
thiago_Warbo, I'm still in the Desktop folder12:33
mweNickGarvey: good sign12:33
octathlonok, It is shown in /usr/bin/  but now what do I do?12:33
mweNickGarvey: does ifconfig show it's up?12:33
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NickGarveymwe: yes, so does iwconfig12:33
malavarhey how do i change my password on freenode???12:33
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Warbothiago: If you downloaded the Packages.gz file to your desktop (/home/username/Desktop) then move it from there. If you saved it somewhere else then move it from there instead12:33
mweNickGarvey: what does iwlist eth0 scan return?12:33
NickGarveymwe: but no light.. which was on before..12:33
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Warbothiago: mv is move by the way12:33
NickGarveymwe: no scan results, my router broadcasts the ssid12:33
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mustang97tritium, I ran that command and it says the version of tcl is too old for eggdrop.  goto activetcl to install newer..   I installed the activetcl couple seconds ago.12:33
jadaz87hello i was wondering is there anything like Dreamweaver for linux and has content?12:33
mweNickGarvey: when did the light go away?12:34
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NickGarveymwe: on reboot12:34
tritiummustang97: just install the package, and save yourself the hassle12:34
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tonyyarussojadaz87: Nvu is somewhat similar and wort checking out.12:34
malavarhey how do i change my freenode password???12:34
mweNickGarvey: odd12:34
mustang97in the synaptic package manager?12:34
mweNickGarvey: the interface name is wrong12:34
tritium!info eggdrop12:34
_jasonmalavar: /msg nickserv help12:34
NickGarveymwe: can't get it back...12:34
jadaz87tonyyarusso does it come with templates and content like Dreamweaver does?12:34
ubotueggdrop: (Advanced IRC Robot), section universe/net, is extra. Version: 1.6.17-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 459 kB, Installed size: 1144 kB12:34
mweNickGarvey: ndis ways it's wlan012:34
gravesonanyone ?12:35
NickGarveymwe: yeah,not sure why12:35
tritiummustang97: see above (it's in the universe repo)12:35
octathlonI found one of the two... but how do I get in on a menu or something?12:35
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mustang97wierd..  says its already installed12:35
tonyyarussojadaz87: Not sure.  If it doesn't by default you might be able to find some sites that offer them.  It is open source after all, so someone must have done it.12:35
mweNickGarvey: I'd try the newer ndiswrapper. does lsmod show ndiswrapper loaded?12:35
NickGarveymwe: should I start over and reload the driver?12:35
Warbothiago: Just a thought, probably nothing, but you haven't installed/tried to install anon-proxy have you? Cos my apt-get couldn't get on the Internet when it changed the PROXY variable, but Firefox could12:35
thiago_Warbo, Opps, didn't see the line telling to download the file (...) sorry there12:35
jadaz87tonyyarusso that is true12:35
Warbothiago: lol12:35
Apostle^is a dvd iso 9660 ?12:35
NickGarveymwe: yes it is loaded, how new is new?12:35
tritiummustang97: apt-cache policy eggdrop should tell you for sure12:35
NickGarveymwe: it says the driver version is 1.8 while the ndis is 1.712:36
Warbothiago: Basically just download it then move it to /var/lib/apt/lists then go there (must be superuser)12:36
mweNickGarvey: well on second thought dapper probably has a new version12:36
welshbytefredl: can't find anything to help with that i'm afraid, can't think what it would be12:36
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mustang97tritium, yup.. its installed..  now to find were the heck it is12:36
mweNickGarvey: why? is that dapper default?12:36
octathlonfacugaich, then what do I do... it's in /usr/bin/12:36
NickGarveymwe: yes12:36
Apostle^what file system do dvd's use12:36
thiago_Warbo, it will take some time (overloaded dial-up connection)12:36
DewDudeApostle^, UDF12:36
welshbytefredl: can't find anything to help with that i'm afraid, can't think what it would be12:36
NickGarveymwe: ndiswrapper -v says utils 1.7 driver 1.812:36
facugaichyou type it's filename in a terminal12:36
Apostle^DewDude: thanks12:36
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mweNickGarvey: probably ok12:36
octathlonOK... I can't add it to the menu?12:37
tritiummustang97: dpkg -L eggdrop12:37
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facugaichoctathlon, you run it from a terminal12:37
mweNickGarvey: ifconfig wlan0 up should work according to what dmesg says12:37
fredlwelshbyte - that's ok, I'll just start removing all those freaking GNOME directories that make no sense to me12:37
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mweNickGarvey: it's odd12:37
[C] hrisIf your using auto-apt and checkinstall what do you run after auto-apt run ./configure12:37
welshbytefredl: heh, very systematic :)12:37
tritiumyou're, not your12:37
octathlonok, thx facugaich...I was hoping I could add it to a menu or make a desktop icon12:37
Warbothiago: That may be the problem actually. No programs can tell if you are actuall on the Internet. They just try to access it, wait a while, and if they don't get a reply they assume it's not on. A slow dial-up doing loads of stuff will take ages to reply and the  program may assume you are not on the 'net12:37
[C] hrismake depend; make; checkinstall?12:38
Warbothiago: Which, if you recall, was the very first thing I asked :)12:38
NickGarveymwe: should I reload everything?12:38
facugaichoctatholn, I dunno know about that maybe you can12:38
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thiago_Warbo, by some time, I mean 1 hour12:38
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NickGarveymwe: I might have messed something when trying before12:38
octathlonat least I found it and can run it - thanks all for the answers12:38
Warbothiago: Well then that may be the problem then!12:38
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thiago_Warbo, yep12:38
mweNickGarvey: it's worth a try maybe12:38
thiago_Warbo, sorry again12:38
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rotemis it possible to test video ram?12:39
WarboAnybody know how to change the request timeout in apt-get? Increase it loads?12:39
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Apostle^DewDude: im trying to mount an iso of a dvd but it doesn't work when i try udf for the file system12:39
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acidspoondoes anybody know how to config webdav under breezy?12:40
thiago_Warbo, afer moving the file, what do I have to do?12:40
fredlgnome-panel hates me...12:40
Warbothiago: On the Debian site there is a How-To about setting up your own apt-get server and using another computer to download the packages. You could do this manually )ie. In firefox) then move the packages to /var/cache/apt/archives and apt will not bother trying to download them itself12:41
NickGarveymwe: bah what did you do to get the light to go on heh12:41
BlueSwirlhow do i get each workspace to have it's own desktop background?12:41
DewDudeyou don't mount iso's12:41
NickGarveymwe: exact same thing as before12:41
acidspooni need a httpd.conf12:41
Warbothiago: OK, go to that dir and unzip it (gunzip Packages.gz) and you end up with a file called Packages.12:41
mweNickGarvey: removed the old module and loaded ndiswrapper12:41
Warbothiago: Have a look at the other lists in there and give it an appropriate name (use mv to rename "mv Packages new_name_of_file")12:42
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NickGarveymwe: no old module12:42
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Warbothiago: Then it should have an up-to-date list of Ubuntu packages.12:43
NickGarveymwe: hmm why did that work..12:43
thiago_Warbo, ok, I'm just asking it to use the spare time (which magically became 10 minutes)12:43
DewDudeApostle^, you have to burn the iso to a DVD12:43
Apostle^DewDude: that's not true ...12:43
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Apostle^DewDude: i just want to watch it in xine12:43
thiago_Warbo, after that, it should work?12:43
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DewDudeApostle^, i'm just going on what i know12:43
mweNickGarvey: personally I installed ndiswrapper cvs12:43
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DewDudeDVD's are usually UDF12:44
Warbothiago: Yes, I was assuming something like that (that's why I was quite vague and went very far ahead)12:44
NickGarveymwe: mm.. let me find a howto..12:44
sonicjamhey guys can you guys login in msn because i can't12:44
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DewDudeApostle^, maybe you should try legally purchasing your movies12:44
Warbothiago: Have you even tried using "sudo apt-get update" when you are not using your connection for anything else?12:44
DeBertsonicjam, i'm logged in now12:44
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Warbothiago: It does work fine on dial-up, just takes a while12:44
NickGarveymwe: is that the same as compiling..?12:44
Apostle^DewDude: it is legally purchased buddy, i backup all my movies to the computer12:45
erUSULsonicjam: yes12:45
Apostle^DewDude: donot insult me jackass12:45
thiago_Warbo: yes, to install something from the cd12:45
byronI want to search for a file on my whole computer, is there any way of doing that12:45
Warbothiago: I mean updating over the Internet while your connection is free?12:45
Apostle^DewDude: if you don't know the answer say so, don't be a jerk12:45
mweNickGarvey: it implies compiling it12:45
sonicjamoh ok the sever is probaly back12:45
Seveas!tell Apostle^ about attitude12:45
DewDudeyou're the one trying to play ISOs..usually someone trying to play something off an iso is pirating movies12:45
thiago_Warbo, ops, no, I opened Synaptic to do that12:45
mweNickGarvey: it's not that hard12:45
Apostle^Seveas: tell him about it, calling me a theif12:45
SeveasApostle^, that does not justify your swearing12:45
NickGarveymwe: I googled cvs ndiswrapper and didn't get anything.. pretty12:45
byronI want to search for a file on my whole computer, is there any way of doing that12:45
thiago_Warbo, no, I never tried12:46
Warbothiago: Well Synaptic just tells apt-get what to do. Either is fine, but I'm just wondering if the requests are just timing out12:46
welshbytebyron: do you have locate on your computer? (i.e. locate <file>)12:46
djk_byron: locate foo12:46
scaleis there a good way to force ubunutu to boot into a command line instead of the graphical login?12:46
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scalea key you hold down during startup or something?12:46
sonicjamwhere a good site for themes12:46
tritiumApostle^, DewDude: both of you relax, please12:46
Seveas!tell sonicjam about themes12:46
welshbytebyron: if it's a new file it may not be indexed yet though12:46
mweNickGarvey: it's svn12:46
thiago_Warbo: maybe, but the messeges appeared in the same instant12:46
Warbothiago: What kind of activity are you doing? If it is major peer2peer or something then surely you could just limit the bamdwidth it is using?12:47
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Warbothiago: Oh12:47
mweNickGarvey: mkdir ndis && cd ndis && svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/ndiswrapper/trunk/ndiswrapper ndiswrapper12:47
DewDudescale: you can either change it to runlevel 3 in your boot or remove the executable flag from the script in your init.d folder12:47
mweNickGarvey: install svn if you don't have it12:47
DewDudenot init.d rc.512:47
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scaleDewDude: how can I do that if I can't get it to boot into a command line in the first place?12:47
Warbothiago: It does sound a little like a proxy problem. You don't have to use a proxy do you? And if not, you haven't taold anything to use one anyway have you?12:47
odatwhere do i go for dapper talk?12:48
DewDudescale: ctrl-alt-F1 will take you to console12:48
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)12:48
thiago_Warbo, no, I was just downloading a file from a page. It was just at 2 KB/s12:48
welshbyteodat: #ubuntu+112:48
DewDudehowever, you can modify that stuff from terminal once you boot into gnome/whatever-youre-using12:48
thiago_Warbo, may I ask for help for another problem?12:49
Warbothiago: OMG, how I remember dialup speeds! I get annoyed at anything less than 200KB/s now!12:49
Warbothiago: Sure12:49
scaleDewDude: I'm using gnome. it starts automatically. it's not playing nice w/ my monitor, so it shows up as a quarter-inch bar at the top of the screen.12:49
scalei need a way to get into the command line other than through the regular gui boot sequence.12:49
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whiter`how can i boot into terminal only?12:49
Warboscale: in GRUB use recovery mode (or add the word "single" to the "kernel" line and get rid of "splash")12:50
scaleWarbo: thanks, i'll try that now...12:50
Warbowhiter: same as I just said to scale12:50
Seveaswhiter`, see what Warbo just said to scale 12:50
thiago_Warbo, and I'm really happy with more than 4KB/s. That's why I don't (or "can't") use peer2peer12:50
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NickGarveymwe: ok, then ./configure, make, make install?12:51
mweNickGarvey: almost. wait a sec12:51
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mweNickGarvey: first make sure you wanna do this12:51
WarboOh yeah. In all of this selfless helping I forgot that I have a major problem!12:51
NickGarveymwe: if I totttally mess something up I can reinstall12:51
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NickGarveymwe: no wireless = no linux on laptop12:52
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WarboI've got a wireless PCI card and the drivers are fine and it appears in the Networking thing and I got on to Wireless fine.12:52
fredlturns out ~/.metacity was fubar or something12:52
tritiumWarbo: how humble of you to point that out...12:52
WarboThen I reboot with it in and everyting screws up!12:52
fredlwhat the hell is metacity?!?!12:52
jadaz87hello guys i install vmware and i ran it and it ran fine i then restarted my computer but now i click on the shortcut and now it does not do anything12:52
thiago_Warbo, ok, a friend of mine can't make his winmodem work. It's a Lucent modem and he already tried to search the wiki. He found a text, but the writer wasn't able to make this kind of modem work12:52
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.12:52
tonyyarussofredl: Window manager.12:52
mweNickGarvey: Well I use a custom kernel. We need to figure out how to get rid of the ndiswrapper module that comes with linux-image12:52
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Seveasfredl, metacity is the window manager. The thing responsible for drawing window borders and moving windows12:53
tritiumfredl: first warning12:53
Warbothiago: Well I had a few winmodems a while ago, so I know a little, but I may get them all confused!12:53
mweNickGarvey: and make sure it doesn't come back when you update12:53
DoctorDynalanguage, where, i missed it12:53
NickGarveymwe: oh.. I'm trying make uninstall12:53
fredlhuh warning?!?!12:53
NickGarveymwe: ndis didn't come with dapper12:53
fredlwhat'd I say??12:53
mweNickGarvey: not even the module?12:53
mweNickGarvey: are you sure about that?12:53
Warbothiago: I had a Softlink, Connexant (They make you pay for a driver!) and another, began with an E12:53
smackpotatoflash firefox,twosoundcards. whats the skinny12:53
DoctorDynais there a bot that sits in here silent until theres a word like "hell" or is there actually sombody with that little of a life lol12:53
mweNickGarvey: I think it's included with linux-image12:53
SeveasDoctorDyna, careful.12:54
NickGarveymwe: nope not at all12:54
DoctorDynacareful of what?12:54
NickGarveymwe: there was something in /lib/modules12:54
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mweNickGarvey: it is. I'm positive12:54
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thiago_Warbo, I'm sure his modem is Lucent12:54
DoctorDyna*sigh* im gonna get kicks out of here too for asking a question i guess12:54
NickGarveymwe: but I just rmdired the directory because make uninstall did the rest for me12:54
mweNickGarvey: linux-image provides ndiswrapper.ko12:54
tritiumDoctorDyna: it was the _way_ in which you asked it12:54
tonyyarussoDoctorDyna: Not a lack of life.  They volunteer to take on that responsibility as a means of maintaining a positive atmosphere.  Details available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcRules12:54
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mweNickGarvey: that's not good12:54
NickGarveymwe: no...12:55
DoctorDynaoh, so...12:55
NickGarveymwe: not good?12:55
mweNickGarvey: it will come back on a kernel update12:55
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fredlDoctorDyna - that seems the way it goes with good things, first it's good, then the thought control police kicks in.12:55
DoctorDynasee, thats the answer i was looking for12:55
NickGarveymwe: so um..12:55
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jadaz87tonyyarusso do you know how i can set the gcc environment? i think it is       export something12:55
DeBertDo you guys know a GTK app for gtalk with VOIP?12:55
mweNickGarvey: you need to figure out how to permanently remove the ubuntu ndiswrapper module12:55
DoctorDynathere are dedicated people that look for peepee and poopoo, thats all i was asking.12:55
Warbothiago: Fine fine, just telling you of my experience. I got them all working (even the Connexant) and I could use standard dial-up tools like gnome-ppp. The only problem was that they didn't know when they discaonnected, so they couldn't reconnect automatically.12:55
mweNickGarvey: then you have to recompile your own on kernel updates12:55
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tonyyarussojadaz87: Um, nope.  Sorry.  (Haven't done enough compiling for that stuff yet.)12:55
NickGarveymwe: I uh what...12:56
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jadaz87 does anyone know how i can set the gcc environment? i think it is export something12:56
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Seveasjadaz87, export CC=gcc12:56
thiago_Warbo, well, forget about it, the guy is only using linux because his programming teacher makes he use vi to program in Fortran 77. Without a compiler, it's not very useful12:56
mweanyone. how do you permanently remove an ubuntu module without removing linux-image?12:56
nickrudjadaz87, export CC='gcc-XXX'12:56
dumezil_can anyone help me setup my wireless card with ndiswrapper?12:56
jadaz87thank you seveas ncikrud12:56
fredlso is tritium a bot?12:56
tonyyarussoDoctorDyna: Among lots of other things.  They also try to control flooding, trolls, and offtopic chatter, for example.12:56
Seveasmwe, 'ubuntu-module'?12:56
tritiumfredl: no, I'm not12:56
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Seveasfredl, a highly intelligent one12:56
DoctorDynawell, yeah, i understand that..12:57
mweSeveas: one included in linux-image12:57
tritiumSeveas: heh ;)12:57
nickrudFred, a very advanced version12:57
Seveasmwe, sudo rm12:57
thiago_Warbo, but the guy is using Force 2.0 alredy, so it's not so urgent12:57
thiago_Warbo, thanks anyway!12:57
WarboAnyone help me with mythiago: What a cruel techer. Why can't he do it properly and use Emacs? :)12:57
mweSeveas: but doesn't it come back on kernel updates?12:57
Seveasmwe, yup12:57
scaleWarbo: It's still trying to start Gnome Display Mgr12:57
Warbooops, 2 posts in one!12:57
fredlSo ubotu is the bot and tritium just warned me because I annoyed ubotu?12:57
mweSeveas: no way to prevent that?12:57
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Seveaswhy do tou want to remove it?12:57
Seveasare you that low on diskspace?12:57
DoctorDynaheres the thing though, ive sat here watching most of the day, watching people who are actively talking...and the only time i saw the person i was picking on when i said that, was when sombody said something that you only hear past 8pm on primetime TV.12:57
mweSeveas: because he needs ndiswrapper svn12:58
DoctorDynaso, i asked...12:58
Warboscale: If you use the "single" option then you get dumped to a terminal. If you type "exit" or press "ctrl-d" then it will carry on normal boot up.12:58
DoctorDynano biggie12:58
nickrudfredl, DoctorDyna, don't sweat it.12:58
thiago_Warbo, cruel because of the language, vi or both?12:58
jadaz87nickrud seveas  restart /usr/bin/vmware-config.pl12:58
mindtzaranyone know how I can install the XML::Parser module for perl, I keep getting errors when trying to install it :(12:58
jadaz87with CC environment variable pointing to the "gcc" version "3.4.5". what should i put:   export CC='gcc-3.4.5'?12:58
Seveasmwe, hmm, that means removing every time after a kernel upgrade12:58
mweNickGarvey: I have an idea12:58
mweSeveas: ok12:58
Warboscale: while you are in the terminal move the /etc/init.d/gdm to somewhere else, then it won't start (but everything else important will)12:58
nickrudjadams, gcc-3.412:58
erUSULjadaz87: yes12:58
Seveasjadaz87, export CC=gcc-3.412:58
fredlnickrud - well sorry, I do. I don't like being patronized by a bot.12:58
scaleWarbo: it stalls and gives me the option to enter the root password or hit ctrlp-d... wwill entering the root password do it?12:58
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DoctorDynai gotta be careful not to tell sombody what to use to check their disks O_O12:59
Warboscale: Yes. Single dumps you to a root terminal. This is incredibly insecure, so they ask for a password these days12:59
SeveasWarbo, not on Ubuntu 12:59
mweNickGarvey: ?12:59
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NickGarveymwe: ideas are good12:59
NickGarveymwe: what?12:59
tritiumfredl: you're not being patronized.  You flatter yourself if you think that.12:59
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nickrudfredl, I missed the bot thing, but the ops here are cautious, but kind.12:59
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scaleok...let me give that a shot01:00
Warboseveas, well scale just said it dis (and I've never seen it on Ubuntu either)01:00
mweNickGarvey: ok. it will take a little work after each kernel update01:00
mindtzaranyone know how I can install the XML::Parser module for perl, I keep getting errors when trying to install it01:00
NagyZcould anybody help me with samba + ldap? :)01:00
thiago_Warbo, about the vi, he suposses someday this friend of mine will work in a place with only Intel 486 available and no graphic-friendly linux01:00
dumezil_can anyone help me with ndiswrapper and a wireless card?01:00
scaleAs long as I'm asking questions here, let me ask about what got me into this mess...01:00
fredltritium - what is that supposed to mean?!?!01:00
SeveasWarbo, he's most likely on breezy with a root password set01:00
facugaichI have added a mount command to .bash_profile, but now it asks me a password twice when I login, any way to avoid this?01:00
NagyZwhen I first fire up samba, I got this:01:00
NagyZfailed to add domain dn= sambaDomainName=DOZSA,dc=x,dc=hu with: Invalid DN syntax invalid DN01:00
NickGarveymwe: okie dokie01:00
NagyZand I dont know why01:00
tonyyarussoSeveas: In that export command, what's the significance of 'CC'?  Custom compiler perhaps?01:00
scaleI'm trying to get xorg.conf to recognize the wheel on my scroll mouse01:00
Seveasfredl, it means that you are being annoying and should stop that now01:00
mweNickGarvey: remove the module provided by linux-image. then compile your own01:00
NagyZanbody? :)01:00
scalein the mouse section i put "evdev" instead of "mouse" for the driver01:00
erUSULtonyyarusso: C Compiler01:00
SeveasTonus, C Compiler01:00
mweNickGarvey: you have to do that at every kernel update01:00
WarboScale: BTW, if you want to get rid of this vulnerability just add a password to GRUB (but use a different one to normal root password as "single" is the best way to fix a forgotten root password)01:00
nickrudfacugaich, mount commands in .bash_profile are probably not a good idea, theres probably a better way to get where you want to be01:00
tonyyarussoerUSUL, Seveas: Ah, okay.  Thanks.01:00
fredlI'm not talking to you Seveas, I'm asking tritium something, is that alright with you?01:01
scalethen i restart X and suddenly the screen doesn't work.01:01
facugaichnickrud: like what?01:01
scalebut it doesn't give me an error and dump to command line.01:01
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nickrudfacugaich, depends on the destination01:01
scaleit's like x is working... just not in a way that I can read.01:01
jadaz87fredl Seveas is an op i whould treat him with more respect if i were you01:01
Seveasfredl, stop being a baby - please behave in here or leave.01:01
tritiumfredl: leave it alone01:01
thiago_Warbo, ok, just finished download, trying now01:01
mweNickGarvey: /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko01:01
facugaichnickrud, what do you mean by destination?01:01
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NickGarveymwe: gone01:01
Seveasjadaz87, ops shouldn't get more or less respect than others01:01
Warbothiago: 486. Never had one of them. At that time I was multitasking on my 1280x512 resolution Amiga 1200.01:01
dumezil_ive gotten ndiswrapper working, but there in no wlan0 network interface...  what gives?01:01
nickrudfacugaich, what are you mounting, and why?01:01
fredlI AM behaving, I am asking a simple question and I get scolded for it.01:02
DoctorDynasee, ops are supposed to be helpful, not like...deities...but anyway01:02
mweNickGarvey: good. now dpkg -l|grep ndis01:02
Warbothiago: OK, remeber, this may be a big waste of time at the end!01:02
facugaichnickrud, my windows partition01:02
mweNickGarvey: remove the utils01:02
jadaz87seveas yes that is true01:02
ProN00bi need a pixel lineal for my screen01:02
fredldon't tell me to shut up and stop being a baby.01:02
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nickrudfacugaich, you probably want that in /etc/fstab01:02
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mweNickGarvey: do you have build-essential installed?01:02
NickGarveymwe: yup01:02
smackpotatoflash firefox,twosoundcards. whats the skinny01:02
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Warbopron00b: Your name says noob, but this sounds quite admavced as I don't know what it is01:03
mweNickGarvey: cat /proc/version. what does that say for gcc?01:03
NickGarveymwe: dpkg -l returned nothing01:03
facugaichnickrud, what should I do? add a line to it?01:03
mweNickGarvey: oh. how did you get the utils?01:03
thiago_Warbo, never had one either, but you never know where you will work!01:03
NickGarveymwe: I apt-get removed them01:03
nickrudfacugaich, yes.01:03
scalehah. okay, i restored my old xorg.conf, so now x works again. at least readably.01:03
NickGarveymwe: and ran make uninstall01:03
Warbothiago: Have you gone to /var/lib/apt/lists in a terminal (as root with "sudo -s -H")01:03
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mweNickGarvey: ok so no sign of ndiswrapper at this point?01:03
NickGarveymwe: nope01:04
SeveasWarbo, sudo -i does the same as sudo -s -H and is shorter ;)01:04
mweNickGarvey: and gcc --version mathes the one from /proc/version?01:04
nickrudfacugaich, if you'd paste the single line you use in your profile to mount the windows partition, I'd be happy to translate to an /etc/fstab line01:04
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thiago_Warbo, yes01:04
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NickGarveymwe: yessir01:04
dumezil_ive gotten ndiswrapper working, but there in no wlan0 network interface...  any clue what im doing wrong?01:04
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Seveashi HedgeMage, are you coming to voice everyone again? ;)01:05
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WarboSeveas: Well I know "sudo -s" keeps you as superuser, but I think it stays with your own account (ie. it can overwrite your config files with root-owned ones)01:05
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=== nickrud 's still working on the proper remark to tweak the dieties safely
thiago_Warbo, god damn dial-up...01:05
mweNickGarvey: good. now make && make install. when you install the module next time go to the driver dir and make clean && make && make install01:05
Warbothiago: Right, you've extracted it with"gunzip Packages.gz"? I'll find the right name for it then01:05
bluelotusCan you make a window _not_ change workspaces? I.E. "Only on workspace 6"? This would be nice to stop GAIM from popping up all over the place etc.01:05
hellz_hunteri installed a theme and i love the colour scheme, but there are some areas where the font should be darker and input areas that should be white, where do i go to change this?01:05
mweNickGarvey: I hope you have linux-headers installed01:05
nickrudbluelotus, there's a package called devilspie that you can use to control where windows appear01:06
mweNickGarvey: if not apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)01:06
bluelotusnickrud, Thankyou!  I'll get right on that!@01:06
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facugaichnickrud, filesystem is /dev/hda1, mount point /disco, type FAT3201:06
Warbothiago: This is the closest I could find in my lists directory (but I've changed dapper to breezy): archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages try renaming to that01:06
thiago_Warbo, I did it, but the same error re-appeared01:06
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mweNickGarvey: and make sure you remove the ubuntu provided ndiswrapper module first01:07
Warbothiago: Use "mv Packages.gz archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages"01:07
bluelotushellz_hunter, go to system -> preferences -> themes -> theme details -> then go the the theme's folder.  You might be able to edit it there?01:07
DoctorDynafredl, id let you proxy rape my server, but alas id have to give you privleges on it.01:07
NickGarveymwe: I am running an out of date kernel.. let me update...01:07
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NickGarveymwe: can't get my headers01:07
mweNickGarvey: oh01:07
NickGarveymwe: .19 is what I have, headers are .2001:08
mweNickGarvey: yeah update01:08
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Warbothiago: Try using "apt-cache search somethingnotontheCD"01:08
DoctorDyna2ban me now01:08
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Warbothisgo: If it comes up something then the list is in the right place01:08
nickrudfacugaich, /dev/hda1 /disco -t vfat defaults,umask=0000 0 0    <-- that line will cause /disco to be mounted at boot, with all having read/write access01:08
NickGarveymwe: will that require removing the module again?01:09
mweNickGarvey: yes01:09
mweNickGarvey: it's annoying01:09
NickGarveymwe: eh.. as long as it works I guess...01:09
schtinkermy ubuntu package for ffmpeg is messed up... the command "ffmpeg -vd /dev/video -ad /dev/audio out.mpg" returns "cound not find video grab device" when /dev/video0 is obviously there and tvtime works fine. Anybody seen this before?01:09
dumezil_im trying to setup my wireless card.  ive gotten ndiswrapper working and it reports "bcmwl5 Hardward present: yes", but when i go to configure the network, there is not wlan0 interface...  whats wrong?01:09
mweNickGarvey: ubuntu doesn't seem to provide another way01:09
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nickrudDoctorDyna, what a waste of your time01:09
thiago_Warbo, the lists are in the righ folder. Here is what is inside /var/lib/apt/lists:01:10
thiago_Warbo, archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages01:10
NickGarveymwe: eh.. so I do that by make clean or something?01:10
mwedumezil_: can you sudo ifconfig up it?01:10
facugaichnickrud, why is that "-t" option in there, I don't see it in the other lines of fstab?01:10
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Warbodumezil: Are you sure that wlan0 is the correct device? Have you tried the MAKEDEV script in the /dev directory?01:10
Seveasthiago_, NEVER paste in here01:10
mweNickGarvey: no01:10
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nickrudfacugaich, doh. Good eye, I was translating in my head and forgot to drop that01:10
Warbothiago: That sounds right. Is one of those the one you downloaded (been renamed)?01:11
mweNickGarvey: rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/net/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko01:11
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NickGarveymwe: okie01:11
onephatmindhey guys; is anybody using ubuntu in production? primarily web?01:11
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NickGarveymwe: I'll put that in a file..01:11
mweNickGarvey: yeah. you could make a script to automate the process01:11
mweNickGarvey: and run it at kernel updates01:11
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dumezil_mwe: nope...   "no such device"01:11
varsDewDude,   i legally purchase my DVD's and my DVD player was working with mplayer a week ago, but now it isn't working at all01:12
mwedumezil_: is the ndiswrapper module loaded?01:12
thiago_Warbo, none of them01:12
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DewDudevars: i don't watch movies on my PC, i can't help ya01:12
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facugaichnickrud, to change the priviledges I should change umask?01:13
Warbothiago: OK, the Packages.gz you downloaded should have been "gunzipped" ("gunzip Packages.gz") then renamed to archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages01:13
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Henry_Beanhi, anybody knows how to mount a digital camera as a storage device?01:13
varsandi i don't know why01:13
Henry_Beanto upload things into its memory card01:13
mweHenry_Bean: I just plug mine in01:13
SeveasHenry_Bean, not all cameras can do that. The ones that can, will automount01:13
varsDewDude, how do you watch movies01:13
cmathesoni'm trying to use oobase to connect to my mysql database... it looks like it wants to use odbc or jdbc, i chose jdbc, but it says it can't load the jdbc driver... how do i get it to do that?01:14
bluelotusnickrud :-D Devilspie and Brightside both apt-get very poorly.  The example configuration files appear to be missing.01:14
SeveasHenry_Bean, the others should be used via f-spot or a similar program01:14
varsSeveas,  my DVD player was working with mplayer a week ago, but now it isn't working at all01:14
schtinkermy ubuntu package for ffmpeg is messed up... the command "ffmpeg -vd /dev/video -ad /dev/audio out.mpg" returns "cound not find video grab device" when /dev/video0 is obviously there and tvtime works fine. Anybody seen this before?01:14
WarboHenry_Bean: In GNOME it should be automatic. If not then the mount command will do it (if it is USB then it will be called /dev/sda1)01:14
onephatmindcmatheson, do you have mysql jdbc and nix odbc installed?01:14
Henry_BeanSeveas: mwe: yes, this one make the automount, but opens the default program to import the pictures...01:14
thiago_Warbo, I don't know01:14
dumezil_mwe: it is loaded01:14
mweNickGarvey: sorry gotta go. remove the module and make && make install. when you have to do it again go to the driver dir and make clean && make && make install01:15
cmathesononephatmind: i don't have odbc installed... where does the mysql jdbc come from? is that not part of java (i have that installed)01:15
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Warbothiago: OK, OK. Where is the .gz file you downloaded?01:15
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onephatmindgo to synaptic01:15
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onephatmindput in mysql and find mysql java driver01:15
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StargazersHi. How I can use KDM instead of GDM if I pressed GDM when I install kubuntu-desktop? I mean that I want to change it01:16
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StargazersBut how it can be made?01:16
SeveasStargazers, sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm01:16
tRSShow can I watch quicktime trailers from the apple website?01:16
thiago_Warbo, It WAS in this folder01:16
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nickrudbluelotus, not especially suprised :)01:16
cmathesononephatmind: found it, thanks01:16
StargazersSeveas: Thanks a lot01:16
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WarboStargazers: I think "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" or the same for kdm would ask you again01:16
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grrrsorry ok?01:16
Warbothiago: Well if you used gunzip then it will be gone and you are left with Packages01:17
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facugaichnickrud, umask = privileges?01:17
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StargazersYep, that helped. But well, can it be the reason that my keyboard won't recognise finnish keyboard settings? I mean, I installed kubuntu-desktop but I can't write characters like a-umlaut and o-umlaut (a and o with dots over those)?01:18
StargazersIn settings I have selected Finnish keyboard layout01:18
nickrudfacugaich, precisely. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountPartitions has more info on how to set proper privileges (permissions) on that partition01:18
StargazersBut it won't help01:18
thiago_Warbo, so, it's all right now?01:18
facugaichthanks nickrud01:18
WarboStargazers: Finnish should be fine. Linux ONLY had Finnish a while ago :)01:18
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DoctorDyna2watch out, hes on a mission now...01:18
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Jmaxhi, i watn to swtich from debian to ubuntu.  I know it's as easy as modifying the sources.list and dist-upgrade'ing , but i can't seem to find out wthat the appropriate line in my sources.list would be01:18
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onephatmindis anybody running a toshiba laptop? the m45 s359 to be more specific?01:19
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StargazersWarbo: Yep but my problem is that I have selected FINNISH layout but I can't still write finnish chars on my keyboard01:19
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Warbothiago: Well if you try something like "apt-cache search j2re1.4" and it gives you some results then it should be OK01:19
obscuriteonepathmind - you'd have better luck asking chipset specific questions about specific issues01:19
tritiumonephatmind: what's the issue?01:19
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WarboStargazers: Do you know if it is a problem with Xorg or with GNOME? Mine used to have conflicting settings01:20
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StargazersNo, it is not problem with GNome or Xorg. In GNome keyboard work fine but on KDE it won't01:20
StargazersThat is the problem01:20
jsmidtSoundjuicer says it can't find and cdroms and I can't mount anything.  How can I figure out what is wrong?  Any commands I can run?01:20
onephatmindi'm having a weird problem with all distros but fedora which i dont want to use;  if i boot with acpi=on neither of my NICs (wired, wireless) is able to be activate dor get an ip even though they are both recognized and seen01:20
onephatmindhehe there01:20
WarboStargazers: Ah. KDE, sorry. I can barely find my way around kcontrol!01:21
onephatminddebian netinst did not even see them at all01:21
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onephatmindonce acpi=off is in effect, it works like a champ01:21
schtinkerhow can I turn on my video capture card without using a gui interface... I think the GUI is clogging my pci bus and messing up the closed captioning01:21
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schtinkerI used to use ffmpeg, but it seems broken01:22
StargazersWarbo: Finnish keyboard is only layout what is installed on my "Active layouts" list01:22
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speedy_whats the name of the tool that configures the services runlevel by a menu-driven interface?01:22
StargazersAnd "Enable keyboard layouts" is on01:22
Warboschtinker: What kind of card?01:22
thiago_Warbo, it did it, but I still recieve an error messege when I try to update the Universe list01:22
nickrudspeedie, sysv-rc-conf01:22
schtinkerwinfast 2000, warbo01:22
nickrudspeedie, also bum01:22
schtinkerwarbo, deluxe... has always worked under my i386 fedora distros01:22
StargazersWell, have to test if that helped that I changed to KDM. Soon back...01:22
speedy_thanks nickrud01:22
Warbothiago: OK, don't try to update. You just did that manually. Just try to install something from Universe01:23
schtinkerwarbo, my PCI video card is an 8MB ATI rage clone01:23
Warboschtinker: Well I have one of those that begins with a B (driver is BTTV or something) anyway it works fine. But in B/W01:23
nemesysHallo Dennis.01:23
=== jadaz87 [n=opera@pool-70-111-125-111.nwrk.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
thiago_Warbo, there are no universe topics in sections of Synaptic01:24
schtinkerwarbo, yeah it's a bttv card01:24
Warbothiago: Oh. Hmmmm. Hang on01:24
schtinkerwarbo, and in the past I've used "ffmpeg -vd /dev/video0 -ad /dev/audio0 out.mpg"01:24
onephatminddmesg | grep ipw2200 nags that it failed to TX_POWER the NIC after 5 attempts which leads me to think that acpi is not properly powering the centrino chipset01:24
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schtinkerwarbo, but it says "can't find video device."01:24
onephatmindany ways around that?01:25
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Warbothiago: Oh darn it. The file name should be "archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_universe_binary-i386_Packages" not "main"01:25
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Warboschtinker: I've never used ffmpeg directly so I don't know about that01:26
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StargazersHell I can't still write finnish chars :S01:26
thiago_Warbo, ahuahuahuhauauh01:26
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thiago_Warbo, I'll rename it lol01:27
Warbothisgo: Yes, I know I know01:27
Warbothiago: Why do I keep spelling thatwrong? I'll put it in copy/paste buffer01:27
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thiago_Warbo, btw , how do I rename things in terminal?01:27
SeveasWarbo, hint: <tab> completion ;)01:27
Seveasthiago_, mv oldname newname01:27
erUSULthiago_: mv01:28
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hegemoni need some recommends on secure net communicado tools: gnunet, i2p, tor, anon-proxy, privoxy, etc????01:28
Warbothiago: There is a really confusing "rename" command for batch renaming things with perl expressions, but I just use mv to move it from one name to the other01:28
StargazersAny ideas how I can make keyboard work on KDE right?01:28
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Warbohegemon: Have you tried Freenet?01:28
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sonicjamhey guys how do i install a theme01:29
dotdash[a] ndyMornin' all =)01:29
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WarboSeveas: WOW! That's amazing!01:29
Warbosonicjam: You just extract it in your home folder/.themes01:30
Warbosonicjam: Or you can get the "gnome-art" program which is good.01:30
sonicjamthat what i do but it doesn't show up01:30
aPi'm trying to mount a dvd iso i can get it mounted (only in iso9660) and xine won't play it like i'm told it should, right from the iso, i want to mount it udf to /media/cdrom can somoen help? thanks01:30
sonicjamdo i need to restart linux01:31
schtinkerap: are you using dapper?01:31
jadaz87hello i am having problems with vmware01:31
WarboaP: As far as I know you give DVD players the device name of your DVD. If you want to play the VOB files then convert them with transcode01:31
aPschtinker: yes01:31
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schtinkerap: I had a similar thing happen last night. gxine would not play an episode of futurama for me01:31
thiago_Warbo, trying to update again01:31
Warbosonicjam: No restarts are usually necissary ever, except upgrading kernel or adding hardware01:31
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aPWarbo: i don't want to have to transcode i just want to make the .iso play like a normal dvd01:31
schtinkerap: when breezy was doing it fine. My data dvd was unreadable or something01:32
aPschtinker: it tells me no demuxers01:32
Warbothiago: Just try searching. As far as I can tell the update just downloads that Packages.gz file, unzips it and puts in the lists directory, which is what you've done01:32
schtinkerap: what format is the dvd in?01:32
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aPschtinker: it's an .iso01:32
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schtinkerap: meaning, is it a data dvd or a "tv playable" dvd01:32
aPschtinker: tv playable01:32
hegemonWarbo, no, im doin some research now.01:33
jsmidtHow do you go about configureing your cdrom?01:33
aPschtinker: xine works fine if i put in a dvd-disc ...01:33
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thiago_Warbo, search for what?01:33
schtinkerschtinker: you mean a retail movie or something?01:33
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Warbothiago: Just search for something that is not on the CD, just in Universe. If it is there then it has worked. Example: j2re1.401:33
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schtinkerap: make sure you burned the iso image not an image of the image01:34
schtinkerap: I've done that before01:34
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aPschtinker: i didn't burn anything, i made a .iso of a dvd.01:34
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aPschtinker: i have the .iso file locally01:34
schtinkeroh I see01:34
jadaz87can anyone help me with vmware?01:34
aPschtinker: xine is supposed to be able to play the .iso but it tells me no plugin and no demuxer01:34
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Warbohegemon: If you have Java (ask someone how to enable Universe) then you can jaut download the Freenet archive from their site and use Frost as a gui or connect to localhost:8888 to do anonymous browsing (not on the normal Ineternet though, just "freesites")01:35
aPschtinker: i can mount the iso and then play the files in xine but the menu's are un-clickable do you know how to fix that01:35
hegemonwhats the best proxy? I read that privoxy is not maintained?01:35
schtinkerap: I'm not an expert on that stuff, but demuxer means invalid format sometimes01:35
bobbydI have a broken package that's blocking my apt system, how do I kill it?01:35
schtinkerap: you may need "lame" for mp3s, for example01:35
Warbohegemon: If you go on the TOR website tor.eff.org01:36
aPschtinker: yea i have lame.. what file should i tell xine to play so the dvd menu's will be available to click on?01:36
Warbohegemon: They will give you a new repository which IS maintained01:36
nickrudbobbyd, what's the exact error message? Put it on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ if it's more than 2 lines01:36
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hegemonI use privoxy now from ubuntu.01:36
hegemonso its not maintained?01:36
Warbohegemon: Then you can run Privoxy through TOR and it works fine (although you get foreign Google sites and stuff :))01:36
schtinkerap: not sure. have you tried putting the .iso at /mnt/cdrom to trick xine into thinking it's a mounted dvd?01:36
thiago_Warbo, I pressed cancel in the update window. Before doing this, it found a few things, now it didn't find anything. I think I'll have to wait the update now01:37
aPschtinker: i have it at /media/cdrom01:37
Donvinzkis there anybody here using wengophone ?01:37
crimsunprivoxy is very much maintained by MOTU, why?01:37
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, jadaz8701:37
Warbohegemon: Well it's not at the latest version (I think, I know TOR isn't)01:37
bobbydnickrud, thanks, here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1240801:37
schtinkerap: ubuntu uses /media instead of /mnt? I'm a fedora guy mostly01:37
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aPschtinker: yes01:37
Warbothiago: OK, if I understood that correctly01:37
DonvinzkI have trouble with wengo: sounds is bizarre, like a fast forward tape when I call 33301:37
sonicjami'm trying to get this installed http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=14876&forummode=2&forumpage=4&forumexplevel=all01:37
crimsunWarbo: we're in UVF- and Beta-freeze. You need to file a UVF exception if you want newer versions in Dapper.01:37
schtinkerap: sorry I'm out of ideas01:38
hegemonWarbo, should i use the tor.org TOR package or stick with the Ubuntu provided package?01:38
crimsunWarbo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/UVFStatus01:38
Warboschtinker: You can use either, but /media is default on most distros (what Frdora were you using)01:38
thiago_Warbo, at least, it's downloading something. It didn't do that before01:38
schtinkerwarbo: rh9 through fc501:38
schtinkerwarbo: actually I think I started at rh5.201:38
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Warbocrimsun: All I know is that on the TOR site they say that Ubuntu/Debian is hout of date.01:39
pablo_does any one have script to install VDR on linux01:39
schtinkerdoes ubuntu put TV capture cards somewhere other than /dev/video0?01:39
thiago_Warbo, downloading at 1.5 KB/s ... I think I will cry...01:39
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Warboschtinker: I think it's udev that caused switch to /mnt01:39
crimsunWarbo: so if you want a newer version, please provide the information requested.01:39
pablo_i came back to linux after 1.5 year and  i dont have my one01:39
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nickrudbobbyd, the command that the postrm script cannot find is in tetex-bin ; try installing that package and then removing lilypond01:39
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sonicjamwarbo, i'm trying to get this installed http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=14876&forummode=2&forumpage=4&forumexplevel=all01:40
Warbocrimsun: I'm not bothered by it. I was just letting hegemon know01:40
schtinkerdoes ubuntu put TV capture cards somewhere other than /dev/video0?01:40
bobbydnickrud, thanks, how dod you tell that?01:40
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=== |main| [n=zxcvb@toronto-HSE-ppp4021906.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
|main|hi all01:41
|main|can I install ubuntu into a directory?01:41
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|main|i dont have any blank cds01:41
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nickrudbobbyd, I have the package apt-file installed, it allows me to look up a lot of info about packages.  I did apt-file search /usr/bin/kpsewhich . That's what told me which package it was in.01:42
Seveas|main|, you will need a cd and an empty paprtition01:42
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jadaz87does anyone else know anything other than vmware that does the same job?01:42
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bobbydnickrud, ah great, thanks01:42
Seveasjadaz87, xen01:42
jadaz87or can anyone help me with installing vmware?01:42
|main|seveas, but can I run that livecd w/o burning it :) ?01:42
|main|i have an empty partition ready.01:42
Seveas|main|, no01:42
Warbo|main|: with an emulator It is possible. I have installed with QEmu before01:43
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|main|Warbo: inside qemu?01:43
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|main|afaik, qemu doesnt connect to actual partitions01:43
jadaz87seveas does it have a gui? or is it cli? :-S01:43
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pinky_hey guys01:43
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Seveasjadaz87, vmware is easier 01:43
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Warbo|main|: No. I used /dev/hda as hda and installed it there. As long as you don't use the same bits of the drive in the host and guest it is OK. But probably dangerous01:43
sonicjamhey guys i tried to make a partition with windows xp mce cd but didn't do nothing01:43
pinky_I cant seem to install the codecs for mp3's :(01:44
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pinky_pinky@pinkpanther:~$   sudo apt-get install  gstreamer0.8-mad01:44
pinky_Reading package lists... Done01:44
pinky_Building dependency tree... Done01:44
pinky_Package gstreamer0.8-mad is not available, but is referred to by another package.01:44
pinky_This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or01:44
pinky_is only available from another source01:44
pinky_E: Package gstreamer0.8-mad has no installation candidate01:44
bobbydnickrud, the problem is that it keeps trying to remove the lilypad thing before installing anything else, so I can't install tetex...01:44
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_jasonpinky_: enable universe01:44
erUSULpinky_: do not paste here please01:44
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erUSUL!tell pinky_ about repos01:44
jadaz87seveas is an pain to install it keeps saying i have already had it installed when i uninstalled it already :-(01:44
sonicjam| main |, try to find a cd r-w some where in your house01:44
nemesysand don't say 'hell', but you can say 'god damn'01:45
nickrudbobbyd, try sudo aptitude install lilypond (to clear the lilypond removal request), then installing tetex-bin01:45
bobbydok thanks01:45
thiago_Warbo, finished here01:45
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Warbo|main|: QEmu is useful because it can copy files from a fake partition to a real one, but I find that running my Ubuntu inside QEmu makes my host Ubuntu read-only. I'm a silly billy01:45
nickrudbobbyd, sometimes clearing this kind of thing up takes a few steps, don't get warped :)01:45
Warbothiago: It works?01:45
Warbothisgo: No thanks to me :)01:46
jadaz87some many people here are disrespectful today...how long does a ban last?01:46
bobbydnickrud, :)01:46
thiago_Warbo, got the same errors, but I was able to find j2re1.4 in Synaptic01:46
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sonicjamcan i make a partitions with linux than install winxp on an other01:46
nickrudjadaz87, nalioth answered that question by saying less than a day, barring extreme circumstances.01:47
erUSULsonicjam: yes you can partition your drive fron linux01:47
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thiago_Warbo, I think the problem cam be Synaptic01:47
Warbothiago: Oh. You may have to do the same thing again in the future though, as the package versions you have access to may be updated and yours removed01:47
sonicjamgood because linux goes slow with my pc01:47
|main|Warbo: do you have to give entire hard-drive to qemu? can it be a partition like /dev/hda1 ?01:47
sonicjami mean with vmware01:47
naliothnickrud: are you spreading the gospel of !ircrules ?01:47
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AleXerTecHhi everybody01:48
nickrudnalioth, I am tweaking the dieties today, I'm exploring the fringes of hubris :)01:48
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AleXerTecHim having troubles01:48
Warbosonicjam: I think you can do pretty much anything with your drive from anywhere as long as you don't touch the partitions used by the host (whether that's the host of QTParted or the host of VMWare which is hosting QTParted)01:48
NickGarveymy wireless card is working up to the point of actually connecting, the light is on.. it detects the networks by scanning.. but can't actually connect01:48
AleXerTecHi have a laptop toshiba and it doesnt detect the dlink 650 cardbus for wifi conection01:48
Seveasjadaz87, the duration of a ban depends on hoe annoying people are. In the case of nemesys/fredl: it'll take a while...01:49
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tonyyarussosonicjam: By the way, if you install Linux first and Windows second, it will mess up the bootloader.  However, it's easy to fix with a live cd ('/msg ubotu recover' for info)01:49
mzinzI'm using breezy badger on a i386 laptop with kernel 2.6... is this the newest kernel?01:49
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crimsunmzinz: the version in breezy-security is, yes.01:49
Warbomzinz: That is the latest stable version01:49
jadaz87seveas oh ok01:49
MHobbit2.6.16.5, specifically.01:49
Warbomzinz: 2.6 is the latest Linux version, but 2.6.16 is the VERY latest01:49
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=== nickrud wonders how anyone could call the ops here overbearing. He's seen overbearing, and you can too. #debian.
mzinzWarbo, any clue when a new 'big release will come out?01:50
Warbosomeone's going to correct me on that aren't they?01:50
Warbomzinz: June I think. I'm using it now01:50
mzinzWarbo, how do i get 2.6.16? and is it worth it for such a small update01:50
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jadaz87i think the ops here do a great job01:50
mzinzWarbo, Ubuntu employee?01:50
crimsunum, 2.6.16 is a _huge_ update from 2.6.1201:50
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Warbomzinz: Well 2.6.16 is actually a very major update, but isn't really worth it01:50
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mzinzWarbo, ohh i see.01:51
ubotuhmm... wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto01:51
sonicjambecause with the win xp cd that i got doesn't let me partition01:51
Warbomzinz: Ubuntu is a Linux distro. Canonical is the company, and I;m just a regular user like you01:51
wood1702I'm having trouble playing a divx file, is there a way to see what codecs are currently installed?01:51
sonicjammake partition*01:51
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djs_2_6Hello all.  I am trying to play an xvid coded avi file over my network using totem with the xine backend.  I am having HORRIBLE performance issues trying to even watch the show.  The buffering is taking forever, and it stops to rebuffer every 2 minutes or so.  Is there any way to increase the speed or size of the buffer?  The file server is not my problem, as it is a scsi raid 5 array over a 200Mbps bonded 64/33 network card...01:51
mzinzWarbo, specifically I'm trying to get "real" drivers for my WNIC... instead of ndiswrapper.  Is there a chance that would be on the kernel?01:51
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mzinzWarbo, sorry haha.  I asked because I thought you meant you had an advance on the update coming out in June01:52
mzinzWarbo, ;)01:52
crimsunanyone can & should test the beta released this week01:52
Seveasdjs_2_6, areyou using samba?01:52
Warbomzinz: Well if you look in /lib/modules/(your kernel) then you may find some drivers. Google around to see what they are (they are well organised). If there is one for you then you are laughing, but I doubt that 2.6.16 will them if 2.6.12 doesn't01:52
Seveasmore specifically: samba via nautilus01:52
djs_2_6Seveas - On the file server?01:52
=== Marineboy [n=ubuntu@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudcrimsun, is the closest release to 4/20 we'll see? (just want to archive it)01:53
ubotu[xen]  a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/ .01:53
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tonyyarussocrimsun: I was pondering holding off until final, but I'm conflicted.  Feel free to convince me.  (##tonyyarusso is available for such things, btw)01:53
Warbomzinz: I'll look there in mine (but I'm in a 2.6.15-18 kernel) but I don't really know what I'm looking for01:53
crimsunnickrud: sorry, please rephrase01:53
Seveasdjs_2_6, I mean for playing the movie. You say 'via the network', but that can be anything, nfs, samba, sshfs, nc...01:53
crimsuntonyyarusso: Beta should be fine.01:53
filthy_badgerHi guys, I know this is off-topic, but some of you may like to watch some nudity softcore pics from time to time. Ive uploaded a script for you (bash), that will download about 1,5 GIG (!) of free accessible "teen" (legal of course) softcore pics. This is no spam or sth, I just want to share this with you. Download the script from http://rapidshare.de/files/18190680/Steffis_Siterip.sh.html , click on "free" then download the scr01:54
filthy_badgeript, make it executable, run it and have fun01:54
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee01:54
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jadaz87not again01:54
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hegemonhow-to use freenode anonymously?01:54
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tonyyarussocrimsun: Yeah?  Should I do all updates between now and June, or will the 20th's be okay, but maybe run into significant trouble in between?01:54
felipe_How do I add aditional languages to my ubuntu box?01:54
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djs_2_6Seveas - The file server is a Windows 2003 enterprise, and the workstation is a breezy.  For playing the file, I mount a network share from the Windows server, and play it that way.01:54
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hegemonor IRC in general should say01:54
crimsuntonyyarusso: you shouldn't run into any trouble between now and 1 june01:55
zntneodoes anyone here know how to turn on autocorrect under zsh01:55
WarboI'm off for a bit as I've sorted (or given up on, I can't tell) that apt problem.01:55
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tonyyarussocrimsun: Music to my ears.  (I'm so blaming you if it breaks now ;) )01:55
Seveasdjs_2_6, you could try downloading it first - samba via nautilus has been wonky in the past01:56
sonicjamis there a program that i can make a partition01:56
Seveasjust to rule that out 01:56
nickrudcrimsun, it's a personal itch. 50th birthday, reluctantly watching dapper not release on that day, talk of this that & the other release candidates, etc. No biggie01:56
erUSULsonicjam: fdisk, cfdisk, parted, gparted01:56
jsmidtWhat is`SCSI?01:56
narga type of hard drvie01:56
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djk_narg: wrong.01:57
=== Daskies [n=Daskies@c-71-193-235-210.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jadaz87anyone know why this whould happen?: Unable to copy the source file ./installer/services.sh to the destination file01:57
jadaz87i am running in sudo01:57
sonicjamerusul, what type of program are those01:57
nickrudsmall computer system interface --> scuzzy  -> scsi01:57
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obscuriteanyone know the option in /etc/ssh/ssh_config to make the ssh client stay alive forever?01:57
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DaskiesIs there a way to turn up my maximum sound? In windows my maximum sound was enough to hear a mile away, no it barely enough for me to hear01:57
erUSULsonicjam: to make partitions01:57
djs_2_6Seveas - Any other solutions?  In general, this breezy box has had HORRIBLE network performance with that Windows server (i.e., ~20-25Mbps)...01:57
nickrudjadaz87, first guess is sudo01:58
jadaz87nickrud i already did sudo01:58
sonicjamerUSUL, i know that but are those dos or windows type of programs01:58
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zntneoanyone know were i should go to get help01:58
zntneoon zsh01:58
erUSULsonicjam: they are linux programs01:58
djs_2_6Daskies - Are you using Alsa, and do you have the right drivers for your card?01:58
co-playboy /s mesra.dal.net01:58
co-playboy /s mesra.dal.net01:58
nargdjk_: Ok fine, but it is commonly USED for harddrives :p01:58
obscuritezntneo -i'm assuming #zsh :P01:58
sonicjamwell i'm of01:58
Daskiesdjs_2_6, I have no idea as to what Alsa is, and I'd assume I have right drivers since I can hear it01:59
Seveasdjs_2_6, mount your samba shares instead of using nautilus01:59
zntneosorry i just tried that01:59
zntneodidn't think about it01:59
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djs_2_6Seveas - How do I do that?01:59
nickrudjadaz87, does the file /etc/init.d/vmware already exist? (grab in the dark, I don't have the script you're running at hand)01:59
tritiumDaskies: advanced linux sound architecture01:59
DaskiesOh, I just figured it01:59
DaskiesMy PCM was all the way down01:59
crimsunnickrud: it's still our Beta release.02:00
jadaz87nickrud no there is not02:00
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Seveasdjs_2_6, a really easy way is downloading and running http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/addsamba02:00
mzinzcrimsun, how do i install the newer kernel? and what cmd can i use to check the exact version of mine?02:00
nickrudcrimsun, np, it was not an important question.02:00
erUSULmzinz: uname -r02:00
crimsunmzinz: ``uname -r'' is your current version. Do you have a critical reason for wanting a newer version?02:00
zntneoits dead in there :(02:00
obscuritenevermind, it ws ServerAliveInterval02:00
mzinzcrimsun, no :)02:01
djs_2_6Seveas - Is that a file, or what?02:01
erUSULmzinz: to install a new one you have to compile it02:01
mzinzerUSUL, ill pass.02:01
Seveasdjs_2_6, yes02:01
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jadaz87nickrud no there is no file like that there lol02:01
Seveasa shell script to add samba shares to /etc/fstab02:01
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joebu23noob here, need some help02:01
LinuxHelpdoes anyone here have experience with the booting of the dapper cd installer?   In terms of making a custom initrd.gz?  I'm using the mini.iso with a custom initrd but I'm having porblems, and yes I've tried #ubuntu+102:02
kpLaX[oldcomp] me too02:02
DBOjoebu23, what is your problem?02:02
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joebu23trying to play mp3 files02:02
ubotump3 is, like, totally, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:02
djs_2_6Seveas - Ok, I downloaded it, and firefox gave it a .htm extension.  What do I do now?02:02
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freyahi... i just put a soundcard in my box02:02
kpLaX[oldcomp] I need help.  I tried restarting my comp with the Ubuntu disc in, but it didn't load on start and windows just loaded up02:03
kpLaX[oldcomp] im noon02:03
kpLaX[oldcomp] noob*02:03
freyahow can i enable it?02:03
phrowzenkpLaX[oldcomp] , change your boot device priority in the bios02:03
pete009I have a similar problem with PPc02:03
Seveasdjs_2_6, bash filename_you_gave_it02:03
kpLaX[oldcomp] roger that sir02:03
kpLaX[oldcomp] im out02:03
Seveasor actually, sudo bash filename_you_gave_it02:03
MarineboyAnyone know how long it takes for ShipIT to send the CD's out?02:04
SeveasMarineboy, 4 to 6 weeks02:04
jadaz87Marineboy 4 to 6 weeks02:04
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jindiazcan someone help me use a use a linux-installer.bin?02:05
Marineboydamn thats a long time.02:05
mzinzWhats the point of sudo if you've already logged into your admin account? Constant security?02:05
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Marineboythat means i'mma have to run my pc off the live version.02:05
jadaz87Marineboy i was so happy when i got mine all the way from France :-02:05
nickrudjadaz87, that is odd then. does the file exist under ./installer? (without reading the bash script, I'm kinda flailing about here)02:05
jadaz87mzinz so people have a second chance to will egrethit Ctrl+C in the terminal before they do something they02:06
Marineboyjadaz87: i deleted my Win partition and tryed to install ubuntu to find that the version I got was corrupted :~(02:06
nickrudMarineboy, you could do like I did, and download the iso over several nights02:06
Marineboynickrud: it would only take me a hour to download it.02:06
Noisy_1is there any way to load a desktop environment onto a CLI server system?02:06
PSjindiaz: open a terminal and issue chmod a+x linux-installer.bin02:06
jadaz87nickrud do you want me to paste the script?02:06
Noisy_1sapt-get or something?02:06
PSthen ./linux-installer.bin02:07
Marineboybut i dont think i can download it off the live version can I?02:07
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djs_2_6Seveas - I did that, said yes to installing the smbfs, gave the server, share, username, password, and got an error - cli_negprot: SMB signing is mandatory and we have disabled it.  17098: protocol negotiation failed  umount: /tmp/tmp.vm0GRx: not mounted02:07
freyahmm /proc/bus/pnp not available...02:07
onthostI am sorry to ask this again, but does soemone have the link to the old world mac howto?02:07
MarineboySeveas: can you download to the live version?02:07
jindiazPS: ok cool, thank man, gunna have to do it later then, termianl is in use02:07
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ubotufrom memory, oldworld is to install on an old world powermac, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/OldWorldMacs02:07
Seveasdjs_2_6, never seen that error before...02:08
nickrudMarineboy, yes, you can, if you have a fat32 partition to download to. I think you could resize your ntfs partition in advance02:08
amonkeyrandomly i can't open any folders. on the toolbar it says "starting home" and then dissapears. i can still ls in terminal02:08
PScan't you open another terminal?02:08
nargjindiaz: you can open up use multiple terminals02:08
Noisy_1can linux read ntfs?02:08
crimsunNoisy_1: yes02:08
Marineboylol I dont know if i even got a fat32 anymore.02:08
djs_2_6Seveas - Can I do this manually, without a script?02:08
PSsure, i take it you're booted into unbuntu gnome?02:08
Seveasdjs_2_6, hang on, trying to find out what that error means02:08
LinuxHelpIs it possible to install dapper using an existing linux installation? I have Fedora 5 running and I have a blank partition, I mean to install while in FC502:08
djs_2_6Seveas - Oh, ok.  Sorry, and thank you...02:09
jadaz87nickrud here you go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1240902:09
MarineboyObi_Wan Im banned from #ubuntu, could someone please unban me, or tell me someone to unban me?02:09
nickrudMarineboy, I missed the part where you lost your orig install. You most certainly can create some partitions and format them, and download to them in the live cd02:09
Noisy_1what's the command to reboot?02:09
Marineboynickrud i'mma PM you okay?02:09
welshbytereboot (or shutdown -r now)02:09
Noisy_1tried both of those02:10
welshbyteas root02:10
Noisy_1does regular debian not have sudo?02:10
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djs_2_6Noisy_1 - It does...02:10
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Noisy_1-bash: sudo: command not found02:11
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mabusWhy does embedded video in firefox like NEVER work?02:11
_jasonmabus: use mplayer plug-in02:11
djs_2_6Noisy_1 - sudo is probably not installed then...02:11
Noisy_1can i apt-get it?02:12
|main|mplayer, or plugger02:12
|main|i think plugger is somewhat better02:12
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djs_2_6Noisy_1 - You should be able to...02:12
djs_2_6Noisy_1 - Probably have to be logged in as root, though...02:12
Seveasdjs_2_6, http://www.computing.net/linux/wwwboard/forum/27175.html02:12
Noisy_1i need sudo to get sudo... ;P02:12
mabus_jason: isn't that one of the things it tells you to install on !restrictedformats? I installed all that02:12
nickrudjadaz87, that's over my head. Sorry, I'm not sure what to suggest here.02:13
Noisy_1yeah I'll login as root02:13
jadaz87nickrud lol02:13
mabusNoisy_1: Ah, you did an expert install.02:13
mabusNoisy_1: Be sure to add your regular user to the sudoers file.02:13
_jasonmabus: pastebin what you get when you do 'about:plugins' in firefox please?02:13
Noisy_1should I do the standard install?02:13
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Noisy_1I don't even have a desktop environment02:14
Noisy_1I fail at Linux02:14
mabusNoisy_1: You won't learn anything by doing that. You haven't done anything unfixable.02:14
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Seveasdjs_2_6, download this: http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/addcifs02:15
Seveasand try with that one02:15
Noisy_1is there a way to apt-get a desktop environment?02:15
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mjrNoisy_1, for the large ones, yes02:15
poningruNoisy_1: apt-get kubuntu-desktop02:15
_jasonNoisy_1: install ubuntu-desktop for gnome, kubuntu-desktop for kde, xubuntu-desktop for xfce02:15
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poningruwhat he said02:15
Noisy_1this is for regular debian though, sorry for the unrelated chat02:15
poningruNoisy_1: #debian02:16
juancahello everyone02:16
pr0-t31nwhen i try to install drivers for my 2wrie modem with ndiswrapper i get this error02:16
pr0-t31n root@2wire:~# ndiswrapper -i 2wirepcp.sys02:16
pr0-t31nInstalling 2wirepcp.sys02:16
pr0-t31ncouldn't copy 2wirepcp.sys at /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper line 139.02:16
pr0-t31nroot@2wire:~# ndiswrapper -l02:16
pr0-t31nInstalled drivers:02:16
pr0-t31n2wirepcp.sys invalid driver!02:16
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ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL02:16
juancahas anyone here used garnome to run Gnome 2.14 under breezy?02:16
mabus_jason: http://pastebin.ca/4955802:16
juancaponingru: yes garnome02:17
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_jasonmabus: you still have totem handling a lot of your streams, but you do have mpalyer-plugin installed, just do ubotu's first command and restart firefox02:18
_jasonubotu: tell mabus about replacetotem02:18
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mabus_jason: I'm not identified... since when could I get pmed?02:18
juancaI have upgraded my system from Breezy to Dapper, but I have a lot of issues with DRI and DRM in my savage xserver driver02:18
_jasonmabus: you can get pm'd, you just can't pm others (unless they change a setting)02:18
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juancaI wanted to benefit from the memory management improvement in Gnome 2.14, but the xserver savage driver just freezes on system boot02:19
DaskiesHey I'm having problems playing Midi files with Java, does Ubuntu have a Midi device?02:19
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nickrudI'm trying to remember the correct way to get root access (for formatting a harddrive) in the breezy live cd02:19
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nickrudany takers?02:20
mikebotdoes ubuntu come witha  cpp compiler?02:20
jadaz87can anyone help me with an installation of vmware02:20
Seveasnickrud, sudo -i02:20
nickrudSeveas, thanks02:20
mabusmikebot: sudo apt-get install build-essential02:20
Seveas!tell mikebot about compiling02:20
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hellz_hunteri am trying to install gtk2.x themes using the themes button on the system > preferences part but when i install the theme, a window says that the theme was correctly installed but i dont see it in the list of available themes02:20
qalimasIs there a way to create a live cd from a customized install of Ubuntu?02:20
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_jasonhellz_hunter: some themes are not complete themes, check the tabs in the 'details...' button02:21
DaskiesUbuntu midi port anyone?02:21
Seveasqalimas, not easily02:21
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qalimasWhat about a remaster of the downloadable live cd?02:21
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mabusqalimas: there is a guide on the wiki somewhere02:21
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ubotumabus: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:21
mustang97I'm tryin to get eggdrop working.   I installed the eggdrop package.. found the folder but no config file or any of the other files.    How do I go about getting eggdrop working?    I tried to get eggdrop and compile myself but its saying it needs some libtcl.so .. I installed activetcl and it still wont work.02:22
mabusIt's there, search.02:22
mustang97any suggestions?02:22
qalimasOk, thanks02:22
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Hackmomustang97: install tcl4.8-dev02:22
ubotujadaz87: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:22
pete009Need Help! Can't boot up on a Live Cd on a powerpc.02:22
mustang97lemme go try that02:22
pete009ububtu 5.102:23
jadaz87pete009 is the live cd for ppc?02:23
ubotulivecd is, like, totally, useful for playing with or trying out (k)ubuntu without installing it or making any changes to your system. grab one from the download page at http://www.ubuntulinux.org or request via ship-it.  To remaster your own, check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDCustomizationHowTo .02:23
tonyyarussojadaz87, mabus, qalimas: Sometimes the factoids are just that simple :)02:23
mikebotso linux doesn't use .exe?02:23
jadaz87tonyyarusso lol02:23
mjrmikebot, nope02:23
jadaz87mikebot nope02:23
mikebotwhat does it use instead?02:23
skonmikebot: linux doesn't use any extensions02:23
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mjrmikebot, permissions02:24
jadaz87mikebot executable files are flaged with +x which means executable02:24
mikebotso how does it know to opena  pdf file witha  viewer?02:24
jadaz87mike just like read only system , blah, on M$02:24
mustang97Hackmo, 4.8?  I did a google search and no results..  I tried 8.4 and got a result (remember seeing somfin bout 8.4 earlier)02:24
mjryep, and the +x means basically "allowed to execute", which is a permission02:24
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jadaz87mikebot it has the extension .pdf02:24
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Seveasmikebot, similar as on windows: a database that couples extensions and mime types with applications02:25
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jadaz87mikebot linux is not restricted to extensions that is what we are trying to say02:25
mikebotah ok02:25
Hackmomustang97: yeah, i'm sorry it's 8.402:25
[Ryan] Anyone here happen to use SBC's default 2Wire wireless modem with Ubuntu?02:25
mustang97Hackmo, okay.. thanks.. was making sure before I installed..02:25
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Hackmomustang97: sudo apt-get install tcl8.4-dev02:25
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KhaaaaanHey guys, is there a way to get Skype in Dapper???02:25
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Warbomikebot: There are a few ways. It looks at the extension" like .pdf. It also looks at the "header" (I think) which is the beginning of the file saying what it is, and it can also do it heuristically "This looks like a PDF"02:26
=== DeBert really tries to like Gnome, but just can't...*sigh*
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uboturumour has it, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/02:26
mikebotWarbo, ok, thanks02:26
Hackmomustang97: after that then compile/install eggdrop using the latest version from there site02:26
mustang97oh. much easier then what I was bout to do..  was gonna download off their site and try to install that way.02:26
mustang97yea.. I already got the eggdrop02:26
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Noisy_1Isn't Dapper beta? Why would you want buggy software?02:27
mustang97Hackmo, I'm used to installing / configureing eggdrop..  just not with setting up a pc to run eggdrop.. :)02:27
KhaaaaanDapper is money as hell duder02:27
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WarboKhaaaan: Either try apt-get.org or I think there is a package in Debian non-free which downloads Skype and installs it for you (as repackaging it isn't allowed)02:27
djs_2_6Seveas - Thank you for that.  The bash addcifs did not work either, but that website helped, so I think I will do some playing...02:27
Hackmomustang97: yeah me too, the only reason I knew how to solve your problem is because I installed eggdrop like 3 hours ago02:27
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jinhohi when I run eclipse It runs pretty slow...loading takes more than 10 seconds, in addition I always get an error message the first time I start eclipse...I have the latest JDK, but not the latest version of eclipse (3.1.1 is what I have) anyone know why eclipse is lagging?02:28
[Ryan] Mmm... Nobody here uses SBC or a 2Wire modem/USB adapter?02:28
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mustang97Hackmo, ahh.. good deal then02:29
jadaz87Ryan why do you not use the ethernet port on the dsl modem?02:29
allyi need help changein my resolution02:29
mustang97Hackmo, been tryin to get eggdrop installed for 2 days now..  were did you find out what to install?   been lookin on ubuntusguide page02:29
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icemanpoor mac's now running windows xp .... sad ...02:29
Warbojadaz87: Not all USB modems have Ethernet02:30
Hackmomustang97: there is a post about it on the fourms02:30
uriel_xp is the best desktop OS02:30
jadaz87Warbo most broadband ones do02:30
blindxWhere can I find more ubuntu themes?02:30
mustang97Hackmo, ahhhh..   knew I shoulda checked that..02:30
poningruuriel_: rofl02:30
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allyi need help chagning my resolution02:30
[Ryan] jadaz87: I have to use a wireless adapter that communicates with the modem because a phone jack isn't anywhere *near* where this PC needs to be.02:30
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jinhoanyone have problems with eclipse being very slow?02:31
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Warbojadaz87: Routers have Ethernet ports, and many routers have modems inside. I know a few people who only have modems, with usb only. I have 2 routers. 1 with a modem and 1 with WiFi but no modem.02:31
[Ryan] And, well, it's not working out at all.02:31
ally[19:26]  hardcorevinyl: ahh02:31
ally[19:26]  hardcorevinyl: im eating a cake with eggshells in it02:31
ally[19:28]  hardcorevinyl: its pretty bad02:31
Hackmomustang97: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9894&highlight=eggdrop+tcl02:31
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ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!02:31
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/02:31
ally i need help chagning my resolution02:32
sethkally, why?02:32
jinhogotcha ubotu02:32
allybecause its set too low02:32
[Ryan] It sees the wireless USB adapter, but doesn't know what it is. And the manufacturer doesn't make Linux drivers.02:32
ubotures is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:32
sethkally, no, I mean why do you need help?  what's the problem?02:32
DaskiesIs there a hotkey to xkill, or bring up thew terminal?02:32
Warboally: Set it highest possible then you can use Ctrl-Alt-+ (on NumPad) to "zoom in"02:32
jadaz87Daskies Alt+F2 brings up the run box02:33
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mustang97Hackmo, wow.. that coulda came in handy yesterday..  I had to figure out bout the c compiler as well..  thanks02:33
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allyi didnt install the right ones02:33
allyi need to install another one02:33
sethkally, run dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:33
zntneo_whats the best way to configure ubuntu to login and get a kerb ticket02:33
allyumm how02:33
hellz_hunter_jason, details button?02:33
Warboally: Install all of the resolutions and it uses the highest possible. I've never seen an Ubuntu system which cjooses a too-high resolution.02:34
Hackmomustang97: np...you should always check the fourms when you have a problem.  The majority of the time someone else has had the same problem as you and someone else has solved it02:34
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sethkally, open a terminal, and type in:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:34
allyi need to know how to install more resolutions02:34
antisocial_borishow do i make it so a password is required to shutdown my pc via the system menu?02:34
Warboantisocial_boris: You don't want that! If it is impossible for someone to shut down they will just kill the power and corrupt your system02:35
george_warbo--- i have 2 routers- 1 have a pppoe conection and 1 have wwifi to remote desktop02:35
george_for 2 computer02:36
sethkantisocial_boris, do visudo, remove the authority for non-root users to run shutdown02:36
Warbogeorge: I got 2 because it was cheaper, but now my WiFi don't work :(02:36
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DBOantisocial_boris, thats a bad security measure though, unless the physical box is secure, people will just press the button...02:36
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tonyyarussoally: Did you see the link from ubotu?  That's a pretty complete guide that does the trick for most users.02:36
george_the distan of 1 of the computer  1kl02:36
antisocial_borisonly i really use it, but almost aways sudo shutdown -h, it just seems weird that by using the mouse you dont need a password but through the terminal you do02:36
george_mas o menoos02:37
zntneo_i'll ask again to make sure everyone saw me        how do i get ubuntu to automatically get a kerb ticket on login02:37
george_warbo-- hablas espaol02:37
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.02:37
Warbogeorge: I don't speak spanish02:37
antisocial_borisim not worried about the security of my computer since noone can use it without my permission02:37
george_1 of my router conect to internet02:38
Warboantisocial_boris: Is this just to learn how, or is it for a proper purpose?02:38
allythank you guys02:38
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george_warbo and other conect wired for a wifi02:38
george_warbo the router for wifi conection is linksys02:39
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Warbogeorge: I use a BT Voyager router to connect to the Internet, but DHCP won't work with the Netgear wireless one. It worked fine by just plugging it in at first but now it won't02:40
george_and  conect to internet in conection pppoe belkin02:40
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nickrudantisocial_boris, pam (see /etc/pam.conf and /etc/pam.d/) controls some permission accesses, IIRC that's how the shutdown from gnome is allowed02:40
Warbogeorge: also my WiFi card screws up Ubuntu completely when I boot with it in02:40
Kr0ntabantisocial_boris, thats like saying I don't worry about houshold security... because I make sure everyone knocks before they com into my house.02:40
george_the segurity02:40
Warbogeorge: ?02:41
zntneo_does no one know or is everyone ignoring me02:41
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Warbozntneo: I don't know what it is02:41
george_y have the mac adress segurity an web segurity02:41
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geronimo89could anyone give me a helping hand with dapper and xgl?02:41
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ExcaliBerHello how is everyone doing?02:41
zntneo_i'm kinda down02:41
Warbogeronimo: #ubuntu+1 and #ubuntu-xgl02:41
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geronimo89Warbo, I tried02:42
ExcaliBerYou need any help?02:42
geronimo89I do02:42
ExcaliBer= )02:42
george_warbo the mac adress segurity is active02:42
ExcaliBerWhats the problem?02:42
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zntneo_well i'm trying to figure out how to use kerberos with ubuntu02:42
geronimo89xgl on dapper drake02:42
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zntneo_on login02:42
zntneo_and no one here knows how02:42
geronimo89compiz is not starting correctly02:42
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Warbogeronimo89: Well, I have it working (well, HAD. Then I installed latest NVidia to get GLX+Composite)02:42
daniel_bra_forhi, i need help with gcc-3.4, i installed it, but when i type gcc -v, no command is found02:42
jadaz87!tell geronimo89 about xgl02:42
_jasonzntneo_: how do you get a kerberos ticket after login, is it some command?02:42
ExcaliBerOk let me see.02:42
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allyumm im back again and i need to know how to check the little boxes in setup02:43
uriel_im installing livecd from under qemu.02:43
geronimo89https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto <-- I'm following this02:43
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Warboally: use Tab to switch between the options and Space for checking boxes02:43
geronimo89but when I try to start compiz it says: compiz.real: Couldn't open display02:43
daniel_bra_fori need help to setup gcc-3.4, anyone?02:43
nickruddaniel_bra_for, gcc in ubuntu is 4.0.2, if you sudo apt-get install build-essential that's what it will say.02:43
Warboally: Only use Enter for OK/Cancel02:43
zntneo_yes jason its kinit02:43
zntneo_sorry i kinda new to irc don't know how to do the fancy stuff02:44
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daniel_bra_fornickrud, but the kernel was compiled with gcc-3.4.502:44
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ExcaliBerGo there.02:44
ExcaliBerI think you might like it.02:44
nickruddaniel_bra_for, for kernel stuff (as far as I know, the ony reason you need 3.4) try export CC='gcc-3.4' before running /kernel/module compiles02:44
geronimo89ExcaliBer, do you have a working xgl?02:44
Warbogeranimo89: Sorry, mine worked straight off and no problems (until now, but I know what caused it) You are using a binary driver right? (nvidia or fglrx)02:44
ExcaliBer= D02:44
ExcaliBerI have to check.02:44
ExcaliBerTo make sure.02:44
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geronimo89Warbo, I have nvidia02:44
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ExcaliBerzntneo_,Is that what you was looking for?02:45
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Warbogeranimo89: Do you have Option "RenderAccel" "true" on? It speeds up, but I don't think it's crucial02:45
zntneo_not quite02:45
geronimo89Warbo, I have02:45
ExcaliBerWhat are you trying to do anyways?02:45
zntneo_i'm looking for when i login it uses kinit to get a ticket at login time02:45
ExcaliBerKinit huh?02:46
_jasonzntneo_: maybe 'lstart' in the repos?  Or you could jsut try adding the command to system > prefs > sessions > startup?02:46
george_warbo in router desctive mac adress segurity and web segurity an d  try02:46
_jasonzntneo_: s/lstart/kstart02:46
george_warbo for test02:46
Warbogeronimo89: As far as I know if you can run GLXGears or something then XGL should work. After that it's just a matter of regular X permissions etc.02:46
jinhoIs it normal for the video to be say, a little choppy- for instance when I log off it fades very choppily- is this true for everyone?02:46
zntneo_how do you guys do what your doing my messaging just me?02:46
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_jasonzntneo_: _ja<tab> and then just type your message02:46
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Warbogeronimo89: It's just a little 3D app, if 3D works then XGL works02:47
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zntneo__jason, does that allow for login authentication02:47
Warbogeorge: Sorry, I don't get what you mean?02:47
zntneo_ExcaliBer, do you understand what i mean02:47
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_jasonzntneo_: I do not know, I don't use it.  I'm just throwing it out there for you to check it out02:47
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Warbovenin: hello02:47
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jramseytrying to hand install flash as firefox plugin; downloaded the plugin from macromedia, and wiki and mozdev say to install in ~/.mozilla/plugins but i can't find this folder02:48
ExcaliBerHold on.02:48
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codecaineanybody know why I get this error when trying to run aireplay airodump runs fine This program only works with HostAP's wlan#ap interface.02:48
zntneo__jason, doesn't seem like it would know my username and password02:48
jadaz87jramsey it is /home/jramsey/.mozilla/plugins02:48
Warbojramsey: If you have permission then you should put it in /lib/(mozilla something, depending on browser)02:48
codecaineusing atheros madwifi card02:48
Warbosorry /usr/lib02:48
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geronimo89Warbo, glxgears is not working02:49
ExcaliBerSo you were trying to do what again?02:49
veninive recently installed ipw2200 and etc.. but i get this small red square next to the network connection (wireless). and i have no internet apparently, how can i check whats wrong? dmesg | grep ipw doesnt show anything bad02:49
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Warbogeronimo89: What happens? Do you have Composite on?02:49
DaskiesWhat's the command to show what processes are running again?02:49
zntneo_ExcaliBer, get a kerb ticket at login02:49
WarboDaskies: ps aux02:49
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zntneo_ExcaliBer, using my login username and password02:50
ExcaliBerOk hold on.02:50
zntneo_i know you can do it with like fedora core02:50
Warbovenin: Sorry, I'm bad at networks.02:50
geronimo89xlib: extension "glx" missing on display "o.o".error: coundt get an rgb. double buffered visual02:50
mramwhould you guys happen to know how is ubuntu on a hp laptop with drivers?02:50
Warbogeronimo89: OK, do you know how to edit the xorg.conf file?02:50
jadaz87mram what laptop?02:50
zntneo_anyone happen to know how to user an lexmark z715 with ubuntu     just curious02:50
jramseyjadaz87, Warbo do i need to restart firefox after moving the proper plugin files to .mozilla/plugins??02:51
geronimo89Warbo, yes02:51
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jadaz87jramsey probably so02:51
ExcaliBerAlmost done hold on.02:51
Warbogeronimo89: Well make sure that nvidia is used not nv and in Modules section make sure there is GLX but no DRI or GLCore02:51
zntneo_you shouldn't have to move any files just make a sym link02:51
jadaz87!tell mram about laptop02:52
geronimo89Warbo, nvidia is not mentioned02:52
mramjadaz87 hp dv5000 with a amd turion02:52
tonyyarussomram: I don't have experience, but I've been trying to read up on it, so here's my summary to be taken with a grain of salt: Generally HPs have been pretty good with the notable exception of the built-in card reader.  However, I've begun to hear reports that this works under Dapper Flight 6, so prospects are bright.02:52
Warbogeronimo89: OK, before when I said nvidia or fglrx i meant drivers, not cards. OK, I'll walk you through it02:52
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blindxWhat should I do if I get the following error: configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH02:53
geronimo89okay found it Warbo02:53
_jasonblindx: 'sudo aptitude install build-essential'02:53
blindxbuild-essential, thats right02:53
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geronimo89Warbo, there was a "driver" named nv02:53
geronimo89renamed id02:53
geronimo89will try again02:53
Warbogeronimo89: OK, that is the free driver, but it doesn't do 3D02:53
zntneo_whats the plus to using aptitude over apt-get?02:53
mramtonyyarusso thank you, the one i am planning on getting idn't going be with a build in card reader, i am wondering also if i can get xgl working on it02:54
_jasonzntneo_: keeps track of deps that get installed02:54
geronimo89Warbo, I have installed the nvidia-glx package02:54
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Warbogeronimo89: You will need the non-free (but no cost) nvidia driver. The easiest way is to install the nvidia-glx package02:54
Warbogeronimo89: OK02:54
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jramseyjadaz87, im guessing it's flash but firefox says "unknown plugin" and thats when i selected manual install; it doesnt seem to matter that i manually installed it02:54
geronimo89but still same error message02:54
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zntneo__jason, thanks always wondered. Why is it in the ubuntu docs they are always using apt-get02:54
Warbogeronimo89: If you try changing nv to nvidia and restart X02:54
Noisy_1I installed gnome and now it has no video output. It shows bus activity on case light but nothing else02:55
tonyyarussomram: I'd recommend reading around yourself on 1) The Ubuntu wiki Laptop Testing pages, 2) tuxmobil, 3) linux-on-laptops.  Google seems to be reasonably good for this sort of specific search too.02:55
Noisy_1should I restart?02:55
WarboNoisy_1: Does your monitor get a signal (mine flashes when no signeal)02:55
mramtonyyarusso thank you i shall do that02:55
geronimo89Warbo, same error message02:55
_jasonzntneo_: ask the doc writers :)  apt-get has been around longer is probably the main reason.  So more people are used to it02:55
Noisy_1there is signal02:55
blindxWhat's the package name for XML::Parser (a perl module)02:56
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allywhat is the command for changeing your resolutions again for the shelll02:56
ExcaliBerSorry i don't know anything about the kerb.02:56
Warbogeronimo89: Well, I would expect a different one. OK, can you start regular X (not XGL) with the nvidia driver (let's get it working before we do the fancy stuff)02:56
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ExcaliBerYou just want it to save your password or something?02:56
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Warboally: No command, just press ctrl alt + or - (on NumPad)02:56
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veninive recently installed ipw2200 and etc.. but i get this small red square next to the network connection (wireless). and i have no internet apparently, how can i check whats wrong? dmesg | grep ipw doesnt show anything bad02:57
_jasonblindx: apt-cache search --names-only lib xml parser perl02:57
WarboNoisy_1: Can you get in a terminal? (ctrl alt f1)02:57
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geronimo89Warbo, don't know, but does not look like it's started, eh?02:57
allyno i need the one to install new ones02:57
blindxdidn't return anything, _jason02:57
Warboally: OK. "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:57
geronimo89Warbo, will reboot02:57
_jason!info libxml-parser-perl02:57
ubotulibxml-parser-perl: (Perl module for parsing XML files), section perl, is optional. Version: 2.34-4 (breezy), Packaged size: 285 kB, Installed size: 708 kB02:58
Warbogeronimo89: no reboot neede02:58
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_jasonblindx: you either made a typo or don't have breezy main enabled in your sources02:58
mramdapper flight6 seems to be stable on my system, i don't know why they delayed it02:58
Warbogeronimo89: Do you know a few terminal commands?02:58
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blindxlemme double check.. :\02:58
geronimo89Warbo, a few02:58
Conjurermram: usability issues (according to shuttleworth)02:58
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Warbogeronimo89: If you press ctrl-alt-f1 you get in a terminal. Do all of your work from there and use "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" to try X02:59
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mramConjurer: really...hmmm oh well better be safe than sorry02:59
geronimo89Warbo, glxgears working, will try the tut again02:59
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kh40scan someone help me getting the firewire interface working?02:59
Warbomram: It works, but it's not fantastic enough yet!02:59
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tonyyarussomram: One (of many) things was better support for the increasingly important Asian languages, so some of the delay results won't even be seen by English users.  Then of course there's the "polish" we hear so much about.02:59
mramWarbo: it really needs xgl03:00
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Warbogeronimo89: If glxgears works (it should be really fast) with nvidia instead of nv then XGL should be fine03:00
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ExcaliBerkh40s:whats wrong?03:00
Warbomram: Maybe, but I don't like it. I'm on standard xcompmgr at the mo'03:00
zntneoExcaliBer, did you figure it out03:00
kh40sExcaliBer: I'm not seeing my external DVD drive in the list03:00
ExcaliBerI found the software for it.03:00
mramtonyyarusso i see, they also need to finish up all the icons as well, and some art work03:00
geronimo89Warbo, same error message when I try to start compiz03:00
allydo you need to restart in order for your effects to take place03:01
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tonyyarussomram: Yep.03:01
ExcaliBerWhat list are you speaking of/03:01
tonyyarussoally: Not usually.  You may have to restart the component involved, like X.03:01
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Warboally: Just restart X. Press ctrl-alt-f1, log in then type "/etc/init.d/gdm restart" to bring X back up03:01
codecaine_I installed hostapd how do I use it so I have a wlan interface?03:01
geronimo89Warbo, compiz.real: Couldn't open display03:01
kh40sExcaliBer: the File Browser... shouldn't I see it ther?03:01
blindxI just reinstalled ubuntu.. and when I had it before, I did something and it automatically mounted my slave drive.. I can't find this again, anyone know where it is?03:02
ExcaliBerDid you try propositories>?03:02
Warbogeronimo89: So you are sure that nvidia is in the xorg.conf file? Does Modules section have GLX? Which version of driver is it? (I broke mine with NVidia's package, not Ubuntu's)03:02
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ExcaliBerSystem>Administration>synaptic package manager03:02
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geronimo89Warbo, glx is there, driver is: nv36.203:03
PuMpErNiCkElblindx: You'd need a line with the details for that drive in /etc/fstab with the 'auto' option.03:03
codecaine_anybody know how to use hostapd?03:03
kh40sExcaliBer: propositories?  I searched for that and didn't find anything in the Synaptics Package Manager03:03
Warbogeronimo89: There is absolutely no way in the universe (not the repository) to get XGL when using "nv" driver You NEED "nvidia" instead03:04
PuMpErNiCkEl...I think03:04
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Warbokh40s: I think he means Repositories. Settings > Repositories03:04
ExcaliBeroh sorry its the list of packeges03:04
blindxI don't remember doing anything but clicking on a button, and it was less than a week ago...03:04
geronimo89Warbo, the nv36.2 is only the version03:04
ExcaliBerdid you try updating your ubuntu?03:04
ExcaliBerTry doing that03:04
geronimo89it's full name is something with nvidia bla bla03:04
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ExcaliBerzntneo_,try this http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/web/libapache-mod-auth-kerb03:05
kh40sExcaliBer: updating what packages? Or do you mean to update from 5.1 to 6.x?03:05
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allyumm in in the black shell screen how do i go back to my gui03:05
PuMpErNiCkElblindx: You can change that in System -> administration -> disks, I think.03:06
Warbogeronimo89: Do "ls /lib/modules/*18*/kernel/drivers/video/"03:06
ExcaliBerzntneo_, try this http://packages.ubuntulinux.org/breezy/web/libapache-mod-auth-kerb03:06
Warboif there is "nvidia.ko" then it is installed03:06
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Conjurerally: if you went into terminal-mode using Ctrl-Alt-F2, then you can press tr-Alt-F7 to return to X mode03:06
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Warboally: Use ctrl-al-f7 to get back. If it's not on use "/etc/init.d/gdm strart" or restart instead of start03:07
zntneoExcaliBer: isn't that for apache03:07
allyok thanks03:07
Conjureroops... that's Ctrl-Alt-F7 for X mode03:07
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geronimo89Warbo, there is no *18*03:07
butterfly_is there any garden designing app available for ubuntu?03:07
ExcaliBerOops sorry.03:07
ExcaliBerI don't know anything about kerb.03:07
Warbogeronimo89: OOps! Sorry!03:07
zntneono problem03:07
ExcaliBerNever used it.03:08
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Warbogeronimo89: That's mine. Just put your own kernel version, or if you inly have 1 kernel installed use a *03:08
ExcaliBerWhy dont you search for it on http://www.google.com/linux03:08
geronimo89Warbo, there is 2.6.15-19-386 and 2.6.15-20-386 instead03:08
zntneowell how do you enable login authentication03:08
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butterfly_thanks Excal03:08
ExcaliBerLogin authentication?03:08
ExcaliBerdon't you type in your username and pw on the start up?03:09
zntneolike to maybe ldap03:09
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blindxPuMpErNiCkEl, that's not it, either :\03:09
zntneonetwork login authentication03:09
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Warbogeronimo89: Yes, I'm using 2.6.15-18-386 'cos I'm running on a USB hard drive which my PC can't boot, so it is booting from a CD onto the HD. Because I can't be bothered to rewqrite the disc each tiny kernel upgrade I don't upgrade kernel03:09
ExcaliBerJust network?03:09
butterfly_what should I look for?03:09
ExcaliBerNothing in network03:09
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geronimo89Warbo, there are some folders, and there is a nvidia folder too03:09
KhaaaaanGuys.... what will play quicktime videos in Firefox?03:10
_jasonKhaaaaan: mplayer plugin with w32codecs03:10
ExcaliBerOr just get Internet explorer for linux.03:10
Warbogeronimo89: No. The nvidia folder is nothing to do with it. If there is nothing called "nvidia.ko" in that exact folder then you don't have the nvidia driver, just the nv driver03:10
jramseyisnt the java runtime environment pluging installed by default with firefox??03:10
_jasonjramsey: no03:10
_jasonubotu: tell Khaaaaan about mplayer03:10
zntneono not IE ahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1103:10
_jasonubotu: tell Khaaaaan about w32codecs03:10
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jramsey_jason, ok txs will go get it03:11
kh40sExcaliBer: What did you want me to update?03:11
geronimo89there is no such file Warbo03:11
_jasonubotu: tell jramsey about javadebs03:11
Khaaaaanmplayer ... ah man :(03:11
ExcaliBerIs it fully updated?03:11
blindxHow do I get access to my other harddrive?03:11
kh40sExcaliBer:  Yes03:11
zntneoIE is the devil03:11
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_jasonKhaaaaan: hmm?03:11
Warbogeronimo89: OK, you don't have it. There are a few ways of getting it but easiest is nvidia-glx03:11
uboturumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736803:11
ConjurerIs it possible to control the order in which services at the same runlevel are executed?03:11
geronimo89Warbo, I have nvidia-glx :(03:11
Warbogeronimo89: I know03:12
KhaaaaanI hate mplayer03:12
Warbogeronimo89: I like to do it with module assistant. Install module-assistant package03:12
mavric2001hmmm dapper drunk seems to work quite nicely03:12
_jasonKhaaaaan: why? mplayer is awesome03:12
mavric2001vlc is better03:12
blindxHow do I get access to my other harddrive?03:12
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mavric2001no pesky codecs to contend with03:12
WarboKhaaaaaaan: Totem's far better than MPlayer (but it has no mencoder equivalent)03:12
_jasonblindx: mount it.  What filesystem is it?03:13
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KhaaaaanIs there a pakcage for it?03:13
ExcaliBerYes get wine and download vlc.03:13
_jasonKhaaaaan: check your private messages03:13
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mavric2001khaaaaan; sudo apt-get install vlc03:13
blindxI tried mount /dev/hdb103:13
blindxbut it won't mount03:13
_jasonblindx: what happens when you try03:13
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WarboKhaaaaaan: Totem comes with Ubuntu. There is a plugin. Search Synaptic for "mozilla" and you'll see it03:13
seb48273I just attempted a default install which hung at 25% of initializing apt-repository, any ideas?03:13
blindxuh lemme try again03:13
ExcaliBerYou need wine for vlc.03:13
blindxmount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:13
_jason!info vlc03:13
mavric2001its in the repositories03:13
geronimo89Warbo, i try03:13
ExcaliBersudo apt-get wine03:13
ubotuvlc: (multimedia player for all audio and video formats), section universe/graphics, is optional. Version: 0.8.4-svn20050920-3+hal0ubuntu3 (breezy), Packaged size: 5817 kB, Installed size: 13740 kB03:13
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WarboExcaliBer: What? Is QT not in w32codecs?03:14
WarboThat's QuickTime, not QT03:14
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KhaaaaanWhy doesnt xine do it?03:14
_jasonKhaaaaan: xine do what?03:14
mavric2001if its codecs you want check out easyubuntu03:14
KhaaaaanPlay the movie03:14
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_jasonKhaaaaan: have you installed w32codecs?03:15
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WarboKhaaaaan: Try automatix, but it screws up the system to be like windoze03:15
codecaineanybody got aireplay to run on unbuntu?03:15
ubotuhmm... automatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'y\nY\n'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.03:15
KhaaaaanI didnt install the plugin03:15
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mavric2001easyubuntu is a better choice03:15
cyberboynice shit :)03:15
cyberboyim amused03:15
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.03:15
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, NickGarvey03:15
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.03:15
geronimo89Warbo, got it, what now03:15
Warbogeronimo89: Go into a terminal and type "m-a"03:16
blindxer.. my paste was lost.03:16
kh40sExcaliBer: Would any log files be useful?03:16
Warbogeronimo89: Tell it to update (it update's apt's lists) and Prepare (get's kernel-headers needed for building modules and rrivers)03:16
blindx_jason: mount: can't find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab03:16
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ExcaliBerHmm not sure.03:17
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HellDragonhi, thats not a ubuntu question i know but how can i have my own channel with a chanserv on it to dont lost my op status when i leave ?03:17
zntneowhat is pam used for03:17
_jasonubotu: tell blindx about mount03:17
cafuegoHellDragon: '/msg chanserv help'03:17
mavric2001pam is a newsreader03:17
Warbozntneo: PAM controls permission, passwords, etc.03:17
HellDragonforgot that lol03:18
geronimo89Warbo, that takes time, eh?03:18
cyberboyHellDragon, put up a bot03:18
Warbomavric: It it?03:18
HellDragonchanserv doesnt respond03:18
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zntneoWarbo: could it be used for network permission03:18
Warbogeronimo89: It doesn't upgrade the system, just updates the lists03:18
cyberboyget a shell03:18
blindxohhhhh yeahhhh03:18
cyberboyand use eggdrop :) .. version 1.1.5 should be stable03:18
kh40sExcaliBer: I was reading about a patch for /drivers/ieee1394.c for toshiba laptops.  Would that be helpful, and if so, how could I install it?03:18
Warbozntneo: I'm not sure. Networking is done with SSH and such, which have their own system03:18
geronimo89Warbo, oh, okay03:18
mavric2001errr my bad thats pan03:19
ExcaliBerYes it would.03:19
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cyberboythe internet should stay. in searchlist's and such . just make a search at altavista. i would like to belive in, getting a host from you're own country03:19
ExcaliBerif you want to install ie for linux get ies4linux03:19
kh40sExcaliBer: correction, the file name is /drivers/ieee1394/ohci1394.c03:19
cyberboywould be for the better03:19
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ExcaliBerYou talking about internet explorer?03:19
ExcaliBerOr something else?03:19
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cyberboythe maintaining of a channal . not getting lost among the thousen of users03:20
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kh40sExcaliBer: ieee1394 is firewire driver.  How do I install the patch into the system?03:20
m5mI'm having a chronic problem getting my system time set right... it appears that kubuntu thinks I live in UTC, though my timezone is set to "los angeles" (correct) I still get UTC timestamps when I use 'date'... any ideas?03:20
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m5mWhat's more I once succeeded in changing the time back to correct and I got stuck in these vicious cycles where sudo wouldn't work because of a bogus timestamp on the sudoers file or something.  It was so complicated that I ended up giving up.  It's irking me again.03:21
cyberboyjust change it03:21
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cyberboyperhaps the bios got a role in this play03:21
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cyberboyusing further informations. like its picking it up. from scratch, root. i think its a feature for some of the systems03:21
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m5mcyberboy: that's a possibility, but I think ubuntu has control of the bios time, if I'm not mistaken03:22
Warbom5m: Are you dual booting with windoze?03:22
cyberboyjust like power manager . / saver, for that matter03:22
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GTXhow do I make a command repeat itself03:22
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cyberboyits an option. i would like to belive in03:22
GTXevery 5seconds in ssh03:22
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cyberboyjust got the question03:22
cyberboylol :)03:22
m5mWarbo: I have a small Windows partition on a 2ndary hardrive, but I have to change my bootorder to use it... which I rarely do03:22
WarboGTX: use "sleep 5" in a script with a for loop03:22
blindxWhat's a good burning program?03:23
GTXWarbo, How do I make a loop?03:23
kh40scan someone help me with a .patch file?03:23
Warbom5m: It's just that there are some dodgy clock fixes which work fine in Linux but screw up Windoze time03:23
mavric2001blinx: k3b03:23
cyberboynero for windows. elsewhere. there should be some default ones03:23
kh40sI need to update the firewire driver for my system03:23
m5mWarbo: I don't care what Windows thinks at all03:23
cyberboywine is a good program / dosbox03:23
WarboGTX: "for ((;1;)); do command ; done" That is an infinite loop running "command"03:24
geronimo89Warbo, takes a few minutes03:24
cyberboyto drop in and out03:24
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RugHowdy all03:24
WarboAAA! Where's the Smiley come from?03:24
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cyberboyjust like dos03:24
GTXWarbo, does the 1 mean 1 second?03:24
WarboIt is semicolon 1 semicolon bracketr bracket03:24
ExcaliBerHi rug.03:24
cyberboymakes you're stuff running 32 bits versions. out of everything else :)03:24
GTXWarbo, Can you put one with sleep 5 in it03:24
WarboGTX: No. For keeps going until that number is zero. 1 is never zero so infinite loop03:24
GTXHow do I put sleep in it?03:25
WarboGTX, well it is a multi-line script. I'll pu it in the pastebin thing03:25
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m5mso you have any tips Warbo to set the time right?  keeping in mind that my only concern is not losing sudo power because of some future timestamp on my sudoers file?03:25
Warbogeronimo89: I'll get back in a sec, helping GTX03:25
geronimo89Warbo, alright03:25
RugOdd NFS problem;  I have 2 mount points on my server, (both have identical perms in /etc/exports) one I can mount the other I cannot.   Any ideas?03:25
ExcaliBerDo you have the file with you?03:25
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=== cyberboy needs gkrellm
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geronimo89Warbo, it's building03:26
ExcaliBerHey do you guys know about the firmware coming out for the psp03:27
ExcaliBer= D03:27
geronimo89Warbo, but this file you mentioned is still not there03:27
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cyberboyit was too perfect03:29
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ExcaliBerI don't have a toshiba laptop just to let you know.03:29
zntneocan i ask an irc question?03:29
ExcaliBerI have a Dell Dimension 3000.03:29
WarboGTX: Here you go http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1241203:29
kh40sExcaliBer:  Ok... but do you know how to install a .patch file?03:29
zntneowhats the best way to find binaries03:29
ExcaliBerOk gold on,03:29
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Warbogeronimo89: I'm back. OK, go to SELECT in module assidtant (m-a)03:29
geronimo89i selected nvidia03:30
brandon_what's the name of the surround mixer that gnome uses?03:30
geronimo89I builded and installed03:30
geronimo89but this file is still missing O.o03:30
Warbogeronimo89: Well try sudo "modprobe nvidia"03:30
kh40sExcaliBer: http://www.janerob.com/rob/ts5100/tosh-1394.patch03:30
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cyphasedoes anyone know of a firefox extension that lets you add feeds to a third party feed reader?03:30
geronimo89Warbo, no output03:31
Warbogeronimo89: That's good!03:31
brandon_cyphase: i don't know of one, but you can do that with konqueror, if you have kde03:31
Warbogeronimo89: OK, now "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:31
m5mdoes anyone know the commands that change the system's date?  I'm stuck on UTC and would like to change to PST, but the Kubuntu Gui isn't doing it, and I don't want to get stuck with my sudoers dir timestamped the future.03:31
CapnDoodydoes anyone know what the kerenel source tree directory for ubuntu?03:31
geronimo89Warbo, yeah03:32
WarboCapnDoody: /lib/modules/(kernel)/build03:32
blindxHow can I make my desktop icons smaller automatically?03:32
CapnDoodyWarbo, by deafult, right?03:32
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Warbogeronimo89: OK, now in "Device" section make sure Driver "nvidia"03:32
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WarboCapnDoody: It's a symlink I think03:33
=== geronimo89 is sure
nickrudblindx, by changing the zoom factor in System->Preferences->File Manager03:33
CapnDoodyWarbo: i'm not familar with the term symlink03:33
Warbogeronimo89: Then in Modules look for GLX, GLCore and DRI03:33
geronimo89glcore is not there03:34
geronimo89should I add it?03:34
WarboCapnDoody: Symbolic Link. The directory isn't actually there, but there is a link that you can use in just the same way as the directory03:34
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Warbogeronimo89: No. DRI and GLCore should NOT be there03:34
geronimo89deleted dri03:34
DewDudeit's like shortcut in Windows03:35
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Warbogeronimo89: Now in Device add the line: Option "RenderAccel" "true"03:35
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geronimo89Warbo, done03:35
WarboDewDude: Not really. Windows is a file with ".lnk" extension, symlink is basically just a directory.03:35
geronimo89there is Option "NvAGP" "1", too03:36
Warbogeronimo89: OK. Now ctrl-x, y, Enter to save it03:36
Warbogeronimo89: That's fine03:36
DewDudereal quick...will ubuntu pick up things  like USB jump drives automatically...or have i got to do a bunch of stuff to it?03:36
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geronimo89Warbo, okay03:36
_jasonDewDude: it picks up mine, ymmv03:36
cyberboyshouldnt there be a root acount somewhere03:36
WarboDewDude: Jump drive? Pen drives are fine if that's what you mean03:36
_jasonubotu: tell cyberboy about root03:37
TraceGreenHello, Can ubuntu lived run just in memory?03:37
mabusWarbo: There are tons of names for them.03:37
_jasonTraceGreen: that's exactly what it does03:37
mabusPen drive, jump drive, flash drive, memory key, etc03:37
Warbogeronimo89: Now in a ctrl-alt-f1 terminal run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" and tell me what you see. If there is a nvidia logo it worked03:37
ExcaliBerSorry i don't know alot of python.03:37
TraceGreen_jason, now, ubuntu livecd shoud use cdrom.03:37
mabus_jason: I think he wants to remove the cd, as in, like the tomem thing on damn small linux03:37
ExcaliBerThere should be a readme on the file.03:37
ExcaliBerIt should tell you everyhting03:38
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_jasonTraceGreen: oh I misunderstood, thought you were just asking if it used the hard drive03:38
AleXerTecHim really need help03:38
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WarboTraceGreen: Little hole in your drive? Shove a needle down it to eject the disc :)03:38
TraceGreen_jason, oh, now, i want use cdrom03:38
ExcaliBerWhats the problem?03:38
geronimo89Warbo, ehm, should I copy the xorg or the xgl folder into /etc/X11/X ?03:38
AleXerTecHi really need help with my laptop03:38
DewDudewell...technically it's my PSP...but i believe it works using standard USB drive03:38
ExcaliBerAlexertach, whats the problem?03:39
AleXerTecHi have a cardbus dlink and ubunto 5.1003:39
geronimo89Warbo, with the xgl it does not work03:39
TraceGreenWarbo, ......03:39
AleXerTecHand i cant make that thing works03:39
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Warbogeronimo89: to run XGL all you need it to change the link /usr/bin/X that points to /usr/bin/Xorg to point to /usr/bin/Xgl03:39
AleXerTecHif i do iwconfig, it doesnt showup03:39
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dj-fuWarbo, that's a very bad idea03:39
ExcaliBerSo you trying to make Ubuntu work?03:39
CapnDoodyWarbo: i'm tring to compile a driver for a new beta USB WLAN but i'm not able to run the "make config" command, why??03:39
Warbodj-fu: Notice that smiley thinng?03:39
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geronimo89sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xgl /etc/X11/X <-- this does not work03:40
dj-fuCan't say i did, actually03:40
AleXerTecHi need wireless connection03:40
kingspawnCapnDoody: what kind of errormsg do you get?03:40
dj-fubut yes, it does not work03:40
AleXerTecHin that laptop03:40
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ExcaliBerYou need a router.03:40
CapnDoodykingspawn: "command not found"03:40
AleXerTecHbut the cardbus doesnt showup03:40
WarboCapnDoody: I assume you are following the instructions. Usually there is just ./configure make make install03:40
jramseyi've changed permissions + owner of sources.list because i want to add a site that has the java plugin pkg; but i cannot save the updated sources list ... any ideas? do i need write access to the /etc/apt dir?03:40
KrisWoodHi everyone, is anyone here familiar with firestarter? Or does anyone know a better firewall gui to use?03:40
kingspawnCapnDoody: then sudo apt-get install build-essential03:40
dj-fugeronimo89, Xgl only works on Dapper, see this post for instructions - http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14835103:40
dj-fuKrisWood, Yes, I use firestarter.03:40
AleXerTecHi know, but the cardbus doesnt show up to make a config03:40
geronimo89dj-fu, i know -.-03:41
Warbogeronimo89: Did you see a line Option "NoLogo" "true" in your xorg.conf?03:41
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AleXerTecHExcaliBer, i try with the module ath_pci and doesnt work03:41
geronimo89Warbo, no, I'll check it03:41
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KrisWoodI'm trying to set up the firewall so that people inside the network can internet games at the same time, but firestarter only seems able to forward ports to one computer :-/03:41
CapnDoodymy directions tell me to unpackage and run "Make Config"03:41
geronimo89but gdm does not start if sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xgl /etc/X11/X <--- this is done03:41
ExcaliBerYou should go to wikis.03:41
kingspawnCapnDoody: well, do as i say to install make.03:41
ExcaliBerIt solves all problems.03:42
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Warbogeronimo89: That is useful, 'cos using NVidia driver shows the NVidia logo everytime you swich resolution. But it is useful to keep on so you know you are using the right driver03:42
dj-fuKrisWood, not sure how to do port forwarding sorry03:42
ExcaliBerI know alot about desktops.03:42
ExcaliBerBut i don't know much about laptops.03:42
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Warbogeronimo89: In dapper they moved Xorg into /usr/bin03:42
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KrisWoodhmmm I wonder if firestarter has an irc03:43
geronimo89Warbo, this thing about nologo is not defined in the config03:43
Warbogeronimo89: "sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xgl /usr/bin/X"03:43
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Warbogeronimo89: If there is nothing to do with NoLogo in the config then that is fine03:43
CapnDoodykingspawn: will that incorporate the files that are in this folder?03:43
CapnDoodykingspawn: for this driver install...03:43
kingspawnCapnDoody: what? no. it will install the tools you need to compile stuff. make compiles stuff. or rather, calls compilers to compile stuff.03:44
geronimo89Warbo, gnome can't start03:44
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CapnDoodykingspawn: ok great03:44
geronimo89Warbo, the whole xserver is unable to start03:44
Warbogeronimo89: That's OK. Just live in the terminal for now03:44
Warbogeronimo89: "sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xorg /usr/bin/X"03:44
Warbogeronimo89: Forget about Xgl to start with03:44
Warbogeronimo89: Let's get regular X with nvidia, then Xgl03:45
geronimo89no nvidia logo at startup03:45
Warbogeronimo89: And you are SURE the line is "nvidia"? Well I will post my xorg.conf to pastebin03:45
CapnDoodykingspawn: during th make install it asks me for the linux source directory... what would that be?03:46
nickrudCapnDoody, if you're trying to compile a module for the kernel, you'll need to install gcc-3.4 as well as build-essential, and do   export CC='gcc-3.4' before working with the module03:46
KrisWoodhmmm no luck on the firestarter web site :(03:46
geronimo89Warbo, I am sure03:46
KrisWooddoes anyone here know anything about port forwarding in general?03:46
linkdKrisWood: yea whats up?03:46
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jinhohi does ubuntu have an antivirus program (or even need one?)03:47
aquariusHow can I build a foo.deb if I have foo.orig.tar.gz, foo.diff.gz, and foo.dsc?03:47
geronimo89Warbo, got the logo :D03:47
Warbogeronimo89: Here is mine http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1241303:47
kingspawnCapnDoody: if its asking for the kernel source, it would probably be at /usr/src/linux if you have installed it03:47
Warbogeronimo89: OK. Now run glxgears :)03:47
KrisWoodI need a handful of ports (used for directplay) to be made transparent between my internal network and the outside world so that people on my network can play internet games at the same time03:47
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shekharcan someone help me fix permissions?03:47
KrisWoodright now I'm able to forward the ports to one computer on the network but then the rest can't use those ports03:48
kingspawnshekhar: just ask your question03:48
geronimo89Warbo, works, as before, 3 slow wheels03:48
zntneocan i listen to wmv in ubuntu03:48
linkdKrisWood: have u played around with your router config? ussually they have some options.03:48
WarboKrisWood: Is this though a router, or using a Linux box as a router for another Linux box?03:48
jinhodoes Ubuntu need an antivirus program/is there one?03:48
_jasonzntneo: yes, mplayer and w32codecs is one way03:48
shekharkingspawn:  i have a fat32 partition mounted on /mnt/data and am having problems copying to and from that03:48
Warbogeronimo89: Hmm. Should be fast. Oh well03:48
KrisWoodmy ubuntu box is my router03:48
linkdKrisWood: do u mean u want multiple computers to have forwarded the same incoming port?03:48
geronimo89Warbo, not really slow, but not really fast03:48
_jasonubotu: tell zntneo about mplayer03:49
linkdKrisWood: i mean, they all want to use port 1234 for example?03:49
Warbogeronimo89: Now, do the "sudo ln -sf /usr/bin/Xgl /usr/bin/X" thing03:49
_jasonubotu: tell zntneo about w32codecs03:49
Warbogeronimo89: Have you added the Compiz lines in your .gnomerc?03:49
KrisWoodlinkd, as I understand it forwarding isn't really what I want, but rather I need the ports to be available for incoming and outgoing connections for all computers on the network03:49
ExcaliBerIs there any hacking channels?03:49
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geronimo89Warbo. no... not really03:49
MTecknologyHi everybody03:49
geronimo89Warbo, I always tried the command03:49
KrisWoodExcaliBer:  sounds like a good way to get banned hehe03:49
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jinhoI hate like sounding like a busted player, but do I need an ANTIVIRUS program for ubuntu?03:49
kingspawnshekhar: yes. well, you need to mount it with options uid and gid03:49
DaskiesWhy is firefox telling me to install the JRE when I already have it installed?03:49
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Warbogeronimo89: Well do "gedit ~/.gnomerc" as normal user03:50
ExcaliBerNice one kriswood.03:50
_jasonDaskies: how did you install the jre?03:50
kingspawnshekhar: might also be an idea to chown the whole kaboozle for the user you need it to work for03:50
linkdKrisWood: if your ubuntu box is going all the routing, cant u just forward all packets? like using ip_forwarding?03:50
Daskies_jason, I've installed it through netbeans, and the manual download03:50
shekharkingspawn:  these are set in /etc/fstab uid=shekhar, gid=shekhar03:50
geronimo89Warbo, oh oh...03:50
KrisWoodlinkd, until today I was using forwarding and it was working great, but then my wife wanted to play a directplay game too03:50
kingspawnshekhar: or just mount it with umask=0666 or somewhere along those lines03:50
aquariusjinho: No, you don't.03:50
KrisWoodand both games needed the same ports03:51
Warbogeronimo89: OK, add this to the .gnomerc file compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom03:51
Warboscale move resize place switcher03:51
geronimo89Warbo, nvidia logo is gone O.o03:51
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shekharkingspawn:  do i just do chown shekhar /mnt/data for that volume?03:51
Warbo(sorry for multiple lines)03:51
blindxAnyone remember my issue with not having sound? I think it was last night or maybe the night before..03:51
_jasonDaskies: if you use a .deb, then it should make a symlink for you.  I am not familiar with those methods, so they may not have made the symlink.  What does 'ls -l /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/' say? (use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ )03:51
jinhoaquarius: is it that safe? I sort of feel like that is borderline hubris lol03:51
Warbogeronimo89: Run "lsmod | grep nvidia"03:51
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linkdKrisWood: right gotcha, because it uses the same port right? so you get 2 computers competing for the port? only way i can think to overcome that would be to see if you can change what port the program wanted03:51
jinhoaquarius: or are all the ppl who write viruses linux developers too?03:51
kingspawnshekhar: shekhar:shekhar03:51
m5mhistory | grep time03:52
aquariusjinho: then if you're convinced you need one, I'm not sure why you're asking the question :) Set your mind at rest by installing clamav if you like.03:52
m5moops wrong channel03:52
kingspawnshekhar: and -R03:52
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shekharkingspawn:  ? can you give me the syntax exactly?03:52
KrisWoodit's an old old game I don't think it's very modifyable03:52
jinhoaquarius: maybe I'm still stuck in the windows mindset...03:52
kingspawnshekhar: chown -R shekhar:shekhar /whatnot03:52
geronimo89Warbo, nvidia: 003:52
Daskies_jason, http://daskies.pastebin.com/66421403:52
shekharkingspawn:  ok03:52
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linkdhmm, sorry, i personally cant think of anything, i dunno if someone else has any ideas03:52
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geronimo89Warbo,  i2c_core: 3, agpgart 203:53
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michael117How can I hide icons on the desktop such as remote ftp's or remote nfs disks?03:53
davecbanyone alive03:53
LinuxHelphow do I access the cdrom during the dapper mini.iso install03:53
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_jasonDaskies: have you closed all instances of firefox and started it again?03:53
Warbogeronimo89: OK, so the module is loaded. You should basically have 2 lines in your home/username/.gnomerc file before trying to run Xgl03:53
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geronimo89Warbo, but this 0 behind nvidia?03:53
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cached i have an idea that requires sending large files over the internet and its preferrably cross platform, but i somewhata despise java03:54
cachedwhat lang should i use03:54
geronimo89Warbo, i heard something of adding apggart to a blacklist or something, to make x use the nvidia thing03:54
linkdcached: python? perl? :P03:54
cyberboyholy gunsmoke03:54
linkdrudy? php?03:54
linkdlots of choice03:54
cyberboythis is cute :)03:54
Nameeaterwhere is ubuntu's printer config stored on the hdd?03:54
cyberboyjust read through the facts03:54
=== Phunker is now known as GiGaHuRtZ
Warbogeronimo89: First is:compiz --replace gconf decoration wobbly fade minimize cube rotate zoom scale move resize place switcher, anyway I don't think that is necissary. If it is set to NVidia it won't fall back to nv, it will just refuse to start.03:55
MTecknologyI upgraded to Dapper and only have one porblem, my network. In Breezy I had an eth0 and wlan0. They both worked. Initially I had to set up wlan0 using ndiswrapper and downloading the inf file. Now in Dapper, I have eth0 and eth1. When connecting eth0 it sends a few bytes and keeps recieving a shit load of them. On eth1 it just aLways says disconnected. Does anybody have any clue on this problem?03:55
davecbwhere can i download Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake)03:55
Daskies_jason, yes03:55
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michael117How can I remove icons from the desktop that only give me the option to unmount them?03:55
cachedlinkd, BBHoss, are those similar to C?03:55
Daskies_jason, I haven't restarted the computer, but I have firefox03:55
Warbogeromino89: That first line ends at the comma03:55
m5mmichael117: umount them first03:55
jramseytrying to point sources.list to a site that has the java runtime engine firefox plugin; i cannot save sources.list when i update it; is that the proper way to add a new site for pkg installs??03:55
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linkdcached: php is.03:55
KrisWoodwow dapper's already out? seems like just a couple months ago I upgraded to breezy hehe03:55
geronimo89Warbo, i know, that's what i looks like now03:55
Daskies_jason, do I need to restart the system?03:55
michael117m5m: I have to have htem mounted03:56
blindxI'm not getting any sound for videos, while using VLC.. what could be the problem?03:56
cachedlinkd, BBHoss, I doubt php is the correct choice for sending large files via an application :P03:56
linkdcached: might wanna be careful with BBHoss's suggetion, a good programmer can make portable code, but it still need recompiling on each system03:56
michael117I just want to give my desktop a clean look\03:56
Warbogeronimo89: Next line is: nohup gnome-window-decorator &03:56
_jasonDaskies: ok, well there are two symlinks in there for java.. that could be the reason... what do the following commands say: 'readlink -f /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so' and 'realink -f /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/libjavaplugin.so' ?03:56
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_jasonDaskies: no, you should not need to restart03:56
linkdcached: well i dont know what u want, i dont know ur limits either.03:56
m5mmichael117: at a commandprompt cd Desktop and rm linkname03:56
MTecknologyif nobody can help me, can somebody please tell me where to go for help on my ubuntu system?03:56
cyphasebrandon_, i'm on Gnome, and Epiphany does it too (the Gnome browser)03:56
_jasonDaskies: s/realink/readlink :P03:57
shekharkingspawn:  thanks a lot! :)03:57
Daskies_jason, the first one gives me: /usr/lib/j2se/1.4/jre/plugin/i386/mozilla/libjavaplugin_oji.so03:57
kingspawnshekhar: :)03:57
DaskiesDarn paste button03:57
Warbogeronimo89: Well if your /usr/bin/X points to Xgl and your .gnomerc files are edited then you are good to go (with nvidia driver). If not then you must have broken it whilst trying things, so now you might have to unbreak it by undoing whatever you've done03:57
blindxI'm not getting any sound for videos, while using VLC.. what could be the problem?03:57
kingspawncached: what kind of sending are you talking about? i hardly think the language used will be the bottleneck in an internet transfer..03:57
Daskies_jason, the second one gives me command not found03:57
Warboblindx: XMMS on pause?03:58
Daskies_jason, so do I need to install the second one?03:58
shekharkingspawn:  is there a fix for dapper f6 problem with waking from sleep and hibernate?03:58
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_jasonDaskies: yeah, I made a type.  it's readlink not realink03:58
blindxWarbo: nope.03:58
kingspawnshekhar: no idea, never used dapper03:58
blindxWarbo: not even open.03:58
cyphasei'm actually thinking of trying Epiphany instead of firefox for a while when i install dapper beta03:58
Warboblindx: Got a Google Video tab open in a browser?03:58
blindxno browsers even opened03:58
Daskies_jason, Now the second one gives me nothing03:58
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Warboblindx: Just that Google Video steal the sound.03:58
Daskies_jason, when I hit enter nothing happens03:58
michael117m5m: They are not like physical links and don't have a file name to them03:58
jmoncayowhat is the difference between apache 1.3 and 2.0 i mean they  both are stable versions right?03:58
jramsey_jason, nothing, and nothing respectively so the symlinks arent set ... meaning the plugins arent installed, right?03:59
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cachedkingspawn: im talking transfering about 4GB a day to anywhere relatively close03:59
_jasonDaskies: ok 'sudo rm /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin.so' and restart your browser03:59
Warbojmoncayo: Is 2 more modular?03:59
m5mmichael117: I'm sorry, I understand what you mean, I just realized it and I'm not sure where that preference is03:59
brandon_cyphase: why not just use epiphany? epihpany and firefox are both frontends for the gecko layout engine, so websites will look the same regardless03:59
_jasonjramsey: nah, the first one worked03:59
blindxWarbo: that's odd. But I'm not running any, anyways03:59
cyphasebrandon_, see last message :)03:59
kingspawncached: well then, the language you choose could be qbasic without it being your performance problem :)03:59
jmoncayoWarbo, i think so, thats the only difference?03:59
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Warboblindx: Do you get sound in another player?04:00
mroe_hey all04:00
cjonesi went from ubuntu to kubuntu useing synaptic can i just uninstall useing the same and go back to ubuntu04:00
kingspawncached: should be pretty easy to do, but personally i'd go with python. an excellent language for such tasks04:00
mroe_I just installed initng and set it up04:00
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jramsey_jason, i think i jumped in on ur conversation; i am having trouble with installing the java runtime eng; thought u msged that time sry04:00
blindxI haven't tried any other players. For some reason, none of my vids will open in totem. Lemme try mplayer04:00
mroe_anyone here know much about it?04:00
Daskies_jason, still nothing04:00
linkdcached: id choose the same as kingspawn !04:00
_jasonjramsey: ha, yeah you confused me04:00
brandon_cyphase: i saw it, but what i'm saying is, why not just abandon the idea of finding an extension for firefox if epiphany does what you want?04:00
Warbojmoncayo: Well I'm not sure. I installed a bare Apache2 system a while ago (I'm warbo.homelinux.org) but couldn't forward ports properly so I got rid of ot04:00
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geronimo89Warbo, found something in the errorlog "Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nv_drv.so"04:01
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jmoncayoWarbo, ok thanks04:01
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_jasonDaskies: you sure all instances of firefox are getting closed?04:01
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GURTis there a way to make gnomebaker overburn?04:01
Warbogeronimo89: Is that the most recent kind of error? (ie. Not an error from ages ago with nv driver)04:01
blindxWarbo: turns out I don't have mplayer installed. So I wouldn't know if I get sound in another player.04:01
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cachedkingspawn,linkd thanks04:01
Warboblindx: Just wondering. Where is it from? Do you know the codec?04:01
Daskies_jason, yes unless there is an inviasble one running04:02
cyphasebrandon_, i just might04:02
hawk_wolfCan somebody help me with some boot options?04:02
mroe_anyone here know much about initng?04:02
blindxI don't know the codec..04:02
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kingspawnblindx: system->preferences->sound - can you play the stapler ubuntu-sounds?04:02
_jasonjramsey: have you installed the jre? how?04:02
cyphasei'm just kind of worried about extensions not having an epiphany equivalent04:02
blindxThey had sound on windows, and I had the same issue last night, but fixed it somehow.04:02
geronimo89Warbo, most recent04:02
blindxkingspawn, i have all other sounds, just not during video.04:02
cyphasei can live without a few trivial extensions..04:02
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kingspawnblindx: ah, ok. then its probably a codec problem04:02
Warboblindx: Windows VLC? I was here last night and it was XMMS04:02
_jasonDaskies: ok, right now when you ls your plugins directory you only have libjavaplugin_oji.so right? you don't have the other one too?04:02
cjonescan someone give me a little help04:02
david_mxhi I'm loockin for a irc in spanish someone can helpme?????04:02
jramsey_jason, no ... i am trying and i found a mirrored site that has deb pkgs but i cant get sources.list updated to go to that site; i chmod the file but still cannot save an edited version04:02
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:03
brandon_cyphase, i mean the big deal is the layout engine, not the GUI. you can probably find a theme for epiphany that'll make it look like firefox04:03
_jasonjramsey: what site are you using?04:03
Warbogeronimo89: This is getting on my nerves now. You know what I'm gonna ask?04:03
=== jinxed72 [n=marc@ip68-2-89-182.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Daskies_jason, how would I check to see I have both?04:03
jramsey_jason, http://mirror.ubuntulinux.nl/dists/breezy-seveas/java/04:03
Warbogeronimo89: Are you SURE it says nvidia? :)04:03
geronimo89Warbo, about the xorg.conf?04:03
=== xbox_sky [n=Skynet@c83-251-101-198.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonDaskies: ls /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/*java*04:03
hawk_wolfWhen I installed ubuntu the default frame rate was too fast for probably my video card but I got the frame rate changed when it fully boots but the pw screen still has too fast a frame rate.04:03
cyphasebrandon_, it doesn't even have to look like it. i use the default theme in firefox anyway..04:03
blindxWarbo: no, linux. Last night XMMS was on pause, and I stopped it and it worked, but now it's not working at all...04:03
_jasonjramsey: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list04:03
Daskies_jason, No such file or direcotry04:03
Warbogeronimo89: What have you been trying to get this to work?04:03
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cachedwhats a good ide for python?04:04
_jasonDaskies: hmm04:04
geronimo89Warbo, this tutorial04:04
Warboblindx: I know Linux VLC, but did it work in Windows Media PLayer or Windows VLC?04:04
Daskies_jason, How do you normally install it?04:04
hawk_wolfI figure theres gotta be a boot command for changing Frame rate during booting.04:04
blindxyeah, it worked in both, warbo04:04
_jasonubotu: tell Daskies about javadebs04:04
_jasonDaskies: with seveas' repo debs04:04
Smeritymy system commonly becomes unusable after sitting there for a while, is there some memory profiling program for all Linux apps on your system, or do you guys have any suggestions?04:04
Warboblindx: OK, so not some encrypted WMV then? Or is it?04:05
blindxit's not even wmv.04:05
blindxIt's avi04:05
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.04:05
david_mxWHERE CAN I FOUND ONE?04:05
kingspawncached: well, i prefer to use emacs, but IDLE is nice for python04:05
_jasondavid_mx: /join #ubuntu-es04:05
PuMpErNiCkElubotu: tell david_mx about es04:05
brandon_david_mx: bend over and i'll show you04:05
_jasonubotu: tell brandon_ about coc04:05
=== Pordos [n=PREL@adsl-69-226-228-59.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
GURTsometing about those last two lines just dosen't sound right04:06
blindxlol gurt.04:06
Warbogeronimo89: That's the HowTo I followed. What was that /usr/X11/X or /etc/X11/X stuff? Where did that come from?04:06
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geronimo89Warbo, how can I thank you?04:06
kingspawnSmerity: run the memtest86 thats in your boot menu04:06
brandon__jason: i was kidding. c'mon04:06
_jasonDaskies: ls -l /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/, just want to make sure you don't still have a symlink since it may interfere with the new one that gets created with the deb04:06
cachedkingspawn: gah! for me emacs is just about as difficult to use as vi04:06
hawk_wolfDoes nobody know how to change the frame rate on the pw screen?04:06
Smeritykingspawn,  thanks mate, I guess I should have checked that first eh? ^_^04:06
geronimo89Warbo, it finally works (no idea why now, but not before)04:06
kingspawncached: both good editors :) but emacs wins, hands down04:06
m5mdoes anyone actually keep their system time in UTC??04:06
kingspawnSmerity: hehe, worth a shot ;)04:07
ExcaliBerHi everyone.04:07
Warbogeronimo89: You have wobbly windows and stuff?04:07
geronimo89Warbo, some people say I do good graphics, hope I can help you some day04:07
blindxI'm gonna try rebooting Warbo.. Don't know why that would be an issue, but I need a reboot anyway.04:07
nickrudm5m, I do04:07
ExcaliBerDoes anyone need some help?04:07
hawk_wolfI go04:07
jramsey_jason, how do i rebuild sources.list? it looks like i corrupted it with nano04:07
geronimo89Warbo, it's wobbling, but it's slow and ugly04:07
Warbogeronimo89: OK, now that you KNOW it is using NVidia you can get rid of the logo by putting option "NoLogo" "true" in the Device part of xorg.conf04:07
nickrudExcaliBer, sure, I could use some extra income04:07
_jasonubotu: tell jramsey about easysource04:07
ExcaliBerOk hawk_wolf04:07
blindxjramsey, you backed it up first, right? :P04:07
cachedkingspawn: i guess i am one generation too late to be able to use emacs04:08
_jasonjramsey: in the future remember to back up any file you edit :)04:08
jramseyblindx, that would have made too  much sense04:08
blindxhhaha i did the same thing :P04:08
ExcaliBerWhat are the problems?04:08
geronimo89Warbo, hehe, yes :>04:08
hawk_wolfThanks, I need to know how to change the frame rate on the password screen when my system boots up.04:08
Daskies_jason, Can I just install it through synaptic?04:08
Warbogeronimo89: Don't metion it *cough*PayPal*cough*04:08
ExcaliBerThe frame rate huh?04:08
kingspawncached: heh, takes a bit of "easing" into, but once you get it going, its just the best thing since sliced bread04:08
m5mnickrud: for what purpose do you keep it in UTC may I ask?  I'm having a hard time getting mine back to PST but if I understand a good reason for UTC, I can give up on my problem04:08
ExcaliBerOk hold on let me think.04:08
_jasonDaskies: yeah, once you add the seveas repository lines to your /etc/apt/sources.list04:08
geronimo89Warbo, I have no money, sorry :(04:09
=== Pordos [n=PREL@adsl-69-226-228-59.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
hawk_wolfWHen I first installed the frame rate for the whole system was too fast04:09
Warbogeronimo89: Joke, joke04:09
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Daskies_jason, Can't I add the respository through Synaptic?04:09
Warbogeronimo89: I can draw pretty well myself anyway04:09
hawk_wolfbut I got it changed and and reset to what I need it to be, but the boot screen when it asks for password is still too fast.04:09
_jasonDaskies: yeah I think you can, just add a custom one04:09
=== s|k [n=bjorn@ip70-171-203-220.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ExcaliBerOk here http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/okvm/okvm/README?rev=1.604:09
Daskies_jason, What's the url or the respository?04:10
nickrudm5m, I use UTC because I don't use windows ; setting to UTC handles the switch from/to daylight savings time properly. Otherwise, I know of no advantage.04:10
Daskies_jason, http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ ?04:10
LaurijoliveAi pessoal. eu gostaria de instalar o Adobepagmaker no linux. Comofaoisso?04:10
=== lucas [n=lucas@h153n1c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
hawk_wolfin the system menu there is an option for screen resolution, thats where i got the part that now works changed,04:10
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_jasonDaskies: no you need more than that, try to read the wiki one more time.  If it's not clear just let me know04:10
LaurijoliveAlguem pode me ajudar?04:10
ExcaliBerSo you are trying to change the screen resolution?04:10
_jasonDaskies: and don't use that url, use a mirror04:10
hawk_wolfNot exactly.04:10
geronimo89Warbo, okay, thank you so much04:10
nickrudm5m, try sudo tzselect in a terminal to set your timezone04:11
Warbogeronimo89: Your welcome04:11
kingspawncached: if youre new to python, python.org has a lot of tutorials and stuff to read04:11
hawk_wolfbut thats where you go to change the frame rate.04:11
WarboWho's next?04:11
mmmiiikkkeeewhen i start my computer the program firestarter prompts me for my password how can i make this program start with root privaliges automaticaly?04:11
ExcaliBerWhat kind of pc you have?04:11
cachedkingspwan: thanks, i'll check it out04:11
geronimo89Warbo, I will now make a screenshot I promised my friend (a porn movie, on the egde of the cube)04:11
=== blindx [n=blind@c-71-234-180-125.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasewhere can you get epiphany extensiosn?04:11
blindxno luck Warbo04:11
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: do you know that you do not need firestarter running for your firewall to be active?04:11
crimsuncyphase: via Synaptic04:11
Warbommmiiikkkeee: You can change the sudoers file to let you run any program without password04:11
hawk_wolfan 454004:11
jramsey_jason, ok i fixed sources.list; i updated it with apt-get update, then i installed java-packages but i get a msg about it cannot be authenticated ... is that ok?04:12
=== Marineboy [n=ubuntu@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
hawk_wolfits actually callled the refresh rate.04:12
m5mnickrud: I'm a bit nervous of losing my ablility to sudo as the last time I reset the time (or attempted to) I couldn't run sudo anymore as it said it had an illegal timestamp...04:12
m5mnickrud: though I guess after about 8 hours that problem would vanish04:12
Warbocyphase: There is an extensions package, and I don't trhink there are any more. Epiphany is even MORE minimal than Firefox04:12
nickrudm5m, I've heard of that bad timestamp problem, but never had it04:12
_jasonjramsey: the wiki explains what to do if you get that error04:12
=== Koki2 [n=koki@c-67-181-24-27.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
mmmiiikkkeeethanks :) how do i know if i need to run for the firewall to be active???04:12
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=== nickrud has used sudo for at least 4 years, why did this seem to start recently?
blindxCan anyone help me figure out why I don't have sound in any video I try to run? :|04:13
Daskies_jason, once the repository is added what the file for jre04:13
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Warbommmiiikkkeee: The firewall is part of the kernel (iptables) so it should always be on. You only need FireStarter to change what it does04:13
_jasonDaskies, jramsey: you want sun-j2re1.5 for the jre04:13
mmmiiikkkeeeok so once i configure it i am done... oh!!! thanks :)04:14
Warboblindx: Have you looked through the Preferences?04:14
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ExcaliBerOk hawk04:14
hellz_hunterhow do i make sure that when i add a deb URL in sources.list file, that it gets from amd64 and not i386?04:14
ExcaliBergo here04:14
blindxin the player, warbo?04:14
LaurijoliveHey Buddy, I would like install ADOBE PAGEMAKER into Linux. How can i do that? Someone can help me?04:14
ExcaliBerIs that what you need?04:14
ExcaliBerThe screen refresh rate?04:14
Warbohellz_hunter: if your system is amd64 it will only get amd6404:14
Warboblindx: Yes04:14
hawk_wolfyeah the screen refresh rate.04:14
Daskies_jason, It's already installed04:14
ExcaliBerOk http://www.linuxcompatible.org/Screen_refresh_rate_t33565.html04:14
blindxlemme go ahead and do that...04:14
ExcaliBergo there04:14
Warboblindx: Can it talk to ESD and things, or does it just use /dev/dsp?04:15
hawk_wolfchecking it out now.04:15
hawk_wolfbtw, how'd you find it?04:15
=== georgedh [n=george@1Cust7658.an4.rdu6.da.uu.net] has joined #ubuntu
m5mthanks nickrud ; trying it now04:15
hellz_hunterWarbo, how do i make sure? what file/var makes sure that it says amd6404:15
blindxWarbo: not a clue.04:16
=== Concord_Dawn [i=Concord@xtreme-150-79.dyn.aci.on.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Daskies_jason, any more ideas?04:16
Concord_DawnCan someone help me with doing a dist-upgrade from Hoary to Breezy?04:16
Warbohellz_hunter: I'm pretty sure it built into the package manager system. You can get Debian mirrors for everything from m68k to PowerPC, so any other behaviour would be catastrophic04:16
blindxWarbo: it works for some now, and some others it doesn't04:16
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hellz_hunterWarbo, ok thx04:16
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_jasonDaskies: yeah, 'dpkg -L dpkg -L sun-j2re1.5 | grep libjavaplugin && ls -l /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/' on pastebin please04:17
Warboblindx: Does it say "audio device" or something similar? I haven't used VLC for a while (I like the skins though)04:17
_jasonDaskies: yeah, 'dpkg -L sun-j2re1.5 | grep libjavaplugin && ls -l /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/' on pastebin please04:17
_jasonDaskies: the first one had a mistake04:17
blindxWarbo: it's working now... if I disable the sound, and then re-enable it.04:17
=== theskunk [n=theskunk@cpe-071-070-187-050.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Daskies_jason: Number 1: http://daskies.pastebin.com/66425104:18
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ExcaliBerhawk i found it by google.com/linux04:18
ExcaliBer= D04:18
ExcaliBerits the best04:18
=== Agamotto [n=agamotto@adsl-68-255-66-253.dsl.rcfril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
blindxHere's my next question... anything for linux that can run .3gp files?04:18
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skplcan someone tell me why my memory usage is running at 70%04:18
=== Agamotto bows
Daskies_jason, Number 2: http://daskies.pastebin.com/66425304:18
Warboblindx: It probably needs the sound device unused when it starts up then. If it happens again stop any sound programs when starting vlc (or svlc)04:18
_jasonDaskies: you can include the && in your command it will work :) (for next time)04:18
skplfor some reason i only have 487 mb's of available memory04:19
blindxWarbo: nothing's using the sound device. And it works fine if i go into audio, and disable it, and then reenable (in VLC)04:19
_jasonDaskies: when I gave you that rm command before did you run it on both files?04:19
Warboskpl: Memory is different from storage04:19
skplwhile my swap is at 1 gig, is that normal?04:19
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Warboblindx: OK04:19
Concord_Dawnskpl, ps -a04:19
skplWarbo, i know04:19
Concord_Dawnpaste it in pastebin.04:19
Daskies_jason, I belive so, but if you want to give me the command again I can do it again04:19
=== DeMoNSeED [n=DeMoNSeE@Toronto-HSE-ppp3761053.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
blindxAnything for linux that can run .3gp files?04:19
Agamottoskpl:  Sounds ok to me... I rarely dip into my swap with my system04:20
Warboskpl: Swap should be as low as possible as long as there is RAM available04:20
_jasonDaskies: yeah, you were only supposed to do it for one04:20
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skplConcord_Dawn, 26170 pts/0    00:00:01 gnome-system-mo04:20
skpl26182 pts/0    00:00:00 ps04:20
Daskies_jason, What's the fix?04:20
Warboblindx: Can't help you there :)04:20
_jasonDaskies: it's ok, 'ls -l /etc/alternatives/*java*' on pastebin please04:20
blindxhaha. I could probably run quicktime using wine, right?04:20
ExcaliBerHawk did you understand it?04:20
Concord_Dawnblindx, there's quicktime replacements for Linux.04:20
kingspawnblindx: mplayer probably plays 3gp04:20
skplis it normal for memory usage to be at 70%+04:20
kingspawnblindx: but you should never use .mov or .3gp or .wmv or anything like them.04:21
Agamottoskpl:  More details about your system please04:21
ExcaliBerDo ya think kubuntu is better than ubuntu?04:21
kingspawnskpl: the kernel usually caches a lot of memory just to have it handy04:21
Warboblindx: I think so (was mentioned earlier). That is for the codecs though, the QuickTime program just gives me blue when I ran it ages ago (though that was about RH9 days)04:21
jramsey_jason, where is sun-j2re1.5 ?? i only found a "for sale" list at sun and that cant be right04:21
=== intelikey [n=root@0-1pool88-44.nas23.houston4.tx.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #ubuntu
ExcaliBervote 1 if you think kubuntu is better04:21
skplAgamotto, i have 512k memory installed04:21
ExcaliBervote 2 if you think not04:21
Daskies_jason: http://daskies.pastebin.com/66426004:21
kingspawnskpl: system sluggish?04:21
_jasonjramsey: after you enable seveas' repo, it should be available in synaptic and/or apt-get04:21
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Agamottoskpl:  What window manager, what softs running, etc...04:21
skplkingspawn, my music player is skipping occasionally, and my mouse is acting funny04:22
=== mebaran151 [n=mebaran1@c-24-130-170-225.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
jramseyapt-get didnt find it after i enabled seveas04:22
Warboskpl: Linux writes your files and things to RAM before putting them on your drive. (This stops fragmentation, makes floppies really fast, etc.) so that could be easting it up. It automatically shrinks to allow programs to access the RAM though04:22
skplAgamotto, gnome, with just xchat, gaim, firefox and banshee04:22
kingspawnskpl: well, then follog Agamottos advice and cough up more details. put the output of ps -Af on pastebin04:22
_jasonDaskies: sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so04:22
intelikeyapt-cache finds  apt-get grabs   :)04:22
=== initard [n=suicide@pool-71-242-228-52.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
jramsey_jason, hold on ... this is whacky ... i need to try this again04:22
kingspawnskpl: might be firefox, i think theres some kind of memory leak in the default one coming with breezy04:22
Agamottoskpl:  Sounds pretty normal so far... Gnome and X take up nearly 96megs on their own04:23
Daskies_jason, Did that, and restart Firefox, and still nothing04:23
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initardAnybody wanna take a shot at debugging my sound card problems?04:23
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_jasonDaskies: you are using firefox 1.07?04:24
DeMoNSeEDblindx, for what it's worth, i tried it a lil while back with Crossover, i got blue as well04:24
skplkingspawn, i installed on my own04:24
=== zivalica [n=zivalica@64-201-197-54.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
skplAgamotto, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1241504:24
kingspawnskpl: ah, k04:24
=== Pordos [n=PREL@adsl-69-226-228-59.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #UBUNTU
Daskies_jason, I updated to the newest verion ...04:24
WarboAnyone know some nice animation software (by nice I mean NOT GAP) ala Deluxe Paint or Flash or something else, before I turn my Amiga on?04:24
_jasonDaskies: hehe ok that explains it :)  you installed to /opt?04:24
intelikeyAgamotto lol   tty1 [root#~]  sis -m04:24
Daskies_jason, Yes04:24
intelikey Mem usage: 21.2/92.4 MB (23%)04:24
DeMoNSeEDhey Warbo , how goes it?04:24
=== shinu [n=blu@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
taskhi all, i need support on monitor editing xorg.conf!04:24
Daskies_jason, Does 1.5 kill things?04:24
intelikeyAgamotto that's with x running.04:24
s|kanybody know how to configure the gnome clibboard so it doesn't pick up formatting?04:24
_jasonDaskies: sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/firefox-javaplugin.so /opt/firefox/plugins/libjavaplugin_oji.so04:24
_jasonDaskies: no, it just uses a different directory04:25
WarboDeMoNSeED: OK. My Wifi is bust, my routers won't talk and I can't find a pencil. But that's better than average!04:25
DeMoNSeEDok, just another normal day04:25
Daskies_jason, >_< Thanks04:25
taskhi all, i need support on monitor editing xorg.conf!04:25
Warbotask: Do you know your details? Do you know about "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?04:25
_jasonDaskies: np04:26
=== skpl [n=skpl@ppp-70-244-55-114.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hawk_wolfsorry, I was just attempting what the message advised04:26
=== IdleOne [n=johnny@toronto-HSE-ppp4329958.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
skplAgamotto, what do you think?04:26
Agamottoskpl:  I didn't see anything running amok in there, but I am no expert by any means04:26
taskWarbo, my problem is with Hz things, cant change 6004:26
intelikeytask do you know about  http://monitorworld.com ?04:26
initardAnybody wanna help with my sound?  no sound here04:26
ExcaliBerDid it solve your problem?04:26
skplAgamotto, i seem to have an unuasual amount of programs using an unusual amount of memory04:26
DeMoNSeEDah his refresh rates04:26
taskintelikey, yes we talk the other day, no mon there but found data, and when editing the xorg file, x cant start04:27
ExcaliBerhawk_wolf, did it solve your problem?04:27
hawk_wolfnope, there refresh value isn't there04:27
=== tidalwav1 [n=Josh@JDICK.RES.WPI.NET] has joined #ubuntu
hawk_wolflike it reads on the post.04:27
Agamottoskpl:  Yah, but I am not sure which ones are 'illegal' and which ones are daemons that you may have running at startup that you don't need04:27
tidalwav1Hi, room04:27
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hawk_wolfthere is no @value in the file.04:27
=== zivalica [n=zivalica@64-201-197-54.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tidalwav1I just destroyed a friend's ubuntu Dapper installation by installing libcamel1-1.2-604:27
initardNo sound here, anyone gotta fix for a non working soundcard??04:27
tidalwav1it removed all of the gnome packages04:27
taskintelikey, found data: FH: 30 ~ 85KHZ, FV: 50 ~ 160HZ04:27
tidalwav1well some of them04:28
intelikeytask what are your monitors vsync & href ?04:28
smellicanhey guys, I need the termcap dev library... can't find it in synaptic. help!04:28
tidalwav1is there a way to reinstall gnome?04:28
zivalicaJoin #ubuntu-offtopic04:28
tidalwav1force a reinstall of gnome?04:28
Warbotidalwav1: Now you know to read the messages and expand the trees04:28
taskintelikey, FH: 30 ~ 85KHZ, FV: 50 ~ 160HZ04:28
s|kanybody know how to configure the gnome clipboard so it doesn't pick up formatting?04:28
jramsey_jason, it works ... jre all set ... tyvm for ur help04:28
DeMoNSeEDso task , edit your x04:28
_jasonjramsey: np04:28
tidalwav1warbo...is there any hope, or am I just f0rked?04:28
skplAgamotto, i guess i will re-install then04:28
IdleOneevening all! just tried installing ubuntu 5.10 32 bit on my amd64 ( dual boot) install went fine but when it did the first boot after ejecting the install cd it got stuck at Starting hotplug system, then tried a live cd and X server wouldnt start. any ideas on why?04:28
zivalicahas anyone got TUX_a quest for herring to work?04:29
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Agamottoskpl:  Nah, don't do anything that drastic, just wait around for someone who knows the stuff inside-out04:29
zivalicahas anyone got TUX_a quest for herring to work?04:29
tidalwav1how do I force a reinstall of gnome...is it just gnome-desktop?04:29
taski also have nvidia drivers, when editing xorg.conf with that data, x does NOT start04:29
tidalwav1that package?04:29
skpldoes anyone here know why my memory usage is at 70%04:29
DeMoNSeEDdon't know tux a quest for hewrring04:29
ExcaliBerWell do you want for me to look for more?04:29
Warbotidalwav1: There is plenty of hope. As long as you have a kernal and apt you can recover pretty much anything (Remeber, a terminal only system can be using GNOME in minutes)04:29
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blindxgetting the message "        GCC 2.96 IS NOT AND WILL NOT BE SUPPORTED BY US !04:29
blindx" when trying to install mplayer... :(04:29
DeMoNSeEDtask, try pm me04:30
=== smellican [i=grumb@c-24-12-183-213.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
tidalwav1I have both, warbo.04:30
initardhad sound card working once here, removed hotplugs cuz it was hanging up on boot, then tried to get sound card working... gave up on that, now set hotplugs to start up on boot again and i have system 'beep' but no regular media sound whats to do?04:30
intelikeytask did you input        HorizSync 30     &      VertRefresh 50   ?04:30
nickrudWarbo, I do like your attitude :)04:30
ExcaliBerhawk_wolf do you want me to look for more information?04:30
tidalwav1anyone...reinstalling GNOME?04:30
hawk_wolfYou could, I'll look to.04:30
taskDeMoNSeED, cant pm, nick not registered04:30
hawk_wolfthanks for  helping, sorry for my slow responses.04:30
DeMoNSeEDyou should04:30
=== ubuntu_ [n=ubuntu@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboblindx: GCC-4.0 is the latest in the repos, but I always make sure the /usr/bin/gcc link points to gcc-3.4 (which built the kernel, and stops modules giving errors)04:30
nickrudtidalwav1, why do you think you need to reinstall gnome?04:30
_jasonblindx: how are you installing it?04:31
initardisnt there a program for installing drivers04:31
taskintelikey, how? when editing xorg i insert the full range04:31
tidalwav1nickrud, it's hosed.04:31
blindxi did ./configure04:31
=== duncanm [n=duncan@home.a-chinaman.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonblindx: mplayer is in the repos04:31
Agamottoinitard:  modprobe?04:31
_jasonubotu: tell blindx about mplayer04:31
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Marineboy
skplcan someone tell me why my memory usage is at 70%04:31
nickrudtidalwav1, hosed. I do love technical talk :)04:31
s|kanybody know how to configure the gnome clipboard so it doesn't pick up formatting?04:31
_jasonskpl: 'top' may be able to04:31
=== HesNikke [n=natef@c-67-169-164-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
duncanmi tried to upgrade from breezy -> dapper, but the upgrade got stuck trying to start pcmcia on my desktop04:31
Warboskpl: Because your computer is on.04:31
intelikeyfull range task ?     pastebin your xorg.conf  please04:31
ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL04:31
skplWarbo, gee thank you for that keen insight04:31
duncanmso now i've booted my machine using a rescue disk04:31
HesNikkei'm having a WTF moment trying to install ubuntu on my 'puter04:31
skplWarbo, is it normal?04:32
HesNikkeit installed GRUB04:32
skplit seems kinda high04:32
HesNikkeGRUB came up04:32
initardgreat, Agamotto, how do you use modprobe?04:32
tidalwav1nickrud, when I boot, it shows the GDM login screen along with an error message that the session lasted less than ten seconds, and when I try to log in, the screen goes blank and then back to the GDM login screen.04:32
skpland can someone tell me what this means after running chkrootkit? eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[3541] )04:32
Warboskpl: Well thank you for asking the same question people've already answered04:32
taskintelikey, how do i use that command?04:32
HesNikkei saw i had a choise of windows, so i tried that to make sure it was still not fubar04:32
skplWarbo, i dont want any trouble...04:32
HesNikkeand now grub isn't coming up04:32
HesNikkeit's going strait into booting windows04:32
s|kthis is retarded04:32
Warboskpl: Sorry, I can't do sarcasm in text.04:32
Agamottoinitard:  modprobe 'soundcard'   replacing that with your chipset for soundcard, if memory serves04:32
HesNikkedon't make me dig up a gentoo CD to make grub work!04:32
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HesNikkei'm tryin to try out ubuntu04:33
tidalwav1should I remove and install ubuntu-desktop?04:33
tidalwav1or something04:33
_jasonubotu: tell HesNikke about grub04:33
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HesNikkekeep in mind i only want to use the ubuntu cd04:33
AgamottoHesNikke:  Did you install Win after Ubuntu?04:33
blindxPackage mplayer-386 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or04:33
taskintelikey, http://pastebin.com/66427004:33
blindxis only available from another source04:33
tidalwav1I'll try that and come back here after it doesn't work :(04:33
skpland can someone tell me what this means after running chkrootkit? eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3[3541] )04:33
WarboHesNikke: You have the CD? Does it boot? Where does it stop?04:33
=== Agamotto shakes head
HesNikkewin was already installed04:33
initardAgamotto, where do i find the chipset?04:33
intelikeytask k04:33
Warboblindx: marillat reposutory04:33
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blindxsay wha?04:33
=== Apostle^ [n=Apostle@c-24-3-195-42.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonblindx: you need multiverse04:34
_jasonubotu: tell blindx about multiverse04:34
=== ex0de [n=ex0de@c-67-177-38-169.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blindxi have multiverse04:34
IdleOneevening all! just tried installing ubuntu 5.10 32 bit on my amd64 ( dual boot) install went fine but when it did the first boot after ejecting the install cd it got stuck at Starting hotplug system, then tried a live cd and X server wouldnt start. any ideas on why?04:34
blindxi have multiverse04:34
=== Khaaaaan [n=nicholas@24-51-92-238.kntnny.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
AgamottoHesNikke:  If you only wish to use the Live CD, then it will never show up in the boot/grub menu unless you have your bios set to boot from cd, in which case Grub isn't needed04:34
Warboblindx: deb ftp://ftp.nerim.net/debian-marillat/ sarge main04:34
_jasonblindx: can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please?04:34
KhaaaaanAnybody know how I can edit Meta Data for mp3z?04:34
_jasonWarbo: that can really mess up someones system04:34
ExcaliBerIs kubuntu good?04:34
HesNikkeyeah, i have an install CD04:34
Warbojason: Mine is fine04:34
Apostle^Warbo: don't hand out debian mirrors like they are candy.04:34
initardi just want my damn soundcard working, it's worked before, what is the easiest damn way to install a damn soundcard someone tell me please, i'll say thank you.04:34
nickrudtidalwav1, which is it,  it shows the GDM login screen along with an error message that the session lasted less than ten seconds, which?04:34
hawk_wolfExcaliBer, I think i've got it04:34
DeMoNSeEDtask try      nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf    in terminal04:34
HesNikkegrub did come up.... once04:34
taskintelikey, that's the actual xorg file, that works ok, when inserting the ""FH: 30 ~ 85KHZ, FV: 50 ~ 160HZ"" ranges is when the problem start and i have to return to previos file04:35
=== devie [n=tim@YRMfb-05p2-139.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
WarboApostle: Look, does he want mplayer or not? If it works then use it.04:35
blindx_jason, http://pastebin.com/66427204:35
taskDeMoNSeED, already opened on gedit04:35
Apostle^Warbo: incorrect, that is a terrible way to go about it04:35
DeMoNSeEDk sorry04:35
KhaaaaanI know you can do it in banshee but it doesnt stick04:35
ExcaliBerhawk_wolf, i'll be cheering you on = )04:35
_jasonWarbo: mplayer is in ubuntu's repos though04:35
AgamottoHesNikke:  the cd you have is to install Ubuntu to the hd, not to run as a live system04:35
initardi just want my damn soundcard working, it's worked before, what is the easiest damn way to install a damn soundcard someone tell me please, i'll say thank you.04:35
skplcan someone tell me what this means after running chkrootkit? eth0: PACKET SNIFFER(/sbin/dhclient3 (deleted)[3541] )04:35
hawk_wolfI'll let you know as I go.04:35
WarboApostle: Oh well. I don't use mplayer anyway04:35
zivalicaI have a question about snes9x on amd6404:35
Apostle^Warbo: don't give people bad advice that can damage their system stability.04:36
intelikeyok task you see the line          HorizSync       28-64         have you tried  30  there   and   50  on the next line           VertRefresh     43-60      ?04:36
Warboinitard: There are loads of different sound "servers" are you sure it isn't one of those screwqing up?04:36
KhaaaaanAnyone know how to edit meta data for mp3s???04:36
_jasonblindx: you only have breezy-backports mulitiverse, you need breezy multiverse.  Want to edit the file yourself or use synaptic to fix it?04:36
zivalicawhy does snes9x seem to only work on i386?04:36
zivalicaI have a question about snes9x on amd6404:36
zivalicawhy does snes9x seem to only work on i386?04:36
blindxI'll edit it.04:36
ExcaliBerIs kubuntu any good?04:36
WarboKhaaaan: There are some special apps to do it, but I do it within XMMS and Amarok04:36
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Apostle^zivalica: they probably donot have an x64 version04:36
initardWarbo, i have no idea, it worked before, then i undid hotplugs cuz it hangs on boot sumtimes and that took sound away04:37
SirKillalothow do I download all files from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/xchat/xchat2/plugins/dbus/ with CVS?04:37
WarboExcaliBer: It is Ubuntu. Do you like KDE? Just install KDE in Ubuntu04:37
taskintelikey, so, change "28-64" to 30 and "43-60" to 50????04:37
zivalicayes the do ( i checked the repos)04:37
AgamottoExcaliBer:  Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE as main window manager... essentially the same04:37
intelikeyExcaliBer no.   but neither is ubuntu.04:37
zivalicai instaled it04:37
hawk_wolfNope the file it tells be to open isn't on this system.04:37
intelikeytask try it.04:37
ExcaliBerHow do i install it?04:37
zivalicait simply does not work04:37
taskintelikey, i want more htz not less :S04:37
Apostle^ExcaliBer: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:37
ExcaliBersudo apt-get kde?04:37
nickrudWarbo, there are good mplayer binaries from ubuntu, marillat in this context is good primarily for w32codecs and maybe realplayer, if he comes up with 10.0.7 binaries soon04:37
_jasonblindx: 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' and then add `` multiverse'' to the end of lines 20,21,36,37 and then run 'sudo apt-get update'04:37
DeMoNSeEDenter your proper rates there task04:37
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ExcaliBeris it good?04:37
ExcaliBerwhat if i want the normal one back?04:37
Warboinitard: You need hotplug/udev things at boot. Try "cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp" and see if you get white noise (use ctrl-c to stop it)04:37
SirKillalothow do I download all files from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/xchat/xchat2/plugins/dbus/ with CVS?04:37
blindx`` multiverse '' ?04:38
Apostle^ExcaliBer: you can go back at any time, and if it's good is up to you04:38
_jasonblindx: without the quotes04:38
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ExcaliBerLike if i go back whats the command?04:38
Apostle^ExcaliBer: hit the sessions button from the login screen to change between kde/gnome once kde is installed.04:38
AgamottoExcaliBer:  What criteria are you attempting to judge by?  It is Ubuntu with KDE in addtion to GNOME04:38
intelikeytask   ok.04:38
Apostle^ExcaliBer: the command is at the login screen04:38
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_jasonblindx: for example line 20 should be:  deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse04:38
taskDeMoNSeED, i don't really know my rates! @ windows i'm at 75 hz @ 1280x1024!04:38
=== HesNikke [n=natef@c-67-169-164-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
ExcaliBerSo you get to pick which login?04:38
Agamottotask:  Where is the manual for your monitor?04:38
IdleOneExcaliBer yes04:39
Apostle^ExcaliBer: you hit sessions on the login screen and it has a list.04:39
DeMoNSeEDwhat's your monitor04:39
zivalicawhy does snes9x seem to only work on i386?04:39
AgamottoExcaliBer:  Yes04:39
zivalicai instaled it04:39
initardWarbo, nada, no sound at all04:39
zivalicait simply does not work04:39
ExcaliBerOH COOL THANK YOU!!04:39
=== lucas [n=lucas@h176n1c1o1124.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #ubuntu
zivalicawhen i run a rom it just freezes04:39
taskAgamotto, monitor is 795mb04:39
jmoncayohow can i print text to another terminal?04:39
intelikeymonitors have manuals ????04:39
Warboinitard: Do you know what driver/module it uses?04:39
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Agamottointelikey:  The good ones do04:39
initardi'm guessing nm25604:39
DeMoNSeEDwe could find him his rates easily enough04:39
=== scarn [n=not2bad@ppp-70-226-150-167.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboinitard: OK, can you "sudo modprobe nm256"?04:39
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taskAgamotto, http://www.samsung.com/my/products/monitor/syncmastercdt/795mb.asp04:40
nickrudintelikey, the ones worth buying04:40
Apostle^anyone here using blue tooth headset with ubuntu?04:40
zivalicawhy does snes9x seem to only work on i386?  it is available (and installable)n but not finctional for amd6404:40
DeMoNSeEDhe could try something like 30-70   50 -15004:40
zivalicawhy does snes9x seem to only work on i386?  it is available (and installable) but not finctional for amd6404:40
ExcaliBercan i change the screen resolution though on the kde?04:40
blindxnot yet, apostle^, but now that you've given me the idea...04:40
initardWarbo, FATAL: Module nm256 not found.04:40
WarboApostle: KDE's bluetooth ability is far better than GNOME's04:40
IdleOnejust tried installing ubuntu 5.10 32 bit on my amd64 ( dual boot) install went fine but when it did the first boot after ejecting the install cd it got stuck at Starting hotplug system, then tried a live cd and X server wouldnt start. any ideas on why?04:40
ExcaliBeri have a 800x600 lcd screen04:40
taskDeMoNSeED, http://www.samsung.com/my/products/monitor/syncmastercdt/795mb.asp that are my rates, but when i inster them, x does not start04:40
=== buffarama [n=buffaram@adsl-69-155-217-173.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudzivalica, repeating doesn't get faster answers04:40
=== intelikey wouldn't buy a monitor that needed a manual to operate...
Apostle^blindx: i'm getting one that supposedly works with ubuntu, should be here soon :-P04:41
DeMoNSeEDk lookin04:41
initardWarbo, all i know is it's neomagic 256 i'm running a laptop here04:41
Warboinitard: OK, you sure that IS a module? Is it anywhere in /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers?04:41
=== intelikey wouldn't buy a monitor
ExcaliBerApostle^,Can i change the screen resolution on kde kubuntu?04:41
Apostle^ExcaliBer: yes04:41
taskDeMoNSeED, i think the error is somthing like "can't find screen"04:41
ExcaliBerCool thank you04:41
varshow do i change my name in irc?04:41
initardWarbo, ok, looking for that in a star directory?04:41
ExcaliBerAnd what do i do after i finish installing it?04:41
Agamottovars:  /nick newname04:42
intelikey/nick newname04:42
DeMoNSeEDwhere's your paste at?04:42
=== nickrud wouldn't buy a monitor that doesn't come with a manual (but he's X'd by 'wouldn't buy a monitor')
Apostle^ExcaliBer: for kde questions join #kubuntu04:42
Warboinitard: The star is your kernel. If you have only 1 it should point to it. If you have lods than you should see modules for all of them04:42
ExcaliBeroh ok04:42
DeMoNSeEDsave me from lookin back04:42
taskhttp://pastebin.com/664270 ??04:42
=== zivalica [n=zivalica@64-201-197-54.prna.hsdb.sasknet.sk.ca] has joined #ubuntu
=== Agamotto chuckles
AgamottoYou lot are a bit hard to keep up with on a brailleboard04:42
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Apostle^Agamotto: you are blind ?04:43
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nickrudThis is fast here at times04:43
=== vars is now known as varsendagger
Warboinitard: A (bad) way of looking for a file is "ls /lib/modules/*/kernel/drivers/nm256.ko" then ".../drivers/*/nm256.ko" and so on04:43
AgamottoApostle:  When I have my contacts out, I sit at ~ 20/50004:43
intelikeybrailleboard ?04:43
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Apostle^Agamotto: i see. that's not good :-(04:43
intelikeyman i'm on multiplayer notepad04:43
AgamottoI have IRC running through the brailleboard, and the web browser is on the monitor at 640x48004:43
Apostle^anyone here using blue tooth headset with ubuntu?04:43
=== Marineboy [n=ubuntu@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
sophie^#rm -rf /04:44
Warbosopjie: Great04:44
AgamottoNot too bad, but the text is scrolling a bit fast for me to 'read' with my fingertips04:44
tritiumsophie^: don't do that, please04:44
WarboNobody folow that advice04:44
Apostle^Agamotto: this might be the busiest channel on irc :-P04:44
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o tritium] by ChanServ
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b %*!*@] by tritium
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AgamottoOne of them!04:44
tritiumsophie^: you'll be quieted for only 10 minutes04:44
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Apostle^what did he do?04:44
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mabussophie^: people here can't take a joke. :-P04:45
Warbomabus: People here can be curious about commands04:46
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=== scarn [n=not2bad@ppp-70-226-150-167.dsl.mdsnwi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudtritium, I swear, I will find a proper acknowledgement, no kidding. Thanks :)04:46
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=== Cerveza [n=Cerveza@ppp-68-251-68-204.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
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taskDeMoNSeED, hello?04:46
=== PwcrLinux-Away is now known as PwcrLinux
ubotuwifi is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto04:46
PwcrLinuxHello all :)04:46
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intelikeyhmmm in ubuntu   rm -fr /  is harmless anyway  for the "default" install.   it would error out before doing anything.....04:46
tritiumnickrud: for what?04:46
mabusWarbo: If somebody knows what the # prefix means, they know not to rm rf /04:46
tidalwav1hi, again, room---I've determined that ubuntu-desktop is no longer installed on my Dapper system, and when I try to install it, I get a huge list of unmet dependencies....what's going on?04:46
intelikeymabus no.04:46
intelikeymabus many that come in here would not know what   rm  does.04:47
DeMoNSeEDtask as said before all you should really need to do is change the 28 -64 to 30-85 and the 43-60 to 50-160 save...overwrite and restart x....btw comment out GLcore and DRI04:47
mabusintelikey: If somebody even knows HOW to logon as root, they aren't going to run that.04:47
nickrudtritium, integrity? consistency? Courage in the face of ridicule? Humor?04:47
mabusintelikey: Of course, but they'd just type rm -rf / and it wouldn't work.04:47
Apostle^mabus: always best not to print cmds such as that04:47
tritiumnickrud: heh... :)04:47
tidalwav1anyone? this is a friend's computer and he's going to kill me.04:47
Agamottotidalwav1:  I would presume that you need to sudo apt-get install gnome04:47
Warbomabus: Is that why root has #? to make any copy/pasted command become commented :)04:48
tidalwav1aga: that doesn't work either04:48
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taskDeMoNSeED, i do that like 3 times04:48
tidalwav1can anyone shed any light on this stuff? :(04:48
jadaz87tidalwav1 it is: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:48
intelikeyWarbo it won't comment it.04:48
icemanok, now how to rebuild a linux distro ?04:48
initardWarbo, i have no nm256, i even did $ whereis nm256 and got nothing04:48
Warbotidalwav1: Have you tried just installing the nautilus, gnome-panel and things individually? You often don;t need a lot of the stuff04:48
tidalwav1jadaz: that package won't install.04:48
tidalwav1yes, I have tried that.04:48
=== concept10 [n=concept1@adsl-69-154-78-11.dsl.rcsntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
taskDeMoNSeED, but always had to go back to the backup04:48
tidalwav1everything complains about dependencies.04:48
Warbointellikey: Well you run "# echo "This Won't Appear" "04:49
mabusWarbo: Can't say I know why, but I don't think it works like that. :P04:49
tidalwav1I think I basically have to reinstall ubuntu now :(04:49
tidalwav1thanks anyway, guys04:49
welshbytetidalwav1: apt-get -f install might fix things04:49
Agamottotidalwav1:  It might be faster.  Is /home on another partition?04:49
=== HesNikke [n=natef@c-67-169-164-24.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
HesNikkei think i know what happened04:50
tidalwav1welsh: tried that, too.04:50
Warbotidalwav1: disable the Internet repositories and any dependencies HAVE to be on the CD04:50
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HesNikkeit looks like it installed grub on the GTP dsik of hd004:50
taskDeMoNSeED, noob question, comment = add "#" on the line?04:50
ExcaliBeryes im on kde right now04:50
tidalwav1warbo: it's dapper. it was upgraded from a Breezy installation.04:50
ExcaliBerits beutiful04:50
intelikeyWarbo   i know that.  i know how bash works.   but the prompt doesn't affect the command.   you can cp/paste into root shells.04:50
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HesNikkeerm HDA04:50
ExcaliBerits the best04:50
initardWarbo, i have no nm256, i even did $ whereis nm256 and got nothing04:50
HesNikkerather than the BIOS disk of SDA04:50
Warbotidalwav1: Oh. Like mine then.04:50
HesNikkeand now it's installing rather than finishing O_o04:50
HesNikkei don't like this installer04:50
tidalwav1warbo, yes, but you probably have xwindows working. :(04:50
Warboinitard: Then I guess that isn't right then. Have you tried doing "/etc/init.d/udev restart"?04:51
HesNikkesomeoen needs to do something with linux installers... make them as easy and pretty as oh i dunno, an OS X install04:51
DeMoNSeEDtask, you should register on here, then we could work on this for as long as it takes, it gets a lil hard to follow convos at points in here...so busy04:51
Warbotidalwav1: It's only a matter of time :)04:51
initardWarbo, what does that do?04:51
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Madpilotgreetings, Ubuntubers04:52
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Warboinitard: The /etc/init.d directory is where boot scripts are stored. udev manages hardware and restart tells it to restart04:52
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tritiumHesNikke: OS X installer only has to work on Apple hardware.  Linux installers have to work on numerous varieties of hardware...04:52
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Smerityexcuse me, I'm pretty new to Ubuntu, is this a bug of some kind? I don't believe flashplayer-mozilla is obsoleted - "Package flashplayer-mozilla is not available, but is referred to by another package."04:52
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HesNikkei said pretty/easy LIKE the apple installer :P04:52
initardwarbo no good04:52
OhzieI'm trying out xfce, and love it...but I'm having a problem with mounting.04:52
initardwarbo that didnt get it04:52
OhzieSpecifically, I'm having a problem in mounting a cd-rom04:53
Warboinitard: OK, go to /dev (in a terminal) and run sudo ./MAKEDEV04:53
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HesNikkenow i have an error loading operating system04:53
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HesNikkescrew this, i'm going back to gentoo04:53
tRSScan someone help me with setting permissions on a folder and its subfolders?!04:53
welshbyteSmerity: what did you do to get that message?04:53
WarboOhzie: Is it possible to add GNOME (or maybe KDE) volume-managerment to your startup to sort thjis out?04:53
skypashoot tRSS04:53
initardWarbo, now what?04:53
_jasontRSS: what are you trying to do?04:53
newbuntuwhats a good vnc client to use to connect to a remote desktop,  i have krdc  and krfb but neither seem to work to connect to my home computer04:53
AgamottoSmerity:  It is essentially telling you it has been replaced with another package.  Search Synaptic for 'flashplayer non-free'04:53
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intelikeygimp must be broken on my system.   it cant open in 125m of free ram without paging....04:53
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Smeritywelshbyte, sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla04:53
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WarbotRSS: "chmod something folder -R"04:53
OhzieWarbo: I don't know. o_o?04:54
tRSSskypa: my permissions are all messed for some reason on my .wine folder in my home directory04:54
OhzieLet me check04:54
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WarboOhzie: I just wonder if they need a load of GNOME or KDE daemons running04:54
skypaas Warbo stated, just reset them recursevly to your needs04:54
OhzieWarbo: Do you know what the gnome volume manager process is called?04:54
tRSSand when I try to fix it, obviously through nautilus, the permissions are fixed for some folders but not all04:54
intelikeynewbuntu tightvnc04:54
initardWarbo, i did sudo ./MAKEDEV in /dev...still now sound04:54
OhzieHold on04:54
WarboOhzie: I think so (I used to think it was for my sound :))04:55
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OhzieHoooold on.04:55
OhzieI'll be right back04:55
initardWarbo, i did sudo ./MAKEDEV in /dev...still no sound04:55
hawk_wolfDId Excalibure leave?04:55
tRSSsome folders still have permissions set for root, although this wasn't the case yesterday. the permissions have messed all by themselves04:55
OhzieRestarting it04:55
blindxAny programs to take a program's button OFF the task list, and make an icon for it in the tray?04:55
zntneowhats the command to check what shell your using04:55
Warboinitard: Hmmm. Have you got a Device type application (in Applications > System Tools or System > Administration)?04:55
initardDevice Manager, Warbo04:56
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Warboinitard: also have a look through "lsmod | less" for anything that looks promising04:56
intelikeytRSS some folders where?04:56
skypazntneo, "export | grep -i shell"04:56
tRSSinside the .wine folder04:56
Warboinitard: Well I'm on Dapper so I don't know :)04:56
hawk_wolfI found the solution to my refresh rate problem and Rebooted and for the first time since I installed, I was able to see the password screen during bootup clearly04:56
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blindxAny programs to take a program's button OFF the task list, and make an icon for it in the tray?04:57
cowbudis there a program that makes it easy to backup home directories to DVDs?04:57
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Warboinitard: In mine there is a whole subtree of Sound Comtroller04:57
initardWarbo, theres some snd_blahblahs lines04:57
intelikeytRSS ah... well you can sudo chown -R trss:trss $HOME/.wine     but if there is anything "MOUNTED" there it may not stay owned on a remount.04:58
jeeaarcan someone tell me how come when i try to open a floppy disk, i get the error: given UDI is not a mountable volume?04:58
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tritiumsophie^: in case you didn't notice, you're no longer quieted04:58
newbuntunow i cant figure out how to open tightvnc04:58
Warbojeeaar: Is this in GNOME or in aterminal?04:58
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blindxnewbuntu, viewer or client?04:58
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cgeHow do I set up konqueror to use my home directory as the desktop? Symbolic links (Desktop -> /home/$USER) don't appear to work as they do in GNOME. (asking in here since no one in #kubuntu seems to know)04:58
sophie^tritium, my apology04:59
newbuntuthe viewer, im new to linux remote desktopping04:59
intelikeynewbuntu man tightvnc04:59
Warbojeeaar: Also, I had to insert the floppy module in my dad's system. Try (in a terminal) "sudo modprobe floppy" then trying04:59
newbuntuthanks intel04:59
initardWarbo, will upgrading to dapper reconfig my sound card?04:59
blindxnewbuntu: run "vncviewer"04:59
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intelikeytightvncserver - Virtual network computing server software04:59
tRSSintelikey: thanks... that worked like a charm. but I wonder, why or how the permissions got messed up in the first place. Nothing has changed since yesterday?04:59
newbuntuworked thanks a lot04:59
Warboinitard: I doubt it. If it was already configured it would, but I don't think it will go from nothing04:59
[tlv] fUzZy^Hi, can I install ubuntu on a 850mb HDD?05:00
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Agamottoinitard:  Do you have your /home on a different partition than /?05:00
cge[tlv] fUzZy^: I wouldn't recommend that you do that.05:00
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[tlv] fUzZy^but would it work?05:00
Warboinitard: Also I'm sure people will complain if I recommend an upgrade to Dapper05:00
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AgamottoWhoever asked that - yes, you can, but please split the drive into at least four partitions before doing so05:00
initardAgamotto, no, but i have a partition with another ubuntu on it and thats where all my music and junk, but not my  /home dir05:00
intelikeytRSS idk05:01
tRSSidk? :o?05:01
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, tRSS05:01
OhzieWarbo: I totally don't think it's working05:01
OhzieBut I might be wrong.05:01
tRSSlol... idk = i don't know.. never mind, my bad! thanks again though05:01
Agamottoinitard:  I wish I knew more about the sound subsystem to be of help05:01
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initardARGHHHHHHH thanks anyhow05:02
overridercan anyone suggest a good gui ftp program?05:02
WarboOhzie: Sorry, that's my suggestion. Even in GNOME I never use the "computer" thing, because that usually doesn't work (says I have 3 CD Drives, no floppy, crazy USB disks all over the place. Errors when I try to mount anything)05:02
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jeeaarthe floppy doesnt appear to be working after i try sudo modprobe05:02
blindxanyone know what ports VNC uses by default?05:02
OhzieMaybe I'll try the KDE one.05:02
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blindxnevermind: found out. port 590005:03
Warboblindx: Firestarter will tell you (add a rule and it will show)05:03
Mr-packeti cam getting an error on login. " your session only lasted less than 10 seconds. "05:03
Agamottojear:  Out of stupidity... do you have a multi-card reader hooked up?05:03
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Mr-packeti have a " mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied ": error as well05:03
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intelikeyoh kewl    Setting up linuxvnc (0.6-3) ...05:03
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WarboMr-packet: This is because you logged out straight away. This is usually an error (but occasionally get it from just logging out really quick) something in your startup is dodgy05:04
AgamottoMr-packet:  start by going into the failsafe terminal session05:04
AgamottoMr-packet: enter /home/yourusername05:04
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WarboAgamotto: Is there a Failsafe GNOME option or am I confused?05:05
Mr-packetagamoto: yup05:05
tritiumsophie^: no worries, buddy :)05:05
AgamottoMr-packet: rm /ICE.authority05:05
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AgamottoThis file gives me crap about twice a year05:05
cge[tlv] fUzZy^: Not sure if it would work - would you be using it as a desktop?05:05
[tlv] fUzZy^yeash05:05
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intelikeyAgamotto /ICE.authority   ???05:06
AgamottoWarbo:  No, I was referring to the failsafe terminal session at Ubuntu startup05:06
Mr-packetis that not .ICEauthority?05:06
Agamottoyes, I stand corrected05:06
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intelikeyand it's in $HOME  not /05:06
AgamottoI did state that you lot are going a bit fast for me :)05:06
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WarboAgamotto: I know that Failsafe GNOME usually doesn't work when GNOME doesn't, but I was wondering if it is in Ubuntu's GDM. I use a few distros05:06
icemananyone used old 2.4 kernel distros ... how to enable sound in a old distro ..05:06
newbuntuI cant find anywhere on the remote desktop software to type in a password, my destop has an IP address and a password05:06
AgamottoIf I recall, I did state /home/youruserid05:07
NalliiIf anyone feels like dealing with a complete Linux newbie, say aye.05:07
Mr-packeti've tryed removeing it..05:07
Mr-packetsame problem05:07
AgamottoNallII:  If you go slow, I may be able to help05:07
NalliiOtherwise I won't go about bothering anyone here.05:07
intelikeyiceman yes and new ones :)05:07
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Warboiceman: Generally the same as 2.6. I think ALAS is default in most later 2.4s05:07
NalliiAll right, lemme explain what my problem is.05:07
mlowepython is looking for os.path what package has this ?05:07
AgamottoMr-packet:  Darn... That solves all sorts of X problems for me about twice a year05:07
intelikeyiceman you modprobe the driver05:07
escobar5hello, can i get my ipod mounted automatically when plugged in?05:08
madewokherdmlowe: python05:08
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icemanintelikey how to ?05:08
DBONallii, I got Agamotto's back, lets do this thing =)05:08
intelikeyiceman what card ?05:08
AgamottoDBO:  Thanks05:08
AgamottoBrailleboards tend to lose a lot of the extra characters in some nics05:09
DBOAgamotto, you sounded unsure, Im gonna let you take lead here, good learning for you too if you are a bit unsure =)05:09
Agamottonicks, even05:09
intelikeyiceman which cs ?05:09
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AgamottoNaalli:  GA05:09
NalliiWindows recovery messed up somehow in the process of moving all my saved files and messed up my windows folder. I want to Install Captive with the Live CD so I can move back what happened.05:09
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icemanwould have to rip my case open like 2781 ..05:09
Mystery47why ubuntu have old version about DosBox...?05:10
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NalliiBut the install file that came with Captive inside the tar.gx does not work, and I cannot access root to manually copy the files there.05:10
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DBONallii, sadly, captive does not work with ubuntu... you may be better of using BartPE05:10
AgamottoNallii:  You used the recovery mode of a Win cd to restore/fix your system and it did what to it?05:10
intelikeyiceman it's something like     modprobe snd-cs2781    then   bash_completion can help you find it.05:10
Mystery47how can i make deb-package from tar.gz....05:10
NalliiOh, It moved vital system files so I cannot boot up normally anymopre.05:10
escobar5can i get my ipod mounted automatically when plugged in ?05:10
tritiumMystery47: checkinstall05:10
AgamottoNallii:  ouch05:11
jmoncayodoes somebody know where can i get the stealing the network how to own a continent book?05:11
NalliiI would just wipe it and install linux on it, but it's not my computer.05:11
jeeaarhey, sorry. my compy crashed. I am having trouble with my linux machine.. its giving me "given UDI is not a mountable volume", when i try to open up a floppy05:11
AgamottoToo far out of my league, I am afraid... I haven't done much with Windows in two years now05:11
Mystery47is that some command?05:11
NalliiWhat I want to do is make it so I can read and write NTFS... you said "BartPE" does it right?05:11
intelikeyiceman  or ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/sound/05:11
DBONallii, http://www.nu2.nu/pebuilder/05:11
Agamottojeeaar:  Do you have a card reader attached?05:11
jeeaaras im new to linux, i have no idea how to solve this05:11
jeeaarcard reader?05:12
AgamottoCard readers sometimes come up as floppy drives, confusing things05:12
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Mystery47and some guestion about fakeroot make-dpkg....05:12
jmoncayohow can i mount a sd card?05:12
Mystery47yes fakeroot fakes root....but where i get that make-dpkg thing?05:12
jeeaarim not aware of a card reader...05:13
jeeaarbut then again, i dont really know what a cars reader is05:13
SmerityAgamotto, thanks mate =) Will do05:13
mlowemadewokherd, thank you ;) !05:13
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intelikeynot to be confused with a cars driver of course05:13
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Agamottojeeaar:  Hrm... I know there is a gui tool that shows what devices are connected currently...05:14
NalliiThanks Agamotto, DBO.05:14
NalliiI'll give it a try.05:14
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PwcrLinuxahh, Im back05:14
jmoncayojeeaar, its something were you insert sd, memory stick, and those kind of cards for reading05:14
DBONallii, its your best shot =)05:14
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NalliiWell...hopefully. ;)05:14
cfh_devMy networking seems to have gone screwy with a Dapper update some time back.  Is it possible to update via apt-get using a live CD?05:14
NalliiAlso as for installing Ubuntu on MY computer, I can set up the partitions so I can have both Ubuntu and Windows on my machine, yes?05:15
escobar5ok, i guess nobody knows, thanks !05:15
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DBONallii, yep, you sure can05:15
jeeaaris there a terminal command that allows me to open the floppy drive?05:15
NalliiYes, escobar5.05:15
cge[tlv] fUzZy^: You might want to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LowMemorySystems05:15
intelikeycfh_dev yeah.... with chroot  or pivot_root   either one.05:15
Agamottojeeaar:  mnt /floppy05:15
DBONallii, make sure you install windows first, and partition the drives ahead of time for easy use (partition, not format)05:15
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nickrudcfh_dev, you could chroot to your dapper install for the apt-get install --download-only05:16
NalliiAll right, In that case I'll move all my vital files to my other HDD and just start clean.05:16
cfh_devintelikey or nickrud, can you give me an example of what to do?05:16
NalliiNeed to format anyway with my corprate edition. :P05:16
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cfh_devI'm not familiar with using chroot05:16
DBOescobar5, is it showing up as a regular hard drive?05:17
nickrudcfh_dev, it truly depends on your circumstances, just what exactly is borked?05:17
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DBOnuts... too late05:17
jmoncayohow can i mount a secure digital memory(card) ??05:17
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jeeaar"mount: cant find /floppy in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"05:17
NalliiI told him he could, I've got mine plugged in heh05:17
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cfh_devnickrud, whenever I get a connection to the router, it won't traverse the router.  It won't even ping the other side of the router.05:17
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intelikeycfh_dev   sudo chroot /<mounted/hdd> apt-get <args>         replase within <>05:17
cfh_devnickrud, but everything works fine using a live cd05:17
cfh_devintelikey, thanks, I'll give it a try05:18
blindxhow come ubuntu won't run my monitor at 1280x1024? (please don't fixres me, I know that information. whenever i do a dpkg-reconfigure ... when i reboot, gdm doesn't load and i have to do it again, to "fix" it.)05:18
jmoncayodoes somebody have an emachines m6809 or any m68**05:18
nickrudcfh_dev, ah, that's not a dapper install issue, that's a networking issue. Unfortunately, I am no networking guru.05:18
PwcrLinuxwho's talking about the card reader?05:19
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cfh_devnickrud, I'm figuring it to be a driver issue and hoping an update will cure things since an update broke things05:19
DBOblindx, /etc/X11/xorg.conf -> pastebin05:19
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, me05:19
blindxk gimme one second.05:19
intelikeyjeeaar normal floppy drive is /dev/fd0    try   sudo mount /dev/fd0 /floppy        or /dev/.static*/fd0 if needed.05:20
nickrudcfh_dev, I agree with intelikey's general approach05:20
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: Okay what's wrong with your card reader, does your desktop show icon after you plugged a card into reader?05:20
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cfh_devCan I use apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade per usual or should I do --download-only with the commands?05:20
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intelikeydl only05:21
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jmoncayoPwcrLinux, well i have a laptop that comes with card reader, i am using fluxbox and it doesnt have any icons, do you know how to mount a sd card manually?05:21
cfh_devfor both commands or just dist-upgrade ?05:21
DBOintelikey, cant he use chroot to install the debs or am I being stupid?05:21
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PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: Oh, lowmemory system right?05:21
schtinkyI'm new to ubuntu and I need the zvbi package, but I need 0.2.17 and all synaptic shows is 0.2.16-1... can I get the newer version somehow?05:21
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, yea05:22
intelikeyDBO he can but it's safer to run that on the running system isn't it ?05:22
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, do you have any ideas?05:22
cfh_devschtinky, have you checked in universe or multiverse?05:22
blindxDBO, http://pastebin.com/664329 -- but keep in mind, that's after re-running dpkg-reconfigure outside of the gdm because gdm wouldn't load..05:22
DBOintelikey, I was under the impression he was unable to boot it for some reason, my mistake05:22
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PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: build-in or a USB card reader?05:22
schtinkycfh_dev, I'm so new to ubuntu, I'm not sure what those terms mean05:22
DBOblindx, I found your problem05:22
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, build-in05:22
=== m5m [n=michael@pool-71-102-156-80.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyit "might" grab a kernel version or something that would be in error from the live....05:23
cfh_devschtinky, ahh.  Are you familiar with adding sources to apt-get (sources.list) ?05:23
blindxDBO: shoot.05:23
Madpilot!tell schtinky about universe05:23
intelikeyoh DBO no it's a network issue.  no problem booting05:23
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: Okay, do  dmesg  if you see the card reader on the list or not..05:23
m5mPoseidon UML Community Edition is saying it's expired and I thought it was free!  Bah... Anyone know of a good free UML modeler ?05:23
schtinkycfh_dev, my synaptic package manager says I have breezy official, restricted, universe and multiverse05:23
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, let me see05:23
=== shinu [n=blu@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
DBOblindx, http://pastebin.com/66433005:23
schtinkycfh_dev, it also says under updates that I have universe, but not multiverse05:24
DBOI made changes05:24
cfh_devschtinky, try adding multiverse.05:24
=== Steil [n=Steil@S010600904b5bb782.ca.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
DBOintelikey, I agree, I thought we had hit a last resort situation05:24
=== dts [n=dennis@c-71-198-154-217.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
schtinkycfh_dev, are "updates" development packages?05:24
cfh_devschtinky, you could probably try checking packages.ubuntu.com before doing that to make sure the page version is available.05:24
intelikeyschtinky no05:24
blindxDBO: how do I reload my xorg without rebooting?05:25
jeeaarhow can i open a .url file as it would appear in the windows environment?05:25
=== jvai [n=jvai@c-69-137-51-39.hsd1.dc.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeylooks like he pressed that....05:25
DBOI probably should have told him that would happen05:25
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dtsI am looking to build a small closed box that can be completly configured over the network05:26
schtinkycfh_dev, packages.ubuntu.org says 0.2.17-5 is available for dapper05:26
dtsIs there any good tools i  should be looking at?05:26
schtinkycfh_dev, will it mess me up royally to install that package?05:26
intelikeyjeeaar cat file.url05:26
=== blindx [n=blind@c-71-234-180-125.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
schtinkycfh_dev, and HOW do I install that package05:26
DBOwelcome back05:26
nickrudone should always recommend logout before clt-alt backspace :)05:26
blindxDBO: I'm in 1280x1024 now, great..05:26
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Dr_Willisdts,  webmin is nice.  - if you are carefull and lock it down good.05:26
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intelikeyjeeaar that would let you view and access the actual url05:26
blindxthe refresh rate is so low I'm going to have a seizure.05:26
DBOnickrud, yeah, but that requires... thinkering...05:27
cfh_devschtinky, you will have to update other things around it as needed but apt-get will handle that.  I'm not sure you want to get into cross release updates.05:27
jeeaarwhat do you mean cat file it?05:27
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schtinkycfh_dev, I'm probably better off just downloading and compiling the source, right?05:27
DBOblindx, are you sure your monitor supports a higher refresh rate?05:27
blindxIt used it on windows?05:27
dtsDr_Willis, i was thinking that but could you set it up so that a system could use it on its first boot05:27
nickrudDBO, fingering is always easier than thinkering, I know :)05:27
cfh_devAnyone with suggestions on grabbing a package from dapper while running breezy for schtinky?05:27
mlowewhat text to speech packages ?05:27
dtsDr_Willis, so that whoever sets the computer up never actually has to connect a monitor and keyboard05:27
tritiummlowe: festival05:27
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blindxahhh, sunglasses. much better.05:28
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, http://pastebin.com/664332 dont know which one is05:28
cfh_devschtinky, if you're comfortable with resolving dependencies and compiling, it won't hurt anything and you'll have the version you want without tinkering apt05:28
intelikeyblindx before you freek   you can  [ctrl] +[alt] +[+]    hehhe but that's only an emergency fix.05:28
jeeaarintelikey: what do you mean by cat file.url?05:28
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: okay I'm looking at now05:28
DarkadianI installed ubuntu and it didn't detect my sound card. (sound blaster compliant pci005:28
DBOblindx, okies, lemme look05:28
schtinkyugh, this is frustrating... I can't get FC5 to install on my AMD 64 X2, but breezy doesn't have the package I need05:28
Dr_Willisdts,  i have a file server in the basement that way.  I can ssh in, and use vnc, and webmin as needed.05:28
intelikeyjeeaar in a terminal   type  that05:28
schtinkyFC5 has zvbi version 0.2.1905:28
Dr_Willisdts,  but for the first boot.. its a little hard to do. :P05:29
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DBOblindx, are you able to change the refresh rate in System -> Preferences -> resolution05:29
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, oki man got it. it was /dev/sdb105:29
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, thanks05:29
blindxno, the only option it gives me is 43, DBO05:29
DBOoh heh...05:29
blindxwhen it was 1024x768, the only option i got was 60.05:30
gammai'm having issues with network-manager... for some reason nm isn't dhcping my wireless connections.. any idea how to fix this?05:30
blindxso i don't know wtf..05:30
nickrudI've forgotten, what's the easiest way to get a package from debian unstable, then compiling it for ubuntu?05:30
Agamottoblindx:  lcd panel?05:30
blindxno, crt05:30
intelikeyblindx put the correct rates in the xorg.conf05:30
blindxintelikey, if 43 isn't there, gdm doesn't load.05:30
AgamottoThat would be the easiest correction05:30
intelikeyblindx 43 what ?05:31
schtinkywhat does this mean? checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables05:31
blindx43hz refresh rate05:31
DBOblindx, I know where the problem is, erm, I just suck at the math05:31
=== stevio [n=steve@24-180-13-71.static.snlo.ca.charter.com] has joined #ubuntu
schtinkygot it when trying to ./configure the zvbi sources05:31
intelikeyblindx that's not what i'm talking about.05:31
blindxschtinky, sudo apt-get install build-essential05:31
DBOblindx, what refresh rate does it normally run?05:31
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudschtinky, you need to do sudo apt-get install build-essential05:31
blindxDBO: 6005:31
schtinkywhat's it giving me?05:32
DBOblindx, on your monitor there should be printed (probably somewhere on the back) the horizontal and vertical sync (they will be ranges givin in hertz)05:32
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: yes, it's sdb1 a multi card reader..05:32
AgamottoIf memory serves, X pretty much craps out if it can't find a refresh rate above 30-35 Hz05:32
intelikeyblindx is's your   HorizSync    VertRefresh    i'm talking about05:32
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stevioI seem to have deleted the panel that program windows are minimized to. I've made a new panel but windows will not minimize to it, anybody tell me how to do this?05:32
nickrudschtinky, gcc, make, dpkg-dev, a couple of other things05:32
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AgamottoAhem, that info is usually in the manual as well05:32
blindxSomewhere on the back, eh? so right next to the wall?... lemme go look..05:32
nickrudschtinky, apt-cache show depends build-essential tells you exactly what it installs05:33
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DBOintelikey, #05:33
DBO        HorizSync       28-48 VertRefresh     43-7205:33
Doomhammerwhat's a command-line app that can send email to say ... a gmail account05:33
DBOthats for blindx05:33
=== noiesmo [n=noiesmo@CPE-143-238-150-57.qld.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, yea thanks a lot05:33
DBOwho will be blind shortly with that refresh rate05:33
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schtinkydoomhammber, sendmail05:33
duncanmwhat do i do to make it not try to start X on startup?05:33
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: does it's mounting works by the command?05:33
schtinkydoomhammer, sendmail05:33
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Doomhammerschtinky: ah thanks :P05:33
AgamottoDBO:  Nah, his jitter rate will just match that of some old flourescent lights05:33
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mmmiiikkkeeein tryinto install a  tarball i get the following ::> ./Configure05:34
mmmiiikkkeeebash: ./Configure: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory05:34
blindxsays 60-50Hz05:34
nickrudDoomhammer, you'll needto install an app that provides sendmail :)05:34
intelikeyDBO that's not that bad of a range.  but he needs the correct range for his monitor.05:34
mmmiiikkkeeedoes i in ot install bash??05:34
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nickrudmmmiiikkkeee, what?05:34
DBOblindx, for vert or horizontal?05:34
intelikeyblindx no that's input ac   nothing to do with what you want.05:34
Doomhammernickrud: i can't just send an email with sendmail in a shell script ?05:34
blindxoh, jeez.05:34
mmmiiikkkeeei get the message: ./Configure05:34
mmmiiikkkeeebash: ./Configure: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory05:34
DBOah yeah... that is isnt it05:34
mmmiiikkkeeewhen i try to install a tarball05:35
Henry_Beanhi, somebody has problems to synchronize a palm in a dapper up-to-date?05:35
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nickrudDoomhammer, try     which sendmail          in a terminal, make sure it exists05:35
mmmiiikkkeeedoes that meani need to install bash??05:35
mmmiiikkkeeei dont understand05:35
=== tdillman [n=jeff@cpe-24-210-125-160.ma.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: it means the file was saved on a mac05:35
blindxmy monitor doesn't say it, then :\\05:35
Doomhammernickrud: yeah /usr/sbin/sendmail ?05:35
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, yea it work mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt05:35
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: run dos2unix on the files05:35
tdillmanHowdy all05:36
nickrudDoomhammer, then you're good to go05:36
Doomhammernickrud: okay then05:36
intelikeydos markup     hehhe05:36
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: okay great :) when you done with a card, then unmount and remove a card, help to avoid Dead I/O detecting...05:36
intelikeyDoomhammer also if you plan to build you need b-e05:36
ubotusomebody said b-e was no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo aptitude install build-essential.05:36
jmoncayoPwcrLinux, oki thanks again05:37
OhzieI can mount an ftp server, right?05:37
tdillmananyone wanna help me set up a girlfriend-friendly tv-out on a Geforce FX Go5700 ?05:37
Doomhammerintelikey: nah, i just want to send an e-mail in a shell script05:37
PwcrLinuxjmoncayo: ur welcome05:37
OhzieLike, that works? There's no real problem with it?05:37
blindxDBO: I don't see a refresh rate on the back of my monitor...05:37
burepePlease help me fix this http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16139105:37
DBOblindx, ok, please hold... and try not to have a seizure05:37
DBOblindx, what monitor?05:37
blindxDBO: wearing sunglasses. helps.05:37
nickrudblindx, there's gotta be some info on that label you can google, to get your refresh rates05:38
=== Agamotto twiddles
OhzieDBO: You can set it to 60Hz relatively safely.05:38
OhzieNo matter what monitor it is, that should just work.05:38
mmmiiikkkeeewhere do i get dos2unix ??? i did whereis dos2unix and it showed no results05:38
intelikeyblindx then goto http://monitorworld.com  and search for your monitor05:38
OhzieIt might look like crap05:38
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: install the sysutils pacakge05:38
DBOOhzie, better than 43 =P05:38
=== buulian [n=chatzill@c-67-166-112-107.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
blindxit's a gateway 2000 brand..05:39
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: what are you trying to compile by the way?05:39
blindxbut i don't know the model..05:39
fogosi someone knows how configure a hotkey to show the destop??05:39
intelikeyOhzie hehhe this one wont work at 6005:39
_jasonfogos: system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts05:39
Ohzielol ohdear. :(05:39
Agamotto60Hz on most monitors should be ok, unless it is an older one designed for Amigas05:39
mmmiiikkkeeeit the native linux driver for my usb wirelesscard05:39
overriderafter installing the nvidia driver, for some reason i cannot select my resolution of 1680x1050 anymore, even after it is specified in xorg.conf. any suggestions?05:40
=== nomasteryoda|w [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
fogos<_jason>, there are a "shoe desktop " option?05:40
intelikeyor an old svga05:40
mmmiiikkkeeei know there is also the ndiswrapper bt i thoughi try this one first..05:40
_jasonfogos: ``minimize all windows on active desktop'' or something similar05:40
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fogos<_jason>, ok thanks05:42
mmmiiikkkeeei searched in the synaptic manager for dos2unix but it was not found05:42
icemananything i should be aware of to update a 2.4 kernel ... ?05:42
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intelikey!info dos2unix05:43
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_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: sysutils is the package name05:43
icemananyway to update a old linux distro to a ubuntu based install ?05:44
tritiummmmiiikkkeee: apt-cache search dos2unix would have revealed what _jason just told you05:44
Madpiloticeman, it might be easier to just re-install from an Ubuntu CD05:44
Agamottoiceman:  More trouble than it would be worth, just do a clean install05:44
mmmiiikkkeeethanks :)05:45
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee it's in sysutils05:45
mmmiiikkkeeedo i run it on the configue file or all the files?05:46
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: might as well do all...05:46
intelikeyiceman apt-cache search dos2unix   drew a blank here.05:46
intelikeyiceman  did you test it ?05:46
=== _jason thinks intelikey is misreading
tdillmananybody proficient with nvtv?05:47
intelikeyyeah s/iceman/tritium/  ^05:48
mmmiiikkkeeedos2unix: File read/write error while converting RT25USB-SRC-V2.
tritiumintelikey: sure did05:48
mmmiiikkkeeeand i did: sudo dos2unix RT25USB-SRC-V2.0.7.005:48
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: only the text files05:48
intelikeytritium have they rewriten apt-cache ?05:48
tritiumintelikey: perhaps a difference between breezy/dapper?05:48
_jasonmmmiiikkkeee: maybe you should download this from somewhere else?05:48
intelikeyyeah that's what i'm wondering.05:49
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mmmiiikkkeeei dnt knwo any other location05:49
intelikeyi used  "grep -HiRae'dos2unix' /var/lib/dpkg/info"   to find it tho.05:50
=== digitalhav0c [n=digitalh@cpe-069-132-178-065.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
blindxintelikey, I couldn't find out what model monitor I'm using, but it's a gateway 2000 brand. Checking all the monitors under gateway 2k brand, the lowest in the range was 47hz, and the highest was 150.. so why am I running at 43hz? :\05:50
mmmiiikkkeeesudo dos2unix ./Configure05:52
mmmiiikkkeeedos2unix: No write permission for ./Configure.05:52
mmmiiikkkeeehow can sudo not have write prmisions??05:52
Dr_Willisis that spelt right?05:53
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intelikeyblindx you need to get the HorizSync and VertRefresh correct,05:53
intelikeyblindx try the gateway 2k that is nearest yours....05:54
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intelikeymmmiiikkkeee no ./ needed05:54
welshbytemmmiiikkkeee: i think ./Configure is a binary file05:55
intelikeybut that doesn't answer your quarry does it....05:55
AgamottoIf memory serves, most Gateway 2000 series monitors were made by CTX05:55
AgamottoI don't know if that helps or not05:55
intelikeyblindx see Agamotto ^05:56
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cyberboyaint gkrelll in the update programs05:56
MarineboyTo tell you the truth, in the mid 80's there was *nothing* more dependable than microsoft. I like to climb onto the bandwagon now and then, but there's noone in the world that provides more usablity to the world than microsoft05:56
cyberboylike on the cd05:56
cyberboyjust got down the dvd version05:56
Marineboynickrud To tell you the truth, in the mid 80's there was *nothing* more dependable than microsoft. I like to climb onto the bandwagon now and then, but there's noone in the world that provides more usablity to the world than microsoft05:56
Marineboysorry thats what he said.05:56
Marineboywhat you guys think about it?05:56
ubotuNon Ubuntu support related discussions may be carried out in the channel #ubuntu-offtopic. Editor/Language wars are welcome there!05:57
Marineboyoh sorry05:57
=== cyberboy belives you there
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cyberboyim calling my pimp. just for the hell of it05:57
intelikeyMarineboy there is no software company more insufferable to a GNU-zealot than M$05:58
blindxok, it's a crystal scan!05:58
Dr_WillisIve gotten quite irked at 'Nortons" lately.05:58
blindxthere's only 5 of those..05:59
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Madpilotfolks, #ubuntu-offtopic exists - even M$ can be discussed there... ;P05:59
=== DBO [n=DBO@c-68-61-179-221.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Agamottoahhh, it was of some help then05:59
intelikeyMadpilot i've already descusseded with it.  :)06:00
blindxI called linksys for help with my router because it wasn't working properly..06:00
blindxthe guy was like "are you running windows XP?"06:00
blindx"uh.. nope, actually I'm running--" he cuts me off with "Mac OSX?"06:00
blindx"no. I'm running ubuntu" "um.. what is that?"06:01
Marineboysame with my isp a little while ago.06:01
chavoyou're not runnin' that loonix are ya?06:01
noiesmolet us guess no support06:01
firesyou're supposed to just say windows and then translate whatever he says06:01
blindx"look: what do you want me to do, I'll do it." "um. click start"06:01
intelikeyfires learning curve ?06:02
tritiumplease stay on topic...06:02
blindxwhich topic, tritium?06:02
tritiumthat would be ubuntu, blindx06:02
nickrudhelp with ubuntu, blindx not my ramblings :)06:02
blindxI'm talking about ubuntu :P06:02
mmmiiikkkeee sudo dos2unix Configure06:02
firesintelikey, eh?06:02
mmmiiikkkeeedos2unix: No write permission for Configure.06:02
mmmiiikkkeeeis that not the right command??06:03
mmmiiikkkeeewhat did i do wrong?06:03
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee Configure  exists ?06:03
intelikeynot  configure ?06:03
mmmiiikkkeeeit was tabcompleated06:03
mmmiiikkkeeeand i see the file06:03
mmmiiikkkeeeno its a capital C06:03
tritium!tell mmmiiikkkeee about enter06:04
intelikeyyeah windows files  caps first letter....06:04
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee maybe chatter Configure06:04
intelikeyor first ls atter06:04
intelikeyor first lsatter06:04
mmmiiikkkeeewhat is chatter configure???06:05
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intelikeyno e in that me thinks.06:05
=== digitalhav0c [n=digitalh@cpe-069-132-178-065.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee lsattr Configure06:06
intelikeytype               ^06:06
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sagarphow can i change the main menu icon in gnome??06:07
mmmiiikkkeeeit said ::>  lsattr Configure06:07
mmmiiikkkeee----------------- Configure   ::> does tah mean it worked?06:07
mmmiiikkkeeenow i do make?06:07
intelikeyok then sudo chmod 644 Configure06:07
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monkey_stupid question: How can I change the size of my icons?06:08
intelikeyand try the dos2unix again.06:08
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nickrudmonkey_, right click them (on the desktop) and select stretch icon06:08
mmmiiikkkeeei get ::> No write permission for Configure. again06:08
obscuritemonkey - in a panel, or on your desktop?06:08
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schtinkyhow can I tell if a remote server has multiple hard drives?06:09
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nickrudschtinky, only if you have access to the remote server06:09
intelikeyit's not set immutable,  and you run that as root..... hmmmmm    it using stdout or what there......    maybe  "sudo -i "   then just plain "dos2unix Configure "06:10
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mindtzartell mindtzar about ntfs06:11
_jasonmindtzar: /msg ubotu ntfs06:11
intelikey!tell mindtzar about ntfs06:11
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NalliiDBO, I used that link you gave me and it works to an extent. Is there a way I could get DVD burning capabilites with it?06:12
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee that work ?06:12
Marineboyintel: nickrud suggests I make 4 partitions, swap, root, home, and a safe,working default, tested install partition I know when I go to install ubuntu its going to ask how I want to partition my Hard Drive, theres going to be like 4 choices, do you know which one it is that I choose to put in the 4 different partitions?06:12
mmmiiikkkeeeone sec06:12
DBONallii, why yes there is...06:13
=== Agamotto waves
DBONallii, how... I do not know06:13
intelikeyMarineboy manually partition06:13
MarineboyThanks intel!06:13
AgamottoMy hands are falling asleep06:13
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NalliiI'll work on it tomorrow.06:13
NalliiAgamotto, hot scalding water cures that.06:14
NalliiTrue story.06:14
=== boydubai [n=Boy_DXB@de1-b12810.alshamil.net.ae] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyyou drink it ?06:14
boydubaiguys, can anybody help me setting up a VPN connection? i'm going to connect to our europe office. thanks06:14
=== Jason [i=Jasey@218-101-23-148.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
=== mabus does, and sues
Jasonhello hello :)06:15
=== Jason is now known as Jasey
MarineboyHello Jasey!06:15
=== task0 [n=task0@144-214-235-201.fibertel.com.ar] has joined #ubuntu
Jaseyid like some help, if poss06:15
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mmmiiikkkeeedos2unix ./Configure that worked...06:16
=== nickrud wonders just which country mabus lives in, that that might work
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mabusnickrud: Canada... worth a shot.06:16
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee ok remember you are in a root shell there until you    'exit'   so be careful06:16
MarineboyJasey: here you pretty much state your problem then someone will help you!06:16
digitalhav0cdoes anyone know how i can install a minimal install of ubuntu06:16
Jaseyoh alrighty :)06:16
nickrudmabus, damn, though you lived in my country, california06:16
=== reggaemanu [n=manu@ARennes-257-1-128-202.w86-210.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
DaskiesI have java web start instlled, but I see no icon for it. How can I launch it?06:17
Jaseyso im going to run a CD in breezy badger, its all mounted and stuff, but it says Error: Given UDI not a mountable volume ... (im a linux n00b btw :P)06:17
mabusnickrud: Nah, I like living in a country people don't hate. It's soothing.06:17
nickruddigitalhav0c, when you boot the install disk, select server for your install (see F2 - F5 for more info on options)06:17
mmmiiikkkeeedo i need to exit the root shell to run the configure?06:17
digitalhav0cthanks nickrud06:17
digitalhav0cim in a mepis install right now06:18
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee that also tells me that dos2unix uses stdout in it's writing process  with  >   thus it doesn't have root permission even though it's called with sudo.... like   sudo echo blah > /test06:18
nickruddigitalhav0c, look deeper, I'm just giving general info here06:18
digitalhav0cand .. just too much stuff installed for me06:18
Dr_Willisheh - i tried Mepis.. for a very short time..06:18
digitalhav0cDr_Willis, great distro for a newb06:18
burepexawtv says "stick you settings in the config file ($HOME/.xawtv)" but what exactly do I put in it?06:18
Dr_Willisdigitalhav0c,  I would reccomend Ubuntu over Mepis for a newb. :P06:18
nickrudyeah, no kde06:19
nickrudlol, hides06:19
digitalhav0cMepis got about every app u would need for day to day work06:19
intelikeygentoo for nubs06:19
Dr_WillisYes - the mepis forum and wikis are subpar.. and really it had nothing that outstanding abou tit.06:19
=== fmonroe [n=fmonroe@adsl-75-3-175-183.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_WillisThe Live cd/installer was its biggest feature :P i thought06:19
digitalhav0cpretty easy install also06:20
=== flyingfox [n=jiunshyo@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.06:20
Dr_Willisand I hear the Next Mepis will be based on ubuntu. So that is a credit to Ubuntu favor.06:20
digitalhav0cmaybe about two choices it does the rest you reboot and working install06:20
=== eggzeck [n=exec@cpe-68-175-49-18.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
digitalhav0ceverything works also06:20
fmonroehello, i have a newbie question is this the right place?06:20
Madpilotfmonroe, it is06:20
Dr_WillisIm wondering if the Ubuntu live cd installer will be based on the Mepis Live cd installer.06:20
jake__Newbie Question: New to Ubuntu, Everything works except audio. - Error message: "No Volume contol elements and/or devices found" When I dbl click on Volume Control. --Rockwell Sound Card. I've spent hours searching for this before. Does anyone have any sugestions?06:20
nickrudI'm almost scared that everyones basing off ubuntu06:20
=== spikeb [n=spikeb@207-118-221-21.dyn.centurytel.net] has joined #ubuntu
mmmiiikkkeeewhen i do::>./Configure i get...  -bash: ./Configure: Permission denied06:21
fmonroei screwed up and did an "expert" install and now i have root instead of the usual "sudo" setup. my sudo doesn't do anything, i'd like to use sudo like a normal install06:21
fmonroei hope that makes sense06:21
mmmiiikkkeeei am loged in as root06:21
Madpilotjake__, have you seen https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems06:21
intelikeyDr_Willis Madpilot nickrud just a note ffr   dos2unix uses stdout >    thus sudo wont work with it.06:21
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Dr_WillisIVe seen other issues with similer programs. :P06:21
digitalhav0cfmonroe, if you do expert you get root yay!! lol i cant stand the sudo for everything deal06:22
nickrudintelikey, ok06:22
jake__No I havent Yet. I'll check it out. Thanks06:22
Dr_Willisive never tried to use sudo with dos2unux :P06:22
eggzeckmmmiiikkkeee, check config file permissions06:22
Madpilotfmonroe, might want to just re-install06:22
=== khwarizmi [n=krischan@pD951212E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee not executable.  "chmod 777 Configure && exit "06:22
=== lina [n=lina@ppp-70-129-52-9.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
mmmiiikkkeeeyea i just noticed it does not have execute pirmission06:22
Madpilot!tell fmonroe about expert06:22
spikeboh that reminds me06:22
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Madpilotfmonroe, or try the recovery steps ubotu just sent you06:22
fmonroemad: really that's the only solution? i just got everything else working including my quad video setup06:23
spikebsomebody tell me about frostwire06:23
Madpilotfmonroe, see the pm the bot just sent you06:23
mmmiiikkkeeethank you!! its running06:23
Madpilot!tell spikeb about frostwire06:23
JaseyQuestion : Why does the CD thing in Breezy Badger always complain "Given UDI not a valid mountable volume."???06:23
whyamiany tips on concatenating 2 mpeg videos in ubuntu? I've tried mpeg3cat and mpgjoin...06:23
Madpilotspikeb, just for future ref: you can /msg ubotu06:24
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee isn't M$ markup wonderful in a tarball   :)06:24
flyingfoxhi, dapper scheduled to be released on june 1?06:24
spikebMadpilot, i JUST read that in the faq, heh06:24
spikebMadpilot, sorry :)06:24
=== sNake [n=mrdez@c-67-163-64-96.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudflyingfox, yes06:24
Madpilotspikeb, np. start with /msg ubotu list06:24
flyingfoxok thks06:24
spikebnow i'll go quiet for a couple hours06:24
noiesmowhyami, think you can do cat movie1.mpg >>movie.mpg06:24
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mmmiiikkkeeelol yea... ok now whenit runs i get:: Linux source tree '/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-10-686-smp' is incomplete or missing!... how do i get the source for the kernal?06:25
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee i still say if you are running a configure you probable need  b-e  if it isn't installed.06:25
=== slavik [n=slavik@67-100-227-140.adsl.lbdsl.net] has joined #ubuntu
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whyaminoiesmo: aren't there headers that need to be processed?06:25
=== nomasteryoda [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuI guess b-e is no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo aptitude install build-essential.06:25
Intangirdoes anyone here program for linux? where should i go to learn how to debugg an application06:25
mmmiiikkkeeewhat is b-e ?06:25
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee ^06:25
eggzeckmmmiiikkkeee, read what ubotu said06:26
slavikb-e = build-essential06:26
=== _kalm [n=Jallu_@220-245-217-10-act-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_WillisIntangir,  depends on what language for a start06:26
slavikDDD is nice06:26
Intangirim using C++06:26
intelikeyyeah language and interface06:26
Intangirim using this anjuta IDE and it doesnt work06:27
Intangirfor debugging, i set breaking points, i load the debugger, i run it06:27
jack-ktrace is your friend06:27
Intangirit goes right past them06:27
michael117I have a nfs disk on a remote computer on the network set to automatically mount on boot in my fstab, but occasionally my ethernet cable is disconnected and my computer doesn't seem to be very forgiving of this. How can I make it adapt to a disconnected ethernet cable instead of freezing everything up?06:27
noiesmowhyami, are the to mpegs in series you can do cat movie.mpg > movietest.mpg and then do cat movie1.mpg >> movietest.mpg then you wont break originals06:27
slavikIntangir: anjuta 2.0 has a built in debugger06:27
Dr_Willismichael117,  welcome to the joys of networked file systems. :( lol.06:27
=== mendred [n=mendred@] has joined #ubuntu
Intangirdoes it work?06:27
=== sagarp [n=sagar@SM-7-069.resnet.ucsb.edu] has left #ubuntu ["Leaving"]
Intangiranjuya 1.. whatever im using supposedly has one too, but its not working06:28
Intangiranjuta rather..06:28
michael117Dr_Willis: Any solutions or possible alternatives?06:28
slavikanjuata 2.0 should not be used06:28
intelikeymichael117 hack the networks init script06:28
slavikit is still in devel06:28
=== jmoncayo [n=jmoncayo@] has joined #ubuntu
Dr_Willismichael117,  i seem to recall theres being a few thousand discussions on this in different forums/mailing lists. :P last i looked  - but that was a few yr back.06:29
Marineboyroot@ubuntu:~# md5sum /dev/hdc06:29
Marineboymd5sum: /dev/hdc: Input/output error06:29
noiesmowhyami, i just tried the cat commands as above and worked the 2 mpegs were part of a series download from web06:29
whyaminoiesmo: this is for a DVD. When I combine the mpgs, they play fine on vlc but my home DVD player coughs when it gets to where the 2nd mpeg starts.06:29
jmoncayocould somebody tell which one of these is better xpdf or kpdf?06:29
Dr_Williscould just write your own littke init script and run it last. and let it spawn to the bg to mount the stuff06:29
brandon_jmoncayo: neither06:29
spikebxpdf is older06:29
jmoncayobrandon_, then?06:30
dj-fuxpdf pwns06:30
brandon_just use ocroread06:30
noiesmowhyami, think you might need to run thru like mencoder to fix up headers etc06:30
=== baconbacon [n=bacon@modemcable020.207-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeyjmoncayo pdf is evil06:30
whyaminoiesmo: I tried that, but then the audio doesn't sync up w/ the video on the 2nd mpeg.06:30
Madpilotjmoncayo, try evince - it's better than xpdf06:30
jmoncayointelikey, why?06:30
spikebi dont even think pdf is a closed format, isit?06:30
tritiumMadpilot: not in all respects06:30
=== shinu [n=blu@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
noiesmowhyami, dam06:30
Dr_WillisIve had issues with Evince06:30
intelikeyyeah use ps06:30
=== PwcrLinux uses evicit
tritiumno, it's not, spikeb06:30
spikebtritium, then it ain't evil :)06:31
noiesmowhyami, well thats me help sorry it didnt help06:31
mmmiiikkkeeewhen i run the configure i get::> Linux source tree '/usr/src/linux-2.6.12-10-686-smp' is incomplete or missing!06:31
Madpilotstill, as nasty as it is, Acroread is still the best PDF renderer going so far...06:31
=== freen0de [n=illumina@adsl-223-230-131.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
tritiumspikeb: no, pdf is fine06:31
Dr_WillisIve seen pdf used on web sites in soo many BAD ways...06:31
dell500for some reason i can't unrar anything... it says unrar is not in my path06:31
jmoncayocan i apt-get install acroread?06:31
whyaminoiesmo: I appreciate the effort. This seems like such a simple thing...06:31
Madpilotjmoncayo, yes06:31
=== ed_cas_her [n=eduardo@] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDr_Willis: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:31
digitalhav0cMadpilot, i agree acroread06:31
ubotuit has been said that rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression06:31
Dr_Willisits not in ubotu's path either!06:31
intelikeyDr_Willis yeah... flash too but that don't make me like either of them.06:31
jack-apt-get install unrar06:31
dell500i think i already did that06:32
jmoncayobut i need a light pdf viewer?06:32
=== linuxnoob007 [n=ashley@toronto-HSE-ppp4139720.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
buulianwhat are some great books on all around hacking of linux to check out?06:32
jack-i think you did not06:32
Madpilotjmoncayo, then try evince06:32
Dr_WillisFlash seems to be not as annoying as it once was.. for most sites i visit06:32
freen0desome free games for ubuntu?06:32
mmmiiikkkeeehow doi get the source tree?06:32
linuxnoob007yo peeps06:32
jack-apt-get install xthrust06:32
brandon_jmoncayo: acroread has some nice plugins for the file browsers that are light06:32
Madpilotfreen0de, there's lots of free games for Ubuntu - have a look at Applications->Games06:32
linuxnoob007whats the command to setup dhcp on eth006:32
whyamijmoncayo: if you want a dependable pdf viewer that will show you what the windows and OS X users are seeing with their pdfs, use acroread.06:32
jack-dhclient eth006:32
noiesmowhyami, maybe check out transcode06:33
=== EddyBoo [n=thomas@i53874790.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoob007ty jack!06:33
PuMpErNiCkElfreen0de: BZflag, Cube, tuxracer06:33
Dr_Willisbuulian,  http://openbooks.oreilly.com/06:33
freen0deno not those.06:33
freen0delike, FPS based06:33
jack-freen0de: you should really try xthrust06:33
jack-get quake2 then06:33
spikebhey i know of one06:33
slavikbzflag runs slow ...06:33
baconbaconfreen0de, neverball is fun06:33
noiesmowhyami, http://www.transcoding.org/cgi-bin/transcode06:33
Dr_WillisRTCW:ET :P06:33
spikebfreen0de, give me a sec06:33
PuMpErNiCkElfreen0de: Cube - it's kinda like Quake2, I think06:33
intelikeymmmiiikkkeee   it's  linux-tree-2.6.*06:33
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linuxnoob007does it have to be run as sudo jack?06:33
whyaminoiesmo: thanks. I'll look at that.06:33
slaviktuxracer = planetpenguin racer doesn't run anymore06:33
Dr_Willis'slune' is great!06:33
jack-the game? nope06:33
jack-the apt-get? yes06:34
jmoncayowhyami, so what do you think about evince? kpdf comes with the default installation of ubuntu, should i unsinstall it06:34
PuMpErNiCkElslavik: BZflag runs much faster in 2.0.606:34
pepsi^^tuxrace is a bad bad bad game06:34
PuMpErNiCkElslavik: As in about 2 to 3 times as fast.06:34
buulianDr._Willis: thanks06:34
nickrudaddictive == bad ?06:34
Madpilotfreen0de, Enemy Territory is free to download06:34
baconbacontuxracer is kind of half-finished06:34
pepsi^^it'snt addictive06:34
pepsi^^it's a shit06:34
Madpilotpepsi^^, language, thanks...06:34
linuxnoob007frozen bubble is!06:34
=== ITSa341 [n=ITSa341@] has joined #ubuntu
freen0dethanks all06:35
nickrudDr_Willis, you are a pusher06:35
pepsi^^frozen bubble is a good game06:35
MadpilotI just discovered Same-Gnome - that's an addictive little puzzle game!06:35
pepsi^^but i don't know if you can install new levels06:35
Dr_WillisBeen playing some Word Game.. "Anagramama" or similer..06:35
Dr_WillisIts nifty.. for a while06:35
=== slavik has 2.0.4
=== PwcrLinux like card games
=== nut [n=nut@ool-435261eb.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
mmmiiikkkeeeso do i apt-get linux-tree-2.6.* ???06:35
spikebfreen0de, there are the quake games, and http://www.nexuiz.com/ and one other im trying to find06:35
pepsi^^because it's very repeat06:35
Dr_Willis"Puzzle Pirates" works under Linux/Java :P06:35
slavikI mean, my laptop is not very fast, but for the detail in bzflag, it is still slow06:36
nuthow do I get normal fonts .. times new roman, etc ?06:36
jmoncayoshould i uninstall kpdf before installing other pdf viewer??06:36
pvd2006I need a message to pop up at a certain time to remind me to do something.  What command would you use for that06:36
Madpilotnut, you mean MS fonts?06:36
Smeritynut - msttfont thing I think06:36
slaviknut: you mean microsoft fonts?06:36
Madpilot!tell nut about fonts06:36
intelikeynut normal ?06:36
=== Koharski [n=hey@S01060011957a5893.wk.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmoncayobrandon_, i shouldnt uninstall?06:36
nickrudpvd2006, I'd use either at or cron, running a script that uses zenity06:36
=== nut is now known as shray
spikebbah i can't find it06:37
brandon_jmoncayo: no06:37
intelikeynormal fonts is like terminal-bitstream06:37
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nickrudpvd2006, personal preferences & knowledge, ymmv06:37
Koharskianyone good with mySQL or just SQL in gereral PM me06:37
linuxnoob007anyone running aiglx with compiz? I am and its sweet06:37
brandon_jmoncayo: it doesn't matter either way06:37
Koharskithanks ;)06:37
Intangirprogramming for linux is like a nightmare.. ive programmed in C++ for 8 fears and i cant figure out how to use a damn debugger to save my life on linux..06:37
Intangirhow the hell is this supposed to work, why are there no decent tutorials anywhere...06:37
boydubaiguys... is it possible to set up a VPN connection in Ubuntu? i'll be connecting to our office abroad and i need a VPN connection.. please help.06:37
Intangirwhy doesnt it work...06:37
baconbaconyou used visual studio right06:37
slavikIntangir: then there is something wrong with you06:37
Intangirman i hate programming for linux..06:37
=== Ares [n=Ares@ip68-101-241-231.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
jmoncayooki thanks a lot06:37
MadpilotKoharski, there's a #mysql channel06:37
Intangirya visual studio06:37
Intangirits like night and day06:37
slavikIntangir: you hate programming FOR linux or ON linux?06:38
jmoncayolater, going to sleep good night06:38
Koharskireally? thanks madpilot06:38
=== slavik couldn't use MSVC
=== heatxsink [n=jmioph@ip70-189-142-211.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
slaviktoo many buttons06:38
brandon_boydubai: there's a vpn client06:38
Ares Hey all, newbie to linux here. Is there a channel I can get help on?06:38
pepsi^^someone can say me a dns ip ?06:38
jack-<3 openvpn06:38
Intangirdebugging on visual studio is really really easy06:38
MadpilotAres, this is it06:38
=== Skwid_ [n=Skwid___@bas1-montreal42-1177928468.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
Aresok cool06:38
Intangirif i ever figure out how to debug on linux..06:38
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slavikIntangir: I've been coding for like 2 years and couldn't figure it out06:38
MadpilotIntangir, take the programming talk to #ubuntu-offtopic, please06:38
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slavikfigured it out in DDD and dev-cpp though06:39
intelikeyIntangir as soon as you get used to it, you'll never go back.06:39
Intangirintelikey: do you know how to debugg C++ on linux?06:39
Intangirif anyone has done it i could sure use some help06:39
spikebIntangir, you could always use an IDE like kdevelop06:39
intelikeyIntangir i don't know c++  or c-- for that matter.06:39
baconbaconIntangir, go to #ubuntu-offtopic plz06:39
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Intangircan you compile gtk code on kdevelop?06:39
Intangirand debug gtk code?06:40
=== kinection [i=1000@D-128-95-26-26.dhcp4.washington.edu] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoob007i have a apprentice im helping in using linux. YOu know xgl is gonna bring so many new pppl06:40
spikebIntangir, good luck there06:40
intelikeyIntangir isn't there like a ##C++  channel tho06:40
slavikyes there is ...go there06:40
Intangirthere is but its for windows guys06:40
AresI just installed Ubuntu and this is my first attempt at linux. I have two broken packages (files?) and I can't fix them06:40
deviethere is probably a #gtk or #qt channel06:40
MadpilotIntangir & intelikey - #ubuntu-offtopic for the programming chat, because it's busy here...06:41
AresCan someone help me out with it?06:41
jack-apt-get -f install06:41
slavikAres: open synaptic06:41
nickrudAres, what packages, and if you could put the errors on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/06:41
AresOk, already open06:41
slavikAres: yes06:41
linuxnoob007took the words outa my mouth jack06:41
slaviktell us the names of packages06:41
intelikey!tell Ares about borked06:41
linuxnoob007is anyone using dapper?06:41
ubotu[borked]  try  " sudo  apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install `dpkg -S LC_MESSAGES | cut -d: -f1 | tr ', ' 'n' | sort -u`  " that should fix your broken install/upgrade.06:41
intelikeyAres if all else fails try what ubotu messaged you.06:42
jack-yes, and go to #ubuntu+1 for dapper shit06:42
brandon_i'm using dapper06:42
jack-you'll get smacked here06:42
nickrudmrf, sorry06:42
tritiumjack-: language, please06:42
linuxnoob007brandon_, did you have to install braile?06:42
Madpilotjack-, you'll also get smacked for language use here...06:42
=== jack- smacks himself around a bit
brandon_braile? what the hell is that?06:42
linuxnoob007for the blind06:42
buulianwill ubuntu linux communicate with dot matrix printers out-of-the-box?06:42
tritiumbrandon_: language!06:42
linuxnoob007i had to set one up for me06:42
linuxnoob007dunno why06:42
linuxnoob007i just have a laptop06:42
slavikbuulian: can I have the printer?06:43
linuxnoob007but on dist upgrade06:43
=== Smeggy [n=Smeggy@220-253-102-199.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
linuxnoob007it installed it06:43
brandon_is this the FCC channel?06:43
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buulianslavik, wanna pay shipping?!06:43
brandon_is braille for gnome or kde?06:43
buuliani got screwed on ebay- unless you pay shipping06:43
Madpilotbrandon_, no, but a basic level of manners is expected here...06:43
linuxnoob007brandon_, gnome06:43
linuxnoob007its in accesibility06:43
intelikeynickrud hadn't you seen !borked before ?06:44
slavikbuulian: how much would shipping be?06:44
linuxnoob007its fucked up06:44
brandon_lemme check the installed packages06:44
linuxnoob007caus it asked for the tty06:44
linuxnoob007and i was like wtf06:44
nickrudintelikey, no, I'm looking that one over06:44
buulianlol- why do you want it? for nostalgia?06:44
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brandon_hey, howcome he can say the F word?06:44
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tritiumlinuxnoob007: no foul language like that!06:44
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Madpilotbrandon_, notice he just got banned for it...06:44
buulianlinuxnoob007: go away06:44
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AresOk so I ran the command, I said done for the first two lines then gave me this: E: Couldn't find package aptnnbase-confignndebconf-i18nnndpkg06:45
intelikeynickrud i have used it on broken installs that nothing else seemed to help.  but it should be a last resort.06:45
nickrudintelikey, If that comes out like I hope it does, that's a great thing06:45
intelikeynickrud it works06:45
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_jasonAres: that's because that n should probably be a \n, otherwise it doesn't amke sense to me06:45
brandon_well, they answer to his q was no, i didn't have to install it06:45
nickrudintelikey, and it uses cut, & tr, & stuff I can understand :)06:45
mmmiiikkkeeewhat is the site for pastebin?06:46
buulianslavik: do you know if linux will "see" old printers, though?06:46
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BBHossin the topic06:46
nickrudno sed & awk06:46
ubotuhmm... pastebin is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126906:46
intelikeyi would have just posted a script of that command but ubotu doesn't do scripts well....   hehhe tr and cut are main-stays for me.06:46
intelikeynickrud ^06:46
_jasonnickrud: what are the advantages of !borked as opposed to just doing apt-get -f install?06:46
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PwcrLinuxsame addy alert06:47
intelikey_jason apt-get -f install  wont fix some things that !borked will.06:47
nickrud_jason, that is a question I was asking above, see: intelikey, If that comes out like I hope it does, that's a great thing06:47
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_jasonintelikey, nickrud: I see, so we want to update that n to a \n?06:48
Madpilotlinuxnoobfowllan, not trying to evade your ban, are you?06:48
mmmiiikkkeeei get the folowing when i try to run ./Configure ::> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1242406:48
intelikey_jason ?06:48
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intelikeywhat n / a ?06:48
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robini am to the linux world,  how is ubuntu better for some than kubuntu and vise versa?06:49
_jasonintelikey: from ubotu's !borked: tr ', ' 'n' <-- should be '\n'?06:49
jack-its the same, basically06:49
nickrud_jason, I already know you read bash better than I do, you see an issue with that?06:49
jack-kubuntu has kde as desktop, ubuntu has gnome06:49
jack-otherwise, exactly the same cheese06:49
Jaseyif it were the same, it wouldnt be seperate ;)06:49
chavorobin, neither is better, they are different06:49
Jaseythey have their ups and downs06:49
chavoI prefer KDE but have bith installed06:50
mabusrobin: they use different desktop managers... kde (kubuntu) has more of a windows xp look, while gnome (ubuntu) has a more mac look.06:50
mabusHowever, gnome is less (but still) bloated.06:50
chavowell either one can look like anything06:50
Areswhat is the hotkey for paist? ctrl+v doesn't work.06:50
jack-you can always apt-get install kubuntu-desktop on gnome, or vice versa06:50
jack-to switch06:50
pvd2006On the list of time zones for Date/Time I don't see a listing for my state or anything, and I dont see a option to just pick central time06:50
mabusBut the biggest point is probably that this channel has better support than kubuntu.06:50
jack-so..no biggie, just get one to start with06:50
spikebpvd2006, America/Chicago06:50
chavoit's the functionality that really differs06:50
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_jasonintelikey: can you explain what the n is for?06:50
spikebAres, middle click06:51
Aresohh wow, cool06:51
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spikebAres, highlight copies, middle click pastes. it's pretty awesome :)06:51
_jasonnickrud: to me, seems like apt-get will get passed things like 'base-confignndialog' for example06:51
chavowell running kubuntu doesn't preclude you from joining this channel and asking for help06:52
intelikey_jason i see what you are saying...  hehhe ubotu muxt have dropped the  \   tr ', ' '\n'    is correct.06:52
chavoor giving it for that matter06:52
mmmiiikkkeeei think this mean i need to install the kernal source... but i am not sure??::> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1242406:52
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nickrud_jason, I haven't parsed the darn line completely yet, I'm a hunt & pecker with those unixy tools.06:52
intelikeyyou can cp that within the `` marks to test that part.06:53
spikebjust had a beavis and butthead moment06:53
Madpilotchavo, there is a seperate #kubuntu channel; obviously some specific desktop stuff is quite different...06:53
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chavoof course, I'm usually in both channels06:53
nickrudsonic2, someone needs to fix that ubotu factoid, right?06:53
AresOk, before I do something stupid.. Would it be a bad idea to remove linux-image-386 in order to re-dl and install it?06:54
baconbaconAres, just don't reboot meanwhile :S06:54
baconbaconapt-get --reinstall instal linux-image-386 doesn't work?06:54
nickrudsorry, sonic2 you got caught in a tab completion screwup. _jason you have a correction for that factoid?06:55
Aresunless I did it wrong, nope06:55
ubotuwell, borked is try  " sudo  apt-get -u --reinstall --fix-missing install `dpkg -S LC_MESSAGES | cut -d: -f1 | tr ', ' '\n' | sort -u`  " that should fix your broken install/upgrade.06:55
intelikeythat looks better _jason ^  thanks for the heads up there.06:55
mmmiiikkkeeei get the folowing when i try to run ./Configure ::> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1242406:56
_jasonintelikey: yep looks good to me now, although I'm googling now for what the importance of LC_MESSAGES is :)06:56
mDot_lappy./Configure != ./configure06:57
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intelikeylol  i guess it dropped the $ also.....06:57
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nickrudyes, that was my thought, dpkg -S LC_MESSAGES | cut -d: -f1 | tr ', ' '\n' | sort -u comes up with some stuff that seems ok06:58
cmathesonanother openoffice question... i've gotten my database setup... and i just want to copy a column from a database into a spreadsheet.  i hit 'F4' to open the datasource view, hi-light the column and then drag it into my spreadsheet, but it will only copy one value at a time... anyone know if there is a way to do the whole column?06:58
slavikcmatheson: ctrl+c ?06:59
cmathesonslavik, yeah it doesn't do anything07:00
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slavikcmatheson: no idea, sorry07:01
cmathesonslavik: that's ok07:01
Madpilotcmatheson, you might want to try #openoffice.org07:01
shrayis there any FPS genre games for ubuntu07:01
simi69can anyone tell me how to run a .bin file?07:01
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cmathesonMadpilot: oh nice, i was just lookig for their channel, thanks07:01
slavikshray: UT2004, Doom307:01
simi69i'm trying to install the java plugin07:01
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shrayanything free? =(07:02
AresI feel like I am learning to use the computer all over again :-/07:02
slavikno ideamate07:02
Madpilotshray, Enemy Territory - free to download & play07:02
intelikeysh file.bin07:02
MadpilotAres, you are :P07:02
nickrudsimi69, you should use java-package, see !java below07:02
slavikAres: but now you are learning for real :)07:02
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs07:02
slavikthat windows stuff was only training for the real thing ;)07:02
simi69thanks! :)07:02
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nickrudAres, I felt that I was finally getting the machine back :)07:03
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blindxhow do you list packages that are found matching a certain name?07:03
intelikey<Ares> I feel like I am learning to use the computer all over again :-/  <--- you are.   that's the first thing the new linux user needs to recognize.07:03
Smeggyapt-cache search name?07:03
nickrudblindx, aptitude search07:03
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blindxoh it's cache07:04
blindxhey lycade :D07:04
nickrudblindx, aptitude search only searches on package names, unlike apt-cache search07:04
slavikblindx: apt-cache search07:04
slavikblindx: or use synaptic07:04
blindxwell i just got a million responses. synaptic it is.07:04
intelikeysynaptic search07:04
VR_i hate browsing through search results in the terminal07:04
pvd2006so can you do like,   at 12:30am job....07:04
defendguindoes anyone know why when i put my computer into hibernate it goes into hibernation and then wakes right up with no action from me07:04
LycadeAnyone wanna help me use my grub? :P07:05
slavikdefendguin: hibernate is when it powers down07:05
Areshmm ok so I get this when I try to reinstall the linux-image-386... E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)07:05
defendguinslavik: i well aware of that07:05
defendguini am *07:05
blindxever have a near-pain experience and imagine what it would have been like if you actually did drop that chair on foot and smash your toe?07:05
blindxSorry, off topic.07:05
spikebblindx, yes07:05
defendguinslavik: it powers down the mouse shuts off and then the whole thing starts right up again07:05
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defendguini dont think it is going all the way down07:06
blindxheh. i do it too often. Actually start getting squeamish. i picture compound fractures and the such07:06
brandon_blindx: no, never...never07:06
Lycadeblind - maybe you can help me. >.>07:06
blindxbrandon_, well you're a freak :P07:06
blindxlol lycade. whats up07:06
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LycadeMy grub hates me. :(07:06
Lycade[spam] 07:06
Lycade# This entry automatically added by the Debian installer for a non-linux OS07:06
Lycade# on /dev/hda107:06
Lycadetitle   Windows XP07:06
Lycaderootnoverify    (hd0,0)07:06
Lycadechainloader     +107:06
baconbacononce my bike got smashed by a car, can this be near pain :)07:06
ubotupastebin is, like, totally, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126907:07
=== intelikey wonders if blindx has had a near inteligence experience.....
Lycadeit won't load07:07
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slavik!tell Lycade about pastebin07:07
brandon_blindx: i do have near-pleasuer experiences all the time though07:07
=== Lycade bookmarks
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blindxbrandon_: I don't doubt the fact that you don't get pleasure, and often imagine getting it ;)07:07
MadpilotLycade, tagging with [spam]  doesn't excuse actual channel flooding, just so you know for next time...07:07
LycadeI know. I just said it as a warning. >.> I also thought it was fewer lines, my bad. :P07:08
blindxLycade, I'm not sure. See what ubotu has to say about grub07:08
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting07:08
MarineboyIntel you there?07:08
nickrudLycade, that is the standard etnry for a grub boot off a windows install tho07:08
LycadeIt won't load though. >.<07:08
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intelikeyMarineboy not atm.   back in a few tho.07:09
blindxI'm missing a shoe.07:09
MarineboyIntel: when you get back will you PM me?07:09
steveneddycan we discuss Ubuntu install here?07:09
tritiumsure, steveneddy07:10
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brandon_Lycade: windows won't load?07:10
steveneddytried to install U on an Athlon XP machine today......something about HD sector errors - we loaded Wondows and quit07:11
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blindxvarsendagger, that movie is hilarious07:11
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steveneddyHD probs or not compatable w. U07:11
varsendaggerblindx, ha ha07:11
blindxok bye...07:11
Zapperi got issues trying to install my ubuntu can i get some help please07:11
blindxrunning to the store all, back in a few.07:12
whyamiZapper: state your problem07:12
Lycadebrandon_ - correct, it won't load.07:12
PwcrLinuxsteven: you need to defrag on your HD run in the Windows and defrag it..07:12
nickrudvarsdendagger should neve be allowed back :)07:12
brandon_is it a bad partition error?07:12
Zapperwell............. i tried installing using a raid set up on SATA07:12
pvd2006I just issued an at command and it didnt run at the time I set it.07:12
Zapperwould not load either boot loader07:12
pvd2006I just put at 12:12am then on next line put the job07:13
Zapperso then i moved the drive to normal Sata tried to install on just one drive07:13
Zappernow pc wont boot07:13
LycadeI'm not getting any errors07:13
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LycadeIt just displays the things listed above and stops there.07:13
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brandon_Lycade: what happens?07:13
Jasonquestion: i dont know my root p/w! how to reset/find it???07:13
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tritium!tell Jason about rootsudo07:13
brandon_Jason: reboot into runlevel 1 and reset it07:13
steveneddybrandon - we tried to clear the HD - wouldn't work well - used a Knoppix CD to wipe and format, but it still wouldn't load any Linux - tried Ubuntu, DSL and Puppy07:13
brandon_using passwd root07:14
simi69i'm running a live-cd,  is it possible for me to install the java plugin?  - i have the plugin .bin file...07:14
simi69but it's loaded on desktop07:14
biyinzikaHello still new to Ubuntu, can anyone tell me how to install TV Card?07:14
Zappercan someone plese help me07:14
nickrudsimi69, the livecd is sort of test bed, installing java & it's plugin is a waste.07:15
brandon_biyinzika: it's probably already installed07:15
Jasonugh that didnt help, my pm blocker was getting bombarded07:15
whyamiZapper: I don't really get it. You were trying to set up a mirror raid, then gave up and devided to install on a single SATA?07:15
slavik*** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual07:15
deviesimi: I believe (and don't shoot me if I'm wrong) you would have to mount your /home directory to something writable, like a pen drive, then you can install packages for the local user07:15
biyinzikaso how do i tell which application to launch to watch?07:15
=== SoulPropagation [n=ethan@c-66-41-75-182.hsd1.mn.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Zapperno i tried to install on raid0 but the boot loaders would not load07:16
Zapperso since it gives instructions how to boot through dos command i am a dos retard07:16
simi69i have a 10gb reiserfs partition, but for some reason it's saying there's no space left on it..07:16
Zapperso then i tried to install on a single sata drive07:16
Jason((((( tritium )))))) can i get you to make uboto say that again, as i was previously blocking queries and didnt receive ANY of what he said :(.. im not now07:16
Zapperintall success07:16
Zapperbut boot disk failure07:16
brandon_Lycade: you can boot using a live cd, mount your linux hard drive partition, chroot to it, and then run the grub-install program07:16
Zapperwhen booting07:16
deviesimi69, because when you boot LiveCD, it mounts all of your disks as read only07:17
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whyamiZapper: sorry. No idea. :-(07:17
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obscuriteZapper, I just did a couple of RAID1 installs on sata07:17
Zapperubuntu does support sata does it not?07:17
brandon_biyinzika: try mythtv07:17
tritium!tell Jason about rootsudo07:17
tritiumJason: :)07:17
Jasonthanks :)07:17
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LycadeHeh.. I wish I just understood all of that. xD07:17
whyamiZapper: yes. I have a sata w/ AMD64 and runs great.07:18
deviesimi69, if you want to mount it normally, you'll have to do it yourself... and if you want to do it automatically, well, your back to putting your home dir on a pen drive, and using the proper boot command to load the pen drive as your home each time you boot07:18
SoulPropagationWhere do I get browscap.ini for Apache?07:18
brandon_Lycade: are you talking to me?07:18
Lycade1) live cd - I used the normal install, will that work or do I need a new liveCD brandon_ ?07:18
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Zapperthat is what i also have sata amd 6407:18
deviebrb, I'm going to logon with irssi instead of xchat07:18
Zapperbut for some reason my pc wont boot07:18
Lycadebrandon_ yea. xD07:18
Zapperive never done raid before07:18
Zappernor linux07:18
brandon_Lycade: you've got a livecd?07:19
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simi69/dev/hda1 on /mnt/hda1 type reiserfs (rw)07:19
simi69 ~~~  /dev/hda2 on /mnt/hda2 type vfat (rw)07:19
simi69  ~~~ /dev/hda5 on /mnt/hda5 type ntfs (rw)07:19
onephatmindhey guys07:19
simi69there's still no space, maybe i can format it?07:19
pvd2006how do you change the shell that at uses to process jobs07:19
whyamiZapper: I have never done raid either. My sata/amd is actually running dapper, not breezy.07:19
Lycadebrandon_ - no, I only have the install cd07:19
onephatmindok i installed kubuntu-desktop in ubuntu07:19
Zapperi have the breazy release i think07:19
biyinzikaWhere is that mythtv found it's my first time to use ubuntu07:19
brandon_Lycade: actually, you can run commands out of grub07:19
onephatmindand in the past 3 hours the system crashed 4 times07:19
whyamiZapper: actually I just remembered it used to run Breezy, so that isnt the problem.07:19
Jasonthanks tritium ill see if this works07:20
Zapperthen what is the problem07:20
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onephatmindwhile i had my code open in the middle of work07:20
Zapperits really frustrating07:20
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tritiumJason: good luck :)07:20
Lycadebrandon_,  - yea I have seen that I can do that. What commands do you want me to run?07:20
Zapperevery time i try linux i get issues07:20
onephatmindsorry trying to get the error message it threw07:20
=== devie [n=tofarley@YRMfb-05p2-139.ppp11.odn.ad.jp] has joined #ubuntu
axisysmy gnome-panel does not start anymore.. no way to call a terminal.. anyone know a fix?07:20
brandon_Lycade: gimme a sec to research it07:20
devieI was using VNC for a remote desktop, decided it would be easier to use SSH and IRSSI :)07:21
Lycadebrandon_,  thank you.07:21
axisysno gnome-panel .. that is no way to access anything but desktop... pretty useless.. restarted with fluxbox until find a fix07:21
onephatmindshoot its gone, but it was something  like this : "composite manager crashed...."07:21
Zapperso noone has any ideas?07:21
onephatmindwhat would that mean and how do i stop it from destroying my work;)?07:21
simi69also, another thing with pics and stuff I have on my NTFS partition - I can't send any of that online... and i can access them only thru the menus system/administration/disks, and then pressing browse07:21
simi69if i'm just in the browser there's no access to it07:22
simi69*file browser07:22
brandon_biyinkinka: open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install mythtv07:22
axisyshow do i force gnome-panel to start?07:22
nickrudaxisys, I'd start by rm -r ~/.gnome2/panel.d07:22
axisysnickrud: ok.07:22
axisysnickrud: let me give that a try07:22
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nickrudaxisys, that's one place panel info is kept.07:23
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Jasonnope that did not help. i cant alter/recover the root password ..07:23
SoulPropagationNever mind, I got it07:23
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Jasonusing linux is pretty hard without the root p/w ..07:23
simi69what's the best file system to install ubuntu on?07:23
devieJason: just sudo everything07:24
DBOJason, do you have sudo access?07:24
deviemuch better actually07:24
Jasoni havent a clue :D07:24
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LycadeJason,  type sudo -i, then user pass at prompt?07:24
axisysnickrud: ran this  mv .gnome2/panel2.d/ .gnome2/panel2.d.broken.. can i start gnome on another session instead of killing fluxbox?07:24
Se7hsimi69 ext3 should do it07:24
onephatmindaxisys, killall gnome-panel to restart it07:24
Jasonok hold please07:24
brandon_Jason: reboot into runlevel 1 by typing "telinit 1" at the prompt type "passwd root"07:24
intelikeyMarineboy try the static dev at /dev/.static*/hdc  it could be a udev issue, but not likely.07:24
dliJason, root is disabled in ubuntu by default07:24
MadpilotJason, ubuntu doesn't use a root pw at all, by default...07:24
nickrudaxisys, as well, I'd rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel (assuming you don't have gconf running)07:24
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axisysonephatmind: no terminal07:24
Jasonoh youve all confused me :(07:24
devieJason: If you installed the machine, then just prefix every command that requires root with 'sudo ' and then enter your password07:25
MadpilotJason, have you read the sudo wiki page?07:25
ubotusudo is probably a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:25
Jasonive read that07:25
axisysrestarting w/ gnome07:25
dliJason, if you are an experienced linux user/admin, you can enable root, if you are new to linux, just use sudo07:25
axisysdo not know of any other ways07:25
onephatmindaxisys, ctrl + alt + f1 or f2 or f..607:25
Jasonfine fine brb07:25
devieIf you insist on being root (which you shouldn't) just do 'sudo passwd root' and set a new password07:25
=== Jason goes to get lost some more
axisysonephatmind: let me try07:25
onephatmindctrl alt f1 to go terminal07:26
onephatmindyour x is on ctrl alt f7 to go back to it07:26
intelikeyMarineboy silly question maybe, but that is the correct device for the cdrom isn't it ?07:26
axisysonephatmind: i know ..07:26
onephatminddevie, why shouldnt he?07:26
axisysonephatmind: but i cannot start x on another virtual space say f2.07:27
Marineboyintelikey: yes it has to be, because when i did md5sum on it earlier it booted up07:27
axisysonephatmind: it give display error07:27
devieI guess it's my Mac OS X background, I prefer not to ever log on to the root account07:27
Marineboywhen i didnt md5sum ont he other one it booted up07:27
brigadonShould you always restart your machine after you run an upgrade?07:27
sophie^hi what's the complete path of the desktops icons in ubuntu?07:27
dliaxisys,  try, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart07:27
Marineboyi'm re-writing it now.07:27
axisysdli: from another vrtual window?07:27
devieIf I absolutely need root, I boot ubuntu into recovery mode07:27
onephatmindaxi, killall gdm07:27
dliaxisys, that will stop your current X, and restart gdm07:28
Jasoneven more lost than before07:28
onephatminddevie, you know theres a much easier way right?07:28
Madpilotbrigadon, not needed, unless the upgrade manager prompts you for it07:28
nickrudbrigadon, only if it installs a new kernel in general (or maybe new support for some hardware you have, which almost always requires a new kernel anyway)07:28
onephatmindjust enable root login in gnome login settings07:28
brigadonThank you very much07:28
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Madpilotonephatmind, that's neither needed or recommened...07:28
onephatmindmadpilot, why?07:29
brigadon22 years of DOS and now I am a total linux newbie :P07:29
Jasonits easier for n00bs07:29
intelikeyMarineboy you could mount both the iso and the cd and  diff them also.07:29
Jasonyay brigadon *hugs*07:29
onephatmindmadpilot, isn't "enter your passwor dto get root" more of a vulnerability?07:29
Madpilotonephatmind, read the RootSudo page for all the arguements...07:29
onephatmindthat being able to log in as root?07:29
brigadonIt's depressing, heck, I barely even know how to change directories07:29
nickrudonephatmind, it is just too darned easy to screw your system logged into a gui as root. No other reason, really07:29
brandon_Lycade: you could try this: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7665207:29
Lycadebrandon_,  I'll give it a look over, thanks07:30
intelikeyonephatmind   they don't like that question around here.07:30
onephatmindhehe gotcha;)07:30
onephatmindbut enabling root login and using it when needed seems to make a tad more sense than booting in recovery mode..07:31
dlionephatmind, I enable my root passwd for ubuntu07:31
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onephatmindme too07:31
intelikeybrigadon new to linux ?     forget every thing you think you know about computers, you are starting over.  it's easier to start with no knowledge than with false knowledge.07:31
devieonephatmind: I enabled my root password for su access07:31
nickrudonephatmind, I haven't run into a situation where sudo didn't provide me anything a recovery boot did (except for a screwed /etc/hosts file)07:31
devieonephatmind: but I left it locked out of Gnome07:31
onephatmindi have07:32
deviescrewed /etc/hosts file was the only time I ever had to boot recovery mode too :)07:32
Jasonall i wanted was to know how to change the silly password. no need for the raucous. cos if i boot into recovery mode, i like to use root for all my working. but i cant log into root IF I DONT KNOW THE PASSWORD :'(07:32
onephatmindwhen i get prompted for my own password to get root 20 times in 5 minutes07:32
intelikeyonephatmind or some idiot could lock all passwords and only use auto login.....      like me.07:32
=== brigadon nodnods, and has managed to hose 3 installs already trying to do things the way she was used to back in dos
nickrudonephatmind, sudo persists for 15? minutes, you must have been bouncing around terminals07:32
MadpilotJason, use sudo + the pw you gave during install...07:33
Jasonwhat password?07:33
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bliss1_I want to know what would happen if I ran a live CD mounted for eg hda2 and did some work in hda2 while working from the live cd07:33
onephatmindjason, are oyu able to log in at all?07:33
MadpilotJason, when you installed Ubuntu, it asked for a username + pw, yes?07:33
brigadonUmm... is Breezy badger forgiving of ATI cards or do you think I should look for a specific driver?07:33
intelikeyjason's passwd07:33
Jasonyeh i can log in07:34
bliss1_nickrud: hi ,you sound good07:34
onephatmindwhy would sudo passwd root not work?07:34
Madpilotbrigadon, my ATI 9600XT runs just fine07:34
intelikeysudo command      \n   type jason's passwd.07:34
brigadonI am using an ati rage pro 12807:34
Jasonoh you all have lost me again -_-07:34
Jasonim just gonna reinstall ubuntu, bbl07:34
nickrudbliss1_, I should sound tired, I'm about to call it an evening07:34
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intelikeyjason it will be the same.07:35
onephatmindjason, type in "sudo passwd root" then enter your password once, then enter new root passwd twice07:35
Jasonlast shot07:35
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brigadonSo no additional drivers need to be installed?07:35
intelikeyWARNING! jason reinstalling wont change it.07:35
Jasonif it doesnt work im wiping it clean -.-07:35
brigadonheh, that's better than installing XP ;)07:35
bliss1_nickrud: just having breakfast07:35
Jasonyes it will, if you wipe the whole damn hard drive >;(07:35
onephatmindjason, make no sense07:35
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Madpilotbrigadon, AFAIK a Rage 128 should work, not sure if you'll be able to get 3d accel, though07:36
nickrudJason, better to kick back for a couple of hours, think over all the conflicting info you just got, and ask again.07:36
ubotuwell, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.07:36
Jasonoh blah07:36
Jasonbbl im just doing this my way07:36
Jasonive done it before and ill freakin do it again07:36
onephatmindjason,  get terminal -> put in "sudo -i" -> put in YOUR passwd -> type in "passwd root"07:36
brigadonMadpilot, Thank you very much.07:36
nickrudim just doing this my way <-- can't argue with that :)07:36
onephatmindjason, why ask then?07:36
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Jasonbecause the answers are more confusing than the problem07:37
Marineboythey're saying put in sudo -i07:37
Jasonthey werent saying that earlier07:37
Marineboyand put in YOUR PASSWORD07:37
Jasonoh fine07:37
onephatmindjason, i am physically unable to break it down even more07:37
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Marineboyonephatmind jason,  get terminal -> put in "sudo -i" -> put in YOUR passwd -> type in "passwd root  <-- sounds CLEAR to me!07:37
MadpilotJason, please go read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo - what everyone is talking about here will then make a LOT more sense!07:37
Jasonit isnt clear for a n00b ok!07:38
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onephatmindi'm a noob07:38
Jasonive read that before!07:38
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Jasonobviously youre not, cos you know what youre talking about!07:38
[C] hrisIs there a stop watch for linux thing?07:38
[C] hrisi need to time some stuff07:38
Jasonbrb before i get more losht07:38
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qalimasI'm sorry to ask this here, but #knoppix isn't active right now, and maybe someone here will know: When remastering, what files need to be replaced into the cd to save all theme changes, settings, etc?07:38
nickrudJason, no problem, this is supposed to be the relaxing channel :)07:38
MadpilotJason, do you remember the password you entered during install?07:38
dliJason, you can enable the root passwd. I do07:38
bliss1_nickrud: is it possible to work for example from a live CD on say hda2 as root, not to alter the partition but just to do some work in that partition without loseing data07:38
Jasonfor which, madpilot. the user i had to create?07:39
intelikeysudo passwd        at the first password prompt type your password, then at the next two password prompts type the new root password....07:39
MadpilotJason, yes07:39
onephatmindjason, if we give you steps to take one by one, can you follow them?07:39
Jasonyeh of course i do. i log in that way07:39
nickrudbliss1_, sure, I do that often. I haven't used the ubuntu livecd for that, but it's all the same07:39
Jasonyes thats easier!07:39
dlibliss1_, why do you what to do that?07:39
Jasonyay for a solution07:39
onephatmindjason, step 1: get terminal07:39
Jasonno no07:39
Jasonnot here07:39
MadpilotJason, OK, so when you need root access, Ubuntu is set up to ask for your own user pw...07:39
stream36How's everyone doing?07:39
Jasoncan you PM it to me07:39
bliss1_nickrud: thanks07:39
onephatmindjason, pm me07:39
MadpilotJason, you'll need to be registered here on Freenode before you can pm07:40
Jasoni have to reg with nickserv...07:40
intelikeynick not registered....07:40
Jasonthis is easy07:40
=== Jason is now known as Jasey
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intelikeyit's easier to set a root passwd than to reg a nick...07:40
nickrudbliss1_, for example, I've done mount /dev/hdd4 -text3 /mnt and then altered files under /mnt07:40
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intelikeywhy adding -t ?07:41
bliss1_dli: because in that partition when it boots I cannot reboot only shut down ACPI has some problem acccording to DBO i need to flash my BIOS07:41
Jaseyready onephatmind :)07:41
onephatmindi just replied07:42
intelikeysudo passwd        at the first password prompt type your password, then at the next two password prompts type the new root password....07:42
nickrudintelikey, not necessarly, depending on ones experiences07:42
onephatmindok lets just do it here if nobody minds07:42
bliss1_mickrud: so to mount hda2 from a live cd its just  mount /dev.hda2 /mnt ?07:42
dlibliss1_, it's bios, why do you want to do anything with partition :(07:42
Jaseyi see no reply07:42
onephatmind1: get terminal07:42
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Jaseyits open07:42
onephatmind2: type in "sudo -i" and it will ask you for a password07:42
DBObliss1_, flashing BIOS should be relatively simple...07:42
Jaseyplease hold07:42
onephatmind3: give it your own password07:43
nickrudbliss1_, mount -t<devtype> /dev/hda2 /mnt07:43
Jaseydid that yes07:43
onephatmind4: type in "passwd root"07:43
onephatmindit will ask you for a new password for root07:43
Jaseyyou may not view or modify information for root07:43
Jaseyit says07:43
onephatmindtype in "passwd root"07:43
Jaseythat is what i did07:44
bliss1_DBO: thanks for that care to expand I looked all over the place yesterday but only found windows instuctions07:44
onephatmindskipped a step there07:44
nickrudbliss1_, <devtype> should be, more precisely, <filesystemtype> such as vfat, reiserfs, ext3, etc07:44
onephatmindand put it the new passwd twice07:44
Jasey"you may not view or modify information for root" or similar07:44
Marineboyroot@dhcppc0:/home/ubuntu/Desktop# diff -u /dev/hdc /mnt/ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso07:44
Marineboydiff: /dev/hdc: Input/output error07:44
bliss1_nickrud: thanks07:44
nickrudthere oughta be a law, no recommending sudo passwd07:44
DBObliss1_, ah, I see... usually you can flash from a bootable floppy disk07:44
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intelikeycant diff the device node....  mount both Marineboy07:44
Jasey"you may not view or modify information for root" - thats all that is happening :(07:45
Madpilotnickrud, yeah, but people get stubborn :P it's their own computer, they're allowed to do sub-optimal things to the poor thing07:45
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onephatmindjason: start over. 1: terminal; 2: sudo passwd root; 3: type in your own passwd; 4: set new root passwd07:45
DBOJasey, "sudo passwd root"07:45
Jaseyill start over07:45
bliss1_DBO: yes thats perhaps true but no floppy drive07:45
Jaseyhold please07:45
Toma-anyone know a frontend to mencoder or ffmpeg?07:45
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Jaseyoki now its just dropping to a new line07:46
onephatmindToma, kino if i'm getting the question right07:46
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Jaseyno input for the passwords, just waiting for another command :S07:46
Toma-onephatmind: yeh sort of :D thanks07:46
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nickrudMadpilot, yeah, but this is not their computer, maybe ugbugtu could do an auto kick <my fascist hat is on>07:46
onephatmindJasey, are you even serious?07:46
Jaseyof course im serious07:46
thoreauputicJasey: you realise of course that this is a complete waste of time, since sudo -i does effectively the same thing as su07:46
Madpilotnickrud, that's pretty seriously fascist! :P07:47
Jaseynow im just...07:47
DBOJasey, press <CTRL>+C07:47
DBOJasey, are you still in a terminal?07:47
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Madpilotthoreauputic, anytime someone suggests something more sensible to Jasey, he just starts talking about being "lost"...07:47
DBOJasey, type (letter for letter, case sensitive) "sudo passwd root"07:47
nickrudMadpilot, I've been walking around Houston, it's rubbed off.07:47
Jaseyi do07:47
Jaseyit drops to the next line, waiting for a command07:47
onephatmindno quotation marks right;)?07:47
Jaseyof course07:47
DBOdoes it say anything on that line?07:48
Jaseyim not THAT stupid believe it or not07:48
thoreauputicMadpilot: ah, well ... None are so blind as those that will not see I guess07:48
onephatmindi believe07:48
bliss1_nickrud: once you have mounted on live cd then all the commands are like so mnt/dev/hda2/usr/src ? for example or is it mnt/usr/src?07:48
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Jasey<username>@<computer>: <i-beam blinking>07:48
onephatmindJasey, u using gnome or kde?07:48
Jaseyuse your imagination07:48
onephatmindopen the user management utility07:48
Jaseyhold on07:48
DBOMadpilot, I know we shouldnt be teaching to unlock root... but he DID ask...07:48
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onephatminddbo, hehe07:49
Jaseyit asks for a password07:49
onephatmindput your passwd07:49
DBOJasey, type in your password07:49
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Jaseyi do :)07:49
Jaseythe window disappears and nothing happens07:49
thoreauputicJasey: umm....07:49
DBOJasey, open a terminal window and type "who"07:49
Toma-onephatmind: actually, kino seems to be a video editor, i need a video convertor. one that changes audio/video formats. cant even open an avi with kino. would cinelerra work?07:49
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nickrudbliss1_, it depends on what the partition is, and where you mounted it. if you'll note, the example I gave: mount /dev/hdd4 -text3 /mnt says that the partition is on /mnt so for what you're looking for, it'd be /mnt/usr/src07:50
Jaseywhat am i looking for, dbo :)07:50
thoreauputicJasey: is this some special version of Ubuntu that you hacked together yourself in your copious free time?07:50
DBOhow many entries Jasey?07:50
onephatmindToma, no clue;)07:50
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Jaseyno -_-07:50
MadpilotJasey, what is the output of "who"?07:50
Jaseyumm lemme count07:50
DBOit should be like ... 207:50
Jaseyread whatever07:50
Jaseyyeh 207:50
marchello everyone, HELP!  I need voice chat to work on my gaim.07:50
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p07r0457hey, does ubuntu have any form of package manager that would make removing packages easy?  I really like ubuntu, but it has a lot of bloat on the default install I would like to do away with....  does apt provide this for me?07:50
Jaseyim running back and forwards between computers07:50
onephatmindToma, sorry; dont do that kind of thing07:50
acaihi, can someone show me some repositories with more software, possibly non-free software?07:51
Toma-onephatmind: ok thanx :D ill give synaptic a bash.07:51
onephatmindacai, aside from the ones ubuntu provides?07:51
nickrudp07r0457, you can strip it down to basically the kernel & libc (or pretty close)07:51
acaionephatmind: yes07:51
DBOJasey, are you just messing with us?07:51
Jaseyno :(07:51
thoreauputic!tell acai about repos07:51
Jaseyugh why bother getting help if you dont believe me :'(07:51
onephatmindacai, what are you trying to get?07:51
Jaseycos theres no other help channels, thats why -_-07:51
p07r0457nickrud, is there any easy way to do that?  I don't neccessarily want it that stripped, but a very clean gnome desktop with basic compiling tools would be nice07:51
DBOJasey, go to your PC and press "CTRL + ALT + F1"07:51
bliss1_nickrud: i will use  mount -t ext3  /dev/hda2 /mnt to mount hda207:52
p07r0457i prefer to install only what I want07:52
nickrudp07r0457, do a server install, you'll get pretty much the minimum07:52
marctoma-, hey man, long time no chat.  you think you could help me again(I know im always asking for help on here)07:52
Jaseyok done07:52
DBOJasey, that will bring up a black screen with a login prompt, please log in07:52
Jaseynow what07:52
Toma-marc: i can try07:52
thoreauputicp07r0457: then do a server install and add what you want07:52
nickrudp07r0457, it depends on what you call 'clean'07:52
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marctoma- looking for a way to get voice chat on gaim07:52
Jaseynow what07:52
[C] hrisSo is ther ea application that i can use asa  stop watch?07:52
brandon_sudo passwd root07:52
Toma-marc: hmmm what protocol? AIM? MSN?07:52
p07r0457what does a server install include besides the kernel and console?07:53
DBOJasey, please type "sudo whoami"07:53
marctoma- for yahoo and msn07:53
acaionephatmind: i'm using kubuntu, and would like to get firefox, gaim, and several other packages07:53
Jaseynothing happens07:53
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p07r0457and is there anything available besides iTunes running within Wine that supports iTMS?07:53
DBOJasey, just a blank line?07:53
acaiis it safe to add a debian repos?07:53
nickrudacai, NO07:53
DBOacai, no07:53
thoreauputicacai: no07:53
Jaseyit shows another line awaiting a command07:54
nickrudcaps and first :)07:54
DBOJasey, if you type, do the letters show up?07:54
Toma-marc: i c. you might want to TRY gaim-vv but its rather not finished07:54
=== DBO kicks nickrud in the shin
marctoma- your always my hero07:54
acaiwell, i suppose 3 NOs in the same second means it's a really bad idea07:54
Madpilotacai, it's a good way to break your Ubuntu, from all reports :P07:54
GiGaHuRtZI inquired about this over in #ubuntu+1, but seems like no one is awake or cares....07:54
thoreauputicacai: you got it  in one :)07:54
GiGaHuRtZAny chance of someone making some packages for this Sun Looking Glass project, www.sun.com/software/looking_glass/ , much like someone has done with the LG3D project based on slax, https://lg3d-livecd.dev.java.net/07:54
onephatmindacai, those things are all available in default repos07:54
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DBOJasey, press CTRL+C07:54
DBOJasey, then type exit07:55
Toma-marc: haha. would probably be best to use google talk at the moment. seems the most supported07:55
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DBOJasey, the press CTRL+ALT+F707:55
pipIs there any good tool for downloading?07:55
brandon_Jasey, to the left of the cursor, so y ou see a dollar sign or a pound sign?07:55
acaionephatmind: well, something is wrong with my sources list because i don't see gaim or firefox on the list07:55
onephatmindjasey, dbo: you guys got it?07:55
pipDBO, Hi07:55
biyinzikahow do i access other Fat 32 disks with my data07:55
burepeI was just setting up xaw tv after installing my tv tuner and then the screen went black in xawtv. I can't change it back. I can hear the tv but there is no video. Any suggestions?07:55
DBOonephatmind, no, he seems to have broke sudo07:55
Jaseyok it wants me to log in again?07:55
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onephatmindacai, open synaptic -> settings-> repos07:56
Jaseyshould i log in?07:56
DBOonephatmind, this is the one case where having root would actually be handy, because hes fairly screwed...07:56
scanwinderin ubuntu dapper, when i plug in my ipod shuffle, it wont mount with write access, how do i make it mount with write access?07:56
baconbaconpip: download what, files from the web?07:56
bliss1_DBO: so i cannot flash BIOS without a floppy?07:56
onephatmindacai, which ubuntu are you using?07:56
el_alexlunahi all07:56
Jaseyi should just reinstall it..07:56
pipbaconbacon, ye07:56
DBOJasey, oops, go through <CTRL>+<ALT>+F# till you find the GUI07:56
acaionephatmind: kubuntu breezy07:56
biyinzikai need to access my other partition07:56
MadpilotJasey, might not be a bad idea to just re-install, and read up on using sudo...07:56
pipbaconbacon, in ubuntu07:56
el_alexlunahow i change my shell?, i have bash, i want zsh07:56
Jaseyok ok07:56
baconbaconpip: wget is a standard command line tool on all linux distributions, and powerful too07:56
pipbaconbacon, multithreaded07:56
onephatmindopen the second repo from the top07:56
intelikeyel_alexluna usermod07:57
biyinzikalike Fat32 with my music how pliz?07:57
onephatmindby selecting it and clicking edit07:57
intelikeyel_alexluna man usermod07:57
Jaseybak to graphical mode07:57
DBOJasey, I dont know what you did to sudo, but you did it well =P07:57
onephatmindand then select all entries in the list07:57
Jaseyit always happens :(07:57
DBOJasey, every time you install?07:57
Jaseynot all the time07:57
DBOJasey, how many times has this happened?07:57
Jaseybut a lot of times07:57
Jaseyoh i dunno, 307:57
Jaseyive installed ubuntu maybe 8 times07:57
DBOJasey... are you on a public network?07:57
onephatmindJasey, do a full update07:58
DBOonephatmind, he cant, no sudo07:58
[C] hrisYou can get root access to ubuntu, just boot grub into single user mode and do passwd07:58
tritium!tell Jasey about enter07:58
Apostle^man .flac is great.07:58
pipbaconbacon, it is not graphic07:58
DBOoh yeah, single user mode, doy07:58
Jaseyim not using as punctuation, tritium07:58
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brandon_biyinzika, opena  terminal and type "fdisk -l"07:58
tritiumJasey: you're hitting enter way too frequently, and spamming the channel.07:58
DBOJasey, reboot and select the second entry in grub07:58
onephatmindJasey, restart and boot up in failsafe mode07:59
Jaseybut if you want me to guess what im going to say next and put it into the same sentence as the one i just did 1 second before....07:59
onephatmindJasey, it is one of the options in grub07:59
Jaseyrecovery mode eh07:59
Jaseyhold on07:59
acaihrm, well, i'm not sure what changed, but now i have a well-filled list of available packages!07:59
onephatmindDBO, sorry go ahead07:59
p07r0457is there a list that shows what is installed with a server install?  I'm checking ubuntu.com right now07:59
DBOonephatmind, meh, two heads are better then one07:59
pipbaconbacon, hi ,do you know how to get in text mode as default07:59
thoreauputicJasey: procedure: 1) think about what you are going to say 2) type it in a coherent sentance structure07:59
onephatmindacai, now in synaptic -> settings -> repos you have a lot more repos listed08:00
tritiumJasey: e.g., ok, recovery mode, eh?  hold on.  (rather than 3 separate lines)08:00
onephatmindacai, check all the checkboxes next to them08:00
nickrudtritium, that08:00
Jasey((((( thoreauputic )))))) why dont i just become psychic08:00
[C] hris3 heads08:00
Jaseyi dont know what im going to say before i say it08:00
DBOthoreauputic, rather ironic you needed to correct that one =P08:00
nickrudnonix4, I cannot continue with this,08:00
tritiumJasey: no need, given it's your own mind and your own thoughts08:00
baconbaconpip: text mode, you mean console?08:00
pipbaconbacon, yes08:00
thoreauputicDBO: typos happen - but yes ;)08:00
Jaseyok its up08:00
pipbaconbacon, when ubuntu stats08:00
pipwhen ubuntu starts08:01
onephatmindJasey, get terminal08:01
DBOok guys, time to lighten up on Jasey, he gets the idea, fewer, but longer sentences08:01
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=== nickrud has gotta learn to program, if only to fix xchats screwed up tab completion, it does not read my mind
intelikey<Jasey> i dont know what im going to say before i say it  <---- then trying leaving your hands off the keyboard.  these ops arent telling you that, for you to argue with them.08:01
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baconbaconSomeone help pip about starting ubuntu in console only? i don't remember how08:01
Jaseyjust forget it08:01
onephatmindJasey, wait wait one more try;)08:01
fiendskull9baconbacon, what do you mean starting ubuntu?08:01
DBOintelikey... that wasnt very nice...08:02
brandon_biyinzika, locate the fat32 partitions. make a directory to mount each of them, eg "sudo mkdir /media/windows" use the identifier to mount them, eg "hda1" would be "sudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/nameofdirectory"08:02
onephatmindJasey, ctrl + alt + f108:02
[C] hrisi dont acutually see any ops08:02
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DBOonephatmind, he left...08:02
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bliss1_nickrud: but how do you save all the data in that hda2 before you umount hda2? you cannot do shutdown -r now from a live cd?08:02
onephatmindoh hehe08:02
intelikeyDBO he had been told umpteen times.....08:02
nickrudpip, when you boot, it goes to the graphical login, you want to bypass that?08:02
acaiOMG! there's a package containing an anarchist faq! that's so awesome08:02
fiendskull9pip, hey man, what do you need help with?08:02
Apostle^what the heck is umpteen08:02
thoreauputic[C] hris: we hide ;)08:02
nickrudbliss1_, umount /dev/hda2 , that will write all data to that partition08:02
onephatmindi'd dump ubuntu and go back to my fine functioning XP if i was him at this point08:03
pipfiendskull9, get in text mode only08:03
skwashdacai, it gets installed on all of my servers by default :)08:03
pipfiendskull9, when ubuntu starts08:03
skwashdnever read it tho08:03
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bliss1_nickrud: thanks finished your accounting ?08:03
onephatmindhas anybody been using ubuntu in production yet>08:03
nickrudbliss1_, that is a never ending task, money in, money out.08:03
acaiskwashd: good idea. i have news.infoshop.org as my home page08:03
nickrudonephatmind, me08:03
[C] hrisproduction?08:04
skwashdonephatmind, on about 30 boxes ... servers, laptops and desktops08:04
onephatmindi mean heavy traffic08:04
pipnickrud, Yes08:04
acaiskwashd: you should give it a read.08:04
thoreauputicDBO: there is sometimes a fine line between cluelessness and trolling - not always discernible08:04
bliss1_DBO: so cannot flash BIOS without floppy?08:04
pipnickrud, how to get in textmode only whtn boot08:04
intelikeyonephatmind not a chance of that,  he's hooked.  it's too late to go back, even though it makes him so mad he can't see streight, he knows he's gonna stick it out and learn hou to use linux....08:04
AMDXPonephatmind: i hope to set up a small school with ubuntu or edbuntu boxes08:04
onephatmindi am just trying to break the hell out of RHEL08:05
skwashdonephatmind, clusters != production ... i have a cluster which will never be in production ... it is a toy ... and it doesn't run ubuntu atm08:05
nickrudpip, ok, there's only one thing you need to do: sudo rm /etc/rc2.d/S13gdm08:05
brandon_onephatmind: why?08:05
DBOthoreauputic, oh well... I dont think he was trolling... trolls tend to become a bit... overzealous, he just gave up08:05
nickrudpip, when you reboot, you will boot into a terminal login.08:05
onephatmindtoo much hassle; dislike red hat at this point08:05
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onephatmindeven though i started with it08:05
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thoreauputicDBO: I'm inclined to agree - but we can't hold his hand forever08:05
onephatmindtoo bulky08:06
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pipnickrud, OK! how can I return to Graphic mode ?08:06
obscuriteanyone have any idea why my NFS mounts sort of timeout every couple of minutes? if i access them they pause for a few secs like they're re-connecting and then are fine again until they idle out again08:06
onephatmindbut the enterprise backing is nice to have08:06
obscuritethis is between two breezy boxes08:06
nickrudpip, sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults08:06
obscuriteactually my bad, one breezy nfs-kernel-server box, and one other linux box08:06
nickrudpip, on reboot after that, you boot into graphical login08:06
ejofeea link to the latest gaim 2.0 beta for ubuntu?08:06
onephatmindnickrud, may i ask if you are happy with it>08:07
Apostle^ejofee: you gotta compile from source.08:07
ejofeeApostle^: what's wrong with ubuntu?08:07
DBOejofee, I have a deb... but Im not sure how happy people would be if I distributed it08:07
Apostle^ejofee: ?08:07
DBOit works though08:07
ejofeeApostle^: i can't find any 2.0 (any beta at all) for ubuntu08:07
Apostle^DBO: did you compile that .deb your self ?08:07
pipnickrud, Many thanks08:07
nickrudonephatmind, I ran debian unstable for about 4 years; ubuntu for the last year. I'm satisfied08:07
DBOApostle^, yep =)08:07
baconbaconpip: if you want to get graphic mode only once, you login then type startx in console08:07
ejofeeDBO: who would become unhappy and why?08:07
Apostle^DBO: then don't distribute that08:08
Apostle^because it could break somone elses system.08:08
Toma-DBO: feel free. why wouldnt anyone want that to happen? its getting people to believe you as a trusted source thats the problem08:08
DBObecause it could break a system08:08
nickrudonephatmind, never more than 3 machines,  mind you08:08
[C] hrisAnyone here succesfully installed pitfdll on a ubuntu system08:08
onephatmindnickrud, so its ready then..08:08
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ejofeeApostle^: hello?08:08
Apostle^ejofee: ?08:08
pipnickrud, by the way ,is there any great tool for downloading fils from Internet with multithreaed skill ?08:09
ejofeeApostle^: please answer my frustration08:09
Apostle^ejofee: download the source and compile it08:09
onephatmindnickrud, i'm just a little afraid and there's no time to test extensively; have to launch a new project right away08:09
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Apostle^ejofee: thats what i did .08:09
onephatminddont really want to use RH08:09
nickrudonephatmind, for my purposes yes. Other peoples purposes, yes (from watching here). You choose your own poinsons08:09
ejofeeApostle^: no08:09
DBOejofee, you will need to compile it from source, there are walkthroughs for how to do it via google08:09
ejofeeApostle^: you don't get it08:09
Toma-DBO: just make sure the people installing know that08:09
nickrudonephatmind, for production, only go with what you trust08:09
ejofeeApostle^: i don't want to use gaim 2.008:09
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intelikeypip wget maybe08:09
ejofeeApostle^: i want to understand what's wrong with ubuntu08:09
ejofeeApostle^: i thought it was cool08:09
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Apostle^ejofee: what the hell are you talking about08:09
ejofeeApostle^: and i still tend to think that08:10
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pipintelikey, how do you find of kget ?08:10
ejofeeApostle^: it's absolutely abnormal to see it systematically ignore all betas from gaim08:10
nickrudpip, I've used downloader for X (d4x) with a firefox extension that escapes me at the moment08:10
ejofeeApostle^: why do you behave as though this isn't ridiculous?08:10
baboHi guys, what's the buffered and and non buffered I\O system calls again ? Does anyone know ?08:10
pipnickrud, good ?08:10
animatohello, i just installed breezy, how do i install flash for firefox? i tried using the docs, but it didn't work08:10
intelikeypip find ?    find a package     or find a file ?08:10
DBOejofee, its a beta, not ready for use by the general public08:10
ejofeeApostle^: or is this your (passive-aggressive) way to protest against this yourself?08:10
nickrudonephatmind, I cannot put enough emphasis on 'trust'08:11
Apostle^ejofee: stop trolling no one cares08:11
pipintelikey, file08:11
nickrudpip, yeah, worked fine08:11
tritiumejofee: be careful, please08:11
ejofeeDBO: i know. but it's more stable than many other apps08:11
DBOthoreauputic, see, now THATS trolling08:11
pipnickrud, OK08:11
ejofeetritium: what do you mean?08:11
onephatmindnickrud, whats your final judgement? do you have that trust with ubuntu?08:11
thoreauputicejofee: ubuntu only updates for security and major bugs08:11
ejofeetritium: careful about what?08:11
[C] hrisArg! GStream not installed. BUT IT IS! help pitfdll being retarde08:11
Apostle^ejofee: i use 2.0 beta 3 and it runs fine, i compiled it from source, do the same or go away.08:11
tritiumejofee: I mean be more respecful and courteous08:11
tritiumrespectful even08:11
ubotusomebody said coc was the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/08:11
nickrudonephatmind, I have 5 years experience to draw on, so yes. Your experience is what you need to draw upon08:12
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intelikeypip sudo find /usr -name free08:12
ubotuyou are invited to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcRules08:12
ejofeetritium: i most certainly do not intend to be otherwise. please tell me, what is that seemed to be rude?08:12
intelikeypip man find  for all the info on that08:12
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Apostle^this guy is going to be a collosal pain. i feel it coming08:12
intelikeyman info08:12
intelikeyinfo man08:12
animatohow do i install flash for firefox, please? i've looked everywhere08:12
nickrudonephatmind, if your skills say use windows, use it.08:12
tritiumejofee: your comment to Apostle^ about being passive-aggressive.  Now please, drop the subject.08:12
onephatmindnickrud, that was never in the picture; especially for production; i dont even know how to08:13
thoreauputicejofee: it isn't usual to blame the distro for things that are clear from its policy statements, either08:13
Apostle^he is mad because he doesn't know how to install from source.08:13
[C] hrisdlol08:13
Apostle^i told him what to do, just ignore him and hopefully he will go away08:13
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Madpilotskwashd, the /whois isn't funny here, either08:13
pipintelikey, what does sudo  find /usr -name free do ?08:13
[C] hrisi recomemend checkinstall for anyone installing source code08:13
ejofeethoreauputic: all other important distros have at least one gaim beta, either it be official or unofficial. ubuntu has none. this is what i don't understand.08:14
Apostle^[C] hris: i use it :-)08:14
OhzieDoes anyone know how to force an unmount of a cd, even if it's busy?08:14
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats08:14
onephatmindnickrud, i just wanted to know about how ubuntu performs in production08:14
nickrudonephatmind, then there is a lot of collective experience here. Define your needs, and someone should be able to give you pointers for your specific needs.08:14
intelikeypip type it and see.08:14
Apostle^ubotu: tell ejofee about source08:14
[C] hrisApostle^,  You ever tried to install Pitfdll?08:14
ejofeetritium: she told me "compile one yourself". does it sound polite?08:14
skwashdMadpilot, it is a political statement ... protected under the US first amendment08:14
thoreauputicejofee: as I said, Ubuntu updates every 6 months on average - between those times no new software is added08:14
Apostle^[C] hris: never heard of it, what is it ?08:14
Apostle^ejofee: i'm a she now?08:14
pipI have done,the result is : /usr/bin/free08:15
ejofeethoreauputic: i was hoping i could at least find something unofficial08:15
Apostle^ejofee: their are no packages for it, period make your own...08:15
[C] hrisIts suppost to be support for windows media files like .wma for totem andw hat not08:15
intelikeypip there you go it found free for you.08:15
Apostle^[C] hris: i see, i use .flac for all my audio08:15
DBOejofee, I can give you a deb package for it, but I make no promises that it wont fubar your system...08:15
[C] hrisVideo08:15
Apostle^[C] hris: .flac or 320kbs mp308:15
[C] hristhis is video08:15
Apostle^are you using totem-xine ?08:16
pipintelikey, does it have something to do with my question ?08:16
ejofeeDBO: i will try to compile it myself, but thank you08:16
intelikeypip you asked how to find files....  sudo find /usr -name libgthread08:16
[C] hrishttp://ronald.bitfreak.net/pitfdll.php08:16
ejofeeApostle^: why would i assume you are a he?08:16
animatowhen i try to install flash using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, it says it can't find that package, and my multiiverse repos are enabled08:16
animatohow can i install it?08:16
[C] hrisNope08:16
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DBOanimato, have you enables universe repos?08:17
Apostle^ejofee: you must be the most annoying person i have ever met08:17
skwashdanimato, got universe enabled ?08:17
animatostill can't find it08:17
onephatmindnickrud, 1 master mysql server; 2 full slaves; 1 search index slave; 3 boxes with code and static cache; apache2, mysql5, php5 with precompiled modules08:17
pipintelikey, I asked if there is any good tool for downloading files from internet08:17
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Madpilotanimato, have you hit Reload in Synaptic, or run "sudo apt-get update" - either will force a reload of your sources.lsit08:17
Apostle^[C] hris: so you are not using totem-xine? i recommend it, plays all video formats i believe08:17
thoreauputicApostle^: ejofee please stop it or you will both be gagged08:17
intelikeypip yes wget08:17
ejofeeApostle^: you too. what kind of a person would answer "compile one yourself"? what kind of a friendly advice is this?08:17
Apostle^thoreauputic: if you can't see who the troll is shame on you sir.08:17
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skwashdanimato, and multiverse08:17
pipintelikey, how to use it?08:17
ejofeethoreauputic: ok08:17
[C] hrisApostle^, here's the thing, synaptic says its installed08:17
onephatmindnickrud, wanted to move the 3 code machines to ubuntu08:17
animatoi ddi08:18
Apostle^[C] hris: hmm...08:18
intelikeypip man intor08:18
animatostill no luck08:18
Apostle^[C] hris: hit about on totem08:18
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thoreauputicif you want to argue, please do it in #ubuntu-offtopic08:18
intelikeyerrr man intro    <--- pip08:18
pipintelikey, no graphic?08:18
animatoi've ticked everything on the list08:18
animatostil no luck08:18
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PwcrLinuxOh, I wondering I have xgine player, I checked on my DVD, only show a subtitles, where's the closed captions settings?08:18
skwashdanimato, refreshed ?08:18
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animatomaybe they changed the package's name?08:18
skwashdanimato, try the cli?08:18
intelikeypip any browser can dl files. if you want gui use a browser08:18
skwashdapt-get update; apt-get install <package>08:19
onephatmindnickrud, X and desktop is not a concern08:19
skwashdcommand line interface08:19
[C] hrisApostle^, Totem 1.2.0 movie player using xine-lib version 1.0.108:19
nickrudonephatmind, it may be heresy here, but I'd probably run debian sarge boxes for that. I'm conservative. But I'll also say that there are people here who's opinions on this subject should have far more weight than mine08:19
Apostle^[C] hris: and you cant play .wma ?08:19
skwashdsudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install <package>08:19
[C] hrisnope08:19
skwashdanway ... this box needs a reboot ... cyaz08:19
Apostle^[C] hris: sudo apt-get install w32codecs08:19
[C] hriswell its either mvp08:19
animatooh there!08:19
intelikeypip if you are looking for an ftp cliend  i sujest  gftp08:20
[C] hriswmv files sorry08:20
animatothank you ^_^08:20
Apostle^ughhh amarok keeps showing songs a million times.08:20
animatoit found it08:20
[C] hriscant play .wmv08:20
[C] hrisWindows Media Video08:20
intelikeypip or cli  ncftp is nice08:20
onephatmindApostle, w32codecs do not include wma or wmv do they?08:20
thoreauputic!tell [C] hris about restricted08:20
Apostle^onephatmind: i'm not sure.  i think they might...08:20
pipintelikey, any tool supports breakpoint08:20
pipintelikey, skill ?08:21
ejofeethoreauputic, tritium: however, please be the judge of it: am i crazy to feel "compile it yourself" is unfriendly?08:21
thoreauputiconephatmind: yes, you can play wmv and wma with the w32codecs08:21
nickrudonephatmind, they do, except for some of the newer versions, and the drm encoded stuff.08:21
intelikeyi'm not familear with breakpoint pip08:21
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Toma-anyone know how to make mencoder encode to IMA-ADPCM?08:21
bliss1_nickrud: what are the advantages and distadvantages of working from a live cd into a particular hda on your system08:21
OhzieCan somebody with a relatively default install just do something like cat /etc/fstab for me and pm me the line for /media/cdrecorder please? :)08:21
=== intelikey = CLI user
DBOejofee, that is truely the only real option available, its not a matter of friendly or not, its just the truth...08:21
thoreauputicejofee:  -->> #ubuntu-offtopic08:21
ejofeeDBO: agreed08:21
nickrudbliss1_, advantage? you can :) disadvantage? live cd's take forever to boot08:22
DBOsorry thoreauputic, I shouldnt have jumped in08:22
onephatmindi had no luck with w32codecs but its good to know that wm* is included08:22
thoreauputicDBO: no worries08:22
intelikeyOhzie the device will very.08:22
pipintelikey, If I want to shutdown my computer when it is downloading sth. and go on tomorrow ,is there any tool support breakpoint skill?08:22
[C] hristhanks thoreauputic08:22
scanwinderin ubuntu dapper, my flash drives wont mount with write access when i plug them in, how do i fix this?i tried putting "/dev/sdb1       /media/ipod     auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0" in fstab but it didnt fix it08:22
=== tritium returns after several nick highlights...
onephatmindscanwinder, can you write in root?08:23
Apostle^scanwinder: are they ipod's or flash drives..08:23
intelikeypip  breakpoint skill?    you mean continuing the dl... yes   wget.08:23
tritiumejofee: please sort it out.  I'm off to bed.08:23
scanwinderApostle^: nope08:23
=== nickrud reminds himself to quit badmouthing tritium
Apostle^scanwinder: hich one08:23
scanwinderoops i mean onephatmind: no08:23
baconbaconpip: wget --continue08:23
pipintelikey, yes ,ok,wget is great I think08:23
scanwinderApostle^: same prob with ipod and flash drive08:23
intelikeyor -c08:23
=== brownie17 [n=fraser@static-203-87-6-82.vic.chariot.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeypip  yes i think it is too.   man wget08:24
Apostle^scanwinder: plug one in and then type dmesg note what it says like /dev/sdh then you would mount /dev/sdh208:24
=== tritium will keep an eye on nickrud... ;)
=== mat__ [n=mat@d02v-89-83-233-150.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #ubuntu
intelikeypip    man   is your friend.08:24
pipintelikey, thank you!08:24
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burepeI lost my tvtuner video signal, the sound is fine. Is this a driver problem? The video just disappeared08:24
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nickrudtritium, good night :)08:24
=== shinu [n=blu@cpc2-walt2-6-0-cust172.popl.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
bliss1_nickrud: when I installed a debain OS i was told to type linux26 at install so the kernel 2.6 would be installed but is it possible to be more specific and install for example 2.6  x. x. ?08:24
scanwinderApostle^: i already know the device names, im able 2 mount them but just no write access08:25
tritiumgood night nickrud, all :)08:25
intelikeypip anything else before i leave for the day ?08:25
=== Smeggy_ [n=Smeggy@220-253-102-199.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
OhzieAgain, can somebody with a relatively default install just do something like cat /etc/fstab for me and pm me the line for /media/cdrecorder please? I know the device varies. That's okay. I just need the other stuff,08:25
Apostle^scanwinder: pastebin your /etc/fstab please08:25
onephatmindi am getting "composite manager" crashes back and forth in KDE; what is that?08:25
pipintelikey, No thanks ,good luck : )08:25
nickrudbliss1_, for the install, no. do the linux26. You can upgrade to the latest kernel after the install is completed.08:25
bliss1_nickrud: ok thanks08:26
onephatmindbliss1 apt-get install package=version.number08:26
nickrudbliss1_, the linux26 installes the kernel that's available on the cd, iirc08:26
brownie17how do i find the name of my disk drive. i know it is cdrom0, but i wanna know in the format of e.g. hdc, or hda.08:26
Apostle^brownie17: is it mounted now?08:26
Apostle^brownie17: if so type mount08:26
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brownie17Apostle^, its mounted08:26
bliss1_nickrud: ok08:26
scanwinderApostle^: http://pastebin.com/66446608:26
intelikey /dev/hdb /media/cdrecorder iso9660,udf defaults 0 0   <---- ohzie08:26
Apostle^scanwinder: okay give me a minute pc's a little slow converting stuff to .flac08:27
OhzieThank you, baconbacon, intelikey08:27
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scanwinderApostle^: ok08:27
PwcrLinuxOh, I wondering I have xgine player, I checked on my DVD, only show a subtitles, where's the closed captions settings?08:27
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onephatmindcan i try and ask a SUSE + apt question?08:27
=== intelikey says gooday t'all.
Apostle^scanwinder: why do you have 7 floppy references in fstab ?08:27
eggzeckHas anyone ever used the gdmthemetester?08:27
scanwinderApostle^: i was like that from the start08:28
Apostle^scanwinder: odd, do you have a floppy drive?08:28
scanwinderApostle^: the dapper installation did it i guess08:28
scanwinderApostle^: only one floppy drive08:28
Apostle^scanwinder: i have never seen that problem as i don't have a floppy drive.08:28
baconbaconi "lost" my floppy drive upgrading to dapper but im too lazy to fix it08:28
Apostle^scanwinder: unplug a drive and plug it back in and then wait a few seconds and type dmesg and pastebin it for me08:28
scanwinderApostle^: ok08:29
mDot_lappyi don't have a floppy drive, but flight 5 installed 7 via fstab08:29
Apostle^scanwinder: wait till like /dev/sdb or something like that shows up08:29
brownie17Apostle^, i have the mount thinger, but i thought it was cdrom0, and cdrom0 is not showing up in here08:29
mDot_lappythey can be commented out there08:29
bliss1_nickrud: the reason I  asked is that I was hoping a kernel 2.6 upgrade might solve my ACPI problem08:29
Apostle^brownie17: is /dev/hda or /dev/hdb showing up? also look at /etc/fstab08:29
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onephatmindbliss1, do a full update08:30
DBObliss1_, why havent you upgraded to 2.6 yet?08:30
Apostle^scanwinder: something like this works for an ipod, with the appropriate device of course /dev/sdd2      /media/ipod     vfat    rw,nosuid,nodev,quiet,shortname=winnt,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=000,iocharset=utf808:30
brownie17Apostle^, hdb1 and hda1 are showing up, plus hdd is also08:30
nickrudbliss1_, luckily I've either just said to heck with apm/acpi and disabled it, or more recently ignored it, since it didn't interfere with my anchor/desktop08:30
Apostle^brownie17: okay, can you cd /media/cdrom ?08:30
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nickrudbliss1_, in other words, I know acpi like I know trancendental mathematics08:31
DBOnickrud, call me silly, but wouldnt acpi be a little more important to a laptop user?08:31
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brownie17Apostle^, yes.08:31
bliss1_DBO:o sorry i have two debians os  one is unbuntu the other is sarge you suggested yesterday to flash BIOS I was thinking of a newer version of 2.6 on my sarge os08:31
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nickrudDBO, um, didn't my polemics imply that :)08:32
Apostle^brownie17: do the cd's files show up?08:32
baconbaconits important for sleep, but except this i could apt-get remove acpi anytime08:32
bliss1_nickrud: its a labtop/08:32
brownie17Apostle^, no08:32
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DBOnickrud, excuse me, of course it did08:32
scanwinderApostle^: http://pastebin.com/664471 about line 55 it happened08:32
Apostle^scanwinder: okay one moment08:33
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nickrudone measure of acpi's successful development from my perspective, is I get to ignore it :)08:34
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bliss1_DBO: the other thing I could do that might work its only a thought is to move sarge to hda1 and ubuntu to hda2 then ACPI prob may go away may not08:34
Apostle^scanwinder: http://pastebin.com/66447308:35
Madpilotnickrud, that's a good test of any background thing :P08:35
Apostle^scanwinder: add that to /etc/fstab and save it08:35
Apostle^scanwinder: then in a term type sudo mount /dev/sdb208:35
DBObliss1_, I do not think that will help08:35
bliss1_DBO: yep I thought so08:35
DBObliss1_, I still believe your best option is a BIOS flash... but how to do... I do not know, I guess you could try a windows live boot with BartPE08:35
nickrudMadpilot, true. Many things have gotten to the point where I get to ignore them, it's all good :)08:35
mzinzFor some reason I'm banned from #ubuntu-offtopic... I don't even recall ever being in that channel.. anyone know why or how i can get unbanned?08:36
bliss1_DBO: thats an idea08:36
bliss1_DBO: thanks08:36
DBOwoohoo, I said something useful08:36
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bliss1_DBO: BartPE I am not familiar with I will google :)08:37
DBOgo for it08:37
scanwinderApostle^: still no write access08:37
Apostle^scanwinder: okay type sudo chmod 777 /media/ipod08:37
Apostle^scanwinder: then type sudo chown yourusernamehere /media/ipod08:38
Juhazmzinz, there seems to be an overzealous ban on *!*@*centurytel.net08:38
mzinzJuhaz, lol.08:38
gyro_54Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu /Alsa can handle sound at 24/19208:38
mzinzJuhaz, hmm..08:38
nickrudDBO, you are modest :)08:38
mzinzJuhaz, is it possible to leave the masked ban and add an individual one?08:38
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scanwinderApostle^: chmod: changing permissions of `/media/ipod': Read-only file system08:38
mzinzJuhaz, to the 'unban' list08:39
Apostle^scanwinder: you using sudo ?08:39
scanwinderApostle^: and it still wouldnt let me write08:39
onephatmindsorry, how do i get rid of the one-click-run thing in KDE?08:39
DBOnickrud, modest, honest, your fraility is my reality08:39
scanwinderApostle^: yep using sudo08:39
Apostle^scanwinder: type sudo su and then try those commands again08:39
Hobbseemzinz: Juhaz this is odd, do we know why?08:39
cyberboyPackage gtk+-2.0 was not found in the pkg-config search path.08:39
cyberboywhat does this mean08:39
Madpilotmzinz, try now - there was a very broad ban set08:39
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scanwinderApostle^: how do i make su work again? i forgot08:39
saik0!tell DBO about offtopic08:39
Apostle^scanwinder: just type sudo su08:40
Apostle^scanwinder: and try those commands again08:40
DBOlove you too saik008:40
mzinzMadpilot, Thanks works, thanks juhaz and hobbsee :)08:40
PwcrLinuxI guess no one know about gxine :(08:40
=== me2win [n=me2win@adsl-69-152-227-245.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyberboyi want my gkrellm to work08:40
cyberboyit doesnt find the fucking package08:40
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ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.08:41
ejofeeApostle^: sorry anyway. i must have overreacted. i thought you were intolerant with my not knowing how to compile stuff in gnu/linux.08:41
saik0!tell cyberboy about language08:41
scanwinderApostle^: same error and, still no write access08:41
saik0you guys are fast08:41
Apostle^scanwinder: whats the error?08:41
gyro_54Can anyone tell me if Ubuntu /Alsa can handle sound at 24/19208:41
DBOgyro_54, yes08:41
bliss1_DBO: there all exe programs for windows no pure cd08:41
Apostle^gyro_54: 192kbits ?08:41
scanwinderApostle^: wait its not really an error, it just says "chmod: changing permissions of `/media/ipod': Read-only file system"08:41
Apostle^scanwinder: did you add the fstab command i gave you and mount it?08:42
gyro_54yes a creative audigy 2 zs can it operate OK?08:42
DBObliss1_, yeah, that would present a problem, since he cant distribute the ISO08:42
Apostle^gyro_54: i'm listening to a .flac with like 955kbs right now :-P08:42
DBOgyro_54, using one right now08:42
eggzeckDoes anyone know how to test a gdm theme using 'gdmthemetester xdmcp <pathtotheme>' at a specific resolution (such as 1024x768)?08:42
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gyro_54fantastic thanks for your help08:42
bliss1_DBO: thats it wel thanks you did try08:42
scanwinderApostle^: yep08:43
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Apostle^scanwinder: hmm i don't know what the problem is ....08:43
DBObliss1_, do you perhaps have an external hard drive?08:43
Apostle^scanwinder: are you the only user on the computer, like single account ?08:43
scanwinderApostle^: yes08:43
bliss1_DBO; would not harm to inveast in a externel floppy drive08:43
cyberboycrappy ass08:43
DBObliss1_, you probably wont be able to boot from it...08:44
Apostle^scanwinder: pastebin for me sudo ls -l /media/ipo08:44
proton_ghostso what's up08:44
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gyro_54where is the best place to go to change from Ubuntu to Kabuntu and is it worth it?08:44
bliss1_DBO: umm ye maybe not08:44
ejofeeApostle^: did you transform the source into a deb?08:44
Apostle^ejofee: yes. using checkinstall08:44
Apostle^ejofee: sudo apt-get install checkinstall08:44
proton_ghostyou can apt-get kde in ubuntu08:44
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Apostle^ejofee: and in the source dir ./configure && make && sudo checkinstall08:45
=== phrizer [n=lance@60-234-134-230.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #Ubuntu
DBOgyro_54, KDE vs GNOME is just personal preference, if you want to change you can do it with "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"08:45
saik0gyro_54, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop08:45
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stevehi, could someone help me share my folder on samba?08:45
bliss1_flash BIOS from a live cd? NO just hoping08:45
ejofeeApostle^: wow, is it that trivial?08:45
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Apostle^in our short years, we come a long way08:45
DBOgyro_54, that will NOT remove GNOME, just give you the option to use one or the other08:45
scanwinderApostle^: http://pastebin.com/66448308:45
gyro_54Does it break the Gnome install or can you go back?08:45
steveor rather, browse a shared folder in nautilus08:45
Apostle^in our short film a love disgrace08:45
skpneone able to configure a dual screen with ATI X1800 or ne ATI card08:45
mzinzif I install KDE is it possible to switch between the two with a log off/on?08:45
lowroadhey everyone, i seem to have accidentely removed the bar on my menu that show's minimized programs, like when i close gaim, does anyone know how to get it back?08:45
saik0gyro_54, they both coexist08:45
DBOgyro_54, does not break it08:45
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proton_ghostIt doesn't break GNOME but it did do some wierd visual things when booting up08:45
DBOsteve, how can we help you?08:46
Iceman_on anyone done a custom distro ...08:46
skplowroad add to panel window list08:46
Apostle^scanwinder: it appears it isn't mounted, what does mount say ?08:46
steveDBO, I've shared a folder under nautilus, but I can't browse it.  Nautilus says smb:/// is not available... :(08:46
DBOsteve, are you on a different PC than the one your shared it on?08:46
Madpilotlowroad, right-click on the panel where it used to be, choose Add To Panel, add the Window List back08:47
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bliss1_DBO: thanks catch you later08:47
scanwinderApostle^: http://pastebin.com/66448608:47
steveDBO, I can be.  but I thought I'd test it locally first.08:47
bliss1_nickrud: see you08:47
DBOsteve, do you know how to use pastebin? can you paste the contents of /etc/samba/smb.conf to it?08:47
nickrudbliss1_, good night. I'll be right behind you, I thin08:47
lowroadskp, Madpilot it's not the window list, i mean the programs that i've closed but are running in the background, like when you press the X on Gaim, or so i can see nm-applet and gdesklet running08:47
steveDBO, sure.  one sec.08:47
Apostle^scanwinder: you mounted the wrong partition :-D sudo umount /dev/sdb1 && sudo mount /dev/sdb208:48
=== angie83 [n=markitox@232.Red-83-32-180.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
angie83hello guys08:48
bliss1_nickrud: :)08:48
Madpilotlowroad, you mean the notification area? (beside the clock by default?)08:48
Apostle^scanwinder: it's always '2'08:48
lowroadMadpilot yes08:48
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angie83is it poosible to install ubuntu directly from the iso? i mean, my laptop has no cd drive...08:48
Apostle^no cd-drive?08:48
=== jnoon [i=jnoon@c-67-180-56-201.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
Apostle^that's odd...08:48
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Madpilotlowroad, add it back the same way - look for "Notification Area" in the Add To Panel window08:48
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angie83Apostle^, i know, i tried networks installl... but i haven't been able to do it..08:49
PwcrLinuxangie: no CDRom?? does your lappy have a USB port?08:49
skplowroad oh oh ... its the notification area...still I m not sure that happened to me too and now the things wil appear seperately on the desktop as for gaim there will be one and another one for the update notifier is it ??08:49
shrayhow do I play .wmv ?08:49
shraywhat codecs do i need08:49
angie83PwcrLinux, yep08:49
lowroadMadpilot, skp, I got it back.  Thanks a lot!08:49
scanwinderApostle^: mount: can't find /dev/sdb2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab08:49
saik0!tell shray about restrictedformats08:49
DBOangie83, does your lappies BIOS say if it supports boot from USB?08:49
skplowroad welcome08:49
thoreauputic!tell shray about restricted08:49
Apostle^scanwinder: did you add /dev/sdb2 to /etc/fstab ?08:49
angie83DBO, nope, that's the shame08:49
thoreauputicsaik0: oops :)08:49
Madpilotlowroad, np08:49
onephatmindwhatever happened to php5-mysqli? the repos only have php5-mysql08:49
PwcrLinuxAngie: You can get USB CDROM drive, and set up a bios look for CD setting for boots up from CD..08:49
steveDBO, http://rafb.net/paste/results/yD4Ucb36.html08:49
saik0thoreauputic, oops?08:50
angie83PwcrLinux, i do not have a cdrom external...08:50
angie83only thing i have, it's an ipod08:50
skpdual screen configuration ... with ATI card cant get the expanded mode ... it opens two desktops for me ... I can move the mouse from one to another but none of the windows08:50
scanwinderApostle^: woops, had a typo in /etc/fstab now when i go2 mount it, it says mount: special device /dev/sdb2 does not exist08:50
thoreauputicsaik0: I just repeated your bot call , basically08:50
Apostle^scanwinder: did you unmount /dev/sdb108:50
thoreauputicsaik0: ie didn't notice you'd done it already08:50
Apostle^scanwinder: is this an ipod ?08:50
saik0thoreauputic, oh there it is. i missed it. it's late here -_-08:51
scanwinderApostle^: yes08:51
thoreauputicsaik0: :)08:51
scanwinderApostle^: but i had the same prob with a normal flash drive08:51
Apostle^scanwinder: this is killing me here, i don't see what the problem is..08:51
angie83i found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28948  so i though it might be possible to install it some way08:51
Apostle^scanwinder: sudo chmod 777 /media08:51
DBOsteve, open nautilus, press ctrl+l, then type smb://<sharename>08:51
scanwinderApostle^: /dev/sdb1 was unmounted08:51
steveDBO, sorry, when I click on Windows Network, it says "smb:/// is not a valid location"08:51
Apostle^scanwinder: hmm i don't understand this, it's strange08:51
angie83PwcrLinux, i think that i could boot from usb, throught a Smartboot floppydisk, right?08:52
PwcrLinuxAngie: yes, if your bios support USB floppy08:52
scanwinderApostle^: after sudo chmod 777 /media, i still get mount: special device /dev/sdb2 does not exist08:52
angie83PwcrLinux, i got floppy on the lappy08:52
Apostle^scanwinder: yea, that wouldn't fix that. i'm trying to see what your underlying problem is08:52
angie83PwcrLinux, how could i install it from the ipod?08:52
Apostle^scanwinder: what kind of ipod08:52
scanwinderApostle^: shuffle08:53
DBOah ha08:53
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Apostle^scanwinder: hrm, unplug + replug and do dmesg again08:53
DBOits a flash drive08:53
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steveDBO, same thing.08:53
steve"not a valid location08:53
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DBOsteve "ps -ef | grep samba"08:53
slavikwhat's xgl? opengl extension?08:53
DBOslavik, esentially, yes, that is what it provides08:54
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slavikand compiz?08:54
=== kuba [n=kuba@aaoj74.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
DBOtransparency for the most part08:54
scanwinderApostle^: http://pastebin.com/66449608:54
binaDoes graphics card compatibility depend on the manufacturer or the graphics processor?08:54
slavikbina: who made your card?08:54
saik0steve, when you cahred the folder in nautilus, did you share with smb?08:55
PwcrLinuxAngie: I don't have a ipod or such.. I have only Flash drive, CDRom and etc..08:55
slavikbina: the graphics processor usually08:55
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DBOsaik0, yeah, its in his smb.conf08:55
steveDBO, just shows the processes currently viewing /etc/samba/smb.conf08:55
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stevesaik0, yes.08:55
Apostle^scanwinder: that dmesg makes no sense to me...08:55
saik0DBO, just making sure, it does NFS too08:55
angie83PwcrLinux,  I assume a flash drive is the same as the ipod, i repeat the question... how can i install ubuntu from a flash drive?08:55
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DBOsteve "sudo /etc/init.d/samba start"08:55
Apostle^scanwinder: you have a problem and it's way over my head08:55
steveDBO, I already did a restart08:55
binaslavik: My old card broke last night so im looking to get a cheap one, I was looking at Sapphire Technology card with a Radeon 955008:55
steveDBO, smbd is running08:55
steveDBO, but I'll try again.08:56
scanwinderApostle^: ok...thanks for your help anyway08:56
slavikbina: I like sapphire :)08:56
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slavikall my big cards are from them08:56
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DBOsteve...wow Im messing up...08:56
slavikwhich is exactly 208:56
slavik9800xt which I've sold and x800pro vivo which I flashed :)08:56
Frogzoobina: interested in 3D games? if so, stay clear of ATI until they fix their crap drivers08:56
steveDBO, ?08:56
PwcrLinuxAngie: Umm, a flash drive should have auto-run installation..08:56
slavikbut I am running ati 200m atm08:56
slavikand using ati drivers :)08:56
scanwinderApostle^: ill nuke the drive, maybe its a filesystem problem08:57
DBOsteve, try to connect from another computer08:57
binaslavik: sweet, ill buy that then. its only 40 :)08:57
slavikbina: general recomendation is for nvidia cards though because supposedly they have better driver support, but don't quote me on that08:57
Frogzooslavik: ATI's 2D support is great, but 3D is horribly broken08:57
Apostle^scanwinder: k08:57
sfarhm, my sound is really crappy in linux (not in windows).. and i really dont know how to fix it or where to begin .. (it sounds almost like the speaker is blown)08:57
Apostle^Frogzoo: my 3d works perfectly08:57
binaFrogzoo: I dont play games much, i just do coding mainly on here08:57
FrogzooApostle^: as does mine, but the frame rates are just so sad08:57
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slavikFrogzoo: I am running on integrated ... there is barely any 3d support by definition :P08:57
angie83Hello? Can anyone here help me to use my ipod to install ubuntu from usb?08:57
binaFrogzoo: Tux racer and screensavers is about it :)08:57
Apostle^Frogzoo: mine runs good08:58
slavikFrogzoo: glxinfo | grep direct gives yes ;)08:58
skpDual Screen with ATI card Nebody Succesful ??08:58
bcchi guys, is there a guide somewhere that explains how to install ubuntu in chroot on an existing debian box?08:58
slavikfor some reason pprace doesn't want to run anymore :(08:58
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slavikskp: secondary projector, that count?08:58
blindxMcDonald's wasn't open :@@@08:58
FrogzooApostle^: no - all ATI cards run poorly - if you run a doze driver, you'll get much improved frame rates08:58
animatohello, how can i change the gnome splash screen?08:58
Knorriebcc: using debootstrap?08:59
saik0bcc, I think you want debootstrap08:59
binaslavik: :( on my old card it would just freeze as soon as I started to move down he hill08:59
Apostle^Frogzoo: i'm telling you mine run's fine i play doom3 on high08:59
bccKnorrie: is it also available for ubuntu?08:59
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Toma-is there anyway to view bash history other than pressing up? I ran a command i really need (mencoder so lots of options) and i closed it before closing another terminal and cant see it now..08:59
bccthat's exactly what i'm looking for.08:59
Knorriebcc: sure08:59
slavikToma-: history08:59
bccKnorrie: is there a tutorial that covers apt sources and other stuff for that?08:59
slavikor history | less08:59
steveDBO, in nautilus, i still can't do it.  "smb:/// is not a valid location"  <-- same message08:59
slavikor history | grep mencoder08:59
steveDBO, smbclient seems to work, tho.  locally and remotely.09:00
FrogzooApostle^: the drivers are sub optimal - read up on it, the problem's well known09:00
Toma-slavik: you just saved me 15 mins :D thanks09:00
skpslavik :: as in 2 monitors ... instead of extending the desktop... it creates two sessions for me ... I can move my mouse from 1 screen to another but cant move any window ... ofcourse its dual screen of one type ... but how to make it the extending one09:00
lowroadanimato:  goto your menu, under System:  Administration:  Login Setup09:00
slavikskp: mine would create 2 of the same ... which is what I wanted anyway09:00
Knorriebcc: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/09:00
slavikie: for demonstration purposes09:00
DBOsteve, no idea... sorry09:00
animatocan't find it under login setup09:00
bccKnorrie: not for debian, but for ubuntu sources09:01
animatoonly the gdm09:01
slavikskp: point taken though ... driver support is lacking09:01
steveDBO, ok, thanks for trying.  :)09:01
Knorriebcc: it's the same :)09:01
bccKnorrie: the same mirrors?09:01
slavikbut ati will step it up ...09:01
saik0bcc: also - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot?highlight=%28debootstrap%2909:01
Madpilot!tell bcc about repos09:01
Knorriebcc: no, the same techniques09:01
bccKnorrie: right. i'm looking for the actual stuff for ubuntu. i know how to use debootstrap in general09:01
intelnuxI nned a guide on how to run ubuntu headless ( I guess any nux wiki would work)?09:01
slavikbcc, synaptic?09:02
steveDBO, I have "do not use WINS server selected...  that shouldn't matter, right?  That's only to resolve netbios names?09:02
DBOintelnux, you just need SSH server09:02
saik0bcc: ^^^ wiki link ^^^09:02
bccok, thanks.09:02
animatoi meant ths splash screen, not gdm, i can't change it under login screen setup :(09:02
bccis switching from debian difficult at all?09:02
DBOsteve, correct09:02
slavikanimato: the one when you go to the desktop from gdm?09:02
Knorriebcc: you want to convert from debian to ubuntu?09:02
slavikbcc, doubt it09:03
slavikanimato: it's not a simple command though09:03
animatothe brown one which says "ubntu" and shows the loading of nautilus etc...09:03
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animatoi thought there was a gui09:03
animatoi remember seeing a gui for it before09:03
bccyes. the latest update on my unstable box completely screwed it up. and stable has apps that are way too outdated. so i want to try ubuntu.09:03
slavikanimato: it requires going into a "registry"of sorts09:03
shrayhow does one fix a mouse, my logitech mx700 doesnt have all of the buttons working along with gnome..09:03
=== slavik did it from config editor
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animatoi know config editor09:03
slavikshray: the 4th and 5th button?09:03
animatowhere is it there?09:03
Knorriebcc: but why not do a complete reinstall then?09:03
shrayslavik, yeap09:04
DBOshray, /etc/X11/xorg.conf -> pastebin09:04
slavikanimato: hang on, I'll try to remember09:04
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nickrudanimato, install gnome-splashscreen-manager  , you be able to run it from System->Preferences after installation09:04
animatook thanx09:04
slavikshray: search the wiki, the fix is easy09:04
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ubotuit has been said that mouse is Enabling extra buttons  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ManyButtonsMouseHowto or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65471&highlight=evdev Installing extra cursor themes can be done easily with gcursor09:04
slavikthere ya go shray09:04
animatooh right!09:04
Smeritydoes anyone know of something similar to emerge in Gentoo, as when I apt-get source -b I get a HUGE list of dependencies... Gentoo usually sorted most of it out itself... Anything similar in Ubuntu?09:04
animatothat's the gui!09:04
bccKnorrie: nah. i can't stop working. and i'm sure that i'll forget a lot of little things if i do a complete reinstall. so i want to run another x session in chroot to make sure i got everything i need ready before switching it.09:04
shrayDBO, http://pastebin.com/66450909:05
thoreauputicSmerity: sudo apt-get build-dep09:05
nickrudSmerity, apt-get build-dep <package>09:05
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chavoSmerity, apt-get build-dep09:05
Smeritythanks thoreauputic, nickrud and chavo =)09:05
monsterbSmerity: apt-get09:05
chavooh didnt notice we all posted :)09:06
Knorriebcc: i think you'll waste more time that way...09:06
DBOshray, http://pastebin.com/66451209:06
chavoI'm slowest typer I guess09:06
DBOmake the changes I made to your xorg.conf09:06
Smeritydoing sudo apt-get build-dep mozilla firefox results in "Build-dependencies for mozilla-firefox could not be satisfied."09:06
DBOthen restart X09:06
bccKnorrie: nah, switching later on is not hard. busybox + pivot_root.09:06
SmerityIt doesn't seem to attempt to fetch them or anything09:06
DBOshray, make a backup of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf first, so you can restore it if something goes wrong09:07
slavik*** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual (Success)09:07
chavotry apt-get build-dep firefox09:07
bccanyway. thanks for the link. i'm going to do some reading.09:07
burepeHelp me http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=929375#post92937509:07
chavowith sudo of course09:07
slavikany help?09:07
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slavikomg, dialup!!!09:08
nickrudSmerity, try apt-get build-dep firefox09:08
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Smeritysame response09:08
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wyI don't know why emacs suddently refused to use the font I formerly configured09:08
monsterbSmerity: try out Synaptic Package Manager - unless u love command line09:08
Smerity"Build-dependencies for firefox could not be satisfied."09:09
chavohmm worked for me, but I had everything installed already09:09
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nutDBO, unknown protocol evdev.09:09
Smeritylol, monsterb, I do like command line, but I'll give Synaptic a go I guess09:09
DBOnut, are you on dapper?09:09
DBOmmmm... yeah, that will do that...09:09
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DBOnut, you will need to restore your xorg.conf09:09
nutah  kk09:10
nickrudSmerity, I'm running dapper, and didn't have that issue. I can't try it on breezy till a reboot09:10
steveDBO, I found my problem!  :)  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=155552&highlight=samba+dapper09:10
thoreauputicSmerity: sudo apt-get build-dep mozilla-firefox works fine here09:10
Smeritynickrud, I'm on dapper,09:10
monsterbSmerity: edit your sources.list / enable all09:10
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uncle_bezhey people.09:10
uncle_bezhappy easter!09:10
DBOGAH!!! People need to mention if you are using dapper, it DOES matter...09:10
nickrudSmerity, monsterb has the first step09:10
=== DBO is done ranting
onephatmindcan i consult with somebody who has experience with debian/ubuntu, suse and red hat for 2 minutes in pm please?09:10
monsterbhappy easter bez09:10
thoreauputicSmerity: #ubuntu+1  for dapper questions09:11
Smerityoh well, thanks guys, I'll try it out, looks like my system may not have all it's marbles =)09:11
Smeritythoreauputic, ok, thanks09:11
nutDBO wanna link me to my pastebin? the download link pls09:11
onephatmindi have to decide and a knowledgeable advice would be much appreciated09:11
nutDBO: I forgot to backup, woops.09:11
bigGrimhi, i get "The following packages have unresolvable dependencies" libsdl-mixer1.2 when trying to install the "freeciv-gtk" client09:11
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steveDBO, yeah, sorry.... :(  Does this mean Dapper will not have smb access by default?  or is it just "not done"?09:11
uncle_bezcan sum1 point me to where I can find out how to get ubunto to automatically dial the internet (internet sharing with win98 using firestarter and dhcp) otherwise my wife has to log into my desktop and dial from there.09:12
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nutwoops, i had it.09:12
monsterb Smerity: edit your sources.list / enable all / your system will have all the marbles09:12
DBOnut, in the xorg.conf, there is a section that is commented out (for your mouse), uncomment it, and comment out the section below that09:12
wyYou install something, and suddenly other thing's broken09:12
onephatmindspikeb, are you getting my responses?09:12
spikebonephatmind, no09:12
DBOsteve, its just not done yet09:12
Smeritymonsterb, thanks, will try09:12
spikebonephatmind, join #spikeb09:12
nutDBO: thanks, what should I do instead of evdev?09:12
steveDBO, gotcha.  :)09:13
DBOnut, I dont know, I have never configured a logitech mouse for dapper, check at #ubuntu+109:13
steve#ubuntu+1 is for dapper talk?09:13
spikebyes steve09:13
steveAaah.....  :D09:13
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bccdo people use apt-get or aptitude with ubuntu?09:15
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DBOits just preference09:15
DBOI use apt-get09:15
bccok, so they both work? good.09:15
Madpilotbcc, Synaptic is the gui optin09:15
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uncle_bezanyhelp on the auto internet dialing (dialup)09:16
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PwcrLinuxanyway, My lappy LCD too brightness, I need to set the default at 5, how to edit the confs or something?09:17
bccon that wiki page, it says use "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_0.3.1.4ubuntu4_all.deb" for breezy. and that package is no longer available. what's the corect version of debootstrap for that release?09:18
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monsterbHas anyone tried http://www.ajaxwrite.com/ ..... It's pretty cool.  Nothing to install, opens in Firefox.09:19
thoreauputic!info debootstrap09:19
ubotudebootstrap: (Bootstrap a basic Debian system), section admin, is extra. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 45 kB, Installed size: 236 kB09:19
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DBOhey Madpilot, have you ever heard of a ssh connection that is left open in GNOME Terminal causing X.org's Resident Memory usage to climb at about 5MB an hour?09:20
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DBO(ok, kind of specific, but thats whats going on, easy fix is to restart the client, but I am curious)09:20
MadpilotDBO, nope, but I don't use SSH much09:20
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slavik*** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual09:20
MadpilotDBO, check Ubuntu's bug reports https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs09:20
DBOtook me darn near two weeks to figure out what in the heck was causing it09:21
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DBOnever even gave the SSH window a thought...09:21
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ubotusound is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary09:22
angie83Can anyone here help me to use my ipod to install ubuntu from usb?09:22
spikebnow that sounds like fun angie8309:23
slavik*** ppracer error: Couldn't initialize video: Couldn't find matching GLX visual09:23
angie83spikeb, why?09:23
DBOangie83, just exactly what KIND of ipod?09:23
slavikI have ati drivers installed and working09:23
angie83DBO, nano09:23
spikebangie83, kind of a geeky thing to do :)09:23
paxangie83, what filesystem is used by your ipod?09:23
angie83spikeb, lol, i suppose i am a geeky girl then09:23
blindxSaid a person in #ubuntu09:24
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angie83pax, fat09:24
spikebangie83, if you make any progress, keep me updated09:24
paxfat what?09:24
spikebangie83, i might just try it myself09:24
angie83spikeb, ok09:24
pax12, 16, 32?09:24
MarineboyI need to get Windows back on there!09:24
angie83pax, i think 1609:24
paxforget it then.09:24
Marineboygod i'm tired of messing with this and installation fails EVERY time!09:24
angie83pax, must be 32?09:25
MarineboyPax are you advanced in Ubuntu?09:25
monsterbMarineboy: whats failing?09:25
MarineboyHell if I know this is the error it gives me......09:26
paxMarineboy, no I'm not, just installed ubuntu yesterday.09:26
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angie83spikeb, do u know any floppy boot disk, that can boot from usb?09:26
MarineboyBase System Installation Erro09:26
spikebangie83, not offhand09:26
enycUrrrm... ?what is the esenario with security updates for Firefox-1.0.7 as included in Ubuntu-Breezy? -- 1.5 has some updates and has many security flaws fixed.....09:26
DBOangie, I imagine it would be possible, but a network install is probably easier09:26
spikebangie83, then again, none of my machines have floppy drives09:26
MarineboyThe debootstrap program exited with an error (return value 1) Check /target/var/log/boostrap.log for details09:26
angie83DBO, that's what i've been tring those days...09:26
angie83spikeb, so ipod option is the coolest then ;)09:27
spikebangie83, hehe09:27
MarineboyThe base system installaion into /target failed check /target/var/bootstrap.log for details09:27
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Marineboythats the errors.09:27
paxangie83, you know you can't install linux on fat, right? unless you're ready to get your hands dirty and code something :-)09:27
DBOangie83, ipod option is coolest, but also a GREAT way to kill its hard drive (not designed to run for hours straight)09:27
angie83pax, i want to install FROM usb, not TO09:27
angie83DBO, same for u09:28
paxangie, k so why are we ralking about ipod then?09:28
DBOangie83, huh?09:28
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angie83pax,  i though maybe i could install to my laptop FROM the ipod09:28
dliangie83, debian has a howto for from usb09:29
monsterbMarineboy: do u have AMD64 CD version, install on a 32bit machine?09:29
DBOangie83, no no, if you try to install from it, you do run the chance of ruining the ipod as its designed to run its hard drive for 20 seconds at a time, not 3 hours09:29
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DBOI have seen ipods burn out in less that 2 hours that way...09:29
MarineboyI got a Intel motherboard/processor09:29
MarineboyI'm trying to install this file.09:29
angie83dli,  but i need a floppy that ables me to boot from usb09:29
Marineboythe i38209:29
dliangie83, you bios can not take usb?09:30
angie83dli,  nope09:30
Marineboymonster please pm me.09:30
angie83DBO, i've been trying the network install, but not working, i tried the one in the wiki09:30
Marineboyi can barely keep up in here.09:30
dliangie83, and you have no cd ?09:30
SteilCan somebody help me with setting up an iCal calendar with evolution?09:30
angie83dli,  nope, i just found an thinkpad T20 for 100 euro09:30
angie83but, no cd09:30
dliangie83, I suppose it can boot via network09:31
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angie83dli, it has that optino in bios09:31
dliangie83, then, install from network09:31
angie83but i'm not quite sure it works09:31
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enycUrrm.. Seems that Firefox has a ver 1.0.8 source.. so Breezy could use that for the time-being... as security-update..09:31
angie83dli,  that's what i've been trying last 2 days09:31
dliangie83, you need a clear howto :)09:31
enycwhere are security team discussions? ;-)09:31
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angie83dli, with respects, i found that the howto's assume every step is gonna be correct09:32
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Madpilotenyc, possibly #ubuntu-devel - not sure, though09:32
DBOenyc, this is mostly tech support, I dont know where you would submit that kind of issue09:32
dliangie83, and, ubuntu doesn't do this, you maybe try debian09:32
angie83and no explanation is given if a step does not work09:32
paxdli eh?09:32
DBOangie83, where is your network install failing?09:32
dliangie83, the howto assume an understanding reader :(09:32
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angie83dli, 09:32
Hobbseeenyc: i think they are updating it09:32
angie83dli, i'm not such a newbie...09:33
Marineboyi am about to give up.09:33
paxangie83, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/install/09:33
enycHobbsee: ooh where/how do you see that?09:33
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Hobbseeenyc: i thought i saw it in a meeting somewhere, or maybe in MOTU.09:33
angie83pax, 2.2.4. Network09:33
angie83You can also boot your system over the network.09:33
angie83Diskless installation, using network booting from a local area network and NFS-mounting of all local filesystems, is another option.09:33
angie83After the operating system kernel is installed, you can install the rest of your system via any sort of network connection (including PPP after installation of the base system), via FTP or HTTP.09:33
Hobbseeenyc: i cant see how they would *not* upgdate it09:34
angie83shit.. sorry for the paste thing09:34
dliangie83, the try debian, read the FAI project for debian, basically, you need a dhcp-server, tftpd server, nfsroot server, then, you can install whatever (via chroot)09:34
angie83dli, that was i was runnning yesterday09:34
dliangie83, what's the problem then?09:34
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angie83dli, and i also tried the windows box method09:34
angie83none of them seem to work09:34
angie83on ubuntu09:34
monsterbMarineboy: are u new to Linux or Ubuntu?09:34
angie83i cnnot restart de dhcp server09:34
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MarineboyI was around Linux a long time ago.09:35
dliangie83, I won't even try ubuntu for that, gentoo maybe, debian is an easy way to go09:35
MarineboyNever really got advanced in it.09:35
MarineboyNever used Ubuntu.09:35
monsterbHave u tried a LiveCD ?09:35
thoreauputicHobbsee: Mozilla.org are end-of-lifing the FF1.* series (problem for future security updates)09:35
angie83dli, http://gridpt1.fe.up.pt/mlopes/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/09:35
thoreauputicHobbsee: some discussion on sounder09:35
angie83dli, i was doing that09:35
Marineboythats what I'm booting my computer off of.09:35
Hobbseethoreauputic: ah ok.09:35
MarineboyWhen I tryed to install it 3 days ago it deleted my windows partition09:36
dliangie83, you mean you couldn't set up your dhcp-server?09:36
Marineboyso i have no OS thats why its kinda critical i get something up here.09:36
angie83dli, but, root@server:~ # /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart did not work09:36
angie83always fail09:36
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dliangie83, that has nothing to do with installation, read dhcpd howto, man dhcpd.conf, read howto from the FAI project09:37
dliangie83, correct your kernel, your dhcpd.conf09:37
=== patrick52222 [n=patrick@cpc2-yarm1-6-0-cust110.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
mDotdamn it! screwed around and broke video playback. i can't get any video player to play.... anything. including wmv video that played fine 10 minutes ago. the only changes ive made are a reinstall of the resticted formats nvida stuff... other then that... nothing any ideas?09:38
dliangie83, another way, take the hdd from the laptop, put it in a usb box, and install it at other computer09:38
angie83dli, and for the hardware?09:39
DBOwhat about the hardware?  just reconfigure xorg...09:39
dliangie83, at least, you can build your own kernel with hardware support, correct configuration files, and it will boot09:40
DBOits a perfectly cromulent idea =)09:40
dliangie83, again, I suggest you to do that in debian09:40
Toma-I need to encode a video. the darn PMP im watching it on only supports ASF and AVI. ive tried encoding my own avi but to no avail. Heres some debugging, i hop someone can tell me what i need... http://pastebin.com/66453109:40
angie83by the way i've been able to do the dhcp stuff09:40
=== thoreauputic runs "dict cromulent" without success
dliangie83, then, get the tftpd, nfsroot, and you can install09:40
angie83got them already09:41
Marineboymonsterb: did you get my PM?09:41
thoreauputicDBO: what does "cromulent" mean, pray tell?09:41
angie83nope. dli don't have nfsboot09:41
DBOthoreauputic, I dont know what you are talking about, its a perfectly cromulent workd =P09:41
thoreauputicDBO: heheh :D09:41
angie83dli, wait a sec09:41
DBOthoreauputic, its a simpsons joke, its a made up word to justify other things09:42
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thoreauputicDBO: ah I see - I'm out of touch with popular culture ;-)09:42
patrick52222is there a programme like the nero movie creator(video dvd)09:42
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NewbieBoyhow can i install internet explorer in ubuntu?09:42
dliangie83, several ways, you can simply "cp -a" a working installation to a folder, like, "cp -a /usr /bin /sbin /opt /lib /share /usr/local/nfsroot/"09:42
DBOthoreauputic, thats where firefox 1.5 is your friend, just type "slang cromulent" (without the quotes) into the address bar and away you go09:43
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thoreauputicDBO: hmm - nice tip09:43
dliangie83, don't forget to mkdir /dev, /proc, /sys in the nfsroot, and MAKEDEV generic in the dev folder there09:43
MadpilotNewbieBoy, you can run IE through Wine, if you really have to09:43
angie83wait a sec dli09:43
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thoreauputicDBO: as it happens I installed FF1.5 yesterday :)09:44
DBOthoreauputic, its how I keep in touch with *looks up words* young hipsters09:44
monsterbMarineboy: don't think the PM is working - im not registered09:44
Marineboyoh okay.09:44
Marineboydo you have AIM or YIM?09:44
Marineboyor MSN?09:44
angie83dli, i followed everysingle step in that howto09:44
NewbieBoyMadpilot, who should i do? do i have to download the IE from the microsoft site?09:44
patrick52222is there a programme like the nero movie creator (video dvd) if you know what im on about for ubuntu09:44
FrogzooNewbieBoy: you sometimes can get ie6 to install under wine - but it's very wine version dependent, you also need a couple of native dlls09:44
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angie83dli, i suppose now, i have to make the netbood stuff?09:45
angie83dli http://gridpt1.fe.up.pt/mlopes/blog/index.php/ubuntu-network-install/09:45
dliangie83, I don't care, indeed, I hate "I followed every step many times, it simply doesn't work", be more specific09:45
MadpilotNewbieBoy, if you just need a browser, Firefox is installed by default. Otherwise, google "IE in Linux" for more help09:45
monsterbMarineboy: use LiveCD to read bootstrap.log - look for the error09:45
NewbieBoyMadpilot, thanks!09:45
angie83dli, "And now run the clients. If you were able to see the Ubuntu boot prompt, thats it. Now you just have to carry on with the installation. Otherwise, if you didnt see anything and the boot continued as usual  just like happened to me  then keep reading this tutorial.The alternative is, like I said before, using a boot disk with the drivers. Etherboot has what were looking for"09:45
fogoshi...when  i play some music on ubuntu, the flash movies on firefoz or epiphany are muted... somebody knows what happens09:45
angie83i just wanted to ask u about Etherboot09:46
DBOfogos, what are you using as a sound device, ALSA? ESD? OSS?09:46
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bccdoes breezy use xorg or xfree86?09:46
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thoreauputicbcc: xorg09:46
fogos<DBO> alsa09:46
Marineboymosterb: where is bootstrap.log at?09:46
dlibcc, no major linux distro uses xfree86 now, xfree86 is dead09:47
picurmount: /dev/hdb already mounted or /mnt/hd/ busy09:47
bccdebian sarge does09:47
picurI tryd to mount my fat partition09:47
spikebdebian uses xfree...09:47
spikebheh, what bcc said09:47
picurthat was the reply msg09:47
dlibcc, because, debian sarge is old :(09:47
bccthat's why i'm trying ubuntu :)09:47
spikebetch isn't quite so old though09:47
dlibcc, and debian never upgrade packages in stable :) only patch for security09:48
bcci know09:48
spikebalthough it will be by the time it comes out09:48
spikebdli, far as i know, ubuntu does the same thing, they just release stable versions far more often09:48
DBOfogos, good question, try switching to ESD09:48
dlibcc, I'm sure etch has xorg, 7.0 ?09:48
bccsarge is not testing any more, so it came out a while ago09:48
patrick52222is there any programes like Nero Vision for ubuntu09:48
Toma-patrick52222: what does nerovision do?09:48
patrick52222create movie dvds09:49
monsterbMarineboy: im looking for it09:49
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paxcat /etc/debian_version what do you get?09:49
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Toma-patrick52222: sure, qdvdauthor is one i use09:49
fogos<DBO>, or a command to reboot alsa?09:49
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=== cp-R is djing live sets: open winamp/xmms, press CTRL+L, enter http://dos.servebeer.com:8000/listen.ogg
Marineboyi found it in /var/log09:49
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patrick52222ok will give it ago09:49
dlipatrick52222, I heard k3b can do it (with some plugin/patches), but no experience09:49
fogos<DBO>, do you know someone09:49
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=== DBO needs to stop stepping out while helping people...
DBOuhhh lets see here09:50
DBO"sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart"09:50
spikebthere's also nero for linux09:50
spikebwhich is not free OR open source.09:50
DBOor as good as K3B09:51
Toma-nero 4 linux isnt a nero vision program ;)09:51
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spikebDBO, nero for windows isnt as good as k3b either09:51
Toma-he needs a dvd authoring program09:51
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angie83dli,  i think that my etherboot floppy just does not have the correct drivers..09:51
DBOspikeb, yes, but its better than k3b for windows =P09:51
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spikebDBO, very true09:51
spikebDBO, haha09:51
monsterbMarineboy: ok cool09:51
spikebdefine dvd authoring...something like imovie/idvd?09:52
Marineboydont tell me anything09:52
dliangie83, why do you need a floppy, just select NIC as the first booting device :(09:52
Toma-spikeb: it makes the menus and backgrounds then muxes it to a vob and creates an ISO of your dvd09:52
monsterbMarineboy: file is empty?09:52
spikebahh yes09:52
Toma-!find dvdstyler09:53
Marineboyno it gots ALOT in there09:53
patrick52222im need to put my avi files and stuff to a dvd so i can watch it in a dvd player09:53
bccdoes any debian package work on ubuntu?09:53
patrick52222yes what Toma- said09:53
spikebbcc, no09:53
angie83dli, it just does not boot09:53
bccspikeb: i see.09:54
angie83dli, it's marked boot from network, but someone told me here yesterday, that it should be PXE09:54
Toma-patrick52222: ahhh. now youre getting into trouble territory. you MAY need to fix the AVI to mpeg before using qdvdauthor, but im not sure.09:54
Toma-!info dvdstyler09:54
bccspikeb: is there a way to know which ones would work and which ones wont?09:54
ubotuUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'dvdstyler' returned no results.09:54
patrick52222Toma- huh?09:54
angie83dli, cuz if the network card is not PXE enables, it wont work09:55
spikebbcc, not that i can think of09:55
Toma-patrick52222: DVD players cant use avi files directly, unless they supports thinks like divx/xvid and so on09:55
mDotman this is really frustrating09:55
dliangie83, I think thinkpad can do pxe09:55
monsterbMarineboy: repartition/format harddrive and try again09:55
mDotblack screen on all video playback but i have audio09:55
bccspikeb: ok09:56
mDotany ideas09:56
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patrick52222Toma- but won the programme change into vob09:56
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Toma-patrick52222: yeh hopefully... cant remember if it re-encodes or not09:57
Marineboythats where i'm having a problem.09:57
MarineboyI need someone to call me or to call someone so they can walk me through it.09:57
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eggzeckMarineboy, just use guided partitioning09:58
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FrogzoomDot: libdvdcss2 installed?09:58
angie83dli, the network card is mini pci i think09:58
angie83dli, i just tried from another lappy and it booted09:58
monsterbMarineboy: eggzeck has it09:58
angie83it gives me an tftp timeout, but at least tries to09:58
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mDotFrogzooL not playing from DVD, and the videos were working fine a minute ago.... started playing with restricted formats to get nvidia working and this happened09:59
dliangie83, an easy way take the working nic card, plug it in] 09:59
fyrestrtrcan anyone recommend a 'borderless' term for gnome?09:59
angie83dli, the working is embedd09:59
angie83dli, does not really matter, thx anyway09:59
mDotfyrestrtr define term09:59
angie83i will keep trying09:59
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fyrestrtrmDot: terminal? shell .. command prompt window.10:00
angie83dli, have to go, but really thanks for ur help10:00
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FrogzoomDot: did you change settings in: system -> preferences -> multimedia selector -> video10:00
eggzeckfyrestrtr, errrr you can view it in fullscreen10:00
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monsterbMarineboy: he said  just use guided partitioning - it will auto set up everything for you10:00
fyrestrtreggzeck: I know that, that's not what I want.10:00
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angie83dli,  if i get it working i will tell ya10:00
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Marineboyill try it.10:01
Marineboyoh wait.10:01
fyrestrtrI need a borderless term that's windowed -- basically with a very thin border, no menu, etc.10:01
mDotFrogzoo no multimedia selector menu item, but no didn't do that10:01
Marineboythats the one I did use.10:01
Marineboycause it made a swap10:01
Marineboyand home10:01
FrogzoomDot: this gnome?10:01
=== Jasey [i=Jasey@218-101-23-148.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.10:01
mDotFrogzoo yes, dapper though10:01
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monsterbMarineboy: thats why it wiped out windows the 1st time10:01
FrogzoomDot: under breezy it's: system -> preferences -> multimedia systems selector -> video10:02
JaseyQuestion: i need to burn something to cd from within windows and take it to my machine running ubuntu. but when i stick it in my ubuntu machine: Given UDI is not a mountable volume. Help please?10:02
mDotnot there10:02
monsterbMarineboy: You need a "SWAP" partition and a root partition "/"10:03
Marineboyi need to find my windows installation cd.10:03
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NewbieBoyi'm trying to check my gmail and using mozilla... i can't open the site... it says i have to download the PSM (Personal Security Manager)... why?10:03
FrogzoomDot: maybe ask in #ubuntu+110:03
bcchow can i make /sys available to the environment inside chroot?10:04
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NewbieBoyi'm trying to check my gmail and using mozilla... i can't open the site... it says i have to download the PSM (Personal Security Manager)... why?10:06
NewbieBoyplease help10:06
Jaseyto personally manage your security ;) lol i dunno10:06
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Frogzoobcc: mount /proc10:07
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Frogzoobcc: mount /sys10:07
bccFrogzoo: yeah, i got that.10:07
sfarhow do i check wich driver i use for my soundcard?10:07
Malcolm_Keynessfar: lsmod | grep snd10:08
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Malcolm_Keyneshello Cobain10:08
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JaseyQuestion: i need to burn something to cd from within windows and take it to my machine running ubuntu. but when i stick it in my ubuntu machine: Given UDI is not a mountable volume. Help please?10:09
[C] hrishopefully checkinstall installs wine 0.9.11 for me10:09
Cobainhell malcom10:09
Cobainerr hello even..10:09
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OhzieCan I mount a device at multiple mount points?10:11
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dliOhzie, use, mount -o bind /dir1 /dir210:12
bccin what package can i find xorgconfig?10:12
OhzieHow would I put that into an fstab?10:12
dlibcc, use dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:12
dliOhzie, put "bind" in options10:13
bccdli: thanks10:13
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ubotu[list]  you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage10:14
monsterbJasey: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8577710:14
Jaseythanks monsterb10:14
monsterbJasey: that link has the fix10:14
Jaseythank you, let me have a look, im sure it will be helpful10:14
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monsterbJasey: there is a program u need call "pmount"10:15
Jaseyhow will i obtain that10:15
Malcolm_Keynesapt-get instal pmount?10:15
Malcolm_Keynesinstall even (silly 'l' key)10:16
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Jaseydoes that require an internet connexion10:16
Malcolm_KeynesJasey, Yes. Yes it does.10:16
mmmiiikkkeeei have a program that i want to launch on startup in the 3rd workspace on my computer... how do i go about doing this??10:16
monsterbJasey: yes10:16
Jaseyit isnt internet ready10:16
Malcolm_Keynesmmmiiikkkeee which window manager?10:17
mmmiiikkkeeecurrently it launches in the first one10:17
Malcolm_Keyneshmmmmmm. I'm sure this is possible. One can do it in kde..10:17
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bcchow can i make a device in a chroot to fix this? "(**) Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"10:18
bcc(EE) xf86OpenSerial: Cannot open device /dev/input/mice10:18
mmmiiikkkeeeis there a gnome irc i could go 2?10:18
bcci don't even have /dev/input there10:18
Jaseywell i wont be able to obtain pmount 0.9.6-1 without the internet connection. what sucks is the modem driver is on the cd im trying to get work.... :(10:18
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Malcolm_Keynesthere is #gnome, but try right clicking on the title bar and seeing what options there are10:18
chavommmiiikkkeee, you can do it with devilspie, but it's not fun to setup10:18
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Malcolm_KeynesJasey what OS are you using now?10:19
chavothere's no gui config10:19
monsterbJasey: yes - https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy  download pmount and everything it depends on...and "dpkg -i filename"10:19
Malcolm_KeynesJasey, what monsterb said.10:19
Jaseyim on a different pc using win xp :P10:19
gooI am wondering what happened to dpkg-reconfigure locales  in Dapper? I do not get a list of locales to generate, only a messagethat says I have to run tzconfig ifI want to change my timezone.. Any hints?10:20
Jasey((((( monsterb )))))) how, if the machine with ubuntu is not internet ready, cos it has no modem driver...10:20
Jaseyoh wait10:20
monsterbJasey: download all the debs on XP - put them on CD if u can.10:20
Jaseythe ubuntu machine doesnt read CDs xD10:20
Jaseywell, none ive burned so far10:21
Jaseyusing joliet format, which is linux-compliant >_>10:21
monsterbJasey, no network?10:21
Jaseythe machine is partitioned between windows and linux10:21
Jaseyi could download the things i need via windows, then access them thru linux because you can do that which is wonderful...10:22
Jaseyyes yes10:22
Jaseyis that possible10:22
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monsterbJasey: there u go10:22
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NewbieBoyi have a .tar.gz file... how do i run the file?10:22
Jaseynow i need to find my phone cord xD10:22
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NewbieBoyhow do i extract a .tar.gz file?10:23
monsterbJasey, in Ubuntu goto /media/  and copy the stuff over10:23
FrogzooNewbieBoy: tar zxf blah.tgz10:24
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monsterbJasey, do u have broadband avail in your area ?  :)10:25
lucia_engelMy sound used to work (unless there's alot of stuff playing, then I needed to reboot), but now it doesn't work at all even after reboot, any sound expert here?10:25
Jaseyyeah ADSL10:25
Jaseylinux currently does not have any drivers for my ADSL modem10:26
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xopherJasey, what modem do you have?10:26
monsterbJasey, if u use a NIC - u don't need drivers for modem10:26
Frogzoolucia_engel: check applications -> sound -> volume control - check for mute on10:26
monsterbNetwork Card10:27
SteilDoes anyone know how to setup evolution to use an online calendar? (e.g. google calendar)10:27
Jaseyno i dont have one of those10:27
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Frogzoolucia_engel: also, check both devices - under 'file'10:27
monsterbJasey, USB Modem?10:27
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Jasey((((( xopher )))))) Dynalink ALE-something lol10:27
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monsterbMost modem can use both.10:28
leneHi! How can i install "Scriber"? I have some problems with it..10:28
Storkwhat's the best software for ripping a dvd film into a .avi file?10:28
gravesonhow can i figure out what is using my sound device - /dev/dsp10:28
Jaseydont worry guys i found a way10:28
mlowemy install didnt create /etc/fstab left it unconfigured, how to fix ?10:28
lucia_engelFor both devices, all of them are on10:29
Frogzoomlowe: if fstab wasn't written, then it's doubtful your install ran correctly10:29
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mloweFrogzoo, x runs fine, i would rather just put entries in by hand now10:30
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Frogzoomlowe: iow - fstab is there, just missing some entries?10:31
riomercdoes anyone here run starcraft on linux using WINE? because my question is sc on (Ubuntu) related10:31
mloweno just comment at top saying nonconfigured10:31
mlowei need proc/swap/partitions ?10:31
monsterbJasey, what version are u using? 5.1010:31
Frogzooriomerc: don't run sc, but generally best to check winehq's appdb10:31
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Jaseyyeah breezy badger10:31
mlowenot sure how i did this ;)10:32
riomercFrogzoo: Ok, i'll check, thx10:32
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mloweeverything on single partition10:32
Frogzoomlowe: /etc/fstab - if it's not there, linux won't boot10:32
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mloweit booted just fine ;)10:32
Storkwhat's the best software for ripping a dvd film into a .avi file?10:33
mlowegrub gave it root partion ....10:33
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Frogzoomlowe: well don't reboot until you have a valid /etc/fstab ;)10:33
mlowerebot fine also10:33
Frogzoomlowe: doesn't compute10:33
lucia_engelFrogzoo: anything else I can check? I've tried following the howto guides on ubuntuforum but sound still doesn't work10:34
mloweI telling you it works somehow10:34
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TraceGreenHello, i know captive can help me write in NTFS, does linux have other such routine to help me to write to ntfs in linux?10:35
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ubotuI heard captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.10:36
DBOTraceGreen, yes, there are other projects, no they are not safe for usage...10:36
ompaulTraceGreen, no, because that platform is full of lockin and the spec is not open, I do believe that some people are working on a solution, but then the length of a piece of string is similar to the depth of a hole :-)10:36
Frogzoomlowe: pastebin output of 'mount'10:36
spikebheh pastebin has been googled10:37
spikebturned into a verb :)10:37
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Madpilotspikeb, Xeroxed,  you mean :P10:37
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spikebindeed Madpilot10:37
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Frogzoolucia_engel: you correctly configured your app? maybe try something different just to check, eg play a cd10:38
mlowedoing so now10:38
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spikebthe fact that i'm old enough to understand that joke makes me feel old10:38
spikebeven though i'm only 2410:38
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mloweits there10:39
NewbieBoyguy... what's the command to check the space of my hdd?10:39
=== thoreauputic hoovers all the verbs
FrogzooMadpilot: see your xerox, & raise you 'roneoed'10:39
spikebhaha thoreauputic10:39
MadpilotFrogzoo, what?10:40
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FrogzooMadpilot: true roneo = xerox10:40
TraceGreenDBO, thanks very much. I once tried captive, but it seems not stable.10:40
MadpilotFrogzoo, well before my time, I guess :P10:40
DBOTraceGreen, Im not sure about other options, but http://www.linux-ntfs.org/ is an ongoing project as well... I do not believe it has a release for debian based systems though10:40
=== DBO never had much of a reason to write to ntfs from linux
Jaseyi found what most people use for the correct driver of my ADSL USB modem on a ubuntuforum. however, when i go to download, theres all these versions and im not sure what to get. http://eciadsl.flashtux.org/download.php which is correct?10:41
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lucia_engelFrogzoo: tried xmms, mplayer, totem, etc. the file plays (no error), but there's no sound10:41
ubotuI heard captive is a project to use windows NTFS drivers under linux. It does not work properly with Ubuntu.10:41
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mlowexchat froze10:41
hiboss1I have a first time in here!10:41
Frogzoolucia_engel: tried a reboot?10:42
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mlowecan anyone see this10:42
mlowenever mind10:42
mlowepaste is up10:42
fyrestrtrJasey: Debian i386 if you are using non 64-bit processor -- like a pentium 4, etc.10:42
Jaseyah ok thanks10:43
Frogzoomlowe: paste the url back here, so we can find it10:43
Jaseythats what i guessed and got10:43
riomercDoes anyone here run Starcraft on ubuntu with WINE?10:43
riomercbecause I can't seem to connect to battle.net10:43
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lucia_engelFrogzoo: ya, it used to work after a reboot if i had trouble, now it doesn't10:43
Frogzooriomerc: no luck with appdb? best then to try #winehq10:43
mloweokee, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1242810:43
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monsterbJasey, there is a deb made for Ubuntu EciAdsl https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+package/eciadsl10:44
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Jaseyooh thank you10:44
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mloweoh, i know where the priblem maybe, grub was already installed, so i didnt do a grub install when i ran install10:45
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xophermlowe, sure10:46
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mloweshould still creat a sane /etc/fstab !!10:46
monsterbJasey, goodnight and have fun with Ubuntu10:46
riomercFrogzoo, Noone appears to be at #winehq10:46
Jaseythanks monsterb10:46
Jaseythanks for all your help10:46
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monsterbNo Problem - bye10:46
riomercnvm, someone responded10:47
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gravesonhow can i figure out what is using my sound device - /dev/dsp10:48
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Frogzooriomerc: it can be slow sometimes10:48
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riomercya, someone's there now10:48
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Frogzoomlowe: added a line you can put into fstab (change if /'s not /dev/hda3)10:48
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Frogzoomlowe: you have just the one partition? ie everything's under /10:49
mloweFrogzoo, I can do most of this myself10:49
mloweyes everything under /10:49
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mlowe1 umuntu partition10:49
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Frogzoomlowe: so check your pastebin, & add that line to /etc/fstab - but modify for your / partition10:50
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mloweFrogzoo, I dont see you line ?10:53
thoreauputicgraveson: rather than doing that, could you say what the problem/symptoms are ?10:53
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gravesoni am having problems streaming audio and video - i have finished the wiki guides for restricted formats already10:53
obscuritei'm having major NFS issues with my ubuntu server. anyknow know where i can get quality NFS advice?10:54
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techmanilarepository please10:54
fyrestrtrobscurite: major problems as a NFS client or server?10:55
thoreauputicobscurite:  http://www.linux.org/docs/ldp/howto/NFS-HOWTO/   <-- quite helpful10:55
obscuritefyrestrtr - getting RPC timeouts when i try to mount exports. can't tell what side it's on10:55
obscuritefyresrtr - but sometimes it works great10:56
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Frogzoomlowe: shift refresh?10:56
obscuritethoreauputic - thanks10:56
mloweFrogzoo, can i dccp you ?10:56
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Frogzoomlowe: soz, dccp makes me nervous10:56
mloweshift refresh in firefox ?10:57
Frogzoomlowe: yep10:57
FlannelKinghold shift, hit refresh.  reads from the page instead of the cache.10:57
thoreauputicobscurite: ps aux | grep rpc10:57
thoreauputic   <-- rpc.mountd running?10:57
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mlowei still see nothing of your paste ?10:58
Frogzoomlowe: soz, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1243010:58
mlowenever mind10:58
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thoreauputicgraveson: still kind of vague - do you have error messages or anything definite?10:58
gravesonno error messages i can show you a screenshot on pastebin-hang on10:59
obscuritetheoreauputic - mountd is running10:59
obscuritetheoreauputic - it works well for one client. when i try with others i start to get the rpc timeouts10:59
thoreauputicgraveson: also what method are you using? mplayer? totem-xine with plugins? ?10:59
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mloweok, i did mount -a, and then mount, paste is there11:00
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gravesonthoreauputic: using mozilla 1.0.7 with mozilla-mplayer11:01
thoreauputicgraveson: did you disable the totem plugins?11:01
sfarhow can i find out if i have "VIA Linux Audio Driver" or "Combo Audio Device Driver" loaded?11:01
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thoreauputicgraveson: I think you might need to do that ( I don't use mplayer here)11:01
sfari think i have one of those installed.. but i want to try the other because the sound is crappy11:02
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mlowegonna reboot , i will be back 3 mins11:02
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thoreauputictwidget: turn off your away script if you're awake11:02
NewbieBoythoreauputic, i installed IE4linux not thru synaptics... how can i uninstall this?11:03
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gravesonthoreauputic: 1) how would i disable the totem plugins and secondly can give me a rundown of your setup11:03
thoreauputicNewbieBoy: I have no idea, sorry11:03
NewbieBoyok thanks11:03
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NewbieBoy[C] hris, i installed ie4linux not thru synaptic and i want it uninstalled because it hangs... how can i uninstall it?11:04
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thoreauputicgraveson: rename /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/libtotem*   <-- the plugins11:04
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thoreauputicgraveson: my setup is just totem-xine and the default plugins11:04
thoreauputicgraveson: but I'm on dialup so I only use streaming sound atm11:05
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CaptainMorganany plans to improve wireless soon?11:05
jendawhat is the program for .svg files?11:05
Seveasjenda, firefox or inkscape11:05
jendaCaptainMorgan: Should be a lot better in Dapper, I think11:05
jendaSeveas: editing. Inkscape?11:06
CaptainMorganjenda, why do you say that?11:06
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FrogzooCaptainMorgan: dapper11:06
jendaSeveas: Is it FLOSS?11:06
mlowei am back, after reboot, i added a line for swap also11:06
jendaCaptainMorgan: err... I think I heard that said before.11:06
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Seveasjenda, apt-get install inkscape 11:06
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Seveas!info inkscape11:07
ubotuinkscape: (vector-based drawing program), section graphics, is optional. Version: 0.42-1build1 (breezy), Packaged size: 5794 kB, Installed size: 24168 kB11:07
CaptainMorgansure would be great... right now it's the primary thing standing my way of 100% full-time use of Linux..11:07
jendaSeveas: Ok, thanks 11:07
jendaSeveas: you don't have a copyright on that smiley, or anything, do you? ,11:07
sfarhow can i find out if i have "VIA Linux Audio Driver" or "Combo Audio Device Driver" loaded? i think i have one of those installed.. but i want to try the other because the sound is crappy11:08
Hobbsee_awayCaptainMorgan: network-manager should make wireless a lot nicer11:08
CaptainMorganHobbsee_away, I assume that's coming up in Dapper?11:08
Frogzoosfar: check /var/log/messages or lsmod if you know the module name11:08
mloweFrogzoo, you still here ?11:09
thoreauputicsfar:  lsmod | grep snd  <-- lists loaded snd drivers/modules11:09
Frogzoomlowe: yup, how'd you do? mount show / now?11:09
gravesonthoreauputic: ok let me give that a try11:09
mlowenope still same tmpfs11:09
gravesonthoreauputic: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12433 - it just sits there streaming forever11:09
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Frogzoomlowe: um, yes, you need to mount the hd somewhere b4 you write /etc/fstab - otherwise you're writing to the tmpfs11:10
ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:10
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NewbieBoyhow can i delete a directory?11:10
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FrogzooNewbieBoy: rm -rf dirname11:11
mantonoNewbieBoy: rm -r directory11:11
mloweoh wait it did get root11:11
FrogzooNewbieBoy: or just rmdir dirname (only works on empty dirs)11:11
mloweand i added a swap line11:11
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DBOthat message was very subliminal11:11
Frogzoomlowe: swap should show in swapon -s11:11
mlowethere should be entry in fstab ?11:12
mlowethere used to be !11:12
mendredis there any way i can load an usb external hard disk in a specific folder11:12
Frogzoomlowe: yes, something like "/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       0"11:12
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CaptainMorganhow are these great people that produce this funded?? curious..11:12
DBOmendred, just change its mount point to be whatever folder you like11:12
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mendredDBO: its automatically loaded when i plug it in to /media/sda111:13
DBOCaptainMorgan, with hopes and dreams mostly11:13
MadpilotCaptainMorgan, Mark Shuttleworth has vast amounts of money :P11:13
DBOmendred, you will have to edit your /etc/fstab11:13
DBOCAUTION!!! Make a backup of /etc/fstab before doing an editing11:14
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FrogzooDBO: usb is run by hotplug - which ignores fstab11:14
DBOoh right...11:14
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mendredFrogzoo: any idea how to do this?11:14
DBOyou COULD turn off hotplug11:14
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DBOat least, thats what I do11:14
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mendredhmmm, also is it possible to handle only a specific hdd? as in identify by volume name?11:15
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[PoVal] Dutchywhaha upgrading to dapper wtfpwned the internet and xorg configuration :> i think ill reinstall, cba to fix this lol11:15
mloweFrogzoo, can you paste your fstab to pastebin so i can get rest of info for proc, .......11:15
mendredDBA: see i use this hdd for storing my stuff, and have symlinks in my home folder11:15
Frogzoomlowe: "proc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       0"11:16
NewbieBoyFrogzoo, can u suggest a website where i can view ubuntu command lines? thanks.11:16
mendredDBA: so if it doesn't load in the same place..my symlinks go for a toss11:16
ubotudocs is, like, totally, an index of documentation on the Ubuntu Wiki - you can find it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation11:16
ubotuCLI means Command Line Interface, aka the terminal or console. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/ or http://www.tuxfiles.org11:16
gnomefreakubotu tell NewbieBoy about cli11:17
MadpilotNewbieBoy, see above ^^^11:17
mloweok, 1 more reboot11:17
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mendredis there any way to make it load into a folder named after its volume name?11:19
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mendredsay if partition is labelled stuff11:19
mendredthen it should automatically make /media/stuff11:19
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DBOmmmm, I dont know how hotplug works, I normally have it disabled...11:19
mendredhmmm k..11:19
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thoreauputicmendred: never done it, but I think you need to google "udev rules"11:20
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thoreauputicI think you can assign labels etc using udev11:21
Naurizohow to mount ntfs with all permitions under ubuntu?11:21
ubotuDownload and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically.  If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions11:21
FlannelKingNaurizo: you can't write NTFS11:21
DBONaurizo, if you mean so you can write to it, well, short story, you cant11:21
thoreauputicNaurizo: but you can only read from ntfs11:22
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[PoVal] Dutchysucks pretty much doesnt it :>11:22
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Naurizowhat should i do with discmounter file?11:22
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thoreauputic[PoVal] Dutchy: blame MS for not releasing ntfs specs11:23
FlannelKingNaurizo: it gives instructions at the top11:23
[PoVal] Dutchyyeah MS sucks11:23
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Madpilotlater, all11:24
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webwolf_27I can't get a better resolution then 640x480 although there is nothing less then 1024x786 in xorg.conf!11:25
ubotu[fixres]  Please read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto11:25
webwolf_27thank you#11:26
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thoreauputicwebwolf_27: np ;)11:26
mloweFrogzoo, now running knoppix to fsck the partitions11:26
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Naurizooki, i installed discmounter11:27
Naurizowhere should i find my drive?11:27
Naurizomounted one11:27
GTroyhow do you run a perl script?11:27
Naurizothrough terminal11:27
GTroyfrom a txt file11:27
sethkGTroy, either by it's name, or with  perl /script/file/name11:27
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GTroycan I drag and drop?11:27
mloweGTroy, perl perlfilename11:27
GTroyto terminal?11:27
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sethkGTroy, you can in kde, I believe, but what a PITA compared to typing one line11:28
GTroymlowe: makes sense to me to do it that way11:28
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GTroyand what if this perl script is just a txt?11:29
sfarwell.. perl scripts is text-files11:30
GTroyhmm ok11:30
sfarchmod +x filename <- will make it executeable11:30
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sfari think11:30
mloweGTroy, 1st line should be "#!/usr/bin/perl"11:30
FlannelKingyay shebangs11:30
sethkmake sure perl is installed11:30
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GTroyok forgot about that little point11:31
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martinHi guys. How do I make Ubuntu boot into console mode without coming with a graphical login screen by default? I would like to start off from console to log in and if I want a GUI I would like to just use startx11:32
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obscuritethe weird thing about my NFS is that sometimes I can mount my exports, sometimes i can't. it's kind of random.11:32
Frogzoomartin: choose recovery mode from the grub prompt11:32
ph8hi guys, i'm having problems installing extensions (as are a few others), detailed at this link -> http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=152753&highlight=firefox11:32
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ph8martin: If you want to do it all the time, change your runlevel11:32
DBOnight all11:32
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mendredDBO :thanks i found this guide for using udev11:32
Frogzoomartin: that's for terminal access, but for regular use, you'd want to disable gdm from the init scripts11:33
karimmartin, disable X server in gdmsetup11:33
ph8can anyone help me with those firefox issues?11:33
mendredDBO: i think it should solve my issue11:33
DBOcool... point me to it will ya?11:33
ph8shouldn't you change your runlevel guys?11:33
martinHow do I disable GDM from startup?11:33
ph8i thought 3 was meant to be for graphical, 4 for terminal11:33
ph8or something like that11:33
karimph8, shouldn't11:33
ph8martin: download sysv-rc-conf11:33
DBOph8, this is debian11:33
Frogzooph8: different in ubuntu - default runlevel is 211:33
karimph8, no he just have to not run a X server in gdmsetup11:33
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ph8ok then :)11:34
sethkph8, several distros use 3 for graphical, but there is nostandard11:34
sethkph8, you can easily change it to work that way if you like11:34
martinOk... how? :D11:34
ph8i just ctrl+alt it :)11:34
karimMarticus, don't disable it, I say disable X server in gdmsetup11:34
DBOph8, most distros use 5 for graphical, at least the big ones other than debian11:34
ph8yeh, ignore me martin :)11:34
karimmartin, , don't disable it, I say disable X server in gdmsetup11:34
ph8now, does anyone else have issues with a as-new firefox install from the repo?11:34
martinOk... again how? I'm very n00bish when it comes to these things11:35
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ph8run gdmsetup?11:35
thoreauputicto permanently start in tty mode, do  echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:35
karimI have a problem with firestarter, it blocks outbound connections :-/11:35
Frogzooph8: 1.0.7 can have 'issues' really 1.5 is much nicer11:35
ph8so i should install from source?11:35
gnomefreakthe wiki is now set for
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion11:35
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ompaulMartin install "bum" use it to turn off gdm from startup, however .... you will have to remember "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to restart it :-) then kick it fulltime with bum iirc11:36
ph8ty :p11:36
Frogzoo!tell ph8 about ff1.511:36
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martingonna try sudo gdm to see if that works11:36
ruperthi, can someone help me with the cryptab and a luks encrypted home??11:36
thoreauputicompaul: my solution does it in one line ;)11:36
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ompaulthoreauputic, your right (again)11:37
DBOthoreauputic, why not disable gdm with update-rc.d?11:37
thoreauputicompaul: heheh - Bum is a nicer way I guess (more reversible without CLI)11:37
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thoreauputicDBO: that works too11:37
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ompaulthoreauputic, backup the existing first ;-)11:38
=== PwcrLinux tested Kodak CX7300 camera: detected and passed on USB connection :)
thoreauputicDBO: the file I mentioned only contains /usr/sbin/gdm from memory11:38
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martinHmmm. The gdmsetup thingy didn't seem to do the trick11:38
Frogzoothoreauputic: doesn't exist on my breezy box11:38
ompaulmartain when done you do ctrl + alt + backspace and it dies11:39
thoreauputicFrogzoo: yes it does11:39
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thoreauputicFrogzoo:  /etc/X11/default-display-manager  <-- notice capital X11:39
DBOmmm, come to think of it, its not on my box either11:39
DBOand yes, I did notice the capital X11:40
thoreauputicFrogzoo: unless you use KDM perhaps11:40
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thoreauputic$ cat /etc/X11/default-display-manager11:40
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ompaulthoreauputic, it should hold kdm xdm and gdm11:40
Frogzoothoreauputic: nope, gnome (breezy) here11:40
thoreauputicompaul: I would have thought so11:40
thoreauputicFrogzoo: bizarre - see cat output above on breezy11:41
DBOthoreauputic, yeap, I have a fairly fresh install of breezy11:41
DBOno such file11:41
DBOand by fresh, I mean within the past 2 days...11:41
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DBOI think your way no worky =P11:41
Frogzoothoreauputic: do you have another wm installed apart from gnome?11:41
thoreauputicDBO: well, it works here11:41
rupertwhich is the default encryption method that cryptsetup with LUKS uses?11:41
thoreauputicFrogzoo: several11:41
DBOthoreauputic, I think that gets installed if you have a second WM11:41
DBO(erm, created)11:42
thoreauputicDBO: hmm - why would gdm be associated with extra WMs ?11:42
martinI hate the fact that the GUI starts by itself. I want that to be an option11:42
ompaulinstall "bum" use it to turn off gdm from startup, however .... you will have to remember "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to restart it then kick it fulltime with bum iirc11:42
thoreauputicyou may be right but I don't see why that would happen11:42
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ompaulMartin do what i suggest there and use startx on the command line to get it to go11:43
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DBOthoreauputic, I meant if you install KDE or somesuch11:43
DBOsince then it needs a defaults file11:43
DBOyes... 5:43 AM logic is poor11:43
DBOwho are you again?11:43
Frogzoomartin: so create yourself a rl 5 & add another grub line to boot with/without X11:43
thoreauputicDBO: ah - maybe only if you have two *dm s - maybe you are right then11:43
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martinDoing a a sudo apt-install bum now11:44
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DBOhmmm, thats not a bad idea Frogzoo, not a bad idea at all, I think I will do it11:44
thoreauputiclezouave:  /join #ubuntu-fr11:44
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Richewhow can i make /dev/sda1 writable?..11:45
DBORichew, what kind of FS?11:45
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Richewusb flash disk11:46
martinNice program by the way, the BootUpManager :D11:46
=== ompaul robs DBO's enter key
=== nonix4 ponders why ubuntu uses useless refresh rates for anything w/out support for ddc instead of having a way to choose refresh rate @installation time...
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obscuriteWOOHOOO, /etc/init.d/mountnfs.sh restart seems to have solved my nfs problems. for now.11:46
DBOI wasnt going to make the same mistake twice ompaul11:46
GTroy_crimsun: have you got a moment?11:47
GTroy_crimsun: never midn11:47
GTroy_problem solved11:47
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martinompaul: if I disable GDM from startup with BUM, can I still login to the GUI by just typing startx?11:47
[C] hriswhat program can i use for snooping n oother users11:47
RichewDBO: USB flash disk11:47
spikebwhat the bloody heck is bum?11:48
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obscuriterichew - if it's not already mounted, mount -t fat16 -o rw /dev/sda1 flash/11:48
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mythicnesshi all11:48
Frogzoo[C] hris: that's not exactly legal you realise11:48
DBOmartin, you would do better to type "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"11:48
GTroy_[C] hris: ethereal11:48
mythicnessi just installed lirc, but it doesnt seem to be working11:48
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[C] hrisno i mean like to see what remote ppl are doing n omy box11:48
ompaulmartin, no you will log into a terminal and then as DBO points out^^ but if it stays on - you are looking for cake an eating it :)11:48
mythicness"I couldn't load the required kernel modules  You should install lirc-modules-source to build kernel support for your hardware."11:48
[C] hristhat should be leg11:48
[C] hrislegal11:48
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[C] hrisethereal wont show me what ppl are doing in terminal11:49
dotdashandyare the kernel names used by Ubuntu the same throughout all distros? like if i sudo apt-get amd64-generic on my debian installation (waiting for my Ubuntu disks) will it do what i expect?11:49
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GTroy_it's linux, prolly only you are doing anything11:49
DBORichew, that is managed by hotplug, i believe there is a security setting somewhere that handles the default umask...  I dont know... ompaul stole my enter key11:49
GTroy_no one else is root [C] hris11:50
TraceGreenHello, when i try to mount /dev/hdc to /cdrom. I don't find my /dev/hdc, i compile kernel myself.11:50
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ompaulDBO so now I get the blame if the world is flat?11:50
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DBOompaul, that and EVERYTHING else11:50
Richewhotplug works well w/ ubuntu i think.. how can i install ubuntu-desktop back and replace xubuntu?11:51
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[PoVal] Dutchythe world is flat11:51
DBOompaul, =)11:51
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[PoVal] Dutchyyou're just all still in denial11:51
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Frogzoo[PoVal] Dutchy: only in a cartesian system :p11:52
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Richewhow can i install gnome desktop (ubuntu) from a xubuntu desktop11:52
ompaulFrogzoo, has that got a point?11:52
[PoVal] Dutchyits flat. dont doubt it, dont ask questions11:52
DBORichew, "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop"11:52
=== ompaul declares self offtopic
alex___hi, I have just upgrade to breezy and have a few comment, the 'open a terminal' menu under the right click is cruely missing, also on my laptop, after a while the screen saver stop to show up and I have no other choice than to reboot my computer the dirty way (ie, to pull the power lead out) to restart ubuntu!11:53
obscuriteOkay, now that I NFS is actually working, unmounting is taking forever... sigh11:53
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RichewDBO: how can i uninstall xubuntu?11:53
Frogzooobscurite: yes, because nfs wants to flush buffers before it unmounts11:53
DBORichew, "sudo apt-get remove xubuntu-desktop"11:53
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PwcrLinuxalex__: It's in the Application/Accessaries for the terminal box11:54
obscuriteFrogzoo - I mean retry message after retry message during shutdown11:54
DBOactually, that will just remove the meta-package wont it?11:54
alex___PwcrLinux: yes I found it, still why has it been erased from the right click menu ???11:54
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thoreauputicinstall nautilus-open-terminal11:56
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thoreauputicfor a right click terminal choice11:56
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PwcrLinuxYea, that's one11:56
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zuguHi all.12:01
zugud a "lock" emblem. I soon found out that it was the same as when copying files from a CD in Windows, they keep the read-only attribute that they had on the CD.12:01
zugu<zugu> However, after five trouble-less minutes, I was suddenly unable to copy files from the ISO. The system reported something like: "I/O Error: Unable to read file.". I was able though, to browse through the ISO file, but all the files were 0 bytes long. So I checked my USB drive (as the ISO was mounted from there). There was nothing wrong with it. I "umounted" the ISO, copied it to my desktop and mounted it again. Ta-da: I could copy files from the ISO again. 12:01
zugu<zugu> I am desperate. Why does Ubuntu does this to me?12:01
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zugusorry, this was a wrong paste :)12:01
zuguthe correct text comes here:12:01
zuguYesterday I tried to mount an ISO file:12:01
zugumkdir /mnt/iso12:01
zugusudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mnt/iso/12:01
zuguI started pasting files from the ISO onto my desktop. The file icons had a "lock" emblem. I soon found out that it was the same as when copying files from a CD in Windows, they keep the read-only attribute that they had on the CD.12:01
zuguHowever, after five trouble-less minutes, I was suddenly unable to copy files from the ISO. The system reported something like: "I/O Error: Unable to read file.". I was able though, to browse through the ISO file, but all the files were 0 bytes long. So I checked my USB drive (as the ISO was mounted from there). There was nothing wrong with it. I "umounted" the ISO, copied it to my desktop and mounted it again. Ta-da: I could copy files from the ISO again. But not12:01
zuguI am desperate. Why does Ubuntu does this to me?12:01
ompaulzugu, Stop pasteing12:01
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zuguompaul: i wanted to paste just once, but my clipboard messed up12:02
ompaulput that in paste.ubuntu-nl.org  and ask again12:02
ompaulin a few minutes if anyone does not say in the interim12:02
zuguompaul: thank you for the info12:02
dotdashandythank god for ShipIt12:03
=== orbin [n=orbin@WNPP-p-203-54-44-32.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:03
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PwcrLinuxOh, my mouse kept dragging at all time so I have to hit the esc key to cancel drags, how I need disabling the drags?12:04
GTroy_what if macromedia isn't uploading?12:04
DBOGTroy_, once more with clarity?12:04
GTroy_I go to install flashplayer12:04
DBOok, well done, what happens next?12:05
GTroy_and the macromedia site won't upload anything12:05
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DBOyou mean download?12:05
GTroy_try to download, tell me if you can12:05
kai_anyone here12:06
kai_pls say hello12:06
GTroy_ask a question12:06
DBOGTroy_, works fine for me12:06
DBOGTroy_, try "sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla"12:06
GTroy_hmm strange12:06
GTroy_ok will do12:06
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Chri[s] hi12:07
DBOhello kai_, what is your problem?12:07
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kai_my ubuntu12:07
kai_can not run samba12:07
kai_i mean12:08
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GTroy_thanks DBO done12:08
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DBOkai_, try to get this all on one line please12:08
DBOGTroy_, does it work?12:08
DBOhi bliss1_12:08
kai_i can not find ok12:08
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DBOkai_, what is your native language?12:08
bliss1_DBO: fiund a soultion!12:08
GTroy_DBO: no12:08
PwcrLinuxDBO or thoreauputic : How I can disable the mouse "drag" to avoid dragging (picked and drags), so I have to keep hit esc key to cancel the drag in the FF browser..12:08
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu oder Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de oder #edubuntu-de12:09
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captainredbeardIs there a program similar to MSPaint for ubuntu? Preferably for KDE?12:09
thoreauputicPwcrLinux: I don't understand, sorry12:09
nonix4Is there a decent mouse emulation pkg for ubuntu available? (Don't have a mouse for the time being)12:09
GTroy_sorry DBO forgot to restart firefox12:09
PwcrLinuxthoreauputic: okay12:10
PwcrLinuxI'll ask someone12:10
Frogzoocaptainredbeard: there's gimp12:11
captainredbeardFrogzoo: Thats alot of overkill for what I want to do, Just simple shapes12:11
MistaEDkpaint wasn't there?12:11
bliss1_DBO: what it is is a gz file with a dsdt.dls  file inside from the APCI sourseforge web site12:11
DBOFrogzoo, no offense, but the gimp is to mspain what a mercedes is to a shopping card =P12:11
Hobbsee_awayCaptainMorgan: it's in dapper now12:11
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bliss1_DBO: its for my labtop12:11
orbincaptainredbeard: kolourpaint12:11
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ompaulPwcrLinux, ctrl and drag - but really I don't understand the question, I think this is what you want12:11
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captainredbeardthanks orbin12:12
ompaulHobbsee, I still have my whiteboard entry12:12
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Hobbseeompaul: hmmm?12:12
orbinand there's gpaint for gnome users12:12
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=== Chri[s] is now known as [C] hris
bliss1_ompaul: hi niceday hey12:12
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bliss1_DBO: is it good news or what!12:12
=== ompaul cd /home/brain/hobbsee sudo dpkg-reconfigure memory-easy-upgade
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Hobbseehehe - i thought that'd be cd /home/hobbsee/brain12:13
PwcrLinuxompaul: My mouse too sentientive (sp?) when I clicked the links or icon, it's picked and dragging. I didn't like it and hit a esc key to cancel drags..12:13
ompaulbliss1_, not great 10oC windows and12:13
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DBObliss1_, you'll have to excuse me, my brain is the broke... its 6AM and all12:14
GTroy_even the macromedia mirror is down for me12:14
ompaulPwcrLinux, as I said no idea other than ctrl and drag12:14
bliss1_DBO: o yee sorry 6AM12:14
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karimI didn't found how to enable everything from the LAN with firestarter to the firewall12:14
DBOGTroy_, "wget http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz"12:14
PwcrLinuxompaul: already, I'll ask other ppls since you don't understand my messages..12:14
karimfor exemple I needed to enable DNS port to the lan12:15
karimI want everything12:15
bliss1_DBO: anyway found the soultion just need to know how to install the baby12:15
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GTroy_DBO: this might be overkill, could you download the file from the site and dcc it to me? http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash12:15
DBOyeah, let me hack in the rootkit really fast... I mean optimize it for... speed and usabilty12:16
ompaulPwcrLinux, that is not standard behaviour, have you accessability stuff turned on?12:16
bliss1_anyone know how to install a dsdt.dlsl file?12:16
DBOGTroy_, actually I cant, Im piping this through an SSH session, and it wont play nice with DCC12:16
PwcrLinuxompaul: my accessiblity isn't on yet..12:17
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ompaulPwcrLinux, check it by using an external mouse if it works okay with that find a faq on synaptic keypad12:18
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PwcrLinuxompaul: Yea, prolly the dapper might have a extra options for mousepad and mouse settings..12:19
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netman1Hi All. Using Breezy, fsck-ed up while adding ldap, lost a useraccount: under what username does the dbus-daemon --system usually run and what are the passwd and group entries for this user?12:19
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OmegHi all12:20
OmegI've got a general Linux question. I just downloaded what is supposed to be a demo of Sim City 3000 for Linux, but after extracting the .gz, it seems that I have a .run file.12:20
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OmegIt's about 180 MB in size and I don't know what to do with it.12:21
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DBOhmmmm, my guess, sh /path/to/*.run12:21
spikebsh frank.run12:22
spikebfor example12:22
netman1Omeg: to check you could do "file .run-file"12:22
Toma-ive got a problem encoding a movie. ive got an ASF file thats encoded the 'windows' way and works great on my PMP, but when i try encoding an AVI i cant quite get it to work. Ive got the debugging from both the Proper Movie and a mencoder encoded movie but just cant find out what i need to do. the PMP is ment to support AVI, but lacks any documentation on it. Heres the link! Thanks.. http://pastebin.com/66453112:22
orbini've got ff1.5.0.1 installed.  how do i go about installing
OmegAh, so I should run it? It tries to open it with gedit by default, but since it's such a huge file, it crashes.12:22
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FrogzooOmeg: at a guess, 'chmod +x blah.run ; ./blah.run12:23
OmegThanks, I'll just try that first then.12:23
DBOorbin, you can either run firefox as super user (risky) or chown firefox's directory to your username then use the built in updater12:23
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DBO(then after chown it back to root)12:23
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DBOhey karim12:23
karimanyone is using firestarter as a gateway ?12:23
PwcrLinuxthe .run file should on the CDRom, when you insert the CD into drive, it'll auto-run..12:23
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deb-funkarim, not bad12:24
orbinDBO: so it only checks for updates when run in say gksudo?12:24
thoreauputic******************** News Flash! ***************************************12:24
karimdeb-fun, what ?12:24
ompaulif you want to talk about XGL/ Dapper the next release or are using it your issues issues should be addressed in the channel #ubuntu+112:24
ompaulThanks for your attention12:24
DBOawww, that was cute...12:25
deb-funkarim,  using firestarter as a gateway12:25
thoreauputicompaul: heheh - we weren't quite in sync12:25
oskudehmm, i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=408055&postcount=5 but when i try "sudo cat /dev/js0" i get "cat: /dev/js0: No such device", but it _is_ there... any ideas ?12:25
OmegI can't seem to run the .run file. It says "command not found".12:25
ompaulit works12:25
DBOorbin, well that or when you have direct write access to its files12:25
karimdeb-fun, I was using shorewall before, but there is no gui, so I dumped it12:25
spikebsh /home/0meg/bob.run says that?12:25
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deb-funkarim, I prefferd firestarter12:25
OmegOh wait, now it works. I didn't use the sh command.12:26
karimdeb-fun,  are you a bot ?12:26
OmegThanks, spikeb :)12:26
oskudeor, has anyone got joystick/gamepad/midi to work through gameport, if yes what soundcard/chip do you have ?12:26
bliss1_DBO: its no prob I can wait as long as it takes12:26
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orbinDBO: a recursive chown on /opt/firefox?12:26
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DBOorbin, yes, but make sure you chown it back after you are done with the update12:26
DBObliss1_, what were we doing?12:26
deb-funkarim, no12:27
DBObliss1_, you will have to show me where you got the file12:27
bliss1_ok just a sec12:27
orbinDBO: so after the chown, i run firefox and it should prompt me for an update?12:27
bliss1_DBO; OK12:27
DBOorbin, no, you will have to go to Help -> Check for updates...12:27
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orbinDBO: ok, thanks.12:27
oskudeeven wikipedia has about gravis gamepad under linux, but it doesnt work neither :( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravis_Gamepad12:28
Toma-oskude: so, whats the problem?12:28
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thoreauputicDBO: are mozilla.org updates binary patches now? ( i.e. do you have to re-download the whole thing or just changes? )12:28
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oskudeToma, i tried this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=408055&postcount=5 but when i try "sudo cat /dev/js0" i get "cat: /dev/js0: No such device", but it _is_ there... any ideas ?12:28
DBOthoreauputic, they are patches12:28
riomercI need some hard-drive related help12:28
thoreauputicDBO: cool - thanks :)12:28
DBOthoreauputic, no more re-downloading the whole darn thing12:28
thoreauputicDBO: nice :)12:29
oskudeToma, ment Toma-12:29
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DBOriomerc, what is your issue?12:29
bliss1_DBO; http://acpi.sourceforge.net/dsdt/index.php12:29
riomercI want to know if it's actually possible to create a couple more partritions12:29
DBOriomerc, if you have free space, otherwise you will need to use gparted12:29
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oskudeand the gamepad (and gameport) works under windoze, so both hardwares are ok12:29
riomercI have a 160GB HDprobably about 135GB left12:29
DBObliss1_, ok... why are you installing this?12:30
DBObliss1_, I dont see how this will help your issue12:30
Toma-oskude: hmmm. what would you run cat over /dev/js0?12:30
riomerc132 GBs left12:30
bliss1_DBO: just a sec fixs ACPI problem12:30
riomercthen how would I?12:30
bliss1_DBO: saw it in the ubuntu labtops url12:30
DBOriomerc, is it already partitioned?12:30
oskudeToma-: to test theres some input coming from the gamepad (like said here: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Joystick_Setup )12:31
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riomercI'm reffering to the HD i'm on now12:31
riomercso yeah12:31
Toma-oskude: there used to be a program called jstest12:31
riomerctwo ubuntu partitions, the ones it requires12:31
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DBOriomerc, load up gparted, its pretty easy to use12:32
Toma-oskude: yes, its in 'joystick' so, "sudo apt-get install joystick" then run 'jstest /dev/js0' to REALLY test your joystick12:32
orbinDBO: that worked a treat, thanks again.12:32
oskudeToma-: got "jstest", testing...12:32
DBOorbin, sure thing12:33
orbinmaybe someone should make a note of the upgrade process on the wiki or ubotu's factoid/s12:33
DBOorbin, it is noted12:33
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oskudeToma-: hmm, "jstest /dev/js0" gives "jstest: No such device"12:33
orbinoh, guess i missed it.12:33
DBObliss1_, oh man you are in for a rough ride if you want to install this one12:33
topyliriomerc: you can't resize or otherwise mounted partitions12:33
=== orbin checks again
Toma-oskude: try /dev/input/js012:33
riomercDBO: How do you get gparted?12:34
oskudeToma-: but im not sure what modules i really need, ubuntuforums and wikipedia gives different modules (and ns558 gives errors on dmesg)12:34
riomerctopyli: well, that's a fucking waste of HD12:34
oskudeToma-: /dev/input/js0 gives the same error12:34
DBOriomerc, "sudo apt-get install gparted"12:34
Toma-oskude: what soundcard do you have?12:34
topyliriomerc: i.e. if your system is on the partition you wish to reparition, you need to boot into another system12:34
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orbinDBO: guess i need glasses.  found it on the wiki :)12:34
oskudesis.. something (onboard) using "snd_intel8x0" module12:34
riomercDBO: thx12:35
oskudeToma-: sis.. something (onboard) using "snd_intel8x0" module12:35
nonix4Hmm... by default "startx" results in an unusable desktop where no window whatsoever will open, while gdm creates functioning one - is there a way to change bpp temporarily for gdm or to make startx actually work? (default install of 5.10)12:35
DBOriomerc, please watch the language, and topyli is right, you cant resize mounted partitions12:35
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bliss1_DBO: well it says in labtop section that points to this site and it has to be done at leat got the solution , cuple of cooffees and a pizza should do it12:35
LoCusF/ignore #ubuntu JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS <- good thing to do if you are able to do this12:35
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Toma-oskude: same crappy mobo as me :D12:35
riomercDBO: that isn't my goal, it is to create wholly new ones, how do I load gparted, and finally, I'm f**king sorry :D12:35
oskudeToma-: nice :)12:35
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bliss1_riomerc: calm down man12:36
topyliriomerc: so is the space you want to edit mounted or not?12:36
DBObliss1_, you are going to have to download a new kernel, compile it with this driver, and install it in your box... aka... a PITA and several hours of intensive work...12:36
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riomerctopyli: sorry, what?12:36
riomercbliss1_: what do you mean? I'm perfectly calm :)12:37
topyliriomerc: if you have one big partiton, and you're currently running the system you have installed on it, you can't do a thing12:37
DBOriomerc, if you want to resize your current partition so you can have new ones, you are going to have to go into live boot, use gparted there to resize your current partition (to free unpartitioned space) and then make new partitions12:37
oskudeToma-: ive been googling like a day and i cant find a solution... (i allso didnt get midi to work through gameport..)12:37
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DBOriomerc, also, its not just my request that you watch your language, I personally dont care, but the rules of the room are such that its... outlawed12:37
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riomerchow would I live boot, and how would i run gparted there12:38
DBOriomerc, do you have a Ubuntu Live CD?12:38
DBOif not, you will need to download it12:38
PwcrLinuxthis channel for just general tech support for any ppls over 13+ of ages..12:38
riomercHow big is it, DBO12:38
DBOabout the size of 1 CD12:39
riomercoh boy...12:39
topyliriomerc: or any linux live cd with parted on it12:39
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DBOriomerc, most live boots are around 700MB12:39
orbinyou can get the gparted livecd...i think it's like 12 mbs12:39
riomercno, I don't have any live cd12:39
oskudeToma-: maybe i have to tell the snd_intel8x0 module something about joystick(port), do you know where i can find the "manual" of that module ?12:39
riomercoh man12:39
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riomercwell, thanks12:39
DBOriomerc, you can get smaller ones, orbin mentioned the gparted CD12:39
DBOwhich is much smaller12:40
riomercah, neverminf12:40
PwcrLinuxriomerc: You can order the CD they're both live and install CDs (2) at shipit.ubuntu.com I think12:40
riomercbut thank for the help12:40
rambo3alsa makes those modules or gathers them12:40
riomercPwcrLinux: I'd prefer to make it myself.12:40
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Toma-oskude: if you run "modinfo snd_intel8x0" youll see theres a 'joystick' parameter, so open up /etc/modules and add the line 'options snd_intel8x0 joystick=1' then reboot or reload the module12:41
topyliriomerc: why do you want to repartition anyway. the space is there, aren't you happy?12:41
orbinsorry, the cd seems to be a 30mb d/load12:41
ubuntuneili recently installed clamav , but there was an error i used the synaptic package manager, any suggestions12:41
riomercbecause I want to try to get windows on this HD while keeping this OS12:41
oskudeToma-: roger12:41
riomercbut i'm not sure you can install windows on more than one HD anyways12:41
Toma-oskude: whos that? :D~12:41
bliss1_DBO: yep thats new kernel say 686 then cd make oldconfig make menuconfig go to ACPI  choose * for kernal statically or M for module  save make  make install12:41
DBOriomerc, if you installed windows it would kill grub, you would have to fix it with a live CD anyhow...12:42
piphello!I used d4x ,but there is nothing in Mydownloads folder12:42
DBObliss1_, yeah, it never works out that nice12:42
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DBObliss1_, what kernel do you use right now?12:42
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bliss1_DBO:  got both 686 and 386 on both os's12:43
ubuntuneilis clamav compatible with ubuntu breezy badger12:43
bliss1_DBO; 2.612:43
DBOubuntuneil, yes12:43
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DBObliss1_, ok, you can do it, just follow the instructions, once you have it compiled lemme know =)12:44
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DBOhi pip12:44
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ubuntuneili reinstalled it twice using synaptic , but where is the icon?12:44
ubuntuneilis it installed as a service12:45
bliss1_DBO: thanks :)  err what instructions12:45
pipDBO, Hi,I need your help .I downloadered some mp3 files ,but there is nothing when finished,why?12:45
gaz-can anyone tell me how i can connect to a wireless network that uses WPA encryption?, i can connect to the network if i disable it but obviously i want it enabled12:45
oskudeToma-: btw, "modinfo snd_intel8x0 | grep joy" dosnt give any output...12:45
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DBObliss1_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=0d310eadb229405b090ab3fab7090ab7&t=5683512:45
DBOfollow the instructions for a vanilla install12:46
DBOpip, please hold, will get to you12:46
baboHi guys, can anyone give me examples of unbuffered and buffered I\O system calls ?12:46
Toma-oskude: do you really need to grep it? its not that long :\12:46
DBOubuntuneil, no idea, never used it, try entering clamav into a terminal12:46
mambotechcan anyone here recommend a good terminal emulation program12:46
ubuntuneilDBO: is it advisasble to use antivirus under linux ?12:46
oskudeToma-: i grep everything :)12:46
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DBOubuntuneil, its not needed12:47
DBOpip, where did you download them to?12:47
oskudeToma-: but thanks for the modinfo tip :)12:47
pipDBO, the default folder which is uesd to store downloaded files is MyDownloads ,I didn't change it.12:47
orbinmambotech: gnome-terminal works fine for me12:47
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mambotechorbin thanks12:48
pipDBO, I used d4x just now12:48
DBOpip, if they are not there, they are not there... I dont know what else to tell you...12:48
DBOI cant work magic to make them appear12:48
mambotechorbin:how do you use it with com112:48
pipDBO, I tried many times ,but failed except once12:48
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ubuntuneilDBO: is firestarter better than squid? my setup is 2 lan cards -1 connected to net via dsl other lan12:48
orbinmambotech: com1?12:48
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DBOpip, try not using d4x12:48
topylipip: check the d4x preferences. there must be a default download directory12:49
mambotechorbin:coms port12:49
DBOubuntuneil, I like firestarter well enough, its mostly preference12:49
mambotechI want to connect to my router's console12:49
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pipDBO, Mydownloads is the default folder created by d4x ,it is in /home/pip/12:49
DBOpip, try not using d4x12:50
topylipip: nice, but obviously that's not where it's putting the files12:50
orbinmambotech: that's out of my depth, sorry.12:50
Dutchyheyhey, could somebody spam me the links for ntfs/mp3/ff1.5 installation? just saw them here earlier *glares at the ubuntu bot*12:50
Frogzooubuntuneil: afaik - squid is a web proxy, not a firewall12:50
mambotechCan anyone else help here please12:50
orbinDutchy: /mswg ubotu all of those keywords you just typed12:51
pipDBO, I dont know why there is nothing after a long time of hard task12:51
Dutchythanks orbin12:51
DBOpip, I dont either, try not using d4x...12:51
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Frogzoo!tell dutch about ff1.512:51
Frogzoo!tell dutch about ntfs12:51
Frogzoo!tell dutch about mp312:51
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piptopyli, I think so12:51
DBOFrogzoo, you should be able to use it to act as a proxy for internet to share internet between machines though12:52
topyliDBO: not any more than pip or myself are :)12:52
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piptopyli, I think d4x didnt put files finished in to int default folder12:52
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piptopyli, so ,did you ?12:52
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orbinwhat app can i use to put divx avis on a dvd so they are readable by a non divx-capable drive?12:53
ompaulmambotech, you can typically get to the http version of the console for your router by pointing your web browser at it, or you can type telnet ip-of-router12:53
Toma-orbin: qdvdauthor12:53
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orbinToma-: will look into it, thanks12:53
mambotechompaul:this is a cisco 3600 ...not a belkin :)12:53
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mambotechompaul:thanks anyway12:54
pipDBO, Then ,any other tools ?12:55
DBOpip, yeah, firefox12:55
DBOmambotech, "getty -L ttyS0 9600 vt100"12:55
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mambotechDBO:is that the command12:55
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DBOmambotech, I dont know... my getty is rusty, for all I know it might launch the nuclear aramada =P12:56
pipDBO, but can you downloader with any link which links to an file?12:56
DBObut hey, whats the worst it could do?12:56
DBOpip, erm... if I understand you correctly, then the answer is yes12:56
shinuwhy dont i have the esddsp command?12:56
ompaulmambotech, sorry to insult your hardware, in most cases, http works and it should work with cisco or you can use console port on the bottom of a the back of the unit typically a 25pin D type conneciton if you have the hardware for it, but I find ethernet useful there :-)12:57
pipDBO, you mean use Firefox ?12:57
Frogzoopip: you might like to try wget12:57
veninhi, is this normal? http://home.no.net/ozipo/desktop.jpg12:57
pipFrogzoo, not easy to use12:57
pipFrogzoo, So much doc12:57
Frogzoopip: no, but very powerful, once you know how12:57
Toma-venin: thats one freaky spike.12:57
nonix4How do I enable unicode dead keys for console?12:57
pipFrogzoo, to read before using12:57
topylipip: open a terminal, type "wget" and a space. then drag a link to the terminal window12:58
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orbinyou can't specify the saved filename w/ wget can you?12:58
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piptopyli, where does it put files into ?12:58
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Hobbseepip: whichever folder you're currently in with the terminal window12:59
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Frogzoovenin: 802.11 spectrum is unrestricted spectrum - also shared with microwaves so yes, some noise is to be expected12:59
morphixduring this compile.. i need 'pcre-devel' would libpcre-dev be it for ubuntu?12:59
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pipHobbsee, I see\12:59
kingspawnorbin: -O file01:00
Toma-morphix: what are u compiling?01:00
orbinkingspawn: thankyou.  was trying to work out how to do that for yonks01:00
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Toma-!info lighttpd01:00
Toma-morphix: probably01:01
alex___you are not gonna believe this: I was so happy to see that with my new breezy, all my functions keys were reconnized, I tried them all, included the loc screen one, but then the screen went black and I can't now found my bloddy screen ! even after a reboot ! help01:01
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Frogzooalex___: ctrl alt F7  ?01:02
morphixi hope so01:02
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morphixcause i didnt know pcre was missing until AFTER i compiled and installed it01:02
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alex___Frogzoo: what is that suppose to do ?01:03
Frogzooalex___: takes you to the gdm screen01:03
ompaulalex__, have you a flashing prompt there or have you a login?01:03
venin_is this normal? hehe .. http://home.no.net/ozipo/desktop2.jpg01:04
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venin_sry, hang on01:05
alex___I just have nothing01:05
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DBOalex__, CTRL+ALT+F101:05
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leobitchxis there a way to install ubuntu using only network ?01:05
DBOalex__, then log in, and type "ps -ef | grep gdm"01:06
ompaulalex__, also please prefix the answer with the name of the questioner it makes life easy and keep all your thoughts to one line makes it easy01:06
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Frogzoovenin: there may also be other APs in your area which will look like noise01:06
reikithis is the second time I've heard of a wireless network interface being assigned to eth0. Or at least that's what the screenshot looks like to me01:06
DBOvenin_, normal?  not terribly...  out of the normal?  not at all...  All sorts of things (such as cordless phones) opperate at 2.4Ghz01:07
leobitchxso, any1 ? :)01:07
DBOleobitchx, no, no easy way, but it can be done01:07
venin_DBO, at the tops on the pic i lose connection01:07
rambo3gnome netowrk tool assaigns eth0 to wireless at least on my fedora c 501:07
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DBOvenin_, do you have cordless phones?01:07
ompaul!tell leobitchx about install01:07
ompaulleobitchx, please check the wiki page the bot sent you01:08
venin_uhm, one somewhere in the house01:08
venin_lots of cellphones thou01:08
reikivenin_: bluetooth devices?01:08
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leobitchxompaul: well, I only have access to text mode browser :(01:08
DBOvenin_, there are so many variables, is it constantly doing that?01:08
PwcrLinuxvenin: any wireless in your home or next doors (Wireless doorbell and etc..)?01:08
venin_DBO, when i first got connected to the AP it didnt.. then there was a long flat line..01:09
venin_now its doing it constantly01:09
DBOvenin_, when did it start?01:09
ompaulleobitchx, so http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation  that web page write it down and consult it01:09
venin_PwcrLinux, no01:09
Frogzoovenin: I'm guessing it's another AP sending regular announcements01:09
venin_DBO, some minutes after assosiaction with AP01:09
venin_Frogzoo, no.. only AP in area01:09
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alex___alright I got it after several reboot01:10
leobitchxompaul ok01:10
Frogzoovenin_: laptops?01:10
alex___very strange what happened tho01:10
Azertyuuuhey all, i have a problem in Mplayer. I want the control panel and the video-window in the same window, as in Kaffeine for exemple ?01:10
DBOvenin_, I suppose you could try using a different AP, or see if booting the live boot gets the same results (to rule out OS)01:10
=== tjeerd [n=tjeerd@ip5457be02.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #ubuntu
alex___I am changing subject but I was trying to find an equivalent to Itunes on ubuntu, any advice ?01:10
ubotuOp #ubuntu-nl staat de koffie al voor je klaar.01:10
bliss1_DBO; this looks ok ihttp://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21  at what point do i deal with the APCI bit  --its a good thread pretty stright forward01:11
venin_im using p2p atm.. maybe thats an issue01:11
tjeerdwie is er nederlands?01:11
Tomcat_alex__: rhythmbox and amarok are kinda like that. :o01:11
DBOalex__, amarok01:11
ompaultjeerd, /join #ubuntu-nl  this is an english language channel01:11
DBOvenin_, I cant see how01:11
alex___I know there is Music player, but when importing a cd you have to enter the information manually, there is no way for it to be fetch straight from the internet01:11
spikebalex__, rhythmbox for gnome, amarok for kde01:11
venin_both had stopped cause of one disconnection, when i stopped them and restarted them i have a normal line..01:11
spikebit should be able to01:11
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource01:11
Dutchyon the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats under "Other Restricted Formats" it tells me to download gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse however this one is not in the list... using the command i get E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse ... do i really need this? and whoever can tell me the answer can you fix it on the wiki then? :)01:11
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Tomcat_alex__: Works for me without entering info :o01:11
venin_DBO, im thinking MTU .. its set to 149601:11
PwcrLinuxI had a wireless internet, I don't use anymore, there is too many residents in my apt bldg have a cordless phone and wireless doorbell flashers..01:12
venin_DBO, and im dialing pppoe01:12
alex___spikeb: yes rythmbox, that the one I use but it does not get the info of the cd :)01:12
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Dutchy(I have enabled universe and multiverse repositories)01:12
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Tomcat_alex__: At least with sound juicer...01:12
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spikebalex__, it SHOULD01:12
DBOvenin_, you could trying lowering RTS and Fragmentation theshholds on the router to try to help, but that wont help with noise01:12
ompaultjeerd, do this >>>/join #ubuntu-nl<<<01:12
alex___Tomcat_: is that another app or is it part of ryhtmbox ?01:12
ompaultjeerd, or if you can click on this link ->>> #ubuntu-nl01:13
Tomcat_alex__: Another app... it rips your CDs to MP3/OGG.01:13
spikebwhen you go to rip a cd, rhymthbox directs you to sound-juicer01:13
bliss1_DBO: this looks ok ihttp://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21  at what point do i deal with the APCI bit  --its a good thread pretty stright forward01:13
venin_DBO, rts and fragmention? hmm01:13
venin_not mtu? :p01:13
DBOyou can drop that if you want as well01:13
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burepeHelp, my working tv tuner card lost video. Now I have sound and a black screen, More info here http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=929416#post92941601:13
tjeerdwho is dutch?????01:14
venin_DBO, what will rts and fragmention do?01:14
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venin_DBO, any way to get the statistics in kwifimanager to go further than 240 sec?01:14
alex___spikeb: ok but then soundJuicer does not seem to go and fetch any info from the web01:14
DBObliss1_, you do that once the source is unpacked to /src01:14
=== Indochinaman [n=ki@ANancy-153-1-37-213.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
venin_its been stable for at least 300 sec now01:15
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Hobbseevenin_: kwifimanager is awful, try network-manager-kde01:15
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DutchyDid you guys miss my question or dont you know what the problem is?01:15
DBOwell, 300 seconds wasnt bad hahahaha01:15
Azertyuuuhey all, i have a problem in Mplayer. I want the control panel and the video-window in the same window, as in Kaffeine for exemple, is it possible ?01:15
spikebalex__, i think it is supposed to01:15
bliss1_DBO; OK then just follow the howto its ok its the ACPI bit01:15
venin_Hobbsee, i just want monitoring.. is it installed by default? im using gnome actually01:15
DBObliss1_, yes, once your have the source installed but not compiled01:16
DBOyou follow the directions on the acpi site bliss1_, then go back to making the source01:16
ompaulDutchy, so in a terminal >> sudo apt-get update << then try01:16
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Hobbseevenin_: ack, an explosion of red.  it isnt installed by default...knemo is also quite good for monitoring, and there are gnome equivalents, like network-manager01:16
DBOvenin_, RTS and Fragmentation threshholds are useful if you have noise on the line, causes fewer packets to have to be resent01:17
bliss1_DBO: AH OK installed but not complied i see acpi site follow which past/ ?then go back to making source that i understand01:17
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bliss1_DBO sorry which part of apci SITE?01:18
DBObliss1_, http://acpi.sourceforge.net/download.html01:18
DBOlook at the "how to apply" section01:19
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oskudeToma-: JUHUU, gravis gamepad is working :)01:20
bliss1_DBO: so source installed but not complied go to the download page do what it says go back to howto forge page making the source01:20
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oskudeToma-: good help was this /usr/share/doc/kernel-doc-2.6.10/Documentation/input/joystick.txt.gz01:20
Dutchyompaul, E: Couldn't find package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse <= still getting that...01:20
antisocial_boriscan anyone help me getting online via a wireless network?01:20
morphixis there a "sysconfig" dir?01:20
bliss1_DBO: well its a pizza then and a beer01:21
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morphixjust this doc says to "cp doc/sysconfig.lighttpd /etc/sysconfig/lighttpd"01:21
morphixyet there is no /etc/sysconfig/ dir01:21
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DBOthere is not such directory in a default ubuntu install01:22
antisocial_borisive gone to system>admin>networking, put in the wep code, set eth1 (wireless) as active but it claims that the network is unreachable01:22
ompaulDutchy, gstreamer0.8-plugins01:22
DBOwhat are you trying to do?01:22
morphixtrying to install lighttpd01:22
alex___I got Error playing CD. Reason: Could not open resource for writing ?!01:22
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morphixi have compiled and installed it01:22
morphixbut that is for init scripts01:22
morphixhttp://trac.lighttpd.net/trac/wiki/TutorialInstallation << read down the very bottom01:22
bliss1_DBO:take care and thanks01:23
Dutchyompaul, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats says both puligns and plugins-multiverse ... if you are sure its just plugins, maybe you could fix it :)01:23
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ompaulDutchy, read it again that is verison 1001:24
oskudeso, to get "gravis gamepad" (gameport) to work, do: sudo apt-get install joystick, sudo modprobe joydev, sudo modprobe ns558, sudo modprobe analog map=gamepad, now you cant test it with: jstest /dev/js001:24
DBOmorphix, that is a good point, I suppose you COULD make the directory01:25
Masterillusioniscould someone tell me how i have to install counterstrike source with wine01:25
ompaulDutchy, version 10 on dapper and version 8 on 5.10(used to be breezy)01:25
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Richewhi. i cannot open terminal. i says Cannot launch entry01:25
RichewDetails: Failed to execute child process "Terminal" (No such file or directory)01:25
ompaulDutchy, consider it like the difference between 3.11 and 95 or some such in windows world :)01:26
Richewwhat shld i do?01:26
Dutchyompaul, sec01:26
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Dutchyompaul, right under "Other Non-Free Formats" it says this line sudo apt-get install  gstreamer0.8-plugins  gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse  gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg01:27
Dutchyisnt that for breezy?01:27
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ompaulRichew, applications -> accessories -> terminal that work for you?01:27
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Dutchyor 5.10(used ot be breezy) as you call it01:28
co2xhow do i kill a window in gnome?01:28
ompaulDutchy, it is, okay sorry my mistakle there, do this pleas e>>> apt-cache policy gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse <<01:28
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ompaulDutchy, question, does it give any return?01:28
DutchyW: Unable to locate package gstreamer0.8-plugins-multiverse01:29
morphixhmm... >> 2006-04-17 21:27:39: (server.c.857) WARNING: unknown config-key: fastcgi.server (ignored)01:29
Frogzooco2x: run xkill01:29
MistaEDco2x: killall programname? or perhaps have some fun with xkill? or use that system monitor :D01:29
ompaulDutchy, okay please paste your /etc/apt/sources.list in http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:29
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co2xi don't know which process it is01:30
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co2xi run wine running Warcraft III :D it didn't run.. i click close and Wine exits leaving a garbage window01:31
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PwcrLinuxco2x: does your running exceessive high CPU at 100%, you can find which CPU maxed out in the system monitor and kill it..01:32
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co2xi killed all Wine Preloader01:34
Dutchyompaul, forgive me please, after you said that i re-read the enabling universe multiverse repositories page again, and it turned out I had missed a line01:34
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Dutchyit works now, thanks for the help01:34
ompaulDutchy, ehhh maybe :-) no worries :)01:34
co2xgee WarIII did run with bad graphics then it has Fatal Error and quits01:34
mundihi everyone - does anybody know how to change resolution to 1280x800 in ubuntu ??01:35
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digitalhav0cay could some one tell me the path to the sources list01:35
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Goraxdoes anybody know how to stop Ubuntu from playing with the system clock when it loads?01:36
DeBertGorax, i think stop ntpdate from running01:36
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Dutchywhat I love about linux are the insane download speeds when installing programs :P01:37
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lezouavejoin #ubuntu-fr01:37
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=== ompaul hands lezouave a /
ompaulahh well01:37
digitalhav0cDebert to start an apt get of gnome from the console01:37
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digitalhav0cwould it be sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop01:38
digitalhav0cwould it be sudo apt-get install gnome01:38
Goraxthanks DeBert, if that doesn't help, I'll ask again tomorrow ;)01:38
DeBertdigitalhav0c, first one01:38
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digitalhav0cwhat about xorg?01:39
digitalhav0ci did a server install and im trying to get gnome installed01:39
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welshbytedigitalhav0c: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:40
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DeBertdigitalhav0c, Isn't that installed automatically than?01:40
ompauldigitalhav0c, and DeBert well sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and then it all works01:41
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DeBertyou're right, my bad01:41
Nevermorehi - anyone got beagled 0.2.4 running?01:41
digitalhav0ccool thank ompaul01:41
digitalhav0compaul: is that going to install all the desktops?01:42
ubuntuneilhow do i quit from editing a file with vim?01:42
digitalhav0cor just xorg01:42
DutchyI think Ubuntu should come with a question on first boot if you want to install support for all Non-Free Formats.... would be easier :P01:42
digitalhav0cthen i can install gnome01:42
dj-futhat'd still be illegal, Dutchy01:42
DBOubuntuneil, escape then :q then enter01:42
DeBertubuntuneil, ":q!"01:43
dj-futhis just circumevents the licensing issue01:43
dj-fuubuntuneil, if you'd like to save, escape, shift+ZZ01:43
dj-fuotherwise :q! to quit without saving changes01:43
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ubuntuneiltks a lot01:43
DBOubuntuneil, or escape, ":wq", then enter will do write then quit01:43
Dutchyok illegal, I guess this works then :P01:44
DeBertAre there apps that support Gtalk's voicechat?01:44
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NevermoreAnyone got beagle > 0.1.1 running?01:44
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digitalhav0cdoes anyone know what all ubuntu-desktop installs?01:45
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Jimmey__digitalhav0c, do you mean what makes up the ubuntu-desktop package?01:46
Hobbseedigitalhav0c: apt-cache show ubuntu-desktop01:46
Jimmey__digitalhav0c, GDM, Gnome, metacity, GTK applications, fonts..01:46
digitalhav0cthanks guys01:47
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Jimmey__Damn Hobbsee, where's the need in being so clever01:47
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basvgum, hi all.. I just noticed that my laptop doesn't seem to have sound anymore... any clues?01:47
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Hobbseeyes, needing to be clever is useful01:47
Jimmey__basvg, do you hear the jingles when the computer starts?01:47
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HobbseeJimmey__: you need to be clever, so that you can answer problems like basvg01:47
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basvgJimmey__: no, I disabled those01:47
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basvgJimmey__: I tried to play things with xmms and aplay but nothing seems to work01:48
Jimmey__basvg, and so the computer's totally silent? Or can you get some sounds?01:48
basvgJimmey__: haven't been able to make it bleep or anything01:48
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Jimmey__basvg, try pressing ALT + F2, then typing 'killall esd'01:48
Jimmey__See if that does anything01:48
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basvgJimmey__: there was no esd running01:49
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Jimmey__basvg, in that case, try typing 'esd' in the terminal01:49
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dj-fuesd? nasty01:49
dj-fudon't we use alsa now?01:49
ompaulJimmey__, thats not great as the person may not be able to return to the xorg session, you should really have applications- accessories - terminal better for them better for you :-)01:50
basvgJimmey__: that also didn't fix it01:50
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Jimmey__ompaul, that's what I meant, I'll make it clearer next time ;)01:50
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Jimmey__dj-fu, you tell me01:50
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dj-fuwell, by default breezy uses alsa afaik01:51
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ompaulbasvg, what kind of sound card do you use?01:51
basvgompaul: 82801CA/CAM AC'9701:51
Jimmey__basvg, and did you have sound before?01:51
ompaulbasvg, so are you on dapper?01:52
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basvgJimmey__: yes, it always worked .. and I don't remember changing any settings01:53
basvgompaul: nope, breezy01:53
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dj-fu/etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart01:54
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ubotuit has been said that skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/01:54
morphix:@ the init script doesnt do anything01:54
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic01:54
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basvgrestarting alsa didn't do anything01:55
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davecbhow do i uninstall real player 10 in console mode?01:55
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ompaulbasvg, just check that alsa is not muted please01:56
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basvgompaul: umm... how/where?01:56
ompaulbasvg, gnome or kde?01:56
basvgompaul: gnome01:56
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ompaultop right hand corner there is a volume icon, right click open volume control01:57
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ompaulkim, what01:57
kimim china01:57
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davecbhow do i uninstall real player 10 in console mode?01:58
DBOok ompaul, DBO is going to bed01:58
DBOdo I get my /remove now?01:58
ompaulkim  #ubuntu-cn  #ubuntu-tw   #ubuntu-hk01:58
basvgompaul: the top line says 'alsa mixer'... nothing is muted in the playback tab01:58
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ompaulbasvg, check the input tags also01:59
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ompaulDBO if you want01:59
DBOhit me!01:59
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davecbhow do i uninstall real player 10 in console mode?01:59
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Jimmey__davecb, hang on a moment02:00
ompaulHobbsee, I have to say he asked for it :-)02:00
Hobbseeompaul: hmm?02:00
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basvgompaul: only mic is muted, the rest is available02:00
Jimmey__davecb, I think that if you delete the 'realplayer' folder in /home. and the .real.... in /home then that's about it02:00
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ompaulbasvg, have you skype installed? if so there is a thing called a DSP hijacker available from  !Seveas02:01
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ompaulbasvg, what?02:01
basvgompaul: hang on.. just noticed something weird02:01
cijoriAnyone got beagle >0.1.1 running?02:01
basvgompaul: if I insert the headphone *half* (not all of the plug, only half way) then I do hear sound02:02
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basvgif I insert all of it then sound is gone again02:02
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ompaulbasvg, that is not a software error :-(02:02
simonbasvg: try with another set of headphones02:02
morphixhmm?? "bin-path" => "/path/to/php-cgi"02:02
basvgompaul / simon : with headphone and without headphone => no sound, half inserting the headphone => sound02:03
basvgbizar, eh02:03
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ompaulbasvg, that is a hardware problem02:03
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basvgsounds like it :(02:03
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basvgapparently the laptop thinks a headphone is inserted whethere I insert a headphone or not02:04
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cijoriHi - Anyone got beagle >0.1.1 running?02:04
morphixall php is denied02:06
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cijoriAnyone running beagle > 0.1.102:07
basvgwell, thanks02:07
basvgcu all02:07
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ompaulcijori, we saw you the first time please wait about 15 minutes before you ask again02:07
cijorisorry - I've been having trouble with IRC02:07
cijoriwasn't sure if it'd worked02:08
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ompaulcijori, it would not be usual on 5.10 (used to be called breezy in its pre release days) however on Dapper the forthcoming release in June it will be running beagle: (indexing and search tool for your personal data), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 0.2.3-0ubuntu7 (dapper), Packaged size: 1139 kB, Installed size: 3128 kB02:09
ompaulcijori, and dapper discussion is in the channel #ubuntu+102:10
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nonix4hmm, gdm somehow went goofy on me - it says it's looking for some kind of a server but can't find any - thus, no login :-(02:11
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alumnoyou folkin your mother02:15
dj-fuwhat the hell. lol02:16
dj-fufolkin your mother, alumno.02:16
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Stormx2hey homiez02:16
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alumnoyou is very sily02:16
Goraxhas anybody else noticed that right-clicking the tabs in Firefox without left-clicking them first, occasionally opens a new tab?02:17
alumnotu chupar pollas02:18
xbox_skyalumno this is ENGLISH only02:18
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alumnoyour mother02:18
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xbox_skythank you02:19
Goraxalumno, how old are you? 12, or 13?02:19
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Goraxseriously, that stuff only amuses children :/02:19
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Goraxompaul wins :/02:20
ompaulbe nice02:20
ompaulis that a threat or a request :-)02:20
=== ompaul runs around the channel screaming be nice
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ompaulGorax, I am being very light hearted, I was accused eariler of not doing :PPPP enough or some such, I am seen as a lot more serious than I am02:22
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ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv402:23
GoraxI get told I do that too much ;)02:23
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digitalhav0chum now i have ubuntu-desktop installed02:25
welshbyteshouldn't ubotu have some nice informative help about IPv6 support on ubuntu when you type !ipv6, rather than telling you how to disable it in your web browser?02:25
digitalhav0cbut no screens were found02:25
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digitalhav0cwhats the command to configure xorg?02:25
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welshbytedpkg-reconfigure (xorg package) i think02:26
simondpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
ompauldigitalhav0c, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg (if confused choose vesa as card type to get get something working)02:26
gnomefreakdigitalhav0c: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:26
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=== ompaul kills the conversation with detail
GTroytooawakeuhmm how do you set it so that a program doesn't open full screen, thereby messing up my dual head?02:27
welshbyteompaul: there's always one.... ;)02:27
gnomefreakompaul: it never worked on my nvidia card :(02:27
ompaulgnomefreak, vesa never worked?02:27
gnomefreaknot once02:27
shrewduserwhat card02:27
shrewduserthats really very odd02:28
gnomefreaknvidia 520002:28
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ompaulgnomefreak, the res should be very low but it should work :-/02:28
gnomefreakompaul: ill try again02:28
=== ompaul gets annoyed with nvidia for being bad
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digitalhav0cyay dapper drake finally works for me02:29
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digitalhav0cbut now to install the nivida drivers02:29
ubotuI guess nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736802:29
allison_1984can someone help with this, I cannot seem to find/access the gui for system manager anymore02:29
ompaulohh dear guess thats not going to be the use case02:30
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ompaulallison_1984, sorry, which particular item is it you want to address or is it the whole system menu?02:31
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allison_1984ompaul: I wanted to change the screen resolution from 1200X to something like 800x600, and its not on the choice anymore and I can't find the gui for the system anymore02:32
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ompaulallison_1984, gksudo gnome-display-properties02:33
allison_1984ompaul: funny thing is there was this manager when I started with ubuntu, now its just disappeared...02:33
allison_1984ompaul: ok02:33
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ompaulallison_1984, also work with a program called "alacarte" that can help construct menus02:34
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ompaulallison_1984, or smeg actually02:34
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allison_1984ompaul: thing I don't understand is where did that manager go ?02:35
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ompaulallison_1984, I don't know what happened, but it is not a bug or everyone in here would be complaining02:36
allison_1984ompaul: just two choices I got, don't have the 800x600 choice..this will be a problem for viewing movies with subtitles02:36
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allison_1984ompaul: ok, could it be because I updated the kernel sometime ago02:36
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piptopyli, wa~~~~wget is so great02:37
ompaulallison_1984, so >> sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg << and make sure you have enough of the low end resolutions - and I still do not have an idea, no a kernel change should not impact your menus02:38
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piptopyli, I can make it02:38
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topylipip: tried and tested, works every time :)02:38
orbinallison_1984: that's the first time i'v eheard that of needing to lower resolution to watch a movie02:38
gnomefreakok it loaded than crashed but seems ok for now02:38
HackerGatesubuntu server italian02:38
HackerGateswhere is02:38
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!02:38
orbinHackerGates: #ubuntu-it02:38
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allison_1984orbin: esp if you have to use a projector; the subtitles and screen res..go sideways :)02:39
piptopyli, So good tool ,I am enjoying the song I've downloaded.02:39
HackerGatesbut i not find this server02:39
orbinallison_1984: oh, i see02:39
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gnomefreakHackerGates: if you go to #ubuntu-it its on same server you are on atm and they all speak italian02:40
_jasonHackerGates: type this: /join #ubuntu-it02:40
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robinl1how to get kahakai for ubuntu?02:40
allison_1984orbin: funnily it gets fixed when I decrease the screen res02:40
=== gnomefreak brb
wahjavaHi group02:41
orbinallison_1984: well, ompaul already told you how to possibly get 800 enabled.  but, what manager were you talking about that disappeared?02:41
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wahjavaI've added a new configuration /etc/dbus-1/system.d/ due to which dbus daemon fails to start02:42
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ompaulorbin, I think it is a set of menus on the panel02:42
wahjavahow do I know where is the problem ??02:42
wahjavaany log maintained by dbus ??02:42
allison_1984orbin: its the equivalent of the control panel in windoze02:42
allison_1984orbin: I had it in my menu sometime ago and now I can't seem to find it in my system...or maybe I am missing something ;)02:43
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wahjavaany body can help me out ??02:43
orbinallison_1984: er, gnome doesn't really have a control panel thingy02:43
_jasonallison_1984: run 'gnome-control-center' in a terminal.  Is that what you mean?  I believe it was removed from the menu since everything is in the menus already02:44
allison_1984orbin: it cannot be dementia on my part..hahahaha...I seem to remember some panel where I could reconfigure most of the applications02:45
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orbin_jason: ah, guess gnome does then :)02:45
allison_1984_jason: unless thats the answer02:45
_jasonallison_1984: hmm?02:45
gnomefreak_jason: its not in the gnome menu but is in the debian menu02:45
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orbinrobinl1: what is it?02:47
gnomefreakalso should be in xfce menu02:47
allison_1984well, anyway thanks for all the updates...I feel better02:47
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rio__when will ubutnu have boxed copies in the shops?02:48
_jasonallison_1984: you can add it back to your menu if you like it02:48
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gnomefreakrio__: never02:48
rio__even if they're 'pratically' free02:48
rio__or even free givawayas02:48
tarzeaurio__: when you open a shop, and put them up02:48
gnomefreakrio__: they are free you can get them from ship it02:49
allison_1984_jason: apt-get ?02:49
ompaulrio__, you have shown an interest in this why not open such a shop02:49
ConfidentiaLI just set up a server with proftp, but I have a rather strange problem. When I try to connect with a Windows machine, I get like a 10second delay before the login appears, but when I try with a linux machine, it pops up immediately. Any1 know what's causing it?02:49
_jasonallison_1984: application > system tools > applications menu editor, then just make a new shortcut that opens gnome-control-center02:49
rio__tarzeau, I gave some to a local IT shop who have put them up02:49
tarzeaurio__: nice02:49
rio__tarzeau, just wondering how aol get there stuff littered everywhere, costs alot of money i suppose02:50
tarzeaurio__: producing cds en masse is cheap02:50
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gnomefreakits almost impossible for ubuntu to put copies in stores since the releases come out in short intervals02:51
codecainehi I installed mscore fonts how do I get my fonts real nice like the webbrower fonts and the gui of ubuntu?02:51
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acid-tripwhats the installation canidate for php402:51
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orbinhypothetically,  they'd give them out for free?  or would they charge for them?02:52
_jasonacid-trip: php402:52
ompaul!info php402:52
gnomefreakacid-trip: sudo apt-get install php4 should install it02:52
ubotuphp4: (server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)), section universe/web, is optional. Version: 4:4.4.0-3 (breezy), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 24 kB02:52
_jasonubotu: tell acid-trip about lamp02:52
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acid-triprob@tribal:/var/www$ sudo apt-get install php402:52
acid-tripReading package lists... Done02:52
acid-tripBuilding dependency tree... Done02:52
acid-tripE: Couldn't find package php402:52
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_jasonacid-trip: php4 is in universe, php5 is in breezy main02:53
_jasonubotu: tell acid-trip about universe02:53
ompaulacid-trip, install a repo called universe I will get the bot to tell you about that - and DONT paste in here again02:53
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ubotuPlease don't flood the channel! For best results use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ and tell people the URL02:53
wahjavaany body can help me out with dbus ??02:54
gnomefreakacid-trip: did you enable universe repo yet?02:54
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acidspooncan anybody help me with the configuration of webdav?02:55
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ompaulHobbsee, u about?02:55
Hobbseeompaul: indeed02:55
acid-tripi did one02:55
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acid-tripit's one line can i paste it in here?02:55
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Hobbseeacid-trip: one line, yes02:55
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gnomefreakit never turns out to be one line if its from a browser02:56
acid-tripdeb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted <-- thats the one pasted02:56
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gnomefreakacid-trip: mirror max backports are no good any longer02:56
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gnomefreakacid-trip: and no thats not universe02:57
Jaseyhow do i install a *.deb package in ubuntu which is on my ubuntu desktop???02:57
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ubotuTo install a .deb file: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb  (but note that the program you want might be installable using !apt from the !repos)02:57
gnomefreakacid-trip: the line you are looking for should start with word deb and end with word universe02:57
acid-trip   deb http://www.grawert.net/ubuntu/ warty universe <-- that one?02:57
_jasonacid-trip: are you using hoary?02:57
acid-tripbreezy badger02:58
_jasonacid-trip: warty then?02:58
MrRioJasey: or when dapper is released you can double click on it02:58
_jasonacid-trip: you seem to have warty and hoary repos02:58
gnomefreakacid-trip: why do you have hoary and warty repos02:58
Jaseyyeah im waiting for dapper drake like mad02:58
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gnomefreakacid-trip: what does the command lsb_release -a02:58
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gnomefreakubotu tell acid-trip about sources02:59
gnomefreakacid-trip: you need to go to the breezy link that was sent to you and replace your list with the new one02:59
gnomefreakgksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list   is how to open it03:00
acid-tripi did03:00
acid-tripi nano'ed my sources.list03:00
acid-tripand uncommented the universe sources03:00
gnomefreakacid-trip: did you apt-get update?03:00
jan_hi, how do I uninstall something installed through wine? it's a partypoker install, and there is no uninstall file.03:00
acid-tripgnomefreak, yes i did03:01
orbingnomefreak: that syntax won't work03:01
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gnomefreakorbin: what wont?03:01
_jasonacid-trip: you don't need to just uncomment.  You need to delete what you have and replace them with the proper ones for breezy03:01
orbinat least on my box03:01
orbingnomefreak: the command you posted.  try it03:01
acid-tripwhatever i did it worked03:01
acid-tripcause it installed php4 for me03:01
gnomefreakgksudo gedit?03:01
gnomefreakit works here03:02
Nameeaterwhere is the recently opened stuff kept? (places-> recent)03:02
_jasonacid-trip: you should still fix your sources :)03:02
acid-tripbut now how do i reconfigure apache203:02
orbingnomefreak: w/ the filename?03:02
gnomefreakyes as i typed it03:02
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_jasongnomefreak: you should do gksudo 'gedit /etc/apt/sources.list' with the quotes because it works for some, but for others (including me) it opens the wrong path03:02
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gnomefreakorbin: you might have to put " around the file name (someone said that yesterday) but it always worked for me hoary breezy and dapper03:03
orbin_jason: finally an explanation! thankyou03:03
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orbin_jason: why is it hit and miss?03:03
Hobbseehi Seveas03:03
Seveashi Hobbsee03:03
_jasonorbin: no idea03:04
gnomefreak_jason: that might be a breezy thing than and somewhat new i would say03:04
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Stormx2Seveas: Who'd you just ban?03:04
_jasongnomefreak: good point03:04
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steveireI can't get through to http://www.ubuntuforums.org03:04
Feddarciao a tutti...c'e' qualcuno che parla italiano?03:04
ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!03:04
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SeveasStormx2, myself, had to test something03:04
gnomefreaki couldnt think of a reason they should need them since the file paths can have them in it03:04
Feddargrazie e scusate...03:04
Stormx2Seveas: I thought that, but it was like, double-you tee eff?! o.O03:04
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Dutchyis "save current setup" the only way to let programs start at boot?03:05
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steveirecan anyone else get through to the site?03:05
Kamping_KaiserDutchy, no, htere is a startup manager app03:05
jan_Seveas, could you please tell me how i uninstall a program install with wine?03:05
Dutchyah ok ill go find that03:05
Stormx2steveire: Which?03:05
Seveasjan_, run its uninstaller I guess03:05
gnomefreakjan_: some windows installers are also uninstallers03:06
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dj-fugjust rm -rf it03:06
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gnomefreakbut dealling with wine if wine file.exe doesnt work than not sure i dont play with wine03:06
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jan_Seveas, yeah, but there is none..03:07
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Seveasjan_, then I wouldn't know...03:07
jan_Seveas, ok, thanks03:07
Kamping_Kaiserjan_, then look up what that programs needs to uninstall03:07
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gnomefreakjan_: try #winehq they would know more03:07
Kamping_Kaiserits the program youneed to research, not wine ;)03:07
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jan_gnomefreak, thanks!03:08
gnomefreakKamping_Kaiser: i was thinking amybe there is a flag to remove03:08
jan_/ join #winehq03:08
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jan_join #winehq03:08
Kamping_Kaisergnomefreak,  maybe, mabye not. depends on app03:08
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Kamping_Kaiserjan_, /join03:08
gnomefreakjan_: no space between / and the j03:08
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Kamping_Kaiserhi Delgul_at_work03:09
Kamping_Kaiserhi delta03:09
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deltaIs there any tee shirts (for example) for kids on ubuntu shop?03:10
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_jasondelta: you cna get the shirts in kids sizes afaik03:10
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_jasondelta: http://www.cafepress.com/ubuntushop.14580507 , see in the size it has kids small, kids medium, and so on03:11
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acid-tripwhy wont php4 allow my gallery2 to work?03:11
_jason!doesn't work03:11
ubotuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day?  Does it want more money?  Is it on IRC all the time?  Please be specific!  Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.03:11
_jasonhmm that got changed huh03:11
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mod^What is the "information_schema" -table in MySQL?03:11
delta_jason, I'm looking but can't find them. I'm not native english and not familiar with us sizes :) would you mind to drop an eye on the page and see if I'm looking wrong? :)03:11
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delta_jason, oh, let me see.03:12
delta_jason, cool, thanks a lot :)03:12
_jasondelta: np03:12
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acid-tripfor some starnge reason apache wont parse gallery203:13
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Richewis it safe to install windows if i have ubuntu installed in another partition.. would the grub loader still work?03:15
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gnomefreakRichew: install the other way03:15
gnomefreakwindows first ubuntu second (best bet) or you can fix grub with ubuntu live cd03:16
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acid-trip_jason, you know anything about the php4 and apache for ubuntu?03:17
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acid-tripi guess i should of built the dep for them03:17
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Richewmy problem would be, i'll lose all i have in ubuntu if i reinstall it =( any possible way to install windows safely in a system w/ ubuntu initially installed?03:18
_jasonacid-trip: is php working on a simple php test page?03:18
gnomefreakRichew: winxp?03:18
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acid-trip_jason, i'm trying to get gallery2 working03:19
acid-tripbut it wont even let me open the first page03:19
_jasonacid-trip: make sure php is working03:19
gnomefreakwin 2000 is hit or miss with grub win xp will over write/erase grub so you will need live cd to fix it03:19
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gnomefreakyay only 2 more hours of updates left03:20
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acid-trip_jason, is www.strangeland.com php?03:21
_jasonacid-trip: is that your domain?03:21
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acid-tripi need a cheap php code03:22
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Richewgnomefreak: yep, winxp03:22
_jasonacid-trip: <?php phpinfo(); ?> <--- put that in a page on your server and see if it works03:22
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gnomefreakubotu tell Richew about grub03:22
gnomefreakRichew: in your pm will help you restor grub03:23
Tusnalanybody know any site or something to decide which window manager use?03:23
acid-trip_jason, yeah it shows up03:23
welshbyteTusnal: i wish i could answer that but window managers are a matter of religious preference. you just have to try a few and see if you like them :)03:24
_jasonacid-trip: well at least now you know it's actually your gallery2 thing that isn't working03:25
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gnomefreakgallery2 hasnt worked since it appeared03:25
acid-tripi figured out my gallery203:25
gravesonhas anyone seen this error : atkbd.c: Unknown key pressed (translated set 2, code 0xbb on isa0060/serio0).03:25
gnomefreakit didnt work in dapper nor breezy for me03:25
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welshbytegraveson: breezy, right?03:26
Traegnomefreak, #gallery-support ?03:26
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gravesonwelshbyte: yes03:26
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gnomefreakTrae: i gave up on it lol long time ago03:26
Traegnomefreak, they've been quite helpful to me in the past03:26
welshbytegraveson: breezy does that03:26
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gnomefreakacid-trip: you might want to try there03:26
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Tusnalwelshbyte: i know .. but i just want a site to vote or read about users .. any idea?03:27
gravesonwelshbyte: any fix ,because my alt+f1 ..... is not working03:27
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welshbyteTusnal: nope, sorry03:27
gnomefreakgraveson: make sure num locks key is on03:27
errpast-wcOn firefox for Linux, what config associates media players with file types.03:27
welshbytegraveson: hm, no idea03:27
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errpast-wcI want to open an embedded video link on a page, but mplayer is associated with it.03:28
gnomefreak^^^ if you are trying to get a tty03:28
errpast-wcThe link used to work with Flash03:28
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dj-futhat'd be the mplayer mozilla plugin :p03:28
gnomefreakerrpast-wc: flash video?03:28
welshbytegnomefreak: alt+f1 brings up the applications menu03:28
orbingraveson: window manager, or desktop environment?03:28
gnomefreakwelshbyte: i know that i came in at last sec sorry but i did learn that today :(03:29
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gravesonorbin: gnome03:29
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scrptjoin #gentoo03:29
welshbytegnomefreak: no need to be sorry ;)03:29
pipI cant compile my .c file03:29
orbingraveson: sorry, that was meant for Tusnal03:29
gnomefreakpip: sudo apt-get install build-essential03:30
Tusnalorbin: what ?03:30
orbinTusnal: window manager, or desktop environment?03:30
errpast-wcgnomefreak: is there no such thing?03:30
gnomefreakafter that is installed pip than try still have issues feel free to ask03:30
_jasonpip: have you installed the build-essential package03:30
orbinthere's a difference apparently03:30
Tusnalorbin: both really03:30
pipI have instlled gcc-4.0 gcc-4.0-base gcc ,but why?03:30
gnomefreakerrpast-wc: huh?03:30
errpast-wcreason I say Flash, is that when I first opened that link, Mozilla requested I install a Flash plugin03:30
orbinTusnal: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=409027 and http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/showthread.php?t=40902803:31
errpast-wcI installed the plugin, and the video played.03:31
_jasongnomefreak: you're getting too fast for me03:31
gnomefreakpip: build-essential is needed03:31
gnomefreak_jason: lol03:31
=== Tusnal checking
orbinTusnal: there's craploads of polls like that out there.  whether or not you believe in the valu of statistics ....03:31
gnomefreakerrpast-wc: no such thing as what errpast-wc  you lost me03:31
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orbinTusnal: that's another issue altogether03:32
Tusnalorbin: thats sweet thx mate03:32
welshbytepip: what errors are you getting anyway?03:32
Tusnalorbin: i am kinda sick of use the same .. wanna test new stuff03:32
gnomefreakiirc build-essential has header files that you need to compile C code03:32
errpast-wc1) wanted to open an embedded link on a web page 2) opened link, and received message, "please install plugin"03:32
ConfidentiaLI just set up a server with proftp, but I have a rather strange problem. When I try to connect with a Windows machine, I get like a 10second delay before the login appears, but when I try with a linux machine, it pops up immediately. Any1 know what's causing it?03:32
pipwelshbyte, I have instlled gcc-4.0 gcc-4.0-base gcc ,but I cant compile .c file03:32
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gnomefreakerrpast-wc: and the plugin being flash?03:33
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errpast-wc3) Installed plugin, which was flash (I think...) 4) video played.  5) about an hour later, video failed to play03:33
welshbytepip: what happens when you try?03:33
errpast-wc6) wondered what I had changed.  Didn't think I changed anything03:33
gnomefreakerrpast-wc: did you install flash from the restricted site?03:33
pipwelshbyte, error: stdio.h: no such file or dir03:33
ubotuInstallation & troubleshooting for Flash is covered in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats03:34
errpast-wc7) Installed mplyaer plugin 8) try and open embedded link again 9) mplayer launches, but fails to open video successfully03:34
gnomefreakpip: once again install build-essential03:34
pipgnomefreak, I want to know what does build-essential do in detail ?03:34
welshbytepip: build-essential should install the standard C libraries for you03:34
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welshbytepip: among other things03:34
pipwelshbyte, OK! I see03:35
errpast-wc10) thinking is that if I could just associate the embedded link video type with flash, then maybe I could get video to play again03:35
gnomefreakpip: stdio.h is a needed header file for C coding you can get it from build-essential03:35
pipgnomefreak, Thank you03:35
gnomefreakpip: its a meta package of things you need to build03:35
dasenjoHi, I want to activate xdmcp in my box ... it works, but takes too long (about 10 minutes) to be detected by another hosts ... can you help me?03:35
errpast-wcgnomefreak: Not sure if I installed Flash from restricted site or not?03:35
ubotuI guess b-e is no make ?  you need build-essential or if you get errors saying gcc cannot create executables, or that you can't find header files like stdio.h, you need to do a    sudo aptitude install build-essential.03:35
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gnomefreakerrpast-wc: you on 386?03:35
errpast-wcI'm on a P3 Dell Inspiron 4000.  That would be 586, no?03:36
gnomefreakerrpast-wc: ok ar eyou on ppc or 64bit?03:36
gnomefreak386-586 so on are all the same03:36
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gnomefreakubotu tell errpast-wc about flash03:36
errpast-wcgnomefreak: OK 386-586 all the same.03:36
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gnomefreakwhatever installs on 386 will install on the rest03:36
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gnomefreakerrpast-wc: speed is only thing different iirc and not too noticible03:37
ConfidentiaLI just set up a server with proftp, but I have a rather strange problem. When I try to connect with a Windows machine, I get like a 10second delay before the login appears, but when I try with a linux machine, it pops up immediately. Any1 know what's causing it?03:37
autosuggestedgnomefreak: I've always been confused by that dialog during installation - why are there 386, 586, 686 kernels if they are all the same?03:37
errpast-wcgnomefreak: ok, got that about 386.  Still wondering why this embedded video worked in  beginning, and not now03:37
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gnomefreakautosuggested: speed of processer03:37
Mendhello everybody!03:38
autosuggestedgnomefreak: Kernels optimised for different speeds?03:38
gnomefreaki386 = intell 386mhz03:38
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void^a 386 doesn't have mmx or anything fancy.03:38
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void^a pentium-mmx (586) doesn't have sse.03:39
Mendi wanna play .rm files in ubuntu. Totem can't play .ram or .rm files. What player do u suggest? It must be free and able to be installed from source03:39
void^and a number of less obvious differences03:39
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_jasonMend: mplayer with w32codecs03:39
oxigendoes anyone have file install_flash_player_7_linux.tar.gz ...ftp is down :/03:39
_jasonMend: what do you mean by free? as in beer or as in speech?03:39
orbinMend: helixplayer?03:39
autosuggestedvoid^: But it doesn't really matter that I'm installing i386 debs and the like?03:39
Mend_jason: where can i get them?03:40
errpast-wcHow does firefox decide which media file to associate with which media player?03:40
_jasonubotu: tell Mend about mplayer03:40
cachedMend: Google03:40
_jasonubotu: tell Mend about w32codecs03:40
gnomefreakoxigen: either wait till back up or download the tar and compile it yourself03:40
Mendorbin: can it play .rm files?03:40
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gnomefreakerrpast-wc: in the settings it will have a default player03:40
orbinMend: i always see it recommended over realplayer03:40
void^autosuggested: no, just as long as you don't use 686 on a 486.03:40
oxigengnomefreak: where is tar?03:40
autosuggestedvoid^: Thanks for clearing that up!03:41
gnomefreakoxigen: macromedia.com?03:41
cf_ConfidentiaL: Have you checked your name-resolution?03:41
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gnomefreakoxigen: its non-free so you will have to read the instructions to do it03:41
=== gnomefreak would wait
Mendorbin: could u tell me where i can download it?03:41
Mendorbin: tarball only.03:42
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.03:42
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Stormx2Ah ha03:42
DewDudetalking in third person also makes you look like an idiot.03:42
=== gnomefreak wants FF to stop messing with me but it wont happen
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orbinMend: https://player.helixcommunity.org/03:43
Stormx2gnomefreak: use galeon 03:43
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orbinMend: why compile though? it's in the repos03:43
oxigengnomefreak, thank you, it is up again! :)03:43
Stormx2DewDude: stu-fuu03:43
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cachedaistan: google03:44
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cachedathcsx: google03:44
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cachedekedahl: google03:44
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scorchsaberHey, whats up with this peice of code at the bottom:03:45
cachedbliss1_: google03:45
scorchsaberif __name__ == '__main__':03:45
scorchsaber    main()03:45
bliss1_hi all03:45
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_jasoncached: stop03:45
cached_jason: fine03:45
Mendorbin: my dialup in ubuntu is very slow. I hate ubuntu's ppp connection. it doesn't show any progress whether u r connected or not. so i download tarballs from windows then install them in linux03:45
bliss1_cached; what03:45
scorchsaberWhat if I change __name__?03:45
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_jasonscorchsaber: http://www.diveintopython.org/getting_to_know_python/testing_modules.html03:46
rambo3channame is a variable03:46
[Chameleon] cached: LOL, are you trying to pre-emptively strike the idiots?03:46
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=== meta_ is now known as meta
scorchsaberthanks _jason03:46
OmegHi everyone03:46
gnomefreak_jason: hes trolling in off-topic too03:46
bliss1_cached; google meaning03:46
OmegI just downloaded a demo of Sim City 3000. Upon trying to run it, I get an error message:03:46
Omeg./sc3u_demo: relocation error: ./sc3u_demo: symbol _dl_global_scope, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference03:46
orbinMend: heh, that's a horrible way to do things.  what happens when you have dependencies and need libraries etc.?  i use gnome-pp personally, and the network monitor applet.  that'll give you indication of net activity03:46
cached[chameleon] : pretty much03:47
OmegSo I guess I need to get GLIBC_2.0?03:47
[Chameleon] cached: heh03:47
gnomefreakbliss1_: dont worry about it03:47
OmegI tried looking for it in the repositories, but couldn't find it.03:47
gnomefreakbliss1_: he just picked a name03:47
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bliss1_gnomefreak: hi ok if ompual was here he would have to deal with him i suppose03:48
Mendorbin: my modem was winmodem. after installing slmodem ubuntu recognized it. but gnome-pp doesn't recognize it. it says modem can't found03:48
scorchsaber_jason: THats a neat trick. Thanks03:48
OmegAnybody who can tell me what to get to fix this?03:48
ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee03:48
orbinMend: did you specify the right device line?03:48
Seveasgnomefreak, ?03:48
scorchsaberOops: This is the wrong channel03:48
orbinMend: or tried wvdial?03:48
Mendorbin: i use Administration>Networking but it is very slow03:48
gnomefreakcache is trolling here and offtipc03:48
Hobbseewhat's the problem?03:48
gnomefreakoff-topic eve03:48
cachedgnomefreak: i shut up after _jason told me to03:49
morglerjust installed ubuntu, but it doesn't allow access to my NTFS hardrive :(03:49
Mendorbin: i guess it uses wvdial but i didn't install it03:49
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OmegCan anyone help me with my problem?03:49
gnomefreakcached: you didnt in offtopic03:49
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bliss1_cached: that's ok i am just a baby here i cry often03:49
orbinMend: admin-networking is not gnome-ppp or wvdial03:49
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morglerwhen i try to access the hda5, it tells me i did not have the access rights???03:50
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orbinMend: i'd try wvdial first.  then use gnome-pp as a gui if it works03:50
Mendorbin: i know. but gnome-pp didn't recognize the modem03:50
ConfidentiaLcf_ : name-resolution??? in my config file, or?03:50
HobbseeSeveas: on a role there :P03:50
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SeveasHobbsee, showing off my   BOFH skillz03:50
Mendorbin: is wvdial in ubuntu packages?03:50
orbinMend: sudo apt-get wvdial03:50
autosuggestedmorgler: What does the entry for hda5 in /etc/fstab look like?03:50
orbin*apt-get install03:50
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Stormx2uhg I cant find the ruddy wiki page on getting sound in firefox03:51
OmegDoes anybody know what this error message could mean? ./sc3u_demo: relocation error: ./sc3u_demo: symbol _dl_global_scope, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file ld-linux.so.2 with link time reference03:51
Stormx2maybe its restricted formats... hmm03:51
[Chameleon] Omeg: the problem is that loki basically hard-coded to the then current GLIBC.03:51
Mendorbin: i wanna install it from tarball03:51
[Chameleon] Omeg: and don't repeat yourself03:51
_jasonStormx2: for flash player in firefox or something else?03:51
gnomefreakStormx2: what format are you trying to play?03:51
orbinMend: actually, it's on the ubuntu cd03:51
OmegSorry, but nobody was helping me. Thus I repeated myself.03:51
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orbinMend: actually, i think it's installed by default...03:51
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Stormx2gnomefreak, _jason, flash. But it is in RestrictedFormats03:52
[Chameleon] Omeg: I was typing... Anyway, AFAIK there is NO way to run older games like that on newer GLIBC's03:52
Stormx2Taking a look at it now.03:52
[Chameleon] Omeg: are you on Breezy or Dapper?03:52
bliss1_just one question before going to work if i am building a kernel and i am woo i am in usr/src and about to run make meuconfig but if i have a working config what do i do/ go into that directory and run what ?03:52
gnomefreakStormx2: yes03:52
Mendorbin: how it is configured then if exists?03:52
OmegI'm on Breezy.03:52
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gnomefreakStormx2: assuming your not on ppc or 64bit it should work03:52
orbinMend: ok, you might want to write this down:03:52
ricardo_anyone can help me with my network connection?03:53
morglerthe NTFS hardrive seems to be mounted, but when double clicking on it, it says i would not have access rights. but i am logged in as default user (who should have admin rights)03:53
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glimphelp how do i change profile?03:53
_jasonubotu: tell morgler about ntfs03:53
gnomefreakmorgler: did you use sudo?03:53
autosuggestedricardo_: What kind of connection: ethernet, wireless?03:53
_jasonmorgler: you need to mount with the proper poermissions (see the table in the wiki)03:53
morgleri can access my FAT32 hdd, but not the NTFS (W2K) - wahts wrong?03:53
=== gnomefreak thinks to mount pretty much anything nneding rights you need to use sudo
orbinMend: [1]  sudo wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf ... if it detects your modem: [2]  gksudo 'gedit /etc/wvdial.conf' [3]  enter and uncomment account details [4]  type: sudo wvdial  to connect03:54
ricardo_does anyone know why I cant configure the default gateway device when I use a static ip adress?03:55
Omeg[Chameleon] :  I guess it isn't really possible for me to run this program, then?03:55
bliss1_well i could ask someone but rules state i should not03:55
OmegUnless I were to downgrade, which is something I don't think is much of a good solution.03:55
[Chameleon] Omeg: AFAIK it is not. I'd love to hear otherwise... I'm not doing much else, so let me research it. please stand by.03:55
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gnomefreakbliss1_: what rules prevent you from asking a question?03:56
autosuggestedricardo: What does your /etc/network/interfaces look like?03:56
glimphelo can anyone help how do i change profile? i screwed up and cant browse my bookmarks in firefox03:56
autosuggestedricardo_, under your network connection does it have "gateway" or similar?03:56
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gnomefreakglimp: you will find the profile in /home/username/.mozilla   or /home/username/.firefox03:57
bliss1_gnomefreak: i asked a question to the channel and I thoght its polite to wait for an answer rather than impose on someone could be wrong03:57
kbrookshi :P03:57
[Chameleon] Omeg: BTW, one possible solution may be to use dchroot to basically install a parallel Debian/Ubuntu version... I know some PPL on AMD64 setup an i386 dchroot to run 32-bit firefox plugins and win32codecs.03:57
glimpokey thanks gnomefreak03:57
kbrooksbliss1_: you CAN always repeat if you arent getting the help you need03:57
gnomefreakbliss1_: oh ok03:57
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kbrooksbliss1_: just dont do it every 2 seconds or even 2 minutes03:58
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gnomefreakbuilding kernel :(03:58
ricardo_my /etc/network/interfaces has only one network interface (the primary)03:58
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ricardo_and it reads03:58
Mendorbin: thanks. one more question: what is .bin extention in linux? is it like .exe in windows?03:58
OmegYou mean install two versions of GLIBC?03:58
ricardo_iface eth0 inet dhcp03:58
bliss1_kbrooks: ye  ok I am just a guide on the side not a sage on the stage03:58
ricardo_auto eth003:58
welshbyteMend: extensions mean nothing, essentially03:58
autosuggestedFirst problem is that you have it set for dhcp.03:58
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ricardo_but i had to configure to dhcp03:59
Mendwelshbyte: but it says "installer"03:59
[Chameleon] Omeg: I mean basically two distros.03:59
ricardo_so that i could connect with the internet03:59
welshbyteMend: but generally people name binary files .bin03:59
autosuggestedIf you want a static ip, you can't have dhcp at the same time!03:59
Mendwelshbyte: what does it mean?03:59
ricardo_ok, but with static ip i wouldn't be here... :)04:00
welshbyteMend: it's likely to be an executable (although it'll need to be chmoded +x for it to really be executable)04:00
Mendwelshbyte: how are they installed? like next, next, finish as in windows?04:00
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OmegI don't think that's really an option... I doubt this old laptop would have enough disk space to handle two separate distros, let alone leave enough space to be able to adequately use them.04:00
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welshbyteMend: depends on the programmer of the installer04:00
[Chameleon] Omeg: well, fortunately you mostly just need the libraries04:00
bliss1_gnomefreak: almost forgot happy easter04:01
Mendwelshbyte: ok04:01
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cf_Confidentia: no, i meant your windows-box. check the node-type of the ethernet-adapter and if it's using netbios first!04:01
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autosuggestedricardo_: Yeah I know! ;) No worries, but if you want a static ip your /etc/network/interfaces will have to look something like the first entry for eth0 on http://www.servepath.com/support/debian_ip_configuration.htm04:01
gnomefreakbliss1_: happy easter to you too04:02
[Chameleon] Omeg: I installed an Ubuntu Dapper base i386 chroot earlier today and it's only 191MB.04:02
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Omeg[Chameleon] :  I seem to have found a sort of how-to, but it's not very clear to me exactly what I need to do with its instructions: http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Running_Old_Loki_Games#Sim_City_300004:02
glimpthanks gnomefreak i got it, phew, i amost bang my head on the wall i thought i'd erase my bookmarks lol,04:02
autosuggestedricardo_: Before you head off and do something crazy, backup your /etc/network/interfaces04:02
ricardo_Ok... Do I have to specify the broadcast address?04:03
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glimpby the way how can i make a directory hidden what is the command?04:03
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MendI have problem with php. when i open .php files from localhost it yields error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line". Anyone can help?04:04
Valehru_FedoraHi there guys04:04
[Chameleon] Omeg: checking it out...04:04
Valehru_FedoraIm making the switch from Fedora to Ubuntu04:04
Valehru_Fedoranever used a debian system04:04
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: good for you. My wife and I did the same after FC3. You'll find it a refreshing experience with much less bloat.04:04
Valehru_Fedoraand I want to know how I can easily setup a repository using the apt command,...04:04
Larsson-SwedenIn Breezy i restarted my sound server with /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload , but in dapper there is only a modul called alsa-utils, and it isnt properly restarted. Xine froze and it is hanging upp my soundcard.04:04
Valehru_FedoraIM using FC5 and cannot run cedega at all...not happy with it..04:05
MendI have problem with php. when i open .php files from localhost it yields error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line". Anyone can help?04:05
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: so you plan to use dchroot on your AMD64 system?04:05
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Valehru_Fedorathis is just a quick fix at the moment04:06
morgleri tried to use sudo to mount my NTFS device (as described in the wiki), but it still says i have no access rights :(04:06
Valehru_Fedoralong story...anyhow..04:06
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[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: what then? I've been researching the same and it appears that the solution involves dchroot.04:06
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: /query me if you want to compare notes04:06
_jasonmorgler: did you change the permissions it got mounted with?04:06
rambo3you mount it in sudo you have to acess with sudo04:06
morglerthe device (hda5) is also present in the fstab file and thus should be mounted automatically when starting ubuntu, right?04:06
MendI have problem with php. when i open .php files from localhost it yields error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line". Anyone can help?04:06
Valehru_Fedorasolution for cedega and fedora04:06
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_jasonmorgler: unless you use the 'noauto' option, yes04:07
Valehru_Fedorathat problem is with gnome-mount04:07
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: cedega and Ubuntu04:07
rambo3morgler,  only if you have auto in fstab04:07
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: http://cedegawiki.sweetleafstudios.com/index.php?title=Ubuntu04:07
_jasonmorgler: can you paste the fstab line corresponding to it?04:07
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Valehru_Fedorano ..don't have ubuntu installed yet..04:07
Valehru_Fedorajust about to install it now..04:07
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: ah, well, that might be helpful anyway04:07
Valehru_Fedorabut Im worried that Ill be stuck in text mode..04:07
Larsson-SwedenIn Breezy i restarted my sound server with /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload , but in dapper there is only a modul called alsa-utils, and it isnt properly restarted. Xine froze and it is hanging upp my soundcard.04:07
orbinValehru_Fedora: define "setup an apt repos"?04:07
Valehru_Fedoraand as I don't have a second laptop with me I can't come online to compare notes04:07
Valehru_Fedoraa repository where I can get files from04:08
morgler/dev/hda1       /media/hda1     ntfs    defaults        0       004:08
morgler/dev/hda5       /media/hda5     ntfs    defaults        0       004:08
Valehru_FedoraFor fedora is known as livna04:08
MendI have problem with php. when i open .php files from localhost it yields error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line". Anyone can help?04:08
Valehru_FedoraI think..04:08
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: the /etc/apt/sources.list contains the repository setup.04:08
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morglerthe problem occurs with both NTFS partitions04:08
Valehru_Fedorafrom what I remember..04:08
[Chameleon] livna is one of the apt-rpm repos04:08
_jasonmorgler: the wiki has a table listing ways to get permissions, did you see it?04:08
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orbinValehru_Fedora: yes, but what do you mean by setup?  you want to make your own, you want to enable the extra ones?04:08
Valehru_Fedoradoes the default one have the nvidia drivers?04:08
arrickanyone, I would like to host multiple websites on my ubuntu/apache2 server, anyone know how to set this up?04:08
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Valehru_Fedorawell there is a default one I presume...04:09
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MendI have problem with php. when i open .php files from localhost it yields error: "failed to open stream: Permission denied in Unknown on line". Anyone can help?04:09
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[Chameleon] the main site for apt-rpm is http://apt.freshrpms.net04:09
Valehru_FedoraIm just wondering is there an apt command I could get the nvidia drivers set up for ubuntu?04:09
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: yeah, piece of cake04:09
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orbinubotu: tell Valehru_Fedora about repos04:09
_jasonmorgler: it's in the ``Editing Ubuntu's filesystem table'' section04:10
Valehru_Fedoraorbin: yeah...was talking about the extra ones..04:10
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morgleri used another wiki article (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountNtfsOnBoot?highlight=%28mount%29). i will read throguh yours04:10
orbinValehru_Fedora: you'll need to enable "universe" for the nvidia driver iirc04:10
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Valehru_Fedoraok...that just involves uncommenting the repo file right?04:10
AnjayHi all. I'm trying to partition my hard drive with gparted via ubuntu live cd, yet for some reason it won't work, can anyone help?04:11
Valehru_Fedorawhats the apt command to get the drivers installed?04:11
arrickmornin orbin04:11
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: when you have Ubuntu installed, use Synaptic Package Manager (graphical apt) or dselect (nice text-mode UI) and install the restricted modules.04:11
Valehru_Fedoraonce I have the universe repo enabled?04:11
orbin'lo arrick04:11
Valehru_Fedorajust dselect...04:11
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[Chameleon] !enter04:11
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.04:11
Valehru_FedoraIt will definitely be from the text mode.04:11
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: why do you say that?04:11
orbinubotu: tell Valehru_Fedora about nvidia04:12
arrickorbin, hoping someone is here that can answer my question, missing IdleOne right now04:12
[Chameleon] orbin: good call04:12
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FrysNo managable screens found on display :0.0 <--- why do i keep getting that error when i try to run compiz?04:12
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[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: BTW, once you get the binary driver installed, you should check into XGL / compiz.04:12
=== welshbyte ponders how a newline is spam.... flooding maybe, but not spam
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: it's supa-fly.04:12
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Richewwhat app can extract .rar archives04:13
ppastorno hableis en ingles04:13
[Chameleon] welshbyte: I agree, but them's the rules.04:13
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Valehru_FedoraChameleon: why do you think Im switching?04:13
[Chameleon] !es04:13
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.04:13
morgleri replaced the "default" in fstab with the options given in the wiki table for NTFS (ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000). but i still cant access the partition.04:13
=== orangizer [n=zener@106.Red-81-32-178.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
orbinRichew: unrar04:14
welshbyte[Chameleon] : yep i agree with the rule, just picky about syntax :)04:14
_jasonmorgler: unmount and then mount again04:14
[Chameleon] :)04:14
ppastorno te entiendo morgler04:14
morglerin the media folder the two ntfs devices hab a red cross04:14
orbinmorgler: did you remount it?04:14
morglerjust did a sudo mount -a04:14
ppastorarrick no hables en ingles04:14
_jasonmorgler: you have to umount them and then do that04:14
_jasonppastor: /join #ubuntu-es04:14
mabusHow do you make mplayer take up the whole screen. Not just, the black part. But the actual video.04:15
arrickppastor, please type /join #ubuntu-es04:15
_jasonmabus: choose xv as the video output04:15
[Chameleon] arrick: aye carumba04:15
orbin_jason: ah, so that's the fix.04:15
arrick[Chameleon] , no comprende espanol?04:15
morglerit works :). thank you so much :))04:16
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orangizeri have an ovislink wl-800004:16
orangizerdoes anybody know how can i configure it?04:16
arrickanyone, I would like to host multiple websites on my ubuntu/apache2 server, anyone know how to set this up?04:17
[Chameleon] arrick: heh, a little. I tried to tell him to join the spanish chat's too... and he quit right when you did the same.04:17
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Valehru_Fedoraok...so once I have edited the sources.list for the repos I just run "sudo apt-get update"04:17
[Chameleon] arrick: frustrating.04:17
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Valehru_Fedorathen dselcect?04:17
Valehru_FedoraIs there a selection there then for nvidia?04:17
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orbinanyone else get a server message re: jadoob?04:18
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_jasonorbin: he pinged the channel04:18
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enquestI added a ethernet card in my computer but Ubuntu doesn't reconize it on start-up... How can I tell ubuntu. Hey look for that new card?04:18
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orbin_jason: ah04:18
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: search (using / ) for the restricted-modules04:18
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arrick[Chameleon] , you just saw all I undestand of spanish ebsides swearing, which I dont make a practice of, but used to hear all the time when I was younger,, managing  meat cutting plant04:19
[Chameleon] arrick: ditto04:19
[Chameleon] arrick: but less meat packing.04:19
=== martyn [n=martyn@82-40-128-118.cable.ubr02.pert.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Gambit-hey guys, I'm noticing strange hiccups when ssh'ed into my ubuntu server on the local network, any ideas what might be causing it?04:19
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martyni just installed a new hard drive how can i format if to FAT3204:20
Valehru_Fedoraprefer the french swearing....its like wiping your ass with silk04:20
kingspawnmartyn: well, use fdisk to create a partition, then mkfs.vfat on that partition04:20
Gambit-I'll do an 'ls -la' and it will just hang for a half second.04:20
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martynkingspawn: how do i do that04:20
[Chameleon] martyn: mkfs.vfat04:20
Frogzoowhoever was looking at starcraft under wine earlier, this might be the go: http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wiwimod/index.php?page=HOWTO+Starcraft04:20
arrickDid anyone know that apache2 has ssh built into it? Why did i install ssh server?04:20
orbinValehru_Fedora: so true.  anything sounds good in french04:20
AskHLHello, my friend has a really crappy screen which cannot use text mode (don't ask). Thus we need a graphical boot loader. Is it possible to enable a graphical interface somehow? Perhaps it is necessary to install another boot loader, such as lilo?04:21
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: heh, nice Matrix quote04:21
kingspawnmartyn: fdisk /dev/hdx, where x is your newly installed disk04:21
Valehru_Fedorabut can you actually understand the matrix quote?04:21
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Valehru_FedoraUsed to teach french and go out with a lot of francaises04:21
Valehru_Fedoranice way to learn the language04:21
=== [Chameleon] likes french fries
martynkingspawn: says it is unable to open it04:21
Valehru_FedoraConcentrating on Chinese at the moment04:21
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[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: nii hao ma04:22
kingspawnmartyn: well, you exchange the 'x' with ie 'a' or 'b' or wherever you installed the disk04:22
Valehru_Fedorahen hao04:22
[Chameleon] :)04:22
Valehru_Fedorani ne?04:22
=== Deep7 is now known as Deep6
kingspawnmartyn: dmesg | grep hd might be helpful04:22
martynkingspawn: lol i did that mate id hdb04:22
Valehru_Fedoraworking in a software company here04:22
kingspawnmartyn: ah, good04:22
kingspawnmartyn: put sudo in front of fdisk04:22
[Chameleon] martyn: you might try gparted / kparted04:22
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Valehru_Fedoranot bad for a scut from Ireland...04:22
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: :)04:23
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martyn[Chameleon] : what are they04:23
martynkingspawn: still get unable to read04:24
imdathi! is there anyone can help me about media players on ubuntu?04:24
[Chameleon] martyn: graphical partition create/edit/resize tools04:24
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kingspawnmartyn: sure the new disk is hdb?04:24
[Chameleon] martyn: based on parted command line tool04:24
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welshbyteimdat: yes lots of people04:24
kingspawnmartyn: dmesg | grep hd if you're not sure04:24
orbinimdat: just ask04:24
martynkingspawn: yeah its an old HD out my xbox old 8 gig thing but it works fine04:24
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imdatvlc and totem does not work on my laptop04:25
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imdatI'm using a dell latitude 110 L04:25
welshbyteimdat: "does not work" is a bit vague04:25
Warboimdat: Do they come up and not play, or not come up at all?04:25
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mephis1987hello , do any1 know any tutorial for C language in Linux04:25
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Frogzookettusually PrtSc04:26
[Chameleon] mephis1987: did you try googe?04:26
[Chameleon] google even04:26
imdate.g. totem always says when I tried to watch a vcd or dvd 'suddenly quit'04:26
=== mash__ [n=mash@0x535bb8c8.bynxx17.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #ubuntu
martynkingspawn: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244404:26
Valehru_Fedorawow...redhat bought jboss...04:26
Valehru_Fedorawas unexpected04:26
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mephis1987[Chameleon] , i see , i mean the IRC channel to dicuss about it04:26
errpast-wcIs there a ~/.mozzilla config that associates firefox apps with files (e.g. .mov with mplayer plugin)04:26
gnomefreakimdat: sudo apt-get install totem-xine04:26
Valehru_Fedoraok...im logging of from fedora for the last time..04:27
imdatgnomefreak:  tried all of them04:27
Valehru_Fedorawish me luck...hopefully ill be on an ubuntu system soon04:27
=== ally is now known as ally_
Valehru_Fedoraand thx for your help04:27
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: wait a sec04:27
errpast-wcs/firefox apps/plugins for firefox04:27
gnomefreakimdat: what are you tring to play?04:27
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_Avatar_i want to know a good repo for the forbiden codecs;04:27
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: actually, n/m... good luck. :)04:27
Warboimdat: Is it just DVDs/discs?04:27
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Valehru_Fedoralol...ill be fine04:28
gnomefreakubotu tell _Avatar_ about codecs04:28
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imdatalso media files04:28
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic04:28
imdatnot music files but other ones mpeg, wmv and all of them04:28
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martynkingspawn: here http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244404:28
gnomefreakim gonna have X in 30 mins ;)yay04:28
errpast-wcIs there a ~/.mozzilla config that associates firefox plugins with files (e.g. .mov with mplayer plugin)04:29
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kingspawnmartyn: lets see..04:29
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kingspawnmartyn: oh04:30
kingspawnmartyn: this disk might be broken04:30
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kingspawnmartyn: last disk i had doing that took my whole mp3-collection with it04:30
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revartjsomebody know, why ubuntu can not, run binary in other patition04:31
martynkingspawn: oh well its cool i have an 4 gig 1 here to its just to swap files with windows if i need it04:31
kingspawnmartyn: heh, good. i wouldnt store my love letters on that hdb, atleast. might work doing a dd if=/dev/null of=/dev/hdb, and then trying fdisk..04:32
=== Digiman [n=gcoble@207-108-54-221.spkn.qwest.net] has joined #Ubuntu
[Chameleon] revartj: make sure your mount command has the exec option.04:32
kingspawnmartyn: just dont get commands using dd wrong04:32
martynkingspawn: ok ill try that what u mean dd04:33
revartj[Chameleon] , wait04:33
[Chameleon] martyn: it's probably best if you don't know.04:34
=== Ares [n=Ares@ip68-101-241-231.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
[Chameleon] martyn: heh, j/k. try this:    man dd04:34
martynlol ok04:34
martynthe manuel lol04:35
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=== bicky [n=maarten@167-158-045-062.dynamic.caiway.nl] has joined #ubuntu
bickyhow to set the resolution with a command ?04:35
[Chameleon] Omeg: that gentoo HOWTO seems quite complete and exactly what you need. How is it working for you?04:36
tarzeaubicky: xvidtune -next ?04:36
orbinerrpast-wc: probably easier to do that through prefs?04:36
bliss1_my question has gone off the the edge04:36
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martynkingspawn: Disk is broken i thinks its kool04:37
revartj[Chameleon] , very thank04:37
AresHow would I change my resoluton?04:37
orbinAres: sys>pres>screen res.04:37
kingspawnmartyn: heh, yeah04:37
[Chameleon] revartj: np04:37
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martynkingspawn: its kool ill put thye old 4 gig in then god i hate windows ahhhh lol04:38
NogimicsAnyone know if there are any stats for me to show how long a process has been running?04:38
Omeg[Chameleon] :  I haven't started trying it yet, but if you say that it's complete enough, I'll thoroughly look at it later. I've become busy with something since I asked. Anyway, thanks for looking into it!04:38
[Chameleon] Omeg: np.04:38
bickywhat command should I use to change screenresolution ?04:39
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_jasonbicky: system > prefs > screen resolution04:39
revartj[Chameleon] , np???? i am spanis, i don't undertand04:40
WarboNogimics: I don't know how on an existing process, but by starting it with the "time" command you can tell04:40
[Chameleon] Omeg: this might help:  http://www.swanson.ukfsn.org/loki/00README.loki_compat04:40
[Chameleon] revartj: np is an abbreviation for "no problem"04:40
_jasonbicky: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, then04:40
igrarIm using Hoary. What is the best CD -writing (data) for gnome ?04:40
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revartj[Chameleon] , ok04:40
NogimicsWarbo how would I start it with "time" pls04:40
Nogimicsand how would I then check?04:40
[Chameleon] revartj: no problemo amigo04:40
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WarboNogimics: Sorry, I've never done it myself. I'll have a go for you now04:41
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revartj[Chameleon] , es --> No hay problemas amigo04:41
orbinigrar: gnomebaker probably04:42
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Valehru_Fedoralo guys04:42
[Chameleon] revartj: muchos gracias04:42
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: wow, that was a fast install!!!04:42
Valehru_Fedoraseems to be a rather small problem04:42
errpast-wcorbin: Thanks. I agree would be easier to do via prefs.  BUT tools>options>download>change action is greyed out on my firefox.  Probably cause there are no video files in the dir that firefox is lookingto?04:42
AresHow would I get/install drivers for my ATI card?04:42
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Valehru_Fedoradoesnt even detect my DVD / CDROM drive04:42
errpast-wcorbin: What other prefs would you change?04:42
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Valehru_Fedorafails to mount it04:42
kbrooks!es :)04:42
ubotukbrooks: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:42
WarboNogimics: I think that "time -o file command (followed by options and things)" will give you a file "file" that gives info on the process04:43
Valehru_Fedoraany ideas?04:43
igrarorbin: in breezy there nautilus integrated tool. thats very easy, is it supported on hoary?04:43
Valehru_Fedoraits strange....it goes into boot..04:43
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Valehru_Fedorastarts asking questions from the drive04:43
kenottequi et tu04:43
=== Nogimics scratches head
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Valehru_Fedoraand then mounts the CD rom...and then can't find / mount it..04:43
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: did you do a media check?04:43
orbinerrpast-wc: is this ff1.0.7?04:44
Valehru_Fedorahow can I do that04:44
errpast-wcorbin: yup04:44
Valehru_Fedorathere is no option in the boot menu to check it that I saw04:44
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: breezy or dapper?04:44
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WarboNogimics: Type that in a terminal (without the quotes) so an example: "time -o log nautilus /home" would run nautilus in home, with the file "log" telling you about it04:44
orbinerrpast-wc: i suggest you upgrade to   the preferences for file actions seemt to be greatly enhanced over the old ff04:44
mineraleHi, I just installed flight 6, the moment the system booted up my monitor went blank and now shows "out of sync"04:44
orbinubotu: tell errpast-wc about ff1.504:45
bliss1_gnomefreak: just one question before going to work if i am building a kernel and i am woo i am in usr/src and about to run make meuconfig but if i have a working config what do i do/ go into that directory and run what ?04:45
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Valehru_Fedorashould have brought my laptop with me from work..04:45
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orbinigrar: forgotten tbh.  try insterting a blank cd04:45
Valehru_Fedoracould have been reading up on this or talking with ye guys whilst I install04:45
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errpast-wcorbin: good suggestion.  I noticed the association stuff with was much better, but that was firefox on a windows box.  I thought 1.0.7 was latest for linux.  My mistake.  Thanks for patience and help04:45
Valehru_FedoraAny idea Chameleon?04:46
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orbinerrpast-wc: no worries.04:46
mineralewhat is the name used to configure the x display. I just booted drapper drake and the screen is out of sync (resolution too high)04:46
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Nogimicswill try it, thanks Warbo. Thought there might be an option to check this on every process tho like in ps x command or something04:46
AresHow do I use a .run file?04:46
orbinerrpast-wc: yeah, i doubt firefox devs would create new versions for windows only ;)04:47
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: yeah... in the install choose "go back" and select "media check" (or similar)04:47
=== suspect [n=suspect@ool-44c76d4b.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
Valehru_Fedorawill do...lemme reboot04:47
orbinAres: sh runfile04:47
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: wait04:47
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bliss1_kingspawn: happy easter  just one question before going to work if i am building a kernel and i am woo i am in usr/src and about to run make meuconfig but if i have a working config what do i do/ go into that directory and run what ?04:48
mineraleHi,,, no one seems to be noticing my concern. I just installed drapper drake and the default resolution is too high for my monitor to handle04:48
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: if you seriously want to use XGL, brezzy won't work well (if even at all). you need dapper for the XGL bling.04:48
=== nandemonai [n=nandemon@ppp142-77.lns2.adl2.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu
orbinubotu: tell minerale about xorg04:48
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: and the dapper installer has the media check option right on the first menu.04:48
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ExcaliberHello everyone.04:49
Excaliber= )04:49
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DieSphinkminerale: tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg?04:49
orbinExcaliber: you're chipper today04:49
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Valehru_Fedorahang on..04:50
Excalibersudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:50
Excalibertry that04:50
Valehru_Fedorai downloaded the latest ubuntu version04:50
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: you'll like dapper anyway... it's fun.04:50
ExcaliberKubuntu is better.= )04:50
ExcaliberWell i like it better.04:50
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: dapper is still in development. it's got a little while longer.04:50
Valehru_Fedorawell ill install breezy04:51
=== bluelotus [n=bluelotu@cpe-72-226-4-218.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Valehru_Fedoraand see if i like it04:51
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: but, it's quite good already.04:51
arrickanyone, I would like to host multiple websites on my ubuntu/apache2 server, anyone know how to set this up?04:51
Valehru_Fedorashouldnt be too much of a difference between installations right?04:51
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: I've been running it for months.04:51
=== scanwinder [n=caleb736@CPE-60-224-210-230.wa.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
WarboVelehru_Fedora: You won't find Dapper from the main page (ubuntu.com) I found it through the Wiki though04:51
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: dapper's installer is a lot better.04:51
ExcaliberI like KDE version better.Looks more exciting.04:51
Excaliber= D04:51
Valehru_Fedoraahh k..04:51
Valehru_Fedorahave you got a torrent for it?04:51
Valehru_Fedorafor the ISO?04:51
Excalibersudo apt-get kde04:51
Excalibersomething like that04:51
[Chameleon] Excaliber: dude, enough. we're not arguing Gnome/KDE here.04:51
Excaliberlol sorry.04:52
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: 1 sec04:52
Excaliber= )04:52
WarboChameleon: Does Espresso actually work? Any guide I find says "Only use it if you don't mind your drive being wiped"04:52
Valehru_Fedorawas sure there was no media check with this version04:52
Valehru_Fedorayeah...there wasnt04:52
AresOk newbie here... I can't figure out how to use this .run file04:52
=== Mr [n=AsCi@177.23.97-84.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #ubuntu
Valehru_Fedoraat least not in the menus I could access04:52
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: there IS a media check in breezy. it's just not obvious to get to.04:52
Excalibersudo apt-get install kde04:53
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: you have to start the install then choose "go back" to get to the install menu04:53
ExcaliberAM i correct?04:53
Valehru_Fedoraahh ok..04:53
WarboAres: If you want to run it by just double-clicking it needs "execute" permissions04:53
Valehru_Fedoralemme reboot and check..04:53
kronozarrick, http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/04:53
[Chameleon] Excaliber: no. you're off-topic04:53
ExcaliberI'm just asking.04:53
arrickthank you kronoz04:53
ExcaliberAm i correct?04:53
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: um, you want the torrent link first?04:53
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[Chameleon] Excaliber: I guess.... but using Synaptic or dselect are both easier.04:54
AresWarbo: How would I do that?04:54
orbinExcaliber: kubuntu-desktop is recommended04:54
ExcaliberHmm you're right.04:54
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[Chameleon] Ares: right-click file, click appropriate permissions boxes04:54
ExcaliberNobody talks or needs help in kubuntu.04:54
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[Chameleon] Excaliber: cuz KDE is boring04:54
ExcaliberNo its no.04:54
ExcaliberThat's your opinion.04:55
[Chameleon] /ignore Excaliber04:55
bickyI want to change my screenresolution with a single quick command, like "set screenresolution 800x600" is this posible ?04:55
AresOK sweet thanks04:55
robin__bicky, in GNOME you can, but if you want to change it forever you got to edit the X config04:55
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orbinrobin__: not w/ a single command though surely04:56
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robin__well orbin04:56
mineraleExcaliber: thanks, (right now i'm stuck in cmd line mode)... how can I figure out the horizontal and vertical sync range for my monitor?04:56
robin__you could try a sed and then a user kill to restart the session04:57
erudifiederm, my ubuntu CD seems to be fubar'd, what is the root password set to before I get the chance to set it?04:57
Warboorbin: I don't think there is a command to do that, but there may be some kind of variable to change?04:57
robin__that way you could do it in one line04:57
orbinbicky: just make a shortcut to gnome-display-properties04:57
[Chameleon] Valehru_Fedora: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/flight-6/04:57
ExcaliberI was speaking to Fedora.04:57
ExcaliberAnd you decided to go on kde?04:57
erudifiedholy fuck the root account is disabled?04:57
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Warbominerale: get a console browser, like lynx, and go on google04:57
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.04:58
[Chameleon] minerale: google the monitor info (model)04:58
_jasonubotu: tell erudified about root04:58
Warboerudified: Don't swear. Root has a random password, to discourage it's use04:58
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[Chameleon] !sudo04:58
ubotuI heard sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:58
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erudifiedwhoah, FUCK ubuntu04:58
ExcaliberYes thats correct chameleon.04:58
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ubotuHelp! lilo, hedgemage, fabbione, lamont, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic, nalioth, Madpilot, ompaul, rob or Hobbsee04:58
Seveas_jason, ?04:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [+o Hobbsee] by ChanServ
ubotuPlease watch your language. We try to be nice and help but some of us don't like to see such things on our screen.04:58
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_jasonSeveas: erudified left, never mind04:59
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=== Distro^Junkie [n=patrick@mctnnbsa29w-156034003107.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasHobbsee, you're too slow 04:59
AresHow do I log in as the super user X-/04:59
Seveasyou should work on your larting04:59
SeveasAres, you don't04:59
[Chameleon] Hobbsee, _jason: the potty mouth left04:59
Seveas!tell ares about root04:59
HobbseeSeveas: heh.  it's 1am, i'm tired, and was chattign in another window04:59
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WarboAres: It is possible, but just use sudo04:59
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HobbseeSeveas: and i dont have decent scripting, like you do.04:59
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SeveasHobbsee, which client?05:00
HobbseeSeveas: konv05:00
[Chameleon] Seveas: OIC, heh, thanks.05:00
Seveashmm - don't know that one  Is it scriptable at all?05:00
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gsonghi there...05:00
Seveashi gsong05:00
gsongI have a quick question....05:00
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gsongI just installed ubuntu for the first time (nice, BTW)....05:01
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jmoncayohow can i know my signal strength for my wireless connection?05:01
gsongand it's my first real experience with X-windows....(been using CLI based linux for a long time now)05:01
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HobbseeSeveas: partially.  so i have /op, /deop, /kick, /ban, /kickban, but not a lot else.  adn it doesnt seem that i can run the commands together05:01
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gsongduring the install I accidentally hit "enter" during the resolution choices and now my highest resolution is 1024x76805:02
jerdmanwhat's the channel name for dapper?05:02
gsongany idea how I can add more?05:02
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_jasonjerdman: #ubuntu+105:02
Hobbseejerdman: ubuntu+105:02
tritium_jerdman: #ubuntu+105:02
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orbinubotu: tell gsong about fixres05:02
=== Hobbsee tried to type dapper+1 for that...
Warbogsong: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" in a terminal05:02
AresWhen I try and use the .run file it says I have to be logged in as super user, so does that mean I HAVE do use the terminal to run the file?05:02
[Chameleon] Hobbsee: :)05:02
SeveasHobbsee, "edgy"05:02
jmoncayohow can i know my signal strength for my wireless connection?05:02
_jasonAres: what are you trying to run?05:02
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Aresati drivers05:02
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jbroomejmoncayo: iwconfig05:03
[Chameleon] jmoncayo: NetworkMonitor05:03
_jasonubotu: tell Ares about ati05:03
gsongWarbo: in a x-term or switch over to a regular term?05:03
WarboAres: It is better to use the terminal anyway, because if it goes wrong it can tell you why. (Double clicking can just end up with no response)05:03
orbinAres: are you following the wiki page?05:03
acid-triphow can i recompile a package?05:03
[Chameleon] jbroome, jmoncayo: NetworkMonitor is the better long-term comprehensive solution05:03
jmoncayojbroome, where do i see the strength with iwconfig05:03
_jasonHobbsee: you need a script that will trigger on bad words and paste the appropriate ban command into your client so you just press enter05:03
luis16ablais espol05:03
Warbogsong: Either, it uses ncurses so it will work in normal console05:03
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:03
Hobbsee_jason: now there's an idea!05:03
jmoncayo[Chameleon] , do i need to install it or it comes by default?05:04
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AresYea I am orbin, but I always seem to get information about something totally different :-p05:04
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mindtzarhow do I kill xserver from shell05:04
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orbinAres: how so?05:04
mineraleHi, I googled the monitor and the graphic card was recognised w/out problems, however I see small vertican lines flickering in the monitor05:05
DutchyHey guys I was wondering if I could use all 4 speakers to play my music? In Windows the nvidia drivers of my soundchip let me 'copy' the music to the rear speakers, is there a similar option here?05:05
Warbomindtzar: To keep all of the pid files and stuff from screwing up use "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop"05:05
[Chameleon] jmoncayo: I believe you have to install it05:05
loothinkerkill xserver05:05
CompuChip_I just did my first Ubuntu install. It got to the end of the procedure and I removed the CD and rebooted as requested, but now it asks for a runlevel05:05
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Warbominerale: My Fedora did that really badly, it was the refresh rate05:06
phewlI LOVE UBUNTU :D05:06
jmoncayo[Chameleon] , oki thanks a lot05:06
[Chameleon] jmoncayo: wy, have fun.05:06
Ares_jason: Thanks, thats exactly what I needed05:06
CompuChip_Can anyone tell me what to do :)05:06
orbinphewl: kewl05:06
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[Chameleon] CompuChip_: 205:07
orbinminerale: pastebin /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:07
CompuChip_I tried 1, 2, 5 and 705:07
CompuChip_It just says "No more processes in this runlevel" and stops05:07
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WarboCompuChip: I don't know what would cause this, but don't use 1 or 605:08
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: at what point is it asking you this? from the grub boot menu?05:08
[Chameleon] Warbo: 1 is ok for diag.05:08
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CompuChip_I installed LILO btw, instead of GRUB05:08
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: why LILO?05:08
WarboChameleon: I thought 2 was single user an 1 was shutdown and 6 was reboot?05:08
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CompuChip_I think it said: "Booting the kernel.... ok. No inittab file found. Enter runlevel: "05:08
Dutchymy question anyone? it's like about to get spammed of the screen :) up there ^^05:08
Kamping_KaiserWarbo, on debian 2-5 are all the same level, full gui05:09
CompuChip_Then I entered 2 and 5 and it went to "No more processes in this runlevel"05:09
[Chameleon] Warbo: execute `runlevel` in a terminal05:09
[Chameleon] Warbo: you should be in runlevel 2 right now05:09
Kamping_Kaiser1 is single user, and 0 and6 are halt and reboot05:09
me2winDutchy: im not sure if you can do that or not, im sure there is some way, just have to find it. Try the ubuntu forums, or wait till its not so spammy in here :P05:09
orbinDutchy: you probably need to play around w/ alsa for surround setups05:09
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: Why LILO???05:09
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CompuChip_I don't know. Why not05:09
tritium_CompuChip_: grub is default05:09
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Dutchyok ill check it out, thanks05:10
acid-triphow can i recompile a package?05:10
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: unless you have hardware specific reasons to use LILO, you should use GRUB. It's newer and better.05:10
WarboChameleon: So I am. I haven't used runlevels since "telinit 2" and stuff in Fedora to stop GDM. Now I use the init.d scripts instead05:10
CompuChip_Can it be changed without full reinstall?05:10
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[Chameleon] CompuChip_: not easily05:10
Warboacid-trip: You can do it from the actual source using checkinstall05:10
Kamping_Kaiser[Chameleon] , just apt it in surely05:10
orbinacid-trip: recompile or reinstall?05:10
acid-triporbin, recompile05:11
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[Chameleon] Warbo: yup. btw, "S" is a pseudonym for 105:11
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acid-tripi need to recompile mysql and allow php05:11
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CompuChip_[Chameleon]  but I just reinstalled in expert mode because I got the same with the default install (grub)05:11
acid-tripor some crap like that05:11
[Chameleon] Kamping_Kaiser: and how is he to boot into the system? rescue?05:11
tritium_acid-trip: apt-get source --build <package> (may also need build-dep)05:11
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: ... strange05:11
CompuChip_I thought it might be that, but appearantly it wasn't. So I can do the reinstall but I don't think it's gonna solve the problem05:11
=== Kamping_Kaiser scrolls up to double check problem
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orbinacid-trip: someone given you the !lamp factoid yet?05:11
CompuChip_wait I take this laptop down to the pc I was working on05:12
bookwormcould some one explain how to incorperate jave into firefox05:12
Warboacid-trip: Sounds more like a post-install config change is needed05:12
CompuChip_I'll tell you exactly what it says05:12
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Warbobookworm: There is a j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin package05:12
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: how did you setup your partitions? the only thing I can think of is that you have a working /boot partition but something is wrong with your / (root) partition.05:12
acid-triporbin, ya05:12
acid-tripWarbo, this is the error i get  You must have the MySQL PHP module installed05:12
martynhow would i mount a fat32 hdb so that is was always there on boot up05:12
orbinmartyn: add it to /etc/fstab05:13
orbinubotu: tell martyn abot windowsdrives05:13
Warboacid-trip: Sorry, I don't know much about it but generally the packages are set up to let anything work, with added functions provided by other packages05:13
CompuChip_It's Loading Linux... detecting hardware, blalba.05:13
orbinmartyn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions05:13
martynorbin: did not get anything pop up there05:13
martynorbin: cheers05:13
acid-triporbin, i found the info i needed on that lamp site05:13
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: so much for my missing root idea.05:14
CompuChip_"Mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. \n * Version 2.86 booting \n * No inittab file found \n\n Enter runlevel: "05:14
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orbinmartyn: yeah, forgot the trigger05:14
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tritium_acid-trip: it's rare that you'd need to recompile a package just for an option like that05:14
CompuChip_So I enter 2 now05:14
CompuChip_"* Entering runlevel: 2 \n * no more processes left in this runlevel". And now it just sits there forever ;)05:14
k31thIs it possible to run virtualdub under wine ?05:14
orbinacid-trip: lol05:14
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[Chameleon] CompuChip_: reboot and try "S" in the runlevel prompt05:15
orbinacid-trip: it helps if you actually read the stuff doesn't it?05:15
k31thany avidemux users in here?05:15
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[Chameleon] probably effectively the same as 1, but... worth a try.05:15
CompuChip_there goes again05:15
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: again tho, how did you setup the partitions?05:15
acid-triporbin, yeah it does05:15
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: automatic or manually?05:16
CompuChip_I made a 5 GB root05:16
orbinacid-trip: did that myself today re: upgrading firefox to
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CompuChip_1.2 /home, some data partitions, and 400 MB swap05:16
CompuChip_"sulogin: cannot open password database!" and back to runlevel prompt05:16
Lingan_sweHi, Got some problem with entrance / enlightenment, enlightenment works perfect when i used gdm, now I installed entranced, i get the login windows, enter namne / password, then the screen  gets black for 1 few seceonds, then it return to entrances login screeen, where should i begin ?05:17
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: it seems something is wrong with your root partition...05:17
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CompuChip_I was afraid you were gonna say that now :)05:17
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: willing to try the automatic partition setup?05:17
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WarboDoes anybody think it is possible to vnc or similar into my main Ubuntu from a crappy laptop? I just don't want to start trying if it's hopeless. Laptop has 32MB RAM, ~200MHz processor. I was thinking a BSD would run faster than Linux05:18
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: reinstall and use the automatic partitioning option.05:18
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[Chameleon] CompuChip_: breezy or dapper?05:18
CompuChip_I used that first. Then deleted the root partition it created and re-divided it05:18
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: both times?05:18
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Dyslexic_DogI'm having problems with the usb on my laptop was wondering if anyone else is running a ze5100 HP laptop05:18
CompuChip_bootprompt: linux or expert?05:19
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: try auto partition and if it seems to work OK after it's done, please file a bug.05:19
WarboDyslexic_Dog: Is it the USB ports themselves, or just something plugged into them?05:19
[Chameleon] CompuChip_: up to u... expert takes a lot longer05:19
iratsuwhat's a nice software for doing euclidean geometry?05:19
arrickkronoz I am not finding the information for multiple webs on the apache server there, goat any others?05:19
Dyslexic_Dogwell in dmesg is says that the usb has been disabled05:19
CompuChip_I'll redo the whole thing and let you know how it worked out05:19
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Dyslexic_DogI have alot of data on this05:19
Dyslexic_Dogbeen having the problem in breezy and dapper05:20
[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: does it say why USB is disabled?05:20
CompuChip_zzzz.... anyway, thanks for the help :D05:20
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Dyslexic_Dogyeah I'll CnP just a sec05:20
acid-tripthis is going to sound really stupid05:20
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acid-triphow do i find out what group my user belongs to?05:20
WarboDyslexic_Dog: What kind of Linux experience do you have? I won't bother helping if you're a pro, cos I'm not :)05:20
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[Chameleon] CompuChip|Instal: good luck. and again, if auto partitioning works, please file a bug on the custom setup procedure you used.05:20
Warboacid-trip: The System>Administration>Users and Groups05:20
martynguys am confused lol i am trying to mount  a fat32 hdb to my system have been look at ur guide and dont understand it can any 1 help05:20
CompuChip|InstalOK, thanks05:20
loothinker[acid] type "id"05:20
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orbiniratsu: apt-cache search euclidean geometry :P05:21
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[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: if it's more than 3 lines, use #flood or pastebin05:21
Dyslexic_Dogit's 3 lines05:21
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martynguys am confused lol i am trying to mount  a fat32 hdb to my system have been look at ur guide and dont understand it can any 1 help05:21
Dyslexic_Dogbut I can pastebin the dmesg output05:21
Dyslexic_Dog[4294962.776000]  ohci_hcd 0000:00:0f.0: HC died; cleaning up05:21
Dyslexic_Dog[4294962.776000]  usb 2-1: USB disconnect, address 205:21
Dyslexic_Dog[4294962.776000]  ohci_hcd 0000:00:0f.0: leak ed dea05040 (#81) state 0 (has tds)05:21
tritium_Dyslexic_Dog: don't paste here!05:21
Dyslexic_Dogoops thats 405:22
patripesque nbo sabeis ablar en espaol05:22
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:22
Dyslexic_Dognow I get a couple different messages05:22
Dyslexic_Dogbut that seems to be the main one when my usb mouse dies05:23
orbinmartyn: pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l05:23
Dyslexic_Dogit also poos out on me when I'm using my flash drive05:23
patripbosotros os podeis conectar al msn com linux05:23
patripporque yo no piedo05:23
Warbomartyn: You cannot mount "hdb" as that is the drive. It must be a partition, like "hdb1"05:23
tritium_patrip: english here please05:23
patripesque no se05:24
Dyslexic_Dogalso on a side note I didn't have this issue with gentoo but I think ubuntu is over all a better distro05:24
[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: seems like the usb driver doesn't like your hardware05:24
martynorbin: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244505:24
tritium_patrip: entonces, /j #ubuntu-es05:24
[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: did you use maybe uhci drivers?05:24
Dyslexic_DogI've tried ehci and uhci but neither will start05:24
patripque pasa ?05:24
martynWarbo: can i not mount hdb at then05:24
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patripsi yo no se ingles05:24
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[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: what's your chipset?05:24
martynWarbo: or would it be hdb105:24
Dyslexic_Dogis there a way to get ubuntu to start the uhci at boot instead of ohci?05:24
[Chameleon] !tell patrip about es05:25
Dyslexic_Dogit's a ali chipset05:25
patripwhat ?05:25
Warbomartyn: I am assuming that hdb is a windows hard drive, which windows calls C:. In fact it is the first partition on that drive that contains windows05:25
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orbinmartyn: from the fdisk output...you don't seem to have any partitions formatted in fat3205:26
Warbomartyn: hdb1 is the first partition, up to hdb4. After that they are special "extended partitions" which I dount will contain windows05:26
patripesque no sabeis otro puto idioma05:26
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martynWarbo: No its just old drive i have which i would like to use in linux and windows05:26
acid-tripi really broke something05:26
[Chameleon] martyn: where do you want it to be mounted?05:26
tritium_patrip: /j #ubuntu-es05:26
Warbomartyn: Try mounting it without any type, it may be autodetected. Then run "mount" with no options05:26
[Chameleon] martyn: /media/storage sound OK?05:27
patripwhere do you want it to be mounted?05:27
acid-tripsudo apt-get remove apache --purge would remove everything right?05:27
[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: breezy or dapper?05:27
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gnomefreakapache and the config files thats it05:27
orbin[Chameleon] : have you seen his fdisk output?05:27
martynWow guys 2 sec lol right i used gParted to format the hdb in fat32 format05:27
sheeanahello w0rld.05:27
patripwhere my books?05:27
Dyslexic_Dogboth have the same problem with the same error message05:27
[Chameleon] orbin: yes05:27
martyni want to be able to wright to it in linux and be able to see files in windows05:28
orbin[Chameleon] : er, i couldn't see any fat32 partitions.  what exactly is he going to mount?05:28
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Warbomartyn: I find gParted quite bad. QTParted always works for me (that's not a KDEvsGNOME, that's a quality of program issue)05:28
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acid-tripi think i really broke something05:29
martynWarbo: ok so ill use QTparted for synaptic05:29
patripi want to be able to wright to it in linux and be able to see files in windows05:29
patripkien sabe espaol?05:29
orbinWarbo: heard the same thing.  why ist that?  don't they use the same "engine"?05:29
_jasonpatrip: /join #ubuntu-es05:29
[Chameleon] orbin: ah, I looked closer. he's got NTFS partitions, but can't write to those....05:29
patripque no seeeee?05:29
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erUSUL!tell patrip about es05:29
Dyslexic_Dogchameleon: I have the same issue on both versions05:29
Warbomartyn: Sure. It needs a few KDE libraries if you don't have them (may take some time on dial-up) but runs fine in GNOME.05:29
arrickgnomefreak, buenos dias, noches, or tardes05:30
Centaur5patrip: las personas en ubuntu-es saben espanol05:30
arrickhow are you today?05:30
gnomefreakarrick: hello05:30
orbin[Chameleon] : indeed05:30
[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: i saw that. not sure what to tell ya. google?05:30
martynWarbo: dude its kool got a 10mb lne here05:30
arrickgnomefreak, you good with apache2?05:30
=== bur[n] er advises lots of ram if you run both kde and gnome applications at the same time!
[Chameleon] orbin: but, his goal is to have a vfat partition to write to05:30
Dyslexic_Dogchameleon: lots of cryptic kernel message boards05:30
Warboorbin: No idea. GParted always tells me I cannot use a drive because it is active, no matter what partition I choose (yes, they were not mounted :))05:30
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arrickbur[n] er, I recommend not doing it at all, I have a gig of ram and it still is veeeerrrryryy slow05:31
aaronshafis there a CMI e-mail client on Ubuntu?05:31
[Chameleon] Dyslexic_Dog: bummer.05:31
aaronshafer, CLI05:31
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[Chameleon] aaronshaf: mutt05:31
orbin[Chameleon] : oh, i was under the impression he already had one and just wanted it mounted05:31
erUSULaaronshaf, mutt, pine, elm, mailx, etc...05:31
bur[n] erarrick: true, i just updated to a gig and it's slow ;)  cpu is only a p4 1.8 here though05:31
orbinarrick, bur[n] er : really?  i ran ubrello and it seemed to run ok05:32
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mephis1987hello how can i use my webcam in Ubuntu05:32
arrickbur[n] er, orbin i have a fast processor,and its still doggy05:32
aaronshafI can't get pine with apt-get05:32
TTilusmephis1987: plug it in05:32
TTilusmephis1987: which cam do you have?05:33
[Chameleon] orbin: I think we all were under that impression.... including him.05:33
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Warbomephis1987: I was just about to ask about WebCam support (just got a new webcam a few mins ago)05:33
TTilusmephis1987: seriously, you should just plug it in and look what happens05:33
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orbin[Chameleon] : lol05:34
mephis1987my cam called lebPro eca05:34
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[Chameleon] !tell pepias about es05:34
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mephis1987TTilus, no thing happens05:34
ubuntuhow do i set up static ip for my dhcp ?05:34
martynok i have formated that Disk05:34
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TTilusmephis1987: check with ekiga/gnomemeeting or like05:35
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arrickanyone know how to run multiple web pages in apache2? I cant find it in the wiki, nor on the apache site.05:35
Warbomephis1987: There won't be a "installing drivers" type thing, but try some sort of v4l program (if you know what that means)05:35
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ubuntuhow come i put this to my network interface but it didnt work05:35
[Chameleon] martyn: formatted it how? where?05:35
TTilusmephis1987: nothing should happen right away, like popup telling "heey, a camera this is, sorta"05:35
CompuChip|InstalBy the way, what is the recommended / latest version?05:35
ubuntuiface eth0 inet dhcp05:35
mephis1987TTilus, the website of that cam is www.ipanwest.com05:35
ubuntuthe ip always change, do you know?05:35
pepiaschameleon escribenos bien no te entendemos (en espaol)05:35
Warboarrick: Does Apache use /var/www directly or directories inside it (ie. Could you not just make a new directory in /var/www>)05:35
[Chameleon] ubuntu: check your router config. inquire with the manufacturer of that device.05:36
CompuChip|InstalBecause I got the install CD from someone, and i just noticed it's version 5.0405:36
TTilusmephis1987: already tried gnomemeeting or other v4l dev?05:36
arrickWarbo, it uses /var/www/ and I dont know how to change that05:36
CompuChip|InstalSo maybe it was a bug and solved in a later version already?05:36
TTilusmephis1987: try it first, then if it does not work, we will look into details05:36
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martyn[Chameleon] : qtparted to fat 32 fdisk is http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244605:37
Warboarrick: What I mean is does Apache use, for example, /var/www/index.html, or /var/www/site1/index.html. If the latter you could make a directory site205:37
TTilusmephis1987: no use analyzing if it is not broken (taken you are not a scientist doing research on webcams)05:37
ubuntu[Chameleon] . i checked it05:37
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[Chameleon] CompuChip|Instal: maybe... 5.10 breezy badger is latest stable. 6.06 dapper drake is next version due in late beta testing now.05:37
arrickit uses /var/www/index.html directly05:37
orbinCompuChip|Instal: recommended is breezy badger: 5.1005:38
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CompuChip|InstalAh, ok.05:38
[Chameleon] ubuntu: and?? do you have it configured to always give you the same IP?05:38
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WarboChameleon: Which distro is now unsupported? It's 4.x isn't it?05:38
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[Chameleon] Warbo: I believe so05:38
arrickWarbo, but I can change that, but I want to open the sites using the name, not haveing to browse the directory05:38
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CompuChip|InstalNow I see something familiar :)05:38
[Chameleon] Warbo: but maybe that's still supported until Dapper05:38
CompuChip|InstalStarting ubuntu... with a long list showing [ok] 's05:38
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[Chameleon] CompuChip|Instal: so it's working?05:39
jStefanWhen using ls -l (long listing format). What does the 1st number mean?05:39
martyn[Chameleon] : any ideas05:39
CompuChip|InstalLooks that way.05:39
TTilussupport is 1.5 years, not upto specific release05:39
ubuntu[Chameleon] , i dont have that option in my router05:39
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Warboarrick: I get what you mean, but I thought it was automatic, the only setup required is pointing one web address to one site and another web address to the other site05:39
TTilusso 5.4 support is over already05:39
CompuChip|InstalIt's starting up daemons so I guess it can access the user database no05:39
arrickWarbo, it might be, but how do I set that part?05:39
[Chameleon] ubuntu: then I guess you don't have that option.05:40
ubuntuso what i have to do CHameleon?05:40
eugmanHey how can I delete custom file associations I've made?05:40
martynWarbo: you got any ideas thats it formated to fat3205:40
[Chameleon] ubuntu: check for updates to your router firmware from manufacturer.05:40
Warboarrick: Sorry, I gave up when I couldn't get DynDNS to find me (It was pointing to my router, and when I used scripts to automatically point DynDNS to me it changed to!)05:40
[Chameleon] martyn: you just want to mount it now??05:41
[Chameleon] martyn: at every bootup?05:41
jStefanWhen using ls -l (long listing format). What is the number between the permissions and the user/group ?05:41
CompuChip|InstalLooks like I got to the next step in the installation. Thank you so much [Chameleon] 05:41
martyn[Chameleon]  yes05:41
[Chameleon] CompuChip|Instal: cool.05:41
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arrickWarbo, you needed to foward ports on your router, in order for dyndns to work, but I use no-ip, and it works fine05:41
CompuChip_And if you do it right, it takes ~30 minutes. Try that with windows xp :P05:41
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Warbomartyn: use the "fstab -l" to see if it is fat32. Then the "mount" command will mount it, and once you find the right options for that you can put them in /etc/fstab to be run every time05:42
=== DShepherd [n=dwight@port0048-aca-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #ubuntu
[Chameleon] martyn: download and run this using sudo:  http://smorgasbord.net/files/winmac_fstab05:42
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Warboarrick: I know, but that didn't work (and mldonkey says my ports are not accessible, but I am supposedly forwarding those to)05:42
=== angie83 [n=markitox@232.Red-83-32-180.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
psweetmahi, my dapper install crashes when i try to change screen resolution.  where would i find a logfile that tells me what's going wrong?05:42
martynWarbo: it keeps telling me its linux in fdisk05:42
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[Chameleon] martyn: http://smorgasbord.net/files/winmac_fstab05:43
angie83hi everyone05:43
arrickWarbo, your isp probably blocks them then, you can try dif port numbers though, try 8080, or higher even05:43
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angie83can anyone here. help me to install ubuntu from ISO on hd? I already got grub installed, and the installer runnning, but says, i does not find the iso...05:43
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Warbomartyn: If QTParted or GParted didn't make it fat32 then "sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/hdb1" should do (Make sure you put the right partition though, as a typo could wipe the wrong drive!)05:44
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[Chameleon] angie83: buring a CD is generally easier05:44
TTilusjStefan: jStefan number of hardlinks, see info coreutils ls05:44
angie83[Chameleon] ,  lapppy has not cd or NIC05:44
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angie83[Chameleon] , just making new challenges ... :P05:45
psweetmahi, should phrase my q better... my x windows session crashes when i try to change screen res (takes me back to the login).  where would i find log of what's going wrong?05:45
TTilusjStefan: issue command $ info coreutils ls  and browse05:45
TTiluspsweetma: /var/log/05:45
[Chameleon] angie83: can you switch to console 1 with Ctrl-Alt-F1 (C-A-F7 or -F8 to get back I think)??05:45
orbinpsweetma: /var/log/Xorg.0.log maybe05:45
eugmanAnyone know how to delete custom file associations?05:45
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jStefanok, will take a loolk, man didn't tell me much05:45
martynWarbo: ok i just did ur comand there still tells me its linux u look here at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244705:45
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angie83[Chameleon] , ? from the installler?05:46
nodieis this the support channel?05:46
Warbopsweetma: That is, it is logging out/crashing back to the login GDM screen? If it is dumping you into a console it would be a little different05:46
[Chameleon] angie83: yeah05:46
TTiluseugman: when you find out, tell me too  :)05:46
psweetmathanks TTilus05:46
angie83[Chameleon] , give me a min, i boot my lappy05:46
=== RioMerc [n=chatzill@CPE-144-137-100-61.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
nodieI've a problem installing ubuntu (5.10)05:46
=== darkomen_ se pregunta porque la gente habla asi...!!
RioMercI have an unusual problem05:46
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TTiluspsweetma: gnu utils are best documented in info pages, not man05:46
RioMercI had installed ubuntu05:46
[Chameleon] angie83: k. anyway, once you are in the console, you should be able to hit enter to start using it and then mount the ISO with the loopback device.05:47
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Dutchyhmmm i downloaded alsamixergui but i have no idea what everthing means :P05:47
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RioMercI them made some extra space on my partrition05:47
RioMercand installed windows05:47
eugmanHmm time to check the forums!05:47
RioMercmy problem is05:47
Warbomartyn: Try "sudo mount /dev/hdb1 /mnt" and see what happens (there should hopefully be no output)05:47
RioMercI can't boot ubuntu05:47
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k31thcan i isntall a dapper package on breezy ?05:47
nodiewe have here 15 machines (fujitsu siemens p4 1024MB RAM) and when the installation process is installing the base systems there is an error about initrd package05:47
RioMercwould anyone here be able to help?05:47
orbink31th: it's best to stick to breezy packages05:47
[Chameleon] Warbo: http://smorgasbord.net/files/winmac_fstab05:47
WarboRioMerc: What happens when your computer comes on?05:47
RioMercjust loads windows just like normal Warbo05:48
martynWarbo: ok no output05:48
RioMercno drama05:48
angie83[Chameleon] , i activated  a console05:48
[Chameleon] martyn: USE THIS: http://smorgasbord.net/files/winmac_fstab05:48
WarboChameleon: Yes, but mounting it then running mount should say what format it's in05:48
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jStefanok, thanks05:48
orbinRioMerc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows05:48
angie83[Chameleon] , now?05:48
RioMercorbin: thanks05:48
martyn[Chameleon] : i have it only mount hda1 and hda505:48
Warbomartyn: now run "mount" by itself and see what it says about /dev/hdb105:48
[Chameleon] Warbo: if he runs that script it will find and mount all NTFS/VFAT drives.05:48
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angie83nothing mounted?05:49
[Chameleon] Marticus: probably because those are your NTFS and VFAT drives.05:49
sfarhow to make bold text with xchat?05:49
[Chameleon] Marticus: er, meant for martyn05:49
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psweetmaWarbo: yes sorry, that's right, back to the login05:49
RioMercorbin: will that override my windows booter?05:50
angie83[Chameleon] , i am not a registered user, so i cannot talk private... :S05:50
[Chameleon] angie83: yeah05:50
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[Chameleon] angie83: anyway, can you use the console?05:50
martynWarbo: here is output from mount http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244805:50
orbinRioMerc: you meant visat?05:50
angie83[Chameleon] , joiin #yeepa05:50
RioMercorbin: XP05:50
orbinRioMerc: grub will write itself to the mbr iirc05:51
Warbopsweetma: Hmmm. Usually the GNOME screen resolution tool is VERY careful to not screw up your desktop (by that I mean it doesn't give me any alternatives to default :))05:51
eugmanTTilus, I think I found what I need to remove under ~/.local/share/applications/05:51
RioMercWell, is there anyway to preserve my windows booter05:51
RioMercthus allowing dual boots05:51
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TTiluseugman: .local ?!05:51
kbrooksRioMerc: grub will detect windows05:51
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martynWarbo: here is output from mount http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1244805:52
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RioMerckbrooks: really?05:52
bliss1_arrick: the man happy easter05:52
Warbomartyn: Yes, it's taking a while to load :(05:52
RioMerckbrooks: cool :)05:52
kbrooksRioMerc: 100% sure05:52
RioMercbye, i'm installing05:52
martynwarbo: ok cheers mate05:52
arrickbliss1_, doesnt help, thanks though05:52
eugmanTTilus, could you be a bit more clear about your dismay?05:52
psweetmaWarbo: so I may be stuck with the default, unless I go editing files by hand...?05:52
TTiluseugman: ah, ive got one too05:52
RioMercbut if it doesn't work i'm coming back, and i'm bringing hell with me05:52
bliss1_arrick: got your own little space05:53
TTiluseugman: just never stumbled upon that, i thought i knew what i had in my home dir  :)05:53
Warbopsweetma: That's what I found, but then I swiched my monitor with a better one and now I'm in a higher resolution05:53
arrickbliss1_, yeah05:53
arrickbliss1_, #arrick05:53
eugmanTTilus, well is is hidden...05:53
Warbopsweetma: Automatically I mean05:53
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Emskohow do I run .sh files?05:53
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psweetmaWarbo: hmm, not great, but at least i'm stuck in a decent res (1600x1200) i suppose!  i'll have a sniff around the logs and see what i can see.05:54
TTiluseugman: i am not newbie  :)05:54
Warbopsweetma: Wow! I'd be pleased with 1600x1200 myself :)05:54
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Warbomartyn: STILL loading...05:55
TTiluseugman: mimeinfo.cache, mm, gotta remember05:55
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martynWarbo: lol05:55
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psweetmaWarbo: yeah, but the refresh rate is cr*p (60Hz)..  btw, should ctrl-alt-F1 / F2 etc. take me to a text console in default Ubuntu install, coz it ain't?05:55
Warbomartyn: OK, everything is fine and it is fat32. Now you can unmount it ("sudo umount /mnt")05:56
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martynWarbo: ok done that05:56
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Warbopsweetma: It should, but I found in an older installation (my HD failed so I'm in a better (Dapper) system now) that GNOME and X conflicted and Ctrl-Alt-Anything didn't work, and Win keys didn't either (had to skip tracks manually in Amarok)05:57
Warbomartyn: Right, now run "sudo gedit /etc/fstab"05:57
martynWarbo: ok done that05:57
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Warbomartyn: OK, add a new line and put /dev/hdb1 in the device column, wherever you want it mounted in the mount point column (maybe /windows or something?) and "defaults" in the options. It may be easier to copy/paste another line and change it, rather than start from scratch05:59
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orbinWarbo: fyi, people are recommending to use gksudo instead of sudo w/ gui apps now05:59
psweetmaWarbo: thanks.  actually although the screen is blank i just managed to log into the ctrl-alt-f1 terminal and issue a cat > x command, so it must 'just' be graphics driver problems06:00
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Warbomartyn: Oh yeah, put "vfat" in type06:00
martynWarbo: so it would be  "/dev/hdb1  /media/sda1 vfat rw,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 0 0"06:00
Warboorbin: OK, I'll bear that in mind (was going to say nano, but thought key combos would get comfusing)06:00
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joebhello all, I used to be a KDE user until a played with Ubuntu, and I used to use Quanta alot, I was wondering if there was a gnome equivalent (yes I know quanta will run :)06:00
[Chameleon] Warbo, psweetma: my desktop is 2560x102406:00
Dutchyyay speakers work, duplicate stereo ftw06:01
orbinWarbo: i try and recommend nano myself.  at least they'll learn how to use a console mode editor06:01
Warbomartyn: Well the "/media/sda1" bit is where your USB drive gets put. You don't want that (cos you can't access both at the same time) and also, adding "static" mounts (ones that woun't be plugged and unplugged) is usually best in /mnt. Try changing that bit to /mnt/windows06:02
kbrooksjoeb: bluefish?06:02
psweetmaChameleon: size isn't everything!  ;-)06:02
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WarboAnybody know what the fmask and dmask options are in fstab? I don't06:02
joebkbrooks: cool ta, does that do php, c, java nicely as well?06:02
EmskoI'm trying to install something that comes in a .sh file. How do I do this?06:02
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[Chameleon] psweetma: you are right.... it's how you use it... and I'm using XGL with compiz.06:03
WarboEmsko: In a terminal put "sh /path/to/file"06:03
[Chameleon] psweetma: it's totally sweet06:03
Emskothanks Warbo06:03
jadaz87can anyone tell me what graphic audo programming languages are included in ubuntu like jMAX, PD, open sound world, gALAN?06:03
Warbomartyn: Done yet? (don't close it yet)06:03
duncanmany nvidia users here?06:04
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duncanmi can't start X in dapper06:04
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duncanmit says Module nvidia not found06:04
gnomefreakduncanm: what card?06:04
Warboduncanm: What driver you using (ubuntu one, or from nvidia dite)06:05
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psweetmaChameleon:  compiz is a new one on me, but looks cool from a quick glimpse on wikipedia06:05
[Chameleon] psweetma: roger, I can confirm it is indeed cool.06:05
eugmanHey I'm trying to make it so I can run a terminal program in grnome terminal when I double click a certian file type but adding the argument -e doesn't seem to be enough. any ideas?06:05
ejofeehow do i find out which packages are there on my computer that no other package(s) depends on?06:05
WarboChameleon: I don't like compiz. It's nice, but not enough options yet. (I usually have Amarok oscilloscope and spectrum analyser on top and sticky. Can't do that in Compoz yet)06:05
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duncanmWarbo: ubuntu one06:06
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duncanmgnomefreak: i have a weird card, but it was working on breezy06:06
Warboduncanm: Have you tried "sudo modprobe nvidia" first?06:06
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[Chameleon] Warbo: I agree. I miss on top & sticky and other options.06:06
duncanmWarbo: yeah06:06
duncanmWarbo: says module not found06:06
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duncanmWarbo: but i have nvidia-glx installed06:06
gnomefreakduncanm: weird doesnt help much and did you run the sudo nvidia.glx command?06:06
[Chameleon] Warbo: but, they are not necessary. transparency allows me to achive similar results. for example, I was watching a DVD behind the IRC window since it was transparent.06:07
BobC2Hi Everyone!  I'd like to Dualboot now  I tried at first but a failed floppy drive prevented loading Win98SE so only Ubuntu now. Easier to remove Ubuntu and do Windows 1st then Ubuntu again or...?06:07
gnomefreakduncanm: the enable command?06:07
duncanmi did06:07
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Warboduncanm: OK. I've found pretty much every problem with nvidia has happened to me over the years.06:07
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gnomefreakduncanm: is it a card that you installed or onboard card?06:07
DShepherdBobC2: i think so. that;s how i did it06:07
duncanmgnomefreak: something i installed06:07
duncanmi have a Device          "3D Fuzion"06:07
[C] hrisaw 3ddesktop is fun06:07
WarboBobC2: Always install Linux after windows, if possible.06:08
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gnomefreakduncanm: did you disable the onboard one and did you set the right pci slot bus?06:08
duncanmWarbo: well, if you could help me, that'd be awesome06:08
BobC2DShepherd  ahh Ok   too bad was hoping to recover GURB or such?06:08
angie83[C] hris, giving a hotkey to 3ddesktop is more fun !!!06:08
psweetmaso what can i read into the fact that i can change res using ctrl-alt-+ but when i use the gnome-display-properties gdm/X crashes...?06:08
duncanmgnomefreak: i had it working in breezy06:08
BobC2DShepherd grub*06:08
[C] hrisangie83, i just created an icon and added to my panel06:08
duncanmi botched my upgrade to dapper, but now i'm back up and running, as much as i can tell06:08
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angie83[C] hris, run $3ddesktop --toright06:08
duncanmthe only thing missing is X06:08
gnomefreakduncanm: what ar eyou using now?06:08
DShepherdBobC2: got you that first time06:08
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angie83[C] hris, or sthing like that, read man, reallly cool06:08
duncanmgnomefreak: my laptop06:08
duncanmgnomefreak: dapper is on my desktop06:09
gnomefreakduncanm: what version of ubuntu?06:09
BobC2Warbo I wanted to doit that way but Icould not06:09
MenZaduncanm: if you're on dapper, use #ubuntu+1 :P06:09
duncanmgnomefreak: dapper06:09
duncanmi'm there too06:09
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duncanmbut no nvidia users06:09
duncanmi think it's not a dapper problem, more like an nvidia problem06:09
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duncanmthe thing is, it was working fine in breezy06:09
valehruHey guys06:09
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BobC2DShepherd lol ok Thanks!06:09
valehruguess what im using..06:09
WarboAnybody know a Nautilus background changer that actually works? I used to have loads of different chbg scenarios in a drawer on my panel, but I just had a bare root window then. Now I'm back to having desktop icons06:09
green_earzejofee: aptitude show package-name  will what the package Depends on06:09
duncanmWarbo: do you know the diff between nvidia and nvidiafb?06:10
DShepherdBobC2: np06:10
arrickanyone: why would apache write a manual for apace2, that has no correct directories or commands?06:10
[C] hrisangie83, i see what you saying06:10
Warboduncanm: I think nvidiafb comes with Linux, so it's free. Not sure though. Anyway, it's a framebuffer driver, not a full 3D one.06:10
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[C] hrisangie83, nice setup to change workspaces06:10
ejofeegreen_earz: thanks06:10
angie83[C] hris,  u're gonna really use virtual desktops, switching all the time! i used to have shift+f1206:11
[C] hrisi was just clicking the icon then scrolling up or down06:11
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BobC2I read at wikiUbuntu there is a way to to it "backwards" anyone done it?06:11
arrickanoyone, how do I configure the apache2 virtual host?06:11
gnomefreakduncanm: with any and all dapper questions please keep them in #ubuntu+106:11
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Warboangie83: I used to use E16 with GNOME instead of Metacity and I had 48 desktops :)06:11
digitalhav0ccould someone tell me how to reconfigure Xorg with dpkg06:12
digitalhav0cwhat the command is06:12
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BobC2Bubackwards I mean load Windows AFTER Ubuntu?06:12
digitalhav0ci've messed it up again06:12
angie83Warbo, for doing what???????06:12
[Chameleon] Warbo: did you actually use that many?06:12
[C] hrisi really dont need more then 4 workspaces06:12
green_earzejofee: and to list all the package that are installed     dpkg -l | more06:12
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Warbodigitalhav0c: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename" so packagename would be xserver-xorg06:12
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[C] hrisafter 4 its time to start investing in another computer06:12
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valehruok need to get my ext3 drive up and mounted06:13
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WarboChameleon: I had them in 2x4 arrangement and each had a different background switching. I definetly used all 8 at a time, but I used a different set depending on my mood (music backgrounds, landscapes, etc.)06:13
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[C] hrisanyone have any luck getting a creative zen micro to work on ubuntu06:13
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jadaz87[C] hris is the firmware updated to the lastest firmware?06:14
[C] hrisi think so06:14
jadaz87[C] hris the play now firmware?06:14
[Chameleon] Warbo: hmm, ok06:14
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marcusihi all06:15
[Chameleon] Warbo: I coded up a quick script to rotate my backgrounds a while ago06:15
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jadaz87[C] hris if so it will not work on linux06:15
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WarboChameleon: I found a few python scripts from Google but they didn't work, and I don't know much Python06:15
Se7hi do06:16
[C] hristhat might be the problem i did update the firmware to something just not sure if it was the one your talking about06:16
eugmanAnyone know what I have to set --working-directory to equal so I can open files in a terminal program just by double clicking them?06:16
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[Chameleon] Warbo: wallpaper-tray is in apt06:17
marcusii've un problem with ddclient on ubuntu06:17
[C] hriswhat is wallpaper-tray?06:17
adeptis a kernel update planned for dapper ?06:17
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bickyany1 knows how to change screenresolution in the terminal ?06:17
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WarboChameleon: During my switch back to Metacity I kept the ability to have different sets of rotating backdrops by using chbg with different scenarios in some bash scripts which started by killing any running chbgs. That was fine, but chbg doesn't work well with Nautilus (restarts Nautilus after every switch and ends up opening $HOME). BTW, wallpaper-tray is very pathetic at the moment. Doesn't even let me use 1 background06:18
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BobC2 type $ grub-install /dev/hdaX where X is your Ubuntu root install.  ?? What is the "root install" what should I be looking for?06:18
[Chameleon] Warbo: LOL06:18
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bickyBobC2 where your / is mounted. You can check it in /etc/fstab06:19
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WarboBobC2: Root is "/", the partition where everything else gets mounted06:19
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:19
BobC2bicky You mean type "/etc/fstab"?06:19
Archangelguys how can i see my other HDD06:19
Archangeli cant find it06:19
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic06:19
martynworble: sorry i got cut off06:20
welshbyteArchangel: mount it06:20
Archangelany help on that?06:20
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Archangeli am completely new06:20
martynwarbo: got cut off sorry06:20
BobC2Warbo  "/" thats it?06:20
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Warbomartyn: I saw you left :)06:20
ubotuwell, mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f06:21
kronozdid somone say my name?06:21
WarboBobC2: "/etc/fstab" is a file06:21
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martynwarbo: ok so what do i need to put in that file06:21
valehruwhats the default depth for 1280X1024 resolution?06:21
BobC2Warbo oh!06:21
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WarboBobC2: You notice it starts with a "/"? That's because everything is in the "/" (root) directory06:21
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welshbyteYorgos: keep the covnersation in-channel please06:22
Yorgoswell ok lol06:22
Yorgosi have to mount it every  time i start ubuntu?06:22
Warbomartyn: Where would be convenient to access these files? I would say "/mnt/windows", but you might want to get them in your home dir06:22
welshbyteYorgos: and you can put it in your /etc/fstab file in order to mount it every time06:22
BobC2Warbo  OK06:22
[C] hriscan hda be a cdrom?06:22
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.06:22
martynwarbo: dont really care06:22
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Warbo[C] hris: Sure.06:23
[Chameleon] [C] hris: yes, if your HD is SCSI or SATA06:23
[C] hrismines ide and hda06:23
WarboChameleon: My HD is USB, but if you've wired your system badly (is it really that bad?) then your HD can be hdc and CDROM is hda06:23
martynwarbo: here is the fstab http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12449 and the fdisk http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1245006:24
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[Chameleon] Warbo: :) Windows would freak out.06:24
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Warbomartyn: OK then. Make a folder called "/mnt/windows" by typing "sudo mkdir /mnt/windows" in a different terminal (if Gedit is still open)06:24
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adeptwhen will we see the 2.6.16 in dapper ?06:24
WarboChameleon: Yes, but who in there right mind runs Windows? :)06:24
adept(it fixes the issues with the sky2 net driver)06:25
martynwarbo: ok done that06:25
jmoncayowhat is port 32770 used for?06:25
[Chameleon] Warbo: the person who mixes their IDE chains like that06:25
adept   Previous ? Next 06:25
adept Package06:25
Warbomartyn: OK, I will make a copy of your fstab and edit it, then put it in pastebin for you06:25
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martynWarbo: cheers06:25
jmoncayowhat is port 32770 used for?06:25
adeptoops, sorry06:26
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WarboChameleon: Surely, the person who puts their IDE like that is exactly the person who DOESN'T run windows?06:26
adeptshitty laptop06:26
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martyn[Chameleon] : i am try this as my first linux disrto am still learning06:26
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eugmanCan someone tell me how setup the stupid gnome terminal to open a window and send the file I doubleclicked to frotz?06:26
[Chameleon] Warbo: heh, good point06:27
Goalgetterhello, anyone here who can help me get my Intel 3945ABG Wifi adapter working?06:27
escobar5hello, i'm installing F4L (flash 4 linux) and in the step when i do "./configure" i get bash: ./configure: No such file or directory06:27
escobar5, anybody can tell me what is happening?06:27
Warbomartyn: Hang on, you've run that auto-mounting script thing for NTFS and fat32? You already have your partition accessible in /media/hdb106:27
GoalgetterI'm trying the ndiswrapper but that won't work properly06:27
martynWarbo: yeah done that wen i 1st installed the distro06:28
[Chameleon] ROFLOL06:28
eugmanescobar5, ./configure is less of a specific command and more "run the file named configure in this directory" are you in the right directory?06:28
ompaulescobar5, maybe actually installing flash as on wiki.ubuntu.com/Restricted would help, but for compiling you must >> sudo apt-get install build-essential <<06:28
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Warboescobar5: Unless you are a developer (in which case you could rewrite the install scripts) I would not install f4l. It doesn't do anything. (The screenshots look nice, but the buttons don't actaully do anything when you click them)06:28
martynWarbo:No i edits that earlyer to see if woud pick it up and it wont06:28
Warbomartyn: Anyway, I'll add my own line06:29
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jadaz87does anyone know what the terminal command for pure data is?06:29
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erUSULjadaz87: ??06:29
escobar5ok warbo, thanks for the info06:29
arrickWhy is is ao hard to follow a (*#$&)* manual for apache2 configuration, couldn't they just speak in plain language for ease of use?06:29
jadaz87erUSUAL puredata06:30
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BobC2Thanks for the help !06:30
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whyz hey..i'm in a bit of pickle. i've just installed linux, but the grub installation has failed. I would like some help setting grub up properly. The boot device is a sata disk on /dev/sda, the drive with linux is /dev/hda06:30
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jadaz87puredata is like jMAX06:30
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green_earzarrick: if its just static html pages you will be hosting then have a look at using boa, its a lot more straight forward to use06:31
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arrickgreen_earz, what do you mean by "static"?06:32
martynWarbo: ok thx06:32
Warbomartyn: OK, first run "sudo cp /etc/fstab /home/(yourusername)" to back up your old file, then replace all of the text in Gedit with this http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1245106:32
erUSULjadaz87: i have no idea jadaz87, sorry 8|06:32
martynWarbo: thx06:32
ompaulwhyz, its does not like that, do one or the other but don't try to combine them, I hear it does not work out well06:32
green_earzarrick: no php06:32
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green_earzarrick: boa will run cgi ok06:33
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Warbomartyn: If you run "sudo mount -a" then it will mount everything in fstab06:33
ubuntu_i see you06:33
CyorxampAnyone know a good channel where I can get ISP advice (i am in the UK) ?06:33
UbuntuNewbiegood morning everyone06:33
whyzompaul, you meani should have the pata drive set up with grub on it?(/dev/hda)06:33
jmoncayocan somebody help me, why do i have port 32770 open, iot says sometimes rpc306:33
Warbomartyn: But you may need to unmount /media/hdb1 ("sudo umount /media/hdb1")06:33
arrickgreen_earz, thanks06:33
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ompaulwhyz, it seems to abhor the mixing of them - it might be possible after you get one drive set up to add the other using the instructions from >>/msg ubotu grub<<06:34
MetaMorfoziShas anybody a howto for: "How to speed up my os?" i think about kde and ubuntu breezy on laptop06:34
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martynwarbo: ok done that say theres no hdb1 for that unmount command. do i restart now06:35
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Warbomartyn: No restart needed (but you may want to so a restart before shutting down fully, to test that it does all work) because the is mount -a effectively the same as boot up mounting06:36
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ompaulMetaMorfoziS, other than don't run services use xubuntu-desktop (uses xfce not kde or gnome) and you can have the 3 main window managers(sic) installed on the one box  I can't suggest any more to you on that one06:36
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scifihi guys, is it possible to change the default option to windows xp in grub instaed of ubuntu?06:37
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Warbomartyn: Open your Home, and go Up to /, then go into mnt and then windows. It will be empty, but look at the bottom of Nautilus where it says free space. /mnt and /mnt/windows should say different things06:37
martynwarbo: Cheers mate thats it woking now06:38
green_earzMetaMorfoziS: you can use hdparm to tweak up the hard speed as in enable dma and us 32 bit instead of 16 bit >http://www.linuxnetmag.com/en/issue7/m7hdparm1.html >http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2000/06/29/hdparm.html >http://www.gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_hdparm_to_improve_IDE_device_performance#Getting_information_about_your_different_drives06:38
MetaMorfoziSthank you06:39
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martynWarbo: ok i looked in my computer i can see the windows drive with 4 gig of space tried to copy a file to it dont have pemission to copy to it06:39
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Warbomartyn: Sure. BTW, you can use the command "sudo mount --bind dir1 dir2" to access one directory in 2 places. This is useful because you can mount windows on /mnt/windows, then use mount --bind /mnt/windows/My\ Documents /home/name/Windows\ Documents to access your Windows My Documents inside your Home, without having to go through your "C" drive06:40
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ompaulscifi, yes edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and in there there is a line with the word default in it, change it to the "stanza" group of lines with the word windows in it - it might be  3 perhaps if it is the third group of lines06:40
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Warbomartyn: OK, OK. Try replacing the "user" in fstab with "users" that may sort it out.06:40
green_earzCyorxamp: http://www.ispreview.co.uk/   this link may be of some help ?06:40
corhereI need to share a wireless connection (rausb0) over a wired one (eth0) and I am not sure how. Can anyboy help me with this?06:41
ompaulmartyn, writing to a windows partition may leave it unusuable06:41
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Hirvinencorhere: Use firestarter. It has a wizard for that.06:41
Warboompaul: It is not windows partition, it is a blank fat32 partition to share files with windows06:41
eugmanWhat's the best way to turn a terminal command into a desktop icon?06:42
martynWarbo: ok trie the users and still does not give me permision06:42
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Warbomartyn: hmmm. OK, I used to have this problem when I used windows. I solved it by adding the option "uid=chris" (where chris is my username)06:42
bliss1_gnomefreak: HI06:43
green_earzMetaMorfoziS: and to install the kernel image that is best suitted for your cpu instead of the stardard 386 image06:43
ompaulWarbo, type should not be auto but vfat06:43
bliss1_ompaul; so sunny06:43
Warboompaul: That's what I put, didn't I?06:43
ompaulbliss1_, rain06:43
ndlovuhi all. stupidly I copied /etc/fstab from my old machine to the new one and of course now it doesn't boot nice. any ideas how to rescue my fstab?06:43
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bliss1_ompaul must be seeing things06:43
Warboompaul: Yes I did06:43
k31thok im trying to install some thing from source06:43
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martynWarbo: ok where would i put that06:43
k31thchecking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables06:43
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k31thAnd im getting the above error06:44
k31thanyone ?06:44
gnomefreakk31th: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:44
k31thI have gcc installed.06:44
k31thgnomefreak: thANKS !06:44
ompaulWarbo, I am reacting to the irc stuff - not a paste - thought it was a new conversation must be pastebin and going a while06:44
scifiompaul: is that file easy to edit, i.e have permissions to wrie to it?06:44
Warbomartyn: In the list of options (like users) put a comma and then uid=(your name), but this was on an old RedHat 9 Linux. It should still be the same though06:44
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nuthi what do I use to burn audio cds ?06:44
k31thgnomefreak: i was searching apt for dev tools etc06:44
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Warboompaul: Been going a while indeed!06:44
gnomefreakk31th: for future refference please install build-essential instead of gcc06:44
erUSULscifi: use 'sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst'06:45
martynWarbo: so it be " /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows vfat defaults,uid=martyn,exec,rw 0 0 "06:45
ompaulscifi, >>gksudo gedit /boot/menu/grub.lst<<  (so you need permission)06:45
gnomefreakbuild-essential brings in gcc make and header files for C C++06:45
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ubotuunknown__: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:45
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, unknown__06:45
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ompaulunknown__, what are you looking for "syslog" ? dmesg ?06:46
Warbognomefreak: Do you know if this problem is sorted yet: I have to install gcc-3.4 because default is 4.0, and there is a different version message when I make a kernel module. That's why I need gcc-3.4 instead. (Is dapper kernel built with 4?)06:46
Warbomartyn: keep the users in there as well and that is perfect06:46
gnomefreakWarbo: yes it is build with 4 iirc06:47
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Warbognomefreak: OK, mainly for my dad's system with USB modem. I use a router on Dapper so I couldn't test it06:47
scifierUSUL/ompaul: so which command do i use? lol06:47
ompaulscifi, mine is graphical erUSUL is using command line all the way - it is your call06:48
ompaulscifi, both must be started from a terminal06:48
martynWarbo: no still does not work. if i take out all the parts that auto mount put in and re run auto mount after a reart will that pic them all up06:48
corhereI am having a problem with firestarter: it says eth0 is not ready. I checked the settings and ifconfig, but all appears well06:49
scifiompaul: so basically ur command gives me permissions to edit the file in say gedit text editor?06:49
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Warbomartyn: I think the problem is that "user" lets any user mount it (not just root) which is how CDs can be done, etc. But when booting up everything is done by root, so root mounts it and therefore owns it06:49
ompaulscifi, both give you the "authority" to do so rather than permissions slightly different concept06:49
Warbomartyn: When you test it run "sudo umount /dev/hdb1" then "sudo mount -a" and retry the directory06:50
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Mendhow to install .bin files?06:50
bliss1_ompaul:  i am building a kernel and i am woo i am in usr/src and about to run make meuconfig but if i have a working config what do i do/ go into that directory and run what ?06:50
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eugmanHey does anyone know how I might make it so middle click on a minimized program closes it?06:50
Mendi wanna install realplayer but it is .bin file06:50
WarboMend: What kind? If it is an installer use "sh /pathe/to/file"06:51
erUSULbliss1_: copy the working config as .config to the linux dir then run make oldconfig06:51
martynWarbo: Whooo it woked mate thax alot cheer06:51
ompaulbliss1_, ^^06:51
WarboMend: There are packages available, and they will put RealPlayer into FireFox and also get updated automatically06:51
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scifigonna try it now, brb06:51
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FallenHitokirii use dapper. I installed network-manager and network-manager-gnome. after a reboot my panel applet is gone and i have no idea how i can get it back06:52
Warbomartyn: You don't have to reboot now, but I recommend that you do later today and check that it still works!06:52
Dutchyis there file sharing program similar to limewire/kazaa/etc i can get through the package manager?06:52
bliss1_erUSul: thanks just a sc06:52
corherewhoever it may concern: i found this tip in the ubuntu forums that worked for me, giving user access to windows partitions: add umask=0222 to the <options> section of /etc/fstab06:52
Mendhow to install .bin files?06:52
Mendi wanna install realplayer but it is .bin file06:52
martynWarbo: ill rebbot now to try it thx. should that auto mount normailt pick that up if i done a full reboot at any time06:52
FallenHitokiriMelchior, ./$foo.bin06:53
Warbomertyn: listen to corhere if it doesn't work :)06:53
green_earzDutchy: bittornado06:53
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green_earzDutchy: aptitude show bittornado06:53
Mendi wanna install realplayer but it is .bin file06:53
Mendhow to install .bin files?06:53
FallenHitokiriMend, ./$foo.bin06:53
erUSULMend: chmod +x file.bin;./file.bin06:54
Dutchythats bittorrent isnt it? or does it have the same search functionality as limewire etc?06:54
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EnglaI need some help tweaking the tty keymap, I want it to be identical to my gnome setup. I haven't changed anything, so they are both similar swedish layouts, but some keys differ... So I need to fix those06:54
corhereI am having a problem with firestarter: it says eth0 is not ready. I checked the settings and ifconfig, but all appears well06:55
WarboMend: Go into a terminal and use "cd /directory/where/bin/file/is"06:55
Dutchyi like bittorrent and such but it eats your bandwidth06:55
angie83can anyone here. help me to install ubuntu from ISO on hd? I already got grub installed, and the installer runnning, but says, i does not find the iso...06:55
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Warboangie83: I don;t think the Ubuntu installer can use .iso files stored on a partition, although many distros can06:56
ndlovu_my computer rebooted to a terminal because my fstab is stuffed. Now I can't edit fstab because it says the filesystem is readonly. any idea how to remount as rw?06:56
angie83Warbo, it does, believe me...06:56
green_earzDutchy: its not the same method as kazaa. you get you .torrent files to start you download off torrent site http://isohunt.comhttp://isohunt.com/ > http://thepiratebay.org//06:56
Warbondlovu: "sudo mount / / -o remount,rw" I think06:56
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MendWarbo: then?06:57
Warboangie83: Then I can't be much help then, sorry06:57
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ndlovu_Warbo: thanks!06:57
WarboMend: OK, I am assuming that you want it installed system wide, so it needs to be run as super user06:58
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Dutchygreen_earz, im perfectly aware of how bittorrent works :) and as i said it eats bandwidth :> for the usual downloads i'd prefer the kazaa/limewire method :)06:58
WarboMend: Use "chmod 755 filename.bin"06:58
tomplasthi, can anyone help me with RecordRadio script in amarok?06:58
MendWarbo: as a root?06:58
WarboMend: I will get to that.06:58
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green_earzDutchy: with bittornado you can control the upload and download rates06:59
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WarboMend: When it has execute permissions (the chmod thing) then run "sudo ./filename.bin" and put in your regular password06:59
invitadokiu man06:59
corhereI am having a problem with firestarter: it says eth0 is not ready. I checked the settings and ifconfig, but all appears well06:59
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Dutchyso does abc/azureus etc... still eats bandwidth06:59
MendWarbo: will it install it in a necessary directory or should i myself show it where to install?06:59
Frogzoois cdemu available on ubuntu/breezy?06:59
invitadooe kien tiene radio con sidi06:59
bliss1_erUSUL: i am following a howto here I am at the stage of make menuconfig but what i do is copy it as .config place it in usr/src and run make oldconfig06:59
Dutchyreally bittorrent is great, but not while browsing/gaming etc06:59
GambitAny one here ever gotten the groupwise client to install properly06:59
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WarboMend: If I recall it asks you. Also you can use the "ls /usr/lib/*mozilla*" command in another terminal to find out where Firefox is (I think it asks you that)07:00
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ub0tibittorrent...can someone pls help? I've been trying to download using torrents...07:00
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ub0tiso far nat error shows07:00
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simonehi everybody! I need help to recover lost partitions on an external hard drive... anybody can help?07:00
ub0tii am directly connected to the internet07:00
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DShepherdsimone: God maybe07:00
Frogzoo!tell ub0ti about azureus07:00
ub0tiso i cant see any reason why it should cause a problem07:00
erUSULbliss1_: it should be /usr/src/linux* , shouldn't it?07:00
=== ub0ti waits.
simoneDsheperd: well, I suppose he doesn't care too much07:01
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Warboub0ti: Are you using a client like Azureus or the built-in GNOME bittorrent?07:01
Dutchyill go install limewire, now i just need to find out how to install something without the package manager :P07:01
DShepherdsimone: :-/07:01
simoneI know there are some tools to recover partitions... on google there are plenty of them, but I need help to chosse07:01
bliss1_erUSUL; yes you right07:01
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MendWarbo: 1. cd /where/file.bin 2. chmod 755 file.bin 3. sudo /file.bin what then?07:01
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green_earzub0ti: do you have any ports open for bittorent on your firewall ?07:01
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ub0tiWarbo: i tried the built-in one, downloaded bittornado's version, and finally tried azureus07:01
WarboDutchy: Install gtk-gnutella. Runs faster than limewire (not java) and it's in Universe07:01
ub0tiI dont have a fire wall...i thought that kinda thing blocked azureus...07:02
Alexi5i was thinking of getting one of those intel dual core laptop so i can use ubuntu on it to do some software development,does ubuntu work well with these systems07:02
corhereDutchy: the thing that has helped my many times is checkinstall (universe). It chroots the "make install" or whatever then created a .deb07:02
ub0tiok, so that means i should install firestarter- i've been there, ppl07:02
Warboub0ti: Does the program start? Does the torrent get added to it? Does it just not have enough people with it?07:02
ub0tiand open up bt ports?07:02
ub0tiit gets added...i can see clients - both seeds and peers- i jst cant connect07:02
Dutchyok corhere Warbo ill check both out07:03
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WarboDutchy: Limewire just comes as a file to be run in it's own directory, no installation, so I don;t think checkinstall would help07:03
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ub0tiand i talked to the dude managing the network, he tells me that there arent any strict restrictions on ports- or blocked ports- but they use some sort of limitation to keep the torrent folks in line07:03
green_earzub0ti: example port range 10000 to 10010  on your firewall and setup the same with your bittorent client07:03
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ub0tiok. thanls green_earz07:03
bliss1_erUSUL: same directory as the source kernel07:03
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WarboMend: It is important to have a . before the latst stage "sudo ./file.bin"07:04
erUSULbliss1_: yes07:04
DutchyWarbo, ok cool thanks07:04
MendWarbo: i didn't get07:04
MendWarbo: do you mean putting period?07:05
green_earzub0ti: i prefer bittornado because of its control of upload  and download speed07:05
ub0tigreen_earz: yeah- when i was using gentoo - i alwys used that. since this is my first time trying ubuntu, am trying to feel my way arnd07:06
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green_earzub0ti: sudo aptitude install bittornado-gui07:06
WarboMend: Exactly. A "period" (damn americans) means the directory you are in and two periods ".." means the directory above you. You can type "sudo /path/to/file.bin" or just abbrieviate to "sudo ./bin"07:06
ub0tiby the by, are there any suggestions for a good place where i can find advanced guides (not just howto's) for ubuntu?07:06
ub0tigreen_earz: - have it 'lready...didnt work from there either.07:07
corhereI am having a problem with firestarter: it says eth0 is not ready. The terminal output says " Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting.." I checked the settings and ifconfig, but all appears well07:07
ub0tiapt is installing firestarter now07:07
WarboOK, I've got to go (Quantum Leap's on) If Mend has problems someone else help (trying to install RealPLayer .bin file)07:07
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ompaulub0ti, the one thing you should read is wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo other than that poke around wiki.ubuntu.com and look for spec material07:07
ub0tihello luis_07:07
green_earzub0ti: and to fire it up >         /usr/bin/btdownloadgui07:07
ompaulub0ti, I think you should read that page wheither you use sudo or not - just to understand the help we give here07:08
Mendanyone knows where i can get instructions to install .bin files?07:08
bliss1_erUSUL: rather than do this from inside the os i am about to do this kernel howto I could do it fro a live cd and mount the hda?07:08
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ompaulMend, usually if it build right >>sudo sh File.bin<< what is for?07:08
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corhereMend: try this: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28RealPlayer_10.2907:09
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ompaulMend, people do a lot of work so using that particular one may be a waste of time if someone has worked out what to do07:09
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ompaulub0ti, also wiki.ubuntu.com/Restricted07:09
Mendcorhere: thanks for the link07:10
Mendompaul: i didn't get07:10
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corhereMend: bookmark that page for future reference, it is an excellent information source07:10
tangmubaiis there a way to setup the direct rendering colors in x11? now, when i play some film with xv or watch tv with tv card, the colors are shifted (hue)07:10
ompaulMend, usually if it build right >>sudo sh File.bin<< what is for -- but what program is it?07:10
ub0tiok, looking up.07:10
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Frogzoois there a .deb for cdemu, or - horror of horrors - must I resort to source?07:11
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Mendompaul: it is real player for playing .rm files07:11
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Mendcorhere: i will.07:11
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ompaulMend, the easy way to do that right on Ubuntu is read wiki.ubuntu.com/Restricted and look for the Realplayer section07:12
erUSULbliss1_: why would you want to do it that way? it makes no sense. You are trying to build your own kernel right? just apt-get the source (or untar it) then do a cp /path/to/myconfig .config and then make oldconfig after that run 'make'07:12
corhereMend: you could also look at mplayer + win32codecs, that (should) play rm files07:12
ub0tiompaul: in the firestarter dialog i have this ipv6 device appearing under the 'choose LAN network device' - will it cause any problem for bittorrent?07:12
Mendcorhere: ok07:12
ndlovu_I have about 7 partitions, but not sure anymore which one mounts to which /dev/hda(x). any idea how to match the mount points properly?07:12
errpast-wcDid Firefox versions jumpt from 1.0.7 to 1.5.x?07:12
ompaulub0ti, I would not know, don't use Firestarter - it should not07:13
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xbox_sky*sigh* I have 1 main panel (top) that I use frequently, right now I added a new panel (bottom) but it doesn't matter where I click because evry time I try to edit the bottom panel (new one) only the front gets changed...!??!?!07:13
=== fury|Smoke [n=smokeste@vtelinet-216-66-121-74.vermontel.net] has joined #ubuntu
funmanerrpast-w? yes07:13
ndlovu_the boot process keeps kicking me to the commandline and telling me to use fsck07:13
jessidey boys, i am i troubles :(....I hope some of you can help me...07:13
bliss1_erUSul:  yes it was just a thought following this http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2107:13
corhereI am having a problem with firestarter: it says eth0 is not ready. The terminal output says " Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting.." I checked the settings and ifconfig, but all settings appear correct. Could somebody please help me?07:14
ompaulndlovu_, so type "fdisk -y " and don't switch off the machine when it is on using the switch07:14
=== ltibor65 [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E4D6.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ndlovu_ompaul: invalid option -y ?07:15
fury|Smokeare there kernels setup specifically for gaming07:15
ompaulndlovu_, you have a problem machine, do you have a live CD?07:15
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signiusHi guys07:15
funmanfury|Smoke: include keyboard support07:15
erUSULbliss1_: the instructions are clear in the page. in which point are you stuck?07:15
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erUSUL!tell corhere about repeat07:16
ndlovu_ompaul: yes I do, but the problem is just that my fstab is all wrong - that's confusing the boot process.07:16
fury|Smokeso i should build my own?07:16
green_earzndlovu_: you can look at the cat /etc/fstab file to where and what your mount points are07:16
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bliss1_erUSUL:  its the answer you have given already I have my working config and you have told me what to do thanks07:16
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corhereMy apologies for repetition07:16
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ndlovu_green_earz: the mount points are all pointing to the wrong /dev/hda(x). I'm trying to figure out what they should be07:16
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ompaulndlovu_, that shoud not be the case - problem is I now have to leave for a period of time07:17
ltibor65Hi Guys! Help me please! I have a HP Scanjet 3400C scanner. How can I install it under Dapper? It uses LPT parallel port.07:17
erUSULbliss1_: no problem. after you do 'make aldconfig' you can still 'make menuconfig' to change whatever you want in the configuration07:17
signiusI am having a hell of a time with ubuntu insiting on using IPV6 for wireless i have disabled IPV6 in /etc/modprobe.d/aliases but it is still insisting on trying to get IP info using IPV6 the IPV4 stuff be working and configured proper as it works perfect on the wired NIC i been searching for ages and not getting anywhere has anyone got any ideas ?07:17
=== Inazad [n=inazad@c66.110.151-156.clta.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
xbox_sky*sigh* I have 1 main panel (top) that I use frequently, right now I added a new panel (bottom) but it doesn't matter where I click because evry time I try to edit the bottom panel (new one) only the front gets changed...!??!?!07:17
ndlovu_ompaul: no problem, thanks for your help. I actually copied a backup fstab over the proper one accidentally, so that's why it's wrong07:17
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bliss1_erUSUL: ok thanks07:18
=== ChristianTroy [n=dodi@pD9E0B82E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu
ndlovu_any idea if there are any backup fstab files created automatically?07:18
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signiuseverything i can see is configured correctly but this IPV6 crap is driving me nuts07:19
knopfhi. can ubuntu do 'suspend to disc' on notebooks, please?07:19
signiuswhy would it insist on using for the wireless but not do the same for the wired NIC ?07:19
ompaulndlovu_, you control the machine, it does what you tell it, so no unless you tell it to, this is the harsh side of linux, when it bites it bites hard, if you ahve a live CD you could mount the partition and fix it if not try the rescue option but somehow from what you say I think it will reject that method (good luck)07:20
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ub0tiompaul: when setting the firewall to allow the reccommended port range (smeone suggested 10000-10010) where should i add it to? to the part allowing the service? do i need to configure 'allow connections from host'?07:20
ltibor65Hi Seveas, Can you help me in question of scanner install?07:20
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ndlovu_ompaul: the fun part of linux is that you also have to figure out how to fix your stuff-ups!07:21
signiusI dont appear to be the only person with this problem but i googled & googled and none of the suggested fixes has worked so far07:21
apricotkde or gnome?07:21
ompaulub0ti, I don't know it at all so your going to have to insult a destruction manual :-)07:21
xbox_skyany KDE users in here?07:21
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ompaulndlovu_, well its been a few years at this stage if I do something like that I deserve a good trashing :)07:21
ub0tibetter yet, i'll show you a scrnshot of the config-window07:21
=== ompaul heads off
green_earzndlovu_: sudo cfdisk       may give a clue where thing are ?07:21
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ltibor65Can anybody help me in scanner install?07:22
scorchsaberHey, I'm having trouble with sound. It works fine with things like Noatun, and media players, but not with games, such as abuse, Freeciv, NetPanzer...07:22
ub0tiomaru: heh, will risk that then....yeah, green_earz- would u mind taking a look at the firewall config?07:22
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green_earzndlovu_:  a better on is   sudo fdisk -l07:23
ndlovu_green_earz: ooh, that's looking promising...07:23
valehruIs there anything in the wiki about definining your resolution in ubuntu?07:23
scorchsabervalehru: Look in system-> Preferences07:23
bliss1_erUSUL : like make my ACPI work so that my compter will reboot .07:23
bliss1_there is this page that tels me how to install http://acpi.sourceforge.net/download.html and have found a dstl.dsl for my labtop07:23
valehruyeah but its not as high as I want it07:23
xbox_skyit's impossible to change a 2nd panel07:23
scorchsabervelehru: System->Preferences-> Screen Resolution07:23
scorchsaberWell uh07:23
ndlovu_green_earz: will cfdisk rewrite the fstab?07:24
scorchsabervalehru: Is your monitor set up correctly?07:24
valehruI want a better res than 1024*76807:24
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valehruseems to be07:24
valehruthink i may need to re-write the xorg.conf07:24
xbox_skyvaehru yes07:24
scorchsaberI know theres a way to chane the configuration, but I don't actually know the way. And yeah, you might07:24
xbox_skyyou need to find your refresh rate, and manually edit your xorg07:25
scorchsaberthats probably the way I'm thinking of07:25
valehruis there a gnome utility to set up the monitor?07:25
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xbox_skyvalehru gedit xorg.conf07:25
green_earzndlovu_: no just use fdisk to find where thing are . cfdisk writes the partion tables into the mbr.07:25
scorchsaberDoes anybody know how to fix my sound? I think it may be a problem with SDL?07:25
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Talldave2002can anyone help, i am having problems with Mplayer plusin in Firefox 1.5, when i select a link, it is played twice, just a scond or two apart, so i can see one in the window, and a small strip of the other one where the controls should be07:25
erUSUL!tell valehru about fixres07:26
corherefyi, I have solved my firestarter problem. It turns out that the internal connection needs to be configured through "Network Settings" to a static IP.07:26
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ndlovu_green_earz: there's a label column in cfdisk - would that be taken from the fstab or is it written during partition-time?07:26
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xbox_skyany .... KDE users..?07:27
ndlovu_green_earz: if it's written during partitioning, then I can just use those labels to recreate my fstab...07:27
FlannelKingxbox_sky: might get a better response at #kubuntu07:28
green_earzndlovu_: that took for fstab but cfdisk  will not edit fstab you need to edit fstab by hand07:28
xbox_skyok tx07:28
Frogzoowow, cdemu is nice07:28
green_earzndlovu_: sorry its took from fstab file07:28
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bliss1_Frogzoo; happy easter07:29
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apricotdvd player?07:29
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ndlovu_green_earz: oh well...07:29
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ltibor65Hi! Can you help me to install scanner? HP ScanJet 3400C07:30
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valehruok...going to reboot07:30
apricotdvd player? mplayer?07:31
scifiompaul/erUSUL: cudnt find what part of the menu.lst file i was meant to change to what, cud u tell me on here what im meant to change http://ubuntuguide.org/sample/menu.list_changedefaultosgrub07:31
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wahjavaHi group07:31
wahjavaWell, a silly question I want to ask ??07:31
funmanok... ask it...07:31
wahjavaWhat's displayed in 1st column (starting from 0), in the output of "ls -l" ??07:32
green_earzndlovu_: i hope you can some how sort your fstab problem out. but in the future look at using rsnapshot to backup you /etc   dir and any other dir you want07:32
wahjavafunman: tell ??07:32
FlannelKingwahjava: permissions07:32
erUSULscifi: is the first line that does not begin with # it says 'default    0' change 0 for the apropiate number07:32
funmanwahjava: file permissions07:33
funmanwahjava:  man chmod07:33
wahjavafunman: -rwxr-xr-x  1 ashish ashish 12602 2006-04-17 23:00 docman.py07:33
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wahjavafunman: I mean what is in the 1st column (starting from 0), in this paste it is 107:33
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scifierUSUL so change saveddefault lines to stanza?07:34
ndlovu_green_earz: thanks for the suggestion. actually I've just installed the computer otherwise I'd have my backup processes in place. Like an idiot I copied my old fstab so the network mounts would work... duh.07:34
wahjavafunman: When editing this file in vim, it says "file is readonly", and I've to use w! to save this file07:34
=== ndlovu_ smacks his head
Dutchyi forget the silliest things at times... how do i check my network ip again?07:34
funmanwahjava: man chmod will learn you that you have to type 'chmod +w file'07:34
wahjavaDutchy: /sbin/ifconfig07:35
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wahjavaBTW, I'm ashish in the listing07:35
Dutchythanks :)07:35
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wahjavaDutchy: some time it happens with me tooo ;-)07:35
errpast-wcI've got a box with no CD or floppy, would like to put on Ubuntu.  Obviously, can't directly use CD or boot floppy, would pxe be the way to go?  Other possibilities?  It does have a eth interface07:35
wahjavafunman: So don't apply world permissions on me ??  I'm the owner. Sorry for not mentioning it.07:36
=== RandomChu [n=randomch@cpe-66-75-16-218.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
funmanwahjava: chmod u+w file07:37
green_earzndlovu_: i started using rsnapshot because of the delete ho no i wanted to that problem !!07:37
funmanu user|g group|o others|a all07:37
erUSULscifi: is the line that says 'default X_sequence' in the url you've mentined07:37
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scifierUSUL: i found the relevant entries at the bottom of the file which dont contain #s, but i dont know what line i should be changing07:37
wahjavafunman: Well, I already have the write permissions07:37
wahjavafunman: -rwxr-xr-x  1 ashish ashish 12602 2006-04-17 23:00 docman.py07:38
funmanis file system read only ?07:38
wahjavafunman:   usr gr oth07:38
wahjavafunman: nope07:38
wahjavafunman: That's why I'm amazed.07:38
erUSULscifi: you have to put 'default     3' to boot windows as it is the 4th stanza (0,1,2,3)07:38
wahjavafunman: BTW, what 1 stands for after permissions ??07:38
funmanwahjava: the number is the physical links number07:38
funmani found it in man ls07:39
wahjavafunman: i-node number ??07:39
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funmantry that07:39
Dutchyhow do I allow programs internet access if they dont have it automatically?07:39
funmanln file file207:39
funmanand ls -l again07:39
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.07:39
wahjavafunman: you mean link count07:39
scifierUSUL: so change saveddefault line for windows entry to 'savedefault   3'? all the other lines also have savedefault, but no numbers next to them?07:40
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green_earzndlovu_: when you asked if the mount points from cfdisk are from boot time i think you are ringht and not as i said that they are from the fstab file. if so use the info the build your fstab file07:40
wahjavaDutchy: if u r connected to internet, ur apps already have the access, I think so07:40
signiusok there is something proper screwed up going on with this IPV6 within ubuntu is anyone familar with all the IPV6 stuff07:41
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wahjavafunman: what do I do now ??07:41
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erUSULscifi: no. the default entry in the beginnig of the file. i've never said savedefault.07:41
pulverhey anyone know names of msn servers? can't connect to the damn thing...07:41
funmancheck if filesystem is readonly07:41
funmanand make a chmod u+w file to be sure07:41
Dutchywahjava, i just tried limewire in sudo and it worked, it didnt work without sudo07:41
wahjavaDutchy: make sure your DNS servers, and gateway are properly setup ??07:41
green_earzndlovu_: all so run the command mount the see where and whats mounted07:42
=== No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULscifi: the line is 'default        0' or 'default    X_sequence' change it to say 'default    3'07:42
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wahjavaDutchy: I don't know what limewire is, so probably I won't help u out ?? But to be sure that u've internet access, u can do "ping google.com" ??07:42
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ndlovu_green_earz: I thought it looked different from what was in my fstab file. I was concerned that by mounting the wrong filesystem to the wrong point things might get overwritten, so I've booted into a livecd07:42
wahjavafunman: You mean it could be possible that 'ls' is outputting wrong values ??07:43
ndlovu_green_earz: any idea how to mount /etc though?07:43
Dutchylimewire is a file sharing program, and yeah im quite sure I have internet access or i wouldnt be typing here.... its just that limewire only seems to work when i use sudo07:43
funmanwahjava: no07:43
scifierUSUL: but those lines have #s in front of them, arent they just examples?07:43
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Dutchyim not quite sure i want to be running a file sharing program with sudo though :P07:43
=== klm [n=isometsa@a81-197-201-136.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #ubuntu
signiusif i disbale IPV6 in aliases it makes not odds but i then go on to disable the network.dns.disableIPV6 but setting the value to true in firefox it then breaks the IPV4 IP address's for the wired NIC if it change it back to false then it all works again and the wired NIC gets all the relevant IPs from the DHCP server07:43
=== sexcopter8000m [n=james@dslb-082-083-236-126.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
wahjavafunman: done this "chmod -c u+w docman.py" ?? but nothing printed on terminal07:44
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signiusbut i am still completely stumped as to why the IPV4 stuff refuses to work on the wirelss NIC07:44
wahjavafunman: this means file perms are intact.07:44
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funmanwahjava: what about file system ?07:44
marginoferrorDoes anyone know why IBMgraphics on nethack doesn't work on my Ubuntu install, when it used to work on Debian?07:44
signiusI have tried 2 different wireless NICs with different chipset and same results07:44
wahjavafunman: well, it is ext3 fs and I can save file with w! in vim .07:45
erUSULscifi: look for the first line that begins with default in the file07:45
marginoferrorI have a couple guesses, but I wanted to know if anyone else had encountered the problem.07:45
funmanwahjava: the number in ls -l output is 1 ?07:45
wahjavawahjava: yes07:46
ndlovu_green_earz: okay, figured it out (I think) "sudo mount -t ext3 -o rw /dev/hda(x) /mnt/tmp"07:46
scifierUSUL: i see it now the line saying 'default        0' or 'default    X_sequence' has no # in front, sorry, so change X_sequence to 3 not 0?07:46
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signiuscome on guys some of you must be clued up with the IPV4 & IPV6 stuff in ubuntu07:46
funmanwahjava: then i don't know07:46
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funmanwahjava: try copying it and editing it again07:46
funmanor try a chmod a+w07:46
=== Kork_ [n=Kork@dslb-084-056-102-033.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
wahjavafunman: /dev/sda6 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)07:46
green_earzndlovu_: to find out which is which yes07:46
Kork_hi guys, got a question07:47
erUSULscifi: yes.07:47
wahjavafunman: output of mount for '/'07:47
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marginoferrorHmm, no ideas?  =(07:47
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Jatt_kol_12_borhhello evrybody07:47
scifierUSUL: does it matter how many spaces after the word "default" i put the 3?07:47
green_earzndlovu_: then should be able to build your fstab file up again hope so07:47
Kork_does firefox get added to the dapper reps or do i have to do an update myself?07:48
erUSULscifi: you can put a # in front of the line you have now and put an extra line without # that says 'default    3'07:48
erUSULscifi: no. i do not think so07:48
Jatt_kol_12_borhhow to i telnet into ubuntu  5.1007:48
funmanwahjava: have u tried another editor ?07:48
signiusI think i am about to sump this dapper drake and go back to breezy07:48
signiussump = dump07:48
wahjavafunman: copied to another file, but same thing with vim07:48
ubotuTo disable ipv6 read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv407:48
welshbytekork: i'm guessing it'll be added before dapper is released since it's only small updates07:48
marginoferrorJatt, are you absolutely sure you want to telnet?  Not SSH or something?07:48
ndlovu_green_earz: looks like it should be good now. I just hope none of them were corrupted in the confusion.07:48
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wahjavafunman: will try nano07:48
Kork_ok, thx welsh07:49
scifierUSUL: ok thx will try it, brb07:49
Jatt_kol_12_borhmy bad ssh07:49
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Jatt_kol_12_borhis wat i want to do07:49
funmanwahjava: is the directory belonging to ashish ?07:49
Kork_dapper is quite fine already :-)07:49
funmanr u logged as ashish ? :)07:49
wahjavafunman: yup07:49
marginoferrorJatt:  http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/faqguide-all.html#sect-ssh-server07:49
green_earzndlovu_: it sounds like you got the methed to restort the fstab07:49
wahjavafunman: yup directory belongs to ashish07:49
marginoferrorThis should have everything you need.07:49
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funmanwahjava: is the +x bit set on the directory ?07:49
funmanand +w07:50
wahjavafunman: in nano, it worked07:50
lietuvisHi, I'm searching a way to unload a module during a boot up. Do you have any ideas? It's like the contrary to /etc/modules.07:50
FlimFlamMani need to pass a variable like blah$123 to a command on a remote host via ssh. i tried:   user@host /usr/bin/foo blah\$123   but it's losing the backslash when the variable reaches foo on the other host.  any ideas?07:50
funmanwahjava: any vim cached file in the directory ?07:50
=== Fergy [n=Fergy@a82-92-232-156.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #ubuntu
funmana .something ?07:50
wahjavafunman: drwxr-xr-x  3 ashish ashish 4096 2006-04-17 23:18 ../python07:50
signiusubotu i already tried that and it doesnt work07:50
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, signius07:51
digitsFlimFlamMan: you quoted it?07:51
wahjavafunman: docman.py~ exists but it has same permissions as docman.py07:51
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funmanwahjava: remove it07:51
FlimFlamMandigits, blah$123 is a variable value - actually i'm calling that from a locxal script07:51
green_earzlietuvis: you can install the module with modconf   aptitude install modconf  and then trick down the module you want to install07:51
funmanit's a backup fiel07:51
ndlovu_green_earz: lucky about the mount points being written as the label - thanks for the suggestions :-)07:51
wahjavawahjava: sorry,07:51
lietuvisok, i'll try that07:51
wahjavafunman: I'm really idiot07:51
signiusi done a tonne of google and searching all afternnon this seems to be something seriously knackered07:51
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funmanwhat was it ?07:52
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wahjavafunman: I've added in last line: "vim:ts=4:ro" ;-)07:52
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FlannelKingsignius: have you tried asking in #ubuntu+1?07:52
wahjavafunman: LOL on my idioticness07:52
=== funman laughs
green_earzndlovu_: np and yes them words rsnapshot your friend07:53
ltibor65Hi Guys, help me please! How can I install HP ScanJet 3400C scanner on LPT port?07:53
signiusthere other problems related to switching between wired and wilress cards also as you cannot change back to the wired NIC if the wirelss card isnt in the PCMCIA slot and this appears to have been filed as a bug before not just for ubuntu but for fedora also07:53
wahjavafunman: I'm new to IRC, and I'm using X-Chat, could u please tell me how u just emoted07:53
ezechis ubuntu with new gnome available already? (www.ubuntu.com doesn't say anything about it)07:53
wahjavafunman: I mean laughed ??07:53
marginoferrorwahjava, type "/me" at the beginning of the line.07:54
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=== marginoferror demonstrates
funman/me laughs07:54
=== funman laughs
=== wahjava laughs
FlannelKingezech: dapper is going to be released on june1, although you can get the alpha currently, and on the 20th, the beta is being released.07:54
marginoferrorThere we go.07:54
funman/me isn't xchat specific, it's irc specific07:54
=== wahjava a perfect idiot
=== JymmmEMC [n=Somethin@unaffiliated/jymmm] has joined #ubuntu
funmanit means u make an action07:54
ub0tiok...what are we? the irc-101? :P07:54
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ezechFlannelKing: thanks :) it would be very helpful if there was "what's included" on ubuntu.com07:54
funmanu should have used '/me is a perfect idiot'07:54
=== wahjava is a perfect idiot
ezechwahjava: try /help07:55
ezechor google for 'irc'07:55
wahjavaezech: any manual (or tutorial) that can teach me basic IRCing ??07:55
ezechand while you're on it, don't omit the 'netiquete'07:55
JymmmEMCWhen I apg-cache search php, the only results are php5, I'm looking for php4. What do I need to edit to get the older stuff? (also want apache 1.3x too =)07:55
JymmmEMCerr apt07:55
wahjavaezech: ok07:56
funmanezech: is netiquete an english word ?07:56
marginoferrorWell, sort of...07:56
ub0tiyou can excuse the typo- its etiquette...i think :(07:56
ndlovu_green_earz: it worked!! my computer is saved!07:56
ub0tierr... netiquette.07:56
funmanubotu: yes it is but thought it was french-specific07:56
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ubotufunman: I think you lost me on that one07:56
marginoferrorfunman, it makes sense in English too.07:57
green_earzndlovu_: nice one07:57
funmanetiquette is the way to behave in the old style07:57
funmanultra politeness07:57
funmanand things like that07:57
marginoferrorAnyway, gotta go.  Later.07:57
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lietuvisgreen_earz, thanks for the tip. It looks as modconf is what I was looking for. Now another question, does anyone remember where exactly pcspkr module hides? I can't find it for a moment.07:58
=== rob_ [n=rob@S0106000c41890897.ls.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
=== rob_ is now known as acid-trip
acid-tripok is there a xmms-perl add on i can apt-get?07:58
=== wahjava thanks to all those who helped ;-)
=== Sue_Denim [n=pseudony@] has joined #ubuntu
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green_earzwahjava : http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/irctutorial.html07:59
=== scifi [i=skiffy@bb-87-81-200-187.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
errpast-wc I've got a box with no CD or floppy, would like to put on Ubuntu.  Obviously, can't directly use CD or boot floppy, would pxe be the way to go?  Other possibilities?  It does have a eth interface07:59
=== FliesLikeALap [n=Ryan@toxophilite-05.dynamic2.rpi.edu] has joined #ubuntu
scifierUSUL: it wont let me edit the file :P07:59
almuleonola quierneres07:59
FlimFlamManhttp://pastebin.com/665472  <--- this describes a problem i'm having preserving a dollar sign in a parameter to a remote script via ssh - any suggestions?07:59
scifierUSUL: and it my file its 'default   0' not 'default   X_sequence'08:00
sandsdoes any1 know how to know the contents of a squid cache server of my ISP..08:00
=== Nukeador [n=nuke@54.Red-81-39-198.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
green_earzlietuvis: is it the sound card module you are after ?08:01
=== Fanskapet [n=tommy@81-233-197-124-no88.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
erUSULscifi: have you used sudo?08:01
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Nukeadorcould be any porblem to burn the daper iso into a dvd instead of a cd?08:01
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ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:01
lietuvisNo, not really. I just want to make pc speaker shut up. I can do it by running 'rmmod pcspkr' but I want to do it automatically.08:02
scifierUSUL: i tried sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst and it opens a blank file, cant work out how to use it08:02
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acid-tripok is there a xmms-perl add on i can apt-get?08:02
scifierUSUL: with gksudo gedit /boot/menu/grub.lst command says authentication rejected08:02
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gjastasiola hay alguien?08:04
grogoreoI have an mp3 player and I want to have a custom icon for when it is mounted. As it's a hard drive player the icon is one of a hard drive, is there any way to have an icon just for this device?08:04
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erUSULscifi: sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst should work note that it is an l not a number 1 in menu.*l*st08:04
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.08:04
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.08:04
=== dark_ [n=dark@proxy.ct.ufrn.br] has joined #ubuntu
green_earzscifi: cat /boot/grub/menu.lst08:04
erUSUL!tell gjastasi about es08:04
gjastasique es eso?08:04
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.08:05
=== DanglyBits [n=gabe@static24-72-74-4.regina.accesscomm.ca] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, funman08:05
erUSULgjastasi: vete a #ubuntu-es esto es un canal en ingls08:05
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texasd319hey all08:05
Frogzoohow can I tell k3b to write a .cue file, as opposed to .iso ?08:05
funman!tell me aim of life08:05
grogoreotexasd319, hi08:05
funman!tell funman aim of life08:05
scifierUSUL: it open using sudo nano, but not in a text editor, its command line08:05
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texasd319just got wine workin ubuntu is nice. what is good app to image an external drive08:06
scifigreen_earz: i will try that too08:06
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=== elad` [i=vsx@89-138-59-139.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #Ubuntu
green_earztexasd319: do you mean to backup to a external drive ? if so check out rsnapshot08:08
elad`How do I find out what shell I'm on?  nova:~>08:08
erUSULfunman: to play with the bot use '/msg ubotu'08:08
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lietuvisgreen_earz, I've finally found it under kernel/drivers/input/misc. So I guess the problems is solved. Thanks for the help.08:08
mambotechguy's I am new to ubuntu ...how can I search for minicom on install it08:08
elad`How do I find out what shell I'm on?  That's what the command-line looks like: nova:~>08:08
erUSULscifi: nano is a text editor and is easy to use move arraund with cursor keys08:08
elad`And how do I make bash my default shell?08:09
green_earzlietuvis: np and modconf is a handy tool all the best08:09
elad`That computer's not running Ubuntu, btw. I'm SSHing to it. My uni's computer.08:09
texasd319anyone here in the states use Verizon or Sprint broadband mobile cards in Ubuntu08:09
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lietuvisYeah, I've noticed that it's very useful. I'll try to skim one day through all the unneeded modules that get loaded. Just to speed up a bit the boot time.08:10
Nukeadorcould I have any problem for burning the daper iso into a dvd instead of a cd?08:10
=== tomplast [n=tomas@81-235-228-168-no91.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
=== anton [n=anton@dslb-088-064-051-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
jindiazanyone out there an EXPERT with mounting harddrives?  fstab, etc?08:11
erUSULelad`: try the help command08:11
elad`command not found08:11
tomplastis there anyway to add distortions to the sound (from the microphone) before skype gets it?08:11
erUSUL!tell jindiaz about anyone08:11
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)08:11
=== jessy_ [n=jessy@4va54-1-81-56-98-29.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
jindiazlol, erUSUL08:12
texasd319how do you upgrade to the new version08:12
texasd319is it difficult?08:12
mambotechguys how do i add an application08:12
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green_earzlietuvis: here a handy link find out what your pci module are > http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/08:13
=== StarKruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-227-187-48.dsl.sbndin.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu
Linuturkmambotech: gnome or kde?08:13
dpmhow can I check the version of a library from the command line?08:14
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jindiazok, can an EXPERT with mounting hd's in this case a secondary hd which is having serious issues being accessed once mounted.  it is mounted, i can get into it, its in ext3 format, but i cannot create folders.  something to do with fstab.  yet with sudo privilages opening konquerer i can do what i want.  how do i edit fstab inorder to fix this problem?08:14
Tomcat_dpm: "dpkg -l libname"08:14
Linuturkmambotech: i was going to say synaptic, but I only know gnome08:14
Tomcat_dpm: Or "apt-cache show libname"08:14
ndlovu_anyone know why sound juicer would crash when I try to rip a CD to WAV files?08:14
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dpmTomcat_, thanks a lot08:14
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=== tempest1 [n=2498qy@adsl-0-231-213.chs.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Linuturkndlovu_: because you used California oranges instead of Florida oranges :-P I really have no clue08:15
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dpmTomcat_, what about libraries that haven't been installed from a deb package but compiled from source?08:15
ndlovu_Linuturk: it's a frikkin fruit salad in here!08:16
erUSULjindiaz: paste your fstab in pastebin. what is this partition used for?08:16
tempest1Hey, for some reason I'm not getting any output when I try and play a midi file.. does anybody know where to check the configuration for that?08:16
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Rudemeisterapt-get install oracle-xe08:17
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mambotechOK ..I have a new install of ubuntu and I can only logon as myself ....I have tried su but I don't no what the password is to switch to root ...as it didn't ask me at install  ???08:17
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jindiazerUSUL: for mass data storage08:17
tempest1mambotech: sudo su08:17
FlannelKing!tell mambotech about root08:17
green_earzndlovu_: is there room for the wav ?  grip and good ripper     aptitude show grip08:17
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tempest1type in your pass, then do passwd08:17
lietuvisgreen_earz, so if I do have some modules loaded which are not in the list that I get, I can safely unload them (except, of course, for those critical modules like filesystem, etc.)?08:17
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ZigZaghey guys! I'd like to know how to enable antialiasing for small fonts. Anyone have an Idea as to where that is set?08:18
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tempest1ZigZag: using Gnome window manager?08:18
ndlovu_green_earz: plenty space. will try grip also.08:18
ZigZagtempest1: yeah08:18
tempest1ZigZag: go to System, Preferences then Font08:18
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ZigZagtempest1: and then?08:19
tempest1uhm, look at your options?08:19
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ZigZagtempest1: they're all set. it's only the small fonts I have problems with, as I said...08:20
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green_earzlietuvis: be very carefull with the module remove  if you want to get a bit more speed out the system check out hdparm the tweak up your hard dma and set it to 32 bit instead of 16 bit08:20
jindiazerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1245608:21
erUSULjindiaz: you can put 'users' in the option part of the fstab line. or better make dirs in that partition owned by the users you want08:21
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jindiazerUSUL: ermmmm say whut?08:22
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procrastinatorif I want the computers that are connected to my eth1 through a class C static ip network to access my internet connection on my eth0, should I use a networking bridge or routing of some sort? And is there a difference at all?08:22
green_earz  lietuvis: http://www.gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Use_hdparm_to_improve_IDE_device_performance#Getting_information_about_your_different_drives > http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/pub/a/linux/2000/06/29/hdparm.html > http://www.linuxnetmag.com/en/issue7/m7hdparm1.html08:22
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sethkprocrastinator, there is a difference, yes08:24
sethkprocrastinator, all you need to do is to enable ip forwarding on your box.08:24
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procrastinatorsethk: okay...08:25
aloncan i remove the (windows) mounted partition from desktop (without unmounting)08:25
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sethkprocrastinator, that's done with sysctl.  do sysctl -a | grep forward     that will show you the current state of forwarding on your box08:25
sethkprocrastinator, you change it with sysctl -w08:25
lietuvisgreen_earz, that does sound interesting. I'll try it when I have some more free time and no important paper works to finish (just in case it doesn't work) :)08:25
sethkprocrastinator, usually you need only turn on net.ipv4.ip_forward08:25
ub0tifinally, managed to set the firewall to allow bitttorrent service...am getting speeds upto 10kbps- highest i get on my conenction is 36kbps (on windows)...so what else should i do to get the max connection.08:25
ndlovu_green_earz: grip seems to be working. thanks again :-)08:26
tombshi all08:26
aloncan i remove the (windows) mounted partition from desktop (without unmounting)08:26
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ub0tihey, green_earz- finally, am getting it to download someth :D08:26
sethkprocrastinator, a bridge is used to make two subnets behave as one.  It forwards everything between the subnets.  A router forwards only packets that the routing table requires forwarding of08:26
GaMeZhi :)08:26
procrastinatorsethk: I configured a network bridge in /etc/network/interfaces -- should I just remove that?08:26
green_earzlietuvis: np and rip rip away08:26
erUSULjindiaz: try '/dev/hdb1       /mnt/cartoons   ext3    defaults,users,umask=000  0   0'08:26
procrastinatorsethk: okay, Ill remove it08:27
sethkprocrastinator, yes, I would.  It probably won't hurt, but you don't need it and it's a complication08:27
lietuvisgreen_earz,  np, what's that?08:27
biyinzikaHow is good life08:27
green_earzlietuvis: no problem np08:27
jindiazerUSUL: oops, srry when i copy and pasted forgot that other 0, yah it is like that already08:28
=== Jowi [n=johan@bgn92-4-82-238-212-88.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
lietuvisoh (: i don't use IRC that often08:28
=== _chouette [n=chouette@lns-bzn-30-82-253-145-111.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
Jowihi all. is there a wiki describing how to set up the system to use maildir by default?08:28
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erUSULjindiaz: the defaults part too?08:28
green_earzub0ti: nice one and here a couple of torrent sites > http://isohunt.com/ > http://thepiratebay.org/  just in case ?08:29
procrastinatorsethk: okay, I switched net.ipv4.ip_forward on. What about net.ipv6.conf.eth1.forwarding and net.ipv6.conf.eth0.forwarding?08:29
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ub0tiheh. not to worry- have had 'em for months...08:30
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sethkprocrastinator, unlikely that you are actually using ipv6, but turning them on will not hurt.  The general (not eth specific) switches override the network interface specific switches08:30
=== Engla [n=ulrik@062249188159.customer.alfanett.no] has joined #ubuntu
sethkprocrastinator, I would turn them all on; one less thing to wonder about08:30
green_earzub0ti: and for all things political > http://www.chomskytorrents.org/08:31
procrastinatorsethk: okay. What now?08:31
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ub0tigreen_earz: do u happen to know where pgactorrents is now? they've gone 'underground' and its been sometime since i last visited there...they changed the uRL and i got locked out my spymac a/c08:31
procrastinatorsethk: nothing?08:31
ubotuJowi: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:31
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ub0tigreen_earz: - Woohoo! thanks, his books are always good08:31
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lietuvisok, my last question. I have an IBM Thinkpad R50e and I'd like sometimes to make it sleep. I used this --> http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Installing_Ubuntu_on_a_ThinkPad_R50e#Standby.2C_Sleep_and_Hibernation , but, unfortunately, to some reason, it doesn't work. Laptop goes to sleep but I can't wake him up. Has anyone found a solution to this? That's not of a great importance but still...08:32
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Jowi08:32
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lietuvisby saying sleep, I mean stand by or suspend to ram08:32
jindiazerUSUL: yah, tried it again just now, didnt work.  think ive tried that already08:33
procrastinatorsethk: I got "Operation not permitted" setting key "net.ipv4.conf.eth1.mc_forwarding" -- should I do anything about that?08:33
sethkprocrastinator, use sudo08:33
brunoHEY HWO CAN HELP ME???08:33
procrastinatorsethk: I did.08:33
procrastinatorsethk: It's probably because it's active?08:34
sethkprocrastinator, if the setting of net.ipv4.ip_forward works, then you don't have to worry about the mc_forwarding switch08:34
sethkprocrastinator, it's for multicast08:34
procrastinatorsethk: okay.08:34
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green_earzub0ti: sorry i do not know pgactorrents, on the noam chomsky site i have i iso that i server >  Fahrenheit 9/11 (Documentary) on a pentium 400 and it runs well08:34
sethkprocrastinator, which you probably don't need.  In ipv4, ip_forward should take care off all packet types08:34
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Linuturkis there a support channel for nvu?08:35
procrastinatorsethk: so, nothing else needs to be done?08:35
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sethkprocrastinator, that should be all.  Note that the change will go away when you reboot.  You'll want to put the change into one of the startup files.08:35
procrastinatorsethk: okay, there's no conf file or such?08:36
brunosethk can we talk apart?08:36
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ub0tigreen_earz: seems i'll have to use windows to download that....still getting only 5 kbps from azureus- installed firewalled and am allowing the ports to go through 10000,1001008:36
sethkbruno, sure08:36
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waylandbillI want to configure the MTA to send local mail to another host. Where do I do that?08:36
sethkbruno, but why?  I didn't see you ask a question here08:36
brunohow I do tath08:36
sethkbruno, you have a much better chance of getting an answer by asking everyone08:37
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bickyI made a script to start-up WoW, but by starting up I want to change my screenresolution to 600x800, how can I do that ?08:38
ub0tigreen_earz: do i have to edit any 'outgoing' firewall policies?08:38
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brunoi have a problem trying to "descompress" a tar.gz file....08:38
sethkbruno, tar xvzf filename.tar.bz08:38
brunoI dont know how08:38
sethkbruno, or:  gunzip filename.tar.gz | tar xvf -08:38
green_earzub0ti: no its behind a nat routre08:39
brunoits dosent respond :(08:39
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Linuturkis vi like notepad? by that i mean, whenever I need plain text from any program, I always "wash" it through notepad to remove all the formatting. is vi similar in that respect?08:39
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waylandbillLinuturk: vi is a plain text editor, so in that respect it is similar to notepad08:40
brunothe problem in all that its when I want to descompress a file the pc send me a error08:40
brunothat dont find the file08:40
intelikeyit prolly wont 'wash' things like you think but it can be used for things like that Linuturk08:40
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bickybruno : when you've typed the first 2 letters or something press [tab]  the rest of the name wil appear, this prevents typo's08:41
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sethkbruno, perhaps the file is in a different directory?  do    ls filename     see if it is found08:41
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intelikeybruno the pc doesn't find the file ?     the app used to find files is    find08:42
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jadaz87do anyone know of good groupware websoftware?08:43
ktogiasalso "$ locate filename" may locate it...08:43
mambotechanyone here no how to test a com port is working08:43
brunobut my file is on the desktop08:43
Tm_Tmambotech: plug terminal in08:43
HondaDarrellis there a way to repair dapper from a ubuntu breezy live cd?08:43
bickybruno: then it is /home/ACCOUNTNAME/desktop/FILENAME08:44
jindiazerUSUL: umm any ideas???08:44
alarssoni have problems with usb-printer (konica minolta pagepro1300w) and ubuntu 5.10. i have the appropriate driver and I'm wodering if there is something wrong with the usb driver. does anyone know how to investigate that?08:44
brunocan u repeatme the thing of the tab key bycky?08:45
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green_earzub0ti:  here a torrent that you may find intresting > http://www.mininova.org/search/?search=loosechange08:46
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waylandbillbruno: he was just talking about autocompletion. Type first few letters and press tab.08:46
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intelikeytab completion is a bash built-in    . /etc/bash_completion    expands that function greatly.08:48
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jindiazok... so of these 741 nicks.. who has set up their system with more then one hd?  and second of those ppl, who really understands said procedure?  if so, PLZ for the love of god help me... ive been at this for a day and a half...08:49
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mambotechguy's how do I check that the serial port is configured08:50
_jasonjindiaz: what exactly are you trying to do with the other hard drive?08:50
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apollo2011hi everyone08:51
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alarssonanyone who has experienced trouble with ubuntu 5.10 and usb printer?08:51
intelikeymambotech configured ?08:51
jindiaz_jason: well, ive already qtpartitoned it, its in ext3 format, BUT i cannot access it without sudo privilages via konqueror.  how do i edit it in fstab to work properly so i can get on with transfering data on to it08:51
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apollo2011I realize this might be possible, but it is well worth me trying...I apparently deleted all my ext3 partitions on my Linux hard drive. Is there any way I can recover these?08:52
_jasonjindiaz: if it's ext3 you have to use chown/chmod to give it the right permissions08:52
apollo2011If I look in gparted, it shows them as unallocated space08:52
intelikeymambotech what is plugged into the /dev/ttyS0 ?08:52
estebandidohello - i have a bizarre connection problem08:52
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intelikeymambotech or what is plugged into the /dev/ttyS1 ?08:52
jindiaz_jason: ok, plzzz tell me how to do this08:53
mambotech intelikey:console port of a cisco router08:53
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_jasonjindiaz: do you understand linux permissions a bit?08:53
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jindiaz_jason: i would really really REALLY appreciate it08:53
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estebandidogood grief, is there a more manageable channel to ask about connection troubles?08:54
TaserIf anyone is available, I need some help.08:54
jindiaz_jason: no not at all, this is my first time going thru this amazingly long procedure08:54
acid-tripis there other repositories i can add08:54
sethkjindiaz, chmod -R username /path08:54
blindxestebandido, what's your trouble?08:54
acid-triplike maybe use some debian ones?08:54
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estebandidowell, i just updated from an old 5.04 cd install to dapper08:54
Profichilla_apollo2011, you should probably try parted (the command line version). It has a restore function. If that does not work, there is a quite powerful recovery tool called testdisk.08:54
waylandbilljindiaz: it would be helpful to know what you want to do with the second hard drive. other o/s, specific mount point, etc..08:54
estebandidoand now ethernet and wireless are not available in the network admin dialog box08:54
estebandidoas in, not there at all08:55
blindxah, I'm not familiar with dapper.08:55
blindxtry #ubuntu+108:55
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_jasonjindiaz: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html , read through that so you can get the basics down.  If afterwards, you aren't sure what you need to do, just ask08:55
intelikeymambotech eeek routers i know nothing about... but maybe  ssh -D /dev/ttyS0  blah08:55
estebandidook, cool, i will - thanks08:55
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mambotech intelikey:np problem08:56
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jindiaz_jason: ok, the primary hd is already xp and linux.  this secondary hd is going to be primarily cartoons such as simpsons, etc.. the third will be anime and the fourth normal tv.  this one has already been set as /mnt/cartoons08:56
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gahanis there a painless way to share sound device beetwen mozilla, xmms etc?08:56
acid-tripis there other repositories i can add??08:56
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manuel__hola world08:57
procrastinatorsethk: are you still there?08:57
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sethkprocrastinator, yes, for a moment08:57
blindxAny utilities for getting rid of a program's task-bar button, and putting it as an icon in the tray?08:57
intelikeymambotech the router should be listening so there shouldn't be any "configuring"  to the port...   but someone in here has done what you are trying to do, if you can get their attention.08:58
=== Taser hopes someone sees him with his hand held up.
manuel__my god08:58
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manuel__Where I m?08:58
sethkmanuel__, I don't think he is here08:58
procrastinatorsethk: does the clients have to have DNS info too?08:58
blindxTaser: shoot.08:58
intelikeyROUTER help for mambotech !08:58
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_jasonjindiaz: for example if you want everyone to have complete access to /mnt/cartoons and everything under it you would do 'sudo chmod -R o+rw /mnt/cartoons' .  The -R tells it to go down into subdirectories and the o+rw tells it to give others read and write permissions08:58
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manuel__thnk sethk08:59
sethkprocrastinator, yes, DNS has to be configured on every machine.  You are taking care of the routing, but DNS is a separate issue08:59
manuel__that a good news08:59
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_jasonjindiaz: be very careful with sudo chmod -R, using it incorrectly can really mess up your system08:59
TaserI'm trying out Ubuntu at home, and all is well, but I'd like to add more packages.08:59
procrastinatorsethk: okay, what about gateway?08:59
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sethkprocrastinator, the gateway should be the ubuntu box08:59
TaserMy dilemma is that I have dial-up at home, and I'd like to take advantage of a hi-speed connection at work.08:59
manuel__but U didnt tell me, where I m08:59
sethkprocrastinator, the one that is doing the forwarding09:00
sethkTaser, here09:00
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procrastinatorsethk: okay.09:00
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ubotuTo display the FPS type "glxgears -iacknowledgethatthistoolisnotabenchmark"09:00
waylandbillTaser: burn to CD/DVD and use the disc as a repository09:00
scifistill havent edited me boot file :~(09:00
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intelikeymanuel__ looks like you are in  (Switzerland to me09:00
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_jasonTaser: does work have a debian system?09:00
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_jasondebian-based I should say09:00
manuel__jes, that I know09:00
apollo2011Profichilla_:In parted I use use the rescue command? How close do I have to be with the start/end?09:01
manuel__that I m in CH09:01
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manuel__but I don't understand09:01
TaserI don't know where to get the packages from, and if I can FTP to a location where I can download them.09:01
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manuel__what for a chanel is it09:01
manuel__I ' triing09:01
jindiaz_jason: yes yes, that is what i want, permanemt access by anyone who logs into my pc09:01
TaserJason: Nope, everything is Windows here.09:01
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grogoreocould someone tell me what toolkit was used to create aptitude with like a GUI in the command line?09:01
intelikeyIRC = internet relay chat     #ubuntu = the official ubuntu help channel09:01
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jindiaz_jason: so putting that command in terminal WILL solve this huge and ridiculous problem permanetly?09:01
Profichilla_apollo2011, I think (not 100%, actually), you can enter the start and the end of the HD and it will automatically detect where partitions start and end. It's just the range parted seeks in.09:01
manuel__I tri to understand what linux & ubuntu are...09:02
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apollo2011Profichilla_: ok good :-)09:02
_jasonjindiaz: heh actually no not really09:02
scifianymore ideas on how to edit my menu.lst file?09:02
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procrastinatorsethk: the device that handles the local network on the forwarding box needs no other configuration than its own address and the subnet mask, right?09:03
blindxAny utilities for getting rid of a program's task-bar button, and putting it as an icon in the tray?09:03
manuel__and what are the possibilities that ubuntu has09:03
_jasonjindiaz: what does /mnt/cartoons look like right now? is it just an empty directory?09:03
intelikeymanuel__ linux = an open source operating system for computers.09:03
Jimmey__scifi, cd /boot/grub/; gksudo gedit menu.lst09:03
_jasonjindiaz: relax, I don't know all the details09:03
jindiaz_jason: yes09:03
sethkprocrastinator, right.  the magic happens in the stack, up a couple of levels09:03
manuel__mhm, yes, I m still working whit ubuntu09:03
_jasonjindiaz: ok so just do this 'sudo chmod 777 /mnt/cartoons'09:03
intelikeymanuel__ http://gnu.com09:03
apollo2011Profichilla_: Its in sectors right? not cylinnders?09:03
sethkprocrastinator, I'm assuming you aren't using iptables.09:03
jindiaz_jason: and the owner is root, i just need it changed to my username so everything just works09:03
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scifiJimmey: and that will let me actually edit the contents of the file?09:03
manuel__but it's just a month that I have ubuntu09:04
procrastinatorsethk: I'm not.09:04
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jindiaz_ok your shure ryht?09:04
jindiaz_jason: i mean, your shure ryght?09:04
Jimmey__scifi, try gksudo nautilus, then work your way to /boot/grub, then open up menu.lst. That will let you edit.09:04
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_jasonjindiaz: you can do that too if you want, but if you give 777 permissions it doesn't matter too much.  sudo chown user:group /mnt/cartoons, will change the owner to 'user' and the group to 'group'09:04
Profichilla_apollo2011, don't know, acutally. :(09:04
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_jasonjindiaz: sure, go for it09:05
scifiJimmey: ok will try that as well :p, brb09:05
green_earzTaser: you could download the dvd by bittorent and use it a apt source > http://torrent.ubuntu.com/releases/breezy/release/dvd/09:05
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sirishhello fellas I am having an ACER laptop and looking for enable wireless on it09:06
manuel__I 'll try leater09:06
Jimmey__sirish, what wireless card?09:06
manuel__have a nice evening09:06
sirishI am not sure about the exact model number09:06
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sirishbut can look it up09:06
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Tasergreen_earz: Thank you, I'll try that.09:06
Jimmey__sirish, that would be helpful, if you could09:06
green_earznp and all the best09:07
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sirishok just give me a minute09:07
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blindxAny utilities for getting rid of a program's task-bar button, and putting it as an icon in the tray?09:09
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jindiaz_jason: ok, i did that, but after exectuing it brings me directly back to the prompt09:09
procrastinatorsethk: I can ping both devices on the forwarding box from the slave, but not anthing beyond that?09:09
Jimmey__scifi, before you edit anything: type this into the terminal:09:09
Jimmey__cd /boot/grub/; sudo cp menu.lst menu.lst.bak09:09
intelikeyPlease upgrade to a v5+ browser to view this site. <--- what the crap does that mean.  and "links2 --version" shows "Unknown option --version"  doesn't that break lsb ?09:09
eobanb_blindx, i believe that's specific for each programme09:10
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_jasonjindiaz: which one did you do?  the 777 one?09:10
sethkprocrastinator, check that the forwarding boxes default route is correct09:10
Jimmey__jindiaz, I think you can do it manually09:10
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brunowell, when i wrote sudo tar zxvf NAMEFILE.tar.gz09:10
blindxWell I want something that'll do it for any program, even if it's not in that program's settings..09:10
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brunoappears an error09:10
procrastinatorsethk: default route?09:10
Jimmey__HaRDaWaY, hello09:10
apollo2011Profichilla_: The bad news, parted didn't find anything. The good news, test disk found everything09:11
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sethkprocrastinator, setting the gateway is really setting your default route.  It's where packets go that don't have an explicit route.09:11
Kyynara_bruno put a "-" before zxvf, so that it is -zxvf09:11
jindiaz_jason: yah i did the 777 one, it goes straigth back to prompt on the very next line after pressing enter09:11
arrickeveryone, remember I had questions about apache2? I found the answers OFFLINE in the apache server 2 Bible. THanks for all your help though.09:11
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_jasonjindiaz: that's fine, now try to create a file in /mnt/cartoons, it should work09:11
arrickafternoon tonyyarusso09:11
blindxarrick: what do you mean "offline"09:11
tonyyarussoarrick: 'ello.09:11
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arrickblindx, IN A BOOK09:12
blindxa what?09:12
Profichilla_apollo2011, nice. Testdisk has saved my day several times already, you know. I love testdisk =)09:12
brunokyynara: what is the difference09:12
arricksorry aout the caps09:12
oblihey, could anyone help me put together a command to batch rename a couple of files to replace spaces with underscores?09:12
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_jasonobli: rename 'y/ /_/' file1 file2...09:12
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tonyyarussoobli: Yeah, like that.  Wildcards to the files as necessary.09:13
Kyynara_don't know really, just thought it would help09:13
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procrastinatorsethk: on the outwards device it's correct, otherwise I wouldn't have internet access on the forwarding box. the inwards device needs no gateway, does it?09:13
blueyfor i in *; do mv "$i" `echo $i | tr ' ' '_'`; done09:13
brunodanke kyynara_09:13
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apollo2011Profichilla_: ok, I will have to reboot to see if everything is back ok09:13
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brunowho spaeak in sapnish???09:14
tonyyarussoHow do I choose to not save sessions?  Gnome is normal, but KDE always loads the same old session from a while back.09:14
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:14
sirishJimmey I will just log back in windows and be back!! to let you know about the wireleess card details09:14
sirishwill you be online for another 10 mins?09:15
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Jimmey__sirish, before you do:09:15
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Jimmey__Try system > administration > device manager09:15
blindxCan you install IE6 on ubuntu?09:15
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Jimmey__blindx, why?09:15
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tonyyarussoblindx: You can...but why?09:15
blindxI'm a web-designer.09:15
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=== scifi [i=skiffy@bb-87-81-200-187.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
Larsson-SwedenI've got one simple question: How to force-reload the alsa server in Dapper? In Breezy, it worked great with: /etc/init.d/alsa force-reload but the "alsa" script has been replaced with "alsa-utils" and if an app hangs the server i cant reload it!09:15
blindxI need to test my pages in both browsers.09:15
tonyyarussoIs he excused then?09:15
Jimmey__blindx, probably not install, but if you can get a .exe, you could probably run it.09:15
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scifiharaaaay it worked!!! ty who ever told me that09:16
tonyyarussoblindx: You can install/run it under wine.09:16
Jimmey__Larsson-Sweden, #ubuntu+109:16
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blindxok cool.09:16
Jimmey__blindx, use wine to run the .exe09:16
sirishhey Jimmey I guess it is broadcom wireless card09:16
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Jimmey__sirish, I'll do some research for you09:16
green_earzsirish: apt-get install hwinfo  to see if it will find the card info09:16
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sirishthanks :)09:17
intelikeyobli did anyone answer you ?09:17
Jimmey__BAM! Beaten to it.09:17
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concreteswhat is Totem09:17
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obliintelikey> yes, it worked like a charm :)09:17
tonyyarussoconcretes: A media player.09:17
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scifinow all i need is a network card and then switch my dads pc to use the usb port and i'll connect to the ethernet port and then i MIGHT actually get online in ubuntu lool09:17
scifiwhat a palava09:17
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concretestonyyarusso,  when i try to load a movie, it says Totem is in use09:17
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starshineI have a dell 370 that used to be happy on ubuntu live CD 5.10 but now when I try it cannot find the CD bay09:18
concretesover the internet09:18
Jimmey__scifi, palava, lol.09:18
starshinethe machine has not been opened by anyone so I'm stumped what could have happened?09:18
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brunokyynara_: heee I did what u said but appear the same error09:18
alarssonhow do I get new drivers for USB port in ubuntu 5.10?09:18
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sirishhey Jimmey it is broadcom wireless card09:18
starshineIt *has* had a new OS put on the hard disk, not that live CD should care...09:18
tonyyarussoconcretes: Do you have other instances going somewhere?  In a Firefox plugin on another page maybe?09:18
scifidunno if i spelt that right tbh :)09:18
Yorgoscan i ask sth?09:18
Jimmey__starshine, something with the BIOS, perhaps?09:18
concretestonyyarusso,  no.09:18
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green_earzstarshine: check the bios for the boot order may be ?09:19
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starshinethe bios that asks me to press enter to boot off the CD and happily gives me Ubuntu's boot lilo? sure.  it's the pretty dialog based menus that can't spot the CD anymore09:19
tonyyarussoconcretes: Maybe check your system monitory and try to determine where it is and why.09:19
TylerWaltshey what is a recommended FTP client w/ GUI?09:19
Yorgoswhen i installed ubuntu i wasnt asked for a pass for the root09:19
Yorgosand now i cannot use the root account what can i do?09:19
PordosYorgos you are correct.09:19
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ubotuFTP clients: gftp, konqueror, kbear, nautilus. FTP servers: vsftpd, proftpd09:19
|main|hi, i tried breezy installer09:19
starshineI think it may be one of those annoying "everything on SATA" types09:19
PordosYorgos sudo command09:19
|main|yet, it will not install into a partition?09:19
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ubotuit has been said that root is Direct logging as the root user is disabled in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:19
|main|it wants to format my entire 300gb disk :)09:19
scifialarsson: if u need usb drivers for ur usb modem, forget it :P09:20
TylerWaltstonyyarusso, have a favorite FTP client?09:20
PordosYorgos you will be prompted for a password.  you will present your password, and if you are in the sudoers group, you will be able to execute commands as root.09:20
=== TongueFish [n=tonguefi@ool-182dc21e.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
uboturumour has it, sudo is a command that will let users run commands as root. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:20
PordosYorgos you _can_ use sudo to set a password for the root, and then become root, but it's considered less safe and secure.09:20
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brunoyorgos: in a terminal u apply de word sudo before any command and its request a password09:20
tonyyarussoTylerWalts: gFTP myself usually.09:21
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alarssonscifi: it's not my modem. i have a printer that won't work despite a brand new printer driver09:21
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brunoalarson: do u search de drievr of youre print?09:21
brunoalarson: on internet09:22
blindxto install a deb file, it's dpkg -i foo.deb right?09:22
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YorgosPordos, how can i change the password for root using sudo?09:22
scifiJimmey_: u disagree thats a palava? :)09:22
_jasonblindx: sudo09:22
Jimmey__blindx, yep09:22
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Yorgoscause i had a prob installing sth for my eggdrop09:22
blindxYorgos: sudo passwd09:22
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Jimmey__scifi, it's just a funny word!  :P09:22
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starshinewhat I really wanted to do was run lspci on this machine, but apparently the dummy mode before CD finishes loading doesn't have that available :(09:22
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Yorgosblindx, thx a million09:23
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alarssonbruno: yes, it's the same driver as on the installation CD (ubuntu 5.10). I have a konica minolta pagepro 1300w09:23
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gravesoncan someone tell what i did to suddenly have a mount point : /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-686-smp/volatile09:23
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brunoalarson: look i have a command but I dont know if this help09:23
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bkeatingHello everyone. Whats the easiest method to install Samba 3.0.20 on Breezy (who's repository only goes up to 3.0.14a)?09:24
brunoalarson: do u want it?09:24
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alarssonyes, please09:24
Steilbkeating: is it in the backports repo?09:24
brunoalarson: wait please09:24
bkeatingSteil: im not sure what i have to add into my source.list in order to get that...09:24
brunosudo apt09:24
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bkeatingSteil: it's not a lack of documentation, it's just simply hard ti find..09:25
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scotthdoes anyone have any recommendations for a good log analyzer.  I'm looking to do several things.  I want to do security related alerts, usage of the server(apache, postfix, cupsys, authlogs, etc.) and any thing else that will create a pretty picture for the PHB.  Any recommendations?  Ive tried lire but I can't get it to work right and configuration has been a night mare09:25
=== Profichilla [n=Jakob@p548DA59A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
starshineI just want to know why it stopped working :(09:25
alarssonbruno: I get the message command not found09:25
Jimmey__scotth, I've not, but I wouldn't mind attempting to code one.09:25
starshinedoes 5.10 not speak to adaptec 79xx ?09:26
glatzorscotth: logcheck09:26
glatzorfor the alters09:26
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brunoalarson: sudo apt-get (or aptitude) install cupsys-client cupsys-driver-gimpprint footprint-db footmatic-db-engine footmatic-gui gnome-cup-nanager kdeprint09:26
scotthJimmey__, Ive been tempted... it has to be easier than configuring lire09:26
=== oH_My [n=sonnensc@p62.246.73.93.tisdip.tiscali.de] has joined #ubuntu
scotthglatzor, yeah Ive looked at that.  Mainly want I'm looking for is the pretty pictures...09:26
dell500i'm thinkin' of gettin' a seagate 300gb, SATAII internal HD... do they make USB SATAII enclosures? would it be more useful internal or could it be used as internal without much of a speed loss09:27
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pete009I'm a newbie. Got error "failed to strat Xserver " when booting Ubuntu 5.1 live for Mac Power PC.09:27
intelikeyso there is no way to force a / into a file name ?09:27
=== starshine will probably have to go find something else as rescue disc :'(
Jimmey__pete009, does it say why?09:27
brunoalarson: sudo apt-get (or aptitude) install cupsys-client cupsys-driver-gimpprint footprint-db footmatic-db-engine footmatic-gui gnome-cup-nanager kdeprint09:27
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starshineintelikey: well \/ might but why do you want one?09:27
pete009gave a description - didn't procedd09:27
intelikeystarshine it wont09:27
starshineI once sawa really dumbe webapp have a "font" that was all pictures of the symbols. as gif named for the character09:28
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starshineso that dir was full of an awful unreadable jumble..09:28
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=== starshine gives up on getting ubuntu 5.1 to talk to a dell precision 370
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bkeatingSteil: I uncommented backports, did a apt-get update, then upgrade. im still at 3.0.14a and not .20....09:29
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alarssonbruno: got errormessage "can't find package footprint -db09:29
Jimmey__Mystery47, hey09:29
Mystery47how i can mount empty harddrive to linux...?09:29
scifisitecom network cards ok?09:29
Mystery47i just need it temporary use...09:29
WarboMystery47: Is it formatted?09:30
brunofootprint(without space)-db09:30
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intelikeyMystery47 sudo mount /dev/hd?# /mount/point      translate  ? #  and  mount point09:30
WarboMystery47: Then "ls /dev/hd*" will list internal IDE drives and sd* will list SCSI, USB and SATA09:30
Jimmey__Mystery47, try 'mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb /place/to/mount09:31
ENE|ToxicHow do I enable multiverse/universe package lists so thay are being read by apt-get (I made a server install, and synaptic wasn't included).09:31
intelikeyJimmey__ no partition table ?09:31
WarboJimmey: Needs a hdb1, not just hdb09:31
mwe_!tell ENE|Toxic about universe09:31
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bkeatingDo I need to comment out some repositiroes in my source.list in order to have backports repositories take effect?09:31
Mystery47ok....ill try these...thanks....09:31
Jimmey__ENE|Toxic, cd /etc/; sudo nano sources.list09:31
intelikeyWarbo not nessarrily.  but generally.09:31
ENE|ToxicJimmey__ aight thanks09:32
mwe_ENE|Toxic: edit /etc/apt/sources.list uncomment as explained in the file09:32
Mystery47thats bad because ubuntuguide dont tell this linux drive mounting...09:32
ENE|Toxicmwe_yeah thx09:32
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alarssonbruno: it the same message, even without space09:32
mwe_ENE|Toxic: then sudo apt-get update09:32
harisundCan someone suggest the best howto for compiling a new kernel, the Debian way (or the ubuntu way)? I can find a few on the forums, but I prefer a tried and tested one :D09:32
Mystery47ill just go try...bye for now....:)09:32
intelikeyENE|Toxic see mwe on that.09:32
starshineis there any newer ubuntu CD than 5.10 ?09:32
ENE|Toxicintelikey: yeap :)09:32
=== prgrmr [n=prgrmr@bzq-88-155-117-80.red.bezeqint.net] has joined #ubuntu
Warboharisund: Usually the standard "make xconfig" works OK.09:33
Jimmey__starshine, nearly09:33
Jimmey__starshine, #ubuntu+109:33
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mwe_bruno: what's footprint-db?09:33
Warbostarshine: 6.04 is unstable09:33
harisundWarbo: no no, not just that. The entire procedure, including the creation of a .deb file etc..09:33
brunoalaesson: look search in som forums in dedicated webpages on the net09:33
intelikeystarshine prerelases    dapper09:33
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skplcan someone tell me what the possible causes of mouse distortion are?09:33
brunomwe_: its a command for the print09:33
mwe_bruno: no it's probably foomatic-db09:34
tonyyarussoWarbo: 6.0609:34
starshineJimmey__: well if it'll speak to sata on piix and adaptec 7902 ultra 320 I'll try the darn thing; I just want enough to come up to pinpoint what its video, etc are so I can load up correct drivers09:34
Warboharisund: You see, I don't make deb files. I just use make xconfig, copy the bzImage from inside arch/i386/boot to /boot and make an initrd for it09:34
brunothat too mwe_09:34
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Warbotonyyaruso: Oh. I'm out of date09:34
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)09:34
starshineskpl: put your optical mouse on a smoother or more patterned surface09:34
alarssonbruno: ok, I'll take a look in some other forums. thanks anyway09:34
harisundWarbo: oh ok then. You are using the standard method. Did you have any problems whatsoever at all with that?09:34
intelikeyskpl xorg.conf  error   driver bug   vidio hardware about to go south,   too much ant-acid in the 60's   ?09:34
starshineJimmey__: thanks :)09:34
mwebruno: I don't have that package available09:34
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Jimmey__starshine, I can't remember what I did...09:35
green_earzharisund: http://qref.sourceforge.net/Debian/reference/ch-kernel.en.html#s-kernel-debian09:35
Warboharisund: No, it's just the manual updating of GRUB and things that you have to do. (I don't know exactly which packages are needed (build-essential is obvious) because I usually have development packages installed anyway)09:35
brunomwe_: its probably not all the printers needit09:35
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brunomwe: can u help me09:36
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harisundWarbo: ok. green_earz: Yes, that was the page I was looking at initially. Can I follow the same method as is for Ubuntu as well?09:36
apollo2011How do I re-install GRUB after recovering an ext3 partition with testddisk. Testdisk says you might need to do this, and when I try to boot, GRUB has an Error 17...09:36
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SmokeW33di like cookies09:37
intelikeyapollo2011  grub-install /dev/hda    (assuming hda)09:37
bickysmokew33d every1 does :P09:38
=== NickGarvey [n=nick@cpe-72-231-129-146.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
SmokeW33dthere even better thow09:38
SmokeW33dwhen your high09:38
bickynever tried09:38
NickGarveywhat do you call those the command line that you get when you ctrl alt f1, f2 f3 etc09:38
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:38
SmokeW33dmust try09:38
intelikeyNickGarvey console09:39
NickGarveythank you09:39
Jimmey__ubotu: tell Jimmey__ about enter09:39
SmokeW33dim outy09:39
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SmokeW33dpeace everyone09:39
intelikeywhat ?09:39
intelikeyoh not me.... sorry.09:39
WarboMy webcam comes up fine in Ekiga, but copied 3 times horizontally and in b/w in camorama. Should I use camorama, or something better?09:40
brunomwe: can u help me09:40
bkeatingWhy isn't Samba 3.0.20 in backports for Breezy?09:40
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mwebruno: please repeat your question, was away ...09:40
webwolf_27what do I need to install for the de-latin1-nodeadkeys in gnome?09:41
NickGarveymwe: thanks a lot for you help yesterday, I really appreciated it, I was able to get the scan working but nothing after that, I plan on trying a bit more later today or tomorrow09:41
apollo2011intelikey: from a live cd or the grub console or either?09:41
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mweNickGarvey: oh ok. I had to leave. sorry I left you before it was done09:42
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brunomwe: i tryed  to "descompress" a file tar.gz but the machine sends me an error that couldnt open the file because the file dosent exist09:42
Warboapollo2011: intelikey's gone09:42
brunowhats that?09:42
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mwebruno: huh? are you typing the correct name. watch the case09:42
ubotuwell, hardware is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport09:43
brunomwe: YES09:43
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mwebruno: I need more details09:43
green_earz harisund:      https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelCompileHowto09:43
bicky!tell bicky about screenresolution09:44
=== GiGaHuRtZ [n=GiGaHuRt@unaffiliated/GiGaHuRtZ] has joined #ubuntu
=== bicky sighs
mweNickGarvey: so you got the driver to work somewhat?09:44
Jimmey__ubotu: tell Jimmey__ about resolution09:44
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apollo2011Warbo: thats ok I figured it out09:44
brunomwe: you know, i tryed puting the diresction of the file09:45
arrickmwe, morning09:45
NickGarveymwe: kind of.. I was able to scan and find me and my neighbors network, but that's where my luck ended09:45
bkeatingWhy isn't Samba 3.0.20 in backports for Breezy?09:45
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scrapyy'a du monde ?09:46
scrapyWai y'en a09:46
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brunospeak in englis please scrapy09:46
eiwugOups Sorry09:46
mweNickGarvey: good start though. that probably means the driver is working at least09:46
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eiwug = #ubuntu-fr = FRANCE09:47
mwearrick: hey09:47
eiwugNo ?09:47
rabehello, how to convert ico to png in ubuntu09:47
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Jimmey__rabe, use the GIMP09:47
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eiwugNo french members her ?09:47
brunoeiwung: france je ne parle fancaise09:47
mweNickGarvey: is it wpa encrypted?09:48
eiwugSorry Bruno ?09:48
arrickmwe, do you accept pm's?09:48
mwerabe: you can use the convert program from imagemagick09:48
eiwugBruno is a french gay ?09:48
mwearrick: ok. didn't notice09:48
=== patrick24601 [n=Homey@ip68-12-161-236.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
eiwugNo FR her ?09:48
brunoje ne pas parle09:48
brunothets ok09:49
arrickeiwug, type /j #ubuntu-fr09:49
eiwugI go09:49
eiwugBye US !09:49
MdSalih3to do chown on a file.. all i need be is the owner of the file yes ?09:49
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=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70dd5a.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:50
=== SS2 [n=SS2@dslb-084-057-035-076.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, funman09:50
mweMdSalih3: you can't chown to other users unless you're root09:51
ubotufunman: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:51
NickGarveymwe: wep, but I turned it off09:51
mweMdSalih3: using sudo09:51
erUSULfunman: to play with the bot use '/msg ubotu'09:51
mweNickGarvey: ok. but the led lights up now?09:51
NickGarveymwe: yeah I had that working09:51
mweNickGarvey: good09:51
funmanerUSUL: i understood the first time09:51
FrogzooFILE "yourbinfilenamehere.bin" BINARY09:51
FrogzooTRACK 01 MODE1/235209:52
funmanis it yours ?09:52
Frogzootrying to install Deus Ex, I get:09:52
FrogzooFILE "yourbinfilenamehere.bin" BINARY09:52
FrogzooTRACK 01 MODE1/235209:52
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mweNickGarvey: you should ifconfig wlan0 up then iwconfig wlan0 ssid <ap name> then dhclient wlan0 probably09:52
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=== morka [i=kv@Toronto-HSE-ppp3710829.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
morkahi, i cannot install ubuntu09:53
morkait would not partition my disk.09:53
erUSULfunman: then please do not play with the bot here 8^P09:53
morkait shows my entire disk as fat-16, although all it  contains is ext3/swap/some free space09:53
=== fbtab [n=hiren@c4-16-2.rba.dial-up.net] has joined #ubuntu
fbtabgreets all09:54
sirishHey guys Do you know any good place for downloading wdrivers for wireless cards for ubuntu??09:55
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fbtabany dev people arround? im wonder if the /etc/cron.d/apt script is obsolete, and what the plans for it are. im trying to make some improvements to it, but wondering if i shouldnt, thinking it might be taken out09:55
=== skpl [n=skpl@ppp-70-244-49-72.dsl.hstntx.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
skplcan someone tell me why sudo apt-get dist-upgrade downloades a bunch of programs i do not need onto my system?09:55
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=== duelboot [n=duelboot@72-255-32-204.client.stsn.net] has joined #ubuntu
rabei installed the ati drivers with all possibilities and still get "mesa" !????09:56
ompaulfbtab, only some would have it09:56
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fbtabompaul, it seems to be part of the 'apt' package, would all not have it?09:56
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morkaso, um09:56
morkais there a known bug :) ?09:56
morkaubuntu installer wont read my partition table.09:57
=== simonpca [i=simonpca@ts1-18.f1034.ts.globetrotter.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulskpl, its part of the predefined meta packages you have on your system09:57
=== DewDude [n=dewdude@pool-71-114-99-214.washdc.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwemorka: it worked here09:57
morkaim sure it works for some people, otherwise nobody would be here09:57
ompaulmorka, what kind of disks have you got?09:57
morkaompaul: a 122gb maxtor, im trying to install on it09:57
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morkait contains, a 100gb ext3 partition, a 1gb swap, and the rest is free space09:58
morkait doesnt read this.09:58
ompaulmorka, okay ehh, ide scsi sata?09:58
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ompaulmorka, sudo fdisk -l09:58
skplompaul, it downloaded a brail reading program to my system09:58
fbtabompaul, im wondering if it was tested or how it even got here, since it doesnt work very well. this is on a breezy install.09:58
skplompaul, which i do not need or use09:58
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morkaompaul: fdisk shows them properly09:58
Wibble-hey... I've got mysql 4.1.12 installed, but I need bug fixes from 4.1.13.  What is the best way to obtain this upgrade? I've refreshed the repositories, and they do not currently include 4.1.1309:58
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morkaplus, i cannot really do it right now, im not on that machine:)09:59
gratuithey, I am running midnight commander in aterm, and the fonts look really odd, instead of lines I get strange characters, anyone have any idea what causes this? it's happened to me before, but I've forgotten the fix09:59
ompaulskpl, its part of a base system09:59
skplompaul, what is the best way to edit out packages i do not need?09:59
=== eliphas_ [n=eliphas_@host-84-9-255-148.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulskpl, you may remove things but then the upgrade path to the next version will not be smooth,>>> sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename <<<10:00
morkaalso, ubuntu doesnt even recognize my ntfs partition on another drive10:00
=== KrisWood [n=galadrie@c-24-22-47-66.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has left #ubuntu []
morkahow do I force it to install into a specific partition?10:00
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ubotuI heard ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:00
skplthat is a great link10:00
=== StarOcean [n=starocea@HSE-Montreal-ppp126973.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoarrick: He's talking about the installer.10:01
morkaarrick: the installer doesnt recognize it10:01
morkait doesnt recognize my partiton tables at all10:01
morkajust shows up entire disk as fat-1610:01
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arrickwhy fat16?10:01
arricknot 32?10:01
morkadont ask me10:01
StarOceanIs there a place I can find out what hardwares this OS supports?10:02
arrickI had to go to at least fat32 to get my partitions recognized on my first install10:02
=== Warlord384 is now known as Warlord384|away
ompaulmorka, two things which disk are you talking about and second please don't use the enter key as a comma10:02
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, arrick10:02
=== _tomas [i=mean@c83-253-100-213.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #ubuntu
bkeatingi have backports repo's uncommented, but apt-get update isn't showign change... why?  (particularly w/ Samba (3.0.14a.. but i want 3.0.20)10:02
=== gsong [n=gsong@dsl027-179-250.sfo1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwebkeating: is it backported?10:03
morkaompaul: whats the difference? it doesnt read partition table properly on *any* disk, i have two, but im installing on a maxtor ide, 122gb, with 10gb free space10:03
gsonghi there...10:03
bkeatingmwe: i would assume so. where can i go to officially find out? I've been searching...10:03
gsongquick question about ubuntu as a dhcp client10:03
ompaulmorka, because my next question is are they set to cable select or master and slave?10:03
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gsongI have a Debian server using dnsmasq serving out ip addrs10:04
mwebkeating: it's probably easiest to just browse the mirror10:04
arrickok, time for reinstall to get rid of crap I dont need10:04
gsongubuntu client is getting an ip address10:04
ompaulmorka, is ubuntu to install on the slave?10:04
bkeatingmwe: the URL mentioned in my source.list for backports?10:04
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gsongbut /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases shows name and MAC as * *10:04
ompaulmorka, do this >>sudo fdisk -l<< and paste it output into paste.ubuntu-nl.org10:04
ompaulnalioth, not really playing music10:05
mwebkeating: yeah10:05
morkai would have to reboot.10:05
morkaone second.10:05
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gsongnslookup gets server can't find NXDOMAIN10:05
bkeatingmwe: would this be right? http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-backports/Release ?10:05
=== Marineboy [n=ubuntu@nc-71-49-180-128.dhcp.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #Ubuntu
mwebkeating: without the Release part10:06
mwebkeating: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-backports10:06
gsongany ideas?10:06
=== DBO [n=DBO@cpe-24-208-238-133.twmi.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulall rested DBO ?10:07
bkeatingmwe: but Release is where packages are mentioend, right? I searched that file.. no "samba"  :(10:07
DBOhi ompaul, yes, all rested, laying off the enter key, and ready to eat some n00bs problems for breakfast =)10:07
mwebkeating: Packages.gz10:08
MarineboyOkay I'mma give this a try today.10:08
mwebkeating: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-backports/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz10:08
MarineboyDBO can you PM me please?10:08
DBOMarineboy, its best if we handle problems in here10:08
DBOthat way the smart people can tell me when I say something stupid10:08
MarineboyLast night I tryed the guided partition10:08
Marineboyevery partition there was!10:08
bkeatingmwe: doesn't look like it's in there :(10:09
=== main [n=main@HSE-Toronto-ppp183903.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DBOMarineboy, ok, well done10:09
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Marineboyand I still got errors when installing "Base System"10:09
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.10:09
bkeatingmwe: thanks for your help.10:09
=== main_ is now known as morka_
morka_ok, im back10:09
mwebkeating: then it's probalby not back ported10:09
morka_where do I paste fdisk -l ?10:09
tempest1Marineboy: what are the errors?10:09
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bkeatingmwe: is there a place i can go to submit a request for it?10:09
ubotu[pastebin]  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:09
=== beefsprocket [n=beefspro@bas1-toronto02-1242319772.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu
DBOMarineboy, did you burn the media yourself or is it a stamped CD?10:09
arrickyou can also ghost your old name to get it back for your use10:09
acid-trip_jason,  is there other repositories i can add??10:09
bkeatingmwe: idunno if you guys are aware, but Breezy's samba, 3.0.14a is broken against all OS X 10.4+ machines10:09
ubotuit has been said that ghost is type /msg nickserv GHOST <name> <password>10:09
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speedsixHi, how do I suspend to disk in Ubuntu?10:10
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MarineboyTempestl: Base System Installation Error. The debootstrap program exited w/ an error (return value 1) check /target/var/log/boostrap.log for details10:10
Marineboythen it said.10:10
Marineboythe base system installation into /target/ failed.10:10
MarineboyDBO: i burned it.10:10
tempest1and boostrap.log said what?10:10
jtskarbekquick question I use gkrellm, how would i set it up for it to show up on all desktops?10:10
Wibble-I've got mysql 4.1.12 installed, but I need bug fixes from 4.1.13.  Do I have to upgrade to Dapper and get 4.1.15, or is there an alternative way of upgrading mysql?10:10
Marineboytempestl it has like 4000 lines of code.10:10
mwebkeating: I didn't know that. report a bug please10:11
morka_ompaul: I pasted the output here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1245910:11
tempest1that's not code, that's a log...10:11
apollo2011I had problems with GRUB and used a Kubuntu Live CD to run grub-install and reinstall GRUB to the MBR. I rebooted, and now it appears that nothing is in the MBR because it goes right to booting the CD in the CD Drive and if I select Boot From First Hard Disk, it fails10:11
MarineboyI dont know how to make it give me the samller one that nickrud did lastnight10:11
tempest1tail /path/to/file10:11
skplompaul, if i use sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename  the upgrade paths will be left intact?10:11
tempest1i haven't used the installation CD in a while, so i'm not sure what it gives you when you get an installation error10:11
Marineboyroot@ubuntu:~# tail /var/log/boostrap.log10:11
Marineboytail: cannot open `/var/log/boostrap.log' for reading: No such file or directoryroot@ubuntu:~#10:11
tempest1if it gives you a shell to check the logs, try that10:11
bkeatingmwe: it's already been fixed, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/23679  but not backported :(10:12
tempest1Marineboy: /target/var/log/boostrap.log10:12
ompaulskpl, no they are not10:12
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Marineboyroot@ubuntu:~# tail /target/var/log/boostrap.log10:12
Marineboytail: cannot open `/target/var/log/boostrap.log' for reading: No such file or directory10:12
mwebkeating: hmm. if you're brave you could install dapper10:12
skplso even though  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade installed something i do not want on my system, i have to keep it?10:12
tempest1Marineboy: and you've already tried to do a base install on this system10:13
bkeatingmwe: nope. this is a production machine... well, should be anyway.10:13
kronozdapper isn't very broken, it is really quite stable/usable/whatever else10:13
Marineboytempestl: yes like 4 times lastnight.10:13
bkeatingI'll just install from source, but i was hoping to avoid that10:13
tempest1Marineboy: try it today, the file might have been deleted on restart10:13
mwebkeating: yeah bad choise then10:13
=== Shadowline [n=shadowli@ppp-69-221-233-32.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
tempest1you want to look at whats in that file after you get an error10:13
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Marineboyhrm. okay.10:13
Edisonhi everyone10:13
MarineboyI'm tempted to call someone that's installed it before.10:13
DBOHi Edison10:13
Marineboyand just about to give up.10:13
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ZigZagQuick question: is Dapper Beta == Dapper Flight 6 ?10:14
DBOZigZag, yes10:14
Edisonneed help! cant copy a file because i dont have permission to write it, what can i do???10:14
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Bobrownikis there an app in linux to test the cpu stability , like prime95 in windows or something like that ?10:14
ZigZagDBO: ok, thx. What about the release that was promised for April 20:th, instead of the actual stable release... is this it?10:15
ompaulmorka_, do your windows work?10:15
skplso even though  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade installed something i do not want on my system, i have to keep it?10:15
ompaulmorka_, does your windows work?10:15
DBOEdison, what are you trying to do?10:15
=== digitalh1v0c [n=digitalh@cpe-069-132-178-065.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
green_earzMarineboy: if you down load the iso for the ubuntu cd use the bittortent method, reason being it check the download file for errors10:15
DBOZigZag, Dapper got delayed for quality ensurance10:15
morka_ompaul: both systems boot up, and work perfectly10:15
digitalh1v0cdoes anyone know how to change the system wide icons gnome?10:15
=== webwolf_27 [n=jeremy@DSL01.] has joined #ubuntu
ompaulmorka_, so what is the problem?10:15
Edisoni have to copy a file in a folder to update a game but i cant10:16
morka_ompaul: I cannot install ubuntu on the free space, the current ext3 on hdd1 is a SUSE install10:16
Edisoncause i dont have permission10:16
ZigZagDBO: yes yes, of course... but there was talk of a rather stable beta-release at the same date...10:16
ompaulmorka_, so get rid of the suse?10:16
DBOZigZag, it is rather stable now, but still not perfect10:16
Edisoni try changing the folder permission but still couldnt copy it10:16
mwedapper is not in the beta stage yet, is it?10:16
DBOEdison, use sudo10:16
ZigZagDBO: ok.10:17
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Edisonbut how do i use it??10:17
PShi, how do i access a windows share in ubuntu, do i have to use mnt on the command line or is there some clever support in nautilis?10:17
=== amorphous_ [n=amorphou@82-32-125-85.cable.ubr04.hawk.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
ZigZagDBO: is Dapper X + all upgrades == Dapper 6?10:17
speedsixHi does anyone know how to suspend to disc in ubuntu??10:17
webwolf_27when my /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/kbd/layouts is empty what do I need to install / do?10:17
Edisoncause im new using ubuntu10:17
DBOPS, Places -> Connect to Server10:17
ompaulZigZag, dapper is the name of the as yet unreleased version, it will be called 6.06 when released10:17
paulospeedsix: I tried the suspend to disk on my Dell PC and it doesn't work.10:17
morka_ompaul: why would I get rid of a perfectly working install with tons of my personal data, etc ? I want to install ubuntu just to have a look.10:17
DBOPS, then select windows share and fill in the blanks10:17
gsongcan anyone help me with the dhcp/dns issue?10:17
=== ketsugi [n=ketsugi@cm158.gamma230.maxonline.com.sg] has joined #ubuntu
speedsixHow did you do it?10:18
ompaulmorka_, where?10:18
mweZigZag: flight 6 is a mile stone, a snapshot10:18
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gsongwhere my ubuntu client is not registering its hostname?10:18
ZigZagompaul: yes, I know...10:18
DBOZigZag, dapper is discussed at #ubuntu+1 if you wish to go in deapth10:18
=== Dime|RD [n=dime@Toronto-HSE-ppp3690540.sympatico.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ZigZagI know what Dapper is10:18
gsongor the dhcp server is not passing it to the dns server?10:18
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pauloPerhaps the suspend to disk needs configuring to be useful, I've not investigated yet.10:18
Dime|RDhow do i setup user accounts for Samba in ubuntu?10:18
ZigZagjust wanted to know if updating through apt is the same as actually installing the latest flight...10:18
morka_ompaul: I mean, install ubuntu in the free space on hdd, so that I can run it, and if I like it, I will migrate10:18
green_earzBobrownik: for genral info of how the cpu is running you can use the command top10:18
speedsixpaulo, How do you initiate the suspend? I'll give it a go10:18
ompaulZigZag, yes it it10:18
mwegsong: huh? can you manually dhclient your interface and make it work?10:18
ZigZagompaul: ok, thank you.10:18
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gsongmwe: the client is getting an ip address10:19
DewDudei'm having some problems connecting to freenx. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12457 any suggestions?10:19
mwegsong: yes10:19
paulospeedsix, in gnome? Log Out, choose hibernate10:19
=== Nukeador [n=nuke@54.Red-81-39-198.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Edisonso how do i use sudo to modify the folder or copy something in it???10:19
speedsixpaulo, cheers10:19
ompaulmorka_, your drive is full, if you happen to have space on hdd1  then you need to make that availabe and that does not look likely from where I am sitting seems like you have one huge partition on that box10:19
gsongmwe: but in dnsmasq.leases the hostname and MAC shows up as * *10:19
gsongmwe: and I can't get reverse lookup to work....10:20
=== PS [n=psweetma@i-83-67-70-93.freedom2surf.net] has joined #ubuntu
mwegsong: what about /etc/resolv.conf ?10:20
ompaulmorka_, the data you have given me does not indicate that you have free space10:20
ketsugiCan anyone help me with this problem? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16108410:20
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morka_ompaul: there is 10gb free, anyway, thats not even the point, partition manager in installer, does not print out the partition table properly10:20
gsongmwe: what should I look for in resolv.conf?10:20
PSsorry, my pc bombed out in a big way.  i'll have to repeat my q10:20
mwegsong: your name servers10:20
DBOketsugi, you will get better help if you summarize and restate your question here10:20
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amorphous_hi - I just got a d-link dwl-510. but my box doesn'e see/configure/install it. is there a dpkg way to install it/make ubuntu search for it and install the drivers? I cant seem to find anything relevant in google - it all seems to expect it to be detected. The card seems cool - xp has found next doors network & i've (cheekily) had a little surf from that, but no joy from ubuntu - can anyone point me to a reall simple i10:21
amorphous_nstall howto?10:21
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ketsugiBasically I get an error message when I try to add certain applets to the panel: WindowSelector and WorkspaceSwitcher10:21
mwegsong: also try sudo dhclient <interface> in a terminal and see if it works then10:21
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PShow do i connect to a windows share in ubuntu, do i need to command line mnt, or is there some clever support in nautilus?10:21
ketsugiand I can't get either of those applets10:21
DBOPS, go to Places -> Connect to Server10:21
ketsugithis only happened recently though I'm not entirely sure what caused it10:21
morka_ompaul: there is free space, because I just added a partion.10:22
polpak!tell amorphous_ about ndiswrapper10:22
morka_(from suse)10:22
Nukeador/dev/sda2       /media/sda2     vfat    gid=1000,umask=0007,fmask=0117,utf8 0       0  (what should i add to allow writing?)10:22
paulodoes anyone have any experience of using samsung laser printers with ubuntu?10:22
ompaulmorka_, I don't see it in that paste10:22
polpakamorphous_, I think I have that same card actually, and it worked fine w/o ndiswrapper though. What version of ubuntu are you using?10:22
ketsugiScreenshot of the error dialog here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=8371&d=114519588410:22
morka_ompaul: let me show you, one second.10:22
arrickPS, !ntfs10:22
arricktype that in here10:23
amorphous_polpak, breezy10:23
DBONukeador, you will either have to chown the mount point (not recommended) or chown a subdirectory inside the mountpoint with the sudo command10:23
mwepaulo: no, but did you read the printing wiki?10:23
Dime|RDi tried access my ubuntu box from windows when it asks me for a username and password10:23
errpast-wlto upgrade firefox, should I just apt-get install firefox?10:23
ompaulmorka_, only in pastebin10:23
Dime|RDso i used my username and pw10:23
mwepaulo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters10:23
kbrooksI need some assistance NOW10:23
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Dime|RDand nothing happend10:23
Dime|RDdoesnt work10:23
pauloDo you have a url, I've read so many with little success so far :-(10:23
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MdSalih3in bash scripting how can i count the number of files in current directory ?10:23
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amorphous_polpak, I also just installed breezy on laptop (dell pIII700) - it was seen on the install - but only loopback when I ifconfig...10:23
ubotuThe people in this channel are volunteers. Please be aware there are a lot of questions, but only maybe few who might know the answer for you. Please be patient. Your attitude may determine their willingness to help you.10:23
kbrooksHow do I find out whether I'm using Kubuntu or Ubuntu? no, lsb_release -a is a nogo10:24
arrickman there sure is a difference loading the server between a 233mhz and 700mhz computer10:24
polpakamorphous_, I remember it wouldn't detect the card during install, but if you go to system->administration->networking it should see the DLink card10:24
gsongmwe: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/665778 results of my dhclient10:24
ketsugiPerhaps I'll try coming back at a less busy time10:24
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DBOkbrooks, erm, if you are using KDE, thats Kubuntu, if you are using GNOME, thats normal ubuntu10:24
morka_ompaul: check it out, i just added 10 gigs, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1246010:24
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polpakMdSalih3,  ls | wc -l works10:24
BlueSwirlkbrooks, is your system blue or brown colored?10:25
apollo2011I used grub-install to reinstall grub and now nothing happens when I start my computer. If I have a cd in the cd drive that is bootable, it resortss to booting to it. I am psoitive I have installed it according to the directions son the Ubuntu Wiki, and have tried three times but htere is no difference10:25
DBOBlueSwirl, hahaha, good one =)10:25
amorphous_polpak, It doesn't - and i dont have gnome on the other box (xircom card - but like i said - was ok on installing, just not once installed (if u know what i mean)10:25
kbrooksdbo: phrased another way. how do i check to see if someone is running Kubuntu or Ubuntu through the CLI10:25
PSthanks DB0, don't know how i missed that!10:25
mwegsong: yes. can you ping yahoo.com after that?10:25
arrickwhat should the minimum size of a swap partition be?10:25
polpakamorphous_,  does lscpi list the cards?10:25
DBOkbrooks, "ps -ef | grep kde"10:25
polpakamorphous_, and can you pastebin the output from lspci?10:25
gsongyup...this chat session is using the ubuntu machine10:26
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PSarrick: can you can access ntfs shares readonly?10:26
amorphous_polpak, no :(10:26
DBOkbrooks, if you see an output that says kde (besides the command you just entered, then they are10:26
amorphous_and yes... i think10:26
gsongmwe: yup, this chat session is using the ubuntu machine10:26
amorphous_polpak -pastebin?10:26
skplcan soeone tell me what the startup directory is in ubuntu?10:26
gsongmwe: like I said, I get an IP address just fine....10:26
ubotupastebin is, like, totally, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/, a site for pasting long texts so you don't disrupt the channel - or install webboard in Gnome: http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=126910:26
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mwegsong: I'm not following what is the problem then?10:26
gsongmwe: it's just that other machines on the network cannot find me....10:26
ompaulkbrooks, apt-cache policy k/x/ed/ubuntu-desktop10:26
arrickps that is true10:26
kbrooksDBO: uh. will i ever be running KDE and GNOME at the same time?10:26
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DBOkbrooks, no10:26
gsongmwe: from another machine I cannot get to yorda (this machine)10:26
rabehow can i remove (completely) software i installed without apt-get, for ex. "Ati control"?10:27
BlueSwirlkbrooks, you can do if you want to10:27
DBOkbrooks, what are you so worried, you can have KDE and GNOME on the same machine...10:27
skplkde bleh10:27
ompaulmorka_, so you point your ubuntu at that partition and let it use common swap with suse10:27
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mwegsong: ok. I don't think that's a dhcp problem. can you ping the ip from the other machines?10:27
amorphous_polpak, sorry - i a bit useless... how do i pastebin?10:27
skplif you install kde with gnome it interferes with your gnome menu10:27
rabehow can i remove (completely) software i installed without apt-get, i mean ati drivers from their website (.run)?10:27
morka_ompaul: how do I point the installer to it ?10:27
skpland you have to edit it all out10:27
DBOkbrooks, you COULD start a seperate X session, but I wouldnt suggest it10:27
kbrooksskpl: um.10:27
polpak!tell amorphous_ about pastebin10:27
kbrooksskpl: ignoring that.10:27
gsongmwe: yes....I know it's not DHCP per se....10:27
morka_ompaul: installer doesnt read any of this, it just shows one huge FAT-16 partition.10:27
PSdb0 arrick, thanks, am connected - easy when you know how10:28
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gsongmwe: but the DHCP is not passing on the hostname info to the DNS server, eh10:28
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gsongmwe: which are one in the same in this case, dnsmasq on a debian machine10:28
PSarrick, i suspect my default connection is read/write so i shall be careful until i workout how to make it readonly...10:28
gsongmwe: which I know works fine, at least for Windows machines.....10:28
rabehow can i remove (completely) software i installed without apt-get, i mean ati drivers from their website (.run)?10:28
arricknp PS we have mostly all gone throught that stages of learning10:28
mwegsong: hmm10:29
arrickPS, your default to ntfs is only read10:29
gsongmwe: and I can ping the ip just fine....10:29
ompaulmorka_, okay i am at a loss at this time, /dev/hdd3           13700       14946    10016527+  83  Linux so it should show that as a real partition have you another hard drive or something attached10:29
PSarrick, oh ok, that's very sensible10:29
Tm_Trabe: well, those things should be mentioned in ati install-readme10:29
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nisobrealguien de espaa10:29
arrickPS, yeah, you wont be able to screw up anything in the ntfs partition.10:29
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:29
nisobreque me ayude por favor10:30
morka_ompaul: no, i do not10:30
arricknisobre, type /j #ubuntu-es10:30
Tm_Tnisobre: if you like to be here, use english so we all understand you ;)10:30
nisobrecomo mierda instalo el gnome-art?????????10:30
arricknisobre, no comprende espanol10:30
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Tm_Tjag habla no hispanjola10:31
=== Tm_T hides
nookHow do I set more ttys and move X onto F12 ??10:31
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Tm_Tnook: why you need more tty:s10:31
DBOnook, you need to edit several files, you are going to have to edit /etc/inittab to add more tty's10:31
ompaulmorka_, I have not ever heard of that before, so question one, have you got a live CD?10:32
nisobrehelp me gnome-art10:32
nookTm_T: cuz I hardly use gnome and I simply run out of ffree ones10:32
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BlueSwirlnisobre: #ubuntu-es10:32
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morka_ompaul: no. why?10:32
DBOnook, why dont you just use the terminals in GNOME... they are handy like that10:32
Dime|RDcan someone help me setup Samba?10:32
Tm_Tnook: interesting, I'd recommend to use some desktop and xterm/konsole/whatever10:32
marineboystill broke, about to go get Windows XP again10:32
Tm_Tnook: I find it better way ;)10:32
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nookTm_T: NO, I DONT WANT TO USE X's10:33
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DBOnook, so disable X10:33
ompaulmorka_, ruling things out10:33
nookTm_T: if i have use to, i preffer fluxbox10:33
amorphous_polpak, looks interesting - but how do I get text onto my clipboard? can I use lspci > /???/clipboard?10:33
Tm_Tnook: then listen DBO10:33
nookOMG! I'm not asking how to disable X!!10:33
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amorphous_<--- more apologies for being completely useless :(10:33
polpaknook, or even if you use console you can use the "screen" program to have multiple screens for one login10:33
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Tm_Tamorphous_: you're not useless, you're keeping door open just fine ;)10:34
ubotuhmm... vpn is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD10:34
DBOnook, ok, how comfy are you with system files?10:34
nookpolpak: I DO KNOW SCREEN10:34
ubotuFYI, typing in ALL CAPS is considered to be 'yelling', and therefore rude behaviour.10:34
nookDBO: I use it everyday ;] 10:34
ompaulnook and I don't like caps please chill a little10:34
amorphous_Tm_T, i have no idea what door, but thanks :)10:34
Tm_Tnook: you don't have to scream out, keep away from that shift key please10:34
nookok, I'm ok, but please dont advice me about x's10:34
DBOnook, ok, you can add the new tty's in /etc/inittab10:34
Tm_Tamorphous_: neither do I ;_P10:34
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polpaknook, I'm not talking about X, I'm talking about screen. It should do what you need without having to have a crapload of tty's10:35
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amorphous_Tm_T, do you know how to get a file output onto my clipboard? is the clipboard a file?10:35
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ompaulmorka_, okay I suggest you make a live ubuntu/knoppix/kanotix CD because if the intstaller is telling you that I would like a "third opinion"10:35
nookpolpak: ok, appreciate that, i'm familiar with screen anyway. thx dude!10:35
Tm_Tamorphous_: it's not file10:35
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polpakamorphous_, no.. you need to upload the file I guess since you're in command line..10:36
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Tm_Tamorphous_: so no, I don't know10:36
amorphous_so how do I get stuff onto it from terminal?10:36
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mweamorphous_: gpm10:36
Cerveza!vpn client10:36
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Cerveza10:36
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arrickamorphous_, try ssh to view inside  a gui10:36
pauloDoes anyone know of any tool to provide improved clipboard history in gnome?10:37
Tm_Tpaulo: like klipper in KDE ?10:37
Cervezaanyone know where to find a vpn client for ubuntu10:37
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Tm_TCerveza: try searching in packages.ubuntu.com10:37
polpakamorphous_, use gdm10:37
nookDBO: mate, Is there any way to move X to say F12 ? I can't see anything like that in here10:37
PSarrick: a follow up q, when nautilus mounts a volume, do it do it in such a way that the volume is accessible through a terminal too?  no mnt is visible in /mnt or /media?10:38
polpaknook, it's not in there.. That's configured somewhere else10:38
DBOnook, yes there is10:38
DBOnook, but not in inittab10:38
ompaulmorka_, the issue is not what the installer sees, as I have never seen one say that before when a partition was make by another linux - I have seen them broken but thats another issue, I strongly advise backups and one final thing, how old is that box10:38
naxxtorright - my laptop doesn't like loading websites.  connectivity is fine, it's just not loading any websites10:38
amorphous_thanks mwe, polpak i am apt-getting gpm already - -  i getting there... bit slow though - but moving ;)10:38
PSarrick, to clarify i mean an smb share 'volume'10:38
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morka_ompaul: the box is maybe 3-4 months old10:39
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AlexC_Is it possible to get a WINE working on Mac OSX to play Windows games?10:39
Tm_TAlexC_: I doubt10:40
ompaulmorka_, thats funny cos the first disk is looking like 6gigs and those disks went out with the mammoths :-/10:40
AlexC_Tm_T, is there a wine type program for it?10:40
Tm_TAlexC_: never heard10:40
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BlueSwirlAlexC: not as far as i know. is your mac intel?10:40
BlueSwirlif it is you can use bootcamp to dual boot10:40
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AlexC_BlueSwirl, nope it's not intel10:41
morka_ompaul: thats because I kept that disk from the previous computer10:41
Tm_TBlueSwirl: but then he have to pay for 2 OS's10:41
mweAlexC_: only few games are running 100% good in wine anyway btw10:41
rebelworkGuys on Dapper server if I ship my server to a colo facility and just have DHCP installed will it be able to figure out the connection itself or do I need to hardcode the outside IP somewhere?10:41
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mweAlexC_: most don't run at all10:41
errpast-wlI just ran apt-get install mozilla-firefox.  NO errors.  Look like it worked.  BUT, still at 1.0.710:41
AlexC_oo, intresting http://darwine.opendarwin.org/10:41
naxxtorjeez, never mind, it was just my switchproxy extension in firefox playing up10:41
patrick52222is it possible to mount iso10:41
Tm_Trebelwork: dhcp should handle it10:41
pauloTM_T: Yeah like kipper but thats in KDE, is there an equivalent?10:41
errpast-wlsources.list wrong?10:41
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Tm_Tpaulo: never seen ;)10:41
BlueSwirlTm_T: yeah. and windows is rubbish anyways. *shudder*10:41
Tm_TBlueSwirl: true10:42
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rebelworkTm_T thanks :) I'll just leave it to that then and if anything comes up the host could figure it out I am sure10:42
Tm_TBlueSwirl: I do have WFW 3.11 in my laptop, perfect terminal ;)10:42
patrick52222is it possible to mount a iso, so i dont have to burn it10:42
ompaulmorka_, okay here is what I think, your installer is saying that a partition is fat16 your existing linux is saying its linux - this means your partition table is not in good health, this means (A) backup (B) get yourself a live CD and mount the drive and examine all about it10:42
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Tm_TBlueSwirl: Windows For Workgroups10:42
amorphous_polpak, Pasted - lspci output - can't find d-link dwl510revA10:42
Tm_TBlueSwirl: something from early 90's10:43
BlueSwirlTm_T: interesting10:43
ompaulmorka_, make that partition table may not be in good health10:43
morka_ompaul: how do I examine it?10:43
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morka_i tried fscking it, it seems to be allright10:43
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ompaulmorka_, mount fsck with a live CD10:43
rabehow can i REMOVE (not disable) something from the apps panel?10:43
ubotuI guess apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP10:43
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Tm_TBlueSwirl: it is, just com cable to linux pc and I got lightweight terminal ;)10:43
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polpakamorphous_, what's the url for your submission?10:44
BlueSwirlTm_T most fine, then10:44
DBOrabe, do you want to uninstall it?10:44
errpast-wlI just ran apt-get install mozilla-firefox.  NO errors.  Look like it worked.  BUT, still at 1.0.10:44
Tm_TBlueSwirl: indeed, I should find my DOS 6.22 licence, I lost it in last move10:44
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rabeDBO, yes10:44
ubotuTo mount an ISO image file, you can use "sudo mount -o loop <image-file> <mount-point>" from a shell (for example, "sudo mount -o loop Ubuntu.iso /mnt/loop", if /mnt/loop exists)10:45
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rabeDBO, but i did alreasy (i think)10:45
DBOrabe, what app?10:45
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polpakTm_T, you could try running it with Dosbox10:45
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cycomerrpast-wl: apt-get upgrade?10:45
Jowiis there a way to disable the blankscreen (i'm not running xscreensaver) when playing a dvd?10:45
Tm_Tpolpak: why should I, I don't have to because I run it native just fine10:45
BlueSwirlTm_T: i just use OS X on my iBook, and my iMac runs Ubuntu. DOS goes over my head ;)10:46
rabeDBO, Ati control10:46
Tm_TBlueSwirl: =)10:46
Tm_TBlueSwirl: you youngsters ;)10:46
amorphous_polpak, could it be http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1246110:46
mwedoes anyone know of a good gui front end to scp?10:46
BlueSwirlTm_T: i'm 23 :P ;)10:46
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polpakmwe, for linux or windows?10:46
rabeDBO, fglrx-control10:46
Tm_TBlueSwirl: my laptop is over 10 years old, so...10:46
mwepolpak: linux10:46
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Tm_TBlueSwirl: and?10:46
me2winmwe: fish:// :P10:46
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DBOrabe, ah, not an ATI person, you will need to find someone with more experience10:46
polpakmwe, I usually just use places->connect to server10:46
zFI'm having an issuing with my Ubuntu/Windows duel boot... Randomly one day, when I selected Windows from Grub my laptop just ceased any functioning, it didn't turn off but the boot sequence just never started... Can anyone help me, please?10:46
GTXare there any programs I can watch winamp video streams on (winamp tv)10:46
Tm_TBlueSwirl: my first programming attempts happened in late 80's ;)10:47
BlueSwirlTm_T: i dunno, people just tell me that i'm not young anymore. to which i say "balls" ;)10:47
mwepolpak: I use kde. maybe konqueror can do it10:47
ompaulmorka_, let me make it plain for your, if you don't and what your saying is right then the partition table when it is being read by two different systems is saying different things, given that a partition table is how do your machine works out what partition is where me, I would be a little nervous, so get a liveCD boot the box mount the partitions back up what you need to do then go attacking the harddrive with all sorts of tests10:47
Tm_TBlueSwirl: and yet, I'm actually younger than you :(10:47
DBOBlueSwirl, shhh, you are dating yourself...10:47
polpakmwe, ah. Possibly. What do you use for ftp in kde?10:47
rabehow can i REMOVE (not disable) something from the apps panel (ATI control = fglrx-control)?10:47
BlueSwirlTm_T: learning to code is on my list of things to do, right after 'learn portugese'10:47
PSzF, do you mean your windows install won't boot, or that the whole machine won't do anything?10:48
rebelworkBlueSwirl: So not that important then. ;)10:48
Tm_TBlueSwirl: same here, I'm mostly "helldesk" person ;)10:48
Tm_Tok, this old fellow goes to sleep, peace to you all ->10:48
mwepolpak: I don't use ftp much. I just use the standard ftp command line when I have to10:48
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BlueSwirlrebelwork: it's a red dwarf quote, basically means i've been thinking about doing it for yonks10:48
polpakmwe, well you can scp command line too =p10:48
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mweI know10:48
polpakmwe, I meant what would you use for ftp in kde if you did use a gui?10:49
BlueSwirlwhile i'm here, has anyone had any luck with gktpod? i can't get it to do anything (sucessfully)10:49
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zFPS, well, both10:49
rabehow can i REMOVE (not disable) something from the apps panel (ATI control = fglrx-control)?10:49
PSzF, does the machine make it to the grub bootloader?10:49
zFPS, yes it does10:49
Tm_Tpolpak: konqueror10:49
PSzf, and can you still boot into ubuntu?10:49
Tm_Tbut alas, I was sleeping ->10:49
mwepolpak: I haven't used a gui ftp. I mostly need scp. It's getting a bit cumbersome doing it from cli though10:49
cyphasewow, this Oracle/Novell thing is getting a lot of coverage in the mainstream press10:49
polpakamorphous_, hrm.. doesn't look good. If it doesn't show up in lspci, linux can't see the device at all. I had the same problem with some tuner cards10:49
zFPS, yes, I'm in it now10:50
PSzF, so it's 'just' that when you try to boot into windows nothing happens, it hangs?10:50
polpakamorphous_, eventually switched to a different motherboard and they showed up.10:50
zFPS, that's correct10:50
amorphous_polpak,  does that mean Ive just wasted my cash?10:51
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PSzF, you didn't happen to repartition, resize etc. any disks before it stopped working?10:51
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zFPS, nothing... However, what happened the day before it happened is I went into Standby mode in Windows, and shut it down by just holding the power switch10:51
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tyler__zF, or did you do a windows 'repair', or install an anti-virus that sees an 'infection' on the master boot record?10:51
polpakamorphous_, I'm not sure what options are available if lspci won't show the device. Like I said, I eventually just switched out for a different mboard. There may be a way to make it work, but I don't know what it'd be.10:52
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arrickanyone, which repo is ssh in?10:52
polpakamorphous_, that card should work fine though, I have the same one, and it has no problems10:52
mwepolpak: fish:// in konq worked. I never herd of fish:// before :|10:52
polpak!info ssh10:52
zFtyler__, Nope, no windows repair... and I didn't install any anti-virus softwre in windows.10:52
ubotussh: (Secure shell client and server (transitional package)), section net, is optional. Version: 1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 1 kB, Installed size: 32 kB10:52
polpak!info openssh-server10:52
ubotuopenssh-server: (Secure shell server, an rshd replacement), section net, is optional. Version: 1:4.1p1-7ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 190 kB, Installed size: 512 kB10:52
amorphous_polpak, and would that be the same on a laptop pcmcia card? it seemed to see it ok on install... but not in lspci - or is a pcmcia not a pci?10:53
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polpakamorphous_, I'd guess pcmcia is different. I don't have a laptop though.. lemme check something10:53
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PSzF: oh ok, so what exactly happens when you select windows in the grub menu?10:54
polpakamorphous_, try lspcmcia ? ;p10:54
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zFPS, basically my screen just goes blank and nothing ever happens.10:55
anahi, i use GnomeMeeting and it collapses when i hit ok to connect to account, i read in the forum that the new version of this is Ekiga; i look for it in synaptic but it can't find it - i have added 'all' repositories availalbe... what to do?10:55
arrickok, what file is the dns located in?10:55
Talldave2002i am having problems installing wine, i messed up somewhere, i was advised to remove .wine in home, and reinstall, but each that dosent create a new .wine file, and it wont work.10:56
mwelspci is supposed to show pcmcia devices, isn't it10:56
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amorphous_polpak, no joy - but apropos pcmcia seems to include driver for aironet 802.11...10:56
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polpakamorphous_, try cardinfo10:56
mweTalldave2002: type wine notepad.exe in a terminal10:56
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mweTalldave2002: no need to keep reinstalling wine10:56
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amorphous_polpak, unable to open display '(null)' - is this because i installed as server?10:57
amorphous_polpak, ---no X10:57
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polpakamorphous_, ah. yeah, it's an X program10:57
Talldave2002ooh lots of scrolling text but it has worked, thank you10:57
arrickhey what is the command for restarting the netwok?10:58
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polpakamorphous_, try cardctl but I'm not sure what the options you need ar10:58
PSzF: have you tried booting off the Windows CD to kickstart windows?10:58
zFPS, no, how would I do that?10:58
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PSzF: which ver of windows are you running?10:58
zFPS, well, more specifically, what would I do to 'kickstart'10:58
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zFzF, XP10:58
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arrick_jason, I set a stati ip, how do I restart the interface?10:59
PSzf: well with XP, stick the XP cd in and it will detect all versions of XP installed and will give you the option to boot into one10:59
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polpakamorphous_, cardctl ident10:59
PSzf: this is one of the menu options11:00
rebelworkI have a Raid1 ready setup, but I didn't configure it when I installed Dapper server. Does anyone have any idea how to configure RAID1 post-install?11:00
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ubotuDapper Drake will be the next release of Ubuntu - due June 1 (see: http://tinyurl.com/qyrkq). Join channel #ubuntu+1 for discussion :)11:01
PSzF: if that works then it's just your boot partition or grub that is a bit screwed, and you should be able to recover it.  if booting off the cd doesn't work either the actual disk data may be screwed in which case you can try to repair that11:01
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sethkprocrastinator, ?11:01
amorphous_polpak,  found that in the man just as you said it ;)... it has the xircom, manfid & function: 6 (network)... would the fact that this is wireless mean it doesn't show in ifconfig?11:02
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PSzF: two other things to check are your /boot/grub/menu.lst file11:02
PSzF: and on your windows machine the c:\boot.ini file11:02
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zFPS, do you recommend I do that now?11:03
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zFPS, before I decide to 'kickstart' windows11:03
procrastinatorsethk: yes, I still have the same problem as before.11:03
PSzF: personally i'd try booting with the cd first11:03
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procrastinatorsethk: any suggestions?11:03
picassohi, i've got a question about gnome "open with" dialog11:03
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picassois there a way to enter text rather than having to find the file graphically?11:03
mwearrick: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart11:04
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picassofor example. i know i want to open an m3u with /usr/bin/xmms .. but i'd rather not have to scroll to /usr then /usr/bin/ then go through the entire list of programs to choose xmms11:04
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PSzF: the thing with the grub and boot.ini files is that they're different for each machine, so it's difficult to know if they're correct11:04
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arrickthanks mwe11:04
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zFPS, right.11:05
amorphous_polpak, Excitement - apropos wireless says iwconfig! iwconfig says eth0 & eth1exist... they dont seem too lifelike though!!!11:05
PSzF: sorry it's not straightforward, these things are fiddly i'm afraid11:05
shoofleGRRRR ok i'm angry at this wireless network.  i wish to connect to the internet.  i can get online on other networks, but i can't get to anything on this one at home.  i have all the numbers right and stuff, except maybe the DNS servers and hosts or whatever.  is there any way to find them out?11:06
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sethkprocrastinator, I have to take care of some work stuff for a while.  I'll be back to you when I have a few minutes11:06
errpast-wlTrying to upgrade to latest firefox.  ran apt-get update.  apt-get upgrade.11:06
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arrickmwe, can you help me out, I just reinstalled server, and ssh as well, but I cant ssh into the box11:06
zFPS, here is a excerpt from my /boot/grub/menu.lst: http://pastebin.com/66586111:06
errpast-wlNO errors.  But still on 1.0.711:06
mweshoofle: using dhcp is probably the easiest way of configuring it11:07
zFPS, notice anything out of the ordinary?11:07
errpast-wlDo I need a special repository in sources.list11:07
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amorphous_polpak, lists them as 'tsunami'... I'll hack for a biit... thanks for help. prob be back later if that's ok?11:07
shooflemwe: it doesn't work.  the stuff that i don't have aren't covered by dhcp, it seems.11:07
mwearrick: is the server running and the port not blocked?11:07
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arrickmwe, Im logged in locally, and had the thing running before reinstall11:07
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Frogzooerrpast-wl: it's a bit more complicated than that11:08
mwearrick: can you ssh localhost on the server?11:08
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polpakamorphous_, sure11:08
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seawolf__salve a tutti11:08
arrickdont know, how do I check?11:08
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PSzF: no that looks good, i deduce that you had XP installed first and you then installed ubuntu11:08
mwearrick: type ssh localhost on the server11:08
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errpast-wlFrogzoo: I've got the latest tar.gz.  Should I make from that?11:08
procrastinatorsethk: okay, thanks a lot for your help anyway11:08
VaporTracewhere am I11:08
puskik  papones11:08
PSzF: how about you do the same for your c:\boot.ini file (ie post it to pastebin)11:08
seawolf__I've got a problem with apt-get11:08
seawolf__help me11:09
arrickmwe, yes11:09
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.11:09
amorphous_polpak,  thanks :)11:09
mwearrick: yes it works?11:09
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PSzF: i take it your xp drive is mounted11:09
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arrickmwe, yes, and I set a static ip as well when I installed it11:09
Frogzooerrpast-wl: the only way I know how, is to first install 1.5, and then upgrade to from there11:09
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mwearrick: so no iptables running or sth?11:09
arrickmwe, not sure11:10
arrickhow do I check?11:10
mwearrick: sudo iptables -L does it list any rules?11:10
VaporTraceSheesh howd I get in here11:10
zFPS, yes, that's correct11:10
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Gorthdoes anyone have any idea how to convert an animated GIF to some video type?11:10
ompaulseawolf__, would you care to share what the problem with the channel is, so that someone with the skills and time can help you?11:10
DBOFrogzoo, you CAN install directly11:10
zFPS, XP was installed first.11:10
FrogzooDBO: shows what I know11:11
arrickthen forward11:11
arrickthen output11:11
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PSzF: that should make fixing things simpler11:11
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mwearrick: that means no rules. it's not blocking11:11
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arrickok, what next?11:11
DBOFrogzoo, meh, its on the Mozilla site, just download the installer for i686 and away you go11:11
mwearrick: but you can't ssh to the box?11:11
shoofleAAAAARRRG *sob*11:12
mwearrick: even using the ip?11:12
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arrickdo I need to be logged out on the box?11:12
mwearrick: no11:12
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patrick52222how do i log in with root11:12
mwe!tell patrick52222 about root11:12
errpast-wlFrogzoo: thanks for patience.  I'm not sure how to specify to get 1.511:12
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion11:13
PSzF: you wanna post your c:\boot.ini11:13
zFPS, here's my boot.ini: http://pastebin.com/66587311:13
PSzf: sorry, thx11:13
mwe! root =~ s/logging/login/11:13
ubotumwe: i didn't have anything called ' root'11:13
mwe!root =~ s/logging/login/11:13
ubotumwe: OK11:13
bickyI installed WoW on linux, but the resolution has to be changed to 800x600 before I start it, how should I do this ?11:13
arrickhey mwe I forgot the auto eth0 in the /etc/network/interfaces file11:14
arrickouch, stupid mistake11:14
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bickylet me put it this way: how can I change my screen resolution with the commandline ?11:16
mwebicky: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:16
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mwebicky: maybe back it up first11:16
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PSzF: that looks ok too.  one more thing I can think of to look at, what does your partition table look like using fdisk?11:18
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schtinkyI'm setting up an ubuntu amd 64 server with 4 hard drives with software RAID... I've got a 106 MB partition and 400GB partition on each drive and a 2 GB swap partition on the first drive. Should any partition be marked as primary? Ubuntu won't go past the "finish partitioning and write changes" part11:18
bickymwe: it just has to be 800x600 during the game. When I'm on ubuntu normally I want it to be 1600x120011:18
schtinkywhat am i doing wrong?11:19
zFPS, something unsual came out11:19
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zFI'll PM you it11:19
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picassodoes anyone know how to get a file (say, .m3u) to open with a specific command (say, "xmms -e") in firefox?11:19
PSzf: sorry?11:19
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zFPS, something unusual came up and I PM'd you the output11:19
maxbaxmay i ask a question, or probably more accurately, a series of silly questions?11:19
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picaroasl como estas11:19
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Edisonhow do i uninstall a program11:20
Edisonbien y tu??11:20
bickygo ahead maxbax :)11:20
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.11:20
polpakEdison, depends on how you installed it11:20
Edisoni install real player but now i dont want it11:20
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bickyapt-get remove11:21
simonpcaa+ , je quitte11:21
maxbaxthanks, i installed this "ubuntu" thingmyjig onto my pentium 3 700mhz computer which is suspect is actually impaired functionally, is there a way for me to test whether it's working as well as it can or if it's broken?11:21
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mwebicky: yes. system->something in gnome I think. I'm using kde. make sure xorg.conf mentions the res you wanna use11:21
arrickhey mwe what is the syntax for reinstalling apache2? sudo aptitude reinstall apache2?11:21
polpakmaxbax, what would lead you to suspect it was broken11:21
shooflewhy does this network hate me so?11:21
mwearrick: why do wanna do that?11:21
sud0n1mim looking for an easy to use, well supported distro for web hosting, is there any reason not to use ubuntu?11:21
surfdue_lappyi am trying to play an mpg in my firefox totem takes over but says dosnt have decoder, what do i need to do to make it play common video files wmv, asf, mpg, mov etc?11:21
Edisonso what can i do??11:22
maxbaxpolbak it was running really slowly.11:22
surfdue_lappyim on 5.1011:22
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arrickmwe, I changed soures.list and forgot to update, and I want the latest files11:22
maxbaxon windows, so i assumed it was full of viruses and crap so i said, this is a sign from the gods to install "linux"11:22
maxbaxbut with ubuntu, it's sitll really slow11:22
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maxbaxthe simplist things seem to require 100% cpu11:22
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bickymwe that's the problem, I only want to use the commandline11:22
ompaulsud0n1m, not that I am aware of11:22
mwearrick: sudo apt-get --purge remove apache2 && sudo apt-get install apache2 to reinstall the config as well11:23
zFPS, did you see what I PMed you?11:23
sud0n1mis there a server version of ubuntu?11:23
ompaulsud0n1m, yes11:23
arrickok thanks11:23
bolrodthere is ?11:23
Edisonso how can i uninstall real player?11:23
bolrodI thought its just the normal ubuntu install with the server option11:23
sud0n1moh, here it is11:23
mwebicky: huh? I don't think you can run your games from the command line unless you're playing bsd-games or something11:23
Frogzoomaxbax: run top for starters & see where the cpu's going11:23
NickGarveymwe: I tried suse 10.0, and my wireless works! it works! thanks a lot for your help, I learned a lot from what you said and that helped me make it work almost painlessly on suse, thank you again11:24
mwebicky: you mean without X windows?11:24
Frogzoomaxbax: & how much memory do you have?11:24
PSzF: sorry no, i didn't see it but ain't used to this irc client so dunno what happened to it11:24
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maxbaxhey Frogzoo (great name by the way) how exactly would i do that11:24
mweNickGarvey: ok11:24
bickyedison: apt-get remove realplayer11:24
surfdue_lappyi am trying to play an mpg in my firefox totem takes over but says dosnt have decoder, what do i need to do to make it play common video files wmv, asf, mpg, mov etc? ion ubuntu 5.10 can anyone please help?11:24
shoofletears undoubtedly coming next!11:24
zFPS, I'll pastebin it agian11:24
Frogzoomaxbax: 'top'11:24
mweNickGarvey: I'm sure we were almost there though11:24
maxbaxFrogzoo i think i have 25611:24
Edisonthanks bicky11:24
bolrodhow many SWAP do you have?11:24
NickGarveymwe: yeah.. but something wasn't clicking, so I figured I'd try suse which I liked anyway, and it works11:25
mweNickGarvey: yeah. suse is pretty user friendly11:25
skypano wonder, it's german engineering :p11:25
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Frogzoomaxbax: & what does 'free' say mem/buffers (also, 700MHz is a littel on the light side)11:26
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Edisonif a dont have permission to change a folder, what can i do??11:26
mweEdison: use sudo11:26
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FrogzooEdison: sudo chown me:me folder11:26
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dmitchellwas wondering if anyone could assist me with a cd drive issue...11:26
mweEdison: normal users are not allowed to tamper with the system11:26
bolrodFrogzoo: 256MB with almost no swap is also not good11:26
m_tadeugood night everyone...after installing kubuntu5.1 amd64 my pcmcia modem don't seem to work11:26
surfdue_lappyanyone guys?11:27
zFPS, that's the output of my fdisk11:27
m_tadeudoes anyone know if there is a problem with the pcmcia or serial driver in kernel 2.6.12?11:27
Frogzoobolrod: agreed11:27
surfdue_lappymozilla firefox i need mpeg decoders?11:27
Edisonbut i try mv11:27
Edisonsudo mv11:27
Edisonand still didnt let me change it11:27
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mwe!tell surfdue_lappy about w32codecs11:27
Edisonso can i use this:  sudo chown me:me folder11:27
bickyedison: sudo su makes you superuser ;)11:27
maxbaxinterestinly my os seems to have disappered i know have a lovely blank screen. i think this computer is having a laugh at my expsense.11:27
FrogzooEdison: but replace 'me' with your user name11:27
mweEdison: what folder?11:27
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sud0n1mI have to install PHP with mssql support - is this difficult in Ubuntu?11:28
bickymwe got my message ?11:28
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mweEdison: don't change owner of system files and folders please11:28
Edisoni have a game and i try to update a file in a folder but it says that i dont have permission to write the file11:28
cyphasewould you guys recommend EasyUbuntu11:28
cyphasei've always done the stuff it does by hand..11:29
bickyedison: sudo chmod 777 FOLDERNAME11:29
mwebicky: I'm not sure what you want11:29
FrogzooEdison: mebbe: chmod +w file11:29
Edisoni try to save the link from internet to the folder bit couldnt either11:29
mweEdison: what folder?11:29
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PSzF: which bit did you think was weird?11:30
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Edisonnot folder, file. sorry11:30
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zFThe number of cylinders for this disk is set to 7296.11:30
zFThere is nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024,11:30
zFand could in certain setups cause problems with:11:30
zF1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., old versions of LILO)11:30
zF2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs11:30
zF   (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)11:30
schtinkywhen do you need a "primary" partition?11:30
zFPS, that part.11:30
acid-tripdoes unbuntu run nicely with kde?11:30
Edisoni have to copy this file from internet to the games folder but i dont have permission to write the games folder11:30
ompaulzF, use pastebin11:31
sud0n1mhmmm... tonyyarusso, the M in my LAMP stands for MSSQL, not MYSQL11:31
dmitchellare there any other support channels?11:31
Frogzoo!tell edison about permissions11:31
PSzF: no, that's quite normal, just a historic thing11:31
maxbaxwill i tell you what 'free' returned?11:31
Edisonso i try using sudo11:31
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tonyyarussosud0n1m: Ohp, sorry.  Don't know then.11:31
Edisonbut didnt know how to11:31
mweacid-trip: kde runs fine in ubuntu11:31
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FrogzooEdison: read the pm from ubotu - everything you need to know about how unix handles file permissions11:31
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bickyedison: try 'sudo wget URL'11:31
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bickychange URL with the url of the file11:32
|lostbyte|What steps does one take to use the internet from a gatway ?11:32
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mweEdison: what folder?11:32
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Edisonthanks everyone11:32
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|lostbyte|GAtway : is set up to do nat..11:32
maxbaxfree 255972, used 1844584, swap total 76184811:32
PSzF: it's hard to be 100% sure, but given that your problems started when you powered down windows, and given that grub and boot.ini look ok, i reckon it might just be that your windows partition is screwed.11:32
arrickanyone, is the stripped down version of gnome called gnome-desktop?11:32
PSzF: if you wanted to you could reinstall grub tho11:33
skypa|lostbyte|, what does "route -n" say?11:33
zFPS, why would it just get screwed...11:33
skypaon the gateway11:33
dmitchell"mount: special device /dev/hdc does not exist" <--could use some help on a CD-ROM not working. :)11:33
arrickmwe, _jason nickrud ^^11:33
tonyyarussoarrick: No, gnome-core.11:33
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arrickthanks tonyyarusso forgot about you there11:33
PSzF: possibly because it was powered down, tho that does happen rarely.  obviously something's gone wrong tho11:33
skypadmitchell, what does "ls -lha /dev/cdrom" say?11:34
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arrickhey tonyyarusso thats the desktop without the frills right?11:34
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arrickor is that server?11:34
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dmitchellno such file or directory11:34
PSzF: as i say, you can try reinstalling grub (which i don't know how to do off the top of my head sorry), or you can try booting off the XP cd and using the Microsoft Recovery Console option11:34
bickymwe: you got a message :P11:34
tonyyarussoarrick: apt-cache calls it "The GNOME Desktop Environment -- essential components"11:34
Marineboyis freebsd easy to use?11:34
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LinuxHelpEveryone help The-Moon  -kthx11:34
arricktonyyarusso, I want the desktop without all the extra games and crap11:35
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arrickok thanks11:35
The-MoonHey everyone, could someone link me to a page in the Ubuntu wiki, which explains the basic Terminal commands i should/need to know11:35
maxbaxso i can't figure out definitively if my system is just too crap to run ubuntu or there is actually an issue with a piece of hardware.11:35
skypadoes "dmesg | grep hd" show anything cdrom-ish?11:35
The-MoonI cannot find anything11:35
dmitchellskypa: says "no such file or directory"11:35
The-Moonnot even a wiki section...11:35
PSzF: when i say 'reinstall grub' i mean get it to recreate the MBR (master boot record) as opposed to resinstalling the ubuntu package11:35
Frogzoo!tell The-Moon about docs11:35
FrogzooThe-Moon: read the pm from the bot11:35
mwebicky: check yours11:35
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PSzF: you could have a look at http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Invoking-grub_002dinstall11:37
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zFPS, okay. A friend of mine recommedn reinstalling grub11:37
zFPS, I'll screw with the windows CD and see if itcould boot it11:37
Frogzoomaxbax: 700MHz/256Meg is a little light, but still should be usable11:37
zFBe back.11:37
PSzF: ok, sorry i couldn't be more help11:37
dmitchellskypa: nope.  which is odd.11:37
Frogzoomaxbax: did you run top to see what was using all the cpu?11:37
cyphaseWould you guys recommend using EasyUbuntu?11:38
=== OffHand [n=offhand@f97033.upc-f.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
maxbaxi ran top11:38
dmitchellskypa:  was working fine a few days ago, then intermittent.  now, nothing.11:38
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maxbaxit's a rather dynamic list11:38
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tonyyarussocyphase: Personally, I'm still debating it for my next install and recommendations.  I've heard many good things, but I got by reading docs the first time around, so I'm not sure.11:38
Frogzoomaxbax: well, what did it say? how much %cpu was the process at the top?11:38
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The-Moon(17:35:47) Frogzoo: The-Moon: read the pm from the bot < i didnt get any pms11:39
zFPS, no problem, I understand this isn't an easy fix.11:39
zFPS, thanks though11:39
PSzF: np, good luck11:39
maxbaxFrogzoo every so often xorg pops to the top at 4.6%11:39
FrogzooThe-Moon: please register with nickserv, (/msg nickserv help) so in the future the bot can send you pms, but here it is anyway11:40
ubotufrom memory, docs is an index of documentation on the Ubuntu Wiki - you can find it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation11:40
The-Moonoh yeah11:40
The-Moonive been here11:40
Frogzoomaxbax: which is nothing, so cpu's not an issue, the next is memory, what does 'free' say?11:40
The-Moonwhere dose it explain terminal commands at?11:40
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FrogzooThe-Moon: also try 'man intro'11:41
Kaya_The-Moon > try googling "Linux bash commands" or something similiar11:41
The-Moonw00t found it https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands11:41
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The-Moonok ill be back, thanks for the help11:41
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maxbaxFrogzoo memory ~70000k free, swap 7489289k free.11:42
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mwebicky: read the query11:42
maxbaxi probably should mention i'm in "safety mode"11:43
Frogzoomaxbax: 7gig swapfile? totally overkill & possibly a problem11:43
maxbaxfrogzoo that must be a typo.11:44
Frogzoomaxbax: swapon -s11:44
shoofle_aaahhh.... the autodetect for the search domain is stupid.  it detected the domain correctly plus one period at the end.11:44
arrickPS, zF should have installed windows first then ubuntu11:44
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shoofle_and since that's most of the problem i've had (other than the obvious interface troubles) i'm outta here!11:45
zFarrick, I did.11:45
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arrickand it didnt install11:45
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zFarrick, no, windows just stopped working randomly11:45
arrickzF, did it ask you if you would like to install the grub on the mbr?11:45
MarineboyHow do I mount a partition?11:45
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Marineboyso I can download to it.11:45
ubotuI heard mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f11:46
maxbaxok Frogzoo i'll just tell you 748052 is the swap free and 11528 is the mem free11:46
Jowiis there a way to disable the blankscreen (i'm not running xscreensaver) when playing a dvd? is it connected to acpi?11:46
zFarrick, everything was workign perfectly then windows just randomly stopped booting11:46
arrickzF, , you probably got a virus on your win partition11:46
arrickdo you own a copy of registry mechanic?11:46
mwezF: if you can boot the windows cd you can boot to recoverty console and type fixmbr and fixboot to make windows boot. that will overwrite grub though, but it can be installed again11:46
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zFarrick, lol, I don't think so. ;)11:46
eytyxioscan anyone tell me if its possible to edit the html source using openoffice writer and mozilla or other brownser?11:47
Frogzoomaxbax: I'd expect switching between desktops & opening apps to be a little sluggish, but fine otherwise11:47
zFmwe, that sounds about what I was going to do.11:47
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arrickevening Frogzoo11:47
Mathmaneytyxios: certainly should be.  there are plenty of html editors though.11:47
Frogzooarrick: I'm just on my way out, how you doing?11:47
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Mathmaneytyxios: you're wanting a wysiwyg editor I take it though?11:48
arrickFrogzoo, fine how about you11:48
Frogzooarrick: good good - fixed sound on WoW which was fun11:48
OffHandnvu is a great html editor imo11:48
arrickwtg Frogzoo havea great day11:49
eytyxiosi just want a brownser that provides me such a thing directly...11:49
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eytyxiosany thought?11:49
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Frogzooarrick: cool arrick , you too11:49
Mathmaneytyxios: mozilla11:49
DBOFrogzoo, did you by chance document what you did?11:49
mwevim is a great html editor ;)11:49
maxbaxFrogzoo so what would recommend? grin and bear it? downsize this ubuntu or install a "liter" version of "linux"?11:49
eytyxiosthx i do have it11:49
Mathmaneytyxios: konqueror perhaps?11:49
gymsmokeanyone know how i can remove everything from a server install except the base + openssh-server?11:49
eytyxiosbut the edit is on something like vi11:50
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arrickhey tonyyarusso should the core take longer to load than a deault?11:50
eytyxiosi need a graphik interface like openoffice or something11:50
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eytyxiosmoving a foto for example11:50
FlannelKingeytyxios: nvu is wysiwyg11:50
OffHandI get this error message if I want to install something in the synaptic.... dpkg: syntax error: unknown group 'fuse' in statusoverride file  -  how can  I fix this?11:50
tonyyarussoarrick: I wouldn't think so...  Maybe the first time though.  See if it does the same thing after logging in fully, out, and back in again.11:51
SharchoI intend to install Ubuntu Server 6.06 when it will come out. Currently my VPS provider offers me to preinstall either Ubuntu 5.04 or Debian Sarge. Which one will provide a smoother dist-upgrade process?11:51
Mathmangymsmoke: start removing stuff.  but if something else depends on the stuff you're trying to remove then you probably shouldn't remove it.11:51
arrickI use web easy 6pro myself for html creation and editing11:51
tonyyarussoSharcho: Ubuntu 5.04, but you will need to first upgrade it to 5.10, then 6.06.11:51
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maxbaxon a side not should ubuntu install by defauly with a mp3 decoder?11:51
mweOffHand: sounds odd. when did it start saying that?11:52
dmitchellanyone else have any clues as to why my CD drive is suddenly unrecognized?11:52
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arrickok, I installed gnome-core, how do I start the gui? Startx does not work11:52
arricktonyyarusso, ^^11:52
gymsmokeMathman: yeah, there's the 'kill and hope' method, but i found through reading man pages on dpkg, dpkg-deb, that there is a deb binary package called base-install in apt/cache ...11:52
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DBOarrick, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start"11:52
eytyxiosthe point is that i do have some htmls and i need to correct them and save them as i brownse to them11:52
tonyyarussoarrick: First off, did you have Gnome with all of the goodies to start with, or are you coming from KDE?11:53
mwegnome-core installs gdm?11:53
OffHandmwe, that is descriped here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16173111:53
mweI think not11:53
eytyxiosi was using ie with the integration feature of openoffice11:53
tonyyarussoarrick: And define "does not work".11:53
gymsmokeMathman:it seems that package contains the initial installation of the base server11:53
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Sharchotonyyarusso, aren't there any significant differences between the server editon and the normal edition? The 5.04 didn't have a server edition.11:53
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arricktonyyarusso, i only had the ubuntu server on the box, wanted the gui without adds11:53
dcoyi need help pls11:53
tonyyarussomwe: No, it doesnt.11:53
FlannelKingSharcho: same packages, just different initial installed packages.11:53
gymsmokeSharcho: server is Ubuntu less the desktop setup11:53
dcoyi am new 2 ubuntu11:53
arricktonyyarusso, startxthrew errors, will try DBO's suggestion11:54
=== Rug [n=rug@dyn216-8-131-249.ADSL.mnsi.net] has joined #ubuntu
RugHowdy all11:54
FlannelKingSharcho: it's easy to convert one into the other, just like kubuntu/ubuntu, etc.11:54
dcoyi just installed ubuntu 5.10, after installation it asked me  to remove any cd as the system was going to reboot. the system  restarted, grub worked fine, then came the ubuntu screen and  below that the processes, starting from 'loading modules'. but  when it came to 'loading hotplug subsystem' it stuck, it  remained there for around 1/2 an hour and then i restarted the  system. i tried again but it stuck at the same point. why is  this happening. please help.  :c11:54
dcoymy system11:54
dcoyp4 2.4, 512 ram, agp geforce 6200, asrock 845 chipset  motherboard11:54
DBOmmm, if startx doesnt work, mine probably wont either... teach me to read...11:54
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=== graft [n=graft@c-65-96-165-205.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
arrickDBO, doesnt work11:54
Rugdcoy: do you have any usb-storage devices installed?11:54
DBOdcoy, do you have a removable hard drive?11:54
eytyxiosi mean that i need a brownser or aplugin for mozilla the places a button on the brownser that gives me an output to openoffice (for example)...mostly text anf phots11:55
tonyyarussoSharcho: Ooh.  I forgot about that.  Still though, the packages will be compatible, and you can remove all the parts you don't need.  So, it will be slightly more hassle for you than non-server people, but still wiser to use Ubuntu to start than Debian.11:55
RugDBO: Beat ya!11:55
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DBORug!  Darn you! =P11:55
tonyyarussoarrick: What kind of errors?11:55
mweOffHand: I don't know why it started doing that. however backup /var/lib/dpkg/statoverride then remove the entry from the file and try again is my advice11:55
dmitchellare there any other support channels for ubuntu on irc?11:55
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FlannelKingdmitchell: lots!11:55
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mzuverinkDoes anyone know if there are any debs for gnome 2.14 for breezy?  I recently attempted to upgrade to dapper and had horrific results.  However I would like gnome 2.14...11:55
OffHandcheers mwe11:55
arrickerrno 11111:55
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arrickand 1311:55
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mwearrick: what does startx say, that?11:55
arrickhang on will paste11:55
tonyyarussodmb: Tons of them.  There's a wiki page listing them, let me find the address.11:56
mweerrno ...11:56
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RugHiya arrick11:56
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dmitchellFlannelKing:  would you mind directing me to one where I can get my question answered?  :)11:56
FlannelKingdmitchell: what are your questions about?11:56
dcoyi just installed ubuntu 5.10, after installation it asked me  to remove any cd as the system was going to reboot. the system  restarted, grub worked fine, then came the ubuntu screen and  below that the processes, starting from 'loading modules'. but  when it came to 'loading hotplug subsystem' it stuck, it  remained there for around 1/2 an hour and then i restarted the  system. i tried again but it stuck at the same point. why is  this happening. please help.  :c11:56
dcoymy system11:56
dcoyp4 2.4, 512 ram, agp geforce 6200, asrock 845 chipset  motherboard11:56
dmitchellmy CD-ROM drive is no longer recognized.  I'm trying to figure out why.11:56
Rugdcoy: I already answered that11:56
tonyyarussodmitchell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InternetRelayChat11:57
graftdmitchell: new hairdo?11:57
arrickmwe, DBO, tonyyarusso http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1246511:57
=== adwr [n=Thomb@c-956170d5.012-147-6b736810.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #ubuntu
FlannelKingdmitchell: that'd be here, most likely.11:57
dcoyno usb11:57
dcoyor additional hdd11:57
dmitchellwhen I try to mount it by hand, I get:  "mount: special device /dev/hdc does not exist"11:57
graftdmitchell: is it enabled in the BIOS?11:57
dcoymy internet is via usb though11:57
tonyyarussoarrick: Ah, gotcha.11:57
RugAny memory sticks?  CF readers?  etc...11:57
dmitchelland I know it's not a hardware problem...I'm on an IBM G40, and I swapped hard drives with an identical machine.  Same error.11:57
arrickheres the rest of it11:58
arricksorry about double post11:58
dmitchellit's enabled in the BIOS.  Was working great a few days ago.  Now, nothing.11:58
mwearrick: huh11:58
=== Ares [n=Ares@ip68-101-241-231.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
Talldave2002i had problems with wine before and they are now sorted, but i now have problems with ie4linux11:58
arrickhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/12466 mwe, tonyyarusso DBO11:58
mwearrick: sounds like a broken startx11:58
graftdmitchell: um. so what'd you do in the interim?11:58
OffHandmwe should I try to remove this line: root fuse 4754 /usr/bin/fusermount   ??11:58
Rugdcoy: I am thinking11:58
tonyyarussoarrick: One second, I think I know your problem.11:58
dmitchellgraft:  pardon?11:58
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mwearrick: don't sudo startx11:59
graftdmitchell: between when it was working and when it stopped working, what'd you do that might have broken it?11:59
mwearrick: just startx11:59
mwearrick: as user11:59
arricksame error mwe11:59
=== SWAT [n=SWAT@dsl159-68-100.fastxdsl.nl] has joined #Ubuntu
ENE|ToxicWhen installing the source of X11R7.0, the ./configure script complains about lbxutil .. I'm a little confused, I didn't find any way to install it ? I tried google it, but I can't find any source-file/whatever to install.11:59
=== Nukeador [n=nuke@54.Red-81-39-198.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu
Nukeadori have just installed compiz and compiz-gnome, how can i enable the efects now?11:59
=== harisund [n=Hari@ip24-255-87-152.br.br.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoarrick: You need to install xserver-xorg too, and startx as user.11:59
dmitchellgraft:  the only thing I've done is got my Wacom tablet up and running.  Which worked great until the next time I fired up the laptop.11:59
mwearrick: echo 'gnome-session' > ~/.xinitrc then try again11:59
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=== Zarephath [n=zarephat@cpe-70-120-176-147.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu

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